#event: call of the ori
angelus-tenebrae · 2 years
Yami set out a Duel Monsters card on the ground. He had chosen a secluded location outside. Just in case the magic might destroy something in his apartment. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Yami gathered the Orichalcos magic into his palms. Holding them above the card.
"Rise Spirit! Heed my call!"
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The creature sparked to life. Green energy pulsing around it's body. A mark appearing on its forehead. Yes! He had done it! Unfortunately, the monster ran off before Yami could give any orders.
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Shit... Now he had to go and catch the thing before someone got eaten.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
Several tech leaders have publicly withdrawn their attendance from a top industry conference in Europe next month after the summit's CEO criticized Israel in a tweet. Paddy Cosgrave, an Irish entrepreneur and the co-founder of Web Summit, an annual technology conference held in Lisbon each November, stoked outrage among his colleagues after he accused Israel of committing war crimes. "I'm shocked at the rhetoric and actions of so many Western leaders & governments, with the exception in particular of Ireland's government, who for once are doing the right thing," Cosgrave wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Friday. "War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies, and should be called out for what they are."[...]
Prior to his tweet about war crimes, Cosgrave had previously praised the Irish government for rejecting a bid to suspend European Union aid to Palestinians before EU foreign ministers reversed the decision to cancel the assistance. Israel's ambassador to Portugal, Dor Shapira, announced Monday that his country would no longer participate in the Web Summit conference as a result of Cosgrave's "outrageous statements."[...]
Shapira said "dozens" of companies had also pulled out of the event and he encouraged more to do so.[...]
Several industry leaders have since said they will also cancel their appearances and attendances at the upcoming Web Summit conference, including Garry Tan, CEO of Y Combinator; Ori Goshen, co-CEO of AI21 Labs; Ravi Gupta, a partner at Sequoia; Keith Peiris, CEO of Tome; Adam Singolda, head of advertising company Taboola; and David Marcus, CEO of Lightspark and former PayPal chief executive.[...]
On Sunday, two days after Cosgrave accused Israel of committing war crimes, he added an addendum to his original tweet, condemning the Hamas attacks as "outrageous and disgusting." "Israel has a right to defend itself, but it does not, as I have already stated, have a right to break international law," Cosgrave wrote.[...]
A couple hours later, amid news of increasing Web Summit cancellations, however, Cosgrave appeared to double down on his original remarks. "To repeat: War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies & should be called out for what they are," Cosgrave wrote. "I will not relent."
Cant even handle the most mild condemnation couched in #bothsides [16 Oct 23]
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silkkorchid · 5 months
What went down in TWST RP in a week-
Covers 4/13 - 4/19
There is a war between potatoes and eggplants.? WHO IS MAKING THIS AND DOES THE STAFF KNOWN ABOUT IT!?
NRC Fashion is still at it against Lucius.
In the NRC Cooking club, 🍊will eat ANYTHING with chopsticks. But according to mod 🍋 , 🍊 tired to eat soup with chopsticks.
NRC Book club seemly be in a plush fight with everyone.
NRC host 🥀, why the heck you posted a video of people scuba diving while dancing?
According to NRC Fashion 🐀, it was raining blot in Ignihyde when they went out shopping.?
Lucius is still at it being sassy.
There is a NBC Student Council Account. Rollo if you see this, please be prepared for a lot of craziness…
The aftermath of Sebek kidnapping still continues with that delusional family. NOT THE ZIGVOLT FAMILY! I would like to live a bit longer…
Rumors have it that Sebek smells Malleus’s socks. Where the heck did that came from?
Silver now inform that Diasomnia have an ice cream machine, but Lilia made a questionable combo of choice…
Silver fell asleep and woke up to his face being covered with markers(?).
Thea lost consciousness after eating Jade’s mushrooms.
Riddle came back after two weeks.
Riddle and several other people now know the existence of Riddle’s father tumblr account…
There is two Trey, and @/best-baker-of-the-heartslabyul knows the existence of AUs/ Alternate Universes.
Trey now realizes the existence of children (mostly everyone future children)
Flamingos are still on the loose thanks to someone in Heartslabyul forgetting to lock the gate
Deuce is just in pain thanks to an Anom about that people find his mom hot.
Does Rory love breaking doors like Garroth? (If you get the reference then good for you!)
It’s Ruggie birthday! We are all giving him some type of presents.
Ruggie isn’t allowing his child, Rory, have his duties.
Ruggie got caught by the NRC staff about his way of knocking people out.
Mrs. Ashengrotto has listen to our advice to show us Azul baby photo. And she is trying to find the rest. BE READY AZUL
Thanks to Floyd giving us a dump of information about his parents’ height. I’m terrified if I come across them…
Rook digging into the NRC Monster Control inventory.? Also why does he need samples?
Epel is screaming at Grim and Ace since they haven’t given him his homework yet.
Idia is loosing his shit after the second floor of Ignihyde somehow disappeared.
Ida and Ori Shroud have a luma form.? They became one with the stars I suppose. Also Idia ded
Ortho being called the cutest person to exist. IN WHICH I AGREE
Ortho laser someone after they insulted Idia…
Che’nya still booping people
People are now impersonating others. Let’s see how this will go.
The possum of RSA has been stabbed.
Yuuna came back from the dead and now realize there is an Ashengrotto related to Azul.
Quartz shipping people.
@blind0raven loose it with Deuce SSR event card not coming home. And to add salt on the wound, Deuce came in to apologize. Idk if it was accepted
Raven also running away from their confrontation of her love to Deuce thanks to Amon.
Yuuko and I found a video where Ruggie was being kabedon. And his reason is money, classic Ruggie.
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soysaucepastry · 1 year
Sky: Children of the Light, just like most games, has its very own theme melody. A tune that is heard throughout the game in various events.
For those who aren't familiar with the theme, you may have heard it in the opening of Isle of Dawn or the Orbit scene after completing Eye of Eden.
(Search "Flight" on Vincent Diamente's music compositions, and you may recognise it!)
TGC collabed with famous singer Aurora. If you didn't know, Aurora has been the main vocals for the theme song. Besides the instrumental parts, she sings during Isle of Dawn and Orbit. The beginning and finishing lines of the game.
Relating to Auroras' participation, they released the full song of Sky's theme. Which was called "Constellation." Constellation was noticeably a lot longer, but also had its own lyrics.
Lyrics In a theme song usually relates itself to the subjects lore. This is an excellent opportunity for the Sky Theorist to formulate speculations to Sky's timeline using these lyrics. However, the only problem was...
Sky has a fictional language used in the song. This was already a challenge for us because it required a lot of analysing. To our fortune, the lyrics were actually words taken from existing languages. Each syllable was from different languages, and some just had meaning.
Now, enough talking. Let's begin!
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The first lines were: "Menori eno, foto fola."
Menori: Initially, I believed that "Menori" meant "Memory" since both words were somewhat similar. However, if you split the syllable into 2, it creates a different meaning.
It's difficult to find out what "men" means. Although, I decided that "men" just means person in general. "Ori" is interesting because it translates to "my light."
Mashing the words together, you get: "Person, my light." Otherwise known as "Child of Light"
Eno: "Eno" is the Latin verb of "swim out." However, not everything has to be accurate to its initial meaning. "Swim out" could be a metaphor for" "emerges", " "show," and "appear." I'll get to this later, but hopefully, you get the meaning.
Foto: Foto is an easy word to identify because it's "photo" with extra fancy spelling. In this case, like I've said before, not everything has to mean what it initially represents. Again, Foto could most likely be a kind of conjuction.
Fola: This word translates to "crazy, mad, and foolish." A word that best represents a person or individual. This highly relates itself to a specific character in the sky, too.
So let's squish together all the words.
"Child of light swims out, photograph foolish."
The sentence is grammatically incorrect. But that is OK! Since it's made-up language, we have the ability to imagine the sentence in a more grammatically correct and sky-related way. The way I interpret it is quite simple.
"A person of light appears, only to become a foolish king."
Menori could be "Child of Light," or "Person of light." Synonyms are valid.
Eno doesn't necessarily mean "swim out." Again, it's basically like a metaphor for "emerge," "show," and "appear."
Foto could be a word that represents something. Like how a photograph represents something. It's not necessary to include it in the actual sentence!
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The following line is: "Nisoro mahori eh lossora."
Nisoro: Typically, this word was the hardest to translate. It isn't as simple as searching "Nisoro" meaning. However, after a while of digging, I was able to conduct a translation.
"Ni" in Yoruba means "in." And "Soro" in Yoruba means "difficult."
Combining the words would be "In difficult." So, in short, it means: "Difficult times."
Mahori: Mahori is much more different than the rest of the words. In this case, Mahori is an existing word that takes part in human activity.
Mahori is a Thai classical music genre. Played by a group of musicians, performers, and actors for the genre. However, mahori is commonly played in royal courts or royal events. This is very related to Sky Lore. More on this later.
Eh: Most likely a conjuction like: "and."
Lossora: Similar to the previous words, it requires breaking down each syllable.
Los means "the" in Spanish. (According to translator heh..) However, Los also means "Path they took along"
Sora means sky. This word is the smoking gun of this translation. Confirming that we're at least on the right track.
Combining the two, you end up with "Path they took in The Sky" (The Sky= the Sky kingdom. Aka, the main setting in Sky.)
So let's combine the words.
"Difficult times, Royal music and path they took in the sky"
Again, correctly repositioning the words together creates: "It was difficult to play music for our King, so they decided to take another path in The Sky."
Nisoro could also represent the difficulties during the current time.
I included "King" (Our beloved Eden Elder) because of Mahori. Mahori is music for royal subjects.
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The third line is: "Neyo neyoterra, foto men"
(This section of my Translations is much shorter, mainly because I don't have too much to discuss.)
Neyo: An easy word to translate. It simply means "New"
Neyoterra: This word includes the previous word, "Neyo."
This word is still quite easy to understand. "Terra" means: "Earth," "Place," or "World."
So, new (Neyo) + place (Terra) translates to: "New world," "New place," etc!
Foto: As I mentioned before, it means photograph.
Men: The word is harder to crack. However, I concluded that men most likely mean people in general.
All the words together create: "New, new world. Picturing new people."
There isn't much to clarify for this one. It's very simple, but I'm open to any questions.
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The last line is: "Nikolo, nikomo sora."
Nikolo: The word nikolo is a name that means "Victor of People" or "Peoples Champion." However, it could also be a metaphor for people proclaiming victory.
Nikomo: Another word that requires breaking down of syllables.
Niko means smile in Japanese. A friend of mine helped me discover the countless meanings, but I affirmed that this is most likely the best choice. "Smile."
Omo means "short period of time." It's very self-explanatory.
Combining the words, Nikomo translates to "Smile for a short period of time." That's pretty depressing!
Sora: As stated before, Sora translates to "Sky."
The words all together create:
"The people proclaim victory. They smile only for it to be gone in a short period of time. Then creating Sky."
(Slightly unrelated, but this is a major help for Sky Theorists! This is potentially the biggest clue for the Sky War (I'll make a blog about the war too.))
Despite Nikolo meaning "Peoples Champion," which is different from what I translated, please keep in mind that we have the ability to interpret these meanings into something that'll fit for the sake of it fitting.
SO! We have finally translated this bad boy! From what I could tell, this is a MAJOR help for understanding the Sky Lore. Even a major help for giving clues about the Sky War! I was happy to know that these translations mirrored the actual Sky Lore, which really made me excited.
Now, to make this all cinematic and exciting, I prepared a video ~
I am incredibly excited for the future of Sky. I really hope my first blog was understandable, I'm aware it might be a little too long or boring aaaa.
And if you're wondering, you may use this as inspiration for your new sky theories! I don't mind. It would be nice if you gave credit just in case you want to use my Translations word for word, haha.
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asgardianhobbit98 · 7 months
Four for Valentine: Week 4 "Sugar"
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Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Fili / female OC (Kalâtha)
Important Tags: Fluff, romance, start of a relationship, Dwarven Culture HC
Summary: Put on cooking duty by Thorin, Fili and Kalâtha have a heart to heart about why Fili has been acting so distracted lately. The reason? Dwarves only love once.
Words: 2163
Written for my "Four for Valentine" event 🩷
Tag list: @fizzyxcustard @middleearthpixie @glassgulls @evenstaredits @knittastically @heilith @lathalea @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @nowandthane
if you want to be removed or added to my tag list, please let me know 🩷
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Dwarves only loved once.
That thought kept distracting Fili during a quest that was sure to become historically known to his kin. And it was embarrassing.
Fili should be focusing on the quest at hand. He should be focusing on keeping his brother protected. And he should be focusing on showing Thorin how far he’d come; that his uncle could be proud to call him crown prince soon. Yet… here he was. Doing the opposite of focusing.
Such an important quest… and all he could think about was her.
Whether the others were aware of what was distracting Fili, he wasn’t sure of. Either way, his uncle had suddenly begun to task him and Kalâtha to do chores together when camping for the night, leaving Kili to work with Ori. Which was odd because his uncle never separated the two brothers. Especially considering the deal Thorin had made with Dis to make sure both her sons stayed close to keep an eye on each other.
So perhaps at least his uncle knew?
It had begun as a childhood crush. Which then stuck with him into his teenage years. He’d thought it would be nothing more but that. But… then in his young adult years Fili felt the crush only grow stronger and grasp onto his heart.  
Even when Kalâtha left the Blue Mountains to pursue a path of self discovery, Fili had not felt his feelings dissipate in the slightest. No matter the week long flings he’d had with others, Kalâtha was always the one on his mind in the late hours of the nights, even when not alone in his own bed.
And now…?
Now as they had picked her up from her new life among the humans in Bree (of all forsaken places) and found her just the same, just with a tad more confidence, Fili felt his feelings… blossom. As if he had just fallen down from the cliff he had been hanging from all this time, down into a vast ocean of warmth and uncertainty with the waves of both these feelings crashing into him painfully, anxiously, lovingly… lustfully.
And he was stuck. Because…
Dwarves only loved once.
Did Kalâtha feel the same? Did she look at him differently? Did she even view him this way?
If she didn’t…
“Huh?” he blurted out a little louder than he should have.
“Are you even listening to me?” she asked, with little malice in her voice. Instead, she was smiling, close to laughing at him… He would be fine if she laughed at him. She could be cruel and vicious to him too if she wanted. It didn’t matter… He was far gone in his love for her and any attention was like a high to him. But she could never be cruel. She was too good for that. Luckily. Because he truly would have let himself be tossed around by her if she so desired.
She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes. He’d gotten lost in her again.
Now, though, she looked worried. “What is up with you? You’ve been acting strange this entire journey. Are you ill?”
Fili shook his head, his braided moustache hitting the sides of his cheeks with the urgency of his gesture. “No, not ill.”
“Then what?”
The two of them were sitting crouched in front of the campfire, waiting for Bofur to get it started. Their task was to cook dinner. Which… Fili had to admit wasn’t his strongest side. Kalâtha ended up doing most of the work.
“What indeed,” Bofur teased with a little look to Fili.
Okay, so the entire company did know what was up with Fili.
Somehow that didn’t comfort Fili in the slightest. It only gave him more anxiety because how could he show his uncle he could lead a people some day when he dropped his daggers or tripped over nothing whenever Kalâtha glanced his way?
“Uh… Well, I’m not quite confident in my cooking abilities,” Fili lied.
Kalâtha giggled. That gorgeous divine giggle that she had. She flipped her beard braids to the side a bit in a cocky gesture at which Fili smirked: “Don’t worry, I know how to make an amazing stew.”
“Good,” Fili responded. “I’d expect nothing less from you.” That had meant to come out as praise because he truthfully thought everything she did was amazing, and perhaps it had because Kalâtha hadn’t originally reacted... But in his stupid state, Fili panicked: “Oh uh… Not because you’re a woman. I simply meant-“
“Fili,” Kalâtha interrupted with a laugh. “You’ve not changed a bit, have you?”
“No… I suppose I haven’t.”
He glared at Bofur as he snickered at the exchange. Great… Another moment where he’d made a fool of himself.
During the duration of their chore, Fili did mainly some chopping… and the rest was staring. At Kalâtha.
She was busy, determined to teach Fili the recipe of her stew. But she wasn’t aware of the fact that the only details Fili was taking in were the details of her face, her beard, her hair, her ears, her nose…
He was closer to her now than he was usually when he found himself able to freely watch her. So he saw all these new little details that he adored. Like how she wrinkled her nose a bit when opening the lid of the pot and steam touched her face. Or how her lips moved when she said his name. How sometimes she bit her lower lip when focusing on a task like stirring the stew. Or perhaps it was mild anxiety that made her do so as she was a perfectionist. She was most certainly worrying about this not tasting the way it should, even if that only meant there being a little bit too much or too little salt.
He blinked out of the stare, quickly pretending that he had, indeed, been listening.
“More salt.”
Fili reached back, not wanting to stop watching her, and grabbed the bag he thought to be salt, handing it to her. Trusting him, she didn’t double check the contents of the bag and simply put the required amount of salt into the stew.
“There. And then, you let it simmer for a few minutes before tasting, so the spices have time to melt into the vegetables and meat.” Kalâtha turned her head to Fili, catching his eye. Or, rather, his stare.
A smile spread over her lips.
He smiled back.
“Did you listen to a single thing I just said?”
Fili eagerly nodded his head. “We have to let it simmer for a bit.”
“And before that?” she tasked him with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh… Basilica makes a good replacement for oregano?”
He hadn’t gotten it right. That was obvious. Because Kalâtha stared at him in disbelief for a moment before shaking her head. “Okay so… are we going to talk about it?”
“What?” Fili asked panicked.
“About what’s up with you? Come on, Fili. You’re my closest friend. At least, you were before I left. You can still talk to me.” She reached out, surprisingly hesitant for the confident woman that she was, and grasped his hand in hers. “Fili?”
“I.. uh…” he stuttered out, the nerve endings in his fingers exploding under her touch and sending shockwaves of literal alarm to his brain, shortcutting everything, it seemed. “Uh…”
And then she looked… sad. Grieved by his seeming hesitance to talk to her.
And all of a sudden any panic, any hesitance, disappeared in an instance because underneath all that fluster and the nerves was the core of his love for her, which burned brighter than any nervousness he might have: and that core was made up of his love language, which was protection.
From everything.
Even little moments of hurt feelings.
And this was one of those.
He squeezed her fingers tightly and stopped stuttering as he reassured her with a determined look: “You’re right. I have been acting strange. A fool, some might say. But that is not because I view you any different. Or… It is, but it is in no way a negative view.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
The bustle of the Dwarves around them doing their assigned chores meant a strange bubble of privacy was created. Only the two of them were listening to each other, others too busy. And it felt more intimate than any other private moment they’d shared before when it was just the two of them in one room.
It helped give Fili the boost of confidence he needed.
“I mean I think you’re… amazing. I have thought so since the first time your parents brought you over during that dinner… Dis and your mother were speaking the entire night, and you were so shy. I didn’t know how to approach you.”
“Kili ended up talking my ear off,” Kalâtha reminisced, smiling wonderfully at what Fili was saying. She seemed a little hesitant… no, nervous? But her confidence, her calmness, was infectious. Despite what Fili was about to admit to her, he felt secure and safe with her. As if no matter what her answer was, he was in good hands. “Then he brought you over and you talked my ear off.”
“That’s – Well, yes, I suppose I did.” She giggled. He smiled. “I didn’t know why I was so nervous approaching you then. Only years later did I realise you made me nervous. But not in a bad way. A good way.”
Kalâtha grew quiet now, watching Fili intently. Or was that… hopeful?
“And then those sort of…”
“Butterflies?” she clarified, as if knowing.
Now Fili grew hopeful too. “Yes…” he breathed out. “Yes, just like butterflies. They stayed. Throughout my entire youth. I thought maybe… it was just…”
“A crush. But then it didn’t go away,” Kalâtha finished for him. As he watched her, dumbfounded by her means to finish his thoughts, she smiled sweetly at him. “My dear, did you think you were the only one?”
“I did, actually.” Fili’s honest response made her the dumbfounded one. “I thought there was no way you could feel this way for me. Especially not since I’ve been acting a fool this entire journey.”
Kalâtha giggled. Then she chuckled and slowly her chuckles turned into a snorting laughter. “Oh,” she managed to get out, “is that why…?”
“Yes.” Fili blushed, his brows furrowing into a pleading look upon which Kalâtha calmed herself down and squeezed their still intertwined fingers to reassure him. “I never thought…”
“Dwarves only love once,” Kalâtha repeated the words Fili had been worrying about this entire time. “I was scared that I’d lost my chance at love to someone who could never even think about liking me back. So I never mentioned it.”
“I… That’s exactly why I never did!”
Then the two shared a bout of laughter together, inching closer to each other in a gesture that was… new but welcome.
But before any more words could be said, or before any other loving gestures could be made – Bofur appeared again.
“How’s food coming along?”
Letting go of each other’s hands, Fili watched as Kalâtha opened the lid of the pot once more and showed the food to Bofur.
He sniffed the aromas happily, either completely unaware of what he had just interrupted, or finding some amusement in interrupting it… Either way, he looked very pleased with himself.
And he also had an extra bag of coins at his side.
“Smells heavenly. A little sweet too, what’s in it?” Bofur asked.
“Sweet?” Kalâtha asked in confusion. “No, it shouldn’t be sweet.” She grabbed a spoon to fill it up with some of the sauce, tasting it…
She pulled a face of surprise, then slight disgust.
She looked around at the spices they’d used, frantically searching for the culprit of whatever had made her stew taste strange enough for her to pull a face Fili hadn’t seen before.
Then she slowly lifted the salt bag. Her eyes shifted to Fili. Bofur glanced between the two of them. “What’s wrong?”
Fili wondered the same thing, raising an eyebrow at Kalâtha.
“Fili… You gave me sugar, not salt.” She looked amused. After their conversation, it was obvious why he’d been distracted enough not to notice this mistake. At least he wasn’t getting reprimanded.
“Well, I’m glad it amuses some of ya. Bombur’s not gonna be quite so happy,” Bofur pointed out.
Kalâtha sighed. “It’s alright. I can fix it. Just tell everyone it’s gonna take a few extra minutes before we eat.”
Bofur left with this message, and somewhere from camp Kalâtha and Fili could hear a distinct ‘aww…’ from Bombur at the disappointment of having to wait longer.
But Kalâtha and Fili didn’t mind in the slightest. Now actually capable of focusing, Fili sat with his arm around her waist, offering her the right ingredients whilst relishing in the feeling of her leaning against him…
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comments and reblogs are highly appreciated if you enjoyed this 🩷
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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♥ Pairing: Xiao x fem! Reader
♥ Event: Kinktober
♥ Day 5: Stuck in the Wall
♥ Warnings: Smut; penetration; oral; reader stuck
♥ wc: 700
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Xiao had never imagined that you'd be reaching out to him so often in your travels for avoidable mistakes. In truth, the adeptus did enjoy being relied on by you, but the frequency had become alarming. He wished you'd be more cautious.
"'m sorr-ory-"
He didn't believe you.
You'd called his name in a similar manner not long ago. Urgency laced in your sweet voice. He'd arrived prepared for a battle, some strong enemy that would need to be defeated.
He hadn't been expecting to find you halfway between a cave wall that looked as though you'd blasted it yourself with elemental power. And yet, you'd looked so happy to see him.
Xiao wished he could get a glimpse of your face at this moment. His cock shoved into your pussy with juices dripping down your thighs. There was nowhere for you to escape him, and you had to learn to be more careful.
"You have no regard for personal safety," Xiao said. If someone else had found you, who could tell what might happen. Some filthy treasure hoarders may have happened upon you, touched your soft skin and made use of your helpless body.
It infuriated him.
You yelped at the smack of his palm against your ass. It shouldn't feel as good as it did. You'd gladly give yourself over to Xiao in any way he desired, but in this moment, you were utterly in his control. "I do- but it was Paimon's idea-"
Golden irises narrowed at the name. He'd instructed your companion to wait for the two of you outside of the cave. Not a great influence, as he'd assumed. "I do not recall asking for any excuses."
Xiao had become addicted to the way you made him feel while stuffed into your drenched cunt, walls snug and warm around his cock. Each deep thrust enveloped so tightly.
"Ah-m'-m' gonna cu-'' Your sentence trailed off, eyes squeezing closed. Clenching around him, your limbs trembled. The adeptus fucked you through the orgasm without rest, quickly pushing you toward an imminent second one. "Xiao!"
Your voice echoed through the cave, carrying off into its depths.
"Call my name all you wish, but I will not be saving you from this. All you can do is reflect on your actions while I make use of you." Xiao had more self-control than most, able to withhold for a long period. His fingers dug into the meat of your hips, sheathing himself into you with full, deep thrusts.
He'd never found himself so infatuated with a human before. You were an anomaly, drawing him with your gentle heart and loving heart. You had brought a light into his life that he'd never experienced.
His affection for you had led to this situation. Xiao couldn't allow you to be so vulnerable. Becoming stuck in a cave wall left you exposed to anyone who came in.
You whined as his cock left you just before the second orgasm, leaving you at the precipice of pleasure. Out of your reach and no way to relieve yourself. "Xiao?" You panted his name out, met with silence.
Suddenly the adeptus was before you, fingers slipping into your hair and raising your head. "Open." His features didn't show how aroused he was, but the tip of his hard cock pressing against your lips did.
You tasted yourself on his length as he entered your mouth. Gaze rising up to find his deep golden eyes trained on you made your heart flip in your chest. He was a sight to behold, beads of sweat slipping down from his hair.
"Keep doing just that," Xiao instructed, reveling in the feeling of your tongue dragging against the underside of his cock as he pushed deeper into your throat. His grip on your hair tightened, signaling how close he was.
He released ropes of cum down your throat, giving the sexiest moan that you'd ever heard from him. Perhaps the situation had excited him more than he'd let on.
"Xiao, I'm still stuck."
"I am not convinced you have learned your lesson. More punishment is necessary."
You shivered at his words, legs squeezing together in anticipation of what was to come.
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lastintheserverbox · 2 months
(Oneshot set before the events of the blog. Back when Ori was newer)
Sonny coughed horribly, chest rattling and lungs ever in that familiar state of drowning and burning under whatever this illness was. He wiped his mouth tentatively, glancing at the creature on the screen. His creation.
"Dr. Chamberlain."
Its TTS was stilted, strange as always. He never understood the gaps and pauses this version had. The Prototype spoke perfectly fine, it was almost like its adaptive functions decided this was how it needed to speak to him. ...It would need adjustments, for certain.
"Are you Dy-ing?" it continued.
Sonny sucked in a ragged, annoyed breath. If he wished for this RRA technology to go along to help thousands. Bring comfort to those in hospice, help along the medical field...
He could NOT have it asking patients questions like that.
"No, Origin," He had begun calling this Kinito that, since when...he had no real idea, "I am not dying. It is merely an illness."
The axolotl's head tilted, expressionless as always. Another feature to add another time. It paused its speech as if analyzing his words.
"Are you ly-ing?"
"Origin." He was firm, it was a piece of code, it just needed to have things repeated sometimes, "You are not to ask people if they are dying. Remember. If you are going to help others, you cannot scare them."
Quiet again. Sonny begun to type at a separate computer, coding, rereading, recoding. He was going to make basic forms of the Kinito line's friends eventually. But that would require this module to work first. For now, he was working on a search tool and antivirus program. Easier, simpler, less...He glanced at the unblinking pink blob on the other monitor...prying.
He flinched, saving the code and swiveling his chair slowly.
"Doctor. What is 'Dy-ing' anyways."
He paused. Might as well explain, then its code could have a database of what to look for and what to avoid speaking on.
"Dying is..." Sonny hums, "It is when something no longer functions anymore, and is laid to rest. For code, it is often deleted. For humans, we simply do not wake up again and are...buried. Or other forms of such."
"...Is dy-ing a good thing?"
How do you answer that? He'd have to consider it in the program's current black and white terms.
"No, it is not. It simply just is something that happens."
"...Because everything must pass on," Sonny paused, "So that other things can arrive on the earth. Sometimes...Things are taken too early, and that is why I am training you to help."
"So death is...bad?"
"...Yes. I suppose it is."
"Then why does it happen?"
"...A lot of bad things happen, Origin. Death, illness, murder..."
"Why do you live in a world with suffering?"
Sonny often asked this question himself.
"It is the only world we have."
"Will I die one day?"
Do AI die? Do they even live? That was too broad to ask or answer.
"...I assume so, in your own way."
"What happens?"
"...You will go to sleep, and not wake up."
"Are you dy-ing?"
It asked that again, and Sonny held in a rattling, burning cough.
"One day, Origin. But not today."
It did not ask anything the rest of the day. An unusual behavior he noted down.
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mcytmusicalbingo · 2 months
A long awaited but necessary intro to the mods of the MCYT Musical Bingo!
Hello everyone! I'm really sorry this took so long, I've been extremely busy. But who is I? Well, I am Orion (tho you may call me Ori) and I am the creator and organizer of the MCYT Musical Bingo! I use any pronouns and I'm mainly in the Hermitcraft / Life Series fandom, though I occassionaly dabble in others as well, and today it's my pleasure to introduce you to the mod team!
Name - Hey there! You can call me Glitch, he/it pronouns please!! Fandoms - Mainly Life Series, Empires, and Hermitcraft, but also Rats SMP, Witchcraft SMP, and recently Skyblock Kingdoms! Fun Fact: I love block women (I'm a big yuri guy haha) Socials: tumblr - @/rutellingmeashrimpfriedthisrice ; ao3 - GlitraHasConsumedMe Message: Very excited to be here!! I love MCYT and I love music, so this event won me over instantly<3
Sup, I'm Ringnea, artist, writer and Minecraft block peep lover. pronouns: any but she/her works. My accounts are all under Ringnea like everything. Ao3, tumblr, Instagram, the bird app, and cara. Fandoms: DSMP, QSMP, Hermitcraft, Life series, and some other multifandom stuff (it's rare but there) Can't wait to see what y'all create!!!
Hello!! My name is Mars of Marshall or whatever i font rlly care. I use They/Them or any Neopronouns! I use Mossybox for all of my accounts except tumblr, which is gummifrog, and insta, cprisvn. Some fandoms I'm in is Hermitcraft, empires and life series. Also I'm a minor so yeah, excited to see what yall do
Hi! I'm Ether, any pronouns for me! :D I generally stick to Qsmp and Dsmp, though I also like Asmp and Fuga Impossível! My socials are pretty much just EthertheAether, and that's Ao3 and Tumblr, cause I just don't have other socials really LMAO Looking forward to seeing what you guys make!! :>
Hallo! I'm Rice, he/him, and you can find me on tumblr and ao3 as riceofthepuffedvariety. I'm in the Hermitcraft and Life Series fandoms though I'm not opposed to reading fics outside of those. Can't wait to see what y'all create! :D
And that's all of the team! Everyone please say hello and thank you to these amazing people! Ether was the one who made the very cute bingo boards for all of us to play, and everyone helped listen to the songs and sort them into the respective boards as well.
Please enjoy the event! And remember the ask box is open if you have any questions!
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murmiss · 1 year
Side story
Summary - This story will tell you about a planet destroyed by humans even before the events of Pandora, about a girl who was captured and survived the loss of wings - an important attribute of their species, about survival, first love and human cruelty.
Warning on this chapter - Mention of death, blood and loss. Neytiri is a caring mom who protects her children.
Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt7-1
Chapter 7 part. 1
It was a long journey to the village.
Loak, Kiri, and Tuck almost died, ending up in the hands of the celestials. The spider was taken prisoner. For what purpose? Alas, Neteyam did not know. And now he is leading a mysterious stranger to the village, whom he met near Quoritch's detachment. She looks like an ordinary Na'vi, just like those who live in their settlement: elongated body, four fingers on each hand, soft facial oval and round eyes, tail, though, more curly, but not particularly noticeable. What was different from the Omaticaya, however, was her skin color-white like a porcelain doll; the stripes on her body were many fine openwork curls and shimmered with mother-of-pearl, like precious Metcain beads; and her hair was curly and silky, shimmering in the light while some naughty strands were slightly out of her lush hair, creating the effect of disheveled hair. Or maybe it was just the "albino" that Teiam's father, Jake, had called the Na'vi, who had snow-white skin and gray streaks. True, Nethayam had never seen one. And that white-haired girl didn't look albino at all-her skin was white, but the stripes weren't gray. Who is she, then? A girl from another tribe? But she had five fingers on her hands, just like the Quaritch gang.
A noise tore Neteyam from his thoughts. A herd of lutokon were rushing nearby, like Na'vi hunting parties returning from a successful patrol, cheering as they made their way. "I hope my father won't be so angry," Neteyam muttered to himself as he turned toward the stranger. His shoulder ached, and there was already a large bruise on the bite mark. Surprisingly, so fragile, and it left such a vivid mark, despite its lack of fangs.
Involuntarily, Neteyam am stared at the white-haired "pearl. The girl jumped up and down to the fan lizards, frightening them and making them fly up a couple of centimeters. Which gave Teiam a short chuckle. He would have watched this stranger for a long time: who else could torture fan lizards for so long? Except Loak. But we must hurry, my father is waiting.
- Aru, come here! - Neteyam stepped away from the site of the attack and beckoned to his war lizard. They could make it safely to Omaticaya's camp now, unless of course the stranger caused him more trouble.
-I hope you know how to fly a Ikran. - Pronounced the boy, climbing onto his banshee and making a connection with it.
The young oris was not seriously frightened when something big came down in front of them and let out a gruff growl. During her stay in the forests of Pandora the fairy had not yet met these creatures. She was about to rush into the forest, but Teiam's hand drew her back.
-Wait! What's the problem? You've never seen an eggshell before?
-Ikran? Who's that? - Ikran?" said Ilis muffled, keeping her eyes on the huge banshee in front of her.
-Ikran will help us get to the camp, he is quite harmless.-Neteiam insisted, patting the seat next to her, but the fairy did not respond to the invitation, stubbornly remaining in her seat.
With a sigh, Netheyam broke the connection with Aru, getting off the crane.
-He took her hand in his, guiding it to the banshee's face as he stroked her slowly. Reacting to the caress, Aru began to make strange whistling sounds, mixed with a short purr.
-He likes you,- Teiam smiled, looking at the girl frozen in surprise, a smile blooming smoothly on her face. And Neteyam could have sworn it was the brightest smile he'd ever seen.
-Aru... - the white-haired woman said softly, wrapping both arms around the face of the ikran.
-I think you two have become friends, and now it's time to go." said Neteyam, drawing the fairy's attention back to himself.
-Can you climb? No? -The fairy shook her head negatively. And Teiam, like a true gentleman, helped her onto the winged beast. Then, without too much trouble, he climbed up himself, taking a seat behind the fairy, remembering to establish communication with Aru. Watching the connection being made for the first time, the fairy kept her eyes on Neteyam's scythe. Grace had once told her about these braids.
-Well, are you ready? - The girl nodded, to which Neteyam let out a guttural cry, ordering Ar to fly. It would be quite a long flight, for they would be on their way to the hovering islands, where they were already eagerly awaited.
The returning skymen forced the Omaticaya clan to camp on the soaring rock islands-the "Hallelujah Mountains," a Pandora treasure. It is a fascinating sight, astonishing not only for its beauty but also for the level of protection it offers: you cannot simply climb it, which is why many Na'vi give priority to their Ikran.
The forests of Pandora are beautiful, of course, but the view from above was truly delightful. The forest intertwined with each other, forming bizarre rhythms: here are two brothers, the Unidelt and the Delta, and next to them is a fern. And over here, look! A whole glade of Helicoradians...
-My boy! - Being nervous, Neytiri ran up, wrapping her arms around Neteyam's face and examining him carefully. After Kiri, Loak, and Tuck returned home, Neytiri couldn't find her place, for Teiam had never returned.
-What is this? - Neytiri put her arm around her son's shoulder, examining the fang marks.
-Mom... Mom... That's enough. - Teiam mumbled, trying to break free from his mother's grip. - I'm not alone, I have..." The boy glanced once more at the fairy, who was huddled in the crane with fear.
-Demon! - Noticing the stranger shrieked Neytiri, reaching for her blade and preparing to attack if threatened.
-I met her near Quoritch's camp. She had no weapons or uniforms like the celestials.
-And you brought her here?! A celestial demon!
-But she's not one of them!" cried Neteyam, in response to her furious mother.
And while the conflict between mother and son unfolded before the eyes of a dozen na'vi, the fairy surreptitiously examined the Omaticaians as they examined her. The conflict seemed to begin to gain momentum, forcing the fairy to get off the crane and reflexively grab her arm, pulling Neteyam a little closer to her. At which Neytiri, literally within seconds, wounded the white-haired woman with her blade, leaving a deep mark on her snow-white cheek.
-Neteyam! Get out of my way! Let me deal with the demon! - It was here that Netheyam, having come to his senses, intercepted his mother, stopping her and trying to bring her back to normal. - No! Wait.
Soon enough the fairy's senses were overwhelmed by stupor and panic. Blood trickled out of the scratch in small drops. The cut was quite deep. Voices began to mingle, and breathing became harder and harder. Everything in front of my eyes swam. One, and a fall. The eyes closed. The fairy fainted, and the only thing she saw before she passed out were the bright golden pupils that belonged to the girl in the crowd.
A frightened Neteyam immediately rushed to the fallen fairy, dispersing the gathered onlookers. He gently lifted the white-haired girl off the ground, flashing his eyes menacingly in the direction of her mother, making it clear that her actions were clearly overkill.
Without thinking long, Teiam carried the young oris to Moat's chamber. And surprisingly, the woman was extremely calm, sending her trademark enigmatic smile. She was waiting for them.
-To put her here,-Tzahik commanded, moving haphazardly about the room in search of the right herbs for the ointment she was now mixing.
-Is everything going to be all right? -Worriedly asked Neteyam.
-Yes. Your mother overreacted a little, but that's all right, we'll make up for it now," she dipped two fingers into the mushy mixture and applied it to the cut of her blade. - In a few days you'll be as good as new.
After a long moment of silence, Netheyam dared to ask one thing that intrigued him greatly: "Grandmother. Who do you think... Who is she...?"
-I don't know, honey... I don't know... Time will tell.
The night was quiet; the fairy did not even wake up. The situation that afternoon reminded her of the lab. No, not the lab where Grace and Norm had been and where they loved her, but the sordid part of it. Where Wansen was in charge, where the pain was.
Like a butterfly in a jar, deprived of its ability to fly, or exactly like a circus animal confined in a cage, whose fate is extremely sad.
Early in the morning, the fairy finally came to her senses. Slowly rising from the bed, the white-haired woman met her gaze with Moat's. The woman was sitting on a wicker hammock, mixing herbs in a clay mortar.
-How are you feeling?" The question was followed by a nod.
-Fine. Sorry, my daughter got a little excited yesterday. The Celestials have returned to Pandora and Neytiri is beside herself. - The fairy tilted her head to the side, trying to make out every word the woman said, but some of the words were completely incomprehensible to her.
-Oh, I forgot... stay here. - Moat, a little embarrassed, left the tent, glancing at the fairy once more, imprinting her appearance in her memory. She had a rather difficult task ahead of her now, to find Jake and report the "stranger," and to make sure that Neytiri didn't kill anyone in a fit of anger.
It didn't take long to find Jake. His squad had arrived early this morning from reconnaissance, and he was probably now resting in the family cabin. Her hunch was correct. As they approached the hut, the cries of Neteyam became louder and louder.
-Father, you must believe me.
-Neteyam, don't be silly, what albinos... What are you talking about? - Jake rubbed the bridge of his nose steadily, glancing up at Neteyam once in a while.
-Jake Sully, you ought to see for yourself. - Moat said suddenly, startling both father and son.
Moat? And you, too-" Sully sighed heavily.
-Jake. - Moat's tone was much sterner than before.
-Oh, okay, all right! I'll take a look at your albinos. - Jake rose abruptly from his hammock and, gesticulating vigorously, headed for the exit of the hut.
It was silent all the way to the medical tent. Only occasionally did Jake mutter something wrong: the last reconnaissance had gone extremely hard, it seemed that the recombinants were chasing him, showing up at "the right time, the right place." That's why Sully was so exhausted. But as soon as he stepped into the room, all fatigue vanished like a fan. There was a fairy sitting in front of him! Exactly the same little girl he had met as a human. What a replica! White hair, snow-white skin, and fishnet stripes, and bright blue eyes that looked just like a larimar gem!
With quick strides, Jake approached the fairy, pushing aside the kids swirling around the unusual stranger.
-Father, who is she? - Loak exclaimed, peering shamelessly at the sixth girl.
-Is it really... really... - Hardly believing it," Jake whispered, pulling the Sixth into a sharp hug. - When all this happened, I thought you were dead.
-Jake? - In broken English, the girl said, frozen with surprise.
When Moat left, the curious teenagers decided to take a closer look at the snow white girl. And as soon as Tsahik had gone the distance, Loak lifted the veil of leaves, peering inside the hut. Behind him, Tuk peeked out, and the very last was Kiri.
Seeing the fairy, Tuk exclaimed in surprise.
The children received Sixth quite well. Tuk was glad to have a new "friend," Loak was curious to know more about the other Na'vi, and Netheyam was quite uncomfortable. As her father had said, the fairy would be trained in the ways of the Omaticaya: she would have to understand their language, learn how to hunt and defend herself, and learn all the traditions and customs of the people. Loak undertook to teach the fairy the language and Neteyam m the hunting. Kiri, on the other hand, was to teach the traditions. But there was one problem: Neytiri. The woman couldn't accept a fairy, couldn't let a demon into her family.
Hello world!
Sorry for the long absence, I'm preparing to enter art school and collecting a portfolio, in connection with which the chapters will come out in parts, sorry 👉👈
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artversestheworld · 27 days
In no particular order they are all fantastic in my eyes! My rating system is based on, Story, Music, Art and Gameplay. 
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Is an action adventure role-playing game. Set in a near future world in which humanity has been nearly wiped out by a toxic plague called the “MIASMA”. You play as John a grumpy old miner looking after a child thats not his, Sam on adventure neither of you planned. But boy is it a good adventure! This is another game that I really wish I could play again for the first time. This one took me about 20 hours to beat and I gave it 10/10.
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You know this one. Everybody love it. Just play it. 
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Is actually two games in one, Opus: the day we found earth and Opus: Rocket of whispers. TDWFE is an adventure game focused on story and exploring the stars. There isn’t a ton to this one but the story is very cute. ROW is where the real fun is at, it takes place after an apocalyptic plague in a destitute future. You play a John going out and gathering supplies to build a rocket ship to send the souls of the departed to the moon with the help of a friend you find along the way, Fei. This one took me about 10 hours and I gave it 9.5/10
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Is a platform adventure game. You play as Ari a small white spirit on a journey to restore the forest after a cataclysmic event. It is probably the most difficult game I have on this list but the death revival is very fast so it doesn’t feel as punishing. It took me about 11 hours to beat and I gave it 9/10. 
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Is a puzzle game about moving tiles around to create the correct image (you’ll get it when you see it). I don’t want to spoil too much of the story so I will just say you are following the story of a boy life. It is sad and beautiful and full of life. I also hope to forget this game so one day I can play it again. I finished this game in about 2 hours (it was develop by one dude what more can you ask of him) and I gave it 9.5/10. 
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Is a rogue-like deck building dice game. There isn’t really a story to this one. But you progress through dungeons rolling dice and placing them in weapons and shields and other elements in order to beat the creature and progress to the next level. I got addicted to this game and didn’t put it down for like 2 weeks straight. I put about 35 hours into this game before I moved on from it and I gave it 10/10. 
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A survival horror game set in a futuristic time. The story is a time loop centred around your character Elster trying to save the woman she loves and losing her mind in the process. The majority of the game play is searching for keys, cards and other elements to help progress you through the story with resource management. The art style is amazing with its pixilation. Took me 13 hours to beat. I gave it 8.5/10. 
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Is a roll playing game written by the novelist Robert Kurvitz. You take on the role of an amnesiac detective trying to solve the murder of a hanged man with his enigmatic partner. As you progress through solving the murder you start to uncover the detectives past and affect things for his future. The game uses a dice based skills element to bring some chance and some strategy as to which skills you increase. The game is fully voiced by an amazing cast (TW the detective is an alcoholic). I finished the game in 15 hours and I gave it 9.5/10. 
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Is a turn based role playing game about the internal and external struggles of a troubled group of high school students who live dual lives as phantom thieves. After school and between their part time jobs they fight demons in what they call the Metaverse. The story to this game is very good and the turn based mechanics are very well done. I think I sunk 70 hours into beating this game and give it 8/10 but looking back it should be 9/10. 
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Is a role playing game with a deep and well crafted narrative experience. Let’s be honest this one is a bit of a visual novel, but it is a great one at that! The characters in this story really come to life with their struggles and victories. There are multiple ending so keep going after the credits. Dice are used in th game to preform actions based on their rolls. I honestly wish I could play this game again for the first time. It took me 12 hours to beat and I gave it 10/10
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A List Of All Of My Current Works Pt.1
Genshin Impact
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
Breaking An Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
Triad Pt.1 (Ningguang X Beidou X Reader)
Sara Kujou X Reader
Eula, Hu Tao, Sara, Ninguang and *Spins wheel* Barbra’s reaction to an S/O who has gone loopy after taking some medicine to fight their fever randomly confessing their undying love.
Jean Gunnhildr N.S.F.W. Headcannons
Lumine, Eula, and Jean With A Reader Who Uses A Frying Pan As A Weapon
Catching Her Eye-Ningguang X Reader
Worthy Of You-Sara X Reader
Differing Types Of Art-Yoimiya X Reader
Kokomi X Injured Reader
Ningguang Brainrot
Yandere Raiden Shogun
Holiday Gift-Layla, Furina, and Kokomi X Reader
A Gift To A Friend- Kaeya, Childe, Beidou, and Furina X Reader
100 Followers Event: Ei X Reader-Sharing
Reverse 1999
Dikke X Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O Pt.2
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
SFW And NSFW Jacques De Molay Foreigner x Reader
Morgan, Baobhan, Melusine, and Barghest With Master Reader
SFW and NSFW Anastasia Hedcannons
Gareth And Mordred Fluff Scenarios and Headcannons
Fairy Knights and Morgan with a Depressed Master Reader
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Angst-
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Hurt Comfort-
"I'm So In Love With You" Artoria Pendragon X Reader
"You're Beautiful" Medusa Rider and Gorgon X Reader
"Do you trust me?" Serenity and Shuten Douji X Reader
"You're Cute When Your Angry" Rin Tohsaka and Mordred X Reader
"I'm So In Love With You" Medusa and Gorgon X Reader
"I Want To Protect You!" Mordred and Quetzalcoatl X Reader
Bradamante X Reader
Caenis X Reader
Penthesilea X Autistic Master Reader
Poly Scathach, Nightingale x Reader
Lancer Artoria X Reader With Powers Like Alucard From Hellsing
The Knights Of The Round Finding Out About Artoria Saber, Lancer, and Alter's S/O
Medusa, Caenis, and Gorgon With An S/O They Like To Tease
Nobu with a former Master Reader who became a servant
Penthesilea and Caenis with A Reader Who Loves Their Personality
Artoria And The Child Of Mordred X Reader Being Called "Grandpa"
Nagao Kagetora x Reader
Death By Snu Snu- Shuten Douji, Mash, Raikou, Barghest, and Castoria X Reader
Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, and Reader Poly Headcannons
General relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons-Toko, Jack, and Mikan
Mahiru, Kaede, and Ibuki caring for an S/O with a broken leg
Celestia, Miu, and Kyoko when their S/O who's the opposite calls them cute for the first time
Himiko and Kirumi with an energetic and affectionate S/O
Himiko X Tenko X Reader
P3: Mitsuru With Someone Who Loves To Play With Her Hair
P5: Futaba and Makoto X Smart Delinquent Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
100 Followers Event: P3: Mitsuru Kirijo-Secret
Gehrman X Reader
Micolash X Reader
Impostor Iosefka x Reader
Choir X Reader
Elden Ring
Malenia NSFW Alphabet
Guilty Gear
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.2]
What Dates With Them Would Be Like-Testament
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
"You're Beautiful"- Bridget X Reader
Baiken Teaches You How To Fight!
Testament NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Undercovers, Ramlethal
Stealing Their Hat-Testament x Reader
Elphelt X Dragon Install Gear Reader NSFW
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
Tsubaki Yayoi X Reader
Mai Natsume X Reader
Wagner With An Affectionate S/O
Hilda Relationship Headcannons
Yandere Wagner x Reader
Orie X Affectionate Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
Incorrect Under Night In Birth X Reader Quotes
Miss Fortune, Black Dahlia, and Eliza x Reader
Street Fighter
Cammy White NSFW-A Nice Hot Shower
Juri Han X Reader
Married Life With Juri Han X Chun-Li
Elena & Menat X Reader Headcannons
Rivals To Lovers With Sakura & Makoto X Reader
Laura & Karin X Reader Dating Headcannons
Elena X Reader Fluff Headcannons
Getting Caught In The Act With Cammy, Elena, & Karin
Death By Snu Snu With Chun-Li And Juri Han X Reader
Tis But A Scratch! - Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki X Reader
Decapre X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Kissing Chun-Li, Juri, and Cammy's Abs
Calling Them Sugar Mommy-Karin Kanzuki & Mitsuru Kirijo X Reader
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine X Reader
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockart X Dragoon!Reader
Sephiroth X Reader: 100 Followers Event-Bite
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
The Freedom Of Choice-Levi X Reader (Platonic)
Marina And Abella Relationship Headcannons
Marina X Reader She Met Post Termina
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taoofshigeru · 4 months
Okay, tell me about that Partitio AU. I don't have specific questions. Tell me anything you want to talk about. 👀
[cracks knuckles] Okay, so.
Partitio is now a business tycoon, a steam cowboy who's known the world over. He's loaded with wealth and looking for ways to invest it to benefit people. And he's got world's most competent guy™️ Thurston on some investigations into how he can put that to work. Among other things, this leads him to an interest in canal sanitation, which is how he finds out about the mysterious amnesiac apothecary. Thurston's efforts to locate her only succeed on the day of the attempted mass poisoning at Timberain, where he helps Edmund persuade the guards to evacuate and joins Castti in the rooftop struggle versus Trousseau.
In the course of dealing with corrupt officials demanding bribes, Thurston notices many of the same issues in the judicial system writ large, and reform becomes one of Partitio's civic projects. Pulling on this thread (ala The Court of Last Resort) uncovers some key irregularities in the trial of one Osvald V. Vanstein. When attempts to overturn the conviction stall in court, Partitio takes matters into his own hands. A trip to Terry's shipyards in Toto'haha and a chance encounter with Ochette later, he sails the Grand Terry to Frigid Isle and exposes the brutality behind the system. This happens to be the same day that Osvald and Emerald are staging their escape. They get past the warden, but Partitio stops them on the docks, offering to take both with him and forge new passports for both, on the condition they work for Partitio & Roque. Of course, he praises the innovative nature of their attempt, and the careful planning. Osvald is not candid about his revenge quest, but does use his new job to gather information.
Now Partitio's party is going to help Ochette in her journey to stormhail. The Glacis situation is dealt with, but they decide to linger while Thurston and Floyd try testing some new machinery that works best in cold weather. While stuck there they encounter both Hikari and Temenos. Hikari is met in a bar, and Partitio and Osvald persuade him to not go and persuade Rai Mei alone. Meanwhile, Ochette and Castti encounter Temenos on the day of Crick's death and follow him after Ochette notices something about the cleric's smell.
Castti, Osvald, and Temenos putting their heads together afterwards makes it clear there might well be a greater force at work behind many of their problems. In this AU, Ori has become Partitio's executive secretary. Though conflicted, she still works for the moonshades. Throughout the story, sometimes important calls for help/assistance get conveniently dropped to the bottom of the pile. She gets more and more conflicted seeing Partitio do more good and get upset when he's unable to help his new friends out. Eventually someone who's not Partitio confronts her, and she cracks. Castti, Temenos, and Osvald probably would be close to catching on. But the one who clocks the mole first is actually Ochette, and she confronts Ori about the interference she's been running. Cue Orichette hours.
After the events of Stormhail, everyone needs a break and Partito takes the group down to Merry Hills for the festival. Watching Agnea and Dolcinea's competition from front-row seats, Partitio is smitten with the redhead and the entire rest of the gang prods him to go backstage and introduce himself. She also falls for his dorky cowboy personality, and decides to tag along.
At this point, Ori has been spilling the beans and the gang immediately decide to head down to Lifeseed to confront Claude, one of the chief masterminds behind the conspiracy. They get there only to find he's already been killed at the hands of Throné Anguis, an eleventh hour addition to the team.
…From there, the journey for the dawn unfolds as follows. -Arcanette sacrifices herself once she gets word Claude has died to douse the Flamechurch flame. Ochette confronts Petrichor directly before the night of the scarlet moon starts, but just barely fails to prevent the dark hunter's sacrifice. -Tanzy extinguishes the Crackridge flame, fulfilling Arcanette's last command. -The travelers, now knowing there's only one flame left keeping the seal, race to Ku to find Mugen's troops arrayed outside the tranquil grotto, waiting in a trap set by Oboro. Partitio and his army of mercenaries fight to break through, while Hikari and Ori both end up confronting Oboro at the sacred flame with the darkblood blade ready to slice his stomach. The two make one last, desperate attempt to save him from his despair.
In one branch of the timeline, the Hikari/Ori duo are able to talk him out of it and Vide's resurrection is thwarted.
In the other, Harvey is the one waiting for them at Vidania, and challenges Osvald to a duel with Elena on the line. Elena is trapped by a magical curse that will only be lifted if Harvey dies and will kill her if anyone interferes with the duel. Upon failing to defeat his archrival, Harvey spits and curses with his last breath before tossing himself into the fire pit. Then Vide is fought more or less the same way as in the main story.
Addenda: The other travelers, ranked by how well they could fit into such an AU after the outcome of their main story:
1) Agnea - She tours all over as a diva and has plenty of time to get mixed up in local affairs like the other travelers' main paths, and she'd be happy to lend her celebrity to their causes. 2) Osvald - There's unanswered questions about why Harvey bribed the judge to spare his life, versus other forces who wanted him dead. And, like it or not, being the wielder of the one true magic makes him a target for the moonshades. It's possible one of the other travelers witnesses an attempted hit on Osvald and steps in to nurse the stranger back to health, leading to them getting mixed up. He's still a man on the run, and that would lead to a dramatic tension when he struggles to decide whether to be honest with another traveler he decided to help. [It's just Urasawa Naoki's Monster. [It's just The Fugitive, created by Roy Huggins.]] 3) Temenos - [Unsolved Mysteries theme intensifies] 4) Castti - There are questions remaining about the man who corrupted Trousseau, but I think she'd be more interested in rebuilding Healeaks than continuing to travel. 5) Ochette - The new guardian of the village, she has responsibilities that keep her there unless some new ill omen forced her to leave again. 6) Hikari - He is now a head of state, confined to a localized region in the outskirts of the map. 7) Throné - She wants to leave the continent, and there's no real attachments left to stop her from doing so immediately. More likely she winds up finding her way to Orsterra and mixed up with the crows. (Throné x Primrose AU: She's tired of murders, she can't get enough. They become queerplatonic travel buddies.)
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weyrwolfen · 5 months
Eidola: Chapter 21 - CT-8821 Reaver
Rating: T
Characters: Gen, Clone Trooper OCs, Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and other canon members of the 501st/332nd and the Bad Batch
Warnings: canon-typical violence; references to self-harm, injuries, and substance abuse; PTSD; it’s post-Order 66 and nobody is having a good time (but they’re all working on it)
Summary: The mission was never to bring down the Empire. Not really. The mission was to save every single one of their chipped brothers. But if doing do helped break the Empire’s stranglehold on the galaxy? Well, that was just a bonus.
“I will admit, the upcoming, earlier-than-expected visit from the Imperial tax assessor has put us in a bit of a bind,” Governor Shalk said, reaching for one of the datapads on her surprisingly utilitarian desk. “Of course, we here on Wadj are proud to support the Empire, but we have so few goods we can export to Core worlds to generate additional income, and fewer highly-connected allies to help us find markets for those goods we do have to offer.”
Major Ullmann reached across the desk and accepted the datapad, turning it around to scan through the proffered file.
Reaver was standing at attention, just to the left of the door of the governor’s office. The Coruscant Guardsman, Ori, was opposite him, posture propaganda-holo perfect on the door’s right side.
They weren’t exactly a matched set though. Ori had handed Reaver an orange command pauldron, when they’d all been suiting up for this escort mission. Reaver wasn’t sure what to make of that: if their recently arrived brothers were honestly trying to loop him in on their non-standard command structure or if it was just a sop to his ego. He might still be the top-ranking clone in the 241st, but he clearly wasn’t the one calling the shots around the base anymore.
Neither was Major Ullmann, but that had been true since they’d arrived on Wadj, right after the war had ended. That was a separate issue to mull over in the middle of the night, when Reaver’s insomnia got the better of him.
“Might I take this ‘pad to review these files in detail?” the Major asked, all diplomatic etiquette and careful obfuscation, promising nothing.
Governor Shalk waved one hand with casual grace. A single ring caught the light at that gesture, one small stone set in a plain band, resting on the finger several natborn cultures reserved for signs of marital status. Reaver had been in this room dozens of times before, guarding meetings just like this one, but he hadn’t really noticed any of the fine details of the place or the people involved. It was vaguely horrifying, just how bad he’d been at everything, under the chip’s control.
“Of course, in the event this little endeavor bears fruit, I would be happy to negotiate some form of remuneration for your efforts,” the Governor was saying with a small smile.
A bribe. She was offering the Major an under-the-table cut of the profits.
Reaver’s memory might be spotty and incomplete, but after reviewing what recollections he did retain before this mission, it was obvious that the Governor had been making every effort to ingratiate herself with Major Ullmann, from the moment they’d all been stationed on Wadj.
The funny thing was, Reaver didn’t think less of her for it. It was obvious that she was doing everything in her very limited power to protect her planet’s citizens. If that meant sucking up to the Empire’s military commanders on-planet, or greasing a palm or two to keep everyone happy, then so be it. Her actions on other fronts were far more telling.
The local economy ran as much on barter as it did credits, but what little revenue did come in from the taxes on off-planet trade was cycled back into public works and social safety nets, not into lining Governor Shalk’s pockets. Not unless she was hiding her tracks better than any of them realized.
Given the aggressive plainness of the governor’s office and attire, Reaver kind of doubted it.
Wadj wasn’t exactly a prime posting for any ambitious Imperial officer. It was too small, too out-of-the-way, and too strategically unimportant to rate much scrutiny from the Empire. As long as the planet paid its taxes and kept its head down, the chances the local politicians would be replaced with Imperial cronies were low. And the higher-ups on Wadj had been scrupulously toeing the line to keep things that way. On flimsi, the planet was populated by loyal, if poor, Imperial citizens.
The planet also appeared to be the perfect place to send a trio of disgraced Imperial Army officers to languish in obscurity, under the guard of their chipped clone troopers. Finding those reports on his personal terminal had been sobering. Reaver had immediately sent them all to the Major, who had read them over with something resembling dark amusement before forwarding them to a few key brothers among their rescuers.
At least CT-8821’s chip-addled incompetence had extended to the reports he’d filed behind his own officers’ backs. They hadn’t contained anything too incriminating. Lists of comm contacts, details of the Major’s bank records, his daily schedule. Invasive? Yes. Horribly so. But not incriminating.
Ori was confident he could mimic Reaver’s, CT-8821’s, wording well enough to take over sending safely innocuous, false reports, occasionally seeded with useful misinformation. The Corrie had offered to run all of the falsified documents past Reaver and the Major both. Reaver wasn’t having any better luck interpreting that offer than he was the orange pauldron on his shoulder.
The Governor leaned back in her chair and adjusted the drape of her robe, seemingly appeased. The garment was made of a well-crafted, but unpretentious, blue fabric with only a little embroidery around the seams to add visual interest. Not austere, but also not extravagant, at least by Outer Rim reckoning.
“Now,” she said, clearly changing the subject. “Is there anything I should be aware of, regarding security operations in system?”
From his current position, guarding the door, Reaver couldn’t see the Major’s face, but he had worked with the man long enough to easily read his body language. If they’d been playing sabacc, Reaver would be on his guard, given the way Major Ullmann had just shifted in his seat, shoulders angled casually out of perfectly square.
“There has been a minor uptick in pirate activity in a few of the neighboring systems,” the Major said, sounding professional, if largely unconcerned. That statement, at least, was true. “You may notice some heightened activity, around our base. We have been instructed to take certain steps, to increase our operational readiness in the event we need to repel similar raids in system.” And there was the lie, Reaver knew that they’d received no such orders. The Empire, like the Republic before it, cared very little for the safety and security of Outer Rim planets. “We have been increasing patrols, both on the ground and in orbit, but I assure you, these actions are precautionary only.”
That was a neat and tidy way to explain away anything odd the locals had almost certainly noticed around their base, not the mention the increase in fuel the base was requisitioning from the capital’s small spaceport.
Reaver’s lips twitched upwards into a lopsided smile, which he only allowed because it was well-hidden under his bucket.
The Guardsman, Ori, might as well have been carved from stone, visor facing perfectly ahead, seemingly focused on a blank patch of wall some indefinable distance above the Governor’s head. He might have been rolling his eyes behind his visor, but honestly, Reaver doubted it. Ori had struck Reaver as a consummate professional, even though this meeting had to be painfully quaint to a brother who’d spent most of his deployment on Coruscant serving the Senate.
Major Ullmann and Governor Shalk continued to chat for another twenty minutes, discussing minutiae that Reaver would remember this time, even though he didn’t find much of it interesting. Regulation of fishing quotas, hiring additional locals to fill empty staff positions in the Imperial registrar and judicial offices, unusual storm activity off the main continent’s southern coast.
When they left, picking up Jade and Facet along the way, they were stopped at the door by one of the Governor’s aides, who presented the Major with a wooden box of ‘export samples.’ Another bribe, no doubt. Major Ullmann clearly found the whole thing highly distasteful, but he hid it well with a polite thank you and a vague gesture to the four clones flanking him.
Jade accepted the small crate, and Reaver saw Ori discretely palm out a hand scanner and give the box a quick once over. Reaver trusted that the Corrie would do or say something if he found anything too alarming.
Apparently he didn’t.
With some final nods and empty platitudes, they were finally able to join Sergeant Levee and another one of their new brothers, Hitch, who’d been guarding the armored transport they’d taken from the base.
The drive back was largely uneventful, except for the part where Ori insisted they open the crate so he could make absolutely sure of what they were bringing back before they reached the base. That seemed paranoid, but Reaver couldn’t exactly fault the man’s reasoning. The good news was that the contents seemed to be innocent enough: some kind of alcohol in three rather fancy-looking bottles, a shockingly soft bolt of green fabric with an iridescent sheen to the weave, a solid cylinder of some kind of faintly luminescent mineral, two vibrantly painted ceramic bowls, a few jars of scented creams or cosmetics, and a selection of fancily packaged herbs and spices whose names Reaper didn’t recognize.
No explosives, no surveillance equipment, nothing biologically reactive unless you counted the alcohol.
Ori sealed the box back up, apparently satisfied with his findings.
Major Ullmann sighed, stretching his legs out in front of him in the back of the transport. “I wish I had even a quarter of the connections the Governor apparently thinks I do,” he said dourly. “She’s not wrong to be concerned though. The slated increase in Imperial taxes is going to be crippling to what few import and export businesses they have.”
The clones were all silent for several minutes. Planetary economic theory hadn’t exactly been covered in the standard trooper training regimen back on Kamino.
Eventually though, Ori did say, “I will speak to the Commander,” and left it at that. It was as vaguely non-committal as anything the Major had said back at the Governor’s office. Reaver had no plans to hold his breath waiting for anything to come of it.
Clip was waiting for all of them in the base’s courtyard when they all filed out of the transport. Much to Reaver’s surprise, he wasn’t there for Ori or the Major.
“You’re needed for a comm call upstairs,” Clip explained. The ARC’s uncharacteristically terse tone made Reaver tense up, immediately assuming that he’d be receiving some kind of bad news. Clip clearly noticed that reaction and grimaced a little before adding, “It’s nothing bad, but we thought it best to let you and Brace decide what should be shared with the rest of the base.”
Brace. Brace was the 241st’s CMO. That really didn’t set Reaver’s mind at ease.
They didn’t head to the main holotable in the base’s command center, but instead diverted off to one of the conference rooms meant for more sensitive conversations. And sure enough, there was Brace, standing on the other side of the compact comms system, looking as worn and worried as Reaver felt. He had a stack of datapads sitting on the table in front of him, which he’d obviously been reading through when they’d arrived.
Clip punched a quick code into the wall panel and said, “I’ll be in the command center if you need me.”
The device hummed and flickered to life when the door closed behind Clip, light resolving into quarter-sized images of two clones. The one on the right was a brother Reaver didn’t recognize, but the medical symbol painted on one of his spaulders spoke for itself.`
The other was Captain Rex.
Despite their nominally equivalent ranks, Reaver knew perfectly well where he fell relative to Rex in the new command structure around base. Reaver found himself stiffening unconsciously, shoulders squaring under the other Captain’s scrutiny. Out of the corner of his eye, Reaver saw Brace do much the same thing.
“Sir?” Reaver asked, with a deference he knew was deserved even if it was poorly defined.
Captain Rex was silent for a moment, and Reaver wasn’t sure if it was because of a delay in the signal or something else. “We’re working on getting someone embedded in the capital’s hospital, a Core-trained surgeon,” he finally said. “Be working on a list of your people you think could benefit from access to their facilities.”
The news was a kriff-ton better than whatever Reaver had been half-expecting. “We can do that,” he said, still waiting for the other boot to drop.
“We also have some medical files to transfer to you,” Captain Rex added, glancing over to his own medic, who leaned forward to enter something into the holotable on their end of the connection.
Brace picked up one of his datapads and plugged it into the ‘table. The file transfer only took a few moments, but whatever came up on the screen earned a sharp intake of breath.
“Nails finally agreed to let us read you in on his situation,” the other medic said without any further preamble. “He’ll be on the next ship we send your way.”
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Reaver couldn’t sleep.
He was exhausted, but every time he started to drift off, some new thought would bubble up to the surface and jerk him back to wakefulness. The medics informed him that this was a fairly normal, even mild, reaction to coming out from under the long-term effects of his mind-control chip. Given how most of Reaver’s men were, or were not, recovering from their own surgeries, he kind of understood their point.
Then again, maybe it wasn’t the chip. It wasn’t like he was short on other, more immediate sources of stress.
Nails, for example.
Force. Captain Rex himself had told Reaver about Nails, almost the moment Reaver had left the infirmary after his own surgery. That news had seemed too good to be true, and Reaver’s small kernel of doubt had only grown after the days turned into weeks and their long-lost brother still hadn’t commed any of them.
But now that Reaver had read the medics’ reports, he had a better idea why Nails might have been hesitant to reach out to them.
Reaver himself had signed the flimsiwork, sending Nails off on a temporary assignment to the Republic medical station in the Hosnian system. He’d been helping to repair the base’s malfunctioning carbon dioxide scrubbers when Order 66 had gone out. Apparently there had been fifteen Jedi on base: nine knights and six padawans, all injured and receiving medical care.
The clones, Nails among them, had killed them all in their cots.
It wasn’t the last slaughter Nails had been ordered to perform, before being rescued out from under the noses of his Imperial commanders on one of Millik’s moons.
Force. The details had been hard to read. Reaver couldn’t even imagine.
Reaver had lost two years of his already foreshortened life to a slave chip the Kaminoans had planted in his brain before he was even decanted. He was angry, and bitter, and (although he hadn’t actually admitted it out loud) deeply afraid that removing the chip somehow hadn’t been enough, that one day another random comm call would snatch his mind away again, this time forever.
But in comparison to what their new brothers had experienced, in comparison to what Nails had experienced, Reaver was also very lucky.
Almost his entire company was here with him on Wadj. His men were wounded in mind and spirit, but they were recovering. The situation was far from ideal, but it could have been so much worse.
Reaver had met maybe a dozen new brothers who wore the infamous blue of the 501st, but the rest of their group sported all sorts of other colors, rarely in groups bigger than two or three. He hadn’t seen a single other brother wearing Clip’s shade of medium-green, or Shark’s brownish-red, or Aughts’s pale lavender. He didn’t know if their battalions were gone – just completely wiped out, or if their closest brothers were still out there somewhere under the control of the Empire.
Their new brothers had been opening up more and more every rotation, sharing stories from their pasts. Hearing more about them, what they had gone through during the war and especially after it, made his own experiences seem small and petty by comparison.
Reaver was so angry, and so afraid, and so lucky, and he’d really just like to work through his own osik, without also feeling guilty for not being happier or more grateful for his comparatively good situation.
He couldn’t blame his reaction on their new brothers. They weren’t doing or saying anything to stoke that guilt. If anything, they were being so unfailingly supportive about the whole situation that it was just making Reaver feel even worse. Aughts had flat out asked him if he’d prefer to schedule his check-ins with one of his own medics. That had seemed cowardly, not to mention rude towards the brothers who had saved them, so Reaver had turned the offer down.
Maybe he shouldn’t have.
He really needed to get his bucket on straight, and fast. He couldn’t let his own issues spill over onto Nails. He wouldn’t.
Sleep was a long time coming.
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“Malk, we’ve got the Scythe incoming,” Latch said over the command deck’s open comms. “You’re gonna want to clear your cadets out of the way.”
They weren’t really cadets, but nobody seemed to have a better name for the pair of stringy, half-grown Nautolans one of their new brothers had somehow adopted. They’d been on base for a little over a week at this point, running endless laps around the courtyard, or eating in the mess, or practicing with blasters under the watchful eyes of multiple different clones. They seemed like good kids, not that Reaver had a lot of experience with less-than-fully-grown natborns.
Captain Rex had asked Reaver if transferring them here was going to be a problem, and Reaver had said no. He genuinely hadn’t thought there would be any issues.
He also hadn’t been sure if he could actually voice a complaint if he did have one. If it would be heard or heeded.
He wasn’t sure if the question itself hadn’t been some kind of test.
He was pretty certain he was being unfair.
Reaver just wished somebody would just lay out the details of this… whatever the kriff this was. Rescue mission or rebellion or what.
Maybe their new brothers couldn’t.
Maybe they didn’t know themselves.
Reaver had always known where he stood back on Kamino, with the G.A.R. Kriff, even with the Empire, under the control of the karking chip. The knowing made things easier, let him predict how he should act, when he should speak, and when it was better to keep his mouth shut. He didn’t know where that line was anymore.
Major Ullmann had always encouraged his officers to speak their minds, but now he was deferring to the newcomers in all the ways that mattered. He’d instructed his men to do the same. There had been a lot of pretty words to say about self-determination and the founding principles of the Republic, but none of the brothers present had missed the guilt and anger and grief and heartache behind his words.
Reaver got it. He did. The Major felt responsible for what had happened, for not figuring out the reality of the chips or how to give his men their own minds back earlier, no matter how irrational or illogical that line of guilty reasoning was.
Reaver felt the same way.
He just wished his CO would give him a little additional guidance here.
The 241st still answered to Reaver, and Reaver now answered to… somebody. Maybe Captain Rex. Rumor had it he’d been promoted to Commander near the end of the war, but those same rumors also said he’d been stripped of his rank and accused of treason after Order 66. Reaver wasn’t interested in reopening any of those wounds with tactless requests for details. And besides, Rex hadn’t exactly been around much, to oversee the day-to-day workings of the Wadj base.
The same could be said about Ahsoka Tano, who as a Jedi padawan also had held the rank of Commander, but who had also made herself scarce shortly after Reaver had been released by the medics. From what little gossip he’d been able to gather around base, her actual rank was even more convoluted than Rex’s, even though both of them were clearly the leaders of this operation.
Perhaps Reaver was supposed to be answering to one of the seemingly random sampling of Coruscant Guards, ARCs, or indeterminately elevated troopers who seemed to round out the rest of the upper echelon of the group’s command structure. Who even knew?
Force, the entire outfit was a karking organizational mess, except he couldn’t exactly say anything against their operational effectiveness. Not when they’d taken his own base out from under him and then seen to the health and freedom of his brothers. Chips or no, the entire incident was deeply humbling in retrospect.
Reaver sure as kriff couldn’t run any of these thoughts past his own men, who needed him to be a source of stability while they all sorted themselves out.
And he still didn’t know where he was supposed to fit into this whole mess.
“The Scythe is on her final approach,” Bar reported, sending out the data on the projected flight trajectory to the other terminals. “Requesting permission to land.”
Reaver had a wild, irrational impulse to deny that request, just to see what would happen.
“Latch, please confirm that the yard is clear,” he said instead, perfectly professional.
“Yard’s clear,” Latch said after only a moment’s pause.
“Then permission granted,” Reaver said, rattling off the prescribed words like he was reading from a script.
The shuttle was easy to pick out, a dark silhouette against the last colors of Wadj’s fading sunset. They’d been routing most shuttles in and out after full dark to hide them from the locals, but sundown was just going to have to be good enough cover this time because–
“Did a piece just fall off of them?” Bar asked, alarmed.
Because of that. Yeah.
“Looks like yes,” Reaver answered without glancing over his shoulder at the men. He didn’t need to. He could feel the incredulous looks they were trading behind his back.
He didn’t blame them. He sure as kriff wouldn’t have been comfortable taking that thing out of atmosphere, much less into hyperspace.
Despite the obvious beating the ship had taken, the Scythe rotated smoothly and sank carefully into the courtyard. The base’s floodlights were doing their karking best to highlight every spot weld and temporary patch that were currently holding the craft together.
Reaver stepped closer to the command deck’s main windows, so he could see into the courtyard below. Ori was down there, waiting to greet his brothers as they exited the ship. Eventually the 501st ARC and their senior medic, Jesse and Kix, appeared, escorting an unfamiliar sentient down the ship’s damaged ramp. The being’s slender build looked particularly out-of-place surrounded by so many clones.
The surgeon.
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“Slicing isn’t the issue,” the trooper said, scowling down at the datapad in his hands. Reaver had seen him around base, but he’d never managed to catch this brother’s name. Whatever his name was, he didn’t seem terribly comfortable being the temporary center of attention. “We have the access codes. In Hutt space, that’s all you need to open accounts and move around credits. But…” he trailed off.
“But the Hutts police their own banking system, and they don’t look favorably on unsanctioned thefts,” Ori said, picking up the thread of conversation without glancing up from his own ‘pad. “Draining these accounts will be a blow to their reputation.”
Jesse nodded, clearly unsurprised by their analysis, but also unhappy about it. “With the Imperial oversight of their own banks, somebody’s going to notice a huge number of credits suddenly appearing in some random account on an Outer Rim skug hole.”
“The Mandalorian banks are still independent,” Ori said, frowning to himself, and then amended, “Barely.”
Wait. Wait… “Wadj has an independent banking system,” Reaver said, looking around the holotable. He’d thought Ori, at least, had already known that, but maybe not, given the hard looks he was getting. “Lots of these small, Outer Rim systems do. It’s small, and I don’t know all the details, but I was never asked to report back on the Major’s Imperial accounts, only the Wadj ones.”
Reaver could practically see the gears spinning in all three brothers’ heads.
“Factor, can you look into this?”
Right. The trooper’s name was Factor. Reaver filed that piece of information away, grateful that he wasn’t going to have to break down and show his shebs by asking.
“Already on it,” the trooper said to himself, eyes flicking back and forth across whatever he was reading on his personal screen. After a protracted silence and a lot of rapid fire typing, he said, “Oh, that’s interesting,” under his breath. He seemed momentarily oblivious to the fact that everyone else was watching him, waiting for some kind of elaboration.
Finally, Jesse sighed and then asked, “What’s interesting?”
Factor looked up, refocused his attention with a small shake of his head, and reported in a stringently professional tone, “The local system functions more as a membership-based, credit sharing entity instead of a true bank. It looks like it only really handles in-system transactions and has agreements in place with the Imperial banks for anything off-planet.” He handed his own datapad over to Ori, who took it with obvious interest.
The Coruscant guard’s expression sharpened like a hunting strill catching a scent. “They don’t require chain codes for membership,” he said, half to himself. He shared a weighted look with Jesse. “And the transfers can be done in the system’s name, not the individual member’s.”
Jesse made a quiet sound, half exhale, half low whistle. “How the kriff did they get away with negotiating that?” he said.
Ori shrugged. “By being too small and too unimportant to be worth targeting,” he said, but there was something distinctly predatory under the casual statement.
Reaver hadn’t been following the conversation half as well as he would have liked – credit-sharing didn’t sound any different from what regular banks did to him – so it was almost a relief when a comm request popped up into his HUD. It was from Brace. He turned to the side, flashing an explanatory hand signal to the others, and accepted the call.
“Reaver here,” he said, hoping this wasn’t some kind of emergency.
“The surgeon’s here,” Brace said flatly, not even bothering with a greeting.
Kriff, already? Reaver checked the chrono in his HUD and realized that this meeting had run exceedingly late. He’d completely lost track of time. He’d meant to get down to the infirmary before the natborn surgeon arrived. “I’ll be right down,” he said.
“Good,” Brace said and then cut the connection.
Well, that didn’t sound promising.
Reaver re-engaged his external mic just in time to hear Jesse say, “… If any of the natborns might be willing to test the waters by opening a personal account.”
Ori actually snorted. “Better than stashing their credits under their bunks, which is what I’m pretty certain everyone in the safehouse has been doing so far.”
“I’m needed in medical,” Reaver inserted into the brief lull in conversation. Maybe he should have phrased that as a question, but kark that. His brothers needed him, and whatever else this karked up situation ended up demanding of him, they would always come first.
But Jesse just nodded and asked, “Can you ask Echo and Tech to come up when they get done?”
Reaver just nodded and left the command deck to the others.
The walk across base was largely uneventful. It was a little disconcerting, how day to day life just kept humming along, chip or no chip.
Except, of course, there were differences. There was more chatter in the halls, more anger and more laughter and more sniping and just more personality underlying every conversation. Most everyone was wearing their old Phase II armor again, freshly pulled out of storage and touched up with the paint their new brothers had sourced.
And of course, tan wasn’t the only color paint he saw on his walk.
Reaver had known exactly who to expect in the infirmary, but the space still felt unexpectedly crowded. That could probably be chalked up to Clone Force 99’s presence, in its entirety.
The surgeon, a slender, multi-armed sentient in surprisingly colorful attire, was tracking a small light back and forth in front of Wrecker’s clouded eye and asking questions in a tone too quiet to make out. Kix was discussing something with Echo and Tech, the kid, Omega, was obviously trying to provide moral support to the others, and Hunter was hovering over them all like a broody Krayt dragon, puffed up and just as prone to bite. The situation seemed well in hand, so Reaver felt precisely no qualms about going to his own men.
Brace was bristling in front of Truss and Curl, pretending to review something on a datapad while actually watching the proceedings unfolding in the infirmary’s neighboring cots. It didn’t escape Reaver that he’d placed himself between his brothers and the unknown natborn in the room.
As for Curl and Truss, their reactions were about what Reaver had expected. Curl just looked bored, but Truss was fidgeting, playing with the makeshift prosthetic the medics had knocked together out of scavenged neural tech and a partial droid hand. The two metal digits curled along with his organic ones, but they moved more slowly in awkward fits and starts.
“Interface still glitching?” Reaver asked him, keeping his voice low.
Truss shrugged and looked up to meet Reaver’s eye, expression stubbornly blank. “Not really,” he lied.
“I had trouble figuring out distances back when it happened,” Wrecker was saying, his booming voice filling the space. “But I’ve gotten pretty good at managing.”
That also sounded like a lie to Reaver’s ears, but maybe it was a day for it.
Reaver was about to ask Curl how he was doing as well, when his scout suddenly hissed a soft, “Force,” under his breath.
Reaver turned to see what the issue was.
Echo had removed his armor and was starting to strip off his upper blacks as well.
Karking hells.
They all knew about the prosthetics, of course. They were kind of hard to miss, even when the 99 ARC was fully armored up, but Reaver hadn’t had any idea exactly how extensive the modifications were. Exactly how far up did–
A solid thwack against his armored shoulder jerked Reaver’s attention back to Brace, who had just hit him with his datapad.
“Stop staring,” the medic hissed, expression full of warning. He turned and leveled the same glower at Curl, whose shoulders hunched up in defensive guilt, and then Truss, who was the only innocent party here.
Truss just responded with a flat, unimpressed look of his own.
“Right,” Reaver said, pulling himself back on track and trying to drag his brothers along with him. “So, what’s the plan here?”
“Plans,” Brace said, not toning back his side eye a bit. “Plural. Tide, Kix, and I have worked out a number of different options, depending on what’s actually available.” He pointed at Curl, who’d taken a lungfull of corrosive gas back on Siesiss and experienced severely decreased lung capacity ever since, and said, “Regenerative therapy, partial mod replacement, or transplants, tank-grown or otherwise.” Then he shifted to Truss, and said, “Integrated ports or enhanced neural interfacing with an updated skeletal framing covered in either armored plating or synthetic skin.”
“All of which sounds pretty kriffing expensive,” Curl grumbled under his breath.
At least that concern was something Reaver could lay to rest. “That shouldn’t be a problem for long,” he said with a tiny, lopsided smirk which slanted at least a little mean. “I can’t share all of the details, but our brothers are working on a plan to relieve some slavers of their blood credits.”
Curl and Truss just stared in surprise, but it was Brace whose entire demeanor shifted. If he’d been wearing his plate, Reaver might not have noticed the slight shudder that worked its way down the medic’s spine, but Brace was in his light grays today. His expression flickered back and forth between hope and doubt.
Reaver could relate. The clones had always worked under the framework of tightening budgets and stringent rationing. The concept that they could just get whatever they needed without skimping elsewhere seemed too big to contemplate. Too big to be real.
Apparently the 241st weren’t the only ones to feel that way either.
Later that evening, well after the surgeon had returned to the natborn safehouse and Reaver had gone back to the regular day to day running of the base, Jesse had shown up to drag Reaver and a few of his officers to an ‘unofficial, official command meeting’ in the section of the base designed for natborn officers’ R and R time.
To Reaver, it looked a lot more like ‘after-hours drinking,’ but he wasn’t about to complain about that. Not when the Major had stopped by to add one of the governor’s fancy bottles of iridescent liquor to the more questionable options their brothers had ‘liberated’ from the Abainya pirates.
Who even knew how many glasses into the evening, Jesse had leaned back in the cushioned couch they’d claimed against one of the room’s walls and said, “It’s good to see him like this.”
It took Reaver a second to figure out who Jesse meant, but he did eventually realize that the ARC was watching their own CMO, Kix, who was snickering over something with two 501st brothers and Brace, who’d also been dragged into this impromptu celebration.
“What,” Reaver said, feeling and sounding a little fuzzy. “Drunk?”
Jesse snorted, because there wasn’t any denying that Kix was at least a little tipsy, but he still corrected, “Having fun. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen him smile since… Well, you know.”
Reaver did know, but this was getting a lot more personal than he was ready to handle, even if it turned out that Jesse and the other ambiguous ‘officers’ were surprisingly easy to talk to, at least after a few cups of liquid courage.
“This is the first alcohol I’ve had, since then,” his inebriated brain decided to blurt. The admission was somewhere between a confession, an explanation for why his tolerance was so pitifully low, and a poorly-thought-out attempt at commiseration. “Imperial regulations.”
Jesse just nodded and lifted up his own glass in a casual, almost mocking toast.
“To breaking Imperial regulations,” he said.
Reaver clinked his own glass against Jesse’s and echoed, “To breaking Imperial regulations.”
The weird, sparkly liquor really was good. Certainly better than that piss-tasting swill Ori was drinking.
“Oh, speaking of recreational reg-breaking,” Jesse said, leaning forward to set his glass on the low table in front of them. “How long do we all have to keep pretending we don’t know that one of your troopers has shacked up with Agent Weeks?”
Reaver just about choked on his drink, trying not to laugh mid-swallow. He’d been covering for Callan since before the war had ended. They all had. And now that every free breath he and his brothers took already amounted to high treason, Reaver was finding it even harder to get worked up over a little enthusiastically consensual fraternization on base, especially now that the remaining complications related to their company’s chain of command were actively being jettisoned out of an airlock.
The charade was getting more than a little silly, but there was something humorous and almost comforting in the familiar, unnecessary pretense, so after a moment’s thought, Reaver answered, “Probably right up until we get invitations to the marriage ceremony.”
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Don’t lock your knees.
That was one of the earliest lessons Reaver remembered from back on Kamino. Before combat training, before blaster drills or armor maintenance, before learning to read or even to march, clone cadets were taught to stand at attention. Keep your back straight, chin up, eyes forward, and never, ever lock your knees. The instructors never explained why, they just gave the order and expected it to be obeyed. Of course, a few brothers didn’t listen, or weren’t sure what the instructors meant, or maybe they just forgot the detail, and ended up face-planting on the training room floor, out cold.
And when they’d come back to, then they’d been punished for not following their orders in every detail.
So, Reaver had learned pretty quickly not to lock his knees.
He locked his knees now though. He had to.
Nails was on that descending shuttle.
“I’m going to kill them,” Reaver muttered under his breath, trying to distract himself from his own irrational apprehension. At his side, Clip just laughed quietly. Pulling a half-joking grimace in response was easy. Reaver was still working things out in his head, but he thought he’d reached something resembling equilibrium over their ambiguous ranks. Getting absolutely plastered with your brothers was useful like that, even if his head was still throbbing.
“It’s too late to dismiss them now,” Ori said blandly, standing on Clip’s other side. “You’ll start a riot.”
Wasn’t that the truth?
Reaver had told Truss, Bolt, and Callan about who was arriving today, because to do anything else would have been cruel. He’d told Agent Weeks because he wasn’t an idiot and he knew that Callan would tell her even if Reaver didn’t. He’d also told all four of them that while he didn’t expect them to keep the news to themselves, they needed to keep the welcome party as small as possible so they wouldn’t overwhelm Nails.
It looked like the entire base had shown up instead, formed up in precise lines and decked out in their old, painted armor, buckets tucked neatly under their arms. Their non-241st brothers must be covering all of the base’s essential duty postings, to help make this happen.
At least most of the extra ships had relocated to the rapidly expanding archipelago base. It meant that at a bare minimum, they at least had the room for this kind of nonsense.
The shuttle was descending towards the last open space left in the base’s courtyard, thankfully far enough away from the front line of their formation to not shower them all in dust. Once the ship had landed and cut its engines, Reaver gestured for Truss and the other brothers assigned to the armory to fall in with him. Agent Weeks did not, as Reaver had half expected, join them. She just stood at the front of the formation in her formal blacks, shoulder to shoulder with Major Ullmann and Sergeant Levee in a silent show of support.
Reaver stopped next to the shuttle’s still-sealed ramp and waited as his brothers from the armory lined up next to him.
But then the shuttle’s ramp was dropping down and there, flanked by Captain Rex himself, was Nails.
It really was him, Nails, impossibly returned to them, but frozen at the top of the ship’s ramp, body language all but screaming that he was uncertain of his welcome.
Well, that wouldn’t do.
“Welcome home,” Reaver said, voice cracking only a little.
And then Bolt staggered forward up the ramp and caught Nails in a bone-crushing hug. Callan and Truss were only a step behind him. It was a wonder the four of them didn’t topple over, back into the ship.
A miracle, which probably had something to do with Captain Rex planting a supportive hand in the middle of Nails’ back.
As for Nails, he just buried his face against Callan’s spaulder and gripped all three of his brothers with desperate strength.
“I told you there wasn’t anything to worry about,” Reaver overheard Captain Rex say to Nails in an undertone.
It took Nails a bit, but once he got himself a little more under control, Reaver managed to gently entice the lot of them back down the ramp and towards the rest of the 241st, who look ready to storm the shuttle by force if they were asked to wait even one more minute.
He fully intended to join his men in the celebratory feast he wasn’t supposed to know Kenner had been cooking up in the mess. But there was one thing he needed to handle first.
When Captain Rex finally took the last few steps down off of the ramp and into the dust of the courtyard, Reaver gave him the most proper salute he could manage, shoulders back, posture perfect, and said, “Captain Rex. Thank you, sir.” He meant it too, the respect and the gratitude for Nails. For everything. He’d been raised to be loyal, and giving that loyalty to a brother was the easiest thing in the galaxy. Especially a brother whose men and mission continuously demonstrated their mettle. This brother.
Captain Rex just looked at him for a long moment, and then, instead of returning the salute, he extended one of his hands.
Kark it all, Reaver had really thought he’d gotten this relative rank thing worked out.
But Reaver did reach out, maybe a little awkwardly at first, and grip Rex’s forearm in greeting.
“Can we not, Captain?” Rex said with a small smile, putting a little extra emphasis on their shared rank.
Except it wasn’t shared, was it? Not really.
But Reaver really was feeling a little more confident in his footing. Enough to relapse into the familiar territory of being a subtle pain in the shebs when his superior officers were being particularly dense. “Anything you need, Commander.”
The grumpy, resigned expression on Captain Rex’s face was legitimately hilarious, not that Reaver was going to let that reaction show on his face and lose the upper hand here.
Finally, Rex just sighed and buckled under the inevitable. “Can I at least get some food before having to deal with whatever crises cropped up dirtside?”
“Of course, Captain.”
AN: Previous chapters are available here.
Dividers by @freesia-writes using helmets by @lornaka. More designs available here.
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moviemunchies · 3 months
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I finally got around to seeing this movie! Hurrah!
This movie has a similar Plot to 10,000 B.C.? It's better, though.
Centuries after apes began to talk, and Caesar’s death, apes are the dominant civilization on Earth, and as far as apes know, humans are all dumb animals at this point. Noa is a chimpanzee of the Eagle Clan, a tribe of chimps that train eagles as their way of life. After a chance encounter with a human, raiders of a rival tribe pillage the Eagle Clan and carry them off to Proximus in the name of Caesar, with Noa as the only one to escape. Proximus has been violently assimilating surrounding clans to build a kingdom and break into a vault from before the downfall of humanity. Noa goes on a quest to follow Proximus’s forces and free his people.
I am always surprised by how good these movies are? I haven’t seen the original Planet of the Apes, and I don’t have much motivation to–other than maybe to finally see the source of all those quotes that people won’t stop repeating in different media.
[Every. Single. Time. Someone faces an ape and says some variation of, “Get your hands off of her, you damn dirty ape!”. In case you were curious. It’s alarmingly common in fiction.]
Anyhow, we had no reason to expect that the revival with Rise of the Planet of the Apes was going to be good, and yet every single movie afterward has turned out to be an excellent film. They’re not fun popcorn flicks, in the same way as a Star Wars film, but they’re good, with complex, interesting characters and nuanced conflicts.
Which is darn impressive! There’s an idea out there that we, the audience, cannot get invested in or tell complicated stories about characters who aren’t human (think about how many science-fiction stories have settings with tons of alien races, and the main characters are all human anyway), and that’s obviously not true. These Planet of the Apes films tell stories where not only are the protagonists mostly not human, but many times the humans are the antagonists to our heroes.
And I appreciate that, unlike Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (a movie that I still like very much!), the Plot can’t be reduced down to a pile of situations that went “Things could have been okay if everyone chilled, but then there’s this douchebag screwing everything up.”
So I like Noa! I like his supporting cast! I like the idea that different ape communities evolve with different niches that they fill, and have different ideas about the past. It’s fascinating and frustrating in all the right ways when we learn that they don’t know anything about Caesar, and then the one guy who does know about Caesar doesn’t actually know that much about the past.
I think the Eagle Clan needs a bit more development, and I’m a little baffled about how these people make and build things. The apes don’t wear clothes, for instance? But they have blankets? I suppose it’s not strange that they build mostly out of wood, but are all their tools made of wood? I think this is a worldbuilding issue, though, and I wonder if later movies would theoretically go there and show off more how apes build their civilization.
There’s only one main human in this film,  Mae, and spoiler alert! There’s more going on to her than Noa thinks at first. Which isn’t much of a spoiler, because there are trailers that spoiled that reveal, though the extent of her complexity is still obscured for the movie itself. I found her a fascinating character, and I’m wondering if she’ll be coming back if they do another movie in the future.
Speaking of the future: what is this building towards? There are things in the film that hint at something in the future, and I wonder if it’s meant to be call-forwards to the original film, or if the plan is to do something different. Will they remake the original story, with the events of this revival/reboot movie series in mind? Because there are some key differences in the shape of the world here. Or will they keep teasing it forever and ever, while telling original stories?
I don’t know. I’m curious to find out, though.
It’s a good movie, and I think if you want to see this sort of story, a science-fiction story about humanity that also has a cast made up of mostly non-humans, this is a good movie. If you’re invested in the world after the last three movies, or the original storyline, then you should check it out. I think it’s a pretty good movie, and it has some excellent moments, though it’s not a happy action flick to watch casually.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you so much @thenookienostradamus and @lordoftherazzles for the tag...
Let's see...
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 554 (with two not revealed yet as we speak...). Many of those are collections, though.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,986,915 (erm...yeah...well)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tolkien (The Hobbit, LOTR, The Silm). (+ the odd AU or Richard Armitage movie)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Tumblr Imagines (Wild Mix of everything) , October 2022 Ficlet run (same), A key change (Remix Fic), Black (Thorin x OC), Silm imagines and ficlets (Wild Mix again)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, in due time. I struggle a lot with being overwhelmed at times (imposter syndrome, fear of not knowing what to say, comments heaping up), but I am so thankful for every comment that I do try to answer them all in a timely manner.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I've written about 1k fics; I do not remember all of them :s I generally don't write angst, so I really couldn't say. Sorry :(
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Everything? I am a Happy Ending person, so most of my fics (eventually) get a happy ending :D
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet (crossed fingers). At times, I get comments I don't really understand (autism ahoi), but I hope that people didn't mean anything mean by it :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? SMUT? ME? Noooo *cough*...Let's say it has happened! What kind? What kind do you want, baby? MF, FF, MM, trans characters, non-binary characters, threesomes, it has all happened. Sweet and tender? Check. Rough and dirty? Check. Dubconny and dark? Check. Just tell me what you want, and there is a good chance I've either done it or would do it :D
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have written one crossover for an event (where characters go into a whole different franchise). Otherwise, I am an AU bitch. Disney movies, musicals, you name it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once for an event. Otherwise, I think one could call what @cilil and @melkors-big-tits did for the calendar co-writing. In a way, many collabs with artists are co-written. Any event collab is co-writing (to me). Me stealing @cilil's ideas is co-writing. Me asking for ideas on the @fellowshipofthefics and @tolkienpinupcalendar servers is co-writing. So...yes...yes I have, and I've loved it.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Ori x OC, Maedhros x Fingon, Eönwë x Gothmog
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Black. It's one of my first fics, and there's only a chapter or so missing...but I don't know if I'll ever finish writing that last chapter. There are a few more where I've written 1-5 additional chapters and never uploaded them...for reasons (?). By now, I am too ashamed and lazy to get back to them.
16. What are your writing strengths? Versatility and speed. I am a mediocre writer in my 5th foreign language, and I make no bones about it. Nevertheless, I am willing to give anything and everything a try :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am extremely wordy. It takes me too long to get to the smut. I refuse to describe settings and geography, so all my plots seem a bit floating and vague.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I avoid using languages I don't speak which includes Tolkien's languages. I am too afraid to make mistakes or to sound cringe to people who know better than me. As for RL languages...a word maybe, but a whole sentence (again) might feel contrived...IDK everyone does as they want, but I am not feeling it for myself.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Hamilton (and yes, those stories are orphaned and can never be traced back to me) Otherwise, the Hobbit LOL
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Monkey-business, because I really liked writing that fic. It's a kitschy Hallmark Christmas story featuring Ori (not interesting, I know). But that's my personal fave lol...
Hmmm, let's tag @maglor-my-beloved, @lathalea, @scyllas-revenge, @laurfilijames, @middleearthpixie, @littlesweetdressmaker, @legolasbadass, @urwendii, @cilil, @the-red-butterfly, @fishing4stars, and @elentarial to get a good mix of people :D
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Hello! I really like your analysis and ramblings on episode 7(and everything you write in general)so I wanted to know your thoughts and opinions on something that has been bothering me since I started reading episode 7.
I originally thought that the fact that Yuu came from another world was like a secret between them and Crowley(and Grim), because there were absolutely no signs that I know of that could've hinted at the opposite. So the fact that now it is hinted at that everyone knows about it like it's just regular news just rubs me the wrong way. Like, no one doubted their word? No one was suspicious of them and asked for proof? No one asked any questions about their world ? It feels very out of character for me if they just, took the info at face value without questioning the source.
Idk I just thought it would be important somehow, as it is one of the only things besides mickey and the dreams that make Yuu interesting in any way, as it had so much potential for for world building and character development and potential interactions between them and Yuu, which if I remember by my former interactions with the Fandom, people really like, they want Yuu to be more active and involved.
[Both my analysis masterlist and creative writing masterlists can be found here!]
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I find the subplot of Yuu finding a way home to be just that: a subplot. It (and Yuu, by extension) takes a backseat in favor of addressing the struggles of the OB boys; this is why I often hesitate to call Yuu the “main character”, because it doesn’t feel like they are. It feels more like the OB boys are the main characters and that Yuu (due to their minimal involvement) is one of many mob students witnessing their breakdowns. (The only times where Yuu was pretty active in the story was like episodes 3 and 4.) It’s because of this that the sudden shift and focus on Yuu finding a way home early in 7 feels weird and stilted to me.
Yuu discovering a way home in episode 7 feels particularly abrupt because the only other major times when this problem or a potential resolution is brought up is all the way back in the prologue and as a joke in episode 4 when Crowley fucks off for vacation. (I’m not counting the brief dream sequences and meetings with Mickey because we didn’t have context for this as actually being tied to a route home until very recently in 7.) No one (and especially not Yuu, oddly enough) has been making a conscious effort to find them a way home. The situation isn’t treated like the serious problem that it should be for Yuu, most likely because the focus of the narrative is not ON Yuu but on the characters around them and for the meta reason of “it’s a game, we need an excuse to have the player present”.
Yuu being from another world is so scarcely brought up in the main story narrative that I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking it was a secret between Yuu, Grim, and Crowley. I myself thought this was the case for the longest time too. However, upon a rereading of the text, it seems that it has been mentioned a few times (mainly by the boys in Heartslabyul). As Yuu’s closest companions, Ace and Deuce seem generally aware of their circumstances. Additionally, Trey mentions Yuu being from “a world without magic” in episode 5. Kalim also says Yuu is from another world, but this occurs during an event, which is considered not a part of the main story timeline. In any case, what I’m trying to say that it wasn’t made clear prior to 7 that Yuu being from another world was common knowledge among the student populace; I was under the impression that only Yuu’s closest friends (Ace, Deuce, Grim) and Crowley knew, while everyone else just understood that a student was picked by the Mirror of Darkness yet had no magic so they had to enroll under “special circumstances” with Grim. I guess this information was never that relevant to the plots introduced in each episode, but it would have been a smoother transition if the characters offhandedly mentioned Yuu’s true origins a little more often 💦 or each episode had a little segment where Yuu is making some kind of effort to do their own research to get home??
I do find it odd that now 7 is treating Yuu being from another world like it was common knowledge (for the other first years, for Malleus, etc.) 😅 Like… when did Yuu have the time to tell them (especially since they aren’t super friendly with most characters and don’t seem to spend time with them)?? It couldn’t have been something they overheard from Crowley, since the students were all herded off to their respective dorms to be shown around before Crowley tried to send Yuu home. Yuu didn’t even introduce themselves to Malleus as someone not of this world when they first met in episode 2… It’s also just strange that everyone automatically accepts it??? Ace and Deuce had a hard time believing in Mickey until Yuu showed them a picture of him, so why is everyone else suddenly buying that Yuu is from another world? Okay, maybe people like Kalim would take it at face value but I can’t imagine the more suspicious characters accepting it so readily.
I’m guessing the reason why there wasn’t more focus on this aspect of the main story is that, as I’ve been saying, this is not the central conflict; it’s just the setup to insert Yuu into this world as an easy third party for the players to observe the world/characters and to have everything explained to them. Another thing to consider is that it would be difficult for the writers to have a segment every episode solely dedicated to Yuu unloading their backstory onto the new dorm and then trying to convince them all that it’s true. Again, Yuu is not a “main character” in the traditional sense; if they were and there was significantly more focus put on their way home, they would potentially be competing with the OB boy for the spotlight.
I do wish we had previously seen the NRC boys express a more overt awareness for where Yuu comes from. We are missing that, and it leaves us in a complicated place where 7 feels tonally jarring in sections pertaining to Yuu heading home. I guess it can be easily ignored if you suspend your disbelief and assume Yuu told everyone off-screen (which was probably the case for characters like Trey and Adeuce). Perhaps it was designed this way so people can “fill in the gaps” with their self-inserts of Yuusonas revealing the knowledge in their own ways??? But for those of us that just consume the story straight up, it certainly feels a little “off”.
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