#even tho he's still in potato mode
hai-nae · 10 months
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some wips, n a finished indulgent au idea for alt carrying/travel. detail extra bc grogu must be seen fully, i actually nailed his cuteness! woo
also ya know, that 😏
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masaworkdesignfan · 10 days
Okay here's fun facts about the renrenren au
(will be edited.)
Bive : she is an she/her/xe. Yes xe's pronounces are just 3.. she's not even an nonbinary but she's a women who describe herself as an xenogender even tho she ain't non binary.. she likes to eat carrots and mashed potatoes. And muffin twirl toast...she was once a detective until she worked as an lemonade stander person.
Wallter : Wallter is married with mark (as you know.) Wallter has cataracts which that's why he sometimes he wears glasses! He likes to eat shrimp fried rice! Wallter is transgender because yes. He fell inlove with mark while mark and Wallter was co-workers..Wallter is an employee at an office called roffice, mark and Wallter are working there. Still...
Gnarpy : this alien xenogender cat is perhaps to not even the best one to get along with humans..but xe get well with non-humans and cats! But when xe decided to be friends with an human! Xe first human friend was mach! Well maybe xe sometimes normalized to be friends or interacted with a human! Gnarpy sometimes to be cat moded. Which mean's that xe's is still cat coded! Xe loves cat foods like fish,rats even...uhh chickens.
Spud : spud cannot talk but he has training for 3 years to talk but sometimes he can talk...spud cannot even imagine how you describe things because he has a really hard understanding..spud was actually an boy who was experimented..his favorite food Is spam meat.
Mark : mark is a short husband for Wallter! He even sometimes hug Wallter chest because uhhh...breast addiction? Sometimes they find it cute when mark is clingy like a baby koala.. mark is sometimes jealous when Wallter is hugging or petting or flirting with other people, mark favorite food is just a coal..and also likes matcha tea! He doesn't have legs because an incident happened since he was working at his job to fix wallter's office (where Wallter is working.) mark would definitely listen to post-malone but sometimes some members of the renrenren's are bullying him for listening to post-malone except for his tall ass malewife Wallter.
Infected(Kasper) : infected has a disease called "STPK" aka "sore throat prologued kimera" where an disease if a patient lungs are not treated right then the patient will get STPK. kimera is a invasive but if you wear tissues keep it in you're nose you're not invasive! Infection sometimes wear scenecore outfits! He is frenemies with lampert even tho mark and Wallter doesn't trust infected for cutting his hands off. He loves eating Meatball..when infected was founded to be the one who cutted lampert arm, pest fucking throws him to the window.
Lampert : his hands are amputated because infected out of nowhere cutted his arms..and having the reason where pest was actually bloodlust and mind controlling him, although praying mantises doesn't have mind controls.. lampert really needs a big comfort.. because he's struggling with existential crisis. And mental breakdowns..lampert likes to listen to mitski (I'm liquid smooth) all day so it could calm him up. Although split could know what's going on with him since after Wallter and mark got divorced and remarried few weeks later. He hasn't even recovered from that terrible memory. Lampert likes to puddings.
Split : split is fat and would likely to say banana instead of swear words. Split has fat cat leg's. And when she's crying she will lay down and cry like a cat would do. She is an half snail but her antenna is eaten by gnarpy because gnarpy likes to eat each other people..split walks very slowly because she a snail. She likes to bananas and riced oiled and green onion with spider eggs on it. She always say "holy bananas! Delicious as always!"
Unpleasant : this mf always get jumped by the others (except for split and folly) and the most forgettable bitch in the au
Gregoriah : she works at gaggleland! Right hand is replace by a sharp triangle that make no use. gregoriah always licks catnips because she loves catnips! And have her daily licking! But if her friends found out she do catnips they jumped at her. Gregoriah really loved eating natto! If the natto has the right ingredients she would likely eat it! She likes to drink milk! Gregoriah really like to bother gnarpy or Dr retro!
Dr retro : she's the medic of the group! She can talk but sometimes speak German! Retro do have Lazer beams and heal beams! She doesn't like people who touching her. She will bite you so hard.
Carolina mach : mach has a Alexithymia. An disease that made human have no emotions. Mach fakes it all Infront of strangers and Infront of her show.. as but mach couldn't feel anything..mach doesn't even like to talk about her life. But when she feels like it she would talk about it.. Carolina favorite food are an slice of apple and boiled squids..she thought faking emotions would make her have feelings.
Folly : this dream parasite is having connections with the fox lady, she was born in 900 japanese. For that folly married her brother rolly to decieve her own soul. But then she killed rolly to decieve one another, this lead her to despair and clichè happening to her, the fox lady who witnessed her clichè offer her to switch bodies and souls so her curse will be gone, folly who has trust issues switch bodies with the fox lady not knowing that she's tricked and have a curse where she cannot decieve anyone anymore but go to anyone nightmare to kill one another..she has been ignoring mach for 8 years after a battle with her...wallter is the only trusted friend for her..folly would shapeshift into anything but not anything but yokai's and urban legends and japanese demons like enzukai,kitsune and any other demons.
Poob/party noob : poob is currently married with pest, poob has an centipede like legs. Everyday is his birthday. He used every pronounces she want. Because pronounces don't matter he said sarcastically.
Michè: she died because of folly deceived her.
Slimyim: slimyim simply is a meaty jester. Only stuck in a wooden piece. Acting nothing happened but eventually, folly cursed her(idk Slim's pronounces sorry) because slimyim is actually michè but in return of faith. Deceivingly by folly and cannot move but if someone turned her back to michè folly will rage and turn the person who michè back. Will be cursed and be part of her body. Although slimyim doesn't care, she has been stuck in there for over 1200 years before the birth of bugbo.
Pilby: pilby use ce/cim. Pilby gender is a yes..yeah ig that's it (the creator of the renrenren au hates. Pilby)
Jeremy: Jeremy is just they're well known uncle like person. Jeremy told slimyim to kys before folly would notice.
MR: nobody likes him, but even tho Mr just didn't do shit, if he moves or breaths he got beaten up so fast. Because MR is a fucking person who riots others and revenue riots to kill a child.
Enphoso: you're local buddy who sells worth stuff!
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blackjackkent · 3 months
@zenjestrr: is Rakha gonna slurp the worms
zenjestrr: *drops a wriggling creature into her eyeball* this will fix me
blackjackkent: rofl
blackjackkent: I suspect possibly yes.
zenjestrr: 🦑🦑🦑🐛🐛🐛🎺🎺🎺
blackjackkent: Lae'zel doesn't like them and Lae'zel is like 90% of her impulse control, but they also potentially Have Answers
zenjestrr: will she go for the Super Worm in Act 3 or are you gonna play it by ear
zenjestrr: (embrace the power)
zenjestrr: (there's no downside)
zenjestrr: (other than looking like you took evil crack cocaine)
blackjackkent: XD
blackjackkent: I'm going to play it by ear.
blackjackkent: I can't even begin to predict what Rakha will be like by act 3
zenjestrr: lol i get it
blackjackkent: she's already evolving a bunch. she's practically a worm herself with how slippery her characterization is to get a grip on XD
zenjestrr: will you side with Baldy Boi or go Orpheus
zenjestrr: and if Orpheus again will you see how the ending changes if he stays gith or will you drop that hot potato on his lap again lol
blackjackkent: I have a sneaking suspicion the Emperor is going to die the moment Rakha learns what he is
zenjestrr: you know that's a game over, right lol
zenjestrr: like you CAN kill him at that moment but it's a game over
blackjackkent: oh really? lol
zenjestrr: yea
blackjackkent: well then :P
blackjackkent: she will spend the whole time WANTING to kill him :P
zenjestrr: Balduran is correct in saying that he never explicitly lies to you
zenjestrr: he is the only reason you haven't turned
blackjackkent: [nods]
blackjackkent: makes sense
blackjackkent: Orpheus I'm not sure about. Rakha has REALLY strong respect for Lae'zel tho so probably he will remain gith. which I guess means Rakha takes the worm herself?
zenjestrr: or have Karlach do it if you bring her with you
blackjackkent: yeah
blackjackkent: hrmdehrm.
zenjestrr: but yea I think squid x Wyll makes for a cool ending, especially since you can still do the Avernus roadtrip
blackjackkent: eeenteresting.
zenjestrr: I thiiiiink Lae'zel is the only one who breaks up with you if you go squid mode but I think maybe Ascended Astarion also does it
blackjackkent: no spoilers obvi, just thinking out loud, but I imagine it plays interestingly with the Durge situation too. illithid seem very chill. maybe settles the chaos a bit.
zenjestrr: [REDACTED]
blackjackkent: hehehe
zenjestrr: squid x Wyll also has the monster loving dynamic. Wyll is a devil now and has some self-hatred about it and Rakha (in this hypothetical scenario) would be a mind flayer, a monster, and might have some self-hatred about it
zenjestrr: Shrek ass ending
zenjestrr: both people seeing past the physical and loving the person
blackjackkent: truuuu
blackjackkent: bro your mind
zenjestrr: also if you go on the Avernus field trip there's PLENTY of brains for you to snack on
blackjackkent: truuuuuuuuuuuu
blackjackkent: ALSO
blackjackkent: fundamental climax of everything she sees in Wyll that she does not see in herself
blackjackkent: the self sacrifice
zenjestrr: ye
blackjackkent: wahhhhh feelings.
blackjackkent: OK I'm actually quite jazzed about this now haha
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Being Albedo’s Wife Would Include
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Anonymous said: Albedo x Wife Reader HC,,,there aren't many works about him ;w;
A/N: I know right? There are barely any. Glad to fill that void tho, sorry it was so late I had my bio mock final just this morning.
You didn’t get married for love
Nope, never heard of it
Albedo actually dating and falling in love?
Albedo was nearly 19 and still had no mode of income
Since he was in and out of prison, he never had to really take care of himself
But since his last fight with Ben, he nearly lost all credibility in the villain world
And he went through rehab to turn over a new leaf
And he was trying
But he had no identity, no qualifications and no contacts
Not to mention no money
You were in college and were trying to find an apartment to live in
You found the perfect place
It was close to college, the price was right, it was in a good neighbourhood, fully furnished
Your perfect place
But unfortunately, the place was only letting in couples and families
No single college students because it could obviously turn out very badly
And then you find Albedo
“Are you my prince Charming?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Will you marry me?”
And he’s like the answer to all your problems
You manage to convince him to get married to you
Pooled your money together to get him some identification and then get a marriage license
Framing your marriage certificate and placing it on the wall of your brand-new apartment
“It’s not like it’s an accomplishment of some sort or anything. There’s no need to put it on a trophy shelf.”
“No actually, it’s like a reminder. I feel like one day I’ll wake up and think this was some fever dream.”
“Makes sense.”
Arguing over who gets the bed
You offered to share and he said no
You told him to sleep on the couch and he said no
So, you came up with a schedule
Helping him sign up to take get his GED and always scolding him for not studying
But he doesn’t really need to study because he’s very smart
Now usually the time and cautiousness you take with each relationship is gone out the window
I mean you’re already married to the guy
Who heard of personal boundaries?
Now Albedo is not used to this so you always freak him out
The thing that freaks him out the most is when you get into the bathroom while he’s showering to get ready for class
Or when you get undressed while he’s in the same room
Albedo gets all the necessary qualifications and then with the help of the Plumbers, he gets a job as a teacher
Unfortunately, he becomes a teacher of the 1st grade
Does he enjoy it?
Not at all
But you think it’s absolutely adorable
You pick him up from school sometimes just to tease him
And he’s blushing red and just climbs into the car while all the children and leaving with their parents and waving goodbye to him
A lot of the girls having a crush on him
“Wow, looks like I should be afraid of these girls trying to steal my husband.”
“Please stop.”
You force him to have date nights with you
Which is usually just watching a movie on the couch with some chilli fries
But he always complains about it
But then goes through like 4 dishes of chilli fries
The turn in your relationship comes when he falls really sick one day
You obviously take him to the hospital and they give him some meds but you still have to take care of him
You do that whole pressing of a wet towel to his face to try and reduce his temperature
Making him chicken soup and crackers
With tea for his throat
Making sure he’s comfortable and even missing class to take care of him
You stayed awake late to make sure his temperature decreases
He wakes up the next day feeling so much better
And sees you asleep at the foot of his bed with a towel in your hand
And something in him just awakens
The thought that someone stayed awake to take care of him
Made him feel special
Made him feel loved
At first it was kind of awkward
He would blush like a school boy and try and avoid you
But you cornered him one day and forced it out of him
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh
“Well, that’s not the reaction I was expecting.”
“Albedo, it’s okay, I feel the same way.”
“Really? You do?”
“I mean we’re already married; it was bound to happen.”
And then it’s like you’re a brand-new couple
He gets so damn nervous before your first kiss
But you eventually learn to take the lead
He always pays good attention to you
Starts introducing you to people as his wife and very proudly
One day you both are at the grocery store
And guess who shows up?
Ben along with his partner Rook
You’re off in the snacks aisle so you don’t meet them first
Ben gets on edge immediately when he sees Albedo
Reaches for his omnitrix
And when you return it’s kind of tense
Albedo doesn’t really want to reveal too much of his life to Tennyson
But you can see how hostile he’s becoming
Stepping beside him and grabbing his arm affectionately
“Hey! Do you want pasta with chicken and potatoes for dinner? I’m craving some.”
“Who are you?”
“I’m his wife. Who are you?”
It was very rewarding to see their faces of pure shock
But Albedo is done af
And so, he just grabs your hands and leaves
Spends the next few months trying to get Ben off his back
“What are you doing here Tennyson?”
“Making sure you’re not doing something nefarious.”
“I’m buying flowers for my wife’s birthday, you dimwit.”
“Evil flowers maybe.”
And Rook is just pulling him out by the ear cu he’s disrupting business’
Albedo still gets kind of nervous about your relationship
And you just think he’s a cute little bean
But he also surprises you sometimes when he’s really suave
He likes giving back hugs
Drives you to class and picks you up
And a few of your friends are just like ‘damn (Y/N), you sure know how to pick ‘em’
Helps you study
If you’re pulling an all-nighter, then so is he
Totally is the kind to regulate your eating habits
Very observant and knows just how to make you feel less stressed
He’s not very affectionate
But he shows his love in other ways
Like drawing a bath for you when you’re stressed
Or offering to wash the dishes even though it’s your turn because he knows you’re tired
Sweetheart with a troubled past
Forever Taglist: @simonsbluee​
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beware-thecrow · 3 years
I just re-readed the war arc and i have some thoughts:
I love Izuku. He's a brave boy. As much as i love Tomura, i would NEVER, never ever in a million fucking years have the nerve to face him God mode. Besides, Izuku is not only brave, but kind enough to see how horrible AfO's manipulation is on Tomura. Good boy, i love you, your mom is the best mom.
Okay, maybe Bakugou is not as disgusting as i like to rant about. Still hate him tho Izuku forgiving his bullying doesn’t excuse him, besides he insist on turning everything about him somehow to the point it’s almost a talent. I would gladly punch him in the face. Twice if possible. (the sad part is that i would totally get along with him in real life since i have this tendency to be as loudmouth and belligerent as him)
Fuck you gran Torino. You are a horrible old jumping potato. Tomura doesn't exist to hurt All Might, you piece of shit. He's a person with hopes and dreams. I hope you die soon, fucking boomer.
Dabi, my flamboyant beloved. Your drama burns like a thousand fires in my heart and i live every second of it. You are every bit the eldest vengeful son i aim to become.
Fuck you Endeavor. I may be in love with a fictional mass murderer, but i would never stand behind a wife beater. Fictional or otherwise
Controvertial opinion: i like Hawks despite all, i get why he did what he did. And...yeah, he is my kinnie personality wise. Besides, i cannot judge him for killin one very dangerous man for his cause, and then go and stand Tomura...because he too kills for his cause. (I just happen to be a communist that relates to his desire of destruction. He hates society, i hate capitalism, he hates heroes and wants them to die, i hate rich people and i want them to die.) But it would be hypocrite of me to crucify Hawks for the same because Hawks has never even tried to look good. He’s flamboyant and problematic on purpose. So, yeah, I like Hawks.
Shoto doesn't deserve the shit show of a family he has.
Tomura truly is the coolest and funniest character to read. He's always bickering, always improvising, always giving such delightful comebacks. People tend to portay him as an antisocial monosylabic gamer, when he's such a quick witted extroverted asshole. He's like 50% sass 40% improvisation and 10% mental crissis.
Tomura always makes sure to have a blast! wanna get angry? he goes ballistic. Wanna smile? he laughs like a maniac. Confused twenty something having existencial crissis? LET’S GO BONKERS, SURREAL WORLD AND SHIT. Con too sino pa ke.
Tomura’s despair to be heard by anyone breaks my heart. He truly is the most honest and open character in Hori’s work. 
Atsuhiro is the most loyal comrade, he just rip out a chunk of his torso out of love for the league.
The league believes in Tomura's dream and leadership. They are bounded by loyalty, respect and love. Because yes, i have the feeling that they truly love him.
Spinner is the best boy. He can’t compare his quirk to anyone else on the war and yet, he stands brave enough to care for his friends. Besto friendo. 
I've never hated a person, fictional or otherwise, as much as i hate afo.I fucking hate AfO
In case anyone has the doubt. YEs, AfO SAID IT TEXTUALLY He will use Tomura’s body to become the Devil warlord he always wanted to become. Tomura was just warming the vessel for him,
I want to see Dabi’s prominence burn SO BAD. You go, Dabi! show that useless fucker of a father how we burn in this house.
Also this:
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Look at them and tell me they aren’t a pair of sarcastic Flamboyant Assholes.
last but not least
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
PLEASE i need more of your among us concept, it was so good!
Hi!! How are you doing? I saw a lot of people want more of these, so I wanted to gain some time to be able to come up with more stuff about Yandere Among Us.
So, I hope you didn't wait too long. How about we continue where we left off?
But this time with an proper begining.
TW/Tags: Everyone is fighting // more characters because I hate myself! // Shy boy is a really suspicious boy // not as much as yandere tendencies, but maybe the start of them?? // All characters have real names, but calling each other by colors is a formal military way in this universe, ya know? // Mentions of blood and possibly (just maybe) scent kink 👀 // It may low-key not be like the original game but I tried ;-;
"- You're pretty sus, not gonna lie." Ch - 1 [Yandere!Among Us x Reader - Short Fanfiction]:
(Ch - 2)
"- And then I told her:' Yo, your chicken is dry as hell!' And then she beat me with a stick." You were currently talking with your best pal, Cyan! You two were in the cafeteria taking a snack-break, while everyone was trying to repair the ship by doing their own assigned tasks.
"- H-Heh, that's so you [Y/N]." Cyan said, although their tone was extremely off, like they didn't know what to say. They haven't eaten anything since the day began, and you were starting to worry if they were okay or not.
"- Buddy, are you okay? You haven't touched any of the snacks I brought you, you haven't even eaten a single marshmallow yet, and I thought these were your favorites!" You told them while shoving more potato chips down your mouth.
To you, the situation was mildly confusing, but to "Cyan" it was an absolute nightmare! How are they supposed to keep this up?? You're going to end up blowing their cover, they just know it!
They started to consider making you their next meal, yet if they did it right now everyone would be suspicious of them, since "they" have been with you ever since you two went to do tasks.
Stars help them, because things can go wrong any minute now! They were sweating under the suit out of nervousness and because of how hot and wet the suit was.
They didn't have time to clean the blood inside of the suit, so it was basically really, really sticky inside it.
They were disassociating until you've put your hand on top of theirs.
"- Cyan, what's wrong?!" You sound so worried, so loud yet concerned. For someone that was floating through space using asteroids to move around, your voice is so- Different, from the empty void out there. They aren't accustomed to this feeling yet.
"- I-I am! Don't worry about it, I, I think I just had a really long day, that's all." They lied through their teeth hoping that you would fall for it. But of course, you're way too stubborn to fall for that.
"- Are you sure tho? I- I could call White to see if you're sick, or maybe-" You were interrupted by the Cyan's scream while they suddenly stood up.
"- No! No, please- You-" Stars, they're terrible at this, aren't they?? They just need to shush you for now, they can't let you call someone else! The more people around them the more anxious they'll be and they will obviously be exposed to-
"- Look, [Y/N]-" -They tried to calm themselves, everything is fine, they just need to think of a way to make your worries go away- "- I'm fine, I promise, okay?" They said while putting their hands on your cheeks forcing you to look at their space suit's helmet.
You feel flustered by the sudden movement. Not only were you caught off guard by their sudden reaction, but-
This- this little thing that they did? Was starting to blossom a lot of unwanted flowers inside your heart.
' God, take a grip [Y/N]! You can't be all flustered in a time like this!' You think to yourself while shaking your head to wipe the lovey-dovey thoughts out of your mind.
You just can't help it though! You guess that ever since your team has been stuck in space- No, ever since you first met Cyan in the facility on Earth and were introduced to your team as their new crewmate, you have found yourself having a crush on Cyan. You hate to admit this, but yeah, they were always kinda… Cute, to you.
Ah well, Cyan was always the rascal, the flirty over the top one. The one that was always playing around yet also keeping their head strong when facing a conflict. Always so radiant yet so down to earth. Oh well, here you go, simping again, oh geez...
You try to wake yourself from your fantasy world, this is not the time [Y/N]!
"- Okay-y then! I-I'm really sorry if I was bothering you!" You try to speak up yet you stutter all the way, making you feel embarrassed at how silly you're acting right now.
And while you're dealing with your inner struggles, Cyan is looking at you really confused (not that you would be able to see it because of their helmet). There is something really strange about the way you talk to them that is making them wonder what your previous relationship with this "Cyan" human was all about, and wondering if they can keep it up with this charade if they observe you and learn more about, well, "how to be themselves" around everyone else.
Actually, this may work perfectly! By getting small clues out of you, they'll be able to decipher how to properly imitate humans!
But, they're still oblivious to human emotions, so this may take more time than expected, luckily you two can spend a lot of time alone-
"- Yooooo, look over there y'all!" You two heard someone shouting while coming into the cafeteria. Oh God, really?-
Of course it was Red, who else would be making fun of you two?
Well, he is not mean, he is just- ARGH!! He keeps picking on you for liking them, and it frustrates you so much when he comes looking all smug-
If your face could, it would turn itself into a tomato and probably pop off of your body and roll away from the embarrassment.
Wow… Okay, that was a little exaggerated, but still!-
"- How is my favorite couple doing on this pleasant evening?" He said while coming forward. His words making you turn on your defensive mode instantly:
"- We're not dating you know! I told you this nineteen times, Geez, stop being an ass…" Yep, really subtle how your cheeks lighten up at the idea of being a couple with Cyan.
And while the rest of the crew is now appearing into vision and coming forward to the cafeteria, Cyan is losing their grip ever so slightly- They can't handle this! It's- It's literally too many of you!
They can't take out every single one of you at once! This is terrible!
They need- They need to calm down and take this suit off. The heat is starting to take over their head.
"- So, how's it been for you two? Ya know, beside all the smooching-" Red says as he looks directly at you awaiting your delicious response, which was a little pouty face, so it meant that his job was done for today "- Have you guys finished your tasks?"
"- Oh! Well, we didn't manage to complete everything, the lights turned off out of nowhere and we couldn't see anything!" You tell him honestly. You're still kinda sad about it, it sucks to finish the day without completing everything you needed to.
Everyone's gathering around and sitting at the main table, it's time for a dinner meeting and assignment of tasks for tomorrow before everyone goes to sleep. God, you already miss your bed so much!
"- Ha! I knew it wasn't just in one room!... But yeah honestly me too, I couldn't finish my task because of the blackout. All that I needed to do was to swipe the card though!" Red said, while stealing one of your snacks, which earned a little "hey" coming from you, he was only joking though, as he returns the snack back to you before he can eat any.
"- Well, don't worry, tomorrow we can finish it!" Said Yellow, trying to lighten up the mood by being positive.
"- I sure do hope so-" Orange was about to say when Blue came in and interrupted all of you.
"- But what if we can't do any of them tomorrow?" Their voice echoed through the cafeteria. Everyone was silent as Blue's words caused a new feeling to arise inside the crew's hearts. Despair.
As no one was saying anything, they continued-
"- You guys seriously haven't noticed our situation yet, have you? We're floating through space because or engines have been broken by the asteroids outside, we can't even navigate this spaceship-"
"- We're trying to fix this-" Pink started, but failed to continue.
"- And while we keep "trying" and not actually doing anything, we are all in danger! Even the facility has stopped communicating with us-"
"- Blue! That 's enough!" White had interrupted his rant. His yelling was starting to get hold of Yellow's feelings, she was always sensitive to yelling and loud noises in general. Truth is, that the most positive person in your group was truly the most negative one in this scenario, yet she wanted to keep everyone together, to keep bringing hope inside everyone, even though she herself didn't truly believed in that hope.
"- W-We-" Yellow tried to speak through her sobbing, trying to hold enough strength to control her bottled up emotions from spitting out.
"- Come on, take deep breaths, I know you can do this-" Black tried to comfort her, like he would to everyone aboard.
"- We-We are all going to die here-e." She whispered in between sobs. Her breathing became more frantic and more desperate for air.
It's the eight time this week someone had a breakdown while everyone was present.
"- Blue, seat down." White asked, yet her normally stern voice made it sounded more like a command, which Blue absolutely despised.
"- I'm-" Blue started, yet, stopped themselves. Wanting to say something towards their distressed crewmate yet deciding to go away and miss tonight's meeting. Again.
"- This is stupid." They said before leaving.
"- Blue come back this instant-" White tried to call them, they didn't even look back.
"- … Didn't even apologise…" Brown said, trying to keep his cool even though he couldn't stand Blue's antics ever since the ship was stuck in space.
"- D-Damnit!" Orange punched the table with her wrists. God, she hated every single second spent in this hellish place. She only retracted her anger when she noticed Yellow flinching from the sound.
"- I'm- I'm so sorry Yellow-"
"- It's fine! D-Don't worry about it!" She said while trying to keep her own little charade going on. But after a month, no one believes her at this point.
"- Yellow I can lead you back to your room! Do you want to company?" Said Pink, their voice sounding just as sweet and cute as their personality. The only one helping everyone stay sane by simply being there and saying "Hi!" every "morning".
"- I would like it." Yellow had calmed herself down enough so she could at least say a couple of words. She said her good nights and followed Pink back into her room.
"- It's another meeting wasted." Green said while packing their things.
"- Well, it could be worse, right? Good night everyone!" Said Purple not really caring about anything at this point.
"- Oh, come on everyone! Shouldn't we discuss our tasks for tomorrow?" Red asked, if not begged for them to come back. How has this happened? How has all your crew started to fall apart so easily?
"- Don't worry Red, we can do that tomorrow morning." Black said while comforting White who was having a headache because of the endless fights inside the spaceship.
This was the third time just this week that your meetings were interrupted by arguing. This is only the second time Blue has actually been the cause of it though.
"- Maybe they miss their family?" Lime asked while referring to Blue.
"- We all do." Brown said while standing up and going to his own bedroom. Muttering something through his teeth that no one could understand.
The whole situation happened so fast, you couldn't even understand what just happened!
"- Are, are we-"
"- Yes [Y/N], you're all dismissed." White answered already knowing what you were going to ask.
"- Oh…. Do you want some?" You asked motioning the snacks up to her, which surprised her yet she appreciated the gesture.
"- Thank you…." She whispered. You nod your head and decide to give her some space. You knew that you didn't need to worry too much about it, as Black was there to help her feel better.
If Black wasn't in this ship, she would have already fallen apart. All of you would.
"- Well, I guess dinner has ended sooner than expected!" Red tried to joke to lighten up your mood, to which you give a little chuckle. God, today is a really terrible day isn't it?
"- Uhn, hey, you're okay? You have been quiet throughout the whole meeting." Red asked Cyan.
Oh. Oh no, please no.
"- Uhn? Yeah? I… did?" They're so dead.
"- Yeah, it was… Pretty odd. Last time Blue yelled you had put them in their place, and it was pretty cool of you to stand for Yellow like that". Red said remembering that day. He didn't have anything against Blue, as he knew Blue is trying their best like everyone else. Yet he didn't like how Blue started to act like an ass lately, especially not even apologising towards Yellow or even the whole crew for that matter.
Cyan was sweating like crazy. They were panicking at the beginning of the meeting because of the amount of humans surrounding them, but when they noticed how easily humans let their distrust control them, they decided to let them speak and see what would happen. Seeing them argue with each other made them feel calmer and safer.
' I won't die!' They thought.
But now? They're raising suspicion again, by literally not doing anything??! How is this possible-
"- Well, it is true but, I don't know Red, Cyan has been pretty tired all day, and besides, Blue doesn't listen to us anymore, so it wouldn't matter anyway." You tried to reason. Yes, Cyan was acting a little different, being a little more shy than their normal self but come on now, everyone has their bad days! Maybe today they are not feeling really well….
You looked up at them, trying to show sympathy to your friend who you still thought was having some personal issues of their own.
"- Yeah! Exactly… Today has been pretty crazy! I think I just need some sleep.". Yeah, really crazy! Their body had hit an spaceship filled with free food, and then they had to disguise themselves as one of the humans inside so they could easily take one by one. But now? They're regretting each second of it! Stars, the anxiety eating them from inside is worse than being all alone in space.
Well, if they ever get out alive, they'll at least have some cool story to tell their own kind about…. If there is anyone waiting for them to return, that is.
"- Oh… That sucks buddy, but you got an point, I guess we all need to relax, and hey! Tomorrow is a new day right?" Red smiled at you two, offering a little bit of positive before you two went inside your rooms. Well, he offered a little bit of positive and a hug, to which you had gladly taken.
Although, Cyan was at first really confused about this gesture, so they stayed a little further away from the sign of affection.
"- Oh come on! Stop being a dork, come over here already!" Red said as he pulled Cyan into the tight hug. It was comforting but you couldn't lie that you felt sandwiched between the two, you tried to warn Red that you couldn't breathe, and Cyan was still panicking but now for a different reason.
Because of the helmet, their sense of smell has been limited considerably, yet by being so near to your bodies, they realized they could still take in your scent. Or maybe it was all the blood inside the suit? Who knows, they just knew that the idea of a next meal was absolutely mouthwatering, and they weren't even hungry! Maybe the idea of having a whole place filled with eleven people was starting to make them salivate uncontrollably, as a child having to wait until they can pick their next candy from the jar.
Maybe they could basket in your scent until they actually feel the need to consume another crewmate.
Red was the first to break the hug, but not before fussing your hair.
"- Well, that's my goodbye for today! I need to restore some energy before I can give you two more hugs!" He entered the door behind him, which lead to his room. An oddly well organized bedroom which was only a couple of steps before your own bedroom.
And after your bedroom, there was Cyan's bedroom.
He gave his last goodbyes before closing the door. You can't help but appreciate that dork, the endless bickering between you two was pretty fun in your opinion.
While turning your back you noticed that was Cyan looking straight at you this whole time, which caused you to squeak in surprise. God, they were way too close! And your hair is a mess!
"- Sooooo… I guess we're alone now, right?" You asked timidly, trying your best to make small talk which still came off pretty awkwardly. You avoided their gaze while trying to come up with what else to say.
"- Yes. Yes we are." Cyan said, their tone was unnaturally dark for their nature, yet when you noticed them approaching you closer, you realized what you said.
"- Oh! No, I didn't mean it like-" You tried to explain the the misunderstanding, thinking that Cyan was about to flirt back with you, even though your comment was purely without malice! You swear it!
"- No making out in the halls, ya love birds!" Red opened his door and screamed, with his smug little face.
"- Geez get a room you two!" Said Pink from the other side of the corridor, their voice being really faint because of the distance between you.
"- We were not, okay?!" You yelled hoping Pink would hear it.
"- Shhhh! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" Orange banged on her door while scolding all of you. Even though she herself was making a lot of noise.
"- S-Sorry!" You responded.
Cyan distanced themselves from you, fuck, every single one of them was hearing you two. Were they all listening to your whole conversation? How were they supposed to kill anyone if everyone is this spaceship is an gossip addict? Always listening for the next tea to be spilled.
While looking at your face they recognized that same hue popping off of your cheeks. Are you perhaps sick? Actually, now they have mentioned it- What would happen if they ate a sick human?
"- Your face is red." They mentioned nonchalantly.
"- Sigh… Yeah." You sigh defeated. What's the point of hiding something that is in your face?! Even if it's fainted, everyone can tell at this point. The only person you aren't sure if they know it yet is, well, Cyan themselves.
"- …"
"- …" An awkward silent start emerging from you two, until they ask:
"- Is it because of me?" Did they, I don't know, brought some sort of sickness aboard with them? Are you passing out? Should they be concerned that your meat could be possibly damaged because of this sickness?
Although their tone is really vague, you still interpreted the question as one of their flirtatious jokes. Truth is that Cyan loves going around flirting with everyone, even with you! And they know that this makes you flustered, so you can't tell if they do it because it's fun for them or if-
Or if they like you….. A little bit.
"- Oh no! You won't fool me this time, I know what you're up to!" You say dramatically, trying to change the conversation to have a more silly tone, yet your whole attempt was dismissed, because as soon as you said that, Cyan started shaking anxiously.
You knew? You knew?! Oh stars, they're done for! They're so dead now!
"- W-What?!" They scream, please don't hurt them, they were only hungry and trying to survive!
"- … Uhn, Cyan? I'm joking." You tell your really skittish friend. Geez they really were acting weird! Normally they would have returned your joke but they are acting so easily terrified!
Did something happen in electrical while you were away?
"- Cyan… Are you hurt? You never told me what happened when the blackout happened." You once again ask them if they were okay. What if… They are scared because of something that happened in electrical? What if… They saw something?
"- What? Oh, I'm- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to freak you out like that." They laugh realizing that you were only "joking" with them. Honestly, your jokes are going to be the death of them.
"- Are you okay tho-"
"- Yes, for the fifth time, I'm doing fine [Y/N]." They… Growled? What? Their sudden anger made you take some steps back, what just happened??
They didn't realize how their tone had come off, they needed to be more careful if they wanted to keep your trust. You… You look so distressed! Did they scared you that bad? If not, than why are you distancing yourself? Why are your eyes so… Watery?
"- I-I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to…." And why were they apologising? Why does your frightened face cause such an intense feeling inside them? They were supposed to harvest your fear as an way to easily control the situation, but instead they can't help but pity your current state.
"- I've been, really stressed out, I didn't mean to yell." They say, half true, half lie. I mean, their first day is already being so strange and stressful, anyone would've expected them to end up blowing up at some point.
"- No! No, don't worry about it, I, sigh… Honestly I'm pretty stressed out myself. I guess I was so worried about you that I ended up bothering you with my questions." You say while guilt starts to form inside you. You haven't given them enough space, maybe you been pestering them too much.
To be honest, everyone was so on edge that you should have expected something like this happening, even from someone as chill as Cyan. Before you even considered finding a way to comfort them so you two could talk about it, Cyan was faster than you and had managed to trap you in their arms.
"- Hey, it's fine. Don't worry too much, I'm glad you're worried but I can reassure you, everything is okay."
It's an little awkward long hug, but you don't really mind, it's not as suffocating as Red's was. Oddly enough, Cyan wasn't being dishonest, but that fact only brought more confusion inside their mind.
"- Well… Goodnight Cyan, I'll see you tomorrow, kay?"
"- Yeah, sure…"
After some time spent looking at the ceiling waiting to see if everyone else had gone to sleep, Cyan had gotten out of their bed and started to unzip the space suit frantically.
Putting it on wasn't so hard, but getting out of it feels ten times worse now that they're sweating and tainted with the blood from the suit's previous owner. They don't need oxygen, but the feeling of suffocation inside that thing was starting to get over their heads. They needed something to cool down, anything!
So that's when the ventilation came into mind. The cold air coming from it was pleasant but not nearly enough for them, so they opened the top and got inside.
The cold air mixed with the cool metal touching their skin felt amazing compared to the heat and blood inside the suit. They need to remember to not only clean the suit, but to clean themselves very soon.
Without the helmet, their senses are so much better. They can hear and smell better, the vibrations passing through the ship helping them understand where they are and where they're going, as technically, they're kinda blind.
But who needs a great sight when they can easily smell and hear their prey from kilometers away? Speaking of which, the vents sure do help them a lot in that regard, as they can hear the soft breathing of all of your crewmates sleeping.
The smell of flesh is absolutely incredible! Just the thought makes their mouth water, maybe they deserve a little "midnight snack".
"- Eeny. meeny. miney. You!" They were deciding which one of your group should be the next, and the answer seemed pretty obvious, why not go to the nearest person?
It could lead to some issues with the other crewmates, but when they smelled your scent the need to enter your bedroom was way more important than considering the dangers of acting without thinking.
While entering your room as quietly as possible, they took a look around until they found your sleeping body almost falling from the bed. This is their chance!
Coming near you, savoring in your heavenly smell and dreaming what your taste is like, they-!... They stopped themselves from doing anything.
Your face is going to hit the floor if you continue to slowly slip from your bed.
You speak in your sleep sometimes. Not actual phrases, just occasional words. It's funny actually.
They poked your face multiple times out of curiosity. Were you awake or just dreaming? It seems like it's the latter.
You're still falling in slow motion. There is both the need to see what will happen next, and help you get back into bed.
They could just watch and see what happens. Besides, it is too dark for you to see them anyway.
Hmm… What should they do? Maybe they're wasting too much time by being here. They need to make a decision, it's to either kill you or to go back to their room.
After a couple of minutes of observing, another option has appeared, and they chose that one over the other options. They helped you get back into bed, hopefully you won't slip out again.
Maybe they should stay, just to guarantee you don't fall.
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hazard-queen · 3 years
Hi!! How’s the first few days of 2021 treating you?
As my first request of this year may I please get Azul, Rook, Vil, and Idia with platonic MC that always leaves with “I love you” and is just really affectionate?
Hello! It's not good not bad but i survive!
How about you?
It's really my honour to receive your first request of this year and i really hope that you'd like it!
Have a really good day and take care of yourself ~♡
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• He just love it, the way you always call him 'love', it's not like your in love with him but you're just being too affectionate with him.
• Whenever he calls you you just answer him with...
• "Yes, love!"
• " i just wanted to ask your opinion about my new shoes! It's the lasts model and it's actually a limited edition!!"
• You giggled and gave him a one big smile and answered without even looking at it.
• "Do you even need to ask? It's just gorgeous as everything you wear, love!"
• He's happy by the compliment but he wanted your opinion not a compliment, he frowned abit as your answer didn't satisfy him
• "Babe i said i want your opinion in my shoes! What you said is really kind but i need the truth!"
• You tiled your head and hummed looking at his shoes , it sparkle like if it was a piece of a shiny diamond
• "What do you think?"
• "just as i said! It's gorgeous....love!"
• Do you know that you're the only one that vil call by their own name not actually 'potato'? It's not like you would complement him all day and tell him everyday that he's the fairest of all and he will call you potato!
• He don't know why but that always make him happy! Some of us know what they have but we always love it when people tell us about it!
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• He needs your care and your kindness and being affectionate ia never a problem to him.
• He lost in the game, it was on extreme mode and he was just abouy to win! And the fist thing he did? He ran to you to comfort him!
• "(Y/N)!!!!"
• Kicking the door open you saw idia and he was a mess!
• "What is it, love?"
• He blushed as he heard 'love' from you, he find affection with you he never felt before (except from ortho), you're babying him and he never objectet!
• "I....lost!"
• He looked away in shame and a huge blush appeared on his face like if he did something horrible.
• Silently you opened up for arms and he threw himself into your embrace as you bated his head gently
• "Awww don't be sad you will win next time, love"
• He hugged you tight hiding his face into your embrace, all he need now is to be comforted, he doesn't know why you're always that kind to him but you always find a way to make him feel better
• "Now i will go back and i will DEFINITELY win this time!"
• Taking his way back to his doorm you called him.
• "Go get them...my love!"
• He grinned as he nodded
• "I will!"
• giving you his best smirk...he ran back to his dorm kicking every single enemy and bring back his glory!
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• "He's not eating properly! I guess he's not feeling well at all!"
• As jade spoke you could think no other than what kind of plates you're gonna cook and how you're gonna cheer him up, not even answering jade you dashed to prepare a full table of fried food and anything else he loves!
• Knocking the door happily you heard azul's tired voice from inside allowing you to entre the office
• "How are you doing, love?"
• Holding a covered tray you gave him a wide smile as you walked in the room, he was tired but once as he saw your cheerful face he's not sad anymore
• "I'm fine...what do you have here?"
• You gladly uncovered the tray to reveal every single plate he loves, at first he was happy but as he remembered the reason why he's sad he pouted
• "What's wrong, love? Don't you like my cooking?"
• You gave him a sad pout as he sigh and decided to tell you what's destroying his appetite and annoying him that way!
• " i...i gained some weight!"
• He was so sad telling you that, you know how hard he tries to keep fit, you took two toasts and placed one on each cheek.
• "What are you?"
• "An idiot sandwich!"
• "Nooo~ you're my perfect sandwich, love!"
• You placed a small kiss on his forehead wich made the blush on his face even darker
• "W will you stilll love me even if i gained weight?"
• "I will always love you no matter what, my love!!!!"
• "....then give me some fried food!!!"
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• He was training non stop!, aiming, focusing and shooting! , how long has he been there? Couple hours? Maybe....
• You walked by after watching him in silence for couple minutes of watching him training, you wanted to quietly watch him and leave afterwards but you were concern with cuts formed on his had and the blood dripping from it.
• "Are you ok, love?"
• He smiled the second he saw you unaware of his injury at all, you took his hand in yours and eyed it, it was full of bruises and cuts, it seems he was practicing hard recently.
• "It's fine don't worry about it, that always happen to me while training!"
• Waving to you like if he doesn't care or feel anything you gave him a worried expression.
• "Let me cure it, my love! Please i can't handle seing your hand like that!"
• As he saw how determined you got he sigh, he agreed tho he could bandage it himself but he let you do it.
• "This is gonna sting abit!"
• Placing the cotton full of the disinfecting liquid on his wounds he squeezed his eyes shut from the sudden pain.
• "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to pain you"
• "It's ok, i didn't know it's that bad anyway!"
• Gently you cover all the wounds and finished your job there!
• "Do you feel good?"
• "Yeah....but i still feel some pain, it seems i went very far with trading but thank you so much i feel better"
• He shook his hand with a smile on his face, yet you still feel that he's not good enough, then an idea came to your head!
• You took his hand and placed a gentle kiss on the place where you covered his wound, your sudden action made rook's face all red as he jumped from his place!
• "W waht are you doing?!"
• "They said if you kiss the place where the pain is, it will disappear! And i wanted your pain to disappear, love!"
• Giving him a closed eye smile he gave you a grateful expression before he took your hand and bent down placing a kiss on your hand.
• "That's so kind of you mon cher, but the only hand should be kissed is yours...and yours only!"
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crypticdata · 4 years
Full commentary is here bois
Ok, first. That intro? Literally made me feel like i was watching WrestleMania ngl lmao. (Also Karl just full on simping for Dream like holy shit this guy was 5 seconds away from offering sacrifices to the green man). Also what were those arena names???
Round 1:
I laughed at them just batting each other with fishing poles for a full minute ngl. Dream went straight aggressive and it wasn't a good move considering it was Techno's home field. Pig lord brought it back real fast but Dream did a good with that bow shot knockback to get him off his trail (it just didn't work lmao)
Round 2:
Both of them don't really attack for a few seconds but thats pretty much a staple of 1.16 pvp. Techno tries the crossbow knockback strat but we can clearly see Manhunt Dream just fuckin rise up with his normal aggressive af play style. Like damn, dude had no mercy.
Round 3:
Fishing 2: electric boogaloo lmao. Techno was really playing it safe this round, backing up and letting Dream come to him. Dream, like the psychopath we all know and love, just fucking rushed Techno. Strat seemed to work for a while before Mr. Blade straight up started murdering Dream. Like, holy shit it was so close Techno won by one (1) heart. I actually screamed at end of this and scared my cat lol.
Round 4:
Techno rolling a 3 on intimidation with that log stripping lmao. Dream really tried to play it safe like the Pig man last round but Techno wouldn't give up! Man kept chasing him until he was cornered. The pressure was there and both of them were fairly aggressive this round. Even with the home field disadvantage Techno fucking owned Dream, Poggers dude.
Round 5:
PSYCHOPATH DREAM MAKES A FUCKING COMEBACK HOLY SHIT??? Dude, if Dream was anymore aggressive he would be my mom with a Karen in a parking lot. Techno really tried to get back but the green just wasn't having it. No chance, A pig lead right into the slaughter hot damn.
Round 6:
Psychopath Dream still going strong with that utter obliteration wtf. Only 2 hearts lost??? This man. Techno really tried to go more aggressive but Dream was shielding like a boss dude. Those axe crits probably felt like a punch to the face to the Potato farmer. It was over so fast too. Might've been the fastest round yet.
Round 7:
Fishing strats honestly saved Techno here. That knockback really threw off Dreams groove and Techno just rushed it when he was distracted.That ending was still pretty close tho. Overall stellar match tho!
Round 8:
Techno had a strong lead that round, those crossbow shots definitely did some damage. But Dreams dodge moves and axe crit combo just gave him the comeback of the century holy fuck. i honestly thought Techno had that. Pog to Dream man
Round 9:
You could really feel the pressure this round. If Techno won this, he literally could not lose. You could tell both parties were being extremely careful. Techno fell back everytime he got hit and they fished each other for a pretty long time. Both of them was reluctant to attack first but Techno went full ham the moment both of them started attacking each other like godamn, man was clicking the shit outta his mouse. He switched to full aggressive the moment he was hit. Dream had it for a second but eventually Techno was just too aggressive ig.
Round 10:
THE FINAL ROUND! THE AMOUNT OF SWEATING I DID LIKE IM NOT EVEN THE ONE WHO'S PVPING WTF. Techno back at it again with the log stripping intimidation lol. Dream really went full manhunt mode on this round tbh, hitting Techno and then using the pillars to dodge and weave and try and get the Pig man's weak spot. But he was really screwed when they fully battled it out. Techno just got way too many hits in for Dream to still play as aggressively as he did. It could've worked, but it didn't this time and Techno got the killing blow.
Overall, the match was pretty neck and neck until the very end imo. It was devastating to watch as a Dream stan but i respect Techno for beating him in 1.16. Man deserves the crown he wears.
Also my favorite qoutes because honestly the commentary was 10/10:
"What are you gonna do if you end up losing?" "Im gonna cry"
"You're stealing Karl away from me!"
"you're gonna drop that crown of yours ok king?" (Karl you fucking simp omg)
"He's been practicing 3 hours a day!" "They made hours that small?"
"How much health did he have?" "Uh- full, don't even worry about it" "BS"
"the most riveting gameplay in the world: fishing!"
"I can only get 8-2ed now! POOOG!"
"Dreams one of the best players in the world, where is this coming from??" "Im not half bad myself" "l-l mean i can tell!"
"how much health was he on?" "He had 1 heart" "bruhhhhhh"
"It's now tied up again" "tied is good!" "I like ties"
"i just praised jesus and I'm not even a christian thats how happy i am"
"Give Techno a pep talk, let him know we're ready" "He doesn't need it but I'll do it anyway" (Chris out here being the hardest Techno stan)
"its only a 100 grand, don't be too sad" "Thank you- thank you Chandler"
"Techno is currently in the lead, can Dream tie it up again?" "Nooo, he can't"
"i think i broke my mic stand"
"10s of 1000s of Dream stans are watching from across the world" "Yes we are!" (Karl jfc control your simpness lmao)
"KARLS SUCH A TIER 3 SIMP OH MY GOD" (You said it Chris)
"If he wins this, it's atleast a tie for him. I don't want him to be that happy, i want you to be that happy"
"im so nervous im about to poop my pants"
"I used the rod I just had to remember Calvin's teachins"
"All i have to do is not get owned by Dream's epic axe crits"
"If you win the next one, 100 grand is being deposited into your bank account" "gasps that's atleast 12 pizzas!"
"Lets let the axes speak for theirselves"
"lets be honest i thought i was gonna lose not gonna lie" (Techno out here with that low self-esteem)
"No beef" "I- no, i hate Techno, i hate him so much" "OH I HATE THAT GUY"
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heyitsmirae · 4 years
Gaming buddy headcanons (A3!)
Hi~! These are just random drabbles off the top of my head as I just can’t seem to focus on my work today, which is why I decided to jot these HCs down before I forget or procrastinate again (〃▽〃) 
Itaru Chigasaki
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Whenever you and Itaru have a gaming night scheduled, he is just itching to leave work early to prep
He does a Monster energy drink / Redbull, iced coffee, potato chips and chinese take-out shopping side trip before returning to the dorm
"Let's have a successful raid today!" you both say to one another while saluting
The rest of MANKAI company know better than to pass by Room 103 on a gaming night
Sakuya accidentally forgot once and was traumatized for life when he approached Room 103 hoping to ask Itaru for help in his history homework without knowing you were in the room, too
"Ano, Itaru-san, excuse me, I need your help with someth-"
*cue you screaming in rage after dying for the nth time*
Poor Sakuya still recounts this experience with a shudder as he tells the story to Taichi
You both don't always play the rage games tho
On chill nights, both of you play Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley co-op just to chill in the virtual world
It's on these chill nights that Omi would knock on the door and give you both the dinner he set aside for you, to which you and Itaru would thank him profusely for being the mom that he is being so kind and considerate
You end up conking out in his room during gaming nights since you usually end up playing until the wee hours of the morning (much to Masumi and Sakyo’s chagrin)
He’s a perfect gentleman though, that’s why you feel completely safe around him even though you’re both single adults sleeping together (read: SLEEP as in literally sleep stop thinking the other meaning u dirty hoe)
Itaru is the first person you want to tell about the latest game in the app store or about an upcoming game to be released for the console or PC, and vice versa
Your LIME DMs with him are full of news about soon to be released games or discussions about tactics for the limited time events in the common games you play
“Taruchi, did you know that XXX company is releasing a sequel to XXX, the one that we played last week? (*≧▽≦) Kyaa! I can’t wait~”
Speaking of that nickname, YOU coined that one together during that one time he wanted to make another character from his main one in order to crush NEO (ahem, Banri, ahem)
“Seriously, Y/N, I don’t know what to name this character. Got any ideas?”
“Hmm.. Itaru Chigasaki, Itaru, Taru, Chigasaki, Taru..chi? How about Taruchi? It sounds cute!”
“Tsk, people will think it’s a girl’s account then, the way it sounds. Eh, who cares. You came up with it, take responsibility for it. I was planning to use a female avatar anyway.”
You are both admins to the wikia pages of the games you both enjoy playing
You sometimes ask his help for answers in the otome games you’re playing, to which his choices get you the wrong or Bad End (´д`)
He gets a little jealous when you go kya kya at otome game characters, actually grabbing your Switch one time and staring at the character you were squealing at
“Pffssh, he doesn’t even look that handsome. Have some standards, you otome trash lady. What’s with the fake perm and hipster clothing. You have got to be kidding me. Who’s the character designer of this?”
“Excusez-moi, but the character designer is the famous XXX, thank you very much. And don’t diss my husbando, go stick to your own overly-large boobies waifus. Shoo, shoo!” 
You always thank the gaming gods for sending Itaru in your life because you could not imagine getting through life without a gaming buddy like him
Banri Settsu
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Playing video games with this man can go either way
You can either really enjoy playing with him, or get really pissed off when he keeps winning easily
His skills are top-notch, which makes him an ideal raid partner on co-op games like Monster Hunter
Just don’t think you can win against him when it’s 1v1, because boy you will be crushed
Unless he lets you win, which usually happens when he sees that you look like you’re about to cry after being beaten in Super Smash Bros for the nth time
“Oi, Y/N, it’s just a stupid game. Don’t think much about it, okay? Let’s do one more round.”
He doesn’t own a console or PC, so gaming dates are usually done in arcades
He is crazily athletic too, so you can kiss your DDR (dance dance revo) winning streak bye
Don’t even think of challenging him to play Tekken, because unless he’s feeling magnanimous, you will lose
On his birthday, you and the rest of MANKAI company pooled your money to get him a Nintendo Switch (yes, even Juza lol)
For the first time in his life, he is struck speechless (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
It’s not like he’s poor or something, but the gesture moved him so deeply that he was strangely docile for a few hours
“Ne, Banri, you have a Switch now. Let’s play something!”
You take advantage of his new docile state and challenge him to a 1v1 game where you actually win lol
But he snaps out of it and starts crushing you again (that was fun while it lasted ┐(´~`)┌ )
Playing an otome game beside him will ensure that you get the Good End of your favorite husbando
“I’m not sure what to answer here. What do you think, Banri?”
“Huh? Lemme see. Hmm. The first option seems good to me.”
After shedding a tear or two for the Good End you just watched, you thank the otome gaming gods and Banri’s super easy mode for helping you complete your husbando’s route and collect all the event images
Unlike Itaru who loses all sense of time and his surroundings when in the “Zone”, Banri is still incredibly thoughtful especially when you set up gaming night sesh with him
He knows that like Itaru, you are prone to binge on junk food and forego sleep to grind for a good armor or weapon
“Y/N, it’s already past midnight. Don’t you think we should call it a night?”
He is easily riled up, especially when he senses that he’s being compared or challenged (this is the main reason why Juza pisses him off so much)
“What, are you chicken? Itaru-san doesn’t give up to the clock just to sleep instead of grind for the limited XXX armor set.”
Aaaand you both end up sleeping on the couch at 5am after a long, grueling night of dungeon diving
*cue Sakyo finding you both asleep on the couch in the morning*
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Hope you enjoyed reading! Look forward to more A3! drabbles in the near future~ (^ω^)
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chemicalarospec · 4 years
Genuinely Don’t Say Anything Interesting Here But I Like Talking So Thus I’m Posting This
okay I did like nothing productive today but have a ramble on youtube fanbases, specifically the new gen of mcyt. This was two posts and then I made it one so sorry when I repeat myself. I did edit it tho lol. But that means I also inserted more, so this is just all over the place now. 
me from the future: oh god. all over the place. wait wtf this is so long. I don’t even have much to say I just like writing the same sentence three different ways and refusing to cut any of them. I’m sorry; I don’t know how to edit; this is informal AF. (can I use three semicolons? at least one of those is wrong anyways lol.)
edit: I’m so sorry I forgot about having a “read more” last night laksjdflksjad. Also idk if I even agree with myself lmao.
it’s so funny how mcyt is like The Thing now. It’s not cool to like it anymore lol, cuz everybody does. (This is a me thing. I like being special lol. I also self-define “cool” so you should not take it to heart when I say it’s not cool.)
I mean, just thinking about the Dream SMP as something I *do* want to get into, it doesn’t feel like “our thing” -- it’s has the feel of a HUGE fandom. Seriously, I’m in the phandom, which ngl has been dead since 2018, and the fanbase for the SMP has a much different, bigger feel. Idk what i’m getting at, it feels imposing? looking at the Dream SMP fandom seems similar in scope and slightly in atmosphere to pre-2019 phandom, at least to me, and it’s actually making me grateful that I joined now and not all that time ago.
Also I brought up the “our thing” bit because of the mcr post that goes “funny how MCR seems like our little secret and the biggest thing in the world at the same time” and I kinda thought that was just how all fandoms worked? idk I was going to assert that the truth is different but I thought some more and now I’m not sure.
but yeah I like the “our little secret” feel and somehow the phandom has (re)gained that while technoblade (and the new gen of mcyt as a whole) is loosing it.
I mean, I’ve been watching Technoblade since the bedwars winstreak. He had less than a millions subs but most people I brought him up to actually did know who he was. He was big but he wasn’t *famous* -- we all knew about him and we all cared. Like the only person who knew who he was and didn’t care had a little brother(s?) that loved him (wait why is this all in past tense this is all still true). (Yes AFC this has become a callout post for you mocking techno lol.) (If you’re still reading my miNeCRaFT yOuTuBeR fAnBaSe MEta. cringe culture is dead tho; I don’t have to say it like that.) 
Anyways, I didn’t follow Technoblade’s Dream SMP streams and now I feel like I’d just be tagging along if I did get into it. (also didn’t watch SMP Earth lol.) This is because I’m a gate-keeping jerk. Or hate missing out. One of those two things. 
(awkward transition where I don’t know how to make my tangent meaningful and have to make it back to the original train of thought I violently interrupted)
As a long time Techno fan, I’m really proud of the growth he’s experiencing, but a little sad too as the community is being -- well, I don’t want to say “infiltrated,” as I don’t want to shade anyone who was simply late to the party -- perhaps diluted? overwhelmed? yeah, overwhelmed by newer fans, and becoming “unmanageable” in a sense; it feels like we’ve lost a bit of our sense of community with the influx of new fans -- no shade to any new fans! This is just the way fandoms work. When the crowd is larger, it becomes harder recognize each member as a person, even if everything else is the same. (”The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”) (look this is how my brain works deal with it)
I just really like this small community feel, and it’s a bit daunting looking at the smp fandom. 
Also the growth Dream experienced this year is genuinely ludicrous. I mean, the wide appeal of shipping is part of it, not going to beat around that bush, but there’s just so much and I wanna read an essay from a long-time fan who saw it on why he’s got so much growth. 
I really hate to shame fans and stuff, but part of it, at least for me, is that most of these new fans probably aren’t “minecrafters” like we were. I doubt the majority of them grew up on Stampy, DanTDM, and whatever the other ones I didn’t watch were. I mean, some of this is because Child. For them, the distinction is really pre-quarantine post-quarantine i guess? Really, whether they played Minecraft or not. Again, I know it’s bad to shame fans, but apparently I’m just a terrible person and I feel like it’s more shallow or disingenuous to get into MCYT when it’s popular without already being into Minecraft. 
WAIT that’s it -- Minecraft community, as a whole, is special. It’s a LARGE umbrella of fandoms in general, but that’s the thing: they’re all more communities than fandoms -- from the casual builders to the pro parkour players to those who watched the og youtubers to those who followed the Great Potato War, there was Minecraft Culture. 
And the expanded fandom that’s sprung up around the Dream SMP and possibly Dream in general (???) is more of fandom. It feels like a fandom. People treat it like a fandom, they talk about it in fandom spaces, it is fandom, a modern fandom. Not a quaint “little” Minecraft community. 
I’m not going to say it’s because of the shipping, but... I have no data but at least I can say that it certainly creates an appeal for Fandom People as opposed to Minecraft People. And then also it’s just a fandom thing so it makes the space more fandom. 
Also I realized this is all based upon a feeling, so where did the feeling come from? I was reading in-fandom texts a lot today, and I think the storyline actually might have something to do with it. Also maybe the “talking behind their backs”? I can’t be bothered to remember what I’m comparing to what at this point but that’s definitely done in a lot of other spaces I’m in, so idk.
OH FRICK I’ve mostly been *in* the fandom spaces for real things lmao. (Read: I’m 100% making up everything at this point.) 
(awkward transition because I inserted the last two paragraphs later on)
And really, I played minecraft today for the first time in months. But it’s still with me, you know? The memories of being introduced to it, growing up with it. Going to the Nether with my cousins, my uncle’s giant survival mode cathedral. Mojang being bought by Microsoft and everybody hating it. (... me, my brother, my two friends, essentially... how did we even know??)
[I had part about the minecraft.net writers here but it was completely unrelated so it became it’s own post. I should do that more.]
(With every sentence the target audience of this post gets smaller.)
What was I saying? I’ll just wrap up. 
TL;DR: Dream SMP fandom feels like a fandom and not a Minecraft community and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’ve realized I prefer a community feel, which makes me grateful I joined the phandom now. Also I shouldn’t be allowed to post things past 9:00pm. 
Oh my god I’m so sorry to all my mutrals. My tired loquacious reflex has kicked in. This is essentially a dan and phil stan blog, and though I know a few of you know what I’m going on about, I’m so sorry to the rest of you. 
Well, at least *I* think I’m a fascinating person with interesting things to say hahahahha. 
This is like a diary post. Should I post this? Yeah, other people should share my thoughts lol. OH NO: Late-night Tumblr fandom ramble posts are the new social-justice tirade/generally useless blog-like Goodreads reviews. At least it’s what Tumblr’s made for :P. 
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
Uhhhh 12, 23, 29 for Ajay x Mc?
12. Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
There is a wedding! it's a little bit on the smaller side but still beautiful nonetheless. ajay, being Ajay, has a pretty big hand in it all and works very well with Bailey on ensuring it's the perfect wedding for both of them. they also incorporate pieces of ajay's culture into the traditional wedding sense so there's a lot of personal touches into the decorations. the proposal was a slightly larger affair, with it being kind of similar to his promposal in the book. he was directing something and on the opening night, he had the actors change their lines a little bit to give him an entrance so he could propose to her from the stage, as she was sitting in the front row (per his request djfjfjf). she immediately started crying when he came out and brought her on the stage. STANDING OVATION MATERIAL.
also they talked about what they both wanted in a proposal beforehand and Bailey said she'd always loved public proposals and that nothing could be his promposal in high school, so he def took those words to heart and planned to make an even better proposal. they actually had two honeymoons in once! they went to London for a week to visit Bailey's biological family and then to India for a week to visit Ajay's family. don't worry tho, they def made sure to get time to themselves😌
23. how do they hug? kiss? tease? flirt? comfort?
hugs: Bailey is about half a foot shorter than ajay, so hugs for her always feel very warm and encompassing. despite his colder attitude sometimes, he gives full body hugs to bailey. despite their height difference, Bailey also always wraps her arms around his neck. he loves picking her up slightly off the ground because it makes her giggle and he loves her laugh.
kiss: they were both kinda inexperienced when they kissed in high school, but we're perfectly happy experimenting with each other. ajay typically only kisses on the lips while Bailey tends to kiss him on the lips and then spread her kisses to his cheeks and jaw. he LOVES to give forehead kisses doe and I will die by that fact thank u
tease: Bailey teases with actions while Ajay teases with words. light touches to his knee or flirty winks will completely decimate Ajay, while cute jokes and innuendos easily make Bailey short circuit. every once in a while, Ajay will slightly push down his glasses and send her a wink from over the rims, and Bailey can't think straight for the rest of the day.
flirt: Ajay will always roll his eyes and hide a smile at the cheesy pickup lines Bailey comes up with (especially if they're film/theatre related) but Ajay rarely flirts with Bailey in a way people can see. every once in a while, though, Ajay will randomly let a pretty smooth line slip out, usually sending his friends into a frenzy because "DAMN Ajay, when did you get so suave???"
comfort: when Ajay gets upset, he tends to throw himself into his work, so Bailey will comfort him by bringing him food if he needs it or just sitting across the table from him doing her own thing. just her presence is very comforting to him. when Bailey's upset, she likes distractions so he'll always come over and read to her, watch movies with her, or just stay up talking to her for hours.
29. how do they handle disasters or emergencies? minor injuries? sickness?
disasters and emergencies: Ajay will freak out for a split second, then go into director mode. Bailey is more than happy to follow instructions when she can, but since she worked at her parents restaurant, she's used to some things breaking/going wrong, she's also able to keep a level head in bad situations. overall, they're the couple you'd want to be stuck with in a disaster or apocalypse (shameless plug to Take Us Back by @rulesofthebeneath, I highly recommend)
injuries and sickness: Ajay is good at the typical scrapes and colds since Mohit usually goes to him when he needs a band-aid or has a fever, but beyond that, he's hopeless. that's where Bailey comes in; since she's worked at the restaurant, she's sprained shit, twisted shit, and has many burn scars from hot pans, so she's very knowledgeable about how to heal bad injuries. when ajay's sick, she's also always the first at his door with homemade chicken soup. when Bailey's sick, ajay's first at her door with some homemade khichdi and potato fries.
sorry this was so long!! but I love them😌😌😌😌😌
from this list!!
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lachlann-macnab · 4 years
At Al’s Potluck
Alternative title: Backstory, friendly banter, potatoes and feels.
Dated: October 24, 2020
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann had learned rather quickly that when Seamus had said "you're a menace to society you're never driving again, not unless I'm hurt so badly I'm passed out" he'd really, really meant it and no amount of pouting and/or complaining would stop the man from driving them both to Al's Comic Barn as their respective recipes sat on the backseat. But karma had struck the man as soon they had to get out the car, since now he had to juggle his enourmous plate and the keys, a scene Lachlann found actually quite funny as he remained seated on his place, phone on one hand and dish on the other
Seamus MacTunnag it would have been much easier to balance the fucking pot if he didn't have another platter along with it. Stovies and oatcakes were easy to make, especially for large amounts of people, but that meant having more than was necessarily manageable. Lachlann was pouting in the car and, thus, unhelpful. Finally shoving his keys in his pants pocket, the brunet picked up the second tray he'd set carefully on the hood of the Roadster. "Yer no help, ye know that?" He shook his head and mumbled under his breath about a grown man being a brat all because he wasn't allowed to drive before he nodded to the door. "Hands're otherwise occupied. Care the get th' door at least?"
Lachlann MacNab "That's a lot of complainin' for someone that generally insists on doing everything himself, Mister Mac T" Lachlann replied with a grin, making sure his phone was set to airplane mode (having figured before that receiving any message during the event would be a faux pas) and using the little moment to also make sure he'd actually closed Spotify, not wanting a certain other playlist to accidentally...well, play after the "driving" one had finished. "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting the doors. I'm still surprised you decided to actually come, tho'" he said, now being the one doing some juggling
Seamus MacTunnag "An' that's a lot o' lip comin' from a man who sat an' watched 'cause he wasna allowed tae drive," Seamus quipped back, smiling winningly as he waited. Lachlann fiddled with his phone for a moment before shoving it in a pocket then reached for the door. "Thank ye kindly," he murmured, brushing past the other as he strode through the doors. "An' 'course I would, Lachie. I try tae at least go tae one or two o' these every year. Get a feel fer th' candidates." McWiggin was a native to the town, ran a small business, and seemed concerned with the community as a whole. It would be smart to look into him, at the very least. "'Sides, I havena cooked fer a large group in a while. Seemed th' thing tae do. Old family favorite, an all."
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann didn't have a counterpoint for that, so he decided to stick his tongue out at the other man and take that L as he made sure the car's doors were closed, Al's were opened and his own pot of Chili Macaroni (Vegan, mind you) remained secure on his hands. "Louie says Al 's a pretty cool dude and I think he did well during the first debate" Lachlann nodded "you rootin' for him, Mister Mac T? or are you more interested on the food? Like, I think he's done great so far but, well, I'm kinda new around, so... I don't really know for certain"
Seamus MacTunnag If Seamus's hands were free, he'd have gone for Lachlann's tongue. Much like how Adelaide had done to him when she was a wee one, in fact, though the circumstances were far different. "Careful darlin'," he warned, grin hinting at the mischievous, "wouldna want ye tae lose yer tongue." Listening for a moment as he found somewhere to set the platter and pot down, Seamus hummed in acknowledgement, mind turning over what he knew. In years previous, he'd known McWiggin to be a bit of a tit, rude to women and someone who was just generally unpleasant. Seemed like he'd cleaned up his act in the past year or so, as well as he could anyway, and was hoping to turn over a new leaf. "Dunno quite who 'm votin' fer yet, in truth. 'S why I come tae these, see what they're about. He seems concerned about th' town he grew up in an' the local business, but I'd like tae see more of his stance on Magick/Mundus relations, given where we live."
Lachlann MacNab "Darlin'" Lachlann didn't know what to reply to that -at least not while in public-, even stopping for a second before deciding that the best next unrelated step was finding a place to place his pot as he nodded. "Yeah, it's kind of complicated" politics had never been an easy topic, really "Al strikes me as the most approachable candidate, like, I don't get a thing Reza talks about, Aquata is kind of initimidating and Shock..." He didn't really finish that sentence because he figured that everyone felt the same way about the youngest candidate and her blasé ways about... everything. Also, because he'd just spotted a familiar recipe. "Oh, the Beignets! Tiana must be here too!"
Seamus MacTunnag The silence was noted and smugly filed away. And over a little old thing like darlin', at that. "Aye," he agreed, eyes sweeping over the people milling about the comic shop. He'd never ben inside the place himself, but he knew Louie worked here, so he'd wanted to come down for a look-see. "Al may be approachable, but both Reza and Aquata address cohesion and Magick representation in a mixed community as well as plans to provide a more streamlined petition process. An' Adamson, well, I hardly take 'er seriously." Seamus shrugged, running a hand through his hair. After having lived with a Magick for half a decade, amidst other generational hardships, Seamus had always made it a point to look at legislation that had to do with Magicks. "Take it ye know someone around?" The name was vaguely familiar, like he'd met them previously, but he couldn't place a face to it.
Lachlann MacNab "I mean, yeah, they do" Lachlann shrugged "Like, they sound like they know what they're saying but I think that the best possible option 's having someone you know you can approach, you know? I'd get nervous by the mere thought of just getting close to Miss Triton or Reza -like, I don't think I'd ever have a reason to do so but...yeah" And he'd rather not think much about the whole Magick-Mundus things, since he still had a bittersweet feeling about the whole Moon Market fiasco. "Ah! Yeah, well- kind of! She's an acquaintance of sorts, I guess. 'nyways, what was it that you cooked, again, smoochiekins?"
Seamus MacTunnag Lachlann did have a point, yes. You had to be able to approach a council representative, or feel like you could, anyway. That was the entire point of it all, wasn't it? Granted, Seamus had cut his teeth on hardened business men and women, their unflinching values and ironclad stances. There was a different type of ability to interact there for him than there was Lachlann. "The Triton lasses ain't all bad. Adella's nice, even if she is a right pest." He smiled, thinking on the woman fondly. He'd not seen her in a while but she was one person in town he counted as a friend. "Aquata's Da was a staple of th' council. Think she's jus' tryin' tae do right by him." Both brows rose at the abrupt change of subject and the godawful nickname. His nose wrinkled involuntarily at the implementation. "That's awful, Lachie. Truly, truly awful. But 's, uh, we call it stovies an' oatcakes. Traditional Scottish fare. Me mam used tae make it a lot." He glanced down and off to the side, clearing his throat once he was through speaking, suddenly not too keen on talking about Davina MacTunnag. "Yers was, uh, vegan was it?"
Lachlann MacNab "I think I've heard about the Tritons before- I think one of them designed Loopy's favourite lipstick" he couldn't say which one, though "And I kind of recall seeing Adella's name somewhere..." He'd checked Tinder one or twice since arriving to Swynlake and vaguely recalled seeing someone with a curious name and amazing photos but, well, obviously out of his league, so he hadn't even bothered trying. And there was another reason,  of course, which was currently looking fondly at his own pots. "So that's what you needed all those potatoes for!" he said with a wide smile "and here I was, thinking you were feeling like starting a farm, Mister Mac T! And, yeah, 's no big deal. You kinda just throw all the ingredients into the pot and pray for the best. It may not be anything fancy but at least I didn't burn down my kitchen"
Seamus MacTunnag It took him a moment to parse out who Loopy was but, once he had, Seamus nodded his head. "Aye, one o' 'em has a make up line I think. Adella dragged me tae th' bloody adult prom a year of so back," he mumbled, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "She's a sweet girl. Seemed tae think I needed tae get outta th' house. Kinda like someone else I know." Yes, that was a Pointed Pause, Lachlann. "The family's from Swynlake though. Been here fer generations, I s'pose. Makes sense they'd try tae continue it." The comment about the potatoes made him pause, lips quirking up into a smile before he chuckled and shook his head. "Nope, no potato farming. My people didna do such a thing," he quipped, grin widening. "But th' Stovies feed a family fer a while, keep ye warm, all o' that. 'S a staple when ye grow up in Glasgow slums. Had tae take th' liquor outta the recipe though. Been sober around two an' a half years. Don'tcare tae cook with it neither." He hummed his acknowledgement of the other man's dish, wondering how it tasted. At least it wasn't burnt
Lachlann MacNab "Oh" Lachlann said, nodding at the comment and making a mental note about Adella being cool (even in a non-Tinder context). But at the rest of the phrase he tilted his head and bit the inner part of his right cheek "But isn't that kind of thing like...what's the word? When someone in power helps other person to achieve things- necromancy? no, eh, neo- no, nepotism?" He paused for a second, first thinking about the implications of the words and the situation he wasn't sure about, then deciding to move towards a plate full of cookies before the girl with the white dress decided to eat them all by herself. "Myesh" he said with a mouthfull of cookies "sh more like ah shtereoghtiphgical 'rish thng, nt Scottish" Wait. Slums?... " 's better that way, I guess. That way you can be the one driving, instead of having me risking everyone else's well-being, sweetipie" he joked, even if he was still curious about the comment about living in the slums once.
Seamus MacTunnag "Mm, I s'pose ye could see it that way, aye. Most dunna. From what I understand 's more--" Seamus searched for the words, brow furrowing a bit as he walked alongside the other man. Toward more food, he could see. "--a generational connection to th' town. The Triton family is rooted in Swynlake. Everyone knows 'em. Sure, it sounds like they're takin' advantage o' that an' maybe they are, but what if 's because they got th' best fer th' town at heart? I jus' tend tae look at both sides o' matters, or try tae." Rolling his eyes as the other man spoke with a full mouth, Seamus waited until he was done. "Aye. An' 'm nae fuckin' Irish." He'd had to live in the Little Ireland neighborhoods in New York for a while, mind, but that's because no one knew their arse from their head back then. Couldn't tell the difference. Some people still couldn't. Seamus swiped a cookie from the other man and took a bite before turning on his heel to take a look through the rest of the dishes, offering quiet hellos as he went. When he heard another awful nickname, Seamus turned to give Lachlann a droll look. "'M nae luggin' yer heavy arse tae th' car--" A mischievous little grin cropped up and, just to be a tit, tacked on a m'eudail for good measure, accent thickening around the familiar word.
Lachlann MacNab "Yep, 's important to try and do that, get to know both sides I mean, like the whole thing with Reza's scandal" which had surprised all of twitter, himself included. Lachlann still wasn't sure where he stood on all that and his attention was, instead, focused on the food and trying to keep his cookies away from the other's hands, anyways. But even when he swiped one away, Lachlann couldn't help but smile it off, nod and follow him in the search for something nice to munch on. "Yeah, some people think it's the same thing but that's, frankly, offensive to both nationalities" he said, having some vague knowledge about the topic, since people assumed a lot of things when they heard the MacNab surname, but he had never really mind the errors "You started it, darling. Anyways, so Stovies are kind of a family recipe, then?"
Seamus MacTunnag Seamus nodded his head, agreeing without really needing to say anything. It was true, after all. The scandal release had been a shock to everyone, but Seamus wasn't just going to judge the man like so many other people seemed to be fond of. Sorcerer or not, Magick or Mundus, all sides deserved a critical look. "'S extremely offensive, particularly when I was exposed to it." The Irish, at one point, were treated like animals. When people had believed Seamus was, he'd been given the same treatment. He'd had to learn how to defend himself and his sisters quickly. "Darlin' is a term of endearment. Whatever those other things were were nae. But yes, I s'pose so. Most everyone in th' area knew how tae make 'em, but me mam taught me. I had tae work two or three jobs growin' up but, uh, she let me help in me downtime. Da never gave a shite so--" Seamus shrugged, going a bit pinched around the eyes at the involuntary reminder of his father. "--figured I could give another pair o' hands when she needed 'em."
Lachlann MacNab This was the first time Lachlann heard about Mister Mac T's parents and- nothing about it sounded all that cool. Slums, working two or three jobs, the "Da never gave a shite"... Sure, the older man was resilient and most certainly had seen a lot of stuff before, but hearing that he'd to struggle even during childhood was kind of a harsh idea; Maybe someone that felt particularly poetic or philosophical would say that that kind of things had turned the man into the kind of person he currently was but- but Lachlann only found it kind of miserable, really, that he hadn't had the chance to just be a happy child. "Maybe you could teach Huey, Dewey or Louie how to cook it, eventually" he said, placing a hand in the other's shoulder, in an effort to cheer him up "or me. I'd be happy to learn it"
Seamus MacTunnag See, he knew what his childhood sounded like. He had lived it and it was just as shite in the telling as it had been back when he was a lad, and that had been hedging around how big of a piece of shite his father had been. Seamus snorted at the mention that the boys would learn. He turned his head to look at Lachlann's face, squeezed the hand that had landed on his shoulder."Aye, maybe Huey. Dunno about Dewey. Louie would rather food be served to him, not be made by him, so I doubt he would. But I wouldna mind it, if ye wanted tae learn. Ain't hard tae make."
Lachlann MacNab "I think Dewey would be down to clo- I mean, totally up for it" Probably. Maybe. He wasn't sure if his best friend had any interest in cooking but he figured that as long as something sounded like a fun time, he'd be up for it. Huey probably would take notes about the recipe like the very organized guy he was and- -he was absolutely correct about Louie, so there was no point in thinking about that, so he smiled and nod, then pointing towards a fancy-looking salad, as if asking the man if he wanted to try some of that (while still not letting go of his shoulder). "I wonder if we'll see Al himself. I'd really like to tell him that I admire the fact that he has Darkwing comics in stock- and also maybe give him props for making the drinking game interesting for everyone"
Seamus MacTunnag Down to clown? Really? Resisting the urge to laugh or smile at the turn of phrase (because it was awful and not at all endearing in any way whatsoever), Seamus still found himself losing the battle when his mouth twitched upward. Nodding his head at the nonverbal suggestion, the Scotsman allowed himself to be steered to the side a bit, walking in step with the other man and listening as he spoke. He'd have to remember to ask the boys if they ever wanted to learn how to cook. It would come in handy for them later, if anything. "Maybe, maybe not," Seamus murmured, a shoulder moving in a half-shrug. "Though I dunno if havin' a series o' books or tryin' tae give yah alcohol poisonin' is worthy of congratulations." Now he was just being a shit head, it was true, but it was also a fact that McWiggin had seemed to run in circles during the first debate, never really seemed to address questions that were more hard hitting when his contempories had. He had stuck to "small businesses" and "community" which, while what he was using in his campaign, should not have been the entire thing, in Seamus's opinion. But what did he know?
Lachlann MacNab "But I'm ok now" he declared, rather proud of himself "I'm dying by plane crash or not at all" Which was a joke, really; He simply didn't get (terribly) injured in any of his particular stunts so that phrase was more of a roundabout way to say "no way" than an actual - -wait. Mister Mac T wasn't supposed to know about that. Shit. "They aren't just any comic books, they are, objetively, the best comic books ever made" he said, trying to steer the conversation into another direction, then stuffing his mouth on some nearby potato salad so he could play the "sorry, I can't talk, my mouth is full" card just in case the older man didn't take the Darkwing bait. "Thish ish tashty! You shld try shome"
Seamus MacTunnag Dying by plane crash or not at all. That...that didn't sound good at all. In fact, that sounded the opposite of good. In fact, that sounded like Seamus should be worried about Lachlann flying a goddamn airplane which was, frankly, disappointing. He wanted to see how the man flew. And the fact that the other man tried to steer the conversation into a 360 didn't help any. "In a minute. We're gonna circle back tae th' plane crash thing. How many times, exactly, have ye crashed Lachlann? How accident prone are ye?" Is that why you're in Swynlake?
Lachlann MacNab Oh, Lachlann was absolutely not having that conversation -not in that place, not ever and specially not with Mister Mac T of all people. " Gee, I was only joking" he said, even if his tone was way more somber than intended "but, I guess now I know what I'm not supposed to joke about when you're around, eh?. Like, I guess that's all my fault, I know it's a serious topic and all". He decided to try and distract himself searching for a plate and filling it indiscriminately with food.
Seamus MacTunnag Ah, sore subject then. Seamus could read a room well enough by now and certainly could tell when someone didn't want to talk about something, even if it was something important. He'll, he'd done much the same more than once. It was still irritating but it was forgivable. It would be hypocritical to not be, after all. "Mmhmm," he murmured, both brows hiking ninto his hairline before offering a small smile, the kind that said 'I know you don't wanna yak about whatever that is, so I won't. Yet.' "Ye can joke around plenty. Death 's just a touchy subject, is all." Which wasn't a lie, but he wasn't going to elaborate much more just then. Instead, he picked up a small plate of his own.
Lachlann MacNab Look, Lachlann generally tried his best to take that whole topic in stride, playfully mentioning it every now and then when necessary, but discussing it (or anything vaguely related to it) with the older man was simply not going to happen, not when he held his family's talents in such high regards, not when he felt like his-their current closeness depended on what he could offer (and driving certainly wasn't it). If he didn't have a good reason to be there then- then Mister Mac T would send on his way, right? He would never bother dealing with a washed-up pilot, right? He- he deserved way better and- "'s ok. I know, I'm sorry" he finally said, voice slightly cracked. He just couldn't bear to lose the other's respect too, or the comfortable closeness they've built.
Seamus MacTunnag He heard the cracks in Lachlann's voice before they really made themselves apparent and Seamus felt his brow furrow at the sound, wondering at it. He filed it away for later, just like he did much everything else he observed about Lachlann and other people around him, to pull up and examine later on. Clearly, whatever it was, it was something the younger man didn't want to talk about, probably something with his family, if Seamus had to guess. Just a hunch but, well, MacNabs usually didn't stray far from their clan, if you will. And Lachlann was an entire ocean away from his. "Ye dunna have tae apologize, Lachie, 's alright," he said, voice pitched low so the nosy biddies around them couldn't eavesdrop. Namely, his nephew, wherever he might be.
Lachlann MacNab "Yeah, but still...." Lachlann said, trying to keep up with the conversation even if he suddenly felt quite down (so much so that the food currently on his plate suddenly didn't seem all that enticing anymore and had been reduced to a mere excuse for his movements). He just didn't want to deal with that topic. He'd rather run away. He'd rather pretend all of that wasn't even a thing. He'd rather just take his few belongings, throw 'em into his uncle's car and never look back now that people, that Mister Mac T knew about his failures. But he couldn't. Not now. He didn't want to let go of that- them- him. Not yet. "I just- could we- I'd rather talk about politics or Darkwing or Swynlake, you know?"
Seamus MacTunnag Yes, there was definitely something sore about the subject here. He recognized the behavior. In fact, he'd done it himself, once upon a time. It was...odd seeing it mirrored in someone else, someone he knew that hadn't been from decades and lifetimes ago. "Aye," he said, voice still pitched low, a small, placating smile, curling around his mouth. "We can do that." Seamus checked him with his hip, herding the man away from the food table and closer to the comic books, figuring it was a better topic to pick up than anything else. "Which arc's yer favorite? Or th' one ye need? Might have it here."
Lachlann MacNab That- was kind of unexpected, really. Lachlann had hoped the other would simply nod and let him be instead of guiding him away from the table -or actually mentioning Darkwing. He couldn't but give the man a little smile (that also served as a silent 'thank you') as he followed him and looked into the various colorful displays, plate still in his hand. "The Dark Knight Returns, hands down" he said, voice slowly returning to it's usual volume "I like the idea of Darkwing being retired for a while, then returning. Like, I feel that makes a hero -doing the right thing even when it's difficult or it kind of hurts, being- reliable, I guess" But he wasn't looking at the comics as he said that, not really.
Seamus MacTunnag He saw the unexpected surprise cross Lachlann's face and counted it as a win. Or, at least, a minor victory of a small skirmish. It was also, incidentally, what appeared to be a bit of a thank you in its own right. As the other ran spoke about the comics, Seamus's eyes traveled over the colorful covers and the snazzy artwork, the characters that came to life in their pages pitted against the harrowing forces of some villain or another in a snapshot on the front cover. The Darkwing books were no different, though Seamus knew them by hert a little differently. Still, it was nice to hear Lachlann a bit more normal, so he let him go on with his explanation, chuckling quietly at what he heard. "Sounds like yer trying tae tell me somethin', Lachie," he mumbled, teasing in the tone. He reached out a hand and tapped one of the covers, the garish suit they put Darkwing in front and center. "I remember when th' first one o' these came out. Laughed meself about sick. 'Course, I knew why. He did deserve it, retirement an' all. Sometimes it ain't fer someone, though, an' they wanna keep on, even if they dunno how tae quite get back intah th' game." No, he wasn't taking about Darkwing anymore.
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann laughed and shook his head 'no', even if there was some true to the other's statement and once again found himself intrigued by the other's words, or more exactly the way he used them -sure, one could argue that him being older meant he'd had more exposure to that sort of media, but that didn't seem like the reason he talked of Darkwing in such a way. But then again, who was Lachlann to judge? If anything, he was happy to had a shared interest. "It's difficult sometimes. Once you start doubting it just...isn't the same, right?" he asked, before taking a bite of his previously-forgotten food "I really admire the kind of people that just- you know, keep doing their best even when things get difficult. I hope to learn to do that kinda stuff someday" Maybe he could from the older man, that even with his rough start had managed to make the best he could and continued trying to do so. "I- I know this may not be the best place, but could I ask you a question real quick, Mister Mac T?"
Seamus MacTunnag Seamus paused when he was done speaking, glanced over at the other man, a hand holding just over the spine of an omnibus edition. Looked like the first arc of an early Darkwing series. Maybe another hero, mixed into the wrong area. "Aye, it is." Turning so he was facing the other man more fully, Seamus leaned his empty arm against the shelf and crossed his feet at the ankles, brow ticking upward. "Shoot, Lachie."
Lachlann MacNab "Would you keep me around even if I had nothing interesting to offer?" But that was a waaay too complex of a question for that moment and place, really, so Lachlann chewed a couple of seconds more, eyes on the omnibus' in the other's hands, before speaking again. "How do you do it?" he finally said "keeping on even when things get difficult, I mean"
Seamus MacTunnag It had long been established that patience was a virtue in Seamus's life, one that he had learned to perfect over the years. Even with a bit of a temper when he got riled up, he had learned to make the most of a wait. And he did. Even guessing at the question hadn't really prepared him for the actual thing, however. It made the brunet's eyes widen as he drew in a breath and let it out. That was a bit of a loaded question. "Sometimes ye dunna want tae," he began, wetting his lips and giving a small smile. "Sometimes 's hard, harder than anythin' yer gonna ever do. But then ye remember ye've got family that need ye, friends that care about ye. An' th' shite ye hear in yer own head...dunna sound so loud anymore. Ye keep busy an'...ye remember. Ye remember everythin'." He'd looked down as he started speaking, thumb of his free hand flicking against the side of the shelf as he spoke, but he looked up now and met Lachlann's gaze head on.
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann remained silent for a second, taking in every single word, and smiling at the end. "See? Just like a hero" he said almost in a whisper "You're there for them-" He paused again, eating a piece of steamed broccoli before he continued, adding a better word to express his idea. "-for us" because he was still there, even if his previous words hadn't been the best, his skills still were a sore topic and he was too dumb or too loud or just too much in general "I- thank you for that, for being there" For staying, even when he, himself, wanted to run.
Seamus MacTunnag A wider grin edged around the corners of Seamus's mouth and eyes; despite that, he shook his head, bemused. "Aye, if ye wanna call it that, then sure." There were a lot of times he didn't quite feel like a hero, like there were times were he missed a step or took a wrong turn, hid away or back tracked entirely. But if he kept moving forward, didn't look back, he had learned that maybe, just maybe, things would get better. That he could learn to live with the things he had seen and what had been done in his life. Thank you for that, for being there. "'Course, Lachie. What else would I do?"
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thyandrawrites · 5 years
I saw your 1 acceptable taxi!Hawks post (reblog?) and raise you a Dabi airsurfing on top of a flying Birb. Your thoughts on surfboard!Hawks (pretty please)? (Ignoring physics and his back not being a board?)
That’s… a really creative scenario :’D 
I stand my ground about Dabi being scared of heights and Hawks not appreciating being treated like a taxi, so the only way I can see this happening is if Hawks deliberately wanted to mess with Dabi lmfao
Dabi: “I’m not letting you princess carry me. Who do you think I am? I’m getting on your back��
Hawks: “And I keep telling you, that’s not gonna work”
Dabi: “try me” *climbs Hawks’ back only to be slapped in the face by one of his wings as soon as Hawks tries to take off*
Hawks, in a lazy drawl: “Told ya”
They settle it when Hawks grabs him around his middle as Dabi’s too busy nursing his bloody nose to turn him into human-sized fried chicken
Dabi still doesn’t appreciate it cause he’s afraid Hawks is gonna drop him
he clutches Hawk’s sides in a crushing grip
“Aw, CrispyMcBacon, are you scared of heights?”“Shut the fuck up”“What? There’s too much noise with all this wind, I can’t hear you”“I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP”“WHAT”
Hawks ends up feeling bad for his poor bf
he flies belly-up so that Dabi has something solid beneath his trembling form 
but it turns out, Hawks is hella ticklish
Dabi is Not Amused
He grudgingly stops moving altogether and goes stiff as a board just in case
Hawks is pissed at this blatant lack of faith after Dabi basically forced him to be his glorified uber
The sheer fucking nerve of this punk
so he decides it’s time to show off a little
just a little
It’s not like he’s actually gonna drop him
not even if the thought is tempting. He has morals, okay
even if he accidentally does, he can still speed up after him and catch him in his arms, no big deal
but he needs to make him chill a little because Dabi’s grip is gonna give him bruises of the not-fun kind
So Hawks just gives him a cheeky grin and then 
fucking goes full roller-coaster mode
Hawks cackles and slows down a little, but still does acrobatics mid-air
“I’m gonna murder you once I’m back on the ground.”
“Chill out a little, Hot Stuff. You’ve never been to Disneyland?”
“They’re not gonna find your corpse.”
After that, Hawks returns to flying belly-up
Dabi’s grip loosens a bit as he sighs in relief
The wind thunders all around them, making his black hair halo around his face like a black dandelion and Hawks thinks he’s beautiful like this
little does he know, Dabi’s thinking the same about him
tho he still looks far too smug, that little shit
Dabi’s not about to forgive him for this one anytime soon
by then, they already reached their destination and Hawks uncerimoniously lands 
As soon as his feet touch the ground, Dabi goes down like a sack of potatoes because his legs feel like jelly
Hawks guffaws when Dabi tries to play it cool and get back up but his legs keep shaking
Dabi gives him a lot of shit about it, but it’s clear he’s not really angry after the 30th death threat he doesn’t act on
Dabi knows that Hawks knows but he’s not gonna acknowledge it
He lets the bird think he’s won for now. Revenge’s better served cold after all
Dinner and a lot of cuddles later, a sleepy Dabi admits that it had been kind of fun. If you put aside the terrifying part when he’d thought he was staring death in the face
When confronted about this admission the next day, Dabi denies he’s ever said such a thing 
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ainstgirl · 6 years
The Stranger at the bar (1)
Summary: the reader works in a restaurant as a waitress, she has a pretty normal life until a stranger sits at the bar, they start talking and the spark goes off, both hide something, what will happen when the secrets come to light? I'm very bad with  summaries, just give it a try.
Pairing(s): Chris Evans x Reader
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Here you were another night in front of Molly’s restaurant door , you didn’t imagine you were going to end up being a waitress but life goes around and here you were… another night more at work, it was Sunday night so the restaurant was full, it was going to be a long night. “Are you still hooked on the Kardashian reality show?” you ask Mark when you see images of Kim Kardashian leaving his hotel on the television of the bar. “have you seen them?” he asks as if that said everything. Mark works at the bar, both of you started working at the same time so you’re good friends. “they can’t go outside without being followed, it’s crazy” You don’t know how they keep their eyes open with so much flash. “the paparazzis are only doing their job” Mark starts to say but he stops when he sees your face “okay, okay, I have to keep working” he says raising his hands in surrender mode.
“you dont like paparazzis?” A man sitting at the bar asks you. “If someone were to chase me through the streets and take pictures, it would be harassment, but if someone is famous, it’s not harassment, but someone doing his job” you say cleaning the bar, you look up from the bar to see the stranger. The first thing you see is his blue eyes, but what catches your attention are his eyelashes they are almost as long as yours, and have had to use two layers of mascara. The next thing that catches your attention was his beard, normally you don’t like men with beards but he looks good, makes him even more attractive. "It's the price of fame" he says taking a sip of his beer. "it's not worth it to me" the stranger looks up from the beer, seems surprised by your answer so you continue "I think it's only worth it if you really love what you do and don't do it for the money" you say watching the tv. "almost everyone I know wants to be famous" he takes another drink before continuing "fame, money ..." "well not me" you say with a smile "do you want another one?" you point to the beer. "yes please" He answers, so you open another one for him "Don't you want to be famous then?" "No, I'm happy as I am, plus I don't have any talents" "I'm sure you have hidden talents" "Of course I have them" You approach a little as if you were going to tell a secret. Damn it, he even smells good "I can clean all the tables in the bar in less than two minutes, don't tell anyone" you say winking. "they need you at the tables" Mark says approaching you "I take care of him" "duty calls me" you say coming out of the bar. "thanks for the talk" his eyes move to your chest "Y/N" he adds reading your name. You smile at him before going to the tables area. When you get to the table that you had to attend you can't help but look towards the bar, the man was still there with his eyes fixed on you, you can’t avoid blushing. "What is today's special? "says a client making you come back to reality.
"Orange chicken with mashed potatoes" you say. "I'll take that, thanks" you take note and on your way to the kitchen your eyes are searching for a certain man with blue eyes at the bar, but he's no longer there. "this is for you" Mark says when he sees you. "why?" You say taking the 50$ he offers you. "the man at the bar has left it, your tip" he says. "I've only served him one beer" you say without being able to believe it. "Then it's your lucky night, go and buy something nice" Mark says with a wink.
Why did he give you so much money? it doesn't matter, you probably won't see him again so you keep the money and decide not to think about him for the rest of the night.
Friday night, everyone is looking forward to the weekend, that must be because they don’t work on the weekends, but for you, it is when there is more work. Also the weekends reminds you of the little social life you have, your routine  is to go for a run, shower, make food and go to work, day after day, you sometimes agree to go out with Mark and his boyfriend or girlfriend of the moment for a drink but after being all day working you just want to get home to rest. "ready for tonight?" Mark asks you when you enter the restaurant. "What are the chances that no one will come tonight?" you say yawning. "very few but don't lose faith" he says with a smile "Come on, cheer up, then we can go and have something to drink" "sorry i cant, i have plans" you say. "wait whaat? with who?" he ask confussed. "with my bed, Tomorrow is sunday and I have a double shift" you explain. "Okay, but next week I don't want excuses, you're coming, period" he says serius this time. "fine, I'm going to change before people arrive" you say surrendering.
The restaurant was full and you were short staffed so you have to run from one table to another to take note of the orders. "Hi, do you know what you want tonight?"  you say without taking your eyes off the notebook. "yeah, I want the special of the house please" that voice sounds familiar, When you look up, your eyes meet with his blue eyes. "emm... great" Why are you suddenly nervous? "Do you want something to drink?" You say trying to calm down. "a beer please" he adds. "I will take the same but i'll drink water" says the woman who accompanies him. "I'll bring the drinks right away" you can’t help but wonder who is the girl "your beer and your water" you say leaving the drinks on the table. "thanks Y/N" he says. Hearing your name from his lips produces a sensation in your boddy that you didn't expect. "emm yeah... the food will take 10 minutes" you say trying to calm your heartbeat. "good" he says with a smile, even his teeth are perfect, great. "good" you repeat without realizing it "I mean, I think it's good that it seems good to you" you say trying to fix it " I think they call me at another table"
"Isn't that the man form the other night?" Mark ask you with a smile on his face. "yeah" you say covering your face. "If he gave you 50$ for a beer then who knows what he will give you today for the whole dinner" He says strangely excited. "Mark...." you start to say. "it's clear that he likes you" he says. "don't say that" you say looking around. "why? it's true, since he has arrived he's been looking at you, look, he is doing it right now" he says and you feel how your cheeks turn red. "god... Maybe he wants to ask for something more to..." you where about to say drink when Mark adds. "yeah your number" "shut up..." you hit his arm " i mean he's cute" you say biting your lip. "cute? You know I'm with Martha but even I'm attracted to him, don't tell her tho..." "Mark!" you laugh "he's with a girl as you can see" "maybe she's a family member or a friend, she doesn't seem mad at him  for not taking his eyes off you" he says looking towards the table "Mark focus more on serving drinks and less on my love life" you say sticking out your tongue. "okey I give up but If i was you i'll asked for his  number" he says serius this time. "I'm going to take the food before you start drooling all over it" You say taking the tray from the kitchen
"here you have it, Do you need something else?" You say when you get to the table. "We are fine, thanks" he answers looking at you with those blue eyes. "well...If you need anything, do not hesitate to call me" You say before you go back to the bar. "he just looked at your ass" Mark says when you leave the tray. "Mark, stop it" You say red. "listen to me, write your number on a napkin and give it to him" he says giving you a napkin. "are you crazy?" "You have nothing to lose!" he adds giving you a pen. "if it's so easy, why haven't you ever done it?" you put a hand on your waist. "because they are the ones who give it to me" he says winking. "i hate you" You say trying to be serious. "no you dont" he says smiling "look, It seems that he needs something"
"have you finished?" You say biting your lip, it's something you always do when you're nervous. "yes, it was very good" the woman says. "Do you want something for dessert?" you ask. "what do you recommend us?" the man says looking at you. "well...You can't go wrong with chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream" It’s your favorite dessert. "that sounds incredible, two of those please!" he says. Now he is the one who bites his lip. "I'll bring it right away" you say not without first moving your gaze to his lips.
After the dessert the man and the woman leave, and they give you 80$ tip. "You haven't given him your number?" Mark asks you when he sees they are gone. "Of course not, that only happens in the movies" you say. "Who doesn't risk doesn't win" and that phrase is the same one that he tells you the next 3 times in which that man sits in your section. Every night you talk about little things while you bring him  the drinks. Every night he came with a different companion, every night except today.
"the usual?" you say with a smile. "Today I want pizza" He was dressed casually in a NASA hat. "You come alone and ask for something different, interesting" you say writing it down. "so you have noticed me" Now it's he who smiles while you die of shame. "This is the fourth time you had come in a week" you explain. "the food is good" he says. "yeah is not that good" you say serving his beer "I bring you the pizza right now" "Actually ... I wanted to ask you something" He says before you leave. "we still have  chocolate cake, don’t worry" He always asks for the same dessert. "no... i mean love that cake but i was wondering if you know..." He says touching his cap, it's something he does when he's nervous, how can you know him so well just by serving his food? "i actually dont know ..." You say trying to understand what he wants. "do you have a boyfriend? If not, would you like to have a drink afterwards?" He says leaving you in shock. "You're asking me on a date?" "no? i mean yes, unless you're going to say no, in that case I'm not asking you on a date" he says with a nervous smile. "are you a  murderer?" you aks. "not yet at least" he jokes. "okay then, I finish my shift in one hour" you say nervous. "What if I wait for you while I eat that chocolate cake?" that makes you laugh. "sure" You were going to go for his food when you stop "By the way, I don't know your name" "ohh yeah..." He stops before continuing "i'm Robert" "Well Robert, I'll bring you the food right now" you say without being able to hide the smile.
"and that smile? something has happened?" Mark says as soon as he sees you. "Maybe a certain girl has a date with a certain guy at the table"  You say as if nothing. "have you finally dared?" he seems surprise, and he should, you would never have had the courage to do it. "no... he did it but i said yes so..." you say as if that counted. "When is the date?" he ask. "in an hour" you say biting your lip. "didn't you say that tomorrow you worked?" you had forgotten about that. "You're right, I should cancel it" you say. "No way, I'll do your turn and you'll do mine" he says saving you. "really? would you do that?" you cant help but hugh him. "yeah!! you need to have fun" he says. "you're the best" you say with a smile. "i know" he winks at you making you laugh, he was your best friend and you were happy to have him in your life.
The next hour is eternal, you attend all the tables and help at the bar, you can feel Robert's eyes every time you come near his table. You were really going to do it, you're going out with a client, someone you don’t know. You always told Mark that it's not safe to go out with strangers every time he flirted with a client, but here you were, ignoring your own advice. Yeah, a few customers had asked for your number but you weren't interested on them, but Robert transmits something to you, security, he had something that caught your attention, apart from his physical, obviously.
You look at yourself in the mirror before you approach his table, It wouldn't be the first time you go to a table with ketchup in the face. "Here is the bill" you say leaving it on the table "and do not even think about giving me a tip" "really?" He says raising an eyebrow, he doesn't know if you are being serius but your face says it all so he doesn't insist. "we are going to close so you can wait for me at the exit in 5 minutes?" you say "Unless you have changed your mind" you add before he can answer you. "no way, I'll wait for you outside, don't hurry" He says leaving some bills on the table before getting up from the table and leaving.
"What are you doing here?" Mark says when he sees you cleaning the tables. "i work here?" You say the obvious. "but you have a hot dude waiting for you outside" "I have to finish cleaning the  tables Mark" "I'll finish it, go now!" "I can’t let you do that" you say. "ohh... it's not for free, you have to tell me everything tomorrow, go" "thank you" you say giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Y/N" you were about to leave when Mark calls you "He doesn’t look like a psychopath, but if something happens, don’t hesitate to call me okay?" He says serious this time. "you're the best" Mark is your best friend and you can not be more grateful to have him in your life. "Have fun" you hear him say before closing the door.
As soon as you close the door your heart accelerates, what were you going to do? what if there's no chemistry? and what if he only wants sex? All those questions were around your head when you see him, leaning on a car, he was playing with his NASA cap when he sees you and he smiles, and that's all you need to erase those questions from your mind. "Hey" you say with a smile, how are you supposed to greet him? Maybe a simple hello would have been a better option. "hey" he laughs "what do you want to do?" "can we go for a walk?" "sounds perfect" you both started walking without really knowing what to talk about. "Do you  do this often?" you say breaking the silence. "walk?" he jokes. "yeah walk" you say with irony "Ask a waitress on a date" "the truth is that this is the first time" he says with his hands in his pockets. "I feel special" you say with a smile. "you should" he laughs "I'm sure it happens to you very often" He says looking at you with those blue eyes. "Sometimes, but I never say yes" you say lifting your shoulders. "now i feel special" he says with a hand in the heart. "you should" you say hitting his shoulder,  Maybe you shouldn't have hit him, you barely know him, whay if he thinks you're weird? you start thinking but then, you see Robert smile, a real smile, not a shy or false one. "so... Are you from Boston Robert?" you ask. "Yes, and you? I have never seen you around here" "No, but I moved here this year and the truth is that I love Boston" you say without wanting to go into details.
"you want ice cream?" He says seeing a ice cream shop in the opposite street. "You just ate a huge piece of chocolate cake and ice cream, how are you still hungry?" you say without being able to believe that he's hungry. "As far as I know, you haven't eaten anything this night and what better than ice cream" he explains. "I love ice cream" you confess. "great because I'm starving" he says. "really?" you can’t believe him. "I’m a big boy that likes food" He says opening the ice cream shop door so you can go first. "Okey, important question, what is your favorite ice cream?" You say looking at the ice cream options. "vanilla and cookies" he says. "mine too, I'm sorry but this is not going to work, I can not risk that you eat my ice cream, i just cant" you joke. "at least we have tried" he says doing as he wipes his tears. "Hi, what ice cream do you want?" says an older man from the counter. "can i have a  vanilla and cookies ice cream in a medium cup please" you say. "the same for me but in a big cup" Robert adds with a smile.
You sit at one of the local tables while you eat the ice cream. You and Rob talk about nonsense, what is your favorite color... what would you prefer, go naked for a day or that everyone knows what you always think, The truth is that you were having a good time, you don’t know why you were so nervous, Robert seems like a good man. "And what do you do, Robert?“ you aks. "i'm... i.. well" he coughs "you know a boring office job" "It sounds fascinating" you say with irony "We'd better go, that man must be waiting for us to leave so he can close" you say when you see the time it was. "time flies when you have good company" he says making you blush "okay, let's go" "Actually, give me a minute" You say getting up and approaching the counter to talk to the owner "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but can you prepare a big number 3 menu to take away please?" you ask and he agrees. Robert raises an eyebrow when he sees you coming with the bag to the door "Are you still hungry?" he asks. you just smile before going by his side "come on, it's late" you say. Robert continues to have that look of curiosity until he sees you stop in front of a homeless man. "Hi Logan" you greet him. "my guardian angel" he says when we sees you. "I bring you food and water, I'm sure you haven't eaten today" He shakes his head, grabbing the bag. "he's your boyfriend?" Logan asks and you laugh. "No no, he's my friend Robert" you say introducing him. "Hi" Robert says. "Logan is late and we have to leave, tomorrow if I can I'll bring you soup from the restaurant" you say. "Thanks angel" Logan says before start eating.
"do you do that often?" Rob asks you. "Whenever I can, if you can do something good for someone, why not do it?" you say lifting your shoulders. "The world would be better with more people like you" He says looking at you intensely. "You've known me for a few hours" You say trying to hide your red cheeks. "I don't need more time to know that you are a good person" The way he looks at you makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. "You don't have to accompany me to the car, I can go alone" "No way, I'm a gentleman" Robert puts a hand on his chest making himself offended. The ride to your car is short, you don’t want tonight to end but you are tired of working all day. "I had a great time tonight" You say leaning on your car. "me too Y/N" he says playing with his cap "since we both have had a good time, what do you think if we have a real date tomorrow?" "sounds good" you say biting your lip. "Tomorrow at 8?"  he says looking at your lips. "perfect"  part of you wants him to kiss you, you're looking forward to it, but on the other hand you don't want this to go too fast, you really like him. He comes a little closer to you and your body is already trembling with desire. "Be careful on the way home" he says kissing your cheek "i'll see you tomorrow" "good night" You say entering your car. You can’t help but smile, you didn’t expect to have a date with the mysterious man, that's what you and Mark called him, but you can’t wait to see him again tomorrow.
This is the first chapter of my new series, I hope you like it.
Part 2 - A Real date.
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kittyxs · 5 years
I don’t really know if I can make a personal post anymore. It’s been shit. The last time I did this was 5 months ago. More or less ...
J the Communist died. I guess I can’t write this unless I state it, because it’s been the most prevalent thing for the past two months. In exactly one month’s time, it would have been his Birthday. I never got to actually celebrate his Birthday with him. He always forgot to invite me somehow, even tho’ he would invite me a month or two earlier ... Just in passing but never a real invitation.
It’s so silly really ... one year ago this time ‘round we would be having sex. I would complain about him and I would be confused about the meaning of our relationship. We had the most queer relationship tho’. He was my ex, but he was also my partner. I checked and we actually renewed our relationship a year after we broke up. From then on it was just the most weirdest relationship I have ever had with a person.
I loved him. I feel like I didn’t appretiate him enough ... You know, once somebody dies, just out of nothing, when you can’t say “Goodbye” to them, you have all these unanswered questions and you become a mess. For this reason I went back to therapy. I also wrote him two letters since. Supposedly it helps. It surprisingly does.
I’ve been visiting his grave more than I would see him when he was alive. I feel like a fraud. A hypocrite. I actually feel like the worst this planet has to offer. I’ve been working weekends and I haven’t seen his grave in two weeks. I feel disgusted by myself. I always ask J ... well the ghost of J ... or rather the J that lives in my memory, if it’s okay that I don’t go to the grave even tho’ I said I would, because I’m exhausted and it’s been raining. The answer is always bittersweet.
But I don’t want to write another essay about him (Edit: I kinda did. It really is the most prevalent topic my brain is occupied with.) You would think a person can hold just so many tears in themselves. But they always find a way down my cheeks when I think about him, Actually think about him. “No tears left to cry”? Well, Ariana, there are. There are tears even when I watch a silly movie and something barely sad happens. I never sobbed at movies, unless it’s the fourth episode of the first season of Sense8, and now I do.
You know what’s weird as well? Masturbating. Does it count as necrophilia if you imagine your dead boyfriend, but when he was still alive, having sex with you while you masturbate?
Otherwise, I’ve been - drum roll - shit. My gender dysphoria went skyrocket. I feel disgusted by my own body so much that my social anxiety is back. I can’t see people. It’s not so severe tho’. I feel like going to work and being occupied with studying for that biomedicine course I’m doing keeps me off of thinking that I’m less than. It’s a weird feeling, however. At the same time I have confidence, meet friends but I also feel like my face is in constant disgust and regret mode. I’ve been called “sir” or “gentleman” or “young man” by strangers a lot lately. And I don’t know what gives me away? I have a bob cut and I shave constantly, since laser has been doing a sloopy job removing my beard. I feel like I’m the most femme I’ve ever been, but then I get called a sir and this illusion, this image of myself, gets broken up into shards and I end up feeling disgusting. Self harmingly disgusting. I know I look like a dude. But my androgynous vibes never got people to name me a man so often as they do now. That’s the issue.
It also shows in me taking care of my apartment. I would usually enjoying cleaning and tidying up. That’s been a bit hard ... not to mention taking out the trash. The mold might disintegrate me in my sleep.
You also won’t believe me, but I can now only take one big meal per day as of lately. I used to shove food down my throat like it was nothing or as if I were on a competitive eating championship. Now, two burgers and a beer do the trick. If not already make me want to puke ... Also meat smells, for some reason, so delicious. Even if noone is preparing it. I just smell meat out of nothing. And I crave fermented goods. The more flavourful something is, the better.
In this rollercoaster of emotions that are being thrown at me - and I don’t really know how to process them, I gave my phone number to a straight waiter and went out partying and dancing wildly. 
Do I have unresolved issues with J? You bet I do.  I thought I were past this, when the other day I acknowledged that I’m “okay” with J’s death. I’m not. (Edit: Did the community fail him? Did we fail him? Did I fail him!? Did I!?!??) Do I feel like the most disgusting human that doesn’t deserve love? Honey!! Crap is oozing out of my pores so much that flies can’t even fly.
Am I being an emotional disaster? I mean ... Have you seen me giggle when my friend the Sculptor hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek? He’s being nice and I take his kindness and indulge in it in a way that makes me feel something, when it’s nothing.
The cat that lived with my parents died today. Lyme disease. My mother refuses to take in cats any more... since the past ... hmmm ... 4 cats, 3 of which I were close to, died of disease. I’ve been having a somewhat better relationship with my mother. It’s really sad, that J is the reason behind it.
Anyway ... I’m tired. Disaster potato signing off.
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virullcnt-archived · 5 years
still on hiatus, bUTTT Ajdjsjsj sOrRY I just wanted to throw my two cents in for chapter 213. it's pretty long BUT. hhhh i couldn't take it anymore. remember this is all my opinion. you can feel however you wanna feel about this topic, i won't stop you. this is how I feel. so, here we go.
imo, it's going to work well. i think it's a brilliant idea.
if there's one thing that i believe in, it's hori's amazing writing. he has subverted many anime/manga tropes like no other. every arc and storyline so far is something everyone can agree has worked out well. this is only the start of deku's journey into using all seven quirks, which could lead into many possible stories and interesting reveals, loads of character development for not only deku, but for all might too; as a mentor n all. 
and yet??? people are quick to judge that this is going all to shit. quick to say hori's writing is becoming lazier and worse. when, really, i think it's the exact oppisite. it was already established from the beginning about ofa being a stockpiling/transferable quirk. i feel it makes sense for the quirks of the other users to be attached to that, hundreds of times more powerful than what they originally were. ofc they're going to be more powerful with deku. it has double, triple, quadruple it's strength than how they were before, just like ofa itself. they're all connected, just like the vestiges, and the vestiges with deku.
i would also like to remind you that we saw afo (who has a lexicon of quirks and we don't complain HE'S too op) in the tatarus a few chapters back. he's going to be in center view very soon, i can tell. lets also remember that this potato-looking-fuck has hundreds, hell, thousands of quirks stored inside of his body. all might was *just* able to defeat him one time, with seemingly a sliver of his life left. with, at that time, the strongest version of ofa. he only just made it out. he's emanciated, he coughs up blood, and his stomach is fucked. in reality, he'd be as good as gone.
deku might not be able to reach to 100% as quickly as he wants to, and it would be extra hard to train with it since he has seven other quirks he has to get a hold of, too (some probably not even fit for combat, mind you) it would take an eternity to master them all, and all might wouldn't really do much to help him out, seeing ofa in a different light, most likely.(hence, his development.) 
the power balance with afo and ofa would be right in the middle. deku will have just enough quirks plus ofa in order to stop afo. while afo still has so many he can use against the poor lad. you can NOT tell me afo is not gonna kick deku's ass for a bit with all those dangerous quirks he has. deku's gonna need more than a few generic shounen powered punches to stop him. afo is totally gonna want to END the ofa line with this kid, and would probably be even more interested in deku in general, seeing how he's interacting with previous ofa holders, and, on top of that, is using their powers. hence, their possible (and probs very sCARY) character interactions, face to face.  
HELL, LET'S NOT ASSUME DEKU'S GON BE PUNCHING BAD GUYS LEFT AND RIGHT WITH HIS OP SUPERPOWERS. he already completely lost control using "black whip". he couldn't stop it AT ALL. he didn't know what was happening, and was fucking CRYING from all the pain, screaming for it to stop. it took both uraraka and shinso to get him to calm down. in fact, it was uraraka's idea for shinso to use his damn quirk! irrelevance? i think not! hori'll find a way to make the characters relevant with deku still being the most powerful. (with a target on his back, from the biggest baddest villain of the series, mind you) it's already been working.
obviously there will be many times that dekus going to be helpless using these abilities, and there will be many times where he screws up, maybe even HURTS one of his friends. and he's going to be frustrated, but his friends will be there to help him out in any way they can. (but imagine the burden deku might be feeling, being literally the chosen one, stopping ofa, and feeling obligated to use every one of the vestiges' quirks. that might be heavy for a kid his age.)
and characters like bakugou might even get more motivation to become number one, to surpass deku, even if this shitty nerd has seven other quirks on top of ofa. and how delicious would that victory be for him?
i'm probs rambling BUT I JUST HAD TO SAY IT. lets not just assume this is going in a bad direction, because this was only mentioned one chapter in. this series has been going on for 200+ chapters so far, and we're gonna be getting another 500+ along the way, throughout the years. i'm sure in that time span, there's gonna be a lot of shit going down, and in that time, deku's is STILL going to have so much to learn. why, with ofa already being a op quirk, deku had to start with a mere 5%, and he can still break his bones if he reaches over his current limit. what makes you think he's going to go into naruto mode and have god-tier mastery over all of the seven quirks he has yet to see control, in like, five seconds?
let's just all admit it. we're a bit scared, hell, REALLY scared with the direction this series is going. we DON'T want deku to be an op god and destroy everything with just his pinky finger. we DON'T want the other characters to be irrelevant because of this (tho they already are, seeing how deku literally spoils in the first few chapters that he becomes the greatest hero in the world.) but hori hasn't let us down that much so far. the dude is an amazing writer, we have to give him props for this amazing series that is in the hearts of everyone.  
so let's not assume hes using the op shounen mc trope, when that's one of the very first tropes he has kicked in the balls and made even better. he didn't forgot. he's not an idiot. he's a badass mangaka. and he's making us proud.
ps: theorists: maybe deku could use the ofa vestiges previous quirks all at once! how badass would that be? everyone: wholeheartedly agrees// hori: makes it canon// h- everyone: LAZY WRITER BAD HORRIBLE WHAT THE FUCK, THAT'S TOO OP-
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