#everyone is freaked out while she’s literally just asking for some chocolate or something lol
mamaspidershit · 1 year
Natasha: Hand me the people opener.
Peter: ...
Peter: Pardon?
Natasha, annoyed: The thing! Just hand it to me!
Natasha: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle?
Peter: Knife. It's called a knife.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls Season 2, Episode 15, "Lost And Found", Aka The Bracelet Has Breached Containment, Aka BraceletGate, Aka QuarterOnAStringGate, Part 6
Five minutes to go. We've finally arrived at the rotting meat of the episode. Since I won't watch Teach Me Tonight (or the episode that comes after it), this is the last episode for a good long while solely focused on Lorelai Gilmore's paranoia. Thank Gawd. I am drained.I have nothing left in me. She has sucked out my life force the way she sucks the lifeforce out of Dean Forrester. Parts 1-5 (!!) and all other episodes can be found in my pinned post.
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Out of context, this looks terribly ominous.
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Jess was seriously going to just go home and not even bother to ask for any money (well, he did say "I'll be back to collect it later, I know where you live", like the old timey Italian mobster he is). But he could have used that $5 (I do wish I could tell how much she's holding). Even though Jess must wait on Lorelai's table at his place of employment at least once a day every single day, I wager this is the first time Lorelai has ever paid him or tipped him squat. The boy was too stunned to speak. Better make sure its not Monopoly money or something.
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I love how cautiously he takes it. He's such a smart boy, he knows this is a trap.
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Time for my favorite #SadBaby joke, one I made up myself many years ago: Why does Jess Mariano love Santa Claus so much? Because unlike his father, at least Santa Claus visits once a year.
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You dropped this, my king.👑 The fact that he's so utterly unbothered by Lorelai, making this a completely one-sided argument by an adult with a minor child will always be hilarious to me. Lorelai: Why would you do this? Oh, the DRAMATICS! I would never be dramatic.
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"Don't whatever me, you ittle jerk! You let Rory run around PANICKED! Thinking she lost her boyfriend's bracelet! She was MISERABLE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?"
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You ever wonder if Dean Forrester is perched on a rooftop somewhere with a sniper rifle and if Lorelai doesn't say "Dean is great" "Dean is tall and pretty" "Dean is the best lover I've ever had" out loud at least twice a day, it's lights out for her? It's either that or he's blackmailing her and is going to spill their illicit relationship if she doesn't kiss his ass on the regular, or maybe he used some advanced brainwashing techniques on her (this one is highly unlikely, he's barely literate) there are no other possible explanations for this behavior.
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Way to go Lorelai, that's four rapid fire lies, exagerrations and falsehoods in the span of mere seconds. I'm impressed. I think Jess has to be dying of laughter on the inside right now listening to this crazy bitch's lunatic rantings. Actualy, in the second picture, from that angle it almost looks like Milo is smiling lol
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Baby, you're so smart. I know you didn't finish high school, but you should still win some kind of award for smartness. #AdmireTheBaby
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Lorelai can't call Dean "son", it would clash with his other title, "Rory's Future Stepfather."
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Lorelai's face after Jess pointed out Rory didn't miss the bracelet for two weeks. SHE KNOWS HE'S RIGHT. Come on, just admit this kid is right and we can move on with our lives!
Lorelai goes back to the living room to contemplate how Jess Mariano is right about everything all the time.
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Okay, since we know Luke isn't getting a new apartment, I'm intrigued. Ahhh, a second Nuclear Luke rant in one episode! It almost makes up for the rotting meat of the previous scene. "Taylor is systematically buying up the whole town! He's gonna turn it into Taylorville! Everyone will wear cardigans and have the same grass height! He's gonna buy the building next to the diner and turn it into a plate shop for freaks without enough brainpower to buy stamps! I walked around in a blind rage. I was crazy. I bought one of those Belgian waffles with the ice cream dipped in chocolate. But I didn't eat it, I'm upset, not suicidal." LMAAAAAO. Oh Luke Danes, I love you so fucking much. "I had your voice going around and around in my head, I heard you saying, "take a chance Luke, make a move! Can't have a single bed! So I bought the building!" Told you Lorelai's nagging wields tremendous power, leading men to emotional and financial ruin.
For a few brief moments, Lorelai is the voice of reason and rationality. She suggests he could back out of the purchase, or barring that, expand the diner or rent the building to someone Taylor really hates, which is an idea I could get behind. Luke has 100k to spend on real estate, huh. I've said this before, I envision an au where Luke signs the paperwork to just get Jess his own seperate apartment. Even he had to wait until his 18th birthday. Jess could contribute to some of the rent and bills and Luke could pick up the rest. Everyone would be happy. I just want Jess to thrive and be happy. I'm going to imagine him thriving and happy.
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A moment later, Lorelai is back to her old self. Holy hell, woman. The fuck is wrong with you? Poor Rory! Can Luke front some of that 100k to pay for Rory's future therapy bills, that she'll surely need after the damage you've caused?
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I honestly have no idea what the fuck she's talking about. When have they been "thrown together"? When you think about it, Rory and Jess so far have had minimal interaction aside from some brief conversations, the majority of which Lorelai isn’t even aware of, and we're 10 episodes in after Jess' arrival. Do you mean the Bracebridge Dinner? The thing you set up and invited him to? Literally, Lorelai doesn't even know that Rory and Jess interacted in her backyard this afternoon. Or do you mean the picnic basket auction? Where Jess committed the unspeakable crime of having lunch with Rory?
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Luke thinks Rory and Jess would make a good pair. Lorelai is so in awe of the power of Jess Mariano that she fears coupling him with her daughter might rip a hole in the very fabric of space and time.
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Luke is my favorite Literati shipper.
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"If Rory dates Jess, my shnooky-ukkums Dean will stop coming over to my house. Jess Mariano must die."
At least the last minute of the episode brings us one of the most splendid endings in Gilly Girls history.
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Promotional poster for my horror movie called The Hollow: Luke Danes' Revenge. He's got a sledgehammer, a troubled nephew, and a thirst for Taylor Doose's blood.
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I LOVE how hard Milo flinched when the hammer went through the wall. THIS EPISODE IS OVER. I SURVIVED THE ENTIRE THING. Where's my cookie?!
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Serinakakers As Proof
Serinakakers are actually called Norwegian butter cookies in english and I don’t think i’ve ever had one but they look good to me lol i didn’t feel like making a whole new otherworldly dessert sorry I’m lazy sometimes 😂
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Summary: You’re dating Loki but keeping it a secret as per Loki’s request. The team starts to question if you’re lying about your ‘lover’ and Loki has to save you because Thor has really bad timing.
It all started two weeks into dating Loki. Loki was a little unsure what the team’s reaction to you two dating would be so he told you to keep it a secret for now. You respected his wishes but that didn’t stop you from flaunting about how you had the best ‘lover’ (Loki refused to be called boyfriend) in the world. 
Two weeks in Valentines came up and Loki had a vase of beautiful flowers sent to you with a little card that said, “For the fairest of them all - your love” In reference to Snow White, which you had both watched very recently. 
You had taken them around the whole tower, telling people it had come from your lover when they asked. 
“At least give us his name, I promise to not, like, totally have a background check on him!” Tony says with a pout. 
You laugh and shake your head. “No can do Tin Man. He doesn’t want you all to know who he is just yet.”
“See, that makes me a little skittish, if he doesn’t want us to know he has something to hide.” 
“I agree with him and think he should remain nameless.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” Tony points out.
You shrug at Tony and do the motions for zipping your lips closed and throwing out the key. 
Loki ends up picking a random day, a month later, to send you a big basket of chocolate, your favorite hard candies, and really small plushies of all the Avengers (It’s totally not his way of giving you sweets because you’re on your period). Your favorite plushy isn’t one of the Avengers, it’s a small plushy of Loki. Because you’re given the basket in front of everyone you make sure not to freak out over the Loki plushy but you keep stealing glances at the god who sits apart from everyone else, reading. 
“He even got you Loki?” Steve asks bewildered. 
“Like it or not, Loki is part of the group. Seems he has built a group of fans now.” You say, stealing a glance at Loki who smirks at his book. You know he’s pleased you’ve defended his honor. 
“You do realize I’m right here, do you not?” Loki says, still not looking up from his book. 
Steve at least has the decency to look ashamed and his cheeks flare up. 
“There’s not a card with a name!” Tony says making everyone look at the basket again.
“Of course not, you dumbass.” You say, slapping the back of Tony’s head, Tony proceeds to throw his hands and slap away at your receding hand. Thor and Bruce chuckle with you at his childish antics. 
“Can you at least give us a letter in his name?” Clint asks from your side. 
You sigh and look to the ceiling in thought. 
“Kevin!” Clint immediately yells. “Wait, we don’t know a Kevin.” 
“Who said you know who it is?” You ask as you gather your basket to put in your room. 
Clint completely disregards what you said and yells, “Kate!”
Natasha hits Clint’s arm, “She’s straight, stupid.”
Tony then pipes in as you walk away rolling your eyes, “Kyle! Kaden! Kayden but with a y!” 
“His name doesn’t start with a k guys!” You yell as the elevator closes, exasperated. 
Next, a week and a half has passed when they start questioning your relationship. Thor figures it out but only because he grew up with the thing you’re gifted. 
You had been the last one to enter the kitchen for dinner and right as you entered Thor came up to you with puppy dog eyes and was holding a tin of sweets. You take a long look at the delicacies, they’re some type of cookies, in a swirl pattern, and decorated with powdered sugar. Thor answers your questions right after you think that.
“They’re butter cookies, can I please have one, your boyfriend sent them.” Thor says making sure to enunciate the word boyfriend. Your eyes snap to Thor’s and the god smiles down at you. On one hand it looks innocent but you see past his facade.
He knows. 
You clear your throat and grab the tin from him, making sure to pull one of the cookies out and give it to him. 
“Since you’re nice, sure, big guy.” You say giving Thor a look that said ‘Say nothing’. Thor bounces from foot to foot, shoving his cookie in the face of the other Avengers.
“She likes me!” Thor roars then demolishes the cookie in a single bite. 
You laugh, glance at Loki from under your lashes as you look at the cookies and pick one out to try.
When the cookie touches your tongue you can’t help closing your eyes and moaning. You chew and the cookie just melts in your mouth. You moan as your take another bite and you think you could practically orgasm this cookie is so damn good but remember the entire team is there. 
When you finish the cookie you open you eyes and look at everyone. Tony is looking at you like he wants to eat you, Natasha is eating her food like she doesn’t fucking care, Steve is blushing so hard you think his head might explode. Clint is shocked, and Bruce is looking at you with a raised brow. The last person you look at is Loki who sits there staring at you with flushed cheeks and a glint in his eye that says he’s going to tear those noises from your lips again, this time without the cookies.
You cough and look at Thor who is smiling like he is satisfied. You understand why he wanted one so bad now. 
“I’m sorry but what the fuck just happened.” Tony says shaking his head. 
You laugh. “I had an orgasm while eating a cookie, get with the program.”
“Honestly, if his cookies are that good you need to marry the man, just saying.” Tony waves his had at you then goes on to start eating his dinner.
You go to eat another cookie but Loki finally says something. 
“No dessert before dinner, put the cookies down.” 
“Or what?” You challenge the god.
Loki raises a brow at you and levels you with a glare.
“Put them down.”
You suck on your gums and squint at the god as you put the cookies on the table.
“You’re lucky I like you.”
“Ok, first of all, you like everyone so I don’t see the point in saying that. Second, how have you told Loki you like him before me? We all know I’m the favorite around here.” Tony scoffs while aggressively stabbing a broccoli floret. 
You take your seat next to Loki and that’s when it’s asked.
“Is your boyfriend even real? Or are you gifting yourself all these things so you’ll make one of us jealous?” Clint asks in a normal voice, he really doesn’t mean it to be mean.
You stop smiling at Tony and frown at Clint.
“He’s real.” You say a little hurt. 
“I mean it just seems a little fishy.”
You pout at Clint.
“I could look into her purchases and see if she bought it herself.” Tony rouses from the other side of the table. He’t totally joking but Steve doesn’t take it that way.
“Tony! That’s private, you can’t just do that!” Steve tries protecting you. 
You start to get a little angry.
“He’s real. If you don’t think he’s real then that’s on you. I know he is and that’s all that matters.” You reason, more for yourself than anything else. 
Under the table you feel Loki’s hand squeeze at your thigh. 
“Just give us something to let us know he’s real.” Tony pushes. 
You slam your hands on the table and stand up so fast the chair you were in topples over. 
“Stop!” Loki yells, in a quick move he stands and puts an arm in front of you, not to protect Tony but to stop you before you did something you regret.
The room is silent save for your rough breathing. 
“It’s me.” Loki harshly says, glaring at Tony and Clint.
“You don’t have to cover for her, it’s embarrassing but-”
“Shut up!” You scream at Clint.
“I’m not trying to cover for her. I’ve been dating her for the past month and a half. I did not want her to tell you because I wasn’t sure how all of you would react.” Loki gets out then turns and brings you to him so he may kiss you. 
Loki makes it a show for the team, relaxes as you lean into him, your hands wrapping around his neck and tugging at the nape of his neck. He pulls away before you can lose yourself in his kiss and looks at the team with a raised eyebrow as if asking ‘Is that enough for you?’.
Finally Thor peeps in between a big bite of his food. “Ay, Loki is telling the truth, those are Serinakakers, an Asgardian delicacy my mother used to make us.” 
Loki rolls his eyes at his brother’s really bad timing and then looks back down at you, you’re still wrapped around him, now with a tiny smile on your lips as you look at him.
“Ok, darling?” Loki asks anyways.
“I’ll be happy if you let me take those cookies and eat those for dinner in my bedroom.” 
Loki brings a hand up and trails a finger from the back of your jaw to your chin, going up to touch your bottom lip. “Only if you promise to make those sweet sounds every bite you take.” Loki whispers.
“Ok this is seriously gross, I’m literally gonna throw up.” Tony says with a fake gag.
You laugh and pull from Loki who glares at Tony. You point at Tony, then at Clint. “Don’t think you two are off the hook, I’m still royally pissed, you’re just lucky when I’m around Loki I can’t stay mad.”
You make your way around the table, Loki following, dinner forgotten, and pick up your cookies. Then, you head towards your room. 
Halfway to the elevator Loki grabs your hand and doesn’t let go until you’re both laying on your bed enjoying your cookies. Talking about everything and nothing. 
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
hi!! how are you? can you write for baku, deku, & todo where they meet their s/o family for the first time & they’re super scary? they’re all super tall, buff, full of tattoos, loud, aggressive, mean & the fam is super overprotective over s/o & the 3 are just freaking out bc s/o is the opposite? s/o is super sweet, calm, bubbly & short so the last thing they were expecting was this & they’re just freaking out & trying to get on their s/o’s family good side? sorry if that sounds complicated 😭
The more specific the ask, the better! I’ll see what my brain can come up with, I’ve just had couch medicine so
Requests are temporarily closed so I can catch up on them!
-Loud boi isn’t gonna let anyone know that he’s intimidated.
-He’s already a little nervous to meet your family for the first time, though he’d never admit it. You were so hesitant to ask him to come over, and at first he thought it was because he was the loud and aggressive one.
-But that Saturday afternoon when he walks up to your house and your dad answers the door, he’s like ‘oh’ and it all clicks into place.
-He loves you a lot, so he wants to make a good impression, but he also never backs down from a challenge. So he and your dad have a stare down in the doorway, until you stroll around the corner and see them.
-You scold your dad and tell him to stop being rude to your boyfriend. Your dad doesn’t say anything, but he sighs and lets Bakugou in.
-The fun doesn’t stop there, though. You tug Bakugou around the house from room to room introducing him to your family, and every single one of them gives him the same cold, mildly threatening stare.
-Ngl your uncle who lives in the basement apartment kinda scares him, but he doesn’t say anything and tries to play it cool. The guy is built like a brick house and covered head to toe in intricate tattoos.
-He doesn’t mention it, but you can tell that your boyfriend is wondering about potential ties you have to the mafia, with a guy like that living in your house. But you assure him it’s just your uncle’s quirk that gives him the art on his skin, and that he’s actually pretty shy about it and doesn’t like going out.
-The last person he meets is your mom. With everyone being so much taller and physically stronger than you, he assumes that your mom is gonna be the person you got your tiny genes from.
-Lol no
-She’s at least six feet tall, and without a doubt the most intimidating person in the house. She’s got the face of an angel and the grace of a butterfly, but behind her smile Bakugou can see the willingness to kill anyone who hurts her baby (you).
-Lunch with the fam is a little awkward at first, until your younger cousin goads Bakugou into a spice eating contest. Then the shouting at the table begins, everyone placing their bets on who they think will win. You’re the only one who bets on your boyfriend, and you get like a hundred collective bucks out of your family members when he wins.
-He’s earned the respect of your cousin, who’s like eight maybe and now deems Bakugou a respectable opponent. Bakugou is torn between yelling and patting the kid on the head, so he probably does both and shouts at the kid to keep practicing so they can try and beat him one day.
-At the end of the visit, your boyfriend is surprisingly calm. You’re walking him home, arm in arm, not really saying much. Though you do tell him that he’s taking your living situation pretty well.
-He’s like wdym? And you explain to him that most of your friends and potential partners are scared of your family and refuse to come over because of them.
-Bakugou just scoffs and is like ‘of course they are, because they’re chicken shits. As if I’d be scared of a bunch of-’ and he pauses because you start laughing, not at him, just about the situation.
-Your family actually really likes him and find him a suitable boyfriend for you. They know you’re strong, but they want someone who can protect you and who’s loyal to you, and they see that in Bakugou. They probably invite him to the next family gathering.
-A nervous boi
-He wants so badly to make a good impression on your family, to get their approval of your relationship. He knows you’re close with them, so he doesn’t want their potential opinions of him to sway your desire to be with him.
-He dresses casually but tidy, and while he waits at the door he fiddles with his shirt a bit.
-Almost has a heart attack when your sister opens the door and glares down at him with the rage of 1000 suns.
-He does his best to introduce himself formally and be polite, but your sister is making it awfully hard for him to stay focused. She doesn’t say anything to him, so he just continues chattering until he’s off on a tangent and saying way too much.
-And you’re like ‘I feel my boyfriend danger senses tingling’ so you go downstairs and lo and behold. 
-Ofc he’s not in any actual danger, just the danger of making a fool of himself. You set a hand on your sister’s arm, and the moment you do it’s like all the anger in her body dissipates and she turns into a sweet, smiling bean. Then she skips away to go do her homework.
-You pull Midoriya inside and give him a once-over anyways, just to make sure your sister didn’t burn holes in him with her glares. But he assures you he’s alright, and he’s a lot more relaxed now that you’re around.
-Probably says something like ‘I can see why you were so nervous about bringing me to your house, your older sister seems really protective of you’
-and you’re like ‘um,,,,actually she’s my younger sister’ and he’s like ‘wot’ and you’re like ‘also she’s the least scary of everyone’ and he’s like ‘wOT’
-You waste no time parading him from room to room to show him off, all while his soul slowly escapes his body.
-Your parents actually scare him the least, like, of course they’re protective of you, but they have the common courtesy not to exaggerate their scary qualities. They still tower over both you and Midoriya, but they’re mostly civil in terms of interactions.
-Your older brothers scare him a little bit more. They share the basement suite, so you drag your boyfriend downstairs to introduce them all to each other...and interrupt their poker game with their friends.
-All of them have some kind of tattoo visible, nothing Midoriya recognizes as any gang symbol, but he’s still wary. However, he manages to say hello and all the pleasantries, and actually gets a smile out of one of your brothers, who tries to rope him into a game of cards.
-Thankfully you save him with the excuse that you still have more family to show him off to, but he’s left with the promise of ‘later, then’.
-Lastly is your sister, who he’s technically already met. She’s arguably the scariest of everyone. She’s easily almost six feet tall and looks like she could bench press the two of you with ease. You promise him that she’s a literal sweet pea, but when the two of you walk up to her room, Midoriya isn’t so sure.
-She glares at him hard, like she’s judging him about everything and if he doesn’t pass she’ll snap him in half. He has to swallow the lump in his throat, and quickly looks around the room for some kind of thing to ask about that might get her to open up.
-And he sees it. One of the rarer All Might figures from an old merch line, one that he also has, so he’s like ‘do you like All Might’ and it’s like a switch is flipped.
-You breathe a sigh of relief as the two of them start nerding out about their favourite hero, sprouting facts and recalling films and old news videos. When he mentions that All Might teaches at his school, your sister honest to god squeals, and starts asking all kinds of questions about what kind of teacher he is, what he’s learned, what it’s like to be a protogee of such a great hero. He answers everything with glee, all his former fears forgotten.
-When it comes time for dinner, your sister insists that your boyfriend sit next to her, which is apparently a very high honor because one of your brothers sulks off to the other end of the table. (You assure your brother later that it’s just temporary and that your sister just really likes your boyfriend).
-But seeing the two of them interact warms your heart, it’s usually hard for your sister to make friends because she’s so intimidating, so you’re glad they’re getting along. And so does the rest of your family! They see Midoriya’s kindness and hardworking attitude, and they warm up to him pretty quickly.
-It ends up being a really enjoyable night, despite the rocky start. Though sadly yes your boyfriend does eventually get roped into a game of poker, and yes your brother’s cheat, but you cheat too, and you’re all betting in chocolate coins. You share your hoard with him.
-He goes into it being not nervous, and ends up being Quite nervous once he meets your family.
-When he arrives, you’re thankfully the one to answer the door, so he doesn’t get hassled, so everything seems pretty normal right off the bat. Until your cousin walks through the room and is like ‘???? who’s this pipsqueak???’ and Todoroki is torn between being his usual snarky self and being polite.
-He wats to throw shade right back, but for your sake he wants to make a good impression. You’re used to his manners (or lack thereof) but he doesn’t want your family to think he’s not worthy of you. He really loves you a lot and wants to stay with you.
-So he goes for a formal introduction, even going in for a handshake. It’s kind of funny, because your cousin is like ‘lol what are manners’ but your glare forces him to return the gesture. His hand completely dwarfs your boyfriend’s, and you have to hide a snicker.
-And then the guy awkwardly wanders out of the room.
-You and Todoroki kind of just stand there for a second, and then he’s like ‘is this what you meant when you said your family was intimidating’ and you’re like ‘:3′
-You give him a tour of the house, a nice modest place with traditional aspects. It’s nowhere near as big as his, but he like it that way, it makes the place more homey and warm.
-You introduce him to family members as you come across them; your younger twin nuisances cousins, who are more mischievous than dangerous, your aunt and her wife, who look like they could get away with murder, your brother and his friends, who mostly only glare at Todoroki to try and make him uncomfortable.
-Thankfully he’s used to the stoic and slightly scary expressions, thanks to his dad. He wonders momentarily if you’re safe here, but then he realizes that everyone in the house is especially kind to you, and very affectionate when they think he’s not looking. He doesn’t even bother asking the question.
-Lastly are your parents, who are in the kitchen preparing dinner. They’re a little perturbed that you’re both in the kitchen when they’re working, but they seem to be less purposefully intimidating than everyone else. They’re still a little scary though.
-Then he notices that your parents are making soba. From scratch. Which is particularly difficult to master, so he figures they must be pretty well practiced if they’re so good at it.
-Without thinking, he asks if they’ve made soba before, and soon your parents are sprouting off about their culinary careers and the restaurant they run. You were supposed to take over one day, but you ultimately chose a different path in life, even after they taught you so much.
-Todoroki didn’t even realize you could cook, but now he wants more than anything to try your meals someday, or learn a few things from you and make dinners together.
-It startles him a little that he’s thinking so far ahead in your lives, but honestly if you’ve managed to get him as a boyfriend then you’re likely to have him for your whole life, if you want him.
-He talks a little more with your parents about the food, expressing in his way that he’s looking forward to a dinner that’s had so much hard work go into it. And you can see the little light go on in your parents’ heads, the light that signals they approve of your choice in boyfriend and have started making room in their hearts for him.
-Dinner is nice, pretty peaceful aside from your twin cousins causing their usual trouble, but he’s nonplussed by it. he still wonders how you managed to come out so small in comparison to everyone else, but it doesn’t bother him too much. He can see that you’re loved and well cared for, and a little piece of him hopes that one day he’ll be able to get to know your family even better.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Lost & Found - 13
Pairing: Park Jimin x soulmate (oc)
Warnings: Insecurity, anxiety, abandonment, oc feels like she’s gonna puke which, honestly, same
Word Count: 5.3k
a/n: we’ve only got a few chapters left!!!! *cue the screaming*
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Chapter 13. You Never Walk Alone
series masterlist
I’ve never been one to follow the rules.
In fact, I’ve wondered many times if I came into existence for the sole purpose of breaking as many rules as possible within a short amount of time.
However, as I sit here staring down at my phone and listening to it ringing without someone answering on the other end, I find myself promising whoever is listening to my prayers that I’ll obey every rule to come my way for the rest of my life as long as someone just answers me.
For hours, no one does.
By the time the moon has risen, I’ve finally dozed off on the couch with my phone still in hand and a very confused Elle on my stomach. When my phone begins to ring, I jump, nearly falling off of the couch in the process.
Without even bothering to see who is calling me, I bring the phone up to my ear.
“Yah, hyung. I’m already- oh...Jolie?”
I blink, wondering for a moment if this is all some cruel dream. “...Jimin? What’s going on- what happened?”
“You’re safe- she’s safe, hyung.” There’s chatter in the background, but my ears perk up at a familiar voice. “I’m so sorry, you must have been worried sick- hey!”
I jump off the couch, eyes wide. “Chung-hei?! What’s going on? Why haven’t you been answering your phone? I- I thought…”
I don’t quite know what I thought. Obviously, that the worst had transpired. Chung-hei knows exactly what path my thoughts have taken, as she’s quick to explain.
“I’m so sorry, Jolie. When we left your place Sunmi noticed that someone was tailing us,” my breath comes up short. “I think they thought you were with us, they might have been tailing the car for the past couple of days to make sure it was yours. And then they probably saw Christina…”
She doesn’t need to explain that to me. No doubt whoever was tailing them saw Christina with her severed thread and automatically assumed that she was Jimin’s estranged soulmate.
“So what happened? Is everyone ok? Is Christina alright?”
There’s some fumbling on the other side of the phone, and I swear I hear Chung-hei’s annoyed sigh but it’s quickly covered as another familiar voice breaks through the phone.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me!” Christina shouts a little unnecessarily.
“I- how did you hear me?” I ask, furrowing my brows. “Am I on speaker?”
There’s a long pause in which I know that I must be on speaker, especially as a voice that sounds mysteriously like Kim Seokjin shouts “Yeah you are we wanted to know what you sound like!” There’s a muffled grunt in which I can imagine someone giving him a firm elbow to the ribs.
“Hang on, let me step outside-” Christina’s suggestion is met with a load of whining, but she must ignore them because a second later all is silent save for the sound of wind. “There. I needed to get out of there- I’m freaking out. I’m so dying right now.”
“I’m sure you’re rattled, you were literally just tailed! How did you lose them?”
“Oh, yeah. That sucked, but I was talking about the fact that I literally just met BTS. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but Park Jimin is so much more handsome in person. I couldn’t hardly think straight in there-”
“Yeah, yeah,” I groan, burying my face in my hands. “Save it for later. I was a mess over here, thinking you’d died or something. Can you please explain what went on?”
Once she subsides in her giggling - and I get over the strange butterflies that have somehow come to life in my stomach - Christina gets to the point.
“Right...well, we’d only made it a couple of blocks before Sumni noticed that someone was following us. She’s been trained to pick up on that kind of stuff, you know. She said that they’d been hiding out near your apartment earlier, and that it looked like they’d been waiting the entire time while we’d been inside.”
“So how’d you lose them?”
“She drove straight toward the Bighit building and contacted the security there. By the time the people tracking us knew that she was leading them into a trap, it was too late. They got pulled over, security took them over to the police department a little while ago.”
I shiver thinking about them lurking outside of my apartment, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
“And...why didn’t you answer my calls, then? I seriously was about to go running around Seoul looking for you.”
Christina barks a laugh. “That’d be a sight to see. We were told to power off our phones, they’re being looked at right now to make sure they weren’t able to somehow get a way to track us through there. We should get them back pretty soon.”
Taking a seat and then slinking down to sprawl out on the couch, I sight at the ceiling. My eyes well up tears of relief, but I close my eyes to stop them from escaping. “I’m happy you’re safe.”
“Me too. The boys were already at the Bighit building, you should’ve seen Jimin. He was-” Christina lowers her voice as though suddenly realizing that she’s not that far from the man in question, “You know how the boys say that he can be really scary when he’s angry?”
“Well, I believe them now. I think it was a good thing security took those people away before he could see them. He probably would have killed them, he looked so pissed off.”
I snort out a laugh, throwing my hand over my mouth. “Let me guess, that only made him more attractive to you?”
“You know what, it totally did.”
It feels good to laugh after the stress of the day, so I let it out. Giggling up a storm with Christina who admits that she may be wavering in her undying devotion for Jimin simply because of the fact that Taehyung offered her a glass of lemonade.
“Oh, oh! He’s looking at me- oh. He’s telling me to come back inside.” I let out another guffaw at Christina’s massive crush on Taehyung. “Hey, I have to turn you back over to your soulmate now, but I’ll let you know when I get my phone back. Ok?”
“Ok,” I mumble, suddenly going quiet. There’s some static as the phone is exchanged, and suddenly Jimin’s speaking to me.
“Hey...you doing ok?”
I blink, taken aback by his question. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Then, when he doesn’t respond, “Are you...alright?”
From the way the voices in the background are fading, Jimin must be moving away to find a more private location. Indeed, I again hear Seokjin’s teasing voice in the background however it’s too muffled to understand.
“Yeah. All good over here.” I hear a door click shut. “There’s something I need to talk to you about, though. About everything that happened today. You might not like it, but...well, it’s for your own safety.”
This has me sitting up straight, bracing for whatever it is he’s about to say. “Ok…”
“We need you to stay inside, don’t leave your house. Just for a couple of days, maximum. We don’t know if these people had more that were trying to track you, and until we can round them all up…”
I stare blankly at the wall in front of me. Stay here? No work?
Honestly, it doesn’t sound that bad.
Except for one little thing.
“I...I’m not sure, Jimin.”
“I know. I know, and I’m sorry,” it makes it so much worse, because I can hear just how sorry he is. “But please, just for a few days. We need- I need you safe.”
How can I say no to that?
“You’ll do it? I’ll have groceries delivered, just text me what you need-”
“I’m pretty sure I can pay for my groceries, Jimin,” I say with a strained smile, eyeing the calendar on the wall and the circled date just a couple of days from now. Hopefully all of this will blow over by then. “Don’t worry.”
“Honestly, if you don’t send me a grocery list I’ll just end up sending random food to your apartment. So take your pick, I guess.”
Rolling my eyes fondly, I give an over exaggerated sigh. “Fine. I’ll compile a list.”
The girls get their phones back not long after I finish my conversation with Jimin. Sunmi is quick to send me a play by play of Christina’s growing crush, which helps to ease the worry growing in the pit of my stomach.
The next morning there’s a pile of groceries waiting outside on my doorstep, making me smile softly. Jimin had clearly added a few items to my small list, because I don’t remember requesting a bag of chocolates or a bag of Doritos. Either way, I’ll take it.
There isn’t a whole lot to do with my day off, other than find a new show to watch and different ways to annoy Elle. Jimin texts me throughout the day, and I find myself itching to call him.
If only to just hear his voice for a moment.
However, as my fingers hover over the call button, I find myself hesitating. It scares me just how quickly I want to interact with him. After all that I did to distance myself from him, I’ve been reduced to an insatiable fangirl after a bouquet of flowers and some slipped chocolates.
Staring at my phone, I try my best to control my breathing. Then I send off a message.
Me: Ok, help. I’m freaking out.
Christina is quick to respond.
Christina 🍯: hahahahaha
Me: what.
Me: I come to you for help and I get laughed at? 😡
Christina 🍯: no, it’s just...when are you not freaking out?
Christina 🍯: think about it
Christina 🍯: you always are lol
Me: Ok. Not helping. Remember, I came to you for help?
Christina 🍯: right right, what’s up
Me: I think this is all happening too fast
Christina 🍯: I’m assuming this is about Park Jimin?? Who, might I add, looked fiiiine in his sweats yesterday
Christina 🍯: are you feeling things?!! 😱
Christina 🍯: I don’t see why you need help…?
Christina 🍯: isn’t this a good thing?
Me: is it?
Christina 🍯: ...yes.
Christina 🍯: what brought this on?
Me: I want to call him.
Christina 🍯: ….
Me: We just talked last night.
Christina 🍯: ….
Me: well, isn’t it all a bit much? I mean, I literally was trying to be completely separated from him just a few weeks ago and now I’m suddenly having to remind myself that I don’t need to constantly talk to him! Isn’t that like a bit...idk, a bit sketchy??
Christina 🍯: no.
Christina 🍯: idk if you remember this, but he’s your soulmate. And sometimes when people start to meet their soulmates, they want to talk all the time.
Me: isn’t it going to annoy him? I mean, I already kinda feel like a pity case…
Christina 🍯: first off, no. you’re not a pity case, so stop thinking that. If anyone’s a pity case, it’s me because I was invited to lunch today with Chung-hei nd the boys and I’m gonna ride this out for as long as possible
Christina 🍯: if I could sneak you a picture of Tae without looking like a creep, I totally would 😰
Me: ok, I don’t know how to respond to that lolll
Me: have fun at lunch though!!! Don’t drool or anything
Christina 🍯: yeah, let’s move past that 😂
Christina 🍯: just, call him. Honestly, he’s been checking his phone constantly anyways. And, don’t you think he deserves it? Call him. You know I don’t mean this in a rude way but...he’s done everything in this weird relationship-that’s-not-a-relationship so far. Time for you to return the favor.
Jimin blinks, looking around the table until his eyes land on who was just calling his name. Chung-hei smiles at him from her spot beside Namjoon.
It’s when everyone starts to giggle that he realizes he must have missed something.
“How’re you doing over there?” Chung-hei asks. Jimin frowns.
“...good. How are you?”
Namjoon places his arm on the back of Chung-hei’s chair, and Jimin notices the way her cheeks automatically redden.
“You seem a little distracted today,” Namjoon croons. “That’s all.”
Looking around at everyone’s amused faces, Jimin notices one face that isn’t looking in his direction.
Christina is smiling slightly at her phone, fingers flying across the screen as she texts out a message.
“Christina’s distracted too!” Jimin points to the girl like a kindergartener, a sly smile on his face when she looks up at him with raised brows.
“Hey, it’s for a good reason,” she says.
“Oh?” Taehyung leans forward, resting his chin in his hand. “And what would that be?”
Everyone notices the way Christina looks at Taehyung before quickly looking away, as though looking at him for too long could burn her. Like a moth to a candle, though, she can’t quite stay away.
“His soulmate,” she finally says, pointing an accusing finger right back at him. “I’m helping her through an existential crisis or something.”
Jimin automatically scoots forward, concern written across his face. “What’s going on? Does she need something?”
Christina snorts as a text - a text from Jolie, apparently - comes through on her phone. “No. She’s fine. Just needs to get out of her head. I suspect that sitting cooped up in the house isn’t helping.”
It had hurt to have to order her to stay home, he knew how much that could hurt. Sure, some people might not have a problem with it. But something told him that there were only so many distractions in Jolie’s small apartment that could keep her entertained. Hopefully it would all be over soon.
And then what?
That was the question that had been plaguing him today. How long would he be forced to run this same track over and over again? How long until they were both ready to face each other?
They were going to face each other, right?
Christina sits back in her chair with a satisfied sigh, looking quite pleased with herself.
“What are you so happy about?” Jimin asks, leaning back and crossing his arms. Christina merely looks at him and then down at his phone which sits atop the table.
Just like magic, it begins to ring.
“O-oh, uh…” Jimin scrambles to his feet, nearly tipping over his water in the process. Grabbing his phone, he looks for the quickest exit.
“Why don’t you just stay in here?” Jin asks, ever the prying one. “We can all chat.”
Jimin pays him no mind, heading straight for the door and bringing the phone to his ear. “Hey, what’s up?” He prays he sounds nonchalant.
“Aish, he’s already so over-protective,” Hobi calls out loud enough for Jolie to hear on the other side of the phone.
“Hyung! At least wait until I’m out of the room!” Jimin shouts back, finally slipping out into the hallway. Jolie’s laugh is enough to make him smile.
“Sounds like you’re having fun,” she teases.
Jimin sighs, leaning his head back against the wall. “So much. How are you? Have you gone stir-crazy yet?”
There’s a moment’s silence. “Yes. Definitely. I think by about eight o’clock this morning, actually.”
“Ugh, I’m sorry.”
“Nah, it’s fine.”
Another moment of silence, in which Jimin scrambles for something - anything to say in order to keep her on the phone.
“Did you, uh, get the groceries?” It’s a pointless question; he was notified this morning when they were dropped off.
“Oh! I did! And I saw some chocolate…? And Doritos. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
Jimin grins. “Nope. No clue.”
“Huh. Interesting. I could have sworn you’d added them in there. What are you trying to do, make me fall in love with you or something?”
Of course, the answer is yes. Can he say that, though?
Aren’t they supposed to be taking this slow? Why did nobody tell him that it would be this hard to do something so simple?
“Sorry...was that awkward?”
Jimin starts at the sound of Jolie’s voice, realizing that he never responded. “Er, no. Sorry, I was just thinking.” He chuckles awkwardly. “Is chocolate all it takes, then?”
He swears he can hear a gasp on the other side of the phone, but then again that may just be wishful thinking.
Either way, he temporarily throws caution to the wind. He knows he’s toeing the line, but he can’t find it in himself to back off. Not when he can hear Jolie’s soft laugh on the other side of the phone and wonders if she’s wearing that same smile he saw for a fraction of a second all those weeks ago.
“Well, it’s a good start. Obviously the chips were a bonus.”
“Ah, yeah. I thought those might be a nice touch.” He pauses. “Hey, are your flowers still doing good? Or are they dead?”
“I feel like I’m in danger of receiving more flowers if these ones are dead,” Jolie muses.
“Danger? Really?”
“You know you don’t have to keep me in constant supply of flowers, right? Besides, I’m planning on drying the ones I have now.”
“Consider it a present for making you stay inside for so long.”
Jolie hums on the other side, and Jimin finds himself nodding along to the sound. “About that...any updates? Do I have any more stalkers?”
Jimin shivers at the thought. He’s dealt with his fair share of stalkers over the years, he’s had quite enough of them. “Nothing yet, but we should know more by tonight at the latest. I’ll be sure to call you as soon as I know.”
It’s quiet on the other side, but Jimin allows some time for the quiet to settle. When he doesn’t get a response back for a while, he quietly speaks.
“Hey, you alright over there?”
There’s a long sigh, one that he thinks he wasn’t supposed to hear. “Mm? Oh, yeah. All good. You good?”
Jimin smiles. “All good.”
House arrest doesn’t suit me. It’s going on day three, and I’ve found that the thrill of television isn’t what it used to be. Especially not as the pile of empty chocolate wrappers grow.
I told Jimin as much last night before I went to bed. I also accused him of trying to make me gain weight. He only cackled and told me he’d send over healthier foods in the morning.
I should have known it sounded too good to be true. This morning I checked my porch to see a suspicious grocery bag with bananas and apples on the top. Upon further inspection I found that the fruit was only a cover for what lay underneath.
Two more bags of assorted chocolates.
Oh, and a note that Jimin must have added for the deliverer which was left on the bag. It simply said: delivery request: please hide chocolate under the fruit.
“I can’t believe it.”
“Wow, so are we past saying hello when we call? I don’t know how I feel about that.”
I try to ignore how easy - how right - it feels to just grab my phone and call Jimin up. There are still a fair amount of nerves going into it, but over the past few days we’ve grown accustomed to it.
“You sent me more chocolate!”
“Buuut I countered it with fruit. Isn’t that good?”
I roll my eyes. “Sure, but the fact that you’re forcing me to practice self-restraint is absolutely horrible.
“Ah, I see. So next time I should just send the apples?”
I find a comfortable spot on the couch, staring at the calendar before me. Staring at the date, with a little circle around it.
Nothing to celebrate today. But certainly something to remember.
Jimin’s rambling - he rambles, I’ve come to learn this - about his day and how they have an interview coming up this weekend, however I find that I’m struggling to listen. Especially as the calendar grows larger and larger in my eyes.
I wait until it’s dark to slip out.
With my pre-ordered train ticket shining on my phone, I keep my head down and my hood up as I rush to the station. At this time of night on a weekday, there aren’t nearly as many people about. That being said, it’s still Seoul. There are still plenty of people on the sidewalks, and I can only pray that they don’t notice my lack of a red thread amidst the sea of threads adorning the roads.
Thankfully, I make it to the station without much of an issue. It isn’t long before I’m settled and holding the dried hydrangeas close to my chest.
It isn’t a long ride to my hometown, only about twenty minutes by train. Throughout the entire time I remain on high alert, knowing that if I somehow wind up in trouble that Bighit may very well murder me in my sleep.
I watch as the train rolls to a stop at my destination, and I hurry off before anyone can notice me. Once I’m outside, I let out a sigh of relief.
It’s been too long.
One year, actually.
The cemetery isn’t far from the station, and I don’t dare risk a taxi. So, with my flowers still in hand, I begin my silent pilgrimage.
Not much has changed here. I peeked the same family that runs the sweet shop I used to adore, constantly begging for just enough won for some sweets. The streets even look the same, only a few small changes here and there.
It’s the fact that this was my home but that I don’t quite belong here anymore that makes my feet all the heavier. When the cemetery finally comes into view, I take a deep breath and trudge onward.
Coming to a stop before a small tombstone, I groan and kneel before it. It was a longer walk than I remembered.
“Hey Mom,” I whisper, taking care to gently separate the bouquet in half and lay some flowers on either side. “Dad.” Once the flowers are in their proper places, I lean back on my hands.
“I’m not really supposed to be outside right now...but, I promised I’d visit every year, didn’t I?” I look expectantly at the tombstone, but receive no answer. The stone is cold and unwavering, but I find that I don’t mind. The moon is bright and full, shining down enough light to see clearly. “Well, I’m here. I would have brought you some fresh flowers but...well, things are a little complicated right now.”
Inhaling deeply, I chew on my bottom lip before exhaling. As I do, my vision blurs a bit with unshed tears. Finally, bringing my left hand forward, I look down at the severed thread.
“Mom, you wouldn’t know who he is, but I met my soulmate. Well, not officially, I guess. That’s where things get complicated. But I’m trying to fix it.” Looking heavenward, I watch the stars winking down at me. “Dad, you’ll know him. His name is Park Jimin.”
“What do you mean she’s not home?”
Jimin is currently pacing in the living room, listening to Sunmi’s voice on speaker. The others sit in various spaces around the room, each mirroring a look of concern.
Sunmi had been cleared to head over to Jolie’s, which Jimin had deemed a tender mercy. He felt horrible for her, knowing that she was probably going crazy. So, Sunmi had gone over to surprise her.
Except there was one little problem.
“I’m telling you, she’s not here,” Sunmi responds, struggling to maintain her composure. “I got here about ten minutes ago and knocked, but all the lights were off and it looked like nobody was home. Nobody’s answering. She’s not here, and she won’t answer her phone.”
Jimin looks around the room in horror. Automatically his mind conjures up the worst-possible scenarios. “Where would she go? There’s no sign of a break-in, right?”
Chung-hei frowns on the other side of the room, pulling her phone out. “I’ll check her location right now,” she reassures.
“No, everything looks normal. Should I ask around? See if anyone’s seen her?”
“No, not yet. That will only raise suspicion.” Jimin says, watching with bated breath and Chung-hei tries to locate his soulmate.
When Chung-hei’s expression changes from confused worry to stunned understanding, Jimin isn’t sure how to react.
“What is it?” He asks, impatient.
“I didn’t realize,” Chung-hei mumbles. “What’s the date today?” She answers the question herself, confirming it. “She’s back home.”
“What do you mean? Sunmi just said-”
“No, not that home.” Chung-hei flips the phone around to show him. “It’s been a year. And she promised him she’d visit every year.”
It takes a moment for Jimin to process the information, already thinking about how quickly he can convince someone to tail him while he drives out to Jolie. She can get in the other car to return, obviously so she doesn’t have to see him-
“One year.” Jimin blinks, suddenly remembering what Jolie mentioned in her letter. “It’s the anniversary of her father’s passing.”
Chung-hei’s solemn nod is answer enough.
Jimin stumbles back to sit in the nearest chair, rubbing his hands over his face. “I need to go out there-”
“No, you know you can’t do that,” Namjoon immediately rejects.
“I wasn’t asking for your permission.”
Namjoon grinds his jaw, glancing at Chung-hei as the two share a silent conversation. When Namjoon’s shoulders relax, Jimin finds himself hoping. There’s no way he can leave Jolie to go through this alone.
“Bang Sihyuk will kill us if he finds out,” Namjoon begins.
“I don’t care-”
“I do.” Namjoon sighs. “So don’t get caught.”
Jimin blinks. “What?”
Namjoon shrugs, looking around the room. “Don’t get caught. Make it look like you snuck out.”
Leaping to his feet, Jimin hardly has time to grab his jacket before he’s flying out the door. “Send me the location!” He shouts out before the door closes.
He doesn’t know what possesses him as he sprints down the street, but he’s reminded of the last time he went running toward his soulmate.
This time, he knows that he’s been through the heartbreak. Surely he’s been through the worst of it. Now, all that’s on his mind is the fact that his soulmate is alone and she shouldn’t be.
He’s tired of being alone.
It’s been years since Jimin last took the train, but Chung-hei explains in her text containing Jolie’s location that it might be his best bet.
Without a second thought, Jimin boards the train and heads toward his soulmate.
My eyelids are drooping, but the walk back to the train station seems daunting. “I need to get going,” I mumble.
My voice is a little hoarse from all the talking I’ve done over the past hour. Even in death, my parents can’t escape my rambling.
Not that I think they mind.
I rise to my feet, taking one last look at the flowers that my soulmate gifted me before leaving them there on the tombstone.
“Goodnight, Mom and Dad.”
Despite my exhaustion, I remember to walk briskly back toward the gas station. I keep my head down with my hands in my pocket.
My heart feels a little heavy tonight. I shoot a melancholy smile toward the stars, who act as my solitary companion tonight. I can’t shake the feeling that I would really rather not be alone tonight.
Nobody deserves to mourn alone.
My fingers itch to call Jimin or Christina or anybody, but I put it off. I had my phone on silent, and the last thing I needed was bringing attention to myself by talking loud enough for everyone to hear. If Jimin found out that I was out here…
He’d probably stop sending me chocolates. At the very least.
Yes, it would be best to wait until I’m home and in the warmth of my bed before calling him.
Like a dream, my feet carry me toward the train station. It’s downhill for the most part, making it easier than I thought it would be. A tender mercy, I suppose, for a day like today.
Thankfully, it’s late enough now that the station is empty for the most part. Only a few stragglers wander about, all of which are too tired to pay me any mind. However, as I near the ticket booth, I feel it.
Almost like something pulling on my thread. It’s a similar feeling to what I felt as the thread had been cut, but there’s no reason for it to be acting up again.
“That’ll be 26,000 won,” the person on the other side of the booth drawls, looking for all the world like they’d rather walk across hot coals then have to spend another moment here.
“Oh, right.” I pull the money from my wallet, sliding it under the little window. “Sorry about that, I got distracted-”
“Here ya go,” they interrupt, clearly not very interested in what was distracting me. All the better, I suppose.
Thanking them, I pocket the ticket and make my way to a bench before the platform. The train should be here in about fifteen minutes.
But there’s that annoying tug again, nearly pulling my hand off my lap. I frown down at the thread, too tired to put that much thought into it. I’ll have to ask Christina if she’s ever known a thread to act up.
There’s a cold draft in the station, one that only gets worse as an incoming train pulls up and comes to a stop. I keep my head down as the doors open and people begin to file out.
At least, I try to until I’m practically thrown off my seat as my thread pushes and pulls at me. It’s starting to cause a scene, so I hurry off to the side and half-hide behind a pillar. Hopefully nobody will question why I gave up my perfectly nice seat.
Burying my hand in my pocket, I look around to make sure nobody is coming my way when my eyes catch on something- or rather, a lack of something.
Someone walks off the train, however the typical red thread doesn’t accompany them.
That’s not the only thing that alarms me. It’s the fact that I know them.
Park Jimin glides off of the train and looks around, trying to deduce which exit to take. He pulls his phone out to look at something when he drops it due to a sudden jolt.
I watch, utterly paralyzed as he stumbles forward. Almost as though pulled by some invisible thread.
His eyes are wide and he’s practically buried under the large, puffy jacket he wears. It’s brown, to match his brown hair, which is ridiculously ruffled. He’s chewing on the inside of his lips as he lifts his head to look around yet again.
From across the station, our eyes meet. Slowly, so slowly it burns, I see the recognition register in his eyes as he trails from my face down to my left hand and back up to my eyes again.
Jimin freezes, and I realize that it isn’t because he’s afraid or nervous.
This is my choice to make. Even now, after all that’s happened, he still allows me to choose.
So, with a tentative step forward quickly followed by another, I choose him.
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114 notes · View notes
headofhelios · 3 years
Ok I am a single follower but I like hannibal tv but would enjoy ur movie thoughts I like some of the books too and have been meaning to get around to the movies 😳😳
OKAY I'M EDITING A READMORE ONTO THIS LOL I REALIZED THATS SOMETHING I CAN DO! so now my incredibly waaayyy too long answer abt my thoughts on 2002 will is under there. apologies bc this is less "movie thoughts" and more "2002 movie will thoughts" but well thats how the chips fell
GOD okay sooo for the record i am reading the red dragon book and am like 7 or 8 chapters in and full transparency im not like. enjoying it lol. the book pisses me off with its misogyny (all the women in it are either dead or it feels like you're supposed to think theyre Selfish Bitches or theyre just there for like. bizarre and uncomfortable sexual moments like the guys talking abt that woman in the elevator, or that one part of mrs. leeds diary which is like. i guess could be there to Show Her Humanity or whatever but 1. there are more ways to do that 2. the book doesnt seem particularly concerned with her humanity considering she's barely even given a first name and so far the novel hasnt seemed to disapprove of how will thinks of her as a possession of her husband) and its inconsistency with will's most important character trait or whatever (he's so intensely, extremely empathetic towards EVERYONE, even serial killers, which makes him really good at finding them! and he can never turn this off, to the point where every time he has a conversation with someone, he ends up mimicking the way they talk, even if he tries to stop! but also he never empathizes with the victims or HIS OWN FUCKING WIFE? HELLO? so it really feels less like "extremely strong empathy for everyone that he cant control" and more like "he can empathize with serial killers extremely well and also other people if we want to Make A Point in one scene instead of letting the point show through the whole book") BUT UHHH ANYWAY. MOVIE THOUGHTS. THE MOVIE THOUGHTS YOU ASKED FOR COMING RIGHT UP!
okay this is what i am worried will either 1. draw annoying tv will graham stans to my blog like flies or 2. end with me being hanged in the town square BUT. it must be said. i prefer 2002 red dragon will graham to tv will graham. and quite frankly? so far? i think 2002 red dragon will graham is better than book will graham. i cannot lie.
my reasoning: because 2002 will actually empathizes with more people than serial killers and his boss! y'know! like you'd assume someone with constant extreme empathy would! the difference between the first scene with molly in the book vs in the movie are SO striking to me now that i've read that part of the novel. in the novel he seems very... rough, i guess, and like he doesnt care about molly's worries. he doesnt seem to see things from her perspective, which especially feels like a kick to the gut because MOLLY! SEES! THINGS! FROM! HIS! PERSPECTIVE!!! she literally empathizes with him more than he does with her! what the fuck! MEANWHILE in the movie, he does seem to care about her. his assurances that he wont get too involved seem like assurances rather than him trying to get her off his back. he hugs her and tells her he loves her and i actually believe that yeah, he loves her, he knows she's worried about him, and he wants to comfort her and ease her worries. and the victims! AGAIN such a stark difference to me! in the book, will is like... uncomfortable empathizing w the red dragon, of course, but he doesnt seem to empathize with the victims all that much, ESPECIALLY not the women. he doesnt care about them. he sees them as possessions belonging to their husbands and its so fucking gross. despite already suspecting that the red dragon chooses families based on the women, he decides to waste time focusing on the husbands as a way of "asking permission to look at [their wives]." what the fuck? meanwhile in the film, he feels for the victims so much that he can barely even say that the kids were shot in bed! when he watches the tapes, he focuses on the women! because that's his fucking job!!! and we see him empathizing with them! wow!!
siiigh okay im gonna stop talking abt the book vs the movie now bc again im only like 8 chapters or so deep. but now we come to tv will vs. 2002 will, which is admittedly gonna be more subjective and part of that it bc i cant remember a whole lot of specifics from the show bc my memory is Very Bad. but anyway
let's get the shallow stuff out of the way. yes i prefer ed norton's face to hugh dancy's. call hugh dancy "gender" or whatever have your fun i support you and your right to call any blood covered man a gender but by god is that not even REMOTELY my experience. next shallow thing to get out of the way: ed norton's line delivery is like music to my FUCKING ears compared to hugh dancy's i am so sorry. like the jokes about will shaking like a damp chihuahua before taking 5 minutes to stutter out "he's killing them....... On Purpose, jack." are funny and all but christ i had SUCH a hard time watching the show bc of that im not lying. literally hearing 2002 will just say "he's not keeping them. he's eating them." nice and quick, matter of factly is better than well im actually gonna end that sentence there but you get the idea. like YESSS you little blonde bitch get to the point i love you!!!
OKAY NOW less shallow points but also less uhh idk man i just dont remember a lot of hannibal. but basically: after seeing how caring 2002 will is, i'm kind of... idk i'm just so over tv will and how abrasive and harsh he is in comparison. like i fell in LOVE with how vulnerable 2002 will is, how he feels like he cares deeply about the people around him (and honestly... idk i cant remember a moment in the hannibal tv series that made me feel the way i felt when 2002 will can't say "the kids were shot in their beds". it's like... yeah this is a guy who feels so deeply for everyone around him at all times. i believe that.) and i just dont remember getting that same feeling from tv will. i have been gently spoon fed the most excellent chocolate pudding and everything else in my memory is just a snack pack. i guess tv will has those moments (what comes to mind is when he brings gideon to hannibal's house and is crying and he says "please dont lie to me") but idk they just didnt really do for me what 2002 will does. and then their scenes with reba! wow! i rewatched the tv version after watching red dragon, bc the film version made me tear up, meanwhile the tv version i barely remembered and i wasnt sure if that was just bc of the different mindsets i was in while watching them or what. and ok i just rewatched the tv version again and like... yeah. it's the wills lol. i LOVEEE tv reba SO much she is giving everything in that scene!! she sounds so like... broken, both bc of dolarhyde's apparent suicide and bc of finding out who he was + what he was doing, she sounds so fragile and guilt ridden! she's amazing!! but will. idk. tv will's delivery just seems... idk this feels dumb to say but it sounds like writing. i admittedly LOVE the line "people who study this kind of thing say that he was trying to stop because you helped him." and his delivery there is good. but between tv "you didnt draw a freak, you drew a man w a freak on his back" and the 2002 version, the 2002 delivery seems more genuine while the tv delivery sounds rehearsed. idk overall the 2002 version of that conversation just makes me feel more? its like. idk i can feel the 2002 version gently holding my heart while the tv version is a scene that is nice in h/nnigram gifsets or w/e.
umm ok this is already suuuper long and my brain is getting a bit mushy so i'm gonna start wrapping it up lol. i'll probably compare book will and 2002 will again after i finish the book, and then i miiight rewatch hannibal, or at least parts of s3. but right now my thoughts are basically: book will is a fucking dick who has an easier time empathizing with serial killers than with his wife. tv will is a nothing girl after being so completely catered to + also idk he doesnt have the same fragility that i want from my wills now. and 2002 will is my little caramel apple. he has this delightful vulnerability and feels like he cares so much and empathizes with more people than serial killers and his boss and 4 people in a diner for one scene! 2002 will made me care about will graham! which is honestly kind of a feat!
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thecassadilla · 4 years
Change of Pace - Chapter 3
Pairing: Kristanna
Chapter 3 on AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Word Count: 3,481
Summary: With her sister’s blessing, Anna takes a step back from her royal duties and finds herself working for a ski resort nestled in the mountains. A chance encounter with the resort’s maintenance technician leads them down an unexpected path, as they must work together to plan the resort’s annual ball - and maybe fall in love in the process.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Happy December! I can’t believe it’s already December - like, I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but this has simultaneously been the fastest and slowest year of my entire life lol. Anyway, here’s the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it!!!
“I’m sorry...what? Are you kidding?...Okay, we’ll be right down,” Holly said, slamming the receiver down and standing up. “Come on, Anna, we have to go.”
“Wait, what happened? Where are we going?”
“We have to go to the ballroom,” Holly explained frantically. “Right now.”
Anna slid her chair back and stood up from her desk. “Did something happen?”
“Come on, we have to go.” 
“Can you please tell me what happened?”
“There’s some kind of an emergency, Bonnie didn’t go into detail but she said we have to talk to the maintenance guys because we may not be able to have the ball here.”
Holly waved her hands dismissively. “I don’t know, we have to go.”
The two women ran out of the office and into the elevator, all the while Anna wondered what possibly could’ve happened that would have derailed their plans so far in advance. The party wasn’t for another three months, so she was trying to remain hopeful that whatever had happened could be rectified by then. Just as they reached the first floor and the doors slid open, Holly grabbed Anna by the wrist and began to pull her in the direction of the ballroom.
“Is this really necessary?” Anna asked, trying to pull back slightly. 
“Come on!” Holly answered frantically, tightening her grip and pulling harder.
“I don’t really have a choice!” 
They made it past the lobby and to the back area of the hotel where the ballroom was situated with only minimal staring; Anna imagined that two of them had to be quite funny to look at, especially considering that Holly was a lot shorter than her and had still managed to drag her across the length of the hotel.
When they finally reached the end of the hall, they were met by a tall, blond man staring at them with brooding eyes. Her first impression was that he was incredibly handsome and strong-looking, but she quickly made note of the fact that he seemed quite angry, as if he was having the worst day of his life. It did nothing to soothe her anxiety, and instead increased it tenfold. 
“What’s going on?” Holly asked breathlessly, finally dropping Anna’s wrist.
“Pipe burst in the ceiling,” he answered, irritatedly. “The ceiling is destroyed, the floors are destroyed, the tables and chairs are ruined.”
“How soon can it be fixed?”
“With damage like this? A couple of months, at the very least.”
“We’re supposed to be having a party here in less than three months. Will it be fixed by then?”
He scoffed before shaking his head. “Not a chance in hell.”
“Do you mind if I take a look?”
He shrugged. “Do I look like I care?”
Holly walked over to the entrance to the ballroom, opened one of the doors, and peered inside. In the meantime, stared at the stranger in front of her while he was keeping his eyes rolled towards the ceiling; his eyebrows were tightly drawn together, his lips were pulled downwards in a scowl that would not budge, and his nostrils were flared as he breathed heavily. Despite his agitated demeanor, he was quite attractive, and she thought back to the conversation she’d had with Holly about dating just that morning - maybe she had been looking in all the wrong places. And then he caught her looking at him and she quickly diverted her eyes to her feet, feeling her ears burn with shame.
“Okay, that’s bad. Like, really bad,” Holly announced upon returning.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Anna groaned. 
“I wish I was kidding.”
“First, Jenny quits and now this?! What am I supposed to do?”
Holly took a deep breath before placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Anna. There are plenty of other venues in the area - not here in Valley, but within a few miles. You’ll have to call around, but we can’t think of this as a death sentence.”
She shook her head, trying to maintain her composure and avoid a breakdown. “This is terrible. No, it’s worse than terrible - it’s a literal nightmare.”
Holly nodded sympathetically. “I know. I’m sorry. Look, I’m going to see if Bonnie is in her office and then I’ll go through Jenny’s paperwork and see if she had any connections to catering halls nearby. We’ll have better luck if we start calling around right away.”
“Thanks,” Anna said, though as soon as the other woman was out of earshot, she turned back to the man. “Are you certain that the repairs will take that long?”
“Do you want to see the damage for yourself?” he offered. “The entire room has to be gutted. It’s not an easy fix.”
She nodded, and he motioned to the door. She peaked inside and her jaw nearly hit the floor; the room was in shambles, far worse than she could have imagined. “One pipe caused this much destruction?”
“This is unbelievable.” She raised her hands to cover her mouth. “Oh my god, what am I supposed to do?”
“I don’t…I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” she sighed. “At least I have some time to find a venue. Thanks for letting us know.”
He fidgeted in place for a moment, and just as she started to turn away and head back up to the office, he called out to her. “What if I told you that I know a place?”
“You do?” 
He motioned for her to follow him, and he led her over to the textured map on the wall of the lobby, before pointing to a building that was located in the mountains. “Right there.”
She squinted. “What is that? Where is that?”
“It’s a huge, empty building that was supposed to be a restaurant, but they scrapped the idea when they expanded the resort. You can take the C Ski Lift up there and check it out for yourself.”
“There’s a ski lift that leads to an empty building?”
“It doesn’t lead directly there,” he explained. “It’s not a far walk from the hot chocolate bar, which is the first stop.”
“I’ve never been up there,” she admitted. “I don’t take the ski lifts. I don’t even ski.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You work at a ski resort and you don’t ski?”
“I’m not proud of it. If it’s not too much to ask, would you mind taking me up there? I can’t pitch it to Bonnie unless I know what I’m working with.”
“...I don’t take people places.”
“Please,” she begged. “I’ve never been up there and I really don’t know where I’m going.”
“Fine,” he reluctantly agreed. “I guess I can do that.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, you may have just saved me.”
“No problem. Let me just go tell my boss that I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” she agreed, watching as entered the decimated ballroom. She rocked back and forth from her heels to the tips of her toes and rolled her shoulders back in an attempt to relieve some of the tension that built up while she was freaking out. In no time, he emerged.
“Let’s go,” he said, as he strode past her.
She raced to catch up to him. “I don’t believe I caught your name.”
He glanced over at her for a moment before answering. “Kristoff.”
“I’m Anna,” she smiled, offering him her hand. 
He paused to shake it before pulling his hand away and continuing. “So, uh, how’d you get roped into this? You said someone quit?”
“My boss did - it was very unexpected. I was her assistant and now I’m...her.” 
“Isn’t that a good thing? You got a promotion.”
“A promotion I did not want, or ask for. A promotion that is requiring me to finish planning a huge party with not much time to spare - something that I’ve never done before, by the way. And to top it all off, the one easy part of my job got destroyed today when a pipe burst.”
As soon as the automatic doors opened and the blustery wind hit her, she crossed her bare arms over her chest to preserve any warmth she could. It probably wasn’t the best idea to agree to an outdoor excursion without a coat or any other winter attire. 
“Weren’t you around the last time your boss planned this party?” he asked, as they got into the queue for the C Ski Lift. There was no line, so when the next gondola approached, they climbed in and the doors closed around them. “Like, can’t you just go off of memory and try to replicate everything from last year?”
She sat down before shaking her head. “I just started working here in September. This will be the first and last time I’m responsible for something like this.”
“Yeah, I’m only here until the season ends and then I’m going home.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Home?”
“I’m not from here,” she explained. “I’m here temporarily for work.”
“Oh, sorry, most people who work here are from this area and I just assumed.”
“Are you?”
He faltered for a moment before answering. “Yeah, I live in town. I’ve worked here for a few years and I’ll probably work here until the day I die.”
“That’s depressing.”
“Not everyone can afford to travel around and work temporary jobs,” he pointed out.
She grimaced. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. If it’s any consolation, I was born into, um...my family’s business, so I don’t have much of a choice in terms of my career, either.”
“Our stop is coming up,” he said, changing the subject and saving her from any further embarrassment.
The car pulled into the station, and when the doors opened they stepped onto the platform. 
“That’s the hot chocolate bar?” she asked, pointing to the small building next to the ski lift station. 
“Yup,” he answered. “We just have to take this path and we’ll be there.”
All she could see to the left of her was snow. Lots and lots of snow. “I don’t see a path.”
“It’s buried.” And without further hesitation, he started along the hidden path,  burying them deep in the snow and then pulling his legs straight up with each step.
“You would think they would shovel this every once in a while,” she remarked with a scoff, taking the bottom of her midi dress in her hands and stepping into the two foot deep pile. With each step she took, the cold snow fell onto the tops of her exposed feet and she sorely wished that she’d managed to put her snow boots on before she left the office. She was only partially grateful that she’d chosen to wear a dress today. Though the snow was stinging her legs, it was better than the alternative - wearing cold, damp pants until her heater managed to dry them.
He glared at her. “First of all, nobody ever comes this way so the path doesn’t have to be cleared. And second, you’re talking to one of the guys who would be responsible for shoveling if it was necessary for this path to be cleared.”
“Today is really not my day,” she groaned, feeling her cheeks heat up. “I am so sorry.”
“Let’s just make this fast, okay? I have to get back to work.”
Luckily, the building wasn’t very far from the station, and they were there in no time. Her first impression was that the building was large and could seemingly accommodate the amount of guests that were invited. There was an entire wall that was made of paneled glass, which provided an excellent view of the ski resort down below, the snow covered trees that surrounded the area, and even the sky. The interior was much more modern than the ballroom, with hardwood floors as opposed to carpet, elegant chandeliers dangling from the high ceiling, wall sconces, and a neutral color scheme. 
“Wow, it’s so nice! I love all of the windows,” she said excitedly, as she peered through the glass. “And it’s huge inside. There will definitely be enough room for the guests and a dance floor, and tables and chairs. And you said that it was supposed to be a restaurant, so there must be a kitchen where the caterers could set up and store the food. I actually think this may work.”
“Told you.”
“You’re a lifesaver! I just need to figure out a way to get all the equipment up here and then I think I’ll be all set.”
“There’s a road right over there.” He pointed to the large clearing between two wooded areas. “It hasn’t been plowed, but if Bonnie is willing to let you have your party here, it’ll get done. The path will be shoveled, too, so people can take the ski lift up from the hotel and walk over.”
“Seriously, you’re the best!”
Before he could respond, she’d managed to pull him into a hug, squeezing his waist tightly. He awkwardly patted her on the back until she pulled away.
“Sorry, I probably should’ve asked if it was okay to hug you.” She sheepishly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m just so thankful that you showed me this place.”
He cleared his throat, obviously a bit flustered from the sudden contact. “It’s fine.”
“We should probably head back now,” she said. “You said you have to get back to work, and I’d like to run this by Bonnie.”
“Good idea.”
By the time they got back to the ski lift station, her teeth were chattering and she was shaking like a leaf. She couldn’t wait to get back to the resort and warm up, deciding then and there that she’d never venture out into the cold without the proper attire ever again. As soon as they were seated in the gondola, she bent down to rub her reddened legs with her hands, hoping the friction would heat them up faster.
“You should probably wear snow pants and boots.”
“To be fair, I work in an office,” Anna rebuked, glancing up at him. He quickly diverted his eyes away, as if he’d been staring at her. “I wasn’t expecting to come outside and walk through the snow.”
“At least I can go back upstairs and sit next to a space heater for the rest of the day.”
“Be careful with those things, they catch fire easily.”
“I wish I could go without it, but I’m not keen on numb toes,” she laughed. “But I do remember to turn it off and unplug it before I leave for the day.”
“Good, the last thing we need is another disaster.”
“Tell me about it. It’s been quite an eventful day.”
“I’d describe it as hellish, personally,” he remarked. “I had a bad feeling about today. I thought about calling out.”
“Really? That’s so interesting,” she mused. “I had a great feeling about today.”
“Well, you were given a promotion and I was given a huge mess to clean up.”
“I didn’t want the promotion,” she reminded him. “If it makes you feel any better about today, you’re basically a hero in my eyes. You literally saved the day.”
He offered her a lopsided smile. “How about you hold off on the gratitude until Bonnie approves this as the new location?”
“You don’t have to be so humble.”
“It’s really not a big deal,” he said with a shrug, standing up just as their gondola reached the station. 
They stepped onto the platform and speed-walked toward the entrance of the hotel in a silent attempt to escape the blustery cold. 
“Thank you again,” Anna said, once they’d reached the lobby. 
“You’re welcome. And I believe the person you’re looking for is right over there.” He pointed to the front desk, where Bonnie was engrossed in conversation with another employee.
“We have to go tell her. Come on,” Anna insisted, motioning for him to follow, which he did. “Excuse me, Bonnie?”
The tall woman spun around at the sound of her name and smiled. “What can I do for you, Anna?”
“I may have found a location for the ball,” Anna explained. “I wanted to talk to you about it.”
Bonnie nodded excitedly. “Go on.”
“What do you think of the empty building near the hot chocolate bar? It’s big so it should accommodate the amount of guests on our list, there will be enough room for a dance floor and a buffet, and it’s on property.”
“What a wonderful idea!” Bonnie gushed, clapped her hands together. “How did you come up with that?”
“It was all Kristoff’s idea,” Anna insisted, motioning to him. “I really can’t take any credit.”
“Really?” she raised an eyebrow, looking over at him. “Well, I think I found your new assistant, then.”
Kristoff’s face fell. “Excuse me?”
“You’re going to help Anna finish planning the party. We won’t have enough time to hire a new assistant event planner, and since you came up with the idea to use that building as the venue, then you can assist with the rest of the planning.”
“No, no, no,” he interjected. “I am not a party planner. I’m a maintenance technician, and that ballroom is currently in shambles. I have plenty of other things that I’m supposed to be doing.”
“Relax, it’s only temporary. As soon as the season is over, you will return to your regular position.”
“But -”
She raised a single finger and he stopped talking. “No buts. Starting on Monday, you will report to the event office upstairs and you will assist Anna, or you will be looking for employment elsewhere.”
Bonnie’s word was final, and as she walked away from the two of them, Anna finally gained the courage to look at Kristoff’s face - which was clearly a mistake, because if looks could k*ll, she’d surely be d*ad.
And once again, she found herself apologizing to him. “I’m so sorry, Kristoff, I had no idea that she was going to do that.”
“Why did you tell her that I was involved?”
“Because you deserve the credit! I didn’t even know that that building existed until you told me about it.”
“You shouldn’t have said anything,” he snapped. 
“You don’t even have to help me,” she insisted, trying to placate him. “You can sit in the office for the next couple of months and not do anything, and I won’t tell her, I swear. Kind of like a paid vacation - just come to the office and play on your phone.”
“And what do you plan on telling Bonnie when she comes in and sees that I’m not doing anything?”
“I don’t know! I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”
“I guess I should start looking for a new job,” he sneered, before marching away. 
She felt herself physically deflate; she had made mistakes before, but she’d never managed to make someone that upset. It wasn’t even technically her fault, it was Bonnie’s fault but she still felt horrible. She stood in place for a moment before slinking over to the elevator and ascending to the third floor.
“Where’ve you been?” Holly asked, as soon as she re-entered the office.
“I found a new venue for the party,” she answered, in a low voice.
“How’d you manage to do that?”
“That maintenance guy knew a place,” she explained. “Right here on property, not too far from the last stop on the C Ski Lift.” 
“Ooh, the maintenance guy! He was really cute! Did you get his number?”
“No, he hates my guts.”
Holly’s eyes widened. “Wait, what? Why?”
“I think I ruined his life.”
“Anna, what are you talking about?”
“I thought that he deserved recognition for finding a new venue for us, so I mentioned it to Bonnie. Now she’s forcing him to step away from his maintenance job and be my assistant for the rest of the season.”
“Why would she do that?”
Anna shrugged half-heartedly. “I don’t know, but he’s not happy about it and I don’t blame him.”
“You were doing the right thing, though. He can’t hold that against you. It’s literally not your fault.”
“I don’t know, Holly, he seemed very upset with me.”
“You’re the sweetest person on the planet. I guarantee that he won’t be able to stay mad at you for very long.”
“I guess we’ll see what happens on Monday.”
With a resigned sigh, she retreated to her desk and buried her face in her hands. How the day had gone from bad to worse in the blink of an eye? She wasn’t sure, but her snap judgment when she saw Kristoff in the lobby and assumed he was enduring the worst day of his life was correct - if only she had assumed that this would be her worst day ever, too. 
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theamberwriter · 5 years
Haunted House Headcanons [MHA]
A/N: This kind of goes with a request I'm working on! But I thought it'd be kinda fun to do headcanons of going to a haunted house!
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He takes some a lot of convincing
It takes inviting Hizashi and Nemuri before he agrees to go, mostly because they force him
And make him feel a little guilty for telling you 'no'
You three are super excited, but Shouta is indifferent
He thinks it's a waste of time
Plus he didn't really understand why you would want to go get scared. especially when you face literal life-threatening situations every other day
Wasn't that frightening enough?
Shouta seems super bored as you wait in line, but honestly, he's just taking in how cute you look when you're excited
Even if he isn't into it, he'll do basically anything you want to. He just wants to make you happy.
You can tell the actors are a bit frustrated when they try to scare him, but he doesn't do anything
He frightens a few of them back with his quirk, glaring them down
You latch on to his arm, while Hizashi and Nemuri clutch onto each other
Shouta can't believe they're actually scared of this stuff
Those two get super dramatic a few times
Nemuri accidentally knocking out an entire room when they really get her
He one of the actors tries to touch you, he wraps his capture scarf around them and gives them a death stare
The guy immediately apologizes
Hizashi and Nemuri end up leading you guys in circles in the corn maze
Eventually, Shouta ends up finding the way out himself. You two waited for ten minutes while you could hear the other two cursing with every wall they hit.
They didn't even realize you guys left them
Mic makes sure he lets you know how uncool that was
You're pretty sure Shouta passes out on the hayride.
But that doesn't stop you, Hizashi, and Nemuri from enjoying yourselves
Although, honestly the fact that Shouta doesn't seem to be enjoying himself kills your buzz
When he asks you why you look so mopey afterwards, he reassures you that he had a nice time. Not because of the haunted house, but because he was out spending time with you.
This perks you right up.
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You wanted to surprise him, and go do something fun
Shoto doesn't even know the purpose of a haunted house
He has never been to one, or even done anything for Halloween thanks to childhood robbing Endeavor
Shoto is very confused at first about why everyone is so calm, when there's clearly shrieks coming from inside
He talks to a few people in line about the place
He gets it more now, but that doesn't stop him from icing up the first person to scare the shit outta him
You apologize to the guy, and have to explain that the people weren't going to hurt anyone. That everyone was just an actor
He apologizes himself, and defrosts the room
After that, he isn't really scared
They manage to startle him a few times, but the fact that he's never done anything for Halloween makes the entire thing lost on him.
He mostly spends the time repeating what you said every time you started to freak out. "They're just actors, they can't hurt you."
"I know they're actors, but still! How're you not scared?" you whine. "Half the fun is getting scared!"
He'd completely ignore a guy trying to scare the piss out of him. "How is getting scared fun? Fighting real villains is scary, but definitely not fun."
No matter how much you tried, you couldn't get him to understand how getting scared was fun
Shoto wasted no time getting out of the maze
He also didn't understand why he had to wait for the rest of your you group before moving on
You really hoped he didn't catch the hay on fire once you got on the hayride
He didn't
But he also wasn't scared of the hayride either
You tried a few different haunted houses after that, not even a wince out of Shoto
You decided to stop wasting your money, and just went to all the Halloween stores to play with the animatronics instead.
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You don't take him to haunted houses anymore, he blows shit up when it scares him or gets annoying
But the few times you did go
The first year, he pretended he wasn't interested and was just tagging along because you wanted to go.
Honestly, he thought it was fun
The following year, he tried to subtly suggest going to one.
He left flyers around, and would generally share stuff about them on Facebook. Hoping that you got the hint. You did.
The years after that, you asked him if he wanted to go
You were always met with, "Yeah, sure. Whatever. But I'm not saving you."
He's a fucking liar
He basically kept you glued to him
A few of the props and actors startled him, but never got actually scared
He wouldn't let any of the actors separate you guys, either
If he thought someone was getting a little pushy, he'd threaten them
He blew up half the corn maze because one of the guys touched you
You started getting the no-touch wristbands after that
That didn't make matters better
If something popped out at him, he'd light it up
You ended up saving a few of the actors from his wrath
One time, your group had to walk back because he destroyed the hay wagon.
You had to apologize to more people than you could count for his actions
You also had to pay to replace a few things
Now half the haunted houses in the country have his face on the ban list.
You all just go to look at the animatronics at the stores now
He still rants about getting banned
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This poor baby would be shaking before you even got there
Villians? No problem. Guys in Halloween masks that pop out at you? No fucking way.
He's even scared of the ticket sellers, who only have on some badly done clown paint and smears of fake blood.
The longer you're in line and listening to sound effects, the more he looks ready to run
You reassure him over and over that they're just actors, they can't hurt him
You even wore the wristband that lets the actors know they can't touch you
Izuku holds your hand so tight through the whole thing, you're sure you're going to have bruises
He tries to pretend he isn't scared, but it’s written all over his face.
Will ask you a thousand times if you're okay, if you're scared.
He gets lost super easy in the maze
You two are the last ones out
He doesn't mind the hayride as much, but you can still feel him shaking beside you
You end up hugging him close so he can hide his face in your shirt
Izuku is honestly relieved when you finally leave
He asked if you guys can just do a nice, calm hayride next year.
You contemplated going to a haunted hayride. But decided you like your boyfriend alive, lol
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Would probably be for it
Tenya would make sure to ask a thousand questions about emergency exits
And then question the story that the actors are telling
Honestly, it's a little embarrassing
"Lighten up a little, it's all in fun," you say.
"Just because it's fun, doesn't mean safety is not important. And I have concerns about the motive in these characters."
He tries to act like the actors and props don't scare him
But this boy is two seconds from pissing his pants
He might shove you in front of him once
After that, he grips you closely. Never once lets go of your hand.
At one point, Tenya activates his quirk and sprints the fuck out of there.
He completely over analyzes the corn maze
He leaves you standing in the middle with the small group you've acquired. Then does a sprint around the whole thing.
When he comes back, Tenya acts like a boy scout leader. Counting heads, and telling everyone to stick together. Then leading them on.
He scolds the actors on the hayride about how unsafe it is to jump off and on a moving tractor
After embarrassing you, and clearly just not getting the point. He has the audacity to ask if you can go back next year
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Of all the guys, Eijiro would be the most fun to go with
He's totally down for it
In fact, he's the one would suggested it!
You two put on a little make yourselves, going as a zombified couple
He so siked, his excitement amping up as you wait in line
He admires all the hard work put into the rooms
Eijiro admits the story is corny, but he thinks it's cool nonetheless
When you go through, he jumps at all the right times
And tells a few of the actors how cool their costumes are
He only uses his quirk once, when something springs out near him and hits him
Turns out one of the animatronics broke when you went through, that's why it hit him
Honestly, he keeps you laughing through the whole thing
The two of you hold hands and dash between rooms like a couple of bandits
He piggybacks you through the corn maze, that way you don't get separated
Eijiro is also the one to start the hay fight on the hayride
Even the actors started to join in, even though the guide yelled at them not to
He resists the urge to jump out of the wagon, just because he'd thought it'd be fun
Afterwards, you two would go out for hot chocolate (because, let's face it, you get hecka cold by the end of the hayride)
And probably try and find another open haunted house
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This girl is hella excited about the haunted house
She spent some a lot of her free time looking up reviews trying to find the right one before she invited you
You're a little apprehensive, but Mina's excitement is contagious
She invites a few friends along, but assures you that she'll stick by your side the entire time
You guys are the loudest group in the line
Actually, you're the loudest group in the entire attraction
A few people even said your group scared them more than the actors
Speaking of, Mina pokes, prods, and compliments the actors costumes
She's super fascinated by them
Along with all of the props and effects
It ruins the magic a little she examines how something is done
But that doesn't stop her from getting the ever-living hell scared out of either
Your group glomps together, moving as one entity through the house
Mina keeps her promise, though, and holds your hand the whole time
The corn maze was the worst part
Everyone got separated
You and Mina snuck a little make-out session in one corner, like the idiots in a horror movie
Eventually, everyone met up. Although you're pretty sure tromping over the corn was against the rules
Mina found the hayride lacklustre, your group spent most of the ride throwing stuff at each other
She decides to plan a haunted house trip for every weekend in October
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Momo is happy enough to agree to going to a haunted house
What could possibly go wrong?
Well, she doesn't like getting scared first off
In line, she acts super tough. Assuring you that everything will be fine. And that she's going to be right beside you the whole time.
However, as soon as your group starts going through, her attitude changed
She constantly muttered, "They're just actors, Momo. They can't touch you. They're just actors, Momo."
Actually, they can touch you. You didn't think about getting the bracelet to let them know not to.
So boy was she surprised
You're pretty sure she broke someone's nose when they out their hand on her shoulder.
She offered to make flashlights for you, but you told her that was cheating
She held tightly onto you, not that you minded
She was honestly a lot more freaked out than she lead on to be
The only time she wasn't, was in the corn maze
She was analytical and quick you get you guys out of there
She wasn't as freaked out on the hayride
In fact she relaxed
Until someone buzzed a plastic chainsaw in her ear
She shrieked super loud
She hid her face in your side after that
That earned a few chuckles
Afterwards, she'd act like that definitely didn't happen
"S-See, that w-wasn't scary at all." Her voice shook while she said that.
You'd take her out somewhere nice after that, to get her mind off of it
The following year, you stuck with apple picking, costume shopping, and a nice normal hayride
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Ochaco agrees to go as soon as you bring it up
Little did you know, despite the brave face, she was terrified
She yelled at herself for agreeing until the day you went.
There was no way she was going to be able to do this, but she decided to stick it out for you
The screams you could hear in line scared her
The people in front of you assured her that the attraction actually isn't that scary
She doesn't believe them
But you guys are lucky enough to be going through with them
Sure enough, Ochaco finds she's braver than she thought
She still jumps when things pop out and characters come after her
But she doesn't faint, which she always considers to be a good thing
In fact, she starts looking forward to room after room
She holds your hand tightly as you go through
Her favorite part is the corn maze
Mostly because there isn't any people in the corn maze
But a bunch of dummies
She cheats and uses her quirk to lift herself up just long enough to find the exit
After the haunted house, she doesn't even find the hayride scary!
She still flinches into you every now and then
But she doesn't freak out!
In fact, Ochaco ends up wanting to go the following year too!
Which you do, and she's not freaked a lot then either
Afterwards, you guys go back to your place to watch scary movies and carve pumpkins.
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mcsmmafia · 4 years
MC:SM Mafia - Round III 🍪
Story written by Mari
A group of nine village folk were out catching butterflies on a beautiful blue day.  One of them saw a pretty butterfly, catching the rest of the humble villager’s curious eyes. The folk left cookie crumbles to make sure they don’t get lost. The butterfly lead them to a big gingerbread mansion, with cookies, cake, and all sorts of sweets! The group looked at the sweets, absolutely famished. The group followed the butterfly into the dining room, finding a beautiful and grand chocolate table, cake scented glowstone, sugar pumpkins, and the most beautiful grand vanilla doors. The group, astonished by all this candy, broke apart the delicious candy covered furniture, as the butterfly floated away. As soon as the winged creature fluttered away, a voice was heard in the walls.
“Come one, come all, for this candy house is free for all, have a feast, what a treat, but in the shadows will emerge a beast.”
The voice was angelic, yet something wasn’t right about it. One of the 9 village folk rushed to the door, only to find the outside cracker paths covered in candy cane wielding zombies. “We’re trapped! What shall we do?”
“Well this is a house covered in delicous food!”
“But but good sir, listen listen! The voice in the walls said a monster will intrude!”
Humble villager folk, it is time.
To find.
thunder roll
🌑 Results of Night 1:
Radar skulked off to the kitchen to sleep.
Stella first stayed in the entrance hall, but quickly came to the conclusion that zombie had a very loud voice, so she sneaked off to the attic to sleep.
Jesse also stayed in the entrance hall, staring at the zombies outside, waiting that they would slowly but surely eat their way into the house. However, they were dumb and didn't eat straight on one spot, so at dawn they still haven't made a breakthrough. Maybe it's safe in here.
Dan read some edible pages (the font was made of frosting) with his roommate in the library and enjoyed a sweet sleep afterwards.
Harper showed to be an altruistic redstoner who would disable all the traps in the kitchen.
Mevia did the same as Dan.
CASSIE ended up all alone with the candyfloss pillows in the bed chamber... well, dangit. There was nothing else to do than sleep on the gingerbread beds. On the bright side, it was still fresh, so that wasn't too bad.
Stampy spent a bit more time in the entrance hall, but then sneaked off to the attic to have a safe sleep.
☀ Results of Day 2:
Nobody had the guts to vote someone to at least get locked up. Death awaits them...
🌒 Results of Night 2:
Radar just... ate the wall in the attc. Partially. And then went to sleep. I- I don't even wanna ask.
Stella lingered around the living room for a bit, but then went to the attic for the night.
Jesse took the safety route and hid in the attic for their sleep.
Dan huddled up in the sweet sugary candyfloss of the bed chamber. And probably ended up being very sticky. No, I'm not talking about the bed... soon, a giant mass of sugar just fell on his head to bury him! It's a traaap!! Oh well, we'll keep him in sweet memory!
Harper stayed in the kitchen, ate a cupcake or two and went to the land of dreams afterwards.
Mevia was freaked out about Winslow, so she fled to the... dining room. I mean, why not lol. Surely something you wouldn't exspect!
CASSIE sneaked into the secret passage way and set off a trap or two in the bed chamber, and a random one in the gallery. Then she had her killer beauty rest.
Stampy just hang out in the kitchen, feeling sneaky eating a whole cake in just one second where PAMA was not looking, and eventually, je fell asleep. Or he went into coma because eating so much so fast... I'm not sure.
Dan has died!
☀ Results of Day 3:
Stampy made a trade with Stella and gave her an iron sword.
Stella was being quite the detective! Together with Jesse and Mevia, she was able to narrow down a few suspects. For tonight, CASSIE and Mevia were sent to the closet to be guarded by Jesse. And, I guess the rest just settled to ALL go to the KITCHEN!? 😂
🌓 Results of Night 3:
Radar had to move on to the kitchen because he'd otherwise eat a leak in the roof. And it's probably not so comfortable to sleep under the open sky with this storm going on.
Stella was eager to craft a copy of Stampy's iron sword in the kitchen. It took a while to gather all the materials, and she had to be careful to not disturb the others in their sleep. She eventually got finished a few hours before dawn, but just couldn't fall asleep because of the excitement!!
Jesse kept a very close eye to their prisoners, warily clutching their sword. They would not let them doze off for one second.
Harper stayed in the kitchen, not minding the company, and went to bed early.
Mevia also watched her guard Jesse narrowly, effectively spending the whole night on a staring contest.
CASSIE kinda just went with being locked up and forced to stay awake. At least she still had food.
Stampy was not okay with Harper being in the kitchen, so he fled to the attic.
☀ Results of Day 4:
Stella made a trade with Stampy and gave him an iron sword. Jesse gave the Flint & Steel to Radar. Mevia and CASSIE were sent to the closet to be guarded by Stampy.
Seems like they've agreed on two main suspects! Though CASSIE is in way stronger suspection by multiple people. Also... Could y'all stop assembling at one place!?! 😮😂
🌔 Results of Night 4:
Dan's ghost popped up from nowhere in the middle of the night and threatened Cassie a fiery doom, like a horror ride, in Night 5!! Cassie, seriously, you better watch out!! 😮👻🔥
Radar thought about writing a list again, but then realized it was kinda useless since literally everyone was in the attic anyway. So he only went to sleep.
Stella went to the attic to safely theorize about everything. She was still in thoughts as she slowly fell asleep.
Jesse allowed themself a restful night in the attic.
Harper was paranoid of everyone being in the attic with her, and chose to stay awake just in case.
Mevia was salty at her guard for having to stay awake again. No sugar could ease her mind.
CASSIE quielty accepted her fate of becoming a living zombie in the closet.
Stampy showed mercy to his prisoners and only forced them to stay awake... Although the thought of killing them both was sweet.
☀ Results of Day 5:
Mevia has been sent to the closet to be guarded by Stampy.
Discussions were going on... emotions have been raised... perks revealed... but most of the guests still won't commit to either Mevia or CASSIE. So Stella, Stampy and Mevia voted to throw CASSIE out, but they were short by one vote! Sooo annoying!!
🌕 Results of Night 5:
Radar fell safely into the sugary clouds and rested well in the bed chamber.
Stella followed her suspect CASSIE to the kitchen. Ominously, Lluna sniffed diamond nearby! Stella instantly had bets on a diamond axe, so she let Lluna steal it... then she chose to stay awake. However, the night would not go by that easily; it must've been around midnight when Stella abruptly felt a cold hand covering her mouth and throat! She tried to fight back, but the surprise and darkness weakened her mind, and soon, she passed out... Only to awake one more time, and find herself surrounded by calio cats. Not one, not two... three... five, seven, nine!? HOW MANY ARE THERE, HOW MANY, THIS CAN'T BE REAL, THIS MUST BE A BAD DREAM, A NIGHTMARE... a... night... nightmare... in her head.
Jesse went for the bed chamber, but actually wanted to observe the hallway to the gallery, though not having a bow or an arrow. It was... not very eventful.
Harper felt very safe being alone in the attic with PAMA, and took a long nap.
Mevia had to stand the closet imprisonment one more time - and definitely wasn't happy about becoming a regular here. On the bright side, since she is so used to it by now, she fell asleep even though Stampy tried his best to not let her.
CASSIE saw her probably last chance, and took it - she sneaked up behind Stella like a cat, and instantly covered her mouth to prevent any noise. Then she slowly strangled her to unconciousness, and dumped her in the basement. Now the cats would take care of the rest.
Stampy laughed at his prisoner, and tried to force him to stay awake. However, Mevia was mega-tired, and nearly instantly doze off despite standing.
The Last Day ☀
Finally, the guests had a clear lead! After ages of locking up poor Mevia and Stella being captured and terrorized by cats, her pet Lluna stole the solid evidence: A diamond axe, which belonged to CASSIE!! 🪓
They immediately had an emergency meeting at breakfast to discuss how to get rid of CASSIE the safest way. Then, CASSIE showed up for breakfast too - and one single moment of mutual gaze said a thousand words. Everyone stood up as fast as they could, but CASSIE was already running away - and Stampy, Mevia and Jesse rushed after her! (Without Stella, they stayed at the table because they felt a little labile from the nightmares still.)
Mevia swang her diamand axe and sprinted ahead, full of anger and bloodthirst to take their vengeance on Dan. Stampy was following right behind- oh, a CAKE!! Yum-yum!!! 🍰
For some reason, Sea was fleeing so super fast - oh, right! She didn't have her diamond axe on her anymore... Oh noo, she’s gonna escape the mansion before we can even grab her!! 🙁
Quickly, we need to corner her- Jesse tried to shoot ahead, but they were too tired - CASSIE's already at the front door, nuu- but then- CASSIE opened the front door and found Reuben already waiting for her, ready to push her down! In a matter of seconds, Mevia was there, ready to homicidally eliminate CASSIE herself. However, Jesse yelled to throw them out like planned, as they would not be any better to split Cassie in two halves. Mevia sighed grumpily.
They both dragged CASSIE to the center of the front yard, with the help of Reuben. Arrived, they gave CASSIE a deadly stare; Jesse asked if she had any last words. In fact, CASSIE had:
“LONG LIVE MY CATS! Wait, can someone feed them when I-", Mevia pushed her into the zombies, "TAKE CARE OF MY CATS”.
Then they left CASSIE to her fate.
As Jesse hustled to head back inside, they suddenly heard a splash - which sounded nothing like water. They turned around... Mevia was not behind them. In fact, she was in the back, having pulled out her axe which was now bloody. Oh welp... she really wanted to revenge Dan.
Right before the guests left the mansion for good, they found a small paper on the table. It showed where the cats are and what times to feed them. Nobody would give a damn.
(Worst ending ever... 😿)
The guests have won the game! 🍪
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because-of-a-friend · 5 years
Dad!Coups Part Two
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Thanks for the request anon! I’m glad you liked the first one, I hope you enjoy this one too! Feel free to request more stuff everyone!
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I mean... what other gif did you want me to use?
Coups knows it’s stupid
So so stupid
It’s Valentine’s Day, all of the kids in his daughters class give each other gifts every year
That’s what happens Seungcheol, he tells himself, it’s completely normal and there’s nothing to worry about
But when he sees his daughter come home from school with an armful of roses, he just kind of
His Significant Other is like “Don’t, I know you’re about to freak out but don’t” 
But Coups is already talking to their daughter 
“Who gave you those, hun?”
His daughter giggles, “My friend”
The way she says it makes him narrow his eyes
“Which friend?”
His S/O rolls their eyes
And then she just 
And Coups is like 
But he calms himself down 
“It’s Valentine’s Day, they all get cute gifts from each other, it doesn’t mean anything”
“Also they’re kids so there’s literally nothing to worry about” -Seungcheol’s S/O at some point
But then
A couple months later
It is way past Valentine’s Day
“And yet, someone has given her chocolates today anyways”
“Seungcheol, literally calm down”
But Coups can’t 
Someone is giving his little girl flowers and chocolates
And she’s like five
“Who gave you those, baby?” Coups asks right as she gets in the car 
“Minhyuk did!”
“Oh well he’s a very sweet boy!” says Coups S/O to try and say something positive 
“A little too sweet” Coups chuckles sarcastically
Cue a smack on his arm from his S/O
“I can’t help it, she’s growing up too fast”
“Oh my god, Cheol, she’s five”
And Seungcheol knows he’s freaking out
And that it’s for no reason
And that she’s just a little kid and little kid crushes happen
But he can’t help thinking about how she’s gonna grow up so quick 
And he starts hugging her a little tighter
Reading her extra bedtime stories
Picking her up and spinning her around every time he sees her
Cuz he knows someday someone will come whisk her away from him 
So now, while he can, he’s just gonna love her as much as possible
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-Live Blogging: Finale Time!
With reaction images this time!
Adorabat's practicing her screaming! Bet that's gonna come in handy later.
"Fneh!" Wow what an introduction Eugene
His design is like? Really cool?? He looks practically nothing like Adorabat tho. And why does he have a spade on his stomach instead of a heart??
Badgerclops drew him with a giant ass mustache lol.
Adorabat takes banjo lessons? More importantly, Eugene thought she was at a banjo lesson FOR 8 MONTHS?!
"She scares me" lol
Adorabat ran away from home? Why?
"I thought you were a ward of the state!" Remember when everyone thought Adorabat was an orphan? Yea.
"I thought you were my conscience!" Badgerclops...you've lived with Adorabat for a year...went to her school...AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A PIECE OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?!
...why did Badgerclops use Adorabat as monster bait...
I expected to hate Eugene but he's actually really cute and interesting?? Aside from the fact he thinks Mao Mao & Badgerclops are criminals. Love to see him again sometime!
Wow her dad has a whole badass mansion!! Why doesn't she just stay there...
Oh...her mom died...that's why he's so protective of her and was so upset when she left. Also her mom looks amazing & I wanna see a flashback episode with her. For some reason I can imagine her sounding like a deeper version of Scoops?
Aww Adorabat's room is super cool! Also Eugene cracking the door for her asfgjkl
"Do you think that monsters attacking the city are gonna - wait, does that have peanut butter in it? " (Cuts to MM & BC eating ice cream while crying) That's a perfectly rational reaction to losing your adoptive daughter
"I can keep it together!" (Cut to Mao Mao trying and failing to shovel ice cream in his mouth with his helmet on) NSADGEDHAMADH
Wait a second. Mao's eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. ISN'T CHOCOLATE TOXIC TO CATS?!
"But you said I was part of the team!!" "Then you're...off the team."
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Adorabat crying while showing Eugene the picture OUCH MY HEART...
"I used to go exploring in those caves with Mom all the time..." I'm guessing those are the caves from the promo?
"She wasn't afraid of anything!" " Well Adorabat definitely takes after her mother...
"And then one day, Sonara didn't come back with you." Ooh her name's Sonara!! Pretty!! I can't tell if they chose it cuz it sounds like Sonar or because it means "pleasant sounding"
Glad to see Adorabat's still a die-hard metal fan, even with Eugene
Oof Mao isn't taking this well at ALL if he's pretending Adorabat's molt is her...
Ooh there's Sonara's looking glass, bet that's gonna be important
Yay Adorabat saved her dad!
Damn Adorabat must be super traumatized after basically watching her mother die. No wonder she tried to murder Boba-Chan!
Oh the only way to stop the monster is by screaming!
(Mao Mao hears Adorabat scream) "ADORABAT?!" ADOPTIVE DAD POWERS ACTIVATE
Ooh her mother's figure appears over her when she says she's not afraid of anyone...maybe her spirit's inside of her or something?
Eugene & Adorabat both apologized to each other I...
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"You can't just leave without the most fearless member of the group!" YAAY ADORABAT'S BACK (Also how are we gonna explain to Eugene Adorabat's scared of the dark?)
"I'll mess 'em up real good! So good, their mommies and daddies won't be able to recognize them when I'm done..." Daaammmnnn...
"She scares me :)"
I wonder...is Sonara really dead? Or are they gonna pull a Kipo & have her still be alive but in a different form?
Badge-A-Fire explosion
Uhh...where is Badgerclops? And why is Mao Mao on the top bunk?!
Of course Badgerclops is petty enough to install a fake monster alarm on his laptop to wake Mao Mao and Adorabat up.
"This is a super-serious work meeting, as you can see by the fact that I haven't provided any snacks!" No snacks?! This must be a serious issue!! /s
"As you know, I am a creative genius. Sometimes there's so much natural creative genius that my brain overloads, and I enter a heightened state that I call 'Ultra Focus'..." Oh so basically like hyperfixation?
"...where I break into a creative sprint, inventing super-advanced technology at supernatural speeds, unparalleled by anyone in the entire field of science." Okay maybe only a LITTLE bit like hyperfixation...wait a second, IS THAT WHY BADGERCLOPS IS SO TIRED ALL THE TIME?!
Uhh did he get his arm stuck in the front door? HE TOOK THE AEROCYCLE?!
"...I forget everything the next morning." Remember my headcanon that Badgerclops represses his memories? Yea...
"Which is why it's not my fault and I don't think I should be criticized :D" TBH I screamed with laughter at this scene solely because of the expression he made
...HE GAVE THE SKY PIRATES THE GEM CELL?! I mean he clearly wasn't thinking right when he did it BUT STILL?!
"Oh hey, I told you I'd use that weird elevator thing!" Dude you LITERALLY used it in Ultraclops. What are you talking about.
"If the Sky Pirates had the Gem Cell, they would've used it already!" That is a fair point ngl.
Umm...did Badgerclops give Adorabat a BOMB?!
Tbh if my friend woke me up in the middle of the night with weird-looking eyes and handed me a timer while saying something about an explosion I would DEFINITELY not go back to sleep afterwards...
Mao wiping Badgerclops' tears I'm
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A paper towel dispenser? Well that's not that bad - IS THAT A GIANT PAIR OF PANTS?!
Ooh it's not a shock collar it's a translator!! That makes a bit more sense... "I HAVE NO REMORSE OR CONCEPT OF EMPATHY!" ...if the monster doesn't have remorse or empathy how does it know what those words mean...
Badgerclops keeps telling Mao Mao & Adorabat not to criticize him...hmm...I wonder who criticized his inventions that made him that way...*cough* HIS MOM *cough*
"Are all your inventions this weird?!" "YOU'RE WEIRD!!"
What in the absolute hell is going on dgaadhdagdadga
Okay but when Badgerclops clutched his head and started shaking when Mao Mao asked why he made those things...I FELT THAT IN MY HEART I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL
Ngl this scene really hit home for me cuz that's how I act when I have a breakdown...
The timer went off but nothing blew up - WAIT, IS THAT A REPLICA OF MECHA HOSSORAFFASNAKEARANG?!
"Initializing Totally Humane Knockout Procedure." (Proceeds to slam the Sheriff's Dept. into the ground) ajdajdgdad
Ooh...ohh they're on some sort of water park...ride...thing??
"And if I didn't want us to get out, then I made sure we couldn't...with super-strong shoe things." But there isn't any on Adorabat, can't she just squeeze herself out?
Ooh I'm getting Pirates of the Caribbean vibes
There's the Gem Cell, it must be powering the ride! Also the robotic arm slaps Mao's hand the same way Mao slaps Badgerclops' hand in Flyaway skkkk
"My amazing creativity is finally gonna destroy us all..." "Hey, at least we'll be destroyed together!" Fair point, fair point
The shoosh returneth
"I always loved inventing." So he was an inventor ever since he was little? Daww.
YOUNG BC IS SO ADORABLE!! He has a lil medical patch instead of an eyepatch which is def more accurate to real life...but what's the vest for? Protection in case he falls? A pressure stim?
That figure's def his mom since they rejected his ideas & he mentions she was mean to him. Also the theory that his mom's a villain seems a bit stronger since they straight-up hand him a tool kid + a set of blueprints with no regard to his safety...
"Also there was a bunch of other kids at school and some other people throughout my life who mocked me relentlessly." THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ADORABAT YOU COULDN'T RELATE TO HER WHEN SHE SAID NO ONE WANTED TO BE HER FRIEND?! (Also I noticed literally all the kids are other badgers, so I'm assuming Badgerclops grew up sheltered like Mao Mao did.)
So the Ultra Focus is basically a really weird coping mechanism to deal with all the abuse and bullying he went through? Holy fuckkk
"They only made fun of you because they were jealous. Happened to me my whole life!" Umm...
"Even the dance chip I surgically implanted in your brain?" Excuse me the dance chip that you WHAT
"I love you-" HE SAID IT 💗💓💗💓
"I'm finally around people who love and understand me..."
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Wait did the cannon misfire? DID IT BLOW A HOLE IN THE GROUND?!
"Take it away, Boss Hosstritch!" (Distorted garbling)
Oof Mao caught all the water
"We hope you all enjoyed being Badgerclops' friend." 💞💕💞💕
Not that anyone cares but I noticed there's a picture of some of the Sweetypies on the monitors, meaning 1. Badgerclops tested it out using them first, or 2. Badgerclops just likes those Sweetypies for whatever reason. Tho that makes me wonder why he'd choose Pinky of all people...
Zing Your Heart Out
Why are they giving out rotten sushi??
Ooh god Chester's gonna be super freaking annoying in this episode, I can feel it.
"What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!" BAYBEY
Jesus what a prick. GET HIM MAO MAO
Ngl that background's really pretty...
Oooh no the Ruby Pure Heart's being weird again. Ooh no.
FUCK YEA ROAST HIM BABY - Did Adorabat's eyes turn purple because the Ruby Pure Heart gave her powers?
Oh so the siren in Badgerclops' robo-arm is a backup monster alarm?
More Sky Pirates - and the Pure Heart's being weird again...
"I'd tell you but despite your height it'd go right over your HEAD!" Asdfgghjjk
"For someone with two brains, you're not very BRIGHT!" EVEN BETTER
Kevin said he was raising money for a school trip, then for a trip to the hospital...which one is he raising money for?!
"One second, I'm getting mad, and the next thing you know-" Is she freaking possessed??
Wait, is the Pure Heart TALKING to Adorabat?! How?!
Cluckins you don't ask people what's wrong with their eyeballs...even if there is something wrong with their eyeballs
The pure 'oh shit' on Marion's face when Adorabat turns to her
Half of the people she insulted showed up to her party! Didn't that mean she loved them?!
Oh god not this bitch again - nvm, thanks Adorabat
"Taking over the castle and ruling Pure Heart Valley forever does sound nice..." This is starting to remind me of that one AU where Adorabat turns evil, becomes the ruler of the Sky Pirates, then convinces them to kill Snugglemagne and becomes the queen of Pure Heart...she isn't gonna kill Snugglemagne, is she?
What did Adorabat tell Snugglemagne?! I WANNA KNO
Why is Pinky stealing teeth...reminds me of this
"I...hate myself! Therefore, I'm invincible!" So the trick to not getting your ego destroyed...is to not have an ego. Sounds reasonable.
"Your bug platter, my king?" Genderfluid Adorabat rights
"Mao Mao, your head looks like a CROW!" (Mao Mao caws) IT WAS A LIE HE ISN'T A CAT HE WAS A CROW THIS WHOLE TIME-
"It looks like a half-melted ice cream cone!!" That is...a strange way to describe your own neck...
"Well, I'm...bad (◡‿◡)" Kinda weird that the canonically depressed character can't even cleverly insult himself
...why does Adorabat's skin smell like old cantaloupe
Positivity outweighs negativity!
"WHERE DOES A 800 POUND GORILLA SIT?!" "Where ever it wants!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜" Curse you for making me laugh...
OOH NO THE JOKEBOOK! - Wait nvm Mao remembers Adorabat's jokes!
I think the reason they used that joke is because it represents Mao Mao and Adorabat - Adorabat is blue, and she wants to be like Mao Mao, who wears red. What is BLUE, and smells like (is similar to) RED paint?
YAAAY HE BROKE HER FREE FROM MIND CONTROL!! And did BC get Thanos snapped in the background?
"Thank goodness you're alright! We almost..." Fucking murdered you? Yea
"Might we have our crown and kingdom back, yes?"
"Sorry for being such a monster today." "You're a monster everyday." Is that a joke because she was today's villain, a reference to Sleeper Sofa or foreshadowing?
I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops decide to investigate what's up with the Heart in Season Two, cause I highly doubt they'll let Adorabat getting fucking possessed go under the radar.
The visual gag of Mao trying to stomp out his ice cream cone like a cigarette is perfect. This is peak comedy everyone else go home
Strange Bedfellows
"So, your name is Boss Hosstrich, but you're not actually the boss?" How long did it take him to realize that
JFC Mao & Orangusnake are REALLY hellbent on killing each other huh...at least the deputies and the other Sky Pirates have common sense.
Hahaha nice Dragon Ball Z reference - and they both got crushed by the monster! Lovely.
...did Mao seriously think he died and went to heaven?
So does Orangusnake breathe through Tanner or do they both breathe independently & Coby can feel when Tanner can't?
Dang those skeletons remind me of the Steven Universe Future episode Growing Pains. And why is Lucky inside of Orangusnake? "THAT WAS MY LUNCH, JERK!" Ooh that's why.
"They're full of these tiny, little cracks or, as they're known in the medical field, 'whoopsie-boo-boos'." AGSADGASGADGDASG
Damn their skeletons are just gonna freaking evaporate huh...
"The doctor said I was very brave :D"
Ooh shit the Deputies and the other Sky Pirates met at the same elevator, are they gonna fight - nevermind, they're still calling time.
"You don't have the guts!" "I have a million guts." That is...mildly concerning
"Yeah, I wanted to be a baker, before I realized I liked hurting people so much." Then why doesn't she just like, help Muffins or something?
Tbh I thought Ratarang was holding a gun and I'm glad it was just a weirdly wrapped banana
"Aww, y'all shouldn't have - this is empty." "Just like my heart when you injure yourself!!" He loves him sm...💓💓
"Why didn't you bring me weapons?!" "Because this is a hospital, and I'm a good boy (◡‿◡ )"
"I really feel like this could be a turning point in their relationship." (Mao and Orangusnake proceed to try and kill each other again) *sigh*
Ngl Mao & Orangusnake constantly repeating themselves is getting super annoying.
That hospital bed beeping is giving me flashbacks to all the times I went to the hospital for seizures...
"You know y'all could live like this, like, all the time if you didn't go around hurting people, right?" "Pssh! Tsk-tsk, boy. You know I gots to hurt people." Uhh you guys should really listen to Badgerclops he knows what tf he's talking about
UUhh, whose egg is that? "MAMA" ASGagddahDh
Of course they had to land in freaking CEMENT to realize that maybe they shouldn't kill each other
Did Mao just deflate like a ballo- oh nvm there he go.
Boneless Mao. Boneless Mao.
And Mao saved Orangusnake!! By...breaking every bone in his body somehow.
"I'm the kind of hero who wants to save you so I can fight you later...at the right time and place." Just gonna file this along with the credit score scene from Perfect Couple in the 'Orangumao' folder.
Is Badgerclops duct taping Mao to the stretcher? I mean, at least he won't move & hurt himself again but geez
Tbh Zing would’ve made a better finale than this ep. At least it had a sequel hook
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
The boys as supportive hype men bfs
For when you’re lookin extra fine and they just wanna hype the shit outchu
-“dimelooo mamiii”
-literally that ^ but with different inflections on dif syllables everytime depending on mood/situation lol
-not a very big social media man, but will post a quick story of you like “🥴❤️” dressed in something reeeeaal nice then delete it later (bc he want u for his eyes only duH!)
-but in public tho !!
-that’s his game, he’d be huggin all up on you like no ones watching
-Defintely would get caught by the paparazzi for some “provocative touching/staring” with each other
-Buys you everything
-flowers in that little shop on the corner? Done. Ice cream on the street that looks way too good? Chocolate vanilla swirl it is.
-Would probably go all out and buy you a new fancy piece of jewelry too
-its his own lil ritual to get u a new pair of earrings that match with the particular outfits he loves to see you in uwu
-he honestly seems like he’d want to hype you up all day but then spend the rest of the night with you in private
-hype you up in his own personal way ayooo
-details? I think a lil bit
-whisper dirty praises in your ear about how good you look
-goes in between rough and tender touches over his favorite parts of your body
-dead eye contact the whole time so it’s super intimate
-k that’s all u get u thirsty hoes
-does that thing to random strangers like “that’s my gf” and points at u
-for literally anything
-like when you’re ordering food for you both at a fast food place and he’s watching you lookin snackish tell them you’d like two number 5’s
-he leans over to the old lady next to him like “that girl- mi novia 😉”
-he’s also very vocal
-just likes you or him (or both) to be the center of attention
-kinda embarrassing but at the same time so sweet and way flattering so u don’t front bout it
-doesn’t really show you off on social media, but more in public or to his family
-Just wants to show his favorite ppl his fav person and how amazing you are
-compliments you all day
-really bad pick up lines mostly
-but they’re so bad that they’re actually really cute and funny
-pretends that youre a stranger at a store and hits on you like you’ve never met before
-“Erick please not here,” you’d beg while in line at the busy concession stand of the movie theater
-“im jus asking if u as sweet as those cookie dough bites u got right there mami mmhmmm”
-literally the cutest of them all
-not super extra, but very lovey and sweet
-you’d walk in the room all dolled up and he’d be super star struck like “oh my god dude you’re so beautiful”
-for literally any outfit too tho
-You can walk in with his sweatpants and necklace on and he’d lose it just as hard
-stares at you all day
-buys you flowers just for the heck of it
-sweet gentle touches and kisses all day too
-when he talks about you in public it’s all super down to earth and him saying how gorgeous you are doing anything
-takes you out to show you off
-somewhere where he knows a lot of press and people in general will be
-makes it super obvious you’re there together
-“don’t worry HONEY, I’ll grab the door for you BABE” and looks other homies dead in the eyes for dominance purposes
-he really would take you anywhere to show you off tbh. The dog park, museum, grocery store, you name it
-he fills his camera roll with candid pics of you through the day
-when you guys get really rowdy at the end of the night bc you’re tired, he records you the whole time dancing n singing and being a crackhead
-but its wholesome content of you guys being happy in love and having so much fun :,)
-he posts it all and everyone is like “couple goals wowo” and it makes your heart melt bc you’re with someone who makes you confident and happy and he’s everything
-literally not one second where his hand would be off of you
-ESPECIALLY in public
-hand in your back pocket, on your waist, in your hand
-also the type of guy that would be super extra and do things like hold the door for you dramatically, carry you over potholes or puddles in the street like “no te preocupes amor, i gotchu”
-a master at subtly tho
-and subtle teasing
-would mention how fine you look at the beggining of the day with a low whisper in your ear and a hot neck kiss
-then totally drop it for tension purposes
-would ignore u in person for a bit or maybe he just doesn’t see you much that day
-then would post a fire pic of you like “sheeesh🥵”
-comments under all your recent pics suddenly with thirsty shit
-all the fans are freaking out like “GET UR MAN”
-but he’s still avoiding you personally bc he knows it gets you all riled up
-so you watch him post and hype you all day until he gets home finally and wants to touch you and love you
-and you’re like “NO! No touching bc u can’t play these games Camacho”
-He smiles at you and puts on his nasally play voice while swooping in to lift you off your feet, tickling your sides and kissing you all over
-“mira que sexy ohmygaaad”
-ok but also
-he’d take his time with you when it got down to business, letting you know everything going through his mind when he kisses you, every time he removes another piece of clothing, telling you how perfect you are
-slow passionate intense nights that feel like they could last forever
-constant screaming
-“oye mamiiiii”
-his million stories on insta are all of you with dif filters, emojis, and captions
-he’s singing or yelling in the background every one, but honestly no one can tell at this point
-besos every other second
-you’re just *taking a bite of pizza* and Chris would drop everything like “fucK pls kiss me now”
-a lot of seductive glances from a distance
-intimidates everybody in the room tbh
-will be that guy talking to anyone being like “doesn’t my baby look ultra fine today- well i mean she always fine, but today it just hits different”
-probably very sweet like Joel but in his own sappy Chris way
-will sing to you every love song that comes on in the car or while you’re standing around
-dances with you in public just to spin you around, kiss you, and tell you how good you look
-you’re always afraid to look like that one annoying pda couple but the way y’all make it look is actually rly sweet and sincere
-also does that thing and records you being a crackhead at night, but he’s actin just as wild so all the videos are so hard to follow
-they’re all of you guys SCREAMING and CACKLING SOO HARD and no one can form out anything anyone is saying bc you’re both just being idiots
-he records you dancing like a dummy in the dark corner of your room and he’s just there like “AYY AY DALE MAMI AY”
-for some reason i just see him at the end of the night wanting a long, deep makeout sesh more than anything
-bc sometimes kissing can be just as intimate and passionate when you’re with the right person, and Chris is exactly that guy
-he’d be kinda vocal and mumble every time your lips disconnect abt how much he loves you and how crazy you make him by being so god damn beautiful all the time
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oh-shit-a-baby · 5 years
A complete compilation of my thoughts throughout the musicals second half,,, this bois going to be real long bc I have a lot of thoughts lol
Now without @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces :(
Yep dumbledore can still sing
Omg his voice
This song is going to make me cry aaaaa
Becky: you don’t look at all the same as I remember
Me: yeah no shit dumbledore grew a beard
Jesus,,,,, theyre just going to go for it right there,,,,,, ookay
Wtaf is this movie they’re watching
Idk if this is an unpopular opinion bc no one has an opinion yet but Becky and toms song is the cutest one ever and a bop and I love it
Jesus they payed for a balcony and they’re going to fucking use it aren’t they
The black and white isn’t that what lexs sister was on about
Wiggly is the king u wot m8
President kurt knows nothing about anything and that’s a mood
So if the next movie isn’t about ‘13 years ago’ imma freak
^^^president kurt quotes
In short, mr president, we are trying to stop the birth
*dramatic piano*
Of a god.
It’s good score tho 10/10
Sherman young
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Nuff said
After today’s great battle???
Faith in the one true god!! All hail wiggly!!!
My new religion lol
*cue joey and Robert just screaming wiggly for like 5 mins straight*
Yeah Gerald
She pronounces Cinnabon as see-nah-bohn what’s up with that lol
*cue people dying and their mics stopping working*
Holy fuck they all wanna kill Hannah now (lexs sister gets a name now apparently)
I would kneel before villain Lauren any day
I will deestroy everything, and then I will deestroy everything, and then I will deestroy everything and then I will oh shit it’s Gerald.
While I don’t want you to think for yourselves I do want you to understand what I mean when I say my evil shit
I’m sorry that choreo is a yike
He’s in the black and white now we’ll that sounds like shit
Hannah is the unsung hero of this musical so far
*said in wiggly voice* well, webby (Hannah’s spider imaginary friend who I think is gonna be the deus ex machina of this thing) is a stupid bitch!
Rotten little banana. I’m going to peel you. I’m going to split you in two. I’m going to eat you Hannah. I’m going to eat you right now. *all said in dramatic wiggly voice*
Aaand their mics broke again
We don’t get tricked! We’re grown ups!
And Becky and Tom are immediately evil the second they see the wiggly bc of course they are
Jesus beckys the villain???????
Welcome to the musical where everyone gets a villain song AND a hero song??????
Her voice is still beautiful
*Prancing around* DO YOU WANT SOME CANDYYYYY??????
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She’s still wearing ethans hat my heart is going to go oh my god
And he just,,,,, leaves Becky to die?????
President Kurt in a space suit oh my god
And America is great again is playing in the background
Yeah no president kurt can’t do foreign policy
His name is like howie or something but imma call him president kurt just like Tom was dumbledore for like the first half of this mess
Oh fuck joeys character is here and he’s gonna FUCK PREZ KURT UP
He’s eating an apple that means he’s a asshole
Holy fuck joeys character is like the ultimate capitalist
And also terrifying holy shit
Joeys character: Do you think that in the Netherlands they’d care about some toy??? Nah!!! They’re too busy with their free vacations and FREE healthcare!!
(When I refer to joeys character I mean the evil one he just doesn’t have a name yet so idk what to call him)
And joey can still sing I love him
His voice is so good and this whole villain is giving me spies are forever flashbacks
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I have absolutely no fuckin clue what’s going on rn
Holy fuck joeys voice is so beautiful and his range is killing me
I take back what I said earlier this song is the best one bc joey
Holy fuck someone just hit like a high d and I have no clue who it was bc the video quality is not the greatest
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Wiggly is so scary because he speaks like a child and those are scary
Joeys voice and acting is gonna kill me
Yeah made in America is the shit
Also the black and white is a dumb as shit name for an alternate reality
*wiggly voice* Uh-oh mr prezzy-wez. It seems you’ve misplaced your bomby-womb.
Well shits about to go down
I’m calling it the bomb bombed the White House
Oop no they’ve only gone and lost Moscow
Well fuck here comes ww3 I guess
And prez kurt is definitely insane in the brain
Jesus Sherman is a weird fuck and lex is kinda clever I guess it’s a shame we haven’t seen her for most of the musical
Lex: Is this what I live for? To be choked in a toy store?
Lexs beautiful song is this musicals version of not your seed but depression
And her voice is /pretty/
I’m sorry lex and Hannah can do what
Jeffs voice kills me him and joey need a duet and that would be the end of me
What did lex just do in so confused
And we’re back with Tom
Oh fuck lex is gonna shoot tom
Hold up Tom names his son Tim
Wiggly is playing mind tricks now yikes
Tom: wat
So the doll can only fuck with adults not kids???
Jesus Christ this is depressing
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U wot lex
Holy fuck this shit is deep
Wait lex still doesn’t know about Ethan oh my god
And Dylan gets another hero song holy fuck just give Robert a song already everyone else has one
At the same time though this is S a d
I’m not crying you’re crying
Tom: in fact you’re real fuckin ugly
Me: yeah no shit
Lex: FUCK YEAH!!!! Should i move these boxes first?
*cue very clever scene change*
Yeah Gerald no one wants to talk to u
Oh my god Linda leave Hannah and ethans hat alone my heart is breaking for Hannah
Linda: is this some kind of a jooooke?????
They’re gonna set one of their dolls on fire ok ok ok this is fine
More villain songs ookay
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If someone could tell me what the fuck is going on in this scene I’d be very impressed
Evil yoga
The choreo is...... interesting
Cue Robert not-Corey and Lauren being the only good dancers and getting special choreo
Ookay so everyone’s on fire this is fine
Emma and Paul ex machina
paul is family third wheeling
*audience fucking looses their shit*
Paul is having an existential crisi because he sHOULD HAVE WORN A WATCH
Someone’s gonna fall of that staircase by the end of this performance
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It’s the what if tomorrow comes bit!!!!!!!
Okay again this choreo is interesting but the vocals are all S t u n n i n g
They’re literally counting down until the end of the show imma loose my shit that’s the least subtle they’ve been during the entire show
Hang on hang on hang on hang on haaaaang on right there
Did lex just never find out that her boyfriend died we were deprived of a heart wrenching moment when she found out about Ethan
Like jeez I cried and I barely knew him she was dating the guy and just... didn’t ask about him????
That’s it!!!!! Those were my thoughts the first time I watched this through!!!!!!!
Scream at me in the notes with any questions and I’ll try answer them :)
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick thoughts: Prologue - Ch 11
Full video here.
We start right away with a bible verse which, if you’ve read any of my books, you know I’m a big fan of
We have a prologue from 1565 France…
The visual of a person perched on a gravestone and mistaking them for an angel statue at first is cool tbh
“Who are you?” “One of the devil’s brood”
The mind control parts of this I like, and I already have a feeling this is the gonna be the best part of this book
Except we don’t get another example of someone fighting it the way he is fighting it - nora doesn’t even realize it’s happening when it happens to her which isn’t as fun
The guy being maniped is a duke and the angel tells him no you’re half fallen angel so do what i tell you (nephilim)
This angel doesn’t have wings but a big cut in the shape of a V on his back
The image of a barbie and ken taped to the chalkboard of the sex ed class is great
Her best friend’s name is V!
“Camera phones to take photos for the school E-zine”
Oh shit she’s a hoe
“V as in virgin” never mind
“It may not have occurred to you kids that sex is more than a 15 minute trip to the backseat of a car” lmaoooooooo
Is this book gonna be good? Did yall lie to me??
The school e-zine
V is a “few pounds over curvy” damn
V is my “untwin” i love that
“I’m all legs like a barstool”
The sex ed teacher is making them all sit by new people...in april…
She knows everyone except the transfer who of course is her new seat mate...this is a very convoluted way to get them to sit together
“It was a smile that spelled trouble with a promise”
“Human reproduction can be a sticky subject” LMAO
“Call me patch. I mean it. Call me.” and he winks
He takes pictures “of an ezine columnist who…” and describes a bunch of stuff about her and she’s like what the fuuuuuuck
And then he is like “you’re scared of what you can’t control”
He knows she plays the cello
She doesn’t wanna ask for another partner because she doesn’t wanna let him win and i’m like NORA CALL THE FUCKING COPS!!!!!!!!!! THIS GUY HAS BEEN STALKING YOU?!?!?!?
She has a cut on her wrist, her dad was murdered
At the end of class he gives her his number so she can get her answers - she no longer has it by chapter 18 but doesn’t remind the reader that she did have it written on her hand so we just think becca forgot nora already got his # for a bit
She’s a sophomore, he’s a senior
He has black eyes and wears all black because ofc
They get a lot of fog and don’t have many neighbors
Mom is an auction coordinator so she’s not around a lot so there’s a german housekeeper that watches over her
But she leaves her alone at night...i already KNOW patch is gonna be “Watching over her” ala edward watching bella sleep i just KNOW
She’s thinking that patch seemed closed off but she liked what she had seen - aka his bod
“Smile that was part playful, part seductive” NOTHING about the interaction y’all had sounded seductive!!!!!! This is exactly like in crave when she’s getting horny that jaxon is yelling at her...like these men seem UNHINGED. Why is that sexy????
“Biology was my toughest subject, i teetered between an A and a B” i’m gonna punch you. I know you wanna go to ivy league so this matters but…
She calls patch!!!!
She asks if he wants to meet up to finish the assignment...you couldn’t...ask...over the phone??
“Nora” he says my name like it’s the punchline to a joke
He hangs up on her because he’s playing pool
She starts her assignment anyway: “jerk” “smokes cigars, will die of lung cancer, hopefully very soon” i laughed v hard tbh
“Excellent physical shape” and then crosses that out lmaooooooo
She flips a coin and it makes her decision: go to the arcade and confront patch
The cashier is pissed that she didn’t pay to get in so she sneaks by
“I was like a rolling snowball gaining speed and momentum” weird out of place metaphor but ok
Patch says she’s with him and the cashier lets her go
His black eyes are magnets clinging to her every move
She feels something different here, more animosity, more electricity...more horniness
“Queasy tap dance in my stomach”
Something about patch wasn’t right, something about him wasn’t normal, something about him wasn’t safe
“Biggest dream” “to kiss you” she doesn’t buy it so like good for her but still blech
Patch says he’s never been to school before and nora’s like you’re a liar
And he says he came because of her
He says “those cold pale grey eyes” are surprisingly irresistible
There are almost zero connections between what she’s saying and what he’s saying, as if he’s having a conversation with himself...it’s really hard to follow
“And that killer curvy mouth” ew
“You seem to know a lot about me,” i said, making the understatement of the year.
“Say provoke again, your mouth looks provocative when you do”
Her jaw twitches when she lies
He has a birthmark in the same place she has a scar...soulmate shit fer shure
She says after her dad died a strange presence felt like it was “orbiting her world, watching her from a distance” like...a guardian angel perhaps
She feels someone in the house with her and i’m calling it now: patch is “Watching over” her
She’s trying to come up with reasons for patch not to be her partner anymore...he fucking ADMITTED TO TAKING PHOTOS OF YOU AND STUDYING YOU AND BASICALLY STALKING YOU. IF THE COACH WON’T LISTEN GO TO THE PRINCIPAL ABOUT THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She’s anemic and has to take iron multiple times...a day??
“What qualities are you attracted to in a potential mate?” asks the teacher
She’s not ready so patch answers, “intelligent, attractive, vulnerable”
“How do you indicate if a female is interested?” and patch says, “if she’s biting her lip and playing with her hair the way nora is doing right now” lmao
“She’s game”
He puts his arm on the back of her chair and mouths “vulnerable” and while i would literally call the cops on a man for this, it was kind of hot in context
She tells coach she feels uncomfortable sitting by patch and he’s like, “not only are you gonna keep sitting by him i actually need you to tutor him.”
Fire this fucking guy IMMEDIATELY.
How lazy is this writing becca. How lazy. You couldn’t think of any other ways to make them spend more time together??
She and V go to the movies to write a review for the e-zine and v says: “can you imagine living your whole life without a clue that the only reason you’re being kept alive is to be used as a sacrifice?”
Do you smell that? The foreshadowing
V says patch’s dark side calls to her and nora is thinking, yeah no shit.
There was a dark magnetism, i felt lured to the edge of danger, at any moment it felt like he could push me over the edge.
Edge twice in the same sentence, crave’s editor has been in the game since 2009 apparently
V’s basically like nora you’re not attracted to anyone and nora’s like i haven’t found love and v’s like it’s about fun not love dumbdum
V says Patch would probably be “really good”
Nora says patch isn’t good for v and v says, “Careful, you’ll only make me want him more” and i’m like...i know this book came out when i was a freshman but somehow, becca fitzpatrick managed to put me from sophomore year in this book lmao
Marcy a cheerleader with “half a bottle of foundation on” and “¾ of an inch between her skirt and underwear, if she was wearing any” sits beside them
She calls V supersize: YIKES
Marcy’s being a dick to V and V just goes, “you have food stuck in your teeth, chocolate ex-lax maybe?” i love this so much
Patch is at the library…
V’s like “i’m trying to read the title he’s checking out...how to be a stalker?” lmao i love V
V thinks patch is following nora but she’s kind of into it lmaoooo
Nora’s like he’s alluring but also fucking scary
She hits someone during a storm on the way home
He’s wearing a ski mask?!??!?!?!?
The car died oh my gooooooood
He’s tearing the door off??!?!?!!?
He punches through the window!!!!!!!!!
She’s like totally freaking out but doesn’t wanna tell V that a dude almost tore the door off the car
She goes to V’s to avoid being alone
When she and v examine the damage...there is none…
She realizes the eyes behind the ski mask were black like patch’s eyes
She can’t remember hardly anything about the crash which is freaking her out
They meet some dudes called elliot and jules who is SIX FOOT TEN
They are probably other fallen angels that are after nora, and then elliott says he just transferred to their school from the prep school as of today, so yeah, this is what’s happening
Also...it’s fucking april. Who transfers schools in april
“You smell good” “it’s called a shower” lol
They’re having like an “are you following me” talk during the quiz
“I wanted my life to go back to the way it was before patch barged into my life”
I truly don’t know if it’s the delivery of the audiobook narrators that is making this issue SO GLARING to me but jfc
She confronts him after class to talk patch into asking to switch seats but he’s like “nah you’ve grown on me”
V really wants to sleuth around and read Patch’s file
they go to the nurse’s office using nora’s iron pills as a distraction to get into the files in the front office
Nora needs to register her iron pills with the nurse...it is april...she has been taking pills out of her backpack all year...no one cared???
She says this is all because she thinks patch is stalking her - which no shit he admitted to taking pictures of you…
V called in a bomb threat from the pay phone outside!!!!!!! I’m fucking crying
Also if you guys don’t know what pay phones are, let me know
She’s trying to punch through the window in the door!!!!! V is the fucking greatest
“As patch’s biology partner, i had a right to know”
The principal caught her but doesn’t suspect her
She meets back up with v at a mexican restaurant
The one patch works at!!!!!!
He asks her what she’s doing sunday night
“You’re getting cocky. I like that, angel” - bleck
“Not on a date, not alone” a hot thrill upon speculating what a night alone with patch would entail
Bitch!!!!!!! You just committed a crime to find out if this dude is STALKING YOU but you still wanna fuck him???????????
“Did you just call me angel? I don’t like it.” “it stays, angel” negging asshole
He brushes his thumb on her mouth and says “you’d look better without lipgloss” HARDIN SCOTT HAS ENTERED THE CHAT
“Interested? We’re talking about you, i’m fascinated.”
“You aren’t ready to know me”
It’s totally empty. “I’m going to expose you” “i look forward to it”
“Why are you looking at me?” “because you’re nothing like what i expected” “neither are you, you’re worse”
Elliott is in her gym class
The fog seemed to clog my lungs...fog and clog...don’t like it
Marcy miller… “that’s because you haven’t met anyone better, like me.” marcy twisted her hair around her finger. “You’ll hear all about me soon.”
He calls her gray, her last name, which is a trope i thoroughly enjoy
We describe marcy’s smile as toxic twice in 2 paragraphs
Elliott comes up behind her to help her with her batting stance
“Let me show you, like this, you feel that? Relax” EXCUSE ME
She hears her name in her mind said in someone else’s voice, it’s patch
“Batting lessons, nice touch” elliott is TOTALLY a rival angel guy
“I told myself i imagined the words because the alternative was considering that patch held the power to channel thoughts into my mind. Which couldn’t be. It just couldn’t.” this type of stuff makes me roll my eyes.
“Not yet” she hears in her mind, and ends up slamming it out of the park
She gets smashed in the head with the glove and ball, ouch
Elliott blows on her scraped kneeeeeeeee
“Had he talked directly to my thoughts? Was there some inexplicable link between us that allowed it happen? Or was i losing my mind?” meh
Elliott “i’m not gonna chase after an unavailable girl”
He invites her on a date
There’s a convo with the housekeeper about “reinventing the sexy side” and not changing yourself for a boy…
V calls and is like “let’s go to the party on the coast”
Driving moccasins?
Damn V is like “you look like a boy, put some lipstick on”
And Nora isn’t wearing makeup because patch planted the idea in her mind - NEGGING!!!!!!!
The delphic coast sounds like a blast
The new ride is called the arcangel lmao
Patch is at the arcade omg
Jules looks as enthusiastic as three day old meatloaf - this is a very weird metaphor but i don’t mind it much?? It would have bothered me in crave but there haven’t been many in this book so far so it’s not like completely pulling me out of the moment
It’s a new day, and today, the name patch is really irking me. It sounds like a dog
V is STIRRING THE POT between Elliott and Patch god i love her soooo much
Elliott wants to talk to patch about leaving nora alone!!!!
V is a messy bitch who lives for dramaaaaaaaa
Nora goes to talk to patch so elliott won’t start shit
“He was tall and lean and hard and i was sure he had street fight scars under his clothes...not that i wanted to look under his clothes” LMAO
She asks what he’s playing and he says, “baseball, wanna stand behind me and give me a few pointers?” LMAOOOOO he hates elliott so muuuuch
Patch challenges her to a pool game, she punches his arm, he says “Careful they might think we’re flirting” this guy is MADDENING
“Part of me wanted to run away from him screaming fire, the other wanted to see how close i could get without...combusting” AHHHHHHH
He’s talking to her in her thoughts and then being like, “you know that sounds crazy don’t you?” GASLIGHT CENTRAL
“You scare me, and you’re not good for me” “i could change your mind”
“Meet me at the arcangel, i’ll be waiting”
Nora goes to get cotton candy and sees the arcangel, and she goes
She gets the “cold heart-stopping feeling that someone is watching her” and spots a hooded figure
She runs into patch and he’s like “if you keep running away from me, you’re never gonna figure out what’s going on” and she’s been drinking dumb bitch juice so she’s like OHKAY.
Now she’s not scared of the arcangel because patch makes her feel safe...no he DOESN’T?!?!?!?!?
“If you ride without screaming, i’ll get coach to switch our seats” why do i feel like this is gonna be that scene in the movie fear where they hook up at the top of the ferris wheel
“I don’t scream, not for carnival rides.” not for you is her inner voice i assume and ommggggg
He sits in a car that shows demons ripping the wings off an angel, an angel sitting on a gravestone and watching children, then possessing a little girl
Okay foreshadowing
“Scared, angel?”
Our car flew demonically fast - we get it
Her seatbelt came undone and she fell out!!!!!!!
Oh wait...she didn’t? She ended up grabbing him and screaming??
He offers her a drink from his soda can and she’s like “ooh my mouth where his mouth is”
Her phone is dead so she hitches a ride with patch...did he kill her phone with angel powers somehow??
V had left her!!!!?????
Ooh or did the boys kidnap her??
So she’s sure the mind-talking is real but not sure if the guy in the mask or the falling off the coaster is real…
Patch rides a motorcycle because ofc
He takes her home and then has her keys in his hand somehow
He is totally fucking with her, the key won’t turn if she uses it but he can get it to work
“Go ahead, i’m home alone” immediately i realized it wasn’t a smart thing to say
Self preservation has left the chat!!!!!!!! The same boy you thought was stalking you 3 days ago, you just told him you are home alone...dumb bitch juice
“Dorothea will be here soon. She’s old but strong, very strong” You would absolutely be the first to die in a horror movie, nora
He comes inside without her inviting him so he can make her tacos
He...knows where her kitchen is...fuck no
She is scared of him having a knife but also...goes over to him so he can show her how to make tacos…
So idk if most teens are so horny they’re literally willing to die for it, because i was on antidepressants when i was grace’s age and i had no desire to get busy...please let me know in the comments below if you ever went from scared of a dude to wanting to bone him at breakneck speed the way nora continually does in this book
“I’ll answer your questions if you make tacos”
This is a VERY horny scene where he stands right behind her and like whispers in her ear how to cut the tomato…
“Did you follow me to the library?” he smiles and she’s like OH FUCK I WANNA KISS HIM RIGHT NOW
NORA!!!!!!!!! FOCUS
“Scared?” “no” “maybe i’m just scared of -” “liking me?” “yes...wait no”
“I feel a scary attraction to you”
He lifted her onto the counter!!!!!
“You should go” “go here?” his mouth went to my shoulder “or here?” it moved up my neck AHHHHHHHHHHH
Her mom calls and she’s like “can i call you back?” her mom says “sure what’s wrong” and she HANGS UP LMAOOOOOOO
V calls her and is like “i was looking for you all night” and nora is like “ummmm no you fucking left me???” and v’s like “DID Y’ALL KISS?!”
“I’ll pick you up at 4” “thought we were meeting at 5?” “circumstances have changed” lmao V for president tbh
We get a weird story about lionel dorothea’s godson daring nora to lick a broken piece of glass, “falling for patch would be like licking that shard”
This is the WEIRDEST analogy i think i have ever heard…
This is a first draft analogy for sure
She acknowledged that her phone had been dead so wtf happened
They go to victoria’s secret and she’s like “ooh sexy stuff ooh patch” wait i shouldn’t be thinking about dangerous patch
“I secretly enjoyed the attraction between us but the eeriness outweighed it” ma’am are you trying to lie to yourself or the reader because 1. It’s not a secret, 2. We (i) keep SCREAMING at you to have a shred of self-preservation but you threw it away for tacos
I’m going to flush patch out of my system like a detox diet, except last time i did that i binged” welp...i’m sure that’s not a sign…
Lmao V tries to take the clearance stickers off the clearance bras and puts them on the nice ones I LOVE HER SO MUCH
The hooded guy is watching her from outside…
But he’s gone before V sees him
V develops a diversion to get the hooded guy to follow her...but they can tell it’s actually a girl…
V gets hurt?!?!?!?!
V is in the hospital with a BROKEN ARM THAT NEEDS SURGERY!!!!!
Patch is absent…
She goes to the new school psych...WHY ARE THERE SO MANY NEW PEOPLE COMING IN APRIL!!!!
She’s def also an angel
She brings up that nora is supposed to be tutoring patch and is like “all tutoring should be under adult supervision, and i don’t want you meeting alone” um...thank you for being reasonable because this dude is creepy but ALSO. Just...don’t have her tutor him…?
She goes to the computer lab in the library to look up reviews but then she’s like “i should google patch” but nothing
“No facebook, no myspace” OH MYSPACE!!!!!
She comes across a kinghorn prep article about a hanging, and finds out elliott was with the victim on the night of her death
Elliott is right behind her!!!!!
“Something cold flushed through me, like a blush, only opposite”
He’s like “Call your mom and tell her you’re taking too long at homework” and she’s like STRANGER DANGER
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mcwriting · 5 years
before, during, after (tyrus)
Everything that happened before, during, and after (as the title implies) the Tyrus confession, even tho I’m a little late to the party :)
I’m afraid Josh is gonna read this so I hope you like it if you do haha
Fandom: Andi Mack (my first time writing this fandom!)
Ship: TJ x Cyrus aka Tyrus
Setting: Shadyside at Cece’s house. Takes place at Andi’s party in the finale
Word Count: 2802 (wowwww this was long winded whoops)
Warnings: sexual tension (p sure that’s obvious tho...), a couple of “bad” words but they’re mild
Rating: eh maybe like K? There’s not a lot that’s worth worrying about lol
Background: well I was a bit disappointed in how the tyrus scene kinda just... ended? and then wasn’t brought up again after the party ended and just the ghc and andi’s fam were outside?? So I thought I would put my take on it out there for y’all. The part immediately after the canon confession is what I initially imagined happening and what I wrote this fic for lolol.
Cyrus was tired of worrying so much about TJ and Kira.
And he was tried of dancing. 
His time singing on stage had been fun, but his friends had somehow scattered in the time it took him to go to the bathroom and back.
Buffy had disappeared out the front door, though Cyrus noticed Marty not far behind. Meanwhile Andi was also nowhere to be seen, and suspiciously Jonah couldn’t be found either. 
Cyrus didn’t feel like searching around for Amber, and instead went to grab a little snack and maybe sit down. Then he turned his head to the back yard, where TJ was leaned against a bench talking to a couple of his old friends.
There’s no better time then the present, I guess he thought, finishing the pizza rolls he had grabbed and heading towards the door.
TJ was tired of Kira’s tricks.
She had spent way too long manipulating and hitting on him, and he wondered why he’d let it go on for so long. 
I never would’ve let someone walk all over me before, but that Underdog makes me do some stupid things for him.
After sending Kira away (hopefully once and for all), he stormed away to grab a cup of punch to cool off, wishing someone had been brave enough to spike it so he could loosen up.
It wasn’t too long ago that he would have been the one to do it, or at least been with the people that would bring the booze.
Of course Cyrus changed that for him too, but it was definitely for the better.
After a while, he had been roped into showing off his piano playing skills, something no person at the party but his sister would have known about if it weren’t for the strong urge to show off for Cyrus.
Born this way hadn’t been his initial choice, but Amber told everyone that he knew how to play it from memory and so they begged him to do it.
Sure it was a good time, but after Cyrus ran off saying he’d be right back, TJ panicked and went to talk to a couple of people he knew that were getting ready to head out. 
They went into the back yard to get away from the loud music and after a nice conversation, his friends decided to leave.
With that, TJ was alone again, so he thought the bench he’d been sitting on the arm of would provide him a place to catch his breath. 
And then Cyrus showed up as soon as his butt hit the wooden planks and his heart rate spiked the way it always did when his crush walked up.
Cyrus was also freaking out a little too, but if someone was comparing the pair, it was nothing like TJ. Cyrus was more or less just mildly nervous, knowing anything said tonight could change everything.
So he started with something easy:
“Can I sit?”
They both looked at the empty spot, then at each other.
“Sure,” TJ gestured loosely with his hand as he tried to distract from his heart pounding so hard it almost matched the bass line of the music inside. 
With no hesitation, Cyrus slid into the spot, then asked a question he didn’t expect to fly out of his mouth so candidly.
“What happened to Kira?”
“I poured water on her and she melted,” he quipped back, cracking his “sarcasm smile” before looking away. Cyrus found it endearing and played along.
“I actually buy that,” he nodded. 
A lot of people liked to call her the worse version of witch, but really Cyrus saw her as both and wouldn’t be too surprised if she ended up putting a curse on him one day. 
TJ was still anxious but glad Cyrus was asking about the bitchy manipulator so he could set the record straight. 
He had even made sure to watch his language just for Cyrus, but if someone had asked Cy, he would’ve said he found it cute when TJ swore.
“She isn’t a nice person,” TJ shook his head, looking back at Cyrus once again.
Cyrus furrowed his brows before responding.
“You know people used to say that about you?” 
He grinned sincerely at TJ, who seemed to be in serous thought.
“Well, sometimes there’s a nice person on the inside trying to get out,” he confessed. 
TJ’s heart was still racing but he was never afraid to be real with Cy, except for the one thing he still feared confessing.
“I know that now,” they locked eyes and smiled, “but there’s still a lot of things I don’t know.”
Cyrus was really getting risky now, and he could feel it in how his pulse picked up.
“Like what?” TJ asked as he turned his shoulders to Cyrus, sliding his right leg a bit closer to Cyrus. He was hyper aware that their hands rested only inches apart on the seat.
“Like that you play piano.”
“My mom’s a piano teacher,” TJ mentioned slyly, like it was nothing, breath caught up in his throat a little.
“Didn’t know that either.” 
TJ decided to get bold too.
“I’m not mysterious, ask me anything,” he said, breathing out a light laugh.
“Okay!” Cyrus said, features brightening up as he angled more to TJ. “What does TJ stand for?”
Oh God, oh no, TJ thought, He did not just ask that. Now I’m gonna have to answer because it’s my muffin that’s asking.
“Except that!”
“You won’t tell me your name?” Cyrus grinned, truly wondering what the problem was ad TJ rolled his eyes. “And you think that’s not mysterious?”
“Okay there’s like... five people in the world who know it, and they’re all named Kippen.”
It’s a good thing Amber wasn’t there to hear their conversation. TJ knew he could trust her, but he also knew his sister well enough to know that she would’ve dropped hints left and right until Cy figured it out or TJ just said it.
“You should know that if you don’t tell me,” Cyrus started seriously, making TJ extra nervous again, “I will be the first person to ever literally die of curiosity!”
TJ held back a snort and instead let out a sigh.
“I don’t know, I... alright,” he turned even more towards Cyrus, his body almost facing the Jewish boy completely now, “if I tell you, you can never use it.”
“I won’t.”
“Or tell anyone else-”
“I promise!”
“Like, Cyrus, you gotta swear-”
“I do! I do! I swear!” Cyrus paused before lowering his voice slightly, “I swear.”
TJ studied Cyrus’s face for a moment before rolling his eyes again and continuing. 
“Alright. My parents are way into music, and they named me for their favorite artists,”
“That’s not so strange,” Cyrus added, unsure of why he was so worried about a measly name.
TJ hesitated again, heart pounding and stomach fluttering.
“TJ stands for...” 
There was a long pause this time.
“... Thelonious. Jagger.”
Cyrus furrowed his brows. He was shocked, blown away, and a little impressed that TJ actually told him. 
“Thelonious Jagger?!” he repeated, uncertain of how to react. “Are you kidding?!”
TJ was panicking inside. He shouldn’t have said anything. At this point he was ready to get up and leave when Cyrus kept talking. 
“That is a great name!” he exclaimed. “I love that name,” he finished sincerely, the widest smile on his face.
TJ was the one to be shocked now. He had never really heard “love” paired with his name, and never expected Cyrus to be the first to say it. He lightly snorted.
“You do?” he asked incredulously, mimicking his crush’s grin. 
“Well my grandparents didn’t, they were like ‘that’s a ridiculous name, we’re calling him TJ!’“ he joked in a raspy voice, chuckled, then continued as normal. “So I’ve been TJ since I was three days old.”
There was another moment of silence, and suddenly both boys took on serious demeanors again. 
“Is there anything else you wanna know?” TJ questioned. His hand started to slide off his knee and towards Cyrus’s.
This is it, teej. It’s now or never.
Cyrus couldn’t help but look down and saw his crush’s hand had moved closer.
Omg. Stay calm Cyrus, this is it. It’s happening.
He looked back into TJ’s eyes, his butterflies erupted into his stomach.
“Is there anything else you wanna tell me?” he countered with a grin. 
TJ knew could feel his palms sweating, even though it was probably about 45 degrees outside and he could see his own breath in the night air. He answered truthfully, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Yeah,” his fingers slid closer again, the tips now lightly brushing the back of Cyrus’s hand and knuckles, “Is there anything you wanna tell me?”
“Yes,” Cyrus whispered, not wanting anyone to hear but TJ.
A weight had been lifted off of their shoulders, and TJ felt more free than ever before. He decided to seal the deal.
He grabbed Cyrus’s hand, not just cupping it, but fully interlacing their fingers.
TJ let loose a sigh he had been holding in since the moment he realized that Cyrus was more than just chocolate chocolate chip muffin guy. Cy followed suit.
They beamed at each other, soaking in the fact that their hands fit perfectly together. 
Cyrus took the opportunity to get clarity, even though words obviously weren’t necessary.
“You wanna tell each other at the same time?” 
His voice was still quiet even though they were completely alone in the yard. 
All TJ could do was nod in response. 
“Okay,” Cyrus said, squeezing TJ’s hand, “One, two, three...”
“I like you,” the both confessed in sync, lighting up upon realizing they had both said the same thing. They couldn’t help but chuckle at their confessions.
Cyrus wanted to cry. This was the happiest day of his life. 
TJ didn’t necessarily feel like he would cry, but another weight had definitely been lifted off of him. 
Before tears could well up, Cyrus leaned forward, letting go of TJ’s hand to wrap it around his back in a hug, the blonde boy following suit. 
The embraced for a few seconds, each of their eyes closed in excitement as they buried their chins in each other’s shoulders. 
Upon pulling away, TJ decided to take their friendship a step further once and for all.
“Cyrus, would you maybe wanna go out with me?” 
“Are you kidding? Absolutely!”
They sat there for the next hour, planning an official date and talking about anything and everything.
The party had died down quite a bit, and the newly minted couple had scooted closer over time, eventually Cyrus leaning into his boyfriend (man was that hard for him to believe) and TJ wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
They were content in their positions when something caused the bench to vibrate.
TJ rolled his eyes knowing it was his phone, thinking it must be Kira being annoying again. He was going to leave it until it buzzed a few more times.
Cyrus looked up at him and told him to just check, removing himself from TJ’s warm side so he could reach the device.
“Ugh, it’s Amber. I guess mom’s on her ass about us not being home yet.”
TJ slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Sorry, Cy. I know you hate swearing,” he apologized.
“I was afraid to tell you before, but I actually think it’s kinda cute when you do it. Just maybe keep the language to a minimum when we’re around other people.”
They both had lovestruck looks at when they were interrupted by another buzz.
“Geez she’s persistent. She wants me to meet her out front.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Cyrus offered.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else to.”
They stood up and TJ instinctively reached for Cyrus‘s hand. After months of resisting it, he was glad to finally be about to do even this small act without worrying what the other might think.
Cyrus’s heart was bursting at the seams, and his smile was unmatched. He looked up at the other boy with that lovey grin as they started walking inside.
In the living room, only a few people outside of their friend group were still there, most of them putting on coats or talking on the phone with parents. 
TJ’s heart suddenly began racing and cheeks heated up when a few people noticed the boys holding hands, even though most of them had knowing smiles. 
He wasn’t sure how ready he was to out himself to the rest of the world after playing straight man for so long.
He felt a reassuring squeeze from Cyrus and relaxed a bit.
It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks except for me and Cy. No one can come between us again.
TJ gave a a quick wave to Andi, Buffy, Jonah, and Marty, who were all gathered by the stairs talking. They all waved back and grinned, whispering to each other and pointing out the couple’s hands.
He thought back to a conversation they’d had earlier about when they’d be willing to tell more people. It was a given for them to share the news with what Cyrus dubbed the “good hair crew” and Amber, but everyone else was a mystery.
They’d have to talk about it later, because Amber was just in sight on the front lawn, texting. She looked flustered when she caught sight of the boys.
“There you are TJ! Finally! Mom wants us home asap,” she immediately began, not registering how close the boys were or that they were touching.
“Okay okay! Let me just say goodbye to Cyrus real quick.”
Amber perked up, then glanced at their hands. Realization hit her face and she opened her mouth to say something before closing it again, nodding, and turning to the sidewalk. 
The couple unlaced their fingers and turned to each other.
“So I’ll see you Sunday at the swings?” TJ asked, shifting weight between his feet.
“Of course. I’m sure everyone is gonna want to hang out at the spoon tomorrow too so I’ll let you know all the deets,” Cyrus replied with his usual chipper tone.
Both boys chuckled, and then TJ held his arms open awkwardly. Cyrus did the same and they embraced once again, squeezing each other firmly for much longer that normal.
After an acceptable amount of time, they separated.
“Well, goodnight,” TJ began.
“Goodnight.” Cyrus replied, wringing his fingers. TJ started heading to his impatient sister when confidence bubbled out of him.
TJ stopped and Cyrus ran in front of him.
“You forgot something.”
“What are you talki-” 
TJ stopped abruptly when he felt Cyrus’s lips on his cheek, which suddenly heated up with the gesture.
“I know that was really cheesy but I thought it was a good idea,” Cyrus babbled after pulling away. He went to continue when TJ stopped him by pressing a kiss to the slightly shorter boy’s forehead.
“Text me when you get home, okay?” TJ breathed. 
“Only if you text me first,” Cyrus winked.
Finally, the two separated for good that night, waving to each other as the Kippen siblings began walking.
Once out of sight, Amber smirked and nudged at her younger brother, trying to pry the story about the night out of him the whole walk home.
Meanwhile, Cyrus made his way back inside to join the people left, promising to his friends that he’d spill the details eventually.
Eventually the partygoers had made their own ways home and the good hair crew was sat at the fire pit with Bex and Bowie, Cyrus finally got his text from TJ and grinned like mad.
Someone make a joking reference to who he might me texting and one joke led to another that ended with them all laughing.
Once they calmed down, Andi pulled out a childhood photo and things got serious again.
“Great party.”
“Life-changing even.”
“I think I missed some stuff!?” 
Everyone had to laugh at Jonah’s oblivious nature as they all unwrapped themselves from the group hug. 
“Tomorrow? At the spoon?” Andi asked.
Everyone nodded and Cyrus stepped forward to say bye. 
“Later, tater.”
He went out the gate to the front yard, finally making his way home for the night. He shot TJ a quick text to let him know he was heading home and that they would be meeting at the spoon the next day. 
Upon finally arriving at this mom’s house, he flopped into bed, let TJ know he was safe, and fell asleep with a wide smile.
TJ instead was laying in his bed, replaying the night over and over. 
Sure he was losing sleep over that boy, but finally it was for good reason.
A/N: Wow I can’t believe this was my first Tyrus story! I’ve loved them for a long time and am so happy for Luke and Josh for portraying these boys the way that they have. They are so sweet and I am sad that we had to see it end, but glad it ended with them together. 
I also have an idea for a series called “The space between” that touches on times between tyrus moments from the beginning leading up to this. Like non canon moments from when Buffy first met TJ until this fic. Idk lol.
Ps. Josh if you’re reading this say hi to Luke for me :) lol
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1 Chapter 5
• Now that we are five chapters into this story, now seems like a good time to get the masterlist of this series out! 😁 Which I will be doing shortly after this QT is up. If you've missed the other chapters, you'll be more easily able to find them all there! I'll also be reblogging my TRR series masterlist sometime this week, since my TRR Book 1 Chapter 5 chapter is close to getting finished as well.
• I'm hoping to get this one out early, it's an extremely light chapter for the most part. It's practically filler, filled with little vignettes between the characters here and there and mostly diamond scenes. The heavy stuff inevitably seems to be left for the actual Walker Ranch (sigh).
• Here are the tags to block if you don't want my QTs to clog up your dash: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs. For now a friend of mine is helping get the read-mores on the main posts, until Tumblr actually does something to make them work on a phone again.
• TW: Brief mentions of the Dr Ramirez scene in Hana's playthrough, and infertility.
• Screenshot Credits:
Hana - @pixieferry
Maxwell - Abhirio's YouTube channel
Drake - @thefirstcourtesan
Liam - Well, me
• Besides being mostly filler stuff, this chapter had a lot of diamond scenes. Two outfit changes (one OOTD and one lingerie for the LI), a group scene and the book's first character scene (Liam).
• A few people I know have been asking me about the differences between "character scenes" and "LI scenes" (and indeed a lot of people were confused by my use of these terms in my Book 3 QTs). So once I get to my general thoughts section, I'll elaborate on those.
• Title: The Open Road
Alternative Title: Enjoy The Fillers, Dear Fans, Coz You Got A Walker-Storm Comin'!
• We're now on our way to the States, barely days after we got back to our own estate. The Council is looking after stuff in exactly the way they have since we left for our honeymoon, except that now it's lost all its core group members besides Olivia. Her, Hana and Kiara must probably share whatever few brain cells exist in that Council between each other.
• If you've unlocked the "casual clothing" scenes for the LIs in Book 2 (Liam's t-shirt, Hana's crop top, Drake's Henley and Maxwell's muscle shirt and Bubbles necklace), that's what they'll be wearing on their journey this chapter.
• Maxwell is now the self-appointed Royal Entertainment Committee.
• Bertrand WOULD be freaking out about spoons.
• Our OOTD today is an off-shoulder crop top with floral designs, and ripped shorts - paired with a blue and pink statement necklace and a few bracelets. Esther DuPont and literally every other MC is more confident about pulling this outfit off than I will ever be.
• Maxwell suggests the outfit in the Liam, Drake and Hana playthroughs, and Hana suggests it in Maxwell's.
• First Stop: Our old workplace in NY! Our manager is no longer around (probably got fired lol) but Daniel is! Or as I still like to call him, Not-Henney 😂
• Hana is so cutely excited about visiting the place where it all begin, a place she must have till now only heard about in the other LIs' stories. Sigh. Wish we'd brought her here earlier.
• Not-Henney has issues with how little attention Maxwell gave to the MC's origins. @callmetippytumbles points out that there's not much you can expect from an author who put his face on the cover of a book about you. Cmon, Not-Henney.
• Told you "Things are Great" would become a meme.
• He now asks what the experience of being an actual Queen/Duchess is like. You can go for the funny route (glam parties that'll make Beyonce jealous. Oh idk, does Beyonce like an overabundance of apples?), the realistic route (speaking about everyone's expectations weighing on you), and the romantic route, which brings out some cute responses in both Not-Henney and the LIs, ranging from delight to awkwardness.
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• Oh snap. The paps are here.
• We make a run for it (in two options, with Daniel's help), and keep driving. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, the MC mentions a motorcycle when speaking about Drake, which makes me wonder in we will end up having a motorcycle scene in Texas itself. I mean, the writers did mention being excited about a scene featuring one in their livestream.
• Maxwell picks the next stop, and it's that engagement barn we built for Liam, apparently. Or the house of Robert, Steve Tennyson's (PM) dad. Where he has found the "biggest ball of string". Only Joy and Hope, my corgis, seem even remotely happy about this.
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...Okay Maxwell.
Hana needs to roast people more. Roast EVERYONE in that friend group and EVERYONE in that court!
• Fun Fact: This chapter was released on the 50th anniversary of the historic 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing 😁
• As proven from this scene, the few brain cells this group collectively has, all belong to Hana.
• It's now time to check out what the group brought as provisions:
MC: Nothing, she's only here to ask what everyone else brought
Drake: Jerky
Maxwell: Tequila (!!)
Liam: IDK Esther I thought a four-course meal would just fall upon our laps from the heavens
Hana: ME! Bring cookies that I've NOT warmed by the fires wrought from the bowels of the deepest hells??? BLASPHEMY.
As always Hana saves everyone's ass this fine day. I actually quite like this bit with Hana, because it veers a tiny bit more towards "perfectionist" than just simply "perfect". Hana would be the kind of person to worry excessively over being a good hostess, since that's something she's been learning since she was a little girl (remember the tea scene in the flashback).
• We now stop by at Washington DC - Hana's suggestion - because she wanted to look at the cherry blossoms. I was quite chuffed about this when I found out coz I always used to have her down as more of a "plum blossom" girl, and this is pretty close 😁
• That little bit in DC where speaks of the area as "a marvel of both nature and civic engineering" is a nice touch, since Liam has always been associated with monuments and national legends.
• ...If my spouse and I have to spend ALL our time answering questions about babymaking, where are we going to find the time to babymake, mediapeople? Ever thought of that? Huh? Huh??
• This option is hands down the best fucking option in this chapter lol:
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• We're now in a small town where Liam wants to mingle and be one with the locals. He's not been very successful in doing this in Cordonia (where people can literally look at his face and figure out who he is), but because it's the US and not many people might recognize him here, his chances of not being caught are better.
• This is the first character scene in the new series. It's pretty alright, not a lot of insights or anything, just a simple scene where Liam gets to not worry about acting like a royal, occasionally acknowledge his privilege, be charmingly naive, order milkshakes, and listen to the MC's insights on how she will bring up her/their kid. He does mention it opens some new perspectives on understanding his people, but I'm not sure we'll get to see much of what learnings he will put into action because, yknow, Cordonian commoners are practically invisible.
• This scene is also proof that you can take Liam out of the court but you can't take the court out of Liam.
• It begins with what the MC calls "a sidewalk hello", where she can either guide or massively troll him. The first two options are awkward as hell (I did like the bowing one though lolol coz she tells him he's probably made someone's day with his "courtly manners"), and the third is for Liam to simply ignore the other person and stare at his phone.
• Next scene involves getting Liam to buy groceries...coz he's never brought groceries. Why would he Esther he has a staff.
• They have a choice between fruit, nachos with everything on them (and they weren't kidding about "everything") and chocolates. I chose fruit.
• You also get some cute tidbits about Liam's life growing up in the palace. Here are the important ones:
- Constantine and Eleanor agreed they wanted Liam to be self-sufficient but "disagreed on how far to take that principle" (given what Liam says about her in one of the other options, I'm guessing Eleanor wanted to take it a lot more further).
- Liam can make spaghetti carbonara!!!
- Laundry: So there was this one time Leo and Liam played tag close to a champagne tower at an event, and it fell down. Eleanor insisted they "clean up the mess [they] made. A reasonable lesson in decorum and consequences". I kinda like this little crumb of info considering there is so little we know about her.
- Eating leftovers: Liam used to have sleepovers at Jackson and Bianca's quarters, and he tells us he was "proud to help Drake's mother microwave the leftovers" coz to his little mind he thought that was cooking 😁 I know, I know, I believed my mom when she put a tiny bit of coffee powder in my milk and told me it was actual coffee haha.
- Doesn't know how to do dishes. He knows soap and water is involved lol.
• The final part of the scene involves Liam treating himself at a diner with (what else!) a milkshake, while casually chatting with the MC about how she feels about the simplicity of her past life, and the way she plans to bring up her (or their) own child.
• Liam not immediately understanding that utensils are self-serve reminds me of Hana's confusion at the idea of a McDermots not having wait-staff.
• The MC has options for how to respond to Liam's question about bringing up a child - 1. I'd like my child to be practical and aware of their role, they don't need to learn how to fold a bed sheet or do dishes. 2. I want my child to have a bit of both worlds so that they're more flexible in their approach. 3. My child should be acutely aware of what the common person in Cordonia goes through if they're going to have to rule fairly over them. These three options in some way allow you to imagine what the MC would be like as a mother, and what upbringing this 'heir' might have.
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I've never actually seen YOU make much of an effort to find out in Cordonia.
• There's also a tiny bit about Regina that follows this optional dialogue if you're married to him, which I really like: Liam states to Esther that those are "wise words from the wisest queen I know", following which she points out that he's lucky Regina hasn't heard it. Liam's response to that is: "after all this time, I think she'd agree with me". Regina's kinda grown on me over the series, and I do hope we see her again!
• Overall the scene's alright. It's there, it's cute, it's filler like the rest of the chapter. Only time will tell if it will actually result in anything in the future, which kind of leads me to wonder what Character Scenes are going to look like going forward (now that the LI scenes mostly perform the function for both characterization and romance). But the biggest takeaway right now for me is what Liam has to say about his parents, and optionally about his mother. I think that may point towards something later on.
• LMAO @ the random stranger in the diner optionally thinking Liam's brother might be Thor. Leo would be pleased 😂 Also a nice touch to see her recognize us again at the lingerie store if we buy both scenes!
• We now have a scene featuring the couples in their hotel bedroom, where the LI and MC have either had a bit of a wild night, or where the MC has just finished her at-home fertilization procedure (if the LI is Hana). There's a little chit-chat here and there about the moments they have now and about privacy, but it's different in the case of Hana.
• You finally get the chance to ask about how she feels, and this is the response:
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• That's it then, I guess 😒 I'm honestly not surprised, given how much in a hurry they were to have Hana concentrate on the MC in the doctor's office itself. I'll expand more on this later.
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• Honestly I don't see the point in having the MC suggest the lingerie in Liam's playthrough (the others basically make the suggestion instead, and they say "well, you're wearing that", instead, implying that they're talking about what she has on already) if they're not going to code it properly.
• The actual lingerie scenes are pretty cute! And fun! And comes with cool dialogues options, and this:
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• NOW I know why Hana's lingerie was head and shoulders above the rest. SHE WAS THE ONE WHO CHOSE IT.
• So here's a rundown of all four LI scenes:
- Liam: The clerk from the store (who was also the girl who noticed Liam in the Incognito Scene if you bought that) recognizes Liam and the MC, freaks out and closes the store so they can shop in full privacy. The rest of it is cute playful banter, like expressing surprise at this being Liam's first time at a lingerie store. She then chooses black silk boxers with a golden baroque design. LMAO trust the MC to get him a Versace. 😂
- Drake - Tells the MC he likes it when she takes the lead. The MC then gets to ask him whether he would be down to wearing handcuffs or pink feathers. To the second option, Drake claims that he would "wear a tutu and crown if you told me you had a thing for the sugar fairy". LMAO they really are desperate to show us how much they learned from the "pink cake" fiasco. Pity how they couldn't teach themselves to treat their one female LI with respect. Anyway, the MC chooses red silk boxers with polka dots (!!)
- Maxwell - This scene is a fever dream from start to finish. Maxwell is happy and excited and SUPER SUPER enthusiastic, asking the MC to drop a beat so he can break into a dance at the store. The MC chooses blue silk boxers with squid designs on them. EVEN MAXWELL CANNOT CONTAIN HIS SHOCK. (PS: This scene marks the third appearance of "release the kraken!" 😄).
- Hana - Hana has apparently seen shops like these from the outside but has never been to one (same sis same). She speaks of how she never had anyone to do it for, which is why she is so happy about it now coz she can do it for the MC. A sweet, simple conversation. The difference here is that Hana knows what she wants, and chooses the lingerie herself: a beautiful lace and fishnet number with garter belt and stockings. She looks amazing and part of that is because unlike her friends, she realizes that her wife has deplorable fashion sense.
• It's now the next day, and Drake tries really hard to hoodwink everyone into making his "next stop" the Walker ranch, but the Royal Entertainment Committee threatens him with an "intimidating interpretive dance performed by me" (is he going to jump out the car and sing Kiki Do You Love Me too?). It's enough to scare Drake into picking a nicer stop.
• It's now time to listen to some tunes!! Everyone squabbles a little over what music to choose and the MC gets to pick either of them:
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- Hana's Choice: A piano concerto that Liam loves, makes Drake cry and Maxwell go all happy-sleepy.
- Liam's Choice: Chartbusters. "Top 40s". Drake is surprised coz the last time they drove together, Liam made him listen to 52 versions of a single Bach sonata, to which Liam cheekily responds that doing so made him figure out which one was Drake's favourite.
- Maxwell's Choice: Some song that Maxwell did a deejay mix to, and apparently Liam (and presumably Drake) lent backing vocals to. Going by Liam's advance apology it must be pretty fucking terrible.
- Drake's Choice: Classic rock tunes that he can do air-guitar to. Liam concedes it has rhythm, Drake responds that it has rhythm and attitude. He tries to do air guitar in the car but Hana, panicking, reminds him that he's the one driving.
- What Would Have Been Bertrand's Choice/We Shall Drive In Silence!: Apparently when the MC says this, Maxwell says that she channeled Bertrand so hard "he flashed before my eyes". The MC reasons that if no one wants to listen to anyone else's music they might as well be quiet. Maxwell tries to bring up other alternatives such as playing his kazoo-tar, at which point EVERYONE agrees that silence is golden.
• This bit is one of my favourites in the chapter. Probably the second after "say cheese" haha.
• It's Hana's turn to drive and Maxwell is helping her by asking she carve that path from her heart. Which she does, even though she has mentally memorized the next twelve steps she needs to take.
• Liam drives, explaining when the MC asks that Drake was his first driving instructor (Drake had his licence already and they may have used a royal golf course or two for practice runs).
• Maxwell finds a new waypoint: Thrilltown. His reasoning is quite poignant (everything is changing, the MC and LI - in some cases him - will be having a child soon and everyone will be busy in their respective roles, when will everyone be together like this again?). The rest of the group comfort and reassure him, stating that they will probably see more of each other now. In any case...perhaps to Maxwell this is like a last hurrah to the carefree life he used to have.
• We start with choosing rides. Maxwell and Drake choose The Accelerator, which Maxwell describes as "fast. furious. and it uses gravity at speeds that Thrilltown can't legally release to the public!". Hana and Liam choose the "gentler" option - the carousel - which has you ride unicorns, griffins, dragons and other fantastical beings.
• I'm surprised the writers don't have him react even a little to the carousel, considering one of his scariest experiences took place on one (Book 1 Chapter 16). Just show him say "yeah...I'll pass" or show some emotion or other. It's like that armoury scene in his playthrough of Book 3 Chapter 11 where Madeleine could mock Liam about his feelings for the MC and Maxwell is pretty much sitting there not reacting. It's so lazy. I can't.
• Carousel with Liam and Hana: I loved this one, very cute. The carousel has fantasy elements and mythical animals, things that both Liam and Hana love. The MC gets to sit on a phoenix (like her optional Valtoria sigil!), Liam on a dragon (like the royal family's old crest! Dom would be proud) and Hana on a unicorn (which suits her particular style of whimsy). It's cute and fun and sounds exactly like the kind of thing Liam and Hana would enjoy.
The Accelerator with Maxwell and Drake: They call it EXTREME, and it lives up to its name. Maxwell is ecstatic obviously because he's a thrill-seeker and a ride like this is completely in his wheelhouse. Drake gets caught red-handed handed actually enjoying the ride.
• We try out something called The Vortex of Terror, where Liam challenges his friends to not scream up until the end of the ride. Ironically he's the first one to cave 🤣🤣
• "I accept your terms, Liam...as long as you're prepared to lose". Badass enough to challenge the king of the country xD (considering the way that ride goes, I think she was right haha).
• I need more Competitive, Sarcastic Hana outside of cute group scenes.
• One of two people can win this challenge: either the MC or Hana. If the MC wins, she gets to hoist herself on the LI's shoulders towards the next ride. If Hana wins, she perches herself on top of Drake's because he's pretty damn tall.
• Our last ride is called "Lover's Leap" and it's pretty much the romantic portion of the group scene, really.
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At the end of it, the LI brings you a green candy drink, and then lets you know how this trip to Thrilltown is representative of their journey together and the change the MC has brought to their lives.
• Both Hana and I have no freaking clue what Liam means when he says "I call shotgun" before they head out.
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• Lol @ Cordonia having its own version of "Ninety Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall". And of course it's going to feature Cordonian Rubies 🤣
• We now reach the ranch, where those of us who didn't marry Drake meet his mother Bianca for the very first time (in every other playthrough she is called "The Rider" and in Drake's her sprite is addressed by name).
• There ends the chapter, on a 'suspicious' note, the kind that seems to sound like things are suspicious but they're probably not. Bertrand's head must be exploding from the lack of spoons.
General Thoughts:
• It's a good thing this filler chapter exists, even if it's mostly inconsequential fluff, because at least that's one chapter less to deal with BertVannah and Drake and his family.
• It's also pretty expensive because the writers knew their crowd by now and know that that crowd is willing to spend.
• The scenes were in keeping with the mood of the chapter - light and fluffy, lots of friendship and some amount of romance. I ended up liking the free short scenes more than any of the diamond ones this chapter honestly.
• So...on the outset, it seems good that the MC is able to check on Hana, post the visit to Dr Ramirez. Hearing Hana's answer, however, brought back every issue I've ever had with the way they've written Hana.
I mean, sure, not everyone reacts the same way to such painful news. I understand that. But here the writers are basically using Hana to minimize what she's going through. They use her to dismiss her own pain with "oh that's okay, I'm just happy that at least you can carry that baby". All that proves is that the female LIs' experiences and pain mean nothing in front the MC's needs.
I've spoken before about the numerous times Hana's pain had been brushed aside or her space eaten into, to favour particular characters, and this just happens to be a repeat of the same formula. This is especially bad because it proves that the only reason they put Hana through this kind of hell in the first place is so that only the MC can carry the child. Her condition isn't allowed to be anything else other than a plot convenience: not an opportunity to open a conversation on this, nor to help develop her as a character. It's merely a narrative device meant to make coding easier. It's dismissive, lazy and reeks of a deplorable lack of care. And again I have to ask, why put her through this if you're so desperate to ignore it afterwards??
• The other big problem is that considering the gravity of that situation, why is checking on her an option rather than actual default dialogue?? If you choose the option to continue talking about playlists instead, the topic just never emerges again. Again I have to ask, what the hell kind of wife is the MC? I mean even before they got the news, the MC was pretty much doing nothing. She wasn't planning for Hana, she wasn't thinking much in terms of what to do for her, everything seems to just revolve around her even in a scenario where either one could have been a mother.
• The lingerie scene seems to me to have elements of a type of diamond scene in the flagship series - the ones where we could buy new casual clothing for our LIs in NY. The LI requires a new look, the MC suggests for a change and often picks out something that she thinks would work (some of her choices - like Liam's pants or Drake's sunglasses are...questionable 😅), and from then on this would be their option for ultra-casual occasions. The one casualwear scene that is different from all these is Maxwell's: he gets his sleeveless shirt and Bubbles necklace at a shop in Coney Island, during the group scene (I think part of this was that they were attempting a step-by-step LI-upgrade because they were a new couple at that point...which was why his first 30 diamond scene was during the Gala, after they'd been together for a little while. Still doesn't excuse all the ways they ignored his background and history though).
The main difference between the casualwear scenes and the lingerie ones is that the first dealt put the MC and LI in different situations and dealt with different issues (therefore was a scene of its own) and the second really just revolved around the lingerie. Perhaps the lingerie scene would be what you'd call an 'extended outfit option'? As opposed to something that's a scene all on its own?
• I was actually quite surprised we got a character scene in this series. Given how much they'd drastically cut down on them in favour of beefing up their LI scenes more, I was fully expecting not to see them. I do prefer them to the LI scenes sometimes, because my LI is not the only one I want to be keeping tabs on, and I do want to know what's happening in their lives.
• What is the difference between the two? I hear some of you ask. Well, good question because I'm about to launch into one of my long-winded explanations again.
• Diamond Scenes in TRR/H: I've been holding off on writing about these, since I believed that the series probably had done away with character scenes and preferred to use LI scenes for both romance and development. With this chapter, I now understand that's not the case.
• So...simply put, the difference between an Character Scene and an LI scene, is that the first focuses on the same character in all playthroughs (eg. no matter who you are romancing, if you buy these scenes it's Hana who will play Snow Angels with you, or Drake who will go fishing with you), and the second focuses on who you are engaged/married to (eg. If I'm romancing Hana, I will not be going to the movies with Liam. If I'm romancing Maxwell, I will not be having a cake testing session with Drake).
During Books 1 and 2, when the MC wasn't altogether exclusive with any LI as such, each character would have their own specific scene which expanded further on their characterization and gave the MC a chance to learn more about them. Most of the romance in these scenes were by choice, with the exception of a few lines here and there. The writers tried to continue this way of formatting diamond scenes even beyond Liam's proposal, but the amount of backlash from the portions of the scenes that involved the MC cheating on her confirmed LI...kind of made them backtrack on this plan quite a bit.
Book 3 switched the format up a little. It was similarish in a lot of ways to RoE, except that unlike that book (where the other two would disappear once you got engaged to one), we were also friends with the other LIs. Besides outfits and plot development scenes (such as the one in the Nevrakis replica armory with Olivia and Gladys) and group scenes, the book also offered two types of scenes for the reader to connect with the characters they liked:
1. LI Scenes: These scenes are meant for the LI the MC is marrying, and are coded differently based on that. This kind of scene was first used in the series in the first chapter of Book 3, where the MC and LI could comfort each other in the safe house. The initial chapters had a similar approach to the scenes as RoE Book 3 (where Mr Sloan, Leo and Dean all ended up sounding like each other), in that the dialogues sounded pretty cut-and-paste, with little to no actual variations beyond a few things (an example of this was how - in the Book 3 Chapter 6 Spa Scene in Applewood - all the LIs spoke of being "dumb in love" with the MC - which suited certain LIs, but sounded extremely jarring on others.
During Book 3, a high number of complaints about the series revolved around this copy-paste routine for the LIs, mostly because the characters were so different from each other, and wouldn't speak the same or even have the same experiences. Around Book 3 Chapter 8, major shifts began to happen in the way these scenes were written, starting with the Movie-going Scene in Castelserraillian. Post that chapter, and the hiatus, there was a significant decrease in the number of individual character scenes, and an increase in both number and quality of the LI scenes. It is very possible that they found juggling both stressful and dialed back on one to personalize the other further.
2. Character Development Scenes: These were scenes with the LI that you got regardless of whether you were marrying them or not. This scene would be viewed over all playthroughs, with differences based on whether you were marrying them or not. If you were not marrying them, these scenes would appear neutral and the romantic options would simply not be there, or be replaced by more neutral ones. Examples of such scenes include Drake's Cordonian Waltz Scene in Fydelia (Book 3 Chapter 3), Liam's Gastrodiplomacy Scene in Castelserraillian (Book 3 Chapter 7), Hana's Polo Scene in Portavira (Book 3 Chapter 5) and Maxwell's Armoury Scene in Lythikos (Book 3 Chapter 11).
The most important thing to remember is that these scenes are expected to be coded differently (according to your relationship with said LI), not only by adding romantic options for the MC to choose, but also in the actions of the characters by default. For instance, the Fydelia Cordonian Waltz scene in Drake's playthrough incorporates - by default - all the sensuality you should be finding in this waltz, while his friendly playthrough is merely the MC teaching him the basics so they have an edge over Neville. By default, if you buy the Gastrodiplomacy scene as Liam's fiancée, the chocolate souffle you sampled with him would feature at your wedding reception.
I say the scenes were expected to be coded differently, because very often they were not. In a lot of cases the only proof you'd have in those scenes that the LI and MC were even together were from the MC's actions. For instance, even though Hana was going to be a duchess on marriage to the MC, the same as Drake - only Drake got to speak in detail about it. This opportunity came for Hana very briefly only by Chapter 14, well past the midpoint of Book 3.
• So when Book 3 began the formula was mostly "leave the character scenes for developing the LI's issues or getting them to teach something, and concentrate on nothing else but the romance for your LI scenes". However this wasn't exactly workable given how different each LI was and therefore how odd some of their dialogue sounded. The dial back is understandable (though, as someone who has looked through various playthroughs in this book, I can tell you the imbalances found across character scenes were on a whole different level).
• Why I've elaborated on this is to give context to a question I now have about the narrative: what are the Character Scenes going to look like from here on out? Post the hiatus, they would vary - they could be mostly plot-driven, or fun and light but not much depth or variation, or fun and light, and also opening up diverging conversations based on your relationship. Now that they seemed to have locked down some format in this book at least, what's it going to sound like?
The Liam Character Scene today was fun, light, had default differences based on whether you were marrying him or not, but ultimately had very little to give to the story other than a few facts about Liam's home life and (in a way that expands on what we already know about her and her dynamic with Constantine) his mother. What exactly does he learn? What new insights is he getting as a King who self-admittedly exists and operates in a "statesman's bubble"?
It also remains to be seen whether buying this scene will have any effect of future events - like Liam's Applewood Tour Scene, where his retelling of King Fabian's story had an impact on our conversation with Kiara's mother Joelle. I'm probably going to keep track on how these character scenes are being written in this series, considering that we already have a pretty good idea of how their LI scenes are done.
• Twice I've seen Eleanor associated with pasta. In Book 1 Liam mentions simple tomato pasta as a childhood dish that reminded of his mother, and here shortly after he speaks about his parents he mentions knowing to cook spaghetti carbonara. IDK what that's supposed to mean but I'm bringing it up anyway. I'm mean, what if it's a part of Auvernese cuisine 😂
• I guess that's it for this week! Time for me to scram and finish my Book 1 Chapter 5 QT too before the next chapter drops!
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