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thatonehomosexual79 · 2 months
y’all don’t kill me im so tried it’s 1am
SBG infinity train au🎉 I think Tyler and Ben would have the higher numbers Tyler cus he’s still very attached to that goal of being the helper of the family etc
And I feel like ben isn’t truly over everything
Idk why have the least maybe Ashlyn? Idk…Aiden would have a good amount cus of his family issues Logan would probably have to learn how to stick up for himslef(cus the phantoms wouldn’t exist but there would be a phantoms related car or something) idk what Ashlyn would have problems for other then learning how to actually be social and learning how to get alone with people
Tyler- learning to not be the ‘mom’ and learning all his goals don’t have to be for someone else and they can be for him
Ben- truly letting go of his past problems and learning better with his anger and maybe even using his voice not for singing but just learning
Taylor…hmm maybe learning how to be stronger for herslef? And not being so sweet sometimes she needs to be tough and stuff
Logan learning to stick up for himself and learn how to help himself so he can push away Barron more
Aiden learning how to actually deal with his feelings and not hiding behind a smile and stuff and other family stuff
Ashlyn? Idk probably learning how to not avoid people and she’d make a lot of friends and stuff and she’d learn to be more social?
if anything is horribly written or typed it’s cus I’m tried but I just had this idea and non of my aus can stay in my head
I’m tried ima go night night now
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amajorsystem · 2 years
the venn diagram of people who are weird about mspec lesbians/gays and people who are weird about bigender people is a circle btw
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juhbebbie · 2 years
The mandolorian writers be like I am going to create a family that is so found
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sylvies-kablooie · 5 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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wildbasil · 3 months
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things haven't been great but i think they will be. eventually 🌻🌼🩷
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"what's the appeal of drag kings" because women are my favorite guy next question
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Nautilus expedition live streams (+ their commentary) 2020 / 2021 / 2022
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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callisteios · 1 year
Would you like to find out what you would be the god of? Take my new uqiz to find out
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chikinan · 8 months
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I'm sentimental about them. & about camcorders. [twt + insta + ptrn on bio]
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tragedykery · 1 year
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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thatonehomosexual79 · 2 months
*comes back from the dead with a new hyper fixation*
so I’ve gotten obsessed with Phighting recently and I bring you MedHammer gay ppl family..:
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So you might wonder how the hell this came into existence I’ve been Maining Ban Hammer in Phighting and my friend mains Shuriken so when she pointed out how how Shurikens and Ban Hammers interactions seem kinda father son like so my only thought was to make MedHammer have two 20 year old kids with also Katana Uncle so here’s some HCs for them: also this is kinda au…I guess? Hc? Au? Idk
Ban Hammer and Medkit are both really bad father figures and Ban Hammers recklessness is rubbing off on Shuriken and VineStaff is…a little concered
Medkit has tried (and failed) to heal Vinestaffs like infection thing
Ban Hammers top set eyes are fully grey color blind his bottom haft is not and Shuriken is just red green color blind so everyone else struggles with showing them colors
Katana always finds a way to get back into the house to see Shuriken and Vine staff and no one can find out how he gets through all of a ban hammers house security
The house is very fully protected with a bunch of random security(warden things)
The walls and floors are scratched(Ban Hammer drags his hammer on the floor and Shuriken throws his Shurikens at the walls)
Medkit is the mother(not by choice)
Shuriken makes fun of the fact Medkit is British
After every phigthing match Medkit scolds everyone for getting hurt(including Katana he’s forced to be there)
Medkit also gets angry at people when they bring there weapons to the table or put there elbows on the table
With the Medkit mini game thingy Medkit commonly gets Nightmares and somtimes when he wakes him he screams in fear which wakes up Ban Hammer and he helps medkit calm down but then the scream wakes up Shuriken and he checks to see what’s wrong so he ends up falling asleep in BanHammers and Medkits bed then VineStaff can’t find Shuriken so then she ends up falling asleep in the bed as well and there all Together like a family
also yes this means they all live in the same house(besides Katana he’s lives next door still)
I apologize if there’s any spelling mistakes I’m tried
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toodrunktofindaurl · 3 months
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short rest
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cordspaghetti · 3 months
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couple weeks ago…
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eddiediaaz · 2 months
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evan buckley after being kissed by a man for the first time: #i kissed a boy and i liked it it turned me upside down
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ohposhers · 4 months
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troll who isnt allowed caffeine or she'll reenact the Hammy energy drink scene from over the hedge clay prefers tea anyway
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