#especially nowadays it is so stupid and sucks!!!
rat-tomago · 1 year
once again convincing myself tht using duolingo wont be the worst language-learning experience of my life
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ruershrimo · 4 months
down bad fr | f.megumi x reader
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@takumifujiwarastan remember how a while back you said here that it sucked how there weren't enough introverted girls, reserved girls etc. SO I did try writing this please enjoy their (gn reader woooo) emotional constipation even though the reticence of their personality isn't really highlighted eurgh
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having a crush on megumi is so fucking stupid. it’s driving you insane. 
you can’t even talk to him. everything he does, everything he says— your heart leaps like a rabbit he casts, and your emotions soar into a terrifyingly messy mishmash of confusion and yearning and infatuation, and then everything in between. 
you feel helpless, vulnerable like this— rendered out of control of your feelings after years of emotional constipation and a harsh strictness on yourself to rein them in like a rowdy horse being whipped during derby matches. you’re a climber, you’re hanging precariously from a cliff with every interaction, a child standing before a blueprint with nothing but toy blocks and a kiddie hammer, a roomba with its sensors malfunctioning— you get the point. those were enough metaphors to delineate your predicament.  
well, he doesn’t even like you anyway, right?
but you want him so badly. 
you just want to hammer it into his thick skull. to just go, ‘hey, I like you even if you may not like me! just go out with me anyway!’ 
yet with each interaction you struggle even more. because how the hell do you confess to fushiguro megumi, much less go out with him and become his partner?
for years romance had remained nothing but a velleity, a nice fantasy you could slip into when your mind demanded respite in the form of escapism and jejune daydreams. but now that your adoration for him has made it all somewhat possible, you don’t know what to do— your control is being tended away from you, and the worst part is that you don’t even mind it that much. 
spiky black hair and eyelashes of silk pass you by, his scent as clean as freshly laundered sheets in hotels. at the start you had thought little about him beyond him being your classmate and eventually just your confidante. yet gradually, you surprised yourself. and everything about him is attractive nowadays: his hair, his pearlescent teeth, the viridian hue of his eyes— hell, he made even the way he drank coffee look like a model of a man in an antediluvian monochrome film of the sixties. and it was so normal, so average, that you were about to slap yourself for the fact that an everyday trait  of his had become something so lovely to look at just because it was him. megumi would hold the cup securely by his lithe fingers, the same one he spouted cursed energy from when summoning his shikigami, before lifting the cup up and bringing the brim to his mouth, his lips that never chapped. 
nobara asks whether he’s drinking black coffee to look cool around and attract people. needless to say, at least you were attracted. 
you hoped he didn’t see the way your face must have blanked out, gaze transfixed on his eyes as he took swigs from his mug. 
why’d he have to be like that?!
megumi continued looking at ozawa, the girl who had a crush on itadori— she was just like you for real, but with double the courage and half the emotional constipation. 
you hoped it would work out for her. that way, perhaps you could muster the strength and bravery to do the same, too. 
you take another look at him. he’s really pretty. had you kicking your feet in the air and all and then screaming in horror because of it, had you wrapped around his finger without even knowing. 
with the help of kugisaki and megumi, ozawa and itadori, the two of them are cajoled to go around tokyo together. it’s the best ‘date’ that the two of them can help the other two have, especially since itadori is dense as rocks (megumi’s probably worse based on your experiences, then) and ozawa is as shy as a touch-me-not flower. 
“oh, and [name],” megumi starts while nobara strolls ahead, all set to begin a new shopping spree. 
“ah— uh, yeah?” you stammer. 
“do you like me? romantically, I mean…” he scratches the back of his neck. 
what the fuck. is this seriously happening? right now? 
“huh? what? I—” 
“no, it’s just that— seeing ozawa made me think. I guess I never considered it an option, but I suppose I have had… feelings for you for a pretty long time…” 
“woah. ah, sorry, I meant— sorry, I’m just very surprised…” you scramble, your hands gesticulating all kinds of things in an exaggerated way of taking it back because yes you like him, you like him a lot— “I mean, I do like you! it’s just, fuck— uh, what do I say— I’m really scared. I thought you didn’t reciprocate at all.” 
“I could tell. but I…” he hesitates, “I overthought everything,” then with a frown, he goes, “gojo would have teased me if he was here.” 
“well, I– uh. we’re lucky he isn’t, I guess?” you pause, “...so what do we do now? are we a thing? are we dating? wait, am I going too fast? I, oh my goodness, I—” 
“would you like to?” he asks. your knees are about to buckle with every second he keeps his eyes on yours. 
“I…— well, I would.” 
“then it’s settled. can I— can I hold your hand, please?” 
with trepidation in your hands and your heart pounding in your chest, you inch your hands closer, saline sweat on them as if you’d dipped it into the sea. he keeps his gaze on yours— they’re as unsure as you are, his cheeks a slight scarlet, his eyes swirling with nervousness but a sliver of anticipation, of joy and relief. so he feels exactly the same as you do, then. 
his fingers find yours after a while, tracing along the lines of your palm like a blind man touching something for the first time. you want to learn to love and to memorise each nook and cranny of him starting with his palm, and for once emotional vulnerability is not that bad. 
kugisaki’s in for a shock as soon as she turns around. first it was itadori potentially having a partner before she does, and now megumi? 
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imagine writing this because of being delulu abt an irl crush (i should be studying for my exams.) haha couldn't be me right (i'm so cooked)
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complex-pdf · 1 year
Common Sense | Nanno x Plus Size Reader
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request: “Hellooo, can I request a scenario of nanno x reader where the reader just questions everything and doesn't immediately retort to dumb decisions like most of the characters in the show 💀 and nanno is thankful to have met SOMEONE with some sense Imao”
a/n: when I be watching this show I be like “damn that was evil Nanno…that’s what they get lmao” 🗿 and I didn’t know if I should base this off of an episode or not so I did anyways
‘This school’s system is trash…’ You thought as you walked about your school. You went to Lerdvithi School, a school that focuses on talented kids and make anyone else that isn’t a “genius” feel lesser than. You thought it was disgusting and will only lead to trouble especially when you see people get jealous at the “geniuses” all the time. Like this girl in your class looked so jealous after her friend one that writing award and became a genius. Now all of the sudden she’s one too. ‘What’s her name? Ugh I’m so bad at reme-‘ “Hey!” Suddenly a voice ruined your train of thought.
You turned around to see Nanno. “Hm? Oh, hey Nanno.” She was one of your favorite non-friends that you were cool with. “(Y/n) have you seen how quickly Mew became a genius? Pretty cool right?” Nanno asked as she speed up to match your speed. “Eh…I guess so. It’s kinda suspicious that she did it so quickly though.” “Someone’s jealous~” Nanno chuckled which made your cheeks heat up a bit. “Yea right. I’m not a suck up to the school’s ways like you or Mew. Besides that shit sounds stressful.”
You turn your head to look at Nanno and see she was just starring at you with a bright smile plastered on her pretty face. You stopped in your tracks and raise your eyebrow. “What?” “You know~ I know how she did it~” She said in a singing tone as you shake your head in disbelief. “Please, I don’t wanna get roped into dra-“ “She stole artwork online, splattered that stupid red paint on it, and called it hers.”
What Nanno told you made you angry…for some reason. ‘Why would anyone do that?!” You weren’t an angry person, but you just felt like you blew a fuse out of no where. You felt your face contort as your fists ball up. ‘Art is personal! Why would Mew steal! To get a stupid lunch? To get fame? To feel smarter than everyone else? She’s a fraud!’ You close your eyes as you got more frustrated with every thought. “(Y/n)~ You can bring her down by, I don’t know, be better at her own game?” You heard Nanno say, as if she said it in your mind.
You took three deep breaths. In and out, in and out, in and out. You felt relaxed already, like the anger never existed. You looked at Nanno and told her, “No. You know why? Because she’ll get her karma anyways. Why would I become a fraud to better one?” You gave your acquaintance a small smile, “Some times, though this is my only time getting your advice, you don’t have the best things to say.” You started to walk away from Nanno as to get to class before everyone came into the hallways to get to their classes.
“(Y/n).” Nanno’s voice made you turn quickly as she was right in front of you. Kind of too close. “You know…”, Nanno started to caress your left cheek, “You’re pretty smart. You think before you take action. Some might say it’s…common sense~” You saw Nanno smirk as you, and she, felt your face heat up tremendously. “W-Well…I…I guess a lot of people don’t have that nowadays…” You stuttered out nervously. “I’ve seen a lot of people without common sense, you have no idea…And you know, you look cute. Cuddly and bouncy even. Stay that way for me.” Nanno told (Y/n) with a smile. She walked away humming like she never said anything to you. While you just stood there flustered.
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scaredshadowsswap · 1 year
Hey y’all, I’m cancer-free now, so I’m gonna try to get back into writing random headcanons again. Today, it’s SCP Personnel and the hobbies I think they’d have.
Clef seems like he’d be an annoyingly fast learner, which means his hobbies switch fast. One week he might be cooking, but as soon as he gets good at it, he’s gonna learn blindfolded axe throwing or something else until he gets good at that. He has a very wide skill set, especially in combat, but he can’t really stick with anything for very long. The only hobby he consistently has is movies. He watches movies and references them all the time, and hopefully you’ve seen the movie because the references convey important information. He’s also really well-read, and will make references to well known classics as well, but he usually saves those references for people he thinks are stupid and won’t understand them.
Kondraki is determined. Once he gets good at something, he wants to stick with it more and get better. Besides photography, he composes music. He played cello in high school, but doesn’t really play anything anymore and instead just writes music that he thinks would sound good. He also, on occasion, goes birdwatching. If anyone gives him shit about it, he will bash their skull in, but he finds birdwatching to be a nice thing to do, especially on a cold morning as the sun is just coming up and almost everyone is still asleep. He’ll take a cup of coffee with him and just watch the sky for a little bit before he has to go to work.
What hobbies can an immortal have? All of them! Shaw speaks almost 50 languages, plays 11 instruments, and studied astronomy for a good 20 years. However, most of their hobbies are from earlier, when being immortal still seemed cool. Nowadays, Shaw is just majorly depressed and doesn’t have the mental energy to keep doing new stuff. Thinking all the time like that gets exhausting. One thing they still like doing, though, is hosting parties. They invite whoever they damn well please on the given day, and it never gets old. Shaw knows that these people are good friends, and someday they’ll be dead, so Shaw wants as many memories with them as he can get.
Glass sometimes feels like the Foundation Staff’s punching bag, and it sucks. His way of managing his feelings is through golf. He golfs, and he is really damn good at it too. Probably could’ve won some local competitions, if he was allowed to participate. He finds it relaxing to be outside in the fresh air, and therapeutic to swing a golf club. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get permission to leave the Site and go golfing during his weekends and off-days, so he jogs when he can. He’s said he’d like to pick up tennis, but you need an opponent, and it’d be weird to play your therapist in a game of tennis.
Iceberg’s hobby is explosives, but I think he likes baking. The warm oven offsets how cold he feels, so he used to just have the oven running whenever he was home. He likes sweets and desserts, so he decided that he might as well learn how to make cookies, and it took off from there. He’s good at it, but he’s also insecure about being perceived as “doing girly stuff”, so he doesn’t usually share the things he makes with people. He’ll usually drop off a birthday cake for people on their birthdays, but he’ll say he bought it at a local bakery or something.
Gears was always fascinated by calligraphy, but it took him a really long time to get good at it. He doesn’t have time to practice hobbies like that when he’s busy running the largest Site the Foundation has. He also likes cooking, and unlike his assistant, he’s very open to sharing food. He doesn’t really express contentment through words or expressions, but he will occasionally give food he made to the people he trusts. He’d be really good at baking if he tried due to his excellent precision, but he doesn’t like things that are too sweet, so he sticks to cooking.
Strelnikov likes climbing trees and seeing if anyone notices him. To him, it’s a measure of stealth, and he likes to play a game and see how much he can learn about a person from at the top of a tree. People find this very creepy. He also can play the acoustic guitar, but he doesn’t know anything about music theory, he just kinda knows how the song is supposed to sound.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Any iteration of “Transandrophobia isnt real” is such cope lmao. It is true that masculinity is favored, there is an existing term for this (androcentrism) but it should not be taken to mean masculinity is privileged unconditionally. Like, trans men’s wages going up/staying the same vs trans women’s going down is often cited as a reason why the TME/TMA distinction is valid, but they ignore how similar data exists for how the average wage of a cis lesbian also is higher than the average straight women. This is not because lesbians are privileged by their sexuality. Another example of intersectionality that was cited in my sociology course— one business survey reported that employers and interviewers percieved cis gay black men more positively than they did their white counterparts. Itd also be fucking stupid to say that this is an example of a nonexistent “black privilege”; more likely, two conflicting stereotypes of black men and gay men (hypermasculine caricature vs emasculating caricature) cancelled each other out. I really feel that all this backlash to the coining of a term that describes how men can be uniquely affected under patriarchy stems from a long history of anti-intersectional thought that values ideological and political purity above recognizing diverse coexistent realities. Feminists in particular have notoriously sucked ass at this, so no surprises there
Ideological and political purity will always be nonsense because no form of political thought will ever be a perfect roadmap to every situation, especially when the things we've founded our political thought on were written up when people couldn't even fucking conceive of a lot of what we have to deal with nowadays.
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nailgunstigmata · 9 months
i couldnt fall asleep and spent the last few hours watching tiktoks of people pretending to be wolves so i probably cant articulate this well rn but i think theres something deeply sad about how much of not just fandom but life in general is done with ironic detachment nowadays. a kind of plausible deniability of feeling anything at all. and i catch myself doing this too!! its just a lot easier to not be vulnerable and earnest online. baring ur soul in front of anyone is terrifying because ur always giving them the opportunity to hurt u when u do it
like even with this post a part of my brain is going ok its not that deep omg but like. maybe it is that deep. maybe the things we do and say and the way we navigate the world matters even in an online space about a sitcom. maybe everything can have meaning and we should be careful of what we are saying and listen to other people and try to be nice to each other because theres already plenty of cruelty in the world
and again i have the internet socialised part of my brain screaming at me that this is cringe and nobody cares but again thats stupid. like thats stupid. nobody is being held at gunpoint to read my dumb rambles and if people mock my words thats their personal failure and not mine. u just have to kinda not listen and be earnest anyways and be comforted by the fact that this mindset of self denial isnt healthy for anyone. u cant be detached and happy those two things are mutually exclusive and irony is a thing that can genuinely poison you. like im speaking from experience i literally have the same kind of brainrot and i think that most people have it, especially gen z since we grew up on the internet and started curating the way people perceive us online way too soon. like yeah theres a point where u only know the self that exists to be perceived and that sucks i think.
mocking others vulnerability is fun and safe but it cant make you happy. the only thing that can is being genuine and open and vulnerable. its scary but its the only way. what im trying to say is that the live laugh love girlies were kinda onto something (minus the christian fundamentalism) and we are gradually spiraling into a world in which nothing is real and everything is a commodity and the only way to save ur soul is to be genuine and earnest with people u love and with the world in general. lets cling to our humanity as capitalism alienates us and keeps us trapped in a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction so we can consume and be consumed forever and ever while giving just enough to keep the engine pumping. im not saying that actively trying to be earnest is the antidote for capitalism but i do think it helps salvage our humanity. and i do think its the only way to be happy
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kroosluvr · 4 months
sorry i feel bad for ranting on """Main"" i guess though i kinda keep this more of apersonal blog than a very polished art blog thing. under the cut
things wld be easier if i was just an oc-centric artist (which i kinda am but only to myself in my head) but it Is how it is at this point (i want to draw my ocs more but they never turn out the way i want) and theres just so much i want to draw for the silly little media franchises that happen to capture my stupid little heart and etc.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh ifeel stupid for loving too much or whatever. i dont want to throw a pity party over this either because in the end its just "who cares LOVE WHAT U LOVE DRAW WHAT U WANT" right but in the moment i feel stupid and it sucks and i hate it actually!!!!!!! and i WILL in fact keep drawing hwat i want and what makes me happy but like idkidkdidkgkhw
sometimes i cant help thinking if i was a better artist.,, like more artistically skilled........ would people really say the things they do about the things i draw
^ (Authors note: no one has been mean about the stuff i draw just. side comments i guess lol. from my friends though and not random people . so its harder to just brush off i guess)
like maybe im just not good enough yet. which is fine. spite is actually a really good drawing proponent. but its also just like . when will it be enough to be worth it? will it be worth being my friend now if im a good artist? if i draw what you want? ...........................
its obviously not discounting the people who really enjoy my art style adn what i draw regardless (which im soooo so grateful for bc i never like expect anyone to stick around sicne my fixations change like the wind) but its like... these r the people i spend the most time with . and it sucks. i have to. second guess what i say and what i type and just. ok like i know its not that serious either but i hate it i really dont like it (<- im also just socially anxious if u cant tell)
and its also like i cant just extract myself from my friend group for a while to kinda cool off (read: muster the courage to be an idiot in front of them again) bc ummmmm um i dont have many friends . they are kind of all i got. (which is nice i like small circles(?) im not good at opening up to people.) and i do admire and like them very much but then i just feel like i get bit in the ass all the time (This past month) with shit like this i guess
and honestly like. well half the reason i keep switching fixations is BECAUSE of stuff like this where i feel self conscious of """"Being obsessed"""" over One thing so much so i just immediately switch tracks so fast but its just a cycle (Which i dont see as a bad thing tbh? it keeps my art moving and things fresh so like.)
And honestly i dont really try to . be too vocal about. fandom? stuff? when im with my friends? unless they bring it up first? i got burnt so many times with my vtuber interests so like lol ive Learned. but maybe it slips out too much? bruh. my bad i guess
i have to stop thinking abt this man.., why has this happened to me so many times this past month lol its kind of ridiculous
(Im sure they dont like. mean it. right? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if they actually meant it and want me to shut up then they should just actually say so right.,
i just want to draw . its not going to stop me from drawing but damn does it really like rain on my parade or put a dent in my fender or whatever other sayings that i cant think of right now
in the end i really REALLY appreciate frm the very very bottom of my heart everyone that even remotely likes/appreciates my art (especially the persona stuff nowadays bc thats what im mainly pouring all my mental and physical and emotional into) like i really really mean it. because this stuff like my silly comics and stuff is really stuff i make for purely my own heart and just what i want to see kinda. and so it just makes me feel really warm that people also want to see it and keep seeing it and love it and everything like that. and, with all this kind of negative stuff going on i just go back and reread tags and comments and stuff and i feel encouraged to keep going and draw more and everything like that. so like really, truly, thank you. i really never thought so many people would like the stuff i make. even if its not really artistically good, or really deeply interesting, im really happy it could be something special to people out there
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multimuseticles · 3 months
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You know... I've been drawing ever since I was like 5 years old. It's something I've spent pretty much my entire life doing. The longest I'd ever really go without drawing is like a couple of months maybe, and lately I've been drawing on an almost near daily basis. But if I'm being honest, I'm fairly close to actually quitting.
I still love to draw and I don't really want to stop, but it's getting to a point where AI slop is just entirely taking over the internet. Finding even reference images these days is so difficult because google is filled with AI crap and a lot of actual art sites allow AI art(looking at you Pixiv and DeviantArt).
I used to get a couple of commissions a month just a few years ago. Then covid hit and I got a little less work because people didn't exactly have the same amount of money to spend, which makes perfect sense. But getting closer to the end of covid when people could actually go back to work etc, AI decided to creep its head up and now I'm lucky to get one commission every few months. Originally, AI art was laughable and it was only able to make really stupid shit that was basically illegible. Like that Dall-e thing.
Putting the rest under a read more because it's somewhat long.
But nowadays, a lot of people prefer to use AI than give actual artists attention. Especially now that a lot of big companies are pushing their own AI crap(looking at you Adobe and Meta). Instagram used to be a great place for artists, now its filled with AI crap that Instagram seems to fucking love and is basically training their AI on your own posts. They say you can opt out, but if you live in the USA? You seemingly can't. In the EU you can because of laws, so I was able to opt out. However. I don't trust Meta not to train off my shit anyway.
Then you've got Adobe, which y'know, was a thing for artists to create stuff, be that through Photoshop, Illustrator or even their video editors. But now they're just pushing their lame AI crap to do everything for you, and still charge a ridiculous amount for their service.
Now I'm not just complaining because I'm getting less work. It's just depressing that creativity is dying. Generative AI is being used in video games, movies, tv shows, music, youtube videos, voiceovers and pretty much EVERYTHING else. It's impossible to avoid these days. Sites that allow AI but ask you to tag it so people can hide it doesn't work either, because people just don't tag that shit.
Due to all this AI crap, artists are being accused of using AI to create their art, regardless of if they show proof or not. It hasn't happened to me yet, but I feel it's inevitable simply because I absolutely suck at drawing hands and I can just barely get the hang of them most of the time. A ton of actual artists have been essentially bullied to the point where they don't post their art online anymore, or are forced to change their art style.
It's so much harder for artists to get their work out there anymore because AI is taking over all of these sites so the majority of the stuff you see is generated bullshit. It has led to people being like "Why would I pay someone to do this when I can just write a prompt and get what I want in seconds?" and no matter what you say to people with this line of thought, they just do not give a single shit.
I'm fine with AI to an extent. I think it's fine to just use it for dumb shit between friends, or helping to get a design idea for an OC or something. But the moment you start making money from AI or posting it online and claiming it as your own(and saying that people should credit you if you used it???) is the moment I think it's not okay. Have you seen Facebook or Twitter lately? Filled with really messed up AI images and AI responses. Facebook is rampant with weird and disturbing looking AI generated images and Twitter is 90% bots these days.
This whole post was spurred on by a conversation I saw between two of my friends. One of my friends wanted to get into graphic design, and being the artist of the group and having experience in graphic design, he came to me for advice. He got some very basic stuff done and he was really proud of it. He was showing some of the stuff he made to our other friend who simply responded with an AI generation of the same thing saying "Just use AI man, it's quicker and looks better." It was super depressing to see, especially since I've had conversations about how much I hate generative AI with these same friends.
So at this point I'm on the edge of just stopping. I probably won't, but I'm starting to lose motivation because I feel like there is no safe place to upload my art anymore. Will I stop? Probably not, but the temptation is there. I dunno, fuck generative AI man.
Sorry for the long ass rant, but I'm just getting so fed up with this crap.
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iiikaruz · 1 year
New CH episodes have made me officially decide to stop caring about the actual cast of the show </3 (/hj but i wish it was /j)
Anyway would you like to share some of your headcanons/scenarios for the side/minor characters ? It always makes my day 💚💖(/nf)
dude i feel you on these new episodes. wtf is going on over there. anyways, i’ll gladly dump this 10 ton stack of headcanons on you that i wrote down!! Marie Antoinette: 
loves hyperpop and 90s house music. she’s so slay (i have a playlist lol)
into european weirdo cinema like Gaspar Noe’s but she also likes chick flicks (her fave films are Climax (2018), Daisies (1966), and But I’m A Cheerleader (1999).)
frequents on lolita forums and goes to really shady places just to get cute lolita items.
has absolutely mastered voguing. super into ballroom culture.
has a pet borzoi (those groovy long-nosed dogs.) her name is “Vanille” and Marie loves her dearly.
wants to study fashion. she especially loves Vivienne Westwood and Moschino.
Jesús Cristo:
is a juggalo, and he indoctrinated Van Gogh into it as well.
says “it is what it is” at any minor inconvenience.
had a mental crisis at 13 as a product to the stress of living up to his clone father. similar to joan’s breakdown in s1e3 but 10x worse. he tries to ignore it when people bring it up.
designated driver on any road trip. for some reason.
into bands like The Cure whilst also bopping to Cypress Hill.
his fave video game is Parappa the Rapper.
accidentally punching holes/nails into his hand is a common occurrence. seems like it just keeps happening, so he’s learned to just roll with it. he’s also a pretty good nurse bc of it.
Marilyn Monroe:
is always down for the school play. BUT she usually just does script-writing and tech. 
into conspiracy theories and video essays. (all gorgeous gorgeous girls love video essays).
is a dedicated Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani stan.
SO “COQUETTE LIZZY GRANT DIOR RETRO” in her fashion choice.
she also gives “elle woods from legally blonde” vibes. straight A student right here.
Thomas Edison:
is obsessed with American Psycho (2000). he has a poster in his room and he’s weirdly obsessed with Christian Bale (very 🍎🍉🍊 of him, but he always excuses it with “oh no, i just idolize and worship him. there’s absolutely nothing gay ab it.” he’s lying.)
also he’s SUCH a pretentious film bro. he has a whole library of stupid film facts shoved in the back of his mind (im totally not projecting).
he only listens to: 80s new-wave stuff like New Order, Oingo Boingo, Beastie Boys, & Talking Heads OR Lana del Rey. There is no in between.
he worked (past-tense bc that shit is GONE in 2023) at a blockbuster video store next to the mall and he liked being a total bitch to people about it (example: “you really rented this shit? this movie sucks, dude”)
after getting unfreezed, he was ECSTATIC over how easy pirating movies is nowadays.
Napoleon Bonaparte:
member of the speech/debate club and he is THE WORST TO BE PAIRED WITH. he’s foaming at the mouth the moment someone gives a rebuttal he didn’t think of. some meetings end in him trying to beat up someone. 
into 80s rock like Metallica and Black Sabbath. he has an electric guitar. he also FUCKING LOVES ABBA AND JAMIROQUAI. like… too much.
unlawfully good at Just Dance. he absolutely fucks it up on the dance floor.
adores fantasy films like Conan (1982) and The Never-Ending Story(1984). he’s so lame/ pos.
he bakes really well. that’s all he’s got going for him.
he either found his napoleonic military uniform at party city or at a thrift store with Marie Antoinette; his story changes depending on who he’s talking to.
he cut his own hair when he was 14. the following conversation after he did so was with caesar, and it was just the haircut scene from fleabag . he then continued to keep his stupid haircut to what it is now.
is a hopeless romantic. he can make up entire love poems & sonnets in his head about a girl he’s crushing on, but literally cannot talk to people without sounding like a douchebag unless he’s super comfortable w/ them.
Ivan the Terrible:
is an avid deftones, sewerslvt, & duster listener (i, unfortunately, ALSO have a playlist.)
spends his nights scrolling on 4chan and arguing w/ people. him & topher have accidentally argued w/ each other AT LEAST 5 times.
literally refuses to take off his ushanka in any weather. it doesn’t matter to him if it’s 90 degrees, that thing is staying ON.
kins Travis Bickle and Shinji Ikari. i mean, just look at this dude and how he presents himself. average NGE & Taxi Driver enjoyer/ hj.
fave video games are Postal 2 and osu!. he plays osu! phenomenally, to the point where it’s impressive. (pls put that energy into a job or something).
and yea that’s all the energy i have to write this down :]
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sydney-the-faithful · 8 months
<:} for what it's worth, I think it's very heartening to hear you care so much about trying to right past wrongs (with regard to your and Kylar's separation, I mean), even if you're not sure where to start. That's a start in itself! And, in addition - as best I can tell, though I may be misreading it, it sounds like you were both only kids then. Your parents barring you from seeing him wasn't something you could control, and you couldn't have known the end result.
Hindsight is 20-20, as they say.
As for trying to mend the bond... Hm. Have you ever said any of your thoughts on this to him? My apologies for the forwardness, but it feels like a useful step if not. It might not land you back in his good graces immediately, but I think talking about what happened between you in the past could help in recovering from it. Maybe in a letter, if talking face to face isn't a good option... He's mentioned wanting to know how to cook better for his beloved before, so I'd suggest offering to show him some things, but I don't know if thats a skill of yours in the first place. (Which if not - fair, I think! It's tough...) (...To be fair, also, I'm not sure he'd accept.) Good luck, whatever you try? As long as it shows you're making an effort, I think that's what really matters.
Anyway, good luck with everything!
Thank you so much for your kind words :) No, you’re not reading it wrong, we were just kids. But still, it… sucks. You know?
I’ve tried to keep the whole situation vague up to this point, because I want to respect his privacy but I suppose I could be more clear about my conflict.
It wasn’t only my parents who barred me from seeing him. I’m sure nowadays, my dad would actually encourage me to talk to him. He really liked Kylar! But no, the real reason I’m so hesitant to reach out is because Kylar was condemned by our order. Speaking to him, bonding with him, it was all strictly forbidden. If I do so, I’m explicitly disobeying the temple.
Kylar used to be my best friend. Genuinely, I’d go so far as to call him my only friend back then. I think it’s natural for me to miss him, even after so many years, you know? I would love to cook with him, or talk to him more than just a, “Oh It’s been a while, how are you?” “I like your drawing!” But I just. I can’t.
…And it’s not like he even wants to, anyway. He doesn’t look at me. I really don’t think he even likes me. I think all of this might have been one big act of selfishness. Reaching out, getting back into contact with someone should be a genuine, selfless proposition. Not something that should be done to fix my guilt or my past regrets.
I don’t know what to do. Maybe this was all pointless. It’s been foolish of me to stir up the past. What’s done has been done, and I can’t do anything about it without threatening my place & position in the temple. …I need to think more on this before I do anything stupid. Thank you all for the wise insight & tips for getting to know him again, but… I’m not sure if I should.
I want to. I’m really worried about him, and as much as I do genuinely miss him, I don’t think it’s a wise decision. Especially not if I’m posting about it online. I’m lucky I haven’t had a stern talking to already for trying to contact him :(
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project-incubus · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/cartoons-asfuk-blog/131237661529 This really got on Cartoon Network. It’s the episode that was delayed and screened at sdcc to. That had to be fun lol. Teen titans go probably does worse but still wow
okay but this is like the tip of the iceburg.
heres a youtube video showing the us censorship in total drama island, which aired in 2008 in the us on cartoon network, if you haven't watched the video the us version dubbed over words like 'crappy' and 'stupid' replacing them with words like 'lame-o' likely because these were deemed inappropriate for usamerican audiences meanwhile they were okay in canada (where total drama was made) or australia (that aired the uncensored version). another example is the cartoon 6teen another canadian show that aired on cartoon network between 2008 and 2010 but 24 episodes were either censored or not aired on cartoon network for various reasons most notably the episode 'enter the dragon' because it included some of the female characters having periods.
and when you compare this to shows like adventure time being able to say 'sexy' in the season one episode evicted in the song house hunting, or sym-bionic titan with the 'kimmy dancing scene' it really raises the question of weather cartoon network has strict rules on what they can or cannot air or if its just shows that aren't made in the us.
i just think it a little hypocritical to censor works like suck from canadian shows but allow 'sexy' in us made shows, or not airing an episode because it had a character shoplifting but allowed the kimmy dancing scene.
thankfully nowadays we have tv-14 cartoons getting more and more popular, so writers can tell the stories they want without threats of censorship. and personally i don't really know if i agree with the censorship of the shows, on one hand kids will be watching it and you do need to be careful about what it depicts, on the other hand some censorship is just contributing to existing stigma, like periods are a real part of life that many people do have to deal with and it really shouldn't be such a taboo subject (especially since 6teen was a show aimed at teenagers not kids).
although i mentioned usamerican censorship before i don't think this is usa specific, there are tons of rules in other countries that lead to the censorship of usamerican shows, (such as the censorship of the queerness in steven universe).
but this example specifically is more complicated, it could be sexualized by older people but this was in season one back when the show was mainly for kids who likely wouldn't understand what their seeing, and at the end of the day if you are a woman fighting in a dress with no leggings underneath might show some leg. beyond that, its something only shown for a few seconds in one episode, not a part of cheshire's regular character design.
on the other hand, this is a superhero cartoon and the superhero genre does tend to have an issue with the oversexualization of female characters, this instance can be written off as 'not a problem' because this is a fictional character, or because its animated, or because, as i mentioned before, kids aren't going to understand that this could be sexualizing a female character, but there lies the problem, this is normalizing this kind of behavior from within the genre. a lot of the time the sexist female character designs in comics do tend to be showing leg like they do in the gif, sometimes its starfire in the new teen titans (1980), or harley quinn in suicide squad (2016) or gwenpool (who tends to have the exact same costume as deadpool just without pants*). individually this scene in young justice isn't an issue and I honestly can't remember any other similar scenes in young justice, but its fact that this isnt the only time that kids shows have shown female characters legs in this kind of way, in teen titans and teen titans go, raven is shown without pants while this is often covered up with her cloak it does raise the question of why she's never designed wearing pants, it wouldn't be out of character for her to wear clothes that cover up a lot of skin.
while once small clip from young justice isn't too bad continued depictions of female characters without pants normalizes the behavior, normalizes the idea the women are expected to show skin during physical activity*** which is an ongoing issue around the world with the dress codes enforcing women to wear little clothing on their legs in the olympics and other sports competitions prioritizing looks over comfort for female athletes.
women should allowed to choose what to wear, whether that be showing a lot of skin or none at all
but that's not to say that things aren't getting better. there were criticism of the costumes and male gaze in suicide squad (2016) but its because of this criticism that the producers actually did something to fix it. in birds of prey the costume design is clearly improved, with female characters wearing outfits they could realistically fight in, or outfits women would realistically wear, a trend that continued on with the suicide squad (2021). or even in the comics themselves in 2009 marvel made shuri black panther for the first time in black panther: shuri and while the comic art itself is beautiful its undeniable that there is some comic typical sexualization going on here, notice how shes unrealistically thin, and her breasts are accentuated, this is something remedied in the 2019 comic; shuri, wheres she's wearing practical clothes that she can move in, and don't show excessive amounts of skin, beyond that the outfit is stunning and eye-catching without relying on sexualization of shuri herself.
tl;dr this probably happened because cartoon network is messy and has kinda hypocritical censorship rules, if the show wasn't made in america it likely wouldn't have aired that scene, and an issue with superhero shows from that era normalizing the sexualization of female characters
*it should be noted that gwenpool is a meta comic and the design was made to make fun of the issue**
**one could also argue that despite the satire and self awareness it still contributes to the issue
***as well as in everyday life
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The Eternal Loop (those four notes will never stop playing)
ao3 link
orr read below!
"There is no way you guys played an MMO with each other-" The Veteran says in disbelief. "Anything else I don't know?"
"We all ended up in a group Discord," Warriors says, then starts to count, "there was me, I mained the bass player in the game so I was the coolest, Midna, who mained the guitar so not as cool as me, Ravio, Marin-"
"Wait, what!? You knew Marin?" The Vet slams the table. "Ravio, why did you never tell me about this?"
"You never brought it up!"
"I don't think it was that important to bring up. It was an insignificant time for all of us anyway. Besides, he never chats or anything… and AFKs the whole time- only coming back for the rewards collection." Warriors says.
"What kind of Dad Lore is this?" Veteran starts throwing his hands.
"Oh yea, there was this guy named Mask as well. He had a voice-changer if he could join VC, and we all thought he was ten, also, he was a massive asshole!" Warriors lets out a chuckle. Knowing how 'Mask' is doing, they wouldn't believe it even if they saw it with their own two eyes. 
"Anywho- Why are you here Ravio? I swear, you haunt me like a ghost." The Vet says. 
"What do you mean? I work here!"
"Uncle???" The Vet yells upstairs. "WHY DID YOU HIRE HIM???"
"WHAT?" his uncle yelled back.
"WHY D- you know what, NEVER MIND! Let's just start cleaning-" 
— —
Ravio learned two things: a. An old friend of his is starting a band, and b. Another, older friend of his is also going into a band. 
What's with people and music nowadays? Those things barely make money.
And they are both helping eachother sweep the music venue. The two work well together, despite the bickering.
Both of them are hiding their identity with each other. Another reason to not be in a band, in Ravio's honest opinion. You'd think a small town would mean there would be no reason to hide your face to avoid 'fandoms' or what not, but you'd be wrong. Ravio picks up a stack of boxes, which kinda tips over and he almost slips. Gossip goes around like a minish who knows how to fly, and if you ever suck then the whole town knows. Or if you're too good, the town will annoy you to death. Ouch, those boxes were heavy. He'd rather sell gossip than be a part of one.
To be fair, no one actually tried to be in a band since 'last time', so who knows how people will react now. It's just a stupid superstition, and he thinks nothing would really happen if their identities are revealed, though Ravio won't sell his friends' information for money. It is super tempting, however.
On the other hand, Warriors is lying. Ravio made a bet to himself that his old friend is lying.
Ravio remembers when the servers of Dynasty: Club Instruments of the Night closed down, the entire Discord group went on the game for one last time. It closed at midnight, and the hour that led up to that, everyone pulled out their main and played their instruments. 
If you have never played, this game had a fully fleshed instrument system, if you mapped it to all the keys on your keyboard. Console might have had a little less notes, but was basically still functional. 
Video games are amazing. It was the best virtual jam session ever, especially when you're friends with people who could play.
To be fair, other than his own crew, the rest of the people made wildly horrible tunes and it felt like a spam session of people button smashing.
Thirty minutes before closing, a few of his gang had to leave. But not after one last song.
Warriors typed in the chat: "I don't want to say goodbye yet."
He asked if they could play "kiitos". It's a song where he starts with a four note loop, and all the other instruments will start layering each other. Most of them just followed Warriors to know when the loop ends, although there were times he accidentally forgot to continue the next verse.
One. Two. Three. Four. Warriors started out lonely.
One. Two. Three. Four. One by one, each person started blending in with their own instruments.
One. Two. Three. Four. One last time before the loop ends.. wait-
One. Two. Three. Four. Ravio typed in the chat, despite never talking in game: "Warriors, you forgot to end the loop"
One. Two. Three. Four. He didn't play the next part, and kept looping those four notes instead.
One. Two. Three. Four. Midna typed in the chat: "pretty boy, you're trying to keep us here forever"
One. Two. Three. Four. Medli typed in the chat: "hey, we will talk in discord! this is not goodbye forever! ^>^"
One. Two. Three. Four. Darunia typed in the chat: "Big Guy, I Don't Know if I could keep this up, the buttons on my keys are getting Jammed"
One. Two. Three. Four. Marin typed in the chat: "I hope we can keep hanging out forever. I hope we will never go out of touch. I love that this game brought us all together"
One. Two. Three. Four. Ruto typed in the chat: "Marin you're going to make me cry"
One. Two. Three. Four. Mask typed in the chat: "no one cry or i will have to cry as well"
One. One. One. One. Warriors suddenly stopped playing. He typed in the chat: "im- already crying." 
And the next part of the song began.
Whoever told us that this game was nothing but time-wasting, that our time in this game is insignificant, must be an idiot who is lying, Warriors once told Ravio as such.
___ ___ ___
Warriors realizes that Ravio has been staring at him the whole day. Suspiciously staring, even. But everytime he tries to ask about it, the Vet needs Ravio for something else. So the moment they're asked to clean the storage room (it can only fit two people at best), Warriors immediately volunteers.
"My my, I thought I was the master liar around here." Ravio starts whispering as the Vet is outside of ear shot.
Warriors rolls his eyes as he sweeps out all the dust. Is this what it's all about? "Don't you dare tell him you know what I look like, or what my real name is. This town is small enough."
"That's not the only thing you lied about," Ravio seems to mumble behind the ice boxes, but before Warriors could ask, he quickly says, "but! What if I just give you a picture of his instead? For a fair price of course!" 
Warriors stares right back into Ravio's eyes, barely peeking from the boxes. That's such a valuable offer - but - does he want to know who exactly the other guy is? While still keeping his own face a secret?
"Your pick Mr. Bass Hero Sir! But I bet bassists don't pick." 
—- —- —-
"Ravio, whatever you sold him, I hope you ripped him off." Legend says once he is sure the Captain can't listen.
"Ho, it depends on what you deem a rip off. Fifty rupees for a can of Lon Lon is very much valid in my opinion. But I did try to offer interesting pics of yours-"
"Ravio for the last time, do not sell my apple tree pictures and call them 'interesting pics of mine'." Legend pinches the bridge of his nose. "Did you actually offer him that-"
"At least he didn't buy any!"
"I wonder if we can make 'Timeline Breakers' lose all their slots for the stage?" Legend asked.
"No can do, I only answer to the owner." Ravio says. "But you can totally bribe me!"
"I am the owner!" Legend says as he pretends to takes out his wallet. "How much?"
There was a time when nothing mattered more playing online with his friends. Warriors' entire life before that was dull, he made acquaintances, not friends. He was a nobody, walking through life like a rock floating through a river.
It's strange how much a year can change someone.
Before that, they were faceless people, just words on a screen. Ravio would always say he knew everyone's faces though… 
Sometimes, Warriors wonders what would happen if all those people never logged onto the game.
He can still see his old friends in his current enemies, ironically enough. The Rancher's way of playing reminds him of Midna, despite playing different types of guitar. Sailor's tunes remind him of the songs Medli used to hum during lobbying. The Vet, well, he adorns his clothes with hibiscus. 
Funny how sometimes your friends can almost reincarnate, but they turn into your rivals instead.
Warriors might even say that makes him hate them even more. For reminding him of his old comrades. He doesn't want nostalgia right now. Maybe another day, but not today. Today is for work, and he will pretend none of that happened, just for one day. 
He wishes that had never stopped playing those four notes. Just to keep them there for a tiny, tiny bit longer.
Sometimes, he wonders what would happen if all of them still kept in touch. 
—- —- —-
--- /dear Origami JP, I hope you don't mind that I took inspiration of one of your videos to write this chapter. anyways love your music
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spuukinightmares · 9 months
Mondo Owada Werewolf Headcanons !?
I have been thinking about werewolf au mondo so much you have NO idea. why did I decide to draw him my brain is rotting like a tooth cavity he is consuming my every thought like sweet candy
Anyways. I need to get these thoughts out of my brain. They have to go somewhere so they’re going to mondoblr enjoy these general headcanons of mondo as a werewolf
MAYBE I’ll do an x reader version if I feel like it. MAYBE. for now though this is just regular old headcanons babyyyy
Tumblr media
First of all, the pompadour remains even during his transformed state.
It’s both convenient and inconvenient. On one hand, he doesn’t have to go through the trouble of styling it all over again once he’s back in human form, but on the other hand, it makes him easily identifiable when being a werewolf is supposed to be a secret.
He doesn’t keep it from everyone though.
I like to imagine that the Crazy Diamonds are not only a biker gang, but also a werewolf pack. Some of them, at least.
The gang itself is probably massive— it’d be crazy to think that every single one of them would be a werewolf, which is why in this AU I think that only some of them would be.
All the werewolves of the gang would have their own special little division with Mondo as their leader still.
They’d go for bike rides (or I guess they could also just run on all fours) in the night, rampaging the streets as they usually do, but this time during full moons and in their werewolf forms to do… idk, werewolf things, leaving the humans of the gang out of it.
Has this caused any human members of the Crazy Diamonds to suspect Mondo of lycanthropy? Maybe, but they respect and fear the guy too much to even think about bringing it up.
Daiya was probably a werewolf too, he showed his younger brother the ropes of being part of the pack as well as being part of the gang.
Daiya was more strict with himself about keeping his form under control, only letting loose when he felt it was absolutely necessary.
Mondo, however, was sort of the opposite.
He was always more open to running wild, and never really understood why he needed to keep this side of him a secret, especially when he was younger.
His first transformation left him feeling scared and ashamed, but that shame surrounding his lycanthropy dissipated when his brother found out and helped him, showing him the ways of the werewolf.
He went from being terrified of himself, to being almost shameless and thinking that being a werewolf was awesome!
Nowadays though, he’s better able to understand his older brother’s perspective, especially since he’s now the leader.
Keeping himself under control and making less of a mess means a lower chance he’ll be found out, and being found out means bad news for everyone.
Would the other werewolves in his gang be captured if he is? Would the humans be chastised for keeping quiet?
He doesn’t want to find it. He may be a thrill-seeker, but he’s not going to take a stupid risk like that.
Mondo’s current feelings on being a werewolf are sort of… conflicting.
He likes the freeing feeling of being able to run wild and being big and strong, but he’s afraid to lose control of himself.
He thinks the overall look of being a werewolf is pretty cool and he adores dogs, but he doesn’t want to be treated as if he is one.
Things like wagging his tail or enjoying being pet by someone make him cringe at himself, he needs to hold onto his dignity!
He also hated howling at first because it felt silly.
And then there’s the transformations… they suck! They hurt like hell and they rip up your clothes unless you’re wearing something super baggy.
There’s been a few times where Mondo has forgotten to change before a full moon hit and ended up needing to buy new clothes.
It drives him crazy whenever it happens, sometimes he just starts tearing the rest with his mouth out of anger. Why not? They’re already ripped.
The physical pain also adds to his irritability. Tearing into things and breaking them has become a way of trying to distract of soothe himself.
Yet another reason why he wants to become a carpenter. If he knows how to rebuild it, then he doesn’t have to worry too much about breaking his own furniture!
okay that’s all for rn byyyeeeeee ❤️
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rosetheocto · 10 months
🐙 Super Cool Intro Post 🐙
Hello!! You can call me Rose! I’m a self taught artist! (that barely posts art lol)
Dunno where exactly on the Aro/Ace spectrum I’m at, but it’s definitely somewhere!
I have Autism, ADHD, OCD, and probably some other kinds of anxiety disorders with a bit of other mental health issues mixed in!
She/Her, I’m a minor!
Feel free to send me asks about anything!! I’m more than happy to have an excuse to yell about my interests, headcanons, and AUs!
‼️ Please immediately tell me when I do something wrong!! I promise I have good intentions, but I’m also not the smartest person out there! I tend to be very unaware and forgetful at times, so I may realize right away when I say/do something stupid/offensive!! ‼️
Interests, DNI’s, and Some Other Things under the cut :]
Some Stuff I Like!! :0
Failboat (more specifically, Failboat’s Miitopia series, commonly shortened to “Failtopia”)
ChipDoesThis (I’m actually a moderator on his livestreams!)
Eeveelution Squad
Among Us + Among Us Logic (I don’t support GT/Newscape nowadays, but AUL always has a special place in my heart)
Spooky Month
The Henry Stickmin Collection
My Little Pony (both FIM/G4 and ANG/G5)
Pokémon (but almost exclusively Gen 6/Kalos, love those lil dudes)
That’s far from all of them, but those are some of the main ones rn! (i have a ton of interests)
Obligatory DNI List
Basic criteria (homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, ableist, racist, MAP, pretty much just “don’t talk to me if you suck”)
Supporting genocide of any kind (it should be obvious what this is about, I shouldn’t need to say it. if you agree with what they’re doing then get off my blog)
Support ships with pedophilia, incest, and other things of that nature. (i just simply don’t like that kind of content, and i do think can affect reality.)
NSFW accounts (i am a minor, self explanatory)
NFT supporters + Most AI Art/Writing/Voice Acting supporters (really depends on context for me, but a lot of the time it just takes away from actual creators)
Treating real people like fictional characters (giving real people “headcanons”, shipping real people, etc. especially when they have said in the past that they are uncomfortable with it)
Some Other Things
I use tone indicators! And I’d appreciate it if people use them with me! (If that for some reason is something you don’t like then uh, idk do what you want lol)
I’m a multishipper!! (I love shipping. I love shipping sm. Especially Failtopia ships, for some reason)
I occasionally reblog FNF and Steven Universe stuff! (I know how some people feel about those fandoms, so I’m still putting it out there!)
I am very critical of media I like! (I promise I genuinely love the stuff I criticize most of the time, but being a hater can be fun lmaoo)
The Tags!!
Rose’s Super Epic and Cool Art (art tag)
Ask the Octo (ask tag)
(Last edited September 9th, 2024)
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luna7822 · 5 months
ok im gonna get my dni list on here now so yeah
basic dnis:
dni if/not permitted to rb my crap at all if/fuck off if/get the hell out of my blog if:
basic stuff (homoph0b14, proshit, 1nc**t, selfc**t, and etc)
n*** cuz its the most stupidest shit ever and i wish it never fucking existed to begin with since its also a complete insult to aroace folks like me too and i srsly dont get why any1 who calls themselves aroace would even like this garbage anyway when theyre literally being hypocrites themselves and it doesnt even count as """art""" as well when therez literally no heart and soul whatsoever so yeah and i also hope it becomes illegal one day too or whatever so that life would be so much better and all that
ppl who d***k/(insert other s word here thats also problematic here)/do d word or just any stupid degenerate shit i despise in general cuz i genuinely hate ppl who do that disgusting shit sm and i absolutely refuse to have them on my blog too when theyre just as bad as aph0b3s themselves and whatnot and that u dont even have to do that useless shit anyways when being urself and living life to the fullest rather than wasting it over nothing is literally all that matters at the end of the day
no whatever files here too yadda yadda yadda u get the gist
u like r***p***s cuz i really hate r***p***s sm u have no idea and not to mention they barely make any fucking sense which is part lf the reasons why i could care less abt pretty much every contestant in inanimate insanity with all the crap they get and how they constatly refuse to stfu abt them 24/7 except for bot and cabby since at least theyre tolerable compared to everyone else and i also refuse to associate bot with those stupid ass overrated whats their face characters too since theyre basically the worst and i hate st*****t ppl too so yeah
ur from smg4 f**d** cuz it literally sucks especially one blue bird hellsite that nobody cares abt and also have 0 braincells
ur from the 0*c and have 0 braincells since i really despise the 0*c sm with a burning rage of passion to the point where i hope it burns in hell for good cuz of how complete shit they are for basically going after ppl like me who want nothing to do with any polo word stuff at all since its just our opinion and yet they still get shit on for no fucking reason and especially towards animationepic when they dont wanna tweet abt it 24/7 and yet they get the most unneccessary hate ever to the point where i still sont understand why they still think their f^^base is somehow the """""best""""" when in reality its basically one of the worst f^^bases to ever exist and that i really hate a lot of the ppl on there which is why ii is technically the only object show i give a shit abt nowadays since the bfdi f^^base is awful and that every other show is fucking boring as well with one also being another exception since i still like it to this day but even i wish ppl would stop overpraising a oneshot series not meant to be taken srsly too but still
ur from the hs f**d** and have 0 braincells since ok we get it u like homestuck already and im just sick and tired of ppl saying the exact same crap every year over and over and nobody even cares abt those stupid deadass characters anyways like whats her face peixes, whats her face l*ij**, whats her face m*g**, and etc
ur from the splatoon f^^d^^ and have 0 braincells
ur one of those ow """"""f^^s"""""" who are nothing but complete assholes who obsess over irrelvant shit 24/7 and for some reason care more abt boring shit than the story/lore itself and also nothing but dumb oq purists as well since i really despise exoddus/oq purists sm who miss the entire point of the series for no reason other than dumb clicks and nothing more
ur not ace repulsed and not on the black side of things cuz ur not even a real ace person if ur on white or grey since ur completely pathetic for not being black so yeah and also cuz s** is overrated and that its also ur assholes fault for making as**uality way more complicated for no reason whatsoever since i just wish s** was never a thing in the first place and that every1 was actually ace for once or some shit but whatever
ur an extremely annoying ass ^^ person cuz tbh the only reason i dont like most ^^s**uals anyways is only cuz of how much they constatly overshadow aroace folks and also cuz of the fact that i wish it was never two and two put together in the first place since str****t ppl are basically overrated as shit and dumb and stupid so yeah
fuck off if u defend/support ^^s^^uals too since theyre not even fully gay/s^^ repulsed at all amd that st^^^^^ht ppl suck ass cuz i said so and dont deserve any forgiveness or pity whatsoever for being boring and nothing more
ur from every dumb f**base in existence unless ur actually sane for once compared to basically every idiot on tumblr who talks abt the same dumb crap over and over and whos blogs i could care less since tumblr """"culture""""" is honestly stupid and ur just better off being urself and hanging out with ppl who actually make sense compared to basically 99% of whatever tf those losers even care abt anymore since overrated crap sucks and yadda yadda yadda and also fuck off if u participate in any kind of dumbshit d15c0ur53 whatsoever
ur a dumb idiot in general
ur a b word """""""lesbian""""""""" aka literally fakebian since i hate b word fakebians and only cuz it makes no sense since being a lesbian is for GIRLS ONLY and that the word st******t already exists lmaooo
u think ms^^^ """"""gays/lesbians"""""" or whatever should be """"respected"""" when in reality they shouldnt cuz theyre problematic and make shit complicated for no reason too and also ppl who think m4l3 """""lesbians""""" and f3m4l3 """""gays"""""" should be """"""respected""""" too since its just so fucking stupid and that lesbians are girls and gays are guys and nothing else beyond that since those problematic labels literally make no sense whatsoever alongside b word fakebians that are literally just boring ass st^^^^^t ppl and basically being the most unoriginal and incredibly lesboph0b1c thing to ever exist
u have any problematic slurs in ur username or just use them in any way shape or form since u will automatically be blocked on site if i see any1 who does it with 0 exceptions whatsoever even if u """""reclaim""""" them since theyre all problematic and nothing more
u use the problematic p word and c word in any way shape or form since u will be blocked on site if u do since i fucking hate it sm and especially if u claim to be aroace yet use it anyway like the hypocrite that u are and dont u fucking dare try to make me uncomfy on purpose by using it in rbs or replies cuz u WILL be blocked if u do with 0 exceptions whatsoever AND I SRSLY FUCKING MEAN IT WHEN I SAY IT BTW CUZ IF U DO THEN U WILL BE BLOCKED AND THATS IT
u ship aroace characters with any1 (including mephone, bot, abe, big man, marie, and etc) since ur basically going against the entire point of being aroace in the first place and that idc if most of them are hcs anyways since ur all extremely wrong abt those characters in the first place with the way u misinterpret them as smth theyre not and that u can honestly fuck off for all i care if u even pull that type of shit on any aroace character thats ACTUALLY AROACE for once since its abt hating l^^^ and s^^ and not just whatever tf u wanna make up in ur dumb heads antqays since it will NEVER be anywhere near being a """""spectrum""""" cuz i said so and that ur all dumb as shit for believing in those ridiculious excuses anyways lmaoooooo
u blackwash any character thats canonically white for no reason/whitewash any character thats canonivally black for no reason even if the latter is worse but both are bad anyways since theyre both dumb and that black/whitewashing any1 is stupid in general (looking at u m^^^^^s^^^m^^^ for blackwashing melony for no reason and literally turning her into meggy 2.0 for no reason too just admit that u hate anime already despite being a simpl over a deadass nobody character that brings anime characters to life and also an anime rockband from a visual novel game as well u living piece of shit hypocrite who also thinks anime is abt """being badass 24/7""" when its not the case and also any1 who black/whitewashes characters for literally no reason other than to be assholes and nothing more)
u talk abt boring ass polo word shit that nobody cares abt since i simply dont give a fuck abt it at all and callibg me a """"z10n15t""" over a harmless decision to not engage is just really fucking stupid beyond belief if u ask me
u treat neutrals (including myself) like shit for no reason all cuz they just want no involvement which is just so stupid since in all honestly its just gettibg tiring af and that i just dont give a shit at all since its also the main reason why i despise pretty much every f^^base u could think of more than ever for basically being delusional, attacking innocent folks for dare saying they personally dont care, and overall just being jerks to the point where idgaf anymore and that it was never my damn business to begin with at all so yeah
overall just go fuck urself if u think calling neutrals """""z10n15t"""" is """"""fair"""""" over the fact that they simply dont want nothing to do with it at all and that u idiots prob dont know what that word actually means either but even then i still dont give a fuck regardless since i refuse to even have boring ass polo word crap in my blog/life anyways and that i just hope u all have a pleasant day in hell for being living assholes and nothing more :33
inanimate insanity related dnis:
dni if:
u give a shit abt pretty much every constatant except for bot and cabby since i honestly could care less abt them anymore especially from how shit the f**base is and that it was never really abt them in the first place when mephone4 is literally right there yet somehow gets constantly overshadow by who tf knows anymore despite quite literally being the mc of the entire series instead of those dumbshit losers that the f**base somwhow still obsesss and wastes their time over for absolutely no reason whatsoever but yeah (dont even get me fucking started on f** and t*** t*** tho with how fucking overrated and annoying they are alongside every other boring character that nobody cares abt too istg)
u ship mephone with anyone cuz i srsly dont tolerate that bullcrap anyways when mephone himself doesnt really care abt his contestants all that much and barely shows any stupid ass r0m4nt1c 4ttr4ct1on at all and hell even stupid ass s**ual 4ttr4ct10n with technically the only exception being bot and even then their dynamic is basically found family and nothing else and honestly a lot more interesting than stupid ass mephoj or whatever the fuck like i just wish ppl would like mephone tf alone for once and also fuck off if ur even gonna call me a """s1mp""" for no reason all cuz i like a character PLATONICALLY cuz im literally aroace and stereotypes are just dumb so yeah (idc if this is a hc anyways since i really hate how ppl portray mephone without being anything like in canon at all which really pisses me off sm)
fuck off if u also call him a """"tUmBlR s MaN!111!!1!!1"""" despite showing no signs whatsoever and that hes just a silly aroace/autistic silly traumatized goober and nothing more
u overly obsessively s**ualize any object character (especially the mephones) for no reason at all cuz they function like irl phones with chargers and all that (srsly yall are so weird pls stop over s**ualizing them for once and just treat them like normal objects instead like the shit u literally use on a daily basis istg)
u like bitchless corn man who i hope dies in ii one day since he quite literally committed phone abuse and basically killed unhatched eggs for a living yet somehow u ppl still make no sense whatsoever just fuck off idc
u like f^^ and t^^^ t^^^ in any way shape or form since u will immediately be blocked on site if i see u say anything """good""" abt them since theyre easily the worst characters in the entire show for basically being boring, overrated, dumb ugly ass ^^s^^uals, and overall just downright annoying and very fucking boring for even existing in the first place when the show is NEVER abt those dumbshit losers at all and that i hope they get killed off one day in the second half of s2 or smth since honestly thats what they deserve for getting way too much attention and being the worst characters to ever exist alongside every1 else thats not mephone, bot, and cabby and i hope that all of their dumb stupid useless ugly ass """"f^^s"""" cry like the losers they are (and ESPECIALLY softief^^^^^bitch if they somehow managed to find my tumblr and atumble upon this dni list thats actually better than every other boring dni list in existence which i fucking hope not since im sure theyre likely gonna forget my existence anyways since theyre one of the most useless and boring """moot""" ive ever had in my life for basically manipulating me into liking those boring ass characters aside from mephone, bot, and cabby that nobody asked for nor never cared abt at all since they were never that important at all in the first place lol) over a bunch of boring ass loser character that will hopefully get killed off one day that nobody fucking cares abt and that bot deserves to soend a lot more time with mephone than those dumb ugly ass losers anyways since theyre not even their real """""parents""""" at all and that yall forgot that mephone and bot have a family like bond for a reason lmaoooooo
splatoon related dnis:
dni if:
u like that stupid ass overrated dumb ugly fat loser bitch known as f^^^ o^^^^ aka pearl 2.0 since shes literally just a boring ass ugly pearl clone and nothing more that SOMEHOW still gets treated like a """"saint"""" despite being unoriginal and overall i just wish she was an octoling/more original for once for all of the right reasons and that if u dare like that ugly ass dumbbitch overrated stupid loser in any way shape or form then i really hope u burn in hell forever since shiver and big man deserve better since u ppl also treat octolinga like shit for no reason like the hypocrites u are when u claim to """"like"""" them and idgaf abt ur so called """"opinion"""" that doesnt mean shit to me anyways lmao
ur a splatoon 1/2 purists who acts like the third game is somehow """"bad"""" for trying new things and newsflash: the only reason shifty station doesnt appear in s3 is only cuz u ppl barely pay attention to the lore anyways to know that its marinas own thing and that deep cut is not even off the hook or some shit like that so yeah and honestly i could care less abt the s1 servers getting shut down anyways since s2 and 3 are better lol
u take side order way too srsly for no reason and act like this dlc is somehow the """worst thing ever""" over beign short sweet and right to the point and not even taking itself srsly whatsoever and just pls play smth else if u really think taking a silly story way too srsly is somehow a """good idea"""
u constantly bitch and whine abt splatfests for no fucking reason other than finding pointless excuses to trash on them all cuz its not how u want them to be with the most pettiest bs and whatnot
u ship 8 with anyone cuz i will 100% block u on site if u do since shes canonically aroace cuz i said so and that i really hate agent24 or whatever tf since it makes no fucking sense and that 8 barely gives a shit abt the other agents anyways since shes aroace and theres no denying it idgaf ur hcs are fake as shit anyways just pls leave her tf alone for once and stop dragging her into ur stupid ass pointless dumb f^^fics as well since they all suck ass and therefore extremely boring cuz i said so
ur 8 is nothing like mine cuz i said so
u think 4 and parallel canon are """"the same thing"""" despite parallel canon being 8 but inkling in another universe and nothing else
u call pearl a """"b word fakebian""""" for no reason other than to turn pearlina into a str****ht ship and take away the fun of pearlina being a LESBIAN ship and calling pearl a """""b word fakebian""""" over wearing a hat or wearing a suit or whatever as if girls can do those things too
u ship polyc*t cuz big man is aroace and yall are wrong for doing it cuz i said so
u ship pearl with any1 but marina for no reason cuz marina is literally right there
u ship marina with any1 but pearl for no reason cuz pearl is literally right there
u hate/dislike pearlina for no reason other than to be homoph0b1c or claim that theyre """""friends""""" when in reality theyre not
u hate shiver for no reason other than to be a stupid dumb asshole who takes splatfests way too srsly and nothing more
ur a dumb overly competitive idiot who only cares abt dumb clout and gameplay and nothing else which therefore makes u boring and dumb by default anyways
ur on team p^^s^^t cuz i hate those manipulatibe oth s^^^s for making me pick the most boring team ever when i should be on team past instead since i dont wanna forget my nostalgia either and that pearlina is already canon amyways so why fucking bother i hate all of u sm and past and future deserves better
homestuck related dnis:
dni if:
ur a post canon hater cuz u ppl never heard of dont like dont read since all u assholes ever care abt nowadays is dumb f**service crap and nothing else lmao
ur just some random stupid blog that talks abt the same obvioud crap over and over and over and over as if its basically an 'alr we get it u like homestuck can we pls move on now?' moment already since for some reason thats literally all they ever fucking care abt instead of the shit that actually matters and all that
dead character likers fuck off too idgaf
u take everything ooc in the most boring fucking way possible
u call certain characters """""b word fakebian"""" for no reason all cuz they wear a suit or wear a funny disguise not meant to be taken srsly which is so stupid since b word fakebians are literally the equivalent of being st******t and not even actual lesbians at all since its for girls only and not tmascs or whatever since its literally the most dumbshit unoriginal and lesboph0b1c shit to ever exist and nothing more
u think terezi and jane are """""fat""""" despite their pq sprites being frok the same game thats literally non canon which therefore makes the fat thing literally just hcs and not even meant to be taken srsly as an excuse to hate on their canon versions for literally no reason all cuz theyre not chubby or whatever when the comic was made and ended well before pq was even a thing so yeah
ur name is minecraft ice block b^^f^^^^^413 loser wannabe ugly ass bitch cuz i despise u sm for basically being a huge fucking idiot in general for hating on vriska for all of the wrong reasons, being petty, obsessing over that one nobody character that no1 gave a shit abt, having the most ugly ass """"artstyle"""" ever alongside softief^^^^^bitchs, and also misinterpretating the hell out of beyond canon too which i also dont tolerate in any way at all and therefore ur nothing but a complete ugly piece of shit cuz i said so and i also regret interacting with u btw since u were nothing but a huge ass waste of time full of nothing anyways lol
u support c^^^ s^^^^^^ au and even its soon to be garbage boring ass beyond canon knockoff too that nobody cares abt at all since its literally the worst thing to ever exist and the most boring ass thing to ever exist too for being way too f^^servicey, having an ugly ass """"artstyle"""" thats too ugly to even look at, supporting d^^^j^^^ despite barely being a thing in the comic and dave being nowhere near ^^ at all, literally throwing logic out of the window and missing the point of just the entire comic in general, ruining characters like terezi and karkat that never needed to god tier in the first place nor do they even need to do it to be """"badass"""" at all, bringing back useless boring character that nobody asked fir and only exist to be boring on purpose and nothing more, and overall just the worst thing to ever exist and makes me wanna mentally throw up and cringe everytime if u ask me for basically being the worst f^^service crao to ever fucking exist
u ship any of the following: inc**t of any kind, selfc**t of any kind, proshit of any kind, d^^^j^^^, any ship with dirk that doesnt involve a guy, any ship with rose and kanaya that doesnt involve a girl, st^^^^^t ships that shouldve never existed besides beyond canon meenkat, any boring ass al^^a trolls ships that nobody cares abt, any boring ass beta trolls ships that nobody cares abt except for vrisrezi, dirkr^^^ since dirk is literally gay and that it sucks, johndave and dirkjohn since i think theyre boring as shit and make no sense at all, and etc
u harass ppl who like beyond canon (including myself) for no fucking reason as if u ppl are so annoying beyond belief and that ur """"opinions"""" dont matter anyways lmaoooo
u support b^^^^^^ d^^^ t^^ h^^^^ since its literally lesboph0b1c af for supporting fakebians that are just st^^^^^t ppl in actuality and treating jane like shit even if idgaf abt her all thar much, wasting its time bringing back useless nobodies that nobody cared abt nor asked for, and being yet another beyond canon knockoff that barely does anything thats actually interesting whatsoever and overall just a big huge waste of time that doesnt fucking matter at all when fakebians arent real lesbians at all and that idgaf if u disagree with me since ur """""opinion""""" is wrong and therefore bullshiy by default since beyond canon is better anyways lmaoooo
oddworld related dnis:
dni if:
u somehow still compare exoddus to soulstorm despite not even being the same damn thing and just cuz the latter borrows existing shit from the og quintology doesnt mean its automatically the same thing cuz thats just a really stupid ass mindset to have and not to mention i also hate ppl who act like exoddus is """""better""""" than soulstorm when in reality theyre just too deep in their stupid ass nostalgia blind bullcrap to understand that it was alr for what it was at the time but nowadays its pretty clear that they dont even want to do the exact same shit they did before anyways since it would be really boring af anyways and not to mention that the new quintology is meant to givw them more opportunities to tell the story they wanted to tell without having to worry abt getting screwed over by other assholes who ruin everything and rush shit for no reason so yeah
u ship abe with anyone since hes canonically aroace which im pretty sure most ppl seem to forget unfortunately and for some reason care more abt the ace part instead of both aro AND ace and also get the hell out of my blog if u portray him as """"""r*m**t1c"""""" for no fucking reason despite not even being the case whatsoever and idgaf ig u ppl use the whole """""BuT i CaN sTiLl ShIp ThIs ChArAcTeR wItH oThErS dEsPiTe BeInG aRoAcE aNd MaKiNg EvErYtHiNg MoRe CoMpLiCaTeD oN pUrPoSe!!1111!!!11!!""""" excuse cuz thats literally not how it fucking works and u will be blocked on site if u even pull that crap regardless since i really hate aroace characters that get shipped with others for no reason whatsoever its honestly u ppls fault for making this shit more complicated on purpose instead of taking it easy for once but whatever any1 who pulls that shit is hypocritically aph0b1c anyways and were never real fans of the series to begin with so yeah
all u care abt is dumb nonexistent ocs/fics that are nothing like canon and dont matter since tbh i could care less abt ow ocs anyways in this case since its basically just shit that i dont really fucking care abt and that im pretty sure most of them who for some reason have the """"h*ts"""" for abe pretty much forgot that hes canonically aroace which makes them even more wothless especially when its literally just dumb fanfics that unfortunately make no sense whatsoever lmao
ur a complete hypocrite who quite literally constantly likes and reblogs posts abt soulstorm and genuinely having a fun time with it before all of a sudden proceeding to say dumb stupid shit like """"""OmG tHiS nEw QuInToLoGy WoUlD bE sO mUcH mOrE iNtErEsTiNg If MuNcH wAs ThE mC dEsPiTe ThE fAcT tHaT tHiS nEw QuInToLoGy Is MaInLy FoCuSeD oN aBe SiNcE hEs TeChNiCaLlY tHe ReAsOn WhY tHiS sErIeS tHaT i ToTaLlY gIvE a ShIt AbT eXiStS AnD tHaT i AlSo FoRgOt ThAt MuNcH aNd StRaNgEr AlSo PlAy A rOlE iN iT bUt NoT aS BiG aS iT wAs BeFoRe SiNcE tHeY dOnT wAnNa GeT sCrEwEd OvEr AnD rEpEaT tHeIr MiStAkEs BuT fOr SoMe DuMbShIt ReAsOn I wAnT tHeM tO dO iT aNyWaYs CuZ iTs ToTaLlY cLeAr ThAt ThEy DoNt CaRe AbT aNyThInG dEsPiTe LiTeRaLly PoRtInG tHe XbOx GaMeS tO oThEr CoNsOlEs YeArS aFtEr ThEiR rEsPeCtIvE rElEaSeS aNd NoT tO mEnTiOn Im CoMpLeTeLy sTuPiD aBt EvErYtHiNg oDdWoRlD rElAtEd As WeLl AnD oBsSeS oVeR tHe AwFuL/OfFeNsIvE C WoRd ThAt AcEs HaTe AnD dEsPiSe FoR cLoUt AnD mAkInG mYsElF lOoK mOrE lIkE a CoMpLeTe HyPoCrItE oN pUrPoSe ThAn EvEr!1111!!!!111!!!"""" cuz itz honestly pretty low of u to stay such stupid shit like that when u quite literally forget that its not always abt munch and that abe and stranger are also important in their own right too no matter how many times u wanna fucking deny it like the clown u are and also that its not even ur series anyways lmao (cough cough f******* stupid bitch who bitches and whines over other abe being the mc in the new quintology and owi finally getting thw chancw to tell the story they want to tell thats not even urs since they dont wanna do the same shit again like laat time in case u forgot that they quite literally got acrewed over for all of the wrong reasons cough cough)
u spread lies against owi or whatever else and also get shit wrong for no reason whatsoever since its all a bunch of fakeass fakey fake fake nonsensical fake lies and nothing more and im sick and tired of so called """""f**s""""" spreading lies abt them for no fucking reason as well
ok i think thisll be it for now ill add more later as time goes by so if u just so happen to be on this list then pls get the hell put of my blog and fuck off for all i care cuz ur nothing but a waste of space and i srsly dont wanna deal with that crap lol
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abimee · 1 year
I appreciate you saying that so bad because it really is true how detrimental the obsession with youth is for so many teens (who are so impressable, making it a recipe for disaster) and young adults. Cause as someone who sometimes struggles with that sentiment still for having had BORING teenage years and still being so socially stunted as a young adult having felt for so long I had failed something along the way, making me feel worse abt myself but like... Truthfully, being young is so boring. I'm thankful for older people in my life constantly telling me that really wanting to hurry up so much is pointless - what do we even expect to do?? Stuff that looks cool in movies? I may be a loser for some, I may think I am a loser sometimes, but according to what and who lol. And I'd rather face these things as a mature adult rather than a pressured, impressable teen... Idk. Sorry if this is just rambling really. But it being pointed out makes me feel better and I hope it makes others feel better too. Especially with the loneliness epidemic of right now :(
no absolutely i get it. as someone who so said had an ''interesting'' highshool/teenager years i can safely say that it really sucks trying to cram so much experience into such little years because like
okay the way i see it is trying to make tyour teenage years jam packed with interesting experiences sucks for when you hit adulthood because adulthood is VERY SLOW and BORING as well. youll get to habe more interesting experiences but thats also because you have like 60-70 years and a lot of power in getting to make those experience, while as a teenager you only have like 5 years of this supposed ''golden time'', and then youre just not prepared for how slow and boring adult life is and you get caught up in nostalgia of the ''old days'' and entirely forget how much it fucking sucked to be a teenager because you only remember the glory moments. like ive done so much as a teenager i wish i could nowadays like drink heavily or break into abandoned houses with friends but those high moments often gloss over my memory of how powerless i felt as a teenager with my problems. so like theres nothing good to come of trying to see your teenage years as the most interesting time of your life and that if you didnt make the best of them youre ''boring'' or ''a loser'' because it just doesnt matter to people except for those who peaked in highschool and can only live caught in their past and their former glory.
its so so so so so SO okay to be a slow grower. the idea of needing to get all your experiences out as a teenager is sooooo stupid and theres no timer on anything in your life that dictates it has to happen before X year, thats just the obsession of youth talking and its tootally normal and okay to not have or do things until way later in life. like for me personally i still get caught up with how many people in their 20s are all getting married and i fall down this sinkhole of ''everyone younger than me is MARRIED but i dont EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND'' before remembering that it doesnt matter. it doesnt matter if i get married age 22 or age 62 they dont have goddamn timers on when its acceptable or cool to have your first kiss or get married ITS THE OBSESSION WITH YOUTH TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN FROM. REJOICE IN DOING THINGS SLOWLY AS AN ADULT
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