#enjoy bone apple teeth etc
cultivatedmemes · 2 years
Love is beautiful. Love is destruction  book, song, poetry starter list, feel free to change pronouns or anything else to make it fit your character better! Trigger warnings for blood, violence, etc.
❝ Sacrifice. That’s what we do for the people we love. ❞
❝ I don’t want soft and subtle. I want rough, wild heartache. I want sin. I want you. ❞
❝ I’m carving a space inside you — can you feel it? ❞
❝ Does it hurt to know that I enjoy seeing you like this? ❞
❝ The blood on my teeth begins to taste like religion, like the way you look at me. ❞
❝ I say I want you inside me and you split me open with a knife. ❞
❝ Love is a scar. ❞
❝ I confuse instinct for desire — isn’t bite also touch? ❞
❝ Because you want to die for love, you always have. ❞
❝ If you are intolerable, then let me be the one to tolerate you. ❞
❝ Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. ❞
❝ All that blood was never once beautiful, it was just red. ❞
❝ Give me poison apples so you never leave my tongue. ❞
❝ Give me shards of glass, sharper than any thorn, so you’ll always be in my grasp. ❞
❝ I threw a punch just to touch his face. ❞
❝ The enormity of my desire disgusts me. ❞
❝ I want to take you home and rough you up and get my hands inside you, drive my body into yours like a crash test car. ❞
❝ The blood is rare and as sweet as cherry wine. ❞
❝ I have never known closeness like this. ❞
❝ Whatever I’ve done, I’ve done it for love. ❞
❝ I love you so much I’m going to let you kill me. ❞
❝ You cut me apart and I said it was creation. I can still feel the knife. ❞
❝ I kissed your scars even after you hurt me. ❞
❝ The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine — open hand or closed fist, oh, would be fine ❞
❝ Bite me: sign my death with your teeth. ❞
❝ Desire is a promise. ❞ / ❝ Desire is a knife. ❞
❝ Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine. ❞
❝ It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all. ❞
❝ I never understood desire until I felt your hands around my throat. ❞
❝ Whether you come as a lover or an executioner, I am ready to receive you. ❞
❝ Show me your thorns and I’ll show you hands ready to bleed. ❞
❝ I would love to be ruined if it means I am sacred enough to be kept close. ❞
❝ I don’t know how to love someone without swallowing them. ❞
❝ If you are a knife, give me the blade. Some things are worth spilling blood for. ❞
❝ The same sin binds us. ❞
❝ To be loved is to be consumed. ❞
❝ I need your teeth in me, slow and vicious. Tell me my armor is just skin and bones. Only bones. ❞
❝ Want me down to the marrow. ❞
❝ In loving me you hold a knife to my throat. In loving you, I tell you where to cut. ❞
❝ Stay away from the ones you love too much. These are the ones who will kill you. ❞
❝ All that matters is that you want to hurt me. All that matters is you want me. ❞
❝ I had a dream last night that you and I were painfully connected. ❞
❝ I’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck. ❞
❝ We’re what we swore we’d not become. ❞
❝ Some things you do for money, some you only do for love. ❞
❝ You are the knife I turn inside myself. ❞
❝ This is what love is for — wanting to give your blood when everything is over. ❞
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Botany...Of Course, Pt 6 (NSFW)
The last part of Larissa x Peyton!! I'm so sad their vacation is over :( So much fluff, sad but happy ending, smut ;) ~2700 words
Warnings: Smut, cunnilingus, thigh riding, etc.
Pt 5
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This Fleetwood Mac song is vital to the fic, listen to it if you don't know it!
Previous part*
As the concert went on, Larissa was swaying to the music, eyes fixated on the stage. She never let go of your hand. The lights reflected on her face, giving you the best view of her bright blue eyes illuminated with joy, and her white teeth showing off to the world. You shook your head. How had you fallen so hard for a woman after spending a few days with her? Yes, you had admired her, looked up to her, and revelled in her wit and beauty for the longest time, but now you truly were in deep. She was one of a kind. She was so many beautiful, wonderful things that you could never have the time to list. She was the mother of the outcasts, the voice that you'd listen to and tell it to never shut up, the sun when you thought that you wouldn't make it in your darkest days, and the moon when you needed to rest your blinding thoughts. She may have been a sight to others, one that they would revel in for a minute and then forget about. She may have been a random tall woman, a harsh principal, flesh and bones to others, nothing even. But to you and your poor neglected, touch deprived, useless gay heart, she was everything.
You both made your way back to the resort, deciding to go for a walk in the gardens. Larissa asked you questions about the plants, and you answered them all with as much passion as you truly had for them. Intoxicated you wouldn't shut up, actually. Much like in your head, you wouldn't shut up about her.
Back at your hotel room, Larissa sat you down on the bed and told you she had another surprise for you. "Close your eyes" she whispered. Skeptically you closed your eyes, and she placed something in your hands. "Okay, open" she chirped excitedly. You looked down at your hands and found a small box. You opened it slowly to find a pair of amber earrings. They were stunning. They had a dark antique boarder design and the amber sparkled in the light as you moved them around. You recognized the store name on the box and couldn't help but think about how expensive they must have been. You looked up at her with your mouth open in awe. "Oh Rissa they’re gorgeous, but I can't accept these from you" you mumbled, frowning at your own words. She sat beside you and cupped your face in her hand, turning you to meet her gaze. "Peyton, I want you to take them and let them remind you of our time here. This was the best trip that I've taken in the longest time, and it's all thanks to you. As soon as I saw these, they reminded me of your eyes, so full of life and love. Take them darling, please." You felt yourself holding back tears as you thought about the gesture. Nobody had bought you anything so meaningful before, nobody had thought of you like this before. You wrapped the tall woman in your arms and gave her kiss on the cheek, mumbling a thank you as that's all you could say, regardless of what you really wanted to say.
You were both enjoying drinks on the balcony overlooking the garden. In your head you thought back to the few times Larissa had questioned you about the plants, something that was rather funny to you. "Riss, why do you ask me so many questions about the plants?" She paused, and taking a dink of her wine she looked at you, her brows knit in confusion. "What do you mean? I like learning about them, and you are the botany teacher" she said, picking on you. You giggled, "I know, but didn’t you win a botany award in 91? You probably know more about them than I do." She dropped her gaze to the floor and chuckled, "Oh, you saw that on the wall did you?" You nodded your head. "Well sweetheart, honestly, I just think that you're adorable. When you talk about them you look so happy and passionate, and I love seeing you light up." You blushed, this woman always found a way to make you shy.
 You were staring out at the tall trees in the garden reminiscing over your first Fleetwood Mac concert when you had a fabulous idea. You ran inside and turned on some music. Walking back to the woman on the balcony, you held out your hand. "Larissa, since we couldn't dance at the concert, I was wondering if you would want to dance here, with me." She took your hand and stood up, wrapping one arm around your waist and one around your neck. She looked down at you with a loving smile on her face, "I would love to, darling." You both swayed to "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac with your head against her chest. You listened to her heart beat. Usually, you would be bothered by the people in the garden staring at you, but here with Larissa, you didn’t give a shit. As you listened to the song, you couldn't help but think about Larissa's nightmare. What if the nightshade had killed her? What if she was no longer here, heart no longer beating? What would Nevermore do without her? What would you do without her? Would you be back in Europe, wallowing in your self pity and despair? Would you be ashamed of yourself, never admitting the fact that you liked women? What a turn of events that was, for she made you want to write it in the stars for everyone to see, scream it into the abyss for everyone to hear, talk to the moon and thank her for letting you see and appreciate the beauty of women. As you heard a line from the song "And I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before," you couldn't hold back your tears any longer. You didn’t want Larissa to think that you were fragile or needy, but the whole situation tugged at your heart strings, it really did.
As Larissa felt you whimper into her chest she hugged you tighter, swaying with you until the song faded out. She led you back in from the balcony still hugging you to her. She cupped your chin and brought your gaze up to meet hers. Her eyes were glazed over and it made you feel better, yet more sad at the same time. "What are you thinking about love?" she whispered, her soft and caring voice making you sob loud. "Larissa I'm so, so glad you're still alive. I'm so grateful that you're here with me. I don't know where I'd be if you never gave me a job, if you never showed me love. I don't want you to be scared anymore, I want you to be free and happy and live." You paused for a moment, thinking about your next words. But alas, there was no question anymore, you made your decision. You looked deep into her eyes, "I want you to live Larissa. Please, let me take your memory for you." She sat down on the bed and pulled you into her lap as tears started steaming down her face. You frowned, you didn’t want to make her feel worse. Her voice was hoarse as she tried to form words. "Peyton, darling, what do you mean take my memory for me?" You stopped crying, confused, before you realized that you said 'take'. You had told Larissa that you could erase memories, you didn't tell her that you took them as your own. You didn't want her to know that, you had messed up. "Um, I didn't want to tell you, but when I erase memories, they're not actually erased. I get them as my own. They have to go somewhere, right?" you gave her a shrug and a sad chuckle. You watched her eyes widen as she took her hand from you and placed it over her mouth. She genuinely looked like she was in fear as she stared at you. Larissa no longer wanted you to take her memory. After seeing how it hurt you a couple nights ago, she decided that she would rather it hurt her than you. If you really cared about her, her memory would hurt you, but you would offer to take it regardless. If she really cared about you, she would not let you take it. You cupped her face in your hands, "Riss, it's not a big deal, I want to take it from you, I don't want you to be in pain." The woman buried her face into your shoulder as you heard her trying to muffle her cries. Tears streamed down your face as you realized the irony of the situation. Here you two were, distraught over trying to decide who should hold the memory, who should take the pain of her attempted murder when it never should have happened in the first place. Neither of you deserved it, but in the end she was alive. Larissa Weems was alive.
You cried into Larissa's hair, stroking it lightly to sooth her until you heard her start to mumble something. "I don't- want you to- be in pain either Pey" she breathed out. "You're not- taking my memory, and that's final." You wanted to laugh at the way she tried to sound authoritative and demanding in this situation, but you refrained. She finally looked at you again, her eyes red and makeup running down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and you waited for her to speak. "After I almost died, I realized that I was alone, utterly alone. I thought that I had people who cared about me, but when I survived, I realized that I no longer did. I realized that I still wanted to do so much more, and I wanted to love someone who loved me back. I never got to know what that felt like, and I almost died like that. People have broken my heart before, women have, Marilyn did. But what did the most was that when I thought I was dying, I realized nobody truly cared about me, nobody ever loved me like I loved them." You took a breath in as you felt your own heart break for her. You felt a deep pain in your chest, one you've never felt before. You stared into her eyes as you tried your hardest to find words, any words at all. Were you going to say anything to her or were you just going to stare at her? You decided to do the only thing that you could. You grabbed her makeup stained face and wiped the tears from her cheeks. You smiled at her and quickly brought your lips to meet hers. You kissed her with all the passion that you had for her, hoping to convey the message that someone cared about her, someone loved her, and that someone was you.
Tears were still streaming down your face as you kissed her. Apparently you both were full of different emotions tonight because after a few minutes, Larissa grabbed your waist and pulled you up to straddle her. As she did this you let out a whimper. This spurred the older woman on and she moved her lips down your jaw to your neck. As you felt her warm lips on you moving from the crook of your neck to suck at your pulse point, you couldn't help but grind your hips down into hers. Her lips trailed to your chest before she looked up at you and tugged at the hem of your shirt, silently asking if she could remove it. You nodded your head and it was gone in an instant. Larissa laid kisses all over your chest and stomach until she reached behind you to undo your bra. She kissed your breasts hard, leaving a couple marks behind before she took one in her mouth. God this woman turned you on so much, you couldn't help but grind into her harder. "Stand up" Larissa purred and you did as you were told. She brought her hands to your pants and undid them, slowly sliding them down your legs while taking you in. Larissa laid down and pulled you back on top of her, holding you close as your lips crashed into hers once again. She moaned into your mouth as you stuck your tongue into hers, you needed to feel her. You palmed her breasts as you tried to grind down into her. Feeling like the less dominant one here she demanded, "Stay still, don't move your hips." You froze at her tone, but you did as she commanded. She slowly sat up and started to lift her dress up around her hips. You almost started drooling at the sight of her when you saw her white thick thighs and hips, black lace panties covering her. She positioned you so that you were straddling one thigh, but she gave you a look that said 'don't move'. She cooed at you, "Do you want this Peyton? Do you want me?" and all you could mumble out was "Oh god Riss, please." Her hands landed on your hips as she began to move you against her. You couldn't contain your moans as you covered her thigh in your slick, thinking about how hot Larissa would look if she was in your position right now. As you grinded into her, you felt your release coming fast. You focused in on Larissa's beauty and listened to her whimpers as she breathed heavily, this sending you over the edge with a cry of her name.
"Oh baby, you're so messy" she moaned as you removed yourself from her thigh. You blushed and looked down, embarrassed. "Unzip my dress, darling" she breathed and you did so right away. She stood up to remove her dress and before you could get a good look at her she was on top of you, pushing you into the bed, one hand around your neck. She squeezed at your throat as she demanded "Open your mouth, pet." You did as you were told as she looked down at you with her piercing lust filled eyes. The next thing you knew, she spit in your mouth and your eyes went wide, you weren't expecting her to be like this. You swallowed and let out a small giggle as Larissa noticed your reaction and reeled it back for a second, realizing that you weren't aware of how dominant she could be. "Oh Peyton I'm sorry, I should've asked what you were alright with sweetheart." Hearing her words so caring and sweet during something like this made you need her more, but they also confirmed that you could trust her, and you did. You grabbed her face and pulled her closer to you again. "Larissa Weems I absolutely adore you, please, do whatever you want, I need you." The way the words came out of your mouth was so needy and Larissa let out a low growl before making her way down to your core. She kissed up your thighs so slowly that you just reveled in her touch, and she caught you off guard with how quickly she brought herself to your center and ran her tongue up your slit. You let out a loud moan as she did this which made her moan against you. She looked up at you and slowly inserted two fingers. As she began her pace, you were a mewling mess underneath her, you couldn't contain yourself. When her fingers got faster you screamed "Oh god mommy" before realizing what you just called her. She chuckled, "You like it that much, hm?" You nodded your head in confirmation. "You can call me mommy, love" she panted at you. She knew you were close when you started saying "Mommy, please" and your thighs started shaking. You came again with a scream and Larissa let you settle before she slipped from you and gathered you in her arms. "Mommy can I do you now?" Larissa looked at you with a smile on her face but refused, saying that you were probably tired. "Please, I want to. I want to taste you" you whimpered, longing to touch the older woman. You kissed her again, running your fingers through her white hair. "I never thought I'd hear you say that, fuck that's hot" she moaned as she sprang up and removed her panties, positioning herself over your face. You finally got a view of Larissa, and it was way better than you ever imagined it would be. You nipped at her thighs before you licked your lips and dove right in. You moaned against her clit, she tasted better than you thought she would too. As you licked and sucked at her, moans started spewing from her mouth. These were the prettiest sounds you've ever heard. She lowered herself more and grinded her hips on your face, this eliciting profanity from the woman. "Darling, keep going, that feels so good" she panted. You picked up the pace, doing the most you could without much experience. You flatted your tongue, letting her grind against you. Pretty soon her hand came down on the bed to steady herself and her hips got more erratic. "Fuck baby" she moaned loud and you felt more heat travel to your core. As you let out a whimper she came on your tongue, moaning your name. You licked up all of her before you kissed her thighs and let her climb off of you. 
She gathered you in her arms again as she slowed her breathing, your head coming to rest in her neck. After a minute she kissed you again, tasting herself on your lips. She stroked your hair and cupped your cheek as she stared into your loving amber eyes. Maybe after all these years she could have a friend, a real friend. Maybe she could trust somebody and love somebody, maybe somebody could love her back. You smiled taking in her gorgeous features, hoping that she felt at least a bit better now. You gave her a kiss on the nose. She thought that maybe she would give it a chance, for nobody had loved her before, nobody had cherished her before, nobody had looked at her before, nobody like you. She smiled, "Peyton, I want to thank you for showing me respect and kindness, and for treating me like I deserve to be loved. Thank you for giving me the ability to trust again. And most of all, thank you for teaching me, about botany…of course."
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amalia-uwu · 7 months
I DO NOT OWN -> Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fic First & Seconds, Hanahaki disease. The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
First and Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie 💙
Hanahaki Disease by Matsuda Naoko
CHAPTER 3 | CHAPTER 4 | CHAPTER 5 you are here
Bonus/Chapter 6
Warnings ⚠️: 👇🏼
angst, gore, body horror, Hanahaki, bones injuries / bones cracking, choking, blood, suffocation, major character death.
🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺
Headcanon: 👇🏼
When monsters die they don't turn into dust immediately.
For the needs of this story they turn into dust 40 days after death.
I had a last minute idea and I am trying to fit it..
So, I am sorry if it gets confusing 😅 You can always ask me and I'll explain! Enjoy! 💕
Forgive me Skerbbie for I have hurt your precious boys!
"No! Please! I truly love you! Don't sleep!" he hugged him protectively.
Papyrus was quietly sobbing in Abby's embrace. He couldn't bear the sight. Abby was crying too but she was mostly comforting Stones.
Axe pulled Sticks's body away from his and inspected him. Sans's body wrapped in vines, cracks, flowers, magic and blood.
While inspecting his body, he saw the variety of flowers that had imprisoned him. In color they were mostly red; Roses, daffodils, lillies, carnations and forget me nots, ..
Sticks's body relaxed completely. The chocking and convulsing had stopped. His grip loosened... He turned his head on Axe's side. He exhaled softly and lost his senses.
Axe noticed "S-sans...?" disbelief and fear in his voice.
Axe shook his shoulder a little.
The tone of his voice caught Papyrus's attention. He looked at Axe and Sans. He noticed the state his brother was;
Slack / limb body, relaxed characteristics.
Flowers had spread everywhere / Most of his body covered in flowers to the point his bones were barely visible.
Cracks and fractures
Blood and magic oozed from his eye sockets, mouth, nasal cavity and soul.
Unconscious / no movement whatsoever.
«Is.. he..dead?» Papyrus wondered in dread.
«No. He is fine, he is just tired and his resting! I will use my bond. He is fine! This is just a sick joke! Yeah... that's it» Papyrus thought.
He used his bond but, that little spark of warmth he felt long ago.. had faded. He felt a coolness in his soul.
Papyrus looked at Sticks. Sans's magic was pale green close to white. He touched his hand... It was cold..
Stones's soul shattered. He felt as if someone had stabbed two whole katana swords directly into his soul.
He froze. He blinked quickly. Abby hugged him. Papyrus's soulbeat got higher and his hands trembled.
His big brother, whom he loved so much..was gone and he couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening.
He began weeping bitterly "br-brother-r". He clenched his fists and punched the ground.
Abby carefully caressed Sans's face with her hand "I am so sorry.. Sans".
Papyrus buried his face on her shoulder. She embraced him tightly and tried to comfort him "I know! It's gonna be okay Stones!"
Axe's mandible quivered.
What did he do wrong?
He confessed!
He told Sticks that he loved him! Why hadn't it work? He did what Abby told him! He told him many times! (note: in chapter 4 Axe's confession is implied but, Sticks couldn't listen, feel it etc).
But... he was too late.
Maybe they weren't destined to be together...
He clenched his teeth as fat hot tears rolled down his cheekbones. The tears landed on Sticks's clavicle, cheekbone and sternum..
Axe kissed his forehead as more tears landed on Sticks's sternum. The tears rolled and fell on his soul. Axe carefully caressed his cheeks. It was cold... Axe sucked in a breath..
"It... should have been me!... I... believed that... I was being obvious...but.. I was a fool.. Please.. Sans... Forgive me.. I couldn't save you.. I'm sorry you went through that...because of - of me.. " he sobbed. He closed his eyes tightly shut, hugged him and buried his face on his clavicle.
...In all this chaos and agony...
...Something happened...
Their souls shone. Axe hadn't noticed yet, too lost in his grief. He was still hugging Sticks's body. He didn't want to let go.
He kissed gently Sticks's cheekbone, more tears landed on Sans's face and sternum.
Sticks's soul appeared; it was covered in flowers and small cracks. It was an extremely pale green close to white color. Axe noticed and looked at the soft light, his face was bathed in tears. He watched in awe.
Axe's felt a weird sensation on his sternum. His own soul emerged; it had some cracks but it stood strong, shining vehemently a dark reddish color. (edit /note. Axe's healthy magic is the color of Beetroot. That shade of red).
Axe followed his instinct and using his left hand brought his soul closer to Sticks's. Axe took a deep breath and repeated
“I love you!”
The souls touched each other gently, creating a wave; brownish in color. Axe gasped as it felt like static / electricity had wrapped his soul. It was a soft, tender feeling. It didn't hurt whatsoever; in fact it felt like cotton and silk was caressing their souls and bodies. It..tickled a little.
Abby and Papyrus were slightly hit by the wave. They didn't feel pain rather positive emotions. They looked at them in astonishment. Red, green, blue, yellow and brown tiny lights danced around them.
The souls went back to their sternums.
They looked at each other. They leaned closer, with their faces bathed in tears. They watched with anticipation and confusion.
Sticks stirred and groaned.. He opened his eye(s) dimly; then wider. His body began convulsing. He tried to gasp but the flowers were blocking the way.
Axe spontaneously grabbed and tried to pull away the flowers Sticks had on his mouth, around his neck and his left eye. He managed to pull some really long vines. They grimaced.
Axe summoned a small sharp bone and cut the vines around Sans's neck. He threw away the cut pieces, setting Sans free from that hellish imprisonment.
Sans began coughing and spitting some petals and small flowers. He grabbed Axe's shirt, as he gasped deeply, inhaling hungrily.
The flowers began falling from his body setting him free. Sticks kept coughing and inhaling deeply. His body shuddered.
Axe gently removed the flowers on his ribs. They fell with great ease. Papyrus came out of his shock and joined as well. Abby was preparing herself to heal him.
Axe gently put him on the side (recovery position). It took Sticks 45 - 60 minutes recollect himself.
*hhhh hack hack hack hhh cough cough cough hhh wheeze wheeze pant pant*
Abby, Stones and Axe sighed with relief.
Axe was right by his side, gently caressing Sticks's cheek to give him a little bit of comfort.
Sticks's breathing, slowly and steadily returned to normal.
Axe carefully put Sans's face on his lap. Sans was just breathing softly. The flowers had now turned into dust. He still felt pain. He still was a mess of blood, leaked magic, cracks, soreness and pain.
Hesitantly, after a while, Papyrus touched his brother's shoulder and whispered "Sans?".
Sans held his hand and gave it a little pat. He smiled weakly. He looked at him and winked using his right eye (he can't open the left eye socket because it's sore, like his entire body).
Abby moved closer, "Sans? I'll heal your wounds alright? Tell me if it gets too much". Sans nodded.
She gently touched his forehead and sternum. She concentrated and a soft green healing light appeared in her hands.
Sans relaxed, her magic was soft, comforting. It took 30 minutes for the procedure to end. They watched as the cracks healed.
Sans used his soul to thank her. She chuckled. She removed a forest green potion from her bag "Drink this".
Axe gently lifted him and hugged him. Abby brought the bottle closer to his face. Sticks drank it slowly a small drop rolled down his mandible.
Axe hugged him closer and Sticks leaned his head back touching Axe's clavicle. Papyrus removed his scarf and tied it around Sans.
He stood in front of Axe and gently took Sans's in his embrace. He looked at Axe and thanked him "Thank you Bitey!". He smiled as tears of happiness.
Sans patted his back while sending comforting waves of magic. The rest joined the hug. Sticks grinned in their embrace.
The firsts rays of sun illuminated the darkness.
A new day began, therefore a new beginning.
They watched the sunrise with big smiles on their faces. Axe whispered close to Sans's 'ear'
“I love you!”
Sticks used his soul to send Axe a warm feeling *ding*
«I love you too!»
They smiled. Papyrus and Abby looked at them, then at each other and smirked at the lovebirds.
Papyrus was still upset but, he decided not to talk yet. Now, he will enjoy the beautiful sunrise and thank heavens that his brother will get to see another day rising.
Axe noticed that Sticks's clothes were torn. He removed his jacket and wrapped it around him gently pressing a kiss on Sticks's cheekbone. Sticks grinned and quietly thanked him.
They were destined to be together.
End of the chapter 5
Chapter 4
Bonus / Chapter 6
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
also thinking about, albeit under different circumstances and at different stages, both linus and arthur being touch-starved as hell. me projecting? what? no, haha what are y--[i pull a lever and a trapdoor opens underneath you, ending the conversation]
like. for arthur, when he was young, he was locked up for so long, and even before those six horrible dark months in the cellar, alone, the only warmth he gets from his own desperate flames, choking on the fucking smoke as it’s smothered on stone and metal walls, sleeping on a tarp... dreaming of someone, anyone, caring, pulling him in close and holding him, so he doesn’t have to fight anymore...
even before that, he was mostly alone. it’s not like the other children didn’t like him, but they weren’t exactly in an environment where they could have friendships. it would only make targets of them, and forming attachments only meant getting hurt. so it’s not like he was really bullied or hated--especially since he had a habit of taking all the hits, both literally and metaphorically--but it’s also not like he was getting hugs or casual touch.
and after the cellar, after his escape, he was alone for a while. a long while, even, because there’s a long stretch of time where we don’t really know anything about what happened, but considering he’s been living in near isolation on an island for years and there’s no indications of any contact or friends with anyone outside the island, i don’t think he exactly had any lasting relationships. so for a while, he’s very, very touch-starved.
like can you imagine little arthur--a teenager, a young adult--curled up alone in bed, letting flames like soft candlelight lick on his skin (harmless, he would never easily burn, and never by his own flame at all) to feel the warmth, and it’s not the same but it’s not like he really knows the difference so he can imagine it, can’t he? and then, you know, he goes back to the island.
and like. with zoe, before they’re really close, they barely touch at all (neither of them fully trust the other, not yet, not for some time, and he doesn’t blame her for not interfering but there’s still complicated emotions around that for both of them that they’ll work out eventually, but not yet) and then he takes in the kids and like. he would never neglect them the way he was neglected.
and while obviously he respects boundaries when they’re set, he’s also casually affectionate with them--ruffling hair, gentle hands on shoulders, etc.--and in return they’re easily affectionate with him, too, and he gets used to little bodies colliding with his legs and wrapping short little arms around his waist in a clumsy little hug, and it’s. it’s nice. (obviously it’s not quite the same as being held, but like, it helps.)
(oh, and there’s charles. charles, who sees how much he melts into touch, leans into it happy and earnest and eager to please, and uses it against him. touches him and pulls away, always leaving him wanting more, making it conditional or just pretending pretending and then he’s gone, and he feels more bereft and adrift than ever...)
and eventually as he and zoe get much closer, become true close friends, they both trust each other more and there’s casual touch there, too, light but affectionate and like. honestly, the effects will probably always be there, but it’s much better than it used to be. he doesn’t wake up on fire anymore, gentle candle flames making him glow, and more than once one of the kids will have a nightmare and decide to sleep in his arms and it genuinely helps him heal as much as it helps the kids and it’s just... it’s nice.
and linus. oh, linus. linus has been alone for so long. he’s been alone so long that ache, that need to be touched or held, is just numb, now. he’s resigned to the idea that some people are just made to be lonely, to invisible and greyed out and forgotten, and he’s one of them. and he’s made his peace with that. calliope helps--although she’s not much of a cuddler, she will sit in his lap, and it’s not the same, but it’s nice.
when his mother was around she was really, really not the touchy-feely type, and while he was sure she’d hugged him as a child (he didn’t think he’d had a particularly sad childhood, nothing that bad, really, nothing he couldn’t handle, and certainly nothing compared to the children he tried to help every day at his job) he couldn’t really remember it, or recall what it felt like.
as he’d never really made friends, and only had brief, fumbling relationships that always seemed to more fizzle out or drift away than end (he figured that it was just people got bored of him fairly quickly, and soon learned being clingy about it would only make it more painful, dragging the inevitable out, and so simply resigned himself to having an expiration date with any relationship), he just. wasn’t really touched. honestly, the closest he got was bumping into people at the office when attempting to squeeze past them in the narrow aisles between the desks, and that only left him feeling vaguely ashamed, not even lingering on the warmth of human contact, however brief. he tried not to think about it, and normally succeeded--like most things, he simply neatly filed it away.
some of it was on the surface, where he could still feel it, even if he ignored it: yes, he was lonely, but that was alright. he was content, happy enough at his job. yes, sometimes he had vague dreams of lying in bed with someone, just lying with them, in their arms, or holding them close, tangled with him in the sheets--no one specific, mind you, he couldn’t imagine anyone real who’d put up with him, but the idea... but he only thought about it late at night, alone, and during the day, compartmentalized it nicely.
and then there were, of course, the things he never thought about at all--doubt, shame, sadness. the fact that he was unhappy. the fact that he didn’t want to be at a beach, he just didn’t want to be here. the fact that he wasn’t just lonely, he was desperately lonely, and it was killing him a little inside. the fact that he wanted to be held so badly, even if it felt impossible. but he doesn’t let himself think about that--he pretends he’s content, because he’s doing his job, and doing it well, and that’s all that matters. he’s--he’s having a positive impact on the world, and if that’s all that is meaningful about him, so be it.
he’ll just try not to think about the dreams of gentle hands in his hair, and strong arms around him, or a warm body in his arms, slumped against his chest, and soft caresses, just casual and caring, touching him and not shying away from his body, spare tire and thinning hair and all. pretend like he doesn’t notice when he wakes up hugging a pillow or hugging himself tightly. and he’ll succeed, for the most part. he’ll be so numb to it he’ll forget it hurts.
and then. you know. then they meet. obviously it’s not right away, but arthur--more confident, now, than he used to be, and seeing the good in linus, seeing how he’s kind and how his first priority is genuinely the children and even though he’s wary (that he could be like charles, or he could be the cold professional he’s trying to be and try to get the children taken away) he can’t help but see the kindness in him and see how much he wants to belong, how much he’s like. internally just reaching out and screaming for acceptance, you know, so maybe he initiates.
he’s been casually affectionate for a long time now, it’s in his nature and on the island, now, it was allowed to bloom, and he sees how linus seems to melt and lean into it without even noticing, and he doesn’t seem to realize how expressive he is--god, he looks pleased when arthur puts a hand on his shoulder, his eyes flicker to his hand and he looks pleased and does he realize he’s doing that? it’s adorable--and like. he starts doing it back. and linus, he notices, alright, notices the light, casual touches and how the warmth lingers long after arthur’s moved on, he just doesn’t notice his own reaction (tiny, almost shyly pleased and surprised little smiles, the way he leans into it, the way that after a while his heart will do a little flip when arthur touches him, smiles at him) for uh. a while. he’s so used to ignoring himself, you see, his own needs, his own heart, that it’s not hard to tune out. he’s used to not being seen, so he’s lived in the idea he’s invisible and impenetrable and unreadable like it’s a second skin, so long he doesn’t realize that when he is actually being looked at, being seen, he’s terrible at hiding literally anything he’s feeling. unless it’s from himself.
(also worth noting: like arthur before him he also starts getting Affection from the kids as they start trusting him and it’s like. oh. oh this is. oh :) and llike. oof <3)
and when he does start actively realizing about arthur he’s just like oh. oh no. oh no. oh no oh no oh no these are feelings. like he’s realizing oh... i like it when he touches me, it’s nice... and then it’s oh. wait. wait my. my heart just did a thing. OH. OH NO. like. actually noticing how his breath catches when arthur brushes past him, close enough to feel, and like. beginning to feel comfortable? and let himself feel that? and then the ice water betrayal of was he using me, that letter from DICOMY, then the quick turn back, trusting him, choosing to trust him, but there’s still a distance between them, now, because linus is convinced he has to leave.
but then like--when everything’s done and he comes back... arthur kisses him, and it’s so warm and perfect and it feels so nice and it’s not just a kiss it’s a promise, a promise of more to come, of belonging, because he does belong here and he is here to stay. and like, sometime after that, arthur hugs him, after a stunned moment of just trying to process that he hugs back--and that’s huge for both of them, like. it’s so warm and good and just. safe. comfortable. and it’s like whatever they were both holding back, for all the reasons they had not to trust each other, to hold back even just a little, it’s all gone and now like. they touch all the time, practically like a couple on their honeymoon but it’s not even really sexual (i mean. usually. wink) it’s just like. appreciative, admiring, affectionate. and like, cuddling on the couch, or sitting close enough their thighs are pressed together, or falling asleep together, linus curled into his side or arthur in his arms or whatever, and waking up tangled together, and trade soft kisses and gentle hands in hair and cupping faces and it’s just exactly what linus had longed for and tried to push down, what arthur had dreamed of when he was alone, and now--now neither of them are alone, and they’re both safe and in the arms of someone they love, someone who loves them. they hold each other, maybe they even talk about it someday, tell each other about that yawning loneliness, the isolation, and like. resolve to actively go out of their way to help (and if the kids find out god knows they’ll be like okay so random hugs? random hugs is what im hearing. [linus gets tackled])
and like. maybe they’ll both always have the emotional scars of being alone for so long, but they have each other, and their friends, and the kids, and they won’t ever be alone in the cold again.
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bleedingheart-fics · 2 years
Last Legacy: Main 4 with Kids
Hello! This is my first time writing headcanons or anything on my own account, so please be gentle with me. Feel free to send requests for other characters or concepts!
Certified Good With Kids! She probably actually babysat when she was younger.
Kids LOVE Anisa.
She’s definitely the “we have food at home” kind of babysitter (unless MC is the one asking for McDonald’s). But when the kids ask for snacks, she goes all out. She cuts the carrot slices into little flowers and makes it fun.
Anisa manages to do everything in a way that the parents would approve of while still making it fun and positive for the kids.
She tells REALLY good bedtime stories. She takes her own experiences with the Starsworn and embellishes them with details from fairytales.
If Anisa is your babysitter, you will have eaten all your veggies, brushed your teeth, and gone to bed on time and you won’t even have noticed because you had so much fun.
She loves babies. If she sees a baby on the street she will stop and compliment it and the mother, coo at them, baby talk, etc.
Knows exactly how to hold babies. She can’t identify every kind of cry, but she is better than the general population at figuring out why a kid is crying and what they want.
I think that whether Anisa would have kids would be dependent on her partner. Also if her partner wanted to or was willing to carry, she would go for that, but if her partner wanted kids but didn’t want to carry a baby she would be willing to take that for them.
Certified Bad With Kids.
(And not just because Felix and I are really similar and I am bad with kids… aha.)
Kids ask him to play with him and he struggles so hard to not argue with them. He wants to tell them that their storyline is unrealistic, that the characters they’re playing with aren’t named that.
“Actually, that’s Apple Jack, not Sarah, and she is not Flutteryshy’s sister” type beat.
He tries to get the kids to eat healthy stuff. They whine. At first he openly argues with them but then they get upset and he does NOT want to go back and have the kids tell their parents that he made them cry, so ultimately he relents and lets them do whatever they want.
*kid touches him* “........... why is it sticky”
*accidentally refers to kids as “it” all the time*
Bordering on having an anxiety attack when kids spill juice and or crumbs everywhere or have the goopy little mouths.
Felix thinks he would be a bad dad. Not that he for sure doesn’t want kids, especially if he has a loving partner that wants kids and is willing to work with him. But he just feels like it would take an astronomical amount of therapy for him to be ready to be a father.
Tries to relate to kids by sharing his interests! It goes very poorly every time! :) kids do not enjoy animal bones and skin, generally.
Except if there’s one of those chill “creepy” kids that don’t talk and just listen (I’m really just describing like an autistic kid) I think they would vibe (I was the chill creepy autistic kid btw). If the kid started infodumping he would be like “oh, chill.” He starts talking about one of the books he really liked as a kid and this kid is listening and so they just chill.
Overall, his babysitting career is very short.
Your kid comes back home with a double scoop ice cream cone in each hand and bandages all over, they are NOT going to sleep tonight.
Sage is overbearing for shy kids at first, but he feels really bad if he scares anyone. Very gentle if he finds out that the kid needs him to be quieter and slower.
Ends up carrying any kids that don’t really get along with the others, or if they need more comfort.
That photo of Chris Hemsworth holding his kid by the ankle.
Vegetables and bedtimes are for Losers, says Sage.
Parents do not like him. Sage is an absolute last resort babysitter. Parents would rather just cancel their date night, mostly.
Does not know how to hold a baby properly.
Gets WAY too into pretend games. I feel like he never really had a childhood, growing up an orphan and everything. So he really likes to just let his inner child go crazy.
You can dress him in a princess dress and he will be “the prettiest fucking princess you’ve ever seen!”
“Language, Sage!” - Anisa
Had to take care of Tulsi, so he’s good with older kids too.
For angsty teens and tweens, Sage is the best caretaker. He’s a bit bulletproof. Good older brother figure. Both Anisa and Felix would take it too personally.
Probably also thinks he would be a bad dad and doesn’t deserve it. If his SO really super wants kids, he will relent. But they would have to be super loving and willing to go through anything with him. I think after his latest chapters, MC has proven that they love and trust him enough.
Pre death Rime? Very similar to Anisa. A little impersonal. A rules stickler, less fun.
Please do not hire Our Rime as a babysitter.
Your kids WILL be alive and in one piece, probably.
But he’s trying to be the fun uncle, but straight up never says no.
Sage will say no to the kids if something is dangerous.
Rime’s mindset is pretty much “well, they have to learn somehow.”
*lets kids cut their own vegetables* *kid cuts themselves* “well, what did you expect?”
He still wraps up the wound and stuff, of course. He’s not THAT cruel. That said, he hands them the knife and tells them to try again.
I don’t think post-death Rime wants kids. He wants to focus on himself and his SO. I think that’s a pretty solid boundary for him, even after a redemption arc.
Overall, I think he would try to avoid kids as much as possible.
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potionsclasss · 3 years
CAN YOU BELIEVE I WROTE A FANFIC me neither ok so please let me know and reblog/like if you enjoy this! If you want more content, or a part two lmk. Feedback criticism etc. are always welcome too! Enjoy!!!
Summary: The tension between you and Draco has been palpable, and you wonder if the night of the moonlit ball will bring it out of the shadows ;)
Pairing: Draco x Reader
Warnings: Smut, possessive Draco, slight
Daddy kink.
Word Count: 2.9k
Star Gazing
The sky was like an abstract watercolor on the night of the Yule ball. It was a smattering of deep purple and pink smeared across the horizon, dotted with glittering stars. It reminded you of the glass of wine you knew you’d be having in some grimy dorm room at an after party, messy and warm in the pit of your stomach. Stepping out of the deep green accented dorm to get some air, you could make out the twins of Gemini up above. They reflected off your cold metal rings as you looked up, fingers curling around your champagne flute glass. Your heels clicked on the pavement as you withdrew from the railing and walked back inside, forest green dress trailing airily behind you. It wasn’t even cold out, but you felt a sudden shiver up your spine at one thought not even the stars could distract you from- him. Surely he would be at the ball. He seemed to be appearing more and more lately, it was almost a dance the two of you did.
First, it was the obscenely long held eye contact at dinner. His icy grey eyes stared into your honey brown ones with an emotion you couldn’t quite gauge. Even with Pansy giddily whispering in his ear, he kept his eyes trained on you, slowly pulling the vanilla ice cream clad spoon from his pink lips until you could feel the tiniest bit of blood rush into your cheeks. You would always look away first, but that didn’t stop the sensation of his stare lingering on you even as you stood up to leave with Daphne.
Then, it was him showing up in your potions class. You would watch his pale ring clad hands stir his Pepperup Potion. They moved in soft, confident, meticulous circles. The slytherin crest seemed even more prominent on his broad chest and your Amortentia potion turned sour as you imagined the milky white skin underneath. When he finally worked up the courage to ask you a question about the proper way to cut an Alihotsy, you thought you imagined the way his eyes glanced down to your pink puffy lips, if just for a moment, and how he leaned into you just a little closer to smell your sweet vanilla and lilac perfume he so often fantasized about behind closed doors.
In the common room, you always found an excuse to sit just a little too close to him on the couch. His warm minty breath would be near your neck and his thigh would bumped against yours while you and Theo giggled at him during his fights with Crab on which dark spells should actually be banned. He was intoxicating and you were starting to fall... hard. More and more he not only consumed so many of your waking thoughts, but your subconscious ones. You couldn’t shake last nights dream. His shirt was half unbuttoned and his hands were around your neck as he sloppily kissed you roughly and walked you backwards till you hit a wall and-
“You realize we’re going to be late if you don’t snap out of it, don’t you”
You turn your neck over your shoulder at the sound of a collected deep voice to see Blaise hanging onto the doorframe. He does look beautiful, positioned looming in the doorway. A half smile quirked on his face tells you he’s been watching you wonder around absentmindedly.
“Fresh air calms me down.” You admitted earnestly meeting his dark chocolate eyes. He strode forward and shut the outside door that you had left open during your pondering, and met you in the middle of the room, taking your arm delicately in his. “What’s there to be nervous about?” You could tell he was teasing you a little, in a sweet boyish way. You glanced up at him through your eyelashes to meet his gaze. Blaise was handsome and quiet, and you were relieved he’d asked you to go to the Ball - as friends. But you certainly weren’t about to tell him the root of your anxiety was surrounding seeing his best friend tonight.
“Oh shut up, come on let’s get going.” you giggled, watching his full lips curl upward at your response.
“You ready to see me make a fool of myself?” Blaise teased. You giggled drunkenly nodding, leaning on his broad shoulders for support. His suit was long gone leaving only a white undershirt stained with beer and sweat. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy drunk dancing and joking with Blaise at an after party, his intoxicating smell of green apple and whiskey intermingling with yours, but he wasn’t Draco and he never would be. Overwhelmed by the energy of the room and your date and the red wine in your brain, you stumbled backwards. “I need some air” you slurred. “Again??” He jeered, fingers reaching for the flask in his pocket. You stuck your tongue out playfully and used the wall as your guide to the hallway.
As you stepped into the crisp night air, goosebumps rose on your exposed legs thanks to the short black party dress you adorned. Looking up at the sky, you noticed Gemini was now partly covered by an airy grey cloud passing by in the violet streaked night sky.
“My, my, my Y/N, you know your missing an entire party inside, right?” a voice called out, not exactly cutting sharply through the quiet of the night, save for the distant sounds of partygoers, but more like gliding through the air in his lilting tone. You looked to your right to see pale hair glistening in the silver moonlight that could only belong to one person. “There you are Draco, I practically sent out a search party looking for you. Where have you been all night?“ You knew Draco didn’t like parties if he wasn’t drunk enough, just like you. He looked upwards at the stars, smirking just a little as you neared him. “You know, I’m hardly Yule ball material.” He pulled out a cigarette and offered one to you. You shook your head and watched as the lighter shadowed his lips and illuminated his hollow cheekbones, hanging from his pursed mouth. He looked over at you, drinking you in and admiring your hugging black dress. He took note of everything. From how it hugged your luscious chest to how it dipped below your defined collar bones that were practically begging for love bites. Your tongue swiped across your bottom lip and Draco could feel himself get dizzy. “Well.. this isn’t the Yule ball anymore is it. This is the after party.” You smirked, taking the cigarette from his mouth to place into yours for a moment. He watched intently as your cheeks hollowed out for a puff and the exhale of smoke reflected off your cherry lipgloss “Come on.” You said firmly, outstretching a hand for his. He looked down for a moment before ignoring your hand and taking you by the waist back inside. His hand was gripping you heavenly and you could feel the space he was touching practically catch fire as he stubbed out his cigarette on the railing before flicking it off to the side.
"Well.. if it isn’t the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes on" Blaise joked as you returned with your partner. Rolling your eyes at his flattery, you felt Draco’s grip tighten significantly on your waist, moving down almost instinctively to rest on your hip.
“Blaise” Draco said, coldly acknowledging his friend and classmate. Draco leaned down to whisper on your ear, lips centimeters from you and his vodka laden breath running down your spine "I’m gunna get us something more to drink, you wait right here, yeah?" You nodded obediently and watched him walk away, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth, still warm and giddy from the feeling of his hand running down your torso. Suddenly, you felt like his presence was making it hard to stand. You couldn’t be sure if it was all the wine or his breath or imagining those cold rings on your thigh but you instantly felt dizzy and stumbled backwards. “Whoa whoa whoa I got you.” You felt an unfamiliar pair of hands catch you, looking up to see Blaise. “Thanks..” you said as a breathy laugh escaped you absently mindedly, not sure if it was the alcohol or Draco that was making you this way. You could feel Blaises hands snake around your lower back to steady you and you found yourself pressed against his tall strong body, head in the crook of his neck while you caught your breath.
Draco could feel himself seethe with frustration, the sight of you in the arms of his best friend. How dare he touch you as Draco had dreamed of so many nights. He hated the sight. The thought of a man not worthy of a witch like you touching you in ways only he should made him feel an anger he had never experienced. When you rested your head on his chest he pushed past the other part goers instinctively.
Suddenly, He was behind you, holding two glasses of beer in one hand and your wrist in the other. You quickly and embarrassedly released your grip on Blaise. He seemed to think nothing of it, falling quickly into another drunken conversation with a pretty Hufflepuff.
You looked up at Draco, trying to ignore the way your heart thudded in your chest. You’re supposed to be just friends, but friends don’t look at each other with the anger that seeps from Draco right now. Friends don’t make each other feel the things the two of you are feeling right now. His body is tense as he manhandles you outside, and you follow him back to the starlit porch to the best of your inebriated ability. When he knows the two of you are alone, he looks down, internalizing his emotions but letting them spill out of his piercing eyes as he glares at you. “Didn’t you ever learn to keep your hands to yourself?” He asks, most of the playfulness gone from his voice. “Draco!?” You exclaim, confused as how your actions were at all inappropriate. “I was stumbling around and dizzy, Blaise was just there to catch my fall.” Draco let out a quiet breath, shifting ever so slightly so he was standing just centimeters from you, fingers brushing a curl behind your ear. You could feel blood rush into your cheeks and eardrums, and the pounding was so loud you were unsure if you even heard his next words right, as he whispered brushing your bottom lip with his thumb;
“I’m the only man who can touch you like that.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt the weight of his stare on you. He wasn’t quick and he didn’t rush it. You felt one strong hand on your hip and the other gently stroking your cheek as your noses brushed and he leaned in to close the last possible gap between the two of you.
It was far beyond what he’d ever imagined. It was better and softer and much more beautiful. It lit a fire in his skin just by the touch of your soft cherry lips that no one else would be able to. Just by kissing you, he felt more alive and drunk and dizzy than he ever had in his life. You pulled away breathlessly, a blush on your cheeks and pressure between your legs. A string of far off laughter pulled you out of the intimate moment. Your eyes darted around, checking for onlookers, or worse; Professor Snape. Draco’s gaze remained unwaveringly on you. “Draco, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this..here” your voice was barely above a whisper. “Doing what ...darling?” He responded with a half smirk quirked on his lips, leaning in to bite your earlobe gently. “Let’s go then” he mumbled, this time outstretching his hand to meet yours, guiding you through the dark, under the stars of Gemini, through the tumbling hallways and switching stars of Hogwarts, down to a chilly and dark room which he whispered spells and tongues to enter.
“Come here baby” he cooed, as soon as the door was locked behind you. Walking backwards with his motions you felt your back being pressed up against a cold wall as his lips met yours once again, this time in privacy. Stars exploded behind your eyelids as you felt yourself moan into the kiss, satisfied and sloppy and needing more. The feeling of his lips and little scratch of his stubble felt heavenly across your skin. The pendant of his cold silver necklace pressed against your chest and juxtaposed the heat that was radiating through you. His hands found your hips, tugging at the hem of your slutty black dress that had been making him struggle to think all night. You gripped his silvery white hair as he worked on your neck, moaning and urgently needing more. Every movement he made was filled with lust and longing and desperation. He paused before he did anything that could possibly make you regret tonight. In a low and earnest tone he spoke breathlessly against your neck. “Tell me to stop” his fingers were already inching up your dress and his knee knocking ur legs apart to spread them a little. He fought the animalistic urge to rip it off you and ravish you against the wall, knowing you’d make the prettiest noises for him, all alone in the confines of his room. Your fingers fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt, not possibly moving fast enough for either of you. Just as raggedly you spoke your answer.
“Why in the world would I ever do that, daddy?” Draco melted at your words feeling his pants become impossibly confined against your stomach. He instantly pushed your dress around your hips to reveal a dark green velvet thong he hoped you wore just for him. You tried to be calm but your movement were frantic as you tugged them down around your ankles and whimpered at the sight of him getting on his knees, propping one of your legs around his shoulder. You steadied yourself on the wall hardly able to keep yourself up. As slowly as he could manage, his tongue worked over your folds, sucking and licking as it also paid special attention to your clit giving it immeasurably pleasurable kitten kicks every few seconds. As each moment passed by you tangled your fingers deeper in his hair and his name escaped your lips louder and louder. The noises in the room were delightful to Draco’s ears. You threw your head back at the pleasure of his fingers being added and working and curling inside you, eyes shut, lips parted in a lustful haze. You felt an orgasm quickly building and Draco stopped before you got too close. Whimpering at the lack of contact he smirked as he stood up to meet your mouth once again. “So needy,” he couldn’t help but remark against you, pushing his pants and boxers down quickly. His heart continued to pound greedily, and he practically threw you into the bed in one swift strong motion. As he looked down at you, pinning you onto his covers you noted much of the playfulness was gone from his eyes and replaced with an intense lust that almost scared you. He was obsessed with you.
You spread your legs and batted your eyelashes like you knew drove him crazy and watched as he pulled out his length and sheathed it inside your tight pussy. The sound of his gruff and euphoric moan mixed with your needy whimpers was almost too much for Draco to handle. He picked up the pace, from agonizingly slow to ruthlessly fast. So many nights he had dreamed about fucking you like this. Ravishing you like you were his and only his, as you should be. His head dropped to the crook of your neck as your back arched in both pain and pleasure. How perfectly, wonderfully, wholly he fit inside you. His eyes remained trained on your beautiful face, listening to the angelic noises that fell from you lips. “That’s Daddy’s good girl. Don’t hold back pretty girl, make your pretty noises for me baby.” At that your lips fell open and you screamed his name much to his satisfaction. Your walls tightened around his cock as he continued to rail you, and he began seeing stars from being inside of his girl. Draco’s teeth sank into your shoulder as he released into you, his cum heavy and warm and deep.
Your gaze was clouded and lips slightly parted, almost unable to speak or process your surroundings. You watched motionless as Draco breathed a sigh into your chest and kissed your cherry gloss smeared lips with the upmost affection. He stood, padding around the room to collect his clothing that had been fiercely flung around the room. He watched you, breathless and angelic, wrapped up in his white sheets with his bruises and marks so striking against your pale skin trailing down your body. He so desperately hoped you would fall into a deep euphoric sleep right then and there, next to him, enveloped in the scent of your vanilla and jasmine perfume, dreaming of the stars.
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sentinelpri · 3 years
TFA Characters’ Kinks (Autobot Edition) (NSFW)
Filthy sin under the cut, you’ve been warned. Bone apple teeth.
Optimus Prime: Face-sitting, body worship, breeding; Optimus Prime is what I’d consider a gentle dom, very soft in his reprimanding of any S/O he has, a sensual, slow, passionate top. He likes pulling you to sit on his face, and holding your thighs so you can’t move as he devours you for as long as he can get away with. Additionally, worshipping your body by kissing you head to toe and telling you every little thing he relishes in looking at on your figure is his favorite part. Sex/interfacing with Optimus usually ends with you on top of him, his hands on your hips to guide him up and down your spike so he can fill you with his transfluid, him whispering in your ear about how beautiful you are and how much he can’t wait to fill you up/see you bearing his sparklings.
Bumblebee: Praise, roleplay, thighs; Bumblebee is super into your thighs. Unlike Cybertronian thighs, yours are plush, soft, and pillowy; you can trap his head between them and squeeze as hard as possible without doing any damage. He loves being told how good he’s doing when he’s pleasing you, and though it’s usually reserved for special occasions, roleplay is something he enjoys because it gives him an opportunity to give something different, whether that be changing the dynamic or just escaping from himself for a bit. 
Bulkhead: Mutual masturbation, orgasm denial, costumes; Bulkhead has a thing about watching you get yourself off, which was an accidental discovery. Before the two of you had even started dating, he’d accidentally walked in on you masturbating, two of your tiny fingers plunged into your tight heat and legs spread wide, (h/l) (h/c) locks fanned out underneath your head on your pillow and (s/c) skin burning bright red, (e/c) eyes half-lidded and glazed with lust. Back then, he had apologized profusely and left, slamming the door shut. But, when the two of you started dating and getting intimate, he asked you to masturbate in front of him so he could see it again, and it was ten times better when he was able to get himself off at the same time as you. Additionally, Bulkhead has an odd fascination with you withholding overloads from him and adores seeing you in costumes; lingerie get-ups, slutty halloween costumes, etc. 
Ratchet: Hair-pulling, brat-taming, spanking; Ratchet’s not too hardcore, but he’s definitely on the rough side. When you’re good, he gives you everything he wants, fucking into your pliant body and holding your head still by your hair so he can kiss you and look at your blissed out face as he pleases. When you misbehave, though, he finds himself giving you warnings, whether that be him telling you to stop sending him lewd pictures while he’s working in the medbay or shooting you glares when you’re running your fingers over his interface panel underneath the table with Optimus Prime sitting right across the two of you. He waits until no one is around to punish you, bending you over and taking your clothes off so he can spank your ass as hard as he wants or fucking you  and yanking your hair until you’re crying tears of overstimulation.
Prowl: Sensory deprivation, shibari bondage, spikewarming; Interfacing with Prowl feels like it never ends but also goes far too fast, because you have no way of feeling the passage of time with him; he likes to keep you blindfolded and tied up in complicated knots when you make love. There’s something about you completely submitting to him and allowing him to do so, trusting your body to his servos, allowing him to see and control you in such a vulnerable state that he gets off on. Prowl sinks his spike into you, slow and steady, and stays in one spot for just a bit too long to relish in how your heat squeezing around him feels. 
Ultra Magnus: Pain play, minor pet/master, collars; Ultra Magnus basically uses you as a sex toy to take his day to day frustrations out on, WHOOPS. Wants everyone to know you’re his, has you pick out a collar to wear (he has a bracelet that matches), calls you kitten after doing research on human kinks and finding out about petplay, has you call him master in return when you’re having sex. He usually treats you like a princess, lavishing you with love and care and making sure you’re pampered, but he likes inflicting pain on you and watching you squirm, too.
Jazz: Cum/Transfluid-fixation/play, squirting, biting/slight bloodplay; Jazz is fascinated with your bodily fluids, as he is with many other things about the human body. The first time he fucks you so good that you squirt/cream around his spike, he’s hooked and becomes hellbent on making it happen most of the time you have sex; regularly licks it off of you/his own fingers, eats you out, anything he can do to make you finish like that. The bloodplay is pretty rare, but he’s fixated with biting you during sex and drawing just enough blood to lap up with his glossa. 
Sentinel Prime: Humiliation, bondage, spitting; Sentinel Prime is a bit complicated, IMO, just depends on who he’s with/how he’s feeling on any particular day. Sometimes, he feels like tying your hands to the headboard and talking down to you while forcing eye contact and fucking you slow and hard. Other days, he wants you to be the one to tie him down and ride his spike, wants you to force his mouth open, spit in it, and make him swallow it. Really just depends on the vibe, lol, but either way, Sentinel is into some questionable/humiliating shit that he wouldn’t ever admit to anyone else. 
Blurr: Edging, overstimulation, quickies; Blurr isn’t above pulling you into any random restroom on earth or storage closet on Cybertron to interface, because he gets pent up very easily and is impatient when it comes to getting his release. He finds the thrill of being under a time constraint and possibly getting caught arousing. As impatient as he is when it comes to his own pleasure, he doesn’t mind making you impatient by edging you multiple times throughout the day, getting you close to cumming, only to stop and go do something else. On the other end of the spectrum, he loves overstimulating you and can’t get enough of the moans/expression you give when he keeps pulling orgasms from your sensitive body.
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Freed: English is so weird. People always ask, you know, "how do you say bon appétit/dobar tek/eet smakelijk/etc in English" and I just don't know what to say. I mean, I guess we have "chow down", but that's incredibly informal. Am I wrong? What do you guys say before a meal?
Bickslow: Welcome to Flavourtown!
Natsu: Bone app the teeth
Carla: Let's eat.
Laxus: Dig in.
Lucy: Enjoy!
Wendy: We luv our bred we luv our butter but most of all we luv eachother
Erza: Commencing operation 'Mastication'.
Gray: I wanna munch
Elfman: Bone apple tea
Levy: Osteoperosis
Lisanna: G'appetite
Gajeel: Ah, I greatly enjoy consuming this food, which is definitely not human flesh.
Mirajane: Eat up!
Romeo: I think dogs should be able to vote.
Chelia: 2, 4, 6, 8! Dig in! Don't wait!
Lyon: Blonde amputee
Juvia: Help yourself.
Jellal: Tuck in!
Ultear: TIME to dig in!
Meredy: Shallmst we nom?
Cobra: Boom map the sheets
Loke: Bone fuck my Ray Romano blu-ray
Gildarts: Phone apple jeans
Sting: Eat up, M A R T H A
Rogue: It's time to munch... it's time to crunch
Frosch: Food!
Lector: Happy masticating!
Freed: The is the single most impressive shitpost I've ever seen.
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
Hey! I'm so happy you're doing this because I absolutely love your work. ❤️ Would it be possible to get M, V & W for Ikevam Isaac? Please and thank you ☺️ 💛
Aww, thank you hun for the complement and for saying please and thank you (you would be surprised at the amount of people who don’t lol)- Enjoy. 
(I'm just realizing I did Leonardo’s wild card (W) one wrong so I’ll be fixing that soon.)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The father of science is known for being fickle when it comes human interaction, so hot and heavy approaches and reactions tend to turn him off. What does intrigues him though- in both a sexual and romantic stand point- is mental stimulation. He knows calculations, physics, concepts, and theories- not emotions, so when you are able to hold your own or at least follow along in his ramblings his tends to slowly gain a quirk to his lips. A gentle blush spreads across his cheeks as his hands begin to move in time with his words. He believes those few who are dependable and indulge in his passions as well are, well… incredibly sexy.
“This gear turns the plate, right?”
Isaac nodded once at your question, his soft tuffs of hair tickling your cheek as he leaned over your shoulder to help push down the gear you were referring to. A proud blush painted a pale pink color stained his skin while his candied white teeth shone brightly under the light, his lips parting to form a shy smile.
“Yes exactly,” he paused, glancing into your eyes only a hair away from his own, “the light refracts off the plate to create,” his words began to slow when his gaze shifted to your plush lips, “a symphony of… colors.” The heat in his cherry blossom colored orbs stole the air from your lungs.
Isaac had frozen in his stance as if he was just realizing the proximity between you and him. His long fingers tightened around the back of the chair causing thread like strands of your hair to wisp across his knuckles. You could feel his warm breath caressing your lips as he struggled to whisper, “the devil claim me.”
Isaac’s digits shifted through your hair, a moan slithering on his tongue at the taste of you. Gasping at the sudden tight grip on your upper thigh; Isaac used your opened mouth to his advantage by entangling his wet tongue with yours causing sloppy, wet noises to penetrate the air. He groaned- selfishly gulping in oxygen, and hissed, “need you… now.”
V = Volume (how loud are they, what sounds they make, etc.)
Isaac’s embarrassed, shy personality follows him to the bed sheets- well, the majority of the time that is. Caresses and grasps pull whimpers and sobs from his lips; gasps and pants bubble up from his throat, a hiss of overstimulation following in their wake. He speaks a language of the body and its movements. Rolls of his hips and clenched fists display his words without the wisps of air ever leaving his vocal cords. When he does decide to voice his thoughts his words, if not always, are choked, strangled, and full of ecstasy as the pleasure from your fingers slither through his veins like the blood coursing through your own.
But that all can change at a moment notice if his lust pushes him to the brink of destruction.
“Please,” Isaac choked out, his pink eyes staring at you pleadingly until a roll of your hips sent his colored orbs rolling into the back of his skull, his swollen lips taking more abuse from his elongated fangs. His staining member twitched under the tight grip of your fingers as you flicked your wrist slowly over and over again in a torturous pace; your other hand palming his balls.
“What do you want Isaac?” You hummed, sweat trickling down your chest to drip on his thighs wrapped around your hips, “be a good boy and tell me.”
“I… ah- can’t,” Isaac paused his strangled words to arch his back sharply, your fingers tracing over the curve in astonishment, a moan penetrating the heated surrounding like a bullet, “…slipping.”
“Take it.”
The snapping of leather cuffs chaining his hands above his head to the bed post was the last thing you heard before you were bent over the sheets, your ass high in the air, wrist bound by Isaac’s fingers far in front of you; the strings of the strap on you were wearing straining against the flesh of your waist and thighs.
Isaac rubbed his cock against your entrance, barely pushing the tip in leaving you clawing and bucking against the bed. His hot breath spread over your shoulder as he leaned over your shivering form to ghost his fangs over the curve of your neck.
“I warned you,” he growled, his throat burning with need, your scream slicing through the room as his fangs pierced your flesh.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He had always dreamed what it would be like sharing a lover with the pureblood vampire he looked up to so much. Isaac just never had the gall to ask for- what he saw as- that momentous of a favor. So, when he opened his door one night, exhaustion deeply rooted in his bones, he never would have imagined what he stumbled upon.
There you were- seated between Leonardo’s legs; his fingers spreading you wide, chin resting against the love bitten curve of your shoulder.
Your legs were lain over Leonardo’s bare thighs as the two of you sat on his bed- Isaac’s bed- a beautiful blush staining your cheeks just like the one then spreading across Isaac’s.
Leonardo chuckled that deep reverberating baritone, murmuring, “I hope you don’t mind we warmed up for you,” his tongue darted out to lick a thin strip of your ear sending a shiver down your spine.
Isaac’s eyes widened, his lips sputtering as he dropped the apple from Arthur in his hand to the ground. Dipping a long finger into your core, Leonardo curled his digit inside your wet, warm walls and continued, “you want this right?”
Isaac swallowed thickly at Leonardo’s finger dripping with your essence now held towards the physicist in invitation to suck his flesh. His legs wobbled with each careful step he took towards his bed; knees hitting the floor in front of your heat as Leonardo slowly spread the clear liquid over Isaac’s parted lips.
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exciting · 3 years
As requested, books / series I read in 2020 in the order I read them, with a few brief thoughts. (This took me a hot second because there are a few and also I moved cities) Should I keep a consistent goodreads? Yes I should but I didn’t think of that at the time, so bone apple teeth & sorry if I offend you abt your faves x
P.S. I can’t figure out how to do a read more on mobile so long post ahead!
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas - This is one of the most vivid published fantasy books I have ever read... I read it twice in rapid succession. The fandom POPS off. I must say I have issues with certain aspects e.g. fae lore completely ignored à la Twilight, all love interests 500+ years old and technically a different species, etc (I’m not going to deconstruct the entire series here but just know that I could... Nesta deserves better)
Cruel Prince by Holly Black - This fucking slaps, HB clearly has done her research, the lore is near immaculate, and it explores the Fae in such a unique way, tying it to the modern world subtly and seamlessly. My only qualm was that the books felt quite short; truly wish there had been more content.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas (6/7) - So basically I read this in one single, hyperfixated fit which meant I literally locked myself in my room for three days straight and read all six books back to back in a row from morning to the wee hours. Which is not to say it was spectacular; although it was a VERY rich world, sometimes it was too much... this felt like 6 stories in one. Ik she was young when she wrote this but it is my humble opinion that SJM needs a better editor & I personally think Rowan is a grade A asshole / straight up abusive (& personally think the ACOTAR Tamlin plot was born from that?). It’s good but not as good as ACOTAR. Skip-read the last book. 
Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone) by Leigh Bardugo (3) - This is essential to read before SOC but was very much simply a YA fantasy book, although the world was cool and the way the love plot played out was, imo, a subtle middle finger to the fantasy trope. Felt very much aimed at younger readers though? Really liked the sandwhich structure of the Proluge and Epilogue, especially in #2
Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo (2) - INCREDIBLE continuation of Grishaverse, better than the original series by a mile. It has the range, the diversity, the representation (the male lead is a disabled asexual and still the most cunning of the entire cast of characters), the plot is phenomenal, and it manages such a well rounded plot in only two books which means nothing is stretched out or squeezed in more than need be. Deserves all the praise it gets.
King of Scars series by Leigh Bardugo (0.5/1) - Personally I don’t consider this book canon, and while it’s nice to see the rest of Nina’s journey & the world again & everyone else, I don't like it. I will, however, be reading book 2 when it comes out, so shame on me, I suppose.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo (1/1) - this was incredibly cool although it went off in a completely different direction than I thought it would based off the first few chapters? One of my favourite YA-author-debuts-New-Adult novels in 2020 though!
Crescent City by Sarah J Maas (1/1) - This was supposed to be SJM/s New Adult debut, although personally I would put her other series in New Adult, and I can’t say a remarkable amount was different with this except they said “fuck” and “ass” a lot. WHY is the romantic interest 500 years old AGAIN. I just... don’t... I just don’t think it was necessary... the world was cool though, and the last half of the book was riveting, but the beginning was quite slow and I thought the sword thing was predictable. I am interested to see where this goes though.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (3) - This world is so fucking cool... four Londons aka parallel universes & the one in ‘our’ world is set in industrial era London. Magic, girls dressing up as boys, thieves, pirates, royalty... it all just slaps. Schwab is an incredible writer & I was completely immersed.
Midnight Sun by SMeyer - I didn’t think anything could possibly detract even further from the Twilight story but I was sorely mistaken... seeing the stalking from Edward’s POV - and it was worse than depicted in Twilight, for the record - completely obliterated any sort of romance the first half of the original book may have portrayed. I still hold the opinion that the entire series would have been better if some kind of vampire lore had been abided by, if only to see all of the villains thwarted by someone dropping a bag of rice on the ground, forcing them to have to count them all.
An ember in the Ash by Sabaa Tahir  (3/4) - This was just a very stereotypical ya fantasy series, emphasis on the YOUNG... it wasn’t anything to write home about but I remember quite enjoying it at the time. 
The Power by Naomi Alderman - This book is FUCKING incredible and EXCEPTIONALLY thought provoking... essentially women alone develop a power of electric shock etc. and then take over the world from men, and it explores feminism and the balance between equality & tipping the scales in the other direction. Written by a friend of M.Atwood in a similar tone to handmaids tale, I would say? Content warning; there are some exceptionally graphic scenes in the latter half of the novel. 
Hamlet by Wllm Shksp - I can’t believe it took me this long to finally read it but Ophelia is my favourite name in the entire world & we love to see a woman go batshit (although she didn’t deserve that). 
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas - this was unsettling in the best sense of the word... it was a little slow & honestly more of a concept than a big reveal, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it after I finished it? A Secret History vibes but make it blurry like the memory of all those dystopian novels you read when you were young?
The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by V.E. Schwab - This is without a doubt my book of the year, and probably the best book I read in 2020? I stayed up all night on a friend’s couch reading it, got a book hangover and reread the ending, and then thrust it upon my mother who doesn’t usually read but read this, and loved it just as much. HIGHLY recommend and you HAVE to read it, it’s beautiful and endearing and just plain wonderful.
Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat (3/3) - I went into this knowing it was going to be terrible, because I had received a blow by blow telling me as much; although I must say that it did learn a remarkable amount of new words, the books did get better as the series went on, and it did have a rather charming ending? BIG content warning for almost everything.
Sapiens by Yuval Harari - mind-expanding & must recommend for everyone, there is everything in this and I daresay everyone should posses this kind of knowledge? I listened to it as an audiobook (which I recommend because it’s rather hearty) but will be buying this in hardcopy & rereading it with annotations. 
Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller - Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful novels I have ever read, and certainly the most beautiful portrayal of the story of Achilles and the battle of Troy I have ever seen. Patroclus deserved the justice that was given to him in this book; indeed, all of the characters were written with justice and grace. Highly recommend.
Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan (3/5) - Apollo is my favourite Greek God, and the sexiest greek god, and Rick Riordan’s writing slaps, as always. It did pain me to see Apollo, the sexy immortal, have to be forced back into a 16 year old’s body but everything else? Whimsical & wonderful, as expected. 
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong - a retelling of Romeo and Juliette, except it’s set in Shanghai in the 1920′s, and the protagonists already have a history. Very well done, characters are incredibly diverse in race, sexual orientation, gender, and ability / disability (and honestly, representation has never appeared so effortless and elegant). Also it includes a monster and possible magic. Incredibly underrated and highly recommend.
The Once and Future Witches by Alix. E Harrow - this was such a unique concept, and truly captivating, the story was charming, and felt like the kind of beautiful fairytale you would read as children but with more grit? ABSOLUTELY recommend this one
The Pisces by Melissa Broder - I hated this so much, not my vibe at all. Mermaid smut x therapy but make it cynical and judgemental (I know there was a moral in there but that’s not my point) also the dog dies.
Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith (1/2) - really interesting & unique concept (all unwritten novels / ideas reside in a special library that is part of Hell and then sometimes the books can come to life) however, my first thought upon reading this was “this reads as if it’s stemmed from one of those writing prompt tumblr posts” bc of the tone and whatever and as it turns out I was somewhat correct, it did stem from a short story (not bad just obvious). It did kind of settle down as it went on but I found reading it kind of a drag, and I don’t think I will read the second one.
Abandon by Meg Cabot - 1. Meg Cabot’s writing always fucking slaps 2. Hades and Persephone but make it modern & very 2000′s & somehow kind of unique 3. I literally loved this, sue me
Medusa Girls (Sweet Venom) by Tera Childs - Like Percy Jackson except they are descendants of Medusa so they are Gorgons and have fangs & venom (hence the title). Gave me very 2000′s vibes? Quite cool but tbh I found the books quite short (like two hours each, if that)? Do NOT read the GoodReads description of the book before you read it, you will spoil it for yourself.
Bring me their Hearts by Sara Wolf - In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated YA series I read in 2020. The heroine is endearing, self aware, witty, and loves to look pretty even while kicking ass which in my opinion is an incredibly underrated trait. Also, immortality without being hundreds of years old? VERY sexy. HIGHLY recommend. 
A Deal with the Elf King by Elise Kova - High commendation to be given for the fact that it is a standalone and yet manages to fit in the plot of what would usually be a full fantasy trilogy without cutting corners or being a million miles long? Also sweet storyline & beautiful ending? If you liked ACOTAR you should read this as a “what would have / could have been had SJM had a different editor” (No shade I promise).
The Iron Fae by Julie Kagawa (4/4 + novellas) - Incredibly detailed faerie set around the modern world & our current use of technology & iron in it. Very neat adventure-style series, by the time I read the last novella I was well and truly done with the world (aka provided enough content to be fulfilling). Was definitely aimed at a younger audience though, NO smut / smut was brushed over.
The Modern Faerie Tales by Holly Black (3/3 SS) - This is technically the prequel to Cruel prince, set in the modern world, but with the fae world inside it as it traditional? All I have to say is that it is excellent & I highly recommend it.
Bridgerton series (The Duke and I) by Julia Quinn (9/9) - I read this after watching the Netflix show twice through and I am obsessed, although the books were not quite as elegant as the show, and some parts that made me cringe either by their portrayal (it is very firmly set in the 19th century and thus some things are not handled with tact or grace), the characters were exceptionally loveable and I am so excited to see where the show takes them! Lovely language & an abundance of words I had never seen before (always a plus). 
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pipsqueakparker · 3 years
first line meme
i saw @annabellelux and a couple others tag me on this, so i’ll try to do this as well (if tumblr doesn’t destroy everything 😂) 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line.
I’ll go ahead and put these under a cut, there’s gonna be a weird mix of smut and non-smut, so be warned (i don’t think any of the opening lines are too graphic, but fics are)
And I’ll tag @caitybuglove23, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @krisrix, @sharkmartini, @scone-lover & anyone else that wants to do this!
breaking routine 
I don’t know what’s gotten into Baz lately, but whatever it is, it’s a blessing in disguise. Or whatever the saying is.
thank you steve jobs 
“I’ve got an idea.”
Those words frequently scare me when they come out of Snow’s mouth, but somehow even more so when we’re on separate sides of the city, connected only by the small screens of our phones. My screen is mostly dark, with a flash of light or color here and there as Snow walks through his flat. He’s living with Bunce and I’m still staying at Fiona’s—it’s just easier right now, to be this way.
the one with the frogs 
We’re meant to be putting up the Christmas decorations tonight, but Baz won’t let me off the sofa. Our Christmas tree is still boxed up somewhere in the flat, mixed up with some other boxes of decorations we’ve brought in recently. And Baz is nestled into my side, both arms wrapped tightly around my middle, his nose pressed into my cheek. We were going to watch a film while we decorated, but I think he’s gotten a bit distracted.
“Enjoying yourself?” I ask, my voice soft and low. I want to turn to look at him, but I feel the tip of his nose press deeper into my cheek and find myself laughing. He gets especially soft and silly around the holidays.
It’s dark, nothing lighting up the night except for the sliver of moon peeking out over us. Stars twinkle among the wisps of clouds, in and out of my field of vision.
The only thing clear about tonight is the swell in my chest when I watch Simon swoop down over the treetops, wings beating powerfully as he makes a sharp turn. Thank Crowley for my heightened sight; I can make out the individual bones in those mighty wings, the way his curls get tousled by the wind, and the grin split across his face.
Simon Snow is a vision.
love’s not a competition (but we’re winning) 
Baz is on top of me, pressing me into the mattress with his entire body.
reconnecting for christmas 
I’m not a grinch, or a scrooge.
I don’t hate Christmas; I just hate all of the ridiculous expectations that come along with it. The ugly jumpers, the secret Santas, the grown adults trampling each other and trading blows over toys.
The annual holiday parties held at my university that I’m always forced to attend because my cousin is a fucking horror.
chore negotiation 
It started as a joke.
Well, mostly a joke. I hate doing the washing up after dinner; the only thing worse than the Humdrum is a sink full of dirty dishes. Every moment I spent in front of the sink felt like a special kind of torture. (Maybe that’s an exaggeration.) (But not much of one.)
scary movie 
“Let’s watch a scary movie,” Simon suggests. At seven in the morning.
His face is just inches away from mine, eyes bright like it isn’t seven in the fucking morning.
I glare at him.
And then I turn my back to him and go back to sleep.
Because it’s seven in the fucking morning.
poorly timed christmas decorations 
Someone has taken it upon themselves to decorate Mummers for the holidays.
I’m actually fairly certain it was a group of someones, and I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that my ridiculous cousin and his roommate were at the helm of the poor decisions. Niall genuinely wants to start celebrating Christmas as early as possible, but Dev just wants to create chaos.
There are lights wrapped around the railings and hung over the walls, wreaths on every door, and poinsettias on each landing. If it weren’t the middle of October it might be nice. However, it is the middle of October.
carving pumpkins 
Baz is good at a lot of things. He’s smart, fit, athletic, flexible, charming, etc. He’s an expert at nearly everything, at least that’s what he’d have you believe. It’s what he’s had me believe for the longest time. It’s part of what made me hate him so much. (Suppose that wasn’t as much hate as I thought initially, though, was it?)
Anyway, Baz is good at shit, and it’s annoying.
spooky ghosts 
I don’t know what prompted me to open my mouth as I was leaving Watford.
I don’t know what possessed him to accept such an offer.
But somehow, by the grace of either Merlin or Crowley (potentially a little of both), Simon Snow is at my family home for the winter holidays.
black cats 
Sometimes Snow can be a mad genius.
And sometimes he’s just mad.
witch hats 
It’s our next to last day — well, my last day, I suppose — at Watford.
We’ve a whole ceremony to deal with, us eighth years. It’s strange to be preparing for this without Snow or Bunce.
new candles 
Coping mechanisms are something we’ve been talking about a lot in therapy. Healthy ones and unhealthy ones.
Apparently I had a lot of unhealthy ones for a long time. I didn’t even realize until my therapist pointed them out to me, but we’re trying to replace them with healthier ones.
cinnamon spice 
Simon’s working late tonight.
He got a new job at this little bakery on the other side of town. He positively loves it, I swear he came home after his first day already best friends with the entire staff. I don’t blame them, Simon’s a delight.
warm apple cider 
“We should get lunch,” Simon says, swinging our joined hands between us as we follow a dirt path toward a picnic area.
Bunce asked us if we could find our way out of the flat today, she and the Normal wanted some alone time. I was just going to take Simon back to my flat, but Fiona decided she would be coming back early from her trip, knocking that option out. (Not that I don’t love my aunt, but sometimes it’s just easier to keep her away from Simon. For my sanity’s sake.)
We were just going to drive around for a bit, maybe find somewhere to spend some time, try to have our own day to ourselves. Simon ended up looking up events happening around and found this little autumnal festival, which is where we ended up.
fuzzy socks & a book 
Snow always teases me when I wear these socks, but they’re soft, and warm, and nice. They run up well past my ankle, about mid-calf, and they’re sherpa-lined so they’re especially insulated and soft. They also have two little vampire teeth at the top, and two little leathery black wings that stick out from the ankles.
Mordelia picked them out when she was around six or seven, Daphne was just properly tickled by them and put them into my stocking that Christmas. Several years later I’m still wearing them.
They’re nice.
take two 
We’ve not talked about the clone incident since that day.
In fact, we’ve not talked much since that day. Full stop.
We kissed until our lips were sore, until we were both gasping for breath, until the sun went down and the shadows lay over us and we fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up in his bed. He was nowhere to be found. He didn’t show up to breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. He was absent from all of our classes. I didn’t see him again for nearly two full days.
baby animals 
Baz is letting me hunt with him.
Well, not hunt with him, really. But he’s letting me go out with him. Into the woods behind his family house.
I know how hard it is for him to let me in on this part of him, the whole vampire thing. He’s trying.
(basil the) scarecrow  
Simon Snow was well into middle age now, as he carried his two youngest to bed.
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trashogram · 4 years
Devotee III. 
This is the last one. Warnings: Emotional/Psychological Manipulation, Abusive Relationships, Dubious Consent to Interspecies Relations, Painful Sex, and Sociopath Light Yagami
Part One | Part Two
Misa was on her back trembling, completely bare, legs spread apart and propped open by Ryuk’s hands as he stared at her vulva.
She tried not to think about the creature’s teeth being so near to her most sensitive area. Ryuk had already punctured the skin of her breasts and around her collarbone in a frenzy, and the wounds stung. Her lower lip had also started bleeding somewhere in between then and now.  
“You see me for the god that I am, right Misa?”
She was desperately not to think at all.
In the meantime, Ryuk was mesmerised by the sight of her cunt. Her slit was shiny, lips swollen and a delicate pink. She looked so sweet that Ryuk could just imagine biting into her sex as if it were fruit.
Instead, the shinigami shifted his grip on her legs and opened his mouth. He swiped over her slit and past her labia, his shoulders wriggling gleefully when Misa whined at the stimulation. He stroked up and down, long stripes wherever it was bright pink and glistening; learning quickly that if he smoothed over the little nub at the peak, Ryuk could make her scream.
He nibbled at her there, alternating slithering into the opening where the generous, flavorful wetness originated.
Unlike apples or chocolate, or coffee, it didn’t taste like anything strong and definable; but Ryuk found himself eagerly licking the fluid up from her opening. The more he had, the more he wanted.
It was… what did humans call it? An acquired taste?
Something like that.
There was no shortage of it, either. Along with her cute noises, Misa kept gushing and couldn’t stop.  
Above him, Misa gripped the bedspread, face having gone completely red from embarrassment and exertion. She was having trouble with keeping her composure as she was being eaten… and that was even worse than enduring Ryuk’s undesirable attention.
Misa was covered in blood, drool, bite marks and scratches, but the most infuriating thing was that Ryuk was making her feel good. So, so good.
Light had justified that this wasn’t cheating, because Ryuk wasn’t a person. But Misa ached with guilt. How could he expect her to pretend that this wasn’t what it was? Or worse yet, pretend that Ryuk was Light and act like her bliss wasn’t from a monster?
“If you really, truly love me, you’ll do this for me.”
Was that the actual test? Did Light know that he’d put her into a lose-lose situation?
“Do we have to do this part?” Misa whined, eventually. “Why can’t we just… get it over with…?”
Catching movement in the corner of her eye, Misa’s head turned. Light had shifted to uncross his legs and cross them again, and he frowned at her.
“You’re supposed to pretend that it’s me with you right now, Misa.” He admonished. “Is that what you want when we’re together? To just ‘get it over with’?”
“No! No, no.” Misa shook her head, pausing with her mouth agape as Ryuk’s tongue curled inside her. “I would never want that with you, Light. I mean, I’d want to make you happy no matter how long it took!”
She babbled. “Not that taking long is bad or anything! I’d do whatever you wanted forever and ever. You know that right?”
Misa lurched abruptly, prompting Ryuk to laugh against her cunt. She could feel the vibration acutely and couldn’t stop herself from keening with revulsion, and an inkling of satisfaction.
“I hate that you’re not letting yourself enjoy this.” Light chuckled condescendingly. “You really need to relax, sweetie.”
His words sent a wave of self-loathing through Misa as she struggled not to cry like a child. A part of Misa wanted to go ahead and break down, in the vain hope that she could tantrum her way out of this. Deep down, Misa felt her behavior was justified in that this was not just an outlandish demand on Light’s part, but a disturbing one.
When Ryuk had had his fill of lapping at her, Misa was tempted to hope for one minute, but when the death god rose from the bed, he didn’t go very far. His claws fastened around the belt buckle at his waist and he pulled at it.
Her stomach flip-flopped as she heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down. Misa was too afraid to look as Ryuk undressed, eyes fixed on the ceiling where shadows glided in the dim room.
Misa hadn’t known if he was able to take off all of his clothes. She’d thought about it in a roundabout way, having always appreciated Ryuk’s wardrobe. It was definitely up her alley as far as style, and in the past, Misa had examined his jewels: rings, bracelet, earring, chains, etc.
They were cool-looking, though not as extraordinary as his clothing. The ‘shirt’ that covered Ryuk was ornately designed, especially the zippered sleeves. There were little etches of skulls and bones, circles and star-shapes, and symbols that Misa had never seen before in her life.
The clothing was skin-tight, with little creasing, making Misa wonder if the sleeves were actually part of his clothing at all. Asking about them didn’t get her very far, since Ryuk hardly seemed to know what they meant himself.
Regardless, Misa’s theories didn’t quite extend down to below the belt so much. Ryuk’s legs were similarly patterned, fabric bunched and folded. Unlike his upper body though, which bore obvious stitches that revealed the thick stitches between his shirt and neck, there was no indication of the same for his lower half.  
Ryuk returned to the bed, still clad in his black top and maneuvering to situate himself between Misa’s legs again. With morbid curiosity, Misa’s head lifted just enough for her to look down and see the member he held in one hand.
His cock was large, and at the sight Misa felt like she might faint. The size shouldn’t have been surprising, but Misa hadn’t really thought about it.
It was bluish-gray as his skin - the skin of his chest and legs and face, at least. Protruding thick from his groin and gradually narrowed up the dark blue, pointed head, it was gnarled and scored with indents and raised skin, ridges, sloping down the underside. Much like Ryuk himself, it was vaguely human-looking, but monstrous.
Misa rose a little bit more, hand held out as she stretched to brush the tip with her fingers. The tip looked pointy, but she was slightly relieved to discover that it wasn’t anywhere knife-like or cutting. She prodded, realizing that it was no different than the rest of his sallow skin, save for its accentuated stiffness.
Her touch - done merely to ensure that she wasn’t going to be literally stabbed in the womb - coaxed a deep-seated purr from Ryuk. His eyes were glued to the vision of Misa’s small hand smoothing over his cock, pawing at him.
The woman startled at his rumbling, and when Ryuk took her hand in his, prying her off gently so that he could shift in closer and angle himself at her entrance.
Black was oozing from the tip of his cock, already throbbing with her unintended stimulation.      
“This won’t kill ya.” Ryuk said, trying not to grin at her mortified expression. I mean, probably not.
The shinigami patted her knee in a comforting way while she shuddered, voice breaking. “Okay…”
Ryuk held his cock at her entrance, the head dipping into the rose-colored opening the slightest bit. Heat was pouring off Misa’s little body, mainly from her core as he compared the size of her to himself.
For the first time, Ryuk found the predicament questionable as he had no idea how anything could fit inside such a small space.
It wasn’t an illogical worry, as when he started pushing into her, it didn’t take long for Misa to start screaming her head off.
“It hurts! Misa bawled. “It hurts too much!”
Ryuk hastily withdrew himself from her entirely. The very real pain in her voice was startling, stabbing him with discomfort. It compelled him to slide away from her some more out of guilt.
Misa was certain with every fiber of her being that she couldn’t endure having it inside her body. That thing wasn’t meant to be inside of her.
“I can’t.” She whispered, body now taut like a wire stretched to its limit.
“I’m sorry, Light. I can’t do it.” Misa’s head bowed, a lump forming in her throat. Above her, Ryuk ceased advancing on her and moved back a little.
Light, on the other hand, sat still for a moment, then rose from his seat and stood beside them, looking down at the woman impassively.
“Misa,” He started. “What’s wrong?”
Misa couldn’t bring herself to look up at her god, too afraid she might go too far and scream in his face as she ached to do now. How could he?
How could the love of her life, the smartest person she knew - her savior - not know what was wrong? How could he ask her something like that while she was being taken advantage of right in front of him?
The model refrained from saying anything when she mustered up the courage to look at Light.
“It’s too big.” She sniffed, lamely.
His eyes turned shrewd. “You’re giving up?”
Misa blinked through her tears. Why did he have to say it with such disappointment?
“I-I just don’t think -” She hiccupped.
“Yeah, you don’t think.” Light said through gritted teeth. “I’m always thinking for you. If I wasn’t, you’d be dead by now anyway.”
Mouth dropping open, Misa stared at Light in disbelief. His words cut straight through her, putting any surface-level agony to shame with the heartbreaking blow.  
“Wha - Why? How could you say…” Her voice cracked.
Close to sobbing, Misa felt the pressure at her hip. Perhaps it was a lie her brain was concocting for self-preservation, but Misa felt the pads of Ryuk’s fingers lightly tracing over her. The death god said nothing, very used to seeing Light take his anger out on Misa by now, but it was like he was trying to soothe her, or help her calm down.
The inexplicable image of an apple rolling toward her came to mind.
“Look, Misa.” Light pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll stay right here, how about that? Here, give me your hand.”  
She offered her hand without a second thought, still weeping. Unlike Ryuk, Light’s skin was soft and golden, visible veins carrying blood from his wrist up to his fingers and the warmth familiar. Misa wanted only to feel his hand in hers, even when Light’s gaze turned reddish and his immeasurable disappointment caused him to nearly crush her fingers.
“We’re not stopping again.” He stated. “Do you understand?”  
Oh god.
She could see him.
Ryuk was little more than halfway inside of her, and Misa could see his cock buried, bulging from underneath her belly button. He had to be stretching her far past her limit.
He let out a breathless laugh, almost like he was still in disbelief that this was happening too. In disbelief that they’d gotten this far. The distress that Light had brought about was both a hindrance and a help in that, while he didn’t enjoy seeing Misa suffering so much, it had emboldened Misa to try again.
Ryuk stayed in place, savoring the heat surrounding him before he gradually pulled out. Although he didn’t have personal experience, the shinigami didn’t instantly speed up. He remained half-sheathed in Misa, then sunk back in, and out.
Emboldened, or as most people would call it, forced.
With every plunge, Ryuk drew back farther and then pushed in further. He was speechless. Even more confounding, he felt like he couldn’t breathe - he didn’t need it, but his shriveled lungs were demanding air. That purring from earlier continued rolling from his diaphragm, and he let his claws glide over her until he was palming her chest. The shinigami could feel Misa’s heart beating wildly, pounding on her ribcage. All for him.
Ryuk’s partner lay under him, prior ambition to hold in her moans now abandoned. Misa grew louder with every thrust into her cunt, unable to determine if she was groaning out of pain or rapture. It must’ve been both, for she was now soaking through the bedsheets and still able to perceive the ridges of his cock brushing against her walls.
“Oh! God! Please!” The pointed end of him was stabbing her cervix, but without the jolt of it, Misa felt empty. No longer afraid of being cut into; no, she needed that feeling again and again and again.
When she groped for the hand over her heart for stability, Ryuk wheezed a laugh at her urgency.      
“Kukuku,” He stumbled over the sounds. “Y-yes?”
Misa moaned while the coil in her belly tightened, eyes shut and every sense concentrated on the feeling of being repeatedly filled. There was a tingle at the base of her spine, pleasantly torturous, like being tickled without mercy. It made her cunt contract around the oversized member inside, gripping Ryuk as if to keep him buried inside as far as possible.
She screamed, convulsing so violently that her hips jolted forward into Ryuk’s and ascended upward with the shock. It was sudden, and in this new position Ryuk was all the way inside of Misa, unable to do more than rut against her with bewilderment and desperation.  
Misa carried on jerking uncontrollably, the pleasure coursing through her veins. It lingered, going on and on, fizzling out her surroundings and turning her vision white until her body went limp.
She gulped in air, barely feeling the sweat rolling down from her hairline and herself being pushed and pulled at Ryuk’s persistence.    
“I’m ah,” Ryuk panted, hands tightened around the girl’s thighs as he leaned back, eyes rolling while he let the sensations wash over him. “Gonna have to - stop, before I… ahh.”
“It’s fine, Ryuk.” Light said. “Keep going.”
Misa lay, numb save for the little aftershocks here and there, until her senses were restored, and she cried out at a deep thrust. Consequently, her expression went slack when she was able to understand what was being said.
“Wait, wait!” Her head snapped toward Light once more. “Light, d-does it have to be inside?”
Her bloody lower lip trembled as Light simply glared at her. He made no move to respond to her, despite how disheveled she was.
Misa’s heart sank. His stare was burning a hole into her bobbing form. If she could’ve allowed herself, Misa might’ve believed that Light held all the contempt in the world for her right then.
Tears were forming in the corner of her eyes again. Her pleading made no difference. It didn’t matter that she’d shown Light how loyal she was by letting a literal monster have his way with her. It wasn’t enough, she was expected to go above and beyond.
Allowing a stray tear to slip down her cheek, Misa inhaled shakily. “Yes, don’t hold back, Ryuk. It’s ok.”
The death god looked down at her, and his pace slowed considerably. He had pulled out two-thirds of the way, having only a vague idea of what was being said as he lost himself.
“Keep going.” She implored him, squeezing him with her thighs. “I want you to cum. I want you to cum inside me. Please.”
Ryuk stuttered, unable to come up with any response to her pleading.  
“I want it so much.” She swallowed. “I need it. I need you to cum inside me!”
Her demand had Ryuk’s hips snapping forward of their own accord, responding to a sudden surge of adrenaline that went right to his groin.
Misa gasped when the death god grabbed her by the thighs again, unhooking them from around his waist. Immediately, he pushed forward, bending her legs back until they were practically behind her head.
He growled, contorting his lanky body into a v-shape so that he could continue pummeling her into the mattress while anchoring one claw on the headboard.
Misa could feel that tightening in her belly, out of nowhere, at the deep, thundering sound. She had never heard him make a sound like that before, and it being so close pushed her over the edge for the second time.
Her inner muscles were unable to clench as tightly as the first time, but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t believe it, but Ryuk’s cock started to swell. Misa was afraid that she was going to literally be torn apart this time, until a sudden burst of heat flooded her belly, coating her insides.
She felt like every nerve in her body had been set on fire.
Light was calling her name.
In a daze, Misa slowly turned her head toward Light. She had trouble focusing on him, even as he closed the distance between them and appeared overhead, placing a hand on her cheek. He was looking at her with a wry sort of softness. Smile like a double-edged sword, just for her.
The feeling of his hand against her didn’t compare to the oozing between her legs, or the small spasms of her cunt at the loss of Ryuk.
Ryuk wasn’t the type to die for another human.
He’d sat on the edge of Misa’s bed like a watchful gargoyle, not moving even when Light returned to the room and left a bath towel on the chair before closing the door behind him.  
She’d passed out minutes after he’d pulled out of her, watching his own ink-like cum leak out and flow down her thighs. Ryuk had feared for a moment that he actually did kill Misa, until Light informed him otherwise.
He’d placed his hand back over her heart, after covering her with blankets. Her pulse had slowed considerably, but only as she relaxed into REM sleep.
Ryuk’s mouth twisted, eyes somewhat melancholic.
He unlatched the notebook from his belt and opened it to a blank page and started scribbling. Ryuk scorned his own handwriting for once, but as soon as he finished, the god ripped out the corner and folded it.
He stared at the note for a long moment, then found Misa’s hand beneath the comforter and let it crumple in her palm.
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nightwingshero · 4 years
1 to 25 for Whitney xoxo
Wow, you really went for it, huh? Lol under the cut, my dear x
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1. What’s their go to pick up line/flirting tactic?
Whitney is obvious as a flirt (when she can actually flirt), and it shows in her body language: hair flipping, touching your arm and giggling at anything funny you say, crossing her legs, puffing her chest out a bit, and leaning in close to you. She’s going to wait for you to make the first move, and you will because she will have you eating out of the palm of her hand. Jedi mind trick, because sure, you think picking her up is your choice...when that decision was made before she even started talking to you. 
2. Can they dance?
Nope, not really. While Whitney does work out (she’s not shy from doing physical activity), she hardly ever dances. She believes its silly and she would rather be saved from the embarrassment. 
3. Underwear style?
Silk and lace. Usually in the colors of light pink, white, or shades of gold. 
4. Crayons, markers, colored pencils, or paint?
All of them. Whitney went to school for art and she uses a lot of different mediums. Paint is her favorite, though, and she has a sun room she uses as a studio. 
5. What was their childhood stuffed animal of choice?
A fuzzy teddy bear her mother bought her not long before she died. It has a red ribbon/bow around it’s neck and sits in her armchair in her bedroom. 
6. What’s their sleeping positions?
Whitney doesn’t move around a lot in her sleep. Mostly it’s on her back, but sometimes she sleeps on her side. 
7. Do they snore?
Oh, hell no. Whitney wouldn’t tell you if she did, to be honest. Snoring is above her and ladies don’t do that. 
8. What do they act like when they’re drunk?
Ha! Look, I’m just gonna tell you now: Wren and Jane are the worst influence over her, I swear. Anyway! White girl wasted, I’m telling you. Mostly with tequila though. She’s the fruity drink kind and she’s a light weight...it doesn’t mix well for her. Now, if it’s wine or she’s only had a little to drink--she’s just a little more emotional. 
9. Sweet, sour, salty, or savory?
Sweet. She bakes a lot and loves it. She likes sour drinks, but that’s about it as far as that goes. Whitney has a complicated relationship with salty foods, she tries to eat healthy, so she doesn’t really eat a whole lot of salty things. 
10. Can they play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?
No, not really. She knows some basic piano, but not a whole lot, so she doesn’t really count it. She does sing though and helps with the choir. 
11. What would their favorite book be?
Little Women
12. What is their guilty pleasure?
Already answered! 
13. If they got a new pet, what would they name it?
Something super cute and adorable, like Pumpkin or some shit. She had a small white dog named Snow White once...she’s not original. 
14. Beach house, cozy snowy cabin, treehouse in a forest, or desert paradise?
Already answered!
15. What would their favorite board game be?
Life, Connect Four, Candy Land, and Trivial Pursuit (although Wren and Rowan kick her ass).
16. What do they smell like?
She’s gonna have more of a floral scent, mostly roses. She will also smell like whatever she decided to bake--apple or blueberry pie, sugar cookies, etc. Honey, vanilla, Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb perfume, and Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume.
17. What’s their favorite smell?
Florals, mostly. Anything citrus and some woodsy scents--sandalwood, cedar, and pine (although you won’t catch her dead in the woods). She loves maple and pumpkin spice (she’s one of those), honey, and brown sugar. 
18. If they were drunk, what would they get a tattoo of?
God, Wren would fucking try...Whitney would get a butterfly tattoo, she so fucking would. And yes, probably in the form of a fucking tramp stamp, especially if Wren has anything to do with it. (Istg, Wren and Jane live to corrupt Whitney). If not, she would get it on her hip or get one of those badass under-the-boob tats. I could also see her getting something simple between her boobs--Wren would totally get one with her. 
19. Describe their laugh.
Bells, honestly. I know that sounds weird. But it’s not too different from Wren’s, but Wren’s is more...wholesome. If that makes sense? Like, Whitney has a higher note to it, but its a bit sharper, while Wren’s is a tad bit high-pitched, but more full. I don’t know if I’m explaining this right. 
20. Hoodies, knit sweaters, wool coats or just a blanket to stay warm?
Knit sweaters and blankets quilts. Whitney is warm and loves things like that. She’s very homey underneath the materialistic uptight front she has (mostly thanks to Nancy and some of Joseph). She’s genuinely loving and caring, not the condescending southern rot-your-teeth sweet she uses on her enemies or the Resistance. Whitney is very much “let me cook you a good meal, you’re skin and bones, and have some hot chocolate with 30 blankets--we can watch Hallmark movies together. Or Nicholas Sparks. Do you like Nicholas Sparks?”. She will definitely be a knit sweater kinda girl. 
21. Are they good with their hands? How do they deal with household-type maintenance?
She’s useless, maintenance wise. Good with her hands? With gardening (the only acceptable time to be dirty) and painting, yes. Baking? Absolutely. Fixing things? Hell no. Woman has no idea what she’s doing, she would probably die changing a light bulb. 
22. If they had a custom car horn, what would it be?
Heaven Is a Place on Earth or Pocketful of Sunshine. If Wren’s rigging it, it’s gonna be I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston or Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey....Killer Queen is also on the table.  
23. Favorite carnival attraction?
Cotton candy stand and the carousal. 
24. Showers or baths?
Baths, all day long. She’s a self-care queen, and will either do bubbles, bath bombs, or rose petals. There are candles involved most of the time with a glass of wine and something she can watch Netflix on. 
25. What’s their ideal day like?
A bright sunny day painting next to the pond in her backyard with music lightly playing in the background. Maybe with some friends over for company. If it’s raining, she’s gonna be in the sun room painting or enjoying a classic movie--like Titanic or something. 
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swervestrickland · 4 years
I Saw Hangman Kissing Santa Claus
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Pairing: Hangman x Moxley
Warnings: Smut, Drinking, Biting, Choking, Oral, etc.
Word Count: 2,288
Author’s note: Happy holidays and Merry Christmas! This is my addition to @25daysofchrismuts​​ hosted by @toxiicpop​ for Day 23​! Hope y’all like my dumb rare pair that I love and adore so much!
Link to ao3 or read below the cut!
Adam swayed violently on his tiptoes as he reached for the bottle of whiskey on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. “I need another shot of whiskey.”
“You really don’t,” Mox mumbled, stuffing his mouth with gingerbread cookies on the couch, the crumbs sticking to his velvet red coat.
“But I want one.” Adam’s fingers grazed the bottle, swiping at it. He missed.
“All you’re gonna do is spill it on the floor, cowboy.”
“I won’t this time, I promise.” Adam pouted to himself, invisible to his boyfriend staring out the glass windows of their apartment at the gentle snowfall.
“This time?” Jon smirked. “So you’ve already spilled some whiskey before, huh?”
“Maybe. Kinda. A little bit.” Adam swiped again, this time with a little hop in his step, to no avail. He huffed quietly. “Biscuits. It’s fine, it’s fine, just—“
“Oh, no you don’t, tiger. Hands off.” Jon raised an eyebrow in his direction, having let the cowboy’s shenanigans go on long enough.
Adam regarded his palms with inebriated incredulity. “Then where do I put my hands?”
Mox raised an eyebrow, mouth curling at one end. “I can think of a few places.”
Adam dropped his hands. “You’re a bad. Bad Santa.” The cowboy squinted suspiciously in his boyfriend’s direction.
“Don’t I know it.” The cookie crumbs fell to the floor with a swipe of his hand.
“Really. Really bad.”
“Why don’t you come over here and I’ll show just how bad I can be?”
“You’re on, Santa.”
Jon Moxley had a drunken cowboy fall smack into his lap before he knew it, lips eagerly crashing onto his own like a wave breaking along the shore. Their scruffy jaws scratched against each other, neither of them passive enough to back down, challenging each other to be the first to break this kiss and draw the shaky breath they so desperately needed.
It was Adam’s untamable, inebriated strength that caused Mox to gasp and pull them apart, Adam grinding against him.
Jon couldn’t help but grin. The cloth around his hard on felt tighter than he was used to. In the couple of months that they’d been together, Adam had never been this aggressive when they got down and dirty. Mox was usually the one in control, always the one to instill direction in their lovemaking. But one thing he always enjoyed doing — whether it was in the ring or outside of it — was inciting Adam. His temper, his will, his love. It was an addicting kind of chaos, when Adam gave in to his emotions. There was nothing more enticing than knowing he could rile Adam up, so that’s exactly what he would do. Rile him up, and hand over the reins. Mox’s breath tickled Adam’s earlobe as he spoke, low and gruff and sexy. “Manhandle me again.”
Greedily, Adam pulled at Mox’s red Santa coat, buttons clicking open in sequence to reveal Mox’s soft, bare chest, heaving deeply after their breathless snogging. He placed a hand on the pudgy skin — drunkenly, giddily enjoying the white mark of it that remained on Mox’s flushed chest. Adam gasped sharply, a crooked smile appearing on his face, framed beautifully by his unruly lion’s mane.
How Mox so desperately wanted to turn the tides, have Adam pinned down on the couch beneath him, have him be the one unraveling at his touch. To spread Adam’s legs open and have his way with him, to command him mind, body, and soul. But he could do nothing now, nothing as Adam hastily, forcefully tugged on his dazzling belt buckle and whispered sweet slurred words to him, blue eyes sparkling with a deep, dark, lustful secret.
“‘...sweet baby Jesus...just wanna, see you lose it completely...babe...Jon—oh, boy…” Adam’s eyes went wide as he recognized the thick, bulging shape of Jon’s throbbing cock beneath his boxers. The intoxicated cowboy licked his kiss-swollen lips hungrily at the sight. He raised an eyebrow, bright eyes meeting Moxley’s in matching cockiness.
Mox held back a growl.
Lazily, so that he could make Mox learn a lesson or two in patience, Adam made his way down Mox’s body. First, a suckling of Mox’s neck, so emphatic that he left conspicuous markings along the tender skin. Nibbles along his collarbone, his chest, his ribs. Raspberries blown against Mox’s tummy, that confident smirk never leaving Adam’s face.
Mox squinted at him as soft needles prickled his skin at his cowboy’s touch.
Adam roamed lower still, paying Mox no mind as his tongue danced along his hip bones, Adam’s fingers sinking into Mox’s thighs with force unparalleled.
Mox’s breathing deepened, chest heaving with every sudden movement of Adam’s tongue. Adam was close now, teeth nimbly tugging at the waistband of his boxers. Mox’s blood pressure rose with his adrenaline, blood rushing to his now-visible cock. “Tryin’ to get off the naughty list, cowboy?”
Adam chuckled lowly, his voice coming out rougher than its normal soft tones. “Suppose I’m tryin’ to make sure I stay on it.” He was sobered up by now, hyper-aware of every movement, every shift in position. It was next to impossible to keep from grinding against the couch now, not when he had a heavily-breathing Moxley coming undone beneath him.
He took Mox’s cock in his hand, his tongue trailing from balls to head, kissing the tip softly, something he couldn’t help doing even with his boyfriend’s expectation that this was a different Adam. Already, the cock was leaking for him, and he could hear Mox’s quiet grunts of pleasure. Adam gathered spit around the throbbing member, allowing his hand to run along Mox’s shaft in taut strokes.
Jon hissed, sharp intake of breath breaking through their home. Sounds now, grunts and deep moans as Adam took him in his mouth, his cock hitting the back of Adam’s throat and leaving it, over and over, for what felt like aeons. His breath ran ragged by the time his cock left Adam’s mouth with a pop, the coil that had been tightening within him easing unsatisfactorily. “Fuck, cowboy. Ya really know how to piss a guy off.”
“I learned from the best. Leg.” It was a demand, and Jon hesitated for a moment, just a moment, before complying, bending it up and over Adam’s strong shoulder. This version of Adam wasn’t one he wanted to cross.
His cowboy looked around, lust-blown eyes softening in confusion. “Lube?” A question, and another demand. Give it to me.
Jon smirked, thick arm reaching below them, underneath the couch, steel eyes never dropping Adam’s gaze, tongue between his teeth and taunting. He rolled a shoulder, his hips lifting in the process, and Adam’s cock throbbed with need. He needed his man, and he needed him now.
Their fingers touched as Jon handed Adam the lube, heat radiating off the both of them like a furnace. Adam reached for Jon’s lips, tongues sloppily meeting each other and once again unwilling to let go.
With a click, the bottle opened, and Adam forced himself away, reminding his body to take it slow.
“Adam.” Jon breathed the name hoarsely, as his cowboy took him again, this time the sensation lighting a fire inside him so quickly, deft fingers gently prying him open, preparing him for something even better.
“Jon.” The word was mumbled so matter-of-factly on the head of his cock that Mox wondered silently whether he was being made fun of.
But he knew it wasn’t true, for they both said their names with love. Fiery hot, durable, passionate love.
Another groan, as Adam’s finger pulled out for the last time, and Mox no longer felt lips around him, leaving him so inconceivably bare. Naked. Empty.
Adam hovered over him now, eyes asking the question.
Jon raised himself off the couch, nibbling tenderly along Adam’s collarbone till he reached his properly named Adam’s apple, and bit down.
He was rewarded with a flinch and a grunt from Adam, and yet it did nothing to deter the man. Another challenge, so easily accepted.
“Come on, tiger,” Jon spurred Adam on, “show me what a bad boy you are.”
“You wanna know how bad I am?” Adam veered back, dropping Jon’s leg and settling back on his knees as his fingers moved towards his own belt buckle.
“Damn right I do.”
“Fuck, Jesus.” Adam's tongue rolled along his lips and his hands stripped away his clothing.
“You’ll definitely stay on my naughty list with that filthy mouth, cowboy.” Jon’s hand reached for him, begging him closer.
“First thing I’m gonna do, is sink my cock inside you.” Adam took the hand in his own, fingers entwining for a moment before setting it on his cheek, feeling the fierce warmth of him, and then he slowly inched himself into Jon with an agonizing groan.
“Mm…then what?” Mox questioned, already satisfied at the wonderful feeling of wholeness that he felt now that they were together.
“Then I’m gonna,” Adam leaned forward to steal a slow kiss, “make you beg for every thrust.”
“Oh, I’d like to see you try,” Jon chuckled lowly, spreading his legs a little wider.
It was then that Adam pulled out, almost completely, before ramming himself back in. Jon let out a ragged grunt in reply, a grin creeping onto his face.
“Keep talking.”
Adam continued his forceful pace, finding a rhythm that suited him. His hips moved with a style unlike Jon had seen of his dancing, which was absolutely terrible.
“Never thought you could move like this,” he stated, his entire body moving violently with each of Adam’s thrusts.
Adam slowed, arching his body over his boyfriend until his mouth was at Jon’s ear. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.”
And then he bit Jon’s earlobe.
“Shit.” Jon winced, growl forming in his throat. He rubbed his ear, blood already clotting there. Without looking away, he licked the blood from his fingers. “You’re gonna pay for that.” He pushed Adam off, adoring the way his unruly, golden curls swayed at the motion.
He smeared translucent lube onto his fingers, wiggling one in a circular motion. “Turn around.”
“Good first try, though, admit it,” Adam grinned, doing exactly as he was told. Being the aggressive one was fun, but not for long. He enjoyed the feeling of Mox’s hands all over him, brute strength meeting his own, calmer, deeper strain of it.
Jon chuckled, fingers easing into Adam, pushing delicately at the rim. “Should’ve kept going. You nearly had me begging, just like you said.”
Adam’s eyebrows furrowed. “Fuck.”
“Payback time.” Jon’s other hand reached between Adam’s massive thighs, dancing along the curve of his round bottom.
Before Adam could reply, teeth sank into his ass cheek.
A flinch, and he made to turn back around, but Jon’s hand was already at his throat, and the other at his cock. He could feel it, the throbbing need intensifying.
“Whaddaya think of that, cowboy?” Jon whispered, breath hot in Adam’s ear.
“Shut up and fuck me, you idiot.”
That sinking, whole feeling, was everything Adam dreamed of and more. His hand dropped to cover Moxley’s, aiding him to stroke him off. They moved, bluntly, as Jon peppered kisses along Adam’s shoulder blades. It was enchanting, like a ritual, and damned if they could make it stop now. Not when they were both close, oh so close to release. The hand at Adam’s throat held them so close together, they could scarcely feel anything save the coil tightening in their intense bodily warmth.
“Jon, fuck, I’m gonna—“
“Let go, tiger. Fuck my hand like you fucked me earlier.”
They were both seeing stars now, black spots blooming in their eyes as Jon’s pace quickened. He was balls deep, and the only sound they could hear was the slapping of their bodies and their audible gasps for breath.
“Come on —Jesus—fuck.”
“I—I,” Adam groaned, his seed spilling from his cock onto the arm of the couch like strands of white silk; his hips bucked and his legs trembled, and all of a sudden he felt a piercing pain on his shoulder, what must have been Jon’s last attempt at stopping the loud moan from erupting from his mouth as he came inside him.
He rode out Mox’s orgasm, gently pulling himself from him and heading towards their bedroom once Jon’s head hit the couch.
“Where’re ya going?” Mox mumbled from the living room.
Adam returned with two small towels. He kneeled down next to Jon, motioning for him to turn his body so he could clean him up. What he found was a bit of a surprise, and he raised an eyebrow.
Jon chuckled with his eyes closed. “Can you blame me? You’re hot when you’re tellin’ me what to do.”
“That’s not exactly how this ended, Mox.”
“You’re hot when I tell you what to do, too.”
Adam smiled, lips moving along Mox’s own for a kiss. “Merry Christmas, bad Santa.”
Mox’s eyes fluttered open at the feeling of loose strands of golden yarn on his face. “Merry Christmas, cowboy.”
“Come on, time for a shower.” Adam pulled him up by the hand, planting a kiss on it as well. Jon’s heart was so unbelievably vulnerable, then, not as it usually was. Cold and tough and distant was what he went for, most days. But that was before.
Before Adam Page.
Before this strong, self-deprecating cowboy looked him in the eyes and was unable to ask for his help, even though he needed it. That candid vulnerability that Mox so adored, that he wanted to protect, while also allowing for Adam’s chaos to grow.
Such a complicated cowboy.
“And then?”
“And then round two.”
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squid--inc--writes · 5 years
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Inktober 2019 day 25 prompt: tasty
Update: masterlist
Art + story
This one's a good one, Bois.
Also, warning for: death, animal abuse (rats), canabalism, etc.
Deep in the woods, you will find that trees grow bark of chocolate, and, depending on the tree, some of varying other tasty treats. Candy apples hang from trees, the leaves are much like taffy. Any smoke produced smells sweetly of cotton candy.
If you travel far enough in the woods, you will find a cobbler path, lined with chocolate stones. When you get to the candy cane arches, or licorice edgings along the path, turn back. If you continue, the enticing trail will become harder and harder to leave.
The house in the center of the forest is a giant cake. In its surroundings are a gumball patch,  with bitter, but tasty vines twirling around it; giant lollipops bursting from the ground, at all colours, and cascading light over various marshmallows, and gumdrops when the sun hits it just right; one can even find a small river of soda flowing through.
The house itself is simple vanilla, with an assortment of toppings and decorations all around. Through magic would be the only way this place is still intact.
Inside the home lives an overgrown rat. She has large, sharp teeth, a long tail, and dresses in the clothes of those unfortunate enough to meet her.
See, once one is lured in by her surroundings, she invites them inside, with promises of sweeter treats, and goodness inside. However, once they are inside, she cast a spell, and renders them unconscious, and takes then to her kitchen. As the story goes, she does indeed cook and eat them. However, she eats the heart and liver raw first, for she was not always a rat.
Before all of this, she had been a beautiful, but mean woman. She would lure in those around her, either through lust, love, or sometimes pity. She would get what she wanted and, rather metaphorically speaking, tear their heart out. 
She had found a partner who was incredibly wealthy. He had earned his fortune with medical miracles. He would work at home, and had many a rat in his home. They were all well fed, and well kept, as he sought to reward hard work.
She, however, despised the rats, and didn't care for the work. One night, while he was out, she went around, and poisoned all the rats. When she woke up, it was to her lover's sobs of anguish. She comforted him, expecting this to last only a few days. She told him "perhaps you should not keep them at home. They must have gotten into something they shouldn't have."
He accepted the excuse, but, after several weeks of mourning, she became aggravated. While she still got everything she wanted, she was missing his attention. She tried her hardest to get it, but he would simply brush her off. He loved her, but his beloved were gone. So, she made a plan.
If he wanted to act like the dead rats were the best part of his life, he would join them. She looked through his medical texts, and found what she wanted. A poison, specially designed to destroy the heart, without being detected. If she couldn't have it, no one would.
So, she set forth a dinner, just the two of them. As they prepared to settle in, there was a knock at the door. And old woman stood before them, raggedy, and wrinkly,looking for a place to stay the night. The woman originally wanted to kick her out, but thought, oh, with a witness there was less chance of being caught.
So, they all sat down  to eat. When the man began to look distraught, he gripped at his chest. The woman kept up, asking if her lover was alright. He, however, waved her off, and they kept eating.
By the end of the meal, he finally succumbed to the poison, and was lying dead on his plate. The woman put on a good show of being distressed, shouting that they needed help, expecting the old woman to run. Get somebody.
Instead, she gets up, and walks to the man. After placing a calm hand on his neck, feeling his pulse, or lack thereof, she turned to the woman.
"Well. Don't we have something awful here. Death by heartbreak. Lost his poor rats, afterall."
The woman stared, confused.
She trudged on, move around the man's corpse.
"Shame, really. That he'd have his heart torn out twice in a year."
The woman began to question, but the old woman stopped her, "Well, for every year you go, my dear, without eating two hearts and two livers, you will become more like a rat, until you are small enough to crush under a boot."
The woman became angry, "excuse me? My beloved just died, and you make awful claims, and curses."
The old woman chuckled, "Well, you did see it coming. However you best get to work, before this goes further." She slipped the tip of her thumb up against the back of her front teeth and tapped.
The woman snarled, before realizing that her teeth had changed. She put a hand up to her mouth, and ran to the table, flipping everything off of a silver platter. In front of her she saw herself. The problem was that she now had two incredibly large teeth at the front of her mouth. She looked back at the old woman, whom had now sprouted her own teeth. And ears, fur, clawed fingers, and tail.
She spoke, "Now, I did say you had to eat the heart and liver. You must understand the heart, but the liver, now that's the question. You seem to enjoy the act of completely destroying a heart, so I figured I might as well add in something you weren't fond of as well."
The woman stared at her still, and the old woman kept going, "you must eat them raw, or else you will continue to become what you hate. However, if you were to cut out your own heart, the curse will release…"
She stopped talking to see that the woman had already descended upon her late lover, already tearing flesh and bone away with a knife, Nd her hands. The old woman was surprised at the lack of hesitation. She was appalled. This was supposed to be hard.
The woman wolfed down his heart, not even stopping to gag, terrified of her impending transformation. She then tore away her stomach, and intestines, root around his carcass for his liver. She may have lived with him, but she knew little of human anatomy.
When she completed the meal, she looked up at the old woman, a feral look in her eyes. 
The old woman took a step back, "Well then, you made a fine mess."
The woman stepped forward, and said, "I know how to clean."
The witch took another step back, realizing her mistake towards the ruthless creature before her, "And he'll be missing."
"Not if an old homeless woman killed him. I had to do it. Bashed her over the skull, and killed her."
The witch, much more skilled, said, "Well, good luck with that." And quickly vanished.
The problem was, however, she dropped her book of spells. So, the woman had grabbed it. She read it over, and tried to find what she could do to help herself.
She successfully fooled the people for weeks, into believing her lover was alive and well. The jig was up when someone went to speak with him, without the woman knowing. They entered upon the scene of the rotting, torn up corpse, screaming loudly.
Before she could get home, a large crowd filled the space in her home. She knew she couldn't answer any questions. Not without people seeing through it. So, she fled.
She fled to a forest, and started casting spells Willy nilly. She cast them until she created her own chocolates forest. She made it so tasty, and inviting, that she could get all the hearts and livers she needed. She'd also have all the decadence she needed. However, when no one came, she began transforming more. So, she upped her game. She made it impossible to flee if one went too far. She made the place so easy to find. When she got her first victim in a year, she couldn't help it. It was the first non-sweet she had in years. So, she cooked up the body, and devoured it entirely.
As the story comes to its end, unfortunately the monster was never beat, yet. And still she lives in her tasty home.
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die-t-hin · 5 years
⚘79 tips💌
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1. Always eat breakfast. Studies prove that those who eat breakfast tend to make better food choices   later in the day. You don't want to skip off a breakfast of 100 calories for a 500 calorie slice of cake at desert. Besides, breakfast gets your metabolism revved up for the day ahead.
2. If you drink a lot of water on an empty stomach it just makes you gassy. Never fun. Small sips throughout the day is better. You'll also have to pee a lot.
3. If you have things you shouldn't (think diet pills, tape measures, thinspo, bag of spat out food, etc.) make sure you hide it. Leaving it below the bed or in your undies drawer is a surefire way to get those things found.
4. Overuse of laxitives and/or diuretics are bad for your body. Over time, abuse of laxitives and diuretics cause incontinence, and embarassment for you. And if you overuse laxitives, when you stop, your body won;t be able to have a proper bowel movement. Use them only on an as-needed basis, as defined by 'normal' people. As in, only when constipated. 
5. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, your metabolism goes down between 10-20% depending on the person. And your body produces more of the hormone that makes you feel hungry. So even though you can burn more calories by staying up all night on the exercise bike, opt for the sleep instead if you don't want to overindulge the next day.
6. Don't deprive yourself of anything. That just leads to bingeing. If you want chocolate cake, have it, even if it's on your list of 'bad foods'. BUT, only have a few small bites. That way, you can enjoy what you want without ruining your diet. 
7. Smaller meals throughout the day help keep your metabolism up, burning more calories.
8. Your body burns about 8 calories per glass of ice water trying to get it up to a temperature in which it can be processed. That's 64 calories a day, translating to about 6 or 7 more pounds burned off in a year. Make ice your new best friend.
9. Fiber keeps you fuller longer, and helps keep your digestive system in good shape, thus reducing the need for all those laxitives.
10. Smaller dishes make it seem like you eat more. You often times eat by eyesight, not by stomach fullness. Studies have shown that in 2 groups, with the same amount of food, but one group using large plates and the other small plates, the group with the small plates reported feeling fuller.
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11.Horizontal stripes and light denims make you look larger. Avoid them like the plague (Or maybe not)
12. Purging too hard can rupture your esophagus. You might die alone and in pain hunched over your toilet. Just saying. 
13. If you're having a food craving, and smoke, light up and the craving goes away. However, in a short time, that craving will return with a vengeance.
14. If you have a large binge, then your stomach expands massively, and the pressure kills off blood cells. Over time, this leads to a severely damaged stomach that may rupture. Once again, just like a ruptured esophagus, this could lead to you dying in pain. 
15. The negative calorie foods actually only burn about  10% of whatever they put into you. A stick of celery at about 2 cal will only burn off 0.2 cal. 
16. Purging doesn't get rid of all of the calories. You still have about 1/3 or 2/3 of those calories left in you, depending on how soon after you eat you decide to purge. 
17. If you wait more than an hour to purge, then there's no point in doing it. Even if food comes back up, your body will have already absorbed all those calories.
18. Your body doesn't register the calories from liquid the same way as it does calories from food. Your stomach won't send the same 'stop eating' signals to your brain like with food.
19. A good substitute for soda is ICE Sparkling Water. It has pretty good flavor, small amounts of B Vitamins, and green tea extract, all for 0 calories.
20.  Prolonged fasting/starvation messes up your metabolism. 
21. Take a multivitamin every day. Yes, even if it has 5 calories. 
22. If your body hits a plateu, a 'binge' helps. It makes your body think that you've stopped starving yourself. In fact, make it a goal that you have a day a week in which you eat at least 1000 calories if you want your metabolism to work properly (meaning it actually keeps burning calories and digesting food).
23.  Blotting greasy foods like bacon and pizza with a napkin can save you about 100 calories.
24. Whole-grains have fiber and make you fuller longer. 
25.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
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26. Alcohol is calorie dense. Say goodbye to going out drinking with friends unless you plan to be the designated driver.
27.  If you chew and spit it out, you're doing just as much damage to your teeth as vomiting, maybe even more, because saliva has acid like that in your stomach, that starts digestion. 
28. Over time, purging depletes tooth enamel. Yes, dentists can recognize it. 
29.  If you cook pasta, don't use butter. But you get sticky pasta. 
30.  When your periods stop, osteoporosis sets in. You could be a 12 year old girl with the bones of an 80 year old woman. Sometimes, your bones never regain the proper density. You'll become prone to stress fractures and breaking bones. Calcium supplements are gold right here. Buy the ones for elderly people with osteoporosis if you can.
31. Brushing your teeth right after purging causes the enamel to wear off, making your teeth decay faster. Chewing gum or mints releases saliva, doing the same. 
32. Drinking a lot of water can make it seem that you weigh more, which can help when visiting the doctor. If a lot of liquid is consumed in a short period of time, you might cause yourself brain damage, swelling of the brain, water logging of the brain.... So be careful about waterlogging.
33.  Dehydration speeds up tooth decay, because you won't have enough protective enzymes in your mouth to prevent the saliva from doing damage to your teeth. Don't restrict liquids.
34. Make yourself lunch. A nice big sandwich with a juice and pack of chips. Then when you get to school, give it away to someone who forgot theirs. 
35.  If you hide food that you were supposed to have eaten, make sure you do something about it ASAP. Same with the bag of puke in the closet. 
36. Be prepared for all the questions of 'have you lost weight' and 'are you eating'.
37. You can only make the excuse of food poisoning a few times before it becomes fishy.
38.  Laxitives don't affect calorie consumption. 
39. The more that you insist that you're fat, the more likey people are going to become suspicious.
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40. Don't use thinspo with people showing bones. It raises eyebrows.
41. Denying things just makes people get more suspicious.
42. Running to the bathroom right after you eat makes people assume that you're going to go purge.
43. Hot water fills you up more, but cold water burns  more calories.
44.  When you go into ketosis, your breath is going to smell like hell. Mints are your buddies.
45.  Your body often mistakes thirst for hunger. 
46.  Track progress by measuring tapes, not scales or mirrors. Your eyes will show you a hippo, even if you're a skeleton with a skin covering, and scales get affected by everything, and I mean everything.
47. If you take too many diet pills, or even just one on an empty stomach, it gives you some pretty nasty side effects. Make sure you take one with something food. Like a few bites of an apple.
48. The artificial sweeteners like those in diet soda have been shown in studies to promote the body storing belly fat. And some have been linked to brain tumors. 
49. Eating on a dark blue or black plate has the effect of making you eat less.
50. If you want to prevent a binge, just buy the food that you need for the day if you live by yourself.
51. Frozen foods take longer to eat, so you feel occupied longer, and you might feel fuller. Oh, and your body has to burn calories to get it to a temperature that it can be digested, so win all around!
52. If you get bad headaches, it's probably because you're dehydrated or your blood sugar is too low.
53. If you don't eat enough, your blood sugar drops, and then you start feeling weak and dizzy and get horrible headaches.
54. Don't take aspirin on an empty stomach. It'll make you puke.
55.  Be careful about sitting with your legs crossed, they might fall asleep and cause you pain, and if you're thin enough, you might pinch something, leaving you in pain or unable to walk.
56. If you don't drink enough, you'll get dehydrated, and then your muscles will hurt like a bitch. And no, painkillers probably won't do anything for this.
57. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to feel full from the time that you first put a bite of food into your mouth.
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58. Some sugar free gums have 3 calories, and some have 5. Even though you aren't swallowing it, you should count these.
59. Get really good at math. That way, you can easily mentally add up whatever you've eaten for the day, without having to write it down. People get suspicious if they come across a food diary.
60. Dress warmly enough to keep warm without making it obvious. People get suspicious if you're wearing a coat in 90 degree weather, or complaining about being cold while they're ok or even too hot.
61. Spicy foods and seaweed boost the metabolism. Seaweed soup (35cal) with 1 tbsp soy sauce(10cal) and hotsauce (5cal) makes a great dinner. 
62. Eating cabbage to lose weight is good, but smelly.
63. Eating in front of the TV or computer distracts you from feeling full.
64. Eat while standing burns more calories than eating while sitting.
65. Talk a lot and eat very little at lunch or dinner and people won't notice.
66. Keep food spread out and close to the plate and people will think it's more.
67. Your skin will turn gray or yellow if you don't eat right. Tanning might help counteract this.
68. Your hair will get super dry and maybe even turn gray in places. Have extra strength conditioner and hair dye on call.
69. Your nailbeds are going to get blue from lack of nutrients. Find a pretty color nailpolish that you like.
70. Every 20 minutes or so when sitting, get up and take a short walk if you can. 
71. Delete your browsing history. It's hard to explain away your sudden weight loss when there's all the pro ana tricks in your computer.
72. Weight lost slowly will stay off, whereas weight that is lost rapidly will come back, with more, when you start eating even somewhat normal.
73. If you lose weight too fast, you also lose muscle. When that happens, you burn off calories more slowly. 
74. People with more muscle burn off more calories doing the same activities as people with less muscle.
75.  If you burn off too much muscle, then your body burns calories more slowly.
76. Only eat when people are going to notice. And then, only have something small.
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77. Excuses will be your new best friend. Use them like a cheap whore.
78. Lack of nutrients make you depressed. 
79. Fasting for days on end makes your metabolism go down and increases cravings.
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