#everyday I stay further from God’s light
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You guys wouldn’t BELIEVE how normal I am about this man, I definitely DON’T lay awake at night thinking about him…
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dragonsfictavern · 9 months
Without Much Spoken
Astarion x gn!Reader
a/n: My first attempt at posting for bg3 and Astarion. But I plan to continue posting many more fics for not only this lil guy, but for a lot of the party! So stick around!
summary: During one night of your groups travels together, Astarion enters the room to find you overwhelmed and crying. Acting before thinking it through, Astarion comforts you.
word count: 1.1k
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Walking up the stairs of the Inn their group was staying in for the next couple of days, Astarion opens the door as he normally would, heading to bed after the exhausting day that had finally, at last, ended. He was more than ready to plop into bed and fall into a hopefully dreamless sleep. His only true escape that lasted far few hours.
But as soon as the door creaked open, a small sliver of light shining through, your sobs broke through the silence like a fierce screech. They stopped a moment after, the silence even more heavy and the tension growing thick the longer neither of you speak.
Astarion opens the door, only a bit further. Enough for the light from the hall to catch on your features. Your frozen, having fled to isolation in order to prevent this. To stop anyone from seeing you, to not bother anyone else with the weight of your intensely hyperactive feelings. Especially him. God, you didn’t want to bother him with this.
Astarion was always good for a light joke, a quick quip. He was good at that. At making things feel lighter, even unintentionally making you feel better at times. But that’s not what you wanted right now. You didn’t want to feel better in that way, you didn’t want to attempt to push aside your emotions for another, you didn’t want to just forget about what you felt. You needed to let out what was overwhelming you. What twisted your gut with anxiety, what made it hard to breathe, what sent your body into overdrive, what clouded your mind and made you feel like a complete mess.
You needed it out, and you knew Astarion wasn’t typically the one to go to with that sort of thing. You never held it against him, you cared for him, you may even love him. But you knew he had little to no experience in the ways of comforting someone. Knew he didn’t really know how to do that. So, in an action you convinced herself was selfless, you didn’t confide in him. Didn’t give him the chance to offer whatever type of comfort he possibly could provide.
And Astarion knew it all and more. With his past, he knew how to read people easily. Learning how others think was vital in his line of work, in his everyday life, in his survival… Reading you always seemed a little bit easier for him to do than it was with others. He could see what you were trying to do. The way your body stiffened on the bed, the tears both dried and fresh on your cheeks, the way your hands clenched as if you wished the ground would swallow you whole.
Astarion didn’t feel any particular way about this revelation. He could see your reasoning, your line of thinking and what brought you to the conclusions you ended up at. So he honestly couldn’t explain why he reacted the way he did.
His hand shuts the door, encompassing you both back into darkness without thought. His feet move toward you on their own. Though the darkness surrounds you both, both of your eyes end up adjusting again. You can see the way Astarion stops at the edge of the bed, his form hovering over your curled frame on the bed.
It’s without a word that he slides into bed behind you, his back resting comfortably against the headboard. His legs spread wide, giving you enough space to sit between them. His hands softly curl around you, not trying to overwhelm you even more. One hand around your stomach, feeling the erratic breaths you take as you attempts to hide your cries. The other hand over your heart, feeling its pounding rhythm, both from the mix of emotions that sent you to this state and from him finding you here. He didn’t need to do this, his hearing being able to pick it up well enough on its own. But for some reason he needed the reassurance. That it was all real.
He pulls you into his chest and you don’t hesitate to fall against him, putting your weight on him. He isn’t doing this to prove anything to you. To prove he can comfort you, if you needed him to. No, he isn’t going to make you come to him and he’s not going to make you hide. He doesn’t know why he’s done this. He just… did. Wanted to. It’s all he can grasp onto.
The feeling of him being there was enough, you realize. It had taken so much energy to try and remain still after Astarion found you, but now that he was here and he’s staying, you can’t hold it in any longer. It physically pained you beyond explanation. Sobs broke out of you, the action moving your body with its force. You couldn’t control it.
Astarion just sits there, not saying anything and not really doing anything either. But it’s more than enough. You didn’t realize how being alone had made everything so much worse. You thought that being alone, having nothing around that could possibly add to your array of emotions was what was best for you. But as you two laid together, you noticed the way Astarion didn’t add anything. The way he could actually help in ways everyone else just couldn’t seem to.
Eventually you begin to calm down, your body shaking but your emotions releasing and leaving you. That’s when you feel Astarion’s hand on the back of your head. You jump slightly, but besides that, you don’t dare acknowledge it. His hand gently starts combing through your hair. Then when he reaches the end, he brings it back to the top of your head. You sigh heavily, falling into him further. The peace of the empty silence, the darkness that covers everything, washes over you both. Neither of you seem to want to break it.
You tilt your head ever so slightly, hoping he doesn’t stop. The gesture was doing wonders to help calm you down further. You can barely make out Astarion through the darkness, but you can see enough to tell he’s simply staring ahead. It’s then you realize that he probably hadn’t even noticed what he’s doing to you. How he’s actually comforting you. It sends waves of pleasure through you, working both to overwhelm you a bit more and yet also calming you. You fall back, fully resting on him once again as he, in a way, pets you. Your eyes seemingly closed on their own.
It’s only after an unknown amount of time that he murmurs in your ear, “I’m here.”
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Player yandere!!
Player! Yan being a hoe all throughout their life. Their amazing good looks and trust fund money makes people not think twice before jumping into bed with them. Thinking they are special because “oh my god this is how our love story starts! Their in love with me!🥰” only for them to either be shoved a plan b in their hands the next morning, shoved out of their flat and blocked on all social media. If that person even tries to confront yan the next day, yan just goes “do I know you?” With the straightest face ever. Like they are an ASSHOLE when it comes to people who are in love with them. They have never been in love before and everytime someone gets upset at them or curses them, they just shrug it off as another Tuesday. “Fuck you!!when you fall in love, I hope they stomp on your heart and light it on fire!” Another wounded soul that was the victim of their shenanigans exclaimed.
They just laugh and move on with their day. Them? In love?? Not gonna happen sweetheart. People fall in love with THEM not the other way around.
Until they meet their darling. Of course theirs always that “special someone” usually displayed as the innocent pure person. But that isn’t how my stories go. Idgaf darling that is just trying to scrape by in life. They know, that yan is an entitled asshole and proceed to stay away from them. Shouldn’t have been hard right? Wrong. They made the mistake of telling yan to “get lost” when yan tried to talk up their friend. Of course some hostility towards them is kind of common but usually from their ex playthings. They play innocent wondering if you were a past lay, while trying to chummy up to you.
At first it was a joke, them seeking you out just to play innocent infront of you. Flirting as a joke, just to rile you up or make you blush (too bad you just look at them with a dead inside look) in fact they started considering you their newest exciting game. See how long until you fall.
Unexpectedly you stood strong, any advance they tried to make, you blocked it, any sweet moment they calculated, you dodged it, any ‘special’ connection they tried to formulate just pushed you away even further. It was driving them crazy, but their selfish pride never let them walk away. And despite everything you never cussed them out, chased them out or showed anger to them. It almost made them think of you as some sociopath.
After some time they started thinking about you. All.the.time. Scenarios on how to make you blush. Daydreams of how you would look when you crumbled under them. Strategies to take up more of your time. Until they began dreaming of you. Fun thing about dreams they usually mean underlying feelings in a person. Sweet dreams of you, usually you smiling at them or being happy. They feel so light in the dreams, so fuzzy. Craving them when their gone or you giving them your usual dead look. They don’t take it seriously at first, of course they began dreaming about you, they almost see you everyday! Then the nerves started showing up, hesitation. Whenever they tried to make a sly move before, they did so confidently. Now they do it, and you look at them with those uninterested eyes, and suddenly they have to look away. A small pink hue flooding their face.
Is it normal to hate people that come close to you? Before others looked at THEM with jealousy. Now they glare at anyone that is buddy buddy with you. These low life’s seeing you smile and laugh. While THEY barely get a glance. It’s unbelievable. No they aren’t jealous! They probably have a good reason for this feeling!
God, their friends see them acting weird and confront them about it. “Dude are you okay? I get that this person is like your ‘conquest’ or whatever but your taking this too seriously.” “So what? I’m not a quitter. Or do you think that they are capable of resisting me!?” They exclaim. “Nah! I just mean-don’t take them so seriously! How about we go to a party with a bunch of hot chicks/dudes. They won’t know.” It made them think. At first a bitter taste of disgust hit them until they buried it. ‘Yeah, tons of better broads are willing to open their legs after just a glance. I just need to get back in the game.’ So they go, a random party full of drunk people. It’s where they feel most comfortable. But something doesn’t feel right? It’s almost like they are waiting, waiting for something. Someone. They can’t help but turn around when a voice similar to yours starts talking. Can’t help but look around when a jacket that looks like yours is found. They do it on accident until someone points it out, and they get mad. Enraged.
It seemed to be a tipping point because they have never got that drunk before. Pulling someone they don’t even know into a room with them. Kissing, groping until the start the deed. At first it feels good, so good. They feel like they got high for the first time again. Until this random stranger starts sounding like you. Their drunk mind filling the gaps. Suddenly the stranger doesn’t just sound like you, it looks like you. They moan and groan and god does it sound so good. They couldn’t help themselves, stupidly they moaned your name. The other person seemed to not hear it the first couple of times, until yan starts screaming it as they cum. Suddenly they get smacked in the face and get left by themselves on the bed.
It was a wake up call, a moment of realization. Hours passed by in a flash because of their drunk mind. Only thing they could think about now was you. They were in love. IN. LOVE. With you, of all people. Thinking that they could NEVER experience this sensation, it was a gut punch. Small chuckles left their lips, soon it turned into an explosive laughter! As they clutched their heart, beating- demanding to leave their chest and run to you, they knew that you owned them now. Belonging to you and only you. Just needing to let you understand that is all that is left…
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(Hope my writing is getting better! This was an old draft that I just decided I NEEDED to post. Mainly cuz I’m still working on a part 2 on my self deprecating yandere Drabble! Sorry my brain is out of juice is all 😭)
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ashdreams2023 · 5 months
Hi, I love your posts a lot and i was wondering if i could make a request. I checked your master list just incase someone asked it already and i didn’t see it.
Could you do a loki x reader, where loki is nervous to reveal that he is a frost giant to the reader and when he does reveal it the reader finds him like cute and pretty. Just lots of fluff and cuteness :)
(You can do a gn or fem reader i don’t really mind).
Have a good day/night! :)
My good looking boy
Loki x fem reader
Loki walks back and forth in his bedroom, he has been thinking about this sensitive for ages now.
He looked down at his blue frosted hands, his veins looked so pale and greenish, disgusting in his own eye.
You wouldn’t want to look at this everyday, right?
But he couldn’t hide this forever and he promise to share every detail about himself with you, regardless of how mad and twisted it may come off as.
You deserved to know and whatever happened afterwards…well he didn’t want to think of anymore outcomes because all of them ended the same in his head.
"Loki? Am I early? I saw the door open and let myself in" you walked in and phased at the darkness of the room "Why are the lights off?"
Loki swallowed and leaned his back on the wall "Darling before you turn the light on I want you to know something"
You tilted your head confused "Is something wrong? You sound stressed about something"
"No i…actually there has been a secret that I feel you should know before we go any further in our relationship, it is a sensitive topic that no one here knows about but Thor"
"Oh my god are you sick?! What’s happening" you walked towards his figure who’s standing in the dark but he lifted his hand up stopping you from getting closer.
"No, listen to me you need to understand how important this is to me"
"Ok…tell me then"
"I am, Loki oddinson but I am also Loki laufeyson and with that comes a great burden, and I don’t to cheat my way to your heart, I want you to see the other side of me, my ugliest secret"
You blinked as the lights turned on and your eyes landed on him, his skin blue as the sky, his eyes red as Ruby’s and you could see the Smokey cold air surrounding the area he stood.
"I know it looks and I know you deserve much more better than this but I just couldn’t hide this from you anymore and you have all the right to leave me if you wish" he let out a breath and waited for your response, he expected the worst of the worst.
"Does it hurt you? I mean not being in your natural form all the time?"
Loki opened his mouth then closed it "No, not really, the only downfall is getting bothered by the sun easily"
"That’s it?"
You sighed then approached him slowly, you looked up at his face, his features looked different but not unfamiliar, he was still your Loki, your same old god of mischief.
"Will I get hurt if I touch you?"
"You’ll probably get frost bites dove"
That didn’t seem to stop you from hugging his middle though, he was cold but nothing you couldn’t handle "I don’t care what form you have, I’ve seen you literally turn into ancient creatures, you think I’ll be phased by blue skin and red eyes? Don’t be ridiculous now! I would never leave you!"
"But…but I’m ugly"
You pulled away and crossed your arms "You’re still my hood looking boy, whatever you look like because at the end of the day I love you more than you could ever imagine and I’m happy you’re telling such an important detail about your life, it’s your heritage and not something to feel ashamed about"
Your words stuck him like an arrow in his heart, he felt choked but held himself together "Are you sure, you still want to stay with me"
"One hundred million percent, I don’t care if you look like a lollipop because jokes on you my standards now are YOU"
"….don’t let stark hear you he will be disappointed" he snorted.
You smiled shaking your head "you so nervous, honey you can trust I’ll love you regardless and no matter what, I promise so stop sulking in the corner and come spend some time with me pretty thing"
"Oh you and your flattery" he rolled his eyes walk up to you, the skin color coming back to his face the look you knew first came back into view.
"Smoothies?" You asked.
"Deal" he grinned at you.
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luv-elixir · 6 months
Cherry-Coloured Funk
Stepfather Leon S. Kennedy x Reader Your stepfather finally comes home after a long work trip and shows you how much he missed you.
Part of “Body Electric” series
18+ Content Warnings : Stepcest, power imbalance, fingering, p*ssy slapping, slight degradation, facial, stepfather!Leon, stepdaughter!reader
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“Do you really have to go?”
“I’ll be back before you know it."
⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。
That was two weeks ago. Two very long weeks of blue balls caused by being without his vixen of a stepdaughter.
Leon sighs as he enters the house, grateful for the quiet atmosphere.
He needed to think and get work off his mind.
He also needed to get his new wife off his mind.
They’d been having arguments nearly everyday and knowing he’d be back today opted to have a girls night at a friends.
Not that Leon really cared, you were home and that made everything better.
He knows he should stay out of your room, that he should wait until morning, but he’s missed your soft skin and vanilla perfume too much to wait.
After taking the fastest shower possible he softly opens your bedroom door, the tv light illuminating your sleeping figure covered by the floral duvet on your bed. Your hair is all splayed out and Leon can make out his old hoodie from his academy days on your exposed upper half.
“My baby,” he murmurs, slipping in beside you and pushing the hairs in your face back.
You turn and groan as your body makes contact with his, the familiarity both comforting and startling you out of sleep.
He hears your breathing pick up and sees your eyes shoot open.
“It’s just me baby,” he coos, stroking the back of your neck to lull you back to sleep.
It doesn't exactly work, you get your bearings and your eyes peel open and the smile that takes over your face has Leon’s heart beat speed up.
"You're home," the smile makes it into your voice and Leon can't help but feel love explode all through his chest.
"Yeah baby," he kisses your forehead just as you hook your knee to his narrow hip.
It's then, as you press further into Leon that he feels your thighs and his hands follow the curve of your skin and groans when he touches your bare cunt.
"No panties, sweetheart?" he tilts your chin upwards so you can't hide your sleepy eyes or your coy smile.
"I knew you’d be home," Leon shakes his head when you lean up to pepper kisses to his jaw.
"Little vixen." he curses, finally kissing your lips.
It's tentative at first and then his tongue prods into your mouth and licks at your own. His lips suck yours into his mouth, swallowing your moan as he pulls your hips into his. It’s wet and sloppy and has your cunt soaking through the material of his pants.
"Leon," you whine, his lips leaving yours to suck at the column of your neck.
He only hums, nipping and biting at the tender skin on your neck.
"Daddy please," your hips are rocking against his, and he sits up, pulling you with him as he changes positions and lays you flat on your back.
"Please what?" Leon says with a spank to your pussy.
Your answer is interrupted with him grinding his clothed hips into yours, a moan slipping past your lips as he brushes your wet cunt with his bulge.
"Please don't tease," he kisses you again, and this time even more wet.
"God baby," he coos, fingers spreading your cunt open so that he sees even more of your slick gushing out. "You miss me a lot?" It's mind numbing the way he uses words to make your mind melt and shut off.
He just says a couple nasty things and your brain short circuits.
His thumb brushes at your little hole, a smirk pulling on his lips as your hips buck into his touch.
"I asked you a question, baby."
His mouth is sucking at your clit almost immediately after he speaks, and your whines are breathy and high as your hands reach for his hair.
A broken, "Yes," manages to escape you and after that, it's the only coherent thing to leave your mouth.
Leon’s fingers finally slip into your cunt, and he loves how tight you feel.
"God," you cry, hips moving to meet the thrusts of Leon’s fingers, growing closer and closer to your orgasm. "I'm gonna come, please daddy."
He only hums, eyes meeting yours as your hands knot into his hair, holding his head still as you ride his tongue and fingers to your release.
"Atta girl, fuck yourself on my face." He praises, watching as you continue to ride his fingers and tongue till your orgasm fizzles out. Leon crooks his fingers in your pussy so they brush against your g-spot over and over again till he feels the tell-tale signs of another orgasm.
"Gimme another one, slut. Let me see you come again." Your mouth drops open as he rolls your clit and a second orgasm washes over you.
You can't fight his touch as Leon drags you to the very end of your orgasm and pats your cunt as he pulls his fingers out of you.
“Want your cock, daddy," your eyes are glazed over already, and Leon has to physically restrain himself from just slamming his fat cock into you.
"Yeah? How bad do you need it? How bad do you want your stepdads cock?" He likes playing this game with you, there's something about the way you spread your legs and offer your pussy over to him that makes his head swim with lust.
"So so bad, it’s all l've been thinking about since you left.” he wouldn’t even doubt your statement because you're all he's thought about too, “Please daddy, need your cock in me, You always fuck me so good."
He can't resist you anymore, and slides in, both of you groaning as he bottoms out in your tight cunt.
Your breath is short and sharp as he fucks into you, hands fisting the sheets as your hips match his thrusts. All you can think about is the way the head of his cock is pressing at just the right spot that has your toes curling with each thrust.
Tears pool on your lash line as his thumb finds your clit again, ready to pull a third orgasm from you.
"Oh fuck," you croon and Leon pulls back to slap at your clit. "You're gonna make me come again." you mewl, eyes full of tears as your pussy clamps around him.
"Yeah? Y'gonna make a mess?" your nails dig into Leon’s shoulders at his teasing, tears falling down your face as his thumb resumes rolling your clit. "Soak my cock, baby." the order has your back arched off the bed completely as you obey it, legs trembling from the force of your orgasm.
Leon manages to hold off his own till the very last second, holding the back of your neck to keep your slick bodies pressed together as he pumps his cock with his fist.
“There you go baby, fucking slut.” Leon mutters as his cum spurts on your face, giving you a sticky facial.
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tim-shii · 7 months
i remember it all too well.
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featuring: bachira meguru, itoshi rin, mikage reo
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" you almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over at me. "
bachira meguru was an eccentric lover. he likes to have fun and takes you on dates you’d never even expect. one time, during your second date, he took you out to go bungee jumping. you were frozen on the platform for 30 minutes while he was down there, cheering you on with a stupid smile on his face and his phone recording you.
right now, you guys are on the way home after a day at a cat cafe. they were really cute but their fur all over you was not cute at all. you look out the window, admiring the view as the car sped through the road. you hold back a laugh as you pass by a squirrel falling down a tree with its acorn stuck in the branch. you turn to tell bachira when you notice he’s already looking at you.
“eyes on the road!”
“i got my eye on you.” and to push it further, he points two fingers in your direction. sighing lighty, you shove his face to turn to the road. “you can eye me later if we don’t die.”
bachira whips his head to look at you accusingly. “excuse me?! my driving skills are maxed out, you know. and besides, who’s the one with the license between us, huh? that’s right. me. bachira megu–” “yeah, yeah. shut up.” you try to shush him however that seemed to only seethe him more. more screams of fury and annoyance comes from bachira. you were only seconds away from tuning him out when you saw the traffic light glow red. immediately, you urged bachira to step on the brakes. with the panic in your voice, he abides at once.
now at a stop sign, deep breaths coming from the two of you fill the vehicle. giggles and laughter following after. “oh my god, stop laughing, meguru.” he halts his laughter. playfully gesturing a zipper over his lips yet the obvious grin on his face gives it away.
“can we both agree to always keep an eye on the road now?”
“yes, ma’am… got my other eye on you tho.”
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" you told me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me. "
getting into a relationship wasn’t in itoshi rin’s bucket list. or any list really. never did he think that he’ll be here at 3am in the morning, on his bed, with you, and he’s telling you all about him. from the very first time he held a soccer ball to the day sae left for spain. he confided in you, hiding no side of his self and showing you all and even letting you see through him completely.
“so, this is it?” the air was cold. breaking up on a december night? it almost makes him laugh. he’d fight for it but.. what was the point? this is the ending of a love story. your love story. if he tries to change the ending, who knows what could happen next? you stay with him out of pity? or you get tired and all goes in a circle once more. he stays silent. not uttering one word and maybe that set you off because you dragged a hand down your face. he observes you for the first time in weeks. you look really tired and if letting this end would make you happy then so be it.
he walks past you and that leaves you baffled. so he’s just leaving, you think in your head. chest aching and hands itching to reach out, but you don’t. because if he’s walking away without a word, what are the chances he’ll hear you out?
“oh god, i never thought it could end up like this.” rin hears you whisper to yourself as he grabs his coat and makes his way to the door. he bites on his lips, urging the tears brimming his eyes to not fall. not now. as he strolls through the park, he mutters to himself. “neither did i.” but you weren’t there to hear him. only the moon knows.
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" we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light. "
loving mikage reo was unexpected and something you’re grateful for. he’s the best boyfriend one could ever ask for. he fell in love with you at first sight when you took his coffee order at the cafe down the block. the continues to visit the coffee shop with a bouquet of flowers dedicated for you everyday until you give him your number.
cravings at midnight are common. you had them a lot so sneaking out of reo’s arms became something you’re skilled at. tiptoeing towards the fridge, you rummage through every shelf to find something to eat. a yelp escapes you as you felt cold hands slid under your shirt. reo’s laughter breaks your shock, turning to hit him in the chest. that just seems to make him laugh more.
“hi, sweetheart. what are you doing?” he smiles like he did nothing wrong. you scowl at him before turning to rummage through the fridge once again. “i’m hungry. i wanna eat.”
“oh? should we just order then?” reo asks you, pulling out his phone and opening a delivery app. he was about to click on an item until your hand blocks his phone while you stare him down with a glare. “reo, your fridge is full to the brim. baa-ya even had to push things in the pantry ‘cause there’s no more space!”
“come on, use your inside voice inside the house.” like the smooth man he is, he cuddles you in his arms, swaying the both of you side by side. only to stop when you pinch his side. “ow! what was that for?"
“don’t dance with me when the fridge door is open!”
“but it’s romantic!”
“an overpriced electricity bill isn’t!”
“you’re not even the one paying the bills–ow!”
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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greynatomy · 1 year
the diner
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caitlin foord x reader
i googled some meet cute ideas and came up with this. been wanting to write a caitlin foord fic for a while, just didn’t know what.
let me know what you think!
Tossing and turning in bed, Caitlin couldn’t seem to get herself to fall asleep. Her mind not letting her rest. Instead of staying in bed, Caitlin put on some sweats and a hoodie, hopped into her car to drive around.
The neighborhood was pretty much dead, couple bars just barely closing at two in the morning. Driving a bit further, she comes across a small diner— an American style diner—one she’s never seen before. It looks to be open, also from the little light up ‘open’ sign, she parked her car in the small lot, heading inside.
She seems to be the only one there except for one other person. She didn’t know if she could sit anywhere or had to wait to be seated, but she didn’t have to figure it out for long.
“Hi. Sorry if you’ve waited long, but sit anywhere you please. Menus are already at the tables.” An American accent, Caitlin thought. made sense if an American owned the place.
Seating herself at one of the many small booths, she scans through the menu, suddenly becoming hungry.
“Now, I just made a fresh pot of coffee for you if that’s what you’d like, but how are you with the menu? Need more time?” Caitlin looks up to find you there with a little notepad in your hand, looking down at her with a smile.
“I think I know what I want actually. I’ll just get the pancakes with eggs and bacon please.”
“Alright. Now how do you want your eggs cooked?”
“Scrambled is just fine.”
“What about for a drink?”
“I’ll have a coffee please.”
“Great. I’ll go grab your coffee and start makin’ your food. Be back in a bit.”
As she waited, she looks around the diner, taking in the atmosphere. It looks like the diners you see on the television when watching some old time-y American film or show. Like the one show Caitlin had started to watch, Riverdale was it?
“Here’s your coffee. Cream and sugar for you if you want. And your food is almost done.”
“Thank you.”
Caitlin couldn’t help herself, but she thought you were beautiful. You have an aura that made her want to get to know you more, so she did what she thought she should do.
“Would you like to sit down with me? Like get to know each other and all that?”
You pause. Of course you’ve been asked by other customers to have a meal with them, but you’ve always declined. But you somehow couldn’t decline her invitation.
“Let me just grab your food and I’ll be right back.” You give her a big smile, making Caitlin smile just as big.
After the initial introductions, you and Caitlin had gotten quite along, conversation flowing very easily between the both of you.
You found out that she played football, not at all being a fan of the sport, or sports in general, but not your opinion would definitely change. She asked why you opened up a diner and you told her that you just loved the vibe diners give out and always wanted to open one. Also how there’s not many around England. It’s open twenty-four seven, you only come by when you want to or if there’s no one that can cover a shift.
Without realizing, two hours had passed. Your openers for the diner had just come in. Caitlin tells you that she should get going, picking up her wallet to pay, but you declined saying it’s on the house. Instead, she asked if she could ask for your number, hoping to hang out outside the diner in the future. You agreed, bidding her goodbye as she walked out.
Two months have passed. You and Caitlin have been texting and calling everyday, meeting up a few times mostly at your place as she didn’t want any of her friends just bathing in, wanting to introduce you at her own terms.
Her teammates, especially her Matilda teammate Steph, noticed how much she’s been smiling at her phone and cancelling plans with the team.
“What’s god you gigglin’ on your phone there Cait?”
“Nothing.” She brushes Steph off, finishing packing her bag to head back home.
“You’ve been a lot happier these days I feel like.” This got the attention of most of the team, interested in the conversation happening.
“Yeah. Just texting a friend.”
“A friend, hey? You sure they’re just a friend?”
“Okay, fine. I was supposed to invite you anyway, but I do have a girlfriend and I’d like to invite you all to her place tomorrow after training for a dinner. She’s cooking.”
“Foordy’s got herself a girlfriend!” Katie yells out. Everyone else cheering like they’d just won a major tournament.
“Alright. They’ll be here soon. Do you need me to do anything else?”
“Nope. Just stand there and be sexy.” You say, leaning up to peck her lips.
Moments later, you hear the sound of the doorbell, Caitlin’s friends trickling in one after the other. Settling down in your backyard, you start getting boba dyed with questions.
“How did you guys meet?”
“When did you guys meet?”
“How’d Caitlin get a hold of you?”
“Woah, guys! Don’t overwhelm her. She’ll answer when you quiet down.”
“Thank you, baby.” You kiss her cheek, getting aww’s from everyone, making you blush. “Alright. To answer all the questions at once, she came by my diner at like two in the morning, I was the only one working and she was my only customer. She was very shy at first, but we warmed up to each other very quickly, talking for two hours. We exchanged numbers, she asked me to be her girlfriend and now we are here.”
After swearing all the questions, everyone quickly dug into the food, complimenting you on the taste. Everyone was so easy to talk to.
Caitlin watched you bond with her teammates, laughing at something Leah had said. She was glad you were getting along with everyone and that everyone had gotten along with you, like they’d known you for quite some time.
She was grateful that she had walked into your diner that night.
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makethatelevenrings · 11 months
Day 12: Phone Sex w/ Roy Kent
Kinktober Masterlist
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You huffed out a laugh at the placid greeting and settled back against the pillows propped up against the headboard. The soft cotton of Roy’s old sweatshirt brushed against your skin and you relished in the enveloping scent of him.
“Hi big guy. Good game out there.”
“Fucking cold,” he grunted. “Pretty sure my dick had reverted and is fucking my lungs.”
A startled laugh escaped you and you shook your head. Such a poet.
“Well, you looked good. Wish I was there to warm you up.”
He sighed. “Fucking wish you were here too, love. This bed is too empty.”
“Only two more nights. We’ve survived longer than that.”
“I know. I’m still going to bitch about it.”
“I would be concerned if you didn’t.”
Silence met you, but you weren’t worried. It was common for the two of you to fall asleep with the phone line still open. After sleeping next to one another for so many years, even the presence of Roy over the crackly phone line settled something in your chest.
“What are you wearing?” His gruff voice had a hint of teasing to it and you chuckled, fingering the hem of his sweatshirt.
“Your old Sunderland crew,” you answered honestly. “And no pants.”
He groaned, low and deep and pleased. “Bet you look like a right fucking treat.”
“I look like a mess. I’ve been cleaning the house all afternoon.”
“What I’d give to be home right now. I’d bend you over the island and fuck you right there.”
Heat rushed through your veins at the thought and you hummed. “Yeah? The idea of me wearing your clothes gets you that hard?”
He chuckled. “Love, the idea of you wearing my clothes makes me want to hop onto the next flight.”
You parted your legs and slid your hand down your stomach, over the soft hair on your navel, and down, down, down to slide across the growing wet patch on your underwear. You whimpered at the light brush and Roy let out an appeasing grunt.
“Touching yourself, aren’t you? That’s it, sweet girl. You deserve this. Working so hard when I’m not home. Wish I was there to take care of you.”
“Roy…” You started to rub slow circles over your clit, your lips parting in a broken moan. “God, Roy. I wish you were here.”
His voice was further from the phone now and you suspected he had put you on speaker. The sound of a bottle opening met your ears and your breathing hitched as you realized what he was doing. What you would give to see him right now. A sheen of sweat clinging to his tanned skin, muscles flexing as he reached down to grasp his hard cock, and perfect hands stroking himself… the idea made your clit throb.
“I’d throw it all away if it meant staying at home with you forever,” he murmured. Roy inhaled deeply and you could hear the slick sound of his lube covered hand sliding along his shaft. “I’d give it all up if it meant seeing you everyday.”
“Come home, baby. I’ll meet you at the door and wear your old jersey. You’d like that, you possessive caveman. Your name, your ring, your cum on me.”
He groaned and you could hear his speed pick up. “Yeah. Fuck yeah. I’d cum all over those pretty little tits of yours. Lick it off of you and then fill up your pretty little cunt.”
You increased your pressure and whined. “Fill me up, Roy. Fuck me like you mean it.”
“Such a dirty mouth on you. If you mouthed off, I’d have to gag you on my cock.”
“Yeah? You’d choke me on your big dick?”
His breathing hitched and he let out that rough whine you loved so much. You loved having this power over him. Roy gasped out a heaving breath and then finally spoke once more.
“I’d take you to our room and fuck you into the mattress until the only word you could say was my name.” You whimpered as the knot of pleasure in your gut started to tighten. “And then I’d draw you a bath and take care of you. Because you’re the love of my life, darling, and I find myself so lucky and grateful to be able to come home to a woman like you.”
Fuck. You should not be tearing up at the same time as your orgasm charged through you. A whiny exhale left you as pleasure washed over your muscles until the contractions stopped and you were able to relax against the mattress.
“I love you, Mr. Kent,” you whispered into the phone.
“I love you too, Mrs. Kent.”
“Two days.”
“Fuck that. I’m throwing the game and coming home to you right now.”
You barked out a laugh and shook your head. “No the fuck you are not. I’ve got money on you fuckers.”
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bambisspeckles · 25 days
A Cigarette, A Guiding Light, My Guardian Angel
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
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*pics for aesthetic purposes only!
CW: simon is kinda gross (its my fav simon im sorry), depictions of a mildly unhealthy relationship but everyones happy, reader is going through it, simon also has his own issues but nothing is specifically mentioned, very light religious themes (literally one paragraph), simon is also a little mean but like teasing mean, mild editing, lmk if i missed anything!!
WC: 3.6k (oops!)
Summary: Simon finds a stray, only it's not an animal: It's you.
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It's winter again.
The cold, biting air nips at your skin as you wander the streets streets of Manchester, your mind in a constant daze. You've been wandering for awhile now, traveling on trains, staying in hostels, shelters, and sketchy hotels, with no place to call home, the one you once had a place you vowed never to return to. It's scary, lonely, the world feels so big when you wander with only the clothes on your back and a few things to your name.
You get desperate, especially during times like this. It's so cold out and your winter coat is wearing, seams splitting apart, and new holes appearing on the fabric everyday. You've tried shelters but most are full, not that you'd be able to afford to stay long anyhow, and hostels in Manchester cost too much per night. You're exhausted, your feet blistering, and your shitty winter boots are rubbing against the back of your ankle. You feel much like the sky above, dark, gray, cloudy.
Sometimes you consider knocking on peoples doors, begging for shelter and a hot meal but the fantasy ends as quickly as it begins, there's no point in begging for something people won't give you. You don't entirely blame these hypothetical strangers though, the world is crazy and hard, most of them are probably barely holding on themselves, how could you expect them to take care of you, even if only for a night. Not to mention it's dangerous for them, what if you're crazy? You're not but they don't know that. You don't know if they're crazy either.
That might be a chance you're willing to take though.
The sun is beginning to set and the air is growing frostier by the minute, you know shops will close soon so you'll only be able to camp out in them for so long. You wonder if it's even worth it, going into a nice warm cafe only to be kicked to the bitter cold is almost worst than just staying it, the warm and cozy atmosphere taunting you with what you can't have. It's cruel, begging on the street, the looks of pity from strangers, it all feels like one humiliation game, like god is taking pleasure in watching you lie down like a kicked dog.
Some nights you beg him to take you out, others you beg him to provide you hope, a guiding light, a guardian angel, anything that might give you hope to keep trudging on. It is said in times of struggle people either turn to god, or walk away from him.
You think you're somewhere in between.
Something snaps you out of your thoughts, a shadowy figure walking down a dark alleyway you were passing by. You know better than to follow monsters into the dark, and maybe if you were still the girl you once knew, you'd shrug it off and continue down the sidewalk, just like anyone else would. Only you're not like anyone else now. You're detached from society, the dirt on the bottom of people's shoes, you're not even sure you're seen as human anymore.
You can call but no one will answer.
It's normal for your, how have people put it? Your kind, to reside in alleyways, dark hallways the rest of the world wouldn't dare to touch. It's where the dirty go, the sick go, the broken go. You think you fit that bill well now, and since you do, you ignore the way your gut screams at you to turn around, and run back to the light. You've learned there is no hope in the light, so perhaps you'll find it in the dark. You walk further into the alley, the darkness making it feel like a never-ending tunnel. Everything you expect to be there is there, used needles and empty bottles, bodies slumped over, you're not quite sure if they're dead or alive.
Dirty. Broken. Sick.
Everything is there, everything except what you're looking for. You not even sure what it is, all you know is that you haven't found it yet. Perhaps it's not a thing you're looking for, maybe it's a person. Darkness envelopes you like a cold, uncomforting blanket, it feels like tendrils of murkiness are wrapping around your body, pulling you further into your own misery. You're not really sure how long you walked, it was likely only a few minutes but with the state of your mind it felt like hours. You can tell you've finally reached the end when you can squint and see a brick wall in front of you.
God, what did you expect. It was a whole load of nothing, of course it was. The cold was probably getting to you and you can't imagine you're in the best mental state at the moment, of course you're not! You just walked down a dark alleyway, I mean no one willingly does that unless they're mentally unwell and-
"You shouldn' follow strange men into dark alleyways girl." A deep, gravelly voice pulls you out of your thoughts. You take a quick moment to collect yourself, your voice practically a squeak as you talk.
"W- what makes you think I was following you." The man laughs at that and you finally turn to look in his direction, the orange glow of a cigarette butt guiding your gaze towards him.
'Wha' else would you be following? Or are you tryin' to tell me you walked down an alleyway jus' cause." There's a cocky, almost teasing lilt in his voice. It makes you scowl, not that he can see.
"I don't know why I came down here." You reply honestly and there's a helplessness that unwillingly seeps through your voice. You're afraid it reveals too much.
You hear the man huff at your words before he speaks again.
"Go home. S' not safe for such a little' bird like you to be out here all alone." You faintly feel the thick smoke from his cigarette as he blows out, tendrils of ash caressing your skin
"I don't have one, not anymore." You're not sure why you tell him this. He doesn't care, he can't save you.
Perhaps, foolishly, you hope he will.
"Bit dramatic are you?" The man takes another drag of his cigarette and you huff at is words.
"I'm not being dramatic, it's true. I don't have a home, I thought it'd be obvious with my unsightly appearance." He chuckles at that.
"Can't see you well in the dark… Perhaps we should step into the light, hm?" You hear the man shift in place for a moment, the sound of ruffling clothes filling your ears.
"There's not much to see in the light either." There's a beat of silence before the man speaks once more, his shadowy figure leaning closer to you.
"Come home with me bird." It's more of a demand than a question.
"I'm not some whore for hire." The bite in your voice causes him to grunt rather harshly, flecks of orange ember falling onto your skin.
"M' not tryin' to fuck you. Said' you got no where to go, m' offerin' you a place to stay. Take it or leave it bird." He blows out one final puff of smoke before the orange glow of the cigarette butt slowly dissipates into the night, the odd comfort of the dull light dissipating with it.
You clench your jaw for a moment, the sound of your grinding teeth filling the tense silence. Perhaps if you were still the person of your past, you'd say no, but if you were the person of your past you wouldn't be here at all. You're no longer integrated into society, no longer part of a community, you have nothing and no one yet the world keeps spinning, how foolish you were to think you mattered at all. Who are you to think you're above anyone else? Everyone just wants the same as you, a warm bed and a hot meal.
There are many paths to the same place after all.
With a long, breathy sigh, you nod into the darkness and though you doubt the man can see it, he somehow knows you've said yes.
"Smart thing you are." He coos at you so softly and it makes your stomach twist, though the underlying purr of his words makes your heart thrum just a bit.
Not that you'd say that out loud. \ You don't feel very smart at the moment, but who knows, maybe the monster in the dark can offer you more than an angel in the light.
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Simon knows better than to pick up strays, especially one as clueless as her, they're more trouble than it's worth; Dirty, sick, broken. He already has to continuously pick up the pieces of his past, millions of little shards that he has to take the time to glue back together, over and over again, he doesn't want to do that for anything else. He's always been firm in it too. Johnny constantly pokes fun at him, telling him his heart is colder than he originally thought, that perhaps he'd find a bit of joy in a disheveled little thing.
Johnny probably meant a cat though.
Instead, Simon's got himself his very own bird. He had no intention of caging you, truly he didn't, he was content to send you on your way, send you out of his life. But when the moonlight hit your features just right, a vulnerable glow in your eye visible, and the helplessness in your voice seeped out, he couldn't help himself. Simon never acts based off his wants, off his selfishness, but perhaps just once, he could have a pet of his own.
So that's what he does. He takes you, and you don't put up much of a fight. Willingly following him out of the dark alley and back into society, bright street lights causing him to squint his eyes. He asks your name and you tell him so sweetly. You're scared and unsure, he wants to tell you not to worry, that he's a bad man but he'd never hurt a helpless thing like you. Eyes all wide and glassy, furrowed brows, and pouty lips. He wonders how such a soft bird like you ended up shunned from the world. You don't look like a junkie, and you told him yourself your no whore for hire, when he looks at you all he sees is a helpless kitten, separated from all her purebred friends, and tossed outside for tomcats like him.
You fidget anxiously when he ushers you towards his car, his calloused hand moving onto your lower back to guide you softly, causing you to stiffen up for a moment. He chuckles meanly at that. Your fretting continues in the car and Simon's not sure what more he can do to calm you down, after all, he's never dealt with a stray before.
He resolves to leave you be, eventually you'll realize that his home is yours, that you're safe now, that he'll take care of you. You'll let yourself be pampered by him and he'll have a trophy to show off to the world, a pretty little thing perched on his arm like a good little bird.
Simon doesn't like strays, but he sure does like you.
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The man tells you his name his Simon and he doesn't tell you much more, you don't bother asking anything else, maybe you should. He takes you to his home, it's empty and lifeless, you think it speaks on the kind of man he is, you're not sure if it should scare you. You linger in the entryway unsure of what to do, it feels strange to be in a home, strange in a way you never thought it could. You feel out of place, uncomfortable, there's something inside you screaming, telling you to run away. Unfortunately, you don't want to play the cards you've been dealt and now you're forced to draw. Perhaps it's a mistake, if it is you're not sure you care.
"You jus' goin' to stand there bird?" Simon's voice startles you, pulling you out of your dazed state.
"Sorry…" You're quiet, a bit shy even, and you're not sure how to feel about the smirk that grows on Simon's face at your discomfort.
"Nothin' to apologize for," He says gruffly. "Come inside." So you do. Shuffling your feet against the wooden floorboards as you make your way over to him.
He guides you into the kitchen, a rough hand on your lower back as he silently urges you to take a sit in a small dining chair. You don't move for a moment so he drags the chair out for you, it's wooden legs screeching against the floor. He stares at you as you settle and you can't quite tell what he's looking for. You're in such a vulnerable state, emotionally rubbed raw, and physically you're sure you're much weaker than before. It's scary, and with his gaze your palms begin to sweat.
You wonder if this is what being prey feels like? Bottom of the food chain; the weakest link.
Simon feels much like a predator, stalking you, watching you. At any moment he could decide to rip you open, take whatever he wants from you, leaving your carcass behind as evidence of what he's done. He watches you for a few moments longer before his gravely voice breaks through the stillness.
"You must be hungry bird, why don' we get you somethin' to eat?" You nod at him timidly and he grunts back before turning around to rummage in his fridge.
"Don' have much to eat right now…" His voice trails off for a moment before it picks up again. "Can order take out, unless you're starvin' right this second." You shake your head at him, a pathetic 'no' escaping your lips. He tilts his head a bit and you realize 'no' may have been to vauge.
"I can wait." Your voice suddenly finds you again but it's still nothing more than a whisper.
He hums at you before picking up his phone and dialing a number. He places an order of what sounds like Chinese food and then hangs up the phone, the clacking of the screen against the tiled countertops causing you to cringe a bit.
"S' the only place open this late," He explains suddenly. "Would've asked you wha' you want but nothin' else is open." You shrug your shoulders and he chuckles at you.
"Timid thing you are, you know that bird?" You don't respond but he doesn't expect you to. Instead, he opens the fridge again, pulling out a half empty of beer before turning on his heels and walking over to his couch.
You watch as he sinks down into the cushions, the fabric stained and worn down, sipping on his beer while watching whatever happened to be on TV. You stay sat in his dining chair, eyes trained on his hulking figure sat on the couch, your body fidgeting in the uncomfortable piece of furniture. You want to speak but the words feel heavy on your tongue, to be honest you're not even sure what you'd say.
"You think loud." His gruff voice cuts through your dazed state and you jump in your seat.
"Sorry…" It's all you can think to say, you're not even sure what you're sorry for. You think maybe you're sorry for letting someone see you like this, weak and pathetic, sorry for letting him see you so timid and scared, not because you feel pity for him.
But because you pity yourself.
"Come on," He pats the small space next to him on the couch. "Doubt' you've had any good entertainment for a while… I know I haven't." The way he speaks sends a shive down your spine, the look in his eye nothing short of predatory. That's when it really clicks in your head that this man, Simon, isn't a good man. He didn't take you in because kindness blooms from his heart, he took you in because you're his prey, his pet.
You stare at him for a moment before shuffling over to the couch and plopping down into the stiff cushions. He makes a pleased sound at your obedience and it both fills you with butterflies and maggots, you feel disgusted at yourself for enjoying the scrap of praise he provides. You barely even know this man but every instinct in you is telling you to please him, to let him do what he wants to you, and in turn you get taken care of.
Or maybe, you'll only ensnare yourself more.
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Simon isn't sure how he's meant to take care of a stray like you. You're skittish, you jump at his voice and tense at his touch, it makes him grind his teeth together, struggling to resist the urge to sink his teeth into your soft skin until you submit. He doesn't want to scare, for once in his life he wants something soft to call his own, but the first step to caging a bird and clipping it's wings is getting it to trust you and he's truly lost on how to do that.
Logically, he know it will take time, but this is one of the rare moments he's not sure he has the strength in him to be patient. He knows he has to be, you're scared and playing the game of survival, pushing you too fast will only frighten you but it's hard for him to stray from his ways. Seldom can you teach an old dog new tricks.
Perhaps he needs help, someone who knows what scared little strays need to feel loved and safe. Simon has already bought you food, he really thought a clueless kitten like you would be cuddled up to him by now. He understands though, and one day you will too. He decides to ask Johnny, something he'd normally avoid doing but he's got a knack for taming strays.
Afterall he tamed Simon.
Once you've been bathed and fed he sent you off to sleep, ushering you into his tiny bedroom, gray bedsheets still tucked under the mattress. He thought it was cute that you felt guilty for taking the bed, and he had to assure you many times that it was alright and he'd be fine, though your pouty lip was quite the (unintentional) invitation to share the bed. When he was sure you were tucked in for the night he slipped out onto his balcony to call Johnny.
"Johnny." Simon could hear his own voice crackle through Johnny's side of the line.
"Lt! Callin me so late at night aye? M' I your booty call sir?" He could hear Soap chuckle on the other end of the line and he let out an exasperated sigh at that.
"Need your help Johnny." He can hear the Scotsman shift around a bit and he stifles a snort at the image of Johnny sitting up right in his chair over this.
"Aye, of course Ghost." Simon huffs out through his nose, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
"How d'ya take care of a stray?"
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Things have gotten better with Simon. He's still grumpy and stoic, and truthfully he treats you more like a pet than a person, but (not so) secretly you think you like it. At first you were worried he'd take advantage of your vulnerability but he never really did, you always did what he said and that kept Simon satisfied. On the rare occasion you messed something up or didn't do what he asked of you, he make a point not to yell at you, instead he'd squeeze you tight and lowly tell you to 'quit your cryin'.'
You would both make a point to ignore the shivers it sent down your spine.
Perhaps your unorthodox relationship with Simon wasn't the healthiest, you were entirely dependent on him and you both liked it that way. Simon made sure you knew you had freedom, he gave you many opportunities to take advantage of it but you never did and you think that was his plan all along. You were already broken, all he had to do was build you back up, shape you exactly the way he wanted, and then you'd never run.
Not that you think you'd want to either way.
He wasn't mean, or cruel, just a bit twisted and lonely. He never hurt you, or treated you unfairly, you were his bird, and he made sure you knew that.
As the months transpired you find that you've grown grossly infatuated with him. He took you in, nursed you back to health, gave you all the attention and love that you needed to blossom and now you're completely his. Simon had his issues, you had yours, but somehow they mesh together in a way that creates a peace rather than chaos. It was a mundane, domestic life that both of you were content with.
Perhaps if you were still the old you, you'd hate him more than anything, but you now understand broken people more intimately than anyone would ever want to, and somehow it's been the greatest gift life has handed to you. When Simon holds you close, squeezes you tight, and tells you how much you're his, you find it hard to do anything besides melt into him, to feel anything besides adoration.
You were two broken people that somehow made a whole, and you were lucky you did. It could've been so much worse, things could have been so much harder, but he saved you, and though he'd never say it out loud, you saved him too.
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AHHH! I'm so freaking sorry for my absence, 12th grade is the year of dealing with many things so I've been super busy with it all! I wrote bits and pieces of this during my free time so it might not be entirely cohesive but I pray its good enough! Love and miss you all dearly <3 take care of yourself MWAH!!
as always likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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okkalo · 1 year
This is my first time requesting but hear me out
You’re rin’s partner who’s hospitalized and rin came to visit you after the u-20 match but the bllk boys saw him buying flowers and going to the hospital as they were following him out of curiosity
hi anon! thanks for the request! this is so cute to think of jdjdidhd i hope u have a good day/night!
i did these in headcanon format because it was easiest for me to write,, i hope you don’t mind!!
warnings: spoilers!! proceed at your own risk
character: rin
a mistake meeting
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- he literally thought of you everyday (god he feels so lukewarm right now)
- remember the phone privileges they could get during the first selection? probably uses it to text you because missed you so much
- undoubtedly tries to show off during the u-20 match to impress you (and sae)
- the day he goes to visit you happened to be the same day the blue lock boys hung out together
- the group catches him at the flower shop after their free dinner with the ex u-20 members
- reo probably has to hold bachira back from running up to greet rin
- it was roses and orchids to mean “i miss you” but in a romantic way ;)
- they all probably stood silent for a good minute and just watched rin in disbelief
- they stood that way until rin started to leave the flower shop
- “let’s go follow him!” was bachira’s wise idea
- and so they did.
- barou left. he didn’t want to be apart of stupid acts.
- chigiri’s and yukimiya’s curiosity were the only reasons why they stayed. no one knows why nagi stayed tbh he just continued following everyone though
- tokimitsu was dragged by bachira.
- the rest were actually curious and didn’t mind following him
- imagine this huge group trying to tail a guy while trying to be discreet about it
- they got a lot of weird looks.
- karasu kept smacking the back of bachira’s head to get him to shut up
- the only reason they didn’t get caught is because they were pretty far away from rin.
- anyways the hospital wasn’t far from the flower shop
- it’s a WONDER how they got past the person who checks people in
- probably said they were with “that guy” (they pointed at rin while he walked away to the room you were in)
- another wonder is how rin still hasn’t noticed them
- yk how u get stickers showing you got approved to go further into the hospital?
-imagine how long this whole thing took 💀💀 all of them just dumbly standing in front of the sticker machine like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
- if we’re being real and you could only have a certain amount of visitors (idk what the actual amount is help) they would send bachira and tokimitsu (they figured rin would go easy on them)
- we’re going to continue the unrealistic whole group visiting scenario though because it’s funnier.
- rin, still oblivious to this all, made his way into your room
- rin says he never cries but he was about to when he saw your face light up in excitement (im about to cry too.)
- IMMEDIATELY engulfs you in a strong hug, his head burying itself in your neck as he inhaled your scent
- if you’re crying he will wipe your tears with the softest look on his face
- awkwardly hands you the bouquet
- also awkward with his first words with you
- probably stares at you with the soft look while a, “hi,” leaves him
- you guys start your conversation while the rest of the blue lock boys finally find the room rin went to
- meanwhile otoya is thinking of how to rizz you up 💀
- they watched in silence for a good minute, bachira taking pictures to send to isagi later
- they wouldn’t even have gotten caught if it weren’t for the nurse who loudly asked if they needed something
- at that both you and rin look back at the door and just see all of them dumbly looking at the nurse
- they’re so stupid help me
- rin immediately goes red STEAM COMING OUT OF HIS EARS
- please put a hand on his arm. it’ll remind him not to go ballistic
- the nurse awkwardly walks off, noticing rin’s now scary demeanor
- cue the awkward laugh with them all scratching the back of their head from the group
- except for bachira. “hi, rin!” he excitedly waved at him then at you. wave back.
- “hey, you were the guys who played with rin in that match!”
- your excited tone was the only reason rin hadn’t started yelling yet.
- bachira took that as an invitation to just walk in and start talking with you
- he probably sits himself in between you and rin on the bed 💀
- otoya absolutely flirts with you during this time as well.
- just pray rin didn’t kill them all after they left…
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unedited thanks for reading!
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xiefuyu · 1 year
A fool
-- Sano Manjiro x sister reader
🖤 — Tokyo Revengers
📝 — angst, hurt/no comfort, mcd, not proofread, manga spoilers
:a/n — it's been a while, i know, but here have some angst hehe. college is keeping me busy, i apologize for not updating the bonten series grr
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Mikey thinks the world is playing with him as he stood in front of yet another funeral of one of his loved ones.
First Shinichiro, then Baji, and now Emma and Izana?
What did he do in his past life to attend too many funerals in such a short lifespan? He thinks it’s such a cruel world for his burning desire to achieve happiness and success alongside his family. He’s tired, lost, confused, and yet, he still felt your hand squeezing his.
Right. You're still there. Another sister, three months younger than Emma. You were still there like a last petal holding onto a single centre of a flower that is him. Will he lose you, too?
And God, if there is still a God out there, he’s starting to see a pattern.
Or maybe a fact.
Everyone around him ended up dying in a certain future according to Takemichi. He ended up killing everyone because of the darkness in him, engulfing them in misery in another future. He’s afraid that he’ll drag you with him.
So slowly, he detaches his hand from you but you didn’t even let him get away an inch or two. He looks at you and sees your tired eyes looking back at him. He wants to think that he’s seeing his own eyes as he does so but he’s mistaken because there’s still some light in your eyes while looking at him.
Why? Why are you looking at him as if he’s the light and not the darkness that caused all of these anger, grief, and losses?
Why are you smiling tiredly at him with those eyes turning a little into crescent moons as you squeeze his hand once more?
“Mikey-nii.” you call out, sounding like a fresh and soft breeze of wind. “Yeah?” he hums.
There, he sees it. Sees the way your lips are wobbling, sees the way your eyes are holding back the tears, and feels the way you're trembling in his hand. He sees and feels it all and it’s suffocating him because why are you trying to keep a strong facade around him?
You also lost people as much as him. You lost Shinichiro, your eldest brother who became your father figure with how he’s not even hiding the fact that you’re his favourite. 
You lost Baji, a rowdy boy with his loudmouth who was like another brother to you, letting you style his hair as much as you want even though you’re pulling out some strands sometimes. 
You lost Emma, God, you lost your older sister who you looked up to, confided in, cried with, and shared almost everything with. 
You lost Izana, another older brother who you met when you were younger, someone you always looked forward to seeing on the weekends, someone you wanted to take home with you and just shower him with affection everyday like you do to your other siblings.
You lost them all and yet here you are, smiling at your Mikey-nii.
“Manjiro-nii.” you called out again and he hums in return once more. “Please…” you whispered, lost in the wind but it reached Mikey’s ear. “What?” he pries. The first roll of teardrops drops on both of your hands that are intertwined. 
“Please don’t leave me, too.” you sobbed out, gripping his hand tightly. “You-you’re all I have now, Mikey-nii, so please…please don’t leave me, I’m scared.” you pleaded and Mikey wondered. He wondered if you somehow read his mind earlier when he decided to slowly let go of your hand. Wondered if you could hear how lost his heart was.
You further sobbed when he didn’t answer. Just empty eyes looking away. They were so empty yet full. 
Longing, anger, grief, sadness, and all other things that were overwhelming.
Were you not enough of a sibling to make him stay? Was…was something wrong with you that you’re currently failing to make him at least a bit happy?
Should you have died instead of Emma?
Granted, you came to their household a tad bit later than Emma and it took Manjiro a while to warm up to you but you like to think that he loved you all the same. 
You feel the same panic as earlier when you feel him pull away because he’s doing it again. He’s slowly detaching himself from you and this time, you were also late to grab him back. “Mikey-n–”
“Y/N.” he cuts you off. The both of you stare at each other before he pats your head, standing up.
“Take care of gramps.”
Ah…there is indeed something wrong with you, isn’t there? Just like how you came into their household, just like how you failed to grab his hand back, this time, you were late once more in keeping him besides you, watching his back disappearing from your sight.
It was the best way to do it, Mikey thinks.
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Everyone is in danger around him because he’s the cause of the harm. He was right to abandon you, to leave you alone because he knows Draken will take care of you. The founding members of Toman will take care of you.
What a fool. That was his job, wasn’t it?
He stood in his office, Kokonoi with him. He frowns, the thing called heart in his chest aching all of a sudden. “Boss, is something wrong?” Kokonoi asked. 
“It’s raining.” he mumbles. You have been afraid of thunder ever since you were a kid. Are you curling into yourself right now because of fear? Is someone with you to tell you that everything will be okay? To tell you that you are safe?
“I have a bad feeling,” he says, turning around to get his KMG coat. There’s something wrong. There’s a hand scratching at the back of his brain as if calling for help. There’s something in his darkness that’s wavering, letting in some bit of light.
There’s the phantom feeling of your hand squeezing his as he walks down the hallway.
Then there’s your voice; pleading to him not to leave you alone because you’re scared, because he’s all you have. Without a second thought, he hops on his motorcycle and drives off, letting his instinct take over to take him somewhere. Somewhere where you are.
“There’s this future where you…you ended up killing everyone, Mikey-kun.” Takemichi informs him, sobbing.
Mikey frowns because it was such a random memory passing through his mind. Why would he even remember that? Didn’t he already distance himself for everyone’s safety? Didn’t he already push everyone, even you, his little sister, away just so you could become happy?
So why?
Why was Draken’s fist connecting with his face at the moment and he’s letting him? 
“Why, Mikey?! WHY DID YOU LEFT HER?! You are all she had! Even though we told her we’re here, she only wanted you! Her brother!” Every word was ringing in his ear, every punch felt like a brick in his gut.
It was such a simple question, wasn’t it?
“Because it was for the best.” he thinks. It was supposed to be for the best. So why is he watching your body getting taken away in an ambulance? Why is he watching Takemichi apologising over and over again as he holds Draken back from beating him up more?
“She…” Draken starts, voice cracking. “She only wanted to stay beside her brother, Mikey, why couldn’t you give your sister that?” 
In a drowning state, he hears Sanzu informing him of what happened. Sanzu. Right, Haruchiyo, who’s holding his tears back because you were his little sister, too. You were also all sunshine and flowers for him. The path of carnage wasn’t supposed, wasn't meant, to be opened by your cold and dead body, he thinks. It was all wrong.
Wrong at how they targeted you. You, who’s Mikey’s sole light. You, who’s the last bit of your brother’s sanity.
Three gun wounds. That’s all Mikey heard amongst the clashing of Sanzu’s words.
Take care of Mikey-nii and yourself, okay? Tell him…tell him that it’s okay. That was you and your last words to Takemichi as you took your last breath with a small smile.
It’s okay.
What was? He wants to ask. What was okay? Nothing was okay. He wants to say.
“Everyone was killed…by you.” He didn’t think everyone included you. As a matter of fact, you weren’t included. Why?
What a fool. Him pushing you away was what triggered that future.
It was supposed to be for the best. You were safe from him. You had Toman to take care of you.
What a fool. That was his job, wasn’t it?
You were supposed to be happy.
“You-you’re all I have now, Mikey-nii, so please…please don’t leave me, I’m scared.” 
What a fool. You were also all he had left so why didn’t he stay?
A/N; we love angst don't we
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skeletalgoats · 7 months
We Stand, We Soar
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synopsis: Graves proposing to you 🖤
pairings: Graves x GN!Reader
theme: fluff
"The sky looks really pretty tonight." Your boyfriend said, turning to you. "But not as pretty as you~"
You let out a light chuckle, blushing before hitting him with your elbow. "Shut up, we both know that isn't true."
"Oh, but it is, sweetheart. You're prettier than all of the stars in the sky."
Cheesy fuck.
Although it's normal for him to flirt with you like this, something about his behaviour this night felt off. He seemed almost....nervous?
Looking at it now, something was clearly up. He was fixing his hair every five minutes, fiddling with his fingers whenever he was listening to you talk, and from time to time he would frantically look for something in his pocket only to let out a relived sigh once he found whatever he was looking for. You would be lying if you said you weren't curious.
Just as you were about to ask if he was alright, your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden view of a field of flowers.
"Oh my god-" The view was beautiful. The red and pink sunset was the cherry on top, highlighting the roses into an even more pleasing colour.
"How did you find such a beautiful place?" You questioned, kneeling down to pick out a flower.
"Well, I-"
You didn't let him finish his sentence, as you were already grabbing his arm and dragging him further into the field.
You were excited, racing to a nearby tree you saw. Graves, on the other hand, was trying not to trip for the sake of his own life. It's not his fault his legs weren't built for your fast pace.
Finally reaching the tree, you grab Graves and drag him to the ground, letting a yelp out of him.
"You've done it." He chuckles, hugging tightly and not letting go. You laugh, attempting to push him off of you, but he was too strong. So you bite him. Which surprisingly worked.
"Sweetheart, that hurts!" He laughed in pain.
"Let that be a lesson for you then." You chuckled back, getting off of him.
Graves gets up with a groan, hugging you.
The sky was a beautiful shade of purple now. A few ravens appeared here and there, before disappearing into the shade of the blossom tree.
You both took in the euphoric sight and feeling, until the sun finally set completely. Graves stood up and lended you a hand, in which you happily accepted.
"So, what made you bring me here today?" You questioned, getting up.
This seemed to get a reaction our of your boyfriend, because now he was stuttering over his own words. "Well, I uh- I just thought that maybe- uh..."
He stopped and groaned, before taking a deep breath. "Because today's a special day."
Special day? For what exactly??
And that's when it hit you.
Because now, Graves was infront of you on one knee, opening a small, black box with a shiny dimond ring in it.
"[Name], will you marry me?"
This was almost too much to take in. Your boyfriend took the time to find a ring, and find such a beautiful place to take you out?
You loved him, you really did. More than anything in this entire world. So it's safe to say, you are ready to lock your love together and make it official.
"Yes, yes I will!" You exclaimed, hugging him tightly, crying tears of joy quietly into his shoulder.
"I love you." Graves whispered quietly.
Love is a silly thing, it's not everyday that a special person walks into your life and stays. Finding someone like Phillip made you feel like the luckiest person in this world. You were ready to look into the future with him, live your life with him, and grow old with him.
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maxipad032 · 2 years
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mornings with you (18+)
synopsis: you and shuri’s steamy morning after you had spent a passionate night together the day before.
contains: smut, thigh riding, light degradation, praising, cunnilingus, shuri x black reader, filth x
usana- baby, musa ukuyeka- dont stop
here’s a xmas present, enjoy loves x
it was so warm.
your body felt like it was melting into the sheets below. you weren’t even fully awake at this point, but you didn’t have to be because your subconscious could feel everything for you. without opening your eyes, you could tell morning had arrived and you mentally smiled, so excited for what the day will bring. slowly, you joined back with your physical self and could feel the undeniable presence behind you, your beautiful girlfriend shuri. her warm breath tickled the back of your neck as she slept and snored softly, a lazy arm resting over your stomach to hold your nude bodies close together.
the memories of last night came flooding back to you, her arrival back in wakanda, your romantic date she’d planned, her gifts, the passionate lovemaking, her embrace, shit…her hips, god her hips thrusting into you, making you feel every fucking inch of her strap. the thoughts made your inner thighs warm and you began to stir awake. your eyelids felt heavy, but you made the effort to finally open them, in which you immediately closed them again because the bright light streaming into the room nearly blinded you. laughing to yourself, you tried again but slowly this time, giving your eyes time to adjust. you blinked a few times and looked around shuri’s huge, royal looking ass bedroom.
you sighed to yourself.
it was so cosy and nice, you wish to wake up to this everyday but that would mean marrying shuri, which is something you really wanted to do, but to think of wakanda’s reaction to your secret relationship makes your stomach turn; it could be positive or negative, you didn’t really want to know. you shift away slightly to stretch until you feel a sharp tug on your stomach, which was shuri pulling you back into her, “where are you going baby?” she asked sleepily, with her raspy morning as her eyes twitched, but stayed closed nonetheless, semi-sleeping.
god, she sounded so hot.
you bit your lip again and rubbed your thighs together, “nowhere.” you replied, turning around to face a drowsy shuri. you hugged her and shuffled closer into her open arms, stuffing yourself into the crevice of her neck as she hugged you back to take a little whiff of your recently shampooed hair.
“mm, i missed you.” you said, taking in shuri’s musky scent that never failed to make you feel safe all the time. shuri hummed in response and finally opened her eyes to look down at you through her hooded eyelids, licking her lips that twisted into a lazy smile, “i’m right here love.” she hugged you tighter, her soft skin feeling heavenly against yours. you pecked the bottom of her chin, but saw that her neck was open and available so you took your chance to slowly suck on the smooth melanated skin, whilst you settled your hand on her broad shoulders. you could feel her tense up under you, but eventually relax as you aggravated the piece of skin with your ardent sucking. you took your time to slowly kiss up her long neck further, leaving small pecks along her sharp jawline that could practically cut you. she breathed lowly as you intensified your kissing, pushing her back with your hands still against her firm shoulders, so that she was flat on the bed as you straddled her.
you paused your actions to admire her graceful features, the evident glow of her melanin skin being accentuated by the natural light invading the room, her coily hair sprawled out on the silk pillow underneath as her torso remained bare from the night before, as you both didn't bother to put your clothes back on after your quite hot...session. you then looked the dark red mark you left as shuri’s eyes moved down to stare at your plump lips with a longing gaze. smirking, you leaned in to settle your torso on top of shuri’s, so your nipples brushed against hers ever so slightly, and tilted your head to initiate a slow kiss. you felt the both of shuri’s large hands clasp your waist and bring you closer, eventually roaming further down as the kiss deepened. without knowing, you found yourself grinding down onto shuri’s toned body as you ached for more. you moaned lasciviously into her mouth as shuri gave your ass a harsh slap whilst groping it simultaneously under the covers, guiding your movements; you loved how rough she got when turned on. shuri then wrapped her muscular arms around your waist and pulled you up closer so her leg was between yours. you tried to hold yourself steady but the addicting sensation of her slender body moving in sync against yours, gave you the sweet friction you needed and made you weak in the knees, “you started this usana.” she whispered sensually against your lips as you breathed raggedly, eyes closed, mouth slightly agape as you were lost in your own impending pleasure,
“mm honey, i know.” you grinned slyly and grabbed both sides of her neck, slamming your lips back against hers as you ran your free hand through her soft curls and the other caressing shuri’s petite chest, making her hips buck up automatically from the sensitivity of it all. not all mornings were like this, it was mostly shuri waking up really early to do tech projects, working out, or daily prayer, and you oversleeping, but if you woke up to shuri every morning, i’m sure all you’d want to do is fuck her there and then. suddenly, you felt her thigh move back and forth under your already-throbbing core which made you bite your lip hard and run your hand through your black locks, “oh, fuck shuri.” you said, just loud enough for her to hear. your eyes were shut but you could tell she had a silly grin on her face. you could feel yourself getting wetter as you selfishly rubbed yourself up against her thigh, chasing any high that you could get that, "how dirty, you like riding my thigh like that, huh?" shuri muttered in her gravelly voice that really just brought out the slutty side of you. you felt your face flush in shame, but you didn't care, it felt so fucking good and shuri knew it too as she felt a damp spot forming on her naked thigh as you slid against it.
"mmm, yes shuri, mmm yes." you babbled, holding down and gripping the satin sheets next to you, that were completely off the both of you at this point. shuri was getting increasingly aroused seeing you behave and move in such a explicit way in front of her and it was driving her crazy; she would never get enough of your body, literally never. swiftly, she gripped the back of your neck with her left hand and used her right hand to fondle the supple flesh of your boob, rolling the stiff nub skilfully between her fingers as her thigh moved with you against your aching clit, "ah, shit baby yes." you huffed breathlessy, as shuri pulled your neck towards her to to connect your lips once again as your hips moved more fervently once you felt the familiar feeling of your orgasm rolling up.
"you gonna cum for me babygirl?" she asked, the pet name rolling smoothly off her tongue as she watched you become more unhinged under her touch, and your melodic moans become even more high-pitched, "ngh, ah yes shuri, for you, for you." you rambled further, wrapping an arm around shuri's neck as your hand settled on her abs to grind aginst her harder and faster. her eyes were dark with desire as she saw how badly you wanted to release. being the sly mf she is, shuri interrupted your activites and pushed you back onto the bed, so she was ontop of you. in surprise, you stared up at her and whined at the lack of friction she’d caused.
"lemme help you ma." she smirked, and her hands slid down your body, tracing along your pretty stretchmarks and then hovering over your heat. you gulped in anticipation and raised your hips so your pussy met her hands, "patience baby, patience." she said that, but still gave you what you wanted anyways because of the pained expression on your face. she used the pads of her two fingers to feel down your pussy, picking up so much slick on the way.
"look at how wet you are." she raised her hand up and splayed her fingers to show you how your wetness completely coated them, distributing across her long fingers. embarrassed, you quickly looked away, "please shuri.." you begged, not wanting to wait any longer before your pre-orgasm completely went away.
"mm, fine." she put her left arm by the side of your head and used your slick to guide her two fingers inside of your soaked cunt, "ahh.." you sighed slowly as she eased herself inside you, opening you up and getting you loose, "yeah, that's it, take it all." shuri whispered, watching as her fingers completely disappeared inside of you. you held your hands up to your face as you adjusted until you then felt the jolting sensation of her jabbing right against your spot as her two fingers scissored inside of you, curling slightly to perfectly hit it.
"fuck!" you yelped, so loud, the whole palace probbaly heard it. your back arched in response to her incredible fingers and your head whipped to the side, gripping the streets tightly to keep in any lewd moans threatening to escape. however, your attempt was a fail and you ended up crumbling "yes! agh shit baby, right there." shuri's wrist began to ache, but her pace didnt halter and remained fast and sharp, hitting all the right places, your right places. tears pricked at your eyes as it felt too good, and the previous feeling of your orgasm was coming back, spreading out from the depths of your abdomen like bolts of electricity, all the way to your toes. instinctively, your hand shot out to hold shuri’s wrist to get her to go a bit slower, but she wasn’t having it. she picked up your hand with her left free hand and slammed it besides your head, continuing to fuck into you roughly. her palm purposefully slapped your clit after each thrust of her fingers, bringing you closer to the edge of your long awaited release. it was there, you could feel it coming.
"fuck! so good, so good, so so fucking good, yes shuri mm." you rambled as you writhed under her in pleasure, “be a good girl and cum, unload on my fucking fingers like the slut you are.” without warning, your hips stuttered as your mind went totally blank, feeling your climax hit you like a truck and taking hold of all your senses for a second as it satisfyingly washed over you, "mmm, shit..." your chest moved up and down as you breathed heavily. your hips continued to roll as you rode out your high, getting every last bit of it. degradation was the cherry on top for you, and shuri undoubtedly knew this which is why she gently chuckled and kissed your cheek after you came. her fingers slowly pulled out of you and you clenched around nothing, missing how full you were. you took a second to catch your breath, and shuri rubbed your sides, “you were so good for me.”
you couldn’t help but smile at the praise you received, but you weren’t done yet, now, you were going to return the favour,
“shuri.” you called out to her, as she lay back down onto the bed in her original position, “yes?” she replied, pulling the sheets back up as she tucked herself in, leaving you sprawled out on the bed.
“isn’t it your turn?” you found the energy to raise yourself up and look at her as she hid herself under the cover, “hmmph, i don’t think so.” she said, pretending to fall asleep. you grinned and went onto your knees, crawling over to her and ripping the sheets off her body. she winced and groaned, jokingly hiding away from you, “come on, let me make you feel good.” you whined, coming back into the covers next to her. she had her back to you but upon hearing that, she turned around to face you, eyes squinted like always. it was no surprise that shuri was shying away from you, since she liked to give rather than receive but today, you wanted to please her and show her how much she means to you.
“well i guess…” shuri trailed off but you wanted a straight answer, “yes or no?” you battered your eyelashes, getting closer to her to tempt her into saying yes. she stared at you, at your naked body looking so gorgeous under the sheets, “fuck yes.” she said and you hungrily kissed her once again, hands all over her already heated body. she eagerly welcomed it and you soon detached your lips to kiss hungrily down her neck to her chest like earlier, hands on her hips to steady yourself. she bit her lip and let out low grunts as your tongue found her sensitive, dark nipples, swirling them around as you sucked like your life depended on it. shuri was already on edge from earlier and she wasn’t used to this so she just laid back and took it all. you looked up through your eyelashes and saw shuri’s head swung back attractively, her adams apple bobbing as she let out quiet and subtle moans. that was a sign you were doing a good job and so you proceeded to go lower, playing and pinching her small nubs as you worked your way down. the satin duvet was completely over you and you could just see the look on shuri’s face in the opening as her body moved in response to your gentle touches. you were getting bolder and you wanted to see her reaction to your mouth, on her...y’know.
excited by the idea, you carefully parted shuri’s slim thighs and she opened them wider for you as she shifted to a more comfortable position. you shuffled down further until you were face to face with shuri’s pussy. you were under the covers but they were somewhat see through and you could clearly see how wet she was as it glistened, “so this is what you were hiding.” you whispered to yourself, licking your lips as you were eager to taste her. shuri was confused as to why you weren’t doing anything, but that was quickly replaced with her hand roughly gripping a handful of your hair as she felt your warm mouth enclose the entirety of her heat, “shit y/n.” she moaned deeply, moving her hips up to grind herself on your tongue. your own heat had a heartbeat at how fucking hot she sounded and you held her thighs tightly, using your tongue to massage her folds and the tip to gently pat her swollen clit as her hips jerked up.
“fuck.” she breathed out, chest heaving as she relished in the pleasure. her taste was slightly salty but refreshing and you wanted more. you hummed against her pussy as you bobbed your head back and fourth to give her maximum friction. it resonated throughout her body and sped up her nearing release. shuri slightly opened her eyes and looked down at you as you looked back up, hands nestled on her pubic bone with your nose slightly brushing the curls of her pubic hair, as you ate her out like it was your last meal. she realized she was tugging quite harshly on your long hair, so she released her grip and gently stroked your soft curly locks as you continued to be the muncher you were, “mm, its so good, musa ukuyeka.” she praised, as she moved her hips rhythmically to feel your tongue more, head back and mouth agape as she was stuck in her own pure bliss.
her speaking xhosa during sex would never not be hot and you just had to make her cum, right now. you shifted your focus to her clit that was poking just below her hood and you started to suck lightly. you knew it did something because she started to moan louder with uneven breaths. her body was starting to coat with layer of sweat and you could physically see her start to get closer. the way her abs tensed and her thigh muscles flexed as she twitched was such a unholy but sexy sight. you finally disconnected your mouth from her heat to say, “shuri, i want you to cum, all over my tongue.”
shuri chuckled and threw her free arm over her face, “yeah?”
“yes.” you replied sternly and went back to work, impatiently slurping up as much of her as you could, and feeling her grab a bigger chunk of your hair in response,
“shit, i’m close…y/n, i’m so close baby.” shuri uttered like a sacred mantra, as she used her elbows to prop herself in order to brace herself for the earth shattering orgasm she knew was about to experience. she took the duvet off of you and the cold air hit your skin, giving you goosebumps but you continued to roll your tongue into her pussy skillfully to pull shuri closer to the edge that she so deserved.
“fuck, fuck..” her moans of profanities got more strung out and strained as her eyes squeezed themselves shut. you blew cool air onto her clit to kind of soothe the intense treatment it was receiving, but it had the opposite reaction and shuri got louder, her legs shook, and she bit her lip so hard, it nearly bled. the grip on your hair got harder and you could tell her climax has finally reached as a deep grunt emanated from her and her movements got choppy. her body tensed inwards towards you and she held it like that until finally, her release had fully gone it’s course and she lay flat out onto the bed. her warm juices flowed into your mouth and nicely glazed your tongue as you slowly got up, a string of your saliva from shuri’s pussy following; she’d given you what you wanted.
both of her arms crossed across her face as she smiled and let out a hearty laugh, “that was really fucking good y/n.” she praised, holding her arm out as an invite for you to come lay down next to her. you complied, and laid done comfortably, holding her abdomen as your leg wrapped around her waist,
“hehe, we should do that more often.” you suggested, looking up at her lovingly as she shook her head, “bast, i wouldn’t be able to think for the whole day if we did that every morning.” she replied, chuckling at the idea of her zoning out because of you.
“i guess you have a point, we need that big brain of yours to protect wakanda.” you said, tapping on her head, “definitely.” she replied, pulling the pure satin covers back over the both of you whilst you cuddled against each others sticky bodies.
the two of you accidentally slept in after that, not bothering to wash up because you were too tired. however, it wasn’t a free day and the queen had duties which she forgot about, and is why the tribes were so confused when she didn’t show up at the meeting. of course, the general okoye was sent to check on her but when she entered the room, she immediately went back out, telling the others she was still in bed with you. they understood and called off the meeting, but shuri was met with a scolding from okoye later in the evening.
“i know i know, it won’t happen again.” shuri sighed and gave a cheeky smile to okoye, but you gave her a sly look from across the room, and she grinned back, knowing it would most definitely happen again.
damn, merry xmas ig x
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
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Pink in the Night KSJ
Synopsis - After stranding off from your vacation group, you meet a merman at the dock of the sea. (Part 3 of the Monster Collab)
Pairing - Merman! Dark! Yandere! Kim Seokjin x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - Algee Smith
Tags and Warnings - Violence and Kidnapping
Authors Note - Finally got to my literal loml, missing him everyday
You were out for a walk.
Needing to get away from your group you went with on vacation with after a argument over staying in or going out to party. You of course wanted to stay in, because it wouldn't make sense for you to go out after a long day of sight seeing and traveling.
On your walk you found yourself at the shoreline of the island. It was dark with only a few lights. Walking on the wooden dock. You made your way to the end, where ships would dock and release passengers. You sat there and dangled your feet off the side, water brushing against your sandaled feet.
You jumped at the sudden sound of the voice beneath you. You look down you and sure enough there was a dark haired man. He had on his head above the water and bobbed up and down with the waves.
“Um… hello?” You said awkwardly. He seemed to like the acknowledgement and smiled.
“You're really pretty. Like really really pretty.” He said rising up further. Then you saw his waistline. It was a transition from human skin to scales.
Pink scales at that.
Your eyes widened.
“What are you.. like a mermaid…”
“Oh, um… well merman per say. That thing of myth and legend… that's me. Please don't be scared!” He quickly rambled out. He looked up at you with pleading eyes.
You were about to get up but you started to feel bad. It's not like he was about to hurt you. In fact he just seemed really anxious around you.
“I'm not scared… trust me. If anything I'm just stunned… the island here does have a weird fascination with merpeople…” You say quietly. On your way here you saw so many different mermaid statues and souvenirs you could fill your apartment back home and then some. “It's almost like they made a religion around you guys or something, are you like a god?”
The merman laughs at that. His laugh is so intoxicating. You can't help but laugh along side him. “Your funny. What's your name, I'm Jin.” He sticks our a clawed hand and you hesitantly take it shaking it before giving him your name. “And not a god, just different. People lean towards things that are different, see them as either a hindrance or a higher being.” He seemed pretty educated on human behavior or just really philosophical.
“Well that's pretty much true. So why are you up here… I mean it can't just be up here because you saw me.” You ask climbing down the dock and sitting on the support wood, allowing you to get closer to him.
“Well, I like to um, take things. Things I find interesting!” He says enthusiastically, showing you his brown sling bag. It was huge and and reeks of seawater. He digs in and pulls out a small glass figurine. It's of a cat, the features smoothed out. He passed it to you watching your reaction. “Pretty isn't it?”
Your fingers ran over the smooth cat. You nod in agreeance. “Very, where did you get this from?” You ask genuinely curious.
“A shipwreck. They have lots of those on the ocean floor. Filled with so many fascinating things.” Jin says moving to be closer to you. He had such an amazing wonder for the world, and everything in it. It was refreshing to be around someone like that.
His hands touch your leg, your calf in particular. He ran them all the way down to your feet. You let out a small giggle as he touches the top of your sandaled feet. He retracts quick. “Did I hurt you?”
“No not at all it just tickles.”
“Awww thats cute. It's just that I've never touched one before… human legs I mean.” Jin said going back to drag his claws along your leg gently. “Your skin is really soft.”
You smile at him and blush. You continued to talk with him, Yom telling him about your world and you talking about your vacation. You were about to speak before you were quickly cut off. A yell was heard. It was the yell of your name.
“We're sorry! Just come back inside it's unsafe out here.” You recognized it as Algee, one of your closer friends. You saw his form on the distant dock.
“Shit, I'm sorry Jin. I have to go…” You say climbing back up. Jins face instantly dropped, his eyes full of remorse and sorrow.
“Will you come see me again, before your vacation ends?” He asks looking at you. You nod your head as you begin to head away. You look back seeing he was still there, just watching you leave. It only hurt your heart more to have to leave him.
Around 2 days had past. You had been talking to Jin every night, him becoming more and more open with you and vice versa. He gave you so many gifts he has uncovered, most of your souvenirs being those gifts.
It was mid day and you stayed back to cook for the group rather than having to eat out again.
You then heard a loud bang and people bringing Algee in. You ran to the living room of the Airbnb to see him with slashes on his chest. “What happened?!” You ask looking at one of your other friends.
“Something attacked him, we were at the beach and he went into the water and kept walking and when he was deep enough something dragged him under.” She explained going to get a wet towel and a bowl of ice. You took the towel and began to dab at the wounds on his chest. He hissed at the feeling.
“We.. we need to leave…” Algee says in-between heavy breaths. He looks at you with nothing but fear. “There's something out in that water, and it wants to get me.
“Okay, we leave tomorrow morning okay?” You whisper, kissing the top of his head. This successfully calmed him down a bit as he laid on the couch, the towel stopping his bleeding and wounds temporarily. “I'll pack your things okay?”
Late that night you were on a mission. You had to tell Jin goodbye for good. With what happened earlier you and your friends were for sure not returning.
“Jin!” You yelled hoping to catch him before you left. You were at the shoreline, your sandaled feet touching the water. You then see your new found friend swimming towards the shore. He perches himself to where he was almost emerged from the water.
“What brings you here? Usually I'm the one waiting for you.” He jokes, laughing boisterously. But he stops upon realizing your sad face. “You're not laughing… did I do something wrong?”
“My friends… were leaving tomorrow.” You say, voice filled with sadness. Jin face goes into a one of almost shock.
“I thought you were leaving in a week.” He said almost desperately. “Why? Why so soon?”
“Jin, something attacked Algee.” You said sitting down and slumping forwards. “He had these deep wounds on him. There's no way we can stay after that.”
“But… You can't.” Jin grabbed your leg, gently looking up at you. “You're my friend. My only friend… you've shown me so much joy and happiness. I can't go back to how I was before.” You kneeled down and gave him a hug. You could feel tears cascade down your back as he sat up hugging you.
But once you pulled away Jin quickly connected your lips. Upon that connection you felt as if your body had went numb and you brain turned off. You collapsed to the sand, still aware of what happened around you. “Shhh, it's okay. Your not going anywhere, your coming back with me baby okay?” Jin rambled as he leaned over you. His fingers hovered over your face and went to snap in front of your eyes which you could barely process the loud sound. He let out a hum before digging into his bag again. He pulled out a unnaturally pink pearl and pushed it past your lips.
“That should dissolve so you can breathe underwater… like me.” And he wasn't wrong, as he began to drag you to the water, you could breathe perfectly fine.
“I attacked him. But it's all going to be okay. I'll bring you home, we can work past this. Together.” Jin admitted as you felt your body submerge in the water.
In the back of your mind you really hoped your friends noticed your disappearance but, you knew they haven't. You were truly trapped.
Let me know through a dm or ask or comment to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @fangirl-death-rose @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.15 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader x detective Ellie Williams)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
SMUT mdni !!
It had been exactly a week since your night at the club and you had spent almost every minute of everyday since with both women. Abby stroked your hair gently as she whispered your name. You wake with a groan and a frown and her face heats as she admires your complexion.
"Hi, sorry to wake you, I've been called into work so I've gotta go. I'll let you know what's going on as soon as I can." She kisses your forehead and you hum.
"Do you want me to call Jeremy for you?"
"No it's okay my car here's remember?" Abby had been staying with you more and more often so she had everything she needed to get ready and she was out of the door as the sun was barely coming up. You drift back off to sleep until you're woken by the midday sun casting a bright golden hue over the room. You roll over and scoot closer to Ellie's naked form until your front is pressed against her back like two puzzle pieces fitting together. You wrap an arm around her torso and press light kisses over her shoulder blade and neck, she sighs and interlinks her fingers with yours as she pulls your arm closer around her. You both lay basking in the warm glow of the sun as you doze until you feel Ellie shifting and turning. As she lies on her side to face you and you meet her emerald green eyes you feel hot, you shuffle closer to her so there is no space between the two of you as you kiss over her collarbones and chest. Your hands roam and squeeze at her hips, her waist and you hear her gasp as your hand snakes upwards and squeezes her perky tit.
"You don't know how much I needed this." You pull back to meet her flushed face and run a hand through her messy hair.
"I do love, I do." Ellie's hands dart out to grab you and manoeuvre herself on top of you as you gasp at her sudden movement. She immediately leans down capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss that made everything other than you and Ellie melt away.
"Let me make you feel good, please I need you." She says through pants.
"Someone's greedy, I'm surprised you're not tired from last night."
"Don't be a tease, I'll do all the work, please babe." She feathers kisses down your jaw and neck as you pretend to contemplate your decision.
"How could I say no when you asked me so nicely?" You smile and she immediately shifts to slot your hips together while pressing your calf to her shoulder, as her hips begin to move on top of yours you whine and she moans at the sound. She's staring at every inch of your body, her eyes transfixed on the way you move and how your face twists in pleasure, everything feels like its going in slow-motion as her hands explore you as if she was sculpting you from clay. You wrap your hand round the back section of her hair and pull her down to meet your plump lips. Your moans are muffled and swallowed by the pressing of your lips against hers as you both inch closer to your orgasms.
Her body mirrors yours as you both heave and tremble as every nerve in your body feels like it will explode instantaneously.
"Oh fuck, El you're doing so good, I'm so close just keep going ugh my god." Her speed and intensity immediately ramped up at your praise and eventually the band snapped and you convulsed and grabbed onto Ellie as you both rode out your highs, she collapses on top of you and you feel her heartbeat pulsing against you as you scratch at her scalp. Everything is serene and quiet as the only noise that filled the room was both of your quiet breaths until your phone rang.
You see Abby's contact and the memory of her waking you up flashes back to the front of your mind, you immediately answer and put the phone to your ear without a word.
"I'm on my way back to yours now, we need to talk."
"How bad is it?"
Abby groaned as she untangled herself from your body that she had been pressed up against as she received the call from her captain telling her she needed to be in the office asap. She didn't stop huffing and groaning as the hangover was pounding at her head on her drive to work or when the nausea hit as she was stood in the stuffy elevator of her office building. She only stopped to consider why she could have been called in on a Saturday morning when she saw the commotion in front of her. Officers were marching around everywhere, there were boards with various names and pictures all connected to each other, she stood frozen until her captain called her over and she moved towards him reflexively.
"Sorry to call you in at this time but I thought you would want to know. We brought a guy in last night and he's given us everything he knows about the gang that stubborn dick we arrested is from for a shorter sentence. We've managed to connect many open cases to this gang from his information. We're just finding more and more on them now."
"Oh." Abby's ears were ringing and the lights were burning brighter and brighter until she had to squint, the sound of the buzzing of the bulbs competed with the ringing as Abby flexed her fists open and shut to try and stop the tingles pricking at her fingertips. "Oh wow that's really good." She chokes out coughing a little as she finishes her sentence.
"You okay Anderson?" Her stomach flipped at his question and adrenaline surged as she realised she needed to play it cool so she could warn you, her focus was only on protecting you and it drowned out the stimulation frying her other senses.
"Yeah sir, sorry. Went out last night thinking I would get a lay in." She chuckles and he joins her.
"Well sorry about that. I don't need you to stay too long I just need you to familiarise yourself with everything from the case because we need to move fast."
"Yeah of course." He turns to walk away but stops looking back at her clearly remembering something he wanted to say to Abby.
"Abby, he also mentioned a woman-" Her breathe was knocked out of her at his words but she fought her body trying to dissociate herself from the conversation so she knew what she needed to tell you. "He didn't know much, just said that she's the best kept secret in the game. He said there's a woman, and that she is the one that runs the gang, the man on top is just a front. Do you think it could be the woman you were trailing?"
Abby feels a bead of sweat rolling down the back of her neck at his question but she forces words out of her mouth like her life depends on it, she feels like in a way it does. "No, no I was wrong with her, I wasn't sleeping much, bad break up and so I got fixated on something that wasn't really there. I went back through everything once I had cleared my head and none of it added up. At worst I would say she's a shady prostitute. Sorry." She shrugs her shoulders and internally cringes at the thought of your reaction to her calling you a 'shady prostitute' but her face remains stoic and cold.
"No worries, We'll find her anyway, just leave when you're done alright."
"Yeah got it." She felt like she was sleep walking as she made her way through all the notes and processed all the information on the boards, all her mind was occupied with was you and images of you arrested or, knowing your stubbornness, dead. The second she had looked at everything she was racing home to you as she dry-heaved while fighting the growing hangover and stress-induced nausea.
As the elevator doors dinged open into your penthouse she felt relieved as the safety and comfort of being here with you washed over her, it only lasted a second as you suddenly came into view with an anticipatory grimace on your face. She begins walking towards you and you walk her over to the couch where you sit and wait for her.
"So." She sits next to you but you're both angled to sit face to face and she sighs trying to figure out how to word what she had to tell you. "They know about you. Your gang, they have names, they've connected your men to so many open cases, they're gearing up to do a large scale raid and they know about you. They don't know your identity but they know you exist and that you run things. They're working on finding out who you are right now and I think they might manage it." She blurts the words out and has to take a couple deep breaths as she feels dizzy from her monologue.
You stay still, you don't blink, Abby doesn't see your chest rise and fall, you just don't move. She leans forward and you jump up to stand and start pacing. "How long do you think I have?"
"I don't know, a couple of weeks at most." You nod as you rub your forehead trying to soothe the aching.
"Okay, I need to make some calls."
You walk off to get your phone and Abby runs her hands over her thighs as she focuses on breathing. She's panicking over a gang, a huge gang responsible for so much violence and death, and she's panicking over the police taking them down. She realises she's referring to the police as 'them' and you and the gang as 'us' and she takes in the fact that she is going to have to choose between you and her life. She succumbs to the argument in her mind until you walk back over to her and press a kiss to her cheek as you put you phone to your ear and whisper to her.
"Do you want a coffee?" She nods with a mouthed 'thank you' and as she watches you walk away to make the drinks her mind goes quiet. There is no competition, no argument, she'd follow you to hell and back, she was no longer a detective, no longer her own person. She's yours and where you go she'll go. This was it now, the rope that you had been dragging her from was no longer a rope tied to her heart, it was a thick, heavy chain with no beginning or ending, it squeezed at her heart any time she felt too far from you so she never strayed. She would always be by your side and she'd do anything to keep you by hers.
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mi-rae07 · 6 months
Jung Wooyoung : As Good As You Were (Part 4/4)
Pairing : Jung Woo-young (Ateez) and named character (Shin Naeun)
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Few days later :
Naeun was now sitting with her back against wooyoung's chest, his arms wrapped around hers as their eyes looked up at the stars above them. The sky was too beautiful today, naeun couldn't help wanting to stargaze with her husband for the first and last time.
Naeun : wooyoung-ah?
Wooyoung : hmm?
Naeun : when I'm gone, and when you miss me, come outside and look at the sky.
Wooyoung smiled, closing his eyes as he rested his head against naeun's shoulder before whispering
Wooyoung : you'll come back as a star?
Naeun smiled, looking at the stars that were above them as she said
Naeun : yes.
Wooyoung : you're already my star though.
Naeun chuckled, resting her head further against wooyoung's chest as she said with a sigh
Naeun : when your life gets darker, I promise to light your way up as the star does from up above. I'm never going to leave you, wooyoung, ever. I may not be…I may not be there with you physically but I will always be with you. I'll find a way, like I always do. I'll make a bargain with the devil, if that is what is required. Even if I would have to burn in hellfire for a 1000 years after, I'd still choose to do that if I get to be with you in this world.
Wooyoung closed his eyes, his tears drops staining naeun's shirt as she continued
Naeun : we may have only loved for a short time but I want you to know that that short time has fulfilled the entire purpose of my life. You've made me happier than anyone else ever has for the 30 years that I lived, wooyoung. There is no one in this world I'd rather have done this with than you.
Wooyoung could say nothing, because he was sure that if he opened his mouth the only sounds that would come out would be that of pain. He hated the world for this, he hated that it kept taking away the things he loved most from him.
Wooyoung : I prom-I promise to look at the sky everyday after you're gone, naeun. Every day.
Naeun : and I promise to stay as the single most brightest star in the sky for you, wherever on Earth you are.
2 days later :
Naeun now spent her days on the bed, and she felt today would be her last night on this bed, in this world. And so as wooyoung entered their room after having done the dishes, naeun held her hands out for him making him smile as he held her hands in his and got on the bed.
Naeun : can I sleep on your lap today?
Wooyoung : of course.
Wooyoung sat with his back against the lush headboard as naeun rested her head against wooyoung's lap, looking up at him with a smile as he played with her hair.
Naeun let out a shaky breath as she looked away from wooyoung, deciding now was probably the time to tell him.
Naeun : wooyoung I might uh…tomorrow morning I think I might not-
Wooyoung : don't say it.
Naeun : but woo-
Wooyoung : I know it, naeun. Don’t say it, please.
Naeun sighed and nodded, holding one of wooyoung's hand in hers as she played with his fingers before saying in a soft voice
Naeun : do you remember when we first saw each other, woo? It was at some fancy restaurant and when you walked in, you looked like you wanted to kill me. But I spent 3 hours getting ready that day, hoping you'd find me at least a little pretty. Do you think…do you think I still look that pretty? Right now, I'm pretty sure my skin is dull-
Wooyoung : you're prettier than you were back then, a 100 times prettier. Because now you're the woman I love, naeun, and I love all of you. I'll find you pretty forever, no other being will ever compare to how pretty you are to me.
Naeun smiled, looking up at wooyoung with teary eyes as he said
Wooyoung : you know how much I love you, right? I know I haven't shown it much to you, god gave me so little time to show you the world. But after you're gone, naeun I'll still continue loving you. And the world will see how much you meant to me, I'll make sure it does.
Naeun : wooyoung you're still young, you can marry again-
Wooyoung : no. No not ever. I'd rather die than have that.
Naeun : young-ah-
Wooyoung : that's the end of that topic, naeun, please.
Naeun sighed, kissing wooyoung's hand as she whispered
Naeun : okay.
Wooyoung flinched as he felt someone jump onto the bed, a furry creature walking past him and towards naeun as she nudged her head against naeun's, making her smile
Naeun : momo!
The puppy barked, making wooyoung smile as naeun let her hand ruffle it's golden fur before saying
Naeun : you'll take care of your dad for me, right? You'll be a good girl and keep your dad company since I can't?
Wooyoung let out a chuckle as momo licked naeun's face, making her smile as she said
Naeun : such a good girl.
Momo gave naeun one last nudge before jumping off the bed, lying down on the floor with a small whimper as wooyoung sighed, leaning back against the headboard.
Naeun : wooyoung?
Wooyoung shut his eyes tightly, knowing this was the last time she'd call him that as he said shakily
Wooyoung : yes my love?
Naeun : you're the best thing that happened to my life, I love you so much. I always will.
Wooyoung pressed his lips together to stop the tears from falling once again as he whispered
Wooyoung : I love you too naeun, so much. And in this world, and the next, and for every world that is out there, you will be mine and I will be yours.
Naeun clutched wooyoung's hand tighter with her trembling hands as he leaned down, giving her a final kiss as she felt tears stream down her cheeks.
Wooyoung : my heart, my soul and my life, they're all yours. And they will be until the end of time.
Naeun smiled, that smile wooyoung would miss so much. That smile he barely got to see in this life.
And then wooyoung could only watch, watch as naeun slowly went to sleep, her grip on his hand loosening and her head tilting towards the side. For a few hours her chest continued rising up and down, and then it slowed down, until it stopped completely. Just as wooyoung's world did.
The warmth that naeun's hand always gave his went away, replaced by the terrible cold. And her dull skin turned pale, the sounds of her heart beating no longer audible. And just like that, as the sun rose on the horizons his wife had left this world, leaving wooyoung all alone in this harsh place.
Wooyoung could feel his tears falling against naeun's pale cheeks, the sounds of his sobs filling the empty room as he clutched naeun's limp body against his in pain. He held her and wailed, and wailed, screaming for her to come back. Saying everything that he wanted to scream at the world but didn't because that would be unfair to naeun.
But even then she did not move, no miracles happened. And wooyoung lost all his belief in god, destiny, fate, everything. Even god couldn't let something as cruel as this happen to him, could he?
Wooyoung remembered the hugs naeun had asked for that he always ignored. He'd never be able to give her those ever again. The dates she'd wanted to go with him that he can never give again, the love that she'd given all these years and never gotten back.
It wasn't his life that was unfair, it was hers. She'd given so much in return for nothing. Maybe the universe thought she would be happier away from wooyoung, maybe this was His way of punishing wooyoung for everything he had done.
Wooyoung kissed naeun's forehead with his trembling lips, his tears falling against her closed eyes as he whispered desperately
Wooyoung : I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you naeun.
A day later :
Wooyoung was now standing in front of naeun's grave, her wedding ring hung on the necklace that naeun always wore now clasped around wooyoung's neck as he stared at the picture of naeun smiling that was kept on the grave. That smile, that smile that he couldn't protect. He hated himself.
Wooyoung had no idea how he'd gone through the funeral rites, he had no idea how he could manage to give his wife away to the authorities to do the final things. How he could let people throw mud at her casket, whispering him apologies and prayers.
Mina had come running after the news had spread on national televisions, crying about how she'd asked naeun to be her baby's godmother and she'd asked for it to be wooyoung if she wasn't able to attend. Mina had never thought it would be because of this.
Wooyoung's mother had then come up with a will, saying it was naeun's will that handed her company over to him. She had told him how she'd come to wooyoung's mother asking that it may be fulfilled after her death. Wooyoung had just stared at his mother blankly as she went on to explain about how it would work, wooyoung could care less about some company when he'd just lost his entire life.
Everyone had left, and now wooyoung was finally alone in the graveyard, the wind blowing against him and the flowers that people had left on naeun's grave, bringing a small sad smile to wooyoung's face as he said
Wooyoung : look at how many people loved you, naeun. You've gotten so many pretty flowers, so many people to shed their tears for you.
Wooyoung let out a shaky breath as he slowly kneeled down against her grave, laying his palm against the stone as he said
Wooyoung : I will live, naeun-ah, for you I will live and wait until I can meet you again. That is my punishment for all that I have done to you. But I will never marry again, I will never love anyone again. This line…
Wooyoung stared at his family ring that decorated his right thumb, the line his father had tried so hard protecting, the line that had forced him to give up everything.
Wooyoung : it ends with us.
Wooyoung kissed naeun's grave one last time, a drop of his tear falling against her gravestone as he stood up before whispering
Wooyoung : because no one will ever be as good as you were.
Wooyoung went back home that night feeling numb, and broken. But not tired, he wouldn't be able to sleep this night. Or any night from now, he would have to get back on his prescription of sleeping pills.
Wooyoung let his legs take him to naeun's walk-in closet, going over to the glass window that displayed her wedding dress as wooyoung stared at it, his hand coming up to place itself against the glass.
He still remembered her wearing it, the memory was as fresh as his wounds. Her walking down the aisle all along, the people pitying her for not having a father accompany her. But she hadn't been bothered by it, she still had a smile on her face. The smile she had gotten while looking at wooyoung, her groom.
She had loved him since then, and he'd been too late to love her back.
Wooyoung shut his eyes as he lowered himself onto the floor, resting his forehead against the glass as he sobbed. He had lost count of the amount of times he'd cried this past month. But he didn't care, for her he could cry until there was not a drop of tear left in his body.
Wooyoung looked forward as a small bark was heard, momo nudging the door open with her head as she walked up to wooyoung with her tail down. She knew naeun was gone too. Wooyoung watched as momo came up to him, getting onto his lap as she laid against it.
Wooyoung let his trembling hand run through the puppy's fur, remembering how happy naeun had been when momo had jumped up onto their table and demanded food.
Wooyoung : I'm s-so sorry. I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'm so sorry.
And all wooyoung could do was cry, naeun's smile rushing through the back of his eyes every single time.
A week later :
Wooyoung was now at the beach with momo, her running all over the place barking as the people around would aww at her and occasionally give her small pets. Wooyoung sat down against the sand after a while of walking around with momo, deciding to watch the sunset.
He pulled out his phone before opening the gallery, clicking on the pictures of naeun that he'd taken when they'd come together to the same beach, almost a month ago. Wooyoung smiled as he saw the pictures, naeun's white floral dress flowing back against the wind as small strands of hair fell against her face. But even through all of that he could still see her smile, that beautiful smile.
His pretty girl, always bringing light in his life.
Wooyoung swiped to the next picture and the next until he felt tears in his eyes, remembering the way the sun had shone on her skin, the sound of her giggles and laughter. He'd never get to see those again, it would remain as nothing but memories now.
Wooyoung let out a shaky breath as he shut his phone, putting it back in his pocket as momo ran up to him with a ball in her mouth, her tail wagging to play with him. Wooyoung chuckled, wiping his tears as he took the ball from momo before saying
Wooyoung : you want to play catch?
Momo barked as wooyoung smiled before standing up, throwing the ball away from them before running as he yelled
Wooyoung : beat me if you can!
Momo barked excitedly as she ran after him, the water splashing against their feets.
5 months later :
Wooyoung had been sitting in his living room with his laptop, finishing up some work when he heard the sound of rain, making his eyes widen as he looked behind him at the window. And he was right, it was raining.
Wooyoung kept his laptop away as he rushed up to the balcony, stepping out into the rain as he felt it drench his clothes. He used to hate the rain, but now he loved it as it reminded him of naeun. Wooyoung smiled as he felt the cold droplets fall against his cheek, indicating that snow was coming soon.
He remembered the time he'd danced with her under this rain, the feel of her body against his and how she had looked down at him with a smile when he'd lifted her up and spun her around. The rain had made her so happy.
Wooyoung frowned as jazz music suddenly started playing from the gramophone inside, the same song that had been played at their wedding. Wooyoung looked inside as he saw momo jump down from the gramophone, running up to him with a smile on her face.
Wooyoung felt his eyes tear up as he bent down to pick momo up, her jumping into his arms as wooyoung smiled and asked
Wooyoung : do you like the rain too, momo?
The puppy barked in agreement, making wooyoung chuckle as he pet her head, making momo snuggle up against wooyoung. He stared up at the sky, a star shining right back down at him as wooyoung whispered
Wooyoung : I miss you so much, naeun-ah, I wish you were here with me. You loved the rain so much.
Wooyoung looked back at momo as he slowly moved his body to the slow music, closing his eyes as he felt his tears mix with the rain.
Wooyoung : I love you so much.
3 months later :
Wooyoung let out a breath as he laid out the food for him and momo in the picnic mat he was currently sitting on, the puppy running around the mat with happy, excited barks as wooyoung smiled at how cute she was being.
Wooyoung had soon started eating his sushi, momo having her food as well on the side as his eyes went to the couple the was sitting a few feet away from him, the lady clearly pregnant. The husband was feeding her food as she giggled, telling him she was already full.
Wooyoung felt his heart drop at the beautiful sight, wishing he could've done this with naeun some day. Their child would've looked as beautiful as her, maybe even have gotten her beautiful smile that wooyoung loved so much. But he'd never know any of that because he had lost the chance, he'd destroyed it.
Wooyoung blinked his tears away and was about to have another bite of his sushi when he felt a kid run up to him, stopping right in front of the mat as he asked in his childish voice
??? : my name's cha min, do you mind me joining you ahjussi?
Wooyoung blinked at the child, looking around the place before asking
Wooyoung : I-are you lost?
Min : no my parents are right there, see?
Wooyoung looked at where min was pointing, his parents smiling at wooyoung and nodding in approval as he smiled back before saying to the child
Wooyoung : sure, you can join me then. I think we have enough sushi.
Min nodded as he sat down excitedly, wooyoung giving him a plate of sushi and sauce with a smile as min asked
Min : did ahjumma not come with you this time?
Wooyoung paused, looking at min in shock as he asked
Wooyoung : wh-what?
Min : last time I was here when you came with that ahjumma and this puppy here. That very pretty looking ahjumma with a very beautiful smile?
Naeun, his naeun. Wooyoung let out a breath as he said
Wooyoung : she…she was my wife.
Min : was? Not anymore?
Wooyoung : she passed away, a few months ago. She was…sick.
Min : oh. I'm sorry.
Wooyoung nodded, keeping his sushi away as he stared at min, trying to remember him from that day. Ah, the child naeun had stared at when they had come together, telling wooyoung that she had wanted a family too. That was him, he'd just grown a bit of hair now.
Min : I'm sure she loved you.
Wooyoung : mm? what makes you say that?
Min : she was looking at you like my eomma always looks at my appa, with the same smile and the same eyes. I think that's what you call love, right?
Wooyoung smiled sadly, his hand unconsciously going up to hold the wedding ring that hung by his necklace as wooyoung whispered
Wooyoung : yes, I suppose that's love.
3 months later :
Wooyoung stood up from the hospital waiting chair as mina's husband walked out of the labor room with a tiny baby in his hands, walking up to wooyoung as he said
Seojun : it's a miracle, mr jung. We had all thought it would be a boy, even the ultrasound results showed that it would be a boy. But we think it was wrong. Because it's a girl, and we couldn't be happier about it.
Wooyoung smiled, looking at the baby girl as he said
Wooyoung : congratulations, seojun-shi, she's beautiful.
Seojun held out the baby for wooyoung to hold as he said
Seojun : my wife and I have decided to name her song naeun, after her godmother. You don't mind, do you sir?
Wooyoung felt tears prick his eyes at that, holding the baby in his arms as he smiled and whispered shakily
Wooyoung : of course I don't, thank you so much.
Seojun smiled and nodded as wooyoung held the baby's hand, her smiling up at wooyoung as he said
Wooyoung : song naeun.
25 years later :
Wooyoung smiled as naeun hugged him with a huge smile, wooyoung patting the back of someone who was almost like a daughter to him now. When he'd first held naeun in his hands as a baby, he'd decided then and there that she would be the one who'd inherit his and his wife's company. And as naeun had grown up to be an intelligent, beautiful and smart young lady, wooyoung had known his choice was right.
And today was the day the company went legally to her, naeun's parents were smiling so proudly at her from the seat. It was probably the best day of her life.
Naeun pulled back as wooyoung patted her arm proudly before saying
Wooyoung : your godmother would've been so proud of you, naeun-ah. You live up to her name.
Naeun smiled and shook her head as she said
Naeun : she would've been proud of you more than she would've been of me, ahjussi. And I promise, that I will take care of the company and bring it up with pride. I won't disappoint you, or mrs shin. Your names will be remembered for as long as I live, for you have given me this life.
Wooyoung smiled as he said
Wooyoung : you earned this, naeun-ie.
Naeun smiled as wooyoung stepped back, a man rushing up to her with his hand held out forward excitedly as naeun frowned before asking
Naeun : who…are you?
The man gave naeun a huge smile, a smile that made her heart do something weird. What the hell?
??? : I'm Cha Min! Your new secretary for…for ever I suppose!
Naeun : what? And who appointed you?
Min : uh jung wooyoung-shi did, of course.
Naeun gasped as she looked at wooyoung who was now walking down the steps with a sly smile as she said
Naeun : AHJUSSI!
Wooyoung chuckled as he walked out of the hall, leaving the new generation to grow as he let out a small groan of tiredness. He was getting old after all.
Wooyoung looked around as snow fell all around him, the jacket providing him little warmth. Wooyoung sighed as he walked through the pavements, his hands growing cold. But he did not put them in his coat pocket, as he never did.
Naeun's hands had been cold when he'd last touched it, and when his hands would get cold it reminded him of her. Hence he never put his hands in his pocket during winters, he preffered them like this.
It had been 25 years, even momo had left him now to join naeun in the other side of the world. She had kept him company for a long time, and now he supposed naeun could use her company.
Wooyoung felt his hand go up to her necklace that still hung around wooyoung's now wrinkled neck, the ring always bringing him comfort in his lonely times. He looked up at the sky, staring at the single star that still shone the brightest to him as he whispered
Wooyoung : I was right, naeun-ah. 25 years, and there's still no one that is as good as you were.
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