#either that or wealthy parents haha
branmer · 1 year
a top secret they don't tell you about succeeding in the arts is just to have a partner with a stable income lol
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
celebrate softly
it my birthday today so here’s a lil gift from me to you (yes I know that’s not how this works haha) I made a bunch of little things is celebration, i probably won’t post these till later in the day so sorry if you get a bunch at once.
Steve wanted to like his birthday.
No, really, he truly did. He knew that birthdays were the one time of year you get to be a little selfish. The people you loved gathered around you to celebrate another year of you.
It was just that Steve was also used to disappointment.
Over the years, his birthday has consisted of either his parents parading him around at business dinners or the empty silence of a house that wasn’t ever a home.
His old friends were never around. It was a holiday weekend; he didn’t expect them to stick around. Even if they had, Steve was almost sure they would have made him throw a party, where they would have pressured him to get drunk and sleep with someone, and…
Yea, Steve wasn’t interested.
The one birthday he spent with Nancy had been okay. She had to go on a family trip, her parents attempt at getting their kids to cheer up over the loss of their friends, and she was going to leave the morning of his birthday. But at midnight of July 2nd, she had snuck into his window even though she could have walked through the front door. Nancy had brought him a cupcake, a small present, and a soft smile. Steve had wanted to kiss her, but he knew it wasn’t what she wanted then. He wanted to be respectful, so he held her hand instead.
Nancy hadn’t brought a candle, said she didn’t want to risk burning the Harrington Household down. Steve had laughed, saying that would be the best birthday present ever, but she hadn’t laughed back.
The present had been a book. Which wasn’t a terrible gift per se, Steve liked reading it was just he had difficulty doing it. He couldn’t focus long enough, or he would have to reread sentences over and over again.
It just didn’t feel worth the frustration.
But it was sweet of her to get him something, so he tried reading it. It took him months to finish it, even though it was small. It was boring, and Steve had found the main character whiny, and Steve had begun to wonder if Nancy was trying to tell him something.
Then the Upside Down round two had happened, Steve got his ass kicked again and learned that Catcher in the Rye was Jonathan’s favorite book.
Steve had thrown out the book amongst his bloody bandages.
Steve was only slightly hopeful to have a good birthday last year. He had good friends (sure, one was his ex, and the other were children, but he still counted them); Dustin would be home from camp, and even though he had work, he got to spend the whole day bothering Robin, which brought him a special kind of joy.
But then they were cracking Russian code, getting tortured, and watching Max’s Stepbrother die, all within the days of his birthday.
So Steve didn’t have high expectations this year. Sure, people knew it was his birthday, it was hard to hide when he was friends with the nosiest people, but most of them were spending the entire weekend staying with Max, and he would have been too if Max hadn’t thrown a remote at him when he suggested it.
So Steve had conceded to having a quiet but lonely July 2nd.
But then at 7 am there was a knock on his front door.
A knock was putting it lightly, there was pounding echoing in the Harrington Household.
When Steve walked up to the door, he was prepared to drive away some bigots who had been trying to “repent Hawkins.” They had been going around the richer neighborhoods recently, saying we needed to clean up the streets of the sinners and the queers.
Yea, they were knocking on the wrong door.
Steve hadn’t expect Eddie Munson, notorious night owl, to be crowding his doorway at 7 am.
“Harrington, have I ever told you how absolutely ugly your house is? Like for how wealthy your parents are, they chose an absolute nightmare of a layout! It makes no sense.” Eddie budged his way past Steve with his arms full of bags.
“I’ve been telling him that for a year, Eddie, and every time he just shrugs!” Steve turned to find Robin bullying her way through him as well. She had a handful of videos in her hands.
“Sure, come in, I guess,” Steve mumbled. He shut the door and turned toward his intruders. “Not that I don’t love a surprise appearance at—“ Steve checked his watch “—7:03 am, but is there a reason why you are awake before the birds are even chirping?”
Eddie snorted and just gave him a look instead of answering. Robin shook her head, “What doofus hear is trying to convey with a noise, Jesus Eds, I know you’re not a morning, but words please, is that we are obviously here for your birthday. You, Steven Alison Harrington—“
“Not my middle name.”
“—we’re born at exactly 7:07 am on July 2nd. So we had to be here to say happy birthday officially!”
“How do you even know the time? I don’t even know that.”
“She snuck a look at your file last time Owen’s was in town.” Eddie smirked.
Robin hit him upside the head, “Don’t tell him that asshole, he already thinks I’m crazy enough. And don’t act like this wasn’t your idea!”
Eddie rubbed the back his head in dramatic fashion then yelled, “Snitch!” through hissed teeth.
Steve felt himself unthaw at the idea that these two weirdos woke up this early for him. “Ah, well, thanks, guys.” A blush rose on his cheeks, “Well, thanks for stopping by; you guys can go home and sleep if you want.”
“Stevie, did you think we brought all this to just leave? On your birthday. Oh no, no, no. We are having a whole movie and snack day! I brought weed, and chips, and we can order a pizza later in the day. And just be lazy weirdos in your fancy living room.” Eddie hopped up on his coffee table, startling a laugh from Steve.
“That sounds like a typically Friday for us, what’s so special about it?” Steve teased.
“Well we brought all of your favorite movies! Grease, Top Gun, Karate Kid, Indiana Jones...wait I think I'm noticing a theme here—“
“Robin!” Steve screeched, his blush coming back with vengeance. He didn’t want her to reveal there very obvious, and embarrassing pattern to his favorite films.
“And!” Eddie said from atop his place on the coffee table, unfazed by the two of them, “We are paying for the pizza.” His voice oozed with pride at that. Steve was sure he had come up with the idea.
“Wow I’m a spoiled prince. Maybe ever think I wanted to stay in bed?” Steve raised a single eyebrow.
“Oh but my sweet prince, we know you rather spend this glorious day with us.” Eddie was confident, with confidence came the damn nicknames, and Jesus Christ—this blush of his was never going away. “Besides what else could you wish for!”
A kiss from you. Steve thought quickly.
Steve sighed deeply before saying, “Alright. Get down.”
Eddie seemed taken aback, like he hadn’t expected the rejection. “Oh yea man, of course. We will get out of your hair.” He scrambled off the table.
Steve giggled, “No Eds. I’m moving the coffee table. This couch is a pullout. We can all just lay on it while we watch movies.”
Eddie’s face lit up while Robin yelled, “Oh thank god, I’m exhausted.”
An hour later, when the sun was still barely risen and Grease blared in the background, Robin was bundled up in the blankets they dragged from his room, out like a light.
Eddie and Steve huddled close, but didn’t touch. The anticipation and want sat between them. “I actually have something for you.” Eddie whispered.
Robin snored beside them; Steve looked at her fondly. “You don’t have to whisper; she’s a heavy sleeper. Learned that the hard way.”
“Ah well, I have a present for you.”
Steve knows he should say that Eddie shouldn’t have, or insist he returns it. He knew it was the polite thing to do. He couldn’t find it in himself to do it, though. The idea that Eddie even thought to get him something beyond the amazing day they had planned (truly Steve couldn’t ask for a better day), but Eddie had spent his time to get something for Steve.
It was nice to have someone who would do something nice for you just because they can, not because they should. So, Steve waited patiently as Eddie reached into his bag beside the couch.
“Here.” Eddie spoke, placing the roughly wrapped package in his lap.
There was a tiny notecard with Eddie’s chicken scratch on it; Steve decided to read that first.
No adventure is the same without you, and this is the only one I have taken without you by my side. Thought it was about time we changed that. Hopefully we are not forever partners in crime (we’ve had enough of that) but instead, adventurers taking on then great unknown.
Eddie Munson ッ
Steve smoothed over the card and tried not to cry. The poorly drawn smiley face stared up at him from the piece of parchment. Steve tucked it into his pocket for safe keeping; he might even frame it.
Eddie looked at Steve eagerly as he tried to open the package. He does it slowly to tease Eddie; his frustrated little growl made butterflies in Steve’s stomach.
Inside the package is a worn-out book, one he would recognize anywhere, considering he saw it every day on Eddie’s bookshelf. “Eds, this is your copy of Lord of the Rings. I can’t take this.”
Eddie put his hair in front of his mouth, suddenly shy, “Well, it wouldn’t be exactly yours. It’s just I thought it would be fun to, ya know, read it together? Like we take turns reading to each other. I know the kids always bug you to read it, and I noticed that it’s hard for you to focus sometimes, and I get that, so it might be easier if we like make it a thing? I know it’s probably not your interest; it’s my favorite book, not yours, so you know what? This is stupid—“
Steve cut him off by pulling him into a hug. Steve buried himself into Eddie’s neck before saying, “Thank you. It’s the best birthday present.”
“Really?” Eddie pulled back to look at Steve’s face. Whatever he found there must settle him, because he relaxed his shoulders. “I know it’s silly, but I guess I wanted to share this piece of myself with you…and maybe spend some more time together.”
Steve didn’t mention how they spent almost every day together, didn’t think he had to either. They both knew.
Steve decided to be bold instead. He pushed Eddie back into the couch and settled his back into Eddie’s chest. He snuggled into the warmth of his arms.
Steve put the book in Eddie’s hand. “Okay, you read first.”
Eddie laughed; Steve could feel the vibrations from under his skin. It was delightful; it was delicious. “Oh, you want to start now?”
Steve made an indignant noise while Eddie laughed again at him. His hands settled at the back of Steve’s neck as he played with hair that brushed it.
“When Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventyifirst birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was …”
And once again, hours later, when Steve woke up, after drifting to Eddie’s soft, deep voice, Steve felt something settle in him. He felt Eddie lightly snoring beneath him, one hand still tangled in his hair. He felt Robin’s hand wrapped around his ankle, grounding the both of them. And there, between all of them, was the fallen book with no bookmark, signaling they would have to start again.
Maybe, sometimes. Steve thinks, birthdays could be good.
projecting. projecting. projecting. that’s me.
I hope you guys liked this one :) I did use my own bday for him, but the time he was born at is different than mine lol. I had a lot of fun writing it, it was just the softness I needed.
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metalomagnetic · 1 month
Hello Metalo
I love the Disgraced Witches's Den, they are just chilling and having fun.
Has Walden and Mr McNair gotten back in contact with Evy since under Sirius support she is back in society ? Also, is Sirius giving Bella access to black gold or is her father? I remember how Bella helped Sirius out when he ran away...
Walden has always kept in touch with Evy, though before Sirius, it was very hush-hush. Now that she's been accepted back by most of the younger crowd, Walden publicly acknowledges her (also, it's helpful that she supports him with money, even paid for his wedding and a home for him). Her parents do not acknowledge her at all. If you ask them, she is dead as far as they're concerned.
Bella is not allowed to step foot inside Gringotts, or any public institution (unless it's St Mungo and she personally needs treatment there- otherwise she's not allowed into the Hospital as a visitor. Special requests were granted for her to attend her father's funeral, since it was so public and on a semi-public magical place). So she hardly needs gold, since she has nowhere to spend it anyway, in theory. However, she did take some trips to some shops in Knockturn, where she trusts no one would call the Aurors.
She also goes to Muggle London, since no one knows her there; Sirius and Andromeda sometimes convince her to join them there to eat at a restaurant or just get her to see something other than a rotation of manors.
She has access to gold or pounds. (Sometimes she orders via mail from magical stores all around the world, mostly gifts for her loved ones or dresses for herself, and her favourite perfumes haha). When she lived with her dad, she was too drugged up to want anything, but then she moved in with Narcissa and you can imagine, Narcissa paid for everything Bella wanted, or handed her gold/pounds if Bella asked.
Now she lives with Evy, but both Cygnus and Sirius go and leave a bag of money for Bella every month in case she needs it for whatever, without being asked. And since Andromeda moved there, too, Cygnus and Sirius also gave gold to her. Now, it's just Sirius.
Cygnus left the majority of his assets to Bella, Andromeda and Narcissa, but he set a little something apart for Dora and Draco, in the interest of being fair to his grandchildren, too, even if Draco hardly needs more gold. (Same for Pollux, he left A LOT, like outrageous amounts of gold for Draco, Marvolo and Orion even if neither kids could possibly ever need it, but he wanted to be fair to all his great-grandsons. However he was an old-fashioned bigot, so he left nothing for Elara, since she's a girl, and nothing for Dora, since he and Irma never accepted her because of her blood.)
So Andromeda has her own gold now, though it's not a fortune or anything; I think Cygnus was wealthy enough, but nothing ridiculously so (like say Sirius or Lucius or other first born sons; Cygnus was more like Alphard. Rich, but not filthy rich), so after his wealth got divided in five, it's not a huge amount for Andromeda, but enough that she would be able to sustain herself independently if need arouse. (Both Bella and Cissa offered for Andromeda to have their share of the inheritance, since they hardly need it, but Andromeda firmly refused.)
However, Bella cannot have access to her gold, either inherited from Cygnus or the enormous wealth in Lestrange vault. So, for now, it's Sirius that takes care of Bella's needs, and also for Andromeda (even if she tries to refuse, but he won't hear of it), and he insists he's the one to pay for whatever Dora needs, and advised Dora to leave whatever she got for Cygnus untouched for now, even if she is seventeen. But Dora already has plans to get a job as soon as she's done with Hogwarts and earn her own gold, because she's very driven and independent, and Bella encourages her thoroughly and also trains Dora whenever Dora is on holiday, in both duelling skills and Potion Making.
Druella has her own gold, as inheritance combo from her own father, grandparents and an assortment of odd uncle and aunts, but since both Bella and Andromeda are living with Evy, Druella moved in with Narcissa after Cygnus died, because Narcissa (even if not close to her mum, is dutiful, and in her view it's necessary and a social obligation to take care of a mother and not abandon her to live alone. Lucius is *delighted*, I tell you. Poor man. But at least he has many opportunities to suck up to Druella, trying to make sure Druella will leave her gold to Draco, because hey, Lucius is of the opinion that more is always better, even if not remotely needed).
To Walburga's horror, after Cygnus died, now she has to take care of her own mother, since she's the only child of Irma's left, so now Irma is living in Grimmauld, and it is a very big house, but it somehow feels tiny for Walburga lol (she's using Sirius' old hiding spots to hide from her mother when she needs space). Thankfully, Irma adores her grandsons and great grandchildren, so she's mostly preoccupied with them, and when she doesn't do that, she likes to find ways to be a bitch to Astrid and Isadora, so she doesn't have much time to pester Walburga. Irma was always a terror, a veritable force of nature, and now she is the OLDEST living Black, the matriarch of the entire horrible family. Plus, she has a way with Sirius, whom she always spoiled since he could crawl, and Sirius isn't inclined to go against her. Irma is living her best life, even if she misses her husband dearly. To be fair, Irma aways lived her best life, but now her social status is basically God like lol 😂
That was probably more information than you asked for lol, but I like to think about this fic all too often and ramble about it, so sorry!
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celestialh4ven · 1 year
A Secret
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: Set in 1933. You are born into a wealthy family who is very protective and rich. You have very little freedom to roam around alone ever since childhood, now you’re a fed up adult craving for freedom. One day you decided to escape and to your luck, you succeeded! But now you had no where to go (well that’s what you thought) but to your luck (again) you met a man named Peter Parker, a famous tailor in the city. He offered to let you work for him for some until you were stable enough, even generous enough let you stay in the little apartment on the second floor of his shop. Little by little you start to fall for him, but unbeknownst to you, he has a little secret he’s been hiding…
cw : tailor!spider noir, wealthy(a lil spoiled)!reader, runaway!reader, peter is a big tease, sorta innocent!reader, lots of sexual tension, fluff, almost arranged marriage.
This is set in 1933 so some of the topics and values I made to be exactly how it was back then
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It is the year 1933. You, are born into a rich and protective family, being an only child. You grew to be rebellious, constantly defying your parents wishes. Even now as you’re an adult in your 20s, your parents refuse to let you go, “You’re not even wed yet and you’re asking to leave? And do what?” Your father would always tell you. Trying to escape wasn’t easy either, or seemed that your mother built some sort of sixth sense that knew every time you’d try to escape. The first time you tried was simply embarrassing. Your family was hosting a party, in hopes to try to arranged you in a marriage with some other guy born into wealth. You thought it’d be simple, “All I have to do is hop over the wall in the back, how hard can that be?” It was very hard. You still had on a big poofy dress your mother forced you to wear that morning, “Ugh, it’s like her mind is stuck in the 1600s!” You grunted as you tried to climb over the wall. “I can’t wait to wear whatever I want when I leave—AH!”
Whoops, y’a fall. But hey, you made it to the other side(ehh…) your parents were right in front of you, as if they knew you’d be there. They scolded you right in front of everybody. You’d never felt so embarrassed. “Yeah I told myself I’d never try to escape after that haha,” you let out an awkward laugh, “really? You sure don’t keep your promises, considering that you’re now here” “hmph!” Anyways! Yeah you told yourself you’d never try to escape ever again. Well…until your father lost it and tried to sell you off. “An..arranged…marriage?!” You shrieked just by the mere thought of those words, “Calm down hon!” Your father tried to stop you from making a scene. You were angry for two things: One: you’ve practically been begging to go and live and be on your own and they’ve always told you no and NOW they’re trying to basically sell you off to some rando! Two: it hasn’t even been a month since that embarrassing incident at the party. Oh my goodness! it was probably still fresh in everyone’s mind. You couldn’t leave yet at least not NOW!
You made sure to make the biggest scene of your life. You wanted everyone to feel your rage(they locked you in your room) “Now that I think about it, it actually wasn’t that bad I don’t know why I threw such a tantrum” “uh huh…” “what?” “Nothing, do keep talking” “Okay! Wait where did I leave off? Oh yeah!” Basically, you were devastated. You didn’t know why your dad would just betray you like that, just when you started to get comfortable with the thought of staying at home being a spoiled, unemployed princess for the rest of your life. “I can’t just let them sell me off, I have to escape!” And escape you did! We won’t talk about how you did it though, you’d rather bury that memory forever! “And that’s how I got here!” you exclaimed, “what a peculiar life you lived...” Peter chuckled, “I know! Ugh it was horrible!” “It’s a good thing I found you then,” Thankfully he did, you wouldn’t know what to do if Peter wasn’t around. Here’s how it happened…
You were walking on the city streets with soiled clothes, it was pretty hard to believe you were born into wealth with the way you were looking. “Ugh, does anybody not have any manners nowadays?” You thought to yourself, “what kind of men don’t help out a lady in obvious distress!” You were genuinely about to go crazy, you were so different from everyone, from the way you dressed all the way down to your makeup style. “So this is what it’s actually like outside…no poofy dresses or dramatic hair?” You sighed, maybe it was finally time to go home. “Are you alright?” A voice behind you asked, you turned around to see a rather dashing man, “Ye…actually no. I’m actually quite lost and I’m afraid I have nowhere to go,” angry tears almost fell from your eyes, you’ve never been so frustrated, “it’s no good for a young lady to wander around the streets this late at night, I have a shop not to far from here, you can clean up there” “YESPLEASE!” You quickly replied, you then linked you arm with his, “PLEASELEADTHEWAY!” You were so happy your words were all slurred together from talking so quick. “Alright then…”
It’s been three whole days since then. “Arms up and turn around for me so I can measure your waist,” he turned out to be a tailor, a very famous one at that. “Okay,” you replied. He was so nice to you, even offered you a job to help him with his works and in turn you can stay in his apartment on the second floor. “Is it alright if I take your hip measurements? I’m going to have to if you want a fitted dress.” “Oh…okay,” you felt tense as he got down on his knees in front of you wrapping his measuring tape around your hip and tightening it to get your measurements. For some reason your knees felt weak, his was just so close to your inner thighs and you just couldn’t help it. You wanted him closer, you wanted—“alright, I’m done,” he stood up to put his measuring tape back. “The shop’s about to open, I say you just hang around to see how things work before I give you any tasks,” “okay… I’ll uh be right down” “mm,” he replied before waving goodbye and closing the apartment door.
Two whole months after that day…
You were getting the hang of things now. You were running the shop with Peter, helping people try on clothes, accessories and what not. Occasionally, you’d feel a glare in your direction every time you were helping a male customer put on his clothes a bit too enthusiastically, but never dare look back to see who was giving you such looks. Everything was great! Well, almost. You parents had police searching high and low for you. You got yourself a little makeover and ditched those old fashioned clothes your mom would force you to wear, so you weren’t as noticeable. You weren’t ready to go back just yet, “I’ll give it another month,” you told yourself. As for Peter, boy did your feelings grow and fast! You wondered if you were just feeling this way because he technically provided you the freedom you have now. There were these occasional moments with you and him that you just couldn’t stop thinking about, like how he’d make you try on fitted custom made clothes that hugged your curves perfectly and have you basically put on a show for him.
Or how he’d assist you with cooking with his chest pressed onto your back, and his crotch pressed onto your ass, you didn’t stop him though, in fact you liked it, turns out you weren’t THAT innocent after all. Peter couldn’t lie that he didn’t feel the same about you. He’s been fond of you ever since you met, constantly finding ways to be near you and be as close as possible, he’d find himself taking your measurements regularly lying and saying that he keeps forgetting because he had to take the measurements of many people a day. He loved how you’d never question him when it was mostly the measurements of your more intimate areas that he just kept forgetting. He couldn’t quite place his finger in where this sudden affection for you came from but he wasn’t fighting it either. He wanted more of you.
one random night.
“I’m thinking of staring a lingerie collection, could you be the one to model some of my first pieces?” he questioned, “oh! Err sure!” What a sweet girl you were never saying no to anything he proposed. He gave you 15 pieces of clothes you went in your room to change. “Wow these sure are…intimate” you breathed out, you were a bit shy to try them on but you sucked it up and modelled all of the 15 pieces for him, he was so kind to you at the start, you just had to repay him in every possible way, which, to you, meant doing everything he asked of you. “The sides are too high up,” he pointed at you “huh?” “Come here,” he demanded. Confused, you follow his orders and walked up to him. “The sides are too high,” his hands rested on both sides of your hip slowing gliding them down to pull the sides of your panties down lower. Unable to stop yourself in time, you let a small moan.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself darling,”he looked up at you to meet your gaze full of desire, “should I keep going, love?” the look he gave you was dangerous, you’ve never wanted a man so bad. If only he were the man your parents wanted to sell you too, you’d marry him in a heartbeat. Marry…marry…, “marriage! Can’t! till marriage!” it's like you could hear your dad yelling at you. As much as you wanted him, you grew up with the idea of no sex before marriage and even though you were away from them the values you learned you still kept close to your heart.
“I’ll go get that,” Peter sighed as he hurried towards the door and closed it behind him to talk to the figure outside.
“What is she doing in your house and why haven’t you gotten rid of her, Peter?”
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
my princess (choose your own adventure!)
a choose your own adventure story where you, a princess, spend the day getting to know your soon-to-be husband, prince kyle.
prince!kyle x fem princess!yn (arranged marriage + royal au) cw: near breakdown bc of sensory overstim for one of the routes wc: 1157 for this chapter, 9201 for all parts
an: omg its done!! :'] please wait from me to attach the links if you're early btw HAHA while there is no bad ending, there is one ending i consider to be the canon one because i may or may not make a part 2 ;0 ps: i made the parts in very different states of mind LOL + take a shot everytime it says word hum, muse, and silence
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For most princesses, their fate was often sealed by the decision of their parents. You were no different.
Last week, your parents told you that you would be wed to Kyle Broflovski of Larnion. First and foremost, it was to form an allegiance with his family, seeing how your kingdom’s, Halcyon, military was quite advanced and strong while Larnion was very wealthy. Second, he and your parents have known each other for a long time, so it was a no-brainer to set your children up, I guess.
 You’ve never met Kyle, to be frank, but you’ve definitely heard of him. He was stereotypically perfect—physically active, studious, and ambitious. People praised him for the person he was. You weren’t stoked to meet him, but you weren’t upset either. You knew of your fate ever since you were a child, and what you got didn’t seem so bad.
What did he think of you, though? Most, unsure if he was one of them, viewed you as an educated, well-spoken, and graceful young lady. You weren’t well-spoken, though, you just knew when to shut your mouth. You didn’t like the very feminine appearance you had in public, yet some thought you were a bit too smart for your own good. They did get to you sometimes, but you believe that it’s best to just brush it off. However, the main thing you were worried about is if you were going to be wed to a person like those people.
The carriage turned by the circular driveway of the palace, where you would stay for the next week. If there was only one word you could use to describe the place, it would most definitely be posh. It looked like it supported only lavish lifestyles. You wouldn’t call it aristocratic, but it was shocking just how sophisticated and elegant the place was decorated.
Your parents, with your following behind them, proceeded to head to the throne hall, where you spotted Prince Gerald and Queen Sheila—two familiar faces you saw from time to time growing up. Beside them sat, what you could only assume, is Kyle.
For the most part, he looked what you expected his to look like, just a lot more lanky. You heard he took quite a few sports growing up, including football and horseracing, so your best judgment was that he was super buff—which didn’t exactly stoke you. You were happy to see that he didn’t look like a bodybuilder with a small head popping out at the top. It was the opposite, he did seem fit, but his body seemed faintly toned. Sleeper build, you guessed.
Greetings and compliments were exchanged between your parents. You stood there, smiling and waving to Mrs. and Mr. Broflovski. Kyle had gotten up to say hello to your parents as well. As the four of them chatted by the side, Kyle made his way to you, a polite and welcoming smile on his face.
“You must be YN?” was the first thing he said.
“And you must be Kyle.” Your head was raised high, nodding at him.
“I am” he hummed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my lady,” He got on one knee as he took your hand to gently lay a kiss upon it.
You caught your cheeks heating up, taken aback by the action. You expected this, but that didn’t mean you were prepared to actually deal with it. “Please, the pleasure is all mine.” You curtsied as he stood back up.
“There’s our soon-to-be,” a voice chimed from the side. You two turned to look see who it was—it was Kyle’s mother.
You exchanged a look with Kyle, both of your eyes sending a ‘What do we do?’ to what she said. Luckily for Kyle, you spoke first.
“Oh, Mrs. Broflovski,” you swoooned as you feigned innocence and embarrassment with a chuckle.
“Please.” she grinned at you. “Call Gerald and me, Mom and Dad.”
“A-Already?” Your surprise was genuine, but your tone continued to remain soft and calm.
“We insist, dear.” She walked towards you, stroking your hair.
Your father joined Sheila. “You may call us Mom and Dad as well, Kyle,” he said as he pat his back.
Kyle seemed to laugh it off, but with a quick glance at him, you could tell he felt a little awkward about the whole thing. The tense in his shoulder and the way he look everywhere but at the people in the room said it all. “Haha, thank you very much…”
“So, you two are aware why we’ve brought you two here today, yes?” Gerald spoke. Although you knew Sheila, or now Mom, to be the sterner one between the two, Gerald had a more serious tone than the rest right now.
You and Kyle simply nodded to his question. You were going to spend time together and get to know each other better in preparation for the wedding. It’s a good thing they didn’t rush you into marriage right away, but it’s not like you had a choice if you didn’t like Kyle anyway.
“There’s going to be a masquerade ball tonight,” your mom explained. “You don’t have to come, but we highly suggest you do.”
A few more words were exchanged between you two and the adults, and, soon enough, you found them leaving you and Kyle left to your own devices.
“See you later, little baby girl!” Your father waved ecstatically as he strolled off. You shook your head, feeling humiliated. Kyle spotted your embarrassment and laughed at it. Maybe a little too loudly for your liking, but any volume of laughter from that was plenty too much for you.
Before Sheila left, she quickly made her way to Kyle. “Take care of YN. Okay, booby?” You tried to hold in laughter. Kyle stared back at you, rolling his eyes.
“Yes, Mom.” He sighed.
“Alright. I’ll be heading out now. See you two cuties soon.” Kyle’s mom smiled, walking in the direction where the rest of your parents were.
“So, booby,” You teased.
The red on his face when he got flustered or angered was cute, you thought. “What is it, little baby girl?” He spat back, not realizing how weird sounded when he said it.
“Don’t say that. It sounds weird.” You rolled your eyes, elbowing him in the arm. He paused, looking at you to process what you meant by that. Once the realization sunk in his face more red than you could ever possibly imagine.
To ease the tension between you two, changed the topic. “Today’s free rein, though,” you continued. “You have any ideas where we could go?” You gave him a smile, hoping to ease his embarrassment even a little bit.
“Well, there’s the masquerade ball,” he hummed, looking everywhere but at you. “I suppose we can also go to the garden or a nearby village here as well…”
Which do you pick?
The Garden.
The Village.
The Masquerade Ball.
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
hi! could i request a little something unconventional? i was thinking something where ominisXmc (or any other pair) had a daughter and seb becomes infatuated with her (she’s of age and reciprocates) and he has to show her how to “love” so to speak. i’m a sucker for age difference
Hi, nonny! Oh my, but this is a naughty one 😅
As a little disclaimer, I don't really think Seb would do this, he'd feel too guilty doing it to Ominis' daughter, and he'd also feel like a bit of an uncle-figure (which complicates matters further haha).
But yeah, have a smutfic of Sebastian healing an emotionally neglected girl with orgasms 💕 Enjoy, my dear!! Mwah 😘
You better be careful what you wish for, btw, because I ship Ominis with Anne, so that would have given this fic a whole nother angle of kink 😂 But I paired him with MC <3
— PAIRING: Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader
— WARNINGS: smut, angst, age difference (39 vs 19), vaginal fingering, size difference, frottage
— WORDCOUNT: 12k (another long one 😭)
The first time Sebastian met her, she was only a few years old. It was in many ways a memorable day, yet for the longest time seemed so forgettable. Most of his time had been spent travelling either around the country or abroad, chasing relics for private collectors, breaking curses, and occasionally smuggling the odd forbidden artefact… Seeing the Gaunts had been relegated to a special treat, as he hardly had time to visit his friends and their new family.
He’d been to Ominis’ wedding — as best man, no less — when he wed their childhood friend. It was not long after their graduation, as was often the case with wealthy pureblood families. Sebastian was happy for them. He’d caused them so much trouble, after all, dragging them into his search for the cure that afflicted Anne, then making them accomplices, in a way, to his uncle's murder… He hadn’t thought much of it during 5th year when everything seemed urgent and risks didn’t matter. In retrospect, between what befell his family and the fight against Ranrock, that had been a year most mad for all involved.
Sebastian first met little Miss Gaunt a few years before she was due to attend Hogwarts. At around the age he and Anne had lost their parents, in fact… Ominis and his wife had a modest little mansion that they made the most of, his older brother having inherited the bulk of the family fortune.
They had lunch and dinner, and Sebastian stayed with them overnight, and they went out for a picnic the next day. Their daughter was a bit shy, but she loved running in the sunshine. They all enjoyed the picnic while keeping an eye on her, but she never got into trouble — nothing like he and Anne when they were children.
The next time he saw her, she was in her 5th year. He had just arrived from France and was yearning for some old-fashioned English hospitality. Ominis offered to host him for a few weeks and Sebastian was looking forward to spending time with his best friends again. Their house was more stern and sparsely decorated than he remembered, but it was blissfully cool inside.
He’d just been there one day when the Gaunt daughter arrived from school for summer break. He almost didn’t recognise her, although she seemed to recognise him.
“What do you say, dear?” Her mother wrapped an arm around her back and held her tightly to her side, looking down at the girl with a thin smile.
“Hello, Uncle Sebastian.”
“Good girl. Now go take your things upstairs.”
He smiled warmly at her and tipped his head in a polite salute before she went up to her room, carrying her luggage. She’d been sweet, there was no cause to mention to her that he hated being called Uncle, for personal reasons… He wondered if Ominis or his wife ever realised it.
“We try to encourage her to be more independent, not rely on house elves,” said Mrs Gaunt as they went into the tearoom where Ominis was. “We didn’t have anyone to wait on us hand and foot when we were growing up, did we? So it’s best she doesn’t get accustomed to how they do things in Ominis’ family.”
“A bit of pampering never hurt anyone though,” said Sebastian, who at her age would have cherished a little bit of luxury.
“She’s spoiled enough,” said her mother, waving her hand dismissively.
Lunches and dinners were quite formal, with rich but measured dishes. The house elves apparated the meals on the heavy wooden table, but Mrs Gaunt and her daughter took them away after the meal was over while Ominis and Sebastian talked.
They discussed Ominis’ side of things more often than not and tried not to talk about Sebastian’s work, but it was clear questions lingered in the air. Why was he away for so long? What did he do on the continent? Who was he working for? And why did he sound so, so tired… Still, Ominis learned very little about what Sebastian was doing. It was for the best.
Meanwhile, as the weeks progressed, Sebastian learned a great deal more about the Gaunts. Subtle as Ominis normally was, he never shied away from criticising his family, and he took particular delight in talking about them now. They weren’t fairing well, Sebastian found out, losing vast sums to gambling or debts or irrational expenses. Ominis and his wife kept their part of the family afloat through careful management, and they shared none of it with his estranged siblings.
“Is that why you’re so spartan about everything?” asked Sebastian with a smirk as they drank firewhisky at the empty dinner table.
“I’m only being reasonable,” said Ominis. “We both agreed on it.”
“You and your wife?”
“I just hope you’re not pulling the belt a bit too tightly…”
“Oh, come now, do you live in the lap of luxury?”
“You know I don’t…”
Sebastian smiled tightly and sipped his drink again. “It does not make for a particularly charming childhood, that is my one observation, if I may…”
“You don’t think we’re being too strict, do you?”
“I just hope you’re not trying to compensate for anything through her…”
“We’re not,” said Ominis firmly. “She has a more privileged childhood than I ever had…”
“Just because you’re not practising Crucio on her does not mean she’s—”
“Sebastian, please,” he frowned, “I never should have asked…”Ominis took another drink to calm his nerves and sighed. “She’s a little shy, maybe, but she’s always been like that. She has the very best —”
“She wasn’t like that the last time I visited.”
Sebastian wasn’t sure why he’d even broached this subject, why he was challenging Ominis. The Gaunt family were within their rights to conduct themselves as they saw fit, and he, a bachelor, hardly had a say in this.
“She was five years old then,” said Ominis sternly.
“So children change as they grow up… Really, Sebastian, I’d have thought you of all people understand that. I certainly thought you’ve changed over the years… Perhaps I was wrong.”
Sebastian sighed and dropped the subject — as he always did whenever Ominis brought up what happened in his fifth year. It was like he constantly held it above his head, that and every other mistake he’d made, waiting to drop it on him whenever he stepped out of line.
He wondered if Ominis did the same with his daughter…
He saw her on rare occasions other than at lunch and dinner, sometimes throughout the house or when they were both out in the garden.
She wasn’t much for talking, although she liked it when Sebastian showed her new spells. They sat together on the little stone bench beneath an ageing chestnut tree, and Sebastian would make its falling white petals form shapes in mid-air, birds and foxes and wolves, and have them run after each other.
“Which one do you bet on?” he asked as he directed the chase with his wand.
“The wolf,” she said with a laugh. “He’s the fastest and the strongest.”
“Really? Well, let’s see…”
By the end of the slow, floating chase, the bird had won. It took refuge high in the branches and ruffled its petal feathers at its pursuers below.
“How about that?” smiled Sebastian, looking fondly down at her.
The girl laughed, her smile weak and awkward, as she looked up at the free flower-bird. But she was still so different from the carefree child he’d seen years ago…
Sebastian left a week after that and only kept in touch with Ominis through Owls. He learned about how their family’s prospects slowly improved, how they moved to a new house, the ill fate that befell other Gaunts, and then about their daughter’s graduation. She’d been decisively average in her N.E.W.T.s, to the disappointment of both her parents, but Ominis said that, aside from that, “she was doing well”. It sounded like make-believe.
Sebastian visited them two years later. He’d just finished a lengthy and rather harrowing job in southern Spain, one that had gone quite wrong. A few deaths occurred. All in all, Sebastian was keen to get away from it, to go back home in colder climes, and forget all about it.
The Gaunts, conveniently, were vacationing on the Isle of Arran and invited Sebastian to join. He gladly accepted. They were renting a house near Sannox by the sea and boasted of daily excursions.
“We’re going up Goatfell Mountain tomorrow,” said Mrs Gaunt after she showed him his room. “Do you wish to join?”
“Sure,” he smiled, “why not?”
The house was old but solid, with thick brick walls and smooth wooden floors, old furniture, and a lovely view. The sound of the waves never ceased.
Little Miss Gaunt was staying in the room next to his on the 1st floor. Before he saw her around the house, Sebastian had wondered whether she was even there, as they hardly mentioned her and she didn’t make a sound from her room. But she came down at dinnertime, and they all ate together in the living room on the ground floor.
She smiled at him the first time she saw him, and gave him another “Hello, Uncle Sebastian.”
She was a bit taller than last time and had lost some of the baby fat of her younger years. Her dress that first evening was a frilly thing with colours that didn’t suit her. It was clearly chosen for her by her mother, in the hope that it would feminise her a bit…
It became obvious during dinner that the girl would rather have been anywhere else. Sebastian had often felt that way with the sordid sorts of wizards he had to deal with in his work…
Mr and Mrs Gaunt chatted away, asking obliquely about the sort of things Sebastian had done in Spain. They veered very quickly to talking about how their former schoolmates were doing when it became obvious Sebastian’s dealings weren’t fit for dinner conversation. The girl picked at her food and drank a great deal of water and just kept quiet while her parents spoke incessantly about other people — who got married, who died, who went on to work where…
“We’d like for her to either find someone nice, or at least get some employment,” said Mrs Gaunt at one point, looking at her daughter pointedly, who ignored her. “But,” she sighed, “no such hope thus far.”
“It will be alright,” said Ominis. “Things will fall into place in due time.”
“You can’t keep speaking like that,” said his wife. “Especially not around her. She’ll grow complacent.” She then turned to Sebastian with an air of tired exasperation. “To get her to go out into society is like pulling teeth. Took tremendous effort to have her join us on this trip. But it will do her good to be out in nature, don’t you think?”
“Oh, of course,” said Sebastian, smiling awkwardly. “I remember she used to love being out in nature, isn’t that right?” he asked, leaning over a little to see the girl just past her mother. She didn’t look up from her plate.
“She used to frolic like a goat when she was little,” Mrs Gaunt laughed. “What a darling, she was… Oh, but those days are long gone, she’s no fun at all anymore.” The woman turned to her daughter and tucked her hair behind her ear, holding her heavy jewelled earring in her palm for a moment to assess it, as if it might’ve broken while the girl wore it. “Isn’t that right, dear?”
Sebastian wasn’t sure if he could call it tension, that which was between the daughter and her parents. She was sullen more than resentful or angry… But there was definitely resentment there as she was spoken of and pawed at like a doll while simultaneously criticised for being… herself.
Their trip to Goatfell Mountain the next day was a chance to relax. Mr and Mrs Gaunt were quite happy to undertake the trip, which was two hours away from where they stayed, while Sebastian and Miss Gaunt walked behind them — sometimes together, sometimes apart. They didn’t speak much aside from pleasantries, and coordinating with each other as they climbed the smooth, thick rocks that made the mountainside.
But Sebastian didn’t feel she was the same around him as she was around her parents. She was lost in thought and distant, sure, but the undercurrent of anxiety that seemed to normally grip her was abated.
“You must be relieved to be done with classes,” said Sebastian as he helped her up a slope.
“A bit, yes,” she said, still quite reserved. She clung to his hand, her grip reedy but strong.
“So what plans do you have now that you’re free?”
“Please, don’t you ask me that too,” she said, begging almost.
“Alright,” he chuckled. “Sorry. Sounded a bit too much like your mother there, didn’t I?”
She said nothing, but he knew it was the truth.
“At least you can practice magic out of school grounds now whenever you like,” he said. “What was your favourite subject?”
“I didn’t really have any,” she said, walking slow and cautious on the slippery rocks, holding her skirt up to watch the ground. “I liked the thing you did with the petals last time though…” she said after a short silence.
“You remember that?” grinned Sebastian. “That was just a bit of coordinated levitation… I could teach it to you, if you want.”
She looked briefly at him from the corner of her eyes and smiled in a tight, awkward way. “Father says you work with dark magic…”
“Well… That’s not the only magic I know.”
He felt uncomfortable, confessing this to her like that. He didn’t know what she thought of dark magic, but if it was anything like Ominis, it wasn’t good. Still, she didn’t seem to recoil from him after that, although she was so hard to read, always in her shell…
After a slow trek, all four of them reached the summit. It was a flat and grey expanse with a beautiful view of green hills behind them, and the sea ahead. The clouds were low and soft, mere vapours teasing a hint of blue sky between their folds.
Sebastian sat down to catch his breath, his hat resting on his knee, while Ominis and his wife did the same a few feet away. His wife was describing the scene to him, although Sebastian was sure his friend could feel the view, somehow, through the air, through the far sound of the sea, through the soft moss that grew on the granite and the lichen that spotted it. He smiled watching the two of them, nearly unchanged since childhood. Could he say the same? All he had to show for the passing years were a few grey hairs and new wrinkles.
Miss Gaunt joined him, sitting just an arm’s length away. His smile widened upon seeing her.
“Well?” asked Sebastian. “Was it worth the trouble to come all the way up here?”
“No,” she said, sounding quite bored. But then she broke into a little smile and looked down again. She was pretending to be more grumpy than she really was…
“Not very exciting, I suppose,” he shrugged, playing along with her. “Perhaps you’d have more fun in the city.”
“I think I would like that,” she said.
Sebastian looked at her, pleasantly surprised by this hint of her enthusiasm.
She wore a dark grey skirt today, with buttons on the side, and a white shirt embroidered with flowers which fluttered around her figure in the wind. The lace collar lapped against her neck. Her hair, though ruffled slightly from their journey, sat neatly pinned beneath her broad straw hat. She kept her hand on top of it so that the wind wouldn’t blow it away.
“I could take you, you know,” he offered. “When I go back to London.”
She looked at him with something like fear or surprise. “N-no, thank you,” said the girl, smiling awkwardly. “I don’t think mother would let me.”
“Why not?” said Sebastian. “I could ask her. I’m sure she —”
“No, no —”
“But you’re so unhappy with them...”
She stopped whatever she was about to say and could only give a tight, painful smile in response.
Sebastian felt sorry to have been so blunt, but as he looked into her eyes, he could tell they had finally reached a real, uncompromising understanding together, something other than the stilted, tepid pleasantries of family friends.
He leaned over and placed his hand on hers, and could feel the warmth of her hand through the gloves.
“I’m leaving for London at the end of the week,” said Sebastian. “I know an apothecary who lets a room above his shop on Diagon Alley, you’d be very comfortable there… I could show you around, show you the best bookstores and dressmakers. You can meet new people there, maybe meet a boy,” he smiled.
“No,” she said, suddenly looking down and blushing.
“Alright, no boys,” he chuckled. “But do you want to come? You don’t have to stay long…”
She didn’t say anything, but he could see her looking to the side, thinking about it. Sebastian gave her another encouraging squeeze of the hand and then released her.
“Why don’t you try being on your best behaviour today?” he suggested, fiddling with the rim of his hat. “Put your parents in a good mood, make them more amenable.”
“How could I be on my best behaviour?” she asked, frowning up at him slightly. She clearly resented his request.
Sebastian thought about it for a moment. What would parents like hers want to see? They clearly had no patience for her more childish inclinations, her savage and withdrawn demeanour… He’d heard her mother describe her daughter as a “wild creature” on more than one occasion — not as some untamed thing, because she was in many ways quite docile, but as someone completely apart from civilization. They wanted her to perform: in school, in society, and now in adult life. And their daughter had fallen short on all fronts.
In spite of her quietness and her poor grades, she wasn’t dumb. She could sense their disappointment and naturally resented them for it. Sebastian realised with a clench of his heart that the love she had received so far was always conditional.
“Walk with your back straight,” he said matter-of-factly, “and walk a bit more in front, rather than always behind them. Smile a little, if you can, and speak up a bit more when you have a thought.”
The girl shook her head. “They criticise me whatever I say. Whatever opinion I share is stupid. Whatever thing I like is in poor taste… And they do tell me to smile more, but when I do, they say how ugly I look doing it.”
Sebastian sighed. He’d met people like that before. In fact, his Uncle Solomon was such a character. Nothing his nephew ever did was good enough...
Sebastian didn’t wish to blame his childhood friends for ending up being such parents, but he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment toward them too. He had to remind himself that he’d never had children, and he never knew what difficulty that entailed.
“Walk with me, then, when we return. We can pretend to be chatting.”
She nodded and smiled at him gratefully, with just a hint of embarrassment. It took a while for Sebastian to realise she wasn’t embarrassed to be in his company, but to be offered help…
Mr and Mrs Gaunt led the way as they descended Goatfell, the woman boasting of the sketches she’d made of the landscape. She’d drawn with particularly deep strokes so that Ominis could feel them too.
“But it doesn’t compare to the colours, does it?” she asked, turning her head to Sebastian and her daughter who walked a few steps behind. “So cold and yet so alive…”
“Bunch of grey rocks and grey water,” her daughter mumbled only loud enough for Sebastian to hear.
He hid his grin behind his fist.
But she made an effort to follow his advice somewhat and walked like a proper lady beside him rather than a morose teenager dragged along by her parents. And they didn’t have to pretend to chat, as conversation came easily to them.
“So what is there to do on Diagon Alley except shop for school supplies?”
“Well, that’s where most of the wizarding businesses are, these days. Bookstores, broomstores, potioneers, anything you could ever want. You’d be surprised at how much there is to see there, how much you haven’t seen when you were just getting your school books and a cauldron…”
“And Knockturn Alley?” she asked with a cautious tone.
“Now how do you know about that?”
She shrugged. No doubt Ominis had told her about it… Warned her about it.
“Well, it’s not something you should concern yourself with. That’s no place for a young lady.”
“Oh…” She sounded disappointed.
Sebastian didn’t talk to the Gaunts about taking her to London that evening, nor the next, but the day before he left he brought it up with Mrs Gaunt after dinner. She and the girl were in the kitchen, one using magic to wash the dishes, the other to dry them.
Mrs Gaunt seemed sceptical at first and gave her daughter an apprehensive look, but underneath that, Sebastian could tell she saw the potential benefits… It was easier, he knew from experience, for him to convince her of an idea, and for her to convince Ominis.
A few carefully placed words and two weeks later, and he Floo the girl into Diagon Alley.
“Let me carry that,” said Sebastian, leaning down to pick up her suitcases as she brushed the green dust off her skirt.
“Oh no, I can —” she immediately said.
“Nonsense. Let me be a gentleman for you.”
“Well, if you —”
“On one condition.”
“What?” she asked, a bit startled by his suddenly serious tone.
“Never call me ‘Uncle Sebastian’ again.”
“Oh, alright,” she laughed.
Sebastian had arranged for her to stay above the apothecary he’d mentioned before, on a street not far from where he lived.
“My flat is just around the corner, there,” he pointed out from the window. “Around there, and to the right, then a left, and it’s in a big redbrick building.”
“I’m not sure I’ll remember that,” she frowned, looking out the window with him. “But thank you… I’ll try to pay you back, you know.”
“Don’t even think about it,” said Sebastian as they turned their attention inside the room. “It’s my gift. To compensate for never bringing you anything from my trips,” he smiled.
“I don’t think father would’ve accepted them anyway,” she said with a timid smile. “He never seemed to like the places you went to.”
“Yes, I thought as much…”
“But they never seemed so bad. France, Spain, Switzerland… I never understood what was so bad about your trips. I wished I could go sometimes.”
“Well, maybe someday, you will,” he smiled down at her fondly. “Hopefully for pleasure though, not business.”
She bit her lip and looked up at him for a moment, then down again. Sebastian played with the rim of his hat and looked around. The room was furnished but was quite sternly decorated. It was yearning to be filled.
“I shall let you settle in, then,” he said after an awkward silence. “We can meet for lunch.”
They met for lunch every day after that, and for dinner too. In between that, if Sebastian had time to spare — and he made sure to have plenty for her — he’d show her his favourite shops, a different one each day. He led her through the streets that she visited before each school year, but he could tell she looked at them with different eyes now. She could go anywhere, buy anything — within her budget — and stay in any place for as little or as long as she liked. When they grew bored of Diagon Alley, they went through Muggle London. He showed her where all the nice lady shops were too, although he confessed to not knowing much of them.
Against her protestations, he bought her a few things, trinkets mostly and souvenirs, nothing so expensive that would make her feel indebted to him. She looked guilty to receive anything at all, and it broke his heart to see it.
He knew Ominis and his wife didn’t deprive her of anything growing up, but somehow they’d raised a child that felt unworthy of receiving positive attention… Whether they tried too hard to make her self-sufficient or Ominis complained too much about his wasteful family, something had gone wrong somewhere. Sebastian knew it wasn’t his place to fix it, but it was hard to hold himself back… He felt so at peace when he was around her, so at home, more than he ever remembered feeling in long, long years.
She had put his gifts away each time into her purse and sometimes didn’t even open them, choosing instead to look down morosely and change the subject to something else. He couldn’t help but feel unwanted by the time two weeks were over, and was surprised by how much it hurt. Somehow, the thought of not being good enough for her was devastating to him, although the implications were perverse — as were his dreams at night, increasingly, the longer they spent time together.
But then one evening he walked her to her flat after a day of walking around the furthest edges of Diagon Alley, close to where Knockturn Alley was. She’d been understandably apprehensive the whole time, although he reassured her they would not cross over into it. Still, there were tendrils of dark magic floating in the air that any witch could sense.
He didn’t know what possessed him to walk her all the way to the door, and further in. Perhaps he just wanted to make sure she felt safe — and besides, she didn’t stop him.
She seemed a bit shy about letting him in though, unable to meet his eyes or stand still. As he wished her good night, he realised why.
On the little vanity, lined up around the mirror, were all the gifts he’d given her. The thin silver bracelet hung around the neck of a wooden cat figurine like some long and fancy necklace, the enamel box stood open holding a jar of enchanted red ink and a fimble embossed with flowers, the journal he had monogrammed with her initials lay beneath a new pair of calfskin gloves, and the silk scarf with a flexing snake on it was coiled by its side.
He forgot whatever he was saying, lips parting in a smile, and after taking it all in, he looked at her again.
For her party, the girl felt quite stupid. She’d never blushed so fiercely, and although it was too late now, she took her hat off and moved to block Sebastian’s view of the vanity.
“So you did like the things I got you,” he said cheerfully.
“I never said I didn’t,” she muttered, going to hang the hat on the back of the chair.
“You let me think so, though,” he said, frowning at her but speaking with a playful tone.
“Well, I’m sorry…”
“But why don’t you wear any of them?” asked Sebastian, stepping quickly around her to look at them again.
She turned toward him, squeezing the fingers of one hand in the other. “I didn’t wish to ruin them…”
Sebastian looked at her. “How would you ruin them?”
She shrugged.
And he thought they made such progress while they were together… She spoke more, spoke openly, shared her opinions with him however harsh or strange — and he’d been surprised to find out she had really strong opinions about certain things, which made him wonder at the true depth of her internal life, her thoughts, her feelings, everything she kept hidden from the world.
He sighed, and went to pick up the silver bracelet. It was a chain of tightly interlocking links on the front side of which a marcasite-encrusted serpent coiled. He set his hat on the desk and placed his gloves there too, and unclasped the bracelet.
“Here,” he said, turning toward her. “Give me your hand.”
She extended her left hand to him, and Sebastian locked it around her little wrist. He held her hand in his and looked at it. Silver suited her complexion well…
“See? Not ruined,” he smiled, holding her gaze.
The girl smiled tensely and looked at the bracelet. It was too sad a smile for Sebastian to bear.
“What are you thinking?” he quietly asked.
“That if I use them, I’ll break them or stain them or lose them somewhere...”
“But if you just have them lying around, they’ll last longer?”
She nodded.
“Well, I’m flattered to know they mean so much to you,” he smiled. “But I’d rather you use them and ruin them than not use them at all. I bought them for you, for you to enjoy. And you can’t enjoy them when they’re just sitting there,” he chuckled.
She smiled a little wider, her eyes still aimed down. Sebastian’s grip went up from her fingers to close around her wrist, cupping it in his hand, gently pushing her sleeve away. He could almost hear her breath catch in her throat. When he looked at her face again, he found her looking back at him.
He didn’t know what he saw in her eyes, and couldn’t begin to guess what she was seeing in his. And before he could think of what to say, the girl stretched up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around him. She pulled her body close to his, and by instinct, by sheer need, he held her to him. In the silence between them, he could sense so much, so many things she left unsaid but which he keenly felt.
“What’s wrong, my dear?” he asked, rubbing a hand up and down her back. “Hmm? Why are you so sad? Do you miss your parents?”
He could feel her shaking her head.
“Do you wish to go elsewhere? Are you tired of this place?” he chuckled. “I know these aren’t the most glamourous accommodations, but…”
She shook her head again.
Sebastian held her tightly to him and sighed. “Are you in love?” he asked.
She stayed still this time, frozen in his arms.
“You’re lovesick? Is that it?” He laughed and pulled her closer.
The girl didn’t answer, but Sebastian didn’t need her to. They held each other, basking in each other’s warmth, and he noticed he could feel her heartbeat against his chest.
Sebastian couldn’t help but wonder who this boy was that she loved, where she even met him. Maybe it was a handsome young clerk in one of the shops they visited, or someone she’d spotted at a restaurant when they were having lunch, or maybe — Merlin forbid — a muggle she saw when they were out in London… For some reason, all of those ideas made him feel strange, uncomfortable, and quite a bit angry.
“Who is it, then?” he asked, putting a smile on his face as he leaned away to look down at her face again.
The girl looked up at him and wouldn’t say a word, instead biting her lip to keep quiet. He’d seen such secretive moods from her before, but none that were so deep, that hung so heavily over their conversation.
“I promise I won’t tell your parents. It’s just an innocent crush, I suppose, right?”
It took some effort and courage on her part, but finally, she nodded.
Sebastian gave a deep sigh. “So, who is it?” he asked again, his broad hand coming up to cup her cheek. “You can tell me…”
“I don’t think I can.”
“Why? Don’t you know his name?”
“I do…”
She kept looking at him with those large, sad eyes. He had hoped that by now she would’ve learned he was her friend…
“Is it someone you… shouldn’t like?” he tried.
She nodded.
“I see… Well, you’re a clever girl to realise it. In that case, perhaps it’s best you put him out of your mind.”
He suddenly remembered how long he’d been holding her, and although he wanted nothing more than to comfort the girl all night, he began to let her go.
“Uncle Seb— Sebastian,” she said quickly, “it’s… it’s not a boy.”
He froze and looked at her, wondering what she meant. “What is it then?” he asked. “It’s not a goblin, is it?” he asked, teasing her.
“No!” she laughed, looking down again. “It’s…”
But she couldn’t speak, couldn’t say it. Her hands left his shoulders and went down to his waist, pulling him close to her again, begging wordlessly for another hug. He couldn’t deny her. Sebastian sighed deeply with a smile as he held her to his chest.
He wished he could help her, make all her dreams come true, and give her the comfort and the love she’d never had enough of. His hand came up and pet the back of her head, trying not to ruffle her carefully pinned hair. The feeling of it sent shivers down his spine that he didn’t think he should experience. Her breath hitched at the sensation, and with a subtle step forward, she pressed herself more firmly to his front. Sebastian swallowed an embarrassing moan and tried to turn his hips away, but then she leaned back, pressing her head deeper in his hand, and looked up at him as if waiting for something.
“Who are you thinking of?” he asked in a low voice, hoping that she told him of someone, anyone, to drive away his unworthy desires. “Who is it?” he asked, his hand coming up to cup her cheek.
The girl swallowed the knot in her throat, terrified by the intensity of his gaze. Her face flushed red and her eyes teared up, but she worked up the courage to lean up, and wrap her arms around his neck, and kiss his cheek.
Sebastian could have died on the spot. His arms tightened around her as if he really would have died if he didn’t have her to cling to... Could she do that? Could she kiss him? When her lips parted from his skin, he turned his head and kissed her cheek as well. His hands began to tremble as he realised who she had meant…
“…Me?” he asked, clinging more tightly to her. “D-do you mean me?”
She nodded, her soft cheek brushing against his.
Sebastian sighed from the depth of his chest and moaned. “How could you do that?” he asked with a shaky laugh. “How could you mean me? I’m… I…”
He was nearly forty years old, and she wasn’t yet twenty. As if that wasn’t enough, she was the daughter of his two best friends. He couldn’t imagine doing that to Ominis — whatever that was, because he certainly had no intention of compromising her or… or…
Slowly, she pulled away from him, the hug relaxing in a loose holding of hands. “Oh,” she said, and she sounded so dejected. Whatever tension was on her face before faded, her eyes downcast, her mouth frowning.
“I don’t mean that… that you’re… I mean, that I don’t…” Sebastian cursed quietly. “I don’t mean that you’re not charming and beautiful and…” She looked up at him and took his breath away again. “And lovely,” he finished.
“So it’s just that you don’t like me,” she said, seeming to have decided for him that she wasn’t good enough.
“No,” he said, his hand cupping her cheek firmly, “that’s not it. What I meant was… that you shouldn’t like me.”
“I know that, but do you think I can help it?”
The sudden resolve in her surprised him. Sebastian chuckled softly, his thumb tracing circles on her cheek.
“No, I don’t imagine you can help it,” he replied, his voice low and soft. “And to be honest, I can’t either.”
The girl looked up at him quizzically, seemingly torn between hoping he said what she thought he did, and fearing that he didn’t. He wasn’t usually so hard to read, he was certainly more expressive and open than her, but right now, his gaze was thoroughly impenetrable.
Sebastian fought against himself, against the last lingering denial of what he felt for her, but he knew it had reached its end.
“I only want what’s best for you. Do you know that?” he asked.
“Yes?” she quietly said.
“And this isn’t what’s best for you.”
“What is, then?” she frowned.
“You deserve to be loved,” he said tenderly. “To know what it’s like to be loved, to know that you… you deserve it.”
She bit her lip, and he could tell his words hurt her somehow, reminding her of what she lacked in life. His thumb caressed her cheek again.
“I can’t do that to you, though,” he chuckled nervously. “Your father would kill me.”
“I would never tell him,” she said, her hands fisting at the back of his coat.
“That isn’t the sort of thing you should say…”
“I don’t care what I should or shouldn’t say. What about what I want?”
He swallowed thickly and groaned, feeling himself crumble before her.
“You bought me all these things,” the girl continued, looking plaintively and angrily into his eyes, “but you won’t… won’t…”
“Won’t what?” he asked. “Can you even say it?”
She frowned again, her eyes tearing with frustration at her own shyness.
“You say I deserve to be l-loved,” she mumbled, peeking up at him for scant seconds. “But if you won’t do it, who will?”
Sebastian whimpered deep in his throat. He had nothing to say to that.
“Do you want me to find someone else?” she asked.
“No,” said Sebastian instantly, his grip around her waist tightening.
The girl, impish little thing, smiled victoriously.
“Then why won’t you show me?” she whispered, standing on her tiptoes again to reach closer to him, her head tilting dreamily, her eyes large and vulnerable and full of hope. “Just because I shouldn’t like you that way? Nobody else likes me but you, anyway” she said, sounding terribly sad where only a second ago she was flirtatious.
“That isn’t true,” said Sebastian, shaking his head.
“It feels that way to me.”
He shook his head again, but he had no way to contradict her because he felt as if he was the only one in the world who truly loved her — and what madness it was to admit it — who truly wanted her, top to bottom, the whole of her, for himself.
“Do you… have someone else?”
“No,” he admitted.
“Then, why not…”
“I told you, your father, both your parents in fact —”
“They don’t care about what I want,” she said, “so why should I care about what they want?”
He laughed. Her frown deepened thinking that he laughed at her.
“Never knew you were so headstrong,” he said, both hands coming up to cup her face.
She whimpered at the warm touch from him, so close to being caressed and yet still held so far from him, from the only man who ever made her feel anything.
He tilted his head and leaned in closer until she could feel his breath on her lips. “I can’t give you what you want,” he sighed, his eyes searching hers. “But I… I can show you how I feel.”
She looked up at him again, a thread of hope winding around her heart.
“And show you what… what you really feel too,” he added with a teasing smile.
The girl barely opened her mouth to ask what he meant when he dipped down to kiss her.
She winced in surprise at the touch of his lips and her whole body felt alight. She didn’t know when she closed her eyes, but within a few heartbeats she was lost to his embrace, knowing nothing else in the world but his touch — big, warm, rough hands around her jaws, tilting her head upward, plump, chapped lips surrounded by an evening stubble caressing her mouth, breath tickling her cheek...
When he pulled back to catch his breath, she nearly chased after him. It had been her first kiss, and she could hardly imagine anything more exhilarating. The feelings that were rushing through her made her dizzy, but looking into his eyes steadied her. Still, she keenly feared his rejection. She knew what she wanted from him was wrong, but was too hungry for his love to care.
“Why can’t you give me what I want?” she spoke with a hint of desperation.
“You know why, sweetheart,” he smiled, his eyes growing sad at the sight of her so needy. “But… I can still love you. Show you how much I love you,” he said. “Is that enough for now?”
The girl frowned but nodded eagerly, the longing of months and years finally spilling over. She leaned in for another kiss. Sebastian chuckled at her eagerness and gave her what she wanted, while they both tried not to think of how illicit, how wrong this was. They kissed in the centre of the room until they both were breathless, and he felt her finally calm down. Against his chest, he felt her heart beat steadily.
“Did I give you your first kiss, my lovely one?” he asked.
She nodded.
“And your second one?”
Sebastian chuckled and leaned down to kiss her again. She moaned into his mouth.
“And your third?” he sighed against her lips.
She whimpered and clung to his cravat, pulling him down to kiss her again, and he smiled against her mouth. She seemed to like being kissed, so he put all his care into it. His lips nipped hers, then covered them for long, languid caresses, and his hands went up from her waist to the bottom of her ribs, squeezing her gently.
With a moan, he parted from her again and looked at her. He couldn’t help but give her another little peck on the lips before stepping away. The girl whined, her arms reaching for him. It made Sebastian grin at how greedy she’d become…
“May I?” he asked with his hands on the lapels of his jacket.
“Oh,” she whispered, “oh, erm, yes…” He was planning something, she could tell.
He smiled fondly at her and took his jacket off, hanging it on the back of the chair beside her vanity. “Why don’t you sit down, my lovely one?” he said.
She blushed fiercely but did as he said, and went to sit down on the bed, her body facing his.
“Take your boots off,” he said as he unbuttoned his vest. “And your drawers, too.”
Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his words. Without taking her eyes off him, she leaned down and unlaced her boots, putting them to the side. Her toes curled as she prepared herself for what came next. Sebastian’s eyes raked over her as he loosened his cravat. His brown eyes never left her, the edges crinkling as he smiled.
Rising her hips slightly, she rolled her long skirt to her knees and dipped her hands beneath it, tugging the drawers off her hips then off her legs, and let them rest on the floor. She looked away from Sebastian, her breathing frantic and her face all red at what she had just done. She looked as if she were still fully dressed, but now Sebastian knew there was nothing protecting her intimate parts from him.
Slowly, he took his boots off too and let them lay where they fell, and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. He licked his lips hungrily as he stepped closer to the bed, letting his fingers trail lightly over the silken sheets.
“You really are lovely, you know?” he breathed, his voice low with desire.
She bit her lip and tensed up again, moving up the bed the closer he got until she was next to the pillows. Sebastian stopped in front of her, his knees next to her own, and cupped his hand beneath her chin. She looked up at him so innocently that he felt like a bit of a monster, but he was determined to strike a balance between what she asked for, and what he was ready to give…
“Will you let me lay beside you?” he whispered.
She moaned and nodded, moving to the side to make room for him, inviting him on the bed next to her. Sebastian sat down, wearing just his shirt and trousers with the suspenders framing his chest, then moved so that his back was against the pillows.
“Come lay here,” he said, patting his chest.
The girl seemed a bit confused but quickly understood what he wanted when he lightly spread his legs. With an awkward little shuffle, she eased herself to the middle of the bed, between his thighs, and let her back lay against his front. Sebastian’s arms instantly encircled her, holding her warmly to his body, cradling her.
For a while, they stayed like that, with his lips at her temple and her hands clasping his arms. She worried he might be uncomfortable, with her back against him and the stiff corset digging into him, but Sebastian didn’t seem to mind. He felt warm, and firm, and steady, and gradually her heartbeat calmed.
“For how long have you felt this way?” Sebastian eventually asked.
Her knees bent slightly, as if she could hide away. “I don’t want to tell,” she muttered.
Sebastian chuckled and wrapped his arms more tightly around her. “Alright, you don’t have to say it,” he whispered against her cheek, “for now.”
His lips trailed down to her jaw, little suckling pecks that made her sight and tilt her head, then went down the column of her neck, stopping at the clavicle. He felt her stiffen in his arms again. Carefully, so as to not scare her more, his right hand uncurled itself from around her waist and travelled lower to her hip. Tug by tug, he raised her skirt a little higher.
“Shhh, it’s alright,” he whispered in her ear. “I want to do something… but tell me if you don’t want it.”
The girl winced and shook her head.
“No?” he asked.
“No, yes. Don’t stop,” she breathed.
Sebastian laughed lightly and kept pulling her skirt up, all the way until he could dip his hand beneath it. She gasped when she felt his fingers on her inner thigh.
“Is this good?” he asked.
She nodded, settling more firmly against him. He moaned deep in his chest when he felt her bottom rub against his bulge, but continued with the gentle motions of his hand across her skin.
“Very soft,” he praised in a close whisper. “And so, so warm… Are you always like this down there?” he teased.
Sebastian smiled at her innocence and kissed her cheek again. “I believe it,” he said. “Especially with all that walking we’ve been doing lately… These darling thighs must be tense all day, rubbing against each other, no?”
The girl squirmed against his lap, a fire licking up and down her skin from that little point where three of his fingers touched her. She felt him caressing her thigh slightly inward, almost all the way to the back of her leg, his palm engulfing her for a few quiet moments, and then trailing upwards.
“Is this alright?” he asked, his voice sounding lower than before, rougher.
It reminded her that he was a man, big and rough and so much stronger than her — a man as old as her father, although that wasn’t the sort of thing she wanted to know just then. She closed her eyes tightly against the uncomfortable thought.
“H-higher,” she whispered. Her legs spread wider as far as his thighs allowed.
“Higher?” he teased as he drew circles on her skin. His left arm closed around her waist in a stronger grip. “What will I find there, hmm?”
The girl dipped her head and moaned low in her throat, knowing he was playing with her. Her hands fisted in her skirt.
“Is there some secret place there?” Sebastian chuckled. His fingers went up along her thigh, where she was even warmer, even softer, and he groaned.
He could feel the muscles in her thigh flex beneath the skin. With one heavy caress, he moved his left hand from around her waist and cupped her chest. With careful tugs and encouraging her to shift a little, he eased her corset lower down her torso until he could feel her breasts slide up from beneath its grasp. She gasped and nearly jumped, but then melted in his arms with a light mewl.
He kissed her cheek again. “Shhh it’s alright.”
The girl lay docile in his arms while he carefully caressed her breast, squeezing it the slightest bit, then resting the young globe in the palm of his hand. Underneath her skirt, he teased a path all the way up until he felt a soft wet tuft. The girl whimpered, squirming against his front again, but Sebastian just rested his hands on her.
“Is this good?” he asked, peppering kisses up and down the side of her face.
“Yes,” she whispered, “I think so…”
“You think so?” he chuckled. “Well, let’s make sure, then.”
Keeping his hand still at her breast, he trailed his fingers higher up between her legs, slow and patient and searching. When his index touched her slit, she moaned.
“Oh,” he breathed lustfully, “so you do have a special place here…”
The girl curled in his arms, and Sebastian let himself slip lower down the bed, spreading his legs wider to accommodate her while not moving his hands at all, letting her feel him there.
“So wet,” he whispered as his finger began to caress her, going up and down her swollen lips. “It isn’t normal to be this wet, is it, my darling? And so, so feverish… Are you sure you’re alright?” he chuckled. “You’re certain you’re not ill, my sweetest girl?”
“No, of course not,” she said, unsure why he was even asking. She had the feeling he was joking, but she could not imagine why. This was not the time to jest, in her opinion.
“Oh, I’m not so sure,” he breathed, letting his lips rest against her cheekbone. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
“I guess I need to find out for myself, then.”
And then his fingers started moving. He teased her with both index and middle finger, going up and down her slit, making her more and more wet, feeling her moans right against his mouth as he rested his lips at her throat. He could feel her hole, tight and hot and flexing, and above it, her raw little nub peeking out, so hard and small... He paused there and swirled a digit around it with the lightest touch. She nearly jumped in his arms, wailing at the unfamiliar feeling.
“Is this good?” he asked against her neck, his breath frantic. “Is this good for you?”
She whined and squirmed in his arms, teasing his manhood with her bottom. It made him growl, but she probably didn’t realise what she was doing. Sebastian teased her tight bud more and then, after cupping it between three fingers, squeezed it lightly at the same time as he squeezed the tip of her breast through her shirt.
“Un— Sebastian!” she moaned.
“I told you not to call me ‘Uncle’,” he said with a hint of frustration. But he knew she didn’t mean it, probably didn’t know his fraught relationship with the word, so he sighed and kissed her cheek in apology.
“‘m sorry,” she whined, still twisting in his arms.
“It’s alright,” he whispered, kissing her cheek again. “It’s alright, just… just lay in my arms and let me take care of you.”
And as he spoke, his fingers kept teasing her between her legs and at her breast, slowly, deliberately squeezing those two sensitive points at the same time and pulling on them gently. The air was filled with her gasps and the shifting of clothes against clothes, the light squeaking of the bed, and Sebastian’s groans. He turned his head toward her, filling his lungs with the scent of her hair.
His hands on her relaxed, and he went back to holding her breast gently while sliding his fingers up and down her slit. He could feel her shivering in his arms at the change, and chuckled.
“Which do you like best?” he whispered in her ear. “Hard, or gentle?”
“Tell me honestly,” he said without a hint of teasing.
Sebastian smiled and kissed her cheek. “Gentle, then, for my girl.”
Another shiver ran through her, and if he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn she purred.
His thick middle finger slid slowly, carefully down her folds, then held there for a moment, went up again, and down, all in a steady, predictable motion. His left hand, meanwhile, warmed her breast, holding her to him.
“How do you feel?” he asked, rubbing his stubbled cheek against hers, so smooth and soft.
She felt completely overwhelmed, covered, supported, and utterly cherished. She couldn't even begin to put into words how he made her feel. “Nervous,” the girl chuckled, her voice strained, but happy.
“Just nervous?” he smiled.
“And what?”
She wouldn’t say.
“Do you feel cared for?” he asked, the corner of his lips brushing against her skin.
She nodded.
“Do you feel wanted?”
Another little nod.
“And needed?” he sighed, taking another lung-full of her.
The girl whimpered and dipped her face down.
Between her legs, Sebastian began to brush against her faster. His finger felt her plush lips on either side, warm and wet and innocent. He pressed deeper and felt her gasp and jump when the tip of his finger touched her hole again.
“Do you?” he asked more warmly, almost a growl. “Do you feel how much I need you?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Oh, my darling little girl,” he moaned, and his hand squeezed her breast a little tighter. Sebastian so badly wished that he could have her read his mind so that she could see how deeply his love for her ran.
His caress went further, dipping into her entrance gently, curiously, almost timidly. It coaxed a kittenish trill from her and she rubbed against his front again, his bulge slotted right between her cheeks.
“Don’t you feel that?” he moaned, pressing back against her with his stiff length. “Do you know what that is?”
“Is… is it your… male part?”
He laughed a little. “That’s quite the polite word for it. Yes, my little one.”
Sebastian rested his lips against her cheek while he pressed into her hole a bit more firmly. She gave a reedy cry when the tip of his finger pierced her.
“Oh, it burns,” she whined.
“Shhh, I won’t hurt you,” he whispered in between kisses. “You’ll see… you’ll see… I’ll show you that I care for you,” he promised.
His lips travelled her jaw, leaving wet trails down the side of it and along her neck. To distract her from the penetration, he began to flick her breast with his thumb through her shirt, and soon made that nub pucker again. Between her legs, he felt her growing wet.
“Do you trust me?” he growled. “Do you understand I want you?”
“Not yet?” he grinned.
Sebastian slid his finger deeper. Instantly, she cried out and her back arched and he felt her squeeze around him. He felt the broken sound of her surprise shiver through her neck and into his waiting lips.
“How deep inside of you can I go?” he asked breathlessly. “How deep will you let me?”
It was a double-edged question, and they both could feel it. She knew by this point that his actions were less about giving her pleasure — even less about taking it for himself — and more about showing her that she was worthy of desire, of care and want and love.
“Deep,” she whispered, relaxing against his chest as her channel swallowed his probing finger.
“Deep, hmm?” he chuckled. “Deep and gentle, is that how my girl likes it?”
“Yes,” she moaned mindlessly.
Against his wrist, he could feel her thighs flexing. Sebastian groaned deep in his chest and slowly thrust into her, always upward, never retreating until he felt all the way to the end of her.
“So tight,” he whispered, peppering kisses on her neck again. “Tight and warm, that sickly sweet warmth of yours…”
He nibbled at her neck and squeezed her breast again, caressing it in slow but greedy motions. Inside her, his finger pressed all the way until he reached her cervix.
“Ow,” she winced, trying to move away.
“Stay still,” he said.
She did, allowing him to feel her, all of her. Her channel throbbed and pulsed around him, not knowing what to do with the intrusion. Sebastian paused in wonder at this marvellous part of her, this secret, deep, and tender place that nobody else had known before. When he felt her greedy channel relax, he began pulling out. Teasingly, he trailed his finger out and out and out of her, letting her feel it the whole way.
“It feels so cold,” he chuckled, “it’s so wet from you…”
She didn’t say anything, but he could tell that she was blushing, her cheek felt hot where it touched his temple.
“Are you ashamed of that, my sweetest one?” he asked, ending it with a lick of her neck. “Are you ashamed of how wet you are for me?”
“Don’t talk like that,” she whispered, turning her head away.
Sebastian distracted her by kneading her breast, bringing his finger back to her entrance, and circling her hot and twitching hole.
“You’re wet for me, because of me” he said again more firmly, determined to break through her shyness and shame. “You’re warm and feverish and plush in your most secret place because of me,” he hissed. “Isn’t that right?”
“Why do you want me to say it?” she groaned, twisting in his grasp.
“Because I want to know,” he said with a kiss to her clavicle, “that you know it,” and then he kissed up her neck, “and I want you to admit it to yourself,” and then he kissed her cheek, “and I want to feel how desperate you get when you say those naughty words, my darling.”
The girl bit her lip and turned her head away, her fingers digging into his arms, nails snagging against his sleeves, struggling against him — and, in a way, against herself.
He penetrated her again, this time with two fingers. To keep her from squirming away he kneaded at her breast harder, more punishingly, threatening her almost.
“Say it,” he ordered with a low murmur.
“Yes,” she gasped, her back twisted in a painful arch between his heavy paw at her breast and his thick, invading fingers. “Yes, I’m wet because of you…”
“And what else?”
She moaned, canting her hips distractedly into his thrust as his fingers opened her up.
“Are you all swollen because of me? Because of what I’m doing to you?”
“Do you want me?”
“You want me inside of you?” he whispered, his lips and tongue teasing the crook of her neck. “You want me here?” His fingers curled in her girlhood, pressing against that soft spot above her entrance.
She gasped and squirmed, her eyes and mouth opening in a shock of wonder.
“Here, in this tender little place?” Sebastian continued, and his fingers curled and pulled, then pressed in again slow and thick and deep. “This hidden spot? This weeping, lonely little hole?”
Her legs spread wider of their own accord and she hooked them over his knees, her arms going up and back, her fingers finding their way into his hair. She held on to him, completely dependent on him now, open and exposed and invaded.
“I want you,” he growled, pumping into her deeper, not pleasuring her spot anymore but feeling her whole channel again, forcing it to open wider, to accept him. “Do you believe me?”
“Yes,” she cried, although he wasn’t sure she was even listening anymore.
“Do you feel that? You feel me wanting you?” said Sebastian with a harder, fuller thrust that moved her body up his torso, before pulling her back with it. “You feel me needing you?” he asked, his length rubbing against her innocent backside.
“Sebastian —”
“Say it, I need you to say it, I need to know that you… you understand what I feel for you…”
The girl nodded, her lips parted in a breathless gasp. “Yes…”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, you need me… you want me,” she said, and he could almost hear a tearfulness in her voice.
“Good girl,” he sighed. “And do you know what else?”
She moaned and shook her head as her body trembled, caught between his thick thrusting fingers and his hard manhood pleasuring herself on her.
“I love you,” said Sebastian. His eyes were closed and his lips were at her ear. It almost scared him to admit it, but she needed to know.
“I… I love you too,” she whispered, turning her face lazily toward him.
When Sebastian opened his eyes, he saw her there, with her half-lidded, dreamy gaze, her sweaty forehead, tear-stained cheeks, and those lovely, bitten lips… His hand left her breast to hold her still by the neck and he leaned down to kiss her.
The girl moaned into his lips. The only sounds now were their delicious moans and the wetness he pulled out of her as he pumped his fingers through her gushing channel.
Sebastian was breathless when he released her, and his whole body was alight. Although he was still mostly clothed, he felt nearly at the edge just from her in his arms, her body pressing down on him. The more he tended to her core, the more of her he could smell.
“I would lick your tenderest little parts,” he breathed as he looked into her eyes, “but that might be too much for you, wouldn’t it, pet?”
She stared at him quite shocked, not knowing what to say. She couldn’t even nod in agreement.
“So why don’t you just come for me? Release for me, let go…” he whispered, stretching out his tongue to lap at her lip. “Let me feel… this little hole… ” he continued, his fingers thrusting harder into her, shaking her whole body, “convulse in pleasure around me…”
Sebastian was certain she didn’t exactly know what he was talking about, and he actually wished she didn’t. He wanted her to be innocent, he wanted to be the first for her, to teach her and train her and show her pleasure. Show her how to surrender.
He groaned when she pressed in a certain way down on his lap, and instinctively he released her neck to grip her hip, holding her still for his use. His two fingers, thick and dripping wet with her, dug as deep inside her as he could and held there as he put all of his efforts into pressing up against her, rubbing himself against her bottom. He moaned shamelessly with each delicious thrust. His sounds were deep and lustful and embarrassingly revealing of how savagely he wished to take her, but the scared look in her eyes centred him.
Sebastian kissed her again then leaned back to look at her face as he used her, imagined himself taking her, feeling her wetness soak his shaft, feeling her weak little body parting for him, having no choice but to surrender and open and take him inside where he could spill —
“I… I love you,” he gasped, pleading with her almost, needing her to understand it and accept it. “I love you…”
He frowned and closed her lips with a kiss, and then he felt his shaft twitch as it spilt its seed. It was a messy and distorted kiss, more of a moan and a cry and a crushing of lips, but for a moment it felt perfect. Her body relaxed above him, her fingers caressing his hair and his neck, her girlhood clenching around his fingers, suckling on them.
Sebastian breathed in deeply then released her mouth. He grinned lazily and leaned back to look at her. There was a sticky and disgusting feeling at his loins, but that didn’t matter now. Slowly, his fingers resumed their thrust.
She gasped and tensed in surprise, but soon eased and moaned more openly, her head tilted back exposing her neck, her chest arching against her shirt. Sebastian thrust deeper, those two thick fingers keeping her spread. He pulled the wetness out of her with each outward thrust and let it make her thighs and bottom slick.
“How long have you wanted me?” he asked in a teasing whisper at her ear. Now that he had warmed her up, he felt sure he would get the answer out of her.
He chuckled, pumping his fingers faster. “How long?”
“Since… since the fifth-year summer break,” she admitted, speaking in so small a voice he would not have heard if he were further away.
“So since you were fifteen!?”
Sebastian was a little scandalised. He pictured taking advantage of her at that age and recoiled inwardly. But at the same time, he didn't wish to make her feel ashamed. After all, she couldn't help her feelings, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't the slightest bit flattered. So he fought against how taboo it was, and chuckled.
“How naughty my little girl is,” he purred, nibbling at her ear.
“I’m sorry,” she groaned, turning her blushing face away from him.
“You should be,” he said, half-teasing. “I only ever wanted to take care of you, do you know that? I wished… I wished I could take you away sometimes. Just to have you for my own. To love you freely.”
She was nearly breathless with the revelation and turned to look up at him. His trusts between her legs gentled as he confessed his more innocent feelings to her, and she had no idea what to make of it.
“Did you really?” she asked in a whisper.
“Yes,” he smiled, “but not like this. Not as…”
“As lovers?”
“Yes, not like that. Just, as your friend or… anything.”
It was awkward for Sebastian to show this side of himself. It didn’t go well with what he was — an older man twice her age, slightly rough around the edges, involved with dark magic and seedy figures and things she shouldn’t know about. And she was so sweet and delicate, so fragile in his arms… But it was true, all he wanted was to love her, protect her, take care of her, in whatever capacity she allowed him.
Sebastian leaned down and kissed her forehead, his fingers stilling inside her for a moment. No sooner he parted from her skin that she leaned up and kissed his lips — clumsily, reaching mostly just the corner of his mouth.
“I want you,” she said as she looked into his eyes. “I… I wish you could take me away, forever.”
“But you know I can’t,” sighed Sebastian, and his fingers began to cant back and forth inside her, making her feel his despair and desire and longing to be with her as deeply as possible.
“I know… But I’ve dreamed of it,” she whispered. “So many nights… when I thought about you.”
Sebastian’s eyes darkened and he listened to her, his lips parted in a stilted gasp. He wasn’t sure he should know more, he was afraid of what he would hear, but a part of him was greedy to know everything that this darling girl thought about.
“Did you?” he asked lowly, and he started a deliberate, deep rhythm that trailed her channel up and down. Her plump folds kissed his knuckles when he thrust all the way inside.
“Yes,” she said in a high, weak voice.
He smiled. He loved the way she got so breathless when he pleasured her. “Did you touch yourself?”
“I did…”
“Did you touch yourself thinking of me?”
She closed her eyes and nodded.
“Like this?”
“Please,” she sobbed, her heart trembling in her chest as his fingers dragged themselves out of her. “Pleasepleaseplease…”
Sebastian licked his lips and looked down at her. Her arms were limp around his head and her eyes were closed. He drank in the sight of her weak and surrendered, and then he gave her what she wanted. He put his fingers back to her girlhood, trailing the slippery digits up and down her slit.
“You pleasured your special place?” he teased, grinning against her blushing cheek while his fingers dragged her slick up to her tender nub. “Alone, at night, while you thought of me…?”
She mewled and bowed her head, regretting somewhat that she had even admitted it to him, because now he used it to torture her — but his fingers felt so good, working her so precisely to feverish pleasure.
“Yes yes yes, please,” she mewled.
His chest purred beneath hers while his fingers strummed her pearl, tending to her most sensitive point relentlessly, diligently.
“Will you show me how you sounded when you reached your peak?” he whispered. “Will you spill for me here as you did around your pretty little fingers?”
“Please, Sebastian,” she cried, and her voice began to sound a little panicked. “It… it’s too much…”
In response, he held her down, his left arm stiff around her waist while with his right he abused her girlhood in short, aggressive rubs. He could feel her nub becoming stiffer, its raw head peeking out. With each downward thrust, he picked up a little bit more slick that leaked from her and brought it up to wet her pearl.
“It’s not too much, you can take it,” he whispered. “Doing so well for me, letting me love you like this… Letting me show how much I love you…”
“I can’t, I can’t,” she rambled.
Her legs started to tremble against his, her hips canting up and down, spreading the wetness that he’d spilt around himself in his soiled trousers. Sebastian groaned at the delicious, savage feeling of it all.
“I can feel you leaking out of your little hole,” he said with a dreamy voice. “Is that how you’d drip around me if I kissed you there? Is it? Is it how you’d gush around my manhood if I gave it to you?”
“Yes,” she mumbled, her head twisting back and forth, her hair a ruffled mess against his pillow, over his shoulder, sticking to his cheek. “Yes yes yes, I want, I want…”
“I’ll give you what you want, my girl,” he growled, holding her down and playing with her nub. “My good little girl, sweet, wet, dirty little girl…”
And her whole body began to tremble, starting with her legs, her stomach, her hands clasping desperately at the pillow. She let out a scream before she caught herself and bit it back. He reached down and kissed her mouth, swallowing it from her. Sebastian held her to him, barely letting her move while she squirmed with the shock of her powerful orgasm.
“Se— Sebastian! Aaah… Aaahh!”
Her core clenched and throbbed, hungry and empty and desperate for something that never came inside. Right above it, his fingers kept tending to her pearl, flicking it until it nearly drove her mad.
The girl mewled into his mouth, pleading with him to stop but in a thoroughly unconvincing manner.
“You like that?” Sebastian asked against her lips as his caresses slowed to steady, long, torturous strokes. “Hmm? Was that good?” he asked with a kiss.
“Mmm… yes,” she whispered, her voice trembling as her body relaxed, limp and sapless in his arms. Only faint twitches travelled up her legs anymore, but she spread them wider for him as he kept tenderly caressing her girlhood.
“Yes?” he grinned. “My naughty little girl liked it?”
“I did,” she said in the smallest, shyest whisper, her eyes cast down toward his lips.
He understood what she wanted, and leaned forward to kiss her again. The room around them fell silent now that her frantic breaths and moans abated. All that was left were the lewd, slopping sounds as he kept fingering her.
“Good little girl,” he sighed against her mouth. “Gone all soft now that you’ve been pleasured, haven’t you?”
She blushed and nodded, the tip of her nose brushing against his. Sebastian chuckled and leaned in to kiss her again, and again, and again. Slowly, he stilled his fingers, but kept them there, cupping her secret place, letting her seep lazily into his palm.
“How do you feel?” he asked with a warm smile.
“Good,” she murmured, a similar smile playing on her lips too. Her eyes were low and sleepy, but held his gaze.
Sebastian chuckled and disentangled his arm from around her waist, bringing it up to brush her messy hair away, caress her face, and pet her lovely cheek. Her legs dipped back from around his and closed around his wrist, hugging his hand to her centre.
“And did you like what I did to you?”
She bit back a wince and nodded again. Sebastian’s eyes crinkled with a smile and he dipped down to her mouth, tasting her in a long and languid caress.
“Give me your hand,” he said, “the left one,” and waited for her to comply.
She stretched out her left arm and watched curiously as he grinned and kissed the bracelet there. It was, in its own way, more like a mark of belonging, of his commitment to her — like an engagement ring.
“You were beautiful,” he said as her hand came down to brush against his face, “and sweet, and adorable, and the most enticing little witch I’ve ever seen.”
The girl squirmed in his lap, smiling awkwardly, but there was nowhere for her to go even if she had the strength to do it. He cupped her in his hands and held her to him.
“Well, I hope so,” she said with a small voice, looking between his lips and his eyes.
“You deserve to be loved. I hope you understand that now, at least a little bit better…”
Did she? She wasn’t sure. Held in Sebastian’s strong steady arms, against his broad chest, she knew she felt at home, and safe, and cared for, but love came with a little difficulty… How could he be satisfied with her?
“I know I am most inadequate —” she started.
“No,” he shook his head, “you are not. You deserve to be loved, and I wish to be the one to do it.”
She looked into his eyes again, quietly reading every emotion that flashed through there, every hint of vulnerability, of devotion, and found them all reflected in her too. Her hands finally found the strength to reach up again and tangle loosely in his hair.
“Alright,” she whispered, leaning up to breathe against his lips. “If you’ll love me, I’ll love you,” she said, kissing him gently on the mouth. “In fact, as you well know, I already do…”
Sebastian chuckled and held her closer, rocking her gently on his chest. Slowly, his hand slid away from her core, allowing her to close her legs, and his to close around her. Entangled in each other, they forgot about their messy clothes, their ruffled hair, and knew only of how much they liked each other’s closeness.
They spoke in sweet hushed whispers about what they planned to do, how they intended to live together, to accomplish it against all odds. Slowly, Sebastian forgot about his plan to only show her these safe, distant forms of love — with fingers and close embraces and perhaps eventually with his mouth, acts that left no lingering mark on her and had no chance of spoiling her honour. No, after this evening, could see himself taking her away, even marrying her, building a life with her… And as he gazed into her eyes throughout the evening, all the while until they fell asleep, he hoped she pictured the same future too.
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rosie-rosem · 1 year
hate pt 1
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❥ pairing: nonidol!jake x fem!reader
❥ genre: angst, fluff?, highschoolau!
❥ summary: y/n is the quiet type; however, she cannot stand bullying. Is it because she been involved with something similar or not?? jake, her next-door neighbor and childhood friend (not really), is dating the girl who is making y/n's school life exhausting. she can't catch a break between being at school and home. But she also can't express her feelings...
❥ warnings: crying, grammar mistakes, not proofread, bullying, let me know if I forgot something
WC: 2.8k
A/N: It's been a while since I last posted. this is going to be 2 parts just cause wanted to post something by today but wouldn't have been able to finish it so here you are. the second part should be posted sometime next week! please be patient with me :3
school. not exactly your favorite place, you don’t get the best grades or have to many friends. There is too much bullying at your school, an unexceptionable amount. Your school like isn’t a normal public school, it’s more like an all “rich kids” school, not quite private either though. The only kids who get picked on are the scholars which is completely stupid because they are probably smarter than half the non-scholar kids there.
you, on the other hand, are not a scholar which is only beneficial because you do get a good education (even if you suck at it) and you don’t get picked on too much. Your parents are quite wealthy. your father owning a tech company and you mother working for a fashion company. Your parents obviously want you to go to college, graduate and find some amazing career, but that’s not going to happen so quick. You fortunately don’t have the pressure of being an heiress for your dad’s company due to your older brother already being next in line.
Compared to you brother, you are more troublesome and carefree. Him being a workaholic and definitely more mature. Of course, you get compared to him. but while he’s finishing up his years in college you're finishing up yours in high school. oh, can’t you wait to graduate from school, especially this school. You don’t exactly like cause trouble, it just happens a lot, which brings us here.
you rolled your eyes at the scene that was happening in front of the class. You just wanted to rest your eyes a bit more before the bell rung but you clearly got disrupted. Cha Soo-Yun, the most annoying girl you’ve met, she’s always the one to pick on the scholars which annoys the hell out of you. She was currently picking on a transfer student who got the scholarship and gladly switched schools, she’s a junior and her name is Soon Yunji. “Haha, look at all this garbage” Soo-Yun said laughing with her one friend after dumping Yunji’s belongings from her backpack on the ground. the poor girl looks traumatized, who wouldn’t I mean Soo-Yun looks like a clown with the amount of makeup she wears to school. You couldn’t stand seeing Yunji look so pale from being embarrassed so you stood up and gladly walked in front of the girl’s desk. Soo-Yun just scoffed “ruining the fun again i see.” she crossed her arms. “it’s kind of pathetic that the first 20 minutes after you arrived, you're already picking on someone.” you must look tired but also annoyed because that’s exactly how you feel.
“Why do you always get in my way?” Soo-Yun complains. You cough, aiming it towards her, she scoffs and backs up in disgust. “Sorry, I’m getting over a cold, wouldn’t want to catch it princess, would you?” you smile to her in an annoying way, which just pisses her off even more. “euk, I can’t believe someone like you goes to this school” she states, still looking at you with disgust. you sigh, shoulders dropping “and I can’t believe you looked in the mirror this morning and thought your makeup looked good.” you give her a slight smirk. she fumes as some of the other kids in the classroom whisper after your comeback. she sprints over to you with an arm raised, she goes in for a slap, but you successfully dodge the hit. “Ah, you missed.” you say, eyebrow furrowed. You sigh after lifting your chin a bit more “it’s okay, hit me. I can take it. plus, I probably deserve it…right?” you say, stretching a bit, read for a hit. she scoffs once again as she glares into your cold gaze. “Unless you're scared.” you cock your head to the side which an eyebrow raised. Soo-Yun breathes a frustrated sigh. “a few minutes ago, you didn’t seem so scared to- “you state before feeling a stinging pain on your left cheek.
she did it. she fell for it. you hear a few gasps leave other classmates' mouths after the girl slapped you. you chuckle to her. Soo-Yun frowns “why are you laughing” she practically growls. “I need you to realize that I didn’t start this fight, okay?” you say, she furrows her eyebrows “what? -" she begins but before she finishes you kick her at the waist, causing her to fall to the ground. “Oh, I’m sorry, did that hurt” you crouch down and give her a mocking look.
Just as you stand up from crouching a familiar scent comes quickly, Sim Jake. Helping Soo-Yun up, he glares at you, and you shrug, “you need to control your girlfriend Jaeyun.” you say before quickly turning around and help Yunji pick up her things from the ground. “You good?” you ask, she just nods “yeah, and thanks.” she smiles you nod, “no problem.” you respond before standing up and heading back to your desk. You lay you head on your desk once more, trying to find enough peace to rest a tiny bit more but all you hear is Soo-Yuns' whiny voice complaining to Jake about you.
You weren’t worried about possibly getting in trouble at school, you were mostly worried if your parents would find out, which of course they did. “Why did you attack Cha Soo-Yun at school today.” Your father spews his anger out quite quickly once you get home. “Who told?” you said which no expression on your face. “That doesn’t matter right now y/n! I’m asking you a question.” his jaw clenches, you sigh “was it jake?” you ask. he lets out a deep, frustrated sigh. “Unfortunately, we had to hear the news from his parents, do you know how embarrassing that is?” he rests his hand on his forehead in embarrassment. “that’s why tonight i made plans to have dinner with Jaeyun and his parents, you're not only going to apologize to jake but also to Soo-Yun tomorrow in school.” he points his finger at you. you nod, acknowledging that you're listening to him. “Okay now head you your room, I’m tired of you.” he says with annoyance in his tone.
"Tired of me, oh please." you say as you lay your head down on your pillow after falling onto you bed. once again jake’s being an asshole. you look over to your window only to see Jake walking around his room like he’s looking for something. you stand up and walk over to the window, he also sees you, giving you and annoying smirk only for you to reply by harshly closing your blinds.
The time came, when Jake and his parents were invited over that day. You work a baby pink sweater with a knee-high white skirt. "You look good, Hun" your mother complimented. you slightly smiled to acknowledge that you heard her. "Is everything fine at school?" She worriedly asked you. "everything's fine mom, Soo-Yun is just problematic and jake's not much better." you said with a frustrated tone. "Plus, dad just clearly likes jake more than me so..." you slightly rolled your eyes at the thought, you mom sighed in return. "You know your father-" She began but got cut off by the sound of the front door opening and familiar voices be heard.
you and jakes' families have been close for as long as you can remember. Part of that being because both dads grew up together another part being because you are neighbors. Although, you and Jake started disagreeing a lot more once you both hit puberty. You both were never very close but close enough. Well, until high school.
"y/n!" a sweet voice calls out to you as you walk towards the door. You give a soft smile to the beautiful lady. Jakes mom, she was so sweet, she was like another mom to you. You loved her. You opened your arms and gave her a tight hug. "How are you, my love?" She pets your head with a gentle touch. You nodded to her with a genuine smile, still in her arms "good, I've been good." She soon let you go, to which you walk over to Mr. Sim, Jakes dad. You look up to him, awkwardly. "Ah, come here" the man says, pulling you into his side, with a hug. You smile, once again.
You were quite close with both of Jakes parents, they were like a second pair of parents to you. You loved them dearly. "Hey kiddo" Mr. Sim says. "hey" you laugh in return. You both let go, only to walk back over to you mom but turn to look at Jake and slightly bow your head a little just to show a bit of respect, to which he gives nothing in return.
You all head over to the dinner table and get settled to start eating. A few conversations start but you just listen quietly. A bit longer into dinner, you get asked something. "So how has school been y/n?" Mr. Sim asks, genuinely curious. You look up from your plate, "It's been okay." You pick at your food while answering. Jake gives a quiet scoff which only leads you to sigh. "Speaking of which, I believe there's something you would like to say to Jake, isn't there y/n." Your dad says while giving you a glare. He motions you to stand up. You assumed you would be able to apologize to Jake privately, but no, Hes making you do it in front of everyone. Everyone else looked a bit confused, besides Jake of course.
You gulped and stood up from your chair. You hesitated for a bit, "I'm sorry..." You said but soon continued after you dad gave you a look suggesting that you continued. "I'm sorry for how I treated Soo-Yun today. I will be apologizing to her separately as well, but because she's someone you care about, I'm apologizing to you too." You said, keeping you head down, biting the inside of your cheek in embarrassment. Jake just nods his head but then continues to eat. you sigh. Meanwhile, everyone else felt the awkward tension. "Good enough." your father says, which absolutely outrages you. You sit down as your lip quivers. You dad basically showed everyone how much control he had over you, and you hated it.
You held back your tears and continued to eat while putting on a smile to not show how upset you felt. After a little bit, when the tension cooled off you spoke up, "Excuse me, I'm going to use the bathroom" You gave a soft, yet fake smile.
Instead of going to the bathroom you went to your backyard patio and sat on the little bench swing. You felt even more frustrated and upset than you did earlier. You dad was nothing like jakes, and of course you didn't want to compare them, but your always jealous of how jake gets treated by his dad compared to you with yours. You sat there with a frown, picking your nails but soon hear heavy footsteps getting closer, Jake. "That was tense" he says, sitting next to you. "You enjoyed it, huh?" you said, still not looking his way. "Not as much as I will tomorrow when you say it to her." He says which makes you finally look at him. how did he know you were going to apologize to her tomorrow, your dad only told you to a few hours ago. "What if I don't do it tomorrow, huh?" you raise your eyebrows at him. "I would, because I can easily tell your father." he chuckles. You clench your teeth. "What, are you mad I know your weakness?" he says. "Weakness?" you question. "Your dad." he says. you squint. was he right? was your dad your weakness? "You don't know anything about me Sim Jake." Your lip twitches. "we'll see about that" he says, you stand up and walk away.
When you return to the others, you speak out, "I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling very well. I'm going to have to say goodbye now so I can lay down." You explain and say your goodbye before heading up to your room. Once you close your door, you feel an overwhelming sense of sadness and panic. Your dad is your weakness and that hurts your heart so much realizing it now. You dad wasn't always like this, he was kind, loving and fun up until you hit middle school. you don't know what happened, but it was like once your older brother left, he was terrible.
You walked over to your window and opened the closed blinds, sliding the window open to get a bit fresh air due to feeling suffocated. You didn't want to cry, but you couldn't help it. What's happening to you.
You eventually head over to your bed and fall asleep with shiny streaks on your face from the tears.
I hate you sim jaehyun.
The next day at school was nothing you ever imagined. It felt like all those k-dramas you watched where you were walking towards your classroom and everyone around you was whispering while you walk past. You felt confused. When you walked into the classroom, all eyes were on you which gave you chills. You scan the room only to see Soo-Yun crying in her seat, arm wrapped in a bandage. You sigh as Jake glares at you.
“Park y/n!” you turn to the crying girl. “Do you see what you caused?” she stood up and stomped your way. you eyed the ground annoyingly. “Ah, about that, I apologize for how I acted yesterday. It was wrong of me to kick you” you looked at her, apologizing. Jake kept a close eye on you while his girlfriend let out a snotty comment. “You realize that you're the bad guy now, right?” she chuckled, you turned to her. “That doesn’t matter to me. Just be happy I apologized.” you glared at her for a moment before turning away and heading to you seat. “Hah, only cause your daddy told you to.” she scoffed, you turned around in shock by her words. “What?” you said with furrowed eyebrows. You tightly closed you fist at her words, how did she know anything about that? you looked at Jake, he just looks back with no expression at all.
you looked around to see everyone looking at you like you just committed a sin, what the hell is going on. You ran out of the classroom, only to bump into someone on your way out, “sorry.” you mumbled not paying any attention to who they were, and you heart was racing, it felt like you were going to throw up, why though?
“Can you pick me up?” you called you brother with a shaky voice. He said he’d be there soon, so you just had to wait.
Did Jake tell? What was going on. Why were you so affected by your dad getting brought up? You brought you hand to your chest and rubbed it to get your heartbeat to slow a bit. “y/n” someone called for you. you turned to the familiar voice with anger and hurt in your eyes and a quivering lip. “What?” you practically yelled. Jake walked closer, only for you to back up. “Did you get what you wanted?” you said, holding you tears back. Jake really hurt you this time. “What?” he asked. Just then, a car pulls up. You brother rolls down the window and greets jake. “Go.” you say to you brother after getting in. He’s confused, but still listens.
You sit across your older brother in his apartment. He gave you a juice box which you were currently drinking. “So, what happened?” he asks, putting his elbows on the counter in the kitchen. “Nothing much, I just felt like skipping today. And please don’t tell dad!” you practically begged him. “Is he still giving you a hard time?” he asks. you were always comfortable telling you brother things, but this was different. It was your dad, and he was very close with your dad. “Ah, no..” you lied “he’s just been busy lately.” you say, reassuring you brother with a fake smile. “Hm, okay” he pets your head.
“But what was Jake doing outside with you?” he questions. “Not sure, but I don’t care. he’s an asshole,” you frown more when thinking back. “What?” he asked. “Him and his girlfriend are both assholes.” you share, still feeling mad. “I hate him.” you start tearing up. “Huh? what’s up?” he walks over to you. you start crying harder. “he’s so stupid.” you say. Your brother pats you back. “What do I do?” you question into your brother's chest. “I’ll make some ramen.” your brother says, you sniffle and nod.
hope you liked pt 1! come back for pt 2 (here) <3
© rosie-rosem
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80sdork · 11 months
Johnny Cade x Soc!Reader
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Social Class
warning for angst? and.. a really bad slowburn ;-; This'll be in chapters so uh yeah have chapter one where basically nothing romantic happens...
I've literally been working on this for months now and I'm just now posting in on 10/28 haha --------
Johnny Cade really was least and last. He always was. No matter what, he was the last. He was smaller than the rest of the gang, weaker, innocent, a slow learner, nervous, scared, insecure. He didn't understand when someone was being nice to him or using him, he didn't understand what the difference between right and wrong relationships, healthy environments and toxic ones. Dallas had found himself with the overbearing harshness of the world on his back at all times. The hard exterior he had to keep up was slowly crumbling but no one could know, only he could. The darkness of his thoughts keeping up with him at all times, the harsh reality he knew and was still not very used to. Everything hurt. You were no different from either boy. You had a hard exterior like Dallas, yet the innocent look upon the world like Johnny. You understood more than he did, though. You were raised from quite wealthy parents but their money didn't compensate for the lost physical affection of your younger years. Today, you had decided to go to the drive in. You sat down in your seat and placed your bag across your lap, shivering as the cold nights wind smacked you in the face. Removing your eyes that were glued to the large screen you looked over at your friend, Cherry, and asked her if she could get you a Coke. You handed her four dimes and two quarters, she got up and walked over to the food and drink stand. While she was gone, three boys walked up and sat behind you. You glanced behind you at the one in a jean jacket. He had dark hair and he looked quite suspicious of the area. His eyes met yours for a second and then he looked away. You turned your head back to watch the movie, Cherry came back and handed you the coke, sitting next to you. "Did you see that one with the brown coat?" She side eyed the boy she was talking about and bit her lip while looking into your eyes. You rolled yours. Marcia watches the two of you before whispering in your ear. "The puppy looking one has had his eyes on you forever now" You felt your cheeks heat up, thank god it was dark. You tried acting like it didn't bother you. "Yeah, whatever" The three of you finished the movie, halfway through though, Cherry was getting bothered by the boy she found cute. You had to hold back your laughter until it got serious, when the boy got mad. Marcia knew you didn't like when people screamed, so she gave your shoulder a gentle pat. The start of the second movie played and Cherry and Marcia started talking to them. After a few, the two boys sat up next to you guys, Marcia made some excuse to sit next to Cherry so she moved seats with you. You and Johnny were now shoulder-to-shoulder. Your face was heating up badly. He turned a little bit and looked at you. His bangs covered his eyebrows and his greased up hair was shiny in the lights of the drive-in. His eyes were dark, yet innocent. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. After a little bit, he tried again. "..Hi..." His voice was quite small, you turned to him and gave a little wave. "I'm sorry about Dallas, he's.. a hothead." You nodded, letting your leg bounce as he kept his gaze on you. His eyes trailed over your body, more in a curious manner than a naughty one. You side-eyed him and immediately looked away. Fuck he was cute
You tried calming yourself down but instead, you shot up. Your body stood there for a second, wondering if you could just sit back down as if nothing happened but you knew you'd get questioned and it wouldn't be nice to explain how cute a greaser was. Instead, you just walked off, leaving everyone confused. You rushed off and out of the drive-in, walking down the street by yourself, you snapped out of your de-realized state and stopped. You looked back at the sidewalk, you were quite far from the drive-in now. The wind picked up, howling as white noise in your ears. You zoned out just looking back at the amount you had walked in a daze. You sighed and turned back, hearing someone run behind you, you thought it- no, you didn't think. You didn't even realize. You just heard. You kept walking until you got smacked on the shoulder. "What is wrong with you, y/n?!" It was Cherry. "What do you want?" She sighed and dropped her hand down to her side, your turned around to face her again. The wind seemed to calm down just enough to hear her voice. "I want to know why the hell you walked off like that! Marcia and I were, and still are, worried. What happened to make you go off like that, huh?!" "I don't know! I just got nervous and it's.. it's so dumb just, don't worry about it." "I'm worrying anyway." "That boy in the jean jacket was so cute, and I'm in no condition to be sitting next to him. I'm supposed to be much better than him, y'know, we're supposed to hate each other but Maria put me so close to him and we were shoulder to shoulder.."
"So you walk off like a maniac?! You left us worried that you got your period or someone died or you started crying or something!" Great. Now Cherry was mad. Good going y/n, you thought to yourself. You just wanted to go home and cry, you ruined your chance with a cute boy and now you just angered your friend. "Just, god Y/n. Go home." "Thanks for your fucking approval." You turned around and waited until you heard her walk off. Hot tears of mixed emotions ran down your still red cheeks. You sobbed a bit loudly, hics and whines, and the stomping of your shoes all the way home. You opened the door with the spare key you had and saw your parents on the couch watching the news, they say the smeared makeup and the frown on your pretty face. "What happened, my angel?"
Your dad tried to console you.
"Leave me alone!" "Young lady, that is no way to speak to me. Now you get up to that room, and no going out after school for two weeks!" Your dad screamed out as you walked up the stairs of your large house. You just let him hear your sobs and stomps. You tried shouting something but it just came out as a big sob. You slammed your door and locked it. You didn't want to be bothered, especially not in this state. You took off your shoes and let your breathing calm down as you set things up to take a shower. In the shower you sat there for a second, taking your time to wash your face, hair, etc. When you came out, you turned on your tv and clicked through channels until you came to the cartoons channel, you saw The Flintstones were on and you let it play as you dried your hair off and put pajamas on. The tv played in the background as you got comfortable in bed, the noises of the tv were drowned out by thoughts of earlier. That cute boy, the way he looked at you, talked to you, his eyes, his bangs. A blush rose to your face again and you tried calming yourself down, this time it worked. With the good memories of the day playing back in your head, and some other random thoughts, your body fell asleep surprisingly quick.
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meekmedea · 4 months
hello!! i absolutely love your time-travel au!! i saw on one of your posts that you said you have a lot of thoughts on the dovecote family- i was wondering if you’d be willing to share any of those thoughts?
Hi!! So happy to hear you've been enjoying the time-travel au :)
I'd love to share Dovecote family thoughts and to hear your (and also everyone's) thoughts as well!
So without further adieu...
Dovecote Family Lore
Some background info - TBOSAS mentions the old guard for some families in the book and I sort of took that idea and ran haha
So within the various families that make up the old guard, I like to imagine a hierarchy exists within them. There's families at the very top and also minor houses
And all these families that are part of the old guard have family crests and even Latin mottos to distinguish themselves from the nouveau riche and the lower classes (both Capitol and District) Is it a bit pretentious? Yes. But that's part of the fun
I see 'Dovecote' as one of the minor houses - old enough for the Latin motto and family crest, but not as prestigious as 'Ravinstill' or even 'Phibbs'
family crest ideas: a dove? a pair of them? idk but I'd like to incorporate the bird into it
motto ideas: I have like way too many, but these are my current favourites (My translations might be a bit rough 😅)
Alis grave nil (nothing [is] heavy with wings)
Ad astra per aspera (to the stars through difficulties)
Amata bene (well loved)
Cor aut mors (heart or death)
Also THIS idea that the Dovecote family is well-respected amongst the old-guard, but nobody knows where they first made their money/wealth and where exactly it comes from right now
I think it'd be funny if nobody in the Capitol can agree on how the Dovecotes are part of the old guard. They just sort of appeared one day on records and that was that
Nevertheless there are theories: some say the family is built on blood money (ie. a crime family /mercenaries /assassins elevated to the old guard either through blackmail or some notorious deed). There's some that think they're some vassal house that was elevated to this standing for some good deed or other 
Also Dovecote clementines 🤭 (I keep adding this to a lot of my other AUs)
They're as tied to the Dovecotes as roses are tied to the Snows
The fruit are especially sweet when compared to the average clementine and nobody has a clue where their supply comes from
They have it year round even when they're not in season
It's a semi-recent thing, it started in Clemensia's parents' time as teenagers
For the Dovecotes, the clementines are a way to communicate things - there is no one thing it represents (ie. I love you / be careful / you are dear to me etc. )
Random lore about our Dovecote family members in this AU
Clemensia is an only child
Endymion Dovecote and Aelia Dovecote née Beauchamp have a running joke whose charm Clemmie inherited (it's Endymion, the Dovecote genes are strong here)
like father, like daughter, especially the Dovecote smile. Also both of them seem to be able to befriend anyone, they really do have friends everywhere
Endymion is an indulgent husband and father
I had this in a different AU, but I liked it enough to want to maybe add it here; how part of the Dovecotes being sort of anonymous in their circles is because of their control on the media - unless Endymion approves it, nothing about the family is published. Especially if it's about his daughter
Because the movie promo had Clemmie talk about D1 and D5, I decided to connect D1 to her mother's family.
Her mother (Aelia) comes from a merchant family - so, wealthy but not part of the old guard. The Beauchamp family owns a jewelry business, Lavinium. And pre-war that was THE place for the elite to shop at
Clemensia stands in line to inherit the business from her maternal uncle (family inheritance in the Beauchamp family can be messy hehe. Doesn't help that her uncle has no children of his own and instead has 2 sisters with their own children)
Actually there's this one dialogue I have about Clemensia between Livia Cardew and her own father - inspired by that line in Dune
Livia has a bit of a motive here to be Clemmie's friend and to stay her friend
Livia's mother owns the biggest bank in Panem, there's no way she doesn't hear from her parents about her classmates' family's finances
Livia's father is probably one of the only people to have a semi-good grasp on what the Dovecote finances are like because he manages the accounts
Livia's father: I hear you've recently become good friends with the Dovecote girl. Well done. Make sure to keep her close.
Livia (age 8): Because she's a possible heir to Lavinium?
Livia's father: No. Because she is Endymion's daughter.
Because the Capitol is still recovering, Lavinium isn't earning as much as it had pre-war. And the Dovecote accounts don't have any deposits from them either
Yet the Dovecote family is considered is recovering quicker than anyone can explain
The salary of the secretary of energy pays well, but not that well.
Dovecote family rumours are hard at work again haha
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It fascinates me so how consistently and genuinely clueless Blaine is in his relationships. According to David Anders, Blaine genuinely thought that Lowell and him were friends now. And that to Blaine, the whole assassination attempt came out of nowhere - after Blaine had effectively ruined the man's life, career, forced him to eat orphan brains and was clearing out his bank account at a rate that even Lowell with his wealthy parents couldn't keep up with.
Or the fact that he genuinely fell for Peytons' 'haha I mean would it really be so bad if you were faking the amnesia' and actually thought he could salvage that relationship and made 🥺 eyes because she was mad about the fact that every single moment they shared was a lie orchestrated by him and that he abused her good faith and benefit of the doubt for the second time (the first time being their one-night stand).
And see, I feel like it's easy to dismiss his attempts to mess around with the gang as him just taunting them or being annoying on purpose and rubbing into their faces that they cannot get rid of him. But pretty consistently, Blaine's entire concept of having a positive relationship with someone is by any means creating a situation where they either put up with him or have to put up with him and that's something we also pretty consistently see him do with the main-gang.
For Blaine, it's almost always either control or deception and he manages to separate himself from that to the point of delusion (which is a lot like his whole victim complex where he keeps feeling hurt when his actions start consequencing) until he genuinely thinks he's connecting because the idea of actually connecting with another person scares the shit out of him. And even worse, he consistently harbours resentment for anyone who genuinely likes him or takes him as he is because he has such Issues. (like, it's easy to forget that there were people who genuinely liked him, but there are so many like Don E, Jackie, Candy, and he usually just comes back around to hurting them or dismissing them or because he's pissed about sth)
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theanonwriter · 2 years
friends close, enemies closer: part 2
A/N: expect weekly updates!
Summary: When your parents unexpectedly become wealthy from good investments, you're forced to leave your old life in the Cut and move to Figure Eight.  Right when you finally start to move on (thanks to the help of your best friend, Sarah Cameron), your old friends are suddenly forced into your life again. Getting comfortable with them means discovering their new lives and making amends for the past. And just when things couldn't possibly get any more complicated, you have to deal with your lingering feelings with a certain hot-headed blond. 
word count: 2.6k
warnings: swearing, that's basically it
“Doesn’t look like you have chicken pox to me,” Sarah stated, searching your body for any red pox marks. “Or a shark bite either.” She looked around suspiciously. “Wait- were you lying to me?” She feigned shock and held her forehead in one hand while she leaned her body onto her white jeep.
“Oh, the horror.” You deadpanned, dragging your feet across the front gravel to get to your driveway. “Plus, you knew I was lying. You wouldn’t have come if you thought I was actually sick.”
She lifted her body back upright and scrunched her nose in thought. She nodded. “Yeah. Probably not.” She chuckled at the look of you, face miserable while you hauled a much-too-big beach bag over your shoulder. “You pack for the apocalypse?” 
“Haha.” You looked at her with frustration and walked past her to put your shit in her trunk. 
It was much too hot for the first Saturday of June. The air felt sticky, which wasn’t a new sensation on your skin, but definitely one that you didn't enjoy. Your hair would frizz up, sweat would bead and drop down off your forehead, and the odor of low tide was worse than ever. 
“I packed all my bathing suits. I’m tan, but not summer tan, so I don't know which one will look the best. Plus, I don't know if they’ll still fit like I want them to.”
Sarah helped you shove the shit in the back before she looked over her shoulder. “Is this concern over making a good second impression? Or looking good for a certain blond?” She replies as she sees you almost tumble out of the passenger seat. 
“It’s not! Can a girl not want to look good for the new tourists?” 
Sarah giggled again, making sure you had your seatbelt on, and then started the minute drive to her house. You promised last week that you would hang out with them soon, and so you were here. 
“I’m nervous!” Sarah groaned, gripping the steering wheel tighter and turning her head to look at you. “What if they think I’m stuck-up? Or a bitch because of what I did to Kie? Or, oh my god, what if they think I’m ugly?” 
She looked petrified. The idea of anyone thinking of Sarah as ugly was unfathomable. She was undoubtedly stunning. She had the perfect face and ideal frame, not to mention that she had matured into the kindest woman you had ever met. 
“Sarah.” You looked at her with gentle eyes. “You are the furthest thing in the world from ugly. I’m being serious. They may think you're stuck-up and a bitch, but that's why you hang out with them. You can show them the reason why John B likes you. Not as a rich Kook who wears a uniform to school every day.” 
She smiled back, but she didn't seem convinced. 
“Plus, if it makes you feel any better, if they gonna make fun of someone, it’ll probably be me.”
When you hit a red light, she finally turned back to see you. “Maybe. But at least we have each other.” You flicked her shoulder jokingly as the light turned green again. 
“Ugh, that's even worse.”
When you finally finished your makeup and picked your outfit, you felt like you were going to be sick. The nerves had kicked in, if they were excited or anxious butterflies you couldn't tell. This could be the start of something new for you. A reconnection with people who you treated like home at one point. 
You had a basic tee shirt and blue jean shorts on, rather than the cover-up dress that Sarah told you to wear. Although it had been a couple of years, you knew that they would mock you if you came to chill with a dress on. 
Plus, you wanted to look familiar to them. Maybe, if you dressed the way you used to, it would be like a white flag. You nonverbally telling them that you were willing to just go back to the way things were, rather than pretend like nothing ever happened at all. 
“They’re here!” Sarah yelled, racing out of her bathroom while sinking an earring through her ear. You followed her into the sunroom and watched her lace up her new black converse, embroidered with purple butterflies. 
You ran over to the lace curtains and slowly peeked out from behind them. You saw the Twinkie, the gangs busted minivan, waiting in front of Sarah’s horseshoe driveway. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing out loud. The minivan looked so….out of place. Is this how your family looked the first year you moved?
“Ready?” Sarah asked, hand on the doorknob as you strode away from the window.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
Sarah opened the door and ran out to meet John B. She found her way into his arms, and you watched from afar as they laughed about something. She gestured to her Jeep, and they both started to walk toward the connected garage. You went to follow them, but John B saw you.
“Oh, we don’t need help, do we Sarah? It’s too hot. You can just go and find a seat in the Twinkie. Hope you don’t mind being a little squished.”
You smiled politely and turned away, heading in the direction of the car. You could already hear the music coming from the speakers, and you swear to god that the car shook from the intensity of the bass. You walked up to the handle, and opened it slowly, trying to focus on anything other than the fact that you were going to vomit.
As soon as you opened the door, the talking ceased. Three pairs of eyes all focused on you, all displaying different emotions. Kie looked giddy, excited about whatever they were talking about before you came into the car. Pope had the same look of confusion that you remembered from your childhood. He made you feel like you were the stupidest person ever with just one look. You would call it a superpower if it hadn't offended you so much.
And of course, sitting in the chair by himself, was JJ. He looked irritated, cheeks puffed out and arms crossed over his chest. When his eyes met yours, they hardened before he quickly looked away. You could tell he was mad at you. You just hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. 
“Hey girl!” Kie chirped, giving you an awkward hug as you tried to maneuver through the car and to your seat. 
“Hi, babe. Uh, hey Pope. Hey JJ.” You mumbled, putting on your seatbelt as you looked up to see them. 
“What? Don’t trust John B to drive you now? Too used to your personal driver?” JJ mused, moving his legs farther from yours as he pulled out a joint from his pocket. You looked at him with unhappy eyes, but you knew this was just part of the process. Of course, they would be hurt. You were too.
“That's not it-” You tried to interject, but Pope cut you off. 
“Ignore that, Y/N. JJ’s on his period today.” He lifted himself further off the seat and turned towards you. “JJ, watch this,” he reached his hand towards you. “Hey, Y/N. Long time no see! How’ve you been?” You shook his hand firmly, keeping eye contact as a smile spread across your face. 
“I’ve been good! Just doing my thing. How have you been?”
“As good as one can expect from a dirty Pogue.” He looked at you with his eyebrows raised. You gaped back in shock, mouth starting to drop open before he spoke again. “I’m just kidding. I’ve been good!” He laughed, and you let go of the breath that you were holding. 
“Good to know that you’re still cracking jokes.” You breathed out, listening to your heartbeat in your ears. You knew that you were gonna be the butt of the joke for a little while, but you genuinely thought you were gonna have a heart attack by the end of the trip. 
Pope and JJ started to fight over who was going to get more leg space, and Kie looked over at you, bothered. “Sorry about them. They’re idiots.” 
You bit back a laugh as you spotted John B strolling back to the car with Sarah, him struggling to hold both you and Sarah's bags. “So what your telling me is nothing has changed?”
She giggled again, throwing her head back and sighing as she grinned at you. “Yes and no.”
You heard Sarah pop open the trunk, and shifted yourself in your seat to make eye contact with her. You tried to signal something with your eyes, but she just looked at you smiling. You wanted to leave. The Twinkie was too full of not only people, but memories. 
You watch silently as John B and Sarah slipped into the front, sending flirty glances to each other over the center console. You rolled your eyes to yourself, knowing that watching them flirt was going to be your own personal hell. 
As you started to drive, you noticed that it was much too quiet. You looked over at JJ, who was mouthing something to Pope. He grinned while he talked, his tongue-in-cheek and eyebrows raised. When he caught your eye, he instantly stopped and made the 'kill sign' to Pope. You glanced over at Pope, but you couldn't tell what they were talking about. 
“Secret secrets are no fun, unless shared with everyone.” You sing-songed, tutting as you shook your head at them. Pope shyly smiled at your comment, but JJ just scoffed. 
His lips set into a thin line. “Wouldn’t have been a secret if you actually talked to us.”
You walked into that one. You instantly shut your mouth and turned back around. Kie rubbed your shoulder gently, and you could feel JJ’s eyes burning a hole through your face. The fact that he was, at one point, your best friend shocked you. He seems like he couldn't be more of a stranger. 
“Kie, why are you consoling her?” JJ sputtered, shaking his head in disbelief. His attitude had never changed. When he started mumbling at the window, the whole car groaned in protest. 
“Oh, of course, I’m the bad guy.” JJ muttered, eyes looking far out of the car. 
“C’mon, man. Remember what I said.” John B urged, tapping the steering wheel in rhythm with the radio. 
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, and you use it as a way to ignore everyone else. 
why is he being like that
it’s JJ so idek 
when i got in the car i was like 
hot damn 
maybe i picked the wrong one 
but then he opened his mouth…
such an ick.
You laugh out loud at her text, quickly putting your hand over your mouth to muffle the noise. Sarah's head whipped back instantly, eyes wide open as she stared you down. 
“Did you just fucking SNORT?” Sarah yells, disbelief wrapping her features. You try to deny it, but everyone in the car erupts. 
“You most certainly did!”
“Don’t lie!”
“Is there a baby dinosaur in the car with us?”
“You still do that?”
You look over at JJ, his features softer than you’ve seen them all day. He looks like a kid, like he just learned something new for the first time. 
“Yeah. I guess some things never change.” You look away quickly, eyes darting anywhere but his face as you feel a blush start to light your cheeks. 
You wish you could say that JJ wasn’t attractive to you anymore, but he was. His skin was still tan, and a light sunburn brushed across his cheeks. His face was more chiseled than you remember, and he looked much more built than he did only 3 years before. 
The car ride passed with quiet conversation, all friendly and polite. You mainly talked to Kie, catching up with each other about family issues and Kook events. It was nice to be back and just hanging out with them again.
When you finally got to the beach, you all spilled out of the side door and stretched your limbs. As many memories you had in the Twinkie, you couldn't lie and say that you were glad you were back in it. The air conditioning was broken, the seats were worn, and the general smell made you glad for your “new car” air freshener. 
You didn’t bring your board, which you regretted when you saw all of the Pogues with theirs. You knew Sarah didn't have one, but John B would probably let her use his board. You picked your bag from the trunk and turned back to Sarah and Kie. 
The girls were chatting quietly, and there didn't appear to be much tension. It wasn't a beautiful reunion, but no one was bleeding, which you took as a win. 
“You didn’t bring your board?” JJ asked, tousing his hair with the hand not holding his belongings. 
“No, I thought we were gonna go on JB’s boat. No biggie though, I’ll just tan or something.” You responded, looking into his eyes and shielding the sun with your hand. 
“Oh. Well, if you get bored or something, you can, just like-” he glanced over his shoulder at Pope, who was observing your interaction intently. “swim around us, I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly, cheeks reddening faintly. You knew he was just getting hot, but you secretly wished it was more. 
“Oh. Thanks, Jay. I’ll think about it.” You smiled shyly. You watched him leave with a quick nod, and you went to go catch up with Sarah. 
You spent the first part of the day on the sand, watching as the group fucked around in the sea. Because it was broiling today, you were sure that your towel was probably wet from the sweat pouring off you. When you got tired of pitying yourself, you got up and started to wade into the water. 
Talking and hanging out with everyone felt normal. With Sarah in the group, there was an even amount of crazy and kooky. There was never a dull moment, and everyone seemed more at ease than you had remembered. 
When you finally were dropped off at your house, your back was a faint pink and your hair was filled with salt. Taking a shower hurt like a bitch, but your mother always said showering with hot water after getting a burn helped the day after. 
When you got into your bed, your phone suddenly beeped.  You saw a notification from a new group chat that had everyone from today's rendezvous, including JJ. You couldn't help but smile at your phone, seeing what John B was typing. 
Hey Y/N
Welcome back to Pougelandia
Prettiest Pogue EVER!!!
*SAR-BEAR liked a message.*
whats going on
John B: 
NEW GC!!!!
That was Sarah
we need one if we're all going to hang out again!
Welcome back. 
TAGLIST: @totallynotkaibiased @jsbaby @midnightrqin @siriuslysmoking
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natasha-in-space · 11 months
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Haha, new profile pic goes brrrr, or: childhood friends au my beloved
I find it so funny how baby Rika's hairstyle on the new CG is so similar to how adult Chaewon's hairstyle looks. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, I don't think Chaewon was ever a big fan of trick-or-treating, since dressing up is not something she particularly enjoys, but she always relented for her brother's sake. If you add baby Rika to that, she won't even complain much! Unless they make her dress too cutesy that is...
Ref. by @spaniforce on Twitter
More childhood friends au lore dump under the cut 👇
It's interesting to me to think about the possibility of these two meeting as kids. Chaewon comes from a wealthy family, and while this comes with its own difficulties in her relations with them, her parents are good people. She grows more reserved and closed off with age, but as a child? She is a rather spunky and outgoing kid. I feel like she would have a 'mean girl' reputation around her school, even though that label doesn't really fit her. She's not a bully, but she has no filter, and she sure loves getting into fights, much to her father's dismay.
So, what if she ended up going to the very same school Rika was struggling in as a child? Such a thought makes my brain buzz. I don't think she would pay much attention to Rika at first, no. (Or rather Serena, to be more true to canon, but, for simplicity sake, I'll continue using 'Rika' here) She's a loner, and never really made any close friends in school, nor did she ever feel the need to. But, I do think she could overhear some nasty words and rumors that are being spread around about Rika between the other kids. Maybe she'll stumble onto a bullying scene one day. Maybe she'll walk in on Rika crying alone in an empty classroom after forgetting her bag for the countless time. Whatever the case is, she wouldn't stand for it. She's not one for mincing soft words, but she can spook off the bullies just fine, and she will offer a snack if she sees a kid crying without showing any rough edges. Her little brother has a much softer demeanor, so she is no stranger to being in a role of protector like that.
I think it'll be a gradual process when it comes to their relationship. Chaewon is very close with her parents, and she always tells her mother all about her day in school. So, her mother will probably be the one to nudge her into making friends with Rika. Maybe she doesn't have any friends and that's why she's sad? Chaewon doesn't have any friends in her class either, so why doesn't she try to be friends with her? Just a suggestion, her mother says.
I do think Rika will be timid and a bit distant, especially since Chaewon is a very blunt kid. If she thinks you look stupid, she will say just that. But, I believe she'll eventually learn that Chaewon means no ill. She never teases her and she never says that Rika's a bad child. She says that she's strange, but she doesn't make fun of her for that. In fact, she continues to find ways to talk to her daily. Rika will be confused by all this. Does Chaewon like her or not?
It'll be a period of this cautious friendship between them, before Chaewon inadvertently learns of Rika's poor family situation. Be it by Rika slipping up during conversation, or her literally being witness to her mother's abusive behavior first hand. Chaewon is just a kid - a sheltered one at that - so she'll be moreso confused and taken aback by it all than anything else.
That's when her parents come in. Rika's family is well off and makes sure to uphold their good reputation, but so does Chaewon's. It won't take long for her mother to suspect of Rika being seriously abused, judging by what her daughter tells her of the situation, and she won't stand for that. There are a lot of ways to go about it, but, what is concrete, is that Rika will be removed from her abusive environment eventually.
She will probably never meet V, nor Yoosung, nor establish the RFA, nor encounter the Choi twins, so... how much of a good ending that is for the overall story of mystic messenger remains in question. But, it's nice to think of Rika growing into adulthood with trusted and responsible adults around her that she can go to for help, and loyal friends to experience life with. It'll change both her and Chaewon inadvertently. I don't think Chaewon will be as brash or closed off as she is in a normal timeline. Rika helps her be more open to the world and mindful of how her words and actions can affect others, as well as motivating her to pursue her aspirations in life. She will probably pursue a career in professional sport thanks to that, too. In canon timeline, she gives up on that dream after losing an eye in a training accident and having a huge falling out with her father, who doesn't want his daughter to risk her safety by pursuing this path... But, I believe Rika could help soothe the tension between them in this au. She has a way with words and can help them both reconcile, as neither Chaewon nor her father have any bad intention towards one another in this conflict. They simply need to come to an understanding with each another, and Rika can be of help to that.
It also gives them a chance to form a healthy and stable relationship (certainly an oddity with these two). I do think it'll take them both a looong time to realize their feelings, come to terms with them, and then finally express them. It's always confusing when the line between platonic and romantic starts to get blurred, especially so when you're only figuring out your sexuality. Makes me giggle to think of them both full on pining for each other while thinking that this is a totally normal 'girl best friend' behavior. Oh, but when they do get together? They are the softest girlfriends ever. First date will be at the aquarium, of course. Can't go wrong with that. Rika would get Chaewon a huge isopod plushie. They name him Snugglebug (it was Rika's idea).
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msfbgraves · 7 months
With how baby-hungry Omegaverse society is, I’m always a little taken aback that Terry and Daniel stopped at 9 puppies. Daniel was so young when he started having babies, and really was built for it in this verse. And Terry—most possessive, obsessive Terry!—would have probably loved knocking him up more. And they’re wealthy too. I’m surprised they didn’t end up with their own Silver army. Haha. It reminds me of pictures uploaded to Reddit that I’ve seen recently. Immigrant families to America (and, funnily enough, many a time Irish Catholic, haha) in the early 1900s with 14, 15 kids, lined up tallest to smallest and Ma and Pa on either end. That is what I imagine when I think of Daniel and Terry in this verse lol. What’s the averse amount of pups an Alpha and Omega pair have in this verse anyways?
I don't think bearing 10+ pups is very conducive to pup survival, Nonnie. If infant mortality is high, there's something to say for it, but that is a great way of killing the mother! Our human (beta) bodies do not take into account whether or not a body is capable of even delivering a baby alive, just growing one. Good on Mammy in those pictures to survive that many births, but many didn't. Those who did often reported feeling less than human, caring for so many little ones.
If you want mother and pup to survive, the body needs time off. That's why omegas have first and second litters. Second litters may be bigger than Daniel's two, but 7 for a first litter is very, very much. Would Terry have wanted more? Yes. Would he have had more if Daniel's heats after the age of 41 had been less sporadic? Yes. But Daniel wants to be a person to his pups, not a pair of arms, and by now he has three fully grown Alpha pups who are absolutely loyal to, and feral for, him especially. Moreso than Terry. For someone always going on about loyalty, his could be greater. If there's only the three more heats? And Daniel doesn't want anymore pups, partly because Anthony is 16 when his last sibling is born and he will want his own before he's 20? Do you think Sam, Yasmin and especially Eli are letting Daddy near Daniel? Mama wants to be there for the pup he already bore, not for the one he might yet bear, and boy do his children appreciate that. That's their Mama, and though Daddy loves him, the eldest pups remember how he's not above hurting him. They've been trained to fight by their parents, their grandparents and family, Terry can feck right off.
Daniel has a last heat around 48/ 49, by then the Alphas are having puppies, Anthony and Luna are having puppies (Daniel is hardly there full time but they trust no one to help them better with their litters than their Mama), no, Terry, go hug your grandkids instead. Anthony and Luna especially adore their Daddy, and the youngest two are not even in middle school anyway.
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starleska · 1 year
Expressionism and Red Academia for Jack? 👀
hehehe oh my goodness what a great set you've chosen!!! okay, here they are for 'Big' Jack Horner 😉
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😱Expressionism😱 ~ Describe to us exactly how your F/O makes you feel! Or, for a twist, describe how you make your F/O feel! Or do both!
oh…Mr Horner makes my gut twist with excitement 😖💖 he's just so imposing and forthright, with absolutely no qualms when it comes to speaking his mind and taking what he wants…it's that domineering, single-minded focus that leaves no room for distraction or inadequate results which really gets me;;; i know if i met the man in real life i would be a trembling mess and wouldn't be able to get a word in edgeways…something he would doubtless exploit, either for his own gain or amusement 😳 take a shot for every Jack fan who enjoys being bullied by a big, awful man!! 😂 because the idea of Jack holding any feelings for me makes me want to fold up into a pretzel shape, i'll answer with how he feels towards my OC, Aspen Branch 😉
i think Jack is quietly horrified with himself for giving in to what he considers his 'baser urges' - and he can't even begin to think about being in love. he tries to rationalise his desire to be with Aspen as a natural reaction to a beautiful woman, and that it's a strong, powerful emotion…but in reality, he's scared. intimacy is something Jack feels he has no room for, not anymore...he discards people with ease now he's so big and powerful. love is something which makes him feel small, and weak, and powerless...and to not be in control of who he falls for - especially such a delicate, soft individual? it's something which makes him tear his hair out 😖
🍷Red Academia🍷 ~ What’s your favorite fun-fact about your F/O?
haha, less a fun-fact and more a personal headcanon!! i like to think Jack artificially enhanced his enormous body with magical items - kind of Shrek-universe equivalent of steroids. i just find it very unlikely that Jack ended up that huge when his parents are a very normal size!! after all, we do see Jack tinkering with the Alice in Wonderland size snacks…i really love the AU some folks have come up with, where Jack meets The Fairy Godmother and they strike up a highly unethical deal to get Jack his desired size. i imagine The Fairy Godmother sizes Jack up as a useful 'friend' - a wealthy connection with a pie empire which almost certainly smuggles illegal circumstances in its pastries 👀 ahhh, i love answering for Jack!! thanks so much for this one :3c [ask game]
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roberrtphilip · 1 year
hiiii i wanna hear your thoughts about robert and giselle’s pasts. mostly their families like parents, siblings, etc. giselle especially because it seems like she just came outta the wood work HAHA. what’s your headcanon past for her!!! (but robert toooo)
AH !
okay so I'll go through Robert's first bc it's kind of basic, and shorter.
I think he comes from a wealthy family, with two successful lawyer parents, and was an only child. He was very close with both parents (Marie and David), though he was definitely closer to his mother. He really admired her, and she was ultimately the reason he chose to pursue law. He did think about becoming a teacher for a little while, but ended up choosing family law bc it's what his mom did.
Despite being closer to his mom, he really did love his dad, and is definitely more like him personality-wise. I think his mom was more out-going and positive, whereas his dad was introverted and sarcastic, with a bad sense of dad humor, which Robert absolutely picked up.
His parents ended up dying when he was around 23 (car accident), and outside of his (now ex) wife (Vanessa) he had no other family. I think he does have a few very distant relatives floating around, but none that he's ever met.
Also, I headcanon his full name is Robert Florian Philip, and that Florian was his grandfather's name :]
Now, for Giselle!
I know Andalasia is meant to be this like... happy, upbeat place but I kind of like to lean into the darker elements that it might contain. It's a fairytale world, after all, and we know trolls were trying to eat her, and Narissa was trying to kill her so, I can indulge a lil bit :]
With that said, I think Giselle's parents were, sadly, killed when she was a baby. We know the animals found her left alone in the woods, and I like to think that the cottage she lived in was where she was born/living when her parents died. Because it happened when she was so young, she has no memories, even on her Memory Tree, and has no idea who her parents were or what happened to them. None of the animals do either, but everyone kind of assumes they must've died.
All of the animals helped take care of her, but none more than Pip's family. I know chipmunks don't live as long in real life, but in Andalasia they do, it's true, it's real. He's two years older than Giselle and acts as her older brother.
Her cottage was hidden pretty deep in the forest and, because of that, she had very limited human interaction for most of her life. I do think, though, that she and Pip would sneak off to get a closer look at the kingdom and observe how the people there lived, and Giselle would mimic how the women held themselves, and spoke. I also think, once they were older and a bit bolder, they'd steal things from the bakery and library. Giselle will deny she ever did this, saying Pip did all the dirty work, but she absolutely helped. They were definitely a bread stealing team.
Circling back to her limited human interaction bit, ohhhh she was starving for human interaction. Sometimes, she'd flip through the many books she owned and wish more than anything that she could find her true love just so she could have at least one other human to talk to. She used to go back and forth on whether or not she should try and live in the kingdom, but she didn't want to leave her family, and she worried she wouldn't be welcomed there. Meeting Edward was a dream come true, not just bc she thought he was her true love but also bc hello !! Human interaction ? He's saying I can live in the kingdom? This is wonderful !!
Also, sidenote, bc she spent so long running, hiding, and defending herself from trolls, and other threatening mythical creatures, she's got quite a few scars on her body and, I think, if she'd had a better angle, she could've slayed Narissa on her own.
Overall, though, Giselle had a very happy childhood! She was certainly desperate for human interaction, but she loved her animal family, and wouldn't have traded them for anything. They taught her how to sew, and cook, and read, and dance, and defend herself when it was needed (how do the animals know this? that's the power of Andalasia baby). I don't think she wondered too much about her biological parents as she got older, and while she is technically an only child, she considers like. Half the forest her siblings/cousins so. Robert ended up with a lot of in-laws to impress.
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writernopal · 1 year
Happy WBW! I got some weird associations running through my mind, so let's talk about dating in your world. Are there any traditions or conventions for courting? What about engagement or marriage proposals? Bonus: Do any of your character stray from this?
Happy WBW, Wynne!
There are! For this, I'll talk about my favorites, Lizardfolk! putting this under a cut bc it's long T_T sorry
Are there any traditions or conventions for courting?
In the Holtep Empire, courting is a pretty business-minded affair. It all starts with ikismal ceremonies. These are Lizardfolk rite of passage ceremonies that are celebrated when that lizard matures and becomes eligible to be married. Noble families will attend to watch the participants to make matches between their children based on the performance of the individuals involved.
Once a match is made, the couple has about 2 or 3 chaperoned meetings to get to know each other a little better, and as long as they don't bite each other's heads off, then a date for the wedding is set. They typically don't exchange gifts, not even simple things. It's seen as bribery to do something like that. Especially not flowers. Flowers are rare in the Empire (it's a desert), so giving someone flowers is the equivalent of giving someone a stack of cash. Big no-no.
What about engagement or marriage proposals?
Parents and clan leaders are usually involved in brokering marriage proposals between families, especially among nobility. There are all sorts of legal documents that need to be prepared and signed to keep track of wealth, titles, lands, and styles (ie middle names). The couple themselves are not involved in this process at all, and can take anywhere from one to two weeks of negotiation to complete. Once this is done, then the couple goes through a ceremonial proposal. It's usually public (non-negotiable) because the families want their hard work in arranging the match to be seen.
The groom, his father, and uncles will arrive at the home (read: square or city center of her hometown) of his wife-to-be to perform what is called a bridal enrobing. He places a veil over her head and says a few words to her and her family (usually prepared by his father) about how she will be cared for, and that is basically the proposal in a nutshell. There is never a question between bride or groom if one wants to marry the other the way that we do things at any point in the process.
After that, various ceremonies follow that are basically readings of the legal documents that were prepared. This will take no more than three days, and at the end, the couple is married, and the bride accompanies her husband back to his home with his family.
Regarding the people involved in marriages, same-sex marriages, and interracial marriages are not sanctioned in the Empire. Participating in either one openly will result in a loss of lands, wealth, titles, and rank, and the individual will be exiled from the Empire. Breaking a marriage also results in similar consequences (divorce is not an option). Men are allowed to take more than one wife, but they need to obtain that right by a show of superiority, winning hunting tourneys, being extremely wealthy, being decorated veterans etc.
Do any of your characters stray from this?
Yes. Most of the Lizardfolk in AASOAF do because the majority of them are pirates. They kind of do whatever they want haha. AASOAF 1 opens with Axtapor preparing to propose to his Elven girlfriend, Ophelia, something that is not only illegal but the method he was going to go about does not follow Lizardfolk tradition. He was instead going to use human proposal and marriage traditions (getting down on one knee etc) because he thinks it's a lot simpler and less fussy.
Wilkes, another Lizardfolk, is married to Fay, something that is again illegal though the two of them could care less since they're both pirates. They kind of did whatever they wanted and there were several (rejected) proposals between the two of them until they finally got on the same page and decided to marry each other. Their wedding ceremony was very paganistic, so not at all in line with either Human or Lizardfolk custom.
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