#disney knowledge yuu
pika-ace · 11 months
Disney Knowledge Yuu: Playful Land Edition aka Yuu gets Fucking Mad Part 2
And we haven't even gotten to the meat of the sinister plot yet! Joy of joys! 83
Minor spoilers under the cut and large reactions, because one does not watch Disney's Pinocchio and come out unscathed...
Fellow and Giddel: (appear)
Yuu: (grabs literally everyone by the sleeve and starts dragging them away) NOOOOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE-
Kalim: But why?? He seems nice!
Yuu: Even if i didn't know what I knew, STRANGER DANGER, YOU ABSOLUTELY DUMBASSES!!
Fellow: (convincing the students to skip class)
Yuu: Okay, fine, Stromboli isn't a big deal-
Fellow: (takes out an ace of spades card) Come to Playful Land! A fabled amusement park!
Jack: Huh?!
Jade: Oh, what charming outfits! These strings and tassels are quite unique
Yuu: (trying not to laugh hysterically as No Strings on Me starts playing in their head) Can we go home now???????
(Sees statue of Honest John and Giddel in Playful Land)
Yuu: ......ew
Lilia: Ooh, that's the Kind Fox and the Gentle Cat!
Yuu: ...........I'm sorry, the WHAT?
Fellow: That's right! These two helped the puppet from the Wishing Star story learn the difference between right and wrong, and they even brought him to a park just like this when he was feeling ill!
Yuu: (lunges to grab Giddel's hammer) OH YOU CAN JUST FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THAT SHIT
Ace: Holy hell, Yuu!
Grim: They've lost their mind!!
Leona: Kudos for lasting this long...
TWST: The whole point of the puppet story is to be good
Grim: I don't get it
Yuu: ......You know what? If you gotta turn into donkeys or puppets to learn this the really fucking hard way, fine. You know where to find me. I'll be back at school avoiding my childhood trauma. I'm out.
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sweetbunpura · 3 months
You know what could be very possible? Stitch seeing Yuu as a version of Lilo in his eyes. Someone who can't always contribute to the fights 100% or shouldn't even be near them, but still stays close by to help out the others and provide support when needed.
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icryaboutit · 9 months
Common Sense!Yuu
Just got a thought and I can't stop thinking about it now!
Like think of a Yuu who uses his common sense, but his common sense isn't really that common like:
CS!Yuu: What do you mean befriending demons is weird? Isn't it a commodity here?
CS!Yuu holding and petting an extinct/horrendous/venomous creature in his hand: It's Gary, why?
Jack who knows about the dangers the creature can cause: Yuu, please put down the creature before it bites you...
Sebek who once saw such a creature mauled a giant predator with ease while exploring with his grandfather, whispher screaming at CS!Yuu: HUMAN PUT THAT MONSTER DOWN!!! DO YOU SEEK DEATH?!?!?! THROW THAT THING AWAY!!!
CS!Yuu looking at them with confusion: What are you guys so panicked about? It's just Gary? And no Sebek, Gary, and his family have lived here before me and Grim, I can't just kick out a dorm resident!
The First Years: THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!?!?!?!
CS!Yuu holding a gun, aiming it at a box: Okay last one-
Deuce who happens to come in to see what CS!Yuu is doing: Prefect I came t- YUU NO-!
CS!Yuu looking at Deuce with raised brow: Hmmm? What are you doing here Deuce? I thought you and Ace had to attend a dorm gathering?
CS!YUU being confused: Huh? It's to wrap up the bow of course??
Deuce: What do you mean wrap up?! You'll break that bow if you shoot it!!
CS!Yuu looking at Deuce with an unimpressed emotion: Oh come on Deuce! It's common knowledge to use a wrapping gun. Here I'll show you...
*Before Deuce could even stop CS!Yuu he had already fired the gun to the box. And unlike what Deuce had thought, the box actually got wrapped in colorful paper.
CS!Yuu to a wide-eyed Deuce: See? Well, I guess your mom hasn't told you this too before, like those eggs for clarification huh?
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wholesomey-artist · 2 years
MC singing Almost There as they clean up and repair Ramshackle Dorm little by little. They sang it so much that Grim (and the ghosts) sometimes sings along when it's cleanup time
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nymphbroadcast · 2 months
I had no idea how to go about this, but if it isn’t much to ask, could I request the Diasomnia boys with a Twilight Sparkle! Yuu/Reader headcanons. Romantic or platonic is completely up to you.
(P.S.A. Is it alright to put General Lilia instead of Present Lilia? I just really love Lilia in his General era, you don’t have to do this though.)
Diasomnia x MC! Like Twilight Sparkle
Sinopsis⊹ೃ🐉⋆ The Diasomnia boys with a MC! / Yuu Or S/O like Twilight Sparkle.
⊹Relationship⊹ೃ🐉⋆ Fall in love/ Free of interpretation.
⊹¡FEM! MC/Yuu/Lector ⊹ೃ 🐉
⋆⊹Clarifications: AAAAA I really loved this idea! Thank you anonymous for your request! Twilight is my favorite of the Mane Six and who I identify with sometimes, so I was really excited to imagine an MC! like Twilight with the Diasomnia boys, especially because of the plot that surrounds Twilight during the series, I kept many canon things about Twilight and Yuu from the game and the mangas, enjoy your request! PD: I'll also add Spike, because I love the older sister-little brother or mother-son relationship they both have ;)
⊹Twilight's Context⊹ೃ 🐉⋆
• Twilight is a character with great duality, she is very skilled in magic, she is intelligent and is always willing to acquire new knowledge, but that made her focus too much on just her studies and leave aside her social life, It is reiterated on several occasions that Twilight represents the Element of Magic and Dircord mentions that Twilight is the embodiment of magic, and in the comics Twilight's true magical ability is explored. On the other hand, more familiar, Twilight belongs to a family of high aristocracy, with her parents in noble positions and her brother as captain of the royal guard and she as the private student of Princess Celestia, who would later be her heir... At the beginning Twilight was apathetic to social events and even teamwork, which over time she began to fall aside and accept that friendship was not something like a distraction but rather an instrument to grow, both personally and intellectually. Twilight is a great leader, said on many occasions, she is able to recognize her mistakes and weaknesses, she also knows when to stop and does not put her pride before rationality for the common good, Although that does not mean that she does not have her negative sides, she can also worry too much and her tendency to worry about others often makes her fall into despair and paranoia, as well as when she is given a task of great responsibility and In her anxious process she begins to plan excessively and put all the responsibility on herself. Although as shown in the series, she always learns different lessons from her friends, who also help her constant personal improvement and as a future ruler.
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Malleus Draconia
🐉 Oh someone catch this cute dragon boy because he's falling in love!
🐉 You are like a gift that his own magic has brought to him, you are so similar to him but so different from him too...
🐉 Something to sayis that you both are solitary (at least at the beginning) although you did it of your own free will and because of your desire to study, unlike him... Although that no longer matters, now you are his friend! and maybe... something else ;)... Something else that you both also share is your prodigiousness with magic, although since you were little you have the desire to learn more and you are talented and skilled through your own efforts and not just because you were born special.
🐉 Technically you come from a very high society, since being a star student of a famous princess **insert ur fav disney princess** surprises Malleus with your incredible social and magical position.
🐉 As your relationship progresses you introduce him to your little dragon companion, Malleus goes blank when he sees the young dragon even without his wings fully developed (don't even think about introducing him to Lilia, because Malleus's adoptive father will release the baby album Malleus) However, due to your friend's young age, Malleus does not see him as competition or in a jealous way. Over time, he may even come to see him as a son, believe me, he will become fond of him when he sees him being so close to you. and seeing you as a mother or older sister will soften Malleus' heart... Although, when you tell him that technically the little dragon is your son since as proof of the talent of your magic Malleus does not know what to say, since he has not even done something like effecting the birth of a being, he begins to respect you when he sees the magnitude of your knowledge and magic.
🐉 Although, returning to your flaws... Malleus doesn't know exactly what to do when he sees you enter a nervous and almost psychotic state when something happens that upsets you, he has never had to calm someone down before and the fact that that someone is you... Malleus decides to follow his instincts and Lilia's advice, words of comfort and physical touch, he hopes that that and his presence will calm your turbulent mind and to no one's surprise, it works.
🐉 As both have great magical potential, it would be necessary to see who has more knowledge, since Malleus has had some of the best magicians as teachers, but you have a Princess as a teacher and you have mastered countless spells with little effort, even mastering the light and dark magic (The return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight replicates Celestia's spell to open the door, in fact it is King Sombra's magic) and you handle different situations very well, which not only depend on your magic... Although anyway, you and Malleus meet to read and practice magic especially, since the magic that the Draconia possess makes you very curious and Malleus actually loves that instead of fearing his magic, it makes you very thirsty of knowledge.
🐉 Malleus is surprised how in a short time you have managed to learn the history of Twisted Wonderland and many of its nations, in fact you may be one of the few who really don't get bored in Professor Trein's classes, which is already an achievement, but see that you are seriously capable of storing all that data in your memory really amazes Malleus.
🐉 (Only a variant of the 'Cutie Mark' and a small suggestive hint are described here) Due to the type of NRC uniform your body is not exposed enough, but if you both reached 'that' moment, Malleus would quickly notice a cutie mark. a star and others around it on your hip, although he does not ask you directly, he investigates about this brand and discovers that in Twisted Wonderland this brand has been used multiple times to represent absolute magic, which leaves Malleus speechless and with heart pounding... Seeing that you are practically the incarnation of magic, he feels luckier that you are his and promises to take care of you and love you forever.
🐉 You are definitely someone very interesting in their eyes, in fact too much, you are always thirsty for knowledge and surrounded by books of all kinds, however from your side more people can see that you are a born Leader, loving and empathetic but firm and strict in the Maybe, for some reason, he feels that destiny has prepared a future for you as Ruler and he deeply hopes that it will be by his side.
🐉 Assuming that your promotion to princess would be soon, as well as Twilight's, you will have the big dragon boy attached to you for good and shouting to everyone in Twisted Wonderland that you will be his wife, he hugs you and coos at you whispering compliments and loving words of congratulations on your new status: "I always knew you would make it", "You look so beautiful even before you were an official princess" and "Now there is no excuse to hide that I love you, that we love each other, my dear~"
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Lilia Vanrouge
(Present and General Lilia!)
🩸 The current Lilia would be fascinated in a good way by you, in his eyes he can really distinguish the pure magic that makes up your being and it amuses him to see how others seem to ignore it, even knowing that although you do not "belong" to Twisted Wonderland you are perfectly capable of using spells the size of Malleus himself.
🩸 While General Lilia would be intimidated and defensive, he is also able to sense your magic due to his proximity to Maleanor, but not knowing you or your intentions, it is normal for him to believe that you want to attack them, since that happens in wars and even more so. in one like that.
🩸 The present Lilia would have a lot of fun watching you deal with the Overblots and challenges that exist in the NRC, especially when you don't know the things like traditions and customs of Twisted Wonderland.
🩸 We already saw how shameless and to some extent cruel General Lilia can be, so don't be surprised when he doesn't believe that you are the student of a powerful princess or that you are equal or superior even in terms of magic to the Draconia.
🩸 The present Lilia would be absolutely delighted when she meets your baby dragon and memories of baby Malleus come like a waterfall, he does not stop fawning over the dragon and telling you anecdotes about when Malleus was a small lizard that barely existed (because don't tell me he didn't , there was nothing in that Malleus baby head) and also praise you because unlike the one who took 200 years to make Malleus born by giving him his own magic, you did it in an instant and without sacrificing your magic.
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🩸 Unlike General Lilia, he doesn't know what to say about your little dragon companion, he's obviously not a draconian and although there are other dragons in Twisted Wonderland it's hard for him to associate them with the little one and he's even more stunned when he hears that your own Magic was what caused the birth of the dragon.
🩸 Lilia can see your strengths and vulnerabilities, he sees your constant anxiety and can't help but come to calm you down with words of support and, if necessary, knock you out so that your mind can rest, even for a minute. (In the case of General Lilia, he only use the last option.)
🩸 Although in the end, he ends up liking you for your duality in any way, he feels that somehow you will be someone great in the future and he hopes to be able to see you when that time comes.
🩸 In case you go out with one of his three sponsored children, Lilia would feel proud to see how you are a balance between 'humanity' and 'magic' and how honest you are in your affection towards the boy, and it has just been proclaimed adoptive grandfather of your little dragon.
🩸 On the other hand, if you are his partner, he will promise to take care of you and pamper you, make you feel at home with him and be a good father to your little dragon.
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⚔ For Silver, you're so... Strange... In a good way, we all know he's not very social, so I don't think he's ever met anyone with as much thirst for knowledge as you.
⚔ However, if there is something he admires about you, it is your great capacity for leadership and self-sacrifice. Silver fully trusts you to wake him up if he falls asleep... Eventually.
⚔ In his free time, Silver likes for you to read a book aloud, it helps him relax and sleep better, regardless of the topic, Silver loves to listen to your calm and at the same time very interested voice in the topic of the book. +Bonus points if you let him put his head on your lap!
⚔ At the same time, you are incredible in magic and unlike General Lilia and Sebek, Silver has no problem comparing your magical potential with that of Malleus, for him you are actually admirable, given that you must not be more than 100 years old unlike Malleus. and yet you can cast spells of his Young Lord's level effortlessly.
⚔ Although more than your magical talent or the magic that emanates from you, what attracts Silver to you is how capable you are of facing situations that you possibly never thought you would experience.
⚔ It's not hard for him to believe that you're a student of a famous princess, considering he's seen you deal with Overblots and Dire Crowley's irresponsibility with ease.
⚔ Although it takes a while, he eventually becomes convinced of your magical power when he meets your little dragon companion and learns that you caused his birth and is practically like your son/little brother, Silver loves animals of all kinds as can be seen when he they surround him while he sleeps, so he will eventually become attached to the little dragon.
⚔ Although he won't believe you when you tell him that you used to be extremely asocial before coming to Twisted Wonderland, since he has always seen you accompanied by another first-year student and one of your two (Grimm and Spike) creature companions.
⚔ Although like Lilia and Malleus, Silver also notices the negative side of your personality, you are extremely anxious and prone to panic, not to mention when Crowley puts something important on you because he doesn't want to, although Silver wants to be careful and gentle when dealing with you to calm down, thanks to being educated and raised by Lilia, he ends up being a little... Brusque... With his words, although it surprisingly works. (Imagine Applejack kind of scolding Twilight, more or less)
⚔ Silver may be a lost prince and possess great magic from his dynasty, but even in his 'ignorance' he manages to identify your brand as the representation of the concept of magic itself and that makes him feel luckier to be with you.
⚔ Silver recognizes you as a great Leader, full of unknown potential and an attractive personality, even with flaws, Silver continues to see you as a beautiful balance between Magic and Humanity, something that attracts him more deeply to you, He promise to be the Knight to your future as a Princess, from now on. (And Malleus, of course)
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Sebek Zigvolt
🐊 Sebek... Sebek... This is a complicated boy, at first he doesn't see you as anything more than a curious human with inferior, otherworldly magic.
🐊 And I'm sorry to tell you that this would be like this for a long time, until I can see more of your true identity and your magical power and as a person.
🐊 Rather, in Chapter 7, when he sees you fighting with your magic and comforting and helping Silver and Lilia.
🐊 Seeing you like this will make him remember your attitudes and why he suddenly changes his mind about you.
🐊 He understands your almost endless thirst for knowledge, he has seen you a couple of times in classes and admires that about you, no matter the subject you are always attentive, even with your energic friends on top.
🐊 Also remember your anxious side due to your worries and take note to help you (in your own way) with your anxiety attacks when you witness them, trust him, he is skilled with comfort even if it doesn't seem like it.
🐊 He obviously knows your little dragon and to be honest... He likes him much more than Grimm... He, incredibly idolizing Malleus and the Draconias themselves, will be incredibly delighted with your little friend, praising him for his helpfulness to you and his 'worthy' nature... Although he stiffens when you tell him how he was born, he slowly accepts that maybe... Just maybe... You could be much more skilled with your magic than he thought... Even almost like his Young Master.
🐊 Although yes, he is a little suspicious when he sees the symbol that you usually wear, he quickly recognizes it as the representation of magic itself and in reality, Sebek doesn't know what to think so he is patient.
🐊 Don't worry because this guy is slowly maturing and will eventually find you worthy of admiration and affection, without or with magic.
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Nymph's Note:
I still don't know how to write to a romantic or loving Sebek, sorry T-T and sorry for take me too long, but I'm back again ♡
I hope you enjoyed!
Remeber to tune in, end of this broadcast!
Diasomnia Dorm x MC! Like Twilight Sparkle Done!
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affectionate-team · 1 year
Another day, another log-in. The doors of Ramshackle open up once more to welcome their dear resident - their Yuu, their player.
Representatives from all dorms wait with bated breath, wondering who's going to get lucky and be allowed to give their welcoming speech this time. Some are confident, head held high and proud, words sitting at the tip of their tongue, ready to be spilled; others are anxious, fidgeting with parts of their uniform and checking themselves in a mirror - such an occasion requires one to look their best, all to make a good impression on you! And, after a few torturous seconds of waiting, spotlight lands on one of the many. Their face gleams under jealous stares of their disappointed schoolmates, a single bead of sweat rolling down the nape and bringing cool air to their skin. Everything has to be perfect for the player, and perfect it is - the words that have been rehearsed hundreds of time in the privacy of their room, the face expressions, the gestures - as they voice out wishes for another productive day and offer the log-in rewards.
To be chosen as a class partner is both a blessing and a curse. Rejoice those who have skills and smarts to demonstrate and brag about, poor are those who fall behind in studies. Leona suddenly finds a reason to skip out on a midday nap in favor of sitting out a history lesson, surprising both his classmates and Professor Trein. From time to time he even bothers to speak out, interrupting some poor kid - not like they'll do anything about it, a Kingscholar is not a force to be reckoned with; Azul and Riddle stare each other down, lifting hands at every question at the speed of light, completing tasks flawlessly, outshining everybody else with their vast knowledge to the point where teachers have to ignore them on purpose - after all, other students need their marks too... Though it doesn't stop the two from flaunting their exams results after finals roll around.
What do you mean "Twisted wonderland is not a romance visual novel"? Do they look like they care? Even the heaviest of Disney censor will not stop these boys from sneaking in a couple of flirty remarks. They WILL go against code if they have to. And if main story cannot be messed with, events are still a fair game, are they not? Watch Ace throw in bold pick-up lines and inquire about your type; it's the fifth time you're inviting him in the guest room, do you have a crush on him or something?? don't get shy now, of course he's just teasing! It's a shame that your choice of answers is so limited, the game brushes off his words way too easily...
And don't get me started at the Magic Mirror summons. To be selected as a member of the player's team is an honor like no other - that means their strength was recognized. Though some card combinations can be pretty... questionable. Placing, say, Leona and Malleus or Floyd and Riddle in one team would most likely result in a mess; be careful with your choice!
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harzilla · 2 months
*slaps hand on table*
Tell me about your Yuusona. Your twst protag. I love seeing people's ideas and concepts. Are they just you? That's awesome! Are they twisted from a Disney character? Sweet! Are they your way to work through your trauma? More power to you!
One of my favorites is @ilmacore 's Maria. Blessed adorable abuelita Yuu.
I have four currently rolling around in my head. Each one is based on a type of genre.
The first is chubby!Yuu, the shoujo/magical girl type. My darling lil chubby gal who is another member of the sunshine team. The best damn support these boys will have. Her nickname from Floyd would be capybara(I originally had it as manatee but capybara fits her more because she's genuinely nice and tries to get along with everybody). I see her wearing a lot of cottage core, florals, etc... soft feminine clothing. Her ending would have her finding a way back home but being able to travel back and forth between Twst and her home world. You can guess which boy(or boys) might have a crush on her based on these pics.
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The next one I call punk!Yuu. The one who fits the shonen archetype. Had a shitty life growing up and was a homeless teen. They ended up in Twst after dying from being hit by a car. Most likely to throw hands for pissing them off. Floyd calls them pistol shrimp. Climbed on and smashed the head of an overblot. Threw Jade at Floyd during book 2's investigation. Protective of those they care about. Lots of piercing and punk style clothing. My favorite ship with them is actually Riddle. Very opposites attract situation. But they have a lot in common(Yuu's father was a worse version of Riddle's mother) Yuu teaches Riddle to live life more freely, and Riddle teaches them to be less rebellious. This Yuu stays in Twst when they find out the truth of how they got there because they're genuinely happier then they ever were back home.
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The third Yuu is adopted!Yuu. The one from my previous musings. A Yuu that fits the reincarnated! Archetype. This Yuu originally died in the bad ending timeline where Yuu overblots and becomes a calamity class monster who destroys the world. They were given a second chance at life when they finally died in the first timeline. They reincarnated as an infant and was adopted by Crowley. This Yuu is fairly mellow, when asked why they did something the answer is just they felt like it, but is also good at pulling at Crowley's strings to get what they want. They have a preference for loose, casual clothing. Preferring to wear things like oversized t-shirts and hoodies. Their ending is they almost repeat the calamity when their past life memories begin to overtake their current life after all the overblots including Grim's. But the difference is the previous life Yuu has nobody, but this Yuu has their friends, Grim, and Crowley to save them.
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The fourth Yuu I call Author!Yuu. They're pretty much a Yuu who gained so much magical power they became the equivalent of a god. Because they were the first anomaly, they don't age at all and have lived thousands of years accumulating magic and knowledge, even out living Malleus. Their life is lonely and they actually don't want to see another person end up like them. Their magic allows them to manipulate the timelines within a certain limitation. They can't rewrite timelines completely, but they figure out a loophole by finding the alternate versions of themselves they think will give the best outcome for the "story" of the world. This Yuu is the one who figured out the precognitive dreams system to help each Yuu out. This version of Yuu exists in a world where ALL the stories of Twst are true. Fanfics, fanart, game, manga, novel, etc... every story is its own world and this Yuu records every one of them within their great library. Every book in the library of their soul is a story somebody has written about the world of Twst.
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So, tell me more about your Yuus.
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you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but what do you think about Yuu who alr knows Disney and is a bit of a better strategist than canon!Yuu? Like this Yuu would know from the first dream-vision they had that they mirror reality the next day and so whenever they wake up the next day after having these dreams and write down IMMEDIATELY about what happened and try to correlate it as much as they can to reality so they can strategize this way?? Added bonus if they know they're perceived as a weak, helpless magicless student and use it to their advantage so that others constantly underestimate them too!!
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Well firstly, I think someone has most likely written this kind of fanfiction before. It’s pretty common to “novelize” the main story but specifically featuring one’s own Yuu variant and/or to do a “fix” or canon divergent story. Not my thing so I just skip over those, but I’m certain I’ve at least skimmed fic summaries of this nature.
Secondly, I don’t think it would make sense narratively (even for a more intelligent and proactive Yuu that has knowledge of Disney lore) to automatically suspect that their dreams correlate with real life events and that they should be alert for parallels. It’s assuming a lot of them, including that they’d have the hindsight before their first dream that their dreams are somehow prophetic. (I’m not counting time travel or time loop theory here, only what we know is canon right now.) That’s not really strategizing then, it’s jumping the gun and assuming that they’re a seer without enough cause to believe in it. Has this happened before to them in their original world? But dreams are rarely ever so closely associate with the things playing out 1:1 in the waking world. Why would Yuu develop this belief then??? I think they’d realistically start putting the pieces together maybe book 3 because 1 time (book 1) may just be coincidence + they wouldn’t be suspicious of anything, 2 times (book 2) is establishing a pattern, and then 3 times (book 3) would be enough times to firmly believe establish said pattern. It wouldn’t happen right off the bat.
I also feel like this kind of Yuu would not work for the current (canon) story TWST wants to tell. Having all of this information and/or going out of their way to prevent things from happening because of their foresight might just cascade into many events not playing out at all, even if only halfway through the main book. It means they’d be highly wary of many characters and could successfully avoid the pitfalls they glimpse in their dreams. They could seek out the “villains” of their dreams, deduce the issue, smooth things out sooner, prevent OBs altogether. Very, very different events might play out. (And if the main story manages to stay roughly the same in spite of all the measures this Yuu takes, then what was the point of telling it all with this intentional smarter and more actionable Yuu to begin with???) Diverging from canon happens all the time in fan creations, as I’ve said earlier—and again, there’s nothing wrong with this. I just don’t know of this would “work” with the current set up without deviating considerably at a certain point.
As for Yuu being perceived as a “weak, helpless magicless student” who “uses it to their advantage so others underestimate them too”… I feel like this is already done in canon, but very subtly and definitely relies a lot on player interpretation of what “kind” of Yuu they want to be. It’s already implied that Yuu is the strategist for battles, so they offer support in this way. Additionally, many characters recognize them for talents which lie beyond their magicless status. This includes the headmaster, who declares that Yuu has the makings of a beast tamer, and Rook, who gives Yuu the nickname “Trickster” for their cleverness. I believe that Yuu was even chosen to go for the harp in Beans Day because Jade was aware that the Monsters would underestimate Yuu and prioritize going after him, who is the more obvious threat. The world and its characters seem to constantly be telling us about Yuu’s strengths outside of a magical context, but they leave how Yuu actually makes use of their helplessness open ended for players to project as they like onto them.
It’d definitely be interesting to see a Yuu that leans into and plays up their weaknesses, but I also think that it would require a skilled writer to successfully pull that off. If not done well, the Yuu may come off as more whiny/desperate or too pompous and locked in their own self-aggrandizing head space. Maybe we’ll get a Yuu that strategizes with their deliberate helplessness in a future installment of the manga? Could be interesting!
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cafe-smut · 6 months
Cheka getting caught up in a gorge as wildebeest flood in. Leona being the one to save him. The king and queen arriving just in time to finds Cheka clinging to the side of a ledge, Leona nowhere to be found among the animals. The go down and find his unmoving body among the dust.
The queen holding Cheka who's wailing for his Uncle as Falena holds his little brothers body, begging him to wake up.
Yuu getting there just in time with some bullshit knowledge as a Disney Kid and minor medical knowledge to get Malleus to push some lightning in Leona to restart his heart.
Falena clinging to his dazed and shocked brother as he sobs, so incredibly glad he's alive.
Falena and Cheka not letting Leona out of their sight until at least 2 weeks after he's fully healed.
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thelazyhermits · 7 days
After reading the first TWST novel and seeing how Yuu/Grim's first meeting with Ace went there, I decided to write a drabble about how that encounter went with my Yuu, which I'll put underneath the cut.
Also, I've gone back and edited An Unlikely Team as well as Grim/Ace's chapters in An Unlikely Friendship, although there was only a minor edit in Grim's chapter as compared to Ace's chapter which got a whole different dialogue added in the final scene thanks to me getting inspired by the novel.
I hope y'all enjoy the new content! 😊💕
He’s definitely up to something.
That was the first thought that crossed your mind upon meeting Ace Trappola, a first-year student who introduced himself after approaching you and Grim while you both were studying the seven statues on Main Street that, for some reason, look exactly like popular Disney villains.
Grim, however, obviously felt differently since, ever since Ace showed up, he’s been amicably chatting with the redhead about the statues, all the while not looking the least bit suspicious of Ace.
Meanwhile, you’ve been working on cleaning the surrounding area, which is the job that had been assigned to both you and that procrastinating monster, because you really don’t want to risk getting in trouble with Crowley for not doing your job since said job is the reason you now have a free place to stay as well as a means to make money for food and everything else you'll need to survive in this strange, foreign world you've somehow found yourself in.
Plus, you had wanted to put some space between you and Ace since you don’t trust him and that fake smile of his, especially since he’s wearing the kind of fake smile that looks so genuine that only someone like you who’s grown up surrounded by adults, who use their professional fake smiles to take advantage of others for a living, would be able to see through his façade.
The whole time you’ve been cleaning, you’ve been surreptitiously scrutinizing Ace, trying to figure out what his hidden agenda is, all while simultaneously listening carefully to all the information he provides about the statues - information that matches well with what you know about the Disney villains they resemble.
Except for the fact that everything Ace says makes these villains sound like actual decent people who are worth revering rather than the scoundrels they were in the movies from your world.
Every time you hear Ace compliment the people the statues are based on, you have to fight the urge to scoff since so much of what he says is just so difficult for you to believe.
I can’t believe these villains’ stories got so twisted that they became people who are seriously revered in this world. You incredulously shake your head. Even worse, the Queen of Hearts’ story is pretty much the same as it was in Alice in Wonderland, meaning these people seriously didn’t mind a crazy queen who decapitates people as a regular form of punishment.
Just what kind of world have you found yourself in?
You wearily massage your temple. Hopefully, all that nonsense is just a part of this world’s history and not its present. Otherwise, I’ll need to steer clear of the part of the world where the Queen of Hearts reigned for the sake of my own well-being, although I can’t see myself leaving this school anytime soon, considering traveling requires money among many other things.
Obviously, I’ll need to do some more research on this subject. You muse. If I’m gonna survive in this crazy world, I need to learn as much about it as I can since knowledge is power.
Plus, you’re genuinely curious about this world’s “Great Seven” and want to see if there are any more commonalities between them and the movie villains from your world whom they so greatly resemble.
“Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel.”
You’re abruptly pulled away from your thoughts when Ace’s previously friendly and cheerful voice suddenly becomes noticeably cold and malicious.
While Grim makes a surprised sound, you quickly focus your now narrowed gaze on the redhead. So he’s finally making his move. It’s about time. Now, I’ll finally find out what his deal is since I couldn’t get any clues from his earlier behavior when I was watching him.
“Pfft! Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore!” Ace declares as he starts laughing, hard enough that he doubles over. “It’s too funny! I can’t breathe!”
For several seconds, his loud, wild laughter fills the air, and during this time, you give Ace an unimpressed look while Grim just stares at him with wide eyes, appearing stunned.
Once he eventually manages to compose himself, Ace wipes away the tears of mirth from his eyes. “Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into a fiasco, right?”
“You two seriously stand out.” Ace sneers as he points at you. “A total normie, the perfect punchline to a disappointing joke. Every eye in the school focused on you last night, and you can’t even use a drop of magic.”
Completely unfazed by his mocking words, you maintain your unimpressed expression, which you can tell bothers him because his face briefly appears annoyed when you don’t give him the kind of reaction that you know he was hoping for.
Since he clearly won’t have any fun with you as his target, Ace quickly moves onto his next one and points at Grim. “And a monster who wasn’t even summoned by the Dark Mirror in the first place but crashed orientation anyway and got beaten to a pulp by my dorm leader.”
Wearing a cold smile, Ace gives both you and Grim a once-over before saying, “You’re perfect for each other.”
“W-What are ya-” Grim briefly stammers before scowling, “Ya don't gotta be a jerk! Comin' at us all of a sudden like this!”
“It’s not all of a sudden, dude.” Ace smirks, “The look on your face when they picked you up and tossed you out was hilarious! It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!”
After giving you and the cleaning equipment that’s beside you a particularly withering look, Ace snickers, “So, in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now, you're janitors? SO lame!”
Upon realizing that Ace seriously is only here to taunt you and Grim, the tension in your frame eases as you roll your eyes. Really? That’s it? I was worried he might be someone secretly dangerous since his fake smile is so convincing, like the ones I always saw back in my world, but he’s really just an immature brat. I don’t know if I should be relieved or disappointed.
In direct contrast to you, who has calmed down now that you’ve realized Ace is no threat to you, Grim becomes increasingly more irritated. “Shaddup, you! I’m gonna be a student at this school in no time!”
“Nuh-uh! No way!” Ace shakes his head. “You're so clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?”
Unable to help yourself, you dryly retort, “Really? YOU’RE the one who’s saying someone should go back to kindergarten - the grade that so obviously suits you way better?”
Caught off guard since you’ve been silent pretty much the whole time he’s been here, Ace, along with Grim, turns to look at you in surprise.
Soon after, Ace’s surprise turns into annoyance. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious? Even though you could’ve been doing way more productive things with your time, you instead went out of your way to come taunt us ‘cause you hated how much attention we got thanks to the orientation fiasco, like an immature, jealous brat.”
“Not only that, you’re getting in our way when we have work to do.” You huff before making a shooing gesture. “So can you just leave already? I have way more important things to do than listen to someone whose opinions I don’t give a damn about.”
Once he overcomes his surprise, Grim starts guffawing, “Way to tell him, Henchman! That’ll teach that jealous brat not to mess with the Great Grim! Myahaha!”
“I am NOT jealous!” Ace scowls, “Why the hell would I be jealous of losers like you two who are only still around ‘cause you got lucky enough to get a job cleaning up all of the WAY more important people’s trash?!”
After saying that, Ace angrily stomps over to where you’re standing and jabs a finger at your chest, glaring all the while. “You have a lotta nerve looking down on me when I actually earned my place here fair and square after working my ass off, unlike you who just waltzed right in and did whatever you pleased. A magicless loser like you has no place at this school, so get off your damn high horse already before you get knocked off.”
Completely unfazed by his anger since you’ve gone up against far scarier people in Japan’s underworld, you boredly swat away his finger. “I’m not looking down on you.”
Faster than he can react, you reach out and grab onto Ace’s shoulder with a tight enough grip that makes him cry out in pain.
Using your grip on his shoulder, you push down with enough strength to force the redhead, whom you quickly realize has no real fighting experience, to his knees.
In hopes that he will refrain from bothering you and Grim in the future if you give him a scary enough warning, you fiercely glare down at the shocked boy who’s now kneeling before you. “NOW, I am, and if you don’t want to end up in way worse shape, I highly recommend that you leave me and Grim alone and just focus on your studies like a good little student.”
As expected, upon being on the receiving end of your heated glare, Ace flinches and becomes noticeably paler.
Unfortunately, it would seem Ace Trappola is not as smart as you had originally thought he was since, rather than follow his instincts, which have surely identified you as an opponent he has no hope of ever beating by this point, Ace, whose fear quickly turns into ire, instead immediately shoots back up to his feet and tries to grab you by the collar of your hoodie. “You arrogant bastard! Don’t you dare make fun of me!”
Naturally, you smoothly avoid his hands since he’s nowhere near fast enough to grab hold of an experienced fighter like you.
“Alright, Henchman, you’ve done your part! Now, it’s time for your amazing boss to take over! Myaaaaah!”
Catching you and Ace off guard, Grim, who had been laughing on the sidelines up until this point, decides to get in on the action and proceeds to use his fire magic on Ace who just barely manages to avoid Grim’s fireball attack.
“Whoa!” Ace exclaims before turning to scowl at Grim. “What are you doing?!”
Grim smirks, “Now that my henchman’s had a turn, it’s time for me to dole out some payback ‘cause no one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire, and gets away with it! I'll make ya regret messin’ with me!”
Ace scoffs, “You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts.”
Realizing that the two boys look like they seriously intend to fight, you face-palm. This is not what I was hoping to accomplish when I tried to intimidate Ace. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have done anything to him.
Just when you think this situation couldn’t possibly get any more exasperating, several NRC students, who had been on their way to class, start approaching the area where you, Grim, and Ace are, obviously curious about what’s going on between Grim and Ace.
Upon realizing that a fight is about to happen, the crowd of boys starts jeering and cheering, earning themselves an exasperated look from you. Boys…
Deciding it’s better to ignore the crowd for now, you quickly get in between Grim and Ace. “Enough! Grim, you can’t use your magic to fight here! If you cause any property damage, we’ll both get in serious trouble with the Headmage, and I do NOT wanna have to deal with that! And I bet you won’t be happy either when your tuna funds get taken away!”
Much to your annoyance, rather than heed your words, Grim scurries around you, moving fast enough that you can’t catch him. “Relax, Henchman! The only thing gettin’ damaged here is Ace’s ugly mug! Myahaha!”
Right after saying that, Grim launches another fireball at Ace. Unfortunately for the monster, his attack misses its mark just like it did last time, although it’s because of a completely different reason.
Instead of moving to dodge the attack like he did earlier, Ace, after pulling out what looks like a pen with a red gem on it, summons a gust of wind that knocks away Grim’s fireball before it can reach him. 
Ace smirks, “Ha! How do you like that?”
As Grim complains about Ace blowing away his fireballs and the redhead taunts him in return, you just blink. Huh, guess magic can control elements here like it can on TV back in my world. Good to know.
Seconds after that thought crosses your mind, realization suddenly dawns on your now pale features. Wait a minute. Fire and wind together? Oh no…
Realizing that this is a recipe for disaster, you shout, “Both of you, stop! If you keep mixing fire and wind magic together, you’ll-!”
Before you can finish that sentence, Grim, who has chosen to completely ignore you, angrily fires off another fireball at Ace, which the redhead once again blows away with his wind magic.
Unfortunately, unlike last time, the fire doesn’t simply get diverted to an area where it can’t harm anyone. This time, it hits a target.
The worst possible target.
Horrified, you watch as Grim’s attack, which became stronger thanks to Ace's wind magic fanning its flames, just as you had feared would happen, lands a direct hit on the Queen of Hearts’ statue, causing the statue to become completely engulfed in flames. Oh, shit. We are so screwed...
And, of course, you were exactly right.
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pika-ace · 11 months
Disney Knowledge Yuu: Playful Land Edition Part 2
Part 1 here
HOO BOY! Just like GloMas, we went from 0 to 1000 REAL QUICK! And I can't believe I'm saying this...but this place is somehow WORSE than the flowers that sap away your magic...
Spoilers below!!
Fellow: Here, we can use these carriages to get around
Cater: Aww, look at the cute donkeys pulling them~
Yuu: (goes over to the donkeys) If you still remember your human life and want out, blink three times...!!! 8/
Fellow: All of the workers are puppets to be true to the story
Yuu: Are they, Fellow?? ARE THEY?! Did they consent to this?! Do they get paid?! AND WHEN'S THE LAST TIME THEY'VE SEEN THEIR FAMILIES, HUH?!?! >8(
Ace: Dude, chill out!
Ortho: Oh! I missed my shot at billiards because a cricket was in the way; it distracted me
Yuu: (holds the cricket) JIMINY YOU GOTTA GET US OUTTA HERE-
Vil: Well, they've officially lost it...
Floyd: Hehehehehe crazy shrimpy~
Kalim: Oh look, the Merry-Go-Round has a cricket, cat, and fish from the story! The animals were the toymaker's friends and the cricket taught the puppet!
Yuu: Thank god you guys got SOME aspects of this story right... XS
Jack: What's that supposed to mean-
Grim: Why does the puppet have ears and a tail in this attraction?
Leona: Oh, sometimes the story has regional differences. In the Sunset Savana, the puppet is a beastman
Yuu: .....Okay that's kinda neat, but still... (INTERNAL SCREAMING)
Kalim: Really, are you okay??
Fellow: When you're naughty, the magic activates; it slowly turns you into a puppet. The wood embeds in your skin and grows under your flesh sloooowly >:3
Yuu: .....There's no way this can get any worse...
Fellow: Oh, and once the transformation is complete and you can no longer move or talk or have any kind of autonomy, I'm going to be selling all of you. You'll never be seen again.
Yuu: IT'S WORSE (looks for a weapon) IT'S MUCH WORSE-
(Yeah, human trafficking wasn't on my Twisted Wonderland Bingo card but HERE WE ARE 8/)
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storiesofsung · 4 months
Yuu OC - Mulan ⚔️
Pt1 An interesting concept
I’ve always been curious about the direction that TWST could go in regards to MC being a girl.
One of my favorite examples of this being this fic by DuckInSuits on Ao3
Now this inspired me to watch Mulan because it is one of the most famous “girl disguised as boy” story (other than OHSHC) that I know of.
Since literally almost everyone is twisted off someone (idk who Jack is tho) +the Disney references that make me cringe sometimes just because I know the existence of Disney, why not make the MC also twisted off something?
(lol Grim as Mushu tho imagine)
I just feel like the in canon MC does seem like the type of person to kind of work hard with what ingenuity they have since they live in a worn down building and pass classes they have zero prior knowledge on.
And they do kinda use their brains to figure out shit, especially with the overblots !!
Idk i just think it would be an interesting dynamic to work through
None of that liar arc tho, that usually stretches on too long but like… yk
I really enjoyed the fic because it made us connect with Cater (and I believe Ruggie?) in ways the normal canon didn’t explore. It made me empathize with them and actually be invested in their relationship with the MC. And I like how it shows just slice of life stuff like MC making pancakes in Ramshackle dorm/needing feminine pads.
Moments like these really give us a moment to stop and breathe to notice the story’s surroundings while making it believable and lived in. It balances out action and pure dipshitness.
Pt2 “Also I really like Mulans songs”
Honor to us all + Reflection
in regards to this while listening to Honor to us All, it actually made me think of a believable motivation for my said OC, she ran away because she didn’t want to get married, and didn’t want to pretend to be someone else just for her parents (and by extension society) to accept her
Now I know this motivation is more selfish than not wanting your elderly father to fight in a war but remember TWST characters ≠ their twisted counterparts. (Ex. Rollo is less pure evil than Frollo). And I think this could be an interesting motivation since her journey going to TWST could make the MC realize her actions and make her decide whether she did was right or wrong (=character development)
A Girl Worth Fighting For
You cannot make me believe every single man in an all boys school is 100% feminism core.
I think that’s where a girl worth fighting for could come in. (Deuce not included he is a feminist) but the 1st year friend group being a lil (while unknowingly) sexist in regards to how they see a female romantic interest, then later drinking respect women juice after realizing the strongest (they fought 6 overblots stfu yes they are) one in their fg is in fact a woman (and later apologizing to her lol)
Make a Man out of You
It’s self explanatory based on what I said earlier but I’m not sure who could be Shang in this song 😭😭. Personality based it’s either Vil or Riddle, Physically it’s Leona (he would not give a shit other wise), unless it’s for spelldrive)
Summary: Overall this is more of a Yuu not based on having a love interest, but as a character based on an icon (✨).
This has just been on my mind for a bit about an AU that I do not have the skills to write about l…but it’s for all you girlies who prefer pants over skirts and generally dont like to be categorized as feminine 🔥
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prizzi-la · 7 months
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"In this alternate universe based on Disney's Twisted Wonderland video game, the story follows Beaureté Yuude (real name: Agnes Rom), a 16-year-old gypsy girl facing challenges due to her unconventional background. Despite her captivating beauty, Yuude is discontent with her life of sporadic happiness, marked by her father's imprisonment and her mother's abandonment. Living in a Parisian gypsy camp, Yuude encounters ridicule in high school, amplified by envy from her peers."
"Supported by a caring affluent family, Yuude aspires to break free from her challenging circumstances. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her uncle Marius reveals her magical origins. Accidentally transported to a magical world, Yuude finds herself in a male Academy for magicians, embarking on unforeseen adventures and forming meaningful connections with friends who appreciate her for who she is, while also contributing her own support and joy."
Character Sheet:
Name: Yuude Beaureté (Formerly known as "Agnes")
Yuude (Yuu- derived from the origin of Yuu, from Japanese 優, meaning "sweetness"/-ude comes from the name Esmeralda in French, "Émeraude").
Beaureté (Beau- comes from the French word for "beautiful"/-reté comes from Pureté, meaning purity).
Inspiration: Disney's Esmeralda (in physical appearance and attitude) and other versions of Esmeralda.
New Paris, a remote country in the world of "Twisted Wonderland."
Formerly known as "Romaïa Magica."
Race: Human Gypsy/Romani
Age: 16 years
Height: 1.70m (5'7")
Physical Appearance:
Green eyes
Long, black hair
Brown skin
Wears a standard school uniform from the normal world: white shirt, purple and gold tie, mint green blazer
Sports a gold earring on the left ear, a gold bracelet on the left wrist, and matching bracelet and anklet on the right hand and right ankle.
Usually goes barefoot but occasionally wears shoes.
Education: Regular education; not outstanding in school but not ignorant either.
Languages: French (native language), knowledge of Spanish due to her stays in Andalusia and Paris.
Unique Magic: No magical abilities.
What could be considered magical is her family's inherited gift of exceptional memory, recalling even moments from early childhood.
Innocent in many cases
Verbally agile
Cunning and moral
Romantic Interests: ---------- (Just for now haha)
Mother: "La Paulette," abandoned her when Yuude was 5 years old.
Father: "François," raised her after La Paulette abandoned her.
Uncle Marius: Maternal relative.
Other family: Most of her family is deceased, except for her uncle.
That's all for today, thank you for reading<3
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sandbees · 1 year
What I think the Dark Mirror would say to my different AUs of Yuu's:
Disney Fanatic! Yuu - The nature of your soul is bright, such as a shooting star. I sense no magical power within this one, but your soul is imbedded with imagination stronger than any bestown upon me. Therefore, they belong to no dorm.
Blot! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...shapless, but a dark ink has surrounded this boundless soul. You have potential, but it is blocked by the fog around your soul. There is no magic, therefore, they belong to no dorm.
Addams Family! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...a darkness that streches out beyond your body. It reaches for those that attempt to harm you. It protects you, becoming a beast that would die for you. Your soul does not fit any dorm, therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.
Gem Hybrid! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...a pink rose, healing and calming. Your soul glistens like a diamond, however the pressure upon your soul dulls the potential you have. Your magic is purer than those in this room. Therefore, no dorm shall be assigned to this one.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Griffindoor) - The nature of your soul is...brave. Red and gold, your soul screams for adventure, willing to rebel against those who oppose you. The magic within you has shaped your soul to a Griffin, one that gives a cry that has already sorted you. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Ravenclaw) - The nature of your soul is...wise. Blue and bronze, your soul has settled to seek knowledge, your magic shaping it to a raven. The raven caws, a knowing look in its eyes, and it already knows that once you've been sorted. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Slytherin) - The nature of your soul is...cunning. Green and silver, your soul plans for the future fate has handed you. Your magic within the soul is strong, twisting it to a snake. The snake hisses, defensive as you have belonged to another. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Harry Potter! Yuu (Hufflepuff) - The nature of your soul is...loyal. Yellow and black, your soul can feel that this year will not be like others. The magic within you shifts in this world, forming a badger. The badger huffs, welcoming, but stern that you shan't be sorted. Since you have already been sorted, I shall not assign you a dorm.
Card Collector! Yuu - The nature of your soul is...interesting. Very, very interesting. The magic you possess is akin to Unique Magic. However, your soul is unable to wield it. The shape of your soul is boundless, nothing, unless you learn to wield it in the future. Therefore, your soul is fit for all dorms once it is shaped. Otherwise, there is no dorm that fits in the present time.
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the-lonesome-raven · 3 months
Okay so, there's this twst headcannon I've seen around a few times (like here) that I really like about Yuu being a sort of reverse disney princess in which instead of attracting cute woodland critters like Silver, they attract monsters and magical beasts.
Since Yuu was given the title of beast tamer by Crowley in the prologue, it would be cool if it could be brought back in some way. They could be visiting some sort of monster/beast conservation center and Yuu immediately befriends all of the creatures and ends up like this:
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But they also end up befriending the bigger monsters too:
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(All of these screenshots belong to the manga "I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness" if you're curious)
It would be so funny but also pretty amazing seeing a magicless human befriend such fantastical creatures with ease.
And seeing that Grim is the only monster we've met in the story so far (at least to my knowledge), there is still a possibility for this theory to become true. Who knows?
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idcfriend · 1 year
How do they know?...
[Author here please keep in mind that this is an au and that most of it isn't cannon in either twst or disney, I'm more or less just mixing fact and fiction. SORRY IF It's TOO long]
When Yuu woke up in a coffin they were expecting to have somehow been buried alive not that they somehow got sent to a Disney's equivalent of a modern college. Don't get them wrong they love Disney and everything to do with it but that didn't mean they wanted to apart of it!
But since they're already there they might as well as make the best of it(plus maybe at long last their concerning amount of Disney knowledge can come in handy)
So when Crowley had led them to the...interesting...sight that was Ramshackle they honestly were ready to just role with punches which is when a certain blue flame eared cat appeared they weren't too concerned, not even when they were made aware of their ghostly roommates hell they even befriended them by the time got back having even been told their names which were Michael(skinny one), Anthony(medium one) and Christopher(big one).
And while they weren't pleased at having been made into a handyman/janitor. Which is how they found themselves looking at the statues of their favorite disney villians.
"Hey henchman! Whose this lady?!" shouted Grim ponting at one of the statues, snapping you out of your thoughts of how you ended up in this situation
You looked over seeing him pointing at the Queen of Hearts statue
"Do you really not know who she is?" he asked looking like he couldn't believe someone hadn't heard of the Great Seven.
"Well she's- I can't believe you don't know who the Queen of hearts is!" you were interrupted before you could answer, the person that interrupted being an orange haired guy with a heart over his left eye.
"Well actually- Yeah! Is she some big shot?" you sighed annoyed at being cut off again this time by Grim.
She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago.
She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step.
"She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her.
You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"
"Woah! that's messed up!" Grim exclaimed looking surprised
"I think it's pretty cool, besides no one would bother to obey a queen if they were kind all the time." said the guy
You zoned out a bot thinking of the queen's backstory and unconsciously saying, "You know it's kind of ironic that even though she ruled over a kingdom of madness she was probably the most sane person there because even though her rules were seen as odd or even downright idiotic they were the only thing keeping her kingdom and its citizens from truly becoming 'mad' for without her rules there would of been no sense of order among the madness. She had a sister who was known as the White Queen who while many thought a good queen preferred to succumb to the madness rather than try to prevent it. While the Queen of Hearts was known to have decapitated many she truly never did so without good reason even if it didn't seem that way, for example she once decapitated three card soldiers for not having painted the roses red but in truth she had done so because not only had they been found to have disrespected the crown but they also had been stealing from the castle, it was also known that is the Queen was ever mad that you should inform the King because while their marriage was arranged they did love each other for he was the only one to be able to calm the Queen, she loved the King dearly for she would even stop a beheading if he asked" when you didn't hear any talking you turned to look at Grim and the guy looking at you as if you had said that the sky actually red and they were just realizing it.
"What?" you asked looking a little nervous, had you said to much? Plus you could of sworn that after your explanation you could feel someone or something looking at you in curiosity from the direction of the Queen of Heart's statue
They both seemed to have snapped out of their shock because they continued to talk
"You know i never thought of it like that, the name's Ace Trappola, first year student as of today, nice to meet 'ya!" he said with a grin that didn't seem all that genuine but maybe you were just seeing things...
"I'm the Great Grim! And this is my henchman Yuu!"
"For the last time, I'm not your henchman Grim" you sighed a bit irritated at being being basically called a servant
"Yuu? that's an odd name" said Ace looking at you curiously
"Sup" you said with a slight wave
"So Ace tell me is the lion with a scar on his eye a famous ruler too?"
"Of course!
That's the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna.
But he wasn't born into the throne - he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes.
When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."
"Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that." Grim said looking at Scar in awe, "Hey henchman what do you know anything about him too?" Grim asked looking at you in question wanting to know more
You thought for a bit thinking of what to say since there's a few different iterations of Scar's backstory, "His original name isn't actually Scar it used to be Askari after one of his ancestors and he used to lead a group dedicated to protecting the Pride lands called the 'Lion Guard' but then another lion told him that he could help him become king but when he refused not wanting to betray his brother the other lion had a cobra bite his eye hence the reason for the scar, then the lion told him that he could cure the cobra's venom in return for Askari's servitude but not wanting to give in and with the cobra's venom affecting his mental state he used what was called "The Roar of the Elders" in a fit of rage. He then reported what happened to his elder brother Mufasa wanting his brother to know of the event but instead of congratulating Askari and helping him with the venom that was still coursing through his veins Mufasa belittled and shunned for his actions which was then made worse when his own brother had given him the nickname Scar which eventually became his only name" you said feeling that even if his actions were a bit extreme Scar's action were still a bit justified
"All in all he was a great leader all things considered" you said with finality feeling a sense of pride emanating from Scar's statue
At some point some students had stopped to listen wanting to know what you were talking about some of which had even heard what you said about the Queen of Hearts.
"Geez sounds like he had it rough, who's the lady with octopus legs?" Grim asked wanting to know about the other statues (more from you rather Ace really)
"Uh she's the Sea Witch..." Ace said trailing off still processing what you had just before shaking his head continuing his explanation (wanting to know what else you knew about the great seven not that he was going to admit it) "who lived in an underwater grotto.
She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk.
If they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, find love, whatever!
They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though.
But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"
They both then looked in your direction causing you to sigh knowing you were going to have some of what you knew about the others too at this point
"She was known as the Sea Witch yes but not she was also King Triton's sister, where as Triton got the position of King and their father's trident Ursula got magic unlike any merfolk, this cause many to be envious and spread rumors of her being power hungry and dabbling in the dark arts, this lead to her reputation as the Sea Witch to spread which she didn't mind until the rumors became more and more sinister causing mny to fear her so when the King heard these rumors instead of trying to find if these rumors were true banished his only daughter, this caused Ursula to feel betrayed and bitter but during her banishment she took in a pair of young eel twins called Flotsam and Jetsam which she treated as her own calling them her babies, and while still feeling bitter if any of the merfolk seeked her out she would help with her magic but she couldn't do it for free for there must be balance in all things including magic for which she created 'contracts' that way there would be a way for the merfolk to get their wish while keeping a balance but many tried to cheat her contracts causing them to be punished by becoming something similar to 'weeds' due to their magick being sucked dry in order to balance the contract, so many merfolk broke her contracts that she had a sizable garden of 'weeds'"
Ace looked a bit uncomfortable " wow talk about reaping what you sow" he said with a grimace
"The guy with the big hat next!" Grim exclaimed not even talking about Ace at this point but Ace still answered anyway
"That's the Sorcerer of the Sands.
He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort.
He exposed this swindler once - some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess!
After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say...
... he used that power to become sultan himself!"
Ace said a bit impressed, he then looked at you wanting to know what you had to say
"While Jafar was a well respected individual in Agrabah being the royal advisor and magician second in political power only to the sultan himself he wasn't always that way, infact he used to nothing more but a poor commoner from the worst part of the slums, back then he wasn't respected at all and was nothing more than a thief and a street rat stealing to survive and even if he was looked down upon he didn't give for the simple reason that if he did his beloved younger twin sister would be left alone to fend for herself, one day while trying to steal some bread he ran into a...i guess you could call a scholar who took him and his sister in and taught them and as time passed and Jafar rised in rank the scholar which he and his sister came to see as family couldn't be more proud but one day as a visiting royal visited the palace the scholar caught their eye and so the greedy royal made a deal with the Sultan that is he gave them the scholar he would establish trade with Agrabah, the Sultan not seeing anything wrong with this proposal seeing as they were only a scholar agreed. When the visiting royal and his men came to the scholars house Jafar having heard of the deal refused to let a member of his family be taken but there was nothing he could do and as the scholar said his goodbyes to the two children he had raised and after telling Jafar to protect his sister was dragged away, Jafar swore he would get them back, that he would rise high enough in rank where no one could refute him and his family would never be separated again and that he would make the Sultan regret his decision. Soon Jafar became the Sultan's advisor but when he search for the scholar he could not find them this caused him to despair making him swear to protect the only family he had left and that he would make sure that no one else suffered as he had by advising the Sultan." you finished explaining
"Guess it's true that a mage needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh?", Grim said looking at Jafar's statue with a sense of respect, "And what about this beauty over here?"
"She's a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land.
In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis!
When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she'd do whatever it took to keep it.
Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would require to keep a record like that?
Also, they say she was a master of making poisons!"
"You make her sound so shallow" you said scrunching up your nose in distaste, " while yes the Queen valued beauty, she also valued hard work for before she was queen she was a simple commoner and while many claimed she was the cause of her husbands untimely death she truly did love the king but once her stepdaughter started to mature and resemble her late mother more and more each day, she noticed how her beloved king would gaze at the girl she considered her own with eyes no that no father should look at their daughter with and when her daughter for she was her daughter in everything but blood came to her with tears and told her how her father would touch her, the Queen saw red and with a heavy heart called her loyal huntsman and instructed him to take her to the dwarves in the forest and to tell them to keep her safe. Once her huntsman returned the Queen made sure to put a few drops of poison in king's wine for even though he was her beloved husband she would not him hurt her precious child"
"Geez. She's pretty, but that sounds kinda scary." said Grim with a shudder
"Really? I kinda respect it" replied Ace
"F-for sure... Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in, and never gave up!
And the one there, with the flaming head? Now THAT guy looks scary!" shouted Grim
"That's the King of the underworld!
Single-handedly ruling a kingdom packed with rambunctious spirits - that takes competence!
He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for.
I mean, this is the guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Titans into battle for him." explained Ace with a look of obvious respect
"While he hadn't taken his job willingly he still was loyal to those he considered family even is their relationships were strained, working along side the fates while keeping order of the underworld is no easy feat, he wasn't the most well liked in Olympus even though his position was one that could be considered of equal or higher status than Zeus (author note: you can't tell me isn't, he's basically the king of the dead) he also loved wholly and completely as was demonstrated with his wife Persephone the goddess of Spring" you happily explained since he was one of your favorites
"Hmm. That IS something. T'think he could have that much power and not let it go to his head!
And that last one there, with the horns?" asked Grim
"That's the Thorn Fairy who lived on a mythical mountain.
She was noble and elegant, and a master of magic and curses - even by the standards of these seven!
She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns... She could use magic on a massive scale!
She could even turn herself into a giant dragon."
You sighed in relief seeing as this was the last one, " She was an orphan who lived in the Moors and she thought herself the last of her kind, one day she met a young human boy who was trying to steal precious stones from the river, as she grew older her and the boy became closer but, Maleficent had become the protector of the Moors for the neighboring human kingdom wanted to invade the Moors and take it for themselves, but when Maleficent dealt a fatal blow to the human king he announcement saying anyone who brought him the head of treacherous fae would become king. Arthur the human boy now a man Maleficent had met so long ago hearing this announcement traveled to the Moors to ser her, but when Maleficent had fallen asleep Arthur consumed by greed too k out a metal chain but not wanting to kill Maleficent he used the chain to separate her wings from her body and took them to the king as proof of having 'slain' her. Thus when Maleficent awoke to such betrayal her once pure heart became as hard as stone" you finished explaining
"They're all pretty cool huh? Unlike some piddling weasel" Ace finished with a smirk
'you can't be serious' you thought with a deadpan already knowing that this won't end well
(unbeknownst to you quite a few students had stoped to listen to you talk about the great seven, some of which were there to hear you talk about the Queen of Hearts (one of which was even recording), wanting to know more for as far as any of them knew this wasn't information just anybody knew, so how did a magic less nobody like you know? And why when you talked about the Great Seven did you look at their statues with not only fondness but nostalgia and sorrow? (you weren't it's just that talking about their backstories made you remember when you used to watch disney with your family))
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