#elliot unstabler
enigmatist17 · 2 years
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my (for @luxshine)
Prompt: Law and Order (SVU and Criminal Intent)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): John Munch and Robert Goren
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Robert Goren and Fin Tutuola
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Alexandria Eames, Dr. Emil Skoda and Capt. Cragen
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Dr. Emil Skoda (I love him okay)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Elliot Stabler
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Uh, a toss between Fin Tutuola and Robert Goren
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Ron Carver (he’s kind of a dick for no reason a lot) and Rebecca Balthus
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doodlboy · 2 years
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hands you another meme
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666jevil · 2 years
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bobmckenzie · 8 months
genuinely makes me sad when people hate on penny from stardew valley 😔 BE NICER 🔫 OR ELSE
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warningsine · 1 year
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stardatez3ro · 9 months
eating my fingers this lore × elliot thing ive been writing has gone from 'lol silly guy and evil grumpy bastard learn to get along' to greek tragedy level angst .this shit is doomed yaoi now .what have i done .what monster have i created .
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
hopelessly devoted to you - 4
Summary: The divorce battle is here, and Harry has prepared you well. Will it go exactly how you wish it should?
Words: 4.3k+
Warnings: angst, crying, insecurities, a divorce and custody battle in court, a kiss. fluff too!
previous part here | series masterlist
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The morning of the custody hearing, the courthouse was tense. . You walked in hand-in-hand with Harry, drawing strength from his reassuring presence. Elliot was already there, stone-faced with his arrogant lawyer in tow. The second you made eye contact, his expression twisted into a sneer, looking at you with so much anger and disgust.
Harry leaned in close as you took your seats. "Don't worry about him, yeah? We've got this in the bag as long as you stick to the truth."
He knew that Elliot still had an impact on you, years of torture doesn’t just slip away in one day. But when he wanted to pull you down, he knew he needed to be the support you could climb on to.
You gave a jerky nod, your stomach tying itself in knots. Despite all the evidence and preparation, a nagging voice whispered that it could all go wrong. That Elliot might somehow slither his way out unscathed like he always did. That he would take your daughter away from you, and you would end up with nothing.
The courtroom quieted as the bailiff's gruff voice rang out. "All rise for the honorable Judge Peterson."
Here we go.
The opening statements set an ominous tone. Elliot's lawyer, an oily shark of a man, wasted no time painting you as a scorned, unstable wife making reckless accusations against his client. He portrayed Elliot as a doting family man being unfairly persecuted. A man who was always devoted to his family, and never showed even the tiniest bit of anger toward you.
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie.
But the facade he was putting on didn’t seem to be working. He kept looking down, at the walls, at the stenographer, but never straight front, like an honest person would
Harry's jaw tensed, but his rebuttal was measured and methodical. Over the next few minutes, he clearly outlined the mountain of evidence against your soon-to-be ex -eyewitness testimonies, the drunken, unhinged video from your mother's home, and most damningly, Ellie's own statement about the threatening "uncle" who accompanied Elliot.
You could see the first fissures of doubt cracking Elliot's cocky veneer when Harry finished. His smug lawyer already looked rattled.
Finally, you were called to the stand. Harry's steadfast gaze assured you as you raised your right hand to be sworn in. This was it - time to confront your demons once and for all.
"In your own words, can you describe the sequence of events that led you to pursue this divorce and custody case against Mr. Harris?" the judge prompted in a neutral tone.
You took a fortifying breath and launched into your well-practiced testimony. Every sickening detail, from the escalating verbal and emotional abuse to Elliot's drunken rampages, poured out in an unstoppable torrent. In front of you, Ellie huddled against your mother's side, her little face pale. You never wanted her to listen to these horrors you had experienced, but her testimony was important for the case too. Plus, it was the hearing for her custody, so she had to be present.
Elliot's lawyer tried to shake you, pelting you with ruthless character attacks about being a negligent mother, a cheating wife, an alcoholic with anger issues. 
But, Harry had prepped you well. 
"Look him in the eye and don't let his tactics rattle you. He's trying to make you doubt yourself, but we both know your truth."
So you steeled yourself and stared Elliot down, refusing to be cowed any longer. The more you spoke, the more flustered and furious his lawyer became until he finally sputtered to a halt, realizing his tactics weren't landing.
When you finally stepped down, Harry's proud smile was all the reassurance you needed. The evidence was mounting, the cracks in Elliot's case becoming increasingly apparent. You could sense the momentum shifting in your favor.
The final twist came during Elliot's ex-buddy's testimony. His so-called "friend" strode in, flanked by guards, having been detained on an unrelated matter. The guy's sheer size and plethora of vivid tattoos made it instantly clear why Ellie had been so frightened.
Elliot kept shooting venomous glares at the hulking man, until the shocking revelation dropped - Elliot had hired this terrifying figure as hired muscle to muscle you into giving up Ellie during their confrontation at her school. He was going to take Ellie home with him, once he had threatened you when you came to pick her up.
Pandemonium erupted. Elliot was forcibly restrained as he launched himself towards his traitorous former ally, bellowing vile curses and threats, even spitting at him. The judge had to call a recess while order was restored, the courtroom buzzing with shocked murmurs.
When proceedings finally resumed, the flinty-eyed judge stared Elliot down as a broken, bitter man. Any veneer of upstanding family man had been irrevocably shattered, leaving only a twisted bully raging against consequences of his own making.
At long last, Judge Peterson took a fortifying breath and delivered her ruling. "In light of the preponderance of evidence pointing to ongoing domestic abuse, alcoholism, and reckless endangerment of a minor, I am awarding full legal and physical custody of the child to Mrs. Y/N Y/L/N . Mr. Elliot Harris will be granted supervised visitation rights upon completion of court-mandated therapy and rehabilitation, to be re-evaluated quarterly."
You sagged in your seat, all the tension fleeing in a rush of dizzying relief. It was over. You had won. Tears were welling up in your eyes, but you didn’t want to cry. Not right now.
Harry was beside you in an instant, strong arms enveloping you in a fierce hug. "You were incredible, darling," he murmured against your hair, steadying you while happy tears streamed down your cheeks. "You never gave up fighting for your little girl. I'm so damned proud of you."
His warm breath caressed your skin as you tilted your head back to gaze up at him, savoring the admiration and affection blazing in his expression. For weeks you had fought to ignore the deepening feelings simmering between you. There was a connection, an intimacy that went far beyond even close friends.
Now, caught in his tender embrace, everything suddenly felt so complicated. This remarkable man had strode into your life like a soothing balm, sheltering you and Ellie from the ugliness with his steadfast strength and kindness. He had faced down your darkest demons and emerged victorious, like a knight in shining armor.
Surely you couldn't be naive enough to believe he felt anything more for you than loyalty between friends and allies? And even if he did share the growing spark you felt, acting on it would only stir up more upheaval in the wake of this custody battle, wouldn't it?
You almost convinced yourself that Harry sensed your spiraling doubts at that moment. His bright green eyes dimmed ever so slightly, letting you tuck away whatever fragile intimacy had been blooming between you.
Instead, he simply rested his forehead against yours for a heartbeat, offering you a tender smile before releasing you from his arms. 
Right, back to being consummate professionals.
"Let's go get your little girl so we can celebrate properly, eh?" he murmured, clearing his throat. "I'll call for a car to take us back to mine. Pizza and a night in watching crappy telly. Think Ellie would like that?"
You had no place to live, and in a moment, he had given you a home and a promise–of keeping you and your daughter safe till you parted ways.
Parted ways.
You managed a shaky laugh, ignoring the dull ache in your heart as the moment passed. "She'd love it. Thank you, Harry...for everything."
So you followed him obediently towards the corridor where your mother was waiting with Ellie. For the time being, you would bask in your hard-won victory and focus on nothing but enjoying this reprieve. As for whatever was simmering between you and Harry...that would have to wait.
Because you couldn't afford more complications right now. Not when you were both still putting the shattered pieces of your respective lives back together. Not when the slightest miscalculation could unravel the fragile peace and security you had fought so hard for.
So you pushed away the nagging awareness of all the lingering glances, the heated charged moments when you gravitate towards one another without thought. The profound sense of being utterly seen and cherished for the first time in your life.
All of that would need to be firmly locked away for now, you decided as Harry swept Ellie up into his arms amid her delighted squeals. The way he blinked rapidly to hold back tears you pretended not to notice. The tender, protective way his free hand found the small of your back as he ushered you both out of the courthouse towards your waiting car.
He was fulfilling something he didn’t have to.
For this little while, you would dwell only on the joy. On reveling in your fresh start, free from the shackles of abuse and toxicity that had haunted you for so long. When the time was right to face your blossoming connection with this man who had become your steadfast champion, you would find the courage to lean into those feelings.
But first, you would savor this night with your daughter and the closest friend you now considered family. You would let Ellie's happy laughter soothe every last ache as you snuggled on Harry's plush sofa watching terrible rom-coms and eating a greasy pizza.
Tomorrow could bring what it may. Tonight, you were simply basking in your own rebirth alongside your two favorite people in the world.
The next few weeks passed in a cozy, domestic blur. True to his word, Harry insisted you and Ellie stay with him to decompress after the emotional turmoil of the custody battle. His spacious flat became your safe haven, a sanctuary where you could begin piecing your little family back together.
With Ellie happily ensconced in the guest room surrounded by plush toys and her favorite books, you found yourself settling into an easy routine with Harry. Mornings were spent enjoying elaborate breakfasts he seemed to delight in whipping up - blueberry pancakes drizzled with sweet lemon curd, thick-cut bacon, and frothy hot chocolates for your girl.
"She barely ate anything for months with all the stress," you admitted one morning, watching Ellie devour her third pancake with unbridled glee. "It's such a relief to see her appetite back."
Harry merely reached over to squeeze your hand, offering you that soul-soothing smile. "She's got her mum back now. And she knows she's finally safe."
You tried not to dwell too much on the way those words settled deep in your bones like a warm caress. How you lived for the casual touches, the reassuring embraces that always seemed to ground you so effortlessly. For the first time in forever, you felt truly seen in a way that transcended the ugliness of your past.
Evenings were spent watching musicals and Disney classics cuddled on the sofa, Ellie snuggled between you both. Her delighted giggles as Harry crooned along to the silliest songs in that rich baritone never failed to make your heart swell. Sometimes you would glance over to find him already watching you with an achingly soft expression, his gaze heated yet tender.
Those were the moments your breath would catch, the awareness of him washing over you with heady intensity before you quickly averted your stare. Falling for your knight in sharply-tailored armor would only lead to catastrophe, you constantly reminded yourself.   
Because Harry was planning to request a transfer out of the city once your divorce was finalized.
"Big changes are in order for me too, love," he confessed one evening after Ellie had dozed off between you, her beloved stuffed bunny clutched in her arms. "I've been feeling the need to shake things up for a while now, get out of the big city's toxic rat race. Go to a more quiet place."
You tried not to let your broken expression show, focusing instead on stroking Ellie's soft curls. "That makes sense. You've more than earned a fresh start after...well, everything."
Harry hummed in agreement, lazily tracing patterns on your knee with the pads of his fingertips - an idle gesture that nevertheless sent shivers down your spine and heat lancing through your core. 
It was a harmless habit you had gotten yourself, feeling safe with his touch on your body.
You would have to get rid of it soon too.
"Who knows, maybe I'll finally make good on that dream of opening a practice in some sleepy seaside town where the most vicious crimes are petty theft and parking violations," he teased, emerald eyes twinkling mischievously.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't quite banish your looming sense of loss. The thought of this man eventually exiting your life, leaving just another Harry-shaped hole...it was unfathomable after everything you'd been through together. But you would never ask him to derail his aspirations just to assuage your own growing fears of abandonment.
No, you loved him and–
Oh shit.
You loved him.
And loving means knowing how to let go.
"Well wherever you end up, I hope a certain little moppet will be welcome to visit her favorite uncle from time to time," you replied, aiming for a lighter tone.
Harry's penetrating gaze flickered over your face, savoring every feature in a way that made you flush with self-consciousness. "Nothing would make me happier," he rasped, his voice thick with an undercurrent of emotion that sent your heart racing.
You cleared your throat and quickly glanced away, cursing your traitorous heart. Allowing yourself to indulge in the growing spark between you would only lead to more pain when he eventually left. It was better to savor these peaceful moments without becoming ensnared by the hope of anything more lasting.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," you said, forcing a smile. "I'm sure Ellie will be heartbroken when you inevitably move on to greener pastures."
Harry's expression faltered, a shadow of hurt flickering across his features before he schooled his face into a neutral mask. "You're right, of course," he murmured, shifting his gaze to Ellie's sleeping form. "I wouldn't want to upset the little one."
An awkward silence fell between you, the air thick with unspoken tension. You hated the way you could practically feel the walls going up around him, the fragile intimacy you'd shared fracturing under the weight of your own doubts and fears.
Desperate to recapture the easy camaraderie you'd found, you reached out and squeezed his hand. "Harry, I...I don't mean to push you away. It's just—" You sighed, struggling to find the right words. "This has all been so overwhelming, and I can't bear the thought of Ellie getting her heart broken when you inevitably leave.” you took a applause, before saying, “Like everyone else does”
And that shattered Harry’s heart.
His grip tightened around your fingers, his thumb brushing soothing circles against your skin. "I understand, love. Believe me, I don't want to hurt either of you. But I hope you know that no matter where I end up, you and Ellie will always have a place in my life."
You offered him a watery smile, your heart swelling with gratitude and affection for this incredible man. "Thank you, Harry. That means more to me than you know."
He returned your smile, the warmth in his gaze making your breath catch. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss him, to let yourself get lost in the comfort and security of his embrace.
But you couldn't. Not when the future was so uncertain, not when your wounds were still so fresh. So you settled for savoring the tender intimacy of the moment, committing every detail to memory.
So you smiled and changed the subject. Because you were the one who chose this path by pursuing divorce, setting into motion the dominos that would ultimately rob you of Harry's steadfast presence.  This day had always been coming.
Still, you couldn't regret finally summoning the courage to shed your shackles and start anew, no matter how bittersweet the cost. For the first time in her young life, Ellie could simply revel in being a normal little girl without the specter of her father's anger and demons looming.  You had given your daughter the truest gift of all - the freedom to grow up unchained by fear and toxicity.
Looking at Harry cuddling her sleeping form, his handsome face awash in tender adoration, you felt a sudden flare of bone-deep gratitude for this remarkable man despite the pain of his future absence. You would carry the strength and resilience he had shown you for the rest of your days. 
So you allowed yourself a fleeting moment of weakness, reaching over to interlace your fingers with his where they rested on Ellie's back. Harry froze at the contact, eyes snapping up to bore into yours with molten intensity. His sharp inhale was clearly audible in the stillness of the room.
But you simply angled your body to face him fully, committing every chiseled plane and nuance of his expression to memory - from those soulful evergreen irises to the dusting of freckles across his proud nose to those ridiculously lush lips you had definitely not imagined kissing more than once.
You didn't speak, though. Somehow you both instinctually understood that words would only taint the profound intimacy thrumming between you in that suspended heartbeat. 
Then you released his hand, the moment fracturing before your heart could betray you even further. Harry gulped harshly, his throat bobbing as he visibly steadied himself.  The air itself seemed to shiver with all the things you refused to acknowledge aloud.
This connection - this blissful yet transient pas de deux you had stumbled into with your dearest friend and savior - was too profound to be reduced to something as ephemeral as mere words. It simply was, and you would soak in every remaining second before you inevitably drifted apart.
Because people like Harry Styles didn't stick around forever, no matter how desperately you might wish it. He was a brilliant, vital force of nature destined for a grand future full opportunity. While you, well...you were just the broken divorcee still only beginning to rebuild your life from the ashes.  
So you would let him go with your blessing, just as he had given you the greatest gift imaginable - your precious Ellie's hand to cling to as you stepped out of the shadows and into the warmth at long last. As you inhaled the gentle citrus notes of his cologne that had become such a source of comfort, you swore to cherish every beautiful memory this extraordinary man had gifted you.
Then tomorrow would come, and the future would wash over you with its inevitable tides of change. But for tonight, you had this: your baby girl secure in Harry's loving embrace, oblivious to the bittersweet poignant permeating the air. The sense of belonging, even if it was only fleeting.
So you smiled and tucked yourself against Ellie's side to bask in their combined warmth, feeling more whole and cherished than you ever dared to dream. The outside world and all its tumult could wait until morning. Here and now in this fragile cocoon, you had finally rediscovered your sense of home.
The next few weeks passed in a cozy, domestic blur. Harry's spacious flat became your safe haven, a sanctuary where you could begin piecing your little family back together. Mornings were spent enjoying elaborate breakfasts he seemed to delight in whipping up, while evenings were spent watching musicals and Disney classics cuddled on the sofa.
And through it all, Harry had been your steadfast champion, your guiding light. Even if the future held the inevitability of his departure, you knew that the indelible mark he'd left on your life would continue to sustain you.
So as you drifted off to sleep, your head resting on Harry's shoulder, you allowed yourself to savor the fragile beauty of this moment. Tomorrow would come soon enough, with all its uncertainties and challenges. But for now, you were home.
In the days that followed, you found yourself clinging to those precious moments of stillness and contentment. The easy camaraderie you and Harry had built slowly began to mend, the awkwardness of your previous conversation fading into the background.
Ellie's joyful laughter and unbridled enthusiasm were a balm to your soul, and you reveled in watching her blossom under Harry's doting attention. He seemed to have an innate knack for making her feel safe, treasured – qualities you'd long feared your daughter would never experience.
As you observed the two of them together, you couldn't help but find yourself falling deeper under Harry's spell. The way he looked at Ellie, with such pure, unconditional love, made your heart swell with a yearning you dared not give voice to. And when his gaze would shift to you, the tenderness and raw adoration shining in those mesmerizing green eyes left you positively breathless.
Still, you resisted the urge to lean into that budding connection, reminding yourself of the inevitable heartbreak that would follow. Harry's plans to leave the city were a constant presence in the back of your mind, a relentless drumbeat that refused to be silenced.
But as the days turned into weeks, and your divorce was finalized without incident, you found yourself growing bolder. Little by little, you allowed the walls around your heart to crumble, letting Harry's presence seep into the cracks. His unwavering support, his fierce loyalty – it was a lifeline you clung to .
And when he would catch you watching him, that all-too-familiar heat blooming in the depths of his gaze, you didn't look away. Instead, you'd hold his stare, daring him to make the first move, to finally tear down the fragile barriers you'd both erected.
The simmering tension between you was palpable, a living, breathing thing that threatened to consume you both. You knew you were playing with fire, risking the precious friendship you'd forged in the crucible of your darkest moments. You couldn't resist Harry's warmth and devotion.
Harry reached out and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from your face. The simple gesture sent electricity crackling down your spine, and you found yourself leaning into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I can't stop thinking about you. About us."
Your heart pounded in your ears as you slowly opened your eyes, drowning in the vulnerability etched across his handsome features. "Harry..." you breathed, your fingers trembling as you covered his hand with your own.
"I know it's complicated, and that I'm planning to leave," he continued, his thumb tenderly caressing your cheek. "But I can't deny this any longer. The way I feel about you, it's...it's everything."
You found yourself nodding, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as the weight of his confession settled over you. "I feel it too, Harry. God, I've tried so hard to ignore it, but—"
He silenced you with a gentle press of his fingers against your lips, his gaze burning with an intensity that stole your breath away. "Then don't," he murmured, his face inching closer to yours. "Don't ignore it. Let me in, Y/N. Please."
The world seemed to slow to a crawl as you stared into the depths of his eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or hesitation. But all you found was a fierce, unwavering adoration that threatened to unravel you completely.
Slowly, reverently, you lifted a trembling hand to cup his jaw, marveling at the soft scratch of his stubble against your palm. 
"Well, then, I guess one man's trash is another man's treasure," you said, the words slipping out without a second thought. The smile faded from Harry's lips, his brow furrowing.
"Don't ever say that again." His voice was soft yet firm. "You are a treasure. You're my treasure. But you were never anything less than that, not to me."
Before you could respond, he leaned in and captured your lips in a searing kiss. All the unspoken feelings between you ignited, the world narrowing down to just the two of you. You melted into his embrace, your fingers tangling in his soft curls as you surrendered to the passion consuming you both.
His lips moved against yours in a way that had you melting into him. His touch was soft, almost as if trying not to break you.
When you finally parted, breathless and flushed, you found yourself drowning in the sheer adoration etched across his face. "Bloody hell, you're everything," he murmured, pressing his forehead to yours. "I didn't mean to fall for you, but I can't imagine my life without you in it."
You chuckled weakly, your fingers tracing the sharp lines of his jaw. "I think it's a little late for that, Harry. I'm afraid you're stuck with me now."
His answering smile was dazzling, a glimpse of the boundless joy that had been lurking beneath the surface. "Good. That's exactly how I want it."
In that moment, the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of you and the sleeping child you both cherished. The future was still very much uncertain for you, but it seemed less uncertain when you knew you had Harry.
You knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, not with Harry's departure coming. But as you curled up against him, Ellie's soft breaths ghosting across your skin, you felt a profound sense of peace wash over you.
tell me if you like this! please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry   @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
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feathernotes · 2 days
Alright Krispy, what is Ghost Junk Sickness actually about? You keep yelling about it- Tell us the deats!
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It's a comic about two bounty hunters with an unstable dynamic who are pushed to pursue the deadly and elusive bounty, The Ghost- it's about owning up and self acceptance- and it's queer AF ---> 🧵
We've got our first main player, Alphonse 'Trigger' Elliot, a Bi disaster man who uses a nickname to outrun his ex…well, both of his exes! Determined to run away from responsibility, he gets caught up in vicious bounty hunts and taking care of some strange super powered spiky haired amnesiac
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In comes Vahn- an overpowered burger loving enby who can't for the life of them remember what really happened 5 years ago- during the apocalypse of course. They're drawn to finding out who that big scary Ghost is, and hey, looks like they pick up a few romance options along the way!
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and BUSTIN' DOWN THE DOORS is Boggmouth, Triggers infamous ex- On the hunt for money, fame, and a great pizza place. She gets swept up in this whole Ghost fiasco after catching up with Trigger on a super dangerous hunt to prove a point: Own up to past mistakes or take the L. And boy did Trigger lose
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With those three together, navigating the treacherous landscapes of the post apocalyptic-recovering June7, trying to own up to their past, and forge a new future- They encounter many MANY scary and odd things while on the hunt for the ghost. Mainly this guy…. being… horror?
Meet The Medium!
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The Medium strikes a deal and is also on a war path to get that damned ghost. Why? Well lets just say its a tad embarrassing for an eldritch god to admit!
Together with a pretty confused 4 armed himbo, The Medium and Nowe make their way to get what they want- While avoiding the General, of course
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General Raine Fiachra, the Space French Lady who hails from the prosperous galactic capital planet July, wants all of the prize- and that includes traversing several different universes to claim it. She's interested in the Medium, and Nowe is so annoyingly in her way! We love mean ladies
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With this soup of a cast makes a rather roller coaster of a ride for the story of GJS. Trigger owning up to his mistakes, Vahn discovering who they are, Boggs getting closure- and of course, catching that damned bounty The Ghost! What galactic crimes has he commited to earn such a bounty on his head
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GJS is a story about self acceptance- all of the parts of you that feel unloved, messy, and want to avoid. It's a story crafted about characters in impossible situations just trying to get by, and what it means to move on from hurt.
it's about bounty hunters, ghosts, and love!
You can read it here
You can get the WHOLE set of books on kickstarter right meow, HERE
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
"What Archetypes Are Your OCs?" Quiz, Top Four Fictional Crushes and The Worst Ship Chart Ever
Tagged by @shellibisshe @inafieldofdaisies @josephseedismyfather @voidika and @imogenkol
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @icecutioner @strangefable @strafethesesinners @josephslittledeputy @rhettsabbott @carlosoliveiraa @cassietrn @g0dspeeed @turbo-virgins @aceghosts @afarcryfrommymain @derelictheretic @deputy-morgan-malone @wrathfulrook @softtidesworld @shallow-gravy @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @vampireninjabunnies-blog @cloudofbutterflies92 @florbelles @sleepyconfusedpotato @titiagls @minilev @skoll-sun-eater @thewanderer-000 and @lulu2992 (for Top Four Fictional crushes, but you can join with the other tags if you want).
Three results for OC archetypes, a listing of four of my fictional crushes (oh fuck-) and two worst ship charts ever. You can find the quiz here. You can find these and the template for the chart below.
Three results for Archetypes for OCs from The UnTitledverse, The Silver Chronicles and A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore.
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I don't this is necessarily correct. Throughout the first two sagas (The Pefect Storm and The Omniscient Rule sagas), Jeff has been nothing more than a supporting and often times tertiary protagonist. Maybe not a main but definitely important. He has moments of selfishness, sure, but that's not often. The only really selfish "messed shit up for everyone" moment was when he took the opportunity to change course of events which worsened the space-time continuum while he had been helping the Time Guard chase after a time-travelling mass serial killer fugitive who had been making Time unstable in the first place, which wasn't even out of malicious intent, rather he just wanted his bestest friend back from non-existence, that being Lena Elliot. So yeah, he screwed up, but not to a villainous extent.
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Oh god another villain result. Which... is more accurate for Alexander than it is for Jeff. He's more of an antagonist to Silva, that's for sure (being the right-hand man and Chosen Extraordinaire, which is basically Jacob's top elite Chosen, of Jacob Seed). He has unresolved trauma in regards to his time in Wellington Wells and has embraced his role in Hope County in Eden's Gate, though if a stronger or more ideological compatible person came around, he'd take his loyalists (which includes Hannah McCalkin) and leave Jacob behind.
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Link to Minecraft Poem for anyone interested. Oh good, I worried it wasn't going to be different. And OH WOW! Alph got read to filth here. Kind of ironic that he craves love and wants to be surrounded by love but is the "Lone Wanderer". Doubly ironic when he's ghoulified... something that should be where he is rejected by everyone and everything, but ends up with more than he could ever ask for, especially with Ress and Amata... until Arcane Urias ruins everything, as he does.
Here's the list of my top four fictional crushes:
Maki Zen'in - Jujutsu Kaisen (Specifically post-Shibuya Arc)
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(I want to be lifted up and carried bridal-style in her arms)
2. Soundwave - Transformers Prime (when I was young and both completely blind without glasses I didn't know I required and literacy blind to whatever I was watching, I thought this Soundwave (the only one I had been introduced to at the time) was female... he's still pretty aesthetically pleasing though, cool AF, and a caring parent to Laserbeak so...)
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3. Faith Seed - Far Cry 5 (daydreaming-about-frollicking-in-green-flower-fields-and-living-in-cozy-cottages lesbians UNITE!)
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(however fair warning she might get you high enough to talk to God and try to convince you to join her older adoptive brother's cult)
4. GLaDOS - Portal
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(...her soothing condescending voice that belittles and tries to get you killed and her smooth + robust curves in her awesome design enchant me...)
Honourable Mention goes to (look'em up):
5. Sea Empress - Subnautica
Two of the worst ship charts for The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters.
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Translation for the unreadable:
What draws them together? Initially the mystery surrounding each other as no one except a very specific few know much about their former lives, and their opposing factions forces them to interact a lot, and thanks to the Bliss, that's what they mostly end up doing. Plus they mostly fit each others preferences.
What stands in the way? They are at war in two opposing factions, one that wants to kill/detain (Resistance) and the other that will kill but will try to indoctrinate Silva (Eden's Gate). Opposing morality, beliefs and trust issues also get in the way.
What are their good traits? Silva and Faith find companionship with another due to their similar past/current circumstances, and Silva's compassion and unexpected kindness is bizarre and appealing to Faith, as her cunning and passions are appealing to Silva. Both are willing to sabotage their own factions to keep the other around a bit longer, plus their determination to find a peaceful resolution.
What makes them hopeless at romance? Trust, or lack there of. Silva is weary that Faith will report anything she says to Joseph to better get her into Eden's Gate, while Faith is weary that Silva is trying to get close to manipulate her into coming out into the open to better take her down. Both are correct in the beginning but later down the line it gets muddied. Silva also refuses to speak of her past (understandable) except for the vaguest of truths while Faith doesn't fully open herself up in fear of being scorned. Not to mention it's been a long while since Silva had been in a romantic relationship and Faith is very inexperienced.
Describe them with one trope: Toxic Toxic "I can fix her" & "I can make her worse/better" Enemies-To-Lovers Yuri.
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Translation for the unreadable (Also note that when Jennifer is talking about her partner, it's mostly complaining about Sonya, and Sonya's image is more a reference to what I closely envision her as):
What draws them together? They both fail to kill each other and have a bone to pick with both Dicko and Sir Enigma Malvolio and they're also considered "non-human" now.
What stands in their way? Sonya is unstable to the point she's agitated enough to kill others on instinct which Jennifer is trying to control much to Sonya's distaste. There's also the fact Sonya is like a 12-foot something mecha-beastie which she doesn't think Jennifer finds attractive. Jennifer is in denial of her feelings and believes if she loses control of Sonya then it will be right back to square-one like it was with Dicko or she'd die, either one.
What are their good traits? They both have a common interest revenge against Dicko (successful) and Malvolio (work-in-progress), and Sonya acts as Jennifer's trump card and intimidation factor in their illegal business. Both also have an appreciation for their brutal honesty and openness with one another and relatability (with Jennifer as a synthetic human and Sonya's brain transferred to a mecha-beastie). They have no problems committing murder together.
What makes them hopeless at romance? Jennifer is used to being treated as an object of lust and since her freedom from Dicko and take over of his business has pushed to be in control of everything (including Sonya) and is trying to ensure she doesn't lose that control and denying all romantic/sexual feelings, while Sonya is a victim of Malvolio and his treatment of her has left a lot of psychological scars where she dehumanizes herself and does everything in her power to prove it correct too.
Describe them with one trope: Toxic "I can make you so-so-so worse baby" bloody murder Yuri situationship/partnership on a mission of revenge with a pinch of monsterfucking and goes from "I want to kill you" to "I'd kill for you" pipeline.
Template below:
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vivaciousoceans · 2 months
I just want to say thank you for your defense of Amanda Rollins. I feel like the fandom idolizes Benson so much that they forget how morally dubious she's been in the past (and how shitty she's been especially to Amanda) and constantly wants to put her on a pedestal and completely ignore the HUGE character development Amanda has gone through, like do I agree with the stuff Amanda has done no she's done some really messed up things but can I appreciate how flawed her character is and can sympathize with her situation and can appreciate the work she's put in to become a better person Yes. Anyways #amandarollinsrules
I just think it’s ironic for people to be fans of a show centered around sexual assault, primarily women who experience sexual assault, and then hate a woman character who displays symptoms from rape trauma syndrome. Her victim blaming, hypersexuality, addiction issues, issues with authority, could not only be linked to what P*tton did to her, but also her childhood. She grew up in an unstable home with an unstable mother and basically absent father. She had raise Kim, she put her body, her life on the line for her little sister. Amanda caught no breaks, and then she works her way to detective. She’s assaulted by her CO, and then she transfers to New York, where she gets to work with the deified Olivia Benson, who treats her like shit.
Like if we truly want to talk about victim blaming we need to address the fact that any time a mother is less than perfect, an alcoholic, or just “not good enough” in Olivia’s eyes, her blinders turn on. She was willing to believe her mother lied about being raped when she found out her father had kept up with her. If we want to talk about racism, then we need address the way Olivia (and pretty much every other character except maybe Carisi) is willing to weaponize ICE to make a case. Olivia isn’t this infallible character, and yet the narrative treats her like one. At one point there were back to back episodes, where she was guzzling wine like a horse in a desert.
Amanda has addressed her traumas, she has grown into a woman im damn proud of despite her flaws. She’s giving her babies a stable home, with an amazing man who has basically been their father since they were born. In a way, Olivia hasn’t addressed her traumas in the same way, and she is actively becoming a worse person.
Also we need to address how only the women (in which there’s only ever been 2-3 women at one time apart of the main cast) get criticism. Elliot Stabler is a disaster of a character, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic. Fin has been very misogynistic and victim blames quite a bit. Sonny, my baby boy, he has his blinders in some aspects. Rafael, my husband, he thinks about politics too much sometimes, and I understand his job isn’t just to be Olivia Benson’s lackey, but he should be fighting for true justice.
Anyways #hotgirlmandaforthewin #aintnobodyworriedaboutthebitterbitchlinkup #juciestpeachingeorgia
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
I love how Goren will adjust for whoever he’s speaking with <3
Honestly, I like how he swings, unlike UnStabler who either is nice or yells/hits people :/
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Demon El doodle dump!🩷✨️
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When Everything’s made to be broken I just want you to know who I am (Drabble)
Paring: Cara ward x fem reader
Words: short Drabble, 1k (Not edited as of late) expect grammar errors.
Summary: Cara Ward had always thought she knew who she was. The daughter of a well respected Elliot ward, daughter to a lovely woman taken too soon. Sister to Naomi ward and guarder of secrets. Till one day the truth comes out breaking her heart and mind in the process. You are there in the aftermath, taking Cara by the hand and guiding her back to normality. Back to herself. Cara always thought nobody understood her, and she finds herself realizing the only person she wants to understand her, is you.
Warnings: infinite fluff if you squint, feeling cute and wanted a fluffy Cara fic for some comfort. Hope it makes Cara ward fans anywhere and everywhere blush. Cara being a charmer, reader being equally infatuated with our cara ward. Elliot ward mentions, some angst, just some fun comfort of Cara realizing how much of a cheerleader reader is for her. some spicy thoughts…Could be seen as a part two to shattered reflections)
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Normality felt like such an odd unhealthy word to Cara ward. She’d hear it often, hushed in the way her nan spoke on the phone to her aunt. “Oh the girls? We’ve been getting on as well as we can. It’s going to take a while to get back to normality”. She’d hear it in her sisters voice as she would cry into her grandpa’s shoulder, “I just want to get back to when things were normal”.
And she most definitely heard it sitting across from Dr Rainsford as she clicked her pen eagerly on the clipboard, dull eyes taking in Cara and her solem attitude. Even though Cara felt and knew in the pit of her stomach that therapy couldn’t help her, wouldn’t she still went everyday at noon to appease her now concerned grandparents. “These things take time Cara, you can’t expect it to go back to normal. Back to normality”.
She never expected it too. How was she suppose to cope? To know that her father had done those horrible horrific deeds? That he had actually taken a life. It chilled her to the bones and often left her sleep deprived. Often left her feeling like a ghost. Going through life with no thoughts or emotions. She’d sit next to pip in class and could act like herself, could joke and jest around like nothing was bothering her, but deep down her soul was shaking. Shaking in misery, in anger, in the way her father had begged her to come and visit him. Anger had filled her heart. Pure unbridled anger. Why should she visit him?
He had done nothing but make her life a miserable nightmare. Had made her become the laughingstock. “Oh there goes Cara Ward and her mentality unstable murder of a father”. Pip was quick in assisting any students of peers who even looked Cara’s way, would stand in front of her with those steel blues and would stand in front of her everyday. Would sling a hand around her and say in that determined Pippa voice, “don’t let them get to you. They’ll go away in time. This had nothing to do with you. Your father’s sins are not your own Cara”.
She had said it so determined that Cara often would find herself reciting it upon sleepless nights. Would ask pip to recite it over and over again on their nightly late FaceTime calls. Would pull the words to her chest and use it as a comforter.
She knew people didn’t understand her. Didn’t understand the sense of betrayal her father had created in her, the dull feeling that everything had been a lie. The realization that her father had allowed his desires to lead him astray. Had allowed himself to fall into a relationship with Andie bell. Because even though Andie had been messed up and cruel he had been the adult. The one with a fully delevoped mind that knew right from wrong, the one who had no teenage impulses running through his veins.
It also had made Cara angry. Angry that he had moved on from her mother. With a teenager. Her age. It revolted her, sent her to the toilet most nights, chucking dinner into the bin and leaving her with a sour taste in her mouth.
There was a consolation in all this chaos, a consolation in the late night Terrors, in the panic attacks that left her face numb and her mind dizzy. In the almost unbearable therapy sessions that made Cara want to lash out drop to her knees and cry. From the day you had arrived at her childhood home and had brushed her of her feet and held her, things had changed between you two.
You had always loved Cara, had loved her undeniably cute and beautiful humor, her quirks and her ability to make you laugh and smile. You had seen Cara through childhood, from the first tooth’s to watching cars grow into a sensible and beautiful woman. From the minute you had confessed to Cara about your feelings, about how the way you saw her, it had almost seemed like you were the only person cara could see. Could really, truly see.
Through the mist of darkness and terror you had been the one to pull her into your soft arms and nestle your nose into her neck, “I’ve got you cara. It’s just me. It’s always me. It’s us”. The words were comforting. They spoke of long nights cuddled under the duvet, of feeling soft skin and soft curls, of soft lips and even softer eyes. Cara took comfort in her protector. From the way you were by her side in class, eying anyone with eyes made of steel and iron, that spoke warnings to any who spoke ill about your girlfriend. From the way you would hold her hand under the desks, your finger sliding along her palm, writing secret messages only Cara could decipher.
You were always the one at the end of the hall waiting for Cara to get out of therapy, would be there with your ridiculously cute eyes and stupid watermelon perfume that drove cara wild. Cara would often find herself trying to sink her nose into your skin when you two would have intense makeouts. Would kiss your neck and angle her lips to sink her teeth into your lips and relish the sensation of your soft whimpers against her lips. They would ground her, remind her you knew her. Knew her thoughts and her demons. In fact you would always tell her you loved her, would pepper kisses all over her face as you hovered above her, eyes dark as Cara would whine and beg you to take her. But you wouldn’t, you were soft and gentle. Would remind her she was to be cherished. So you would. You’d map out very crevice of her tan skin, kiss the lines of her neck and trail your tongue against her jaw and down bellow. Would eye Cara as she huffed and eyed you with dark eyes. Those nights were your favorite.
But as your relationship progressed Cara realized that you had always understood her. You knew when she was grumpy and knew that if she didn’t eat within 30 minutes of waking up she’d be a grump and a total ass to everyone that day. That Cara loved tea with milk and couldn’t stand mince pies. That she often liked her blue trainers and not her others because they had been a gift from pip. Knew that cara would repress her feelings and hold onto them with a fierce grip. That she was afraid of loss, of losing her family.
You were a great comfort on those days. Cara would curl up in your arms and cry. Tears would stain her shirt and her voice would crack and it took all your energy not to track Elliot ward down and hit him yourself. But you knew cara needed you. And if you were being honest you needed her too.
“With you I don’t have to talk. I don’t have to constantly explain my feelings. You just know.”
It was a secret language you both spoke. Cultivated during years of friendship and hidden fancies, of secrets told in sleeping bags and stolen sweets from the wards pantry.
Softly and slowly you mended Cara. Bit by bit, heart by heart. Cara learned how to love, how to let people in. It wasn’t an easy process. It tedious and often left you hoping Cara wouldn’t leave you in the wind for trying to help her. But she didn’t. She could never leave you. Because you were all she had. Her lifeline. So she tried. She opened up during therapy, spoke of family memories with Naomi, and even wrote letters to her dad. Silly little four lettered letters at first. Then as time progressed and Cara found herself less angry, four letters would turn into a page, a page turned into two till Cara’s letters were long and often filled with small anecdotes of her life. She never wrote about what had happened, didn’t need to express it. Elliot had returned his letter in kind, asking her about university and what job she wanted. You were thankful.
She was jubilant again and radiating joy. Would laugh and giggle with pip. Would poke fun at poor Connor and would eye you with soft eyes from across the table, would sneakily slide her ankle against yours, playfully teasing your thigh through your skirt leaving you with wide eyes and cheeks as red as crimson. “Are you feeling alright sweet? You look flushed? Want me to help?” She was such a tease. Yet you loved it.
It made your heart soar. It gave you hope that no matter how broken a person was, they could be made new. Because Cara ward had never been broken, maybe to other people, people who didn’t know her. But never you. She Could never be broken. Because that was what love was, seeing somebody’s imperfections and loving them anyway. Taking them by the hand and encouraging them that life got better.
You couldn’t complain with the life you built with Cara. You had a decent flat just a few stops from pip, a new puppy that Namoi had bought for Cara for her birthday, and that Cara named ‘Winston’ on account of Cara and Connor having a falling out over dog names which lead to pip drawing out a name and tossing a coin. You were unashamedly happy with her, and she with you. You’d think that every night when Cara would come in with her eyes soft and warm as she would jump on the bed and plant herself on top of you, “I like when you’re in my bed”.
You would laugh, “we payed equal amounts for this bed Cara Ward it’s my bed too! So I should say the same thing!” She only giggled and pulled you close, kissing your lips to get you to quiet.
More Cara ficts coming soon. I wanted to get this out for a few of my sweet Cara anons!
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Smartest thing each JA protagonist has done?
I find it kind of hard to define "smart", but I would stay standing by your principles is both intelligent and right.
Catherine Morland refuses to lie (or lie by proxy) to Eleanor Tilney, despite being encouraged to by the Thorpes and her own brother.
Elizabeth Bennet refuses to marry two different men because she doesn't esteem them.
Elinor Dashwood never allows Lucy Steele to drag her down to her level.
Marianne Dashwood won't let her sister be insulted by others..
Anne Elliot visits her poor friend when they have a prior engagement despite her father's disapproval.
Fanny Price refuses to marry without love and respect, even though her position is highly unstable.
Jane Bennet... I'm glad she finally understands Caroline's character by the end. Love you, Jane!
Emma Woodhouse... smartest... thing... moral thing... well she is prepared to accept Mr. Knightley marrying Harriet if that is what he really wants. That was big of her.
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elderwisp · 3 months
Oooh.. OC Asks you say??? Don't mind if I do!! How many can I ask for at once? I'm feeling nosy 😅 Can I get: Betrayal -> "Unnamed" 👀 And if you're up for more... Mistake -> Atlas Desire -> Frances Alone -> Icarus Midnight -> Kai Skin -> Taryn
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Betrayal for Unnamed: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
⌾⃝ OMG this one is so good SO GOOD U DON'T UNDERSTAND- ok SO! Yes, Unnamed is ultimately betrayed by Atlas. I would say Unnamed is very much a do whatever the fuck you want kinda guy but if there's one thing he asks you to not do, it's for good reason. There was one thing, one thing, he asked Atlas not to do and what does this fucker do? The thing that in the end brings their relationship to a close. HOWEVER, he's also a bit of a hypocrite because he also betrays Atlas in a different way but this doesn't end their relationship. Their relationship is quite volatile and once Atlas comes to this understanding, he still gravitates towards Unnamed until Atlas fucks up. Bad.
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Mistake for Atlas: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
☾ So piggybacking on the previous ask, Atlas makes a huge mistake with Unnamed when he was seventeen. While he was already in some deep shit around that time, all self-inflicted of course, it ends up backfiring on him and affecting the one important person in his life. Which is honestly the last thing Atlas wants to do because at the end of the day, he knows what it's like to hurt so he doesn't want to inflict it on others. It's a huge reason why he lies to people because if it hurts less, then good. OK OFF TRACK so he's still figuring out how to fix it but sometimes you can't turn the clock backwards so he has to eventually come to terms with it.
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Desire for Frances: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
𖦹 BOOF! Stability for sure! Frances feels like life has always been unstable with them and it started the day she and her brother were put up for adoption. While she doesn't remember too much of it, it was an early memory and did set a tone for her life. She is incredibly grateful for Elliot and Toni for taking them in but things started to go out of whack in high school and after certain events, she made herself a few promises: Not to rely on her parents and to do anything to stabilize. She's quite open about it, her friends attempt to help her out, especially in the beginning because Frances will do anything to meet that goal. In school, she made sure to take all of the accelerated classes and secure a scholarship. In college, before working for Icarus, they did so many odd jobs. I would say the one misstep Frances took was she got so tired of her dorm roommate, she moved out on her own and that was what put her in a financial pinch which is when we meet her.
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Alone for Icarus: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
◍ Being alone is the one time Icarus can truly be himself. It's the moment when he can unclench the jaw, lower the shoulders and unwind. He's not uncomfortable with being alone, when his parents died, Aponi would argue that he did it too much but it was his way of grieving. He hasn't been completely alone because family is always around the corner. I would say he's a bit sillier, a lot more loose and fluid. In the recent story post, he's still a bit more put together around Frances (with little pops of his personality) but the more he gets comfortable around them, we'll start to see that side of him and the dialogue there makes me chuckle hehe!
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Midnight for Kai: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
✿ I think Kai's crush on Atlas brings up the bigger question on being gay in a religious community, especially one that is less accepting. When you're apart of something for such a long time, even if it isn't aligned with yourself, sometimes we seek approval from that because it's a community, it's a feeling of belonging so you don't want to be the odd one out. Kai holds a lot of shame for his identity because it's been drilled in his mind that it's wrong so for that shame to be uncovered, keeps him up at night. He likes to game a lot when he's feeling this way/unable to sleep because it's a form of escapism from these problems, he can pretend for a bit to be someone else.
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Skin for Taryn: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
𖤓 Ok so. Current Taryn is not comfortable in her skin. When she told Atlas "I keep asking myself why you’re so nice to me all of a sudden. Why would someone like you be around someone like me and it’s such a… Mind-fuck." while it was about their confusing situation, the low-confidence towards herself automatically equated that Atlas just wanted a one night stand. Taryn does view herself as undesirable, she really doesn't see herself as beautiful so she's dealing with that version of herself and it's heartbreaking to say the least. She acknowledges it completely and in a way it makes decisions for her. Facing this current self brings a lot of hopelessness and while she does enjoy her time around Atlas, hearing his compliments flies over her head because she's so lost in herself and that to me... Is a tragedy. She is slowly getting better, I think her setting boundaries and speaking up is her doing right by herself but damn does the rejection of her publishing book stings.
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reckless-avacado · 3 months
um hi. I just watched agggtm the tv series and I have a bone to pick with everything.
THis is ur warning if u havent watched the show Bye.
Don't get me wrong, ive read the books and i LOVED them but this tv show did not do them justice, it changed sooooo many details that didnt need to be changed and left out a lot of stuff, leaving them with no set up for season 2. Good Girl Bad Blood. I will now rant.
Ravi - No hate to the actor that played Ravi but he sucked. The line delivery on so many things was severly lacking. They also made him miss out on an iconic line "Real men wear floral when trespassing". In the show they made it so Ravi didn't rlly help Pip at all. He was simply there for Pip to tell her theories and information to.
Stanley - Stanley was just non-existent. he just wasnt there. This leaves no set up for season two. Bad choice on behalf of someone
Becca Bell - It may have just been me who thought of Becca as this frail 20 year old who was still grieving. But that wasn't represented in the show. They made Becca straight up find Pip and get angry at her instead of Pip just finding her in a cafe or whatever and asking her a few simple questions.
Ant - Ant was there, but not a part of Pip's friend group, he was just known as this dude that asked Lauren out.
Howie Bowers - First of all, his last name wasnt mentioned in tv show i dont think and it came off as this terrifying dude with a scar, when in the books he was just a drunk dude that was tryna sell drugs and didnt want to get called out by a bunch of teenagers. We never saw his house, Pip never tracked him down, he just happened to be at the Calamity party.
Da silvas - They made him more of a character than he needed to be. It was annoying. Also he did this weird nose grabbing thing eww. They also made Nat da Silva one of Andie's best friends instead of it being Chloe and Emma, it was Nat and Emma.
The cave - This cave shouldn't have existed. The calamity party that Pip was supposed to go to the track down the drug dealer, was in a cave. She didn't pretend to smoke with a guy on a garden wall, she simply asked where he was and he took her to Howie.
This stupid cave was also where Andie was hidden, it was like a well or something in the cave that Becca dragged Andie into instead of the Farm house
Isla - In the books Isla was this mentally unstable girl Elliot found on the side of the road that he believed was Andie, Isla being unstable then believed she was Andie. Elliot then hid her away in his attic and looked after her. When Pip finds her the girl introduces herself as Andie, Pip then realises it's not. In the stupid TV show, Isla is a poor girl living at a bus stop that Elliot thinks is Andie but quickly realises is not but offers her a place to stay for the night because of her condition, the next morning he confesses to the murder of Sal to her, which he then traps her in the attic. When Pip finds her she says, "I'm not Andie" UGH, it removed that whole plot point.
Barney - Now i was prepared to ball my eyes out at Barney dieing, (I warned u abt spoilers). A few things were different. First Barney was lost at Josh's bday party, not on a walk like in the book. Secondly (spoiler for book three) Barney wasn't drowned. He was discovered dead on the side of the road after being hit by a car which I can't see how they could make that Jason killing him on purpose.
Jason - They didn't make this man more of a suspect. They needed to make him suspisious to set up for a possible season 3. They made Dan da silva a suspect.
Pip showing up at ppls houses - The main way pip interviews ppl is by showing up at their houses, the show eliminated a bunch of these interactions. Pip met Ravi when on a walk with muffins, not his house, Pip met Max while waitressing for a party, (yes at his house but didn't show up on his door step like in the book) Nat da Silva, Pip interviewed her in the locker room after a tennis match when she was half naked.
There are propably so many more big things wrong with this show. It needed more of a budget, they ended up using some of the same shots, like Pip driving the same road, and Young pip. It was very annoying. I had such high hopes for this show to stay close to it's source material becasue Holly was so involved in the filming process, she even has a mini cameo in the hotel episode (look for the guest in a robe). But i was very disappointed so many things were changed. They even missed the whole renactment of murder to prove Sal's innocence. They just left out so much and it's very annoying.
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