#even more with people calling him 'monster' 'evil' and stuff bc yes!!! he is!!! thanks for recognizing his efforts
malkaviian · 2 years
freddy and fred's dynamic in the prison au is "constantly pissed off" x "enjoys bothering them even more"
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disco-troy · 2 years
Titan Evil Arcs Ranked
14. Roy - No one liked Roy’s evil arc. You didn’t like it, I didn’t like it, Roy didn’t like it, it erased all his characterization and put him on a path he hasn’t recovered from since. NOT ONLY THAT but
he was retconned with the worst anti-hero backstory possible. Yes, of course Roy Harper would be so want to “surpass Oliver Queen” that he would create a mercenary team called “Iron Rule” and then murder his own team bc they killed people. Also that stupid cap I hate it. This arc was character, fashion and competency assassination at the same time. Thanks Lobdell. 
13. Garth - He doesn’t really turn evil, he just gets brainwashed and zombified a little. Personally, I think Garth deserves a little bit of time to go apeshit, but his arcs so far of getting murdered and zombified by his dead wife and girlfriend and getting brainwashed by his Scottish  water evil spirit girlfriend are not it. 12. Gar - Went crazy for some reason, became a really gross throw up monster, whatever, no one remembers it, he figures out how to be sane eventually Dick didn’t even let Gar figure his stuff out he needed to announce his wedding instead. 11. Lilith - Imagine getting rebooted into the new 52 just to be a minion torturing victims with your mental powers before a ripoff hunger games starring a ripped off young justice, but also it was just a dream. idk I wasn’t paying attention. 10. Terry - we all knew there was something up with him tbh the evil arc wasn’t a surprise. He’s only this high because I find it hilarious that dc made Mav Wolfman’s self insert get a restraining order for Donna so she couldn’t see her son, immediately got killed in a car crash with said son and then just come back in increasingly graphic evil dream sequences. Don’t write your self-insert into comics, kids. 9. Kory - She gets to look cool when she’s evil but that’s it. Got killed by her sister in JLO and she wasn’t even her own evil person! She was taken over by Darkseid. Slightly cooler in flashpoint but didn’t even get to shine cause she got killed in a gasoline explosion :///. She can explode into a supernova I feel like she should be more powerful when she’s evil! 8. Wally -  Yes, he manipulated the entire justice league and framed innocents for a murder he committed, and yes he watched every single superheroes trauma therapy confessions, at least when he murdered Roy he put their dead bodies together bc friends. 7. Joey  - Listen, no one liked Titans Hunt, You didn’t like Titans Hunt, none of the Titans liked Titans hunt. Joey wasn’t even in control of him being evil and he kidnapped all the titans and kills a bunch of them, doesn’t even succeed in taking over the world and he does with an evil organization it in matching fur suits!? There are better ways to come out as a furry, Joey. At least Gar doesn’t make all his EVERYONE wear the same fur suits. Points for the homoerotic tension with Dick tho I guess. Also the idea of him having the trauma of everyone he possessed could have been cool but they bombed it so rip. 6. Hank - Listen, listen, I know the monarch story line is dumb as shit and a retcon because dc was mad everyone figured out who monarch was supposed to be but I can’t help it its so funny. fr imagine you’re Hawk, your brother and crime fighting partner is dead, as a result you get blacklisted in twelve countries because you keep beating people up. You get a new crime-fighting partner that is able to stop you from getting blacklisted in more countries, a villain named  monarch seemingly kills her. You kill the villain, SIKE! It turns out you were monarch the entire time! Time to be evil, I guess. You join Hal Jordan because he’s vibing as Parallax and then you create an alternate dimension in order to train a fake version of the titans as sleeper agent assassins for the time crisis or whatever idk. You find Terra alive and you just add her to the team?? You brainwash some dude into thinking he’s Dick Grayson to be the leader of the team for some reason even tho u hate Dick Grayson???? You use time travel to populate your team with a bunch of OCs and a vampire??? I’M SORRY HES SO FUNNY!! 5. Sure, Donna may have tried to murder all the titans (Wasn’t cool that she suffocated Karen in her hospital bed), but she’s immortal and she was having a bad day, she deserves it. Plus she acknowledges it’s because she loved them all so much  she had to kill them so she wouldn't get too attached to her friends. She also had the arc where they retconned her as evil in Wonder Woman back before ntt was canon again we don’t talk about that. 4. Dick - Pretty successful Elseworld evil arcs, good villainy, he knows how to pull it off but one big problem. Every time he’s evil, he’s so mean to his friends! In New Order he takes over the world and creates a new world order. Stephanie and Tim get like a suburban house and chill life and what the titans just have to fight the resistance against him? And then he asks them for help??? And in the vampire universe he just takes Kory captive for her blood. Dick, c’mon. Take an example from Raven, she wanted to rule with the titans as the seven sins. Or at least Wally who lay his dead body next to Roy’s bc Titans forever <3. 3. Tara - Got a pep talk from Dick Grayson, destroyed the entire world 20/10 iconic. She just needed a bit of self esteem 2. Demon raven, icon, many arcs, most of them bangers, crashed a wedding like an icon, slowly became evil bc George forgot what her forehead looked like, ect. She can pull it all off! The only reason its not number one in the list is that’s it’s done enough that writers are bad at it sometimes. And yet! they haven’t even touched on half of the excited concepts that could have come from this. Demon Raven ruling a dimension with Trigon? Maybe backstabbing Trigon? Demon Raven still wanting to save her friends or maybe destroy them? raven grappling with what she’s done with Demon Raven? An examination of what part of Raven feeds into her demon side? GUYS COME ON 1. Vic - Showstopping, incredible! Vic losing his humanity and wanted to protect the people he cared the most to regain that humanity again .... so beautiful. Giving the titans all they wanted! Giving Garth that weird mix of girlfriends in one person and Dick Batman saying he’s proud of him and Donna her child again  it wasn’t perfect but he was trying so hard.  So what if he destroyed the moon a little bit in the process, these things are messy. Plus he did it 11 years before despicable me. What a trailblazer.
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lightlavenders · 4 years
Time for my Entrapdak rant (a.k.a. why Hordak was better for her than literally anyone else, a.k.a. I’m not bias I swear)
as I read through Entrapta/Hordak/princess gang discourse on this site I started to realise the reason why I loved Entrapdak so much in the first place, and I will now talk about that here (some of these points are stolen from better posts). ALSO no matter how much I shit on other characters just know this isn’t an attack of any of them. This is gonna be VERY ENTRAPTA FOCUSED.
OK SO we get introduced to Entrapta pretty early in season 1 and we get to learn a lot about her. It also quickly becomes clear that she’s neurodivergent - something confirmed to be intentional by many of the creators. Entrapta has a passion for technology, science and inventing, and (same as the previous princesses) the best friend squad decide they need her in the alliance so she can build them weapons (whICH SHE NEVER ACTUALLY DOES i think BUT THATS NOT THE POINT). 
Throughout the episode though, the squad (mostly Glimmer bc she’s the one who gets to closely interact with Entrapta the most... Adora being completely out of it and Bow with the kitchen staff) seems to slowly run out of patience for her - Glimmer very obviously puts up a front of tolerance despite her frustration. This is unlike the other episodes, where all the princesses get along in the end and become best friends oh boy! So... we have our only neurodivergent character so far who isn’t really welcomed into the group the same way as the others... and her autistic behaviour is only tolerated because they need her... okay, maybe that’ll change later.
Or not? When Entrapta joins the others on the quest to save Glimmer, she is constantly infantilised by the others and not taken seriously. She runs off to study Horde tech and actually helps rescue Sea Hawk, two very helpful things, but Perfuma talks down to her like a child and PUTS HER ON A LEASH? SHE’S 30!!! SHE WAS TRYING TO HELP! And no one tells Sea Hawk off for getting lost and alerting Scorpia to their presence, which wasn’t helpful at all. Then later, Mermista says she’ll keep an eye on her “in case she decides to befriend any more robots” like okay... she isn’t a child, and she didn’t run off because she wanted to play with robots or something?
Okay, so, Entrapta is left behind, which I won’t blame them for because it definitely looked like she died (they get over it pretty quickly but I digress), and she comes across Catra. Okay! Here’s a chance for Entrapta to make a true friend, right? Or not, because Entrapta and Catra’s friendship is built entirely on manipulation. At least Scorpia was sincere. 
Here Entrapta is again, in a position where she’s being used for her skills and in a we’re-sort-of-friends-but-I-only-tolerate-you-because-you’re-useful situation, with Scorpia probably being her only true friend at the moment. She starts helping out the horde, because they actually let her do what she wants and at the very least don’t treat her like a child. Then, she stumbles into Hordak’s lab.
I’m gonna say this now because I’ll get murdered if I don’t - Hordak is a bad guy. He does bad guy stuff. But so does Entrapta sometimes (I’ll talk about that later) so good morals don’t need to play into their relationship I think. It’s about how they treat each other.
At first, Hordak is very defensive and angry towards Entrapta, as he would be to anyone coming in to his lab without permission and discovering his secret portal project. But then she fixes said portal and he immediately sees her as an intellectual equal. Again, Entrapta has had to prove herself to someone by making herself useful, but it actually goes further. ALSO can I say how Hordak is the ONLY person who interacts directly with Entrapta who doesn’t treat her like a child or emotionally manipulate her, with the exception of Wrong Hordak, Emily, and Imp of all characters... Even Scorpia is guilty of this later.
So, Entrapta and Hordak start working together, and Entrapta is obviously very excited to have someone treat her as an equal (they’re lab partners!!). On top of that, Hordak is also happy to have someone he can actually trust. Catra and Scorpia at separate times both remark on how Entrapta spends all of her time with him now, and who can fucking blame her when he’s the only one that has literally spent all this time growing close to her and understanding her as a person, not just using her, not just tolerating her, not talking down to her constantly. Hordak opens up his trauma to Entrapta and she responds by opening up a bit in return, literally saying that she doesn’t fit in and that Catra doesn’t even talk to her anymore. They are obviously comfortable around each other, and if Hordak was manipulating her, then why was he so distraught when she was taken away? Why did he CRY??? Why did he consider giving up on his life’s purpose and abandoning what is essentially his god for her???
Anyway, stuff happens, and Entrapta shows that she isn’t the irresponsible child everyone thinks she is by agreeing to shut off the portal. But of course, Catra betrays her and sends her away. To die. How nice. Catra tells Hordak that Entrapta betrayed him, and instead of flipping out and turning all Hal Stewart incel “if I can’t have you no one can” he just gets sad... and then later all he really wants is to see her again, even if it is on the battlefield. I’m not sure what he would’ve done so we can’t say for sure, but I seriously doubt he wanted to hurt her.
sidenote - I’m not gonna blame Scorpia for letting Catra doing this, Scorpia had her own shit going on and was essentially trapped in an abusive relationship and she also later makes up for letting Entrapta down by getting her rescued
SO then the best friend squad go to save her from Beast Island, and she’s literally completely given up. Gee, I wonder why. Could it be because it seems like every friend she’s ever had has abandoned her, scolded her, or outright zapped her unconscious and sent her to die in a monster filled island? But the squad save her and affirm to her that they didn’t give up on her and that they’re still her friends. Actions speak louder than words, guys, but okay, cool! To Bow and Adora’s credit, they were the least patronising and mean out of anyone... so, that’s something. Anyway! Affirmations! Some respect from her friends! I hope this lasts... 
It didn’t! Season 5, Entrapta goes along with the others to help find out where Glimmer is. Here is where I quickly have to say something - Entrapta does indeed make some ‘evil’ and stupid decisions sometimes - hacking the black garnet, building robots that attack her old friends, walking out absentmindedly in front of a robot and compromising her team. Some of these things can be explained by her neurodivergence, but do not always justify it. That being said. Entrapta is not evil, she is not stupid, and her “weirdness” does not give her friends the excuse to treat her like a child. 
Here’s where it gets bad!! Perfuma puts Entrapta on a leash AGAIN!!!!!! WHAT? Writers? Wyd?? Not only this, but the others talk about her behind her back, and then scold her without any consideration for how she, as a neurodivergent person, was interpreting the situation. They could’ve explained their feelings to her in a calm way, instead of shunning her and expecting her to pick up on their cues, then exploding at her when they didn’t. THEN THEY CALL HER A BAD FRIEND.... and I feel hypocrisy in this chili’s tonight... and then Scorpia... doesn’t say anything? Girl help. Ik we can’t totally blame her since she was new to the squad and probably didn’t wanna get kicked out or yelled at like with Catra, but please... that is your friend...say something. also why did mermista need to pull her hair and then later say “you’re still a weirdo” like what. why do people ship them? because mermista cried when entrapta ‘died’? Okay??
I think Entrapta actually goes through some character development after this which is pretty cool - she outwardly expresses her concern for Glimmer, which is affirming to her friends the squad, and later at the end of the series, intentionally keeps herself focused during the most high stakes moment instead of running off. I’m not qualified to talk about if these traits, which could be considered traits of autistic people, deserve to be treated as flaws to be fixed, that’s a whole other bag of worms, but yay character development.
Finally, at the end, Hordak properly reunites with Entrapta and he decides to rebel against his creator and his purpose to save her life, showing that Entrapta, and their connection, is his priority now. And once Adora saves Hordak from Prime (thanks Adora), the two finally reunite in a spinning hug - that is literally the most physical contact either of them have had with anyone, how could anyone not believe in their connection and mutual trust???
Mermista gives us one last jab, an understandable one considering Hordak was conquering their planet for years on end, but still - “so, are we all just like, okay with this?” yes girl, we are. He’s literally the only one who ever treated her with real respect and love, the only one who ever prioritised her.
I know some people are gonna be like “just ship her with wrong Hordak” and if you really like that... go ahead I guess? But do we need to force a clone who just got control of his own mind into a relationship, or a girl who is very much in love with someone else into a relationship with one of her friends? You can do what you want though, it’s literally fine, I’m the one who just spent over 1500 words talking about why a 30 year old science woman should go out with an alien warlord.
In conclusion - Hordak and Entrapta deserve each other, because Entrapta deserves someone who treats her right, and I love her.
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
Hi there! I hope you’re well. I just wanted to send a message to thank you for the elyan content 😍 he is my favourite knight but for some reason I never see much of him on tumblr! So it’s awesome to see him on your blog. I hope I didn’t bother you with this ask 🙈
I AM doing well, actually! And you didn’t bother me, asks will probably never bother me <3
I could go on for a million years about why no one makes content about Elyan - and sometimes forget he exists altogether - but I don’t wanna start drama so we’ll just. Not touch that topic with a 10-foot pole
BUT! Elyan IS a fantastic knight, and the fact that he is your favourite knight too is very iconic and sexy of you. Elyan fans/stans are the sexiest members of this fandom. That’s not even opinion, that’s just science
So! Here’s a list of Elyan headcanons, because he’s worth it:
Elyan is ace. Them’s the facts
He’s also gay but in that stage where he’s questioning if he might be bi. Unfortunately, he died before reaching an answer
I hate to talk about Hogwarts Houses in 2020, but he is one hell of a Hufflepuff. Elyan is his name and protecting his loved ones with life and limb is his game. It is very easy to earn his loyalty, and once you have he will ride straight through Hell for you
Elyan likes hoods. He wears hoods whenever he can (i mean c’mon, that outfit in season 3 was serving some killer looks)
He’s just a protective older brother to literally everyone in Camelot. Yes, even Gaius
Gwen, Elyan, Leon, and Merlin have family game night once every month. They all gather in their old house in the lower town to get drunk, play some dice games, and spend the whole night goofing off
Only a few people know about game night. Even fewer people have seen it with their own eyes. Arthur and Gwaine frequently try to sneak in to see game night for themselves, but somehow never succeed
Elyan loves swimming. They don’t get many chances for it, but whenever they do, Elyan is the best swimmer out of all the knights
He’s also like. Really good at sneaking up on people. Consistently rolls high on stealth checks
Out of everyone in the Round Table, Elyan is the most easily spooked. He hates it when they gather around the fire to tell ghost stories, bc he will NOT be able to sleep the rest of the night after that
Why do people think there’s no dynamic or chemistry between Elyan and Gwaine??? Those two had a SOLID friendship and I will not stand for this disrespect (also, Perelyan is good but Elyaine is godtier imo)
Elyan is bad at blacksmithing. Like really bad. No one even understands how that works, considering he spent his whole childhood training under his father. All the blacksmithing talent apparently went to Gwen somehow
He likes bugs. When he was a kid he would go out in the woods and collect beetles and stuff to stick in little terrarium jars. He’d even give them names and backstories and personalities. Sometimes he would sit under a tree and tell Gwen stories about all these adventures his bugs would go on when no one was looking
Leon HATED bugs, and got creeped out by them, which meant Elyan was legally obligated to harass him about it
Elyan doesn’t get much chance to catch bugs anymore, but he’s also the only member of the Round Table who can put up with spiders
Spider in the armory? Everyone is freaking out while Elyan just calmly picks it up and lets it outside - but not without lots of snark and eye-rolling, of course
The reason Elyan ran away from home was because his mother had died and he saw it as a personal failing. He felt that it was his fault she was dead, because he couldn’t protect her, and left Camelot because he couldn’t bear the shame of guilt
In the last few years of his time away from Camelot, Elyan fell in love and lived out an mlm cottagecore fantasy where he and his lover raised wyverns together. But when Morgause came to capture him, she killed his lover and burnt their wyvern farm to the ground
Elyan tries not to let his grief be known, though. Not just because he doesn’t want to burden Gwen with his pain, but also because his lover had magic and he could get arrested for having fallen in love with a sorcerer
Morgause had Elyan captive for a while before Gwen showed up. She even used the nathair on him in small increments; not long enough to kill him or damage him irreparably, but enough to make him suffer. It’s for this reason that Elyan was able to bounce back from being tortured by Morgana whereas Gwaine didn’t survive it, because Morgause had already microdosed him with that kind of pain two years ealier
Still traumatizing, though. Like. This boy is EXTREMELY traumatized, can someone please get him some therapy???
Moving back to Camelot with Gwen was simultaneously healing and harming. Healing, because  he visited his dad’s grave, rebuilt his relationship with Gwen, and his companionship with her, Merlin, and Leon helped him move on from the pain of his loss. But harming because of all the anti-magic prejudice that surrounded him, and every time someone said magic was evil it was like another dagger in his heart. That was his dead lover they were talking about and calling a monster. Someone who was kind and compassionate and funny, who didn’t have a lick of evil in them, who would have burned at the stake by Camelot’s laws
Elyan didn’t think about what it meant to be a knight of Camelot when he agreed to be knighted. But he was just so determined to fight and kill Morgause, the woman who had killed his lover and his wyverns and abducted him from his home, that he didn’t even think about it. He just wanted Morgause dead. It wasn’t until a few days later when he realized that being a knight of Camelot meant enforcing Camelot’s anti-magic laws, and this realization naturally caused him distress
Instead of abandoning his knighthood, Elyan found a compromise. He would support Arthur in everything, until magic got involved. If Arthur ever captured druids or put sorcerers to death, Elyan decided he would smuggle them out of the city. He would never actively kill or capture those with magic, and would sometimes even try to sabotage efforts in capturing harmless magic-users
Elyan knew full well what Dragoon was doing. He knew that Gwen and Arthur’s love was true and required no enchantment, meaning Dragoon had simply framed himself to get Gwen out of a jam. He appreciates Dragoon, and even though he supposedly killed Uther, Elyan can’t even fault him for that. Elyan wanted to kill Uther too
Merlin is the little brother Elyan always wanted, and Elyan is the older brother Merlin never had. They act so much like siblings it’s not even funny, and some people question if they were actually raised together 
He and Merlin like to team up and tease Gwen. They’ll walk behind her and chant stuff like “Gwen and Arthur sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G”. They’re like children, and it’s both very funny and very annoying
Gwen gets her revenge, of course. She always gets her revenge
They also team up to be like. Super protective of Gwen. The vetting process Arthur had to go through - between Elyan, Leon, AND Merlin - in order to date Gwen was ridiculous
Arthur: Merlin I’m literally your boss. Your friend. You've been my personal manservant for like six years now
Merlin: Yeah, which means I know exactly how much of a dick you are
After being possessed by the druid ghost, Elyan is a lot more in tune with the supernatural
Am I suggesting that Elyan can now see, talk to, and interact with ghosts, and even starts a little agency where he goes around helping them complete their unfinished business? Why yes, yes I am
When Gwen was banished, Elyan wanted to go with her. But she asked him to stay behind and keep an eye on Agravaine, as she suspected him of treachery, and to stop him from taking over Camelot should Agravaine make a move. And, well, Elyan has never been able to say no to his sister
Elyan and Merlin decided to try and find a way to prove Gwen’s innocence. There’s no way she was acting of her own accord, after all. There was some kind of enchantment at play, there had to be. Merlin doesn’t tell him about Shade!Lancelot directly, but does propose it as a theory regarding how Lancelot had come back from the dead. Elyan supports the theory 100%
About two months after the wedding, Merlin and Elyan locate the enchanted bracelet, and Gwen and Lancelot’s names are finally cleared
In Avalon, Elyan, Freya, and Lancelot spend the whole time watching/narrating the events of season 5 like sports commentators. They are all mutually exasperated at Merlin’s antics
When Arthur shows up in Avalon, the only reason Elyan doesn’t punch him in the face is because he’s too busy restraining Lance from doing the same
He does, however, give him a strong talking-to about how “all your magic and you still can’t save my life” is a horrible thing to say actually
Lancelot, however, is more upset about the “I guess I was wrong” speech
Gwaine shows up in Avalon like. SUPER traumatized. He died while being tortured by a nathair, died in a way that he perceived to be failure, and he’s kinda messed up because of that. Elyan, who has already had a few years to cope with nathair torture, is the one who helps Gwaine heal from his trauma
In the 21st century, Elyan gets reincarnated along with everyone else. His childhood is plagued with weird dreams, dreams that terrify him. Snakes and pain, wyverns and fire, all of it. He meets an old man who calls himself Merlin, who helps Elyan through the pain of remembering his past life. For once, Elyan gets to be taken care of instead of the other way around. For once, he is allowed to be vulnerable and weak and struggling. He doesn’t hide his tears. He gets the help he needs and works through his trauma
And one day, many years later, he is walking down the street when he sees someone who looks oddly familiar. The face of an old lover, perhaps
Thanks for the ask! <3
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gwasgy · 3 years
Okay. So. Here’s an elaborate multiple days of brainstorming ideas as they come PracticalMagicnatural AU nonsense. Thank you.
- Bobby and Rufus would be the Aunts and they'd be bffs not siblings and would have Vibes but it would be... hm. This is not a Bufus story is what I'm saying.
- the Curse would be on the men and for the women they love of course (classic fridging :/)
- this works for Bobby, (Rufus,) John, and Sam. (Supernatural is bad)
- so this is where it's kind of. Hm. Bc Sally and Gillian are not one to one for either boy. Where Sally and Gillian BOTH have identities separating family and magic (family business), these ideas are inseparable for the brothers.
- alsooo dean and sam to BE dean and sam they would've had to be "raised" by john until they were at least near-grown, even if they had a home base at Bobby's house.
- John still kills himself with grief MAYBE but it's like /later/ and more through self destruction and revenge and alcoholism, leaving the boys to live their later teenage/early twenties in the Bufus household
- Azazel is the one killing all the Wives in this curse. And if they use The Resurrection Spell to bring them back, he is possessing them
- hmmmmmmmmm they need to still be hunters I think buuut what if. They also did witchcraft.
- Dean would cast the love summoning spell, making it so that he uses angel descriptors unwittingly or on purpose because he doesnt think angels are real and therefore cannot exist for him to fall in love with and kill (bc the curse)
- it would be fun and very cringe fail embarrassing for Dean if sometimes he thought about His Angel and accidentally occasionally prayed to Cas
- Anna could show up and be Dean's red herring
- Dean could be in an About to Die situation and think, as a joke or whatever, "fuck. I never even got to meet that hot angel chick that's in love with me," and Cas shows up (with wings bc hot), saves him, *handprints*, then leaves
- OR. There's a blinding light and screeching noise and Dean blacks out and wakes up with a handprint safe and sound
- Cas and The Guy From Practical Magic That's A Cop both bend the rules of their superiors for their person easily and pliantly. except for the initial pushback. Hm.
- it's weird bc in practical magic there's this whole vibe of I'm Done With Magic And You're Dragging Me Back Into This And Ruining My Life but sammy had gone away and rejected The Life THEN found the woman he loves and THEN tried to resurrect her mayyybeeeee wait wait wait it wouldn’t be Jess bc she isn’t evilll...
- DEAN would be the one with a bad boyfriend that they accidentally kill and have to resurrect... hmmmmm
- maybe it's like a Boy Best Friend of dean's like maybe he is on a hunt with Benny and he accidentally chops his damn head off and tries to resurrect him to cover it up
- and that fucks up something in the afterlife and Cas is sent to Fix The Problem of whatever the fuck happened to this guy's soul when they did this
- it's wonderful to think of the PTA mom shenanigans Dean and Sam could get into but I don't think that Dean would have any sort of kid in this besides maybe jack?
- I mean, it could be that Ben is still around and he was with Lisa but never Loved Her on principal, and left in time so the curse didn't fuck her up, but they're still friends and he will still pick Ben up from school sometimes
- I don't see how the phone tree could work into it but I don't think that it's necessary bc sam and dean and cas's version of this story does not and can not revolve around them being outsiders in their own community but overcoming it and accepting who you are and integrating into the community through girl power and witch magic
- BUT. the potential of sammy being possessed is yeah. It’s extremely. Yeah.
- They could have a nice bonding moment of I'm never gonna leave you you can do this like from Swan Song. Like Sally joining Gilly in the broom circle to help her while she’s being exorcised
- their brotherly bond is NOTHING like Sally and Gillian's, though. Like YES. they would no doubt help bury the body, but they aren't giggling about their love life under the covers together. They simply are not that type of girl
- also I guess there wouldn't be the tension of You're Ruining My Life That I've Constructed Just By Being Here between them.
- Dean WOULD say something shitty about cleaning up Sam's messes though. He is just that type of guy
- Dean can definitely be the one chopping and hacking at the rose bush and cas would DEFINITELY get distracted and heal him in the middle of his conversation with him
- Dean oh dean he and his close Boy Best Friends could totally fuck with the curse. Like-
- Dean: Oh my good friend Benny he’s the first person ive really allowed myself to get attatched to in a while but that’s fine! he can't die because i don't love or like him like that because he's a guy! Haha, I'm not gay! We are just guys being dudes just two bros hanging out :)
Benny: *dies anyway*
Dean: FUCK
- Sammy would totally make that new age witchy herbal shop that Sally had! that would be so fun. Also ft. periphery what the fuck is up with those people type locals
- maybe Rowena shows up still and Crowley is also there hmmmmm and Rowena teaches Sam magic stuff and it gets him to make the supernatural a part of his life again without having to do any hunting hmmmmmmm or it's just another tool in his arsenal and he just always deserves to have magic powers
- the supernatural ladies could work in the shop :) like Meg and Rowena and Ruby anndddd Alya :) Ava? The psychic hunger games MVP girl
- or all the kids work at that shop!! I miss those dang kids. Max, the twins, death lesbian, Jake, electric guy, and all them :)
- Rowena is like a witchy shop owner up in town that buys Sam's wares to sell in the city #CareerWoman #GirlBoss
- Jody and Donna can also hang out I guess. Since we're at Bobby's place
- Dean casts the love summoning spell after either Regular Heartbreak with Cassie, his first love, when he was 15 or whatever, OR after the behated Boy Best Friend death. Hmmmmmm
- it makes more sense for the story for dean to have someone die on him and apply to the curse. But I don't wanna kill Benny ):
- well I don't think he was ever In Love with Crowley or Benny like he was with Cassie (or even Lisa)
- when he was 15 or 14 and John was still around but had left him at the Bufus household he got hold of that love summoning spell and made sure it was impossible so he would never experience heartache again. He does so while crying teenagishly and 11 year old sam is like. Why the fuck are you summoning this weird monster girl to fall in love with you
- and Dean is like no no this kind of monster doesn't exist. Anyway they'd have glowing blue eyes and they're as big as a building and and they hear me whenever I call no matter far away
- Sam: that...... sounds like an angel, dean.
Dean, having already done the spell: WHAT. NO. NO IT'S NOT IT IS SO NOT LIKE AN ANGEL. ANGELS AREN'T REAL
- Cas in Heaven, a bunch of flower petals swirling around him: what the fuck is that. That's weird
- Cas like 13 years later when he sees a cajun zombie vampire demon: okay I'm already getting weird prayers from some guy down there I'm just gonna check that out
- by the time Cas gets down there they've killed it again and buried it and hmm
- It's weird because it's the opposite of Practical Magic here bc Cas is the one that needs to be believed about something supernatural BY dean
- what if they accidentally kill JOHN instead of a hot bf. Dean kills John bc John tries to kill Sam, and they panickedly try to resurrect him immediately
- yeah yeah yeah yeah and John, possessed by Azazel, gets killed again while still being possessed and is buried underground. There can still be a rose bush and frogs and whatnot
- I doon't know why Bobby and Rufus would just leave the brothers in their house if John was alive until then?
- Alright John's been missing for like 5 years and the boys have just been living there and assumed he's dead. Then he comes for Sammy bc Sam is Turning Evil or whatever and John's a huge loser about it
- so Bufus is like "you guys are acting insane and you aren't telling us what's wrong so we’re just going to leave and you're going to sort it out yourself." Like the aunts
- then, when cas shows up to track down the weird resurrected demon-possessed serial killer abomination Dean and Cas are EMBARRASSING like completely totally absolutely embarrassing cringe fail love where they can't talk normal with eachother and Cas keeps getting too close and staring but Dean forgets to tell him to back off or anything and he just stammers uselessly through thin dumb lies
- there aren't any children there to comically thwart Sam's plans to get rid of Castiel as he is investigating Dean and Sam but it could end similarly
- where Cas finds Sam making a small angel banishing symbol and is like "okay. You guys aren't to be trusted and you're doing something evil (and i don't understand what’s happening to me when i’m around Dean). I'm just straight up going to leave then" and boom he's gone
- the fight Sally and Gillian have right before Gillian gets possessed can play out pretty damn similarly with Sam and Dean, but it's a LOT different too
- like it's their DAD not some random serial killer bf. You can't choose your dingdang dad! So the part of "I cant keep cleaning up your messes" WHOSE MESSES who even says that to who whose mess could this even be
- Sam has a girlfriend that dies from the curse and it’s bc of being caught in the crossfire when Hunter Bullshit Happens. The Women of the Winchesters’ way. So he moves back specifically to get back into hunting and witchcraft to BREAK the curse hmmmmm.
- Much like Sally with Michael’s death. “I don't care what he comes back as. As long he comes back. Please do this for me. Please? Please? Please? Please?” :(
- I think Dean is an Of Course I’m Not Going To Fall In Love kinda character, like younger Sally before Michael. very pessimistic very self depreciating. He only confides his deepest darkest desires (to be loved simply and openly without fear of the Curse taking anyone. To be held and to take care of someone who will appreciate it) in his fakey fake pretend prayers to his imaginary angel (this turns out to be very cringe fail embarrassing when Cas shows up)
- Cas holds onto these prayers like Hallet (the cop from movie) does with Sally’s letter to Gillian, not knowing or understanding why he’s so fixated on them and why he can’t stop reading them/playing them back/listening in
- John… maybe he was pulling a Gordon and was killing all the psychic kids and was eventually going to have to kill Sam, and Cas was for some reason Put On The Case as an angel or was Allowed to Interfere or whatever bc it was fudging up God’s Plan
- and that’s how Cas justified being so fixated and taking notes on Dean’s prayers, like Hallet did with the letter. It was a good lead. It was about their father, and Sam seemed to be having psychic tendencies or whatever that could turn dangerous
- Okay okayokayokay so Sally and Gillian’s story is them escaping the ostracization they feel from the people in their physical regional community. The Owen’s family has always been outsiders, even before the curse came into being. They are persecuted for being witches (and sleeping around and being sexy).
- the sisters try to escape this either by just LEAVING: going to a place they can be themself without shame, or assimilating and abandoning a part of themself so that they can stay.
- the Winchester brothers are, I guess, ostracized by the hunting community because they are kept away from it and moved around a lot in the show. Okay okay okay okay okaywaitwaitwait
- Okay so the Winchesters feel alienated from both civilians and the hunting community, and they both eventually choose to do similar things to Sally and Gilly..! Sam LEAVES and assimilates, while Dean stays and just accepts his role his father gave him.
- Gilly and Sam LEAVE, while Dean and Sally STAY. Gillian and Dean embrace what makes them Different, while Sally and Sam reject it in favor of Being Normal
- The witchcraft/hunting thing especially doesn’t mesh well here though because Hunting is KILLING it’s literally murdering sentient beings. It’s war propaganda it’s desensitizing you to Even Though The Enemy Is Capable Of Good Individually They Are, As A Group, Evil And Should Be Slaughtered.
- Witchcraft in Practical Magic is just… a way of life that’s considered outside the accepted norms of society. It’s being openly queer, it’s being from a different country of origin, it’s being non-christian religious in a small town. Accepting witchcraft doesn’t have any moral good or badness, it’s just with or without the consequences of being “out” in your area. While accepting Hunting as a lifestyle is to accept putting yourself in bodily danger doing morally ambiguous/BAD things to protect people you can’t relate to or find a community in. Hmmmmmmmmmm
- Sam and Sally both have natural talents/instincts but don't want to use it in favor of being "normal"
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thedeaditeslayer · 4 years
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Exclusive interview: Bruce Campbell is having a renaissance.
Here’s a highly recommended interview which discusses what Bruce Campbell has in store for fans in the future.
Bruce Campbell is experiencing a creative renaissance, of sorts. In a recent chat with the actor, he discussed a return to his horror roots, cutting a comedy album with Ted Raimi and so much more.
Bruce Campbell hasn’t been idle during his time in self-isolation. The actor has been experiencing a creative renaissance of sorts. So, we figured now would be a perfect time to reach out and get some of our burning questions answered.
With so much uncertainty in the entertainment industry at present, rumors are running rampant. We gave Campbell a chance to clear the air so to speak and address some of the myriad of questions that fans have regarding Mortal Kombat 11, the latest Evil Dead incarnation, Ripley’s and whether or not he will work with Sam Raimi in front of the camera again.
The actor also surprised us with some monumental news. He will be returning to his horror roots with the sequel to My Name Is Bruce as well as several other projects that he has on his docket including a comedy album with one of his closest friends.
Get comfy, grab your favorite beverage and let’s catch up with Bruce Campbell.
Mortal Kombat 11, Ripley’s and the State of the Industry
1428 Elm: Thanks for speaking with us, Bruce. It’s always a pleasure. We have so many things to discuss. Recently, a site came out and said that you were definitely going to be Ash in Mortal Kombat 11. It seemed like a done deal the way it was reported. Can you comment on that?
Bruce Campbell: I probably shouldn’t emphasize yes or no because I don’t know. I have not been told. If it is not through my agent or proper channels than it usually means its wishful thinking.
1428 Elm: Apparently, an email from Warner Brothers Interactive was sent to a well-known entertainment site and Ash as well as Army of Darkness was mentioned in it with the trademark from MGM.
BC: The reason why it may not happen, just so you and the readers can know this, a lot of time for legal purposes, that character cannot appear in other things because of the license. If you can’t make a deal, that character is not going to show up. So, we may have been talked to about it.
But I do know with MGM that handles the Army of Darkness licensing that they’re hasn’t been a discussion with them about it. They’re pretty touchy. We have to be careful of ownership.
I honestly don’t know. I think I would have heard something. It’s not like my agent books me without consulting with me.
Even if Mortal Kombat came to me and said they want to put me in it, you still have to make a deal. If my agent says, “Bruce Campbell wants a hundred billion dollars,” and then they say no, the deal is dead.
The answer is we don’t know. No point in beating around about that.
1428 Elm: You might not be able to discuss this but what’s going on with Ripley’s Believe It or Not!? Will there be a Season 2?
BC: We’re one and done. It’s not your father’s Travel Channel anymore. If I wanted to host a ghost hunting show, I’d be on the air right now.
Ripley’s was made for the older school Travel Channel like Drive-Ins and Dive Bars where you go to wacky places around the country. There is a big push for paranormal, mystery and science-fiction, Discovery type stuff. I think we just “out aged” ourselves.
1428 Elm: It would have been nice if the Science Channel would have picked it up.
BC: It’s all good. I remain philosophical about all shows that come and go. There are so many factors involved. You change executives and things change, companies get bought and sold and things change, ratings aren’t what you expected…
After this virus, we’re going to see what shape the motion picture industry is in. It’s going to be a wounded beast. Projects are going to go away.
You’re going to have fewer tentpole movies too. I am hopeful we’ll have a return to low budget filmmaking.
That’s what I hope comes out of it. Each studio will start a low budget division and spend the money wisely.
Number One on the Charts with a Bullet
BC (Cont.): In the meantime, what is nice, I’m finishing up a couple of projects. I’m hoping by the end of the year to put a book of essays out and a comedy album with Ted Raimi.
1428 Elm: A comedy album?
BC: Yeah, we finished it. I’m in post-production on it. I’m putting all the sound effects in now.
1428 Elm: That sounds great!
BC: Who knows? We’ve never done one before so we’re going to find out.
1428 Elm: So, you guys are harkening back to the 1960’s when comedians like Bob Newhart had hit albums?
BC: It’s our version of that. I used to listen to the top comedy albums during the 60’s and 70’s. I wouldn’t dare compare myself to any of the masters like Mel Brooks and the 2,000-Year-Old Man with Carl Reiner. We gave it a shot. I love audio and I like radio plays.
Bruce Campbell vs the Classic Monsters
1428 Elm: So, tell us what is going on with your political satire, House Divided. Are you still working on pitching that once everything gets back to business as usual?
BC: It will be on the sales block. It’s a harder sell. There’s no blood. It’s not a horror movie, it’s a political satire. Associating Bruce Campbell with political satire isn’t the first thing investors whip out their checkbooks for.
To combat that, I just finished writing a sequel to My Name Is Bruce. The idea is we want to take Bruce and have him go through each of the classic film monsters. The sequel is Bruce vs Frankenstein.
We’re done. I finished my draft and sent it to Mike Richardson, my partner at Dark Horse Comics. We’re actively looking for money on that one. It is the Expendables of Horror. I fully intend to load the cast with so many familiar horror faces. It should be a lot of fun.
It would be a cavalcade of genre stars, old, young, on TV now. We really want to cover the bases. A lot of people will be getting killed. Guest star kills. Basically, Bruce bumbles his way into being a hero.
1428 Elm: Will you have to go through Universal to get permission to use the classic monsters?
BC: Some stuff is public domain. I’m not a lawyer but we would figure out a way to do this.
I think the bolts on Frankenstein’s neck are trademarked, as well as certain looks. But you can make a Frankenstein. That story is under public domain.
It’s also a parody of a Frankenstein movie and that gives a lot of leeway legally as well. I don’t think you can say, “Wolfman,” but I think you can say Bruce vs the Werewolf. This is my version of the Bob Hope road movies.
Ted has two parts; I have two parts for Robert Englund and I have a couple of parts for Kane Hodder. If they’re a name, I am going to put them in it.
After we come out of the zombie apocalypse that we’re in and everyone gets back to work, that is what I will be actively pitching. There’s plenty going on. So, I have been self-isolating in a constructive way.
It’s an Evil Dead World
1428 Elm: We’re curious about the 1970’s period piece that you were working on when we talked to you last year. What happened with that?
BC: It’s currently on my action board. I will eventually get to it. I am going to finish my book of essays first and then I am going to get to that one.
The story is set in 1979. The idea behind it is what would have happened if us raising money for Evil Dead went horribly, horribly wrong. It becomes a horror movie in and of itself.
1428 Elm: How did this idea come to fruition?
BC: I was going through projects in my computer. People who have a lot of downtime do spring cleaning. Clean out your woodshed, toolshed when you have extra time. In this case, I went to the head of my projects folder.
This one popped up and it was just an outline that I had written 15 years ago. I thought, wait a minute, this is pretty well thought out.
In the 70’s, filmmaking was real, you didn’t have a lot of options. You had to get cameras from a certain place, you had to have insurance. There were a lot of steps that you had to take that made the process really difficult.
I remember making calls for money from payphones in blizzards and s*** like that. You had to leave messages, you’re getting busy signals, you’re not texting anyone. There are no computers, there’s no email, its old school. You sent things in the mail.
Today, filmmaking is not difficult. I can go to a store and buy a 4K camera. I can make a movie with $5,000 worth of equipment. Probably less.
1428 Elm: Well, you can do it on your phone too. Sam Raimi is on Quibi now with 50 States of Fright, which is entertainment tailored to your device. If his series continues once everything settles, do you think there’s a chance you might appear on the show?
BC: Never say never, that’s all verbally at this point. They have to succeed; they have to survive. Any new format, any new platform, I’m game and if Sam’s involved all the more reason.
1428 Elm: Have you ever thought of doing anything like Quibi?
BC: Not yet. I’m used to writing 90-page screenplays with a three-act format. I can adapt anything too.
I was thinking the other day, I have a few screenplays that might be tough sells but maybe I might convert them to a fricking novel and put them out as books. There’s lots to do. I’ve got plenty going on.
1428 Elm: Has the current situation affected the new Evil Dead? We remember that you talked about possibly going into production at the end of this year. Is that pushed back like everything else?
BC: No, not really. It was so early in the stages that we can keep going. I just read the first official draft today. So, then we’ll give notes and additional writing will take place.
Then you have to budget the thing so you know how much money you need to raise and then you have to get the money. Nothing will stop any of that.
You can make calls for money, you can send the script to people, you can do budgets. The only thing that will be affected will be the actual start date. Which we didn’t know anyway. We may end up not being delayed at all.
Many thanks to Bruce Campbell for chatting with us.
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freeshavacado · 4 years
My thoughts while reading Gone by Michael Grant:
* wait how old is Sam
* He do be liking Astrid doe
* Damn so Sam is a Leader
* Ew Orc is an 8th grader? 🤮
* Ok I googled it Sam is 14
* I like Quinn
* Sam thinks he’s so awkward but he’s actually really chill so far
* Poor Mary :(
* Howard’s a bitch
* Cut to Quinn being a racist motherfucker
* I love Edilio
* Sam is WHIPPED for Astrid
* Orc is such a piece of shiiiiiit
* Poor thing is in so much pain
* Patrick her dog is alive so that’s good
* She’s deadass slowly dying
* Thank god her arm is better
* I want to make this into a TV series
* If Sam and Astrid don’t kiss at some point I swear
* Hahahaha Sam do be shirtless rn
* Why isn’t Astrid happy to see Little Pete???
* Aw Mary has had bulimia since she was ten :(
* Ok so what she just took her Prozac and then threw up? Wouldn’t the pill go up too? I think your stomach/body needs like 30 minutes to absorb it into the blood stream...
* Bruh my ass would be so exhausted
* Quinn low key an ass tho
* Lol edilio isn’t standing for this bullshit
* Lmaooo Astrid knew 💀
* Omg little Pete has it too
* Wow Quinn is an asshole pt 2
* I feel like Caine is gonna be a villain...like he’s pretty AND nice? Nah bro too good to be true
* Fucking Orc god 😒😒😒
* Caine is up to some shit 🤨
* Lmao hold up
* Diana probably whipped tho
* Sam please only be a simp for Astrid 😩
* I bet Drake is hot
* Aww computer Jack :) DONT YOU TURN ON ME SON
* “The captain is already maintaining” Bullshit 💀
* Are they really gonna call this eighth grader ‘Captain’?
* Lol making Sam the fire chief because he was brave enough to go into a fire one time, so therefore he is the most qualified
* Bruh that’s like if I gave a kid the Heimlich maneuver bc he was choking on a gummy worm or some shit and they were like “Well because she did that, she should be the head doctor!!!”
* I already know that Diana is gonna try and seduce Sam while she’s actually a spy for the private school kids
* Which, btw, of course it’s the private school kids smh
* I feel like maybe Computer Jack will be someone who eventually switches to the Good Side
* ALSO wow jack really be thinking that he’s smarter than Astrid smh 🙄
* Jack is such a smartsass
* Diana is such a fucking bitch oh my god 😒😒😒
* “You don’t look tough, Astrid” STFU SHES THE TOUGHEST OF THEM ALL
* Ok but I bet Diana and Astrid low key have sexual tension. Like obviously nothing’s gonna happen...but still
* Bruh I hate Caine
* Fuckin Diana with her ‘readings’ bullshit smh
* YESSSS LANA 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so strong
* Literally how do they not know how to make pasta
* “I thought your people ate tortillas,” QUINN YOU RACIST PEICE OF SHIT UGH
* Poor Bette :(
* Orc is a piece of shit, I know we’ve already established this but I wanted to say it again
* I love Edilio so much
* Orc really using a slur against Edilio huh. Imma kill him
* Drake is such a bastard oh my god
* If you hate Quinn and you know it clap your hands 👏🏻👏🏻
* No seriously. I fucking hate him.
* Nooooo Bette died :((
* “I can’t kiss you with your little brother watching” AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
* Did they kiss or not wtf
* What the hell is up with this cat
* Ah so they did kiss!!
* Why didn’t I get details 🤨
* No a baby died 😞
* Quinn s u c k s
* How convenient that Sam got there *right* before Emma disappeared
* Those last 6 minutes before Anna disappeared too and was calling out to her sister, and so for what she thought was her last few minutes on earth she held sams hand :(
* Lol Diana sucks
* ‘WoRDs DONT sCArE mE’ shut up Drake
* Okay Computer Jack is definitely going to betray them because they underestimate him and take him for granted
* You’re telling me Caine and Sam could be TWINS???
* Why was the kiss ‘a mistake’ ?
* Okay NOW they’re awkward
* “But it was the first time I meant it” I CANT. ITS SO CHEESY
* These kids are crazy violent
* Fuck Diana
* Yikes now Sam only has some of his eyebrows left 😬
* Caine is in love with Diana 👀
* Little Pete might be more powerful than Caine 😛
* Diana: I really dislike you Astrid: of course you dislike me, I make you feel inferior
* Mmmm Quinn is trying to redeem himself
* “Don’t call me brah. I’m not your brother” OHHHHHHHHHHH HE REALLY WENT THERE
* that’s what you get for being a backstabbing asshole
* Poor Astrid :(
* Poor Little Pete :(
* Bro I need this to be a movie
* I love that Sam just punched Quinn like we had no choice but to stan
* Ok drake would definitely shoot up a school
* Fuck Drake
* Lana is so strong. Like she’s been in so much pain physically and mentally, and she almost died. But she saved herself and now even though she thinks she might be the only person left alive on earth, she is still keeping strong.
* What happens if the boat runs out of gas?
* Bruh these coyotes don’t give up
* “Go out” “You’ll kill me,” “Yes. Go out, die fast. Stay, die slow”
* Wowwwwwwwwwww^
* Lmaooo “L.P.”
* Awwww Sam: “...she was still so beautiful that sometimes he had to look away.”
* Okay he a lil’ horny
* Awe Astrid and Sam hugging I’m soft 🥺
* I’m so sick of these damn coyotes
* Bruh these coyotes 😒
* Diana is annoying
* Literally can’t remember who Andrew is, but they’re about to film his passing away like wtf
* Poor Andrew :(
* “You’re a deep sleeper, Jack. Just now, while you were sleeping? I held your pudgy little hand. Probably as close as you’ll ever get to holding hands with a girl. Assuming you even like girls.” FUCK YOU DIANA
* Okay so Diana will protect Jack as long as he ‘belongs’ to her and does what ever she wants? That’s pretty sus
* Sam and Astrid kissed again 😖☺️
* Lmaooo Albert over here running McDonald’s
* Salads disappeared quickly from the McDonald’s menu since this whole thing? Who the hell orders a salad from McDonald’s?
* So Albert kinda whipped for Mary 👀
* I haaaaatttteeee the private school kids
* Y’know what depending on where I was and who I was with in this situation, I might’ve just killed myself
* “Remember who owns you” ew 🤨
* Diana. I hate you
* Bro I feel bad for Andrew
* How is Lana back at the cabin?
* That IS Lana right??
* Okay things are moving fast between Sam and Astrid. Like she’s already saying “I just want you here with me. Safe” like 🤢
* Lana, about Sam: your boyfriend? Astrid: ThAts nOt WhAt iTs AbouT
* Lol Lana be out here like “yeah shits crazy. Get with the program”
* Ew they’re eating pudding with their hands 🤮
* I don’t care how hungry you are, that’s gross
* Like get a spoon or something
* Lana just called Astrid “smart girl Barbie” 🤨
* Part of me is like “lol” but the other part of me is like “bruh stop Astrid did nothing wrong”
* I still hate Quinn but he is kind of funny
* Lana calling Astrid “the blonde” like girl 😑
* Bruh you’re stuck in a house that is literally on fire and getting hotter by the second as it fills with smoke, now is not the time to be kissing Astrid
* Finally the damn coyotes are gone.
* Sam is so angry and he’s disgusted with himself for being so angry, I relate
* Fuck you, Quinn
* Fuck drake
* I would gladly kill Drake
* omg I love it 😩
* Lmaooooo Sams speech wow
* Sam you should NOT forgive Quinn. Especially not that fast. Yikes.
* Orc should feel bad for killing Bette. I have no pity for him rn
* Yes please kill drake.
* I am so happy that his arm is on fire. 100% he deserves to feel that pain
* Aww that’s kinda nice that Albert is planning thanksgiving dinner for everyone
* I hate drake so much like dude just shut up and leave everyone alone
* Orc oh my god I could not be rolling my eyes harder right now
* Tbh if Orc and his other friends die, I’m okay with that
* What tf is up with this DVD
* Little Pete caused all of this??? 😦
* I’m sooooo sick of this whole darkness and coyote stuff istg
* Where is Patrick?????
* If Patrick is dead imma throw hands
* Diana is such an evil person. Like Drake is a monster, but she’s horrible in a different way.
* Also ughhhhhhhhhh Drake is back 😒😒😒😒😒 so sick of that mf
* “So. When do we go take down Sam Temple?” 🙄🙄🙄 no one likes you Drake
* IM. S O F T
* (like my brain is still saying “y’all have talked for less than two weeks and you’re 14”)
* But like whatever 😭❤️
* My eyes just rolled into the back of my skull once Diana appeared
* Taylor low key flirting with Sam tho 👀
* When I first met Dekka, I was all: ‘what the hecka?’
* I’m crying because Quinn couldn’t kill Drake because he was scared, and now children are screaming. Ugh I really wanted him to kill Drake but I understand that killing someone is a crazy thing to have on your conscience
* Call me cold hearted, but I would’ve shot him
* This is all in theory of course ^ I bet if I was in that situation though it wouldn’t be as easy as “just shoot him”
* I don’t think I’ve ever been more annoyed with a fictional character than I am with Drake rn
* Yooo I bet Isabella has some animal powers or sumn
* Caine 🙄🙄🙄 like that emoji doesn’t even come close to describing how annoyed I am
* Wait so is Patrick back now or...?
* Caine really just. Kissed Diana. Because she “owed him”????
* I literally hate sooooooooo many characters in this book ugh 😒😒😒
* Quinn is watching Drake kill Sam and is doing nothing. I’m so done with this piece of shit
* Ok finally he tried to shoot him
* “You know it always gets me hot when you say ‘apt analogy.’” “Why do you think I do it?”
* Y’all 🥴🥴🥴
* Literally? Imagine being this heartless. Giving up hundreds of kids to coyotes without hesitation. The hate I have for Caine is real
* Once again, Orc feeling bad for what he did to Bette. And honestly? I’m still okay with that
* This kid is an a l c o h o l i c
* Computer Jack is so annoying like dude stop holding on to Sams leg. Literally
* Still hate Diana, but I like that she’s helping out Sam a little bit
* Ew Diana just kissed Sam on the corner of his mouth 🤢
* Yay Patrick is alive :)
* “I guess we won,” Sam said. “Yeah,” Edilio agreed. “I’ll get the backhoe. Got a lot of holes to dig.”
* ^im. Depressed
* I cannot for the life of me remember who Cookie is
* “Orc sat with Howard in a corner by themselves. Orc had fought Drake to a standstill. But no one-least of all Orc-had forgotten Bette.”
* ^good.
* Y’all Sam and Astrid flirting I- 🥴🥴
* We love to see it ^
* Awww “we’re going to the beach” y’all Astrid and Sam are so cute
* FUCK. Goddamn this cliffhanger 😡
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vore-scientist · 5 years
Idea: A pair of adventures inspired by Journey to the West arrive at the tower. By that I mean one is a generally nice person with a nasty habit of being kidnapped, and his guard who is extremely overpowered and extremely impulsive.
Ok, i’ve definitely listened to a summary of that story at least once and doesn’t it involve like, a monkey god king? 
(ok i’ve looked it up and ive only heard the first part/introduction of the story adfaf)
After reading a quick summary I can see exactly how this goes down, and again, bc i dont know when i’ll have time to actually write it, I’ll bullet point a summary here and now
idk if Sophia is in this or not. Maybe she is. ACTUALLY YEAH SHE IS 
I could make this plot relevant if she is!!
So, clearly there is a Very Important Person with a Very Important Destiny. I will call them Vip, who has of course, the bodyguart you described, I will call them Shomer (which is guard in hebrew). The pair has been on their Epic Journey for a while of course, Vip getting kidnapped and Shomer rescuing them. it’s not super well known yet, but those who need to know, know. 
One of those people who Know is Ben of Orr, and welcomes the pair to the Kingdom of Orr with a nice little banquet and stuff (Vip is not royal, but is important kind of like an ambassador for their kingdom as a part fo this), and tells them that as part of the journey, their next stop need to be the Mystic Woods, they are to travel through it. It’s dangerous and will be an excellent challenge. 
Ben calls up Yonah and tells Yonah that a pair of Epic Journeyers  will be passing through the forest, and Ben will ensure they enter Yonah’s territory. Yonah is to kidnap Vip, and wait for Vip to be rescued. Yes he will be paid for this. 
I can’t really think of a way for the kidnapping to happen so im saying it happens! Yay! 
Now Vip is with Yonah and Sophia, and after some formalities they all drop the pretense of hero and villain bc it’s gonna be some time for Shomer to find the tower
In the meantime, Vip just hangs out at the tower for a day (the kidnapping was the previous evening). Bc i love to use the garden, they show off the garden. Vip is probably given some rare specimens unique to the region to bring back 
but Yonah and Sophia have like, their normal stuff to do, lessons and stuff. Yonah calls Ben that night to see how Shomer is doing and Ben is just “listen, that’s cheating, go out and see if he’s around, call back tomorrow if you dont find him”
So they do. Next day they do a little patrol, but they dont find him. 
But Vip, who has a Very Important Destiny and is a very perceptive, keys into a few things when seeing how Sophia is treated by the forest, and declares that They and Her are alike! They wish her luck with her story, for it will surely be grand. Sophia laughs this off. 
But later that night, When Sophia goes to sleep, bc it was a big day for her, Yonah talks to Vip, asking them what they were on about earlier. 
Vip says that it’s clear Sophia is special, the forest really likes her, the magic seemed so much more calm in the forest when with her than when they were traveling with Shomer. Yonah has kinda noticed this, but the forest never  “liked” Yonah bc Ben doesn’t like Yonah, and has assumed that Ben has been just, getting softer, but what if it’s not Ben, what if it’s the forest itself. 
Vip says maybe it’s just bc she’s Ben’s daughter, but they dont know much about the Mystic Woods, their kindgom isn’t an Arcane Territory. 
At this point, Shomer arrives! Here to save Vip from the evil giant mage! 
There is a fun little fight, Shomer has fought a LOT of monsters and magical people, but Yonah does beat him
and eats him…
This freaks Vip out, surely Yonah wasn’t supposed to kill the guard! that’s not part of the story! Sure sometimes that happens, and new guards are brought in… but… Yonah… he’s not a mindless beast, nor is he an independent villain. He been so personable! So hospitable! They were getting along! Why the fuck would he kill Shomer? (Shomer is very much freaking out)
Yonah is going to explain when Sophia runs in (Sophia woke up to the commotion and runs out to catch the action)
Vip screams at her about Yonah having eaten Shomer! 
She’s all angry that she missed out on the fight and didn’t get to see Shomer get eaten. 
Vip is now very freaked out, the princess knew Yonah planned on eating Shomer? Yonah had planned this the entire time? And she was OK WITH IT? 
Yonah gets control of the room and reveals that he’s not gonna kill Shomer, but it’s always good to take a hero down a peg, a little humility never hurt anyone!
So he spits Shomer back up, Shomer is embarrassed that he “failed” to rescue Vip, but is glad to be alive. Boy he’s… really tired… He’s been running around the forest for TWO DAYS. 
So they stay the rest of the night, are resupplied with rations and water, thanking Yonah and Sophia for adding to their Epic!
this will make for a very exciting chapter, once edited out the part where Yonah was just faking it. Instead maybe Yonah was just playing with Vip the whole time, waiting for the guard to show up, and then revealed his true colors! That Vip had to trick or persuade Yonah into spitting Shomer up, maybe even be eaten, but with something that makes Yonah sick! They’ll work it out with some editors. 
Sophia goes back to bed after snuggling with Yonah for a bit, maybe with a hot cup of tea. Yonah’s not ready for bed yet. 
he calls up Ben one more time. Informing him of the great success! Ben is pleased. But before Ben can hang up, Yonah said he needs to talk to him, it’s about Sophia. Ben asks if something is wrong, Yonah doesn’t think so. But he tells Ben about the observations. Ben frowns. That is unusual, he has not been encouraging the forest to be kind to Sophia at all, he tries a moment to connect to the forest about this, but it’s being fickle. He tells Yonah that they will need to keep an eye on this developing situation. 
and END
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vardasvapors · 7 years
Uh unfortunately i’m not too drunk since once again my job was to bounce everyone once the party ended but uhhh it is early morning and i’m still not asleep and i did just spend 5 hours dancing and doing shots so...
ANYWAY: first scene of the Akallabeth, remember how the edain were the only Men who fought against morgoth in the war of wrath etc, and when morgoth was defeated the Evil Men who fought for him ran away and conquered all the Stupid Men who were still living in the middle earth area and these men’s lives sucked and were constantly attacked by orcs and monsters and they were dumb and wild and stuff. this explanation is like 20 kinds of LMAO NARRATIVES but also not like, in a lying way, just in a framing way.
otoh the edain got given a giant island in the middle of the ocean as a reward for fighting against morgoth and stuff, osse and aule and yavanna did it. (valar: ‘have an island way out in the sea’ elros: ‘SOUNDS LEGIT’). meanwhile the elves of ME are long-sufferingly granted permission to come to tol eressea because their lives kinda suck. the difference in the tone of the edain’s gift and the elves’ gift is totally not noticed by the narrator but the fact that avallone was build on the eastern edge of tol eressea where it could be seen from numenor is. lol.
there’s this super gorgeous entrancing description of how earendil burned super bright so that he shone night and day and the edain followed him over the calm enchanted sea until they found the island of numenor -- andor the land of gift, elenna that is starwards. however we all know all this incredible rich storytelling stuff isn’t important compared to the tiny scrap of smugness that can be wrung out of making elros hate earendil and/or elves, bc everyone knows that no character’s narrative matters except the feanorians’.
elves of ME also brought all the edain to numenor and elves of tol eressea gave the edain a ton of tools and gifts and stuff to help build their new nation, but you know it’s fun to headcanon elros as a bitter chest-puffing supercilious self-satisfied little prick who finds these elves embarrassing and blinkered and their existence pitiful and tut-tuttingly Wrong. bc that makes sense and is woke for some reason.
the numenoreans became taller than all the sons of middle earth, not all the men of middle earth, so numenoreans are taller than elves. also they didn’t have a lot of kids, bc i guess population explosions on islands with almost no death outside of like 300 years of old age is a Bad Time.
also “and the light of their eyes was like the bright stars” hahahahahahahahaha lmao! kill me! lies down. does not get up.
the numenoreans are super cool and get to talk and visit with both elves of tol eressea and elves of middle earth, which seems to lead to the completely inescapable conclusion that numenor is a place where the peoples of all lands can pass messages to one another but this is never mentioned. the numenoreans could totally also have prob defeated the evil human kings of middle earth if they tried but they were totes peaceful -- at an undefined point in time. nice vague timeline blurring bruh.
instead they like, instructed the dumb middle earth men on how to grow grain and grind flour and make stuff out of wood bc uh i guess the middle earth men are too dumb to figure it out, for “the ordering of their life, such as it might be in the lands of swift death and little bliss” hahahahahaha this is the most condescending line in the entire silm it’s great.
then the numenoreans start getting dissatisfied with how they still gotta die and stuff. it’s vaguely described as being something to do with how even their long lives are still not as long as elves’ loves, but every time i read this it reminds me how pissed about mortality i’d be if my great-great-great-uncle who was totally allowed to choose to become immortal kept popping in to talk about how he got to see the cool millennia of my country’s history first hand and debate with my revered ancestral founding king. so.
however the numenoreans totally brush over these sorts of super compelling and sympathetic and valid points and instead just whine about how they’re A Bigshot Kewl Superior Race and HDU Say We Can’t Control Everything If We Wanna, 36 Presents? But Last Century I Got 37! because they’re fucking useless dumbasses.
The valar reply that Aman Will Not Make You Immortal, Yo, and also that elves being immortal and men being mortal aren’t rewards or punishments, which are reasonable points. they then go on to go ‘TBH shouldn’t WE be the ones envying YOU bc you get to peace out of this clusterfuck world, huh, huh whaddaya think about that. also btw the whole mortality thing is some Secret Plan To Fight Inflation eru came up with, and none of us will know it until you and a bajillion generations of your descendants are all dead, lol!!!!’ THANKS VALAR. THAT’S REALLY HELPFUL. GREAT JOB OF ACTUALLY ADDRESSING ANYTHING THE NUMENOREANS ARE BOTHERED ABOUT. KUDOS. i love dumb gods.
the numenoreans are super dissatisfied but instead of anything constructive the king decides to hold his breath and throw a tantrum stay king until he’s totally senile and his son is old, bc of spite, then numenor gets divided into the king’s men and the faithful. the faithful are also bleh about death but assume that the valar have some kind of good reason for what they said, because um, reasons, i guess. no one says if the reasons are more mindless dogma or more a grounding and strengthening faith, but since numenoreans sound like RL humans to a tee it’s probably both. the king’s men aren’t skeptics tho -- they just conquer and enslave and colonize and steal from middle earth, bc ‘the west was denied to them.’ some fans find this to be a ‘yes, but--’ where it’s not the best thing to do but sympathetic and better than those un-nietzschean faithful. i’m gonna assume every single person who finds this nod-worthy is as White as sour cream.
later on Ar-Gimilzor bans the Faithful’s language, sends secret police or smth to find out everyone who is Faithful and forcibly remove them from their homes, relocate them to Romenna, and corral and watch them, call them and the elves of tol eressea spies, chase them out of numenor, and force the faithful leader’s sister to marry the king. some fans still somehow think this was a morally grey and understandable thing to do because secular-culturally-christian libs are vile and have never parsed a history book in their lives.
Tar-Palantir becomes king after being secretly taught Faithful stuff by his secretly faithful mom, but nothing he does to fix things helps and he eventually dies young from depression. His daughter Tar-Miriel becomes queen but her cousin Ar-Pharazon forces her to marry him and give him the kingship instead. exactly how this happened remains unexplained! Boo! I want more details. Anyway Pharazon is a Fragile Masculinity poster boy and when sauron starts causing trouble he decides he’s just gotta go capture him and bring him to numenor to show off and stroke his ego, bc he is an Heir Of Eärendil and Respect Meehhh!! God this guy sounds SO UNPLEASANTLY FAMILIAR DOESN’T HE EH. (parenthetically i am delighted beyond words at how absolutely bang-on it is that the King’s Men, both here and earlier with the convo with the Valar, totally Do Not Mention the fact that they’re heirs of Elros, not just Earendil, bc that would be super inconvenient to their vision of themselves and their mortality grievance!! lol!!! i love it!!!! god!!!!!!!! *fingers and thumb in a circle emoji*).
anyway sauron is super smart and an awesomesauce genre-savvy villain and way too good for pharazon and he flatters him and manipulates him into making him his councilor and convinces him that the valar are lying and and to worship morgoth and slaughter the faithful by sacrificing them on.....hm....altars....as rebels and as scapegoats for all numenor’s Problems(TM)....>_>....lmao tolkien can be really fucking dumb and scattered about his mythology and religion patchworking, and yet the wokeness-masturbating section of fandom is infinitely worse in the most predictable ways.
WHITE TREE FRACTALS (this time featuring bonus BAMF and Super Awesome And Lovable 21 Year Old Isildur......have i mentioned recently how much i hate peter jackson......)
anyway when Pharazon has a mid-life crisis about getting old sauron also convinces him he can become immortal by invading aman, which he should totally do bc The Strong Do What They Will And The Weak Bear What They Must (remember this is tragically admirable if flawed, because it’s defying fate!) and a super armament is built to invade aman and ar-Pharazon’s ex-bff Amandil who’s secretly friends with the Faithful freaks and makes secret plans to sail to valinor to beg the valar to do something and has his son elendil prepare to go to middle earth to see the elves who are hunkered down there doing.....uhhhhh???? probably hiding from numenorean conquest????
but anyway when pharazon invades aman and chases the elves out of tol eressea and then tirion, he has a Uh-Oh I Think This Was A Bad Idea feeling but can’t back down now so he lands ashore and camps out around tirion and then manwe prays to eru to bail everyone out and says he will lay down rule of arda for a minute since he doesn’t know what to do, presumably a la ‘omg dad i fucked up and totally crashed your car,’ and eru solves this by getting ar-pharazon & co buried under a mountain until the end of the world (funny how so few fans ever address this thing re: tirion in valinor fanfic eh? oh yeah i forgot silm fans don’t give a shit about humans), opening up a big crack in the ocean, pulling aman and tol eressea out into space, turning the earth from flat to spherical, and letting the island of numenor get buried under the resulting tidal wave and fall down the crack to wherever. because you know overkill is great! also sauron is too busy doing an Evil Villain Laugh to realize he’s about to get drowned and he totally dies and has to make himself a new body out of Anger and he’s now ugly, which sucks for the fanartists.
anyway manwe saves elendil and his fleet (it doesn’t say manwe, but it does say ‘but the great wind took [elendil], wilder than any wind that Men had known, roaring from the west, and it swept his ships far away...’ which, duh) and they wind up washed up on middle earth, but totally grief-stricken over the destruction of numenor.
I can’t liveblog the rest any better than verbatim so I’ll just quote:
Among the Exiles many believed that the summit of the Meneltarma, the Pillar of Heaven, was not drowned for ever, but rose again above the waves, a lonely island lost in the great waters; for it had been a hallowed place, and even in the days of Sauron none had defiled it And some there were of the seed of Eärendil that afterwards sought for it, because it was said among loremasters that the far-sighted men of old could see from the Meneltarma a glimmer of the Deathless Land. For even after the ruin the hearts of the Dúnedain were still set westwards; and though they knew indeed that the world was changed, they said: 'Avallónë is vanished from the Earth and the Land of Aman is taken away, and in the world of this present darkness they cannot be found. Yet once they were, and therefore they still are, in true being and in the whole shape of the world as at first it was devised.'
For the Dúnedain held that even mortal Men, if so blessed, might look upon other times than those of their bodies' life; and they longed ever to escape from the shadows of their exile and to see in some fashion the light that dies not; for the sorrow of the thought of death had pursued them over the deeps of the sea. Thus it was that great mariners among them would still search the empty seas, hoping to come upon the Isle of Meneltarma, and there to see a vision of things that were. But they found it not. And those that sailed far came only to the new lands, and found them like to the old lands, and subject to death. And those that sailed furthest set but a girdle about the Earth and returned weary at last to the place of their beginning; and they said:
'All roads are now bent.'
Thus in after days, what by the voyages of ships, what by lore and star-craft, the kings of Men knew that the world was indeed made round, and yet the Eldar were permitted still to depart and to come to the Ancient West and to Avallónë, if they would. Therefore the loremasters of Men said that a Straight Road must still be, for those that were permitted to find it. And they taught that, while the new world fell away, the old road and the path of the memory of the West still went on, as it were a mighty bridge invisible that passed through the air of breath and of flight (which were bent now as the world was bent), and traversed Ilmen which flesh unaided cannot endure, until it came to Tol Eressëa, the Lonely Isle, and maybe even beyond, to Valinor, where the Valar still dwell and watch the unfolding of the story of the world. And tales and rumours arose along the shores of the sea concerning mariners and men forlorn upon the water who, by some fate or grace or favour of the Valar, had entered in upon the Straight Way and seen the face of the world sink below them, and so had come to the lamplit quays of Avallónë, or verily to the last beaches on the margin of Aman, and there had looked upon the White Mountain, dreadful and beautiful, before they died.
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agentdammers · 6 years
Grand Torchwood Rewatch 1x12 & 13
One season down...... It’s a Finale Double Whammy, just as it aired back in 2007! Crumbs of Jack Lore drop into our laps, some absolute plot bullshit takes place, an old man is there!!! fuck it let’s get this over with
content warn: pisstaking, fun having, oh! plot bullshit!, i absolutely lose my fucking mind, Owen Harper!!! I Won’t Hesitate Bitch
1x12 “captain jack harkness”
- a thought before we dive in, but man owen gets A LOT of story stuff over the course of the 2 seasons he’s in right??? like more story stuff than ianto and tosh combined. interesting
- so..... here’s a thing. “Ohhh people have heard music from a derelict building! better send torchwood in!” how... does that come about? Could it be squatters or something??? fuck it, let’s send in a Secret Government Agency! they’ll sort it out. i mean we don’t know what they do exactly but i imagine at least one of them is a ghostbuster or something lmao, whatever
- OH NO THIS CREEPY OLD BITCH!!! i forgot how scary he looked!! god, this dude must be a million, or a vampire, or likely both
- tosh’s eyes get SO BIG WHEN THAT GUY ASKS HER TO DANCE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! she’s the best one!!!!!!
- wish i could wipe this episode entirely from my memory because that fucking reveal when the Real jack harkness introduces himself? F    U    C   K
- speaking of tosh, finding it extremely unconvincing that she, a tech nerd, would go out with a laptop with an almost completely flat battery... like, c’mon. she would be prepared
- Gwen cooper, a fully adult woman: haha me and my friends;;;; came here 4 a dare;;; cos its spooky lol....
- the dance they’re at is called “KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE DANCE”, which is what my finishing move would be called if i was a character in a fighting game
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- ianto and owen slapfighting over their shit girlfriend experiences fucking owns genuinely lmao
- tosh pops the top off a tin and then cuts her hand open on the obviously blunt fucking lid?????? jesus christ
- “I’m tired of living in awe of the rift!!!” .....................first i’ve heard of it. I love that owen is talking as though the rift has been a major fucking factor throughout the entire series up until this point, rather than a thing that’s just been vaguely fucking referenced as the reason why a bunch of weird shit just seems to happen in cardiff. no, im not standing for this. You can’t pull out the rift at the eleventh hour and then talk about it as though it’s a Hugely Important plot device when the biggest role it’s had over the stretch of the entire 11 Whole Ass episodes prefacing this was to allow the plane to come through in “out of time”. y’all have barely mentioned the rift this entire time and now you want to act like its the hellmouth??? eat my ass!!!!!!
- and continuing on that note: apparently they’ve had a machine that can manipulate the rift in the hub......... the entire goddamn time. but no one thought to MENTION it i guess!!!!!!!! pfft, why would THAT be important??? right???? right?????
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this plot bullshit almost makes me feel bad for how harsh i was about “cyberwoman” but, i will admit.... despite this Absolute Fucking Nonsense, i do find the jack and tosh storyline in this episode really fun and interesting. its just unfortunate that all the stuff arrrrround that is some kind of fic scrawled in the back of a kid’s math book.
- also the size of owen’s fucking NADS in this episode!!!!!!!! “Don’t compare yourself to me.” SAYS MAN CRYING OVER THE GIRL HE KNEW FOR ONE (1!) (SINGULAR) WEEK!!!! as opposed to ianto’s longterm girlfriend being turned into a monster and eventually murdered by his own team!!!! Like, i understand that’s owen’s problem actually goes beyond that, and its not so much about diane herself but about the fact that he let himself feel close to someone again after his fiancee died but for us, The Audience, watching this as it airs... we haven’t unlocked owen’s tragic backstory yet. and without knowing all that it just makes owen look really bad and like a huge fucking tool lmfao.
- NEVERMIND THE END IS GAY AND SAD AND Y’KNOW!!!!!! i am a man of simple pleasures, at heart, and so... i’ll let it slide. jack meeting his namesake knowing that he’s going to die and them having a moment is more of the kind of emotional content we would get in episodes of doctor who, and its Just Right
- in honesty, theres a bunch of stuff about this ep that i DO like. that tosh gets a prominant role for a change, while gwen gets to do fuck all. the whole Real Jack story. owen gets shot and pops a tit out at the end. its just unfortunate thats its all wrapped up in this rift thing thats been wheeled out last minute for a Big Season Finale with no real foreshadowing or build up to it at all lmao. but, moving on...............................................................................................
1x13 “end of days”
- lovely reading voice ianto’s got..... i also like owen acting up to make sure we know that they remember him being shot in the shoulder last episode lol.
- “owen, if you open the rift you’ll break it” (owen opens the rift anyway) “owen, you opening the rift broke it” (owen GASPS IN DISMAY, ME??? REALLY?) yes bitch open your ears
- “So are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we gonna do something about it?” OWEN..... IS THIS. SUPPOSED TO SOUND BADASS I.... GENUINELY CANT TELL? IT SOUNDS BAD, OWEN
- jack was so likeable last ep now he’s a DICK. gwen calls him out on how he talked to owen and he’s really fucking catty at HER for no reason at all????
- i haaaaaaaaate this scene in the hospital where a Mystery Illness has all the fucking symptoms of the bubonic plague but apparently every doctor in the entire hospital never did high school level history and are all incapable of recognising it. if fucking *i* know what symptoms of the bubonic plague are im sure they didn’t need Absolute Brain Genius Owen Harper who is seemingly the only person with any sense in cardiff to come in and diagnose it. i also hate how owen just like casually mentions to the doctor yep, this is caused by people falling through time dude yknow!!! like they do!! expect more of this to keep happening probably idk!!
- i love that owen has followed jack all this time but NOW in a crisis is the time to actually lose it and start questioning his authority bc they dont Actually know who jack is like???? you’ve been fine not knowing this entire time before??? thats not to say that jack isn’t an entire dumbass himself. he expects them all to follow him blindly and its so creepy. he’s like a cult leader, and as they all have Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that ive mentioned in previous episode run downs they’ve all just gone along with it.
- owen having a little cry on the way out is such a Good scene bc he puts on such a brave and defiant front tho 💕💖💘💕
- i dont know why the really quick flashback to diane flying off in the plane made me lose my fucking mind, its just like “LMAO IN CASE U FORGOT: SHE WAS THE PLANE LADY. I KNOW SHE WAS ONLY IN FOR LIKE TWO MINUTES, BUT DONT WORRY ABOUT IT.”
- gwen for fucks sake!!!!!!!! not again!!!!! after all the cryptic shit and lies she’s told rhys up until this point, she now knocks him out and locks him in a cell and STILL offers no explanation. this poor fucking dude!!!!!!!!! and it’s about to get even worse for him...
- YES EVERYONE REBEL AGAINST JACK!!!!!!! FUCK THIS DUDE!!!! you’re doing what a creepy old dude who is Absolutely Definitely evil wants, but still
- why does gwen start doing shit on the computer when toshiko, the computer expert, is standing right there, like.............
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- i forget, does anyone know jack’s immortal apart from gwen? or was it just the shock of owen actually Shooting Their Boss? the only onscreen death i can recall of his after suzie shot him was in “cyberwoman”
- god, minutes ago they were all like FUCK JACK!!!! JACK DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SAVE US AFTER ALL!!! and now theyre all crawling back asking jack to save them all from cgi pig Ganon and its just..... a lot to happen, over the space of about half an hour.
- the ending is so anticlimatic and also why does sucking all the Yummy Life Energy out of jack make abaddon die?????????? Though in its defence... after like 3 bowls of cereal, i too am like OUCH OOF MY BONES
- aaaaaaaaaand rhys is back! will he get treated any better from here on out? i dont remember!!! guess we’ll see.
- bit much of gwen who’s actually known jack the shortest time of them all to be like NO, let ME be with him uwuwuwuuw
- ahhh!!! ianto smelling jack’s coat ;_;
- aaaand jack’s back too. AND HE GETS TO HOLD A CRYING OWEN? FOR ME? oh you shouldn’t have! this Almost makes up for all that rift plot bullshit (almost. i still know what u did.)
- ANDDDDD OH SHIT. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOOD ENDING. HERE COMES THE TARDIS. FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...............................and there it goes. one season down. sorry this one was so long!!! i love and appreciate anyone to takes the time to read these posts. thank u!!!!
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Okay , I called this once, and I’m calling it again: Ms. HEINOUS is the MOTHER of  ECLIPSA, not the other way around, TOFFEE is Eclipsa’s half brother or something (hey, that’s what happened on ‘Dexter’, sorta)  and MINA LOVEBERRY is the MONSTER LOVE child .... I mean, look at this design one the door in ‘The Grandma room’.  I mean, actually /look/ at it!
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Why, is Moon’s cheek emblem on the right side underneath Ms. Heinous’? If we’ve been getting our relations correct in claiming that Heinous is the ashamed daughter of Eclipsa and her Monster Lover-Turned Husband? Then shouldn’t Eclipsa’s spades be placed ON THE RIGHT SIDE ABOVE MOONS DIAMONDS? And shouldn’t Ms. Heinous’ clubs be the /RIGHT/ side of the door? ABOVE STAR’S? If Eclipsa is Heinous’s mother as the lazy popular theory state’s, then why is her symbol, of the clubs on Moon’s side of the door?  Shouldn’t it be on the LEFT SIDE OF THE DOOR, ABOVE STAR’S? IN  PLACE OF THE SPADE? WHICH SHOULD BE ON MOON’S SIDE OF THE DOOR, THEN? This was a very carefully placed artistic decision that was meant to be giving us another hint at the lore... Please look at the patterns on the door! It’s a meant to be a puzzle! And  If we go in the pattern that the popular theory states.... Then why are the patterns so confusing and mismatched? If you go across the distant “family connections” wouldn’t make any sense, would they? Not with the obvious parallels with Star and Eclipsa along with the parallels people have been trying to make Ms. Heinous and Moon .... (only to further support the “Ms. Heinous is Eclipsa’s daughter” theory which what?) 
However, if we look at it in THIS WAY .... Moon Butterfly /IS/ STAR’S MOM, AND MS. H. IS /ABOVE HER/ AS ECLIPSA IS STAR, (implying spades and clubs came before the newer generation, being hearts and diamonds) SO IT’S ONLY LOGICAL THAT.... LIKE....
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Ms. Heinous is.  By all accounts. Eclipsa’s Mother.
Ms. Heinous most likely taught Eclipsa dark Magic. Not the other way around. The one most who was most tempted/consumed by Eclipsa’s dark magic was Marco. Not Star, Marco. Marco, who Ms. Heinous wants to destroy, who will probably end up being her disgrace of a daughters (ECLIPSA)  a.k.a the reason she started working for the damn school in the first place’s protege, which will only add fuel to the fire. Maco’s arm still has the monster virus,dorment , Eclipsa’s arm clearly has something. Marco is the one who notices Eclipsa’s form in the trailer, NOT STAR! Marco, Heinous’s, and Eclipsa’s story-arches are going to intertwine. AND IT’S GOING TO BE BEAUTIFUL. THINK OF THE PRINCESS DR. MARCO THERAPY SESSIONS. THINK OF ECLIPSA’S PAINTINGS.
Also, Toffee is probably Eclipsa’s adoptive/half brother from an affair that Heinous kept secret (like mother, like daughter, only H. didn’t go after an implied ancient warlord and then go public about it and ruin her marriage over it and THAT IS WHAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE, she probably saw Eclipsa’s choices as punishment for her own deeds and then went to go work for St. Olga’s eventually becoming Head Mistress, she probably raised Toffee in secret from his infancy, and Toffee is probably a product of St. O’s, himself, after all, where else would Heinous hide him if she didn’t want him to be found out? Which Eclipsa probably did). if we take into account that Toffee is probably Heinous’s illegitimate child that she traumatized and locked in St. O’s to further “civilize” and him and make him how he is in an attempt to make up for not being able to control Eclipsa, and it “worked” on him, but he doesn’t want anything to do with them (Eclipsa, or Heinous) but wants to rule Mewni for himself as the rightful heir (let’s say that Toffee was born BEFORE Eclipsa and she found out about him later) then not only does that make way more sense, makes the fact that Toffee killed the Queen of Hours, Moons Mother, all the more terrifying, some deep seeded Mother Issues in this family...... And if Toffee WAS THE REJECTED/DISOWNED FAMILY MEMBER, IT ALSO MAKES TOFFEE’S TARGETING OF LUDO MAKE MORE SENSE AND MAKES LUDOFFEE? LUDO/TOFFEE, EVEN MORE CANON, Y’ALL CAN BITE ME ....       
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Star’s  seemly out of nowhere “AAAHH!!! Demon!” scare in the final, when she’s never shown fear of “demons” before was some fucking foreshadowing, because how much do you wanna bet that at the end or mid movie, when everything seems like it’s gonna go back to the status quo.... 
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...Eclipsa’s husband/Monster Love is going to appear in Star’s room exactly like this? The tone of the scene will be darker, because his presence will be much stronger, ether that, or considering who his daughter is and who Star’s idol  is, and considering how all I feel all of those personalities are going to bounce off of each other , it’ll  be way scarier than this scene it AT FIRST... but then it’ll turn hilarious really quick!  
“You’ll never get him on your side”? “In this Ancient Monster Temple”? The scene above? The shows easing into his presence already! Just like they did with Eclipsa after showing the portrait! And when he finally *appears* in the narrative flesh,  he’ll be crouched over in shadow and at first, we’ll probably only be able to catch him out of the corner of our eyes, just like they intended with Eclipsa in the crystal but oh, he’ll be there!
And his, Mina Loveberry’s, and Star’s story arches are also going to be beautifully intertwined with eachother....   
  Because Mina Loveberry is the the result of Monster Love, yes! I’m saying Mina is Eclipsa’s and the Monster’s daughter. I don’t know why y’all think Monster Love’s true heir is (canonically presented as, at least for now)  MALE and an EVIL LIZARD LAWYER but it disgusts me and i don’t have time to get into why your wrong bc I’m disabled and currently experiencing a spell of nausea but Mina Loveberry is the perfect combination of the two of them and I can tell bc she probably has pieces of her dads personality and she’s been around for a while if Star “grew up with her” I mean honestly: A scruffy Ancient Warrior Princess who has a questionable way of doing things and morals, who people call “bananas” and can make herself buff at will, with an even more Ancient Monster So Ripped He Doesn’t Need To Wear a Shirt Warlord for a dad an Ex Queen of Mewni for a mom? 
Who the fandom also seems to think has “questionable morals” (Eclipsa) because she’s one half of a narrative metaphor that’s kind of the Whole Point of the show and people still think she’s “evil” and “crazy” and “wrong” for that? 
Mina Loveberry being the daughter of Monster Love doesn’t make more sense to you than a Conventionally Attractive, Clearly Evil Lizard Man of an Entirely Different Species, who walks around in Suit, being their son?  Okay bye!
P.S “You’ll never get him on your side” was talking about Eclipsa’s husband, who probably made some sort of deal with Toffee as Eclipsa made a deal with Moon. Because this whole thing was probably a game to the lovers at this point, and the Monsters deal with Toffee probably involved him being brought back so he could be with Eclipsa in the future if Eclipsa’s Lover himself isn’t an immortal being already. But he will  be back bc the design is too good, too detailed, and they wouldn’t create a character design THAT FANTASTIC,  that complementing to each other, if they didn’t have clear plans for  characters. 
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 As I theorized before, why do you think the Ancient Monster Temple was brought up? It was foreshadowing. So was ”You’ll never get him on your side”. Because whatever his plans are, he’s coming back to be with his wife .... season 4 if not after the mid season 3 break, or sooner or even THE MOVIE.     
 LIKE /FUCK/ IF IT WEREN’T FOR @snotpuddle and @sophididoo and Ariel(hugbees)IwouldhateToffee, I love ludoffee and Ludo in general, and I’ve come to love Toffee as a villain..... BUT I WAS THIS CLOSE, MAN. THIS.  CLOSE.
FYI: I only got the screen cap of the door from a “Heinous is Eclipsa’s daughter” theory video on yt. It just frustrates me how people never noticed this detail when the actual pattern of relation is right in front of you. Like, we spend so much time over analyzing steven’s tunaverse and gravy falls (I’m hungry) but like, when a silly show us provides with the simplest of clues in such a small, but easy to find detail, we mess it up entirely to repeat the same stuff over and over that we already knew, even though they’re literally giving us an answer to our question that opens us up to theories that make a hell of a lot more sense and are far more interesting than the stuff we keep repeating....I ....I dislike this fandom. VERY MUCH.   
In conclusion, I want everyone to love and appreciate Grimalkin, Eclipsa’s husband/Monster Love (Because somebody had to name him for the time being): http://megades-sweet-darkness-delight.tumblr.com/post/157773267862/eclipsa-is-disabled-and-cute
And quit telling themselves that he’s ether TOFFEE, TOFFEE’S DAD, TOM’S DAD, OR DEAD. Thank You and Goodnight! 
jfc here’s a post where i embarrassed myself by accidentally linking my entire disability headcanon to an ACTUAL STORYBOARD ARTIST thinking she was just a causal fan cause Y’ALL HAD ME SO SICK OF ECLIPSA’S TAGS BEING NOTHING BUT THE SAME THEORIES SHIT POSTS AND (P)CORN AND IT’S STILL HOT GARBAGE, BUT YEAH i think this pretty much CONFIRMS that Eclipsa’s husband has a NAME, AN ACTUALLY ROLE IN THE STORY, IS  NOT TOFFEE, AND IS COMING BACK VERY SOON: http://megades-sweet-darkness-delight.tumblr.com/post/158984634972/does-eclipsas-monster-lover-have-a-name
My passive aggressive commentary looking for feedback other than “you’re so passionate!!!!”, was her FIRST NOTE on that post before she removed it from the tags btw, i hope you guys are happy, at least now they know I’m “passionate”.   
Here is the post where I originally called Heinous being Eclipsa’s mother: http://megades-sweet-darkness-delight.tumblr.com/post/157934913017/will-you-be-making-another-final-version-of-the t
Now THIS is a theory! Sorry for infodump/tagging anyone who didn’t want to be tagged, I just needed to get my point across how much people are actually ignoring the MONSTERS importance to the plot most likely because of the way that he looks!! And that’s shameful! 
Let me know if I need to put this under a ‘readmore’ or something.
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thegeminisage · 8 years
hella spoilery zeldablogging from earlier tonight
feel kind of bad cause i had to look up the gerudo maze desert thing but i was SOOO close on my own
oh my god there's a lady over here by this shrine failing at cooking and all the recipes she teaches me give me dubious food
there are PILES of rotting garbage that have flies around them and the thing in the pot is sending up this black cloud of smoke lmao
wow the blood moon came in the middle of me clearing out an enemy camp :/
good god there's a stable out here in all this deep snow? how?? would the horses not, like, die?
aww beedle's here but he's cold ):
WOW you can upgrade the boy gerudo clothes but not the GIRL ones? that is SEXIST
oh noooo shield surfing DOES damage your shield i hate this i love my current shield what if i can't find another!!!!!
lol the ridge tower si surrounded by water and electric enemies. Great
omg i found the royal lab ruins ):
ok, i gotta begin prioritizing here
while i'd LIKE to complete all 120 shrines before i beat the game just for the armor, i don't think that's going to be possible - i haven't even unlocked some of them yet bc i don't have the snowballs or the quest takes so long
but the most important thing to me is memories
so after i check out all the ridge shrines on this map i'm gonna get the hyrule field map as well and get those memories
and i'll just save a lot and if i fuck something up and trigger endgame stuff i'll reload
god idk how to do this trial on the thunderplanes so like...im gonna let it be
see? i could never do all 120 before tmrw night
PLEASE this memory i just got was so cute zelda was being a nerd over plants and caught a frog she wanted link to eat :')
i love this zelda like i'm super not crazy about her voice actress sounding much older than i think of her as, and the fantasy british accent, but she has so much more personality than many of the others
ah, and i see now why she loved the silent proncess so...can't be grown domestically, only thrives in the wild
much like herself if you watch some of the other memories haha she feels trapped by her own destiny that's easy to see
i think it's super clever how even with a map you still have to look around for shrines bc they are hidden semi-underground
and i wish i had more time to stop and enjoy the little things like that, but i CAN come back and explore later, i can't unlearn a plot point
this spoiler fear might be a little baseless...tbh i also want to finish the main story tho bc like
i want it to be something i play in my free time, not something i obsess over 24/7 and HAVE to play and think about all the time
it's been a beautiful fun and absolutely life-changing experience but also it's been two weeks and i gotta get back to my actual life, i can't be Like This indefinitely
i'm kinda stunned that it took me this ling tbh? like, even skyyward sword was like a week and a half the first time iirc and i did that at like, a pace where i could stop and explore, i remember thinking how huge skyward sword was
omg im so glad i decided to ride epona down to where i need to go next rather than fast travel + walk bc 1. faster maybe? and 2. THE MAIN THEME PLAYS WHEN YOU'RE ON EPONA OVER THE NORMAL HORSE THEME i could weep
i solved the puzzle! this time im talking to him BEFORE i go in
he told me it was stupendous ;_; thanks pal
aw dude another memeory and it played the trailer music but
is zelda really only SIXTEEN about to turn seventeen? how old is link?? i guess under 21/18 if they wouldn't let him drink...
jesus, they're just babies ;_;
also, she quoted link's horse advice so like
this + the dialogue options gives the feeling that he does actually speak, you know? so as much as i love mute link i also like these glimpses into his personality as well, bc he's always been such a blank slate
he's empathetic, playful, sometimes downright goofy, and very tenacious - confident, but not in a cocky way, and obviously always a bit shaken when he gets a memory back
it's nice getting to know him a bit, even if you have to patch most of it together - kinda like narrachara lol
;w; it's so nice to have epona gallop over when i call her again
omg i think i found kass's house! i see his journal :3
haha i got this song "when the blood moon rises stand naked on that platform" ok nintendo
i wonder if you get all the puzzles do you get to tell him who you are ):
im tempted to unlock this one now lol
like, it takes a long time to get here and it's almost the blood moon
SIGH this is gonna take awhile but it'll save me time later
oh lmao it was JUST the blood moon so i'd actually have to wait a SUPER long time nvm tbh
well. welp. welly well well
i guess.......its time for hyrule field tower
Im Scared
wow. holy shit. i can see the great plateau from here...and it looks so small. i can see the temple of time, i can see the tower from which i first saw hyrule castle. i can even see the little path i nearly followed, when catching sight of my first moblin and becoming curious, before i got myself back on track. damn. Damn. i have come FULL CIRCLE, holy shit
and like, it's just the way i played it. hyrule castle for last. but you know? i love that shit. journeys ending the way they began. gets me in the feels every time
i'll be honest, THIS i could really stop and explore. forget those awful snowy mountains. this is where the #history is
oh god. i see a guardian down near that tower. please god don't let it be a mobile one
i saw two still ones and relaxed and a mobile one snuck up RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND ME
i don't wanna stop and grind but i worry i might HAVE to get some guardian armor before i can do this, even just one piece...!
i have a diamond circlet so all i'd need from the prof is the chest and/or legs........oh god. jesus fuck
motherFUCKER the range on those still ones, i wish i had been able to take them out...!
oh jesus i made it
this is it. final tower. thank fuck
there'll be more guardians, way more. i gotta at least check and see if i can afford some arrows without setting myself back further for the armor
i think i had all the mats i needed actually i just needed cash...maybe i can cook to earn some since i sold my monster parts
k, i only have enough gears for the chest OR legs, and i don't have enough rupees for either... :/
i COULD buy some arrows and still have enough mats for the armor but then i'd be setting myself back HUGELY re: rupees
ok, i FINALLY got the chest, jesus, now i can go back to hyrule field
altho it doesnt have any def and without even going to the fountain i know i cant upgrade it so rly is it worth it at all, but w/e
also, i read online that if you can learn the timing of parrying their lasers they go down REALLY easily but i suck so much at combat
i guess i'll just wear my anti-guardian stuff, i have daruk and mipha's abilities and fairies AND FAST TRAVEL if anything goes wrong
YES i did it holy FUCK
oh my god! three-shotted!
i just climbed a small hill and got my first look at the rolling green plains...i missed you
no, no, i gotta go get epona to make this perfect, there's a stable i can warp us both to
omg it's the very first people i ever encountered outside the great plateau again
NOOO i hit epona when i was aiming for a monster baby i'm sorry!!!
i gave her an apple and some pats to say sorry ;w;
"legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside that sword...can you hear it yet, hero?"
frankly i'm glad they finally got their timeline shit together bc even tho the games are SO far apart im LOVING these continuity nods
yeesh, only two memories left but they're both RIGHT at the castle...im scared LOL
): i wouldn't feel right taking epona any further
reasons i never have money: cannot physically stop myself from buying arrows
oh, hyrule field is just beautiful ;___;
ohh god im scared
its fine its fine they wouldnt put a memory that close to the castle and then make you go back to impa if hat wasnt POSSIBLE its gonna be ok
awww no zelda sees link as a living reminder of her own failures?? whyyy
ha i love fighting guardians for the first time in ages im like COME TO ME LET US BATTLE
im uh. still working on the timing, but
my mouth fell open in horror i climbed over a wall to get to the outsideish of the castle (castle town ruins, so says my map) and
the music was already creepy but jesus CHRIST
there's no color except for that blight evil goop stuff...no life...it's awful
poor hyrule, oh god
it's a lot like finding hyrule castle town devastated in oot when you first wake up, except of course this time we've nothing to compare it to visually, only emotionally...
i see a fuckton of guardians too so its a good thing i learned not to be scared of them
ok, god, i can do it, just one memory, i know RIGHT where it is
apparently the hylian shield is in here too and i am sooo sorely tempted
i mean if i have to get that fucking close anyway...
lord i googled it and apparently this memory is super hard to get you gotta Activate some shit but they did it this way they made it so you have to go back out i know i'll be able to come back out i WILL
ah, apparently you need to fight a stalnox for the hylian shield.ok. ok. good, great, Nice, Perfect
haha im soooo scared ;_;
ok, apparently the two paths are COMPLETELY different, so One Thing At A Time
we'll start with the memory, it's more important
tbh, i can't even bring myself to go in. i gotta go around anyway to get to the starting point of this path so i will
lmao i am almost PHYSICALLY ILL with dread this is SO stressful
the music went all scary and the map is in 3D like a beast!! which i knew but it's so Much
and i got a cutscene of the calamity screaming with the Classic ganondorf theme i'm Dying how the fuck does anyone just get this memory and LEAVE holy shit
oh my god the main theme comes in!!! jesus
even ballad of the windfish a little?!?!
oh FUCK and ofc with the lightning
haha aww there's a "leave area" button on the map i can bail whenever i guess tat's reassuring
not yet!! i'm gonna have Courage
ohhh i dipped into a doorway just to wait for revali's thing to recharge and the music changed!! so i got scared and went back outside lol
oh god the higher you go the oranger the sky turns it looks like the blood moon jesus fuck
oh god, zelda's STUDY, the rooms all have names bc ofc they do
holder of the triforce of wisdom of COURSE she had a study she's such a nerd im crying i bet she loved it here and it's totally decimated
a silent princess sprouted in her study too ;_;
oh good there's the memory!!
ohhh this picture of how it used to be is hurting my heart it was BEAUTIFUL
holy FUCK dude
ok old man is struck from my heart forever he was such a DICK to zelda no wonder he called himself a fool
link knelt right away but god damn i would have interjected on her behalf
you can't expect a person to pray 24/7!!!!
and deny her her passions, which are obviously machines and learning!
omg she has a journal in here and i almost missed it jesus
omg this is her finding the sheikah slate!!!
jesus, and she found the shrine of ressurection too and hoped she'd never have to use it, and Yet...
oh GOD i hit leave area and it plucked me down in the middle of castle town nope nope nope fast travel outta there
ok to impa and then last memory i can do it and then do stream
and for once not play again afterwards bc to be quite frank i could never stress myself out this bad right before bed again, FUCK
hylian shield and all the rest of it tomorrow
h o ly fuck
he DIED protecting her, or he was going to, but she stood in front of him for once and finally unlocked the power, that's how she unlocked it, for HIM
i'm WEEPING and the sword made the fi noise from SS
even the sheikah warriors ran like sheik in smash bros
im gonna cry that was so much!!! there's so much continuity
fi is in TWO GAMES like...that was such direct referencing!!!!
ok, im gonna watch all the memories in order and then quit for the night
i just realized the ceremony scene is where she mentions embers of twilight and adrift in time - putting us on the mm/tp timeline
aaaah im sad
god and i LOVE her princess dress i wanna see it in her classic pink why is everyone in this game blue??
so like, despite me not being crazy about zelda's voice ACTRESSS and the VOICE she's using, she actually does the best ACTING out of the entire cast
high key loving this zelda who is smart but has trouble with feelings, also
holy SHIT
ok so one of the first memories i got was of zelda coming down mt lanayru
amd it was badass and i enjoyed it
but there's SO much in there once you know more context
mipha was highkey about to spill to zelda that she was in love with link
revali's distain for link
urbosa seems less stern and more caring now that i know her better
now i know what zelda was trying so hard to do
"we have to keep trying until we find the thing that unlocks your sealing power [long shot of link]"
and "i'm not a child anymore" ofc it's bc she just turned 17! like link in oot!
oh man oh man
i love so much link's expressions in these serious moments especially that very last look into zelda's eyes before he "died"
it feels a bit like, with the other stuff i was talking about, i'm getting just a hint of character
and it's kinda close to My Headcanon but even if it wasn't i just like getting to know him
warped back to the temple of time & i'm leaving it there for the night
tomorrow: The End
(and my shield)
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nightscaped-archive · 7 years
LIKE I ACTUALLY LOVE THE JAPANESE VERSION DONT GET ME WRONG BUT I ALSO LIKE THE ENGLISH VERSION BUT THE TRANSLATIONS THAT GO WRONG GETS TO ME LIKE NO IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT NRDJDJSJSJ like genesis just wants to be a hero ok ???? and sephiroth was made to be a perfect SOLDIER so he got it  &  it wasn't even his choice and there's two people who actively does things to the best of their abilities but it's always sephiroth who gets the title like it's p pitiful
that sephiroth got what he never wanted and the two never gotten what they've always wanted !!!! and ok ive always seen genesis as a brat maybe bc of his upbringing ??  but yea i see him as a brat who's there to constantly make a mess in FF vii crisis core bc he's trying to stay alive and he's lIKE ADDING UP TO THE THINGS THAT ZAX STRESSES ABT RJFJDJDJ but genesis isn't even nice to begin like yea he has his moments but he's not a Nice Nice idk where ppl get that image
THAT SCENE IN NIBELHEIM MAKES ME LAUGH BC HIS PETTINESS AND BRATTINESS FULL ON APPEARS??  He's like telling sephiroth how he's the perfect monster and then later on says that he needs his help like bitch do u rly think that sephiroth will help u like that???  so when sephiroth said 'u will rot' IM JUST YES BITCH U SHOULDA ASKED NICELY
legit there's so many loopholes in FF vii : cc fjrjjdjdnn but like yea u right abt shinra being the army and zax is actually ignorant abt all of these things bc he wants to be a hero so bad !!  that he follows around every order like a dog so when genesis calls him a lap dog it's actually accurate ?  zax throughout the game is forced into things he doesn't want to deal with in the first place but has to anyway.  and the end results in his own misery and inevitably,
his own death ?  so i hate to see fans shifting the blame to one antagonist to another like yea they have a part in but the main antagonist is actually shinra and how fucked they really are!!  like look how much they drove zax to a wall like they fucking???  sent an army for two fucking fugitives.  two!!!!!  and tseng and cissnei are portrayed to be the good people bc they help out zax but there's always an ulterior motive there that either zax turns a blind eye to or
is just too ignorant to see. bc he wants to be a hero in his own way and achieving that thru any means made him somewhat blind??  to what's really happening around him .  So it was late by the time he found out and he fucking died without being a fucking hero like i cried a lot a while ago bc of this --- he's such a light hearted boy and he's always stereotyped into it but can't u see how much pain he's not showing and he's carrying it all on his own???
thanks for coming into my Ted talk !  fnfdjdjDNDJSJSJ
YEAH SAME LIKE I DO REALLY LIKE THE ENG VERSION AND IT’S THE VERSION I PLAYED AND STUFF SO I DO HAVE AN ATTACHMENT TO IT BUT I ALSO MOSTLY BASE MY PORTRAYAL OFF OF THE JAPANESE VERSION?? it annoys me a lot that the eng version presented genesis as wanting to be better than sephiroth (the world needs a new hero) instead of a guy who just desperately wanted to be his honest peer (i too would like to become a hero in the japanese version iirc). LIKE GENESIS IS DEFINITELY SUPER MISGUIDED but i don’t like the fact that the translation really played down his obvious inferiority complex. they painted genesis as someone with a superiority complex instead which is........a really odd choice imo ASDFGHGF
BUT YEAH OMG LIKE GENESIS IS BASICALLY LIKE....he’s that kid who’s been smart and praised and shit all his life but doesn’t know how to cope when he’s in a larger environment and he’s not the best anymore ASDFGHGFDSA LIKE I GUESS THO ?? HE WASN’T VERY SOCIABLE GROWING UP AND HE KEPT TO HIMSELF AND WAS ALSO ADOPTED AND SHIT SO being this smart kid who idk got prizes for inventing apple juice was smth he clung to and, altho he already admired sephiroth beforehand, being faced w/the fact he wasn’t ever going to be as good and, by sole virtue of not being sephiroth, wasn’t ever going to be praised for his efforts in the own way. like i imagine SOLDIER first class all did a lot in the war but sephiroth was the one who got all the press for it. i don’t think that’d bother angeal bc he doesn’t seem to care about that sort of thing but genesis seems like?? he really wanted validation so that would have really been....Yikes ASDFGFDSDFA
that doesn’t excuse how he reacts in the end at all but i think that definitely plays a lot into it esp bc like??? again, shinra aren’t good people. they exploit SOLDIER immensely and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if that environment would have fucked genesis up a little, esp since he was only a ??? teenager when he joined shinra. which IS ALSO INTERESTING BC ?? IT ACTUALLY PRESENTS A LOT OF PARALLELS WITH ZAX THAT PEOPLE DON’T REALLY GO INTO ASDFGHGFD MAYBE THAT WASN’T INTENTIONAL BUT i think it’s really interesting that they’re characters who start out with similar motives but end up going in totally different directions ?? ASDFGFDS I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHT AND ANALYSIS IN MIND ABT GENESIS I HONESTLY FORGOT HOW MUCH I’D OVERTHOUGHT HIS CHARACTER LMAO
i think tho like ?? the unwilling soldier getting screwed over is really a reoccurring theme in final fantasy and one I ACTUALLY FIND REALLY INTERESTING ??? hence me making kael bc i kinda wanted to do what crisis core essentially did with humanising SOLDIER but with the galbadian army instead just bc like...there’s a lot to explore there. i think the fact that FF always has this kind of take of like,,,the enemies you spend so much of the game killing aren’t necessarily even BAD people, they’re just people being exploited or indoctrinated by the real villains. even the Big Bads of most FF games were characters who were fucked over by whatever imperialistic entity happens to appear in that game at some point?? sephiroth is definitely a good example of that.
AND YEAH LIKE THE FACT THE GAME IS through zax’ eyes like that and all these characters who should be enemies are treated as friends just makes his death EVEN MORE tragic than it was in the original game? bc you get to experience zax learning to TRUST these people and put his faith in this system that is ultimately evil and corrupt, only for THEM to be the ones that kill him. it’s such a nasty betrayal. he goes through the whole game doing only what he thinks is right, right until his very last moment, and all he gets for it in the end is a firing squad shooting him down. IT’S SO SAD, HONESTLY ASDFGHGFD LIKE IT’S SAD ON ITS OWN JUST BC IT’S A DEATH SCENE BUT THE WIDER PICTURE IS WHAT MAKES IT ESPECIALLY TRAGIC ?? it’s that kind of...knowing he never really had a chance to begin with. shinra wanted zax to live and die for SOLDIER and, when he decides he wants to live his own life instead, they kill him anyway ):
AND YEAH I DON’T GET WHY PEOPLE WASH OVER ZAX’ STRUGGLES SO MUCH LIKE?? he’s gone through SO much over the course of the game. he’s experienced war, experienced people close to him dying, experienced everything he believed in turning out to be false ?? so on and so forth?? like everyone seems to accept that the events of nibelheim and the following experimentation shit traumatised cloud but people don’t seem to focus on the fact that zax went through that too. hojo experimented on him too. just because he came out conscious, unlike cloud, and was optimistic enough to keep going doesn’t mean it didn’t have a really nasty effect on him. we just don’t get to see any of that because he’s killed and the game ends before anybody gets a chance to dwell on it.
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