#everyone who said Link was boring can SUCK IT
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I’m so normal about them
[Image Id: A 9 panel fan comic for dungeons and daddies season 2. It is a redrawing from episode 26.In the 1st panel Grant is holding Link’s shoulder telling him, “Son we can handle this.” In the 2 second panel, it is a close up of them, in which just stares at Grant. Then in panel 3 Link writes something. Panels 4-6, Grant starts reading the note which says, “these are the consequences of your actions.” The next panel is a serious closeup of Grant’s stunned face. The panel surrounding it is a memory of Grant avoiding his Dad who is reaching out to him. On the bottom of that panel the letter continues with, “If you ever want to speak to me again,” which is finishes in the next panel with “Let me go.” The words “Let me go” are in between Link and Grant, who are looking at each other. Link has a serious face while Grant looks taken aback. End Image ID]
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thechekhov · 7 months
Hello! Just wanted to say I love all your content but I wanted to ask if you had any advice/tips for running curse of strahd? I'm working on getting ready to run it with some friends/my partner and while I've run a fair amount of homebrew stuff this is my real first attempt at a legit module so I was curious if you could share anything since I believe you also are running/had run that module as well?
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Thanks for asking! This is a very fun question!
I have indeed run Curse of Strahd. It was my first foray into long-term DMing and my team and I finished that campaign a little under a year ago. It was awesome, and I'm always excited to talk about it. Curse of Strahd had be a great game if everyone is on the same page!
First of all, I'm gonna say
Having Experience with Homebrew will be a huge boon
When I ran CoS, I followed the actual module about... 60% of the time. It was good... as a baseline/blueprint. But the reality is that I changed up a lot of the details. Either because I didn't like the vibes of the story, or because the plot points were antithetical to my team's goals. I changed up an entire floor of Ravenloft. I threw away a whole storyline for a major NPC because I felt it was too boring.
I think most people who run Curse of Strahd do this, actually. I've heard countless tales of how others Homebrewed their own meat onto the skeleton, and still came out of the campaign with an awesome, Strahd flavored experience. So don't worry about that part.
Here's my advice:
1. Everyone should vibe with what Strahd IS as a game.
Strahd can be a lot of things - you can Homebrew your own motivations into him, or make him a her, or change the history of his castle if need be. But if there's one thing Curse of Strahd is... it is DARK.
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The Venn Diagram of Parties Who Understand That Suffering Can Be Fun To Roleplay and Parties Who Had A Good Time Doing CoS is probably a circle. You cannot do this adventure with a group of people who just want to hit monsters a whole bunch. It's an inherently 'oh my god this SUCKS' adventure. That's the main theme. Your players need to be able to enjoy that sort of game, otherwise they will just be miserable.
One of my players, upon arriving in Barovia, immediately said 'I hate it here' and then continued to say it for the rest of the campaign. That is kind of the catchphrase of CoS. Your players need to be comfortable with that sort of bleak horror and overall misery. It makes the end and the potential to finally end Strahd worth it.
That being said, Strahd can also just be... a lot. It has death and torture and psychological horror in there. KIDS DIE. Please discuss this stuff with your table, and remove elements if they guarantee a bad experience for everyone!
(Yes, you can trim down some of the viscera if you need to, that's fine. But keep in mind it will still be tragic. It SHOULD still be tragic. I set some boundaries for myself, but I also killed a whole town in an avalanche. It happened to be the only town my players had grown to like. It was a dick move. It was exactly what you would expect to happen.)
2. Read ahead - A LOT AHEAD.
For a self-contained world, Barovia isn't actually that big. It's a very small map, compared to some that span continents. That means you have the ability to flesh it out, as it were.
To add to that... some areas are... severely underdeveloped plot-wise. Sometimes there are places your players will go where it FEELS like it should link up to another point in the game but it just... doesn't. There is room to expand there. Use your Homebrew skills to connect the dots that the module doesn't!
I greatly recommend taking the time to either read through the whole adventure OR listen through some video-essays. There IS some cool stuff that comes in in the later game that you can grab and put down breadcrumbs for from day one. Or add to your own story twists.
My recommended resource for this is the Curse of Strahd DM's Guide video series.
...and to that end...
3. Start living in Ravenloft Castle WAY before your players get there.
Listen..........listen. look.
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Look at this, and suffer as all GMs have suffered.
Castle Ravenloft is unarguably the biggest, stupidest, most architecturally ludicrous hurdle when it comes to GMing CoS. And I am here to tell you - IT IS DOABLE.
You can understand the castle, you can grow comfortable with it. But you need to start early. Hell, I think I began to set up Ravenloft maps before my players even knew it existed. Then I stopped, because I was scared.. but then I went back, and I.... roleplayed SOLO on my off-days! I set up little scenes between Strahd and others and imagined him setting traps, and doing other things. It helped me understand which staircase led to where, and what floors were accessible from which angles.
A part of me actually thinks that there should be a mini GMs-only class where a more experienced Strahd GM takes some time with other GMs to guide them through a map of the castle. A CoS Learning Oneshot, if you will.
There's also a LOT of talented mapmakers that create beautiful, digital CoS maps! Here's one:
Even if you are playing analogue, at a physical table, I greatly encourage you to check it out for reference. The official CoS maps are bleak and a little bit more... rustic? Than they are gothic.
Anyway, in order to avoid talking your ear off, I will end it here.
My last bit of advice is... to have fun!
Yes I know I just said that Strahd is an inherently bad-vibes game. But it's actually GOOD to let your players goof off now and then. Don't be afraid to let them do shenanigans. It builds character, and allows them to regain the energy they need to role-play properly heavy elements later.
My group did a whole bunch of funny stuff. They felt so bad about losing Ireena that when they saw Ismark, instead of explaining themselves to him they cast Darkness and tried to scramble away. There was a running joke that the cleric was too good to know about sex, so they used the euphemism 'play cards' around her, much to everyone's amusement. They got kicked by a walking house once and never forgot nor forgave. And finally, they defeated some Flame Skulls by putting them into a bag of holding.
Anyway, the point is... have fun! I wish you and your party the best of luck. :)
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Moan for Me: Clandestine F*cks [Avenger!Loki x Fem.Reader] 18+
Part of the Clandestine F*cks Collection [Link] A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: (4) In the safety of his enchanted chambers within the Tower, you encourage Loki to be as loud as he wants to be. (w/c 2.3k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Dirty talk. Noise-kink(?) Language. Teasing. Kinda fluffy. PV Sex. Established/secret relationship.
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Loki stirred in his sleep as you lay propped on your elbows, studying him intently. Slow breaths rose and fell from his chest, half-covered seductively by the luxurious white bedsheets. Tendrils of raven hair were scattered around his head, a dark halo surrounding his godly face as morning light crept through the edges of thick curtains. You watched the lines of his forehead crease as he reluctantly awakened, your silent vigil to his beauty at an end. “Good morning, darling” he mumbled knowingly, his eyes still closed.
You kissed him gently before snuggling into the crook of his neck, your hand sliding over his torso. The skin beneath your palm was smooth and firm, stretched tightly over the landscape of his muscles beneath. You sighed, enjoying the moment. It wasn’t often that you allowed yourself to stay overnight in Loki’s 'chambers'. You could count the number of times you had on one hand. On one finger, in fact. The fear of discovery had been too great to leave to chance. At first Loki hadn’t understood why you were so resistant to the idea of sharing your budding relationship, but it frightened you. What if the pressure was too much? Or he got bored? The judgement, media coverage, the changes. You didn’t want anything to change. Loki believed that the team would keep your secret, but you weren’t so sure. You had seen Rogers after a few appletinis. He couldn’t keep a secret like this for shit. And besides, you reminded yourself as you snuggled deeper into Loki’s chest, inhaling him deeply, the clandestine fucking was pretty hot. “Did you just smell me?” Loki murmured, running his finger along the line of your jaw. You nodded shyly, the vibrations of his husky morning voice making you fizz with need. “What do I smell like?” he purred, nuzzling your cheek. You allowed yourself the luxury of drinking in his heavy scent, taking your time. “Like spice and pine...and…” you paused, trying to place it. “Leather?” he said, dimples flickering as he smiled tentatively, “everyone always says leather.” You frowned, a wave of jealousy rising in your belly “who’s everyone?” Loki’s hand reached to your shoulder with a theatrical sigh, flipping you easily to your back. You hit the plush mattress with a soft thump, his long torso rising over to encase you. Trap you. God, he was so fucking hot. His thick forearms rested on either side of your shoulders, those hard biceps flexing tantalisingly close as he lowered to gently suck your earlobe. His hair brushed your cheek. You shivered, feeling your hands rise automatically to grasp against his hardening cock. “Was that a little touch of jealousy, pet?” he whispered seductively, an amused smile audible against his warm breath. Before you could answer, Loki slid two long fingers between your soaking folds, teasing you. A small whine escaped as he ran them gently against your pussy, ghosting around your clit. You could feel the wetness that had been pooling between your thighs while you watched him sleep sliding against his fingers. “I want you, Loki” you whispered, hips thrusting upwards to tempt his fingers inside your core.
“Again?” he said incredulously, his eyebrows shooting up in mock-disbelief as he rose to his knees, re-positioning himself between your open thighs. “I suppose I can accommodate your needs...” he goaded, lowering his face to place languishing kisses downward between your breasts. You pressed your lips together, stifling a moan. “Remember darling, you don’t need to contain your cries of pleasure here…” he growled softly. A low moan escaped you as his lips reached your stomach, knowing that if you let him, he would eat you out for hours.
“I want to hear you, Loki” you said, running your hands through his hair, “I need to feel you inside me, I need to hear you moan for me...as loud as you can.” His eyes flew up to meet yours, hands sliding up the curves of your body as he cut you off with a ravenous kiss. “Was I too quiet last night, kitten?” he rumbled, a glint in his eye as he positioned his cock at your keening entrance, “did I not vocalise my enjoyment of your body to your satisfaction?” You giggled beneath him, his mouth flickering with a smile under his narrowed gaze. “I just love when you don’t restrain yourself, that’s all...” you murmured, feeling your cheeks heat under his stare. “Why do you love it Y/N?” he keened, edging his cock inside your tight, wet cunt as his mouth fell open slightly, “tell me.”
He bottomed out inside you with a low groan as your back arched off the bed to meet him. Your fingertips digging into the toned skin of his shoulders, scratching down the expanse of his back as you let out a twisted cry of his name. “You were saying, darling?” he said stoically, while his cock withdrew; tugging at every bubbling nerve of your channel on its way. “I love...uhhh, Loki” you moaned, as he thrust back into you. “when you sound like an a-ahhhh, an animal. Like you’ll die if you can’t fuckkkk – fuck me” you panted, your fingers desperately grasping the sheets. “Come on darling, you can do better than that. You know how much I like your pretty words…” he said coyly, a broken groan slipping from him as he rolled his hips in waves, tugging your clit against his pelvis.
Your eyes screwed shut. It was too distracting. The sight of his tousled hair hanging sluttishly around that chiselled jaw as he took you slowly with mischief in his eyes. “I love hearing you come undone from my mouth, my h-h-ahhhh, hands, my pussy...like you’re all m-mine” you moaned as Loki’s manhood buried deeper, pulsing with short thrusts. Your eyes fluttered open. His brow was furrowed, his lips twitching with the effort of staying closed. He was holding it in on purpose. Smug bastard. “When you’re loud...” you said confidently, thrusting your hips upwards roughly, making his eyes roll back; “it makes me feel like I’m the best fuck you’ve ever had.” A primal growl rumbled in Loki’s throat as his hands slid under your waist, scooping you up to sit flush against his chest. His palms pressed down the curve of your back, gripping your ass to him tightly. “Be careful what you wish for, darling” he muttered.
You lowered your knees around his hips, calves tight to his perfect skin as he knelt on the bed, balancing you on his thick cock. “Ohhhh Y/N…” he groaned loudly, the sound making your pussy hum as it vibrated against your ear. Your hands wound in his hair, tugging gently as he released a soft hiss. He began to thrust upward, bouncing you rhythmically as you steadied yourself against his shoulders. He looked up at you with pure need, the longing in his eyes rising with each clench of his thighs. “GODSSS, darling uhhhhhhhh yesss...that’s it” Loki moaned wantonly beneath you, the angle of his manhood making your eyes water with pleasure. His eyelids fluttered shut as his head fell back, the hands guiding your hips pulling you needily; “that’s my girl”, he panted, “that’s my good fucking girl”. You rolled your hips purposefully, creating waves against the thick pillar of flesh buried deep in your cunt. He rumbled beneath you, dirty words thundering between desperate moans. "Ohhhhhh darling you know how to fuck me so well."
The timbre of his voice radiated through his chest as he claimed you– he really wasn’t holding back. Deep grunts penetrated the air as Loki’s thick thighs propelled you upwards, caught at every thrust by his palm square on your back. The other kept your hips snug against his; making sure his insatiable length caught every flex of your attention. The god’s face buried in your cleavage, licking a stripe up your skin to meet you in a hungry kiss. Every breath was ragged. Loud. His forehead creased with pleasure as he owned you completely. Or you owned him. You were never sure. "Ahhhhh-uhhhh you're uhhhhh...yessss... my insatiable god-slut aren't you...fuck.yes." Saliva covered your mouths from desperate kisses, your arousal smeared across his thighs, his lip quivering as he let himself be free. He was so beautiful. With every rise of his hips, he edged you closer to paradise, the syllables of your name dripping from his tongue like a feverish prayer to the gods of old.
The solid lines of his cheekbones flexed as his lips parted further; face tilted upwards to yours with hooded eyes and a creased brow. Loki was incandescent with pleasure. Knowing how much you enjoyed his verbal arousal had released something. "I want to own you...uhhhh...my fiery goddess, my oh...fuck....yessss" His needy, primal moans filled the bedroom like bass, escalating in volume with every thrust as he chased his release. The pitch wavered as he felt his climax approaching, hot breath fanning your ear from staggered pants as he tightened his grip on your hips. "Come around my cock, darling...ohhhhhh... gods let me feel that tight pussy sing..." You clamped down against him. The eroticism of his vocal pleasure turning to non-sensical breathy whines and moans made you feel light-headed. You bucked as you came devastatingly over his cock. Loki bit down on your shoulder with a guttural sigh as he felt the walls of your channel tighten around him, riding out your high with you. With a low grunt he flipped you to the mattress once more, leaning atop you without ever unsheathing his cock. His hair clung damp to his forehead, a mist of sweat forming on his back as you pulled him between your open thighs. “Moan for me, Loki...as loud as you can” you murmured into his ear between his deafening groans. “Claim me, my king.”
With a final realm-shattering roar he thundered into his orgasm at your words, the deep moan of pure lust searing through your body as he buried his face in your neck. His thrusts slowed as he panted loudly, tension leaving his body with every husky whine against your moist skin.
“LOKI. LOKI?!” You flinched violently as fists suddenly hammered at the door to Loki’s chambers. The god raised his face groggily from your shoulder, looking at you with bewilderment. “Don’t look at me darling, I’ve had the silencing enchantment on my rooms for months. You know that.” he panted smugly, “It’s my brother, it will be something ridiculous, he’ll go away don’t worr-” “LOKIIIIIIIIII…” Thor’s voice howled theatrically from the corridor, the sound of heavy footsteps departing before running towards the door at speed. Loki’s eyes widened towards you, sitting up straight with concern etched across his face. “Darling, I think you may wish to depart to the closet.” THUMP “The closet?!” your eyes widened. What was happening? “Unless you wish for my brother to find you naked in my bed, then yes darling. The closet. I think even he in all his oafish naivety could see through this particular scene, don’t you?” THUMP As Loki spoke you had already gotten halfway to the walk-in wardrobe, picking up your scattered clothes as you went. “Magic would really come in handy right now…” you huffed, as Loki opened the door and ushered you inside. “It doesn’t work like that darling, now hush.” he said, before closing the door. Right on cue there was the sound of wood shattering as Thor flew shoulder first through the front door. You heard his thumping footsteps cross the wooden floors, making his way towards the bedroom. “LOKI? LOK-” there was a pause as Thor turned the corner, taking in whatever scene lay before him. “Yes, brother?” Loki drawled, practised boredom lacing his voice, “Demolishing my entranceway is a novel way to get me to converse with you, I’ll give you that.” You heard a book snap shut. He must have seidred some clothes on, too. It doesn’t work like that darling. You rolled your eyes, pressing back further into Loki’s impeccably hanging suits, clutching your rumpled clothes to your chest. “Loki, what in nine hels...you...are you quite well? The sounds of your pained cries were echoing throughout the hallways, I came as quickly as I could...” Your hand covered your mouth as you silently grimaced. “Don’t be ridiculous brother, you know I have a silencing enchantment in place. Have you checked on Rogers? Perhaps he pulled down a shower curtain and became entangled” your lover said calmly, an air of superiority clouding his tone.
There was a loud creak as Thor perched on the bed, presumably facing Loki sitting on the chair in the corner. “That Strange fellow was doing his monthly spell-cleanse this morning, he must have removed the silencing enchantment too, no enchantments allowed at all now – and thank the gods brother. Otherwise I would not have known you were in peril…” Loki huffed, his patience wearing thin; realising he would need to concede to the farcical situation he found himself in. “Oh that. Yes I... fell over.” “Brother, your moans of distress could be heard from the floor below…” Thor said warily, obviously eyeing Loki with suspicion. “I hit my knee on the edge of a table...shoddy midgardian workmanship’ he said slowly, clearly gauging his brother’s reaction. “Look,...might I ask that you leave? I’m still in a bit of pain, actually” he said, his voice thick with theatrical malaise. “No, no...don’t get up” Thor said, his footsteps edging away, “but something about this situation does not sit well with me brother. I shall uncover the source of my discontent. This I swear…” You could almost hear Loki roll his eyes over the sound of the blonde god picking his way through the rubble of the front door. Just as you buttoned your jeans, Loki threw open the closet. He was now dressed in a tight black t-shirt and grey sweatpants, his face simmering with irritation. “It looks like we may have to restrain ourselves from now on after all.” he said moodily. You slid your hands around his waist, pulling him close and watching his stormy gaze soften. “Well if you ever feel like being that loud again...we’ll just need to get more inventive” you said, leaning up to gently bite his lip. “I like the sound of that” Loki murmured before catching you in a deep kiss, re-assembling the front door with a wave of his hand.
Tags @lokischambermaid @michelleleewise @lady-rose-moon @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @mochie85 @vbecker10 @xorpsbane @ozymdias @thedistractedagglomeration @lokiprompts @holymultiplefandomsbatman @demoiseller @wheredafandomat @moonlightreader649 @lulubelle814 @mcufan72 @lokis-tigress @dead069ssworld @dustychinchilla74 @ficitve-sl0th @lokis-little-love @ravenwings73 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @brokenthelovely @lyn-soso @theaudacitytowrite @chantsdemarins @yelkmelk @animnerd @imalovernotahater @sititran @mischief2sarawr @november-rayne @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @dangertoozmanykids101 @imalovernotahater @trickster-maiden @loopsisloops @gigglingtigger @lokisninerealms @absentmindeduniverse @ijuststareatstuffhereok89
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Alastor x reader + Vox x reader ( Slight Valentino x reader )
Requests are open!
Warnings: implied fem!reader, cursing, mentions of drinking, mentions of sex, mentions of killing / violence, Valentino being a horny bastard, Alastor calls himself a serial killer, slightest mention of drugs, drunk sex, Lilith unintentionally plays matchmaker while her man is drunk on her arm, Valentino and Vox bicker for like two seconds, smut with a bit of plot, praise kink!, name calling, P in V, no protection ( WRAP BEFORE YOU TAP )
Notes: Reference photos will be underlined with a link to the reference ! When a paragraph startles with o it’ll be in authors POV
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“ I hope you all enjoy the rest of the party! Let us celebrate!” Lucifer said, Lilith smiling proudly by his side. Everyone cheered, raising they’re glasses up. Some had a hard alcohol, some had alcohol with drugs, and some filled with champagne, the prudes with water others with blood. All glasses were raised in a toast to the new year. As everyone began to split into small conversations, I took the time to walk around a bit, admiring the MorningStar estate. Lilith’s theme this year has been Masquerade. She had, so the rumor goes, a new dress made for her in honor of her daughter’s new hotel opening up. Though her daughter was no where to be seen at this lavish party.
I made my way towards one of the large doors, which opened to the wrap around balcony that went around the third floor, with stairs connecting to the second and fourth floor on opposite ends. From where I had been standing on the balcony, I could see the clear garden and outstretched further, a large body of red water. I leaned onto the railing, taking a sip from my glass as I stared at the red moon.
It’s almost time for the New Year to start. That means the angels are coming to do a bit of a… clean up. Some had started early. Not like it mattered to the higher up demons who took sanction at the Morningstar mansion every year. Keeping most of Hell’s ranks in place. Aside from the few individuals that liked to fight the angels. Usually to earn bragging rights.
I had never done so myself, seeing as it was a waste of time. Not like killing one would get me out of here anyways. However, it definitely didn’t go unnoticed how there seemed to be more people at the party this year. I fixed the back of my mask, securing it tightly onto my head.
“ You seem bored.” I heard from beside me. I didn’t give myself time to react, I simply continued to stare at the moon.
“ And if I was? What do you suppose you could do about it?” I asked, my nails digging into the palm of my hand, nerves rattling.
“ What would you like me to about it?” He said, and it didn’t take long for me to realize who I was speaking too.
“ Hello Valentino.” I said, taking a sip from my glass with a roll of my eyes. This horny bastard.
“ What gave it away?” He asked as he took his mask off with a grin.
“ You’re horrible personality.” I responded, downing the last of my champagne.
“ Never expected the daughter of a sin to be so hostile. Maybe you need someone to teach you a lesson, hm~?” He said, his finger coming to caress my face, making me look at him, his nose getting closer to mine.The flirting was the usual, but the suggestiveness in his tone seemed to strike something else in me. Something hot.
“ Keep your dick in your pants Val.” Oh goodie, a third party. How much more interesting could this get? Valentino pulls away from me with a chuckle. I huffed and spun my glass in a circle, now kind of sad I finished my drink.
“ Or what? Gonna make me~?” Valentino teased, before he was pushed to the side.
“ I think this conversation is done. I’m going back inside. Have fun sucking each other off.” I say, clearly annoyed as I let go of my glass, letting it fall from the balcony and onto the ground where a faint shatter can be heard.
“ Oh doll don’t leave so soon- ow!” Valentino says.
“ Honestly Val, control yourself.” Vox replies, now clearly over his shit. I make my way back inside, pushing through the crowds of people as I make my way to the opposite side of the room, connected to yet another balcony. Thankfully, this side seemed to be far less intriguing, which meant no disturbances.
“ Oh Y/n~!” I hear, and it’s Lilith as she pushed the door open, walking with her dead husband and Alastor behind her. “ I have someone I want you to meet.” She says with a smile, as if I didn’t know who he was. Of course I knew who he was. How could I not? “ Al this is-“ Lilith begins, but I save her the time.
“ Y/n L/n. I know who your name so you can save the introductions. What is this about Lilith?” I ask, silencing Alastor, his smile turning from friendly to now nervous, watching Lilith’s express change to annoyance.
“ Well, I wanted you two to try and get alone. However, seeing as you both already know of each other I’ll leave you both to it.” She said, turning with her husband drunkenly holding onto her arm as she brought him back inside. “ Oh, Alastor please make sure she get’s home safe.” Lilith said, before shutting the door and going back into the party. Like I needed him.
“ So… you get out much?” I asked, before Alastor smiled. This is gonna be a long night.
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“ Another one?” Alastor asks, as he hands me another glass, this time of whiskey. I cant really remember how much I’ve had to drink at this point ; nor do so care.
“ Don’t be silly. This is nothing.” I say, taking a large sip from my glass, ignoring the burning in my throat. “ Cmon have some. Have a drink with me.” I say, giggling slightly as I lean into him, the coolness of the railing helping me cool down.
“ I don’t know dear, you heard Lilith, get you home safe.” He responds. I groan and lay my head on his shoulder.
“ Al cmon, please.” I whine, setting my glass on the floor, before my arms go to wrap around his waist, pulling him into a hug. “ Have a drink, please.” I beg, and I can feel the way he laughs, his voice ringing through his chest. I press my cheek to the middle of his chest, before tightening my hold on him.
“ Dear, you know I can’t do that.” Alastor says, and I groan. Stupid Lilith for having some dumb emotional claim on me and stupid Alastor for listening to her.
“ Just have one, please, for me.” I beg, hands tugging as his, what used to be, neatly ironed vest, his jacket hanging soundly on the railing.
“ Darling, you do realize your asking a serial killer to have a drink with you. What if I kill you?” Alastor asks, as I stare up at him through my lashes, face still close to his chest. His arms move to wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.
“ I don’t mind dying twice.” I say with a small giggle, and Alastor lets a large smile take over his face, as a sound of a crowd laughing plays from Alastor.
“ Fine. One drink.” Alastor says, as I let out a celebratory squeal, throwing my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.
“ See, you’ll have fun I promise!” I say, bending down to grab my drink as we head inside to get Alastor one as well.
A few drinks later, Alastor and I are back on the balcony, laughing as I take my shoes off and attempt to walk in a straight line, holding the sides of my dress up so I can see my feet.
“ Am I doing it?” I ask as Alastor crouches down to see if I’m in a straight line or not.
“ I think so! You’re doing great dear!” Alastor says as he throws his head back, finishing the rest of his drink. So far, at least from what I can remember, Alastor has has five drinks of a name I can’t remember right now, and I’ve had eight cups of whiskey. Neither one of us are sober enough to think of anything coherent. As I continue to walk, I wobbly a bit and Alastor laughs as I try to keep my balance. “ Almost there! A few more steps!” Alastor encourages and I try my hardest to do it correctly. I take a few more steps before I let the sides of my dress go, throwing my hands in air in excitement, I had finally made it to him.
“ I told you, I told you I could do it!” I said laughing as Alastor stood, his arms wrapped around my waist, spinning my around as my feet were lifted from the ground.
“ You did wonderfully dear! m’so very proud of you!” He said, laughing as he set me down. His praise causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach, almost knocking the wind out of me. As Alastor was about to pull back from me I tightened my hold around his shoulders.
“ Say it.” I said, my voice in a hushed whisper. I could feel him tense under my hold.
“ W-what? Dear-“ Alastor asked, confused, as his hands moved to settle on my waist, above the large poof of my dress.
“ I wanna hear it again. Wanna hear you say your proud of me again.” I say, hands running down the tops of his shoulders to brush his shoulder blades. He shivers a bit, before there’s a soft kiss on my shoulder, the strap of mg dress falling slightly.
“ I’m so proud of you. You did so good for me.” It comes as a whisper, but it’s more than enough to have me squeeze my thighs together. The air is tense, and neither one of us move for a bit. It’s quiet, the only noise coming from inside, where the guests are in a whole other world. Alastor leans up a bit, cause my hands to fall to the front of his arms. His eyes are dark, different from before.
“ A-are you okay?” I ask, stomach suddenly empty. The look he’s giving me isn’t one I can pinpoint. He doesn’t speak, leaving my question unanswered as he leans closer to me as I impulsively back up, trying to create space. Maybe I should’ve listened to him when he said he was a killer. What if I really do die twice? It’s only when my back hits the cool meta bar or the balcony railing that I realize he’s caged me in. How dumb can I be? I don’t say anything, holding my breath as Alastor get’s closer, his hands now on either side of me, holding onto the railing. Since when did he roll his sleeves up? That was new, or at least something new I had noticed. I glance from his forearms, which were decorated in lovely veins that stuck out as he held onto the metal, before looking back at him, his eyes holding a cold stare. “ Al-“ I couldn’t finish, Alastor closing the gap between us with a kiss, and it was rough. Like if the kindness I had seen a second ago was all a facade. Regardless, I kissed back, my hands holding onto the railing behind me for support. He was quick, his hand moving up my side carefully, over my ribs, up the side of my breaste up gently sweeping over my shoulder. Before I could process what was happening I felt a harsh grip on my throat.
He was choking me. I let out a small gasp at the attack, my hands letting go of the railing as I reached forward to hold onto his wrist, while he had taken the chance to quite literally shove his tongue down my throat. I couldn’t breathe, gasping for hair as he continued to kiss me, my hands holding on his wrist for what little life I had left. My eyes began to water, my throat feeling as if it was closing up, my head spinning with the lack of air and the intensity of our makeout. Just when I thought I was going to pass out, Alastor pulled away, his hand falling to my side, his kissed descending down my cheek and to my jaw. Tears had began to fall from my eyes, partially out of relief that I wasn’t dead ( again ) and partially because the ache between my legs, despite my lack of air moments prior, had grown increasingly stronger.
“ Your skin is soft.” Alastor says, kissing my cheek one last time before pulling back to stair at me. His eyes light up in amusement at my current state. Panting and catching my breath, my hair is probably a mess and my lips are sore, most likely swollen while my hand unconsciously moves to massage my neck, where his hand had previously been. “ Was I too rough?” Alastor asks, his hand gently moving mine out of the way, his hands gently massaging my neck. I nod a bit, as one of his hands moves to wipe a tear that had fallen.
“ Do it again.” I say. Alastor stops, blinking at me a few times. He seems shocked I would request for him to do it again. My hands reach up to his, forming his hands around my neck. “ Please.” I say, before there’s a shit eating grin on his face.
“ Hm, why? Why should I? Do you like it?” Alastor asks, his hands squeezing ever so slightly. I nod, quickly hoping he’d carry on with it. I begin to fidget, my legs squeezing intensely together to try to relieve some of the stress I feel. Alastor seems to have noticed, because he removes his hands from my neck, before bending down to grab his now empty glass. “ Let’s go.” Alastor says, before I rush behind him, slipping my shoes on quickly and trying to tame my hair. I follow him like a pathetic puppy through the crowds of people, determined not to lost him.
I push through the crowd of people, my mask discarded and probably the only thing i’m clutching onto. As if things couldn’t be much harder for me, everyone began to get a lot closer together, some making out with one another, probably with they’re tops off, others passing a blunt along a line, everything seemed to happen all at once. Looking up I finally realized why. It was ten o’clock. Two hours before the new year. Everyone was cramming together, trying to be at the front of the large ball in the front of the room, which would signal the new year.
I panic when I see Alastor far ahead of me, people in my way of him. He seems to be having a specific destination in mind, since he hasn’t looked back at me since we started walking. I push through the people that are in my way, only one thing on my mind. Getting to Alastor. I had finally pushed through the last few people before I had reached as far as I could to grab onto him. He turned around, looking at my quickly before his hand moved to hold mine, leading me to wherever it was he wanted to go. “ I apologize love, I should’ve done this earlier.” Alastor says, his hand holding onto mine tightly as we continue to walk through the busy crowd. It’s only when we push through two large doors that I realize he had been leading me to the garden this entire time.
“ Why are we here?” I ask, now suddenly confused. Alastor pays no mind to my question, a staff appearing at his side, now fully dressed in his tailcoat. In front of him a portal opens, and on the other side is… a room?
“ Come now dear, time to finish what we started.” Alastor said, waiting for me to follow him through the portal.
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
I don’t know how long we’ve been like this. Going from a disastrous crowd to now a fit of giggles and kisses, the alcohol seeping back into my system reminding me just how much I drank. My lipstick is smeared, my dress is hiked up and bunched at my hips while my back is against the wall, my hands occupying themselves through Alastor’s hair, careful of his antlers. The straps of my dress fall as Alastor moves his kisses down to my neck, sucking at my pulse point. Everything feels that much more intense and hot, his knee between my thighs, giving me just enough friction not to come undone but to have some relief. There’s an old cd on Alastor’s record player, though it seems pointless.
All coherent thoughts leave my mind when I feel Alastor teeth sink into my shoulder, my back arching a bit into him, hips stuttering. “ Oh, oh my god. W-wait Alastor you, hmph.”My mind feels fuzzy, blank, his knee just right to rub my clit in the most delicious way my toes curl. Alastor pulls away from my shoulder, and with the way it aches I just know there’s definitely going to be a mark there by tomorrow.
“ Too much? Can’t handle it?” Alastor asked, moving to kiss the other side of my neck.
“ No no no, I can I can. I just, too quick. Too much, mm” Alastor raised his brows.
“ Too quick? Darling you won’t be thinking that when I’m done with you.” Alastor said, and it was the only warning I had gotten before I felt two of his fingers sliding down my folds.
“ Al- Oh yes.” Two of his fingers pushed, almost bullied their way through my pussy, achingly slow and almost frustrating. However, when I felt the tip of his fingers curl a bit, I knew it would be worth the wait. He gradually picked up the pace, his fingers moving in and out, picking up the pace every few seconds. The sounds were obscene, almost straight out of one of Valentinos porno’s. When had he even found the time to take make panties off? We’re they even off? I couldn’t tell, handing gripping the edge of my dress, holding it up for him as my hips began to grind down onto his hand. “ Please please please.” The words fell with no actual meaning. I could feel my stomach start to turn, tightening, just a bit more.
“ Please what? What do you want?” Alastor asked, his fingers moving quicker, almost too fast. Tears began to form, my eyes watering and my vision turning hazy. My legs spread further apart, wanting more.
“ More, more I want more.” I said frantically, practically riding his fingers.
“ More what? Use your words. I wanna hear it. I know you can.” Alastor said, his thumb coming up to circle my clit, my eyes squeezing shut at the sensation.
“ Mm, wanna cum, please please let me cum. Please.” I cried, tears falling down the sides of my face, head back against the wall while my back arched, his fingers moving at a brutal pace.
“ Do you deserve to cum? Do you think I should let you?” Alastor asked, before I nodded frantically, feeling drool spill from the corners of mg mouth.
“ Yes, yes I do! P-please! I swear I’ll be good, jus’ - oh - jus-t for you. All for you.” The words spilled before I could even register what I was thinking. Alastor grinned, before he slipped a third finger in.
“ I think you’ve been a good girl tonight, don’t you think? Go on, cum all over my fingers like a good girl. My good girl.” Fuck if that didn’t do it. I came, hard, all over his fingers, and he fucked me through my orgasm with his fingers, his lips catching my own in a kiss, swallowing up all my moans.
“ Mm, Alastor too much. T-too much.” I said, pushing his hand away, while his fingers continued to move in and out of me. Everything felt like so much, everything was hot and it felt like my head was spinning.
“ Let’s get this dress off, hm?” Alastor said, finally pulling his fingers out, and watching as a string of slick connected from his fingers to my pussy, almost embarrassing at how he stared, separating his fingers slowly and watching them almost stick my back together. “ Let me clean these real quick.” Alastor said, before bringing his fingers up to my mouth.
“ Suck.” He said, his tone demanding. I took two of his fingers in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it, tasting myself on his fingers. With a ‘pop’ I took his third and final finger into my mouth, trying to please him as best as I could. He pulled his finger from my mouth before kissing the top of my forehead. He pulled me away from the wall a bit, his hands reaching to the back of my dress and pulling at the zipper, tugging it down. The straps of my dress had began to fall, and only now did I realize I hadn’t worn a bra, since the dress had one built in. The dress fell to the floor, and my hands had quickly went to cover myself. “ Do not. I want to see all of you.” Alastor said, that same demanding tone taking over again.
In a matter of minutes we both end up on the bed, Alastor’s clothes being messily thrown off while trying to stay as close to me as possible. It was addicting, to be so close to one another like this. His hands raked my sides, before stoping to cup one of my breasts. His kisses has faltered, moving down to my collar bone. “ Mm, c-careful.” I said, knowing that my breasts had been extra sensitive due to the confinement of the dress. Though that did anything but make Alastor gentle. From palming my breast he had pinched and pulled at my nipple, moving down to suck the other. My hips had a mind of their own, trying to find some friction while Alastor’s hips kept my legs apart in a torturous position.
“ Look at you, my good girl, so responsive.” Alastor said, before switching his assault to the opposite breast, before pinching the other, drawing a loud moan from me that was almost pornographic.
“ P-please, careful, they’re, mm fuck, they’re sensi- oh yes - mm they’re sensi, sensit-tive.” The stuttering of my words made him grin, pulling away from my breast that was now covered in marks.
“ Are they? I wonder how sensitive they are.” Alastor said, using both hands to grope them. He was rough, not caring about being soft anymore. “ Wondered how pretty they would look at that party. Stumbling around wearing a dress not knowing what eyes are watching.” He said, giving a particular rough squeeze. I hissed, back arching while my hands had gripped at the bedsheets. Spreading my legs, I felt my mind start to turn to jelly.
“ Please, I need you.” I said hoping he would understand what I meant.
“ Where? Where do you need me? Be a good girl use your words.” Alastor said, his hands moving to run down my sides, before he began to caress my thighs.
“ Need you, p-please don’t make me say it.” I begged, and it was pathetic but so was admitting to him that I wanted to be fucked. He shook his head, sliding his hands under my knees and pushing my legs up a bit.
“ If you don’t say it I’ll just leave you like this. You wouldn’t want that would you?” Alastor asked, and I shook my head furiously, not wanting to be edged. “ Tell me what you want, what you need.” He said, his eyes staring right through me.
“ Need you, need you to fuck me Alastor. Please! I’ll be good I promise! I promise I’ll be good. I jus’ need you. Need you now. Can’t wait any longer.” I begged, and Alastor smiled wide, pressing my knees back.
“ Hold your legs there. You let them go and you won’t like what’s next.” Alastor said, and he was firm as he spoke. I nodded, holding my legs where he had left them. “ Tell me if I need to stop, okay?” Alastor asked, before I nodded. He stroked himself a few times, using the pre-cum as a lubricant. He was careful when moving at first, going slow, and trying to sink in inch by inch…
so this is unfinished 😅, i got lazy but i don’t wanna keep this in my drafts so here it is!
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blackstarchanx3new · 9 months
yes, surprisingly I’m putting another one because I’m annoying
out of these LOVELY carbon based life forms
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(Yes I am aware my art sucks, but ibis paint and shattered iPhone do NOT MIX)
would win in a fight (-triforce stuffs because that would give unfair advantages I think)
I swear, people always wanna power scale characters I write and my response will ALWAYS be:
"Well that depends"
Because I don't write characters based on "Is he over 9,000!?" dragonball logic lmfao.
Dark Link HYPOTHETICALLY could slap the ever loving shit out of all 4 Links if he used his powers right RIGHT NOW in the comic. Comic could be over within 2 seconds if that was the case. (Shadow is disqualified because the triforce of power is)
Because the dude, can literally break your mind in a second and then stab the fuck out of you if he REALLY felt like it.
But...He WOULDN'T. Because in his own words that's "Boring".
Dark Link doesn't play the typical "WHEN YOU'RE OUT OF MY WAY I'LL RULE THE WORLD" because that's literally the last thing on this dude's mind.
Dark's motivations keep him from doing anything that'd end the comic.
Dark's motivations of wanting to be given affection completely cancel out the idea he WOULD hurt the Link's physically long term because he wants them alive.
So the idea "Dark could slap everyone in a second flat" is null and void imo because of characterization reasons. He'd. Never. Do. That.
I find hypotheticals that completely disregard the characterization super boring as well "Who is the strongest" Is such a silly question.
Because it tosses out the question "Well would they really do that?"
How do you define power?
Especially when placing arbitrary restrictions like "No Triforce" because, well.. you know the answer then?
Shadow Link is the strongest because he has the triforce of Power. He trumps Dark in that department but also has control over Dark because Dark is a demon. But then, Link hypothetically can slap the shit out of Shadow if he really needed too...Because Link canonically has the power to slap Gannon silly.
But "Why the fuck would they do that" is the prevailing question?
They are written this way for a reason.
I make strong as hell characters (Dark included) but the "power scaling" is mostly defined by their personalities/what they'd actually do.
Because then we get into the question "What is strength actually?" emotional strength? Physical? Magical?
I have a writing rule:
OP Character? Make their restrictions based on their personality.
Cause this isn't two characters fighting in a void...this is a comic with a story flow and specific characterization built the way it is to get to a point.
"That's not what the story is about" is the blunt answer I have.
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Dark doodle for my writing rant troubles.
I guess what bugs the hell out of me by the question "Who's the strongest" is
"What the fuck led to this hypothetical death match to begin with?"
and I just cannot fathom a reason why this would be happening because my characters are not written for these weird hypotheticals.
The fights that are in my stories are there, because it furthers the plot. Not to show off power?
They're written for the story they're contained in, in which there are very specific rules they must follow because my brain said so.
"Character x will win this fight, because that's how the story goes, if it were to go the other way, the story would end."
The question itself is antithetical to the idea of the stories I tell.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 1 year
Midnight - AU Bucky Barnes x OC
warnings: enemies to lovers, frat boy Bucky, arguing, smut - 18+
word count: 11.2k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1301263156-midnight-lola
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“You’re going to have to loosen up a bit,” Kate grinned behind her glass, “no one likes a stuffy boss.” 
Lola rolled her eyes, busing herself with the charcuterie board she spent way too much time trying to perfect. 
“Lucky for us, I’m nobody’s boss.”
Her friend huffed, “quit being dramatic. You’re still in charge, just not…” 
“Please,” Lola interrupted, “do not say it. out. loud.” 
The last eight hours had been the most humiliating hours of her life. 
She paced her office. Wearing a track into the dark gray carpet. You’ve got this. You’re going to be great. You’ve earned this. Lola kept repeating over and over in her head. CEO was a big title and right now, her name was the front-runner for the spot. 
Lola jumped at the sound of a knock on her office door, followed by Kate’s head poking through the crack, “You ready? Everyone is gathering in the pit.” 
She sucked in a breath, smoothing down the maroon sweater dress she picked out for this moment, “It’s normal to wanna puke right?” 
Kate laughed, bringing a smile to her own face, “You’ll be fine,” she paused, her eyes tracking Lola’s body, “but don’t puke on that dress, I want to borrow it next week.” Tossing her a wink, she linked her arm with Lola's, pulling her from the office. 
They made their way to the pit. A collection of cubicles at the bottom of a grand staircase led to the most prestigious offices. That were big enough to live in. It was her time for one of them. 
“Alright, everyone! Thank you so much for joining us this morning.” Stephen Strange smiled at the sea of employees in front of him as he stood front and center on the staircase, “As you all may have heard, it’s time for me to relinquish control of this ship.” 
Lola’s eyes fell onto the one man who with one look dug under her skin. His smug smile was firm under the sharp cheekbones and stubble. The navy blue suit he wore was pressed and strained against the hidden muscles of his biceps and forearms. The shiny metal of his left hand complimented the blue.
“Why is he up there?” Kate’s hushed voice pulled her from her thoughts. 
She shrugged. Maybe he was getting fired in front of the entire company. That would be a sight. 
“This person has truly proved and earned their way in taking care of this company, so without further adieu, I would like to introduce you to your new CEO,” 
“Holy shit,” Kate muttered, Lola’s eyes dragging to her friend and colleague. Her brows knitted together in confusion. 
“James Barnes!” 
The applause erupted around her as her heart thumped in her chest. Her brain took a moment to catch up and as it did, she spun back toward the two men. Crystal blue eyes bore into her, the same smug grin she wanted to smack off of his stubbled face plastered like horrible graffiti against his toned skin. 
“You’ve gotta be fu–” 
“Uhh.. hello?” Kate’s hand waved in front of her face, “Earth to Lola, you’re doing that thing again.” She said sipping her drink once more, “your eyes are all glossy and you’re staring off into space.” 
“Well can you blame me?” Lola snapped, instantly regretting the outburst as she saw the hurt flash across her friend’s face.  “Sorry,” she winced.
“Look, I know it hurts but you gotta put your game face on,” Kate reassured with a gentle hand on her arm. “Everyone’s been looking forward to your party for weeks and there’s no way you’re gonna give that asshole Barnes the satisfaction of knowing he’s got to you.”
Kate walked around the island with another glass of wine in her hand.
“Get this down, lighten up, and enjoy the night!”
Lola smiled tightly and nodded, but when Kate wasn’t looking she switched out her drink for sparkling water, putting it in a glass with a few ice cubes and a lime wedge. There was no way she was letting her guard down tonight, especially not in front of that snake.
As they joined the rest of their coworkers who were enjoying their time, surrounded by music, eating finger foods, and drinking their troubles away. In her peripheral vision, she saw the bane of her existence at the bar smugly boasting about his new position. 
"Kate, I don't think I can do this." She breathed in her best friend's ear while clutching her hand for dear life.
"Yes, you can. Be the badass I know you are." Kate squeezed her friend's hand, before wandering into the crowd to mingle with their coworkers. 
Lola took a deep breath, and cleared her throat, as she plastered a smile onto her face and followed suit. Greeting her guests, and enjoying the company around her. Bucky Barnes was only one person, and he was not ruining this for her. Her company's New Years' party was the staple of the year and it was her favorite night. Despite that man taking attention to himself, Lola knew it would die down once the actual stress of the job got to him, something she also knew he couldn't handle. That fact alone made a smirk cross her lips as she sauntered to the living room and over to the group of men. 
"Hello, gentlemen! Enjoying yourselves?" She asked, taking a sip from her glass. 
"Came over to congratulate me, did ya, Anderson?" Bucky smirked. 
Sucking in a deep breath, Lola turned her gaze to meet his, "I believe I greeted gentlemen Barnes, and last time I checked you don't fall under that category." 
A muffle of snickers came from the other men as Sam clapped Bucky on the shoulder, "she's got you there," he laughed.
Bucky grunted and drained his glass of champagne. Lola brought in the good stuff, even if she wasn’t drinking tonight, she wanted everyone else to enjoy it, maybe rave about her party for a good few weeks into January, preferably around Barnes — just to really get on his nerves with the constant mention of it. 
“Careful, or that’ll go straight to your head.”
“What’s it to you, Lo-la?” Bucky replied, tongue clicking against his teeth as he sounds out her name, a little patronizingly but she wouldn’t expect anything less from him. “I’m celebrating.”
Lola’s eyes narrowed, arms crossed in front of her. “Mmm yes, we’re all celebrating, that’s why we’re here.”
Bucky fake gasped and brought his hand to his chest. “You mean you did all this for me?! Aw shucks, you shouldn’t have.”
She couldn't keep the snarl off of her face. He infuriated her. Less experience, and less time at the company... he only got promoted because he was a fucking man. 
"I'm surprised you're here. I'm actually shocked that your ego fit through the doorway."
Bucky leaned forward, still wearing that shit-eating grin of his. 
"I didn't know you could be funny. You're usually such a stuck-up bitch at work."
"Only to you, Barnes." 
"That's sir to you, darlin'," he purred as his eyes lit up.
She glared at him, her heart pounding. Lola could almost see red. She wanted to grab his champagne glass and toss the drink in his face. Instead, she looked down at her claw-like fingernails, painted dark red, and clicked her tongue.
"If it's your New Year's wish to be castrated tonight, all you had to do was ask. Because if you call me that again, you'll be using your balls as ice cubes." She reached up and smacked him on the arm as hard as she could. He flinched a little and she grinned. "Have a great, night, James."
A chorus of oh’s and gasps came from the men and women who had just witnessed the interaction. Lola stormed into the kitchen, Kate and Yelena following right behind. 
“Do you WANT to lose your job, Lola??” Kate screamed at her as soon as the door shut. 
“It’s not like he didn’t deserve it.” Yelena pointed out as she popped an olive from her martini in her mouth. “I’m glad you stood up for yourself Lola”
Lola took a deep breath and looked at the spread of food that she had gotten ready for the big event. She let out a big sigh. 
“I just don’t understand how this happened. I’ve worked here longer and have had bigger accounts. Why did Mr. Strange choose frat boy Barnes over me” Lola said cutting some cheese.
Kate could only shrug in response; she had asked Mr. Strange the same thing, and the only thing he had to offer was a sort of explanation that was more sugar coated than the sugar cookie she had in her hand. 
“It just sucks you know? Because we all know nothing is going to get done now. Barnes cares more about who he’s going to bring home next than the company.” Lola ranted, waving a rolled up slice of turkey around before she brought it to her painted lips. 
“Well you aren’t wrong there,”  Kate pointed out, scoffing as she sipped her champagne.
“He’s not gonna have much fun tonight then,” Yelena observed. “Every woman here has either had him or hates him unless Francine from HR fancies a second round. I saw her eyeing his ass on the way in.”
“Ewww,” Kate shuddered.
“What?!” Protested Yelena, holding up her hands in defense. “He might be a dipshit but he’s still got a cute butt.”
The three friends eyed each other and then burst out laughing.
"Cute butt or not," she started but the static sound of a mic interrupted her. They'd gotten the karaoke machine out already and the crowd hollered in happy cheers as Lola and her two friends peeked through the door at the people gathering around. Barnes caught her eyes, a wicked gleam in his own icy ones.
"Fucking Barnes better keep it in his pants if he wants to keep that position," she angrily muttered the rest of her thought, eyeing him with disgust.
The three girls emerged from the kitchen as Lola narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest. The chaos from the boys didn't usually start until much later on in the night, and the way he was looking at her made Lola's stomach turn. This wasn't going to be good. 
"Everyone! Attention please" Bucky tapped the mic and kept his eyes fixed on her. "I would like to take a moment to dedicate this song to our lovely hostess - give her a round of applause everyone!" 
The room clapped and Lola pressed her lips into a thin line, nodding once at the people in the room as a thank you. The anxiety grew heavier in her chest. 
As if on queue, Copacabana rang through the speakers of the karaoke machine. Lola's head snapped back to stare at the new CEO as rage flared within her. 
"Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..." He sang off-key, as Sam and Steve joined him, throwing their arms over his shoulders and swaying to the tune. Keys of laughter and hollers bounced around the room but the noise seemed to fade out as Lola almost bit through her cheek. "With yellow feathers in her hair.."
Yelena's hand on her arm pulled her from her trance, and she shook her head. "It's not worth it..." She whispered.
Lola couldn’t move even if she wanted to. Frozen to the spot with a fiery gaze set hard on Bucky she may as well have had plumes of angry, red smoke billowing from her ears. 
It should baffle her, how anyone would think this was the way to behave as a newly appointed CEO, openly mocking another employee. And at her own party?
Fuck this, she thought. 
And before either Kate or Yelena could stop her, her feet carried her across the room.
Lola yanked the mic out of Bucky’s hands, glaring daggers at him. He smirked at her and she whipped around, bringing the mic up to her lips. 
“At the Copa, Copacabana…” she sang to roars of approval from the audience. She kept going, literally stealing the spotlight from Bucky, turning to smirk at him when he looked at her.
Sam howled with laughter while she continued to sing the rest of the song to thunderous applause. As the music faded out and she bowed, Bucky grasped her wrist gently. She yanked it out of his grip and he grinned.
“Didn’t know you could sing either.”
“Well, you were butchering it, and it has my name on it. Just like that promotion.” She shoved the microphone against his chest.
“You know I could fire you, right?” He growled.
She grinned. 
“Then who would you get to do all your work for you?”
With that, she hopped off the stage, leaving Bucky in the dust as her co-workers chuckled and patted her on the back.
Barnes skulked back to his corner with Sam and Steve as Scott and Wanda began their duet of Islands in the Stream. His eyes never left Lola’s direction as she made her victory lap around the room. 
Lola made small talk with her team, all while nursing her glass of water. She was finally starting to relax when a choir of frat boy whoops and hollers came from the other side of her apartment. 
“WHO’S READY FOR A SHOT?!” Barnes yelled as he stood on top of a barstool, losing his balance and almost tumbling to the floor.
Lola groaned and almost facepalmed as she watched the newly appointed CEO make an absolute fool of himself. Did he have no dignity?
Whoops and hollers filled the room as most of the men all but trampled each other to the bar. 
“There is no way this is happening! Kate, have you seen Mr. Strange? He has got to be seeing this!” She yelled over the music, frustrated with the whole evening. The lack of professionalism was astonishing.
“Lola! Where’s your shot glasses?” Sam yelled, bounding up to her from across the room.
“I don’t think that’s the best…” she began but was interrupted.
“Top left cabinet in the kitchen,” Yelena grinned, grabbing Sam’s hand to help him retrieve them.
“‘Lena!” Lola said betrayal painted across her face.
“What?! I like shots OK?!” Her friend held her hands up innocently, pulling Sam off to the kitchen with a giggle.
"Well, I hope you're ready to drink your weight in alcohol then because I'm not drinking." Lola hissed at her friend, pouting as she and Sam got the shot glasses neatly stacked over each other and walked back to the bar.
Yelena cackled as she followed Sam, almost dropping the glass in her hands in her enthusiasm to turn to Lola.
"Don't worry! I'll drink for both of us!" Yelena shouted before downing her first shot of the night and Lola bit her lip to smother a laugh while shaking her head at the blonde's antics. 
Lola let out a breathy chuckle and shook her head as she topped off her water, and added a lime wedge for decoration. At least if Yelena could keep the boys occupied and enjoy herself, maybe this night wouldn't be so bad after all. 
She turned her attention back to the counter, started cleaning up a few food packages that were scattered from set up, and took a moment to take a deep breath. While this party was her favorite time of year, having a second of peace was exactly what her nerves needed after the karaoke fiasco. The shutting of her kitchen door brought her back to the present and she jumped as her gaze snapped up. 
"Jesus..." She muttered, breathing out and turning back to the counter. 
A deep chuckle left his lips as grabbed a lime from the counter and tossed it in the air, catching it with ease. "Nope, just me" Bucky smirked. 
"What do you want?" Lola spoke through gritted teeth. 
"Salt..." He grinned. 
Lola bit the inside of her cheek, and opened the cupboard next to her head, grabbing the salt and shoving it out to him. "Please don't destroy my house like you're about to destroy the company. Some of us actually have things we care about," she smirked. 
Bucky swiped his tongue along his bottom lip as he eyed her, taking the salt from her fingers. "You know, you'd be much prettier if you smiled more" He snipped before backing out of the kitchen.
“Maybe I’d be smiling more if you weren’t such a jackass,” Lola mumbled to herself, cleaning the last of the trash and rejoining the party. 
She stood observing the room for a moment, sipping at her water. Thor and Bruce were murdering Don’t Stop Me Now, being cheered on by a couple of colleagues waiting for their go at karaoke, Kate was huddled with Scott and Clint amid an in-depth conversation and at the center of it all, was Bucky Barnes, licking salt off Yelena’s cheek. 
If Lola noticed his tongue and the sheer size of it against her friend’s cheek, she pushed the thought from her mind with a shudder and instead watched on as Bucky tipped back the shot, shoved a wedge of lime between his teeth and passed it from his mouth to Sharon’s. And then, as if he knew Lola was watching, he dared to wink at her.
She fumed, hands clenched into fists at her side, mentally telling herself that punching a wall in her own apartment was not a good idea. Lola turned her back on Bucky, determined to do anything but look at that face for another second. She could still hear him though, cheering on Yelena. 
“Hey Lola, you did great with the song,” Sam said as he came up to her, and the sounds from behind her abruptly stopped as she replied. 
“Thanks, Sam, couldn’t let you boys have everything,” she said, half joking, and he winced.
"Hey, I'm... I'm really sorry that Barnes got that promotion over you."
"Yeah, well, not as sorry as he's gonna be if he keeps pushing my-" she stopped herself. She couldn't say too much. Sam, Bucky, and Steve were tight. It was how Bucky got the job in the first place. "Sorry. Thank you, Sam. I appreciate the kind words."
"You know, for what it's worth, I think you were more qualified than Buck anyway. By miles."
The comment made her smile for the first time in what felt like hours. She swallowed the lump in her throat, but her eyes remained dry by sheer force of will and spite. She was powered by it tonight. She nodded and whispered a soft thank you as Sam patted her on the back and headed toward the bar.
"Hey, Lola!" Bucky called. "C'mere!" 
Venom filled her veins at the sound of his voice. A snarl erupted from the depths of her throat like lava and her head slowly turned, flashing Bucky the most murderous stare she could muster, a stare that was only reserved for him. But all he did was smile right back at her. Smug bastard, she thought.
"Can I help you, James?" She ground out the words as though her back teeth were chiseling her rage into a verbal blade. 
Bucky raised a shot glass.
"A peace offering! Come on!"
As rage burned in her chest, she mustered the most sickeningly sweet smile she could manage, all while keeping her gaze poisonous and laser focused on him. Homicide was okay sometimes, right?
"Unlike you, I left my college days behind me. But thank you so very much for the offer."
“Were you a stone-cold bitch in college too or is that part of your career development plan? Because if it’s the latter it’s not really working out for you, is it?” Barnes threw back, flashing another sparkling grin as he passed off the shot glass to Simon from finance.
“I’m going to fucking-“
“Nope. Nuh-uh. You’re gonna stay right here and cool off a little,” said Sam, stopping her with a gentle hand around her bicep and a shake of his head.
“He’s my friend and even I know he’s not worth losing your job over.”
“I’m not convinced,” Lola snarled through gritted teeth.
She saw Sam trying to hold his laughter in as he pulled her gently to the side and stood directly in her eye line of sight to block the view of his infuriating friend from her as she tried to rein in her rage. 
She felt her eyes get hot and her face flushed as she thought about how unfair it was how things turned out; she was there first, she worked more and she worked ten times harder than he ever did and all she got was the proverbial pat on the back while the frat boy got promoted.
"Just get him to back the hell off, okay?! Or I'm kicking him out!" Lola seethed while Sam nodded to try to appease her. Meanwhile, there were more hollers and she saw him flip two bottles in the air before pouring a line of ten shot glasses at once.
fucking show off!
"It's my party. My house." Lola said with finality before turning away from Sam and towards the balcony. 
"Lola..." She heard him call after her, as she stepped out to get some fresh air. 
This was exactly what she didn't want. Bucky Barnes ruining the best night of the year. It was typical of him though. Making everything about himself, and getting by on charm and good looks. God, she hated him and everything he stood for. How could someone like that even begin to run a whole company? How could Strange ever think this was a good idea? Maybe she should start sprucing up her resume. The company would be toast within the month. 
"Where'd you scamper off to, Lola-Bunny?" His deep voice came from behind her. 
Lola groaned, and spun around, placing her hands on her hips. "What do you want now? Am I not allowed to have one second of peace away from you and your cohort of supporters?" 
"Look, I don't know what you think I did..." 
"Nothing Barnes! You did nothing! You do nothing. And that's just the problem." Lola snipped, rage bubbling in her chest. "Just go back to your mindless followers, and leave me the hell alone" She pushed past him and headed back inside, plastering another soft smile onto her face as she joined a group of her coworkers.
“You okay?” Kate asked, catching Lola’s arm and pulling her close, seeing right through her perfected fake smile. “Yep. I am not gonna let that stupid, air-headed bastard ruin my own party. Calling me fucking cutesy nicknames and—“ “And you’re doing a great job of it!” Kate beamed with all the conviction she could and was not the least bit subtle with it. “Hey, wanna dance with me? Loosen up a bit?” 
Lola sighed, she might as well try to enjoy herself. Midnight was nearing closer and with every brooding glance she caught from Bucky, she couldn’t wish the year over quickly enough.
“Yeah alright,” she muttered, and let Kate drag her into the small crowd dancing in the open space. Kate held Lola’s hands, moving her arms back and forth until she cracked a smile. 
“There we go!” Kate yelled, releasing Lola as she began dancing on her own. She let herself get lost in the music, the beats thumping through her and amping her up. 
A hand on her wrist spun her around, pulling her into a broad chest. “Ugh! Leave me alone Barnes!” she said, pushing at him. "Lola, please--"
"Let me go," she commanded. 
He stepped back as her eyes met his. Kate grasped her wrist and tugged at it. But it was the look in Bucky's eyes that made her feel a storm of anger and guilt that began to swirl quickly. He bit his lip and then turned on his heel.
"Was that your apology, Barnes?" She called over the music, "because you suck at it."
"Lola," Kate warned. "Chill out. You're treading on thin ice."
He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head, the icy glare that she shot at him earlier was coming back to haunt her, and for the first time, she was afraid. Her heart pounded against her ribs so hard that she could almost feel them cracking.
"Why don't you take Kate's advice, Lola?" His tone was cold and measured. "There's a reason people talk shit about you behind your back." 
That was the needle that broke the camel's back. 
“Fuck you, Barnes. At least I didn’t get where I am by schmoozing the boss and sleeping with any person with a vagina.” Lola spat, Kate stared wide-eyed as Bucky stood with an unreadable expression on his face. 
“You know what, since everyone likes you so much more than me, you finish out my party at my house. Happy New Year “Boss”.” Lola let the sarcasm flow through her words as she threw her hands up and began to storm out of the living room, pushing through the crowd to get to the hallway that lead to her bedroom. 
Anger and hurt brewed in her belly but she was resolved to not spill any tears for the fucker who had ruined her whole year in less than twelve hours.
Closing the door behind her and leaning against it Lola let out a big breath. She had let her anger get the better of her and she knew she was going to have to do a lot of apologizing, but that could wait until tomorrow. Suddenly there was a knock on her door. Kate or Yelena must have followed her. 
She opened the door and came face to face with the one person she really did not want to talk to.
"What are you doing here, Barnes? Haven't you done enough damage ?" Lola asked as she let her eyes wander over Bucky's face. Those blue eyes of his encountered hers with a soft smirk on his lips he opened his mouth to speak.
"Look, Lola," an apologetic sigh left his lips. 
"This can go two ways. We can try and work together and somewhat get along or we can keep up whatever this." Bucky's eyes softened as he waited for her to say something.
“You talk like there’s an actual conversation to be had,” Lola scoffed. “There isn’t.”
She moved to close the door on him but it wouldn’t budge. Glancing down her anger blazed as she saw his foot blocking her from shutting him out.
“I hope that’s a fucking joke Barnes because I will chop it the fuck off if you don’t remove it right now!” She seethed.
"Why won't you hear me out?!" He exclaimed pushing the door further open making her take a step away from him as boiling anger rolled off both of them in stifling waves.
"What is there to hear?!" Lola fired back as he came closer to her, invading her personal space and baring his teeth in anger while her voice pitched higher with every word.
"You did nothing to deserve this! NOTHING! It should have been me but nooo, you men are always afraid of women being in charge." She spat out in his face, the words thrown like venom toward him.
"And you have the balls to come into my house and make fun of me?! How is that fair? Huh?" Lola shook her head before taking a step back from him so she could breathe, her lungs suddenly deprived of oxygen, "am I supposed to just welcome the insults? Is that what you want me to hear?" She questioned mockingly before she turned her back to him hoping he would take the hint and leave her be.
Bucky huffed and took a step back, hurt flashing in his eyes at her words, but Lola didn't care. Maybe it was better to just get this out in the open. He could have fired her three times that night, but for some reason, he still seemed to want to have this conversation. So she was going to have it. 
Lola took his arm and pulled him further into the room as she moved to shut the door completely. It was obvious that everyone knew how angry she was, but she didn't want to embarrass herself any more than she already had in front of everyone she worked with. 
Spinning on her heel, and crossing her arms over her chest, Lola ran her tongue over her bottom lip and stared at the man in front of her. "Fine. You want me to hear you out. Speak." 
Bucky ran his hand through his hair and shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sorry I got the promotion over you. Believe it or not, I was just as shocked as you are" 
"Doubtful" She grumbled. 
"Lola, I was just trying to have fun tonight, I didn't want to hurt you with any of this" He sighed. 
She couldn't stop the eye roll or the sigh as it left her chest. "I'm glad bugging me, and embarrassing me is fun for you"
“Lola, it’s not—“ Bucky cut himself off and the downright sad puppy look in his eyes almost made Lola want to listen. Almost. 
“It’s not what, Barnes? You’re acting like you’re still in fucking college, drinking like you’re graced with the ability to wake up feeling peachy keen unlike the rest of us. Like your God’s gift to the earth.” 
“I’m not drunk, Lola. I haven’t… I’m not drinking. And I really am sorry that you weren’t promoted, what— tell me what you want me to do to make up for it and I’ll do it. I hate seeing you so upset over this.” 
Lola eyed him incredulously, studying him. As her eyes fell to his chest, she realized she’d gone back to clutching his shirt in her anger and she pulled away as if she’d been burned. 
“What do you mean you’re not drinking? I saw you. The champagne, the shots…” 
“It was water,” Bucky admitted sheepishly. “I swapped everything I drank, I do actually like to keep my wits about me.”
Lola eyed him suspiciously. “Uh huh so… you didn’t know about the promotion and you’re not drinking. Anything else would you like to lie about?”
Something shifted in Bucky’s eyes, sending a shiver up Lola’s spine. He moved with purpose and backed her into the room more, her hand went behind her to give her a little space between her back and the wall. 
“The playboy is just an act. I’m actually very selective with my bedroom partners.” Barnes had pulled himself to his full weight, looking down on Lola, the words filling the small gap he had left between them.
“Somehow I find that difficult to believe Mr. Barnes” Lola spoke fixing her gaze with his, trying her best to keep her breathing steady. He smirked at her his eyes flickering down over her body and slowly lifting back up.
Something intense was burning in his eyes and it made her breath catch in her throat. 
"Believe it or not, Lola. I'm not the villain." 
"Well, you aren't Prince Charming either." Lola bit out. 
No matter how angry she was something was pulling her to him and she didn't like that one bit.
"You've made that very clear." His voice dropped to a husky tone that fueled the fire in her belly. Originally from the rage in her chest but now forming into something that sent a chill down her spine. 
Bucky took a step closer to her, forcing the gap between her and the wall to close forcing her to press a hand to his chest. Her fingers curled against what she could only describe as marble under his suit. His cologne swarmed around her, the scent of coffee and cinnamon filled her nostrils making her dizzy. 
"What can I do to make things right between us Lola?" He asked in an almost whisper, pulling her back to reality. 
Shaking her head, she met his eyes, "There's nothing you can do to make things right, Barnes." Lola admitted, exhausted from fighting with him. 
His tongue flicked over his bottom lip, tracking along the plush pink feature as he glanced up at the wall behind her. Bucky narrowed his eyes for a brief moment as if he was contemplating his next move only making her that much more curious. 
"Hmm," he hummed, crystal blue eyes tracking down to her own again, "will you at least let me try?"
She flicked her eyes downwards as she curled her finger around a button on his shirt, working it open just enough for her to press one sharp, manicured finger into the hard expanse of his chest.
“What you’re gonna do…” she purred, shoving her nail into him. “Is back,” she gave him another shove, “the fuck,” shove, “off,” shove. 
“And get the hell away from me. I don’t know what kinda charm you think you have Barnes, but it’s gonna take far more than one flicker of those baby blues and a swipe of that tongue across those oh-so-pink lips of yours for me to forget what a complete ass you really are.” She scoffed.
“Try harder.”
He'd only moved a little bit away from her. She could try with all her might but Lola was smaller in size compared to the broad wall of muscles that was James Barnes. 
Even if she felt like she could breathe again with the distance between them, his expression turning smug was enough to make her stomach drop as his lips lifted in an arrogant smirk.
"So you've thought about my eyes long enough to say they're a baby blue shade?" He questioned, voice dropping an octave lower to mess with her head as he gave her the best puppy dog eyes he could muster.
"Would you forgive me if I were to beg you with these eyes?" 
Lola tried to swallow past the lump forming in her throat, the thought of him begging doing wonders to her ego but she didn't dare utter a response. Wary of how this could be another cruel joke he's playing on her.
He took a step closer, dropping his face lower to catch her eyes.
"Maybe I can earn your forgiveness with my lips?"
Lola's bottom lip found a home between her teeth as she watched him carefully. Of course, this would be his response. Trying to charm her and get her into bed. So what if it was working? He was going to have to work a whole hell of a lot harder than just batting his eyes and licking his perfectly plump lips. Her back found the wall behind her as Bucky continued to move slowly towards her, placing his large metal hand on the wall beside her head. 
Her eyebrow raised in response, and she clicked her tongue, "You really think I'd make it that easy for you?" She scoffed, as the corner of her lips turned upwards. "Try again, sweetheart" 
A deep chuckle escaped Bucky's chest, as he nodded once. He took a deep breath, and sank to his knees in front of Lola, "Tell me what you want..." He smirked up at her through his lashes. "What you need from me, to make you forgive me"
She tried not to think about how good he looked on the floor. This big, brooding, dumb man on his knees for her. Looking up at her like she hung the stars in the sky. 
“Get up, Barnes.” 
A large hand clamped around her ankle, the warm one, all long fingers and rough skin wrapped around her like he’d done it a million times before. She gasped as Bucky lifted her foot, her dress rucking up as his other hand meandered lazily up her calf. 
“Don’t make me beg, sweetheart.” He dipped his head, pressing a kiss to her shin and Lola’s stomach swooped at the feel of his lips. Softer than they should be, more tender than Bucky should be capable of being. 
“Don’t push it, Bucky. You’re on thin ice and I don’t—“
The words died on her lips as Bucky’s tongue runs over her skin. Warm and wet and— fuck, he’s infuriatingly talented at the art of persuasion.
“Please,” he whispered, lips against her skin, fingers smoothing up and down the bottom of her foot, trailing up her leg to rest behind her knee. 
“Please…” he whispered again, pressing his forehead to her shin. “I- just…Please,” he begged, and tilted his head back, eyes wide and shimmering. 
Lola felt some of her strong walls crumble. “Fine. You want forgiveness? You’d better hope your lips are up to the task,” she glowered down at him and he started to rise. “Uh uh, down boy. I’m getting used to you on your knees, it’s a much better look than the asshole-fratboy one.” 
Bucky just barely flushed before looking down but Lola saw and grinned. “Nope, eyes on me Barnes.”
He gazed up at her, his eyes were nearly glossy with tears and black with lust.
"Yes, ma'am."
The comment caught her completely off guard and she teetered in her heels, pressing her palms against the wall until she felt like she might fall through it. Bucky smirked, that cocky asshole returning for just a second. His hands slid up and down her legs and she clenched her teeth, trying to make it seem like she wasn't enjoying it but the swarm of butterflies in her stomach was beginning to betray her. So was the deep crimson flush on her face. He tilted his head.
"You look a little unsteady. Can I help you with that?"
She held back a hiss, swallowing it along with the strange mixture of anger, bitterness, and desire that was blooming in her chest. His eyes had yet to leave hers. He was taking this seriously. Really fucking seriously. He dipped his head and bowed down, only tearing his eyes away for a moment as he kissed the toe of her heel, and then up and down one ankle. And then the other. He glanced back up.
"Can I take these off of you, Lola?" The words melted off of his tongue like warm honey and her throat clenched. She moved her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Bucky grinned. "I need to hear you say yes."
"Yes." The word lept from her lips before she could stop it. 
She lifted her foot and watched with her breath caught in her chest as he delicately slid one heel off before pressing his lips to the inside arch. Her heart pounded and she felt dizzy as he placed it back down and repeated the same action. Bucky stared up at her, his tongue dragging across his bottom lip.
"I'm yours tonight," he rumbled. "Let me make it right."
Lola let out a heavy breath and looked down at the man kneeling in front of her… the man that was now her boss. She reached down and gripped his chin with her hand and lifted it up just a little so she could better see his face and his eyes. 
“I don’t know Barnes… that’s a pretty tall order are you sure you’re up to the task?” She asked dragging her thumb across his bottom lip.
A low groan slipped out of his lips and she held him by his chin, watching his eyes reel from pleasure.
"I don't know sweetheart," he breathed against her thigh, "tell me how to be good for you." He groaned, dragging his teeth along the soft skin, forcing her eyes closed as her head dropped against the wall. 
This man was going to be the death of her. "Jesus," 
Cool metal slid up her other thigh, slowly pushing the fabric of her dress. "Words, Lola, I need words." 
She glared down at him tangling her fingers into his thick chestnut hair, "and I need you to do less talking and undress me," A wicked grin spread across her lips, "slowly." 
Bucky's eyes lit up, gnawing on his lip to hide his own smile, "as you wish."
Lola watched as Bucky’s gaze tracked up her body, contemplating as if he couldn’t quite decide which part of her to reveal first. 
“I know I said slowly, but we haven’t got all night.” 
“I’m just trying to do right by you, sweetheart. Want to please you, be good for you, Lola. Want you to fall apart… there’s a dance with these things and as far as I’m concerned, time doesn’t exist in here.” The words were soft, as soft as the palm making its way around the back of her thigh and settling on her ass. 
“Dress first,” Lola stated as Bucky eagerly hooked his thumb into the band of her panties, “you can earn the rest.”
He slowly let his thumb fall away, fingers instead going to the hem of her dress and traveling up to the tie at her waist, slowly pulling and unknotting it. It fell open, falling off her shoulder and revealing her lacy black bra and matching panties. Bucky groaned low in the back of his throat, eyes roving over her as she dropped the dress, letting it fall to the floor behind her. 
“Please sweetheart, can I stand?” Bucky asked and Lola nodded once, Bucky clambering to his feet and reaching for her but stopping when she placed a hand on his chest. 
“Now you,” she smirked, fingers already tugging at the buttons of his shirt, undoing them and pushing the material off his broad shoulders, eyeing them appreciatively. 
She left the shirt around his elbows, pulling at his belt and yanking open his pants, letting them fall to the floor by her dress.  “Now you can come here,” she said wiggling a finger at him as she backed up into the wall, leaning against it and grinning as he followed obediently.
"You follow directions well, Barnes," she whispered. "What changed?"
He kicked his pants to the side, leaving him only in a pair of dark blue briefs. His cock pressed against the fabric, almost painfully. Bucky leaned in to kiss her, but she pressed her finger to his lips and shook her head, clicking her tongue. She could see the disappointment in his eyes, the desire burning in them. His mouth was so painfully close to hers. All she had to do was say yes, but she liked the idea of him begging for it. For her. 
"You have to earn that, sweetheart," she whispered. He groaned, his knees buckling. "I like it when you beg."
"Please, Lola?" He breathed, his voice cracking. "Please, it's all I've been thinking about. You're so fucking beautiful."
She didn't expect this. Lola opened her mouth to speak as Bucky cupped her face in his hands.
"Well, it is almost midnight." His eyes widened and she smiled. "Show me what you've got, Barnes."
His mouth crashed against hers and instantly, the kiss became fiery and desperate. Their lips glided against one another and Bucky's tongue dove into her mouth. She whimpered. Fuck, he was a really good kisser. She was almost disappointed that he was this good at it. It meant she'd have to compliment him later. Maybe. The two of them began to whimper and his body pressed against hers as he pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers.
"I've been such a shithead to you. I'm sorry."
Her stomach dropped, but she kept her resolve.
"Then make it up to me."
“Yes ma’am,” Bucky said as his hands ran all over her body. 
Keeping perfect eye contact he slipped back down to his knees. Slowly, he started kissing up Lola’s calf.
Lola moaned softly, the noise slipping from her lips before she could stop it. His lips felt amazing against her skin, lighting tiny fires as they trailed up and down her legs and as much as she didn't want him to stop, she gently pulled her leg from his grasp. 
Bending over, pushing her breasts up as she cupped his face, "I think a little more groveling is in store for you Mr. Barnes." Gently she pressed her lips to his, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging. 
The whine that fell from his lips hit straight to her core, a smile forming on her face as she stood, turning and walking towards her bed swaying her hips.
Hearing him shuffle behind her, Lola looked over her shoulder, tsking him mid-stand, "Uh-uh. Down boy." 
Bucky smirked and dropped to his knees again as she spun and sat down on the edge of her bed, her legs effortlessly falling apart as she planted her palms behind her and leaned back. Her eyes tracked over his muscles, the deep cut v of his abs, the way his chest heaved with heavy breaths. He was stupidly attractive, she couldn't deny that and here he was, begging for her. 
"Crawl to me," she said breathlessly, unable to contain the lust coursing through her.
She was enjoying this, watching the way he reacted to her requests, expecting any moment for him to say no and either take what he wanted anyway or leave her high and dry. 
But to her surprise, he obliged. Staring up at her with darkened eyes and a glimmer of naive eagerness, Bucky began to crawl. He was teasing with it though, slow and seductive, making her toes curl with the very thought of what was to come.
When he stopped before her, he sat back on his heels, waiting. And Lola smirked, lifting her foot so her sole pressed to his firm chest. 
“Good boy,” she purred, and Bucky beamed at the praise.
Lola slowly let her foot come off his chest, setting it down so that her legs were spread apart, giving Bucky a view that made him gulp and whine. 
“Lola please,” he gasped, eyes flicking between her eyes and between her legs. “Lemme show you how sorry I am, wanna make you feel good, baby.”
She smirked at his desperation, enjoying his begging but deciding to finally give in. 
“Fine, but you’re gonna have to really show me some moves, impress me, Bucky,” she said, and Bucky moaned before leaning forwards and pressing his lips to her knee, slowly going up her legs. 
Bucky kissed every inch of her thighs, getting closer steadily but taking his time like he was savoring her. He finally reached between her legs, breathing deeply as he pressed a kiss to her panty-covered pussy.
She gasped as he ran his nose along her cunt and she heard him chuckle.
"What's so funny, sugar?" She asked.
He looked up, his eyes glittering. He looked like he was ready to fall apart.
"You're wet."
She smirked. She would give this one to him. Just once.
"It helps to watch my boss on his knees for me, crawling toward me, begging to fuck me... it's kind of a power trip." The words came out hardened and a little cold as he nipped at her thighs and nuzzled at her dripping cunt. Those blue eyes continued to burn into her.
All of that unresolved anger was still inside of her, but Bucky didn't seem to care. She gently grasped his hair and pulled his head back. He let out a little sob and she couldn't deny that there was something about seeing him so pathetic that made her even wetter. 
"I'll be a good boy for you, Lola. I promise."
She swallowed a moan, still not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was the thing that was making her skin burn. Instead, she wordlessly pulled him toward her cunt and groaned the second he began to suck her clit through the fabric. His fingers dug into her thighs as he moaned into her pussy. Lola began to roll her hips against his mouth, her hand still wound in his hair. He was teasing, and she loved every second of it. 
Finally, she pulled his head back and he grinned.
"Can I rip your panties off of you?"
“Only if you buy me new ones” Lola smirks as she scraps his scalp a little more. 
“I’ll buy you a hundred pairs sweetheart,” Bucky said as he rips the flimsy lace. 
Lola groaned as the cold sensation hit her wet pussy and Bucky began to suck a bruise on her thigh.
Bucky moved to push her legs farther apart as he placed a teasing kiss on clit. Lola sucked in a deep breath, as the anger bubbled once more. He was being a tease, but she had also told him to impress her. It was a hard line to walk between needing him to just make her cum and wanting to see if he actually had it in him. 
"Mmm Bucky..." She growled, bucking her hips softly to meet his lips. 
A deep chuckle left his chest, the vibration sending a shiver through her spine. 
"Don't worry sweetheart, I've got you" He whispered, licking a strip through her wet folds, circling his tongue around her clit before taking it between his lips and sucking. "Just lay back, and let me do this for you... I need to earn your forgiveness remember?" 
She could feel him smirking into her pussy, and her breath caught in her throat. This cocky motherfucker. But as soon as she felt his tongue on her skin, she didn't care. Pleasure was clouding her mind in the best possible way.
Her arms gave out as he suddenly plunged his tongue into her, pussy clenching hard around it. Lola gasped and her hips lifted, pressing into his mouth as he began fucking his tongue in and out of her. 
“Bucky, fuck,” she murmured and he groaned, sucking at her cunt before going up to her clit, slipping two fingers inside her. A high pitched keen fell from her lips as Bucky crooked his fingers and pressed against her spot. 
She could feel him grin and he started sliding his fingers out, but she reached down and grabbed his wrist. “Don’t you fucking dare stop,” she growled, and Bucky whimpered, thrusting his fingers back into her and rubbing quickly.
He crooked his fingers and pushed them against her G-spot. Lola whined, her legs wrapping around him as she pulled him closer.
"Fuck!" She moaned.
He wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked hard as he fucked her with his fingers. She hated to give him credit, but he was fucking good at this. Bucky flattened his tongue and dragged it along her clit as he kept up the pace. Lola kept her hand fisted in his hair. The more she tugged on it, the louder he groaned. She was so sure that people could hear her. The bathroom was just down the hall. But part of her didn't care. Bucky fucking owed this to her.
"Come for me?" He begged through muffled moans. "Please, Lola."
Those words were all she needed. As Bucky pumped his fingers faster and began to suck her clit again, Lola felt the fire of her orgasm start in her core and move slowly to the very tips of her fingers and toes. “Oh fuck, Bucky” she whimpered.
A disgruntled moan escaped her chest as pleasure overtook her senses, coming hard and fast. She rocked her hips against his hands, slowly as she came down from her orgasm, letting a sigh leave her lips. Okay, so maybe he did know exactly what to do, but she was not giving him her forgiveness that easily. There was much more work to be done, and he still had to prove that he was up for the task. 
Bringing up a hand, she brushed her hair away from her sticky forehead, as she breathed out a shaky breath and sat back up on her elbows. "Alright cowboy, you're good with your mouth, I'll give you that," she smirked, and swiped her tongue along her bottom lip. "Show me what else you can do." 
A sound that was a mix of a growl and a chuckle came from deep in Bucky's chest, as he stood up and placed his hands on either side of her, leaning in close. "Yes ma'am" He whispered once more, causing Lola to scoot herself backward. 
"Boxers off, and get over here," She raised her eyebrow at him. 
She'd never seen someone take off a piece of clothing so fast, his hard cock slapping against his abdomen. Lola swallowed the lump in her throat at the sight, and the corners of her lips turned upwards. "Good to know you have the equipment. Now let's see how well you use it"
Bucky whimpered again as Lola reached forward, grasping his dick and stroking it a few times. 
“Come here,” she murmured, and Bucky stepped forwards, Lola guiding him to her entrance before stopping. “Wait, we need a condom,” she said, pushing him back and rolling over on the bed, pulling one out of her nightstand drawer. 
Lola turned back to Bucky, and he took the condom without complaint, opening it quickly and rolling it down his shaft. 
“Much better,” Lola said and laid back on the bed, spreading her legs again. “Come and get me, sweetheart.”
Bucky groaned as settled between her legs, he pressed his tip against her, pushing in slowly, Lola nearly bit through her lip at the stretch - intense but perfect.
His mouth crashed against hers as she wrapped her legs around his waist, taking him as deep as she could until he bottomed out with a soft grunt. 
"Fuck," he murmured. "You feel so good. I fucking dreamed about this."
"Dreamed about fucking your employee? That's an HR violation."
He pulled away and growled. Lola gripped his chin. They were sharing short, sharp breaths, both of them trying their best to remain stoic. 
"Don't get an attitude with me now, Barnes."
He smirked and pulled his cock almost all the way out of her before slowly pushing it back in, making her eyes roll back. A jolt of pleasure shot down to her toes, making them curl and she whimpered. Bucky chuckled.
"How's that for attitude?"
"God, you're such an asshole," she whispered before claiming his mouth with hers once more.
“If you want to see an asshole, I can get up right now and walk back into the party.” Bucky teased as he pulled out his impressive length until only the tip was left at Lola’s entrance.
Lola bucked her hips into his, her wet pussy pulling him back into her. Bucky let out a low groan and his head fell forward. “I think we both know you won’t, baby”. 
The nickname sent a feral feeling through Bucky. His eyes shot up to meet Lola’s and he whimpered, “Fuck, that sounded so good coming from you.” 
His lips captured Lola’s in a fiery, passionate kiss; his hips snapping hard into her hitting her G-spot over and over again.
The sounds of their moans filled the room around them, the distant thumping of the music egging on his rhythms. Lola didn't care though, he was driving her wild with every thrust. 
She pulled back from his lips, her eyes meeting his and feeling a flicker of emotion she hadn't felt in god knows how long. It sucked her in the longer she stared at him, but the memories of how much of a dick he had been over the last year started to flood back. Something between anger and hate brewed in her chest as a growl left her throat at the sight of him smiling down at her as if something had changed. 
Her hands found his chest, pushing him to the side and rolling them over with all of her strength. She expected Bucky to fight her, take control, and stay planted above her but to her surprise, he easily fell back into the mattress, eyes bright and beaming. 
"Getting a little cocky are we?" He grinned. 
With flushed cheeks and tiny beads of sweat dotting his forehead she began to ride him, digging her nails into his chest and rolling her hips, "You aren't in control tonight," she leaned down, brushing her lips against his and slowing her hips down to barely a roll but taking him fully within her. Lola watched as his own eyes rolled back before pressing her lips to his and swallowing the groan he let out. 
"I never am with you," he whispered against her lips and in between breaths.
Lola breathed a laugh, and sat up, placing her hands firmly back on his thighs, as a grin spread across her lips. "And don't you ever forget that" 
She began to roll her hips, picking the pace back up, her head falling back as deep moans came from both of them. Bucky's hands found a home on her waist, digging his fingers into her skin. The coolness of his metal fingers combated the fire under her skin. 
"Fuck sweetheart, you take me so well" He grunted, bucking his hips up to meet hers. 
The burning fire in her belly reignited at his praise, but there was no fucking way she was granting him that satisfaction. He still had work to do. Voices chattering echoed through the apartment, as people started to gather in her living room for the countdown, but she couldn't care less about what was going on. This was all that mattered. Making James Barnes whine and writhe underneath her. Having him in her command. 
Lola leaned back down and placed her hand gently on his throat as her eyes bore into his, "Just shut up, and fuck me" She growled, pulling a groan from his lips.
Bucky made a noise between a whimper and a gasp, high and airy, as he pressed up into her hand. “Lola, god.”
Lola laughed and lifted her hand pressing it back on his chest. “Goddess,” she grinned, nails digging into and scratching them down, leaving red lines. Bucky hissed and his hands gripped her hips tightly, fucking up into her. 
“Fuck!” Lola gasped, raising up and dropping back down onto him, pushing them both closer to orgasm.
"I'm so fucking close," Bucky gasped.
Her hand slid up his chest and wrapped around his throat, squeezing the sides. She smiled, slowing down on purpose just to make him squirm.
"You don't come without my permission."
His eyes rolled back and he bit his lip.
"Fuuuuck, Lola. Don't do this to me!"
She began to roll her hips slowly, back and forth, moaning louder and louder as her clit found the perfect amount of friction. Her eyes fluttered closed and she whimpered, the cool air and Bucky's metal hand soothing her scorched skin. He cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and Lola whimpered, causing him to laugh.
"You like that, don't you, angel?"
She hated the fact that his voice sent a warm tingle up her spine when just twenty minutes ago, it made her want to throw up.
"I think I should have gagged you, Barnes," she groaned.
“Mmm, but then you wouldn’t be able to hear the praise that makes that pussy throb for me. Don’t think I didn’t notice Lola” Bucky pushed his hips up, giving him a new angle to push even deeper.
Lola moaned and gripped his chest until she was afraid she’d draw blood. Her brain couldn’t catch up in time to have a witty comeback, so Bucky spoke again.
“Fuck Lola. You feel so fuckin’ good around my cock. Take what you want. Use me like I know you want to.” His metal hand had drifted to Lola’s throat, gripping lightly. 
“Oh god,” Lola whined as her own hand met Buckys at her neck. “I can’t fuckin’ stand you Barnes, but you feel so fuckin’ good filling me up. Now be a good boy and shut up.” Lola had removed his hand from her neck and guided it to her swollen bud, then brought her hand back to the spot on his chest, picking up speed with her hips as she went.
"Only if you sing for me darlin'," he moaned, tugging her against his lips for a crushing kiss as her orgasm wracked over her body. Stars appeared behind her vision as she moaned against his mouth, her words reduced down to gibberish as her hips rolled and he continued to slide against the one spot that made her legs clench together, and tingles soared to her toes. 
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," Bucky breathed, his grip tightening every so slightly as he thrust up into her chasing his own orgasm and quickly tossing her off the edge into another one of her own. 
Lola wrapped her hand around his wrist, letting him have control for the slightest of seconds over her airway. The smug grin on his face returned for just a moment before his head slammed back into the pillow and came with a groan so sinful that her body began to shake with another orgasm.
The two of them let the pleasure wash over them, as Lola's hips slowed, rocking them through their orgasms. The anger and hatred subsided for only a moment in the heat of passion, causing Lola to close her eyes and look up to the ceiling with a sigh. 
"Fuck Lola..." Bucky whispered from under her, soothing his hands over her frame gently. "You are incredible" 
Turning her gaze back to him, a smirk crossed her lips, "I know" She stated, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Don't let this go to your head, but you weren't so bad yourself" 
"Oh really?" He grinned. 
Lola groaned, and rolled off to the side, pulling a blanket over her body, "I regretted it the instant I said it" 
"I'm kidding, sweetheart..." He chuckled, reaching over to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. "That means a lot coming from you" 
She cleared her throat, and looked over to meet his soft blue stare, "This doesn't make us even... I'm still mad" 
"I wouldn't expect anything less... But I did mean it when I said I would do anything to earn forgiveness from you" He answered softly. 
Lola sighed, seeing his sincerity but not being swayed. “Maybe, but I don’t know what’s going to be enough.”
Bucky frowned, but reached for her hand, taking it in his when she didn’t immediately pull away. “I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Lola sighed, dropping her hand softly, running her thumb over the dimple in his chin, "no more Lola Bunny jokes," her eyes flickered up to his. 
A boyish smile fell over his lips, "Deal." 
Doubt swirled in her stomach as she studied him. As much as she wanted to hate him and be angry with him, which to be fair she still was, this just... helped. She saw something else in him and it made her curious. 
Bucky tangled their fingers, measuring his hand against her own, "I can feel you doubting this," he whispered softly, his eyes still glued to their hands. 
"Of course I am," she breathed, "this is the most we've gotten along all year and I'm still mad at you." 
"This isn't a Disney movie, Lola," he finally flicked his gaze to match hers, "I don't plan on turning into a pumpkin at midnight or a frog," 
"You were alread--" 
"Don't say it," he groaned, closing his eyes and hiding a grin. 
Lola laughed, as he shook his head at her. 
He paused again, the smile slowly falling from his lips "I'm just sayin' I want us to get along."
Sucking in a deep breath, Lola nodded slowly, "I'd like that.." She answered back quietly. Her gaze drifted to the door, as she bit her bottom lip and looked back to Bucky. 
"Yeah, I know.." He chuckled, giving her hand a small squeeze before reluctantly letting it go. 
The two of them rolled themselves out of Lola's bed, and slowly gathered back up their clothing, getting dressed and making themselves look as if nothing had happened. But something did happen, and Lola was sure her guests had heard. This was going to be an adjustment for both of them. Would they fall back into old habits when they got back out to their coworkers? Or would Bucky actually be a man of his word? Only time would answer that, but for right now, all Lola cared about was the man in her bedroom. This moment and the silent promise they made to each other. 
"5.... 4...." The numbers echoed from her living room as the new year edged closer and closer. 
She took a deep breath, and spun on her heel, walking up to Bucky as he did up the buttons on his dress shirt.
"Bucky..." Lola whispered. 
"2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR" 
Lola took Bucky's face in her hands and found his lips with hers. Her arms slid around his neck, and she felt him wrap his around her waist, pulling their bodies close together once more. It was the first new year's kiss she'd had in a long time that actually meant something to her deep down. This one last moment, just the two of them before their lives got complicated with the reality of the two of them. 
"Happy New Year..." Bucky whispered, as he broke the kiss and placed his forehead against hers. He replaced his forehead with his lips before moving back to look at her. 
She nodded once, softly smiling up at him as she breathed out a sigh. "You ready?"
"Yeah..." He mumbled in response, racking his eyes over her features once more. Bucky reached up and cupped her cheek, running his thumb gently over her skin. "You forgot to put yellow feathers in your hair..." 
"Bucky!" Lola smacked his chest and moved away from him. "You are unbelievable" 
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, sweetheart, last one! I promise!" He laughed, grabbing her waist back and kissing her cheek. 
Lola shook her head, as she opened the bedroom door and the two of them made their way back out to the party. She went and found Kate and Yelena talking to come coworkers, her two friends instantly whispering and asking if she was okay, while Bucky made his way back to the boys huddled around the bar. His usual spot for this party, every year. 
"Damn it! I owe Steve 10 bucks," Sam whined over the crowd. "I was sure she'd killed you" 
Steve's laughter boomed as he clapped Sam on the shoulder. Bucky just shook his head, and glanced over, catching Lola's eyes with a soft smile. She bit the inside of her cheek, and turned her gaze back to her friends, ignoring the swarm of butterflies that had erupted in her stomach at the sight of his smile. 
It was going to be a good year. Lola could feel it.
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itstokkii · 10 months
The Aftermath of the Poll(Turkey's Victory Celebration Fic)
Thank you to everyone who helped Turkey win! As I had promised, I wrote a piece about Uzbekistan reacting to his victory in the tournament! Please enjoy!
Uzbekistan's feet hurt as she kept walking up the hills of Istanbul. Yes, she was no stranger to long hours working in the fields, be it cotton or rice or potatoes, but hills...those were her mortal enemy.
She wouldn't even be here slaving herself away if it wasn't for that link Soojin sent her, followed by an ominous "you're really gonna like this Nargiza 😏."
Upon clicking it, she had found a poll of the most...f*kable countries tournament..? With Turkey....being the winner...? On one hand, she felt a little upset that she couldn't vote in time(though she was overwhelmingly relieved that Turkey had won for some reason), but on the other hand...
Who were these fans.
Against her better judgement, she had booked a trip for Istanbul to ask Turkey who his fans were and why he was on the tournament. Nargiza was on a very important mission and she couldn't bother to fully explain to her siblings as to why she was visiting him.
"Hey Nargiz, why are you visiting Turkey??? You got bored of us or something?? You wanna simp over him a little mor-"
"Respectfully, I don't have the time for your questions, aka." She gritted her teeth, frustrated with Kyrgyzstan's constant bombardment of questions distracting her from cramming more things into her suitcase.
"But he's right though, sister! It's too sudden of a trip for us not to notice! And why Turkey? Come on, you know how he is with his..."
Whatever Kazakhstan was saying tuned out in her head as she continued to pack her essentials and double check that she booked a hotel room.
"...And you know, it's like he thinks he's so much better than us with his hoity toity attitude and his stupid unbuttoned shirt that makes him look sexy or whatever-"
"Alright, I'll be leaving! See you after the weekend!" She grabbed her suitcase, shoving it in her car, and left for the airport.
Tajikistan sighed. "I know it's her choice and all but...sometimes I seriously don't get it..."
And that led to her now, sweat beading on her forehead and dripping down her neck as she finally made it to Turkey's house uphill. Nargiza's heart beat as her finger hovered over his doorbell.
"God, why do I feel like this...?"
Sucking in a deep breath and muttering various curses, she went for it anyway and gently, gently pressed his doorbell.
"I'm coming!" The sound of his annoying voice made her heart beat faster, and just about exploded when she heard the click of the door as it opened.
Turkey's face went from shock to a smirk.
"'Sup, bebeğim."
Nargiza sighed, screwing her eyes shut and hoping what he said wouldn't ingrain itself in her memory(though it already did and absolutely would replay in her mind over and over as she would try to sleep at night). "...I'm sorry for arriving on such short notice, but would it be alright if I came in? I had something important to talk about."
"You know I can always make time for you-"
"So that's a yes then." Nargiza hyperfocused on taking her sneakers off trying to ignore Sadik's comment earlier.
Thankfully the air conditioner was on and she felt a blast of cool air greet her.
"Well, I'm going to make some tea if you need me."
"I'll help then."
"No you won't," Sadik prepared an array of Turkish desserts on a tray. "You'll be a good girl and sit over there and rest because you're not built for the neighborhoods of Istanbul."
Good girl my foot, she thought.
"Why did you have to live uphill anyway?" Nargiza got up and took the tray from Sadik to set down on the table.
He set the water to boil. "Because I want to and it pisses people off. Especially Saudi Arabia." Nargiza chuckled at that.
They both made small talk as they set up the table into an ornate arrangement and sat down on the couch.
Turkey sipped his tea. "So what did you wanna talk abou-"
"Sadik Adnan. What is this." She shoved her phone into his face, the screen burning into his retinas.
Focusing on the screen, his eyes widened in shock and surprise. He won. He won the tournament!
"Cool! I won! Did Soojin show you this?" Sadik cheered. "I wonder why she'd do that..."
"So you do know what this is about!"
"It wasn't me! I didn't nominate myself the users online made the tournament and voted and then I kept winning and winning and Lithuania kept winning also and all my fans—"
"YOU HAVE FANS?" Nargiza shouted in surprise.
From her minimal interaction with Lithuania during the USSR, she believed it was reasonable that he had fans. He was orderly yet brave in taking stands against Russia, and was generally kind, but would do anything for those he cared about, whether that was his people, or fellow countries, or anyone else. A nice, sweet man like that would definitely have a fanbase. But Turkey...?
"...Yes I have fans??? Anyway they were all there shaking because they were so scared I would lose. You know, one user even went so far as to promise a comic or a piece of writing about the aftermath of the tournament involving you and me—"
"So they're here now?! Show yourself!"
Tokki quaked behind the curtain as Nargiza singled her out.
Sadik(thankfully) swerved past the topic. "Who knows, it doesn't matter! I won!"
"I don't know if I should even congratulate you for the category you won, but...congratulations..." Nargiza's voice strained a little.
Sadik scooched closer to Nargiza's spot on the couch and held her by her cheek to examine her face. "Don't tell me.... you're jealous?"
"Wha-no I'm not! I just came here to clear up any confusion, that's all!" Her face reddened as she tried to avert her eyes to something that wasn't Sadik staring at her in the face.
"Mmm, okay," He thought, his voice dropping a little. "I just don't see why you of all people would book a flight on Friday immediately after seeing my victory, and come all the way to Turkey just to ask me what that was all about. You have my number and socials, you could have just called or DMed or something. Unless you wanted to see me in person because you're jealous..."
"Huh?! I would never...!"
"Admit it, Nargiz," he moved even closer. Her heart was beating so fast her mind struggled to catch up. Her face felt incredibly hot and she was sure Sadik could see it.
He gently picked up a strand of her hair and twirled it around his fingers. Breathing became a chore as his scent filled her lungs. She shuddered at the feeling of his breath tingling the shell of her ear.
Nargiza wanted nothing more than to stop thinking of him now, but she was trapped in his voice and scent and warmth and proximity. If he kept this up, she wouldn't be able to take it any longer...
"You want me all to yourself, don't you...?"
She blacked out.
aka: big brother
Nargiz is the shortened nickname of Nargiza. I actually searched up the name meaning(because somehow i didn't ask my parents what the name means along the way) and according to various sources, it could mean something like "Fire flower" or "daffodil." I'll ask my mom later though.
I was originally gonna name her Yulduz, meaning star. It's fitting because of the 12 stars on the Uzbek flag!
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bookscandlesnbts · 8 months
"I’m not fully convinced that JK wants to be working this hard tbh. He loves being on stage, but with some of his latest performances, his energy is different. I don’t know how to explain it, but those that can see it, see it.“
Same feeling here. I’ve been disappointed by most of his recent performances - the fact that I don’t vibe with Seven and even less with 3D surely does not help but still, he does not seem to be that much into it imo. The interviews around the singles were a bit boring, but I find the songs boring anyway so I don’t know why I expected more..He did say recently he doesn’t have as much energy as he used to. I think he’s working hard right now, I hope he’s not burning himself out. I just can’t help but wonder if it’s truly what he wanted or if he wants to prove something, to us fans but also to himself. Which is fine but I just hope he’s not pushing himself too much to prove us something, he has already shown how great of an artist he is. His schedule is crazy these days…
Honestly I’m also disappointed, I was expecting him to be credited at least for one song. I hope it was his choices, if he’s happy with how things went then it’s all good but imo it would have been smarter to go for less songs, like a mini album, but more involvement from his part even if minimal.The collabs, the overhype and Scooter involvement killed my curiosity, it’s like those beautiful cakes you see at the baker but then it doesn’t taste much - it’s not like you won’t eat it, but it’s not as good as it looked like it would be… dumb parallel maybe sorry. I’m sure I’ll like some songs but I’m not expecting much.He was lacking inspiration it’s pretty clear now, and it’s not a shame I absolutely don’t blame him, but I guess he felt pressured to release something big but somehow I don’t feel the connection. I just hope he’s doing okay.
The interview that Bang PD did a couple days ago is linked here: https://x.com/daily_jkupdate/status/1712671267667705932?s=46&t=qPnJMLyaHtW8TW1s2gwVIg
Because these are the facts. We aren’t toxic stans for wanting more or wishing this rollout was different. I’m not a toxic stan for wishing that JK wouldn’t have been pressured to do an album at all, because I don’t think he wanted to, and in this interview, Bang PD even said that JK wasn’t sure about releasing an album. But Bang PD let 🛴 get involved and I’m sure he knows JK’s star power and pushed him into doing a couple songs and then an album. And like I mentioned before, I could see the members producing a solo album before MS (besides Jin who had to enlist right away because of his age) as part of their contract. That left JK with no time to fulfill that because he hadn’t come up with any solid songs on his own.
Western interviews are always awkward. For everyone involved. I think JK did a great job persevering considering he was on his own, but I’m sure he wasn’t too thrilled or comfortable doing it. I’m a music lover, so the songs weren’t my cup of tea either. Seven was catchier and the clean version was more tolerable. But yeah, I’m not a toxic stan or a bad JK fan for not being obsessed with Seven or 3D. I’m hoping that I like some of the songs on Golden and that JK connects with them. Because we know he puts his heart and soul into songs that mean something to him. Re: him recording Letter.
I’m not disappointed because I wasn’t expecting it. JK quite literally told us on lives he hadn’t been working on any music. So, considering the fast timeline, I’m not surprised he had nothing still since it comes out in a few weeks. The collabs and the overhype from 🛴 both suck but I’m hoping that we get some solid JK solo tracks too the ones without features.
I also hope he’s doing okay. I empathize with his position. I love him as a human. But I’m not a mindless robot that burns myself out streaming songs I don’t like all in the name of fandom either. Hopefully, I’ll like some of the songs, and I’ll listen to those. Thanks for sharing your opinions.
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Solo Leveling Ragnarok Chapter 167
Link to 166
Looking back at the past, Suho's school days were always filled with boredom.
A square desk.
A square blackboard.
A square classroom.
A place where people who wore the same clothes gathered together.
A world where everyone learned the same thing.
This was all Suho remembered from his school days.
How boring… Looking back, there were many moments where he would always yawn and feel bored. I need something... Something with a little more heart beating. A nostalgic feeling kept telling him he once knew a lot of amazing things.
When that feeling came, he couldn't stand it anymore and then—
Time stopped.
An unbelievable sight unfolded in Suho's eyes.
The students that walked out of school.
The students that were doing sports.
The car that passed through the driveway.
The people that passed through the sidewalk.
And the ball in mid-air.
Everything that once moved now stopped.
'That thing' appeared.
A gate.
A round black hole suddenly morphed at the back of the classroom like a door made from pitch colors of the darkness that swirled, ready to suck anyone in who approached it.
This would have been enough to frighten a normal kid, but instead of crying or screaming, Suho put a hand on his chest.
Badum, badum, badum!
His heart was pounding.
Maybe, maybe he had been expecting something like this for a long time.
Mom would always say I resemble dad.
If I were to think like him… what would he have done in this situation?
The answer was within him all along.
Suho jumped into the gate without hesitation.
And so, arguably, the most intense and fierce moment of his entire life started like this. A terrifying dream.
Kyaa oh oh oh!!
[You have leveled up!]
[You have leveled up!]
[You have leveled up!]
In said dream, Suho died and was injured countless times. Either way, he still ran forward to defeat the numerous magic beasts that attacked him.
Finally, when he reached the end, Suho would encounter him. He was a man who wore a hood in order to be unrecognizable. A man whose pressure suffocated all of Suho's body.
But now I know. Who that man was.
Suho couldn't help but be embarrassed to see his father's — Sung Jin-Woo's — appearance right in front of him.
He knows, of course I know, that this was all just an illusion.
It wasn't possible for his father, who was supposed to be in outer space right now, to turn up here. Then the one in front of him is a fake.
He was still worried about him.
Can I win against my father now?
Suho gulped, swallowing some dry saliva.
Looking back, he was level 99 in his dream and yet he was still knocked out in one hit. His current lever is even lower than that.
But my father also won't be as strong as he was back then since he is just an illusion now.
Suho was sure of it, there was no way for a mere demonic illusionist to produce the same amount of power the Shadow Monarch had. This is a good balance for him.
But still, isn't this too much pressure for him to produce?
Around him a merciless force surrounded the arena. Just how amazing was the magic of a demonic tribe member, that from the moment his father's illusion appeared, Suho's stats began to fluctuate like crazy? He knew it was clearly a fake, and yet Suho couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat at the pressure that weighed on his entire body.
[Hahaha ha! Why I never thought there would be someone who has such a good memory of the Shadow Monarch!]
Then, Javier’s senses belatedly came back as he burst into madness. It was only at that moment when he realized what was going on. Javier pointed at Suho while shouting.
[You bastard! You must have encountered the Shadow Monarch somewhere before! How!? The Shadow Monarch is a nightmare in itself!]
Javier, the demonic illusionist, had only seen the Shadow Monarch once, even if it was from a distance. He was only able to survive that day because he ran away as soon as he saw him. However even from far off in the distance, the memory of that day was still a horrifying and cursed image engraved in his mind.
At the same time, seeing him again was nothing of a surprise.
This was the true aura of death that the Shadow Monarch exuded!
If only he could bring out the true extent of power he felt still engraved in his memory, I will even be able to have the Shadow Monarch as my subordinate!
Conjuring Memories. It was the type of illusion magic Javier had devoted his whole life to. Of course it won't be the exact thing, but if you can still succeed in projecting a version of the Shadow Monarch then your soul will achieve a tremendous level of transcendence in power!
Unfortunately his illusion failed, or to be more precise he had only half-succeeded in creating the Shadow Monarch. His magic had completed the Monarch's appearance well, but his power was a fleeting essence compared to the real deal Javier had witnessed first-hand.
With such a small pool of data as materials, he hadn't been able to create an illusion of the Shadow Monarch before.
[And to think I would find more data this way!]
Although it was a well known fact that the Shadow Monarch had been living on earth for a long time, he didn't think that there would be a soul among the humans that knew the Shadow Monarch so up close!
Javier greedily gazed at Suho while licking his lips.
[You are mine now kid! I will bind your soul and use it as material to summon the illusion of the Shadow Monarch forever!]
In a cruel voice he commanded the Shadow Monarch who kept emitting a terrible aura.
[Listen Shadow Monarch! I, your master Javier, command you to kill that human in front of you and bring his soul to me as an offering!]
At those words, Suho raised the mana from his whole body with a nervous expression.
Let 's do this.
So far, the most effective countermeasure against the illusion was to directly aim at the illusionist instead. Unfortunately the illusionist never revealed himself openly. Only Javier's voice could be heard as he kept hiding somewhere else.
Suho tried to expand his sensory vision to capture his mana, but strangely he felt it all over the place.
"Dear, I'm sorry… I did this to you, with my own hands…"
Javier was everywhere, in the fantasies of countless other hunters, even in the fantasy of Lim Tae-Gyu's wife, and the hunter could only face her with a tearful expression.
[Heh, you are quite quick-witted.]
Even the Shadow Monarch Sung Jin-Woo that stood in front of him was embedded with Javier's mana.
[All of these fantasies that you see here are me, even the Shadow Monarch that you summoned!]
Javier's laugh echoed in the distance.
Until all of a sudden, a panicked voice came from Javier.
Suho also noticed something strange at the same time. His father— No, the fake Sung Jin-Woo. He who seemed like he was ready to launch an intense attack with such overwhelming power, suddenly looked at Suho's face and smiled.
Smiled as if he met a cute thing.
—So you're still weak.—
In a moment, Suho felt something strange. The magic of the demons was truly something amazing if it was able to conjure the same atmosphere and voice of his real father. The only difference was that his father was an illusion attacking him in a dream.
[Wait? What?! Why can't I move on my own?!]
Something appeared to be even more strange now, why was this? For some reason Javier's voice was greatly perplexed about the situation at hand.
'Sung Jin-Woo' turned his attention away from Suho to look around the place with a chilled attitude
They were inside a violent sandstorm. All the hunters around them were facing an illusion with painful expressions. 'Sung Jin-Woo' finished searching the scene before nodding and opening his mouth again.
—Oh, so I'm an illusion right now.—
[What the!?]
Javier stood in shock as something unbelievable just happened. To think that the illusion has gained sentience about his own creation!
[Such a thing like this… It's impossible!]
—No, it's not.—
—Nothing is impossible for me.—
At those words, Javier trembled, goosebumps appearing everywhere. Sung Jin-Woo's illusion was talking to him, looking straight at him even though he was hidden in the sandstorm.
'That man' smiled and asked Javier a question.
—Do you know how many demons have become my shadow soldiers so far?—
[Wait I…]
An ominous feeling came over Javier. It wasn't a question he wanted to hear the answer to as he immediately realized the intent behind it. Just how many of his own people died at the hands of the Shadow Monarch during the fierce war? How many of them were incorporated? How many of those soldiers were still studying and practicing witchcraft like a demon tribe?
And now that they've become servants of the Shadow Monarch…
—Because of them, I've gotten quite used to the Demonic Tribe's witchcraft.—
'Sung Jin-Woo' then expressed his sincere gratitude to Javier.
—But I guess I'll praise you. After all, your skills are quite useful in this situation.—
Suddenly, he looked up at the sky, obscured by a sandstorm where nothing could be seen. His unconcerned gaze quietly stared at the beyond, a vast universe that spread out farther than his own existence.
Beru, who had disappeared after the sandstorm hit, suddenly reappeared through it. And upon recognizing his master, Sung Jin-Woo, he burst into tears.
[My liege!!]
An illusion of the real thing, however in Beru's eyes that were still connected to Sung Jin-Woo, he was able to find a trace of his sentence that was connected precisely through that illusion.
—Beru, you've lost all your strength.—
Sung Jin-Woo clicked his tongue as he recognized Beru's condition with a single glance.
—Well, it doesn't matter.—
Jin-Woo raised his hand and placed it on Beru’s head.
—Notice this, shadow soldiers share all senses with their monarch. That's the function in the 2nd Level of the Shadow Storage skill.—
He muttered this to Suho, who kept watching and listening.
—And when you combine the witchcraft of the Demonic Tribe in moderation this is also possible.—
Black energy started to swirl from 'his' hand and seep into Beru. Feeling such a familiar touch after a long time, Beru closed his eyes pleasantly.
[Your quest has arrived.]
"This is?"
Suho's eyes widened at the sudden pop up message from the system. Before checking the contents of it, he turned his gaze towards his father's illusion, who in response grinned back.
—It's a bit old but the quest were originally created this way.—
The level up system: a high level sorcery that had been created by the Great magician of the demon tribe, Kandiaru, had one purpose.
—You will be rewarded with the next skill of the Shadow Power.—
'Sung Jin-Woo said this to his son with a slightly mischievous smile.
—So prove your qualifications.—
[Do you accept this quest?]
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Lot of interesting discussions being had in the sims community today about whether people should be able to sell their work or not...
As far as people blaming paywalls (including early access) for ruining the community and changing it from what it was, i don't think that's accurate. Tbh the 2017 era of "no paywalls, simply click thru shady adfly links to get mods" was worse than people using patreon. And also. Lets be real here.
The game is old. They're putting out new content for it, but its fucking old. I was around for skyrim mods from the beginning, and it is probably the most modded game ever. They're out here releasing new content 10 yrs after launch (much like the sims), but is the mod community what it used to be there? In breadth of content absolutely not. The quality of content has only risen, but the amount?? On special edition I cannot find half of the clothes I used to use in legendary. But those new animation variance mods are sick as hell. Its the tradeoff of just... Time.
Creators get bored of the game eventually. This is absolutely happening to the sims. Not to mention that it costs near $1000 to buy the whole game in its entirety now. Thats gonna drive away creators.
As far as the culture of mod creation (not just the kind/amounts of mods made) I agree that the tone used to be v different like back in 2016. But I think there are multiple factors for that, and singling out the use of patreon is not doing us good in the long run, if we wanna focus on making the community better again. First of all, people were treating creators like real shit back then.
Like I know we all wanna think about like how cool it was to interact regularly with our fave creators, but like... That parasociality can and does take a toll on people. I've seen people complain that lots of creators nowadays don't even build a rapport w the community before trying to make money off mods. I can understand that argument, but like. Sometimes that rapport wasn't a rapport. Sometimes it was people regularly harassing and assuming a close relationship w a virtual stranger bc they saw their posts about video game stuff.
To go into this further, i remember simtober 2019 (i think that was the specific year) fucking sucked for people. MULTIPLE creators i followed had to explain that the wait for cc wasn't against the rules, it was simply a little game. And then they got death threats from people who said they shouldn't have to wait a week for cc if they didn't want to play said game. Cowconuts also had that happen when they did a whole "solve a riddle get a cc" event. Like, the old days were not often nice for the creators on the other end of managing the social media prescence here.
If someone said "hm id rather not go talk to everyone and constantly be exposed to that kind of bullshit, im just gonna run my patreon" tbh I think that's kind of reasonable.
Secondly, the world fucking sucks right now. A lot of these people are using patreon money to have gas to go to work. A lot of these people are feeding their dogs this way. Does it suck that this once free community is being coopted into a side hustle? Yes, but lets be real. Its not being coopted by these individuals. Its being coopted by capitalism. If someone lives in a world where baby formula costs money, and drinking water costs money, and having shelter costs money, and being in a cool place costs money (more important as climate change worsens), they're going to find that money however the hell they can. If that means they have a hobby they can monetize, they will do it. This isn't a moral failing, in this situation its simply survival. What's a moral failing is what's allowing societies to exist in such a way to begin with.
I saw some arguments against this by saying that people who have these skills can take to the job market that hires for them, but i feel like that shows little understanding of that very market. Game design, including modelling, does not pay much better when paid by a giant corp than it does by getting patrons. It also is a notoriously competitive field, and a notoriously discriminatory one. If you look it up you will see that the numbers of women and all people of color at most game companies are not at all similar to the demographics in the areas those companies are run from. More directly, these companies are racist and sexist and will not hire enough of the people who might make these games. This is not even touching on the regular reports of wide spread rape and harassment cultures at these companies that drive the few people who make it in, out. And also not getting into the insane crunch times these companies go into which often ruin lives.
Of course if you have the skills to mod in any way it would seem more appealing to be your own boss and make money off a loyal fanbase of your own instead of be subjected to current industry standards.
Finally, when EA itself is one of these companies who is doing all of the above to its devs, and also selling what is often complete garbage for up to $1000... It frankly seems absurd to complain about Dude Down The Block who makes you wait two extra weeks for free shit or you can pay him $3 now. It seems like a classic case of punching where you can reach, instead of focusing on the guy who's really fucking you over.
This isn't to say there's nothing wrong with the current system we have, however. There are many things. Patreon itself is often gouging these creators, making them far less "their own boss" than they originally might have thought. These people often have access to tons of people's private information, including full names and emails, with almost no oversight. Lots of creators HAVE used this to doxx people, which is absolutely disgusting. Also, the general idea of turning every hobby into a side hustle is deeply entrenched in these spaces, which is super harmful to people's mental health tbh. Not to mention that having a patreon may spare you the creator a bit of parasociality directed at you, but it gives you just enough to be able to wield your followers against others (which is not a patreon only problem either).
All these problems line up so that like a patreon owner can absolutely wield their power in ways that can harm people. But they aren't like... A cop or a social worker or a nurse or even really a celebrity. So they have about as much power to do that as your avg tumblr user making no money who happens to have followers.
To be clear here, I'm not saying there's no real harm coming from monetizing mods. I'm simply saying that the monetization of mods in general is only a symptom of the real disease here. Until more is done to make life liveable without money, or more is done to really address parasociality in our society, or if you wanna start even smaller until more is done to address the harm EA as a singular company does and will continue to do, there will always be a new way to paywall. We will always be fighting over these scraps, unless we do something to make them more than scraps.
You don't cure the flu by taking ibuprofen. You just get rid of the bodyaches for a while. They come back as long as the virus stays there. And banning people from early accessing their content won't make simblr better, bc people will come up w a new way to make money, as long as they have a need to do so to survive.
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Home Is Where The Heart Is (And Courtney has two hearts sitting in jars in her room!)
Chapter 2: Family Game Night(mare) 
AO3 Link
“You’ve never played a board game before?” Norma asked in astonishment.
“Uhh, no?” Courtney said, confused.
“How is that possible? Not even Monopoly or Candyland?”
Courtney frowned. “I have no idea what those human games are, so no.” The end of her tail twitched in irritation. “I think the requirement for board games is that you have friends or family to play with.”
“Oh right…” Norma said. “Well, I guess it’s good you have both now.”
Whatever snide remark Courtney had been planning got caught in her throat. 
Norma didn’t notice as she continued talking. “Now I just have to figure out what game would be the best to introduce you to. Nothing too complicated since it’s your first time playing. Maybe something classic?”
“I think there’s a demon board game in one of the closets,” Courtney suggested once she found her voice again.
Norma raised an eyebrow. “How likely is it that the demon board game is going to suck us into the game and we will have to win the game in order to escape?”
“Eh, good point. I would say it’s a 50/50 shot. The other option is it might curse the loser for all eternity.”
“Yeah… let’s stick with the human ones unless we get really bored.”
“Fiiiine. No sense of adventure.”
“Trust me, this will be just as fun.”
The board game night was set for the following evening. Barney loved board games and excitedly arranged snacks for everyone. They had left over chips and dip in the cabinets which he laid out on a platter on the living room floor. 
Pugsley wagged his tail as he watched Barney set out the food. He had also never played board games before but he had watched Barney’s family play them together and had always been interested in what they were doing. 
“Okay, I think I have almost everything,” Barney said. “I’m going to get the chamomile tea poured and we can start.”
“Tea for board game night?” Norma asked.
“I know, but we‘re out of soda and juice. I really need to go grocery shopping.”
Norma shrugged. “It’s fine, I like tea.”
“And I got the non-caffeinated kind so it's safer for Pugsley to drink than soda would be. I’ll be right back.”
In the kitchen, Barney poured hot tea into two mugs he brought over from his house. Last week, Barney had thrown out the Pauline souvenir mugs and plates and asked his mother if she had old kitchenware in storage that he could borrow. He planned to stay at Dead End for the rest of the summer since it made it easier to get to work and he found that he liked having his own place. He was also worried about leaving Courtney on her own if he moved back in with his family. She had gotten a lot more clingy since she decided to stay with them over finding her place in the Underworld. 
Barney poured some tea in an empty bowl for Pugsley and put a couple of ice cubes in the bowl so the tea wouldn’t be too hot for him. Lastly, he poured tea into a large paper cup. Not because he was out of mugs, but because he knew Courtney would prefer it that way.
Balancing the mugs, cup, and bowl, he brought the tea out to the living room where Norma was already setting the game up on the floor. Pugsley and Courtney were watching her curiously.
Barney put the bowl down next to Pugsley who wagged his tail in appreciation. He set his own mug down and handed the other to Norma. The paper cup, which was burning his fingers due lack of insulation, was handed off to Courtney. Courtney wasted no time in shoving the entire steaming cup, paper and all, into her mouth. 
“I brought a very classic board game for our beginners,” Norma said as Barney sat down across the board from her, Courtney to his right and Pugsley to his left.
“The Game of Life?” Barney asked with a nostalgic smile. “I haven’t played Life in ages.” 
“I figured it would be pretty easy to explain,” Norma said. “So, for those that don’t know, we all get a little car and a person. The goal is to collect money and life tiles. The person with the most at the end of the game wins.”
“That seems simple,” Pugsley said. 
“But you have to make choices like if you want to go to college or if you should take out a loan,” Norma continued. “Also, unexpected things can happen to you, like a lawsuit, or a change of careers, or you might have a couple of kids. Keep in mind that this game was made in the 60s, so not only can you only pick between being a blue person or a pink person, which is supposed to represent gender for some reason, you also have to get married.”
“Wow this game sounds awesome!” Courtney said.
They looked at her in surprise. 
“It’s a game about torturing your little person for it’s entire life! It’s hilarious!”
Norma shook her head but couldn’t help but smile. “It’s not supposed to be torture, but it is pretty messed up that the goal is to be the richest person and get the best house.”
“Messed up or not, I’m going to get married and have three kids! I already have their names picked out. And we are totally living in that big mansion at the end of the game,” Barney informed them. 
Everyone picked their starting character. Norma picked pink and Barney and Pugsley picked blue. Pugsley needed help placing the little character into the driver's seat of the car since his paws struggled to maneuver the tiny piece. Courtney didn’t even look at the color as she picked her person. She was, however, insistent that she got the red car. She placed her blue character inside the car and placed it at the starting line.
Norma explained the rules thoroughly, and then read directly from the instructions to make sure she got it all correct even though she hadn’t made a single mistake as far as Barney could tell.
This was supposed to be a simple family game, but their family was anything but simple. When the game began, it was chaos:
“Pugsley, that’s not your car,” Barney corrected.
“Sorry! I can’t tell the difference between those two colors!”
“Courtney, you can’t take that money, it belongs to the bank!” Norma said. 
“Then why do you get to have it?”
“I don’t, I’m just the banker. It’s not really my money.”
“It sure looks like it’s your money,” she grumbled.
“Barney, you can only do that at the beginning of your turn. Here, I’ll read the rules to you again,” Norma said.
“No, no! That’s okay, I believe you.”
“Uh oh,” Pugsley said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have been using my mouth to move my piece.”
“I told you that already,” Norma said.
“But I have cute, tiny little legs! They can’t reach that far! But when I used my mouth just now… I think I accidentally swallowed one of my children.”
“HAHAHAHA!!!” Courtney cackled, falling over backwards. Her feet kicked the board, causing them all to take a few minutes to reset the pieces back to their proper spaces and get Pugsley another child.
“Aww man, this house is all run down,” Barney complained. “Me and my husband can’t raise our children here! Can I get a different one?” 
“Oh! I’ll trade you!” Courtney said eagerly.
“No, no trading that’s against the rules!” Norma scolded.
“Rules are meant to be broken!”
“They’re really not.”
“Hey, where did my…” Barney trailed off. “I saw that! Stop stealing my life tiles with your tail, that’s cheating!”
“Hey, don’t touch my tail!”
“Well then, give them back- Ouch! Courtney, no biting!”
“Guys, stop fighting! You’re going to-”
“Watch out!”
“So… who won?” Pusgley asked as he stared down at the flipped over board. Life tiles and money were scattered everywhere. No one made a move to fix it. 
“I did, of course!” Courtney announced.
“You cheated! You stole most of your money,” Barney accused.
“Isn’t that how humans win at life? I’ve seen your politicians and your CEOs.”
“She’s not wrong,” Norma agreed.
Barney shrugged. “I think next time we should just play Cards Against Humanity.”
Courtney grinned widely. “Against humanity, you say? Now that sounds like my kind of game!”
<Chapter 1 Chapter 3>
Truth be told, I only wrote this chapter because I wanted that scene where Courtney and Barney were fighting and she bites him. I don’t know why, but I thought that would be funny. And then as I started writing the chapter it got more and more entertaining so I hope you also enjoyed it as much as I did!
Also featured, Courntey not giving a single thought about gender.
Let me know what you think so far! I have the next few chapters planned out, but if anyone has suggestions or ideas let me know! I might do it if I feel inspired to write it!
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icharchivist · 2 years
In reference to the opinions re-blog, can you share one such opinion for GBF? Or just any fandom you have a tickle for.
I guess it's my heated "obviously it doesn't matter but i'm heated about it" opinions about gbf are like
... under cut because eventually i got heated (at least you can be sure i am serious about those "stupid things that gets me heated despite knowing it's stupid" lmao)
-GBVS only people who constantly ignores the mobage or act like it doesn't exist, even if it's because they genuinely don't know, gets on my nerves. Similarly recent people who went "i can't wait for relink because i don't want to touch the mobage" please don't. This also extends to people who spams my recommended with "lol granblue sucks it doesn't even have rollbacks" i wish you a very "never get rollbacks if you don't get out from my lawn."
-Seeds of Redemption wasn't THAT BAD everyone is just mean. It wasn't even bad and the vitriol against it when it came out has always puzzled me. Also lowkey holding Nehan and Mugen in my arms like "if you only bitched about SoR don't look at them" which is the pettiest i can get.
-Also the argument against SoR that Seofon is "too manipulative and heartless in it" gets on my nerve like, i've never read him as being heartless, and, "too manipulative"?? my dude how long ago is the last time you read the Eternal recruitment quest, this is Seofon alright. Are you woobifying him.
-Enyo is fine, let a girl be murderous once in a while. this one is weirdly petty bc i've first heard of Enyo when she joined the pool and i was seeing people get VERY upset in gbf en's mentions to the point of insulting them, and i was so confused about it. Then i could gather, from also friends who disliked her, that it was because "she was mean and cruel and wants to kill us and also she was awfully mean to Athena" and i was just "..... and? We all want to fuck Belial here what's the problem?" and i've been an Enyo apologist ever since. well. "apologist" in the sense "let a girl have fun even if this fun is murder, you don't complain when Belial does the same". So i'm weirdly defensive of Enyo despite the fact otherwise i couldn't care less because i do find Athena a bit boring DLKJFDKLF
-It's fine that an event isn't exploring more about the angels. Really. It's fine. If you only come back when there's angels content and ignore everything else perhaps it's a you problem when you get upset the angels content isn't that good
-Bitching every Autumn about the 4kishi getting an event is getting old, "others saga deserves spotlight!!" yeah but it's the oldest running saga leave them be it's just a tradition at this point
That's the things that comes to my mind at least, which is just that basically i am pretty chill until i start to see bad takes too much that i start to be defensive out of things i wouldn't have defended out of pure spite.
But i also recognize those are pretty inconsequential
(very different from getting angry about what i sometimes see about Ladiva or Cags which really put me in a rightful anger that i don't think is THAT inconsequential, tho that does goes back to my point 1) of i really wish gbvs only people to stop discussing whenever Ladiva and Cags are good or bad rep when they then get to answer to clarification by "oh my bad i don't know the game" then don't discuss about whenever they're good or not. I'm specifically vaguing someone who said Cags was bad rep because she was evil which had mobage fans going hey what the fuck you on.)
tho on "inconsequential topics that makes me heated regardless" in any fandom tends to be linked to any conversation about redemption arcs (but ESPECIALLY in slice of life stories) and conversation about true siblings dynamic. On the later i know it's because i have perhaps more serious biases, but you can be sure that generally if i see a post about whenever or not a chara deserves a redemption arc or if we should "accept" their redemption, or whenever i see posts about how "those siblings are unrealistic because they love each other" or "the big sibling doesn't behave like a big sibling" i want to throw tables at people's face and i think we should admire my incredible self control for generally just taking it quietly.
But like those people are generally joking around when they talk about those things so i don't want to be a killjoy either but also i'm just "kill kill maim kill" in my head when those happen. Duality of man ect.
Redemption talks generally annoys the hell out of me because framing an entire character on whenever the apology is acceptable with the situation bores the hell out of me. Genuinely the most boring way to approach a character ever. Like i could be saying something more in depth about how it's reductive of the narrative and frame the entire value of getting better on the person hurt and the apology rather than taking in the personal journey of someone who has to grow with the guilt of their actions, but, i'll just be brief and say i find the way people talk about it boring as hell. (which by the way i will NEVER forgive Zuko from atla for being the only basis of “acceptable redemption arc” for people out there. His arc was great but he’s not the only arc possible and everytime you bring him up as being the only valid redemption arc and directly compare one saying it’s bad in comparaison i hate Zuko a little bit more everyday. Which fucking sucks because i started off loving Zuko, people are just annoying.)
In another fandom i was in (1, 2, 3 moment before the people who still follow me from the fandom goes "i fucking knew Icha would bring it up") one of my fav character was also the most controversial one because he kidnapped MC in a fits of misdirected revenge against someone he cared about but had a misunderstanding with that made him think he ruined his life, so he basically blackmailed him until he realized he was hurting the only person he had left to care about and is now having to struggle with the guilt of his actions while being forcefully adopted in the found family of the person he kidnapped, to whom he ends up becoming extremely soft with despite this guilt toward what he had done to them when he lashed out from trauma, despite trying to distance himself from them because of his guilt.
And so, i love this character to bits, but going into his tags was impossible because of the fact people refuse to accept that he's trying to be better, and constantly throws back his crimes to his face and all of that, and every single time i freeze like "dude, he's done the absolute bare minimum to be a temporary antagonist, it could have been worse. in gbf where i'm from, there's a character who did all of that AND started an apocalypse AND tortured people AND tried to torture your bestie and he's the most popular character of the franchise". Because i dare you, nonny, to reread what i just wrote about my fav from this franchise and not see the exact same way to describe Sandalphon especially in the first wmtsb event.
I was throwing fits WEEKLY about how "oh you guys would not survive ONE MINUTE in gbf.". Now for the sake of "i don't like being angry", at least i don't pay it any mind anymore (my amazing trap cards of "i'm never going in the tags" and "i only seek contents from Japanese fanartists because at least if they have bad takes i can't read them unless i force myself to"), but all of this to say this is probably the last straw of a chara i kept hearing "he didn't even have a proper redemption arc" that annoyed me over the edge. he didn't have one TO YOU. To me tho i'm kissing him on the mouth.
MOVING ON, Genuinely tho i hold gbf in such high esteem for this specific reason, i was fucking tired of hearing the most boring arguments ever to shit on a character because they decide their redemption is not good enough (bc they're not wallowing in misery enough i guess?), that it made me appreciate how much nobody gives a shit about that in the gbf fandom. We stan so many murderers and we just say it's sexy and we move on and i find it soooo sexy.
For siblings stuff in general i'm just genuinely pissed off by the general idea that there is a "one shoe fits it all" of sibling dynamics and especially when it bashes others ones in media. On this one it's a bit more personal because i have such a weird relationship with my siblings that everytime i see those takes i just get angry. It can be argued that therefore it's not completely 'inconsequential" but sometimes i just get angry for no reasons too about how "wow you guys are sO boring of not being able to make JOKES over anything else than your comfort zone of this bubble of normalicy you impose on everyone, do you.". Like man talk about the death of creativity because you refuse to accept something doesn't follow the Only Trope You Ever Considered Realistic To You And No One Else.
Once again i never really saw it in gbf due to the fact we don't specifically have major siblings pair in focus in stories? like there's a few and sometimes they fall more into the bickering side anyway but people barely talk about them so i'm at peace. But you can be sure this would end up firing me up.
and on general topics i just don't care for woobification of characters who did commit crimes. I feel like it's an overcompensation because when people say some characters don't deserve redemption they always highlight the bad things they've done, and so, people, instead of realizing it means your outline for redemption is bad and you should feel bad, they interpret it as "then we have to prove the bad things weren't so bad". And no!!! the bad things were bad!!! regardless of the reasons reframe them but don't change that fact. It doesn't make them less good of characters or less worthy of redemption. That's what happened recently over a discussion over Seox on my blog where i was getting heated on the idea of saying he did nothing wrong. What a waste of a good character to say he did nothing wrong just because you can recognize that the circumstances were out of his control. Those aren't mutually exclusive. You can still do bad things and still fundamentally deserves to grow from it, and you can be pushed into making those bad things for good reasons but that doesn't make them less bad, it just means you have a better change to heal from it.
Basically i love fucksup characters who did so much wrongs and intends to do better, and the bigger the wrong the more involved i am, so genuinely the two takes of either they're unredeemable or they are a sweet angel that did nothing wrong don't sit right with me at all.
so this is a good extensive list of stuff that gets easily on my nerves on fandom spaces that, technically, doesn't matter, but is it going to stop me from having it ruining my day? who knows!
So i did get heated and i want to formally apologize if there's any of those points that rings toward anyone, as in, at the end of the day, people have fun in their own way and it's not my intention to police how anyone does it. I'm perfectly aware those are stupid enough like that, so as long as it's not like, something that's thrown in my askbox or something, you do you.
But since you asked..... salutes.
Here you go!
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes Part Seven
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Part one / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
Dividers Used: Link
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Eddie: I told Marianna their ears flush when they lie. Steve: Why? Eddie: Look. Eddie: Hey Marianna! Do you love us? Marianna, covering their ears: No. Steve:
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*context*: Marianna only just started hanging out with Eddie and Steve.
Eddie: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place. Marianna: You people already know too much about me. Steve: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
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Eddie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste Marianna: We got spring water Eddie: NO. Steve: with EXTRA minerals Marianna: it's like licking a stalagmite Eddie: DON'T COME HOME. Steve: Mmmmm cave water
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Eddie: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity? Marianna: *turning to Steve* How tall are you?
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Eddie, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Marianna: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Eddie: Orange soda, please! Marianna: I'll have the strawberry soda. Steve: Me too, strawberry soda. Eddie:
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Marianna: What if mayonnaise came in cans? Steve: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal. Eddie: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
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Marianna, to Eddie: My life is in the hands of an idiot! Eddie, motioning to themself and Steve: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
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Marianna: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night. Steve: You were flirting with Eddie. Marianna: So what? He's my partner. Steve: You asked them if he was single. Marianna: Steve: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
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Marianna: If Eddie and I were drowning, who would you save? Steve: You two can't swim? Eddie: It's a hypothetical question, Steve! who would you save? Steve: my time and effort.
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Marianna: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper? Steve: I feel like we've all done that at least once. Eddie: I ate it too- Steve: See? Eddie::-On purpose... Marianna & Steve: ...What?
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Marianna: Yo dumbass, get over here. Steve: Okay Eddie: * gleefully runs past* I'm coming! Steve, sadly: I thought...I was dumbass...
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The squad is trying to con some random guy Marianna: Um, Eddie, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family? Eddie: We need money! Marianna: You're scamming him? Eddie: I was thinking more like flat- out stealing from him? Marianna: What?!No way! Eddie: Why not? We already stole Steve! Steve: Hey guys Marianna: No, we didn't. Steve can think and talk for himself, he can do whatever he wants! Steve: I wanna steal
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Marianna: Look at the buns on that guy! Eddie: *lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns* Steve:: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny! Marianna:: I'm not going back to jail!
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Marianna: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there's nothing there? Eddie: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before. Marianna: Marianna: *sobs* Steve: You fucking scared her, you idiot.
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Marianna: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Eddie: They do. Steve: Why did you say that with such...certainty?
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Marianna: *accidentally brushes Eddie’s hand with her own* Eddie: *aggressively holds her hand* Fucking commit to it!
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Marianna: Kissing can burns 26 calories in a minute, wanna work-out with me? ;) Eddie: Are saying that I'm fat? Marianna: No that's not what I meant I-
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Marianna: Eddie, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Eddie: Well of course I have. Eddie: Have you ever tried going mad without power? Eddie: It's boring.
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Marianna: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. Eddie: What- how? Marianna: You’d be like 'come to bed … Mr. President' and I’d be like, 'I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.'
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Marianna: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Eddie: Marianna, that's a coma. Marianna: Sounds festive.
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Marianna: Eddie... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Eddie: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Marianna: Marianna: I wrote sanitize, Eddie.
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Marianna: I don’t do relationships. Eddie: *exists* Marianna: Shit.
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Marianna: Change is inedible. Eddie: Don't you mean inevitable? Marianna, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
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Marianna: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Eddie: You need to stop.
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Marianna: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment! Eddie: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
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Eddie: I went through an entire character arc during quarantine Eddie: I became more evil if you’re curious Marianna: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still! Eddie: I'm going to get worse on purpose
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Eddie, tending to Marianna's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Marianna: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
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Eddie: Someone will die. Marianna: Of fun!
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vxmp-loml · 1 year
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♡As the rose petals continue to fall.♡
A/N: Hello~! I was bored and my head was going crazy with some obey me scenarios so, I decided to make one of them come to life! I hope you enjoy this and don't mind my grammar too much... Also, it would be very helpful if you guys could give me some chapter names If you want ofc I would appreciate it a lot^^ But yea- I'ma shut up now. I hope you enjoy this~!!
Mc is Gender neutral with They/Them Pronouns
TW: Cursing, suggestive kinda, that's all I can think of Let me know If I missed anything
This is an obey me! smau (Social Media Au)
This is just what to expect in this series and a preview:))
But this preview sucks a little soo
Started: January 14, 2023, 5:50 PM (EST)
Preview: You were about to close your eyes to start another day, ready to get some peaceful sleeping. Or so you thought, before you could even get comfier in the mattress you teleported into a mysterious place seeing many people staring down at you for whatever reason, you're very annoyed at the loss of sleep due to whatever the hell is going on here, but, you decide to wait for the answers to come to you. And they do! Turns out you're an exchange student for this program to unite Demons, Angels, and Humans! Isn't that fun! totally not questioning, and scary- Who knows who you'll meet or what might come your way but, it'll all be worth it to unite Demons, Angels, and Humans I hope...
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
This is just my take on the storyline with a hinch of my Mc's personality and appearance maybe if I'm feeling it... but everything for the Mc is up to your imagination!
What to expect: The chapters not coming very fast or at the time you want them I'm still in school. I still have exams, tests, and more.
The first chapter coming out very late as to when this will be posted. I'm posting this hella early before I'm fully finished with the first chapter. But, I'll edit this post to notify you when I finally post chapter 1:))
There being like Tweets and text messages in this series:)) I'll try my best to make a link for the demon brothers, the royals, the side characters including the new ones! even you the Mc!^^ and two of my ocs
There being A LOT of Grammatical errors. I try my best but Writing isn't my best subject ☠️
The plot being shitty as fuck. This is the first series I put a lot of time and effort into. even though this is my first "Obey me!" fic so I'm not experienced?
Half of the Information being wrong. I'm not that into the storyline I'm only on lesson 22 or lesson 28 ☠️
There not being a Masterlist until very late. I'm still very new to Tumblr so It's gonna be very difficult to create a Masterlist and do other stuff that'll benefit the series. But I'll try my best!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
That's all I can think of at the moment but I'll think of some more things and write it:))
A better Authors note down below!
A/N: Hello everyone!
I hope you're all doing well today. I'm excited to share my "Obey Me!" SMau (Social Media AU) with you. It's been a while since I've been able to work on something like this, and I'm thrilled to finally bring it to life.
Before we dive in, I want to clarify a few things. Firstly, please forgive any grammar or spelling errors you might encounter while reading. Writing isn't my strongest subject, but I've put a lot of effort into this series, and I hope you'll enjoy it regardless. Additionally, this is my first "Obey Me!" fic, so I'm not too experienced in the storyline.
With that said, let's talk about what you can expect from this series.
First and foremost, the main character (MC) is gender-neutral, with they/them pronouns. I thought this would be the best way to approach the story, as it allows the reader to fully immerse themselves in the world without any preconceptions.
The series is set in a world where demons, angels, and humans all exist together. You'll follow the MC as they navigate this new and exciting world as an exchange student, working towards uniting these three groups. However, it won't be an easy journey, as there are sure to be many obstacles and challenges along the way.
As for the format of the series, I'll be including tweets and text messages throughout. This will allow you to get a better sense of the characters and their personalities, as well as keep the story engaging and dynamic.
Now, for the not-so-great news. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not the best when it comes to writing, so there will likely be quite a few grammatical errors throughout the series. Additionally, I'm still in school, so the chapters won't be coming out as quickly as you might like. The first chapter will be posted quite late, so I appreciate your patience in advance.
Finally, I want to mention that I'm still very new to Tumblr, so creating a masterlist and doing other things that will benefit the series will be a bit of a challenge for me. However, I promise to do my best and keep you updated on any changes or updates to the series.
Overall, I'm really excited to share this "Obey Me!" SMau with you all. It's been a labor of love, and I can't wait for you to read it. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm always looking for ways to improve and make the series more enjoyable for everyone.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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hesitationss · 2 years
i wish bad movies today didn’t sucks so much like the most you can say about a bad movie today is ‘it was shot well’ but sometime not even that. like the editing in mortal kombat 2022 was horrible… like truly my worst watch this year (i don’t watch mcu live actions). a bad movie today is so fucking boring and hard to watch, all the good writers are working on shitty sitcoms or children’s cartoons. my friend works at a prod studio for what used to be redacted CW show… they genuinely are uncreative and unclever </3 a bad movie from the 90s or even early 2000s still had ppl acting their heart out because there was chemistry testing, it would be corny, or there was strong art direction. bad acting can still have a decent watch when all of the other story elements come together, and if there are good actors they will either carry the production or match the “ham” iness. now we have shit acting famous ppl who “look good together” with perfect skinny dehydrated bodies. i was watching the sabrina the teenage witch sitcom and someone playing a teenage lead today has to be like 50lbs lighter than what she was despite already being thin. also not linking the “everyone is beautiful no one is horny” article, it has like 2 good passages and the last half is absolute shit lol.
all we have are mass produced entertainment that isn’t entertaining and famous ppl trying to prove they can work hard as rich ppl like “now i’m going to run an animation studio and make it go bankrupt because i have no clue what i’m doing” or “i’m going to do VA ing because i can do emotive voices!” i kind of miss the actor to director pipeline because at least you know they were doing it because they wanted to learn about film, tv, and productions! anyway all bad movies today are painfully boring, there are no gay undertones or personality that could make them camp or even a cult classic. film is dying because The People’s Joker parody got pulled from Tiff after one screening. they were not lying when they said we are living in a fundamentalist anti intellectual times… not to mention film & tv are like the most powerful propaganda tools for the masses lol
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A good while back, like a year at least, I read several of the Murderbot Diaries books over the course of a few long security shifts when I had nothing else to read. It's not that it was just shitty and mediocre, it's that I genuinely can't tell if the series was written just to fuck with the target audience.
Like, every civilian character is some kind of academic or researcher, in a vague field with no practical skills. A bunch of them are in weird polyamorous marriages and using neopronouns and a bunch of other adjacent nonsense, and then when a crisis happens they are all universally panicking and worthless. People broadcast their pronouns and sexual preferences into the augmented reality network everyone's linked to, which is frequently used against them to pinpoint their locations. The protagonist robot constantly talks shit about how humans can't handle combat and they should leave it to cyborg clone things (no, no reason is ever given why it has human flashy bits; it's a liability constantly and this setting has sentient robots) and then every physical fight it gets into ends with it smashed to shit because it can't fight and has no basic technical knowledge of combat and has never made an attempt to attain it. These are just a few examples, this sort of thing is pervasive.
I mean, even if it was all a giant, ongoing troll of the oblivious clot of readers who bought it because it panders to them, it still wouldn't be a good series. Magical plot device hacking is everywhere, from shit that's unnecessary (on Ancapistan Station, don't have your character hack the weapons scanners. Just don't make there be scanners. It's Ancapistan Station. Nobody gives a fuck if people are packing.) to the nonsensical (the above example, also the time someone's power armor is hacked to paralyze them. Because your locomotion and comms wiring should be physically connected at all and that should totally be possible yet also unexpected by the wearer). The plots are boring, and even if these characters are walking mockeries, they're the only characters around and we the readers are stuck seeing them speak. I'm not about to crack any of the books open to be reminded of stuff that sucked, but there were numerous gripes I had.
All said, it's just bizarre. Normally, the question of "author has talent but an axiomatic mistake has made this story unenjoyable" "author just sucks" or "I'm legitimately being fucked with" i can answer within a minute of reading the chapter. I guess I'll never know, because I'm certainly not getting any more of those damned books
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