#evios x reader
roguerambles · 4 months
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Apollo: "Well, I for one am glad today is over. Hyacinth and I are retiring with a few others. Perhaps you'd care to come along? You haven't had time to meet everyone yet, I understand."
Heron: "Oh...that's very nice of you. Are you sure it's alright...?"
Apollo: "Of course! Quite a few have been very eager to meet you. It will be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other better, also."
Heron: "That's very--"
Hera's Daughter: *exasperated* "Heron, he just invited you to an orgy."
Heron: ".......what?"
Hera's Daughter: "Apollo, really?"
Apollo: "Oh, you're right. What was I thinking?" *turns to Alexia, Kofi and Evios* "You are of course free to join us."
Hera's Daughter: "APOLLO--"
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blood of zeus characters at the store pt. 2 (mall edition) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
once again made with the help of @randomfangirl2718 and @reagan10108<3
lets start this chaos :)
Dionysus: *flirting with a Taco Bell employee* so you come here often?
Employee: sir this is a taco bell are you going to order or not?
Dionysus: can I order some flirting with a side of your number?
Artemis: should we help him?
Apollo: that would be the nice thing to do, but this is more entertaining *tries to steal one of her fries*
Artemis: *slaps his hand away while still watching the scene unfold*
Dionysus: *being dragged out of the foodcourt by security*
Artemis: we'll let Father handle this
Aphrodite: *testing lipsticks on Ares's arm*
Ares: *looking at the expensive foundation Aphrodite chose* what is the difference between this one and the one that is 20 dollars less?
Aphrodite: it's just different than the other ones *she says swatching another lipstick on his arm*
Hermes: *tries on new shoes*
Store employee: why don't you try them out before you make a decision
Hermes ok *speeds around the store knocking everything off the shelves*
Hermes: I'll take them
Store employee: get out
Evios: *bragging to girls at the mall gym how he works out constantly*
The girls: *laughing and talking to him*
Kofi: *standing behind evios knowing hes lying about every word he is saying*
Heron: this is humilliating *has a childs backpack leash on*
Zeus: it is needed *holding the leash*
heron: *lost in the mall*
Zeus: *panicking*
Hera: *smirking because she was the one who let heron off his child leash*
Alexia: in the mall's gym with evios and kofi
Random guy: trying to impress alexia by flexing and lifting basic weights
Alexia: looks him in the eyes smirking as she lifts a weight twice the amount of what he was lifting with ease
Hyacinthus: *standing outside of spencers* what is this store my love?
Apollo: *panicking covering hya's eyes* LOOK AWAY-
Aphrodite: on the bright side only two of us got banned this time
Artemis: how is that a bright side? the usual amount of people to get banned on a mall trip is zero
Hermes and Dionysus: *getting scolded by Zeus in the background*
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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tarithenurse · 2 years
The Bathhouse - 2
Fandom: MCU AU Pairing/starring: Jotunn!Loki x Fem!Jotunn!reader Content: Morning after, hints at smut, hint of the ongoing heat, mostly some “angst” and pining, sad goodbyes (just temporary, don’t worry). A/N: Continuation of the smut fic The Bathhouse which I posted about a week ago and people seem to like. There’ll be a final and third part which will be seriously smutty as opposed to this second part. Betaed as usual by my wonderful TanteFrutsel-CreativeNurse <3
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Returning to the inn, you undress and finally fall onto the bed, exhausted and head spinning with what has transpired at the bathhouse. Tugging yourself under the covers, a hand drifts to your clothed core without really touching, just covering an area of the body which is forever changed for you. And in spite of that, in spite of the myriad of thoughts, you fall into a deep sleep
There’s a sharp knock at the door, rousing you from your slumber, fog headed. The knocking persists more urgently so you wrap the covers around your body and go to open, finding your comrades outside.
“Don’t you want breakfast?” Morella begins unceremoniously. “Why’re you still in bed?”
You shrug, trying to hide how abashed you feel with nonchalance. “Was up most of the night.”
“Doing what?” Then something seems to dawn on her face and she gasps, “or doing who?”
“Morella!” Anvindr berates, the blue of his skin deepening considerably.
You shake your head vehemently, not ready to admit to what had transpired in the bathhouse just yet. It feels like a delicious secret, a sweet little morsel to nibble from as long as the others don’t know.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll be right down,” you change the subject.
The trip to the library had not been completely in vain because Anvindr had found some tomes on dwarven metallurgy and Morella managed to find a few scrolls befitting her whimsical interests too. You on the other hand had been sat staring at the same page about the founding of Utgarde without being able to take in the words.
Now you’re passing by the palace on the way back to the main road.
“Ah, hello,” a slightly familiar voice calls out.
Looking around, you spot the captain that had attempted to apprehend you with his group outside of Utgarde. He appears to be coming from within the building, fully armed and fitted with a delegation of Jötunn in his wake.
“Captain Evios,” Anvindr greets him clipped.
“You remember my name! How nice!” the captain smiles broadly as though there could be no bad blood between them, “I see you’re roaming around as you please again...guess your story checked up, huh, pretty one?” The last part is aimed at you and you instinctively recoil. “Maybe you can roam past me when I come back from assignment, if you get my drift.”
There’s a faint snicker in his ranks that’s quelled when another voice speaks up, icy cold: “Evios,” is all that’s said but the expression on the captain’s face clearly states that he knows he’s fucked up.
“Sorry, prince Loki. Heading out now,” and with that the group scurry away revealing the god that had appeared behind them.
“My apologies...no guest of Utgarde should be spoken to in that manner,” the ruby-eyed Jotunn complains, “I’ll make sure he’s dealt with once he returns.”
Morella speaks up before you have a chance to say anything. “Good! He was out of line.” It’s almost a miracle that she didn’t take matters into her own hands a moment before and even Anvindr seems to side with your feisty friend, murmuring his own opinion.
Stepping a bit closer, the prince turns his attention fully to the others in the party. “I was hoping I could borrow [Y/N] for the rest of the day?”
“Of course!” Morella approves immediately, grabbing Anvindr by his arm and dragging him along and ignoring the confused look on his face, “See you later! Have fun!”
“But -?” You abandon the idea of calling your friends back. You don’t really want to anyways, not now that Loki turns to you with a sly smile and offers an arm. “Hi,” you mumble instead, accepting the gesture.
“Hey.” You walk a moment side by side in silence but eventually he speaks up, “How are you?”
To an outsider it could seem innocent enough but you get the feeling that he’s trying to gauge how you’re dealing with the night’s activities...and how are you dealing with that? Squirming a bit, you try to formulate a sentence: “I...I feel...different but then also not? And apprehensive because...what now? What are we?”
“Hmm...I was going to ask you the same after I’d made sure that there were no regrets from your side.”
“No! No regrets! It was...it was good and...and...and...” you trail off, unable to properly express yourself. Unable to voice that you’re craving more.
It’s as though he can read your mind because Loki stops and turns you to face him. Towering over you, he leans down to plant a slow kiss that deepens when you open the mouth in a sigh. Strong hands hold you flush against him, fingers digging into flesh. It only lasts a brief moment but when you part, you’re both breathing heavily.
“I don’t know what the future will bring us,” Loki sighs with his forehead against your, his breath fanning warmly, “but I know what I want and that is to be with you.”
“What if...you said that my scent...what if...” your voice threatens to break.
Pulling back a bit, the god regards you. “It doesn’t work like that,” he assures, “you will see once the heat is over that my feelings will remain the same. That I love you.”
Satisfied with the answer for now, you take Loki’s arm and walk with him, exchanging stories about your pasts and your homes. Many of the things you both already know but at least you each can offer new perspectives.
Walking through the grounds and the palace proper, you make it to his abode where you take up seats on the balcony. Coranzen, Loki’s personal servant, serves a delicious, fizzy drink before retreating once more so you can get some privacy.
“[Y/N]...how long do we have together before you must leave?” Loki asks during a lull in the conversation about the distant regions of his realm.
You hesitate, unsure what to expect yourself. “It depends on Anvindr, I think. He begins work on a shield tomorrow. I suspect the other two want to go when that’s done.”
“Probably, yeah.”
This time he’s the one to weigh his words carefully before: “I could come with you.”
“What? But...leave all of this behind?”
“If it meant knowing you’re safe or being at your side should you need help. Yes.”
You want it. Here or there, that doesn’t matter as long as you don’t have to part from him but you know it’s impossible. Setting the glass aside, you turn to him and take his hands. “I want that very much...” his face lights up until you continue, “but we can’t, Loki.”
It is clear in his eyes that he understands the reasoning even if you haven’t explained it. Rather than argue, he pulls you onto his lap and holds you in a tight embrace, rocking slightly as though his frustrations could roll off of him that way.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“Me too.” His lips are ghosting your neck, sending shivers through you. “But you’re speaking reason. I’m too...too blinded to see clearly.”
“I love you.”
The words slip past your lips of their own accord but you don’t wish to take them back. They make him tense up, holding you a smidgen tighter as he repeats them back in a barely audible whisper.
“You’re looking happy,” Morella comments cheekily by the time you have reunited with your friends the next morning.
Anvindr suddenly explaims a small “oh” which is rapidly accompanied by a deep purplish blush before groaning something incomprehensible but he still gets the message across because your shared friend grins shamelessly back before promptly ignoring him. She doesn’t gain anything by it, though, because you know how to keep silent.
Two days pass but they are not two days wasted and eventually you accept his offer that you might as well just stay in his quarters at the palace for the time being which Morella seems to be very happy about while Anvindr doesn’t comment on it...but that might just be because he’s preoccupied with the creation of his shield.
Every day, the tinkerer goes to the blacksmith and works hard. Sometimes Morella tags along, however mostly the group is rather divided though still content.
For you, however, every day the group draws closer to departing, your heart aches more. You have no doubt that you’ll be going with them but you’re also loath to part with Loki with whom you’re spending most of the time when he’s not attending to his duties.
Loki walks you to where you’re meeting up with your friends and the escorting ranger party. It’s a silent walk where the two of you hold hands as if that could prevent you from parting. You’ve spent all the words lauding each other and wishing for a different fate. Now all you have is the looming goodbye.
The moment the waiting group comes into view, Loki’s hand closes tighter around yours and you feel him hesitate.
“We can still change our minds...you could stay...” he says just for you to hear.
Rather than answering (because you don’t think you can get anything out of your tight throat) you squeeze his hand, rubbing the knuckles with your thumb. You both know that this is how it has to be for now.
And then you’re there and the group greets you and the prince as though nothing’s wrong. The captain of the company smiles broadly for a moment before he notices the joined hands and he sends his superior a questioning glance that goes by ignored for now.
“Let’s get going, we have a ways to cover,” the captain decrees and the dozen of people start moving.
Not you. You turn to your lover and embrace him, rocking slightly in his arms as he returns the gesture. You both nuzzle the faces into the crooks of the other’ neck, inhaling deeply in the hope of memorizing the scent of one another.
“I love you,” you manage to croak out.
“And I you...and you promise to stay safe...”
You both know that that might be a futile promise, but you nod nonetheless before kissing him deeply. Then you extricate yourself from the embrace and hurry after the others who are disappearing down the road, spurred on by a light pat to your butt.
You look back by the first bend and sees a lone figure standing there with the silhouette of Utgarde behind him.
When you catch up with the rest, everyone has the tact to remain quiet rather than question you about it. Only Morella reaches over and pats you on the shoulder.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
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Welcome Day 3! Two posts in one day how fun lol
Thank you @cams-poop​ for the request!
I did draw a bit of inspiration from this Evios post & also a bit from the feelings I felt the morning I wrote this oop 
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Evios x Fem! Reader Word count: 2.2k+ words Warnings: 18+, Modern au, Pet names (Sweetheart, Princess), Daddy Dom, Begging, Spanking, Slight brat taming, Slight degrading (use of slut), Taunting, Slight praise
Enjoy ~
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Your eyes flutter open, mind spinning and body aching, waking from your midday nap. In that time you ended up having an unsatisfying sex dream that left you feeling frustrated. You hoped that maybe you could fall back asleep and finish it but alas the dream was gone.
Crawling out of your shared bed you threw on one of your boyfriends hoodies before leaving the room. Squinting your eyes at the change in lighting you see Evios sitting at his desk doing work. He must have heard the bedroom door open or your shuffling towards him because without looking over he greets you.
“Well good evening, Sweetheart. Did you enjoy your nap?”
“Mhm.” You nod your head with a yawn. Walking over you turn his chair so you can sit on his lap. Evios lets out a chuckle as you begin to straddle him, arms wrapped around his shoulders, your face buried in his neck.
“You okay?” His large hand strokes your back tenderly. You just nuzzle into him more.
“Yeah, I just want to be with you.” You say, your words muffled by his shoulder. He kisses the side of your head in acceptance and goes back to his work on the computer.
As time ticks by your drowsiness fades away but the unsatisfied need in your belly only grows the longer you rest against your lover. His masciline scent filling your nose, his toned body holding your weight and the feeling of your core pressed against his manhood with only a few pieces of clothing separating you two.
If only they weren't there.
If only you could feel him against you, skin to skin. To move against him with him inside you. You want to unravel on him and for him as well.
These thoughts really aren’t helping your case.
The more you try to push it away the harder it becomes. You know he has work to do but how can he work at this time?
Doesn’t he know you’re in his arms, needy for him?
Needy for a release?
But you keep it to yourself.
Instead of saying anything you adjust your position slightly, feeling his jean button rub against you through your thin sleep shorts. It felt so good your hips unconsciously mimicked the movement. Soft breaths leave your lips, eyes squeezed shut trying to grasp any kind of relief from the subtle friction. But that was short lived till you felt a hand holding your hip.
“Whatcha doin there, Princess? Hm?” Evios’s hot breath hits your ear. His knowing question paired with the pet name he calls you when he’s playing makes you shudder.
His hand runs up your back to tangle in the hair at the nap of your neck. You tremble at his touch and gasp when he lightly grips your locks to pull you away from his neck to look at you.
“Cause if you ask me it feels like you’re rubbing yourself on my lap like a needy little girl. Would I be correct in assuming that?” His question makes your face heat up. You just humm in response but that's not good enough for him.
“Use your words, Princess.” He brushes your lips with the pad of his thumb of his free hand.
“Yes I was…” You trailed off flustered, looking down.
“Aww what’s wrong? Does my girl need me?”
“Uh huh.” You nod your head looking through your lashes, face and ears on fire with heat and embarrassment.  Evios lets out another chuckle at your state. Running his fingers back through your hair, cupping our cheek.
“Well Princess unfortunately Daddy is in the middle of working right now. So you’ll have to wait. Can you do that for me?” You nod your head before tucking it back into his neck.
As time goes on you’re starting to get frustrated, even more so because you know he knows what he is doing to you with that crooked smile he has plastered on his face when he is fucking with you.
He loves it.
He loves how easy it can be to make you like this. Stuck at the mercy of him. Having no other choice than to be forced to wait for what you really want.
You hate it but you bend to his words. Resting against his chest, his head resting on yours. Each minute feels like an hour and it’s painful. The ache in your belly is increasing with every hot breath that leaves his lips and hits your ear. Every hum that vibrates your chest. Every subtle shift of his legs. It all just leads you closer and closer to the end of your rope before you snap. The more your body heats up the more your breathing becomes a soft pant.
You’ve waited long enough and you are at your wits end. You might lose your mind if you don’t receive any kind of release. You began to rub your hips on his, tightening your grip around his neck. Then you feel his hand on your waist, you might cry if he stops you again.
“Please- Daddy I need you. Please.” You plead, uncaring of how you may sound, you don’t let up. “I need your help.” He hums. Pulling back from his work he straightens you in his lap to look at him.
“Help with what, Princess?” He smiles but his eyes are full of mischief. “Use your words.”
“I need you to make me feel good. If you don’t I might go crazy.” You whine. The desperation in your voice makes Evios grunt before standing up, carrying you to the couch.
Flopping onto the couch you lean in to kiss him, your hips starting to move once again. But he stops you with a tsk.
“Not so fast, Sweetheart. Don’t think that I will reward you after interrupting my work.” You can tell he is taking a lot of enjoyment in how you must look. All flushed and doe eyed. Pink lips parted in a pout, eyes begging him to not stop.
“Stand up.” He commands. You obey.
He turns you around, lifting the hem of his sweatshirt to grab the band of your shorts. Ripping them down to reveal your bare ass. His large rough hands stroke your hips and supple flesh a few times before a palm comes down on one of your cheeks, leaving a red mark behind. You let out a yelp at the sudden impact. His palm rubs the sore spot before coming down again and again. His other hand has an iron grip on your hip. Your yelps and cries fill the air after a round of spanks.
“Now, now, Sweetheart, come here.” Turning you back around, he takes a moment to stand up and take off his pants, now sitting in just his black boxer briefs - with a clear semi growing beneath them. Spreading his legs he gently pats his thigh for you to take a seat.
“No, no. You are going to straddle it.” He redirects.
With one leg on either side of his one you rest your naked heat onto his warm skin. The still contact alone was enough to elicit a small moan from you.
“Oh, Princess. I can feel just how wet you are for me. Are you really that needy for Daddy’s cock?” He asks, gently rubbing your thigh.
“Yes.” You sigh. “I want your cock deep inside me.” Shaking his head, Evios kisses his teeth.
“Such a needy little, slut aren’t you. Well unfortunately for you Princess, I only give my cock to good girls and you have not been anything but bad.” You whine, trying to protest but he grabs your face, his fingers squishing your cheeks.
“Shh, shh. No buts. If you were good and let Daddy finish his work he would’ve filled that pretty pussy up just the way you like it. However, you’ve interrupted and forced Daddy to stop. Now tell me, does that sound like what a good girl does?” His hand releases to cup your cheek, leaning into your face awaiting your response. You shake your head.
“No…” You look down then back up through your lashes. “I just needed you because I had a dream about you and woke up before it finished.”
Your admission makes him lay back against the couch, cocky smirk playing on his lips.
“Really? So you made Daddy stop work because your dream made you all horny?” You nod your head shyly. “Tell me about it.” Your eyes shoot up to him, which only makes his grin bigger.
“You want me to-”
“Yes. Come on, tell Daddy what was so important that you made him stop working.” He looks so prideful yet so relaxed with his arms resting on the back of the couch, knowing exactly how squeamish he’s making you feel.
Clearing your throat, combing your hair behind your ear you begin coyly.
“Um well-” He cuts you off again.
“Oh don’t act so shy, Princess. I assure you no matter what you say I would never laugh at you.” One hand comes to your thigh, coaxing you to relax.
“Well it started with you touching me.”
“How was I touching you? Like I am now?” His hand brushes your thigh tenderly. You shake your head.
“No, you had your fingers inside me and it felt really good.”
“Yeah, and then what?” He asks with a smile.
“And then I got on top and started to ride you.” You looked away from his stare when you saw a wicked twinkle in his eye.
“Oh really? Can you show me how you did that right now?”
“You mean on your -” You didn’t even have to finish your sentence.
“Yes, right here. Right now. On my thigh.” Leaning forward he pulls your face in by the back of your neck.
“Just because I won’t give you cock doesn’t mean I’ll just leave you in the state you’re in. What kind of Daddy would I be if I did that?” He punctuates his question with a quick kiss on your lips before returning back to his relaxed position.
“Now show me how badly you want my cock inside that sweet pussy of yours.” He taunts.
You don’t even know how long you’ve been hopelessly grinding your wet folds against his leg, searching for your release that feels so far out of reach. You let out cries of frustration.
“Aww what's wrong? Can my Princess not get off by just rubbing her needy cunt on my thigh?” You shake your head. “No? Well that’s just too bad, huh? Cause you still haven’t proven to me how much you want me to fill you up.”
“But, Daddy, I can’t!” You cry. At this point you couldn’t care less about how pitiful you sounded, you just wanted to cum and that wasn’t happening.  
“Yes you can, just try harder. Maybe you need some help.”
Before you can respond Evios grabs your hips with bruising strength and begins to assist you in your movements. Pushing you down onto his, now sopping wet, thigh. Making the friction between your clit and his skin so much greater. Your moans fill the room like a symphony.
“Just look at you. All pathetic and dripping down Daddy’s thigh. Crying like a needy slut in need of a good filling. Is that what you want? To be stretched out by my cock?”
“Y-yes, Daddy -ah- please! Fuck me. I’ll be a good girl I swear!” You beg, he just chuckles darkly.
“I bet you will, Sweetheart. If you really want Daddy to fuck you stupid then you’ll need to work for it. If you cum for me then maybe I’ll consider it.”
Your head is spinning, you don’t know what to believe. He could be fucking with you but all you can think about is the possibility of getting what you want. Getting to feel him inside you and use your body like a toy. Getting to cum around his cock.
Your thighs are burning from the repetitive motion. Your nails dig into his shoulders you’re holding on to for support, he hisses.
You’re so close you can taste it. Your whimpers only get louder, with your mind falling apart your sentences come out broken and jumbled.
“I’m-ah- going to- please-” You can’t even finish one sentence before it is pulled into a tornado inside your brain, sweeping away any coherent thought. The only thing you can think about is him and your impending end and the immense desire to reach it.
“Come on, Princess. Come for Daddy.” Smacking your ass, his hands continue to help you hump his thigh.
His encouragement and unrelenting aid in your movements inevitably leads you over the edge.
“I’m going to- ah!” Before you could utter another word a wave of euphoria washes over you. Crashing into you, your legs shake as Evios keeps you moving, overstimulating you.
Once you’ve ridden out your orgasm you fall against your boyfriend’s chest. Gasping, trying to catch your breath.
Evios retracts his stern grip on your hips and softly rubs your back.
“You did such a good job, Princess.” You sigh in response, feeling content and finally relaxed. However that new reality was soon shattered by Evios’s next statement.
Just four little words.
“Now it’s my turn.”
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Hope you enjoyed that! If you did let me know :3
Kinktober Masterlist
💛 ~
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
If you have the time. How would blood of zeus boys reacting to a pikachu s/o. I bet they will be fooled by s/o cute appearance until they get zap to death 🤣thanks.
Honestly, the BoZ guys would first think “what the devils?? 👀”
Heron - he adores your bubbly personality so imagine his shock and awe when he sees what capabilities you have. Sometimes he can feel the energy pulsing when you hold hands
Apollo - you are lovely and all precious to him, and what’s this?? Are-do your lips send a shock of energy through him when he kisses you?
Hermes - he’s fast and your magic travels just as fast as he does. Honestly, he finds you adorable even if some dare races hav head one too many mishaps (you swear your magic reveals faster and it’s led to him getting zapped one too many times)
Seraphim - first thing that comes to mind is that he’s made a mistake getting involved with one of the gods. But when that is disproven, he’s still caught off guard by the bubbly personality. It seems like a lot for him, but you’re worth it. Just pls don’t zap him
Ares - the personality and power difference is what throws him for a loop. How can one such as yourself be so sweet yet completely brutal at times with lightning energy?? One thing for sure is that he’s whipped for you.
Kofi and Evios - the bubbly personality is a nice contrast to them. Equally praising and fascinated by your skills while also grateful it can get them out of a tight spot s every now and then
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Blood of Zeus Masterlist
Heron <3
Seraphim <3
Apollo <3
soft yandere apollo x reader x yandere artemis (heal)
yandere apollo x reader (escape)
hermes, apollo, dionysus (affection)
Apollo x reader x Hyacinthus (dreams)
Ares <3
ares x reader (brothers)
ares x reader x aphrodite (headcanons)
aphrodite <3
ares x reader x aphrodite (headcanons)
Hermes <3
Hermes x reader (relationship headcanons)
Yandere hermes x reader (headcanons)
hermes x reader (whiny)
hermes x reader x dionysus (kisses)
yandere mother hera x reader x yandere hermes (stay away)
hermes, apollo, dionysus (affection)
Hera <3
Trust pt 2
Trust pt 3
Yandere parents zeus and hera x child reader (headcanons)
100 follower special yandere ceo hera x reader
Yandere hera x reader (headcanons)
hera x reader (cuddles)
yandere hera x reader x yandere zeus (headcanons)
yandere mother hera x reader x yandere hermes (stay away)
yandere mother hera x reader x yandere father zeus (forever)
Zeus <3
yandere hera x reader x yandere zeus (headcanons)
Yandere parents zeus and hera x child reader (headcanons)
yandere mother hera x reader x yandere father zeus (forever)
Evios <3
apprentice (poly)
Kofi <3
apprentice (poly)
Dionysus <3
hermes, apollo, dionysus (affection)
hermes x reader x dionysus (kisses)
Alexia <3
artemis <3
soft yandere apollo x reader x yandere artemis (heal)
Group fics <3
Blood of Zeus at the store
B-day headcanons
Yandere Olympus x human reader
yandere olympus x hurt reader (headcanons)
blood of zeus characters at the store pt. 2 (mall edition)
Ceo Olympus au <3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
100 follower special yandere ceo hera x reader
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Evios x reader x kofi (apprentice)
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The market was busy, people were moving from stand to stand, it was a small village so it wasn't too overcrowded, but still large enough to sneak through a crowd with pickpocketed goods. you shifted through the crowded streets casually bumping into people, whispering a small sorry as they leave, only a way to distract them from noticing the item you would steal from their belts or pockets. you walked away to the edge of the village once you couldn't fit more in your pockets. you sat upon a rock waiting for your two partners to arrive. Evios and Kofi weren't exactly quiet when coming to the spot. you could hear them as they walked down the path that led to you. "it took you long enough, what were you doing that took so long?" you ask crossing your arms. "evios felt the need to test his strength to impress a girl. needless to say, the other man won" Kofi laughed, gesturing to Evios's complaining and scowl. "hey! I won that fight fair, it was a cheated call made by the other guy" evios complains. you punch his shoulder lightly "When have you ever done anything fair evios? last i checked you taught a poor innocent village girl to scam and steal" you say with fake hurt. "oh but she loves me for it" he winks at you. "did you two do anything other then lose a 'fair' fight?" you ask, rolling your eyes at evios's action. Kofi dumps a small sack of gold coins onto the ground, and evios emptys his pockets' of bracelets, coins, and other small items he managed to grab "your turn" evios gives a cocky smirk expecting to have stolen the best of the three of you. you smirk back and throw a ruby necklace on the ground. "that's a good steal, for someone so new to this" kofi says impressed. "well they learn from the best, isnt that right my little apprentice" he says messing with your hair "well i wouldn't call you the best" you tease, he laughs and pulls you in for a kiss, you kiss him back before pulling kofi down to your height and kissing him to. "so my boys, what should we do with our finds?" you ask. "we find a trader, sell them the goods and then we take the coins for whatever we want" evios smirks putting his arm around your shoulder, he kisses your cheek. "you are such a flirt." kofi laughs. "well unfortunatly for him i dont fall for that" you laugh, evios pouts at your teasing before starting to walk down the path towards the town again. "you coming? or am i going to get all the rewards for myself?" he shouts. you roll your eyes playfully and hold kofi's hand as you two walk up to your other love.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
Brat Tamer Evios
This was a request so I hope this to your liking lovely!
Honestly I haven’t ever really delved into brat taming so be nice lol & feedback is always appreciated :3
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Evios x Fem! Reader Warnings: 18+, Brat taming, Daddy dom, Pet names (Sweetheart, Princess, Babygirl), Not very long or steamy?!? but sexual tones oops, I’m new to this lol
Enjoy ~
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Calls you Sweetheart, Princess, & Baby girl
Generally Evios is a very chill guy and just a good partner
He usually isn’t all that controlling of you but he does have a dominant side to him  
He can be very cocky and even condescending to his partner at times, especially when they start to act up
He will give you a handful of warnings before you get got by him
“Are you sure you want to do that, Baby girl?”
“If I were you I’d shut that pretty mouth of yours before you get in more trouble.”
“This is your last warning, Sweetheart. Because I assure you you won't like what is about to happen if you keep going.”
If you push him far enough he will have to bend you over his knee or the counter and spank you till your ass is bright red
Will have you count each one as he does it and will start over if you stop
“I’m not gonna stop till you’ve counted to 10 to my liking.”
“Naughty girls get punishments, only girl girls get rewards.”
I feel like overstimulation is one of his go to punishments
Evios will give you the silent treatment is you were a bad girl
“You don’t deserve my attention with the way you acted earlier.”
But be careful for what you wish for because if you push hard enough he will finally give attention just maybe not how you hoped for
“You want my attention that badly, huh?” He asked. His rough hand holding your chin, pulling you closer to his face. “Then you’re gonna get it, Sweetheart.” Throwing you over his shoulder he makes his way to your bedroom.
Tossing you on the bed you scramble back but he doesn’t allow you to get very far.
“Where do you think you’re off to, Princess? Though you wanted me to play with you.” Pulling your ankles towards the edge of the bed he cages you in with his body, strong arms holding down yours.
“Now, now don’t be like that. I’m just giving you what you want, so lay down and hold still for Daddy.” You struggle in his grip, whining, wanting to get free, making him tisk. “You’re really leaving me no choice, Princess.” Releasing your wrists you watch as he begins to undo his belt. Pulling it from it’s loops he grabs your wrists and tightens it around them.
Before getting on the bed he rips off your pants, your underwear still intact. Sitting beside you with one strong hand holding yours down and the other left free to do his bidding. Pinching your cheeks with his hand to pout your lips he chuckles.
“Why such a sour face? Aren’t you the one that asked Daddy to pay attention to you? Huh?” He patronizes.
Releasing your face you let out a huff. His hungry eyes crave down your body, watching his hand move down towards your core. You squirm when you feel his long fingers cup your clothed pussy.
“Aw don’t act like this isn’t exactly what you wanted, Sweetheart.” He chuckles as he begins to make slow circles with his digits.  
“Like I said, I intend to give you the attention you desire so badly and I’m gonna do it till you’re begging me to stop.”
“When I’m done with you, you’re sure to remember your place.”
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Hope that was ok even tho it was very short 😅 I could always continue this.
If you want more or have ideas let me know :3
My inbox is open pls read GUIDELINES & also my Kinktober requests are  open as well
💛 ~ 
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thewritingginger · 3 years
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Welcome to the spookiest and steamiest season of the year!
Here is my Kinktober masterlist that I will be adding to.
All Characters & Readers in these works are 18+
Minors DNI
Prompt List
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01. Hand job | Armin Arlert x GN! Reader (Attack on Titan)
02. Sensory Deprivation | Levi Ackerman x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
03. Thigh Riding | Evios x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
04. Master Kink | Bakugou x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
05. Fingering | Hera x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
06. Pegging | Jean Kirsten x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
07. Phone Sex / Sexting | Aizawa Shota / Eraser Head x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
08. Threesome | Apollo x Fem! Reader x Hyacinthus (Blood of Zeus)
09. Mutual Masturbation / Caught Masturbating | Hermes x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
10. Voyeurism / Camgirl | Dabi x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
11. Dress up / Costume | Hitoshi Shinso x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academic)
12. Toys | Carmilla x Fem! Reader (Castlevania)
13. Face Sitting / Cunnilingus | Ares x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
14. Blowjob | Erwin Smith x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
15. Shower Sex | Carmela x Fem! Vampire Reader (Castlevania)
16. Massage / Body oil | Tamaki Amajiki x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
17. Cock Warming | Seraphim x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
18. Size Difference | Dilf! Reiner x Fem! Nanny Reader (Attack on Titan)
19. Cock Worship | Alucard x Fem! Reader (Castlevania)
20. Cuckolding | Seraphim x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
21. Double Penetration | Eren Yeager x Fem! Reader x Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
22. Paid Sex / Prostitution | Trevor Belmont x M! Prostitute Reader (Castlevania)
23. BDSM - Rough Play | Villain Deku x Fem! Quirkless Hero Reader (My Hero Academia)
24. Lingerie | Kenshin Uesugi x Fem! Reader (Ikemen Sengoku)
25. Strip Tease | Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader (Mu Hero Academia)
26. Latex / Leather | Kai Chiaski x Fem! Reader (My Hero Acedamia)
27. Humiliation | Alucard x Fem! Reader (Castlevania)
28. Tit-Fucking | Eren Yeager x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
29. Breeding Kink | Kugo Sakamata/ Gang Orca x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
30. Glory Hole | Zeke Yeager x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
31. Aftercare | Sero Hanata x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
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thewritingginger · 3 years
~ Kinktober Requests Closed! ~
Closing Requests - Sunday, September 12th
Prompts Written - 7/31
I know it’s only July!
However, I will be back in school starting September so writing time would most likely take longer than it already does oop & it would give more time to request I guess if y’all want to.
These will most likely not be posted daily when the time comes so please be patient with me, this is just for funsies :3
Need to be 18+ to request!
Here are my GUIDELINES where you can find my rules and fandoms I write etc.
~ Masterlist ~
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Already Requested -
01. Hand job | Armin Arlert x GN! Reader (Attack on Titan)
02. Sensory Deprivation | Levi Ackerman x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
03. Thigh Riding | Evios x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
04. Master Kink | Bakugou x Reader (My Hero Academia)
05. Fingering | Hera x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
06. Pegging | Jean Kirsten x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
08. Threesome | Apollo x Fem! Reader x Hyacinthus (Blood of Zeus)
07. Phone Sex / Sexting | Aizawa Shota / Eraser Head x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
09. Mutual Masturbation / Caught Masturbating | Hermes x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
10. Voyeurism / Camgirl | Dabi x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
11. Dress up / Costume | Hitoshi Shinso x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academic)
12. Toys | Carmilla x Fem! Reader (Castlevania)
13. Face Sitting / Cunnilingus | Ares x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
14. Blowjob | Erwin Smith x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
15. Shower Sex | Carmela x Fem! Vampire Reader (Castlevania)
16. Massage / Body oil | Tamaki Amajiki x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
17. Cock Warming | Seraphim x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
18. Size Difference | Dilf! Reiner x Fem! Nanny Reader (Attack on Titan)
19. Cock Worship | Alucard x Fem! Reader (Castlevania)
20. Cuckolding | Seraphim x Fem! Reader (Blood of Zeus)
21. Double Penetration | Eren Yeager x Fem! Reader x Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
22. Paid Sex / Prostitution | Trevor Belmont x M! Prostitute Reader (Castlevania)
23. BDSM - Rough Play | Villain Deku x Fem! Quirkless Hero Reader (My Hero Academia)
24. Lingerie | Kenshin Uesugi x Fem! Reader (Ikemen Sengoku)
25. Strip Tease | Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader (Mu Hero Academia)
26. Latex / Leather | Kai Chiaski x Fem! Reader (My Hero Acedamia)
27. Humiliation | Alucard x Fem! Reader (Castlevania)
28. Tit-Fucking | Eren Yeager x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
29. Breeding Kink | Kugo Sakamata/ Gang Orca x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
30. Glory Hole | Zeke Yeager x Fem! Reader (Attack on Titan)
31. Aftercare | Sero Hanata x Fem! Reader (My Hero Academia)
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