#everyone texts differently so there literally Is Not a universal trick for it you have to adjust your own style for every different convo
flowgninthgil · 8 months
Pinned Post!
Current PfP from Taken form there, made by BeautySnake
All past PfPs can be found in my mess
I'm an openly anarchist person, probably from the same reality as you, and reblogs are gonna show that, but I also like arts and silly things, things that put joy in your life, but also things that allows you to see things from many different angles, all of those things that creativity only can give.
I use any pronouns by the way, literally, I usually take the exemple of cactuses, beats me why.
you know those things that are greatly limited by the fact that it takes time to create, the time you need to get the money that you need to keep on living?
We work to earn the right to work, to earn the right to give ourselves the right to buy oourselves the right to live, to earn the right to die.
Bat - > (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) < - Bat
Anyway, this also serves for me to get some posts easely accessible 'cause I really like them and I like too many things to just search them back in the list, so here they go:
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Always seek the root of the problem:
If you have an abusive family, this is a good number of advices to help you until you can safely leave:
Artistic Consent VS AI, Part 1: Glazing.
Artistic Consent VS AI, Part 2: Nightshade.
People should try PiHole, I assure you, your privacy on internet matters.
I mean it, your privacy is important.
"Slow the Fuck Down"
Protexting private information can be hard, sorry
Cool things that internet allows you to do.
HTML is awesome.
Too many imbed for tumblr, switching to not-cool links from here.
Keep the Windows open:
Fuck windows, opt out those useless things
Fuck Google, here's some websites you won't find.
Google Algorythm is fucked and full of spam.
Twitter's Community notes are not Universal Truth.
Trick to get some disk freed up on your computer.
Fuck Spotify and the others.
The Cloud! Off-site SSD.
Please, take care!
Your body and mind matters.
It's OK to not be ready, or saying no.
Lazyness doesn't exists.
Learning how diet actually works is important, pizzas are supposed to be healthy.
Your posture matters, take care of your spine.
Breast Cancer CAN affect you, no matter who you are and what your biology is.
Know how you feel and what it means.
Say "Thank you" instead of "Sorry".
Fuck Depression.
Caring about others requires knowing about them.
Communication is key, in every interraction you can have, even the bad ones.
Look out of intersex people, especially at birth.
What is Ableism and what does people mean by it? (Thinking of things concerning disabled people from an Able point of interest.)
To Disabled Persons in the United States of Central North America, get a Abled Account.
Sex education is important for kids.
Explaining Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Don't keep everything to yourself, it's not good for anyone.
Autistic lack of empathy.
Explaining Borderline Personality Disorder.
Down Syndrome does not keep people from being normal people.
Hey, people in rehabs and mental health facilities are people too.
It ends up making a very interesting point about disabled people.
Creation is an art!
AO3 & tips:
AO3 search filter.
If you don't private them, authors can read your bookmarks on AO3.
Compression Sleeves can help you when drawing.
Training is key! and this is awesomely simple!!!!!
Grey vs Gray!
From stories:
bittersweet, short, fantasy story.
Introducing a character:
Sci-Fy but it's not bad:
Changing your point of view.
Remarkable movie about Trans People!
Pokémon Lore!!!!
To Imagination!
Here's how to make fantasy names:
More fantasy world logic!
The Organic, the Mechanical, and the Holy.
But with reallife origins.
People need glasses, and imaginary people too.
Your work is actually Great.
It's about feminism and how all women are normal, but I think it can get you some useful bases on dressing up people.
Rude Compouds on Reddit.
Cultural mixity create great food!
Awesome person, horrible surroundings.
And History is a tool!
It explains,
Paper on cool alt people
Diversity of Arabic languages.
Exploring Music throughout history:
How bad can I be? I'm just building the economy!
And remember.
Did you know girls were awesome?
People lived here before you.
Bayard Rustin and the Civil Rights.
Former capital of the armenian kingdom:
Company town is not new.
Cool Dutch gay guy which tried his best to help during the occupation
Nazis didn't burnt book randomly, they knew what they were burning.
Fuckers and Nature All Around the World:
Helping people DOES help, don't prevent them needs in fear of scams, differences or such:
A little bit can do a lot for people.
More than anything, Welfare helps people.
I seem to have reached the maximum of links someone can add to a Tumblr Post... Can't even be a linklog on this tumblelog website! Anyway, here's the links and the name I gave them, they just aren't clickable:
Disgust is no reason to shame or be unsupportive. (Kinks and fetish are valid, because far-right is using them to bring you down.)
Fuck racists.
A Philosophy for Queer Labels.
Learn from others around the world (Anarchy)
Unlearning White Supremacy. (I guess some people need to.)
You missed it out, but it's okay, we just have to give it to others to make it up. (about trans people missing out on growing up as a teenager.)
Cool story about how talking about sex is considered bad. (School director filming educational/humanising porn with his wife and publishing it on the internet without telling anyone getting fired for it.)
Economy! (Seatle people burning up medical depts of people.)
Nature is beautiful:
Biology VS. gender norms. (Little informative drawings)
Fishes are not stupid, you know? (actually watched a documentary about it, fishes shows every signs of intelligence you might think of.)
Gretta Thumberg's growth. (lost the link :Sadge:)
Deep Sea livings. (Cool and dangerous in strange ways)
TERFs and Nazis:
J.K. Rowling is both.
You're not Destroying nature. (Big corps are.)
What is Blood Quantum? (American way to force amerindians to get erradicated.)
Pearl Harbour on the Cost of Giving Birth in the USCNA (United States of Central North America)
Corporations are a Platypus. (Phineas and Pherb is awesome.)
& more to come
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Redesigns of enby, ace, aro, and agender by @the-unicorn-nick, trans flag by @vampk1zzer, and colours from here by @caninophobia.
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the-sneep-snoop · 11 months
i have said it once i have said it a thousand times there is no greater hell for me than experiencing bad ux design.
partly because autism and i will cry if something is too confusing or doesnt work how its supposed to and partly because i did ux design for a job a few years although at a very basic level and that lets me give myself the false belief that i have any authority here
but this is seriously on my mind a lot like if i was better at writing and / or into journalism? trust that i would have already published a more refined version of this post on medium or something. unfortunately i will be addressing you today from the humble uncapitalised unpunctuated tumblr post.
anyways i just like to complain so, here are some things i hate about websites (and some badly formatted pdfs) featuring varying levels of explanation
idk if i can explain this in a way that justifies the horrors. imagine you are trying to apply for scholarships via a fillable pdf and you must answer a prompt with a paragraph length response. but alas, upon reaching the end of the line, you can no longer type. hitting return does nothing to advance to the next line. oh well, maybe try again, select what you have and delete it. but alas again! hitting delete does nothing to delete your text. fortunately you discover that you can still copy and paste, even if it pasts a row above the one you had selected. well, it is what it is, and with a burst of resolve you type out your whole paragraph in google docs, and painstakingly copy and paste excerpts whose length is dictated only by trial and error due to different font sizes. you definitely did not cry for three hours over this ordeal
my lovely university's student services website which is used for silly little things like paying tuition and selecting courses. it has lots of helpful webpages and helpful redirects / shortcuts to helpful external webpages. lots of them! around a hundred if you count. how is it arranged? how does navigation work? well, each and every one of them is a small square button. and it's all just arranged in one massive grid. hundreds of them. not in any particular order.
nothing else to say about it
let me paint you a picture. a form that is printed and given to all students in the school for them to fill out. a field where something must be rated on a numerical scale from one to five. every student receives a form that has the number five already printed in that field. why? why, you ask, asks everyone unfortunate enough to be tasked with filling this form. well, one trailblazer who did it digitally via fillable pdf has discovered the elusive solution to this mystery. it was supposed to be a dropdown menu. a dropdown menu that has been flattened and killed like a fly in a papercopier.
idk if it's even allowed to ask that but they did. and in the goofiest way possible. it asks 'have you ever used a website or social media. enter the url here' . there is only one field and it is required to proceed. oh man, i'll have to think really hard about which website (out of all the websites i have used in my life) i should respond with...!
i am very passionate about this one. i think it is evil. i think disguising forms as chatbots is useless and inefficient. i don't see much appeal in an illusion, a poor mimicry of human-to-human customer service, for the sake of a marginal amount of vague approximations of 'social connections' and 'friendliness' and 'approachability'. at the very least, it's not worth the sacrifice of usability. it is conversational, and that tricks you (including less digitally literate older people, the kind who type please and thank you into their google searches) into thinking you should respond conversationally. what if it says
"hi! my name is linda and i am your virtual assistant! do you have a postal code you can provide"
and the user replies
"hi linda! thanks so much! i do have a postal code, I just have to double check that I have the right one, could you hold on a minute?"
and the chatbot is expecting something more along the lines of "A9A 9A9". i should also mention at this point that i am not at all educated on how chatbots work and for all i know i am dead wrong and i am tilting at windmills. in which case i probably deserve to be shamed but also please be nice to me please don't be mean thank you
okay so certain well known fast food company recruitment process includes a 'personality test' that is more like a job interview because it asks you questions that often have wildly obvious correct and incorrect answers (despite its disguise as a 'there are no right and wrong answers here' type of personality quiz). this has been criticised for having questions about things like if you would choose to cheat on a test , if you would defend the company against your friends discussing 'negative and unfair press', if you would yell at your neighbour, if you would break the dress code. the criticism comes from it being unrealistic and silly, but it also ties into how many neurodivergent people struggle with honesty vs. the 'right answer' in job interviews.
now, that's bad enough, but someone decided it needed some visual aids to help explain the scenarios depicted - granted, that's a nice idea, but not executed super well. for one thing, the computer generated mascots who live in a futuristic science fiction world with the brand logo all over everything is not the most appealing thing to think about. for another, i found that sometimes the scenarios just didn't match up or make sense with the questions, and made me feel incompetent at reading what was going on in the scene. which is very stressful and not super fun.
yes i understand that collecting statistics on prospective job seekers can be useful. yes i acknowledge that most forms with these questions are nice and allow multiple checkboxes to be ticked. but in this day and age i keep finding dropdown menus or mutually exclusive radio buttons to indicate race. that's right, you can only choose one option. which is awkward for some people. like me for example. at least sometimes i am allowed to choose the option of 'other' :)
and that's it for today. i may very likely be able to think of more but i'd rather not tbh. turns out there is a lot of negativity brewing in my mushy little mind after spending an hour and a half typing out my every grievance with every poorly designed website and form. who knew? and on top of that i lowkey hate how comedically challenged / tryhard / quirkly my writing voice turned out. it wasn't meant to be this way. trust me, i hate it too. this is an incoherent ramble written in the most mysterious hours of the night / morning in the midst of illness and fueled by nothing but my brain juice. which is not always the most pleasant juice out there if you know what i mean. so if you read this and you hate me please keep in mind that i am not the pretentious individual person i come off as. i am not usually like this. it's like i have been possessed. sorry
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sanktpolypenbourg · 1 year
Warning: Wall of rambly text agead
I'm not even sure I ever had full blown depression (I mean I once tested how quickly the crows on my roof would eat up a crude model of a human body made of meat and wood (to simulate bones) because I had this idea that I would just lie down on the roof one day and feed them with myself, but I am both a dumb and a kindergarten-level creative person so maybe it's not really proof of intensity; What also makes me a bit sceptical on the "full depression" thing is that the episodes started to become massively less frequent ever since someone started a family with me so maybe all along I was just lonely) but I certainly had mental states and depressive episodes that match what other people talk about
The most amazing thing for me personally was how I gained insight
Tangent - my take on depression:
Like when you are in an episode it does not at all feel like you are seeing things the wrong way, it feels like you have been drunk your whole life and suddenly you are sober for the very first time, suddenly everything is perfectly clear, and the amazing realization you get is that there is no hope and no point to your existence at all and you are literally a net negative in the world
A lot might be fuzzy but that is something you know for sure, that nothing you are and nothing you do matters, objectively
And here is the thing - the depression is correct about this, of course, but it's also dumb. Life on this planet is literally only possible at all because creatures care about themselves and what they do even though nothing really matters in the great sheme of things. And you specifically, no matter how inconsequential and silly you are even compared to everyone and everything else, it's still your life and you are still valid as a piece of the big puzzle.
All depression does is that it sucks the life juice out of you, that universal lubricant that keeps you rolling, that keeps you just intoxicated enough that you care about yourself and what you do
I would say it's a state of absolute realism, but absolute realism does not accurately match on to life? Life is movement and vagueness and a lot of it exists in the hypothetical, in the future, in marching on even without knowing what comes next. In depression, you feel like the world is static, like you have already seen it all. Change, especially to yourself and your life, becomes an absurd concept. You might even get angry with anyone suggesting otherwise, because clearly it is a lie? If the future is so great, then why can't you see it right now? (Answer: because it is the future, you dumbass.)
Anyway tangent over, what I mean by gaining insight is, I can now actually see the pattern when it starts. The thoughts still feel accurate, but I can now understand intellectually that I'm wrong. Suddenly the depression even feels like a cheap trick, like someone took away all your clothes in winter and tells you being warm was just a delusion and freezing is the universal truth. True, I am cold, but I know it's a trick, because I already fell for it so many times before? And I know from experience I'll be warm again even though right now I cannot see where my next set of clothes is going to come from? And even if it won't come and I'll freeze, wtf good does it do me to ass-u-me it won't? Maybe the only thing that helps me is that I am so damn lazy and I find worrying is more exhausting than not worrying, on top of everything else
And it was a process over several years but now at least I can usually tell when I am being fcked with. I may not figure out the trap but I know it IS the trap, and that alone makes such a big difference
And again I don't know how helpful this is for anyone else but I keep thinking about what they say about giving birth - you don't live from pain to pain, you live from pause to pause. If you ever fcking feel like saying "it feels like I can never escape the trap because now I am in it again" - consider if you can rephrase that shit as "that stupid joint can never hold me, no matter how many times they catch me, I get out again. The fact that I am in the trap again means your trap isn't fcking working, because by definition I got out before".
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colsonlin · 1 year
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
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Note: Colson Lin’s Twitter profile has exactly 181 followers, which will be relevant. He recently used a different profile he created for his project to follow himself. Before these tweets, he had 180 followers. Please remember that Colson Lin is a Yale Law graduate. All of the empirical claims he makes about his life story are true and verifiable by the media.
The opening of Colson Lin’s Twitter profile:
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is about to post Riddle 1 of 42.
It’s from God.
I know you don’t really want to die. You just want the pain to be over. I know you got tired of America. I know it got hard to stay sober.
I’m going to blow your mind.
God is a woman.
Hey, traphouse vandal:
Or like—
Try to help?
Jesus fucking Christ.
I won’t out you because I’m not a cult leader here to turn everyone against even a single one of you.
I’m literally here to help.
[Note: The above tweet was written at 4:44 AM.]
Truth hurts.
Nothing in the Universe is more Powerful than reality. Reality has a trick.
Reasonable beings use intelligence to attach to reality.
Oh the cords get tangled for all sorts of bad reasons (Power!), but those bad reasons are smaller than Reality.
With time, Truth bites.
To be fair [to the traphouse vandal], I didn’t click [your profile].
After I clicked, I was hopeful again.
Hope I click for you too, buddy.
I’m gonna laugh at the media if they try to bury the next few tweets in obscurity after I email them an outline of my philosophical postmodern-art project that challenges the status quo, by an LGBT child of working-class immigrants with a perfect SAT score and a Yale Law degree.
Don’t worry.
Y’all are off the hook for now.
I haven’t done it yet.
But pretty soon after I do?
I’m going to publicize the recipients in this thread.
Sorry for being a living, breathing 21st-century icon.
I just realized.
Shared power means at least somebody should be verifying my work.
Given that I’ve apparently scared the fuck out of 99% of humanity so that nobody wants to engage with me…
Can the NSA just do it?
(Y’all establishment-media types—y’all trust them, right?)
I am happy to communicate with any world leader through text or email.
Y’all know how to find me.
Hell, let’s hop on Zoom.
It’ll be a quick century.
Call me crazy.
But I’m smart enough to speak to you.
u up?
Here’s my phone number.
[Note: Colson Lin provides a phone number, but it is reacted from public view.]
Y’all can confirm every aspect of my life to check.
Don’t leak my phone number unless I do anything evil.
Y’all can go through all my texts and emails.
It really doesn’t feel fair to the rest of humanity, you know, for like one person to be this iconic.
And not famous.
lmao stoppp i’m literally just kidding y r u being so mean
I’m the sweetest girl in town so why are you so mean? When you gonna ditch that stupid ***** you got? It’s me you should be seein’
Sorry y’all.
I censored the word Satan, because he’s my enemy.
Here’s how this Twitter will proceed:
When I want something, I’ll ask for it.
Literally anyone with a Twitter account can tell me if I’ve made an unreasonable request.
DMs are now closed.
Our book of wisdom will be for future humans.
Don’t worry.
“I’m good with languages.”
Languages spoken or studied: English, Spanish (middle school and high school), French (college), Arabic (college), Chinese (you’re racist).
I’m only missing one to hit the UN six.
Oh wait.
What are the chances�� my brother Ilya is Russian.
Wise people who can touch powerful wisdom using wise storytelling can touch God.
By the way, for some reason unlikely coincidences seem to stack up around them.
I think those are called “miracles,” but can anyone google it and check?
Hey humanity.
That was my first question.
Don’t worry.
Because I’m a kooky guy, I’ll answer your questions with either tweets or little creative videos.
But if I answer you, I’ll have to delete 1 of my older tweets.
So ask wisely.
If a bot farm fucks this up for all of humanity, Satan wins.
(I’ll literally give up.)
Let me make an empirical prediction supported by logical reasoning:
The hardest time to take me seriously is when:
(1) I have no social power. (2) The entire world isn’t talking about me. (3) Your coworkers. Your mom. Your spouse. Everyone.
And yet so many right now still do.
I’m trying to prove here that God can come out of the elites.
God can come out of world leaders. God can come out of federal workers. God can come out of journalists. God can come out of prisoners. God can come out of international criminals.
I have hope, y’all.
Don’t kill it.
By the way, I will artificially up my follower count to 181 by making one of my other Twitter profiles for this project follow me when I’m not in the mood to talk, when I’m too busy hanging out with friends and living my actual life because—
lmao y’all
This Twitter is literally just a fun hobby for me.
I’m a writer.
This is the most provocative Twitter thread in human history.
Anyone inside humanity can verify it.
If you believe I can channel God, then not a single person in the world can up my follower count.
If you do, I will wait for someone to unfollow me before I talk in public again.
I’m not the Anti-Christ.
I’m the Anti-Twitter.
(Which means I’m pretty sure I just became cool.)
You know—
180 people defended the Alamo. (“Is that true?”)
180 is a perfect LSAT score. (“Is that true?”)
Truth is like a circle of perfection.
Everything outside=Satanic
The first person to follow me and bring me to 181 followers will fuck up the Bible.
So don’t do it.
In the spirit of the idea I just had tonight, I will announce a change of plans.
“A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” is a book that will now grow indefinitely.
But I will maintain the Twitter at meaningful numbers.
Which means…
You got it.
This Twitter self-deletes.
Does anyone know how to use Twitter search and take screenshots?
In the meantime, I have a riddle for humanity.
Do you have what it takes to survive?
Postmodernists vote “yes.”
Nihilists vote “no.”
Just kidding.
🤭 oig I'm like so funny
I’m never gonna reveal how to vote.
Yes No
8. [Note: This is a lucky number in Chinese. Colson Lin was born in Shanghai, China. He is the illegitimate bastard child of China’s most iconoclastic philosopher whose writings had a significant influence on the Communist Party of China’s policy in the 1990s. The philosopher is married to a successful mainstream film director named Hu Mei.]
I’m, like, not a real person. I’m a fictional character on an HBO show called “A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” that tells the preposterous story of the bastard child of China and the favored son of America coming together to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. but—
So anyway—it’s May 26, 2023.
You know.
The day after Jesus 2.0 was born.
How’s everyone’s Boxing Day going?
Y’all doing well? (I heard “Yale Law” and “LSAT” trended on Twitter today; random…)
You know what came out on Boxing Day half a century ago?
Google it.
My name is Colson Lin and I got a 1600 on my SAT, bitch.
But I’m gonna inch my number of videos and images up to 1610 before bringing it back down to 1600.
Because I’m from Houston, y’all.
The moon was your first international dynamite.
Beyoncé was your second.
“I’m your 3.”
Hey guys.
If I is 1.
II is 2.
What does 111 stand for?
Tomorrow night on “A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite”:
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ watches a Netflix show called “Beef.”
It was the first time he has seen so many Asian-Americans.
He has thoughts.
“They’re flatter, fewer-dimensional renditions of the people I’ve met and know. God’s coming out of all of them except the Satanic elite Wal-Mart lady (but I’m only on episode two). Wow. I bet when she and her Japanese husband are bored, they’d watch HBO’s A STICK OF DYNAMITE—”
Only on HBO:
“A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” found God by breaking the meta.
It’s the show that doesn’t make sense for anyone in Netflix’s “Beef” to have known or heard about.
Because it would break the meritocracy.
“The Lotteracy” by CL.
If you’re too impatient to see the HBO episode:
Read it in real fucking time.
Every Friday night.
Only on @dumatology.
A time-stable book about God, written on Twitter over the course of a summer (“The Summer of the Second Coming”) on Twitter, in 16 chapters.
Spoiler alert:
God is trying to rise out of every tribe at the same time.
The results are Satanic.
Y’all need a leader.
Do you want your leader to be Godly or Satanic?
Does God exist?
Holy shit, you guys!
That tweet went up at exactly 2:12 AM on May 26, 2023.
Tell me something:
Am I just a really, really good storyteller?
Or can my brother Ilya see that I’m channeling all of this in real time, because K. from TH Rogers spontaneously texted me to recommend—
The Bible made God boring. Postmodernity made God boring. God is boring.
IQ Test:
Which of the above is true?
“A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” is bringing God back to postmodernity.
Yo elites—
Who among y’all ready to click on this video?
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skyeet-the-writer · 4 years
Can you write a corpse x reader when she finds out she's pregnant and she's playing among us and she imposter with corpse and she kill someone and someone sees and reports it right away she get all nauseous and let's it slip to everyone while she go to throw up and corpse doesn't know what to do but he's excited to be a dad. You can change it up and add thing if you want, I was writing everything down, sorry if this is weird.
And If You Wanna Stay … Please Stay
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yes finally a pregnant request! also, i’m gonna be waiting to get the triggered pro-life people in my asks and DMs about how ‘iT’s A LiViNg BeInG”. like what’s the baby gonna do? tell it’s mom??
corpse x female!reader 
summary: when the reader gets morning sickness during an Among Us game, Corpse and her expect the worst. And they get it. 
word count: ~4.8k 
warnings: swearing, vomiting, mentions of abortions, mentions of being pregnant, a little bit of suggestive content near the end but nothing happens
He’s finally asleep, you think to yourself as you watch your boyfriend’s chest rise and fall. He needed it.
Recently, Corpse has had trouble sleeping for more than three hours. You two had tried everything you could think of. You had tried staying up late to get him tired, you tried subliminals and music to get him to sleep. You even tried to give him a massage one time, but that led to other things.
You look over at the drawn curtains and pull them back a little. There, on the window, you have tin foil covering them. It’s a trick you learned from your dad when you were younger. When he worked night shifts, he had to sleep during the day, and he had trouble sleeping since your parent’s room had thin curtains. And so your father taped tin foil to all of the windows in their room so that he could sleep.
You’re not exactly sure why this seemed to work for Corpse, but you’re certainly not complaining. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. He doesn’t look stressed, he doesn’t look sad. He looks so calm.
You lean forward and peck his nose. His breathing stutters and his nose wrinkles. You giggle and slowly, he opens his eyes. He blinks a few times and his brown eyes look around the room before settling on your face. He grins and your smile widens.
“That’s a pretty face to wake up to,” he mumbles and his morning voice makes you blush. “Oh my god, you’re already blushing.”
You blush even harder and bury your face in his neck. He laughs and hugs you around your waist. “Don’t make fun of me, asshole.”
He kisses your hair. “Morning, baby.”
“Good morning,” you mumble into his skin. You pull away so that you’re only a few inches apart. He leans forward and nuzzles your nose against his. Instead of kissing in the morning--you can’t handle his morning breath--you nuzzle your noses together.
“How’d you sleep?” you ask after you two pull away.
He smiles. “Really good, actually.” He chuckles and looks up at the window. “I guess the foil worked.”
You laugh and sit up. You’ve been awake for a little while and your stomach growls. “You hungry, babe?”
He nods and sits up as well, running a hand through his hair and shaking it out. “Can we have pancakes?”
“You can eat those, right?” you ask. You stand up out of bed and walk to the kitchen, your boyfriend trailing behind you.
“Yeah,” you hear him say. “Even if I couldn’t, I’d still want to eat them because you make really good pancakes.”
You smile. “Really? Thanks, babe.” 
You get out the ingredients to make the pancakes when Corpse announces that he’s going to take a shower. You give him a kiss on his cheek and notice it’s a little scratchy. You grab his chin suddenly and he blinks at you as you run a thumb against his cheekbone. 
“Want me to shave?” he asks softly.
You shrug. “If you want.”
He grabs your hand and presses his lips against your finger. He gives you a sweet little smile. “I’ll shave.” He squeezes your hand before walking back to your room.
After mixing all of the ingredients, you drop a few droplets onto the buttered up griddle. When it sizzles, you pour two medium-sized pancakes before going to search for the spatula. 
When you find it in the dishwasher, you flip both of the pancakes and grin. They’re both perfect. You notice it’s quiet in the kitchen and call out, “Alexa.” You hear her go off in the living room. “Play some fall lofi.”
“Playing ‘Midnight Lofi - Fall Vibes’.
”You smile when it starts to come from the living room. It’s a little quiet, so you say, “Turn it up.”
The music starts to play a little louder and you smile more. It’s so aesthetically pleasing, lofi music. It’s probably one of your favorite music genres. Before you moved in with Corpse, you had to listen to something and you eventually began to fall asleep to lofi. But now that you’ve been living with him for almost a year, you don’t listen to it as much. Usually when you’re cleaning the house or playing music when you study for school. 
You cook a few more pancakes and when you’re putting them on a plate, you have an idea. Corpse can’t eat chocolate because of his health, but you can. And you usually have a secret stash of chocolate in the back of the pantry. You’ve been craving chocolate a lot for the past week which is weird because your monthly hasn’t started yet even though it should have a few days ago. But you don’t dwell on that thought and pull up a chair from the small island and stand on top of it to reach the very back of the pantry. Your fingers skim the edge of the chocolate chip bag and you grab it between your middle and index finger. You grin at it and go to hop off of the chair when suddenly--
“What are you doing?”
You yell and you almost slip off the chair. Luckily, you land on your feet and wobble. You look up at your boyfriend when you regain your balance. He’s smirking and looking between you and the bag in your hand. 
“Chocolate,” you tell him, making your way back to the griddle like nothing happened. “You know, just because you can’t eat it doesn’t mean I have to suffer with you.”
He laughs and leans on the counter next to you. “I know you have a stash, y/n.”
You look at him with wide eyes, stopping in your tracks. “You do?”
He nods. “Yep. I knew since the first month you moved in. You’re bad at hiding it, you know.”
You blink at him before shrugging, walking over to the griddle. “Well, you’re not allowed to have any.” You stick your tongue out at him and sprinkle the mini chocolate chips into the remaining batter. There are enough pancakes for Corpse, so you’ll just cook up the rest for yourself.
Usually, you and Corpse don’t wake up until after breakfast time since you have a habit of sleeping in. But when you can wake up early enough for breakfast, you both like to sit out at the small balcony and eat together.
“What are we doing today?” you ask Corpse, sitting across from him at the small metal table.
There’s a breeze and it ruffles his hair. “I was gonna stream Among Us later. You can play, too. My fans love you.” He smiles and looks down at his plate.
“As they should.” You flip your hair and the two of you laugh. “Yeah, I can play for a little while. I’ve got classes to do and a paper due tomorrow, though.” While Corpse is a Youtuber and a streamer, you’re a college student taking classes at San Diego State University, trying to get your major in anthropology and a minor in Spanish and engineering. “God, I have a test at the end of the week, babe. I’m gonna fail it,” you mutter, putting your face in your hands. 
“What’s it in?”
“Spanish,” you tell him, pushing a blueberry with your fork. 
He gives you a stare. “Babe, I’m literally half Mexican.” He laughs.
You throw the blueberry at his head and it bounces off onto the floor. “Shut up, stop making fun of me!”
He grins. “I can tell you the answers as you take the test. It’s online, right?”
You nod. “Yeah, I chose all online classes this year. I mean, you could. But that’s cheating.” You flip a piece of your pancake over. “And I don’t wanna cheat. I cheated all the way through high school. I want college to be different.”
Corpse grabs your hand and you look up at him. He’s smiling at you. “You’re smart, baby. You’re gonna do fine. You’re gonna get your degrees and you’re gonna be the best... what are you studying again?”
“Anthropology,” you tell him quietly.
“You’re gonna be the best anthropologist ever.”
You crack a small smile. “Do you even know what an anthropologist is?”
You laugh and that gets him to smile. You lean across the table and press a gentle kiss to his lips. It’s a little sticky and sweet because of the syrup, but you’re not complaining.
Later that morning, after taking a shower while Corpse cleans breakfast up, Corpse says that he’s going to stream and you come and join him. There’s a monitor across from his that you use from time to time and a headset as well.
Your boyfriend sends you the code for the Discord and the Among Us game. Corpse looks at you from across the desks and you smile. He grins back and your stomach churns. You blink and wince at the feeling. You’ve been feeling nauseated for a few days now and you don’t want to get sick during a stream.
“Hi Corpse,” someone says as you load into the waiting room. You look back at the screen as someone gasps. “y/n! Best friend!”
It’s Sean and you laugh. “Hi, Sean.”
“y/n!” exclaims someone else and you realize that it’s Lily.
“I thought I was your best friend, Jack!” says Sykkuno and he sounds hurt.
You smile and move your character to the customization. You choose yellow and choose the leaf hat. Since your gamer tag is “lemon” you always try and be a lemon.
“Aw, y/n’s a lemon,” says Dave.
You laugh and run circles around him. “Hi, Dave.”
You hear him laugh and Corpse chuckles in front of you. You look at him and be flashes you a smile.
The round starts and the red “IMPOSTER” text lights up your screen. You’re paired up with Felix. You haven’t been the imposter with Felix too often, so you don’t know what to expect. You mute your headset and head down to storage to fake wires before going to fake another task.
 You’re standing in the electrical room pretending to download data when Sykkuno walks in. You pull up the sabotage map and close the door before killing him and venting. You come out in the medbay and head over to the cafeteria.
 When a body is reported, it’s Lily’s. You unmute yourself and bite your thumbnail as your stomach churns even more. You’re starting to get worried that you’re going to get sick.
 “I found Lily in admin,” says Sean. “And I didn’t see anyone around.”
“Sykkuno is dead, too,” Julien points out.
 “Oh shit,” you mutter and hold a hand over your mouth. You try to keep the bile from rising while everyone talks and you don’t bother to listen. You do hear someone say that they’re going to skip voting and you do the same.
When no one is ejected, you mute your mic once again and go to follow Corpse down to the shields. You stand beside him while he does his task. Sorry, babe, you think and kill him just as your kill cooldown reaches zero.
 You smirk and run away in the opposite direction and you can feel him staring at you. You glance up at him and your smile widens. “What?”
He just shakes his head and you laugh.
You meet up with Dave and follow him around and fake wires with him. At one point, you and he cross paths with Felix and Toast. You may not know Felix too well, but any good imposter knows to go for a double kill. So as you run by each other in the cafeteria, you close the door and both you and Felix kill who you were with before venting away. 
By the time you’re out of the vent and running away from admin, Dave’s body is reported. Your stomach feels awful now and you’re almost certain you’re going to throw up in the next thirty seconds.
 “Fuck.” You unmute your mic. “It was me, I killed Dave. I’m the imposter. I’ll be right back.” You practically throw your headset off and run for the bathroom.
Corpse watches you practically run out of the room. For a second, he’s not sure what to do. Should he go after you? But he’s in the middle of streaming.
“y/n?” Sean asks. “Corpse, where’d she go?”
“Is she okay?” Julien wonders.
He nods even though no one can see him. “Y—yeah. I’m gonna go check on her. I’ll be right back.” He mutes his mic and takes his headphones off before leaving the room to go check on you.
He finds you on the tiled bathroom floor vomiting into the toilet. He curses and kneels behind you, pulling your hair back.
When you finish, he says, “This is the third time this week you’ve gotten sick, baby.”
You groan and lean your head on your arm. “I know. I don’t know why. Well, I—“ You cut yourself off and go still as if you suddenly had a realization.
Corpse tilts his head. “What is it?”
It takes you a few long moments to respond. “…My period is late. And I’m getting morning sickness. Plus I’ve been moody.” You turn back to look at him and he can tell you’re about to cry. “Corpse.”
You don’t need to say anything else. He’s already standing up, trying to ignore the pit in his stomach and his shaking hands. “I’ll go get you some tests.”
You grab his hand. “Corpse, no! I’ll go.”
He shakes his head and gets on his knees in front of you. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll be okay, don’t worry about me.”
Your lip quivers. “You don’t have to do this. I know how much you don’t like going outside. Really, it’s not a big deal, I can go get some.”
But then he kisses your forehead. “y/n, it’s okay. You need to rest. I won’t be out for very long.” He stands up after squeezing your hands. “I’ll be back in, like, twenty minutes.”
Before you can do anything to stop him, he turns around and goes to grab his mask and his wallet before grabbing your car keys. He doesn’t like to drive, but you’re worried and driving is quicker. And right now you’re the most important thing for him to be thinking about.
When Corpse leaves, you sigh and stay sitting on the floor for a few more minutes while your stomach settles itself. Afterward, you get up and brush your teeth after flushing the toilet. Deciding to get some school work done, you grab your laptop and head to the living room.
When you pass by his recording room, however, you see his monitor still on. You curse and head inside. He’s still streaming. You sit down and put his headset on and unmute his mic. “Hey, guys.”
You glance at the exploding chat as Sean asks, “y/n? Where’s Corpse? Are you okay?”
I’m probably pregnant. “Uh, I’m kind of sick, so Corpse went out to get me some, uh, stuff. Sorry, but we gotta go. Uh, it was fun streaming.”
“Okay,” says Sykkuno. “I hope you feel better, y/n.”
“Thanks,” you mumble. “Bye, guys.” You leave the chat and close the game before looking at Corpse’s stream chat. “Sorry about this, guys. I had fun streaming, though, I’m sure Corse did too. Have a good day.” You smile even though they can’t see you before ending the stream. You go over to your monitor and leave the game and chat in your own game. You lean back in your chair and press your hands in your eyelids.
You want to cry. You want to scream. You can’t be pregnant. You’re still a kid, you haven’t completed college yet. You and Corpse aren’t even married.
You suck in a shaky breath and wipe your damp eyes. “I’m probably not pregnant,” you whisper and stand up to go into the living room. “I probably just ate something bad. Yeah, that’s it.”
You sit in the living room on the couch with a blanket around your shoulders, trying to focus on your schoolwork. But you can’t. Your mind is too overwhelmed with the possibilities. You hope Corpse is okay. You know how much he hates going outside and being around other people.
You turn back to look at the lecture your professor posted and sigh. You just need to relax and calm down. Just wait until Corpse gets back and focus on schoolwork until then. 
It takes a while, but he does come back. Some small voice in your head thought that he wasn’t going to come back, but you quickly pushed it away. Corpse loves you and he’d never leave you. 
The front door opens and you look up from the paper you’re in the middle of typing. You meet him in the hallway where he’s taking his mask off, a plastic bag in his hand. He meets your eyes and cups your face in one hand. 
“Are you okay?” he asks softly. 
Your chin wobbles and you shake your head. Tears form in the edges of your eyes and you suck in a deep breath. “Did you get some tests?”
 He nods hand hands the bag to you. But before you can take them, he grabs your wrist. “Hey. I’m not leaving, y/n.”
You nod before taking the bag from him and quickly walking to the bathroom. You’re scared to say anything because you know that if you do, you’ll start to cry.
 Ten minutes later, you’re sitting on the bathroom floor with Corpse, leaning into his side as he rubs your shoulder. There are three tests on the counter and your boyfriend has a timer running on his phone for five minutes. So far, three minutes have passed. To you, they’ve felt like a lifetime.
 “Are you okay?” Corpse asks quietly, finally breaking the silence.
 You shrug, not entirely sure how you feel. “I don’t know. I’m scared.” You glance down at your stomach and place a hand on your naval. “If I am pregnant, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m young.” You look at him. “We’re young. I’m still in college. I can’t afford to have a kid!”
“I know.” He draws you closer to your shoulder. “But whatever you decide to do, I’m going to support you. And I’m not going to leave you, either. In case you were worried about that.”
Even though you shouldn’t have been, you were.
Luckily, Corpse changes the subject, going on to say, “I’ve been working on another song.”
He nods. “Yeah. It’s kind of a lofi type song. I can show you the lyrics, later, if you want.”
 You smile a little and look up at him, staring into his shining, dark eyes. “I’d like that.”
He smiles back and leans down to give you a small kiss. When you pull away, his phone rings, signaling that the timer is done. He turns his phone off and you stand up, walking towards the counter where the tests are. You pick one up. 
One line.
 You let out a breath of relief and turn to Corpse where he’s leaning on the sink. “Negative.”
He smiles a little. “What about the other two?”
 You look back down at the other two tests. You pick one up and your heart drops. Two lines. You swallow and gently place it down as your hands begin to shake. Maybe that one is a false positive. There’s still another one. Whatever this one says will probably determine if you’re pregnant or not.
 And so you pick it up. And you smack a hand over your mouth when you see two lines. You’re pregnant. You’re pregnant. The test falls from your hands and you fall to your knees, tears streaming down your face.
 “Baby, what did it say?” Corpse asks, coming to your side and trying to coax your face into his hand. “Babe?”
“I don’t want a baby!” you exclaim through your tears. “I can’t handle that. I’m too young, I’m not ready. We’re not ready.” You lean into his arms as he pulls you towards him. “Corpse, I don’t want it.”
He nods and you feel him run his fingers through your hair. “It’s your decision, babe. It’s your choice. And I’m gonna support you either way if you want to keep it or not. If you do decide to keep it, then we’ll figure something out. If not, I’ll drive you there and get you In-N-Out or something.”
That gets you to laugh as you tighten your arms around him. “You’ll really buy me food?”
“Yes. I’d do anything for you.”
Your stomach churns that night as you’re scheduling an appointment to get rid of the clump of cells in your body. You’re nervous and Corpse was sweet enough to order you whatever you want for dinner. 
You get off the phone as Corpse grabs the food from the delivery person and walks into the kitchen. He looks at you as he places the bags down on the counter. “So?”
You swallow and lean on the counter. “My appointment is in a couple of days.”
He nods and approaches you, placing his hands on your hips and drawing you to his chest. “It’s going to be okay, love.”
You lean your head on his chest. “Am I a bad person?”
“Of course not. It’s your body. You can do whatever you want with it. And besides, it’s not like it’s living anyway.”
You giggle as you try not to cry again. “What’s the baby gonna do? Remember it?”
Corpse laughs his deep and rumbly laugh and you grin. “True. But I seriously will buy you In-N-Out if you want. Or McDonald’s.”
You laugh again and tighten your arms around him. “Okay. And, Corpse?”
“Thank you for being so supportive of wanting to get rid of it.”
He kisses your head. “Don’t thank me.”
When you and Corpse are laying in bed after watching a true-crime documentary, he’s gently dragging his nails up and down your back as you’re nestled into his chest. The tinfoil is still on the windows and it makes the room even darker. Which is actually the entire point.
 Something had been rattling around in your head for the past few hours and you hadn’t gotten the courage to ask Corpse. But here, in the darkness of the bedroom the two of you share, you often ask each other stupid questions late at night when neither of you can fall asleep.
 And it feels like it’s going to be another one of those nights because you’re wide-awake and you know Corpse is as well. And so you ask, “Do you ever want to have kids together?”
His hand abruptly stops dragging his nails on your back. “What?”
 You regret asking him, but there’s no going back now. “When we’re older, would you ever want to have a family together?”
His hand begins to slowly go up and down your back once more. “Maybe. If you want to. If you want to have kids one day when we’re older, then I’ll definitely have kids with you.”
This makes you smile and you tighten your arms around his middle. “I love you, Corpse.”
“I love you, too.” He kisses your head. “Before we have kids, we should get married first.”
You grumble and say, “We’ll see who proposes first, then.”
He laughs and wraps his arms around your waist. “It’ll probably be you, baby. I’m too anxious.”
“Excuses, excuses,” you huff but the two of you laugh. “I’m too broke to afford a ring, though. You might have to settle with a Ring Pop.”
“If you propose to me with an onion ring and I would say yes.”
You giggle as something else comes to mind. “What about those cheap, plastic spider rings? Or the ones that come on cupcakes.”
Corpse laughs again and begins to scratch your back again. “If you do that, we would get married on the spot,” he says in that deep and gravely voice of his.
 You grin. “I’m keeping that in mind.”
Corpse hums into your shoulder. “You’re not going to fall asleep anytime soon, are you?”
 You shake your head. “No. Are you?”
“What do you want to do?” you ask him, pulling away from him to look at his face through the darkness.
 Even though you can’t see him too much, you know he’s smirking. “Well, there’s already a fetus in you. Want to see if we can get another one?” 
You laugh and push his chest. “You’re disgusting, Corpse!”
He laughs and grabs your hands and lifts your arms up so he can roll on top of you. “Maybe. But it got you to laugh.”
You blush and turn your head to the side as he sits on top of you, holding your hands above your head. He starts to kiss down your neck and you sigh. “Corpse.”
He hums against your skin.
 You bite your lip. “I’m not really in the mood, babe.”
Immediately, he stops what he was doing and lifts his head. “Okay. That’s fine, babe. It’s been a long day. Can we still cuddle, though?”
You nod and smile. “Of course. You can be the little spoon.”
“Yay!” he exclaims and climbs on top of you and rolls on his side. You get yourself situated behind him and throw one arm over his stomach and use the other one to play with his incredibly curly hair. Your legs get tangled together like they always do and you bury your fingers in his hair while he lets out a deep breath through his nose. 
“Happy?” you ask him quietly and he nods. You squeeze his stomach with the arm you have there and kiss his head. “Okay. Try to sleep again, babe, okay?”
He nods, but both of you know you’re not going to fall asleep for a while. And that’s okay. You both sit there in the darkness talking about everything and nothing while you play with his hair and he holds the hand around his stomach with one of his hands. You don’t say anything else about you being pregnant or kids or how you want to get rid of it, and you’re glad. You don’t want to talk about it because you feel like a bad person for not wanting the baby. 
Of course, you’re not going to change your mind. Neither you nor Corpse are ready for a child. But that small voice in your head tells you that you’re making the wrong choice or a bad decision.
 But you don’t listen to it. You don’t listen to it that night while Corpse falls asleep again in your arms or when you’re in class the next day. Not even when you’re listening to a demo of Corpse’s new song in the car on the way to the clinic.
 “It’s really good!” you exclaim as he parks in the parking lot. “I love it, babe.”
He smiles at you before glancing at the clinic. “Want me to go with you?”
You shake your head. “No, I’ll be fine. It'll take little while, though. So you can go do something else if you want to.”
He nods and leans in to give you a kiss. “Okay. I love you. Text me if anything goes wrong at all, okay?”
You laugh gently and nod. “Okay, I will.”
“Love you,” he tells you again as you’re putting your mask on.
 You pull it down and smile at him softly. “You already said that, babe.”
He blushes and looks away. “O--oh. Sorry.”
You just kiss his cheek. “It’s okay. I’ll be back.” You pull your mask back up and gather your things before getting out of the car. You wave to him and then make your way into the clinic.
 And Corpse did stay true to his words about getting you In-N-Out after your appointment. He even paid for it and got you a milkshake, too. 
That night, after finally dragging Corpse away from his computer so he’ll at least try to fall asleep with you, you begin to think. You feel better after your appointment. Before, you were incredibly stressed out and even a little depressed. But afterward, you felt so much better. You felt like you could breathe and no have to worry about throwing up or eating the wrong thing.
 And you didn’t regret getting an abortion. You and Corpse both knew neither of you are ready for one and that’s okay. You’re both still young and still new to being together. But as Corpse hums some song against your neck with his nose buried in the skin there, you feel the vibrations from his throat against your shoulder. You sigh happily and push a hand into his hair and gently scratch at his scalp. You feel him smile against your neck and you can’t help but mimic it.
 Yeah. You and Corpse aren’t ready for kids. But maybe you will be one day.
I’m sorry, but the tag list is closed. It’s just too stressful for me to keep adding them. I’m sorry, guys. Also sorry to everyone who messaged me to add them because I didn’t write them down and can’t access my messages now. Still love you guys! x. 
@honeysuger @chubby-dumpling @polahorvat @annshit @simonsbluee @dad-ee-drea @save-the-sky @wibblytimey @thegirlwholikestomanythings @yagorlnessa @alilshit @majolittlemixgurl18 @the-bunny-anon @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @loraleiix @artist-bby @ellomellows @pillowjj @matthew-gray-g @myherotrashbin @sunnsetteeee @lxdybyrd @cultofandom @anngelllla @tododokizuku @pachowpachowbucket @gaysludge @bethpiercwhy @marvelkatwoman @c0rpsew1fe @your-cherry-bomb @bi-andready-tocry @redosmo @gracehaileym @helena-way07 @nekomacam @fadingprunebagelfestival @fifiyau105 @easygoingtheatre @satanwithagenda @gracehaileym @oumachii @mythicalreader @this-isnt-living-anymore @punkrainbows @kitsunedarian @crapimahuman @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s @realnicoleworld @scarswideworld @bluewneptune @weeblyheaux @beebo-at-the-church @melmachh @abbiesthings @peterparkerspjsuit @mitchiesdungeon @theeerealpunkin @kaitlynw011 @bookoffracturedghosts @beebeomgyu @tooturntashbash @hughugh20 @spideys-gurl @reddeserths @heartbroken-writer @chimchimsugakookies @danny-devitowo @susceptible-but-siriusexual @moonnei @crystalbaby12 @cherry-pieee @girl-obsessed-with-things @sokkas-paintings @yobroitsjayden @boba-king-iroh @chouxfleur @bbecc-a @tayloryorkscurls @getdevils @nightly-daydreamer @beegobuzzbuzz @dxffxdils @mae-musicbitch @fangirlmisanthrope @bipolarbisexualdisaster @taliyahvermillion @unded-bride @kguerrero-23 @cold-deep-water @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @motheroffae @jokenotfunny @yongboxerrr @theolwebshooter @hawkssnugget @yoyoanaria @babyhoneystvles @rjwinterfell @simp-for-corpse @benjaminka @sailor-earth-1 @mmimozaa @zirvel @bombardia @parkchaeyoung1997 @tetsuluvbot @killuaz0ldick @xibrokensunriseix@fuckbuckyyy @luv-buggie @moneybagmara @betabeta0031 @adorkably @angelic-blxssom @littlebabysandboxburritos @thebriarpatch @i-have-arrived-bitch @alexandrium
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kirinda-ondo · 3 years
You know him, you either love or hate him (or are moderately confused by my sudden dive into this hyperfixation); we're talking about Orko because I have a lot of feelings.
As a disclaimer, I am not gonna claim to be some kind of superfan. I am not aware of every single iteration of the lore and all of its secrets. I don't know anything about the DC comics. I'm only halfway through the 2002 series as of me writing this. I am not someone you want to have discussions on the wider Masters of the Universe.... universe with. However, after watching Revelation, the entire Filmation He-Man (and some of She-Ra, cause he was there too), and going on a deep dive of storybooks, annuals, and minicomics courtesy of He-Man.org and the lovely people who submitted their scans there, I do feel pretty qualified to at least talk about Orko.
So, with all that being said, I'd like to get into a little bit of backstory, if only for my followers who came to this blog for completely different things and are wondering where the hell my love for this funky little wizard dude came from all of a sudden. Truth is, Orko is actually one of my earliest faves! Mind you, I only had limited access to Masters of the Universe as a kid, only seeing a couple of rented VHS tapes and later getting my hands on a small pile of the Golden Books from Goodwill, but apparently it was enough for Orko to  imprint himself into my brain. However, also due to my limited exposure, he kind of got shifted to the back of my head as I got deeper into other things. I still knew for a fact I liked Orko a lot though, even if I couldn't quite remember why anymore.
And then Masters of the Universe: Revelation dropped on Netflix. I'm not gonna get into my opinions of that show lest I open a flood of irrelevant discourse (for those uninitiated, it is a bit... divisive, to say the least). However my feelings on the matter did encourage me to go and watch the original and well, holy shit I love Orko more now than I could have ever comprehended as a kid. He is THE quintessential underappreciated comic relief character I tend to gravitate towards, and then some.
But before I get into that, let me back up a bit and explain. Orko is a Trollan, a race of magical little dudes that are basically floating sweaters with hats and covered up faces. Out of these Trollans, Orko is an incredibly fucking OP archmage. Like, they straight up call him Orko the Great, he's so powerful. But then, he gets caught in a freak storm that whisks him away from his home dimension and into Eternia. Immediately, he runs into a young Prince Adam, who is trapped in a swamp/tar pit and needs rescuing. Orko, being the upstanding lad that he is, uses his magic to save him but in the process loses the item that allows him to focus his magic to the swamp (in the 80s version, it's a medallion, but in the 2002 series, it's a wand). Worse yet, the magic (and dare I say the very laws of physics) in Eternia works pretty much the opposite as it does in Trolla, so he's been incredibly nerfed.
So basically, Orko is trapped in a topsy-turvy world away from friends and family, a world with magic he is fundamentally incompatible with. Ouch. He's not completely screwed, however, as he is rewarded by the king and queen for his heroism and appointed... the court jester. Double ouch. He surprisingly doesn't seem to mind though. He genuinely does enjoy entertaining people, even when his tricks only ever work like half the time because he's basically a Mac program trying to run on a Windows computer.
It's not all horrible though, as he does quite literally get adopted by the royal family  and thus sort of become the entire palace's weird son/little brother (despite being older than many of them. He's very, very child-coded largely for the purposes of being a stand-in and example lesson to the actual children watching). But also, more importantly, he becomes one of the very select few to know that Adam and He-Man are one and the same.
But outside of secret-keeping, he is actually a pretty valuable ally to have against Skeletor and his dudes because even though his magic is kind of screwed up, when it does work, he's still one of the most powerful mages on Eternia. In various materials, he's created floods, a second winter, and hell, he can literally explode himself and still be perfectly fine. He's also really clever and can weasel his way out of a number of situations. In one episode, for instance, he manages to convince someone that he's He-Man and Adam is his "assistant" in order to free him from captivity so the day has a better chance of actually being saved.  He's also got the ability to just be really frustrating and incomprehensible to the point that villains who capture him sometimes either don't want him or don't know what to do with him anymore, which is honestly really funny. In an episode of She-Ra, the villains tried to scan his brain but because the inner machinations of his mind are that much of an enigma, he got diagnosed a weirdo and broke the entire machine. Absolutely delightful.
However, there's a lot more to Orko than just comedy and bungled magic. He's actually surprisingly complex!
See, going into this, I expected Orko's whole situation be played entirely for laughs while the sadder implications of his existence go entirely unaddressed. Coming off the heels of characters like Cobalt and others I enjoy, I'm used to this sort of treatment by writers. But they actually don't do that. The depressing subtext is for once, actually TEXT, which was INCREDIBLY surprising to me. We actually get to see another side of him, a side that hates that he can't be taken seriously no matter what he does, a side that is well aware of all the trouble he causes and feels like a burden to those around him. He actually runs away on multiple occasions, fully believing that he's unloved and everyone would be better off without him, even if that couldn't be further from the truth (a point which the Sorceress hammers home with multiple straight up magical video presentations, and in the 2002 series, a literary adaptation, of why he is loved and important).
Underneath all the hyping himself up that he does, there's a lot of insecurity. He's someone who desperately wants to be loved and respected and feels that without funny magic tricks to entertain people, he has no inherent value (which is incredibly relatable if you are also known by people as The Funny One). At one point he agrees with the notion that he doesn't feel like much more than a pet, which is absolutely heartbreaking. Even when he gets the ability to go back and forth between Eternia and Trolla, his feelings of inadequacy now extend toward his family, worrying that his own uncle, the one who taught him everything he knows and greatly contributed to him being Orko the Great back home in the first place, wouldn't be proud of him. Being on Eternia highkey wrecked his shit, man.
However, even when given the opportunity to go back home for good, he always chooses to stay because he's loyal as hell. Even if he needs some reminders, he does know he's needed not just in the fight against evil, but just because his friends and newfound family genuinely love him. It's heartbreaking, but also incredibly wholesome. I did not even remotely expect a comic relief character like this to get this much depth and respect from the writers, especially not from the incredibly campy and cheaply animated 80s series. I am genuinely so unused to this.
But I think that's also what separates him a bit from his fellow Silly Kid Appeal Characters That Kids Fucking Hate ala Snarf Thundercats or Scrappy Doo. He not only makes a concerted effort to be an actually useful ally, but he's also in fact very self-aware of his status as one of these characters. He knows he screws up a lot but he actually tries to accept responsibility and fix it. It makes me wanna root for the lil dude. Now I understand if someone isn't a fan of the brand of humor he brings to the table, or feel like he's simply a distraction from the Cool Buff Dudes Fighting Each Other, but I hope you can see why he might also be a really appealing character to other people, both kids and adults alike. I mean, he was popular enough to be embedded into the canon despite originating from the cartoon and not the toyline for a reason, after all.
Orko is a fun, entertaining, but also complex, heartwarming, and relatable character. I know there is a faction of people that would disagree with me, but I don't think you need to change him all that much or make him a super serious character to be more appealing. He's already got a lot going on that a writer could easily work with. It all just depends on where you decide to focus. Take a lesson from the show and accept that he's fine just the way he is.
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moonnightyoongi · 4 years
the best of me | jk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: angst, angst, ANGST
word count: 1.9k
description: i worry that i wasted the best of me on you
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Sitting on the kitchen floor with a half empty bottle of vodka at your side wasn’t how you planned your New Year’s Eve. Staring at the kitchen cabinet with a vacant expression wasn’t how you wanted it to go either, yet here you were alone, and empty. The sound of people in the streets screaming and cheering drunkenly as the clock got closer to midnight was the only thing keeping your mind present and not drifting your thoughts to him. His large eyes and wide smile that could capture a crowd’s attention in an instant. His laugh that would roar across a room with delight causing others to smile and laugh themselves. Everything about him seemed perfect, but you should have known that there was no such thing as perfect and someone pretending to be perfect would eventually slip.
And slip he did, right through a thick piece of ice.
Not literally of course, the heat in your country heated the water before it even had a chance to drop to such a temperature to freeze. No, his perfect façade faded. One day it was good morning texts, the next it was you asking if he was okay and him not replying till 4pm in the afternoon with one word – not even bothering to ask if you were okay. Trying to get a conversation out of him was like trying to squeeze shit through a straw, completely pointless. Yet there you were, trying and holding onto what was left. The hopeless romantic in you refusing to believe that it had fizzled out and he was no longer interested in spending time with you or wanting to know how your day had gone.
Just silence.
‘You’re so young, don’t worry about it’. Young? Yes. Tired? Exhausted. You had been known for the theatrics and anytime you tried to explain how tired and drained you were, they simply scoffed and told you that you’d be over it before you know it. It was easy for them, their husbands, wives, partners were their first or their second. Yet, you had a long history of short relationships that lead nowhere and were often fake while they chased who they really wanted. Then you met him. Over a year you had him where you wanted him to be and it felt nice to be able to tell people you had someone and it to be still the same the next time you spoke. He fit perfectly into the life you had imagined, never asking for too much and never expecting too little. Perfect.
Or was it really perfect? Did you see what you wanted to see? Did you ignore the signs he gave and pushed them back? Of course, if you didn’t then you wouldn’t be sitting on the kitchen floor, half drunk and thinking of every little thing he did – or didn’t do.
He did bring you your favourite food whenever he could. He did tell you what he liked most about you. He did support everything you did. He did protect you at every chance and he did introduce you to his friends as soon as you agreed. He respected who you were and the boundaries you had set. He did make you laugh, and a smile would always grace your face when his name was mentioned, or he walked into a room.
He didn’t tell you he loved you till you would. He wouldn’t go out of his way to see you when he was free. He did put his friends first. He did make you cry without knowing. He didn’t answer calls when you needed him most.
But that’s normal, right? He had his life to live, he couldn’t drop everything to run at your beck and call. So why did you? Why were you first on the scene when his smile fell? Why were you the first to schedule a date? Why was it always you telling him you loved him first, and sometimes only you?
“You’re being very dramatic,” Sasha says walking into the kitchen in her new year’s outfit.
“Is that right?” you reply in a monotone voice.
“You should come to the party! Everyone is going to be there, it’ll be fun.”
“I don’t feel like fun.”
“You don’t look like much fun,” Enya jokes walking into the kitchen, clearly not reading the room. Sasha shoots her a glare before returning her attention to you.
“Come on, I have a dress you can wear.”
“No thanks,” you say, “I’m good here.”
She sighs and looks at Enya with a concerned look, Enya simply shrugged in return before turning on her heels and walking out of the kitchen.
“Y/N,” she says kneeling down in front of you, “This isn’t going to help you.”
“I don’t want it to,” you reply, “I just want to feel it out.”
“You’ve been feeling it out for 3 months.”
“We were together for a year, I have another 3 to go,” you tell her. Half the relationship time and that is how long you’re allowed to feel sad about it they say.
“That’s a terrible phrase,” she groans standing up, “I’ll leave the dress and shoes by the door if you change your mind. Change into the clothes, don’t come in that.”
You look down at the dirty sweatpants and oversized jumper before meeting eye contact, “But this is such a look.”
“I’m not going to tell you what you look like,” she smiles before checking her bag, “We’re going.”
“Have fun.”
“We will!” Enya shouts opening the front door, “Fuck it’s freezing!”
“They think it’ll snow,” Sasha says, “Unusual for here since it’s always so hot.”
“Reverse global warming,” Enya laughs.
“I wish,” Sasha groans walking out of the kitchen, “Bye Y/N!”
You picked up the half empty bottle of vodka and took another swig before groaning and kicking it away from you. Everything felt bad and smelt bad if they got too close to you. Half of you hated what you had become and the other loved the miserable, empty feeling that resided. But Sasha was right, even though you hated to admit it. You needed to feel something different than the empty yearning feeling, and maybe a party surrounded by people who were too drunk to care that you were quiet would do the trick.
Wrong. The music was loud, the people were a lot drunker than first anticipated and to make it worse you forgot that the whole point of New Year’s Eve was the midnight kiss. You could always hide in a toilet or on a balcony while it happened, but there was something about it that made you feel a lot worse than just standing around watching everyone kiss a stranger.
“You’re here!” Sasha screams letting go of Hoseok’s hand, “And you smell nice!”
“I showered,” you reply as she shook you left to right excitedly, “Where’s Enya?”
“Her and Taehyung are playing a game of who can drink the most shots in a minute. She lost the first two rounds, she’s determined now.”
“Jeez, how many did Taehyung drink?”
“1, she couldn’t finish them,” Sasha laughs spilling her drink, “Shit! Come on let’s both get a drink.”
“I think I’ve had enough,” you say as she pulls you between the crowd of people.
“You had two swigs of vodka, that’s just a double!”
“Well drink a coke or something then,” she says throwing a can at you, except it misses and goes straight into the back of the person behind you.
“I’m so sorry!” Sasha screams.
“That really hurt!” she cries dramatically, you thrown as you pick it up off the floor as the boy, she was with crouches down with you.
“Thanks,” you mumble as your hand meets his over the can, a spark ran up your arm and you immediately knew who’s hand you had touched. His.
“Shit,” Sasha whispers from behind you.
“Y/N,” Jungkook smiles sadly.
“Yeah, hi,” you say taking the can off him and walking out of the kitchen. The first time you see him, and he was with someone else… and she was a lot prettier than you could ever imagine to be.
“No wait,” he says following you through the crowd and onto the balcony.
“What?” you ask trying to freeze your now piping hot cheeks.
“Your bright red,” he replies worryingly, “Are you okay?”
“Just hot,” you say putting the cold can to your cheek.
He laughs and looks at you intently, “I’m not with her by the way. She was asking me about my shirt.”
“She was flirting with you.”
“No, she wasn’t.”
You sit on the cold, hard floor, and groan, “Yes she was Jungkook.”
“Oh, I didn’t realise.”
“Of course, you didn’t,” you say lifting your head and closing your eyes. You feel his body sit down next you as he shifts awkwardly.
“How have you been?”
“The usual.”
He nods his head, “I deserve that.”
“Deserve what?” you groan.
“The coldness.”
“Yeah, you do,” you say looking at him, “Tell me, did I deserve it?”
“No, you really didn’t.”
“Didn’t think so.”
It fell silent once more as he fiddled with his hands in front of him.
“I’m sorry,” he says breaking the silence.
“You’re 3 months too late.”
“I feel like I’m 6 months too late. I didn’t treat you the best towards the end.”
“Well, you were trying to give me a clue,” you tell him with a sigh.
“No, I wasn’t. I was really struggling with university and work and I lost sight of who I was and who I had around me. I took a lot for granted.”
You shrug your shoulders as you watched everyone inside laugh and practically fall over each other. Yet here you were, on a balcony with your ex-boyfriend who was apologising over and over.
“No offense Jungkook, but I don’t want anymore apologies. They’re pointless,” you interrupt, “You can’t apologise for being an asshole 3 months after being one.”
“I know, you like action not words,” he says, “How can I show you?”
“By being considerate to your next girlfriend,” you tell him standing up, “And telling her you love her from time to time.”
“I love you,” he says, “I did then, I do now, and I will – forever and always,” Jungkook says before you opened the door to the party. Turning to look at him you saw the sincere, nervous look he had when you first met.
“Tell it to your next one,” you reply opening the door and pushing through the crowd. He didn’t come after you and you didn’t expect him to. The words you had left him with were harsh, but at least he knew how it felt to not have the person you love say it back.
Now it was time to focus on not losing what is left of you and stopping the anxiety you felt when you looked back at everything you had given him.
Except just one thought lingered as you walked home.
Had you wasted the best of you on him?
masterlist | ask
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: About the Boy by Little Mix
Summary: Wherein a red head manages you to act like a fool in love
Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima x fem! reader
Word count: 5.4k
Quirk: Enchantment / Magic
Abilities : Flight, can cast spells, your emotions help you increase the amount of energy you blast, when you use your quirk your eye color changes to your favorite color (Y/F/C)
Symbols: Bold+Italic = lyrics , Italic= memories/text/thoughts
A/N: PLEASE this song is a bop and it just goes so well so pls listen to it!!❤️
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You were just walking, a coffee in your hand with earbuds in blocking out the noise of the streets. You were on your way to your dream school, UA, while mindlessly scrolling through your phone thinking that you could reach your school earlier than you expected. You were nervous to say the least to meet the people that literally brought down the bots like it was nothing. Even if you aced the test, it was still intimidating to be in the same room with such powerful people. Do they even recognize me? Fuck I can't hold a conversation on my own. You thought. You took in a sip of your coffee in hopes that it can calm down your nerves.
Yet the universe regards your wishes when a body hard as a rock came in contact with yours. With one hand holding on to your hair and the other on your waist protecting your fall as you screamed in surprise when you both land on the street with a thud. The hardness of what you felt softens when you see bright red hair in your vision. The stranger- actually very handsome stranger that was on top of you looks at you with red wide eyes.
Did I die and heaven gifted me my dream boyfriend?
"Miss? Miss? Oh my god- I'm sorry for being in this position- I mean- Some guys weren't looking and their car was heading your way and you couldn't hear me so I had to save you- Are you okay?" He says panting, you take in the view in front of you as he helps you stand up brushing off the dust in your clothes, you silently thanked yourself for not dressing into your uniform knowing you can change into it with a spell. You were holding his hand. At the sight of it you immediately blush, ignoring the giddy feeling in your chest.
Man is he cute. You thought.
"Can you hear me?" You nod but you were loosing your cool when your shirt was drenched in coffee. You also frowned at the sight of your now broken earphones laid out on the street. You thanked the heavens that you had iced coffee. His eyes turn to your outfit, biting his lip in regret wishing he could've pushed away the coffee before ruining your outfit.
"I'm so sorry about your shirt! I can buy you another one-"
"T-thank you." You managed to say while he gives you a shy smile with a hand to his neck.
"It's nothing! Heroes should always save people shouldn't they?" You smile at his words.
He actually saved me.
You couldn't help but compare the events to some fairytale when a dashing young man saves you-that part alone was true but your imagination stops when you check the time on your phone.
"H-holy shit I'm gonna be late! I'm so sorry, I have to go! Thank you!" Your eyes glowed as you flew, not looking back to the red heads reaction to your sudden action. To say he was surprised was an understatement. You, in mid air, recites a spell to teleport your way into school. You landed in front of the gates of UA as you quickly utter a spell to freshen your appearance as you enter. When you arrive at front of the classroom, your hand couldn't reach the knob with how it was shaking yet you took a deep breath opening it to see people chattering away.
You decided to take a seat at the left row when a sudden red head comes running in the room.
"Hey! I'm so sorry I'm a bit late something came up and-" his eyes lock with yours and you teleport in front of him and he jumps a bit when you appear, the class looking at you two curiously. They were taken aback by your quirk.
"It's you."
From then on you swore on your life to avoid the red head but seeing his warm smile, his kind eyes, his charm, how can you do such a thing? As far as the class knows, you are by far the most powerful one knowing you can do anything just by a spell, basically everything you wished for can be handed to you in a silver platter. However, how can one Kirishima Eijiro make you weak to your knees? Was it his physique? His personality? His kindness? You couldn't pick your poison on what exactly drawn you the red eyed teen.
Something about the boy
Trying to find a logical reason on what makes this man so interesting to you was the most troublesome thing to do. Why is that when he talks to you every function in your body stops? Whenever you open your mouth you tend to loose track of what you wanted to say and end up mix matching your words.
It's the verse in my head
The words that make me stutter
Ever since you met him, it was like his presence took away your ability to speak. Nothing has ever drawn you to such a being before but acting weak in front of him wasn't something you wanted to do. You're basically a witch, seeing you fly the first time you met him he already knew he was curious about you too. You were already outstanding in his eyes, what else can you possibly do? Shapeshift? Make him fly? All you can do was try to avoid him like the plague so your heart can contain itself from letting him have it yet even with a smile on his charming face, it already makes your surroundings filled with such vibrant colors.
The change from gray to color
You often use your flight to catch up with him sometimes, knowing he was always intrigued with how easy it was for you to float around like that. Sometimes you use your quirk whenever he drops something, that's when you raise a finger while the fallen objects simply follow your finger as you placed them back on his hands. No matter how much you used your magic in front of him it never fails to make him stare in fascination.
Even his little buddies were interested in you, Mina always making you do tricks in the air while Kaminari begs you to lay a spell on Bakugo. Which of course you granted Minas request instead of Kaminaris knowing how powerful and pissed off Bakugo can be, it can possibly lead to your grave. But of course, whenever Kirishima had a favor you were bound to do it in a heartbeat. He once requested to teleport with you finding it so convenient and absolutely captivating how you can just pop up in different places.
"Do you trust me?" You asks helding out a hand in front of him, he nods happily while you utter a spell setting you're destination to be outside of UA. His hand tightens around yours and you smile while you zap out of the classroom seeing flashes of light before landing just in front of the gates of UA with a swoop sound. Kirishima raises his fists to the air with adrenaline filling his body.
"That was so cool, Y/N! Man, your quirk is literally something else. How can you do that so easily?-" His next words became a blur to you when you just stand there admiring him. With a smile to your face, you just nod at his words not even bothering to listen. You were sure he was rambling on and on about your abilities and once again your heart speeds up taking in his compliments.
A guaranteed bet
Oh, I found my lucky number
Even when you found yourself bruised and exhausted, the worried red head would always check up on you after training. At times when you felt like you weren't giving your best at your battles, he would manage to change your perspective on yourself making you push your limit. Which causes you to overuse your power making you unconscious in the middle of the fight while Kirishima and the others crowd around you, bringing your drained body to Recovery Girl. He would be right there along with Kaminari once you've regained strength.
The feeling that you get
Can't help but make me wonder
You will do the exact same thing to him. Bakugo will test out his powermoves on Kirishima and Kirishima will take it like the man he is but Bakugo ends up overworking the boy leaving burns on his skin. Watching him fight was something so intriguing to you. He knows he isn't good with long distance fights yet you offer him with your kind words edging him to do better. You would wrap bandages on his arm whenever they were ugly with scratches and burns or cast a spell to supply with him food and beverages when he missed lunch.
No need to try
He's just right
Oblivious to your actions, you continued to show how much you care for your little angel, earning teases from Bakugo and Sero yet you disregarded their comments and kept casting spells just to see his winning smile fall upon his face and that alone completes your day. You've gone to malls together, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Bakugo tagging along. Even if you intended to be with him only.
"Hey Kiri?" You asked tapping his shoulder gently while you flew above him leaning downwards to reach his shoulder. He turns around with a smile in his eyes when he sees you above him, you were in a sweater and leggings so whenever you flew above anyone, no one could dare to land their eyes under your shirt or your skirt, which everyone respectfully turns away -but Mineta? He was obviously the reason why you were conscious on your outfits.
"Hey Y/N! What's up?" He asks while you circle around him before you floated just in front of him with your cheeks pink from gaining the courage to ask him out.
"I was wondering if we can hang out at the mall if you're um available or if you want to- it's okay if you say no though-" he cuts you off with a chuckle before you landed on your feet, lowering your head thinking it was the best way to hide your flustered state.
"I'd love to Y/N! I'm down for anything plus I think there's a new movie out so I'm excited to watch it with you guys!" He says excitedly and you sighed thankful that he didn't reject you but you tensed up when you felt an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You turned your head to see a smirking Kaminari with his eyes on you as you rolled your eyes while he pulls you closer.
"A NEW MOVIE? I'M DOWN! What about you guys?" Suddenly Mina and Sero pop up behind Kirishima as you nudge Kaminari with you elbow, glaring at him while he laughs at you.
"Ooh we're going to the mall? I'm coming with~" Mina says clapping her hands while Sero chuckles beside her saying he wanted to come as well.
"Bakugo?" You only hear a grunt from him then you lower your head while Kaminari laughs at you. You raised your head shooting daggers his way and his eyes widened making him remove his arm around your shoulder before hiding behind Kirishima, scared you were gonna lay a death spell on him.
Nonetheless, you enjoyed their company even if it didn't go as well as you planned. When you were caught staring at Kirishima, Bakugo rolls his eyes before grabbing you to the corner pulling you away from the rest.
"Oi, look at me." He says and you look up at him, thrills running down your spine knowing you were never this close to Bakugo before. Soon, you were questioning how you were even alive at this point.
"W-what is it Bakugo?" You asked shakily yet he smirks at you.
"You got the heart eyes for shitty hair, dumbass?" Your eyes widen before you look away and he teasingly chuckles at your dismay.
"Ah, shitty hair huh? You might wanna lessen that stare of yours. Everyone knows you shit head." You cover your face in your hands and Bakugo chuckles again at your state. You stare at him- well it came more as a glare when you tried to appear stronger to the explosive boy.
"D-do they? Look, as much as I like him, I really couldn't care less if he doesn't notice."
He's got that something
I can't let nobody tell me no
"You wanna mutter a love spell on him, cupid?" Bakugo teases laughing at you. Your eyes glowed before making him turn to you with his eyes rolling. He covers your mouth before you can even cast a spell on him. His smirk resurfaces on his face.
"So you're willing to die so you can cast a spell on me huh extra?" You roll your eyes at him before removing his hand on your mouth.
"I'm not making him fall in love with me, stupid. I can't and I won't. Its against the use of my quirk."
Even if you were able to cast spells, you weren't allowed to cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you or for someone to die upon your spell not because of some forbidden chant, but it was because you couldn't handle the pressure and power of it. Casting death upon someone was not something to take ever so lightly. You were well taught enough to know the spells needed for death but your emotions and morals won't allow you. The amount of energy for you to even obtain to cast a spell that strong will certainly make you pass out not to mention to enormous guilt that will weigh on your shoulders once you do so.
"Y/N?" A voice appears beside you and Bakugo. You both turn around to see Kirishima with curious eyes. The sight in front of him suddenly marking a memory in his mind seeing you so close to Bakugo, especially when Bakugo had a prominent smirk on his face while he was staring at you. He only broke the conversation when he felt a tug on his heart seeing you two.
Bakugo leaves you two alone with yet another smirk tugging on his lips.
"No wonder that dumbass likes her." He mutters under his breath.
You believed that even without a love spell, there was no way you weren't going to succeed. Even if you had to cast a dozen spells just to make him smile, just to see his eyes lit up whenever you show him magic, just to see him be happy because of you, it was all worth it. But how far can your patience reach when he's gone busy with internships?
You knew that him, Midoriya, and the others were quite busy because of their internship and the more days pass by you, the less you see Kirishima. You were stuck in class paying attention to whoever was up front, or just fighting with Kaminari to test out some new spells you learned. Sometimes, you would choose to hang out with Bakugo and Sero just to avoid your thoughts whenever you worried about him.
Yet on the other side of the field, he misses you as well.
He misses to be able to feel your presence around him, he misses to see how powerful you were, he misses your little gestures or gifts that you bring to him. Though, in the back of his mind, he can't help but think of you and Bakugo. Seeing you two so close at the mall, made him feel small all of a sudden. What were they talking about? Why was he smirking like that? Are they secretly dating? His mind was filled with questions but then again he thinks that Bakugo wasn't a dating person. He was conflicted if he should just ask you directly or just observe on the sidelines.
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Bakugos words were ringing in your head about a love spell. You've never casted a love spell. Yet alone even find a spell to do it since you feel guilty meddling with a person's emotion towards someone. Now that Kirishima had his hands busy, there's no harm done if the person you badly wanted to cast it upon wasn't here. You just wanted to try since a love spell was much easier to conjure than a death spell. All you had to was utter the designed chant but you were questioning if it even works without the potions or herbs. You were indeed a powerul being so you did skip ahead on the steps.
Having a heavy book on your hand was laid out in your bed just switching back and forth between pages. Your fingers drag across the surface of the paper reading the chant in your head. You sighed, this isn't gonna work. This chant is literally older than All Might. You thought. As your fingers brush against the rough surface, your eyes landed on a love spell that required no potion or exchange. It was said to be a spell that enhances the attraction but some pages were torn off making the sentences confusing, yet the chant was still there.
Meanwhile, an excited yet nervous boy was on his way to your room. Kirishima finally had the time to be with you and he was more than anxious to face you knowing the tightening in his chest was making his mind race at the thought of finally seeing you. Though the thought of seeing you with Bakugo, had the poor boy rethinking his actions.
The chant only had one requirement, and that was nothing more than your emotions. If your emotions portray what you desire, the chant was sure to work on whoever your target was. You felt that without Kirishima around your emotions weren't as deep than you thought, putting you at ease. You sigh as you brace yourself for a chant, taking in a deep breath. Your hands placed on top of the spell with your eyes glowing before closing them as an aura surrounded you.
"Fall upon me and obey with bliss, as he whose heart shall belong to me, with the name that lie on my lips, to love and intertwine his heart to me, you are mine to be-"
"KIRISHIMA?!" Your eyes widen as great winds surround the two of you before the once crimson red eyes of the teen stood in front of you glowed pink as the wind surrounds him. It happened so rapidly that you were off your feet flying towards the teen that lay unconscious on your room, shaking him with worry.
"Kirishima?! Hey, hey wake up!" You shout shaking him up and Bakugo walks by your room to see his unconscious friend flat out on the floor. His vermillion eyes widen as he takes Kirishima.
"OI SHIT HEAD WHAT'D YOU DO?" Bakugo shouts and you shake your head as the blonde helps Kirishima stand up, his arm on Kirishimas shoulder being a wall for him to lean on.
"I d-don't know! Come with me." You grabbed Bakugos shoulder as you utter a spell teleporting you to Recovery Girl. Bakugo was surprised at how fast you landed but he only laid down Kirishima before grabbing your arm harshly pulling you outside her room.
"Mind telling me why the shit head is passed out on your room?" You fidget with your fingers, your heart racing. Did it work? It was an accident! Why didn't I lock my fucking door? Why was he here anyway? Your mind hurting from the power that you released, and it was most definitely hurting because of the worry.
"Fuck Bakugo I don't even know! I was just practicing a s-spell okay! And Kirishima just came in okay and the spell was directed to him-" You were cut off when Bakugo when raised you by grabbing you by the collar of your shirt, making you float so you don't loose balance at how he easily lifted you off your ground before you flew.
"It's the love spell isn't it?" You gulped as he stares at you, bringing your face closer to his before you give him a silent nod lowering your head, then your feet reaches the surface now that he sets you down.
"Ain't that desperate huh extra?" He smirks but you punch his chest, catching him off guard.
"Oi shit head what'd you-"
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT OKAY! I'm not fucking desperate for Kirishima to acknowledge me or like me back, Katsuki. He just came in my room, I didn't even know he was coming back!" You shout back but he only shake his head.
"Dumbass you don't need a fucking spell-"
"Y/N? He's looking for you." Recovery Girl comes behind you two and you jump at her voice.
"I- thank you ma'am." She nods at you but before you can open the door Bakugo stops you midway.
"Oi, don't you think that stupid spell of yours have a shitty side effect? Who knows what shitty hair will act like." He scoffs and you sigh, running your hand to your hair.
"So what? I can't talk to him?" He flicks your forehead with his fingers and you hit his shoulder while he smirks.
"Ah it's a love spell isn't it? Isn't he gonna act all clingy and shit?" You shrug your shoulders and Bakugo grabs your head shaking it lightly while you slap his hand away.
"And they say that you're the smart one." You roll your eyes at his comment before opening the door nonetheless. You were face to face with a sat up Kirishima with a hand to his head.
"K-kirishima?" Bakugo almost wanted to laugh at your stutter but you nudge him with your elbow earning an annoyed groan from the blonde.
"How are you feeling shit head?" Bakugo asks and Kirishima just eyes you two but once his eyes leave the blonde, Kirishimas eyes linger on you more.
"I don't know what happened, my head just really hurts but Recovery Girl says nothings broken so I'm fine! What's got you guys so worried?" He asks with curious eyes and you both shake your head.
"I'm just glad you're doing okay, Kiri. Are you sure you're not feeling anything weird?" You ask, your heart pounding. Kirishima shakes his head and looks at you.
"Nah, I feel okay! I guess I was just exhausted and passed out. I'm fine, Y/N, I swear. What about you? I haven't seen you in days." He gives out a small chuckle and you sigh in relief.
It didn't work, you and Bakugo thought.
"I'm fine, Kirishima." You smile at him and returns the gesture back at you, yet the guilt was now weighing over your shoulders knowing you casted a spell on him. Kirishima took notice of you had your head hung low and you were playing with the ends of your skirt. His hand reaches your hair, gently caressing your hair and while your wide eyes and flustered cheeks were hidden from him, it was no denying that you were shaking.
I've got it bad. Kirishima thought.
You look up at him while his hands were still caressing your hair. You were searching for traces of the spell on his eyes but you found nothing but the glimmer in his eyes when he stares back at you.
"I'm glad I get to hang out with you again, Y/N." He says and you just simply wanted to faint at his kind words and you hear a very displeased scoff behind you.
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You and Bakugo just observe Kirishima for the rest of the week. You two would sometimes discuss if you accidentally conjured it onto someone else that was named Kirishima but you think otherwise. You even asked your parents but they said love spells were always a hit or miss. You even thought about asking help from Midoriya, which you knew he would accept, but this issue was between you three. Kirishima was just being his usual self, nothings changed. Everything was the same as before but for Kirishima, his feelings were weighing down his heart. The more he saw you and Bakugo have your little conversations in a corner, he already knew his chances were slim to none but he still wanted to be with you with every chance he gets. Thankfully, Kaminari delivered the news that you two weren't dating when he saw Bakugo hit you in the head.
I won't stop until the girl is mine. Kirishima selfishly thought. Finally realizing he wasn't gonna waste his time anymore. He knew it was selfish, but were your little gifts and tricks to him could mean you liked him too?
Months of being with you, admiring you from afar, denying the feeling in his heart whenever you flew around him grabbing his attention, the care you give him when he's injured, it was all to overwhelming to finally come to a decision that he is in fact, in love. Maybe the spell didn't work and he's come to the light or perhaps the spell actually worked and it increased his attraction towards to you. But the way his breathing came to a halt whenever you were in the air fighting against his classmates, or whenever he feels this warm feeling in his heart whenever you laugh or check up on him, he knew he felt something else.
For you and Bakugo, he was just being his usual hero self. Helping you here and there and following you wherever you went making excuses just to be around you. It looks as if the roles were reversed now. You were once the love sick puppy following him around but now your cautious and almost distant still afraid of the spell. Now it was Kirishima that was falling under your spell. Volunteering to help you with training or even carrying your things. Bakugo took notice of his actions but didn't pay any attention to it knowing Kirishima already told him his little crush for the magical girl.
Got me running around like I'm a lovefool
Taking me down I can't stop
But the guilt was unbearable on your side.
You knew even if the chant was a fail, you still directed it to him. Who knew what side effects could have been given to him? What if you never revert the spell? Is his soul tied to yours? While the guilt was eating you away, you're fingers hover over his contact texting him finding no more excuses to hide what you've done.
hey kiri! do you think you could meet up with me at the mall?
In which he responded to rather quickly.
heyy! yea sure be right there in 15 mins!
He got me feeling like a girl gone mad. You thought while you patiently waited for the boy. Meanwhile, Kirishima had his feet on the ground ready to be with you but his nerves quickly shut down wondering what's gotten you to meet up with him so sudden. When you spot his figure, you signal him a wave and he sits next to you with a warm smile.
"Hey Y/N! You good?" You bit your lip, anxious to tell him the issue you've had for weeks. He frowns at your state and takes a step forward landing his hand on your shoulder, giving you sympathetic smile.
"You can tell me anything, Y/N. It's just me." He says the concern in his voice evident. You take a deep breath before finally speaking.
"Kirishima, I'm so sorry for casting a l-l.. l-love spell on you. It was accidental though! I wouldn't think about putting a spell on you! Y-you just came in so suddenly and I lost control over my power- I didn't know if it worked though but-"
"Wait wait.. a love spell?" He tilts his head in confusion and you lower your head still trying to relieve the stress.
"It didn't work though! You're not showing any signs of love or anything.. right?" His eyes widen and his cheeks blossomed with the color the same as his hair. He lets his hand reach the back of his neck before staring at you, his heart pounding at how anxious he was.
"I- I don't think you need a love spell for me to like you cause I already do." You've never whipped your head much faster than now. You look at him, searching once again for any traces of the spell yet nothing. Nothing but genuine feelings.
He liked you.
"A-are you sure? I'm assuming it's because of the spell huh? I promise I'll try to revert the spell-"
"No amount of spell can make like you the way I do. Even if the spell was accidental, I don't think it was accidental for me to fall for you." Did you past away? What sweet heaven was this? Taking notice of how tensed and quiet you were, Kirishima sighs before looking at you.
"If you're with Bakugo, I completely understand. If you don't like me-"
You stopped his sentence when your hands found its way around his neck and your lips finding its home with his lips. He had his eyes open but once he registers what's happening he immediately pulls you closer, hands to your waist like how you first met, his eyes closing at the sensation of your lips in sync. Everything around you was a blur except for feeling of having him this close to you. You were too overwhelmed and contented with what was happening, you let loose of your quirk. You two were floating and he seems to smile even more as he continues to lay his love on your lips. You pull away resting your forehead on his with a smile that no one can ever tear down.
"God, Kirishima I- I like you so much. Just from the moment we met and no spell can ever change that." You say before you two landed on the ground and your hearts were screaming for joy at this point. Kirishima chuckles in front of you before he pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear making you blush even more.
"Guess I can say I'm under your spell then huh?"
"Oh god."
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thewhitefluffyhat · 4 years
Featherine Augustus Aurora
What is this guide?
<< Previous (Lambdadelta)
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Reading List: Highlights
Umineko Episode 6/Dawn “??? Tea Party” [ Video / Text ]
Featherine requests her old miko return to her service once more. (Everything to know about Featherine’s personality in one scene)
Umineko Episode 6/Dawn “The Witch of Theatergoing” scene
Video [Scene starts roughly 6:20 and continues to the end of the video]
Text [Search on “Amakusa ran his finger down my cheek.” Scene continues to end of the page.]
[Spoilers - this references several major twists from the previous two Episodes, though not the truth of the mystery.] Featherine ropes another human into acting as her miko. (A demonstration of the way Featherine/Hachijou blends the mundane and the magical worlds.)
Umineko Episode 8/Twilight “Magical Battle” scene
Video [Scene starts roughly 38:40, stop before 53:35]
Text [Start at top of the page and stop at the screencap of the key.]
[Spoilers - this is one of the battles at the climax of Umineko! It doesn’t involve the core mystery, but it will spoil which characters ultimately side with the protagonists.] A scene for if you’re curious what happens when Featherine gets serious.
Reading List: I want it all
(These are all repeats from the list for Bernkastel.)
”Whose Tea Party?” [ Video / Text ]
Bern gets invited to a tea party. (A simple and silly scenario, but also a window into the differences in how Featherine and Lambda think of Bern.)
”Bernkastel’s Letter” [ Video / Text ]
Bernkastel writes a letter to (maybe) Featherine, explaining what she’s discovered about the rules to Beatrice’s game. (This is a bit of a strange one - to me it feels like some details of Bern’s relationships in this early work were retconned by the time of Umineko Episodes 6-8.)
Umineko Chiru (Episode 6/Dawn, Episode 7/Requiem, Episode 8/Twilight)
Umineko Saku’s Last Note of the Golden Witch involves Featherine somewhat. Blink and you’ll miss it, but she’s in 07th Theater too.
-...And that’s it! On the plus side, it’s easy to read all there is of Featherine, since there’s so little. Unfortunately, as you can see from the Highlights, what does exist is often neck deep in spoiler territory…
Wiki Links
https://07th-expansion.fandom.com/wiki/Featherine_Augustus_Aurora [Some spoilers, though only the same as in the Highlights links above.]
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Quick Facts
-As Hanyuu is in Higurashi, Featherine is the closest being to a god in Umineko.  However, while gods in Higurashi are related to Shinto concepts (plus parasites and viruses and aliens), Umineko’s godhood is based on the idea of an author being god of their story, summoning universes out of the nothingness of a blank page.
-Featherine’s unusual name is probably a reference to Hanyuu. The kanji for Hanyuu (羽入) are “羽=feather” and “入=in”. And Augustus Aurora = Hanyuu’s “Au au” catchphrase. Hachijou (八城) can also be read “yashiro,” as in Oyashiro-sama.
-Physically, Featherine appears as an elegant adult woman whose exact age is hard to place. She does not have horns, but she does have that suspiciously horn-like memory device floating around her head.
According to that Umineko Episode 8 battle scene linked above, Featherine’s memory device once was damaged, leading to Featherine having a different personality and appearance for a time.
(As it so happens, Hanyuu has a chipped horn and a very different personality from Featherine, what an intriguing coincidence...)
-Long before the events of Umineko, Featherine ascended to the realm of the gods and returned. She also goes through a cycle of sleep/death and rebirth which can last centuries.  All aspects that call to mind that ascension Hanyuu mentions in Saikoroshi.
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-Outside the Meta-World, Featherine’s double is a mysterious and reclusive author who goes by many names. (Hachijou Tohya is just one of them.)
-Remember how Ooishi and Akasaka write a book called “Higurashi no naku koro ni” in-universe? Umineko does something similar, but explores the idea even further. Hachijou is the supposed in-universe author of some of Umineko’s arcs, and as such, some fans consider Featherine/Hachijou as a stand-in for Ryukishi07 himself.
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-Much as Bern’s personality is similar to “dark Rika” but kicked up to eleven, Featherine’s personality is similar to Hanyuu when Hanyuu acts as a god. She’s calm, serious, and refers to humans as “child of man.”
-Lacking Hanyuu’s shy and childish mannerisms, Featherine comes across as intimidating and rather condescending. Though she’s more polite and reasonable than the average witch. (Which honestly says more about other witches than her, really...)
-Bern and Lambda are very fey-like, tricking and tempting mortals into doing what they want. Featherine, in contrast, doesn’t use tricks or threaten violence because she doesn’t need to. Asking for consent from mortals is a gesture of respect from her - you don’t have the ability to refuse.
-In almost the inverse of Hanyuu, Featherine has no problems getting other characters to perceive her; indeed, she’s subtle but often quite forceful about dragging others into conversations inside her realm.
-Also unlike Hanyuu, Featherine has no particular love of sweets (that’s Lambda), and does seem to enjoy alcohol.
-Featherine, an ancient being, suffers from the “disease” of boredom. Entertaining herself with stories is the only medicine for this ailment, and the relief it provides is only temporary.
-As such, Featherine enjoys stories as deeply and thoroughly as possible.  Meaning, she doesn’t just appreciate mysteries and characters as they’re first presented - she also likes to “tear out the guts” to see what makes them tick.
...Not with her own hands of course!  That’s Bern’s job.
What, did you think you were done with the Watanagashi imagery when you finished Higurashi?
-At several points in Umineko, Featherine a gets called a monster. While this may be yet another callback to Higurashi, unlike Hanyuu who hates that label, Featherine takes it as a compliment.
-So… is Featherine evil? Many characters, and even Ryukishi07 himself in interviews, call her such. That being said, in Umineko, Featherine can be callous, but she doesn’t revel in sadism the way other witches do. Although, presumably she was much worse in the past...
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-Featherine is the “Witch of Theatergoing” - she is primarily a spectator to the events of Umineko, rather than a player on the stage. (Just like Hanyuu.)
-Bern’s “Theatergoing Authority” may derive from her. She also has the ability to instantly promote a character to the position of Game Master.
-Featherine is an author and therefore a “Creator,” surpassing the level of even powerful witches like Bern and Lambda. Her powers function as her breaking the fourth wall and literally writing the rest of the script on a page.
-Like Hanyuu, Featherine can stop time. Though unlike Hanyuu, Featherine can act in the frozen time, including that aforementioned reality writing.
-Featherine’s home is the *deep breath*  “Great Witch of Theatergoing, Drama, and Spectating's Noble City of Carefully Selected Books” - an impossibly large magical library filled with countless stories, each a universe of their own like a Fragment.  (Everyone just calls it the “City of Books.”)
-Featherine’s servants are the main characters of these stories, now in the form of black cats.
-Featherine’s relationships with her mikos are also through the lens of an author. Featherine’s mikos are also known as “Readers” - they narrate the events of a game board to Featherine. As an author is a god, a reader is also able to put their own interpretation on the story they tell.
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Featherine and Bernkastel
-As Hanyuu is to Rika, so Featherine is to Bern... more or less. They’re still a god and her miko.
-Unlike Rika and Hanyuu, Bern and Featherine do not share their senses.
-Rika and Bern have both lived beyond a normal human’s lifespan, but they both still consider themselves young in comparison to Hanyuu/Featherine’s ancient existence.
-When Rika would bully Hanyuu, Hanyuu did little but cry and complain.  Bern still backtalks and is generally disrespectful of Featherine, but the result is different - Bern’s the one acting defensive and scared while Featherine is merely amused by it.
-Bern is also distrustful yet subservient toward Featherine in a way Rika never was to Hanyuu.
-However, when Bern is in danger, she will demand that Featherine help her, much as how Rika did the same to Hanyuu once in Matsuribayashi.
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Featherine and Lambdadelta
-Featherine and Lambda appear to be on amicable, if not especially close terms.
-On Featherine’s side, she primarily seems to know Lambda as Bern’s friend and playmate.
-On Lambda’s side, she knows she’s completely outclassed by Featherine, and is very afraid of crossing her.
-Lambda does know quite a bit about Featherine - including that tidbit about Featherine’s personality change in the past.
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Featherine in Higurashi Gou?
Is this Featherine? And what does that mean for the rest of Higurashi Gou? 
Well, after reading this guide, what do you think?
Regardless, this is as far as I can guide you with my knowledge of Umineko. If you wish to go further, you’ll have to forge that path yourself, through the ravenous wilderness of unconfirmed theories and dangerous speculation.
Good luck!
PS: If you’d like a rough map of some popular destinations, I also have an old Bingo Card of Umineko-Gou connection theories.
PPS to folks from Reddit: If you liked this guide, I also do episode analysis/theory posts too.
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thevisionmarvel · 4 years
My kinda of Wandavision theory
 So, if you follow my blog, you know since Wandavision was annouced I had an idea of a fanfic  of how things turned out, I even published  some aesthetics and a little prologue,but then 2020 happened, and it’s not really news that it sucked, I  wrote so little last year, and with my crap  job, I couldn’t make the transcription and translation of the text to english, and now Wandavision is here, and it’s best that  anything that what we could think of, and  no, it’s not  like my fanfic, but there’s some stuff that always intrigued me,  but how this all started with a theory, I thought  why not publish  what was my theory.
So, my idea started all with the thinking how they could portrait the struggles wiht mental health that Wanda deal with it , but not falling in the “powerful women are crazy y’all” and how they could portrait  “ a house of M”  type of situation and also keep a mistery and  bring some surprises. And what i saw in this chapter looked some stuff that i thought
My biggest idea, was that the show would happen in three levels:
1. The one that Wanda is aware that she is in a simulation and trying to get out
2. The sitcom one, with Vison and Wanda marrying having the twins.
3. The Sword Team/ The real life searching what the hell was happening 
But who is doing it this? 
Wanda, the simple answer. The more complex one: Scarlet Witch
So everyone knows/ is betting that  Wanda is the one making the  reality shifts, but my idea ,was Wanda is doing it, but not  the way we think, like “ the biggest magic trick is the one that happens in front of our eyes.”
Wanda is doing it, but not the one from the MCU. How a better way to introduce the Multiverse that having  an alternate version  of the character. This stared because every first solo mcu project, the hero fights a villain that has the same powers or habilities, but i thought that’s  a better visual metaphor of mental struggles than you fighting a version of yourself, literally?!!
But why this was happening?
In my mind, with the infinity stones broken, the veil between the universe became very thin. And this alternate version of Wanda, had a more close story to the comics,  with a post house of M disaster- type, and were trying to give the MCU Wanda a chance to have the perfect life, trying to revive Vision, like trying to make things happen differently. And Agnes followed her trying to  stop   what happened  with the scarlet witch happens with this version of Wanda. disgusing as someone helping  MCU Wanda wiht her powers.
And mephisto, (but In thie case of the series could be Nightmare) also were creeping trying to get in this knew universe, using the space that this wanda left open.
So i had imagined  that Wanda would  fight agnes, when she was told that the wittch was the one making the stuff,, but then  she connected the dots and  she was the witch, so would have thiis confrontation with the alternate version of herlsef. ( With the alternate version using the tiara, and Mcu asking if was a M from “Maximoff”, and the alternate version, saying that it represent the name, but was also represent other stuff ( M from mutant, evebody would get that) and what would give  the illusion was that they  had  differents  “pietros”. And in this confrotation, alternate version, just  said that she was tired of losing everything, so she decided to give something” and would left the tiara with  MCU Wanda. Agnes would point out that having the kids was what put  other Wanda in an  road to madness, but MCU Wanda would still want to have the little time with Vision and the kids. but knowing that Mephisto would come to try to cause havoc and trying to take the twins. Wanda would have to left the twins and Vision in the pocket dimension and closed from outside. And the was sad, but she was  ready to kick some ass and then trying to go back to family,  tthis kicking the doctor strange 2 storyline.
 my fanfic was more bold, it would show thei first date, a  white vision like the comics, ,she  dreamed to be an actress (like the comics), , then this would explain the sitcom setting. and why she is so good at english, the science explanation why sword was there, was that they saw the wande took some from sword, everybody would think that was vision, but it was I.S.A.A.C to help with the simulation and  other stuff. 
Do i think that some stuff will happen? no, but how i know that i can’t finish it writting, so at least i will show you guys that you weren’t  lose anything, not reading the mess that it was. 
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Like Lightning After the Thunder: Chapter Two: Reprieve
Fic Summary:
His breath wavered as he stared into Katsuki’s eyes. He knew he could get out if he tried. He could knock Katsuki out, hope that no one else would find them, and run back into the shadows where he belonged. Katsuki may have had him pinned down but he was in Denki’s range now and it would take little effort to send a charge through Katsuki to paralyze him temporarily.
It would take barely any additional effort to kill Katsuki.
As the sparks began to charge, lighting up the air around him, Katsuki refused to back down.
Katsuki always knew he was destined for great things.
He didn’t think he’d have to turn his back on all he’s ever known to get there.
Rating: T
Warnings: Eventual major character death, implied/referenced child abuse, psychological trauma
Other Tags: Bakugou Katsuki/Kaminari Denki, slow burn, alternate universe - canon divergence
Read on Ao3 (links to corresponding chapter) or read below
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Katsuki wasn’t surprised to see one of his former classmates’ face on the news report with the tagline “found dead after hero-villain fight.” 
The reporter gave a rundown of the fight that had happened a few days earlier on the other side of the city, between a small gang of villains and Ochako. The villains themselves weren’t very high ranking― potential to be B-rank if they were more organized as a group, but C-rank individually― but they had managed to cause a decent amount of damage before Ochako had arrived on the scene. The news replayed the footage taken live from the battle, showing Ochako using her quirk on larger pieces of rumble to assist the lower ranked heroes in the area with evacuation as she charged forward towards the villain group herself. 
The footage wasn’t ideal. It was grainy from trying to capture the scene just outside of the limits of its scope and if it weren’t for the pink of Ochako’s hero costume, Katsuki was certain the camera person would not have been able to keep the camera centered on her. The footage continued until Ochako grabbed one of the villains, freezing seconds after the villain began to float. A red circle appeared around the villain’s face along with a mugshot before cutting back to the reporter.
In the aftermath of the fight, that one villain was never found. 
Ochako had been frantic when they had met up after, her gaze thousands of miles in the distance every time Katsuki looked. She denied anything being on her mind despite it being so blatantly obvious that something was, but Katsuki chose not to question it. After all, if she had wanted to talk about it, she wouldn’t have asked to meet him.
The report continued to explain the search procedures that had taken place over the past few days before describing a call on the tip hotline that ultimately resulted in the discovery of the villain’s body. While they didn’t show a photo of the body, Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder just how bad it was for the report to completely skip over the cause of death.
In the end, Katsuki supposed it didn’t matter what caused the villain’s death. Ochako was certain to end up finding a way to blame herself, for not paying better attention during the fight, for not trying hard enough to find the villain after, for being the last person who saw the villain alive. 
Even if she didn’t, there were parts of society that would make sure she would never forget.
Cheeky: can you meet up with me today?
Katsuki: Takeshi’s?
Cheeky: yeah
Cheeky: drinks/dinner on me after if you want
Katsuki: I’ll be there at five. Don’t be late.
Cheeky: got it!
Cheeky: hey wait why are YOU telling ME not to be late when I’M the one who asked YOU to meet me
Katsuki: You know why.
Katsuki was at Takeshi’s gym a quarter before five, reserving their usual space and changing into workout attire before sending Ochako a text to let her know he was already inside. He started his stretches, looking up only when he saw a pair of pink sneakers approach the ring.
“You’re late,” Katsuki said, continuing his stretches. 
“By five minutes!” Ochako dumped her water and towel on the bench next to Katsuki’s, quickly joining him in the stretches. “I was outside before five, waiting for you!”
“I sent you a text saying I was inside.”
“Yeah, like two minutes before five!” She huffed. “I was totally on time.”
“Whatever. Hurry the fuck up.”
They continued preparing in silence, speaking again only to confirm that the other was ready to start. This time, only a couple of the guests flinched when Katsuki charged forward at Ochako yelling out “die!”
After the fifth time a hit landed that Ochako would have normally been able to block with ease, Katsuki stood down. Her form had been lacking for the better part of the past hour, and there were a few times that her blows hadn’t hit with the full force Katsuki was familiar with. She didn’t even react to Katsuki’s change in form until Katsuki had walked over to the bench for his water.
“Wh― hey! What gives?” She frowned but joined him for a water break when he didn’t return to the ring right away.
“Don’t insult me,” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the shock on her face, “You’re distracted. What kind of fucking spar is worth the time when your opponent isn’t giving their all?”
“I’m focused on the spar! I’m totally and completely here! I wasn’t insulting you but I am now, you’re just saying that because of your enormous ego,” 
Katsuki paused, looking at her directly in her eyes. She didn’t flinch.
But the longer he held his gaze, the more Katsuki could tell that she was holding back.
“First,” He began, “Don’t be cheeky with me―”
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be so cheeky with you if you didn’t call me cheeky all the time!”
Katsuki held back an amused smile.
“Second,” He continued, “I hit you five different times in ways that you should have been able to block with your eyes closed.”
“Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment, because what I’m hearing is that you think I could fight you with my eyes closed.”
“Insult. You didn’t fucking block the hits, dumbass.”
Ochako huffed, crossing her arms. “Whatever. I’m going to focus on the compliment part of it.”
“Third, you didn’t even notice I walked away until after I reached the bench.”
“I― I was expecting you to come back! That it was some sort of trick to get me to lower my guard or something!”
“And fourth, you speak faster when you lie.” He let Ochako stammer for a while in response, continuing when her shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh. “You sure this is the break you need? I don’t mind wiping the fucking floor with you if that’s what you want but you better respect my time back and fucking fight me with your all,” He shifted his weight a bit before adding hesitantly, “I can try to listen if you want to talk instead but that’s not really my thing,”
Ochako didn’t answer immediately, instead taking a drink of her water. Katsuki waited as patiently as he could, although he did offer her a glare to try to speed up her thought process. 
She put her water back down and hit her knuckles together, briefly reminding Katsuki of Eijirou. “Okay! One more round. I need to redeem myself before we leave for drinks,”
Katsuki grinned, shoving her lightly with his shoulder as he walked back towards the ring. “Whatever you say, Cheeky. You’re still going to fucking lose.”
“I’ll make you eat your words, Katsuki!”
She did not, but not for lack of trying. Ochako actually paid full attention to the spar after the interruption and while Katsuki still had the upper hand on brute strength, she was nimbler and lighter on her feet. Katsuki was fairly certain that had the shift manager not interrupted to tell them that their time was up that Ochako was only a handful of moves away from finding some “barely legal in a spar between friends but completely legal in a rules free battle against a villain” opening and winning the round. While technically neither of them had won, he did agree—after some teasing and pestering— to counting it as her point in their ongoing scoreboard, adding, “But if you want me to count it as eating my words, you’ll have to fucking try again.”
Ochako seemed to be in a brighter mood when they met up again post-changing in front of Takeshi’s. She bumped shoulders with Katsuki as he approached and began chattering about work and her day as they made their way over to the restaurant they usually ate at after sparring sessions. He didn’t offer much other than the occasional “yeah” and swear when her story necessitated it, but she didn’t seem to mind. She spared him from talking until after they were already seated and ordered their food and drinks. 
“Oh yeah! I heard from Tenya that you finally sent in your response to the reunion! Do you know when you’re heading down to Musutafu yet? We should get on the same train so that the ride isn’t as boring— well, kinda, since you’ll probably not be talking,”
“Shut the fuck up, I can talk when I want to,” Katsuki scowled, rolling his eyes when all it resulted in was a laugh from Ochako. “I haven’t looked at the train schedule yet. The Shitty Four Eyes approved for both the 28th and 29th off though.”
“Nice! Well, when you figure out when you want to head down, let me know and I’ll be your Anti-Explosion Time buddy for the ride down,” 
“Oh fuck off.”
Ochako laughed again. Katsuki hoped this would be the extent of the reunion talk but she continued, “It’ll be great to see the entire class again, don’t you think?”
“You make it sound like we never fucking see anyone. I literally saw you a few fucking days ago and you spend half your weekends with Frog Face or Four Eyes or the fucking Nerd or whoever the fuck,” Katsuki pointed out. “We see basically everyone at the Billboards too,”
“Don’t be such a bore, Katsuki. Reunions are different from the Billboards. We don’t have to deal with those ‘damn extras’ at the reunion,” She put on her best Katsuki impression at “damn extras,” extending her palms outwards and adding a playful “Boom! Pow!” 
“I don’t fucking sound like that.”
“Yes you do. I’m the great Katsuki Bakugou! Die you fucking piece of shit! Boom! Bam! You fucking extra! Bow before the king! Boomboom!”
Katsuki let the faintest hint of a smile slip. “I have never said ‘bow before the king,’”
“Oh come on Katsuki, you tried to name yourself King Explosion Murder, don’t deny it. Even if you’ve never said it, you’ve definitely thought about it.”
He scowled, muttering a “fuck off”, refusing to acknowledge that yes, yes he had thought about saying it once or twice.
“So you admit that I’m right!”
“Fuck off, I said no such fucking thing.”
“You didn’t say ‘no’ either though.”
“I’m demoting you to a fucking extra, you shitty fucking extra.”
Katsuki was given a brief break from any potential cheeky response from Ochako when the server stepped in with their drinks. They raised their glasses, a silent toast to making it another day alive, to making it as far as they had come, to their friendship.
To the silent understanding that there were some struggles that were best left unshared.
He didn’t press further about whatever it was that was stressing her out, even if he had a strong feeling about what caused it. She didn’t comment on the circles under his eyes or how his mind seemed to wander after she brought up certain high school memories. They talked, ignoring their stressors, and for a while, they could pretend everything was fine.
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kagrenacs · 4 years
Explaining the Iceberg #6
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*Some things aren’t covered, namely things i’ve already discussed or content that I don’t feel is appropriate. And not everything is covered in depth
Tatterdemalion Moon Colonies: A since deleted forum post from MK, discussing the moon colonies of Reman that would later appear in c0da
Tamriel is the Far Shores: Orgnum is the immortal King of the Maormer, also said to be the Serpent God of the Sakatal’ indicating some connection to the Yokudan God of everything, Sakatal. Orgnum’s goal is to conquer Tamriel, this theory states that he may have mantled the Yokudan God and is confusing Tamriel for the Far Shores.
Water is Memory: One of the more difficult concepts to really pin down in these kind of theories, so bear with me. This topic has been brought up a few times in older lore discussions, and once again in ESO quite recently. First there should be clarification that I mean water both metaphorically and literally, just like the towers, there is no distinction between real and fake because this is a video game world. Second thing to note: There’s a lot of conflicting theories and ideas on this, i’m only providing the way I can conceptualize this all. If I provided every theory i’d surely hit some sort of character limit. Do you remember the metaphor about every soul in existence being a singular drop in an ocean? This is looking at the ocean itself, it’s the collective consciousness and memories of everyone out there, past, present and future. But this isn’t a synonym for souls and energy, this is a whole separate process. Sometimes souls are shown to be able to live without their memories (the soul carin), sometimes reflections of people's memories get stuck to places like ghosts (memory stones) When someone dies, their soul/energy and their memories may stick together and go to an Aedra or Daedra, or they might get split apart (like a Vestige) and end up in the Dreamsleeve to get recycled and in the Drowned Lamp which is a name for where all knowledge lost to history goes. This concept can be seen with the Daedra too, when discussing the ‘waters of oblivion’ when they get banished their essence heads back to this beginning place to spring back up. Water is memory also gets brought up quite often talking about Sotha Sil, who Vivec says is the selfishness of the sea, and whose ‘daughter’ is Mnemoli/Memory.
Crassius Curio, Time traveller: Another variant on the Crassius Curio plagiarism theory, accounting for why the lusty argonian maid is in ESO.
The Republic of Hahd: Mentioned in the Pocket Guide to the Empire, a group of people who claimed they lived off the coast of summerset, in an underwater civilization called Hahd. The only point in history that they became relevant was when they received tariffs for the transport of ‘mnemolite’ from the people of Hahd to the people of Nahd, and nearly sparked war between the Empire and the Altmer as they tried to figure out what was going on. Hahd and Nahd were both made up, thought to be by a group of psjjic students, as the island of Artaeum disappeared in that same year again.
Leaper Demons: Another name for Mehrunes Dagon, before he was cursed to become Dagon. Named this because of his ability to jump from Kalpa to Kalpa
Zero Stone: This is related to the towers, it’s the ‘heart’ of the tower, the piece that keeps it stable and functioning, essentially like a cornerstone. For the Red Tower and Walk-Brass this was a literal heart (the Heart of Lorkhan), but sometimes it’s other things like a fruit, or a person.
Tiber Septim Awoke Dagoth Ur: In the same short time as the Tiber Wars, where Tiber Septim was attempting to conquer all of Tamriel, Dagoth Ur awoken in Morrowind, which eventually forced ALMSIVI’s hand in signing the Armistice that would make Morrowind a part of the empire, hand over the Numidium, but allow Morrowind to largely keep it’s sovereignty. This theory suggests that Tiber Septim purposefully awoke Dagoth Ur as a long-term strategy, rather than trying to defeat ALMSIVI in wars. If not done purposefully, Dagoth ur may have been awakened by the presence of Tiber Septim (whose thu’um seemed to have came from Wulfharth, a survivor of the battle of Red Mountain and associate of Dagoth Ur)
Akatosh’s Shadow: MK mentioned Peryite as Akatosh’s shadow. Akatosh/Auriel largely introduced stability into the chaos of the Dawn Era as the God of time. Peryite has a similar function, that being natural order, where he micromanages Oblivion and Nirn. There’s more to this theory that i haven’t included due to sake of brevity  https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/4zct3i/the_shadow_of_aka_peryite/
The people of Et’Ada: Mentioned in the books The Light and Dark and Sithis, the people of et’ada are the descendants of the clash between Anu and Padomay, the original spirits that would give up their forms to become mortal
The Dwemer became their creations: A thought that instead of the commonly accepted Numidium Skin Theory, the Dwemer souls are the ones powering their automatons. 
Lefthanded Maomer: An in-universe theory that the Lefthanded elves and the Maomer are related. Evidence for this may exist in Orgunm being ‘Sakatal’
Skyrim getting Colder: A theory that says Skyrim is entering the ice age because of the recent snowfalls and the presence of Sabertooth cats and mammoths.
Anti-Magik Zones: Probably taken from D&D, areas where magic doesn’t work for some reason or other.
The Greedy Man: Another name for Lorkhan due to him ‘stealing’ the divinity of his fellow Et’Ada
Vvardenfell Lesbian Anomaly: The prescence of a large amount of wlw npcs in ESO and the presence of Tel Mora, an island full of women and Mistress Dratha who says she hates men. While the ESO one i’d argue that there’s a fairly equal spread of same sex couples, and Tel Mora is certainly the original developers adding in something ‘strange’ by having an entirely female island, various Lgbt fans of the games have made their own theories on this. @boethiah has proposed that Tel Mora was established as a safe place for lesbians, and Telmoran is the in-universe equivalent to ‘lesbian’ 
Prism Textract: A reference to a book from the mod Legacy of the Dragonborn
Ruptga: The chief god of the Yokudan Pantheon, people debate on whether he’s equivalent to Akatosh or Magnus, if he’s even equivalent to any god. He was the first god to figure out the Walkabout, and taught the other gods how to survive Sakatal (God of everything) shedding its skin.
The Elder Council world control:  References a theory that the Elder Council is an incredibly powerful political entity that controls the entire world. (looking at how things were handled in Oblivion, doubtful.)
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Tiber Septim Shapeshifting dragon: Ingame theories that Tiber Septim was a shapeshifting dragon based on the empire’s affiliation with them. (source seems to originate from GT Noonan, pre-Oblivion and Skyrim) Could be an early idea for Dragonborns, or perhaps just a wild conspiracy theory.
Insane Time-God: Another MK text, et’Ada Eight Aedra, Eat the Dreamer. States Aka has gone insane due to how many names he has
The Staff of Unity and Chaos: The object you need to assemble in tes Arena. Is able to open gateways to other realms, near instantly kill people. In some of the early drafts of the main quest of ESO, a similar relic was proposed called the Staff of Towers, and would have been similar to the main quest of Arena.
Dracocrysalis: Mentioned in the Nu-Mantia, it’s largely unknown what this means apart from ‘it keeps elder magic bound so it can’t change into something lesser’ based off wording it probably means something akin to changing into a dragon.
Telescopic Aurbis: Refers to a quote from MK A single Wheel? More like a Telescope that stretches all the way back to the Eye of the Anui-El, with Padomaics innumerable along its infinite walls. Essentially this refers to the cycle of Kalpas, all wheels lined up with one another would make a telescope-like shape. The focal point of the telescope would be Mundus, ascending upwards you hit oblivion, then Aetherius surrounding that, and then lesser, more chaotic realms beyond that. This is also mentioned in the Murkmire book ‘Lost tales of the Famed Explorer.’
Gaenor is Sai: Gaenor is said to be one of the hardest bosses of Morrowind, in the Tribunal expansion you can give him gold and allow him to become an incredibly strong warrior. He has incredibly high luck (770 points) making him difficult to hit. This theory states that he is either Sai, the god of luck himself, or a champion of his.
Haskill is the Actual Mad God: This might be a couple different theories. 1st: The events of the Shivering Isles is a trick played on the player character by Haskill/Sheogorath, and the Sheo you see and interact with is just a projection. 2nd: From a loremaster interview from ESO, Haskill states he’s the ‘vestige’ of Sheogorath, the mortal remnants of the person who mantled the mad god in the last greymarch.
Moraelyn=Nerevar: Moraelyn of the King Edward books was likely an early draft for Nerevar. Both have association with roses, both are from House Mora and are considered a champion of the Dunmer. He probably participated in the War with the Nords, being described in the 36 Lessons.
Tsaesci Vampire Language eaters: From MK’s And we ate it to become it and another interview. https://www.imperial-library.info/content/fireside-chats Tsaesci feed on language, he doesn’t state if this is metaphorical, or literal (if that even matters in these games)
Scarab’s transformation: Refers to Scarab that Transforms into the New Man, or Amaranth. The Scarab is a metaphor for godhood. (Scarabs are symbols of divinity in Ancient Egypt) and the New Man is a person achieving Amaranth and creating a new dream/universe.
Trinimalarky: A fun name for Malarky. 
King Dead Wolf-Deer: A Bosmer transformed by the Wild Hunt. Lived from the first era until the beginning of the third.
Multiple Underkings: Another statement by MK, general consensus seems to be this refers to the existence of the Underking as two people, Wulfharth a nordic general from the 1st era who held the title. Zurin Arctus, who may have taken up the title after the 2nd Era, when Tiber Septim turned him into an undead being. Or both of them sharing the same body known as the ‘Underking’
Thot-Box: https://www.c0da.es/thotbox/7b10359a40bba7d2e654bc10226f694a68009f15 the worlds worst choose your own adventure. From what I understand of KIMMUNE, a thot-box is some sort of AI
Baar Dau is Shit: Pretty well known at this point. One myth states that Malacath got into a disagreement with Vivec and pooped on Vivec City..
Nu-Hatta: In reference to the person, they’re an ancestor cult member. Otherwise this is used to refer to the Nu-Hatta Intercept written by MK. The text in question seems to be a list of the various ways mortals have achieved divinity. 
Talos brought back dragons: Not sure about this one, there’s too many results to filter through to find what this is specifically about
Lyg’s Numidium: The thought here is that if Lyg is the parallel to Tamriel, then it should also have a Numidium that reinforces time and makes events a reality.
Dawn Era Ideological warfare: From UESP, Quote: The Dawn Era was a period during which time followed an incomprehensible nonlinear path and the very laws of nature remained unset, making a timeline an artificial fabrication. A conflict was simultaneously a mere ideological difference of opinion and a manifest war. What this means in simple terms, all possible outcomes in the Dawn era were simultaneous. This might also refer to the Ehlnofey wars where the wandering ehlnofey (ancestor of men) and the old ehlnofey (ancestor of mer) differed in opinion about the existence of Mundus and went to war.
Vivec destroyed Yokuda: A reference to the 17th lesson of Vivec, where Vivec states For a year they studied under their sword saints and then for another Vivec taught them the virtue of the little reward. Vivec chose a king for a wife and made another race of monsters which ended up destroying the west completely. In a literal sense (not that this means much in context of the lessons), this seems to indicate that Vivec created the sword saints, who ultimately ended up sinking Yokuda with the Pankratosword technique. Vivec also said malewife rights.
Ayrenn KIMMUNE: Another MK text. This one states Queen Ayrenn is actually a 9th era cyborg from the future. This was written after MK read an early draft for the Dominion quests and wanted to make it cooler. The writers of ESO have stated they don’t consider this canon.
Tiger Guars: A bit of old morrowind lore, Imperials would mistakenly call Guars, ‘tigers’
Hermaeus Mora is a failed Elder Scroll: Two theories here: 1st: The Black Books are Mora’s failed attempts to create Elder Scrolls (The first pages reference concepts such as the Dreamer and CHIM, Elder scrolls are fragments of creation) 2nd: Hermaeus Mora himself is a failed Elder Scroll. The Census of Daedric Princes describes him as ‘born of thrown-away ideas used during the creation of Mundus’
SITHISIT: the Ehlnofex word for Sithis
Khajiit Tattoo theft: Rajhin the thief god was said to steal a tattoo off Empress Kintyra’s neck as she slept. 
Mythopoeia: irl, it’s essentially a term for ‘world-building’ In the context of the elder scrolls, it means the ability to affect reality using belief or the will to change (similar to CHIM) In morrowind Yagrum uses it to describe the enchantments Kagrenac placed upon the tools. 
Dragons Biological Time-Machines: In the early drafts for dragons, MK described them as Biological Time-Machines. While this isn’t entirely reflective of what they are now, some truth holds. Being shards of Aka, dragons inherently have some ability to alter time itself.
Argonian Tits: I can’t keep doing this.
The Elven Lie: From what I gather, it seems to relate to the idea that the gods are infallible, when in fact they have weaknesses and flaws.
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theeurekaproject · 3 years
So I’ve been thinking a lot about fictional royalty, and
you know what I think is a really underutilized character type? The High Queen trope. The regal, elegant, beautiful monarch who is always at the forefront of her nation’s court, who knows how to come across as unspeakably regal and eloquent while never appearing submissive or weak-willed, who runs her kingdom well and captures the hearts and minds of her people without ever making obvious mistakes or facing serious public criticism. I know this archetype appears a lot in fiction, especially in fantasy and anything else set in a vaguely medieval world, but these women are so rarely the protagonists—more often than not, they’re background characters who act more like aesthetic props than actual people, quest-dispensing machines who outsource everything to the resident band of actual heroes, or mentor types who only exist to educate the real MCs or serve as foils to Rebellious Princesses. And that really disappoints me, because The High Queen just has so much potential as a POV character. I mean, honestly, consider:
How does a monarch rule so well that they’re universally beloved by everyone in the kingdom, especially in times of widespread discontent? What must this woman do every day to ensure her people continue to adore her no matter what happens? Which strings does she have to pull to keep her approval ratings so high all the time? This isn’t a sarcastic criticism of these characters’ in-universe popularity—I genuinely think it’d be really interesting to explore what a monarch has to do in order to be beloved by literally everyone. After all, there’s no way to really please everybody at once; the laws that benefit the wealthy and powerful do not benefit the commoners and vise versa, and for anyone on the throne, keeping your keys to power happy while ensuring the poor are fed is a delicate balancing act. How does this woman keep herself in power and avoid upsetting the noble class, while ensuring that the peasantry still adore her?
How does The High Queen feel about monarchy in general? High Queens are often educated, benevolent, and well aware of the power they hold. It’s not too far-fetched to think that someone in this position might understand the issues inherent to absolute monarchies, especially if she has family members or peers who take advantage of their statuses and abuse their power. If The High Queen knows that autocratic monarchies are not ideal forms of government, how does she cope with the cognitive dissonance of acting as a monarch while knowing that it’s a bad system? Does she try to justify it in her own head, claiming that alternative forms of government like democracy are just too inefficient? Does she say that she’s a good ruler, and that’s all that matters? Does the thought of her children inheriting her power disturb her?
What does she feel about governing in the first place? Does she enjoy it, or does she view it as her duty—something she was born to do, even if she hates it? Does she take pleasure in commanding people around her, or does she secretly wish she could have a different life? Does she envy commoners for their perceived lack of responsibilities, or does she pity them because they don’t have wealth and power like her? Many High Queens have a certain humility to them—they don’t look down on the lower classes or make their power obvious, but it seems like everyone recognizes them as being noble anyway, no matter how little they actually try to cultivate that image. Is the High Queen really humble, or is she playing a game of humility, knowing that to be humble is to be popular and sympathetic? How does she maintain her image as a beautiful, ethereal royal without coming across as a snob?
How does she maintain her pristine image? Beauty takes time, effort, and work, and so does cultivating a perfect reputation. What maddeningly expensive and time-sucking routines does she have to complete in order to appear so perfect? What tricks does she use to ensure she’s never anything but gorgeous and graceful? In modern settings, I kind of love the idea of a woman who’s constantly surrounding herself with beautiful people, manipulating camera angles, and hiring entire teams to help her keep up appearances—not because she’s vain, but because she’s a role model for so many people, and she understands that image matters. If you want to be seen as a dainty, effervescent, delicate beauty, you have to put in an enormous amount of work and time so everything you do flatters you and contributes to that image. 
How does she cope with potentially having to break her own moral code? No matter how competent you are as a leader, you’ll probably have to face a problem where there are no good solutions at some point—especially if you’re ruling an entire country during a time of conflict. What does she do when every option is bad, and every decision she can make will wind up hurting someone? And autocracies are corrupt almost by nature, because if you want to stay on the throne, you have to convince your keys to power that you’re worth keeping there. In an absolute monarchy, the keys aren’t voting blocs, they’re important men and women who can stage rebellions against rulers they don’t like. How does The High Queen deal with having to pay off and favor influential people, sometimes at the expense of her own citizens? If she refuses to pay the keys, they’ll rebel, but every cent she gives them could have been spent on the innocent commoners she’s supposed to be protecting. 
How has her position affected her relationships with her family and loved ones? She probably has siblings and cousins who rank lower than her at court; are they envious of her? Is she envious of them? Does she even get along with anyone in her family on a personal level, or does the jealousy and awkwardness of having siblings and cousins that outrank one another mean that having positive relationships in the family is next to impossible? Does she have to watch her children develop rivalries over who will inherit the throne, and does it worry her when they squabble, because brotherly disagreements can spiral into all-out wars? Does she have to tell her younger children that they will simply never achieve the rank their eldest sibling will one day inherit? Does she see anything wrong with this? If she does, does she do anything to change it?
I don’t know, this post went on a lot longer than I expected and it’s kind of a wall of text by now. But I think it’d be really interesting to take a closer look at characters like The High Queen, because there are so many cool dynamics and personal struggles to explore here. I tried to do some of this with my Acidalia, but I still wish I saw characters like these more. Rebellious Princesses are fine, but they get kind of cliche after a while, you know?
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
“First Lines” | Tag Game
Hey Y’all I have gotten tagged in this a few times— thank you so so much @auroracalisto @mikaelson-emma and, of course, @hellotvshowtrash— I haven’t had much time to read them and form coherant thoughts but expect some soon. 
So the rules are you post the opening lines to 20 of your most recent fics— or all the ones you have if you don’t have 20— and it kinda just shows who you are as a writer and it’s just fun!
I decided to include some WIP’s— and expose to everyone who is not @activist-af the sheer amount of fics that I start and then set aside. Please enjoy y’all I got a kick out of compiling this list!
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“Barnes, you’re on protection detail.”
He must be dreaming— he must have fallen asleep with the tv on again. That’s been happening a lot lately; he’s trying to catch up on normal life. On all the shows and movies and music he’s missed throughout the years. He’s trying to catch up. Or maybe he’s just trying to drown out the silence. It doesn’t matter why, to be honest, all that matters is that he is asleep and what he is hearing and seeing are the workings of a bad dream. There was a marathon last night. Yeah, there was. Movies, a few of them. Something about bodyguards. He’s just dreaming about the movies. Right?
(WIP | Persephone’s Symphony | Bucky Barnes)
“Did you pack my dress!” A shrill voice assaults her eardrums as she scurries towards the door.
It comes from a tall, thin, young woman. Her face and fingers are boney, her blonde hair falling in perfect waves down her back. The faintest aroma of honeysuckles and violets wafts off her creamy skin. She is beautiful, her step sister Anna. At least in theory. The sneer on her cherry lips and the hatred in her cerulean eyes, unclouded and accusatory, can’t be hidden by any length of silky dress or ruby lipstick, though. She is ugly, even if just on the inside.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter One | Loki)
The ride to the capitol takes three gruelling days. Each night is spent at a different tavern. It is the same story each time; Estrid and Anna spend the night in a lavish bed and Y/n is left with the horses, curled under her thankfully baggy cloak. It is neither warm nor comfortable, sleeping on the bench seat of the carriage. She never really falls asleep, she only dozes in and out of consciousness. It is almost always interrupted by footsteps or the murmurs of animals or her own mostly empty stomach growling into the night. That one is twofold- usually her stomach is in so much nauseating pain that she cannot sleep but, on the off occasion she can, she is then awoken by the loud roars it makes.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Two | Loki)
“Please Surtr.”
Her voice rings through his ears on a loop, the most beautiful and agonizing melody that he has surely ever heard. She must be magic- something strong and powerful and like nothing he has ever seen before. There is no other explanation. It had been magic when she appeared to him, literally falling into his lap as if out of thin air. He is the god of tricks but even he cannot do that- he cannot make women that smell like flower petals land in his arms at will. He wishes he could- more than anything he wishes he could pluck her out of his dreams and bring her back to him. But he cannot because that was not a trick. That was something else entirely.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Three | Loki)
Y/n’s heart thunders as she gazes up at the glittering golden gates of the castle. If she was not so bogged down with bags she would throw a hand over her brow— a futile attempt to keep her eyes from burning out of their sockets. Do they really have to be this glittery? She thinks they are marvellous, that is not the problem. The problem is that she is not marvelous. Not in the slightest. Not worthy of such magnificent, splendid, rich architecture. She glances down at her simple dress— the loose green threads hanging from the side of the garment— she had meant to fix those— is this really where she must stay? Surely there must be a stable somewhere. A barn for animals like her.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Four | Loki)
“On the balcony,” Frigga calls back, brushing her blonde hair over her shoulders. “We have company!” She adds, seemingly as an after thought— she is too busy pouring wine from a glass feeder into a beautifully ornate cup.
At least, Y/n thinks it is wine. She can smell the fermented berries— sweet and tangy and warming her nose as all wines she has encountered before have— only this wine is a pale violet shade. It is not an opaque rouge, not a barely there chartreuse. Nothing like what she has ever been able to get her hands on by way of bartering or shared celebration. Weddings and births. She takes a seat in one of the golden chairs, trying not to think about how out of her element she truly is. The little details are starting to show though. Not just extravagant pools and marble hallways. Even the food here is luxurious.
(WIP | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Five | Loki)
She would have never thought it possible. Never. She’s the type to sit at home and crack open a good book. Maybe make a nice cup of tea. Lately she has been finding hibiscus tea to be a nice way to end the night. That’s besides the point, though. The point is that she is nothing like her older sister Jane. She is a dreamer, not a doer. Not a traveller.
Especially not a traveller of space— of foreign planets.
(WIP | Untitled | Loki)
“Are you heading home this weekend?” Lily twirls a strand of blonde hair between her fingers, “Mama told me there’s an event.”
Your best friend lays on your bed as opposed to her own, her legs dangling over the edge. Her eyes are closed, probably halfway to being asleep. It’s been this way since the two of you left for college three years ago, always more in your space than her own. You’re lucky that way, you have a best friend who would follow you across the country if you wanted her to. Honestly, you would do the same. Luckily, though, you decided on only two hours away away from home. Just far enough to find your footing. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
(Posted | Everything, Everywhere | The Mikaelson Boys)
“Get away from me, Kai!” Y/n snarls, pushing her way through the grill with a huffing witch on her heels.
She had been eating her meal- staring at her meal more like— and trying to ignore the constant buzz of her phone. He was incessant, texting her non— stop as if it would make it all better. After the thirtieth text she had turned her phone off, preferring to look at her food in silence. No text can erase his voice in her head. She means nothing to me.
“Not going to happen, kitten,” Kai purrs, his hand wrapping around her arm and tugging her to his chest, “you’re not going to ignore me.”
(WIP | Untitled | Kai Parker)
New Orleans isn’t all that it was cracked up to be she muses to herself as she winds her way through the tombs. They tower over her, shadowing her with the sins of so many people before her. They’re lonely. That’s all she can think, over and over again. They must be so lonely. There can’t possibly be enough people to visit each of them. There aren’t even any people to visit her, let alone thousands of lost souls. She laughs to herself, a cruel sound breaking through the crashing silence. She is a lost soul.
(WIP | Do You Have A Moment? | Kol Mikaelson)
A little bit outside the city lines of New Orleans, tucked precariously off highway 109, there stands a roadside market. It isn’t too far, nor is it too close; it’s just right, like the porridge in some half assed, uninspired fairytale. It’s nestled perfectly on the edge of the bayou, drawing in just enough business to keep the two girls running it in business. The jam is sweet, the ham is honeyed, and the women have smiles that look a little bit like rain in a drought: necessary for life but too much water on dry soil is a recipe for disaster. It’s all a little bit too perfect. Too clean cut and wholesome. But this isn’t a fairytale, after all. It’s the story of the girl who got away with it and the girl who helped her do it.
(WIP | Hey Tommy | The Mikaelsons)
The Salvatore house has always smelled the same; like oranges and rum. A lot of rum. It is a welcome scent, one that smells almost like home. It will never truly be home, those scents are already reserved in your very essence, but it’s close. You’ll always be happy to walk through their door. Today is no different.
(WIP | Forever and Always | The Mikaelsons)
Kol drags a hand through his hair, his eyes locked on the book in front of him. His eyes wander the page, the corner of his mouth lifting when he skims something particularly interesting. You, too, have a book in your hands but, unlike him, your focus is elsewhere. To be exact, your focus is four feet away, basking in the sun on the lap of one shirtless vamp.
(WIP | Best Friend Things / Part Two | Kol Mikaelson)
“So, love,” a pair of arms snake around your waist, pulling you into a warm chest, “these are the famous pumpkins?”
A familiar blonde head, the one you woke up to this morning, settles against your shoulder. He must be leaning significantly given the fact that he’s at least a good head taller than you. You break the rain spell you had been working on, laying your wand next to your pumpkin starts. That’s the beauty of magic, you can grow in any season. You turn to face Klaus, a soft smile on your face.
(WIP | Pumpkin / Harry Potter Universe AU | Klaus Mikaelson)
The salt clings to her sticky skin, her hair grainy and matted from the surf. Thunder rolls overhead, chasing her through The Cut like. It’s only half past noon but shadows layer the street, casting everything in a dusky gloom. The pavement smells sharp; the rain is coming and fast. She hikes her tote higher on her shoulder and wishes for a moment that she hadn’t dove for as many shells today. She feels like a beached whale with all the dead weight. Business is business, though, and the tourists go crazy for a handmade necklace.
(WIP | Thunderstorm Afternoons | Jj Maybank and John B. Routledge)
She shoves her key into the lock of the Smith’s beach house, turning it with an audible click and smiling when she pushes the door open to the smell of warm pizza and oranges. Try as the boys may, Mrs. Smith’s affinity for essential oils will always prevail over the mass amount of cheap pizza they consume on what is— unfortunately— the daily. She hauls her bag higher on her shoulder, closing the door behind her and thanking the heavens she remembered to pack some of the chicken her mother made for dinner on her way out the door. No Domino's tonight, thank you very much.
(WIP | Sleepovers | The Kook Boys)
“Y/n, darling, come here,” her mother’s sweet voice trickled over her from the front hall, “I have some people I want you to meet.”
She stepped into the hallway, coloured lights pouring over her. It was Christmas time, her favourite time, and everything was extravagantly decorated. Garland lined the grand staircase, there was a tree in almost every room, and, her favourite, holly strung in every doorway. Her house radiated magic, more so than usual, that is.
(WIP | Hufflepuff Princess | Draco Malfoy)
Her feet hit the pavement with careful clicks, her heels— while undeniably killer— a little loud for her taste: a product of her day spent in practice with the other debutante girls. She has to force herself to make her steps light. This isn’t New York, it’s Mystic Falls. Being a southern woman is not a choice; it’s an obligation. A prior commitment she agreed to before she was old enough to truly fathom what it meant. For the most part she loves it— the elegance and refinery, the teatime giggles and flouncing skirts— but the heels? That’s a hard no.
(WIP | Untitled | Kai Parker)
She sighs, her toes burying themselves in the carpet as her arms reach well past her head in a much needed stretch. Her room is dark, the only light coming from her cheap desk lamp. The pounding in her head, for once, isn’t enough to drown out anything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. None of this was supposed to happen, it wasn’t supposed to get this far. It was always just a game, wasn’t it? She runs a shaky hand through her hair, her knees wobbling slightly at the thought. Get it together, y/n.
(Posted | The Bet | Rafe Cameron)
Her bubblegum lip gloss attacks him from all the way across the café, cutting cleanly through the aroma of coffee and donuts and sending his heart racing at the obscenely sweet scent. He should hate it. No, scratch that, he shouldn’t think anything of it at all. It’s not in his nature to enjoy things- or to feel things at all, to be frank- but he can’t help it. The drugstore brand, wildly over-scented balm makes his head fuzzy like nothing else.
(Posted | Bubblegum Princess, Cherry Angel | Kai Parker)
I don’t really know who to tag because I haven’t been active these last few days so I am tagging people I have not seen do this yet and if you have just ignore me : @elijahs-wife @draconisxcaput @imaginearyparties @dumble-daddy 
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briandthemoon · 5 years
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~ Uploading this WIP here too! ~ {You can see both on my deviantArt too [same username], but with some of the original ideas and thoughts.} So uh, I did what I do best and shoved two things I love and have been hyperfocusing on for the last month together: Sanders Sides and RWBY.
I’ve been binging @thatsthat24 ‘s Sanders Sides videos and fan comics for the last month or so and by god, it’s really lifted my mood. I’m gonna work to get them all lined and coloured soon, but since I’ll be travelling in the next week, I’ll likely have paper sketches and such to upload if I’m lucky.
As for this AU, say hello to Team RNBO [Rainbow]! This is what I have so far in terms of character information; [putting it under a readmore, please do have a look!]
Roman De La Rosa:
- Semblance:  "Picture This" - the ability to conjure an item proportional to the positive emotions he alone is feeling. So the happier and more creative he feels, the better.
- Weapons: “Armas Y Rosas“, a gauntlet-gun [armas] and a rosen rapier sword [rosas]. It’s literally just a Guns N Roses joke.
Virgil Nightshade:
- Black Cat Faunus. I didn’t realise til too late how similar to Blake he is but honestly, idc, I love him.
- Semblance:  "Panic Room" - the ability to conjure a small isolated, soundproof space to trap someone in. Including himself in times of distress.
- Weapons: “Atropa”  and “Solanum”, two knives with dust vials that attach to the end to infuse the metal. He usually uses Gravity Dust because 1) aesthetic and 2) if you have gravity defying Dust? Thats a cool escape my guy.
Logan Blu-Berrie:
- Semblance: “Blu-Screen of Death” -   the ability to perform computer-esque functions via summons, i.e. attacking someone with a text box he just conjured, or browsing data and memories on a summoned screen for accuracy.
- Weapon: “Crofter”, a staff-spear that uses projection similar to Velvet’s weapon to form blades when needed. I.E. turning the staff into an axe or hammer or even forming a fishing line. [Looking at this whole thing, Logan wound up giving me big Scottish vibes in this AU and I’m SO for it.]
Patton Opal:
- Labrador Faunus, best boy 1000/10, didn’t have to re-work his design at all, what a madlad
- Semblance:  "New Trick" - the ability to mark a person and be able to find them via a boosted scent marker. So far Roman smells like strawberries and creme, Virgil smells like smokey wood, and Logan smells like jam. And yes, Patton has tried tracking himself. He smells of vanilla cookies.
Weapon: “Storge”, a shield - axe combo. Mostly used in the shield position unless he’s forced to be active in a fight. Tried to give this weapon BIG Rose Quartz Shield Vibes.
Remus Pepinillo:
- for those wondering, he threw out the De La Rosa name when he left the family to go eat deoderants without judgement. And to go cause havoc.
- Semblance: “Can’t Be Unseen” - Similar to Roman’s semblance, Remus can conjure items but instead based upon other people’s negative emotions directed at him. So things like disgust and fear directed at him make him stronger. 
- Weapon: “Asqueroso”, a mace that can be wielded in pole form or as a chain flail. The name literally is just the spanish for “Disgusting”.
- Python faunus. Pretty obvious there. As for a name, I’ll work with whatever becomes canon, tbh. His hat snake isn’t real, it’s just a design, but he has named his hat “Monty”.
- Semblance: “Trust in Me” - Deceit can mimic someone else’s voice to the point of being hypnotic in some cases.
- Weapon: “Kaa”, a microphone that can amplify sounds to use as ammo, or can be combined with dust vials for other effects, such as fire breathing or ice breath. This is absolutely where Virgil got the idea for his knives. 
~~ Little Things In Their Designs Collectively~~
- So mostly Roman and Virgil had a revamp and got added or changed details. I’m personally loving the rose decals for Roman, and the fact that Virgil has to keep sewing his hoodie pocket sides back up because he keeps knee-jerk whipping out his knives and catching them on the sides. Also freckles. I cannot stress enough how much I needed to give one of these cute lil guys freckles.
- Logan and Patton really didn’t change much; Patton came out perfect the first time, and Logan just needed some proportion adjustments. Later I went and added friendship bracelets to each design because I do not believe for a second that Patton wouldn’t make them team bracelets. The card suit beads was just an addition that I added because I am the artist and none of you can stop me from adding the tiniest of references to Homestuck Quadrants. 
- For Roman and Remus, I wanted them to have similar poses but good god, it was still hard to draw Remus’s hands. They look so good in the end though so I’m good with ‘em. I also might give him a little top hat or something at some point and see how it looks, I dunno.
- As for Deceit, I had a bit of trouble trying to pin down his design at first, but once I rolled with the allusions to Kaa from Jungle Book, it went far easier. I quite like that I added the poisonous needles in the bottom of his boots as a “sting in the tail” kind of thing.
- Talking about inspirations and such, Roman, Virgil, and Patton are pretty much just colour based; Roman being red roses [his name literally being Roman of the Rose] as a symbol of romance of course, with Virgil’s whole motif being Edgey and thus going with nightshade purple as his colour, and finally with Patton, his name took me the longest to work out, but Opal seemed to fit really well, and considering it represents Love and Loyalty? Come on, I had to.
- As for Logan, Deceit, and Remus, they all got more story links worked in somehow without me really realising. Logan was really unexpected, but between the Crofters’ Jam link and the blue colours, he gave me sort of Little Boy Blue vibes, and also via the name Logan being Scottish in origin and yknow, everythign else I mentioned? Yeah. I will definitely be adding celtic flair to his design when its coloured. Deceit is more obvious; Kaa was a good choice in influence that I noticed halfway through and just buckled down on. For Remus, he bounced around a bit between Maleficent and Dr Facilier, but in the end, I figured the Shadow Man was a better fit. Also his surname is literally just the Spanish for “Pickle” or “Gherkin”. 
- Final info, if people are wondering, they’d all be centred on Huntsman training at Beacon, but in terms of where they’re from;
Roman and Remus would be from Atlas, obviously. That place spits out rich kids with issues like it’s quickfire Uno.
Virgil would be from Mantle; it’s pretty obviously one of the more run down and hard to live in areas, plus that’d set up the in this universe initial animosity between Roman and Virgil.
Logan is from Vale, so he’s a Beacon native. I considered him being from Atlas because of their tech. However, Vale won me over with Logan’s european influences and such.
Patton would be from Vacuo. I know its a weird choice, but hey, it’s full of faunus and it just fit a bit better than Menagerie or Mistral.
Speaking of, Deceit is 100% Menagerie born, but Mistral bred. He often tells people different conflicting origin stories, and won’t even tell his name to ex-buddy Virgil or ‘best buddy’ Remus.
I think that’s everything so far!!
I dunno if everyone else is as hype to see what comes of all this as I am, but either way I’m going to have fun doing it. <3
_______ PLEASE DO NOT: - repost my art at all - you are not permitted to line or colour this art - you are not permitted to use this art as an icon or profile pic - do not steal these designs, I put a lot of work into them ;; _______ Sanders Sides (c) @thatsthat24 RWBY (c) Monty Oum & Rooster Teeth The sketches belong to me.
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
Alright ladies!!! After a full 65 hours of the album being out I am Finally sharing my Thots 👀
I have three full 8 hour shifts of listening to Nothing Else under my belt, (plus an unspecified number of hours listening outside if work...) so I'm Basically an Expert 😌💗
Dear my universe: We love a space/space-adjacent themed Astro song in this house 😌😌😌 this is such a nice choice to start off the album (also I'm a fucking nerd and so the way that the First Song on The Album is called 'Dear my universe' like addressing a letter? Like as if the album itself is kind of like a love letter from Astro to Aroha?? 🥺 Okay I'll stop. But it's just a thot that came into my head and now I'm having Feelings 🤧💜) the echoey parts and the harmonies?? So yummy, so pretty, I love it 💗
Butterfly Effect: HELLO my Love 😍💓💌💝💜💞💖💘💕💗 I was Warned by @entry-777 to be prepared for Rocky Vocals, which is a Good Thing bc if I wasn't ready for it I probably would have started crying or somethin lame like that and looked Quite Foolish in front of my coworkers, however I was NOT warned about JINWOO VOCALS (Danny you slipped Queen!!! 😭) It was like. 6 seconds. But it was there and it's gonna live in my head rent free for the next full calendar year, also Moonbin and Eunwoo's falsettos??? GOD everyone sounds so great in this song. I love our Six Vocalists 😪💜
ONE: my ONE opinions have Grown and Matured over the course of listening to it quite literally like 75 times. Do not be mistaken, I never disliked it, but I did have Certain Opinions. For example, it is a Certified Fact that I have stated before: an Astro Title Track is not an Astro Title Track without MJ throwing up Angel High Notes above the last chorus. And when I listened to ONE for the first time I was not satisfied in that department. He did like, A Few, but I was waiting for more to come and like picturing in my head what it was going to sound like and then they didn't come and I was Mildly Disappointed. So that was just one thing that like, I wanted a little more than what I got, which does not mean that I didn't like what I did get!!! Anyway, after listening to it Many More Times and paying close attention to harmonies and such I am a bit more satified with the ad-libs he did get, it's just that this song is Different than other Astros Title Tracks, it is a different style so I guess what they gave him fits more with that style than what I was expecting (still wish he had gotten to shine a little more in this Title but what are you going to do?) It could very well be the 'you listened to this song so much you are tricking yourself into liking it more' thing, but my love for this song has definitely grown in the past few days (and again!! I never disliked it in the first place!) it is still not one of my top faves on the album but that's only bc Astro are B-side Kings! I still do really like this song
Someone Else: (okay at first I Did Not Realize this was just an MJJinjinMoonbin song?? I did not Know we were getting unit songs in this album, but that explains why I didn't hear anyone else's voices in it 🤷 agdjahdjakd) in any case, I like her! She is very Fun and Funky 😌 definitely one I will continue to listen to often (also fun fact: that electronic sound at like 2:32 the first time I heard it my body physically reacted like one of Pavlov's dogs bc that same sound is also in the song that I have set as my alarm ahdjskahdjsj 'oh? we are Waking Up now? :)' Queen calm down, you are awake lmao)
SNS: Ma'am..... Hello????? Omg I love this song so much, the beat, the vocals, the soda can (yes I noticed!!! Omg when I tell y'all I got a rush of serotonin when I heard that...) another thing I absolutely adore about this song is the 'ah-ahhh, ah-ahhh' part bc it makes my brain do the same thing as when it sees an optical illusion where the thing I'm seeing switches back and forth based on what I'm focusing on like 'oh, now I see a vase, oh now it's two faces' that except with sound (so an aural illusion I guess is what that would be??) Like 'oh, that's Human Voices making that sound' but then if I focus on it it sounds like an Electronic Phone Buzzing Text Notification Sound (and then I focus on it again and it's Voices) which is probably what was intended considering it's a song named after texting? I just think that's so cool, I love that they did that and it sounds really Neat
All Good: oh my GOD this song, oh 👏 my 👏 G 👏 O 👏 D 👏 All Good........... my BELOVED™ 💜💜💜 Mental Illness?? Idek her. Lee Dongmin said "Gonna be alright" so Everything is Fine now actually. I'm gonna Do Drugs (this song) and forget my problems 😌 this song qualifies as a Hardcore Party Drug. I am going to grind this song up into a fine powder and snort it like cocaine. Holy FUCK this song is good. I'm saying something controversial (it's not controversial, lmao, I know I am not the only one who thinks this) yet brave: Miss All Good is Title Track Material 👀 now idek anything about marketing so maybe ONE was a better choice for Title Track from a marketing standpoint idek, all I know is that All Good FUCKS I literally could talk about this song for hours omg, I need to stop this post is already so long but ALL GOOD I LOVE YOU QUEEN 👑 😭💓💘💗💕💜💌💝💞💖
All Stars: "yeah let's go haha" alright yes, whatever you say 😍 okay so in this song ofc I immediately noticed the "you're my one&only" we love that self reference 😌💜 but when I was looking at the lyrics I also noticed that we have "When you call me I'll run to you" and the Very First Line is "I've got a dream, when I run breathlessly" coincidence??? 👀 ....... yeah probably, I analyze things way too much agjdjdjdjd but ANYWAY I Love MJ's bridge(? is that the right word? the '이룰 테니까' part. U know what I mean) and the "everything is OK (lala la la)"??? Alright, Depression Cured, thanks Kings 😌👑💗
Our spring: if ONE left my thirst of Angelic MJ Runs not fully satisfied Miss Our Spring came through for me I LOVE ALL HIS PARTS IN THIS SONG SO MUCH AND THE R U N S yes 👏 king 👏 yes 👏 king 👏 thank you SO much 😌💖💜💗 Idk why but I just really latched on to this song, I love the chorus and Rocky's (설레는 날에) part, also I believe if I am Not Mistaken Rocky contributed to the lyrics on this? 👀 we love that for him! Especially bc the lyrics are so pretty and not just bc I am biased 💜
Stardust: another Space themed song it's my favorite concept again 😌😌😌 and y'all know that I am a Strings Appreciating Bitch 💗 so ofc I immediately had Feelings as soon as I heard them in the back. This song is so so so pretty?? the instrumental, the vocals, the lyrics? It's so calming and peaceful listening to this song, it feels so nice and cozy 😔💗 On all levels except physical I am laying on the roof stargazing and Astro is wrapping a blanket around my shoulders and giving me a lil kiss on the top of the head. This song would really be the Bloom of the album, if not for.....
gemini: the BLOOM of the album 😭💓💌💝💘💗💕💜💞💖 Miss gemini my beloved... 😔💜 "will you protect me? Even after the long night passes the place we embroidered together stays in our hearts" Don't TOUCH me 🤧🤧🤧 I can, have, must, am, and will cry about this song if I think about it for too long. Myungjun contributed to the lyrics, arrangement, and composition and it turned out so good?? (I mean of course it did) I'm very proud of him and I got more pretty Angel High notes in this song so I am Very Satisfied, I LOVE her so much 💗💗💗
And that's that!!!
If you are reading this, ps I love u for sticking around to read all my rambling pls accept a hypothetical forehead kiss or some fingerhearts sent @ u from a respectful distance 💗
Also my askbox is always open if you want to share your opinions, I love talking about these boys..... 👀
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