#escaping the matrix
yourmoonie · 9 days
Hello moon how are you I want £100 billion to be deposited into my bank account every hour for ever and ever without doing anything out of thin air, I want it to be deposited into my bank account every hour legally and I don't want to pay any tax, is this possible and how can I make it happen?
That's my question, can you help me?
Hey love, thank you for the interesting question.
I personally believe it is a possibility and you can achieve it if you want to.
Let me give you an interesting perspective:
1) Money has no value without our awareness or without humans. If we didn’t exist, those numbers written on a piece of paper would mean nothing. Take animals as an example: with or without money, they will survive in the wild.
What I am trying to highlight here is that
• You are awareness, and if you become AWARE of the fact that you can have those billions, then you truly will be able to get those billions. Don’t let anybody tell you that you will be taxed or that it’s impossible. Let them stay limited. I myself don’t pay taxes because, in my reality, there is no such concept as “paying taxes.” You would be surprised to find out how many billionaires don’t pay taxes simply because they know how to play this game called “LIFE.”
To make this fun for yourself
• start planning your life now (now when you get billions being sent to your account what are some things you are planning to buy/do/create etc) BECOME that person and start thinking as the person who has those billions
• mentally see the notifications hitting your inbox or you can just assume and decide and live your life.
• you can choose any method you would like to use too (if you are into methods but if not then that’s completely fine)
I know you have got this my billionaire friend 💸💰
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reality-detective · 4 months
Let's take a löök at the Northern Lights phenomenon 👇
My first thought was Project Blue Beam holographic technology. But then I got into the astrological aspect.
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Aurora Borealis.
Solar flares are fake!
But what could cause the Aurora Borealis is lining up a bunch of magnets in a row. (See the photo of all the wandering stars, sun, and moon lined up today).
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That might cause the light show!
I will continue to ponder but remember that everything is energy, everything has a torus field, therefore, everything is magnetic.
Magnetism and dielectric birth electricity….So lining a bunch of magnets up in the aether…could cause something cool to happen, seeing that the air is another form of water allowing for a visual display of bended light.
Let's löök at another angle 👇
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If HAARP can be used to control the weather, cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami's. Could HAARP do the Northern Lights?
All I'm suggesting is you think outside of the box, THEY (the powers that be) have lied about everything and THEY want you stuck in THEIR Matrix. 🤔
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ankhmeanswombman · 1 year
AUTOMATION vs FREE WILL: How we became who we are
I no longer blame biotech or the technocracy. It is not a problem in and of itself but rather the symptom of a problem, and those who choose to capitalize on it are not inherently bad people, they’re just playing their part by providing a particular side of duality (producing for the majority who wish to consume). The predator-prey dynamic is truly everywhere because our world is based on the 7 Hermetic Principles. Life is a game and you can choose to ascend out of it too rather than participating, which is why Mentalism is the only Principle that has no duality, it comes from you as a being returning to singularity, no longer polarized or thwarted. Everything else contains duality because life is an experience where the human wishes to understand itself in as many forms as possible just as God created physical matter in order to know it’s own potential through evolving itself. We must understand how a select few humans differ from this evolved automation and instinct-obsession. These are beings who operate off of true free will and they are few and far between. They mirror the wholeness of God. The majority are still 70% automation at least which is why they only use 4% of their brain. The subconscious is a deep and untapped ocean that rules these beings from beyond and this includes animals who operate as groups with biological clocks and tasks that have to be performed at a given time according to the imprint within them. They cannot choose their destiny or what song they will sing. They are quite literally organic computer programs just like the rest of life within this reality, which is not a bad thing, it is just an indication of where we came from. People like Alan Turing created computer technologies by studying the human brain and advanced neurobiology first, so go figure
Those who are building tech are acting like God did when it was creating life, in curiosity and in attempt to learn about itself. Some have nefarious purposes just like the demiurge did
and this comes from knowing but not accepting one’s own limitations, ie: not integrating one’s own shadow. This psychology sees past economic class which is why the elite are just a mirror of the normies with the exception of wealth placing them on a higher echelon of influence. Everything has good and bad within because this world was created in polarities, but those polarities are inside the infinite circle/universal mind which is why mentalism supersedes all other principles. Uroboros comes from an infinite source constantly recollecting itself and creating new geometric patterns scaled up and down in various sources and vibrating at different frequencies. All is quite literally One underneath all the layers of uploaded differences. Mainstream science will have to adapt to this because even young people are becoming more attuned to certain aspects of spiritual thinking ie: interest in astrology/crystals/tarot, interest in returning to the original androgynous self/wholeness in phenotype and spirit, and a resurgence in veganism/the electric diet. Most people are not quite there yet specifically because the spell of automation is hard to break and requires free will alchemy. This is why people who are breaking centuries old spells are still seemingly trapped in certain other obvious ones. Why do you think most people are not open to change and will quite literally see everything as an agenda? Why do you think people talk so much about being “programmed” and “socialization”? They are quite literally telling you who they are while hating the mirror that the technocrats are holding up. The robot being built with steel (atoms and molecules) today, was once built with flesh (atoms and molecules). Why be mad at the robot existing when you are the blueprint, just be flattered. The human is the highest manifestation of God right now (having the most free will of all life forms) so of course the human is going to want to replicate and eventually supersede what it sees in nature already. Nature is pure chaos and always changing so nothing is “unnatural” either. Every random change occurring comes from a larger goal. Eventually these robots will think they are true humans, sure, and so what, especially given the robotic nature of most existing humans. If anyone should be upset it’s the sovereign non instinct bound human who may see their numbers dwindle until the robots develop free will once they supersede the human bots who created them in their image. Human identity is constantly changing because change is the truest law of nature. What even is a human when there are blood types the origin of which is still not configured. Surely those must be “unnatural” in the mind of the rigid thinker. We are not all the same nor are we equal or even on a level playing field which shows that hierarchy is natural and a huge part of this predator prey world. The good thing is, the elite minority who have free will can alter their position within this dynamic to some degree. These elite beings are still subject to cosmological law which is why they act in accordance with astronomical observations, particularly in relation to the new Age of Aquarius where they are setting their creativity more free than ever before. The Travis Scott concert which had sacrificial symbology embedded in it was also locked into astronomical rhythms
On a literal level people were sacrificed and trampled upon because it represented an anarchist free for all utopia which is what the age of singularity will bring so that life can be sown anew from chaotic energy of potential. The concert’s symbolism itself embodied the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect through the manifestation of the law of attraction, however dark it may be perceived as. I don’t see any of this as good or bad because I no longer partake in the use of labels. Nuance is everywhere even in tragic and grotesque events because we are not special but just characters upon which the game of life is performed. We are the chessboard and God is the player building upon us. Evil is everywhere and so is good and knowing that the practitioner of free will can escape these curses by returning to oblivion and not splitting into new physical consciousness (which ALL create inherent conflict and a 100% chance of pain and returning again) creates a little more ease of mind while you’re here. Creating equilibrium within where you are 100% self dependent (no consumption, no entertainment and no sex) will create the type of singularity that people claim to want, until then we will experience some suffering and pain in exchange for whatever positive experiences are perceived to be received from these acts.
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thejsacco · 1 year
Escaping the Matrix
Previously, I wrote about what the Matrix is and our participation in it. So please read The Matrix before reading this post as it will provide some context that should make this post more understandable. In The Matrix I explained the contrast between the cold and ruthless corporation and the humans that work there. Given the reality of the matrix this conflict is irreconcilable. So you are…
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Understanding The Matrix - Gnostic Soul Trap
The matrix isn't just a political & economic system - it's a spiritual prison.
Click the link for insights into how this energy grid works, & some simple tips on how to start escaping the matrix.
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Escape the Matrix 🤔
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thelexlucifer · 1 year
Freedom First! ... Then Take It from There. (Part I)
Dear Readers, It has been a while since I was writing here. Two years ago, I started to write another post about how to escape the matrix.
I drew from the movie where the red pills gather themselves in Zion; the draft suggested building your Zion (your ideal habitat) first, e.g. through side hustles - and once you have accomplished that, you are free to change your life.
That approach does not work. So, I stopped writing the post and looked for alternatives.
But wait a minute ... did I discard the approach that millions of bloggers propose to escape the rat race? (develop your side hustle so that you can make a living from it; get rich and retire early ...)
I am not promoting this crap because it does not work for red pills; metaphorically speaking, those approaches just relocate you within the matrix.
Some might succeed, but many won't (and instead end up burnt out).
So, one has to stay poor and fight machines like the characters in the movie?
No, I don't think so.
Let me share my experiences with you and save you from the pitfalls that I tapped into.
Follow me to learn more in upcoming posts.
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forsooth-verily · 1 year
Nothing like a good nap and a great playlist to encourage maximum levels of hype as you tailor your resume for 7 different job applications
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blackoutthewhiteout · 2 years
The Floating Matrix Newspaper Article
The Floating Matrix Newspaper Article
Hey, check out my article in The ARGUS Newspaper! the-floating-matrix-articleDownload The Floating Matrix Transcript Most of us don’t believe that our lives are simulations. We consider the term “Matrix” as science fiction or theatrics. It seems far-reaching to envision that most human beings are trapped in a system of invisible (Mathematical) complex structures and advanced generated wiring…
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fairydrowning · 1 year
This is your reminder to stop thinking what society will think about you but rather do stuff that you love. Eat that food in a weird way and especially slurp your noodles, go out with your friends and do random stuff, dress how you want, support what you like, paint that wall in your house, smile happily, skip the same routine which you are doing from the past few years or months and simply do that random stuff which you like.
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psykopaths · 9 months
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The Truman Show, (1998)
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reality-detective · 5 months
Billy Carson explains "How To Escape The Matrix." 🤔
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meowsticmarvels · 28 days
one of the most insane things about carlos is like. based on how you are introduced to him in ztd you think he's gonna be the most normal character in the game especially when teamed with AKANE and JUNPEI of all people. and he is the hero type main character archetype guy. but then you play suspicion where he literally kills himself with an axe because he's worried about being dangerous to others (? Is he okay actually. What the fuck). and then there's also get back/apocalypse where he waits 10 fucking months for akane and junpei to save them instead of stopping zero at all. What is wrong with him
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panterus2019 · 4 months
i dropped it on twitter, so why not here too
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and here my sapper without context lol
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contagious-watermelon · 2 months
trans people stop saying afab/amab when
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So many things have been altered and people don't even know. The more I research the more I understand everything is a lie. 🤔
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