#even and honestly especially if youre right youd just be pushing someone to come out before theyre ready
redbuddi · 5 months
Being trans is based and cool! Having trans headcanons about characters is based and cool! Trying to Game Theory real actual people's gender identities and whether or not they're secretly trans or eggs is extremely shitty and uncool! Don't do that!!!
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laboflove · 3 years
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Oikawa & Iwa X FR
•Aged up•
Word Count- 2363
❗Warnings❗{Smut, angst, praising, infatuation, ridiculing, cheating, body shaming}
A/N: Thicc Y/N who's dating Oikawa and although he says he loves her it doesnt seem that way.
He smiles as he sees your eyebrows pushed together, you were always so cute when you were angry, he just wanted to keep making fun of you to see that face. "Tooru" you suddenly say making his smile fade, "Yeah?" He says confused and your phone buzzes, "Nevermind, I have to go, Iwa is here" you say then kiss his cheek before leaving.
A frown forms on his face as he sees you walk off, you were always hanging out with Iwaizumi. It made him mad because you were HIS girlfriend not Iwaizumi's. He huffs then leaves as well, whatever, hed just make you remember how great it is to date him.
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You walk in to find him on your bed and he smiles, "Hey" you both say, you climb onto the bed forgetting about today at work and he pulls you onto his chest. "Did you gain weight? Damn" he says with a chuckle making the thoughts come back, "I think, I'll lose it dont worry" you whisper as you move off and onto the side.
He pulls you close, his hands trailing your body making you anxious, you werent skinny like other girls, you had curves and Oikawa would always tease you about it, middle school to now and you always tried to lose weight but youd gain it back. An endless cycle and honestly the last thing you wanted right now was for him to be touching you like this.
Yet you dont stop him, instead closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep but his hands get more touchy, soon enough spreading your legs. "Not tonight Tooru" and his frown appears again, that's the second time this week you've called him that. "Okay" he says then turns around and you both fall asleep, one angry and confused and the other filled with dark thoughts.
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"I just dont understand, shes been calling me Tooru this entire week, why?" He says as he passes the ball to Iwa, "Its your name" He says making him huff. He knew it was his name but you've never called him that before, so why now?!
"I dont like it, she never calls me that so why now? Did I do something wrong?" He says and Iwa stops, "You always make fun of her, im surprised she hasn't dumped you yet" and Oikawa's mouth goes dry. His biggest worry, something he never wants to happen, for you two to break up, you meant everything to him, youd always lift him up, give him pointers and take care of him. You couldn't leave him, you're all he had.
"S-she knows I'm just kidding, I don't mean any of it" he says then the ball flies towards him, "Iwa-!", "It always sounds like you mean it, you tell her shes fat, that shes not pretty enough, that she isnt smart, terrible shit but you never say that you're just kidding. Even then you shouldnt say shit like that to someone who already deals with criticism as it is, you especially shouldn't say it to her because shes your goddam girlfriend" he leaves and Oikawa clenches his fists.
"Hey!" And he looks back, "Do you like her?!" He yells out earning a nod making his blood boil, "I've liked her since middle school, even more in high school and the most right now, but she made the stupidest decision on dating you" and he walks off again.
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"Youd never leave me right?" He asks as he rests his head on your chest, you dont answer making him look up with dim eyes, "You would?" He asks and you sigh, "If something were to happen yes but just breaking up with you for no reason would not happen" and he nods. "Um, what would be the reason?" He whispers remembering the conversation with Iwa, "If one of us cheats, I'd never do it but well..." you stop and he looks up at you.
"I-im sorry, I'll never hurt you like that ever again, so please dont leave me" you nod then place a kiss on his head.
He looks back at the tv but hes barely focusing on it, only remembering that night. He was drunk, saying terrible stuff and when he woke up he found you in front of him, sitting down, looking super tired and your eyes were so dry and red. He didnt know why till he looked around and found unfamiliar clothes, women's clothes.
You didnt talk to him about it, none of you brought it up and soon you were both back to normal but he knew that all trust created was gone.
His thoughts are broken by the familiar buzz pattern and you pull the phone to your ear, "Hey" you say with a smile, why cant you smile like that when you talk to him? Why doesnt your voice get all cute and soft with him? Why is it only with Iwa?
"Oh I'm with Oikawa" you say as your hand runs through his hair, he smiles and even more as you rest it on his cheek. "I-iwa" your hand twitches slightly and he can feel your aura change, "Dont call me until your done with that crap, God, you're worse than Oikawa" you put your phone down and he looks up at you.
"What's wrong?" He asks but you shake your head, "Its nothing, just Iwa being a bit of an asshole" he nods and you look at the tv.
"He doesnt love you, he says all that shit which he shouldnt be saying, what if he cheats on you again huh? "
You let out a sigh then close your eyes, uh oh, you're pissed.
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"Hey" you hear, turning around you see them and shoot a smile, "Hey guys" you say as you slowly come to a stop. "Whatre you doing here?" One asks, "Oh uh well you know working out" you say and they nod. "Any specific reason? You look perfect already" you laugh making them confused, "Yeah right, if I was Oikawa wouldnt judge me 24/7" you say and they tilt their heads.
"Anyways, I'm gonna get back to this" you say with a small smile and they head to the other side, "Whatre you thinking?" Akaashi asks as Bokuto glares in your direction. "I'm thinking that I want to kill Oikawa", "As much as I'd love to help you do that, its illegal" he says and he huffs. "Only if i get caught".
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"Whatre you doing?" He asks as his arms wrap around your waist, you step off and you smile, "Yes" you say and he rubs your stomach, it's not as squishy as before. "I finally lost 15 pounds" you whisper with a large smile and although he should be congratulating you it doesnt make sense. "Whyd you lose weight?" He asks and you look back, "For you, you wanted me to lose it remember?" You say and he looks at you in the mirror.
"I'll love you no matter what", "Haha, yeah right Mr. I want a trophy wife who's beautiful and perfect" you say then move away, his heart clenches hearing you say the words he regrets telling you. He didn't want anyone but you.
"Y-you know I love you right?" He says and you look at him, you dont say anything making his heart break. "I do Tooru, it's just hard to believe" and he looks down, "Okay".
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"Y/N" he says for the thousandth time this night, "Are you even listening to me?! It's like you dont care about me! You're always off with Iwaizumi doing God knows what! Why cant you just love me! Only me!" The tears keep falling but you dont look back and you dont let a sob escape. For three days it's been like this, him finding anything to ridicule about and making sure you knew how terrible of a girlfriend you were.
You stand then look at the tree your parents gave you, well it was meant for both of you, something to resemble your love for each other, always growing and alive till death.
A sigh escapes your lips and you walks up to it, "Just as I suspec-", "If I cut this down does that mean were done too?" You ask surprising him. "What does that mean?" He asks and you turn to look at him, "I want to break up" and he looks down. You're crying, you're actually crying, hes never seen you cry, you always refused to look at him whenever you did so hes never got to see it and he wishes he never did.
"Why?", "Why? Why?! Why else Tooru?! Every second I spend with you hurts me! The love in our relationship cant even compare to the amount of pain there is! You give me so much shit and i try to be better, i try to become someone perfect for you but theres always something! I dont love Iwa like I love you! I never have! I only love you but it's like you dont think i do! Even though you're the one that cheated! You're the one that broke the trust! I should've broke up with you before!" You cover your mouth realizing what you just said and you look away.
You were right but why did you say all that stuff to him, he looks at you but quickly looks away. "I'm leaving" you say then rush past him, "W-where are you going?" He asks as he follows you upstairs, you couldn't leave, not like this. He has to say sorry, he has to fix it, he cant lose you!
"I dont know but I cant stay here" you pack stuff up as you avoid his hands, "No" he suddenly says as you reach for the front door. "Bye" you leave in a rush and he looks around, "NO! GET BACK HERE!" and he falls to ground. It actually happened, you left him, you left him and it's his fault, who's going to love him now? Who's going to help him when he gets sick and who's he going to tease?
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He leans in as he holds you close, "I love you" he whispers but you stop him, "Its been two months yet you still push me away", "I didnt have sex with Tooru till we were five months in" you say but he doesnt stop, "Oh c'mon, you know you want to so ju-", "Can you stop? I'm really not in the mood for anything like this" you say as you push his hands away from your stomach and thighs.
"Oh I get it" he says as he pins your hands above your head, "You think I'm like Oikawa, that I'll point out your flaws, that I'll think you're ugly, that I dont actually want you" he says into your ear and you look away, he was right and you both knew that. "Well guess what, we all have flaws, I dont think you're ugly and damn do I want you" he kisses you hard but your squirm in his embrace.
"N-no Iwa stop" you let out with a soft moan as he rubs his knee against your clothed heat, "Why? We both want this, you just cant admit it" his tongue trails up your neck as you resist him only making him want you more. "So soft and you always smell so good" he murmurs as you grind against his knee although your mind is saying you dont want this.
"So pretty, especially these moans" desperate whines leave your mouth as he slowly undresses you, "Heh, I think we should take this to the bed" he says as he looks down at your naked body.
Your arms cover yourself as much as they can as he lifts you bridal style, "M-maybe we should wait, i-i should lose a few m-", "Shut the hell up or else I will tie you up" you nod fast and he places you on the bed. "Fuck me" you turn red seeing his eyes take you in, he reaches for his shirt and you move up to help him but he pushes you down making you bounce a bit.
"Stay right there" he undresses as you watch, once hes done he spreads your legs making your body heat up and filling you with so many emotions. "So perfect" he says as he pushes in slowly, you hiss slightly at the feeling you havent felt in such a long time. "Ah- no, Haji-!" He thrusts harder and faster making the frame hit the wall, over and over.
"So warm, so tight and it feels so good" moans leave his mouth making you bite your lip, this felt so different, way too different. "Dont think about him" he says as he thrusts hard sending your eyes wide open, "I-I dont know how he fucked you, or if hes a goddamn sub but dont! Fucking! Think about him!" He growls out with a thrust each time, feeling angry that even now you're still thinking about him. "Sorrysorrysorry!"
Pants leave his mouth as cries leave yours, "God I love you, I love you so much" he mutters as he looks at your pink cheeks and tears falling down your face, he lowers next to your ear as one hand holds your thigh as the other holds your head close to him. "I love the way you just clamp around me" his hips slow down, grinding against you, "I feel like coming every time I thrust into you, that's how good you feel" you tighten around him as the praises keep coming.
Why did this feel so good? Just his words were getting you there and it was so embarrassing that he made you feel this way. "I just cant believe that the woman I've loved since I was 13 is finally mine, that were here together and you're in my arms" he stops to kiss you and you sniffle slightly, "You can come now" a soft cry fills the room as you come and he thrusts a bit more leading to groans and a warm feeling in your core.
"You're mine, only mine".
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mxargo · 4 years
some days
spencer reid
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summary: spencer takes his time with a girl that he thinks may be it for him.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of past deaths, spence being in prison, age gap of ten years. honestly lmk if I forgot anything.
word count: 2475
most of this is from spencer's pov
some days are better than others, some make it and some don't. that's just how life is now. people get hurt, good people.
bad things happen to good people. good people who decide to live their own lives fighting other peoples wars just so they don't get hurt.
they're total strangers so why do it? why do others let themselves feel great pain just to save someone they don't know?
if we started questioning the good and their good intentions, there wouldn't be any left. that's why we don't do it.
when new cases come around, we push the why in the back of our minds and focus on the how. how are we going to save these people in time? and what if we don't? how many bad endings can occur during these cases before we start questioning our own sanity?
that's where spencer was.
questioning his sanity.
after prison, everything was different. he wouldn't want to admit that because it was the truth. a truth he wasn't yet ready to face, especially not by himself.
he saw the world differently, things he used to be able to do before just faded away in a locked compartment he built for himself in the back of his mind.
the part of him he'd never want to open. why do we do this? what happens if someone takes away the important. the reason he'd believe kept him steady.
his mother.
she wasn't well. he knew that to be true, didn't mean he liked to admit that.
he would defend her world without a thought of his own, but that tasks he kept only for himself is what started to strip him of what he once was.
thirteen years ago, the once smaller man who was so innocent. the man who just joined the bau thinking that this, this is my way out.
his way out of his mothers world. he loved her no doubt, no one needed proof for that but he wanted his own.
that's what he that he was doing when he met maeve. only knowing her for his own redemption, his migraines.
he wanted her. he loved her but he couldn't admit it. he didn't want to. if he told her he loved her everything he once built for himself would be gone.
she was being hunted and he couldn't handle any more loss he was sure to happen, and when she did die, It was like a part of his soul broke apart and fell deep inside his locked box.
after gideon died, he thought he'd almost lost it. in a way, he was like a father to him after his own abandoned him.
in some ways more than most, some days are better than others, some make it and some don't.
after he got realised for prison early, he went straight back to work. that's just the kind of man spencer reid was. he wanted to continue to help others even though he clearly needed the same for himself.
so when emily decided to send him home, he was alone again, and he wasn't used to living in something bigger than a 6x6 cell.
but it didn't feel very much like a home anymore. he knows what it used to feel like, a warm place away from the harmful rays of the terrible people outside his green walls.
he couldn't stay here, at least not right now. so when he left his apartment walking around dc, he started to realize what he was losing. his sense of happiness, and he'd do anything to get it back.
maybe if he did his house would start to feel like a home again.
sitting in a small cafe sipping on the same coffee he's had for the last hour he started resembling the coffee to himself, he loved coffee. it was one of his favorite things in the world, aside from books.
but as now, he couldn't finish it. on any other days he'd at least be on his fifth cup by now having read already a few of his books.
but he didn't have any with him now. just him and his now half empty cold cup of back coffee. since when did he stop putting sugar in his coffee? was it before or after prison? what changed?
when did the sweet and softness in his like go away?
it was all his could think about now, which was a good thing come in handy, since thinking about what was really bothering could have ended up with him causing a scene in the same cafe he's been going to for the last two years.
it was a bit far out from his apartment but there was a girl here. a girl he like to watch, not in the senseless creepy way but he liked to watch her.
he liked the way you laughed, the way you smiled as you passed along coffee to other people. he loved the way you'd hum soft melodies to yourself as youd clean coffee stains of the counters. he loved the way youd listen to him on his rambles and ask him questions as you made his coffee. and the first time he met you, he knew he couldn't walk away forever, but it was all by accident.
walking into a cafe, he was in a hurry. it wasn't the same one he'd been going to that was across the street from where he lived but it was close now to where he was and he needed energy.
as he waited in the small line inside the small building, he realized there was only one person working there.
a girl.
she smiled at the elderly woman who was complementing on the younger womans earrings.
"those are lovely, I would've loved to wear those and walk around like you when I was as young as you. so beautiful"
and after that she couldn't stop smiling, but by that time it was my turn and she was attempting to revive my attention after I'd zone out.
"oh I'm sorry"
"don't be, it's alright. what can I get for you?"
her voice was so sweet sounding, intoxicating, in the good way. she sounded almost angelic. the kind penelope liked to remind us are the best of this world, and now that I've heard it for myself, I couldn't wait to see her and thank her for it.
but as I waiting on the other side of the counter as she made my cup, I didn't like the silence. I wanted to hear her again and the only thing I could think of was the same thing I always do, rambling.
coffee facts, of course.
"did you know that coffee is originally from Yemen?"
she looked up a me and when her eyes met mind, my heart felt like it was going to crawl out of my chest and land in her hands.
"I didn't"
"yeah, coffee is consumed in such great quantities, it is the world's 2nd largest traded commodity, surpassed only by crude oil. It is our most beloved beverage after water. It's worth well over $100 billion worldwide"
"that's interesting, I don't know much about it I've only been working here for a couple months"
"why are you working here?"
"just extra cash, figured I could use it if I want to graduate college"
college. that word kind of hit me like a truck.
she must be what then, twenty-two? I felt almost weird trying to get her attention more.
"I just turned twenty-three a few weeks ago and having to work five years instead of four has been hard"
I didn't know what to say by then. ten years. ten. that's the distance between us and it felt dreadful.
he never did it. he never asked her out or poked around to see if she was every seeing someone.
he wasn't hers and a part of himself hated that. but what would his friends say if they knew he was with someone so much younger than him.
they wouldn't be very supportive. he didn't need that from his family, but this one girl. shes the only one that's been able to get under his skin since maeve. the only girl hes been able to admit that he had feelings for, and strong ones because if they weren't. he wouldn't be going out of his way to walk four blocks away from his apartment everyday to see this one girl. if his feelings weren't real he wouldn't spend his time sitting in the cafe from the time it opened till it closed on the days that he could.
he just liked seeing her. and they were friends, he didn't think they were. they didn't talk as much as he wished but when she told him that he was her best costumer he figured everyone else had heard the same. but when she told him that she'd probably quit if she didn't see him everyday, he couldn't believe that she had cared for him that much.
"what? oh hey y/n"
she smiled at me and looked around the table sending me back a confused look.
"no books?"
"oh um no. I forgot to bring some"
"you forgot?, I thought your brain was all mighty, never forgetful. I remember when you told me that I also should tell you I remember all the little gifts youd leave me"
"what? you didn't think I'd know it was you? I've known since I found a copy of gaspty on my car. youre the only one I told I'd accidentally ruined my old one"
"are you doing alright spence? you've been here only an hour and no books and only one cup of coffee which I'm sure is cold by now"
by now she sat across from me pleading those very same eyes I'd fallen for two years ago at me.
"just in a bit of a mess"
"I know that your job is super hectic but I haven't seen you in three months"
how could I tell her? would she look at me differently? would she leave me alone?
"just work stuff"
"oh. well whatever it is, I'm sorry and I'm here for you. you know that right?"
"of course"
she smiled at me grabbing the coffee pot and ruffling my hair as she walked away.
being in prison reminding me of how much I loved her. how much I'd miss the way she'd sit with me after hours reading books with me and listening to my ramblings. it took me a bit to admit that I love her, but when I did I'd made a promise to myself I wouldn't let her go, but I wouldn't let her get hurt either.
by the time the cafe started to empty and the clock hit 9pm I'd notice her walk up to me handing me a book.
"I figured you could use it."
when she sat by me she didn't too close, giving me space but not too far where I couldn't feel her next to me.
"what's going on with you spence? I'm really worried about you"
"it's just work"
"you serious?"
"then why don't I believe you?"
"I just-
"you can trust me. I care about you spencer. you disappeared for months and I just- I was worried something bad happened to you. at one point I thought you mightve-
died? I couldn't do that to her.
"no. no, I'm okay. sorta I guess. about a week ago I was realised from prison, I was framed for uh- murder"
that was the first time she bad been made speechless. she didn't say anything. she didn't look angry, or upset. just sad.
"I'm really sorry. why didn't- god I should've-
"should've what? there wasn't anything you could've done"
"I could have been there for you. I just- I feel like I should've been there thats all. your not alone, are you?"
sitting back, resting my head against the back of the booth meeting her eyes, I realised if I'd told her how I felt, i couldn't have anything else to lose.
"I have you"
she looked in my eyes for what I'm guessing is the answer to her confusion.
"I have you. you're here. you always have been, and I'm grateful for it. I really am. i- I didn't know how to tell you before but I care for you. in ways I probably shouldn't. I don't know of this would work or not but if there is even a 1% chance there would I'm willing to take it. I love you y/n, I always have. since I met you. y'know I didn't normally go to this cafe. I live four blocks away from here. I came here on convenience and after I met you i couldn't stay away."
"I'm glad you didn't"
grabbing her hand, she didn't pull away.
"me too"
she pulled herself closer to me letting her head rest on my chest.
"you're such a good person. I hope you believe that. some days are better than others, some make it and some don't. i really want you to make it, and if youd let me, I'd really like to be here and help you with it, because I love you too and I like seeing you happy. I'm sorry for what happened to you, I know it wasn't your fault. I hope you understand that."
"I do now, thank you hon"
I could feel her smile again the thickness of my coat, I guess she just had that ability. and when she leaned up to kiss my cheek, I had pulled away.
"oh, I'm sor-
and when I kissed her. I stopped feeling guilty about how other people might feel about us. I stopped worrying about the fact that maybe one day, this might all blow over, but if it did, at least I'd known I'd done something about my feelings instead of wallowing in regret of what could've been.
derek once said that penelope was his god given solace, and the only thing I ever wanted was to find mine.
to be honest I believe I did.
I have her now, and hopefully it doesn't ever end. another reason to keep me steady other than my mother, and being hopeful for the both of us in whatever this will be wouldn't hurt.
she makes me feel things, things I've never felt before. I used to hate it, I used to want to make her take it away but now, it's all I cant think about and I don't believe i could ever let it go.
spencer reid finally found the one piece of his soul and he let y/n gracefully put it back into place.
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vegetalass · 4 years
I know you're not around much these days but if you ever decide to make a come back, I dont suppose youd do some HC about the rdr2 guys and times theyve got caught mastyrbating around camp? I love your thoughts so much they're hilarious and cute ☺👉👈
This ask is very sweet and I like the idea so I will do it... thanks for your kind words and making me smile, anon!!🥺❤️😘
Find me at @ihatebnha
Hope you enjoy!! 
Used to get caught a lot more than he does now
Because of such, Dutch and Hosea don’t really care on the rare occasion they do catch him just because it was pretty common when he was younger
They laugh about it between themselves 
And when caught, Arthur just pretends it didn’t happen
He’s like, “I don’t touch myself, Jesus, who do you think I am?” 
Or if John jokingly is like, “Saw you the other day, what were you thinking about?” Arthur just plays stupid
Stuff like “See me where?” or “See me what?” 
And if the subject is pushed it turns into fighting (Arthur saying that John isn’t much better)
Arthur thanks the lord every day that Micah has never caught him in the act because he knows he’d never be able to live it down
And if a girl caught him… he’d probably never be able to look them in the eyes again
Probably jacks off being going to sleep or if he’s alone at camp
He has a lot less shame about masturbating, but he’s definitely even more private about the subject than Arthur 
He doesn’t really deny it, but he definitely pulls a “You didn’t see shit!!” Even if the person very obviously DID
Also probably gets caught more than not… It’s just at this point, people have stopped commenting on it 
Dutch definitely jokingly plays the “Poor Abigail…” card all the time
It makes John (and Abigail) sooooooooo mad 
Honestly, I feel like when people catch him, he yells at them but doesn’t bother to stop
Thinks it’s their fault and not his because it was OBVIOUS what he was doing and they still didn’t bother to check or knock
This has caused fights with almost everyone
It’s a “what did you expect” type moment
The only time he’d ever apologize to is if it’s you or another girl who catches him, and even then he would probably never want to see you again out of embarrassment 
Hence why John probably just leaves camp and finds a secluded area to jerk off now(good luck to those who wander away from the fire) 
We love Charles because he just jerks it when he’s bathing in a river or something 
Out of everyone, he’s the least likely to get caught, and on the rare occasion that he is, is also the most willing to laugh it off 
I feel like this is because he’s the one who accidentally catches other people so he knows it’s not a big deal
He’s so quiet no one knows he’s there until it’s too late
Gets called a peeper because of this… even though Charles doesn’t want to catch people any more than they want to be caught 
If a girl caught him, he’d try to hide himself before approaching them later to formally apologize 
It’s kinda weird… Just be like Arthur and pretend it didn’t happen babe!! 
If Dutch or Micah ever caught him doodling it, they’d never let it go and tease him until wit’s end
“So Charles is human after all!” is the type of shit they’d say and he’d literally want to pass away
Dutch, Molly hasn’t had one single orgasm the entire time she’s been with you so BE QUIET
Most likely to masturbate when he’s bathing or when he’s away from camp and alone on missions
Everybody at camp has to pray that they don’t catch Micah masturbating
He has no shame and does not care what people see 
He’s the “What? I have needs!” and “You do it, too!” guy... which honestly, isn’t even bad logic
It’s just when people actually walk in on him he doesn’t really seem bothered… which is kinda freaky
If it’s you or heaven forbid, another girl, he says “Quit staring, either help a man out or leave”
And if it’s Arthur or anyone else, “I knew you were a nasty bastard”
Like… Micah… you’re the one who isn’t ashamed!!! 
Too bold for his own good and eventually Dutch probably has to get involved 
They have one of those “man to man” talks where Dutch is like “Micah… You know… Men… We keep our business in private…”
Everyone at camp pretends they’re not eavesdropping on the conversation
It’s the only time Micah listens to complaints, and even though he forces himself to calm down on the lewd rudeness, he is still jacking it off whenever the urge arises
Rubs one out in his tent whenever he feels like it
To give Dutch credit for something, he doesn’t jack off very often 
Partially because he gets down with Molly a lot, but also because he considers himself to have dignity and doesn’t want to ruin that 
The only people who’ve really caught him rubbing one out are Hosea and Arthur, and they probably let it go pretty quick after an apology
Most because Dutch is pretty polite about it 
“A man’s business is a man’s business” or some BS like that 
So when he does masturbate, it’s a calculated and timed move that he makes when he’s pretty sure no one is around
Also willing to laugh it off when he catches someone else masturbating, mostly because he raised two teenage boys, so in a way, he’s used to seeing it on the daily
God forbid is another girl catches him, though, because he’d also pull them aside to apologize
Jerks off only when he’s desperate and camp is empty
King of bad luck 
I can see him with a pretty low libido, but probably gets caught making juice the first time he tries it at camp
He was lucky it was just Charles who saw, who thankfully, didn’t say anything about it
But still, it scares the absolute crap out of him and his desire to jack off gets even lower than it was already 
Probably stupidly thinks that masturbating is dirty or a sin or something that somebody told him when he was a boy
And if a girl ever caught him, even if they didn’t realize what was happening, he’d just have a heart attack and die
Like he’d literally pack up his stuff and go
Everyone at camp: We’ve all seen Micah twisting it so we don’t care
Kieran: UHHHHH 
Also gets teased by Micah and Dutch for it, except their comments are like “Aw, don’t be shy, be a man!” or “I’m sure you’ll find yourself a woman one day…”
Again, Kieran just passes away
Jerks off when he’s alone with the horses in a field and no one is around
Hasn’t been caught yet despite the fact that everyone knows he jacks off ALL THE TIME
Kinda proud of himself for this fact, too 
If it’s the middle of the day and he’s in his tent, he’s busy
Usually can his volume to a minimum, but if he knows no one is around, he doesn’t mind letting it out 
Charles, of course, hears it the one time he’s not on a team mission
He’d definitely not going to stop is someone catches him, but he has the decency to cover himself up
Especially if it’s a lady
We like him because he’s not going to acknowledge it happened later but he will apologize in the moment 
Says some shit like, “Sorry, princess…” jdsfhksd
If another guy tries to tease him for it, he’ll take it in stride and just tease back 
Especially because he knows he’s not as bad as Micah or John who get caught ALL THE TIME 
Prefers to rub one out before bed but he’s not really picky as long as it’s in his tent and he has a way to clean up
Everyone’s had a run in with Sean when his dick’s been out 
It’s practically a camp joke that everyone has a story about it
He’s another guy who jacks off when bathing in the river, except he’s:
1. Not secretive about it
2. Bathes all the time
Sean leaves the water hole and everyone knows that they shouldn’t go back in there until the water is washed away 
Pretty vocal, too, so you always sorta know when you should avoid certain areas
The only time he’s ever embarrassed is when a girl catches him
Turns bright red, starts stuttering, looking for anything to cover himself up with while apologizing
That being said, he only feels bad because he feels like he ruined his chances of being friendly with them
Gets teased by the other boys for it but enjoys the attention, plus loves teasing right back
“Oh hush you, you love looking at me,” type stuff 
He’s a lil nasty but he keeps it fun and fresh 
Jacks off before bathing, and sometimes in his tent if he’s desperate or is already clean. 
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violetnotez · 4 years
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I just want Bakugo cuddles 🥺 Thank you to @gallickingun​ @katsukisprincess​ and @yuueimagines​ helping me start this baby+give me ideas! <3
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Bakugo x reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1985
Warnings: cussing (it’s Bakugo there’s ALWAYS cussing)
Summary: It’s one of the hottest days of the year, yet Bakugo still wants to hold you close to him. You try to fight off his cuddle attack, but it’s no use-when Bakugo wants something, he will get it. No matter what.
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“Y/n come here.”
You sighed exasperatedly into the warm pillow, your damp forehead facing away from the stubborn boy.
“For the last time Katsuki, I’m not going to cuddle you.”
It was one of the hottest days of the year, the summer heat making the room into a sweltering and humid heat magnet. You had countless fans going on and the AC at full blast, the roar of the machines working filling your shared bedroom with Bakugo.
Even with those devices, though, you seemed unable to push the heat out of the room. The sheets were long forgotten on the floor, you both finding them to make the warmth worse by trapping your body heat. Both of you were covered in sweat, your hairs sticking to your forehead and your skins uncomfortably hot.
It also didn’t help Bakugo was essentially a human radiator. His quirk seemed to keep him permanently hot, his skin always warm to the touch. You didn’t mind him being so naturally warm-it was comforting to have him to snuggle since the heat of his body felt like a warm blanket, enveloping you in a calming comfort. Yet, with it being such a sweltering, uncomfortable temperature, it really wasn’t the best time to cuddle someone, especially your warm-blooded boyfriend.
“Why the fuck not? Bakugo growled out, annoyance bubbling into his stomach.
All Bakugo wanted was to hold you against him, to feel how your body molded into his so effortlessly and the softness of your skin.
But because of this damn heat and his obnoxiously hot body temperature, you had scooted so far away from him you were practically falling off the bed.
And that bothered the hell out of him-you were usually so ready to pounce on him and give him all the love his heart wanted. But now you didn’t even want to look at him it was so hot.
“You know why ‘Suki, it’s just too hot for that-“
“Bullshit! Look how many fans we have on-you seriously can’t be that hot,” He was sulking on his side of the bed, his lips poured out slightly as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.
You propped your slick body up on your elbows, trying to catch as much of a breeze from the circulating fans. You gave a tired sigh, your warm body feeling achy from the long hours of heat exposure.
“I too am too that hot,” you huffed out, “your sweating along with me, so don’t act like I’m just overreacting,”
“Dumbass, I’m always sweating, it’s my quirk!” he retaliated, his eyes bright with irritation-he just wanted to hold you, god damn it! He didn’t want to admit that he was hot as well, he was desperate for your touch.
And if you were putting up a fight to not be next to him, oh, he was going to make sure he won.
“If your hot, just take off some of your clothes, it’s keeping in your body heat anyway-“
You gave a small laugh, rolling your eyes at the blonde. You two were already stripped to the bare minimum in order to get rid of some of your warmth. Bakugo was only clad in a pair of boxers while you were wearing a lounge bra and shorts.
“Bakugo, if I’m not snuggling you because it’s warm,” you retorted with a giggle, “I’m definitely not doing that with you,” you turned to see his already pink cheeks get noticeably darker, a laugh spilling out of you from his embarrassment.
“I didn’t-mean it like that!” he sputtered out, “get your head out of the fucking gutter!”
You gave another chuckle, your head lulled back on your shoulders lazily.
He was so enamored by your sounds-the way you talked, laughed, sighed-it all sounded so pretty and infectious to him. If he could, he’d listen to you speak all day and all night and never get bored once.
You gave another look at the boy, his hair sticking to his forehead as he cuddles into his pillow, looking up at you with waiting eyes.
You reached over softly, your warm hand grazing his hot forehead as you pushed the damp hair away from his face. He sighed into your touch, a little bit of hope glimmering inside him that you would give in to his desires.
But just as quickly as you had touched him, you pulled away, leaving him feeling angry and desperate.
You watched the hotheaded boy’s face turn from peaceful to utterly annoyed, his eyes boaring into yours maliciously for playing with his heart like that. His grumpy frown slowly turned into a sick grin, as if a dark idea crawled into his brain.
If you wanted to play dirty, he would play dirtier than you.
Bakugo gripped your wrist with his warm, clammy hands, your eyes shooting open. He expertly took hold of your body, his overwhelming heat sweeping into your skin as you yelled in protest.
He had flipped you onto his stomach, his strong arms encasing you into his chest. The slight smell of salted caramel that came off of Katsuki filled your noise, making your mouth water slightly.
His muscles and skin were so enticing and comforting that you could fall asleep instantly in his touch. You loved hearing his powerful heart beat through his chest, and monitoring how it changed pace whenever you touched him or said a certain thing.
As much as those things made you feel happy and secure, the blonde was like furnace, containing all the heat in his body and radiating it into yours. It was unbearable in this warm room, and you began to squirm in his touch in an attempt to escape it.
“Katsuki, please, no!” You cried out with a smile, unable to be serious around the blonde. “You’re so-hot!”
“I know that, Princess, you don’t have to say it,” he chuckled arrogantly, trying to keep ahold of your wriggling body.
“God your full of yourself!” You laughed as you continued to struggle, your hands now pushing against his firm chest in an attempt to be free of his grasp.
“ damn, y/n-stop moving!”
“Then you let me go!”
“Hell no!”
You continued to struggle against the hothead, your fingers grasping at his skin, giggles spilling out as the heat of your body against his grew.
It was becoming close to unbearable for you and Bakugo, sweat making your body slippery as Bakugo tried to keep ahold of you.
He was getting more and more agitated the more you fought against him-you seriously didn’t want to cuddle with him that badly? Just over some god damn heat?
He was through with your fighting, his mind getting another idea.
He quickly flipped you over yet again, his body now on top of yours as you laid face up on the bead, your positions now being reversed.
Bakugo had his body propped on top, the thick muscles of his arms highlighted dramatically in the hazy lights. His eyes were a bright vermillion, a glow to them from having such a challenge tasked in front of him. A small smirk played on his parted lips, his skin radiating heat in top of you.
For you, it was getting hotter every second, and in this new position, it was even worse- Bakugo’s dense body blocked out any cool air from the fans, his full body weight was now encasing you, and the fact that he was pinning you down to the heated bed made it feel like you were in a sauna.
Bakugo looked down at you, pleading with his eyes, searching your face for any sign of agreement.
He was hoping against hope you were going to break-you had to know you were weaker than him-youd never be able to fight him off.
Yet you were still struggling, that bright smile of yours still on your face as you pleaded and retorted back at him, your soft hands still on his skin, pushing him away. It tore at his pride a little that you were being so defiant, but he had to admit, that was one of the reasons why he loved you so much: you put up with his bullshit and held your ground, even if it agitated him.
He stopped trying to hold you, his body propped on top of your squirming one.
“You seriosuly don’t want to hold me?” He asked, his voice full of spite.
“I’m sorry-I really just don’t-“ you began, but stopped once you felt Bakugo’s strong body crawl off yours and off the bed. You could already tell he was pissed off, a part of you hoping he wouldnt have a mini temper tantrum about all this.
You watched his built body walk to the foot of the bed, appreciating how the muscles rippled and moved so effortlessly with his movements.
He honestly was a sight to be seen, even if he was acting childish.
You continued to watch him, and to your surprise, he walked over to the fans, all lined up like little soldiers in front of the bed. You felt the cool air blast through the vents of the contraptions, a sigh escaping your lips.
Bakugo’s hand laid on top of one of the room fans gently, his head low as he stared at it. He turned his head, giving you a shit eating grin.
“You should’ve just been a good girl and listened to me y/n,” he warned out, his voice deep and husky, “now you gotta deal with the consequences.
“Katsuki, what are you doing?” You asked in horror, helpless to watch as Bakugo turned off each and every fan in the room. You could already feel the heat multiplying as each one shut down, the hypnotic whirs now dissappearing.
Desperation filled your gut as Bakugo went over to now turn off the AC, the most evil action he could do at this point. Your body swung off the bed, your feet slapping the luke-warm wood as you gripped Bakugo’s sinewy arm, trying with all your might to stop him from turning it off.
“Please Bakugo, no!” You pleaded, “Thats pure evil!”
“Will you- cuddle me then?!” He sputtered out, hating how needy he sounded.
“I-I can’t, it’s just too hot-“ you begged, “but maybe we can tomorrow when it’s not so hot.”
Bakugo gave a small growl, his teeth barred like an animals as the frustration bursted out of his chest.
“If you don’t fucking hold me right now I will break all these goddamn fans!”
“You wouldn’t dare,” You gasped, fear and irritation filling your stomach-the most annoying thing to you was that you knew that wasn’t an empty threat. Bakugo would break these in a heartbeat if you didn’t do what he said.
“Fucking watch me,” he confirmed your fears, his bright red eyes staring down at you, waiting for your answer.
You sighed, the grip you had on his arm loosening slightly.
You had two options: either have a pissed off Bakugo and it be hot or cuddle him and still be hot-at least his temperament would cool down slightly if you picked the 2nd.
You slowly wrapped your body around his, your mingled heat melting into each other as you cuddled into his neck, your warmth breath sending electricity down his spine.
“Fine,” you agreed reluctantly, your fingers deep into the softness of his hair. “But on one condition-”
“Hm?” he hummed, relishing the feeling of your skin finally on his.
“-turn back on the fans.”
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dirt-cup-draco · 5 years
2, 13, and 19 for the smutty prompts for Edmumd pretty please 😊
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he just lookin fine af in this gif. also you’re killing me anon lol 
warnings: smutty things, characters are of age of course. It’s not explicit just a lil sexy, some angst 
Peter had just married and the celebrations were unending. As he danced with his beautiful wife across the ballroom you sipped at a flute of champagne. Narnians had many talents and keeping the alcohol flowing and the people happy was one of them. Half of those attending were well passed buzz but no one was disruptive. The people were simply loving and happy. Even taking away their inhibitions with champagnes and ales only caused them to show that more freely. It brought a grin to your lips. 
“What are you so amused about?” Came a voice from behind you and you jumped, hand going to your chest. 
“Jesus, Edmund. Give a girl some warning next time,” You took a nervous swig of your drink. Your friend was certainly dressed for the occasion and you didn’t want to take your eyes off of him. Sharp dressed or not he had always been able to take your breath away. 
He shrugged as way of apology but he had a glint in his eye that he always had when he caused you discomfort. He liked to make you squirm, that much was true. Edmund Pevensie was an awful tease and the most mischievous man you’d ever met. It was going to be the death of you if you were quite honest. He had no problem with sneaking up behind you and scaring the daylights out of you. When diplomats and their sons stayed at the castle he had no problem flirting with you right in front of them no matter how many times he scolded. He left you read faced from embarrassment and anger. 
“Care to dance?” He asked, sliding his arm around your waist, his lips going to your ear. To anyone else he’d sound bored, like he could care less if they wanted to dance with him or not. Yet you knew he was waiting with bated breath for your reply. You cracked a smile. 
“All you had to do was ask, dear friend,” 
His jaw ticked, his pride wounded but after you set your empty glass down you were following him to the dance floor. Other couples had joined and Peter and his queen were all wrapped up in each other, swaying and talking in low voices. They giggled happily and you smiled at the sight. You wanted something like that one day. Edmund’s arms were steady and he lead you around with confidence. Twirling and dipping, sliding and lifting. You however had two left feet and often stumbled, resulting in the two of you bursting into laughter. You were feeling light and bubbly from the drink and Edmund was looking better every damn second. If you’d had more to drink you were sure you would have already captured his lips with yours by now. 
But you still had your wits about you. You wouldn’t do something so foolish. You may have a crush on the just king but you were only a friend in his eyes, of that you were sure. He was a tease but that was all. You could never take him seriously. Edmund just liked toying with your feelings. However he was so near, his warm scent of cinnamon and rum filling your nose. It was alluring and comforting. The music slowed and so did the two of you.
 His hands dropped yours and instead went to your waist. Your hands slid over his squared shoulders and looped around his neck. You took a step forward, now you were chest to chest. He swayed back and forth and you followed, relaxing in his arms, your cheek resting on his shoulder.You were staring at a particular freckle on his neck when you had the sudden motivation to brush your lips against it. Edmund’s reaction was nearly immediate, his arms went stiff and his steps halted and you stumbled a little at the sudden stop. He kept you upright however. Yet his cheeks were undoubtedly,  delightfully, pink. 
“Problem?” You questioned cheekily. He glared and grabbed your hand, his expression like stone. 
Edmund kept a tight grip of your hand and pulled you with him as he sped out of the ballroom. You yelped after he bolted through the doors, dragging you along with him down the long hall of the castle. “Edmund!” You scolded as you struggled to keep up with his long strides. 
Was he really so upset with your action? You were a little tipsy and that didn’t excuse it but if he tease you why couldn’t you do the same? Maybe you’d gone too far somehow? You immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry if I did something-” 
Edmund halted again and he gripped you by the shoulders. “Would you be quiet for a moment?” He said, eyes wide and cheeks still rosy. His chest rose and fell with harsh breaths and you were getting a little worried, your hand came to rest against his warm cheek and his grip on your shoulders tightened. “Not until you tell me why you dragged me here,” You said, voice softer now. 
Edmund apparently wasn’t have the same worries as you as he backed you against the wall, his leg finding it’s place between yours, making your dress fold awkwardly against your thighs. His hands had trailed from your shoulders, fingers tracing swirling patterns down until his hands came to yours. In a swift yet gentle move he had your wrists pinned above your head with one hand, his other resting against your waist. Your mouth had gone dry and you struggled to take a full breath. 
“Ed?” You squeaked as he lips brushed against your jaw. 
“I’ve never wanted to fuck someone so badly. You look absolutely gorgeous tonight. You’ve always been beautiful but you’ve brought me to my knees Y/N. ” He growled. “Tell me yes or tell me no, it’s up to you.” Edmund added, his grip giving some. He pulled away some and you found yourself leaning towards him, seeking the warmth of his body against yours. 
“You idiot,” You said, pressing your lips to his in a desperate attempt to show him how badly you wanted this with him. You could feel him smile against your lips and you freed one of your hands to press against his back, bringing his hips against yours. He grunted and slanted his lips against yours, squeezing your hip before both of his hands found their way to your chest, his hands mapping out your curves. Edmund was distressed with the barriers between you two though and his lips parted from yours as he trailed wet kisses down your neck, sucking and biting his way down to your collarbone and then to the tops of your breasts. 
“I liked this dress a lot earlier but now, I can’t say it’s my favorite,” You giggled and pushed away from him. 
“Then let’s get to your room and you can take it off of me,” 
His eyes brightened considerably and took hold of your hand again, dashing to his room with you in tow laughing and smiling like he’d never seen. 
Your head throbbed every so often and you shut your eyes tight against the light. Your body was waking up and you didn’t want to give it permission. It was far too early. You could tell because the room around you was still chilly. Your bare arms were pleased as you rolled onto your side and pulled the thick blankets back over you. As you made yourself comfortable against the plush pillow underneath your head you had the passing thought that this wasn’t your bed. Cracking an eye open you saw a mop of dark curls and a freckled back. Faint red lines were marked on his pale skin. 
Right. You had sex with your crush. More importantly, you had sex with your friend, your king for heavens sake. The thought had you blushing and you nearly made a noise from the warmth that filled you. Memories were coursing through you as you woke up. Both of you had been giddy, tearing at each other’s clothes once you’d gotten to his room. Edmund had been jittery, excited. Yet he pressed slow kisses and whispered praises against your skin as he took your clothes off. You’d never felt more cared for, more beautiful. But it wasn’t right!
He was still the king and you were still just a friend and neither of you had been drunk but you’d both had something to drink and emotions had been running high. It didn’t mean anything. You two had just gotten too eager. He probably would regret this. Oh god, what must he think of you now that you’d so quickly crawled into bed with him? Anxiety made your chest tight and you sat up slowly, eyes combing over the room as you spotted your discarded clothes. The day was still new, the sun rising steadily but not quite over the mountains yet. The sky was clear and the birds were singing but you could only feel dread. 
Luckily Edmund didn’t wake and you were dressed and bolting to your room before anyone could catch sight of you. When you arrived to your room you scrambled to your mirror and found that your neck was riddled with love bites and as much joy as theyd brought you previously they now made you feel sick. You needed to hide these. Edmund would be shamed for sleeping with you, especially since you weren’t courting. He probably hadn’t meant to lay with you in the first place. Out of frustration your eyes welled with tears and you tore through your closet looking for something that might help hide evidence of what youd done the night before. 
Luckily you found a dress with a high collar and you left your hair down, helping hide the rest. You washed your face and tried to wash away the memories and feelings. You needed to ignore what had happened for his sake and yours. It’d be better this way, less awkward. You’d eventually get over it and so would he and you two could go back to being normal friends. 
Your mind was reeling and so you decided you needed a distraction. You disappeared to the library, going far into the place Edmund never visited. He wouldn’t come and find you here. You grabbed the first book you saw and then lowered yourself to the floor. It would be a long day but hopefully this would help the time pass. 
Hours later you were halfway through the book you had picked up, history of something from someplace somewhere. You hadn’t really been paying that close attention to be honestly. You had zoned out, flipping pages every once in a while as your mind wandered. “Boo,” 
You yelped and slammed the book shut, whacking the back of your head against the shelf you were leaning against as you jumped. “Fucking hell Edmund!” You cursed, hand going to the back of your head. Your heart was racing from the scare but also from your new company. Why was he here? 
“Why are you avoiding me?” He asked, straight to the point. He looked down his nose at you and you frowned, setting the book away before you stood, squaring your shoulders and trying to look tougher than you felt. 
“I’m not,” 
“Liar, where were you this morning?” He looked curious and hurt, yet you might be imagining that second part. Why would he care that you had been gone? Edmund took a step forward when you didn’t respond. You took a step back. He gritted his teeth in annoyance. 
“None of your business,” You said airily. It only seemed to bother him more. 
“I think it is,” He spoke low and slow, his eyes burning. 
“And why is that?” You said, curious. 
For the second time in two days you found yourself cornered by the king. Your back was to the shelves and his hands were on either side of your head. You blinked and then his lips were on yours. You gasped and he nibbled at your lip, tongue sliding against yours. This snapped you out of the haze and you pulled away. 
“We’re just...friends,” You squeaked. “Friends don’t do this type of shit,”
Edmund looked absolutely exasperated. But then he took a deep breath and the grumpiness faded to a wounded look. “Is that really how you see me Y/N? Just a friend?” He sounded defeated. His eyes were downcast and he took another step away from you. Giving you the space you were apparently so desperate for. 
“No! B-but that’s all I ever am, that’s all I should be!” You said, feelings getting mixed up. He liked you back for gods sake, why were you fighting that? “You’re a king Edmund! You’re smart and brave and wonderful and handsome and clever and a complete pain in my ass. I’ve loved you for ages but I’m not what you should want.... You need a queen like Peter has....We were drinking, I was just a dumb one night stand. You don’t have to feel obligated to continue spending time with me, I understand I”m not what you need” You hadn’t known you’d felt that way until you were saying it but it was true. You weren’t fit to be with Edmund. He deserved better. 
However the man in front of you had dropped his jaw. “Are you daft?” He questioned and you hung your head low. The tone causing you to flinch. “You are without a doubt, the most stunning, infuriating, intelligent, insufferable woman I have ever met. There is no one better for me,” This time when he took a step forward, you didn’t take a step back. His palm came to rest against your cheek and you leaned into the touch. 
“You are so much more to me than just a one night stand,” Edmund spoke honestly. He looked pained that you didn’t understand that. Carefully he brushed his lips against your cheek and when you relaxed instead of tensed you let him kiss you on the lips again. Gone was the desperation and the need to fuck. Now it was just him conveying to you that you were more than a one night stand and more than a friend. 
You were all Edmund could ever need and he’d spend the rest of his days proving that to you. 
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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Misery Loves Company Part 2:
Meet Esmé Squalor:
The city's sixth most important financial advisor, powerhouse fashionista, and fixated on revenge coke addict. Esmé takes no time showing the orphans that she is just as scary and dangerous as Olaf and sometimes they think she is the worst of the two. Esmé has one thing on her mind and that is her precious sugar bowl which she vows she will steal back or she will burn the entirety of VFD down trying.
Esmé has no problem with any of the vicious acts that Olaf suggests. She is down for just about anything he has in mind. Murder? Yes. Very in. Kidnapping? Yes. Completely In. Arson? Yes. The innest thing since aqueous martinis. And making sure a young child is never able to sleep peacefully again? In her words that 'deliciously in'. The children have a new villain to watch out for and believe it or not...shes more unstable than Olaf.
[Trigger warning: subtle and not so subtle hints at Esme and Olafs hideous and devious intentions with teenaged orphans. Please read with caution]
Olaf was driving like an absolute psychopath as he raced from the burning hospital to the rundown carnival in the hinterland. He was angry. He felt defeated. Not only did those three blasted orphans escape his clutches AGAIN, now apparently someone had survived one of the fires...which one? He did not know. But that bastard, Jacques Snicket, seemed so sure of it when Olaf was watching that video. *stupid fucking VFD and their stupid fucking members escaping their well deserved deaths!* he thought as he growled as loud as he could. And to make matters worse while he was driving this way all he could think about was the woman who broke his heart so many years ago and so many times since then because he was driving just like her.
"YOU IDIOTS LET MY PRETTY LITTLE PET RUN AWAY!" He yelled hitting his fists as hard as he could on the steering wheel.
"Well technically boss..." the bald man spoke up. "She didn't *run away* the bookworm rolled her away on a gurney,"
Olaf growled again. "Oh. How I *cannot* wait to obliterate *that* brat! Oh, he thinks I've been brutal before, he hasnt the faintest fucking idea! And if you dont shut your mouth YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH AS WELL!" Olaf yelled.
Now everyone in the car shifted a little, even Esmé who was unamused at the whole situation but kind of fearing for her life as he drove like a unpredictable madman. But...when I say that everyone in the car shifted a little...I mean *everyone* and even the three secret passengers in the trunk shifted a little especially Klaus Baudelaire who started to shake.
"Klaus...Klaus...you're fine," Violet whispered desperately reaching around for his hand. Once she found it she squeezed his hand tightly trying to keep him in reality with her and Sunny.
"We shouldnt have gotten in this trunk," Klaus whispered back. "He is going to kill Sunny and I...and..." he stopped talking when he looked towards Violet, who frowned. Both older orphans knew what Olaf would do to Violet if given the chance. Hell, both older orphans knew what Esme wanted to do with Klaus if given the chance. They both feared that even Sunny, by now,  Had a faint idea of what Olaf was talking about. "Why did....you *make me*... get in his trunk," klaus cried as he began to sob. Sunny turned her head towards her brother.
"Shhhh," Sunny pleaded. "Quiet," she reminded Klaus.
"We're going to die..." he whispered fearfully.
Violet frowned as she held klaus' hand tighter and grabbed Sunnys hand with her free hand. "I got you guys," she whispered. "I'll always protect you,"
"We know," sunny whispered back.
"Can you believe there is a SURVIVOR!?" Olaf shouted and then he screamed in pure anger. "Just when Ithought I was winning! I framed them for my MURDER for fucks sake! I HAD that pretty little brat!" He screamed angrily.
Violet shuddered and Sunny put a comforting hand in hers.
Esme scoffed and rolled her eyes when he mentioned Violet being 'pretty' again. He turned to her. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"
"HOW THE FUCK IS THIS *MY* FAULT!?" She asked angrily. "It was YOUR idea to use the girl as bait!"
"But you let the Baudelaires take the Snicket bitch right out the operating theater!"
"YOU SET THE HOSPITAL ON FIRE! I GOT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!" she yelled. "He was standing right next to YOU. Why didnt ypu do anything!"
"HE WAS HOLDING THE LARGE KNIFE YOU GAVE TO HIM!" Olaf yelled back. "The plan was to use the girl as BAIT! NOT have him actually kill her! She is our key to BOTH fortunes!"
Esme gave a wicked smirk. "Oh...that was the plan? I must've forgot,"
"You pathetic jealous bitch!" He yelled.
"Oh *Im* pathetic? You've lost to these children for MONTHS now!"
"If I was in charge of this entire thing, those two girls would be dead and the boy would be our little prisoner," Esme replied wickedly smiling.
This made Klaus shiver and Sunny put her free hand in his the same way she had for Violet.
"You wouldnt have the SNICKET fortune if you killed the Snicket bitch you dumb bitch!"
Esme smiled wickedly at Olaf again. "I dont need Lemony's fortune...hell, unlike *you* I dont need Beatrice's fortune either," she laughed. "No what *I* want is to make *Beatrice's little mommy's boy suffer* " Esme tapped her long nails against her window. "Of course I also want back what's *mine*!"
Olaf rolled his eyes. "*So do I*!" He screamed. "But NOW one or two of them might not be inheritors of ANYTHING! SINCE THERES A FUCKING SURVIVOR!"
"Darling...youre honestly looking at *that* all wrong. I think this is good news," Esme replied
 Olaf responded by pushing his foot harder on the pedal.
"How is that a GOOD THING!?" hr asked.
"Well...think about it. Whoever it is. We will get to kill," esme pointed out. "I personally hope its Beatrice. I'd love to kill that sugar bowl snatching bitch...ooooh and we could make her children watch!"
"Or we can torture her children in front of her," Olaf pointed out smiling.
"Who do you think the survivor is boss?" The hook handed man asked.
"I dont know. If its Bertrand...well that's the least exciting option. But Esme's right...if its Beatrice, torturing her or her precious son and daughter would be fun."
"What about Snicket?" The henchperson of indeterminate gender asked.
Olaf pushed hard on the brakes causing everyone to ram forward a bit. His car came to a screeching halt. Violet, who had the misfortune of getting into the trunk first was squished harshly against the end of the trunk as Klaus tried to shift himself away from violet to give her room. Violet had let go of Klaus' hand in attempt to shield Sunny from hitting anything. Olaf turned around to face his henchperson. "I doubt that its Snicket...but...if it is...let's just say when I find his pretty pipsqueak daughter...I will make him watch as I *destroy* her entirely and then I will make her watch as I murder her father agonizingly slow and then I'll murder that stupid fucking bookworm and biting brat in front of her too," he hissed causing Violet to start shaking.
He took a deep breath and began driving again. Esme huffed in annoyance as the hook handed man did his best to hide a disgusted face.
Klaus looked to Vi. "Speaking of that...did he...?"
Violet wiped a few tears from her eyes. "I dont know...while I was conscious, no. Esme kept barging in before he could do more than touch my face or leg. But... when I was unconscious...I dont know. Wouldnt I know? Like...wouldnt I feel different?" She whispered as she began to sob quietly.
Klaus sighed. He didnt know the answer to that. He just gave Violet a small smile. "Yes, I think you would feel different. So if you feel the same then he didnt," he lied as he shifted his arm under her head to give her head some support. He had no way of knowing...and he feared that Violet would never get a true answer.
Violet nestled closer to Klaus and Sunny as she shivered form the cold mountain air that seeked in through the bullet holes of Olafs trunk. Klaus and Sunny could hear her whimpers and shivers. Klaus tried his best to take off his suit jacket from where he laid but he couldnt. Sunny shifted to lay more on Violet to act as a blanket for her. "Violet..." klaus whispered.
"Yeah," she replied back in a hushed tone as she wiped a few tears from her eyes.
"I just wanna say this... if I ever find out that he *did* hurt you or if he ever *does* hurt you like *that*...or if he continues to try to hurt you like *that* **I'll castrate him myself...**" klaus whispered. Violet looked towards her brother and even in the cold, dark trunk of their worst nightmare's car, she could see the dark look in his eyes.
"Klaus...you dont..."
"Oh you're right," he replied. "I'll hold him down and let you do it if youd rather.."
Violet gave a small chuckle to that.
"Darling! I've been thinking about what you said back in crow town,"
"What did I say back in crow town?" Olaf asked confused as he continued to drive like a psycho.
"Well... you said that the boy was much more fun to torture than either one of the girls...and *you're right!*" Esme recalled. "So why dont we just keep him,"
Olaf growled. "Wr are keeping the Snicket bitch! That little tease has another thing coming..."
"We are keeping the boy..." esme demanded in a tone that made Klaus shudder.
"Why dont we just keep who we catch first?" The hook handed man replied. "Besides when we left the hospital the brats were stuck in a utility closet...I doubt they all made it out,"
Olaf snickered at this. "It would be nice if one or two of them burned to a crisp...just like their parents," he began smiling and laughing.
"Well, except the survivor," the henchperson of indeterminate gender replied.
This sent Olaf into another screaming and raging fit.
Esme rubbed her temples. "I just want my sugar bowl...that's it...that's all. I'm down with murder, kidnapping, and making it to where little children cant have another peaceful night of sleep but I AM NOT DOWN WITH THE YELLING AND THE INSANE DRIVING!!!!"
"Fuck off...we are almost to Caligari Carnival. Then we can ask Madame Lulu where to find that little Snicket tease and the two other ugly brats," Olaf replied.
Esme rolled her eyes. *I will kill that fucking brat. Hes not touching any girl related to that bitch Katherine* she thought as she continued to rub her temples. 
Esme was not someone who was used to someone telling her that she cant have her way. She was too rich, beautiful, and powerful for *that* bullshit but as she sat in the passenger seat of Olaf's car she was beginning to think that shed have to take matters into her own hands if she was going to get what she wanted. Olaf seemed determined to have the Snicket brat as a captive...and Esme would rather have the infant than the Snicket girl.
"Do we have any wine? I'm parched and I heard wine is very in this time of year,"
"We have some in the trunk. I would be happy to get it if we stopped," the hook handed man replied.
The three children froze. Violet put her arm around Sunny tightly as Klaus put his arm around Violet to hold her and Sunny, who laid on top of Violet hoping to keep her warm, put a loving hand on Violet and her other on Klaus. Their hearts stopped as Olaf stopped the car.
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toshis-puppycat · 5 years
Dreamscape Part Two
A/N: So I'm bored and I have quite a bit written already so shit why not post more?
Warning in this: Drugged, attempted assault, nondescript violence bcs I cant write it but ya know if you ever thought of how to fuck someone up for this. Its that.
Saturday night found you dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz in front of a sorority house. Richie did tell you he'd be a little late trying to make his friend come over and when your friends knew they were ecstatic. 
"Y/n, I know you don't give a shit but Richie is a total babe." One of the girls told you. They thought you didn't notice? You did, you weren't blind. Richie was hot in that soft boy, bad boy way but he wasn't your type. To be fair though you didn't really know your type. Maybe he secretly was, you did get flustered around him sometimes and you couldn't forget how hed stair at you sometimes like he wanted something from you. But you respected and honestly liked how he never pushed that boundary you clearly put up when you met two weeks prior. You were very uncomfortable with people flirting anyways, but Richie really did act like that with everyone. You caught him once or twice "flirting" with new workers at the Slice of Heaven Pizzeria it didn't matter if they were male or female either. He clearly liked it both ways. For the first time you felt comfortable with a man and trusted him enough to call him your friend. You felt your phone, buzz.
'Hey doll, were running later than I thought. It took forever to convince Stan to go, I'll let you know when we're there. Don't get too drunk without me (;' 
You rolled your eyes, seems like one of his friends really didn't want to go if he made them this late. 'But', you thought feeling yourself soften as you walked inside, 'they didn't want to leave their friend alone' and that was sweet. 
Stan was furious. He could really kill something right now despite his record of not attacking living things. Richie fucking dragged him out of the apartment complex and forced him into a degrading costume (he knew Richie chose it. Who the fuck would be 'Inspector Gadget?) and is now making him go to a halloween party. "My friend invited me! You guys will love her!" He said, Stan just felt his scowl deepen. Who the fuck enjoyed hanging out with Richie with a sane mind? He wouldn't like this at all. He could feel it as he was walking into the sorority house with the others. He wouldn't like this at all.
You were 3 shots in when you felt your phone buzz again, you drunkenly grabbed it and quickly read the text from Richie. 'We're here doll, where are you?' You lept up with joy and quickly sent a text back telling him where to find you, although it probably wasnt english the more you thought about it. 'But alcohol is way more fun right now' you thought, pouting a little you were going to leave when you felt a pull on your arm.
"Aw come on babe, why not stay a little longer?" Someone asked, you didn't realize with all the drinking you were left with the frat boys of the girls you were with.
"I gotta go see friends, go drink more by yourselves." You said yanking your arm away from him. You felt heavy all of a sudden, the world became a little more blurry. They fucking drugged you! You thought angrily, but you couldn't do much as you felt your body go limp. 
Upstairs Richie could feel something, and it was important as the group walked in. He was looking for you immediately, you'd sent him gibberish that he assumed said youd meet him in the front room, because you were getting drunk downstairs. But there he was with his friends surrounded by a bunch of drunk humans waiting for you to show up. "I'm gonna look for her, she usually responds quick even when shes a little drunk." Richie said, looking at the others. Bev looked a bit worried. 
"Rich, we shouldn't be here." She said, a little fearful. 
"We feel like fledglings again Rich, someone's here and they smell good." Bill said. Richie could've smacked himself, he completely forgot.
"That's her! I'm sorry I spaced out on telling you guys, but I got used to her scent." He exclaimed, the group looked unimpressed especially Stan. 
"Rich well help, but you owe us later." Ben said. 
They all went their separate ways. Your scent happened to be everywhere they found, but you yourself weren't anywhere. Richie felt himself get very worried all of a sudden. Like something bad was going to happen if they didn't find you. And whenever Richie felt that, it usually meant something bad would happen. 
The night got worse, for Stan at least. He was searching for some dumb friend of Richies who couldn't even hold their own alcohol! He could just feel his scowl deepen. Then he caught a scent, and it was good. But it was twinged with panic and fear too. Not good. He heard muttering, and very faintly rustling fabric. Eyes narrowed he walked to the area of the faint scent. The faint muttering from before became louder and he could actually make out what was being said. 
"God does this bitch ever stop wiggling?" and "those girls better have not lied to us, she better be a virgin like they said." 
'Ah yes. The wonders of humanity.' He thought with a sneer. 'How pure of them attacking someone like this because of a construct like virginity or purity. How pitiful. No one in humanity was pure.' But he wasn't about to stand there and let some humans attack someone who was obviously defenseless. He walked to the door and knocked. All the muttering stopped. He could hear the blood rushing through their veins. 
"Go the fuck away, this is a private affair!" One of the boys shouted. Stan felt himself tense, the smell was stronger, like it was filled with more fear. 
"If you wanna play hard to get, we can." He said, immediately kicking the door down.
There was the smell, tied down only in her bra and underwear, a small thing with such a delicious scent. He quickly fucked up some frat boys shits almost killing them if it weren't for the form tied to the bed. He quickly untied the frail thing they wanted to attack so bad. He could almost react to her fear filled scent, almost. He did react however to seeing her face, as she quickly attempted to dress herself in the costume she had on before. If he had a heartbeat it would've stopped, you were there and the world suddenly felt right again. He quickly took his jacket off and covered you with it as he heard footsteps rushing up. He knew it was the group, an it was confirmed when he saw Beverly's furious face rushing into the room quickly taking in the scene and looking at several knocked out frat boys and the sobbing figure Stan had been able to cover. The others soon ran in. Richie being the last and evidently the most furious. That's when it hit him, you were the scent. You were with Richie. It was a punch to the gut he never wanted to expect. You were back, but you were with Richie of all people. 
"Y/n!" Richie shouted, pushing past the group as they all shook themselves. They were reacting like fledglings again, and suddenly Stan felt himself tense, suddenly feeling angry at you even though you did nothing but exist again. 
"Dont fucking drink alcohol if you cant handle it." He growled out, furiously pushing past the others and going downstairs. Richies "dont be a fucking asshole Stan!" Barely even heard by the furious older vampire. Logically he knew you were drugged by them, but just knowing you were with Richie broke the heart and he didnt think hed ever be the same knowing you were alive.
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iiimber · 6 years
All might A-Z
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A= affection 
Toshinori is a very affectionate man; he tends to keep any displays for when he’s alone with you. He would love to show you off to the world– hold your hand or give you any and all kisses in public, but sadly, being a high profile hero prohibits him from doing that. So when you’re at home together, there’s hardly a moment when he’s not touching you. You’re either in his lap, you he has his arms wrapped around you in any position. It’s very comforting. 
B= best memory
He doesn’t like choosing, because there are so many memories that he cherishes. But if he had to, he would say it was your first date. He remembers being so nervous, and you hadn’t been any better– but he had been able to gather up enough confidence to ask to hold your hand. He’ll never forget how flushed your cheeks were, or the giant, pretty smile that overtook your features. To this day, he still tries to make you smile that big again.
C= cat or dog person
Honestly, All Might screams ‘dog person’ to me. He probably has a fondness for big breeds, often charmed by the ones who are too big to be lap dogs but act like one anyways. He doesn’t mind cats, and actually likes them quite a bit, but owning a cat would come after getting a dog to him. 
D= dreams
Toshinori had already fulfilled his dream of being a hero, but his more domestic one is to have a family. He’s a good man, and loves children, so it’s only natural to want some of his own. Sadly, he had always been so busy as #1 and the danger of being that high profile and having a kid was much too great…he hopes later on in life he’ll be able to, even if he has to adopt.
E= evenings
If he’s not working, then his evenings are very laid back. He’ll eat dinner and either watch a show or read. If you ever happen to be over, he actually likes play board or card games with you to pass time. If he doesn’t have work early the next morning, he’ll often ask if you’d like to go to dinner, and treat you at an expensive restaurant– before taking you home and falling asleep in each others arms.
F= first date
Your first date was very simple and low-key, but it still made him incredibly nervous. He thought it would be nice to take you out for breakfast on a day where it wasn’t so busy– taking you on a long walk through the park. He had been so scared to ask to hold your hand, but he was glad he did– no matter how little the gesture was. It was you that kissed him by a pond, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t red for the rest of the day.
G= giggle
In muscled form, Toshinori has a booming laugh– it’s loud and deep, definitely heroic and manly sounding. In regular form, he laughs with more of a soft chuckle, which is very cute and gentle. It doesn’t take a lot to make him laugh; he really could giggle at anything you say that’s supposed to be funny. He’s a pun man, and always gets a kick out of them, even if he’s the one saying them.
H= hugs
Oh boy does he love hugs, and man is he good at them. Toshinori hugs with his whole body, both arms squeezing you tightly enough where you feel protected, but soft enough that it never hurts. He never gives side hugs, always goes all the way– even with fans, but it’s of course less intimate than when he’s with you. His favorite way to hug is with you in his lap, arms around his neck while his are around your waist, holding you close.
I= instrument 
He’s never had time to really sit down and learn how to play one, no less keep up practice– but while his time in America he had learned how to play a few chords on an acoustic through David. He doesn’t remember much, but once he’s retired he’d like to get back into it, to give himself a hobby.
J= joy
A lot of things bring joy to Toshinoris life. Being a hero was one of them; saving people and gaining their love and trust was something he’s never give up, and it made all the hardships worth it. Midoriya and his heart of a true hero made his so proud and happy always, and that feeling seemed to grow each time he saw the boy improve. Having you in his life to love makes him calm and gleeful; you bring a domestic simplicity he’s always craved a bit; he’d never give that up.
K= kisses
Toshinori’s kisses are always passionate. He’s a passionate man, so his love has to be too. His lips are very soft, and they always feel just perfect against yours– holding you close and pecking yours softly when he leaves for the day, or a hand threading through your hair while he kisses you slow and heavy while pressed up against him on the sofa. They’re never too wet or overbearing, he knows how to move his lips just right.
L= love
Despite being handsome and well-liked, he’s very modest and a little shy when he likes someone. He’s a gentleman, but he tends to act more nice and soft towards you in particular; a clear sign he feels different. While he can be shy with his crush, he’s not above showing off a little too. During school, he’d always rise to the top of any fight or lesson– often turning to you with a smile to see if you noticed. He’s a bit like a puppy, it’s cute.
M= memory
His favorite personal memory would have to do with his master. He had never been incredibly close with his birth parents, so Nana had been a mother to him. He recalls one night after extensive and draining lesson, she invited him to her place for dinner. She cooked, stew that was hearty and thick, and talked to him for hours about his life outside of becoming the next OFA user, and what his dreams were. He’ll never forget the look of fondness on her face, or how intense her listening was. It made him wonder if she had consider him like a son.
N= no
By no fault of anyone else, Toshinori hates getting stuck. In his muscle form, he’s bulky and takes up a lot of space, so it’s hard to maneuver himself sometimes. Walking in the halls after school or trying to get to one destination on a busy sidewalk is hell in his muscle form, he’s too nice to push by and a little embarrassed to excuse his big self past anyone.
O= occupation
A given. Toshinori had always wanted to be a hero, so I imagine he was much like Midoriya growing up; not one to give into his fate of being quirkless, and always looking for a way that he would be able to achieve his dream. It all worked out, thankfully.
P= parent
Toshinori would be a fantastic father. He’s very caring and excitable, he’d be a fun and supportive dad. He had actually always wanted to someday have a child of his own, so if it were to ever happen he would absolutely shed tears. He’d be very hands-on during the pregnancy, no matter how tired he would be from hero work. He’d be secretive though, careful to not let any information on his child being his slip into public hands.
Q= questions
It’s not something he actively discusses since he doesn’t think about the topic too much, but he believes in aliens 100%! He finds it a little odd to think that we are alone in the universe (especially in the kind of world they live in, come on). Toshinori doesn’t partake in any religion, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t think there was a higher power up there.
R= romantic
He is so romantic in a relationship. He’s very busy in his hero life, but that never stops him from showing up on your doorstep after a patrol with flowers and dinner (no matter how tired he is). He says lots of fluffy things, mostly compliments that are so sweetly honest it could give you a cavity.
S= smile
In his line of work, the fact that he can save someone and hear their thanks never fails to make him smile. He loves that fact that people are willing to lean on him; put their trust into him. Toshinori was born to help people, and being able to live up to that makes everything worthwhile. In a romantic sense, being around you and just being is enough to make him smile. He feels most at peace when he is alone with you.
T= together
If he has the time to be, he can be very clingy. He’s an affectionate man, so if he’s able to he can lay with you wrapped in his arms all day. When the two of you share a free day, you never leave each others side. He’ll wake up with you in his arms, run around town holding your had, sit at home with an arm around your shoulder while you rest your head on his chest. Even while making dinner, you’re around each other. It’s very domestic and blissful.
U= unbearable 
After his accident, Toshinori begins to always look down on himself, and talk very negatively. It’s unbearable in the sense that you hate to see your joyful and beautiful man so self-deprecating. When he’s like this, he hates when you fret over him. He feels like he doesn’t deserve it, so he often pushes you away. He never snaps, but he’s cold and blunt; it’s hard for the both of you.
V= Videos
Toshinori isn’t the best photo/video taker, but god forbid if he doesn’t try. His album is full of pictures of you; whether it’s one you posed for, or one he took while you were doing mundane things. Any selfies of you two are a little blurry if he took them, otherwise he has all the ones you do. He’s not much of a video taker, but if the situation arises (a surprise for you, or if the two of you ever have kids) he tries.
W= wedding
The wedding was actually small; only your family and some of his + Gran Torino and Dave. Any news of it was kept from the public in fear of it being ruined, so it took place out of the city in a small but pretty church. It was truly one of the best days of his life, and he cried when you walked down the isle. Most of this pictures are hanging up in your shared home, and he loves to gaze at them when he feels off.
X= eXtra
Toshinori likes to read and write poetry. It started as a hobby when he was younger, a way to release any pent-up emotions; and continued on throughout his life. His vows to you had been a short yet sweet piece; flowing beautifully and smoothly to the point you had also cried. If he did not become a hero, he very well could have been a famous poet.
Y= yuck
He likes baked goods and any edible sweets, but artificial sweet smells are a no for him. They smell fake and much too strong, often giving him a headache if he’s around a candle or perfume for too long.
Z= zzzz
Toshinori sleeps heavy, but he doesn’t get the chance to very often. He works shifts and on-call, so he’s often interrupted from a deep sleep. If he’s able to, he can sleep for ten hours interrupted, and it’s incredibly hard to wake him when he’s that far gone.
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lordsicheng · 6 years
Congrats on your blog’s 1 year!! I recently discovered your blog and was so super happy to see someone do astrology stuff for Wanna One. May I have an astrology ship with Wanna One? My sun sign is Sagittarius, moon is Aquarius, Mercury is Scorpio, Venus is Capricorn, Mars is Cancer, Ascendent is Gemini. Thanks! :)
Hey love! Thank you so much! Sorry this took long~ Here are your results~
In terms of compatibility, I ship you with Daniel!
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The key to your relationship would be: close friendship, accepting of each other’s opinions and thoughts
Type of love: “We may be opposites but we complete each other in a way.”
I have got to say that Sagittarius and Aquarius are one of my favorite pairs, like, ever. Especially for moon signs! 
They’re sextile, meaning there’s quite an amount of harmony between both of you without compromising your own varying opinions. Both are very sociable signs, so becoming friends is way easier than it looks. Sagittarius in general is very open-minded and cheery, Aquarius is just as kind and may be even a little bit more adventurous. 
However both signs aren’t as emotional, Sagittarius moon likes to move on quick and Aquarius moon tend to get detached at the thought of feelings. But between the two, Aquarius can get emotional if they feel the reason to-- they’re more focused on the general environment than closeness. Sagittarius moons tend to run away from their feelings and if one day, they would feel like all the harshness gets piled up, your Aquarius moon will learn how to listen and comfort the Sagittarius moon individual. There’s a special bond between you two that grows the more you both get to know each other.
Your mercury signs are also sextile, Capricorn and Scorpio. There’s a lot of great leadership qualities between you two, it’d be even more benefiting on doing business together! Capricorn loves to plan, Scorpio makes sure to get on with the plan. There’s lots of determination and great merging of ideas between the two of you. Very interesting but also, like Sagittarius and Aquarius, there isn’t really a huge gap in terms of compromising your own ideas. It’s easy to get along with each other, just be careful of being too serious at times!
Like your mercury signs but in exchange, your Venus signs are very able to seclude each other and learn how be loving with each other. Both of you are loyal, but also very respectful of each other. There’s lots of trust in each other. Together, Scorpio and Capricorn will strive for greatness. They will focus their energy on constructive things in order to build the world they wish for themselves. This is not always the most happy, joyful place with rainbows and unicorns, but it is realistic, practical and most of all good for personal growth.
If someone can help Virgo build their trust, it is their Cancer partner. Although Cancer is a cardinal sign, they are stable by nature, especially when it comes to emotional decisions they have made. If they have chosen Virgo to be their loving partner, they will have no reason to lie or cheat. This behavior would only endanger their vision of a shared life and a loving family they want with the partner they chose. This is also a reason why Cancer won’t have an initial problem with trusting Virgo. Their convictions are stronger than their doubt.
His sun and moon are opposite to your Gemini rising, this is actually very common in long lasting partnerships. This is because his sun and moon may fall to your 7th house, there’s lots of understanding between you two. There is this important thing they both value– things that make sense. Gemini and Sagittarius make an incredible couple, probably being the most innocent one of all oppositions in the zodiac. They don’t often find each other right away, but at some point in life it is almost certain that a Gemini will find their Sagittarius and vice versa. Their relationship has a strong intellectual connection, in which they will gradually find deep emotions. 
Your best friend would be Sungwoon!
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So much fun energy! Sagittarius x Aries friendships are hella fun, sometimes even too fun. This is a wonderful bond that is often seen in friendships that last for years. Their mutual understanding can be so deep, that even if they lack physical attraction, they would gladly substitute it with a life spent in this kind of intellectual relationship. They motivate and push each other wherever they might like to go. When they are together, they make each other feel as if nothing is impossible. While Aries gives initiative and focus, Sagittarius gives vision and faith.
When they get together, their activities can be shared and fun whatever they are. This has nothing to do with their needs and tendencies, but with the potential of their entire relationship. They can go for coffee and they would have fun, but they could also go bungee jumping together and have even more fun. It is all the same to them. 
I would say he’s more of that “emotionally witty” best friend of yours. If you actually need validation of whatever you’re feeling, he can actually handle it and would even give you advice. However the energy of a fixed moon and a cardinal one is tricky, he’d like to help you but you’d probably push him off. But he’s very loyal, he’ll give you lots of respect in addition to you being able to just understand him for who he is. He can get emotional himself, so you’ll probably have to give him some advice yourself to “man up” at times. He’s an Aries anyways, so he’d definitely take your advises. 
He’s got a huge crush on you, but you’re probably gonna be so irritated with each other. So yeah, you can kind of skip Jaehwan in terms of love
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His Venus falls on your first house, so there would be some type of attraction between you two. However there’s lots of oppositions and quincunxes in your placements together, so it’d very likely end up being disappointing. His conservative Virgo moon would be a little confused with your Aquarius one. They can work out, but for the long term? Try making through a day without arguing, really. He’s very considerate and caring, may even worry about you a lot. But you tend to push him away at times, it’d be better for you both to be friends honestly.
Unlike Daniel’s case, your oppositions are more apparent because of the quincunx signs between you two. It can work, like I said, but the moon is a very important sign when it comes to relationships and synastry. Virgo and Aquarius will both value intelligence and a clear mind most of all. This doesn’t mean they will find the same people, actions or thoughts intelligent and they could often have opposite opinions on someone in their surroundings. He might not be able to adapt easily to your carefree lifestyle too.
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12 Days With EXO
Summary; In which Suho takes you out to a fancy Christmas dinner.
"How are you liking it so far my love?" You looked over to Suho who had asked you the question before smiling at him. "I'm loving it." You told him honestly. The two of you were in a restaurant on the outskirts of town called The Blue Palace. It was a high-end restaurant that had you cringing the first time Suho took you here and you saw the prices. Although Suho had soon told you that money wasn't a big issue for him you still felt bad. You weren't dating Suho because of his money or the connections he or his family has. You were with him because you loved him. The Blue Palace was the kind of restaurant Suho took you to on only very special occasions. The first time was on your first date, the second being valentine's day, the third was your birthday, and now it was because it was Christmas. You loved all the effort that Suho puts in to making sure you know he cares about you, whether it was something as big as this or something as small as making you soup when you were sick, or giving you back rubs when you can't fall asleep, or when he puts socks on your feet in the middle of the night so your feet won't get cold. You loved it all. And of course, you made sure to show him that you loved and cared for him as well. You made him breakfast every morning and had a packed lunch for him to take to work every day. You did his laundry and ironed his work suits so that was he looked good for work every morning. You kissed him goodbye every morning before he left for work and greeted him as soon as he got home, always having a nice hot meal for him when he got back. A lot of these things seemed to be a bit old school but it's how you showed him that you cared for him, it's how the people at his work know that he was loved at home and that he had a good life. Out of all the things that Suho would do for you, a few domestic things here and there wouldn't kill you. And it's not as though that was all you did either. You had a successful job as an interior designer while Suho was the head doctor to a hospital that he himself owned. Although when you two first met you two had barley started college, meeting at some after party after winning a basketball game. And believe it or not, the two of you hated each other at first. He was the rich kid who came from a wealthy background while you were the girl who had jumped from house to house as a kid and sometimes had to live on the street until you got a student loan and started living in the dorms on campus. You had a rough life and were a rebel while he had it easy but was also a rebel. Perhaps it was the rebellious side the two of you had that made you two so perfect for each other in the end. "Would you like to dance before we have diner?" Suho asked as he held out his hand for you to take. You smiled graciously as you took his offered hand. "Why I'd love to." You said in an overly posh voice, smiling as he led you to the middle of the dance floor where they were just starting the Waltz. Hand in hand Suho took the lead and glided across the dancefloor with you. Spinning and dipping when the time called for it but dancing just as elegantly as ever. You never would have pictured yourself like this if this was a few years ago. You were unsophisticated and most definitely not a lady of any kind, especially with a mouth and attitude like yours. Suho was the one who taught you how to dance and be more proper, despite having an attitude nearly as bad as yours. You both blamed it on the way you both were raised and molded from the people around you but none the less, the two of you were like cat and mouse at first sight and it took a lot of effort from both of you to make what you had work, that's probably another reason why you two were so great for each other. "Have I mentioned how beautiful you look tonight?" Suho asked as the tempo of the music changed to an even slower tune. You wrapped both hands around his neck as you two began to slow dance. "Only about a hundred times tonight Suho." You said as you smiled. "Then now it's one hundred and one. You look stunning y/n." He said as he kissed you in the middle of the dancefloor, not caring about the amount of people that were surrounding you both and watching you as you danced and now kissed. You smiled up at him after he pulled away. "Thank you darling, you look handsome tonight as well. As a matter of fact, I'm actually quite jealous of the way some of the women here are looking at you." You said as you took a glance around, frowning at all the hungry stares some of these cougars were giving your man. "You don't have to worry about them, tonight I'm all yours. Tonight, and forever." "Tonight, and always?" "Always." After a few more dances you and Suho decided that you’d had enough dancing for now and made your way to your table. Not even a minute later did a waitress and waiter show up by your side. "Hello and welcome to the Blue Palace, may we offer you a bottle of one of our finest wine to get you started?" The waitress said as a man next to her showed off the bottle of red wine. Suho looked at you for a moment, silently asking if this was okay with you. You gave him a happy nod. "Yes please, may we also get your soup of the day to get us started and the shrimp alfredo pasta for my lovely lady and the steak with grilled shrimp for myself as our main course?" Suho said, ordering for the both of you. It was the same thing you got every time, so of course he knew just what you'd want. "Of course, sir, right away." The waitress said before taking her leave. The two of you made small talk as you both waited for your food to come. You had talked for hours all night about anything and everything. Even though you two had known each other for so long there were still stories that you two haven't had the chance to share just yet so there was always something for the two of you to talk about, sometimes even recalling fond memories the two of you shared. There was so much history between the two of you now that you were sure that nothing would ever be able to pull you two apart. There would never be another Suho for you and there would never be another you for Suho. You were it for each other. "Are you ready to go home now? It's getting rather late don’t you think?" Suho asked as looked at his watch. It was 23:37 now, almost midnight, and you still had about another hour drive till you made it back home. You nodded your head and you pushed your chair back and stood up, Suho following suit. "Go wait by the front door, I'll go get our coats." Suho said while you nodded. You were waiting for no longer than five minutes before you saw him coming back with both of your coats. He was only a few feet away when he was stopped by some red head that clung to his arm like her life depended on it. "Suho, darling, it's been years since I've seen you last. Whatever are you doing here? You're not alone are you? Because if you are I can keep you company." You frowned at the nerve of this bitch. Just who the hell did she think she was? Suho frowned at the contact she made with him and merely brushed off her fingers from his arm. "Sorry Yui, I actually did come here with someone, and as for not seeing you for the past few years, it's because of her. You see after meeting y/n, whose right there by the way." He gestured to you, "I wanted to cut off our engagement, after all it was an arranged engagement, not true love. I cut off what we had and asked out y/n right away, knowing that I no longer had any obligation to be loyal to my supposed fiancé who wasn't so courteous as to show me the same respect, seeing as you went through just about half the college campus back then. So as for you keeping me company, I'm going to have to decline because, you see, my wife is just simply a hundred times hotter than you, and I'd much rather have her company than a dogs company." He said before walking up to you and helping you put on your jacket. You couldn't stop the shit eating grin on your face as you heard the red head screech before stomping away. "I can't believe that was Yui, she had blonde hair the last time I saw her. No wonder I didn't recognize her as your ex fiancé." You said before you took his offered arm and began making your way to the front door and waited for the valet to come with the car. All Suho did was shrug his shoulders. "I could honestly care less about her." Your grin got bigger at his words. "Yes, I could tell, considering the way you basically just told her to shove off. It was actually quite entertaining to see her face turn as red as her hair." Suho frowned. "That was an atrocious shade, I don’t know why she picked it." He said just as the valet returned with the car, he held the passenger door open for you, waiting on you to get in. You laughed at his words, the Suho you knew and loved the most was the rebellious man who spoke his mind, not giving a damn about what anyone else said or thought. Oh yes, you truly loved this man. Every side of him.
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A Monster Part 2 (Newt Scamander x Reader)
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Part 1
Requested by @curiousplanets: ALRIHHT OK IM SO EXCITED NOW. can I have a part two of A Monster? where it's the next full moon and Newt, reader's now boyfriend, insists on helping the reader out through her full moon (idk exactly how lmao) and she is like no no no you will get hurt and there's tears and shit? idk i'm feeling the ANGST. feel free to change part of it to make it flow easier. thanks in advance!
Word Count: 1,514
Warnings: Mentions of injury, self hate, crying.
A/N: I might write a part 3 because DAMN
“I want to come with you.” Newt said desperately.
“Absolutely not.” You said firmly. You didn’t know where the newfound confidence came from, perhaps because you and Newt had already had this conversation about a million times.
“Please let me come with you.” He said. You were looking at your feet, unable to look at him. You knew that if you did, you’d end up caving at the sight of his frightfully concerned face. Newt often wasn’t easy to read but he didn’t bother hiding his desperation now. You two were in your shared apartment in London doing something that rarely happened between the two of you, you were arguing.
“Newt, I said no.” You repeated, turning your back to him so you wouldn’t have to see his worried face. You could feel the tears building behind your eyes but you willed them to stay put. You were not going to cry. You wanted to show that you were strong and believed the decision you were making was a good one and tears would just turn you into a mess. They always did. You didn’t need Newt’s pity, you needed him to be safe and him coming with you tonight would most definitely put him in danger.
You and Newt had been dating for three months now and you could see that every full moon took a piece of his heart. He loved you and you loved him, so you knew seeing you in the state you were in after full moons was hard for him. You had, of course, tried telling him that he deserved someone better. Someone who wasn’t broken. Someone who wouldn’t hurt him every month. Someone who wasn’t you. Yet the stubborn magizoologist wouldn’t listen. And here you were again, about to hurt the man you loved.
This month was the first time he had brought this up though. A few weeks before the full moon, he had proposed the idea of coming with you when you transformed. You had told him that it was a firm no and he seemed to accept that, you had thought it was the end of the conversation. Until he brought it up again about a hundred times.
“Y/N, you can’t keep doing this alone. I could come and keep away the dangerous animals, I could come and try to keep you safe.” He begged. You whirled around, incredulity clear on your face. You couldn’t believe him. How could he just stand there, in all his messy haired, loose shirted glory and say that?
“Keep me safe? Me? Who would keep you safe?” You said, your voice getting louder. You couldn’t remember a time when you had yelled at someone. It came as a shock, to both of you. The shy, quiet Y/N suddenly yelling? You couldn’t stop though. How could he say that? You didn’t deserve to be kept safe. You were a monster. Especially when in that state. A monster who wouldn’t think twice about hurting this kind, selfless, curious man.
“I can keep myself safe.” Newt said, his voice still at a normal level, quite unlike yours.
“You can’t keep both of us safe! You can’t be safe. Not from me! Not when I’m like that!” You felt tears streaming down your reddened cheeks. Of course you were crying. Of course you were. The word “weak” kept swimming through your mind. You wanted to run away, to curl up into a ball, to hide yourself from the world.
“I could stay away then. Away but close enough so that when the moon goes down I could help you home.” He argued, taking a step closer. His sudden proximity seemed to put an immediate damper on your anger. You now just stood there in silence as tears streamed down your face, looking at the ground. You hated arguing with him. It rarely happened but when it did, you couldn’t stand it. Newt noticed your silence and walked closer to you until you were staring at his bare feet instead of the ground.
He tentatively lifted your chin slightly so you would look into his bright green eyes. Newt normally refrained from making eye contact with people but with you, he felt safe to do it. You closed your eyes and leaned your forehead against his, savouring his touch, his scent, his love.
“I love you, Newt.” You whispered, eyes still closed. You didn’t dare talk louder in fear that your voice would break.
“I love you too, Y/N” He responded.
“Do you really love me?” You asked. You felt his forehead crease against yours, in worry most likely. Clenching your eyes tighter, you pursed your lips to keep from sobbing.
“I really love you.” He said. You opened your eyes finally, to find his, still wide, and resting upon yours unwaveringly. So much emotion filled those beautiful green eyes, you couldn’t look away.
“Then let me do this alone.” You whispered. Silver lined his eyes as he took a shaky breath.
“I have, Y/N, you have been doing this alone since you were bitten.” He said. You flinched at that word. Newt noticed this, he noticed everything. “Y/N, I love you and I cannot keep seeing you come home bleeding and bruised.” You pulled away from him, turning around so he couldn’t see your face.
“Is that really why you want to come?” You asked. This thought had been nagging at you since you got together. You wanted to dismiss it as absurd but why else would he be with you? Why else would he deal with all the issues and problems you bring?
“What do you mean?” He asked tentatively, not quite liking the new tone in your voice.
“Do you want to come to keep me safe? Are you with me because you love me? Or do you just want to study me?” You finally said it, the thought that had been eating away at you since the beginning.
Silence. He wasn’t answering. How long has it been since you asked the question? 10 seconds, 11 seconds, 12, 13. Why wasn’t he answering? Dread filled your stomach, maybe you were right. Maybe this horrible thought was true. You felt the lunch you and Newt had shared an hour ago coming up. You couldn’t take it anymore, you turned around slowly to face him.
If your lunch wasn’t rising before, it definitely was now. The sight before you brought on a new wave of tears, it felt as if one of Newt’s creatures had slashed right across your heart. Tears were flowing down Newt’s face, you had seen him show emotion before but never so raw. All of his walls were down, everything now stood so clearly before you. It was hurt that you saw.
Hurt that pushed down his slumped shoulders, that darkened his bright eyes, that covered his kind face. You were stupid. So, so stupid. You were frozen, frozen in shock or guilt, you didn’t know. The two of you simply stood, gazing at each other with such thick emotion hanging in the air, freezing you in place.
His broken, shaky breath was what snapped you from your paralysis. You scrambled to get closer to him, to comfort him, but he took a step back. A step away from you. You couldn’t help but gasp. What have you done? Newt was always the one that cared and loved you no matter what. The one who would take one step closer to you when everyone else took two steps back. And you had doubted him, doubted his feelings for you. You were a monster.
“Newt, I’m sorry.” You said, staying where you were. He needed space and you would respect that. No matter how hard you had to restrain yourself to not run up to him, to not throw your arms around his tall frame, to not say I love you as many times as humanly possible. “I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I love you. Please, Newt, I didn’t mean what I said.”
“Then why…then why did you?” He asked, no resentment or anger in the question just pain and sadness. A sob escaped your lips as you furiously tried to wipe your tears away.
“I-I don’t know. I just-I was too afraid that it might be true because what reason could there possibly be for someone like you to love someone like me. I’m a mistake and a complication and I’m sorry, Newt.” You cried, your words tumbling out of you in a pitiful mess. “I’m sorry.” You were shaking now, there were too many emotions running through your bones.
Panic at the inevitable pain that was drawing near, hate at yourself for everything you had done, guilt at what you had said to Newt and fear, fear that you may have actually screwed up the best thing that had ever happened to you. Before either of you could say anything else…
You ran.
You ran and you cried and you whispered one word to yourself, over and over and over again.
Hey! Would you look at that, I’m not dead! And I finally wrote/finished something. Honestly, I don’t even know why anyone follows me, I’m so inconsistent. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this. I don’t know who I feel more bad for, Newt or the reader. I hope you enjoyed and as always, constructive criticism is welcome.
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transformationstuck · 7 years
Two can 8e as 8ad as one
Aranea threw her hands up in the air, absolutely livid. Meenah had really done it this time.
“I cannot 8elieve you! I had set everything up in my hive to cele8r8 the two sweep anniversary of our entrance into this wretched game, just to cheer every8ody up, and you had to go and ruin everything with a tantrum! What do you have to say for yourself?!?”
Meenah rolled her eyes, clearly still agitated. Her fork was still embedded in a nearby table which had held whatever stupid refreshments Aranea had prepared.
“cause your party makin sucks serks
seriously what kind of a fuckin setup was that
disgustin shit
shouldve just TOLD me bout this shit so i couldve catered for ya
in what glubbin world would you not even do that coddamn”
Aranea practically boiled over at Meenah’s flippant attitude, blushing blue at the princess’s total lack of care for anything. Something you have to be done.
She pointed an angry finger at Meenah. “If you don’t apologize to me and start cleaning up right now, I swear I’ll M8KE you shape up for good!”
Meenah snorted, before pulling out her 2x3dent from the table and twirling it with a flourish. She seemed to have no interest in doing anything else.
“holy mackrel windfang
are you threatenin me
shit mightve come along ok with you after all
but heres some helpful advice gillfrond
dont make threats ya cant back up”
“Oh, I can 8ack it just fine, alright. I gave you your chance, now you’re going to get an intimate understanding of how my way works!”
With that, Aranea drew upon all of her inner reserves, blood crackling with the energy she knew she’d need, then reached out with her mind to ensnare Meenah’s, pushing her will into the fuchsia-blood’s head, hoping to overwhelm her completely and force her to stand at attention.
The unfamiliar sensation of her mind being inflitrated overwhelemed Meenah. With a scream, she reeled back and clutched her head, trying to fight against the invading force.
what the FUCK
how are you glubbing doin this
knock it OFF”
Aranea took a step forward, her teeth gleaming with a wicked grin. She pressed her fingers to her forehead to focus and apply more mental pressure to the reeling Meenah.
“Don’t worry a8out it, dearie. You’ll understand soon enough. Now stay STILL.”
She let out a frustrated, agonizing scream, before she finally began to succumb, as if the final push had worn her out. Soon enough, she grew still, her struggling coming to a rest, as her mind still attempted to break free and resist, to no avail.
Aranea breathed out a sigh of relief, although she made sure to maintain her control. That was a little tougher than she’d thought it would be, but hey, can’t argue with results.
She walked up to Meenah, who was standing at the ready, waiting for a command. Aranea giggled as she grabbed one of Meenah’s horns, and forced her head to bob up and down.
“Look at you! Never thought you’d 8e so quiet! Although I’m sure if I could hear whatever you’re thinking in there, it would 8e a different story. 8ut that will change soon enough.”
Indeed, if she could she’d likely hear Meenah’s irritation, anger, and even a twinge of fear. But for now, completely under Aranea’s control, she simply stared blankly out into space, doing nothing to resist Aranea’s motions. Her mind was completely Aranea’s to manipul8.
“Well, no time like the present to get to work, I suppose. Let’s start with something simple, shall we?”
Aranea took Meenah’s arms, the lanky, bony things they were, and held them out. Meenah, of course, did nothing to resist. Aranea’s hands glowed with an ethereal energy as they washed over Meenah’s arms, stroking them and pulling them, seemingly shaping them into different forms. Gradually, Meenah’s arms began to plump out, expanding suddenly in Aranea’s hands.
Unable to move, Meenah could only really watch as Aranea did… well, whatever it was she was doing to do. A wave of panic and renewed struggling accompanied the sudden shaping of her arms. She tried to pull away, to no real avail. A few grunts managed to escape her mouth as she attempted to protest. Her body, however, remained still, and like clay in Aranea’s hands.
Aranea bent down, rubbing her hands along Meenah’s legs, performing the same motions as she had on her arms. Just as before, Meenah’s skinny calves and thighs thickened outwards as Aranea caressed them, as well as lowering Meenah’s height ever so slightly. Aranea shook her head at the sound of the grunts.
“You must really want to tell me something! Well, if you insist, I suppose I can let you speak.”
Aranea wiggled her fingers, and her mental control over Meenah ebbed, but only slightly.
Indeed, once the mental control had let up, Meenah took full opportunity to speak.
“fuck you serket
what the glub are you even doing
HOW are you even doing it
whatebber this is knock it the fuck off”
Aranea clicked her tongue and shook a disapproving finger.
“Goodness, what a mouth you’ve got. You can say good8ye to that kind of language once I’m done with you.”
Taking the opportunity for a little fun, Aranea moved to cup Meenah’s tiny tits in her hands, groping them and squeezing them, with Meenah helpless before her.
“oh dont be so high an mighty
aint like youd never swear
stupid smug self-gratifyin- ugh”
She tried to shake her head, to no avail. The impulse to swear had been strangely suppressed. As if it weren’t refined. Beneath her. Not a way she had ever felt before, especially not when angry. But then, she found her anger ebbing ever so slightly, as well. Very odd.
“and stop groppin me”
“Yes, I pro8a8ly should. Work 8efore pleasure, as they say.”
With one final squeeze, Meenah’s boobs expanded as well, pushing tightly against her t-shirt, which wasn’t used to the stress. Aranea moved onto Meenah’s stomach, probing, pinching and pressing until it expanded outwards a bit, not entirely dissimilar to Aranea’s own.
“Tell me, Meenah. How does this all feel? I’ve never had a chance to ask someone as it happened.”
The significance of these changes and who they matched up to wasn’t entirely lost on Meenah. She sneered.
“oh my god dont tell me youve done this before. was it always into different spins on you or is your ego just joyridin today?”
She couldn’t help but feel something was off about her. Her mind, her tone, it didn’t feel like her. Yet it also felt… Strangely right.
Aranea giggled again as she walked around the still motionless Meenah, and placed both hands on her firm butt.
“You might 8e surprised how effective you can make the world work when you have people you know you can rely on. And who can I rely on most 8ut me?”
With a squeeze and a thorough rubdown, Meenah’s rear inflated outward as well. Aranea admired the view before giving what was effectively her own ass a slap.
“i mean, i GU——ESS. not like you’re not still insane though. not like this whole T)(ING isn’t still insane. not to mention you’re ruining my figure. liked it just the way it was.”
With a few grumbles, she subsequently fell silent. Well, at least she wasn’t too unattractive now, she thought. She had never noticed it before, but Aranea wasn’t half bad looking. Not that she’d admit it right now. And not that she’d admit that she took the tiniest hint of satisfaction from that ass slap. No sir.
Aranea gathered Meenah’s braids and pushed them into her pixie cut, and with another glow, merged them into a style exactly like her own.
All that remained was Meenah’s face. And her horns as well, but Aranea decided she’d keep those as they were, as a momento.
Cupping Meenah’s cheeks with her hands, Aranea gave her a wry smile.
“Does ‘Meenah’ have any last words before she 8egins her new life?”
Up her hair went into Aranea’s typical haircut. And well, Meenah found herself caring less and less. Even the terror she felt at that realization was lessening. Part of her was even eager to see this to completion.
“Oh, you know, something something huge jerk. I honestly can’t be bothered to get into a tizzy anymore.”
She blinked, a bit shocked at her own cadence.
“Uh, I mean… Oh, screw it. You know what I mean.”
Aranea chuckled. “Oh, I know what you mean only too well.”
With that, she kissed Meenah on the lips, infusing the last bit of change necessary to finish the transformation. By the time she drew away from the kiss, she saw her own face looking back at her.
Taking a step back, she admired her work. But for the horns and the clothes, Aranea was practically looking into a mirror. With a snap of her fingers, she promptly released her hold on the person in front of her.
Being released, 'Meenah’ stumbled about, getting used to movement again. She put a hand to her face and stroked it, getting a feel for the change in structure. Despite herself, however, she just… Couldn’t feel upset about it, really. If anything, it only seemed natural. Good, even. A small smile came to her new lips.
“There we are then. I suppose that’s Meenah taken care of. You’ve really outdone yourself this time, Aranea. As much as I took um8rage to this 8efore, this really is an improvement, I must say. And the retention of her horns? Very nice touch. Now perhaps I ought to look into a new wardro8e. Meenah’s ill-fitting gar8 won’t do at all.”
Aranea clasped her hands together with excitement.
“Oh, I knew you’d think it was a good idea eventually. And don’t fret over the clothes, I’ve got plenty more refined outfits for you to wear from now on. For now, though, we’d 8est clean up the horri8le mess that Meenah made. I’m sure 8etween the two of us we can get things 8ack in order in no time at all.”
“Oh, most certainly! I should apologize on her 8ehalf, though I suppose I’m not truly her anymore, am I? Speaking of which, we really DO need to figure out how to distinguish 8etween one another. Or perhaps not? We are two of a kind, after all.”
With a chuckle, they both began to work on cleaning things up. For the two Araneas, the future seemed to be bright.
This was an RP between me and @certifiedfloweyapologist that i cleaned up a bit. not teo much tf into other people
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icarlin · 7 years
Vent because youre not going to hear it from me
I am an ass and i completely recognize that, i am not careful with my words when im mad and i can be insensitive and for that i am sorry and i am working on. even tho is maybe my fault as is most things in my life, i am someone who personally just cant take being emotionally blocked or locked out from someone. I personally dont think its fair to shut people out or push them away when you want them in your life. Like space is different i know that, but if youre making a conscious decision to withhold feelings or thought that pertain to the both of you or just anything in general especially when the other person is willing is giving you everything they have then, I dont think thats right. I used to bottle my emotions, lock my self up from other people and at that point i realized that all i was doing was prolonging the inevitable and most likely worsening the situation by sitting on my emotions as they stirred. little things turn to big things and fights became longer and stupider. This is why i say what i mean and i mean what i say and i ramble because i dont want any confusion or misconstruing of my words. I am not going to lie if sometimes still bottle it up and thats when i feel the loneliness and up until the point i realize i need to talk to someone im a mess. and ive hurt people like that, i learned that shutting people out for whatever reasons leaves you to lash and have odd fits of anger and it will show and will just drive everything further apart. Maybe i push people away because im an asshole and im not going to lie if a person shuts themselves off and away from me i do the same. I dont trust a lot of people with what i have to say and think and i keep my circles small. Ive had people shut me out and expect me to be ok with it but i cant just because at that point the bond of trust to me has been severed. Relationships are a two way road and if a person cant meet you half way and leaves you on a faulty bridge, then what will realistically happen? Ive also learned to take things to heart and face value. if you cant tell me what you really want push me away and expect me to know exactly what you mean then i cant do it. I dont want to think for you or explain shit that youve said because im not the one speaking, its not my place to try to build my meaning for something you said. The common thing we have is language not thought. and trying to think for people has cost me more than youd like to know which is why i second guess everything. I literally have so much trust issues that when i open myself to someone who literally just pushes me away and expects me to come back with their half heart like a boomerang is something i cant do. Its all or nothing, yes or no for me because honestly anything less is not real to me. I wish you would let me but im not going to force myself to try to help and love someone who isnt willling to share things and have me there fully. Maybe i am just an ass and maybe im overcompensating by investing too much. I am deadass willing to accept this as being my fault. I never like to blame people for shit either bcause personally like that doesnt solve anything i just want to reach a middle ground where we can just listen and be able to just be open about what we feel. but if youre not willing to be with there me then thats fine.maybe im not creating an environment for you to be ok to even converse.  i dont want to meet you on a bridge thats not there. i just really wish that you werent another person i tried to opening up to who just cut me off
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knight-gwaine · 7 years
i keep talkin bout you bc youre my only real way of measuring my progress. you were the best and worst. yesterday or honestly whenever, i made posts along the lines of some shit like you suck ass, which ya do, but if you got your life together we could be friends or sum. but i mean. that’s a concept. what i’m realising is that every day, i’m getting further away from you. and that is a GOD DAMN BLESSING. i say all these nice things but thats for the fake fun and great version of you that exists in my head as just a comforting thought when i feel like thinking about love. but damn, i keep forgetting until i really think about it that, i literally am so fucking happy to be away. i am so happy we never have to be friends again and talk and shit. because you /seem/ cool, especially when we barely talk but if i had to actually deal with you. id rather punch myself in the god damn face. also wow it sucks that id still be down for your dick bc you be lookin like a god damn mess like eww??? i barely /actually/ see you and then when i do i realise oh yeah this b for real aint shit. like i wonder what he is actually getting done w his life. and okay, any progress is great. like if you on your own are trying. great. thats fantastic like im proud of you. everyobe works at their own pace. but in terms of me being friends w you. nah b, you lame as fuck. i aint got time for that. i have been meeting waaayy too many incredible peoole this year and have done waaay to many incredible things to be settlin for someone like you. idk dude. i see you. i hear things about you. i see the shit you do and say and i know you cant judge someone really unless you really get to know em or whatever but sometimes peoples social media and their friends can say a looooottt about them. a lot. and i do not. ever. wanna. fuck. w. you. HEEELLL NOOO.
as much as i wish for myself to never speak of you again and all that. i dont think thats going to happen for a long time. three years is a long time. even if this one seems to have lasted forever, three years is longer. and thinking back on all of it helps me realise how much ive progressed. and how much i keep progressing every day. i literally can only remember one. one. bad day. through this whole year. only one. maybe two? i remember one bad moment? but ive only ever had one bad day.
it is such a feeling. to finally. be free. all my emotions are controlled by me. i never feel depressed and alone on a cloudy quiet sunday. i never feel dreary when its pouring rain out. i never feel affected by the mundane weather. because i have done so much and i honestly will never stop. because what is the point in not trying to have fun and live your best life every moment of your life? fr that one song by anderson paak, i aint never comin down. i spent too much time bein scared and believing i was incapable and antisocial and no one likes me or whatever. but how do people get rid of their fears? you go out and face it. i feel like i can do almost anything now, im not gonna lie. like, if i really want to. because thats genuinely all it takes. if you WANT to do something, you will find a way to do it. so you will succeed. if you WANT to, even if theres everything stopping you, you find a way around it. once you realise that, nothing fucking stops you. i say this same old stuff over and over again but it just took me so long to learn and you hear about it but you never believe it. i still am amazed every day by how my life is now.
i have met some of the most phenomenal and successful people this year. i never would’ve thought first of all that they would even like me or want to talk to me but you would be damn well surprised by people’s kindness. growing up sheltered and being called annoying, dumb, and all other things, you end up believeing no one will like you its just automatic. this year, got to become friends with my favourite people that i always wanted to hang out with. i got to befriend amazing artists and photographers that are huge in my town. everyone who meets me automatically wants to be my friend. even strangers?? random people that sit next to me in class. doing leads you to meet people. and meeting people leads you to doing. its a fantastic cycle if you think about it. life is never boring. i appreciate all the small little things in my life so much more now. everything. if you arent happy with your life, find a way to make yourself happy. you arent stuck unless you give up and stop trying to change yourself. these. are the reasons why i wouldnt want you back in my life. my life is too phenomenal now. my life is too fantastic for you to be in you wouldnt fit. plus, i think im way too positive for you now. and i unapologetically love myself and every aspect of who i am now and i am constantly working on bettering me that i feel like itd just be too much? id be obnoxious to you i feel like?? and youd be boring. you would be boring. i like your interests. i love hearing what you have to say about music and movies and weird random facts but. i also dont trust you to be a good person. after all that you did too, nah. i dont need that negativity. it would be outrageous for me to believe we are connected in anyway. i hope. i mean this in all honesty with my whole being. i hope youre happy w your girl or whateva bc i want you outta mine. she better be takin fuckin care of your dumbass though i stg. i dont care when my boys get w other girls as long as i know their taken care of. vasya when he got w chelsea? immediately got over my crush for him and was happy af bc she was better than me. max, if he gets w anyone aside from cheyenne i will beat his ass. that b better fuckin be pushing you to strive for the best. she better be pushin you to realise your worth and what youre capable of and pushin you to try new things because LIFE IS TOO FUN TO NOT GO OUT AND HAVE FUN. COOK SHIT TOGETHER. GO HIKE. GO DANCE. DO SHIT. GROW UP. THINK SMART.
i fr dont know what the point of this post is im really out here just writin whatever comes to mind. bc one day i’m gonna go back through all my personal posts and ill remember how my life was rn and ill be like damn. that shit was sick as fuck. life was lit as fuck. tbh i think i was just really shook by that photo of you. ive been writing gay shit bout you for a while and then i saw that and i was like OH FUCK ABORT MISSION THAT B UGLY AS HELL AND HAS NO LIFE BACK OUT BACK OUT and now im here. straight shook. yeah. i dont want you in my life. my life is way better without you. i really am an unstoppable force right now. school is a motherfuckin one. friends are fucking precious and successful amazing wholesome human beings that are also out here doin the motherfuckin most im so proud i love all my friends we are all such successful people with amazing futures ahead of us god im so proud im 😭😭😭 we really out here chasin our dreams n shit. aND SUCCEEDIN. and money situation is L I T. ya baby’s got a fine ass mercedes w the best dad in the world getting me AUTOSTART for this cold winter???? ya baby be workin out and doin yoga everyday, abs comin in HOT. ya gurl developin as an artist with her dream school hittin her the FUCK up for her portfolio?? i am a for real artist now but i refuse to realise my big stuff. only sketches for now, dear world. the public eye doesnt need to see me as an artist yet. no. because they always will bc its always me. but no. i gotta act chill. this isnt the artist years of your life yet. you aint settled down yet no. now is time for fun, life, school, that grind 😤😤, and ecology. BE THAT SICK ASS SCIENTIST BITCH. BE SMART AS FUCK AND SAVE THE EARTH.
2017 got three more months left. i already know that im gonna have the funnest fucking time. fam is leavin for xmas and my sister’s moving out?? ff got house parties like wild?? EVERY MONTH??? northern lights are comin out??? you dont have to wake up early for school so you can go chase them??? A N D YOU HAVE A BUNCHA FRIENDS NOW TO GO WITH??? AND WINTER IS COMING SO THERES GONNA BE MORE EVENTS INSIDE TO GO TO??? AND MEET PEOPLE?? AND YA GETTIN MORE HIGHER PAYING JOBS WITH HELLA TIPS??? YES. i said i was gonna make 2017 my bitch. boy the fuck did i and i am gonna end it with a muthafuckin bang.
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