#everyone looking at buck like do i know u sir?
donationwayne · 6 months
Feelin Good (Could be Better) Chapter One
Hello, I have posted the first chapter of my first ever chapter fic which I am super stoked about!!! This is is already completed so I will be posting chapters completely randomly because I am a chaos demon. (fic is about 24.5k total!)
You can read the first chapter of my fic over on AO3 right here
The Buckley parents come to town, turning Buck's already shaky mental status from precarious to worse. Despite avoiding a dreaded dinner at all costs, Buck consents to join Maddie, Chimney, and his parents for dinner. Buck is super fine thanks for asking, he'll just bake about it. And think about kissing Eddie, obviously. Secrets are revealed, leaving the 118 reeling.
“No, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a parent.” Buck answers instead, truthfully. Hen sends him a strange look. There is an odd, almost hesitant lilt to her tone that Buck can't dissect. “And why not?” Buck shakes his head. “I doubt it's in the cards.” He tries to be flippant so he can play it off as one of his usual perpetually single self-deprecating jokes. Chim frowns, all trace of teasing gone, when he sees how uncharacteristically serious Buck’s own expression is despite the attempt at humor. “And just why do you think you’d be a bad father? You’re great with Chris and Jee.” What Buck doesn’t say is that he could never commit himself to the possibility of becoming either of his parents. Sometimes he still tastes the blood in his mouth from a split lip or a bloody nose. It would never be worth the risk. “Yeah, it sort of surprises me,” Hen admits. “I always figured you would settle down and have a herd of little Buckley’s, even if you just adopted. You always get so wistful when you’re babysitting.” Buck simply shrugs because he fears his voice might crack. This conversation felt a little too vulnerable, especially for a lighthearted trip to the park after a late lunch on their day off. It wasn’t a discussion he was prepared to have right now—especially without delving into the dirty details of his childhood. Eddie, who was apparently listening in from his post by the slide, is staring at him as though he’s trying to put together a complicated puzzle, and the answer is written somewhere in Buck's eyes. He looks shell-shocked and a bit like Buck had open hand slapped him across the face by informing them he never intended to become a father.
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marvellous1917 · 7 months
Your mob!bucky is so sexyyyy, I neeeddd him in my life! Can I get the letter U for both alphabets pleeaasseee?
Thank you love!
Of course you can, here ya are 😘
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U is unfair (does he tease a lot?) OR ugly (a bad habit he has)
My Icarus! bucky is the king of all teasers!
“Bucky please!” You almost yell with despair, looking down at him as he raises his head from between your thighs, chin and mouth soaked.
“Please what doll? C’mon use your words for me huh” he responds with a panty dropping (they already did) smirk.
“Pl- please let me cum Buck, I need it..” you huff, dropping your head down on your pillow.
“You don’t like what I’m doing baby? Okay maybe I should stop,” he starts to move from his position.
“No! No Buck please please don’t stop,” you whine, grabbing at his hair to get him back where you need him.
“You’re gonna be good for me baby, stop your whining and let me get back to my fun… aren’t ya?” He asks, grabbing both your wrists and pinning them to your sides to stop your wandering hands.
“Ye..yeah yes sir. Please,” you answers, lifting your hips to try and get him back where you need him.
“That’s my good girl,” he says, nosing at you, sending shivers down your spine.
(He spends the next hour eating you out and refuses to let you come until he’s finished having his fun)
Hehe 😈
Icarus!Bucky has a number of bad habits, number 1 being the fact when he gets angry, his anger turns violent quick, too quick.
“Who the fuck took out that shipment?! We had all our bases covered!” Bucky shouts, not speaking to anyone specific man in his office.
“It wasn’t any law enforcement, we would have all been arrested by now-” Tony states, the bastard lounging all over his couch.
“Yeah and it wasn’t Rumlow or we would have heard from him by now too-” Peter chimes in before being cut off by Steve,
“And it definitely wasn’t any of the other wannabes we know about, none of them have the power for that.” He says, rubbing his forehead, looking up at Bucky with a grimace.
“So, to sum up we don’t know,” finishes off Sam.
That is not good, not good at all. This shipment contained a large amount of firearms that Barnes had already promised to sell to the highest bidder. The loss of this shipment just cost him over $ 2.5 million.
“FUCK!” The shattering of the glass echos in his office, all his men falling silent at the sight. He looks down at his flesh hand, the wounds created by his action were kept open by small pieces of glass.
“…Boss-” starts Wilson, stepping closer to Bucky.
“I wouldn’t..” Steve warns Sam from his place on the arm of the couch, but lord knows the man never listens.
The second Sam lays his hand on Bucky’s shoulder, he spins and clocks Sam straight in the jaw, sending the shorter man straight to sleep.
Everyone freezes, except Clint, who gracefully catches the falling man before he hits the ground.
“GET OUT, OUT OF MY SIGHT, ALL OF YOU!” He roars, not even looking at his men as they leave, Scott grabbing Sams feet to help Clint take him out.
“Buck-”, Steve starts.
“OUT,” he yells again, starting to feel some of the pain in his hand.
Steve closes the door behind him, and Bucky collapses onto his desk chair, pulling the top drawer open and grabbing the small fist aid kit he kept in there since the dumbass named Lang shot himself.
There ya go babes hope you enjoy!
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trashbag-baby666 · 7 months
could u do something in canon verse with protective bucky over buck? not sure what that would look like… maybe a RAF guy being a jerk?
I made this a little more angst than I anticipated…hope you enjoy!!!
It’s Your Turn Now-Buck/Bucky
Summary: Buck is having his turn of mourning Curt and Bucky isn’t going to let anyone make him feel bad for it.
WC: 647
C/W: Mentions of character death and drinking,
MOTA Masterlist!
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Buck was very much still grieving Curt, he didn’t drink, he didn’t smoke, he didn’t gamble. So he sat in the bar quietly as Bucky drank away his pain pretending as if it didn’t happen. He’d see him keep looking to his side to poke fun at Curt or create some trouble. Then Bucky's face would falter from his drunk smile and shoot a glance over to where Buck sat in the corner. Where they would sit in the corner with Curt smashed between them like some homoerotic sandwich.
Buck sat with his knee pressed into Bucky’s some guys were playing craps but they were just observing. “Maybe if you flew your missions during the day you’d hit your targets.” Demarco pointed a finger at the four RAF pilots sitting across from them.
“Maybe if you flew your missions at night you wouldn’t lose so many forts.” One of the RAF bastards scoffed looking at them. The table went quiet and everyone began to turn glances to John and Gale.
John felt Buck go tense next to him and grab his leg gently. He could tell he was uncomfortable. John knew better than anyone else Buck was now just beginning to get his time to grieve for Curt. After they found out Curt and Dickie didn’t make it they wrote their parents letters. Then packed up their stuff to send back.
Bucky had been an absolute mess, he had cried so much and so hard he was shaking and could barely get out of bed for a few days. Buck had taken care of him until he was ready to try going back to normal.
“I think we’re gonna call it a night, boys.” Bucky slapped the table lightly.
“Oh, are you Majors too sensitive to own up to your mistakes?” One of the RAF officers taunted.
Bucky felt his face go red as he narrowed his eyes, shoving the guys out of the booth so him and Buck could get out. “Do you wanna settle up my tab?” Bucky took his wallet out and handed the money to Buck, he watched as the blonde walked over to the bartender.
Bucky grabbed the collar of the RAF jerks jacket forcing him to look up into his eyes. “Don’t ever talk to him that way again or disrespect our men who laid down their lives flying missions. Your asses can’t do it successfully.” Bucky pointed a finger at him aggressively, he could see the other man shaking and his lip quivering, “Understood, yank?” Bucky spoke, mocking their accents.
“Understood, sir.” the man swallowed as Bucky let go, shoving him back slightly.
John walked alongside Buck back to the barracks, their hands interlocked as John kicked a rock.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Buck sighed, stealing a quick glance over at John. he had his eyes gazed on the rock he was kicking. John let out an exasperated sigh and gave Buck's hand a squeeze.
“Well it’s not okay for them to disrespect the men who died, especially Curt, they knew him. He punched the one for Christ's sake.” Bucky grumbled, he didn’t feel the need to only protect Buck. He felt that he needed to make sure Curt didn’t die in vain. As Well as not letting him be forgotten. He had put Curts small lucky four leaf clover pendant on his dog tags. Curt had always slept with it under his pillow and now Bucky clutched it to go to sleep at night.
“I know, I appreciate you standing up for yourself and I. Well you know and the ones we lost.” Buck rubbed his thumb over Bucky's hand.
“Let’s lay down, yeah?” Bucky opened the door to his room and let Buck in. He just wanted to spoon Buck till they fell asleep. This time around he wouldn’t take his time with Buck for granted.
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
My favorite 92sies things 2: Electric Boogaloo
Part 1
Same T/W: violence, cursing, etc
Sarah stop hiding behind that curtain it's see through and also ur gay
Jack fighting the socks
"I'm just not used to whether I stay or whether I go matter to nobody." He says, with an army of children marching at his heels because he wanted to start a strike
"Got no legal cause" "Legal cause!" *point*
"The a l i a s o f J a a c k K e l l l y"
Pulitzer totally not blackmailing the mayor into doing what he wants
Spot being a hype man for no reason
"My pAl David"
"They're gonna be playin' with my hands alright"
"I say that what you say is what I say"
Blink hanging off the balcony like a heathen
"Hello newsies! What's new!" *assorted simp noises*
Every single newsie sticking their chest out when they sing 'and I stick out my chest!'
Blink and Racer dancing with Medda
Jack dancing with Medda
Snitch's continuity errors
"That's Snider, as in 'snide'? Smile sir"
*Pulls Jack in by his jacket* IT'S SNYDER
David picking up the swing and then several newsies coming up to protect him bc they think of him as a friend now
"JACK you alright?!"
Davey fighting to try and help Jack
"On the grounds of Brooklyn, your Honor."
Everyone dying laughing at that
Racer's 'old man trying to read a fast food menu look'
"We ain't got five bucks We don't even got five cents"
"How bout I roll ya for it? Double or nothin'?"
Dying laughing again
"HEY COWBOY NICE SHINA" ckckckckcckl
David's look when Denton tells Jack that the papers didn't print the story
David's utter disappointment when he finds out the truth about Jack and his family
"Remember Snyder? Remember me and Teddy Roosevelt and the carriage? Remember Roosevelt and the carriage?!"
"So ordered" "NO"
"Whaddya mean it never happened you were there?!"
Denton looking crushed when David finds out he's being transferred
Les stuffing his face, not giving a single fuck about what Denton is talking about. This kid has 0 chill and I love him
David crumbling the story before Denton's even gone
Les: *sees David throw a paper on the table* Les: Perfect I needed something to wrap my mf sandwich in
No one noticing the very visible David riding on the back of the carriage
"Sometimes I read 'em"
"I tell this city how to vote" *thinks to livesies 'And guess what he got elected.'* U sure bout that buddy?
Poke Pokepokepoke
"I must have you scared pretty bad old man."
The guy who gets thrown from the carriage
The very intimate moment they have when Jack presses David against the wall
"You don't know nothin' about jail"
"Guess what I done to his sauerkraut"
Stop the World! No more papes!
That redhead who I always think of as Albert
"Hey-heyhey Race C'mere Tell me I'm just seein' things Just tell me I'm seein' things-"
Every. Single. Reaction. To. Jack. Scabbing.
Blink's anger. Mush's desperation. Race's indignation.
"YOU'RE A LIAR." and the entire following statement
David Moscow's curls He's such a cutie
"Seize the day huh Jack?!" "He's foolin' em!" the desperation in Les's voice to believe this breaks my heart every time 😭
David: *climbs through window* David: *slams it closed* David: *walks in front of open window*
"Are you gonna be requiring anything else this evening? No? Ah... tsk tsk."
"We're gonna go fix your pal Davey Fix him so he can't walk" *Morris disappointed head shakes* "Shut up"
Les swordfighting behind Sarah without a care in the world
Les taking roughly eight years to realize what's happening with Sarah
David throwing his hat off before trying to beat up the Delanceys
Morris's dumb little laugh😭
"Remember Crutchy?" *bonk*
"I can't be somethin' I ain't" "A scab?" "No, smart"
At least he knows
"I don't write anything I don't mean."
"But our man Denton-" "But I think our man Denton. Has something more important to do. I mean, he's gonna be an ace war correspondent. Right Denton?"
Denton teaching David how to typeset
Once and For All
The entire thing
Can anyone explain to me how the printing press works?
Mush coming to the window twice. My mans is dedicated.
"Awfully nice of Mr. Pulitzer to let us use his press"
Boots throwing the papers from the roof into a square with like four kids
"Hey kid. Can you read?"
The newsies (Skittery, Pie Eater, and someone else) taking their hats off when a lady opens the door
DIS-GRACE-FUL DENTY (read: Roosevelt and Denton have absolutely.... *clears throat* and that's his nickname for him)
"C'mon Jack" "Have hope Jack"
"When the circulation bell starts ringin', will we hear it?" "Nah"
Max Casella
Pap (this time with hat)
"B R O O K L Y N"
We aynt slavs
Not-Albert standing on the statue
Jack carrying Les on his shoulders
Bumlets carrying Boots on theirs
"It's like the end of the world- OhdearIdidn'tsaythat"
"Extrey extrey Joe Read all about it"
"The walkin mouth" David: 😒
*Jack opens windows* Pulitzer: lalalalalalalala I can't hear you
"Well, we only used the best, Joe."
"We beat 'em" "We beat 'em!!"
Gio and Skittery spit-shaking
Skittery: Hiya Weas 😜
The newsies death glaring Denton when he tries to stop them from hiding Jack
"Make friends with the rats Share whatcha got in common" ^^
Race looks like he calls Roosevelt daddy and I can't stop seeing it someone help
Everyone pretending to be okay with Jack leaving, further proving that the newsies are not okay emotionally
The Jacobs crying
Blush leaning against the streetlight together
Them using the same sound byte of the little redhead from the beginning while David is buying his papes
"Attaboy Davey"
Jack's return
Jack putting his hat on Les
"How's the headline today?" "Headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes"
David's first spit-shake
Our little boy is all grown up
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 11
You peek through the spy first. You aren’t that reckless. wattpad canon yn gotta learn from her
WHO IS IT?? no jimin pls old man?? is he evil and young like the queen in snow white
damn the familiar, letter and invitation everything just hits soo magical haha very old fashioned in a fairy tale way gregor pointing at himself is uwu pls im crying over a cute grandpa
“Ah, no don’t bow" ... “Of course Miss” .... bows again, same energy as dont apologize its ok, im sorry ..... oh sorry again
baby the old man is probably younger than him ACTUALLY NO ITS HIS DAD'S BESTIE family friends you know ahah haah ha 😃
It looks handmade, all of it, DID HE DO THAT ?? “It feels wonderful on bare skin. You should try it out some time.” STOP I HAVE A LIFE Golden and the diamonds and pearls are clearly real. HOW RICH IS HE WTF
“Nope, I’m out”, you say and close the box quickly, “this is too much.” mood
how did he not see/smell us???
“It’s pretty”, Jungkook whispers, fumbling with his thumbs. OMG HE SPOKE DIRECTLY TO US AND DIDNT RUN AWAY im selling my non-existent properties to him HOBI STOP TEASING THE BABY
“Two hundred bucks?” me if i win it: WE ARE RICH NOW WOOHOO
dont tell me hes gonna wear his old uniform haha “His grandfather served in the war. It’s his way of honouring him. Right Jungkookie?” right 😃😃💀💀 I bet your grandpa would be so happy to see you Jungkook” 😭😭 im dead pls
OMG TAE SEND US A WINK *FAINTS nooo we just got 2seokook for a second talk to them pls
what’s with this seductive intonation of ‘pleasure’ as if that means something to you?ofc she wont remember it ugh joon fuck you
poor yoongles being ignored tae: 😍 yoongi: -_- jimin: 😒 namjoon: 😏
FUCK OFF JAMAL boi wdym u can make it ur convo?? 👀😃🤨
ofc father louis williams suga adams junior the third wont like to dress up for the ball
It seems like everyone hated each other secretly and as if smiling was forbidden.  reminds me of tae saying friendship as a force of habit
hmm joon likes it U AINT FORGIVEN tho 😒🙄I TAKE THAT BACK
“Inspiring?” you make sure, laughing nervously, “you mean evil, don’t you?"  SIR??
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very evil vibes, no more daddy vibes marty im scared pick me up
“what’s Gregor doing at her place?” ..Taehyung seems…frightened TAE IS SCARED THATS IT BYE IM LEAVING TO UM IDK MARS
Taehyung seems to visibly relax, even going so far as to exhale in relief.  phew we got 2seokkook to save the day
“Will you children be quiet for once?” Yoongi growls thanks HE IS THE MAN ONCE AGAIN, solved jinmin's petty fight (major??)
“Why is everyone staring? Continue you with your pointless existence, will you?” KING SHIT YALL
He disappears behind a pillar and then you can’t see him anymore. boi wut where did u go???
TAE IS SCARED AGAIN???? WHY IS JOON ANGRY they are almost hypnotising you, “yeah, okay better this way.” ok again this hypnotizing shit aah
wow we are going to make out here?? ok i will take that haha im not confused anymore haha, jokes aside is he hypnotizing us? cuz she is taking more time to think and just easily disregarding everything else
who's close?? jimin and joon?? wow shit seems so intense wtf its just gifts?? unless tae is broke and he took a loan for it
holy shit tae could be a whole ass kilgrave with the mind control. How long does it take for the power to wear off? was jin also controlled like that?
fuck jin's doing the same thing except he is trying to calm her down
fuck im so confused scared and slightly pissed
WHO IS IT?? no jimin pls old man?? is he evil and young like the queen in snow white
lmoaoaooa imAGINE FAHSDF
damn the familiar, letter and invitation everything just hits soo magical haha very old fashioned in a fairy tale way gregor pointing at himself is uwu pls im crying over a cute grandpa
like it's so romantic JFADJFJ my bitchass would fall so hard for it JFJDASFJ
HAHHHA Not you going into horny mode JFJDS
It looks handmade, all of it, DID HE DO THAT ?? “It feels wonderful on bare skin. You should try it out some time.” STOP I HAVE A LIFE Golden and the diamonds and pearls are clearly real. HOW RICH IS HE WTF
how did he not see/smell us???
boy was probably well fed and not feral for onCE jfjasdjf
“It’s pretty”, Jungkook whispers, fumbling with his thumbs. OMG HE SPOKE DIRECTLY TO US AND DIDNT RUN AWAY im selling my non-existent properties to him HOBI STOP TEASING THE BABY
he is such a shy bean in SA I sob :(
“Two hundred bucks?” me if i win it: WE ARE RICH NOW WOOHOO
NO BUT ME FR bro no joke I spend 2.200 € yesterday on new photography equipment and I would literally kill to randomly get 200 bucks :')
what’s with this seductive intonation of ‘pleasure’ as if that means something to you?ofc she wont remember it ugh joon fuck you
like ugghhh rancid nasty
poor yoongles being ignored tae: 😍 yoongi: -_- jimin: 😒 namjoon: 😏
lmaooa for real fajdsf
FUCK OFF JAMAL boi wdym u can make it ur convo?? 👀😃🤨
It seems like everyone hated each other secretly and as if smiling was forbidden.  reminds me of tae saying friendship as a force of habit
“Why is everyone staring? Continue you with your pointless existence, will you?” KING SHIT YALL
wow we are going to make out here?? ok i will take that haha im not confused anymore haha, jokes aside is he hypnotizing us? cuz she is taking more time to think and just easily disregarding everything else
like the hypnotising has to STOP
who's close?? jimin and joon?? wow shit seems so intense wtf its just gifts?? unless tae is broke and he took a loan for it
lmaoo imagine 😭😭
holy shit tae could be a whole ass kilgrave with the mind control. How long does it take for the power to wear off? was jin also controlled like that?
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urboymutual · 2 years
unfollowed you again because i wanted to ask about your favorite buddie headcanons please good sir i'm starving
hiiiiii seeing u refollow me like 🔎 ahh goat has come to ask me a question heheh
but ok literally ive been marinating on this ask for the whole day bc like my buddie thoughts r soooo messy and im def gonna forget a few hcs but
im sorry to give into heteronormativity bullshit or whatever but i WOULD LOVE for buck to take eddies last name i know most ppl like to hyphenate bc gay rights and stuff but mr. and mr. diaz PLEASE
also speaking of that, more of an eddie hc but i like the idea they go to LA pride every year and like eddie gives out "free dad hugs" bc i saw this one latina mother giving out free mom hugs and it brokeee me like sobbing on my hands and knees 😭 but also id love for them to be affectionate (they'd def be more lowkey about it bc eddie's more of a . "silent keep it in" type) and just like queer latine kid at pride being like "wow so love does exist for people like us?" and eddie just looks at buck with a soft smile like "yeah."
expanding a little bit on the diaz last name thing tho like i read this one fic where buck wore a jersey (cant remember what sport) with eddie's last name on it and it was sooooo 😳😵‍💫 idk just sharing clothes is so cute and i think they would basically have like One singular wardrobe bc they just mix their clothes so much
ALSO WHEN THEY MOVE IN TOGETHER THEY BUY A LIKE BROKEN DOWN HOUSE AND REBUILD IT TOGETHER BC POWER OF GAY LOVE AND THEY JUST 😭😭🫶🫶 also idk if this is a popular opinion or not but i think they would have more kids not necessarily like adopting or even surrogacy but maybe like how hen and karen foster kids bc like they work so WELL together as fathers and it be so nice for chris to have a little sibling 😭 (also latino urge to have a big family)
i really really like the hc that like they are literally in love with each other and everyones aware but THEY DONT KNOW IT. like obviousness to the max like buck discovers that he's been hiding in the closet for too long or smthin true happiness stuff and hes like "Let me date men now" and they all throw him a coming out party and like him and eddie have plans r something and hes like "oh sorry eddie :( i have a date with. Glen (idk) rain check?" and eddies like "yeah thats chill..." but later "hmm my tummy hurts when i think about buck going on dates with men oh my god am i homophobic?!?!?" (that one reddit post straight guy thinks hes being homophobic to his gay roommate... turns out hes in love with him) but like eddie mistaking his jealousy for homophobia basically . and idk i want them to be two oblivious motherfuckers until someone knocks some sense into them. (idk whether im pro one of them gets in danger and the other confesses their love or it's literally Mundane thing like buck teaching chris a task and eddies watching them and gets an "oh shit"  ephinany )
also for their wedding im stuck between maddie being buck's best man or walking him down the aisle but also bobby walking him down the aisle 😭😭 chris would be THEE ring bearer (probably a little grumpy abt it as a preteen) and jee would be such a cute flower girl 😭😭 idk but i do know eddie's tia and abuela are stealing the wedding table center pieces! (flashbacks to hispanic weddings and parties ive been to where my moms made me steal the table centerpieces 😭 that shit was so embarrassing) also carla is DEF invited to the wedding luv her <33 also they'd probably do padrinos and madrinas stuff (basically someone is the madrinas of the cake and is in charge of the cake and stuff its a mexican wedding/party (?) thing bc they do it for quinceañeras too)
HC. They r gay
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memesamongreblogs · 2 years
more random dialogue prompts ,
“why do you have that look on your face?”
“finish what you’re doing, we have to talk.”
“what have you done to yourself?”
“did you do something different with your hair?”
“it doesn’t do any good to get worked up.”
“when was the last time we had a real conversation.”
“are you in the witness protection program, or what?”
“there’s something wrong with me.”
“no, i don’t hate you.”
“hey stupid.”
“we’re aren’t them.”
“looks like i’ll live long enough to make you pay.”
“you know you’re wrong.”
“i don’t understand, why are you doing this?”
“now, before i say anything, promise me you’ll stay calm.”
“what makes me so special?”
“you have no idea what i’ve been through.”
“you really don’t have to do that, not for me.”
“did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
"how about we don’t do that.”
“i have a lot going for me, but humility is not one of them.”
“you’re the worst.”
“i don’t need you right now.”
“don’t just stand there, looking at me.”
“i thought you were supposed to call me.”
“take my hand.”
“i need you.”
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.”
“for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
“when this is all over, i want it to be you and me.”
“why won’t you tell me what happened?”
“you don’t know what this means to me.
“i know it doesn’t make sense.”
“i’m trying really hard to keep it together.”
“i know you’re new, but we do things a little differently here.”
“your voice is putting me to sleep.”
“did you find what you were looking for?”
"you knew and you didn’t even warn me?”
“well, i guess that’s broken.”
“i thought it was part of the act.”
“you think u don’t know you’re only here because they sent you?”
“you promised to call me if you didn’t know what to wear.”
“you can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“how could you do this to me?”
“put the gun down, dearest. i have news!”
“i know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but you need to know something.”
“if you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
“people think i’m weird.”
“i think i’m losing myself again.”
“you can’t be here.”
“i wish you’d come to the funeral.”
“do you know what today is?”
“so, you broke my favourite mug… and you’re breaking up with me?”
“i need to get out.”
“it’s like i’m cursed or something.”
“you are remarkably well-behaved tonight, what have you been up to?”
“you gonna eat that?”
“sir, the pony rides are for children only.”
“i don’t want you to worry about that anymore.”
“we’ll never make it in time.”
“you’d be late for your own funeral.”
“you should have seen it coming.”
“oh, good, you’re here! hold this.”
“why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?”
“is this how you flirt with everyone?”
“how much longer till we’re there?”
“what have you done?”
“it’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
“where did you get that? who gave it to you?”
“what kind of mother has thoughts like that?”
“i know I haven’t been what you needed, but i’m here, and i wanna help.”
“i never want to hear you say that again.”
“you’re all i have.”
“i know it’s not perfect, but i did follow the recipe this time.”
“i was doing so well until you showed up.”
“don’t eat that! i made it ‘specially for our guest.”
“it’s not that i don’t like my life, it’s that i don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”
“how can you stand this place?”
“don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.”
“you need to stop.”
“i don’t like that look, what happened?”
“is that seriously your password?”
“what’s your problem?”
“you had no right to use it without asking.”
“oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“i couldn’t trust my own parents to protect me.”
“i’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet. wait, no, i’m not.”
“why do you want to help me?”
“ten bucks for that piece of crap?”
“we have to hurry, they’re coming!”
“hey, look what came in the mail!”
“do you want to get a drink or something?”
“please tell me you didn’t eat that.”
“the worst part is you didn’t even notice.”
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.”
“wanna tell me what’s going on with your grades?”
“you need to leave.”
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
“i do blame you.”
“sometimes life deals you a bad hand, but you can still play your cards right and win.”
“you’re no longer useful to me.”
“i’m not good with sarcasm: if you don’t like me, just say it.”
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Champagne problems
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Parings: CEO! Bucky x reader, Bucky x Dot.
Warnings: little 18+ thoughts so MINORS DNI, angst, depressive thoughts.
Notes: Bold and italic ones are thought. Only italic ones are memories.
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As you were laughing with her and playing with her hair like you used to do with mine, I sat at the table across you watching you and her laughing.
I smiled at the scene in front of me as if I am happy but inside I knew I was dying. As if slowly, each of my petals of once bright flower dying like my hopes for getting your love back.
I looked back at the champagne glass in my hand. I remember the day I lost all your love. The day, I broke your trust and hope as if nothing. The day, when you also lost trust in love. That day, I lost everyone who loved me. The day, my bright life came to an end. Just because I was scared... 'Scared' that's all I was. Just to lose everything in my life.' Scared' thinking everything's gonna change. 'Scared' to be a failure... 'Scared' to say yes that day... If only I was brave enough...
Today is Bucky's parent's anniversary. Even though I know his family hated me, Bucky's love and support are always there to back me up. I smiled at the thought of how Buck always assures me that his never-ending love will always be there for me. I am a sensitive girl who always gets easily affected by what others think. My inner demons always made it hurt to get rid of the dark thoughts. I always felt suffocated thinking about what others are going to think. Every time I used to go out to parties and other social gatherings, it felt like everyone's eyes are on me judging me, talking about me behind my back. But after getting Buck, I don't remember the last time I worried about that cause he was always there with me no matter what.
I smiled and hummed as if I got myself ready for the anniversary party. I looked at myself to check out if anything was missing. But was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door.
-"Honey, Are you read? Can I come in?" Bucky asked from the other side of the door indicating that it was time.
-"Yeah, one sec please!" I replied.
I checked myself again in the mirror and smirked. I opened the door revealing Buck with his black suit and a few buttons undone. 'Jesus! This man is gonna be the death of me. He is a walking sex god.' I thought as I drooled over the tightness of the shirt as if with a slight movement, the shirt is gonna be ripped. His bulging muscles and biceps make my thigh clench at thought of the things I wanna do.
I snapped out of my thoughts when u felt a little bit of drool at the corner of my lips. I acted as if I wasn't just openly eye fucking my boyfriend. I noticed that Bucky was in no mood of hiding what he was thinking. The way he was eyeing my whole dress out as if he just wanna ditch the party and fuck me until I am begging mess squirming under him begging him to fuck me harder.
-' God! He and his thoughts, the most dangerous things in the world ready to make every woman weak on their knees just for him' I gulped as his now dark blue eyes, filled with lust and desire, flicked up to meet mine.
I smirked at the thought of how much effect I have got on this man.
-"So, should we go, sir?" I asked innocently with my big doe eyes as if I just haven't used his weakness on him just now. He was feral like a hungry wolf whenever he heard me calling him 'sir'.
- "You are playing a dangerous game doll. You and I both know about that. But leave it, cause today's an important day for me and I don't want anyone to become an obstacle, not even you baby." He replied as he engulfed my hand in his intertwining his large rough fingers with mine.
As we arrived at his parent's place, for some reason my mind was screaming for me to turn back. I gulped down the lump forming in my throat nervously as I felt my hand clenching the purse tightly. But soon, I felt safe as Buck again touched my hand to calm down my nerves. I smiled a little assuring him I was okay. I took a deep breath as we got out of the car.
As soon as we entered his parent's house, I came across the judgemental looks of others looking me up and down as if I don't fit with them. I halted in steps to take in the view. I felt my whole body burning to turn around. I didn't know I was having a slight panic attack until I felt a warm hand on my back and his concerned voice asking me to breathe and if I was okay. I looked up at him and nodded.
-Suddenly we were interrupted by his mother's voice coming towards us "Oh! My child! You are looking dashing. I bet every girl here looking forward to spending the night with you."
I felt my body tensing at her last sentence. She said it so casually as if I am not even there. I felt my fist clenching at the thought of how I am not fit in this environment. My inner demons were again laughing at me mocking me for how unworthy I was of him.
-"Well, mom! Of course, there is a girl whom I love to spend my night with and that's my girlfriend Y/n." He said as he took in my hand and smiled at his mom.
I smiled at her greeting her.
-"oh! I didn't even notice you there. Y/n, you are also here. I am glad you came here. I hope you enjoy this party." She said as she put on a fake smile as if she is happy to see me.
-"oh! I forgot Buck. Mr Johnson wanted to meet you and I am sure you have already impressed him as his beautiful loving daughter Dot admires you very much. Why don't you go and meet them and talk to Dot?" She said as she turned her eyes to Bucky.
-"ok! Then, Y/n let's go." He extended his hand toward me.
And when I was going to take his hand, his mother suddenly l kept her hand on mine and said " aww. Buck! I know you love your girlfriend. But, boy! Let me also talk to her. You guys rarely come here. Let me have some time with her so that I can improve our relationship to mother-daughter one"
I tensed at that. 'No, no! Please don't leave me here. No! Please. Don't go please.' I looked at Bucky giving him tight-lipped smile.
-"Umm... Okay! Y/n. You will be okay, right?" He asked with his concerned voice.
-' No! No! I will not be okay' "yeah, I will be. You go and meet them" I smiled.
He nodded and went to meet them. As soon as he was gone, his mother turned toward me and said "Oh! Y/n I would love it if you meet my friends. They wanna have a look at my son's girlfriend."
'Look?' I scoffed at the thought. I know what she meant. She also wanted to show others how unfit I was for this environment. She wanted to show me that I am lucky that all these people are even looking at and judging me. But I smiled and nodded.
As soon as we met her friends, I felt as if I am a rabbit in this Wolf's den. 'Jesus! She meant it when she said they wanna have a look'. The way they looked at me with their judgemental disgusted eyes made me feel suffocated. Still, I greeted each of them politely.
-"So, she is the one huh! mm... What does your family own and what do you do ,darling?" One of her friends asked.
But soon I was interrupted by Bucky's mother who said laughing "Oh! They own nothing. Her father is just a simple government worker and her mother is just a housewife and she is just in (y/j). Nothing at all. Right, Darling? "
I nodded at her words. I felt so pathetic among them. I couldn't even defend my parents. What a daughter am I! I felt ashamed of myself that I was so helpless.
-"oh! By the way, my daughter, Dot, saw your son James and after she returned she just couldn't stop talking about him of how much of an eye candy your son is" Another one said.
-"oh yeah! My son is very handsome. But unfortunately, he is taken. What can we do! I know that your daughter would have been a perfect partner for my son. Just look at them they already look so perfect talking and laughing as if they were just made for each other. They would have been such a great couple if only he wasn't taken by just someone" She replied not bothered that her son was just considered as 'eye candy' in front of her.
I was shocked by her behaviour. How can she not be bothered! James is so much more than that. He deserves everything. He is not just eye candy. I clenched my jaw at the thought. I didn't care how much they disgrace me but at least don't disgrace James. I felt suffocated. I wanted to go home.
-"oh! Come on! Stop it. But yeah my daughter is just so talented and beautiful. No one can compete with her. She has never lost any competition. So, many men have proposed to her but she said that she only wants Bucky. " said Mrs Johnson.
I just couldn't handle it. I had to get out of this. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when the lights were out and light focused on my figure only.
I looked here and there of getting some hint of what was happening. I panicked but then another light focused on another person. Bucky, was kneeling on one knee with a small box revealing his mother's diamond ring.
-"God created everything to perfection, but I suspect that when God created you, he was showing off. I’d be honoured to show you off too by making you mine. With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise that from this point forward, you’ll never have to walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and arms be your home. It sounds cliche but I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. Not the love that people talk about. But an unexplained attraction, a feeling of home, an urge that I need to talk to this girl and make her mine. All I know is what we’ve shared since the moment we met is special and meant to be preserved. Forever. So, honey, will you marry me?" Bucky asked as he looked up into my eyes.
Right then, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I could see how Dot's eyes were looking me up and down with a scowl on her face. Everyone was looking at me. Deeply looking into my soul trying to make me weak. To share their thoughts of how I don't deserve to be in them.
I didn't know what to say. I felt my eyes water but didn't know what my eyes are watered for. Were they happy or shameful tears? I gulped and said what I thought was right.
"I am sorry. I can't"
As soon as I said that I ran away from there leaving you out there standing with a broken heart. You held out your hand to spend the rest of my life with you but I dropped it. I bumped into the champagne fountain making them all break down but still, I ran without bothering as I did with your heart dropping it without any bother of looking back at it again. I ran and ran from everything. Everyone. Every fear. After all, that's the only thing I can do. Running.
I didn't know I was crying until a waiter asked me if I was okay.
-"yeah, I am sorry. Ca-Can you please get the bill?" I asked him.
-"Are you sure mam? Cause you didn't order anything except a bottle of champagne " He asked showing concern.
-"Yeah. Just bring the bill please." As I said that I felt someone's eyes on me.
I flicked up to see those beautiful blue eyes looking at me in disbelief. The way his facial expression changed after noticing me, I panicked but I wasn't my past self anymore who showed her weakness. I kept my neutral face on looking at him directly, trying to get to learn how much he has changed since then. His grown beard, hair and everything. I missed those blue ocean eyes. The way it used to look at me. I noticed his dry chapped lips slightly opened in disbelief.
Our moment broke down as the waiter came back with my bill. After paying the bill, I moved on. Again leaving the place, the memories, the life and more especially him. But this time at least he wasn't alone. Goodbye!
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A/n (Author's note): yeah! I know it's not an happy ending but that's it. I tried my best to put all the feelings. Hope you like it. Thanks for reading. If you want other prompt, send an ask. Have a nice day Or night!
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Note: Hey guys! Hope u like it. English is my second language so if there's any mistake u can inform me by messaging me privately. And PLEASE REBLOG and DON'T STEAL MY WORK. Please like and comment too so, that I can know ur guy's views. Thank u for reading guys! Have a nice day and please comment if u wanna be tagged in.
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Taglist: @cjand10 @angstysebfan @marvelogic
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samwilsonsupremacy · 2 years
going to a fancy restaurant with the outsiders gang headcanons ( gn reader included)
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a/n: i LOVE the outsiders, & a scenario like this has been swirling around in my head ever since i first read the book!! if u like this, feel free to give any requests for more!! ( also i literally cannot spell restaurant so if i forgot to autocorrect it once thats my bad LMAO )
this lowkey also turned out to be super long so sorry lol
it had been a long day for everyone.
soda & steve were just comin’ home from the dx, darry came home from work, dally had been at buck’s and two-bit, johnny, pony, and you were just home from school.
usually someone made dinner. usually it was you and pony, sometimes it was soda and steve (and those nights, dinner was usually burnt or raw).
but today, dally had an idea. anytime he gets a glint in those light blue eyes, you know something’s gonna happen, and everybody’s gonna have to go along with it.
and today is no different.
his lips curl up into a smirk as he takes a drag of his cigarette, and darry just raises his brows, ‘cuz he knows something’s about to happen.
“  we should go to dinner.  “
okay, not as crazy as everyone was thinking.
“  at the fanciest restaurant in town.  “
now there’s dallas winston.
it’s not like it was a crazy thought. the gang did deserve something special, more so than the chocolate cake you and pony always made.
you all looked to darry for approval, of course.
a simple nod meant it was a go !!
however, the fanciest restaurant was all the way on the other side of town.
too far to walk, even for all of you, who usually walked everywhere.
“ i can drive. “
good ol’ two-bit with his trusty (albeit nearly ALWAYS broken down) car.
and when two bit smirks, it’s arguably more terrifying than dally.
but, nevertheless, it’s decided. you’re going to the restaurant, no matter what.
so everybody hops in the car.
well, more like shoves each other in the car.
dally wanted to drive. two-bit said no way. darry beat them both to the driver’s seat, so he’s the driver.
everyone is secretly glad, because dally really sucks at driving & two-bit always jokes around and swerves and then almost hits something.
that’s pretty much why his car is always broken down.
so you’re sitting in the middle of the backseat. soda and steve are on your right side, and pony and johnny are on your left. dally’s in the passenger’s seat.
two-bit is in the trunk.
it’s one of those cars where the trunk is open to the rest of the car, so he won’t suffocate.
he originally wanted to ride on top of the car, but darry dragged him down.
darry’s a pretty good driver. despite the commotion.
dally constantly turning the radio up, soda and steve shovin’ each other against the window, two-bit shouting random words in everyone’s ear just to make them jump.
you’re pretty quiet, and so are pony and johnny. they’re smoking out the window.
darry has to pull over and do a “if y’all don’t shut your mouths soon, i will turn this car around !!!!! “
but at that point you’re so close to said restaurant that it doesn’t even matter.
anyways, as soon as you park there, it’s obvious that you’re all out of place.
like REALLY out of place.
sure, it might be kind of funny, but it feels like you’re gearin’ up to be embarrassed.
but you know who doesn’t care about being embarassed?
two-bit mathews.
so he goes in, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, charges right up to the host & asks for a table.
two-bit being two-bit, of COURSE he uses a fake british accent.
“  excuse me, sir, could you be a good lad and squeeze me in for a little table ? i have... seventy people in my party.  “
a blink from the host. a blank stare.
“ hahaha! just joking, of course. i have eight little lads who are right hungry!! “
the host’s brow furrows.
“ no.  “
well, it’s not like it was unexpected.
everyone looks to dally, ‘cause it was his idea in the first place.
“ alright. your loss. “
and then he just walks out.
now THIS is strange.
dallas winston doesn’t usually just walk away from something like that.
however, as you’re all walking to the car, he pulls you aside, that old glint in his eyes once again.
“  lookit this.  “
out of his jacket pocket comes what must be at least twenty spoons, and three plates.
“  what in the.... dally, how’d you get that ? “ you asked, because it didn’t look like he left the group at all while two-bit was horsing around.
“ don’t ask, don’t tell, half-pint. “ is all you get in response, and with a wink, dally has sprinted up to the front of the group.
hope you enjoyed! again, feel free to request scenarios! (no nsfw, ofc) i rly love writing headcanons lmao <33
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baroquebucky · 3 years
Hey i have a request if u don’t mind? I saw this tweet a long time ago where a wife and husband were going grocery shopping and when they put their stuff down on the conveyer belt the cashier put a divider stuck between them because they didn’t think they were together because they thought the wife was significantly more attractive than the husband😂😂😂I was wondering if u could do a bucky x reader with that cause it’d be really funny!😂
a/n: i hope u like it !! feel free to send in some requests <33
in which everyone thinks you are out of buckys league and you can’t help but disagree with them.
You handed Bucky the list and a pen, grabbing a cart and heading to the produce section.
“what did i write down?” You asked, mind going blank as the vegetables stared at you.
“uh, tomato, lettuce, onion-” Bucky began listing everything on the list, stopping once he reached the end.
You moved quickly, finding the best veggies and putting them in bags and into your cart, sending Bucky across the store for the milk and eggs to make the trip faster.
You moved through the produce section quickly, waiting for Bucky to return so he wouldn’t panic when you were gone from where he left you. It had already been 10 minutes, surely he didn’t get lost?
You but your lip before deciding to continue shopping, hoping he would find you in the aisles. You made your rounds, getting cereal, bread, peanut butter and other essentials.
You were looking at the meat section when you finally saw Bucky lay his eyes on you, letting out a sigh of relief as he walked towards you quickly and put the milk and eggs in the cart.
“did you have to milk the cow yourself why did you take so long?” You asked, glancing at him for a second before looking back at the meat.
“i checked to find the one that expired the latest, like how you showed me” he smiled proudly, you looked at him with a fond smile.
“did you check the eggs too?” you replied, grabbing a pack of meat and placing it in the cart, Bucky nodded with a smile and you placed a kiss on his cheek.
“that’s my boy” you teased and he blushed, clearing his throat and walking alongside you as you finished getting the rest of the things on the list.
On the way to checkout you stopped, groaning as you remembered you needed some tostadas and salsa for movie night, you had run out when the team had asked you guys to host movie night (mainly because you would cook for the whole team and they were not turning away that chance).
“buck can you go get the tostadas from the chip aisle? I don’t wanna have to go across the store and the lines are short right now” you asked, turning to the super soldier.
“of course doll, the ones in the red bag right?” He asked and you nodded, telling him which salsa to get as well. He hurried off to find the chips and you found the shortest line, only two people ahead of you with a small amount of items.
You waited for a couple minutes before you began putting your things into the conveyor belt. Making small talk with the cashier as you placed everything and they scanned it.
You had finished setting everything down and were just waiting for the cashier to scan everything when Bucky appeared with the chips and salsa, setting it down on the conveyor belt.
The cashier looked at Bucky and placed the divider down, separating the chips and salsa from your groceries.
“oh, uh the chips and salsa are mine too” you spoke, blushing and smiling at the cashier.
Their eyes went wide and quickly removed the divider, Bucky going to stand next to you soon after.
“oh! I’m so sorry i didn’t think you two were together, i mean you’re just so pretty! No offense ce to you- sir i uh” she spoke quickly, fumbling to scan the chips and salsa quickly.
“it’s fine” you smiled, saving her from the hole she was digging herself in. You quickly paid and thanked her, making Bucky push the now full and heavy cart.
You burst out laughing the moment you exited the store, stumbling and holding onto the cart for support.
“she- she thought we weren’t dating!” You wheezed, “she thought u was too pretty for you!” a small snort leaving you and causing you to laugh even harder.
“haha very funny” Bucky smiled, putting all the groceries in the car as you doubled over in laughter.
“do i need a haircut or something?” Bucky questioned, looking at himself in the mirror and you rolled your eyes at him.
“I like your hair this length” you smiled, kissing his cheek, “it was an honest mistake buck don’t worry, if anything you’re out of my league, y’know super soldier and all” you comforted him, not letting him protest and taking the cart to put it away.
As you got back in the car bucky looked at you, a smile on his face before leaning in and kissing you on the lips softly, pulling away with red cheeks.
“i love you” he whispered and you blushed, butterflies in your stomach. No matter how many times he told you it always had that same effect, with a chill down your spine and warm happy feeling in your chest.
“i love you” you replied, kissing him once more before settling in your seat and putting on some music.
Bucky smiled as he watched you from the corner of his eye, his mind reeling from your words. You out of his league? Please, you were easily the most beautiful girl he’d laid eyes on.
“wait do you actually think I’m out of your league?” Bucky questioned, furrowing his brows and glancing your way before settling his eyes on the road again.
“yeah, isnt that hard to believe i mean” you replied, arms gesturing to bucky and he only rolled his eyes, looking at the road and then at you for a quick second. You took the chance to shower him in compliments, you knew he could get insecure and you didn’t want this incident to worry him.
“I mean where do i start, the hair is perfect, please don’t cut your hair i will cry” you began, hearing a small chuckle made you smile and you continued.
“and then youre so sweet and caring and you just always are so amazing, i mean you saved alpine from the rain and you adopted him when no one claimed him” you spoke, Bucky’s face hot and ears burning red.
“and you’re just so charming with that damn smile and the way you can be so shy but then you have to shame and just drive me up a wall” he smirked at your comment, knowing how you secretly loved it when he messed with you at times.
“and plus my knees pop every time i bend them meanwhile your joints are perfectly fine” you ended, causing him to laugh as he pulled into the complex of your shared apartment.
“surprised your didn’t mention my arm this time” he quipped, meeting you by the trunk of the car and helping place some bags in your hands as he took the rest.
“wanted to keep it wholesome, let me have one sweet moment james” you smirked and he rolled his eyes.
“not my government name” he smiled and you blew him a kiss, laughing as he blushed deeply and fumbled to open the door, finally letting the two of you into the apartment and setting everything on the kitchen counter.
Alpine soon joined the two of you on the couch after fixing everything, laying on your side with your head resting on Buckys chest, mindlessly watching some movie you had flipped to.
Bucky looked at you, savoring the moment. Your head on his chest and an arm draped over alpine, petting him softly as your focused on the movie.
Bucky could feel his heart grow in his chest, a smile on his face as you began to theorize what would happen to the main character.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out before the movie ends doll” he replied, running his fingers through your hair and you smiled up at him.
He swore he saw the sun in your eyes at that moment. And maybe he did, because from your perspective, you were looking at the light of your life.
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boykingsw · 3 years
i cant stop thinking about it now. buddie kiss in the rain when.
I'm literally picturing the episode in my head right now listen:
by the time this actually happens, it's been a long time coming. the pining has been obvious to the audience, they've been shooting longing looks at each other for a good season at this point
maybe in the end of the previous episode they had some kind of long, emotional talk where they kinda sorta revealed a bit too much about their feelings, and now there's this odd tension between them because it feels like they're finally teetering on an edge they can't come back from, and they don't really know which way to step
so the episode opens with them arriving at the station, and it's a vaguely cloudy day. kinda gloomy, but not too bad
but as the episode progresses, we see this storm building, as this tension between buck and eddie does the same (it's a metaphor, you see)
sideways glances, longing looks, awkward conversations, u know what I'm talking about
and the sky slowly begins to darken with grey clouds as they go through their shift, dealing with a bunch of calls that have something to do with the weather I guess (they do like their themes)
and all throughout it, things are just weird between them
so by the end of the shift, Eddie's fed up with it, and he turns to buck once everyone else has left the station and he's like "what's up with us, man? what's going on?"
and buck just. sighs and says "you really don't know? come on, eddie." and starts walking out of the firehouse towards his car
of course, eddie follows him, cause he's stubborn as all hell, and won't let this go without a fight. he's like "what's the matter? what did I do?"
and by this point it's pouring, right? and eddie follows him right up to the threshold of the door, where buck stops and turns to him. "nothing, eddie. that's the problem. we both know there's something going on between us but neither of us are doing anything about it"
and Eddie's a bit stunned into silence cause like. we're actually saying this out loud now?
buck continues, like "I'm fed up with this. either we're going to do this, or we're not."
eddie remains silent for a beat longer (he's processing, okay, give him a break) so buck takes that as a rejection, and tries to be nonchalant about it like, whatever, fine, and shakes his head and starts out towards his car (into the rain. hehe)
and this is the point where Eddie's brain catches up with him, so he calls out the classic "buck, wait!" and buck turns back, but he can't find the right words to say so he figures actions will do instead, and he rushes out towards him in the downpour and BOOM. THE KISS. grabs him by both cheeks and kisses the life out of that man and whew my heart is beating fast just thinking about it
and of course they pull back with the absolute fondest smiles and bucks just like "is that a yes, then?" SCREAM.
but WAIT. NOT ONLY THAT... but this turns out to be no ordinary storm, no sir
this episode is the lead up to the TWO PART HURRICANE EPISODE that we want so bad, and so in the next couple of episodes they barely even have time to see each other and it's killing them
and THEN they get separated during a rescue and one of them gets into some trouble and we see the other trying to stay cool and collected but in fact they're dying inside because they had finally gotten what they wanted and now it feels like it's all slipping away too fast hoo boy the angst potential
but by the end of the two parter they're reunited and they go home together and boom. start of the canon secret relationship storyline
mic drop
anyway as you can see I haven't thought about this at all
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
Can u write some Paladin Danse smut pls? Female reader maybe mention the first time they had met?? Ty
Squad Gladius
Warnings: 18+ smut, angst and description of injury.
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"Where's that stimpak?!" Your voice screeches as gunshots fire all around you. The loud small explosions is enough to deafen you, but your focus was all on Paladin Danse, injured at your knees.
"I'm trying!" Haylen cries as she fires down a hallway - her targets out of your vision.
"Ah-ha!" A super mutant taunts, strutting towards you with his shitty pipe pistol that looked like he'd clumsily made it in 8th grade workshop class. "Tin Man, go boom."
Your teeth bare into a snarl; your desire to save Danse has you panicked and desperate, but your survival instincts transmute it into pure rage.
The slight gash and trail of blood on your forehead isn't even felt as you grab the only weapon close to you - a shotgun.
Looks like you have to do everything yourself...
Your body leaves Danse for a moment as you sprint towards the reloading Green-skin. He'd been smarter than your average mutant, having aimed his shots at Danse's fusion core, exploding it before he could safely get out of range.
And the only thing more infuriating than a super mutant, was a super mutant who had a bit of brain inside his green dome.
Almost in slow motion, with one arm you cock the shotgun and press the barrel right into the monsters cheek, pulling the trigger before it could even react.
You turn on your heel and run to aid Haylen, not fazed about the FEV victims grey matter scattering your clothes. It was now the norm in post-apocalyptic America.
You shove her aside harshly, removing her from the line of fire.
"Go help Danse." Is all that leaves your lips as you pluck her laser pistol from her hands.
Haylen obeys as you take care of the two brutes down the hallway, who were taking cover in adjoining doorways.
"Where - where's, y/n?" Danse croaks as Haylen begins to pull out her medkit.
"Shh..." She soothed, tears pooling in her eyes. "She's okay. Just tying up some loose ends."
She pushed the needle into his neck, it was faster to work that way, before pushing down the lever. It hisses as the chemicals stored inside successfully enter his blood stream.
"I need, to tell her..." He was out of it. Wasn't entirely sure where he was or what was happening.
His vision began to fade.
"I'm losing him!" Haylen screams just as you finish up the last enemy.
All he could hear was his own breaths as everything started to fill into an inky blackness. Your legs heading towards him as Haylen pumped his chest were the last things he saw.
"I love..." He whispered, desperately yet weakly holding his gloved hand out for you, before it crashes to the ground.
The next two days were a total blur.
You were absolutely grief stricken and seemed to just float around above your body as your comrade, friend and mentor fought for his life.
Thank god Rhys had pulled through and managed to transmit a distress pulser, a vertibird swooping down to your aid in all its glory.
But it didn't feel like a successful mission while Danse was lying in his quarters, fighting for his life.
You'd popped in to check in on him for the countless time, the bed sinking slightly as you perched yourself next to his warm body. He was shirtless, his abdomen wrapped in bandages, the shrapnel of his exploding suit no doubt gifting him with more battle scars.
Oh Danse... You think as you gently stroke his stubbled face.
You jump when his hand finds its way to your wrist, his now open cocoa eyes melting at the sight of you.
"Y/N..." He croaks.
You immediately pass him the glass of water that sat on his bedstand, aiding him as he gulped it desperately.
"How you feeling?" You asked, hiding how concerned you were. "You had us all worried there, Paladin."
"I've been better." He lets out a weak laugh.
Such a soldier...
"Well, I'm glad you're back with us, sir." You smile softly, not able to stop the silent tear that rolled down your precious face.
"Don't call me that." He wavered his hand dismissively, thumbing your tear away with his other.
You seem taken aback in surprise.
He notices your expression. "Y/N, I... Have to tell you something. I'm uh... Not very good at this sort of thing."
"it's okay." You smile, running your fingers through his raven black hair. "I heard you... You don't have to say a thing."
His brow furrows for a second wondering what you meant, before soaring up when he remembered.
"You did, huh? Sorry about -"
You silence him by pressing your lips against his. You know him all too well and you were certain he would never dream of making the first move. This man oozed testosterone yet when it came to using it on anything other than fighting, he was like a lost child.
He returns your kiss, cupping your face tenderly; the adrenaline rush from your lips against his sweeter than any rush he'd gotten from any battle.
His pace quickened, rapidly getting desperate after yearning for you for so long, keeping his crush a secret from everyone; even himself at first.
"y/n..." He breathes. "I need you."
The imprint of his excitement pressed against the sheets that covered his lower half.
"You're not in any shape for that." You laugh softly.
His eyes plead but his mouth utters; "Yeah... Maybe not right now."
You get to your feet, grabbing the zip of your brotherhood jumpsuit, your eyes transforming into the orbs of a vixen as you slowly pulled it down.
His lips parted and eyes widened hungrily, as if getting bigger would somehow take more of what he was seeing into his essence.
Your clothing fell to the floor, your body as naked and vulnerable as the day you were born; offering him your body as well as your heart.
His tongue rolls over his bottom lip, then he stutters in awe.
"Y- y/n..."
You remove the sheet that covered him before climbing between his legs.
You waited for protest. To see if he was still too hurt to handle even the most tender forms of love.
But he remained silent; say for his increased breathing.
"Tell me if it gets too much." Your voice carries through the air full of affection.
"I..." He begins, a pink hue starting to colour his skin. "I won't last long."
"That's okay." You reassured before lowering your head and running your tongue from the base of his shaft, all the way up his thick dick and to the top.
He gasps and grips the sheets, his barrel chest rapidly bobbing up and down.
Circling your tongue around his leaking tip, you delight in his disbelieving stare down at you. He groans out loudly and bucks his hips automatically as you swallow him whole, slowly working him with your mouth, tongue and hand.
All you could both think of was you wouldn't have dreamed this would even be possible back when you first met. The two of you thinking the same; "There's no way they would want me."
His quiet whimpers fill the room arousing you to the point of your insides becoming slick.
She's so... Beautiful he'd thought when he first saw her, barging into the parking lot of the police station heroically, firing down ferrals like it was a hobby.
You pick up the pace. His panting becoming more desperate, his fingers running through his hair at how good it could feel being in your mouth.
"Y/N. I'm going to cum soon." He warns.
You moan, vibrating him as you plunge him to the back of your throat over and over sending him over the edge.
He whispers an "Ah~!" as his jaw falls open, brows knitting together while he pulses thick, hot liquid down your throat. You took it all swallowing it by the cup load.
"Sh-shit, y/n!"
You didn't think you'd ever hear him curse at you like that.
Removing your mouth he lies there, a ruined mess wondering if he'd actually died the other day and was in heaven. You gently lay yourself beside him where he wraps his arms around you and plants a kiss on your head.
"...Ad Victoriam." He gasps.
"...Please don't say that after sex again."
I hope you enjoyed. Still waiting for the computer store to call me so it was on my phone. This got a little more angsty than intended 😅
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I Hate You, but I Don't {part one}
prompt : Stucky and reader who pretend to hate each other, even though they both love each other. reader gets badly hurt on a mission causing both Steve and Bucky to tell reader their feelings.
Quick 3 parter, may end up being horrible please leave feedback
Warnings: fluff, enemies to lovers. argument, yelling, injuries, cussing
3rd Person POV:
"Just stop, just fucking leaving me alone. Just because you're in charge doesn't mean your in charge of me!" Steve's jaw dropped in shock and anger. Everyone in the kitchen was shocked and didn't know what to say. "That's exactly what that means. When you signed up to be an avenger, you signed up to be bossed around!", Steve yelled, not so used to being disobeyed so outright. Wanda tried to step in between Y/N, with on withering look from both of you she immediately backed up. "I'm done, if you want to talk when you stop being such a dick, then you know where to find me." Y/N spoke with distaste and anger. Everyone was frozen in place, Steve's anger on the brink of overflow. "Captain Rogers, you are requested to the meeting room along with Sergeant Barnes. It is of urgent matter sir." Friday spoke over the speakers. Steve started walking to the elevator, heading for Bucky's room.
Steve's POV:
I hit the 10th floor button on the elevator, just wanting to talk to Buck. "Hey, Buck open up! We have to go to the meeting room, now, apparently its urgent!" I started pounding on his door. The doorway slowly opened up to revel Bucky with a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist, hair freshly washed and water droplets cascading down his abs. "Stare much." Buck chuckled lightly, "Get dressed and lets go. We need to be down there quickly." I rushed him, cheeks flushed.
Time Skip-outside the meeting room. (Y/N's POV)
"I really don't want to see Steve right now, unless he has an apology ready for me I don't want to talk to him." I thought to myself. U slowly open the meeting room door to be greeted with the sight of not only Steve but Bucky as well. "My brain really can't handle two idiots at the same time right now." I quietly whispered to myself. Apparently not quiet enough because the next things I hear is a scoff from Steve and a "Is that so doll?" I roll my eyes at them both and go to sit down in the stiff grey office chair. "Ya'know Tony with all the money you have at your disposal, you think we would more comfortable chairs." I lightly chuckled alongside Tony while Bucky rolled his eyes. "Hey Barnes, keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there." I laughed. He scowled and looked at Tony, "Can you just tell us why we're here? I want to get as far from Y/N as humanly possible." Bucky questioned. Tony stepped aside, "I will let Friday do all the talking. Friday hit it!" "Yes sir, as all of you can see we have located a Hydra base. They have plans to storm New York and try to take down Stark Industries. For some reason they had all this information stored on a file on they easily hackable server. Now this is where you come in. Mr. Stark needs you to go to the base and infiltrate it. You need to find anything and everything in that building. We are not able to send everybody out because it is a stealth mission. that is the reason Mr. Stark chose you three to complete this mission. Agent Y/N, you will need to sneak into the Hydra base with Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes, look through the whole building, find any and all information and bring it back to Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner. The quinjet will leave tomorrow afternoon at 7 sharp. I understand from hearing your altercation in the kitchen earlier today that there is tension between Captain Rogers and Agent Y/N. However this mission requires teamwork, cooperation, consideration, communication and open eyes and ears. Mr. Stark would like you to try to resolve it or temporarily solve the altercation before you all leave for the mission. That is all, Mr. Stark will dismiss you soon."
This is it for Part one of I Hate You, but I Don't. If you have any suggestions for other stories or any suggestions on how to fix this story please let me know. Love you all!! <3333
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Bucky Barnes’ adoptive child
Bucky Barnes x child!reader
warnings: knife
prompt: @multifandomlover121: “i adored your natasha romanoff’s child headcanons! could you do one with bucky barnes and him adopting a child? thank you!!”
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bucky saw someone in need and wanted to help them
that someone was you
he would have wanted someone to do the same for him
“are you okay, kid?”
“i’m fine...”
“are you sure?”
you kinda started crying and ran off
but that wasnt the last time he had seen you
the more he’d run into you, the more he’d check on you, offer you food/water/shelter
“i really don’t mind, it’s the least i could do”
“are you sure?”
“i am”
you began to trust bucky more as time went on, he really was helpinh you out of the kindness of his heart
and buck became more protective of you, of course
soon enough he saw you as his child and you saw him as your father, neither of you had had a bond like that before
“i’m going to the market, do you want anything?”
“uh, peaches?”
“got it, be back in a while, don’t answer the door for anyone”
“got it, pa”
that was the first time you called him “pa” and he shut the door behind him and stood there in SHOCK he was so ???!!!!
you asked him about his life, and at first he didn’t want to tell you much
“pleaseee? it all seems so interesting”
“well, i don’t remember it much. and everything i do remember isn’t very great”
“is that why you’re lying low?”
“yeah...that’s one of them”
“can you tell my how you got your metal arm?”
you tried not to pry but you were disappointed that he wouldn’t open up to you
he knew just about everything about the short past you had, all the highs and lows of your messy childhood before he met you
bucky lived in a one bedroom apartment, so he gave you the bedroom and slept on the couch
honestly you guys led your lives mainly inside the apartment just to stay safe
and filling the day was a bit difficult, but you managed
“can i watch tv?”
“after the news”
“you said that twenty minutes ago”
“well, it’s not over yet. just watch it with me”
“can i pleaaaase watch tv?”
that “pleaaaase” always makes him cave
you two also baked together! it calms his nerves
especially when he can smell cookies/brownies/cake/etc baking in the oven, it’s his favorite
“are you sure we’re making these right, y/n?”
“no, i am not.”
helping him clean his arm sometimes
he couldn’t get in the crevices
one day you were watching tv and it said that bucky was wanted for a bombing, which couldnt be true because that was in vienna and you were far from there
“so that’s what you didn’t want to tell me? you’re a...”
“a terrorist? an assassin? an 100 year old man? i...i wish i wasn’t, but i had no choice. i can’t remember everything that happened to me, but i don’t want to. this new life is good for me and you. and i promise i would never do anything to hurt you”
“i know, pa, i trust you more than anyone else on earth. but...what does this mean for us now? the whole world is looking for you”
“nothing, they wont find us here. i’m going to the market for plums, though. keep the door and windows locked”
“yes sir”
“love you, kid”
“love you, pa”
and the next thing you know the door has been opened and you do not know what to do so you hide because that’s the plan you and bucky came up with just in case and next thing you know there’s sounds of fighting, things breaking, yelling
it’s time to come out
“pa? pa, where are you?”
“y/n, get down!”
“bucky, who is that?” -cap
“my kid”
steve immediately: ????¿???
anywhooo you ended up running with them and not able to keep up bc they were kinda enhanced 100 year old men and you were baby
so the falcon, the REAL DEAL MAN RIGHT THERE had to give you a helping hand
“you doing alright, kid?”
“to be honest, i’ve never flown before”
✨getting arrested with pa and the crew✨
you sat next to steve rogers
“so, you’re bucky’s...child?”
“he took me in a while ago, we were both in a dark place”
“has he told you about his past?”
“i ask but he cant remember most of it, and what he does remember, he’s too ashamed to say. he just recently told me he used to be an assassin...and he’s and eldery man”
“hey, whatever happens to buck—your dad, i just want to let you know that i’ll be here for you, okay? he was my best friend growing up, i owe it to him”
it’s a feat to be a minor caught by the CIA but look at you go
you had to explain how you and bucky became family, which they were not buying even though every word was true
releasing you to steve bc he had some pull
oh yeah bucky kinda sorta went feral and you insisted you’d be able to calm him down but it doesn’t exactly work that way
“pa! i’m right here, it’s me! please, stop it!”
“y/n, you need to get out of here, it’s not safe!”
“i can’t leave him like this!”
escaping the CIA and waiting for your dad to wake up, this is where he regained his full memory
once he was free of the debris, he gave you a big hug and apologized with tears in his eyes (why the fuck am i rhyming)
“i’m sorry if i scared you, dragă”
“i couldn’t ever be scared of you”
steve was so happy that bucky was happy dhshshshhshs
being pushed in the backseat with pa
sharing your granola bar
since bucky remembered some good thinsg about his past, he thought it may be time to share!
“yeah, so me and steve were best friends, right? steve always picked fights with every bully he met, despite being less than half the weight he is now. i always had to swoop in and save the day”
“i can’t believe you were born in 1917. my father is a world war two veteran”
“how impressive” -sam, also a war vet
honestly they didn’t expect THAT much resistance at the airport but everyone knew you were off limits
excellent spiderman who webbed your hand to a car
luckily, your dad had taught you a thing or two and you got to hacking through these webs with your pocket knife
it took forever
but you finally escaped with your dad and who you’d soon call ‘uncle steve’
black widow nearly stopped you, you were very afraid :)
bucky made u stay in the jet “for your own safety”
“we don’t know what to expect in there, y/n. the last thing i want for you is to get hurt. i should have never dragged you into this”
steve casually talking to bucky about you being unofficially adopted by him
“so, you’re a dad?”
“that i am”
“what’s it like?”
“it’s like...finding a reason to get up every day. and a decent amount of compromise”
“sounds exciting”
“you have no idea”
finally being retrieved from the jet to see your dad with one arm
trippin out
but he told you it was alright
t’challa, new king of wakanda who was trying to end bucky’s life just a few hours ago had apologized and offered you sanctuary in his country
he SPECIFICALLY apologized to you, saying that it was unfair to you by trying to hurt your father because the pain of losing one is unbearable in his eyes
getting some much needed peace (not really bc you wanted to train with wakandan warriors)
and it paid off since you all had to fight off a hoard of aliens
“you think you can handle this, y/n?”
“oh yeah”
you definitely could not handle your dad turning to dust :)
“y/n? steve?”
no nope no
steve had to take care of you on bucky’s five year hiatus from life (oh my god im sorry)
not a day went by that you didn’t think of him
it kinda sucked bc you didn’t have any pictures together or anything, only pictures from the 1940’s that steve pulled out every once in a while
“doing okay, y/n?”
“not really”
“do you want to come and watch a movie with me or something? im still not completely caught up on everything i missed”
after five years, there was a breakthrough and it was finally time to get your dad back
but he probably wouldn’t recognize you...you’ll find out soon enough
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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slashssunglasses · 4 years
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A/N hi! i wrote this a whileeee ago on wattpad and i thought i’d bring it here, sorry if it’s not good it is an earlier imagine of mine but i hope you enjoy! 🥰
"Come on babe, we're gonna be late," Slash, your boyfriend, yells as he comes down the hallway and into your room.
"Do we really have to go?" you groan sliding your boots on, "yes y/n, I wanna meet your family," he sighs, grabbing your wrists. You and Slash had recently started dating after months of fooling around. You realized no one could give you what he gave you, your infatuation with each other grew stronger and stronger each day, you didn't mind the backlash from the public from dating such a player, you knew that he'd never hurt you like that, hes never been like this with another girl before. Hopelessly in love.
"I'm happy if you don't though," you pout, "why? I wanna go. I want to meet your relatives, y/n. I want our relationship to exist outside of tours and concerts and press," Slash groans setting his head on your shoulder, "we could always have fun here," you tease him through his pants and he hitches his breath.
"Don't start with me, we're going. I don't understand why you don't want me to," he pulls your hand away, "ugh, because! They don't like me and they're not gonna like you. They think we're psycho druggies who cheat on each other, I don't want them to judge you to your face, you know I have no chill," you explain fixing the collar of his shirt.
"Look at you, all unbuttoned and sexy," you bite your lip sliding your hand down his chest that's being exposed through the halfway unbuttoned shirt, "well, we are junkies, you are a psycho, but it's the 90's, who isn't? They'll love me," he smiles pressing a soft kiss on your lips.
"Whatever," you roll your eyes as he drags you out of your apartment.
You're sitting in the passenger seat, your leather skirt fitting you tightly. You look over at your man and he's driving with one hand, bicep flexed as he bops his head to the music. Just the sheer sight of him makes you wet. Suddenly, he drops his hand, interlacing his fingers with yours.
Just the little sparks you feel turn you on more. You decide to toy with him, bringing his hand to your mouth, pressing a soft kiss on the back of his hand. He smiles at you sweetly, obviously un-prepared for what you're about to do next. You release his hand grabbing his fingers and sliding them far deep into your mouth. He darts his eyes towards you as he begins to undress you with his eyes.
Smirking, you lift you leg up, hiking ur skirt all the way up. His mouth opens slightly as u place his hand on top of your underwear, "you just look so sexy," you whine and he bites his lip, jolting his head back to the road when the cars behind you start beeping.
Keeping his eyes on the road, his hand pulls your underwear to the side, sliding a finger up your slit. You let out a soft moan, throwing your head back, "mm, yes," you whimper as he starts rubbing small circles on your clit. 
"Someones wet," Slash smirks as his middle finger teases the edges of your dripping hole, "please baby, I want it," you moan and he slides a finger in causing you to arch your back off of the seat.
"God, yes!" you whine as he starts moving in and out, curling it slightly, "fuck, you're so tight," he grunts trying to focus on the road.
Adding another finger, he starts moving in and out ruthlessly causing you to let out slitting moans for him, "you like that?" he growls, swerving slightly.
His words turn you on even more, causing you to clench around him, "fuck yeah," he chuckles rubbing your clit with his thumb. 
"S-Slash, I'm gonna," you whine bucking your hips up.
"Cum for me," he teases a fourth finger, "ahhh!" u scream as it enters you, causing you to cream all over his hand. He slides his fingers out of you chuckling at his dirty hand, "taste yourself, baby," he purrs, sliding a finger in your mouth.
Panting, you suck it clean and he licks the rest of his fingers clean.
"Happy you got your fix, you nymph," he chuckles focusing on the road again. 
"Yes sir," you giggle and he bites his lip, "I still want a taste," you coo, reaching over to unbuckle his pants.
"I love you, but we're gonna crash if you do that," his breath shakes as you pull out his long dick. 
"We're nearly there, I can wait and suck you off in the parking lot," you smirk sliding your hand up and down gently causing him to stiffen up in his seat.
He speeds up into the driveway of your aunts house unbuckling his seat bealt. Grabbing your hair in his hands, he forces himself down your throat. Bobbing your head up and down, your tongue swirls around his shaft as his tip hits the back of your throat.
"Fuck yes, just like that," he throws his head back forcing your head down farther. The sounds of your spit and gags fill the car as you work the rest of his size with your hands.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he groans as he cums down your throat. Giggling, you swallow all of him, sucking him completely dry. he slides out of your mouth with a pop and stares at you completely breathless.
"Let's go, shall we?" you smile sliding ur skirt back down. You discretely pull your underwear off and drop them on the car floor.
Panting and disoriented, he follows you out of the car and towards the front door.
You knock, dreading every second of what's about to come. 
"Would you relax?" Slash rubs your shoulder reassuringly, "just think about how they have no idea how good I worked you in that car," he adds lightly biting your ear. You giggle and caress his face as the door opens.
"Oh, hey!" your aunt opens the door putting on a fake smile, "hi," you say awkwardly as you hold Slash's hand walking inside, "so. . . this is him, huh?" she eyes him up and down, "yeah, y/a/n, this is Slash. Slash, this is my aunt, y/a/n," 
"Nice to meet you," he smiles, "Slash? How. . . unique," she smiles bringing you guys to the table where everyone is, "everyone, this is. . . Slash," she says distastefully.
After a couple hours, Slash seems to be getting along greatly with everyone. You hate to admit it, but it annoys you. You get up from your seat on the couch and go to the dining room to join Slash.
"Maybe you could come show me some fun," you whisper in his ear, "absolutely not," he chuckles, "c'mon, I want you. . . daddy," you purr, discretely palming him under the table. His body jolts and you giggle.
He angrily stands up, causing you to jump back. Grabbing your wrist, he drags you towards the laundry room in the back of the garage. Thankfully, no one notices you've left.
You giggle lightly as he closes the door behind him.
His grip on your wrist gets tighter and your giggle turns into a whimper. He roughly bends you over the washing machine and wraps his hand around your neck. You gasp at his quick, rough actions.
"You think you can be a little slut and get away with it?" he bites your ear and you let out a small whimper, "sorry daddy," you toy with him more.
He roughly lifts your skirt up, gasping lightly at your lack of underwear.
"Look at you, ready for daddy, ready to take him like a good girl," he growls smacking your ass, you gasp, letting out a small whine.
He grips your hips, flipping you around to face him. He lifts you up onto the washing machine, standing in between your legs. He sloppily crashes his lips into yours letting his hands roam around your entire body down to your soaking wet pussy.
Smiling into the kiss, he rubs you earning desperate whimpers. Sliding his fingers in, you gasp loudly and he wraps his other hand around your neck, "sh, you don't wanna get caught now do you?" he pouts as he curls them roughly watching your eyes roll back.
"Huh?" he asks again slamming into you harder, "n-no," you whimper trying not to scream.
"That's what I thought," he smirks bending down. Looking up at you from between your legs, he licks his lips and licks a long stripe up you. Holding your thighs open, he works his tongue all around your pussy. Biting your lip, you try to contain your screams when he takes your clit and sucks on it roughly.
Lapping his tongue against it you find your legs shaking. 
"Mmm," he groans shoving his face farther into you. "I-I'm" you start trying to whisper. Your pleasure is cut short when he pulls his mouth away.
You whimper craving his touch again.
"You gonna take this dick like a good slut?" he pulls your body closer to him, "yes," you say nervously, "yes, who?" he unbuttons his pants, "yes. . . daddy," you say blushing, "look who's shy now," he teases.
Rubbing his tip at your entrance he watches your face as you crave his touch.
"Such a pretty girl," he pouts sliding his thumb across your bottom lip before slamming into you with no warning.
"Mm!" you yell as he stretches you out, "what'd I say? You're not gonna make a sound," he growls adjusting himself inside of you.
You whimper, feeling the tears well up as you try to contain your sounds of pleasure.
He slides out pulling you down and flipping you over again. Wrapping his arm around your waist and using his hand to cover your mouth, you lift your leg on the washer and he slams into you.
He begins sliding in and out of you at an inhuman pace. You moan against his hand as you shake the washer. 
"Fuck, you're taking this cock so well baby," he growls slamming into you over and over.
He slides his hand down and starts furiously rubbing your clit causing your eyes to roll back and your legs to shake. You can't help clenching around him as he shows you no mercy.
"God yes, tighten around me just like that. You act like a little slut, you're gonna get fucked like one. Take it, take it like a good girl, wrap that pussy around this cock."
His dirty talk sends you over the edge once more.
His thrusts begin to get sloppy as he holds you closer to his chest. 
"Right there," you whimper against his hand, tears streaming down your face, "yeah, right there? Who's your daddy?" he growls, "you, you! I'm your little cum slut daddy, please fill me up," you whine as his hand leaves your mouth.
"Fuck!" he groans cumming inside you.
You're both left there a panting mess.
You giggle as you realize what you both just did.
"I love you," he says breathy as he pulls you close, kissing you softly, "was I a good girl?" you pout, "you were being very bad, but I think you learned your lesson," he says pulling your skirt back down over your ass.
You smile, kissing him more feeling his tongue explore your mouth.
After fixing yourselves, you both walk back into the house.
"Where'd you guys go?" your cousin asks as you both enter the living room again.
"Smoke break," Slash lies before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You giggle hearing the conversations happening throughout the night.
"Just wait til we get home," Slash whispers and you blush at the idea of what awaits you at home.
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iwillbeinmynest · 4 years
Redcove Harvest - Bucky x Reader(f)    Chapter 8
Authors Notes: Oh look, Kate isn’t dead! Hello, hi, it’s me the absolute WORST. *FacePalm* 
AU: Farmhand!Bucky x SingleMom!Reader
Word Count: 900+
Notes/Warnings: (Notes are for the whole series) FLUFF, mentions of a past toxic relationship, a wild storm at the end, drama and a break-up, mentions of drinking, kids being adorable and ridiculous, kissing, romance and a tiny bit of angst if you look hard but nothing more than that of a Hallmark movie.
Masterlist  Series Masterlist 
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Bucky tossed the fifty pound chicken feed bag onto the pile he had made. This was the first of many heavy lifting jobs that he would have to do today.
After his last dinner with Y/N, she sent him a text two days later that she no longer needed his help on the farm and that she would mail him his last check.
He knew that wasn’t true. He had only completed just half of what she’d originally asked him to do. He must have done something to upset her. There was no way this was all over a painting.
The next day he went to her house only to have Gracie answer the door. She told him that Y/N wasn’t feeling good and had been in bed all day.
Bucky called her that night and she sent him to voicemail. She texted him right after and said she wanted to be left alone and asked him not to come back to the property.
He hated it but respected her request.
So now, he was working part time at Steve’s Feed and Seed store hauling pallets of feed and other products off the delivery trucks.
It had been two weeks since Y/N asked him to leave and he’d felt sick ever since.
“Hey, Buck,” Steve called.
Bucky paused and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his sleeve. “Yeah?”
“After you finish this, I need you to grab the forklift and bring all the outdoor pallets into the warehouse. That storm will be rolling in around four and I want as much secured as possible.”
Bucky nodded. “Sure thing.”
“Make sure you grab the new kid to help and maybe even Mike. It’s a lot of moving around and you’ll need help.”
“Okay,” Bucky nodded as he grabbed another fifty pound bag to stack on top of his last pile.
Steve shifted his weight and exhaled as he crossed his arms. “You okay, pal? I know with everything with Y/N you-”
“I’m fine, Steve.” Bucky answered quickly.
Steve didn’t believe him but he knew when his friend needed space.
*   *   *   *   *
Bucky threw his keys on his dash after parking his truck in Steve’s driveway. Steve wasn’t too far behind him but the rain and winds had already started. He pulled out his phone and opened his weather app. He pulled up the radar and exhaled as he ran his hand over the short beard that was forming on his chin. This storm was massive. The local news channels were advising everyone to stay inside and to stay off the roads.
Bucky wanted to check on Y/N. He wanted to ignore her request and make sure that she and those girls were okay.
Then, as if she’d heard him, Y/N’s name popped up as his phone began to ring.
He let it ring once but only because he was in shock, “Hello?”
“Mr. Bucky?”
His heart sank, “Grace? Is everything okay?”
“Not really. My-”
“Are you safe? Where is your mom and your sister?”
“Lex is with me. We are in the upstairs hallway. But momma went outside and the rain is really bad. I saw on the news that this storm is dangerous and-” Grace was starting to give into panic. “And I don’t wanna lose my momma too!” She was crying now.
Bucky grabbed his keys, cranked his truck and threw it into reverse as he peeled out of Steve’s driveway and raced towards Y/N’s property. “Okay, okay, hey, listen, I’m on my way. I’m coming. But I need you to do something for me, okay?”
“Mhm.” She sniffled.
“I need you to stay upstairs, right where you are with Lexi, alright. I’m going to go straight out and find your mom. But everything is going to be fine. We get storms like this all the time. It’s nothing to be worried about,” He felt guilty for lying about this but he needed her to calm down.  “I’m going to hang up and call Mr. Steve, okay? Have you met him?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Great. He’s my best friend and I’m going to call him so he can come watch over you and Lex. So, if you see another truck outside it’s okay, that’s just Mr. Steve, alright? Real quick, can you leave your house key on the rug outside of your front door?”
Bucky could hear her running downstairs.
“Great. Lock the door back when you are done and go sit with Lex so she doesn’t get scared.”
He heard the door open and close and locks being turned.
“Okay,” She sniffed again but she sounded calmer.
“Perfect. Great job, that was super helpful. I’m going to hang up but you call me if you need me, okay?”
“Okay.” She said.
“Bye, grace. I’ll be there in just a few.”
The second the call was disconnected, He speed dialed Steve.
“Hey, what’s u-”
“Steve, I need you to head up to Y/N’s place, now.”
“What’s happening?”
“Grace just called me, freaking out. Apparently Y/N is out in the storm. She didn’t tell me why but I can bet it was to take care of her animals.”
Steve let out a swear.
“I need you to go to her house and keep an eye on Grace and Lex. There is a key at the door.”
“Are you sure? I can help-”
“I’m sure.” Bucky focused on driving.
“Okay. I was just about to turn down our street so I’m not far behind you.”
“Thanks.” And Bucky hung up.
Bucky turned onto the now graveled drive that would take him to Y/N’s house.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  
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