#especially to those who seem to think that preaching to the choir on here is a better use of their time than flipping people on the fence
If genocide joe loses the 2024 election don't cry about the people who understandably will not vote. I dont want trump but it'll be his own fault if he loses. If you still believe in the 2 party system you need to grow up
If you still believe that your own righteous fury is worth more than people's lives, then you also need to grow up. If a compromise will save lives, I'll compromise. I won't let people die holding out for a perfect solution that will never come.
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the-greatest-fool · 6 months
I basically only post and read posts in my bubble aside from occasionally scrolling through Real Tumblr, but people’s takes about US politics on this website are fucking unbelievable. They talk about our government as if it didn’t save us from a pandemic-induced financial collapse, pump trillions of dollars into public works, not to mention substantially invest and rein in pharmaceuticals, and is instead some sort of ultra-neoliberal-corporate kitty shooting machine.
Like let’s be for real. Do they…know what the government does? How it works? Do you know what a conservative is? Do you know what an authoritarian is?
Because a system of government whose citizens are all lucky it has had continuous peaceful transfer of power for centuries could very well have its greatest norm violated—that those who reject its legitimacy must be rejected—and we don’t blink an eye.
Because the first major investment against climate change, coupled with life saving investments into healthcare, cancer research, and drug costs could be shredded by indiscriminate fiscal conservatives who don’t care if we die in forest fires, cancer from pollution, lose insurance because we’re jobless, or, apparently, all die in a fricking plague.
Because a foreign policy establishment that had finally reversed two decades of foreign intervention in favor of a normalization strategy aimed at reducing American foot presence, drone strikes, and indiscriminate killings is about to be replaced by the whims of a man who dropped the “mother of all bombs” on the Middle East, gave American soldiers up to Russian bounty hunters, extorted a foreign leader for political favors and arguably indirectedly resulted in that country being BRUTALLY INVADED BY AN IMPERIAL NEIGHBOR, is in the pockets of CCP-funded billionaires, and WANTS TO “FINISH THE JOB” IN GAZA.
Because a President who is against family separations and promotes a path for DREAMERs and more legal immigration and rights for unodcumented people could be replaced by a man who wants to separate families, PUT UNDOCUMENTED PEOPLE IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, RESTRICT EVEN LEGAL IMMIGRATION, ESPECIALLY THAT OF MUSLIMS, AND SHOOT MIGRANTS.
Because a President who stopped a repeat of the Great Recession and the painful decade that followed it with strong fiscal stimulus which CUT CHILD POVERTY IN HALF BEFORE CONSERVATIVES MADE IT EXPIRE, then managed to cut deficits and presided over a decline in inflation, resulting in record high real wages (aka taking into account inflation) for workers is going to be replaced by a President who wants to TARIFF ALL FOREIGN GOODS by 15%, CUT TAXES FOR THE FILTHY RICH AND THE TAX ENFORCEMENT TO STOP THEM, INCREASE CHILD POVERTY AND UNINSUREDNESS by cutting gov’t programs, and HURT UNIONS which by every measure will lead to lower wages, higher prices, and more poverty and starvation.
Because a President who has pledged to sign a bill codifying Roe v. Wade (which has yet to be possible in recent memory, whatever these kids say), who enshrined the right to marry someone of the same sex or different race, who supports the Equality Act which would enshrine LGBTQ protections into the law, could be replaced by THE MAN WHO REMOVED AMERICA’S RIGHT TO ABORTION, whose Christian nationalist supporters want to END SEXUAL FREEDOM as we know it including TARGETING IVF AND BIRTH CONTROL, who wants to reverse LGBTQ discrimination law in favor of Christian bigots who hate queer and trans people, and who demonizes that community to win political support.
Ask yourself if you really think there’s no difference between the two. Ask yourself if a reasonable person given these facts would choose the latter. Ask yourself why you see so much propagandizing against the reasonable choice. Ask yourself why so many people seem to have opinions on this when they “don’t even go here”.
Maybe I’m just preaching to the choir here. Maybe people who say this inane stuff wouldn’t vote anyways. Maybe somehow we’re screwed anyways. Maybe people will stupidly vote third party and we’re fucked. Maybe this will get me attacked.
I don’t care anymore. If I have to see one more fucking post acting like we live under the fucking Evil Empire while a SELF PROCLAIMED DICTATOR is about to end the best streak of decent governance I’ve ever seen in a while, I just can’t anymore.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 9 months
Wow... We've reached part 6 of this thing, the Reaper King AU 💀. I will be honest, this is the most I have written in years... Writing used to be the one thing I couldn't stop myself from doing... but... Somewhere along the lines I lost my passion for it. This is the first time in AGES I have had so much fun doing the thing that I love. And I gotta say I hope y'all are enjoying reading this half as much as I enjoy writing it :)
TW: As per usual, this touches on some darker topics. So you've been warned.
Part 6
-It takes KC a while to truly figure out how to use the App properly... But he gets the hang of it eventually.
-Although he does get a few more 'Old Man' jokes from Bloodmoon as he's figuring it out.
-The fact that he's a robot having trouble figuring out a dating app is not even acknowledged though.
-The conversations between KC and the Ranger, whose name is Harper (Yes, I have finally figured out their name and their a very tomboyish young woman in her early 30s with brown hair and emerald green eyes.) are very casual and friendly. Mostly talking about shared interests.
-The Friday the 13th movies are underrated along with the Nightmare on Elm St series. The original Jurassic Park movies are timeless. Godzilla movies are wonderful and best enjoyed in a large screen setting like with a projector or at a drive in.
-And to this day no one has a clue what the hell was up with Halloween 3.
KC: Honestly some of the B rated horror movies are better than the big budget movies nowadays... More entertaining.
Harper: Preaching to the choir, completely agree :)
Harper: I'm a dog person, I had a husky up until recently... Sadly she passed and I just haven't had the heart to get a new one yet. Not to mention my job; I would have to get a pretty well behaved dog to have it out here.
KC: I have one dog (Petting Muerte, the Moon Wolf alpha) but I take care of a lot of others... My eldest has a dog as well.
...he watches as Bloodmoon is having a full tug-of-war with a bone in his mouth with the two headed/deformed wolf that he has named HunterKiller...
KC: Completely reflects how he is as a person...
-As it turns out Harper has a love for legends, myths and all sorts of tall tales especially stories about cryptids. She's obviously extremely outdoorsy and would rather spend her life hiking the trails than sitting in front of a computer screen. The pay for working at the park she is currently working in is also really good... Probably because they can't seem to keep employees long term.
KC: Aren't you scared? There's a lot of disappearances in this area...
Harper: I am not gonna lie, I have... Seen some stuff. In the mists. I think... Eh, you probably won't believe me.
KC: You would be very surprised what I would believe.
Harper: I... I... think I encountered some of the forests cryptids once. I was out hiking and... Just these two forms amongst all that mist. I just froze... Then backed away and ran.
KC: I believe you. Strange things live out here... Were you afraid?
Harper: Well yeah... But... I always kinda had the theory that if you were respectful and left the cryptids alone... They'd leave you alone. I saw them, or at least thought I did, and I backed up and left the area. In kind of a hurry I admit... But I am not one of those people who go out looking for trouble. And judging by the fact that I am still alive, I think that theory might hold water.
KC: That's a good philosophy... I don't think it's completely accurate. But a very decent way of looking at things.
Harper: What's your theory?
KC: That it's nothing personal.
Harper: ?
KC: These cryptids hunt and kill indiscriminately. It's nothing personal to them. It's like a wolf hunting a deer... Maybe they have some scruples about what they hunt, but whatever they do kill... it's nothing personal. Respecting their domain won't always save you, but you'll probably live longer than most.
Harper: ...
KC: ?
Harper: And that is why I would rather deal with cryptids, monsters and legends than live in a concrete jungle amongst other humans any day.
-That one made Killcode smile.
KC: I have a big family, all adopted and brought together by odd circumstances... My eldest is a young adult. My second eldest is a young teenager and it shocks me how mature he is. As he's definitely more mature than his older brother. Then my first daughter, she's growing so fast. She's so protective of her siblings and even me. Then there's my twin boys, who are a pair of mischievous little gremlins. Then there my four year old, she's very shy. Clings to my eldest like glue, which is surprising because he can be abrasive. And then there's my youngest, only a few months old now. But I can already tell she's going to be an energetic little hellion when she gets older. I love them all so much ♥️
Harper: Wow
KC: Is there a problem?
Harper: No no, just... Are they okay with you dating? I know sometimes kids don't like their parents dating. I don't want to upset your family.
KC: Actually they set this account up for me.
Harper: Oh ok. But based on your description they sound wonderful
KC: Do you have any family?
Harper: ...not really, I was an only child. My parents passed away in a car accident. No aunt's, uncle's, cousins or anything. I'm just kinda here by myself. Some friends actually made this account for me as a joke about a month ago. And... You're the only person who has had any interest in talking to me here. I was thinking about deleting this thing just before you started talking with me.
KC: Funny how the world works.
Harper: Is it nice?
KC: What?
Harper: Having a big family like that?
KC: It's the greatest joy in my life. There are times we disagree and argue, yes. But being surrounded by the ones you love the most and who love you back... There's nothing comparable.
Harper: Sounds lovely
-They talk back and forth like this for a few weeks. Before they finally opt to meet and go on a date.
...the date...
Upon KC's suggestion they are going to go on a hike on one of the shorter, but still challenging trails. One of Harper's favorites. He states that he'll be bringing her a red rose, so she will know who he is. She stated he didn't need too, but KC insisted. Harper actually gets to the beginning of this trail a little early and is quite nervous... Will they get along well in person? Will he like her?
...she didn't notice the approach of the towering 9ft tall creature garbed in a cloak, with a large glowing red core upon his chest until he was standing right next to her... She turns to see Killcode right next to her, but before she can do anything at all-
He holds out a single red rose. 🌹
There was a moment where the proverbial hamster fell off the wheel in Harper's head... But after a long moment everything finally caught up with her and she realized exactly what was going on.
Harper: Oh um... Hi...K...C?
Killcode: (Awkward smile)
They begin that hike... At first things are a bit tense and more than a little awkward. But they do begin talking, KC assuring Harper this isn't a trick or trap or anything... Harper asks a few questions of her own. But things become less tense. After a bit, things gradually go from being tense to calm, to friendly... And about an hour into the hike they are conversing like friends.
By the time they reach the halfway point of the hike, the moon has risen into the sky and any lingering awkwardness has completely evaporated and they stop and just look at the nights sky.
Harper states this is the best date she's ever been on...
KC points out that this is the only date he's ever been on...
They both laugh. Although KC starts to turn his gaze towards the forest more and more as they continue on the second half of the trail... Until he finally stops and crosses his arms. Looking at something that Harper cannot see.
KC: Young lady... Is there a reason you're following us?
...wordlessly Wisp emerges from the forest, bathing the entire area in a soft blue glow. Harper cannot help but stare at the little girl that is made of flames before her. She floats up and sits in KC's arms, allowing him and Harper to see the thing on her neck.
Harper: Is that... Is that one of those little cameras people put on their cats?
KC: (Gets horrified) Bloodmoon did you put a cat spy camera on your little sister?!
(Elsewhere Bloodmoon and the others slam the laptop closed)
...It wasn't until just before sunrise, after Harper had finally finished cleaning up the station that it really dawned on her at that moment that she is now dating one of the most feared local cryptids.
Harper found the situation both adorable and hilarious... And she admittedly was trying to avoid laughing too hard at the sight. But Wisp looked Harper up and down before moving in close and whispering to her father.
Wisp: I like her. She has a kind heart.
The girl then disappeared back into the forests from whence she came... While KC muttered about how Bloodmoon was going to be in sooo much trouble when he got home.
Rather than their date simply ending at the end of the trail, Killcode actually accompanies Harper back to the Ranger Station... Which was beneficial because much to Harper's dismay, those racoons had returned and had promptly locked her out of the cabin again. And the sounds of chittering and ransacking of the fridge can be heard even from outside.
Harper: (Growls) Evil little trash pandas...
KC: Maybe I can be of some assistance here?
Harper: If you wanna try, but they're tricky little things... The last time they locked me out I had to sleep in my Jeep. This time I am just going to go get the ladder and get in through the upstairs window... Which I started to leave open delibrately to handle these raccoon invasions.
Killcode says nothing as he walks towards the door and actually phases through it... Everything grows eerily still for a moment, before the loud, booming voice of Killcode echoes through the area like cannon fire.
KC: GET OUT!!!!!!!
Immediately the door flies open and at least a dozen raccoons run out... With their high pitched and fearful chittering sounding far more human than Harper can recall hearing before... Hell she swore she heard something along the lines of 'How were we supposed to know she was the mate of the Reaper King?!'
...yeah she's thinking too far into it...
Still KC just calmly unlocked the front door and walked outside. Expressing that he had a wonderful time tonight and would love to do this again. Something Harper happily agrees too...
They make plans to meet up again in the coming days. Before KC bids her good night and he retreats back into the forest so quickly that he just seemed to vanish...
...and she is perfectly fine with it :)
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liskantope · 1 year
On ACX a few days ago there was a post on the dynamics of the academic job market (highly relevant to me) and of course at least one of the threads in the comments section turns it into culture war stuff. I want to highlight one of the comments because of its relevance to discussion I've been making here lately, and I quote from it below:
The left has a bunch of beliefs that defy biology. For example: 1. There are 50+ genders. 2. Intelligence is entirely a function of nurture, and nature (such as genetics) plays no role. 3. People who are gay are born that way (i.e. it is genetic). Anyone can choose to be trans at any time (sex is not genetic). None of these beliefs would disqualify a person from being a biology professor. They are all substantially more common, and more anti-biology, than any republican-coded example belief you gave.
Now I find most of this comment (with the possible exception of #2) completely off the mark. I don't think I need to preach to the choir by getting into why the "50+ genders" claim is a distortion of the concept of a gender spectrum based on a 7-years-out-of-date weakman. As for "people who are gay are born this way", hardly anyone on the "woke" left seems to insist on it (especially an assumption that environment plays no role), and it reflects a gay rights talking point that's more like 15 years out of date.
But the most interesting part to me, of course, is the "anyone can choose to be trans at any time" characterization of the pro-trans position.
This is good timing for bringing this up, because I was just talking about why Jordan Peterson's rhetoric seems badly twisted and confused, as he seems to be under the impression that those evil "gender theorists" behind the trans movement are all acolytes directly or indirectly of John Money and thus all believe that one's gender can be changed at will or by fiat through external coersion or something. This is as far as I can tell a complete distortion of the actual "trans ideology", but here we can see it reflected by the ACX comment, which shows that this a common "outsiders' view". (And nobody underneath that comment seems to be trying to correct the commenter's impression either.)
But as usual, I'm going to claim that we can't entirely blame misunderstandings like this on the conservative side of this culture war battle. I made an offhand remark a while back in the midst of another post about how astounded I am at seeing "being trans means you want to be a man/woman/neither" descriptive comments multiple times here on Tumblr; I called this "plainly thinly-layered nonsense" and would stand by that now. As soon as you start to pick it apart, it in fact seems to have transphobic (including from the most orthodox view of the trans movement!) implications: what, a trans woman wants to be a woman but isn't one? or does "be a woman" just mean "be viewed as a woman", because I thought that was different from Actually Being a woman? etc.
I'm willing to acknowledge and respect that there must be reasons I don't fully get about why that type of phrasing works well as a description of how many trans people feel -- indeed, someone used it to describe themself in a reblog of my just-above-linked post and if I squint hard enough I can kind of see why they might want to use the phrase -- but if you're going to go around saying being trans is defined as "wanting to be" a certain gender, this (remarks like #3 in the ACX comment above) is the most natural consequence. (Also anecdotes I hear about teachers telling young children, "When you grow up, you can be whatever gender you want!", which is either what some well-meaning teachers nowadays in geographically progressive regions are actually telling kids, or a distortion/exaggeration by conservatives, in either case based on the aforementioned common confusion about pro-trans beliefs.)
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
I've seen someone say that cozy horror came from gaming/streaming, and describes cozy aesthetic and gameplay(???) but with darker themes and narratives.
Examples of this are apparently Little Nightmares and Night in the woods (i fail to see how anything about LN is cozy tbh. I could rant about how we probably should stop woobyfying LN but i'll spare you the pain, especially since i think i'm preaching to the choir here)
That person said that it's inherently difficult to adapt to other media because of the lack of input from the consumer, but gave examples like OtGW or Infinity Train.
I've seen very little actual definition of cozy horror, it seems no one agrees on what it really is (mayhaps because it doesn't really make a lot of sense)
It also seems like it's really not that popular of a name, so it's difficult finding sources lol. It feels like 1 person said it once and like 20 people followed, idk.
Seems there is indeed no such thing as cozy horror lol
You are ABSOLUTELY preaching to the choir about LN btw I know I don’t blog about it on here but I do love those games and I feel like there’s nothing cozy about those games, they’re terrifying, I was gripping my mouse with fear in most levels, the ending is scary and just because it has a cute style and is about kids doesn’t mean it’s cozy.
A lot of horror about things that are “cozy” or “familiar” is scary because of that tbh. I hate what the backrooms has become but its origin was just the liminal space feeling of unease that I really like, it’s effective as horror without the monsters.
Seeing a place that’s supposed to be cozy, like a cottage or a child’s playroom become scary or eerie sometimes elevates the horror since it is taking something we know to be “cozy” or familiar and turning it into something meant to horrify us. I’m not sure how to find comfort in that kind of horror.
Sometimes horror can be “comforting” or nice or w/e, hell, the final girl trope is based on how satisfying it is to see someone who’s been tortured make it out safe and even fight back against the horror. It’s satisfying, but it’s not “cozy.”
Cozy and horror are essentially antonyms. People need to accept that words have meaning and not mixing them up
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expensivemistake · 2 years
I’m not trying to sound rude or entitled but how come yours and others amazing Klaine/Kurt/Blaine sets do poorly in terms of notes but others gifsets of Brittany or Santana or both do better when I thought Klaine was more popular? It’s sad to see you not get recognized, even if notes don’t matter much I still think you guys deserve more.
Ooh, this is definitely an interesting question. Thank you so much for being sweet about it!! I'm defo not the best gifmaker on here lol. Sometimes I think I get no notes just because my sets are ugly after a few weeks. But I'm really glad you enjoy them!!!
I wanna start by saying that, y'know, notes really don't matter. Especially making Glee content lmao. You can really get yourself tied up in knots about that stuff. Hell, I still do.
But I've definitely thought about this a lot, and I think there's two groups to consider here: dedicated gleeks and general tumblr users.
So, first up, dedicated gleeks.
Now, considering recent polls and stuff, it's clear Kurt and Blaine are the most popular within the dedicated group of people who put time and effort into Glee on here. But I can't help but feel like there's a bit of a divide in terms of Klaine fandom. I'm 21, and obviously didn't watch Glee when it was on, and I feel like sometimes my sets don't make it into the group of Klaine shippers over 30. No hate to those people, by the way! I think a lot of them don't really know we're here, or keep to their groups. But there's definitely a different level of engagement from those people, just because they experience fandom a little differently to how I do.
And the second group, general tumblr users.
Opposed to that, I think there's more general goodwill towards Brittana right now, probably because since Naya died, a lot of people have rediscovered and are really connecting to Santana again. Even if those people aren't actively contributing to the glee bubble, they seem pretty willing to share Santana/Brittana stuff. I've spoken to some other people sometimes about the concept of a gifset "breaking containment", and it definitely feels more likely for Brittana sets to do that. I can't help but think a lot of people who look back at Glee/their Glee days as cringe view Klaine/Kurt/Blaine as a big part of that. There's also a few ideas I have about how generally, people don't understand Kurt in particular and misread him as being a homophobic stereotype of a character.
But those are my thoughts. Obviously they work in conjunction. There's also the general gifmaking problems that plague us all, and that's the unfortunate fact that artistic gifsets never seem to do as well as sets that are literally just scenes (which are obviously beautiful and take time too).
And obviously, I'm preaching to the choir a bit here, but please, if you see a set you like - share it, like it, reblog it, compliment it! Hell, even just send it to me if I've not seen it yet. That's the joy of fandom on here!
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justholdingstill · 3 years
First is a pop and a scratch; there is a breath of quiet, long and deep. Then there is a heartbeat, drumming steady, growing louder and more urgent as the seconds tick by.
His fingers are nimble and practiced--graceful, even--despite the scars and calluses layered over one another, despite the pinky finger that was broken and healed months ago and which no longer moves quite the way it was meant to. They are beautiful hands. Steady, firm. Castiel has seen them stitch wounds and field strip guns and dissect vegetables for dinner, all with the same precise efficiency that they now apply to the task at hand.
He exhales through his nose; the heartbeat blends itself into a brief, confusing jumble of noises that resolve into a jarring wail and then melt, almost improbably, into the first lazy guitar chord of the album, which ripples its way down his spine like a physical thing. If pressed to describe the sensation, he would call it warm and liquid and highly gratifying. Tingly, even. It makes him shudder and sigh out loud.
Nobody asks, but he says so anyway. Dean laughs at him. “You are, like...you are really fucking high, huh, sweetheart?” 
He licks the glue on the rolling paper and twists his handiwork just a bit tighter, presenting it to Castiel with the corner of his mouth ticked up. His eyes are very red. “You sure you wanna smoke another one?”
“I was under the impression that being ‘really fucking high’ was the sole purpose of this endeavour, Dean,” Castiel tells him coolly. He makes a broad, dismissive gesture, discovering as he does so that there’s still a chocolate chip cookie in his hand.
“All right, all right, preaching to the choir here, buddy.” Dean fumbles for his lighter, the flame briefly illuminating the planes of his face as he tilts it down toward the cradle of his hands. There’s the syrupy-sharp tang of smoke on the air again after a moment; Castiel chews his cookie and watches in fascination as Dean parts his lips (just as beautiful as those hands--as every inch of him, really) to let it spill out between them in a languorous white plume, as lingering as revelation and as heady as desire. He coughs a little bit at the end of the exhale, chuckling at himself this time before he waves the joint in Castiel’s face. “Your turn. And quit bogarting those, I had a hard enough time hiding half the batch from Jack and Sam.”
Reluctantly, Castiel trades Dean for the plastic container and tries not to be too distracted by the way he dives into the cookies with gusto, shoving one into his mouth practically whole with a bone-deep hum of satisfaction. Castiel occupies himself with dropping back into the pillows as he takes a few careful drags, his eyes catching on the record cover that Dean had been using as a rolling surface, forgotten in his lap.
“Is this considered homosexual music?”
Dean chokes, clapping a hand over his mouth so he doesn’t spray crumbs. Once he’s calmed himself enough to swallow, he reaches over to pluck the joint back and eyes Castiel warily. “Not really, I guess? Why would you ask that?”
“There’s a--a prism. On the cover. A rainbow. And when we went to Pride with Charlie you said that rainbows are often used by the ‘gay community’--”
“Not again with the fucking air quotes,” Dean interjects.
“...fine, gay community. You said that rainbows can a way for the gay community to acknowledge and recognize each other. Is this gay music?”
Dean belly-laughs at that, though not unkindly. “Nah, man,” he says, still grinning, “I’m pretty sure that Pink Floyd are pretty damn straight. Although, what do I know for sure? Sometimes it’s just some cool imagery.”
Castiel nods. He mulls this over as Dean smokes, his face warming when Dean crowds up into his personal space to share his breath with Castiel, lung to lung, so nearly mouth to mouth. Dean has told him on previous occasions that this is called “shotgunning”, but he’s not sure why; it clearly has no relation to either firearms or violence, but that hardly seems to matter when it brings Dean so close, the green of his eyes bright and intent with something that Castiel had once thought he’d never have a name for.
Dean sucks in more air, and then he’s kissing Castiel for real, soft and wet, luxuriating in it. This--this lights up Castiel’s nerves just as much as the music does, more, pleasure pooling and igniting wherever Dean’s body is in contact with his own, waves of it rolling and breaking through his whole nervous system. It’s overwhelming, especially in combination with the female vocalist reaching for some explosive notes, now, singing as if they’re being physically tugged from the center of her chest by an unseen hand.
Castiel thinks he might understand how that feels.
“Jesus,” Dean gasps, breaking away to flop down beside him, raking a hand through his own hair. He dissolves into giggles, and Castiel can’t help but laugh with him. “I am blitzed, man. This is embarrassing.”
“I’m the only other person here,” Castiel feels obligated to point out, nuzzling at his ear, “and I have literally seen your soul at its barest and at its lowest. Is this really what embarrasses you?”
“Shut up,” Dean says, muffled because he’s hiding his face in Castiel’s shoulder, blushing so hard that he might as well be glowing. Castiel can actually feel the warmth of it radiating through the cotton of his shirt; it makes him want.
“So this,” he says, hesitant, picking up the earlier thread of their conversation. “This--you only do it with me. Not with Sam. Not with Charlie or Jody--at least not like this. But these, um. These... meetings...aren’t about us, about what--what we do together?”
“Jesus,” Dean groans again, rolling his eyes, adding a heartfelt, “Christ.” He hauls himself up off the bed and strips off his shirt, gesturing at Castiel to do the same. “Take your damn clothes off already, man.” He seems to catch himself on how that sounds, because he pauses with one hand on the buckle of his belt before shaking his head, grinning at some private joke. “I mean, yeah, I guess it’s a little bit about that. But no, Cas, we don’t hang out smoking weed and listening to the classics because it’s some kind of agenda, because you and I are, uh...you know. Because rainbows,” he offers, very careful to look anywhere but directly at Cas.
Castiel tilts his head, listening, and when he doesn’t speak, Dean blusters on. “No, it’s ‘cause you’re stuck with me, you know? Stuck with us, stuck here, stuck human...I guess I just figure if you’ve gotta take the lumps of it, the sore backs and the seasonal colds and the, the shitty truck stop coffee of it all, you should have some of the good stuff, too. If I’m not the one to teach you the finer points of stoner rock, ok, who will? It’s not all bad here, and I just want to make sure you know that.”
Finished with his speech, Dean grabs awkwardly for another cookie, presumably to stop himself from rambling any further. Something light and fond unfurls itself inside Castiel; he reaches out to draw Dean down into his arms again. “I assure you, Dean,” he says gravely, “I am absolutely certain of it.” Dean offers him a bite, which he accepts with equal gravity.
All of their kisses are delicious, to be fair, but they are undeniably more delightful chased with chocolate.
“Anyway,” Dean says with his mouth full, “take your fucking pants off. You wanna talk gay music? It’s gonna be Night at the Opera next, and that’s really gonna bake your noodle.”
Read it here on AO3! 
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weathergirl8 · 3 years
Master of Deflection - Part 6
Finally found time to post this sucker during this crazy week of graduation prep! Graduation practice tomorrow and actual ceremony Friday night for my associate's degree!
This is for you @ak47stylegirl and anyone else who enjoys Alan whump/smothering. Of course, there will be some extra Virgil in there too, because I just love the big guy.
@misssquidtracy @gumnut-logic @godsliltippy Thank you for your support on this fic!!
I bring you some Sky Turnip and Land Cabbage 💙💚
As a friendly reminder, I originally came from the TOS and TB 2004 era. I’ve tried to write a few TAG point-of-views, but my comfort zone is the previous. This will take place with Gordon as the redhead, and Virgil as the middle bro. Sorry!
Summary: Being the youngest of five is always hard, especially when they pounce at the slightest hair out of line. Sometimes the art of deflection can sting.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Virgil tried to suppress a yawn as he grabbed the needed medication from the infirmary. Alan’s fever had climbed nearly another degree. The medic of the family instinctively made the call to start antibiotics quickly. Virgil was confident they were now dealing with more than the common cold and that a bacterial infection was beginning to set in.
Entering Alan’s room, the middle Tracy was concerned to see the bed empty. Only the sight of the strewn sheets and a pile of used tissues remained. “Allie?”
“I’m in here,” Alan’s hoarse voice called from the bathroom.
Virgil sat the meds down and met the crumbled form of his baby brother. Alan sat on the bathroom floor, the wall seeming to be the only thing holding him up. “Sick again?”
“Yup,” Alan grumbled as he reached to flush the toilet. Virgil handed him a towel to clean himself up. “Thanks.”
Virgil helped him up but quickly took hold of his younger brother’s waist as the teen’s legs nearly crumbled. “Alan, you okay?”
“Yea,” the teen panted as another cough erupted from him. “Brain and body just don’t want to cooperate at the moment.”
“C’mon, let’s get you back in bed,” Virgil urged as they made the short walk to Alan’s bed. “If you don’t start keeping things down, I’m going to have to start an IV, kiddo. I’m worried about dehydration.”
“You’re preaching to the choir. This isn’t exactly a party,” Alan wheezed, letting his head sink back into his pillow.
Virgil observed him as Alan coughed and tried to take in a deep breath. “How long has that been going on?”
“I dunno,” Alan shrugged. “Awhile, I guess. It’s not like I’m writing all of this down.”
The middle Tracy handed Alan two pills, motioning for the teen to take the antibiotics. “When you’re not exerting yourself, is it hard to breathe?”
Alan gave his older brother a weird look but decided against the first thought that entered his mind. He wouldn’t exactly call laying in bed exerting himself, but who was he to judge? “If you call breathing with my mouth mostly, then sure.”
Virgil now wished he had kept the kid in the infirmary so he could ease his mind and have all of his equipment at his disposal. Knowing it wasn’t something the baby of the family would do, he opted for what he had in front of him. “Alright, if it gets worse, let me know immediately. Here’s something that will help with nausea, and something to hopefully help with that cough,” he said, handing Alan the tiny pill and cup of cough suppressant.
“Why do these always have to taste so gross?” Alan complained as he quickly swallowed several gulps of water.
“That’s how you know it’ll work,” Virgil smirked, winking at his annoyed sibling.
The sunrise was Scott’s favorite part of his morning run. The smell of the morning dew across the island jungle and the colorful orange and yellow hues that rippled across the water.
He slowed his pace to a jog as he came across the broadest part of the beach on the Island. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the oldest Tracy paused as he noticed a figure ahead. Confusion met him as he recognized the build of the person. Scott quickly jogged forward, calling out to his younger brother. “Virgil?”
“Hey, Scott,” the chestnut-haired Tracy greeted, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel.
Scott struggled for a moment. He knew he was treading on thin ice for his brother to be up this early. Virgil was always active, but athletically the medic was more of a gym guy. He found more solace in lifting weights and punching bags. Sprinting and running were always something the other brothers had enjoyed, barring John. It was rare to catch Virgil on a run outside of the gym, especially on one before the sun had been up for at least one hour in the sky.
“Pretty view, huh?” Virgil interrupted his thoughts, almost sensing his brother’s unease.
“Always is,” Scott smiled in appreciation. “No sunrise seems to be the same.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Virgil replied, taking a seat along the sand.
Scott’s concern only increased, but he followed his brother along the cool sand. His blue eyes searched the ocean while taking small glances at Virgil.
“You can ask,” Virgil exhaled, surprising the elder. “I know you’re wondering why I’m out here so early.”
Scott tried to suppress the grin that he knew was also on Virgil’s face. “Didn’t want to push.”
Virgil nodded in understanding, letting his hands rest on his raised knees. “Bad dreams and worried about Alan,” he stated plainly.
“I checked in on the kid before I started my run. Al was sound asleep, but he still felt warm and sounded congested. I think that humidifier might be helping,” Scott said, watching Virgil as he stared out into the water. “I didn’t want to disturb him. He needs his rest.”
“Allie’s exhausted,” Virgil admitted. “Between the coughing, vomiting, and congestion, his sleep has been interrupted. I gave him a round of antibiotics and something to help with the other symptoms. Alan’s definitely caught something bacterial for sure. Those cold waters from the rescue didn’t do him any favors.”
“I’m sure those will help,” Scott reassured. “He just needs time for the meds and his immune system to work.” The elder Tracy studied his brother once again. “Do you want to talk about the dreams?”
Virgil sighed as he threw a rock he had been playing with toward the water. “It was about the last mission.”
“I figured,” Scott added. “I would’ve been surprised if you didn’t. I know what it felt like being on the receiving end. I can only imagine what it was like in the moment physically.”
“Definitely won’t be in my top 20,” Virgil chuckled solemnly.
“Who said it was getting past the top 50?” Scott laughed, nudging Virgil.
“Point taken,” the middle Tracy smiled.
“All jokes aside,” Scott started. “Are you okay?”
“Okay is a relative term, Scott. We compartmentalize and move on-“
“-Virg, you know that’s not what I meant.”
“I do,” Virgil acknowledged meeting Scott's intense gaze. “Look, you know what happened. I don’t have to tell you again. I just…. I can’t get the image of the gun shoved against Alan’s neck out of my head and that look on his face. That look… Damnit, Scott. He’s too much like you!”
Scott tried not to laugh but empathized.
“I could tell Alan was scared, but the kid refused to show it. He was so trusting. Trusting of me to get us out of that situation.”
“You did, Virgil. Allie is safe because of you, and so are you. I was just as worried about you as I was our baby brother,” Scott countered. “You did what you had to, and no one was harmed.”
“That’s not the point, Scott. You have no idea how close it came.”
“What do you mean?” Scott asked, confused.
“There’s a bullet hole in the floor of the rescue platform. A hole that was inches away from hitting Alan when he hit the deck.”
Realization dawned on the oldest Tracy. “Is that what your dream was about? That the bullet actually hit Alan?”
Virgil remained silent as he collected his thoughts. He felt Scott turn to face him, the older pilot’s knees resting against one of his own. “Mostly, but what stuck with me most was that look. Like I said, having a hard time getting it out of my head.”
Scott placed a comforting hand along Virgil’s knee, squeezing it. “I know you don’t need me to tell you about how great you are when quick decisions need to be made. That goes without saying, but Allie trusted you with his life because so would I. Any of us would. The next time a lunatic threatens one of my brothers with a gun, he’ll wish neither one of us were around.”
Virgil smiled. “Thanks, Scott.”
“Anytime. You good?”
“I’ll be fine,” Virgil replied. “We probably should head in. Breakfast will be started soon, and I need to check on Alan and make sure Dad isn’t camping at his side.”
“Dad was still asleep when I checked on Al,” Scott said as they began to walk up the path that led to the main villa. “Besides, he has an early call with one of the new brokers, if I remember correctly.”
“Good, that should keep him occupied,” Virgil grinned.
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
Whumping Safely 101
Many people in this community have mental health problems, face various types of discrimination, and have complicated relationships with some parts or types of whump. In particular, I aim this at people who care about the experience of survivors and others with triggers – partially because I am an abuse survivor who often flirts with triggering content as part of my love of whump.
Keeping your blog safe is difficult, takes effort, and is never a perfect process. But as the community grows and grows, it’s really important that we hold ourselves to a high standard. I would argue that this is a responsibility of all content creators, but especially those of us in the messy playground of whump.
I’ve got three sections in here: content warnings, writing with care, and community interaction. I’ve tried to make it navigable. It’s about 1.8k words. Shorter than a lot of drabbles! I welcome good-faith criticism on this topic and further questions on my own views.
Content Warnings
The biggest responsibility, in my opinion, is empowering your reader to make their own decision on whether they want to expose themselves to your writing. This also happens to be by far the easiest way to help people whump safely.
What to warn
This is a big and ever-changing topic. Some things you should warn for as a rule of thumb are anything NSFW, pet whump and box boy whump, drugs and alcohol, medical and hospital content, graphic gore, intimate partner violence, and animal harm. It can be tricky to draw the line of what counts – what needs a warning? If you’re in doubt, just warn it anyway. It doesn’t hurt.
If someone requests a trigger be warned for, even if it’s something that feels obscure or tame, show compassion and agree to the request. This is someone who cares enough about being able to read your writing that they wrote in! They want to be able to read it and enjoy it. You’re being complimented.
Otherwise, look at what other blogs tag for. You’ll see some variation in styles and levels of detail, but it’s a good way to gauge what people think is warn-worthy, when we’re often writing stuff that would already be R-rated in mainstream media.
Read Mores
The easiest way to make sure people don’t see your triggering content is to use a cut. Tumblr is not a very functional website and likes to delete cuts, but a cursory check of your posted content will usually tell you whether it’s worked. With asks, cuts are very spotty, so don’t be afraid to post an ask response separately with a screengrab of the original question. People often then respond to the ask itself with a link to the post, especially if it’s a whole drabble. Tumblr is weird and bad so just do your best.
Content notices
I.e., a quick summary before the drabble, usually in bold, to state what will be coming. I like to distinguish between using content notes (CN) and trigger warnings (TW) to indicate severity. Others might use the old phrase ‘dead dove do not eat’ to indicate this is a heavy piece, and often you will see qualifiers like ‘intense’, ‘mild’, ‘mention’, ‘referenced’ (i.e. it is discussed but not actively happening), and ‘implied’ (as the opposite of ‘explicit’). I’ve also seen a couple of people use ‘vibes’, which is a really nice way of demonstrating that it’s there, but not the focus. A quick paragraph like this, or just a line, lets people make a quick risk assessment on their reading.
This is also important if you’re sending in asks or requests to people. If you want to ask about something triggering, send an inquiry first about whether the blog is okay to hear it.
Tagging is a chore, but it’s your primary way of warning people about your content. The main benefit of tagging is that you can be as detailed as you want, because can be tagging for content in general, not just triggers.
In a best case scenario, you’d tag the kind of whump you’re doing, tag triggers, tag characters, and even your ‘verses, because tagging is your index for your blog. If you tag reliably, you help your future self and your readers find stuff, and you also make your blog really dang safe. People who have unusual triggers can blacklist tags, and will pick up on your content tags to help them.
Don’t just tag your own writing. Tag your reblogs, tag your prompts, tag your asks. Yes, edit your asks to add the tags. Tag your images and gifs. Tag your images as images and your gifs as gifs.
If you aren’t up for detailed tagging for whatever reason, just tag for triggering content, and add stuff to that list if you’re asked to. My usual technique is to make a mental note of tags while I’m formatting and editing before posting.
Be aware that your first five tags will be used in search results. If you’re using tags that are associated with kink too, such as ‘shibari’, you might want to rethink your tag order if you don’t want interaction from those blogs. Also think about what tags might come up in non-whump contexts, such as ‘collar’ or ‘PTSD’. Some tactics for getting around this I’ve seen are adding ‘whump’ after the content or writing the tags in past tense (i.e., ‘collared’).
It is also a good idea to watch out for when you might be reblogging something whumpy that is intended as kink / porn / fetish, especially in images. Tagging these as spicy / nsfw / kink is a sensible move.
Writing with Care
Okay, now for the harder stuff.
I mean here to lay out some guidelines for how to write in a way that helps your reader build good faith. This is a much more nuanced topic, and it’s different for everyone. There will always be differing opinions on what should and shouldn’t be written about, what a good depiction of a sensitive topic is, and how to discuss that topic. I tried to strip this back into absolute basics that I hope we can all agree on.
Maybe your whump involves abuse. Maybe it’s gaslighting. Maybe it’s severe mental health problems, or addiction, or slavery, or you write about or analogise real-world issues. Whump deals with the dark stuff, and that’s a big part of its appeal. But don’t ever forget you’re writing the dark stuff.
(Try to) Know what you’re doing
Some of us play fast and loose with plots, medical accuracy, worldbuilding, and other things that get in the way of the pain we crave. This is all well and good, but when we start using whump that speaks true to people’s lived experiences, we shouldn’t be careless with it. I’m particularly talking about things that get represented poorly in mainstream media, such as abusive relationships, issues around marginalisation, mental illness and disability.
Be critical of media that you’ve consumed. Think about how its depicted things that you want to depict in turn. Look for opinions on fictional representations of those issues. Be aware that you might be more ignorant of things than you realise.
Look at how others are writing these issues, particularly if they’re writing from a perspective different to yours. If you haven’t personally experienced what you’re writing about, e.g., if you don’t have PTSD and you want to depict a character who does, seek out stuff written from or with experience. Listen to the experts.
If you’re looking for stuff about representation specifically, I recommend this collection of posts about ‘Braving Diversity’ cultivated by Writing With Colour, who are in themselves a fantastic resource for this topic, and have recommendations for other blogs that deal with intersecting issues.
Listen to others
Missteps are inevitable. Nobody is perfect. If constructive criticism is offered, that’s also a compliment to your writing. Someone read your work and thought about it, and thought you’d care about improving it. They’re offering themselves as a resource for helping you see your work in a new light.
Criticism is hard and sometimes hurtful, but even if we don’t think it’s accurate, there’s often a grain of truth in it. If someone tells you that your writing is harmful, think about why they’ve said that, not whether or not they’re correct. This is an opinion! Opinions are subjective! But what drove someone to send that in?
You don’t have to respond to all your criticism and definitely don’t respond straight away. Being respectful to those who are trying to help you means taking the time to consider it properly. Sometimes, they don’t need a response. Others, you might want to learn more about what they think before deciding. You might have already discussed the topic, in which case, you might just want to reblog your previous posts.
If it’s sent in bad faith or is outright hateful, you’re well within your rights to just delete it and move on. You might get the same criticism over and over again, and that’s exhausting, and you don’t have to retrace your steps for everyone.
But if it’s new, even if it puts your hackles up, you can always stop and wonder why someone felt that strongly about your work.
Take a step back
One of my better-known characters is a pet whumper who conditioned his victim to adore and depend on him. It’s not always easy to represent how deeply messed up that is within the text – though I think that’s part of the challenge – but in meta-commentary, I am always describing him as a creeptastic bastard lacking compassion and self-reflection. I hope to always give the reader the confidence that I know just how wrong it is.
This is a really simple thing you can do just to give readers good faith in you. Show that you know what you’re writing is dark and messed up. Show your understanding for the issues you’re handling and that they’re complicated. It might seem self-evident, but when you’re writing the really dark stuff, or unhealthy relationships, or institutionalised whump, you can inadvertently create the impression that you just think it’s fun. The fact that it’s fiction does not automatically absolve you. Show that you care about doing it right.
Community Interaction
I’m going to keep this one short and sweet because I will almost entirely be preaching to the choir here.
Be polite to others. Imagine saying what you’re saying to their face.
Don’t send anon hate. Just don’t. If you can send criticism off anon, do so.
Nobody is obligated to interact with you.
Nobody is obligated to monitor their own reader base.
If someone says do not interact, do not interact.
If someone says do not interact, why they’ve said that is none of your business.
You don’t need to spread the word about someone’s bad politics.
Ask yourself if your input is needed, or if what you’ve said has already been said.
You don’t have to take a side.
Take care of yourself. Take breaks. Remind yourself that whump is a small part of the world.
That’s all from me, folks. Stay safe.
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
Tumblr media
I'm not sure if this one is gonna unpopular to my followers/mutuals per sé, I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but.
Sometimes, especially in the General bubble of the internet/IRL think, I feel like I'm the only person uncomfortable with both aphobia and slutshaming. Or rather, have experienced both in my life.
Letting people do what they want, without it being pushed on others just does not sound hard. And yet you have people who choose to push those boundaries anyways.
From thirsty people not checking rules or artists not tagging shit (I've seen people in the past send sexual/suggestive anons to a blog that allows such stuff ....about a muse who does not. Like could you not have glanced at a rules page here and there?) To people recently sending anons criticizing a muse's sexual activity, both male and female, saying that 'they're only good for smut' or even questioning their orientation. Neither of that shit is good. Not to mention countless instances I'm sure people have had of others dipping out on their muses for either reason, because they don't seem shippable or because they're thirsty. People have a right to leave, but y'know what I'm saying.
While I can mildly understand the frustration, here's the deal; Suggestive/Smut and even Romance, simply make for good 'filler' activities. They're fun to fall back on when A.] Nobody wants to plot Action. Seriously, outside of the pokemon fandom, a lot of people aren't well practiced and confident in fight threads, while Adventuring requires either plot or improv. It's a skill. B.] It's a good psychology fix. Interpersonal relationships between muses of all kinds are good for that, and sometimes romantic/sexual shipping can run rampant for muses of similar age who 'get along' that way. Doesn't mean you should ignore platonic interactions but. C.] It's addictive, whether IC or OOC. Sex/sensual activity specifically is one of the more 'harmless' or at least psychological addictions. Besides accidental pregnancy and STDs (lol like people write those either), sex is healthy, so it's a bit safer to plot than say, your muse binge drinking or smoking just because they're bored. It's a lot more possible imo, to have a one night stand and it not affect anybody, than say substance abuse which people will notice and even dislike. It's kind of middling as well, whereas someone who has sex isn't necessarily a bad person unless it affects their life and commitments, where someone murders and...it's a call to action cause it's decidedly a bad moral choice, it affects people.
But, y'know, if somebody is fixated on any one type of plot....either they really like it, or it's what's available to them whether immediately (audience) or emotionally (they're not psyched up for it.)
this probably requires its own Ask as a concept, but don't bitch if you can't invest, yourself.
This is not even to say getting into it as a Fandom or General concept, which is even bigger than the RP shit i mentioned here-
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I just want to say I am absolutely obsessed w all your sincerely me posts. You do such a good job breaking them down and identifying all the little details that go into that scene as well as analyzing what they mean about Jared and Evan separately and ofc their relationship as a whole. Wonderful stuff! Also the compilation of Will doing The Laugh added 10 years to my life so thank u
oh thank you lmao i always enjoy people enjoying those posts, and there’s always so much to dig into with that scene, but i think plenty of times i think people can just sort of let the scene wash over as a “oh, the point of this is just that it’s fun” sort of surface level, very straightforward element of the show, and part of the point surely is that it Is fun, but everything about this song is about evan and jared’s interaction / dynamic / relationship here, and the levity and humor doesn’t mean there’s nothing here to Take Seriously, which is certainly true re: jared in general, rather than him being Jokes Boy with no real feelings or anything (i know i’m already preaching to the choir here with all this “here’s what sincerely me is Really About / what deserves more appreciation re: jared” lmao but the ted talks just Occur)
like, here’s the high point of the whole show for jared, and this moment with evan which is so enjoyable and satisfying that he’s going to keep hanging on to evan’s runaway train in the hopes of getting more of this, particularly in act 2 where that’s truly like 100% of his motivation (vs that in act 1 he’s at least also having some degree of an earnest response to the idea behind tcp along with evan and alana, even if it’s still plenty about doing this With Evan) and like, it’s especially a tragedy re: the album where you Only get jared’s vocals, & have less of his dialogue, so it’s easier to forget he’s there or what his part in this is and that, you know, this wouldn’t be a song if it wasn’t about His And Evan’s relationship, and it’s like 98% the case that “connor” in this song just Is jared
and that yeah like we’ve been recently posting lol how there’s actually really just these endless Layers to this material, a mille feuille of Relationship Analysis that’s getting folded over again and again, where it’s jared and evan for real, but pretending to be other people, and making things up, but trying to make it seem Real, and both taking the other’s feedback into their own writing / working off of the other’s contributions, and evan could be seeing “connor” through the lens of what little he knows about actual connor, or projecting himself onto someone he realizes was similar to him in ways, or being informed about Friendship via his own relationship with / perception of jared, who’s in a similar position here re: what’s behind his Inspiration or Interpretation, which roles are Him, or Evan, or ostensibly connor, and what all projection or wish fulfillment or Interpreting is going on around here, not to mention that these two Real People’s Real Dynamic is unfolding right in front of us and is very directly what’s going Into these created emails (which do, apparently, seem like the record of an amazing friendship according to cynthia and then like, a bunch of other people) because this whole writing session is this collaborative back and forth which wouldn’t be happening in the first place if evan didn’t turn to jared for input/help with anything and if jared didn’t want to be involved in evan’s life and be someone evan Wants to seek out like this and you know, how delighted jared is to have evan’s attention, even if as he starts giving evan what he’s actually after here, evan’s attention seemingly shifts over to “connor,” even though that’s jared.....still not a direct Win for jared there, see: him in the reprise, trying to put a “jared” into the story as well, since evan’s invented relationship with jared!connor isn’t actually translating into evan being closer / more interested in actual jared....what about jared!jared......now i’m even thinking about jared getting that highest note harmony at the end of sincerely me.....pay attention to Him
thinking allllllways about how jared completely invents the chorus himself, expecting evan to approve, and with no input from evan, just that Approval, and it comes on the heels of also-approved writing for connor about Trying To Be More....Nice.....i’ll turn it around, wait and see...........just about to lie down about the fact that this, on top of what evan’s already made up in for forever, is about trying to make this Hopeful story, because that’s what evan wants for himself, and what he thinks cynthia would find comforting re: connor, and here’s jared like, okay, so your Supposed relationship didn’t look that warm & amazing from the outside, but how about if it just had a lot of Potential, like, HMM!!! lots to consider there!! but then Oof at the fact inevitably the story falls apart and so does jared’s hopes for his relationship with evan, even though like, connor died & never had that friendship with evan, & jared is probably still alive & Did have a connection with him & is presumably still out there, able to be talked to, maybe try reinventing and giving things attention, you know
just that Yeah lmao the tl;dr here is people mostly going like wow lol what a fun song, &/or a gay song, & it’s like, well sure but for one thing, all of that is completely due to Jared & his and evan’s dynamic & relationship, but that once you realize that that’s what the song is actually about, there’s just so much to consider and analyze in what might otherwise be overlooked as a song that has nothing to to say besides what’s most straightforwardly there, even though, you know, these are characters who have so much trouble saying what they mean or feel or want, but who are able to Reveal more about themselves in that way through this pretense/artifice which is sort of displacing their usual defense mechanisms. been Thinking About It many times and i’m still pondering aspects of it afresh / having new Insights, and anyone else can be too lmao, lots going on here & lots to say based on what anyone’s experienced / taken note of.....wtaw is of course v different as a song, more outright dramatic & desperate, whereas sincerely me is presented as more comedic & light, and it Is these two friends having some fun here rather than the protagonist having this crisis before homeroom at the start of the show, but here sincerely me is as another song about Trying and Wanting and some hopefulness that has to remain ultimately inconclusive, because connor still died.....lots going on, of course the tone is different b/c jared is a part of it, but people also completely overlook Other moments as jared you know, not having as genuine or deep or real Feelings as evan b/c jared’s front involves acting unbothered and being clever and funny, but obviously that doesn’t mean his feelings aren’t there and there aren’t stakes to them, and just because this song involving jared just seems lighthearted and unserious doesn’t mean that again, things aren’t Real and Important for jared.....augh
and yes lmfao the laugh is very good, i’m glad to compile it for our health
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lavenderek · 3 years
this is gonna be "queer discourse" feel free to skip
look as a disclaimer, i don't usually participate in this conversation because it's exhausting and it literally never goes anywhere? all that happens is one side writes feature length symposia on queer history and the other side feels talked down to and attacked and refuses to read it and both sides just start ignoring each other's arguments and they get further entrenched in their own perspective and nobody learns anything or bridges any gaps. im just becoming an old crone like that was too loud, i share characteristics with the hag
but we keep having power outages over here and it's disrupting my work and making me cranky so buckle up because betps coming to town
it's just that i didn't really enjoy this persons argument* because the entire point of an umbrella term is not having to give detailed disclosures of your identity lmao. like the whole purpose is for everyone to be included without having to prove themselves. including and especially you! op says they know they're gatekeeping so like at least they're self aware lmao
but i don't actually have to show you my fukken gay diagnosis papers to prove to you i'm not just a "cishet who's a little quirky" lmfao what're you a cop? mind your business shgdikfs
nobody is claiming queer has never been a slur. where has anyone ever claimed that. if you manage to muscle your way through those long ass speeches pro queer people write they all pretty explicitly lay out the history of the term. over and over again. from different users. because they're all pretty convinced y'all don't know about it. i assumed you did and they were preaching to the choir.
long story short it's been used to refer to the community for generations, it's also been used as a slur for just as long, and it's your personal choice whether or not you identify with it but you can't take it away from me.
also hey you know what while we're here on my blog i might as well put my shit out there, i don't actually care that queer studies are called queer studies in academia and i don't care if straight people refer to the queer community. once they start saying "queers" or using it as an insult they're over the line. homophobes who make fun of lgbtq for being too long can leave but it is unwieldy to say verbally and no i don't care if you think that's a shitty comment to make. i think the only reason lgbtq hasn't become a slur people have yelled at them is because it's so unnatural to say out loud lmfao okay wait actually that's actually kind of a power move. like when prince started identifying as a symbol and a ton of places had to install new software to be able to write about him
also it's my opinion that microlabels are actively detrimental to identity and community. it starts being about specifically designating an identity that includes an extremely small amount of people so that you can shrink the definition to remove people you don't agree with 🤖 the rainbow flag was never intended to be specific to gay men, it was always supposed to be for the entire community. i think finding pride and acceptance in your own identity is gold and diamonds but i don't think it's helpful to designate yourself a myers briggs score of what type of queer you are and why bi people are different at the expense of connecting with the community as a whole.
like what's the barrier here, is it the terfs? do you not want to be queer because there's terfs? terfs are no more welcome in the queer community than racists are, like help us clean up our community we all live here. sorry! we're family! maybe you don't want to be family with me but you gotta! as soon as i decided to be gay it stopped being optional please grieve and move on
idk i think you should extend your f*g argument to the other side of the conversation. im sensing some strawman bias over there. seems like you're super frustrated and that's heavily informing your perspective on the topic. but nobody asked me! probably because i'm just a fake queer who's actually just a quirky cishet. oh fuck that's why you don't want to be under an umbrella with me. welp 🤷‍♀️
tldr i'm queer and bisexual, sorry to disappoint anyone who is just now finding this out about me! if you unfollow please don't let me know about it! please also don't reblog this!
smell ya later!
*please don't contact this person if you disagree with them lmfao leave them tf alone they're allowed to say what they want on their own blog
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heedra · 4 years
hi! sorry if this is a broad question, but i don't know anyone else with rats to ask. i'm thinking of getting rats for the first time and i was wondering if you have any tips or like care guidelines you think are really important. ive been doing some research and ive kept mice before but i really want to make sure i give any rats i might get a good home and some information out there seems either contradictory or just flat out wrong and im terrified to accidentally mistreat them. ty for reading!
Oh geez, that’s a big question! I’m going to start with some of the things I think might be the biggest, most critical and vital differences between keeping mice and keeping rats; if you have more questions after that, feel free to shoot me another ask! 1. Two rats is an absolute minimum, regardless of whether you own males or females. People will tell you that it’s critical to own at least two rats, and they’re technically correct, but imo the ideal minimum is actually three or four. Rats are very social, just like people, and, just like a lot of people, they are happiest when they have a group of people to build relationships with. If a rat living as part of a group isn’t getting along with one of his cagemates, he has others whose attention he can go seek out, unlike with a single pair. Introducing rats can be tricky, though, especially with boys, so if you are trying to combine rats who are strangers into one social group, definitely do your research. This website has a great rundown of some of the different methods used to introduce rats. 2. Rats absolutely cannot live in a glass tank. Even if the tank is just one part of a cage that has a ventilated wire portion up top. Rat’s noses and lungs are very sensitive to urine buildup in a way mice’s aren’t, and glass tanks offer no ventilation. Rats also need a lot of vertical climbing space in a cage, relative to mice; tall, wire cages are must for this, as are a lot of climbing toys and hammocks. 3. Related to the above, rats are very prone to respiratory infections. I mention this because this is probably the most common health problem you will encounter with them, and it’s important to know the signs. A vast majority of pet rats either have or will get mycoplasmosis (a bacterial sinus infection) at some point in their lives, and while it’s usually benign at baseline, this infection flares up in the presence of poor ventilation, excess dust, or stress. If you notice that your rat is whistling or wheezing when they sniff and breathe, or that they are snorting/sneezing a lot, talk to the vet you go to for small animal health about getting them on an antibiotic. Respiratory problems are a part of life for rat ownership, and usually wont affect your animal’s quality of life, but if left untreated can develop into pneumonia. You don’t need to panic if your rat starts sneezing or wheezing; even if you’ve already treated them for those symptoms before; rats with myco often have more than one flareup throughout their life, and sometimes it will go away on its own once a rat gets settled in a clean environment or stops being stressed out, but you do want to get it checked if it persists! 4. Rats cannot eat alfalfa or timothy hay. This is an important one to keep an eye on, as, because almost all other pocket pets can eat these things, a lot of treats that contain timothy hay and alfalfa will be branded as being for all pet rodents, even when they’re not safe for rats. It’s not that these are immediately poisonous to rats, they just can’t digest them, so too much of it will inevitably cause intestinal blocks.
5. Male rats can’t eat citrus. This one is kind of debated, but I think it’s fair to err on the safe side. D-limosine, a chemical found in citrus peels, is considered to be linked to testicular cancer in rats. I’d personally suggest just avoiding citrus entirely with rats. 6. Rats need at LEAST 30 minutes a day of playtime with you, outside of their cage. Ideally, this should be closer to an hour. This is important both so that they can bond with you as their human, and so that they’re getting a source of exercise and mental stimulation that goes beyond what they can find in their cage. Set up a safe play area in your home; an enclosed bedroom, a clean bathroom, or an area fenced off by some kind of plastic barrier work well; make sure the space is free of dangerous things to eat and electrical wires. Furnish it with things the rats can climb on and hide in, leave some treats around for them to find, and make sure you’re present and keeping an eye on them! This is a great time to try and train your rats to do tricks or run obstacle courses, or to play games with them (mine really like to chase strings and tissue paper around).
7. There’s no difference in emotional, exercise, and enrichment needs between male and female rats. There’s a big myth that male rats are lazy and cuddly, while female rats are playful and active. In truth, any rat can be any combination of these things; it all comes down to individual personality. “Lazy Buck Syndrome” (the idea of male rats being couch potatoes) is more often the result of owners not providing enough for male rats to do based on this misconception, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. The one exception to this is that male rats are more prone to back-leg paralysis in their old age, and may need more ramps and sitting levels as they age. I also want to end this by plugging two rat care channels on youtube: The Rat Guru, and Emiology Both these individuals are far more experienced rat owners than I, and they both have a whole bunch of videos addressing specific rat care topics and common questions. I also love the website ratbehavior.org; it’s got great information on how rats perceive the world, and what rat behavior means, written from a biology and behavioral science perspective.
EDIT: I almost forgot a really critical one! It’s not really a “care tip that differs for mice” since the same is true for them, and I’m pretty confident I’m preaching to the choir here, but, just in case, Please avoid getting rats from the pet store, especially big box places like Petco or Petsmart! These places breed and house rats in inhumane conditions that should not be financially supported, and rats purchased at these places are going to have shorter lifespans and be much harder to socialize to humans. I recommend looking for reputable rat breeders in your area and adopting from them, or looking to your local humane society or small animal rescue for adoptable animals.
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efrmellifer · 3 years
Light & Laity
Eleven: Preaching to the Choir
Footsteps seemed to echo in the Vault, whether one walked at a leisurely pace or ran at full tilt. Etien had done both now, always shadowed by the reverberations of her every step, her past self whether it was three years ago or three seconds ago, always with her.
Churches were odd places for her. Some people found them to be only the stone they were composed of, perhaps pretty for all the effort that had gone into the architecture, but of no greater importance than something like a theater or a government building.
Well. This had once been a government building, in a manner of speaking.
Some people felt nothing in churches, was what she meant. Their awe was for the draftsmen and stonemasons. And she did have a great deal of respect for the men who did the work of creating this space that would house the divine and the rituals. But she had always felt something, in every church. And now, she had visited more of them than just the house of worship she had attended in her youth, or the Sanctum of the Twelve.
Maybe it was because she had been pressed into service against Primals, that now she could feel the weight in the air of fervent prayers, just waiting for enough crystals so a god could coalesce around them. Maybe that was an acquired sensitivity.
But she didn’t think she disliked that, either, really. It made every breath a little heavier in her lungs, and that rooted her to where she was. It kept her present until her mind began to drift like the trail of incense smoke. (The fact that she was slightly allergic to incense might also have impacted the air’s weight in her lungs, actually.)
But here, and in the House of the First Light, and in the church where she had first met Cid—she couldn’t remember the name anymore, unfortunately—there was a power there.
Here, especially, there would always be a power bigger than she was, heavy on her heart in this case.
In fact, it and the Church of the First Light were where she felt this the most strongly.
Here, it was obvious why: the Archbishop, the Heavens’ Ward, all of that. Loss and struggle and the need for change. To mourn what could never be regained and live on doing the memories of the lost proud.
In Lakeland, descending those steps as they searched for that Ronkan artifact to present to Y’shtola, hearing about the Night’s Blessed, all the light (even with so much more to come) inside her… it was so much to bear. But here, there was a space of reverence, a place free of that inescapable blinding light, and the relief of darkness eased the burden. The cool darkness was powerful.
Here, the candle-glow was what held sway, a hundred tiny fires each burning away, each doing its part to give light to the sanctuary while also consuming the candle. When the flame was gone, so too was the wax that had fueled it, the wick that had been part of it for so long.
She watched one in front of her burning as she walked, the way the flame danced on the wick, bending and lengthening, over and over.
She was snapped from her reverie, stopping mid-stride and finally looking away from the candle. “Yes?”
Aymeric laughed lightly. “You seemed absolutely buried in thought.”
Her expression turned sheepish as she apologized to him and to Estinien, who they were taking to see the garden deeper within the Vault. “I suppose I was. I was thinking about my feelings on this place.”
“And what feelings are those?” Estinien asked.
“Oh, several, all at once and vying for my attention and my ability to express them. And each one is complex.”
Aymeric took a few steps back to join her. “My dearest, you are preaching to the choir.”
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 11: Preaching to the Choir
Lyse pored over her papers, her least favorite activity as one of two leaders of Ala Mhigo. On a weekly basis, members of the resistance would mingle with the public and guage opinion on performance, particularly what they believe is needed from their government. There would often be a demand for more food, resources for rehoming citizens, and from a more extreme sect, removing non-Ala Mhigan enforcement from their walls. Already, public opinions were dividing, all of them holding different visions of the country they had lost a quarter of a century ago.
When it was in a fight against a common foe, they were united. Now that the foe is gone, what stood to bind them together?
This frustrated the young leader to no end. Before she could torture herself over the politics of Ala Mhigo for any longer, a voice greeted her at her office door.
“Forgive me for intruding, Mistress Hext.”
Aymeric stood in the doorway to greet her. “Lord Commander, I keep telling you this, you can just call me Lyse. ‘Mistress Hext’ makes me feel so old.”
“Ah, forgive me, M— Lyse.”
“Well, what brings you by, Lord Commander? Do you have a complaint to register?”
“No. Believe it or not, I have good tidings.”
Lyse’s eyebrows lifted in intrigue. “Wow, that’s pretty rare! All right, well, what tidings are they?”
He entered the office and retrieved something from his inventory. “I bear a gift from Dia for you. She would have brought it herself, but ‘twould appear some other business has rendered that quite difficult to do.” He held a small, wrapped present in his hand and placed it on her desk.
“Ha”, Lyse started, “You know, not too long ago, Y’shtola, Alisaie, and I were talking about how Dia manages to find time to do anything she does. I’m especially curious after everything they tried to explain to me after their souls were torn from them, mostly because it was hard to understand a word of it, but she was busy, clearly. I have no idea how she would be able to find a gift for me like this. Must be some Warrior of Light secret.”
“Indeed. She attempted to explain her toils in the First to me as well. I’ve seen firsthand what she does to find time, and…well, we’ve argued the point more than once, I’m afraid. Little can stand between her and what she wants, and exhaustion clearly doesn’t affect her much.” Lyse smiled at the thought, then replied, “Would that I had her time management skills. Trying to find any free time right now feels next to impossible.”
“That seems to be a universal truth among leaders of men.”
“Ha, isn’t it? And don’t even get me started on just how much paperwork I’m trying to make a dent in.” Aymeric nodded while she stood up from her chair. “And I can’t even go outside without someone asking me something, or pulling me somewhere, or yelling at me for something I can’t control.” He knew a rant when he saw one. He sat down and sat by to let it happen; not a word was needed from him while she paced back and forth.
“And everyone has something wrong! Be it a housing issue, a food problem, or a medicine problem- chirurgeons are so expensive, Lord Commander. I’m glad the Alliance is helping us, but there’s only so much they can do, and there’s so many mouths to feed and homes to provide and—“ Lyse interrupted her rant by slamming her right hand down on her desk, making Aymeric flinch as the pugilist was more than capable of breaking it in half.
“I want to make my people happy, and I can’t make them happy.”
Aymeric waited a moment, unsure if she was going to continue. When it was clear that she was only capable of bowing her head and keeping her eyes shut, he found his words.
“Rarely do I hear one’s sentiments perfectly echo mine own.”
Lyse reopened her eyes and looked to him.
“As do I, Lyse.”
Hien appeared this time, wearing his trademark smile, and entered the office casually. “You know, if you want for resources, I invite you to contact the Shazenkai in Doma. They’ve been wonderful in their efforts to rebuild the Doman Enclave.”
Lyse smiled back. “What is the Shazenkai? I feel like I should know about this by now if they’ve been so helpful.” Hien shrugged his shoulders and sat in the chair next to Aymeric. “It hasn’t come up in discussion, luckily for you. Simply put, they find people to donate items they don’t need to sell to others at a higher price so they may fund workers. They also use the funding they gain to negotiate with vendors and other important people to trade resources that aid Doma. You may want to consider such a tactic.”
Lyse pondered the suggestion. “That’s all fine and good, but where do I find people willing to donate?”
“Ask Dia. She’s our biggest donor.” Aymeric shot him a quizzical look and asked incredulously, “Really?” Hien returned his own quizzical look and responded, “Yes, Lord Commander. I receive weekly reports from the Shazenkai and every time, she sits at the top of the list of contributors. Without her, we would have no school, market, rice field, paper mill, blacksmith tools…”
Aymeric’s eyebrows lifted and he brought his gaze to the floor in front of him. “Incredible. Here I thought she had only aided Ishgard in such a manner. I’ll have to ask her about this when I get home.” He looked to Lyse himself and said, “I would also encourage you to come into contact with Lord Francel Haillenarte. His knowledge of his own negotiations with vendors and others who have aided in the rebuilding of the Firmament may come of use to you.”
“How did the rebuilding work?” she asked.
“Essentially, after tireless arguments about it, we in the House of Lords and Commons passed a motion to rebuild the Firmament, a living quarter of Ishgard that was unfortunately burned down by heretics after Dia and Estinien defeated Nidhogg. Lord Francel, Dia, and Count de Durendaire managed to secure quite a few resources to aid the endeavour, and helped rehome no small number of former Firmament citizens. During this time, countless adventurers had been recruited to help scavenge resources and create equipment for all to use to aid in rebuilding the Firmament.”
Lyse took a seat back down behind her desk. “These are good suggestions. Would you mind giving the names of these people again later?”
“Of course”, replied Aymeric, with Hien giving a nod. Lyse brought her eyes to Hien and inquired, “Well, what brings you here, Hien?”
“I was wondering if we were still going to the Bismarck for lunch today before the meeting.” Lyse gasped. “I am so sorry, Hien! Yes, we are, I just got so caught up in all of this and— ugh, this is frustrating!”
“Don’t worry yourself so. It’s hard to keep these obligations together, particularly in our positions.” Lyse sighed and complained,“I don’t want my obligations to my friends to be tossed to the side. They’re important to me.”
“Unfortunately, that tends to be the first thing that must go. At the very least, you’re in a great position that those you are socially obligated to are quite understanding”, replied Aymeric. Lyse frowned. “Lord Commander, how do you deal with that? It can’t be easy.”
“I’m afraid my own social obligations tend to be rather limited now that one of my closest friends has left Ishgard to join the Scions, so it tends to be just the occasional drink with Lucia, and whatever time I may spend with Dia when I return home.”
Hien joined in with, “Laying in hiding for five years has limited my own now that I’m no longer bound to the Azim Steppe. It helps little that I tend to leave Doma quite a bit more than I expected to when I took the throne.” Hien smiled at Lyse and said, “I suppose that’s why I enjoy what time I get with you so much.” Lyse smiled back.
“Look at us, talking as though we’ve been at this for years. Well, except maybe for you, Lord Commander. How long have you lead the Temple Knights?” Lyse inquired.
“I started serving as the Lord Commander after the previous perished in the blizzards following the Calamity. That in mind, ‘twas only a few years ago that the new Ishgardian government formed, and I was elected it’s Lord Speaker, the highest level of the House of Lords.”
“Mm, so you’ve been a military leader for a while, but then you were thrown into politics on top of that. I’m glad I have General Aldynn to help with the military; trying to lead both nearly led to the collapse of both here. I don’t know how you do it, Lord Commander”, Lyse turned her focus to Hien, “Nor you, Hien.”
“I have the aid of the Lupin for the military. Politically…I knew what I was destined to do. I’m ready to defend Doma with my life, and I was born ready to lead her.” Lyse looked to the ground.
“I didn’t have that kind of resource.” Lyse let out a sharp breath from her nose. “I was a refugee, and a young one at that. I was five when we left; all I ever knew of Ala Mhigo were stories my sister would tell. No one ever told me that I would take on leadership of it’s resistance, nor of the country for that matter.”
“Those who would seek power search for it all their life while those who avoid it tend to have it foisted upon them”, Aymeric remarked, “I know all too well the suddenness of such a position.”
“Take heart, Lyse. It may not always seem like it, but those who want to help you are nearby”, added Hien. Lyse nodded and smiled gently. “I wish none of us had to be here, that better decisions could have been made before us.”
“One can’t help but feel thankful that the Ascians who caused these problems are no more”, Aymeric reminded the group.
“Agreed”, said Lyse, “and from what I could make of it, with them goes any future calamities, or at least real ones. I think the Scions might have just saved the world, Lord Commander.”
Dia saved the world would be a more accurate statement, thought Aymeric, leaving the sentiment unsaid as ultimately, Lyse was correct. He simply nodded and said, “And I have every hope they’ll do it again.”
“I believe in them, too. In the meantime, I’m just thankful that aside from that creepy Fandaniel, none of the others are trying anything close to what the more leader-y Ascians had done for centuries. They created the Garlean Empire, for gods’ sakes. They’re the reason we left Ala Mhigo.”
“They’re the reason we left Doma”, stated Hien.
“They’re the reason I had to send Dia to kill my own father.” The two looked at Aymeric with wide eyes.
“Er, the details are rather foggy, Lord Commander”, Lyse stated confusedly. “Why would she need to kill him?”
“I bade her to stop my father from summoning the primal Thordan. I had no idea that he would use his own body as a vessel for him.”
“Oh, right…she’s a primal slayer. If your father became a primal…right, that makes sense.”
“You know, for whatever terrible things we experienced at the hands of the Ascians, we all have had Dia there to aid us in more than one way”, Hien pointed out. The other two smiled at him, and Lyse replied, “You’re right. Ala Mhigo would still be in the hands of the Garleans and quite possibly enthralled to Shinryu.”
“Doma as well, and the Shazenkai has much to thank her for in regards to her donations, and I personally do for saving us in our confrontation with Elidibus in Ghymlit”, said Hien.
“If I had a list of all the things I have to thank Dia for, ‘twould be years before I finished” Aymeric exaggerated.
“The Scions would have made little headway on the primal issues without her help. I’m glad we found her when we did. We— I mean, they, have a lot to thank her for as well”, remarked Lyse.
“…especially after she nearly died trying to save that other world”, Aymeric added grimly, folding his arms. The other two nodded.
“If I may be so blunt, Lord Commander, what you have is a mixed blessing”, Hien commented, “None among us can say we have someone to come home to at the end of our day.” Aymeric breathed a laugh through his nose, and replied, “That depends on whether or not Dia’s home by the time I get there. In recent times, I’ve been blessed to see her more, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to the next assignment she receives from the Scions.”
“Still”, Lyse said, “The rest of us have little opportunity to find someone like that. It’s lonely at the top.”
“Halone knows that had I not met Dia before, I would be in such a position with you”, Aymeric replied gratefully. Lyse gave an almost pitiful smile before her eyes widened and she gave a small gasp. “Oh, gods, we’ve been sitting in here for way too long! Sorry to keep you, Lord Commander.”
“Think nothing of it”, Aymeric responded graciously as he rose from his chair, “You may want to open her present sooner rather than later in the case Dia should deign to appear in the meeting.”
Lyse gave a light chuckle. “You make a good point, Lord Commander.” He nodded and exited the office, leaving Hien and Lyse behind.
“Well then, shall we get going?” Hien asked expectantly. Lyse put away her papers in her drawers, and took hold of Dia’s present before placing it in her inventory. “Let’s.”
Lyse clasped her right hand into Hien’s left, and together, they walked out of the office, and into the streets, ready to leave behind their troubles, even if only for a moment.
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alkhale · 4 years
What are your thoughts on the George Floyd thing
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Hahaha, I promise I’m totally fine, thank you for any and all concern though to everyone and I hope you’re all safe and well also! Please don’t forget to be taking care of yourselves, looking after each other, and staying hydrated and loved!!!
There’s been a lot that’s been going on in my country (to anyone who isn’t aware of the situation in America, this is in regards to the recent murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, and many more in our past, and even now in our present and the set of movements and protest that have started in light of it) but I promise every protest in my area has been nothing but peaceful, meaningful, and powerful in all their rights.
There’s a lot of controversy to a topic that isn’t as controversial as we think that rises up in face of this, without a doubt, in regards to the violence there are always people that will take advantage of a situation, but it doesn’t stop the fact that this movement is important and powerful and long-overdue, and only worse that it needs to be done when we ought to be living in a world where it shouldn’t. I hope all of you can stand (even though I know you guys already are way ahead of me :,)) in solidarity with this movement and its beliefs, and show as much support as you can if possible and if you’re comfortable with that. 
I’ve been thinking of how I wanted to approach this because I’m not as eloquent with my words as you guys think, hahaha, but I wanted to let everyone know this is a platform and space where everyone deserves a right to belong, exist, and be. And that includes the fundamental decencies and rights every human being deserves in this world, no matter what. To anyone outside the US right now or for others too, it might seem like a hot mess of chaos, but there’s a meaning behind this force and this sense of “lashing out” because it shows a lot of people are very, very tired about the way other human beings are treated, even though we all bleed the same blood at the end of the day.
I don’t mean to preach to the choir either or anything otherwise, especially because even if I might try to include a lot of things in my stories and in what I try to do and express in my craft or art, I know it’s still lacking. I try to include characters of color, of different backgrounds and beliefs and sexualities, but I know there’s still so, so much more that needs a voice. There’s a lot that can still be shown, a lot that can still be said and taught and rightfully represented, and I’m going to work hard to make sure it’s done the way it should be, and I’m sorry for any way it’s been lacking so far. I’ll keep doing my best and more.
To anyone going out and protesting, please stay safe and adhere to protocols and look out for each other and yourselves. Wear a mask! Bring lots of water with you and stick beside people you trust or voice your concerns to those nearby if you’re beginning to feel concerned for your safety, keep all these things in mind:
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And if you’re looking for good links to petitions or funds, here’s the link I’ve been sharing:
My final little notice is that from now until the end of June, any money raised through my ko-fi (including for requests if you guys have any at all, send them away!) will be donated to help this organization here:
My Ko-fi Link is here:
This one specifically focuses on helping small businesses, black owned and otherwise that were affected either by COVID-19 or unjust looters or riots. The link also has links to other donations focusing on the victims or protestors and any other part of this you’d like to help with. I have a personal history with small businesses and it’s the one I chose to want to help if possible. 
Thank you all so much for your support, for your kindness and your love and your understanding. This group of people and following here and community is one of the kindest in the world and filled with people who are literally amazing and beautiful and I hope you all know that. Thank you for your patience, your open-mind, and your everything, I love you all, please stay safe and well!!!
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