#especially when one has had to be a surrogate parent for so long
pnchy · 7 months
i need more yang and ruby interactions that isnt just surface level "were sisters and we have each others back" bc as someone whos been raised by my siblings like ruby, i swear theres more to it than that
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auteurdelabre · 2 months
A LITTLE SUN - PART FOUR Dieter x f!Reader
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Story Summary: As a PA to megastar and mega man-child Dieter Bravo you've had your fair share of headaches. Getting accidentally pregnant with his baby however takes the cake, especially when he offers to pay you to be his surrogate. You just weren't expecting to fall in love with him along the way.
Chapter summary: The secret is out. . . And you both have to face the music.
tags: Surrogacy, Pregnancy, Body changes re: pregnancy, Mutual Pining, Idiots in love, Mentions of Drugs, Mentions of Parental Death, Parental Issues, Vulnerable Dieter, Vulnerable Reader.
dividers by @silkholland
a/n: Next chapter is... gonna be a doozy.
part one / part two / part three
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"Tell me it isn't true."
You roll over in bed, wiping the sleep from your eyes. Your cell is firmly lodged against your ear as your mother’s frantic cry is heard on the other end. It’s early the morning after the ultrasound and you’re still reeling from everything. There are soft pings going off on your phone, but all are drowned out by your mother’s terrified voice. 
After the kiss you and Dieter had been driven back to the rental in silence, both of you processing. You were pensive, staring down at your phone reading through work emails. Dieter on the other hand was beaming, his smile never dimming.
He’d tried to talk to you when you entered into the rental but you’d made a beeline for your bedroom where you’d fallen into an unsettled sleep. And now you have your mother screaming down the line at you as you blurrily try to understand what she’s going on about.
"People haven’t stopped calling,” your mom says her voice wobbling. "I keep hanging up but now they're on the lawn!"
"Mom what are you-"
"Tell me you're not having that horrible man's baby!"
It feels like a cold bucket of water has been dumped over your head sending icy chills down your spine. You jerk up in bed, your eyed bulging.
"What did you just say?"
You pull the phone from your ear and see all the pings and alerts that haven’t stopped. While you were sleeping it turns out you have been making headlines back home in the US. TMZ is of course the one to break the news, photos of you and Dieter splashes all over the internet.
Dieter Bravo makes PA his sex slave
There you both are, standing in the parking lot of the hospital. Dieter is smiling at you sweetly, his hand splayed over your belly. Your mid laugh and the two of you appear to have eyes only for each other. 
The next shot is the kiss – the one with your hand on his neck, his hand on your belly and both of you with your eyes shut. The level of intimacy in the photo is staggering to the point that just looking at it makes your face heat. 
How did they get that shot?
“Mom, I have to go,” you tell her breathlessly, hanging up on her still shrieking voice.
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The day is long and by the evening the two of you have turned off your phones. The pings of incoming messages and phone calls are getting to be too much. Diane has scheduled an early meeting with the two of you tomorrow to discuss further steps.
You settle into the TV room, putting on some nature documentary but neither of you is watching it. You're seated by the fire, eyes lost in the flames.
Dieter is stretched out on the sofa, one arm behind his head, the other on his belly. He looked like a lost child, dark eyes wide and unblinking. He’s run his hands through his hair so much that it’s even more wild and mussed than usual.  Eventually when the silence grows oppressive you glance over at him.
"Was Mia pissed?" 
"She hadn't replied to any of my messages." 
You don't know where that thought comes from, but it does. A strange sense of victory threads through your body, making you tingle pleasantly. But then your eyes drift over to Dieter still looking anxiously up at the ceiling and guilt soars through you. 
"Are you upset?"
"Of course I'm upset," Dieter snaps. "I really liked her. She's funny and chill and me being a single dad didn't bug her. She wanted me."
You say nothing. You watch as he throws his arm over his eyes, mouth curling into a frown. 
"And the shitty thing is I was gonna tell her when we got back to LA," Dieter sighs. "Fuck."
"I'm sorry," you offer in a quiet voice. Dieter’s eyes are immediately on your face. He sees you turned away from him. 
"What're you sorry for?"
You can't face him. You just shrug instead, feeling the queasy sensation of sentimentality. 
"I fucked it up for you."
Dieter is off the couch and crawling over to you without thinking. His long legs carry him clumsily until he’s kneeling at your feet.
"You didn't," Dieter says with that husky earnestness you’ve come to expect from him. You don't respond and he furrows his brows. "Hey, look at me."
You shake your head. You don't want to look at him. Dieter hates talking to people without seeing their eyes, it makes him uneasy. He doesn't see the irony in him constantly wearing sunglasses. He moves his fingers to your chin, gently tilting your face in his direction. 
"You did nothing wrong," 
"I kissed you."
"You were excited."
"But I kissed you," you repeat. 
"And I kissed you," Dieter offers without thinking before stumbling over his tongue as his words finally hit his brain. "It's like the first time you were excited about the baby and I loved sharing that with you."
He holds your gaze as you hold your breath. 
"I don't regret that moment. I wouldn't change it." His hand slips from your chin to your jaw, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
His face is so close to yours you can smell the cologne he spritzed to cover up the smell of cigarettes. You can see the length of his dark eyelashes. You force your eyes not to drift to his pouty mouth. 
"Even if it fucks up everything with you and Mia?"
Dieter goes to respond to you when a loud bang sounds on the front door. The two of you break apart and Dieter groans as he stands muttering about his knees. You move to the seat by the window, not up for talking to whatever company Dieter has invited over but not wanting to be in your stuffy bedroom. 
You turn as Dieter says her name. Mia shoves past Dieter into the rental without taking the time to say a word to him. Her hair is wild from the wind outside and her jacket hangs on the crooks of her elbows. Despite everything she still looks glamorous. She spies you sitting near one of the windows with wide eyes. 
"Hi," you offer weakly. 
Dieter steps forward to follow Mia towards you but you wave him away. He shifts back, hanging awkwardly by the front door as the two women in his life meet eyes. Mia is staring at you harshly, her hand going to motion towards your belly.
"It's his isn't it?" Mia demands breathlessly.
You think of denying it but you know she doesn't deserve it. You hang your head, chin touching your chest. 
"Fuck," Mia says shaking her head. "I'm such a fucking idiot."
"You're not!" You insist, struggling to a stand. The blanket that had been draped over your belly falls to the ground. 
Mia's eyes rove your expanded stomach, noticing the pronounced swell under your tight t-shirt more easily than the last time she saw you. Her eyes widen and you feel the need to explain before she starts screaming or crying.
"It was a one night stand," you explain in a rush. 
"One where you got pregnant and are keeping the baby," Mia says flatly. "Doesn't sound like a casual one night thing to me."
"Dieter is paying me."
Mia's reaction is as expected: confused and then horrified. Her perfectly manicured nails slide over her mouth in distress. 
"Dieter, get Mia a drink," you throw over Mia's shoulder. You need him to stop standing there staring at you like a bump on a log. You look back to Mia. "Please, just come sit down and let's talk about this." 
Dieter scrambles, knocking into one of the chairs before scampering off into the kitchen, relieved to have something to do. 
Mia looks to be debating your offer before nodding. She follows you to the large tufted chairs by the window, taking the one opposite you. 
"I don't even know why I'm here," Mia laughs ruefully, not able to meet you sympathetic gaze. "It's not like... I don't..."
She fumbles for the words that you already know and you give a chagrined smile. 
"Because you like him," you tell her.
"We barely know one another," she says to her chapped hands. “We haven’t even slept together.”
She nestles back into the chair like a delicate bird making home in a nest. Dieter rushes over with two full glasses of red wine. He presses one into Mia's hand, wincing at her cool appraisal of him. His hand extends the wineglass towards you before he realizes the faux pas. 
"Oh fuck," Dieter says wincing. "I didn't-"
"Its fine," you say rolling your eyes. "You drink it," you motion to the sofa across the room when Dieter goes to perch on the arm of your chair, "over there!"
Dieter nods, shuffling quickly away from you, the wine spilling in like drops after him like a bloody trail. He places the wineglass onto the coffee table with a quiet knock. 
You glance over Mia's body tucked tightly into the chair. She looks so haunted, so defeated that it breaks your heart. Yes, you can admit that there is a part of you that is jealous of her relationship but you know that it's just hormones. Ultimately you want Dieter happy and Mia makes him happy. 
"Mia," you say her name softly, leaning forward conspiratorially as her large eyes turn on you. "You and Dieter have a strong connection."
She gives a scoff into her wineglass. "Right."
"I've seen the two of you," you insist. "You bring out the best in him. You seem happy when you're with him."
"He makes me laugh," Mia relents. 
You try not to notice Dieter's head poking up from the couch, his eyes flitting from you to Mia and back again. 
"Don't let this," you motion to your expanded belly, "get in the way of that." 
"You say it like it's not a big deal," Mia says with a distressed laugh, her hand gesturing to your belly. "It's a child you two made together!"
"It’s a business transaction," you say firmly. "Dieter wanted to be a dad, I got pregnant, he offered to pay and I accepted. That's how non-emotional the entire thing was. I never wanted kids."
Mia twists the stem of her wineglass between her fingers anxiously. The drink sloshes against the sides hypnotically. 
"Why would you do this?" Mia finally asks you gently. "If you never wanted kids, I mean. This is a big ask."
You know she doesn't believe you and you don't know how to convince her other than giving her all the brutal facts. You exhale slowly, lips pressing together tightly. 
"Because I have significant debt," you tell her leaning back into the chair. "And when Dieter offered me a very generous payment to carry the child to term I didn't want to turn it down."
You try to sound clinical and detached as you explain this. Dieter's eyes flicked to your face when you mentioned the debt, his brows raised. Now he just continues looking uncertainly between you and Mia. 
"You're not going to want to be in this baby's life at all?" Mia asks, brow furrowed. "You're just going to go work for Dieter every day and ignore your own baby?"
The way she says this sounds judgmental. Like you're a monster for choosing this. It makes your hackles rise momentarily before you remember that she's come here to understand everything. You smooth down the pillow absently, grounding yourself.  
"I won't be working for Dieter after I give birth," you explain in a rush, avoiding the way Dieter's eyes move sharply to your face. "I'll pay off my debts and then I'm going back to school to finish my schooling. I won't even be in the same city."
You hide a wince when you see Dieter's hurt expression behind Mia's shoulder at this proclamation. You know he’d been upset when you mentioned Sacramento in passing, but now he just looks devastated.
Mia blinks rapidly, looking even more thrown then before. "You won't?"
"Nope." You shake your head before giving a tepid smile. "But that means I won't be there to get in the way either. No random run ins, no having to pretend things aren't totally fucking awkward."
Mia gives a small smile at this
“It also means that your relationship with Dieter would be public news,” you tell her quietly. “It means tabloids running things about you being a stepmom. It means a lot of unwanted attention.”
“I could give a fuck about that,” Mia says rolling her eyes. “They said I didn’t have a belly button last year. I don’t care what they print about me. I just signed an airtight three picture deal with Marvel.”
You want to laugh at how you pinned Mia as this innocent little waif who didn’t know what she was getting into. How wrong you were. She’s more shrewd and worldly than most fifty year olds you know in the business.  Suddenly your fears about her being too innocent, about her career being damaged, are pushed to the side.
But her smile drops and she jerks her head behind her to glare at a solemn looking Dieter who now stands braced against the edge of his couch. She places her empty wineglass next to her on the floor.
"You lied to me, Dee."
"I told him to," you break in before your boss can reply. "I begged him not to tell anyone. Even you."
Mia turns back around, brow raised. "Why?"
"Because I was involved in a one night stand with my boss," you say with a dejected scoff. "And I got pregnant from it. From the man the media once called Burnout Bravo. I was humiliated. I didn’t want anyone to know. My own mother didn’t even know until TMZ came out with it."
Dieter feels his heart sink as you say this. The truth that he always suspected so brutally delivered makes him feel like he's been punched in the gut. Burnout Bravo.
Mia begins twisting her fingers together nervously. "Really?"
"Really," you nod before shooting a look over at Dieter that says play along. 
"It's the truth," Dieter says hollowly. 
"So there's no feelings here?" Mia asks the both of you. 
You're the first to reply with a laugh you force from the bottom of your belly. 
"No. Never. It was a one night stand because we were drunk and because I hadn't been laid in months. That's all it was."
"Yeah," Dieter says laughing the same sharp way you do. "I don't fuck my employees. We were wasted." 
That stings. To be referred to as an employee and so carelessly. But it’s what needs to be done. The two of them fit together. You lean closer to Mia, dropping your voice so that only she can hear you.
“Mia what you two have is special,” you emphasize. “I’m not just saying that. I’ve known Dieter for years. You’re the first one I’ve really seen make him change for the better.”
Mia seems to soften at this and you watch as Mia pushes up from the chair and draws over to Dieter. He stands and she allows him to pull her into his arms. He closes his eyes as he holds her against him. She murmurs something into his neck and the moment suddenly feels incredibly intimate.
You feel your intruding on the two of them and you shuffle past them into your bedroom, closing the door quietly behind you.
Back in the kitchen Mia pulls back slightly to gaze up at Dieter.  "Do you want her, Dieter?"
"What?" Dieter blinks rapidly. "You already asked me that and-"
"And now she's not in the room with us," Mia finishes, peering into Dieter's face. "And I want your total honesty." 
Total honesty.
He can't give her that. Can't tell her how you occupy his thoughts at all times. Can't tell her that even if you weren't carrying his child he's crazy about you. Can't tell her that he's so touched that you care about him well past that of a personal assistant. Can't tell her that he's told you things no one knows because he trusts you more than anyone. 
And he can't tell her those things because he really cares for Mia, more than he ever expected to. If things continue between the two of them there's a very good chance he's going to fall in love with her because right now he's well on his way. 
He doesn't want to give her up. 
His affection for you will wane. When you leave for school he'll be able to forget you. You don't want him so why would he pin his affections on that?
He needs to move on from you. 
"No," Dieter says firmly. "It's not like that. I mean of course I care about her. She's been my assistant for years and she's carrying my kid." 
"You know that's not what I mean," Mia says flatly, her light eyes scanning his face. Dieter stares into those eyes, feeling himself melt. 
Mia is sweet and ambitious and she likes to party. She's got an edge, a relaxed way of being and she's fucking gorgeous. She's an actress so of course there's a bit of ego but that's nothing he can't handle. If anything he likes it about her. 
Mia had been so understanding, so cool. Dieter could feel himself falling harder and harder for her the longer they were together. Part of him thinks she suggested the casual nature of the relationship because that's all she thought he was capable of. She gets him in a lot of ways. 
But you’re here and you're carrying his child and even if you weren't, after breaking down the walls you keep up these past few months, Dieter doesn't know that he can stop wanting you. It doesn't make sense; you don't want him like that so why does he still desire you? 
He needs to quit it though. If he doesn't watch himself he's going to lose Mia and he doesn't want that. 
"I want you," Dieter finishes softly, cupping her cheek. 
Mia slides her manicured hand over Dieter's wrist, sighing as she looks up at him. 
"I think maybe we need to take a beat Dee."
"Huh? Why?"
Dieter can't understand what she's talking about. They're going at a glacial pace. He hasn't even taken her to bed yet. Something that would have bothered him in past relationships, but for this one just feels right.
"Because I need some time to think things over," Mia tells him gently. "This is a lot to take in."
Dieter frowns. "But, I like being with you."
"And I like being with you," Mia assures him with a smile. "But I need to wrap my head around this. I know why you did what you did, but I need to sit with it and let you know how I feel."
She’s dumping him.
Dieter isn’t an idiot. He’s done this song and dance in his time. He knows by the tentative way she meets his eyes, the way her hand stays lightly on his wrist. She’s softening the blow, he realizes.
"If that's what you want," he manages. He won’t force a woman to be with him. And despite everything he’s glad he met Mia.
"It is," Mia nods. She stands on tiptoe to press a kiss to his lips, smiling as she pulls back. "I better get back to the hotel. I have an early day on set tomorrow. Not all of us were lucky enough to finish wrapping their scenes."
"The price of being the lead," Dieter grins. Mia giggles, going to pull on her jacket before giving him a brief wave.
“I’ll see you later, Dee.”
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You're in bed when Mia leaves, half dozing on your side. You’ve just removed the headphones from your belly and you’re ready to fall into a hopefully long sleep. You start when the door to your room creaks opens and Dieter steps inside, creeping over to your bed.
"Hey," you whisper in the dark. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," Dieter nods, unbuttoning his shirt. "We talked it out."
"Okay. Good."
The shirt is dropped to the ground, followed quickly by his jeans. Wearing only his boxers he stills, realizing he's not in his room but yours. 
"Did you... Can I sleep in here?"
"In here?" 
"Yeah," Dieter says and you can hear the insecurity there. 
"Sure," you say pulling back the covers. "If you can fit in this narrow bed with me and my stomach."
"I'll fit," Dieter grins. 
You feel him slip under the covers, shifting nearer to you until his breathing is fanning over the back of your neck.
His hand tentatively rests at your hip, tensing. He remembers last time the two of you were together in bed, you snuggling up to him, kissing his shoulder, holding him. There was nothing sexual about it, just comforting. He wants that again. 
"Would," he starts, feeling embarrassed. "Would it-"
"Would it be okay if I held you? Not trying anything," he quickly adds which makes you smile in the dark. "I just like holding him." 
Your smile fades. He doesn't want to hold you. He wants to hold the baby.
Of course he does. 
You want to quell the beating of your heart. You want to remind yourself that this is transactional. 
But more than that you want to be held by him. 
You want to inhale the scent of his cologne and feel the ridge of his nose grazing your neck. You want to feel his hand curl against your stomach. And most of all you want to fall asleep with the man who helped you to create this life you carry.
"Yeah," you shuffle back against him. "I'm sure he misses you."
It's a silly thing to say especially since the baby doesn't even know it’s a baby yet. But Dieter grins at the comment, holding you. 
"I missed him," he murmurs, hand grazing softly against your abdomen. 
Guilt gnaws away at you though. 
"Would Mia be okay knowing you're in here?" You whisper in the darkness. "I mean, I know nothing is happening, I just mean... You know."
"Yeah. Pretty sure she dumped me." Dieter supplies.  He feels you tense in his arms, tilting your head over your shoulder to stare up at him concerned.
"What? Really?" 
"Yeah," you feel Dieter shifting behind you, his large arm coming to wrap tighter around your waist. "Says she needs time to process everything." 
“Doesn’t sound like breaking up.”
“Trust me,” Dieter sighs. “I know a break up monologue when I hear it. I’ve given enough of them.”
You think on this, hand sliding under your pillow. Dieter sounds resigned, like this isn't necessarily something he wants. 
"You're okay with it, Dieter?"
"Maybe it was for the best," you offer, trying to cheer him up. "I don't know that monogamy was ever your thing." 
The moment stretches between you both, the room quiet. Dieter has found your left hand, his thumb coming to absently rub the ring you wear there. The ring he bought you that you never take off. The ring that if you knew how much it cost you would never wear for fear of losing it. He loves seeing it on your finger, knowing that something he bought you ties you to him in some way. 
"For the right person it would be," Dieter finally offers in a soft rasp. Before you can say anything he's flicking the lamp next to the bed off. 
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Dieter wakes the next morning when the scent of your perfume on the pillow. He cracks his eyes open to see the bed empty and he feels a stab of disappointment. 
He showers before pulling on his clothes and robe and padding into the kitchen. You're sitting there, backlit by the sun and when you look up from your cereal bowl and cast a bright smile in his direction he feels momentarily breathless. 
You’re so fucking beautiful.
"Morning, ready for a painfully long flight home tonight?"
"Y-yeah," Dieter stammers before pouring himself a cup of the brewed coffee. 
You watch him looking anxiously around as he dumps the sugar into his brew before taking a seat opposite you. 
"So I was thinking about the Mia thing," You offer after a sip of tea. “She loves to travel right? Like, outside of work?”
“Yeah,” Dieter nods enthusiastically. "Last week she actually suggested we go on a trip together after the film wraps."
“So do it,” you insist. “Show her with action that you want and cherish her. Just the two of you somewhere romantic. Where does she like? Paris? Italy?”
“She was always talking about Prague,” Dieter offers as he recalls their times together. When they were first getting to know one another under the pretense of running lines. “She’s always wanted to go.”
“So take Mia to Prague,” you say enthusiastically as you can manage. “See the sights, stay at wonderfully fancy places, do romantic things. Prove to her that you want to be with her. Because she obviously means something to you Dieter.”
“You seem awfully concerned about my romantic life,” Dieter muses. “When did that start?”
“Contrary to what you believe, I care about you,” you say shortly. “And when I’m gone I want to make sure that things are stable. Mia is a good stabilizing force. And from what I can tell she’s a lot tougher than I gave her credit for.”
“So Prague,” Dieter echoes, thinking about your suggestion. It’s a good plan. A smart one if Mia will give him a chance to prove how much he cares about her.
“I won’t lie I’m jealous,” you smirk at your cereal bowl. "Always wanted to go there."
I'll take you. I'll take you anywhere you want to go.
Dieter shakes his head to erase this dangerous thought. 
No. No you won't, Bravo. She's leaving practically as soon as your kid is here. Stop thinking about her like that. She's your employee. 
"Well you'll have three hundred thousand dollars to play around with," Dieter says forcing a smile to his own face. 
"Two hundred," you correct through a mouthful of cereal. 
"Well uh, I have to pay off my mom's mortgage. There's still about a two hundred thousand left on it. Then I have to pay off my student loans the next semesters' tuition and rent a place so... No trips to Prague for me." 
You give a little huffing laugh before going back to your cereal. Dieter takes a long sip of his coffee thinking about everything that’s gone on.
You begin to tap into your tablet, bringing up your flight details. Dieter watches you typing, transfixed by the way your fingers move, the way the ring he bought you sometimes spins on your finger. He recalls the way those same fingertips felt gripping him as he licked-
Fucking stop.
"Okay, that's done; the car will be here around three. Bags are packed, your passport is with mine," you say checking things off your list with a satisfied smile before it drops. “And our meeting with Diane is in ten.”
Diane is the big guns when it comes to PR and Dieter’s career in general. Knowing that you’ve pissed her off stresses the both of you big time. And as if you’ve summoned a well organized demon the laptop chirps.
Seconds later you and Dieter sit awkwardly next to one another at the kitchen table, your laptop positioned between the two of you. A furious looking Diane is on the zoom call, her dark red brows knitted together. 
"I thought I was perfectly clear."
"You were Diane," you jump in, your cheeks red. "It's-"
"No public affection," Diane interjects. "No fraternizing with co-stars."
Dieter gives a sheepish grin at that before his eyes jot to you. You can't even look at him in the small box of the zoom meeting. You feel so foolish about all of this. All your years of professionalism, striving to have things under control and this is how it ends? A blurry snapshot of you kissing your celebrity boss?
"The baby kicked for the first time," Dieter offers quietly. "We were just really excited."
"Congrats," Diane says without a shred of conviction. "Now we have a PR nightmare that we have to spin."
“I know we screwed up, Diane, but I swear it was a heat of the moment,” you implore her. “It won’t happen again.”
“You’re damn right it won’t. As of this moment you are no longer working for Dieter Bravo.”
“Hey-“ Dieter starts but Diane is talking over him.
“You wanted to keep her on Dee, and look what happened. And now we can’t even keep you on the books because it’ll look suspicious,” Diane snaps. “You can’t be seen fucking and paying your assistant, it’ll be career suicide. I’ll have to pay her wage through a third party and I really didn’t need this headache considering I was already finished up on a plan for unveiling baby Bravo and now I have to rethink the entire thing.”
 Dieter looks over to see your head hung low, your cheeks stained red. He knows how much this is killing you. How much you prided yourself on your work acumen and professionalism. He tries to slide his hand over yours but you pull away sharply, eyes going to Diane.
“I understand, Diane. Just tell me what I need to do.”
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The flight back is a strained one. Diane has booked you both first class and private pods but across the plane from one another. You don’t interact the entire flight; instead you’re left to your own thoughts as you absently stroke your stomach.
You have a few things in your favor – it was getting close to having to stop working anyway. You’re officially showing and you’re still getting paid. That money can all go to the family.
The family.
Your mother’s voice over the phone rings in your ears. The shrill terrified shout that this couldn’t be true. You’ve disappointed her. You have to explain it all to her as soon as possible. It’ll be easier to just tear the band aid off.
Dieter rests in his own private pod three whiskey’s deep, his swollen eyes hidden behind sunglasses. He’s been holding back tears all morning and now they slip down his gold cheeks in the privacy of the flight.
He doesn’t get to see you or the baby until he’s born. It’s a fucking cruelty.
“If you want her to have a normal life, Dee, you’ll stay far away from her. She needs to be seen as a surrogate only, not a romance. We can write the kiss off as a one-time thing if we find an alternative romantic partner to highlight for you.”
Of course he’d agreed immediately. He doesn’t want you or the baby stressed. It’s his own fault for wanting you so badly it aches. You promised to update the app daily, to video chat at least every other day. That had seemed fair.
But now on the way back to LA, Dieter can’t help but feel this growing pit starting in his belly. A coldness that has nothing to do with the weather. He’s not going to see you every day, won’t be able to smell your perfume, hear your voice when you sing in the shower (off-key), won’t snuggle you to him as you watch nature documentary’s. 
At least before this photo Dieter had the option of going to your house to see you in the last few months of your pregnancy, but now with the media frenzy there’s no possibility. It’ll be horrible for you and your mom.
Once he’s off the flight Dieter’s phone is buzzing. He takes it out, surprised to see that Diane has already sent him a few texts. He’s confused before he remembers that without you as his PA he’ll be receiving her messages directly.
[12:33pm] I talked to Mia’s publicist. She’s agreed to a public romance rollout this Friday. New club opening.  Confirming your availability.
Dieter glances over at you in the luggage carousel, eyes flitting from bag to bag as you wait for yours.  You look like a goddess despite your dark black clothes and oversized sunglasses. He knows you’re trying to be inconspicuous.
[12:34pm] D: I’m available.
You’ve got your luggage and Dieter scrambles to grab his own before rolling it over to you. You notice his approach and try to affect a casual attitude. Thankfully no one seems to recognize you from the photos.
“I’ll make sure you get into your taxi,” Dieter offers quietly walking alongside you, his brows raised.
“No it’s fine,” you insist, taking your rolling luggage and giving him a soft smile. “I’ll be good. I’ll head out first; hopefully if there are any paps they won’t recognize me before I’m in the cab.”
When you walk out of the airport you think of all the things Diane warned you about over the phone. The photographers, the yelling, the attention. You thought you were ready for it.
You were wrong.
But there are at least fifty paparazzi all hanging around like flashbulb vultures waiting to catch you both looking vulnerable. Groups of men with oversized cameras are all shouting at you, calling your name, saying things to get your attention.
"Over here! Hey, over here!"
"Have you two picked out names yet?"
“Did you put holes in the condom?”
"Do you know the gender?"
“Do you sleep with all your employers?”
"Is it twins? It looks like it could be twins."
You feel anxious tears starting at the corner of your eyes. They’re going to photograph you and you’re going to be crying. You still in the crowd, hand on your luggage strap, frozen like a deer in the headlights.
The taxi seems so far away, the lights, the sounds; the sensation of being suffocated is all you can focus on. You feel like you’re drowning. Your chin wobbles and another camera is thrust directly into your face.
One hand curls over your belly protectively before you raise the other to shield your face. You feel completely alone and vulnerable, the tears almost spilling when you feel a warm hand envelop your wrist. You glance up to see Dieter there at your side, stony faced at the paparazzi as he pulls you gently towards him.
“Give her room to breathe.”
Gratitude floods you and despite Diane’s directions to avoid each other like the plague you let him lead you towards where his private SUV waits.
His arm goes to your back, urging you to move with him. As you and Dieter shuffle through the throng of shouting people you suddenly understand why Dieter drowns himself in drugs and sex and everything else. This constant whirlwind, this unbearable attack on all sides is exhausting. Photographers, fans, cameras, eyes, shouts. It's terrifying.
"Is this the result of a one night stand?"
“Dieter have you asked for a DNA test?”
 “How old are you?”
“Did you feel pressured because Mr Bravo is your boss?”
“Can I have your autograph!?”
“What a slut!”
“What’s the sex like?”
A camera is thrust inches from your face and you give a yelp, putting up a free hand in front of you as the light flashes.
"Hey, get the fuck away from her," Dieter says placing a protective arm around your waist and sweeping you along with him. He doesn’t let you go as he herds you through the line of shouting people. Dieter’s driver is there, grabbing your bag for you and loading it into the SUV.
“Just breathe, baby,” Dieter murmurs against your temple. “I got you.”
You want to tell him that this will look bad in tomorrow’s gossip column; that even just walking side by side will create a frenzy of tabloid speculation. But you’re terrified at the mob of people and your hand clutches at the front of Dieter’s jacket as you shy away from them.  
"Are you really pregnant or is this a publicity stunt?"
"Dieter what about rumors that you've been linked recently with Mia Rowe?"
"It's it true this child might be Robert Pattinson’s?"
When the last photographer starts shouting and shoving the camera in your face again you let out a small whimper as Dieter opens the door of the SUV for you.
“Please just stop!”
Dieter hears your cry and turns to see your terrified expression before you’re burying your face in Dieter’s shoulder.
Dieter loses all rational thought. All he can focus on is the way you’re trembling in his arms, the way your hand has gone protectively over your stomach protecting his son, the child you made together.   
Before you can stop him he's reared back and kicked the photographer in the vee of his legs and the man blanches. You look on in horror at the altercation.
Flashbulbs are going off like crazy as the man groans sharply, grabbing between his legs and collapsing onto the sidewalk.
“I said stay the fuck away from her!” Dieter shouts, his cheeks red.
He pulls himself in after you, closing the door before his arms are around you, pulling you against him. The windows are tinted, but that won’t matter after that little performance out there.
“Ready to go Mister Bravo?”
“Yeah, thanks Hank.”
The car is already in motion, heading for Dieter’s place as the sound of shouts grow quieter and quieter with each passing mile. You’re still shaking, still reeling from everything that happened.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “That must have been terrifying. I’m used to it now but I remember how it used to be.”
“How do you do it?” you ask, still trembling. “They’re relentless.”
“Coke. Sex. Booze,” Dieter shrugs as if this is a natural response. “I get by. But it doesn’t mean you should have to.”
Dieter has his hand holding yours, thumb rubbing soothing circles along the back of your palm. 
“And here I thought my Mom was going to be the most stressful part of today,” you say trying to offer a weak smile.
“Is it really going to be that bad do you think?”
“Honestly yeah, I do,” you say nodding.  “She’s going to be pissed and I’m going to have to walk on eggshells until the baby is born.”
"Why don't you stay in my guest house?"
You gaze up and over at Dieter, seeing that he’s watching your face with a soft expression as the car coasts through the busy LA traffic.
"You don't want to stay at home, I have the empty space. I don't see why that's so weird. And if I’m honest I don’t wanna be so far away from my son,” Dieter finishes lamely. “I like seeing him growing every day.”
I like seeing you every day.
He can’t admit that to you. He never will. He’ll swallow it down deep.
“I have to go home, Dieter.” You insist. “Plus, Diane would murder me. This flies in the face of everything she’s trying to cultivate for your image.”
Dieter doesn’t say anything, but he does relax back into the seat next to you.  He doesn’t release your hand, instead he maneuvers his fingers, lacing them through yours and resting them on the seat between you both.
You tell Hank your address and you take a deep breath as a short while later he rounds on your street.
Your Mom wasn’t joking.
There really are tons of people littering your normally quiet suburban neighborhood. Many with expensive looking cameras and phones. You groan as the SUV crawls by them before you insist on having the Hank drive you around the corner. The last thing you need is to be seen getting out of Dieter’s car.
Hank goes to take your bags out of the trunk and Dieter readies himself to follow you out the door.
“I’ll come-“
“No,” you insist gently. “I have to do this myself.”
He wants to deny this but he sees the seriousness of your countenance and nods. He knows you’re a strong, capable woman. But the thought of you being messed with by those paps are making his jaw clench.
“Don’t worry,” you tell him with a grin as you slip on a pair of oversized sunglasses. “Thanks to you I know how to get them to leave me alone.”
He can’t help but let out a short laugh, cut short when you close the car door. Dieter watches you take the suitcase handle from Hank and thank him before you roll it down the sidewalk and out of his life for the foreseeable future.
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The first thing you notice when you get inside your house is how quiet it is.
Especially compared to the madness that is just outside your front door.  You’d successfully ignored the men and women who shouted questions at you. You were busy on the phone with the local police ensuring that your Mother’s home would no longer be swarmed. You slide your suitcase to the left of the door.
She appears moments later dressed in her sweatpants and oversized sweater.  She hasn’t left the house despite it being a workday.
“Your flight was okay?”
“Uh, yep.”
“You didn’t go to work today?”
“Couldn’t get my car out of the driveway,” your Mom says tightly.
“I called the city when I was walking up,” you tell her, toeing off your shoes. “They’ll take care of it.”
She nods but makes no move to smile or to hug you. She’s always been an emotional woman, prone to hugs and kisses so her complete lack of anything has you on edge.
“I made pie,” she says, “come have a slice.”
You hear distant sirens outside as you follow her into the kitchen, taking your coat off before plopping into seat opposite her at the table. You don’t miss how her eyes widen at the obvious swell of your stomach.  
“So it’s true.”
You watch her cut the peach pie she’s baked noting that her fingers are trembling. You say nothing in reply, simply watching as she slides your portion and a fork to you on the plate before she looks back at your face.
“You made a child with that horrible man.”
“He’s not a horrible man,” you say, your voice coming out more caustic than expected. “You don’t know anything about him other than what the media wants you to think.”
“Oh, he’s an angel then, is that it?” your Mother gives a humorless laugh as she sits in her seat, the cheap wood creaking. “He doesn’t do drugs? Doesn’t say crazy things? Doesn’t act like a fool?”
Your mother has always ragged on Dieter through your entire employment. Most of the time you could shrug it off, ignore it or even laugh along with her. But now? After everything you’ve experienced with him you feel a strangely intense feeling of protectiveness. For the soft man that holds you in bed and buys you rings just because. For the man that listens to you talk about your Dad and shares about his mom. Hearing her deride him makes you curl your fingers around your fork in anger.
“Even if he did all those things, so what? If the worst thing you can say about Dieter Bravo is that he acts immature and says silly things and does drugs every once in a while does that really make him so horrible?”
“It makes him irresponsible,” your Mom snaps. The worst possible thing you can be in your mother’s eyes in irresponsible. “And he’s supposed to be the father of your child? Of my grandson? I’m not going to have a son in law that acts like he does.”
A son in law?
You could laugh at the thought of Dieter being a married family man. When would he have time to go on hippie retreats and have threesomes? Although considering his behavior of late perhaps that’s an unfair belief. Regardless, Dieter Bravo is not the marrying kind.
"Mom we're not getting married. Ever."
Your mom's fork clatters onto her plate, the pie forgotten.
"What? Why not?"
Fuck. This is going to hurt so much more than you thought. Hearing your Mom refer to herself as a grandmother is a new kind of pain you weren’t anticipating. You can see it there in her eyes that keep lingering on your belly – all the hopes and dreams of grandchildren running through her mind.
“We’re not in a relationship.… this isn't... I'm not keeping the baby," you finally manage to say in a thick voice.  
"What?” Your mom nearly shouts when she looks to your swollen stomach, her features contorted in horror.  "You can't just get an-"
"No, not like that. I mean, I'm giving the baby to Dieter. He's paying me to be his surrogate." 
Saying it out loud makes your heart hammer. If you thought she looked horrified at the previous comment, she looks downright disgusted now. She leans back in her chair, as if she physically cannot stand to be closer to you.
"I'm getting paid," you explain in a rush, hoping that this will ease the pain of it. "Three hundred thousand dollars." 
You expect that this will soften the blow of the news but if anything she looks as if she’s been slapped.
“You’re… selling your baby?”
The way she says it makes your skin crawl, like you’re some backroom monster.
“It’s not like that,” you say raking your hands through your hair in frustration. “Mom, I’m not like, his Mom. I’m just carrying him. Like, remember when Liz had the surrogate? I’m like that girl they hired.”
“Liz didn’t let her husband sleep with that woman did she? They did it at the hospital, with a transfer,” Your mom peers into your face and you think you see a shadow of hope. “Is that what happened, honey? You got an embryo transfer?”
Fuck this is getting worse by the minute.
“No. We slept together. It was a mistake.”
You wince when you feel your son kick, a light flutter that has you gripping the sides of your abdomen in surprise.  Guilt immediately goes through you – can he understand what you’re saying during all of this? No, of course not, he’s a fucking fetus. And yet that doesn’t stop you from welling up.
"This is so…twisted,” your mom replies with a shake of her head. “It’s one thing to sleep with him and have his baby. But you… You’re not even going to be his mother? You’re selling him off like he’s a piece of furniture?”
A solemn quiet goes around the space and your mother drops her napkin to the table.  You take a bite of your pie, finding it bitter.
“That’s not at all what’s happening.”
"If your father was here-"
"Well he's not!" you snap out at her. “You had no one else to take care of you so I stepped up. I see how long the hours are that you work, how exhausted you are. You’re supposed to retiring at this age, not taking on double shifts. I wanted to pay off the mortgage for you. I wanted to pay for my schooling. And Dieter wanted a child, so how is this pregnancy a bad thing? We all got something out of it.”
“Got something out of it?” Your mother almost sneers. “You don’t get something out of it. You created life and now you’re selling him for profit to a man who needs help staying sober longer than a week. It’s disgusting what the two of you are doing.”
A searing pain goes through you as you sit there, the pie dry and tacky in your mouth. It hurts to swallow it down. But it hurts more to know that your sacrifice is now being thrown back into your face.
“I did this for you,” you tell her weakly.
"I never asked you to do anything for me," your mom says and now you see the shame in her eyes. The disappointment. “It’s disgraceful treating human life like a commodity. I… I can’t accept that money from you. It’s tainted.”
I did it all for nothing.
You feel numb. Your Mom has lowered her chin to her sternum and you can see fat tears slipping down her nose. She’s silent as she cries and when she does this it reminds you so much of your father’s funeral and the way she’d silently sobbed that you feel physically ill.
You can’t be in this environment. Not just because it hurts so much to have her talk to you like she has. But because you can’t spend the next several months on eggshells, high strung and anxious. You can’t do that to the life that is building itself within your womb, cell by cell. You will give your son every advantage you can.
"I can't be in this house," you say softly. "I'm sorry, mom. I... I can't."
“I think that might be for the best,” she agrees, and you notice that she can’t meet your eyes.
You move to your feet wobbling to your bedroom, closing the door gently behind you. You look at the awards on the desks, the beautiful painting you look at each morning, at the space you lived in with your Mom and Dad. You can almost hear his voice as he told he was so proud of his smart daughter and her science awards.
If you try you can remember how it felt to have him read you bedtime stories before you fell asleep in this very room. You can still smell the cinnamon bread your Mom would make you every year for your first day of school.
But then you blink and all you see is a room with a bed and a desk and some art on the walls. A past life of someone who doesn’t exist anymore.  You catch your reflection in your dresser mirror, amused to see that the woman staring back at you hasn’t been a child for a long time. She stands with a splotchy face and tired eyes, and a stomach that swells with life.
“You’re gonna be safe,” you tell the bump in the mirror.  “I promise.”
You glance out between your drawn blinds thankful to see that the group has been dispersed by local law enforcement. Good. You bring out your mobile and begin tapping out a message.
[4:31pm]:  Is that offer of staying at your place still on?
D [4:31pm]: i'll send a car
You don’t even fight him on it.
[4:32pm]: Thank you.
D [4:32pm]: u never have to thank me
You make your way to your closet where you bring out a second suitcase, filling it to the brim with everything you think you’ll need for the next little bit. Your suitcase full of clothes from your last trip is waiting for you at the front door for when you exit.
You sit on the end of your bed, waiting for the car when you feel your phone buzz at your hip.
It’s a photo from Dieter, one that makes your brows saddle. It’s of his guest house, the one he usually just keeps for out of town guests and overflow storage for his paintings and other purchases.
But you can see he’s organized it, swept the floors and set everything up nicely complete with a vase of fresh flowers from his garden sitting on the coffee table.
D [4:56pm]: ready and waiting, baby mama
Your hand is on your abdomen without thought, gently holding your son through the tendons and tissues. You give a watery smile at your screen before looking down at your belly, feeling a sense of relief bloom behind your sternum.
“Everything’s gonna be okay, little one. Your Dad is gonna take care of us.”
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TAGLIST: @getitoutofmymindwrites @manuymesut @whirlwindrider29 @mostardentlypascal @lu62 @missladym1981 @heareball @sptbear @drewharrisonwriter @lizzie-cakes
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dragonagecompanions · 3 months
DAI Companions reactions to repeatedly being mistaken for a young/teen Inquisitor's parent or older sibling.
Cassandra: At times it feels like she is, and yet it is never something the seeker begrudges. This young person has stepped into a role no one their age should have to fulfill, and with so many relying on them to save the world at least one person should be standing in the role of guardian and protector of their interests. She only wishes it could be her sole priority.
And if, in quiet moments, to have a sibling again is a balm then it a truth no one else need know.
Varric: He was a lousy brother, though is was not as if Bertrand was winning any awards either. But he never really understood the pressures his older brother was under until stepping into part of that role— and Varric never had the strain of ailing mother or the loss of Orzammar on his shoulders. No, he is not sibling material.
But no father could be prouder of a child than he is, watching their young leader stitch the world back together. Kid needs looking after, and Varric Tethras is honored in the burden.
Solas: If the Inquisitor is elven, no matter his plans for the future, the rift mage feels a sort of obligatory kinship to the da’len so far from clan or kin. Children have always been precious, especially to the Elvhen who did not conceive so easily as humans.
For any other inquisitor he does not correct those who make the mistake, and will turn it into a familiar joke later that the herald must be the most attractive of thei species to be mistaken for an elf. It hides how little he cares for the comparison.
Kin slaying is a terrible crime. Best not to build the relationship from the start.
Blackwall: In another life Thom Rainier had scorend the idea of children, and taken pains to ensure that his dalliances would not conceive a bastard he had no intention of claiming. Now his family name is hardly worth the claiming, and he is grateful his only sister took her husband’s name long ago and is free of his legacy.
But as a warden, true or otherwise, Blackwall is honored by such a comparison. If his presence has had any small benefit to the young person upon whom such a task is laid then he is honored by the comparison. And while he would be the first to argue that no one is better off in his care or keeping, Blackwall would be the first to lay down his life to protect theirs, and will do everything he can to make sure they are well.
Vivienne: For the sake of his grown children- and the wife who had done her duty in the bearing- Bastian could not have given her a child. Even if he could have protected it from the clawing hands of the Circle, whose laws had forbidden such a gift. To be a mother was not in her future, and in her youth Vivienne had taken steps to ensure such an accidental fate could never befall her.
But she could have been. In the quiet moments through out the years she had imagined how such a child might grow, might flourish under the love and guidance of two parents who so deeply wanted it. And while the Inquisitor is neither replacement nor surrogate for that dream, in this young person Madame de Fer can see a reflection of what might have been.
If she takes care to guard their appearance, coach their behavior and prepare them as best she can for the great game, it is easily couched in the truth that it benefits the Inquisition to do so. The truth of her affection is hidden away, no further burden on shoulders already heavy with titles and too few years.
But she can dream.
Sera: When she does think about her childhood, the few times it has to be examined, Sera would not have minded another small person to have run about with. It might have made the lessons and the lies less lonely, to know someone else was there to ride through it with.
But there wasn’t. And she didn’t. And she likes the Inquisitor, is happy to have them as both friend and Friend. But family is a sore spot in the tapestry of her life, and adding patches to warped thread does not fix the faulty loom.
Dorian: It is the worst nightmare of most high born alti, that one’s parents might conceive a second child to rival them for the familiar seat in the magisterium. Never a risk for Halward and Aquinea, whose duties to each other and the marriage bed ended w it the birth of a living and magically inclined son.
And yet Dorian would not have minded a younger Pavus knocking about when he had been a boy, someone to share the duties and adventures of Minrathious in those few years before duty locked away simpler pleasures. But when he is first mistaken for the Inquisitor’s father, first mistakenly assigned that guardianship and all it brings?
It staggers him, how deeply the role could fit. For all that their creation is anathema to them, Dorian Pavus would never scorn a child of his blood. Of any blood, in truth. If their herald is young enough and without guardianship, without a future once Corypheus is defeated…
It is a thought for later.
The Iron Bull: Where is the lie? Was he any less worthy of the imereki than those who had left them behind? The feelings that well up when the mistaken role is given do not surprise him, and Bull is perhaps the easiest of any besides Cassandra with taking on that burden. The Chargers are his family, and if they survive the Storm Coast the little Herald is gathered up into that fold without question.
And even with one eye he can see the second Dorian accepts and even relishes the idea. The Iron Bull didn’t come South looking for a family, but one may well be within his grasp regardless.
Cole: “Shared name, shared memories, tied together by all the things that matter. Even when we don’t agree there is still love and trust, striving for something greater than we are. Yes! We are a family. That makes sense.”
Mod Fereldone
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argumentativeaxolotl · 11 months
Random Human AU Cars headcanons that probably don’t make any sense before I go to bed bc I can.
Lightning McQueen:
- Has accidentally called Doc “dad” before
- Has accidentally called Strip “dad” as well
- Bro can literally not stop moving- like he will not sit still and he tries so hard
- He has the shortest attention span ever if it doesn’t have to do with his friends or racing
- He actually really enjoys American Football and plays a modified version with Mater sometimes
- He was an orphan growing up
- Bro would 100% go apeshit feral if he lost a game of Uno
- Loves carnivals
- Dog person
- Forgets he’s rich sometimes and he can make his own decisions about money
- His love language is hugs and gifts
- He bought the Hot Wheels of his car and continues to buy every variation
Chick Hicks:
- Bit other kids as a child
- Filled water guns with lemonade and shot at people’s eyes
- Daddy issues(actually this is canon isn’t it?)
- Cat person
- Frighteningly good at card games like Casino “house always wins” levels of good. Like bro will somehow know what your cards are without even looking at them
- He put rocks in snowballs
- Alcoholic
- Loves anything horror, gorey, and True Crime
- He’s notoriously bad at getting people gifts, like seriously bro is not allowed to buy anything for anyone for Christmas or their birthdays that’s how bad it is(someone usually gets it for him)
- He probably has a huge gambling problem
- His love language is giving gifts
- He gives gifts as a form of apology because he’s shit at words
- Literally the best mustache in all of cars- like he keeps that thing at top condition 101% of the time
- He never actually finished school because his dad forced him into racing as soon as he could
- Probably had rabies at one point and somehow survived
- If you somehow manage to become a good friend of his, he’ll actually be super chill w/ you
- Rich as FUCK
Strip Weathers:
- Legally adopted Cal after his parents passed away(or sumn idk)
- Has several scars on his arm from the crash during the tie-breaker race
- He, Tex, Lynda, and Cal were practically inseparable after the crash
- He and Tex are literally the bestest of buds like they are homies to the MAX
- He doesn’t hold any ill-will against Chick even if he should and is allowed to
- The “Boy Scout” of racing(think Superman or Captain America)
- He listens to “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X while working with his horses. Cal cringes every time.
- He never swears unless he’s serious about something or is extremely upset or concerned
- He almost fainted when he met Doc for the first time, almost immediately asking for an autograph
- He has a ranch full of horses and enjoys horse racing as well as car racing
- Received an apology gift of both cologne and a miniature trophy from Chick
- He let Chick sign his cast after the crash
- He’s tried to teach Lightning and Bobby how to ride horses with Cal’s help. It did not go well
- He wanted to be a doctor for a little while before switching career paths
- Racing is literally in his blood(he comes from a very VERY long line of racers)
- Weirdly good at writing. Like for no reason.
- He heavily fanboyed over Doc when he was younger
Doc Hudson:
- He loves Lightning as his son
- He thinks of Sally as a surrogate daughter
- Unironically says “back in my day” whenever he’s telling a story
- He owns a shotgun and it’s hidden away in his house, far away from Lightning(who keeps trying to find it with no luck)
- He knows the most shit out of everyone and all their backstories. Bro hears the gossip and goes “nice”
- He loves watching fruit dissection videos on YouTube for some reason
- Bro is great at knitting. Like seriously. Give him ten seconds and you’ll have a whole ass sweater with a theme and everything
- He is an alcoholic(especially after his crash)
- Never got married or had children… until Lightning and Sally lmaooo
- He nearly started crying tears of joy when Lightning called him dad the first time
- He has several large burns and scars on his legs and lower back from the crash(like shit is really bad dude)
- His favorite movie is the original ghost busters
- He is a cat person
- He is a neat freak at heart yet gave up trying to clean out his garage because of all the bad memories
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vendetta-if · 8 months
Damn the last update was so 🥺 can I ask you which is Luka's most cherished memory of little MC and little Ash when Viktor was alive and when he bacame their surrogate father?
Oohh 🥺🥺 Good question. He, of course, has a lot of cherished memories of times spent with his family and loved ones, but some stand out a bit more than the rest. Since I can’t really choose, I’ll do two for each ☺️ So, buckle up, this will be a long one.
Also, quite a number of these memories revolve around Christmas. Christmas celebrations has always been a memorable and cherished tradition for the Morozovs, especially for Viktor and Luka because it was one of the rare moments where they got to spend a lot of time with their father.
Pavel would always make sure to clear out all of his schedules weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year, and sometimes, he even cleared the whole December and first half of January. This is of course to spend more time with his wife and two sons, and to just take a break and even vacation with his family.
It’s not a surprise that Viktor and Luka end up continuing the tradition when they have their own family as well.
So, with that additional context out of the way, let’s start with when Viktor was still alive! 🥲
One of his most memorable memories from back then was MC’s fourth birthday. He didn’t really know what to gift his four-year-old nephew/niece/nibling, so he went with Cara to go scour for presents.
He had gifted Ash one of those ride-on toy motorcycles for their birthday that year and Ash loves to ride it around (It’s like a mini Ducati one 🥺). So, when he stumbled on those ride-ons vehicles toys again, he decided to go safe and buy one of the car ones for MC. He totally forgot that Viktor and MC were living in an apartment and didn’t have too much space for it 😭
The afternoon ended up being spent hanging out in one of the parks in the city with Viktor, Luka, and Cara hanging out and watching Ash and MC zooming around on their little vehicles 🥺🥺 Somehow, that little memory sticks to him to this day.
The other memory from back then that is memorable for him is actually that first Christmas where MC met their grandparents for the first time, even though the night went a little bit chaotic at the end. But to him, it was one of the few times before Viktor’s death where the whole family was reunited—even Ash and Cara were there too…
Now after Viktor’s and Cars’s death and he became MC’s and Ash’s guardian…
One of the memories he cherishes is the first time the three of them actually celebrated and enjoyed Christmas together. Before that, the mood always ended up being too sombre to really do anything festive other than having dinner together and opening gifts.
It was around 3 years after Viktor’s death (and around 2 after Cara’s), when MC and Ash seemed to finally get out of that slump period in their lives. They decided they want to celebrate Christmas cheerfully like before, even if it’s only three of them now.
So, they ended up baking—or more like trying to bake—cookies and cupcakes for Christmas and keeping it a surprise for Luka. The results were… less than stellar (although, depending in your headcanon for your MC’s interest and skill in cooking and baking, they might end up being edible at least 😆) and they made a huge mess out of the kitchen.
Luka was, of course, surprised in more ways than one and found the situation funny. The mood lightened for the rest of the night and the three of them actually ended up enjoying Christmas Eve together, watching classic Christmas movies together all night while drinking hot cocoa and eating cookies after having dinner. It was also kind of a turnaround moment for the three of them, so it is memorable to Luka.
The other memorable memories are attending Ash’s and MC’s graduation ceremonies, simply because they are milestones moments that every parent would remember for the rest of their life—Luka’s no different, although he always gets a little wistful reminiscing on that… Because it should’ve been Viktor and Cara sitting where he was sitting in those ceremonies.
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This might sound transphobic maybe (?) But as someone who is trans myself I promise it's not meant that way.
I was wondering about what exactly it means in the Clans to be a tom, molly, neither, etc. And to transition fron one to another. (Regarding your post however long ago about how they don't label things and just say stuff like "she was a tom and now she's a molly") Basically I'm asking what's the concept of gender/gender roles for them if that makes sense? I didnt notice any clear differences between treatment or opportunity for them but I also haven't read it in awhile so what I do remember at all is kinda fuzzy, and generally male and female cats don't look much different so I guess I'm just curious if it's just more of a vibe thing or not /gen
Again sorry if this is weird to ask!!
No you're good I love transphobia <3
All joking aside, the clans very much do not have gender roles! Transness therefore looks very different to them. While it sometimes comes with bodily dysphoria (for instance, Russetfur does not like any of the tom characteristics she has. When she takes a mate and they have kittens, she opts for a surrogate instead of siring the kittens herself due to that dysphoria) it usually has more to do with identity and, to a point, parenthood.
A lot of the time, a cat becomes because they want to honour or embody a piece of someone else. If Whitestorm had lived, he would have decided to be a molly based on his close relationships with the mollies in his life, especially Bluestar and Frostfur. What that means is different to every cat, about as individualistic as transness in real life.
And then sometimes it has to do with parenthood. Redtail lies more in this category--he related heavily to his father, Thrushpelt, and they were a big influence on why he decided to be a tom. Things went a little awry when he had kittens, because he had trouble reconciling that with his identity, but once he no longer needed to nurse them he felt a lot better about being a parent.
Mossflower is also a good example! Before she had Greystripe, Mossflower identified as a tom. When she had her first litter, though, she decided she wanted to be a mother (has to do with her feelings around Bluestar, who was very distant, and Rosetail, who helped raise her in Bluestar's stead). In Darkest Hour, she'll make the decision to return to tomhood, because she's finished having kittens and isn't as much a mother anymore (to that point, though, her kittens will continue to call her mom!)
The Town cats are a different story, though. They don't have much of a central sort of culture, so gender can range from being very tied to sex to not at all. Brick has no strong feelings about anything to do with their sex OR gender, hence the they/them pronouns. When they eventually got neutered, they weren't too bent out of shape about it--and in fact they found they enjoyed the new hormone-free mindset.
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Do you think Buddie would have another kid after getting together? What are your headcanons for that?
Personally, I say yes and see them worrying that Chris would feel some type of way about it and then approaching the conversation very carefully and then Chris is just like “so I get a sibling FINALLY? Awesome”
Oh bestie i absolutely think they would… especially with how much buck wants a kid and how eddie would love the chance to be there for the important things he missed with chris.
(i actually have an ongoing fic series called “Never Grow Up” centered around buddie being baby-girl dads; i will link it below if you want to check it out ☺️☺️)
but one of my headcanons is that they would name their baby girl after maddie- i don’t think she would be maddie diaz, i think they would make her full name Madeline (or any similar spelling) followed by her middle name being Isabel after abuela.
if they had a baby boy, i could 1000000% see them naming him after bobby in some capacity whether that be his first name or not (i also love the idea of him being called robbie instead of bobby so that it’s like the same but different)
i think buck would immediately become the helicopter parent for whatever extracurricular activity they join (im talking coaching the kindergarten soccer team, sewing dance costumes for dance competitions, volunteering as a kid wrangler for school plays, etc.)
i think eddie would sing old lullabies to their children as he rocks them to sleep at night, buck would tell him he has a beautiful voice (he would), and eddie would shake his head and say he doesn’t think so
buck and eddie would both find moments during the day when chris would sneak into the nursery and be telling the baby a story about their family, or saying sweet things like “im slways gonna protect you” or “i will never let anyone hurt you” “if anyone gives you a problem you come to me”
buck would go all out for their birthdays, often bringing out clipboard buck to make sure everything goes exactly the way he planned
their kids would call all of the 118 uncle/aunt/auntie
i think buck would be the one who everyone thinks spoils the kid, but in reality eddie is much worse about it than buck is (although they are both bad about it)
i think they would have at least one baby via surrogate, so that buck would have the chance to he a biological father, but any more, they would look into adoption, getting help from henren through the process
i think they would raise the kids to be bilingual (buck would come home raving about research he did on how beneficial it would be to raise them in a bilingual household, and eddie couldn’t say no to buck)
eddie would get really insecure over messing up again (bonus points if he panics about not knowing how to raise a little girl) while buck reminds him that he is an amazing father and he will be just as amazing with their kids
I am so sorry this took me like over a week to post, anon… I started a draft of these and then life kinda blew up and i only just thought about it… i guess better late than never, right?
If you are interested in reading my baby-girl-dad!buddie fics, i am going to link the series below (there are currently only two one-shots, but i am sure there will be more to come!)
Thank you for the ask, anon! and again, i am so sorry it took me so long to get to it! 😭🙏💕
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stusbunker · 6 months
Spotless: Rest
Chapter Three
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Other characters: Annie/Bobby, Sam, Charlie, Bela
Word Count: 3050
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, allusion to Dean's bisexuality, mention of past drug related death, responsible alcohol consumption, buried feelings, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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Your Uber left you in Bobby and Annie’s driveway just after six the following evening. It was a casual invite for an otherwise wide open Saturday night. Just steaks on the grill and cheap beer, the promise of a Midwestern kind of night in the middle of Malibu. You’d been in California since college, but there was a part of you that needed to slow down and really connect with people. And of course Bobby and Annie got it, they were real people and practically your surrogate parents at this point.
Phone on silent, you walked around the house and let yourself into the side gate that led into the backyard. Which was small and more of a patio with a small pool and hot tub, but big enough for a grill and a set of lounge chairs and a small glass top table to eat around. Bobby waved at you as you arrived and you placed your cheek against his in passing, your usual non-business greeting. He twitched his mustache at you in his semblance of a proud smile and you headed inside through the French doors at the back of the house.
“There she is!” Annie greeted you, spinning to give you a tight squeeze as you dropped a six pack on the kitchen island to share. She had been a rockstar in her own right, an 80s sensation, but had left the stage behind when addiction had taken her bandmate before you had even reached elementary school.
“Hey, Annie. Thanks for having me over.” You beamed at the contact, as tough as Annie was she gave good hugs, nothing on Ellen back home, but you took what motherly affection you could get. It had been too long since you felt safe and welcome in that way.
“Are you kidding? Of course, girl, especially when you know to bring my beer and not surly’s.”
“Need any help?” You offered.
“Nah, just grab the plates and I’ve got the rest,” Annie pointed toward the small stack of plates with forks and knives stacked on top as she scooped up a bowl of fruit salad in one arm and a bowl of garlic mashed potatoes in the other.
You settled down with a beer apiece as Bobby finished on the grill, letting the darkness of an autumn night hover over their well lit patio. The food was delicious, but the company was better. Annie complained about her job at the animal shelter and you and Bobby griped about the label. It was cathartic and easy.
“So, spill. I can tell you got an idea about how you’re going to ‘sway public opinion’ and all, but I haven’t heard your pitch yet,” Bobby read you like a book. 
You set down your beer and swallowed, looking at the former roadie and figured it was now or never. “I think— Dean needs a good woman to help him shape up.”
Annie chuckled. 
Bobby scowled. “Something tells me you aren’t talking about yourself.”
You rolled your eyes. “No, nobody knows me and that would just be weird.”
You ignored the look Annie and Bobby shared. “I’ve got a friend who is semi-famous— was famous as a kid. And I think she would be able to help us sort of ‘rebrand’ Dean’s image.”
“Who is she?” Annie asked as Bobby watched you with growing suspicion.
“Bela Talbot,” you answered honestly.
“Bela Talbot? Why do I know that name?” Bobby looked at Annie.
“Like big eyes and pigtails Bela Talbot? From Red Sky in the Morning?” Annie guessed right.
“Yeah, I mean, she’s my age now. But, I figured she’d be wholesome enough on the grand scale of things.”
“Child actress, huh?” Bobby considered it.
“Yeah, she was my roommate at USC, wanted out of the limelight and has just done some modeling and fashion collabs since,” you explained, hoping neither of them had any legitimate reasons to shut you down.
“She cute?” Bobby asked after the plates were cleared and you had moved onto the beer they kept in a mini fridge on the deck.
“Gorgeous,” you replied immediately.
“But?” Bobby asked, knowingly.
You exhaled before replying, “she can be a bit testy at times. Though I know Dean would be able to keep up with her snark.”
“That all?” Bobby huffed.
“Do we need to pay her?” you asked warily.
“Anything official would come back to bite us in the ass— and I’m sure whoever is in her camp would want a cut. Even though by the sounds of it, she’d be benefiting from all the press too,” Bobby figured.
“Probably,” you agreed. “So unofficially.”
“Dean’s a big boy. Lord knows he can find his own arm candy if he wanted to. But I really don’t want to deal with asking him to start looking because you know what’s gonna crawl out of the woodwork,” Bobby said dejectedly.
“You think she would keep it civil, even if Dean is slow to come around?” Annie asked pointedly. “I trust you know what you’re doing, but we are kind of a tight bunch.”
“Not to mention overprotective,” you said, smirking at Bobby now.
“See what she says first, then we’ll tell him.”
“We will?” you asked hopefully.
“It was your idea, wasn’t it? I think it should come straight from the horse’s mouth. But I’ll back you up, don’t worry about that,” Bobby agreed.
You sighed. “Figured that was easier than I deserve.”
“You sure you’re gonna be okay plastering their faces everywhere and all the build up you do with your friend semi-dating your other—friend?” Annie made the last word sound like a slip of the tongue.
“It’s my job. Plus, it’s not like Dean’s gonna see most of it— dude hates social media,” you replied as if any of it were things they didn’t already know.
“Well, let’s just hope he doesn’t break another paparazzo's nose,” Bobby tilted the neck of his beer in your direction, a toast and almost wish in one.
“Here here,” you agreed and clinked his bottle with yours.
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An hour later, after assuring Bobby you didn’t need a ride, you waited for another Uber with a tupperware full of leftovers in hand and almost an entire twenty four hours ahead of you without any real work to do. Besides your semi-regular brunch with Bela whenever the both of you got out of bed and bothered to meet up tomorrow.
As you waited, you checked your phone. And of course, it was full of texts, mostly from Charlie but Dean and Sam had texted too. By the time you read through them all, they had you suckered in for a night of Mario Kart, you just had to swing home to change before heading back out to Sam and Dean’s place in Laurel Canyon.
Okay, you didn’t have to change. You chose to. You wanted to be comfortable, because odds are you and Charlie were crashing on whatever stretch of couch you could find. Though, you didn’t want to look sloppy either, not that anyone there would even notice what you were wearing, but you felt better about yourself when you put some effort in. So, you went through your loungewear drawer and found an old USC hoodie and the leggings that made your butt look best.
You checked your hair and then grabbed a bag of kettle corn out of your pantry, knowing there’d be no lack of beverages at Casa Winchester. You climbed back into your waiting ride and settled on the fact that the radio was out of your control. Slowly you let the miles pass by in a somehow relaxing anticipation. You already had a good time at Bobby’s, now you got to see the rest of your people. And forget about the hows and whys of your latest business decision.
Because first and foremost, Dean and Sam (and Charlie) were your friends.
You stepped into Sam and Dean’s driveway behind Charlie’s rickety Gremlin, having tipped your driver well after the change of plans. Their attached garage was big enough for Dean’s inherited Impala and Sam’s newer Charger, plus all the crap Dean kept around to keep them both in the best shape. You punched in their security code, slid past their cherished rides and in through the mudroom after making sure the garage door closed behind you.
The sounds of the race were evident already and you couldn’t help but smile at their unabashed competitiveness as you walked through the house. There was a small entryway between the mudroom and the back stairway where you tossed your flip flops and your bag in a heap. You tucked your phone in your pocket and fisted the oversized bag of popcorn.
“Who’s winning?” you called out towards the living room as you made your way into the kitchen. A chorus of groans and greetings met you.
“Who do you think?!” Charlie beamed, snickering as she passed Dean’s Koopa on the track.
You chuckled as you plopped your contribution to the snack bar that Dean’s kitchen island had been transformed into. You popped open a container of grocery store cookies and stole one before heading over to watch the match wrap up. Dean, who was closest, was sitting on the longer end of the couch, his elbows on his knees, baseball cap backward and barefoot, heckling Charlie as he trailed behind her Peach on the last lap.
Sam was standing in sweats and an old Celine Dion tshirt Dean got him as a joke, but he always wore it with pride. He was barely hanging on, nearly an entire lap behind Charlie and Dean. Charlie was sitting crisscross applesauce in the corner with her specialty controller in her lap, her eyes never leaving the screen. You dared not interrupt and block anybody’s view of the obscenely large television above the fireplace, so you slinked onto the arm of the couch on Dean’s right, finishing your cookie and watching as Charlie took first despite Dean’s last second shell attack.
“EAT IT, DEAN! Bow to your queen!!! YEAH!” Charlie whooped, as Dean dropped his controller and stared at the ceiling, hands drooping in defeat.
Sam finally crossed the finish line and the standings were posted on the screen for all to see. “This is ridiculous,” Sam groaned, before turning to you and offering an arm up for a side hug. You fell against his muscular side and hugged his waist.
“How was Bobby’s?”
“Good, Annie says hey.”
Dean, turning his back on a gloating Charlie, asked “she tell you the news?”
You grew stiff and asked warily, “what news?” Sam patted your back in reassurance before leaving to grab a drink from the kitchen. 
“She’s coming in to do a track with us. This coming week, I’ll get her in the box with me.”
“Are you serious?! Dude! I have only heard her sing on the radio, I didn’t know she still did,” you gushed, which was exactly what Dean needed to hear, apparently, because his face completely lit up talking to you about the new duet. 
“She didn’t even tell Bobby until like Tuesday, when I sent the sheet music home with him,” Dean confided.
“So that means she’s gonna tour with you guys? God, Bobby is going to be fussing over everything,” you said, dropping onto the couch between him and Charlie. You smiled at your red headed friend and changed the subject. “Drink?”
“Please!” Dean begged. “Need something before I get my ass handed to me again.”
Charlie smirked and then batted her eyes at you. “You making? Or do I have to get up from my very comfy spot?” 
“Fine! What is your highness drinking tonight?” You said as you stood and joined Sam in the kitchen, with Dean on your heels.
“Something with tequila!” Charlie shouted after you.
“Oh, boy, I’m not having what she’s having,” you muttered and made your way to the corner of the kitchen they had made into a wet bar.
“Why? Get too sloppy?” Dean teased.
“No, tequila makes me slutty, and I’m just not really dressed for that,” you said, playfully sad, even as the mischief sparked in his eyes. 
Sam laughed and handed you a pair of pint glasses. “Yeah, that’s okay, I don’t think we need to hear you proposition Warluigi tonight.”
“Hey!” You laughed, hip checking him. “It would be regular Luigi at least!”
Dean sounded like he choked on his spit behind you. “Yeah, Sam, she’s got standards.”
You looked over your shoulder and tipped your head, “you’re damn right.”
Dean held your gaze and you instantly regretted the entire conversation, because his eyes were saying things you knew he didn’t really mean. He didn’t see you like that, to Dean, you were like a kid sister. But to you, Dean hit all of your standards and ruined them for everyone else. You rolled your eyes and sighed, turning back to the alcohol and tried to keep the mood light.
The heavy pour of rum in your coke, the palate cleanser you needed before the next three hours of high stakes gaming with the man you would always be in love with, his not-so-little brother and the friend you could always depend on. You fell asleep with your feet in Charlie’s lap, somehow better at the game than Sam but still not able to top Charlie’s experience. You woke just after nine with a blanket tucked around you and a glass of water left out on the coffee table. 
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“Then the little weasel tried to split an Uber, honestly!” Bela groaned, complaining about a bad date as you sipped mimosas in the Sunday sunshine. “What about you, darling? Please tell me you’ve at least entertained the idea of dating again. It’s been too long since you’ve had that well-fucked glow.”
You rolled your eyes, blushing, Bela’s bluntness was one of the reasons you loved her. “Tell me about it. But, its what happens when you’ve got no time or fucks to give. Um, I do have a potential target for you, though.”
“Oh? Pray tell, lord knows I need some fresh meat.” Her teeth gleamed and if it was anyone else you’d feel bad about throwing him to the lioness, but you knew Bela could be trusted with things that actually mattered.
“So, the label doesn’t trust Dean going into the current album, after, well everything,” you started, stabbing at your eggs.
“Okay?” Bela replied, unsure of where you were going.
“But I, genius that I am, assured them that I could spin his image, make some positive noise out there and all in all insure that the next tour is going to be huge. And to do that—”
“No!” Bela gasped, you smiled back at her apologetically, but desperate was probably more accurate.
You trudged on. “How would you feel about some social media smooching and public dates with a hot guy who is trying to rebuild his career?”
Bela composed herself, but the flare of her nostrils told you everything. She thought about it and let you simmer in your own anxiety as the waiter checked on your drinks. You smiled politely and sent him on his way.
“How is he doing, really?” Bela asked sternly, her eyes piercing into your soul.
You exhaled. “He’s good. It’s been a long year, but he has calmed down— left behind the bad influences. Hell, Sam’s even got him into meditation. Which is something I’d never thought I’d see. So, if you’re asking me if he is stable, the answer is yes. If you’re asking me if he’s on board with the idea—- I haven’t told him yet. I wanted you to make the first call, because no matter who it is, Dean’s not going to like it.”
Bela huffed.
“But I trust you. And I think— it’d be kind of fun to hang out more. Might even be able to tack another zero onto your follower count,” you pushed the sale. 
Bela smirked, reading you and not bothering to deny the appeal. “He does clean up nicely, right? I’m not going to have to hire a stylist to keep up appearances or anything.”
You nodded, hope igniting in your belly. “I’ll talk to him, he’s got the closet he just needs to use it.”
She took a sip of her drink and looked around the patio, squinting as she drew out her decision. “Is he straight? Am I a beard here?”
“He likes girls. But I’m not entirely sure he’s completely straight, though,” you admitted, probably for the first time out loud. 
Bela hummed in consideration.
“We can pay you, off the books. I’m not saying you need it, but it won’t be easy and—”
“I might be entitled to compensation,” Bela teased. “Look. I’ll think about it. But if you breathe a word of this to my mother, I will kill you. She would die before letting me date somebody as seedy as a musician. Let the old bat stay in the belfry.”
“Oh, yeah, good call, don’t want to send an old woman to the hospital,” you nodded, completely forgetting about all the people Bela would have to appease to make this happen as well.
“Y/N? Relax.” Bela eyed you. “I’m honestly considering it, if anything it would be a break in the monotony. And if I can make some idiot exes jealous along the way, all the better.”
You grinned. “That’s the spirit!”
“Another mimosa? I didn’t drive and I know you, it’d take a few more before you have to be careful,” Bela changed the subject and drew your attention back to the approaching waiter.
“Sure, why not?”
Just after eleven that night, Bela texted you that she was in. You don’t know if it was the loneliness of her apartment or the looming threat of another work week that pushed her over the edge, but you would take it. You thanked her and promised to touch base on schedules once Dean was in the loop.
You put your phone down and stared at your ceiling, it was actually happening. Something told you that Dean would go along with it, even if just for a little while. And with that thought, you slept soundly for the first time in ages.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch@mrswhozeewhatsis@cosicas-cuquis@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like@suckitands33@ladysparkles78@deans-baby-momma@stoneyggirl2@sassy-pelican @leigh70
Chapter Four: Bravura
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Carter-A259 is the Dad That Stepped Up
Carter, Carter, Carter. Carter. The slept-on member of NOBLE Team.
He’s also the oldest SPARTAN III by a decent margin. Unlike the rest of Alpha Company, taken at four, five, and six, Carter is a whole-blown eleven. There were members of Alpha without any adult teeth. There were members of Alpha who DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO READ.
Enter Carter. Carter is the oldest and most mature kid there. Think about that. Think about the maturity gap between four and eleven. Between six and eleven. That’s five years between him and the second-eldest child. Five hundred scared children, and in a best case scenario, the instructors tolerate them. What exactly do you think happens?
Carter steps up. He’s probably one of the few people to actually stand up for rest of the kids. He’s probably the one they go to for support, at least in the early years. There’s a distinction between him and the others that just wasn’t present, really, in the original IIs.
Is this good? Fuck no. Carter’s a fucking tween, he shouldn’t have to parent anybody! Is this still how it goes down? Probably, yeah. It still matters that it happens.
Fast-forward ten years. The youngest Alpha-IIIs have graduated. Carter is twenty-one. Jun, Rosenda, and Emile are… around sixteen (their ages don’t actually line up with the data on Alpha Company, but lets assume they do.) Thom is fifteen. They get pulled from the lineup, and then Operation: PROMETHEUS happens.
Three hundred of Carter’s surrogate children little brothers and sisters die practically overnight, and he can’t do anything about it. He wasn’t even there. How do you think that would feel? Especially when one considers the reason he was pulled from the active company: he could handle children was a leader.
Carter is described as being a “born leader” but in all honesty, that’s complete bullshit. His superiors only think that because admitting the truth would be too depressing, even for them. He is a good leader - a really good leader - but only because he had to be. Because there were five hundred children looking somewhere for guidance and he was the tallest one there. Carter stepped up.
Three years pass. Carter (24); Jun, Emile, Rosenda (19); Thom (18). Carter has been assigned various missions. I imagine this is where his calculated stoicism hardens into what we see in Reach. Yet, right now, he’s about to get possibly the worst assignment of his fucking life.
NOBLE Team is entirely comprised of teenagers. They have him wrangling TEENAGERS. As a job!
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This is, of course, when he meets Kat (14) and the others - none of which are people we know yet, all of whom may presumedly be from either Alpha or Beta, which puts them firmly in the 14-19 age range. Ain’t that bitch?
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And they die. Holy shit do they die! Every member of NOBLE Team other than him and Kat are replaced many times over!!! Now he doesn’t have to worry about missing the deaths of people he cares about because he’s right there and he can watch it happen! Horrific.
Seven years of this pass. Carter (31); Jun, Emile, Rosenda (26); Thom (25); Kat (21). This is about the time when Jorge (fucking FORTY) gets assigned to the team. Apparently. The dates are so weird with these guys, because there’s dialogue implying Jorge is the least-recent addition to the team, but that gives Jun and especially Emile barely any time (less than half a year???) to have settled in. If that’s the case then holy shit, Carter and Kat are way bigger badasses for surviving that long. That’s eight years of suicide missions with high turnover rates! What the fuck.
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Anyways. Jorge shows up. Carter’s no longer the oldest. Jorge has leagues more experience, and is one of the original SPARTAN IIs. Everyone on the team (including Carter) probably thought Jorge would take over as leader. Carter shakes his hand, expecting to reorganize the command structure, and then this guy fucking calls him ‘boss.’ Carter has spent his whole life being an Older Brother with Single Dad responsibilities and the second an actual adult shows up the dynamic doesn’t change! He just has another guy he’s responsible for!!! What the fuck, ONI.
And let’s not forget about Kat. Oh, boy, let’s talk about Kat.
Kat, of course, is the only other member of the original NOBLE Team, which aside from being INSANE, also explains why the two are so in sync. Thank you, Jorge, for that single, ambiguous line of dialogue in the Long Night of Solace intro cutscene. Kat does, in fact, have Carter “dialed-in.” They’ve worked together for eight years and are also the only constants in each others’ lives. Carter has seen her grow up and probably helped. She’s his second in command. She’s the XO to his CO. He willingly cedes operational control over to her very frequently, to the point where she’s in charge of NOBLE Team for an entire third of Reach.
Now, whatever you think Kat and Carter are to each other* you cannot deny that they have the strongest connection out of any two members of NOBLE Team. Jorge’s death is likely more distant for Carter. It happened instantaneously in space, which still hurts, but fucking hell. Kat dies literally right in front of him. She has a hole in her head and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Eight years (eight years!) and it all ends in a heartbeat, like her life didn’t even matter, and he couldn’t stop it from happening. It’s an abrupt, untimely, undeserved, and unworthy end for Carter’s closest friend and family. In the end, all he can do is be the one to carry her body to the escape pelican. How do you live with something like that?
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That’s why, when Six and Emile (and Humanity’s last hope, I guess) are about to be slaughtered, Carter does as any good father/brother/commander would. He takes a deep breath, assesses the situation, and steps up.
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*my vote is for ‘everything,’ because relationships (of any variety) between people who didn’t have childhoods can be very blurred and messy, especially if their bond is formed around the traumas of war and bloodshed during their formative years.
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solarisgod · 10 days
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As Micah is the child of the primordial Incarnations of the Sun and Moon, a starseed buried within the purest soil of Earth that birthed xem as xyr surrogate parent, Astereus is an extremely rare and among one of the first non-human who could not only manipulate the matters of natural elements, but make them as well. However, this makes an extremely dangerous threat to the eyes of humanity who would do anything to use xem in any ways. Even some Grisha would immensely fear the potential dangers and horrors that Astereus could bring. Although there are many cases across the world's history where Astereus, especially Micah, would silently bring miracles to the lost and loneliness, those who would look up at the stars and see themselves in the sea for some hope and love. These things that Astereus can bring from the endless light of the cosmos despite everything.
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The only known alternative version Astereus' Grishaverse have is that eventually, after years of especially Micah helping both Grisha and Humans with xyr loving lights in the dark, xe was found by a group of Second Army Ravkans who had xem take the test, with those nearby believing xe was the one people would speak of the endless bright stars part of xem. Although still sensing there's more to Astereus when nothing of xem could be revealed in the test ( due to the willpower xe held out to not reveal xyr powers, as well as the continuous agony that xe had held for the longest of time preventing the testers from provoking xem by giving pain ), Astereus has been taken to Little Palace, a place where Micah has to be forced to take sides of the war that xe doesn't want to be part of, fearing xyr existence that would be hurt more by the brutal series of destruction and death, which could lead it to bring the end to all.
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█ ▌ NAMES ⅋ EPITHETS ₊˚. Astereus, in particularly Micah, have several titles and epithets based on xyr known traits, powers, miracles, and history: The Stellaris Saint of All Light and Love, Saint Shattering Star, Starstriker, the Ruiner, the Bringer of Creations and Destructions, the Constellation in a Corpse, and more. The Starry One is xyr most common title. Having a very long life, Micah had gone by many names, but xe always end up going back to Micah Xenowake. Micah eventually learnt xyr true name, given from xyr celestial parents, is Astrifer, bearer of the stars.
█ ▌ KNOWN STATUS ₊˚. Micah, the Starwaker who often interacted with the world, was considered to be a mythological / folklore figure who had helped bring senses of hope and love to people, regardless of what they are and where they come from, travelling around the world. Astereus can be commonly found at both day and night, usually with the open skies or large water bodies that people would come to search for any signs or meanings of life. Micah would either use arts such as drawing and singing, or Small Sciences with the stars and their lights in order to give the sufferers and prayers reminders that generally say they are never alone and are always loved. Many considers Astereus to be a Saint, but Micah doesn't like to be seen as one, only seeing xe is just xemself with xyr stars. There had been cases, or more so rumours, that death and destruction had occurred from Micah's flaring ire and agony, creating wildfire and tsunamis that killed both the terrible and innocence. Micah is known to hide with the clouds and stars, mainly coming out to be someone's stars than to be the world's sun and moon or xe could end up being its eclipse and destroy all under xyr monstrous presence.
█ ▌ SPECIES ⅋ ORDER ₊˚. Connected to the existences of the Celeste and Terreste through the three powerful entities who originated from their respective cosmic bodies, Astereus is considered to be part of an extremely rare and special race closely related to Grisha from not only can xe manipulate existing matters and molecules, but xe can also create them in specific elements, known as Teurgiya to the Grisha population, meaning " theurgy " in Russian, the art or technique of compelling or persuading a god or beneficent or supernatural power to do or refrain from doing something. Teurgiya is known as more of a myth than a reality that explains the world's creation by the divine elemental forces that took upon human forms for the conveniences of the making process, although Astereus is the only known Teurgiya to exist still on Earth during present era. Most Teurgiya could produce from inner energy and willpower, Astereus’ creations of Grand Magic usually comes from xyr own emotions and thoughts, as well as dreams and memories.
 ⁽ CLASSIFICATION. ₎ Most tales around Astereus will point different natural elements that xe could create and manipulate, being labelled as the following most common types: Inferni, Tidemaker, and Durast. Starbringer is a special type of the Etherealki Order that Astereus is usually known as, having to ability to make, move, and manipulate the stars and their lights. Few would say Astereus can even use the lights of the sun and moon themselves as well, using the former to ruin with xyr left upper limb and the latter with the right to heal, which makes xem be known Ekleipsis as both a title and Etherealki Grisha classification, but ultimately, most Grisha and Humans would call Astereus a Starbringer or, in commonly grimmer cases, Ekleipsis.
 ⁽ USAGES. ₎ Astereus will usually only rely on using Small Sciences instead of Grand Magic to avoid not only being harmed or killed by humanity or being used and weaponized by Grisha, but Micah was warned by Gi, xyr surrogate Earth parent, to not use Grand Magic so often because xe can disrupt the Natural Order that can bring chaos to the laws of nature and reality, affecting those near or around xem by bringing them destruction or death. If especially Astereus uses Grand Magic to harm and kill, the impacts will become extreme and excessive to a point that xe can even end the whole world. Micah and Phoebus relies more on manipulating fire and water more for self-defence while Philos and Phobos would control them for offence. Micah will usually make and move the stars to bring joy, hope, and comfort in others. Using the light of the stars, sun, and moon, are extremely rare of occurrences as done generally for last resorts.
█ ▌ AMPLIFICATION ₊˚. Astereus have two Amplifiers, xyr right nails replaced with lion claws and left with wolf claws. The lion and wolf were assigned by Ilios and Fengari, the Sun and Moon, to look after Micah as xyr companions when xe was a toddler under Gi's care at a magical forest, entirely hidden away from the eyes of citizens and divines. Although at the human age of two, when Micah burnt xyr home forest down after xe got hurt, triggering xyr power with the solar light that brought the forest into flames, the lion and wolf died protecting Micah. Micah doesn't recall how the beasts' claws fused with xyr fingertips, but would assume xe could've died with them, only to be brought back to life due to xyr powerful cosmic origins. Either Astereus can transform into a lion during day and a wolf during night at will or not is unknown, but has been uttered that xe could in xyr many surrounded tales.
The first time when Astereus died, the flies that came to feed upon xyr corpse would take the leaking light with the blood from the body, giving themselves a special feature of bearing xyr light, then known as fireflies. The first generation of the fireflies that evolved by Astereus' lights are called Lightningflies and these special insects could not die until xyr existence completely ceases. They will usually follow Astereus, but can part ways or remain in distance if they sense xyr wish to be left alone.
Astereus wears clawed leather gauntlets to hide the Amplifers of xyr lion and wolf claws while subduing the chance of xyr abilities so that xe wouldn't be easily detected as a Teurgiya by Humans and Grisha. Although the gauntlets' appearance would raise questions of the design choice, Micah will usually just mention the design is part of xyr aesthetic brand, as well as xyr hands are extremely sensitive, hence xe needs an armoured layer to protect xyr hands. Xe will remove them only while xe's with someone xe's close to.
There have been cases where Astereus would be hunted and harmed, as well as experimented on and nearly murdered, by Humans across the lifetime. Micah and Philos have little to no recollection of the more violent experiences, unlike Phoebus and Phobos who would have to endure them for the Starwake System. They have numerous old scars and bruises across their body, most being hidden beneath tattoos, by the cruel hands of Humans.
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partyofwords · 7 months
How to Give a First Kiss ~ *Jiro Yamada*
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Summary: Jiro has yet to have his first kiss. However, since he's met you, he's wanted to give it a try. But he has no idea how to go about it. Perhaps all he needs is some brotherly advice.
Pairing: Jiro Yamada X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1326
Warning: one swear word
When Jiro was a little boy, Ichiro used to tell him that the person he gave his first kiss to would be his spouse in the future. That was his biggest reason as to why he had never kissed anyone. Of course he never told his brothers that, especially Saburo, as he knew he’d tease him relentlessly for believing it. His excuse for why’s never had his first kiss was that he wasn’t interested in things like romance. In reality, he was just scared about giving his first kiss to the wrong person.
This was all before he met you. 
You were different. You were special to him. You were someone he didn’t want to mess things up with because you were everything he wanted in a significant other and more. 
He loved you so much he wanted to give you his first kiss.
Now how to go about giving you his first kiss was tricky. The whole concept was completely foreign to him. But he was sure he could figure it out. After all, there were plenty of anime and manga out there that had to deal with the topic of kissing, especially first kisses. There had to be answers there.
So he started studying. And Jiro quickly learned that it wasn’t as simple as he thought. There were so many different kinds of kisses, from quick, shy pecks to long, sloppy French kisses. It was overwhelming! He knew more about kissing than he actually cared to know now. And he wasn’t sure which kind of kiss you would prefer for your first kiss as a couple.
While Jiro was watching another romance anime, Ichiro just so happened to walk through the door with Saburo. However he wasn’t paying attention to them. He had research to do.
“Whatcha watching?” Saburo asked, plopping down next to his older brother.
Pausing the show, he turned his attention away from the TV. “I’m just doing a little research, that’s all. Are you curious?”
Ichiro nodded at the paused show. “It’s a good anime, a super cute slice of life. But that’s not usually your type of show. What kind of research are you doing?”
Before Jiro could explain, Saburo burst out laughing. It took him a minute to catch his breath before he spoke, “So there’s a certain special someone you like huh? That’s the only logical explanation for why you’d watch something like this! Wow, you really are pathetic!”
Jiro blushed and looked away. Just as he suspected, Saburo was teasing the shit out of him. He should have watched this anime in his room, where he wouldn’t be disturbed.
Ichiro shook his head and put a hand on the middle brother’s shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with being a little nervous when it comes to your feelings, Jiro. Why don’t you tell us all about them!”
Jiro’s cheeks flushed. “I’d rather not, thank you.”
“Ah c’mon, why not?”
“Because it’s embarrassing!”
“For you it is!” Saburo stuck his tongue out at him. Jiro raised a fist to punch him, when Ichiro squeezed his shoulder.
“Hey, being in love isn’t embarrassing! Besides, as your big brother and your surrogate parent, you have to tell me!” Ichiro laughed.
With a defeated sigh, Jiro mumbled, “Fine, I’ll tell you. But not with Saburo around.”
His younger brother scoffed. “Alright, fine! I’ll be in my room if you need me, Ichi-nii. I’ll figure out what you tell him sooner or later, Jiro!”
He laughed as he walked off, causing Jiro to bury his head in his hands with a groan. Ichiro patted his back. “Are you okay? I’ll tell him to keep his mouth shut if he finds out.”
Jiro shook his head. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“I…” He didn’t know how to explain it. It was embarrassing! He didn’t know how to deal with the emotions he was feeling for you. But he was getting nowhere by himself. Perhaps he really did need to reach out for some help. And who better than Ichiro, who he was sure had dozens of admirers fawning over him.
“The person that I like, I want to give them my first kiss.”
Ichiro’s eyes widened. “Really? That’s a big step! You must really like them, huh?”
He nodded. “I do. I really do. But I don’t know how to kiss someone and I want it to be special. I mean, I plan on marrying them in the future, so this has to be perfect!”
“WHOA!” Ichiro all but shouted, placing both hands on his brother’s shoulder as if to steady himself. “It’s just a kiss, Jiro! Not an engagement!”
Jiro frowned. “But when we were kids, you said that whoever I kissed I had to marry.”
His brother gave an anxious chuckle. “Ah, yes, that. Well, I just said that so you didn’t go around kissing every person you saw just because. Kisses are very powerful, as you’ve already guessed.”
He felt his cheeks warm with embarrassment. “Oh. I see.”
Ichiro smiled at his brother and shook his head. “Look, you’re thinking way too hard about this. The best  way to go about it, in my opinion, is to sit them down, tell them how you feel, and ask if you can kiss them. This kiss is just as important to them as it is to you. Make sure you’re both comfortable with it.”
Jiro nodded, finally having some good advice after all his hours of research. He should have known better. Of course Ichiro was a love expert! He should have gone to him first! Standing up, he thanked his brother and called you right away. He had an idea.
Not even half an hour later, Jiro was escorting you to his room. Granted he thought it was far too intimate for your first kiss, but he wanted to do it now, as Ichiro had taken Saburo with him to complete a job. He wouldn’t get another chance like this for a while.
“Y/n, we haven’t been together for very long, but I have very strong feelings for you. At first I wasn’t sure what to do with them, much less knew what they were. But after hours of research and reflection, I realized that what I feel for you is love. And my research has told me that the next step in our relationship is the first kiss. I should let you know, I have yet to actually have my very first kiss, but I would be more than happy to give that to you. So may I kiss you?”
You didn’t say anything at first, and for a moment, Jiro believed he did something wrong. He was about to reassure you that you shouldn’t feel obligated to kiss him, but that he really did love you. However, you beat him to the punch by smiling softly.
“Jiro, you know, you don’t need to prepare a speech to ask me to kiss you. We’re both still new to this whole relationship thing. If you want to kiss me, just ask simply. I’m sure we’ll figure it out, okay?”
He nodded. “Yes, of course. Alright. I’m going to kiss you now.”
You giggled, making his stomach flip. “Sounds good.”
Hesitantly, his lips touched yours. He watched your eyes slip close as you pressed against him a little harder. As he also closed his eyes, he got lost in the kiss. It felt like fireworks and electricity shooting through his body. He could almost feel himself shiver from all the feelings he was feeling. But he was more concentrated on how your lips fit perfectly against his. It felt like he’s been waiting for this moment his entire life.
When you both pulled away, he sighed and looked deep into your eyes. He knew then that what Ichiro said to him when he was younger was absolutely true. He was going to marry you one day.
“Can we do that again?”
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writeandsurvive · 1 year
Through it all ~ Manny Perez
Author's note: first work for Captain Perez from Fire Country! this show became my absolute fav, and I have a soft spot for Manny! I hope there are several others like me out there! Summary: Pregnancy scare leads to a long awaited convo and decisions Warnings: age gap, pregnancy (talk), kinda smut towards the end
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Keeping a relationship secret in a small town like Edgewater isn’t an easy thing to do. Especially when you’ve lived there most of your life and know basically everyone. Even more when the person you are dating works for Cal Fire and more specifically, is the Captain of Three Rock. But somehow, you and Manny Perez managed to do it. For almost two years. 
At first, keeping it a secret was the best thing to do, for everyone. You were quite younger than Manny, became friends with his daughter Gabriela, and so close to the Leones, you feel like one of them. You grew up with Bode and Riley, making Vince and Sharon your surrogate parents. Manny respects them way too much to do anything to jeopardize his friendship with them. After all, he considers that Sharon saved his life when she welcomed him into Three Rock several years ago, allowing him to turn his life around.
But time went by. You and Manny were very much in love, becoming pretty serious. Or so you thought, until that day when everything came crashing down. 
You thought you were pregnant. Your period was late, which never happens. You felt tired, your breasts were hurting. This could’ve been just PMS symptoms but something didn’t feel like it was. You thought about getting a pregnancy test, but you knew everyone at the pharmacy. So, you ordered it online and the next day, there it was.
A part of you wanted to do this with Manny, but you were also scared. The baby (and wedding) talk was something that has been avoided through the entire relationship. Him being older, having a grown up daughter, being divorced… Did he want to do it all over again? The most likely answer was no. And this would’ve put an end to your relationship cause you didn’t imagine your life without kids. Weddings could be discussed. 
So, you did the test. Set the alarm for a few minutes, and waited. 
You cried. Bawled, actually. If you put aside what could go wrong with this, you wanted a baby. A part of you hoped you were pregnant. You loved Manny with all your heart, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You wanted to carry his child. 
You don’t remember how long you stayed in the bathroom crying. But it was long enough for Manny to come in, find you in there and ask what was wrong, as he held you close to his chest. 
“I thought I was pregnant and we were gonna have a baby” You admitted through the tears, pointing at the test sitting on the sink. 
Manny didn’t react immediately. Your face was still hiding in his neck, so you couldn’t see his face. He stayed silent for a long time, just holding you, kissing the top of your head. But you could hear his heart beating faster. Was this a good sign?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He whispered.
“We never talked about this. I didn’t know how you’d react. I still don’t, actually.”
He stayed silent again. So, you had to ask. 
“Are you sad or relieved that I’m not pregnant, Manny?”
“I don’t know.” He continued to hold you but the long silence afterwards broke your heart more than those words did. 
That led to the worst weeks ever. You had the baby talk, and Manny admitted that he didn’t know if he wanted another child or not. “I’m old enough to be a grandpa.” He kept repeating. Technically, that was true. But you never cared about his age. You would try to kiss him and playfully joke that he’d be a sexy young grandpa but deep down you could see the doubt in his mind growing more and more as he became increasingly distant.
He cared about your age.
Eventually, the answer was no. He didn’t want any more kids. He didn’t want to get married again. And you didn’t see your life without kids. There was no compromise possible. So, you broke up. Your heart shattered and your bed always felt cold now without him there every night.
The rough part of this breakup was having to hide how broken-hearted you were. No one knew, and there was no point to them knowing now. You had to pretend. And so had Manny. Everytime you ran into him, you stared at each other like two lost puppies. It was surprising that no one noticed. You were not okay, and neither was he. 
Whenever you saw him at Smokey’s, having a drink - by himself or with someone - you approached him softly, touching his arm or shoulder if he was seated. “How many?” You’d gently asked. His past struggle with alcohol worried you. 
“Not many, don’t worry, cariño.” He’d smiled. You believed him.
At some point, pretending was just too much, so you found an arrangement with your job to work remotely and left Edgewater to visit family many miles away. You stayed there for several weeks. You needed to cut it off to get over Manny. Not that you actually believed that you could. 
When you came back to town, you gave a heads up to Vince and Sharon only. And of course, they immediately invited you over for dinner. You were only slightly better, and had started accepting the breakup. Avoiding Manny a little more should help. 
That was until you saw him at the Leone's house. In his Cal Fire comfy clothes, sitting on the couch with Vince as they watched some sports. Did they invite him too?
Vince immediately jumped off the couch to hug you, your feet no longer touching the floor. “I missed you sweetie.” He kissed your forehead. 
“I missed you too, Vince.”
Manny hadn’t moved from the couch, clearly as shocked as you by the encounter. You slowly approached him as he stood up, and hugged each other awkwardly. He looked like he hasn’t slept in weeks, maybe dropped a few pounds too. His scent immediately intoxicated you. Could this hug last forever? 
“Manny is staying with us, so he’ll join us for dinner.”
Staying with them? You clearly missed something while you were gone. 
While Vince helped Sharon in the kitchen, you and Manny sat down on the couch. “Why are you staying with them?” You asked. 
“It’s—“ he cleared his throat. “A long story. Don’t worry about it. How was your vacation?”
“It wasn’t a vaca— don’t change the subject, Manny. What’s going on?”
The Leones came back with some drinks, to Manny’s relief. But you were not giving up. 
It was hard to focus on the Leones and what they were saying, no matter how interesting, or intriguing it was. You couldn’t take your eyes and mind off Manny, who stayed pretty silent the entire evening. When there was a moment of silence during dinner, you lost control of your own mouth. 
“You’re catching me up with everything that happened in town, except for the most evident thing.” You stared at Manny. “Is there a big secret you’re all keeping from me that I’m not supposed to know about?”
Vince and Sharon looked at each other before looking at Manny. Clearly, it was his decision to explain or keep it a secret. 
“It’s not like nobody knows,” Sharon said. 
“It’s also not that easy to admit what a screw up I am, especially to–” Manny let go of his fork and stood up, “Excuse me.” You all watched him as he left the house. 
You didn’t think for too long before standing up too and following him outside. He was sitting in his car, engine on. You opened the passenger door and joined him inside.
“Going somewhere?”
He huffed. “Like I have somewhere else to go.”
“My place?” You offered.
“We broke up.”
“Doesn’t make us strangers, does it?”
He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel, so you moved on the edge of your seat to get closer, and ran your hand through his messy hair. He only tilted his head to the side to take a look at you. “Talk to me, amor.” you whispered.
“I handled our break up poorly,” the volume of his voice met yours. “I didn’t handle it at all, actually.” his eyes started to fill with tears. “At first, I just wanted to take my mind off things– off you. It was to be one night, one game. But I won, and wanted to win more. And it was sorta working, you know? As I was playing, I wasn’t focusing on you, on us, on how unfair this is.” A single tear started to roll down his cheeks. “I’ve lost everything. My money, Gabriela’s money, my house, my insurance. And on top of that, I don’t have you anymore either.” He sat back properly on his seat, taking a few deep breaths. “I’m a fucking mess.”
You held his hand for a brief moment, before pulling on it so he would get closer. His face rested on your chest, he was trying really hard not to cry too much. On the other hand, tears were rolling down your cheeks. 
“It doesn’t matter what our relationship is, you’ll always have me, Manny. Through it all.” You kiss the top of his head, “I’ll help you get back on your feet.”
He immediately sat back up, like we triggered him. “I’m not taking money from you. I already owe 10,000 bucks to Vince.”
“Fine, but that’s not what I was talking about. Are you getting professional help?”
“Not yet, I–”
“Then you will. If staying with Vince and Sharon suits you, then stay there. Otherwise, you know my door is open. How’s your relationship with Gabs?”
“Stop it. This is not up to you to fix me. I’m a grown man, I can do this by myself.”
“It wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t broken up.”
“We wouldn’t have broken up, if I agreed to have kids.”
“But you don’t and that’s okay. I get it.”
“Good, cause I don’t. What if I’m missing my second chance in life? What if–” he looked straight into your eyes, “I’m missing my one true chance at happiness?”
Manny Perez went through so many bad things over the years. Being a quite young dad, prison, money issues, rocky relationship with Gabriela’s mother leading to a bad divorce, alcoholism and now the break up and gambling. This man is one of the best humans you’ve ever met, but life keeps throwing curve balls at him. He deserves the world, and all you want is to give it to him. 
You didn’t have any words at this very moment. All you wanted was to hold him, kiss him and never let go. So that was exactly what you did. You moved as close as possible to him, grabbed him by his neck and planted your lips on his. You were both needy, like two junkies getting their fix. While never stopping the kiss, you found yourself straddling his lap before you realized. 
“Te quiero,” you whispered between kisses. It drives Manny crazy whenever you talk in Spanish to him. 
“Yo te quiero mas.” 
His hands were all over you, and yours all over him. Manny buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking on your sensitive spot only he knows so well, earning a moan from you. 
Neither of you saw nor heard Vince getting out of the house, until he knocked at the car’s window. You immediately jumped off Manny, trying to make yourself presentable. Manny tried to hide his growing erection the best he could before opening the window. 
“How long?” was the first thing Vince asked.
“Two years.” Manny answered. “But it’s–over,”
Vince couldn’t help but smirk. “Oh, is it?”
“It’s complicated, V.” you said, “Do you need something?”
“At this very moment, answers. But I suppose I’ll have to wait. Are you sleeping here tonight, Cap, or–somewhere else?”
You and Manny looked at each other for a moment. 
“I have custody for the night.” You tried to joke. 
“Don’t feed him after midnight.” Vince bent over a little to kiss our forehead before leaving. 
“Drive us home, Gizmo. We need to talk.”
“Alright, but drop the joke right now.”
He knew you better than that.
The ride was silent. Both in your own thoughts. 
Manny didn’t get out of the car when he pulled over at your place, but got him to follow you inside in the end. He had barely taken off his shoes, that your arms were around his middle, and you tiptoed to kiss his lips. 
“This is probably not a good idea, cariño.” He said, even though he intensified the kiss. 
“I honestly don’t care right now.” 
You walked backwards to your bedroom while still kissing each other, and Manny didn’t fight for even a second. He gently laid you down on the bed, getting on top of you. It didn’t take long until clothes were flying across the room. “I missed you.” He confessed, touching you everywhere he could. “Why did you leave?”
“It was too hard staying here, seeing you almost everyday. I had to get some distance, to process and accept.”
His strong naked body was covering yours. His hard cock was pressing against your wet pussy. His forehead against yours, his nose stroking yours, he softly asked, “And did you?”
“Does it look like I did?”
He chuckled and you kissed his dimple. “I need you, Manny.”
“Need you more.” On those words, he slowly entered you. 
Sex with Manny has always been amazing since the first time. He was your perfect match, and you were his. You discovered several things with him, and you both tried new things together. And every single time was mind blowing. But that night wasn’t about that. That night, he made love to you, like it was the last time ever. It felt both amazing and heartbreaking. 
But it couldn’t be the last time. 
“Maybe I don’t need kids to be happy.” You said as you were both lying down and cuddling. “Maybe I just need you.”
Manny didn’t react immediately. You could hear he was taking deep breaths, probably trying to get a hold on his emotions. After several seconds, he rolled to the side and rested on his elbow. “No.” He just said. 
“No?” You looked at him, confused. 
“You want kids. You want to be a mom. I’ve seen you with kids, I’ve seen you cry when the test came back negative.”
“But the thing is I don’t want kids with someone other than you.” Your tone was sharp, because you were getting angry. Why was he fighting on this? This was your decision. 
“For now.” 
“For fuck sake’s, Manny! I know what I want and don’t want, okay? I’d rather be with you, and not have kids, than be with someone else and have kids with them.” 
“You’re sacrificing yourself.”
“I’m making a choice. I’m choosing you.”
His voice broke. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I love you, Manuel Perez.” You stroked his cheek, “Sorry. Manuel Gizmo Perez.”
He laughed and kissed you. 
Over the next weeks, Manny went to counseling with your support. For everyone - especially Gabriela -, he was still living with the Leones, but the reality was he spent all of his nights at your place, where he belonged. He still refused your money, but got a second job on a boat to help pay his debts. It didn’t give him a lot of free time or even time to rest, so you tried to make it as easy as possible for him. You made sure he ate properly, slept the bare minimum, you even helped with Three Rock paperwork. 
“She’s my rock, Vince.” He admitted to his friend, as they were having a drink together. “She’s been amazing to me and I can’t even—get her something. Invite her to a restaurant, a gate away or something.” 
“That’ll come, man. For now, all she needs is for you to be okay.” 
“I have to say I’m surprised you didn’t kick my ass when you found out. I know you love her like your own daughter.”
“I do. To be honest, Shar and I have been suspicious for a while, and we agree she can’t find a better man than you. I mean, we’ve met her exes—“ he laughed and Manny joined. 
“Doesn't the age difference—shock you?”
“You’re both grown adults. But can I say something you may not enjoy hearing?”
“Go ahead, Chief.”
“She’s meant to be a mom.”
Vince didn’t know how right he was. But you and Manny agreed you wouldn’t tell anyone about the pregnancy before he told Gabriela. 
“How was lunch with Vince?” You asked as Manny came back home. 
“Nice. I got you those wings and spicy sauce you’ve been craving.” He handed you the brown bag, and you got excited about eating the wings. “I still think it’s a bad idea for you to eat the sauce, amor. You can’t stand spice.”
“Clearly, the baby isn’t aware of that.” 
Manny disappeared in the kitchen and came back with a big glass of milk. “Just in case.”
“Thanks guapo.”
He sat next to you, you kissed him briefly before attacking your food. 
“You didn’t tell him anything, did you?”
“Was hard not to, cause he brought it up. But I want to talk to Gabby first.”
“When are you planning to tell her?” You asked, with your mouth full. 
“Tonight. I told her I’d stop by her place.”
The spices were hitting up. You were sticking out your tongue like a dog, and trying to create some air with your hands. Manny laughed and grabbed the milk for you. “Told you.” You started to drink some milk and your boyfriend got closer, leaning down to be right next to your stomach. “You can’t do this to your mama, baby. But clearly, you’re a Latino.” 
“He or she is a Perez.” You said between sips.
“Maybe mama should be a Perez too.” He said with a huge grin on his face. 
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
I got to the scene last night that I'm sure everyone spectating my Urianger Problem has been waiting for me to get to. 🥺
I knew the scene with Moenbryda's parents was coming (it pops up in basically any youtube search for "Urianger" no matter what you're actually looking for), but I didn't know when or how it would go, and so it still managed to surprise me, in the manner of "I'll just turn in this quest and go to bed OH SHIT WE'RE HERE"
It was really good, even more so than I expected, not just in how much emotion it gets to show in Urianger but in how it brings a lot of his character setup full circle.
It was good to hear someone tell him Moenbryda's death wasn't his fault, especially someone he might actually believe, at a time when he might almost be ready to hear. I don't think he'll ever completely stop feeling responsible for it (especially given that what he says on the moon implies he was just offscreen when it happened and he could have stopped her and didn't). But it's clearly that it's been mostly shame over his part in it that has kept him from contacting her parents since, and now that he knows they don't blame him... maybe he can finally make some peace with it.
I love the anecdotes about the two of them in childhood. That Moenbryda was the one who sought out his friendship, that she acted as a protector when he was bullied, completely tracks and fits the pictured I'd already tentatively formed of them. That Urianger is a nerd (affectionate) even by Sharlayan standards is something we definitely already knew (I had the thought early on, which I think a lot of people had, "...Do all the archons talk like this? Ah, no, he's just Like That") but the story Moenbryda's parents tell just confirms it, that he was not just a loner but a bit of an outcast. Even in a culture like Sharlayan's, kids are kids. I love having a clearer picture of their childhood together and how they became the friends they were.
It's clear that Moenbryda's parents were also a big part of Urianger's childhood, and that they love him like a son too.
Which, to me, really raises again the question of Urianger's own family. To the best of my memory, he has never mentioned his own parents. Even upon arriving in Sharlayan, where they presumably live or at least did, he says nothing about visiting them. This wouldn't be particularly unusual for another Scion--Y'shtola, for example, rarely talks about herself period, so her not bringing up her family or childhood unless it's directly relevant to the current quest isn't particularly noteworthy. But Urianger seeking out Moenbryda's parents, and particularly the way the writing frames the Warrior of Light as someone he feels close to and trusts, both in the way he confides in them on the moon and in the way he thanks them for being present at the reunion--it draws attention to the fact that he's never once spoken of his own family. In that context, the fact he makes no mention of visiting them on returning to Sharlayan becomes meaningful. Either he does not have a relationship with his parents, or they are dead. To be honest, I was beginning to wonder if he was an orphan. I'm told there's a very brief mention of his parents in the lorebook, and it's to say they weren't around much in his childhood, and we have no idea if they're even alive in the present day. (Thank you, @farfromdaylight 💜)
And all of this adds context to who he is, his tendency to self-isolate while also longing for companionship and to place his trust in others. I wonder who he would have grown up to be without a Moenbryda in his life--I imagine someone far less trusting, with a more cynical outlook toward others perhaps, without someone in his formative years going out of their way to defend him and befriend him (I especially loved the bit about Moenbryda reading the same books as him because she wanted to understand him), without these surrogate parents who clearly loved him and cared for him. I imagine having those people in his life has gone a long way toward shaping his faith in other people, even when they're very different from himself.
It was so bittersweet to hear how happy Moenbryda was to hear from him, calling her to Eorzea. I feel like it really can't be understated how much Louisoix leaving her behind, while taking her best friend, hurt her, and I feel some kind of way about the fact that his approach to that was "I won't tell you why, figure it out" instead of just... I don't know, giving her a choice? Saying, "I understand you have doubts, and I want you to choose your own path; I'll respect you whatever you choose." I can see there that classically Sharlayan attitude of "I alone am burdened with the knowledge of What Is Best, and it is my duty to protect everyone else from the burden of this knowledge," which Urianger very much picked up from him. (I've talked about this before, but I have a lot of feelings about the influence Louisoix seems to have had on the Scions as a whole and I don't think the effect is wholly positive.)
There is probably a lot more that I could say (and there is definitely a larger Thing I want to write about Urianger once I'm done with Endwalker) but overall it was a really great scene. None of was especially surprising or jarring, which I think is a sign of how strong his character arc has been; it's a really strong payoff to a lot of great setup. It has me thinking about a lot of things and I want to roll around in it for a while.
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cheswirls · 8 days
sitting on all of these solid openings for long fics that will more than likely never go anywhere bc i have longfic commitment issues so i'm gonna start pulling some of these bc i don't want them all to collect dust for too long.
so!! here's the (second scene, the first has too many fill-ins i'm not messing w rn) start of the acsb marriage of convenience au :)
sabo gets married to his best friend roughly one week before graduation.
the following week is a myriad of different things, but sabo doesn’t think being married contributes to anything. 
an entire hour and a half is enough to finalize the whole affair. they don’t do much more than fill out paperwork and get on the attending clerk’s nerves. neither of them opt to change their names, for convenience. nothing special happens afterwards, both of them too exhausted to stay on their feet for much longer.
the next day is the start of the weekend, and sabo wakes ace up early to go take graduation pictures while he’s still willing to do so. it’s an event neither of them are particularly inclined to, but sabo’s insisted ace pose for at least a handful of shots in his cap and gown, knowing his surrogate parents will appreciate it.
they wrap up when the snowfall that’s been hovering over the left edge of the city finally moves in above campus. a measly hour is spent huddled together with steaming cups of cider before they’re rudely interrupted by an incoming phone call. sabo answers to find they’ve gotten their days switched up, because the moving truck they’d hired is outside of their apartment.
after rushing home and dealing with an event they’d expected to be the day after, they’re left with a much more empty living space and literal pennies to their name. 
lucky for them, ace gets paid the next day. it’s the last of the money they need to close out their affairs in the city they’ve spent the past four years living in. ace will get paid again the day they leave, the funds serving as their gas and grocery money for the long drive back home. his boss, shyarly, has already said to expect something to the tune of a closing bonus, which is nice. nicer still that she’s waiting for graduation to pass to hand it over, knowing a thing or two about college kids in a college town blowing money when they lose their inhibitions.
unfortunately for sabo and ace, it’s a very long fifteen-hour drive back to their sleepy seaside hometown. they get by graduation in their own company (ace has convinced the silvers to stay home and sabo has no proper family to speak of) and withhold from partying (too hard) with the knowledge of their pending long drive the next day.
sabo had photographed ace previously, but during graduation itself, ace is the cameraman. sabo lets him get away with taking more video reels than pics, just ecstatic himself that ace is enjoying himself so much. he doesn’t look at all like the man sabo had had to convince to finishing out his degree. he even seems happy up on stage, grinning directly into sabo’s phone’s camera lens when sabo holds it up for a shot. 
sabo is glad, especially since he knows that ace, unlike himself, is less likely to use the degree going forward. oh, sure, there’s definitely a real possibility for it – there are lots of things you can use a studio art degree for. but ace has fallen in love with his current job, and shyarly has prolonged it by securing him a position as a tech for a local pharmaceutical company back home. once he finishes his last course for his credentials over the summer, he’ll start getting paid as a proper tech, too. (he won’t let sabo forget either – that he’ll have all that money flowing in while sabo slaves away at law school.)
if sabo is happy for ace, ace is over the moon for him. he hoists sabo up in his arms as soon as the ceremony closes and they’re near each other again, holding his phone out to snap a quick selfie of them both. this one he sends to shakky directly, and it’s early enough in the night for it to only take a handful of minutes for her to reply back.
“cute,” ace reads. “also, she wants to know what time to expect us tomorrow.”
“if we leave by ten we won’t be there until after midnight.” sabo tugs ace to a stop, preventing him from walking into oncoming traffic while his fingers fly over the keyboard. “she won’t be home by then.”
“uncle ray won’t be up either. hmm.” ace keeps his thoughts internal and allows sabo to drag him over to where they’d parked. “i’ll let them figure it out,” he decides, pocketing his phone. “we’ll get there when we get there.”
the next morning sabo wakes up later than he should, leaves to procure breakfast burritos with the highest amount of grease possible, and lets ace rise on his own with the promise of food, knowing it will be easier to keep him awake if it’s a self-made choice.
they pack away what little food, toiletries, clothes, and personal items they have left and stuff everything into the car’s trunk and backseat. sabo pulls on shades to beat the morning sun and calls first shift. they definitely need gas, but ace has him pull into the pharmacy parking lot before that, and then bullies him into going inside.
sabo doesn’t really know any of these people like ace does, but he goes along when he gets roped in with the well-wishes. lets shyarly pull him into a one-armed hug while ischilly and camie and all the girls on staff that day fawn over ace before he leaves them for good.
ace takes his narcolepsy pills with a bottle of water while sabo fills up the tank. he’s still feeling the hangover, so sabo lets him sleep through the first portion of their drive. by the time they eat a late lunch and switch over, ace is wide awake.
the same thing cannot be said for when they pull into the silvers’ driveway. to be fair, sabo is just as tired, forcing a yawn into the palm of his hand while his other jerks the door handle open. his feet hit the ground in time with an audible thump, and he glances back over his shoulder to see ace dropped down onto the steering wheel.
“you are so much work,” sabo complains, hoisting his best friend from the driver’s seat. “i’ll be praying for your future spouse.”
ace hums into sabo’s neck; his nose moves and sabo shudders through the ticklish sensation. “sounds weird coming from my current spouse,” he mumbles.
sabo considers dropping him, since apparently he’s cognizant enough to make snarky remarks. should be able to hold his own weight then, no?
instead, he sighs, closes the door with his foot, maneuvers them toward the house, and gives up on retrieving the rest of his stuff until the morning. “don’t say it like that,” he mutters back. “what if someone hears?”
he might as well be talking of the wind, and ace knows it, huffing something like a laugh out of his lips. “we agreed to keep it on the down-low, not a secret. ‘s fine. besides, we should probably tell them both tomorrow, before they find out some other way on–”
ace cuts off without warning, slumping fully into sabo. sabo merely sighs again, adjusting to accommodate ace’s dead weight while he twists the house key in the door.
luckily for him, ace’s room is at the front of the house. it doesn’t take that much time or that much effort to drag him to bed and kick his shoes off. normally sabo would just join him, especially considering how tired he is, wobbling on his own feet. but he feels weird after ace’s comment, so after taking his own shoes off, he backtracks out to the hallway.
there’s no reason to force himself through a shower and risk waking someone. with this in mind, sabo collapses onto the couch in the main room. it’s still just long enough that his feet don’t hang over the edge, but sabo doesn’t take advantage of that tonight, curling his legs close for warmth. 
he’s fast asleep before the house’s remaining occupant gets home for the night, so he misses the blanket pulled over him until the sun is out.
when sabo’s eyes blink open his throat feels pasty. his head is awkwardly turned towards the ceiling and his cheeks are itchy, maybe. he blinks.
it hits that he’s in a familiar place just as the urge to look to the side gets the better of him. aisa is there, on her knees, one little hand pressed into the cushions enough for sabo to feel the dip. 
“stranger,” she speaks up, retreating with just her torso. 
“no, it’s sabo.” he pulls a hand up out of the blanket to push his hood from his head, baring his sleep-mused hair to the world. “see?” his eyes fall to her other hand, where she’s holding a wide-tipped marker, the cap nowhere in sight. “please tell me you didn’t draw on my face.”
“then i won’t tell you,” aisa says bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest. 
sabo sighs. that explains the sticky feeling on his skin. whatever, he’d wash it off later. wasn’t worth getting upset at a ten-year-old over.
he squints. “aisa, how old are you?”
“eleven!” she holds out all ten fingers to show him, the eleventh apparently depicted with the marker. that was right. her and ace were twelve years (and two days) apart in age. it had just been a minute since sabo had seen her. last time him and ace met up with the silvers, she had been away visiting her actual mother. said mother is now back in prison, so (just like ace) she’s a resident at her aunt and uncle’s place until further notice.
as if reading his mind, aisa squints back and asks the same question he’s thinking on. “where’s acey?”
“ahh, probably asleep?” sabo makes to run a hand down his face then remembers at the last second why that’s a bad idea. “we got in late last night. what time is it?” he starts patting around him for his keys, figuring they must have fallen out of his empty jacket pocket.
a jangling sound has him glancing up. “late,” aisa says, jiggling his key ring. “breakfast is over.”
sabo sits up and holds out a hand patiently. aisa snatches her hand back, so he takes another approach. “no school today?”
“snow delay.” she looks up past sabo’s head. “right?”
“it’s about time to head out, actually,” rayleigh says to her as sabo turns his head. he’s retreated (probably) from his favorite spot in the kitchen, travel mug of coffee steaming and ready to go. he nods to sabo and sabo does his best to smile back, but it’s hard when rayleigh parses what’s all over his face and breaks into a grin.
“i want sabby to take me!” aisa stomps her socked foot into the carpet, huffing as she says this. 
“sure thing, kid,” sabo says, diverting a crisis before it can blow up. “got your stuff?” she nods, jerking her head towards the back door. “good. go get your shoes on.”
she takes the keys (ace’s, he realizes balefully. ace’s to turn the car off and get into the house) with her as she goes, running off to parts unknown to hopefully do as he’s requested. sabo watches her go while stretching his arms high above his head, letting the blanket pool round his waist.
“thank you,” rayleigh says, taking a long drag of coffee to keep from saying much else. 
sabo shrugs, finally rising to his feet. “s’no problem. need anything while i’m out?”
“no, you’re good.” he gestures to somewhere over his shoulder. “i should be gone by the time you get back, but shakky will be up later. you boys just dig something out of the cabinets for breakfast, okay? think she wanted to do something special for lunch.”
“sure.” aisa runs back in wearing snowboots and sabo points her towards the front door. “outside. unlock it for me, okay? i’ll be out soon.”
aisa looks ecstatic by the prospect. she’s out the door with her backpack over one shoulder before sabo’s left the living room. he ducks into the bathroom first to wash his face, not wanting to run the risk of ace being awake to see it. 
the scribbles are uncreatively befitting of an eleven-year-old. a fake mustache, angry eyebrows, swirls on his cheeks. ‘stranger danger’ scrawled over the free space in a manner that suggests how little she understands the phrase. 
he washes it all down the drain and carefully teases ace’s bedroom door open while wiping his face on his sleeve. still asleep. typical. 
sabo sits on the edge of the mattress to do up the laces to the shoes he’d left here last night. ace wakes somewhere between shoe one and two, shifting on the mattress to blink up at him when he’s finished.
“where so early?” he mumbles. 
“i’m taking your niece to school.” he stands up. “gonna stop at hatchi’s after. want anything specific?”
“whatever they have left that has meat.” he pauses. “and a cherry soda. definitely need one of those.”
“sure. i’ll be back.”
he hesitates when ace starts wriggling, working himself up onto his elbows. “what?”
“did you sleep here last night?” his brow furrows. “how long have you been up.”
“i slept on the couch,” sabo confesses. ace gives him an are-you-kidding-me look that he does his best to ignore. “and not long. ray’s still here. bet you can catch him before he goes.”
“forget it.” ace flops back over. “‘m going back to sleep.” 
the words are muffled by the pillow he pulls halfway over his face. sabo rolls his eyes. “i’ll be back,” he repeats.
it’s freezing out. sabo shuts the door behind him and takes a second to shiver before moving again. aisa’s huddled in the front seat, legs pressed to her chest. the keys are in the ignition but the car’s not turned on, so sabo does so as soon as he slides in. he cranks the heater and lets aisa fumble for the seat warmer while he adjusts the driver seat from where ace had it. 
“took too long,” aisa admonishes him once her teeth stop chattering. “i turned into a popsicle!”
“yeah, sorry.” he tosses her ace’s coat to drape over her small form. “try that. should warm up in a minute, okay?”
she grumbles something inaudible that he tunes out to slide them down the driveway. if it’s important she’ll say it again.
he takes them by the scenic route after sparing a glance to the clock. they have time, and it feels like it’s been forever since he’s seen the sea. 
aisa enjoys it more than him, pressing her face to the glass to stare out at the calm waves as they speed by. maybe if it stops snowing him and ace can take her to the beach later in the week. the novelty of living in a port town never really fades away – even if it’s too cold to get in the water, walking along the sand is enjoyable in its own special way.
when the waves are out of sight aisa loses interest. she turns in her seat to dig through his and ace’s boxes instead, taking particular interest in their open snack bin.
sabo reaches back at a stoplight and appeases her by depositing a half-empty bag of candy into her lap. she looks up, eyes wide and bright, and he presses a finger to his lips, eyes back on the road. “don’t tell uncle ray about this one, okay?”
aisa swings her bag around to stuff the candy inside. “okay,” she repeats.
he pulls up to the curb and hovers over the gearshift, debating whether to put it in park. “need me to walk you in?”
aisa shakes her head, already done worming both arms through the straps of her bag. she lifts the handle up and kicks the door open, hurtling to the ground as soon as she’s able. sabo reaches over to close the door for her when her first attempt is too soft. “see you later!” he says out the open window. aisa briefly waves at him and then sprints toward the front doors.
sabo doesn’t blame her, rolling the window back up with a shudder. 
his next stop is a little corner-store-slash-take-out-eatery: hatchi’s. named after the cook that ran the place, though he didn’t when the store first opened, taking over after the original owner died of some cause sabo isn’t privy to. their food is good, straight from the sea. they send guys out every morning to collect reasonable hauls and fry it all up throughout the day. fresh seafood is a luxury sabo hasn’t been able to appreciate recently. it’s what pulls him from the warm car when he finally puts it in park.
everything is as it should be. sabo gets called by name before he’s even reached the counter and is offered the last two octopus skewers at a discounted price. he gets a large drink for him and ace to share, mentioning this when he grabs two straws from their holder.
“is ace with you?” he gets asked, one of hatchi’s men leaning on the counter further down to do so. 
“nah, he’s passed out back at his parents’ place. why?”
the same guy gestures up and down at sabo. “looks like his coat you have on. too big for you.”
“oh.” he glances down. he’d shrugged the thing on after managing to leave the car, not wanting to brave the cold clad in only an old sweatshirt. “yeah, it is, i guess. we drove back together last night and our stuff is still mixed in the car.”
“next time bring ace with you!” another guy says, poking his head out from the back where the grill is. “would love to see him again.”
“will do,” sabo promises. he takes a faux-curtsy and slides both straws into the coat’s left pocket. “sorry i’m such a letdown.”
“don’t say that!” someone shoves his shoulder from behind and sabo bends his legs to brace himself. praline comes around the side of the counter, leaning against the edge. she has a tray of steaming styrofoam cups held in both hands, and in a flash several of the cups disappear into eager hands. “we missed you too,” she rephrases. “come together next time.”
“alright,” he manages, straightening back out.
she gives him a cup before he leaves to balance with the others. it’s warm in his hand but he’s left the car on, so he doesn’t give himself the chance to savor it.
after nearly scalding his tongue, he deems it too hot to drink and sets it aside for the entire drive home. in the end he gives it to ace, using it to coerce him from bed when his empty-handed offer doesn’t quite work.
ace moves to the kitchen and slumps deep onto a bar stool to suck down half the hot chocolate. he leaves the remaining half for sabo, too distracted by soda and skewers to bother finishing it.
when he’s done, he yawns into a fist and goes out to the car to dig his medicine out from his travel bag. he ends up shrugging off sabo’s offer to unload and retreats to his room to take a nap while shakky is still asleep.
sabo finishes off the soda and manages the task on his own. most of their boxes were out of the way in the garage, and would stay that way until they were ready to move again. but, considering they would be using everything they brought by car until then, he opts to deposit it all in ace’s room. it’s a scattered mess for now, sabo doing his best to avoid keeping ace up. they’d organize it better later.
he’s coming through with the last of it when murmuring on the other side of the door catches his attention. when he pushes it open he finds shakky sitting on ace’s bedside, talking to him in low tones. she glances up and smiles wider with sabo’s appearance.
“hey.” he shuffles past with his arms full. 
“hi, sabo. i’m so glad one of you is up and being productive.”
he smiles at the slight, but since he’s turned away to set the luggage down, it’s entirely to himself. ace grumbles something that sounds like a protest, flipping over so his words come out more clearly.
“i thought you would go with him,” shakky admits, eyes on ace. “the roads are so icy right now. thought you’d be worried about him crashing and having another medical emergency.”
“i’m much more careful than that,” sabo speaks up, at the same time ace says, “nothing to worry about now that we’re married.”
sabo’s breath catches in his throat. he knows he hears right when shakky’s gaze snaps to him, her eyes growing wide. “ace!” he hisses, looking away. 
“you got married,” shakky says aloud, like she’s testing the words. “when, exactly?”
“right before graduation,” ace answers, still sounding half-asleep as he says it.
sabo flounders, drawing shakky’s attention back to him. “not like that!” he finally says, when he regains the ability to speak.
“oh, i thought you would deny it,” shakky follows, looking thoughtful, now.
sabo drops down on the other edge of the bed. “it’s for legal reasons,” he elaborates. “that’s all.”
“ouch,” ace mutters. his eyes are closed, still unwilling to submit to the waking world. “i’m hurt.”
“shut up already!” sabo barks, pushing at his feet. in response, ace kicks back, and sabo jostles him until he’s half-lying over ace’s legs to keep them pinned. 
meanwhile, shakky’s expression has twisted from open into something sour, like she can’t believe either of them are partaking in a loveless marriage. she watches them tousle with her arms crossed. when sabo’s declared the victor, she speaks up again. “i’m waiting on your ‘good reason’. any day, now.”
“ugh.” ace opens his eyes to stare sullenly at the sheets. “it’s so i’ll be his next-of-kin.”
“we can be that for each other, he means,” sabo follows. “if it becomes necessary.”
she raises one brow in mock-disbelief. “seems like a pretty big commitment for a ‘what if’, hm?”
“doesn’t matter!” ace whines. he shifts his legs from underneath sabo. “it’s already done. just let it alone.”
“alright. fine.” she gets up, gives the room an admonishing look, and then bends down to push a hand through ace’s hair. “unpack. shower, both of you.” (she glances up pointedly at sabo as she says this.) “i’ll come back when i decide about lunch.”
“that went well,” sabo says when they’re alone, words dripping with sarcasm. 
ace’s legs shift up to knock him onto the bed fully.
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argumentativeaxolotl · 9 months
More Cars(humanized) headcannons bc the Formula 1 race is tomorrow and there’s something wrong with me‼️‼️‼️
This is gonna be more on like family headcannons lol
Lightning McQueen:
- he was raised in an orphanage, bouncing from home to home in Florida where he grew up
- he never really had a family growing up nor did he have close friends because he was constantly moving
- Mater was his first real best friend
- He’s abominable socially(he’s jus a little bit too much like meeeee. Yes that is a Marina & the Diamonds reference sue me)
- Doc was his first ever good, permanent father figure
- Mack is 100% Lightning’s older brother figure
- Lightning is very awkward in every familial situation you can think of since he doesn’t have too much experience. The folks in Radiator Springs claim him as their’s.
- Lightning thinks of Luigi and Guido as fun, foreign uncles
- He thinks of Flo and Ramone as the cool aunt and uncle
- Sheriff is another uncle-figure
- he sees Strip as a father figure as well
- Sarge and Fillmore are 100% the warring brothers/bickering older couple due to their varying lifestyles
- Lizzie is seen as the absolutely ancient grandmother
- He sees some of his friends as brothers(Cal, Bobby, Junior, etc)
- Red is seen as a cousin to Lightning
Chick Hicks:
- His father is a right dickhead(this is canon)
- he had a brother who used to race, but died on the track leaving Chick as the only heir of the Hicks racing legacy
- His father is an alcoholic
- His mother died while giving birth to him, yet she loved him anyways
- his mother was in the army or marines at some point and the only thing he has left are a few dated photos and her dog tags
- He was raised by his older brother, yet because of his father’s horrendous tendencies Chick grew to be more like him than his brother
- Chick’s dad is a failed racer who never made it big and was known for crashing his cars. He cared very little for Chick, blaming him and believing that Chick was the reason his wife died
- He sees his Pit Crew as his close associates and friends(his Pit Crew see him as their brother/son)
Strip Weathers:
- His brother and sister-in-law(Cal’s parents) died in a car accident leaving a 11-12-year-old Cal with Strip and Lynda
- Strip adores Cal, sees him as his own son
- He kind of sees Lightning(and Bobby) as a surrogate son too. Especially since Lightning and Cal are friends
- He comes from an extremely wealthy family with two very long lines of racing dating back decades
- Despite being rich, he and his parents had a strained relationship at best(Strip was more of a rebellious kid back in his teens and younger years) so his parents pulled a Prince Naveen and cut him off from his wealth to teach him a lesson. This is when Strip picked up racing and began to make a name for himself
- Neither he nor Lynda ever wanted kids and then Cal came into their lives and they were like “he’s our son and if anybody says otherwise they will feel the fury of GOD.”
- Tex is like a brother to him and they met in high school then went to the same college and even lived together at one point. They are the bros of all time
Doc Hudson:
- He has no living relatives left except maybe like a random cousin or something
- Lightning is his son and he will fight anyone who says otherwise
- Sally is like a daughter to him
- He adores all the residents within Radiator Springs and treats them all as his family
- He came from an extremely poor family and started off as a mechanic under his dad’s wing then he started to race and he was really good
- his dad scraped enough money for Doc to go to his first race, gaining the attention for several well-known sponsors at the time
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mpregandproud · 1 year
Isaac (Part 7)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9]
It was strange to live without so much worry and doubt. The insecure Dan was left behind after returning from the village. I regained my relationship with my parents, we now talked practically every day. After Sandra's birth I took paternity leave, as did Isaac. We had weeks to be together and take care of the little one.
It was two months after we got back and I was already huge. I knew that three babies would make me grow a lot, but when I was just about to enter the seventh month of gestation I could no longer do most of the daily tasks. Bending down to tie my shoes was an ordeal. Holding Sandra in my arms was becoming more and more difficult. And I was spending more and more time sitting or lying on my side.
Clothes were beginning to be a serious problem. As I told you I was a big person, but between what I had gained before and during the pregnancy I had to change my closet several times. I was just near of 300 pounds. My belly was very wide and getting pointier and pointier. I haven't been able to see my feet for three months now, and neither has my dick. And if that wasn't enough, my chest was getting bigger and bigger and tender. They were one step away from becoming tits. It was only a matter of time before milk started to emanate from them. I was really looking forward to it so I could feed little Sandra.
The babies were becoming more and more active. Inside me I felt a veritable stampede of wild animals on the savannah. It was especially intense movement every time Isaac and I fucked. I had stopped being versatile, my body right now making it difficult for me to fuck Isaac. Since the fifth month it is my boyfriend who comes inside me with his big penis. As soon as his penis goes all the way in my body goes into ecstasy. My babies move like crazy, I tremble with pleasure and cum multiple times.
By the time I entered my 30th week of gestation I weighed 320 pounds, with 10 more weeks to go. My appetite was only growing and our friends brought us lots of food every time they visited us. And they visited very often. The doctor had given up on my weight, I was a basket case. My underwear was getting tighter and tighter. 
Lucas and his husband Adam invited us to their wedding, but in my condition it was impossible for me to attend. Once they got married and returned from their honeymoon they paid us a visit. Like everyone who visits us they brought large amounts of food which I began to devour as we drank tea together.
"You look really dazzling," Lucas acknowledged to me. "Thanks, but you're looking at me with good eyes. I'm chubby as hell, I can barely move and look at my boobs, they're bigger than my sister's," I replied with a mouth full of donuts. "I think you look better than ever," added Isaac who surprisingly still loved me even though I looked more like a cow than a person.
"You see, Dan, Adam and I want to be parents. We've been wanting to adopt or have a child through surrogacy for a while now," Lucas began. "When you came back to town and I saw you with your belly I understood that finally our dream could come true," he told me. "I would like you to gestate our baby, what better than my best soccer friend carrying my baby inside him. I think you are perfect for this job," Lucas said. "We know you can't give us an answer now, and you and Isaac will have to talk, but we both agree on this, you seem to us to be the best candidate, and with proven fertility," Adam said.
That night Isaac and I had a long conversation. He didn't see very clearly that I would be a surrogate for my friends. But he also knew that these months of pregnancy were going great for our relationship. I was tempted by the idea of getting pregnant again, it was clear to me that I wanted to do it again, but with babies that weren't Isaac's?
In the end we decided that we would accept the offer. It would have to be at least half a year after giving birth and only once. The idea was not to become a professional surrogate, but I did want to help my friends become parents. Lucas and Adam agreed, of course. In half a year I would start again with a pregnancy, if someone had told me a year ago that I would be pregnant I would not have believed them, let alone if they had told me that I would be pregnant twice. Of course, before I get pregnant again I will have to lose all the weight I have gained if I don't want to remain immobile forever.
To be continued...
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