#evelyne 'snake' gray
For All It's Worth
CWs: Childbirth, labor, cursing, crying, blood, mentioned canon major character death/mw3.
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Thursday, May 30th, 1340 hours
Evelyne never expected herself to enjoy pregnancy, the constant mood swings, weird cravings, having to pee every 10 seconds; but she cherished every second. It’s crazy what motherhood does to someone, when 17 year old Evelyne would’ve laughed her ass off at the state the 27 year old was in. Evelyne hisses at a sharp jab to her ribs, placing her hand over her side. 
“Quit it, Kiwi, absolutely no need for that.” Evelyne glares at her bump, as if the child, Kiwi, the child’s nickname thanks to her current craving, could see her. 
She continues her slow waddle down the hallway, a Manila folder in hand. She stops just before the office in question, leaning onto the door frame and rubbing at the small of her back. This kid was going to be the death of her. 
“Corporal,” Evelyne looks down at the sticky note, “Marlin?”
The boy looks up at her, eyes going from her swollen belly to her breasts. Perv. “You sure you’re supposed to be here, lady?”
She scoffs, tossing the folder on his desk. “No, I snuck in and took the secretary’s place.” 
As she makes her way out of the little shits office, she feels a thin trickle down her leg, followed by a cramp deep within her body. Evelyne inhales sharply, leaning onto the wall, okay, yeah that was not a cramp. Evelyne looks down at her watch, 1350. Shit. 10 minutes since the last “cramp.” She groans through another contraction, turning the corner to the 141 barracks. The twins and Scarlette were with one of Kyle's friends. And speaking of the bastard, Kyle and Price were deployed, Johnny was dead, which left Simon, who was nowhere to be found. Evelyne calls the only number that she keeps on her personal phone. The woman picks up after 2 rings.
“Snake, what’s wrong?”
“Think I’m in labor, headed to Tidworth.”
Evelyne hangs up the phone, Kate can figure the rest out. The lights in the ER waiting room are blinding, bringing her back to her many nights spent within the dull walls. Evelyne is met with a woman the definition of the sun, blond hair, pale skin, and rocket red lipstick. The receptionist smiles brightly at her.
“Hello! I’m Esther, how can I help you dear?” 
“Hi. My name's Evelyne Garrick. I’m, uh, 37? Weeks pregnant, I’m not sure if my water broke, but I’m having contractions every,” she looks at her watch, “6 minutes now. There should be a list of contacts on my chart”
“Oh, well let's get you to a room.”
1405 hours
Evelyne drags the IV pole behind her as she paces her private room, a perk of being a SAS wife. She perks up when Esther walks back into the room, however not as bright as before.
“I’m so sorry dear, but I tried all of the numbers, and no one picked up. Is there anyone else I can call for you?”
Evelyne shakes her head, placing a hand on the hospital bed, “no, no. That was it.”
Esther frowns, staring at the girl. Then, she gets an idea, someone who can help. “Wait for one moment, I have an idea!”
It only took the older woman 8 minutes exactly to find the person in question. “Kathy! Kathy I need you! Well- there's a patient that needs you, she’s Garrick’s wife, he's SAS like John.”
Kathleen places the stack of reports she was reading down on the nurses station, turning to Esther. “What room is she in.”
1425 hours
Kathleen hears the woman in question before she makes it halfway down the hall, her cries of pain echoing. When she steps into the room, she finds the said mother hunched over the hospital bed, rocking side to side to alleviate the pain. Kathleen clears her throat, causing the dark-skinned woman's head to snap up. She musters the most polite smile she can before introducing herself. 
"I'm Captain Kathleen Moore, I heard you're Kyle Garrick's wife?"
Evelyne squints her eyes at the unknown woman, before nodding. Kathleen smiles, leaning down on the bed opposite to her.
"I'm John Price's wife, nice to meet you."
Kathleen doesn't exactly know what reaction she was expecting, but Evelyne bursting out in laughter was not one of them. 
"What the fuck did you find attractive in that old bastard? You're hot, but Price? With that stupid fucking boonie hat?"
"Well, the beard does look pretty nice between my legs." 
The younger girl continues to laugh, until another contraction hits her. 
"Do you have a birth plan? Do you want an epidural, anything of that sort?"
"And give birth on my back like some common whore-ow, ow."
"Okay, so that's a no. Is there anyone else we can call for you?" 
Evelyne shakes her head again, "No, Simon has my hospital bag in case shit like this happened, in case my husband is god knows where and I'm about to push out his mini-me." 
She chokes out a sob, "It was supposed to be Johnny- Johnny was supposed to be here if Kyle wasn't but the fucker had to go and die. And it's your bastard husband's fault."
Kathleen pauses, bending down fully to be face to face with Evelyne.
"By any chance, was it you who broke John's nose?"
Evelyne looks at Kathleen like she grew six heads. "Yes? Didn't exactly think it through at the time."
"Well you did me a favor, he stopped snoring."
0025 hours
After following Evelyne through her many positions, a nurse steps in behind Kathleen, who was guiding the girl through breathing exercises, handing the older woman a pair of gloves. 
"Evelyne, I need to check and see how dilated you are, is that alright?"
The girl nods, shifting until she is on her elbows, knees apart. Kathy moves the gown out of the way, straightening when she feels the top of a very hairy head. 
"We're going to get an OB in here, alright? You're 10 centimeters, so let's get you in a comfortable position."
Evelyne's eyes widen, "No! I am not having this baby right now, Kyle isn't here!"
"Well that's not for you to decide, because that child's head is almost past your cervix."
"So help me god, I will shove her back into my vagina if I need to, I am not having another one of his crotch goblins alone!"
“Who said you’re doin’ it alone? That’d be real shitty.”
Evelyne visibly relaxes at the sight of the giant, still dressed in his fatigues and that stupid mask. 
“Took you long enough,”
Simon grunts, placing the bags he came with down on the lone chair in the room. “Still made it before the runt.”
Kathleen stands to the side, watching Simon help Evelyne into a forest green birthing gown. He gives Kathleen a single nod, “I’ve got her,” and watches as the nurse walks out of the room.
“Where Garrick? They should have landed by now,”
Simon hesitates, and it makes Evelyne want to punch him in the balls. 
“They got sent back, mission wasn’t done.”
He has a split second to grab her by the arm before she hits the ground, releasing an ear ringing wail. 
0300 hours
“She has to be on her back, it’s easier for us-”
Three heads turn to the squeaky voice of an intern, who visibly panics at the glares he receives.
“For you! It’s easier for you! What about the one pushing this watermelon out?!”
The man opens his mouth, to which Evelyne groans in annoyance. 
“Get him outta here!”
Simon’s glare from beneath his skull balaclava is more than enough to have the intern scurrying out the door.
Friday, May 31st, 0600 hours
Evelyne regrets not getting that epidural, even if it meant she had to give birth on her back. If her death grip on Simon’s hand hurt him, she’d have no clue with how silent he was. The pain was mind numbing, shooting through her pelvis and spine. Everything else felt like a blur. She didn’t register the ache in her left knee from being on it, barely registered someone, Kathy, shoving the top of her gown down to place a screeching newborn on her chest. She marvels at the tiny infant screaming on her chest, eyes shut and fists clenched by her ears. 
Motherhood was a strange phenomenon, it changed who you were as a person. But looking down at her wailing daughter, Evelyne couldn’t imagine treating this infant like her mother had, handing the twins off to a stranger of a nurse and lighting a cigarette. She lets out a garbled laugh, partly from the shock, but also from the fact that the newborn had a full head of hair. 
Evelyne moves with the guidance of Kathleen and the doctors, and when the baby girl's eyes open, she is met with big, hazel eyes. Simon respectfully turns his head when the nurses direct Evelyne to initiate breastfeeding, the newborn latching with ease. 
“Hei, Leona.”
0900 hours
Motherhood was a damning thing, you have sex with a man, get knocked up, incubate a human for 9 months, and then your body ejects it in the most painful way. But it was a wonderful thing as well. Leona naps against her mothers chest, mouth opening and closing as if she was still nursing. With her mothers curls and her fathers face, Leona was perfect. 
Simon was out collecting the girls, Evelyne was not going to think about that man’s driving skills with her sisters and child in the car. Kathleen had gone home shortly after the birth, but not after a quick bicker between the two. 
“Simon’s here, he’s a bastard but he is a decent man.”
“Really, Ev?”
“I’ll be back on my next shift, promise.”
“After you go home and see your own children.”
“Yes, after.”
Evelyne looks to the door as it opens, revealing her sisters, both trying to get through the frame at the same time. 
“Is that her? She’s so tiny!”
“Shush! They’re probably sleeping, Nel!”
“Both of ya hush and get in there.”
Simon nudges the twins into the recovery room, a zonked out Scarlette drooling on his shoulder. As Evelyne carefully hands Leona over to Claire, Nellian moves to stand over her twin's shoulder. The two whisper back and forth while gazing at the infant. Evelyne holds her arms out for her eldest, offering to take her off of Simon’s hands. 
“I got her, no sense in botherin’ her.”
“Whiskey’s made you soft.”
Simon scoffs, muttering under his breath. “Fucking Norwegians.”
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urfriendash · 1 year
fall tbr
i don’t think i’ll be able to read all these but these are all the books i’d like to read this fall :)
if he had been with me by laura nowlin (p)
six of crows by leigh bardugo (p)
the atlas six by olivie blake (p)
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid (p)
the goldfinch by donna tartt (reread) (p)
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde (d)
the four agreements by miguel ruiz (p)
looking for alaska by john green (p?)
the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins (reread) (p)
carmilla by j. sheridan le fanu (d)
the book thief by markus zusak (l)
this is my autumn playlist so far:
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avadmortain · 10 months
an au where ava du mortain meets a charmingly infuriating performer at the local tavern that her and her fellow knights frequent.
an au where they fall in love and ava feels feelings she never thought she could ever feel before, an au where she finally understands what those inane poets were waxing on about.
an au where religious guilt and trauma gets in the way, shortly followed by the death of her entire family and her turning.
an au where the performer, her first and only love, also gets turned. unbeknownst to her. unbeknownst to one another.
an au where they both roam the earth for 900 long years, experiencing horrors and trials that no one human, no one being, should ever have to face.
an au where they come face to face, where one is working for the supernatural government, the agency. and where the other is working under the leader of the rogue supernaturals.
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
why has no one asked about Ylrith yet??? please tell us more about Ylrith
In all fairness, I don’t post about her that much. Mostly because I’m not currently working on any stories that directly involve her so she’s not in my brain as much. I LOVE her, I’m just more focused on the characters I work with more often lol
But basically: poly lesbian mob boss with a snake obsession
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She’s the head honcho of a centuries-old crime syndicate called The Gray Order. Ylrith (il-rith) herself usually goes by “The Gray Matron”, but her enemies have given her a plethora of other, similarly sinister names. By now, the Order has connections all across Azeroth, in most any faction worth a damn. The opening up of Kalimdor to the rest of the world was one of the best things to happen to her.
The Order specializes in smuggling drugs, weapons, and other illicit items, but Ylrith will ferry war refugees to safer lands too, and other such things. All she wants is money and more people under her thumb — if you have the money, or are willing to do a favor for her, she’ll help you do what it is you want done. Her trademark phrase isn’t “A favor for a favor, darling” for nothing. Of course, she’s a master of wordcraft, and often gets people to promise more than they think. She’s also got informants everywhere — brothels in the big cities, innkeepers, compromised city guards, and so on — and thus is master of blackmail. You go to her to discuss a deal, you say something she doesn’t like, and she’ll drop a detail about your life you thought no one else knew.
She also has an EXTENSIVE snake collection of species from all over Azeroth and even beyond. If we’re being realistic a lot of the money she makes goes into caring for them lmao she just really loves snakes <3 In fact I was leaning so hard into the snake thing I decided to just say she’s (the elf equivalent of) autistic because no neurotypical person could possibly be that into snakes KSBXBJD Which makes her my second autistic night elf, the first being Cathala 💜 Yet another win for lesbians.
The third key thing about her is the upper crust of the Order are all in a sapphic polycule. They use their powers of polyamory for evil (affectionate). Ylrith is also kind of(?) a “lesbian femme fatale type”. One of her favorite activities is fucking with the royalty of patriarchal cultures like humans by seducing the wives of powerful men and then helping them kill their husbands, the end result being Ylrith now has control over that piece of land at best, and that rich woman’s loyalty at worst. It’s enrichment for her.
Now for more art. This first one is her and her spymaster/favorite assassin/girlfriend Delphine Kaltel, a.k.a. The Serpent’s Fang. Originally Delphine had actually been hired to kill Ylrith but it was an enemies-to-lovers thing <3
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This one’s her and her blue dragon girlfriend Tyalagosa, who’s sort of her “court” mage, I suppose:
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(She has more gfs/people in the Order’s upper crust, those are just the only two I’ve named, designed, and drawn. One I have yet to draw is Evelyn Torvannas, another Nightborne. She’s the head of a fairly powerful merchant family in Suramar.]
One showing off her other tattoo:
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And her voice claim :) (Morrigan from Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Plus this dumb meme that sums her up perfectly imo:
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I also like to imagine she has the stupidest most cartoonish rivalry with Shaw lmao. She doesn’t see him as a threat whatsoever and loves toying with the funny little human man, while he fucking HATES her because she’s got her tendrils all up in the Alliance but always worms her way out of repercussions. WLW and MLM hostility.
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ashenlavellan · 3 months
45 Facts about Bellatrix Deirdre Shepard
hi there - I've been heavily thinking about my beloved Bellatrix Shepard and felt like she needs more of an introduction and background when compared to my dear Lorelei Ryder, who has a full-blown series that we're halfway through... so, buckle up fuckers. ^.^
Also - this will consist of SFW and NSFW facts about her.
She's a February Pisces (February 22nd, 2154)
She has a younger brother, Sirius Cillian Shepard - who is a May Taurus (May 1st 2158)
She has 11 tattoos - four of which were gang-related to the Reds, to which she eventually had covered up. (the list will be placed below the first 45)
She was born in Galway, Ireland - she's an Irish gal.
Her face-model is based off of a mix between Olivia Wilde/Phoebe Tonkin
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(Above is Olivia Wilde/Below is Phoebe Tonkin)
6. She is a raging bisexual and isn't afraid to express her interest in men and women.
7. She was known as the "Snake," within the Reds for her literal flexibility and metaphorically when it came to adjusting people's perception of her. (She easily adapts to situations and purposely plays on peoples' opinions of her)
8. She graduated at the top of her class during the N7 program without an official high-school diploma/GED/etc.
9. On the IQ scale, she scored 130 - which is measured as "Moderately-gifted"
10. She experienced substance withdrawals during her time in boot camp - she was a heavy user of marijuana as a teenager.
11. The only friend who has known her the longest that she keeps in touch with is a woman she met in boot camp - Asahi Nakamura. Asahi knows more about Bellatrix than Anderson, who become a father-like figure for her.
12. Alexander Ryder, father of Lorelei and Magnus Ryder, was appointed as her mentor for the N7 program - to which he stated that Bellatrix would be his first and last mentee.
13. Bellatrix could be described as Chaotic Neutral (at least) while Chaotic Good (at best). Out of all my personal characters, she is the most morally-gray.
14. She’s an alternative music/rocker kind of gal - she’ll listen to Bad Omens, Sleep Token, and Stone Sour. She much prefers earlier music to most of the stuff released during [her] present day.
15. Her parents’ death drastically changed her mental state - she was a fairly happy child, but due to those events, she closed herself off emotionally… especially when it comes to romantic partners.
16. Unknown to the public, she has a sister-in-law (albeit they don’t even know that she has a brother), and that she’s also an aunt.
17. Her niece, Deirdre, was named after her - Deirdre is her middle name. The first person to hold her (except Sirius and Andromeda) was Bellatrix, who was present at the hospital.
18. She was in a romantic relationship with Dr. Harry Carlyle’s younger sister, Evelyn Carlyle. However, this relationship was unknown to many.
19. Bellatrix is more of a cat-person; they’re much smaller and can comfortably lay on her lap while she’s working and some other reasons.
20. Her dream vacation is to visit Japan after hearing about all of the attractions and places that her friend, Asahi, told her about during their time in boot camp.
21. Her pain tolerance is fairly above average; she hardly experienced too much discomfort during her time getting tattooed. The one that hurt the most was her back, but due to how long it was being worked on as well as it being a cover-up.
22. Not many know, but she secretly enjoys reading paper copies or romance/fantasy books. They’re an escape for her from reality.
23. Many think her to be a pessimist, but she’s actually a realist. She’s seen too much shit to be optimistic, but she’s been proven wrong enough times to not be pessimistic…
24. She falls head over heels for Kaidan; he sees right through her facade around the crew and that she has her walls up for reasons, but the fact that he calls her out and still stands beside her is one of the reasons why she falls for him.
25. Kaidan may have fallen for her first, but Bellatrix fell harder - that’s for damn sure.
26. Bellatrix may seem like the worst role-model for children with her attitude, but she raised Sirius and spent time around Lorelei and Magnus Ryder as teenagers; she knows how to deal and work with kids since she had to raise one when she was a pre-teen.
27. Due to her childhood and teenage years, Bellatrix is fairly skilled at styling/cutting hair since she had to do her own and didn’t trust the others within the Reds. She also learned some tips from her friend, Asahi.
28. Out of the entire crew (ME1) and besides Kaidan, she’s closest to Garrus and Liara. (ME2) She is close with Jack, Kasumi, and Thane as well (Unbeknownst to her, Thane developed feelings for her). (ME3) James got to know her well and became good friends before the events since he was assigned to watch over her during house arrest and her relationship is rekindled with Kaidan - she’s good friends with everyone, but the ones listed know her really well.
29. Had she not romanced Kaidan or moved on from him, she likely would have gotten together with Thane since she felt a faint spark with him as time went on. He also saw through her facade, which took her off guard yet in a different approach. (When compared to Kaidan).
30. Bellatrix occasionally drinks, but she has not smoked and/or consumed marijuana since she joined the Systems Alliance - she does not want to take the chance of relapsing.
31. She’s a side-sleeper and unless Kaidan is in bed with her, she’s a light sleeper too. If he’s with her, she’s not a heavy sleeper, but it does take a little bit more to wake her up.
32. She’s a morning person; she’s used to waking up early and getting to work, rather than being a night owl and wasting precious time to sleep.
33. Her mom was murdered by her father, who then killed himself (he did so out of fear/paranoia due to his enormous debt with loan sharks) - she was ten years old while Sirius was only six. They were both coming home from their last day of school.
34. She hated all of the nickname variants of her given name and it was all that was used during her time within the Reds. She hates being called Bella and/or Trixie.
35. The only nickname that she’s open to is one that Kaidan suggests when she wants to be unrecognizable and that is “Ellie,” which she had never been called that before.
NSFW Facts |
36. Bellatrix is open to BDSM - specifically bondage and overstimulation, whether it’s herself or her partner. This goes into overdrive once she’s with Kaidan, who can restrain her with his biotics.
37. When it comes to women and men, she’s an ass woman - she’s got plenty of boobs and albeit they’re nice, she loves digging her nails and leaving marks as well as smacking her partner’s ass.
38. Although she loves biting, she loves hickeys way more and loves giving and receiving them. Her favorite places to have them [on her] are her breasts or thighs.
39. It takes quite a bit of time to get her close to orgasming and very few have succeeded. She finds out that she absolutely loves back-to-back orgasms and the only lover that has been successful to do that is Kaidan.
40. She’s not too fond of quickies since that’s what most of her teenage trysts consisted of and with how difficult it is for her to orgasm already, it’s another reason why she dislikes them.
41. When she’s truly enjoying herself, she has a hard time with volume control. The only times she ever experienced this was with Evelyn and then Kaidan - to which Kaidan, experimentally, gagged her and she enjoyed it even more.
42. A kink that she never knew she enjoyed [receiving] is body worship and Kaidan is a worshipper. He is meticulous when it comes to pleasuring her before the main event - he’ll get her to orgasm multiple times with his fingers, mouths and toys if she’s feeling adventurous.
43. She’s not really a fan degrading within the bedroom, whether it’s being the degrader or degradee… she has poor experiences with it during her early adulthood when exploring herself and she disliked it afterwards.
44. Rarely did she give up control/dominance within the bedroom, but there are moments between Kaidan and Bellatrix where she releases the reins and he steps in. (The whole… “you’re the boss, except when you’re not… come and find me.” convo. really got her going)
45. Bellatrix is particular about her hair, but when it comes to the bedroom - she wants Kaidan to pull her by the hair, whether she’s going down on him, they’re kissing, or he’s leaving marks on her neck. She loves her hair being pulled and loves tugging on Kaidan’s hair.
Mini - count: Bellatrix’s Tattoos
1] On her right hand, the word “DEATH” is written with each letter on each finger (technically knuckle). She’s got a heavy right hook when she throws a punch.
2] She has symbols on her back to tie in her connection with the Reds, but she covered it up with an oriental dragon done in dark-red ink. (Cover-up)
3 and 4] She has her and her brother’s namesake tattooed underneath her collarbones. Canis Major (her brother’s star) and Orion (her star).
5] She has a crescent moon tattooed onto her sternum, in-between her breasts.
6 and 7] She has matching designs on her ribcage (sides) of the moon phases. (waxing on one side, waning on the other)
8] There was a snake tattooed on her left index-finger (gang-related) and she had it covered up to look like a ring of thorns. (Cover-up)
9] On her left bicep, she has a half-sleeve design of a woman dressed in grecian clothes; it's Medusa, where half of her face is human while the other is Gorgon.
10] Behind her left ear was a small, red star that was gang-related and she covered it up with a red azalea. (Cover-up)
11. Left hip/thigh were more markings tied to the Reds - massive cover-up by having a female Dullahan wielding a scythe. (Cover-up)
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starryfox0 · 9 months
24 in 2024
Thanks to @blueberreads for tagging me!
I barely read any books this year, except for school but I'll probably have more time this year so i can finally clear my tbr a bit :D
Heartstopper Vol.5 by Alice Oseman
Solitaire by Alice Oseman
Loveless by Alice Oseman
The Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
One last stop by Casey McQuiston
Percy Jackson- The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan
How to kill your family by Bella Mackie
Faust 2 by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
No longer human by Osamu Dazai
Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
She gets the Girls by Racheal Lippincott and Alyson Derrick
A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzan Collins
Cinderella is dead by Kalynn Bayron
The wicked King by Holly Black
Two can keep a secret by Karen M. McManus
The Cousins by Karen M. McManus
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
The strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide by Robert Louis Stvenson
Circe by Madeline Miller
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Mine by Delilah S. Dawson
tagging: @sassydalek3791 @ebbsipepsi and @kazooyay if yall wanna :)
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higgs-the-god · 3 months
Please tell us about those OCs, i love their designs! :O -borrower-barney-enjoyer
im saving you from hearing about My Story (that does have a proper name) that i havent thoroughly worked on since i was like. 16. maybe. that i made since i was like 10. listen theres So much.
ANYWAY. ill only talk in depth abt Evelyn and Berlin for now
evelyn, sister of june, big fanatic of the main character's family (daphne, zal especially). shes like. this weird fucked up giant alien snake BUT can shape shift to look more dog like. originally looked like MC's summer coat (gray and white) but managed to get a personality and be her own person. hedonistic, wont take no for an answer, will fuck over anyone to get what she wants, would take candy from a baby etc. mysteriously powerful? shes high in command on her and zals home planet, tries to get with MC and take Junes spot as gf (and fails) (she just kinda sucks at everything). daddy issues? sure
UHH. she has redeeming qualities im Sure. she doesnt know how to be normal she doesnt know the concept of consent or anything !!111!! anyway she kidnaps main character at some point and its really great for everyone
BERLIN on the other hand is more normal. relatively. kid of mc and june. weird rodent/alien/husky dragon thing. fucking creature. they have angst at some point but really Most of their life is Normal and ok like really. kid probably has an arc where they run away to better themselves and saves the day after maturing or something. they like dressing up in cute outfits. upbeat and determined, chronic main character energy
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the-unforgotten · 8 months
2024 reading list
my list of 50+ something books I plan to read this year. a mix of random fiction some series as well as classics fiction and philosophy and some political stuff
Little Women Louisa May Alcott Meditations Marcus Aurelius Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Flowerheart Catherine Bakewell Bookshops & Bonedust Travis Baldree Blood Debts Terry J. Benton-Walker A Broken Blade Melissa Blair Utopia for Realists Rutger Bregman Break the Cycle Dr. Mariel Buqué Small Pleasures Clare Chambers The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Suzanne Collins Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes, Edith Grossman Evicted Matthew Desmond Ripe Sarah Rose Etter Polysecure Jessica Fern The Wicked + The Divine (2014), Volume 1 Kieron Gillen Fear of Black Consciousness Lewis R. Gordon The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work John Gottman, PhD, Nan Silver A Wizard of Earthsea Ursula K. Le Guin Seraphina Rachel Hartman Royal Assassin Robin Hobb Ain't I a Woman Bell Hooks Five Survive Holly Jackson The Queen of the Tearling Erika Johansen Time Squared Lesley Krueger Yellowface R. F. Kuang Jade City Fonda Lee Six Crimson Cranes Elizabeth Lim What We Owe the Future William MacAskill Earth Logic Laurie J. Marks The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels One of Us Is Lying Karen M. McManus Killing Commendatore Haruki Murakami How High We Go in the Dark Sequoia Nagamatsu Hello Beautiful Ann Napolitano Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Murder in an Irish Village Carlene O'Connor 1984 George Orwell Boy, Snow, Bird Helen Oyeyemi Children of Chicago Cynthia Pelayo Murder on Black Swan Lane Andrea Penrose The Republic Plato Mort Terry Pratchett Everything's Fine Cecilia Rabess Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe Benjamin Alire Sáenz A Gathering of Shadows V. E. Schwab Vicious V. E. Schwab The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare Frankenstein Mary Shelley They Both Die at the End Adam Silvera How Fascism Works Jason Stanley Dracula Bram Stoker She Is a Haunting Trang Thanh Tran Womb City Tlotlo Tsamaase The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Stuart Turton The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
after the creation of this list two weeks ago I've already added more
Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity in This Crisis Dean Spade
The Complete Maus Art Spiegelman
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nekodalvrs · 1 year
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All About Me!!
name: evelyn
ethnicity: 🇰🇷 전지우
under 15, don’t be weird!!
tt: .eve1ynz
insta: nekodalvrs
fandoms im in:
sally face
avatar: twow
never have i ever
i am not okay with this
where the crawdads sing
all of us are dead
cobra kai
the umbrella academy
the conjuring (chronological, annabelle, the conjuring, the nun, la llorona)
stranger things
charmed (1998)
evil dead rise
the ballad of songbirds and snakes
the hunger games
little women
fantastic mr. fox
beautiful boy
bones and all
the nightmare before christmas
there is probably more that I just forgot 😭
favorite celebs <3
devyn nekoda
rose mcgowan
zoe saldana
mikey madison
tristan pravong
madeleine mcgraw
taylor swift
billie eilish
paris berelc
jaeden martell
sadie sink
conan gray
olivia rodrigo
ha sisters
sturniolo triplets
maya hawke
lee yoo-mi
hoyeon jung
beauty school dropout
rachel zegler
tom blyth
hunter schafer
anna-sophia rob
sophia lillis
wyatt oleff
halle bailey
timothée chalamet
florence pugh
saoirse ronan
emma watson
aliza scanlen
taylor russell
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rj-drive-in · 1 year
Lovecraftian Slime Department:
Nobody's perfect. Nobody's worthless.
AND THERE’S A WINO DOWN THE ROAD © 2023 by Rick Hutchins
The rutted asphalt hadn’t been re-paved in decades and the paint on the run-down business fronts was cracked and peeling, but the air was oddly fresh as the sun rose early on a Sunday morning. Stray trash and litter formed a greasy mess in the gutters, and weeds poked through the cracked sidewalks and foundations, but all was quiet and still.
Against a rusty, leaning chain-link fence sat an old man in ragged clothes, holding a brown paper bag in his lap from which he occasionally took a mouthful of Wild Irish Rose.
“Down the hatch,” he mumbled, every time.
Mainly he thought of someone named Evelyn, who he had once bounced on his knee and taught to drive. He had let her down badly. She was out there in the world somewhere with kids of her own now, with no use for him.
A cop car rumbled slowly down the road, bouncing in the potholes, casually glancing at the padlocked doors and cardboard windows of the businesses. The cops ignored the old man.
“Fuck you and the horse you rode in on,” he said as they passed him by.
A while later, the sun was higher, but gray clouds had moved in, bringing a chill.
Something began to happen in the middle of the street.
The old man didn’t know what he was looking at. It was a spray of sparks, like a welding arc, but it was just hanging in the air. Then the sparks stopped and there was some sort of mirage, like a slice through nothing, like the heat waves over a hot dog cart. Like a floating wound. There was something inside of it but it made no sense to him. Maybe he had something in his eye. He rubbed them roughly with his dirty, blackened fingers.
No, it was still there. And something was coming out. A green octopus was reaching through.
“The day has come,” he said. He choked and succumbed to a fit of coughing. “I’ve gone mental.”
The giant green tentacle reached further through the gash, coiling around, seeking, touching the gritty asphalt, stroking a wall, brushing a telephone pole and a fire hydrant, probing like a tongue looking for a piece of gristle between teeth. It didn’t really look like an octopus now that he had a better view of it. More like a slimy snake from a rotten swamp, with bumps all over it like cancerous growths.
And it wanted something. It had intentions that rolled off of it like a bad smell, and the old man could see those intentions like pictures in his head. Pictures of burning cities and dead forests and a billion bodies floating face down in the thick mucus of poisoned seas.
It wanted the world. It wanted Evelyn’s world.
The old man sat up and rolled over onto his elbows, and got his knees under him. He pushed himself up onto first one foot and then the other and rose up onto wobbly legs. He brought the brown paper bag up to his lips and swallowed a mouthful of Wild Irish Rose.
“Over my dead body,” he said.
He shuffled slowly over to the curb of the sidewalk. About thirty feet of that coiling tentacle had made it through the hole in the air and the thickest part was as big around as a truck tire. The tapered tip was sliding along the ground, coming near his feet. The old man took the bottle of wine out of the paper bag, holding it by the neck, and swung it, shattering it against the fire hydrant beside him. Wild Irish Rose splashed over his clothes and the ground and the writhing green tentacle.
The thing immediately lunged, wrapping itself around his middle and his legs like a boa constrictor. Gray smoke billowed where it touched him, as its unearthly substance burned through his clothes and flesh and fat like boiling oil.
The old man screamed his throat raw.
He could see it now, all of it, in the pictures in his head. Squatting green in the darkness, something the size of a moon, with a million more tentacles, and then a million more beyond that. And millions of crimson crystal eyes that moved and crawled and pulsed with avarice, and millions of mouths, and millions of tongues, and millions of teeth….
He still held onto the broken wine bottle by its neck. He raised it up over his head and brought the sharp, jagged edge of glass down upon the tentacle, cutting deeply into its reptilian hide. It bled something thick and black.
“How do you like that, fucker!” he screamed.
There was a roar of hot wind and deafening rage from the hole in the air, as if he were standing next to a jet engine. The thing on the other side had never felt pain, never known of it, never imagined that such a thing could exist, never imagined that it could feel hurt. For the first time in its existence, it flinched, cracking the old man’s ribs.
But the old man chopped away at it, again and again. “Take that and that!” he cried.
Finally, he chopped all the way through and the tentacle dropped to the ground, melting into the asphalt like an oil stain. The stump of the thing pulled back through the hole in the air and the hole closed up like a stone dropped in a pond.
And then there was silence, like there had never been any sound.
The old man gasped for breath. The broken bottle slipped from his trembling fingers.
Slowly, he turned around, every movement bringing flashes of agony to his burned flesh and broken ribs.
“Stupid fucking monster,” he grumbled.
Like a journey of a hundred miles, he haltingly dragged his feet back across the sidewalk and leaned onto the rusted chain-link fence, the only home he had known for a long while. He sank slowly to his knees. After a while he folded up and collapsed to the ground on his side.
He thought of Evelyn as he faded away.
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Evelyne "Snake" Gray: Timeline
CWs: Mentioned abuse, mentioned drug use, mentioned abuse, hospital, pregnancy, miscarriage canon mw3, major character death
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2002 • 5 years
First hears her brother’s scream.
2003 • 6 years
Father is arrested for public intoxication.
2004 • 7 years
Vitiligo develops on face and arms.
2005 • 8 years
Vitiligo progresses to back, abdomen, and legs.
2006 • 9 years
Sent to hospital for extensive wounds to back and arms.
2007 • 10 years
Finds out Alice is pregnant
August - Nellian and Claire are born.
2008 • 11 years
Nellian and Claire’s first birthday.
2009 • 12 years
Moves to London.
2010 • 13 years
Alice (mother) begins abusing prescription drugs.
2011 • 14 years
Begins working at a grocery store after school.
2012 • 15 years
December - Meets John “Soap” Mactavish while he is visiting his aunt.
2013 • 16 years
Sexual abuse begins.
Attempts to leave London.
2014 • 17 years
Andrew (brother) flees the United Kingdom.
Enlists for the British Army.
Cadet Gray
2015 • 18 years
Graduates secondary school.
Forges death certificate for Andrew.
Mother and father are arrested for child abuse due to anonymous tip.
Gains full guardian custody of Nellian and Claire.
Moves to an apartment in Manchester.
2016 • 19 years
Private Gray
Sent on first anti-drug operation.
Meets Kyle “Gaz” Garrick at a cafe while on leave.
2017 • 20 years
Corporal Gray
Starts dating Kyle James Garrick.
Meets Commander Phillip Graves while teamed with Shadow Company.
Charged with Aggravated Assault Against a Commanding Officer.
Meets General Herschel Shepherd, Kate Laswell.
Transferred to CIA Special Operations Team.
Given call sign “Snake.”
2018 • 21 years
Says “I Love You,” to Kyle after bad mission.
Adopts three kittens, Squid, Noodles, and Yoshi.
2019 • 22 years
Meets Captain John William Price.
Teams up with Captain Price and Stg. Garrick while in Urzikstan. Evelyne is gravely injured.
October - Miscarries unknowingly
November - Marries Kyle in Norway.
2020 • 23 years
January-March - Medical Leave
Meets Simon "Ghost" Riley
Assists in humanitarian relief in South Asia.
Becomes Intel and Negotiation Specialist.
December - Positive pregnancy test
Goes on medical leave immediately.
2021 • 24 years
Nellian and Claire go to secondary school.
Finds out the gender. A girl.
Starts calling the baby “Peach” due to the fruit being her pregnancy craving.
July 8th - Gives birth to Scarlette Ada Garrick 2 weeks early. Kyle is deployed during the birth.
2022 • 25 years
Kyle and Evelyne buy their first house in Scotland.
Scarlette’s First Birthday.
Emergency deployment to assist Laswell while stopping Hassan.
Graves’ Betrayal of 141.
2023 • 26 years
Goes back to fully active duty.
Meets Victoria “Whiskey” Callahan
Nellian and Claire graduate secondary school.
Scarletts turns 2.
Deployed to assist in stopping Makarov.
Gathers intel on Makarov’s location.
John “Soap” Mactavish is KIA. Evelyne pays her respects days after his funeral, out of respect for Meabh.
2024 • 27 years
January - Positive pregnancy test.
Goes on inactive duty.
Finds out the gender. A girl.
May 31st: Gives birth to Leona Clove Garrick
Meets Meabh O’Malley
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florbelles · 3 years
oc tag.
— tagged by my loves @tommymillers​ & @chuckhansen​, thank you! 
not sure who’s done this, so tagging the usual suspects @tomexraider, @risenlucifer, @blissfulalchemist, @foofygoldfish, @jackiesarch, @shallow-gravy, @consumedkings, @shellibisshe, @chyrstis, @chazz-anova, @ohfaiths, @strafethesesinners, @adelaidedrubman​, @vasiktomis​, @honesthearts and anyone else can @ me <3
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name: jocelyn peralta alias/nicknames: joss, courier six, pirate of the wastes, betrayer, desert terror, sword of despair, villain of the wastes, scourge of the wastes, bringer of sorrow, consort of discord, agent of chaos, instrument of ruin, soultaker, queen of new vegas. gender: cis woman age: 24 c. 2281 zodiac: leo sun / aquarius moon / aries rising abilities/talents: fnv skills — speech, guns (one-handed), lockpicking, stealth, barter. [applicable] fnv perks — black widow, gunslinger, kamikaze, quick draw, terrifying presence, hot blooded. alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true (fnv karma — very evil) religion: none; she has no use for gods. her father’s old shack of an inn had a well-worn copy of the bible, falling apart at the seams and unreadable to everyone in the family but joss; she read it to her sisters sometimes while she was teaching herself, but it never occurred to her to treat it as anything but pre-war reading material.  sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience languages: english, spanish family: vera peralta (sister, alive); dj peralta (father, deceased); adelita peralta (sister, deceased); elisa peralta (sister, deceased); lola peralta (sister, deceased) friends: the chairmen (faction); the kings (faction); the garrets; joana; hadrien; lily bowen; raul alfonso tejada; evelyn fitzgerald; jackie fitzgerald sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other height: 5′6″ scars: several, mostly negligble; she no longer recalls where she got most of them. bullet grazes (left side of skull, right shoulder, left bicep, right thigh); thin cuts (abdomen); burns (feet). features: resting bitch face feared by all the west. is that blood on her teeth? don’t worry about it!
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dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future five songs that remind you of them: i. short change hero // the heavy  ii. far from any road // the handsome family iii. blood on my name // the brothers bright  iv. through the valley // shawn james v.  missile // dorothy
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cadrenebula · 3 years
Character Summary: Stefan
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Name: Stefan Delvanguard
Alias/Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Zodiac: Scorpio
Abilities/Talents: Mage of various studies, researcher of the War of the Magi, alchemist, painter.
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Atheist
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common, can read certain older languages but not speak them.
Family: Mother (Etoinelle), sister (Destiney), brother-in-law (Syluss), niece (Evelyn), cousins (Lancefer and Lothaire), uncle (Ricard)
Friends: Sahji’to, Will, Vingt/Vega, Audric, Cora
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other (purple)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 6′0″ (though game model only goes down to 6′4″)
Scars: Black scar across the palm of his left hand.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
A few songs that remind you of them:
No Friends - Cadmium Nightcore, Rosendale
Fading Light - Aviators
My Soul to the Devil - Cruskin
Ghosts of Our Fathers - Aviators
Tagged by: @eligos-venator​ (Got tagged by more people but figured I’d use that as an excuse to do more than one character! :D Thanks for the tags. Finally getting around to those that I got tagged in before and during vacation.)
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bloodfestgf · 4 years
Okay. So I’ve been complaining a lot about my tbr as if I need more books on it but I actually don’t since it’s super long already. So I’m going to list it out here to hold myself accountable for not reading these books (below the cut because the list is looooong):
The Poppy War, The Dragon Republic, The Burning God
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Red Rising, Golden Son, Morning Star, Iron Gold, Dark Age, Red Rising 6
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Annihilation, #2, #3
The Mask Falling
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Spin the Dawn, Unravel the Dusk
The Fifth Season
City of Brass
She Who Became The Sun
Jade City
These Violent Delights
The Gilded Ones
The Secret History
The Lovely War
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
The Kingdom of Back
Strange the Dreamer
The Night Circus
Shadow of the Fox
Her Body and Other Parties
Queer books on the list:
This is How You Lose the Time War
The Midnight Lie
The Unbroken (CL Clark)
Cemetery Boys
The Song of Achilles
Wilder Girls
The First Sister
Crier’s War
Queen of Coin and Whispers
Red, White & Royal Blue
Not priorities at the moment:
Gideon the ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Alecto the Ninth
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Bone Shard Daughter
Sense and Sensibility
The Nightingale
If We Were Villains
The Starless Sea
Radio Silence
Dance of Thieves
A Memory Called Empire
Godsgrave, Darkdawn
We Set the Dark on Fire
The Belles
Queen’s Thief
Blood and Honey
filtering out ya books because I’m tired of them at the moment:
A Song of Wraiths and Ruins
The Gilded Wolves
Forest of Souls
Crown of feathers
Girl, Serpent, Thorn
Girls of Storm and Shadow
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frozinharainbowxd · 4 years
Captain underpants au's lunar versions
Bad Dolphin
-In this AU, she doesn't change her side.
-She has a goal: she wants to make george and harold have their friendship again (that is, be friends again), but their attempts do not work, but she will not give up
-She remains shy, but she changes to be very fearful, a little pesimistic and lonely.
- the only friend she trusts is melvin.
- She wears a neckerchief on this AU, she cover her mouth when she is ashamed or sad.
- Due to an accident from an experience that your uncle did. Lunar became a bat (it's still at its normal height, only bat parts have been added)
- She is able to fly, but she is still learning to fly, because her attempts to fly are not very successful.
-On the day, she will have to wear a hooded coat, because her skin is red with spots due to the sun.
Mythos AU
-She is a griffin in this AU
-She met George and Harold in a forest, then Melvin in a field alone. 
(things should be added soon)
Jekyll And Hyde AU
-She never met her parents and lived in an orphanage, but she ran away from the orphanage because she didn't like that place.
-she managed to survive alone, and living on the streets, in search of food and water.
- the first person she met was Evelyn, when she was taken to her house when she was resting.  at first when she woke up in the place she was scared, but after getting to know her little by little, she started not to be scared anymore and getting nice with her.
-She met george and harold when she saw the two of them playing games (that day, Evelyn wanted to visit smarty and went along with lunar).
-she is the second (or third) person who knows the secret of smarty 
 -this AU she has a phobia of snakes and height.
Bendypants AU
- She draws the characters from the bendypants. 
 -after the creation of the ink machine, and that was hit by the ink, she turned an ink monster.
- As in the ink monster,she wanders around in a part of the studio, she doesn't attack the harold, it just wanders around the studio.
 -She tries to help harold, but harold runs away from her. 
 -She carries a photo (which has her friends, harold, george, and others). 
 -Your tears are yellow (and sometimes cries)
-She remembers the events before the studio got that way now.
- Her monster ink form is that of an ink woman, with yellow eyes, her hands and feet are white, and she wears a gray scarf around her neck.
-She has a crush on Melvin.
Bad Dolphin and Mythos AU  belong to @frappsundies
Jekyll and Hyde and Bendypants belong to @artistcaptainbendy
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forehead-enthusiast · 4 years
A Buncha Tag Games (and yet not all of them)
tagged by: @eggyukhei mwah
tagging: this is a LOT of games so i’ll only tag @atinyphobe @nsheetee and @veonjun for the SECOND (2nd) game. if they or anybody wants to do any of the other games, absolutely go for it and say i tagged you <3 i’d love to see what you guys say!! (also, tk if you felt like you wanted to answer my questions from the second game i’d be interested to see!)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
ok SO the song that probably got me into rv 100% (also yes ik this blog is 99% nct but rv is my forever fave no question) was probably ice cream cake!! i had been a casual listener of many groups up until that point and had never really stanned anyone, but icc was so infectious i found myself watching it over and over. i had heard happiness and be natural before but hadn’t really listened too closely, so icc was the song that captured me. after that, dumb dumb only cemented my love for them more, and the red is still one of my favorite kpop albums to date. rv attracted me primarily because of their incredible vocals and their versatility in genres and concepts. i still get so excited wondering what they’ll tackle next!! they’re just soooo unique and have one of, if not the best discographies of any group. i cannot stress enough, I. Love. RV!! also they’re funny and gay so. anyway stream monster once it drops uwu
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
1. what is your favorite song that’s been released during quarantine? ooooo honestly??? probably something off of Sawayama. literally every song bangs so hard i highly recommend that album to anyone!! i can’t pick a favorite off it but who’s gonna save you now is awesome and xs is just,,, chef’s kiss
2. what is your greatest mishap when you tried cooking? (or something you’ve witnessed) one time, while making soup at my late grandmother’s house on her like gas stove, i put a lid on a pot and somehow that led the pot to be engulfed in flames. IN MY DEFENSE i was like 7, and i’m great at cooking/baking now
3. what’s your go-to outfit or article of clothing? oh i love a nice dress. they can be casual or formal, and you look like you put effort into your outfit except i didn’t because i didn’t have to match anything yo!!!! also shorts have trouble fitting me cause i’m a weird body type so dresses tend to be very comfy for me
4. what is your comfort food? am i allowed to say like all food??? eating in itself is comforting,,, that sounds depressing but also i just like eating yummy food. i guess i’d say like my dad’s fried rice?? its my fave and no one makes it like him soooo
5. what singular moment in your life would you like to relive? i couldn’t tell if this meant like, a good moment you want to re-experience or go back in time and redo a moment and fix it. it’s kind of a hard question so i might cop out and go with a bit of a silly answer: i want to relive the hi touch with astro...... i wanna look at rocky’s beautiful eyes and touch moonbin’s hand ok,,,,
6. what is your favorite line and/or character from a movie, show, or book? i got a bunch but a few off the top of my head are genie lo (the epic crush of genie lo), ty lee, suki (atla), klaus, and ben (umbrella academy) 
7. if you could only choose one ice cream flavor and pizza topping/style for the rest of your life, what would it be? ice cream flavor: this very specific one from a local store that is banana ice cream with strawberries and oreo mixed in. it is heaaaavenly. as for pizza topping, i love a breakfast type pizza with an egg on top and like sausage and stuff!!!
8. what is the worst injury you’ve ever had or witnessed? funny enough, i’ve actually gotten badly injured quite a few times, and always on the face!! god hates me. the worst was probably when i hit a metal bench with my face and it took a chunk out of my cheek. i still have the scar! as for “witnessed” i accidentally broke a grown man’s rib once as a child, so i guess that would count.
9. would you rather explore the unknown of space or the bottom of the ocean? oceaaaan!! i answered this in some other game, but i like how mysterious and yet close the ocean is. like proximity wise it’s so near, yet there’s an insane amount we know nothing about. that’s so frightening but so intriguing
10. if you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? my first thought was literally “kirby. eat fast” GOD my followers are gonna think i’m just a glutton and they’re not even gonna be wrong im dying. but uhh idk mulan or smth?
my questions:
what is your go-to feel good movie?
are you the type of person who’s indecisive about buying, or the type to impulse buy once you see something you like?
do you prefer chocolate-y or fruity candy?
what idol do you think is most similar to you? (not your bias necessarily)
do you have any silly dealbreakers? if so, what are they?
what do you do to unwind?
what is a small thing you like to do for people you love? (be it sending memes, remembering their favorite shows, etc)
what’s/who’s your favorite myth/mythological being?
what is a non-typical pet you would want to have?
do you say pronounce data as day-ta or dah-ta?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people. 
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better! 
name: sarah
nickname: bells
birthday: april 17th
zodiac: aries
nationality: chinese american
languages: english, some spanish, some korean
gender: female
sexuality: baby bi bi bi~
height: 5′10
inspiration for muse: i suppose nct since i write for them the most?? but i feel like sometimes i come up with the idea before i think of a member so sometimes the muse is just my own fantasies oops
meaning behind my url: i made it at a time where loads of idols were getting bangs and honestly i believe most of them look infinitely better without them, thus i was and still am enthusiastic about foreheads.
blog established: like winter of 2018...?? i think
followers: over 2.5k but most deactivated/left during my hiatus lol
favourite animals: sharks, chickens, snakes, cats, penguins
favourite books: the epic crush of genie lo and then iron will of genie lo, PERIOD
favourite colour: pink and purple!!
favourite fictional characters: lol, again, genie lo, ty lee, suki, klaus, ben, and just a few more: richard and evelyn o’connell (the mummy), dave (dave), michael (the good place)
favourite flower: sunflower
favourite scent: baking chocolate, heating butter, blackberry, wisteria
favourite season: probably spring! i like warmth but not HEAT
average hours of sleep: ugh idek i sleep horribly
cats or dogs: both, but unfortunately i’ve never had either
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea but then hot chocolate
current time: 5:29pm
dream trip: go to paris and eat loads of pastries and enjoy the fashions and beauty of the city, and also learn to bake better maybe?
dream job: actress
hobbies: making jewelry, drawing, singing, reading comics
hogwarts house: according to the quizzes, all of them. people who have just met me think slytherin or gryffindor, people who i’m friends with think ravenclaw or hufflepuff, people who know me really well know you can’t box a person into oversimplified archetypes :’) in my assessment of myself, it varies by the day, but i think perhaps gryffindor today?
last movie watched: hot fuzz (a classic)
last song listened to: summer breeze by sf9
no. of blankets you sleep with: like 2
random fact(s): i won lego building competitions as a child, one of my dream roles is anastasia from the musical named after her, i played violin for a very short time, i bake the cakes for all my family and friends’ birthdays, i have strangely strong grip strength
10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
love me 4 me- rina sawayama
cherry- rina sawayama
in & out- red velvet
crush culture- conan gray
manic- conan gray
the king- conan gray
summer- pentagon
told you now- jeremy jordan (originally sung by sam smith)
fuck this world (interlude)- rina sawayama
someone who loves me- sara bareilles
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