#esmerelda o
ggblasts · 2 months
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Spotted: The next round of arrivals for my bonfire! Pope looking like he's just ready to not be here. Everleigh looking like a fitness influencer. Dean looking like he's too stoned to function. Luna looking adorable in her simple outfit. Issac looking like he's ready to leave the past in the past and good for him. Stella looking like a clone of her bio mom and I love it. Zoya looking like she's got a secret to hide. Esme looking efortlessly gorgeous. Tony looking like he's just ready to leave and go back to his private space with a certain someone. Brandon looking like a bum boyfriend. Carmen looking like she's ready to fight anyone who disagrees with her. Adrianna looking like she's going to play the innocent, broken best friend wherever she goes. JJ looking like he's probably the reason Dean is stoned. Lottie looking like an actual human and not a socialite in her outfit. Sarah looking like she's not too happy that her past and present are both here.
Keep the looks coming!
XOXO, Gossip Girl
@pope--heyward @everleighsmith @iamdeanadler @iamlunala @issacfuentes @stellaxwallace @zoyaxlott @tfesmereldaortiz @tonyxsalazarx @brandonadamsx @carmenxrivera @hiadriannabarnes @charlottexscott @hisarahcameron
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candycrushmaster9000 · 11 months
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This is all I got 💔💔💔💔 you guys school is kicking my ass real hard. So I only managed to do four prompts so far. More is definitely coming but it might go on until November lolzies.
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exilethegame · 1 year
Chapter 5 - Part Two Release
Hello everyone... it's here. It's finally here! Chapter 5, pt. 2 is now out, and is 250k words of new content, meaning The Exile is now over 1 million words!
This release was... rough, to say the least, but it's all in the rear-view mirror now, thankfully. As some of you may know, this is the final chapter of the public demo. I'll make a post later on detailing what the future development of The Exile will be, but for now I just want to take in a deep breath and relax (as I fix what inevitable bugs pop up with release, that is).
Avg. Play length: 114k -> 135k Total Wordcount: 818k -> 1 mil
Some Notes:
You have to replay the entire game. Your old saves won't work. Please, for the love of the gods, do not use them. I know it's tedious to replay the entire demo sometimes, but the new release will not work properly otherwise.
I HIGHLY recommend saving at the beginning of when Esmerelda goes to visit Marcelle, or where the old demo ended. This is because when I do bug fixes (and I will have to do bug fixes), all saves that were on the file I updated cease to work properly. Saving at the scene with Esmerelda is the closest to the new content that you can save w/o having to worry about losing your save progress frequently near release. (Though I will update Chapter 5, pt. 1 at some point)
DO NOT spread info you got by code diving. Please and thank you! :)
Preferably send bugs + typos to the Discord. Otherwise, feel free to send them here! Also, keep an eye out for broken symbols next to choices! (It would help if you tell me what chapter it's in as well :))
There are two versions of The Exile on Dashingdon. The right one has [Current] next to it. The reason there are two is b/c for some reason or another, I couldn't get into my old account, and I couldn't reset the password, and it was just... a whole mess. So I couldn't delete the old demo when I uploaded the new one on my new account. Just keep this in mind if you're trying to look The Exile up right into a search engine as opposed to going through links on the Tumblr or Forum!
Play Chapter 5, Pt. 2!
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thebarroomortheboy · 1 year
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The scene in which Quasimodo rings the cathedral bells for Esmeralda was shot the day World War II began in Europe. The director and star were so overwhelmed, the scene took on a new meaning, with Charles Laughton ringing the bells frantically and William Dieterle forgetting to yell "cut." Finally, the actor just stopped ringing when he became too tired to continue. Later, Laughton said, "I couldn't think of Esmeralda in that scene at all. I could only think of the poor people out there, going in to fight that bloody, bloody war! To arouse the world, to stop that terrible butchery! Awake! Awake! That's what I felt when I was ringing the bells!"
CHARLES LAUGHTON (Quasimodo) and MAUREEN O' HARA (Esmerelda) in the HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE-DAME (1939) | dir. William Dieterle
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pika-ace · 2 years
Disney Knowledge Yuu: Masquerade Edition Part 2 (aka Yuu gets Fucking Mad)
Holy shit, things went from 0 to 100 REAL QUICK! Anyway, SPOILERS AHOY!
Rollo: (covers his mouth with a starry handkerchief that looks like Esmerelda's scarf)
Yuu: Oh HEEEEEELL NO, I ain't trusting this kid for a SECOND!
Silver: Why not?
Yuu: Call it a feeling >:/
Rollo: There's a festival being held today and you're all welcome to attend... (softly) Ugh, I hate the festival...
Yuu: Oooh, Topsy-Turvy Day!
Rollo: How did you know that was the name??
Yuu: Lucky guess...(softly) and I got my eye on you >8/
Noble Bell College: (taking about how Frollo was a Righteous Judge and did nothing wrong)
Yuu: …I hope this place doesn’t believe in God cause I’m about to go FULL HERETIC ON THEIR ASSES
Riddle: Wait STOP-
Azul: I-I swear the gargoyle just moved!
Yuu: (gets up close) *whispers* Victor...? Are you alive...? :0c
Epel: Aww look at these alphabet blocks; A for Apple, B for baby, F for festival
Yuu: *snorts*
Rollo: Evidently the words used to be more complicated; a shame, really
Yuu: (sarcastically) Damn, what a shame that kids can no longer learn the classic alphabet of Abomination, Blasphemy, Contrition, Damnation, and Eternal damnation
Rollo: O_O’
Deuce: …Are you okay…?
Shopkeeper: (holds up dreamcatcher necklace) It is said when you hold this, the city is yours
Yuu: (rolls eyes) Actually, it’s ‘When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand’
Team Azul: …
Yuu: (sighs) It’s a map of the city -_-
Team Azul: Oooooooh! :0
Rollo: These handkerchiefs are smoke bombs; children use them for pranks
Silver: I'll take one for Lilia :)
Yuu: Me too; if Esmerelda could make use of these then I can too
Idia: Huh...?
Trein: They used these underground river ways to hide people
Riddle: Ah yes, they called it The Palace
Yuu: *coughs* Court of Miracles...
Sebek: What was that?
Rollo: This is a town goat; they wander the city
Yuu: Don't yell at Jolly! >:O
Jamil: Apparently these curly wooden shavings are the classic hairstyle of this city
Yuu: *thinks for a moment* Oh wow, that's a REALLY obscure easter egg, even I barely remember the Gargoyle song O_O
Malleus: Gargoyle WHAT?
Rollo: Don't you hate magic? Isn't it the worst? You understand right?
Yuu: ...If you tell me to choose between you or the fire, I'm gonna throw up >:(
Festival leader: The Kind Bell Ringer was adopted by the Righteous Judge who saw past his deformities and loved him as his son. Their bond was strong and special and the Bell Ringer used his teacher's lessons to save the city
Yuu: ...(starts towards the stage)
Silver: Where are you going??
Yuu: (rolling up their sleeves) To commit a HATE CRIME >8(
Trein: YUU-
Ruggie: Holy shit-
Rollo: (absorbing the magic with flowers and ready to kill literally everyone)
Yuu: So I was wrong about the racism and the lust, but the genocide was spot on. …Small victories, I guess
((Drama Bonus))
(Yuu spends the whole trip trying to convince the others that Rollo is not to be trusted but no one believes them, and then when shit goes down, Yuu is standing back in no danger while everyone else is fighting)
Deuce: Yuu, help us! We're getting attacked by the flowers!
Yuu: Hmm, okay Deuce. But first, a deep sip from a very tall glass of 'I TOLD YOU SO' >:/ (starts slowly drinking an imaginary glass)
Riddle: YUU!!!!
((This event isn't done yet, so we'll see if I can get more out of it ;3))
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Hii hope all is well 💜. Can I please request Jack Sparrow being in love headcanon? Thanks if approved! 😊
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
Jack sparrow being in love 😍
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This wasn't planned, nor thought out in any sense of emotions.
Jack being in love was something rare.
Sparrow had his ways with women. A corsair of the buccaneers, a Casanova of the seven seas.
Jack had many admirers and lovers; angelica, giselle, and scarlett, esmerelda, even Tia Dalma at one point.
Jack avoided you, and he deceived you. He didn't want to believe he was in love, such a cliche thing, really. A pirate falling for a woman/man/person and they live happily ever after on the pearl.
Jack sparrow hid in the most unusual places, even when you weren't expecting it.
Jack spent nights in tortuga ravishing himself with pretty wenches to take his mind off. But even then, when he came lip to lip with them, he didn't kiss them. Instead his mind thought of you.
He couldn't be in love, he didn't want to. He valued the freedom and the sea. He was committed to the sea and his ship.
Jack spent his days trying to figure out what his feelings were, why he valued you, or rather felt the "weird things" when you were around.
One night Master Gibbs was out with his bottle of rum "a yo ho ho, a pirate's life fo-".
"Psssst, Matser Gibbs" Jack whispered.
"Cap'n, be tha yer? Where ar' yer" Gibbs looked around the main deck.
Master Gibbs walked up to a bunch of cargo with a big barrell.
Gibbs looked inside the barrell to see Jack, hidden inside.
"Did they see me?" Jack's pupils turned left and right.
"What's wrong Jack, why ar' ya hidin', who ar' ya hiding from" Gibbs asked.
"Is it tha' kraken? As Jones spotted our ship, Gibbs looked worriedly.
"No mate, even worse than that," Jack stood up from the barrell.
"Her?/him?/them?" He whispered.
"Her?/him?/them?" Gibbs replied.
"The lass/lad/y/n," Jack muttered.
"The lass?/the lad?/y/n?" Gibbs questioned further.
Gibbs soon caught on to who Jack meant. "Ye mean, y/n, the landlubber."
"Ohhh, ar' they a spy from tha navy." Gibbs tried to realise,"I knew it, Jack, tha's why I said I didn't trust them from the moment they first docked."
"I've been having these," he gestures with his hands. "Things."
"Wha-what sort o' thins, ave' ye caught scurvy?" Gibbs still couldn't make sense of what Jack meant.
"You know, things, things that make you feel... funny," he couldn't make into words. How could he? It's not like Jack's ever felt this way before.
"So yer feel funny when ye see--ohhh Jack" Gibbs realised finally what was going on.
"Are ye, in love?" Gibbs smiled. "Aye I remember the first time I be tha way, and let me tell yer, she was a fine lass, one I couldn't forget".
"Turned out tha next mornin', I couldnt find er'-- or rather, she wasn't even human, Aye, Turned out ta be but a sack o' oranges" Gibbs rambled about his drunken tale.
Jack got out of the barrell and took Master Gibbs's rum and swung it down his gullet.
"Aye, I remembered that, bieleved that sack was named sally or martha, hm, also that night I do recall nearly losing a finger or two from that wager, was worth it though, got that map in the end" Jack explained.
"Aye, Is that how we ended up cursed" Gibbs leaned against the big oak railing of the main deck.
"The pearl's already cursed mate, I'm just the captain of it" Jack threw the rum over board.
"So whaddya gonna tell er/im/em then" Master Gibbs asked.
"I'll do em one better, ill set them off at some fancy port and they can tell their friends of how a devlelish, delightful captain Jack Sparrow saved them from the clutches of a bunch of rutheless scoundrels" Jack agreed.
"Now that sounds like a tale to behold, don't it?" Jack smiled.
"Jack, ye can't just abandon tha poor thing" Gibbs sympathised.
"Ye did that already--on an island" Gibbs recalled.
"Jack" a woman/man/person called from the distance.
Jack gestured with his hands for Gibbs to move.
"You never saw me, savvy?" Jack scurried away.
Jack would be like this for a while but eventually you would confront him about why he was acting strang-er.
Jack would come clean and admit "the world's a funny place innit darlin, things I can't explain between you and I, happens from me always wondering about you, wondering in Tortuga, wondering when I drink rum, wondering about these...things". He continued with a smile, "Things for you mate".
"Hm, does sound a bit cliche to say 'I love you' don't it" Jack places his first finger on his chin.
Jack leaned toward you "Hmmm, how about rather, your enduring, I can't figure out why I'm besotted to you"
"Suppose it ain't gonna sound cliche to say--" he admitted. "I loved you mate, I always have, I always will".
You blushed with astonishment. You had no idea yet it made sense for Jack's behaviour recently.
You could kiss him, and that would be that. You could marry him, and that's the end of your love story. You could sail with him, entailing the fantasy of many countless women, men, or anyone with pirates--or--rather.
You chose to endure the freedom as Jack did, being two souls that understood each other when no one else did.
A rather more passionate romance then the tales of Will and Elizabeth.
Jack was no fool when he was in love. A legendary captain like him would grant you protection.
Though for Jack, would it truly be the end? No, of course not, it only means another chapter is written in the tales of the captain.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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slutformelatonin · 5 months
My rules/ fandoms I will write for!
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Hello! I am Julia, I am a 20 y/o writer and AVID reader. I am apart of SOSOSOSO many fandoms! Here are fandoms I will write for. (Keep in mind that I am just getting started writing again. Please be patient and know that I am doing my best. I am still in uni so it may be hard doe me to upload as much as I'd like. Please please send me any and ALL requested for characters that seem appealing to you!!) But, here are some things I will NOT write for. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, stepcest, necrophilia, somnophilia. I am writing smut and all you'd have to do for a certain character is dm me or request it !;)
Harry Potter.
Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Wesley
George and Fred Wesley
Severus Snape
Luna lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Miguel O'hara
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Leia Skywalker
Padmé Amidalla
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han solo
Lando Calrissian
Kylo Ren
Diabolik lovers
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Kanato Sakamaki
Azusa Mukami
Shu Sakamaki
Kou Mukami
Yuma Mukami
Ruki Mukami
Yui Komori
Subaru Sakamaki
Carla Tsukinami
Kou Mukami
Shin Tsukinami
Natasha, Pierre And the great comet of 1812
Pierre Bezukhov
Natasha Rostova
Marya Dmitriyevna
Fedya Dolokhov
Anatole Kuragin
Angelica Schuyler
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
George III
Marquis De Lafayette
George Washington
Peggy Schuyler
Thomas Jefferson
John Laurens
James Madison
Hercules Mulligan
Maria Reynolds
Eliza Schuyler
Philip Hamilton
Interview with the vampire
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe du Lac
Claudia De pointe du Lac
Claude Frollo
Ambessa Medarda
The outsiders
Tim Shepherd
Angela Shepherd
Gotham (2016)
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Bruce Wayne
Selena Kyle
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Lana Winters
Kit Walker
Jimmy Darling
Micheal Langdon
Enoch O'connor
Anastasia Romanov
Gleb Vagonof
Black Butler
Alois Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive
Claude Faustus
Sebastian Michaelis
Mark Greyson
Nolan Greyson
Samantha (Atom Eve)
Ghost B.C
Any of the papa's
Any of the ghouls!
Victor Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
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Holy cow, it's my birthday today! Here's some art progression throughout the years :] ( warning: the first part SUCKS!)
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Gimko was my first oc I've ever made, she was part of the undertale Fandom, then came Ashley her sister (both Mary sues btw)
Then came along esmerelda which is my most ambitious character I've made so far and still cherish, she's for the starwars Fandom. And I re drew her on the bottom. And then the last one Ohi, my decepticon oc who's also one of the most ambitious characters I've made.
I'm so glad I stuck to drawing and creating art! Thanks for supporting me btw, I used to get bullied a lot for drawing but here I am now expressing myself here ヽ(o´3`o)ノ
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Hal bought new boots and Hira got a pretty dress(Arwen’s Dinner Dress, dyed Dark Mossy Green) today, and I’m a little closer to memorizing the layout of Minas Tirith. \o/ Also
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ofc my diehard animal lover took care of the horses. New favorite daily for him. :D 
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This made me giggle, as Hal is ~200 years older than Hira and regularly cites his extra century or two as why He Knows Better as Her Older Brother(she pulls out the letters from Esmerelda Boffin detailing everything she and Hal got up to in the Shire as proof age does not equal wisdom xD).
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howlingday · 2 years
Sun: (Rings the door bell) Remember, don't worry about anything, and let me do all the talking. In fact, not a word out you. Got it?
Neptune: Go- (Slaps over mouth, Nods)
Oobleck: (Opens the large and ornate door) Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...
Sun: (Opens his mouth)
Oobleck: Sss?!
Sun: ...Yeah, uh, hi, I'm Sun Wukong, and this is my partner, Neptune Vasilias. We have an appointment with renowned headmaster of Beacon Academy, Headmaster Ozpin.
Oobleck: Ah, yes! Please! Please do come in!
Sun: Thanks! (Walks in, Neptune close behind)
Oobleck: (Eyes patch, Glares) I am Headmaster Ozpin's personal assistant, Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck, PhD. Wouldn't you be so kind as to allow me to hand your hats, your jackets, and your White Fang emblems?
Sun: O-Oh! These things?! No, no, no, it's a funny story! We, uh, just came from a rally, and they were just handing them out to everybody! (Laughs as his band is taken, Grabs Neptune as Oobleck leaves and hisses) Why didn't you tell me we were still wearing them?!
Neptune: I tried, but you told me to keep my mouth shut, remember?
Sun: Yeah, I do, but we'll talk about it later!
Oobleck: Please, gentlemen; have a seat whilst I fetch Mr. Ozpin. (They sit, He leaves) Oh, Ozzie~?! We're not alone~! (Walks away, Returns) Here's Ozzie~!
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Neptune: (Whispering) He's wearing a dress!
Sun: (Whispering) I can see that! (Speaking) Ozpin, sir, you look gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!
Ozpin: Ms. Trippitaka, I presume~? Oh~! Forgive the pun! (Laughs)
Sun: (Laughs)
Neptune: (Whispers) I don't get it.
Sun: (Whispers) Shut up, he thinks he's witty. (Speaking) Ozpin, sir, it's good to see you again!
Ozpin: Oh, yes, and you as well, darling~! Oh! It would seem your partner is staring at my gown.
Neptune: Oh, uh, well, you see-
Ozpin: Allow me to explain. Tonight is the annual Vytal Dress-Up Cabaret, and I intend to win best costume!
Oobleck: As we do every year.
Ozpin: Perhaps not this year. I am to look like the lost consort Esmerelda Esclados, but I think I look more like some ghastly ghoul!
Oobleck: Well, without the chest-piece, you're only half-dressed.
Ozpin: Then why don't you go and get it then, oh Wicked Witch of the Wastes?!
Oobleck: If your intention was to pierce mine heart with an arrow... (Sniffles) BULLSEYE! (Runs off)
Sun: Well, I think the outfit suits you, but, uh, back to business, did you read "Lullaby for Belladonna"?
Ozpin: Read it? I DEVOURED IT! It's full of fantastic tidbits of history not well known to the public! For example, who knew the White Fang... meant Faunus?
Sun: ...Yeah! A real shocker there. So, will you present it?
Ozpin: Present it? Oh, heavens no! It's not my kind of show! It's too dark! Too depressing!
The theatre's so obsessed,
With drama so depressed,
It's hard to get a show underway!
Shows should be more witty!
Shows should be more pretty!
Shows should be more-
What's the word?
Neptune: Um, gay?
Ozpin: Exactly!
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smalltownfae · 2 years
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ggblasts · 5 months
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Spotted: The next round of arrivals at the deb ball! Our beloved Mayor Archibald looking handsome, as always. Everyone's favorite PI, Vanessa looking like her usual bad ass self. Esmerelda showing off her timeless beauty. Dean looking very handsome and like he's only there to support Ella. Chandler looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here, and I don't blame him. Keep the looks coming! XOXO, Gossip Girl
@nathanielxarchibald @vanessaxhernandez @tfesmereldaortiz @iamdeanadler @iamchandlerford
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ham-n-spam · 1 year
Heyyyy so I’m rewatching OUAT again because apparently I hate myself? This show is so bad but I love it so much and the oc potential is huge:
Author OC who has amnesia thanks to Isaac, basically gives me an excuse to rewrite the entire show
Winnie the Pooh OC except Christopher Robin is a kid from the realm w/o magic and found his way into the enchanted forest?
Not an OC idea, but I’m a sucker for time travel fix it fics… so basically imagine Emma and Regina going back in time to season 1 and having to clusterfuck their way through the first curse lmao
Just more nursery rhyme fairytail characters, Bo Peep as a mafia boss landlady was hilarious and I want that same energy from someone like Humpty Dumpty-
Fucking Esmerelda and Hunchback of Notre Dame OCs, I’m honestly surprised they didn’t recreate this story in the show tbh
More OCs based on horror stories like Dracula or some shit-
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esculentevil · 2 years
O wow... Thank you @iamstillalive158​! =D
Top 3 ships
Thorin/Thranduil (current OTP! =D)
Aragorn/Legolas (literally my first in the LotR fandom)
Esmerelda/Quasimodo/Phoebus (rewatched HBoND and realized this gem)
First ship:
Wow... this is... hard to remember... You know what? It was probably Tiger’s Eye/Fish Eye from Sailor Moon
Last Song:
Panic! At The Disco’s Nine In The Afternoon
Currently reading:
Fics! Also: The Hobbit! =D
Last movie:
x’’’D The Hobbit
Currently consuming:
I was eating mandarins a minute ago
Currently watching:
The Hobb--You know what? I recently finished The Midnight Club and 1899
Currently craving:
Thorinduil; just, it needs more content--please
I’m not really sure who to tag... @thranduilofsmirkwood? @aggieharknessmaximoff? Hopefully I’m not bothering you two xD
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thebarroomortheboy · 1 year
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It's a woman's part to build a fire. But it was a man who first brought it to Earth. Who? Prometheus. Who's that? A God who stole it from heaven by holding a rod to the sun till it burned into flame. He created creatures out of clay and blew his breath into them and they came to life and they too could make fires to warm their bodies. As we do? Just as we do. - Gringoire & Esmerelda.
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firstofficerrose · 2 years
I love naming jokes. Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre might beat out O. Beetle Beetle for my new favorite!
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