#evil wizard au
ceruleanspicetalks · 8 months
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yea ok i'll let myself be obnoxiously self indulgent about this exploration process here on the fandom hell webbed site
some evil wizard au exploration sketches :) which are actually not so evil now upon further development, but i also havent really thought of what cruelty they would pull off yet. I also don't know how historically...accurate...clothing-wise i wanna do this? some quick browsing around What People Wore When kinda brought me into Italy in the 14th century (give or take), so i tried designing them in outfits that would fit that era in that fourth image!
little mini comics dialogue is under the cut for clarity.
second image:
town wizard: What do you plan to do? The wizard at the peak does not take kindly to visitors.
Gon: Oh, I know. I still intend to waltz right in.
town wizard: Are you insane?!
Gon: No one's gone to see him with a proposition like mine. I'm sure if I can live long enough to talk, he can be reasoned with. There's no other way.
third image:
Gon (while looking at Killua): What other choice did I have, but to go to you?
and Killua's reaction :)
full context is probably needed here: Gon wants to bring Kite back to life. No other magic practitioner in his village deals in necromancy since it's forbidden, but there's that mysterious evil wizard guy on the top of the mountain in the distance that might know a thing or two oohhhhh
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victory-ocs · 20 days
"It's like a piece of me is missing because I never got to say goodbye." THIS ONE FOR RINDRIN
He works himself tirelessly, practicing his magical craft with a laser precise focus. It consumes him. Takes all of his time and energy.
He needs to get stronger. Smarter. Better at magic. It needs to become his blood, his breath, his every thought. He needs to go above and beyond what he'd ever thought possible...
There's a chance. A tiny, miniscule, barely there chance. That he can bring him back. He just has to focus, and study. And study, and focus. And nothing else matters except that chance.
It's like there's something inside him that's missing. Like there's something gnawing and clawing at his heart.
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ayaosguqin · 1 year
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“The Crimson wizard”
“what if “ another was seduced by Melkor and instead Mairon was sent to Arda as an Istari
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not-rab · 9 months
☀︎ part 9 of my Singer/Songwriter Twitter AU ☀︎
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☀︎ part 8 ☀︎ part 10 ☀︎
@malakiwis 🤭🤭🤭
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cookierunauprompts · 4 months
💔 prompt Evil version of shadow Milk is setting up a ‘puppet’ show using the ancients as guests, they are not having a fun time. Feel free to interpret this how you like.
Requested Prompts #28 - 💔✙
CONTENT WARNING : Body Horror? If living puppets count then yeah.
You know, waking up in a theater may not be the oddest or freakiest thing ever, but that depends on context. And the with the prior context that you were chasing the huge, beast side of a cookie that is known to sometimes host gruesome puppet shows... Pure Vanilla Cookie couldn't help but be concerned. " Pure Vanilla Cookie?" He heard White Lily speak up from the seat next to him, she looked concerned and confused as to where she was. He was as well, but where were the others? " Welcome! new holders of the soul jam!" A voice crackled from around them, belonging to none other than the beast. " Welcome one and all to the Shadow Theater! We have a wonderful play for you all tonight!" They knew it wouldn't be a wonderful show, but they couldn't withhold their gasps of horror when the stage curtains were drawn open. Upon the stage were three cookies, Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie, but there was something distinctly wrong with them. They seemed conscious, panicked. It was very understandable as to why they were however. Yet they couldn't open their mouths and scream. Impaled in their hands and feet were spikes connected to strings that tailed up into the rafters of the stage. The two ancients could smell and see the strawberry jam leaking from their puncture wounds. Their mouths, at least, were magically sealed. The look of fear in the trio of children's eyes was enough to strike panic and horror within the two ancients. Yet neither of them could leave their seats to help. " Here we have three, small, fragile little cookies. I'm sure that you two care about them a bunch, yes?" The beast said with a chuckle. The strings on Strawberry Cookie pulled taut, and the ancients could only watch as she was forced to pull out her lollipop hammer and turn towards Wizard Cookie. " So, theoretically... You'd be rather heartbroken if you watched them smash each other into pieces." " No!" Pure Vanilla yelled, extending a hand and reaching forwards in his seat to try and stop what was going to happen. The Lollipop hammer was swung down, the lights cutting out as a sickening crack filled the theater. The lights turn back on, revealing that Strawberry Cookie had hit a jar of Sweet Jelly Jam instead of Wizard Cookie's head. The pink clad cookie was crying, all three of them still looked terrified. " But, it's far too early in the show for a character death, especially a main character death." The beast tutted, " So, here's the deal. If you re-unite me with my other, much more pathetic half, then I'll let these three go! Easy-peasy! But if you refuse... Well, then little Strawberry is gonna get an encore! And this time... She'll be hitting her target." The Beast cackled in a sickening manner after he finished speaking, and a snap of fingers rang out through the theater. The Ancients watched in horror as they collapsed to the ground, the theater around them fading away as the trio looked to them with pleading expressions. They felt the forest floors of Beast Yeast below them once more, but what could they do? Gingerbrave and his friends were in danger, bad, bad danger. And yet they couldn't hand over Shadow Milk's good half, who knows what the Beast would do to the guy if he goes back? So then... what were they supposed to do? ... They should probably contact Reader Cookie before anything.
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Soo,, I've been watching some of the witch's castle lore (thank you Royal Mike) and I just can't get this idea outta my mind..
The First Counsel of Everything AU
(In this AU, Witch's Castle came before Kingdom, and the gingercrew are basically stuck in a cycle of being rebaked as normal cookies until the counsel is needed again.)
The Counsel members (the gingergang) bellow the cut.
Gingerbrave - The Happy Emperor of Shadows.
The ruler of all shadow and darkness! Even if some of his recent subjects may not know it, though the oldest shadows that knew his rule definitely hope for his return again! With such a smile and kind personality, he made the shadows and darkness just as safe of a place that the light was, such a contrast to what it sadly is today. Debatably the leader of the counsel.
Strawberry Cookie - Queen of Imagination.
The shy ruler of all creativity, imagination, and dreams. Beloved by her subjects in the land of dreams, as she herself understands the love and care that goes into every art, even the ones baked up in the mind! Her thoughts can blend and bleed into the world by portals, making her a power house among the counsel. What she reigns over may never be in danger, but she will always spring back in to aid her friends and counsel!
Wizard Cookie - High Wizard of Insight.
No doubt deserving of his title, this High Wizard is the head of all magic, magical beings, and the smarts, too. He never seems to get a spell wrong, nor forget a face! The ones who follow his teachings can't deny that he's fit for the head of all magic. After all, what's a better fit than the one who got magic into every cookies' hands and books! His return is expected, as magic is in everything these days, and he is undeniably the brain of the counsel.
Gingerbright - Empress of Harmony.
The empress of all connections and harmony! All who can live in peace and friendship or thrive in their life with a bond, those are her subjects. Spirits and ghosts await her return, waiting for the cheerful giggles and unhinged sneers of command to lead them and the ones without leaders to whatever or wherever she will go. She is as kind, clever, and sweet as she is as threatening, and all who made an enemy of her sweat and tremble at the thought of her return. She seeks fun and adventure, and with her unity and harmony under soon threat, she no doubt will be with the rest of the counsel to stop the overflowing havoc to come.
Gingerdozer - Soft Emperor of Light.
Appearing the least, but no less one of the most vital, this is the ruler of light and divine. Few of his subjects know of him, but he is loved by those of his subjects who do. The boy's smile was said to have been able to bring light to a dark room and hope to the hopeless. The unity between light and dark came from his bond with his brother, and he kept the light in balance with the shadows. With how his divine light has changed for the worst, he is bound to wake and return the sharp, overwhelming light back to a soft, warm glow. Just as the counsel's second in command should!
I love them all so much plz feel free to ask literally anything about them.
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
Hey, Idk if you even mentioned it but in you fantasy au (the one everyone forgot their identity because of osito bimbo) was black cucurucho was ever a thing?
If so, and he's similar to canon (needed a vessel) he could be the Pied Piper of Hamelin. I mean, weird guy who lures all the kids and puts them in a hostage situation.
just don't know if there would be any rats.
The way I imagine the bears to be in the lost fairy tale au is that they’re quite legitimately the Three Bears, but they aren’t two parents and a kid. They’re siblings, and each does evil fucked up bear magic as a side gig. So maybe Cucurucho.exe is actually the Pied Piper, that would be fun
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writing-the-end · 4 months
The hermits return home to find an unwelcome surprise
A Wizard Hermits tale (au, designs, and ideas belong to @theguardiansofredland )
Hermitcraft s10 amirite? I haven't watched consistently since s7 but it still got me in the mood to finally work some more on LoL!
Hopefully yall are still interested in Light of Lairyon- or some new faces interested in magical hermits definitely check out LoL and Red's awesome art!
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leoruby-draws · 1 year
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How Jason and Eddie meet Rose!
Here's an old comic I made a year back, for some backstory on the kiddie Outlaw's first meeting. I never finished it cause I wasn't sure on how to proceed but I decided to just post this here. Maybe later I'll think of way to finish it.
I mentioned in an earlier post that she and her mother was attacked by Slade Wilson's half-brother Wade LaFarge. Her mother survived (in a coma tho) but Wade actually died somehow, but before he did Rose finds out from him that Slade's the reason for the attack.
Rose isn't sure if she wants some form of revenge on Slade or to find out how their connected but she wants to find him so she wants to hire a detective to help her. She was looking for Batman but found Jason and Eddie instead. And thus the Outlaws for the Training Wheels au is born!
And that's it, didn't know where to go from there so these two pages are all I got for now.
Well, hope you like them anyways!
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favorite-lie · 1 year
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several years old castle crashers art
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idololivine · 3 months
AU where the Eiden and the squad are porn actors and the events of nuca is the plot of a porn series that was intended to be a joke oneshot, but the series got greenlit because the oneshot became a meme like lemon-stealing-whores
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eclipsewarrior101 · 8 months
Okay. Here me out!!!!
So I follow Lydia the bard. Please follow her, she makes amazing Disney princess villain songs.
But it got me thinking. What if Dorothy became a villain.
Plot: after defeating the wicked witch and everything all is fine, BUT Glinda claims there is no way home. She says that the twister killed her family and she’s better off in Oz. This works and Dorothy stays in Oz.
Years later she sees how Oz is doing under Glindas rule. It’s not good. She still wants to go home but Glinda either persuades her to stop asking or makes her feel bad about asking. But Dorothy is curious….she sneaks off and finds something to help her go back to Kansas….but it’s not what she expected.
Her family had been alive. Uncle Henri and Aunt Em died of a broken heart a year ago. Everyone thought Dorothy had died!!!!.
Dorothy is pissed and goes back to Glinda to confront her, but she’s locked up and branded a liar and a nut. Years Dorothy stays locked away, and as time goes on she becomes bitter, cruel and dangerous. She escapes killing the guards and finds the ruby slippers. They had magic in them!!! That combined with the witch of the wests broomstick she becomes the new witch. A more dangerous witch. When she storms the Emerald City she has an army of monkeys and munchkins who want change and revenge. She even gets her friends to see her side, transforming them into monster versions.
She’s ready to take revenge….she wants Glindas head
So…any thoughts
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Important secondary introduction: CREVICE.
He likes to drive nails into himself and belittle people with no instigation at all <3
Crevice is a wizard of ill renown. He makes his keep through his keen sense of smell, which is able to sniff out magic and track down even the most elusive sorcerers. Its a lucrative business n he has no qualms about bringing ruin onto fellow magic users. May in fact have a personal vendetta against a certain wizard(and his apprentices) hes trying to track down, too. Was once imprisoned by said wizard for possibly hundreds of years and he hasn't exactly forgiven the guy for it. Crevice is dangerous and hard to stand for extended periods of time, largely due to his intense misandry and frequent discussions of various violent acts he'd love to enact on both you and himself or you on him. Has great mastery of the scythe and the sickle, rarely resorting to showing his own magic to outsiders.
Funny guy whom I kinda still wanna make more of a world for. Something Mad Max-y, Conan The Barbarian-y, fetishistic ultraviolent psychosexual like. You know the type. Even got some ideas for how the magic system works! Kinda makes the whole spellcasting thing function like a shark tank pitch - its good stuff.
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Which is the no chip time travel au? I am intrigued
haha, so, I have not actually talked about this uh anywhere (I think? I might have mentioned it in dms briefly with someone but: brain is a sieve right now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), mostly just been turning it over in my head like a worry stone because whoo boy would it be very a lot to write even as a short oneshot -- basically, don't worry, you haven't missed anything!
the no chip time travel au is basically just: take a cody who is a few years into the Glorious Empire -- we'll say nine, maybe just edging on ten, because it's funny --and he's a good little cog in the fascist machine. The jedi are dead, long live the emperor, some things are inevitable, he occasionally finds himself missing the war his general but that's just rose tinted nostalgia, he knows it was a pain in the ass at the time.
And then he wakes up back on kamino. pre empire. Which: fine. force shit is weird. He's just gonna ride it out, like, the empire is in fact inevitable, maybe he'll shank a couple of people he knows will be a pain in the ass later, it's whatever. He's just got to grit his teeth and bear it for three years and then he'll be back where he should be, in the empire, where things are like they should be: efficient and regulated and not so goddamn messy. naturally, cody then is dragged, kicking and screaming, towards "oh actually empire bad huh", via 'thank god the empire is only [x] time away', 'well maybe it would be better (for me) to just shank kenobi now', 'huh ok so maybe some things were better pre empire', 'maybe it would be better (for obi-wan) if I just shanked him now', 'oh the empire is only [x] time away'
Galaxy's most reluctant protagonist has negative 11th hour moral revelation, then has to make the choice he's already made once and didn't realise was a choice. And also, What Do You Do With A Problem Like Vader
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hazellvsq · 20 days
I’m thinking of an au where hazel’s arc culminates by her giving her mind over to gaea like her mother did. her hand is forced in some way where she has to save her friends by joining gaea and she then becomes creepy priestess/vessel for the goddess and when she’s lucid she’ll still try to protect her friends but she’s only herself part of the time.
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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