#everything started this way: with helen turning into a vampire
eljeebee · 4 months
Farewell, Sidera (For the Last Time) Part 2
“What is this commotion?”
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Straud had arrived, along with the Beaus and the Asvangs. Percival groaned, “My head hurts, old man. The whispers are telling me to…to kill.”
Straud firmly nodded. “We must start now.”
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The procedure was easy. Percival will have to spill the blood of the last Swanson. He must drink it. And as he drinks it, Straud, Lady Beau, and Valentina will unseal the contract, freeing Percival from its incessant whispers.
Percival bit Sid’s neck. She yelled in pain. The Heads of Houses immediately went to work, a magic circle appearing beneath the pair. The contract is being unsealed.
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The others watched.
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“Holy crap,” muttered Louie.
“This should work,” Lilith muttered under her breath.
“That must’ve been painful,” Lenora noted.
Caleb wanted to pull Helen away from the scene, “Come on, I don’t think you should see this.”
“No,” Helen stood her ground.
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Percival let go of Sid, holding her firmly when she swayed. She was feeling a little lightheaded.
“Well?” Valentina asked, worried.
He looked down at Sid. “I don’t hear anything anymore. It’s quiet.”
“Then it worked,” Straud sighed in relief.
Sid groaned, pushing Percival away. Helen opened her arms to meet her as she ran, but Sid went past her, and straight to Louie, who caught her.
That was the last straw. “No!”
Helen’s face cracked, showing her dark form. She approached the pair, but Lilith blocked her. Helen growled, “Please, Sidera, please! I’m going to kill him! Please come to me! I promise you’ll be safe!”
Valentina hissed, “No one is getting killed. Everyone comes out of this damned nightclub alive. There is no reason to go after him, the contract has been unsealed, and had released Percival from the spell.”
Sid looked back, voice weak, “Is that true?”
“Yes, child,” Straud replied, “Considering that Percival no longer descends into rampage when seeing you is enough proof.”
Sid said, “Then we don’t have to do any revenge, anymore, let’s just go home.”
Helen hissed, “He killed our family! Your mother!”
“The Strauds killed his sisters,” Lady Beau chimed in, though looking disinterested, “Is that not enough redemption for him? I do not know what else do you want, newborn.”
Helen let out a frustrated scream, “I didn’t become a fucking vampire just to come home defeated, Sidera! This is all for nothing! Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!”
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Sid buried her face on Louie’s shoulder. “I wanna go home.”
Lady Lenora stood beside Lilith when Helen tried to get to Sid. “Perhaps you should calm down, little one.”
“Get them away safely,” Straud ordered the Vatore siblings. He held Helen, and Lilith and Caleb quickly guided them down the first floor.
“I wanna go home,” Sid said again, gripping Louie’s arm. He squeezed her hand.
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petergirl10 · 23 days
Character Profile: Jonathon Young / Nikola Tesla
Damian Kindler (creator, executive producer & writer): Tesla's one of our favorite characters. He's a fan favorite, he's a writer favorite, he's an actor favorite.
Christopher Heyerdahl ("John Druitt/Big Foot"): I love that character. It's always so much fun watching a Tesla episode...
Ryan Robbins ("Henry Foss"): I think as far as vampires go, Tesla's probably the coolest vampire out there. I'm not just saying that because he's on our show, but I think the way Jonathon plays him makes him a very cool, very relevant vampire. He's not a stereotypical...He's not what you see. He's really done something really interesting with Tesla. He's very bright, very intelligent. Not to say the other guys aren't bright and intelligent, but you know what I mean. He doesn't sparkle.
Jonathon Young ("Nikola Tesla"): I've played Nikola Tesla on stage before, in a very different show, that really was a historical drama about his life, so my job in that play was to do research, collect anecdotes about him, and then try to create a portrait that came from that.
Christopher: He's known for playing Nikola Tesla and doing a great job. He's an extremely talented, one of our great talents in Canada. He's an amazing actor. He's one of those people who has a special gift. He's gifted physically, he's gifted intellectually, he's very graceful, and very specific in all his movements, and it's beautiful to watch. So, when they were talking about this character, Nikola Tesla... but he's going to be a vampire, I thought, "I don't know. Will Jonathon even be interested? I mean, this sounds kind of silly." You know, he's taking a character that he knows inside out, and we're going to make a vampire out of this? But at the same time, Jonathon has the look of a vampire. He has these amazing teeth, and they're very vampiric in many ways. I just thought he'd be perfect, and anyway, he'd probably have a hell of a lot of fun with it.
Jonathon: It became clear right away that the Sanctuary Tesla isn't so much interested in a imitation of a historical character, and I think that what's in the script is that he loves ideas above all else, he loves himself above anyone else, that he's intensely competitive, and that he has an arrogance about him that puts himself ahead of everyone else. Of course Tesla's ultimate goal is, you know, world domination.
Magnus: You're mad, Nikola.
Tesla: No! The Philadelphia Experiment was mad, but this... is progress.
Martin Wood (executive producer & director): One of the cool things about season three is we bring back Nikola Tesla, now the non-vampire version of Nikola Tesla.
Tesla: Well, I hope you're all happy now. I'm ordinary.
Martin: It's funny because everybody loves Tesla as a vampire, and the problem is, when you have a character that everybody loves the way they are, as soon as you start changing them, everybody goes, "You can't do that! That's our favorite guy! He does that!" You know, it's crazy.
Tesla: Here's to the glorious vampire race, once mighty, now extinct.
Amanda Tapping (executive producer, director & "Dr. Helen Magnus"): He's left de-vamped. He's left with this other gift, which he will call his incredible magnetism, I'm sure, but he... Yeah, it's a different Tesla, and it's a Tesla struggling to sort of figure out what this gift means, and how he can use it.
Tesla: Well... I can work with that.
Jonathon: I think, like Tesla, I thought it was an opportunity for something new. I mean, that's how Tesla ends that whole episode. He's totally despondent, but then, that "I can work with that" moment is because I think he sort of looks at everything as a game, and an opportunity to work things to his own advantage, so I think his mind started turning right away, and for me, I mean, I think that one of the great joys about acting is that, even though I'm playing the same part, every time I come on set, it's always new, so... I... I felt confident that the writers have a master plan in mind, and that this was a detour that was going somewhere.
Magnus: Nikola, the door!
Martin: What happens in season three is he's magnetic, and he can do some fun tricks, but it's not as cool as being a vampire, so we may end up making him back into a vampire at some point.
Amanda: But I can just say that we've shot an incredible scene that changes that too. So... literally just shot it. I still have the blood on my hands.
Tesla: I'm back, baby. And it feels so good.
Damian: There's different types of Nikola Tesla stories. There's the "we get a message from Tesla, and he's in trouble, but not the kind of trouble we think, which leads to other trouble, and he's got the..." It's the "hidden agenda" Tesla stories.
Tesla: Well, I did say S.O.S. in my message.
Henry: "Trapped in a cave with nasty bugs" would have been much more helpful.
Tesla: I'm just looking for a way to turn this pointless ability into something extraordinary.
Henry: It makes sense, in an evil way.
Damian: Then we have the sort of story where Tesla's involved because he's a genius, and there's something epic, and weird, and crazy happening, and we require a genius to help us, and make us feel kind of crappy about ourselves with his genius. That's another story that Tesla's often involved in. We have a Tesla story about the past, when we see The Five in Victorian England, and even Edwardian England, and Tesla's part of that, because he was part of the group from back in Oxford days, in the late 1800s. And then there's a Tesla story that comes closer to the end of season three, where he doesn't have a hidden agenda, but he definitely kind of gets in over his head seeking knowledge.
Tesla: Helen, we're surrounded by the greatest trove of vampire knowledge the world has ever seen. It's killing me. I'm being robbed of my last great discovery. I've spent my life trying to piece together my ancestry.
Damian: And it's nice, because he's the sort of character who can really, you can stretch, and pull, and put in different positions. He's definitely not a bad guy. He's definitely not a pure-of-heart good guy. He's just this wonderful, colorful fly-in-the-ointment, you know, amazingly annoying, amazingly useful, brave, egomaniacal, funny, critical, mean-spirited, lovely, loyal.... you know, kind of character. We love him.
Tesla: You were good, but I was better.
Jonathon: Each script gives a lot of humor to Tesla with those things in mind. That's why he's so fun to play, because he... like I said before, he thinks of everything as a kind of game, or a competition.
Tesla: Your shaggy friend is still refusing treatment, and frankly, I'm insulted.
Will: Oh, right, yeah, because I forgot, this is all about you.
Tesla: I have spent weeks creating a working treatment for the Lazarus Virus, and in the end, the creep in the room with the hair doesn't want to take his medicine! It's personal, and we both know it is.
Jonathon: He doesn't care about the effects of, you know, being completely rude, or completely outspoken, and in his mind, he's number one, right?
Damian: Tesla and Magnus have one of those relationships that is hard to define, and I believe that's mainly due to the fact that they're both so old.
Tesla: Helen Magnus. Kiss me and I'll save your life.
Magnus: And if I don't?
Tesla: It's been over 60 years. Just plant one on me already.
Damian: I think that Tesla, he just abhors boring people.
Magnus: Nikola Tesla, you always did know how to get attention.
Amanda: It's so much fun to play it, but I can't describe it. It's... it's this crazy friendship, with this very, you know, unabashed sexual overtone to it, from both of them.
Magnus: You've always been like this, haven't you? Selfish and arrogant, putting your own desires before everyone else's.
Tesla: I brought you here for two reasons. Because only you can help me finish what I'm working on, and because I love you.
Magnus: Yes, so you keep... What?
Tesla: I always have.
Damian: And the thing that's the most, you know, kind of fetching about Magnus to him is that she's anything but boring, and I think that's what makes her attractive to him.
Amanda: When you've known somebody for that long, and they know you as well as Tesla and Magnus know each other, I think it's almost like that sexual tension is just explosive, but nothing can happen because it's, like, "Then would we still have that tension?"
Magnus: Oh, shut up and help me.
Tesla: My God, you look sexy with a gun.
Damian: I think that Tesla and Magnus probably at some point had some kind of thing that went on, because she admires the giant brain. He has a giant brain, but he's just too much of an oaf, and Magnus has way better taste than that, so I think it's one of those, over the 160-year period, you get to have those little trysts and not worry about them, although you still have to work with the person.
Tesla: You felt... genuine concern for me. Admit it.
Magnus: Nonsense.
Tesla: Oh... You still like me, it's so obvious.
Magnus: You tried to kill me.
Tesla: Well, but you know, we all hurt the ones we love.
Jonathon: Well, first and foremost, they're old friends, and I think it's based on competition. It's based on rivalry and respect, and, of course, of love of ideas and love of adventure. I'm always bringing up memories of adventures.
Tesla: You know, this reminds me of when we were in Egypt looking for Tut's tomb, huh? Oh, those wild early days. No ground-penetrating radar, no satellite imagery.
Magnus: We were barely better than graverobbers.
Jonathon: I mean, I think that Helen Magnus has Tesla under a kind of spell.
Tesla: Well, I did say S.O.S. in my message.
Henry: "Trapped in a cave with nasty bugs" would have been much more helpful.
Tesla: I'm just looking for a way to turn this pointless ability into something extraordinary.
Henry: It makes sense, in an evil way.
Damian: Then we have the sort of story where Tesla's involved because he's a genius, and there's something epic, and weird, and crazy happening, and we require a genius to help us, and make us feel kind of crappy about ourselves with his genius. That's another story that Tesla's often involved in. We have a Tesla story about the past, when we see The Five in Victorian England, and even Edwardian England, and Tesla's part of that, because he was part of the group from back in Oxford days, in the late 1800s. And then there's a Tesla story that comes closer to the end of season three, where he doesn't have a hidden agenda, but he definitely kind of gets in over his head seeking knowledge.
Tesla: Helen, we're surrounded by the greatest trove of vampire knowledge the world has ever seen. It's killing me. I'm being robbed of my last great discovery. I've spent my life trying to piece together my ancestry.
Damian: And it's nice, because he's the sort of character who can really, you can stretch, and pull, and put in different positions. He's definitely not a bad guy. He's definitely not a pure-of-heart good guy. He's just this wonderful, colorful fly-in-the-ointment, you know, amazingly annoying, amazingly useful, brave, egomaniacal, funny, critical, mean-spirited, lovely, loyal.... you know, kind of character. We love him.
Tesla: You were good, but I was better.
Jonathon: Each script gives a lot of humor to Tesla with those things in mind. That's why he's so fun to play, because he... like I said before, he thinks of everything as a kind of game, or a competition.
Tesla: Your shaggy friend is still refusing treatment, and frankly, I'm insulted.
Will: Oh, right, yeah, because I forgot, this is all about you.
Tesla: I have spent weeks creating a working treatment for the Lazarus Virus, and in the end, the creep in the room with the hair doesn't want to take his medicine! It's personal, and we both know it is.
Jonathon: He doesn't care about the effects of, you know, being completely rude, or completely outspoken, and in his mind, he's number one, right?
Damian: Tesla and Magnus have one of those relationships that is hard to define, and I believe that's mainly due to the fact that they're both so old.
Tesla: Helen Magnus. Kiss me and I'll save your life.
Magnus: And if I don't?
Tesla: It's been over 60 years. Just plant one on me already.
Damian: I think that Tesla, he just abhors boring people.
Magnus: Nikola Tesla, you always did know how to get attention.
Amanda: It's so much fun to play it, but I can't describe it. It's... it's this crazy friendship, with this very, you know, unabashed sexual overtone to it, from both of them.
Magnus: You've always been like this, haven't you? Selfish and arrogant, putting your own desires before everyone else's.
Tesla: I brought you here for two reasons. Because only you can help me finish what I'm working on, and because I love you.
Magnus: Yes, so you keep... What?
Tesla: I always have.
Damian: And the thing that's the most, you know, kind of fetching about Magnus to him is that she's anything but boring, and I think that's what makes her attractive to him.
Amanda: When you've known somebody for that long, and they know you as well as Tesla and Magnus know each other, I think it's almost like that sexual tension is just explosive, but nothing can happen because it's, like, "Then would we still have that tension?"
Magnus: Oh, shut up and help me.
Tesla: My God, you look sexy with a gun.
Damian: I think that Tesla and Magnus probably at some point had some kind of thing that went on, because she admires the giant brain. He has a giant brain, but he's just too much of an oaf, and Magnus has way better taste than that, so I think it's one of those, over the 160-year period, you get to have those little trysts and not worry about them, although you still have to work with the person.
Tesla: You felt... genuine concern for me. Admit it.
Magnus: Nonsense.
Tesla: Oh... You still like me, it's so obvious.
Magnus: You tried to kill me.
Tesla: Well, but you know, we all hurt the ones we love.
Jonathon: Well, first and foremost, they're old friends, and I think it's based on competition. It's based on rivalry and respect, and, of course, of love of ideas and love of adventure. I'm always bringing up memories of adventures.
Tesla: You know, this reminds me of when we were in Egypt looking for Tut's tomb, huh? Oh, those wild early days. No ground-penetrating radar, no satellite imagery.
Magnus: We were barely better than graverobbers.
Jonathon: I mean, I think that Helen Magnus has Tesla under a kind of spell.
Tesla: Maybe a little tighter. You know, just to be safe.
Magnus: If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible.
Jonathon: Whether or not there... was romance, I think should remain a secret until it's revealed, but there's clearly always the potential for that, but if anything, that makes the friendship that much more interesting and magnetic.
Amanda: It's an interesting... They're both incredible geniuses, they're both incredibly stubborn, and they both love each other deeply, though both of them are loathe to admit it.
Tesla: You have a Sasquatch for a butler, and you travel the world with history's most notorious murderer, and now you don't feel safe? Helen, green is not a good color on you.
Magnus: Don't be ridiculous.
Tesla: She's intelligent, powerful, remarkably well-preserved for her age, everything I look for in a woman. And unlike someone I know, she's actually interested in me.
Magnus: I'm not engaging in this childish conversation.
Tesla: The more you deny it, the truer it is.
Damian: I think Tesla's always had a deep, deep place in his heart for Magnus, but knows that he is never going to be the love of her life, that tall, bald, and homicidal Jack the Ripper is going to be the one that's got her heartstrings.
Magnus: We'll all meet back here with our keys.
Druitt: That leaves you and... Nikola. Your tests are marked for the same area.
Tesla: I guess your father liked us best as a couple.
Druitt: Helen, if you can wait, I...
Magnus: I'll be fine.
Tesla: Such chivalry.
Druitt: If any harm comes to her, accidental or otherwise...
Tesla: I have no reason to do her any harm, but you, I'm finding more reasons by the minute.
Magnus: Honestly. I am surrounded by adolescents.
Jonathon: Definitely the deepest animosity between Druitt and I, and it'll be interesting to see how that plays out. You know, what kind of jealousy there is there.
Christopher: Nicky's a pain in the ass, really. I think that if he saw the arse end of Nikola Tesla, he'd be a happy man.
Tesla: The power in that vial, it could change history, create any kind of future we choose.
Druitt: We?
Jonathon: It comes down to showmanship, too, I think. Who really is the most... Who has the most power, I think. Or who can go to the most extreme place. I mean, Druitt is such an extreme character with such darkness in him.
Tesla: Guess who's still standing?
Magnus: John?
Druitt: Hello, Nikola.
Jonathon: And when we first met Tesla, that was certainly the way Tesla was introduced, was that he was the darkest, or had the most capacity for evil.
Christopher: At the same time, there's a wonderful... respect and camaraderie to these two, that...
Tesla: John, really. He's not worth it, pardon the pun. If you kill him, he can't help her.
Adam: Same old Johnny.
Tesla: Shh, please.
Jonathon: We saw a more human side to him, as we have seen with Druitt, too. But again it comes down to... competition, and I think past grudges too.
Tesla: Nice move last time we met, Johnny. Took me a while to get over it.
Druitt: Not long enough, old boy. Care for another helping?
Jonathon: It's qualities of Tesla's that Tesla sees in Druitt, that Tesla reacts to the strongest, so it's when he... I mean, I think that that's true in life. When you actually take apart what it is you don't like so much about someone, often it's qualities that you have, so I think his arrogance, and his power, and, uh, his, of course, special bond with Magnus.
Magnus: Hand it over.
Tesla: Very well. But really, I have to say, when I imagined the splendor of the entry hall, an architectural site thousands of years old, a veritable marvel of art and design, and to think that the first witnesses to this spectacle will be Huey, Duey, and Screwy? Really, Helen, my heart sinks you chose them over me.
Magnus: Don't be bitter.
Tesla: But I do it so well.
Jonathon: Well, I think Tesla has such disdain for ordinary humans, and takes great pleasure in making that known.
Tesla: I want my life back. Look at me, Helen. I'm reduced to parlor tricks and Morse code. I can't even get out of a cobweb without help from these chumps. What am I now, human with... with benefits? It's pathetic.
Jonathon: And at any chance he can get, I think... making fun of how pathetic and weak regular humans are.
Tesla: You, I like. You, I don't know.
Will: I'm Dr. Zimmerman. I work with Dr. Magnus.
Tesla: Protégé. Well, the mission's necessary disposable item.
Magnus: Stop this, Nikola.
Robin Dunne ("Will Zimmerman"): Will and Nikola have an interesting relationship, I think. I don't know if you can even really call it a relationship. Definitely from Tesla's point of view, I'm sure he just sees Will as just some pathetic little human who, you know, is something of an annoyance. He kind of treats him as though he's a child.
Will: And you just happened to get trapped by them. God, that's so weird.
Tesla: Yeah, down, Junior. I didn't know they were here until they tried to make me part of the architecture.
Jonathon: As far as Tesla's concerned, Will's just not in the same class, and needs to be reminded of that, on a daily basis, to keep him in his place.
Will: Retrieve the Source Blood, and it's a grand slam?
Tesla: One thing at a time, Dr. Expendable.
Jonathon: I think because Will is so resilient too, and puts up with so much, because he believes in his work. I mean, as far as I can tell, Will believes in his job, and is devoted to Magnus, he becomes a great foil for Tesla's arrogance.
Will: You know what I say? I say you got yourself into a little bit of trouble, and you dragged us into the mess, too. So stop whining about it.
Tesla: I thought helping people was part of your job description.
Will: Yeah, people. You, Professor Hidden Agenda, not so much.
Robin: His opinion of Tesla is that Tesla's a guy who's in the Tesla business first and foremost, always has a secret agenda, doesn't ever do anything that doesn't benefit him in some way.
Tesla: Unprotected platinum coils? Wolf-boy... Have a word with him about power efficiency.
Magnus: I doubt Henry planned on this kind of re-purposing.
Tesla: That's no excuse.
Ryan: Tesla and Henry have an interesting relationship because I don't think Tesla respects Henry very much at all, and I think despite himself, Henry can't help but respect Tesla and admire him. I think Henry admires the guy, and hates him for being so clever.
Henry: Yeah, I get how you could generate a signal by clenching your kegels or whatever, but how did you get the range?
Tesla: Oh, you obviously didn't do any aerial mapping on your way in. Had you, you might have noticed the amplification properties of the local terrain.
Henry: Parabolic focus point. Okay, then wouldn't it be secondary signals...
Tesla: Hey, shh, shh! Slop. You'll hurl yourself, and I'm feeing far too tired to feign concern.
Henry: You're welcome. Jackass.
Ryan: It's the last guy in the world Henry wants to, you know, learn from, or look up to. I think he just despises so much about him. I mean, you can go back to that whole vampire/werewolf thing, where those are just two... They just never get along, historicity, ever.
Tesla: The Cabal have been planning this move for decades. I've had two days, a crappy lab, and Tiny Tim for an assistant, so please cut me some slack.
Henry: If you think working with you is a party, think again, Vlad!
Tesla: Good, you finally showed up. Quit your whining and get to work.
Jonathon: And he's got to work with Wolf-boy, in the lab, with the crappy antique tools that Magnus keeps around. I mean, I think when Tesla gets angry about something, especially if it's a mistake that he's made, he immediately blames somebody else, and I've found that fuels a lot of scenes is that often Tesla's just angry at his own predicament, or his own error, and that fuels a bunch of rage at someone else.
Tesla: Never bore your audience.
Damian: That, to me, is Tesla. "Never bore your audience." That's him. That's a very definitive moment. He's about to do something brave, but in his mind, it's like, "Well, I'm only doing this because God forbid anything should be dui and uninteresting." And he's about that. He's a genius, and geniuses are like that. A lot of criminals are geniuses because they're just bored silly living inside the rules of society, and Tesla's like the ultimate criminal genius.
Christopher: I think he's an enjoyable... an enjoyable person to dislike.
Amanda: He's the character you love to hate, and you love to love, because he's just so out there. Yeah, yeah, and he has become one of the most popular characters on the show, and for very good reason, not only because the actor playing him is so incredible, but because this character is such a fully realized... dink. You just love him. I don't know if I can use that word, but I'm gonna.
Tesla: Yeah, well, since when did I become the responsible member of this group? The big hairy one can answer the phone. I'm not missing out on this.
Druitt: You're absolutely determined to come with us?
Tesla: Of course I am.
Druitt: If you insist.
Tesla: Son. Of. A. Bitch!
Jonathon: That's what makes him so fun to play is... his ability to say absolutely anything.
Tesla: No, we mustn't forget our most important achievement of the day. My resurrection.
Magnus: Oh, here we go.
Tesla: Sweet, sweet resurrection.
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A, F, J, K, M, U, and X for the ask game <3
Thank so much for the ask! 💕🥰
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Currently I am obsessed with these:
Helen/John (Sanctuary)
Helen/Nikola (Sanctuary)
Helen/John/James (Sanctuary)
Sam/Jack (Stargate SG-1)
Cassie & SG-1 (Stargate SG-1)
Helen & Henry (Sanctuary)
(Also, basically any found family bonds in Sanctuary)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Hmm. Not long, because I've only actively participated in fandom since March 2023, if you're going by those standards.
I've loved Sanctuary since I first saw in 2016, but I didn't start writing for it (or really for any fandom) before 2022.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Doctor Who.
I've never watched it or given it much thought, but apparently a lot of my mutuals love it. I've been seeing gif-sets, screenshots, jokes, and headcanons everywhere and I didn't even really know anything about it before I got on Tumblr.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Nikola Tesla from Sanctuary. (Sorry Regina).
When he was first introduced, he most definitely would have hurt and/or killed Helen to get what he wanted. No one can deny that. His reasons for joining them in Bhalasaam weren't exactly unselfish either.
I know there's a lot of he always loved her, but I don't think that's really the case, beyond it starting as infatuation with a woman he respected, admired, and cared about.
But through his arc you get to see him grow from a selfish bastard to someone who actually genuinely cares about the others and regrets his actions when his good intentions are turned against him, to the point where he does everything he can to fix it.
He grows from the selfish vampire to someone who cares beyond that one person (Helen) to everyone else and what they care about, though he wouldn't admit it.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Henry Foss from Sanctuary. I think he'd just be a really good friend to have. A bit laid back, but incredibly loyal and a nerd. We could fan over things, build stuff, and play video games.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Helen (Sanctuary) -- What's not to love? She's badass, determined, flawed, caring, bisexual, smart, mama bear, allergic to feelings. There's honestly so many reasons she's my favorite I can't think of them all.
Sam (Stargate SG-1) -- Probably for most of the reasons I listed Helen, honestly. She's incredibly smart, she's tough, she's in the military, she's a realistic female character in an almost completely male setting. She stands on her own, but is part of team she would die for.
Regina (Once Upon a Time) -- (I most certainly do not have a type) She has such a great character arc. She was a villain because of her trauma and wasn't stopped from doing the Big Bad that trauma fueled. She was very resistant to changing herself and her growth to a better person was on her terms. She's also tough and badass.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I want to say dark! fics for some reason, but I'm not sure that's a trope. 🙈
Probably enemies-to-lovers. I've read a smattering of Sanctuary, Stargate, and Supernatural fics with them and I've enjoyed them immensely.
(I'm also a sucker for pregnancy fics, but those fall into way too many categories to straight up just say 'pregnancy fics').
Thanks for the lovely asks, sorry if it got a bit lengthy! ❤️
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riversofmars · 1 year
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New fic project kicking off today! I've been going on about this for a while and it's finally happening, time for Vampire!Liv AU as inspired by @meluisart on many occasions XD Starting off mellow but will become M rated eventually!
Summary: Helen Sinclair had never felt like she was really welcome anywhere. Somehow she had always been the odd one out, whether it was with her family or working at the National Museum. Her life took an unexpected and welcome turn when the Doctor and Liv Chenka broke into her office. To be offered a chance to go and travel with them, was more than the linguist could have wished for. Perhaps she could finally find a place she fit in; somewhere, where she could be herself without locking her heart away. There was a lot she would have to learn about the infinity of Time and Space; and about her fellow travellers as sometimes, there is so much more to things than meets the eye.
The Devil You Know - Chapter 1
“Wow…” Helen Sinclair whispered as she took a tentative step into the blue box that she had failed to take seriously until that very moment. She had seen quite a few police boxes in her time, they were dotted all over London, but never one like this. The double doors had opened to a large room - part Victorian drawing room, part Gothic cathedral, part scientific fever dream. 
The Doctor followed, closing the doors with a low chuckle, and Liv Chenka kept close to her side, offering a kind smile and words of support: 
“Yeah, that’s usually the reaction.” 
They were her new friends and this was about to become her- Helen really wasn‘t sure what this place - the TARDIS as the Doctor had called it - would become to her. Vehicle? Temporary domicile? Home? She had taken the first few steps into an unknown future and while it was completely terrifying, it was also wonderfully exciting. And so, she smiled as she walked further into the utterly baffling space that was so much bigger than it had looked from the outside, and so much madder too.  
“You say that like you’ve often invited people to come travel with you,“ the linguist observed lightly as she scanned her surroundings curiously. She immediately noted the high book shelves at the edges of the room, delighted in the tea-set on a small table, speaking to the possibility of a decent cup of tea, and marvelled at the contrast between the soft mood lighting of the numerous candles and the unearthly blue hue of the column at the centre of the room. There was clutter everywhere and yet it seemed as though everything had its place. Perhaps she could have one here too. It wasn‘t as though she belonged anywhere else, in a way she felt like she never had, but perhaps things would be different now. She was being handed a new beginning and an utterly ludicrous, yet wonderful, one at that.
“No actually. Not as such…“ Liv commented beside her. “But people who do enter the TARDIS don‘t usually take it as well as you seem to be.” There was a hint of amusement in her voice, as well as affection that Helen wasn‘t quite such she was deserving of just yet. They barely knew each other. They had, however, been through a life and death situation together, and that sort of thing tended to bring people close.
“How does it work?” The linguist asked, curiosity getting the better of her. She had so many questions, that was just the most pressing one. 
“It‘s dimensionally transcendental,“ the Doctor threw a vague explanation her way, as he made his way to the hexagonal console in the centre of the room. 
“Which means the outside and inside dimensions don’t align,“ Liv supplied helpfully, clearly trying to put her at ease. It was rather sweet, as was the smile she gave her. Helen couldn‘t help but wonder about the sort of life she had been leading with the Doctor. Of course she was about to find out for herself, but it wasn‘t just that. She was also curious about their relationship to one another. Surely they had to be rather close as it was just the two of them, but there was a sense of excitement about the other woman that gave Helen the feeling that maybe she was looking forward to having her around. At least that was what she wanted to think. 
“So technically, we’re in a different dimension?” She deduced, accepting and working with her explanation, rather than questioning it. The sooner she learned to accept the wonders around her, the sooner she might actually learn to understand them. 
“If you will, yeah," Liv agreed, keeping step with her as they followed the Doctor to the centre of the room. 
“Fascinating," Helen hummed, unable to keep her attention confined to just one thing. She was back to scanning the room, taking everything in.
“Don’t ask me to explain in detail, I can’t. It’s Time Lord technology," Liv carried on and Helen could feel her eyes on her, watching her awestruck reaction to it all. 
“And that’s what the Doctor is? A Time Lord?” The linguist's eyes focused on her guide once more. She felt it rude to ask the Doctor outright so she took advantage of his inattentiveness to question Liv further.
“Yeah, that's right," she confirmed with a smile.
“And you? You’re-” Despite the flow of the conversation, the question still came out rather clumsy but Liv merely chuckled at her insecurity:
“Descended from humans, yes,” she explained but not unkindly. “Though a bit further in the future from your point of view.”
“This is mad," Helen shook her head to herself as she watched the Doctor twist dials and pull levers. "I’ve gone mad, haven’t I?”
“You might be mad for wanting to come along but-” Liv hummed and the linguist protested playfully: 
“You’ll get used to it," Liv concluded with a confident nod and Helen smiled in full agreement. 
“I’ve had the TARDIS make her a room, right opposite yours, Liv," the Doctor announced, looking around to his companions. "Can you show her around? She’ll be hungry too, not like any of us have had a chance to eat with what was going on. Drop by the kitchen on your way?” He suggested kindly and the med-tech nodded.
“Of course.” She waved Helen along to follow while her attention was drifting once more. She half expected to wake up at any moment and find it had all been a dream, but no such thing happened. Instead, her attention snapped back to her hosts. 
“I-” She lacked the words to express herself which was quite something given how many languages she spoke. Nothing she could think of could quite describe the overwhelming feeling she was experiencing at being offered a home with such ease. Until now, in every aspect of her life, the linguist had had to fight for her place, pushing her way into spaces where she wasn't wanted, be it university, her career or simply her role in society that she'd sought to carve out for herself without conforming to expectations. And now, the Doctor simply offered her a room. 
“What is it?” Liv frowned and the Doctor looked concerned as well. 
“My own room?” Helen looked in between the two of them and she could see the lack of understanding in their eyes. They were utterly unaware of how significant a gesture it was. Of course she had expected to be put up somewhere, some guest room or other, but the fact that the Doctor had specified it being her room was something she had yet to come to grips with. It also implied that he expected her to be around for long enough to require one…
“You didn’t expect to share, did you? We barely know each other,” Liv's expression of confusion turned to a playful smirk and colour shot to Helen's cheeks. 
“Oh, uh, no, of course not, I-” She stuttered quickly, swept up in a wave of panic. Her distress must have been all too obvious as the other woman instantly made her apologies. 
“Sorry. I was trying to be funny. Apparently humour isn’t one of my strong points. It’s been said but never quite wanted to believe it…” She gave an awkward chuckle and Helen reminded herself that she was in a time machine with people who seemed to have very little idea of what life in the 1960s entailed... Such a remark, playful as it had been, would have landed Liv in a world of trouble had the wrong people heard it. Here however... Helen knew there was a lot she would have to learn and get used to.
“No that’s fine," she assured her new friend quickly but couldn't bring herself to look at her directly. Else she would have struggled to reign in the unbidden thoughts of how nice sharing a room with her might be... Liv Chenka was a very attractive woman, objectively yes, but also in the way she carried and conducted herself. Before, Helen would never have admitted it and drowned the thoughts in a pool of forgetting. She had fostered it at the back of her mind to guard her heart and mind against the disappointment of things her time just wouldn't allow. Now, however... 
“Shall we?" Liv drew her attention back to the present. "Let me show you around…” She offered and gestured to the door to the other side of the room. The Doctor gave her an encouraging smile and Helen nodded.
“This place is amazing. How big is it? Really?” Helen followed Liv through the corridors of the TARDIS. They were taking the long way around to the kitchen, the grand tour, as her guide had called it. They had been to the wardrobe hall, the swimming pool, the cinema, numerous sitting rooms and the library which the linguist had taken an instant liking to and when Liv revealed there were several, she couldn't wait to see those too. 
“I actually have no idea," Liv conceded with a laugh. “Haven’t found an end to the TARDIS in all the time I’ve been here.” She pushed her hands into her pockets as they walked. 
“How long have you been with the Doctor?” Helen asked curiously, eager to learn more about her. 
“Quite a while, yeah,” the med-tech nodded and pointed out a door ahead: “Here we are: kitchen!” 
“Oh good, I am getting quite peckish,” the linguist admitted and her new friend smiled.
"About time we got here then, the TARDIS probably timed that just right," she mused and showed her into the room. 
"The TARDIS did?" Helen asked, bewildered, as she couldn't make much sense of her statement and Liv's explanation wasn't really answering any questions either:
"She's just that little bit sentient, the TARDIS... She has a mind of her own. If she's cross with you, you might end up searching your bedroom for hours," she revealed with a grin.
"I shall be on my best behaviour then," Helen chuckled, judging it best to just roll with the punches and try to process things later.
"Well, I think you're off to a good start, that fruit basket wasn't here earlier," Liv commented, pointing out a beautiful arrangement of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter. A few days ago, Helen would have laughed anyone out of the room that tried to convince her a sentient Space and Time Ship was responsible for putting up fresh fruit, but given the strange, ridiculous things she had experienced the last few days, she could hardly argue. So she simply picked up an apple and smiled:
"This is something I could get used to." She surveyed the rest of the kitchen with equal interest as any other place she had been shown. It was rather large with a table that seated four and numerous appliances that she either only knew rudimentary versions of or that she couldn't figure out the purpose of at all. 
“Thing is, I’m not great with food prep… where I’m from, the 30th century, we mainly just use food machines. You can make things the old fashioned way or just use this,” Liv explained and marched over to a large machine to the right hand side of the room. “What would you like?” She asked, looking back to Helen. 
“Cup of tea would be great but I think I’ll do that myself, actually,” the linguist answered after brief consideration and headed for the kettle. 
“Fair enough. That’s something the Doctor does manually too… but you will need food. What do you fancy?” The med-tech pushed on and Helen shrugged as she filled the kettle with water. 
“Something quick and easy… eggs on toast?” She asked as she didn’t want to make a fuss. She didn’t like being an inconvenience.
“Sure,” Liv smiled and turned to the food machine. “It’s pretty self explanatory.” She pushed a few buttons and the screen lit up on which she selected the food item of choice. It was a quick and easy progress and before Helen had even set the kettle to boil, a plate with two slices of toast and three eggs appeared behind a flap. “Here you are," the med-tech retrieved the plate and offered it up to her new friend. 
“Wow, that’s quick, thank you,” Helen smiled and took the plate offered, once she'd pulled a couple of mugs from the cupboard. Liv hadn't said about wanting tea herself but she felt it was the polite thing to do. “Milk in here, is it?” She found the fridge quickly once she had put her toast down. 
“Yeah, that’s the fridge…" Liv nodded, then stalled for a moment as if she had just remembered something very important. "Actually hang on-” She started on a sentence but Helen was far too quick. She had already opened the fridge.
“What the-”  She jumped back and nearly fell over her own two feet. 
“Ah yes, should have warned you… the Doctor has been storing the samples from some of his experiments there… among the dairy products… sorry…” Liv quickly sought to reassure her and put her at ease in regards to the vials of blood that stood in neat rows inside the fridge. It was an unnerving sight. 
“Is that blood?” Helen asked, mortified. 
“Ah some of it might be, I’m not sure… the TARDIS also just… provides the food so it’s not like we go shopping and rearrange the fridge or- I have no idea what’s actually in there," she stuttered apologies and slowly Helen's shock faded. 
“Right… the milk looks alright…” She observed at last and took the carton out of the fridge door, keeping well away from the mysterious vials. She was convinced they were blood...
“I’ll talk to the Doctor, get him to rearrange stuff," Liv reassured her, taking note of her reluctance. 
“Okay," Helen gave a half-smiled but was interrupted by the sudden arrival of their host.
“Talk to me about what?” The Doctor asked, raising his eyebrows as he marched into the kitchen to join them.
“Err- your blood samples that you’re keeping in the fridge with the food? They really ought to go elsewhere…” She vaguely gestured in the direction of the fridge that had closed now while Helen was adding milk to the mugs on the side. 
“Oh right, yes, I suppose so…” The Doctor sounded bewildered but agreed regardless. 
“It’s no matter. Your house, your rules. Just got to watch what I get out, I suppose," Helen interjected, not wanting to cause a fuss. Out of all the mad things she had seen in this place, science experiments in the fridge didn't seem far-fetched. While it would take some getting used to, it was just one of many things and not an issue. She returned the milk to the fridge. 
“Yes," the Doctor agreed, clearly not keen to change the arrangements. “That would be best.”
"I hope we're not scaring you off," Liv added quickly and Helen smiled:
"Quite the contrary, every find is more intriguing than the last." And she meant that.
“Have you seen your room yet?” The Doctor beamed, clearly waiting for feedback. 
“Just heading there now," Liv assured him, as Helen picked up her tea to sip.
“Good, good, and then we can decide where to go first!” The Time traveller grinned. "Go and find your room, then meet me back in the console room."
“So… can we really go anywhere? To another planet or another time?” Helen asked curiously once the Doctor had departed and Liv just smiled:
“Take your time to eat first. We’re in no hurry. Time machine, remember?” She assured her and gestured for her to sit down. 
They did take their time, Liv had insisted upon it, even if she hadn’t been the one to eat. She had nursed her tea and engaged Helen in conversation between bites. The linguist felt a sense of relief. It seemed as though her new friend was just as keen to share, as she herself was to learn. 
Eventually, however, they made for the bedroom as instructed.
“Here we are,” Liv presented a heavy oak door to her, carved with beautiful flowers. She took a step back to allow her passage, and curiously Helen pushed the door open.
“Oh wow,” she breathed in awe as she stepped into yet another beautifully curated space. It was remarkable. She instantly felt at home. It was a large room, almost like a flat in its own right. There was a seating corner, high bookshelves, a desk, as well as a large, comfy looking bed at the far end of the room with a door leading off to the side, presumably to an en-suit. Her head whipped from side to side as she tried to take it all in. 
“I hope it’ll be to your liking,” Liv commented, looking on. She hung back just beyond the doorway, almost as if she didn’t want to intrude on her new found space. “I’m sure the TARDIS can change things around if you’re missing anything. I’m right across if you ever need anything.” She gestured behind herself to another door, one of darker wood and less whimsical design.
“It’s okay, you can come in, I don’t mind,” Helen offered, noticing her hesitation and the other woman looked back. 
“Right, okay…” She nodded and took a couple of tentative steps forward. 
“You know, this might actually be bigger than my flat back in Tooting,” the linguist commented in awe, somewhat oblivious to her reluctance. “What used to be my flat anyway…”
“I’m sorry for how things went with-” Liv started but she interrupted her quickly looking around. 
“I’m not sorry. This is amazing!” She insisted excitedly. More and more the sense of awe and wonder was translating to excitement and her anxiety ebbed away. They wanted her here. She was welcome. She had found a place to stay and be and it was all so much more than she could possibly have dreamt.
“I’m glad you think so,” Liv offered kindly and Helen sighed:
“Is this a dream, Liv? Is this what it was like for you?”  She asked. “It’s all so overwhelming.”
“It is a lot to take in, that’s for sure,” the other woman agreed. 
“How did you come to meet him? The Doctor?” Helen questioned as she started pulling books off the shelf to see what titles the TARDIS had provided her with. It was quite the selection. 
“Long story, probably best suited to another time,” Liv chuckled. “You ought to get settled in. I don’t want to intrude.”
“You’re not intruding,” the linguist turned quickly to reassure her but this time, she wasn’t so easily dissuaded.
“Still…” she smiled. “I should see what the Doctor is getting up to, can’t leave him unsupervised for too long…”
“Did I say something wrong?” Helen asked, uneasy about her sudden eagerness to go. Her doubts, fostered through years of being put down and critizised reared their heads and she wondered if she had put her off already, if her enthusiasm had been too much as she had often been told at the National Museum. She didn’t want to ruin things from the get go but now, Liv was practically taking flight.
“Not at all. No. Of course not!” She assured her firmly. “There will be plenty of time for all that later, I promise. Take a minute to process everything. Get a change of clothes, something more practical.”
“What’s wrong with this?” Helen looked down at herself. She was wearing a simple dress.
“Nothing! You look lovely! But I guarantee you, wherever we go, there is always a lot of running involved. Dresses, heels… they are not the most suited to those. No matter how lovely you look in them,” Liv explained and Helen could have sworn there was a touch of admiration in her voice. Wishful thinking, nothing more, she told herself and nodded her agreement with the matter:
“I’m… looking forward to having you around,” Liv observed gently and Helen’s heart leapt. She sounded so utterly sincere… It would be the first time someone had said so and actually meant it.
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genderhawk · 6 months
I'm unsure what your taste is so I'm including a small summary by everything. the storygraph generally has all triggers listed in their system if you need any content heads up) Unsure if you want non fiction also but I threw a couple of my favorites on there . All of these I got on Libby or hoopla
Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix (Salem's Lot but Southern and with some very profound and insightful things about White Womanhood and public perception. Every female character is fleshed out and realistic)
I Lived On Butterfly Hill by Marjorie Agosin (A YA fictionalized memoir about a Chilean girl during Pinochet's regime) Sisters of the Lost Nation by Nick Medina (Thriller/Horror novel about an indigenous girl whose sister goes missing. One of the best things I have read this year) The Free People's Village by Sim Kern (Alternate history, what if Al Gore won the election? A fascinating look at how many of the problems we live with today are rooted deeper than simply someone else becoming president.) The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker (Set in NYC at the turn of the century, it traces how two beings from two very different religious traditions got there and how they can find a place for themselves. On personhood, the question of fate/free will as it pertains to one's inner nature, and a legitimately emotional story) Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (Rumplestiltskin retelling with intricate worldbuilding and wonderful characters) Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle (Legitimately creepy but insightful look into heteronormativity as enforced by Evangelical upbringing. I love the way the author handles religion in general here) Lark Ascending by Silas House
(A tragedy with a happy ending. This book was one of the first things I read this year and it has stayed with me since. Cannot recommend it enough) Germinal by Emlie Zola
(One of Suzanne Collins' favorite books, it's the story of the 1890s miners strike in France.)
Soul Full of Coal Dust by Chris Hamby (A journalist's investigation into Black Lung and how it affects Appalachian communities as well as the legal fights to hold mining companies accountable for bucking safety practices and refusing to cover medical care. A harrowing read, but an important one.)
The Most They Ever Had, by Rick Bragg (Sister title to the above, this one covers the history of mill workers in the foothills of Appalachia) Black Reconstruction in America by W E B DuBois
(Long as fuck, and honestly probably best read in print, but if you have even the slightest interest in American history, this is a must read) Finally, the Unofficial Recipes of the Hunger Games, by RockRidge University Press. (Fandom Cookbooks often don't do it for me, but this cookbook is not only textually accurate but it tries the foods mentioned in the book to real-life equivalents or what ingredients may have been available as best they can and it's a legitimately engaging read with many great recipes)
You started out with one of my FAVORITE discovered authors this year, I read that + final girls support club AND how to sell a haunted house this year multiple times 10/10
If you liked that one you've gotta try Devolution by Max Brooks bc like.... Imagine if there was a Tesla village? With some big shoes to fill..... Told as if it were nonfiction post disaster
You might also like Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix which is a YA novel, historic fiction, about three teenage girls who work in and around a very specific shirtwaist factory in 1911
Everything else is stuff that's either new to me or has been only in the edges of my radar, but all sounds really cool.... I should try to snag camp Damascus tbh firstly and add the cook book to my wish list
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readingforsanity · 1 year
Even Though I Know the End | C.L. Polk | Published 2022 | *SPOILERS*
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A magical detective dives into the affairs of Chicago’s divine monsters to secure a future with the love of her life. This sapphic period piece will dazzle anyone looking for mystery, intrigue, romance, magic, or all of the above. 
An exiled auspex who sold her soul to save her brother’s life is offered one last job before serving an eternity in hell. When she turns it down, her client sweetens the pot by offering up the one payment she can’t resist - the chance to have a future where she grows old with the woman she loves. 
To succeed, she is given three days to track down the White City Vampire, Chicago’s most notorious serial killer. If she fails, only hell and heartbreak await. 
Helen is a queer private investigator who is hired to investigate missing persons cases and murders in the city of Chicago during the 1940s. Helen and her partner Edith have to hide their love, as this is during a time in Chicago when gay and lesbian couples were frowned upon. They often have to meet each other in a secret gay bar called The Wink instead of sharing their love openly in public. 
At the start of the novella, Helen (who also goes by Elena but this is never discussed in the story) is photographing the recent murder scene of the notorious serial killer known as The White City Vampire. She notices sigils and other sacrificial items at the scene, but she is interrupted by her brother and his partner named Delaney. They are, as she was at one time, part of what is called the Brotherhood of Compass, a group of magicians and/or clairvoyant like individuals. Helen had been banished from the group several years prior for reasons not known to us at the time. 
Her brother tells her to leave the case alone, and she originally thinks it’s because he despises her, but he is trying to save her life. He believes she is barking up the wrong tree. 
Helen and Edith meet each other, and the next morning she goes to meet the woman that has hired her to work on the case, Marlowe. Marlowe is also a lesbian, and makes it clear that she is attracted to Helen, but nothing ever comes of it, though the doormen and security men of the building in which Marlowe lives think otherwise. Marlowe tells her that she has a proposition for her - find the White City Vampire, and she will give her $1,000 in cash as well as her soul back. 
We learn that 10 years prior, Helen sold her soul in a compromise after an accident took the lives of her parents and her brother. When the devil made her a deal, she had to choose who to save and she saved her brother, choosing not to spare her parents. Her brother hasn’t forgiven her, and the Brotherhood banished her as they don’t like those who makes deal such as this. 
Ted is beginning to learn how to forgive her, though he still is unsure why she did what she did. With the help of an angel that has been inhabiting Edith’s body, named Haraniel, they come up with clues - the White City Devil has been possessing ordinary people, many of whom who end up at Dunning, a mental asylum in the northern part of the state of Illinois, and using them to perform the murders of those who have also sold their souls right before their 10 years are up. 
During these investigations they learn that the White City Vampire is actually the father of the parish Edith attends, who is also possessed by an angel. The entire point of this is because the angels who have been banished to heaven want to get back to their homes, and this is the way they believe how. The angel in possession of the father is called Zashniel and with the help of Ted’s partner, Delaney, have been committing the murders. 
In the midst of everything, Edith is murdered and she and her angel have gone off to heaven together and Helen gets her soul back as promised by Marlowe. However, she makes another soul stealing bet with Marlowe, another 10 years if she will give Edith back her life, hence the name of the book Even Though I Know How It Ends. 
The ratings on this were surprising - I enjoyed that it was short, and I could read it in a simple afternoon waiting for an important package from UPS (which still hasn’t shown up I might add). But, I don’t think the 4 and 5 star ratings are warranted in this case. I gave it 2 stars. There were too many plot holes, like she is called Helen in some parts and then Elena in others and nothing is ever discussed. It didn’t make any sense. 
0 notes
thechangeling · 3 years
But you like her better: Part 1
This fic features Kit's potential new girlfriend hinted at in a letter from Tessa to Magnus in CC's newsletter. A bunch of people in the fandom built her from the ground up @littlx-songbxrd @foxglove-airmid @the-wckd-powers @adoravel-fenomeno and @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood to name a few, and gave her a personality, name and backround. Their name is Marí.
Kit uses he/they pronouns in this fic and Marí uses she/they.
Cw: Disassociation (or at least how I experience it idk it might not be the same for everyone), negative self talk, self injurious stims, and bad coping mechanisms.
Title is from Heather by Conan Gray.
Marìa. Marí as she preferred to be called, was a bubbly kind soul with a wide inviting smile and a melodic voice.
Even Ty could admit that they were quite beautiful, despite not seeing women (or in Marí's case anyone who was particularly alienated with womanhood,) in a romantic or sexual light. It took him awhile to realize he was gay, but when he did it just seemed so obvious. He had gone through a minor phase of experimentation at the scholomance when he was younger but it hadn't lasted long.
Still Marí was stunning. And perhaps what made her even more stunning was her kindness and generosity. Ty had met her on the beach in LA while she and her parents were visiting the LA institute for a downworlder/shadowhunter summit being held by Helen, Aline, Mark and Cristina, similar to the one Julian held in 2012.
Ty noticed that Tessa and Jem were present, but Kit was not. He was not exactly sure how that should make him feel. So Ty elected to push the pain in his chest further down. To shove all if his unresolved feelings and worries and questions about Kit Herondale back into the metaphorical box and move on.
So he had gone outside to walk on the beach to distract himself when he found Marí sitting on the sand and crying.
Apparently according to them, they had come across a few dead moon jellyfish, or Aurelia aurita as was more scientifically accurate, that had washed up on the beach.
Ty remembered being moved by how she had such compassion for another living creature who wasn't even a person. It was rare. Ty had helped her bury them. She seemed wary and a little hostile around him at first, noticing his runes. She was clutching her body tightly. Ty noticed her anxiety and told her how he was also a lover of aquatic life and he found marine biology fascinating. This had prompted her to instantly change demeanor and become very excited and start jumping up and down and waving her hands before she told him that she was studying marine biology at university in Devon.
The mention of Devon should gave promoted Ty to wonder if Marí knew Kit but he was still putting up mental blocks to protect himself from the Kit situation so it hadn't crossed Ty's mind.
They had sat on the beach and talked for hours. Marí told him their name and that they used she/they pronouns. They also told Ty that they were from Devon, but their family was from Loiza, a city on the Northeastern coast of Puerto Rico. And also that they were all werewolves who pretty much hated shadowhunters but he seemed ok because he liked jellyfish. They mentioned that marine biology was one of their special interests and that they were autistic and had ADHD.
It would have been the perfect opportunity to tell Marí about him also being autistic but Ty being guarded and asocial, decided not to and told her as little as possible. He supposed he had some trust issues after everything. He mentioned his name, that he was attending the scholomance, and a few basic facts about his family. He also talked about his friend Alyssa Reyes. 
Alyssa or Ali as he called her, was a werewolf with Maia's pack in New York. She was assigned as a liaison to the scholomance to act as a bridge between the werewolves and future centurions. And BOY had she complained about it. Alyssa was basically the president of the fuck shadowhunters club and she was autistic and had ADHD. She and Marí would have gotten along quite well.
Marí overall did most of the talking but she didn't seem to mind. On the contrary.
Ty had no idea that by that point they were already dating Kit.
When Kit returned with apologetic smiles and a new found charisma and confidence, he also brought her. And she was so happy to see Ty again that he felt so guilty for feeling torn up inside.
Ty couldn't hate Marí. Not even if he tried. They hadn't done anything wrong and neither had Kit. So Ty would just have to settle for hating himself for being angry over nothing.
Kit and Ty weren't really talking. Sure they had exchanged some words together when basically forced to, but Kit was being standoffish and Ty was still feeling a little annoyed. But mostly hurt. Ty had heard that Kit was using he/they pronouns and now identified as genderfluid. He had so many questions for Kit but Ty knew he couldn't ask. At least not right now.
Currently Ty was watching Kit and Marí talking. Kit was in the middle of telling her what looked to be a funny story based on the way she was laughing. Kit pushed a lock of dark curly hair back behind her ear and smiled.
Ty felt queasy. He bit his lip and averted his gaze trying to shake off the horrible feeling. Everytime he saw them together his chest felt like it was being squeezed by a juicer. Like he was being crushed and torn up on the inside and it was his fault. Just like it was his fault that Kit left. Or maybe that wasn't true. Maybe it was just inevitable but that didn't make it any easier.
Ty didn't have the right to be jealous or upset. He had no claim over Kit. He was being ridiculous he told himself as he attempted to shove all of these dark feelings into the box.
But this time it wasn't working.
"Alright you look like you're about to snap crackle and pop," Ty heard a voice say beside him. "What gives Sherlock?"
Ty looked up to see Alyssa Reyes standing next to him. When they had all congregated together in the LA institute and Kit had brought Marí and his friend Janessa back with them. Ty had decided to bring his lucky charm and close friend with him.
When Alyssa first came to the scholomance things were quite rough. But they had connected, first on the basis of being autistic and then through other things. Ali also had a love of mysteries and the two of them together were quite the team. The two of them had become incredibly close. Anush called her Irene because she was the only one who could outsmart Ty.
Speaking of Anush..
He was currently still back at the scholomance. They had both decided it was best for him to stay behind so they could spend some time apart. They had recently broken up after Ty finally realized he wasn't in a good place emotionally to date anyone. Ty had been forced to put Livvy's spirit to rest permanently when it started to have an affect on the mortal world negativity. It had been Livvy herself who had begged Ty to save the world at her expense.
That had been about a month ago and Ty was still relatively numb. He had a feeling it would begin to hurt eventually. Just not yet.
"Hey did you hear me?" Alyssa raised her voice. "What's wrong?" Ty refocused on his friend.
She was wearing her costume for the Halloween party they were all attending tonight. Kit, Ty, Dru, Alyssa, Marí, Jaime, Janessa and Thaís. It was Dru herself who had suggested they need a break from essentially preparing themselves for what was probably going to be another war. So they were headed to a vampire hosted party at a club in downtown LA. Alyssa had been sure to grab earplugs for Ty and herself which he was grateful for.
Alyssa was dressed as Aeryn Sun from Farscape, one of the many autistic coded characters from scifi that she was obsessed with. She was wearing a long black leather trench coat with black leather pants and a black tank top. Her dark brown hair was pulled back onto a long braid traveling down to her lower back. She even had leather boots and a fake blaster gun holstered at her thigh to complete the look.
And Ty of course, was dressed as Sherlock.
Ty shook his head at her. "Nothing Ali I'm fine."
Alyssa glowered at him. "Bullshit you're fine. I thought we agreed never to lie to each other?"
Ty sighed, gazing back at Kit and Marí, still smiling at each other. Alyssa followed his gaze.
"Oh you're jealous aren't you!" She declared matter of factly. Ty instantly shushed her.
"Oh relax they can't hear us, she muttered. We're too far away." She twirled her long braid and stimmed with the ends of it. "You know if you plan on taking your anger out on that lovely girl, a member of our COMMUNITY no less, who has done absolutely nothing wrong, then I'm like legally required to throw hands," she said with a smile.
Ty didn't smile back. "I wouldn't," he murmered, looking down. He had been flicking his fingers lazily at his sides, but now Ty found that wasn't good enough. He dug his fingernails into his right palm.
Alyssa looked concerned. "Hey I was just kidding," she said softly. She took his hand that had been creating little half-moon red divots on his skin and carefully threaded his fingers through her own.
Ali squeezed Ty's hand. "You know I'm on your side no matter what." He squeezed back.
Ty looked at the couple again. Emotions swirled all around his heart like little ribbons grazing against the sides. It wasn't just jealousy neccessary and Ty was a little shocked to find that he wasn't angry anymore. He was just...what?
Sad didn't even begin to feel like it covered it. He felt so lost. And alone. And.... He felt himself starting to drift away, separating from himself. Ty could hear the fuzzy far away echo of someone trying to speak to him, but he couldn't make out the words. They were getting further and further away.
Everything was blurry and out of focus.
"Ty!" He heard a voice shout. With a jolt he was snapped back into his body. He turned to face Alyssa who was staring at him, looking obviously alarmed.
But the worst part was that everyone else was staring at him too. Including Kit. They looked  shocked, but also something else that Ty couldn't quite pinpoint. There was an air of desperation to their voice when they asked,
"Are you ok?"
Was Ty ok?
It was such a funny question coming from Kit who hadn't spoken more than two words to him this whole time.
Kit who had left.
Ty didn't know what else to do except laugh. He burst laughing hysterically, almost falling from his position of where he was leaning against the wall. He desperately tried to gasp for air as he cackled.
Everyone was staring at him looking horrified. Dru pulled out her phone as if she was contemplating calling someone, then decided against it. Tears were starting to roll down Ty's cheeks as he kept laughing.
Alyssa grabbed his arm. "Alright, come with me," she ordered, dragging him to the side. Ty managed to stop laughing as she guided him firmly into the training room.
Ty's eyes were still blurry with tears, so he wiped them away. Alyssa was smiling at him softly, looking sympathetic. "It's gonna be ok Ty,: she cooed, taking his hand again. Alyssa began to rub slow soothing circles onto his palm.
"Ok, you wanna tell me what's going on now?" She asked gently. Ty sniffed and used his other hand to wipe away the rest of his tears.
"I don't know what to say," he admitted. "I don't know how to describe or explain it.
Alyssa nodded. "Well, try. You can use quotes or song lyrics if you want." Ty smiled. He was grateful that Ali understood.
Ty chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment. "It feels like a tear in my heart. Like a part of me is missing and I just can't feel it," he quoted. Alyssa stared at him, pondering. She continued to stroke his hand.
"Do you think what you're missing is Kit?" She asked. "Do you miss him?"
Ty glared at Alyssa and snatched his hand back. "No," he said firmly. "I don't."
Ali rolled her eyes. "Jesus you're almost as bad at love as I am! It's like trying to open a rusted toolbox with a fork getting you to open up!" She snapped.
Ty bared his teeth under closed lips and glowered at her. "Well maybe I never asked for your help!"
"Well maybe you should calm down and recognize that I'm your friend and I'm worried about you!" She shouted back.
Guilt instantly washed over him, pricking his skin. Ty squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm sorry Ali," he whispered.
He wished he could cry. Now more than ever Ty wished he could make himself cry. Over Livvy, over Kit. Over the coming battle. Over everything.
"Do you love them?" He heard her ask. There was no need to ask who she meant.
Ty opened his eyes. This was the thing he never acknowledged. Never said outloud. Never even let himself think it. Because it was terrifying. The acknowledgement of the truth.
The truth was that Ty would probably give his life just to see that adorable smile one more time. That he could tell you how many freckles Kit had because he had spent so many hours staring at Kit and counting them.
The truth was that when Kit held him, he felt closer to anyone then he ever had in his entire life. Ty had sat outside of Kit's door for hours, days even when they had first arrived because he had felt something, even then. Something pulling at him from the other side of that door like a magnet. He told himself it was just curiosity. A scientific curiosity.
It was the only thing that could logically explain Ty's obsession. It wasn't serious. It wasn't-
"I love him," Ty admitted shakily, breaking the silence. Even Alyssa looked a little suprised.
"I'm in love with Kit."
Before Ali could respond, Ty sensed movement by the training room door which they had forgotten to close. Ty instantly whipped around to see who it was, wondering frantically if they had overheard what Ty had said.
Standing in the door frame wearing her Mortica Addams costume for the party, complete with a jet black long wig was Marí.
And the look on their face suggested to Ty that they had heard every word.
I will try and get part 2 up as soon as I can! It will be from Marí's perspective.
The song Ty quotes is Can you hold me by NF.
Tag list: @playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies   @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @foxglove-airmid @littlx-songbxrd @clarys-heosphoros @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @arangiajoan @queenlilith43 @adoravel-fenomeno
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Creepypasta’s As: Quotes On My Laptop And Phone
Right so this has been stewing in my drafts for forever and it was just supposed to be something quick and fun but turned out be harder then I thought so not all the characters are here but I got most of them! Don’t really know who the audience for this apart from me but ah... ?enjoy? 
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BEN Drowned: You don’t get to die and be reborn the same. You come back, but you come back wrong. This is the price you pay for resurrection. – Nathanial Orion G. K
Bloody Painter / Helen Otis: I hope that someday when I’m gone, someone, somewhere, picks my soul up off these pages and thinks: I would have loved her him. – Nicole Lyons
Candy Cane: Come away, O human child To the waters and the wood with a fairy, hand in hand. For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand. – Willian Butler Yeats
Candy Pop: Turn on you before you turn on us. We’re all just savages. – Theory of a Deadman, Savages
Candy Cane and Candy Pop: Forgive, sounds good. Forget? … I’m not sure I could. – Dixie Chicks, Not Ready To Make Nice
Clockwork / Natalie Ouellette: This woman that I’m becoming gives me chills. I’m obligated to move differently. I have work to do. – ???
Eyeless Jack: You don’t get to die and be reborn the same. You come back, but you come back wrong. This is the price you pay for resurrection. – Nathaniel G. K
Hobo Heart: I’m not used to being loved; I wouldn’t know what to do. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
Homicidal Liu / Sully: If I told you how it all ended; Would you have done it? – ???
·         Extra for Liu: The seas were getting rough, but I thought we were worth it. – Hunter Hayes, You Think You Know Somebody
·         Extra for Liu and Silly: I am not a bad man… Even though I do bad things. Very bad things. Such horrible things… But it's not quite what it seems. (Not quite what he seems) Not quite what I seem… … … Aw, hell. It's exactly what it seems. – Creature Feature, Such horrible Things
Hoodie / Brian: Remember that I am still a monster. I can listen to you scream, and cry, and beg, and I still wont le you out. – Holly Black, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
Jane the Killer / Jane Richardson: She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr, if they killed her quick. – Flannery O’ Connor, A Temple of the Holy Ghost
Jason the Toymaker: [Said to him] You’re a tragedy! She was leaving you, Pan. Your Wendy is leaving you. Why should she stay? You are incomplete. She’d rather grow up then stay with you. – Captain Hook, Peter Pan 2003
Jeff the Killer / Jeffry Woods: [Liu, on Jeff] Once you lose someone, it is never exactly the same person who comes back. – Sharon Olds, Satan Says
·         Extra for Jeff: Do you know what happens when you light a fire in you? It burns everything that’s standing in the way. – ???
·         Extra for Jeff and Liu: And if the black banners raise as the crooked smiles fade; Fallen heroes who quite too late. – Fall Out Boy, The Kid’s Aren’t Alright
Laughing Jack: Forever is a long, long time… And time has a way of changing things. – Willow Tweed, The Fox and the Hound
·         Extra for L.J: This is how the world works; You gotta leave before you get left. – Taylor Swift, I Did Something Bad
·         Extra for L.J #2: All this has happened before. And it will all happen, again… - J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Laughing Jill: [L.Jill, to Mary’s father] You didn’t realise that in breaking my heart you were strengthening my soul. You didn’t realise but I did. And it changed the whole goddamn game once and for all. – Niharika Bhatt
Masky / Tim: I needed to be somewhere different. Maybe I needed to be someone different, too. – Heather Davis
Nathan the Nobody / Nathan Lux: Just because she’s gone, doesn’t mean she’s gone in your heart. Because the worst thing ever is to forget. – Christina, Allegiant
Nina the Killer / Nina Hopkins: When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it. – Caitlyn Siehl
·         Extra for Nina: Maybe our favourite quotations say more about us than about the stories and the people we’re quoting. – John Green
Offenderman: [Said to him] There isn’t a decent thought in your nasty little mind! – ???
·         Extra for Offender: [‘Him’ instead of ‘Witch’] When you visit a witch, bring an offering: Food, tobacco, alcohol, secrets, sex, or death. – Honest Louis
Sally Williams: Real monsters are human. – ???
·         Extra for Sally: I’m sorry this world could not keep you safe. May your journey home be a soft, and peaceful one. – Rupi Kuar
Slenderman: Heroes are always remembered. But legends never die. – Babe Ruth
·         Extra for Slender: Do not believe anything except the whispers of the trees. They have never lied to you. They won’t start now. – ??? Maybe Nikita Gil?
·         Extra #2 for Slender: The fuckers. There, I feel better. Goddamned Human race. There, I feel better. – Charles Bukowski
·         Extra #3 for Slender: Forests hide secrets - he said gently, - It’s practically what they’re for. To hide things. To separate one world from another. – Catherynne M. Valente
Splenderman: I believe this world ain’t half as bad as it looks, I believe most people are good. – Luke Bryan, Most People Are Good
·         Extra for Splender: A little consideration, I little thought for others, makes all the difference. – Eeyore
Ticci Toby / Toby Erin Rogers: I make no apologies, for how I choose to repair, what you broke. – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
Trenderman: My whole being calls for an act of violence, but I still wear velvet gloves. – Anaïs Nin
Zalgo: Funny. Cause I look around at this world you’re so eager to be a part of and all I see is six billion lunatics looking for fastest ride out. Who’s not crazy? Look around. Everyone’s drinking, smoking, shooting up, or just plain screwing their brains out, cuz they don’t want ‘em anymore. I’m crazy? Honey, I’m the original one-eyed chicken in the kingdom of the blind; Cuz at least I admit the world makes me nuts. – Glory, Buffy The Vampire Slayer
·         Extra for Zalgo: God’s busy. Can I help you? – Pinhead, Hellraiser
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icaruswasadreamer · 3 years
:: One-Shot ::
Description: Patroclus knew his sister was never someone to have a reason to anything she did. Helen simply did what she wanted. She needed no rhyme nor reason to do what she did. It would have been fine for Patroclus, many of her decisions did not concern him.
But then again, being vampires didn't really help that
Status: First Draft/Unedited
Vampire AU. OOC Patroclus and Helen(?). Villain!Helen. Pat and Helen are siblings. Modern AU (kind of). Mafia AU.
Helen loved the feeling of the moonlight on her skin.
Like the way a mother holds her daughter, like how a cat adores the rays of the sun, Helen worshipped the moon like it was a parent. It was, in a way. Being that it was what fuels her being, gives purpose to her existence.
Helen admired the moon because it was the closes thing she'll ever get to the sun.
The moon was cold, however. The wind blows with a might, yet not too strong to throw her off. Then again, not many things can.
In contrast to the chill, to the coldness of her hands and visible breath, was a warmth coming from the inside. A warmth that scared the cold away, a warmth that was both welcoming and threatening. Like a flame of desire, spreading through a city of ruins, burning it to the ground until there is nothing left.
Helen smiles.
"I didn't think you would come." She spoke to, at first, nothing. Then came a shift from the darkness, and the warmth had grown stronger.
Helen turned, a thin smile spread across her lips as she looked to the man simply standing there in the darkness, content with using the shade as protection from the moon's light. Helen thinks, why would someone shy away from the light of the moon when it is so glorious?
Then she remembers who she is talking to.
A huff and a step and a face emerges from the shadows. He looked like his sister, but at the same time did not. Tired dull brown eyes glimmered underneath the night that they looked grey. His brow, though most of it covered by dark curly bangs, furrowed and made his freckled nose crinkle. The face did not look pleased.
"What do you want?" He spoke bluntly, too fatigued by the prospect of dancing around. He had better things to attend to anyway.
Helen's smile did not falter, instead it grew wider. "What? Can't I see my own little brother?"
"Quit the prancing, Helen." He spat, arms crossing in front of his chest. "I know you called me for something. A favor."
Helen's smile tightened for a second. She was careful not to grit her teeth as it often caused her headaches. A sigh smoothens her smile.
"Not a favor, per say." Helen starts, looking back to the edge of the balcony and stared at the moon. "Just a small little deal. For the two of us!" Her cheerfulness did not helped her brother's itching anxiety on what she planned to do.
"Deal?" He said cautiously. Deals. Deals between mortals meant business. Deals between vampires meant a bloodbath.
"You remember Menelaus, don't you Patroclus?"
Now that's a name he hasn't heard in a while. "Your ex-husband?"
"His brother, Agamemnon, is planning to start a feud with the Priamides family." Ah. That doesn't sound good.
"On purpose?" Feuds between mobs were always a bad idea. The streets would be filled with a feast for them. The very thought of it made Patroclus sick.
"He wants their territory." Helen simply says, accompanied with an eye-roll. These foolish men, always wanting and always taking. Greed is a vice, they say, and men like these were the very definition of it.
Patroclus heaves an exasperated sigh. "Of course he does." He grumbles. Why can't this city be filled with peace for once?
It then dawns on him, "Why are you telling me this?"
Helen gives a low chuckle. "One of the Priamides brothers had taken a liking to me." This did not surprise Patroclus, Helen was known to get both the attention of men and women and everything in between. What scared him was what it would elude.
"That gives Menelaus, and in consequence, Agamemnon a reason to start the feud." He finishes the sentence for Helen, his upset expression growing more grim.
"Even more so, you're in the middle of it." Helen sucks in a breath before letting it out, she looks to the moon. It does not waver.
"I guess I am." She says, her tone surprsingly flat. "But it makes it more the fun, no?"
This caught Patroclus off guard, "What the hell are you planning?"
"These boys, silly boys, think of me as a trophy. If such were the case, isn't it only fair I treat them like toys?" Helen turns to Patroclus and gives him a dangerous smile. Beautiful, but deceiving. To anyone else, it might've even looked genuine.
"Helen. There will be a slaughter, if you decide to meddle. Let these men deal with their problems on their own, we don't need to get involved." Patroclus said, emphasizing his disapproval. As much as Helen was older, Patroclus knows how much she enjoyed playing childish games, only using adult techniques to slither her way out of the consequences.
"But think about the feast we'll have, Patroclus!" If one looked closely, they would see the sudden vague red gleam in Helen's eyes.
"I told you, I don't want anything to do with you and your traditions." Patroclus face scrunched up in disgust. Except it was only directed on himself, on how a part of him loved the idea of a feast.
"It's not tradition, brother. It's instinct." Helen's smile went small, "You'll have to give in at some point."
His hands tightened around himself, Patroclus would never in his life ever think about giving in. He swore it. Even if he can only swore empty promises.
"Don't. I won't."
Helen hummed. Her stubborn little brother was just as foolish as the humans around them. That's to be expected, coming from him.
"Shame. And I thought you would've liked your end of the bargain." Patroclus looked up, curious, but a gut feeling tells him it's not at all any good.
"There's a man. The son of one of nieces of the most powerful man in this country." Helen speaks of it like a song, an old epic recited by poets and musicians alike. "I thought you might've wanted him as a toy."
Patroclus immediately recoiled. "Why would I-? I'm not like you Helen. I would have no intention pursuing this man. His power or status mean nothing to me."
Helen waves a perfectly petite hand dismissively, "Oh I knew that." She narrows her eyes at Patroclus, "But wouldn't it be fun?"
"I know how much you hate men like these. Men who are too arrogant and prideful, men who seek out power and glory. Men who are too far up their ass to even realize the amount of shit they've been giving everyone around them." She giggles. "And you think they would notice!"
"Where are you going with this?"
"What I mean, Patroclus. Is that I want to see my little brother happy."
"Toying and messing with people isn't going to make me happy, Helen." He was spitting out the words again. "End of conversation."
Helen shrugs. "Suit yourself. But believe me, brother."
"I think you and Pelides would be a good match."
A/N: gon edit this tomorrow Im tired as shit
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lit-in-thy-heart · 3 years
you know what, what's the point of being on this platform if you don't get to bellow into the void about your interests in the hope of finding someone with the same interest?
in light of this, let me inflict a lowdown of the victorian literature (mostly novels because poetry is difficult to collate) that i've read for my module this year upon my mutuals
i'll do a separate one for vampire novels and reblog with the link
because what are the victorians without vampires? straight
bleak house (dickens): what a ride that was! yes, it was nearly a thousand pages and, yes, some chapters i was like can we move on please, but that's dickens for you. honestly, i loved it. if you're looking for thinly-veiled lesbianism, this is the book for you (esda all the way, if they even have a ship name). unfortunately i already knew one of the plot twists due to watching dickensian five years before, but there are plenty more to go around! if you can get through the first chapter describing nothing but fog and the law courts, you're in for one hell of a treat -- just don't google anything about it until you've finished because you will get spoiled (or don't share a house with me, where i'll tell you the entire plot as i'm reading it). definitely recommend, but marking it down for the heteronormativity with allan. (9.5/10)
villette (c. brontë): where to fucking start. i, quite frankly, do not care for charlotte brontë, and when reading the earlier novel agnes grey by anne, i could see some more things that charlotte has filched for this travesty. no victorian novel is going to be without problems, but this one was xenophobic, ableist and, of course, racist. the protagonist doesn't really give anything away, which is meant to make her more mysterious, but it just renders her an empty vessel. oh, and she tells you stuff that she's figured out waaaaaay after she says she's figured it out, a bit like she's allowing you to feel smart for making a connection before going 'oh yeah i knew that like twelve chapters ago, keep up'. some of the passages are really striking and there's maybe one character who's likeable but that's about it. i'd say it's more a story of omission than repression tbh. (4/10)
janet's repentance (eliot): wait, have i even finished this? no, no, i have not. it's fine, i wasn't going to tell you the ending anyway. i did get hooked eventually, there were just a LOT of names thrown around in the first few chapters, and a word that i didn't know was used frequently (turns out it was a name for the followers of this guy). i did get strong hester prynne/arthur dimmesdale vibes from some of the main characters, but janet is a very sympathetic character which, after reading villette, was nice. slightly depressing in some places, but a good enough read if you're not cramming it in the day before your tutorial, because it is mildly dense. (7/10)
the wonderful adventures of mrs seacole in many lands (seacole): not what i'd been expecting to read on my module, what with it being a biography, but enjoyable nonetheless. horrible histories lied to me, though, she was in her 40s/50s when she treated people in the crimean war, not in her 20s, but that's minor. it was actually quite funny??? like she was very reluctant to give away to give away her age and almost slipped up a couple of times, and also made some very biting remarks about people who were passing comment on her skin colour. for a biography, it wasn't hugely biographical, in that she was married for what seemed all of five minutes before her husband died, when in fact they were married for several years, but if you want an in-depth depiction of war, this is for you. not what i'd usually read, but some of the descriptions are so vivid that it does read like a novel in places, though sometimes the descriptions were so detailed that i did tune out at odd intervals. (9/10)
the happy prince and other stories (wilde): if you're feeling low, don't read these. don't. especially not 'the nightingale and the rose', because that was honestly heartbreaking. really well-written, some passages were just beautiful, i just wasn't in the right headspace to fully appreciate it. it also has a lot of death, i should probably explicitly say that. (8/10)
agnes grey (a. brontë): chef's kiss, honestly. if i'd read this last year then i think it definitely would have hit a lot harder, what with agnes moving away from home for the first time and struggling with loneliness around people who she is different from. beautifully written, i'm irritated at myself for not reading it sooner, even though i've owned a copy for about four years or so. agnes does come across as a bit wet sometimes, but those moments are rare and far between, she's overall a resilient character who is trying to make her own way in the world. seeing as i managed to get through the whole thing and didn't lose focus on what i was reading, i rate it higher than jane eyre (which is a rip-off of this anyway). we stan anne. though i am marking it down for the underdeveloped romantic relationship that just pops up (9.5/10)
now for some old classics that weren't taught on my module, but i can't not mention them
a tale of two cities (dickens): this was my first dickens book and oh my word what a book. yeah, okay, lucie is a bit of a wet dishcloth and has basically no personality, but there is definitely something there between her and her maid. sydney is my baby and oh so gorgeously dramatic ("you have kindled me, heap of ashes that i am, into fire"), which was perfect for the pangs of unrequited love. the plot is slightly confusing, and you don't really understand everything until right near the end, but i loved finding parallels in the chapters set in france with the chapters set in britain. oh and the showdown between miss pross and madame defarge is wonderful. i had a tradition of reading it on the run-up to christmas, just because that was the period when i read it for the first time, but i haven't done that for the past two years just because of exams and stuff. now, bleak house just pips it at the post, but i still love it dearly. (9/10)
wuthering heights (e. brontë): i couldn't review victorian literature and not include this. there are very strong similarities between this and villette (seems charlotte really drew on her sisters' work), particularly in terms of me not liking a single one of the characters except hareton. everyone is called cathy. literally. and heathcliff/cathy one is a toxic ship that should not be boarded. it is obsession, not love. the second volume is basically a repeat of the first one, thus showing that humanity will never move past its vices and will be caught in a vicious cycle of self-destruction for the rest of time. again, though, beautifully and vividly written. the characters are the type that you love to hate. (8/10)
the tenant of wildfell hall (a. brontë): what. a. book. this was a book that was simultaneously loved and condemned as scandalous when it came out. there's mystery, there's a woman escaping a horrible situation and making her own living, and there's a well-developed relationship! and the characters are likeable (i love rose, she's great, completely goes off at her brother when she has to do things for him all the time), which always puts it onto a winner. there's one chapter with gilbert that i have to skip just because i hate what he does in it. there are quite a lot of religious references, with redemption playing a huge part in the novel, but even the religious views brontë expresses went against a lot of the teachings of the anglican church at the time. do i even need to say that it's beautifully written if it's anne? marking it down for gilbert's behaviour and arguable control of helen's narrative. (9.5/10)
far from the madding crowd (hardy): i love this book. a little more uplifting than tess but still with the drama and murder you'd expect from hardy. maybe my review is influenced by my tiny crush on bathsheba: she's not the best role model but damn what a woman. gabriel isn't quite bae but i love him all the same, i'm so glad he's happy in the end. (9/10)
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 3 years
tesla and henry, 'come on. you know i was joking.'
(Starting slightly before this because I feel like it will make more sense than trying to backtrack.) 
Henry shakes his head, tossing a rag in Nikola’s general direction. “Come on, dude, just dry the dishes; the only way you’re getting out of the family chores is if you plan to go all vampire on me and drink my blood.”
He expects a tired sigh and compliance (and seriously, when did Nikola become remotely compliant? Not that he doesn’t grumble the whole time, but he’s been weirdly cooperative-at least by his standards-since Erika and Henry invited him to stay with them), but to his surprise, Nikola stops short, something unreadable on his face. 
“Come on,” Henry says, concern flickering in his chest. Has he actually somehow managed to hurt the vampire’s feelings? Oh, sure, he might lament dramatically, but he doesn’t usually mind the snark. “You know I was joking.” 
Nikola doesn’t respond, just blinks slowly, and Henry’s concern raises to something just short of panic.
“Seriously, dude, the vampire joke was just-I’m not afraid of you, or-”
Finally, Nikola shakes his head, raising a hand. “You misunderstand me, Heinrich. Not surprising, since you’re blathering on when I’m trying to talk.” 
Okay, first, absolutely not, and second, that’s a bit hypocritical, but at least he’s talking again. That’s a relief... Probably. “Fine, then, what’s going on?”
“It’s not the...” Nikola sighs. “Cheap and uncreative vampire humor. I don’t mind that, aside from the mind-numbing aspect.” 
That’s a lot of insults in one sentence, but they’re back on familiar ground, and Henry almost wants to relax. “Okay, but what else is there? Are you pouting about the chores? Because seriously-” He pauses, reflecting on his earlier wording, as Nikola arches a brow. Wait... “Are you upset that I called you family?” Because if he is, as much as it pains Henry to admit, that’ll hurt. After everything they’ve been through together, he thinks it’s only fair.
Nikola huffs, rolling his eyes skyward. “What makes you think I’m upset? As long as we’ve known each other, you should know that I don’t have a problem telling you when I’m upset.”
Point taken. “Loudly. Over and over again.” Ignoring the glare that earns him, he rolls the situation around in his head once more. “So if you’re not upset, then why’d you go all robo-vampire?” 
Does Nikola actually hesitate for a moment? “I was just... Surprised.”
Wait, really? “Surprised?”
“Well, can you blame me?” He’s on the defensive now, but it doesn’t matter, because Henry sees right through it; Nikola’s feeling vulnerable, and he doesn’t like it. He can work with that. “It’s not like you and I have always been buddy-buddy.” 
“Yeah, but that was-”
“Not that long ago.”
Okay, fair point. Henry’s not sure when he came to look forward to Nikola’s visits as much as he dreaded them, when he came to actually care about the sometimes-vampire, but he doesn’t guess it matters much. “But you’re here now, right? I mean, Erika and I did invite you to stay with us. Think we’d do that for just anyone?”
“Yes,” Nikola says flatly. “You grew up at the Sanctuary. Helen probably drilled it into your skull not to turn anyone away. Besides, I thought maybe it was part of the whole... Pack mentality, no-man-left-behind thing you HAPS have going on.” 
There’s a lot Henry could say to that, but he opts for the obvious. “You do know that a wolf’s pack is its family, right?”
Nikola shifts on his feet, and Henry takes a moment to marvel at the great sanguine vampiris feeling awkward, before he takes pity on him.
“Look, like it or not, you’re family. And you know what that means?”
“What?” Nikola grimaces. “You’re not going to hug me or anything, are you?”
“Well, I wasn’t planning on it, but now that you’ve said that, I just might.” Henry chuckles, then adds, “But no. It means that you’re not getting out of drying these dishes.” 
Nikola picks up the fallen rag, huffing and grumbling as he does so, but as Henry turns away, he catches a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Nikola was smiling.  
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tanjamikaelson · 4 years
Rebekah was in her and Kol’s current apartment, she was sitting in the living room and drinking her wine when she heard yelling from the up stairs. Then she saw a girl walking down the stairs cursing Kol. Rebekah narrowed her eyes at her and saw that Kol was coming down right after her.
  - “Wait up, darling.” Kol tells her, but when she didn’t stop he vamp speeded in front of her.
  - “Let me go, I'm not going to help you.” A girl said.
  - “Why not?” Kol asked.
  - “I’m not helping a guy who cheats on his girlfriend in order to find her. Who in their right mind does that?” A girl questioned.
  - “She has a point, Kol.” Rebekah remarks.
  - “Shut up, Bex.” Kol tells her.
  - “Or maybe I should find her and tell her with whom she is in a relationship with..” A girl told him.
  - “She would probably just kill you.” Kol told her honestly.
  - A girl scoffs, “Then I just added one more reason not to help you to my list.” then she pushes Kol out of her way and heads towards the door, but just as she was about to open them Kol snapped her neck.
  - “Why did you do that?” Rebekah asked.
  - “Well you heard her she doesn’t want to help.” Kol replies.
  - “That was the fifth witch you killed in the past week. Are you going to kill everyone who doesn’t want to help you?” Rebekah asked.
  - “Yes, I will. Do you have a problem with that?” Kol asked.
  - “If other witches find out what you do to those who don’t want to help you they will hate you..” Rebekah began saying.
  - “Or they will fear me and they will be willing to help.” Kol corrected her, “And what did you do in the past two days? Sat there and did nothing.”
  - “Oh please Kol, I offered you help and you told me to stay away.” Rebekah told him, “What do you want from me?”
  - “Exactly that, to stay away and not bother me, but you’re still here.” Kol exclaimed, “You know what? I’ll stay away from you.” Then he ran off and Rebekah hasn't seen him since then.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “Of course you choose the biggest house in the city.” Kai remarks when he finds Natali.
  - “I actually lived in this house while Kol and I were in Mystic Falls, it was the house of his brother Klaus.” Natali tells him.
  - “Soo, do you have any idea how to get out of the prison world?” Kai asked while looking around.
  - “I don’t have an idea. You’re the one who was once trapped in the prison world, how did you escape?” Natali questioned.
  - “Well, twice actually.” Kai corrected her, “I had the ascendant, a celestial event and Bennett blood.”
  - “There is a full moon every night here. Is that enough?” Natali asked.
  - “That’s not enough to boost the power and we don’t have Bennett blood.” Kai tells her.
  - “I will find a way to get us out of here without Bennett blood, and as for boosting the power I’m sure we can find something else.” Natali told him.
  - “What else?” Kai asked.
  - “We will need to go to New Orleans, I have things that we need there.” Natali tells him.
When they arrived in New Orleans they went to Fangtasia where Natali still had things that they needed. 
  - “What is this, a strip club?” Kai asked, seeing a stage with a pole for dancing.
  - “Sort of.” Natali tells him, “I like to dance there.” she added pointing at the stage.
  - “So you are a vampire stripper.” Kai remarks.
  - “I’m not a stripper. It’s called pole dance.” Natali informed him, “But vampires come here and they can compel humans to do whatever they want for them.
  - “I wouldn’t mind either of those.” Kai tells her and smirks.
  - Natali smirks and rolls her eyes, “Anyway, let’s get back to why we came here. Follow me.” She then continued to walk towards the stairs and Kai followed her down to her secret room.
She cut her wrist open and poured blood on the door saying a spell to open them.
  - “So what exactly do we need from here?” Kai asked.
  - “Dark objects.” Natali tells him and points at the shelf's where they were placed, “Everything you see here is made thanks to dark magic.”
  - Kai took the cuffs that were hanging on the wall, “You think this will help? I know only one good way to use this for.”
  - Natali rolls her eyes, “Are you really going to think about that right now?” 
  - Kai shrugs, “Well what else? There is not enough dark magic for both of us.”
  - “We didn’t even try.” Natali tells him.
  - “I know it won’t work, we wasted our time.” Kai says.
  - “If you are so smart you wouldn’t end up locked here for the third time.” Natali told him.
  - “And what about you? You let Bonnie outsmart you.” Kai shot back, “You basically locked yourself here.”
  - Natali sighted and crossed her arms, “So do you have any better plan?”
  - “I say we don’t waste dark magic right now, we need to gather more information on how we can escape.” Kai tells her, “Do you have any books here?”
  - “I have a lot of ancient books, but they are all in my secret library in Saint Tropez.” Natali told him.
  - “Well, that’s just great. How are we gonna get to Saint Tropez?” Kai asked.
  - “Well lucky for you, you are trapped here with a girl who knows how to fly a helicopter.” Natali informed him.
  - Kai smiles, “Yeah, lucky me.”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “So you said that your coven trapped you here the first time because you were different?” Natali questioned.
  - “Well technically they trapped me here because I killed my siblings and because I was different.” Kai told her.
  - “Siblings? How many?” Natali asked.
  - “Four and failed to kill my twin sister and the other two. ” Kai told her, “But I killed them when I escaped the prison world.
  - “Well we have more things in common.” Natali says.
  - “Did you finish off your sister?” Kai asked.
  - Natali nods, “I did. Too bad I can’t torture her in hell right now.”
  - “What do you think happened to hell now when you’re here?” Kai questioned.
  - “I have no idea. I guess we’ll see when we get back.” Natali told him, “Anyway, did you say you had a twin sister?”
  - “Yes, why?” Kai asked.
  - “So your coven was actually a gemini coven, huh?” Natali said.
  - “Oh, you’ve heard of it?” Kai asked.
  - “Well, of course I did, that coven exists because of me.” Natali tells him.
  - “Really? How so?” Kai asked.
It’s been a week since Natali killed a woman she was staying with and people began to notice that she’s nowhere to be seen. One day Natali heard knocking at the front door and she heard a woman's voice calling out for someone to open the door. Natali walked towards the door and opened them.
  - “Where is she?” A woman asked, not taking her eyes off of Natali.
  - “Who?” Natali replied. 
  - “Helen, a woman you were staying with.” Woman told her.
  - “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her in a week.” Natali tells her.
  - A woman frowns for a moment, “And that didn’t concern you?”
  - “It did. I was looking for her, but I couldn’t find her.” Natali replies.
  - “Then you should've come to me.” A woman told her.
  - “And if I may know, who are you?” Natali asked.
  - “I’m Juliette.” A woman replied, “People were concerned that they haven’t seen Helen in days, and they told me that there’s some new girl living with her.”
  - When Natali heard her name, she realized that she was a sister of her mother, who was now a coven leader, so she introduced herself, “Oh, my name is Natali.”
  - “I’m glad we met, can I come in?” Juliette asked.
Then Natali let her inside of the house and they sat together in the living room.
  - “So, how do you know Helen?” Juliette asked.
  - “I was just passing through here when I met her, she told me that I can stay with her for a few days.” Natali said.
  - “But you've been here for a month, right?” Juliette asked.
  - “Yeah, I think it’s already been a month.” Natali replied.
  - “And you’re not scared to stay here alone? Close to the woods?” Juliette asked.
  - “Why would I be scared?” Natali asked back.
  - “I’ve heard that there’s some strange things happening around here. It’s not just Helen that is missing, a few other of my people are missing too. It started happening just after Helen disappeared.” Juliette informed her.
  - That was when Natali knew she wasn’t careful enough, “I didn’t know that. Maybe I should move somewhere else.” she says.
  - “Maybe if you move my coven will be a safe place again.” Juliette replied.
  - “A coven? What’s that supposed to mean?” Natali questioned.
  - “Let’s not pretend that you don’t know what coven is and I won’t pretend that I don’t know exactly who you are.” Juliette told her.
  - “And who am I?” Natali asked.
  - “Don’t you think I wouldn’t recognize my sister's daughter, you look so much like her.” Juliette tells her, “And that name Natali, that was the name she was planning on giving you.”
  - Natali smiles, “You got me.”
  - “I had a feeling that she lied when she told me that you died at birth.” Juliette told her.
  - “I mean I would die anyway, isn’t that right?” Natali questioned.
  - “That’s right. Your kind is not welcomed here.” Juliette replied.
  - Natali laughs, “My kind? I’m not so different than you.” 
  - “If you’re not different you wouldn't kill people. The same thing repeats itself.” Juliette says.
  - “What do you mean by that?” Natali asked.
  - “When I was young there was one boy who was born just like you, everyone treated him like he was human, but when he got older he realized that he could siphon powers from other witches and he didn’t stop until they were dead and he had all of their power in himself. And that was the day when this coven swore to kill anyone who wasn't born with their powers.” Juliette tells her, “That's exactly what you’re doing. That’s why Helen and others are dead.”
  - “Well, you see, you’re not quite right.” Natali tells her, “I draw my powers for something else.” 
Juliette could then see Natali’s eyes turning dark red, veins appeared under her eyes and a pair of big, sharp fangs aiming at her bare neck . Her blue eyes were staring at the beast in front of her in terror. She never saw anything like that.
  - “What kind of demonic creature are you?” Juliette asked.
  - “The kind you’ll regret messing with.” Natali tells her and takes a step closer.
Juliette reacted quickly and used her powers to push Natali and she hit a wall, but for her it was like nothing even happened. She was getting stronger by the day. She was getting more powerful when she fed on humans everyday.
Juliette tried to take advantage of the moment and escape but Natali used her powers to closer the door shut.
  - “See, I don’t need to siphon powers from you.” Natali tells her, “Doesn’t that make me just like you?”
  - Juliette turns towards Natali, “No, you are a monster.”
  - “Aren’t we all?” Natali says, “You’re a monster too, you kill innocent children just because you’re afraid of them and because we are different.” then she flashed just in front of her and grabbed her neck saying, “Now you’ll get what you deserve.”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “And that was how I killed my mother's sister and after that I took over the coven and threw out anyone who didn’t want to follow my rules.” Natali said to Kai, “The gemini coven was created at some point.”
  - “Well we are definitely the same.” Kai stated.
  - “We do what we need to survive.” Natali tells him and Kai couldn’t agree more.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428  @infiniteoblivion21 @watersenthusiast
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expectingtofly · 4 years
SPN Stay At Home Challenge
Week 9: Undercover
After mysteriously returning from Purgatory, Castiel decides to take a break from being an angel and become a hunter. Dean is less excited about the idea, especially since he doesn't quite know where he and Castiel stand in their relationship. But he and Castiel take a case and shenanigans ensue, including, but not limited to...vampires, snakes, dramatic widows, and Castiel wearing Dean's clothes. 
(taking place sometime around 8x7/8x8 if Castiel had tried out the hunter thing for longer)
Words: ~5k
also posted on ao3
When Angels Wear Flannel
“I can’t believe you fell into that gross swamp,” Dean said, opening the door to their motel room. “Way to go, making us look professional.”
“It was a river and it was slippery,” Castiel said, walking inside in squeaking shoes. His clothes were drenched in mud, leaves, and maybe even blood.
Dean took a step back to avoid getting any of the crap on himself. “You almost fell on the body.”
“I was trying to see the bite marks on his arm!” Castiel peeled off his trench coat and brown water dripped onto the floor.
Dean grimaced. “First step to being a hunter, don’t mess up the crime scene. And take that off in the bathroom, you’re getting gross river water everywhere.” Castiel held his trench coat to his chest to stop it from dripping and went inside the bathroom. “Hurry up because we need to go talk to the wife of that dead river guy.”
“I don’t have any clean clothes,” Castiel’s voice came from the bathroom.
Dean looked through the police report he had gotten from one of the officers at the river. “Do your angel power clothes cleaning thing.”
He could almost hear Castiel’s eye roll. “I told you, Dean, I’m trying to not use my powers. I’m a hunter now.”
Dean rolled his own eyes. “You should’ve thought of that before you fell in the river.” He heard Castiel huff. Dean had gone along with Castiel’s plan to become a hunter because he thought it wouldn’t last a day. It’d been a week now and Castiel was still asking to come on cases. Dean had to admit, though, he didn’t mind too much. Sure, Castiel wasn’t much help, but Dean just liked having him close. After Purgatory, he was scared to ever let Castiel out of his sight again.
“Fine,” Dean said. “Just borrow my clothes. I didn’t bring an extra suit, though, so we’re going to have to go casual.” He rummaged through his duffel bag and pulled out an extra pair of jeans. His fingers hovered over his shirts and he settled on a milky blue flannel, pretending it was the first one he saw, not the one that best matched Castiel’s eyes. Going to the bathroom, he found Castiel washing dirt off his arms in the sink.
“Vampire, right?” Castiel asked. “Because of the blood loss?”
“Right.” He handed Castiel his clothes and Castiel wrinkled his nose. “What’s that face for? These are fine.”
“It’s just…” Castiel held up the flannel shirt.
“You’ll look like a lumberjack, I know. Get dressed.”
They drove to the neighborhood of the wife whose husband had been found in a river this morning, half-submerged in mud. He’d been declared missing a week ago and had only been found now, nearly drained of blood with two small puncture marks on his wrist. The police didn’t know what to think, which usually meant a supernatural-related death, so Dean and Castiel had taken the case.
“Alright, we’re reporters, writing a story about the death of this woman’s husband.” Dean parked in front of the widow’s house—or better, mansion. He looked up at the large, three story pristine white house and its wrap-around porch and manicured lawns.
Castiel held open the police report on his lap and fiddled with the sleeve of his—Dean’s—shirt. “Helen Roylott. 42 years old. Herpetologist.”
“She studies herpes?”
“Reptiles.” Castiel buttoned and unbuttoned the cuff of the sleeve.
“Roll the sleeves up.” Castiel started to and Dean leaned over. “Like this.” He took Castiel’s arm and rolled up the sleeves for him.
“This is a very comfortable shirt,” Castiel said.
“Yeah, well, don’t get too comfy. I’m going to need it back.”
Castiel looked at himself in the rearview mirror and smiled. “Maybe I should wear clothes like this more often.”
“Uh, no. We’re not going to wear matching clothes.”
“But it makes me look more like a hunter. I could pass as a Winchester now.”
“You’re forgetting that you still look dorky.”
Castiel narrowed his eyes and Dean finished rolling up his sleeves. He sat back. “Okay, be polite, act sad, try not to trip over your own two feet.”
He didn’t bother looking at Castiel, knowing the bitch-face he’d see. He got out of the car and started towards the house, checking to make sure the business card he’d grabbed was the correct one. Castiel did look strange wearing Dean’s objectively normal clothes, though in an adorable sort of way, Dean had to admit. Adorable? Gross, Dean thought, shaking his head.
He rang the doorbell and in a few seconds a woman in a long, silky black robe opened the door. She looked at them over a lacy black handkerchief which she held to her teary eyes. “I suppose you’ve heard the news,” she said without introduction. She leaned on the doorframe and slumped her shoulders. “It’s simply tragic.”
“Umm, yes,” Dean started. The woman, who he was assuming was Helen, dabbed an eye and looked over Dean’s shoulder at Castiel. “We’re from the Gazette,” Dean said. “We wanted to ask a few questions about your husband’s death.”
“Ah, the greedy press,” Helen said with a sigh. “Oh well, you must do your job.” She stepped back, motioning for them to come in.
“Nice bathrobe,” Dean commented as he walked past her.
She brightened. “Oh thank you. It’s real mink fur.” Dean tried to keep the smile on his face.
They stood in a wide foyer with a curved, marble staircase. Helen shut the door behind Castiel and touched his arm. “And what’s your name, darling?” she asked, her voice echoing in the wide space.
“Um,” Castiel looked at Dean for help. “I’m Arthur, this is Conan.” Dean sighed.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Helen pointed to a room off the foyer. “You two have a seat in here. I’ll tell my maid to bring some tea.”
Dean and Castiel obediently went into the sitting room off the foyer. A purple sofa lined one wall and faced two matching purple armchairs. Hearing Helen’s footsteps fade, Dean turned on Castiel. “Arthur? Conan? What the hell?”
Castiel sat on the sofa. “I was improvising. I think I did quite well.”
Dean shook his head. “We need to work on your aliases.” Walking up to the fireplace, he looked at a large painting hanging over the mantle. It was a portrait of, he assumed, a younger Helen. She wore a looping ring on her finger which, he realized as he peered closer, was a silver snake. “Creepy,” he muttered.
He heard Helen tapping back—she must be wearing high heels under her robe, he realized—and sat next to Castiel.
Helen came into the room still dabbing her eyes. She settled herself onto one of the armchairs and sighed. “I’m so sorry you never met my late husband George. He was such a kind soul.” She gestured to her portrait over the fireplace. “He commissioned this for me, such a dear.”
“Yes, very nice,” Dean said. “So, Mrs. Roylott—”
“Call me Widow Roylott,” she said. “I’m afraid that’s what I am now.”
“Alright,” Dean said, shooting Castiel a you-see-this-crazy-bullshit-too-right? look. “Your husband went missing May 12th, correct?”
“Oh, let me see. Yes, it was the night of May 12th. We retired to bed and when I woke up that morning, he was gone. I assumed he was at work. It was only that night when he did not return that I began to panic.”
“Is there anywhere he might have gone after work?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps he went to the golf club with his friends, though no one ever mentioned anything to me. Thank you dear.” A maid had walked into the room and set a tray with tea cups and small pastries onto the table in between the seating.
Widow Roylott took the tea cup the maid poured for her. “You two are the first reporters to show up here,” she said. “I was expecting more pesky intrusions, though, I must say, I wouldn’t mind if all reporters were so handsome.” She peered over her tea cup at Castiel and winked.
“Thank you,” Castiel said. He glanced at Dean. “I wouldn’t mind my job so much if all the widows were so beautiful.”
What the fuck? Dean mouthed at him and Castiel frowned. Flirting? Dean thought. The Cas he knew would’ve frozen up at a compliment, or taken it too literally and made everything even more awkward.
“Oh, you’re too sweet.” Widow Roylott leaned forward and touched Castiel’s arm. Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the small cookies on the tray. “Such a nice jacket,” she said. “Where did you get it?”
Having had enough of this bullshit, Dean spoke up, “He’s taken.” It wasn’t true, but hopefully it would shut this absurd widow up. Then again, maybe he was the absurd one for getting jealous.
Castiel looked confused. “Um, right,” he said. “I have a boyfriend. His name is Dean.” Dean nearly choked on the cookie he was eating.
“Oh, the good ones are always taken,” Widow Roylott sighed. “Well, give me a call if Dean ever dies of mysterious circumstances.” She leaned forward to grab a cookie off the tray and glanced up at them. “I’m only joking!” She laughed.
Dean cleared his throat and stood, “Can I use your restroom?” He’d be damned before he drank out of a teacup and this conversation made death by vampire look merciful.
Widow Roylott waved her hand. “Yes, Charlotte, please show him the way.” Dean followed the maid, Charlotte, and looked back at Castiel. Ask questions, he mouthed.
As he left the room, he heard Castiel ask Widow Roylott, “So you study reptiles?” Dean rolled his eyes. About the case, idiot.
“Second door on the left,” Charlotte said, pointing down a long hallway.
“Thanks.” He headed in that direction and waited until Charlotte had disappeared around the corner, then backtracked and went up to the second floor where he started trying different doors, trying to find the master bedroom,
He wasn’t going to lie, hearing Castiel say he had a boyfriend named Dean gave him a small satisfaction. Only problem: he and Castiel weren’t dating. Yes, Castiel was back from Purgatory, yes, they were on a case together, and, yes, Dean was damn glad to have him back, but, at the same time, he and Castiel were most definitely not together. Did Castiel think they were? He sure didn’t act like it. This was the first time since Purgatory that he and Dean were together alone for an extended period of time, and they’d fallen right back into the easy, teasing, ignore-any-feelings relationship they’d had before.
And, yes, Dean supposed he hadn’t done much to change that, but Castiel was...different. Everything was different now and he didn’t know where they stood. Not to mention, he was still trying to wrap his mind around Purgatory, where Dean had actually thought that, for once, he and Castiel were on the same page about their feelings for each other. But then Castiel had chosen literal monster hell over returning with Dean—and if that didn’t say something about Castiel’s feelings, what did?
Dean shook his head and tried two tall french doors. They opened to reveal a large room with a wide poster bed. The closets and dresser drawers were open, revealing their contents. It seemed Widow Roylott was in the middle of packing. But what was strangest of all was a large, empty glass tank in the corner of the room. Dean walked up to it and peered inside. It smelled like disinfecting solution.
He poked around in some of the drawers. All women’s clothes. Then he noticed several cardboard boxes stacked in one of the closets—there were three closets in total. He opened a box and found men’s clothing. So Widow Roylott moved on quickly.
As he crouched down to look in another box, something under the bed caught his eye. Reaching under the bed, his fingers touched something dry which nearly crumbled at his touch. Delicately, he pulled it out, then yanked his hand away and stared down at what he’d found. A long snake skin.
“Well, look at the time,” Dean said, walking into the sitting room. “Looks like we better get going, right Cas—Arthur?”
Castiel and Widow Roylott looked up at him. He was momentarily surprised to see Castiel in his own clothes, forgetting for a moment that Castiel wouldn’t be wearing his trench coat. He and Widow Roylott were bent over a box of what, Dean couldn’t tell, resting on the glass table between them.
“Oh, umm, yes.” Castiel stood. “Nice to meet you, Helen.”
So they’re on first name basis now, Dean thought. He put his hand on Castiel’s back and half-pushed him out of the room. “We can come back another time to complete our interview,” Dean said to Widow Roylott. “Or maybe just send an email, talk on the phone.”
“An email will have to do,” she said as she followed them into the foyer. “I’m moving this weekend. I’m afraid this house holds too many memories.” She produced her handkerchief to again dab at her eyes.
“Are you bringing any snakes with you?” Dean asked. “I’m assuming you have some, being a…” he forgot the word and improvised, “Reptilian.”
“Herpetologist,’” Castiel said quickly.
Widow Roylott’s eye twitched. “Oh, no, I don’t keep snakes here. I like to keep my work and home life separate.” She opened the door and put on what seemed to be a forced smile. “Well, adieu, my darlings. And thank you for your visit and sympathies.” She patted Castiel on the shoulder and shut the door behind them.
“Creepy, creepy, creepy,” Dean said, shuddering as they walked down the pathway back to the Impala.
“She had an impressive collection of rattlesnake rattlers,” Castiel said.
“That’s what you were looking at? Gross. Ew.” Dean pulled out his keys and unlocked the car. He’d told himself he wasn’t going to mention it, but he couldn’t help say, “Looks like you two got along well together.”
Castiel frowned. “I was only trying to work the case. Isn’t that what you do? Flirt with the women to earn their trust?”
“What? No! It sounds so creepy when you say it like that.”
Castiel shrugged. “Did you find anything in her house?”
“Yeah, a snake skin.” Dean got in the car. “Under her bed. It was massive. And a big tank. I don’t care what she says, she’s keeping a snake there. Or multiple.” He shuddered again.
“Why would she lie about that?” Castiel asked, shutting his door.
“Because having a big snake tank in your bedroom is freaking weird. Did you learn anything from her?”
“I learned the latin names for different kinds of rattlesnakes.”
“Very helpful,” Dean muttered. He glanced at Castiel, wondering what the whole “boyfriend named Dean thing” was about. He cleared his throat. “You know, Cas, that we’re not dating, right?” Castiel looked at him and Dean hastened to say, “I mean, I know you’re back now and we’re going on cases together, but—”
“I know, Dean. I was only lying when I said I had a boyfriend.”
“Named Dean.”
“It was the first name that came to my head.” He looked at Dean. “That is the number one skill of being a hunter, right? Lying? I think I’m becoming a very good hunter.”
Dean shook his head and turned the key in the ignition. Not the answer he was expecting, though a much easier one to deal with. “Alright, to that golf club Helen mentioned, I guess. Maybe our vampire is a golfer. Long as he doesn’t collect snakes.”
“Well that was a bust.” Dean took a drink from his beer. No one at the golf club had seen Mr. Roylott on May 12th or since. Dean had even asked the owner of the bar in which he and Castiel now sat, but he had never seen Mr. Roylott, which wasn’t a surprise. Dean couldn’t see mink bathrobe Helen coming to a dive bar.
“Maybe the vampire was only passing through when he killed Mr. Roylott,” Castiel suggested.
“Sam did say there haven’t been any signs of a vamp nest around here.” Dean shrugged. “I don’t know, man, I don’t know where to go next from here.”
Castiel ran his finger down the condensation on the neck of his beer bottle. “Does this happen often? That you and Sam can’t solve cases?”
“Not often. But, yeah, sure. Sometimes you just have to call it quits.”
Castiel wiped his hands on his—Dean’s—jeans. “Why did you buy these clothes?” The way he changed subjects so quickly gave Dean whiplash. It was like his mind ran a million miles an hour and Dean had to run to keep up.
“I don’t know. I liked the color of the shirt, I guess. Jeans were on sale.”
Castiel nodded thoughtfully. “I wear the trench coat and suit because they were the last thing Jimmy Novak ever put on.”
“We can go shopping for clothes for you, if you want,” Dean said.
“I don’t know.” Castiel looked down at Dean’s shirt. “Maybe I should get new clothes.”
“I like the trench coat.” Castiel looked up at him and Dean tried to amend, “I mean, it’s kinda your look, right?”
“I think I need to try something different.” Castiel stared at his still full beer bottle.
“Alright, what’s with this whole hunter thing?” Dean asked.
“Being an angel...” Castiel seemed to search for words. “It’s overrated. Besides, I’ve been an angel for millenia. I want to try something new.”
“Hmm.” Guess he had a point. Finishing his own beer, Dean grabbed Castiel’s and Castiel stood up from his chair.
“Teach me how to play darts. That is something hunters do, right?”
“Well, this one does, at least.” Dean stood and grabbed the darts from the dartboard on the wall. He handed them to Castiel. “You go first. You get three tries at a time. Try to hit a section with the highest number, or the bullseye for the most points.”
Castiel squinted at the board, and Dean thought that if he scanned the room quickly, he might not even recognize Castiel in this outfit. He didn’t understand why Castiel felt the need to change his identity. Did this have something to do with him? Was this the angel equivalent of getting a new haircut after a breakup?
Castiel threw the dart at the board and it landed in the bullseye. “This isn’t very fun,” Castiel remarked.
“You’re too good at it,” Dean said. “Try not using your angel voodoo.”
“I wasn’t! I can't help it."
It wasn’t so much the clothes that was bothering Dean about Castiel. It was that Dean had felt the closest he’d ever felt to Castiel in Purgatory. Now he didn’t know what was going on between them. The frustration of not knowing who Castiel was or what he wanted was only exacerbated when Castiel wasn’t even dressing like himself and was trying to act like someone new.
Castiel threw another dart and it landed right next to his first. “Son of a bitch!”
Dean had been in the process of grabbing his beer bottle; at Castiel's exclamation, he nearly dropped it, splashing beer onto his hand, and swore. Castiel turned to look at him, smiling.
“What the fuck was that?” Dean asked.
Castiel tried to look innocent. “What?”
“You don’t say that, I say that. Pick your own catchphrase.”
“Fine.” Castiel turned back to the dartboard. Dean shook his head. He needed his angel back, now.
“Sam said he’ll be here tomorrow,” Dean said, looking down at his phone as he sat down on the motel bed. “Maybe he’ll be able to help with this case.”
“Okay.” Castiel sat down at a small table in the corner of the room.
Dean set his phone down and ran a hand over his face. “Well, I’m going to sleep.” Castiel nodded. “You gonna sit there all night?”
Castiel shrugged. Dean pulled back the covers on the bed and lay down. He started to turn off the light, then glanced at Castiel. The angel was staring down at his hands, or maybe at Dean’s clothes which he was still wearing. “You can lie down here, if you want,” Dean said. Castiel looked up at him. “It’s got to be more comfortable than that chair.”
Castiel studied him, then nodded and came over. Dean slid over and Castiel untied his—Dean’s—boots and set them down on the ground. He laid down under the covers, still in Dean’s jacket and clothes.
Dean turned off the light and they lay there in the dark. It was more comforting lying next to Castiel than Dean wanted to admit. In Purgatory they’d slept close for safety—so they said, though he and Castiel might have abused the excuse. Benny mercifully turned a blind eye to the fact that Dean and Castiel were practically sleeping in each others’ arms.
He could feel his own jacket against his arm and Castiel shifted, pressing his arm closer against Dean’s. Dean took it back; lying here next to Castiel wasn’t so much a comfort as it was torture. He’d been itching for a chance to take Castiel into his arms ever since Castiel returned. But he hadn’t when Castiel first appeared—bloody, dirty, tired, but alive —and he worried he’d lost his chance. Maybe Castiel had taken his stunned, stilted response as proof that whatever they’d had in Purgatory was over.
Because they had had something. Dean might have put on a brave face in Purgatory, might have continually promised Benny and Castiel that they would get out, that they would live, but deep down he’d been the most terrified he’d ever been. So terrified, he said things he’d never said before to Castiel because he feared, more than dying itself, dying without ever saying them.
“Listen, Cas,” Dean said, staring up at the ceiling. His words were loud in the stillness of the room. “I said some things in Purgatory.”
“You want to take them back.”
It hurt to know that’s what Castiel immediately assumed. Dean remembered a moment in Purgatory when several Leviathan attacked, nearly overpowering him, Castiel, and Benny. He remembered how Castiel grabbed his hand to pull him to his feet after they’d killed the last Leviathan. How, still shaking from their near deaths, Dean clutched Castiel’s hand, said, “I don’t want to ever lose you, I love you.” How he pulled Castiel into an embrace and felt a rush of relief as Castiel wrapped his arms around him, held him close.
“No,” Dean said.
A click, then the hum of the air conditioning. Dean turned his head to look at Castiel. Castiel didn’t meet his eyes. “I’m sorry, Dean, but I don’t think it’s wise. Us, together. Right now. Not with everything I’ve done.”
“Cas, I don’t care about that shit. Yeah, you messed up, but so have I, a thousand times. If anyone should be using that excuse, it should be me.”
Castiel shook his head. He started to speak, and then he was gone.
Damn angel, Dean thought. Castiel had said he wasn’t going to use his wings.
Rolling over, he stared at the neon red numbers on the alarm clock until they wavered in his vision when he looked elsewhere. So everything they’d gone through in Purgatory meant absolutely nothing. But he knew that already, didn’t he? Castiel had stayed behind. Castiel wasn’t fueled by the same consuming need to be together, always, which had urged Dean through Purgatory, had kept him searching, praying, hoping.
A memory rose. Stopping for the night in their search for the portal and sitting next to Castiel, exhausted. Leaning against Castiel’s shoulder and shutting his eyes for a moment, too afraid to put down his guard for any longer.
“I wish it didn’t have to be this way,” Castiel had said quietly, and Dean had thought he known what he meant.
Dean woke to his phone ringing. Half-sitting up, he groped for his phone on the nightstand, found it, and answered it. “Hello?”
“Agent Russell?” the voice said. “Police commissioner Anderson here. You should come down to Mrs. Roylott’s house. You’re going to want to see this.”
As if this case couldn’t get any weirder. Dean hung up and looked around the room. Castiel was still gone. Worried, he checked his phone to see if Castiel had texted him, but of course he hadn’t.
Dean thought briefly of praying to him, telling him to come back, but decided against it. Praying to Castiel had become a habit in Purgatory, one he wasn’t eager to pick back up again. Those prayers had been fueled by desperation, were probably what Castiel was referring to when he gave Dean a chance to take his words back. I love you, I need you, I can’t go on, come back, please.
Dean swung his legs off the bed and heard the motel room door open. He looked over his shoulder to see Castiel walk inside and turned away before the relief he felt showed on his face.
“Good morning,” Castiel said, shutting the door. He held up a brown bag. “I brought you breakfast.” He was still wearing Dean’s clothes, albeit without the boots. He seemed oblivious to that fact, as well as unconcerned that he had disappeared last night without warning.
Dean stood. “We need to go. Something happened at that widow’s house.”
“Oh.” Castiel set the paper bag on the table. Dean opened his duffle bag and pulled out something to wear. “My clothes are still dirty.”
“Then keep wearing mine.”
Castiel came over and grabbed one of Dean’s shirts out of his bag, a dark green flannel. “Can I wear this one?”
“What’s wrong with the one you have on?”
“I like this color more.”
I’ve created a monster, Dean thought. He’d be lucky if Castiel didn’t steal every piece of clothing he owned.
He headed to the bathroom to change and thought of asking where Castiel had been all night. Instead, he said, “I want that shirt back.” What he really meant, he supposed, was I want the old Cas back. The one who’d held him in Purgatory, the one who always came when he called. The one who—Dean knew—despite the fights and betrayals, despite never saying the words aloud, loved him too.
Police cars and an ambulance crowded the street outside of Mrs. Roylott’s house. Dean and Castiel got out of the Impala and flashed their badges at the police officers trying to keep curious bystanders at bay.
The police commissioner turned to look at them as they walked over. “Well, agents,” she said, “looks like your work here is done.”
“Why? What happened?” Dean noticed the large tank he’d seen in Mrs. Roylott’s bedroom now standing on the lawn.
“Mrs. Roylott is dead. Snake bite. Same thing that killed her husband.”
“Snake?” Dean asked.
“Last night, the coroner found traces of venom in Mr. Roylott’s body. We’ve arrested the maid for being an accomplice in the murder. Says Mrs. Roylott released the snake while Mr. Roylott was sleeping, then drained his body to get rid of the venom. The maid dumped his body in the river.”
Dean blinked. “Wow.”
“If the snake hadn’t gotten loose from the basement last night and killed Mrs. Roylott, she’d be halfway to Costa Rica right now banking on a life insurance check. Excuse me, will you?” The police commissioner turned to talk to another police officer and Dean looked at Castiel.
“Guess we should’ve seen that coming.”
“No vampires?” Castiel asked.
“Nope. Just a deranged lady.” He spotted people coming out the house transporting a large snake. Its tongue flicked the air and Dean shuddered. Everything about this case was wrong. Castiel was trying to act like a hunter in Dean’s clothes, the monster of the week turned out to be a creepy snake lady, and Dean, for once, wanted to be with Castiel, had even said as much, but Castiel had said no.
Dean turned from looking at the snake. “Alright, time to go.”
As they walked back to the Impala, Castiel complained, “When am I going to get to solve a case?”
“That’s your takeaway from this?” Dean asked. “That lady sicced her pet snake on her husband.”
“I should’ve been able to tell there was something off with her. I’m an angel, Dean. I should be good at hunting.” He opened the door to the passenger side of the Impala and sat inside.
Dean got in the Impala and pulled his door shut. “Give it a few years, you’ll learn.”
Castiel sighed. “Maybe I am a better angel than hunter.”
Dean didn’t respond to what seemed an obvious fact and Castiel huffed. He pulled off Dean’s jacket and threw it onto the back seat.
“You don’t want to be a hunter anyway,” Dean said. “It’s a shitty life.” He started the Impala and glanced at Castiel staring moodily out the windshield. “So...you gonna quit, go back to Heaven?” Castiel shrugged. “Sam and I don’t mind having you around.” Please don’t leave.
“I’m sure the angels don’t want me,” Castiel said. “So I suppose I’ll stay with you and Sam.”
Good to know; Dean was Castiel’s last choice. Relieved all the same, he smiled at Castiel. “We like angel you just fine anyway,” he said.
Back in their room, Dean packed up their things as Castiel threw his dirty clothes in the wash. Dean met him in the motel’s laundry room and found Castiel pulling his trench coat out of the dryer. He shook his head as Castiel pulled it to his face, smiling.
“Ah, nice and warm,” Castiel said. He pulled his trench coat on over Dean’s clothes, which created an odd-mismatched look. Still, it was better than nothing; Castiel looked marginally more like himself. Dean found himself hoping that he and Castiel could start over. Forget all the years of tiptoeing around their desire for each other, forget the tortured, confessional year in Purgatory. Maybe Castiel would come around. Dean had, hadn’t he?
“You are planning on returning my clothes, right?” Dean asked.
“Mmhmm,” Castiel agreed noncommittally, smoothing his sleeves. “Maybe instead of coming on cases, I can man the phones for you and Sam.”
“Right, you can be our secretary,” Dean said and Castiel nodded eagerly, not catching the sarcasm.
Dean rolled his eyes and shoved the rest of Castiel’s clean clothes into his duffel bag. “Come on, let’s get going.” As Castiel walked past him, he had the urge to pull Castiel close and feel the familiar texture of the trench coat, the warmth of Castiel’s body against his. He settled for putting his hand on Castiel’s shoulder.
“Can I drive?” Castiel asked, looking up at him.
“Not a chance.” Maybe he hadn’t ever said enough, even in Purgatory. He knew there was plenty he wanted to say now, wanted to do, wanted to prove. “But if you really like the shirt, you can keep it.” It still wasn’t enough, but he’d find a way. He wasn’t going to lose Castiel again.
Thanks to @helianthus21 @bend-me-shape-me @pray4jensen for this challenge!! These have been such good prompts and I’m writing more than I have in ages so thanks for the inspo :) 
Tagging: @spnwaywardone @good-things-do-happen-dean @becky-srs
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in my destiel fics!
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I think both Magnus and Alec have a big part of their lifes that have nothing to do with eachother. Okey, they are happily married and the live together but anyway... What about their hobbies? What about their own personal projects? Friends/queerplatonic relationships? I want to know who they are, besides of great politic leaders or someone's husband
i mean, i agree. i hate it when ppl reduce magnus and alec to malec or just generally care more about the romantic relationships than the other ones, nevermind bothering to develop other aspects of their lives that are just... theirs
to be fair i feel like we got a reasonable amount of that for them (for shadowhunter’s standarts of giving us content anyway). i mean, less for alec but that kinda makes sense considering that he’s spent most of his life avoiding any kind of close relationships that weren’t with his siblings like the plague and generally being, like, raised in a military based society with the weight of the world on his shoulders and also gay. but i totally agree that we should have gotten more of him getting out of his shell and finding hobbies and friends beyond just a romantic relationship. and for magnus, well, we know that he likes physics and science and studying magic as a whole, and dancing, and we know about his friends aka catarina and ragnor and raphael and dot, we know about his found family and his club and that he likes parties and good food and drinks, travelling, and meeting new people and cultures. you know?
but anyway, other headcanons with little things about their lives:
alec is totally the workout gay who likes fucking, idk jogging every morning and shit, and for some reason i can see him being into mountain climbing???? and magnus is like No Thank You. I Will Do Literally Anything Else because yikes the amount of effort and sweat and it’s just generally unpleasant. magnus is far from being sedentary, but also, no. yikes
he’s more into taking long walks in nice places and admiring the view and shit like that and he’s all like “isn’t it great? :)” and alec is like “haha yeah how far are we” because he’s just... goal-oriented and when he’s doing sports he likes to have a clear goal, something to achieve, or to push himself to his limits and all that bullcrap. while magnus likes to do it for the sake of doing it and enjoying himself and getting in contact with his own body & mind & soul and shit. they find some sort of enjoyment in it with the way alec always makes magnus laugh with his grumpiness + inability to truly understand what this whole thing is about + just general himboness, but as a whole, magnus likes to take his walks alone, so he can get that space for himself. and he’s definitely not joining in when alec is doing his weird sportsman training gimmick whatever-thing, either
same with tai-chi! magnus tried to get alec into it (altho somewhat awkwardly since magnus does magical tai chi and alec very much does not have magic) but it just, didn’t work out. one second into it and alec was already making that painfully concentrated face and he’s stiff as a board and it’s the opposite of what it’s supposed to be and magnus breaks down laughing and alec is all offended and they just can’t get past a few seconds and end up giving up. alec is the bitch who sits down to medidate and is immediately like BOY I AM GONNA GET IN TOUCH WITH MY INNER SELF SO FAST AND HARD FUCKING WATCH ME I’M GONNA BE THE BEST MEDIDATOR THIS SIDE OF THE PACIFIC FUCKING OOHMMM BITCH. introspective arts are just not for him
i like to think that alec gets closer to aline, and i can see him and helen hitting it off, too. like seriously guys let alec have friends who aren’t just magnus’ friends (and let magnus have friends that are HIS friends, too)
i know underhill is implied to become his friend but also, like..... he’s so boring i just can’t have any hcs for them as friends daoijsdaiouja i think they have more of a solidarity, nodding when walking past each other in the halls thing than actual friendship you know
obviously there’s alec’s siblings as he will always be the one izzy loves the most and she will always be one of the most important people for him, and even as magnus and izzy totally are friends too, she is still alec’s sister and they make it a point to see each other, just the two of them, at least once a week. izzy always smiles and loops her arm through his and alec’s immediately huffing but he loves it and she knows that he loves it. she was like, his only source of physical contact for so long, and god he really needed it and he loved her for giving it to him even as he pretended it was something he hated. neither of them want to shake that habit, so it stays
but there’s also a particular brand of friendship magnus has with her that alec doesn’t. like when they get all weird about dead bodies or go shopping? alec’s out 
magnus does a lot of studying (mostly languages, physics, and chemistry, as well as magic) so he has his own study room (plus the apothecary) that’s a whole damn mess filled with books and notes scattered around and shit and alec is not allowed in because he always wants to organize it and GOD FUCKING DAMN IT IT’S NOT DISORGANIZED I KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING’S SUPPOSED TO BE and if alec moves a single pen, magnus Will Know About It
in exchange he always keeps the door closed or spelled so alec doesn’t have to look at it
obviously there’s archery, which is something alec loves to do and practice, especially as he starts to get more into the bureaucratic parts of shadowhunting. he needs his bow and arrow to feel connected to himself and his body and safe, and he also has his own practicing room. magnus can do archery fine, but it’s not really among his interests
magnus of course has his regular meetings with the immortal squad and his breakfasts with raphael :) not that raphael isn’t part of the immortal squad but they also enjoy having a time just for the two of them. they are father and son after all, and besides, they lived together for quite a while, and the dynamics of them versus them + ragnor + cat are different
while magnus loves taking alec with him in his trips and to art galleries and out to eat in great restaurants and shit, they both know it’s something that alec, while very curious to know about, does not appreciate the same way that he does. not more or less, just, differently. if they go to an art gallery, magnus is gonna be looking at every piece and musing and maybe talking about the painters of x and y movement that he knew, and analyzing the technique or whatever. alec is less interested in the paintings themselves and more in the artists, what their life was like, what the period/place they lived in was like, how that shaped their art, you know? like he’s just not a very visual person haha me projecting never so what interests him is more outside of the paintings than inside. so even when they go to these places together, they’re just having completely different experiences? and a lot of the time they end up straying and meeting each other later, where they’ll chat and generally be ridiculous. but the both of them also enjoy going to those on their own or with their friends who Get It, you know? because again just completely different rhythms and interests and stuff
i feel like they both enjoy trashy television, but like, in completely different ways? like magnus loves him a terrible sitcom even if he’ll never admit it, where alec is more into like..... really bad and dramatic mystery shows
they both enjoy watching reality shows though. magnus wasn’t that huge on it before, but with alec? man, that’s a riot. he’ll judge absolutely everyone and make faces and just generally be fucking hilarious
ok i know that i’m talking about things they do together but my goal here is to talk about like... who they are and what their interests are individually, even if they are together, you know? and not like, As An Unit
magnus loves music and recitals and dance shows of all kinds. also, street art! i feel like that’s something him, cat, and maia have in common
speaking of cat; there are always His Cats. like sure they like alec fine but as soon as magnus is home they all immediately flock to him. it’s like alec never existed. goodbye, tall person
tbh i feel like raphael is totally an animals person and soon the dumort kind of turns into like, a sort of animal shelter? like magnus gives him the idea and all the vampires are naturally drawn to the idea of the dumort becoming a place for the strays of the world, especially if it means they get some company.... and maybe warm cuddles. anyway, my point is, magnus loves to visit the dumort and play with the cats and dogs that are there from time to time and he’s so proud of raphael and what he’s doing with the place and i just aaa :’) 
i feel like alec would have an interest in technology? like he’d be that bitch who Knows tech (probably started because of his job, but soon he found that he like, actually has an interest in it?) and who cleans his keyboard every day and only gets licensed programmes and takes care of his laptop like those guys who are weird about cars
lmao for some reason i can totally picture him and aline bonding over that? 
oh man alec would be into PUZZLES. word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, the whole grandpa shit. he doesn’t do it often but when he does, he’s just At It. him and madzie can play with jigsaw puzzles for hours and wouldn’t remember to eat. she visits one day and is like I Got A 3D Puzzle and alec is just like neat! and they just sit down and do it until they have to be forced to bed or something. then at like precisely 6AM their eyes snap open like It’s A New Day, Puzzle Time and it just keeps being like this until they’re done
also there’s magnus’ morning routine, of course, especially since he doesn’t really have a schedule, and as sociable as he is he does enjoy some alone time to make himself some breakfast, do some tai chi, maybe read a book or comic, and all that. alec is just snoring the whole time completely passed out when it’s not a work day, tbh
okay that’s all i have actually doasdiad i hope it isn’t too much or disappointing or whatever. also, if anyone else wants to add their own headcanons for alec’s and magnus’ hobbies, feel free to do so :)
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cora-notovrloki · 5 years
Daddies finding out you’re pregnant headcanon
So a request from @havenoffandoms! It’s been so long since I uploaded and I’m trying to get back at this again now… I feel like the headcanons are getting way longer, more like a short drabble-ish? oh and a little bit of breeding/pregnancy kink is showing for Robert eheheh I guess some will like, some will hate, right?
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Tom Hiddleston
You and Tom are married for almost a year now, but you weren’t planning on your pregnancy since both of you were really busy. During another hectic week, you suddenly get sick every morning. For a couple of days, you and Tom think it’s nothing serious and try to stick to your schedule. But after the fourth day, you finally remember that drunken night a few weeks back and hurry back to the house with the pregnancy test. And what do you know, you’re knocked up. You come out of the toilet to find Tom cutting up vegetables in the kitchen. You hug him from behind and whisper, “Well you finally put the bun in the oven.”
Not looking over, he said, “I didn’t have any plans to bake this evening- oh… oh…”
Both of you stand still and he let go of the knife. He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, leaving you in a silent panic. Then he slowly turns around to face you, still in your arms, and softly asks, “You’re pregnant?”
You nod, almost crying out of happiness and fear. Tears are threatening to fall, but Tom catches them before they could. He then breaks out a gigantic smile, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug and lifting you off the ground. “I- I’m going to be a father, Y/N, eheh, oh god, I, thank you so much darling! I never thought I would be this happy, it’s, oh- we’ve got to tell our family about this!”
When he lets you go, you see him grabbing his phone and telling the news giddily to his mother. He could have never looked so happy.
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Loki Laufeyson
So after a few years of carefully talking about the issue, you and Loki decide to have a baby. You’ve been trying for a couple of months now and you come out of the toilet with the result in your hand. Loki is impatiently waiting on the edge of the bed, frowning with his foot tapping the floor. He looks up wide-eyed and said, “So?”
You reply quietly, “…We did it, Loki.”
He smiles nervously, then chuckles while he got up and pulled you into a slow hug. 
“So… an heir…”
You can feel the fear in his voice and heartbeat. Although you had planned the pregnancy, Loki is still overwhelmed about the fact that he was going to be a father. The responsibility that weighed on his shoulders pulled him back from feeling giddy about the situation. 
“You are going to make a great father. The prince or princess would be so happy.”
“Am I not the prince?”
“My king, it was the baby I was talking about.”
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Thomas Sharpe
You were still a few months in your marriage when Thomas talked about having a child. You also wanted to have a child of your own, but never have you thought that your husband would propose the idea so soon. But every moon you failed, and now you’ve reached three years of trying to conceive a baby. 
You’ve tried everything, tried every position, every medicine, but nothing seemed to work. The countless doctors you visited said you were certainly not infertile- and without any cause, they sent you back to try again. 
One night, another cycle coming up, you were weeping against Thomas’s chest. “I’m sure it’s not going to work this time either, darling husband. Maybe we are not meant to be parents.”
“Nonsense, my heart, do you hear yourself?”
“It’s been three years, I am never going to be with child.”
“No, let’s try one more time. Another moon is coming up. Please, darling.”
Miraculously, the doctor tells you you are in fact pregnant this time, and you fly up the stairs to where Thomas was sitting by the fire, slightly dozing off. You wake him and excitedly tell him the good news. “I am with child, Thomas! With child! Oh, darling, can you believe it? We’ve got to set up a nursery, and-”
He is a bit confused for a few seconds but comes to his senses as he caught up about what you are so excited about. Your husband smiles widely then cups your face and kisses you gently for you to calm down. He kisses you with that wide smile, and you kiss him back laughing. Then he kneels down to kiss your stomach.
“What a miracle we made.” He says as he hugs your hips with his arms.
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As a vampire, Adam surely deemed impossible for him to impregnate you, a mortal. But both of you never thought about it even when Adam turned you into a vampire as well. Being a vampire was pretty weird at first, with your morning sickness(more of an evening sickness) and missing period. You thought they were normal, but Adam pointed out one night, “You’re late.”
“Your menstruation.”
“But I’m a vampire.”
“I made you a vampire, not bloodless.”
You think for a moment, then bolt out to the 24-hour store to get a pregnancy test, not even listening to Adam. You speed back in the apartment and slam the bathroom door. On the other side of the door, Adam fully understood what was going on. He should have noticed when you started secretly spewing away in early evenings. How could he have been so thoughtless? He plops down on the floor facing the bathroom door, but a few minutes pass and he hears you sobbing. 
With a knock, he asks, “Darling… Let me see you.”
No answer.
“My love-”
“What’s going to happen to me?”
“I- To be honest, I’m not sure myself.”
“I’m not ready to be a mother, Adam.”
“Neither am I, but we haven’t got a choice, my love…”
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James Conrad
“Hello? James?”
You get a call from your boyfriend when you are just getting in your car. You had a doctor’s appointment an hour ago because you didn’t feel so well for the last few days. Turns out you are pregnant. You don’t recall any time when you and James forgot to use protection. Maybe the condom broke, you have no clue how it happened. 
“Princess? How was the checkup?”
“I’m on the road, can I tell you when I get back home?” You tell him with a shaky voice. Not having the confidence to talk to him nonchalantly without slipping the news out, you wrap up the conversation quickly.
“All right, see you soon baby.”
For the whole car ride, you ponder about how you’re going to tell your boyfriend, not to mention how he’s going to react, and how you’re going to react to how he reacted. Thoughts cloud up your head until you find yourself in the driveway of your house with your phone ringing next to you. Again, it’s James.
“Hello?” You reply as you get out of the car.
“Hey, when do you think you’re arriving? Thought we might order in, what do you wanna get?”
“I’m in the driveway. I was thinking of Italian, cooking or ordering, I don’t mind.” “Mmm, you want wine with that, baby?”
“A hard pass…” You tell him as you get your keys to your front door.
“Why? You love your wine.”
“Um…” You say as you open the door.
“Yeah?” Came his reply through the phone.
“Um… I’m pregnant?”
He was standing right in front of you in the hallway. Mouth open, he stares at you.
“How are you feeling?” He asks carefully as he steps up and hugs you tight in his arms.
“How do you feel?” You ask back. 
“I… Realistically speaking, I wasn’t ready for this, but I don’t want an abortion either.”
“We keep it then?”
“Yes, princess… And maybe we should throw a wedding while we’re at it?”
“Are you proposing to me right now?”
“We need a kingdom for our baby, don’t we, princess?”
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Robert Laing
Robert always wanted you pregnant, since he found pregnant women so attractive. After some consideration you finally allow him to ‘put a baby in you’. You didn’t expect much from the first few tries, since Helen, your neighbor said that she had been trying for nearly 6 months to conceive her child. But a few weeks pass and Robert brings home a pregnancy test. 
When you tell him he could come in after you finished peeing on the stick, he sits next to you on the bathroom stool just talking about how the day was while both of you wait for the result. 
You are pretty shocked you were knocked up at first try. “Two stripes, baby.”
With a content chuckle, Robert pulls you into his lap and starts to shower you in kisses, keeping his hand on your belly. 
“Never thought you could be more beautiful than you were a few minutes before, darling. I can’t wait for you to swell up with my child. What Mother Nature gives… oh, darling… Thank you.”
“Your breeding kink, Robert…” You sheepishly say with a slight chuckle.
“How about a celebration?” Robert asks as his hand on your stomach slides under your shirt, slowly pushing the fabric upwards.
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wizardhecker · 4 years
ollie’s book rec list
hey y’all i got libby this last year and its expanded my reading a bunch. I talked about what books I liked on twitter earlier but I wanted to move that over here. These books aren’t in order of preference, just when I read them. I’ll probably be updating this list throughout the year as well. 
Stuff I loved:
Gideon the Ninth- Tamsyn Muir: Probably my favorite book from this year, I’m eagerly awaiting for the sequel. WAs everything I wanted in a book, witty and clever. Lesbian necromancer and buff swordgirl end up taking part in a contest that entangles them in murder and mysteries. Its sci-fi but not hard sci-fi and sticks mostly to one planet. I’m witholding judgement on the ending until I read the second book because I have some conflicting feelings about it. Tags: F/F romance, bones, so many bones, Sci-fi, mystery
Ancillary Justice - Ann Leckie: Told from the perspective of a ship AI that was once many different ancillaries. The story jumps back and forth between the present where she inhabits one body and the past to how that came to occur. It was super unique and engaging. I’ve seen this on a few lists for LGBT content which maybe there is in later books but that tag comes from the the ship AI being confused by gender since her language just uses “she/her” pronouns for everything. Therefor, yes technically any romances that occur are queer because every single character is referred to via she/her. I love language stuff like that though. Theres so many details that I was deeply fascinated by. Tags: sci fi, space politics, clones, unique perspective. 
The Raven Tower - Ann Leckie: Similar to her other book above, she plays with storytelling and narrator perspective. This is from the perspective a god who is a giant rock and switches between past and present. It was a bit slow at first, as it is a rock telling the story, but its well worth it and the ending was so fulfilling. I REALLY enjoyed the world building, everything felt neatly crafted as piece by piece the machine comes together and turns slowly. The protagonist human is also explicitely trans. Tags: politics, fantasy, god wars, trans protagonist.
Swordspoint - Ellen Kushner: An older book, but focuses around the politics of a city where swordsmen fromt he lower city are hired to fight for the aristocrats in the higher city. Follows the best swordsman and his [insufferable] scholar boyfriend, but switches perspectives a lot. Its fun, I might reread it. Tags: heavy politics, aristocrat bullshit, M/M romance, swordfighting!
Kings of the Wild - Nicholas Eames: This book read Very much like someone’s first classic D&D campaign, for better or for worse. I Loved it because the heart, passion, and sincerety put into it was so palpable and it feels like a campaign where everyone comes in with goofy joke characters and then midway through they get Really into it and suddenly everyone’s crying because that joke backstory they made has implications. Its about a bunch of retired legendary old men adventurers who get called back for one more job - to rescue the leader’s daughter. Tags: Sad old men, good fathers, fantasy, gay wizard, tabletop inspired.
Bloody Rose - Nicholas Eames: The sequel to the previous book (though it could be read alone). It really goes into more depth and analyzes some of the previous worldbuilding more, pulling apart some of the problems in the world that were swept away previously. I liked it slightly less but its still very good. It follows a bard joining up with an adventuring band to fight a...dragon? Maybe. Tags: F/F romance, are monsters people, necromancy, dragons, fantasy.
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker: A newly made golem woman and a Djinn who was trapped for thousands of years both in up in New York City in 1900, and their paths eventually intertwine. Really amazing perspective of Jewish and Arab immigrant communities and cultures in NYC. Switches point of view through many characters in the communities who come in and out of their lives. Tags: Supernatural beings, urban fantasy, historical.
The Monster of Elendhaven - Jennifer Giesbrecht: Very short book I read in one sitting about terrible evil men doing terrible evil things. One of them is unkillable, the other one is sorcerer and theyre tied together through a dark fate to destroy the world. I was deeply into the mythology and the way everything wove together. You know I’m a sucker for weird god stuff and I was provided for. Uhh trigger warning for a lot of stuff here, graphic violence, sexual assault, etc. Tags: Evil stuff, magic, dark mythology and folklore, capitalism, revenge plots.
The Black God’s Drums - P. Djeli Clark: Another short one read in one sitting, set in an alternate post-civil war setting New Orleans where a girl has a Goddess of storms living inside her. Tags: alternate history, bi protagonist, gods and goddesses. 
The Claidi Journals - Tanith Lee: So this was a reread of a kind of obscure series I read when I was a kid and I immensely enjoyed. Caveat that it is a young-adult series but it was such a fascinating and vibrant blend of fantasy magic and sci-fi, there’s little blend between the magic and technology of the realm. It’s about terrible families doing terrible things and the women who got accidentally caught up in it. It also has one of the most interesting women characters I’ve ever read who doesn’t even appear much in the books but whose legacy impacts every character. Tags: Science fantasy, aristocrat bullshit, bad moms, hetero but chill. 
Mixed Feelings:
Uprooted - Naomi Novik: Reclusive wizard who holds an evil forest at bay takes on an apprentice girl who gets entangled in further politics of the nation. I got Really into the worldbuilding, plot, and writing of this book and it hooked me pulling me along. However I have a major frustration with it that really prevents me from putting it in the “loved” category. If I could edit out about 20 lines I’d have found it perfect. I know other folks who disagree with me though so I’ll still recomend it. Tags: wizards, nature magic, politics, grumpy tower wizard, unfortunately heterosexual.
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst: Lesbian princesses and arranged marriages uh oh. Ones a ranger jock the others a sorcerer. Its fine and cute, I wasn’t really happy with the antagonist reveal at the end though. Tags: Aristocrat bullshit, politics, F/F romance, arranged marriage angst, forbidden magic.
Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell: I really enjoyed the first book of this series and found it a delightfully self-indulgent transparent Harry Potter derivation. That sort of falls apart in the second book where having to build off something that worked as a one-off just doesn’t extend to a more filled out story and left me feeling unsatisfied. But, once again, the world building is delightful and I’m charmed by the magic system and a British person’s opinion of America. Tags: M/M romance, magic, America!, roadtrip, vampires
The Last Sun - K.D. Edwards: Modern fantasy tarot inspired world building. The main character is the last remnant of the “Sun” house that was ripped apart in a terrible way. He has PTSD and is hired to find a missing man, along the way uncovering a deeper conspiracy involving his house and past. It was fine, its a good book. I just wasn’t into it that much. Also massive trigger warnings for sexual assault, torture, etc. Tags: M/M romance, mystery, gritty, magic. 
Vicious - V.E. Schwab: I enjoyed it and it was a short quick read, but for some reason I’ve never been able to get into V.E. Schwab much. Not sure why. Man with power over pain is released from prison and seeks vengeance on his former friend who put him there - who is now a superhero, and adopts a young girl necromancer in the process. Tags: villains, everyone is evil, superpowers, modern, necromancy, unwilling father figure
The City Stained Red - Sam Sykes: I really just started skimming while reading this one tbh. Trash man swordfighter and his disfunctional adventuring party trying to collect their payment in a terrible city. It felt like someone’s D&D campaign but in the worst way where everyone is an edgelord dark backstory. I honestly didn’t like a single character. But, that’s fine it just wasn’t for me. I see this get put on lists for having a bi-character. Which I guess technically but I wasn’t a huge fan of how that became relevant. Tags: tabletop inspired but insecure about it, gritty, terrible city, terrible people, bi protagonist
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