#every two seconds id start panicking when i was next to her like
caffeiiine · 4 months
god sometimes i rememebr i had this weird crush on my friend and k could not act normally next to her for a good month because i was having lovely internal monologues
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black-is-iconic · 3 months
When The Past Comes Knocking pt.2
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Your ensnared in a tight vise like embrace before you can even think to react, his hands….warm as they slide up your thigh hoisting your frame up onto his waist so he can completely encase your body.
His fingers trembled along your back as he held you, his breath…..panicked and uneven; "oh gods" he murmured voice low and thick as he buried his face into your neck pressing his forehead against your bare shoulder, your eyes closed with pain as Tengen's hot breathing washed across your skin.
"Please" he whispered along your skin, "please let this be real" he begged in a broken whisper.
"Because if this is another dream, I don't think I can bear it", [S/N] named tugged at the fabric of Tengen's uniform slightly uncomfortable being smothered between the two of you, making Tengen release you and pull back as he gazed at [S/N] and [D/N] clinging tightly to your kimono with wide eyed awe.
Tears stream down his cheeks as he gently reaches out to touch little [S/N]'s hand but [S/N] furrows his brows and swats his hand away "no no no" hemurmursd snuggling closer to your chest, [D/N] however eagerly makes grabby hands for him.
Almost as if she knew, Tengen just as eager scooped her up cradling her close to his chest as he stared down at her with nothing but love and adoration on his face as he gently kissed the top of [D/N]'s head lovingly, she giggled kicking her feet and holding onto his finger as he held her tightly looking between you her and [S/N].
You wanted to speak, but you didn't want to ruin the sweet moment. After gazing at [D/N] for a little more, he returned his gaze to you, "h-how are you, what happened I have so many questions" he murmured softly you sat back down on the couch and he sat down right next to you. Practically sitting on you, but you didn't mind.
After six year away you were more than eager to feel his skin against yours again.
Everything was so strange, when you first met you were both awkward teenagers just trying to follow in the footsteps of your parents and hopelessly in love.
But like all good things….it turned sour very quickly and it still hurts to think about it, "tired" you answered quietly leaning against him as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders drawing you into his embrace and resting his chin on your head.
Tengen bounced [D/N] on his lap and the latter simply ate up the attention playing with the rings on his fingers and sleeve of his glove, [S/N] seeing his sister so comfortable slowly crawled from your grasp and into Tengen's lap, hesitantly reaching up to touch his fathers face. You smiled sweetly watching them interact until your eyes drifted down towards his ring and then to the other three women who sat on the opposite couch just watching.
You tried not to feel jealous and bitter, repeating that it was okay for him to move on sense you were thought to be dead. But it was like a knife twisting deeper into your chest with every passing second as the women continued to stare.
"When I left the house, your father and his men followed me" you murmured softly eyes downcast as you recall one of the darkest day of your life.
"I-I thought…things were getting better" you whispered tears spilling down your cheeks as a shuddering breath fell from your lips, "I thought he was starting to like me. But I should've never expected honey from a snake" you spat venomously "I……" you started hands trembling softly as you took a deep breath.
"I was kidnapped, and sold to a foreign ninja clan over seas…but Id rather not talk about it" you murmured softly leaning your head on Tengen's awaiting chest, he kissed along your knuckles before kissing your temple.
"You don't have to worry I'll never let him anywhere near you again" he murmured kissing your temple, "for now" hummed kissing your knuckles and leading you to your feet "let me show you something" he then turned to Suma and smiled.
Can you watch the kids?" He asked softly Suma gasped loudly squeezing her cheeks she took a deep breath ready to shout YES, but her eyes darted to you and she practically begged for permission with her eyes.
You swallowed nervously looking down at your children…and then to the women skeptically, "u-Um…I-I guess it's fine" you muttered softly and Suma leapt over the table. Scooping up [S/N] and [D/N] who squirmed and cried in her grasp as she rubbed her cheek against their cooing "oh pretty babies so cute~"
You followed Tengen down the corridor his hand encasing yours, his warmth reliving some of the stress bubbling under the surface. With a light smile he pulled you into your old room, and it was exactly how you left it.
Even down to the clothes you once threw into a corner and tossed on the floor haphazardly. The walls were still a lovely shade of lilac, the bed half-made.
A large bookshelf stood beside the desk, filled with different textbooks and novels, a few bottles of paint and unfinished tapestries lay forgotten on the coffee table.
Abitter-sweett smile touched your lips as you recall wanting to be a famous artist, "it's as if time never moved" you utter softly and Tengen sat next to you looking you in the eye with an deep sense of longing.
"That's because it didn't….for me at least… every day was hell" he whispered voice cracking under the weight of his tears. He picked up your hand placing a kiss to your palm before leaning into it.
"You……were my everything" he cried pulling you into a tight embrace. His arms trembling as they held your smaller frame, "I never forgave myself. How could I….i-it was my fault you vanished, my fault you suffered alone….I-I'm so sorry" he murmured breaking down into tears as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck.
"It's not your fault" you whispered into his ear as your hands slowly trail up and down the expanse of his back in a soothing manner, "I think even if you had taken the mission, your father would still figured out a way to tear us apart" Tengen gripped you tighter his face a mask of cold hatred as you mentioned his father.
"I hate that man" he spat out venomously, those words tearing a growl through his throat, "I'll kill him and then burn his corpse to ashes with my own hands" he stated firmly as he looked to the window letting your hands roam freely up his spine and into his hair.
"Or" you interjected slowly making him face you by tilting his chin, "you can forget about him….and focus on me….and our children?" You offered softly planting a kiss on his chin and then his lips. He smiled into the kiss momentarily taking your lips with the force of a hungry beast, tongue tangling itself into yours desperately trying to devour you.
But then he parted ways, looking down at your lips and swallowing before looking away….a dark look clouding his eyes, "but it's his fault, his fault we never had a chance to get married, his fault I wasn't there to help you during the pregnancy or um."
He looked to you and you smiled "[S/N] and [D/N]" you mused softly watching his eyes light up with joy and tears after hearing you'd named [S/N] after one of his fallen brothers.
"It's his fault I missed their birth, their first steps, their first words…I missed everything because of him" he shouted getting up from the bed and storming across the room towards the window, fighting off the urge to leap out and track down his father and slay him in the most brutal ways.
Getting up with a sigh you walked over to him and rested your head on his shoulder, "if it helps" muttered softly staring out the window with him "[D/N] hasn't said her first words yet" he turned to look at you with a surprised face but it melted into one of joy.
"Well there's that, but it still doesn't change my mind I want him dead as soon as possible" he murmured placing a kiss to your forehead, "he'll get what's coming to him…but for now…how about we focus on the good? I'm here we have [S/N] and [D/N] we're hole again" Tengen smiled pulling you desperately close, "good….cause I don't think I could ever loose you again….my heart couldn't take it" he murmured against your lips.
Before kissing you deeply and hoisting you into his waist, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and he began to trail hot opened mouth kisses down along your jaw and down your neck. A soft gasp fell from your lips as he sucked a mark onto your collarbone, and then proceeded to lay you back against the bed.
His eyes gleamed with desire, and you were all to receptive helping him to strip yourself bare before his hands expertly began working your breast.
His mouth moving hungrily along your chest taking one perk nipple in your mouth and sucking on it while rubbing circles in your other making sure to graze his fingernail over every ride on you areola before squeezing lightly.
A soft whimper escaped you as some of the tension was released from your teat, and milk secreted out of the nub, Tengen flinched slightly not expecting it "oh wow" he murmured softly.
and you looked away slightly embarrassed, "I-I'm still breast feeding [S/N] and [D/N]…." you muttered awkwardly and Tengen pulled your close for another kiss.
"What's that look for? I think it's flashy, your providing for our children it's not something to be embarrassed about I think it's very sexy" he purred huskily before nibbling your ear lobe and licking down down the expansion of your cheek continuing to massage toy with your breast but you winced.
"S-sorry…it's a bit sore" you murmured shyly and Tengen got up off the bed walking towards the coffee table, "Tengen?"
You called afraid it was too much for him, but he simply scooped up a large coffee mug from the table and returned to you with a devious smile "just sounds like too me like your full and need a good milking" he said wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You blushed heavily as he centered the mug under your leaky breast and began to gently massaged your tender breast, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
You leaned into his shoulder breathing quietly, your eyes sliding shut, his hands were so gentle as they gently worked the pain away.
Milk spilling freely as he cupped and caressed your tits gently, pulling and tugging teasing little circles on your nipples causing them to pucker up before he squeezed out streams of milky fluid.
"A-Aah~" a small managed to escape from the barrier of your hand pressed tightly against your lips i an attempt to be quiet, buuuuuut Tengen had other plans, his hand drifted down your stomach and underneath your kimono, slowly tracing your slit through the thin fabric spreading your wetness along the cloth.
He then slowly gripped the fabric pulling it harshly and making it tighten along your dripping cunt, "T-Tengen" your murmured softly and he simply kissed you before taking your left nipple into mouth and sucking the sweet nectar from it with abandon.
Moaning in pleasure as his warm tongue swirled around the tip. His grip tightened further along the fabric of your panties slowly yet surely sliding the fabric up and down your slit and catching your clit in the process.
You sucked a breath through your teeth gripping his arm as the slow grind of the fabric against your sensitive button drove you wild, your fingers clenching and unclenching repeatedly.
A small groan slipping past your lips as your body trembled beneath Tengen's firm grasp, he continued to tug the fabric against your clit sending shocks of ecstasy pulsing throughout your body. Your hips moving unconsciously against him, the room became filled with the sound of your soft whimpers and smell of your sex.
You could see the outline of Tengen's hard-on pressing so tightly against his demon slayer uniform but when you went to touch it he slapped your hand away and spanked your vulva.
You sucked a breath between your lips as he continued the abuse slowly fingering your slit through the fabric and spanking your clit offering you both a sensual torture.
As he reached to push the fabric aside the door slide open slightly and he was quick to cover you with a blanket and pull away as Suma walked into the room.
"I-I'm sorry Lord Tengen…um Y/N but [S/N] and [D/N] won't stop crying and I've tried everything they just seem to want to fuss," she said dejectedly you took a deep breath and sighed.
"T-Their" your voice cracked and you cleared it "their probably hungry…bring them here please and I'll feed them" Suma smiled rushing back out the room as you and Tengen shared a glance before resting your heads against each other.
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 23: But I Still Want You
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Pairing: hitman!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, angst
WC: 12.2k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, alcohol consumption, past physical abuse guys its really sad I’m sorry, ptsd, low self-esteem and a lot of self-hatred, pls let me know if anything else in this chapter needs to be mentioned! tysm
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger.
Previous > Next
Jungkook stands frozen for a moment, the past minute replaying in his head like a nightmare as he holds his stinging cheek. 
What the hell did he just do?
Then he suddenly snaps out of it. 
He runs for the door and flings it open.
But you're long gone.
Jungkook runs out, not stopping to pull his shoes on or even lock the door as he runs down the stairs, "____!?"
You aren't in the lobby either. 
Jungkook runs out of the main doors, frantically scanning the parking lot as the rain that started not long ago blurs his vision. 
It trickles down his face as he cups his hands around his mouth and shouts once more, "____!"
His socks are sopping wet but he doesn't even notice. He walks around the perimeter of the whole building, calling your name every few seconds. 
"Fuck!" Jungkook curses when he gets back to the main entrance, he angrily kicks a little stone that's in his path. 
He fucked up. 
He really fucked up.
What does he do? 
Where could you have gone?
Jungkook goes back inside and runs up the stairs two at a time. 
He gets to his apartment and slams the door open, stalking in and grabbing his phone from the dining table. 
He presses your contact and waits as it rings. 
And rings. 
And rings. 
Jungkook curses under his breath as he hangs up and calls again. 
"Fuck, please answer, ____."
He calls again. 
And again. 
And again. 
But you don't answer. 
"Fucking shit!" Jungkook throws his phone on the bed, furious. 
He's furious at himself. 
How could he be so stupid?
What the hell is wrong with him?
He's panicking now. 
Where could you have gone so fast?
He's going to be sick. 
Jungkook leans on the dining table, breathing deeply for a few moments to collect himself before trying to call you again. 
But this time, you answer. 
Wait, that isn't you. 
"Who is this?" Jungkook asks, confused. 
Did he dial the wrong number?
"It's Jimin."
Jungkook pulls the phone away and looks at the caller ID. 
It's definitely your number. 
He puts the phone back to his ear, "What the hell are you doing with ____'s phone?" Jungkook growls. 
Jimin sighs, "She's with me-"
"Let me talk to her."
Another sigh. 
"I don't think that's a good idea right now, Jungkook."
"Shut the hell up and let me talk to her."
"No," Jimin says simply. 
Jungkook can practically feel smoke billowing out of his ears. 
"What the fuck is your problem? Give ____ the phone-"
"She doesn't want to talk to you and I'm not going to make her," Jimin says, "You can talk to her when she's ready. For now, just know she's safe."
Jungkook is about to cuss him out some more, but the line cuts as Jimin hangs up. 
Jungkook throws his phone on the couch, watching as it bounces off and falls to the floor. 
He makes no move to get it. 
Then he sinks to the floor, his back leaning against the couch as he puts his face in his hands. 
"Go ahead, go and fuck around with Jimin while you're at it, since you're so fucking in love with him!"
Jungkook sighs shakily, his own words swirling around in his mind, reminding him of how badly he fucked up. 
"Fuck," Jungkook pulls his legs into his chest, shivering from how wet and cold he is after being outside for a few minutes. 
He sits there for hours, fighting with himself. 
A big part of him is sorry, so fucking sorry he can barely keep himself together. But the other part of him is angry. Angry at Jimin for existing, angry at you for going to Jimin, angry at himself for being a jealous idiot when you didn't even really do anything.
Angry at himself for falling for you. ______________________________________
"Thanks f-for getting me, J-Jimin..."
Jimin looks over at you in the passenger seat. 
You're wet from the rain, in nothing but your nightgown as you shiver. 
He smiles at you sadly before turning the heater up in the car, "Of course, I'm just glad I was close."
You nod, not meeting his eyes. 
"Do you want me to take you home?" Jimin asks kindly. 
You shake your head, "I c-can't go home..."
He looks at you quizzically but doesn't ask anything more. He just nods, "Ok, well would you like to stay at my place tonight?"
You look at him, "I d-don't want to im-impose-"
He waves a hand, "Ayye, don't be like that. We're friends aren't we?"
You nod. 
"Then what's the problem? We'll have a good time, I promise."
You look up at him to see his bright smile. 
You smile back but it doesn't quite reach your eyes. 
Jimin sighs, "I'm sure whatever happened between you and Jungkook will be resolved. For now, let's just focus on getting you warm and into bed, it's late."
He shifts the car into gear and starts driving to his place. 
You stay silent the whole ride, part of you feels guilty for running to Jimin when he's the reason Jungkook is upset. 
But what else were you supposed to do?
Jungkook didn't want you getting Mina involved in all of this and you have no else but Mina, Jungkook, and Jimin.
You sigh and put your chin in your hand as you look out the window. 
Wait a minute...
You have no reason to feel guilty. 
You bared your soul to Jungkook, you told him how you feel and you thought he reciprocated it. Why would you go and be interested in Jimin after practically telling Jungkook that you're in love with him?
Does he really think so lowly of you?
The more you think about it, the angrier you get. 
You shouldn't feel guilty. 
Maybe you shouldn't have slapped him...that was uncalled for. 
But so were his words!
How dare he speak to you like that?
You've never been a violent person, it isn't an excuse, but you were so appalled and angered at his words that you just lashed out. You wish now that you hadn't, but a bitter part of you feels like he deserved that slap. 
Ugh, you don't know. You don't know anything anymore.
You huff and will the tears to stay inside, the last thing you want to do is start sobbing hysterically in Jimin's car. 
You glance over at Jimin, who is completely focused on the road, biting his lip in concentration. 
You smile sadly, grateful that you have a friend in him. 
You aren't surprised that you were in love with him at one point, he's almost perfect. He's always been kind and caring. But you're glad that you moved on. 
As upset as you are at Jungkook, you're glad he's in your life. 
He's just being a complete jerk right now and you'd rather never speak to him again, that's all. 
Freaking meanie. 
You wipe at your eyes as Jungkook's words replay in your head over and over again. 
Did he mean them?
Does he really think of me that way?
"We're here," Jimin announces, putting the car in park. 
You look up and see you're parked at a little condo. You were so in your head that you didn't realize you guys were at his place already. 
The rain is falling outside still and you involuntarily shiver just thinking about going out into it. 
Jimin turns off the car and you see him pull his jacket off and hand it to you, "Put this on," He says gently. 
You take it and slip it on, instantly warming up. 
"Tha-Thank you," You whisper. 
"Of course," Jimin says, "Stay there, I'll come around."
Then he hops out of the car and moves to your side to open the door. He turns and crouches, making you stare at him in confusion. 
"W-What are you doing?" You ask slowly.
"Get on my back," He calls over his shoulder. 
You sling your purse over your shoulder and grab your phone, then you get onto his back, clinging onto him as he steps away from the car and kicks the door shut. 
You hear the doors lock as Jimin starts carrying you up to the front door.
Once you get under the shelter of the porch, Jimin sets you down so he can unlock the door. He does so quickly and gestures for you to go inside. 
"I almost told you where to put your shoes!" Jimin laughs as he shuts the door behind him.
You smile sadly and look down at your wet socks. 
Jimin turns on the light and you see a cute little cozy living room. 
"My roommate is with his family right now," Jimin explains as he takes his shoes off and sets them on a shoe rack, "I'll sleep on the couch tonight, you can have the bedroom-"
Jimin cuts himself off when he sees you shaking your head, "I'd r-rather sl-sleep on the couch," You say quietly. 
You'd rather not be reminded of sleeping in Jungkook's bed right now.
Jimin frowns but doesn't push it, "Ok, but only because that couch is pretty damn comfortable."
You smile at him gratefully. 
"Are you hungry?" Jimin asks as he takes the jacket you hand to him. 
You shake your head, "I'm f-fine."
He nods, "Alright..."
You two stand there awkwardly for a moment, then Jimin gestures up the stairs, "I'll get you a change of clothes and we can put yours in the dryer."
Jimin runs upstairs and comes back down a minute later, "Here you go, ____."
"Th-Thank you, Jimin."
"Of course."
You change into the sweats he gives you in the bathroom, then you come out and Jimin shows you where the dryer is to put your nightgown and socks. 
After that, Jimin tells you to sit on the couch, then he disappears into the kitchen for a few minutes. 
You sit and fiddle with your hands as you glance around his quaint home. 
Jimin comes out a minute later, holding two steaming mugs. 
"Here, this will warm you right up," He says, handing you one of them before taking a seat next to you. 
You thank him and take a sip of the hot tea, feeling the warm beverage warm your bones until you're no longer shivering. 
You two sit in awkward silence until Jimin clears his throat. 
"____, can we talk?"
You glance at him over your mug as you're taking a sip, then you nod when you pull the cup away. 
Jimin bites his lip. 
"I'm sorry if I caused anything between you and Jungkook, I never meant to..."
You shake your head, about to say something, but Jimin cuts you off, "I feel like I might have crossed a boundary, and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I want you to know that I think of you as a friend. I'm still struggling with my own breakup..."
You watch him sadly as he swallows his tears. 
"I just- I was never a good friend to you and I want to change that...I want to be there for you, no matter what. I never meant to upset Jungkook, I was never trying to steal you from him."
You hold up a hand and Jimin stops, waiting for you to speak. 
"J-Jimin. I appreciate y-your words, I really do. B-But Jungkook had no excuse t-to treat me the way he did. He n-needs to learn to n-not be so jealous, it wasn't your fault. He was b-being inconsiderate and w-w-went too far. I d-don’t belong to him."
Jimin nods, letting your words sink in. 
"You are an a-a-amazing friend, J-Jimin," You whisper, "I'm so h-happy you're back in m-my life. Jungkook needs to understand I c-c-can have guy friends too."
Jimin nods again, "I guess you're right. I just felt bad...I feel like Jungkook thinks I'm trying to woo you or something, and that isn't the case at all."
"I know, J-Jimin," You smile at him. 
Jimin takes a drink of his tea and sighs, "I know Jungkook regrets what he said, and I hope he knows he needs to fix it. Will you talk to him tomorrow if he calls?"
You think for a moment before shaking your head, "I d-don't think so. I know h-he's probably sorry, b-but I need time to th-think. I don't want him t-to think I'm done w-with him, but I th-think I put too much on him..."
"What do you mean?" Jimin asks before taking another drink. 
"I m-mean...I th-thought so lowly of m-myself before J-Jungkook came along. He h-helped me with that, but I th-think I went too f-far," You sigh and rub your eyes, "I tipped the sc-scale and p-put all my worth into w-what he thought of me..."
"Oh," Jimin nods slowly in understanding, "And when he said whatever he said, I'm guessing you started to question your worth again."
You nod, fighting tears. 
Jimin sighs, "I think you're right, ____. I think you need to figure yourself out, then talk to him. You shouldn't put your worth on being someone's friend, or lover, or teacher, or anything like that. Because if that all goes, you won't think of yourself as anything anymore..."
You wipe at your eyes and set your cup down, "Y-You're right, J-Jimin."
Jimin smiles sadly, "I believe in you, ____. You'll figure it out. And in the meantime, you are more than welcome to stay here as long as you need."
"Thank y-you."
"And hey, for the record," Jimin says, standing up to put his cup away, "I've been rooting for you and Jungkook since you told me about him. That boy won't give you up easily, but I'll try to help keep him at bay while you sort things out."
"Th-That means a lot, J-Jimin, thank you."
He nods with a sweet smile, "Anything for you, girl."
He winks at you then goes to put his cup in the kitchen. Then he grabs an extra pillow and blanket and brings them to the couch for you. 
"You sure you want to sleep on the couch? I really don't mind sleeping here if you want the bed."
You shake your head, " I w-would really pr-prefer the couch, thank y-you."
You two talk for a few more minutes before Jimin turns out the lights for you and heads up to bed. 
You curl up on the couch and pull the covers to your chin, willing your brain to just shut off so you can sleep. You don't want to think about anything. 
Today started out so good. 
It was so wonderful. 
Why can't Jungkook control his temper?
You frown and pull the covers up even more. 
You're not going to let him think it's okay to talk to you like that. You have enough self-respect to cut that off right there. There is no way you're going to settle for someone belittling you, you do enough of that yourself.
After a few minutes, you sigh tiredly. 
Every time you close your eyes, you see Jungkook's face twisted in anger as he says those horrid words to you. 
Finally, after about twenty minutes of trying to fight it, you let yourself cry into the pillow that Jimin brought you. 
The sun peeks through the blinds in his apartment, bleeding across the floor and falling onto his hunched figure. Three empty soju bottles lay on the floor, a fourth one with just a bit of soju left in it is sitting next to him. 
Jungkook lifts his head from his arms, squinting at the window as the light seeps in. 
He sighs and drops his head back onto his arms, his head pounding. 
"I'm such a fuck up," Jungkook mutters to himself miserably.
Why does he even try?
Maybe Tae was right. 
He isn't someone who can or should care about someone else. 
He's only good for one thing. 
Jungkook lets out a shaky breath, "Shit."
He can't get the image of your hurt look out of his brain; it's haunted him the entire night. 
"I hate y-you."
Your broken voice goes around and around in his head, never giving him a moment's peace. 
He hates himself. 
Who was he to think that he could have someone like you?
You probably don't even want him anymore anyway. 
Even if you did, you wouldn't once you found out about who he really is, why he really came into your life. 
"I hate y-you."
"God damn it!" Jungkook grabs one of the empty soju bottles and throws it across the apartment. 
It shatters against the wall. 
He wishes none of this happened. 
He wishes he never met you. 
Why did it have to be him? Out of all the hitmen that exist, why the hell did they have to hire him?
Jungkook curls in on himself again, wishing he was numb. 
If only he couldn't feel the horrible stabbing in his heart, the ache in his chest that makes it hard to breathe. 
If only he could stop caring. 
*Knock knock knock*
*Knock knock knock*
*Knock knock knock*
Is that his door?
Jungkook lifts his head, willing himself not to be sick when the room spins. 
*Knock knock knock*
"____?" Jungkook stumbles as he's trying to get to his feet. 
He hurries to the door as fast as his body will let him. 
Jungkook unlocks the door and swings it open, "____, I'm sorry, I'm so sor-"
He blinks in confusion when he sees Hoseok standing there, a guilty look on his face. 
"Hey, Jungkook," He says slowly, "Sorry I'm not who you thought I was."
Jungkook clears his throat, "Uhm, can I help you?"
"No, but uh, I think you could use some help..." 
Jungkook is about to turn down Hoseok's offer to help, but then he realizes that if he ever wants you to know how sorry he is, he's gonna need help figuring it out. He's useless on his own. So, he swallows the lump in his throat.
"Uh, y-yeah. Yeah," He rubs at his bloodshot eyes, "I need- can you give me Jimin's address?"
Hoseok looks at him, contemplating. 
"I don't know if that's a good idea, Jungkook..."
Jungkook sighs heavily, trying not to get riled up. 
"I need to apologize to her, Hoseok. I can't just let her sit with what I said, I can't."
His neighbor watches as the poor boy rubs at his eyes again and grips the door jamb harshly so he doesn't collapse. 
"Shit," Hoseok mutters, "Fine, I'll give you his address, but you need to listen to me first."
Jungkook nods, his eyes wide. 
"Get in there and sit," Hoseok pushes him back inside and shuts the door behind them. 
"Sit," He says again, pointing at the couch when Jungkook doesn’t move. 
Jungkook makes his way there slowly before practically falling onto it. 
"I'm sitting," He mumbles. 
Hoseok sits next to him, "Look at me."
Jungkook drags his eyes over to his neighbor. 
"You fucked up Jungkook."
He sees the younger's eyes get wet as he nods, "I know."
"I don't know what was said, but I heard ____ storm out last night. I don't know her well, but I'm sure it takes a lot to anger her...And I have a feeling it's because of Jimin?"
Jungkook nods ashamedly.
The young man finally brings his eyes back to his older friend, "Y-Yeah?"
"I'm going to give you his address. Don't you dare fuck it up," Hoseok says sternly. 
This is the most serious Jungkook has ever seen him. 
Jungkook nods frantically, "I won't, thank you Hoseok."
You and Jimin are eating the waffles he made when the doorbell rings. 
You glance at the door, wondering who it could be. 
You know it isn't Jungkook, he doesn't know where Jimin lives...
Jimin gets up and walks over to the door, looking through the peephole before sighing. When he turns to give you a look, you instantly know who it is, and your stomach turns. You shake your head at his silent question, and he nods as he unlocks the door and opens it. 
"Can I please talk to her?"
The words are spewing out of Jungkook's mouth the moment Jimin opens the door. 
You feel your tummy twist at the sound of his voice, thick with exhaustion and desperation. 
"I'm sorry, Jungkook. She doesn't want to talk to you right now-"
"I know, I know. Please...I fucked up and I just want to talk to her-"
"I'll do anything, I just need her to listen to me-"
"Listen to you say what, Jungkook?"
Jungkook stutters, "I- I-"
"That you're sorry? That you were wrong, and you'll never do it again?"
Jungkook bites his lip but says nothing. 
Jimin steps out and shuts the door behind him, so you don't hear what he says next. 
"Jungkook..." Jimin waits until Jungkook looks him in the eye, "I don't like ____ like that. I see her as a friend, that's all. I just wanted to be there for her since I was a shitty friend before. I was never trying to take ____ away from you. I'm sorry if I made you feel threatened, it was never my intention."
Jungkook's gaze drops again, his cheeks pink at Jimin's words. 
"Words can only do so much," Jimin says. 
"I know," Jungkook says quietly. 
Fuck, he knows. 
He hurt you because he was being selfish. 
It's going to take a lot more than words to fix the wound he caused.
"She needs time, Jungkook," Jimin continues, "There are things she needs to figure out-"
"Things?" Jungkook lifts his head, "W-What things?"
Were you really done with him?
He wouldn't blame you but fuck it would ruin him. 
Jimin gives him a reassuring smile, "Things with herself. Don't worry, Jungkook, I don't think she's over you. I don't think she'll ever get over you."
Jungkook's cheeks redden even more, and Jimin watches as he tries to compose himself. 
"What's going on, Jungkook?" 
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks, trying not to let on how mentally unstable he feels right now. 
"I know we barely know each other," Jimin says slowly, "But ____ said something I never thought of last night and it got me thinking."
Jungkook looks at him quizzically. 
"It's just- I don't know...Maybe you need to look deeper into yourself," Jimin scratches the back of his neck, "Maybe it isn't just jealousy that consumed you..."
Jungkook bites his lip, he knows Jimin is right. 
But he isn't about to admit that. 
He clears his throat, "Just tell her to reach out when she's ready to talk," Jungkook snaps, then he turns and leaves. 
Jimin sighs at his actions, then he turns to go back inside. 
"W-What did he s-say?" You ask when Jimin sits at the table. 
Jimin chuckles, "Well, he said he needed to talk to you, and he'd do anything. I told him he needs to think about things concerning himself, then he should try again. He got kind of pissed and told me to tell you to reach out when you're ready to talk, then he stormed off."
You roll your eyes, "His t-temper is ridiculous, I'm n-not equiped to deal w-with that."
Jimin nods, "He definitely has a lot to work on, but something tells me he doesn't really have a bad temper..."
You look at him in confusion until he clarifies. 
"I think it has more to do with him putting a wall up when it comes to his feelings. I think he's scared to look weak..."
Jungkook paces back and forth in his apartment.
He's trying, he really is. 
But every time he tries to think more into his actions like Jimin told him to do, all he lets himself believe is that he was jealous. 
That's it. 
That's all.
He isn't ready to think anything else.
Jungkook sighs and falls onto his bed.
He looks to the side to see your stuffed animals and his heart twists and turns in his chest. 
Damn it. 
Fuck feelings.
Jungkook sits up and glares at the stuffed animals.
They're just stupid kid toys.
He fights the urge to punch one of them.
He might be pissed but he isn't pissed enough to hurt something that's dear to you.
So instead, Jungkook stands up and goes to grab a bottle of soju out of the fridge.
He isn't ready.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, why did you say you can't go home?" 
You look up from your phone to see Jimin walking over with two cups of lemonade. You thank him as he hands you one, then you take a sip of the sweet and sour liquid, which causes you to pucker your lips.
"It's c-complicated..."
Jimin takes a seat and sips the delicious drink, his lips also puckering.
"Ooh, this is sour," He makes a face.
You laugh and take another drink, you love sour.
"Well, it might be complicated," Jimin sighs as he sits back, "But I've got all day. I'm off for the next three days. And hey, I'm a good listener."
You smile at that, "You are, I j-just don't th-think it's my place to t-tell."
"Is it about you?"
You nod. 
"Then it is your place to tell," Jimin says, taking another sip and scrunching his face up.
You shrug, "It isn't j-just about me th-though."
You nod, slower this time.
Jimin looks thoughtful for a moment, then he looks back at you, "Are you in danger?"
Jimin's jaw clenches at that.
"Should we go to the police-"
Jimin looks at you, surprised at your exclamation. 
"Sorry, n-no, I don't know if w-we can trust them..."
Jimin worries his bottom lip, "That brings me no comfort whatsoever, in fact, it worries me more."
"Pl-Please don't worry, J-Jimin. Not until I t-tell you y-you can," You laugh, which brings a smile to Jimin's face. 
"I'll trust you on that and try not to worry, but no promises."
*Knock knock knock*
Jungkook flinches at the sound of someone knocking on his front door from where he's sitting curled up on the couch. 
He looks at the door for a moment, then he drops his head back on his arms.
It's silent for a minute, then Jungkook hears someone unlocking and opening the door.
"Shit," Hoseok mutters, putting his hand over his nose to block the stench as he steps into the dark apartment, "Kook, you in here?" He calls out.
He flips the light on. 
"Ahh! Shit! Jungkook, you scared the heck out of me," Hoseok looks at the silent boy on the couch, a hand on his heart as he tries to calm himself down, “I have the extra key you gave to me when you asked me to get your mail that one time.”
Jungkook doesn't answer.
Hoseok frowns and comes in farther, "Jungkook...it's been four days..."
Jungkook turns his head away from his neighbor, looking towards the window.
Hoseok walks over to Jungkook, tripping on an empty soju bottle on the way and almost breaking his ankle.
He finally makes it to the couch and sits next to the young man.
"Jungkook, look at me."
Jungkook shakes his head. 
"Look at me," Hoseok says firmly.
Jungkook finally lifts his head and turns to the elder.
Hoseok gasps when he sees Jungkook's sunken bloodshot eyes and dark circles.
"I fucked up, Hyung," Jungkook whispers, his breath reeking of alcohol.
Hoseok is taken aback at what Jungkook calls him.
He had been telling Jungkook to call him that for months and Jungkook always refused.
"It's okay, Kook-"
"No, it isn't."
Hoseok sighs and puts a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.
Jungkook flinches violently before Hoseok pulls his hand back, "Sorry, hey I'm sorry."
The young hitman just stares ahead blankly.
Hoseok bites his lip in thought, then he makes himself comfortable on the couch, "I won't touch you, but I'm here when you want to talk."
They sit there in silence for a few minutes, then Jungkook whispers brokenly. 
"I turned into him."
Hoseok looks at him, his brows creased in confusion, "Who, Kook?"
Hoseok frowns, not having a single idea of who Jungkook might be referring to.
"Taehyung?" He guesses.
Jungkook shakes his head.
"Who do you think you turned into?"
Jungkook takes a shaky breath.
"My f-father."
He doesn't know anything about Jungkook's father. 
He looks over at Jungkook to see him curling in on himself, bringing his legs closer to his chest as his gaze drifts somewhere far away.
"Come here, you little shithead."
The doe-eyed six-year-old cowers in the corner, "I didn't mean to d-dad-"
"What the fuck did I just FUCKING say?! Get your ass over here and stop crying! I'll give you something to cry about," The man growls, stalking closer to the small boy.
His whimpers and pleading to stop do nothing to lessen the blows.
"Fucking piece of garbage."
"Selfish little bastard."
"You did this to her! You fucking did this! It's your fault she's dying, you useless shit!"
Blow after blow after blow.
It never stops.
"Better off fucking dead!"
"Stop crying you fucking wuss!"
Hoseok grabs Jungkook's hands when he tries to fight him, his eyes wide with terror. 
"Stop! Kook, you're okay!"
He pins Jungkook's hands to his side, fighting the struggling boy, "Hey. Hey, you're fine!"
After a minute of physically restraining Jungkook, Hoseok lets him go when Jungkook calms down, now just shaking uncontrollably, his eyes finally focusing on his panicked neighbor.
"Jungkook, you're okay," Hoseok speaks gently, not wanting to frighten the boy.
Jungkook swallows thickly as the humiliation starts to seep in.
"P-Please leave," Jungkook mumbles, dragging his eyes away from Hoseok.
Hobi shakes his head, "I'm not leaving. You can't shut me out anymore, Kook. We're going to talk through this together."
"____?" Jimin skips down the stairs, "We should probably stop by your apartment tonight so you can get clothes for work tomorrow. It's so weird that school starts on a Friday, but I guess it can't be helped. I can drive you th- ____?"
Jimin stops short when he sees your face shoved into a pillow on the couch and your shoulders shaking with sobs. 
"Oh, shit," Jimin walks over cautiously, "Hey, you okay buddy?"
He sits next to you on the couch and rubs your back comfortingly as you shake your head. 
"I know it hurts, ____..."
You pull your tear-stained face out of the pillow, "It's m-m-my fault he's upset and now he d-d-d-doesn't want me, Jimin. It's my fault he doesn't w-want me!"
Jimin sighs sadly as you stuff your face back into the pillow.
Your muffled words follow shortly, "I've b-been acting like I'm okay, b-b-but I'm not. It hurts. His w-words hurt and my w-words to mys-self hurt. It's all a m-mess and it's my fault."
"I'll let you cry it out, then we can talk," Jimin says kindly.
You sob for a few more minutes until it eventually turns into sniffles.
Jimin waits a little longer before speaking up, "Are you all cried out?"
You nod as you pull your head up and look at him.
He frowns at your red watery eyes with dark bags under them.
"Have you slept at all this week?"
You shrug, "A l-l-little, yeah."
Jimin sighs, "I have something that can help you sleep, I need you to take it tonight, okay?"
You nod tiredly.
"Ok," Jimin looks at you with sympathy, "Talk to me, ____. This stuff can't be solved if you don't talk about it. It's just going to go around and around in your mind and keep brewing until nothing gets done."
You bite your lip, "I g-guess you're right."
"So, let's start simple. Why do you think it's your fault when Jungkook was the one to lash out first?"
"I d-don't know, I must have done s-s-something to make him feel like he n-needed to snap at me. I deserved it..."
Jimin nods, "Ok so, what do you think you did?"
You think hard for a minute, "Um, m-maybe he w-was sick of me being in h-his house."
"I don't think so, ____."
"Why n-not?"
Jimin looks thoughtful, "Mm, because you said he told you he wanted you there. He literally bought you stuff at the store that morning, right?"
You nod, your mind starting to take what he's saying. 
"I think he really wanted you there. None of this was because of you, ____. It is something Jungkook needs to work out himself when it comes to him and you. He's head over heels for you, I can tell. But even if he wasn't that doesn't take away your worth," Jimin says kindly.
If you aren't someone special to other people, like Jungkook or Mina or Jimin, then what are you?
You're worthless-
"You are not disgusting, you are not tainted, you are not stupid, and you are not worthless."
Jungkook's words crowd into your brain, making your eyes water.
"He's th-the only one to t-tell me I wasn't st-stupid and worthless and t-t-tainted..."
Jimin watches you sadly as a stray tear slides down your cheek.
You look at him and he continues, "You mean a lot to Jungkook and you mean a lot to me. But we don't matter in the end. In the end, all that is going to matter is you. You're your closest friend, treat yourself as such. You're stuck with yourself forever, try not to hate on her too much."
Jimin's words flip a switch inside of you and you burst into tears. 
He wraps his arms around you, "Jungkook would say the same thing to you, but he hates himself too. I feel like he doesn't think he can say it if he doesn't believe it about himself either."
You nod, "He's t-too hard on hims-self."
Jimin sighs, patting your back as you continue to cry, "I bet he is. But he'll figure it out. And you'll figure it out for yourself too. People come into our lives for a reason, ____. There's a reason he's in your life. Maybe he can help you learn to love yourself, but it's ultimately up to you to make that decision."
Jimin lets you cry it out some more until you're all out of tears.
Then he pulls away, "You okay?"
You nod and sigh shakily, "I think I'm r-ready to t-talk to him...I don't know. But I am ready to g-get my clothes," You say with a tearful laugh.
Jimin chuckles, "Alright, let's get your stuff."
"She doesn't want me anymore, Hyung."
"You don't know that Jungkook."
Jungkook looks at Hoseok with furrowed brows, his knees still tucked up to his chest.
"I hurt her..."
"People hurt people, Jungkook. I'm not saying it's okay, I'm saying you can learn from this and apologize to her. Do your part. It's up to her if she wants to forgive you or not, you can't control that," Hoseok looks around Jungkook's apartment, "You can control what you do though. Like taking a shower, cleaning this place up, and pulling yourself together."
Jungkook looks at him doubtfully, "Why bother? I'm just a useless fuck up."
Hoseok sighs, "I don't know what your father did to you, Kook. But he's an asshole and he doesn't matter. What matters are the people that love and care for you and want the best for you."
"But I just lost that," Jungkook whispers brokenly.
Hoseok looks at him sadly, "You don't know that."
"I do. She hasn't said anything to me for days," Jungkook wipes his runny nose with the back of his hand.
"She just needs time. She cares about you, Kook."
Jungkook shakes his head, "She hates me, she said so."
"In a moment of anger and hurt. What did you say to her when you were angry and hurt?"
Jungkook sighs shakily, "I told her to shut up...and to fuck around with Jimin since she's so in love with him..." His voice is thick with shame and regret.
Hoseok nods, "Pretty hurtful."
Jungkook looks at him, his eyes watery, "I really hurt her, didn't I?"
Hoseok nods, a grimace on his face, "Yeah, you did. But you can still fix it."
"Can I?" Jungkook asks doubtfully, "I feel like I fucked up beyond repair. How can I fix it?"
"By healing."
Jungkook looks at his older friend in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"You can say sorry, Jungkook. You can spill your heart and soul out to her and beg her forgiveness. You can do whatever you can to win her back...but it can only go so far when you hate yourself and you'll do whatever you can to punish yourself, including hurting the people you care about to shut them out."
Jungkook bites his lip. 
Hoseok hit the nail right on the head, but Jungkook never wanted to admit it. 
He shut you out and hurt you because he hated himself for not being enough.
He wasn't enough when it came to Jimin. 
He sabotaged himself and hurt you in the process.
Jungkook wills himself not to cry. 
He can't cry. 
It makes him weak.
"How did you know that?" Jungkook whispers.
Hoseok sighs, "I can see trauma when it's right in front of me, Jungkook. I had an abusive relationship with my uncle...I used to do the same stuff you do. But I was able to get out of the situation, I wasn't around my uncle all the time. I got a break...I'm sorry you never got one," His voice breaks as Jungkook watches him in confusion.
Why does he care about me?
Jungkook isn't used to this. 
It kind of scares him to be honest.
Being cared about means being weak and getting hurt...
Doesn't it?
Hoseok wipes his eyes, "Anyway, what are you going to do to fix this?"
Jungkook looks straight ahead, "I don't know."
"How about starting with the truth?"
Jungkook snaps his head towards him, he can't be serious right?
Jungkook is never ever ever going to tell you about his past.
You'll eventually find out that he's a hitman, he can't stop that, as fucking scared as that makes him.
You know his mom is sick and has been for a long time.
But he can never tell you about his father.
You'll never look at him the same.
You'll see him as weak and pathetic, useless and worthless.
He couldn't stand up to his father, it's all his fault.
Because he was weak. 
You can never know that about him. 
He can never tell you the truth. 
"What? Why can't you tell her the truth?" Hoseok asks after Jungkook gives him a look, "I know now. So, one person already knows."
Oh shit. 
Jungkook didn't even realize that.
"Why not tell the person that means the most to you?"
Jungkook says nothing, so Hoseok sighs, "Look. You can't keep hurting those around you to keep your secret safe. Stop sabotaging yourself," Hoseok says sternly.
Jungkook is taken aback. 
Did he really hurt you, beautiful sweet and kind you? To keep his secret safe?
So that you wouldn't know he's stupid and weak?
He's such an asshole. 
"Shit," Jungkook mutters, "I can't believe I used her like that."
"What do you mean?"
Jungkook looks at Hoseok, "I was selfish. I thought she was mine...the one person I could call mine and then I thought she was being taken away from me and I lashed out."
Hoseok nods as he starts to understand.
"You never had someone to call yours, did you?"
Jungkook shakes his head.
"You found comfort in and trusted her, and when you sensed you were going to get hurt and seen as weak, you lashed out before it could happen..."
Jungkook nods as he puts his head in his hands. 
"I'm such an idiot. A selfish idiot-"
"Stop. Now that stops right here and now," Hoseok says firmly, "If you are ever going to heal, you need to stop calling yourself all those things...He said those to you, didn't he?"
Jungkook hesitates for a moment, then he nods slowly. 
"Don't let him control your life anymore, Kook. He's done. He's gone from your life, at least I hope he is. He doesn't get to control you anymore. Stop using his words against yourself."
"But I-"
"No buts, no none of that. You pick your ass up and take a shower, clean this hellhole, spray some damn perfume or some shit cause it reeks, and then you fix it. You fix what you broke," Hoseok stands up and crosses his arms, "Enough hating yourself. How can you love someone when you don't even like yourself? Get it together, Kook."
Jungkook bites his lip. 
Hoseok is right. 
He needs to stop fucking around and do something.
"And no more alcohol, I'm going to go through this place and get rid of anything you have, just a fair warning. Now get your ass in the shower."
Jungkook fights the urge to snap back.
He wants to. 
Fuck he wants to punch Hoseok in the damn nose for speaking to him like that.
But fuck it, he's right.
Jungkook stands up, wobbling slightly for a moment.
"Ok, I'll take a shower. But don't touch anything else but the alcohol," Jungkook points at Hoseok, "I'll really fuck you up if you touch anything else."
"Like what?" Hoseok scoffs, "Like your banana milk?"
Jungkook huffs, "Exactly."
Then he stomps to the bathroom before turning around once more, "And not a word about this to anyone. Not even Sana."
Hoseok shakes his head and laughs, "Of course not."
"Miss ____!!!!"
You hear shrieks of excitement the second your little ducklings come inside the classroom, "MISS ____ I MISSED YOU!!!"
You laugh as they run and crash into you for a big bear hug.
"Hi, l-l-little ducklings!"
There's so much talking and so much excitement as they all greet you and their friends and get settled in their seats.
After letting them get settled and letting them get their excitement out, you do your attention-getter.
Their eyes are on you in a split second and all voices are off.
"Since t-t-today is the f-f-first day of school, and w-we have some new faces," You smile at their excitement, "Today we'll h-have a F-Friend Day!"
Little cheers erupt throughout the classroom.
First, you go over all the classroom rules and safety, then everyone introduces themselves so the new faces can get to know some names.
Friend Day is always a favorite. 
It's something you came up with once when you saw some kids getting left out.
During Friend Day, everyone is included, new and old friends alike.
Everyone gets a partner or a group and they all play games, solve mysteries you come up with, and work on assignments together.
It's always a lot of fun and it's nice because people make friends and there's typically no one getting left out during the school year.
When it's lunchtime and the kids are out at lunch, you're sitting at your desk and munching on a star-shaped carrot slice.
Jimin helped you pack your lunch today; you were having a particularly difficult time cutting things... 
But that's okay!
You worked hard, ____.
Jimin told you a few different phrases to use with yourself when you're feeling down and start insulting yourself.
Maybe you can share them with Jungkook when you two are talking again...
You sigh and grab a cucumber heart slice, stuffing it into your mouth.
"Alright, d-ducklings!"
A little boy raises his hand before you can announce it's time to clean up.
"Y-Yes, B-Byeong-Ho?"
He's one of the new kids, and extremely adorable with his puffy little cheeks and bright eyes. 
"Why do you talk funny?" He asks innocently.
You're about to answer when Jeong, a little boy that already knows you, speaks up.
"Hey! She doesn't talk funny, she's special! Don't be mean."
You smile at that, "Th-Thank you, Jeong. B-But I don't think Byeong-Ho meant it in a m-mean way," You look back at the new child, "I g-got an owie on my head and it m-made me talk funny, sw-sweetie."
"Ohhh, ok!"
You giggle and resume your announcement that it's time to clean and pack up for the day because parents will be here soon.
You're leading them out in a line when you see Mr. Baek coming out from his classroom. He glares at you over his glasses and marches in the opposite direction.
You sigh and bring your students out to the front, standing there with them until every single one is picked up. Then you head back inside, trying to keep your mind on what you need to do to finish up for the day.
You hate to admit it, but Jungkook has been on your mind all day.
You have some things you want to work on with yourself, but you don't want to shut Jungkook out completely. It could be months, even years until you're at a place where you genuinely love yourself. Jungkook is important to you, you aren't going to ignore him for years until you're okay.
His behavior was not okay, but it wouldn't be fair for you not to allow him a chance to apologize, especially since you've had a little time to calm down.
Opening the door to the school and stepping in, you see Mr. Baek standing right in front of you, blocking your way. 
"Oh, M-Mr. Baek," You swallow, "I didn't see y-you there."
"Clearly," He sneers. 
You sigh and move to get around him, but he follows closely behind you until you get to your classroom. Then he pushes in front of you and steps in front of the door.
"I thought I told you that you don't belong here."
You bite your lip, "Excuse m-me, I have th-things to do."
He laughs humorlessly, "Oh I'm sure you do."
You raise a brow but say nothing, just wait for him to move. 
"You're a useless teacher," He mutters, glaring down at you.
"Ok, y-you can bring that up w-with my st-students and their parents, who all l-love me."
He scoffs, "Liking someone because they're good at deceiving people and being a good teacher are completely different things, darling."
You grind your teeth, "I w-would appreciate it if y-you left me alone and let me d-do my job."
"I would appreciate it if you weren't a snarky little brat," He spits. 
You look at him in disbelief, "W-What on earth are you t-t-talking about?"
"I'm t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-talking about th-th-th-th-th-the blatant disrespect you give me," He mocks.
There's a pinch in your chest at that. 
No one has ever blatantly mocked the way you speak like that.
You've had enough. 
You push past him to get into your classroom, but he grabs your arm and yanks you back out harshly, "This is the shit I'm talking about."
You flinch when he raises his hand to strike you, "You little bitch."
You squeeze your eyes shut, readying yourself for the blow. 
But it never comes. 
You peek an eye open to see a hand gripping Mr. Baek's wrist.
Slowly, you turn your head to see Jungkook standing there, looking at Mr. Baek with murder in his gaze.
"Let her go," He speaks lowly.
The painful grip on your arm releases and you stumble back, watching in shock as Jungkook pinches Mr. Baek's wrist tighter.
The teacher winces, "Who the hell are you?"
Jungkook leans down and whispers something into his ear, something you can't hear.
But it's got the older man blanching.
Jungkook leans back with a smirk aimed at the shaking teacher, "Got anything to say?"
"I- I apologize, Miss ____. It won't happen again."
He winces again when Jungkook shoves him away, finally releasing the death grip on him. The man stumbles and clutches his wrist, shooting daggers at Jungkook.
"You won't get away with that," He growls before turning and hurrying away. 
"Good luck finding another job!" Jungkook calls after him. 
Then he turns to you to see you looking at the ground, wringing your hands.
"You okay, ____?"
You better not be hurt, or he won't be able to control himself when it comes to that fucking pathetic excuse for a teacher.
Your heart leaps to your throat at the sound of his voice saying your name.
You nod, "Th-Thank you."
You two stand there in awkward silence for a minute before Jungkook clears his throat, "Can we please talk?"
You hesitate, but eventually nod and head into your classroom, Jungkook following close behind. Once you're in the room, you shut the door.
Jungkook looks around the colorful classroom, his heart pinching in his chest.
It's been quite a while since he was in here. 
You look around for an adult-sized chair, but the only one in here is the one at your desk. You bite your lip, trying to figure out what to do.
Jungkook sees the wheels turning in your head and smiles, "We can sit on the floor? I'm okay with that."
You glance at the floor, then nod and go over to your circle time carpet.
Jungkook sits a few feet away in front of you. 
He can't take his eyes off you, and you can't bring yourself to look him in the eyes. 
Fuck, he's missed you.
He wishes you would at least look at him, it might give him the little boost of confidence that he needs.
You look up at him when he speaks, but he's looking down at his hands now.
"I was going to tell you how sorry I am.. for everything that happened..."
You nod, but don't say a word, so Jungkook continues. 
"But I feel like that isn't nearly enough," He sighs and looks up at the ceiling, "Fuck this is harder than I thought it would be."
You don't say anything. 
You don't want to interrupt him and make him lose his train of thought.
"I fucked up. And there's so much I could say, so much I wanted to say, but I feel like it means nothing."
You look at him quizzically when he finally looks at you.
His heart races when he sees you're looking at him and you make eye contact.
"I learned something about myself this week, and it's something I'm not proud of..." He scratches the back of his neck, "I'm selfish, ____. I was being selfish and possessive, and I hurt you because of it. I'm ashamed of myself. I know I disappointed you."
Your eyes tear up at his next words. 
"I hurt one of the few people that mean the most to me," He whispers, "And I regret every stupid word that came out of my mouth. I was foolish and blinded by jealousy, and I'm sorry. I was just being an insecure and immature kid."
You bite your lip but continue to say nothing.
Jungkook takes a deep breath, "I can't explain how sorry I am for hurting you. You're a wonderful person, ____. You did nothing wrong; it was all on me. There's stuff I need to fix about me, and I'll do it. I've been putting it off for years...I never had a reason to fix myself, but now I do." 
He looks at you as if he's baring his whole soul to you, "That is, if you'll still have me."
There's a moment of silence as you just stare at each other.
Then you whisper, "I d-don't hate you."
Jungkook chuckles sadly when you use his own words from when he first confessed to you, "Thank goodness."
You shift to make yourself more comfortable, then you sigh and look at Jungkook, "I realized s-some stuff about my-myself as well."
Jungkook nods, then you continue, "I want to le-learn how to love mys-self, and I know it's g-going to take a wh-while...but I want you t-to be a part of it."
You see Jungkook's eyes water, and you bite your lip, "And I'm s-sorry I slapped y-y-you."
Jungkook shakes his head, "No, I deserved that. I'm so sorry, ____."
You laugh tearfully and wipe at your eyes, "I f-forgive you."
He wants to hug you. 
He's never wanted to hug someone so much in his entire life.
You wipe at the tears streaming down your face, "W-What are you d-doing? Hug me or s-something."
Jungkook is on his feet in an instant, walking over and pulling you up and into his arms, "I'm sorry," He says into your hair, "I'll work on myself, I promise."
"Me t-too."
"____," Jungkook whispers, "I missed you."
You feel another sob coming up, but you push it down, "I m-missed you too, K-Kook."
Jungkook's hold on you tightens.
It feels like he's literally holding you together, keeping you from falling to pieces.
"I'm so sorry, for everything," He chokes out.
You nod, your face stuffed into his chest, "I know, I f-forgive you."
"God, I don't deserve you."
You shake your head and pull away enough to look up at him.
Jungkook looks down to see your wet cheeks and red eyes, his heart aching in his chest.
"Neither of us are p-p-perfect, Jungkook. But I think w-we're perfect for each other."
Jungkook smiles sadly at that, "I think you're right."
Jungkook cups your face, running his thumb along your wet cheek as he gazes into your eyes, "I'm so sorry, ____."
You smile tearfully up at him, "St-Stop saying that. I already f-forgave you."
He nods, "I know, but I just can't believe I hurt you, I-"
"I h-hurt you too. Let's p-put it in the p-past, ok?"
He bites his lip, looking doubtful, but eventually, he nods.
"We c-can't heal if we st-stay stuck in the past."
Fuck, you're a much better person than him. 
Jungkook looks at you, his eyes full of emotion.
He wants to be like you. 
He wants to be good enough for you.
"Mm?" He can't tear his eyes away from yours. 
"Kiss m-me?" You ask shyly. 
You can't believe you were brave enough to ask at all.
Jungkook gives you a soft smile before leaning in and brushing his lips against yours. But before he connects them fully, he whispers against your lips.
"I’m sorry."
Then he connects your lips as a single tear slips from your eye and rolls down your cheek.
You feel his breath against your mouth as he pulls away to turn his head and push his lips against yours again.
Eventually, Jungkook pulls away to get a breath.
"Fuck, I really missed you," He pants, his warm breath fanning your face.
You smile at him, your eyes scrunching up cutely, "I m-missed you too, J-Jungkook."
This time you're the one to reach up and boop his nose sweetly.
Jungkook's face scrunches up at your action, "You're cute, ____."
Your smile gets bigger, then it fades as a thought comes to mind. 
Jungkook places his hands on your lower back and pulls you closer to him, "What's on your mind?"
"D-Do you r-really think I like Jimin like th-that? Do y-you think I pl-play with people’s feelings?"
Jungkook sighs and shakes his head, "No, I don't think that. I was insecure because I felt like Jimin was better than me and I got in my own head and it got twisted. I'm sorry."
You snuggle your face into his chest, letting him hold you, "I f-forgive you. I just hope y-you know how much I l-like you."
Jungkook's chest tightens, "I like you too, so much," He whispers into your hair.
Your heart melts at his words and you hug him tighter.
After a moment, Jungkook whispers, still holding you, "How was your first day back?"
You pull back with a smile as you look up at him, "It w-was good. Lots of n-new and so so c-cute ducklings."
Jungkook chuckles and leans down to kiss your nose, "Can't be as cute as you."
You blush at that, "Don't b-be silly."
Then you stuff your face back into his chest and breathe in his scent.
Such a nice smell. 
It makes all your anxiety melt away. 
You missed him, a lot. 
You're so glad he's back and that he wants to work on himself.
You suddenly remember something from today and laugh into his chest as he hears your muffled voice, "A new b-b-b-boy asked me why I t-t-talk funny today."
Jungkook's smile melts into a frown, and he pulls away to see your smiling face. 
You see the look of anger in his eyes, and you pat his chest comfortingly, "It didn't h-hurt my feelings, I'm o-okay."
Jungkook nods but there's still a frown on his face.
He leans forward and kisses your cheek gently, "I hope you know you're perfect the way you are. Don't ever change a thing."
You smile brightly, "Okie."
Jungkook is about to pull you in for another kiss, he can't help himself, but your eyes suddenly go wide and you pull back, "Oh! I n-need to finish."
"Finish what?" Jungkook asks, trying not to let on how disappointed he is that you pulled away. 
"My w-work," You say simply, then you hug him once more before walking over to your desk, "I'll only b-b-be about half an hour," You say cutely as you sit in your chair.
Jungkook pouts but nods, "Ok, is there anything I can do to help you?"
The sight of you in your cute teacher chair makes his heart melt.
You look up at him with a smile, gazing at him for a minute. 
Jungkook is standing in front of you, his huge dark eyes looking at you expectantly.
It's so hard to believe that just a few days ago you didn't want anything to do with him.
"Y-You're pretty," You say, chin in your hand as you look at him with hearts in your eyes. 
Jungkook's cheeks flush at your words, "Uhm, thank you...?"
You giggle and point at the toy section, "You c-can sanitize the t-t-tables and toys if you'd l-like?"
Jungkook nods, "Ok, I can do that."
For the next half hour, you do paperwork while Jungkook sanitizes everything and even picks up some paper scraps he found on the floor.
He looks up at you as he wipes the last toy, smiling when he sees you throw your arms in the air in victory.
"Me too," Jungkook says as he puts the toy away and comes over to put the sanitizer and rag away.
"Yay!" You clap your hands, then your phone starts to ring.
You grab it and see Jimin's name on the screen. 
"Hey girlie, I'm outside when you're ready. This is the time you told me to pick you up, right?"
You laugh, "Y-Yes, thanks J-Jimin. I'll be out s-soon."
You hang up and see Jungkook frowning, "W-What's wrong?"
He bites his lip and shifts on his feet, "I just- I thought maybe you would come back home with me..."
You smile sadly, "My st-stuff is still at J-Jimin's..."
"Can you get it and come back?" Jungkook asks hopefully. 
You look doubtful, "I don't know, J-Jungkook..."
Jungkook looks down, "...why? Is there something I can do to fix this? Just tell me, I'll do whatever it is."
You stand up and come over to him, putting your hands on his arms gently to comfort him, "We'll be o-okay, Jungk-kook. I'm n-not mad at you...I j-just know you said Tae w-was coming back in t-two weeks. Th-That means he'll be back soon, r-right?"
Jungkook's stomach drops, "Oh...I forgot."
You give him a comforting smile, "I'll st-stay with Jimin f-for now, ok?"
Jungkook bites his lip, holding it in. 
You're fine Jeon. 
She likes you. 
She likes you. 
She likes you. 
You're going to fix yourself.
She likes you.
Jimin isn't trying to take her.
He's just her friend.
He lets out a slow breath, then swallows thickly, "Ok, yeah. That's fine."
"You're s-sure you're okay w-with it? I don't want to u-upset you."
Jungkook shakes his head and grabs your hands, "Stay with Jimin. It's okay. You don't need my permission to stay with anyone, I trust you. Like I said, I was being stupid and jealous, and I was wrong for lashing out and accusing you. I'm going to change, I'll be better for you, I promise."
Your smile grows bigger, "You're a-already enough, Jungkook. We'll g-g-get better together."
He gives you a tightlipped smile. 
He's really trying. 
He's just so insecure.
"Well, you should probably go," He says reluctantly, squeezing your hands.
You stand up on your tippy-toes and peck his lips, making his cheeks turn pink.
"C-Come out with me?" You ask, keeping a hold on his hand.
Jungkook nods hesitantly, holding your hand tightly.
You walk over and grab your bag, still holding his hand as you make your way out.
When you step outside of the school, you see Jimin's car up ahead and see Jimin wave at the two of you, a huge smile on his face.
Jungkook leans closer to you, "Is he pissed at me?"
You laugh, "Of c-course not. He even s-s-said he's been rooting f-for us since I told him ab-about you."
Jungkook smirks, "You told him about me before I met him?"
You nod shyly. 
"When was it?"
"B-Before Busan..." You whisper.
Jungkook feels all tingly inside all of the sudden and has to keep himself in check. He can't kiss you when Jimin is literally right there.
So instead, he gives your hand a squeeze. 
You two walk up to the car and Jungkook opens the passenger door for you.
You thank him and climb in, "Hey, J-Jimin!"
"Hey, ____! Hi Jungkook!" Jimin winks at Jungkook and the younger looks away quickly.
"I'll s-s-see you later?" You say to Jungkook, who nods.
"Can I take you out tomorrow?" He asks quietly, embarrassed that Jimin is right there.
You nod happily, "Pl-Please do."
"I'll text you," Jungkook says, giving your hand one more little squeeze, "Thanks, Jimin," Jungkook looks at the older boy. 
Jimin salutes him, "She's safe with me, sir."
You and Jungkook chuckle at that, then Jungkook shuts the door for you and stands back so Jimin can drive away.
Jimin shouts it the minute Jungkook is out of sight. 
You laugh, your cheeks burning, "He c-came to th-the school and we talked it out..."
"And you can trust him with your precious heart?" Jimin asks, making you laugh as you nod, "Yes, I c-can."
"Did he kiss you?" Jimin nudges your shoulder, "Did he? Did he?"
"J-Jimin!" You look at him in shock, "That's n-none of your business!"
"Why?? It's friend code to tell!"
"It is n-not!" You splutter in embarrassment.
Jimin shakes his head in disappointment, "You treat me so unfairly, if I was a girl you'd tell me."
"W-Would not!"
"Would too!"
It's silent for a minute, then Jimin whispers.
"Well, did he?"
Jimin rolls his eyes fondly at you as you bounce up and down on the couch, looking at your phone, "You need to chill." 
"I c-can't chill! He's t-taking me out today!"
"You've literally made out with the guy, and you're excited he's taking you out? Weirdo."
You look at Jimin with wide eyes, "D-Don't you ever repeat th-that!"
Jimin chuckles, "Why not?" He asks teasingly. 
"Y-You promised last night! You s-said you would never t-tell!"  You squeal, jumping up and pointing at him.
Jimin pats you on the head, "Down girl, relax. What kind of friend would I be if I told someone about you and Jungkook swapping sp-"
Jimin starts laughing his head off while you check your phone, praying to everything that you did not dial Jungkook's number on accident. 
When he finally calms down, he wipes at his eyes, "Sorry, ____. It's too easy to rile you up. You look beautiful by the way."
You finally smile at him, "Th-Thank you!"
You run to the bathroom to check your outfit one last time.
You've got on a short-sleeved white button-down shirt with a pink bow on the collar and a matching pink skirt.
Jimin helped you curl your hair earlier and he put a bow in it for you. 
"P-Perfect," You whisper after straightening out a little stray hair. 
Then you run out and grab your brown slip-on shoes. 
You left your favorite white chunky tennis shoes at Jungkook's.
You left a lot of stuff there that you'll have to get before Jungkook's friend comes back.
You're fussing with your skirt when Jimin comes up to you and grabs your hands, "You look beautiful, ____. Jungkook would swoon over you if you walked out that door in a paper bag."
You giggle at that, your heart so full. 
You're so relieved that things worked out.
"Thank y-you, Jimin."
Not a moment later, there's a knock on the door.
You squeal and run to spritz on some perfume while Jimin shakes his head in amusement and opens the door. 
"Hey, Jungkook."
"Hi Jimin. Is ____ ready?"
Jimin nods, "She'll be out in two seconds, do you want to come in?"
Jungkook shakes his head, "It's fine, I can wait out here."
Just as he's saying that, you come up behind Jimin and wave at him, "Hi!" You say cutely. 
So lovely, Jungkook thinks the second he sees you. 
Jungkook's smile grows and he waves at you, "Hey, you ready?"
You nod and slip out, telling Jimin you'll text him when you're coming home.
"Alright, have fun, lovebirds!" Jimin calls before shutting the door.
You and Jungkook stand there awkwardly for a second before you laugh and wave it off, "He's k-kidding around. He's a j-j-jokester."
"Ah," Jungkook nods, then he takes your hand and kisses it sweetly, "You look beautiful, ____."
Jungkook takes you to get tteokbokki, much to your excitement. 
Your favorite has always been the kind they sell near the pet shop at a little food stand, so he takes you there.
After you're finished with your food, you point at the pet shop, "C-Can we?" You ask with big shining eyes.
Jungkook laughs and nods, "Of course."
You run inside, keeping a hold of his hand and dragging him in behind you.
The girls that work there recognize you immediately, "Hey, ____!" One of them calls out.
You wave to her, "C-Can I see her?"
The girl laughs and nods, "Of course."
She goes to the area with the cats, you follow close behind, still gripping Jungkook's hand.
The worker takes out the orange cat that you saw months ago, but she's gotten so much bigger.
At first, you're smiling ear to ear, then you frown when she hands you the cat.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks. 
"No one h-has bought her..."
"Isn't that a good thing?" Jungkook asks, confused.
You look at him, teary-eyed as you shake your head, "Sh-She doesn't have a h-home."
You have such a pure heart. 
Jungkook swallows thickly and looks away, unable to look at you cuddling the cat any longer. He'll combust.
He walks over to one of the little homes and sees a very familiar black cat.
He's a lot bigger than Jungkook remembers, but that's to be expected. 
"Hey, little guy," Jungkook whispers, "You don't have a home yet either, huh?"
One of the workers, a young man, comes up to Jungkook as the cat puts a paw on the glass. 
"Would you happen to be the guy he likes?"
Jungkook jumps and turns to the worker, "Huh?"
The worker laughs, "Sorry, my coworkers told me about this cat attaching to one guy. Looks like it was you."
Jungkook nods, "Yeah, it was."
"Would you like to buy him?"
Jungkook is about to turn him down, then he glances at the black cat again, getting lost in its green eyes. 
"Uhm, yeah actually."
Then he turns to look at you and sees you cuddling the orange cat, mumbling to it lovingly. 
He turns back to the worker, "Can I actually get this one and that orange one she's holding?"
The worker frowns, "Uhm, I think she might want that one."
Jungkook raises a brow, "Uh yeah, that's the point."
The worker's eyes widen when he realizes, "Oh! It's your girlfriend! Sorry, I- never mind."
Jungkook reddens at the man's assumption but doesn't correct him.
"Alright, will you come with me?"
He follows the worker to the front counter.
"Can you-"
The worker looks at him, "Hm?"
"Can I please pick them up tomorrow and can we please keep it a secret from her?"
The worker smiles and nods, "Sounds good to me!"
"Thank you."
Jungkook pays, then he makes his way back to you, who luckily didn't notice him at the counter.
Jungkook reaches out and scratches the orange kitty under the chin, "Hey, little one," He coos sweetly, taking you by surprise. 
You smile at Jungkook, "I knew y-you were a s-s-softy."
Jungkook makes a face at you, "I'm not."
You shrug, then you hand the cat back to the girl worker, "I'll come s-see her again tomorrow."
The girl nods and brings the cat back to its little place. 
You look after the cat sadly until Jungkook slips his hand in yours, "Don't worry, ____," He whispers into your ear, "You'll see her tomorrow."
You nod and turn to face him, giving him a smile, "W-What do we do n-now?"
Jungkook pulls you out of the store and down the sidewalk until you're giggling.
He smiles and laughs when you make him stop at a little stand that's selling hats and bracelets and t-shirts.
"Hey, l-look!" You clap excitedly.
Jungkook looks over the stuff on the table until his eyes land on two silver bracelets. 
"What about this?" He holds the two of them up. 
You take one and look at it, "I l-like it!"
Jungkook chuckles at you. 
You're so pure and humble.
The bracelets have nothing on them, they're just silver.
Then his eyes land on some charms. 
"Oh, look," He points to the charms. 
You look at them and squeal, "J-Jungkook! Let's get m-matching bracelets!"
He nods, a big smile on his face. 
You two dig through the charms until you find ones you like. You decide to pick one out for each other and have them both on your bracelets.
You pick out a crescent moon to represent Jungkook and he picks out an angel wing for you. 
You grab two of each and buy them, insisting on paying for it. 
Jungkook helps you attach the moon and wing to your bracelet because your hands are shaking too much. Then he attaches the other moon and wing to his.
Jungkook clips the bracelet on your wrist, and you try to help him with his, but he has to end up doing it because you're still too shaky. 
Then you hold up your wrist to his, seeing how they match. 
"I l-love it," You say softly. 
Jungkook looks down at you, his gaze drifting over your face.
"Me too," Jungkook whispers.
Then you suddenly get an idea.
You walk over to the lady running the stand, "C-Could you please t-take a picture of us?"
"Of course!" She takes your phone and gestures for you to go back to Jungkook.
Jungkook swallows nervously. 
He hasn't taken a picture since he was thirteen years old.
That's one of the rules. 
You don't get into any pictures, it's too easy to identify and track people that way.
But he'll do anything for you. 
You skip over to him and wrap your arms around his waist, smiling cutely at the camera. 
Jungkook smiles and does a little peace sign at your suggestion. 
The lady smiles, "Wonderful! Now, make a heart."
Jungkook wipes his sweaty hands on his pants then holds up his half of the heart, placing it next to your hand.
The lady claps after taking the picture, "You're such a cute couple!"
You blush and thank her as you take your phone back.
Jungkook is practically combusting as you walk back to him.
Gosh, you look so fucking cute. 
You always look cute. 
Shit, he needs to chill.
You get to him and smile up at him, your teeth on display.
He chuckles nervously and pats you on the head. 
"Wanna get some ice cream?" He asks. 
You nod excitedly, "Yes, y-yes, yes!"
Jungkook brings your hand up to his mouth and kisses it sweetly, "Alright, let's go, sweetpea."
Your heart melts as Jungkook leads you to an ice cream stand a little way away. 
You both get your favorites, then you go to the field by the park and sit in the grass.
"How is it?" Jungkook asks, spooning some ice cream into his mouth. 
You kick your feet, "Mmmm, it's so g-g-good!!"
Jungkook smiles as you spoon more into your mouth, getting ice cream on the side of your mouth.
He reaches over and wipes it off with his thumb, making you blush profusely.
You look away shyly and shovel more ice cream into your mouth.
A few minutes pass by as you two eat your sweet cold treats in the warm sun. 
Jungkook doesn't think he's ever been happier. 
He's leaning on his elbow and watching you as you watch the birds fly around.
"You all done?" Jungkook asks a minute later when he notices you looking into the distance and no longer eating your ice cream.
You don't respond. 
Jungkook sits up, "You done, ____?" He says a little louder.
But you don't even look at him. 
Jungkook sets his empty ice cream cup down and crawls over to you.
You're just staring straight ahead.
Jungkook waves a hand in front of your face, "Hello, anyone in there?"
You don't react. 
"Ok, you got me, you can stop playing, ____."
Then the cup and spoon fall from your hands, spilling the ice cream all over your skirt.
Jungkook's heart drops to his stomach. 
Jungkook grabs your shoulders, "____, look at me."
You're looking in his direction, but your eyes won't focus on him.
Jungkook gives you a tiny shake, but you don't snap out of it.
"Oh god. ____, please answer me, please don't fuck with me."
When you continue to be unresponsive, Jungkook stands up and looks around, then he sees a family walking to the park.
He runs over to them, "I need help!" He calls. 
The dad looks over first. 
"Hey, you okay?" He asks as Jungkook runs up to them, panting.
"I need help, she- I don't know what's wrong with her."
The man tells his wife to continue to the park, then he follows Jungkook back to you, explaining that he is a nurse.
Thank God. 
"Did you call an ambulance?" The man asks.
Jungkook blanches, "Shit, no. I was panicking."
They reach you and the man kneels in front of you.
"Call an ambulance."
Jungkook scrambles for his phone, his heart thundering in its cage.
"Hey, honey," The man speaks kindly and puts a hand on your shoulder, and you seem to come out of a trance, your eyes snapping to his. 
You look at him in confusion, "Huh?"
"You're alright, sweetie. We're calling an ambulance."
"An a-a-ambalince?"
Your words slur together and Jungkook's heart freezes.
"Yes, we're going to get you help."
"W-Where...am I?"
"You're at the park."
Jungkook is on the line with the person that's sending an ambulance, but his eyes are locked on you.
The nurse guy rubs your shoulder, "How long was she unresponsive?" He asks Jungkook. 
"Maybe forty-five seconds before I went to get someone," Jungkook tries to control his shaking voice. 
"Alright, you're gonna be okay sweetie."
The man smiles at you kindly.
You just keep looking around in confusion, "Huh? J-Jungkook?"
He smiles at you, hoping to comfort you.
"What is it?" Jungkook asks the man, "Is she okay?"
The man stands up and walks over to Jungkook but keeps his eyes on you. 
"I can't be certain, but I think she had an absence seizure."
Jungkook's heart stutters. 
"Did she have any brain injuries?" The man asks as he kneels next to you again, you're just occupied with inspecting your dirtied dress.
"Yes," Jungkook whispers, his eyes locked on you, the phone still up to his ear as the woman on the other line tells him the ambulance is only a minute away.
a/n: yikes. but i hope yall understand now why i had jungkook pull that shit in the last chapter haha. we need chArActer dEveLopmEnt <3
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies @moon-asia @bangtannie7 @yoonchrisgull @njkbangtan @higashikatasgf @jksbbyfacebunny @sweetonkookieandtae @voidswan-recs @sadxaries @shadowmoon21 @jinfused @taehyungiev13 @gaeguuliii @kimnamjoonluvbot @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn @surilirani @patpus @yukiehyukie @crypticsabbat @ohyeahjk @steffiiirose @the-falling-star @telepathytae @erenkook-blog @rosiekoo
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
peer pressure [jo wilson]
jo wilson x reader
requested by anon: hey there! i saw you accept requests for greys anatomy, so i was wondering if you could write for jo wilson? she's dating y/n in secret bc the two of them are still figuring out their relationship. y/n is brought to the hospital and since no one knows about the two, jo is assigned to operate on her but jo gets really stressed and panicked, not wanting to mess up. protective jojo would be sweet <3
warning: shooting, blood
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*not my gif*
The sound of a phone ringing awoke you from your peaceful slumber. You grabbed the pillow from next to you as you threw your head over it. A familiar weight on top of you. 
“Jo,” she just hummed in response, “Jo, your phone,” 
Her head immediately shoots up and grabs it off your bedside table, but not before elbowing your stomach in the process. You let out a groan, “Oops, sorry love,”
“Hello,” her voice rang out as she answered her phone, “Okay I’ll be right there!”
You remove the pillow off your face as she hung up, “I have an emergency surgery that I need to scrub in on. You’ll pick me up, right?” 
“Same spot, in. my dark ominous tinted car,” I joked with her and she jokingly rolled her eyes. You paused before continuing to talk, “Have you thought about us? I know after Alex you weren’t sure if you wanted to date again, but I don’t know if we’ve been going on dates and getting closer. I know you want to be ready-” 
She leaned over as she changed into a pair of scrubs that she kept at your place, just in case stuff like this happened, and placed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“We’ll talk about when I get back, okay?” you let out a sigh knowing that this isn’t the first time that she avoided the conversation, but you put on a tight lipped smile before nodding. 
“I’ll call you when I’m off,” she shouted before walking out the door.
“Okay, I love you. Go save some lives Supergirl!” you shouted back, but it was too late the door was closed. 
That’s what you always did, you always shouted it right as the door closed, because you knew that she wouldn’t reciprocate those feelings. 
You understood her need to keep her walls up. She was married to Alex and then he just up and left, but you wanted more than hiding on a corner block away from the hospital just so her friends wouldn’t see. 
You looked at the time on your clock and let out another groan. There was no point in trying to get a little more sleep. You rolled out of bed to get ready for your day at work. 
The day was a little cold compared to the fast few days. But you continued your walk towards the familiar coffee shop you stopped in every morning before work. However, today was different, through the coffee shop window you could see a heated argument occurring.
You bursted into the coffee shop to see your usual barista Kate shaking in fear. The man turned around and he had a gun in his hand. You put your hands up immediately knowing what to do in a situation like this.
“Hello sir, whatever you need we can give it to you,” you told him, trying to ease the situation.
“I want the money that’s in the register!” he screamed.
You shook your head, “Okay, you got it. Just put the gun down please,” he slowly lowered the gun and you gave Kate a nod, “Unlock the register, it’s going to be okay,” 
Just when you think you’re safe and the man’s about to leave. His ski mask slips off his face and you breathe out a sigh, knowing now that you’re a liability. 
“Shit!” he yells, pointing the gun back at you and Kate.
“Just go, we won’t say a word,” you told him. 
He shook his head,  “I can’t let you do that,” 
And with that a shot rang through the coffee shop. You felt your body go cold as you fell onto the floor, clutching your side. 
Then you could see him point his gun at Kate, so you did what you were taught to do. You got up quickly from off the floor as you stood in front of her. The bullet hit your shoulder as you fell down once more. Before another shoot could ring out, you could see the blurry visions of officers behind him. 
Your breathing started to become ragged as the blood starts to leave your body bit by bit, “Kate...” you whispered and she looked at you panic in her eyes, “I need you to put pressure on my wound, okay? I’m losing too much blood to-to do it myself,” 
But before you could feel any pressure, your vision slowly faded away.
“Y/N, you don’t have to pick me up right now. There was a robbery at the coffee shop, there’s one injured and I was assigned. I’ll call you again when I’m done,” Jo spoke into the phone after trying to call you three times. 
Jo immediately ran out to the parking lot where the ambulance park. The paramedics arriving right as she got out there. They burst through the ambulance door as Jo went over to them. 
“What have we got?” she asked, not giving a look at the patient for just a second.
“We found the ID of Detective Y/N Y/L/N,” the paramedic said.
With that Jo immediately lifted her head from the bullet wound and saw your pale face going in and out of consciousness. A pit falling into her stomach as she completely blocked out everything else.
“Y/N,” she whispered, fear evident in her eyes.
You looked at her with a loopy smile, grabbing a hold of her hand, and squeezing it with all your might. You could feel your eyes start to slip away again, “I-I love you,” 
Your eyes shut as you slipped out into unconsciousness, “Dr. Wilson,” the paramedic said sternly, “She’s losing too much blood we got to get her to an OR,” 
“Right, yeah. Get her to OR one,” 
They placed you on the OR table as you were blacked out. The loss of blood making it too hard to stay awake. They hooked you up to the anesthesia before opening up your side.
“We’re ready Dr. Wilson,” the anesthesiologist said.
Her hands started to shake with the scalpel in her hand. Thoughts rushing through her mind. 
Focus Jo, just focus. 
But her thoughts wouldn’t quiet, “Dr. Wilson, is everything okay?”
She shook her head, “No, someone grab my phone and get Dr. Grey on the phone,” 
A nurse immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Dr. Grey, “Wilson, what’s going on?”
“I need you to get to the OR as soon as possible,” she said, her voice slightly cracking.
“I’m on my way,” 
Jo spotted Meredith walk into the OR, “I need you to do this procedure, please,” 
“Why?” Meredith asked as she immediately took Jo’s place, but Jo didn’t respond, “Wilson, if I’m going to take over for you I need to know why because this is a simple find the bleeder,” 
“This is Detective Y/N Y/L/N, she’s my-” Jo starts before the tears started getting choked up, “I don’t know what we are, I’d always avoid the conversation, but they-”
“They mean a lot to you,” Meredith finished and Jo nodded.
“Can I stay here with you? I don’t wanna leave their side,” Jo whispered.
“Only if you tell me about them,”
Jo pulled out a seat and watched as Meredith worked on you. She told Meredith everything about what was going on. 
“They always asked me about us and what I wanted us to be. They were always ready for a relationship, they wanted to make things official but I-I just couldn’t,” she whispered.
“What was holding you back?” Meredith said as she used the suction to take the bleeders out of you.
“I guess I was scared, Alex left and I met Y/N and I fell for them each more every day. The thought of losing them or I guess them abandoning me, I couldn’t take it,” Jo said, staring at your face. 
She ran her thumb over your cool skin and smiled at you with tears in her eyes, “Every time I left their apartment, I’d give them a kiss, and I’d say bye. Right as I shut the door I hear them call out and say ‘I love you! Go save some lives Supergirl!’. I never said it back, I need to say it back,” 
“And you’ll be able to, they’re stable. We’ll take them to the ICU and they’ll be able recover nicely,” Meredith replied as she stitched you up, “Just make sure you tell them this time,” 
You awoke to the sound of soft beeping noises and a bright light on your face. The familiar weight that’s usually on top of you when you woke up was right there. 
Your eyes fluttered opened as you see that you’re at Grey Sloan Memorial. The familiar weight was indeed Jo, sleeping peacefully on your chest in her navy blue scrubs. 
“Jo,” you whispered and she stirred awake looking up at you.
“You’re awake,” she whispered, holding you even tighter.
You let out a soft groan, “Ouch love, that’s the wound,” 
“Oops sorry love!” she exclaimed once more and you laughed softly.
“It’s okay. Not that I’m complaining, but I’m surprised you’re on top of me. I know we’ve been keeping us a secret,” you asked, kind of confused. 
She looked at you with a guilty look in her eyes, “I'm sorry. I was scared, after Alex, I didn’t think I’d find love again. But then you, you came, and every day I fell in love with you more and more. I never wanted to talk about what we were because the thought of you abandoning me like everyone else did killed me. So I thought if there’s no label and you leave I won’t get hurt,”
“But then I heard the paramedics ID you and the thought of losing you without telling you how much I love you killed me more. I can’t lose you Y/N,” she whispered, “I love you so much and I can’t lose the person who put me back together,” 
You cupped her cheeks softly and kissed her sweetly. As soon as you pulled away you placed your foreheads together, “So we’re dating?” you teased and she laughed softly before nodding, “I love you so much. I’m not going anywhere,”
“Good,” she kissed you once more, “Just please no more jumping in front of bullets,”
“What? You can’t be the only one who saves lives,” you teased, but you could tell that she was being serious.
“I know that’s your job, but seriously love you weren’t even off the clock. I need you with me,” 
“Then with you is where I’m going to be,” you kissed her forehead before she settled back into your arms, holding you tighter than ever before.
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goldentournesol · 3 years
Not in That Way
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(Spencer Reid x fem!Reader)
The one where Spencer’s TA falls in love with him.
Length: 3.3k
A/N: VAGUE SPOILERS FOR S15 AHEAD! AGE GAP (10 years). Read at your own risk everybody, very angsty. NO PART TWO’S WILL BE WRITTEN. enjoy :)
It wasn’t hard, really. It wasn’t hard at all to fall in love with Spencer Reid. In fact, it was the easiest thing she’d ever done. It came so easily that it shook her to the core.
Really, what’s not to love? He is a badass FBI agent with a heart of gold, he can literally recite almost any book to her on demand, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that he looks like he’s been sculpted by a coveted artist.
She didn’t know though, she didn’t know how easy it would be to be completely enamored by someone. She didn’t know what kind of life she’d be stepping into when she’d applied to become his Teaching Assistant. She’d heard from her peers that there was a part-time professor who had been looking for a TA. She signed up without a second thought, desperate for any kind of connections that could possibly help her with her PhD in forensic psychology. When she’d learned that he was a certified genius whose other job was to be a real life superhero, she hoped and prayed he’d pick her application.
She was over the moon when she found out that he did indeed pick her out of all the students who had applied. This was an opportunity of a lifetime. She’d seen his university ID photo on the website and thought he was attractive, but seeing him in person was almost magical. The camera definitely could not quite pick up on the subtle gold flecks in his irises or the silky sheen of his hair. And that smile. She was sure she could drown in it forever.
After being chosen and going through a number of interviews, Y/N learned just how meticulous Dr. Reid was in everything he did. She helped him create the syllabus as well as build his lesson plans. Over the semester, she would go over his grading since he had the tendency to give students the answers instead of making helpful comments on the papers to make them think and reflect. She’d also learned about his particular aversion to technology, which meant they had multiple meet-ups when he was in town just so she can walk him through certain systems, like the university’s portal system as well as the email. She also showed him how to pose his answers as questions instead, explaining that sometimes, he shouldn’t answer their incomplete thoughts because it's an undergrad class. Also, with his unpredictable schedule concerning the FBI, she would often step in and teach his class whenever he was away on a case.
They’d become good friends outside of his office and classroom, probably closer than they should have been. He was just too likeable and she was always eager enough to hear what he had to say, thus a bond between them was born and reinforced each time they saw each other. He was so thoughtful, it shocked her. Once he’d heard her mention that she used to love collecting keychains when she was a child, and made sure to get her a new one from each state he’d visit thanks to his trips around the country. Her previous boyfriends were beyond disappointing in comparison to say the least, and they weren’t even dating. He knew her favorite coffee order by heart and often had it ready with a fresh croissant whenever they met at the university’s coffee shop and if they were meeting at his office, he’d take them to go. 
It was little things like that that made her fall in love with him. And she knew, it’s not like she didn’t, she just chose to hide it with every cell of her being. Crushing on your professor is pretty common amongst university students, but being a TA and being desperately in love with your professor was a whole different kind of story. 
She already admired his intelligence in class immensely, however hearing his stories from his time out in the field made her heart grow three times the size of normal. His stories ranged from being about geographical profiling, to action-packed anecdotes, and even funny moments with the team.
Was she constantly impressed by him? Yes.
Was she constantly worried about him? Also yes.
Which is why she’d practically made him adopt the habit of texting or calling her every time he landed in DC. They’d been chasing this unsub, Lynch, for months on end and he’d informed her that they were finally close to getting him. The last time they talked two days ago, he was feeling confident. But then it was just silence. He hadn’t texted her, he hadn’t called her. She didn’t even know if he was back in DC. Her mind took her places she didn’t want to go. He’d gotten so good with keeping her updated that this silence was turning her blood into ice water.
She’d left 11 missed calls so far. But she didn’t give up, she was determined to hear from him. The next morning she tried again, holding her breath and squeezing her eyes shut in a silent prayer.
“Hello?” Someone finally picked up, a woman.
“Hello? Who is this? I’m trying to reach Spencer Reid.” Y/N said into the phone, voice clearly on the edge of tears.
“Oh you must be Y/N Y/L/N. You’re Spencer’s TA. I’m Penelope Garcia, I work with Spencer.” She said into the phone evenly, calmly.
“Yes, I am. Did something happen to Spencer? He hasn’t contacted me in two days. Why do you have his phone?” Y/N worried into the phone. She could hear every heartbeat, loud and clear.
“Spencer is in the hospital. There was an explosion yesterday and he hit his head really hard. We found him passed out in his apartment this morning.” Penelope answered. Y/N’s eyes widened and she felt the tears slip from her eyes quickly. The panic began to set in.
“C-could you please text me the address?” Y/N managed to whisper into the phone through her tears.
“Of course, sweetie. He’s going to be okay. His mother is here, I’m assuming you know about Diana?” She asked tenderly.
“Yes, yes, I know. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Y/N said, already rushing to put on shoes and looking for her keys.
The drive to the hospital wasn’t long, but Y/N felt like it took ages to get there anyway. Her breathing was uneven and her eyes were already swollen as if she’d been crying for days. There was a bad, bad feeling reverberating around in her chest. She’d somehow floated through the hospital like she was running on autopilot. 
She’d found the room and met eyes with a blonde woman adorning two identical blue puffs in her hair. She would have thought they were adorable if she wasn’t panicking her heart out. She spotted Spencer laying on the hospital bed with oxygen tubes hanging around his ears and inserted into his nose. The sight made her stomach lurch. Something about the way his usually pink lips were drained of their color made her want to sob until tomorrow came. Beside the bed on the other side sat Diana Reid, a tall woman with short blonde hair. She’d seen her in photos before. Diana merely stared at her with a hint of a smile.
She stepped in the hospital room, swallowing down the bile in her throat, “H-Hi, I’m Y/N.” She waved tentatively into the room, almost unable to keep with the tensity of the two women’s gazes. She wiped at her eyes and stood at the foot of Spencer’s bed, “Is he going to be okay?” She asked, staring at the steady rise and fall of Spencer’s chest. That way it was reassuring to watch him. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she stood.
“The doctors are hopeful.” Penelope replied, assessing the young woman who just entered. She was much younger than she previously thought she was. Although she had no idea what to expect when it came to Spencer’s academic life, he was always surprising her.
Diana sat still and silent in the hospital chair, a pensive expression draped across her features. Penelope sensed a tension in the room and looked towards Diana, “Hey, Diana, would you like to come with me down to the cafeteria to fetch some jello for Spencer to eat when he wakes up?”
Y/N sent Penelope a sidelong glance filled with gratitude. She tuned out the sounds of Diana telling Penelope the story of the first time Spencer had jello as they exited the small room. She immediately pulled up the chair closest to his bed and grasped his hand tightly. She let out a shaky breath at the contact. Cold, his hand was so, so cold.
“Oh, Spencer, you scared the shit out of me.” She whispered, pressing her lips to the back of his hand quickly, “I could have lost you today...and-and I wouldn’t have known what to do with myself if that would have happened. I know you probably can’t hear me, but I still have to say what I’m going to say. I have to. For myself. So here goes,” she pauses, taking a deep breath, “there’s nothing that scares me more than losing you, and that thought alone terrifies me.” She sniffled, wiping away her tears, “What I feel for you terrifies me, Spencer. I didn’t know I was capable of loving someone so deeply until I met you. And...I don’t know what to do with all this love, I want to hand it all to you, let you see yourself the way I see you, but I can’t do that. I can’t.” She held back an incoming sob, whispering, “I can’t ask that of you.” 
She bowed her head and rested it along his forearm, her silent tears soaking through the hospital sheets. The fear of grieving for him outweighed the fear of rejection. She’d never forgive herself if he died without knowing how big of a space he occupied in her heart. She didn’t know if she was brave enough to tell him to his face while he was awake, but this was a start. Solidifying her feelings was a start. And man, were they solid.
A few minutes later, her phone began to ring because of an endless stream of emails. There was a class today, and she’d have to teach it. She went back and forth from her phone to Spencer’s face and released a deep, heavy sigh from the pit of her chest. She stood from her seat and hovered her hand over his cheek before allowing it to rest timidly on his skin.
“I have to go, but I’ll see you soon.” She paused, chewing on her lip, “I love you.” She said softly, fresh tears making their way back to the brim of her eyes. She pulled away from him and exited the room swiftly. 
Spencer’s bleary eyes opened slightly to just barely catch the sight of her disappearing into the hallway from which she came. Seconds later, Penelope and his mother came marching in, seeing his open eyes.
Penelope set down the cups of jello nearby and Diana made her way to her son quickly. He could barely keep his eyes open for long enough. It was a small achievement but they both held onto it dearly. 
Hours later, he blinked his eyes open again as he heard his mother and Penelope conversing about his favorite type of cloud. Diana leaned over her son’s bed and set a comforting hand on his shoulder. He stared at her fondly.
“Am I alive or is this heaven?” He asked, smiling slightly.
“You are very much alive.” Diana smiled broadly at him.
Garcia had since gone back to the office to assist the team in finally closing the Lynch case. Spencer was just waking up from yet another snooze. 
Diana looked at him closely, sometimes he felt she was the profiler in the room, “She told you didn’t she?”
Spencer rubbed at his eyes slightly, “Who are you talking about?” He yawned.
“The pretty girl who was in here earlier.” Y/N’s name had slipped her mind the second she said it. Spencer stared at his mother incredulously, shocked at just how clear her mind was at the moment. Diana took his silence as an affirmative and nodded at him.
“You should tell her.” She said definitively. For a moment, he doubted if he understood just what she meant, but he understood.
“How did you know?” Spencer asked curiously.
“I told you, a mother always knows. And I saw the way she looked at you. She deserves to know, Spencer.” Diana said.
She deserves to know.
The thought tumbled around in his head for days after he was discharged from the hospital. He was on medical leave for the moment but as soon as he could see straight, he took the train to her apartment. He’d been there a few times, they’d had a few casual dinners there while grading papers together or coming up with future lesson plans. His hands were on the verge of trembling as he knocked on her apartment door. The numbers nailed on the door mocked him as he stood waiting for her to open.
She frowned at the sound, she wasn’t expecting anybody. She pushed her laptop to the side and stood to straighten her pajamas, making her way to the door. She ripped it open as soon as she saw who it was.
“Spencer! Oh thank goodness you’re okay! I’ve been worried sick about you.” She threw her arms around his middle tightly, making him stagger a bit from the impact, but he enveloped her in his arms anyway. The contact was very welcome.
“Hey.” He smiled into the hug, his heart spilling with gratitude over being worthy enough of her attention. They separated from the embrace and she stared at him with a look resembling wonder.
“What are you doing here? I thought you still had a few more days off until you had to get back to work. Come in, come in.” She moved aside to let him in. She also moved a plethora of blankets and textbooks off the couch to make space for him to sit.
“I know, I’m sorry for kind of coming over unannounced. I didn’t mean to intrude or anything.” He eyed her matching set of cartoon character pajamas as he took a seat, making a mental note that it was the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. She blushed under his gaze but shook her head nonetheless.
“Oh come on, you know you’re always welcome here. Can I get you something to drink? Some water or coffee, maybe?” She asked.
“Water’s fine.” He smiled, leaning back into the couch. She nodded and made her way into the kitchen. Spencer’s shoulders untensed for a moment and he hadn’t realized that he’d been carrying so much of his worries in them around her. She came back with the water and took a seat next to him, angling her body to face him. He muttered a thank you as he sipped from it, unsure how to approach the situation.
“I wanted to thank you. For coming to the hospital to see me. That meant a lot.” He met her eyes and saw a flash of panic dance across her irises. How did he know she was there? Penelope probably told him, right? He couldn’t have heard her.
“Of course, Spencer. It’s the least I could do.” She smiled sweetly. His heart cleaved in his chest as he stared at the sweet girl in front of him. 
What did he ever do to deserve her friendship? 
He fidgeted with the glass in his hands, a silence beginning to drape over them.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, noticing his fidgeting. 
He took a deep breath and set the glass down on the coffee table in front of them. He turned his body to face her and reached for her soft hands. Her breath hitched at the intimate contact, butterflies erupting in the pit of her abdomen.
“You are a remarkable person, Y/N. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I see the absolute worst that humanity has to offer on a daily basis, but you have made it your mission to make my life easier. And you do, honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” He said with soft eyes and a half-laugh. She smiled back, she could practically feel the rush from his words directly in her brain.
“And it is an honor to be loved by you,” his voice hesitated to say the word, his eyes darkening with regret as he continued. Realization snapped into place for her as he said, “but I can’t give you what you need.”
He had heard her. He knew.
Her blood ran cold as she tore her hands away from his, as if the skin on his hands had the ability to burn her. He frowned as he watched her frantic eyes search his for any semblance of dishonesty. Her throat closed up over all the words that fought to surface. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came up. Instead, tears sprung to the corners of her eyes.
“What?” She whispered, brokenhearted and momentarily in disbelief.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He tried to console her but she was past the point of consolation. 
“I-I understand.” She nodded painfully, tears cascading down her face before she even got the chance to wipe them away, “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said anything, it’s completely unprofessional.” She swallowed an incoming sob as best as she could.
“No, I’m glad you told me, but if I’m being honest, I knew long before it. This isn’t about professionality, I don’t care about that. But I care about you, a lot.” Spencer said softly, staring at the young woman in front of him. She shook her head, utterly devastated and doing her best to shield herself from his gaze. Thoughts escaped her as her heart took a deep-dive to settle in her abdomen.
“And I thought I should let you know how I feel. I love you, Y/N,” he paused, “just not in that way.” The soft voice he used was completely useless against the harshness of the words. 
She tried, she tried her absolute hardest to suppress the incoming sob, but those words just about broke the dam. She rubbed at her eyes, nodding. He tried to set a comforting hand on her shoulder but decided against it. She took a deep breath and stood up from the couch. 
That was enough humiliation for the day.
“No, no, I completely understand.” She said, voice wobbly and eyes ringed with red. He frowned up at her at the sight of her being so upset. 
“Will you be okay?” He asked as he stood up from his seat. She laughed slightly, this man had devastated her, broken her heart with a few simple words and still wondered if she’d be okay. That’s Spencer Reid for you. The question made her heart ache and long for him more. His simplicity and good intentions made her question why the world wasn’t kind enough to let her have him.
“No, I won’t. And I probably won’t be okay for a long time. Because I will keep meeting men and keep comparing them to you so, until I stop doing that, no, I won’t be okay, Spencer.” She answered with a surprisingly stable voice. He frowned and nodded.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, stepping forward to cup her cheek and gently use his thumb to wipe the remainder of her tears. Her glassy eyes bored right into his, her lips wobbling at the contact. She then closed her eyes and leaned her cheek into his palm, soaking in his warmth one last time before he tore himself away from her completely and showed himself out of the apartment without looking back.
That was when she allowed herself to fall apart. He heard her heart wrenching cries from behind the door and hesitated, but decided to walk away anyway with a chest heavy with regret.
She will never be enough for him, she thought.
He will never be enough for her, he thought.
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writing-on-the-wahl · 3 years
Writing Snippet #10
O Positive
Part 2
Ok so @im-a-wonderling had a FANTASTIC idea for a snippet, but I’m putting the ask below to not cause spoilers lol:)
Special thanks to @im-a-wonderling as well for the beta read, edits, suggestions, and expert medical knowledge to help make this way more realistic than my original draft! You’re amazing!!!
Hero shifted from side to side as she stood in line, fingers clutching a bottle of orange juice.
“Well you’re prepared.” Hero’s head shot up as the attendant waved her forward. “Normally people wait until after to go for the juice.”
She chuckled nervously. “That’s me... prepared.”
“ID?” She scrambled through her wallet, making sure she didn’t grab either of the two aliases she’d already used at different locations that morning.
She would have used the same ID, but last time she’d tried to explain that she healed super fast- a result of her powers- and could donate more, the resulting argument had lasted nearly an hour, with nurses questioning whether her “magic blood” could even be used at all (it was perfectly normal blood thank you very much), and they’d still only let her donate the normal amount.
She handed him the correct ID, and he shoved a clipboard full of paperwork at her. A phlebotomist led her to a reclining chair. Even though she’d filled out the information twice that morning, it still took approximately twelve years to finish the stack of forms. The phlebotomist returned, and began asking her an equally long list of questions. She only half paid attention to the stream of questions.
Have you received any blood transfusions?
Have you traveled in the last 6 months?
Are you free of HIV or any other blood diseases?
Have you ever been pregnant?
Wait! No!
The phlebotomist chuckled as she snapped on a pair of gloves. “Ok let’s see that arm.” Hero held out her mark-free arm. After the first donation that morning, the needle mark and resulting bruise had been gone in a matter of minutes. After the second, she’d had to wait over thirty minutes before the signs of her deception to fade. The phlebotomist wrapped a tourniquet above her elbow before consulting her paperwork.
“It says here you’d like to do a double donation?”
“You have to be 150lbs in order to donate that much sweetie.” The older woman eyed Hero dubiously.
Her throat went dry. “I know. I am.”
“I’m just going to take one bag today; you’re looking a little pale, honey.”
“But the other phlebotomist let me—”She cut off and cleared her throat. “I mean, last time I donated. It was fine.”
The phlebotomist shook her head as she felt the inside of Hero’s arm for the vein.
Hero forced a cheery smile. “This is important. I’ll be fine.”
By tomorrow, she added silently. Or the day after that...
Last time she’d only been able to get in one regular and one double donation before she’d gotten called into help with a work emergency. She’d spent the rest of the day in bed, but had woken up fine the next morning. Of course, that was only half the amount of blood...
The woman narrowed her eyes before shaking her head.
“The shortage is the worst it’s been in years, but I’m only going to take one bag today.”
“Unless you’d like to go stand on that scale over there?”
Hero blanched, then mutely shook her head.
The woman muttered something that sounded suspiciously like ‘I thought not,’ before raising her voice to a normal volume. “And make sure to take it easy and drink that orange juice you’ve got there.” She nodded at the bottle in Hero’s hand as she swabbed her arm with an alcohol wipe and picked up a needle.
“I will.”
————— 30 minutes (or so) later —————
Hero made it ten steps out of the building before she collapsed against the wall, head swimming. She peeled the tape and cotton ball off her arm. Blood immediately began to trickle down her forearm.
She struggled to unscrew the cap of her juice, hands shaking. Finally, she succeeded, the cap slipping through her fingers and bouncing against the sidewalk. She brought the bottle to her lips, but only managed a few sips before her stomach revolted. She clamped a hand over her mouth and closed her eyes, willing herself not to throw up.
She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall, ignoring the curious stares from pedestrians on the crowded downtown street.
She needed to get home.
A quaking boom shook the ground, and Hero cracked open her eyes to see a plume of smoke a few blocks over.
Most likely the bank on main. Or the diamond store next door.
She took a step towards the plume of smoke, but the ground was still rocking, and she had a feeling it wasn’t from the explosion. She closed her eyes as panicked civilians began running to and fro.
Her phone rang out in a pealing tone, sending her a foot into the air, her orange juice falling to the ground with a sticky splash.
The emergency line.
Groaning, she accepted the call.
“Hero! Villain just set off a bomb on Main Street.”
“Diamonds or bank vault?”
“BOTH! You need to get over there now!”
Hero covered her eyes. She wanted to, she really did. If only the ground would stop moving.
“It’s my day off. Send Other Hero.” She cringed at her seemingly callous words, but she didn’t think the Hero Agency would exactly condone what she’d just done.
Even if she was just trying to save lives.
“Other Hero is undercover spying on Supervillain. Your phone shows you are six blocks away. That will take you 12 seconds to get your speedy butt over there.”
A second explosion rocked the ground.
Oh he didn’t. Hero growled, pushing off the wall and taking a hesitant step forward.
The ground was finally still. Much better. She pulled out the spare mask she always kept in her purse and fitted it across her eyes.
12 seconds, she scoffed.
————— 9 (and a half) seconds later————
Hero skidded to a halt in front of the shattered front windows of Pristine Diamonds.
The windows of the bank next door were in a similar condition. She rested a hand against the ash stained wall, gasping as the world spun.
She forced her head up, scanning the scene. A gaping hole had been blown in the wall connecting the two businesses, and smoke was still pouring out of both buildings. She darted into the diamond store, moving without her super speed through the black air. She made it to the back of the store, where the massive safe stood empty, the door hanging drunkenly off one hinge.
She cursed and made her way to the jagged hole. She was halfway across the bank lobby when a figure leapt from the smoke and she was thrown to the side.
She scrambled to her feet as Villain faded back into the smoke. His laughter echoed around her as she spun in desperate circles. The smoke thickened until it was nearly solid around her.
“You’re slow today, Hero.” The voice rang out behind her, and she whirled around, but there was nothing but smoke.
Her vision was truly swimming now. She swiped at her eyes. “And you’re extravagant. You can create smoke from nothing, you didn’t actually need to set off a bomb.”
“I was creating a passage between the businesses. They should thank me.” The voice was to her right, and she spun again. There was no point in super speed if she couldn’t see. Her head was starting to pound.
“And that outfit.” The whisper brushed against her neck, and she whirled around again, only to see the smoke curling in around the place where Villain had just stood.
She glanced down self-consciously at her pink shorts and baggy tie-dye T-shirt.
“You already ruined my day off. There’s no need to mock my clothes as well.” She huffed, taking determined strides in the direction she hoped was the door.
“Who said I was mocking?”
She sensed him behind her the instant before he attacked. She spun. He hit. She flew. Across the room. To the floor. Over chunks of rubble. And into a brick wall.
Her back cracked against the wall, knocking the air from her lungs.
Smoke swirled through the air as Villain emerged, the dark tendrils receding to lap at his heels.
He looked surprised; he’d never actually managed to land a blow that direct before.
Hero forced herself off the ground. It was time to retreat. She summoned her powers, but between her swimming head and the sharp pain in her leg, she made it only a few feet before sinking back to the ground with a quiet whimper of pain.
She forced her blurry gaze up to Villain, who was regarding her with a strange expression on his face.
“I thought you healed as fast as you can run.”
She blinked, and realized he wasn’t looking at her, but at her leg.
She looked down. Blood seeped from a long shallow gash on the outside of her calf, no doubt from a sharp piece of rubble.
Smaller cuts and bruises covered the rest of her body, and none of them were healing.
“That’s strange.” She wiped clumsily at the cut.
Villain’s eyes narrowed. “You seem oddly off your game, Hero. You haven’t lost that much blood.”
She mustered the energy to glare at Villain. “I did tell you this was my day off.”
“I wonder if it’s from the blood earlier.” She mused, floating on a hazy cloud.
The tendrils of smoke scattered as Villain knelt down beside her.
“What blood? You came to fight me when you were already injured?”
His voice sounded as though he was speaking through a tunnel.
“There’s a national blood shortage. Worst it’s been in years.”
“So, I donated.”
Villain scoffed as he produced a cloth from somewhere and began wrapping it around her leg. “You have regenerative healing powers, a pint of blood wouldn’t have made you this weak.”
Hero shook her head and weakly held up five fingers.
Villain froze. “FIVE PINTS OF BLOOD!” He roared, smoke dancing angrily around them. “ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY INSANE!? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!”
Her head throbbed with every word, and she flinched away.
“I heal fast.” It was barely a whisper, but his fiery eyes met hers.
“I don’t care how fast you heal. No one can survive losing half their blood.” At least now his rage was contained to a low snarl. He grabbed Hero’s hands and pulled her to her feet.
“Your hands are freezing! What were you thinking!? Why would you face me after donating that much blood?!? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
He continued to seethe as he swept Hero into his arms and strode through the bank. He paused only to swing a bulging duffle bag onto one shoulder before he swept out through a second gaping hole into a back alley. A dark SUV was waiting in the shadows. He tossed the bag into the back and slid Hero into the passenger seat.
She curled against the warm leather.
“I was just trying to help.” She mumbled, her voice muffled as she spoke into the headrest.
“I know.” A hand ran down her hair. “Close your eyes. Sleep.”
She forced her eyes wider, remembering. “I can’t. I have a job to do.”
Villain shut her door and rounded the car to the driver’s side. Slipping into place, he started the engine.
“Not today.” He managed a small smile even as his eyes crinkled in concern.
“It’s your day off, remember?”
Original request from @im-a-wonderling:
“I started thinking about a story where the hero donates blood and then the villain does something that the hero has to go and face them. The villain notices the hero is off their game, but assumes they’re just tired or something. Then, the hero gets injured. The injury is really minor in terms of blood loss, but the hero is pale and sickly and can’t stand up and the villain gets all protective like “WHY would you come and FACE ME if you DONATED BLOOD today?!” And the hero mumbles “They’re having a blood shortage.” And the villain is ready to wring the hero’s neck for not taking care of themselves. So they just scoop the hero up in their arms and brings them back to their lair to feed them and let them sleep.”
Again thanks so much for the request!! I hope I did it justice:)
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If I Stay Part One // Luke Patterson
Summary: A beautiful day Luke visits a record store to relive the times he would buy an album, but he finds more than memories. He meets you and a connection blossoms between you two and then Reggie and Alex as well. All is well until Julie discovers something.
Warning: Swearing, talk of death and car accident!
Words: 2.6k
A/N: This is based off the movie If I Stay and the movie Charlie St. Cloud. Sorry for not posting sooner, my sister in law along with my three nieces were in a car accident. Thankfully the kids are okay but my sister-in-law in currently in hospital due to minor injuries thus far.
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So, Julie’s life changed dramatically in the lost year and few months, firstly her family lost their mother. Secondly, Julie’s love for music faded until the melody and lyrics were haunting memories. Thirdly, after losing her place in the music program, she had to question her sanity. For in her garage lived three teenage ghosts to her disbelief and horror quite frankly; the ghosts grew on her so much she was in a band with them.
In the hours that Julie was attending school, the boys tended to tour the entire city. They enjoyed seeing the changes that had happened for the two and a half decades. Reggie really enjoyed the western-themed stores, even scaring a little girl with a floating cowboy hat that disappeared once on his head. Alex adored learning about the drastic changes within in the LGBTQ+ community, he had plans for when 2021 LA Pride came in June. Luke, of course, would go anywhere that had music such as music stores, record stores, concert venues and even followed a rock legend once.
“Ooh.” A voice spoke in the record store, “This would be the perfect gift.”
Luke turned to see you gazing at the Rock N’ Roll records with a passion in your eyes and an adorable smile that melted his heart. He couldn’t help but walk closer even if he had no clue if you could see him or not.
“Def Leppard? Definitely one of my favourite bands.” Luke spoke anticipating the usual one-sided conversation. His speculation shattered when you turned to face him with big eyes, “You can see me.”
You nodded your head, pushing your hands into your faded blue jeans glancing around the store, hoping the owner didn’t notice. To your relief the man was oblivious, Luke glanced over before stepping closer.
 “You’re alive?”
“Mhm.” You spoke, removing a single hand to play with your burgundy jacket that cinched at the waist to give form. It was open to reveal a plain black shirt that left an inch of your midsection free, “I always wondered if ghosts were real. I got my answer.”
“This is so cool! My friend is the only person that can see my friends and me.” The grin was breathtaking on the teenage ghost. There was a connection between the two that was immediate and intense.
“At least you’re not alone.” You supplied turning to pick up the record, turning it around to read the tracklist. In the end, you decided you didn’t feel like buying it, replacing it you started for the front door.
A college-aged person walked in glued to the screen of the phone not replying as you mentioned a thank you before the door closed. Luke rushed to follow your steady pace in black hiking boots.
“Where are you going?” Luke questioned coming to the same stride as the girl that had taken his attention quickly. His interest had grown when he found he could hold a conversation with her.
“It’s a nice day. I thought I would go for a walk.” You replied, stopping to look around the street with curious eyes. Luke yearned for those eyes to look in his again because he swore he saw a galaxy in them, “Would you like to join me?”
Luke’s head was nodding in response with a new pep in his step as you walked down the street filled with all different kind of stores. Luke recognized Family Living Grocery store as the one that the Molina got their groceries, he and the guys had joined Julie on a trip once. It was one of his worst memories as a ghost, surrounded by snacks and food he couldn’t indulge in.
“So, what’s your story, Caspar?” You questioned stopping to look as at a beautiful dollhouse, “My cousin had one. We actually renovated it a while back for her unborn niece.”
“Caspar?” Luke teased, watching the nostalgia faded from your expression as you continued on the walk. His hazel eyes, greener at the moment, glittered at the different banter he had with you than the guys or Julie.
“Well, I don’t know your name!” You exclaimed turning the corner at a parlour with gorgeous stencilled artwork on the glass.
“Luke. My name is Luke. Hey! I know this shop!” Luke beamed, stepping back to take in the storefront. In the twenty-five years since he last saw it, the blue faded into a teal, but the door was still the same as it always was.
“You have a tattoo?” You asked, scanning his arms bare in the cut off shirt he wore. You couldn’t see any ink on his skin. Luke couldn’t help the smirk on his face at the blatant heated gaze.
“No. It was 1994. We just played our biggest gig at the time, and Bobby decided we should get tattoos.” Luke’s mouth twisted at the mention of his former friend, “Of course we were sixteen and Alex just about fainted in the shop. The guy took one look at Reggie and laughed at our fake IDs. Told us to come back in a few years.”
One of the few memories that weren’t tainted by the betrayal that Trevor Wilson had gone on to do a year after the tattoo fiasco. It was more than not being credited or his songs being stolen, but it was also that someone he wholeheartedly trusted turned his back on them. Luke frankly didn’t care how Bobby coped after that fateful night. Still, he changed his name and refused any mention of his previous music experience. That hurt a lot.
“So, you’re a ’90s kid.” You raised an eyebrow coming to a stop on the edge of the street, pressing the button to cross.
“Technically a ’70s kid. We died in ’95 a few hours before a life-changing gig.” The mood turned sombre as Luke thought back on that one night that life decided to raise both middle fingers at his dreams, “Death by a hot dog.”
The snicker fell from your mouth before you do anything about it but sobered up quickly in the view of his painful admittance.
“So, you’re seventeen?” You asked crossing when the crosswalk light flickered on. Your attention focused on crossing while listening to the teenager.
“Forever seventeen but I would eighteen physically, but if I had survived I would be forty-three.” Luke mused shoving his hands into his staple black jeans with the chains and his constant accessory of a blue rabbit’s foot.
“Oh, damn. I’ve seventeen as well.” You replied dodging pedestrians before humming a to a song you had heard recently but where you did was unknown. You didn’t want to bump into anyone.
Luke glanced down at his watch, somehow even in death it worked, noticing that it was around the time rehearsal would commence. The thought barely ended before a flash of light preceded Alex’s presence. You slightly jumped in response.
“Luke! Julie’s wondering where you are. We have rehearsal.” Alex was surprised that Luke wasn’t already at the studio. He was always the first one holding his guitar for the rest of them.
One glance at the girl beside Luke cemented a reason for his tardiness. Alex could see that you were the reason and a pretty reason too. Alex wished he had your jacket with such a beautiful colour, but the music was more important.
“Oh, man!” Luke panicked fearing that being late would cause Julie to leave the band after the whole school dance fiasco.
“So, Luke. I like your name by the way. I’m Y/N.” You greeted holding back from offering you a hand, your theory would have been proven correct. Ghosts can’t touch other people, all the movies portrayed that.
“Nice to meet you! I’ll find you soon!” Luke shouted seconds before Alex poofed them both away with a single hand on his bandmate’s shoulder.
A content smile appeared before you continued on your way, unaware of the lack of acknowledgement from people on the street.
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The next few days, Luke would find you either in the record store or just out front during his free time. He hadn’t realized how lonely he was touring the music entertainment spots until he had your company. Soon you were joined by Alex and Reggie every once in a while.
The three were planning outings with their new lifer friend as Julie grabbed her songbook from her room. She was amused when the three wouldn’t shut up.
“What are you planning?” Julie questioned scanning their animated expressions, even taking in the slight change in Alex’s appearance.
Alex had a braided bracelet of the rainbow on his left wrist that definitely hadn’t been there yesterday. He even seemed calmer and less anxious, as well.
“What happened to Alex?” Julie questioned with a small smirk, “Did you bump into Willie?”
Alex shook his head, “No, Luke met this girl at a record store and then Reggie and I met her. She’s cool! There’s this app she showed us, and it had videos of anything you could imagine!”
Julie’s teasing smile faltered at the mention of Luke meeting someone before it returned once more. She pushed the feeling away as this girl had brought peace to the drummer.
“What’s her name?” Julie asked, pushing the songbook away to listen intently to the new piece of the boys’ afterlife. The three burst into stories of the girl.
“She took me to this cool place nearby where people store their horses!” Reggie burst out, clapping his head, “I already have a country song started! This is so a hit single for our future country album!”
Alex only released an exasperated sigh at Reggie’s idea that he voiced every single day since the beginning of the band. Luke was just used to finding sheets of songs from Reggie around the studio and often his songbook too.
“She also brought me a bag of clothing she had in her house that she let me go through. Apparently, her house is the place where cousins take their old clothing.” Alex supplied striking a pose in his new white sweater with a rainbow logo on the front.
Julie grinned at the positivity radiating off the two boys.
“Is she a ghost?”
Luke shook his head, “No. She’s alive.”
A spark of happiness flits itself inside of Julie before it dissipated because Flynn had already gently let the girl down about Luke.
“What’s her name! I’m gonna find her Instagram!” Julie took out her phone waiting as Alex supplied her the name. Her thumbs froze before she could type staring down at the black screen.
The name was familiar.
Laying on a bed on San Pablo Street was a girl with her eyes closed and a serene expression. This bed wasn’t just any bed in a home. Instead, this bed was one no one wished to be in. A bed with machines surrounding and right in the middle of those machines was Y/N.
The very girl that had met Luke, Reggie and Alex were in fact in the ICU of a hospital recovering in a coma.
“Why do you look like that?” Luke demanded as the colour drained from the lead singer of their band.
“Are you sure it was Y/N Y/L/N?” Julie gulped dread filling her veins as each boy nodded their head and the girl slumped, “I go to school with her. The thing is she’s been in a coma for two weeks now.”
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You were outside the record store once more as the three ghosts appeared in front of you each looking the worst you had ever seen them.
“Did you lie?” Luke questioned stepping closer to the teenage girl that furrowed her brows in confusion, “You said that you are alive. Why did you lie?”
“Lie?” You asked, taking a step back from the odd energy the boys had. A look of distraught on each face, “What are you talking about?”
“Why are you here every day at this exact time. Never late, never early.” Alex questioned sick to his stomach as your brows came together.
“I- walk…” You trailed off thinking of the last week in deep thought paling as you had no recollection of going home or getting to the store. It was like you blacked out each time.
Actually, the last time you remember not being with the guys or at the store was two weeks ago.
“I don’t re…member.” You whispered, “I haven’t seen my family since…oh my god.”
Luke stepped closer, terrified as he reached out, hoping with his entire being his hand would go through you. It didn’t. Luke’s hand rested on your arm, still wearing that burgundy jacket. Your eyes flickered between his solid hand and the same outfit you wore for weeks now. Why would you be wearing a jacket and hiking boots in Los Angeles?
“My cousin had been saving up for a trip for her eighteenth birthday. She wanted to go skiing, so we split the cost between our families.”
As if a wall broke, you realized with horror that the college boy that hadn’t held the for you like you first thought. He hadn’t seen or heard you because in his world you weren’t there. No one had acknowledged you because they couldn’t see you just like they couldn’t see Luke.
“What else do you remember?” Reggie spoke up next, noticing that Luke was getting more upset. His eyes going so light the green appeared to be blue and glittered with tears and his heart dropping.
“My parents, my cousin and I were driving up the mountain in the rented car. There-“
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Two Weeks Ago
Your head leaned again Lou’s head sharing the headphones connected to your phone blasting the carefully curated playlist. Lou had been living with your parents and you the last six months as her parents were travelling for work. It was a dream because she was like a sister already and vice versa; Lou as a surprise baby with her older sister being ten years older.
“We haven’t been to the slopes since we first got married.” Dad said glancing over at your mother in the passenger seat, “Didn’t we conceive-“
“Dad! Gross!” You shouted, wrinkling your nose as he glanced in the rear-view mirror to smile at your antics. Your mother’s laugh was probably one of your most favourite sounds in the world, it was warm like hot chocolate on a cold day.
“Did you see that video of the hologram band?” Lou asked, not paying attention to your family’s antics, “It’s super cool.”
“We still have half of our playlist to go through. You should show me when we get to the cabin.” You replied, “We could put it on the projector with the others.”
The others being your extended family, including the surprise of Lou’s parents. Your mother pointed out the snow on the mountain gaining everyone’s attention. It was beautiful compared to sunny Los Angeles.
Lou’s thumb was just about to click the video of Julie and the Phantoms against your wishes. You felt the fear before the yell, snapping your head up you watched as a pickup truck hit ice swerving into your lane. The screech of tires preceded the crunch of the vehicles hitting each other. Throughout the surrounding area, the echoes of the crash bounced off the mountains scaring birds away. Miraculously Lou’s phone survived the crash and played the electric video of ‘Edge of Great’ by Julie and the Phantoms. A song you would hum under your breath during your walks meeting the guys.
The snow turned red under four of five bodies. You lay nonconscious a stark difference in the burgundy jacket and black shirt you had painstakingly chosen that morning.
If I Stay Part Two (Final)
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h@elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa​ @carleywhittaker​ @lostgirl219​ @itsalexx21​ @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann​ @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione​
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
Don’t make me wait (James Bond x Reader)
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This was a request by the lovely @iamcavainna​! I’m so sorry it took so long, but life was being a bit rough. I also wanted to at least try and make this good, so I thought that it would be better if I took some time with it... There is a fluffy ending!
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it! 
Warnings: drinking wine, a gun, angst, anxiety, mentions of potential accidents that could happen in a snowy mountain
It’s not uncommon for your partner, James Bond, to be traveling abroad for weeks on end. While it can get lonely, he does try to call regularly from whichever hotel he’s staying in. After a while, you became used to it. Why? Late or not, he always kept his promise: 
I’ll be back.
The last time he had called, he had said that he wouldn’t be able to contact you for a week at most due to a strenuous business conference at a ski resort in the Alps. Seeing as this was normal routine for him, you thought nothing of it and just reminded him not to accidentally hurt himself (yet again). 
But today, you’re worried. In fact, you’ve been worried for five days straight. It’s been over a week - eleven days to be exact - and now you feel as though something is off. 
Had he flown off the side of a cliff? Did he get lost? Was he trapped under an avalanche of snow?
James had given you an address to go to in case of emergency, but would this be the right time to use it? How can you be sure that you’re just not being paranoid? And if you did go, what would you say? James has never taken you to his place of work and barely talks about his colleagues, so who would you even be speaking to?
Hundreds of panicked questions circle your mind as you pace around your living space, phone in one hand and address in the other. You had barely slept the night before and hadn’t eaten all day. 
You missed James. He’s been gone for almost a month now and no number of phone calls could replace the feeling of his warmth on his side of the bed. His laugh, his miserable cooking, his rough hands...  You needed all of that and more back at home next to you. So you had to go. 
You check the time. It’s just before four o’clock. If you hurry, you just might catch someone on their way out.
Without a second thought, you slip on your coat and hurry to the closest bus stop. The trip there was a bit of a haze, between the times you were navigating and transferring. The haze dissipates pretty quickly as you walk up to what was supposed to be some office building and not a glamourous apartment complex with a Rolls Royce being unloaded in front of the main entrance. 
You have to double and triple check the address written down and your GPS on your phone. It seemed to be the right place...
Tentatively, you walk into the lobby, feeling very out of place and small. The floor looks like it all marble and there’s a little fountain in the middle of the space.
Anxious, you manage to sign yourself in at the front desk. There were some complications due to your ID, but after a quick phone call, it was sorted out and you were free to go up. You speed-walk to the elevators, feeling like someone was watching you. Looking around, you didn’t see anyone but the uptight attendant you had just spoken to making another call. The elevator doors open and you walk in. 
As you get closer and closer to your destination, you feel more anxious and your palms start to sweat. You furiously try and dry them as the doors open into what looked to be someone’s home. 
And that someone was straight in front of you.
“Who are you?” She was an older woman with short, salt-and-pepper hair and a fitted pantsuit.
“Uh...” You hear the elevator doors close behind you. There’s no escaping now.
“Well? I don’t have all day, you know.”
“My name is (Y/) (L/N)... I think my husband works for you.” One of her eyebrows raised. “Uh, he said that in case of emergency that I come here...” You pull out the piece of paper and she takes it. “I don’t really have anything urgent, but he’s unusually late in checking in and I-”
“Good lord.” She muttered furiously after scanning the note and crushes it.
“Pardon?” You ask, somewhat alarmed by the unexpected response. 
“Please, have a seat.” She waves to a chair and you comply. 
“Do you know-”
“Your husband? Yes. He’s one of my men.”
“...Well I can see that that fool did follow my order for once, not that it makes much difference...”
“I’m not sure I understand...”
“Normally, you wouldn’t have to.” She sits down across from you. “What is it that Bond told you about his job?”
“...Well, he’s one of those people who are the intermediaries between large company deals...?”
“Close. In reality, he’s the exact opposite.”
“I don’t-”
“Bond is an agent trained in the art of infiltration in order to stop certain kinds of ...businesses from expanding more than they already have. In short, your... husband... is an international spy.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“But that is not the issue here.” She stares at you with eagle eyes. “The issue is this address. Did Bond give it to you?”
“Yes!” You squeak - to say you’re terrified would be an understatement. “He said to come here in case of an emergency while he wasn’t home.”
“And the emergency is?”
“It’s been over a week since he last called. He promised that he would contact me once the week ended. He’s five days late. He’s never late for that long!”
“Right.” She rests her head in the palm of her hand as if she were dealing with some trivial issue. “Has anyone seen this address or followed you here?”
“No one has seen it and I don’t think so?”
“You don’t think so or you don’t know?” She snaps, but her face softens after seeing the look on your face. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Do you - do you know where James is?”
"...We know just as much as yourself. It seems the only thing that man is good for is causing me trouble.” She was standing up again and pacing.
“Is there anything I can do to help? I have this awful feeling that something happened!”
“I am afraid not. We are already doing all we can.” She sighs. “...Did he tell you anything last time he contacted you?”
“He said he was going to a ski resort with a client in the Alps...”
“Nothing else?”
“Not that I can remember.” She takes a good look at you, then turns away. 
“We were told the same. Any longer and we’ll may have to consider him MIA.” 
“MIA?” You feel slightly faint. “Is - is he in danger?”
“If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be doing his job.” You slump back into your seat, unsure of how to take all this information in. Not only has your husband lied to you about his profession, but that profession is putting him in danger!
“Is there anything you can tell me?” You start fiddling with your hands. “I don’t think I caught your name...”
“That would be because I didn’t tell it to you. You may call me M.” 
“Right.” You nod awkwardly. “Seeing as all this is top secret and I’m-”
“A civilian.”
“...What’s going to happen to me?”
“That would be for upper management to decide. Though it shouldn’t be anything too harmful. Bond was the one who brought you into this, after all.”
“Will he be fired?” Alarm rushes through you at the thought. 
“Oh no,” M looks at you with surprise. “James has done much worse than this. They’ll just give him a light spanking and send him off. He’s too good to be let go of.” She looks at you with a penetrating gaze. “Too damn good.”
“Well, that’s a relief.” You smile awkwardly. “In all honesty, this whole situation is a bit much for me.”
“I can imagine.”
“Does this happen with James often?”
“Missing a check-in or finding out about secret marriages?”
“Missing check-ins?”
“Yes, yes it does. Although it seems as though he contacts you more than us. It’s been two weeks since he last called in. It does seem like he’s taking longer than usual...” 
Out of supposed security concerns, M told you to stay with her until James comes back. As a compromise, she sent some people to keep surveillance in your neighborhood and on your flat. Of course, this meant a couple of days (or more) living with this mysterious woman. M never talked unless necessary and most certainly did not bring her work home. While she trusts you enough in her home, she cannot afford anything leaking out, no matter how harmless.
That being said, she did try to update you on any word (or lack thereof) from your husband. The more time past, the more anxious you became. You could no longer sleep and M would find you in your room just staring at the ceiling. You had confided in her just once about how much you were missing him when you had one too many glasses of wine. Despite your loneliness, you really did try and keep strong. If the two of you were eating together, you’d ask her questions about your husband’s job. M couldn’t answer more than half of them, but did try to help shed some light on this new side of James. 
She couldn’t go into a lot of details, both due to how classified it all was, but because she thought that James should be the one to explain everything.
On the third day, M had informed you that James had sent a message. It was short and didn’t disclose his whereabouts, but you were so relieved that your knees just about gave out from underneath you. 
He was safe.
He was safe and that was all that mattered to you. Several more days would pass before you’d be reunited. 
It was the dead of night and, like usual, you couldn’t sleep. M wasn’t home - she said that she would be late - so you had eaten by yourself. While her suite is beautiful, you can’t help but wish that you were home in your little flat. You used to be annoyed about how much the building settled or your neighbors snoring during the night. Now, the lack of noise unsettles you. However, every noise you do happen to hear makes the hairs on your arms stick up.
Especially when you hear the elevator open awfully early in the night.
Somehow, you knew that it wasn’t M. Maybe it was because you didn’t hear her toss her handbag on one of the chairs or that her usual heels didn’t sound like they should. Either way, you had to make sure that everything was okay. You quietly get out of the bed and grab an empty wine bottle. 
Carefully, you slowly twist the doorknob to ease the door open by just a crack. You can just make out a figure that was much bigger than M shuffling around her desk. Unsure of what to do and not wanting to blow your cover immediately, you stay right where you are. He - for it was most definitely a man - straightened himself out and proceeded to make himself comfortable in one her chairs with his back towards you. 
Why would a burglar make himself at home?
As he begins to pour himself a glass, you gently open the door wide enough that you could slip through it. You bless your lucky starts that it doesn’t squeak. 
One, two, three, four steps forward when suddenly two unexpected things happen at the same time.
The man had gotten up, spun around and pointed a gun at your head. 
The elevator doors open to reveal M.
“Good heavens! What is happening?” You watch M hurry in, throwing her bag on a chair. “Bond! Put the gun down!” Your head snaps back around. The look of surprise and alarm was reflected in your husband’s bright blue eyes. You drop the bottle and it shatters. His gun was swiftly tossed aside. 
“James.” You choke back a sob as you run into his arms. He hugs back just as fiercely. 
“(Y/N).” He softly tucks your head into his shoulder and seems to relax in your arms. 
“I missed you.”
“I know.” 
“While this is awfully touching, you have a lot of explaining to do, Bond.” James lifts his head when he hears M say his name. 
“Ah. Yes. I forgot you were here.” You didn’t need to see M’s face to know the look of annoyance she was most likely sporting. 
“Just sit down.” M snaps, but you can tell that it’s half-hearted. James lets go of you, but grabs your hand as he sinks down into the couch. You curl up on his side, his hand still in yours.
You would never know what it was that the two talked about after that because you had fallen asleep as soon as your head settled on his shoulder. 
When you woke up, it was bright out and you were on the couch. Your pillow shifts, making you do a double take. Your pillow was in fact an arm. You shift to your other side and find yourself face to face with your husband’s sleeping face. Gently, you caress his face then plant a kiss on his cheek. 
“That’s hardly what I would call a good afternoon kiss.” James smirks, suddenly wide awake.
“It’s just after one.” He gently pulls you closer to him. “Now, don’t make me wait more than I already have...” 
“That makes two of us, doesn’t it-” You kiss him squarely on the mouth then pull back - much to his obvious displeasure. “-Mr. Secret Agent?”
Needless to say, the two of you would take the time to talk things out and bring everything (that’s not classified information) into the light.
I tried really hard with this one, so I hope you all enjoyed it! I kinda feel like the start and the end were rushed... I plan on doing some Jake Lonergan headcanons this week, so that will be fun. Please feel free to send me ideas or requests! It might take a while for me to finish it, but I’ll try my best!
- Simpy
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 7)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Needles, swear words, reader getting angry.
A/N: Okay y’all so maybe the reader has slight anger issues.
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𝘍𝘪𝘹 𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨.
Y/n suddenly became aware of the very persistent beeping noise in her ear. No matter what she tried she couldn't get it to stop and it was starting to annoy the hell out of her. She cracked her eyes open, the light-flooded her blinding her for a few seconds but her eyes quickly adjusted.
The first thing she noticed was the white plain walls of the Med-Bay. The memories flickered through her head like a flashing light. Y/n looked down to her bandage arm she peeled it back a bit, by looking at her wound she guessed she might have been out a little over a day and a half.
She grabbed the cords attached to her body and yanked them out causing the heart monitor to start flatlining. Wanda shot right up out of a dead sleep at the sound, looking over to make sure her friend was okay. Y/n didn't even know she was there until she spoke up "Oh good you're alive."
Y/n grimaced "Very much so. How long have I been out?"
"A little over a day," Wanda said confirming what she thought. "After FRIDAY alerted us, Barnes got there first to see you all bruised and bloody."
Y/n could tell Wanda was trying to keep the conversation light which she appreciated. She rolled her eyes and chuckled "You should see the other guy."
"Oh trust me I did." Wanda grinned. "I should probably go get bruce though so I'll be right back."
Wanda left her room. Bruce came in and checked her vitals and drew some blood just to make sure there wasn't anything toxic left in her blood. He said that they couldn't use the cradle because it could harm her further so there would be a scar. But Y/n didn't mind much a little bit of meditation and it would be long gone.
Wanda gave Y/n her phone but had to go because Vision needed some help. Y/n was checking some emails and she heard a little sniffle. She looked up to see a red-eyed Peter peaking into her room. She set down her phone and motioned him over. "Hey, Peter what's wrong?"
Peter seemed a little unsure of himself hesitating to speak. He once again sniffles wiping his face with his shirt. In a little voice, he mumbled, "I was scared you were going to die."
Y/n's heart broke into a million little pieces. She didn't know what to say to him. She wanted to comfort him but she didn't know-how. Y/n did the only thing she knew how. Made a joke out of it. "Oh, Pete you know some half-ass assassin can't get the best of me."
Peter chuckled also while hiccuping. He looked down then back at her. He rushed toward Y/n wrapping his arms around her. Y/n slowly wrapped her arm around him the stayed like that for a few seconds. She rubbed his back and patted it. "Can't breathe. Super strength." She choked out.
Peter pulled back standing next to her bed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "I forgot sorry."
"Don't worry about it. And hey get some sleep I'm the one in the Med-bay and you look worst than me."
Peter promised he would. He gave her a get-well card that he bought with his aunt May. He turned to leave. Bucky was standing in the doorway. Peter told him he could go in and left.
Bucky walked into the room. Y/n's face lit up when she noticed him standing there. "Well look who it is. My savior."
Bucky gave a small chuckle. He looked her over. He can't get the image of her lying limp in his arms out of his head. He doesn't think he's ever been that scared or panicked in his life. It became blurry to him after she passed out. He vaguely remembers carrying her the few feet to the med bay and Bruce ordering someone to get him out. Funny how someone can change your life within a few months of knowing them.
"How are you doing." He breathed out turning serious. He sat in the chair next to her bed setting her clothes on the tabled next to them. He couldn't explain it he felt like it was her fault she was in here. Even if he hasn't done it personally.
"Good, I'm good. How's Alpine? I know she has separation anxiety."
"Well, last night she somehow got into my room again. And right now I think she's with Wanda. I'm pretty sure she sneaks her extra treats."
Y/n and Bucky continued to talk. She genuinely enjoyed his company. There was a feeling that she didn't want to name that started to open up whenever he came around. They decided to watch a movie. Y/n was sitting crisscross applesauce and Bucky had his feet kicked up onto her bed while laying back in the chair.
"You actually liked this movie," Bucky exclaimed. Y/n got to pick the movie and she picked newsies. She thought it was the right thing to choose considering it's about young boys in New York. Though it was a little before his time it was basic Bucky and Steve.
"Yes, it was my favorite movie of my teen years. Believe it or not, I thought their New Yorker accents were really hot."
Bucky laughed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing "No way. They are so bad. They aren't even accurate."
"Hey don't judge. I can't help what my teenage hormones find attractive." She jokingly kicked his feet and he put his arms up defensively.
"I'm not, I'm not. It's just that I don't see you like that type of girl. Back in my day, they use to associate accents with thugs or gangs."
"It's the 21st-century hun. Times are different." She put her non-injured hand on her hip.
Bucky raised his eyebrows and smirked "So I'm seeing."
The buzzing of Y/n phone interrupted their conversation. The caller ID read Anthony Y/n put up a finger to signal to give her a moment. She clicked the accept button and a nervous sounding Tony picked up "Hey Y/n how are you? I heard what happened."
Y/n? He never uses her real. That only means one thing. He did something that could potentially piss her off. She was out for one day and this is what happens. "What did you do Tony."
"Okay look so don't be mad when I tell you. Meet me in the debriefing room in 10." He hung up before she got the chance to object.
Y/n slide to the edge of the bed. She swung her feet over. She attempted to stand up but when she put pressure on her foot she nearly collapsed. Y/n didn't remember hitting her foot or anything but it must have been when she dove over her desk. Bucky put his hands on her waist to steady her. "Woah you okay there doll?"
"Yeah. Can you like?" She made a turning motion with her hand. Bucky immediately stood up and turned around.
Y/n took off her hospital gown. Buck caught a glance of 2 long scars crossing her stomach and what looked like to be a burn on her hip through the reflection of the window. He quickly turned away out of respect. Y/n slide on her pants and cleared her throat. "I'm done."
Bucky turns around and sees her supporting most of her weight on her right foot. "Do you want me to get you crutches or a wheelchair?"
"Why would I do that when I have a perfectly good super soldier right here?"
She hobbled over to Bucky and wrapped her good arm around his waist. He rolled his eyes at her being difficult but put his arm around her. He wouldn't admit it but he secretly liked it and thought it was sweet.
They got down to the debriefing room. Tony was pacing around the front muttering something to himself. Y/n and Bucky took up the last two seats. Y/n's foot was throbbing so she put it on the table to elevate it. They waited a couple of minutes for him to start. Natasha finally decided to speak up getting annoyed "You want to tell us what this was about before you burn a hole in the carpet."
Tony stopped to look at them and started to pace again "Okay so I didn't tell you guys everything. That meeting I had was with the UN. They are trying to get General Ross to be ahead of the Avengers instead of Nick Fury."
He paused to let them take it in. Some were confused, and a couple were mad. "Wait are they just trying to do this since we didn't sign the Sakovia accords?" Steve said what most were thinking.
"See that's what I said but they were talking about some bullshit about us being unorganized and dangerous. And the only way they'd stop it is if someone took a truth serum and I said Y/n would."
Oh, this is why he told her not to get mad. She had to take a deep breath so she wouldn't pull off her shoe and beat him with it. Is he stupid? He's a genius but he can't think before he speaks. "So how does it work?" Clint asked.
"Well, they will hook you up to a lie detector machine and inject you with the truth serum. The way it works is that every time you lie the serum will start to burn and your heart rate will start to accelerate."
"So what all do I have to lie about." Y/n finally questioned. She was chewing her lip in contemplation. She's pulled off worst than this and has had more on the line than this.
"What I know for sure is that I said you've been with us for 2 years, you can't tell them how you got that cut and anything that can potentially get us into trouble. Also, you can't take any strong pain meds."
"So basically she has to have one hell of a poker face," Bucky concluded.
Y/n sighs and rubs her head."How long do I have."
"12 hours until wheels up." Tony better buy me so many boxes of pizza she thinks.
Bucky watched as Y/n sat on the floor crisscross applesauce. Her back is the door and the only light in the room is the light from the hallway in the quinjet. Y/n could hear the soft buzz of Bucky's metal arm with her eyes still close she says "You know you can come in Sarge."
That startles Bucky. He walked into the room and sat on the floor taking up space next to her. He looked at her "I came to tell you we are almost there. Are you nervous?"
Y/n thought for a few seconds. Most people in her position would probably be pissing their pants at this moment. Having to go in front of the United Nations and lie straight to their faces. So she answered truthfully "No, no I'm not."
Bucky was surprised. She was genuine in her answer. If it was him he would be having a near stroke. "Really? Anyway so why do meditate it doesn't actually help with anything."
"Actually it does. It helps with my heart rate and it helps me heal faster."
"Oh?" He looked at her expectingly obviously not believing her.
She kicked out her leg and lifted the pant leg to her suit. The bruise was gone and she rotated her foot and wiggle her toes to prove she wasn't in any pain.
Y/n grabbed his shoulder as a crutch to help her get up and grabbed her heels. Bucky looked up at her. "You know I can't seem to figure you out."
Y/n paused and pursed her lips in thought "Somethings are better off left as mysteries." She patted his shoulder and walked out.
Wanda, Natasha, and Y/n broke off from the rest of the Avengers, having to go to the medical room so she could get a mini medical exam.
The girls walk through security. Natasha dropped all of her weapons in a bin so she could pick them up later. They put a device around Wanda's neck so she couldn't use her powers. Y/n could see how uncomfortable it made her. She walked over to Wanda and whispered "I feel bad you have to wear that. You didn't have to come."
Wanda looked at her and have a small sad smile "What you're about to do is worst than this. It's the least I can do for you helping us."
Y/n nodded to her. Security officers escorted them to the medical room. They had Y/n sit on a bed. They made her pee in a cup, took her blood, and checked her medical history. Natasha was giving her advice. While she knew most things it was still nice having someone coach her through and remind her of it.
When they finished Wanda went to join the rest of the Avengers. Natasha walked her to the door she adjusted Y/n's suit "You've got this. We'll be supporting you in the crowd."
"Thank you Nat for everything really." She hugged her and Natasha gave Y/n's arm a reassuring squeeze.
Y/n took a deep breath. She stepped into the room. The room was a half-circle shape with large windows behind it. In the back were journalists and reporters. And in the front were the UN personnel were located. Y/n walked past the Avengers and took her seat in the middle of the room.
Y/n could feel everyone's eyes on her. She got blinded momentarily from the flashes of the cameras. She looked over to the Avengers. Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Steve at the end. Bucky in the middle. And Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Vision on the other end. Wanda gave her 2 thumbs up and Y/n smiled back at her.
Staff came over and started to unpack and hook her up to the lie detector machine. They took off the jacket to her suit and connected wires to three fingers on her right hand. They put a blood pressure cuff on her left tricep and inflated it. Ross stood up and cleared his throat being the room's attention on him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm General Ross and I will be doing the questioning on the behalf of the UN."
He turned his gaze to Y/n. "We're going to test the lie detector first."  Y/n nodded to him and he began.
"Is your legal name Y/n Y/l/n?"
"Yes." Y/n states.
"True." The man in the chair next to her says.
He looked down at the paper he had in his hand looking for his next question. "Very well. Were you born Y/B/D 1995?"
"Are you nervous?"
Natasha's words come back to Y/n. Lie once. Lie about something small. So they don't get suspicious. Y/n let her heart rate pick up a bit and purposely avoided eye contact. "No."
"It's okay to be nervous. God knows I would." Ross joked a few people chuckled and Y/n had to physically hold back an eye roll. He thinks he got her but in reality, he's right where she wanted.
He nodded to the staff and they walked over to her and began to prep her. They cleaned a small area of her arm with an alcohol pad. "This might hurt a bit." One muttered.
They stuck the needle into her arm and injected the serum. At first, it felt cool but then it hit her all at once it felt like someone poured a pan of grease on her. Y/n's skin was on fire, she bit her cheek so hard it nearly drew blood.
Bucky watched as Y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If it was anything like the Super Soldier serum he knew it burn. She opened her eyes and if he didn't witness it he wouldn't even know it happened seconds ago.
General Ross walked back to the front and began to speak "We are ready to proceed. Did it hurt? I've never tried it."
"Yes." Like a bitch.
"What role do you play for the Avengers? Tony mentioned you've been there for 2 years."
"I'm their Chief Physician." The second part of his sentence was a statement so she missed lying by an inch.
He asked questions like that for a while or worded them differently. The questions were getting repetitive and Y/n was getting bored and impatient. She hasn't had to lie yet not that she wanted to. Especially not when she has the truth serum from hell injected in her veins.
"Have the Avengers ever put you in any unnecessary danger?" Ross questioned.
"Never." She replied trying not to bounce her leg.
"Tell me Miss Y/l/n how did you get that cut? It looks pretty deep." He paused seemingly watching for her reaction.
"My cat. She has some pretty mean claws." Y/n stated without missing a beat. She felt the burn of the serum. It wasn't as bad as the injection but damn did it fucking hurt. Despite that Y/n kept a straight face starting to get annoyed with him. She could hear the flutter of the cameras.
"Would you consider Miss Maximoff unstable in any way, shape, or form?"
Y/n has to stop her eyes from going wide. What the hell kind of question was that besides rude. It's like he wants her to lash out at him. "No."
The man watches the monitor for a few seconds "True." He finally says.
"Would you consider Mr. Barnes dangerous?"
The audacity of this man. You want to see someone dangerous? Let's see how dangerous I am when I choke you out with this cord that's wrapped around my finger- "No"
"Are you aware of his past?"
"Very much so. And that where it should stay the past. I don't know what you're trying to get at general."
"Were you aware that we are starting a search for Lilith and anyone with information on her that doesn't come forward will be sent to the raft? And were you aware that if we find her we are ordered to kill on sight?"
Y/n gets a bitter taste in her mouth. This cannot be happening. She can't freak out right now. She clenched her jaw "No I was not aware of either."
"Very well that's all." Ross returned to his seat among the UN.
The staff came over and unhooked her from the machine. Y/n felt like she could finally breathe. She stood up and walked out without glancing back. The Avengers did the same meanwhile getting swarmed with paparazzi.
Part 8
My mini taglist
@theashlynbarnes @writingonabrokenwall
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Stay With You
You get the call after Rook’s accident and go to the hospital to take care of him.
Requests: “ Could you maybe write another Rook story about where you get the call after his accident that he’s in the hospital and just always staying there with him and when his dad shows up he sees you leaning on the bed sleeping holding Rooks hand or something and he knows you’ll take care of him? I just really love Rook “ “ I was wondering if you know what happened to rook and if you could write something cute like taking care of him after being worried at first about him. I had a mental breakdown when we got the news I'm hoping he gets well soon “
JP “Rook” Cappelletty X Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of the accident (violence, broken bones, etc.), angst
A/N: I have been following every update from Rook and his Dad bc I have been so worried. It looks like he’s finally able to go home tonight but I’m still going out of my mind. I tried my best to do what happened justice (without being too depressing) and ended up needing a part 2. I had to reread what happened like 30 times so y’all better enjoy this just for my heartbreak alone. 
Word Count: 3409
part ii
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You were always scared when you got a phone call from an unknown number when Rook was out for the night. You’d gotten calls from the police station and hospital more than once, so you’d learn to expect trouble when your phone rang.
But this was not what you were expecting.
“Excuse me, is this Y/N Y/L/N, the emergency contact for JP Cappelletty?” A female’s voice rang out through the line. You rolled your eyes.
“This is her, what did he do this time?” You smiled, figuring he’d gotten hurt doing something stupid and just needed stiches.
She cleared her throat, “Mr. Cappelletty has been involved in a serious accident. He’s currently at Southern California Hospital awaiting treatment.”
You felt like your entire body stopped working. Your throat closed up and you started shaking. A normal phone call wouldn’t use the words “serious accident,” they would just say he’d been admitted for “minor treatment.”
“Can I come see him?” You barely got the words out, mind spinning in a million directions. The lady on the end of the phone gave you an affirmation and you thanked her, hanging up quickly and packing a small bag for you and Rook. You threw some of his clothes in, some hygiene supplies for you both, and anything else you could think he’d want. You texted your boss a quick explanation and asked for the next few days off before grabbing your keys, wallet, mask, and Rook’s insurance cards, and heading out the door.
You drove to the hospital, calling Colson on your way, on speaker, of course. “Whaddup?”
“Rook is in the hospital.” You rushed out, still in a bit of a panicked mode.
You could hear his breathing pause before he continued, “it’s probably nothing, you know Rook. He probably just punched a guy or something stupid.”
You had tried to convince yourself of that, but something felt wrong about it. “I know, but the hospital said he was in a serious accident.” You emphasized the word “serious.” “Maybe I’m overreacting but I have this really bad feeling right now.”
Colson’s voice held more worry after your statement, too. “Okay. Just get there and figure out what’s going on and then call me. What hospital is he at?”
“Southern California.”
“That’s like 10 minutes away from me. If it is serious, just call me back and I can be there.” His voice was much calmer than yours, which you were thankful for.”
“And Y/N,” He paused, “try to stay calm. If it is bad, he’s gonna need you to take care of him.”
You took in a deep breath, trying to slow your heartrate. “Yeah, yeah okay. Thanks.”
“Let me know what’s going on.”
“I will. Thank you, Kells.” You hung up the phone, pulling into the hospital parking garage and turning your car off. You sat in the dark for a few moments, gathering your thoughts, before heading towards the hospital. When you reached the front desk, you gave them Rook’s name and waited as they read your temperature from the touchless thermometer. You had to stop yourself from groaning as she started reading the Covid questionnaire, answering no to every question.
The lady gave you directions to his room, telling you they’ll take your ID once you get up to the fourth floor. Your hands were shaking as you rode the elevator up, and you tried to calm yourself down before you saw your boyfriend. Colson was right, you worrying wouldn’t do anything but make him nervous.
You gave your ID to the security guard on the fourth floor, impatiently waiting for him to print out your visitor’s sticker. Once you had put it on, you walked down the hallway, counting the room numbers to find his. Once you reached the door, you took a deep breath, unsure what you would find beyond it.
You opened it slowly, a sigh of relief when you saw him sitting on the bed, an ice pack pressed against his face. “Babe!” His face lit up when he saw you. He tried to lean forward on his own, but his grimace told you that it hurt him too much.
You smiled, setting the bag in your hands on the floor and adjusting the bed so he didn’t have to lean. “What happened?” You whispered, taking in his state, and pulling down your mask. He had a small bruise under his left eye and there were wires and tubes running up his left arm. His right arm was wrapped in layers of hospital bandage.
He frowned at you, left hand reaching for your hand and motioned you to sit down beside him, so you did, gently.  You wanted to hold his hand, but you were worried it would hurt him more, so you settled to rubbing his thigh gently. “I was walking around in the hills, and then these two guys came out of fucking nowhere. They jumped me and my friend and took a bunch of our shit. I punched one of them but the other one ran to his car and said he had a gun.” Your eyes went wide. “He didn’t have a gun, but he did have a car. And he literally came full speed at me and his partner.”
You tried to stay calm, but his recount of the night made you want to wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him in your house forever. “That sounds so scary, love.” You whispered, your free hand reaching out and stroking his right cheek. He leaned his head into your touch, a small smile on his face. “Did anyone see anything? Or does anyone know who they were?”
He shook his head lightly, “the guy in the car got away, but the other dude got hit too. Pretty sure he’s in this hospital. The cops came in and asked about it earlier, but I’d never seen those guys before.”
You nodded, leaning in, and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I’m very glad you’re okay.” You moved the ice pack from his face, observing the purple mark on his face. You may not know how to take care of broken bones, but you’d been with Rook through more than a few bruises and busted lips. You peppered kisses over the skin lightly, making him smile, which was the best thing you could do at the moment.
“The doctors are supposed to come back in soon. They did some X-Rays earlier to figure out exactly what’s broken, but my hand is definitely fucked up, and my legs.” He raised his right arm, showing you the cuts that ran along it. You frowned. “They said I’ll probably need surgery, which sucks.”
“I’m sorry, baby.” Your voice was soft. You reached your hand to move his braids out of his face, something you’d gotten in the habit of doing quite often.
He shrugged, “I’m fine with it, you’re the one who has to take care of me afterwards.” You smiled and shook your head teasingly.
“I do that anyways, loser.” You chuckled, before a thought popped into your head. “Should I call your dad? I told Colson but I didn’t think to call your dad.”
He shook his head lightly, “Once they told me they’d called you I texted him. He said he’d be here in an hour or so.” You nodded, moving to sit in the chair beside the hospital bed so you could be at eye level with your boyfriend instead of leaning down uncomfortably. “What did Kells say?”
You chuckled, “he said you’d probably just gotten in a fight or did something stupid.” Rook pouted dramatically. “I told him we’d let him know what was going on later and he could come to the hospital if you were up for it.”
He smiled at you as you leaned your head onto the bed, near his abdomen, and looked up at him. He reached to rest his hand on top of yours, even though you could tell it hurt him to do so. You sat in silence for a few moments until you heard a small knock on the door. “Come in.” Rook called, and you sat up, putting on your mask and turning to see who was coming in.
A woman in her early 40s walked in, followed by two younger men. “Hello again, Mr. Cappelletty. I’ve got the results from your scans.” She spoke as the other two placed X-Ray films onto a small lightboard in the room. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.” She said as she noticed you.
“Oh, it’s okay Dr. Tambi, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” He smiled, looking towards you. You smiled kindly at the doctor. “She can stay, right?” He asked, his hand curling around yours lightly, you could feel the motion straining him and you flipped your hand around, holding his in yours lightly. You hoped it would hurt him less.
Dr. Tambi gave a nod and flashed you a smile, “of course.” She turned back to the films, pointing at the first one. “This is your left hand. If you look at this part right here, you can see where your second metacarpal fractured at the bottom near the carpal.” She raised her right hand, pointing to the bottom of her pointer finger near the knuckle. “So, we’re going to need to do a minor surgery to fix that up a little bit.” Rook nodded and you ran your hand up and down his arm gently. “Your right hand got off a bit easier,” she pointed to the next X-Ray. “No surgery, we’re gonna put it in a cast for a little while just in case but it might be off before you even leave the hospital.” You could feel him relax under your touch at that.
“But then your legs,” she pointed to the next images, “are a bit more complicated. I would imagine they took a brunt of the hit, correct?” She asked. He nodded again and you bit your lip, trying not to cringe at the image of your boyfriend being hit by a car. “The lower portion of your right tibia shattered into 3 pieces.” She pointed to the bone fragments in the X-ray, and this time a shiver physically went through your body. “So, we’ll need to do surgery to fix that up, too. And your left ankle has a hairline fracture that won’t need surgery, but you will have to stay off of it for a while.”
You looked at Rook, taking in the clench of his jaw. He was trying to look tough, but you could see through him, you always could. You knew he wouldn’t ask, so you did. “How long will they take to heal?”
He turned towards you, a soft smile on his face. You two worked so well because you balanced him out. Whenever he would almost get into a fight at a bar, you would be the rational one to pull him away. When you got too stressed out or uptight, he knew just how to get you to relax. When he was too nervous to think straight, you were there to ask all the right questions. You took care of each other, and you could read him like an open book.
“The left hand won’t need to stay in a cast for very long if the surgery goes well, but the left leg might be in a boot for 6 to 8 weeks, and the right leg will probably be a little bit longer, closer to 8 to 12 weeks.” Rook took in a deep breath, and the hand on his arm squeezed lightly, subtly telling him that you were there for him, and he would be okay. “Once we get the surgeries out of the way we can talk more about the treatment plan going forward, so try not to worry about it too much.” She smiled.
One of the men stepped forward, “I’m Dr. Stenson, I’ll be the anesthesiologist working with you.” Rook nodded towards the man, who continued to go over what Rook could and couldn’t do before the surgery. “How often do you drink or smoke?” He asked, and you let out a small chuckle.
Rook shoved you lightly, a small smile on his face. “Often.” He said, and you tried not to laugh.
“And what do you smoke?” He asked.
You mumbled under your breath, “what doesn’t he smoke is the better question.” Rook heard you, sending you a glare and you giggled quietly.
“Weed and cigarettes.” He said, trying to hide laughter as he watched you out of the corner of his eye. The man nodded and soon after the doctors left, leaving you and Rook alone again. “You’re so mean to me sometimes.” He pouted.
You laughed, “If it wasn’t so easy to make fun of you, I wouldn’t be so mean.”
“I got hit by a car, you have to be nice to me.” He whined and you rolled your eyes jokingly. “That’s a law.” He stated.
“Oh, is it?” You smiled, leaning forward, and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I guess I can be a little nice to you. For now.”
Rook’s expression turned serious, his eyes gazing into yours. “I’m kind of freaking out right now.” He whispered, his forehead resting against yours. “I’m not gonna be able to play for at least 8 weeks. What if I forget how to? Or what if they get into surgery and find out that it’s worse than they thought and I can never play again?”
You sighed, knowing these thoughts had been festering in him since the accident. You brought your hand up to his face, your thumb rubbing circles into his cheek. “Babe listen to me. You are the best drummer I know; you’ve been drumming for what, your entire life? You’re not gonna forget how to drum from 8 weeks off. And even if they get in there and find out its worse than they thought, which they won’t, we’ll figure it out. Everything is gonna be okay. They’ve seen worse fractures than these, trust me, they know what they’re doing.”
He nodded, letting out air through his nose. “But what if I could never drum again? I dropped out of high school. I’ve literally never done anything else except drum. I wouldn’t have money, I wouldn’t have friends because they would be touring all the time, I would lose everything.”
“You’d have me.” You whispered, “You would have me, and your dad, and all the people who really matter, even if they go on tour.”
“You would stay with me even if I was broke?” He sounded so small, so scared, and yet so amazed that you would even hint at the idea.
You frowned, confusion on your face. “I would stay with you if we were living on the streets and eating out of trash cans. But we wouldn’t be, because I also have a job and you’re going to be able to drum in no time.”
You simultaneously loved and hated this side of Rook. He never showed anyone how insecure he could be, and he was so insecure sometimes. You hated seeing him so sad. But you loved it, because you were one of the only people who did see it, because he trusted you enough to let you.
You guys had been friends for years and started dating 3 years ago after he kissed you, completely sober, in the studio while he thought the other guys were taking a break (they were really spying on you two the whole time). In those three years you’d come to know just about everything about each other. You trusted him with every piece of you, and he trusted you. You’d moved in together 2 years ago, and now everyone seemed to be waiting for a ring.
You didn’t mind waiting, you didn’t need to get married to know that Rook loved you or to know that you were going to spend the rest of your life with him. It was clear in the way you looked at each other that there would never be anyone else for either of you.
“I love you.” He mumbled, bringing a smile to your lips.
“I love you too.” You pressed another slow kiss to his soft lips. He closed his eyes as you did so, relaxing into it. You realized how tired he must be. “Why don’t you take a nap, J?” You whispered, and he mumbled a sound of protest, but you could already see him struggling against his sleepiness. “I’ll be right here when you wake up.” You ran your free hand over his forehead, his braids having fallen into his face again, before adjusting his bed so he was laying down more.
It only took you 15 minutes before you fell asleep, your head resting against his stomach and hand still in his.
A little while later, Johnny rushed in the room, worry on his face until he saw the two of you. He smiled, taking a quick picture that he would definitely be showing on your wedding day. You got a good one, son. He thought to himself, feeling a sense of his pride that JP had finally found someone as good as you who would put up with his shit.
He took the seat on the wall opposite of the hospital bed. You came to consciousness 20 minutes later, finding the older man and smiling. “Hi Mr. Cappelletty.” You whispered, not wanting to wake Rook up.
“Hey, darlin’. How’s he doing?”
You looked up at your boyfriend, a soft smile on your face as you took in his peaceful features. “He’s doing good, a little freaked out, I think, but he’s good.” The man nodded, and you continued. “They’re doing surgery on his hand tomorrow and then on his leg a few days from now.”
“Damn. Did he tell you what happened? All I got was a very vague text.”
You nodded, the smile falling. “I guess these guys jumped him while he was out and one of them got in a car and hit him.” Your breathing got heavy thinking about it and you could see Johnny’s eyes widen.
He took in a deep breath, processing what you told him. “Jesus, I just thought he’d got his ass kicked at some bar.”
“So did Colson.” You let out a short laugh, your heart not in it. Your hand moved up to run over his arm again. “He’s scared he’s not gonna be able to drum again.” You whispered, tears coming to your eyes as you took in Rook’s sleeping state. For the first time since you’d gotten the call you allowed your emotions to hit you fully, thoughts of how much worse it could’ve been and how scared he must’ve felt floating through your mind.
Johnny could hear the slight crack in your voice, and he walked over to where you were sitting, pulling you into his stomach. “He’ll be okay.” He whispered, “I raised a strong kid.”
You nodded, trying to hide your sniffles. “I know, I just- I can’t stop thinking about how much worse it could’ve been. If he-.” You bit your lip, not wanting to voice the thought out loud. “I can’t lose him.” Your voice was weak, and you weren’t even sure that the words came out.
Johnny pulled you closer, “I know, sweetheart. But you have to remember that he’s okay, it wasn’t worse.” You nodded. “You’re allowed to want him to stay inside for the next few months out of fear, that’s natural. You just gotta remember how lucky we are.”
You wiped your eyes gently, smiling up at the father of your soulmate. “Thank you.” You whispered.
He nodded, “He needs to remember how lucky he is to have you. There’re not many people who would stick around with him for 3 years. Not people like you.”
You smiled softly, looking at Rook with fondness in your eyes, “I’m lucky to have him, too.”
Johnny patted your shoulder, going back to where he was sitting. You grabbed a spare pillow from the table next to you and propped it on the bed , slightly on Rook’s lap. You laid your head on it, making sure Rook’s hand was in a comfortable position in your own, and drifted off to sleep.
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murderslugs · 3 years
Slasher Bf/Gf Scenarios/Imagines! || Meeting Them
Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th)
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You were out with friends, and it was getting awfully late. But still, there you were, with a flashlight and a backpack with a first-aid kit, some snacks, and water in it, just in case, walking through the abandoned camping trail with your friends. You guys had grown up in a town not too far away from the little old camp, and you’d heard all the stories that surrounded the place. For years you had just dismissed it, you all had passed it off as a local legend or rumor, but still there was a little spark of curiosity. Of course, this is what led you to where you reside now, exploring the camp in search of something peculiar, maybe a story to tell.
“Maybe we should go home...It’s late and I’m not feeling well..” your friend, Ruby, said wearily. It was true, you could see the illness in her dark, drooping eyelids. “Oh, bullshit! You’re fine, just drink some water and go throw up on a tree or something!” another friend yelled out. You just rolled your eyes. “Shut up! She doesn’t look too good, Otis! I think I should bring her back to the car to sit down.” You said with concern. To the dismay and groaning of the group, they let you and Ruby on your way back down the trail and to the car while they continued down the path. 
As you made your way to the car, Ruby fell close behind in your steps. Your flashlight flickered continually, and then suddenly gave out; leaving you two in the dark, and the pale moon barely illuminating through the trees above you. “Shit,” you muttered to yourself, hitting the battery pack to the light repeatedly. “Stop, quiet,” Ruby whisper-shouted. That’s when you heard the rustling of the branches getting closer. Closer. Closer. “Maybe we shou…” You turn around, to see Ruby gone. 
“Ruby? Ruby?!” You shouted out, to no response. You turned frantically, searching for any sign of her presence. A large man in a ski mask and an old, ruined jacket stood before you, silent. Before you could turn to run or get around him, you felt a sudden pressure on the side of your head, and then you saw black.
Michael Myers (Halloween)
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It was Halloween night, and you were home from college for fall break. Your mom insisted that you took your younger sister trick-or-treating, even though you refuted that she was 12 years old, and could handle herself. So, you just took her block to block instead and sat on the corner of the street for her to walk down to the other end and get to all the houses. It was a small town, so there were never really concerns about kidnapping and such. It was just never a problem, you guess. 
“Go, Riley. You’re a big kid, you can go down the street.” You groaned, tired of her constant whining. “But (y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn), It’s dark down there!! There’s not a street light at the end!!” she whined insistently. You sighed heavily and pulled your phone out of your pocket. “Here. You can use the flashlight on my phone, just don’t snoop through my info.” You told her, handing over the old smartphone, and pulling a pumpkin-shaped sucker from her trick-or-treat bag. “You owe me this.” 
You unwrapped the cheap candy and popped it into your mouth, leaning on the house fence as your sister skipped down the sidewalk. The leaves rustled in the trees, and suddenly you heard footsteps behind you, and whipped around to see who it was. It was on the quieter side of town, and it was getting late. This meant that there shouldn’t be many people out, so there shouldn’t be someone behind you. But still, you came face-to-chest with a tall man in a dark blue jump-suit type outfit, and a white mask. You panicked, and thought quickly about how to fight back. Unfortunately, he seemed to be faster than you, and your mouth was covered as you were picked up and carried off into the darkness, legs kicking uselessly. 
Carrie White (Carrie)
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You were at the library when you saw a pale girl browsing through the young adult fantasy section. You observed her actions, as she readjusted her dress and collar. She carefully picked a book from the shelf and flipped it to the back to read the description. You saw a flash of the cover, and realized it was one of your favorite series, Chronicles of Narnia. You hesitated but stepped forward in a bit of excitement.
“That’s a good one, I, um, really recommend checking it out.” You told her with a smile, and she looked up, seemingly a bit taken aback. You realized this, and took a step back to give her space. “Sorry, didn’t mean to alarm you...I’m (y/n).” You stuck out your hand, and she just looked down at it, book in hand. “Carrie...Sorry, mama never liked me talking to strangers…” “No, no, it’s okay, I underst-” “No, it’s okay...She’s been gone a while now.” She looked down. 
You stood awkwardly, feeling a bit bad now. “You seem kind enough. I’ve got to go, but we can talk again another time. I come here every Sunday, around noon.” Carrie said quietly, smiling softly and turning, taking Narnia with her. You sat to yourself, a bit confused about the interaction. You shook your head and carried on. “Next Sunday it is,” You thought to yourself.
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
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There was a new girl at school, as you had heard. How could you not have when everyone was talking about it? She had moved here recently after some sort of tragedy occured, or so you’d heard. It was rumored that she had to have surgery cause someone tried to kill her, she was all stabbed up and shit and nearly bled out. You can’t imagine how awful that would be, and you kept thinking about how she probably came here for a new start, and wouldn’t want people asking about it, but you knew it would happen anyways.
It was 3rd period, Anatomy, when a girl you’d never seen before walked into the classroom. This, of course, must have been the new girl. She was absolutely glowing, even from afar. Her hair was voluminous, rich, and dark, her skin was clear and shiny, her eyes were sharp and bright. It took your breath away trying to take in the sight. The girl’s heels clicked as she trailed to the back of the classroom, to where you were. She sat beside you, at the lab table. 
You tried not to look at her, after all, you didn’t want to seem weird. You looked at the floor and over to her shoes. A few drips of a thick, crimson substance were on the floor beneath her, seemingly originating from her shoe. You wondered for a moment if she was hurt. Or, could she have hurt someone else..? It scared you a bit to think about the second option. God knows this school didn’t need another bully, or anything worse than it.
You were tranced, stuck in your own looming dark thoughts, when a velvet voice came to your ears. You snapped your glance up from the floor, to see the girl looking at you, specifically. To your dismay, blood rushed to your face out of embarrassment. “I’m Jennifer. Do you have a pen I can use?”
Billy Loomis (Scream)
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You were in your brand new house, you had moved out and into the next town over from your parents. You wanted to be further away, but you knew that your mom would be upset, she was always so protective. She even said that she expected you to come visit her on the weekends. The relationship was a bit exhausting sometimes. But now, you were in your own house, and it was great. You could decorate it however you wanted, you could have whoever you wanted over, you could do basically whatever.
Though, for now, you decided to just make some off-brand pizza rolls and blare some music, maybe even dance around a little bit. Season Of The Witch by Donovan was playing on your stereo when suddenly your phone rang. You paused the music, and quickly answered. Normally, you would check the caller ID, but you were in a good mood and it completely slipped your mind. I mean, who cares if it's a scam caller? You can just hang up. To your surprise, it wasn’t a familiar voice, but didn’t seem to be a scam-caller. Maybe a wrong number? 
“Do you like scary movies?” The other line said. You were suspicious, and for a second you considered that maybe it was a survey. It didn’t seem to be a harmful question, so you replied, “Yeah, duh. If you don't, you're pretty lame.” You turned the music back on, but turned the volume down. He asked a few follow-up questions, and you gave your honest answers. You just strolled around the kitchen, occasionally checking the timer on your food so that it doesn’t burn. 
You had your phone pressed between your ear and your shoulder, and you had on oven mitts as you grabbed your pizza rolls from the oven. “What’s your name?” The caller suddenly asked. You paused for a second as you put the cooking sheet on the counter. “Why do you wanna know..” You asked cautiously. “Well, I wanna know the name of the cutie I’m looking at.” He said, and your heart damn near stopped. “Excuse me..?” You hung up and quickly ran to the doors, double-checking the locks and locking the windows and shutting the curtains. You grabbed a knife from the silverware drawer and locked yourself in your room, where you eventually fell asleep in the dark silence.
Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
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You had just moved out to the country-side to start anew, planning to start a small farm and just live in peace on the quiet little land. Little did you know, you had neighbors across the field that weren’t exactly the type of neighbors that you could ask for a cup of sugar. You were hanging the new drapes for the windows after having taken the old ones down. They were old, dirty, ragged. Honestly, the old farmhouse was sort of let to rot for a while, and you knew it. It was cheap though, and you were up to the challenge. You decided that you would decorate it, clean it up, and make it like brand new, even with the little money that you had. 
As you were hanging the drapes, you kept looking out into the distance of the rolling fields outside the window, littered with patches of wild flowers in the grass. You fantasized about making gardens, maybe even building a little stable for a horse or two. It was a lovely thought; there was a small village a little while away from the farm that you could ride a horse to if you wanted. 
Though, some distance away in the field, you saw the figure of what looked to be a man wandering in the field. You weren’t too worried, as you had all the locks in place, it was the middle of the day, and he looked peaceful. So, you just forgot about it and went on fixing up your house, unpacking, and getting the rest of the things in place. Although you had been there about a week, you still understandably weren’t completely unpacked. 
A few hours later, you were doing a bit of drawing on the couch and taking some time to relax. That’s when you heard a thud on your door. Just a single thud, that’s all. Still, you had reason to be concerned, as you were sort of in the middle of the country and it was starting to set into the evening. You quietly walked to your bedroom and grabbed a shotgun from the closet that you kept for protection, a tradition in your family. You carried it with you as you checked the door. You looked through the thin peephole, but saw nothing. You opened the door to find a paper stuck to the door by a rusty hatchet, buried deep into the oak. Your heart rate spiked as you tore the note from the door and read it. “Welcome to the neighborhood, pretty person” was spelled in crude handwriting.
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detectivereyes · 3 years
I Watched the Leaves Go From Green to Grey
Summary: When TK gets anxious, he gets into fights.
Notes: for the self-harm square on my @badthingshappenbingo card, or my interpretation of it bc i didn’t want to write a traditional “self harm” fic yk
beta’d by @marjansmarwani and also s/o to loml @seaoflittlefires for providing her objective perspective and fixing all my past/present tense issues 💗
word count: 2.3k
read on ao3
If you asked TK, the first time it happened was definitely an accident. 
He wasn’t planning on getting into a fight, and he wasn’t even that high. Instead he found himself riding out the tail end of a high in some dingy bar in the East Village, trying to numb the pain with whatever alcohol the bartender would give him with a quick flash of his fake ID. At only 16, he knew he didn’t look 21, but the bartender didn’t ask or didn’t care.
It started with a simple misplacement of his elbow, brushing up too close against the glass of whiskey belonging to the burly man sitting next to him. He didn’t even realize what had happened until he heard the glass shatter on the floor between them.
He started to stutter out some form of an apology but not before he felt a flash of pain hit his face, radiating through his lower jaw until his body collided with the ground. Though he was caught off guard, the pain he’s feeling didn’t feel wrong. In fact it made him feel alive.
He hopped back up, managing to throw in a few punches of his own until more of the burly man's friends showed up and he couldn't decipher which direction the blows were coming from. But with each punch or kick, he felt more empowered. Each freshly formed bruise serving as a reminder that he wasn’t actually numb. 
He was here, and he was alive.
Fortunately, he had managed to sneak out before the cops showed up. Unfortunately, the bruises did not go unnoticed by his mom or dad. Though they didn’t press too hard, he knew he would have to be more careful next time.
He never forgot the outlet getting into fights provided. A way to not only relieve the numbness, but relieve stress and have the pain on the outside match what he felt on the inside.
He didn’t get into fights that often, only when the pain built up too much and he needed to let it out somehow. Or sometimes he used it as a way to just quiet the anxious thoughts when substances no longer did the trick.
Even after he got clean, he would occasionally find himself back in some random bar that he hadn’t managed to get himself kicked out of yet. Every bar had at least one drunk asshole who he knew would be easy to pick a fight with.
He quickly learned the right words to trigger the perfect reaction. He also got better ducking and throwing his own punches, and hiding the bruises that did form on his skin until his parents no longer noticed or worried about him.
When he arrived in Austin, he figured it would only be a matter of time before he found himself in a dingy bar on the outskirts of town, opposite of the bar the team frequented to avoid any chance of running into a familiar face.
The numb feeling and colorless vision was too much and Judd’s words only served to exacerbate the pain he was feeling inside. He attempted to fight Judd, knowing his larger frame could do a lot of damage and would do the trick. But he should have known the other man wouldn’t fight back, instead holding him close so he couldn’t do any damage until Paul broke them up.
As soon as the shift ended, TK all but ran into the Uber. The tension in his body wound up too tight and he knew it wouldn’t settle until he got in a fight. 
The fight itself was a blur, but what happened next wasn’t. As he walked out of the police station with his bag of belongings and busted lip still pulsing in pain, Carlos’ words rang in his ear.
You should talk to someone about why you felt compelled to do something so suicidal.
Was it suicidal? He always saw it as a way to remind himself that he was alive, not trying to die. But he'd also never met someone who cared so much about his well being. 
The police officers he usually ran into during his fights never seemed to give a shit about why he did what he did. And if the guys he hooked up with noticed the busted lips or black eyes, they never said anything.
Carlos checked both of those boxes, yet seemed genuinely concerned with what TK was getting himself into.
That was when he knew things would be different here.
And they were for a time. For a while the color returned into his life and the pain that he had grown so accustomed to settled into a dull ache that he barely noticed.
But like everything else, the good could never last. And soon enough the pain grew more noticeable and he felt like he was going to jump out of his skin. He needed to know he wasn't numb. He needed to feel pain. He needed to fight.
So he found himself in another dingy bar, much similar to the one he went to when he got to Austin over a year ago. He knew he shouldn’t be there. He had to call someone. But Carlos was on shift and his dad was on a date and while both would have probably picked up in a heartbeat, he couldn't do that to them. And anyone else he could have called wouldn’t understood or known what to do. 
He knew what he had to do.
On muscle memory he ran through his routine, spouting out the perfect words to trigger the reaction he craved. 
After only a few blows to the face, the punches stopped and the fight broke up as the cops arrived. He scanned the area, letting out a sigh of relief when he didn't see Carlos’ familiar brown eyes, and managed to slip out the back before anyone noticed.
The Uber ride from the bar back to his and Carlos’ home passed by in a blur. If his driver noticed the purple bruises likely beginning to blossom on his face, she didn't say anything.
He made a beeline to the bathroom as soon as he walked through the door, hoping that the damage wasn't bad enough that he couldn't cover it up. There was no way Carlos wouldn't notice, but if cleaned it up a bit and came up with a good story, it might not be as bad.
Flipping on the light switch TK frowned at his reflection. While there were a few scattered bruises all over his body, the worst by far was the one forming around his eye, already turning a lovely shade of deep purple. Above his eye was a short but deep gash, stretching across his eyebrow.
Well, that definitely wouldn't go unnoticed.
TK sighed, rifling through the medicine cabinet until he found the box of butterfly bandaids. He knew it probably would need stitches, but if he could avoid a trip to the ER tonight, that would be ideal, and these bandages would do the trick for now. He carefully placed two on his eyebrow, hissing at the contact as the wound closed. He then shut off the light and settled on the living room sofa, waiting for Carlos to come home. 
By the time he heard the jiggling of keys in the door, a few hours had passed and he had nearly fallen asleep under the soft blanket on the couch. He panicked for a second, not quite ready for Carlos’ reaction when he saw TK’s face.
On impulse, he ducked under the blanket before the door swung open. He could see the light switch on and Carlos’ outlined shape from beneath the cover.
“Babe? What’s going on?” he asked. TK could sense he had stopped in front of the couch but was refraining from coming any closer.
“Don’t freak out,” was all TK could manage to say, and he could only imagine the confusion painting his boyfriend’s face.
“I’m freaking out that you won’t tell me what’s going on,” he stated matter of factly.
TK sighed before slowly pulling down the blanket and peeking his head out, giving Carlos a sheepish grin. 
Carlos’ eyes widened in concern as he sat down next to TK, gently running his fingers over TK’s swollen eye. “What happened, baby?”
“Combative patient,” the lie rolled too easily off his tongue. “Woke up while we were treating him and took a swing at me.”
“I see,” Carlos nodded slowly. “And these other bruises?” he added, trailing his hand over the blossoming bruises on TK’s neck and arms. When he reached his torso, he didn't miss the way TK winced at the contact. TK hadn't even realized how sore he was.
“Must have fallen a little bit in the scuffle,” he shrugged.
Carlos hummed along to TK’s response. TK tried to get a read on what Carlos was making of his story. It was a pretty good one if he gave himself any credit, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Carlos just wasn't buying it. 
“You know how people get when they’re caught off guard,” he quickly added, panicking when he realized he should be adding more details before Carlos could doubt him anymore. 
Carlos though remained silent, studying him carefully. 
“We’re here to help them but they don’t always realize that right away,” he laughed nervously, hoping Carlos wasn't catching on to his anxious rambling.
“TK,” Carlos trailed off, his eyebrows pinching together in worry. He knew something was off, and there was no getting out of it.
Before he could dig himself into a deeper hole, he decided to dam break. He launched into the whole story about how he felt so on edge after his shift and he didn’t know what else to do, which is why he fell back into old habits. Carlos listened intently as he explained what happened when he showed up at the bar and instigated the fight, and ducking out he could get caught.
“I’m so sorry, Carlos. Please don’t be mad,” he said at the end of his rant, still shaking with adrenaline while he waited to see how Carlos would handle hearing the truth. 
Carlos sighed, gently rubbing TK’s shoulder. “I’m not mad at you, TK.”
“You’re not?” TK said, sniffling. 
“No, but I am concerned at why you didn’t think you could call me. And then why you felt like you had to lie about it.”
TK shrugged. “I’m just kind of used to bottling it up, I guess.”
“But you should know you can talk to me about this kind of stuff.”
“I do! But sometimes it just gets to be so much that I don’t know what else to do and I need a way to let it all out.”
“What gets to be so much?” Carlos cocked his head to the side. 
“Everything,” TK quickly responded, as if that clarified anything he was saying. He knew he wasn't making much sense and Carlos was trying his best to understand. But TK didn't know how else to describe the way he was feeling. Like a row of tightly wound string, one pluck away from snapping. 
“TK, what happened that made you want to get into a fight tonight?” Carlos asked. 
“I,” TK started to answer but stopped himself when he realized he didn't even have a good answer. He'd never stopped to consider the reasons for why he felt this way. All he knew was that he felt like he was about to explode and he needed a good way to release it. “I don’t know.”
Carlos nodded, and TK could only admire the patience his boyfriend had with him. The tears started to well up in his eyes and he took some shaky breaths as Carlos pulled him close into a hug, letting him sob into his broad chest. 
“It’s okay if you don’t know,” he whispered softly into TK’s ear. “But I think it is important to examine why you do feel this way. And to realize when it starts to get bad so it doesn’t happen again.”
TK pulled away from Carlos’ embrace, nodding and wiping back the tears while doing so. “It just feels like there’s always this pain, and sometimes I don’t notice it but other times it’s so much that I need to do something about it. And I can’t do the other stuff I used to do to deal with it, but getting into these fights… I don’t know, it helps. Which probably doesn’t make any sense but it’s better than some of my other coping mechanisms.”
Carlos gave him a sympathetic look. “TK, it might not be drugs, but you are just as likely to get hurt.”
TK looked down, nervous squeezing his hands, unsure of how to respond to Carlos’ observations.
“It’s not healthy,” he continued. “I need you to promise me you will call next time. It doesn’t matter what time, or if I’m on shift, or I’m asleep. Talk to me about it. And talk to me about what you’re feeling all the time so we can try to prevent it getting this bad. Okay?”
TK nodded in agreement. 
“Hey,” Carlos tilted TK’s head up so they matched each other's gaze. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“I know,” he gave Carlos a small smile. “I appreciate it, and your patience with me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that. We’re a team, and I want to help you in whatever way possible. I love you, TK”
TK melted under Carlos’ soft brown eyes and genuine smile. “I love you too, Carlos.”
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♧Romanice Spice♧
{Venti x Fem Reader}
{It's not sfw the way I like to write it personally}{All characters writen about are 18+}
{Modern witchy Au, same basic story with archons and all that jazz but in a modern setting!}
The moon was full the night was warm and next to you lay your soulmate, the Anemo archon himself.
You wore a soft silk white dress that barely covered your breasts when you moved in certain ways. Normally you'd never wear a dress like this out but tonight was a special date night with Venti.
The full moon was special for magic and you both loved escapeing to a nice space in the middle of the deep woods. Where spirits and seelie play!
On the walk in you were greeted by many seelie who loved to play with you on your usual hikes in the woods.
"How are you feeling?"
Ventis voice came softly in your ear, pulling you from your thoughts. You both had taken a small amount of edibles before laying down together. Opting to watch the stars as they kicked in. Both of you were usually broke but you'd saved up money from tarot readings and Venti's last gig at a cute Cafe to go to the local dispenser for some edibles.
Of course you both always got carded but once they saw your id's being both 25 everything was fine.
You take a deep breath and look up at the stars, you can feel yourself slowly relaxing from all the stress you'd been feeling recently.
"A little while longer I just wanna cuddle." You say as you nuzzle into your lovers chest.
"Works for me cutie, and remember if you end up changing your mind we don't have to" He pets your head. You smile at how understanding he always was.
You both continue to look up at the full moon, enjoying the warm night and gentle breeze. You gaze up and the jewel studded sky with its dazzling moon as it's crowning glory.
The world could wait when you were here, in the deep woods with your own personal freedom. The truama you've collected over your life from the deaths of your parents one after another, to a Cinderella-esque tragedy of having a step mother who abused you.
All of that vanished into the beautiful moonlit night, carried away by the wind.
You blush gently as you start to feel the mood coming on. You gently kiss your lovers cheek before tenderly placing more along his jaw. He smiles and you feel his arm wrap around you gently.
"Just tell me if you want to stop, I'll be nice and slow baby" He comes gently before taking your chin gently and kissing your lips. His warm soft lips pressing lovingly into yours, taking his time, enjoying how much he loves kissing you.
Like a fine wine. That's what you were. When he kissed you he had to savor it, every last moment. The joy and pleasure of just your lips, just one kiss, made his heart race. And yours too, he noticed.
He gently moved the two of you into a sitting position she he could gingerly hold your shoulders as he kissed you. Your hands always found their way to his chest, clutching onto his shirt shyly as he took his time with you.
"Y/N..." He murmured languidly between kisses. He wanted your permission to go a little further.
With a blush and a nod he wraps his arms around you and this time when he kisses you, it's got a little more heat to it.
You welcome his tongue into your mouth, you love the way he firmly holds you with you make out under the moonlight. It always made you feel so safe, so secure.
"V-Venti..." You mewl shyly in delight as one of those mischievous hands has found its way to your rear and is happily giving it a squeeze.
"Ehehe~" He just gives you a grin that's a mix of playful, lusty and shameless all at the same time.
"Sorry love, I just HAD to admire the work of art in front of me thoroughly!" He muses totally unashamed. He just loved you so much!
You huff but giggle at him and push him back a moment. He looks confused before you start to slowly strip off that already thin silk dress.
Hes absolutely aroused and ready as you sit before him on your side.
"Y...you could appreciate it more... if you wanted." You wanted to sound sassy but the shyness got to you.
He holds himself back from ravaging you. Don't scare her, don't scare her. He repeated in his mind. Keep calm Venti, keep your cool, go slow. But oh my God it was hard when you looked more delicious then even the finest wine.
He slowly crawled over to spoon you, his front to your back. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in with a firm hold.
"Little minx" He kisses your neck a few times before beginning to lick and suck on it tenderly. You didn't care much for pain, so he could only leave gentle marks on your neck. He didn't mind one bit. Those mischievous hands of his began to slowly roam your body, one hand on your beautiful breasts, the other traveling very gingerly between your legs.
You loved the way he pet you like this. The gentleness and consideration for your limits. You knew Venti was a horn dog and he was being VERY good right now keeping his enthusiasm in check. Not that he would ever hurt you or force himself on you, just that he was very energetic.
He gently stroked your heat, making you moan from the stimulation. Once he found your "button" as he called it. That's when things got a little more spicy.
You moan out as his hand teases that sensitive button. He was way too good at playing with you like this. He smirked as he used the wind to create a vibration like effect as he teased you, your nectar always flowed the best like this.
Watching you wiggle and move your hips into his hand made him smirk playfully. Using his free hand he gently pushed your face to the side so he could make out with you again while he teased you.
"Oh my precious love" He whispered between breathes "you are more beautiful then any star" He cooed "I love you so much my little princess"
"Oh Venti" you blush looking shy "I live you too! I love you!" You moan out the words before reaching a climax. Venti holds you as you come down from it.
"My sweet love, my most precious one, when you make so many cute noises like that, well it's just not fair! How could I resist such a radiant creature before me?" He teases looking remarkably aroused as he finally removes his own clothes.
You gently lay on the soft blanket, thankful your brought cushens to put under you as Venti crawled on top of you.
You wrap your arms around his neck as you both start to kiss again. God Venti did so love to move his tongue in your mouth, such a sweet taste. He loved this taste more then even wine!
When yoy came up for air he looked at you again and waited for your permission. Once he got it he very gently began to press himself inside of you.
You sucked in a small breath as he slowly stretched you out. He wasn't small by any means but he wasn't a giant either. His member just seemed to be the right size not to hurt you.
"We fit perfectly together" He smiled at you with only love and warmth in his eyes. "We fit together perfectly like a puzzle. You complete me. You are my moon" He couldn't help throwing some beautiful poetic romance at you. These moments were special to you both and he wanted to make your heart flutter like a butterfly!
Which it was! You civet your face shyly and he giggles.
"If you will be my moon, I will be your sun, I will live yo make you shine, and one day I'll help you fix those broken wings of yours" He swears before kissing you again, this time with a passion that only came from a man so truly unconditionally in love.
You pulled him closer, if that were even possible as began to thrust inside of you. His member hitting your core in just the right way to make you sing for him.
"Venti!" You moan out "Venti please-" you cling to him as he continues his pace. "Please what my love?" He groans in your ear. "What do you want your Venti to do?" He coaxed making you whimper in protest.
"A-ah.. a little f-faster" you manage to say as you blush wildy.
Venti covers those cute blushing cheeks in kisses before absolutely follow your orders. He begins to thrust into you faster and a little harder.
You cling to him now, nails clawing gently down his back as he naturally progresses from laying down to you bouncing on his lap.
"I want more" you mewl a little lewdly as the arousal takes over a little. "Take it all it's all for you darling" Venti was such a whipped man for you. He couldn't help but be more aroused when you got on top and let yourself get lost in the pleasure. A pleasure he would never deny you.
"Milk me dry baby~" He licks your earlobe making you twitch as you feel your big climax incoming.
"V-venti VENTI PLEASE!" Ypu begin to bounce roughly on his member and he takes your hips and firmly thrusts up into you, meeting you at every bounce to make the pleasure more intense.
You cling to him desperately as you cry out, riding him into the white hot pleasure of oblivion.
When you wake from what you thought was just a blissful dream, you find that you and Venti have slept until the sun was high in the sky.
You shoot up in panic, your sex bed head in full swing as you try to wake your boyfriend.
"Venti wake up!! We fell asleep!!" You whine as the musician finally sits up still half asleep. It takes him a second to understand before panicking a little himself.
"Oh crap I hope no one saw you!"
You blush "me what about you!"
"Well if anyone saw you'd I'd have to charge them to see such a magnificent sig-" you throw a pillow at his face.
"Just help me pack I wanna go take a shower I can't believe we fell asleep in the middle of the woods!" You fret and he stifles a laugh as he adds
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hogarthwrites · 3 years
house sitting for two chapter 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 pairing: Sam Drake/Reader (m/f) genre: smut, slow romance, mutual pining warnings: graphic sex, alcohol words: 2,901 summary: You're unsure about dating someone else and it makes you guilty about still being in love. You make your mind up when you run into a certain someone one night.
Sam and Sully had gone to Las Vegas. “Just because,” Sam reasoned. He needed to forget how empty he felt whenever it was nighttime and he was lonely in bed.
Instead, he and Sully gambled, outsmarting each other in their own games. At the end of the night, Sam would go to the nearest bar to drink. That’s where he was reunited with Victoria, an old flame he had just before Panama.
Victoria – or Vix – as he called her, was a nice enough woman. She was as loud as he remembered her and he genuinely did have fun with her, and there was an understanding between them: it was just sex.
He'd take her to his RV every night, and every single time he fucked her, he thought of you. As he dug his fingers into the soft skin of her hips, he closed his eyes, imagining you, drowning out the sounds of her moans. He couldn't understand how he became so attached to you but no other person.
It was then the telephone started ringing. Sam sighed, considering his options. He wasn't close yet and he wasn't in a hurry so he got up and hobbled to the phone.
“Yeah?” Sam leaned against the wall, expecting it to be Sully calling from his five-star hotel room, but there was no response.
“Come on, Sam, don't keep me waiting,” Victoria whined. “I was so close.”
“Just a second,” he turned away from her. “Hello? Hello?”
The line cut out, leaving Sam confused. Must've been a wrong number.
He drove Sully back to California the next day, feeling a little sad about being back in Paso Robles. It didn't stop him from looking around as he drove, hoping to get a glance of you – that is, if you stayed in the area.
“I've gotta say that was the first Vegas trip I've been on where I haven't made any life altering decisions,” Sully mused. “Hell, that was the mildest experience I've had.”
“Jeez, Victor, sorry I made it lame,” Sam joked. Deep down they knew they were too old to get shit faced drunk and make horrible decisions just after a few nights in Las Vegas.
“Ah, maybe next time,” Sully picked up his bags as Sam parked in front of his mid-century style home. “What's next for Samuel Drake?”
“Uh,” Sam thought. “Gonna visit a special lady named Irene, then hopefully my business partner can find another job for us.”
“Oh, Irene,” Sully chuckled.
“Ah, so you know her,” Sam smiled.
“The ‘70’s were a wild time, Sam,” Sully winked, confirming yours and Sam’s suspicions.
“Well, good for you, Victor. She's still single, just so you know.”
“Right,” Sully laughed. “Hey, maybe you should go up to Los Angeles, just see the sights. Weather’s nice this time of the year.”
Huh , Sam thought to himself. He hasn't been in LA in years. It won't hurt to stop by.
“Sure, Victor. I'll send you a postcard.”
“There's an open house this weekend,” Stephen said over the phone. “I hope you understand.”
“Yeah, I'm totally cool with it.” You lay in the hammock of your backyard, smoking a cigarette and mindlessly scrolled through social media. Sam was always on your Instagram, giving you just a glimmer of hope.
“I'll call as much as I can. I love you.”
You paused, chewing on you lip. “I'll see you soon, Steve.”
You felt the tiniest pang of guilt as you felt a bit of relief to be away from Stephen for two weeks. As much as you tried, you couldn't love him. Sam was still in your mind and everytime you had sex with Stephen, you thought about Sam. It just didn't feel as good.
It didn't stop you from being racked with guilt. You didn't want to be with Stephen, but you didn't want to be lonely.
I'm a horrible person and I had the audacity to call Sam a selfish bastard, you let out an angry puff of smoke. Maybe we are a lot more alike than I thought.
You groaned as you slid off the hammock hanging on your back porch and padded your way into your kitchen to get a drink. The silence was overwhelming while you poured yourself a glass of orange juice.
You retired to your room and climbed into your cold, empty bed. You hated the silence. You missed Sam’s voice as he talked on and on about something that excited him.
You read and reread the letter he wrote you in the hospital. It was short but it was enough to make you miss him every time.
I'm sorry. No one's ever done anything like that for me and I feel horrible. Please get better. I'll make you pancakes like I promised long ago.
I love you,
The landline phone caught your attention. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to hear his voice just for a bit.
You hastily got up and walked to the phone, mind racing as you picked up the receiver. You assured yourself it was fine and that Sam never had a caller ID.
Here goes, you held your breath as you dialed his number, dreading the ringing tones.
It kept ringing and you were scared it'll go to voicemail, but after a while, Sam finally picked up.
“Yeah?” He was out of breath.
Just that one word made your heart leap. You opened your mouth to say something when you heard someone in the background.
“Come on, Sam, don't keep me waiting,” a woman said in a sultry voice. “I was so close.”
“Just a second,” Sam called out. “Hello? Hello?”
You hung up. That was a terrible idea.
Irene was overjoyed to see Sam, peppering his face in kisses.
“Oh, you've grown so tall!” She joked. “It's so nice to see you, Sam.”
“You know I can't stay away from my favourite weed lady,” he chuckled.
“Are you staying long?”
“Nah, just dropping by to say ‘hi’.”
“Well ‘hi’ to you too,” she smiled.
She gave him a pan of banana bread (and some weed) before he left, asking if he ever got to see you. He wished he did.
You lay on the floor of your living room, music blasting on the stereo as you had a pity party. You had to end things with Stephen as the guilt was becoming too much for you to bear.
You had put the ring back on, staring at it as you held your hand up. You needed a drink.
The fluorescent lights of the store were a little too bright for you and you trudged to the fridge, ignoring the guy manning the cashier.
“You look like shit again,” he remarked.
“‘Kay, thanks for the input, Troy,” you muttered. Asshole.
You grabbed a few bottles of beer, hugging them to your chest. Just another Friday night.
“Sorry, I need a pack of cigarettes… Or two,” you heard a familiar voice. You peeked behind a shelf of condoms.
It was Sam. What the hell is he doing in LA and in this particular store too?
Fuck. You began to panic, glancing down at yourself. The grey sweatpants and your stained DIY shirt you painted years ago wasn’t the most flattering outfit and it didn't help that your hair was a mess.
You wanted him to just go, but through your panicked state, you dropped one of the bottles in your arms, catching Sam’s attention.
“Y/N?” He looked at you curiously.
“Heyy, Sam,” you sheepishly stepped away from the mess on the floor.
“Clean up on aisle two,” Troy mumbled, grabbing the broom and a mop.
“Sorry, I'll pay for that,” you tiptoed past him.
“No, I'll pay for it,” Sam looked at you, a smile tugging at the corner of his lip. Your heart leaped when you met his gentle eyes. “That's a lot of bottles.”
“TGIF, right?” You awkwardly laughed. Idiot.
“Can't argue with that,” Sam smiled.
Troy totalled up yours and Sam’s purchases after a lot of whining. Sam helped you carry your bottles of beer.
“Where ya heading?” He asked.
“Home. It's not too far from here.”
“Come on, I'll give you a lift,” he nudged you.
“No, it's fine,” you shook your head.
“You don't wanna see my snazzy new tiny home?”
“Tiny home,” you chuckled. “Yeah, sure I'd love to see it.”
Sam had a nice little RV with his motorcycle secured on it. It wasn't too fancy inside; his books were neatly organised on a small shelf by the sofa/dining area, the plants you left him on a box by the window, and a large bed in the back with just a curtain for privacy.
“Wow,” you looked around. “What made you wanna get an RV?”
“Eh, just wanted to be able to move around easier,” he shrugged as he sat in the driver's seat. “It's not permanent, but it's been alright so far.”
You took the seat next to him, fastening your seatbelt.
“Where to?” Sam asked.
“Its just a few blocks away. Go west.”
It was supposed to be a short drive, but it felt longer to you. You didn't know what to say and neither did Sam, just Spandau Ballet softly playing on the radio filling in the silence.
“So,” Sam cleared his throat. “LA… Why? You planning on being in Hollywood?”
You shrugged. “I've always lived in smaller towns, I thought a bigger city might be an experience.”
“Right,” he nodded. “Do you like it?”
“It's been alright,” you shrugged again. “I haven't gotten around to exploring as much. Oh, it's just here.”
You pointed at the one-story Spanish revival house you've been staying in. Sam parked in front and you picked up your paper bag, heavy with the bottles.
“Let me help you with that,” Sam reached out, his hand touching your arm. It was enough to make you feel hot all over.
He locked eyes with you and for a moment, you thought he was leaning in to kiss you. You instinctively closed your eyes, waiting, but nothing happened.
When you opened your eyes, Sam was holding the paper bag and walking towards the door.
Oh, you were disappointed. What was I expecting?
He walked you to the door, his eyes on you the entire time.
“I missed you,” he said, making your heart leap again.
“Sam,” you looked up at him as you reached your door.
“Sorry,” he sighed. “I just… Couldn't get you out of my mind in months, I had to say it.”
“I missed you too,” you softly said.
This time, you felt his lips on yours, and you instinctively kissed him back. There were butterflies in your stomach, but the moment didn't last.
Sam stepped back, his face a little flushed. You felt your cheeks heat up as well.
He held out the paper bag to you. “Um, good night.”
“Good night…” You whispered as he turned to go back to his RV. “Sam, wait–”
He looked back, and you walked towards him.
“You can park in my driveway for the night… Or however long you're going to stay here.”
“I don't want to be a burden–”
“What? Sam, it's me. I…” You bit your lip. “I want you here. Maybe we can hang out.”
“Okay,” he smiled.
You took a deep breath as you closed your door behind you, your heart still racing. Sam kissed you and for the first time in months, you felt… Happy?
You placed the bottles in your fridge, no longer interested in drinking them, then changed into cleaner clothes for bed. You peeked out your window and saw the lights were still on in his RV.
You wanted to go to him, to kiss him more, to hold him again, but you thought of Stephen. True, he wasn't your boyfriend officially, but he trusted you. But still…
You found yourself in front of Sam’s door, and as you were about to knock, Sam opened the door.
“Hi,” he said.
You stood, staring at each other as if you both couldn't believe it. Sam pulled you into his arms, and you kissed him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you in, closing the door behind him with his foot.
He sat you on the table, his hands sliding down to your ass.
“I missed you,” he whispered, his lips moving down to your neck.
You sighed as he left cool kisses on the hot skin of your neck. He pulled you close and you wrapped your legs around his waist again.
“Sam,” you whispered as he began lifting your shirt.
“What–what is it?” He rested his forehead on yours.
“Should we be doing this?” You asked, trailing your finger down his chest.
Sam kissed you. “I don't know, but it feels so right.”
Your shirt and your shorts were discarded somewhere around his RV and Sam had your legs over his shoulders as he kneeled in front of the table. He gave your clit a few licks, his eyes on yours the entire time.
“God, I missed this view,” you ran your fingers through his hair.
“What, your new boyfriend doesn't eat you out?” He gave you a smug smirk.
“He’s not my boyf–”
Sam continued licking your clit, closing his eyes as he pushed his face further against your pussy. It was getting too much for you and you tugged at his hair.
“More, Sam, more,” you moaned.
You felt him smile against you as he began sucking on your clit softly, switching between sucking and licking. You bucked your hips against him but he held you down.
Sam gave a satisfied hum as you came, your thighs squeezing his head.
“How was that?” He stood up, leaning over you on the table. It was then you noticed that he was still fully dressed, but the tent in his grey sweatpants was hard to ignore.
“I think I've been missing out on Samuel Drake,” you chuckled.
He pulled you up and carried you to the bed bridal style.
“Wait, Sam,” you sat up as he climbed over you.
“I've been having sex.”
He blinked at you. “So?”
“And you have too, I assume?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “So?”
You pushed him away. “So put a condom on.”
Sam gave you an amused smile. “You know you're the only person I've never had safe sex with.”
“Good to know,” you stuck your tongue out. “But put one on.”
“Okay, okay,” he laughed, standing up.
Sam held the condom up before climbing on top of you to kiss you. “Happy?”
You took off his shirt and he climbed out of his sweatpants, cock glistening with precum. It was enough to get you wet.
He ripped the condom packet open and slipped it on with ease. Sam gave you soft, sweet kisses as he began pushing inside you.
You both gasped at the sensation, Sam had his lip pinned between his teeth as he pushed deep inside you. He began to thrust slowly and gently cupping your cheek.
“Harder,” you whispered, desperate for more.
Sam groaned as he began pounding into you, his hands sliding up your body to cup your breasts. He kissed you hard as he collapsed on top of you, rolling over so you were on top of him.
“I wanna see you,” he said, moving your hips against his. “I wanna see you fucking me.”
You placed your hands against the headboard, bouncing on his cock. You moaned out his name loudly; something you've been wanting to do for months. It felt so good to finally have him under you and all you wanted was to make him feel good, to make up for all the lost time.
Sam pulled you in to kiss you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I missed you too,” you sighed between kisses.
“I forgot how good you feel,” he kissed your neck.
His hands slid down to your ass, spreading then as he rammed his hips up against yours. You grabbed at the pillow at his head, crying out loud. His finger dipped into your asshole and you moaned out.
The dual sensation was enough to make you cum, and Sam wasn’t far behind. He kissed you hard as he came, holding you close.
You were breathless as you rolled off him and he took the condom off, dunking it into the trash.
The bed dipped as he climbed back in, lying on his back next to you.
“Wanna see something cool?” Sam smiled.
He pressed a button and the rather large sunroof opened up, letting in more of the moonlight and the dim streetlights.
“Oh, that is cool,” you grinned. “Why didn't you show me before we fucked?”
“I don't think your neighbours would be too happy seeing us fornicate if they happened to look out the window.”
“You think they can really see us?”
Sam shrugged, putting an arm under his head and stared up at the sky with you.
“Do you wanna go out tomorrow?” You asked.
“Are you gonna give me the Grand Los Angeles tour?”
“Honestly, I haven't even toured it myself,” you sheepishly said. “It hasn't really felt like home.”
“Well,” Sam looked up in thought. “Maybe we can start with Santa Monica? I believe it isn't too far from here.”
“Okay,” you took his hand in yours.
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ye0ncore · 4 years
hii i'd like to request for 009 from the prompt list + heeseung!! thank you 💓
of course! thank you for the request, love 💗💗
i should have told you sooner - lee heeseung
warnings: angst, slight fluff at the end
09: “i’m genuinely, deeply, not okay.”
Tumblr media
seeing him with her made your whole body ache. your heart clenched when you saw him reach for her hand and it broke when you saw him kiss her. he looked so happy, and that was the only reason you kept quiet. all you wanted was for him to be happy.
you and heeseung were always close. you used to do everything with him. go out for coffee, go shopping for no random reason. even two am food runs. and then she came along, and it was like you didn’t even know him anymore. and since you were close to the other boys, you still saw him all the time, which just pained you even more.
jake looked over and noticed the distant look on your face, making him sigh. he followed your gaze and as he expected, his eyes landed on heeseung and his girlfriend. everyone seemed to know about your feelings for the boy except him. heeseung was oblivious.
you let out a quiet sigh and leaned back on the couch, beginning to watch the ceiling fan blades spin. you thought back to all the times with heeseung. he made you so happy, and without him it always seemed so weird. i mean, you never really talked to him anymore.
“alright baby, i’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” the sentence caught your attention, making you sit up, maybe a little too fast. the girl looked over at you with a weird face and turned back to heeseung. she nodded, kissed his cheek, and walked out the door.
heeseung shut the door behind and turned back to you and the boys. “you guys wanna do something,” he asked, a smile on his face. the boys nodded, glancing at you every so often to make sure you were alright. heeseung sat at on the couch between you and jake. you carefully scooted closer to the end of the couch, trying not to make it obvious. clearly he didn’t notice cause he didn’t even glance at you.
you sat there and watched them play a few video games for a while, you getting bored quickly. as you were about to ask to play, heeseung’s phone rang. he looked down at the caller id and immediately set his controller down. “it’s her. i gotta take this.” you all nodded, you sinking down into the couch.
he walked into the kitchen to have some privacy but you all could still hear him. you didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but once you heard him talk, you couldn’t stop listening. they were having a normal conversation, nothing out of the ordinary. it didn’t last very long, but the last thing he said before he hung up took you by surprise. “oh yeah... i uh i love you too.”
your brain didn’t even register his hesitation. all you heard were the three words you dreaded hearing the most. you froze in your spot and you could feel multiple pairs of eyes on you. you glanced over and the boys were looking at you, with the same shocked expression, mixed with a little sympathy. heeseung walked back in and when he saw the expressions on everyone’s faces he knew what happened.
his eyes shot over to you, and noticed the pain in your eyes. he never noticed it before now. you stood up and ran a hand through your hair. “i um... i’ll be back.” you walked towards the front door and walked outside, sitting on the porch. a few moments later, a door opened, frantic voices everywhere. “let me go talk to her. why can’t i talk to her?”
that was heeseung. why did he want to talk to you? “heeseung, give her a second. she needs a minute.” that was easily sunghoon. despite the boys protests, he walked outside, shut the door behind him and sat next to you. it was silent for the first few minutes, making the atmosphere very heavy.
“you left after you heard me say i loved her.” all you could muster up was a nod. you knew if you spoke you would start crying and you didn’t want to cry. not in front of him. “why?”
you took a deep breath, and turned to look at him. as soon as he saw the tears build up in your eyes, he was panicking on the inside. ‘had he done something wrong,’ he kept asking himself. you sniffled and cleared your throat before speaking. “i thought it was pretty obvious.”
he froze. everything came rushing back to him. all the times you went competely quiet when she’s around. all the times, you looked away when they kissed. and all the times, he caught you crying and all you told him was “it’s nothing.”
“d-do you... i don’t... i’m confused...” was all he could say. you looked down at your lap and nodded.
“i’m genuinely, deeply, not okay. i love you. but, you love her.”
all he did was wrap an arm around you and pull you closer. “i’m sorry...”
you sniffled and looked down at the ground. “for what?”
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner.” you looked up at him, confusion written across your face.
“tell me what?”
“that i love you too.”
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bellakitse · 4 years
Resonant Frequencies
TK and Carlos are friends with benefits. When a nosy neighbor of Carlos' mother runs into them kissing on the street, they pretend to be a couple to get out of the awkward moment. As a result, Carlos' mother wants to meet the secret boyfriend Carlos has told her nothing about. Cue the fake dating of two dumb boys who are more serious than they realize.
For @howtosingit, happy belated punk! Sorry it took so long, but I simply adore you and hope you like this. 🥰🥰
@daybreak96 asked to be tagged in this.
The Texas noon sun beats down on TK Strand’s back as he stands in line waiting to order his lunch; next to him stands the man responsible for them being out in the first place. He turns slightly to look at him, studying every small detail. Carlos Reyes stands tall, his posture straight, but relaxed. He’s in street clothes like TK, a blue cotton t-shirt that clings and does nothing to hide the hard-earned definition of his drool-worthy body.
As someone who is personally acquainted with said body, TK feels he’s accurate in his description.
“Why are we here?” he asks, making a face when he hears the childish pout in his voice.
“It’s lunchtime, and we are at a food truck, TK. I would think the answer is obvious,” Carlos replies, turning to face him. TK can’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses, but the smirk playing on the hot cop’s lips is enough to make TK scowl, partly at Carlos, but mostly at himself for finding Carlos’ smugness so attractive.
In the last few months, he and Carlos have fallen into a ‘friends with benefits’ situation that TK finds highly enjoyable – like blacking out from the best sex of his life, enjoyable. Which is why he’s more than a little annoyed that they’re out here now, instead of enjoying the fact that neither have a shift until the afternoon by being alone and naked back at Carlos’ apartment.
“We could’ve eaten at your place,” he continues, voicing his thought.
“I haven’t done any groceries,” Carlos says smoothly, and while he’s not smirking, TK can hear the amusement in his voice. “Besides, why am I the one that keeps feeding you?”
TK rolls his eyes at the question; he already knows Carlos isn’t serious. The guy enjoys feeding TK and not just his cock.
“We could go back to your place, and I’ll pay for the Grubhub,” he shoots back, grinning when Carlos takes off his sunglasses; now that he has his eyes on him, TK lets his grin get dirty. He licks at his bottom lip slowly, silently cheering when Carlos’ pupils dilate as he stares at his mouth.
“I’m pretty sure you can make me come, screaming your name at least twice before the food arrives,” he says casually, as if talking about the weather, and not the knee-buckling orgasms Carlos tends to bring out of him. “Maybe even three times,” he smiles as Carlos exhales sharply. “We both know how good you are at getting me to do that.”
Carlos touches TK’s hip for a moment before slipping his arm around him, pulling him towards his body so quickly it’s TK’s turn to gasp.
“Flattery and cock-teasing,” Carlos murmurs against his ear, and TK can feel his body’s temperature go up a few notches that have nothing to do with the Austin heat. “That’s your plan here?”
“If it gets us back to your place and me under you, sure,” he answers, gleefully laughing as Carlos lets out a low groan, his lips brushing against TK’s throat before moving up again. He has him now.
“Tease,” Carlos whispers against the corner of TK’s mouth. The word is said with fondness and amusement that warms TK’s belly. He lifts his arms to wrap them around Carlos’ shoulders, smiling as Carlos pulls him even closer, thankful that no one is behind them on the line that they might annoy.
TK closes his eyes as Carlos kisses him softly, sighing when Carlos touches the tip of his tongue to his lips, parting them as he deepens the kiss. TK is so lost in Carlos’ feel and taste, he doesn’t notice the old lady walking up to them until she speaks.
“Carlitos Reyes, is that you?”
TK feels the moment Carlos’ muscles tense under his hands before he breaks their kiss with a jerk, swiveling his head to the left.
“Doña Flor!” Carlos exhales, his voice coming out loud, cracking slightly at the end. He smiles as he turns his body towards the older woman who called his name, but TK can tell the smile is artificial and awkward. “How are you?”
Doña Flor, a short, plump woman with grey hair pulled into a loose bun, and a weathered face, looks at them with a curious glint in her eye. “I’m doing as well as I can for my old age, mijo,” she tells Carlos. There is the beginning of a grin on her face as she shifts her gaze to TK, before looking back at Carlos with a raised eyebrow. “But it seems, not as well as you,” she continues, her tone pointed.
TK bites down on his lip as Carlos lets out an embarrassed laugh while rubbing the back of his neck bashfully; when he looks at him, all TK can do is raise his eyebrows at him, waiting to see how he wants to handle the situation.
“TK,” Carlos starts, looking at him with wide eyes. “This is Doña Flor Moreno; I grew up across the street from her, she’s a close friend of my mom.”
TK understands the implication in Carlos’ voice instantly and turns towards the lady with the most charming smile he can muster. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
Doña Flor smiles at him, that twinkle still there in her eyes. “And you – ” her question trails off, looking back at Carlos expectantly, causing Carlos to look like a deer caught in the headlights yet again.
“Right, Doña Flor, this is TK Strand,” Carlos says, looking at him. “He’s a firefighter; we work together.”
TK bites his lip again, this time to keep himself from laughing at the incredulous look the old lady gives Carlos.
“Very friendly coworkers,” she says dryly, reminding them exactly what she’d walked in on. Now TK can’t help the chuckle that escapes him as Carlos blushes a rosy pink color that is just too adorable.
“Doña Flor – “ Carlos starts to say, only to trail off when the woman rolls her eyes.
“I have known you since you were in diapers,” she reminds him with a huff. “I know you like boys, cariño,” she continues, her expression softening. “You don’t need to lie to me, Carlitos.”
Carlos stammers a few ‘umms’ before turning towards him completely at a loss. His helpless expression has TK opening his mouth and speaking before he can second-guess his decision.
“I’m his boyfriend as well as coworker, ma’am,” TK answers with a smile, trying to ignore the way the words suddenly make his heart race. He can feel Carlos’ eyes drilling into the side of his face, but he doesn’t focus on that when Flor is laughing with delight.
“Yes, sweetie, that hot kiss I interrupted kind of clued me in,” she says to him with a grin, before turning back to Carlos. “Good going, Carlitos, es muy guapo tu novio.”
“Flor!” Carlos exclaims, his blush spreading from his hairline over his face and down his neck. “Dios mio,” he mutters, covering his face with his hands as the old woman laughs.
“I know that word, it means good-looking, right?” he asks, looking for confirmation from Flor when Carlos just groans into his hands.
Flor nods, a wide smile still on her face. “Si, cariño, that’s what it means, and it’s true, you’re beautiful.”
TK can feel his own face heat up at the compliment. Trying to distract from it, he leans in to press his shoulder against Carlos’ playfully. “How come you don’t call me beautiful?”
Carlos lowers his hands to scowl at him. “That is a blatant lie,” he accuses him. “I call you beautiful all the time.”
TK feels himself go redder; it’s true, Carlos calls him beautiful all the time. Usually, when they’re in bed having sex. Carlos tends to whisper in his ear how gorgeous TK is, how good he feels as he slowly and torturously sinks deep into TK until he doesn’t know where he ends, and Carlos begins.
What he’s thinking must show on his face, because Carlos’ eyes darken as he watches him, and TK can’t help but sway into him. He places his hand on Carlos’ stomach to keep himself from melting under that gaze.
“You two are so sweet together,” Doña Flor sighs happily. “Young love is always so beautiful. Your mama must be so happy you’re dating someone, Carlitos.”
The mention of his mom seems to snap Carlos back to attention, his expression going panicked again. “Actually, she – “ he starts but is stopped as Doña Flor’s purse starts to ring; he pauses as she roots through it to take out her cell phone.
“Oh!” she exclaims as she looks at the caller ID. “It’s my daughter, she’s in the farmers market across the street,” she explains as she takes the call.
He and Carlos remain silent as she speaks rapidly into the phone. The conversation is rushed before she’s hanging up again and turning to them.
“I have to go,” she says quickly, stepping forward to kiss Carlos on the cheek. “We have to go pick up my grandkids, half-a-day at school,” she explains before surprising TK by also kissing him on the cheek. “It was so nice to meet you, TK, make sure this one brings you to my place when you visit his mama, okay? I make the best sopaipillas in all of Texas.”
TK nods because he doesn’t know what else to do, watching as she turns and walks away, leaving him and Carlos alone again.
It’s quiet, and TK waits as Carlos frowns into the distance for a moment before he speaks. “What’s a soap – “ he trails off, not knowing how to pronounce the word.
“Sopaipillas,” Carlos tells him quietly. “It’s fried dough, drizzled with honey and powdered sugar, Doña Flor makes them from scratch.”
“Oh, that sounds good,” he says, hesitant as Carlos sighs.
“This is so bad,” he mutters, mostly to himself as he shakes his head.
“She’s going to tell my mom she saw us here,” Carlos explains, his frown deepening. “That you called yourself my boyfriend,” he continues with a groan. “This is a nightmare.”
TK swallows around the sudden ache right below his chest at Carlos’ words. “Gee, thanks,” he says sarcastically, cringing when he hears the hurt in his voice.
Carlos hears it too if the way his expression goes apologetic instantly is any indication. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he says quietly. “I just wasn’t prepared for you to answer the way you did.”
“You froze when she called you out on calling me your coworker, and she caught us making out,” TK says defensively, hating how the sting of Carlos’ words still lingers under his skin. “Was I supposed to tell that nice old lady that I’m just the guy you fuck a lot? Boyfriend seemed like the more PG answer.”
“TK,” Carlos whispers, and TK has to curl his hands to keep himself from reaching out as Carlos looks sorrier than before.
“Whatever,” he mutters, mostly to himself as he tries to shake off the hurt. This is why he avoids getting attached these days. “Maybe she won’t say anything to your mom.”
Carlos lets out a dry snort, shaking his head like TK has amused him. “That’s not how Mexican moms work.”
 It’s a few hours into the evening when TK sees Carlos again. They didn’t go back to Carlos’ place like he had hoped initially before they’d run into Carlos’ old neighbor. Instead, they had stayed to order their food from the taco truck and then eaten it at a nearby bench in somewhat uncomfortable silence before TK asked Carlos to drop him off early at the station.
Now, as TK works on top of the truck, he watches as Carlos lingers by the bay doors, searching the room. It gives TK a moment to observe him, swallowing down an appreciative sound. He’s never had a kink for uniforms before, but he can admit – if only to himself – that Carlos fills out his exceptionally well.
Carlos finds him quickly, and TK tries to ignore how his heart speeds up when their eyes meet.
“Hey,” Carlos calls out to him as he nears the truck, looking up at him. A few of his teammates look over at the voice. Carlos answers their curious gaze with a half-hearted wave before focusing on TK again, making it obvious he’s there to see him. “Can we talk for a second?” he asks, looking nervous.
TK gives him a small nod. “Yeah – I’ll come down – ”
“Officer Reyes!”
TK turns his head and sees his father come out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand. He sighs quietly as he starts to climb down the top of the truck. His feet touch the floor just as his father comes to a stop in front of Carlos.
“What a nice surprise,” Owen says with a friendly smile, lifting his cup. “Would you like some coffee?”
“Carlos doesn’t drink coffee this late,” TK answers just as Carlos shakes his head. “Only tea,” he tells his father and tries not to squirm under the gaze of both men as Carlos looks at him surprised but also pleased while his father looks at him questionably.
His gaze lingers on him for a moment before turning back to Carlos with a smile. “What brings you by, officer? Paperwork for me?”
Carlos shakes his head again, his eyes straying back to him, and TK keeps from rolling his when his dad looks at him too knowingly.
“Maybe you’re here to see Michelle?” Owen continues, and this time TK does roll his eyes as he hears his dad’s familiar shit-stirring tone.
“He’s here to see me, dad,” he says with a huff as Owen looks pleased with the reveal. “But you figured that out already,” he accuses him, shaking his head as his father looks seconds from laughing at his aggravation. “A little privacy would be nice.”
Owen chuckles, raising a hand in mocking surrender. “I’ll leave you too it then,” he answers with amusement as he turns to leave. “Carlos, if you decide you want tea, make sure TK makes you some.”
Carlos gives him a slight nod with an awkward smile on his face. “Thank you, Captain Strand.”
Owen smiles once more before he heads for the stairs leading to his office, leaving them alone.
“Do you want to talk outside?” TK asks after a moment of silence between them. Carlos looks around the station, lingering on TK’s crew before agreeing.
“Yeah, that’s probably best,” Carlos answers, still looking anxious.
TK leads them to one of the benches they placed after the remodel, sitting down with an exhale. Carlos doesn’t sit next to him; instead, he fidgets where he stands.
“Okay, what’s up?” he asks when it becomes obvious that Carlos isn’t going to stop shuffling and get to why he’s there anytime soon. “You’re vibrating energy,” he says, frowning, not used to seeing Carlos nervous. “Is this about before?” he asks, biting down on his lip when Carlos nods.
Carlos lets out a sigh, a smile that is more a grimace on his face as he finally takes a seat next to him.
“Well, what is it?” TK can’t help but blurt out when Carlos doesn’t continue. Instead, he pulls out his phone, opens it to his messages, and passes it over to TK.
TK takes the phone in his hand, raising both eyebrows when the first thing he sees is a picture of them from earlier, right before they kissed. TK swallows hard, feeling his face heat up as he looks at the moment that was captured. Them in profile, with his arms wrapped around Carlos’ neck, while Carlos holds him by the waist. The picture’s taken from a bit of distance, but even so, TK can see a smile on his own face.
“When did she even have time to take this?” he asks, trying to focus on that and not how happy he looks in the picture.
“Latina moms are part ninjas, part spies, this is nothing,” Carlos answers with the voice of a man that is resigned to that fact.
TK looks back at the picture and realizes it’s part of a group chat called ‘Las Reinas y el Rey,’
“What does that mean?” he asks, not ready to look at the conversation just yet.
“Oh,” Carlos smiles, this time more sincerely as he leans over to look. “It means ‘the queens and the king.’ Reyes means king, and since my immediate family is my mom and my sisters, that’s what they decided to call our family chat.”
TK smiles, liking the reason behind the name even as he realizes who exactly saw their picture. He scrolls past the image and breaks out into a cold sweat as he reads the messages. When he looks back at Carlos with wide-eyes, he gets a solemn nod in return.
“Yep,” Carlos answers this time, grimacing outright.
TK looks down at the phone once more, the message from Carlos’ mom right under the picture sticking with him the most.
‘Do you have something to tell me, Carlos Aurelio Reyes?’
The question is followed by his sisters teasing him over their mother middle naming him and how that meant he was in trouble. It ends with his mother telling him to call her. Now.
“I didn’t know that was your middle name,” TK says softly, not knowing what else to say.
“It was my grandfather’s name,” Carlos tells him. When he doesn’t follow it up with anything else, TK finally cracks.
“Shit, Carlos,” he starts apologetically, anxiously running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble with your family.”
“Hey, no, don’t do that,” Carlos says quickly, turning in his seat to face him. “You don’t have to apologize; you were just trying to get me out of an awkward situation.”
“And landed you in a bigger one,” he shoots back dryly, relieved when Carlos lets out a small, wary chuckle.
“The conversations with my mom – “ he trails off, shaking his head. “I’m 27 years old, and yet that woman can make me feel like I’m five again when I’m in trouble with her.”
“How in trouble are you?” TK asks, biting down on his lip when Carlos shrugs.
“She’s disappointed,” Carlos answers, making air quotes that have TK huffing out a laugh, and Carlos shoots him back a grin. “Apparently she called Flor to confirm what she’s bringing to a block party we are having this Saturday. Flor mentioned seeing me with you, of course, and then sent her the picture as proof, asking if I was bringing you to the party. Mom got caught off guard because I haven’t mentioned you to her and then lectured me about having a boyfriend she doesn’t know. She asked if we aren’t close anymore.”
“Ah, she gave you the mom guilt-trip,” TK says knowingly.
“Carlota Reyes has a Ph.D. in that field,” Carlos answers, but there is a fond smile on his handsome face that says he finds it endearing. “She just wants to know you, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we’re not actually like that,” he tells him quietly with a helpless shrug.
TK doesn’t speak for a moment. Instead, he lets himself consider something that sends his heart racing in a way that surprises him. That alone should be enough for him to realize it’s a bad idea, but still, he finds himself ignoring that little voice in his head that tells him he’s getting too close.
“We don’t have to tell her,” he says, taking a calming breath when Carlos shoots him a confused look. “As far as she knows we’re dating, she doesn’t need to know how serious it is or not.”
“TK – “
“You can take me to that party,” he continues, talking over Carlos quickly. “Then, your mom can get the satisfaction of meeting me.”
“She thinks you’re my boyfriend, not my – “ Carlos trails off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.
“Fuck buddy?” TK finishes for him, holding his breath when Carlos frowns.
“I’d like to think we’re friends, Tyler,” Carlos says softly, not realizing how the words make his stomach somersault in a pleasant way that makes TK feel happier than expected.
“We are,” TK answers just as soft. “You’re right, we’re friends. I like you.”
Carlos smiles at him; it’s gentle and happy as his eyes crinkle at the corners. “I like you too.”
“Right,” he gets out, clearing his throat as his stomach does another flip. “So, we shouldn’t have a problem pretending to be together for a night to appease your mom,” he continues. When Carlos looks hesitant, he leans into his space with a teasing grin. “I mean, it’s not like it will be hard. We usually spend our alone time with our mouths on each other anyway. Pretty sure we can pull off acting like a couple.”
Carlos shoots him a look, his mouth twitching with reluctant amusement. “You are so much trouble, Strand,” he accuses him, but the glint in his brown eyes lets TK know he means it with fondness.
“Yeah,” TK answers with a chuckle. “But you like it. So what do you say, Reyes? Wanna be my boyfriend?”
Carlos locks eyes with him, the intensity in his gaze causing the breath to catch in TK’s throat. “Yeah.”
 Saturday arrives faster than expected; he sees Carlos during calls and after work before the day. Each time Carlos tells him with a nervous smile that his mother and sisters are very excited to meet him.
Carlos drives them that late afternoon to Austin’s outskirts into a neighborhood with modest one-story ranch houses. They can hear music and people laughing before they pull up right outside the closed-off block. Carlos turns off the engine to his Camero before letting out a deep breath.
When he turns to face him, TK wants to tell him that it’s going to be okay. Instead, his nerves that have been getting the better of him since Carlos picked him up, have him blurting out – “Are you sure I look okay?”
He frowns down at his black and white polka dot short-sleeved dress shirt. “Maybe I should have worn the green palm leaves; you like that shirt better, right?”
“I do like that one,” Carlos concedes. “The green brings out your eyes, but,” he continues, giving TK a smile when TK lets out a sigh. “I like you in the polka dots too.”
TK looks at Carlos doubtfully before turning the look back to his shirt, running a hand down the front to smooth out the material. “You sure?” he asks, startling when he feels Carlos’ hand touch his jaw; when he looks back at him, he finds Carlos giving him a soft, reassuring look.
“You look amazing in everything, TK,” Carlos tells him with naked want shining in his eyes. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”
TK lets out a shaky breath at Carlos’ words. Licking at his lips, it hitches in his lungs as Carlos stares at his mouth. He closes his eyes a second before Carlos presses his mouth to his, moaning into those full lips when Carlos moves his hand from his jaw to his hair, clutching it tightly as he moves TK where he wants to deepen the kiss. Carlos’ tongue touches his lips, and TK lets out a needy sound as he lets Carlos in, his hands blindly grabbing at Carlos’ strong shoulders to keep him grounded. There are times when Carlos kisses him like this, that TK is convinced he’s going to float away from how light Carlos makes him feel under his touch.
There is a hard knock on Carlos’ side that makes TK jump back. Carlos turns from him, letting out a deep groan when he sees who it is.
“Great,” he mutters as he wipes at his mouth. Leaning forward to look around Carlos, TK finds a beautiful woman with brown eyes staring at them, and there is a smirk on her red-colored lips as their eyes lock. Her features are similar enough to Carlos to instantly recognize the family resemblance.
“Which one is she?” he asks, hoping he can calm his nerves before they have to exit the car.
“That would be Lola,” Carlos says dryly, as TK mentally goes over what he knows about her. Closest in age to Carlos, a local artist, and in Carlos’ own words, a pain in his ass.
“Right,” he says quietly, taking a deep breath, he starts to reach for the door handle when Carlos stops him by placing a hand on his forearm.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, looking concerned and nervous himself. TK doesn’t like the look one bit, and even though Carlos’ sister is still leaning down to look at them, TK turns towards him and kisses him again.
“We got this,” he whispers against Carlos’ mouth, smiling when he lets out a sound of agreement. With that, he pulls back, missing Carlos’ reassuring touch instantly as he opens the door to get out.
“Hi,” he says to Carlos’ sister from across the car, flashing her what he hopes is a charming smile. “I’m TK.”
“Lola,” she answers with a grin of her own; it grows as TK nods that he knows. “Gotta say, you’re so much cuter when my little brother isn’t attached to your face.”
“Ha, ha, ha, hilarious,” Carlos says sarcastically as he too gets out of the car. “When was the last time you had someone as gorgeous as him attached to your face, Lola?” he asks, and TK has to cover his mouth to hide the smile that takes over instantly. That has to be the most childish thing he’s ever heard Carlos say, and TK can’t help but find it absolutely endearing.
“You brat,” Lola teases, her eyes crinkling at the corners from the massive smile on her face as she talks to her brother; it matches Carlos’ own.
“I learned from the best,” he shoots back with a laugh before he’s pulling her into a hug, lifting her off the ground. Lola lets out a squeal, clutching his shoulders. “How’s your show doing?”
“Amazingly,” Lola answers as he puts her back down. “But you would know that, if you bothered to stop by,” she says purposely, earning a sigh from Carlos.
“I’ve been busy,” he argues back as he and Lola walk around the car to him. He holds out his hand to TK, which he takes gratefully before they start walking towards the music and the crowd. “With work and – “
“ – a hot firefighter boyfriend that you tell us nothing about until you get caught by nosy neighbors?” Lola finishes for him, jokingly.
Carlos clams up, shooting his sister a look, but it does nothing to stop the teasing one Lola shoots back at him.
“Carlos said you’re an artist, but I didn’t know you had a current show,” TK jumps in, hoping to ease the tension. “Is it close?”
Lola turns to him, nodding. “Yeah, a small art gallery downtown, it just opened.”
“That’s exciting,” TK continues. “We should go,” he says as he turns to Carlos.
Carlos raises an eyebrow at that, trying to read if he means it. “We barely have dinner before we’re in bed.”
“I don’t need to know about your sex life,” Lola butts in, smirking when Carlos scowls at her.
“To sleep, pervert,” Carlos answers rudely, much to Lola’s amusement. “TK works really long, exhausting shifts.”
“We can go the next time we have a day off together,” he answers before Lola can continue messing with Carlos. “We’ll make the time. Carlos says you are really gifted.”
“Carlos complimenting me?” Lola jokes, but TK can see the pleased look in her eyes at his comment.
“Don’t tell her that,” Carlos hisses at him without heat. “She’s already insufferable enough as is.”
Lola shakes her head, stopping as they come to a pale mint-green house. “Secrets out now, mano, you say nice things about me.”
“A momentary lapse in judgment, I assure you,” Carlos answers, much to his sister and TK’s amusement. He’s never seen such a playfully combative side of Carlos, but it’s fun to watch.
“You’re so cute when you’re pissy,” Lola mocks him, before leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. “But I know it’s just cause deep down you’re scared to go inside and see Mami,” she says, pointing at the house they’re standing in front of. “She’s waiting, said to make sure you came inside the moment you showed up.”
Carlos doesn’t say anything, but TK can feel him tense up as he holds on to his arm, giving weight to Lola’s observation.
“Relax,” she says, her tone softening as she goes from messing with Carlos to being supportive in a flash. “She’s going to like him,” Lola continues. “He’s cute, polite, and the way you two are holding each other,” she points at their linked hands and at TK’s other hand holding on to Carlos’ bicep. “It’s freaking adorable. Mami is going to take one look at you two and start daydreaming of weddings and babies. She’ll love him.”
TK swallows hard at her words, feeling Carlos tense even further under his hold. “I don’t think that’s as reassuring as you hoped it would be,” he tells her honestly. It earns him a toothy smile that lets him know Lola is greatly amused by them.
“She’s not trying to be reassuring; she’s being a shit-starter,” Carlos tells him, rolling his eyes at his sister before they soften as he looks back at him, squeezing his hand as he leads him towards the house. “She is right about one thing, though, Mami is going to love you.”
“You sure?” he questions nervously, walking up the small set of staircases with Carlos.
“How could she not?” Carlos questions gently, the affection in his eyes warming TK’s insides. TK leans into Carlos, pressing a kiss on his shoulder in response.
“You two are nauseatingly cute,” Lola groans, making TK jump; for a moment, he had forgotten that she was coming up behind them.
“What are you doing?” Carlos questions with narrowed eyes as Lola types away on her phone.
“Updating Valentina and Sofía,” she answers, unconcerned when Carlos makes a sound in protest. “They’ll be here later, Vale is still on shift at the hospital, and Sofía said she’d come after she puts the kids to bed. They want a full report on you and the gringo.”
“I hate you all,” Carlos informs his sister, shaking his head when she waves off his words, still texting away. “Come on,” he says to him, opening the door. “Time to meet the big boss.”
Lola snorts at the comment, following them.
The inside of the Reyes household is colorful and warm, not just in temperature but love; just in the foyer alone, the walls are covered in pictures of the family.
TK instantly gravitates to a medium-sized frame picture of a young Carlos, no older than four in the picture, massive curls, and a bright smile with missing teeth.
“Holy shit, Carlos,” TK breathes, letting go of him to get a closer look. “You’re adorable.”
“Oh god, please don’t look at that,” Carlos pleads as he tries to pull TK away from the picture.
“Not look at it?” TK questions incredulously. He turns to Carlos with wide exaggerated eyes. “Are you kidding? The first thing I’m going to do after you introduce me to your mom is ask her if she has a copy I can have,” he explains, grinning as Carlos scowls at him in return. “You’re the cutest thing ever!”
Lola snickers as Carlos turns a pretty shade of pink at his compliment; he goes to protest some more when they hear someone clear their throat behind them. Turning around, TK finds an attractive older woman with shoulder-length salt and pepper hair, a pretty face, with those familiar brown-eyes looking straight at him; she holds in her hands a tray of delicious smelling taquitos.
“I do have a copy of that photograph. If you really want it, it’s yours,” she promises, the corners of her mouth quirking upward when Carlos groans loudly.
“Mami, no,” he complains, making TK laugh.
“Yes, please,” he tells her, smiling back as her own smile grows.
Carlos comes to stand next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. “I didn’t bring you here to gang up on me,” he tells him with a pout.
“No, you brought him here to meet me after keeping him a secret,” Carlos’ mother reminds him sternly.
“Mami – “ Carlos whines before letting out a dramatic sigh. “Mami, this is TK Strand, TK, my beautiful, forgiving mother, Carlota Reyes.”
Lola snickers to the left of them. “Suck up.”
TK lets out a nervous laugh, as Carlos makes a face at his sister and his mother shakes her head. “It’s very nice to meet you, ma’am. Thank you for inviting me to your party.”
“Thank you for coming,” Carlota says politely. “Do you eat meat, TK?”
“I limit how much of it I eat for work, but yes,” TK answers, curious why she’s asking.
Carlota holds up the tray of food in her hands. “I’m about to take this outside for the potluck; would you taste it first?”
TK looks at Carlos for a moment, getting a pleased smile out of him. “I learned to cook from my mom, and you like my cooking.”
“That I do,” TK answers; now that he doesn’t walk out of Carlos’ dinners, he’s learned that Carlos is a fantastic cook, everything he makes, TK loves. He steps forward, taking a taquito from the top of the tray and eating half in a bite.
Carlos, Lola, and Carlota watch him as he chews, waiting for his verdict.
“Well?” Carlota questions, curious.
TK finishes the rest of the taquito, going as far as licking his thumb. “That is probably the best thing I have ever had in my mouth,” he answers truthfully.
“Beaten out by a taco for that honor, “ Lola says wickedly without missing a step. “Gotta be pretty embarrassing, bro.”
“Lola, you absolute brat,” Carlos hisses over his sister’s unrepentant laughter, while TK chokes, blushing furiously.
Carlota shakes her head, taking a step forward, she places a hand on his arm as TK finally stops coughing. “It’s times like this that I don’t claim them as mine,” she says with him with wry amusement. “Come with me, mijo, I’ll introduce you to the neighbors while the children fight.”
Carlos lets out a protesting sound, whether for being called a child or because his mother is guiding him out of the house, TK isn’t sure. He catches up to them in a few steps, throwing an arm around his shoulders. TK wraps his own arm around Carlos’ waist, feeling comforted by having him at his side again.
“You’re not going to say anything about Lola being a jerk, Mami?” Carlos pouts at his mother, and TK once again is struck by how different he is around his family and just how cute he finds it that he’s not as calm and collected as he usually seems.
“It was funny,” Lola complains, bringing up the rear as they head towards the crowd.
Carlota rolls her eyes, ignoring them both in favor of waving at a few neighbors. “If you two could start behaving, that would be great,” she tells them. “The neighbors are used to your spectacles, but TK is looking a little flustered,” she continues, nodding towards him before continuing towards a set of tables at the edge of the street with food on it. Lola follows her, but Carlos holds him in place, keeping him from doing the same.
“I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable,” Carlos rushes to say when TK looks at him; out of the corner of his eye, he sees both Carlos’ mom and sister sneaking looks back at them. “Lola just likes to tease me.”
“You said your other sisters are the same,” TK reminds him, getting a grimace back.
“Yeah,” Carlos agrees, still making a face. “Maybe this wasn’t the best idea after all.”
TK frowns at that.
“We’re going to scare you away with our crazy,” Carlos continues, explaining, and TK feels his insides squeeze at the worry he hears in Carlos’ voice.
“Hey,” he says softly, cupping Carlos’ cheek. “I’m made of stronger stuff,” he jokes lightly. “It will take more than outrageous sisters with admittedly wicked burns to send me running.”
“Don’t you dare encourage her behavior by letting her believe you think she’s funny,” Carlos says sternly, and the laughter that has been threatening to bubble up finally spills.
“Great,” he continues dryly, his arms going around him as TK laughs into his chest. “Pick her side.”
“So pouty,” TK teases, still chuckling as he lifts his head to grin up at Carlos. “Who knew you were so cute like this.”.
“You’re enjoying this,” Carlos accuses him with narrowed eyes. TK shrugs a shoulder, not bothering to deny it. He’s still nervous about pulling this off without Carlos’ family and friends realizing that they’re faking the seriousness of their relationship. Still, TK finds interacting with Carlos’ family entertaining so far, especially because of the opportunity to see Carlos’s more playful, silly side.
“Yeah, you’re enjoying me being embarrassed a little too much,” Carlos continues as TK grins. “Well, come on then, might as well keep your entertainment going.”
Carlos’ dry voice makes TK chuckle, and he finds himself tilting his head, making up for the inch of height difference between them. Carlos’ mouth lifts at the corners as he closes the tiny gap between them, brushing his lips against his a few times, causing TK’s lips to tingle from the light contact. He lets out a sound from the back of his throat that has Carlos smiling against his mouth. TK groans in response to the teasing, wanting more than anything to deepen the kiss but knowing they can’t. Not when they’re around people who have known Carlos since he was a kid.
“Introduce me to your friends before we give them a show they’ll never let you live down,” he whispers, taking a step back out of Carlos’ hold.
Carlos groans softly before taking his hand and walks him towards his neighbors.
For the next hour, TK plays the attentive boyfriend, sticking close to Carlos as he gets introduced to his nearest and dearest. He listens as the older neighbors who watched Carlos grow up tell him about a playful younger version of the man holding him. Kind and helpful, bringing in groceries for the older folks on the block and getting paid back in cookies. TK enjoys as the comments make Carlos blush. And he smiles as the kids on the block all come around to say hi to Carlos, some trying to climb him as they hug him. It’s obvious to TK, Carlos is well-loved by his community.
He meets Carlos’ other two sisters, and like Lola, they take great joy in messing with Carlos about him, making teasing comments that make even TK blush, much to their delight. Carlos scowls at them over every comment pleasing them even further.
In response, TK is even more affectionate with Carlos, snuggling to his side, kissing him under his jaw to ease the sting of his sisters’ teasing, earning a happy smile from him, and even more ribbing from the Reyes women. He likes them; he likes how they tease with love, bright smiles on their faces, their eyes full of affection and easy acceptance of him in Carlos’ life. It becomes clear that if he makes Carlos happy, he’s welcomed into the fold.
It makes something ache inside TK to know all of this is for show, and he realizes quickly he’s not the only one feeling this way.
He can see the situation getting to Carlos the more his mother smiles in their direction. When she starts talking about Sunday dinner and how Carlos needs to bring TK for the next one, he can feel Carlos tense under his hand as TK tells her that he works long hours, and they’ll have to check with the station’s schedule for him first.
“You know, you didn’t give me the house tour earlier,” he says to Carlos, his tone flirty, but his expression meaningful as he turns to him. He can start to see the cracks in Carlos.
“That’s code for ‘take me to your teenage bed,’” Valentina says dryly, proving she’s just as bad as Lola, while Sofía, the quietest of the sisters, snorts into her drink.
“I thought that was clear,” he says with a smirk as he looks at them over his shoulder, his smile growing as they both roll their eyes at them.
“Go,” Sofía shoos them away, amused. “Go make out with your boyfriend. Lola was right, your love is nauseating.”
“They’re just jealous we’re so cute,” TK tells Carlos, laughing when they boo him. “Shall we?”
Carlos nods, turning them in the direction of his mother’s house. They walk towards it quickly, smiling back at the neighbors they make eye contact with, but the moment they’re inside the house, TK feels Carlos deflate under his touch.
“Oh man,” he exhales tiredly, walking away from him and down the hall.
TK hesitates for a moment but eventually follows him towards the far end of the house. He looks inside the room Carlos has gone into, obviously his, by the band posters and multiple sports-related paraphernalia on the walls.
In the middle of the room, Carlos sits on a twin-sized bed.
“So this is your room,” TK comments, moving to a wall with trophies and awards both in academics and sports.
“Yeah, Mami has kept all our rooms the same even after all of us left for college,” Carlos tells him with a small smile. “We tell her to turn them into something else now that we’re all moved out, but she says they’re our rooms, and that’s how they’ll stay.”
“That’s really sweet of her,” TK says softly as he comes to sit down next to him. “She’s really nice, and so are your sisters even if they really enjoy messing with you,” he smirks, remembering all the jokes the sisters have had tonight. “I like them.”
“And they like you,” Carlos says with an exhale. “Which isn’t surprising at all.”
TK bites his lip, not knowing what to say, the words sound positive, but Carlos’ tone tells him it’s anything but.
“I hate lying to them, TK,” Carlos looks at him with a frown. “They probably think we’re in love, and I hate how easy it was to fool them.”
TK swallows hard at that particular word Carlos uses. Love. It sends his pulse racing in a way he’s not prepared for.  “You can tell them the truth,” he suggests gently. “You can tell them we are still figuring us out.”
“That’s not really true either, is it?” Carlos answers, giving him a sad smile. “We’re not figuring anything out. I know how I feel about you, and you know that you don’t want anything more serious than what we have.”
“How do you feel about me?” TK whispers hesitantly, his heart thundering under his chest at the look Carlos gives him.
“Come on, TK, you have to know,” Carlos whispers back, sighing when TK doesn’t say anything. “Fine. I’m willing to settle for a small piece of you, because even that little piece, is better than not having you at all. That’s how I feel about you.”
 The drive back to TK’s is a quiet one; after Carlos’ confession leaves them in awkward silence, they return to the party playing the happy couple until they’re able to escape. Carlota and the sisters give him an affectionate good-bye, telling him they hope to see him soon. It hurts in a way TK isn’t ready for.
Carlos pulls the car to a stop in front of TK’s home and turns off the engine.
“Are we going to talk about this?” TK asks quietly when a few minutes pass, and nothing is said.
“Yes,” Carlos answers finally, just as soft. When he turns his head to look at TK, he aches from how tired Carlos looks. “But can it not be tonight?” there is a quiet plea in his voice that TK can’t deny.
“Okay,” he says, reaching for the door handle.
“Hey,” Carlos starts, touching his arm, reeling him back before he can get out. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“I – “ he starts helplessly, it feels suddenly like there is this giant drift between them. Something he’s never felt before, and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
Carlos seems to understand instantly and, as usual, tries to make it better. “Come here,” he murmurs, tugging him forward. TK closes his eyes, feeling the sting behind them as Carlos gives him the softest of kisses.
“Whatever you decide about us,” he whispers as he presses his forehead against his. “I’m here for you either way, okay?”
TK lets out a soft sound, swallowing hard around the lump forming in his throat.
Carlos makes a sound of his own, pressing his forehead a little harder against TK’s for a moment before moving back. “You should go,” he whispers. “Get some rest.”
“Carlos – ” TK tries again, no less sure of what he wants to say or how to mend the drift that keeps growing with every passing second between them.
Carlos just gives him a slight smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Good night, Tyler.”
Knowing that he has nothing to say to make it better right now, not when he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling, TK reaches for the door again. “Good night, Carlos,” he sighs before stepping out of the car.
He walks up the driveway to the front door, pausing when he opens it to look back, not surprised in the least that Carlos is waiting until he’s safely inside.
He enters the house and leans against the closed door with a heavy sigh. Resting there for a moment, he tries to work through the whole evening and, in the end, gets nowhere. He hears movement in the distance and follows it; walking through the house, he finds his father sitting at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen, stirring his tea.
“Hey, kid,” his father greets him with an easy smile. “Didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
“Why not?” he questions, opening the fridge to get a water bottle.
“Because you were out with a certain Austin Police officer, and you have a tendency to come home late or not at all when you’re out with him,” Owen answers bluntly, smiling brightly when he chokes on his water.
“You know,” TK gets out after a series of coughs.
“That you’re messing around with Officer Reyes?” Owen questions, his tone disbelieving. “Of course I know.”
“Then what was that the other day when he came to see me?” TK asks back. “You made it awkward on purpose.”
“That was me messing with you,” Owen answers without shame, his blue eyes dancing with amusement.
TK rolls his eyes. “Thanks, dad,” he says dryly as he comes to sit down next to him with a heavy sigh.
“Did something happen, TK?” Owen asks him, frowning as TK runs a hand over his face and through his hair.
“You could say that,” he says tiredly, staring at the counter. He closes his eyes when he feels his father’s hand on his neck, giving it an encouraging squeeze.
“Tell me,” Owen says softly, and TK does. The story just pours out of him. How he and Carlos started, the botched dinner he walked out of. Getting arrested, and the conversation between him and Carlos at the station. Them starting over, with no commitment, just friends and casual sex. How getting caught by Carlos’ neighbor ended with playing the loving boyfriend to Carlos’ family and friends tonight, and finally, he tells his dad, Carlos’ world-tilting confession.
“Wow,” his father blinks a few times as he stares at him; it makes TK chuckle without humor.
“That’s all you got, dad?” he questions. “I tell you that I have a ‘friends with benefits’ situation going with Carlos. That we played fake-boyfriends to his very nice family, which I enjoyed more than I should have. He then basically tells me that he only agreed to that because he has feelings for me, and went along with this because some of me is better than nothing. Which means I’m a selfish ass for not realizing sooner that this whole situation has been for my benefit, and Carlos gets nothing out of it but hurt, and all you can say is wow?”
“You’re not a selfish ass,” Owen says seriously, reaching out to touch his forearm when TK shakes his head. “You didn’t know how Carlos really felt until tonight.”
“I should have though,” he argues back, realizing how true it is. Everything Carlos does, from cooking for them after their shifts even though he’s tired himself. Listening to TK and never once judging him for his past. The sex, which TK now realizes even from the very first time, has never been just sex, not once. Carlos has cared about him from the start, it’s always been there, but because he was nursing a broken heart, he ignored it, wanting the comfort Carlos gave him. “He’s so good to me, dad. So kind.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Owen agrees with a soft smile. “I like the kid.”
“I like him too,” TK whispers. “A lot.”
“But?” his dad questions.
“But what if I’m too messed up and broken to really try this?” he asks, swallowing hard around the question.
Owen shakes his head at him, frowning. “You aren’t a mess or broken, TK.”
TK sighs. “Dad – “
“No, listen to me,” Owen cuts him off with a stern expression on his face. “I get that this is about your addiction and about Alex. I get it. But your past doesn’t make you a mess. You fight your addiction every damn day, you’re a survivor, TK.”
TK takes a shaky breath, his eyes stinging from his dad’s words. Looking at his father, he can see that he’s holding back the tears too.
“And Alex didn’t break you,” Owen continues gently. “He bruised you up a bit, but you’re not broken, kid, not one bit. If he did, you wouldn’t be able to care about Carlos the way you obviously do.”
“But what if I try, and I mess it up?” TK whispers, giving voice to his fears.
Owen smiles at him with understanding. “What’s scarier, TK? Being with Carlos and making a mistake,” he pauses, his blue eyes serious, his next words freezing the air in TK’s lungs. “Or not trying at all, and losing out completely on the great guy you’ve obviously fallen for?”
TK stares at his dad, and this time when his eyes burn, he doesn’t hold back the tears that roll down his cheek. “Damn, dad,” he says softly, wiping at his face. “Way to not soften the blow.”
Owen chuckles gently, his expression loving, supportive, and a little amused. TK smiles back, knowing the answer.
“Can I borrow your car?” he questions, earning a large smile from Owen in return as he digs into his pocket. He places his keys in TK’s hand.
“Go get your guy.”
 The drive over to Carlos’ is a quick one, but that doesn’t mean TK doesn’t have enough time to second-guess himself and work his nerves up into a frenzy. By the time he pulls into Carlos’ driveway, he’s practically vibrating with nervous energy.
He bounces up the small pathway and knocks on the door sharply before he can stop himself to think that Carlos might be in bed. It takes a few minutes for the living room lights to go on, and maybe another minute before the door opens.
“TK?” Carlos questions, his expression tired and confused. He’s shirtless, just a pair of soft-looking sleeping shorts on. TK looks at his face, and his heart lurches; underneath the tiredness, Carlos’ eyes look red and a little puffy. “What – “
TK doesn’t let him finish, Carlos has obviously cried tonight, and he’s the reason. He takes a step forward, wrapping his arms around Carlos’ waist, hoping his hug is welcomed.
He feels Carlos tense up, jerking in surprise. TK holds his breath, letting it out in a hard exhale when Carlos finally wraps his arms around TK’s shoulders and hugs him back tightly.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, baby,” he whispers over and over into the crook of Carlos’ neck. His heart thundering with gratitude when Carlos’ body loses more of its tension.
Carlos sighs against the side of TK’s face. “You don’t have to apologize,” he whispers into his skin.
“I do,” TK answers, pulling back to look at Carlos. “I have been hurting you, and that’s the last thing in the world I want to do, Carlos. You have to know that.”
Carlos sighs again, taking a step back out of TK’s hold. “Come in,” he says, gesturing at the living room.
TK passes Carlos and sits on the couch, licking his lips nervously as he waits for Carlos to join him. He turns to face him when Carlos sits down.
“You’ve been crying,” TK says as he takes Carlos in again, his stomach twists when Carlos just shrugs in response. “I’m sorry.”
Carlos shakes his head. “You don’t have to apologize,” he tells him quietly. “You can’t help how you feel or don’t feel about me. I knew what I was getting into. I knew you just wanted to keep this light. I’m the one that went along and fell for you anyway.”
TK takes a sharp inhale, feeling his heart soar at Carlos’ words. Before coming over, he knew that Carlos had feelings for him, to hear him be so honest sends a spike of fear, but even more powerful is the sense of joy that overcomes him.
“Carlos,” TK starts, reaching out to take his hand, grateful when Carlos lets him, even going as far as covering it with his own. “You have to understand I didn’t plan for you at all,” he tells him, swallowing around the lump in his throat before he continues. “I came to Austin nursing a broken heart that wrecked me so bad I lost years of sobriety over it. Getting involved with anyone so quickly after my breakup was the last thing on my mind, especially with someone as wonderful as you. All I have been focusing on is my pain, and trying to keep my head above water.”
“I know that, sweetheart. I know you’ve been hurting badly; it takes time to heal,” Carlos squeezes his hand, and his expression is so full of understanding and compassion, it leaves TK in awe, and well, in love.
“That’s just it, though,” he says quickly, leaning forward in his rush to explain how things have changed. “I don’t hurt when I’m with you. When I think about you, I get excited about the next time I’m going to see you. And then when we spend time together, I’m filled with warmth and contentment,” he smiles, mostly at himself; he’s been an idiot not to realize this sooner. “For a while now, you, Carlos Reyes, have been the definition of happiness for me.”
“Really?” Carlos whispers, his expression tentative and hopeful.
TK nods, he raises their joined hands to his chest. “I have to admit that it’s scared me; I didn’t plan to care for anyone the way I care for you.”
“I don’t want you to be scared, TK,” Carlos answers quietly.
TK smiles again. “I’m always going to be a little scared, Carlos,” he says, reaching out to touch his cheek, swallowing a sigh when Carlos instantly leans into the touch. “How I feel about you means that you have the power to hurt me.”
Carlos opens his mouth, but TK continues before he can say anything.
“Caring about you also means being terrified of messing this up,” he says carefully.
“I worry about that too,” Carlos answers. “I don’t want to push you into something you might not be ready for.”
“You haven’t,” TK reassures him. Carlos has been letting him set the rules and the speed to them from the start. Even now, TK knows that if he tells him he’s not ready yet, Carlos will be nothing but understanding.
“I told my dad about tonight – well, I told him about everything,” he confesses, laughing softly at the surprised look Carlos gives him. “Yeah. By the way, he already knew we’re involved and was messing with us the other day,” he tells him, grinning when Carlos cringes. “Anyway, my dad asked what was scarier, giving us a fair shot and making mistakes along the way – or not trying at all. Not making any mistakes but also losing out on the chance of us being amazing together.”
Carlos visibly swallows before shifting closer into TK’s space. TK follows until their faces are inches away. “So, what’s the answer?”
TK smiles, his heart racing when Carlos does the same as he gets closer still. Carlos lets out a soft puff of air when TK brushes his lips against his. The kiss is chaste and unhurried.
“Tyler – “ he sighs when TK ends the kiss to rub his nose against his. “Are you sure?”
TK pulls back to make sure Carlos is looking at him. “Yes, I am. I want this. I want us,” he answers, relieved by how sure he feels. He licks his lips before biting down on the bottom one. “I mean – if that’s what you want too.”
Carlos lets out a huff, but the smile on his face is so bright it could rival the sun. “Keep up, Strand,” he teases, tugging TK forward again until their mouths are pressed against each other. “It’s all I want,” he says between them.
TK grins into the kiss Carlos gives him, moaning softly when their mouths part and their tongues dance over the other. The kiss goes from zero to sixty in a second, and TK finds himself groaning in pleasure from the wet heat of Carlos’ mouth and the hard press of his frame as he pushes him back on the couch, covering him with his half-naked body.
“Wait,” he gets out, letting out a breath as Carlos quickly unbuttons his shirt and starts kissing down his chest. “Baby, wait. I have something to ask you.”
Carlos whines, flicking his tongue over TK’s left nipple, causing him to gasp, his body responding instantly before Carlos pulls up to look at him expectantly.
TK lets out a shaky breath as he takes him in, his skin flushed, his warm brown eyes a few shades darker, and so much love and desire for him on his face that TK has to wonder how even for a second, he thought he could do without this.
“Wanna be my boyfriend?” he asks, laughing joyfully as Carlos lights up, both of them remembering how he asked this just a few days ago. “For real this time?”
Carlos presses into him more, his muscular body anchoring TK to the couch, enveloping him in his warmth. His face, inches away from his as he smiles sweetly at him, and TK knows he loves him.
“There’s nothing, TK Strand,” he answers, his beautiful brown eyes shining. “That I want more.”
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