#ex severus x sirius
mvnvgedmischief · 8 months
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unremarkable days: Sirius black is trying to be a good man, a good brother, a good person. Sirius has a steady job designing book covers for a publishing house, a flat he never leaves, and a traumatized brother who was just removed from the custody of his parents. All in all, it's wildly unremarkable.
archive tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Marauders, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Modern Marauders (Harry Potter), Marauders Friendship (Harry Potter), ok so this is mostly just sirius trying to take care of a traumatized regulus, Modern AU, Sirius trying to be a father figure, to his brother who was just removed from his home, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Artist Sirius Black, Writer Remus Lupin, Young Regulus Black, Past Child Abuse, Trauma, everyone is sad, Custody Battle, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Past Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Anorexia, Eating Disorders, Domestic Violence
words: 93511 chapters: 25/?
this is kind of my baby in terms of fics i’ve written, i love it so much. it will probably end up around 30 chapters, but lord knows. artist!sirius x writer!remus in a modern take on a high society young adult recovering from his fall from grace while trying to hide his sexuality, take care of his brother, and fall in love. will his secret self destruction be the only thing that stands between him and the future he wants?
read it on ao3 here, full chap under the cut!
Sirius felt awful that Remus had to walk into this conversation. He didn’t enjoy that his life was going to shit in front of him, especially in front of Remus. Sirius was embarrassed. He was ashamed of himself, of his life, of everything. It felt like yesterday, Remus was digging around in his business, and trying to sus out whether or not to be embarrassed of his own past. But now here they were, Sirius’s chaos boiling over in a way that he wondered if Remus’s ever had. They had touched on it, of course. Throughout the nights in his bedroom, or out on the fire escape, and it was in the book. Sirius knew it was in the book, he read it cover to cover, but they didn’t discuss it much. Maybe it was out of fear, that if he asked Remus to open up he would have to. But right now, the acrid stench of failure filled his nostrils, and his face twisted into something between a grimace and a smirk as he turned his doorknob and entered the flat. 
“I’m sorry in advance.” 
“No need,” came the gentle reply from behind him. It felt like Remus’s voice was all Sirius needed to find the strength to open that door. He silently made his way back to his couch, leaving room for Remus to sit beside him. Thankfully, Remus had the sense not to sit too far from Sirius, lest he spontaneously burst into sobs and need someone to gather him up and remove him from the room. 
“What’s the plan, Sirius?” Sev asked, not even bothering to greet Remus. The tension between the three of them could be cut with a knife, and Sirius wondered just how much feeling out of place Remus would be willing to put up with. 
“I don’t know yet—“ Sirius began, only to be cut off. 
“Of course you don’t.” Severus spat, his tone cutting through Sirius to his core. He was failing Regulus yet again. Like he had all of those times he didn’t protect the boy, like he did when he left. 
“He’ll know after the intake,” Remus replied with ease, cutting into the conversation like an expert. “Hospitalizations, medical programs, and the like don’t run on our timeline no matter how much we want them to.” 
Sirius felt a short sigh fall between his lips, but it still caught him off guard. He didn’t expect to be making any noise, he just expected to be yelled at by Severus, glared at by Regulus, and get the occasional reassuring hand squeeze from Remus. He didn’t expect Remus to come in here like a knight in shining armor and advocate for him and his mental health. 
“They’re not going to tell Sirius all that much about anything. Sure, he’ll get hours, behavior expectations, treatment options, and the like. But the nitty-gritty details and such that you’re all going to want to know are not going to be conversations they have with him.” 
Sirius didn’t know that, which is really bothered him. He didn’t know there was going to be information that he wouldn’t get. He wanted to interrupt, but Remus gave him an easy smile. 
“They’ll tell you what you need to know, love. They’re just not going to bog you down with the logistics. That’ll probably go through James and to Regulus directly.” 
Sirius wondered if Remus could feel Sev’s glare, despite looking directly at Regulus. He never minded being on the other side of that glare, but he knew that Remus already felt uncomfortable around the man. He was sure this wasn’t making it any easier. Guilt was swallowing him up, and all he wanted was to sink into the floor. Sirius could feel himself getting nauseous. There was nothing he could do but sit here, nauseated and exhausted. He could hear them talking across him, discussing the details of what will happen and when Reg would go back to boarding if he will at all, and what their plan is for the next few weeks when Sirius will most likely be in a residential program. 
“I went to Orri today,” Sirius added but he felt like it was falling on deaf ears, “They said they’d take me in PHP if –” 
“What does our worst-case scenario look like?” Severus cut him off, pausing his glare for a moment to look at Sirius. 
“I guess–”  Sirius began, but Regulus piped up.
“ Worst case or absolutely catastrophic?” 
“Worst case,” Severus responded, “I know absolutely catastrophic is you going with them.” 
“Worst case is probably the council turning down both you and the Potters housing if Siri has to go somewhere.” 
“The council wouldn’t put you in the system if it would be too disruptive, they’re much more likely to approve both options before that because Sirius wouldn’t be gone that long anyways.” 
He hated being talked across like this, but contributing also made him so deeply uncomfortable. He felt like he was being strangled by this conversation, choking on his own shame. God, he wished he had just let himself disappear. He wished this wasn’t something he had to do. Couldn’t this all just end? Maybe he should have just disappeared. 
“Aye,” Sirius mumbled, after what felt like the longest stretch of time he could imagine. The way all three of them looked at him felt like they had forgotten he was even there. “If you all have a mind to keep talking like I’m not here,” He began, trying not to snap, “‘m going to bed.” 
“No, I–“ Remus began, while simultaneously Severus, on the other side of the room, groveled, “Please don’t–“ The two men bristled with jealousy, staring daggers at each other. 
Regulus broke up the tension between the group, which made Sirius feel so desperately guilty. “Grand frère, ne pars pas.” He whimpered. Those words rang through his mind like a bell, ricocheting between his ears. Big brother, don’t go. They’ve been here before. Not like this, of course, but they had been at this crossroads before. He knew this was different, but it didn’t feel different. It felt exactly the same as it had when Regulus stared up at him with glassy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, having heard the argument between Sirius and his parents. He saw the bright red marks on Sirius’s cheeks, marking where he had been disciplined for his ‘disrespect.’  Regulus watched him angrily pack a small rucksack full of his most prized possessions, and begged him not to go. Sirius never had any intention of leaving Regulus behind there, but he didn’t have an option. There was no going back from that fight. He barely remembered that fight. He felt like he blacked most of it out. The only thing he remembered was his mother throwing his school bag out into the snow, and screaming that she wouldn’t have that behavior in her house . 
Sirius took a deep breath, steeling himself against his own catastrophic feelings, and nodded. If Reggie wanted him, he wasn’t going anywhere. He couldn’t leave again. He was already being punished, drowning in guilt, over leaving the first time. That had been over five years ago, and he was still doing penance for it. He knew it was too much, that he felt too deeply, and he only ever wanted to show Regulus how much he cared. He should know better, but the grip he had on his demeanor was slipping. He could feel the tears welling in his eyes, but he needed to calm down. He couldn’t cry again, Regulus couldn’t handle it. He knew Regulus was so fragile right now. His own breakdown would be Regulus’s undoing and he knew it. Regulus was always sensitive to how Sirius was feeling, always influenced by it, just like he was influenced by everyone at their old house in Islington. On top of that, Regulus was already so fragile. He was already so scared, and Sirius desperately didn’t want to scare him anymore. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Reggie,” He replied, looking at his younger brother, eyes full of fear and understanding. “Even if I have to go to a res program, I’m not leaving you. I’m going to come home. I’m going to be okay.” Sirius had never wanted anything more than he wanted them all to believe him. He was going to be better than this, he needed to for Reggie’s sake. Even if he needed to drive himself into the ground to feel better, he was going to make sure he was giving Regulus the best chance he could, even though he thought everyone was a better candidate to raise his brother than he was. 
“He doesn’t have an option.”  Severus grumbled, but his tone was gentle. It was so obvious to Sirius that they were closer than he ever really knew. He knew that they had been close, of course, but he was starting to understand that the relationship went much deeper than he expected. Sirius would never tell Regulus he couldn’t have the other man around, but he wasn’t entirely sure what it would help other than just having an adult “in his corner.”
The smarmy git looked over at him with a wry grin, and Sirius tried his best to mirror it on his own face. That being said, it fell apart before it crossed his face. God, he wished this would end. He could feel Remus bristle even if his eyes were locked on Regulus and Severus. Sirius couldn’t help but wonder if Remus was feeling jealous. It wasn’t like it mattered, neither Sirius nor Remus were the most central fixtures in this conversation. For as much as he was the cause of all of this, and it was all about what he had been doing, but this needed to be about Regulus. Sirius couldn’t help it, honestly. He wouldn’t be able to handle being even more in the center of this conversation. He felt like he was under a microscope, and his skin was burning from observation. 
“When will we know when you’re going to be in hospital?” Severus asked, eyebrow raised. 
“I have an intake assessment on Monday morning…” Sirius mumbled in response, “Won’t know anything until after it.” 
“So we just have to wait until Monday? Nothing until then?” 
“Aye,” Sirius mumbled, “Reg I should be here when you get home to chat about everything that happens.” 
“So he’s just supposed to go to school? Pretend everything is fine when it so clearly is not?” Severus asked, his voice raising with irritation. “That’s ridiculous Sirius! How is he supposed to cope with this?: 
“I don’t–“ Sirius tried to respond, but his voice died in his throat. 
“Of course not.” Severus grumbled, “Because you never do.” 
“Sev I’m–“ Sirius tried, but he didn’t know what to say. He knew that he didn’t have the answers that either Regulus or Severus wanted. All he had were apologies, mixed in with his self-loathing. 
Remus could feel that Sirius was fading, and fast. The man was losing his nerve to sit here, and Remus couldn’t really blame him. This was all so intense, and he didn’t want to continue to contribute to it. Sirius looked so exhausted, and it was so familiar to him. For a long time, Remus had been sitting in that position, feeling the magnifying glass over him, and feeling like his health was burdening everyone else. His emotional state, the trauma of it all, could be so heavy for a group of people, and he could read on Sirius’s face just how heavy he felt like this all was. He knew the weight of other people’s concerns could be suffocating.  He took a look over at the clock, and then back to the group. He would’ve suggested taking a moment to rest, to pivot away from this particular conversation, but he didn’t have a chance. Before he could say anything, Sirius was standing up and mumbling something about needing a moment. 
Sirius practically ran off to the washroom. He locked the door behind him and slid down to the cool tile floor. He needed it to reset him, to remind him that he was here and that he was safe. He pulled his boney knees to his chest, to sob into them. His mind raced with fears about where this journey would take him, what would happen to his relationship with Regulus, and whether Remus would still want him when it was over. Why couldn’t this be easier? Does it really have to be so difficult? All he wanted was to be nothing and he wished he could just disappear. 
He wasn’t sure how long he had been lost in his own mind, but when a knock reverberated through the door Sirius jumped instinctively. “What?” He groaned, his voice sounding hoarse from his sobs. “Regulus wants to go see some of his mates, and I’m going to go to the lab to get some work done. I’ll give you a ring later.” 
“Cheers,” Sirius choked out in reply. 
“You alright, mate?” Severus called, from beyond the door. Sirius choked back a humorless laugh, trying desperately not to seem short or irritated. It was so deeply upsetting to him that he couldn’t calm himself down. All he wanted was to just be normal, to be unremarkable. He didn’t want to be someone with all of this complex trauma, or all of these catastrophic feelings. He desperately wanted to just be. If only that were as simple as he wanted. His desperation seeped out of his pores, wanting for nothing more than peace. 
“Alright,” He replied, keeping his tone as even as possible. He tried to maintain some level of calmness, listening as the two walked out of the door. It was then that he left the washroom. He knew he shouldn’t have hid from their conversation, but it was all too much. It all felt so overwhelming and frustrating, he just needed to get away from everyone. Ordinarily this was when he would run out to the fire escape for a cigarette, but he could’ve been chased there. He didn’t want to be cornered out in his safe space. So much of his life and his coping had changed in the last year, and he couldn’t handle offering up another one of his treasured spaces for others to push his boundaries in. 
Time was muddying together for so long, Sirius wasn’t sure how long he sat on that floor before Remus knocked on the door. 
“Love,” Remus called from the other side of the heavy oak door. Sirius felt himself shudder, even though he was trying desperately to calm down. “Why don’t you come out and lay down? I’m sure you’re exhausted.” 
“Just go home, Re.” Sirius mumbled, forehead pressed against the tile of his bathroom. God, Sirius, just calm down! He needed to get himself together. He couldn’t be any more of a trainwreck, but all he wanted was to be normal. He wanted to be what Remus needed and what Regulus needed, but all he could do was fall apart. It was so nauseating to him that everyone was holding onto him with kid gloves. He knew he was such a drain on the people around him, he knew they were all so worried about him. 
“Please,” Came the reply from the other side of the door. It made Sirius want to fall apart. The guilt was going to eat him alive. He didn’t know how to handle any of this well. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, panic rising in his throat. “I can’t do this.” 
“You’re not doing it alone.” Remus was desperate to get Sirius out of that bathroom, but it was beyond any hope. Sirius wasn’t coming out any time soon. It was obvious to Severus and Regulus, that was why they left. Sirius was used to things like this, people leaving when his mind became overwhelming and catastrophic. That was one of the biggest reasons Severus was angry with him in the first place. Regulus needed an adult to be able to deal with the things in his life between helping with homework, making sure there was someone to sign off on things for school, and generalized stability. It was unfair to Severus that he was in this position so frequently, Sirius couldn’t help the way guilt spilled out of him. 
“I’m not worth dealing with like this.” Sirius’s voice carried the guilt and fear he was feeling. It was so raw and vulnerable. 
“You’re always worth dealing with.” Remus responded, but Sirius could hear the defeat in his voice. Maybe Remus would finally figure out that there was no hope here, Sirius wouldn’t be exiting the bathroom any time soon. His voice fell on deaf ears, because the only thing Sirius could hear was the rushing of his blood in his ears, and his rising heart beat. 
Sirius was struggling to keep himself rooted in this reality, instead finding himself teetering between the white subway tile of his own bathroom and the dark italian marble of the bathroom in his childhood home. He could hear his mother’s voice ringing in his ears. It was always soft at first, feigning understanding. 
“Sirius, you have to come out of there. Your father and I won’t be mad. Just tell us what happened.” 
The anger wouldn’t come until later. It was always simmering just beyond the veil of her composure. She always knew what he had done wrong, whether it be failing a test or losing a footie game, cutting school or a dance class, kissing someone of the wrong pedigree. All of them were punishable offenses by his mother’s standards. He remembered the last time before he was kicked out, sitting in that same panic of knowing she knew he had done something wrong. 
“Sirius I won’t put up with this foolishness much longer. Come out here and face the consequences of your actions.” 
He had tried to appease her in his youth, coming out the first time he was asked. But he felt the strike of her ring all the same, and eventually he hoped to put off the inevitable. He knew negotiation was a forgone conclusion, but sometimes he was lucky enough that someone would find the doorbell or otherwise distract from his impending doom. He didn’t have the same luck as far as his father was concerned. 
“Your mother coddles you too much. Get out here and face me like a man.” 
There was no world on which he got away with things. Sure, when his parents didn’t find out all was fine. But his parents found out about so much they didn’t want him to do and Sirius had to face the consequences of it. When he was still trying to protect Regulus, before he had been thrown out, he had tried desperately to keep the peace on the boy’s good days, and time his chaos with Regulus’s fits. He remembered being locked within that home so vibrantly, like it was an experience he would never be able to move on from. Even that last time, he had hoped things would be okay for Regulus. Once he knew he had been found out, caught out by a love letter from a bygone school mate hidden beneath his floor boards, he had tried desperately to protect Regulus. He didn’t know if Regulus ever understood him, but he had tried desperately. He had it out with his parents in separate rooms, in cars, anywhere Regulus wasn’t. There were harsh whispers, open handed smack, and screaming matches in the car, but he tried desperately to avoid it happening in front of Regulus. Someday, he hoped, they’d be able to talk about things and finally sort everything out. But right now he was here, sitting on the tile floor of his bathroom and remembering the needless luxury of the black marble beneath him and the crystal furnishings. When would it end? When would the sound of his father’s controlled anger stop inducing vomiting?
“You shame your namesake.” A cruel pause, “if you don’t come out of there in the next sixty seconds, count yourself lucky if I allow you to sleep in the cellar.” 
There was never a real sixty seconds. There was no grace period. He could have left the bathroom when his mother knocked the first time or well after his father knocked the last, and he would still be sleeping in the cellar. He would still feel the cool metal of his father’s rings marring his skin. He would hear the click of the lock and find himself in the cold loneliness of his fall from grace. He knew he would never feel anything but the ire of his parents once they found out. He spent so much time hating them, blaming them. He used to blame them for making him this way, for putting him in dance and making him walk softly, for teaching him to be discerning about his clothing and his hair, for never allowing him to get dirty with other kids. He blamed them for the way he felt when he thought about a cute boy in his class, or the way his heart skipped a beat when Severus yelled at him. It took him a long time to be comfortable with the way it felt to kiss another boy, and the way he felt confident walking into a gay bar. 
It was all different now, with Regulus at home. Every day he felt the corners of his peripheral vision blurring the line between his flat and the loveless luxury of his childhood home. He could practically hear the clicking of the keys his mother kept in the drawer next to the stove. Her perfectly manicured nails would parse through the drawer, finding the key to the bathroom with expert precision. 
The panic of his memories was bubbling up within him, and he knew it was going to explode. Knees clashed against the hard, cool tiles of the bathroom floor as he made his way over to the toilet, as the acrid, rotted contents of his past spilled out into the toilet. He wasn’t sure anymore whether or not his hands found the back of his throat or if the vile poison of his childhood burned through him all on its own. The frustration he felt while staring at the porcelain and begging the universe or god, or anyone who would listen, to just give him a fucking break. 
“Siri,” Chimed the warm voice from the other side of the door. It made Sirius so irrationally angry to be treated this well. He just wanted to be nothing. He wanted to be no one. He wanted to be an apparition. 
“Why are you still here, Remus?” He asked, his tone pointed with his frustration. He wished he could be kind, like Remus. He wished he could be understanding and sweet, all soft tones and light whispers, but Sirius wasn’t like that at all. He was all sharp tongued bitterness, cruelty and fear. He was so desperately lost, wishing and begging for just some understanding, and not knowing how to handle it. If he had been just a bit less damaged, if he had only had a few less times in the cellar, if he hadn’t taken a standard discipling and turned it into a fist fight, if he had bit his tongue that last time before he left, maybe gentleness would be something Sirius understood. But he had, and he couldn’t change it, so Remus’s kindness felt cumbersome. It was like fitting a square peg in a round hole, and the only thing that he could do was deflect. 
This distress was familiar to Remus, if not odd. It was so weird to him to be on this side of the door. If Sirius was not so paranoid, he may have asked Lily about how to be supportive on the other side of the equation. However, that wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Not when Sirius was so fragile. There was jealousy that pulled at his heart strings, hating that Sirius clearly trusted Severus implicitly, and had been making him jump through hoops over the last few months in order to gain the other man’s trust. It felt unfair that he couldn’t just be someone who Sirius trusted implicitly. He knew that was unfair way to portray both men in that way, considering he had know understanding of what their relationship actually was. But Remus wanted Sirius. He wanted to be the person Sirius called whenever something went wrong, he wanted Sirius to rely on him standing on the other side of the door. He wanted Sirius to kiss him in the middle of the street, to take him out on dates, to want him. It burned him up in side and he wished he could do something about it. He wished he could charge into the bathroom, pull Sirius into his arms, and comfort him through this. However, he was locked on the other side of the door, being shooed away. 
“I’m not leaving.” Remus responded, his resolve seeping through the door. Sirius could feel it. But he needed to be alone, he needed Remus to leave. He could feel the fog of his mind whirring, forcing his thoughts to ring loudly through his ears. His heart was thrumming in his chest, building fear and chaos within him. He was going to binge. 
“That’s desperate.” Sirius’s words were cutting, mean, and unhinged. He loved Remus, despite himself. He wanted remus desperately. It was more of projection than anything else, but he needed to be alone. “Go home. I don’t WANT you.” 
He wished so desperately that he didn’t have to do this. He needed Remus to go, and if that required Sirius to needle at him, to make him feel small, that was what he would do. 
“You can’t– you don’t–” Remus stammered, his voice tightening. God, it made Sirius’s chest hurt. 
“Just go,” Sirius replied, his voice thick with desperation. Maybe a change in tactics would help, “please– I just need you to go.”  The panic was rising again. He needed to be alone so desperately.
“Can you call me later?” The tightness in Remus’s voice hadn’t dissipated, and Sirius felt so guilty for being so mean. He couldn’t help it. He needed to be alone. 
“Yeah,” Sirius whimpered, trying desperately to keep himself from getting overwhelmed all over again. Just get through this Sirius. Just get him out. Just make it to the kitchen. Is the white bread moldy? Does it matter? 
When he heard the click of the door closing behind Remus, Sirius is practically running out of the bathroom. His feet carry him to the kitchen, snagging a bag of sliced white bread that he’s had for far too long and rushing off to his bedroom. He’s a mess, and he knows it. Within minutes, he’s tearing open the bag, spending minimal time throwing aside anything that looked like it had gone bad. He chewed through the slices with voracity, tears streaming down his face once more. He felt pathetic and disgusting. How was he ever going to make it through this? His assessment with Orri didn’t go as well as he had hoped. They recommended he seek a higher level of care. They supposedly didn’t feel confident in their ability to accommodate what he needed at this time. How was he going to handle it? He knew he was going to end up in one of those two reserved beds at Vincent Square once again. He also knew that the idea of going to Orri was starting to feel like nothing more than a pipe dream because they didn’t accommodate anyone on an inpatient basis. He could do Vincent Square. He knew he could. He had done it before. Theoretically, maybe he could manage to handle this. He knew that on Monday they could discuss the need for him to attend his family Christmas, and to take care of Regulus through the process. It was a long shot for him to believe Vincent wouldn’t recommend res. He wasn’t weight restored (he bristled at the thought and the pride that erupted within him), he wasn’t seeing his therapist, and he wasn’t even able to make it through a night of sleep anymore. Had he taken his Seroquel today? Had he taken his Lexapro? Why couldn’t he remember? 
When he made it through the package of semi-moldy bread, he was overwhelmed by his disgust. Once again, his feet carried him to the cool white subway time, his knees crashed on the ground at the same time he started retching. Why couldn’t this be easier? Why did it have to be so hard?
When he was done retching, he pulled himself off of the floor, to rinse out his mouth and splash water on his face. He needed to get himself together. If they were going to do this to him, fuck it. He might as well go all in. He might as well lose himself. Perhaps that was what forced him into his trainers and his running clothes, to run himself ragged. For an onlooker, it was unremarkable, but if anyone in his life had seen him, they would have been horrified. Maybe Sirius was a monster. Maybe Regulus was right, maybe he couldn’t starve out his cruelty, but by God, he would try.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
When someone asks who I ship Sirius with if I don't ship him with Remus but I can't tell what kind of fan they are and have to say "nobody I think he's fine on his own!" Instead of "I have been shipping him with Snape since I first read prisoner of azkaban"
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mymiraclealigner · 1 year
If you didn't know me like you do | Professor!Remus Lupin x reader
summary: Remus and his ex-student have gotten really close during the Christmas Break
tw: smut (+18), thigh riding, implicit legal age gap.
word count: 2,845
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Grimmauld Place held a warm light at Christmas time. Everyone from the Order was gathered between the tall, wallpapered, rotted walls of the ancient house, filling it with tender laughs and chatter while exchanging presents and hot mulled wine.
This year, Y/n’s parents decided to spend the cold months of December and January in a tropical wonder, leaving her in the care of the famous Weasley family. They were lifelong friends of her parents and, even though she was a bit older than the twins and didn’t really spend time with them —besides at parties—, she got along with the ginger clan.
That's how the witch found herself beating Harry and Ron in exploding snap, pranking the old thief Mundungus with the twins, and having long and fun sleepovers with Ginny and Hermione some nights of the Christmas break. Professors were also around, and some were more approachable than others: Severus left pretty clear he didn’t want to be bothered, but Minerva was open to answering questions about the holiday assignments, and Hagrid had no problem advancing the topics he would teach after the break either.
There was also Remus, but he was something more than an academic figure. He was not only there willing to give Y/n book recommendations and suggest grammatical corrections in her final-year essays. He was also there lifting her spirit with bad jokes after Order reunions, asking her if she wanted more butterbeer with his eyes at the dinner table, and listening to her ramble about her dreams and aspirations late at night with a cold cup of tea in one of his hands —the other, barely grazing her pinky.
Remus and Y/n had created an inexplicable bond between them that had formed based on similar interests and sexual tension disguised as genuine concern for each other.
Each one had their problems: Remus was still affected by his deployment in Hogwarts, the transformations were tougher each month, and living again with his best friend was not as fun as he remembered: Sirius came back with a lot of tattoos, resentment towards Remus for believing the lies and an underlying sentiment of guilt for what happened to the Potters. Y/n was dealing with the stress of facing the OWLs and the working life, a brewing war that blinded her vision for the future and threatened her hopes of a normal life, and the imminent feeling of abandonment that her absent parents put in her chest.
They managed to find comfort in each other and they casually started spending more time together very quietly, very subtly. No one read Y/n's expressions like Remus, and no one felt Remus' words as Y/n did; so they started to have conversations in secluded places of the creaking house, where not even the portraits could listen.
Of course, those conversations were filled with listening ears and understanding nods, but also with thirsty lips and fidgety hands. It might have been difficult for the others to spot the magnetic chemistry between them, but it was crystal clear for anyone who would stop to analyze the shine in their eyes when they hung into each other's words.
The young witch had never felt a stronger knot create in her lower belly every time Remus brushed her hip to pass to the other side of the hall, or a hotter blush grow in her cheeks when he rolled up the sleeves of his dressing shirt to reveal strong scarred arms.
He was also down bad, even if he tried to hide it. He had managed to perfect the crossing legs method to hide his erection from his ex-student, and sometimes he couldn't correct the direction of his eyes, which always diverted to the curviness of her hips or the brown spot on her neck.
She secretly found his admiration for her body hilarious; even if he didn't make it obvious, she could see the delicate way he contemplated her moving arms and hair, and her moving lips the most. She loved to be appreciated with that devotion, she had never felt that before.
One cold night, after what Y/n perceived was a stressful Order meeting, they sat on the comfortable, almost broken sofa in front of the library's fireplace. The flames exuded a warmth that made the witch remove her woolen sweater and Remus was finding it hard not to succumb to his desire to caress her tanned collarbone.
The bitter green tea and thoughtful state of mind sparked a pessimist conversation that included Nietzsche quotations and laments about the world and the terrible situation witches and wizards of England were in with the shadow of the Dark Lord stalking the safety of people.
That obscure life beyond the comforting room seemed pointless to go through for a second. So many horrors and injustices were occurring around her in that moment, and Y/n's awareness immersed her imagination in despicable hypotheticals that involved her tortured body, and Remus' body too, who was sitting a few meters away from her.
"Sometimes I wish we weren't real," she sighed and propped her head on the back of the couch.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I wish we didn't exist, that we weren't known. That we weren't even born."
"I understand why you wouldn't want yourself to exist, I have had that feeling myself before, believe me. My question is more why you want to drag me with you to non-existence?"
Remus laughed a bit, he would always be surprised by her interesting thoughts. She had a way of seeing the world he couldn't grasp and that kept him on a fun, uneasy expectation.
Y/n was relieved to see that the werewolf had moved the conversation somewhere else, where she wouldn't have to think about the darkness of the world around them.
"Because I don't think there would be a you without me," Remus' eyebrows went up. "Don't give me that look! I-I expressed myself badly… forget it."
Y/n felt her face flush and her eyes water; the one time she decided to be philosophically flirty she messed it all up. She thought she should have just sewn her mouth shut.
"No, none of that. Try to express what you meant," Remus came dangerously close to her, increasing the heavy feeling that burnt the witch's skin.
The girl sat down straight touching his thigh with hers and, after a long sigh, she answered.
"I meant that you wouldn't be the person you are or have the thoughts you've had if you hadn't met me the way you do," Y/n was nervously picking at the skin around her thumb, avoiding Remus' stare.
"What do you think I'd be like?"
"Miserable," she joked. Remus chuckled. "I just think you wouldn't ask yourself certain things."
"Things like what?" Remus brought his shaking hand up to put behind her ear a piece of hair that had fallen in the side of her face.
Suddenly the temperature in the library went up, but it wasn't because the fire in front of them burned more intensely. The reality of an awful world truly disappeared from Y/n's thoughts completely; the warm spot in her chest was speaking louder than pain.
"Like…" the girl silenced herself for a second, and then took a big breath to mutter the bravest thing: "whether to kiss me and disobey every rational voice in your head, or bring more tea to calm yourself down and avoid that thought."
A maddening silence stilled everything in the room; the particles of dust, the creaking wood and Y/n’s breathing stopped in time.
Remus turned around to check that the silver tea set was still resting in the small, fancy desk next to the window; if he were to reach it, he would have to get up and break the intimate bubble the two of them had entered.
"Yeah, you are right, I do ask myself that a lot. The kettle is too far, though."
The nervous girl turned around slowly fearing the possibility of her understanding. Their minds were close in thought, and he had unconsciously moved close to the point where she could feel Remus' breath in her cheek, and see a sparkle in his eyes.
"So, no tea this time?"
"No, not tonight I think," he whispered with a serious expression.
Burying his scarred hand behind her ear and into her hair, he brought his nose to her. He ignored the screams of his reason telling him to get away, and teased her opened lips by rubbing noses; she thought that that is how it must feel to kiss a ghost.
The impatient little whine that fell from her mouth gave Remus the final push to press his lips onto hers. She started moving them slowly, trying to mask her desperation for him and all thoughts erased from the werewolf's mind. There was nothing more in the universe than the sweet taste of that girl's mouth. His tongue gracefully licked hers, producing a twitch of her hips and she imitated the movement of his mouth, just like he had demonstrated.
She was eager for more and Remus could smell it. It was driving him insane, but he wanted to leave up to her whether his hand was worthy of something more than the touch of her shiny hair. Just like she had just read his mind, she pulled herself closer to him, squeezing his arm to signal a need for physical contact. Remus placed his hand behind her shoulder, moving her body towards his direction; and without any warning or precaution, Y/n turned herself to him, sitting on one of his thighs.
She separated slightly from him. His hands were now holding her waist in place and they could feel each other's breath from how close they remained. A silent conversation of whether this was real or not started. Their eyes weren't discussing the actual actions, but the tangible desire behind them and the not-so-innocent intentions.
While trying to assimilate that they both wanted this, Y/n started to rub herself against his thigh, searching for a pleasure only he could give her, she was sure. Remus squeezed her sides, trying to avoid the inevitable, and hopeful that she would notice he was not worthy of such pleasure. He closed his eyes, repeating to himself that he should not be enjoying this, that this was just a dream.
"Look at me, please," Y/n said slightly out of breath, Remus' eyes remained shut. "Come on, don't you think I'm pretty?"
Of course he thought she was pretty, and smart, and fun, and so many other things. But this was wrong; it was wrong not only the fact that he doubled her age, but that she deserved someone more capable of giving her love and attention. He was emotionally unavailable to shower her with love, and he wasn't going to be the one breaking her heart.
"Remus, do you not want this?" her hips halted, and his eyes opened immediately, "because I understand if you just think I'm too immature and inexperienced, a-"
"Of course I want this" the words flew straight out of his heart skipping his reason, but he didn't regret what he said.
Y/n didn't waste more time and rushed to grab his face to feel his lips on hers. Remus tightened his grip on her hips and forced himself to forget anything outside the library. In that precise moment, there was only he and Y/n, and his mind shouldn't get distracted from anything else. Nothing was more important than her right then and there.
Now Remus' arms were the ones guiding the movement of her hips back and forth. She bunched the fabric that covered his shoulders in her hands, trying to hide the moans to express her pleasure; the seam in her jeans had found her spot perfectly and the rubbing against Remus' strong thigh was stimulating her just the right way. Sweat started to emanate from her frown and her eyebrows moved up involuntarily, her panting was creating in Remus a hot feeling in his chest and he wanted to feel her warm cunt closer to his leg.
"Take off the jeans," her hands flew instantly to the button on the front, and Remus helped her take one leg out of her jeans so she wouldn't completely fall off his lap.
Remus appreciated how her simple light gray underwear clad to her hips. He followed the sewn end of the fabric with his fingers, from where her legs met her hip, through the middle of her buttocks, until her center. She was wet and the gray of her panties evidenced it blatantly. The werewolf rubbed his fingers on the wet spot before the witch forced herself to sit right on top of the evident bulge in his pants.
The girl started moving slowly again trying to stroke his cock with her middle effectively. Remus stiffened as a reaction to the pleasure he was receiving and that he craved for a very long time before. He was rock hard underneath her, and she took that as an advantage to rock herself against him with more intensity, making it difficult for the two of them to stay quiet.
Remus trespassed the fabric of her underwear and firmly grabbed her bottoms to get some control. The now panting girl searched Remus' lips to comfort herself because there was something forming in her stomach and in her chest stronger than anything she had felt before.
Yes, of course Y/n had touched herself before, in Grimmauld Place it had been difficult to find alone time, but the shower was always a good place of peace where she could visualize her previous DADA professor turning her over a desk and taking a firm hold of her hips. However, she had never really had an orgasm, she usually stopped when it'd get too good because her hands would start shaking and her legs would get some funny, unbearable ticklish feeling.
Her core started getting wetter and wetter and Remus couldn't hide his grunts; he imagined being inside her and his cock twitched embarrassingly.
He lowered his kisses to her chin, then her jaw leaving a sweet purple mark close to her ear. He continued going down, taking more time in that precious mole on her neck, until reaching the swell of her chest. He removed a hand from her moving bottoms and brought it up, with the intention of lowering the hem of her v-neck top.
When Remus started kissing and licking her nipples, Y/n held to his head and cuddled herself against him moving more desperately on him.
She was also imagining having him inside of her, close to his skin, without clothes between their bodies. She wondered what his chest looked like; maybe it was as scarred as his face, or maybe it was full of tattoos like Sirius'. What she knew with certainty was that it was hairy since some hair always peeked from the top of his shirt, and that it was very strong from the way he held her to him.
The werewolf's hips rose softly, following the girl's hip movements with a mouthful of her breast. Both him and her weren't containing their sights of pleasure and were just as close to climax.
Y/n grabbed a handful of Remus's slicked back hair to announce she couldn't bear much more of the pleasure, and he responded by bringing one hand to her hair to pull her close to his face. The closeness permitted them to look into each other's mouths with tired pants and a feral urge to crash lips.
"R-Rem, I think I-I," the witch could barely mutter a word, the divine sensation in her center started crawling up her back and arms, making them weak and wobbly as her voice.
"I know, love. Me too. Be a good girl and cum for me," he whispered, swallowing a moan from how good she felt on top of him.
Just before her legs gave up, an electrocuting sensation tickled her neck and stiffened her whole body. The witch came letting out a surprised little scream with her head buried in his shoulder; she had definitely never felt something like that.
“Good girl, yeah, good girl,” he panted as she rode him through her orgasm.
Remus welcomed all the weight of her body in his chest and, unannounced, came in his dressing pants from the lazy movements the girl was making on him to elongate her climax. He joined her ecstasy with satisfied little grunts and a fist holding her hair. Both entered a hazy, dreamy state where nothing could be bad and words were too complicated to pronounce.
The girl raised her head to meet Remus' eyes. He, ignoring the small circle of drool that she had left on his upper sleeve, gave her a smile and held her by the neck to kiss her sweet lips, certainly not for the last time.
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ma1dita · 9 months
truth be told
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can be read as a standalone, but part one can be found here: liar, liar
this was a request! here
words: 3k
summary: After everything, only the truth remains. A continuation of your life with Sirius. Loosely follows the events of the books. Sirius Black x fem!reader
warnings: one use of y/n, ANGST guys if i cried writing this you will too, non-descript smut for the plot, ending open to interpretation, Sirius deserved a better life. star-crossed lovers strike again!
a/n: it has been months but i wanted to get this right. Saddest shit I’ve written in a while, hope you enjoy! Let’s rant about how the Blacks have the saddest character arcs…. And this has an open ending, tell me what you think happened!! Tunes attached at the end for your reading pleasure.
(posted: 12/18/23)
There’s always a proper explanation for drastic life changes. Surely, there’s a reason this keeps happening to you.
At the very least, this time around you feel as if you owe it to your dead friends. You’d never thought you’d be the one to outlive all of them, with how much the world has gone to spite you, but then, you heard about Harry Potter. It was never fair, the way he lost loved ones that you loved too. Perhaps it was sympathy or your ongoing savior complex, but 12 years gives you a lot of time to ponder past transgressions.
So when Remus sent you an urgent letter about Peter being found alive, arranging your international portkey to meet them at Hogwarts immediately was a no-brainer.
Professor Remus, who is so eloquent with words, just casually had to omit the fact that your ex was also back in the picture. And that he was the most wanted wizard in Britain. Truthfully, your life has been much quieter since him. There’s truth in these details…
Now, as you follow Severus Snape to the Shrieking Shack under the guise of catching your ex red-handed, something about this scene feels familiar.
The seed of doubt that was planted back then still lingers as a big and scary thing, all twisted and it rips open old scars for those involved. It makes you stop in your tracks at the entrance of the base of the Whomping Willow and you can't help but be struck by the thought of how much things have changed since that fateful night all those years ago. And yet, somehow, it is all the same.
A pang of guilt stabs at you. The night was supposed to be about catching the big bad Sirius Black, but you couldn't help but be reminded of how important he had been to you back then, and how you loved him. Love him. It was almost as if you were playing the part of the traitor rather than looking for one...
You’re 33 now, after all. What else could go wrong?
You hesitate outside the entryway, listening to voices from your past and present intermingle, and the thundering in your heart drowns out the sound of your heavy breathing. Godric, and they said Harry has his life threatened every year? Isn’t Hogwarts supposed to be the safest place on Earth?
As Severus raises his wand to attack Sirius, you step into the light and wordlessly stupefy your colleague, his body dropping to the floor like a bag of rocks. Multiple pairs of eyes meet, some in fear and confusion, but you are immediately drawn to him, his presence calling something within your soul as it did 12 years prior. Sirius Black, your lost love, all covered in grime and more suffering than man. He has that look on his face, the one he’d get when he was about to make a point— and it irritates you so quickly that it’s almost debilitating.
The rush of emotions as you see him again floods you with a memory of a time like this long ago. It hits you like a tide that washes over your senses, the way one breathes in saltwater, all nostalgia and raging hurt, and as you gulp in oxygen, breathing heavily. For a second, the shadows in this dark room look like the friends you lost on a night this, one you no longer talk about.
Guilt, anger, and love all vie for your attention but your mind goes numb as Sirius steps closer, his face twisted in a wry smile as he meets your gaze.
"Hello, wife." He whispers, his voice tinged with affection and regret. He’s different now, older… starved. Sirius steps closer to you blinking slowly, hand grazing your wrist like he’s afraid you’re a figment of his imagination again. He’s spent a lot of time over the years imagining you. But then the anger comes back to the forefront of your brain before he can do anything about it.
You sock him hard in the jaw, and he crumples to the ground like paper. What a scene— Severus lying unconscious behind you, Sirius keeled over holding his jaw, and the Golden Trio stares at you with open mouths.
“Who even are you?” A ginger boy holding a ball of fur almost howls in disbelief. Is that…
“Good to have you back, love,” Remus says with a knowing grin, and then all you can hear is Sirius’s laughter. Despite the blood dripping from his lips he laughs, so filled with enjoyment that he hasn't felt in years.
“Someone’s gotta keep you two in line,” you huff, looking around quickly as you point your wand at the damn rat of a man hiding in the grasp of these children.
“Put him down so I can hurt him,” You spit, and Peter Pettigrew, ever the petty little man launches himself at you going down in a flurry of multicolored sparks and misfired spells.
“Kill him, baby, kill him! You knew it wasn’t me, didn’t you? I’ve been waiting for this… 12 years of it! In Azkaban!” Sirius chortles, almost rocking on the floor in glee, finding this hilarious.
“Quiet you git, or I’ll make sure you’re next!”
A low growl comes out of Remus, and you realize revenge will have to wait once more, pushing the Trio out of the shack. One thing is clear in your mind as you run for your life.
You have got to stop testing fate.
Tomorrow, you turn 34. What better way to celebrate than to pay a visit to your ex-boyfriend after he escaped from Azkaban? Clearly, Remus Lupin thinks it’s his best idea yet.
“He’s not doing so well, (Y/N). Can’t seem to adjust at Grimmauld Place and find a new normal…” Remus mutters over the floo network late at night.
“I don’t think normal and that place could ever belong in the same sentence,” you say with a furrowed brow. From one prison to another, you think.
“I just… I thought I’d floo you because I’m running out of ideas. You know… you knew him best.” The fireplace illuminates your face in the small apartment you’ve been residing in for the past month since your return.
“Does it matter? We’re strangers again, just bound together by hazy memories. I wouldn’t know what to do…”
“But I think you do, and he wants you there. Just doesn’t know how to say it. For some of us, memories are all we have.” The image of Remus’s head was getting licked at by the hot flames, and the idea of being in front of Sirius again, not for Order business, but to be even a friend, after everything…
You felt like you were on fire too.
“Isn’t it ironic that the happy memories hurt more than the sad ones, Rem?” Silence greets you from the other end of the fire, both of you knowing that it’s the truth
Sirius sees you approaching the house in the early morning as he watches out the window after another sleepless night. His body jerks up from his hunched position at the bay window, wiping at the corners of his eyes. You came. You’re here. For him.
He meets you downstairs, daybreak peeking in rays of blue and purple behind you, the frame of the doorway separating the two of you along with the realization that you’ve missed each other for longer than you’ve known one another.
You step back into his space, and he takes your coat quietly, scared to make another mistake, scared to push you away like he has many times before.
Something akin to grief holds you there in the foyer, staring at each other in a new light, faces changed by the life you should have lived together. For right now, there’s nothing more to hide, nothing less than the simple truth that you are two different bodies with the same souls. There is no struggle in the way your hand reaches out for his chest, to feel the steady beat of his heart, and for the first time in a while, you both feel alive.
“Sirius…” you whisper. No nicknames, because what do you call him after all that? The man who left that night with hushed promises and left you to handle the wreckage.
The world keeps moving and he’s still stuck there in that cell. In this house. Sirius can’t seem to walk away from what haunts him, but at the sound of your voice saying his name he smiles.
No one’s said his name that kindly to him in years. Not in the way that you do.
“Happy birthday, gorgeous.”
You’re 35 now, and you’ve realized that it takes time. Time is all you have when your love is in hiding. You’re caught again between the blurry lines of friends and something more, but the work that has to be done comes first before anything.
And it is driving Remus mad.
You moved into one of the many spare rooms at Grimmauld Place when Remus did, to keep Sirius company and organize affairs for the Order. But to watch you two dance around each other awkwardly makes him want to claw at his skin more than he already has.
“Friends stick together. We help each other out,” you say nonchalantly and Sirius’ head bobs as he helps you put the groceries away one day. Remus is not as amused.
There are a lot of things to fix here, with the house swarming with dark magic and cursed artifacts. You all spent weeks researching the combination of anti-sticking charms to tear down the family tapestry.
Wretched Walburga’s painting was almost one with the foundation of the building, so you found a way to magic it shut forever. To take down the bad memories brick by brick, hurt and shame—if that’s what he wanted, you and Remus made sure it was what he would get. It’s what he deserved. When you finally showed Sirius the closed-off wall, without the invidious glare of his birthgiver, he thought he could kiss you with the happiness it brought him. You have a way of doing that, so intentional with your words, and how you’ve been caring for him, giving him the room he’s learning to occupy again…
So he did.
Hesitantly, then desperately drinking you in like a man left starved, and he had years of a fill to catch up on. He could drown in you if you’d let him.
And you did.
You kissed in the middle of the living room he was once damned in, legs hoisted over his hips as you fall onto the sofa. Frantic movements, kisses conveying words left unsaid, and at one point you both cry in pleasure and relief at being in each other’s arms again. If everything’s gone wrong in life, dear Circe, was this finally right.
His thrusts are slow as he gazes at you from above, hair moved out of your face to properly see you. Calloused hands roam your body that he wishes to reacquaint himself with from the inside out, from your skin to your bones.
“It’s okay,” you sigh as you touch his jaw, “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m scared to ruin this. To ruin you.”
Your hips slow as you reach around to hug him. Sirius had long come to terms with the fact that he ruins everything he touches, and you’re not an exception in a long line of proof. You gently pull his body down before rolling over him, placing kisses everywhere you could reach. The crease in his forehead, his sunken in collarbones, the lean of his chest until your eyes and lips fall upon the dark etch of your name on his ribcage, under his heart. It joins the many other tattoos that grace his slender body, but it’s the only one in bright, devastating red. Your eyes meet again.
“I…they kept trying to take the necklace away. I had to remember you somehow. I’m sorry,” he says bashfully, eyes flickering to the ceiling in timidity, and the apology slips out from his lips. It makes you smile at how far he is from the arrogant man you once knew.
“Then ruin me then. Again. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Your approval stokes the fire in him, hands grabbing for dear life to feel you more underneath his fingertips and with the movements he makes from under you, striking hard like he has something he needs to prove. As you sigh into his neck and hold tightly onto his hand, you think of how loving him has always been red. Necklace or not, that has always been the truth.
Naked underneath a throw blanket that might scar Remus’ senses when he gets back from his mission and surrounded by the construction job of a house he once hated, Sirius breathes easily with you resting upon his chest. He hasn’t dreamed in a long while, but here, he can conjure images of finally marrying you and making this house a home.
“What are you thinking about? Tell me the truth,” you whisper, and he stops breathing, thinking you’re already asleep. Your fingers rub a mark on his neck lovingly.
“I want you to call me anything else. Baby, sweetness, darling…” he muses with a crackly voice.
“I don’t like my name. You’ve always known that. I don’t think it’s ever been mine. But I have always been yours, even when I didn’t know it. Even if you don’t want me.”
You press yourself closer to him, if that’s even humanly possible, gripping onto his soul.
“Husband it is then.”
At 36, you didn’t think you’d be having this fight with him again.
It wouldn’t be Sirius if he didn’t put up a fight. The man who’s spent his entire life fighting to get everything he wants or even a fraction of what he felt he needed. So why would loving him be any more simple?
He won’t easily admit that he’s never experienced life the way he wanted to unless he was with you, the only constant, his only calm. But there’s no way in hell you’re letting him rush out into the night again to never be seen.
“Harry needs me, my love. I need to protect him! You need to stay here,” Sirius bites back at the desperation writhing through his being, needing for you to understand that he wants you safe too.
“I’m tired of fighting you, babe, I can’t…” Your hands slam onto the dining table as he paces around it, running away from you again as he grabs things he needs. The lack of air in your lungs is making everything rush to your head, anxiety making you spiral as you chase him again, reaching out for him like trying to grapple with smoke.
“I can’t do this. I’m not letting you leave without me again,” you wail, and he’s not listening, hyperfocused on saving one of the few people he has left to live for. He laces his boots haphazardly, keys being thrown into his jacket pocket, and it all boils over.
“SIRIUS!” you scream. He stops in his tracks and looks at you in the moonlight, face illuminated by the kitchen window. You’re crying, shaking, with your hand still outstretched for him to hold. He pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead with all the love he can muster.
“I...can’t lose you again. Could it be easy this once? I’m not the enemy here. Please don’t fight me on this,” you heave between soft sobs, hands crinkling his shirt to keep you grounded.
“You’re coming.” he surrenders, and you nod, both of you knowing it’s the truth. The blue light of a refashioned heart necklace lights the space between you. Fear fills the air again, and he silently grabs your jacket, zipping it up and tucking the pendant underneath your shirt. His thumb brushes over your jaw in an unhurried moment as he looks at you long enough that you wish to stay here forever.
“I love you.”
“I know, husband. I love you.”
Your hand grips onto his and you apparate to the Department of Mysteries.
The quiet tragedy of your love will never truly leave your ribcage, and Sirius’s quite literally etched in the skin and bones of him, under his heart.
One moment, he’s fighting for his life with you beside him, and the next, he’s falling. The love never disappeared, though it appeared differently the second time around. You couldn’t love each other the same way twice, with everything that’s changed since the beginning of it, but the love was there. It evolved with you. It endures.
You’re the only family he needs, and this point is further solidified when his cousin sends a killing curse his way, and his saving grace is you letting go of his hand to to blast her into oblivion. He trips backward to the Veil all the same.
“Wife…” he breathes out, being pulled in by nothingness. Your body turns slowly and your eyes meet, his hand out his hand stretches to reach yours. His eyes reflect the red glow of the pendant on your chest, and then you know what to do.
“Husband!” The sound of your voice brings a smile to his face and he shuts his eyes not needing to know how this will end because you’re here, and barely a breath away.
There wasn’t even a second thought to grab his hand, and the both of you are falling, falling again. Hands intertwined, both ringless, yet all the more secure and true. This is how it was meant to be.
“I can’t decide if time
Is my enemy
Or my friend
Time takes the pain away
But time takes you away too.”
-Whitney Hanson
taglist (OPEN): @jsjcue
love me some tunes! I listened to these three songs while I wrote: cedar by gracie abrams, adam's ribs by jensen mcrae, the alcott by the national (ft. taylor swift)
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starlight moonlight sunlight — blurb two
Blurb Title: Party in the Dungeons
Pairing: ex!Remus x reader, Remus x Sirius, eventual poly!Wolfstar x reader
Warnings: none
blurb series navigation here | previous blurb here
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Remus and Sirius were grateful for dorms having silencing charms. They could listen out for you without having to hide even in their own room. The two kept kissing as they picked out clothes for their party. A knock at the door interrupted them. 
“Who is it?” 
Reluctantly, Sirius kissed Remus one more time before going to answer the door. Saying a quick hello to the other boys, you made a beeline for Remus. You stared at the sliver of skin you could see as he buttoned up his shirt. 
“Hey. What’s up?” 
“Can I borrow something from your closet? The girls said parties here are meant for us to look hot and I don’t have hot things. Sold them all.” 
“Sure, take what you want.” 
You flitted through his closet before reaching for a pair of jeans and a denim vest. The panicked yelling and stuttering of four boys caught your attention as you stripped out of your clothes, underwear included. 
“What?” you asked as you turned around. 
“Merlin!” They all yelled before covering their eyes. 
Remus stared for a moment before recollecting himself. “Dove, we’re men.” 
“I know, dummy.” 
“No, I mean… Never mind.” 
“It’s okay to look, you know. It’s just nakedness.” 
“They look beautiful!” Peter blurted out. 
“Thank you. You’re beautiful too.” 
Turning back to Remus’ closet, you began looking through outerwear. Sirius’ jaw clenched as you grabbed his fur coat. You began to adjust the clothes so they fit in a way you liked. 
“Where do you keep your shoes?” 
“Over there.” 
“Ooh, platforms… Wow, Rem, I have big feet but these are even bigger.” 
Remus chuckled. “I am more than a good bit taller than you. I think big feet come with the territory.” 
The boys just watched as you looked in the mirror, checking yourself over lots of times. Giving a little twirl, platforms making pitter pats against the wood floor, you stopped in front of your boyfriend. 
“How do I look?” 
“Gorgeous, dovey.” 
“Thank you, handsome.” You gave him a wink. “Okay, I’m done. See you downstairs.” 
Remus practically attacked his boyfriend when he heard the door lock click. “You’re killing me with this outfit, sweetheart.” 
Sirius just smirked as he kissed him. He wanted to rile Remus up. The entire outfit was black, tailored slacks slung low on his hip. His shirt was lace, covering absolutely nothing. Remus pecked his lips one more time, squeezing Sirius’ waist. 
“I promise I’ll make this up to you tonight after the party. Merlin, I love you so much.” 
When all four marauders were finished, they made their way to the bottom of the stairs to wait for your roommates and Frank. 
“Woah, babes,” Lily said as she came down the stairs and spotted you. “Talk about hot.” 
You showed off a little bit, striking several different poses. Everyone made their way to Slytherin. A sixth year stood at the door, letting people in since no one else knew the password and they weren’t about to tell anyone now. You followed your boyfriend and new friends to the drinks table. Remus placed a can in your hand. 
“Where are the red cups? Or the kegs?” 
“That’s real?” Dorcas asked as she approached everyone. “Not just some movie thing?” 
You shrugged. “It’s easier that way to provide drinks to everyone.” 
You looked at the can. Charming Swig. Even though you never heard of it before, you took a sip. The music was jumping and Remus encouraged you to go mingle with people. You stopped when you saw a bunch of people on one of the couches huddled around a boy with long and greasy black hair. 
“Can I help you?” he refrained from sneering but you could tell that he wanted to. 
“I’m just looking.” 
“New kid. L/N, right? I’m Severus Snape. Hogwarts’ Resident Procurer of Illicit Goods. Ever heard of Bowtruck?” 
He held up a freshly rolled joint. “You should take this first then. Free of charge for the rest of the night, new kid.” 
“What is it?” 
You sniffed it before making a face. “Why does it smell bad?” 
“That’s how it smells. If you want it strong and nice then you need to let it mature and grow longer.” 
“But how can it be the best if it smells?” 
A Ravenclaw girl sitting on the arm of the sofa piped up. “You have weed that doesn’t smell?” 
You fished around your purse, pulling out a bouquet of baby’s breath flowers, making them all laugh. “May I?” 
Severus, highly entertained, cleared a spot on the table for you. You held out the joint in front of you. With a casual lighting of it, the Ravenclaw put it to her lips, not expecting anything. 
“Holy shit.” 
“It’s good?” another boy asked. 
“Here, try it.” 
On the other side of the room, Barty looked past his boyfriend. He was on watching-you-duty so you wouldn’t see Sirius and Remus together. 
“Uh, guys.” 
They all looked to where he was pointing. 
Regulus and Remus reached you first.
“Dovey, what are you doing?” Remus set down the metal scraper. “You can’t just take things from people you don’t know.” 
“Taking?” the Ravenclaw girl asked. “Is she your girl?” 
“Well, your girl is nothing but giving. Best shit I’ve ever had.” She looked down when Severus whipped his head around. “Sorry, Sev. L/N, you got anything else?” 
“Um, I guess? Things like tobacco, grove water, various teas, peyotes, amphetamines, shrooms, saliva mint, bath salts, daisy lavender and lilyorchids, cocaine and opium and morphine. Everything’s natural of course. I promise. But I don’t really sell anymore and I prefer the edible stuff.” 
“What the fuck?” Regulus whispered, looking at Remus who seemed to have no clue about this side of you.
Snape leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’ll let you sell for tonight but anything not delicious goods is my lane.” 
“Deal.” Your ears perked up to the next record being played. “Remus, Chaka Khan, let’s dance!” 
You and Remus found your own little space amongst all the bodies on the dance floor. Sirius almost choked on his whiskey when you two started a clearly planned dance routine you must’ve learned together at some point. It started with some strange head shaking as you were bent over halfway while alternating which foot you picked up to the rhythm. 
The smiles on both your faces were really wide as you funky chickened away from each other before body rolling back. The group came over to join Sirius, looking mildly horrified at the arm flailing that turned into an awful tango. It was obvious you two didn’t know how to tango.  
“What are they doing?” James asked. 
Dorcas just covered her eyes. “This is so embarrassing.” 
Marlene looked over to Sirius just smiling into his cup. “Black, don’t tell me you’re actually into it?” 
Sirius shrugged. “It’s kind of cute in its own weird way. Moons is having a lot of fun.” 
When the song finished, you and Remus joined the group again. You all started to venture into the room Regulus shared with Evan and Barty. You sat in Remus’ lap. 
“Hey, dovey?” 
“When did you become a dealer?” 
“Pretty recently. It was how I earned so much money quickly. It’s safe. I promise. I wouldn’t let people get hurt.” 
“I was actually going to ask if I could buy some from you. I have chronic pain,” Remus said. “Smoking is kind of the only thing that really helps.” 
“Yeah. I can give you something.” 
You looked down at the notebook shoved into your lap. It was full of drawings of bakeries and food. Pandora sat closer to you, right in front of you actually. You pressed yourself as far into Remus’ chest as you could when she leaned in closer. She pulled down your eyelids, parted your lips to examine your teeth, and ran a finger over each ear. 
“Dora, you’re freaking her out.” 
Flipping the pages of the journal still in your lap, she pointed to one page in particular. “You could open up a bakery for your goods.” 
“What?” Remus asked. “Any faculty finding out she’s dealing will get her in trouble.” 
“But she’s not actually. They aren’t drugs, right? They’re just plants that mimic the effects of ours because you’re a nymph.” Pandora looked back down at you, wide eyes matching your own. “I’m sorry. Did he not know?” 
You shook your head before looking up at your boyfriend. “I was going to tell you. I just hadn’t found the right time.” 
“You’re a nymph?” Remus asked. 
You nodded. “I was going to tell you. Please don’t be mad.” 
Remus breathed in through his nose. Was he that bad of a boyfriend in the past that you genuinely thought he’d be angry towards you. He pulled out his wand, summoning a single letter from his trunk. Despite your secret, Remus was still nervous. You weren’t a monster like he was. A nymph was nothing like a werewolf. But your face didn’t seem to change as you scanned each line of his letter. 
“I’m confused. What’s new?” 
Your boyfriend’s jaw dropped. “You knew?” 
“I’m a nymph, babe. Sensing animals and nature is kind of my thing. I knew you were a werewolf for a while. I thought everyone did. Just like how I know your friends are animagi.” 
Everyone’s jaws dropped open in shock.
| next blurb here |
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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turvi · 2 years
Best Mistake
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader, Sirius Black x Reader(ex)
Y/n notices how he laughs, it's so different. She never saw him laugh like that with her. In fact, she never even saw him smile brightly at her. Sirius Black was an enigma, a dream. It was an honor if he even decided to look your way so Y/n was ecstatic with just the mere fact that she is dating him.
She will sit in the corner and watch him talk to the girls with such adoration and seduction it broke her heart that he didn't even give her the time of his life. She wondered if he really loved her when he didn't even look into her eyes like they held all the universe's answers.
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She was sitting on the ground with the Marauders zoned out looking in the distance when Lily suddenly asked Sirius "what is Y/n's eye color".
There was an awkward silence as they all looked at Sirius to reply but not Y/n. She looked into the distance when Lily asked her the color of Sirius' eyes. Without hesitation she replied grey. Everyone was shocked including Sirius. No one knew how many times she looked into those same grey eyes trying to find love.
She ignored Sirius' stare and pretended like her heart was not shattering right now. Only if he knew how she felt. Only if he would not play with her emotions. Y/n can only wish right now as Sirius holds her hand. She doesn't know how to feel she tries to calm her beating heart knowing this is temporary.
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Lo and behold the next time she saw Sirius he was flirting with another girl. She would not have paid attention to it but he made a promise to be a better boyfriend only to break that promise again.
She sighed and went towards the black lake. She sat against a tree branch letting her tears fall not knowing a pair of onyx eyes were looking at her.
When she realized she turned around to see Severus staring at her. When he realized he has been caught he looked down at the ground. He kept looking at the ground when a pair of shoes came into view.
He looked up to see Y/n standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. Her eyes were puffy from crying. "Why are you staring?"
"You were in my spot. That is my crying spot."
She sighed. She knew how her boyfriend and his best friend bullied him a lot and even after trying to talk to Sirius to stop it he only increased the bullying.
She patted the empty spot beside her "let's cry together then"
Severus sighed and sat down. He didn't want to admit that he had always loved her but he strayed away knowing that she is Sirius' girlfriend.
"Let me guess Sirius made you cry?"
She scoffed at the way he spoke and sassed "yes Severus he made me cry like always and I bet he doesn't even notice I am not there with him right now"
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Severus spoke up again "why are you still with him when he treats you like this?"
She sighed "because I know no one will love me and even if he gives me a bit of attention that is enough for me. I am scared if I leave him I will lose that bit of attention I get, and I know I sound dumb but it is true". Tears brimmed her eyes as she let out a shaky breath.
Severus lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. "Y/n it does not sound dumb." He softly caressed her cheek, he knew what he was doing was wrong but it is not his fault Sirius didn't know how to treat his girlfriend right, Severus was going to do a better job at that. "Give me a chance, I know you are heartbroken but I am willing to wait for you, to show you how much love you deserve".
She quickly blinked her eyes "what?"
He gently held her face now in his hands "you don't have to love me back. Just let me show you what you deserve and if you want to go to Sirius after that I won't stop"
She gulped as she saw his pupils dilate and nodded. Severus whispered in her ear huskily "use your words"
Her breath hitched "y-yes I am willing to give you chance"
He smirked "good girl". He pinned her against the tree and kissed her like he owns her heart. His desperate tongue met hers as she melted in his arms. She was a bit surprised as his hand was on the tree and the other on her waist. He kissed the sensitive spot on her neck lightly and looked at her waiting for her to stop him.
"Sev-you should take me on a date first"
He chuckled "were you waiting for me to make a move because it seems to me you already forgot your boyfriend"
She pulled his hair lightly earning a groan from him "you should not talk about my ex-boyfriend when you just tongue-kissed me"
He growled "Ex-boyfriend. I like the sound of it. I promise I won't let you down, sweets"
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The next few days were an emotional rollercoaster for Sirius. First Y/n unceremoniously announced in front of his friends that she has had enough and wanted to break up.
He was confused about how easily she broke up with him. Usually, she was the one who was so scared of losing him so he decided to follow her.
He transformed into his animagus form and discreetly followed. His jaw dropped to the floor as he saw the scene in front of him.
Y/n wrapped her arms around Severus who was eager to kiss her and Y/n did not deny him. They sat down and Severus laid back against the tree as Y/n lay on his shoulder and chatted as he played with her hair. They looked at each other as if there is no one else in the world. The scene looked so intimate he just dropped his head and walked away with a broken heart and sorrowful soul.
It was then he realized what he had lost and there was nothing he could do about it.
A/N: I actually squealed at Severus' part so hopefully you like it too. REBLOG AND FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 1)
I was wondering what male characters from Harry Potter (including Hogwarts Legacy and Fantastic Beasts) are the most crushed on. When I couldn’t find anything online that answered my question, I decided to take it into my own hands and research it for myself. I looked at reader-insert fanfics and thirst trap videos on 4 websites (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, and TikTok) since I think it’s the most effective way of seeing how many people want to be the focus of a Harry Potter boy’s affection. Here are the results as of August 6, 2023! 
Note: I researched other characters (ex. Matteo Riddle, Charlie Weasley) that weren’t listed here, but some of them didn’t make the cut on any website. I’ve also never seen Fantastic Beasts or played/watched videos of Hogwarts Legacy, so it’s possible that I missed loved characters from those parts of the Harry Potter universe. 
The second version of this study is now out! You can find it here!
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*GIF isn't mine
What I did: I researched how many works are under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you.” The number of works under these tags differed, so the number in parentheses is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. I only counted pairings with at least 300 works.
Draco Malfoy (1,414 works)
Severus Snape (1,013 works) 
Sirius Black (890 works)
Remus Lupin (817 works) 
Sebastian Sallow (710 works) 
Fred Weasley (698 works) 
George Weasley (627 works)
Harry Potter (401 works) 
James Potter (332 works) 
Newt Scamander (326 works) 
Tom Riddle/Voldemort (316 works) 
Ominis Gaunt (310 works)
Potential problems: I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/reader” and then “Severus Snape/reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 2k followers. Some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy (13k followers) 
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (11k followers)
Fred Weasley and James Potter (8k followers)
Newt Scamander and George Weasley (6k followers)
Regulus Black and Tom Riddle (5k followers)
Cedric Diggory and Severus Snape (4k followers)
Theodore Nott and Sebastian Sallow (3k followers)
Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Ominis Gaunt (2k followers)
Potential problems: Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x reader” and “Lupin x reader.” I had to exclude Harry’s tags because a lot of the works under those tags were mixed with reader-inserts or other characters. Also, there are probably some thirst photos/GIFs on Tumblr for male characters that aren’t tagged as a reader-insert. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 10k results. Some characters are tied because Wattpad doesn’t show the exact number of results. 
Draco Malfoy (68.5k results) 
Neville Longbottom (53.4k results)
Newt Scamander (50.9k results)
Cedric Diggory (49.3k results) 
Ominis Gaunt (37.5k results) 
Ron Weasley (26.3k results) 
Remus Lupin (19.4k results) 
Sirius Black and James Potter (18.9k results) 
Severus Snape (18.4k results) 
Fred Weasley (15.9k results)
George Weasley (12.8k results)
Theodore Nott (11k results) 
Tom Riddle (10.7k results)
Potential problems: I don’t think these results are very accurate. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x reader and Lupin x reader. I had to exclude Harry again because his results pulled up results for other characters. Similarly, searches for other characters pulled up reader-insert stories written only for a different character. 
What I did: I looked up “(male character) thirst” on TikTok and filtered the results to show videos in order of highest number of likes to least number of likes. The first video wasn’t necessarily a thirst video of that character, so I had to manually search for the thirst video with the highest number of likes. I only recorded characters where their thirst video with the highest number of likes had at least 10k likes. Some are tied because the same video covered multiple characters. 
Harry Potter (3m likes)
Newt Scamander (447.6k likes)
Neville Longbottom (295.4k likes)
Dean Thomas (206.9k likes)
Cedric Diggory (131.6k likes)
Fred, Ron, George, and Bill Weasley (123.8k likes)
Draco Malfoy (91.6k likes)
Severus Snape (57.5k likes)
Remus Lupin (21.4k likes )
Lucius Malfoy (21k likes)
Sirius Black and James Potter (17.6k likes)
Potential problems: There were so many problems with finding videos on TikTok that romanticized the character, so I would take the TikTok results with a grain of salt. It was really frustrating to research on TikTok LMAO. I originally just looked up videos with the name of the character, but it took forever to find a thirst video and it was sometimes difficult to tell if it was an actual thirst. For example, there were some edits of Snape that showed him as a kid and a grown-up and it wasn’t clear if the creator was romanticizing him. For this reason, I know that the rankings I listed are most likely inaccurate because there are definitely thirst videos of characters that weren’t labeled as thirst videos. Also, for the results I gave for Harry, I looked up “Harry Potter thirst” and chose the video that @miwallbank duetted and had the most likes. 
For accuracy reasons, I left out the numbers of results from TikTok because I think that my research was inaccurate for the most part. 
Draco Malfoy (approximately 82,914 admirers)
Newt Scamander (approximately 57,226 admirers)
Neville Longbottom (approximately 55,400 admirers)
Cedric Diggory (approximately 53,300 admirers)
Ominis Gaunt (approximately 39,810 admirers)
Remus Lupin (approximately 31,217 admirers)
Sirius Black (approximately 30,790 admirers)
Ron Weasley (approximately 28,300 admirers)
James Potter (approximately 27,232 admirers)
Fred Weasley (approximately 24,598 admirers)
Severus Snape (approximately 23,413 admirers)
George Weasley (approximately 19,427 admirers)
Theodore Nott (approximately 14,000 admirers)
Tom Riddle (approximately 5,316 admirers)
Regulus Black (approximately 5,000 admirers)
Sebastian Sallow (approximately 3,710 admirers)
Do I think these final results are accurate? Most likely not, so take the final results with a grain of salt. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction or follow tags on their loved character. I might do this again, but this is what I have for now. Thanks for reading!
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zeherili-ankhein · 7 months
I suddenly have this idea of a Mohabbatein retailing or rather inspired fanfiction of the Golden trio but slightly (A LOT) different.
Ofcourse we have good old Dumbledore as headmaster Narayan Shankar.
Ms. Monica? No, Ms. Mcgonagall.
Then we can have Harry as Karan, Ron as Vicky and our boy Neville as Sameer.
For the girls – Ginny as Sanjana, Hermione as Ishika and Hannah as Kiran.
— The idea of Neville and Hannah being childhood friend and him being in love with her is just so sweet.
— Whoever was Kiran's boyfriend (Deepak ig forgot his name) can be Draco. Because that guy was shitty and I don't like Draco.
— And Ron and Hermione just gave those same rivals to lovers vibes ngl.
— Harry falling in love with Gin not knowing who she was is top tier for me. (Her dead husband is Dean. Yeah...)
Also James Potter as Raj Aryan Malhotra and Lily Evans as Megha. (Don't ask me how Harry doesn't know him cuz this is an AU)
— James and Lily as Vicky and Ishika. Don't ask me why because we all know it.
— Sirius and Marlene? Sameer and Kiran? YES! (Shitty bf is Barty or Severus maybe. Bcz can't stand them)
— Remus is Karan and Tonks is Sanjana. Ahaha yess. (Then her ex husband would be Bill. Sorry Bill I love you but sorry)
Yeah.... Neville as Raj Aryan and Hannah as Megha. (AU fic so he can be older!!)
Once again this is an AU fic so don't come at me how their personalities doesn't match and blah blah blah.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
This is part 3 of my Bollywood x Harry Potter ideas
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
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Ghostface!Wolfstar x fem!black!reader
Notes- This is an alt universe where wizards don't exist. It's just a boring 'ol human world. They, however, are still British in this fiction, but this did stem from the Woodsboro murders. Moony and Pads are both open with their relationship. Everybody envies their bonding tbh. They all suspect nothing from them when the murders started happening. This is a modern AU, so cellphones exist. Art by likeafunerall on ig
Warnings- blood, murder, gore, bloody s*x, Oral m, and f receiving. Crying, dub-con, noncon Padfoot watches his little evil bf enjoy himself. Double Penetration(anal/vaginal, Oral), Anal between Remus, and Siri. slapping, bruising. A whole bunch of dark shit. You get the point.
Summary-You get a text message from Lily, begging you to ditch your studies for one night and come to her boyfriends stupid party. You ended up going before the news would've prevented you from going when they showed another one of those silly costume murders. You end up enjoying your time there...but somethings off. You end up stemming off into a room where you see the unthinkable...
Word count-3.6k
*Ring* Pause. *Ring* Pause. *Ri-*
"I'm still not going."
You say flatly.
" Ughhh, c'mon [Name]! You need to have some fun at least once a week!"
Lily yells into the phone, causing your mouth to upturn into a slight smirk.
"I'm having fun studying for the exam. I know I'll pass tomorrow."
You tease while twirling one of your braids around your freshly done acrylics.
"You always study, c'mon [Name] let's get you out and mingling, maybe you can get yourself a partner"
You laugh at her choice of using a partner to be inclusive to your other side, as the huge but greatly homophobic country of England would describe you.
Don't get confused, Lily, along with the other girls, have been very supportive of your coming about. But even though Dorcas and Mary are in a similar situation to you, they still act confused.
"Yeah, that can wait. I'm not even sure if I'll survive these murders long enough to get a hookup."
You can almost see Lily's scowl as she spoke her next words.
"Please [Name], don't say stuff like that. It isn't funny, nor is it charming."
You feel a pang in your heart as you remember what she felt like after the injury of Severus Snape, her little ex-friend. Even though their friendship had ended a while back. She still had a soft spot for him. Her heart especially broke when the doctors told us that he was lucky he survived.
"Sorry Lil's. That was stupid."
"It's fine, just please be careful. You know we all worry about you living the furthest from all of us. Even the boys!"
You roll your eyes at her naiveness. The only reason why they make it seem that way is because they care about Lily and her feelings. They don't give a shit about you. They ignore you whenever you hang out. And for some reason, that Sirius guy just rubs you the wrong way. He's always looking at you making faces, like he's wondering why you're still with the group or something. You choose to distance yourself from The Marauders and their silly reputation.
The only tolerable one was the one and only Remus Lupin, who just so happened to be Sirius' bf of 2 years. Even though he knew that some of the stuff Sirius did was problematic, he just let it happen. But at least he never joined in on their annoying pranks.
You double take at your study work on the desk, and then think about how going out one night wouldn't be so bad. Yeah, so what Sirius and his minions 'll be there, you're not gonna let some immature human beings the same age as you keep you from having fun.
"You know what, Lily? I think I'll actually go. What should I wear though?"
You should've braced yourself from the excited squeal that broke through the sound barrier and pierced your eardrums.
"Oh my gosh [Name] yes!-"
She began to ramble on how excited she was for you and then quickly went back to your other statement.
"Wait a minute...Did you just ask what to wear when it is LITERALLY THE 31st OF OCTOBER? You're not dense, are ya love?"
You roll your eyes at her sarcastic question and threaten her with not coming, to which she quickly apologizes profusely. You end up asking what everyone is wearing and end up getting an idea of what to wear yourself. You bid your goodbyes so that the both of you could get ready and end up going into a box of a costume you were supposed to wear Halloween. It was a Lola Bunny costume that came out around the time of the recent space jam movie. You decided to pair it with your Jordan's because they were both from the same universe in a way.
As you're getting your stuff ready for your shower, you realize over 20 minutes have passed since you've been looking for a specific pair of panties. The shorts were a little see-through, so you still wanted to match. For some reason, the underwear that you wear the most frequently seemed to be disappearing. However, it wasn't just your favorite pairs. It would be the ones that you wonder why you haven't gotten rid of them.
You finally find a pair that can replace the ones you desired at first and get in the hot steamy shower, as you're rubbing yourself down. You swear it feels like something is watching you. You look out the blinds, covering the frosted glass that would've distorted anything in front or behind it.
"Lemme stop before I scare myself"
You continue on with your shower, still a little uneasy. You dry yourself off, oil your body up, get your costume on, and put your braids in a half up, half down style. You spray yourself with some perfume, brush your teeth, and wash your face. But while you brush your teeth, you realize that your toothbrush looks like it'd been brushed against concrete. Which wasn't out of the ordinary for them to eventually get that, but you've already had it for like 5 days. It's kind of weird...
You finish up and text Lily, who said she's pulling up to your flat. You walk up to her car to see that Marlene is in there with her, her blonde, and pink highlights sticking out immediately
"Hey loves, anymore people to pick up or just us 3?"
You ask.
"We're all set, love."
You nod your head in understanding and start to observe both of their costumes. From what you could see, Lily was red riding hood. Typical redhead. James was no doubt the big bad wolf since they always coordinated their Halloween costumes. Marlene was a witch, and it looked like she bought the broom, especially for this equation, because she never cleans.
Unbeknownst to you, Lily decided to take a shorter way to James' house. And you only noticed that when you see flashing lights, a long with loud booming music.
Lily announces your arrival with an excited tremor, and you all get out, the chilly autumn air blowing right by you three.
"Lil's, I was wondering when you'd get here!"
You hear a voice that you almost instantly recognize.
James Potter.
To your dismay, they get a little handsy in front of you and Marlene, so you decide to leave them and actually join the party. Once inside, you two are almost immediately hit with a wave of drugs, sex, and alcohol.
You see people making out and grinding on eachothers laps. You and Lily decide to go to the punch and see that there are pieces of fruit in it.
"Whoever eats the most fruit wins €50."
Marlene proposes. You both fill up cups of punch first and cling them together, then you guys eat fruit. It was no surprise she got 10 while you got 5. You knew you couldn't handle your liquor, but neither could she.
While you were at your 5th one, Marlene got stuck on her 6th one and told you she was done, you'd taken her cup, and ate the last 4, and won the challenge. Her giving you your money, and you sticking it somewhere safe.
As you 2 are talking and slurring your words, Sirius walks up behind her and sneaks her a hug, instantly taking her attention away. You roll your eyes as they start talking as if you aren't even there, and you end up on the dance floor with a bunch of sweaty bodies, some not even going To 'Hogwarts, Math and Science Academy' As you're enjoying your time dancing, you end up moving your hips to a song by 'The Weeknd' and a boy ends up coming up behind you to dance with you. His hands guide your hips to grind against his crotch. And while looking at him, you can't even lie he looks gorgeous. He looks the perfect amount of feminine and masculine.
You decide to tease him and leave the dance floor, causing him to break out into a smile and shake his head. You both end up in a closet, his hands groping your body. You, however, stop him from continuing.
"Meet me upstairs in a room that has the door closed."
You laugh at his frustrated groan of being denied again.
You make your way into a room. That has posters of bands and instruments in a corner. You decide to take your shoes off and wait for the boy with your legs crossed on the bed. After a while, you start to get worried, but that worry turns into annoyance. If he changed his mind, he could've at least told you. You end up hearing odd noises in another room, like moans, they sound awfully similar to his and you think he's either trying to give you a taste of your own medicine, or he found somebody else to fuck.
You really hope it's the first one. You knock on the door to make sure it isn't somebody else, but you get no answer. Probably because the moans were getting louder. You decide to count to 5 before opening the door.
That was your first mistake.
You walk inside the room, that consist of a made bed, along with professional clothing like button ups, but some band tees lie on the floor.
You see that there is a bathroom that connects between Him and Sirius' rooms and end up not taking any precautions to opening the door.
That was your second mistake.
You opened the door and saw the unthinkable. Blood. Everywhere on the floors, the sink, the shower door. And in the middle of it all, 2 people in black cloaks with that stupid costume on, you turn around as they notice you and bolt for the door that you unfortunately decided to close. As you sit your hand on top of the know, you get pulled back by your hair, tears coming out of your eyes, which brings a light chuckle that you would've missed had it not been for the knife pressed to your throat pulling out the smallest trickle of blood causing you to hold your breath.
"You weren't supposed to see that."
You hear the voice say with what was no doubt a voice changer that was used in the Woodsboro murders all those years ago
"Please! I don't even know who you are!"
You beg both killers, the one pointing their knife to you toying with you on purpose.
"You look so pretty when you cry...What a shame I won't be able to fuck you're sweet lil pussy before we kill you."
You see that the one pointing their knife at you seems the more dominant of the 2, the other staying quiet and only paying attention to their partner in crime.
It's embarrassing how fast you thought up of a way to get them to let you go. You can't even deny how you feel yourself getting wetter by the second. Your nipples poking through the thin shirt and gaining the attention of the 2 killers.
"Wait! Wait! I have an offer for the exchange of you letting me go...Ill give you anythingyou wa-"
Just then, you get a pang in your head, no doubt from those liquor packed fruit pieces.
"Hmmm, what do you think love, is she really worth it, or should we just slit her pretty throat?"
You wince at the thought of that, and wait for them to decide whether not to take you up on the offer.
As you're waiting, you don't notice that the quiet one has a visible tent that is extruding on his cloak.
The other Ghostface does, though, and instantly gets a sadistic idea that would surprise the both of you.
"How about this? My little partner over here takes his mask off, and I blindfold the both of you?"
You were in no room to deny an offer like this, so you agreed with no hesitation.
"Good girl." You can hear this Ghostface's smile through the voice changer.
He digs into one of the drawers and finds a blindfold. You realize that he's been here before if he knows exactly where the blindfolds are. He first walks over to you and stares at you through the black abyss that's placed over his eyes. He surprisingly is gentle, but firm when wrapping the thick cloth over your eyes.
Being depraved of one of your senses causes you to hear stuff better. You can hear the killers speaking in hushed whispers as if they really cared about each other. You could hear a clear moan. The quiet one must've taken his mask off.
You then hear 2 sets of footsteps coming towards you, on instinct you back up, but a tight hand pulling your hair stops you causing you to cry out.
"Behave slut."
You hear the masked on say. You apologize, and he caresses your cheek, giving it a few firm slaps before pushing your head forward into what feels like a belt buckle.
You and the unmasked one both groan, you think he tried to touch you, but his hands were slapped away by the masked one.
"Hands to yourself, baby."
Your head is continuously pushed into the buckle, and then you come to your senses what he wants you to do.
"All you want me to do is suck him off, right?"
You ask, hoping this doesn't lead to you getting your cherry popped by 2 killers simultaneously.
"Mhm, that's all ya have to do love"
The masked one assures you.
You feel his hands reach around your face and start bunching up the fabric, and then you feel both of them working to remove the cloak from the quiet one.
You feel a hand caressing your face, before it's replaced by what you can only assume is the cock of the quiet killer.
You accidentally let out a little moan that causes the masked one to taunt you.
There's a prodding at your lips before you reluctantly open your mouth for his cock
The tip leaks sticky pre, and you hate how you enjoy tasting it. His warm pre ends up, pushing its way down your throat, making you gag at the sudden action.
You reluctantly choose to keep a pace that would me up to his and your standards. At least, you thought so.
You're surprised when he takes your head and pushes you towards one of the walls and starts going to pound town on your poor throat.
"You little vixen, you're really getting off to a murderer's cock ruining your throat?"
You whimper from the words that exit his mouth. You hope he doesn't notice, but your caught off guard by the thick cum that spurts from the killer using your throat.
You sputter as he tauntingly and slowly eases out of your battered mouth.
"Guess that tired the poor thing out, huh Moony?"
The aggressive killer states...wait-MOONY?!
You sputter out weakly.
"In the flesh sweetheart."
You hear chucklees from the other one through his voice changer, and instantly connect it to the one and only, Sirius Orion Black.
You startle slightly as the blindfold around your eyes is loosened, and your eyes adjust to the light being taken in. You see that they both sport their masks again, and feel vulnerable as you see how disheveled the struggle left you. Not that your costume was covering much up in the first place.
"I d-did what you wanted me to do, so now you can let me go..."
You struggle to get out the simple sentence out of fear.
"We aren't done yet."
Remus finally speaks.
They both start to advance on you, throwing you onto the bed, and ripping your cheap costume off, while you squeal out of fear from rough manhandling.
"Please! I won't tell anybody, if you just let me go! I'll even stop hanging around with you guys, I promise!"
They grow tired of hearing your whines and decide to stuff your mouth with cotton panties. But not just any cotton panties...THESE WERE YOUR FAVORITE PAIR!
They went missing back in May, which is super far now that you think about it, which means they've been eyeing you for at least 6 months, which scares you to think about.
Your thinking is cut off by fingers being stuffed in your untainted asshole. You bite down on the panties as soon, as Sirius slips it into the knuckle. You start crying from the pain that weighs less than the constant threat of being murdered.
You hear slight coos coming from the both of them, but decide not to listen too hard. You just wanted to focus on you to make it seem like it wasn't too bad, but then it somehow got worse when you realized your cunt might as well have been drooling from how aroused it was.
Unfortunately, Remus doesn't notice too long after you do, and instantly gets active by closing his lips around your glistening clit. You almost cringe at how pornographic of a moan he let out. Shit, you'd expect that from Sirius maybe, but Remus?
You're brought back to Sirius when he slips 3 of his fingers out of your prepped hole, and watch as he sucks them like his favorite sweet. Don't ask how you know. You just do.
You begin to buck your hips into Remus' face as he sucks harder and harder, hoping you squirt all over his face. His mask continues to scrape over your skin as he goes in on your dripping cunt. You tear up at the blood that has since then dried all over your skin, creating a sticky mess that makes you feel guilty about the guy you met.
"You know, we've always wanted to have you to ourselves. You were always confident in the way you talked, and the way you dressed. You just never would give us a chance, it was like you hated us, love."
You almost roll your eyes at the gaslighting Sirius' attempts to do, but you choose to just look up and prepare yourself for the rest of their abuse.
Remus stops sucking on your cunt just as you're about to come, making you reluctantly let out a whine that has both of them chuckling amongst each other, and you blushing at the vulnerabiltiy you showed. But you seem to forget how vulnerable you are when you're exposed like an animal in the wild.
"Cunt or her ass Moony?"
Sirius asks his lover. He situates himself after Remus chooses the former, and tucks his robe so that his bottom half is free, leaving the cloak to drape a little bit. He then lets Remus hold you while he gets his lap ready for you, and steadily sinks your ass down onto his cock making you whine at the expected, but unprepared for intrusion, Even though he used his fingers, he was still so long. You feel a slight weight on your clit, and look back to see Remus lining his thick cock up with your unprepared hole. You try and speak but it comes out muffled from your stuffed mouth.
"No!-Pweth, I cont tek et!" You try and tell him, but he only laughs at your words and continues to breach your poor cunny. You cry as they both alternate their thrusts, one going in, the other going out. Sirius takes his mask off, followed by Remus, as they both pant speeding up their pace. You're left to whine and beg for mercy as they both use you like you aren't even a person. You're embarrassed to admit how fast you came on Remus' cock, but you quickly realize that they both won't stop until they finish.
You find yourself being purposely overstimulated by Sirius, as his nude hand reaches down to stab at your swollen clit while Remus continues his assault on your poor hole. Leading you to squint all over Remus' lover stomach, and drip down onto the soaked sheets that now sport a grey color, instead of the silk white it was once. You feel both of them finish inside of your holes, but are startled when they start switching positions right after their highs disipitate.
They communicate through short curt words, and you find yourself on all fours with Sirius situated behind you, and Remus situated behind Sirius. They simultaneously line their cocks up with their targets, and both sink in at the same time making all 3 of you let out loud moans.
Remus maintains a steady pace, while Sirius prefers to go as fast as his hips can take him, making him the first to finish, which leaves you, and Remus. Remus continues using Sirius' hole, while Sirius is riding his high out inside of you, but he pulls out and hurrying over to your face, and pulls your panties out of your mouth, to unexpectadely shove his cock down your throat once again, causing you to choke and whine at how much you've been used this night. He only uses your throat for a few seconds before he pulls out and comes all over your face, getting some especially in your mouth. You hold it before he reaches in and presses down on your tongue, forcing you to swallow his seed. He and Sirius crach down at the top of the bed together, while you've sunk into the mattress by the foot of the bed. You try and get up to get away, but you're stopped by 2 pairs of hands pulling you towards the connecting bodies.
"Where do you think you're going? We haven't even decided if we wanna keep you alive or not."
Sirius questions, you open your mouth to answer him but end up bursting into tears, and you just lay your head down on the both of them to drift off to anything, but a restful sleep.
My fanfic after almost a year of no writing, that writers block really hit me hard, but I honestly feel it coming again. I actually started writing this fic in october, and it was supposed to come out halloween night, but I was too lazy.
Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, and I hope you enjoyed!
Likes, Reblogs, and comments are encouraged and appreciated!
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alexiavettel · 2 years
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✧ hello, welcome to my blog!! ✧
here you will find all my stories, whether short and long fanfics or one-shots.
my taglist <3
i accept requests through my ko-fi <3
꧁ 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 ꧂
⇝ i’m 18 years old (April 12th <3)
⇝ proud slytherin and Hades daughter
⇝ ENTJ (if that means something to you)
⇝ mercedes girl (and rbr hater 🫶)
⇝ english is not my first language so i apologise in advance for any typos and/or mistakes
⇝ everything that happens in my texts is purely fictional
⇝ all texts have warnings of possible triggers along with the synopsis, if you believe there is any trigger not mentioned please send me a message
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the main focus of this blog, i intend to write for a few drivers i feel comfortable and they are:
⇨ Charles Leclerc
⇨ Daniel Ricciardo
⇨ Carlos Sainz
⇨ George Russell
⇨ Lance Stroll
⇨ Toto Wolff (maybe)
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Love under contract
synopsis: Your father, Lawrence Stroll, and basically your boss have a good opportunity of linking Aston Martin with Ferrari’s stocks. But for that Binotto demanded you, first driver of your dad’s formula one team, with your impeccable reputation start a fake relationship with the Ferrari’s golden boy Charles Leclerc. Which happens to have a not so good popularity, publicly cheating on with his ex girlfriend plenty of times and being a complete asshole with his ex teammate, Sebastian Vettel, who now is your teammate.
pairing: charles leclerc x fem¡stroll!reader
status: ongoing
last updated: 23/07/2023
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danny ric with kids (pics)
Ten things I hate about you
synopsis: Daniel Ricciardo is insufurable, adorable to everyone but you. Through the years you gathered ten reasons to explain your hate towards him. But be careful, the line between love and hate is thin.
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
status: complete; one-shot
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boyfriend material (pics)
coming soon
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boyfriend material (pics)
coming soon
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Fear is made of ice
synopsis: Growing up in Montreal meant you have to choose: ice figure skating or hockey. Your family and the Stroll are ones of the most influentes of the country, and unfortunately this includes Lance Stroll. What happens when you suffer an accident and now have to train with the most unbearable hockey player?
pairing: lance stroll x fem!reader (au)
status: complete; one-shot
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i will only write for Joel (yes, i have played the two games and love the HBO series)
coming soon
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i may write about:
⇨ Sirius Black
⇨ Regulus Black
⇨ Remus Lupin
⇨ James Potter (maybe)
⇨ Severus Snape (maybe)
coming soon
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one-shots or short fics about actors, i may write about:
⇨ James McAvoy
⇨ Tom Hiddleston
coming soon
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rose-of-the-grave · 1 year
The Pact
Pairing: Lily x James
Modern AU
This will hopefully have five parts. I'm the author (please don't repost) <3
Masterlist Series Masterlist. Read on Ao3
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Warnings: 18+, no actual smut but a lot of references, mentions of past bullying(no specifics),
Word Count: 1,980
Description: When their friends keep meddling in their love lives Lily and James agree to fake date for a few weeks.
"Lils, we need to get you laid!"
Lily rolled her eyes at her best friend. She did not want to have to go through this conversation again. Just because she hadn't gone on a date in a few months since she had broken up with her sleazebag ex didn't mean she was desperate for some action.
"Can we not do this again?" She pleaded.
"Why? You haven't gone on a date since you broke up with that slime ball Severus. And I know for a fact that you never went further than the second base with him. Which means you haven't had sex in at least six months."
"Seven." She muttered.
"Even worse! You need to get laid and we," she pointed at herself and their other friend, Alice, "are going to make it happen."
"We are?" Alice asked. Marlene elbowed her in the ribs causing her to cough. "Oh. Right. We are!"
"Look, that's sweet but I don't need help getting some."
"Oh?" Marlene arched one eyebrow questioningly. "Are you seeing someone and not telling us?"
Seeing an exit to this conversation she did her best to act convincing when she said, coyly, "Maybe I am. So what?"
Her two friends thankfully took the bait. Unfortunately for Lily, they were very eager to discover the identity of her supposed boyfriend.
"So?" Marlene asked.
Pretending not to know what she wanted to know Lily parroted back, "So?"
"Well? Come one tell us! Who is this mystery guy?" She lowered her voice a little, leaning over the table. "Is it someone we know?"
Trying to diffuse the situation, she merely replied, "Perhaps."
The bell rung signalling that someone had entered the restaurant. Momentarily distracted, Lily looked up. In had walked three men, Sirius, Remus, and James. She knew all three and was close friends with Remus. They had become close when they started working at the same bookstore. Shortly after meeting him she had been introduced to his boyfriend, Sirius. They got along well enough but they didn't have too much in common.
Then there was James. He was practically like a brother to Sirius which meant she saw him on occasion. He would stop by the bookstore once in a while to say to Remus. However, he had developed a terrible habit of asking her out nearly every time they met. At first she had been nice about it but after a while it had gotten a little annoying.
He had stopped once she started dating someone. Overall, she had liked him just fine before. He was funny and charming but once his previous history with her boyfriend had been revealed she had been quick to start hating him.
According to Sev, James had bullied him ruthlessly all through school. Lily had always been one to stand up to bullies so that had started an automatic dislike for him. Her anger towards him developed into outright hatred whenever he mentioned her boyfriend. Right out of the gate he had questioned their relationship, saying that Severus wasn't right for her.
Two months later, he was proved correct when he started hanging out more with his friends and had outright insulted her. From a young age she had always tried her hardest in school so having her boyfriend question her intelligence and insult her family was a huge red flag. She dumped him immediately.
However, even after the breakup she still maintained her aversion to one James Potter. He had seemed to get the memo and had stayed away as best as he could considering their mutual friends. The worst part was he was still funny and charming. If it hadn't been for her disastrous relationship she probably would have taken him up on his offer.
She internally groaned at what she was about to do. Her friends were not going to let up until they got a name.
Standing up, she excused herself saying she had to go to the bathroom.
When she went to walk away, Marlene made it clear that they would be continuing this conversation when she got back. Alice nodded, further hammering in Lily's decision.
Marching up to the three men who had just walked in, she smiled and greeted Remus and Sirius. When she turned to face James, her smile slipped. She already hated what she was about to do.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?"
He was, unsurprisingly, shocked that she had reached out and talked to him. Those were the first words that she had spoken to him in a while other than the occasional, "Hello" and "Remus is in the backroom, he should be out in a minute".
"Sure." He responded, hesitantly. His mind was already racing trying to think of what she might want to tell him. They walked away towards the bathrooms.
"So," he turned to face her. "What's going on?"
Inhaling, attempting to steady her breath, she met his gaze. "I was wondering if you would mind pretending to be my boyfriend for a little while."
"I'm sorry, what?" He was looking at her like she had just told him that the earth was actually flat and everyone was being lied to.
"You heard me Potter." She fixed him with a steely-eyed gaze. "I need you to be my fake boyfriend to get Marlene and Alice off my backs about getting back out there."
"You know you could just tell them to back off."
"You say that like it's easy. I tried but Marlene is of the opinion that I need to get laid." He spluttered a bit when she said that. "Look, you were interested in me before. We already know each other well enough."
"They'll see right through it. You've made your hatred for me quite clear. There's no way they'll believe that you are suddenly dating me."
She sighed, twisting a strand of hair between her fingers. He had noticed that she did that a lot when she got stressed.
"We can just tell them that we've put our differences behind us. We can make it clear that this is still really new so that's why we haven't told anyone yet. Maybe you convinced me to give you another shot and put everything else behind us."
James nodded, "Okay. So if I agree to this, and that doesn't mean I'm going to, what are we talking here? We've been together for a few weeks but have been keeping it a secret. How long are we going to keep this up?"
"We're all going on that ski trip to the cabin. Why not stay together until after that? We can break up after saying the close proximity and everything made us rethink things."
"So, we''ll stay together for two weeks maximum and then break it off once we get home?" He clarified.
Lily looked away to where her friends were sitting. Their food had just arrived and Marlene was already eating while Alice was still calmly sipping on a margarita. Hopefully he would just get it over with. Just tell her he wouldn't do it and to find someone else. Anything to end this prolonged silence.
"Okay. I'll do it."
She looked back at him in shock. He was actually willing to do it. She had purposely chosen him because he had already asked her out multiple times so she had assumed he would most likely be amenable but she was still a bit surprised he had said yes.
"Yeah. I mean why not? It'll be fun, I can practice my acting skills. Besides, Rem and Siri have been thinking about setting me up with some girl. I love them but the last blind date they set me up with was a total disaster. Two birds with one stone, eh? You get your friends off your back and I get them off of mine."
"Okay then. We can go back to our tables and break the news."
He gave her his trademark smile. The one that helped get away with nearly anything. He could probably flash that smile at the police and get away with murder if he wanted.
Lily watched as he went back to his table and sat down with his friends. Walking back over to her own table, she slid back in her seat.
Marlene raised an eyebrow, her mouth still full of food. In answer to her friend's silent question she merely replied, "James."
Alice started coughing and Marlene preemptively swallowed. Still coughing a bit, they both said, "James? As in James Potter?"
Lily nodded.
"But I thought you hated him." Marlene looked at her questioningly. Lily wondered whether her friend had already sniffed out the lie.
"I don't know. He convinced me to give him a second chance, wipe the slate clean. Turns out we actually get along pretty well. We started dating a couple weeks ago. It's not that serious but who knows?"
"Have you slept together yet?" Marlene asked.
"You know, had sex, fucked, made love, the beast with two backs, the devil's tango..."
"Alright, alright. I get it." Lily said.
"You sure? Because I've got more."
"That's quite alright. I got your meaning the first time. And yes, if you must know."
Lily raised an eyebrow.
"How was he?"
Lily's face turned bright red as she replied, "No comment."
"Aww, come on." Marlene gave her her best puppy eyes.
"Fine." She changed the subject, asking Alice how her kid was doing. Apparently her son, Neville, had just started to walk. Smiling and laughing at Alice's recounts of her crazy, sleep-deprived life Lily tried to forget everything else that had just happened.
Looking over at her new fake boyfriend she knew this was going to be an utter disaster. There he was, laughing with his friends. She wondered whether he had already broken the news. Then, as if he could feel the weight of her gaze, he looked over at her from across the room. Their eyes met and his smile slid off of his face, replaced with a softer emotion. Pity, she assumed. He may have something to gain from this situation but she was the one desperate enough to ask someone she claimed to despise to pretend to date her for two weeks.
He looked back at his friends when Sirius said something, joining in on the laughter again. It seemed as if Lily was the only one not laughing.
"So, Prongs. How'd you manage it? I mean the woman hated you for months and now she's your girlfriend? That isn't the sort of thing that just happens everyday." James looked over at his best friend.
"I don't know, man. One day I somehow convinced her to give me another shot. I'm a little foggy on the details. I was just surprised she said yes to going out with me that I kind of forgot everything that happened before."
"I don't blame you. You've had a crush on her since the first time you laid eyes on her."
James stuck his tongue out at Sirius. He'd given up on her after her dating that greasy-haired weasel. James had figured Lily would never look past that and he couldn't exactly blame her. He wasn't always kind to Severus back in school. And now she was offering him two weeks where he could be as in love with her as he wanted and if, at the end, she didn't feel the same way he could play it off as just getting too much in character. Sure, the eventual breakup would hurt but those two weeks would be absolute heaven.
Maybe, just maybe James could get over her for good. He could use these two weeks to get her out of his system. The best he could hope for was that by the end she wouldn't hate him any more than she already did.
Part 2>>
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5 + 1
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James Potter/Lily Evans
Summary: five times James surprises Lily and one time she surprises him
Notes: This was written for Flufftober 2023 with Day 5’s prompt X+1. @flufftober
I don’t own Harry Potter to any of its characters.
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
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Lily hadn’t been having a great day. She had seen her ex friend Severus Snape who now openly called her a mudblood and had been doing so since fifth year. She really hoped she could find something to get her mind off how much people like him annoyed her.
She walked into the Gryffindor Common Room to see a group of students of all years watching something on the other side of the room. She walked more into the room to see the one and only James Potter.
She thought to herself as she huffed, ‘what is he doing now?’
She watched him for a moment when she realised all the students looking at him were completely silent, which wasn’t surprising. James Potter could hold a lot of people's attention, but had never truly held Lily’s before.
She heard him talking. He was telling a story and entertaining the first years with Sirius and Remus helping him.
She made sure to stay at the back of the room as she kept watching. She was surprised by how he cared about those around him and making sure they were all entertained.
Lily had been walking through the halls when she heard the sounds of someone crying. She followed the sound, wanting to help whoever it was. When she was close enough to see who it was, she saw it was a first year, but they weren’t alone.
No, sitting with them was James Potter.
He sat quietly as the student was talking to him.
She wanted to move but James was facing the way she would walk in. She really wanted to help, but was in awe of watching him with the child. He was so tender and sweet.
He gave the child some really good advice. Watching all of this unfold, she was pleasantly surprised to see how good he was with children and making sure they were happy. He was very understanding towards them.
Lily felt the need to study and the best place to do so was in the library, where it was quiet and the perfect atmosphere for studying. She walked in there and over to where she normally studied.
When she got to her usual table, she saw James Potter sitting there looking a bit stressed about something.
“James,” she said quietly to try and get his attention. No luck, didn’t move at all.
“James,” she tried again a little louder, but got the same result.
“Potter,” she used the same volume as just before, and this time he looked up at her.
“Evans, what are you doing here?”
“I came here to study, but you seem to be having trouble. What are you studying?”
He nodded to what she was saying before responding, “Potions. I’m horrible at it and I don’t understand this current assignment.”
Lily’s eyes lit up. “I came down here to do that assignment. Would you like some help? I can help you as I do mine too.”
He let out a sigh of relief. “Really? You’re a lifesaver. I don’t understand any of it.”
She sat down in the seat next to him as she looked over what he had.
That’s how they spent the morning and that was the day that Lily was surprised about how studious James actually was. She helped him with any assignments and he helped her with any assignments or spells that she couldn’t understand or get the hang of.
“Oi, Snivellus,” Lily heard James yell one day. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size? You know, instead of third years who’re smaller than you.”
This got Lily’s attention and she went towards the commotion, when she got there James, Sirius and Remus were all standing in front of a third year, protecting them from not just Snape but other Slytherins as well, who seemed to be the one who was being bullied. She took a step closer and beckoned the third year over.
As the student ran over, she made sure that when Remus turned around that he knew the student was safe.
“Go to Professor McGonagall and tell her what’s happened,” she told them quietly. “And that Lily Evans sent you to her.”
With that, the student ran off and Lily joined next to Remus.
“Really? Four seventh years against one third year? How is that fair?”
She stood her ground alongside the three Marauders and against the seventh year Slytherins. The four Slytherins ended up with a months worth of detentions all to be had with Professor McGonagall.
That was the day Lily was surprised by James’ willingness to risk his own life to protect those in need and those who were being treated badly.
Lily was rushing to class with her books and she ran into someone; meaning she dropped everything she’d been carrying.
“I’m sorry,” she said as she bent down to gather her things. “I’m running late to class and I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
She looked up as someone held two books she hadn’t picked up yet. She looked up and saw the face of James Potter smiling at her
“We have the same class, Evans,” he said. “So why don’t we walk together? I’ll carry the books and if anyone asks, I’ll take the blame for you being late, if it helps.”
He kept hold of the books and helped her up. This was the day she was surprised by how kind and helpful James Potter really is.
Lily had this all planned out.
Lily and her friends: Marlene, Dorcas and Mary had engaged the Marauders in conversation.
After a few minutes, she asked, “James, do you mind if I talk to you alone for a few minutes?”
When he responded with yes, she glanced over at Marlene, who winked at her before she walked alongside James until they were a little further away.
“James, I’ve noticed how much you’ve changed this year, or maybe you’ve always been this way and I’ve never been able to see it properly, but either way, I have something I wanted to ask.” As she kept talking, she started speaking faster because of her nerves.
“Lily, deep breaths and slow down, please,” James said, before he guided her in this. “Now, what is it you wanted?”
“James, I’ve noticed how much you’ve matured and how you care about others and I think I can safely ask, will you go out with me?”
“On a date?” He sounded surprised, which she guessed was going to be because he thought she didn’t like him, which had not been true. She just didn’t want to be with someone who was arrogant and treated people badly.
“You want to go on a date with me?”
“Yes, James,” at this point her voice got a bit louder. “Will you, James Potter, go out on a date with me?”
“Yes. I’d love to.” He paused. “Is it alright if I kiss you now?”
The moment he got that answer, he kissed Lily softly, before pulling away, and saying, “I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
She laughed before playfully pushing his shoulder, before they walked back to their friends together.
That was the day James was surprised by Lily asking him out. He had been completely oblivious to how her attitude towards him changed. He vowed to make sure she knew she made the right choice with him.
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The Werewolf and the Angel Chapter 7- Remus Lupin x OC
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Remus Lupin x Violetta Cook
Description: Remus and Violetta confront and old friend and an enemy.
Word Count: 2.2k
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“Professor Lupin? What are you doing here?” It was well past curfew when Violetta heard a knock on the door to her quarters. Thankfully she’d been awake doing some work so he didn’t have to knock more than once. Remus set his hands on his waist, looking anxious. She began to ask what was wrong, but he spoke first.
“Violetta, I need you to meet me in my classroom when the Prefects finish making their rounds, and make sure no one follows you. We can’t let anyone know what we’re doing,” he instructed firmly. She seemed confused, but ultimately agreed after Remus muttered a rather desperate ‘please.’
“Yeah, okay. I’ll see you there,” she finally responded. He muttered a quick thank you and made his way down the hall briskly, presumably to his classroom.
An hour passed before Violetta opened her door again. She’d been confused about her friend’s request but obliged anyway, mostly because of how worried he seemed. Her nerves didn’t ease when he put a silencing charm around the room so no one could hear.
“Remus what’s going on?” She asked anxiously. Remus held up the parchment.
“This was confiscated from Harry by Severus. When I asked Harry about it later he said that it wasn’t working because he saw someone moving - someone we believed to be dead,” he started. That only made her more confused.
“Wait what?” Who is it?” Remus didn’t answer her. Instead he set the parchment on his desk and muttered the password. They waited impatiently as the ink slowly spread out as names began appearing. She watched him search for a minute until he pointed to where four names were. Her eyes scanned each of the names before zeroing in on one very familiar name.
“Is that…”
“Peter Pettigrew.” Remus confirmed. He watched her freeze in shock.
“It can’t be,” Violetta whispered.
“It is.” Violetta finally looked at him then looked at the map once more.
“So that means Sirius…” she trailed off slowly, still trying to wrap her head around the new information.
“...Is innocent,” Remus finished for her. Her eyes filled with tears and she covered her mouth with one hand. She felt sick. Sirius had spent twelve years in the worst place a Wizard- or Muggle for that matter- could ever think of for a crime he didn’t commit. And she let him because she believed everyone else.
“What do we do then?” She asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Confront Pettigrew and let Sirius know that we know he’s innocent,” Remus responded in the same tone he had earlier. “And I have a feeling that Harry will help us do that.”
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The next day, Remus and Violetta watched as Ron was dragged off by Sirius in his Animagus form while Harry and Hermione followed. Violetta could have laughed watching them figure out how to stop the Whomping Willow if they were in any other situation. She continued to watch as an orange cat ran to the willow and pulled the right knot to stop its defenses.
“You know, that cat reminds me a lot of the one James and Lily had,” she mentioned offhandedly. Remus nodded thoughtfully.
“Yes, I can see what you mean,” he answered before looking at her. “Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she muttered with a nod. The two readied their wands and ran to the Whomping Willow, Remus pressing the knot in the tree that allowed them to get through peacefully. They practically sprinted down the tunnel towards the Shrieking Shack as if their lives depended on it. Once there, they ran upstairs after hearing shouting coming from Harry.
“Expelliarmus!” Remus yelled upon them bursting in, disarming Harry’s wand and Violetta catching it immediately afterwards. Then, the two of them pointed their wands at the ex prisoner that now laid on the floor.
“And finally the flesh reflects the madness within,” Remus stated.
“Well, you’d know a lot about the madness within, wouldn’t you?” Sirius responded. The two old friends stared at each other for a second before laughing and Remus holding out a hand to help him up. They embraced immediately after he stood, then Sirius’s eyes fell on Violetta. Their eyes connected, and before Violetta knew it she was encased in his arms. She clutched onto him as if her life depended on it, inhaling his scent. He didn’t smell like he used to, but it was still him, so she was happy. They didn’t pull away until Hermione finally piped up.
“I knew it! You wanted Harry dead just as much as Black did and you’ve been helping him the entire time because you’re a werewolf!” She pointed an accusing finger at Remus before looking at Violetta, hurt now clouding her eyes.
“And you helped them? I trusted you!” Violetta’s heart broke at her words.
“Neither of us helped him, Hermione. Up until last night we were under the same impression as you,” Remus answered for the both of them, then paused before facing her curiously. “How did you know about me?”
“I had my suspicions when I noticed that you were always ill around the time of the full moon and that your Boggart was a full moon, but they were confirmed when Professor Snape made us write an essay about werewolves during the first full moon of the year,” she explained tensely. Violetta frowned thinking about how distressed Remus had been after seeing the essays about his kind.
“Ah yes, Severus assigned that essay hoping someone would recognize my symptoms and label me a werewolf. You’re really the brightest witch of your age I’ve known Hermione,” he responded coolly.
“Yes, you glow like the sun. And you howl at the moon. Enough talk! He dies. Now. If you won't do it with me, Remus, I'll do it alone,” Sirius exclaimed.
“Sirius wait-” Violetta started but Sirius faced her.
“I did my waiting! Twelve years of  it! In Azkaban! Trust me, you wouldn't have lasted a week!” He shouted, making her mouth shut immediately. She didn’t blame him, everyone was tense. Instead she nodded as Remus rested a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. For a moment Sirius looked apologetic, but he got over it when Remus spoke.
“Alright then, as you wish,” he said, prompting Harry to yell ‘no’ at them. As he raised his wand again, he was disarmed once more by Violetta this time. Instead of fighting it, Harry looked at Sirius murderously.
“You betrayed my parents! You sold them out to Voldemort!” He exclaimed. Sirius shook his head quickly.
“It’s a lie! I never would have betrayed James and Lily!” Violetta held out a cautious hand in front of Harry.
“Harry! You’ve got to listen-” she was cut off by the boy in question with a glare.
“Did he listen! When my mother was dying! Did he hear her screaming!?”
“No! I wasn't there! And I'll  regret it the rest of my life!” Sirius answered instead. The boy’s eyes flash to Black's, glittering with pain.
“Someone else betrayed your parents, Harry. Someone in this room right now. Someone who, until quite recently, we believed to be dead,” Remus spoke calmly. Sirius scoffed humorlessly.
“He’s as good as dead.” Harry looked between the three of them confused.
“What’re you talking about? There’s nobody else here.”
“Oh yes there is,” Sirius responded before pointing at Ron - or more accurately, Scabbers - menacingly. “Come out, come out Peter. Come out and play.��� Ron drew back uncomfortably from Sirius’s seemingly demented gaze.
“You’re mad,” he said with a shake of his head. Violetta watched Harry’s gaze go between Ron to Scabbers, who was twisting violently. Then he watched as the three adults raised their wands. But before they could do anything, a new voice cut in.
“Expelliarmus!” Snape yelled, successfully disarming the other three adults. All six of them looked at him as he stood in the doorway with a smug smile.
“Ah, vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I’d be the one to catch you,” he spoke in the same smug tone.
“Severus-” Remus started, making Snape look at him.
“I told Dumbledore you were helping your old friend into the castle. And here’s the proof,” he added.
“Brilliant!” Sirius exclaimed sarcastically. “And- as usual- dead wrong. Now give us our wands back. The three of us have some unfinished business to tend to.” He began to approach Snape, but he only pressed his wand to the prisoner’s neck.
“Give me a reason. I beg you,” he muttered maliciously.
“Don’t be a fool Severus!” Violetta cut in, stepping up to him despite the considerable height difference between them.
“He can’t help it. It’s habit by now,” Sirius responded smartly, prompting Remus to shush him roughly.
“Listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple. The creature and the criminal.”
“Piss off,” Sirius snapped. The same malicious smile stayed on Snape’s face.
“Witty as ever I see. Tell me, will you be so irreverent when I turn you over to the Dementors?” He watched Sirius’s features fall and Violetta's eyes widen. “Do I detect a flicker of fear? One can only imagine what it must be like to endure the Dementor's Kiss. It's said to be unbearable to witness. But I'll do my best.” His eyes suddenly hardened and he gestured to the door.
“After you.” All at once, Violetta watched as Harry picked up his wand from the table and used Expelliarmus on Snape. The professor flew through the air and hit the far wall, falling down unconscious.
“You just attacked a teacher, Harry,” Hermione stated, shocked. Harry didn’t seem to hear her as he faced Sirius.
“You said Peter earlier. Peter who?”
“Pettigrew,” Remus answered. “He went to school with all of us. We thought he was a friend.” Harry began to say that Pettigrew was dead, and that Sirius had killed him.
“We thought so too, until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the Map.” Harry began saying that the map was lying, but Sirius shook his head.
“The Map never lies. Pettigrew's alive. And he's right there,” Violetta spoke, pointing at what Ron thought was him. Ron went white and began denying that it was him.
“Not you, you idiot! Your rat.”
“Scabbers? Scabbers has been in my family for-”
“Twelve years,” Sirius finished. “A curiously long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe, isn't he?” Sirius unfolded a dog eared clip of The Daily Prophet that showed the Weasleys with Scabbers on Ron's shoulder. Ron tried to brush it off, but Harry seemed to understand where they were going with this.
“All they could find of Pettigrew was his-”
“Finger,” Violetta finished bitterly. “The coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead. Then he transformed into a rat.” Harry looked between the three of them before telling them to show him. Ron asked what they were going to do but they ignored him.
“Together,” Remus said. With that, he took out his wand and, as one, he, Violetta and Sirius cast a stream of blue and white light. Scabbers twisted madly in midair. Then, with a bright flash, Scabbers was turned back into Peter Pettigrew.
“S-Sirius... R-Remus, Violetta. My old friends.” None of them spoke. Pettigrew's small, watery eyes darted toward the windows and door. He made a break for it, but Sirius merely shoved him back. Pettigrew's nose twitched, his gaze finding Harry. His hands flutter nervously, revealing a missing finger.
“Harry! Look at you! Y-you look just like your father. Like James. We were the best of friends, he and I-”
“Shut up!” Violetta screamed. “How dare you talk to James’s son like you aren’t the reason he isn’t here!” She stepped toward him, but Remus wrapped his hands around her middle to hold her back. Her eyes were filled with tears as she stared at him hatefully. She hated that she cried when angry enough. 
“I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What would any of you have done!” Sirius answered without hesitation.
“Died! Died rather than betray my friends! And you should have realized, Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you,” he trailed off and Remus completed his sentence.
“We would.”
“No... please... you can't…” Peter exclaimed, looking around before kneeling in front of Ron shakily.
“Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat.” When Ron drew back in disgust, Pettigrew turned to Hermione.
“Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them…” he trailed off. Violetta used a simple charm to move him away from the children. Simultaneously she, Remus, Sirius raised their wands and pointed them directly at Pettigrew. They would have killed him then and there if Harry hadn’t stopped them. Remus attempted to defend their actions, but Harry told him they’d take him to the castle. Pettigrew dropped to his knees, thanking Harry profusely as he grabbed his shirt, but Harry shoved him away roughly.
“Get off! I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the Dementors can have you,” he said bitterly. With that, Remus and Sirius grabbed Pettigrew and began dragging him out. Violetta enlisted Hermione’s help to put a Somnambulist Charm on him before they, Harry and Ron followed the three men out with Snape behind them.
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weloveharrypotter · 4 years
Father Figure Pt. 11
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Student! Orphan! Reader
Summary: Everyone thinks the situation between Kat and Y/n died down, but it hasent. Y/n is constantly harassed and bullied by Kat and Taylor and their friends. However, Y/n refuses to tell anyone. But one day she just snaps. That’s when Fred and Teddy come to the rescue. (This is an Au where Fred lived. It takes place in current time, cursed child doesn’t happen. Also I know Teddy Lupin is supposed to be 6 years older than the reader and James Sirius but for the sake of the fic I’m making him a year older)
Warnings: cussing, bullying, harassment (verbal), slur? (It’s the word ‘mudblood’), crying (it had a fluffy end don’t worry)
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It was currently potions, and Y/n sat next to James, Albus, and Teddy. Teddy and Y/n have gotten closer but haven’t talked about the near kiss at the lake.
Teddy could tell recently Y/n wasn’t herself. She pulled pranks but none of them ever really made her happy, she’s was talking and joking less, and sometimes even avoiding them.
He couldn’t think of why, but he was determined to figure it out.
They were all getting a head start in the homework when the bell rang. They started to pack their bag.
That’s when Kat came walking over, and Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Well hello there.” She said walking next to Y/n and putting her hands on the desk and leaning over to her.
“What!?” Y/n asked rudely.
“So rude, I haven’t even said anything, mudblood.”
“I’ve never told you my blood status, idiot.” Y/n replied.
“Probably Beacuse you don’t know it, orphan.” Kat replied.
Y/n was filled with pure rage, but managed to keep herself from attacking her, and the rest of the groups jaw dropped.
Especially Teddy. His mind was racing with thoughts and questions. The two main questions were ‘is this what you were hiding? Did you think this is something that would make him, James, and Albus leave’, and ‘is this why you’ve been different? Was it Beacuse Kat was treating you like this when they weren’t around?’
Y/n snapped and stood up.
“Ooo, someone’s mad now? What are you going to do?” Kat asked amused.
“Question is what are you going to do. Because the last time I checked your little boyfriend who helps you jump people was still suspended. There’s no one who will help you now. No one here to protect you because you will never have the balls to do anything on your own.” Y/n said snapping, yet also keeping a lower voice.
Kat sucked in a breath and stomped away. She than snuck a glance at Teddy, James, and Albus.
“Y/n-.” Beofre Teddy could get any further Y/n walked away.
She heard the group walking and calling after her, but she only picked up her pace and ignored them.
She turned into a closet and casted a very powerful locking spell. She shrank down to the floor, and leaned her back against the wall.
She let the warm tears run down her face as she laid he head back. She wasn’t given any time really, to herself before there was knocking.
“Y/n open up.” James said knocking.
Y/n only sat there and continued to cry.
“Common let us in.” Albus added desperately.
Y/n only stood her ground.
“Y/n, love, please let me in.” Teddy begged.
Still nothing was changed. Another good 20 minutes of this and attempts to unlock the door had gone by.
Teddy sighed as he backed from the door a bit. He called the two boys over.
“So what do we do, I can’t sit out here and let her cry like this.” James said.
“Same.” Albus agreed.
“Neither can I. So that’s why we have to get someone else.” Teddy informed.
“She’ll be pissed if we tell a professor or the headmaster.” Albus replied.
“That’s why we aren’t telling them.” Teddy replied.
“Than who are we getting?” Albus asked.
“We need uncle Fred.” Teddy answered.
“Uncle Fred? He’s working, he can’t just drop everything.” James said.
“Have you seen their bond. There like father and daughter, they’d drop everything for each other.” Teddy argued.
James and Albus couldn’t argue. It was apparent since the first time they met you, you two were inseparable. They nodded.
“You two stay here and try to keep her busy or try to get her to talk. I’ll go get him.” Teddy said.
Luckily the next class had started just moments ago so the halls were clear. Teddy, however, still snuck around the school in case he saw either the caretaker or groundskeeper.
He made it out of the school, and than made his way to the train station. He got there and made his way to the train, and got on. The train pulled away and he was now on his way to Diagon Alley.
The train stopped and Teddy stood quickly, and walked fast, almost jogged. Finally he got to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.
He ran around looking for Fred. He went upstairs into his office and saw Fred and George talking.
“Fred there’s an emergency.” Teddy said.
Fred and George immediately got conceded and grabbed their coats.
“What happened?” Fred asked.
“Y/n was apparently being bullied and didn’t tell anyone. They did it in front of James, Albus, and I, and a few other people, and she locked herself in a closet and we can’t get her out.” Teddy explained quickly.
“Let’s go.” Fred said immediately as he walked over while putting his coat on.
George, however, put his coat back down recognizing this was a situation for Fred.
Fed and Teddy sat anxiously on the train ride back.
“W-who did it? Also what did they do?” Fred asked.
“It was Kat. She called her the slur for myggleborn, and exposed her for being an orphan.” Teddy informed.
Fred sighed. He was heartbroken for Y/n. He knew this was the worse possible situation.
Teddy ran up to the closet door you were in. Once they were there he knocked gently.
“Y/n, love, I brought someone.” Teddy said.
“Hello, darling.” Fred said.
Y/n’s head lifted at the familiar and comforting voice.
“Can you let Fred and I in. Or just Fred. Either or, whatever you want.” Teddy offered.
“Y-you can come in. But only you two.” Y/n said.
There was audible movement, and than a click. They pushed the door open to see Y/n, and closed it after they walked in.
She sat with her back to the wall. Her head was looking up, and her feet were close to being pulled to her chest. And her arms were crossed.
The pair made their way over to you and sat by you. Fred sat on your left while Teddy sat on your right side.
Fred put an arm around your shoulder. Whilst Teddy laid his arm on my thighs.
“Are you ok?” Fred asked. Y/n shook her head no in response.
“Wanna talk about it?” Teddy asked.
Y/n sighed. He already knew now, so why hold back.
“I... have been an orphan ever since I could remember. They like to hit the kids from time to time. And I don’t know how she found out but... to hear her bring it up. It... it hurt.” Y/n admitted.
“And that sucks. Because I’ve tried for so long, to not be affected by it. To not be sensitive about it-.” “Don’t you dare say that.” Teddy said cutting her off.
“Darling, they’re abusing you. They hit you. It’s ok to be affected by it, it’s ok to not want people to talk about it.” Fred said.
Y/n wiped the tears falling from her eyes. Teddy and Fred squeezed her comfortingly.
“I know it’s hard, to have someone like her, doing this all the time, but just know, you will always have me. Ok?” Teddy said.
“And me too.” Fred added.
Y/n nodded and they gave her a soft smile. A small one tugged at her lips in response.
“We’ll work on getting her stopped.” Teddy said and Y/n nodded in response.
There was a moment of silence between the trio.
“Why are you doing this?” Y/n asked.
“Doing what?” Teddy asked.
“Comforting me. Or really just caring about me in general?” Y/n asked.
“Beacuse we love you. And we’d never trade you for the world.” Fred answered.
Teddy and Fred leaned in closer and snuggled up to her.
She laid he head on Fred’s shoulder. After a long while Y/n drifted to sleep. Fred and Teddy took notice to this.
Fred picked her up carefully, and they made their way to the dorms. Once they got there, they went into the girls dorm.
Once they were there, Tedddy led Fred to her bed. Fred placed her on top gently, and brushed some hair out of her face before kissing her head softly.
He sighed knowing he’d have to leave.
“I’ll stop but the headmasters before I leave.” Fred informed.
“Just take care of her. Ok?” Fred asked.
“Of course.” Teddy replied while nodded.
Teddy and Fred said their goodbyes beofre the door shut and Teddy sighed. He turned around and looked over to Y/n.
You looked peaceful. For the first time in a little while.
He walked over and laid down next to Y/n, before wrapping his arms around her. He held her tightly and close until he too, drifted off to sleep.
(A/N): Thank you for reading. I hope y’all enjoyed this part. There will be more. 😊
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robert “bob” floyd
- coming soon!
bradley “rooster” bradshaw
- coming soon!
jake “hangman” seresin
- coming soon!
james potter
- coming soon!
sirius black
- coming soon!
remus lupin
- coming soon!
lily evans
- coming soon!
mary macdonald
- coming soon!
dorcas meadowes
- coming soon!
marlene mckinnon
- coming soon!
harry potter
- coming soon!
ron weasley
- coming soon!
hermione granger
- coming soon!
luna lovegood
- coming soon!
neville longbottom
- coming soon!
george weasley
- coming soon!
fred weasley
- coming soon!
cedric diggory
- coming soon!
stranger things ꒰🎧꒱
jonathan byers
do overs
steve harrington
eddie munson
exes to lovers
robin buckley
high school crush
mike wheeler
i wish i knew
max mayfield
dating modern!max mayfield
lucas sinclair
- coming soon!
dustin henderson
- coming soon!
eleven / jane hopper
- coming soon!
platonic!will byers
- coming soon!
draco malfoy, vecna/henry creel/001, billy hagrove, celebrities, severus snape, lucius malfoy, bellatrix lestrange, voldemort/tom riddle…
you can request anyone, even if they’re not on this list, just as long as it’s not: them ^, someone who is racist, homophobic; any of it the -ists and -phobics!! nsfw asks are allowed, they will be aged up most likely! i will not be writing any kind of romantic plot for will byers or any canonically gay male as i only do x fem!readers and will byers is a canonically/ heavily implied gay character! most of my writing will be for black!fem!readers but everyone is welcome to read!!
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lilahisntsadanymore · 3 years
We're the black sheep
Chapter Two
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Words count: 1.8k
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[Y/n] and Circe decided to grab some food from the Great Hall and have a small morning walk outside. The castle was stunning inside and the surroundings weren't worse. The girls took a stroll near the Great Lake, or as some people used to call it – the Black Lake. Under the lake there was the Slytherin common room, sometimes the students could see through a glass part of the ceiling a giant squid swimming by.
"Look who's there." [Y/n] scoffed, pointing at a couple which was sitting under a tree, very close to the lake.
"Oh Merlin. Let's go, we'll be late for the first class." Circe sighed, grabbing her friend's wrist. The couple sitting under the tree was Circe's ex with his new girlfriend.
"No, Circe. Let's punish our favourite Ravenclaw for cheating on you with that Hufflepuff blondie."
"Or let's punish them both."
The girls smiled mischevously at each other. When they noticed the couple getting up, they took out their wands. [Y/n]'s pointed at the boy and Circe's pointed at the girl.
The Hufflepuff girl fell into the lake.
The Ravenclaw boy was attacked by a bunch of tiny birds that flew out of [Y/n]'s wand. Girls laughed watching him trying to help his new girlfriend get out of the water as birds were flying all around him. When he noticed [Y/n] and Circe, he started walking towards them with a wand in his hand and an angry frown on his face.
"Time for some morning jogging." [Y/n] laughed, grabbing her friend's forearm. The Ravenclaw ran after them, shooting spells but the girls were dodging them well.
"Potions?" [Y/n] asked, not stopping running.
"Potions." Circe answered.
As they ran to the classroom, their laugh echoed though hallways.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 The girls were late for class. They tried to put on serious faces, but it was so hard for them to stop giggling. Everyone turned to them as soon as they walked through the door, causing [Y/n] and Circe to burst out laughing.
"Miss Hannigan, Miss Northcott," professor Slughorn looked at the girls, "late on the first day, I don't think it's a good reason to laugh about."
"We're so sorry, professor." Circe apologized.
"Only five minutes late though, " [Y/n] added in a defensive but sweet tone she usually used with every teacher, "I'm sure it's not a big problem."
"I'm not taking any points from Slytherin just because it's the first day. Please take a seat."
 [Y/n] and Circe sat at the last empty table. Unfortunately for them, it was a table right in front of the boys they mutually disliked. James and Sirius, who were constantly whispering something to each other.
"Today we're talking about this potion," the professor pointed at his desk, on which there was a vial of a pearly-coloured potion with a spiral steam rising from it, "does anyone know what potion it is?"
Slughorn looked around the classroom, hoping to see at least one raised hand. But it seemed like nobody wanted to answer, so [Y/n] raised her hand.
"Yes, Miss Hannigan?"
"I'm pretty sure it's amortentia," she answered, "the strongest love potion. Are we going to make it? I thought it's illegal and its production is supervised by the Ministry of Magic."
"That's right, ten points to Slytherin. You aren't going to make it, but I'd like to ask four of you to come up to my desk."
Those four students were [Y/n], her housemate Severus Snape and two Gryffindors: Remus Lupin and Marlene McKinnon. Professor asked them to smell the potion and asked:
"What do you smell?"
"Chocolate." Remus answered. "And the smell of baking."
"I can smell some flower. And the scent of library? And...strawberries?" Severus said.
"I smell oranges!" Marlene giggled. "And grass mixed with girly perfume"
"Lucky. All I can smell are cigarettes and some expensive cologne." [Y/n] nagged, rolling her eyes.
"Blame yourself," Remus said, trying not to laugh, because he suspected who [Y/n] smelled in the potion, "you smell what attracts you."
[Y/n] rolled her eyes at the comment.
"Very well, Mr Lupin" the teacher smiled at the boy, "ten points to Gryffindor. You can go back to your seats."
Everyone sat on their seats. Suddenly [Y/n] felt someone kicking her chair. Of course, it was nobody else than Sirius. The girl turned around and hissed:
"What's your problem, Black?"
"My problem?" He acted surprised and a smile appeared on his face, "You're the one smelling me in amortentia."
Then it hit her. She really did smell Sirius in the potion. [Y/n] was confused. She hated him, why would she be attracted to him? Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, she put an angry look on her face and said:
"Shove off, don't be so self absorbed."
"You like me." The boy teased.
"Shut up, Black."
[Y/n] turned around. She was furious. When she heard James and Sirius laugh, she clenched her fists, which started to shake. She couldn't believe she could have feelings for Sirius. It wasn't possible. The only thing [Y/n] could feel for him was hatred. Or at least that's what she kept repeating to herself.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Ugh, I hate Gryffindors." [Y/n] complained when the lesson was finished and now she was walking with Circe to another classroom.
"What's up ladies?" Owen asked, putting his left arm on [Y/n]'s shoulders and the right one around Circe's shoulders.
"[Y/n/n] fancies Black!" Circe squeaked with excitement. [Y/n] made a hand gesture telling her to lower her voice.
"Talk louder, the Hufflepuffs haven't heard you." She said sarcastically. Then she noticed the Marauders walking by and stopping near one of the corridor's big windows. Transfiguration was another subject that Slytherin and Gryffindor had together.
"Whoa, I disappear for one class and some drama happens?" Owen laughed. "Tell me more."
"Basically, [Y/n] smelled Black in amortentia." Circe squeaked again but this time more quiet.
Owen put a hand on his open mouth in shock as he looked at [Y/n] and said:
"I need to tell Reg. I think he-"
"Wen, no," Circe interrupted him, giggling, "not this Black."
Owen's eyes opened wide.
"Like...seriously? Or more like 'siriusly', got it?" The boy giggled.
"Excuse me," [Y/n] said, not feeling well. There was a weird feeling in her stomach making her wanna vomit. "I got to use the bathroom." She quickly walked to the closest restroom.
When she closed the big door, she then checked if every toilet cabin is empty. She wanted to make sure she's alone. Which she was. [Y/n] walked up to one of sinks and put her both hands on the edges of it. Forcing herself to look in the mirror, she noticed her [y/e/c] eyes getting teary.
"You weak bitch." She said to herself, tightening her grip on the sink until her fingers started feeling numb. She hated it, she hated feeling weak. But there was something more she felt. The strange feeling of wanting to puke didn't leave her. In the past fifteen years of her life, she haven't felt like this before. Was it some new level of anger? [Y/n] had no idea but, wanted it to go away as soon as possible.
Then the restroom door opened. [Y/n] wiped away a few tears that strolled down her cheeks. She wouldn't let anybody catch her being like this. Being weak. Especially not Sirius Black, who has just walked in. [Y/n] pushed herself away from the sink.
"What do you want, Black?" The girl put on her angry face again. "It's a girls' restroom."
"I just came here to say it's okay to like me." Sirius said. He seemed to be pleased seeing his enemy in such state. A weak, confused mess. "I'm awesome, too awesome to be hated for too long."
"I don't like you." [Y/n] hissed, turning around to be face to face with Sirius.
"Don't be so scared to admit it," he smirked, "you're not the first one, maybe ask other girls how to get over me. If that's even possible."
"Piss off, I hate you. I despise you."
"You love me, Hannigan."
Sirius stepped closer, causing [Y/n] to step back. She moved a bit to the left so that she wouldn't hurt herself on the sink. Eventually her back touched the cold wall and Sirius was dangerously close. He looked down and [Y/n] looked up because of their height difference.
"You love me," Sirius repeated whispering, "I'd dare you to say you hate me again, but we both know it isn't the truth."
"I fucking hate you, Sirius Black. You're the person I despise the most in the whole Hogwarts." [Y/n] growled, looking straight into the boy's grey eyes.
Sirius didn't say anything back. He looked at the girl with the casual haughty look on his face that [Y/n] suddenly started considering kind of handsome. Out of sudden, Sirius leaned in and put his lips on [Y/n]'s lips. The girl felt a mix of emotions exploding in her, she had absolutely no idea what she truly felt anymore. She was kissing her enemy. The guy she has hated for the past few years. It felt so wrong but it made her feel a warm tingling inside. [Y/n] scolded herself in her mind for liking it.
The kiss lasted longer than it should. [Y/n] pushed Sirius away and looked into his eyes once again. She felt blinded for a moment but then she started feeling the hatred and anger again. He had a smile on his face and that's what made [Y/n] storm out of the restroom.
She had to calm down, it wasn't a good idea to participate in a lesson looking like a mess. [Y/n] ran to the library and took a seat. Her breath was shaking as well as her hands. She hid her face in her hands. Then she felt someone touch her shoulder.
"What happened in the bathroom?" Circe asked, taking a seat next to [Y/n] with a worried look on her face.
"I think I do like Black." Was all [Y/n] managed to say right before tears started falling down her face. It was the first time ever she cried in public. Theoretically, because there wasn't anyone besides these two girls. Oh Merlin, what was the boy doing to her?
Circe hugged her friend, they froze and sat like this for a short period of time that felt like a few minutes. Then [Y/n] stood up, she looked like nothing happened. Her face was back to normal, without any signs of crying.
"It's temporary," she tried to explain, "a small moment of madness."
"What do you mean?" Circe asked being a little confused.
"I'm stressed over OWLs and everything, my brain isn't working properly. I don't 'love' that stupid git, I'm just tired!"
"Whatever rows your boat," Circe also stood up, "we should go if we don't wanna be late again."
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