abirobins · 6 years
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My podcasting rig is packed up and ready for some mobile interviews this weekend. Have you listened to the latest episode? Go check it out! www.abirobinsyoga.com/consciousconstruction • • • #ConsciousConstruction #spiritualhardhatsrequired #podcast #mobilerecording #audio #audioengineer #podcastproducer #krk #podcastlife #recording #enneagram #queerenneagram #queerpodcast #yogapodcast #queeryoga #yogatherapy #yogajourney #enneagramyoga (at Austin, Texas)
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abirobins · 7 years
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I like keeping busy. I've always been someone who's got their irons in a lot of different fires. It seems as though I happen to know a little something about almost everything. But trivia doesn't pay the bills. I've felt a strong pull in my life over the last several years to go deeper, to become excellent at something, to master a craft. I believe I am truly engaging in that process now, but the place where I seem to always get strung up is this: to focus on one thing means to not focus on all the others. Ugh. I met up with a friend who mentioned the idea of "digging too many wells." While I had never heard the metaphor before, it resonated immediately. You only have so much energy and if you're digging 20 wells, none of them will be deep enough to get you what you're looking for. So, now I'm in the process of leaving some wells behind and focusing on my one big well. Which is scary. Doing lots of different things makes me feel like my options are open, like if one thing doesn't work out I have others. But I know from experience that's not how things work. What are you focusing on? What are you choosing NOT to focus on? What's this process been like for you? Let me know in the comments. • • • #yoga #realyoga #wellness #diggingwells #enneagram #enneagramyoga #enneagram8 #enneagram8w7 #selfknowledge #selfstudy #svadhyaya #getreal #yogafortransformation #atxyoga #atxyogateacher #yogateacherinspiration #faithfullylgbt #queeryoga #energy #personalgrowth #focus #determination #excellence #masteryourcraft
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abirobins · 7 years
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"There is activity in the stillness, and stillness in the activity." Can you feel it? Sometimes it just all feels like activity. In this fast-paced, crazy world staying grounded can be a full time job. I've been keeping my nose to the grindstone with my practice to keep myself from floating away in all this mess. If you feel like you need a little more anchoring as we move into the holidays, let's chat about some yoga and lifestyle coaching. I can help, because I've been there, too. Work, relationship, kids, friends, parents, holidays, politics, it's enough to drive anyone crazy. Yoga helps us to take it all in stride. If you're looking for a little more stillness this holiday season, yoga may be your answer, and I can show you how. • • • #yoga #realyoga #yogaforbalance #yogafortransformation #stillness #meditation #faithfullylgbt #queeryoga #atxyoga #atxyogis #atxyogateacher #privateyoga #lizardpose #stretch #breathe #svadhyaya #yogacoach #coaching #lifecoach #enneagram #enneagramcoach #enneagramyoga
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abirobins · 7 years
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I'm cooking up some new stuff for my work around the Enneagram and Yoga. I'm diving into a super secret project, but I still need a few more people who know the Enneagram and love Yoga to help me out! So, this is a last call for Enneagram Yogis out there! Shoot me an email or direct message if you're interested in being a part of this and getting some FREE enneagram and yoga coaching! • • • #yoga #enneagram #enneagramyoga #enneagramyogis #enneagram1 #enneagram9 #enneagram8 #enneagram7 #enneagram6 #enneagram5 #enneagram4 #enneagram3 #enneagram2 #project #coach #coaching #atxyoga #atxyogateacher #atx #yogateacherinspiration #secret #free #freeyoga #selfinquiry #learn #dowork #innerwork #growth #personalgrowth #transformation
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abirobins · 6 years
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Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!! I am so pumped about this summer and sharing all this incredible goodness with you all! If you’re interested in learning more about #yoga or the #Enneagram, be sure to check out my workshop #yogisguidetotheenneagram! I’ll be teaching in #Austin, obviously, and also taking this show on the road! • • • Link in Bio for more info! • • • #enneagram8 #enneagramyoga #workshop #yogajourney #spirituality #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #queerfamily #queerenneagram #millenneagram #enneagramworkshop #yogaworkshop #cibolotx #austintx #atx #atxyoga #parkvillemo #namasteinparkville #lawrenceks #lfk #kansas (at Austin, Texas)
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abirobins · 6 years
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I have to admit, while I find my work intrinsically meaningful, there is something extremely life giving about what happens when someone chooses to respond to what I do with gratitude. Getting this care package in the mail yesterday from the kiddos I taught last week was such a huge breath of life for me. All healthy relationships are reciprocal. There is always an exchange. But what happens if we break that cycle? We can be so caught up in what we’re doing for others we don’t open ourselves up to receive the gifts their trying to give back to us. Sometimes, on the flip side, we’re so focused on what others can do for us we don’t give back in proper measure. What always seems so crazy to me is that we can be doing both at the same time. Where can you open up to receive other’s gratitude for what you do? Where do you need to show gratitude of your own? Until we complete these circuits our relationships will remain mediocre at best, and we’ll continue to starve ourselves of the true meaning, connection, and belonging we need. • • • #yoga #yogatherapy #yogateacher #yogajourney #kidsyoga #childrensyoga #thankyou #gratitude #kidsdrawing #reciprocity #reciprocal #belonging #connection #enneagram #personalgrowth #personalitytypes #christianity #enneagramyoga #kids #children #elementaryschool #drawing #art #love #light #relationships #healthyrelationships #yogaforrelationships (at Austin, Texas)
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abirobins · 6 years
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I had the amazing opportunity to meet one of my favorite Enneagram teachers last night. I feel very grateful for what I have learned and been able to experience because of @suzannestabile. And honestly, I like never fangirl, but I was CRAZY nervous waiting in line to talk to her. Ha! Be on the lookout for an interview with her on #consciousconstruction! :D • • • #spiritualhardhatsrequired #enneagram #enneagramjourney #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagram8 #enneagram2 #thepathbetweenus #books #booksigning #yogateacher #yogateacherinspiration #badasswomen #queerenneagram #queer #queeryoga #yoga #yogajourney #yogatherapy #enneagramyoga #enneagrampodcast #enneathought (at Austin, Texas)
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abirobins · 7 years
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I love the enneagram! I love it so much, it's going to be something we talk about on the podcast quite a bit. So on this week's episode I sit down with Lesley and Rick Bradstreet to talk about what this incredible self awareness tool can bring into your life. Link in Bio to listen! • • • #enneagram #podcast #enneagrampodcast #selfknowledge #enneagram8 #enneagram2 #enneagram7 #enneathought #ennealife #enneagramyoga #consciousconstruction #spiritualhardhatsrequired #spirituality #psychology #typology #personality #personalitytypes #personalities #9types #enneagramofpersonalities #philosophy
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abirobins · 7 years
This is my practice. It takes about 40 minutes. I move my body (asana), I breathe (pranayama), and then I sit still and be quiet (meditation). This practice isn’t going to get me ripped. I’m not going to magically be able to do a one armed handstand after a few months of this. This practice helps me to do something much more difficult: move into my life with balance and grace. This practice keeps me grounded when life feels like too much to handle. It helps keep me balanced as life whips and whirls around me. Most new clients are surprised at their practice when they end their first session. There usually isn’t much to it, at least not on the outside. But these small movements add up to big changes. I’m running some specials on yoga therapy sessions starting in January. I have four slots for deeply discounted appointments. Sign up for my email list to find out more, or shoot me a dm and we can chat about it. What do you do to stay balanced? Let me know in the comments! • • • #yoga #realyoga #yogavideo #yogatime #yogatimelapse #yogatherapy #morningyoga #yogapractice #enneagram #enneagramyoga #enneagram8 #ziggythepittie #yogawithdogs #atxyogateacher #personalitytypes #yogainthegarage #startyourday #faithfullylgbt (at Austin, Texas)
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abirobins · 7 years
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This idea has been showing up for me in so many different ways. Basically: I am dependent on everyone around me (hint: and so are you). From the clothes on my back to the roof over my head, I benefit from the hard work of millions of people everyday. This thought of an individual, this private self, is bullshit. We are all deeply interconnected and interdependent. We are all beautifully unique expressions of the same cosmic energy, and we need one another. This thought is hard to grasp without feeling a deep sense of gratitude. I am so grateful today. • • • • #yoga #realyoga #gratitude #dependentarising #weareone #wearemany #interdependence #interbeing #contemplative #enneagram #enneagram8 #enneathought #enneagramyoga #enneagramcoach
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abirobins · 7 years
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I just did the most poignant reading about my financial situation. Money is hard. Admittedly, it’s never been my strong suite. Don’t get me wrong, I have always had a knack for making money. From selling drawings I did for a quarter in elementary school to having the most clever and well lit merch station when I a touring musician. The problem I’ve always had is what to do with it once I have it. Living hand to mouth and barely scraping by each month is fine if it’s just me, but suddenly I have three very important reasons to get my shit together in a real way. Here’s to letting old patterns die, bringing some stability into my life, and balancing my passion with groundedness. • • • #yoga #yogaandtarot #selfstudy #svadhyaya #selfinquiry #selfobservation #realyoga #getreal #getright #money #abundance #pageofpentacles #queenofpentacles #balance #stability #personalgrowth #enneagram #enneagram8 #atxyogateacher #enneagramyoga #personalitytypes (at Austin, Texas)
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abirobins · 7 years
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Tomorrow! Guys, I am so excited. Like, really, really excited. Watching this content develop and grow as I’ve taught it has been so rewarding. This will totally be the best one yet. Tomorrow, Saturday, December 2nd from 3:30-5:30, and Sunday, December 3rd from 2:30-4, we’ll be exploring the connections between our personalities and how we show up in the world and on our mats. If you’re ready to take your practice and your life to the next level, this workshop is for you. Combining the deep insights of the #Enneagram with the practices of #yoga will improve your relationships, bring more balance into your life, and help you to lead a fulfilling and meaningful story. There’s still time to sign up! The link is in my bio! • • • #realyoga #enneagramyoga #enneathought #yogateacherinspiration #atxyoga #atxyogateacher #atxyogis #atxyogameetup #yogaworkshop #queerenneagram #queeryoga #selfstudy #svadhyaya #selfobservation #selfinquiry #personality #personalitytypes #jung #YogisGuideToTheEnneagram (at Practice Yoga Austin)
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abirobins · 7 years
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#Svadhyaya, it means self-study. Patanjali and the first #yogis understood that the only way to enlightenment started with a deep understanding of all of the ways we aren’t enlightened. Oof. In my experience, svadhyaya is an extremely painful part of the yogic journey, second only to Ishvara Pranidhana, but that’s for another post. Let’s get real, no one wants to openly and honestly look at all the ways they’re being an asshole. But once we can see and accept those darker parts of us, we can truly begin to grow into the people we’re meant to be. This is why I love the #Enneagram. I love learning it, I love using it, I love teaching it, I love it. This tool helps to kindly and gently show us our blind spots. It can feel brutal sometimes, but it’s honesty is what makes it valuable. The Enneagram pulls no punches. And because of that, it paves the way for us to love and accept ourselves in the deepest possible way. And THAT is where the transformation happens. Join me this weekend at @practiceyogaaustin for my #YogisGuideToTheEnneagram workshop. We’ll explore the Enneagram and how it relates to yoga, help you discover your number (day one), and then work with practices to help you loosen your personalities stranglehold on your life (day two). I’ve found no better combination of tools for truly living your best life. • • • #yoga #yogateacherinspiration #enneagramyoga #enneathought #queerenneagram #atxyogateacher #atxyoga #atxyogis #atxyogameetup #yogaworkshop #faithfullylgbt #queeryoga #yogajourney #realyoga #yogaquote #yogasutras #patanjali #sanskrit #selfstudy #selfinquiry #selfknowledge #selflove
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abirobins · 7 years
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#YogisGuideToTheEnneagram! Today's the day! I am beyond excited to be sharing this content with you all today at @sukhayogaaustin! I'm spending the day taking care of my final prepping stuff and getting centered. My tarot reading this morning was wicked on point, check my insta story. ;) There are still a few spots left, so sign up now to reserve yours! I'll be hanging out after for Sukha's free community vinyasa class, and you should, too! I'm going to be doing a live video today to share more about this awesome workshop. I hope to see you guys at Sukha today! • • • #yoga #realyoga #enneagram #atxyoga #atxyogateacher #atxenneagram #faithfullylgbt #enneathought #enneagramyoga #contemplative #atxyogameetup #sukhasthira #svadhyaya #selfobservation #personalgrowth #yogajourney #enneagramjourney #contemplativepractice #spiritualjourney #selfstudy #vijnanamaya #personality #personalitytypes #austin #tx
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abirobins · 7 years
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I teamed up with @austinrelationalwellness to host an#Enneagram #meetup at @stouthauscoffee Tuesday night. As we got into talking about our numbers, a phrase came out of my mouth that surprised me with how quickly and intensely it summed up so much of my life: If it isn't hard, it isn't real. I spoke the words knowing, intellectually, they weren't in line with reality, but, holy wow, they came from so deep in my gut it's obvious so much of my subconscious and unconscious still believe them. This is why I love the enneagram. Especially when it's learned and practiced in community. Sometimes we say exactly what we need to hear when we're talking to someone else. If you want to learn more about the enneagram, or want to take your knowledge and apply it to your life in a real and transformative way, Dm me and let's chat! And be on the look out for our next enneagram gathering! • • • #yoga #yogaforlife #enneagram8 #faithfullylgbt #enneagramyoga #realyoga #life #reallife #transformation #queeryoga #lgbtq #innerwork #dowork #gut
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abirobins · 7 years
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Let's chat about the #Enneagram for just a bit. I'm dominant in type 8, which means I am a doer. I get things done. I take action and am often leading whatever charge needs to be led. What this also means is I am detached from my emotions. I don't feel things. I actively avoid pain and being vulnerable. As you could imagine this wreaks havoc on my relationships, with other people and with myself. Yesterday was a hard day. My initial reaction was to take action, as usual. What I didn't want to do was feel. I was hurting, and I didn't want to feel that pain. I started preparing what I was going to say, I started writing out a strongly worded letter, it was like I would do anything to distract from the fact that I was hurting. To feel pain means you're vulnerable. To be vulnerable, to an #enneagram8, means they could be manipulated or controlled or violated. Aka, their worst fear. As I drove home, I cried. I cried long and hard. It was the ugliest of cries. I felt what I was trying so hard to avoid and dismiss. If you're an #enneagram8 how do you move into feeling? What allows you to take this seemingly dangerous step? How do you just feel? • • • #yoga #realyoga #enneagramyoga #faithfullylgbt #queeryoga #queerenneagram #queerlove #yogateacherinspiration #feeling #action #emotionalcenter #justfeelit #enneagramlove
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