#errrr how to tag this after all
piyo13sdoodles · 2 years
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i learned to animate so what better way to test it than fitzroy’s transformation?
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4theluvofsapphos · 4 months
Devil's Advocate - Part 3/?
Lucifer Morningstar (Sandman) x dead!reader
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part 1 - part 2
A/N: ERRRR expect some spicy spice in the next chapter possibly ? :3?! who knows. hehe, sorry for the late release n shorter chapter! but i hope u enjoy :D
TW: DDNE ~ dead reader, coercion, religion, lmk other tags!
tags: @justcallmelittleone @hasthebaconinhispants <3
The baths were nice. Spacious as they were, you didn’t feel entirely alone. Probably because you weren’t. Lucifer had mentioned something about ‘soul infused waters’ and their regenerative healing properties. The likelihood that you were currently soaking in dead people's essence was not at all comforting, yet the eucalyptus scents wafting up from the pools made you forget all about it.
You watched in amazement as all your scrapes and bruises began to fade, turning from yellow and purple, to completely untouched. The water became a sickly grayish red color, probably from all your crusted blood soaking into it. Soon after, you turned to exit the baths– surprised to find that there was a towel, robe, and slippers seated on a ledge nearby. 
Glancing around, you realized it was probably magic that set the clothes there, and thought no further on it. Stepping out of the baths, you grabbed for the towel, drying off your hair and wrapping it around your body, before sitting on the floor and leaning up against the small ledge. 
What do they want from me? Is there something I have that they need? Maybe It’s a mistake. I know I definitely don’t belong in heaven…so there’s no mistake there. Though, Lucifer did mention a meeting with other people. Maybe they’re going to discuss what to do with me? That’s probably it.
With a deep sigh, you gathered your thoughts and slipped the robe and slippers on. It was a fluffy, down material. Almost like cotton wool, or maybe feathers? You had no idea.
Snuggled up in your new robe, you made your way towards the exit of the baths, though you were slightly panicked when you saw no sign of the door that had once been there. 
“Now now, lamb. Don’t panic.” A familiar voice trickled in from behind you, echoing through the bath hall. 
To your surprise, you turned in time to see your new host standing feet away, eyes glimmering with amusement. You smiled nervously, shifting from one foot to the other. 
“Oh, hello, My Lord.” You managed, shrinking under their intense gaze. 
“What’s the matter, starlight? Are you nervous? Don’t be…you should know I won’t hurt you. Come, take my hand.” They cooed, extending a slender hand to you. 
“While you were bathing, there was a meeting that came up. Sooner than expected, yes, yes…but we have come to a conclusion about what to do with you. I figure we might sit in my chambers to discuss what will be happening next, as there is much ground to cover.” 
Their voice was level, not yet giving away any details of your circumstance. You were unsure whether to be happy or petrified. With a shyness you normally never had, you quietly took their hand— surprised by just how warm and soft their skin was against yours. They held your entire hand easily in their own, gently guiding you along, wings outstretched to shield you from the harsh Hell heat. 
You marveled them then, Lucifer’s wings. A deep burnt umber when in direct light, complex networks of veins and arteries shimmering with a darker color every once in a while. They were easily your height and then some, their size as grand as the palace they resided within. 
“Has something caught your eye?” They teased, wing flapping a small puff of air towards your face. The cool breeze from it was pleasant against your still dewey skin. 
“Your wings, My Lord..” You murmured, reaching out tentatively to try and touch them. Their wing shied away, and a quiet chuckle came from the fallen angel. 
“Tsk, tsk…such beauty is to be beheld, not touched.” They warned, your hand quickly dropping back to your side. They squeezed your fingers gently, as if to reassure you that you were in no danger. 
You looked away, feeling embarrassed about your brazen attitude. Lucifer said little else as you made your way down a winding set of stairs, eventually settling into a white marble room filled with scarlet drapery and what looked to be a grand bed. 
Off to the side sat a scrying pool, a ceiling to floor mirror, and a large balcony that sat closed at the moment. Their wings slowly retracted back into their neutral resting state, lips parting as they watched your reaction. 
“Wow…this is–” You trailed off, in awe of the sheer size and luxury of the Lightbringer’s own bedchambers. 
Lucifer hummed, placing a hand on the small of your back. The gesture had you stiffen, your face turning redder than you’d like to admit. Their gaze turned to you, clearly quite entertained by your reaction. 
“Quite grand, isn’t it? I will admit I am not above mortal luxuries…things like gold and silver are held in high regard for a reason.” They hummed, releasing your back and pacing a slow circle around the scrying pool in front of where you stood. 
“In any case, I do believe I owe you an explanation as to why you are here…and what will be happening next.” 
The fallen angel gestured to a small loveseat opposite the scrying pool, quietly requesting that you sit before them. Without hesitation, you scurried over to the seat, sitting and pulling your legs up to your chest, resting your chin on your knees. Intently, you listened. 
With a little hum of approval, the Lightbringer continued. “Beelzebub…do you recognize this name, starlight?” “Oh, yes– uhm…lord of the flies, right?”
“Bright as a nova, aren’t you?” They replied, grinning when you looked away and became even more flustered. “Hmm, yes. So, as it stands, Beelzebub and I had a rather nasty disagreement. I had banished the poor thing to purgatory until it came to me with a gift of consolation…” Your gut began to sink when they turned to face you fully, something dark growing in their expression. 
“A gift that could sate my Earthly desires…fulfill my every wish. Something pliant and pretty. Something nice to hold and play with.” 
“...It– the…the consolation prize was…me..?” Your eyes were wide with fear, their own gaze darkening further. 
“Oh yes…but–” Their expression shifted once more, a pleasant smile washing over their features. “If not for your death at the exact moment Beelzebub had been picking soul contracts that might satisfy me, you could’ve been anybody, really.” 
If their way of trying to comfort you was to let you know that you weren’t special– it certainly wasn’t working very well. 
“R-right.” You breathed, looking at the burning fires just outside their windows. 
“Oh lamb…” They crooned, coming to stand in front of you, a soft hand tilting your chin to gaze into their eyes. “You have a choice in this, don’t you realize? Stay, and you will be my personal pet…a contract– a formal one, will be signed…and your soul will belong to me.” They growled, their icy gaze flashing with a dangerous sadism, fleeting as it was. 
They turned your chin to the window once more. “But go…and you will join all the rest of the insignificant little mortal souls burning up in that vast Hell you will call home.” 
Your lip quivered at the thought, hands shakily coming up to hold their wrist. In response, they squeezed your cheeks harder, causing them to ache from the pressure. 
“The choice is yours, mortal.”
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girls-are-weird · 2 months
MASTER LIST: One Fic for Each Fandom [J-Z]
continued from this post. please read that one first for a detailed explanation of how this list came about and just why in the seven hells i've spent so many (many, MANY) hours of my life compiling it.
back in the day, i had hoped this format could catch on as a meme type of thing, so that other people could take it as a template and make their own fandom recs lists. so i'd love to see yours! be sure to tag me if you decide to do this. :)
after an afternoon, by angelgazing.
joan doesn't get it.
jealousy (and sequels!), by debbie kluge.
the story that started it all. a new acquaintance causes jonny quest and jessie bannon to re-evaluate their relationship.
and i didn't like the ending, by readdyfreddie (M).
as soon as the post box came into view, she saw him there, reading the letter. and then, as if sensing her presence, he looked up, and jo knew nothing would ever be the same again.
on the symbiotic relationship, by hundredacresky (M).
somehow they ended up doing everything backwards.
a glass of wine rebuilt, by toasterman.
shinji and asuka learn about themselves and fall in love, causing massive ramifications. a remake of the late 94saturn's quintessential shinjixasuka story, it is part tribute and part experiment, taking the structure and plot of the original wacky shipping story while attempting to maintain series-true characterization.
if you need, come build your home in me (and side stories!) by yrbeecharmer / @yrbeecharmer (T).
even though the world keeps falling down around him, will solace can't seem to help but keep growing up.
(a series rewrite starting with the events of titan's curse)
hooking up with jesse by catswandsandwalkers / @catswandsandwalkers (M).
when aubrey said to beca, "your attitude sucks, you're a grade-A pain in my ass, and i know you're hooking up with jesse," she was actually correct. slightly AU where jesse and beca are secretly friends with benefits throughout the movie. follows canon otherwise.
destiny, by nova.
carla says: this is a fic i read a long time ago, loved, and then lost track of. the plot is rather similar to the plot of the… second? third? movie (the lugia one!), but it was written pre-movie and the author takes it a whole different way. the characters are grown up and more mature (errrr… except gary and jazelle, maybe), and the story's AU (they all have different backgrounds) but it's very good, filled with action and adrenaline, and even some funny and romantic moments. good read. sadly, now i can't find it anywhere else in the 'net so i wonder if it's been finished since then. if anyone knows, please tell me.
me and you (is my refrain), by naladot / @naladot (T).
when he finally gets to the restaurant to meet his friends for a birthday dinner, the television mounted to the wall has the news on, and there’s mia disembarking from her plane, waving to the press with a practiced smile. he hasn’t seen her in five years—no, it’s got to be six, now—but he can still read the exhaustion written across her picture-perfect face.
years later, michael reunites with the love of his life. future-fic for first movie canon.
against all odds (take a look at me now) by shuuuliet (G).
ever since they broke up, shawn and juliet have done their best to keep their distance from one another. but now, one of their old cases has been blown wide open. a criminal that evaded arrest is back…and he’s targeting them specifically. can they make it out of this case alive? and can they find their way back to each other along the way?
(set during season 7, a few weeks after "deez nups".)
beasts of all kinds by aroguegambit17 (E).
wolf and shepherd are ancient enemies, opposed in nature and design. a wolf breaks into folds a shepherd guards; a shepherd is duty-bound to fight and perhaps kill a wolf for what the beast cannot help but do to survive. but what is a shepherd without sheep, a wolf without a pack?
free, of course. what a terrifying proposition.
ranma .05, by darren demaine.
carla says: ranma smut, and believable at that. lots and lots of story before the sex, so it's not plotless at all. and the characters are very in-character-- and that's a lot to say if he can have ranma and akane sleep together and still be in-character!
christmas and chaos, by nooziewoozie (M).
his shirt opened down his front, showing golden skin like some kind of blue-collar wet dream come to life—he was brown even in the middle of winter and he smelled like motor oil and had hair that spiked out from his head, bushy and unruly and ridiculous. he radiated heat. some idiot part of her hindbrain wanted to soak it up. -megumi, sano; family, christmas, and sex on couches.
adventures of the chibi-scouts, by "tuxedo" will wolfshohl.
many wish to be young again but how will the girls handle it when they get that wish?
la batalla de los doce tresors (aka el MEGAFIC), by marijose diaz.
carla says: sorry that it's in spanish, guys, but it really is THE best saint seiya fic EVER. written pre-hades saga, but they fight against hades-- just in a completely different way. the cycle has ended, and it's time for athena to die. only hades doesn't want to let her, and it's time for the saints to… save her? so she can die? i LOVE this fic. seriously, i've read it a thousand times, and that's a lot to say because it's HUGE! (it's not called the MEGAfic for nothing!). she manages to put in most of my favorite couples, which is quite rare, and well-- i was reading it a while back and this was actually what made me start this whole list. lol.
nenju, by 3jane.
where do happiness and ever after intersect? post series, complete. fuumugenjin.
these are the days of their lives by howardtduck48 (M).
maeve wiley deserves to be happy. if only she can give someone a chance to explain.
i know you wanna go higher by orphan_account (M).
the first thing simon lewis saw when he arrived idris high school was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. however, he later discovered that if he wanted to date her, he would need to get a date for his grumpy brother, alec. and that's where magnus bane appears.
the 10 things i hate about you AU that every fandom needs. simon is new and pining for isabelle, and then he has the worst idea of his life. somehow, things work out. kind of.
hygge, by fruitysmell / @fruitysmellz (G).
hygge. a danish word used for a special feeling of coziness and contentment, whether with friends or alone and at home or out.
SKY HIGH (2005)
the language of flowers by evergreeen / @everrgrreeen (T).
“i think he deserves to sweat about it for a while,” magenta said, reclining back in her chair. “maybe if he thinks that another guy is interested in you, he’ll come to his senses and see what’s right in front of him.”
layla’s head snapped up to look at her shapeshifting friend.
“magenta, that’s it!”
“what’s it?”
“i’m going to make will jealous… by pretending to date warren peace.”
you don't scare me anymore by misschatelle / @misschatelle (M).
chief holbrook calmly held her glare for a few seconds. “do you mean to say that you have no memories of the past eight months?”
allie shrugged. “maybe it was all a dream.”
“can you tell me what happened in that dream?”
“why does it matter now?”
“because some of you never returned. and we’d like to understand why. We have parents who, for a second, were given hope, only for that to get brutally taken away. they’ve seen all the other families reunite with their lost children, and they didn’t get to do that. they want answers, and i don’t have them. i’m hoping you can help me.”
(four teenagers never made it back to west ham. emily warner. cassandra pressman. greg dewey. campbell eliot.)
be brave and kiss the girl by fatechica / @fatechica (T).
el hopper: beautiful, sweet, and instantly one of the most popular girls in the hawkins’ high junior class when she moves there after her dad takes the job of police chief for the small town. mike wheeler: king of the nerds, A/V club president, and completely invisible to girls.
naturally, mike notices the new girl - how can he not when she’s the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in his entire short life? but she’s so far out of his league, it’s not even worth dreaming about. so it’s completely and utterly confusing to him when el takes a lot more than a polite interest in him.
el, for her part, is instantly smitten with the cute nerd with gorgeous eyes, adorable freckles, and the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen. no one understands when she decides to pursue him, especially not the popular kids, but it’s harder than she bargained for to get mike to trust her, to let her into his heart. guess it’s a good thing she’s as persistent as she is popular, isn’t it?
her everything by fabulist / @thatfabulist (M).
being the part-time boyfriend, part-time babysitter of the princess isn't all it's cracked up to be, but eugene fitzherbert is up for the challenge. besides, he loves her. now rated M for extra sauciness.
the orion protocol by annie174 (M).
in the immediate aftermath of the final bomb, veronica finds out things are not as they appear. a fix-it for the veronica mars season 4 final. spoilers for season 4.
kissing friends, by pirate turner (PG).
friends surprise each other under the mistletoe. kurtty.
playing with fire, by taekwondodo (M).
kurt (nightcrawler) and kitty (shadowcat) managed to get things worked out between them - mostly - but things have taken a decided turn for the worse and are only going to go downhill from here.
and each slow dusk, by loyaulte_me_lie / @if-fortunate (M).
“he wishes for a time machine to turn back the clock, back to a world where his mother wasn’t on the end of the phone, saying grimly, “wilhelm, you need to come home. it’s starting.””
two months after wille’s arrival at hillerska, war breaks out. when his and erik's last-ditch attempt to leave the country goes badly wrong, he ends up stuck in bjarstad - with simon.
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demonio-fleurs · 11 months
i was tagged in a 20 Questions meme!
sorry for taking so long to respond, i can be kinda lazy sometimes and was waiting to be able to use my laptop <3 but ty for the tag @iam-jacks-redacted-information !!!
let's dive right in!
1 ) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 words count?
120,637 (owo)
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Red vs Blue, Spider-Man, World of Warcraft and SPYXFAMILY are what are listed on my ao3 profile. I've done my most amount of work in the RvB fandom, but i've also written a LOT for The Hunger Games, Torchwood, and (sadly) Harry Potter and Twilight. Just... not on ao3.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Next Time Around which is an RvB rewrite w/ Tex surviving outside of the Epsilon memory unit, instead of being erased by Church at the end of s9 (which i still need to rewrite and finish waaah) Closure which.. I genuinely don't remember writing. Scars which I wrote on behalf of someone who wanted more non-sibling Carwash fics a cup of coffee in the morning which I wrote after a desire to see more of Wash's tastes/interests changing after the implementation of the Epsilon AI it's all in your head aka, a cute lil thing I did for fifteen minute ficlets that I need to get back into for SPYXFAMILY and twiyor.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes and no. It depends! I am an awkward person so if I know how to reply, I usually will especially if it's something i can answer! However, if it's something where i can't really think of a good response I might just leave it, or come back to it later.
6) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh... i tend to not write angsty endings. I like happy endings, I like knowing that despite everything, happiness can still be found. Like I LOVE angst, but I also like rewarding myself with some happy endings.
but one time I wrote about Cinna's death from THG so.... does that count?
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've never finished it, but my intended ending for Next Time Around was to have Tex going to Allison's grave on Earth with Carolina and Wash and laying down Forget-Me-Nots, before going back to live out the rest of her time with the Reds and Blues.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Never directly, but I also don't really remember a lot of 2015-2018 because of cringe :'). I do think a lot of Peter/gwen fics got indirect hate from peter/mj fans which sucks because Peter has TWO hands!
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have orphaned most of my smut fics, but yes. I have done some basic ass vanilla guy eats out a girl stuff, but my favorite is the kinky sapphic smut. If you ever stumble upon a Tex/Emily Grey smut fic by an orphaned account, that was me :)
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, they're just not for me.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No but last time I checked in 2021 someone had stolen my fucking background/about section from Tex RP blog and that was a COMMON problem I had in the RvB RP fandom on here. So. much. fucking. theft. of. my. god. damn. about. page.
And I put hours of work into it. Hours. It was detailed, and people just keep fucking stealing it somehow.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of!
13) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
errrr...... Trying to rack my brain but coming up with a blank. i've written fics as favors/gifts for people though! Usually a "I have this idea and no idea how to write it help me pls Ange" thing
14) What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Church/Tex. Something about the inherent doomed by the narrative of it all, how no matter how hard Church tries to pull her close she always drifts away from him, the levels of love and trust they have towards one another.... Like they are DOOMED lovers but also they kinda both know that and that's what makes it so difficult.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I really really wanna go back and re-do and finish Next Time Around, and after playing NieR Automata that desire is even more present. but also, one piece is my current hyperfixation so I have no idea if I ever will.
16) What are your writing strengths?
oh. oh god. oh. um. hm.
Probably my short, punchy sentences. Where not a whole lot is being said, but the impact is still really strong and the emotions of what I'm trying to impart are impactful.
Also, my inner character monologues. I love that shit. Lemme open up their mind and tell you their entire secrets
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Combat and physical descriptions B)
Combat is just... Idk. So much going on and it's so hard and you have to be really good about the descriptions and the motions and movements or else it's all a mess. And physical descriptions just... I'm a byproduct of the cringe era so I always worry about how my descriptions will sounds T-T
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have never attempted to create my own fictional language, and I probably never will. It just isn't for me. I am planning on trying to pick Japanese back up, as when I was a wee child I knew it fairly well, but lost it as the years went on.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Shugo Chara! or Sailor Moon
20) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Next Time Around is my current magnum opus but it also unfinished and I have no idea when I will pick it back up.
And that's a wrap! Thank you again @iam-jacks-redacted-information for the tag!!! I appreciate it, and i loved reading through your responses! Plus it made me go back through my old ao3 archive and see what I have written which I haven't done in a minute.
Anyways <3 if you wanna play this game please feel free to, and tag me in it! I always feel awkward tagging bc I still don't know a whole lot of people on here anymore QwQ
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dumbthunder · 2 years
15 questions 15 mutuals
I was tagged by the lovely @sergeantnarwhalwrites. I didn't realize that it supposed to be one of your OCs answering this, I guess my eyes skipped a line when reading yours. Tazer will be answering these.
I'm tagging @marinesocks @nanashi23 @justnerdy15 @starstruck-strife @manathen @aohendo @fearofahumanplanet @kyofsonder @the-finch-address @athenstheidiot some of you mightve been on @sergeantnarwhalwrites tags, so sorry if I doubled you up
1. Are you named after anyone?
Go ahead and guess where I got the name Tazer from.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I saw Everything Everywhere a few weeks ago and I bawled in the movie theater. Oh wait, I think it was when I saw that dead baby bird in the park. Errrr.... maybe it was when i thought my brother was hurt. Can we come back to this?
3. Do you have kids?
I have a kid brother. I mean, he's an adult now, but he'll always be a kid to me <3
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Oh all the time. I have two friends that don't get it and its hilarious.
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people?
You can tell a lot about someone by looking at their eyes. Where they look. How they look at things or you. If they have some fire in their eyes.
6. Whats your eye color?
Plain ol' brown. Does red count if they're blood shot?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I love happy endings. I hope that I can get one someday. Not soon, maybe once I'm old and done with the whole hero thing I can settle down.
8. Any special talents?
Besides stretching my arms and bursts of electricity? Uhhh....
9. Where were you born?
San Delphine born and raised. Go Astros! (I'm not really into baseball, my friend used to play for them)
10. What are your hobbies?
Some would say my hero work is my hobby, or the gym, but recently I've taken up knitting for those long hours at a stake out.
11. Do you have any pets?
I wish. I'm too busy to take care of anything else. I've got a few plants at home, but I don't count them as pets.
12. What spots did you play/have you played?
If you don't count power lifting as a sport, we can't be friends. I haven't gone to a competition since I got my power tho. Since I'm stronger than most everyone now its not fair.
13. How tall are you?
Six foot even, but I say five ten when anyone asks. This can be our little secret ;)
14. Favorite subject in school?
Gym, PE, whatever you called it. I was too busy taking care of my brother to care about school.
15. Dream job?
I'm living the dream. A bona-fide superhero. Unless I'm on the news, then I'm a "dangerous vigilante". Some people don't appreciate the work I'm doing. Smh my head.
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punishing-eden · 1 year
The Ghost at the Funeral Parlor...
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Not Beta read, but edited.
Genshin Impact fanfic rewrite
❄️Chong Yun and Zhongli🌠
Summary :
Having sense a presence at the Wang Sheng funeral parlour, Chong Yun was determined to excorise the the spirit residing there. Yet what he didn't expect, was facing something dark and sinster.
Tags: Platonic, mention and cameos of other characters, cultural references, Traveler is Lumine, rewrite, wip of some sorts that will never be finished
"... Errrr... Maybe you want to speak with Director Hutao?"
The receptionist wore an awkward expression. Standing by the doorway, Chong Yun, the young exorcist held a mildly confused expression when the receptionist mentions Hutao.
Seeing it was a situtation where he had embarrassed himself in someway, Chong Yun quickly spoke up," oh no, no! I am not here for funerary business," he swayed bashfully, " it's just... I received intel about spirits haunting within this area."
The receptionist gave a skeptical nod.
"And, you are...?", She asked.
The reception area was once again shrouded with an awkward silence. Chong Yun sighed. He began to wonder if this situation was just like the "Test of Courage" at Wu huang Hill, or that, the intel that Xingqiu gave him was a nothing, but a joke.
Despite so, his gut instinct was twisting and aching for him to continue on the investigation. His sixth sense, an inheritance that is so proudly pass down among generations, gave him a stubborn determination to investigate this place. The feeling was firing up his spirit, but he told himself to calm down.
"Oh, I am an exorcist, Madame, so rest assure," he replied. Hoping the woman would consider letting him through.
"I am sorry but, if you want to speak with Director Hutao, you need to make an appointment, also, please stop saying things that could scare the customers away."
"but…," Chong Yun protested, he felt his yang energy was simmering, "but there's a presence here! I can feel it. I promise it's not going to take too long. Once I exorcise the-"
"I am sorry. Look, if you don't leave, we might have to call the Milileth to escort you." the woman explained. She was getting a little impatient.
"Please, you are going to scare our clients away with all the ghost talk," the receptionist said, and tried to usher Chong Yun out of the Funeral parlor.
The commotion drew attention to the reception, a sudden deep voice spoke behind the counter.
"Is there a problem here?"
Both Chong Yun and the receptionist turned their head, and saw Zhongli standing with his arms folded.
"Mister Zhongli!" the receptionist greeted, and said, "this young man kept on insisting that there is a ghost or evil spirit in the parlor. I tried escort him away but-"
"A ghost you say...?" Zhongli interrupted and was in deep thought. He looked at Chong Yun, raising a brow he asked, "And, you are...?"
"I am an exorcist. I have gathered intel that your funeral parlour has sightings of ghost, abnormal occurrences , and many more. If I may, I can ease these place, after that I will be on my way. That's all I ask." Chong Yun piped up. He hoped his speech was sincere enough for Zhongli to consider the proposal.
The young lad had heard about Zhongli before, but it was just a name that was brought up by a few. All he knew about the man in front of him was, he likes talking about rocks (minerals) and some times, treat the Traveller and her companion at the nearby Kisok.
"Hmmm…you are an interesting young man. I can sense that you are no ordinary guest. Your energy seems to be rather...powerful," Zhongli said.
For this older gentlemen to take notice of his energy, Chong Yun took note to pay more attention about the Consultant. Certainly, Chong Yun can feel Zhong Li isn't a simple man as he seems.
His knowledge about almost everything in Liyue is something to be awed at. How can a simple man gained so much knowledge than an expert who would spend years of their lifetime studying one field.
However, the young exorcist knows better to make rather rude judgements, especially about somebody such as Zhongli.
"Now if you would please leave?" the receptionist said, gesturing towards the huge double doors.
"Actually...", Zhongli cutted her off, "I think we do have something for the exorcist."
The receptionists had a huge look of surprise, she looked at Zhongli, "Mister Zhongli, you don't mean..."
"This is a funeral parlour after all. Don't take it to heart about it. It would be nice to have someone around to make sure things don't get around once in a while. Quite like a pest exterminator, I suppose.” Zhongli said.
The woman, gave a mixed look, but her emotions soon calmed and finally gave a nod." I guess, you are right, Mister Zhongli. I shall leave this matter to you then," she gave a small bow and exited the parlour for some fresh air.
"Now," Zhongli spoke with a rather brighter tone, "may I know of your name, and perhaps a bit of your back ground?"
Chong Yun stood up straight, facing the much taller man he gave a greeting bow and said, "The name's Chong Yun. My family have been protecting Liyue from evil spirits and demons for generations, so I do know a fair share of demon expelling knowledge... Also, I don't charge exterminating fees."
Zhongli raised a brow at the latter sentence. He gave a small hum and nodded. It was interesting indeed, and rare to know there are still people in Liyue who doesn’t talk about Mora.
"Very well, please come this way, " the consultant offered.
Chong Yun eagerly followed as they both pass by each funeral hall. Some were decorated, waiting for the client to arrive. Some were empty and just like the one that Zhongli escorted Chong Yun, the Funeral hall was lay bare with. However, it smelled.
It doesn't smell unpleasant, but rather, a strong presence of insence lingered in the hall. As Chong Yun would have guess, the hall has been recently used to hail a funeral.
Zhongli stood by the doorway and, "This is the funeral hall that seems to be the place you wish to inspect."
Chong Yun walked into the hall. His sixth senses were alert, as he felt a tingling sensation tickling down his arm. Looking around, he has yet to see the ghost's presences. He began to wonder if his Yang energy had already ward it off. However, he still felt the lingering presence of it.
The young exorcist looked around, he turned to doorway. That’s when he saw a apparition.
"...Spirit Blade!" Chong Yun, with the power of Cryo, summoned his spirit blades to anchor down the spirit that suddenly appeared in the door way. However it seems by the split second, the ghostly being escaped just in time. It flew towards Chong Yun, it's arms reached out and pushed him down on the floor before vanishing through thin air. Its shilled scream rang though Chong Yun’s ears.
Zhongli witnessed everything, and went towards the young exorcist to help. The pain of Chong Yun's backside throbbed as he slowly got up with Zhongli's aid.
Chong Yun could never believe a spirit could actually, physically, push him down to the ground, hard. He place a hand on his chest, the part where the spirit had touched him, it burns.
"Young exorcist, are you alright?" Zhongli asked.
However, Chong Yun hissed at the burn on his chest and replied, "I... think that... it just burned me...this is bad..." he can feel his Yang energy surging up from heat of the burn. His head began to spin and soon passed out.
The dreadful sound of rocks gnawing at each other, annoyed him to no end. Slowly, Chong Yun opened his eyes. Blinking, he tried to register where he was. A sudden deep voice spoke by his said, "ah, young exorcist, you’re awake."
Chong Yun turned his head, and saw Zhongli sitting on the visitor seat while having a cup of tea. Quickly, the youth sprang up, he finally remember what had happened, and said, "I apologise!" and bowed his head. Apologising for his failure, to capture the spirit.
Zhongli only chuckle and said, "not to worry, young exorcist, I should be the one to apologise. I have never thought the spirit would have such power to knock you out."
Chong Yun sighed, he felt a little disappointed by the incident.
He looked down and saw that there were burns on his chest. There were two faint hand prints on his chest, and the recollection flashed into his mind again. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
QiQi entered, and in her monotone voice she said, "QiQi has medicine... For the burns..."
"Ah, QiQi, thank you for your hard work," Zhongli said as the little girl place the tray of medicine on the bed and climbed her way up. She had crushed the herbs and mint into paste and applied them on Chong Yun's chest before stuffing in the dried Mist Flower petals. She then wrapped gaze around Chong Yun's chest and continued, "keep this on for 24 hours and don't get it wet."
"24 hours?! Does it take that long to heal a burn?" Chong Yun exclaimed.
"These are no ordinary burns, you must understand, young exorcist," Zhongli placed his cup down as QiQi climbed back down and exited the room.
Zhongli stood up and said, "this spirit is no ordinary ghost. If it were to be an ordinary ghost that refuse to move on, then the Wang Sheng Funaral parlour would have a scandal on their hands. And, that child- I mean Director Hutao, would have used all that is necessary to help the lost soul find its way to the next life... Though, unfortunately she's currently away for other matters..." Zhongli gave an unsatisfied grumbled at the last sentence.
"Our next best option was to get an exorcist for help. Although, I never how this one is able to be this powerful."
"Do you know what that spirit is?" Chong Yun asked. He looked at the Funeral consultant. There was something in Zhongli's eyes that told Chong Yun, the man sitting before him is much more informed than anyone would imagine. In fact, too informed.
Zhongli gave it a good thought before facing the young exorcist, and said, "Though, I have a general idea what that spirit is, I am no better to deal with it than an exorcist such as yourself. My guess could only be that the spirit was cursed, or it habours too much wraith, and it simply could not move on."
Analysing what Zhongli had said, the young exorcist recalled the notes and books he had study in the past. He was sure that the old masters and his family had taught him about those spirits before.
Though, he lacks the experience, he wanted to give it a go. It would be too shameful to call himself an exorcist and to turn down a case. If anything, unlike the vigilant Yashka, whose methods were to use brutal force to eleveate the evil, Chong Yun knew his duty, and his family's duty, is to eleveate the evil through the most humanitarian way. Both swift and merciful, to purge the darkest core, purifying the evil and suffering so balance can be retained.
Zhongli waited for Chong Yun's answer. He watched as the yound lad went to grab his shirt and put it on. From his satchel, Chong Yun took out his icicle. He felt his determination was bubbling and he need to surpress his passion.
"Mister Zhongli, may I come back to the parlour tomorrow?"
(To be Continue...)
Author's notes:
This story has been on my mind since the beginning of time. I was inspired by my co-opt gameplay with my sister. Whenever we beat the geo hypostasis, I would use Chong Yun, and she uses Zhongli.
Almost made it to the Komore tea house but never seen the day of light.
(C) Punishing Eden
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caveiratimida · 2 years
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals
tagged by @forsty 😊 thank youuuu
1) Are you named after anyone? Not that I know of!? All I know is my parents both looked at each other like "None of our daughters will be named Maria something.". Guess it is because my mum and her sisters' are Maria so!
2) When is the last time you cried? Yesterday! Because of TLOU Episode 3 and Linda Ronstadt. Crying is healthy!
3) Do you have kids? Nope! Don't think I want any and if I do have them I think I would like to adopt.
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot? Hmm depends. I don't use sarcasm online but I guess as a condition of having lived in the UK for 3 years I do used it with people. HOWEVER, I don't like it unless it is my close friends using it because others make me feel like I am back in school being mocked. Especially because I don't always understand it is sarcasm.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people? ... I have been told I focus loads on noses. Like faces in general but it is true I like to study noses. I think it fascinating! Other than that I follow my gut.
6) What’s your eye colour? Brown. Dark brown. Personally I find it boring but I am learning to love them.
7) Scary movie or happy ending? I am the worlds biggest coward and can't handle scary movie so it has gotta be Happy Ending all the way my dudes!!!
8) Any special talents? Errrr my shoulders always crack whenever I roll them? I guess??
9) Where were you born? Torres Vedras, Portugal! It is near the sea and about 40km north of Lisbon.
10) Do you have any hobbies? When I make time for them... I love to draw and especially like trying to make little animatics. I have also delved into embroidery which I find very soothing. Other than that I love to swim and play games!
11) Do you have any pets? I got Babushka my little dwarf hamster! She is a white gremlin who I love very much <3
12) What sports are/have you played? I used to play football every break. Then it was basketball and now it is... nothing. Although I try to swim when possible and I have the energy for it!!
13) How tall are you? According to my ID 1.68m!
14) What’s your favourite subject in school? I loved History and still do! In fact, I don't like reading fictional books normally. Most of my shelf consists of cold hard fact history books.
15) Dream job? If possible, I would love to travel around and do little animations about Portuguese History and Folklore! Or even just documenting rural traditions that still exist.
Hmmm I would like to tagggg @bearsinpotatosacks @kloofspeaks @moonpiepig @misschangeable and I think that is it but anyone else who wants to do it go ahead!!
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nofr1lls · 2 years
I HAVE BEEN TAGGED BT @isomorbism !!!! THANK U!!
r U named after anyone: yeth but I have a couple of names and middle names and such all from family members. yiayia ily 🫶
when was the last time u cried: today actually I had a rlly important convo w ma we sort of had a breakthrough it was good and we don't rly ever talk to eachother like that,,, anyway. nobody asked I cry probably the normal amount honestly maybe once a month or so. usually out of frustration
do u have kids no
do u use sarcasm no. yes. nooooo. shut up
the first thing I notice abt people is whatever facet of them I experience first??? so it differs. idk what else this q means sorry
what's ur eye colour? nondescript non-brown colour. I get super squinty in the sun 👎👎
scary movies or happy endings: errrr where would one b without the other. scary ig.
any special skills? my response to this is always that I'm reaaaaally good at balancing one leg tiptoe like I can just stand there. go me
where were u born? same country I live now. I've only left once
what r ur hobbies ballet, local history, supermarket research, egg peeling, bushwalking, art. blogging and listening 2 tunes also 🤫
do u have any pets does my little(st) brother count. no.
do u/ have u played any sports YES and I'll give U a list rn. I've danced ballet since I was abt 8 and I rlly enjoy it but I have never aimed to get anywhere near professional. its a hobby I do well at the level I'm at. I played tennis all of hs and I was pretty good i was on a few rep teams and played outside school as well I miss it sooooooooo much. soccer and netball I was in teams with my friends sometimes and I sucked ASS but they were fun. in my last years of hs I did track and I'm going to take this opportunity to tell the mutuals that I can run really really fast I'd just like to share that me fact like b4 I ever started training I was the 6th fastest at the 100m in my whole school of over 1200 students including all of the track team kids (I didn't even have spikes 😩) when I was 15 ok just know that abt me and I'll never mention it again it is genuinely one of the things I'm most proud of ok whatever I've wasted my one proper talent bye
how tall r U average height FUCK!!! off
fav school subject prooobs history or art.
dream job dun have one comedian shut up shut up shut up shut up
congrats if U real to the end of this LONG ASS horse-music info post ily forever let's move in 2gether @dacergirl369 @groundbreakingdot872 @acasternaut @ivorysongbird
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mortifyingideal · 3 years
i was tagged in this by the wonderful @fremulon (thanks cherry!) and accidentally deleted the whole thing twice so now i'm mostly just posting it out of spite and without a read more due to said spite. SUCK IT TUMBLR.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 published out loud and 1 published anonymously
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
okay so this is really only my most recent life. i have been around a lot. a lot. i was there, gandalf, during the superwholock years (and an active participant) so over the course of my life it's like
Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Inception, Daredevil, The Avengers, The Musketeers, Wells & Wong Mysteries, Twin Peaks, Homestuck, Red vs Blue
but in this lifetime i'm just writing for Good Omens (and have written for DuckTales and Cruella)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1 — Loosely Ballroom (surprising absolutely nobody)
2 — Look Not Too Deep
3 — ergo propter hoc (okay this one is kind of a surprise actually but i'm very happy about it i love this fic)
4 — café au vin
5 — an institute you can't disparage
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do! i try to respond to every comment i get on the day of/the day after i get it. i've met a lot of good friends this way, and i also just like taking the time to respond to people who've taken the time to respond to something i made. makes me feel good (plus i want everyone to like me)
the only downside is it can get a bit overwhelming at times? particularly with LB, which gets a shitload of comments per chapter and can take me up to two full days to read through them all and answer, and if i'm having a bad brain time i just cannot face doing it. so if you've ever left a comment and i've not responded, i promise It's not because i don't appreciate it. my brain machine just was going brmmmmmmmmm.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i was going to say NONE BECAUSE I DON'T WRITE ANGST but i guess if i had to decide it would be the RVB fic that's on my ao3 right now, which has an angstily hopeful ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
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8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not as far as i'm aware! i have had several uhhhhhhh overly familiar meant-to-be-jovial comments on/about the above crossover from people i don't really know very well that have told me i'm a terrible person or i've committed crimes while i'm out here like, cool this is art i made and put in the world for fun and believe in and i don't really... know you? but those comments were meant in good faith imo so i don't really think it counts as hate
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
the last time i tried to write smut, crowley got stabbed, so the kind that sends people to the hospital i guess?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. good luck formatting all the images and italics, anyone who might try.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
infamously. it's the only reason anyone might have read this far. also attempting to collaborate on an as-of-yet-unfinished-project with @indieninja92 who is a creative genius with their finger in many, many pies. speaking of, have you visited hauntedswords.com recently?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
errrrrr i mean probably aziraphale/crowley, not to seem obvious. they've been with me since i was like 10 years old, they haven't gone anywhere, they will probably be bothering me until the day i die.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I WILL FINISH ALL OF MY WIPs. okay no that's not true, i have the start of an inception fic that is a GO AU that i honestly think would have been fucking slammin' but the time for that has passed now.
15. What are your writing strengths?
a very definite sense of character voice, attention to detail in terms of enriching the world i'm writing in, dialogue dialogue dialogue, smash cuts (are they even called smash cuts in writing? WHATEVER THEY ARE I CAN DO THEM)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
you are my collaborator. you send me back part of a chapter and tell me i have a sentence that is a bit too lengthy and doesn't work, and i need to edit it. i send it back to you. the sentence is now an entire paragraph and a half, with three jokes, a metaphor and a new line of dialogue embedded in it, changing the overall tone of the chapter. this is known as The Mort Special.
i also get very in my own head about not really being a good writer, or not being as good as the people (or person specifically i suppose) that i'm working with. i'm working on this! i'm not working on The Mort Special, though, that's always writing gold.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
this is a really weird and specific question, who hurt you OP? errrr i guess much like any quirk of writing, it's fine when used sparingly and with a deft hand.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
fuck me, probably Harry Potter? neopets roleplaying boards were a gateway drug.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
this is the part where i pretend i'm going to say something other than Loosely Ballroom. i don't think i'll ever make something else in my life that's made me feel the way making that has. it's been—to delve into reality TV speak (and paraphrase crowley from a future chapter)—a real emotional rollercoaster.
plus it's just fuckin' funny isn't it.
tagging @phoenix-soar, @thyra279, @heycaricari, @stillseekwill and @katnoggin (and anyone else who might want to!)
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elismistscorner · 3 years
OC Interview: Eli Aleksandros
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
Thank you @i-mybrunettelady and @thoseofuswhoblossom for tagging me, this was fun to do!
Off stage:
Eli: "Do I really have to do this? it feels so pretentious and blah"
Albus: "Yes! You are a hero to these people, and maybe knowing about you will help inspire others! You will be fine, and I'll be right over here for you."
Eli: sighs "okay."
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Can you introduce yourself?:
“Hello, I am Eli, Champion of Aurene.” After a moment of silence, Albus interjects: "You might also know him as Dragon slayer, God slayer, Guild leader, Priory Archon or Magister, Hero of Lion's Arch, Hero of Shaemoor, and ex-commander of the Pact-" "Oh my god. Albus!!" "Love you~"
What is you gender identity, orientation and relationship status?:
"I'm male, and...” looks over at Albus "engaged to that goof over there."
Where and when were you born?:
“I errrr... am not sure exactly where I was born, but I grew up within the walls of Divinity's Reach in Salma District. Well, at least until my elemental abilities started to show, and then I was sent to the Priory HQ but still inside Divinity's Reach. For the second part of that question; I am about old enough to be a sylvari secondborn.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?:
“I guess I was 'classically trained' in the Priory to use the staff, so that may be what I am most confortable with. Albus helped me train with the sword when we realized we would have to confront Balthazar... that did not turn out so well, but against non-gods I can hold my own. However, now that I find myself in a bit of a lull, I have begun training with other weapon types, but that's confidential information... at least for now” he chuckles.
Lastly, are you happy?:
After a brief pause to think his answer, Eli looks down at his ring and then at Albus. "Yeah. I would say so."
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?:
"Hmm... well, like I mentioned earlier, I don't have any clues on my biological parents, but Uncle Andrew raised me like his own, and his daughter, Petra, is like a sister to me. I haven't been able to visit them in some time, but we exchange letters; they're doing well."
Have you ever ran away from home?:
"Technically yes? 'Ran away' makes it sound dramatic. As a child, I just wanted to find a place where I could figure out my elemental abilities without hurting anyone."
Would you consider marriage or having children?:
Eli looks over at Albus who is clearly waiting to hear this answer. "Okay so. Earlier, when I said I was engaged, I lied a little bit. Albus and I are actually married! He declares with joy and relief. "After I recovered from Bangar's ambush in Drakkar's lair, we decided to not waste any more time. We had been going non-stop for so long, and we were headed into an uncertain future, so we decided to just get married right there in the Eye of the North with some of our guildmates present, and Aurene of course. It was really nice actually. On the subject of children, does Aurene count?" he laughs.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?:
"What? I don't... what? They're not really your friend if you.. hate... them? I'm not sure I understand the question."
Which friend knows everything about you?:
“Definitely Albus," he smiles "he's seen me at my best and worst. However, I do also have a couple good friends in the Order of Whispers, who I trust enough to confide in. But also, who knows what information they have on me in their archives. So maybe them too. Oh and Jory as well; again, she's someone I trust, but she's also very intuitive and a personal detective. Haha, maybe my life is not as private as I would like it to be”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?:
“Did you say this was asked by a fan? Anyway, yes. Like I mentioned, I grew up partially in the Priory so...”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?:
“So, this is less a prediction, and more a theory I had. See, I've always been fascinated by the mists and alternate realms or dimensions; fractals if you will. And I always thought there must be some way, when all the stars perfectly align for a soul to come back from the dead by traversing through time/space in the right way. And well, here I am.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?:
With an almost apologetic look, Eli glances at the floor, then up at Albus. “That I have managed to surround myself with very capable people, and that I can trust them to hold their own... aaand that I cannot do this alone; I need them.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?:
“When you say these are fan questions... like who exactly... I'll say this. I am very lucky to have the people I have around me. They help me stay grounded.”
What is your current main goal?:
“For so long my only goal has been to survive. Except not even that. So for now I don't have any goals per se. Although I am looking forward to the Festival of the Four Winds to return. We always use it to take some time off and just be. The beaches are really nice-" "Also the Queen's Jubilee!" Albus interrupts. "Hah... On a different note, I've read so much about Cantha, and now that I've explored Elona, I'd like to see the Jade Sea, but who knows when that will happen.”
Drink or food?:
“Oh hmmm.. it depends on when you ask me. When we were lost in the (Magumma) jungle, between the rivers and creeks and the HUMIDITY, I never really thirsted for a drink, but a nice meal would have really hit the spot. However, while wondering through Elona, there were so many times I would've killed for a refreshing drink. So... both?
Cats or dogs?:
"Oh dogs for sure"
Early bird or night owl?:
“Hmmm... well, the Elonian sky is a true wonder that can only be perceived at night but sunrises are nice... No, you know what. I'm a night owl. Yup. Don't know why I hesitated”
Optimist or pessimist?:
"I don't think I could... I have to believe things can and will improve, otherwise why would I bother going through everything I have?"
Sassy or sarcastic?:
“I think sarcasm? I know I definitely cannot out-sass Albus.”
Been caught sneaking out:
“Pretty sure it happened in the Priory a couple times. Except... I wasn't sneaking out, I was... sneaking... in.” he sighs "I wanted to get in the library after hours and keep researching...-" "OH MY GOD ELI HAHAHA" Albus bursts off-stage.
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Broke a bone:
“Wait like, A specific one? I don't... Like, you realize it is statically impossible that I would have gotten this far without such an injury.“
Received flowers:
“Yeah actually! It was nice.“
Ghosted someone:
Eli's gaze wanders as he takes a moment to think of an answer. "Oh, I guess I have. There was this one time that I accidentally ghosted a couple friends... when I died HAAAA!" He boasts with unwarranted pride on his own joke while scanning the room's reactions. "Get it? cause I was a ghost!" he grins. "That was good, wasn't it?" Albus simply facepalms in the corner.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get:
“Let me remind you again, I grew up inside basically a library full of smart people. Smart people that sometimes like to show off just how smart they are by using humor they know you will not understand because you're a CHILD.”
After the interview:
Eli: "So? how did I do?"
Albus: "You were great, as I knew you'd be. You we're yourself, and that's all I would ever ask of you."
Eli: "Thanks. I'm glad you were here with me."
I tag (with no obligation of course, I would love to catch up on old OCs or learn about new ones but you can pass!):
I feel to "new" to tag people haha. I guess I tag you the reader! If you've been waiting on someone to tag you to join the fun, this is your chance! :D
Also @thepinkywarband, get on this (if you wanna) :3
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Alone (2/2)
Leviathan x gn!MC
Content Warnings - implied/reference self harm, self harm scars, LOTS of angst, kinda Yandere Levi, setting healthy relationship boundaries, happy ending
Summary -  After talking to Mammon, you manage to figure out what’s wrong with Levi and the two of you have a serious heart to heart, setting some important boundaries. PART ONE HERE
Chapter 2 - After
You had barely been able to concentrate during school. Your thoughts were full of Levi and what had happened this morning. You weren’t sure what had caused him to snap like that, but you were willing to bet it had something to do with why he was so upset yesterday. Now if only you could figure out what had upset him then, you might be able to figure out a way to help.
You sighed again, as you poked the food on your plate. It was lunch time now and normally you would be texting Levi to see how things were going in his classes and to update him on your day, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do that until you got your thoughts in order and had a proper conversation with him.
“Whattya sighin’ for? Ya been doing it all day and it’s startin’ ta get on my nerves.”
Though he was trying to sound annoyed, you could tell that Mammon was concerned. He had apologized to you while helping you prepare breakfast for crashing your date with Levi yesterday. He knew he should have changed his plans once he realized everyone else wanted to tag along. (He didn’t bother to try to deny the fact that he still would have shown up on his own if it had been possible.)
You had been quick to forgive him, which Mammon appreciated, but he also wasn’t sure you had been really listening to him all that much. Your mind had seemed to be elsewhere. Normally he would have called you out on it too, demanding you pay attention to The Great Mammon and act a bit more grateful he was helping you out. But he got the feeling that even if he had said anything it wouldn’t have made a difference - you just seemed that distracted.
“Hey. Ya gonna tell me what’s up?”
His voice had softened now, the teasing tone gone. You looked up to see Mammon watching you intently. You tried to offer him a smile, but you were unsuccessful and the face you made was somewhere between pain and worry.
“I...ummm...promise this stays between us ok? You can’t tell ANYONE. And you have to promise that you will not try to do anything about it. Ok?”
Mammon did not like the sound of that. He furrowed his brow, but agreed nonetheless.
“I...I got in a fight with Levi. I think at least. I’m not sure. This morning he just wasn’t...well, he wasn’t himself. And it kinda scared me. So I left. And we haven’t talked yet. I don’t even know what to say to him.”
Mammon listened closely to your words. He still didn’t know what happened, but he could tell you were doing everything you could to avoid saying it. A fight with Levi? Pfft. What did you do? Insult Ruri-chan? How could you not be sure if you had a fight? And what do you mean Levi wasn’t….
“HE WHAT?!” Mammon jumped to his feet, ready to head home immediately and beat the living daylights out of his younger brother. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. That pathetic, whiny brat transformed on you?! What the fuck was he thinking??
“Mammon! Please! Calm down!”, you pleaded with him. People were staring now and you really didn’t want to cause a scene. The last thing you needed was more trouble with angry demons, upset because you disturbed their lunch.
Taking one look at you, Mammon sat down with a huff. He was still ready to rip Levi limb from limb, but had promised you that he wouldn’t try to do anything about what you had told him. He’d just have to come up with some reason to teach him a lesson later.
“Thank you. It wasn’t like it was on purpose…”
“That’s even worse!”
“...He was just so upset. He was scared of something, but I don’t know what. And he just kept asking me not to leave.”
“So what are ya gonna do? You’re not seriously going back to him, are ya?”
“Of course I’m going back to him! Don’t be ridiculous. He didn’t actually DO anything. He got upset, but he let me go.
I just...need to find out what happened to him that got him so worked up. Everything seemed to be going so well until yesterday afternoon when y’all showed up at the tea house.”
“What do you mean ‘oh’? Do you know something I don’t?”
You were glaring at Mammon now. ‘Kinda’ my ass, you thought.
“Alright alright! Stop lookin’ at me like that! I’ll tell ya! Sheesh.
Ok. So look. Levi’s the Avatar of Envy right? Means he gets jealous real easy. Up until now, y’all have sorta been off in your own little world and haven’t paid much attention to the rest of us.
But yesterday, we all showed up durin’ your date, yeah? When Levi wasn’t even at the table.
So I’m thinkin’ he saw us all talkin’ and havin’ fun and whatever and got jealous. And that’s what set him off.”
Ah. That made sense. Why didn’t you think of that earlier? How could you possibly be so dense as to not notice that your own boyfriend was jealous?? He’s the personification of Envy for crying out loud! You knew that! Jealousy should have been the first thing you suspected given the timing of everything.
“Ughhhhh,” you groaned, leaning back in your seat, covering your face with your hands. Just how oblivious were you?
“So, this morning, when he was saying all the stuff about not wanting me to leave….”
“Probably ‘cause he was feeling insecure and scared ya’d leave ‘im for good.”
You let out another loud groan of frustration at your own stupidity. You didn’t mean to, but you had hurt Levi unintentionally. No wonder he was upset. You knew that didn’t excuse his behavior, especially him grabbing you, but it at least gave you a place to start so that you could try to work things out with him.
“Thanks, Mammon. Don’t you dare let anyone ever make you feel like the stupid one, you got it? You’re a lifesaver.”
“Whatever,” Mammon replied, blushing. You couldn’t help but laugh. He really was a great best friend and you had never been more thankful that he was part of your life than right now.
“Levi? Hey, I’m home.”
You knocked on his door again, but still no response. You had been expecting that though. So taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you opened his door and let yourself inside.
What greeted you, was an absolute disaster. Figurines, plushies, books, and DVD cases were scattered everywhere. One of his computer monitors was even on the floor, cracked and ruined beyond repair. Your chest tightened as you surveyed the damage. What had happened after you left?
Careful of where you were walking, trying to avoid stepping on anything as best you could, you moved further inside the room to look for your Leviathan. When you found him, he was curled up in his tub, still in his demon form with his shirt removed. Seeing him like that made you gasp, and you had to fight back tears. He just looked so broken. His face was red from crying and stained with dried tears, his hair was a disheveled, tangled mess, and you saw what had appeared to be claw marks all over his chest, that by now were mostly healed but still appeared very fresh.
Without another thought, you slipped into the tub with him, spooning him from behind, pressing gentle kisses to his shoulder. You knew you still needed to talk to him, but you had to make sure he was alright first before anything else. He wasn’t going to be able to listen to a thing you said if he was still as worked up as he had been. Levi continued to sleep, breathing steadily, and you knew he must have been exhausted. Pulling the blanket up to cover you both, you settled down, snuggled behind him and went to sleep.
As Levi started to wake up, the first thing he became aware of was the blanket covering his body. He didn’t remember covering himself up and wondered when he had managed to do that. But while he was pondering about the origins of the blanket, he started to become aware of the warmth that was pressing against his back, and the arm draped over his side.
His breath hitched, and he desperately fought the urge to immediately turn around. You couldn’t possibly be here. There was no way you could. After what he did...he choked back a sob as another flood of memories and anxieties washed over him.
“Levi, you okay?”
That was your voice. There was no mistaking it. It was so soft, and clear, and soothing. Cautiously, Levi rolled over so he was facing you.
“Hey babe,” you whispered, brushing the tangled mess that was his bangs out of his eyes so you could get a better look at him.
Levi couldn’t hold it back any longer, and broke down again, in a mixture of relief and regret now that you were right in front of him. His guilt still weighed heavily on him, but he was so incredibly happy that you were here.
As you watched Levi cry, you did the only thing you could and wrapped him up in a hug. You didn’t want to tell him everything was “alright” because it honestly wasn’t, so you decided on “I’m here” as you rubbed gentle circles on his back.
“I’m here, Levi. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.”
“Hey, shhhhh. We will talk later ok? Just calm down right now, alright? I’m here. We will talk later. I promise.”
Levi nodded, burying his face into your shoulder, careful not to stab you with his horns. He had tried to shift back to his human form when he first noticed you, but he was still too anxious and agitated to manage it.
It took a good hour for Levi to finally calm down enough to talk to you. At some point his tail had become entwined around your leg, but his hold was gentle. You could tell he was being cautious and you appreciated it and the intimate gesture.
After another moment of silence as Levi gathered his thoughts, he started to apologize:
“I’m sorry,” Levi said, “I shouldn’t….I shouldn’t have grabbed you….”
Levi struggled to get his words out. His throat burned and felt so raw. But he knew he needed to say this. He needed to tell you how he felt and that he knew it was all his fault. He knew you were going to leave after you finished talking, so he had to make sure he said all he had to say before that.
“Thank you for saying that,” you replied, kissing his forehead, “I mean it. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”
You could tell he had more to say, so you calmly waited, rubbing his back gently and resting your cheek against his head, reassuring him that you were still here and ready to listen.
“I saw you with my brothers yesterday and...I just...I got jealous,” his voice was scarcely above a whisper now, but he kept going, “And, I...I...I know that you have to be disgusted with me after that. I know that...who wouldn’t…”
“Disgusted? Why would I be disgusted with you?”
“Because. Because I was jealous. And that’s not good, right? Good boyfriends aren’t supposed to be jealous. If I’m jealous that means I don’t trust you, right? Or that I’m a loser...which I know I am...but still. I shouldn’t have been jealous…”
“Aw, Levi, sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with jealousy. That’s normal. Everyone...”
“No! You don’t get it. I was really really really jealous,” he pulled back so he could look you in the eyes, desperate for you to understand just how despicable he was, “Really jealous. Like lock-you-up-and-never-let-you-go, yandere type of jealousy.”
“But you didn’t Levi; you did let me go.”
“It doesn’t matter! I still felt that way! I...I...I...still feel that way. Even now. I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here. Forever. And I don’t care if it makes you hate me. I still….I still don’t want you to leave me.”
You listened carefully as Levi spoke, piecing together how he was feeling bit by bit. This sounded like it was more than just the incident at the tea house that had bothered him. It seemed like this is something he had been struggling with and battling all on his own, hiding it from you out of fear. The thought made you pull him close again, and he didn’t even attempt to resist you, he just melted in your arms.
There was so much you had to say to him now that you had a clearer picture of what he had been dealing with, that you scarcely knew where to begin.
“Ok Levi, I’m going to talk now alright? And I need you to listen. Don’t interrupt me. Just listen. Ok?”
He nodded against your chest, he knew what was coming. This was the part where you would tell him how awful he was and how you never wanted to see him again and how much more wonderful all his other brothers were and how you regretted ever…
“I love you, Levi. You’re...well you’re my favorite person. The first one I always think of. The first one I want to share good news with. The first one I want to see when I’m upset. It’s you. It’s all you.
I want you to tell me these things. Please. It’s ok to be jealous. I get jealous sometimes too. And well, I think because you tried to hide it and keep it to yourself...I think that’s what allowed it to fester. But if you had talked to me about it? If you had talked about it, we could have worked something out. Together.
I mean, we’re supposed to be a couple right? So aren’t we supposed to solve problems together? That’s all I want.”
“How am I supposed to tell you that I want to lock you in my room and never let you leave? How is that supposed to help? It’s not like you’re suddenly going to let me do it. All it would do is prove what a twisted pervert I am…”
“...I might.”
“Huh?!” Levi jerked back once more so that he could see your face. He had to be sure of what he was hearing. You...wanted…him to lock you up…? That can’t be right. There’s no way you’d sink to his level of depravity, even if you were only doing it to comfort him.
“I said, if you were to ask me, I might let you lock me up.”
Levi was now frozen in place. His brain was misfiring and he didn’t know if he should laugh, cry, or just be plain embarrassed. Why were you saying these things? Did you even understand what you were saying? You couldn’t just say something like that. Here he was trying to control his darker urges and you were...encouraging them.
“We could do it like any other kink. Come up with a safeword. Have a plan in place. Talk about what was allowed and what wasn’t. I don’t see any reason not to, honestly. And if it’ll make you feel better, and give you some sort of outlet for your anxiety, then all the more reason to.”
He really didn’t know how to process this. He had just revealed the darkest, ugliest parts of himself to you, and you weren’t even batting an eye. He had assumed you were going to take off running at some point during the conversation and never look back, but you were still here. You were still talking to him, still trying to understand him. And he just couldn’t believe it. How could you love him so much?
“Hey, I mean it, Levi,” you reached out and cupped his cheek, stroking it gently with your thumb, “This isn’t something I want you to keep to yourself. You should tell me these things. You HAVE to tell me these things. If it’s something simple I can fix, then I can fix it. And if it’s not, then we can come up with a way to reassure you, and help you work through those emotions. Just...trust me a little, please?”
He wasn’t sure when, but at some point he had started crying again. But these weren’t the sad, angry, bitter tears from before. No, these were tears of pure relief. You understood him. You accepted him. You weren’t disgusted by him. He couldn’t put into words how happy that made him right now, so he just nodded again and held your hand closer to his cheek.
“So now that we are on the same page...do you think you could tell me what it was you were so worried about yesterday?”
Levi didn’t even need to think about it now, of course he would tell you. He’d tell you everything. His demonic form was finally fading away, and he curled up as close as he could manage next to you, wanting to feel more of your warmth.
“I...umm...just...well…you looked like you were having a lot of fun with my brothers. And I well, I wondered if you had been having that much fun with me...because I didn’t really talk with you yesterday. I just sorta did my own thing while you watched…”
You were struggling not to laugh now. You really needed to keep it together because you didn’t want Levi to get the wrong idea, but it was a battle that was more difficult than you would have thought possible under the circumstances.
“I’m sorry Levi,” you gave him another kiss to his forehead before resting yours against his, closing your eyes, “I’m not laughing at you I swear. I’m just laughing at the situation I guess? I mean, I don’t know what you saw when you found me sitting with your brothers, but I can promise you I was not enjoying myself. Frankly I was beyond pissed. Mammon I understood you know, because he’s always tagging along...but for everyone else to show up? It infuriated me.
And as for you being excited and ignoring me...sweetheart, that’s why I took you there in the first place. I know how much you love that stuff. And you are just so incredibly cute when you’re in your element and enjoying yourself. So I took you there knowing full well what I was getting myself into. That was the entire point.”
Well, now he just felt foolish. Everything he had been worried about...the anxiety that had been eating at him for the past 24 hours...he could have avoided it all if he had just talked to you earlier. He hated how simple it was.
“Is there anything else?” you asked, checking in on Levi as he continued to come to terms with the fact your idea of a good time included watching him be the biggest dork he could.
“Oh yeah, I guess. I uh, I wasn’t trying to ignore you yesterday. After we got home I mean. It was just like...like I couldn’t even hear you. I mean I could hear you...I knew you were talking...but I didn’t know what you were saying.”
You had to smile at his confession just now, maybe he hadn’t realized it before, but that was far from the first time he had stopped being able to verbally respond to you. There were plenty of other times where he had been stressed, that he just opted for laying near you and zoning out while you played with his hair or you cuddled and watched a movie together.
“I know, Levi. I get it. I don’t know if you realize this but...that’s not the first time something like that has happened. And I didn’t think for a moment you were ignoring me on purpose, ok?”
Levi breathed another sigh of relief. You were amazing, so incredibly amazing. How did he manage to be this lucky? He knew there had been other times where he had struggled to respond to you, and he thought you hadn’t noticed because you never said anything to him. But it turns out you knew the whole time and had already decided to embrace that along with the rest of his quirks.
The two of you continued to lay there in comfortable silence, holding each other close. You were hoping against hope that you had gotten through to Levi, and that he knew how much he meant to you and how willing you were to work things out with him. Telling you everything, and laying it all out there couldn’t have been easy for him. He was self conscious enough as it is about normal things, you couldn’t imagine how much resolve it had to have taken for him to open up to you about this.
Now that the anxiety, tension, and fear had left Levi’s body completely, he found himself struggling to remain awake. He wasn’t ready to sleep yet. Sleep was a waste. If he slept, you really would have to go.
You could see how much of a fight he was putting up to remain awake. His eyelids kept drooping, and his head would occasionally bob, before he’d jerk himself awake once more. So cute, you thought.
“Hey, why don’t you get some rest? I’m gonna get started cleaning things up. But I promise I’ll still be here when you wake. I won’t go anywhere without telling you, ok?”
Levi nodded, he was so exhausted at this point, and your permission was all his body needed to stop its attempts at resistance. The last thing he remembered before he drifted off was the feeling of your lips on his cheek as you climbed out of the tub, and tucked him in.
Leaving Levi in the tub, you set to work tidying up his room. If you were being honest, you wished you could stay by his side and get some rest yourself, but you knew that this had to be taken care of first. You didn’t want Levi to see the damage he’d done to his room when he had been in his demon form, because you were sure he wasn’t even completely aware of what he had been doing. If he saw things as they were, you imagined it may only send him into another guilty spiral of anxiety, and you didn’t want to chance it. You would just have to explain things to him later.
As you worked, you couldn’t help but think of just how upset he had to have been. He loved his collections. He treasured them and went through great pains to preserve them so that they could always be enjoyed in perfect condition, as intended by their creators.
But seeing everything scattered about how it was only served to remind you of the depth of his self loathing. He had been doing so well as of late, that you nearly had forgotten just how dark his thoughts tend to turn. For every thing you loved about him, he had something he hated about himself.
And while he was proud in his declarations of love for his interests, he also was very much aware how people viewed him because of it. You wished you could get him to see himself as you did. Then maybe he could learn to have just a tiny bit more confidence, and just be slightly less anxious all the time. You didn’t want to change him - you just didn’t want to see him suffer.
Just as you placed the last figurine back in its rightful position, you felt your DDD vibrate in your pocket. It was Mammon, and he was checking in on you.
“Hey. Everything goin’ alright? He’s not refusin’ to let you leave, is he?”
You were about to type a reply, when another message came through soon after,
“If ya don’t answer me I’m comin’ over there and kickin’ his ass.”
He was looking out for you, and it warmed your heart. You had dumped a lot on him earlier, and he had been so supportive and understanding. It couldn’t have been easy for him, you knew, to let you go back and see Levi again after the things you had confided in him. Mammon was insanely protective of you. And you really couldn’t blame him, especially considering you had had a couple near death experiences at the hands of his brothers, Levi included.
“I’m fine. Levi is asleep.” You sent your message through quickly, before deciding to send along another with a new selfie attached as proof of your condition.
“Good. Stay that way. Dinner is soon.”
You smiled as you flicked the screen of your DDD off, and slipped it back into your pocket. Looking over the room once more, you felt a tiny bit proud at how well you had done restoring order.
You didn’t notice it, but Levi had woken up a little bit ago and had been watching you work. He was so grateful to you for cleaning things up, even if he was embarrassed that you had to have seen him like that. The fact that you managed to return everything to its rightful place was a testament to how much time you had spent with him, and how much attention you paid to things he was interested in, and it made him feel so incredibly loved.
His memories from most of the day were fuzzy, as they usually were whenever he lost control of himself like that. He was thankful he had managed to keep it together long enough for you to leave this morning too. He didn’t know what he would have done if he really had hurt you, instead of just taking out his anxiety on himself. The thought made him shiver, and as he pulled his blanket tighter around his shoulders, he realized his shirt was missing.
His cheeks flushed once he remembered that only a few hours ago you had been snuggled up close to him, and therefore had to have noticed. Even though it made no sense after everything else that had happened, the realization embarrassed him greatly. You may have already been intimate plenty of times before, but letting you see him naked outside of those times still felt awkward.
When he looked up again, he saw you smiling at him. You had been watching as he tried to cover his body with his blanket. The fact that he was blushing and embarrassed about his state of undress helped you relax. If he had the wherewithal to care about that, you knew he was going to be alright.
You walked over to him, and knelt by the edge of the tub, crossing your arms and resting them on its side. Levi looked away from you now that you were close, and you reached out to tuck some stray hairs behind his ear. It was a sweet gesture, but entirely unproductive given the state of the rest of his beautiful purplish, blue locks.
“Hey you. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Just a little tired, I guess.” He gave you a sheepish smile, “Umm, thank you. For cleaning up. I know it had to have been a hassle. Sorry you had to see things like that. But ummm...thanks.”
You shook your head, “Don’t worry about it. That’s what I’m here for. I mean, you’d do the same for me right?”
Levi blushed again, and gave you a small nod. Of course he would do the same for you. How could you possibly think anything else? He might not be as eloquent as you, but he definitely would have done his absolute best to be there for you. He wouldn’t have abandoned you, that’s for sure.
“I uh...think I need to shower. Before dinner, you know.”
“Hmm, maybe I should join you,” you teased, a smile playing at your lips.
“Yeah, maybe you should.”
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed, and your face flushed crimson. You were used to being the one with the upper hand, and you weren’t sure how you felt about this sudden role reversal. But one thing was for sure - you certainly enjoyed that hungry, needy look in his eyes as he waited for your response.
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1kook · 4 years
content creator
→ year in review ♡
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hey chicas, i got tagged by multiple people to share my year in review ( @ttttaehyungie​ @dreamystuffers​ @floralseokjin​ @moononthejoon​ @yeoldontknow​ thank you all soooo much 🤩 mwah mwah hope u all have a good 2021!! ), so here’s me reflecting back on all i did in 2020!! also i threw a header on this bad boy bc thats how my life has felt since march </3 
→ first creation and most recent creation of 2020: first creation of this year was actually skirt chasers - drabble i on april 23rd (yes april, she was a late bloomer -_-) after not writing for 6 months so it was very special to me ! the most recent creation was commercial break ; EIGHT on dec 29 where i rlly got to flex my ability to make up stories as i go 🤩
→ one of your favorite creations from 2020: of course i have to say netflix & chill that's my baby!!! i had a real fun time writing the original, and i don't think i could have imagined how popular it would become 🥺 also the series has allowed me to try writing so much freaks shit that EYE aint even know i was into good grief.....
→ a creation you’re really proud of: some way some how !! i wrote that entire fic in less than two days, shit was coming straight off the domeeeeee and also i feel like my storytelling in that fic was one of the best i’ve ever done !!
→ a new style you tried this year and a gifset/fic that uses it: since all of my fics revolve around pretty silly plot lines, i tried to do a more serious story with BORN SINNER; it has a couple deeper topics that i’ve never tried before, so i’m excited to see how that turns out!!
→ a creation that took you forever: explorer -_- that shit took me two whole months to write !!! i was so unsatisfied with the story and kept rewriting it until the very end of september. in the end, i can say I'm really happy with how the story turned out and the world building i somehow managed to do... also i love me some alien kook <3 
→ your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: again, netflix & chill for the win lol. this baby has amassed 2.4k notes since it was posted in june, am i proud yes, am i shocked, also yes 
→ a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: errrr i didn't join any new fandoms that i could've made content for 🥴 
→ a creation you made that breaks your heart: honestly, the scene in disney+ & bust that’s part of my n&c series :// to this day i still read it n im like wtf am i okay?? girl???
→ a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: the zoom call series i’ve only just started 😳 the concept is so simple and plain, and too... “normal” compared to my usual fics, but for some reason i really adore it and i’m excited to see how it turns out in the future !!!
→ a creation that was inspired by another one: mmm, i started a series in july that i promptly put on hiatus bc its hard called acatalepsy that is based off/follows a similar theme to the movie bird box !! 
→ a favorite creation by someone else: i really really enjoyed angels & airwaves by miss @yeojaa​ the story just makes my heart flutter 💓💗 i don’t mind by @bratkook​ bc imo it is the best rockstar jk au out there!!! i will die on that hill don't test me. and the weeb koo series by miss @himbojk​ nominated for best emotional rollercoaster of the year !!! i adore these 3 stories and these 3 writers 😡🖤
→ some of your fave content creators from the year: of course the three i mentioned above, @yeojaa​ @bratkook​ and @himbojk​ and also some other authors i got into this year - @hansolmates​ @jjkfire​ @dewykth​ @1oserjk​ @rmnamjoons​ @gimmeyoon​ @readyplayerhobi​ @gukslut​ @jimlingss​ @ubemango​ @angelguk​ <333333 u guys r all so hot n amazing !!!
→ and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love: not any released creations, but i have to shoutout all the accidental jk ideas I've put out into the universe n now have at least 3 people begging me to write everyday, love u ‘jk likes girls with boyfriends’ ‘diff jk’ ‘concert jk’ ‘model jk’ and ‘slater jk’ ur efforts have not been in vain brothers 
→ tagging: anyone who’s already been tagged anywhere in this post, unless you don't want to which is totally cool, happy new years loves <3333 stay sexy in 2021 <33333
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pixel-bloom · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @natolesims​ & @ashubii <3
Your thoughts on the Sims 1-4
S1: Used to play on my babysitter’s PC for hours. Mom bought it for me when I was 11 and I used to be a hermit on weekends playing it. I love how wacky and dark it can be. The worlds were amazing (along with the lots) and the default sims were hilarious.
S2: Has a special place in my heart bc this is where I started legacy challenges before I knew what that was. Used to play on my laptop in high school and even shared a game with my step sister back in the day. Probably destroyed my computer with CC haha.
S3: Played it a couple times but I just couldn’t get past the graphics. It was a lot of fun and eventually someone pirated it for me...it just didn’t run well on my laptop.
S4: I’d rank this in the second tier between at four games. I love the graphics, expansions, and some gameplay. I hate that we have to buy so much DLCs but I’m thankful for all the CC (:
What is your favorite Expansion pack in the Sims 4
Hmmmm..I honestly really like Seasons. I gotta say, I love Sulani rn. I wish I was there...
Small pets or Horses?
I like the idea of horses, but small pets are better.
What is your favorite active career in the Sims 4?
HMMM, I dunno. I haven’t played the many--but I’m guessing scientist would be cool.
What is your favorite Aspiration in the Sims 4?
I hate them all lmao. If I had to chose, the family ones are fun to do.
Whims or Wants?
I like wants...:(
What is your favorite Occult in the Sims 4?
I like mermaids, but honestly, I gotta go with Vampires. I don't even have that pack.
How do you pick your sims names?
I usually use a randomizer if it’s not my Insecta legacy.
Do you create a spouse for a sim, or do you go after a townie?
Townies 100%. Love the randomness.
Do you prefer to follow storytelling Simblrs, or do your prefer gameplay Simblrs?
I like storytelling simblrs, but I’m getting into some gameplay. I must follow more. Hit me up gameplayers!
What year did you join Tumblr/Simblr?
Errrr 2019 I think. I didn’t start seriously posting until 2020 tho!
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artifcial · 3 years
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full name:  minsu ji  kitae hong nicknames:  ki, tae place of birth:  ████ current location:  ████ sexual/romantic orientation:  bisexual preferred pronouns:  he/him, xe/xem, she/her gender:  that’s between xem and god bro. i do not know.
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one personality trait they’re proud of having:  kitae doesn’t feel pride��in anything. what’s there to be proud of? you exist, is that not enough? anyway, minsu was proud that he’s caring enough to sacrifice his own happiness and health for his family. never said it was a good thing. defining gestures:  varies between who he was and who he is, but some things have stayed the same. he still runs his tongue over his lips when he’s deep in thought, fiddles with his earrings (or earlobes if he doesn’t have any in), clicks pens, and crosses one leg over the other when he sits. also, xe always seems to be  looking far away, like he’s not quite there.  speaking style:  soft voice, stern words. sentences sound like questions and questions sound like sentences. his speech is well paced, not too fast and not too slow. minsu was able to adjust his vocabulary usage depending on who he’s speaking to, but kitae doesn’t show that same capability and speaks like he’s fifteen years older than he is sometimes. insecurities:  kitae doesn’t feel insecure about anything at all. he believes he’s perfectly average in most things. minsu was a bit insecure about how well he was providing for his family. there were some underlying insecurities about his physical appearance but they were never weighing too heavy on his mind since he couldn’t waste time and be selfish like that. positive traits:  kitae is pragmatic, honest, selfless, and trustworthy (if we ignore the fucking chip in his brain) negative traits:  blunt, unemotional, apathetic, and ocassionally gullible. other people’s opinions of them:  minsu was often overlooked, no one really seemed to care for him and he didn’t work hard to stand out either. he was never seeking attention so it was fine. adults in positions of power (teachers, professors, doctors, higher ups on the ems squad, managers, etc) often described him as a quiet hard working kid that sometimes stuck his nose where it didn’t belong but he looked after everyone else no matter if he knew them or not so overall people had a positive opinion of him. as for kitae....well, his squad members think he’s strange and for good reason. they think of him as a damn good paramedic and not much else. if they ever talk about him otherwise, it’s because they think he said something weird and yeah they laugh at him that’s just how the world works. three words to describe them:  silly little android.
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one major turning point in their life:  when his mom got injured and sick, that’s basically what turned everything on its head for him. minsu couldn’t really be a kid anymore. in the matter of a day he was carrying out duties no teenager should have to. it’s also what lead him to pursue ems instead of being a doctor like he wanted to. if they could time travel, when would they go?:  minsu would want to go back to the morning of his accident. not even to save himself, but to tell his sisters a few things beforehand, maybe pack some lunch, tell a neighbor to take care of the plants for a few days, transfer what little savings he had to his sisters. just little things like that. favorite way to waste time:  kitae people watches and minsu hates wasting time they’d rather be dead than have free time. given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?:  write. even as kitae, he’d write. i don’t think journaling ever left xem even as kitae. it’s an outlet for him whether he likes it or not. view on home and family?: minsu always valued family over himself. if his family isn’t fine then what’s the point? and home was wherever his family was, but he did place a lot of value in the house he was raised in, which is why he never moved out. if you ask this to kitae, he blanks. he doesn’t understand. he lives alone in a disturbingly clean, almost empty apartment. that’s home. home is a place to sleep and shower and eat. what’s family? he was asked about his family once and he just stared. he wasn’t given memories about that. he doesn’t know. it’s a foreign concept. any secret stashes?:  he absolutely fucking hates that he ever does it, but minsu did have a pack of smokes that he hid from his sisters because he’d lose his shit if he found out they were smoking. he didn’t do it often at all, just after a particularly rough day (which, like, almost every other day was rough but it had to be very bad) he’d sneak out to have one or two at 3am when everyone was asleep. his mom saw him sneak out a few times though, but she never brought it up. kitae doesn’t have shit.
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how do they express themselves?:  minsu expressed himself through his journals. he had... so so many. kitae doesn’t do shit though.  what did they want to be when they grew up?:  minsu wanted to be a surgeon! he wasn’t sure of what kind, but something about trauma surgery seemed particularly thrilling to him. before his interest in medicine, he really wanted to become a marine biologist lol what do you like most about them?:  TT____TT i just think he’s very neat and despite the fact that kitae can be really difficult to write interactions with sometimes, its so fucking fun because there’s something always a Little Bit Off about them its kinda eerie hehe also i think he has great potential for development if i ever fucking write him
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one or more plots you’re dying to have:
someone who knew him as minsu :p maybe an ex (or someone that was almost something to him? idek if he ever had a relationship lol) that finds him as kitae and is like wtf.....
unrequited stuff.... pls ... kitae is a silly goose he won’t even realize someone likes xem until they say they like xem.
errrr other human experiments :3
enough of kitae taking care of ur muse... let kitae (or minsu, i have a regular verse for him) be taken care of
actually let kitae take care of ur muse too
someone who knows what he is? maybe they’re sent by the agency that experimented on him to check up on him every so often .. see if he’s still functioning..... or sent by Another agency that’s interested in how the fuck kitae came to be
idfk im head empty just gimme plots
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘:  @shinizenchi​ thank u ^___^ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆:  i encourage stealing. if u wanna do it u can tag me :D
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joopiterjoon · 5 years
Would you rather Yoongi show you exactly what he meant by tongue technology or a live nsfw performance of expensive girl by joon?
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: PG
Warnings/Tags: light horror, sci-fi
wordcount: unedited 670
Doctor Yoongi Min. A title you thought he was way too young to have. After all, you’re already an accomplished linguist in your field. How the hell did he manage to already nail a doctorate in computational linguistics?
The answer is he couldn’t. There’s no way. No human could handle that.
But you can’t just up and tell someone they don’t deserve their degree. Even if you’re known for being a loudmouth, that isn’t gonna look pretty on you.
So you settle for passive hostility.
“Min,” you nod, walking down the hall to your office. He nods back, an obligatory smile plumping his cheeks. That, that, too. You can’t look that fucking cute always in a turtleneck or heavy sweater and be a genius. Science doesn’t allow it.
He never answers your small jabs. Like he knows the game you’re playing. It pisses you off even more.
One day, you’ve had enough. He passes by you, shoulders hunched and shaggy hair covering his eyes, and you call out again.
“I said Min.”
He stops, turning on the ball of his foot. He just stares at you. You stare back.
“Aren’t you going to say hello?” You ask, now perturbed by his rude response to your own rudeness.
Yoongi pauses, eyes scanning the ceiling as though the right answer may be inscribed up there.
But then he turns back around keeps walking. Without saying a word. Your jaw drops. The audacity of men.
“He’s an arrogant asshole,” you complain to your colleague. Namjoon glances over, more interested in his translations than any of your thoughts.
“He probably hasn’t had his coffee,” Namjoon shrugs, eyes still scanning the crackled page from an ancient recipe book.
“Hasn’t had his coffee,” you scoff and angrily spin in your chair opposite his. “Even if he has two letters before his name that we don’t, that doesn’t mean he’s better than us.”
Namjoon sighs, realizing you aren’t going to let this go. “Actually, those two letters do have meaning, if you happened to forget, I don’t know, Introduction to Linguistics.”
You glare at him before turning back to your work, flicking at an already peeling corner of your own manuscript.
“They say you can’t talk to him before his morning coffee,” Namjoon tacks on as he powers away on his keyboard.
“Are we just making up rules now? Can I say I need to leave by 4pm because I’m not an evening person?”
Namjoon chuckles, but he doesn’t continue. Always so studious.
The next time you see Yoongi in the hall, you say hello again. As usual, he gives you that stupid half-smile. But this time, you follow after him. You wait outside his door, imagining him in his office, making coffee, sipping on it, apparently becoming human enough to actually interact. After 5 minutes, you knock on the door, determined to have a word with him.
“Min,” you start, opening the door, but there’s a clatter.
Yoongi stands at his desk, no coffee insight. Instead, there’s a small set of pliers in his hands that cover his mouth. His eyes flicker, then… fuzz? Did his eyes just go fuzzy like a TV screen?
“Are you…?” You can’t help but rush forward, concern making you move to comfort someone against your better judgment.
“ERRRR,” the noise scratches out of Yoongi’s mouth, muffled by hands that clench his face tighter. You freeze steps away. Yoongi’s eyes go wider, now flashing with green and blue.
“Min, what the fu–?” You’re cut off when a staticy, high-pitched whir tries to communicate with you again.
“What the fuck?” You say again, taking a step back. You can’t decide if you should rush him to the hospital or take off for your own life. Min’s hands drop with a defeated crease of his eyebrows, the pliers clattering on the desk.
Out of his mouth, sparking slightly, hangs what looks to be a tongue held into his jaw by wires. Yoongi reaches behind his head, and suddenly it snaps back into place. The fuzziness in his eyes clears, large brown pupils meeting your own bugging out of your skull.
“Good morning,” he says, straightening his turtleneck.
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch22: I Don't Like People Touching My Stuff!
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Summary: The Avenger’s search for the sceptre reaches a dramatic conclusion meaning Katie and Steve finally get the breathing place to start planning their future. But when another girl takes a rather obvious shine to Steve, Katie is not particularly pleased...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW) No Under 18.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist
Tag list and requests open! Send me an Ask
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  April 2015.
It was apparent when The Avengers landed in the snow-covered forest that this was the heaviest guarded base they had hit in the 6 months they had been searching for Loki’s Sceptre. The guards were positioned a mile out, complete with barbed wire fences and road blocks and the minute Thor, Tony and Katie took off from the back of the jet all hell had broken loose. This was instantly a Code Green, and Banner transformed into the huge Hulk and with his help the group managed to commandeer a jeep and a motorcycle, Natasha driving the jeep supported by Clint and Steve was on the bike, obviously.
One of the Hydra agents managed to leap up at the side of Steve and he swerved sharply to the left, landing a kick to his chest, knocking him away. The Captain surged the bike forward as another Soldier ran towards him and he leant over and grabbed his leg, dragging him along before tossing him into another approaching hostile, knocking them both unconscious. As he continued he flung his shield forward where it bounced off a tree along with a few more Hydra soldiers before he caught it again and secured it on his back, swerving the bike to avoid another oncoming jeep. The Hulk caught said offending jeep and tossed it aside easily, before continuing on his own rampage
Ahead of Steve, Katie shot downwards so she was 3 feet at most off the snow covered forest floor and spiralled straight into a group of soldiers like a bowling bowl into a set of pins, scattering them across the ground.
“STRRRRIIIKKKEEE…” she heard Tony quip and she laughed as The Avengers began to advance on the barricade that was the only defence left from keeping them out of the base. Steve sped his bike up, propelling himself over the barbed wire after Tony and Katie, Natasha swerved the truck behind him hard to the left and her and Clint jumped out, legs extended, kicking anyone they came into contact with.
“Up high Kiddo…” Tony said and the siblings sped forward, taking out a few more in their path before climbing up towards the base. Katie closed in, but suddenly hit a force field, which reverberated and sent her spiralling off to the side.
"Shit!" she exclaimed, righting herself whilst she looked round
"Language," Steve reprimanded, the familiar joke telling-off slipping past his lips without him really thinking about it. "JARVIS what's the view from upstairs?"
"The central building is protected by some kind of, energy shield." JARVIS responded easily through the communication devices. "Strucker's technology is well beyond anything of a HYDRA base we've taken."
"Loki's sceptre must be here," Thor said as Steve saw him swing his hammer, fighting off more Hydra soldiers. "Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last."
 “At long last is lasting a little long, guys." Katie’s voice echoed along with the sound of her beams as she aimed them at another bunch of soldiers who were shooting at her and Tony from the top of the fortress.
"Yeah," Clint scoffed "I think we lost the element of surprise."
"Wait a second," Tony interrupted, "Is no one going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?"
"I know," Steve sighed speeding head on in the direction of one of the trucks. He pulled the brakes on the bike, launching himself forwards, his hands on the handlebars throwing the bike over his head watching it crash into the truck.
"It just slipped out." he said with a sigh. It had been a joke, but he knew full well the joke was going to be on him now.
"Sir the city is taking fire." JARVIS informed them as Katie dodged the fire that was being aimed at them from the top of the fortress
"Well we know Strucker isn't going to worry about civilian casualties," Tony responded, "Send in the Iron Legion."
“How do we get this force field down?” Katie asked
“There has to be a source…” Tony mused, as they circled the fortress again. “JARVIS…” “Working on it Sir.”
"Clint!" Natasha’s frantic shout made both Tony and Katie pause, and that pause cost her as a flash hit the side of her suit and sent her ricocheting to the side, colliding heavily with one of the walls of the fortress. Her suit clanged heavily with the forcefield and she once more dinged off the side.
"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve reported, as Katie shook her head, flying back up after Tony. 
"Clint's hit." Natasha spoke again “Somebody wanna' deal with that bunker?”
Katie looked down, scanning to find where Natasha was referring to but before she could do anything the Hulk gave a mighty roar and she turned to see him crash through it.
"Thank you." Nat spoke again.
"Stark," Steve grunted, and Katie turned her head to see he was fighting half a dozen or so agents. She shot towards them, taking 2 down with her repulsors as Steve’s shield flew from his arm in an arc and connected with another 2 "We really need to get inside."
"I'm closing in," Tony responded as Katie landed by Steve, shooting at another soldier. More were approaching and as she shot and flew at them, she heard Tony’s voice in her ear.
"Drawbridge is down people." he said triumphantly.
Thor landed nearby with a flourish of lightening that took down the last set of soldiers for now. "The enhanced?" he questioned as Katie slid back her face plate.
"He's a blur," Steve said as he jogged towards them. "With all the new players we've faced I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't."
"Clint's hit pretty back guys," Natasha's concerned voice came through coms again, "We're gonna need evac."
"I can get Barton to the jet, the sooner we're gone the better." Thor said, "You two and Stark secure the sceptre"
"Copy that." Steve responded.
Katie looked around and suddenly noticed that a line of soldiers were approaching, with a tank directly behind them.
“Errrr boys…”
Thor and Steve both looked around and Thor titled his head to one side, curiously.
"Hmmm looks like they're lining up." He said,
"Well they're excited." Steve huffed holding up his shield and bracing himself while Katie took a step back and ducked. Thor brought his hammer down on the shield where the force reverberated off and hit the soldiers knocking them all down. A perfectly executed move, fresh from the training room.
"Find the sceptre." Thor said, taking off.
"And for gosh sake's watch your language." Tony exclaimed sarcastically into the coms.
"That's not going away anytime soon." Steve sighed, looking at Katie. Even though half his face was obscured by his helmet she could see the look of exasperation on his face and grinned.
“Yeah, Tony is gonna bring that up at every opportunity he gets” she shrugged as they began to make their way to the entrance of the building.
**** Katie looked at her brother who was staring at the console of the jet, a faraway look in his eyes.
“You sure you’re alright Tone?” she asked him
“Yeah just you know, little bit relieved it’s done…finally” he said, flicking some more switches. Whilst Katie wasn’t sure she believed him, she knew she wasn’t going to get anything else out of him at the moment so she stood up and made her way over to her fiancée who was now stood with Thor, the pair of them looking at the Sceptre.
“So you think what powers this is a similar force to the tesseract?” Steve asked, breaking the silence between the two men who had, up until that point simply been staring at the thing, unable to believe they had it. He moved his arm gently, as Katie slid comfortably underneath it, dropping a kiss to the side of her head but other than that his attention was fully on Thor.
“Yes.” Thor pondered, his fingers skating over the glass it was encased in. “The power they both give off is immeasurable…”  
"Thor!” came Nat’s voice loudly, and all 3 of them turned to face her “Report on the Hulk."
"Oh, err the gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims." Thor said smiling and raising his fist triumphantly but dropped it when Nat turned to look at him in disbelief as Katie hit him on the arm. Steve supressed a smile, looking upwards whilst shaking his head, both his hands dropping to his buckle.
"But not the screams of the dead," Thor spoke again, quickly trying to correct himself as Bruce put his head in his hands and groaned as Nat shot the God another filthy look "Of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and errr gout."
 “Gout?”  Katie looked at him as Steve shook besides her with supressed mirth. 
“What?” Thor shrugged and was about to open his mouth again but thankfully he was interrupted by Tony.
"Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul." he cut in from the cockpit. "Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"
"Yeah, she knows her way around." Bruce responded quickly.
"Thanks." Tony told him shortly before going back to the controls on the jet.  He muttered something, before he spoke a bit louder instructing Jarvis to take the wheel.
"Yes sir, approach vector is locked." The disembodied voice responded as Tony moved to join Katie, Steve and Thor around the sceptre.
"It feels good, yeah?" Tony began placing his hand comfortably in his pockets as he looked at Thor "I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but…" he trailed off.
"But this, this brings it to a close." Thor finished for him staring proudly down at the sceptre.
"As soon as we find out what else this has been used for." Steve said, looking at the sceptre curiously. “I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"
"Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard." Tony assured looking at the sceptre then back at Thor "Is that cool with you? Just a few days till the farewell party. You're staying, right?"
"Yes, yes, of course." Thor looked back to the sceptre, placing one of his hands on the box with a smile "A victory should be honoured with revels."
"Yeah, who doesn't love revels?" Tony spoke lightly. "You guys?" he asked looking at Katie and Steve as Steve slid his arm round his girl's waist. Seeing as they lived at the tower, it was kind of a given they would be there anyway, but Tony had aimed the question at Steve more than his sister, still giving him the chance to avoid a hectic social gathering if he so wished but he didn’t. Despite the fact he enjoyed a quiet life on the whole, he also quite enjoyed socialising on occasions too. And Thor was right, this called for a good party.
 "Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and Hydra, so…yes, revels." Steve replied smiling slightly as he used the arm around Katie’s waist to squeeze her hip as Tony turned to speak to Thor, outlining his plans for the Sceptre.
Katie spun her body so she was facing Steve, both his hands locking at the base of her back. “Sooo, Captain America going to let his hair down?” she grinned.
“No, Steve Rogers is.” he smiled
“Steve is definitely my favourite…” she said, running her hands up his chest, feeling the solid material of his Uniform “Cap’s an asshole. And a bossy bastard.”
“I know, you tell me this a lot” he quipped, leaning down to give her a peck on the lips.
A few hours later they arrived home. Natasha and Bruce wheeled Clint out first, passing Maria Hill as she walked onto the jet, addressing Tony, moving out of the way as Thor also left, the sceptre tucked under his arm.
“Lab's all set up, boss” Hill spoke.
Tony pointed at Steve who was crouching down putting a few things back in one of the equipment crates. “Uh, actually, he's the boss... I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler.”
Katie smiled to herself as Steve sighed; pretending to be irritated, but the shine in his eyes told a different story. He thrived in his role as leader.
“What's the word on Strucker?” he asked Maria, straightening up.
“NATO's got him.” She said, pressing something on her tablet.
“What about the two enhanced?” Katie asked, “Anything on them?”
“Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins.” She said handing Steve the tablet. He swiped across the screen and the image sprang to life. Katie watched the tablet in Steve’s hands as the two kids were partaking in some kind of demonstration.
“Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special.”
Together the three of them strode across the landing pad, leaving Tony behind on the jet doing his usual post flight shut down controls. 
“Their abilities?” Steve quizzed as they headed through the locker area heading towards the elevator at the end.
“He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.”
Steve looked at her, his eyebrow raised.
“He's fast and she's weird.” Katie said, rephrasing it for him. Maria let out a small smirk.
“Well, they're going to show up again.” He said, pressing the button for the elevator.
“Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts” Maria said as Katie and Steve stepped in to the elevator and turned to face her. Katie looked down at her feet, smiling before she glanced sideways at Steve who was looking at Maria.
“Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?” his voice was ladled with sarcasm. He knew Hill hadn’t meant it like that but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to jibe her.
Maria realised what she had said and looked at him, taking a deep breath. “We're not at war, Captain” she responded.
“They are.” He said, and then the lift door shut.
“Turns out Cap is Bossy and sarcastic…” Katie said, raising an eyebrow but not looking at him.
He paused for a second, smirking, before he turned to her, gently pushing her shoulders to back her into the wall of the elevator as his lips crashed onto hers, body pinning her into place. He kissed her, hard and his hand slid up to grasp her chin, holding her head in position as his tongue tangled easily with hers. It took Katie a second to catch up with what was going on, he’d surprised her slightly, but once she did she kissed him back, hungrily.  The elevator stopped and he stepped back, leaving her breathless and hanging as he exited the lift wearing a huge smirk, tablet still in his hand.
Whilst Steve headed off to find a quiet corner in which to study the tablet some more Katie, once she had managed to calm her spiking libido, walked into the lab area. Tony was coming down the steps, out of the room Clint was in. Bruce was stood just outside, looking through the window.
“How is he?” Katie asked.
“Well he’s still Barton so…” Tony shrugged.
“That’s terrible…” Banner said, shaking his head.
“He’s good, he’s thirsty so…” Tony shrugged. Banner smiled and headed into the lab as Katie held back, looking at Tony.
“And you, are you sure you’re alright?” she asked, “You looked a bit peaky before.”
“Just the amount of stuff that was in Strucker’s lab…” her brother murmured “There was a tonne of it Kiddo, a fuck tonne. We didn’t do as good a job of cleaning up after the battle here as we thought.”
“We did the best we could.” she said, tucking her hair behind her ears.
“Yeah maybe, anyway I’m going to go fix a drink so…”
He wandered off and Katie watched him go. Something was telling her that her brother wasn’t being completely honest with what was bothering him, but she knew better than to press him. He’d tell her when he wanted to.
As she walked into the room where Clint was led, Natasha was stood beside him, Dr Cho’s machine working on the wound in his side.
 “So is he going to be ok Doc because pretending to need this guy really keeps the team together” Natasha teased. Clint muttered back a response that Katie didn’t quite catch whilst Banner bent over the kit that was currently mending his wound together, his nose centimetres away from Barton’s side as he studied it, a look of astonishment and awe on his face.
“She's creating tissue.” He said, incredulously looking at Natasha, then to Katie.
Helen Cho smiled, and checked the wound and the machine before looking at Banner “If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes.”
“Oh he's flatlining.” Tony returned to the lab with 7 plastic cups full of his power green smoothie that had become a bit of a post mission ritual. Katie took one from him as he continued to pass them around whilst teasing Clint. “Call it. Time?”
“No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic.” Clint said, glancing up.
“Here's your beverage” Tony said, handing him a cup.
“You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.” Dr Cho assured him. 
“Well, I don't have a girlfriend.” Clint said, swallowing the mouthful of drink he had taken, sharing a glance with Katie and she smirked.
No, just a wife.
“That I can't fix.” Helen Cho smiled, before looking at my brother “This is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust”.
“Well, that is exactly the plan. And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.”
“Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties.” She paused, looking down at her clip board “Will Thor be there?”
“Oh yes…” Katie said, placing the empty cup on the tray and picking up the remaining 2. “He’s a big fan of revels.”
She headed out of the lab and down the steps into the living area to find Thor and Steve, smiling when she spotted them both stood looking out at the City below.
“You would hardly know a battle had occurred at all” Thor was saying as he accepting the cup Katie held out to him as she moved to stand between them both. Thor dropped a large arm round her shoulder in a friendly manner, the 2 having grown even closer over the last 6 months as she’d taken it upon herself to help him get to grips with living on Earth as much as she could. “It never ceases to amaze me how you people just carry on.”
“We’re a resilient species.” Steve said, taking the drink Katie offered him, his eyes straying to Thor’s arm. He didn’t mind the God’s protective nature over his girl, he knew there was nothing more to friendship, but he wasn't overly keen on his tactile nature with her. 
“Yes, just like Ramularts.” Thor said, his arm moving from Katie as she looked round at him and he noticed her blank faces “Big, grey animals, huge horns, purple eyes… you don’t have those on Earth?”
“Err no.” Katie said, as this time it was Steve’s arm which curled round her shoulders. “No we don’t…”
“Oh.” Thor said, before shrugging “Well they are hideous…a bit like this green concoction your brother insists we drink”
“It’s good for you…” Katie grinned “contains 2 of your 5 a day…I should know, I drank enough of it after my little vacation in Canada”
“Don’t.” Steve sighed, his arm pulling her a little closer. He hated it when she made jokes about her kidnapping.
Thor raised his eyebrow. “5 a day of what?”
“Never mind…” Katie chuckled “If you don’t like it, tip it into the plant pot. He’ll never know.
It was a bit strange the following few days, waking up and knowing there was nothing that needed to be done. Whilst not every single day of the last 6 months had been spent running around on or planning missions, even when she was at work in SIP, there had always been that part of Katie’s mind that would not switch off, knowing they had a job to do, not to mention Steve had been like a coiled spring constantly waiting and searching for the next lead.
With SHIELD all but gone to the public and off doing God knows what, the Avengers were more important than ever, and Katie knew that Tony and Steve had been discussing expanding, recruiting a whole team of support staff and scientists. However, that was all to come and for the time being it was pushed to the back of her mind, and Steve’s it appeared. Katie didn’t think she had ever seen him so relaxed. He slept in, lazed around the apartment, was happy to have duvet days. It was, frankly, great and she couldn’t help but hope that this could be the start of a relatively ‘normal’ life for the pair of them.
That particular morning, Thursday, the clock on her bedside table informed her that it was gone 10 am when she woke. Steve wasn’t in the bed besides her, but that wasn’t surprising. She stretched and turned over onto her side, instructing Jarvis to retract the blinds in the bedroom to reveal the large ceiling to floor windows that looked out over the New York Skyline. In her opinion their floor really did have the best view the building could offer, something which made her Super Soldier very happy, as he loved to spend his down time drawing the skyline from the art room she had gotten Tony to convert one of their spare rooms into for him at Christmas.
She also had another surprise for him up her sleeve. Steve had recently been researching into getting a place in Brooklyn for the pair of them, suggesting it would be nice for them to have their own place when they got married. So as a surprise she had made an appointment for later today in the afternoon with a Real Estator Tony had recommended to look at a house they had both really liked on the internet. She hadn’t told Steve that yet, it was a surprise and something she was strangely excited about.
Steve heard Jarvis respond to Katie’s request and smiling he got up from where he had been watching the news on the TV, made her a coffee out and headed into the bedroom. He immediately noticed her eyes scan him up and down, grinning to himself as he raised an eyebrow as she took in the fact he was in nothing but a grey pair of sweats that hung off his hips casually.
“You know if I looked a woman up and down like that in the street I’d be called a pervert.” he said, crossing the grey carpet towards her.
“Yeah well…” she said, pulling herself into a sitting position “We’re not in the street, and you’re my fiancée so I can perve as much as I want.”
He snorted as he set the mug of coffee down on the bedside table and she moved over so he could sit on the edge of the bed.
“Morning gorgeous” he grinned, dropping a kiss gently onto her lips. 
“Been in the gym?” she asked, taking in his hair which was still damp from the shower.
“Running…”he said, “I popped in to see Tony and Banner on my way back up.”
“They still running tests on the Sceptre?” she took a sip of her drink.
“Yeah, I think they’ve been there all night!” he said, running a hand through his damp, tousled hair
“Wouldn’t surprise me. Tony’s relentless once he gets the bit between his teeth”
“So, what do you want to do today?” he asked, his nose burying into her hair. “Fancy heading down to the Pier?”
“Well…” Katie said, setting her mug down and taking his hand in hers, lacing her fingers with his “I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” he asked, raising his eyebrow, a grin spreading across his face.
“mnmmmhmmmm” she said, nodding.
He tried his best to get her to tell him where they were going but Katie didn’t. She had a suspicion he would guess as they made their way there however. But still, it was fun. They set off just after midday and cruised over Brooklyn Bridge, the sun bouncing off the Hudson as they left Manhattan. Katie drove her Camero through the various neighbourhoods, occasionally Steve would point things out from his past, as they came to him, enjoying his little nostalgia trip. And then when she turned left at one particular junction he immediately figured out where they were going.
“You are unbelievable…” he chuckled.
“What?” she feigned innocence.
“We’re going to see that house, the one in Clinton Hill…” he said, his eyebrow raised as he shot a glance at her.
“Might be…” Katie smirked.
They carried through the neighbourhood and Katie eventually pulled into a pair of open metal gates which led to a large, red brick 3 storey with an immaculate garden area to the front and stopped behind a gold, BMW convertible.  To the left of the front door the drive way sloped down under an arch to a large garage and the sprawling grounds at the back. Steve had liked it immediately when he saw it. The architecture inside and outside was quirky enough to appeal to the artist in him, it was in a quiet enough neighbourhood and the location and plot meant they could easily up the security. It all came at a hefty price tag though, not that it mattered to Katie.
“You do know this is the poshest place to live in Brooklyn.” He turned to look at Katie as she undid her seat belt.
“I’m a very posh kinda woman…” she said, climbing out of the car. Steve did the same and made his way round to her side, dropping an arm round her shoulders.
 “What do you think?” she asked.
“Looks even better in real life.” He said, looking up at the huge, elegant mansion. As they stood looking at the façade of the building, the large oak door opened and outstepped a tall, thin, very good looking woman dressed in an extremely tight grey dress, high Manolas with her blonde hair pulled up into an immaculate bun. 
“Hi…” She was crisp, and business like. “You must be Miss Stark and Captain Rogers?”
“Yeah, sorry…Danny?” Katie frowned. When Tony had set her up with his Real Estator friend Danny, She had assumed it was a man.
“Danni with an I!” she held out her hand, clearly clocking the look of confusion. “I get that a lot.”
She turned to Steve, and looked at him appreciatively, her whole body language changing from one of business to friendship as she shook his hand. Katie rolled her eyes. Steve, as ever, was utterly clueless as he beamed at the woman.
“So the way I normally do this, is I’ll walk you in, show you round, give you a bit of history, then we can have a chat after…” She said, as they followed her up the steps, Steve stopping to allow Katie to go first, his hand gently in the small of her back. They entered into large, wooden floored hall way, which was cool but welcoming. To the right was a huge staircase which swept up and round in a dog leg.
“So the house was impeccably restored in 2007 by the present owners with close attention given to the preservation of historic details.” Dani spoke the sales patter as the pair of them looked up and round. “There are five floors, seven bedrooms, three full baths, three half baths in 3 of the bedrooms, including the master, front and rear gardens, parking, double garage and a pool house.”
She turned round and looked at Katie “And if you’re anything like your brother you’ll appreciate one of the 5 floors is a wine cellar-slash-party room. We all know Tony likes his parties, lord knows I’ve been to enough.”  she winked at Steve and besides him he felt Katie bristle.
Katie frowned slightly, unable to decide if she was making a joke or referring to the fact this woman and her brother had once, well, you know. Fixing the woman with her best passive face she smiled.
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember you.”  Katie said, voice thickly sweet “I’m normally pretty good with faces.”
The two women looked at one another, Dani-with-an-I’s face slipped slightly but she recovered and turned to Steve.
“So if you want to follow me…” She beamed, a mouthful of perfect, white teeth.
“Please, lead the way.” Steve smiled at her, ever the gentleman and Katie gave another roll of her eyes as she led them from the room, hips swinging exaggeratedly.
As they walked round, despite the fact she was openly flirting with Steve and completely ignoring the fact Katie was there, it was clear the woman really did know her stuff. She’d obviously researched this house down to the ground as no detail was missed.
She pointed out the wooden floors with inlaid borders, the custom and pedigreed vintage lighting, the exquisite iron doors to the wine cellar, the intricate plaster work on the front parlour ceiling, the stained glass windows, the eat-in kitchen, dramatic curved steel and wood staircase and sky-lit alcove.
Frankly the house was stunning. The Ground floor sported windows on the north, east and west sides of the property and consisted of a formal and an informal living room, a formal dining room and a spectacular eat-in kitchen with a wall of custom curved glass windows overlooking the landscaped garden and pool area. The second level contained the master bedroom, master bath, and an elegant bathing room with a fireplace, stained glass windows, and a the tub centred in the middle of the room which made Katie’s eyes grow wide and Steve chuckled to himself, she had a thing about baths. And so did he if she was in them…
“All of the electrical and plumbing was updated and central air-con and heating was installed throughout the house” Dani-with-an-I said as they made their way back down the stairs “And the facade was redone as well as the roof.”
“I’m not going to lie…” Steve said as they made their way into the huge kitchen again, “It’s every bit as stunning in real life as it looks on the internet.”
“It’s gorgeous isn’t it Steve.” She flashed those pearly whites at him again as her hand dropped to his forearm, giving it a small squeeze. Katie took a deep breath and grit her teeth. Steve didn’t so much as bat an eyelid although Katie could have sworn he shot her a sideways glance, the glimmer of a smirk playing across his handsome face. But when she looked back his face was utterly passive.
“How big is the land span?” He asked, striding to the back door
“Couple of hundred feet.” She said, “The pool is roughly 20 by 40 so you can gage it from that.”
 “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the door which led out of the kitchen to the rear.
“Please, go right ahead…” she smiled, stepping forward to unlock the rear door. Steve stepped out and strode down the lawn area of the property to inspect the gardens looking for what security improvements they would need to make. They weren’t overlooked either which he really liked. No, he could definitely see them here together, maybe raising a family in a few years…a dog… a smile crossed his face as he looked around. Yeah, he liked it.
Katie watched as Steve looked around the garden, and Dani-with-an-I excused herself and pottered off to answer a phone call. Katie turned her head, nosily listening in and caught one line which instantly pissed her right off.
“Yes, I think he likes it. It’s a good sign… he might yes. I know, right? Captain America…who knew!? And he’s even more gorgeous in real life! Yeah, tell me about it…”
Whoever she was on the call to was clearly speaking back and Dani laughed before saying she needed to go and Katie heard her heels clicking as she walked back to the large kitchen. Katie glanced at Steve who was walking back towards the house, and figuring she had enough time she decided to pull the daft bint up on her attitude.
“And do you think I like it?” Katie asked as Dani walked into the room.
“I’m sorry?” Dani frowned.
“Do you think I like the house?” Katie shrugged “I mean you seem overly concerned about whether Captain America does just curious if my opinion counts?”
Dani floundered for her answer, as Katie continued. “I’ve watched you for the last hour or so eyeing him up.” Katie glared at her.  
“Katie…I didn’t…” “You may call me Miss Stark” she interrupted, not once breaking the eye contract  “And if you touch him again, I will snap your hand off.”
Dani swallowed nervously and looked away for a split second.
Bingo. Katie felt herself smirking slightly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any offence.”
“Everything ok?” Steve asked, stepping back into the kitchen. You could cut the tension between the women with a knife. He couldn’t help but feel slightly sorry for Dani as Katie was utterly frightening when she wanted to be.
“Yes, absolutely, me and Dani were just discussing the price and maybe how she’s going to broker us a good deal with the vendor…” Katie said sweetly, before she turned to Dani, raising an eyebrow. Steve had to bite back his laughter.
“Yes.” Dani cleared her throat, “Absolutely. So it’s currently on the market for offers in the region of 3.3 million, but I think with some good negotiation I’ll get them down to around the flat 3 mark.” 
“Try again.” Katie smiled at her and Dani swallowed again, her smile slipping slightly.
“Miss Stark, this is a very good price for this area…” “I’m not disputing that.” Katie said back, her eyes never once leaving the woman in front of her “But we would be cash buyers, with no chain…obviously if you don’t think you can get it any lower I would be happy to handle the negotiations myself.”
Steve bit his lip and became very focussed on examining the ceiling. “I’ll see what I can do.” Dani-with-an-I said after a short pause.
“Thank you.” Katie smiled.
They all exchanged pleasantries, Katie's handshake was especially firm, and then Steve and her left, exiting down the steps.
“You’re scary when you're angry” he said into her ear.
“I’m not angry, merely slightly irritated.” Katie snorted “Her attitude left something to be desired. Here, wanna drive home?” she tossed him the keys.
He didn’t say anything else, just expertly caught the keys in his left hand, but the smug look on his face was enough to let Katie know she had been busted. As they drove back down the tree lined avenue towards the main road, their conversation turned to how beautiful the location was and Steve pointing out how far away the area was from where he grew up. As he spoke, however, something in his stomach tightened. It was a really far cry from the life he had known before the war, when he had been lucky just to be able to afford the rent every month in the small 4 roomed apartment. He’d always dreamed of being able to afford a nice place in his future, keep a roof over his family’s head, but here well it would be a joint effort. And he was surprised to find that he felt a little bit inadequate about that.
 “Do we really need 7 bedrooms?” he asked suddenly.
“Does Tony really need 6 cars?”  Katie shrugged “They don’t all have to be bedrooms. The smaller rooms on the top floor could be an art studio and a cinema room…”
Steve fell completely quiet. Katie glanced sideways at him. There was a solemn look on his face. A look she knew meant he was brooding over something.
“Soldier, what is it?”
“You can’t lie for shit.” she said, continuing to look at him “Try again.”
He shifted and looked straight out of the window ahead, biting his bottom lip gently. He took a deep breath and as they stopped at a traffic light he turned to face her.
“It’s a lot of money, I’m just not sure I can afford it…” he said.
“Maybe you can’t, but we can.” Katie waved his comment away “Plus you’re on the Stark payroll now…”
“That’s not the point…” he sighed
“Then what is?” “I know this sounds old fashioned but I always wanted to provide for my girl, you know.”
Katie watched as he shrugged gently eyes not straying from the road.
“Yeah you’re right…it is old fashioned.” she rolled her eyes. Normally she had a lot of time for his ways but not when it came to things like this. “Does me having a lot of money bother you that much?”
“Of course not…” he said.
“So why are we even having this discussion? We’re going to be married at some point, it doesn’t matter who has what. It’s not an issue.” she took a breath “You know, considering you’re not all that bothered about me taking your name when we get married this seems like an odd thing to get caught up on.” “Hang on, I never sad I wasn’t bothered about you not taking my name.” he corrected, shaking his head. “I’d love nothing more than for you to be Mrs Rogers. What I said was that I understand your reasons for being a little bit…hesitant about it, with the business and all.”
“I’m not hesitant.” She said, and he looked at her, raising an eyebrow snorting.
“What was it you said?” he looked at her briefly “You can’t imagine not being a Stark especially when your business is called Stark Independent Publishers?”
She stayed silent, looking out of the window.
“I got news for you sweetheart, you’ll always be a Stark. Name or not. You’re too much of a pain in my ass not to be.” Steve concluded, shooting her a look. She gave a small smile as he pulled the car up 5th towards the tower.
“And you’ll always be my Soldier"  she said, “My safe-place, regardless of whether you solely provide for me or not, which by the way is a fucking stupid notion anyway, didn’t your ma bringing you up alone teach you anything?”
“Wow.” he said, raising both his eyebrows “That’s harsh.”
“But fair.” she countered “Are we arguing now?” he looked at her, the corner of his mouth twitching as he pulled up and waited for the entrance to the underground car park open as it recognised the plate.
“No, I’m just pointing out that you’re being an old fashioned dork about something that really isn’t that big a deal. I want to share my life with you, Steve and that means everything that comes with it.”
“Yeah, I know. You’re right.” He shook his head. “You’re absolutely right, I’m sorry.” he took a deep breath “I suppose since coming out of the ice this is the first time I’ve really had to think about where I’m gonna live and not had it all planned out for me.” He cut the car engine and Katie looked at him, softening slightly as he turned to her, his blue eyes locking onto hers.
“Baby, there’s no rush.” she said to him, fully understanding what he was saying “There’s plenty of other property to look at...”
“Yeah, perhaps I should give Danni-with-an-I a call, see what else she has on her books. I mean she did give us a good tour.” he teased.
Katie narrowed her eyes at him. That’s not all she wanted to give you. She was flirting with you.”
“She probably flirts with everyone”
“She wanted you.”
“Well, she can’t have me…” he said, raising an eyebrow at her, that annoying smug grin spreading across his face.
“Damned right…” she said, pushing on his shoulders gently as she clambered over onto his lap. “I don’t take kindly to people touching my stuff...” “Yeah, you really didn’t you learn to share as a child did you?” he teased, his hands sliding up each of her bare thighs, underneath the hem of her jersey dress
“Not when it comes to the important things, no…” she murmured, pressing her lips to his. Her tongue slid into his mouth, tangling easily with his as he flexed his hips up groaning as the growing bulge in his trousers pressed against her spot as she pushed down hard against him, a moan brewing in her throat.
“Baby we’re in the garage…” he said softly, more of a reminder than a protest. 
“I know…” she kissed him again as she began to undo his buckle and then the buttons on his jeans. He tilted his hips slightly so she could manoeuvre his trousers down and he shifted so he was in the right position as she leaned forward again to kiss him, his lips gently trailing down to pepper her neck with soft, warm kisses, as he pushed up against her again and again, his erection pressing at the thin barrier of her underwear. Her hands moved from his chest and she slid the garment to the side and his hands rested on her hips as she pushed down, taking him in. Both of them let out a groan and Katie began to work up and down, rocking her hips.
The darker side of Steve found the risk of someone coming and finding them, all be it pretty minimal, a fucking big turn on and his hands pulled Katie further down as he thrust upwards, fucking her like a greedy, horny teenager. Her head banged against the roof of the car, but Katie didn’t care as his hands crept up the front of her dress, sliding under the cups of her bra. His hands tweaked at her nipples and she groaned louder, the familiar pull in her stomach getting more and more prominent. As she pushed down again he let out a groan and sat up slightly, so his lips were on her neck nipping her skin with his teeth as he thrust upwards, and she let out a cry, tilting her head backwards.
“Stevie, I’m gonna…” she stuttered and as he thrust upwards again, she was gone. Her cries loud as he too let out a loud groan as he shuddered, wrapping his arms around her back, pulling her to him as she rode out wave, after wave, and he emptied himself inside her, laying his head back against the seat, eyes closed in bliss. She fell forward and lay her forehead against his, both of them breathing deeply as their noses began their familiar dance.
“You know…” he said, cracking an eye open as she grinned cheekily. “I’m glad you weren’t taught how to share…”
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