#emf balance
jamilnawab2 · 2 years
Protection from EMF everyday || Self defense pendant
You may have heard of EMFs or electromagnetic fields. It’s been all over the news lately.
This type of radiation comes from your cell phone and other things like wifi routers, computers, wires in your house, and more.
Study after study shows that our ever-increasing exposure to these fields is harmful…
Not only can your cell phone make you gain weight and feel fatigued, but the EMFs that run through your body also wreak havoc on your health.
If you think about it logically, the reason behind this is clear.
From the impulses that make your heartbeat to the electrical activity in your brain, you run on electricity.
When your body has to fight the electrical impulses all around you, it’s easy for signals to get crossed. It causes stress at a cellular level.
But there IS a way to protect yourself and your family… in fact, it’s a small piece of exclusive technology that uses negative ions to block and diffuse EMFs.
Best of all, it looks classy and is a great gift. Get Here
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pinkprincess · 2 years
♡ A Guide On Crystals ♡
• Lepidolite: anti-anxiety ♡
• Ocean Jasper: mood uplifter ♡
• Chrysocolla: public speaking/throat chakra ♡
• Rubellite: energy booster ♡
• Black Tourmaline: energy cleanser ♡
• Shungite: absorbs emf waves from technology ♡
• Shiva Lingam: divine feminine/masculine + fertility ♡
• Chrysoprase: mood stabilizer ♡
• Scolecite: helps you sleep ♡
• Blue Chalcedony: throat chakra ♡
• Angel Aura Quartz: balances auric field ♡
• Sunset Aura Quartz: grounded and focus auric field ♡
• Aqua Aura Quartz: third eye and throat chakra ♡
• Crimson Quartz: alleviates period cramps ♡
• Rose Quartz: helps with heart healing/love ♡
• Amethyst: raises psychic senses + breaks bad habits ♡
• Lapis Lazuli: brings fortune + stimulates third eye chakra ♡
♡ Remember to cleanse your crystals often to wash away any negative energies that might have been absorbed ♡
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
can we have a colby request of protective jealous colby i know there is loads out there but they’re my fav!!
The Lighthouse
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I had to bring in my man Nate for this one. The imagine is not written to match entirely the actual video. Pic not mine
We enter the maritime museum, Sam, Colby, Nate and i wowing because of what we see. We walk around, quickly deciding to go down to the basement.
"This looks so much larger than the upstairs room", i notice and turn the illustrations wheel to read what each drawing means.
"I totally agree, it's more breathable", Colby says and motions his arms in front of him mimicking an inhale. He comes next to me to read whatever I'm reading, but i mess with him and spin the wheel before he's done. "You're so fucked", he warns and we both laugh
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Did you forget about the challenges? Sam and I pick a challenge to do with either you or Nate and it can be a team thing that we do or an individual thing. I would love to see you on an individual task", Colby mischievously smirks and i sigh loudly, wondering why didn't i already think about the possibility of getting in shit because of the boys. As we check out the basement, Sam and Colby test the EMF reader throughout the room, while I find the wood that mimics the waves.
"Nate, come quick!", i extend an arm and he holds me by it, while i walk on the wavy floor. "This is so fun", i chuckle and manage to run. The guys approach us to see my discovery and i put my foot on the wrong wooden square, losing my balance. Waiting to fall on the hard wood, I'm surprised when i feel arms around my waist, helping me up. Nate's face is all smiley, waiting to make fun of me.
"Not so fun anymore, huh?", Nate chuckles and let's go of me, but i still have my arms around his shoulders, laughing at my clumsiness.
"Are you ok, y/n?, Colby asks, putting a hand on the small of my back. I let go of Nate, who awkwardly steps aside. I smile at Colby and nod.
"Try it, i'll catch you if you fall", i shoo him to the platform
"I think Nate has better instincts", he turns around, looking at Nate, who chuckles
"I'll let you fall because of that", he moves to the side, next to Sam, all of us watching Colby almost hit the walls while walking. We laugh, but the sound of running footsteps makes all of us serious. I look worried at Colby, who gets down from the wavy floor, coming next to me, our arms touching.
"Are you ok?", he whispers, while Sam and Nate talk about the sound
"Yeah, I'm fine, but now it got creepy", i give him a quick smile.
We leave the maritime museum and head to the lighthouse going up and and down on it, preparing for the boys' little sketch. Nate and i wait upstairs with Colby, while Sam goes outside. Trying to stay quiet and not laugh too loudly because of Colby's acting, Nate and i muffle the noise by burying our faces in each other's arms. When he starts screaming "tend to the what" the first time, it's really hard keeping my reaction under control, but the second time, i burst out laughing, hugging Nate's arm at my chest and both of us leaning on the other one while laughing and mimicking his acting.
"What's so funny?", Colby screams through the glass and his amused face changes when he sees what a friendly position me and his friend are.
"It's hard to say what's not", i chuckle, but he rolls his eyes and turn back to screaming at Sam.
Five minutes later, they're done and Nate helps me get up from the floor, also giving me a hug and shaking me around because of the good mood he's in. I ruffle his hair, him faking the fact that he's mad, only for him to do the same to me.
"Noooo, i don't look good anymore!", i whine and move my hair around to make it look better.
"You always do, shut up", he smiles at me and readjusts his hair one more time.
"Oh my God, do you want me to leave you alone? The rooms in this area are empty, you need one?", Colby raises his voice and rolls his eyes while pressing the wig to the bottom of the backpack. Both Nate and i look with a sad look at each other, but i shrug my shoulders.
"Uhm, I'm gonna go see if Sam needs help", Nate leaves and i say an ok before he does, but Colby completely ignores his friend. I go next to Colby and help him pack the dress, his patience long gone.
"That was rude", i say while putting the dress inside the backpack. He scoffs but doesn't say anything and takes the backpack off the small table that was resting on.
"y/n, it got on my nerves, you behave like a couple and it's so frustrating", Colby answers, leaving for the stairs. I grab his arms, turning him around to look at me.
"What? No? What do you mean? We're just friends"
"It surely doesn't look like this. How he caught you when you fell, that he almost kissed you from that position, how you spent the last half an hour literally holding hands and burying your face in his neck and for fuck's sake i love him to death but i would punch him in the face.",Colby's cheeks are red with frustration and my eyes are wide open at his confession.
"It wasn't buried in his neck, first, and second, what's up with you? You used to hype the two of us together, now you're against it? Are you jealous of my friendship with Nate?"
"I'm not jealous of your friendship, I'm jealous it looks like a fucking relationship and you're not supposed to be with him", he says frustrated, while heading to the stairs again, but this time i follow him.
"And who am i supposed to be with, Colby?", i roll my eyes
"Me, fucking me. I've been thinking about you for such a long time..", he stops, turning around to look at me, who i am a step behind him. He holds my hands in his, the shock on my face making him frown. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said it like that, but it's the truth", without thinking about it, i lean in, smashing my lips on his. He kisses me back, placing one hand on my cheek, keeping me close to him. Colby licks my bottom lip and i give him access to take control of all of me, his hands falling on my back, glueing our bodies together. I smile when i feel the boner in his pants forming, letting out a giggle. He giggles too, arranging it so it wouldn't be so proeminent. I bite my lip and pull him into another kiss, biting his lip and pulling at his hair.
"It's going to be only you from now on", i smile, giving him a kiss on the forehead
"Finally", he gives me one quick kiss on the lips, before going downstairs.
After a while, we finally get to do the challenges. Colby chooses to do the challenge with me, while Sam does his with Nate. I slap my forehead when Colby reads the challenge out loud, making me mad he chose to do it with me.
"Sam, are you kidding me? I trip over my own shadow. While my eyes are opened", i overreact, all of them bursting into laughter. We part ways and i walk with Colby back to the lighthouse. We put our blindfolds on and start walking up the stairs.
"Hold me by my shirt or waist or something. If there's something going on, tell me, y/n", Colby says while stepping on the stairs and keeping the camera turned on us. I nod, while my shaky hand holds on the EMF reader. "Oh fuck i tripped", he screams, while his free arm snakes around me from behind. "Don't die on my watch, y/l/n"
"You'd definitely die before me, loser", i joke and i trip over a stair right in that moment. I catch Colby by the waist with my both hands. "I'm holding on you for dear life", i chuckle and he does the same.
"Owwwww", Colby screams when he hits his foot. I laugh loudly and keep following him. "This is harder than you guys think", he says to the camera and i agree with him.
While walking, a cold breeze hits the back of my neck, making me let go of Colby. I turn around without taking my blindfold off. I keep going, being a few steps behind him. Again, a cold breeze lingers on my hand.
"What the fuck?", i stop again, Colby doing the same.
"Hiii", a faint voice comes from behind me and both of us freak out.
"Colby?", my voice shaky, i move my arms around to feel him and he grabs my hand and intertwines my fingers with his.
"I'm here, y/n, I'm not leaving your side. What the fuck was that?", he asks as well, moving his head around like he could see something.
"It's me", the same voice is heard, this time in front of us.
"Colby!", i move even closer to him, him hugging me at his chest. "I want to go downstairs"
"Anything you want", he takes his blindfold off and takes mine too, announcing to the camera that we'll be filming when the others are finished too.
We get outside the lighthouse, the tour guides waiting for us outside. They tell us they've seen a white mist enter the lighthouse soon after we entered to complete the challenge. We tell them about what we heard and the four of us get goosebumps all over our bodies. When Sam and Nate finish their challenge as well, we tell them what happened, both of our teams having unbelievable evidence.
After a couple more hours of investigating, we take all the equipment back to the car. I'm at the trunk, making room for all the backpacks and Nate comes to help me with the last 2 backpacks.
"This was a night to remember for sure", he chuckles and i agree, still a little bit startled about what happened.
"But at least we had fun. I don't remember the last time i laughed that much", we laugh and i hear someone clear his voice behind me. I don't have time to look around, but i feel Colby hugging me from behind, leaning his body on mine, his chest touching my back. "Hi, Colby", i giggle and turn around to look at him and then at Nate, who looks really confused.
"Please don't steal her away from me with your jokes. You know how much i love your jokes", Colby tells Nate and he laughs at his statement.
"Never, brother. I'll see you in the car, lovebirds", Nate leaves us some privacy and i turn around to hug Colby.
"Give him a break", i laugh and lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back, his hand moving on my ass, squeezing it.
"I'll torture him a few more days", he laughs and kisses me again, pressing me on the backpacks. I jump, letting out a little scream when the music box accidentally turns on and starts calibrating.
"I hate your job", i say, massaging my forehead. We close the trunk and get inside the car, leaving.
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thelostchaoswitch · 14 days
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Black Tourmaline: Your Shield Against Negative Thoughts 🖤✨
Hey, crystal lovers! 🌿✨ Let’s dive into the incredible world of Black Tourmaline, a stone that's been revered for centuries for its powerful protective and grounding properties. If you're looking for a natural way to ward off negative thoughts and energies, this crystal might just become your new best friend.
The Power of Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl, is a striking black stone that's more than just eye candy. Its deep, inky hue is a visual representation of its ability to absorb and transmute negative energy. Here’s how this amazing crystal works:
1. Energy Protection: Think of Black Tourmaline as your energetic bodyguard. It creates a protective shield around your aura, repelling negativity and harmful influences from your surroundings.
2. Grounding: Feeling scattered or anxious? Black Tourmaline is renowned for its grounding properties. It helps you stay connected to the Earth's energies, promoting a sense of stability and security.
3. EMF Shield: In our tech-saturated world, we’re constantly exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Black Tourmaline can help neutralize these EMFs, reducing their potential negative impact on your mind and body.
4. Mental Clarity: By absorbing negative energy, this crystal aids in clearing the mind, making way for positive thoughts and mental clarity. It's like a detox for your mind!
How to Use Black Tourmaline
Incorporating Black Tourmaline into your daily routine is simple and effective. Here are some tips to make the most out of this powerful crystal:
- Wear It: Jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, or rings keeps Black Tourmaline close to your body, providing continuous protection throughout the day.
- Carry It: Keep a small piece of Black Tourmaline in your pocket or purse. This way, you’ll have it handy whenever you need a quick energy cleanse.
- Place It: Position Black Tourmaline in areas where you spend a lot of time—near your computer, in your living room, or by your bed. It helps to keep the environment energetically clean.
- Meditate With It: Hold Black Tourmaline during meditation. Visualize it drawing out negative thoughts and filling you with grounding, positive energy.
Other Crystals to Consider
While Black Tourmaline is a powerhouse, there are other crystals that can also help banish negative thoughts:
- Amethyst: Known for its calming and spiritual properties, Amethyst can soothe the mind and promote tranquility.
- Smoky Quartz: This crystal is excellent for grounding and removing negative energy, similar to Black Tourmaline.
- Hematite: Perfect for grounding and protection, Hematite can also help to absorb and transform negativity.
Incorporating these crystals into your life can create a harmonious balance of protection and positivity, helping you navigate through life's challenges with a clear and focused mind.
So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts or just need a little extra protection, give Black Tourmaline a try. Its powerful energy might be exactly what you need to reclaim your peace and positivity!
Stay strong, stay well, stay safe ❤️
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: To Become Liminal
I’ve just been thinking about liminality a lot lately. It’s very much a thing that if I write something with Liminality, it’s probably going to be about liminality and how it affects a specific character, or at least that being a major theme
I don’t like being loosy goosy with liminality personally, it’s very much a less is more situation for me, it’s rare, it’s weird, and it’s hard to become is how I like to treat it. so bare with me everything after this is based on those sensibilities 
Ectoplasm is dangerous. It’s the stuff Ghosts are made of but it’s also some kind of radioactive substance. That’s why even weak ghosts can be picked up by EMF readers and can make the lights flicker. It’s a type of radiation and it’s not safe for humans to be around in anything larger than what a couple of ghosts give off. Too much at once will kill you, and even too much over time could do that.
To become liminal is to incorporate ectoplasm into yourself, for your body to find a balance or die trying. Ectoplasm is already poisoning you, and if properly treated you might be fine with minimal complications after. The real issue is when it’s untreated and your body starts incorporating the thing that’s trying to kill you. 
And the process is painful, incredibly painful.
Fever, headaches, muscle aches as your muscles corrode and try to rebuild themselves, nausea and vomiting as your digestive track morphs, stomach pain and internal bleeding as the ectoplasm eats it’s way through your stomach lining. It hurts as your body is constantly trying to break itself down and rebuild for day, weeks, even months. Think of Vlad in the hospital and how long he was there, even after the proto portal did the majority of the work and launched him past liminal into the start of being a halfa
and then, when the pain stops, your body is different, YOU are different. You’re no longer the same, you don’t feel the same, think the same, or even dream the same. Your dreams are more vivid and disturbing, you have strange cravings and urges, urges your new body wants but you find distressing
Jazz grew up in a house of ecto scientists, The stuff had always been around, but her parents acted like it wasn’t something to worry about. Sure, sometimes the food in the house made her feel sick and she’d end up vomiting, but food poisoning is normal every so often, The fevers were just her getting a cold or the flue, totally normal. But then the portal opened and that tipped her over the precipice. In some ways she was lucky. If she hadn’t been exposed so ling, the amount that flooded the house after the portal would have been enough to kill most people in a week. Her parents were fine because of their protective gear, but Jazz would have died. Neither her parents or Danny noticed the three days she spent in bed, covered in sweat and in pain. she felt like she was dying. She was
Jason died and didn’t come back right. Even after he clawed his way out of his grave, he was more of a zombie than a person. Then Talia had found him and taken him in. The Lazarus pits could work wonders, heal the dying, replenish vitality and youth, truly a thing of wonder. Unless you were alive and healthy. The pits destroy the living and healthy Jason was living when he went in those pits, and the only thing wrong with him was his mind. The Pits brought him back, but it wasn’t right. He spent weeks barely awake, barely able to eat anything, and everything hurt. It hurt like the crowbar had hurt. He dimly remembers Ra’s wondering if Jason had been a failure and if it would be a mercy to end him there. Then Jason got better, but he was different. His body moved different, he had cravings he just couldn’t understand, some of which horrified him.  And the Rage. The rage was beyond what was normal. This wasn’t the pit madness others had spoken of. That would go away or leave him a gibbering mess. He had his mind, but the rage was still there. Something had permanently changed
Jazz had just moved into the apartment across from Jason. Something about her was different. It was familiar yet alien in a way that intrigued and frightened him. Jazz seemed to have similar feeling about him.
Just two people who are more alike than they know and are struggling with the way that similarity had changed them. Maybe they find a sense in community in each other, they finally aren’t alone, Maybe they find comfort in each other. Finally, someone who understands what it was like to go through that, that knows what the dreams are like, what the cravings and impulses are like
could it be romantic? Certainly. 
I just think there’s some really interesting things to be done with liminality in regards to examining a character and how this could affect relationships, romantic or otherwise 
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yawnzzznnn · 7 months
hi ! I’ve been wanting to request a sumin x reader one shot for a while but I haven’t got the inspiration , while I checked your song prompt list I saw Jk’s ICONIC song. Still with you. So here’s more context cuz my mind went CRAZy abt this. sumin and reader met in college , they both were in the same arts class , with their commun friend , Jinsik. Reader is an outgoing person , they (you can use any pronouns I don’t have preference ) are the type of person who isn’t scared to talk to new persons or to make new friends. And actually reader is quite popular for their bubbly personality too. So reader and Sumin met at their usual art class. Everything’s went well during the year and they grew closer and closer. Until prom. The party ended , and it was raining , everyone went back home , but sumin and reader. Sumin told reader about his and jinsik’s idols career and reader told about their career too , like reader is either a trainee under a big compagne like hybe or jype, up to you! And sumin’s thought are the lyrics ykkk
Time flew by and they don’t talk as much as they used to , if I may say they don’t talk at all lately. But they both are stuck in each other’s mind , so one rainy days , after a long time no see each others , they met. They both were walking alone in the rain , reader with an umbrella and sumin just walking , soaking wet from the rain. But when he met reader’s eyes all his thought vanished and he wasn’t thinking about anything but reader and his feeling for them
This kind of vibe yk! Like old lover type of stuff
you don’t have to follow what I wrote at all it’s just for u to see what I meant by that and the kind of vibe I want
anyways have a good day! Love !
♡︎보고 싶었어요 - Sumin♡︎
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♡︎Title: I Miss You
♡︎Special Thanks Too: strawbe3rryyayy, Sumin, Xikers
♡︎Note: sorry this took so long I've been writing short formed story's since that's all I have time for so sorry if this seems rushed or anything of the sort, also remember I have a 25 days till Christmas prompt going on rn your free to request whatever prompt and whoever you want (EMF pump is a small box that puts off lots of energy used for ghost hunting)
♡︎TW: slight angst : cursing : gender not specified but I probably called reader a girl :
♡︎Prompt: Still With You - Jungkook
♡︎Words: 1011
♡︎Taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
You never took your popularity for granted, never joining the group of girls who think they're hot shit, taking everything with a grain of salt. You had a decent amount of friends. Always jumping to help others, always conversing in the halls during free time, a people-person, is what people would describe you as. A normal day in art, you and your good friend Jinsik were sitting and talking, “oh right, my friend Sumin is supposed to transfer today, he’s a lot like you, i think you'll like him” Jinsik said, sketching an eye on his paper. “Like me? You mimicked, looking up from your own paper, in response Jinsik nodded, “yeah, he's super friendly you’ll balance each other” Jinsik said, lifting his head to look at you.
“What makes you think I'm willing to get along with him?” you teased, Jinsik dead panned at you, a few small giggles left your mouth “ok sorry your friend sounds lovely” you giggled. Jinsik rolled his eyes, focusing back on the drawing in front of him, a few minutes later a group of kids called your name drawing your attention to them. Getting up you quickly walked to their table, sitting in the empty seat, giggles and laughter echoed from the table as you helped them with their work. “All I'm saying is if you want an A use black paper with a white pencil, the teacher eats it up” you giggled, the students laughing and listening. Almost 20 minutes later you made your way back to your desk, stopping to see a male with green hair in your seat. Putting on a huge smile as you made your way in front of your desk, the guy looked confused “told you someone sits there” Jinsik giggled.
“Dont worry about it, you can have my seat” you said quickly stopping him from standing “what's your name?” you asked, pulling a chair up sitting in front of him. “Sumin” the boy now known as Sumin giggled “what's yours?” Sumin asked tilting his head slightly to the side, “yn, nice to meet you Sumin” you giggled holding out your hand waiting for a hand shake, Sumin reached up shaking your hand energy raiding off him like an EMF pump. “Sorry for taking your seat” Sumin rubbed the back of his neck slightly embarrassed, “don't be it's fine you just wanted to sit next to your friend i understand” you giggled, Sumins eyes slightly lit up “your even kinder than Jinsik said!” Sumin giggled. 30 Minutes of you and Sumin talking and Jinsik being the third wheel later, the three of you made your way to the cafeteria, you and Sumin slightly ahead of Jinsik talking.
“damn , kinda feel like a third wheel..” Jinsik mumbled, you and Sumin bursted out laughing, the three of you sat at a table in the middle of everything, “do you normally sit here” Sumin asked, before you got a chance to answer Jinsik answered for you, “people like to come up and sit with us” Jinsik said getting comfortable in his seat, “they really need to put better seats in here” you mumbled shifting uncomfortably in your seat, Sumin and Jinsik hummed in agreement, you and Sumin started talking again, kids came and left, this routine went on for a year till the end of school.
“Yn i think you should go, it's the end of school for our whole lives.” Jinsik said laying on your bed, “yeah he’s right, it’ll be fun you won't even have to stay the whole night” Sumin said, “are you two working together now?” you giggled, after hours of convincing from both of your friends you agreed, “What y’all think about this one?” you said holding up an outfit, Jinsik scrunched his nose “too revealing” He said, Sumin sighed “you'll look great in it” Sumin said standing up holding the outfit out to see it properly, “your so weird” Jinsik said rolling on his stomach, Sumin slightly rolled his eyes, causing you too giggle. “Finally!” Jinsik said dramatically, standing up. “Woah…you look…” Sumin said trying to find the right words “ugly? Throw up? Death? Absurd? Disgusting?” you asked jokingly,“nono amazing!” Sumin said a faint blush forming on his face, Jinsik took notice of the faint blush, chuckling making his way out your bedroom door.
The party went just like you thought, slightly overwhelmed by the amount of noise, making your way outside breathing in the fresh air, you heard the door shut, “partied out?” Sumin jokes “overwhelmed too much noise” you giggled, Sumin nodded in response “we’ll still be friends after college right?” Sumin asked doubt falling on his face, “I hope so, we never know what the future has for us, so I can't confirm nor deny” you sighed, turning to face Sumin, you noticed people start leaving “id head home before the rain starts” a girl said passing by. You and Sumin walked home together. 
Jinsik sent a text saying he had already arrived home. “It's just…yn look….me and Jinsik are in a boy group called Xikers…once collage ends tomorrow, we won't have as much freedom as we do now..” Sumin said, looking down at the ground, “Sumin..” you mumbled grabbing his attention “im a trainee..i understand” you said grabbing his hand reassuringly “a trainee?” Sumin questioned “yeah under hybe, so i wont have free time either but we can try thats all that matters” you said softly, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. 
That conversation was the last you'd have with Sumin, Jinsik old text left with a thumbs up from your end. That was until you and Sumin crossed paths 4 years later at Kcon “Although I'm standing still under the frozen sunset, I want to walk towards you one step at a time, Still with you, Dark room, no lights, I shouldn't get used to it, but I'm used to it again” Sumin thought to himself before making him way up to you, rebuilding the forgotten friendship, this time growing to something much more.
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abcd-em · 6 months
describe your dream fic
Oh hello????
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This is such a hard one to answer bc there's so many fic ideas that I absolutely ADORE but they conflict so much that couldn't smoosh them into one.
However, this is two I keep coming back to time and time again (I will never write it but someone should)
1) PeterMJ in the process of seperating/breaking up, they're dividing their things, packing/unpacking and it's the story of them told out of order by these things. The pain of deciding who gets what after youve lived with someone for years, jointly sharing these things and being unable to disconnect them from the idea of it; how they came to be a couple, how they broke up, how they got to this point, what was theirs individually before they brought it into a joint home.
I think it could be so, so delicious and go into the granular of them, the breakdown of their relationship and who they are as characters.
2) post Nwh x insomniac fusion. Ive already written one half of this dream with Make It a Universe You can live in buf i need MORE.
MJ and Peter trying to navigate their relationship now that she's remembered, Peter returning to FEAST and being proud of the work they've done and then witnessing the Martin Li of it all. Harry and Peter meeting, ESPECIALLY if Harry is working at EMF/trying to get those research stations off the ground to prove their worth to his dad - these two boys trying to protect their mother's legacy. Maybe they don't even meet, maybe Peter finds these research stations and learns about Harry thru the recordings idk
MJ and Ned trying to re-establish their place as FOS but also find a balance with the normalcy they got at college.
There u go hehe
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a collection of funny things that should have been in Supernatural because i said so;
At least three episodes of all the hunters that have the whole system with Sam at the bunker but it’s like a police show comedy [i’ve only seen like three total episodes of Brooklyn 99 and four seasons of Psych but i think it’d be great]
Dean gets to follow his dream (like what Michael trapped him in) and take after Ellen and the roadhouse, whether it be by using that giant ass bunker as a bar or he just buys one, or even builds one [with magic or his hands]
Hunter doctors- like official, legal doctors. basically so that way if anything possibly supernatural is going on- you can see a doctor who knows about that type of stuff and can hopefully help it [like a witches curse, or how Bobby Dean and Sam had the carvings on their ribs] and they don’t make you pay if your a hunter for obvious hunters-don’t-get-payed-reasons
and obviously garth and some other people starts a whole monster healing underground medical aid/er (also probably at the bunker or smth)
a section of the bunker turns into this child-teen room where anybody under like 20 goes and can stay permanently. so like if a parent was killed on a hunt, they show up and are taken care of, they can learn more stuff, practice, and maybe have a shot at a semi-normal, at least no hunting, life [Jody and Donna help out there a lot]
there’s also adult rooms, obviously, same gig
game night at the Dean-Cave, lots of tournaments and anger
movie nights [for any hunter that wants to come] with a huge projector screen that they bring out to the main area with the stairs and whatnot, they’ll move tables, build a whole ass fort and watch shit
jack defeats god but instead of him disappearing it’s a complex jack-sorta-splits-in-two thing where his current conscious still runs things as ‘god’ but the ‘other half’ is essentially him but physically and mentally a four year old (like completely- not what Jack had before as a mix of 4 years old and 20 years old, just pure 4 year old) and it’s pure chaos
dean tries to redo everything with Jack (because he was a dick majority of the time) and obviously Cas and Sam were alrwady Dad Material TM
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jody, Donna, Eileen, Charlie [both worlds because she didn’t die in my mind] Kevin [also not dead] and some others will hold classes for different things
Dean: Cooking (and lots of fighting) Occasionally does cool ‘home-made’ things, like his EMF that was made out of a Walkman, stuff like that. Teaches Latin and the different warding stuff
Sam: Healthy balance in life- both mentally and food wise. Also teaches lore and how to defend yourself, but mainly tries to get people to know how to lead a normal life, to enjoy things. Also teachers Latin [and backwards exorcisms if you need the demon]
Castiel: Lots of fighting techniques, but he also does a lot of history [not hunter-history, just like. normal history, but parts that have never been recorded since he’s seen a looooot] Teaches about free will and choosing your own path- not one that you were raised into or something of the sort [like hunting] he’s one of those teachers who get way off topic and he starts talking about Dean and everything [the ‘students’ place bets on when he’ll confess]
Jody & Donna + The Kids: [Jody & Donna] Teach how to stay out of trouble, fighting methods, but mainly how to lead a good, death-less life and be happy. they also teach you about police-loopholes and such so if they do stick with hunting they don’t get thrown in jail and such. Teaches healing and first aid. [The Kids] teach, again, fighting techniques, tracking stuff, running away from stuff, lots of medical stuff, Patience and Kaia teach others how to control their ability’s [with Gabriel]
Eileen: Teaches ASL and teaches how to use your other senses if you couldn’t use one [or technically how to sorta focus and zone in on the other senses] Also lots of lore and fighting techniques.
Charlie: Teacher how to hack into ‘un-hackable’ things, create fake credit or debit cards, fake IDs, etc. She holds role play and games like DnD all the time
Kevin: Teaches confidence and such, how to not let people take advantage of you [cough cough Dean was not so nice to him whilst translating] How to stand up for yourself and not be a doormat. Also teaches school stuff if anybody was interested
Rowena: Witchcraft, obviously. She does a lot of the warding stuff than the others because she knows a lot more about everything. Occasionally teaches how to seduce your way into information (or magic
Gabriel: How to trick people and such into getting them to do what you want them to. Probably some tips on going underground/undercover. If a kid has powers he helps them entirely
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orion-sage · 8 days
Orgonite Pyramid Ritual - Full Cleanse and Purification
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First of all: what is a Orgonite Pyramid?
An orgonite pyramid is a type of energy tool that’s made from a mixture of resin, metal shavings, and quartz crystal. The pyramid shape is believed to amplify the effects of the orgonite, promoting a flow of energy that can bring balance to your environment and your body. Orgonite pyramids are based on the concept of orgone energy, which was first introduced by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s. He proposed the existence of a universal life force energy that flows through everything and can be harnessed for healing purposes. These pyramids often include various crystals, metal shavings, and resin to generate a potent energy field. They are said to have numerous benefits, such as promoting well-being, balancing energy fields, and shielding against electromagnetic radiation. The materials used in an orgonite pyramid play a crucial role:
Resin: Represents the solidifying force of nature and provides a sturdy foundation for the pyramid’s energy.
Metal Shavings: Known for their conductive properties, they act as an antenna that channels and amplifies life force energy within the pyramid.
Crystals: Act as energy transmitters that enhance the pyramid’s energy output.
People use orgonite pyramids for various purposes, including to protect against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), balance the energy field, purify the environment, promote good sleep, encourage relaxation, ease stress and anxiety, relieve pain, attract luck, love, and abundance, and improve spiritual awareness.
In this ritual, an Orgonite Pyramid will be used to channel and direct the energy of the Universe and remotely purify an environment (home, work, etc.). This ritual will allow you, for example, to purify a new dwelling from malevolent entities, curses, negative energies.
Click here for a FREE consultation
ATTENTION The orgonites sold on the internet at low prices are often discharged, and therefore, unusable for the purposes of a purification ritual. For this reason I will go personally to buy one of them for your ritual. I will provide you with pictures of every step of the ritual as proof of my work for you.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Image courtesy Floris Freshman
There are two moments each year when the sunrise and sunset are twelve hours apart, when the Sun lies directly above the Earth’s equator, and neither the North or South pole point toward the Sun. Equinoxes have long been associated with contemplating the balance between polarities, including yin and yang, darkness and light, right and wrong. Equinoxes and solstices were pivotal to human societies when the sky served as the clock and calendar and cultures were aligned with Natural Law and the Cosmic Current. The equinox occurs on March 19, 2024. Juxtaposed with the equinox, this blog is part of an on-going discussion about the need to heal the growing divide between telecommunications technology and nature and health.
When my children were young, parents began driving their children to and from the school bus stop. It started only during inclement weather, but then the habit became the norm.  Cars often sat with the engines running (although many towns have since passed anti-idling laws) with older children and parents often on their cell phones.
The change in behavior unfolded insidiously and most likely was unintentional.
But from a health perspective, families who followed the crowd adopted dysfunctional behaviors with quantifiable negative impacts on air quality. They would have benefitted more from walking together, interaction, and access to the sun and nature, rather than the unexamined comfort and convenience.
Humans slipped in their inborn capacities and intelligence. They made unwise choices, mostly unaware or in denial.
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onyxtides · 2 years
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Made in honor of Artemis & Cernunnos. This bracelet is made with Amazonite and Aventurine. Amazonite is a lovely crystal for balance masculine and feminine energies, aids with discipline, EMF protection and helps confidence. Aventurine helps with independence, prosperity, it reinforces leadership qualities and increases focus. This two crystals pair beautiful with each other.
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Suptober Day 6: Parody
“Charlie sent em, they’re something called Funko pops. Apparently there’s these two sisters Hilly and Hannah Hindi who’ve read Chucks books, seen ‘Us’ high school musical edition — or something.” Dean smirked at him from across the map table.
Sam squinted at the two dolls balanced on the stack of books. “Are they… dressed as the ghost busters?”
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“Yup, who ya gonna call— Winchesters, apparently.”
Sam picked them up, one in each hand.“Huh! They’re kinda cute. Only thing is they made you too tall.”
“Bitch, you’re just jealous you didn’t get the proton-pack, got stuck with emf and a ghost trap.”
Sam snorted. “What ever you say Jerk. Don’t cross the streams.”
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oneradmonster · 2 years
Chase’s Big Dumb List of Audio Dramas
I just want to boost the things I like so I have people to talk to about them 🥺
Fair warning I’m bad at explaining why things are good and you should listen to them other than “I like it” and I tend to end up repeating myself a lot. Bare with me. I'm doing my best.
Also this is in no other order other than “how it showed up on my podcast list on spotify” Also also, the ratings are basically arbitrary. for funskies 
(also if you wanted to say, recommend me some more based off this list or just your own personal preference...I wouldn't say no 👀)
Gather The Suspects - A Cozy Mystery set in Wales during a boring apocalypse
What it says on the tin. Unique, funny, and a nice thing to curl up to. 8/10
Currently crowdfunding for season 2! (Please consider donating)
Forgive Me! - A story about a Catholic priest moving to a new church under mysterious circumstances and getting used to the odd members of his new community, mostly told through confessionals.
“A heartfelt and human story about modern faith that is at times funny, frank, engaging, sad, respectful and critical of the community it takes place in”
couldn’t put it any better than the creators themselves. Honestly up their with my top favs. Regardless on how you feel about Catholicism or religion itself I believe most people can find enjoyment in it 10/10
The Orphans - A cinematic sci-fi audio drama about survival in a harsh universe: castaways on a hostile world, A.I.s with unprecedented emotions, strangers who share faces, love and loss in a far-flung future.
EXTREMELY GOOD! Have been told if you like Star Wars you’ll dig this. Super engaging “i couldn't put it down” energy, love it. 10/10
Brimstone Valley Mall - The year is 1999. Lurking somewhere between Hot Topic and the food court, five misfit demons from Hell kill time inciting sin in a suburban shopping mall. When the lead singer of their band goes mysteriously missing, the demons only have two weeks to find him before they play the biggest gig of the millennium - or face the wrath of Satan herself.
A fun little story with interesting characters and their complicated relationships really interested to see where they go with season 2 8/10
Midnight Burger - When Gloria took a waitressing job at Midnight Burger outside of Phoenix, she didn’t realize she was now an employee of a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee.
Absolutely phenomenal! Really one of the best audio dramas I’ve listened to. It balances between heartwarming, funny, dramatic, and thoughtful perfectly. Lovable well written characters and a wonderful unfolding story 100/10 (that’s not a typo!)
Wooden Overcoats - Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business…
This podcast is complete! And it was bittersweet to finish as it was, in my opinion, a perfect ending but I was sad to have nothing more to listen to. Ridiculously funny while also being incredibly beautiful. A one in a million podcast 12/10
Where The Stars Fell - Dr. Edison Tucker is having a very weird life. Not being able to die tends to color things that way. Luckily, the strange and unusual is something of her specialty, and Ed’s set her sights and wunderkind grant money on the strangest town in America: Jerusalem, Oregon. She’ll certainly get her EMF Meter’s worth. Between an eccentric housemate, quirky townsfolk, and the mysteries lurking just beyond the tree line, Ed’s going to find the answers she’s been searching for. She just might not be ready for what finds her.
This one ended up being very different from what I had imagined based on its trailer but I ended up enjoying it regardless. Fair warning this podcast gets HEAVY things get very real and very raw. There are trigger warnings in episode descriptions. So take care of yourself. 9/10
The Amelia Project - A dark comedy podcast about a secret agency offering a very special service: Faking its clients' deaths and bringing them back  with a new identity! Its eccentric clientele includes cult leaders, scientists, politicians and even an AI, all desperate to disappear and  start over... But how long can the secrecy last?
“The Amelia Project is crammed full of comedy, mystery, twists and fine beverages. If you like Sherlock, Dirk Gently or Monty Python, this will be your cup of cocoa.“
I originally gave this podcast a pass as the first episode (which is no longer available) made me uncomfortable. Very glad I gave it another try as it has quickly wormed its way into my heart :) I’m on pins and needles for the next season and eager to se how everything comes together 10/10
Old Gods of Appalachia - Old Gods of Appalachia is an eldritch horror anthology podcast set in the darkest mountains in the world. Our world is an Alternate Appalachia, where these mountains were never meant to be inhabited. Long before anyone lived in these hills, beings of immeasurable darkness and incomprehensible madness were entombed here. It was during this bygone age, when the Appalachians towered much higher and more menacing than the gentle slopes and ridges we know today, that they were conscripted after a great battle to serve as the final prison for those dark forces. But of course, time marches inexorably on. Eons passed and the walls of the prison begin to wear thin. And Things that slumbered soundlessly below for millennia began to stir and become restless.They began to call to those who would hear them.To dig. To seek and find. To follow and serve. To keep this dark and bloody land for themselves and their masters.
If this description doesn't interest you into listening then nothing will, a truly INCREDIBLE podcast that I am sadly far behind in. With beautiful narration and incredible story telling. 10/10
Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery - Lillian Harper moves to the small town of Mt. Absalom, Ohio, to care for her estranged mother Dorothy after an injury. Living in the town's boarding house which has been run by her family for generations, she discovers conspiracies, ghosts, and a new family in the house's strange assortment of residents.
A mystery that truly sucks you in and just when you think you’ve started to figure it out you learn something new that completely unravels your theories and adds a hundred new questions 10/10
Death By Dying - A dark comedy fiction podcast that serves as the obituary column for the charming town of Crestfall, Idaho. The Obituary Writer finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths... when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows.
A funny and charming little podcast that manages to take ridiculous story lines and make them something you can take seriously 10/10
Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica - Madame Magenta, psychic, medium, and inventor of the ‘drink-along’ audiobook, reads her best-selling books*, Magenta is the Warmest Colour and Madame Magenta & The Arcati Killer, with support from her adoring husband Bernard. In Magenta is the Warmest Colour, Magenta is forced into a bank heist by the ghost of her ex-husband, and in Madame Magenta & The Arcati Killer, she is pitted against a psychotic murderer hell-bent on destroying the mystic community. She also uses the ancient art of bibliomancy to help solve real problems sent in by you, her Tragic Fans.​WARNING: Adults Only. Drink Responsibly.Don't Blame Us.
Mockery Manor - Summer, 1989. Mockery Manor's new staff have moved into the on-site lake house, ready for the re-opening of Britain's most eccentric theme park. It's a teen dream of a job (as long as you've never seen Friday the 13th), and eighteen year old twins JJ and Bette are determined to leave a difficult year behind them and have a summer straight from the movies... if they don't kill each other first. ​But something's happening at the park. People keep going missing, and JJ has a horrible feeling the screams she heard in the scare maze were more than just a frightened guest. And why is feline park mascot Mr Crackles stained with blood?
“"Podcasts can be remarkably immersive. Mockery Manor doing a marvellous job. Made by fellow Norfolkkers too."​- Stephen Fry“
A delightful black comedy that keeps you guessing til the end, and a lovely soundtrack to boot! 8/10
*dependent on definition of 'best-seller'
An easy and fun listen, like an audiobook but the narrator is drunk and incapable of staying on topic and also takes breaks to do fortune tellings for fans. Enjoyable but perhaps an acquired taste 8/10
Kakos Industries - Congratulations! You are now a shareholder in Kakos Industries, a megacorporation that specializes in helping its clients to Do Evil Better. You are now entitled to listen to the shareholder announcements that keep you up to date on all of the advancements made in Evil and the bizarre occurrences inside of Kakos Industries itself.
“A deeply entertaining, R-rated, darkly satirical, sex-positive comedy audio drama with elements of horror.“
Think if Welcome to Nigh Vale was about a megacoporation that sold evil and included a lot more sex. Hilariously funny 10/10
Startripper!! - Feston Pyxis, native of the bureaucracy planet Lorvin, has left it all behind! He’s said his goodbyes, he’s sold all his B-movie memorabilia, and he’s bought a Physiclast QCS-25 K-series ship, known to the wise as a “StarTripper.” Together with the onboard assistant Proxy, Feston’s looking for any and every good time there is to be had across the stars!
No words could ever do this podcast justice! One of my all time favorites. It has become an immense comfort to me, the moment the intro music starts I am instantly at ease and ready to go on another adventure with Feston through the endless possibilities of space! If you listen to this podcast we are instantly best friends!! ∞ /10
The White Vault - Explore the far reaches of the world’s horrors. Follow the collected records of a repair team sent to a remote arctic outpost and unravel what lies waiting in the ice below.
“The White Vault is a horror fiction audio drama podcast that features languages and voices from around the globe. It often showcases the found footage format, accurate depictions of modern archaeology, and isolation horror, brought to life by a full cast and detailed soundscape.“
Another completed podcast! That I am unfortunately behind in. However, what I have heard is delightfully terrifying and incredibly produced. You will have trouble sleeping soundly after this one folks! 10/10
We Fix Space Junk - Follow seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law.
Extreme capitalistic dystopian sci-fi hellscape, but make it fun! 10/10
Neighbourly - Let's meet the residents of Little Street. Well. "Meet" is a strong word. How about: observe? Neighbourly follows the residents of Little Street, house by house. What they do, how they interact with each other, and what skeletons are hiding in their closets.
A very horrifyingly delightful podcast, each episode manages to be uniquely strange and wonderfully creepy. 9/10
The Call if Cthulhu Mystery Program:  -  In The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program, cinematic audio drama and live tabletop roleplaying coalesce into an occult radio play of unknowable horror and black comedy! Each series is a standalone tale, boldly exploring Lovecraftian lore in queer and uncanny ways. What dark deeds unfold on the streets of Arkham? And which unwitting souls – innocent or impure – will succumb to the maddening call… OF CTHULHU?
 A super cool idea that the crew/cast pull off perfectly! Its done to the point where i cant tell whats game play and whats scripted. A neat experience that I encourage others to give a try 10/10
Diary of A Space Archivist - Sam archives space.  Yep.  It's pretty boring... until she finds an alien-bat-thing hiding inside her robot companion.  How will she keep the cute, and definitely not terrifying, creature safe from the very corporation that employs her? After all, she's just an archivist. Don't worry, everything will be fine...
“A light-hearted podcast about friendship, chocolate and space...” sums it u pretty well I think! 10/10
Windfall - Ever since the castle first appeared in the sky above the city of Windfall, its residents have been building upward. Now the city consists of towers where the wealthiest residents live at the top while the poor eke out a living on the ground. Our podcast follows Cas, Shaima, and Argus, three brothers who live with their Uncle Vern after being orphaned during the grounder rebellion twenty years earlier. They find themselves drifting apart as Argus, the youngest, falls hopelessly in love with the much-older Helina, a foreign merchant haunted by her past; Cas, the middle brother, works in secret for the local crime boss; and Shaima, the oldest, struggles to keep their uncle’s scrap shop from going under. When Cas’s best friend, Kendall, is offered a position with the Wolfpack, Windfall’s military cult that acts as the city’s police, Cas is forced to decide where his loyalties lie. Meanwhile, something sinister looms over the city itself, threatening the lives of all who live in Windfall, from the wealthiest residents to the ground-level poor.
Im a bit lukewarm on this one to be honest, i’m interested in the story enough to listen to season 2 but it feels like the relationships between characters escalate a little too quickly to me? We’ll see. 6/10
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Tag game
Was tagged by @frankensteinsmona. Thank you! I was trying to answer the cxgf tv show ask you sent, but my draft got deleted and now I can't find the promt list :"'(
Last song: Dashboard by Modest Mouse
Favorite color: GREEN
Currently watching: 
Rewatching: Psych, Lizzie Bennet Diaries, just finished a rewatch of seasons 1&2 of Arrow (not currently planning on going further for my mental health lol)
And for first time watch: Justice League Unlimited, The Bear, just caught up to Only Murders in the Building,
Last movie/show: 
Movie: I saw The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes on friday. My hot take is that it should have had a patrick bateman style voice over for the vibes to be right
Show: Watched Psych this morning and was not emotionally prepared for 8x06: A Psych Odyssey so randomly cried at like noon today
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Sweet for the most part, but I like balance
Last Google Search: I don't know how to access my search history lol but probably something like "ghost transparent png" or "emf" or "standing wave" or "thermal expansion coefficient of moist wood" (I'm working on a presentation) but it was actually "is there a voiceover in american psycho?"
Tagging (as always don’t have to do this unless you want to): @approximately7raccoons and @dontfreakout
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starseedpatriot · 1 year
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The last three years have felt like an intense masters degree on human biology! I have learned about viruses, parasites, toxicity, vaccines, drugs, genetics, nutrition, nano technology, EMF toxicity, you name it! And then some more…
A lot of what I have come to discover completely shatters the established notions of health and medicine as we knew it. This masters degree has been as much about unlearning as it has been about learning.
The most important thing that I have come to understand, is that there are three causes of disease;
1. Deficiency - of nutrients, water, sun, sleep, exercise, love etc
2. Toxicity - from processed food, chemicals, poisons, alcohol, drugs etc
3. Trauma - either physical or emotional, or both at the same time.
There aren't thousands of different diseases, there's only one: it’s called ‘allostasis’.
Allostasis is the process of being in an active state of returning to ‘homeostasis’, which is defined as: A state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly.
The symptoms are NOT the problem, they are the answer to the problem. We call the symptoms the ‘disease’, but they are not, they are the body's healing response. They are the body’s self-detoxing process.
The human body is a self healing wonder machine, it has an incredible capacity to heal itself, but we must give it what it needs and remove what it doesn't need.
The truth is nature doesn't do disease, it’s a consequence of a toxic, modern, digital lifestyle.
Good health doesn't need to be over-complicated but we must return to how things were meant to be. We must go back to the basics: to eating fresh, organic foods and cooking them for ourselves, to being in touch with nature, to having a more balanced lifestyle, to freeing ourselves from fear, from stress, from anxiety, to having more time for those we love… in brief, we must start living life as it was intended.
God gave us everything we need to be happy, to be healthy, to be free. It’s time to return to the organic, spiritual, loving lifestyle he had in mind when he created this physical experience.
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edgepunk · 7 months
My one “crackpot” theory (that I think fits in with your corporate meddling thing) about SM2 is that shifting back to the science focus in the second game was what marvel/execs wanted and not really the writers. I read recently that was the case with the spidey 2017 animated show where last minute they had to implement the “science” aspect for it all and that hugely fucked up it’s development. Considering how much they were foreshadowing it in other stuff I think they did want to have it on longer but those restraints. But that’s just me.
Tho tbh I’m not as mad about teacher Peter being there. I think re: the games ideas on balance I understand is why they did it as such. But it was still def such a bummer it did not last long as it did.
Oh you mean the whole EMF thing? I dunno, to me it feels like it's integrated well into the story and ties back into the research stations from the first game, so it didn't seem to be shoehorned in like whatever the hell was going on with msm2017. I've heard that the production of the show was an absolute mess - corporate meddling, lack of communication with the animation studio, last minute changes - everything that can ruin a project.
Now, the show isn't That terrible, but I personally didn't like it. I even had a critique about the portrayal of Peter as a stereotypical nerd trope that constantly uses technobabble, but didn't watch the show till the end, so I ditched it.
Anyway, I did expect Peter to lose his job as a teach, but it's pretty unfortunate that they kept alluding to it throughout the first game and MM, and it led to nothing but a set piece that was quickly forgotten.
However, I'd like if Jason Schreier did his thing and sat down with some of the developers or writers (anonymously, of course) to make an interview with them. I want to know what was going on behind the scenes. In the gaming sphere, he's usually the go-to investigative journalist who uncovers scummy working conditions in AAA studios.
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