#ennis teen wolf
Derek: How could you want giant ears over a tail? If you had a tail, people could tell you're happy.
Stiles: Well, with giant ears you'd hear things from miles away and wear backpacks as earrings. Free up your hands.
Derek: Backpacks already free up your hands. Guys, what do you think?
[The Alpha Pack is standing there]
Kali: ... Tail is much better.
Derek: Thank you! See, Stiles?
Stiles: All in favor of giant ears?
[Ennis, Ethan, and Aiden tentatively raise their hands]
Stiles: Hm. Told you.
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spookyblazecoffee · 8 months
I made an aesthetic board for the hc of Deucalion and the older members of the alpha pack adopting Tara, Theo, Ethan, and Aiden.
So here's the most ABSOLUTELY unhinged and fucked up (but also one of the most happiest) families in Beacon Hills!
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unspokenstydia · 2 years
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days seven and twelve: favorite season and storyline(s)
THIS MIGHT HURT. | You won’t be able to see it, but you’ll feel it every day for the rest of your lives. It’ll be a kind of darkness around your heart. And permanent. Like a scar.
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restinslices · 7 months
Some of y’all bout to be real mad at me…
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But it must be said
Kali was that girl. Idc. Idc. Kali is arguably the second scariest in the alpha pack (behind Deucalion). Do I like her? No. She killed Boyd and Erica. I loved them both. I truly think their stories were cut too short, but I gotta respect she stands on business. Y’all know when Druski said “I’m the type of nigga to stand on business nigga, one man army against fifty nigga”? That’s her. And what made her great is it was so obvious she was a better fighter than Derek. That man was 0 for 3, and we as an audience were expecting him to pull through but he never did. Derek left town. Kali was already a savage but once Ennis died?
I know I said I don’t like her but honestly, she’s my favorite in the entire pack. She came, she slayed then was slayed. RIP to feet claws.
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msginnymalfoy · 2 years
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via: justdreamer22art
[ This was toooooo good to not share😋]
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lavender-lotion · 10 months
#7 domestic stiles/ennis 🥺
Stick With Me Forever (chp. 2)
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | Teen Wolf (TV) | Ennis/Stiles Stilinski | Ennis (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Original Child Character(s) | Post-Season/Series 03, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Marriage Proposal, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Parent Stiles Stilinski, Kid Fic
“Hell, you've stuck up with me for this long, whaddya say, pretty boy? Wanna stick with me forever?”
send me a ship and a prompt from this list!
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musicerrorfics · 11 months
It's my Birthday today and this is the first of two fics.
Popular Derek with his coach Ennis
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grimreaperlover11 · 1 year
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
Hi! Where is it said that Derek wasn't in BH for his senior year? I've seen this a lot, but I can't remember it from canon. Love your posts in the Sterek tag, good discussions!
oh my sweet summer child. teen wolf never tells you these things explicitly so on this episode of heather versus the teen wolf timeline we'll be discussing derek hale's age.
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derek was very much 16 when the fire happened. i do not understand how people think he was older.
the parallels between derek and scott are very, very obvious and pointed. one of the big reasons scott and derek clash in season 1 is because derek has a difficult time seeing scott as scott. he projects a lot of his anger at his younger self onto scott.
like code breaker pretty much confirms this:
"you're not in love, scott! you're sixteen years old! you're a child!"
you just know derek wishes he could go back to tell his 16 year old self this. kate and her actions weren't his fault but derek cannot let go of the shame and guilt at this point. he isn't there yet.
i think another thing that makes it obvious derek was 16 when kate got her claws into him is bringing ian nelson back for s4.
visionary is again heavy on the parallels between scott and derek. we understand that derek is a child here. he's a high schooler. so kate de-aging derek to the age where he'd trust her? the implications couldn't be more clear. the audience is meant to associate ian nelson with high schooler derek.
in magic bullet derek tells scott: "six years ago, my sister and i were at school, and our house caught fire."
wolf moon takes place in janurary 2011 so six years previous puts the hale fire occurring in roughly late 2004/early 2005. i personally go with early 2005.
stiles's obsession with the hale fire/derek also makes sense if it occurred after claudia's death claudia died in early 2004 shortly before his 9th birthday. this would've been an event that captured his attention for multiple reasons.
derek's quote from magic bullet also informs us laura was still in school. some argue he means college or something which i don't believe. derek couldn't have graduated before laura.
i think laura was a senior and derek was still a sophomore and that this took place only months after paige's death and his grief was taken advantage of by kate.
laura didn't know what happened or who was after them. she took her little brother and fucking ran as far away as possible only returning 3 months before wolf moon to investigate.
i think kate was sent to beacon hills by gerard to look into paige's suspicious death because he had been in town when it happened along with the three other packs.
remember he attacked duecalion and was clearly aware of kali and ennis too. he knows they killed one of ennis's pack members brutally and being the smart, devious man he is might have put the math together like peter did. teenagers are perfect candidates for the bite and ennis had just lost one and than an otherwise healthy girl dies in suspicious animal attack at the same time a bunch of alphas were the same place?
remember what kate says in code breaker when confronted by chris?
"i did what I was told to do."
kate was following gerard's orders.
in conclusion though, derek didn't graduate from beacon hills high school as he and laura had left by then so those aren't his initials.
stiles is just sentimental and missing derek so he gets gooey at seeing the same initials.
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Why does Derek get like 0 W’s? Like this man can’t have one good day. I’m seeing a lack of Derek trauma analysis
TRIGGER WARNING: SA Mentioned amongst other violent crimes
We have, in no particular order
- at 15, having to kill his first girlfriend because she begged him to after she got bitten by a werewolf (Ennis) and rejected it
- at 15, getting into a sexual “relationship” with Kate Argent who worked at his high-school and was at least 10 years older then him
- said “girlfriend” is a werewolf hunter, uses him to get information/secrets on his family and then uses that to burn his home down and family alive when he’s 16
- on the run from the Argents with Laura for who knows how long after the fire
- his sister returns to Beacon Hills and gets killed by their uncle Peter
- multiple arrests on the account for suspected murder
- gets kidnapped and tortured multiple times in multiple seasons throughout teen wolf
- continues to get shot at and beat up by hunters and supernaturals in every season of teen wolf
- kills Peter bc his uncle is legit insane and a tad evil
- tried to make a pack with good intentions but misguided actions and what happens to them?
Jackson: turns into a Kanima, terrorises Beacon Hill and gets used to kill people. Once better, gets a restraining order and then leaves for London
Issac: gets pushed away and then leaves for France (do have to admit, that’s on Derek)
Erica: Dead
Boyd: Dead
- gets magically seduced by the Darach, Jennifer Blake
- find his younger sister Cora is alive and then soon after had to save her life
- Derek being deaged and forgetting everything along with Kate Argent swooping in to do her creepy bullshit
- in season 6 (if you like it) having a wrong place, wrong time situation and being on the run from the FBI for multiple months
- in the teen wolf movie (foul, disgusting) being a single parent for who knows how long and dying by fire
Add more canon Derek Trauma, I’ve probably missed stuff
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dcrkcrwns · 5 months
✧˚ · . this is who i'd cast for teen wolf if it came out today
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↳ michael cimino as scott mccall
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↳ anthony turpel as stiles stilinski
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↳ brandon larracuente as derek hale
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↳ tanner buchanan as isaac lahey
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↳ zack nelson as jackson whittemore
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↳ alex aiono as danny mahealani
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↳ kedar williams-stirling as vernon boyd
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↳ patrick wilson as sheriff noah stilinski
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↳ chris evans as peter hale
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↳ pedro pascal as chris argent
the alpha pack
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↳ frank grillo as deucalion
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↳ rainer dawn as ethan
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↳ rainer dawn as aiden
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↳ joe manganiello as ennis
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Ethan: Guys, Theo and Tara are missing. Kali and Ennis: Good.
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Cora is in the weird spot where for whatever reason she's bascially a combination of Derek's flaws without the traits that make those flaws work with Derek's character.
Like to cover Derek briefly, he comes off consistently as a bit brooding, aggressive, closed off and angry, far from polite, and generally a little bit of a jerk. But we also know that the Hale family backstory instilled a lot of those traits in him, and we see as early as S1 that he genuinely does care about people, especially once he begrudgingly starts to trust them, and I think S2 shows he does actually like helping people, he just needed a methodology adjustment.
The problem is, whether because of lack of screentime or they just plum forgot the elements that make Derek a good character, Cora only has the anger and pricklyness without any of Derek's deeply buried altruism and kindness. In fairness, of the 12 episodes she appears in, 3 of them are spent being feral, and 3 are spent being a hospital patient, but the six episodes she gets properly are spent being rude to Derek, extra mean to Scott and co for saving her life and doing their best to help, throwing herself at full health Alphas repeatedly expecting something to change for some reason, lacking any of her brother and uncle's tactical abilities, and just generally comes off as a whiny rage-filled wolf who can't back up her excessive anger and has nothing beneath it. The only instance of anything else is in her LAST EPISODE when she cares for Derek a little and reluctantly helps Lydia get the Steiners to Deaton, but that's like...Peter level 'good deeds', and we all know Peter's not a very high bar.
She's another example of having potentially interesting setup, but none of it was used in the show itself. And to me, much like Erica it's fine to mourn them only showing the negative stuff and never giving her proper development, but that doesn't make her a good character.
Sidenote, on the perfect stew metaphor, I was solely refering to S3. It had middling elements (let's say bites that were better or worse than others), such as Kali and Ennis being underdeveloped, Allisaac, but to me Cora was the only part that felt overtly negative rather than just 'meh'. S3 isn't perfect, but it's as close as Teen Wolf ever got and it definitely had a LOT of good stuff within.
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sterek-ao3feed · 8 days
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56173015
by Reagh_of_sunshine
His mother had once placed a finger under his chin and tilted his face to the afternoon light, smiling faintly as she looked deeply, searchingly, into his eyes. 
  “You have incredible eyes, my little wolf,” she had murmured, staring into them in a way that felt like a physical caress, right down to his core. “So many colours. Your soul will be shaped by many.”
  It was clear to him, even then at the tender age of eight, that while it wasn’t necessarily a sad smile, neither was it truly happy
Derek had once been excited to meet all his soul bonds. Instead they leave his soul shrivelled and broken. Is it any wonder that he tries to outrun his Fate when he meets one more in Stiles Stilinski?
Words: 2547, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Peter Hale, Laura Hale, Paige (Teen Wolf), Kate Argent, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore, Ennis (Teen Wolf), Talia Hale
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Soul Bond, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Depression, Angst with a Happy Ending, Warning: Kate Argent, Past Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Past Derek Hale/Paige, Canon Compliant, Statutory Rape, Introspection
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Hello! Is it possible to request with Lydia Martin? The pack was walking together in the forest, the reader has been dating Lydia for a long time. So, the Reader felt something would be wrong, and for good reason. Because the next moment, a tree falls on Lydia (or you can come up with a situation yourself). The reader pushed Lydia aside, but she did not have time to jump away and was crushed. Waking up, the Reader sees Lydia sitting next to him and watching. Since werewolves recover quickly, I think Lydia decided to thank the Reader. Thanks!
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Lydia Martin x GN!Reader
Summary: You will always protect Lydia, even if it puts you in danger in the process.
Warnings: Reader gets crushed with a tree, the L-word, like one innuendo, angsty-ish, fluffy otherwise.
Word Count: 1k
navigation  teen wolf masterlist
In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the best idea to take a walk in the forest while there was still a pack of Alphas coming after you and your friends.
When your best friend, Stiles, suggested you and your girlfriend join the rest of the group on a stroll, you immediately took him up on his offer. You were getting tired of having to be cautious about everything you do, and you needed fresh air.
Your girlfriend, Lydia, was a little nervous, but you promised that everything would be fine. If only you knew.
Walking through the forest you close your eyes and breathe in the clean, fresh air. Next to you, Scott and Isaac are wrestling with each other while trying to walk. 
Laughing at their antics, you move towards them to join in. You notice Derek grumbling, muttering under his breath, “Children.” Suddenly, you hear a loud roar that makes you shift along with the other werewolves in the group.
Looking up at the outlook your group was approaching, you see the Alphas you had been trying to avoid. Deucalion’s pack. One of the twins glares at you, jealousy radiating off of him at the sight of the arm you have around Lydia.
“Thank you for coming to such a secluded spot. Easier to kill you all without any pesky witnesses.” Deucalion states. You glare up at him before turning to look at the non-werewolves behind you.
“Lydia, Allison, Stiles, I need you guys to get as far away from here as you can. We’ll hold them off for as long as possible.” Allison and Stiles nod and start to slowly back up. Lydia hesitates before grabbing your arm, making you turn back. She pulls you into a quick kiss.
You hear a loud growl, making you turn around. Seeing the twins combine makes your eyes widen in fear. Quickly, you push Lydia towards her best friend so she can get away safely. 
As soon as he sees an opening, Isaac jumps at Kali. The two of them start fighting, prompting Scott to dive for Ennis. You call out to say, “I’ve got the twins!” Derek goes for Deucalion.
Suddenly, the twins dive over your head, and start running at Lydia, Allison, and Stiles. You quickly get up and run after them, hoping to at least drag them back to give your friends and girlfriend a better chance to get away.
Just as you are about to grab the twin-wolf, it veers away, heading towards a very dead tree that looks like it will fall any day now. 
A little too late, you realize what they are about to do. You put your head down and push yourself to run faster. You just barely make it to the terrified group in time. Stiles and Allison make it far enough away to be okay, but Lydia is frozen in place right in the location the tree will hit.
Jumping forward, you hear a loud crack. Just as you shove your girlfriend out of the way, the massive tree comes down onto you. 
It doesn’t hurt at first, and you realize you're pinned under the tree. Suddenly, the pain hits you all at once. Black dots swim in your vision, and you hear your girlfriend calling your name. She rushes to you quickly, and you realize you can barely hear her.
You vaguely gather that the Alpha pack is retreating because of the damage Isaac inflicted on Kali, and that Scott and Isaac both help to lift the tree off of you before rushing you to the hospital and to Melissa McCall. You quickly lose consciousness in Stiles’s Jeep.
When you regain consciousness, you try to sit up, only to get pushed back down by your very concerned and angry girlfriend. 
You try to get on her good side by starting with, “Heyyyy, sweetheart-” but she shuts you down immediately.
“Don’t you dare ‘hey sweetheart me. You almost died! If you weren’t a fucking werewolf, you would be dead! You can’t fucking do that to me. I can’t lose you!” You notice she has started crying, so you pull her down into your arms.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, Lyd. I just couldn’t let you get hurt. Also, I’m okay! I heal really fast. Yes, I do feel like I have the worst hangover ever, but I guess that's what happens when Alpha twins drop a tree on you.” 
Lydia tearfully laughs at that. You both snap your heads up when you hear Melissa start talking. “I don’t even want to know how you know what a hangover feels like. Anyway, because you're a werewolf, almost everything is healed by now. You do need to keep those wraps on for a few days so your ribs can heal correctly.”
You nod in agreement before asking, “Does this mean I can go home today?” Melissa nods, exasperated. “You guys need to stop looking for danger. I can’t keep releasing kids with serious injuries within hours of them checking in. I’m going to lose my job.”
You laugh before getting up with help from your girlfriend. “C’mon, we’re going to my place. We can have some fun.” Lydia winks at you before walking off, swinging her hips.
You excitedly rush after her, pulling her towards her car.
“This is not what I thought you meant when you said ‘some fun’.” You state. You had sat down on your girlfriend’s bed, prepared for a lengthy makeout session, maybe even more, but instead your girlfriend had grabbed her computer and put on ‘The Notebook’.
Lydia just smiles at you before carefully curling into your side. You quickly relax, before muttering, “This is nice too.”
You look down at Lydia, who is already looking at you. “What? Do I have something on my face?” She just smiles at you softly before saying quietly, “No. I just… Thank you for protecting me. I didn’t say it before, and I wanted to now. And… I love you.”
You grin at her. “You love me?” She flicks you, blushing, before saying, “Yes, you doofus. I love you.”
You feel your heart fill with affection for the smaller girl. “I love you too. I love you so much, Lydia Martin.”
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
21 | A Feeling
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
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At the moment Julia was at Stiles' house chatting with Noah till Stiles arrived home. They were supposed to study and it seemed like he entirely forgot.
"Do you think you'll still be here when it's time dinner? If so I could swing by and pick up some food on the way home when I'm down for the night." Noah asks as they were in the kitchen.
"I feel like that depends on your son if he takes his time getting home. The longer he keeps me waiting the longer I have to stay." She says causing Noah to laugh.
"And you haven't called him?"
"Oh, I have. He just hung up on me. But when I do the same to him, it's a big no no. Who does he think he is?" She crosses her arms making Noah laugh more.
"That's my son alright. Well, I gotta go, make yourself at home. Text or call to let me know if you leave before I come home sweetheart." Noah leaves causing Julia to smile at him calling her sweetheart.
Julia just goes upstairs to Stiles room to start working on homework and listening to music on Stiles' computer. By the time he got home he was confused to see her in his room.
"Did you forget we were supposed to study? I tried calling you but you hung up on me." Julia looks over at him.
"That's why you were calling? My bad. I was catching Scott up on things." He gets his work out of his bag, "How long have you been here?"
"Hour or two. Your dad said to make myself at home before he left." She explains to him.
"Why do you have so many highlighters?" Stiles sees them lying next to her.
"So many? There's four. Green for what I know. Yellow for what I need a little help on. I just like blue and red is I don't know." She explains highlighting her paper.
"That whole paper is red."
"Yes, I'm aware of that. Thank you. I hate this class and it's the only one I suck at." She gives him a sassy smile.
The both of them study and do homework for a few hours and as Julia was getting ready to text Noah she was leaving they hear him shout he's home with dinner.
"What did you bring?" Stiles goes downstairs first.
"Burgers and curly fries. And I see I came home right on time." Noah smiles at Julia putting her bag in the living room.
"Dad, I was just about to text you saying I was leaving." Julia joins them at the table causing Noah to laugh.
"As I said, came home on time. Plus I knew Stiles would took his time getting home, so I had a feeling you would still be here." He passes out the food.
While they eat, Stiles watches his dad and Julia chat the entire time. He had no idea why his dad liked Julia so much. He treated her like a daughter or as if he's known her for years. Stiles found it comforting that his dad likes Julia a lot but he didn't understand why he did.
"It's getting late so I should head home. You kept me here long enough." Julia throws her trash away look at Stiles so he rolls his eyes. "Plus we have that stupid cross country meet tomorrow." She adds.
In the middle of the night, super late at home, Julia was awaken by Isaac nudging her. "What the hell?" She sits up looking at her clock. "Did you come through my window?"
"Derek's dead."
"What? What do you mean Derek's dead? Isaac?" She looks at him lost.
"There was a fight with the Alphas. Derek and Ennis went over the ledge." He says then explains the whole night to her.
"No, he can't be dead. I-I would've known... No..." Julia gets out of her bed.
"What are you doing?" Isaac watches her.
"I have to make sure. He's not dead." She says so he gets up to stop her.
"There's nothing you can do, Julia."
"But I should've known..." She sits back down on her bed.
"How would you have known?" Isaac looks at her confused.
"Because that's what I do. A Banshee senses and predicts when someone is about to die and I didn't for him." Julia tells him as she looks at the floor.
"A Banshee?"
"That's what I am. That's what was awaken in me when I was bit by an alpha when I was ten. Same thing happened to Lydia with Peter biting her. You, Stiles, and Derek are the only ones I told about me and Lydia." She explains more.
Isaac just looks at her slightly confused by her but goes with it. Hell, he was a werewolf so.
For the meet, Julia was confused to see Scott was still not healed like Boyd and Isaac were. On the bus, Julia sat in the back with Stiles and Scott, one seat in front of them. While Stiles goes over words for Scoot, Julia listens to her music looking out the window. She only stops when she sees Scott go towards the other two.
"What?" Julia looks back at Stiles.
"Boyd has his claws out."
"Well, he's a ticking time bomb so I'm not surprised." She watches Scott talk to Boyd. "I wish we had super hearing as well." She looks back at Stiles.
"I was gonna say we're so lame but it's just me. You're a Banshee so." Stiles sighs.
"I'm still pretty lame when it comes to abilities. It's knowing when death happens so it's not great." She reminds him.
"You're still Supernatural."
"More like supernatural powers but still mainly normal." She corrects him.
"Same thing you Brat." He makes a face causing her to laugh as Scott comes back to the seat just for Stile to tell him there's another problem since Ethan keeps checking his phone.
Stiles gets out his phone to keep texting Danny to ask Ethan why he keeps checking his phone, "You're gonna make Ethan look back here." Julia says and right afterwards he does.
"Well, that wasn't very subtle."
"Oh, really?" Julia looks at him as Danny texts Stiles back so she leans to grab his phone to read it.
Being stuck in traffic Stiles and Julia could tell Scott still wasn't healing. Stiles ends up bickering with coach till he gives up to call Lydia.
"How are they gonna help back in Beacon Hills?" Scott asks him.
"You're not. They've been following us for hours. They're like four or three cars behind us." Julia tells him.
"You've noticed too." Stiles waits for Lydia to answer the phone, "I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker." He tells her then tells the two Scott is still hurt so he had to find away to get the bus to stop at the rest area.
Watching Stiles gets up to talk to coach, Julia covers her ears knowing he'll blow the whistle to shut Stiles up.
"OKAY!" Stiles yells going back to his seat.
After coach tells Jared to keep his eyes on the horizon, Stiles turns back to look at him before sitting next to him. "Oh this is going to be disgusting." Julia closer her eyes waiting for the worst to happen.
Once he threw up it was all hell on the bus when they finally pulled over, "Why are you stopping?" Stiles looks back at her as he helps Allison walks Scott to the bathroom.
"To keep an eye on Isaac and Boyd. In case you forgot they still want to kill Ethan. Especially Boyd. Just go." She motions for them to keep going. Once she spots the two she goes over to them, "Behave yourselves." She eyes the two.
"Are you babysitting us?" Isaac laughs.
"Yes, I am."
"Pathetic," Boyd groans so Julia rolls her eyes then looks towards the bathroom.
"Why is Scott not healing like we did?" Isaac asks her.
"Because of Derek." She said as Stiles comes up behind her places his hand on her lower back for a second.
"Allison said to stall the bus from leaving while she stitches up Scott." He lets her know.
"It shouldn't take her too long, right? She's good at that stuff?" Julia turns to face him.
"Hopefully she finishes on time because I have no idea how to stall the bus from leaving." He tells her as coach says it's time to go, "Shit." He goes over to him while Lydia goes to check on Allison with Scott.
"I have an idea how to stall the bus..." Isaac looks down at her then over at Ethan and Danny.
"Just don't go super overboard, please." She leads him walk away as she goes to Boyd grabbing a hold of his shirt, "Not you though."
Coach keeps yelling at Isaac to stop but he only does when Scott comes out yelling his name. Isaac backs away just looking at Scott so Julia lets go of Boyd's shirt.
Back on the bus, Allison sits with Scott and Lydia sits in front of Stiles and Julia, "So it's the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them and someone who thinks he's like a dark Druid of some kind." Stiles talks with the sisters.
"Or actually is a Dark Druid." Lydia says.
"A Darach." Julia uses the correct name, "And in some ancient cultures sacrificed people in preparation for battle..."
Stiles looks at her a few seconds before speaking, "So we got Alpha Werewolves against a Dark Druid."
"Yeah." Lydia nods her head.
"Who would've thought." Julia leans her head back closing her eyes.
Once the sun went down the bus stops at a the closest motel since the meet was pushed back till tomorrow, "You'll be pairing up, Choose wisely. I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that. Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach says as students take the keys from him.
Julia and Lydia both stand still looking at the motel, "You feel it too, right?" Julia turns her head to look at her sister.
"Guys?" Allison turns to them since they haven't moved.
"I don't like this place." Lydia tells them.
"I don't think the people who own this place don't like this place. It's just for a night." Allison tells her.
"A lot can happen in one night." Lydia takes Julia's hand into hers as they walk to their room.
"Of course me and Julia will share our bed." Lydia says as they put their bags down.
"I going to take a shower but can you get new towels these smell like smoke." Allison says going to the bathroom while the sisters leave the room.
On the way to the checkout window, Julia sees Stiles so she splits off for Lydia, "Oh, you want something from the vending machine?" Stiles asks her as she joins his side and they see Boyd spaced out.
The machine stops so the candy Boyd picked didn't fall as Stiles said he had a way to get it, Boyd just punches the glass to get the Candy bar, "That wasn't even normal for him." Julia looks at Stiles as he takes snacks out.
"Want?" He holds a snack out to her.
"No, thank you. I want to leave here. Something feels way off. Lydia and I both feel it." She lets him know.
"Like death?"
Julia slowly nods her head, "A lot has happened here which is making me..." Julia rubs her face.
"Hey, but you said has happened so past tense. No death tonight." He gives her a smile before going back to his room so she goes to join Lydia talking to the woman.
"And counting."
"Counting what?" Julia asks the two.
"Most guest suicides." The woman catches her up.
"198," Lydia looks at her sister.
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