#event: ambrosia
dreamyyesenia ยท 8 hours
Me: Hope the ambrosia newsletter arrives soon.
Game: Here you go, I sent you 6 mail-carriers!
Problem: They only seem capable of greeting my mailbox?๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
Yeah, the Reward Event works wonderfully..
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deathfavor ยท 11 months
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you need rest. more than anything, you must allow yourself rest. death is frighteningโ€“ it is inevitable, it is unstoppableโ€“ but, it can also be a thing of great beauty. it is an agent of change. it is the forest fire that paves way for new life. allow yourself this rest, and be prepared for the change to come. brace yourself. it will be hard, it will not be kind, but you are more than ready. you just need to rest first.
NUMBER: 13 UPRIGHT: endings, change, transformation, transition REVERSED: resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging
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the moon
the world has not been kind to you. it has come for you with gnashing teeth, swiping claws, and you have barely escaped time and time again with your tail between your legs. but you are made of tougher stuff; far more resilient than you give yourself credit for! allow yourself this moment, yield yourself some clemency, and be prepared to face this stalking monster with a renewed sense of purpose. the moon will guide your well deserved reprieve.ย 
NUMBER: 18 UPRIGHT: illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition REVERSED: release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
tagged by : @sortilegii ( thank you ! ) tagging : whoever hasn't but wants to!
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rosietrace ยท 2 years
Four realms festival: Winter
Author's note: This is basically my equivalent of a Christmas special, and I need to make content of my beloved fanschool eventually ^^ the prologue's still in the works, but that's to be expected when writing a story. If this isn't good, I'm really sorry ^^||
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The planning
Scepter hall's four realms festival is considered a very prestigious event, especially in the winter season since the festival is at it's most exclusive during that time
Forรชt geleรฉ was ecstatic to help with the decorations, this is the event where they don't need to worry about melting after all
Eclair was rather solemn with the planning, this festival in particular was her favorite. Why? Well, it's hosted by the dormitory that her husband was once the head of
Nowadays, forรชt geleรฉ is run by Clark, who handled the preparations wonderfully
Meryl also wanted to help, and ended up spending some time with Madam Monroe and Lilia while the preparations were in order
Though, Meryl can't help but question what kind of relationship Lilia has with her godmother
Lilia and Monroe: *Basically flirting*
Meryl: When are you gonna kiss?
Lilia and Monroe:
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Madam Monroe definitely tried to tell Meryl that she and Lilia aren't like that but it was unsuccessful on her end-
It's not like Lilia DENIES it tho-
Claudette was a little conflicted about the festival, since it was basically a monochrome masquerade ball instead of an actual festival
It wasn't like she was against it, she just felt awkward when she has to refer to it as a festival since... It doesn't really feel like one?
Finnigan was busy scheduling and preparing the security measures for the event, so Clark ended up having to bother Ambrosia and Brooke (Much to their chagrin)
.... Clark was almost drowned by Ambrosia in the eauxclaires dormitory tho, he probably annoyed her too much XD
Brooke also threatened to attack Clark with his animals, but to Clark, it was an empty threat compared to the attempted murder Ambrosia did to him-
To put it simply, everything was running smoothly
The dorms were excited for the event and the celebration of the new year, the staff made sure nothing was out of order for it, and Meryl was happy because the decorations were pretty :D
Clearly the last one is the most important. Meryl's opinion is above all (โ โŒโ โ– โ -โ โ– โ )
Hell, Eclair was less solemn by the end of the preparations and was genuinely feeling rather giddy about it
She may be grieving her husband's supposed death, but this event is still her favorite one. With or without her husband in it.
So really, it was smooth sailing for everyone
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The days of the 'festival'
It's still a bit chaotic in traditional Scepter Hall fashion, but it was still smooth sailing for them so they didn't really care
Everyone looked spectacular in their winter themed masquerade clothes, especially Magnijardin and Forรชt geleรฉ. They practically stole the show with how elaborate their outfits were
Meryl wore a simple white tea dress with light blue ribboning that complimented the dress really well
As for Eclair, she ended up wearing the most simplistic outfit compared to everyone else. A sleek, yet simple black blouse that matched well with her equally as sleek white suit
It was classy, sleek, and also showed authority over everyone else despite the simplicity of it
Madam Monroe snuck Lilia in, alongside Sebek, Silver, and Malleus
Malleus was practically ecstatic when he was invited to such an illustrious event
Mercury kinda had to be held down, since he didn't expect, nor want, a Draconia to be in his presence
Finnigan kinda just told him to let loose and have fun without worrying about Malleus, so Mercury did just that to clear his head
Meanwhile Clark and Ambrosia were practically hammered after having a concerning amount of shots
Claudette was hyping them up, but was still worried for her wife
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A suspicious white owl
Warning: Kinda contains a key part of SHI's main story
With Brooke, he chose not to be with the rest of the staff since he really didn't like the cold environment no matter how beautiful it appeared
So he was just outside the venue, and making sure no one broke in on his side(The guards Finnigan hired were handling the other side)
Brooke didn't really do much, to be completely honest
He was just conversing with his animal friends(the ones who weren't in hibernation), and discussing their plans for the new year
Then, Brooke felt a random yet familiar presence and advised the animals to flee just in case.
When they did, Brooke was ready for whatever fight he might have to go through
Imagining Neville Longbottom with his fists and trying to threaten Harry and his friends just so they don't get Gryffindor in trouble
But he... Didn't fight at all. In fact it felt like there was no suspiciously familiar presence whatsoever
Instead, Brooke caught sight of a white owl perched onto one of the snow-covered trees
What made it even stranger for Brooke, was the aura that was emitted from the owl
It.... Didn't have the aura of any typical winter owls, or any owls in general
.... It was almost like it wasn't even an owl to begin with
Brooke, somewhat disturbed by this revelation, tried to approach the owl as best as he could
Which failed, since the owl just flew away when Brooke was getting just a little closer
Brooke was a little freaked out, so he just went back inside to tell Eclair about what happened
Which also resulted in failure
Eclair was busy enough as it was and merely assumed that Brooke was hallucinating, completely ignoring whatever he had to say
At that point, Brooke just felt tired and told everyone that he was gonna go to sleep back in Animania
Everyone respected his wishes and wished him a good night's sleep
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A heartfelt speech
After Malory's disappearance, it became an unintentional tradition for Eclair to give a heartfelt speech about how his disappearance affected her and others
And somehow, it tugs at everyone's heartstrings every time
For this year, this was the first time Eclair actually teared up giving the speech
In previous years, she would look sad, somber, and filled with grief.
But she wouldn't shed a tear
This year was different.
And seeing their headmistress shed so many tears reminded some students that she's still a 'person' with emotions, not some heartless dignitary
Meryl actually ended up crying alongside her mother, which only further increased the rate of sadness that filled the atmosphere
It felt almost uncomfortable.
In an attempt to switch up the current mood, Finnigan suggested to just have fun and... Basically worded it like they have to completely ignore what Eclair said during her speech
He's trying his best, he isn't really the best in social situations
As the partying continued, Eclair decided to doze off for the night and left her daughter under the care of Lilia and Monroe
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The ending of the event
When the so-called 'festival' ended, everyone was anticipating the new year
Some were excited, others were scared, and some couldn't find a reason to care
Meryl bid Lilia and his unofficial children goodbye and was already a bit sad that she can't play with her quintessential godfather anymore
Naturally, before he left, Lilia assured Meryl that he'll find time in his schedule to play with her again
This also means she has to witness him and her godmother flirt
Clark continued to tease his cousin for her obvious romantic affection towards Lilia, but she simply disregarded it and claimed their relationship was simply platonic
All in all, the four realms festival ended on a satisfying note
And those within Scepter hall anticipate the new year with open arms
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accursedsword ยท 8 months
As the ending of the show plays with applause and celebrations, popcorn is thrown at the screen with all the fury that can be mustered behind the box (it shifts the screen two degrees.)
"What a rigged gameshow! When the rules weren't changing, they were never explained! This 'Bachelor Emperor' knew half the competitors already. A waste of time!" Boxes of takeaway food and Ora siphons are moved aside as the crime lord finally escapes his position on the couch during his binge. After shifting enough cans and containers, he finds his communicator and immediately yells into it.
"Get my ship ready! ... No, I'm not going to that ludicrous party. I need a good ending, with real stakes, and comeuppance! Get me the VIP seats for the closest Gladiator-- What do you MEAN they're all on hold or otherwise held at the Galaxy-wide rave?! All the other crime lords will be there?! Gifts are mandatory?!?"
The communication device is the next thing to be thrown (it hits the side of the screen, miraculously moving back the same two degrees) before Aatrox goes on his temper-rampage.
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nariism ยท 2 months
letters from heaven โ€” g. satoru
"i think i'm in love with you" + "wait, don't pull away... not yet." + oblivious pining
synopsis. love tastes like chocolate ganache topped with fresh strawberries. that was satoru's first thought when he accidentally blew your cake shop into smithereens.
wc. 2.4k
โ€” for the lovely @hanrinz ๐ŸŽ€ | event masterlist โœ‰๏ธ
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
If you had asked Gojo Satoru what love tasted like two years ago, he would have answered with a lump in his throat.
Like curses, he would have told you. Like death and destruction. Fire and ash.ย 
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Satoru was surrounded by love from his very conception.
Wrapped in silk blankets and bathed in warm milk when he was born into this worldโ€”it was as if the nurses thought he had been spoonfed ambrosia by the gods themselves.
He knew what it was like to have his entire clan at his feet with their foreheads pressed to the floor; to be dressed in the finest cloth and only by the most nimble hands; to get anything and everything he ever wanted without question.ย 
He was above everyone and had the eyes to prove it. He knew love like it was his only purpose.
Satoru was always a head in the clouds kind of guy. He understood his place in the world better than anyone else. That he was special. Gifted. Born with a blessing that only happens once in a millennium.
He hated the righteous above all. The ones who wanted to change the world that was promised to him from the moment he took his first breath. It was insulting; an act of defiance against the gods. Against him.
That is why he hated Geto Suguruโ€”someone who wanted to change the world.
Satoru believed that he was too down to earth. It irritated him. But he never stopped being surrounded by love and never stopped loving, either.
For some reason, there was a strange comfort in standing alongside another.ย 
Perhaps it was that Suguru had never once bowed down before himโ€”the fact that he had gotten the chance to memorize every inch of his beautiful face. Or maybe it was the tender way he had spoken his name, so soft and filled with adoration.
For the first time in his life, he felt like he was more than just his eyes.
Satoru adored and despised every part of Geto Suguru. He always would, even in death.
He thought that secret would die with him. That there was no one else worthy of standing by his side. He never thought he was capable of loving another again.
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
(He was about to learn that love would loom over him wherever he went. It would chase him relentlessly, even if it were to the ends of the earth.
After all, Gojo Satoru was born to be enveloped in silk and sugar and everything wonderful in the world.)
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Love tastes like chocolate ganache topped with fresh strawberries.
That was Satoru's first thought when he accidentally blew your cake shop into smithereens with a misfired blast of energy.ย 
There was nothing particularly spectacular about you. There you were: horrified, head in your hands, crying over the phone to what he presumed to be your parents. He'd never seen someone doused in flour like you before, as if you had been plucked straight out of a cartoon.
Yet he remembers that his breath was stolen from him the way books described it.
Your very existence felt like it was built up from cubes of sugar. He was embarrassed that it was his first impression while you glared horribly at him.
The lawsuit came in the mail a few days later.
He paid, of course, without argument. And he tried to get your number afterwards because he really wanted to try that cake you were decorating before he blasted your shop to pieces.
You slapped him across the face and he let you. He even released his technique just so you could.
To your dismay, he kept showing up at the shop after it had been rebuilt. But he was a paying customer, and who were you to deny him a slice of butterscotch pie?
Still, he laughed at your ever-growing irritation with his presence. How he would preorder cakes days in advance just so you could anticipate his arrival. The way he would drop an extra five thousand yen on the counter and tell you to keep the change.
"Don't make me get a restraining order," you had once threatened him while he browsed the cupcake selection for the day.
"You wouldn't," he sang. And you didn't, because he knew your type.
You were the opposite of the one he loved most in the world. You wanted to make as little of a splash as you couldโ€”to bake pies and frost cakes with buttercream roses and wipe down your counters until they sparkled.
You knew your place in the world just as much as he knew his. And it seemed to be right behind the counter with a scowl on your face because of another poor attempt at flirting.
You didn't want to change the world. You just wanted to live in it, flour and all.
He found comfort in that, too.
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Satoru became your midday companion when business slowed down. The sound of the bell strung to your front entrance brought you comfort when you were stressed about your little shop.
A part of you knew that this man was no ordinary human being. His eyes shimmered bluer than the sky when he would look at you with affection, nearly making your knees buckle beneath you on more than one occasion.
"What do you do at work?" You asked him curiously one afternoon as he sat on a stool watching you mindlessly pipe frosting.
"...Nothing important," he panicked, the thought of scaring you away when you had just started opening up to him too much for him to handle.
"Nothing important," you hummed, repeating his words until your eyes narrowed. "You're lying."
"I am," he admitted shamelessly.
You looked at him in confusion, not missing the way he avoided making eye contact by burrowing his head into his arms. Through the glass of your display case, you could see his shoulders bunch up in distress.
You decided to drop it. It wasn't important.
"Here," you said softly, reaching around the glass separating you to place a dessert in front of him. "Don't worry about it."
Satoru gazed at the plate before him. Chocolate ganache and strawberries layered between sponge cake.
"This is for me?" He asked, poking at it with the fork as a grin split his cheeks.
"Just for you," you smiled. "As an apology for slapping you."
"I deserved it. I blew up your shop."
Your smile only deepened. "Sometimes things need to be destroyed to be rebuilt even better."
The strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer of his time was reduced to a puddle at your next words,
"I met you, after all. Didn't I?"
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Love tastes like champagne-raspberry truffles and cappuccino chocolates.
On the day he planned to confess, you unconvincingly glared at him as he approached you with his hands behind his back.
You pursed your lips, expecting him to demand you make him something out of season. Outlandish requests were not new from him, but you always managed to whip up something that had fruits imported from South America, or using that expensive hojicha he insisted you take off his hands.
Instead, he held out a box of lavish chocolates he bought in Belgium.
Nervousness replaced the confidence that was permanently etched into his every feature, and your expression melted into something mellower than the warmth simmering in the pit of Satoru's tummy.
He had been pining for you for months. There was something about your company that made him feel whole againโ€”more whole than he had been in all the time since Geto Suguru left this earth.
You laughed as if it were a joke, using your palm to hide how you flushed slightly.
"Satoru..." You quirked a brow. "What's this?"
The way you said his name stuck arrows through his heart. You could act like you hated him all you wanted, but the way you smiled at him when he wasn't being a prick was enough for him to feel comforted.
"Chocolates from Europe," he straightened up, trying to shake off his nerves.
Why? His tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth and he sucked on it in anxious thought, suddenly unsure of the right thing to say even though he had practiced all night.
Wasn't it obvious that he liked you?
You took the box from his hands and placed it down on the counter. Then you rounded it, picked up your spatula, and continued folding your meringue.
Satoru's silence made you glance back up, scrutinizing his downcast, troubled expression. You huffed through your nose with an exasperated little shake of the head.
"Save some nice things for yourself, too."
He was surprised when you reappeared in front of him. His eyes trailed from your sneakers, up your dirty apron to your smiling face.
Chocolate was melting between your fingers.
His grunts of protest were muffled as you stuck the treat against his lips, forcing it into his mouth. He glared at you, but ate it anyway.
Sugar coated his tongue and eased his nerves. You only laughed at his fluster.
He pinched your cheek.
You didn't know that Satoru already had everything else he ever needed. The only thing left was standing right in front of him.
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
Love is easy to taste when it's on your lips.
At least, that was the thought driving Satoru insane.
He didn't know when such an obsessive idea started plaguing him, or how to remedy it. For the first time in his life, he felt like a boy with a silly, childish crush.
Worst of all, you seemed none the wiser. All his attempts to make a move on you fell flatโ€”though, he wasn't very good at following through with them in the first place.
It culminated in his final attempt to rid the terrible thought from his mind: he was going to avoid you at all costs until it blew over.
If he could just have the time to get over you, to move on from his feelings, he could probably act with some normalcy around you again. It was tiresome to tread on eggshells around you, even if you were blissfully unaware of it.
You, however, did not take his avoidance very well. He did not see that coming.
Satoru's phone rang at 3:24 am, well past your store hours. In fact, you were supposed to be waking up in another hour and a half to get all your prep done.
"Hello?" Your timid voice crackled through the static of his phone and he jolted upright, fisting his blanket in anticipation. "Satoru? Are you up?"
He swallowed thickly, mouth moving to formulate an answer with a strange amount of effort. "Yeah," he said, voice hoarse from sleep.
The other end of the line was silent for another moment before there was a loud crash, and he could make out the distinct clatter of metal bowls hitting tile.
He could imagine you standing there in defeat, surrounded by dirty dishes and drowning in work, trying to catch up for the next morning.
The thought was enough for him to rip out of his sheets, a flurry of limbs as he got dressed to find you.
"Hang on," he told you over the phone, then hung up.
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
You had not anticipated that Satoru's very obvious avoidance would take such a toll on you.
You'd let it escalate until you were overwhelmed with emotion, unfocused at work, and not able to untangle the feelings you had for him.
And now he was standing in your shop again, helping you pick up everything you had clumsily scattered across the ground.
Whipped cream and icing spilled on the floor, painting the tile an array of pastel colours. You grimaced at the mess, thinking maybe you should just close the shop for the day and take a vacation.
Satoru was dutifully wiping up cream as if he were being paid to do it. But he wasn'tโ€”he was just too kind to you. Too generous. You desperately wished he would get mad at you for waking him in the middle of the night.
Instead, he only seemed concentrated and slightly concerned.
"That's enough," you told him quietly, standing up to discard the towels you used. "I'll clean up the rest tomorrow."
Satoru stood up with you, trying to decipher the doomstruck expression on your face.
"I'll come by tomorrow to help."
You shook your head. "It's okay, you've done so much already. Thank you."
Everything about him had grown so familiar, so warm. You missed him more than you cared to admit, and that scared you. In the three weeks since you had last seen him, it finally came crashing down on you.
You liked Satoru.
The thought was heady and overwhelming in your mind. You stumbled a bit and he caught you by the shoulders.
"Woah there," he chuckled lightly, finally able to make out the look in your eyes.
"Satoโ€”" your lip wobbled and he stopped it with his thumb. Then, he used his fingers to clean up the icing decorating your face.
"I got you."
He snorted softly at your dazed expression, drawing away from you. Your hands shot up to grasp at him, keeping him in your bubble.ย 
"Please don't pull away."
Satoru stilled, letting you drag him back into your personal space. "M'not going anywhere."
You weakly punched him in the chest, fist remaining there for a moment before you let it fall limp. Glaring at him, you sniffled.
"You're avoiding me."
"I was," he admitted.
"What happened?"
"I realized that I liked you a lot more than I thought."
Silence hugged your bodies, heavy and stiff. You blinked at him in surprise, having trouble processing his words.
"I like you," he said again, more adamant. More confident.
"Oh," you breathed. Heat enveloped Satoru's heart at how relieved you sounded. "That makes me..."
Your face morphed from relief to realization. Realization of the situation, of how close your bodies were.
"Really happy," you concluded, squeezing your eyes shut as his hands adjusted to cup your face a little more intimately.
He kissed the apple of your cheek, making sure not to skip over the spot where icing lingered.
The thought entered his mind: I am exactly where I need to be.
Gojo Satoru was born to be loved. It tastes like maple buttercream. And it's spilled all over the floor, stained on his hands and knees. Between his fingers. Melting on his tongue.
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izvmimi ยท 5 months
cw: smut, minors dni. brat!reader. angry sex that turns soft. not really infidelity but a little targeted flirting on the part of reader. female anatomy for reader. f! receiving oral. penetrative sex.
โ€œYouโ€™re getting way too good at getting on my damn nerves.โ€
The door to your hotel room is barely closed by the time he starts his tirade, but neither of the Itoshi brothers are particularly known for having any type of manners, and the current state of affairs is that youโ€™ve successfully pissed Rin off the entire night. It doesnโ€™t help that Rinโ€™s kind of a crybaby, and his beautiful eyelashes line red-rimmed eyes right now; in fact his whole face is red from embarrassment, and as you kick your high heels off, heโ€™s glaring at you with aggravation, hands balled into fists.
โ€œSo?โ€ you ask flippantly, turning to him with a flourish in your satin, form-fitting dress that seems to practically mock him. You donโ€™t intend to spin that joyfully but it works for you tremendously. After all, Rin takes himself far too seriously and itโ€™s your God-given task to cut him down to size. Flirting with his brother - well, barely so - has worked wonders for you. Rin is now so hot heโ€™s practically ripping his shirt off at the collar as he tries to loosen it, and you plop onto the king sized bed in practical glee.ย 
This isnโ€™t the first time youโ€™ve provoked him like this and it works every time.
You donโ€™t have to do much. Just a few heavy lidded glances in Saeโ€™s direction, a little too much interest in whatever the asshole has to say, letting your eyes linger on his drink then on the curve of his lips for a little too long, shrugging when Sae disrespectfully asks you, right in front of his brother, if youโ€™re willing to spend time with an actual athlete before declining.
There will be a point in time where Saeโ€™s advances towards you result in his face drenched in sweetened alcohol, but for now, when Rinโ€™s waffling about how much you mean to him despite being desperate for your attention, keeping you on his arm for event after event, you donโ€™t have to be his ride-or-die.
But you can ride him.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t know what the fuck youโ€™re trying to prove but if you keep fucking playing with me, youโ€™re going to end up biting off more than you can chew.โ€
Heโ€™s a lot of talk and a lot of energy as he tears off your panties, but heโ€™s the one with his face shoved into your folds just moments later, sliding his tongue up and over and along every part of you, lapping up your cream like milk, drinking up your squeals and moans like sweet ambrosia. His arms are practically wrapped around your lower half, dragging your hips up to his face as he sucks and swallows, spitting on your clit the lesser half out of disgust, the greater half out of sheer desire. Face still covered in your slick, and practically drooling, he takes your lips in his mouth again and kisses fervently, pulling your leg around his waist as he descends on you.
โ€œStop acknowledging him,โ€ Rin hisses. Your back arches as his cockhead presses first against your entrance, missing first before he re-steadies and slips inside you, biting your lower lip as they pull back in a wince. Your fingers claw into his bare back as he claims you, a shudder leaving his throat as he nestles inside you, warm, inviting, his, oh so necessarily his.
โ€œStop worrying about him,โ€ you hiss back. โ€œFocus on me.โ€
Your eyes narrow as they meet, but heโ€™s softening as you look at him. The first few strokes into your center are fast, harsh, quick in the snap of his hips, but the next ones, with his eyes slowly filling with adoration as he watches your reactions, the scrunch of your face and the lust in your eyes as they roll back, are slow and tender.ย 
โ€œFocus on me,โ€ he whispers now as he rolls his hips against yours. โ€œBe mine.โ€
Be mine, be mine, be mine. He kisses your neck, marking you with each press of the lips, each squeeze of his fingertips on your flesh, and he wishes you would scratch and claw your name into his skin if only it means heโ€™s definitely yours and only yours and youโ€™re only his, forever.
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lady-ashfade ยท 8 months
I wonโ€™t be my family
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Book!Percy Jackson x castellan!reader
-ยฃ after the final I needed to make something like this and I donโ€™t apologize. Based on the events in the first book.
-ยฃ also you wanna picture luke as your own? go ahead! I donโ€™t mention what the reader looks like specifically, just that they look like luke.
-ยฃ words: 800
-ยฃ warnings: sight angst, angst to comfort? crying, everything that happens after the betrayal, also me imagining a male reader but itโ€™s up to you!
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percy knew the guilt you felt without ever speaking to you after that night, after he woke up still alive. you failed to meet his eyes when he came close and youโ€™d leave the area he entered. he couldnโ€™t blame you after all it was your older brother who tried to kill him. who set him up to fail from the beginning and not just the same father, mother too.
he needed to speak with you before he left camp and he wouldnโ€™t leave without it. something inside made him sick wondering how you would be feeling at the moment. I mean sure, percy was betrayed by someone he looked up to and almost died so he had a right to be angry. but you were betrayed by family and blood, your own brother had left you at camp to face his conscience alone. it was cruel.
he couldnโ€™t imagine what was running through your head.
you were sitting by the lake as the sun shimmered on your skin that reflected off the water, you looked relaxed. your chest feel slowly and your eyes closed that it almost looked like you were sleeping, if it wasnโ€™t for your foot moving from side to side. in this moment he realized just how much you looked like him. for second he felt threatened at the thought of Luke but he remembered you werenโ€™t him. you werenโ€™t like him even before.
โ€œcome to get your revenge?โ€ Your head fell back but never opened your eyes to look at the boy. he was the only one youโ€™d know of to come and find you now.
why couldnโ€™t he just leave you alone? you hated having to face him knowing in someway you hurt him. yes, you didnโ€™t help luke, you didnโ€™t agree with him but it still felt like you were a accomplice ๏ฟผsomehow in his plan. every person you called friend now looked at you like a monster waiting to backstab them. youโ€™d always be in his shadow.
โ€œon who? I mean, thereโ€™s a squirrel in the tree but heโ€™s not the one iโ€™m looking for.โ€ his humor made you force a low huff and lean yourself back up. sighing in defeat you start to play with the rocks around you, clothes stained with water and dirt.
โ€œno offense percy, but Iโ€™m already aware of my brothers actions. if youโ€™ve come to tell me about how Iโ€™m supporting to acted now then youโ€™re too late, everyone has already beat you to it.โ€
percy didnโ€™t know how you visited him in the infirmary ๏ฟผthe first night. you cried about everything as you feed him ambrosia, or placed at cold towel on his burning skin and tried to smooth the nightmares he had. you had lost your brother, but you were with percy to keep him safe.
โ€œhonestly youโ€™re taking it better then i would,โ€ his footsteps made sounds as he walked across the stones. โ€œI canโ€™t imagine what it feels like.โ€
bringing your legs up you take one of them in your arms and hunch over, your lip pursing with sorrow. you could see his warm smile, how he laughed and ruffled your hair, how he told you heโ€™d stay by your side forever. was everything a lie to him?
โ€œand I hope you never will.โ€ you confessed with tears starting to fill the corner of your eyes once more.
he sighed from beside you, his sneakers right beside you. he leaned down and sat on the ground next to you. he truly didnโ€™t know what he was supposed to say to make you feel better and that he didnโ€™t blame you. so he just looked ahead and stared at the water in silence while you sniffled next to him, still never looking his way. from the moment percy met you he could tell you were different from anyone else in Hermes cabin. though, you still had that smirk when you would do something against the rules.
breaking the silence you begin to speak, โ€œIโ€™m not like him.โ€ your voice cracks and for the first time you turn your head towards him. he could see the puffed skin around your eyes and how your lip quivered, โ€œi would never hurt anyone.โ€
his ears picked up on your tone and body language, you were trying to convince him? of course he knew youโ€™d never think of it. he titled his head as his eyes softened.
โ€œi know that. and I donโ€™t blame you for your brotherโ€™s actions, if there is one thing Iโ€™ve learned. it is that family is messy.โ€ looking at the gods relationship with each other with all the backstabbing and plots against each other, let alone to their children as well.
โ€œi wonโ€™t be my family, not my brother, not my dad or my mother.โ€ your face scrunched up. you looked pained, your voice growing colder and forced.
he offered a kind smile, โ€œyouโ€™ll be better.โ€
-ยฃ Taglist: @itzmeme @ravenmedows @maria699669
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heeliopheelia ยท 1 year
"don't give me that look" (heeseung x reader)
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genre: fluff word count: 0.6k requested by @wannatinyus โ™ก
a/n: something fluffy for a change today ๐Ÿ’œ i'll try to post another drabble tonight!! ALSO i'll post the event masterlist today or tomorrow
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Swallowing the last piece of pizza crust, you steal a glance at the coffee table and notice there's a one last slice of your beloved pepperoni ambrosia left in the open cardboard box. You let out a string of swear words in your mind as you realize that it rightfully belongs to your boyfriend since you've already devoured your half without even giving yourself a breathing break.
Heeseung's arm is wrapped loosely around your waist, fingers caressing the warm skin underneath your top. He chews on the crust of his slice of pizza and you watch in anticipation as he swallows the last bit and doesn't reach for the coffee table.
Is he full? you ask yourself, full of hope. Your triumphant smile is quickly washed away as he bends forward and grabs the oh so craved by you slice of pepperoni.
He stops confused as you plant your hands flat on his chest and push him backwards until he's pressed against the couch again.
"Babe, what are yo-" his words cut shortly as he turns his face to you and is instantly met with your wide, begging eyes. "No, no, no. Don't give me that look."
You say nothing, only climb onto his lap and wrap your arms around his neck as you keep drilling him with your gaze. Leaning forward, you pepper his face with small kisses, delighting in the sound of his poorly suppressed giggles.
"YN, no," he holds his ground, squeezing your cheeks in between his slim fingers and pressing a wet kiss to your lips. "Hope you forgive me, love."
You gasp in disbelief, pulling away from him as you stare him down. "No, I will not. So what you're saying is you'd rather have your girlfriend starve to death than to share your pizza with her?" You exclaim dramatically, swinging your accusatory finger and poking his chest with it.
"You're so annoying," he lets out a chuckle, hand reaching forward and intertwining your fingers together. "What will I get out of such deal?"
You groan, slouching down on his body and burying your face in the crook of his shoulder. "How can you even try to make bargains while I'm dying in here, Heeseung? I've eaten four slices of pizza and I still want more. I need more."
"We should probably go get that checked out, love," he teases, pinching your thigh gently. "But fine, you won. You can have it."
You smile against his neck before slowly pulling away and straightening on his lap.
Heeseung nods his head, eyes brimming with adoration as he looks at your satisfied grin. "Yeah. You're lucky you're this cute."
Leaning backwards, you grab the last slice of pizza and happily munch on it. His fingers are mindlessly stroking the exposed skin of your thighs, thumb softly circling the bruise you've gotten yourself couple days ago. He flinches slightly when you suddenly shove the pizza right in front of his face, poking his lips with it.
"Come on. You can have a bite for being such a cute boyfriend. You folded so easily."
Scoffing at your generosity, he chomps on the pizza and lets you feed him, watching the smile on your lips with butterflies in his stomach. He bites at your finger playfully as he pulls away, earning a small huff from you.
"You're so thoughtful," he mocks you lightly, leaning his head on the headrest again. "I expect at least five kisses for that, though."
You finish the pizza and twist on your boyfriend's lap, sitting sideways as you roll your eyes playfully. "So needy," you tease before leaning down and capturing his smiling lips with yours.
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997
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'Spring Formal'
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Clarisse La Rue x DaughterOfAphrodite!Reader
A/N:Never thought I'd actually write something this long but I was watching tiktoks and had an idea ๐Ÿ’€ but anyways-
Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, stormed into the Camp Half-Blood Spring Formal with her usual scowl, her outfit glinting in the dim light.She wasn't one for fancy events,but Chiron insisted that it was a chance for demigods to bond.Little did she know,this particular formal would change her perspective on more than just parties.
The pavilion was adorned with twinkling lights, and the scent of ambrosia and nectar wafted through the air. Clarisse scanned the room, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the children of Athena huddled together, discussing tactics for capture the flag. Her gaze shifted to the son of Hermes,sneaking snacks from the refreshment table.
However,what truly caught Clarisse off guard was the vision of beauty that entered the pavilion.You,a daughter of Aphrodite, wearing a breathtaking silver gown that shimmered with every step.The dress clung to your curves,and the delicate straps revealed a hint of your sun-kissed shoulders.
As the night progressed, Clarisse found herself observing from a distance, unable to shake the sense of longing that gripped her. The daughter of Ares was accustomed to battles and conquests, not matters of the heart. She retreated to the edges of the pavilion, silently watching as you twirled and laughed with others.
Clarisse was known for her toughness and combat skills, but beneath that exterior lay a heart that few had glimpsed.But she wasn't about to fall for an Aphrodite kid of all people!
However,Clarisse,as tough as she was,unaccustomed to such beauty, felt a strange flutter in her chest. She couldn't tear her eyes away as you twirled on the dance floor,your laughter echoing like the sweetest melody.
As the night unfolded,Clarisse observed you from a distance,feeling a mix of awe and frustration.She couldn't deny the undeniable pull she felt.But then,her jealousy flared when she noticed you dancing with Luke, another camper,who seemed equally smitten by your charms.
Clarisse scowled,clenching her fists as she watched them glide across the dance floor. A surge of conflicting emotions swirled within her. The daughter of Ares, usually unyielding in battle, found herself grappling with a different kind of conflictโ€”a battle of the heart.
Determined to push aside her unexpected feelings, Clarisse decided to join the dance floor. With her armor clanking, she approached the scene, cutting in between you and Luke.The daughter of Ares extended her hand to you, surprising both herself and the onlookers.
"Mind if I cut in?" Clarisse's usual tone,gruff and authoritative,carried a hint of vulnerability that she never thought she'd reveal.
You,even if momentarily taken aback, smiled and accepted Clarisse's invitation.You two began to dance, a clash of strength and grace.Clarisse struggled to find the right words,but you,with your innate charm, eased the tension.
As they danced, Clarisse's initial jealousy transformed into a realizationโ€”an acknowledgment of the unexpected connection she felt with you. The daughter of Ares, known for her battles, found herself engaged in a different kind of skirmishโ€”one that unfolded in the silent language of shared glances and unspoken emotions.
In the midst of the dance, Clarisse mustered the courage to speak. "You look... different tonight." she grumbled, struggling to articulate her thoughts.
You chuckled, the sound like a soft breeze. "Different good or different bad?"
"Good, I guess," Clarisse admitted, surprising herself with the honesty.
As the night progressed,you continued to dance,your movements synchronized in a dance of emotions neither of you fully understood.The daughter of Ares, usually quick to anger, found herself navigating a maze of feelings she had never encountered before.
Eventually, they found a quiet corner where they could talk away from the lively music and curious gazes.
"Why did you dance with Luke?" Clarisse blurted out, unable to contain the question that had been gnawing at her.
Your eyes softened, and you sighed. "Luke asked me, and I didn't want to be rude. But honestly, I'd rather be dancing with someone else."
The admission hung in the air, and Clarisse felt a strange mixture of relief and trepidation. Your gaze met hers, and in that moment, the daughter of Ares realized the vulnerability you both shared.
"Someone else, huh?" Clarisse mumbled, trying to hide the hope in her voice.
You nodded,your smile gentle. "Someone strong,someone who surprises me, someone like you..."
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keerysfreckles ยท 9 months
better now โ€” luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: when a matching scar is the start of something new
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns
a/n: i seriously need the motivation to read botl ๐Ÿ˜ž
masterlist !
๊’ฐแƒ โ˜† เป’๊’ฑ
the last thing y/n remembered was fighting off a dragon. she was sent on a quest by chiron. she was more than excited, however the only downside was she had to go alone. that's what the oracle stated, and no one ever questions the oracle.
y/n's eyes opened slowly. the bright light inside the infirmary already started to give her a headache. she turned her head, and saw three apollo campers.
she turned her head the other way, and saw chiron.
"it's good to see you awake miss y/n," chiron spoke kindly.
the girl sits up slightly, leaning back against the pillow.
"what uh- what happened?" she asks.
chiron describes the events y/n went through earlier that morning. she made it to the edge of manhatten, far away from camp, but not far enough where she couldn't have been found. a few experienced campers went with chiron to help and pick up y/n. luke was the one to fight off the dragon, after y/n had gotten attacked.
"is the dragon dead?"
chiron nods. he then explains what happened to y/n. she has a bandage wrapped around her leg. the white material was covering the scratch the large dragon had left.
"where's luke?"
"he should be at sword practice. would you like me to go retrieve him?"
y/n simply nods.
her and luke didn't normally talk. it's not that they hated each other, they just didn't need to talk to one another. but y/n felt it was necessary to thank the boy for helping her with the dragon.
a knock fills the infirmary.
"chiron told me you wanted to see me?"
y/n nods again, "he told me you fought off the dragon. after i, you know, got attacked."
luke sits on the edge of the bed and faces the girl.
"i mean, you gave me a head start," he jokes, causing the two of you to laugh.
"how are you feeling?" he asks.
y/n shrugs, "they gave me a lot of nectar and ambrosia, so i feel better for now. minus the giant bandage on my leg." y/n gestures to her wrapped up leg under the blanket.
"hey, looks like we'll have matching scares now," luke smiles.
y/n's eyebrows furrow. "how are they matching if they aren't exactly in the same spot?"
"both done by a dragon," he says it as if it's obvious.
y/n laughs, "sure, i guess we have matching scars, you dork."
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philistiniphagottini ยท 2 months
For the event, maybe gender neutral reader and jing yuan with ๐Ÿ’‹ prompt? ๐Ÿฅบ
Thanks for the request. I wrote something short and sweet for our lazy general, I hope you enjoy Anon~
cw. fluff, making out, gender neutral reader
Domestic Bliss
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Jing Yuan tasted like cloyingly sweet honey when you pressed your lips against him, lazing in his garden as you crawled into his lap and straddled his hips. The tip of your tongue tingled as you brushed your lips against his once more, a hum of approval rumbling in Jing Yuanโ€™s chest as he welcomed your weight pressing down on him. Large, warm hands curled around your hips to keep you steady, thumbs drawing slow circles into the soft, sliver of skin that peeked out just beneath your shirt.ย 
You braced your hands on Jing Yuanโ€™s chest as you tilted your head, your plump lips slotting perfectly over his as he kissed you slowly. You swallowed the budding saliva on your tongue, your throat bobbing as a soft moan stirred in your chest. The tips of your fingers tingled as you knot them tighter in his clothes, feeling his thunderous heart beating beneath the palms of your hands as your own beat wildly against your ribs. Your pulse droned in your ears, thick lashes brushing over your warm cheeks when you parted for a brief respite. You immediately dove back in, catching the dozing General by surprise when your lips came crashing down upon his in a passionate flurry.ย 
A warm chuckle breezed past his lips as he further indulged you, hands slowly creeping up over your sides and arms as he reached for your face. Your skin was searing to the touch as he cupped your cheek in his hand, the other cradling the back of your neck as you huddled your body closer to his. You could feel him smiling into the kiss as the tip of his tongue teased the seam of your lips, quietly asking permission to slip inside. With a soft hum you allowed him to pry apart the bruised skin, wisps of your hair curling around his fingertips as your lips melded together. You could feel his hot breath puffing against your heated skin as his tongue explored the wet cavern of your mouth, languidly prodded at your own tongue with no sense of urgency.ย 
Your head was starting to feel dizzy as you were slowly deprived of oxygen, a pleasant shiver racing along the curve of your spine as sparks danced behind your closed eyelids. Jing Yuan happily swallowed every pleased noise that crawled out of the back of your throat, your taste simply divine on his tongue as he indulged in you like you were the finest ambrosia. His touch was soft but firm, holding you close and keeping you pressed to him like he never wanted to let go. And he wouldnโ€™t, if you let him. His heart swelled with affection as you brushed your tongue along his in a slow, intimate dance, your body relaxing against his as you both simply lost yourself in the heat of the moment.ย 
You had to break apart for air, a single string of saliva connected your kiss swollen lips as you pulled away with a heavy gasp. Your eyes fluttered open as you stared up into Jing Yuanโ€™s lidded stare with dazed eyes, lips parted around soft pants as your senses were slow to crawl back to you. You hadnโ€™t realised just how much you had lost yourself and your sense of surroundings when Jing Yuan kissed you like that, like you two were the only ones in the world and nothing else mattered. You smoothed your hands over his uniform, nuzzling your face into the palm of his hand as his thumb pressed into your skin.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s getting lateโ€ you murmured, the warm, afternoon rays of light kissing your skin.ย 
Jing Yuan hummed in response as he massaged his fingers through your hair, nails scratching pleasantly along your scalp as he gave you a lackadaisical smile.ย 
โ€œWhatโ€™s the rush?โ€
Your breath was warm as you pressed your lips against the pulse in his wrist, feeling it waver under the gentle touch. You took a moment to ponder his question, your head still feeling fuzzy as you were coaxed further under the warm haze of Jing Yuanโ€™s embrace. You struggled to think a coherent thought as they were simply carried away on the gentle breeze that rustled through the trees and made the leaves dance.ย 
โ€œThereโ€™s no rushโ€ you replied after a long moment.
Every hair on the nape of your neck stood up in anticipation as a warm chuckle rumbled in Jing Yuanโ€™s chest, the vibrations dancing under your fingertips. His thumb swiped over your bottom lip, watching the swollen skin pucker into a light pout as he gently toyed with the rose tinted shape of your mouth.ย 
โ€œThen give me another kiss.โ€
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hannibals-favourite-meal ยท 3 months
For your bingo celebration can I request a pregnancy reveal with fem reader X Paul atreides where maybe after the movie reader and Paul have been trying for a baby and have been together for a while, so reader reveals by an outfit for his mother, and his mom saying I'm going to be the best grandmother, and Paul is shocked and is happy and maybe he proposes cause they've been together for ages and yeah maybe smut
.โ‹†๏ฝกOur Legacy๏ฝกโ‹†.
Paul Atreides x plus size reader
As the war between House Astreides and the other great houses plateau, Paul and his lover endeavour to continue their great line
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, mentions of the events of Dune part 2, reader is technically Paulโ€™s concubine since they arenโ€™t legally married, little bit of smut, breeding kink, some angst, vague mentions of struggling to conceive, Alia doesnโ€™t exist WC: 1.5k
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
6k Follower Celebration
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The orange light of a sunrise over Arrakis was truly one of the most beautiful sights in the universe. The entire planet seemed to glow under the haze of sand and Spice and Y/N couldnโ€™t be more grateful to witness this miracle of nature each morning from her bedroom in the palace. But what she loved more was the ways that the sunโ€™s rays caressed the naked skin of her lover as he slept next to her.
Paulโ€™s pale skin perfectly reflected the early morning light, highlighting the curve of toned muscle along his spine as well as the silvery lines of scars from the many battles he had won. His face was peaceful where it rested upon her breast, his arms wound tightly around her waist. It was not common that he indulged in the luxury of rest, especially now that he was Emperor and dealing with the other great houses as they attempted to usurp his rule.
Y/N valued these moments far more than her lover ever realised; the quiet of early morning and the weight of his body against her own was a treasure that she could not ever bear to part with. Paul shifted in his sleep, his grip on the young woman tightening. Gently, she brushed her thumb over the crease in his dark brows and his restlessness eased, if only for a moment.ย 
โ€œWhy are you awake so early?โ€ Paul pressed his lips to the swell of her breast, a lazy imitation of the occurrences of the night before. Her fingers twisted into his unruly black curls as he slowly kissed his way up her soft torso until the young Emperor was settled between her legs.
โ€œHow could I sleep any longer when such a beautiful man is in the bed beside me? You are far better than any dream Muad'Dib.โ€ He groaned, his long eyelashes fluttering.
โ€œYou are a seductress my love.โ€ She laughed as he gripped her naked hips, his bright blue eyes darkened with lust. โ€œPerhaps we should continue our endeavour of an heir.โ€ย 
โ€œPerhaps we should, it is our duty.โ€ Her hands trailed down the expanse of his back while he delicately lifted her leg to wrap around his waist. Already, she was dripping onto the sheets beneath them. Paul tutted, his fingers gathering the ambrosia of her body before he pressed them to her sensitive pearl at the apex of her thighs.
โ€œThen we shouldnโ€™t let this go to waste.โ€ The words had barely passed his lips when he finally breached her, his cock reaching the deepest parts of her. Y/N gasped and clung to his back.
โ€œPaul!โ€ He smiled against the skin of her throat before gently nipping at the thin flesh.
โ€œThatโ€™s my girl, giving me my heir.โ€ The cacophony of their moans sang out over the dawn of a new day.
The heat of the afternoon steadily crept its way into the walls of Arrakeen, soon it would be too great to bear and both women would retire to their own chambers to cool off. Though Jessica was far more used to the heat than her almost daughter-in-law.ย 
Y/N cringed as she took another sip of tea. She had hoped the bitter taste would have grown more pleasant if she let the brew cool but it still turned her stomach. Her nose crinkled as she placed it upon the side table that had been brought into the room for her while she tried on new dresses specially ordered for her new position.
Lady Jessica looked up from her own tea with a curious expression. โ€œAre you feeling quite alright?โ€ย 
Y/N waved off the reverend mother. โ€œI think Iโ€™m just exhausted. I donโ€™t think I was built for being the Emperorโ€™s consort, Iโ€™m not a bene gesserit.โ€ Her laugh was light but Jessicaโ€™s gaze didnโ€™t waver. Her eyes, so similar to Paulโ€™s, looked through the younger woman.
After a moment, Jessica turned her head and gestured to one of the ladies in wait beside the doorway. She immediately rushed forward. โ€œWould you retrieve my son, I believe he should wish to see this next dress.โ€ As the girl scurried off, another approached Y/N with yet another pile of fabrics that would somehow create a grand dress.ย 
She held back a sigh at the sight; all she wished to do was to go back to her rooms for a cold bath and then a nap, hopefully with Paul next to her. But instead, she slipped behind the privacy curtain, her lady following behind her to assist. โ€œI thought I had enough dresses Reverend Mother.โ€
The older woman chuckled this time, her mood now somehow lighter. โ€œI believe that you shall be needing more soon enough.โ€
Y/N gulped as the air was forced from her lungs. The constricting fabric pulled tight around her plush stomach, clinging to her curves like a second skin. This was so unlike the others she had been fitted for today, all were beautiful of course but they were elegant, conservative as is befitting for a consort. But the light green that now adorned her frame was far from appropriate for her position. Her weighty breasts were held up and practically on display as the neck of the dress dipped down almost to the base of her sternum.ย 
She looked down at herself with curiosity, something about her was different but she couldnโ€™t quite place it. โ€œYou look beautiful my lady.โ€ The young girl assisting her spoke up.
โ€œShe always does.โ€ A deeper voice rang through the room, immediately setting Y/N at ease.ย 
โ€œHow nice of you to join us Paul.โ€ Jessica looked up at her son but he didnโ€™t even spare her a glance, his blue eyes focused on the screen that hid his beloved away from his gaze. She knew how deeply he loved her but in moments such as these, she was reminded of how Leto had loved her and she could only hope that her sonโ€™s story had a happier ending.
โ€œI was invited and I never deny any opportunity to see my love dressed up.โ€ Heat crawled up Y/Nโ€™s cheeks though it did not come from the harsh sun over Dune.ย 
โ€œWell, I donโ€™t know about this one, I doubt it will be even remotely appropriate anywhere outside the bedroom.โ€ She muttered.
Paulโ€™s laugh sent her heart racing. โ€œI certainly wouldnโ€™t object to that.โ€ Lady Jessica remained silent, a sly smile spreading across her tattooed cheeks. โ€œCome on, let us see this dress then.โ€ย 
Y/N took as deep a breath as she could without popping out of the top and stepped out. Paulโ€™s eyes flicked to her bust before quickly travelling down the length of her body. His lust for her was clear, but so was his adoration. She went to cross her arms over her stomach but Paul gently grabbed her elbows, keeping his view of her unobstructed.ย 
โ€œSomething is different about you.โ€ His hands travelled to her hips, then, when he didnโ€™t find anything amiss, to her stomach. He cradled her like a poor man would a precious jewel, she was priceless, she was everything. She followed his movements with her own hand and although her lower belly was more firm than she remembered it, nothing seemed to be wrong.
โ€œI feel it too, but I cannot place it.โ€ Her free hand grabbed at his thin waist as if to anchor herself to him. Silent tension filled the air like Spice. There were only so many possibilities and to Paulโ€™s cautious mind, they were only bad.
โ€œI must say that Iโ€™m quite excited to be a grandmother.โ€ Jessica sipped her tea, hiding her keen smile behind the clay cup. The two lovers looked at her, then each other.
โ€œIt canโ€™t be, weโ€™ve tried for so long and we havenโ€™t been successful.โ€ Y/N cried out though she did not know what for. Her lover, though, remained silent. His palm spread over her womb as his expression hardened. โ€œPaul?โ€
He pressed harder and then suddenly withdrew his hand completely, his eyes wide. โ€œItโ€™s true, youโ€™re pregnant.โ€ย 
โ€œI-Iโ€™m pregnant? Finally?โ€ย 
โ€œWeโ€™re going to have a child, my love. Our child.โ€ Her arms wound around his neck, desperate to be close to her lover despite the scandalous nature of their affections especially in front of his mother. Paul rested his forehead against her own, their faces so close now that she could feel his lashes fluttering against the swell of her cheek. โ€œI donโ€™t know how I didnโ€™t see it before.โ€
โ€œYou canโ€™t know everything Paul.โ€ She teased but instead of his usual eye roll or grin, Paul cupped her belly once more and took a deep breath.
โ€œMarry me. I cannot stand another moment not having you as my empress, my wife.โ€ He pleaded and just for a moment, Y/N could see the boy before Muad'Dib, the one who had never experienced pain or loss, just blind hope for his future and his family.
โ€œHow could I ever refuse you, youโ€™ve owned my heart since the very first moment you looked into my eyes.โ€ His lips captured hers in a kiss so filled with joy that she could not stop herself from smiling.
Dune would have its empress, its heir but Paul would have his family and they would have him. And he knew that he would do anything to keep them safe, anything at all.
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deathfavor ยท 9 months
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( it's all the same for the dreamers )
1 note ยท View note
rosietrace ยท 2 years
Four realms festival, autumn season
Banner below will be used for future four realms festival hcs
โ™œ โ™› _________________________________โ™›โ™œ
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The planning
So the four realms festival(s)
Very exclusive event that not many people outside of SHI residents can attend
And the few non-student guests are either people Eclair handpicked herself
With help from Meryl of course รšvร™
Or family members of a student with approval to enter the campus by Eclair
But I digress
Today was the day everyone began to prepare for the autumn event of the festival
But due to complications with the planning, the festival wasn't able to be held between the first week of autumn
So they decided to make an exception for this year
Meryl was extremely excited to help plan the festival, her golden eyes practically shone like the sun because of that excitement
The students, particularly the Animania and Pemburu Hutan residents(they were the dorms hosting the autumn event), looked in amusement as Eclair ran her errands with Meryl in her arms
As for the staff, well.... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Brooke: S O??
Finnigan: Mean what?
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Ambrosia: -.- *continues her errands*
M. Monroe: เฒฐโ _โ เฒฐ
Meryl: Momma, is uncle Clark okay?
Eclair: Eh.... Yes, dear, he's fine-
Despite Clark's antics, the planning for the event was smoother than butter
Claudette and Ambrosia handled the food stalls
Brooke handled the music sung by the animals within the academy
Finnigan dealt with security and made sure to handpick the best suitable guards in the security unit of the school
M. Monroe was handling the decorations and dress coding with Meryl
And Eclair was the one to approve all decisions made by the staff and students
The students all wore cute autumn friendly clothing with orange leaves and all that jazz
But for the most part, the handpicked guests Eclair had invited didn't arrive yet
โ™œ โ™› _________________________________โ™›โ™œ
The staff shenanigans before the invited guests arrive and the actual festival begins
Everything was pretty much prepped by now
The staff all wore coordinated autumn clothing, and wore stylish but durable coats in case they get cold
Meryl was also almost done getting ready in her adorable autumn outfit that was a gift from Ella(@phoenix-manga 's oc)
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Eclair could gush about how cute her daughter looked for hours
Clark was gushing with her
Meryl felt cool when she put on the sunglasses
Unbeknownst to Eclair, Ambrosia snuck some butterscotches into Meryl's bag as a snack
Say whatever you want but for whatever reason, Meryl likes butterscotches
Meanwhile Brooke and Clark were bantering yet again ๐Ÿ™„ smh
Brooke: WHY ARE YOU WEARING A SHIRT THAT SAYS 'A little bit dramatic'?!
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M. Monroe: Would you two shut your pointless banter? Meryl's ears are still sensitive to shouting.
Clark: ;v;.... Okay-
Brooke: -.- He started it, Marylin
M. Monroe: It doesn't matter, Averett.
Eclair sighed really heavily, saying that it's almost time for the guests to arrive and that she and Meryl need to greet them
Even going as far as to say "Don't cause trouble"
The staff promised not to cause too much trouble and continued to finish up prepping their appearances
โ™œ โ™› _________________________________โ™›โ™œ
Chaos. Chaos everywhere.
Remember when Eclair advised the staff not to cause trouble?
That shit backfired immediately after she and Meryl finished greeting the guests
Shit was happening left and right
Endless mean girls references, both the movie AND the Broadway musical
A few people passing out after smelling the wild flowers that Claudette forgot to move
The chimpanzees attacking students and guests when they try to enter their territory
Literal shit show
Clark's mean girls references never seem to STOP, people keep asking Ambrosia questions because she was onced accused of almost murdering the ruler of her former kingdom
So much shit is happening Eclair can't even focus without getting dizzy by all the neverending chaos
But for whatever reason, everyone loved it either way and it surprised the fuck out of Eclair
Meryl was having the time of her life tbh, it was adorable to see her spending time with Ella and seeing both of them fangirl over the aesthetic of the festival
I feel like Ella almost fainted when she first entered
If you're wondering how Ella's still alive despite the poisonous atmosphere of the plants, Eclair probably gave her a brooch that let her move around more normally
Eclair: *sighs* Despite the chaos.... Malory would've loved it either way.
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In spite of all the chaos happening around her,
Eclair just decided to let things go as they may and let loose
And honestly?
Quite the shock to see Eclair Ciana Hollow let loose and have the time of her life in the festival since she usually keeps a calm and composed face
I think a few people almost had a seizure and a possible heart attack from seeing her smile so much
And when Clark gave her alcohol?
As composed as Eclair usually is, she's a fucking party maniac when drunk
She has a high alcohol tolerance, but when she reaches her breaking point it's over.
It's just is. All composure is no more and she's a party animal
Witnessing her and Clark sing Apex predator from the mean girls musical was quite the sight to see
Finnigan: This is why she can't drink more than 4 bottles
M. Monroe: I'll add a passcode to the liquor cabinet so Clark can't enter as easily -.-
Ambrosia: You usually are
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In general it was VERY chaotic
Meanwhile Meryl and Ella were having fun looking at the aesthetics and completely ignoring drunk Eclair ๐Ÿ—ฟ
Mostly Meryl tho, Ella was quite startled
Finnigan was actually enjoying the festival and did his best to ignore the chaos-
Most of the magnijardin residents still complained that their outfits clashed with their complexion and wanted to change but they couldn't cause dress code is mandatory for the festival to remain cohesive XD
And then there's the Pemburu Hutan residents who are absolutely SLAYING their autumn looks with Animania
Save some of that stylishness for the rest of us, pls ๐Ÿฅน
โ™œ โ™› _________________________________โ™›โ™œ
The wing race, the end of the festival
It was the final day of the festival and everyone was both stoked and saddened
The festival was fun despite the initial stress, and it was a bit sad for the residents to start tearing down the decorations until the winter festival
But either way, they couldn't have a festival all the time
Marylin's obsession with the budget wouldn't allow that
So now it was time for the annual wing race between bystro letayuschiy and pemburu hutan
And everyone was hyped
But BOY were the contestants fast at flying
Everyone was pretty dang sure that they defied the speed of light and were arguably faster than sound
Clark was hyping up both teams since he shows no favoritism-
Same thing applies to Finnigan since he cares about both dorms equally
Meryl: Momma, who's going to win?
Eclair: I'm not sure dear, it really depends
Meryl: Oh.... I hope both of them win!
Eclair: *giggles* You do?
Meryl: Mhm! I don't want any of them to be sad when they lose....
Bless Meryl's soul
In the end, it was a tie
Pemburu hutan was better at navigating
While bystro letayuschiy was better at general speed
In the end, Finnigan declared the race to be a tie and the festival concluded
โ™œ โ™› _________________________________โ™›โ™œ
Meryl sniffles, "Can I see you again tomorrow when I go to your school, miss Ella?" She asks.
Ella chuckles, softly patting her head."Of course you can, Meryl! I'll be sure to help you make more friendship bracelets!" She exclaimed joyfully, gently giving Meryl a hug right after.
As Eclair finished opening the portal to diamond crown academy, she approaches Ella.
"It is time for you to return to DCA, miss Glaciel."
"O-Oh! I see... I would like to thank you again for inviting me to such an exclusive event, lady Hollow."
Ella curtsied, tugging at the hems of her skirt. Eclair smiles softly before doing the same thing after Ella.
"There is no need to thank me, miss Glaciel. Since Briar attended the spring event and miss Alison attended the summer event, it was only fair that you attended the autumn event." Eclair picked up Meryl, who began to wave a goodbye at Ella.
"Bye miss Ella!"
"Goodbye Meryl!" Ella says, before the portal closed. Leaving Meryl and Eclair alone.
Soon after, Meryl yawned and quickly drifted to sleep thanks to Eclair's magic. The latter giggled, kissing the top of her daughter's identically blonde head.
"You had a long day, my darling... Sleep well."
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2 notes ยท View notes
the-moon-devi ยท 6 months
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Asteroids: Ascelpius (4581), Ambrosia (193), Reiki (5239), Vibilia (144), Odysseus (1143), Ulysses (5254)
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|| ๐“๐š๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐€๐’๐‚ @ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”ยฐ ||
Since I'm a cancer ascendant; Taurus falls into my 10th/11th house, so more than likely, my life purpose/career will be brought to me. I'll be able to see this area of life. Taurus is also my natal NN. So I just get a sense that there's a theme of life purpose and Venusian things, like comfort and material security since this is at a wealth degree of Taurus. My progressed sun is in Taurus, so it definitely will be big for me, in my opinion. Reaching goals as well! I see myself doing a lot of self-care and focusing on my physical appearance as well. Taurus is a sign that is about stability & financial security, I think this year will be a much more stable year, and I'll be headed towards growth & financial abundance.
|| ๐€๐’๐‚ ๐‘๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ: ๐•๐ž๐ง๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ—ยฐ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž||
Keywords: luck, spontaneity, knowledge, learning
This is kinda crazy because I said earlier that I see my 10th/11th house being activated. Natally, my MC is aries which sits at 8ยฐ so this would be conjunct my natal Mc. So, there's a lot of venusian and creative influence within my public image. I'll probably be putting towards my career and online. I see that I could even have online relationships or traveling since venus is at 9ยฐ. I may have possible luck and fortune in this area of life( I natally have this too, so I think I'll feel pretty comfortable in this area)
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|| ๐€๐’๐‚ โ˜Œ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ซ/ ๐”๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฎ๐ฌ ||
I definitely may be traveling (espically since I have a 12th house stellium with these) jupiter is a planet of long distance travel, and foreign travel. I don't wanna touch on this too much yet but that's what I'm getting so far. I see I'll have a big focus on attaining knowledge and increasing my smarts on a spiritual level next year. I see luck, and unexpected events. I think I'll be having more fun, and possibly more optimistic! (I heard inheritances, or like huge gains too.....)
The 1h is also your appearance for the year, so I forsee with uranus an unexpected physical change & with jupiter here, it could be weight gain or growth in certain body parts. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Overal Themesl: Love, Travel, Creative Endeavors getting Noticed, Career/Life purpose being highlighted, Money gains, reaching goals, ambition
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|| ๐’๐”๐ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
Keywords: Dreams Coming True;
This is an obvious indication of isolation, lol. I may benefit from alone time this year and may be paying more attention to my subconscious/mental health. I may need more rest or learn how to wind down. Sun lights up our houses and puts a focus on that area. So spirituality will also be something that's being pushed to the forefront and spiritual growth. 12h is also a house that represents foreign settlement and traveling abroad. I wouldn't be surprised if that's something that happens next year because we have Uranus in 12th conjunct Asc, so I could just randomly decide to leave my homeland and travel. I'll be touching on this more as I see some indicators of moving/travel. (This is something I've been manifesting for a minute, and it's crazy because the 11th house represents our manifestations/desires & hopes). On the downside, hidden mental sickness could come up, and I may be prone to isolating myself and dealing with it alone.
|| Sun โ˜Œ Mercury, โ˜Œ Venus ||
Key words: Learning, mental stimulation, Creativity, Love, beauty, travel, daily commute, busy
|| Sun โ˜Œ Chiron ||
Healing the ego, healing in private, holistic healing, healing next to water (12h energy), turning pain to art.
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|| ๐Œ๐จ๐จ๐ง ๐†๐ž๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ยฐ ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
This is veryyyyy interesting.... as moon energy is something that is very familiar to me already, and again with the taurus degree. I forsee spiritual and hidden energies here. Natally, Gemini sits in my 11th/12th house. My venus & and Mars are both in gemini. So Moon is conjunct Venus, Mars, & Lilith. It's very interesting to break this down, lol. I see passion and love. This also sits at a venusian degree, so that's even more potent. I'll definitely be in tune with that feminine side of myself even tho I feel like I always am lol. Lilith represents rebellious energy, so that could definitely play out. I see myself being pampered and probably more expressive with my emotions. I don't think it'll be too bad as Gemini isn't a highly emotional sign. But they do change a lot. So this could reflect in my emotions. This is also my Natal Asc ruler, so I'll probably be putting a lot into myself this year and online because this would fall into my 11h. I'll be very emotional when it comes to my goals. Just read some descriptions of Moon 1H in Sr. Most of them said fluctuations in appearance (wouldn't be surprised, lol), pregnancy (ik universe wouldn't do that to me lol), and heavy emotions. There's so much water & earth energy I'm seeing so far. Moon also rules 4h, so something with the mother, my mom is also a gemini, so maybe something with her. We shall see for 2023 I had Moon and pluto conjunct my Ascendant so interesting to see how this will turn out. This placement also conjuncts my Ascendant at a wide orb.
Keywords: femininity, solitude, travel, and knowledge.
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|| ๐Œ๐ž๐ซ๐œ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿยฐ ๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
The first thing that came to mind was that I'm going to want to keep a lot of thoughts & spiritual downloads to myself. Journaling will benefit me this year as well. In general, I sense that I won't be talking to many people. My mind will mostly be concerned with spiritual topics, and subconscious thoughts will come to the front. I'll be doing a lot of reflection & meditation. This Is also conjunct Chiron so like I said earlier I'll be doing a lot of healing, as 12h also deals with healing energy. I'm being called to look at the asteroids Ambrosia (193) & Asclepius (4581) & Reiki (5239). Ok so very interesting.... none of them aspect mercury... BUT! Asclepius is conjunct Moon in 1h. Healing and playing the role of the healer. I heard "Medicine woman". Ambrosia sits at 28ยฐ Aquarius 10h. I could be publicly seen as healing & cleansing. Reiki conjuncts Varuna; Varuna represents where we may receive success & recognition. I also see it as where we attain a noticeable amount of abundance/ fortune. So this speaks for itself. Healing is a major theme. idk know what lol (333) as I type this. But I see spiritual enlightenment and learning as well.
Keywords: Working on projects that require Solitude. Constant channeling/ downloads. Dreamsssss! Spiritual Research.
|| Mercury โ˜Œ Venus || (wide orb)
Beautiful words are spoken to the heart & soul. Finding beauty in the unseen. Enjoying learning.
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|| ๐•๐ž๐ง๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ—ยฐ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
Passionate & fun experiences. Showing my creativity online. I also see myself trying new things out. New opportunities, reaching goals, more friendly interactions with women. Joining a group of women. This might be the year I find my tribe lol considering I also have Venus 11h natally. Lol, that would be very nice if that did happen. This placement is sextile my natal venus so there's a chance. Partners randomly confessing their madly in love with me ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜. Social media allat will most likely be prominent & beneficial for me this year. intellect, media, speech, blogs, etc.
|| Venus conjunct Neptune, Chiron ||
Healing & Spiritual connections within love, I even see myself learning more self love. Neptune is the hugher octave of venus, so this a ultimate indicator of unconditional love. I see healing my relationship with beauty, spirituality, and even relationships.
|| Venus Conjunct North Node ||
Love, beauty, creativity, finances are all things that are bound to happen this year.
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|| ๐Œ๐š๐ซ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”ยฐ ๐๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
Pushing myself towards my dreams, being a freedom seeker. Being rebellious in some way. Planning for the future. Weirdly this gives me 2 of wands vibes. 2 of wands in tarot represents planning for the future, thinking about long term goals & aspirations. Setting out plans for what I need to do. Moving forwards & collaboration are also themes that will be present. This is all about starting a new journey. Since this is pisces I feel like I wil reach peace within this area of life. This could have to do with the home, and traveling. I believe mars would be conjunct my natal Uranus so unexpected plans/ trips. Mars would also sit in my 9h of my natal Sr. So another indication of learning/ travel.
|| Mars โ˜Œ Saturn ||
I'll be focused of accomplishing my goals, most likely will be working very hard & putting in a lot of work.
|| Mars โ˜Œ Neptune || (wide orb)
Working for a hidden force, and spiritual power. Probably alot of dream work as well
|| ๐‰๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—ยฐ ๐“๐š๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
Again I see long-distance travel but also a theme of hiding something. Being in Solitude. I could see this manifest as my decision to study something in private. This will heavily impact my year as it conjuncts my Ascendant. Jupiter represents luck, spiritual wisdom, higher intellect, plenty, optimism,l long-distance travels, foreign settlement, gurus, and success and the 12th house is dreams, secrets, emotions, self-undoing loss, hidden things, subconscious, spiritual awakenings, Solitude, and psychics. So all the themes of the 12th house will be expanded upon. It could be my spirituality or dreams that I have.
|| ๐’๐š๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ยฐ ๐๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก ||
Lol this is why I said it may not be friends I'm attracting this year ORRR they could just be older or more mature than me. I think this is also another sign of my desires coming into physical form. This is another indication of isolation & inner working. Since Mars is conjunct this. I may have to make new goals or even come up with a more efficient plan to reach my goals. Friend groups may restrict or provide me with grounding energy to pursue my dreams. I also see saturn providing me with a lot of time to figure things out. Natally saturn transits my 9th house so I may not be as open to certain beliefs or higher education. I may be more strict on myself in this area of life as well. Definitely reassessing my beliefs when it comes to my pov of the world & it's structures. Even deciding not to fit in to a certain group. This seems like a year of a lone wolf. This is where saturn will be forcing me to grow up and learn lessons so very few will be close to me. This may be due to new knowledge I'll be accumulating. Saturn is the oldest/wisest.
|| ๐”๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿยฐ ๐“๐š๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก ||
Many unexpected events will happen this year. I didn't pay much attention but with all these 12th house placements this could be hospitalizations. I've heard a few leople say that happened to them lol. But Idk because sun, mercury, jupiter, and Uranus all kind of deal with knowledge and attaining understanding so I'm not completely sure. But I don't see myself getting into that kind of trouble lol. I see myself being alone alot. I'll probably be having random epiphanies from the divine. I'll be having heavy dreams & downloads. This is the year that my higher chakras will be activated.
|| ๐”๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฎ๐ฌ โ˜Œ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ||
This is something that will be happening worldwide. This conjunction represents a spiritual awakening throughout humanity, of course depending on the house placement This will vary for everyone, and the area which This awakenings occurs. However, the general themes remain the same. I feel like there will be advances in the financial system since this is in the sign of taurus. I know people have been saying this for years but, I really see it coming. I see huge unexpected changes within that area, humanity will be reevaluating what is to be valued and what is not. On a spiritual level I see a certain group of people recieving upgrades to their mental! Which is so important. The higher mind will be activated for those who didn't get the cue in 2020 now is your chance to fully innerstand the state of the world. I also envision problems with air travel possibly, or either advancement within that area as Uranus deals with tech, and jupiter is travel and expansion. Overall expansion in learning, tech, laws, politics, money, and travel. There will be a wanting to explore whether that be mentally, spiritually, or physically. Now for me, on a personal level since mine sits in the 12th house I'll probably be one of the first out of the collective to pick up on this new surge of energy. 12th house is prophecies and so much more. I feel like 2024 will be more enlightenening and prosperous for some people. I see myself really recieving all these spiritual upgrades, and this may be why I isolate myself from the world. It could be a heavy energy for me. I also could be traveling like I have said for the millionth time. But genuinely I see that, even if it's not physical (which I doubt) definitely see astral travel. Traveling & learning ancient wisdom.
|| ๐๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ง๐ž ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–ยฐ ๐๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
Bringing spiritual information to friendships, humanity, and online. This can also show having hard time making friends or seeing their true colors. Another area which I may be deceived. Buttttt I could see myself attracting spiritual teachers as well since saturn also occupies this house. Looking into the future, and manifesting my dreams & desires. Talking about spirituality online, read somewhere on Tumblr this can indicate losing friends. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
|| Neptune โšน Ascendant ||
Head in the clouds.....
|| ๐๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ญ๐จ ๐Ÿยฐ ๐€๐ช๐š๐ฎ๐ซ๐ข๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ—๐‡ ||
Pluto in aqaurius 9th house, I see that I'll be having life changing experiences. Mostly in the area of relationships because in my SR natal chart pluto falls in the 7th. But also this will just be in general. I still see isolation overall. Since 9th house deals with travel & higher education. I probably will decide to not go to school, this is something I've been struggling with for the last couple months on whether on not if it's a good idea. Based off other things I see I don't think college will be favorable for me, it's just not something I see myself being able to focus on. I also mentioned before that I have neptune in 9th house I've had this for a while, and I noticed that during this time it's been so hard to focus on mundane school tasks. I really have to force myself, because it's just become so disinteresting to me. Instead of regular school things that they shuff down our throats. I realized I took more off a interest in spiritual things, I wanted to learn more & more about it. Neptune helped me learn more about my dreams, and my dreams Started teaching me things. Neptune was my teacher, and I think this period of time occurred for a very big purpose in my life. With Saturn transitioning into the 9th next year around April or may. I don't think this will really let up or maybe it will but with the help of pluto I know something within that area will be transformed. And as of now at my souls core I don't envision myself enjoying or even wanting to be in school unless it's for spiritual lessons. Saturn restricts/slows things down so this will probably result in that especially since it's in pisces my mind will be submerged in spirituality. This is a year of life experience & knowledge.
|| ๐๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ญ๐จ โ˜Œ ๐Œ๐ข๐๐ก๐ž๐š๐ฏ๐ž๐ง / ๐ญ๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ž ๐€๐’๐‚ ||
Change in social status, and how people view me. It doesn't have to be necessarily literally physical, but it may be. Right now, in 2023, I have Moon & pluto โ˜Œ my Asc, and Saturn's house. I don't see the Saturn in a physical sense. It's just bringing maturity to me. But Moon & pluto have brought fluctuations in weight so far. I have about 6 more months until my 2024 Sr, so we'll see how this plays out, lol. I know this can indicate something significant happening to you that affects your reputation. I have so many ideas of what this could mean, but I'll just let it play out, lol. Maybe even reintroducing myself, there's a lot, idk. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Edit: (I actually have my north node in the 12th house!)
|| ๐๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ก ๐๐จ๐๐ž ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ยฐ ๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐‡ ||
I'm realizing throughout this chart, that the 11th house stellium has a lot to do with my desires and what I want. There's an increase and laser focus on my goals. So I'll be eager to go towards those next year. The north node will shift my focus here, and since this natally is conjunct with my MC, and falls into my 10th house a lot of this has to do with my career, and setting goals for myself within that year. 11th house shows that I'll possibly be reaping a lot of benefits from what I've put in previous years. Financial gain too, since the 11th house is also material gain. Venus/mars/Neptune/ and Saturn sit here so big on getting back what I mine. A lot of dreams and wishes will be granted. And since these all sit in the 9th house most likely through learning & travel.
||NN Aries 15ยฐ 12H||
North Node in the 12h, shows a year of spiritual growth, and isolation. I have a 12th house stellium, so I know I'll likely be alone a lot. My spirituality & career are areas that are going to change, since this conjuncts my natal MC. I also feel like since Aries is here I'll be very passionate about my spiritual pursuits. I'll need to take care of my mental health this year as well. I think something will push me into isolation because Uranus is here too. Uranus is all about unexpected changes. I see a lot of healing & self-care since Chiron is conjunct to my north node as well. I'm also in a 9h profection year, so this is why I see travel or even moving but idk. The 12h rules foreign settlement, so this may be something that I am growing towards or thinking a lot about.
|| North Node โ˜Œ Chiron ||
Healing, becoming a healer & teacher to those who follow my path. North node is fate/destiny, so these are areas that are bound to happen.
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So excited for this part! I have all the asteroids listed above!
So I wanted to see some asteroids that have to deal with travel so I chose; Vibilia, Odysseus & Ulysses.
Copy & Paste: 144, 1143, 5254, 4820
Vibilia is the Roman goddess of travel. She is related to all types of travel, and journeys. In astrology terms this meaning is the same.
|| Vibilia 18ยฐ Gemini 1H ||
Well this pretty self explanatory lol, the goddess of travel occupies my 1h house. So this will be where a lot of my focus will be. Also it crazy to me that this is heavily influenced by mercury. Mercury also rules travel, so that's a plus! This placement would also be aspecting my natal venus so I will definitely be enjoying myself lol.
|| Vibilia โ˜Œ Moon, sextile North Node ||
Emotional comfort from travel, destined to travel
Odysseus & Ulysses represent long distance travel, and far away from home. Where adventures come towards you. Where you tend to wander
|| Odysseus 3ยฐ & Ulysses 9ยฐ Cancer 2H ||
Since this is in the 2nd house, I'll likely be spending money in these areas.
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VALENTINE (447) 1H/ CONJUNCT ASC: I explained this placement further in my solar return notes post. But I recently also noticed that this coukd also mean loving yourself this year. The 1h is also the house of you.
I have a lot more asteroids, but I dont want to bore ya'll with those!๐Ÿ˜Anyways hope ya'll enjoyed, Happy Venus day!
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shebreathedherlast ยท 7 months
Daughter of the Sea
Part III
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Luke Castellan x f!reader
Summary: You wake up in the infirmary with a horrifying surprise.
Work Count: 1.6k
TW: Brief memory loss, weapons, mean Luke, broken bones
. .ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒป๏ผŽ. ๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ๏ฝก. .ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒป๏ผŽ. ๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ๏ฝก. .ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒป.
When your eyes fluttered open, you were unable to see. Everything around you seemed to be screaming. You pushed your weight onto your elbows as you desperately gaged your surroundings. With your vision blurred you sought for any semblance of familiarity.
Your head was pounding and your arm ached terribly. What in the gods happened? You sifted through your memories, raising your hand to cradle your head when the pain became nearly unbearable.
Footsteps scuffled towards you and your heart rate accelerated. โ€œSheโ€™s awake!โ€ A voice called.
You turned your head to the origin of the voice, but with your blurred vision, everything only fused together.
You made out a tuft of blonde curls and you instantly knew you would be safe. The figure made its way to you, placing a delicate blanket across your shoulders. They carried what you assumed was a tray of food.
They called your name and your head tilted up to meet their words. โ€œWill?โ€
โ€œgods, how are you feeling? Is there anywhere else that hurts?โ€ He asked
You shook your head in confusion, โ€œWill, what are you talking about?โ€
The Apollo kid furrowed his brows. An expression you couldnโ€™t quite place fell over his features. โ€œYouโ€™ve been in the infirmary for an entire night.โ€ He told you.
โ€œWhat?โ€ You question, as you burrow your fists in the linen sheets to ground you.
โ€œDo you not remember what happened yesterday?โ€
Your vision cleared as the events from yesterday seemed to piece themselves together.
A single infuriated word flitted from your lips, โ€œCastellanโ€ you growled.
Will gave you a quizzical look, โ€œOh so you do remember.โ€
Anger radiated off you. Yesterday Luke Castellan had practically robbed you of your much-deserved glory. He had humiliated and belittled you and in order to spare some semblance of dignity you were forced to break your arm. Yes, you remembered everything.
โ€œWhere is that thieving son of Hermes?โ€ You demanded.
Will shook his head in disapproval. He turned back to the tray and returned with a bowl of steaming hot chicken noodle soup. โ€œIs that what happened? Another one of your qualms with Luke? Seriously?โ€
You shruggled in response, too preoccupied to give Will an answer. You were busy thinking up all the ways you could make Luke suffer.
โ€œYou two really need to get over your whole sworn enemies thing and act like grown-ups. It gives me secondhand embarrassment watching you two fight like entitled toddlers.โ€
You gawked at him, โ€œWill, Iโ€™m only seventeen, Iโ€™m not a grown-up.โ€
And at your comment, both of you laughed. Will was one of those guys that everyone was able to get along with. He had this easy going persona complimented by his humor that had him making friends wherever he went.
โ€œYouโ€™re legitimately the biggest idiot I know.โ€ He said.
And who were you to deny the truth?
โ€œI wouldnโ€™t exactly disagree,โ€ You replied, an amused smile painted against your lips.
Will didnโ€™t further the conversation, opting instead to spoon-feed you the warm broth. He gave you another drink of ambrosia before deeming that you would live.
โ€œThank you, Willโ€ฆI really appreciate all youโ€™re doing for me.โ€
Will waved his hand, dismissing your gratitude. โ€œYou wonโ€™t be saying that when I send you the bill.โ€
You chuckled shaking your head as you made your way out of the infirmary bed, dressing behind a curtain. Will was walking away and you had just finished pulling on your shorts as loud footsteps rang down the hall.
โ€œYou still there?โ€ Willโ€™s voice came from behind the curtain barrier. You pulled the fabric to the side as you stepped into the hall. โ€œUhโ€ฆyeahโ€
He audibly sighed. โ€œGood, because apparently, you're going on a quest in three hours.โ€
โ€œWHAT?โ€ You gasped.
Will cringed at your response, โ€œYeah, sorry that you had to find out this way but Clarisse got word of a quest from Ares and she chose the two best half-blood warriors to go with her. Iโ€™m sure you can guess what I mean by that.โ€
A million thoughts came crashing down on you. First, you were going to set out on your very first quest. Second, Clarisse saw you as a powerful ally and that could be useful in the future and third, the only other person besides you and Clarisse who would be addressed as โ€œone of the best half-blood warriorsโ€ was none other thanโ€ฆLuke Castellan.
You huffed in anger, your fists balling at your sides. It was just your luck, Castellan, the one who had got you into this whole infirmary situation was going to ruin your first-ever quest.
Tyche must have really hated you.
. .ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒป๏ผŽ. ๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ๏ฝก. .ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒป๏ผŽ. ๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ๏ฝก. .ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒป.
Less than an hour and a half later you were packed and ready to go. Though you were forced to endure the torturous presence of Castellan, you were determined to not allow him to get to you. This time the stakes were too high and the mission too important.
Well, that was your resolution until you saw his face.
You practically saw red as you lunged forward ready to strangle the Hermes boy. Clarisse had to step in and physically restrain you from tearing Luke limb from limb.
โ€œIโ€™m gonna kill you, Castellan!โ€ You shout, โ€œYouโ€™re dead! Do you hear me? You're dead!โ€
Clarisse set you down fifteen feet from Luke (what she deemed a safe distance to talk some sense into you without you going on a blood-lust rampage for the Hermes boy).
โ€œIn the name of Olympus, what in the world is wrong with you?โ€
You scoffed, โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong with me? Whatโ€™s wrong with me? I think you should be asking that question to that thieving piece of-โ€ It was at that moment that you heard Chiron clear his throat, and you shrank back, swallowing your insult.
Luke approached you with an amused grin, hands raised in the air. He was mocking you. Of course he was, you wouldnโ€™t expect anything less from him.
โ€œAs soon as I get my hands on you, Iโ€™m gonna claw your eyes out, Castellan.โ€ You seeth.
He tsked, tilting his head slightly, โ€œAnd a good morning to you too, Chaos.โ€
Your jaw clenched as every fibre in your body told you to beat the boy before you into a pulp.
โ€œClarisse,โ€ you whine, โ€œplease let me separate his stupid face from this hideous body.โ€
Clarisse shakes her head to tell you โ€œno.โ€
You sigh, defeated.
Luke curls an arm around your shoulder, โ€œOh come on, Chaos, donโ€™t you want another chance to win back your glory?โ€
You hated the boy before you. You hated him and you donโ€™t think youโ€™d mind it one bit if he so happened to fall off a cliff to his impending death. In fact, you think that you might even enjoy the show.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at the both of you, โ€œEnough! You two need to stop this insufferable fighting and start focusing on the quest, because if you two donโ€™t suck it up and start at least tolerating each other, I have absolutely no problem choosing two other skilled half-bloods to replace you.โ€
At this you and Luke instantly shut your mouths and glanced at each other.
Then it hit you, he wanted this as much as you did.
โ€œGood.โ€ Clarisse said, โ€œNow I want both of you to hug it out and shake hands, promising that youโ€™ll be on your best behaviour for my quest.โ€
You furrowed your brows, mouth agape. โ€œHug it out? Clarisse are you serious?โ€
โ€œAbsolutely.โ€ She replied, pointedly.
Luke cocked his head, โ€œYouโ€™ve got to be joking. Itโ€™s not like weโ€™re five.โ€
The Ares kid raised her eyebrows in a taunting expression, โ€œAre you sure about that?โ€
Luke rolled his eyes.
โ€œK, letโ€™s go now, stop tryna be the mediator Clarisse. Chaos and I are not โ€œhugging it outโ€ like pre-schoolers.โ€ He spoke, a hint of annoyance coating his tone.
โ€œUm sorry to break it to you buddy, but if you two wanna come on this quest with me then you better start doing as I say.โ€
Clarisse was defiantly being manipulative. She was the one who picked the two of you and now she was placing all these conditions on your shoulders.
After a minute of silence, Luke consented, rolling his eyes again. โ€œCome here my sweet little, Chaos.โ€ He said in an exaggerated voice like he was talking to a baby.
You glared at Clarisse, before trudging over to Luke, who wrapped his arms securely behind your neck, burying you into his chest. When you didnโ€™t reciprocate he brought his lips to hover over your ear, โ€œChaos, you gotta at least pretend to like me, or else big scary Clarisse here is gonna send you back, and I know you donโ€™t want that, do you?โ€ His whispers sent shivers down your shoulders and eventually, (after a harsh glare from Clarisse) you conseeded and wrapped your arms around Lukeโ€™s waist.
His head practically nuzzled your hair and you couldโ€™ve sworn you heard him sigh in contentment.
To emphasize how much you two would get along Luke slowly began rocking side to side while continuing to keep his hold on you.
Clarisse smiled in approval.
You stood on your tippy toes and even then you barely reached his ear, โ€œLuke,โ€ you whispered.
โ€œYes, Chaos?โ€ He asked gently.
โ€œI still hate you.โ€ And with that, you pushed him back. He stumbled a little before quickly regaining his footing.
โ€œI wouldnโ€™t expect any less.โ€ He mumbled under his breath.
As you ran to catch up with Clarisse, Luke stood still, because whatever happened he knew that this quest was going to challenge him beyond belief.
A/n This is more of a filler chapter so hang in there for the next update <3
Tag list: @motorsp0rt @astronomical-admonition @edenssworld @sillychloe @viennasaysstuff @esposadomd @bogbutteronmycroissant @moonykai @sflame15-blog @hoesindifferentshows @gloryekaterina @dakotali @notjustsomeblonde @silkenthusiasts @kanej-and-wesper-supremacy @ren-isdone @ashisabitgay @tsukiko26 @niktwazny303 @idgxitciycouv
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