#everyone else is also devastated of course but he takes it the absolute hardest by a LONG shot
journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
zhao and ik get nightbrought and lucifer goes NUTS on simon istg. he gets so angry that he’d have created a second satan until mammon (somehow) calms him down and reminds him to think rationally.
(he gets all emotional holding ik’s little sweater that he had just finished ironing earlier that day)
without mammon they'd have to straight up sedate him somehow, because losing his adopted teen is awful enough in the jtta timeline - but losing both his husband AND their small daughter in ddvd is a hair's breadth from breaking him entirely, especially given there's literally nothing he can do about it
it'd take a good week for him to fully calm down from having gone absolutely crazy, and after that he's just Sad. when they decide that solomon will have to go get him alone, he gets it, but he is SO pissed off nevertheless. fully tells solomon that if he's not bringing his family back in one piece, he shouldn't bother coming back at all
also i just had a thought (not directly related but)... what if zhao's wedding ring was the ring of light..... the absolute Implications when past lucifer sees it. sure zhao can lie, but i feel like lucifer absolutely wouldn't be fooled by that
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grasshopperjay · 3 years
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closets of backlogged dreams
evermore series | track 13: marjorie
i know better, but i still feel you all around.
pairing: jay halstead x reader
word count: 1.8k (previous part)
warnings: angst, death, grief, blood, violence, swearing (this is part 5 of a small series)
He can hear the shouting from all around him, but no words register. Hands- probably Hailey’s- are on his shoulders, attempting to pull him back, but they’re not strong enough.
Sirens and red and blue lights are all background noise.
A body is being pulled from the bushes and set on a gurney, pale and lifeless. Jay continues trying to push forward, but something else is in his way now, he’s not paying enough attention to know what it is though, he just tries his hardest to get through, he has to see. Finally he catches a glimpse of brown hair, and his heart rate picks up. He stops for a minute. You have brown hair.
It’s not you though, it can’t be.
One more step forward and he can see a snow white arm, hanging off the side of the stretcher. Another step and he can just make out the traces of a tattoo- an ivy- on the inside of the wrist, and that’s when his world ends.
His feet stop moving, and a feeling he can only describe as ice cold hits the centre of his chest, spreading outwards to the very tips of his fingers.
He hears no, and he holds on to that, because no, it can’t be you. But then he realizes it’s his own voice, repeating the word over and over like it will change something. The background noise fades until all Jay can hear is his own devastation.
To everyone else he’s frozen, standing completely still, the only sign of emotion is the tears rimming his eyes.
For Jay, he’d be sure he was in hell if it weren’t for how cold he is. All he feels is icy pain stinging every part of his body, it’s agonizing, and he thinks that not even getting shot compares to this.
He’d take a bullet a million times if it meant this wasn’t real.
The next hours are a blur. But somehow Jay ends up back at the precinct. Voight tries to tell him to go home, but of course he refuses. Hailey tries her hand at it as well, but he insists he’s fine, that he needs to work your case. The level headed plan that Jay executes surprises everyone.
He’s absolutely stoic, but none the less he does his job. They interrogate members of the gang, and they all point their fingers at one guy.
It doesn’t take long to find him. Jay’s facade doesn’t start to break until Adam and Kim bring him in.
Jay follows, jaw clenched and a file in hand. He doesn’t bother to put his gun in the safe, he goes in with his piece still on his hip, something he could lose his badge over, but he doesn’t care.
Hailey and Voight are both standing in the hall but they’re easily avoided road blocks. Virtually nothing will keep him from getting in that room with the bastard who took you from him.
“You’re not going in there,” Voight says, but Jay blows right past him, and into the block.
He’s cuffed to the table, the smug look on his face boils Jay’s blood. His jaw is clenched as he slams the pictures down on the table. He hasn’t looked at the photos, and he can’t, but the gangbangers eyes study them closely, and then he shrugs.
“You wanna know what I did to her?” His voice is like nails on a chalk board, and Jay’s instinct is telling him yes, he wants a confession, but he also doesn’t know if he can handle it.
Jay swallows, and then opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
“She’s your girl right?” His lips curl sickly over yellow teeth as he spits the words at Jay. “She screamed for you.”
That’s it.
Jay shoves the table out of the way and lunges for him, knocking him to the concrete floor. One hand on his throat pinning him down on the ground, the other throwing punch after punch until the once smug face is a mess.
Kevin and Adam rush in to pull him away, and Jay revels in the sight of that son of a bitch on the ground in his own blood. Voight doesn’t have to tell him to go home, Jay does it on his own.
He walks out of the district without saying a word. But he doesn’t go to his house. He goes to yours.
You never asked for your key back after he moved out, so it stayed on Jay’s chain. Hailey noticed it, but she never mentioned it.
They never talked about you, but Jay always suspected that Hailey knew that his feelings for you never really went away.
Walking through your place is like walking through a mausoleum. It used to be his place too, but the only trace of him is one photo that stayed up on your bookshelf. A picture of you, Jay and your father who had passed the year before. All the other pictures were gone, replaced with ones of you with your friends.
Feeling absolutely drained, Jay crawls into your bed. The sheets smell like you and he wants to bury himself in them. His swollen eyes are begging to shut, and finally the ache in his chest dissipates as he falls asleep. It’s not long until the sound of your sweet voice wakes him up, you’re both on the deck, and you’re cuddled into his lap. Despite the blanket draped across your bodies, the only parts of him that don’t feel cold are the one’s that your body is touching. “I know it’s early but it’s so beautiful, I love it.”
You’re talking about the sunset but Jay doesn’t want to look, he’s perfectly happy staring at you instead. But then he actually wakes up, in your bed. You’re not there, and you never will be again but for just a moment he forgets that.
He spends the entire day at your place. He ignores calls from everyone, Hailey, Voight, Will… He stares at pictures of you for far too long, he calls your phone just to hear your voice, and he cries. He cries so much he wonders if he’ll ever stop.
The grief and the guilt is overwhelming, and his body is exhausted from feeling. He lays down in your bed again and this time, when he closes his eyes he feels your wet arms around neck, and your legs around his waist. A freezing swim in Lake Michigan was one of your favorite traditions. The water is up to his chin cause you had clung onto him when you went past where your feet could touch. He tries to hold onto you, he watches his hands glide over the goosebumps on your arm, over the ivy tattoo, over and over again because he can see that he’s touching you, but he can’t feel you. When he startles awake, there’s a moment before the grief sets in, before he remembers everything that happened.
As the week drags on, that moment just after he wakes up becomes the only bearable part of the day, because even though it only lasts a few seconds, it’s the only time his chest doesn’t ache. It’s the only time he feels peace. It’s short lived but he clings to it every morning.
He sees you in his dreams every time he closes his eyes, and you’re always close, but despite that he can never actually feel you. You’re alive in his head, but in a way that’s so unsettling.
One day he phones your voicemail, and instead of hanging up before the message tone, he lets it go, and he talks to you like you’re actually listening.
That’s the day he thinks to himself, am I going crazy? It’s also the day Hailey shows up.
Oddly enough the first thing he notices is that she’s not wearing her ring. Jay doesn’t know what to expect from her visit, he feels so guilty he almost wants her to yell at him, but she doesn’t. She just holds him and whispers how sorry she is.
Jay says it back and she nods. “I know that you love me,” She whispers, “But I also know you never stopped loving her,”
All Jay can do is nod, and tears rim Hailey’s eyes.
“I want to support you, Jay. But I can’t compete with a dead girl…” His eyes clamp shut when she says that.
“I think maybe I should just support you as your partner, and not your wife.”
Jay feels guilty for wanting her to change her mind, but he knows Hailey is right. He is in no place to be a husband, he can’t expect Hailey to be a wife.
After she leaves he goes back to your room, and wraps himself in your blankets. He waits for sleep to come because he knows he’ll see you in his dreams.
This time, his dream feels realer than ever. You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, a sad smile on your face.
“I’m sorry,” Jay says, but you shake your beautiful head at him.
“It’s not your fault, Jay.”
“Yes it is. I should have stopped him, I should have found you.” Tears, tears, tears. “I wish I could do it over.”
You reach over to place your hand on his arm, he watches you touch him, already knowing he won’t feel it, then his eyes catch on that ivy tattoo. “You never told me what it meant.”
“It’s for you.” You whisper, “Your ivy grows, and now I’m covered in you.”
Jay furrows his brows, and you chuckle. “You’re always with me Jay. And even though I’m gone-,”
He doesn’t let you finish.
“No,” He argues, “You’re alive in my head.”
And then he wakes up, a moment passes, the grief settles in, and although Jay doesn’t want it to- the day goes on without you.
The days continue on that way.
So do the months.
But he still feels you all around, especially when he looks at his wrist and sees his ivy tattoo.
@lorenakaspersen​ @jayxuptons @toomuchtv95​ @halstudandruz @halsteadsway​ @hart-kinsella​ @astrosmayhem @life-treatments​ @dreamingmanip​ @jayhlstead​ @caromichaela​ @arual-hernandez @jesseleesofferupdates @mrspeacem1nusone (this is my very old taglist so if you guys wanna be removed/added just shoot me a dm! sorry if this tag bothers anyone!)
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
scenario: Beelzebub & Asmodeus trying to get reader back
Request: wOAH your cheater head cannons were AMAZING dude!! if you want, could you write the rest of the brothers? or if that's too much could you do beel and asmo trying their hardest to get MC to forgive them but it just doesn't work and MC gets with someone else and it's super a n g s t y ?
ahh thank you so so much!! Seriously, to everyone who read that, I was so surprised by the response it received. I’m not very experienced with writing angst which is why I was actually terrified of posting it at all since I was worried I might’ve been too dramatic. But all of the positive feedback made me feel at ease, so thank you all so much for giving the scenarios this much love!
I only write for a maximum of 3 characters per request, I’m sorry :/ buuttt this means I will write part 2 for Asmo and Beel! Also you didn’t specify who this other person would be so,,, I decided to use one of the undateables, since I’ve been playing the game for a longer time now and kinda figured out their characters. Also,,,, the thought of MC ending up with one of the other brothers hurts me oof
++ I just noticed that I kinda went somewhere else with your request, I’m so sorry. I only realised this afterwards and well, throwing this away completely isn’t really what I want to do ;-; my dearest apologies, I’ll make sure to be more careful nex time. Now, have fun reading, I hope you’re still able to enjoy it despite the fact that I kind of changed it up a bit!
Total word count: 2498
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To say the demon was absolutely devastated, would be an understatement. His sadness had gotten to the point where his appetite was way less than usual, which did not go unnoticed by the other brothers. They all got worried about him.
It got to the point where Belphegor was fed up with it, which he made clear to his twin brother. They were now in their room, Beel was just staring at the wall without saying anything. His eyes were teary and his cheeks were puffy. The sight was heartbreaking, but Belphie was tired of this and worried, because it’s been at least a week since you two broke up and he hadn’t gotten any better. So he knew something had to change now.
“Beel, listen up,” Belphegor said, his voice low but sharp. Beelzebub looked at Belphegor, indicating that he could go on. “You can’t keep being like this. I get that you’re sad but this won’t get you anywhere. You miss y/n and want her back? Then you have to work for it. She’s not going to come back to you if you don’t even put effort into showing how sorry you are. Stupid humans aren’t that smart.”
Beel didn’t reply for a while, taking in his brother’s words. Belphegor let out an annoyed sigh before mumbling quietly “I’m gonna take a nap.” He didn’t wait for his twin brother to reply and soon dozed off into a deep slumber.
Beelzebub tried his best to concentrate, but his never-ending hunger seemed to be unbearable right now. He made the decision to go to the kitchen and find some food in the fridge to eat. However, even on his way to the kitchen Beel couldn’t stop thinking about Y/n. Since they had broken up with him, he had barely seem them. It seemed they either ate breakfast early as a way to avoid him and at school he barely had any chances to talk to them either. So how was he going to be able to apologise to them? He had to find a way to be with them alone. But what was he even going to do? What was he going to say? A small pout had formed on his face at this point as he looked through the fridge for something tasty.
Upon seeing his custard, his face lit up. And that was also the moment he realised what he could do for y/n. When they were still together, the two would hang out very often and there were so many times where they’d eat custard together, to the point where Beel did not eat it alone anymore. It showed how much he cared about them, as he didn’t share his custard that easily. It also felt like a thing the two of them had at this point. So when Beel grabbed the custard and devoured it, he felt empty. It was different now that he was eating it on his own.
He knew it. He was going to buy the two of them custard, ask y/n to hang out with him and if they don’t want to he will give them space. If they do want to however, he will give them the little surprise and talk to them. He just had to find the right moment. And while on one hand Beel wanted to wait, his heart told him to do it as soon as possible.
“Tomorrow it is, then.” he mumbled to himself.
The next day Beelzebub felt nervous. It had been a while since he talked to y/n and he had no idea how they were feeling right now. But he wouldn’t know unless he tried to find out, right?
So, after their classes, during lunch, he couldn’t take it anymore and tried looking for y/n. He was thinking they were maybe with Mammon, so he tried to find him. Though, when he did find his brother, he noticed he was alone.
“Lookin’ for Y/n?” Mammon asked. Beel almost slightly flinched at how sharp his tone was. It was clear that Mammon was angry at him for what he had done. Without saying a word he nodded.
“I think I saw them walkin’ somewhere with Asmo, towards his locker.” Beel nodded and quickly thanked his brother before leaving to find Y/n. He knew where Asmodeus’ locker was, or at least the area it was at so it wasn’t very difficult to find. When he found them a small smile played on his lips. However, as he took more and more steps forward, he saw that Asmo wasn’t the only one accompanying them. Solomon was there too. He had an arm wrapped around Y/n’s shoulder and laughed as he pressed a kiss to their cheek. Beel could feel his heart drop at the sight. He wasn’t expecting this at all and felt incredibly hurt.
Asmodeus somehow caught sight of his brother, and his eyes widened slightly when he saw his heartbroken standing there like a sad puppy who had just been kicked. Y/n and Solomon noticed their friend looking at something, so they turned their gaze into the direction he was facing. But before the two could see him, Beel quickly walked back.
“Asmo, is something wrong?” Y/n asked, their voice laced with concern. The demon was caught off guard by the question, not even realising he was staring but then smiled and nodded.
“Oh yes! I just suddenly remembered I forgot to close my purple nail polish jar in my room, I’m sure it’s all dried up now.”
“Oh that’s okay! How about we buy a new one after school? I have to get some stuff anyway. Solomon does too, right babe?” Y/n said and looked up at their boyfriend with a small smile. The boy nodded in agreement.
“Alright, sounds great!” Asmo nodded and smiled at the two. Soon his thoughts drifted back to his brother. While Asmodeus definitely did not think what he did was okay, he couldn’t help but feel bad for him. He was still his brother. Part of him wanted to check up on him but he felt like Beel probably needed time alone to process what he had seen.
In the meantime, Beelzebub was walking towards the cafeteria, shoulders hung low, gaze towards the ground and eyes filled with tears. Y/n had the right to move on, of course they did. He just wasn’t prepared to see it happening already. He felt like now there was no way of getting them back.
Of course Y/n would rather be with Solomon. He was a human just like them, they’d be able to live their regular life in their own world while also having a boyfriend. Of course they wouldn’t want a sinful demon like him. He decided to just give up. Maybe it was best for them both, or it was just best for Y/n. He wasn’t sure. But he knew they were happier with Solomon than with him. He saw a sparkle in their eyes, the one that had left when Y/n caught him cheating on them. Anyone that could make them that happy was worthy of being with them to Beel.
But if it was the right thing, why did it still hurt this much? The emptiness that he felt was bigger than any hunger he had felt in his entire life. But he had to accept it because at the end of the day, it was his own fault for making that horrible mistake.
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To any outsider, Asmo seemed completely fine, as if he wasn’t sad at all. But his brothers all knew it was the exact opposite. Asmodeus tried doing even more self care, went shopping even more than usual and spent an extra amount of times around succubi and witches. It was all to get Y/n off of his mind because as soon as soon as he would get to the house of Lamentation and had nothing to do, thoughts about them filled his head. Something in him wanted to find them and almost beg them to take him back, but there’s this other part of him that’s incredibly ashamed of himself.
And as mentioned before, his brothers could notice his change in mood. Though they condemned his actions, he was still their brother and they couldn’t  just ignore him. Of course Asmo was going to make some very stupid mistakes with heavy consequences, but he would learn from those.
So at one point Satan made the decision to talk to his brother about the problem that hadn’t been talked about just yet. Satan knew Asmo regretted what he did and wanted Y/n back and he also knew that his brother was stuck on what to do now.
“How have you been, Asmo?” Satan asked as he entered his brother’s room after having knocked on the door. The younger demon quickly forced a smile as he looked at his brother, hoping that he would fall for his trick. But knowing Satan, it wouldn’t be long before he noticed Asmo’s facade. Still, he wanted to try.
“I’ve been doing great Satan! Oh, I bought some new makeup and accessories today and some would look lovely on you! Wanna try them on?”
“That does sound nice, but I need to talk to you about something right now.” Asmodeus could feel himself sulking as he knew where this conversation was heading. He also was aware of the fact that avoiding it would be pointless, so he decided not to protest and just nodded.
“We’ve all been worried about you Asmo. Of course I do know how you are, but we can all tell that something is off.” Asmodeus bit his lip as he averted his gaze, his eyes falling on a shirt that seemed to have fallon the ground. And of course, it was Y/n’s… They had probably left it here once and forgot to bring it back.
His brother’s eyes followed the direction in which he was looking, and he quickly realised what the piece of clothing was.
“Hey, how about you bring it back to them and talk about what happened?” Satan proposed. Asmo shook his head immediately, not wanting to be confronted with his disgusting actions again. He was already ashamed of what he had done.
“Satan, they will never forgive me. I hurt them so badly even though I never meant to. There is no way that this will be fixed.” Satan sighed softly and shook his head at his brother's words.
“But hey, you’re Asmodeus, aren’t you? Who can resist you? Who can not love you? Has anyone truly hated you for a long time?” He edged on, knowing that Asmo needed little confidence boosts like this. He knew these would cheer him up eventually, it just took some time and patience.
“Well there was a witch one time…. no nevermind she forgave me after 100 years so it ended up totally fine.” His brother chuckled and nodded.
“See? And on top of that, humans have a shorter lifespan, so I think everything will be okay soon. Y/n definitely loved you while you two were together and I find it hard to imagine that they have lost all of their feelings for you by now.”  Satan could be right… After all, he was very smart, so he would not say something if he hadn’t thought about it or hadn’t put some logic to it. Perhaps he was right. Maybe trying to talk it out was a good idea. If they wouldn’t take him back, maybe they could still be at least friends. But first he had to find them of course.
“Do you happen to know if Y/n is here?” Asmo asked Satan, who pondered for a moment before replying.
“I think they went somewhere with Luke, Simeon and Mammon. They said they’d be back soon though.” Mammon too? That was an interesting combination. “Mammon went along because ‘a weak human and two angels aren’t safe here’” Asmo chuckled, yeah that does sound like Mammon and explains a lot.
“Well, I will be taking my leave now then. Tell me how it went later, okay?”
While Asmo waited for Y/n, he could slowly feel a slight feeling of anxiety creeping in. He hadn’t felt this way in a very long time. It scared him a little even. He always felt like he was in control in some way, since it was always people fawning over him, being nervous around him, but now it seemed to be the other way around. How could a mortal human have this influence on him? Maybe it was their presence, their uniqueness, he didn’t know. He couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it was.
However, he didn’t have more time to think about it now, because he heard the sound of a few voices in a conversation. Immediately his head perked up and he couldn’t help but smile when his eyes caught Y/n walking in his direction. That smile fell soon though, because then his gaze fell on the angel walking next to them. He was holding their hand as his eyes looked lovingly into theirs. He knew exactly what that look meant, and the fact that Y/n had a similar sparkle in their eyes said a lot.
Asmodeus felt defeated. He wasn’t expecting this and maybe that was why it hurt so much. The two radiated so much joy. It seemed like Y/n was completely healed from the pain Asmo had caused them. Soon his throat felt dry and his eyes quickly filled with tears. Before anyone noticed, Asmo quickly went to his room and locked the door before plopping down on his bed. He finally let out sobs which he tried to muffle by covering his hand with his mouth.
Why was he even crying? He was the one who hurt them. This was his fault, not theirs. He was the last person who was allowed to cry over this. But still, he couldn’t help but feel his heart crumble when he tried to process what he saw. They moved on. He messed up and now there was definitely no way that they were going to take him back. And he only had himself to blame for this mess.
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shes-an-oddbird · 3 years
A Very long list of Season 5 Predictions/Wish List
I tried to hit as many of the characters as possible so this is really really long
The trickiest thing about this show seems to be the ever growing cast creating several stories at once and the fact that it’s a show about first responders so even characters that don’t seem like they would follow that career choice end up there and those that don’t sometimes feel out of place.
This is not to say that I don’t LOVE AND ADORE FIREFIGHTER ALBERT HAN! (but really kind of thought it came out of nowhere and yet I’m not surprised because what else were they going to do with him?)
It seems unlikely they’d assign Albert to the 118 unless Bobby requests him like he did with Eddie, but I think Bobby might have some hesitations about that. They’re already as close as family and sometimes make dangerous decisions because of it. He might feel its better for Albert to be with a different fire house or maybe Chimney would.
But he’s a regular so putting him with the 118 would be the best way to give him screen time
I personally think he’ll be assigned to the 133 since we’ve seen a bit of them this season. I’d love if there was a fun rivalry between the two firehouses (whichever one Albert ends up at.) I’ve said it before that the 118 is probably notorious at this point for the weird situations they get into. The teasing and the taunting would just be so much fun to watch. Albert talking to Chim or Buck and just being like, so the guys told me about this time…
Actually can we take a moment to appreciate that the 118 got ANOTHER firetruck destroyed and this one wasn’t even theirs. The 133 spends FIVE MINUTES with Buck and Eddie and their truck is in shambles.
On a more serious note, we might meet Chimney and Albert’s dad. I’m thinking he’s not going to be thrilled about his youngest joining the fire department and show up to talk some sense into him and scold Chimney for letting him do it.
I’m so confused about how much time has passed? How long does it take to become a firefighter? They must have some sort of plan for him because cutting out him going through training seems like a lost opportunity. It’s a story we haven’t really seen through anything but montages. Is it difficult? Would he try to quit? I’d have liked to see him making the decision in the first place.
putting the rest under here because its really a lot
We’ll also miss Eddie recovering (and Bobby too actually), which I’m a little bummed about but not devastated. It sounds like we won’t see much in the way of the effects of either shooting but can’t do anything about that now unless they flash back and have them work towards that moment on the roof.
My biggest concern with the time jump is missing literally any of Maddie’s story. I don’t know much about PPD or if its called recovery or overcoming it but I do want to see Maddie work through that and Chimney and the others supporting her.
I think her leaving the dispatch center will be temporary but it may take half or all of next season for her to return.
Maybe she’ll take over for May, if she does go off to school
Or May might continue working at Dispatch and going to school.
If she doesn’t go to school Athena is not going to be very happy with her. But maybe we could get Maddie and Josh being big siblings to May which is an underappreciated dynamic. Maybe it will help Maddie cope with how useless she’s feeling with Jee.
I’ll need to rewatch to see if they say what May wants to do but maybe she’ll study journalism or something that will keep her in the loop of the main characters the way it does Taylor.
And speaking of Taylor, she is actually a very interesting character, whether you like her (morally) or not. I think we’ll see more of her in season 5 and I genuinely think she’ll fall hard for Buck. And I think everyone needs to chill about how it’ll destroy her character.  We’ve already established that Taylor is like the female version of Buck (with a bit more sense maybe but a mirror if him non the less). If Buck is allowed to grow and want an actual relationship, is anyone really surprised they’d have Taylor go through that too.
She’s just a few steps behind, like he’s in relationship phase and she’s just coming to terms with her own feelings for him
My big concern, since they like to break Buck’s poor little heart, is that she’ll leave. She’ll get a job opportunity and pick it over Buck. I think it would be a hard decision for her but in character. Or maybe they’ll surprise us and make Buck and Taylor endgame (I know a lot of people don’t want to hear that but I could see it happening that way)
On the flip side I don’t know what’s going to happen with Eddie and Ana. I know she’s pretty much hated but its super unclear what the plan is other than that they’ll eventually break up per what Carla implied. I suspect they’ll be together for a bit of season five until Eddie figures out what’s up with what his heart wants. I don’t think Ana is some awful witch so the break up will probably be mutual or at the very least Ana won’t be surprised.
But hopefully we get more than just that as far as Eddie goes. The episodes we do get that are focused on him are really some of my favorites. They are wrapping up his moving on from Shannon arc which is cool. The trying to be a good father to Christopher will always be there, that’s something that will never change and always be a growing/learning experience.
I’d love to meet one or both of Eddie’s sisters. They don’t have to stick around long term like Albert did but to have them pop up with some crisis would be interesting and we could learn more about Eddie and the dynamic with his family which seems loving but strained.
Maybe we will see Eddie working more with Hen too. I was wondering if they’d make Eddie a full paramedic to take over for her eventually, which I decided they probably won’t do. But one episode of Buck distressed over the fact that he and Eddie wouldn’t be partners anymore would be fun drama.
The two really are just at a loss without each other and I love that. They get so pouty when they’re apart.
I don’t know what other plans they might have for Buck next season. I suspect we’ll see him worrying over Maddie and I’d kill to see him watching Jee-Yun.
I don’t know how old she’ll be because of the time jump but can you imagine Buck watching the baby and it just being an absolute disaster. So he starts calling everyone in a panic and we get firefam taking care of Baby Jee, maybe while Chim and Maddie are at a therapy session or just a weekend away for themselves.
I’m convinced the Baby would love Eddie. I think its just me projecting my desire for Eddie and Maddie to interact more. But like Hen teasing him because of course the baby loves him, all the girls love Eddie, he’s got the pretty face. Buck being super jealous that Jee likes him more. Eddie being genuinely surprised because he felt like such a failure when Chris was a baby. 
Denny, Harry and Christopher are all getting older too so there has got to be a story there with at least one, if not all of them. Harry was sidelined this season but I love that kid, he is the spawn of Athena and Michael and we already know he’s a little trouble maker. Match that with Christopher who is sassy and too smart for his own good and Denny who is clearly the good kid of the bunch. I don’t know, it’s another lost opportunity if they don’t do something with that.
They could assign Karen and Hen an older foster kid who’s maybe not such a good influence at first. Unless they opt for just younger ones, I’m not really sure how that works. But they could get one that’s not as easy as nia and they have to work for that bond.
Might be they adopt them at the end
I hope we see more of Hen’s mom and med school friends but not like a crazy amount. The cast is already too big but I love them so an occasional appearance would be welcome.
I love David and Michael too but they always seem like the hardest to work in because, as stated, they are not first responders. David is a doctor though so maybe we’ll see some interaction with him and Hen. And all the Bobby and Michael content is welcome.
I NEED A WEDDING NEXT SEASON! Just pick a pair and marry them please!!! Maddie and Chimney!!! Michael and David!!! Someone, please! Even just a proposal?! Maybe? Please?
And there will be another crossover event which is exciting because I really enjoyed the first one. I wonder if they’ll come to LA this time and what would bring them there. With the scheduling of the shows next season they won’t have to tie them together so much time frame wise. They literally could just be popping in for a visit. I’m not gonna lie when I thought about another crossover I really wanted Bobby the self-taught chef to meet Charles the actual chef but now I can’t have that and it makes me so sad.
Putting all this out there is a really good way to insure it never happens, but still, they seem like logical places to go as of the finale.
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Well, I finally reached chapters 79 and 80 of AoT, and really, what can I say that hasn’t already been said?  I’ve posted a lot about this already, so I only have a few observations here to make.  Obviously, this is a hugely meaningful and important moment, really THE most meaningful and important moment between Levi and Erwin in the whole series.  
What got me during this entire exchange was how, for the first time, we really see Erwin allowing himself to be vulnerable, to be human in front of another person, and of course, that person would be Levi, his most trusted and loyal friend.  And, of course, the look of pained grief and compassion on Levi’s face while Erwin makes his confession about his guilt, and how the dream he shared with his father was the only thing that had kept him going this entire time.  This really is Levi’s defining trait, above even his incredible strength as a soldier.  It is the strength of his compassion.  Others have said, but it bears repeating, that what Levi does for Erwin in this moment is really the epitome of kindness and understanding, to make the choice for him to give up on his dream and die for the rest of them, to give Erwin that chance at redemption.  He sees the weight of Erwin’s guilt crushing him into oblivion, and as much as it tears Levi apart to take that responsibility onto himself, to make the choice for Erwin to die, he does it anyway, for Erwin’s sake, and for the sake of humanity.  The panel when Levi says “I’m making the choice”, you can really see how difficult this is for him.  How much it hurts, for him to do this, to let Erwin and all the other recruits die.  But Levi’s kindness lies in how he takes that choice away from Erwin, relieves him of having to make the call himself, and bears the responsibility of it on his own.  He gives Erwin an out, and lets him die a hero.
When Erwin asks “Is it all nothing more than my own childish delusion?”, he looks up at Levi, as if he’s asking Levi the question himself.  Like he’s asking Levi if all the lives under Erwin’s command, if all the lives he’s sacrificed, were for nothing more than his own, selfish dream?  And Levi looks at him with so much pained understanding.  Again, there’s so much COMPASSION in Levi’s face in this panel.  There’s no judgment, no disgust, no anger.  Just grief for the pain his friend is in.  And then Levi drops to his knee, pledging his loyalty to Erwin one last time, telling him he’s fought a good fight, and giving him full credit for all of them coming as far as they have only because of him, letting Erwin know his own gratitude for the sacrifices Erwin’s made.  Like he’s telling Erwin that it hasn’t all been for a childish delusion, but that Erwin’s choices, no matter the driving reason behind them, had advanced the cause of humanity in a way no one else would have been able to accomplish.  Levi’s letting Erwin know here that his actions weren’t in vain, that the lives he sacrificed weren’t only in the service of his childhood dream, but had real, tangible results in helping humanity.  And then he takes the weight of the responsibility onto himself, freeing Erwin from the possibility of him succumbing once more to his selfish goals, and giving him redemption in the process, leaving it as Erwin’s only choice, to become the commander everyone had always believed him to be, including Levi himself.  
Still, we see the toll this choice has on Levi in all of the following panels.  When Erwin reveals the plan to the recruits, and Levi can only stare vacantly at the ground, a look of grief on his face.  To let all of these people die, in order to save a few, even as it’s the only option left to them, goes against everything Levi believes in.  We see this also when Levi is making his way towards the Beast Titan, and he looks over at the charging recruits, and the look of grief and horror on his face is all the more pronounced.  And in the way he says “I’m sorry”.   This goes against every instinct he has, to protect others, to help others.  Having to watch one of his best friends, and a group of kids charge to their deaths, to give him the opening he needs to kill the Beast Titan, has to be one of the hardest things Levi’s ever had to do, I imagine.  To LET that happen, for him, would be torture.  But he does it anyway, because if he doesn’t, then everyone there that day is going to die. 
All of this unfolding following the start of chapter 79 really drives home the tragedy of it as well.  Levi is impatient and desperate to get onto the other side of the wall to see what’s going on there, wondering about Hange and all the others.  He’s clearly fearful that they’ve been caught in the explosion, but holding out hope that they made it out of the blast range in time.  He thinks, in any case, he need to get over there soon.  Levi NEEDS to help.  That’s what drives him.  He can’t just stand by and watch as others get hurt or killed, or suffer.  We see this part of him too when the Beast Titan starts throwing rocks, and we see Levi’s reaction to the Scouts who’ve been hit, the horrified disbelief, before he frantically goes to the recruits with the horses and starts trying to herd them toward the wall, hoping to get them onto the other side to save their lives.  Levi’s still thinking their lives CAN be saved, and that’s his goal here, before Erwin comes down and informs him of just how bad the situation really is.  This really is Levi’s motivation.  His only real motivation.  To helps others, to save others.  It’s why he’s so exhausted at the start of this chapter, because even though we don’t see it in panel, we know from Levi’s spent state, from what that one Scout says, telling him to “wait here and rest”, that Levi’s exhausted himself taking out as many smaller Titans as he can, taking as much of the danger onto himself as he can to spare these inexperienced recruits.  Taking all of this into account, it makes Levi’s choice to let Erwin lead all of them to their deaths, to give him an opening on the Beast Titan, all the more meaningful.  This was HARD for Levi.  Like I said, probably the hardest choice he’s ever had to make.  That in turn has major ramifications on him later, and I think is the reason he becomes so fixated on killing Zeke.  Because Levi made the choice to let all of these people, whom he’d just been trying to save, sacrifice themselves in order to allow him to kill the Beast Titan.  He went against every instinct he has, against his very nature, in order to accomplish this one goal.  And to have failed then, to have failed to accomplish it, all while knowing he made the call, for Levi, would be unbearable.  Erwin’s final speech to the recruits also factors in hugely, because of what he tells them about their lives having meaning, how the meaning of their lives become the responsibility of those still left alive.  Levi is standing right beside him as he gives this speech, and having the burden of their lives already on his shoulders, Erwin’s words can only reinforce that feeling, that belief.  That it’s Levi’s responsibility to give meaning to the lives these people are about to give.  To make sure they neither lived, nor died, in vain.  How anyone can read these panels and not understand that Levi’s need to kill Zeke was never about revenge is beyond me.  It’s crystal clear what it’s about.  Exactly what Erwin says it’s about.  To give meaning to the sacrifice all of these soldiers made that day.  That’s Levi’s burden to bear, that’s Levi’s promise to all of them, his vow.  To make it so they weren’t born for no reason.  To make it so their lives mattered. 
Also, I hate Zeke.  Ugh.  He’s just such a bastard. 
Also, also, I wanted to point out in the panels when Erwin is saying that Levi is right that they’re most likely all going to die, and so their only choice it to assume they’re all expendable and work from there, the look on Levi’s face as he looks over at the recruits says so much.  He looks absolutely devastated.  Erwin’s telling him they all have to die in order for them to have any chance at victory that day, and that realization for Levi is clearly the most terrible thing for him.  To have to willingly send these terrified kids to their deaths, because it’s their only chance to keep the fight alive.  It’s so sad.
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avatraang · 3 years
20 Stories, 20 First Lines
Thanks for the tag @foxy-knowledgeseeker and @thinkingisadangerouspastime <3
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
20 fics and first lines is absolutely massive, so i’m gonna post them under the cut for the convenience of everyone. if you dare to read, thank you!
1. define divinity.
Suki’s time in Caldera City has been pretty eventful so far. Training new agents, fending off assassination attempts. Trying new foods, adjusting to the new climate, the culture. She’s been here almost a year and still feels like there’s so much she hasn’t learned, so much to become accustomed to. Zuko says she’s doing great, but he’s also… Zuko, so Suki doesn’t really know what to think of that.
2. infinite and always.
Aang comes and goes, and that is the hardest part.
3. lazy sunday.
Sokka is half-asleep when she kisses him. It’s a Sunday morning, the type of Sunday morning that makes you realize why the day is called “lazy.” They’re laying on her bed, in and out of easy slumber. It’s not an abnormal occurrence – they have sleepovers all the time, in the same bed, on the same couch. They cuddle, hold each other, keep each other company, keep the loneliness at bay. It’s familiar, like home. They are each other’s closest confidants, after all. It helps that they are in love with each other and are avoiding it, but still. Of course this isn’t strange.
4. when the sun goes down.
It’s a rainy day when Aang feels her presence. To say they are tied together is an understatement – Aang is connected to all worlds, but to her more than most. The way his scar almost stands on end, a phantom of electricity ghosting across it. He often feels such thunder in his veins when she’s nearby, the universe’s way of reminding him that he is tied to her in more ways than the norm.
5. we’ll keep on growing like ivy.
The first time Mai meets him, she thinks perhaps she’s dreaming. It’s late, around one in the morning, and she’s walking back from the library on campus with one hand on her umbrella and the other on the knife tucked into her sleeve. Ba Sing Se University isn’t particular dangerous, but Mai is a foreigner in these parts, and it’s better safe than sorry. She sees him on the roof of the cafeteria, feet dangling, one hand raised above him as he bends the rain away. She watches the way it bounces off his hand, the other one busy holding an ice cream cone. It's a strange sight -almost like something out of a fever dream. There’s a yellow beanie on his head, which, if he was trying to conceal himself, is a pretty awful attempt at it.
6. she loves him still.
This is how it goes: 
The world is thrown into turmoil the morning he dies. The elements tremble. People as far away as Harbor Town claim to have felt the earth quake, and those at sea as distant as the coast of Akahime swear to the Spirits that a tsunami threatened to devastate their lands. Any flames within a twenty-mile radius reportedly shot up, burning holes into ceilings and ruining breakfasts. Lamps are said to have burst and shattered. Air acolytes claim a breeze swept through the compounds, so strong it cut down a tree that had stood on the island for over a hundred years.
7. the sweetest rewards.
Toph is sitting opposite of Aang, silent as stone. She’s inspecting him; Aang can tell by the way her feet shift almost imperceptibly, scanning his body. Finally, Toph breaks the silence. “When do you think they’ll be done?” She nods towards the kitchens.
8. lunam et familia.
Sokka is sitting at the edge of the temple side when Toph finds him. They are resting at the Western Air Temple, taking a break from diplomacy trips that Aang had roped them into. His feet are swinging over the edge, palms planted flat on the ground, head tilted up towards what she supposes “seeing” folk perceive to be moonlight. Everyone else is fast asleep, deep within the temple walls, except for him. Toph moves to step towards him, to ask Sokka why he’s still awake, but then she hears him speak.
9. seen.
“What is that?” Zuko asks Sokka one day, leaning over his desk to peek at the swell of color Sokka is adding detail to.
10. purple lilacs and pilfered letters.
"Sokka, I swear on Oma and Shu-”
11. as simple as breathing.
noun: constitution; plural noun: constitutions
a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
Toph is 23 when Sokka tells her he’s addicted to smoking.
12. jealous of the love.
It’s raining outside when he notices it for the first time. Well, not it. Her. He’s new in Republic City, so she took a day off to show him around. Katara had expressed her mild surprise that Toph, the Chief of Police, had taken a day off to show Sokka, of all people, around… Toph didn’t even take days off when Zuko came into town, and that was rarer than Sokka’s appearances. Plus, it’s not like he’s leaving any time soon. If all goes well, he’ll win his position on the council and move to Republic City, permanently.
13. fortune telling, reincarnation, love, and other (somewhat dubious) forms of science.
Toph doesn’t really bat an eye when she gets a letter from a small Earth village in the middle of bumbafuck. Her secretary reads it to her and she shrugs it off; it gets thrown on her dining room table most unceremoniously. She spends the rest of the week doing what she usually does: focusing on her school and being a little too bored. To be grounded is in her nature, but Toph also has a strange tendency to get restless. Her body starts to twitch and her spirit grows bored. Nothing good has ever come from a bored Toph.
14. why do we put each other through hell? (why can’t we just get over ourselves?)
“How have you never seen a Superman movie?” Penelope’s voice is loud -per the usual- and unbelieving -per not the usual. She’s staring at him like he’s got eight eyes instead of six, like he’s spoken Russian instead of English.
15. firelady.
Suki is born a commoner.
16. between me and you.
"Ms Bei Fong," the voice cuts through the air with practiced precision, a note of affection ringing in it even through the poised professionalism. "I didn't expect to see you here."
17. a ring made of silver.
#01 – Ring.
It starts out simply enough, a breath of a laugh here, a memory of a whisper there; trinkets left behind to find, conversations forgotten, a ring made of light silver that he takes off when they're muttering and forgets to take back: she goes to give it back the next morning, before even the owls have fallen asleep, but he engages her in a debate on how long it took Dumbledore to grow out his beard, instead, and next thing she knows she's in Arithmancy and the ring is on her thumb, forgotten.
18. a girl who will never be a nun (and a man who will make sure of it).
To: Mother (10/9/2016, 01:02) i didn't *mean* to do it
19. to tell you properly.
She's at his doorstep, and they stare at each other for a moment too long, her backpack slung over her shoulder and Fraxure standing next to her. "Well," he finally says, and there's pain in his eyes, written clear across the stars that are reflected inside them. Not for the first time, she feels a pang in her heart. "I guess this is goodbye. For a bit, at least."
20. (just say) you won’t let go.
Hermione finds her way to Fred's flat easily enough, apparating in just as he'd instructed her. She shakes the snow from her jacket and slips her boots off, feet sore and heavy from the day. His flat is dark, darker than usual, but it's only when Hermione takes in the worrisome silence that she pulls her wand out and holds it before her, gathering her wits and taking a step forward. Silently, she scans the apartment with a spell, relaxing only slightly when she registers only one other person in the apartment; out on the balcony. She walks briskly over to it and finds red hair framed by night, drooped shoulders defeated by exhaustion.
i definitely love to open up a story by describing either a setting or an action. very few times do i open up with dialogue... interesting! wonder what that says about me O.O
i think my favorite opening line would have to be the one from “infinite & always.” it’s such a short but impactful line! aang DOES come and go, and that IS the hardest part!
thanks again the tag, e-money and a-dawg B) i’m tagging @cats-and-metersticks, @praetorqueenreyna, and @justoceanmyth :)
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boy-above · 4 years
Please, anymore thoughts on Kokichi?? I'd love to hear you infodump :) love your content btw
aaa omg :0 it’s a little embarrassing infodumping publicly aaaa but i’ll do it, here’s some thoughts abt him.
for starters! i think kokichi is locked into position of antagonist very early on and doesn’t really have a chance to fight it. this is partly his fault of course, i believe the reason he’s so rude and hostile is so he keep his distance from people as he doesn’t trust any of them. he reiterates many times that this is a game of suspicion and he will not let himself fall victim to someone by trusting them. he doesn’t want to appear vulnerable either so he doesn’t allow anyone even a glimpse of his true feelings most of the time, he lies so much so even when he does express true feelings, you’ll never know if he’s being serious or not.
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but this also means that no matter what he does during the game, even if it’s an action that has good intentions or is for the better of the group, it will be met with hostility because everyone assumes from a very early point that he does not have their best interests in mind. this means he would literally be unable to redeem himself in their eyes because they’ve already decided that he’s a bad person no matter what. even if he started acting nice and doing everything right, people would continue to think hes scheming and is up to no good.
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for example, kokichi reveals to everyone that maki is the ultimate assassin, but the others kind of treat him like an asshole for it. kokichi was doing the right thing here! everyone deserved to know that there was a professional killer among them, someone who was guarding an entire room full of weapons!! but he’s vilified for doing this. also, something big that always makes me upset, is the fact that people routinely disregard kokichi’s safety and well-being. someone he just outed as a murderer is standing there strangling him and nobody does anything to help him. then of course there’s the scene where he’s busted his head and is covered in blood and very obviously woozy and not okay, but everyone is just annoyed with him and nobody helps him. he doesn’t deserve that. everyone hates him so much.
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and it comes to a point where kokichi weaponizes everyone’s hatred and mistrust of him against the mastermind, by trying to convince everyone that he Is the mastermind in his plans to hopefully end the killing game. and everyone eagerly believes it because they’ve already all got huge hate boners for him, it seems obvious to them. everyone is willing to believe he orchestrated the whole situation they’re trapped in and that he’s a remnant if despair, despite the fact that there’s actually very little evidence for it. everyone except shuichi, who later goes out of his way to prove his suspicions that kokichi isn’t the mastermind nor a remnant of despair to clear his name. which brings me to! why kokichi hates kaito and why he feels that he can trust shuichi.
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kokichi is a very logic over feelings type of guy, and feels that blindly trusting people just because you think they’re your friend is a very dangerous mindset to have, in this situation at least. this is why he butts heads with kaito a lot. kaito is someone who even got mad at shuichi for accusing gonta in his trial, even though gonta Was the culprit and everyone else would be executed if they voted incorrectly, all because kaito’s belief in trusting others was so strong. kaito is very feelings over logic. kaito has a very firm stance on what he believes is right and wrong and he’s Stubborn as fuck about it. that’s part of the reason i don’t really care for kaito, he can get very preachy at times and let’s his feelings get in the way of finding the truth. he seems to feel morally superior to people in a game where morals are simply not black and white in the way he thinks they should be.
which brings me to why kokichi feels he can trust shuichi and only shuichi!
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kaede was shuichi’s closest friend in the game and he did not let his feelings get in the way of naming her as the culprit. if he had blindly believed in her and refused to name her as the culprit despite all the evidence pointing towards her, everyone would have died. it completely tore shuichi up inside to send kaede to her death, it absolutely devastated him, but he did it for the sake of the group. it’s this moment where i think kokichi started taking an interest in shuichi. this is someone who understands the game and understands what has to be done to protect everyone. you can’t get everyone there killed just to protect one person, no matter how close with them you are. i think it’s from here that kokichi slowly started gaining a crush on him as well. i headcanon that kokichi didn’t have much interest in him before he actually saw him in action during the trial, when he entered “detective mode” and got all serious.
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i don’t think this is a complete lie! i don’t think he’s saying he’s in love with him or anything, but i do think it’s true he likes shuichi most out of everyone there. he thinks shuichi is the most interesting and trustworthy and probably does think about him a lot. he does a lot of thinking, the gears in his head are always turning, i get the feeling he doesn’t get a lot of sleep with how much he’s always thinking. it honestly makes me pretty sad thinking about him staying up all night thinking about his situation and trying to plan how he’s going to end the game, all while being super isolated from everyone else and not having any true friends.
which takes me to another point!
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kokichi ouma is a super tragic character. i don’t care what anyone says, i don’t believe having this interpretation of him is “woobifying” him or anything similar. this right here? he’s telling the truth. nobody would care if he died, and nobody Did care when he died. everyone was sad about kaito, there was hardly any talk about kokichi. kokichi died a sad, lonely, unceremonious death. nobody cared when he had blood oozing from his head, nobody cared when maki was strangling him, nobody cares about him.
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he was right. kokichi was always alone, through the whole game. he died alone. and i do think that this coming from shuichi probably hurt. shuichi was the only person there who he thought he could maybe trust. and kokichi did get what he wanted, he needed Everyone to hate him so they’d all believe he was the mastermind if he wanted his plan to work, including shuichi. but i don’t think he was prepared to hear shuichi say this specifically, i think it really hit close to home which is why it shut him up the way it did. and remember, kokichi Did try to ask shuichi to be in on the plan!! during chapter 4, as they were exiting miu’s vr world, he did attempt to ask shuichi to be his accomplice in a very roundabout way, but shuichi ignored him and exited the program. there could have been a world where kokichi and shuichi worked in tandem to try to end the killing game.
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which brings me to why i ship saiou. i love saiou a lot. it’s my comfort ship and it makes me very happy. part of it is that kokichi is my comfort character and i project very heavily onto him. as ive mentioned above, i think kokichi trusted shuichi, was interested in him and he was kokichi’s favorite. i think he had feelings for shuichi and it’s very comforting to imagine shuichi returning his feelings and kokichi getting to be happy. i love aus where kokichi has friends and people actually try to know him and see through his lies, don’t accept them for face value. that’s also why i think kokichi liked shuichi, everyone else took him at face value and didn’t try to look below the surface at all. shuichi was interested in kokichi, interested to know what made him tick and why he did the things he did. he cared enough to want to find out. towards the end of the game shuichi did get very tired and couldnt find any logic in his actions anymore, and ultimately did give up, but once kokichi was gone his conviction to know kokichi’s true intentions came back again.
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I think overall kokichi actually was lonely and wanted someone to care about him. i know the ftes aren’t technically canon but they Are canon compliant and are in character. kokichi’s feelings for shuichi are obvious. kokichi wants to spend time with shuichi and do silly things with him like playing yugioh and having tea parties. kokichi played Rock Paper Scissors against shuichi One Hundred times and shuichi kept playing. and at the end when kokichi got all giddy when shuichi was bandaging his cut, i think he was so excited because someone cared about him. someone cared about him enough to bandage his cut and just that little thing is enough to make him bashful and happy because he isn’t used to being cared for. that’s why i ship saiou, i just want kokichi to be happy and shuichi can make him happy. out of everyone shuichi tried the hardest.
anyway i think that’s all i got! please nobody @ my about my interpretations lol
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Disappearance 8: The End {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Thank you to everyone who has been on this little journey with me! I hope this fic has been enjoyed even half as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Disappearance Masterlist
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As his parents they were permitted to take the boy home to the apartment with them, and the boy liked Miki right away. When she wound herself around his shins and stood on her back legs to butt her head against his hand, he was smitten. The quiet giggles as he pet her and played with her and her toys were like music to both Katsuki and Chiasa.
Miki was happy to see Chiasa, licking her hand affectionately after receiving chin scratches in greeting. Chiasa could only marvel at how much she had grown since she last saw her as a tiny kitten pouncing on every dust particle in the apartment. It was a sweet reunion and one Katsuki had always hoped he would be fortunate enough to witness.
That seemed to be a new change in his life, being able to reclaim the peace he once had before Chiasa had disappeared, and now he was fortunate enough to have that with both her and their son.
Watching the reintroduction of mother and son at the hospital was surreal. Chiasa had marveled at the small boy she had once thought to be a hallucination standing in front of her in the flesh. It was obvious when the boy recognized her and spoke with caution that she was hurt just imagining what her voice had said to him without her consent. But she spoke warmly to him and promised that she was real and not the mother he thought he knew before.
The boy would experience the same thing soon when he found out who his real father was too.
Just thinking about the paperwork with the paternity test results tucked away in his bag was enough to have his spine tingling. They hadn’t sat the boy down to tell him that Katsuki was his father quite yet, afraid that too much change and information in one day wouldn’t be good for him as he integrated into the real world. The child psychologist at the hospital had been more than supportive of the decision and offered his services going forward, something they readily accepted.
Another thing they had to deal with was setting up appointments to find out more about the skin condition causing the rashes and itchiness for him. The doctors had attempted a few preliminary tests that came back inconclusive and recommended a dermatologist for further testing and treatment. It seemed unlikely the generic skin cream they sent them home with would do much in the meantime but it was worth a shot.
He pondered all of this as he watched the pot with the beginnings of their miso soup was considering boiling. Down the short hall he could hear murmurs from the bathroom where the boy was finally able to get clean, to take what Katsuki knew was the first bath of his life with his mother. He left the kitchen knowing a watched pot never boils anyway and a glimpse of his son with his mother was much more important.
Quietly walking down the hallway, fingertips dragging against the wall lightly, the voices of his family became more clear.
“We stay here?”
Chiasa hummed an affirmative. “Yeah, this is where Katsuki lives and where I lived a long time ago.”
“Before Toga looked like you?”
A chill went up his spine.
“Yes, honey, before she would look like me,” she replied after a long pause. “I’m sad that she did that because it meant you got to meet me when it was really her and we never actually met at all. I’m sorry about that, but you can know that from now on when you see my face, it’s really me.”
“Really my mom?” he asked.
“I’m really your mom, yes. I’m going to take care of you for the rest of my life to make up for all the time we were apart okay?”
He couldn’t keep himself hidden after that, turning the corner to lean against the doorframe of the bathroom.
“I’m gonna help her too, that good with you?” he asked, both of the brunettes turning to look up at him.
The boy gave a little grin and nodded, a small murmur of, “Yes,” making sure both he and Chiasa smiled too.
“Good, ‘cause I ain’t going anywhere.”
“You should be going to the kitchen to make dinner,” Chiasa teased.
He waved a hand dismissively but started to turn back to the kitchen nonetheless. “Yeah, yeah, water’s probably boiling now anyway.”
It was easy like that, falling back into their old ways. Even with the addition of the boy they had their same rapport and he knew that as a family it could only get better.
Even though he knew it, it felt like it was cemented as soon as the quiet giggles of mother and son entered the kitchen while he plated their meal. Looking over at the two brunettes he couldn’t believe how naturally they fit into this picture of his life.
Now that the boy had been cleaned up his dark hair wasn’t matted and he could see the small spikey tufts sticking out every which way. It looked more like his mother’s slightly longer hair but those were without a doubt definitely from his side of the gene pool. It was overwhelming to realize but even moreso to know that he already loved it and couldn’t imagine a time where he wouldn’t.
His entire being was screaming that it was outrageous for him to feel this way so quickly when he barely knew the boy but it was his son! His son with Chiasa! It was everything he had ever wished for from the time he realized she was the one for him to the present moment.
Katsuki was content to have this first meal as a family and to watch the two of them scamper off to the couch as he cleaned up after them. He was happy to hear the boy speak about the brightly colored cat cartoon they were watching even if they were small remarks. He could absolutely get used this this dynamic.
His thoughts were racing trying to think of everything they would need for the boy as he was brought fully into the fold of their lives. Surely there would also be medical appointments other than to treat the skin condition in addition to the therapy both he and his mother would be attending.
“We’ll have to make the office his bedroom,” he mused aloud as Chiasa laid against him on the couch. The boy sat cross-legged at their feet, entranced with an older cartoon he vaguely recognized.
She hummed. “Should we let him have the bed until then? Assuming you still have the old futon.”
“Yeah, I have it. Kid deserves a good night’s sleep on a nice mattress. You do too, so I’ll take the futon and you two get the bed.”
“No, I wanna stay with you,” she said. “We’ll sleep on the futon in there with him though, just in case.”
“Look at you going into Mom Mode already.”
She playfully elbowed him in the side. “As if you haven’t won Dad of the Year in a day.”
He scoffed but pulled her closer to him. The natural protectiveness over his family blanketed over his paranoia to keep them in his sights as often as he could, even in the apartment.
Even with the League members behind bars, Dabi and Compress for years and now Spinner, Toga, and Shigaraki following, he did feel the fear of losing them again. Deku’s refusal to end Shigaraki irked him knowing what he was capable of but he had said he would leave him to Deku and he had. He couldn’t burn that bridge, flammable as it surely would be.
He shook his head slightly to clear the thoughts from his mind. He had his family here with him now and he would do anything to keep them safe.
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Chiasa could remember the victory it was for Dabi to be taken into custody and locked away in Tartarus. Almost the entirety of Class A reunited in celebration of his capture and many a toast was raised that night. But several days later the celebratory mood was dashed as a consultant was brought in to assist in the identification of the uncooperative villain.
The man was called the Biographer, his quirk the same as the moniker. If he made to skin to skin contact with another person he could recite factual information about them such as name, birthdate, parents’ names, quirk, and so much more. It was chilling when he pressed a hand to the unmarred skin of Dabi’s hand and began to speak.
“Touya Todoroki, born January 18th at 9:55pm in the Chūbu region of Honshu, Japan, currently 33 years, 330 days old. Firstborn son of Enji and Rei Todoroki, elder sibling of Fuyumi, Natsu, and Shoto Todoroki. Quirk: Cremation.”
Of course it hit Shoto the hardest as expected but the class was close, a bond having been formed from the horrors of heroics at such a young age that they shared his pain. Even Katsuki had been sympathetic despite the hell that the villain had personally put him through.
The fear of learning something devastating was why when the Biographer stepped into his spacious office he tensed. Paternity tests could be wrong, couldn’t they? What if Chiasa just didn’t remember Shigaraki entering the room and the memories were locked away as a coping mechanism for the trauma? He was terrified that this meeting would create more obstacles for her, potentially even for the little boy—Todoroki himself had been an example of a mother gone mad from the sins of the father.
Kirishima elbowed him in the side, breaking up his thoughts and directing his attention to their guest. He was grateful that he and Kaminari had agreed to come, hoping it put Chiasa at ease just as much as him. She stood by his side, the little boy standing close behind her leg and gripping her hand tightly.
“Hello,” the Biographer greeted kindly. “I understand that there are a few questions about a child that need to be answered?”
Katsuki found his voice as Chiasa’s hand laced with his between them. “The only certainty we have are his parents,”—he hoped he wasn’t wrong in saying so—"everything else we need to know. We want the same basic information as we did with the villain Dabi, like we discussed.”
The Biographer nodded, turning to Chiasa. “And you’re his mother, ma’am?”
“Yes,” she replied, dropping his hand and crouching down to the boy’s level when he shrank under the unknown man’s gaze.
“Can he place his palm in mine for just a few moments?” he asked politely with a small smile. “It’s absolutely painless and he’s free to move his hand at any time.”
“Is that okay, honey?” she asked the wide-eyed child. “You just set your hand in his and we can learn more about you?” When he still looked unsure she added, “I’ll hold your other hand, and we have three strong heroes here to keep us safe.”
The boy nodded, eyes flicking up over her shoulder to meet Katsuki’s. “You stay close?”
“Don’t worry,” he said, walking around her to kneel on his other side. He placed a hand on his back. “I’m right here.”
That seemed to satisfy him enough to look at the Biographer who also crouched down. He extended his upturned palm out to him, patiently waiting until the boy placed his trembling hand atop it.
The Biographer smiled at him reassuringly, glancing at the adults on either side of him and hoping to provide the same comfort. Then he began to speak.
"Born on February 11th at 7:19pm in Nagoya, Japan, currently 3 years, 237 days old. Firstborn child of Katsuki Bakugo and Chiasa Minamino. Quirk currently unknown."
A sob broke past Chiasa’s lips, her free hand coming up to cover her mouth. Startled by the outburst the little boy took his hand away to turn to his mother only to be swept up in a tight hug. He wrapped his small arms around her neck as his bottom lip started to wobble.
Katsuki felt like he could cry too as the weight and fear of uncertainty lifted from his shoulders, and even as he smiled up at his friends he felt the telltale sting in his eyes.
“Come here,” Chiasa said, reaching out to bring him into the embrace. He went willingly and wrapped his arms around them both, his eyes falling closed in happiness as he held his family.
He pressed a kiss to Chiasa’s temple and then to the top of his son’s head, the soft brown tufts tickling his cheek.
Distantly he heard the Biographer excuse himself and Kaminari offer to walk him out. Kirishima followed and glanced back at the little family with a smile. They deserved this. All three of them.
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Still sitting on his office floor Chiasa had pulled their son—their son!—into her lap and held him close, the little boy still confused from her crying but happy to be with his mother nonetheless. Katsuki sat close to them, one arm wrapped around her shoulders and a grin still on his face. There were still a lot of things to work out, but this moment deserved to linger.
After a few silent minutes, Chiasa glanced up at Katsuki and smiled softly. She’d known since he told her about the small child while she was in the hospital but to hear it confirmed again was a melody she hoped would stay in her mind forever. But even though she knew he was the little boy’s father the child himself didn’t, and that needed to change.
It felt like there was so much she could say but no words that seemed right. She supposed that didn’t matter though, as long as this little boy knew his parents and knew they loved him.
“Honey,” she murmured, pulling back slightly to look in the boy’s eyes, “did you hear what that man said? Do you know what it means?”
That little pout returned to his face as he considered what she meant. “It was sad. It made you cry.”
“Those were happy tears,” she chuckled. “It wasn’t sad at all. It was really, really good. You know how Katsuki saved us?���
Matching eyes met his as he looked up at him, nodding. “Saved me. Saved you.”
“That’s right, he did. He saved us from Shigaraki and brought us home.”
“Saved us… from dad?”
She bit her lip, glancing at Katsuki briefly to see his jaw set at the false title. “Shigaraki isn’t your dad, honey.”
“No dad?” he asked.
Chiasa shook her head. “You have a dad. You’re the luckiest little boy because your dad is a hero who saves people.”
The boy turned to Katsuki. “Like you?”
“Sort of,” he said with a laugh. “What if I told you it was me? That I’m your dad?”
His eyes widened with what Katsuki hoped was excitement, and he leaned over to place his hand on his knee. He looked back and forth between both him and Chiasa several times, gaze on their eyes and hair respectively, before looking down at his hands where his right was on Katsuki and his left on his mother.
“You’re dad,” he finally said, patting his knee. Then he turned to Chiasa, tapping his fingers on her arm. “You’re mom.”
“That’s right, honey,” Chiasa whispered, one hand combing through his fluffy hair. “And mom and dad aren’t going anywhere, we all get to go home and be a family.”
“Family,” he repeated. “My family.”
He hugged her tightly and she pressed a kiss to his forehead, then he crawled over into Katsuki’s lap, throwing his arms around his neck and hiding his face in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around him too, every nerve in his body alight knowing that this was his son. He was hugging his son.
“You’re dad,” he heard whispered against him. “My dad.”
“Yeah, your dad,” he said softly. “’M your dad and even… even though we just met, I love you. Me and your mom both do.”
He sighed happily into his shoulder and pressed himself closer. They stayed like that for a long moment, Chiasa’s lashes lined with tears beside them.
Katsuki wanted to stay in that moment forever, but he knew there were still a lot of things to discuss with her. So he pulled back slightly and asked, “Hey little man, you know what you should do?”
Owlish eyes blinked up at him from where his chin rested on his chest.
“You should tell Red Riot and Chargebolt about your family. I don’t think they know yet, and they’ll be real excited,” he said with a nod to the door. It was still open and they could clearly see the two heroes a few meters down the hall.
The boy looked back over his shoulder, considering, before turning back to look between his parents.
“We’ll be right here,” Chiasa promised. “They’re friends, honey.”
With a little smile, the child climbed out of Katsuki’s lap and trotted up to where they stood, greeted excitedly by both of them.
Chiasa took his hand in hers and laid her head on his shoulder. “This is amazing.”
He squeezed her hand. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
“It feels like the sun is finally rising after a long night. Like daybreak is chasing away the darkness.”
Katsuki kissed her cheek, then tilted her chin up towards him with his free hand to kiss her properly. She was right—this was dawn rising after four years and four months of night. Dawn was finding her and their son and being a family after the darkness of the League had shrouded them for so long. It was fresh and new, filled with endless possibility.
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips. “You and our son.”
“I love you too. And so does he.”
He smiled, looking out to where the small boy was speaking to Kirishima and Kaminari who were crouched down to his level and smiling.
“He needs a proper name,” she murmured, her head resting on his shoulder once again.
He hummed. “I think you’re right about the sunrise, so what about Asahi?”
“Daybreak rising,” she said with a smile. “Yeah, that’s our boy, Katsuki. Asahi Bakugo.”
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated!
Disappearance Masterlist
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russian-romanova · 5 years
title: devastation
pairing: jack kline
warnings: adult language, mentions of cancer
notes: shit, um this got heavy real fast. i wasn’t sure what you meant by ill so i tried i stay vague, but i kind of wrote it with the idea that she can cancer? god, that’s probably way more drastic and depressing than you wanted but if you wanted a nicer, fluffier, flu type thing let me know! the reader hardly makes an appearance in actual dialogue, although it all centers around her being sick.
request: ‘can you write a cute fluff in which the reader is ill and jack tries his best to save her? also, include the winchesters as supporting father figures, please? thank you.’
summary: jack doesn’t quite understand that not everything can be healed simply. some things take time, patient, perseverance, and a strong will. the thought remains, however, that not all things can be recovered from at all. 
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Jack hated his handwriting. The way it looked like a childish scribble. With no regard to how recent or how little he truthfully wrote anything, he couldn’t help but glare at the card in front of him. The quality seemed to especially jump out at him when it was next to Sam or even Dean’s, but even alone he frowned at it.
‘Get better soon,’ It read now in squiggly letters. ‘Jack.’ It was simple and unoriginal, and he was sure you were getting a dozen similar cards from other hunters that had heard. But the words he knew he wanted to tell you just seemed to boil under the surface, and he couldn’t pull them out. 
You weren’t a regular occupant of the bunker, but you were a hunter and a friend of Sam and Dean’s, although you quickly took a liking to Jack. The two of you had begun dating pretty quickly, and although the experience was foreign to Jack he declared it the best part of humanity. 
When you were sick, Jack was one of the first to realize it. He supposed Castiel had sensed it before he had, but the angel had done a good enough job of covering it up that Jack was confused when he sensed something was off. 
You had just been sitting at the kitchen table after the first night you had stayed over. One leg hanging on the chair, the other pulled up to your chest as you sat in front of a bowl of cereal with your phone in one hand. It was contently silent.
Jack would glance over at you every now and again, curious as to what you were doing on your phone at different moments and simply starved for something to look at. By the time the cereal in your own bowl was getting low, however, Jack had come to the realization that something was off about you. The angelic side of him screamed that it was bad, something that was eating you from the inside out. Yet you looked the same, nothing different about your face or your mood.
You noticed Jack was staring at you. “What?” You asked, the words coming out in an awkward laugh.
Jack paused. “Are you okay?”
You gave him a strange look before smiling a little and nodding. “I’m fine, Jack.” And in your eyes, you were. You had no idea.
But eventually, you did find out, with the bruises lining your arms and back and the bile that seemed to want to rise out of your stomach constantly. You returned again after this, and Jack could tell once more that something was not only wrong but that it upset you. As a hunter, you were good at faking and pushing away your emotions into nothing, but Jack could tell. 
This was the point Jack knew Castiel had for sure figured it out because he pulled you aside and simply asked if you knew. You did. 
It wasn’t much longer before you sat down Jack and the Winchesters, Castiel near you for some form of support in the chaos that you seemed consumed by. It was as if a black cloud was consuming you as if years of dust and tears had risen from your body to cloud the natural brightness that Jack normally senses around you. 
You had told them simply and to the point, emotionless even. Sam had teared up very quickly and Dean became stoic and frozen. The Nephilim remained motionless, and he supposed he had always known, deep down.
That was a while ago now. 
Jack put down the pencil and stood up. The card was important, he knew that he would need to finish it later, but he had an idea now. Quietly, Jack opened his own door and walked the few steps down the hallway to yours. He didn’t hear anything from inside, which was a sign that it was either empty or that you were asleep. Either music would blast or some movie played from within, but then again Jack knew nothing was normal anymore. 
Jack opened the door into your room slowly, his breathing cutting through the air. Swallowed in darkness lied your sleeping figure, body rising with each breath. He watched you for a moment, caught up in the serenity of the moment. You were lovely. 
Quietly, so as not to disturb your sleep, Jack moved to kneel next to your bed. He put one hand on your forehead and the other on your shoulder, feeling it subtly rise and fall with your breathing. Closing his eyes, he concentrated and tried to let the energy flow through him. He felt the faucet open, but he could feel what came out do absolutely nothing. He took a breath and tried again, his hands softly glowing golden to match his eyes. Concentrate. Breath. Concentrate. Breath.
Nothing. His powers were worthless now because they fell short when it came to what he wanted most. How was that fair, that he couldn’t save you? It wasn’t, that was for damn sure. It wasn’t fair and the universe must just be confused, it thought he was trying something else. He figured he would come back in an hour and try again, like when you would explain that for phones to work, sometimes the best thing was to turn it on and off, then give it time. He would give you time, and try again.
Yet he knew that would also fail. 
The realization and emotions overwhelmed him. Not knowing what else to do, Jack softly closed the door and walked towards where he knew Sam and Dean were. 
Jack stood at the entrance to the kitchen for almost a minute before the Winchesters realized he was there. His face was already red and wet with tears, and he just stood there with his arms hanging at his sides. The image was killing Sam and Dean. “I don’t know what to do,” He admitted in a hushed voice, and Sam and Dean remained frozen. “What do I do?” 
“Jack, hey.” Sam was the first to move forward. “Hey, what’s up? Why are you-”
Jack cut him off. “Y/N is dying and all I can do is watch. Why? I tried to help her, but I can’t. Why can’t I?” His voice raised the longer he spoke. “That isn’t fair!”
“I know. I’m sorry it’s not fair, Jack, but sometime’s that’s how life is.” Sam’s words came out soft and mild.
“No, not this time. This time it’s going to be okay, it’s supposed to be. It needs to be okay, Sam, but I can’t do anything about it! Why- why can’t I save her?” Jack was yelling now, his arms throwing gestures into the air. 
Sam held a hand out as if to say, ‘down boy’. “Jack, it’s not your fault.”
“Blaming yourself gets you nowhere, kid,” Dean added. 
Jack was panting, looking between Sam and Dean. He knew he needed to keep his emotions in check, that the yelling and the anger wasn’t going to help you. Yet it helped, he swore it did. To get it out in boils, to let the emotion slowly pour out like honey. “What else can I do?” The anger dropped off by the end of the sentence, and Jack was left as what he supposed he really was: a small boy, too scared to lose someone else.
Wordlessly, Dean pulled Jack into a hug. “You can’t save everyone,” Dean spoke softly into Jack’s hair, words of wisdom he had heard long ago but was now passing down. It was a level of emotion that Jack had never seen Dean express before, a raw and almost frightening reveal. How bad did things have to be for Dean was this distraught?
They held the hug for a while, Jack steadying his breathing and Dean tried to control his own. Sam ran a hand under each eye, trying his hardest to catch any tears but failing, then he moved forward to join Jack and Dean. Jack was pressed between both brothers, their body heat warming him and helping him calm down. This was his family, and they wanted him to be okay. Of course, they wanted you to be okay and they wanted the world to be okay, but that was hard to do in one action. So for now, they decided it was their job to hold and help Jack, to make him okay if only for a duration. 
And for a moment there, everything was okay. 
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neapolitanadonna · 4 years
You're literally the only valid Hetalia writer I've ever seen. For the times, can we PLEASE get how the axis (+Prussia and Romano) would act in self quaratine? It's been almost nine weeks for me, and I'm just about losing it. Thank you!!!
Omg pleaaase don’t say I’m the only valid one! I’m certanly not (seeing as though I literally said fuck it and haven’t posted in a year) But thank you so much you make me soft :,) 
Also, I hope nobody takes me writing about the countries experiences in quaratine as insensitive. Italy’s is a little more detailed just because I was there (and had to return home) just as the virus broke out, and most of my family is still over there. We’re all in this together! 
He honestly doesn’t hate self quarantine as much as everyone expects him to. He’s done nothing but work his ass off for over two hundred years- a little break isn’t going to do him any harm. 
He leaves his house in Berlin for his cottage in Cochem. For him, it’s the ideal place to spend by himself for a few weeks- not a lot of people, very little noise, just a little house, a big plot of land, and his dogs. It’s healthy for him. 
While he tells himself he’s going to use his time for himself, he’s worried sick. When he heard about the devastation in Italy, he couldn’t sleep for two days worrying about the wellbeing of his friend, and even South Italy, knowing most of his population was elderly. 
So, like a doting father, Germany calls North Italy once a day, every day, until the death toll falls in his region. Don’t judge him, worrying can be theraputic to him. 
North Italy 
He locks himself in his apartment in Milan, and refuses to leave. Even when his brother invites him down to Naples, which is a safer area, he absolutely refuses to leave his apartment. 
Why? He can’t really get all that sick himself- human illnesses don’t effect him. What he can’t stand to see is devistation. You would think after several hundred years of war and loss, all countries would be used to the loss of their people. Noth Italy isn’t. He physcially and mentally can’t bring himself to step outside to see anything. 
He opened the curtains once just to see empty streets, and an empty courtyeard infront of the Duomo. Nothingness and being alone is his biggest fear. 
Though, as the death tolls drop, people start singing out of their apartment windows and he learns more about life coming back to the canals in Venice, he opens up a lot more. He opens the curtains, wakes up in the AM rather than the PM, and plants flowers outside his windowsill. He’s been through enough to know that tragedy doesn’t last forever. 
Japan’s been in isolation for over two hundred years of his life- he can take a couple months of sitting inside his house in Otaru and relax for a while. But he doesn’t do this. 
Japan’s natural instinct would be to protect himself, his boss implored that he did and people expected it. However, he stayed at his residence in Tokyo, and went in every day to work with the front line officials to figure out ways to keep kids educated, people fed, and hospitals up and running. 
Japan promised to himself back then that he would no longer close himself off from the rest of the world, and he definitely was not going to close himself off to his people. 
He doesn’t even realize that there’s a global pandemic until his brother tells him about it. Prussia’s been alive throughl so much, that he laughs. It’s about time that humanity goes through something like this again. No, he doesn’t think people deserve to suffer, of course he finds it terrible. But for him, it’s been a while since something huge and devistating has brought the entire world together. People were starting to lose their sympathy for others. 
His hardest decision is figuring out where to stay. He resides anywhere where pieces of the Berlin wall are preserved, and he almost decides on The United States, but figured Germany is the best place to stay. 
He shows up to Germany’s house in Cochem a week after Germany establishes there himself. He immidiately drives Germany crazy. Being stuck somewhere reminds him too much of the Berlin Wall days. Needless to say, he isn’t very cooperative at first. 
South Italy 
Much like his brother, South Italy is very weak willed when it comes to tragedy. While it really hit in his brothers parts more, South Italy is still enforced to stay inside all day- not even able to leave the house for a walk down the street. 
He very quickly drives himself insane. He can’t be alone with his head for too long or else he becomes irrationally angry and sensative about things he shouldn’t be. He starts calling his brother first, even if it’s usually the other way around. He calls Spain, hell, he even picks up phone calls from Germany- it’s become nice to hear his “stupid, ugly accent” on the other end. 
I’m not sure if countries can necessarily gain weight, but somehow, in quaratine, he does. All he really has to do is cook, so he breaks out his grandpa’s very, very old cookbook and starts working through that. Most of the recepies are named after girls, which isn’t surprising, really. He somehow manages to become an even better cook at the end of it all. 
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chxmpionofjustice · 4 years
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♡  IS YOUR MUSE TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE? Usagi is the shortest of all of her friends. She’s 4′11″ or 150 cm and yes, she’s fun-sized.
♡  ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT? Yes and no. Her lack of height can come in handy sometimes, but it really is a pain in the butt to buy pants. She compensates with shorts and skirts and she can’t really complain because she’s looks amazing in them. And her boyfriend’s face is too far away from hers for her own liking, but standing on tip toe for a kiss feels like something out of a romance, so she can deal.
♡  WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE? Long, blonde, and shiny. She tries to keep it cut to around knee/calf length but ever since she awoke as the Moon Princess, her hair seems to want to grow much farther than than of its own accord and... well it seems to get a little lighter over time. She keeps her hair up in her signature odango-and-pig-tail style on either side of her head. The hair style is held to together painstakingly with hair bands and bobby pins, all of which come out when she goes to sleep. Sometimes she’ll wear her hair in two low pigtails when she sleeps but more often than not, she lets her hair loose.
♡  DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR  /  GROOMING? Hahahahahahahhahaha. What do you think? YES. Usagi’s hair is one of the few things she puts real effort into. Her hairstyle itself takes a lot of time to do (She’s got the thing down to a science but it still takes her around 10 minutes and would take anyone else a LOT longer), not to mention what she does to keep her hair healthy. Usagi has a whole basket of hair products in her room, ranging from shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, and oils. Maintaining all that hair is hard, okay?
♡  DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE  /  WHAT OTHERS THINK?  Yes and no. She definitely cares what she looks like. She loves fashion and putting together outfits so she looks kawaii wherever she’s going (this also counts work as an adult, she will be the girl in the office wearing the cutest blouse and skirt combo with a pair of adorable kitten heels and this will clearly fool everyone into thinking she can adult). But she doesn’t really do that because she cares what others think. She does that for herself, to make herself happy. And if people happen to think she looks good, well that’s a plus. She can be a little vain like that, but who isn’t?
♡ WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? HAHAHAHA. Okay do y’all even have TIME to read this? Seriously, there are a lot. To name the biggest bad habit of hers, it’s over-indulgence. Usagi shamelessly indulges in EVERYTHING she loves to the point of excess sometimes. She’s banned from a couple buffets because of her eating habits, the girl is a black hole for food, and will eat whatever she wants to eat. She wastes money on food, mostly junk food because she doesn’t cook. 
Despite the fact that she can’t cook, she will buy ANY cute appliance available for the kitchen that she can. Hello Kitty Toaster? Got it. Sailor Senshi chopsticks? GOT THE WHOLE SET (of course for when everyone comes over, they can eat with their designated chopsticks, duh). Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker? BOUGHT (Girl doesn’t know how to make waffle batter). Every single cup she owns has a character on if from some anime, movie, or manga. She even has commemorative Sailor Senshi cups too. Oh you thought it ended with the chopsticks? NOPE. She spends money on plushies, pillows, pens, bags, etc, of her and her friends and does it QUITE HAPPILY. Of course, the thing she buys the most of (besides herself)? Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo Mask plushies. A Tuxedo Mask pillow case for a body pillow (listen don’t judge her), the rare Tuxedo Mask action figure and the Tuxedo Mask vibr-.... Well let’s just say that she doesn’t only buy every day items with his brand.
A lot of her indulgence has to do with money because she has no impulse control. If she sees a cute thing, she wants it, she buys it. Be it items or clothes. And whatever she buys usually ends up... Well, not put away. Usagi can be pretty messy (it’s a system that works for her, okay), to put it simply. And she’s messy because, to put it quite frankly, she’s kind of lazy. She’s a queen procrastinator who prefers to play games, read manga, doodle, and SLEEP rather than do homework or chores. Usagi would rather do anything under the sun except her responsibilities and everyone who knows her knows this. Boy, do they know this.
That being said, when she is facing her responsibilities as Sailor Moon, she does almost a complete 180. The Earth is her responsibility to protect and she will do anything she has to to keep it safe. Even if it means sacrificing herself. Despite how selfish she can act with certain things (food mostly, she’s like Joey, JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD), Usagi will give herself to save a life in an instant. No hesitation. Because to her every life is precious. The world is precious. So if she has to use her crystal to the point where she has no life energy left to defeat someone evil or divert an asteroid, she will. If she has to throw herself into an abyss to defeat an enemy and save everyone else, she will. 
You may be asking yourself why I wrote that all out. “Altruism is a good thing!” I did it because the level of altruism she displays is destructive. To herself. She is so willing to save everyone that if she sees her own demise as the only way to keep everyone else from dying, she will let herself die. And that’s not giving up. Giving up would be going without a fight. Usagi is gonna fight until her very last breath and that’s gonna be what takes her. Unless someone can come up with a way to save everyone where she won’t have to do that, there’s no stopping her, either. 
♡ HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM? Yes and no. Usagi and her friends have all died more than once. Losing them and Mamoru the first time it happened was absolutely devastating to her. She still has nightmares of seeing their bodies lifelessly laying in the snow. Of watching Mamoru, her prince, die in her arms and then be taken away from her only to become a pawn for the enemy. 
The first deaths are the hardest to get over.
And then watching one by one as her friends were taken by the Black Moon (she only BARELY saved Venus, if she didn’t have Mina-P with her, she doesn’t know if she would have been able to go on like she did), her future daughter was corrupted so heinously that she took her own father hostage for her own amusement, and then Sailor Pluto’s death.
I won’t even get into how Galaxia practically vaporized Mamoru in front of her and she was so traumatized that she wiped it from her own memory and was convinced he got on the plane to America. Or how Galaxia also did the same to her friends. There are nights Usagi wakes up in tears with the awful inability to breathe and the only thing that can calm her down is hearing their voices. 
She clings tight to Mamoru when anyone gives him an all too appreciative lingering look (seriously, the man is too pretty for his own good, he attracts so many bad guys) because god forbid they end up turning out to be something evil and try to take him away from her. 
The long and the short of it is that Usagi definitely has some form of PTSD. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
♡ WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS? Usagi had a sunny life and continues to live wearing rose-tinted glasses even when she has to stop and save the world now and then. She has so many fond memories of growing up like playing dress up with her mom,  meeting Naru in primary school, playing in parks and going to the beach with her family. She has even fonder memories of meeting her best friends, her sisters in arms, in middle school.
And, despite how it ended, sometimes Usagi likes to think on some of the memories from her past life in the Silver Millennium. How she and the senshi would spend day after day with each other. Memories of her mother doting on her and of extravagant balls held in opulent ballrooms. Memories of meeting the beautiful prince of Earth and of the first time she felt his lips on hers.
She has an awful lot to sort through.
♡ IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL?  Hell no. She struggles with that idea. The only time she kills is when the enemy has shown their truest form and she has no choice. Otherwise, Usagi will do her damnedest to save everyone. The bad guy included. Because everyone deserves a second chance to do the right thing.
♡ WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN?  Usagi is known for being a crybaby. We establish this early on when we meet her. So one would think her break downs are loud and dramatic because that’s how she is when she cries. That’s... Not strictly true though. When Usagi breaks down, really breaks down, its because she’s holding onto her pain quietly. Usagi breaks down with silent tears and full body sobs. She breaks down with trembling hands and their white knuckle grip on her pillow that she’s holding against her face to muffle when she can’t be quiet anymore.
She breaks down alone.
When someone finds her and tries to comfort her, it can go one of two ways, either she’ll just keep letting it out and allow herself to be comforted, or she’ll suck it all back in, put a stopper in it and assure whomever it is that she’s fine, really, she was just crying because Lawsons didn’t have any more red velvet cake, honestly. 
When Usagi breaks down, she’s at her lowest emotionally, usually feeling horrible about herself. That’s a point that you’d think would be particularly difficult for her to get to right? Right?
♡ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? She literally does this all the time. Usagi is an amazing judge of character. Not counting her senshi, Usagi has put her life in the hands of people that her allies considered untrustworthy multiple times. And she was right to trust every single one of them. The first one being Tuxedo Mask, then the Outer Senshi. After that, Hotaru. Helios. The Starlights. Usagi knows when she can trust someone with her life and yes, yes, YES, she is very capable of doing it. 
♡ WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? Haaaaaaaaaaaa, gosh. Usagi in love is... She loves with her whole self. Usagi is not good at hiding her emotions, even when she’s trying to hold them in. She’s the definition of ‘heart on your sleeve’ because she’s so very open with her emotions and she doesn’t know any other way to be. 
When Usagi is in love, you can take one look at her with the person she loves and it’s obvious. We’re talkin’ heart eyes muthafucka. She’s clingy, likes to touch and be affectionate a lot. And, this goes back to her indulgence thing, she has no problem letting her person know she wants them when she wants them and indulging in that. She’s not subtle in anything with her love. 
She is very physical in her love, but that’s because that’s how she is. But being in love is also tender. Kisses pressed into sleep warm skin, banter and giggles over breakfast (that the other person made because once again, ya girl cannot COOK), cuddling on the couch or in bed while having soft conversations or talking about their day, going out to spend the day at the park or where ever for a day date, romantic dinners in her favorite restaurants or, even better, at home. It’s secret smiles and softened eyes and soft brushes of skin. It’s being completely open and endlessly patient when the other person can’t be just yet. Usagi in love is both in-your-face and achingly tender.
And yes, I know that Usagi had heart eyes when she saw Rei. Listen. Usagi has a big heart. Like a humongous heart. She falls in love easily. She could say she’s in love with her ice cream and totally mean it, okay? Usagi loves with all of herself and that’s not just romantically. But the type of “in love” Usagi can be in, because of her heart, can seem fickle, even when it’s not to her. Just because she started loving one thing doesn’t mean she doesn’t love something else just as fiercely.
♡ TAGGED BY: @adversitybloomed​  ♡ TAGGING :  WHO EVER WANTS TO TBH
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tinayoufatlarrdd · 5 years
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Frankly, they didn’t start on the best term.
He met Y/N during a photoshoot for a certain famous magazine. She was assigned to grace the cover of said magazine with the photograph of the world’s most it couple, Harry Styles and the supermodel who gained the universal acclaim for ‘taming the baby Mick Jagger’.
It was all fun and pretty until Y/N accidentally stepped on the girlfriend’s polished toes.
“For fuck’s sake!” Harry screamed at Y/N as the supermodel girlfriend suddenly started limping her way to Harry, asking for some sort of first aid.
Y/N couldn’t stop muttering sorry, offering ice blocks, even kneeling next to the supermodel girlfriend begging for forgiveness. The creative director, the crew, the editors—the whole studio apologized countless times for the tiny slip as the girlfriend pouted, complaining about the unbearable pain, causing Harry to hit the ceiling.
He yelled at Y/N and refused to go on. Y/N, knowing her inferior position in the equation, could only look down as the apologies continuously rolled out of her tongue. To be fair, everyone in the studio (except the lovebirds, obviously) knew it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Y/N was capturing Harry’s solo session while the girlfriend fixed the hair and makeup. She was up next for her solo session and then it’s a wrap. Of course the photographer would move around; every supermodel should be aware of the fact that angles were plenty and it took treads to actually find the right ones. Y/N was constantly moving, camera on hand, eyes on the viewfinder, then suddenly the ‘big accident’ occurred.
Y/N was barefooted, she wouldn’t even be able to squeeze a hard turd if she ever stepped on one with that wonky heel of hers. There was no way she’d had caused the girlfriend that much pain. And nobody blamed Y/N as they all witnessed how the girlfriend walked on set with her eyes on the phone, hitting Y/N first. Nobody but the girlfriend and Harry Styles, of course. So they all just watched in silence as Harry cursed and threw a fit on innocent Y/N.
The power couple didn’t want to continue unless Y/N was replaced. The crew had to comply no matter how irrational the demand sounded. And on top of that, suddenly Y/N was plastered on the internet as the girl who assaulted the world’s biggest supermodel and Harry Styles.
She would never forget the overwhelming uneasiness caused by the sudden rave of negative reviews about her, all from people who endorsed and supported her in the first place but decided to be the footnote of the Hollywood sweethearts’ testimony: ‘awful to work with’, ‘nothing without the connection’, ‘a mediocre photographer who got lucky’, and ‘talentless’.
And she still couldn’t wrap her mind around that dreaded event. She had heard tremendous chivalry and gentlemanlike attitude when it came to Harry Styles yet somehow, he was nothing but a certified dick who put her job on the line that day. Some friends who remained loyal to her speculated that the girlfriend was the bad influence. Some even were convinced that he was voodooed. She didn’t care about either, all she believed was that he’s an absolute wretch with an extraordinarily thick mask. A media trained monkey was the term she occasionally used after a few tequila shots.
“That witch is his Yoko Ono, I tell ya,” the creative director told her during their final meeting—the meeting to let her go, of course.
She just shrugged. All she wanted was her old life back. And if Harry Styles and/or that supermodel got into some terrible misery in that comeback, that would definitely be her cherry on top.
She still got a few gigs, just not as much and definitely not with big profiles like she used to. For Pete’s sake, she was deemed a promising photographer by those fashion executives! She was only getting started. She would have never imagined that with just a short answer during a talk show’s truth or dare game—who’s the one person you’d never want to work with ever again?—the power couple could diminish her entire life’s worth of hard work.
Within the next few months, she’s back to square one. Every morning she tried to contact some old clients who would perhaps still deign to be affiliated with, according to the world’s biggest supermodel’s words on that talk show, ‘the rudest effin’ bitch I’ve ever seen in the industry’.
And after countless unsuccessful attempts, she went back to the cafe she used to work at when she’s still starting her career, not to network like she used to but to pour some coffee for other people again. She’s back with the apron and the napkin and she couldn’t stop being cynical over some hopeful youngsters who got signed right in front of her eyes, on the table she just wiped.
Her cameras were laid unused on top of her rack and the mini darkroom she built in her apartment became a storage room. Believing she had failed miserably in life, she found herself no longer had hopes on anything. All she knew was to get by the day.
It was a cold December night. Everyone else went home to celebrate the holidays so she decided to do the shift. She’d be paid double plus she wouldn’t have to face her family, which would go eerie in this state of her life, so it was the better choice.
Having had just finished cleaning the whole cafe, she put on her coat. She was ready to come home to… nothing. Her mind raced back to this time last year, where she was fully booked and couldn’t wait to come home so she could recharge herself for an exciting tomorrow. Her life had become exceptionally dull and it was painful to go on.
An abrupt banging on the door halted her train of desperate thoughts.
“We’re closed. Can’t you see the time?! It’s almost midnight!” she snarked, back facing the intruder.
“S- Sorry, love…” the hoarse voice was paused with a couple of hiccups. “‘m just completely devastated…”
She rolled her eyes as she turned around and she almost had a heart attack. There stood the man who destroyed her life, terribly wasted out of his mind. He could barely stand straight without holding onto the doorknob.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she rolled her eyes, asking some deity entity if there was ever one.
“Hey! I know yeh…” Harry tried to get to her but his legs just gave up.
Falling face first, Y/N really wanted to leave him on the street. But of course she had that little voice of reason inside her that constantly screamed, “If you abandon him, you’re nothing better than him!” She was a decent person and she really hated it this time.
“Come on up,” she pulled Harry up and lingered his arm around her shoulder to help him walk. “Where do you live?”
“I don’t k- know,” he giggled. “I can’t remember, love…”
“Try,” she slapped his arm when he almost fell off yet again.
The snow was pouring down and they stood by the empty crossroad. Harry wouldn’t even remember his own name by now and she didn’t know how to get to his house. There was no other choice than to bring him home to her place.
It was nothing short of hard work to carry a man twice her size to her house on foot since there was not even a single cab around. It was even harder to hear him tell a story about his first imaginary friend during that wobbly trip where he tumbled more than five times and she had to pick him up every time. But it was the hardest when she had to take off his shoes so it wouldn’t mess with her couch—he didn’t want to take it off, nagging her with numerous ‘Go away, Mum!’s.
When she finally got to lay on her bed, she was too tired to even think of what just happened. She literally did some cardio workout bringing Harry home safe so unlike her usual nights, she fell asleep quite fast this time.
It was around four in the morning when she felt a body of weight sunk into her side. She turned around to face his uninvited guest sound asleep, legs tangled over hers like a knot. She quietly removed her legs and tried to get up. She needed to move to the couch, or anywhere far away from this invader.
This is my fucking house, why am I the one sleeping outside, she thought to herself. Anger boiling at the top of her head as her movement was stopped by his strong hand.
“Stay here…” he slurs.
He didn’t seem conscious to her. Maybe he mistook her as his girlfriend.
“I’m not—“
“I know,” he cut her off while still sleeping. “Just stay here for a while. It’s cold out there.”
She sighed and laid back down. Stiff and uncomfortable, but obviously exhausted, she closed her eyes as Harry’s arm pulled her closer to him. She could only hope the night would soon end or better yet, this was all not real.
When Harry woke up, he found a sticky note on his forehead.
‘You were hammered last night, didn’t know where you live so I took you home. Nothing happened, you just sorta burst into where I work around midnight so I kind of had to not abandon you. Don’t make yourself at home because this is my home.’
He couldn’t remember anything. He remembered getting blind drunk after gulping those spirit shots but what happened after that was redacted. His surrounding was unfamiliar and there was no other sign of life other than him that morning.
After splashing his face with cold water, he looked around the apartment. It was modest but very personal. There were random film rolls hung by the ceiling as Harry made his way to the living room. He put on his shoes by the couch as he observed the vinyl shelf at the corner of the room. It was filled with 60s-70s biggest musicians, from Jimi Hendrix to Van Morrison—which grew his curiosity of the owner. There were books that he also read, and the series of psychedelic photographs framed by the doorway was the biggest tic that made him wonder: how did he end up in this hippie’s safe haven, one that he actually wanted to live in when he was young? Did he get so hammered that he traveled back in time? His head hurt too bad to even think of the possibilities, all he knew was there was something about the owner that felt familiar and he ought to know them. He had to.
Harry rushed to shower at his home and got some aspirin. After running some overdue errands, he immediately went back to the apartment. He knocked on the door a few times to no avail so he decided to wait by his car outside.
Y/N was relieved when there was no sign of Harry when she got home that night. She would be lying if she wasn’t a tad bit worried of him considering he could absolutely die that night if he went to the wrong place, but then again he was the guy who ended her career so she couldn’t care less.
She picked Nick Drake’s Pink Moon from her vinyl collection and put it on the turntable. Relaxing by the couch that still reeked of alcohol and him, she ignored the constant knock on the door. It was usually her crazy neighbor looking for his nonexistent cat.
It was the sixth track that she finally got up and opened the door, hoping to end the annoyance of her peaceful evening.
Her eyes bugged out when she saw the figure by her door. It was him again.
Harry, with his furrowed eyebrows and lanky feet, looked just as surprised as she was. He clearly remembered who she was and somehow, not even Nick Drake’s soothing voice could calm her down. Filled with rage, she slammed the door right in front of his face.
Harry was shocked to see her. He’d never thought in a million years that he’d ever meet her again, moreover lodged by her. He wanted to thank her but he knew she’d probably throw a glass of water to his face. But he could not just leave.
So he did the tackiest trick in the book. When the track from behind the closed door hit Free Ride, one of his favourites, he began singing along as loud as possible. Some neighbors shushed him, some even scolded him but he didn’t stop.
She heard him loud and clear. She ignored him at first, but then she received a noise complaint call from the super. Upset, she thumped her way towards the door.
“Stop it!” she gritted her teeth as she opened it.
He stopped. “May I come in?”
“What do you want?” she barked.
“Just wanted to say thanks,” he muttered low.
“You’re welcome. There,” she slammed the door again.
There was nothing he could do so he decided to leave for now.
He came again the next day, this time saying there was something he needed to give back to her.
“What now?” she wasn’t as upset as the day before, but was still unfriendly as they just stood by the door leaf.
Harry handed her the sticky note she left on his forehead the day before.
“You can keep it,” she said as she closed the door.
No slamming door. A progress, Harry thought.
He came back again two days after that, carrying a limited release Fleetwood Mac record signed by Stevie Nicks herself.
“Got Stevie to sign it. They don’t have this at the stores anymore,” he presented it as if he was doing some product placement scene.
“Look, Harry Styles,” she crossed her arms. “I don’t even know what the hell do you want from me but I really don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. You’ve done enough.”
“Yes, about that…” Harry scratched his forehead. “’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” she pushed the door but Harry was quick to hold it open.
“I’d help you make things right again,” his green eyes were desperate for her answer.
She let out a heavy sigh and moved aside as if cuing him to enter her little bubble. Harry entered immediately, not wanting to waste any more time in the outside world.
She was listening to Neil Young’s Harvest Moon, to which Harry sang along gently. She could hate him all she wanted but he really sounded divine especially within close proximity.
“Shouldn’t you be somewhere else, anyway?” she sat on the far end of the couch.
He put the record on the coffee table. “Where, exactly?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “Some talk show to say some shit about me with the girlfriend perhaps?”
“Look ‘m really sorry, I truly am,” he sighed. “And ‘m not with her anymore…”
He then explained everything. How he fell in love for the first time in his life with the supermodel who was perfect, beautiful, smart, and everything he’d ever dreamed of. How he was so sure of her but she didn’t feel the same so he tried to show it with everything he’s got—grand romantic gestures, going public (which was personally hard for him since he was a very private person), and siding with her on every kind of problem even if it meant hauling over an innocent photographer’s coals. He also explained how he felt awful most of the time since he’d changed so much for a person who didn’t even love him back and he began to feel lost. It all then culminated a couple nights ago when she decided that it was all still not enough and broke up with him over a phone call. That’s when he went crazy with the liquor and ended up wandering around.
She felt sorry for him and although she knew he could be lying, she could understand his pain. So, she decided to accept his apology. She knew it wouldn’t change anything for her but at least she wouldn’t have to carry around so much hatred in her life and he could also move on with his life, not haunted by the guilt.
He promised to help her gain her reputation back. The two planned to make some exclusive photoshoot of Harry himself.
They began meeting every now and then. At first, they would talk about all things professional and did photoshoots. She started receiving positive feedbacks especially after Harry gave her the shoutouts—it didn’t take a split second for his loyal fans to swarm her online profiles. With her raising popularity she started getting bigger gigs again, even bigger than her old gigs. She quit working at the cafe and her darkroom was occupied yet again.
Then, they would spend even more time together. He would make up excuses to meet with her, like he needed to see how she developed her rolls or coming by with a batch of eggs saying he was worried she ran out of eggs. Y/N knew Harry was just feeling lonely after the breakup so she always let him in. Nobody wants to hurt alone, she always thought.
He soon didn’t need any more excuses as he had become an extended roommate of hers. He always said he wanted to live in the 70s and her apartment was like a dream home for him. She just brushed it off, saying it’s because of her hidden interior designing talent. And with each passing day, as they grew closer, her hatred dissipated and was replaced with something strange yet pleasant inside her heart.
She learned the depths of him that no one else knew and it all became the little things only she understood. She felt privileged to gain the limited access.
Sometimes he’d show her the sneak peak of his newest song and she would give notes as she watered the many plants around her place. Sometimes they would play board games while discussing the possibility of living on Mars. Some other times, Harry would lay his head on her legs, not saying a word while Karen Dalton’s magnificent voice filled the air.
Her favourite moment with him had to be when they did the impromptu picnic under the stars. With a bottle of cheap wine, portable turntable, and shared blanket, they laid by the garden as they talked about their fears and desires. That was the first time in such a long time she could open up to someone and he said that made him feel so special.
Of course he was special to her. That’s why she still tiptoed around him from time to time, avoiding conversations like her love life because she didn’t want him to think that she’d like him when actually the growing feelings inside her heart had begun to suffocate her.
The way he spontaneously baked for her (and snobbishly told the infamous ‘I was a baker’ story), the way he laughed at her jokes, the way his eyes sparked when they were dancing around, the way he snored a little when he’s sleeping, the way he called her name—she wanted to just sink herself into his warmth and never let go.
Yet she couldn’t help but wonder whether he felt the same way too. The frequency of the supermodel’s name mentioned in their conversations has since reduced to almost never, but she still felt a sting in her heart as she knew she could never replace her. She was, after all, his first love. And don’t get her started on the physical prowess which she obviously lacked in compared to the supermodel. She didn’t dare to ask Harry whether he’s really forgotten about her, afraid that he’d find out her true feelings for him. So she remained the same. At least, he would be still by her side.
At least, there would never be any rejections.
The city was already blossoming when she realized that Harry had left traces of himself on every corner of her place. The hung film rolls were filled with his silly expressions, so was the polaroid collections stuck on her walls. He had installed a pile of pants by the corner of her living room so that he didn’t have to bring any change. And of course her bathroom now had a pair of tooth brushes. It rocketed her hopes but still, her doubts crept inside her mind every so often.
That lazy Saturday night, she went home from grocery shopping to find Harry asleep on her couch. He looked so soft and warm and she couldn’t help but to run her fingers through his smooth hair. She nervously came closer to his face and pressed a tender kiss on his forehead.
She got up immediately, afraid to wake him up. To her surprise, he suddenly grabbed her arm.
“What was that for, love?” he asked.
He didn’t even have the bed face he usually had, which led her to believe that he wasn’t really asleep.
“Were you pretending to be asleep?” she pulled away.
Harry stood up just as fast and within seconds, he wrapped her in his hug. He placed a kiss on top of her head and slowly traveled down to her forehead, her nose, her cheeks. His lips roamed over hers as he slowly pressed them. It wasn’t heated and full of lust but rather deep and passionate as if he was taking his time.
It didn’t take long before they made their way to the bedroom and undressed each other with no rush. There was no spoken words, no roughness, just two people tangled up in heated infatuation.
When she woke up, he was still there. And it was beautiful.
It was still beautiful the next few months when they became a couple. He was her world and everything else was just background noise. He made her feel like the only person that mattered, as if everything that happened before ‘them’ was unreal. That this was the only real thing and it was all too good to be true.
Y/N should know better though, that life came just like a full circle. She just didn’t expect to actually be put back into the circle so soon.
They were invited to an afterparty of a fashion line Harry was strongly tied to and Y/N was more than proud to be by his side when he was introduced to be the muse that season. He was having the time of his life and so was she. The two held hands the entire time as they talked to everyone.
The belle of the ball, Harry himself seemed overwhelmed with the amount of love he received. He occasionally pressed her hand a little tighter when he was nervous, to which she’d respond with stroking his hand with her thumb. The simplest gestures that they’d developed overtime as they grew accustomed to each other’s idiosyncrasies or as Harry said, the good stuff about you.
That was until he saw a glimpse of her in the middle of the crowd that he suddenly let go of Y/N’s hand as if he was afraid that she would see him with Y/N. It would have been a little over a year since she last saw the supermodel and almost a year since Harry last met her.
All this time, Harry constantly convinced her that her insecurities over his love was nothing, that he only wanted her. And yet, he never even said those three words to her.
She knew now why he never did.
All this time, it wasn’t doubt that kept haunting her. It was a hunch.
The music was blasting but for Y/N, everything was silence. It only took a few seconds before she realized the look in Harry’s eyes. As if it was never truly her his eyes set on. That she was just a company to pass time. That she was the one he wanted just never loved.
She was never the one.
She tried to grab his hand before he’d be gone for good, and could only let out a faint ‘Please, don’t.’
But he could only mutter a little ‘Sorry.’ as he let go of her grasp and made his way through the crowd, trying to get to her, while leaving Y/N drowning in the sea of human who celebrated the man that she loved.
Part two.
Part three.
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starrysnowdrop · 5 years
My New OC and Ship Headcanons
Yup, I have been very inspired with a new OC and ship! The worst thing about it is that there’s not a lot of Artoirel content out there... and I mean hardly anything at all. But that’s also the best thing about it: I can let my mind take an idea and run with it!
First, you should probably read Psyche’s profile HERE and my first ship headcanons HERE.
Psyche Headcanons
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Psyche is an only child raised in Dalmasca by her mother. In traditional Viera fashion, Psyche’s father lives alone and doesn’t raise her. In fact, she has never even met her father, nor does she know if he’s even alive still.
Unlike the majority of the Viera, Psyche and her family lived in the city of Rabanastre and did not follow the “Green Word”. It was Psyche’s mother who was the first to leave her tribe in order to see what the world was like beyond the forest.
When her mother left the tribe, she was banished forever and even her descendants can never return. As such, Psyche has never met her family’s original tribe.
Psyche was still in her mother’s womb when her mother left her tribe, so she was even born in Rabanastre. Soon after, her grandmother and several of her aunts and cousins leave the tribe as well, due to a differing in opinion about helping outsiders.
Psyche’s surname is Somnambula, which directly translates to “sleepwalker”, but the meaning behind the surname is closer to “Dreamwalker”.
Everyone in her family has a love for astrology and divination, and specifically her mother and grandmother both have visions of the past, the future, and can even see into someone else’s dreams, though they rarely can control this power.
Yes, the visions of the past are attributed to the Echo, but no one is certain why she and her family can see the future or others’ dreams as well.
It is one such vision of hers that led Psyche to Eorzea, which was a series of flashes of her future battles as the Warrior of Light.
Not too long after arriving in Eorzea, Psyche had a reoccurring dream of a unicorn running through snow. She has no idea what to make of it until she arrived in Coerthas with Alphinaud and Cid. She then saw the sigil of House Fortemps and knew that her fate would be entwined with this High House of Ishgard.
Psyche became really good friends with Haurchefant, even thinking of him as a brother, but her feelings for him were always platonic. Obviously she took his death extremely hard.
She is a friendly person and always wants to help others. She gets Artoirel to open up to her very quickly despite his distrust of her and the Scions at first. Others remark that they find her easy to talk to and that she gives great advice.
Psyche becomes good friends with Emmanellain and his nickname for her “old girl” actually has a double meaning, as Psyche is actually “old” to him (she is 55). She is almost Count Edmont’s age, but she is still considered very young for a Viera.
One of her favorite hobbies is reading, and she usually has a book in her hand during her down time. She prefers to read about history, other cultures, and magical theory. She was fascinated with Ishgard since she was a young child, and was very excited when she finally got to see it with her own eyes.
Because she grew up in a desert environment, she is not used to the cold climate of Coerthas. However, that doesn’t stop her from wearing clothing which exposes some skin.
Artoirel de Fortemps Headcanons
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After rewatching a bunch of cutscenes and reading his dialogue throughout HW, Artoirel seems to not be a soft as Haurchefant or Aymeric, but not as gruff and edgy as Estinien.
He also isn’t afraid to speak his mind, as evidenced by his clear disapproval of having the WoL helping out with his duties when he first meets the Scions.
Artoirel sometimes has to check himself and refrain from outbursts and speaking aloud what his true thoughts on a subject when it may not be proper or polite to around others. His mouth has gotten himself into trouble growing up and sometimes now.
Artoirel also is not afraid to admit when he is wrong, as evidenced by his quick apology to WoL after the events in Falcon’s Nest. He is not so proud that he won’t apologize and to make amends for his wrongdoings.
As he is the eldest son and destined to take over for his father as Count of House Fortemps, Artoirel has a strict upbringing and his parents were hardest on him as they had very high expectations for him.
As he explains after the events of Falcon’s Nest, he always had a strained relationship with Haurchefant, and never accepted him out of his love for his mother. He judges the Scions based on the fact that he always thought Haurchefant was the favorite son and his father always gave in to him.
Also due to the fact that Artoirel hated how his mother was betrayed by his father, who had an affair with Haurchefant’s mother, Artoirel vowed he would never do that to his future wife. He has certainly been flirted with and pursued by a fair share of maids and noble women alike, he never gave in to temptation. He truly wants to be loyal only to one woman.
Psyche x Artoirel Headcanons
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For Psyche, she was not prepared when she met Haurchefant’s family, as she never thought Haurchefant’s half brother Artoirel would be so gorgeous. She was immediately attracted to him and hel feeling for him only deepened over time.
When Artoirel first saw Psyche, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, but he didn’t trust her or her fellow Scions. He even overtly protested when Psyche was asked to help him with his duties. She always thought he hated her at first, and had no idea he was so conflicted.
Artoirel’s feelings changed from just physical attraction to a full blown crush when Psyche proved herself by standing up to the heretics and successfully tracking them down. He realized that all of Haurchefant’s stories were absolutely true, and his heart couldn’t handle it.
As the Scions stayed in his home at Fortemps Manor, Psyche frequently dined with Artoirel and his family, read tomes together, trained together, and held long lasting, deep conversations well into the night. They spent a lot of time together and their feelings grew with each passing day.
Artoirel offended Psyche at first when he called her “the bunny”, as that is usually an insult to Viera. Over time, he would call her “bunny” to tease her and he laughed at her reactions, as he knew it would annoy her. Soon, it actually became his pet name for her, and he used it as a term of endearment. Now, he lovingly calls her “my bunny”.
Psyche soon called Artoirel “Artie”, and Emmanellain cringed at first, as usually Artoirel hates that nickname. This is due to the fact that it was their mother’s nickname for him. Much to Emmanellain’s shock, however, Artoirel oddly didn’t reprimand Psyche for calling him that. When asked about it, Artoirel didn’t know why it didn’t bother him when she said it. This was the first clue that Artoirel was in love with her.
They both thought that a relationship would never happen, as it is traditional that marriages are arranged, and Artoirel would never be able to marry a low born, let alone an outsider like Psyche.
It is the fact that he never thought he would be able to be with her that led him to asking Psyche if she would be a sister to him as she was to Haurchefant. Psyche agreed but she ended up running away in tears.
Artoirel is devastated that he made her cry, and Emmanellain told him the obvious fact that she loved him as much as he loved her. Artoirel says he knows there is something between them, but thinks he can never marry her.
Edmont soon tells his son that now that he is the head of their house, it is now Artoirel’s choice of who he marries. Edmont encourages Artoirel to marry for love, as he himself never had that opportunity. Along with the fact that Ishgard was rapidly changing, Psyche is in fact a ward of House Fortemps and the savior of Ishgard, so it would be a scandal to some, but not as scandalous as it could be.
Artoirel finds Psyche near Camp Cloudtop and comforts her, explains that he is now the head of House Fortemps and he has the freedom to choose who he wants to marry. He confesses that he only asked her to be a sister to him because he never thought he would be able to be with her.
Along with the love confession, he states that he has every intention of marrying her, if she would have him. She, of course, agrees.
He properly proposes after Doma and Ala Mhigo are liberated, but the wedding had to be postponed when word got out that the Empire was attacking Eorzea. Currently, they are hoping to be wed once the fighting has slowed down and Psyche returns from the First with the Scions’ souls returned to their bodies.
That is all for now! If you have gotten this far, thank you so much for reading! Hopefully I will have something written for them soon.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
(i don't know if you do xreader HCs but,, i just love your writing aAAAAA–💖💕💗💓) Out of our main cast rate who do you think woukd be most protective of their significant other? Also some mini headcanons about that if you can? (if you don't do xreaders it's a-okay i just had to try 😚🤗💖)
Hey Nonny, don’t worry I got your back. ;) I’m not usually an x-reader creator but I view x-reader headcanons as things to expand on as well with canonxcanon or canonxoc or whatevs. I like ‘em as writing prompts. So, here’s some headcanons hot off the grill!
Ishigami Senku
- Senku, would look out for his SO, around the lab. He would be on top of lab safety especially if it came to his S/O and not wanting to see them injured. Goggles, coat, gloves the whole 9 yards… While happily ignoring his own safety.
- In the modern day, Senku would be the one to make sure they never had any dates in a place that might be shady… and insist every time on walking his S/O home from said outings.
- In the Stone World, it’s worrying over hypothermia, sicknesses of all kinds.. Be wary of literal Dr. Stone armed with his self made medical tools and poultices. (I’m sure his S/O would laugh it off and even tease him… Before realizing nope. Senku’s utterly serious)
- Or resting curled up around his S/O, keeping them warm. 
- If they were a Stone Statue and Senku came across them, he’d hesitate initially at revival, unlike with Yuzuriha and Taiju. It’s one thing to revive your friends because your worried about them or scared for them… It’s another, to realize that someone you loved, so dearly might not even be conscious. In the end, he would of course choose revival versus risking The Kingdom of Might finding them and hurrying them back to the village. All the while keeping public affection to a grand minimum to avoid giving Tsukasa someone to target. 
- Maybe this would cause a bit of tension, until Senku explains that, his feelings haven’t changed, but he has to choose the group versus his feelings. If they lose even one person, in his eyes they’ve already lost the war. “There’ll be a time and place for this all. But right now, we cannot act like we usually do while Homura’s spying on us.”
-Mr. Rules are Rules would definitely be a protective S/O, focusing heavily on ensuring they can still defend themselves if he can’t. While his job keeps him very busy, they find little moments… Mostly when Kinrou can get someone to watch the bridge… and watch Ginrou for him. 
- If an enemy was attacking, he’d gladly ensure his S/O was covered, while the blows bounced off his reinforced shield…. Before using all of his might to attack. 
- Of course, there’ll be times where KInrou can’t always be there… but he will do his hardest. As far as he’s concerned, the village and those who mean the world to him in it, will always be guarded as long as he breathes.
- Someone’s flirting with Kinrou’s S/O? Cue Kinrou getting between them and ensuring this crap ends right there. 
- S/O’s fighting an enemy WITH the group instead of ducking for cover? Kinrou’s got their back and ensuring they’re fighting as a team not as just him being over protective.
- Though forget competing in the Grand Bout if your his S/O. He’s not going to watch someone he’s dating get beaten up.
Shishio Tsukasa
(This one’s for you Tsukasa fans. Especially you all who’ve caught up on the manga ;) ) 
- He’d hunt their statue down first if they were petrified and do as he said. Bury them and mark it so he can find them later, when victory is surely going to be ensured.
- However, at the same time, he would hesitate. He would very much hesitate before deciding to break his own principals and swearing them to secracy. That no matter what, while he’s trying to fight for his cause that they cannot, absolutely cannot be seen together. “I have enemies even among my own cause. I don’t trust any of them with your life.”
- Of course, this would lead to tension. If Tsukasa’s S/O knew about what he was doing, they would be arguing with him the whole time and maybe even call their relationship off because of this. 
- Tsukasa would of course be devastated but convince himself, it’s for the best. They’ll see to reason when the new world is fully as he envisions it.
 - However, after the Stone Wars and Tsukasa is dying, he only asks for two people to see him before he’s put into stasis. To see those who mean more than life itself to him. His dear little sister and his S/O. 
- Back in the modern age, Tsukasa would be protective and ensure no one was harassing his S/O… However, while they await for Senku and the others to return on the Perseus, S/O focuses on taking care of Mirai and guarding with a silent vigil of Tsukasa’s frozen tomb.
- When their reunited, it’s the best day of all of their lives. Mirai has her older brother back, S/O and Tsukasa can be together… and Tsukasa can work on atoning properly for what he’s done. 
- Not to say the second someone like Magma even LOOKS at S/O wrong, Tsukasa doesn’t punch their lights out immediately.
- He’s teased to high heaven by everyone else about this and Senku threatens to petrify him a second time. “At least I’d be able to watch him!” S/O would chime in, much to Tsukasa’s chagrin.
Here ya go! I might not to xreader HC’s all the time, as I’m normally not a consumer or creator for it but I love writing headcanons. XD So I hope you enjoy nonny! Thanks for dropping in!
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scatterpatter · 5 years
[ROUGH DRAFT] Corren’s Backstory
Okay so i REALLLY stress the “rough draft” part because I need to run this by my dm and he’ll probably need me to make changes, but this is the general idea so far- granted its worded for him and the group who know the story already rather than for like a new player, so sorry if a lot of things are out of context XD
Content Warnings: Death, emotional and physical abuse, violence, depression
Life for Corren was pretty par for the course for a Marelienth child. He lived with his father, mother, and 2 older siblings in a somewhat large town known as Warrencrest. Warrencrest was a town nestled in the Thistlepoint mountain range- a range named for the thistle-bearing plants that lined the edges of the trails. Many adventurers traveling through the mountain range wouldn’t take the trail through Warrencrest, so the city did not see many travelers. Of course travelers and adventurers weren’t rare, but the town was mostly made of Marelienth residents.
Growing up, Corren was the youngest of three siblings- his brother Julian being the middle child and his sister Mila being the eldest of the bunch. Mila and Julian were very close in age, though Corren was considerably younger. Despite this, they were as close as siblings could be- even building a tree house on their property. Most in his town practiced spellcasting in one way or another- and that followed to his family. Julian was a necromancer, and Mila was an Evoker. Due to a lack of visitors and adventurers, there were often all sorts of jobs and mini-quests posted for townsfolk to take to earn some extra cash.
Julian and Mila were definitely the adventuring types, always taking jobs to help provide for the family when not working their usual jobs. They loved every minute of it, and they’d do it full-time if they didn’t have a family to help provide for. Corren was far too young to accompany them, since many quests involved either fighting enemies and monsters or some other form of treachery, but they let him tag along on more tame quests such as deliveries or escorts. They were both so kind and happy to have him tag along, and he wanted to be just like them when he grows up.
… But things couldn’t be perfect forever. When Corren was about the Marelienth equivalent of a pre-teen, Mila got sick. It didn’t seem serious at first, but her condition slowly began to deteriorate. No one knew exactly what this illness was nor where she contracted it, but many believe she contracted it on one of her adventures with Julian. Healers in Warrencrest did whatever they could to help save her, but for whatever reason, they couldn’t. She died in their home.
Julian and Corren were understandably devastated upon losing their big sister, and neither really knew how to cope. The day she died, they spent the entire afternoon in their treehouse, just hugging each other close and not saying a word, crying in each other’s arms. … Though, Julian was a grief-stricken young adult with a focus in necromancy. That never ends well. That night, while everyone else was sleeping, Julian snuck to where they kept Mila’s body… and attempted to use his magic to resurrect her. One cannot truly resurrect a corpse unless they are level 20, and Julian was far from 20, but that didn’t stop him.
Corren woke to the sound of screaming, rushed over to where the noise had come from- only to find his sister’s corpse, still fresh and beginning to rot… attacking his brother. Mila was not herself anymore, she was a mindless undead creature with the mind of a cornered animal. Corren watched in horror as his parents rushed over to help Julian and ultimately kill the creature that was once Mila. Being only one undead creature, the battle itself wasn’t hard, but it looked too much like Mila for anyone to willingly bring more harm than necessary to it. The battle quickly ended and she was laid to rest a final time.
This was the last straw for their parents, though. They chewed Julian out for being so reckless and for essentially desecrating their daughter’s corpse. As things escalated they eventually kicked Julian out of their home forever, unofficially banishing him from the town. Corren attempted to protest, but no one listened to him. As they were throwing him out, Julian caught one last look at his little brother and shouted “We’ll meet again, this isn’t goodbye forever!” and, as a physical reminder of this promise, threw a pendant to Corren. The pendant was nothing special- a simple amethyst wrapped with copper wiring on a chain, but Julian would always wear it, and now it belonged to Corren.
To this day, they still haven’t found each other. Julian could be long dead for all Corren knows. He has no leads on where his brother could have possibly ended up.
The next few years were the hardest. Being the Marelienth equivalent of a teenager, he now had to truly focus on studying and magic, and his parents became extremely strict with him now that he was the only child of theirs that wasn’t dead or disowned. They forbade him from any questing, as they believe that’s what killed Mila, but they also forbade anything to do with necromancy, as that’s what Julian specialized in and they didn’t want Corren to turn into someone like that. They pressured him into various “safe” schools of magic, to which Corren eventually decided on Chrono-Busting.
Over the years, the tree that their childhood treehouse rested upon grew old and began to rot, and one storm brought winds high enough that made the tree topple altogether. The treehouse was ruined and unsalvageable, and as Corren stared at the wreckage that once brought him so much joy, he felt that last pit of childhood innocence fade from his soul. He kept to his studies, completely absorbing himself in books to try and distract himself from the vast emptiness he felt inside himself. As he learned how to properly cast Rope Trick, he found the room he was brought to could be molded to look like anything he wanted… … Of course, it was that tree house. It was still empty and depressing without his siblings, but at least it gave him good memories to cling to.
 … Though, he still kept the small amethyst pendant that Julian gave him. He simply couldn’t hate his brother, no matter how much his parents tried to convince him of how awful his brother was. He still looked up to Julian and still aspired to be like him… maybe without the whole “messing up in trying to revive their dead sister” part. He couldn’t help himself, as he started to study necromancy on the side, learning a few spells in that field. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but… he simply couldn’t help himself. 
One night, however, his father caught him practicing his necromancy, and things quickly went south. Corren admittedly doesn’t remember much about what happened that night, it was a blur. All he remembers is there was a lot of yelling- mainly from his father- him trying to explain himself, his father grabbed something from the desk, a sudden movement- and next thing he knew, Corren was on the floor, a dull throbbing in his head as he only saw red from his right eye. Time felt like it slowed down from there- he wasn’t sure if it was from the adrenaline or the fact that he was studying how to manipulate time itself, but it was just enough to act before he got hurt any worse. He didn’t mean to cast a magic missile… it just… happened. To be honest, to this day he’s unsure if he killed his father or simply wounded him, because once he hurt his own parent he knew there was no going back. Panicking, he took the amethyst necklace, a cloak to shield him from the elements, and ran.
He knew he wouldn’t survive a winter in the Thistlepoint range without a proper shelter, so his first order of business was to get away from the mountains and flee to a town with a more temperate climate. As he was crossing one river, he spotted his reflection in the water and realized why his vision in his right eye had gone wonky: whatever he got hit with was sharp, and left a good scar across his eye. Great, now he looks like a criminal too. But it was something he’d have to live with. His vision returned to normal within a few weeks which was good, though of course he still needed glasses. 
The next few years he just spent on the run, hopping from town to town. He never stayed in one place too long, as he didn’t want to raise any suspicion and for people to find out he was a runaway from a town he could potentially be wanted in. He absolutely hated this life, he hated feeling like a criminal, he hated how afraid he was to be found out and forced back home, he hated how he barely scraped by… and he hated being alone. He missed Mila. He missed Julian. … At least his scar slowly healed over the years, to the point where most don’t notice. At least he didn’t look like a criminal anymore.
One day, going between towns, he ran into the city of Lilenthemar. The story he told the residents there was that he was some kind of refugee from the Crescenfall area. Luckily they seemed to trust him and his story enough to allow him to stay a while, so that became his temporary home. … One day, though, he ran into an interesting fellow by the name of Jethro Mosen. He doesn’t even remember how they began talking, especially since Corren was far from the social type. Yet- something just clicked. He found himself conversing with this man, avoiding as much about his own story as he could but rather focusing on who he currently was. Though, Jethro seemed to have picked up on something, and began asking more… intellectual questions. It felt as though he was being quizzed… but Corren didn’t study magic and history for years for nothing, so he answered everything with ease. 
Then… Jethro smiled. No one had smiled at him like that since he was a child. Before he could question it, Jethro offered to hire him as a historian for the Mosen household. Corren couldn’t believe what he was hearing. To be offered a job and a place to stay- and to offer that to a stranger? There had to be some kind of catch, right? Jethro explained that whatever his story was, he was clearly qualified. Maybe it was obvious that Corren was currently homeless and jobless, to be offered a position on the spot, but… how could he say no?
And that’s what lead him to live in Lilenthemar as he aged into adulthood. He had a job that paid for food, a shelter to keep him warm, a place far from Warrencrest… And most importantly, he had Jethro. Someone who took him in and cared for him, seeming not to care about who he used to be but rather who he is now, and was so much more than an employer, he was a friend. He was even the only person that Corren had ever told his true backstory to, and despite being a runaway criminal, Jethro was so understanding and non-judgemental to his situation. Some may think that his feelings towards his employer are romantic, and honestly Corren himself doesn’t really know what he feels for Jethro… but all he knows is that for the first time in many years, he didn’t feel completely empty anymore.
The next few years he remembered what it was like to feel happy. He grew his magical skills, still mostly chrono-based but with his typical dash of necromancy. He learned to handle firearms to defend himself if magic couldn’t suffice. He began a collection of books that quickly grew into full library now that he didn’t have to be on the run with minimal possessions anymore. He even wrote a few books based on his studies, mainly focusing on the Menoa tree. He spent much of his time studying the magical properties of this place, albeit a bit frustrated that he couldn’t ever seem to activate these supposed magical properties. He kept the amethyst pendant all these years and almost never took it off, though he usually wears it underneath his clothing to protect it, so it’s rare for anyone to actually see it. He spent much of his time with Jethro, offering to help out with chores or housekeeping whenever not doing his usual historian tasks. He would find just about any excuse to have bonding time with the other, but why wouldn’t he? He may not have been this exciting adventurer that he wanted to be when he was a child… but he had a stable life that treated him well, which is more than what most of his adolescence offered.
But then… he met the F.U.C.K.s, as Jericho was Jethro’s son and the crew needed escort to the Menoa tree. Corren was more than willing to help someone of the Mosen family, so he didn’t mind giving them escort at all. Though… they quickly revealed themselves to be so much more than a typical group of adventurers. The Menoa tree immediately reacted to their presence, putting them through a series of trials before bestowing a magical weapon to Jericho. And yet… they hardly reacted, as if this was normal to them. Corren… admittedly had a meltdown in front of them, he’ll admit it, yet he just couldn’t wrap his head around who the hell these people were! Who just shows up, activates a magical tree, accepts a magical object from said tree, then turns around and leaves like that isn’t a huge deal?! Yeah, no, that was enough excitement for him. He escorted them back and told them how to get to their next destination… then he took a goddamn nap. He was so done with that crazy shit.
… Yet, he couldn’t quite forget them as easily as he wanted to. There was something so familiar about them… and then it clicked. They were just like Julian. Loud, dorky, rushing head-first into adventure, and not questioning how crazy life was for them. He nearly forgot what living life as an adventurer could be like, since that was something he gave up in favor of a stable life. He did whatever he could to distract himself from these thoughts, yet they never failed to creep back.
One day, while with Jethro, they both received the news that Jericho and company were going to war. Not just any war, the war against the Scabbards- Corren was lucky enough to have never run into them before, but he heard the stories over what they were capable of. They both knew this wasn’t going to be an easily-won war, and many would die in its wake. Jethro was worried about his son, and could Corren blame him? They weren’t fighters, though, so all they could do was sit back and wait for news- good or bad. … Unless?
To this day he didn’t know what came over him, but Corren offered to go and assist Jericho, doing whatever he can to keep him and his party alive. He came up with every excuse to go: he was a historian and wanted to witness this historical event, he was a skilled spellcaster who could help the party when need be, he had a sniper rifle and pistol to use when not using magic, so on and so forth. Something was pushing him to join and help… and he had a feeling Jethro could see that, considering how willingly he allowed Corren to go.
And that’s how he rushed to the city of Joshua as fast as he could. Admittedly, he was pretty late in the game, considering how the walls came down and just how many either evacuated or lied dead on the ground. But he knew who he was here for, and he was determined to catch up to them… of course he tripped the moment they saw him. Of course. But he was relieved to see that everyone in the party was still alive. It took some convincing, but they let him tag along and offer whatever help he could.
This had to be the worst place to begin adventuring- right near the climax of a brutal war? Well, things were never easy for Corren, so he gladly took on the challenge. Maybe it was rude to feel so exhilarated when so many were dying around him, but hey, he’s part-necromancer, death is far from foreign to him. But what made his heart race more than anything was the party he was with. They were brave and strong, inspiring and kind, even if annoying and confusing at times- they were just like Julian. In every action they took, in every enemy they slain, he saw his brother. He saw his brother in each and every one of them. He’d never admit it, but he was quickly growing endeared to them- he didn’t really know what he was doing, but he knew that it was right. 
All he has to do is try and prevent these dorks from getting killed.
No pressure or anything.
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vydante · 5 years
Wasn't Meant To Be | Tony Stark x Male! Reader | Endgame Spoilers
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Tony Stark x Male! Reader - Can Be Platonic/ Romantic
Summary: The world may have moved on from the snap, but you haven’t. And you’re scared that you never will.
A/N: Spoilers for Endgame, obviously. It’s literally the whole movie. Angst, hints of unrequited love but is vague enough for it to be platonic. Read at your own discretion. It’s also a bit gender-neutral IMO, but is intended to be a Male! Reader.
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It wasn't meant to be him.
You could've prayed all you want, beg the Gods or whatever higher being there was for it to not be him. You could've done anything you thought of for it to not have been him.
But you knew that that simply wasn't what Dr. Strange saw. He saw the millions of ways this would've turned out. He saw countless endings where Thanos won and only saw one that he didn't win.
But how you wished that there was just another way; another future where it hadn't been him to deal the final blow.
In a way, you're thankful for him. He knew what he had to do, even if it cost him everything. He knew he could've walked away from his destiny, but he had the courage not to. You applauded him for that.
Of course, his loss took a toll on everyone. Peter was a mess afterward. He had nightmares of that fateful day, and often times you'd hear him cry silently in his bedroom when you visited him. Just to check up on him.
Morgan was strong, you'll give her that. Pepper was strong, too, but you could tell she only kept face because of Morgan. Without her, you were sure Pepper would be a wreck for weeks, if not months. You were there to support her, but you could only do so much for them.
The team was lost as well. While Steve had gone to stay with Peggy and lived a fulfilling life, there were times where you'd catch his silhouette sitting in front of Tony's countless suits, body now worn with the years that had gone by for him. He never really cried. He just held a strong act, but he was suffering too.
Rhodey and Carol seemed to get along well, but the times where she wasn't here, you saw the distant gaze in his eyes as he worked on getting everyone reorganized after the battle.
Clint... Well, he had his family back. But after the loss of not only his best friend, and one of his teammates... He just wasn't the same anymore. He was still lively and had strayed away from his vigilante styled life, but his smile wasn't as bright as it was before. Though, you were sure you were the only one that noticed.
Thor... Well, he was far off better than the rest. You hadn't seen him much after he left Earth with the Guardians of the Galaxy folks. They seemed nice, though you would've loved to have them during Tony's... Well.
Scott had his family, so you didn't really see him much. Though, you did appreciate him coming to support Tony at the farmhouse.
Everyone else seemed to have not been all that bothered. Though they were sad, they got over it quickly, which you couldn't blame them. He did what he wanted in life. He had Pepper, a wonderful little girl, and knew he saved the world- and even the universe.
But you... You were the one hit the hardest.
You never really showed it on the surface, but you were absolutely devasted.
For every smile and words of encouragement you gave to the mourning team, was another sobbing session when you were alone. It was another moment spent in the dark, alone, quiet and reflecting. It was another moment that you wallowed with bloodshot eyes and a sore throat.
You knew Tony far before he even knew the Avengers, before Pepper, before he had become the infamous billionaire playboy he was.
You were there for him at his lowest. You knew him when he lost his parents. You were the one that comforted him for his loss. You were there when he first hired Peppers. You gave him advice on how to go about wooing a woman like that, despite not having any experience with women. You were there when he first made his suit. He even made you one, but you never really bothered to use it; just as a trophy that stands in your closet.
You kept all of the newer models he made you, too. Even the nano-tech one.
A bittersweet reminder of your friendship with him.
You were there when he first proposed to Peppers. You helped him buy the ring, knowing that he had some atrocious taste in romantic things. You were there when he fought against Thanos. You were there, nearly dead on the ground, watching with bleary eyes as he held Peter in his hands.
Or what was left of him, at least.
You were there for him on the spaceship, stuck with Nebula. Sweet girl, though she needed a bit more time with other folks. You weren't sure if Tony was the right one for her to learn how to interact with people.
You were there when you heard Tony record what seemed to have been his final words for Pepper. You were standing in the doorway where Tony couldn't see you.
You heard him sigh and lie down. You heard his breathing go quiet. You lifted him up onto the chair. You made sure he was comfortable, in case this was his last time sleeping.
You were there when Tony called out to you and Nebula in with fervor. You saw the flash of light with him. You saw his hopeful smile and tearing eyes.
You were there with him when you all returned to Earth. You supported him as you were met with the team, or what was left anyways. You gave him to Peppers, who greeted him with tears and kisses.
You helped him into the medbay.
You saw Tony's meltdown. You saw him collapse. You were the first one to him.
You supported him throughout the five years that had passed. You saw him get better. You saw him marry Peppers; you were his best man, after all. You supported him with a smile and a speech of only love and support for him and his newly wedded wife.
You were there when he cut off nearly all connections with the team. Though they did make sure to check up on you two, it was mainly through you. You didn't mind. You understood Tony's motives, but you knew he still cared for the team.
You were there when he had announced Pepper was expecting. You cried and laugh of tears of joy. You congratulated them and went home that night thinking constantly of names for the child.
You were there when the child was born. Tad bit ugly, but she was but a newborn and you really couldn't blame her for being... Mildly disgusting looking. But the expression from the couple only made you suppress those feelings of disgust and all you could do was coo at the baby.
You often visited him at his retirement home with Peppers. You saw him struggle to become a good father- often fretting over Morgan as she grew up to become more curious, adventurous, reckless, even. Though you would never dare to tell them, you were the one that egged her on to do things that made Tony grow more white hairs, a startling reminder of his age.
You comforted him when he worried about becoming like his father. You knew he wouldn't, but he just couldn't get it into his thick skull.
You made sure she was always safe but relaxed as the times went on. Every time you saw him, you were always reminded of his age. He was getting older by the minute, which made you sad. As you kept visiting, you always left with a melancholic smile. It made you feel awful, seeing someone you care a bit too much age so rapidly.
You were happy for him, truly. While he was living his life happily so, you hated how you felt as each time you saw him, another wrinkle appeared.
You didn't keep up with him as much as you would've liked during the next few years. He had a family now, and you had to respect that, even if they kept telling you otherwise.
Maybe it was how you felt each time you see his smile lines appear deeper than before. Maybe it was because you felt as if you were becoming too dependent on him for happiness.
You eventually stopped visiting altogether, though you two did call often. They seemed to not have noticed, but that was more than fine with you. You were just happy that they were happy.
That Tony was happy.
You can't really recall what happened in that time span. You ate better, you helped the team gather any sources on how to get the people lost back. You... ah, you can't really remember much.
Though, it all picks back up when you heard a car skid onto your driveway. Seeing the recognizable car, you knew it was Tony. He was in a rush; gave you a hug, then shoved you into his car. Drove off with godspeed. You swore he was trying to kill you, but that didn't matter now.
He drove you to the Avengers facility building. You hadn't been there in weeks. He says something about time travel mumbo jumbo, you couldn't really care less.
That was where it all picked up, though a bit too fast as you would've preferred.
He found the jackpot to time travel. The plan was to gather all of the stones, considering the current ones are gone. There were a few fuckups here and there, and there was the loss of Natasha for the soul stone. But there wasn't any other way. You only silently nodded in consolidation with Tony.
You saw Tony make a gauntlet strong enough to withstand the stones. You saw Bruce wield its power, albiet it was taking a toll on him. He snapped, it was white, and he was on the floor.
Then, there was a blast.
You were the first to shield Tony from it, granted it was because you were the closest to him. You were the first to pull him from the rubble and right next to him when he got Steve. You were right behind him when you, Thor, Tony, and Steve saw the ever so familiar bastard sitting there, a few hundred feet away from them.
You were there with them as you fought him so valiantly. He was just as strong as you remembered him to be. He flicked away Tony like he was a bug, and nearly ripped your arm off. Thor thankfully hit him with his ax, but he was in more of a pickle then you were. Just as Thor was about to be killed, you watched with wide eyes as Steve lift Thor's hammer up and wreak havoc on Thanos.
You thought that would've been the end of it.
But then, somewhere along the line, it all went to shit. All of a sudden. Steve was the one being hammered into the ground.
Thanos was ruthless. Punch after punch, kick after kick, he didn't even let Steve try.
It was pathetic.
Thor was down for the count, having his ax nearly be embedded into his chest.
You couldn't feel your arm, though your powers helped only a little bit. You were sure it was a lost cause. It was disgusting to look at.
Steve was struggling. Beaten, bruised, and bloody to high heavens, you wondered how he was still alive.
And Tony... You were sure Thanos loathed him the most.
Tony took a damn beating, you were sure of it. You struggled to wake him up, even if you knew this was the end for you all. There was no one else left to fight. God knows where Clint, Scott, Bruce, and everyone else was. Probably dead.
You knew you were to be joining them soon. Though, you wished you could've said a bit more to Tony while it lasted. A few regrets, that was all.
Thanos' army was gathering behind him. It reminded you of the Chitari accident in 2012. Or was it 2014? You couldn't bother to remember then. Only this time, it was far, far more horrifying than before.
All you knew was that you lost all hope. It was done, over.
That is, until you saw bright, orange flashes from behind you. You saw Steve's silhouette as the sky seemingly broke apart from behind him.
Familiar circle portals lit up the sky. It made your stomach drop, but only in the best ways possible.
There was one. Then five. Then twenty. Then too much for you to count.
Against Thanos' large army stood the army that fought against them. An army you recognized as the Wakandan soldiers, and stood before them was their king.
There were others that you saw had fallen fate to the snap; both Peters- Spiderman and Star-Lord. Dr. Strange, who had a look you knew meant that this was heading in the right direction of that one possibility where you won. There was even Pepper, wearing the suit Tony made for her. There were so much, and they were all ready and prepared to fight for their lives.
It sent shockwaves through your body, but it was only pure hope. Hope that, yes, you all did have a chance once again at victory. You saw Tony wake up and wide-eyed, but you only gave him a reassuring smile.
There was hope.
There was yelling. Then silence.
Then chaos.
The two sides charged at each other, and it was brutal. Far more brutal than when it was just the four of you and Thanos.
Everywhere you saw, punched, and fought was only filled with screams and blood. It was chaotic, yes, but you only focused on preventing Thanos from getting his damn hands on that gauntlet.
It went through too many people, you couldn't really recount who it was. There was Steve, then T'Challa, then Peter. Then there was explosions.
Too many.
Your lungs were burning. Your ears were ringing. Your eyes were filled with ash and smoke, but you could only try your best to stay out of the firing range. Your heart sped up. What was happening? Where was the gauntlet? Where was Thanos?
Where was Tony?
Your body was burning at this point, too exhausted to carry on. But you couldn't stop, you could only take cover under Dr. Strange's shields.
They stopped. You all looked up. The cannons were facing somewhere else. You squinted. Right where the cannons aimed was a bright light which brought a smile to your face.
Shooting through the large ship overhead, you saw that same beam of light come crashing down far from where you were.
You had murmured. You shakingly stood back up and saw her shoot away again, this time she was heading for something.
A van?
You were lost, but you still knew what the end game was. Get Carol to where she needed to be, and get Thanos away from the stones.
It was all a blur at this point.
You fought as valiantly as you could. Tony came swinging by. The van exploded. Carol fought him, but he still got the gauntlet on. Tony launched himself and tried to prevent him from snapping. Thanos threw him to the side. Your stomach dropped as he held his hands up, then snapped. But...
Nothing happened.
You sat there wounded, in shock.
He opened his palm.
The stones were gone. All that was left were empty holes, where the stones should've been.
Your eyes travel to Tony. So does Thanos'.
It's on his arm.
You wanted to smile, thankful that Tony's nano-tech had snatched the stones as quickly as they did. But you couldn't.
Only then, did you realize what Dr. Strange had seen in his one chance that we won. And you didn't like it one bit.
The stones lit up his suit as the cracks formed. It crawled its way into his neck, and side of his face. His skin was turning a dark purple. Then nearly gray. It looked charred.
Similar to that of your timeline's Thanos. And Bruce's.
It was destroying his arm.
You tried to reach out for him, but a familiar orange shield lit up your vision. You turned around. Dr. Strange could only look at you with a pained look.
He held up a finger. You knew the gravity that that one motion held.
Your vision got blurry as you could only turn back to Tony. Your lips quivered. The stones had been kind to Bruce, Thanos even. But they were large. They were strong. And they barely lived through the damage caused. But Tony?
Tony was just a human.
He struggled to hold it up. He said something, you couldn't really remember what he said. It was too quiet in the surrounding of destruction. Time seemed to slow down at this point
Then, he snapped.
A bright flash of light came from him. A wave washed over everyone. For a moment, silence.
One by one, then by the tens to thousands, there was ash everywhere. The giant flying monsters above your head crashed into the land only for the dust to be left. Thanos' soldiers dropped one by one, midway fight.
You felt nearly 6 years worth of relief send shockwaves through you. Tears flooded your eyes as you let out a strained but quiet cry.
That was it. That was the possibility that had given you all the victory over Thanos.
But at what cost?
You went past Thanos, who at this point could only watch as his empire be blown away, and straight to Tony. He didn't look good. No.
He looked awful. Half of his head was burnt. You were sure it was all just muscle there, though it was too charred for you to tell. No hair. Was that his skull that was peaking through?
Your eyes diverted themselves from his head.
You set him on the wall nearest to him. You propped him up, though he wasn't giving much effort to sit up. His eyes were glazed over. His arm was limp. His breathing was unsteady.
And so were yours.
'Tony, hey bud...!'
You whimpered out to him. Looking back on it now, you wished you would've said something else.
Tony's eyes barely registered that you were there.
There was rapid footsteps coming from behind you. Your eyes were glazed over with too much tears to be able to recognize who it was, but you moved to the side anyways. Hearing the familiar voice you knew it was Peter.
'Mr. Stark...! We won...!'
Tony didn't respond. His eyes looked directly at Peter's, but you knew he just.
Wasn't there. Not entirely, anyway.
You held your head down. He was struggling to keep himself together. He held Tony's face. You could tell he was about to break down any moment now.
Another pair of footsteps came up behind you.
It was Peppers.
You stood up shaking. The tears were unstoppable. She sat down next to him, but you looked away.
You heard her murmur sweet nothings to him.
'You did well... You can rest now...'
You whimpered quietly. Someone came up to you and held you close, but you were far too gone to even bother caring.
Despite the fact that you had won a long and miserable fight, you could only cry among the cheers of victory.
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It shouldn't have been him.
You're sat in your lofty apartment alone.
It's been nearly a year since then. The world was getting it's mess back together and is trying so hard to move on. The team had moved on, and those not even with the Avengers had moved on.
Even Pepper and Morgan, who had Tony ripped from their family's hands, was doing well. Considering the circumstances, anyways.
But not you.
No, you never really moved on from him. You were nowhere near close to beginning the healing process either.
You never showed this side to anyone. Though you were sure that some had noticed something off with you. But you were always sure to put up a good front to convince everyone.
Or maybe that was to convince yourself.
Sometimes, you wished that Tony had never cracked the code to time travel. That Scott was stuck in the quantum realm for... Well, forever. As morbid as that was for you to think.
But you knew that was far too selfish of you. You had your fair share of Tony in your life. You were growing old.
But life without Tony just seemed a thousand times more miserable than you had remembered. You had spent months without seeing him last time, why was this time so different?
Well, that didn't really matter anymore.
You were tired, despite having lived a loving life. Old, despite being far, far younger than Tony. Alone, despite having countless friends there for you.
But what did that matter if Tony wasn't there with you?
You didn't bother anymore.
Your phone was ringing constantly nowadays, it seems.
24 from Wanda. 16 from Bucky. 45 from Bruce. 31 from Sam. There was a bunch more, too.
But you had gotten tired from scrolling. You turned your phone off and sighed.
You strained to lie down on your messy bed. You glanced at your arm. Or lack of it.
You shook your head.
You lied down.
It was dark in your room despite barely being noon.
You closed your eyes.
You breathed in and out.
Your body finally relaxed in what seemed like a long time.
Your thoughts lingered on a lot of things. Your time with the Avengers. Your memories with Tony. Your regrets that... You wished you had the chance to tell him.
A lot of things crossed your mind. But they won't really matter now.
The only thing you remembered before your vision finally went black was the banging on your door and the bitter taste of pills still lingering in your mouth.
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