#even though i never. think about this pokémon. i'm sure someone out there really likes seviper and i appreciate that individual
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shiny-kaibernyte · 9 months
I immediately gave you a follow since you wrote Drayton content. Toothpaste man!!!
Anyways, I love drama. I like the idea of Drayton pining after the reader while also making Kieran jealous 😭😭 could you write something like that??
Please take care of yourself btw! You write wonderful content!
We love our toothpaste man! And I'm so glad you like my stuff. This is so sweet of you and such an amazing request as well I would love to do this for you! I really do hope you like this 💜💜
Side note: I got a shiny Popplio when I read your request so I named it Cloudy as a little nod to you whenever I play.
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
A rivalry between the Dragon Elite four members and the Champion of the BB League turns into much more than just a race for Pokémon battles. When Drayton just wants to take you out on a date, Kieran's jealousy comes out to play, only pushing Drayton's goal to win your heart more.
SPOILER WARNING AHEAD (Indigo Disk Main Story and a little bit of The Teal Mask)
A Dragon’s Heart | Drayton x Reader
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“Awe, come on~ just one date!” Drayton innocently pleaded, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His eyes staring down at you whilst you scribbled down notes from your previous shiny hunt. 
You shook your head with a cheeky smile on your face, as you continued to scribble, “And my response will remain the same Drayton, a cafeteria chat is not a date! Maybe I'll say yes when you think of something creative, hm?”
“I’m creative! The cafeteria is just easy, it's not too noisy since everyone eats out in the terrarium! Plus free food!” He joked, attempting to make it sound appealing, even though he knows it's not good. Unfortunately, his brain can’t think of anything good enough, at least for him. Everything he’s thought of, he doesn’t think is good enough for you. And he’s thought of a lot. “I can help you out with your shiny notes, you know~ maybe even join you on a hunt!”
“Drayton, you don’t know the first thing about shiny hunting, let alone actually joining me on one.” You sighed jokingly, looking up at him as you closed your notebook, “If I remember correctly, didn’t you fail a shiny Pokémon?”
His face turned slightly red, embarrassment washing over him for a moment as he grumbled to himself, “Hey I thought the Axew was sick… It’s not my fault I didn't know the Axew was going to run from me!”
“You threw a berry at its head!” You exclaimed, lightly chuckling when you saw his embarrassed face. “And you call yourself the Dragon expert” 
His embarrassment turned into laughter as he thought about how stupid that was, the pair of you laughing together with bright smiles on your faces.
Your laughter didn’t go unnoticed however, from across the room, Kieran's eyes glared into Drayton. The sound of you laughing along with him only fuels Kieran's desire to be the best. But the jealousy was too strong for him to focus with the two of you laughing. “If you two are finished chirping like Starly’s over there, Drayton, you have a battle in five minutes. I suggest you get going.”
“Relax Kieran, I got plenty of time bud! Besides, it's unlikely they will be on time, it takes a while to prepare for a battle against one of us. So my opponent can take as long as he needs to!” Drayton argued with a hint of playfulness in his voice as Kieran gritted his teeth. A small smile crept on your face when you heard Drayton’s response, that was something you always admired about him. His patients was contagious, never rushing anyone into anything, always trying to make someone smile. Sure he has his moments of cockiness but that just adds to his character, every Dragon has a bite after all.
“Spoken like a true Elite, Drayton!” You chimed, standing up from the sofa. Drayton’s face turned a light pink, his heart lightly thumping. Surprised at himself that something so simple made him blush. His dragon heart only making more room for you.
Kieran's heart pounded in rage at your words, annoyed over the fact you were saying those words to Colgate and not him. Eventually, he puts on his no fudges given face and turns towards you both fully. “If you want to remain as the top Elite four members, Drayton, I'd get to your battle. I still have the power to remove you from this club.”
“Alright Alright! I’m going!” Drayton sighs, raising his hands in defeat. Kieran shook his head displeased as Drayton stretched his arms up, a sigh leaving his mouth before turning back to you. “So about that date… How about instead, as a warm-up, you come watch my battle as my special guest? That way, it’s not our official first date and I still get to spend time with you.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, trying to see where he’s going with this and what extra little plan he has going on inside that head of his. Until he raises a hand up for you to take, a genuine smile on his face as he patiently waits for your decision. With a bright smile, you take his hand, “I think that is a fair deal.”
“Have fun moping, Kieran!” Drayton yells as he gently pulls you along with him towards the door. Kieran had steam coming off his body as he watched the pair of you leave, and not just from Drayton’s response. A smirk appeared on Drayton’s face when he saw the jealousy in Kieran’s eyes. 
Soon his focus returned to the matter at hand, and he smiled at you, pushing and holding the door open for you as he guided you through it, “After you sweetheart~”
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r0-boat · 7 months
Alrecchino as your husband part 2 (sfw)
Since y'all loved the last one I made a part 2
Her drip marketing is today so I thought we should celebrate!
Feel free to give me as many Genshin requests as you want I'm feeling a little burnt out of pokémon for the moment without further ado.
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You are designated as mother lovingly by the children. With your little apron as you take care of all the house of hearth chores. The children can't do all their tasks by themselves, Arlecchino trusts no one to take care of the children but you. It is only natural they call you mother as their motherly figure
Weather it be you were from the fertility stationed here or someone desperately looking for a job, Don't you think it would be cute if the head of the house slowly started to fall for you because you are so good to her children?
Her empty heart is sick of love at aches when you keep your distance from her, she understands; Arlecchino not have a pleasant reputation, and she can't help but feel solely responsible when she waggles her finger for you to come close only to play with your hair when her mind is being numbed with paperwork. You're not sure if it's true or not when she tells you that she just enjoys her company when you ask why you call her so often to her office... And... Is that a pout on her lips you see when you try to leave her so fast?
She can't help but notice when your eyes are on her when she's in her suit she can't help but tease you getting close to you or watch you flush your when her eyes meet yours.
All her children knows to respect their 'mother'
Just as much to respect 'father' when they see you sad they do everything to see that smile of yours and lighten your day when you have trouble with tasks; they fight tooth and nail to help you. A pat on the head from you or a smile is like 'father''s praises. Arlecchino thinks you're as cute as a kitten when you're angry at her, telling her that You don't need any guards and you can go into the city just fine by yourself or run tasks alone. Arlecchino agrees just to stop your bickering, only to turn around to her most trusted three to keep a watchful eye on you like a child on its first errand.
When she returns from all corners of Tayvat, she never forgets to lavish you with all sorts of gifts. Some of them really pricey; she gives you soaps, hoping for your skin to feel soft and smooth the next time she brushes her fingers against you, and she provides you delicious perfume in hopes she would catch a whiff of it on you the next time she passes you. She probably even gave you an apron and played dumb when you hesitated when asking her about the uniform she gave you.
If it went for the fact she thinks the Fatui rather dangerous, she would bring you to their gatherings and parade you around as if you were a little trinket of hers. But then grab Childe by the throat if he is rude or tries to touch you.
they may look but they may not touch.
You've lived in the house of hearts for a while and can't help but notice that a lot of your clothing that person you've been working for sort of matches with them. It is something that you are too afraid to bring up to The Knaive herself. She knows she can't stay angry at you, so she must be even more strict when you decide to put yourself in danger or disregard her wishes. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to do that, but she would be lying if you said she isn't excited when you do disobey her.
Her touches are gentle, filled with longing, but she knows that giving in is dangerous even though you yourself pose no threat to her. She knows that you are defenseless without her and her children. Maybe she should teach you how to wheel the weapon?
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sharkboywrites · 1 year
You could do Guzman (Pokémon) x teen! Little brother figure male Reader platónic plis (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Guzma With a Little Brother Figure
A/N: Oh my god this is my first request and also my first time writing a Pokémon fic I'm so excited, I hope this lives up what you were hoping :) (although I have to be honest I never actually finished sun and moon)
Male reader (teen), platonic
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So let's get the one obvious thing out of the way, which is that Guzma is really bad at emotions
If he really does care about someone, he's not very affectionate, but he shows it in other ways
That new hoodie he gave you? It was cheap and thought it would suit you, don't think too much into it (do, actually)
He bought you an ice cream? It was especially hot in Alola that day, he can't have you fainting on him
it's likely that he found you just like very other kid in team skull that he indirectly adopted, but something about you was probably different to make him see you as a little brother
The most likely option is that you were less aggressive than literally every other kid on team skull
Every other kid in team skull runs head first into trouble without his permission and comes crying to him about how they lost a battle, which annoys him to no end
At least you're a little smarter to not do that
If you do end up getting into trouble, he gets mad
Not at you but whoever tried to start trouble with you. Who has the AUDACITY to try and fight his totally-not-little-brother
He'll even send out his golisopod to intimidate anyone else around and make sure no one tries to mess with you again
Listen he knows what it's like to be bullied and there is no way he's letting it happen to you
If you left your family like I'm assuming most kids in team skull did, then he'll feel sad for you
I mean he feels sad for every kid in that situation but especially for you because he's closer with you
Even though he's not the best at comforting, he'll listen to you talk about your problems and what's going on at home
You've got a sucky family? Well good news now you have over about twenty brothers and sisters who are all there for you (plus Plumeria who makes sure that you're actually being taken care of)
Are you a trans dude? Well more good news, you've got the most affirming guy behind your back (let's be real most team skull kids give off the vibe they're trans)
He'll even give you clothing tips/get you to dress like him. It may not be the best look but it works and is very gender affirming
In general if Guzma is now your older brother, now you have a whole family in team skull
If you don't wanna go home, then welcome to the shady house
It may not be the best place to live, but Guzma makes sure that you're comfortable. he makes sure that you've got food, water, a place to sleep, and a roof over your head
You've gotta be a whole other level of stupid if you think he'll just leave you to fend for yourself
Guzma might not be the best caretaker or the best person in general, but he cares about you, and he's not gonna let anything happen to his little brother
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I stayed up way later than I usually do to write this just because I was so excited and I love Guzma with all my heart, ty for reading and have a nice day :)
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Felix: Ah Destino! Ya back! I wasn’t sure when ya were gonna be finished. I can see ya got that gunk off ya. That’s good!
Destino: Yes, I’m back and you’re inside of the cell with her. Felix, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do because what I’m seeing here is a straight betrayal.
*Felix hovered out of the cell, phasing through the bars with ease. He took Destino to the side and tried to explain what was going on.*
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Felix: Destino, ya know I would never betray ya. Ya my best buddy. My pal. I genuinely was findin’ information about her. I may have gotten a little carried away with the whole telling stories about ya but I didn’t tell anything too embarassin’. I swear.
*Destino sighed. First the fur incident and now this? Destino wanted this all to end. It was a lot to handle. Why couldn’t life be easy? Destino’s annoyance and anger from before made them less tolerant of what Felix had done. They had to make it clear to Felix why he should never make this mistake again. With a deeper tone, Destino spoke.*
Destino: Felix, I’m trusting you this time because you’re my friend. You’re still useful to me. But next time you betray me, that’s gonna be the end of our friendship and possibly the end of your life. Understand?
Felix: Now pal, ya don’t need ta go that far. *sweat started to drip down the Gengar’s face. Was Destino being serious?*
Destino: Don’t I?
*The look Destino gave Felix was one Felix had seen Queen Karma also use when she was trying to intimidate someone. When Destino wanted to be intimidating, they damn well could be. But, they'd never used this tone on him before. Destino did mention something about experiencing a bad event. Perhaps that was what made Destino feel like this? Felix knew Destino wouldn’t end his life, but their friendship was something Felix wanted to keep a hold of.*
Felix: It won’t happen again, pal. Sorry.
*Oh great. Destino had made Felix feel bad. Good that he wouldn't fuck up like that again but perhaps Destino was too serious with their tone. Urgh. Gotta lighten the mood again.*
Destino: Good. Can’t have my best buddy in the entire world stab me in the back. That’s not what I keep you around for! Besides, I’m sure she’d make an awful friend! I mean, just look at her. She is nothing compared to my magnificence.
Felix: Des, ya really think I’d want ta be friends with her over being friends with you?
Destino: I dunno. Hanging out in the same cell as her makes it seem that way. Makes me a little suspicious.
Felix: We’ve been friends for roughly 16 years now. I ain’t lettin’ ya go that easy!
Destino: You’re not letting me go? Please Felix, we all know I’m the one not letting you go in this relationship. I am the Prime after all. You belong to me.
Felix: Oh, I’m sorry, magnificent one. I'm simply ya property to chuck around. Would ya like me to bow before ya and kiss ya claws?
*Both Pokémon laughed. They really did enjoy each others company a lot.*
*Hope found this interaction incredibly interesting. The way Felix spoke of Destino before they came in was of genuine care for the Absol. Sure, it may have been embarrassing stories of the Prime, but she could see the Gengar spoke with great fondness about these events, even blushing at times. Perhaps…? No, Felix couldn’t like the Absol in that way. It was clear that Felix saw Destino as a really, really good friend. She couldn’t understand why though.
Now Destino. Destino was an interesting one to Hope. When the Absol came in, they had a bit of a jokey tone but there were also actual undertones of anger and hurt in their voice. She wasn’t sure if Destino saw Felix as a friend or as a tool to use for their own gain. Clearly Destino had this Gengar wrapped around their claw.
And the tone they used when threatening Felix. She never expected something so sinister to come out of them. How often had Destino threatened Felix like that? Felix flinched a bit with the mention of ending their friendship. With this hour she had interacting with Felix, she quite enjoyed his company. So, seeing him flinch like that made her feel angry.
Hope knew one thing for certain. She didn’t like Destino. How on earth was she going to survive taking the Absol up to the surface? No, she only needed to be with them until she could drop them off to the Guardian. That’s all.*
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k8aclysm · 10 months
I'm mad about Jynx again (The Pokémon)
Okay so most people who have even been residually exposed to the Pokémon franchise are familiar with Jynx, the Psychic/Ice type Pokémon introduced in the first generation. Either for the controversies early on, or just because it's a good example of a strange looking design. Due to the reasons I just stated, and/or due to the fact that it's an ice type - a type typically seldom seen until very late game in most entries - I'm willing to bet most of you have never bothered to use one, either. To be fair to it, It's no as awful as it looks! It's got paper-thin physical defense, but decent speed and pretty good special attack that pair perfectly with it's typing! It's an interesting pick if you're looking for a run with mons you've never used before... But this isn't a post about convincing you to use Jynx, I'm here to rant about an aspect of it's design that has driven me completely fucking nuts for the past decade or more.
Looking at the sprites for Jynx in the first three generations, everything looks as you'd expect. Exactly how it looks in the anime, as well as in the manga and other spinoff media.
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The problem begins to show itself when we reach the sprites from generation 4.
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You see that? You see those strange.... tendrils coming off the dress? Just below the arms? If you wanted to argue in good faith, you could say that this is simply a sprite that poorly communicates depth in the skirt... But then we arrive at generation 5 - where the sprites now have animations and more inherent depth. Generation 5 is where many believe gamefreak had mastered the spriting game and are considered the final sendoff for the sprite style in the franchise.
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It's those GOD DAMN TENDRILS. This time, it's very clear that they're not just miscommunicated depth on the skirt and are now actual, un-questionably, tendrils of some sort that jut out of the skirt or create some sort of odd "spike". This sprite is what I consider to be the beginning of what I like to call the "Jynx miscommunication", where -someone, somewhere down the production line - completely misunderstood the sprite and somehow managed to canonize one of the most bizarre design choices I've ever seen. Yeah, I said "Canonize", and I'm not joking. Because it actually happened. Every appearance of Jynx in the 3d games have featured this interpretation of Jynx's dress. ALL OF THEM. Here's an example; pictured below is the model rip from generation 6 and 7; the 3DS games.
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Somehow it's become even MORE spikey; as if it's body underneath the skirt has MASSIVE spikes jutting out on each side; the dress isn't draped over it like something implied to be cloth-like in behavior should; it almost reminds me of what the barbs on Corsola look like.
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Anyway, my point is mostly made now, but just to drive it home once more... To really just illustrate how deeply ingrained this design "choice" is... I need to explain that every Pokemon in existence was given brand new artwork for the Pokemon transfer service - Pokemon Home. In pretty much every medium outside of the games, Jynx was never depicted to have these weird spikes, so surely they'd refer to previous artwork of Jynx when making the illustration for it in pokemon home, right...? RIGHT...?
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WRONG. Jynx officially has the spikes in it's most recent artwork, it's models, AND it's Gen 4 remake menu "sprite". The most infuriating part about this for me, though is that the Sword/Shield menu sprite Doesn't include the spikes at all. Like holy shit it's model in sword and shield even HAVE the spikes like all the others do! RAAAAAHGHGHGnfjnv....
This situation is just so uniquely fascinating to me because Pokemon is a franchise that - at least contemporarily - is known for it's extremely particular design guidelines and squeaky clean, on-model consistency when it comes to the Pokémon designs. I refuse to believe this was ever an intended design choice for Jynx and that gamefreak just don't think anyone gives enough of a fuck about Jynx to ever notice this. Hell, maybe they didn't notice it themselves. Why this happened is likely never going to be brought to light, but at the very least, Jynx isn't in gen 9 so I don't have to look at it at all! ... for now...
Anyway, I hope this post has enlightened you and made you privy to something that makes an already unpopular Pokémon even more unpopular. I'm usually never one to make elaborate posts like this but this piece of bizarre trivia pisses me off so much I just HAD to make a post about it. Send all of your complaints to gamefreak, thanks.
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fiannalover · 7 months
“Brrrrr, it’s really cold! Somehow, I didn’t think Coumarine would be this cold this time of the year!”
“We are on the northern side of Kalos. If anything, it should be expected.”
“See, I do understand that. But, having only been here when it is all summer and lively, it is still something hard to accept.”
With that, Zena and Danua walked onwards, some groceries Ramos requested from them in hand, the former’s Furfrou elegantly marching onwards without a care in the world. It was not too long after lunch, but the cloudy weather made the location much darker than what the time would make one expect, and it certainly didn't make the weather any easier to bear.
“Someone is dealing with this better than you.” Danua pointed out.
“Haha, yeah. I'm glad I haven't given him any trims lately. It's best to let him keep his natural coat this time of the year. I'm still a bit jealous, though.” Zena said.
Danua thought that over a bit, kept safe from the bite of winter by trusty jacket alongside the rest of her seasonal gear. She didn't really have fluffy Pokémon. Maybe Trevenant would count? 
“Oh! Look, that lady is selling some hot chocolate on her stand! Let's get some!” Zena suggested.
“I don't think I want any. But sure, we can stop there.” The local conceded.
The shopkeeper carefully poured a cup of the beverage for Zena, hands warming up just by holding it… which, in turn, warned her she'd likely burn her tongue if she drank it immediately. 
Well, she'd just have to wait for a bit. “Thank you! Have a nice day!” The blonde said, as she returned to their previous plan.
Calmly, the two girls and the little squire made their way to the monorail, exchanging conversation as they did so. Upon boarding, they found out their means of transportation was pleasantly near empty, letting Furfrou comfortably sit next to them.
Eventually, Zena’s drink cooled off enough for consumption to be a realistic endeavor, a wave of warmth and happiness coming to her face as she did so. Just by seeing that, Danua could feel herself undergo that rush of red as well.
“Do you want some?”
“Not really. I don't think I'm thirsty or too cold or anything.”
“Don't be shy! I noticed you were staring, we can share!”
Ah. Whoops.
Well, she had to drink it now.
Thanking her, Danua grabbed the cup and took a small sip. Sweet, thick, comfiness in beverage form. Everything chocolate should be.
… Wait. Wasn't this an in-
“So? It's good, isn't it?” She asked.
Returning the drink to her, Danua said. “Yes. Yes, it is.”
It was nice, spending time with one another like this.
Somewhere in Lumiose, two men walked under the same dark, cloudy afternoon sky. The taller one, a professor, rambled and ranted about something or another, while the other one, a musician, occasionally cut in with some snark or another short remark.
Two friends, nothing more, nothing less. Mushiness was never their style, but companionship was still appreciated, even if they seemed to bicker every other day they spent together.
“Myldrid.” Tempo interrupted, instincts saying this was as good a time as any to do so.
There, Tempo pulled the taller man down by his collar, planting a kiss on Myldrid’s lips. They stood there for a second, before he broke them apart as if saying ‘that’s it’.
“What are we~?” The professor asked with some fake overkill drama.
“Nothing.” The musician smirked in return, both of them laughing from this comfortable back-and-forth they were well used to.
It was nice, spending time with one another like this.
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agoobersretreat · 22 hours
Alrighty, let's answer some personal asks in a big blowout post! Maybe even a two-parter, let's see...?
Oh, yeah. Definitely a two-parter! Here's the first part, actually personal stuff about me!
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So, if you can believe this, I followed an artist that I looked up to on dA (deviantART(Long before it went to super-shit)) and migrated over here to see what it was like. I mostly made a blog to follow them closely and look around at other things, too.
Looked for my favorite home fandom of Pokémon and found the entire budding days of the PokéRPC and hopped right in. Of course, I didn't have a Pokémon OC to use...at the time. I did have one, but I thought this was a new beginning and I thought I could use a new OC to make and use and be unique in the community, so why not?
And from there...it only got better. Sure, lots of bumps along and I'm pretty sure I weirded out that artist cuz I was a little too AuDHD and they didn't know how to react to me being me, but yeeeeaaah. Glad it turned out as well as it did, for what it was.
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13+ slutty and vorny years. Been here through many of the old Tumblr events and posts when they actually happened, ya know? Scary thinking about that actually, hrrrm. But yeah. ,':3c
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Do you all? Cuz he could use some more birthday company. I kid, I kid!
Miq's/my birthday is easy. It's August 13th, so that was pretty recent~! And, as someone I like a lot and look up to says, "30's are now in-demand~!"
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So, I was coming back to Tumblr after deciding I was going to be done. Didn't last...even a few months, I think? Poor coping mechanisms or other healthy vents dried up, I believe.
I was ready to come back and Taylor was really one of the only people who knew for sure, back then. Probably for the better. Wasn't sure what to do for my new url and nickname, though.
Went to go see a movie with friends, while I was thinking about it in the back of my mind. Went to get my favorite theater candy, looking down at the box. 'Goobers.' And then it clicked.
'I'm a Goofy Goober... I'm a Goober...Goober!'
And there we go. I did my best to change all my old stuff to Goober and then go forward from there. Didn't plan to RP again, honestly. Just post and follow my friends and people I was interested in and sometimes send in asks for fun as an anon or just myself.
And then the RP bug bit me hard again. If I had known, I wouldn't have made my personal blog the main blog again like last time. I never learn lol.
But yeah, now ya know! More or less.
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dustbuneary · 1 year
Hello, hello — What a beautiful day it is!
I found myself scrolling a bit today and your lovely image of your Pokémon battling caught my eye! That’s a “Mismagius”, isn’t it? What a state they’re in too, I’m sure they’re great at battling and holding their own!
Buuut — what if I told you I knew the inside secret that Big Pokécenter doesn’t want you to know? The rarest of the rare candies you could possibly find? You see those gems sticking out of your ghostly friend? Bright red, shiny little things, can’t miss ‘em! What if I told you those are a reflection into the Pokémon’s true level?
I’ve got a new order of my Evolutionary Gloss in just recently! One coat of this stuff and it’ll change the color of your little guy’s gems in no time! I can even include the handy little color guide for an extra 500 pokédollars. Red is good, not anything to scoff at — but could you imagine if your Mismagius shifted their gem color to blue with a little bit of your influence? A blue-gemed Magius isn’t anything to scoff at.
Pink? Oh Arc, you’d have people running the minute you stepped into town! That’s why you’ve never seen one with different colored gems — most people have to hide them to not scare everyone away with the amount of unseen power they hold. It’s a blessing and a curse! But, really it‘s just a blessing. Especially for you with this limited time offer, since I’m so kind.
You buy a tube of my patented Evolutionary Gloss and I’ll throw in the exclusive color chart for an measly extra 500 pokédollars! Bringing your actual total to a simple 3,500 pokédollars for a deal that could help level up your little friend in a matter of days! What do you say, yes or yes?
— 💰🍸
Huh. Scam team huh? Why does that sound so familiar... I'm sure I'll figure it out.
You would think if you're going to have such an obvious name you would at least get a more convincing pitch, or maybe try it on someone who ISN'T a competitive battler that's raised a Mismagius for years, haha. But I guess this is a good reason for me to talk about Anise and some of the misconceptions that apparently surround Mismagius' gems!
First off, no, the color of a Mismagius's gems have no bearing on their power level. They are generally red, though if I remember right there are a few conditions, genetic or illness, that can effect the coloration of their gems, as well as many breeders that breed 'fancy' versions of Misdrevous with different colors and shapes, so at the end of the day this means next to nothing.
More importantly though, the gems are not just ornamental, either!! Those gems are how Mismagius sustain themselves, absorbing fear and negative energy from their surroundings to be able to keep themselves well fed and healthy! Now, while I have no idea personally if these paints or gloss or whatever it is would actually stop a Mismagius from being able to absorb the energy it needs, it WOULD stop you from being able to see the gems, and the first and sometimes only sign of failing health in a Misdreavus or Mismagius is a translucent or clear gem, as the color draining is a serious sign that you need to get your friend to a pokemon center right away!!
All that to say, absolutely not, thanks. Hell, even if it WAS completely safe, and what you said about colors wasn't just nonsense, why on earth would i EVER want to scare off potential battles?? I LIKE battling!! What would even be the point?? If you ever want a demonstration though, you're more than welcome to stop by the Amity Department Store sometime :)
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artikgato · 11 months
Well, it was raining yesterday, so I didn't go out for the jogwalk. I did today, though! It took me until like 10:30 but I did do it!
I was also up until nearly 1am last night...reading a fanfic. A Slayers fanfic. A 60+ chapter Slayers fanfic, currently unfinished, in the year of our lord twenty twenty-three. I have no excuses. I make it a policy to almost never read unfinished fanfics, for one. I also knew exactly what I was getting into when I saw the chapter count and just shrugged and went YOLO I guess?
Okay, so it all started with Anime Weekend Atlanta announced, less than a month out from their con by the way, a whole slew of new guest announcements. The schedule is out now and it's less than two weeks to the con so I think they're done doing that now, but I digress. They announced Veronica Taylor as a guest. Well, years ago I already had the honor of meeting her and getting her to sign my VHS copy of Pokémon The First movie, so I don't necessarily need her autograph on any more Pokémon stuff. But of course she's in plenty of other things, including Slayers, which is one of my absolute favorite media franchises, period. So naturally I have to get her to sign for Amelia! And Lisa Ortiz, the voice of Lina, will be a guest at a convention I'm going to in March, so I can get her to sign, too! Fantastic!
And then, because I haven't really thought about Slayers in a long time, my brain went I should cosplay from Slayers again. I've been wanting to for a while. I cosplayed Filia (from TRY) waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, maybe I could remake her? (I do still want to do that, FYI, talk about obscure characters though am I right?) Or despite being so tall, I've always liked Lina's character design, she'd be great. I can probably pull that off before Khromakon in March, but absolutely not before AWA. But do you know who I could pull off before AWA?
Yeah, so I actually cosplayed Xelloss all the way back in high school. I never wore him to a convention, and it was a very bad cosplay. Technically, my first cosplay. (Technically, because my actual first cosplay was a very, very very bad closet cosplay of emperor Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi the year prior, my junior year of high school. Our high school banned Halloween costumes but a gaggle of my stupid friends and I decided to see if we could get away with just wearing regular clothes but clearly being in cosplay. So I was Hotohori, a friend braided her hair and was Duo Maxwell, etc. etc.)
Anyway, my aunt made the cloak for me, and I still have it all these years later. The rest of the cosplay would be easy, because of how skilled I am now. I can 100% do this cosplay in time for AWA, and it'll be fun! He's a pretty recognizable character from a classic anime, so while I'm sure The Kids won't recognize me, I'll get at least a few people excited to find someone else that remembers Slayers. And hey, I already cosplayed one evil purple-haired anime prettyboy this year (Okada Izou) so why not two?
So anyway, I made a deal with myself. I would go to no more than three thrift stores after work one day and see if I could find a yellow turtleneck. If I could, I would proceed with the costume. If I didn't, oh well, it's not like I don't have a closet full of cosplays to wear. And wouldn't you know it, I found the turtleneck at the third Goodwill. So I ordered a wig, and now I just need to do a few minor alterations and possibly make the staff.
And so, with Xelloss Metallium now fully on my brain, I remembered that, oh yeah, Xelloss/Filia was one of the OTPs for me back in the day. One of the very first ships I got really, really invested in. And I wondered if, in the fifteen or so years since the least time I probably looked, any good new Xel/Fil fics had been written. I mean, the last time I was really invested in the ship, Evolution-R and Revolution hadn't even come out yet! A03 didn't exist yet! What was the harm of taking just a little, tiny peak at A03, right?
And that's how I ended up binge reading a 60+ Slayers fanfiction, in the year of our Lord Of Nightmares 2023. I'm not even done reading, but I've got shit to do today!
Time: 21:41 Weather: 63, sunny Humidity: 60% Song of the Day: Ghost, Mystery Skulls
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hwaksimpokemon · 1 year
give us your honest opinions on all of rainbow rocket, then. if you have time
Ooh, boy. Okay. Someone's going to show up at my house-
I do want to preface this by saying I don't agree with any of their actions relating to legendary pokémon. I'm talking about the person I interact with out of necessity at the meetings.
Maxie: Maxie's a bit... sharp around the edges. But he's not bad at all, really, once he trusts you a little bit. We've had our disagreements, sure. He really did not like me when we first met. We can talk, now. And it's nice.
Archie: Archie and I get along well! We have a similar outlook on a lot of things, especially on Giovanni's trapping methods. And he realizes now that his plans with Kyogre were a little... well, his intentions were good. Same as Maxie. The methods weren't. Archie is one of the few people at those meetings that does look out for me where he can, and I appreciate that.
Giovanni: Oh, Giovanni... I punched his lights out pretty recently. And it felt amazing. And I hated it. I hate being angry, I hate being violent when I don't need to be, but he just would not. Stop. Talking. And I needed him to shut up. I am so sick of the way he makes me feel, the way he makes me look to people around us- I hate that he makes me look stupid, makes me look weak. I despise the hold he has over me, and I hate that he won't tell me what he keeps me around more. ... I hate him.
Chairman Rose: Rose and I don't speak often. I barely even know what he does- he's not been at the meetings since I started attending, dealing with some 'personal issues' back in Galar. I really don't have a strong opinion either way on him.
Piers: I admire how he looks after N. I also admire his honesty. We don't talk much, but I think he's a good kid.
Ghetsis: I despise him. The way he treats both people and pokémon makes me sick. I healed his Hydreigon once after a battle, and it showed up at my house that night, that's how shit he is to it. He's a vile human being, and I don't know how Colress deals with him. He was almost nice to me once, when he made me a cup of tea, before promptly criticizing my husband for marrying a man. He also tried to kill my brother, and nearly killed me. Giovanni had to stop him.
N: Honestly, I don't really know what N is doing in our meetings. He's uncomfortable around Ghetsis, which is completely fair, and I don't think he even really wants to be there. I sit next to him. We have nice conversations. I gave him a fidget cube once when he was anxious, and he returned the favor at the next meeting. He's a good kid.
Colress: Colress is lovely. Redirecting his efforts to something beneficial now that he's not fully tied to Ghetsis is amazing, and he's genuinely just a lovely person. We've battled on occasion, and I've normally lost, but it's always a fun time. We play Scrabble together, and have a rule where you can spell words however you want. We are both dyslexic.
Lysandre: I have... mixed feelings on Lysandre. For reasons I can't really delve into. It would be unprofessional of me. I do want to say, though, that he never did anything to me directly. Of Rainbow Rocket, he is nowhere near the worst.
Lusamine: She was awful to her children, and I resent her for that. I'm also from Alola, and was visiting when she opened up the wormholes. She put my family in danger, and I resent that too. I know of nothing good she's ever done.
Cyrus: Cyrus is... complicated. One the one hand, he's friends with Kamiya (who I will get to, don't you fucking worry), but on the other, he's... decently pleasant when he visits. He comes over to my house every now and then, and we talk. I worry about him wandering the island so often. I hope he's alright.
Kamiya Sakoda: Where to fucking start with you, Kamiya? He helped me through my second divorce. Namely, he helped me realize the way my husband was treating me and my son. Let me stay at his house while I was figuring things out, and was generally helpful to me. Even set me up with my new husband. Then he got upset that my attention wasn't fully on him anymore. And he started being a dick. I had been hiding from my father, at the time- meeting with him and my brother occasionally, but not letting them know where I was staying. For my own safety. But they found out eventually, and dragged me out of my home to beat me. Twelve hours in, they called our family doctor (who just so happens to be Kamiya's fucking wife) so of course, he showed up. Carried me back to his house, insisted I stay for my own safety. Generally 'caring', when he wasn't hitting my injuries. Turns out, he was the one that told my father where I was. I was furious when I found out. Angry at him for doing such a thing, angry at myself for not seeing it coming- it was horrible. I'll never forgive him. For any of it.
Haruka: My ex-husband. The one Kamiya helped me get away from. I don't want to think about him.
Zero: Zero freaks me the fuck out. I'm sure that's probably his whole thing, but it works, and I don't like it. He's horrifying to look at, boring to talk to, and overall just not my cup of tea.
Lucio: Lucio is just plain unpleasant. He thinks he's better than he is, and it shows pathetically. His business is shady at best, and at worst, plain predatory. He also has an annoying habit of hurting people that work for me.
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littlegnome145 · 2 years
Finished the little what if scenario. It's with the au where Chimchar survives that I talked a bit about before. I might continue this if I can. 1,535 words
Chimchar wakes up to the dull sound of cracking fire.
Everything is cold, it's so so cold, but he was wrapped in something soft and there was warmth near him. The child had barely half a mind to realize that it was probably a bonfire, but then again, he didn't really care. It was chasing away the cold, even if slightly, and for now, that was enough for him.
The small prevolve would have simply gone back to sleep, not even bothering to try and open his eyes, if it weren't for the fact that a part of him was screaming that something wasn't right.
'You shouldn't be here' it shouts, 'you weren't here when you fainted, you might be in danger'.
Chimchar can't exactly remember what the annoying voice was talking about, but he knew that what it was saying was true. He could feel it in his gut, and his gut is never wrong.
Something happened. He's not alone.
A spike of adrenalina runs through the child, who was gradually becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. He tries to open his eyes, but quickly closes them again with a hiss when the fire's brightness overwhelms him.
There was another sound. One that the child only became truly aware of when it suddenly stopped. He can't pinpoint what it was, but he knows that whatever was making it knew he was no longer asleep.
Chimchar does his best to remain still as he hears quiet steps approaching him. He remembers some stuff Squirtle had taugh him on how to recognize footsteps and tries to put it into practice.
Whatever was approaching him was bipedal. The floor was hard and a small echo was made with each step, so they were probably in a cave.
'What else what else??' Chimchar shouts in his own brain, he had to focus on the sound, but it was difficult to do so when his heart was beating so loudly. When his head was rushing with fearful thoughts and scattered, incomplete lessons from his guardian.
The footsteps weren't heavy, but they weren't exactly light either. He hears shuffling, they were messing with a bag, maybe? So it could-
The child's brain stills as he feels a cold, small hand lighly tap his cheek. Definitely not a human hand. "Hey uh, kid? You awake?"
That was familiar. It felt different, but it was definitely familiar. He knew them, he's sure of it. He trusted them. Or at least he thinks he does.
That was his guardian, his teacher, his d-
Chimchar opens his eyes.
And is met with the relieved face of someone he had never seen before.
He scratches the stranger without even thinking. It does little next to nothing to actually hurt them, but they do seem somewhat stunned, confused.
He had to get out of here. He does not know this pokemon, he's in danger-
Something seems to click for the unknown figure, who puts their hands up to indicate that they mean no harm and looks at the child worriedly.
"Hey- listen it's me. I'm Squirtle, I just evolved! It's okay, you're safe! You need to breathe."
Chimchar only realizes that he was hyperventilating when he gets called out on it.
It was so surreal to have fear completely take him over like that. Before today, the child was sure that he was scared of nothing. He was gonna be the strongest pokémon ever, of course he never felt fear! Fear was for weaklings.
And yet, here he was. Pressing himself against a wall with the little strength he still has, barely able to contain his breathing, his heart beating oh so incredibly loud.
He's safe.
He's not surrounded by ice and snow anymore.
…He shouldn't be though. Chimchar is sure of it.
Chimchar had climbed the mountain alone. He had snuck away from Squirtle and Turtwig to try and face challenges alone for once. He wanted to get stronger.
He faced that thing alone. He fought it alone and he was killed from it alone, or at least he thought he was…
How is he sitting here with Squirtle unless he-
Chimchar, realizing what had happened, couldn't help but groan in annoyance.
"Why did you follow me? I could do this alone you know!"
His guardian raised a brow, expression filled with sarcasm. The wartortle sighs and starts looking for something in a discarded backpack that was beside him.
Chimchar looks at it, then glances around. The soft surface he was laying on is a winter coat. A human's winter coat. There were also a couple of random items the child did not recognize scattered half hazardly on the cave's floor, around the bonfire.
Wartortle seems to finally find what he was looking for, as he visibly relaxes at the sight of an orange spray bottle. He checks it over for a bit before kneeling in front of the child.
"Okay, so this is a super potion, it's an item commonly used to heal pokémon. You're on pretty low hp, so it's best you use it, just to be safe."
Chimchar, despite his annoyance, nods, and before he know it, he is sprayed with the healing potion. It's cold and sort of uncomfortable, but he gradually starts to feel the remaining aches in his body start to dull. The kid can feel himself becoming sleepy again, but tries to keep himself awake, if only to maintain whatever was left of his pride.
The older pokémon seems to relax a little by the visible relief the potion brought to the child. Putting the item to the side, he adjusts the coat Chimchar was laying on so the edges cover him like a makeshift blanket and, once satisfied, sits beside him.
"Are you feeling okay? You were in pretty rough shape when I found you."
The prevolve loathes it when this happens, loathes with all of his being. Squirtle always got him out of fights as soon as he had to face anything minimally challenging, always with the same concerned look and know-it-all speeches. He was never going to get stronger if he continued being coddled like this.
Nevertheless, Chimchar was way too tired to properly show his frustration. He wanted to scream, to bite, to run away fuming, but his body was just no numb, so cold.
He wasn't just going to thank him, though. He might be tired, but not that tired.
"I'm fine." he replies, only now noticing how scratchy his voice had become, nevertheless he ignores it. "How did you get all this stuff anyway?"
Wartortle looks away in shame, scratching the back of his own head and trying to think of a decent answer.
"Well uhh, I borrowed it from a human."
"You mean you stole it from a human." Chimchar immediately replies. The older pokémon sighs in frustration.
"Yeah, I stole it from them."
The cave is silent for a little while, only filled with the soft cracking of the fire.
"Did you kill them?" Chimchar asks, intrigued with the potential bloody details this even could have caused.
"No. They had a flying type with them, so I just told her to get her trainer out of here. I kept some of their stuff though." Wartortle can't help but chuckle at the kid's immediate loss of interest, it reminded him of…
He shook away the thought before it even fully formed. This was not the time to think about his old friends.
"Anyway, you're safe now. We'll get out of here as soon as possible, but we have to wait for the snow storm to calm itself down first."
Chimchar raises a brow at that. Storm? His memory was a bit hazy, but he surely didn't remember a storm. Did that giant pokémon cause it?
"It hit not long after I found you. I don't think that the gods obsessed guy cause it though. Unless he had been keeping it from happening? I don't know."
The child tries to focus on trying to hear the storm. The entrance of the cave had been blocked with a big boulder- something most likely done by Wartortle- so it was a little difficult to do, but with some effort he was able to listen to the hectic wind from the outside.
Just thinking of how cold it all most likely was made him shiver. Good thing he's inside the cave, he's had enough ice and snow for one day- or maybe even for a lifetime.
"I was lucky to find this place as quickly as I did, or else we would've been in a lot of trouble." Wartortle says, looking at the giant stone blocking the entrance.
Yeah, lucky.
Chimchar was still annoyed, though. He wanted to be able to do these things on his own. Just this once. He huffs, feeling himself gradually start to drift off.
"Ugh, as soon as I see Turtwig again I'm gonna kill him for snitching on me."
Wartortle, who was sitting next to the child, suddenly stands up in a panic. His previous calm posture gone in the blink of an eye and replaced by sheer and utter terror.
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r0-boat · 3 months
HII I have a request‼️
Can I ask for some Byron (from diamond & pearl) NSFW headcanons please??
That's what I'm fucking talking about!!
Dude I've never seen a Byron simp
God I love writing for more obscure pokémon trainers
Pokemon gym leader Byron NSFW Headcannons
Byron is a working man who loves his job. And at the time, raising a kid while working on his career, he hadn't had the time to even think about love. But now that his kid is an adult and His job has finally quieted down. It seemed like he was finally ready to focus on something that wasn't just battling and digging. However, it has been a long time since this 'old geezer' (his words) went out with anyone. Hell, he didn't even know where to start..
If he finally did have anyone in his bed, it would be someone close to him, and it would be a way of dealing with stress. He would be very nervous at first. And constantly ask you if you're sure. He tries to crack jokes in bed to hide his nervousness, but That nervousness completely washes away the more he gets aroused. He hold you right where he wants you His brain melting before having his way with you
He grinds into you like a teenage boy experiencing hormones for the first time. It's been such a long time since he had someone in his bed, please excuse him. He would feel so bad for the first night and his first time in a while.
Byron, it's not kinky, And he doesn't see himself as overly sexual. He's just pent-up. In fact, the world of kinks is completely new to him. He uses jokes to cope with how nervous he actually is. He wants you to feel just as good as you make him feel, but he isn't sure he can live up to your expectations.
Byron's dick is huge and thick. Even though he is inexperienced, he could still make you feel very good. He actually prefers it if you ride him. He promises he'll try not to buck up to you (which he always ends up doing). He tries so hard to try to stop himself, too. His legs are practically shaking when he pulls you back down onto him.
He is extremely talkative, too, if he is not pulling jokes trying to lighten anxiety off his shoulders. He is telling you how good you feel, explaining how you feel good, or just moaning broken sentences.
After a while, his old bold self is back. And Byron starts becoming really handsy. His hands are always somewhere on your body. Preferably your ass. Now that he knows your body and what you like He can't help but tease you every now and then. Just to get a flustered reaction out of you. Or perhaps even start taking initiative more often.
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unknown-ladies · 10 months
i dont know much abt you but you were asking for asks in the tag and im curious about the mha background characters, so have some asks for the poly ask game!
🐈Do you all share one big bed together or do you have different beds?
🦥In a modern setting, what job would each of you have?
🐅Do you have any pets? If so, what are they? If not, what kind of pets would you like to adopt?
Ooooh! For the polyamorous selfship ask game! Sorry for taking a while with this! Some Clarification: They're not all MHA background characters, that's ONLY 🔥. The others are from different settings! 🔘 is a background villain from Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, 🔴 is a background character from Pokémon Horizons, and Hoshizora Miyuki/Cure Happy is from Smile Precure! I'll answer all of these despite the separate sources! - Azalea
🐈: "Do you all share one big bed together or do you have different beds?"
Given Miyuki's age and 🔥's age, we all decided different beds would be the best option. It allows everyone to have their own space just as those two would need at their ages, and would prevent any overcrowding on top of that! It prevents conflicts too, such as 🔥 and Miyuki being heroes while 🔘 is a proud villain.
This doesn't mean we'll never sleep in the same bed, though! There are always moments when they'd like to share the same bed for the night, whether to cuddle underneath blankets, recover from a nightmare, or just has someone to sleep beside. We have different beds, but we don't always use them.
🦥: "In a modern setting, what job would each of you have?"
In a way, everyone's settings are already modern given how their universes work, the difference isn't really timewise, but in what's possible for each of their worlds. However, jobs in that sense would be a little tough to pick out. I'm an unemployed stay-at-home mother currently, and I don't imagine that would change much with these four. Miyuki and 🔥 aren't old enough to take on jobs where I live, they'd still be students, but for 🔥 the school would no longer be a Hero Course school.
For 🔘 I think she'd become a retail worker at a card game and nerd memoribilia store, learning judge rules for several games, hosting weekly tournaments to hand out prize packs, and more. She feels like the kind of girl who's secretly happy to be surrounded by nerds deep down. I'm not sure what 🔴 would do... She'd possibly be a nursery, playgroup, or preschool worker. I think she'd want to be able to help out in that setting as much as possible.
🐅: "Do you have any pets? If so, what are they? If not, what kind of pets would you like to adopt?"
None right now! Unless you count Duel Monsters and a weird fairy from a faraway land of fairytales as pets thanks to Miyuki and 🔘. Truth be told, I'm not sure I'd be capable of looking after a pet completely solo. I imagine I can handle the feeding fine, it's the cleaning that would be a struggle for me - and due to that, I'd not trust myself to seek a pet out without the help of these four to balance caretaking.
I love rabbits and pigeons, but for pet reasons I think I'd go with a pigeon as rabbits are incredibly high-maintenance. I'd make sure with Miyuki, 🔥, 🔘, and 🔴 that they'd be on board with it first, of course. I think 🔘 and 🔥 would be at least, and Miyuki might end up thinking this pigeon is such an odd pet that our lives are beginning to look more like a fairytale picture book and encourage it. I'm not sure how 🔴 would feel - but if even one of us weren't comfortable with the animal choice, we'd seek another. Everyone's comfort - AND the animals' need for love - would be taken into consideration heavily.
Thanks for the asks I heavily appreciate them!!
Polyamorous Selfship Ask Game.
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So this weekend my mom's ex aka my brother's father came up from a buncha states away to visit and... yeah imma complain bc there's no where else to do that
Anyways first of he's rich and so is his family so yknow that's sort of where things begin, now obviously not every rich person is bad but that's not the point of this anyway, I'll start with Christmas, he HATES getting anything used for Christmas or getting someone music because every year at the top of my list had been a Wii with Kirbys Return to Dreamland now I finally bought a Wii myself this year but I've been asking for that for the past... 4-5 years and while he's never directly said it he pretty much silently says "yeah I'm not buying that, next" and it's the same with if I want music that HE doesn't listen to for example every year for the past 3-4 years I've been asking for a dragonforce OR a halestorm album or merch bc I really enjoy those bands and he also refuses to buy any of THOSE things, now magic the gathering has been getting really power crept these past few years so I haven't been super into magic besides the occasional looking at the new cards then hearing yeah these mythics made specifically for commander are super broken and they're never going to ban these cards so that people buy more packs for the second hand market" so yeah I only really look at cards that help my current decks so I haven't really been asking for magic recently especially with the scummy new booster packs they're starting to make and I think he's a little disappointed at that
But if I were to give a list of my Christmas list on average for the past few years it would be in this priority order:
A Nintendo Wii (he won't buy it bc it's old)
Kirbys Return to Dreamland for the Nintendo Wii (he won't buy it bc it's old)
A Dragonforce/Halestorm Album/Merch (he won't buy it either bc he doesn't like the music OR he doesn't want me listening to it, one of the two)
[Next Pokémon Game] (he'll probably buy it because it's the only thing that's 'new' on my list)
Last year specifically I wanted a drawing tablet so I could do digital art but then again I didn't submit a list even though yknow I've been asking for the EXACT same stuff for the past few years
Anyway umm yeah that's pretty upsetting for me especially since ALL of those years I never had a way to buy any of those things now on the the next topic: food
So whenever we're with him we usually go out for food since it's the easiest way to get food and we don't have a way to cook AND he's rich but here's my main problem like yeah sure it is free food BUT even since I've been diagnosed with diabetes he doesn't want me eating too much now please note I'm already a deathly underweight 120 pounds and he doesn't support my transition based on the way he left my message on "read from notifications" about a meme of coming put as trans and the way he gers irrationally upset whenever I wanna get feminine clothing (not super upset just a very Stern and scary "no that's for women you not allowed to get that") but anyway back to food so we go out to get breakfast and due to my doctors saying I'm anorexic (aka I'm bad at taking insulin so I don't digest it like I should, and if anyone wants to give me a Hypnotic trigger of "see food, wanna eat food so stop and take correct amount of insulin" feel free) so I need to eat more however, with breakfast I like pancakes and I like taking an English muffin and bacon and making a sandwich with it (it's really good) and at home I eat like 5-7 medium sized pancakes with bacon, and an English muffin or bagel and occasionally with some cereal and coffee, real carb filled breakfast however whenever I get breakfast with him, and please note he's rich he can afford it he works in a steel mill as like a contractor or like one of the higher up positions and makes over 100,000 a year and just statically has like double that sitting in his account, anyway, that's not the point the point is I am allowed to have 2 pancakes with nothing except butter on them (syrup is too sticky for me, sensory issues) so no cherries (I love cherries on pancakes but I haven't had it in like 5+ years) so chocolate chips nothing, 1 side of bacon and 1 side of an English muffin and nothing else because he says it's to "keep my blood sugar down" and both my mother and myself say bullshit because as long as I take my insulin I'll be fine and I've gone a little over 500 (like hospital bad, 600 would be emergency room bad for me) and have taken insulin and have been fine but not super great feeling so I know how to treat myself but instead I get what barely fills me up, hell this weekend alone I've had to eat BEFORE we go out to eat to NOT feel hungry after breakfast then for lunch if we get Jimmy John's I can either get 1 sandwich (not enough to fill me up, it's basically a snack) or 2 unwiches (it's a sandwich but the bread is replaced by lettuce so it's the equivalent of 1 sandwich) and I'm still hungry, other places tho like subway I will defend bc it tastes better so it fills me up more or they have other gimmicks to make it worth it for example like fucking 36oz beverages
But other foods like 5 guys is fine bc it's also a lot wings tho I have a story: so I only get boneless bc I really enjoy the crunchy part not so much the chicken-y part (flavors not an issue I just don't like wet and inside of meat tends to be wet) but he's usually like "ehhh 15 is pushing my 'your not allowed to eat' limit" so normally that's all I'm allowed to get so I proved outside of that that I could eat 20 bc while 15 was pretty good I was enjoyed I was always still a little hungry so I proved that I could eat 20 normally so I did it at a cast hosted cast party for a show i was in then proved that I could eat 20 so I try to order it and he's like "fine since you say you can eat 20 then prove it to me" so now there was no backing down and while we were waiting I said how and when I did it and he said: "yeah well you didn't get enough to eat then bc yoy we're exhasted" please note I was in TWO SCENES well three but 2 of them I was literally standing around and the third I walked around for like a minute and the other like hour and fifteen was playing celeste backstage so no I was not hungry, anyway I prove it by eating all of them and finishing before anyone else finished, and please note this was after having like no breakfast and going to get that cute hat.
Next is the final topic: shopping
This is probably the one thing that I REALLY dislike because: he just has a look of disappointment everytime I spend my own money like the hat I bought yesterday, I didn't want to buy the hat before we left hot topic bc that would be awkward standing In there with your purchase already purchased but just waiting for people to finish perusing so I waited until everyone was ready to check out and when I said I was going to buy the hat he just had a look of almost disgust and disappointment that I would DARE buy something without spending HIS money.
And I mean it's not like he would want to buy what I wanted either I was raised to be conservative with my money because we're lower middle class so I don't want to spend his money because it feels rude even tho he's offering most of the time and pretty much gives me a dirty look whenever I try to buy things for myself when he's not asking or if I don't know if he wants to buy me something because he doesn't tell me my price limit so I get anxious and just spend my own money to relive that anxiety but it's not just his expression his voice is also has just a touch of disappointment in it too not like sad disappointment like upset disappointment and if I want to buy my brother something he's like "oh well too bad I'm buying it for him you shouldn't try to buy him anything because I'll buy it for him" which yeah I... don't like that I just wanna be nice and everytime I try to be nice or polite you get upset and say "stop doing that" especially since I just want to prove value since if I try to actually be my own person and have my own style and try to do things to relive my anxiety it's almost like he thinks I don't trust him which is not true but I mean when you actively tell me to stop being polite because you don't like it or get upset because of how I wanna express myself I mean I'm not going to just have a positive response he also got upset when I wore makeup in front of him but in a more subtle "does your mother know about this?" Like yeah I wouldn't do it if she didn't otherwise you would tell her and both of you would yell at me together
Anyway umm thank you for reading if you read all this sorry for ranting umm just depression and been holding that in for a long while now it doesn't relive too much but yknow, uhh hopefully I'm not being entitled because if I am umm, well I would not wish nice things upon myself and again I don't like spending other people's money unless I literally don't have a choice sooo yeah
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sonorous-eisfyl · 4 months
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Send  🩹  to  patch  my  muse  up  after  a  fight. (Reversed)
// @venalos sent:
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"Come on, did you see us out there?!" Being the Pokémon Champion of Venalos, it came to no surprise that Safine would have to defend her title every so often. Challengers were many, but there were few who could match Safine's ferocity and strength. They did exist, however, even if today still ended in a decisive victory for the still-reigning Champion. Injuries were unavoidable, especially when faced with opponents who could come close to giving Safine a run for her money. Though she would usually be attended to be a team of trained professionals, meant specifically to bring Safine back to fighting shape as quickly as physically possible, this time she decided to share some time with her beloved Frosting. While she tended to applying some ointments to her leg, he could busy himself with areas Safine would have trouble reaching. "I mean, how long has it been since I last had to bust out Spike in a league match? I swear, after we're done I gotta track down that Rider and ask him what in the New World he feeds that Almudron of his! It was going circles around us! I barely kept up!!" Despite nearly losing her title, she seemed to be in high spirits.
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Frosting simply listens intently, nodding every so often as he cleaned up the wounds from behind
---- He was smiling slightly, but a lot of his attention was on getting his sister patched up. He did in fact watch the match, honor of being Safine's favourite little guy and all got him fairly close to the scene too. The battles were always a sight to behold; and a rare one at that to witness such a ferocious battle take place like that. Humming as he finishes wiping off any blood, he sighs
"You were all great as usual!" a genuine remark, even if his choice of words sounded a little less enthusiastic than intended. It was a treat to hear Safine excitedly ramble of her endeavors such as this any time of the day
"I'm sure he'll still be around once we're done though, I'm not a professional medic here- so bear with me there"
The hunter shifts into a more comfortable position (with a little bit of effort) once he was done treating whatever was needed, watching the other quietly in thought while pulling out his tiny packet of konpeito from his pocket to munch on. Battling, while exciting to watch, was never in his fancy- he didn't really understand the appeal of it beyond general strength training. But, hey, at least Safine had a blast even if her title was threatened
"You think there'll be someone anytime soon that might finally take your title? That guy got pretty close,"
It was something to think about- he knows the title would have to be given up at some point in the future. Be it from retiring or simply being bested. Yet after watching that challenger, he wonders if he'd be there to witness it in the coming times.
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