#endangered cosmetics
afeelgoodblog · 8 months
The Best News of Last Week - February 5
1. Austin experimented with giving people $1,000 a month.
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People who received guaranteed basic income in one of Texas' largest cities reported reduced rates of housing insecurity. Austin was the first city in Texas to launch a taxpayer-funded guaranteed-income program when the Austin Guaranteed Income Pilot kicked off in May 2022. The program served 135 low-income families, each receiving $1,000 monthly.
2. Germany: Tens of thousands in Berlin protest far right
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Around 150,000 people have attended a protest rally in the German capital, Berlin, against the far right and its ideology, the latest in a series of such demonstrations across Germany in recent weeks.
3. Sweden: Where it's taboo for dads to skip parental leave
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It's been 50 years since Sweden introduced state-funded parental leave, designed for couples to share. The pioneering policy offers some surprising lessons for other countries.
4. Germany tests 4-day workweek amid labor shortage
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While Germany, struggles to find enough workers, dozens of companies are starting an experiment that will see employees work a day less. In February, 45 companies and organizations in Germany will introduce a 4-day workweek for half a year.
5. K9 finds missing endangered 11-yr-old, gives her kisses
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An 11-year-old girl, reported to be missing and endangered, is now safe after she was found by a sheriff’s K9 deputy in Wimauma, Florida. Her handler asked if the K9 could give the girl kisses as a reward to the K9 for locating the girl, and the heartwarming moment was captured on the deputy’s body camera.
6. Oregon Zoo releases seven critically endangered condors back to nature in California
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Seven California condors were released into the wild in the U.S. state after the endangered animals were hatched and raised at Oregon Zoo.
7. EU will force cosmetic companies to pay to reduce microplastic pollution
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Beauty companies will have to pay more to clean up micropollutants after EU negotiators struck a new deal to treat sewage.
Under draft rules that follow the “polluter pays principle”, companies that sell medicines and cosmetics will have to cover at least 80% of the extra costs needed to get rid of tiny pollutants that are dirtying urban wastewater.
That's it for this week :)
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queer-geordie-nerd · 2 months
Do anti-trans crusaders like JK Rowling realize they are endangering lots of cis women with their hate? I get that they don't care about trans women's safety or wellbeing, but what about all the not-so-feminine-looking cis women out there who are now becoming the targets of transphobic attacks? The butch lesbians, the tomboys, the women with PCOS, the tall women, the muscular women, the short-haired women, the post-menopausal women who can't afford regular salon visits and injectables and cosmetic surgeries to keep them looking sufficiently "feminine" after their oestrogen dries up, the women who've had double mastectomies without reconstruction, the plain old 'ugly' women? What about them? They are all now being 'accused' of being trans online and getting doxxed and kicked out of women's bathrooms and secretly filmed in gyms and beaten in the streets in transphobic attacks. Does JK Rowling not care about them? Or are they all just collateral damage in the crusade? Should they all just make more of a damned effort? What? How should all the 'unacceptable' cis women out there protect themselves from the new wave of hate people like JK Rowling have stoked against them?
Would JK Rowling be willing to get her vag out and take a DNA test to 'prove' she's actually really truly a fully female woman? Would she object to that, I wonder?
(Not even going to start on the fact that she's also endangering intersex people and 'insufficiently masculine' men.)
I've found myself worrying lately about using public toilets. I'm a taller-than-average not-pretty cis woman who never wears make-up or jewellery or perfume or dresses. I now worry a little about not appearing 'feminine' enough in public, that I might be mistaken for a trans person and subjected to hate or violence. Is that really the world JK Rowling wants?
Anyway. She seems horrible and I'm glad I got rid of all her books. What a stupid hill she has chosen to die on.
Honestly, I think her and her ilk are so blinded by their all encompassing, frothing hatred and paranoia that they really *don't* care at all about women, any women. Like all extremists, their so-called *concern* is really a cover for their abhorrent behaviour.
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caldroiocht · 1 day
Absolutely sick of this rhetoric that women, especially radfems, have to be oh so goody-two-shoes nice to every other woman no matter what. I’m not going to kiss the ass of a woman who clearly doesn’t give a shit about liberating women and girls and continues to knowingly perpetuate the incredibly misogynistic and sexualized beauty standards. These women need to be held accountable for their role in keeping patriarchy afloat and the selfish and endangering behavior they show towards other women and girls.
We see where being a “girls girl” gets women, death from cosmetic surgery, death from porn, death from men, consumer for life of misogynistic and damaging products, women sexualizing themselves constantly, young girls growing up not knowing what an actual, natural women looks like. It’s criminal.
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Magick ritual if you’re feeling ‘meh’
Anyone a little ‘meh’ right now? A ritual here that will shake things up with the power of the sun, music, and someone who doesn’t even know they’re involved in a spell....  
As always, take time to make sure that the items and spaces you use are safe and that you can carry out this ritual in a way that won’t endanger you or others. We’re witches, not stunt performers. :)
The below ritual allows for modifications so that you can tailor it to what you can easily obtain. These are labelled ‘good’, ‘better’ or ‘best’. It’s how you do it that counts the most. Happy Magick-making!
When To Carry Out
Good = Any day. Better = Sunday would be preferable. Best = A sunny Sunday. Check the forecast.
What You Need
1. Clothing Good = A piece of clothing you haven’t worn in a long time. Better = A whole outfit you haven’t worn in a long time. Best = A whole outfit plus fragrances/cosmetics you haven’t used in a long time.  2. Washed and dried coins Good = Whatever coins you have. Better = Really shiny coins. Best = Really shiny coins minted this year or last. 3. A gift tag Good = A plain tag of card and string/thread. Better = A decorative gift tag with ribbon. Best = A beautiful gift tag that you’ve made yourself. 4. Five Drops of Oil Good = Whatever carrier oil you have. Better = Canola oil. Best = Sunflower oil. 5. Green Plant Material Good = Whatever green plant material you can get your hands on even if that’s a few blades of grass from a lawn. Better = Fresh Bay leaves (rosemary and sage would be good too). Best = Living Houseplants 6. A clothes hanger(s) Good = Any clothes hanger. Better = A wooden clothes hanger. Best = A padded clothes hanger (ooh fancy!) 7. A window Good = Any window. Better = A south facing window. Best = A south-facing window with a beautiful view of nature. 8. A non-alcoholic, citrus drink Good = Orange juice. Better = Lemonade Best = Lemonade in a fancy glass.
9. Music to dance to Good = Any upbeat song. Better = An upbeat song that was playing the last time you went out and had fun. Best = The song from the happiest time in your life so far.
The Ritual
Step One - Connect Gather all your materials together and just sit and breathe with them. Touch them, greet them. Take some time to connect to their energy. Do any other cleansing, grounding rituals you would normally do before spellcasting. Step Two - Set up (During daylight hours) - Using your finger dipped in the oil, mindfully draw an arrow on the tag pointing towards the ribbon/string. Use as much of those 5 drops of oil as you can. - Tie the tag to the ‘neck’ of the coat hanger so that the arrow is pointing up. - Put your clothing on the hanger (if you have multiple items, you don’t need another tag) and hang it in the window. - On the window sill, or another surface near the window that receives sunlight, arrange the coins and plant material in any way that brings a smile to your heart. Do the same with the items that won’t go on a hanger. Step 3 - The words Speak these words while focusing on where the sunlight is illuminating the objects. You may even want to sing these words: Sun, shine bright! Cast out blight. Light the light inside me. Light the light around me. Sun, shine bright. Cast out blight. Take some time to feel the energy in the space. Notice if you can sense it in your body in some way. Step 4 - Charging Leave the clothes and other items in the window to charge in the daylight at least until nightfall.
Step 5 - The Dance! - Once the clothes have had a day of sunlight, put on the clothes and use the cosmetics and fragrance. You can wait until the next day if need be. - Put the coins in your pocket (if you have no pockets, you can use a bag.) - Return the plants to their home (ie. put houseplants back in their regular spots, or if you have leaves or grass from outside, find a patch of bare soil to offer them back to the earth. Say a quick thank you while you’re at it.) - Put on the song and dance! Imagine the music is not coming at you but actually coming from you; as if your own body is creating the music in the moment. - Notice if that changes the way you move, or if it creates new sensations in your body. - Refresh yourself by drinking the orange juice/lemonade. Feel how the citrus flavour stimulates your tongue. Step 6 - The Witness - Leave the house and let someone see you in that old outfit. This is the witness. The witnessing seals the spell. - If you live in a really quiet area, it may take some planning so that you will actually pass someone! Step 7 - Use it or Lose it - When you get back home, assess the outfit. Ask yourself, ‘Why don’t I wear this often? What’s the problem with it?’ - If you actually liked wearing it: great! Plan a time you can wear this magickally charged outfit again. - If you didn’t like wearing it, here’s your opportunity to move on stagnant energy. Donate or recycle it and free up the space and energy for fresh magic in your life.
Step 8 - Put your money where your values are (as and when there’s an opportunity) - This may happen way down the line so don’t rush to do this part of the ritual. If you’re not spending for a while, simply keep those coins somewhere safe. - When the time comes, spend those coins in places that are meaningful to you, in ways that speak to your values. - Eg. if you believe in community, and also economic justice, use the coins to buy a Fairtrade tea at an indie cafe. Or, if you can spare the money, donate it to charity. - Directing energy - and money is a very particular kind of energy - in positive outward directions is a powerful way to make space for fresh energy. - Each time you ‘put your money where your values are’ you make the world better. Do that with magick-charged coins, and you’ll make the world magickally better!
Final Thoughts
If you are stuck in a rut, feeling listless, bored or blank, please know that this is a completely normal feeling. I’m betting that everyone you know has felt ‘the blahs’ at some point. The first step is to know what it is that you’re feeling and to give yourself permission to feel it fully in a safe space. Then, when you’re ready, try this ritual and let the magick breathe new inspiration into your life.  Wishing you Blessings and Abundance.
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iotlorganicscompany · 24 days
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So, here’s just an idea for a product I’m thinking of making and I’m trying to market it all before I launch so my content doesn’t miss any of my niche audience but, honestly I think I might be the only swampy Central Floridian witch obsessed with botany and sustainable aqua and agriculture aspiring for financial freedom attempting to acquire all that through business savvy… anyway this is a blog so let me tell you about the business I’m starting then afterwards I’ll shut up and go to bed.
Natural Alternatives to Mainstream Synthetics.
I’m not a fan of synthetic products, pollution or elitism and awhile back I started learning about how these things decay and affect the planet and people. Synthetic materials used in topicals, food, and cosmetics can disrupt the endocrine system, your metabolism and autoimmune system, and endanger our natural world. I believe synthetic fabrications can be formulated holistically however, until now, are not truly understood and should be replaced with sustainable organic materials that come to us from the natural world.
We’re using candles that are made with verifiably known carcinogens, the homes are being built and coated with harmful substances, inorganic plastics and breathable toxins …
I want to make something old …
I want to reach back into the ancient world and pull out a pristine and holy technology : creation for the sake of eternal benefit.
Too much harm has been done, and, now it is time- for the world’s healing. I believe that begins with our lifestyles.
Humans are meant to live in supreme seasons of harvest, hibernation, and, growth. I refuse to be driven mad in the fray of other people’s lives. Does the tortoise who flows with their intuition lose to the hustling hare?
Beauty should not come at the cost of your wealth, self, or, health and the aspiration of it should be an effect of the benefit of improving your health.
Infrastructure and culture should be in balance with the desires of the earth to sustain us. Do not build golf courses through a flood-plain. Stop developing without green space! If I see one more beer cooler full of cans when I’m kayaking in any of Florida’s beautiful rivers I will EMAIL EVERYONEEEEEE!!!
Donate to @thenatureconservancychina to aid the defense of the earth and our ecology.
Prepare for @iotlorganicscompany launch Spring 2025
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panvani · 10 months
Re: me complaining about people letting their pre pubescent daughters use expensive, potentially harmful cosmetics: so many times when I see people (rightfully) talk about how this is an incredibly fucked thing to do they say something to the effect of "people don't raise their children anymore" which is such a bizarre reframing I cannot understand the thought process that goes into it. Children do not come out the womb organically wanting fucking retinoids and AHAs, they (that is, girls) are indoctrinated into it through repeated reduction of their personhood to Female-ness and through repeated exposure to unhealthy ideals of Female-ness. The problem has very little to do with parents giving their kids whatever they ask for (and oftentimes it's parents *enforcing* this upon their children) and much more to do with parents endangering their child's well being due to their need to demand adult Femaleness from their pre-pubescent child
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roachliquid · 2 months
There's a thing that people need to understand when it comes to gender and presentation - and specifically, the difficulties that queer and intersex people (among others) face when navigating society.
It has to do with categories.
See, people need categories. They need to put things in categories. It's not just a habit; it's a critical tool that helps us wrangle the absolute fuckloads of information that we have to manage to survive as big brained nerd animals. Categorizing parts of the world around us creates a mental shorthand that we can use to understand those parts, and define our relationship with them, in a way that is concise and comfortable to manage.
So when we encounter something that doesn't fit into our current category system, our impulse is to try to make it fit. If we can learn enough about it to fit it into an existing category, or to construct a new category that's meaningfully distinct to put it into, then we're golden.
And when we can't, we get mean.
It's not intentional - it's more or less a panic reaction. Without the tools we've been relying on our whole lives, how do we navigate this situation? We start to feel threatened, potentially even endangered, and the natural response is to double down on the whole category thing, or else lash out at the target of our discomfort in the hopes that we can make it go away.
When you're cis, straight, perisex, allosexual, etc. etc., your gender is easy to categorize. You get assigned one, you fit it neatly enough to get on with, and you go about your day. But if anything about you is ambiguous enough to distress somebody, you're the one who bears the brunt of their fears.
And that fear turns into some nasty fucking beliefs. Like the idea that trans people MUST be wrong about our gender, because the gender we claim to have doesn't match what I know about those genders. Or the idea that intersex people MUST be treated to remove our intersex traits, because we need to be One Or The Other. Bi and nonbinary people need to "pick one". GNC people need to "dress/act more feminine/masculine." And on and on.
When you violate gender binaries, a lot of people assume decide that your true gender is whatever would make them the most comfortable. And what that translates into in a lot of cases is "whatever makes the most efficient attack". Or worse, "whatever lets me categorize you as a threat so that I can make sense of my fear."
This is why transphobic feminists get so rankled when they find out any trans person can face misogyny. You see, their system splits people into Oppressed Women and Oppressive Men, so you have to be one or the other. This is why treatments offered for PCOS include feminization protocols - not just because it's gender affirming for many people, but because we are automatically perceived as Failing To Be Real Women, and those treatments are often necessary to prevent that from happening. And that's the tip of the iceberg on how intersex people are treated - I do not come close to having the knowledge to cover that topic in-depth, but it involves cosmetic surgery on babies, so you know those roots run deep.
Speaking of issues that really hit intersex people, another factor in this habit of mistreatment is that people often think they are helping us. Because if we just stop existing outside of these little boxes, all the meanness and harassment will go away, don't you see? I'm not one of the bad guys, I'm trying to save you! Stop nonconforming and let me fix the thing that's broken!
Anyway, my point is, navigating the world of gender is complicated no matter what kind of divergent you are. Not because LGBTQIA people aren't who we say we are, but because existing categories were not designed to hold us, and most people default to "change the landscape to fit the map."
(Video: The song "If It Says So", from the Winnie the Pooh film "The Search for Christopher Robin." In the song, Rabbit insists that his faulty map is more trustworthy than the landscape.)
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years
League of Hikikomori
AU where everyone in the League of Villains is a hikikomori.
Tomura doesn't want to meet people IRL, he just wants to game and casually leak society-changing governmental data to fulfil his villainy quota. (All for One can't even say anything against his pupil's methods because they turn out to be more successful than whatever he's been trying for the last 200 years lol)
Dabi stays at home despite (or maybe because) Endeavor hasn't changed at all. His vengeance is a little... more personal, so to speak. He reveals himself to his father in the most dramatic way possible (all bloody tears and "Why didn't you search for me?" and "You've easily replaced me with Shouto, haven't you?!" and screaming himself raw - all the fun things that are definitely not his actual real feelings... nu-uh) and makes Endeavor take care of him (financially, because that idiot doesn't know how else to take care of Dabi) as well as making him back off of Shouto by merely being in the boy's presence. Endeavor takes one look at a heavily scarred mentally ill Dabi for once peacefully sitting with the brother he wanted to kill and just walks out again. Dabi becomes an absolute menace btw, like he "accidentally" develops a convenient shopping addiction and online shops day and night with his father's credit card. He heads into online gaming and buys cosmetics with real life money all the time. (That man has every single unlockable Genshin Impact character despite only having played the game for two weeks.) Endeavor can’t even say anything because that’d mean having to sit down with his suicidal kid to have a heart-to-heart and that’d be majorly uncomfortable. So he just doesn’t do anything at all.
Himiko ends up meeting Jin before she can do anything drastic and both of them live in a decrepit cheap apartment because Himiko’s parents are shitty. They get money by becoming TikTokers and their fans send them cute outfits, which has both of them getting into cosplay because of that. Once Himiko’s done with middle school, she opts to go to online classes instead and then there’s practically no reason for either of them to leave the house. (Long story short: Jin and Himiko are anxiety-ridden cosplay dance nerds.)
Shuichi, just like Tomura, isn’t keen on meeting people IRL. He has a mutant quirk and is therefore no stranger to discrimination. In the streaming scene, he’s known as the chill guy who’s giving out advice to fellow mutant types and telling stories about his own experiences. Twitch streamer “Spinner2Winner” doesn’t feel the need to go out and spread the word of Stain, when he can do it more efficiently in front of the PC. (Though, because he’s been receiving so much positive feedback, he’s in a much more positive headspace to evaluate Stain’s ideology and ends up being pro Stain’s idea but anti Stain’s execution of his ideals.)
Magne is a transwoman living in a transphobic area. Hell no, she’s not going to go out more often than she needs to. She can do her small fashion business online as well, without having to worry about assholes treating her like shit for who she is. In the confines of her apartment, she’s starting to bloom and truly embrace herself – doing yoga, wearing whatever she wants to wear, applying make-up however much she wants to put on and realizing her dreams of becoming a recognized and respected fashion designer. She’s also been saving up money for a small house and with the steadily rising interest in her brand, it’s not looking as impossible as it once did.
Mr Compress is a magician on YouTube... the end. There’s really not much to say. He lost his job, he has no interest in unnecessarily endangering himself but he still wants to do magic tricks – so YouTube it is. He just has that flair of dramatics that people love and he isn’t afraid of buying expensive equipment and learning how to edit to make his videos an Experience instead of just a few neat tricks in a row. He’s able to live quite comfortably off of monetization.
And then they all meet on Twitter and the weirdest friendship group in human history is born.
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mythaura-blog · 2 years
Development Update - October 2022
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Hi all! Koa here, wishing you a happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate it and bringing you a recap of what the team accomplished during the month of October 2022. We decided to post this update a day early to give everyone a final reminder about our rapidly retiring Early Access Companion.
Key points covered:
Staff Design Contest Winner
Quarter 2 (2022) Voting Results
Early Access Companion: Final Reminder
New Sponsor Items
Feature Spotlight: Gear & Apparel
Ko-fi Shop Restructure
Code Update
More info available under the cut!
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Staff Contest Winner
With bragging rights and a choice of movie on the line, Koa has won the staff design contest with her sky-blue Ryu. Thank you to all who cast their vote in our fun internal contest.
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Quarter 2 (2022) Voting Results
So far it’s looking like the following concepts will be selected for our 2nd Quarter’s items. While voting will remain open until October 31st 11:59pm PDT, there is a substantial enough lead on them that we feel pretty confident that these will be the final results.
Q2 Companion Winner: Wishing Tree Spirit
Q2 Glamour Winner: Skeleton Dragon
Solid Gold Skin (staff selected): Adult Hippogriff
If for some reason another concept makes a sudden comeback, we’ll make sure to update everyone on Discord and on Kofi.
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Early Access Companion: Final Reminder
Mythaura’s Early Access Ko-fi Companion, the Pearlescent Shellsnake, will only be available to Gold, Silver, or Bronze Sponsors who have or had a Sponsorship active on or before 11:59pm PDT on Monday, October 31, 2022!
As a reminder, the Pearlescent Shellsnake will NOT be available for individual purchase in the Ko-fi Shop later on, so if you are interested in receiving 3 copies of this endangered critter please check out our Ko-fi Sponsor Levels to see what other rewards you can receive for your patronage.
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New Sponsor Items
We have some fantastic new sponsored items to show everyone from our generous Ko-fi supporters. These items can be found while adventuring or purchased from shops. The rarity backgrounds shown in these previews are not final and are just for demonstrative purposes.
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Ghostlight Feather - A soft, iridescent black feather coated in a thin sheen of oil. The plumage burns blue when ignited, the flame cool to the touch.
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Mossy Heron Carving - A carving of a heron perched in a rushing river, modeled after the crest of an ancient familial House from Sleeping Waters. Its smoothed surface speaks to many centuries of passing between hands.
A big shoutout to Feet and GreenHeron for sponsoring these items.
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Feature Spotlight: Gear & Apparel
In Mythaura, players will be able to dress their beasts with various wearable items. These will be categorized into two distinct types of items: Gear and Apparel. While they both change the way your beast appears, they serve very different functions in the game.
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belongs to one of six distinct slots. (head, body, front legs, rear legs, tail, & appendages)
is limited to one gear piece per slot.
has stats & abilities associated with it that augment your beast when battling in the Arena or exploring a Wild Area. Sets often have bonuses for wearing the entire set.
can be hidden for those who want the stats but don't like how a specific gear piece looks.
are for adults only and generally will be for all breeds, with exceptions for things like heritage armor sets.
can be crafted & improved at the Terragon’s forge or purchased from various NPCs or players, or earned as loot/rewards.
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does not belong to or use up any slot.
is cosmetic only with no stats or modifiers associated with wearing them.
can have a generous amount equipped (actual limit TBD).
can be made for any number of breeds & ages. For example, only for young Dragons or for adult Kirins and Unicorns. Some may start limited for a single breed, and be expanded later into multiple bases.
is obtained by buying from various NPCs in-game, from other players, or earned as loot/rewards.
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Ko-fi Shop Restructure
Now that the shop has matured and we have some orders under our belt, we will be restructuring the custom items in the shop.
Design a Skin is being removed from the shop.
All Custom Gear is being removed from the shop and replaced with Custom Apparel with some new pricing and features. When you sponsor an apparel item you will select a base (e.g. Adult Quetzal) that the apparel applies to. Visit the shop to see the updated prices and categories.
Companion Sponsorship! We are going to offer monsters in the shop. These will be tamable companions that can be battled in the Wild Areas or purchased from shops with in-game currency.
A note about recolors & multiple bases
We can offer recolors with an additional fee of $20 per recolor (up to 3 total recolors). We can also add additional bases at a rate of $20 per base. The intake form sent to you after sponsoring an item has been updated to allow for selecting these add-ons. These must be provided upfront, you cannot add more recolors or bases once the intake form is submitted. If you request any of these add-ons, we will reach out to you with instructions on how to pay for the additional work. Bulk pricing for those interested in apparel being made for every breed is available.
Sponsors will get 5 copies of each of their recolors.
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Code Update
October was a huge month for one of our key features - the concept of battling your beasts with another player. Over 5,000 lines of code have been added this month, nearly all of it for battling!
We’ve begun the process of adding descriptive alt text to our items and implementing accessibility features. This will be an ongoing process, but our programmers are both well versed in ADA & WCAG 2.1 compliance and we want to make sure Mythaura will be an accessible game for all to enjoy.
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Thank you!
Thanks for sticking through to the end of the recap for our month of October! This was a busy month for our staff, and we are working on some very exciting features to show you in the coming months.
We’ll see you on December 1st with a recap of what we accomplish in November. Hopefully, we'll see you around the Mythaura Discord in the meantime!
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annaflorsdefum · 2 years
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EN|| Sharks are one of the most endangered animals on planet Earth, it’s estimated that in the last 50 years their population has been reduced by 70%. There’re 17 different species of shark in danger of extinction, like this one in the illustration, the Carcharias Taurus. This problem is especially significant in the Atlantic where fishing fleets can deploy 1,200 km of fishing lines with 28,000 hooks where all kinds of animals are trapped, especially sharks. Furthermore there’s also the indiscriminate fishing of the babys, which, taking into account that most shark species are characterized by having a low reproductive rate, a slow growth rate and late sexual maturation, makes it impossible for sharks to overcome their population decline, making them very susceptible to overfishing. On the other hand, climate change also affects sharks, the water temperature is increasing, the oxygen content of the water is decreasing, especially in coastal areas, and the waters are becoming more acidic. One of the main reasons why protection measures have not been put in place for these species is because the shark meat market has many economic interests, since it’s used for cosmetics, nutrition products and food. Sharks, due to their importance in the food chain, play a fundamental role in the sustainability of marine life and in the ability of these ecosystems to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Protecting them has to be a priority! 🦈 Information from @greenpeace_esp @greenpeace
ES|| Los tiburones son uno de los animales más amenazados del planeta Tierra, se calcula que en los últimos 50 años su población se ha reducido un 70%. Hay 17 especies distintas de tiburón en peligro de extinción, como este de la ilustración, el Carcharias Taurus, también llamado tiburón Toro o “Solraig clapejat” en catalán. Este problema es especialmente significativo en el Atlántico donde la flotas pesqueras pueden llegar a desplegar 1.200 km de líneas de pesca con 28.000 anzuelos donde quedan atrapados todo tipo de animales, sobretodo tiburones. A todo esto se le añade la pesca indiscriminada de crías, que teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de especies de tiburón se caracterizan por tener una baja reproductividad, una tasa de crecimiento lenta y una maduración sexual tardía, hace imposible que los tiburones se sobrepongan al declive de su población haciéndolos muy susceptibles a la sobrepesca. Por otro lado el cambio climático también afecta a los tiburones, la temperatura del agua esta aumentando, el contenido de oxigeno del agua esta disminuyendo sobretodo en las zonas costeras y las aguas se están acidificando. Uno de los principales motivos por los que no se han creado medidas de protección para estas especies es porque el mercado de la carne de tiburón mueve muchos intereses económicos, ya que se usa para cosméticos, productos de nutrición y para alimentación. Los tiburones, debido a su importancia en la cadena trófica, tienen un papel fundamental en la sostenibilidad de la vida marina y en la capacidad de estos ecosistemas para mitigar y adaptarse al cambio climático. Protegerlos tiene que ser una prioridad!🦈 Información de @greenpeace_esp @greenpeace
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) and U.S. Representative August Pfluger (R-Texas-11) today led 13 Senators and 54 Representatives in signing an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit challenging the Food and Drug Administration’s approval and deregulation of chemical abortion drugs.
The brief, authored by Americans United for Life, has been filed in the case of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, which is pending before the Northern District of Texas. The brief spotlights how the FDA’s actions have disregarded the law and put the lives and health of women and girls in danger. It follows a Jan. 26 letter to the FDA led by Hyde-Smith that was signed by 77 Senators and Members of Congress.
“The FDA’s reckless decisions to approve and deregulate chemical abortion drugs put the profits and political agenda of the abortion industry over the law and abundant evidence that abortion drugs present harm to women, girls, and their unborn babies,” Senator Hyde-Smith said.
The amicus brief makes three primary arguments that demonstrate how the FDA exceeded its authority by subverting the law and public policy with its approval and deregulation of harmful chemical abortion drugs. The brief contends the FDA endangered the health of women and girls when it:
Failed to adhere to the drug approval process in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
Unlawfully waived the pediatric study requirement under the Pediatric Research Equity Act
Violated federal law by permitting mail-order chemical abortion pills
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xtruss · 8 months
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About one-third of all shark species are threatened—and tens of millions are killed each year ​by commercial fishing industries. Photograph By David Maupile/Laif/Redux
Sharks Are Still Being Killed At High Rates—Despite Bans On Finning
Shark fishing regulations, including bans on cutting off fins, increased tenfold since 2000. Yet a new study shows that deaths may have actually ticked up as new markets for shark meat emerge.
— By Tim Vernimmen | January 11, 2024
In 2019 at least 79 million sharks died in fisheries, and at least 25 million of those belonged to threatened species—numbers that have stayed steady or even risen in the past decade.
Compared to 10 years ago, fewer of those sharks died because people cut off their fins and threw them back into the sea—a practice known as finning that is now prohibited in about 70 percent of countries and overseas territories. But regulations that have reduced the frequency of finning have not saved shark lives, an international research team reports in the journal Science this week.
“If anything, global shark mortality has slightly increased,” says Boris Worm, a marine ecologist at Dalhousie University in Canada. Now most sharks are landed whole, and a growing demand for shark products has driven fisheries to continue catching the animals.
Worm and seven colleagues spent the past three years collecting data on shark mortality and fishery regulations. “This was really a challenge,” he says, “as shark fisheries are notoriously underreported. We compiled everything we could find, from catch numbers to data from observers on boats in international waters to estimates of coastal fishing that include recreational, artisanal, and even illegal fishing.”
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Employees of the Kowalski fishing industry in Santa Catarina, Brazil, wash sharks recently caught in ocean fishing. Photograph By Victor MoriyamaFor National Geographic
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A counter in a Chinese medicine shop in Taipei sells shark fins. Photograph By Michael Wolf Estate/Laif/Redux
The global analysis reveals that even though there has been a tenfold increase in regulations on shark fishing and finning, mortality in the past decade remained more or less the same, with estimates of 76 million dead sharks due to fishing in 2012 and at least 80 million in 2018. Given that not all catches are reported in sufficient detail and some aren’t recorded at all, the researchers say, the number of deaths is likely to be significantly higher.
A Shark 🦈 Market
Marine ecologist Nicholas Dulvy of Simon Fraser University in Canada, who has not involved in the study, points out finning regulations did help “to ensure many catches could be identified to the species level, which is necessary for catch and trade limits” and also aids research. “Regulation of international trade has now begun, with the protection of over 100 shark species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,” he says.
While these trade regulations appear to have led to fewer sharks getting killed in international fisheries, coastal fisheries have started catching more sharks.
To try to understand why that might be, the researchers interviewed 22 experts including scientists, conservationists, and people working in fisheries or companies that process shark products. “They’ve told us that existing markets for shark products have expanded,” says marine conservation scientist Laurenne Schiller of Carleton University in Canada, a co-author of the study. “Which may be due in part to the increased availability of sharks resulting from anti-finning regulations.”
Shark meat, even from endangered sharks, is increasingly found in a variety of food products, and not just in still-popular shark fin soup. Shark is also often used in fish and chips, in ceviche, or as a fraudulent alternative for swordfish.
In addition, shark cartilage and liver oil are common ingredients in the medical and cosmetics industries. “Many beauty products contain squalene,” Schiller says, “which usually, but not necessarily, derives from sharks. So it’s good to look for products that use plant-based alternatives instead.”
The researchers say that that to save sharks, anti-finning laws clearly do not suffice, and there need to be more extensive fishing regulations.
“There are 29 countries and overseas territories that have already prohibited shark fishing in their waters,” says Worm. “The Bahamas, for example, have discovered that sharks were worth much more as a dive attraction for the ecotourism industry, which is booming. On average, we see such prohibitions are the only tool that consistently reduced mortality, so we would encourage that.”
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Fishermen go out fishing sharks in Cananeia, a coastal town in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Restrictions on species allowed for fishing have led many local fishermen to specialize in other fish and crustaceans such as shrimp and sea bass. Photograph By Victor MoriyamaFor National Geographic
Gillnets Kill
In places where people depend on fisheries for their livelihoods or sustenance, bans may not be appropriate, but keeping fisheries at sustainable levels is crucial to maintaining wild populations.
“This includes, of course, science-based catch limits for sharks,” says Schiller. “But many interviewees also told us about the dangers of unselective fishing gears, like gillnets.” These walls of netting that hang vertically in the water column are designed to catch fish by their gills, and they tend to entangle every animal that is too large to fit through the mesh. “Our own analyses show they are commonly used in the places we identify as mortality hotspots. So phasing them out and encouraging more selective practices in places like Indonesia, Brazil, Mauritania, or Mexico could have a big impact,” Schiller says.
“We know that shark populations are under enormous pressure from fishing throughout much of the world’s oceans,” says marine biologist Colin Simpfendorfer of James Cook University in Australia, who was not involved in the study, “and the data presented in this new paper add further evidence.”
While finning regulations have not led to decreased shark deaths, Simpfendorfer points out they weren’t designed to reduce catches, but to prevent suffering and the waste of sharks being killed for their fins alone.
Without increased efforts to protect sharks, at least one in three species will face the threat of extinction, and many more are suffering population declines.
“I have many colleagues who are oceanographers, and they tell me that in the 70s and 80s, there were always sharks following the vessel because of the kitchen scraps they threw overboard—typically oceanic whitetips, a formerly very abundant species that is now endangered and hardly ever seen. I’ve never seen one in my life,” says Worm. “That’s when you get that sinking feeling that something is really wrong with the way we’re treating them. We should fix that, and we can.”
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wyvernscales · 1 year
hair from the prompts list :)
I think the oc who has the most personal and impactful relationship with their hair is Lorelei, and I’ve put some of my thoughts on the matter in this post, so I’m going to talk about Feja here!
There’s not really much canon lore about beauty routines in Thedas, let alone Orzammar, so I just need to make my own.
I don’t imagine Orzammar has many materials that could be used in cosmetic products other than fungi, so I’d assume many dwarves in higher Castes use products from the surface. As Orzammar’s largest trading partner, many cosmetics are bought from Tevinter.
Given the whole “surrounding a lava pit” thing, one would assume that Orzammar is very dry, but because it's a cave the water can't evaporate. So 100% humidity. Every day. In that type of environment, sealing in hydration is key. One of the traditional hair products used in the Thaig is bronto fat infused with different deep mushroom oils to mask the scent.
As an Aeducan, Feja always had access to the finest hair oils, soaps, balms, combs and accessories in Thedas. She often used vinegar or another astringent to rinse out the grime and then used olive, jasmine, and grape seed oils to keep her hair soft and her curls defined. Because the humidity is always so high, she'd also use a small amount of cocoa butter to keep frizz at bay. Then she’d perfume her hair with felicidus aria--an an endangered and expensive flower--and other luxury herbs as a display of her wealth.
Most days, she kept her curls pinned in a plaited updo as befit her warrior status and to keep it safe from breakage. Elaborate styles were reserved for royal appearances.
She also had a large collection of bejeweled and enchanted hair pins with a myriad of effects. Some were more practical, enhancing her combat ability or wit. Others were more mundane. A personal favorite of hers was a minor ward against tangles that she personally commissioned from the Shaper of Runes.
But then she was banished from the Thaig with nothing but the rags on her back. Abandoned. Then found. In the beginning of her journey across Ferelden, there were too many things to worry about and her hair was simply not a priority. She resigned herself to combing it out with her fingers and wearing a helmet or coif.
When she and the rest of her party got more established, she began to think about her hair again. First, she tried a soap purchased from Bodahn that was way too harsh on her hair. Before she resolved herself to trial and error, Feja to swallowed her pride and asked her fellow Warden Elias how he kept his curls so defined and bouncy.
He told her of soapwort, deer tallow soap, and a few oils he knew were good for hair like burdock root and walnut. Their hair textures aren't the same though, so some of his recommendations were just too heavy for her hair. She did manage to find a routine that worked well for her in time.
Immediately upon her return to Orzammar, Feja picked up a nug bristle brush and two pins with anti-tangle enchantment. One of them was gifted to Elias as thanks.
(I clearly got lost in a research hole on this one.)
Thank you for the ask!
OC Character Design Questions
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emerald194 · 2 years
Poptropica Villains and Whether They Pay Taxes
Ringmaster Raven
He kept his true identity unknown for decades and ran a traveling carnival. He's intelligent AND has hypnosis powder AND the ability to vanish without a trace.
Verdict: NO
Binary Bard
Mordred MIGHT have paid taxes before falling out of favor with the kingdom, depending on how fair he felt the system was. Binary Bard, however, is unbound by any Poptropican law.
Verdict: NO
Gretchen Grimlock
She runs a huge cosmetics business that uses ingredients from rare/endangered species and will do anything for a profit. Gretchen's a wealthy, immoral businesswoman. She probably has her money hidden in offshore accounts to avoid most of the taxes.
Verdict: YES, but not nearly enough
Dr. Hare
Ok it's very likely he does not pay taxes but consider. Outside of the villainy it seems like he has good standing with Poptropicans. What if he founded a scholarship program to get the huge tax writeoffs? And because he would rather support young scientists than the government?
Verdict: A little, but most of his money is better spent elsewhere.
I'm open to discussion, but I thought I'd share my stance.
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bmvfragrancesltd · 22 days
Exploring the World of Synthetic Essential Oils: A Deep Dive into Frankincense, Sandalwood, and Indian Cardamom
In the vast world of essential oils, natural varieties often receive the lion's share of attention. However, synthetic essential oils play an equally significant role, especially in the fragrance, cosmetics, and aromatherapy industries. These synthetics, carefully crafted to mimic the aroma and properties of natural oils, offer a more sustainable and sometimes cost-effective alternative. This article will explore key synthetic essential oils, including Frankincense serrata, Sandalwood, and Indian Cardamom, along with their natural counterparts like Boswellia serrata and their applications in various industries.
Understanding Synthetic Essential Oils
What Are Synthetic Essential Oils?
Synthetic essential oils are man-made compounds designed to replicate the scent, and sometimes the therapeutic properties, of natural essential oils. Unlike natural oils, which are extracted from plants, synthetic oils are created through chemical processes in a laboratory. These oils are widely used in industries where cost, consistency, and availability are crucial factors.
Advantages of Synthetic Essential Oils
Cost-Effective: Synthetic essential oils are often more affordable than their natural counterparts, making them a popular choice for large-scale manufacturing.
Consistency: Unlike natural oils, which can vary depending on the plant’s growing conditions, synthetic oils offer consistency in scent and composition.
Sustainability: The production of synthetic oils reduces the pressure on natural resources, particularly for rare or endangered plants.
Longer Shelf Life: Synthetic oils generally have a longer shelf life compared to natural oils, which can degrade over time.
Exploring Key Synthetic Oils
Frankincense Serrata: A Modern Marvel
Frankincense serrata, also known as Indian frankincense is a resin obtained from the Boswellia serrata tree. This tree, native to India, produces a gum resin that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and religious rituals. The synthetic version of Frankincense serrata captures the earthy, spicy aroma of the natural resin, making it a valuable component in perfumery and incense production.
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Applications of Synthetic Frankincense Serrata
Perfumery: The warm, woody scent of synthetic Frankincense serrata makes it a popular choice in high-end perfumes and colognes.
Aromatherapy: While not as potent as the natural oil, synthetic Frankincense serrata is used in aromatherapy products designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
Religious and Cultural Practices: Synthetic Frankincense is often used in religious rituals and ceremonies, providing an affordable alternative to natural incense.
Sandalwood Synthetic: The Essence of Luxury
Sandalwood synthetic is a laboratory-created oil designed to replicate the rich, woody aroma of natural sandalwood, a tree that has been overharvested in many parts of the world. The synthetic version offers a sustainable option for industries that rely on this luxurious scent.
Applications of Synthetic Sandalwood
Perfumes and Colognes: Sandalwood is a cornerstone in the fragrance industry, known for its warm, creamy, and long-lasting scent. Synthetic sandalwood is widely used in both men’s and women’s perfumes.
Cosmetics: The soothing properties of synthetic sandalwood make it a common ingredient in skincare products, including lotions, creams, and soaps.
Incense and Aromatherapy: Synthetic sandalwood is also popular in incense production and aromatherapy, providing a calming and grounding effect.
Natural Counterparts: Boswellia Serrata and Indian Cardamom Oil
Boswellia Serrata: The Source of Indian Frankincense
Boswellia serrata is the botanical name for the tree that produces Indian frankincense, a resin known for its medicinal and aromatic properties. Unlike its synthetic counterpart, natural Boswellia serrata oil is prized for its purity and effectiveness in traditional medicine.
Applications of Boswellia Serrata
Traditional Medicine: Indian frankincense oil is used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It’s often applied topically or ingested to treat conditions like arthritis and digestive disorders.
Aromatherapy: Natural Boswellia serrata oil is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance meditation practices.
Perfumery: The earthy, balsamic aroma of natural Boswellia serrata oil is a valuable addition to high-end perfumes.
Indian Cardamom Oil: A Spicy Delight
Indian Cardamom Oil, extracted from the seeds of Elettaria cardamomum, is a highly aromatic essential oil used in both culinary and therapeutic applications. Known for its sweet, spicy scent, Indian cardamom oil is a staple in the fragrance and flavoring industries.
Applications of Indian Cardamom Oil
Culinary Uses: Indian cardamom oil is used as a flavoring agent in food and beverages, imparting a sweet, spicy note to dishes.
Aromatherapy: The invigorating aroma of cardamom oil is used in aromatherapy to boost mood and alleviate fatigue.
Perfumery: Its warm, spicy scent makes cardamom oil a popular choice in men’s fragrances and oriental perfume blends.
Resins Manufacturer: The Backbone of the Industry
Resins are a critical component in the production of essential oils, particularly for oils like frankincense and myrrh. A resins manufacturer specializes in extracting, processing, and supplying these resins to the fragrance and aromatherapy industries.
The Role of Resins in Essential Oil Production
Extraction: Resins are collected from trees through a process called tapping, where the bark is cut to release the resin. This raw resin is then processed to extract essential oils.
Fragrance Industry: Resins are highly valued in the fragrance industry for their rich, complex aromas. They are used in perfumes, incense, and other aromatic products.
Traditional Medicine: Many resins have therapeutic properties and are used in traditional medicine, either as a base for ointments or in their raw form.
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Synthetic vs. Natural: The Ongoing Debate
The choice between synthetic and natural essential oils often depends on the intended use, budget, and personal preferences. While synthetic oils offer consistency, affordability, and sustainability, natural oils are favored for their authenticity, therapeutic benefits, and rich, complex scents.
Sustainability Considerations
The production of natural essential oils can sometimes lead to overharvesting and environmental degradation, particularly for rare plants like sandalwood and frankincense. Synthetic alternatives help alleviate this pressure, providing a sustainable option for industries that require these precious resources.
Synthetic essential oils, including Frankincense serrata, Sandalwood, and Indian Cardamom, offer a valuable alternative to natural oils, especially in industries where cost and consistency are key. While natural oils like Boswellia serrata and Indian Cardamom Oil are prized for their purity and therapeutic properties, synthetic oils provide a sustainable and often more accessible option for manufacturers and consumers alike. As the demand for essential oils continues to grow, both synthetic and natural options will play crucial roles in meeting the diverse needs of the market.
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tamanna31 · 30 days
Squalene Market Size, Status and Forecast 2030
Squalene Industry Overview
The global squalene market size was estimated at USD 149.4 million in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.9% from 2024 to 2030.
Increasing consumption of natural ingredients in the personal care and cosmetics sector is expected to emerge as a major factor driving the market demand. Squalene is translucid, emits a low odor, and offers moisturizing properties. These qualities make it one of the most preferred emollients in the world. Absence of toxicity, makes it one of the most widely used elements in personal care applications. Squalene oil is also utilized in the cosmetics industry to fight free radicals that damage the skin and accelerate the aging process.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Squalene Market
The product is used as a moisturizing and cleansing ingredient in cosmetic and personal care products such as lotions, hair conditioners, bath oils, lipsticks, creams, and foundations. Furthermore, surge in demand for natural and organic ingredients is expected to have a positive impact on the market.
Another factor that fuels market expansion is the rising demand for products in several vaccines. It is a vital component of vaccinations including the COVID-19 vaccines as it is extremely effective in boosting immune response.
Squalene product, used in vaccines and pharmaceutical products is a purified version of fish oil, which is extracted from sharks. A report published by the International Trade of Endangered Species states that five shark species are in danger of extinction. This is anticipated to significantly reduce animal-based products and further drive plant- and synthetic-based sources.
The squalene industry also benefited from rising interest in nutritional supplements, expansion of the cosmetics sector, and prevalence of cancer and cardiovascular disorders. New renewable sources for product manufacturing along with appealing marketing and packaging techniques give market participants additional lucrative opportunities.
The U.S. is the largest producer and consumer of the product in North America. The market is expected to grow significantly over the forecast period owing to growth of the cosmetics industry in the country. The growth can be attributed to a high penetration rate of global cosmetic brands and an increase in demand for beauty care products and beauty clinics owing to the expanding working women population in the country.
The product is mainly extracted from shark liver oil and olive oil. Olive oil is a major source of extraction in the U.S. owing to restrictions imposed on poaching of marine animals under Marine Mammal Protection Act Policies (MMPA) that prohibit the take of marine mammals, including hunting, collecting, capturing, harassing, or killing them in waters and by citizens of U.S. on the high seas.
The act also makes it unlawful to import marine mammals and items derived from marine mammals into the country without necessary permits. This could lead to an increase in the use of plant-based or synthetically manufactured products over animal-based in the U.S. in coming years.
Browse through Grand View Research's Food Additives & Nutricosmetics Industry Research Reports.
• The global lycopene market size was valued at USD 161.0 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global anti-foaming agents market size was estimated at USD 5.64 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Squalene Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts volume & revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2018 to 2030. For this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global squalene market report based on source, end-use, and region.
Source Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Shark Liver Oil
Other Animals
Amaranth Oil
Olive Oil
Rice Bran Oil Plants
Other Amaranth Oil
End-use Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Personal Care & Cosmetics
Food & Beverages
Regional Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is fragmented and competitive with presence of several players. Major players are clustered in European and North American regions, whereas several small players are clustered in Asia Pacific, mainly in India, China, and Japan, as the region offers easy access to shark liver oil and olive oil, which are essential raw materials for production of the product.
Partnership strategies have been adopted by the leading players in the market to enhance the reach of their products by leveraging the networks of acquired players and geographic availability. For instance, in May 2023 Amyris announced its partnership with Croda International Plc. in order to supply pharmaceutical-grade squalene in adjuvants to boost the immune response:
Amyris, Inc.
Sophim SAS
Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH
Vestan Limited
Kuraray Co., Ltd.
Croda International Plc
Oleicfat, s.l.
Kishimoto Special Liver Oil Co., Ltd.
Order a free sample PDF of the Squalene Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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