#exam master to do list
the---hermit · 1 year
As I mentioned in some of my daily posts the next couple of month will be quite intense from a studying point of view, since I would like to take three exams during the summer exam season. I therefore decided to do a new productivity challenge (I think it's been over a year since my last one). This time it will be a 50 days challenge, and since I have so much to do I decided to write down a big master to do list for it. This will probably change as I start working on stuff, because I am sure I will realize I have not included everything/some things I have firstly included are not necessary. But this is mostly for me to keep in mind all I have to do for each class I am taking. On top of all of this I will have to attend lectures for most of this month, which is making everything more challenging, since I have such a long commute to uni.
read and annotate article 1
read and annotate article 2
read and annotate article 3
read and annotate article 4
read and annotate article 5
write a base text for the class presentation
make a ppt for said presentation
practice/review for the presentation
highlight all lecutre notes
read and annotate the lecture ppts (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
read and annotate additional notes on metallurgy
read and annotate article on ceramics
review notes/pdfs for exam
list of key words to review (?)
history of religions:
read and annotate book (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
watch and annotate missing lectures
highlight the lecture notes
read and annotate lecture ppts 18/18
write key words list
review outloud for exam
read book summary
write some additional notes on book summary
theories of man and practices of power in the early modern age:
catch up with the recorded lectures /33
highlight notes
read and annotate book /11
list of key words to review
review out loud before exam
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shrews-studies · 3 months
Graduation exam tomorrow, guys if I survive this I'll be the most carefree person on earth for the next 2 years
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
DCxDP fanfic Idea: Lights and Camera
"There he is," Tim whispered, looking out from behind the library bookshelves. Besides him, Bart, Kon, and Cassie lean over him, stacking each head on top of each other so they can adequately see who Tim is pointing out.
Across the libary, Babs shales her head with a sigh but doesn't call them out. For one, it would be unnecessary loud and another....well, she enjoys having blackmail on her vigilante coworkers and the Young Jutice team climbing on top of each other to stare at a random civilian was the good kind. She turns back to her list of books to stamp and scan back into the system.
Tim had mentioned seeing someone he wanted to recruit for his and his teammates' fake online clothes store. It was the cover the teens had come up with, for an explanation on how they all had such different backgrounds but had still become friends.
The other bats thought it was a mere cover, but Babs knew how seriously Tim took his fake store. It was mostly due to Tim's team making very realistic cosplay outfits that are commissioned to their site. Since they catered to such a nitch community Tim wanted each job to be perfect. (Also he's a nerd like that)
Or maybe it had everything to do with Tim's not-so-secret adoration of photography.
Bart made the clothes, Cassie and Conner modeled and Tim took all the photos. It helped that the speedster was used to making clothes in the post-apocalyptic future, but no one could deny his master of the needle. Cassie and Conner were both rather good looking, and they seemed perfectly fine with showing off this fact.
The thing is, their store is starting to gain traction. If it weren't for the fact, Bart could move as fast as he could, Just Us fashion would be behind orders for months.
Tim was worried someone would catch on and figured they should attempt to hire a co-tailor. They attempted to reach out to fellow heros but no one their age was interested and they seemed rather put off by the idea of asking a adult.
Everyone was still tense from the last time Young Justice asked the Justice League for help.
Tim then decided to attempt to find a civilian who would help them with smaller pieces. Or maybe someone he could throw in front of a camera and pretend Conner or Cassie had taken a step back from modeling to help out with the orders.
His team allowed him to search for someone since they had no idea where to start. Tim scouted through all of Gotham, and ended up landing on Danny Fenton.
Babs had looked into Fenton's background as a favor to Tim and to satisfy her own curiosity. There wasn't much to the boy. Born and raised in a small town in Illinois, Fenton dropped out of high school to get his GED around his junior year. The notes on his file by his English teacher, principal, and school counselor indicated he was bullied out of school.
He passed the exam on the first try and, within a year, moved four states away to join Gotham School of Arts with a major in fashion. His parents were certified geniuses with a family company working in security and "ecto-entities." His sister was going to Gotham University for a physiology major.
The Fentons are a comfortable upper middle class family with no criminal history; the only blemish on their record is Jack Fenton's speeding tickets.
Fenton lived in the better parts of the city, paying his way through college and his own expenses by working as a remote tech support for various companies. It seemed he had inherited a knack for computers from his parents.
Barbara wasn't sure what about Fenton stuck out to Tim. The boy barely participated in public events when it came to his fashion. He only turned in assignments, and unless Tim made a habit of walking through the school of arts, he would have never seen his work.
"Wait, is he wearing-?" Conner whispered, squinting at Fenton, who was tapping away on his laptop. "He is! That's Flame-Flame battle pants!"
"No way." Bart gasps, standing on his toes to lean closer. "They look so good! Where did he get them?"
"He made them," Tim says with a certain lift to his voice that Babs recognizes easily. Aw, her little computer partner has a crush. "He makes all kind of fandom merch that can be worn out in public."
"Tim, we got get him on the team. Look at that Flame-Flames sweatshirt! I need it" Cassie hisses, rocking in place. She nearly causes Conner- who was leaning on her- to tumble over. "Go talk to him."
"I can't"
At that, Babs glances up. She's never heard Tim be nervous to speak to anyone before. Yet that's what she finds as the Young Justice team disappear aroudn the coner surrounding a red face Tim.
"What do you mean you can't? Why not?" Conner asks
"Look, I already tried to recruit him but messed up my pitch." As he admits, Tim kicks his feet, not bothering to look anyone in the eye. When he locked eyes with me, I choked on my spit midsentence."
Cassie slaps a hand over her mouth, but she is not fast enough to hide the snicker that slips through. The glare she gets from the only regular human could have sent her to her uncle Hades. "I'm sorry, you choked on your spit? Mr. CEO of WE? Mr. Suave? Mr. New Lover, every other Tuesday?"
"Shut up you don't get it! He was dressed in a really cool outfit of the Ninjas of Konoha, okay!? I wasn't prepared."
Barbara glances at Fenton as the team attempts to tease Tim. Rather loudly. It's like they forget they are in a really old building, so the acoustics pick up their voices really easily.
Based on his blushing face and hunched-over form, Fenton can obviously hear them. He keeps sending short glances to the shelf the other teens hide in. Fenton glances at his computer screen before rapidly fixing up his hair and straightening his clothes.
He fixes his scattered papers just as Tim rounds the corner of the bookshelves, looking rather nervous as he scoots to Fenton's desk. Babs watches the remaining young juice team whisper and shout encouragement as Tim stands next to Fenton.
Fenton's face, if possible, go even redder, and much to Babs' shock, he even starts to twirl the end of his ponytail around his figure as Tim starts talking.
This is cute. She thinks, aiming her camera phone at the pair. Taking three different shots, each displaying Tim's fumbling mess and Fenton's obvious interest, she quickly sends it to the bats with an evil smirk. And sort of pathetic.
She gets answers instantly, almost everyone teasing Tim or making "They grow up so fast" comments. The messages make a warm feeling of the family burn in her chest, reminding her of all that they argue about; the Bats truly care for one another.
It's Bruce's thoughts that shatters the chat with a simple text.
Why is Tim flirting with the Ghost King?
Babrbara stares at the words for a long moment before she types
Babs: What do you mean? Who's the Ghost King?
Bruce: That's the Ghost King or his human form. He rules the ghosts and our flip dimension. The Justice League Dark has him marked as a level 15 threat.
Damian: I beg your finest pardon? There are only five other beings on that threat level.
Bruce: Exactly. Tim knows not to speak to him.
Steph: Ugh Bruce none of ous knew that.
Bruce: He was in the yearly safety warning PowerPoint. You all said you reviewed it.
Jason: That thing is nine hours long! Of course, not all of us would actually look through it.
Bruce: I worked very hard on it. :'(
Duke: Guys? Shouldn't we worry about Tim? I mean is the Ghost King going to hurt him
Bruce: No, he's known to be very benevolent. Just as long as you don't accidently insult him.
"I'm not a whore!" The voice cuts through the air like a bullet. Barbara glances up just in time to see Tim backing up with a panicked expression as Fenton sneers.
He quickly gathers his things with a flick of his wrist, having all left in a bright green glow, and pushes by the shuttering vigilante. He stomps his way out of the library with an inhuman growl.
Tim throws his face into his hands with a wail of dispair. "I should have never listen to Dick's flirting advice!"
Barbara slaps a head over her forehead before texting the rest. So Tim may have called the King a whore.
Bruce: This is why I ask you to read my safety PowerPoint.
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deadsetobsessions · 23 days
Snart Jr.
Lovely prompt by @stealingyourbones in her long prompts list, in which Danny Phantom meets the Rogues of Central City! This will have multiple parts, I just haven't written them yet.
Disclaimer: I know very little about Captain Cold and Mirror Master despite having watched some of the Flash. The general vibe I get from Flash is that Flash just really cares about his rogues as evidenced by how he talks to them and doesn't immediately one-shot them like I'm pretty sure he could do. And that Captain Cold is a snarky asshole that just wants to steal things and follow his plans as planned? Tbh, the whole mini-arc/episode with him just felt like Snart was trying to coordinate the world's riskiest group project. He was so done by the end lmao
"Huh. That's new."
Danny hovered an inch off of the ground, having just been spat out by swirling green portal. He was going to have to get back to the Zone later to hot potato Skulker through a couple of portals in revenge. He had a math exam he had to study for, dammit.
Danny sighed. Might as well see what's happening. The portals rarely lead somewhere boring, and Danny was bored. He floated further in, form going intangible and invisible as he passed through thick but insulated marble walls. See, Jazz? He could totally plan ahead. He's also learning that he could probably rob a bank easily, but Danny would never.
"Never been spat out in a bank before," he hummed, eyes flickering on the numerous forms of cowering people in the lobby. The goons scattered about don't see him, but it would take another ghost to even detect his presence so it was to be expected. He moved further in with little hindrance and soon touched down onto polished floor behind two incredibly suspicious individuals.
"What-cha do-ing?"
The two figures, currently and obviously robbing a bank, whirled around in surprise. Their respective weapons whirred to a start before they stopped, baffled by the meta teen standing there with his white hair waving about and innocent look pasted all over his face.
Leonard Snart knew instinctively that the kid was so full of shit. He'd bet his entire plan on the fact that the kid knew exactly what kind of shit he was stirring. Still, Snart was guilty of a lot of things but direct child-endangerment wasn't ever one of them.
"How'd you get in here, kid?" Mirror Master raised his laser pistol, ready to distract and divert the kid with threats of violence- which Snart glared at him for- or with his hall of mirrors that he'd run to.
Danny shrugged. "I walked. If you guys didn't want me here, you should have guarded the place better."
"They were supposed to," Snart drawled. He cased the kid. Teen. The kid had a weird halo effect, that seemed to draw the eyes to the stylized letter on his hazmat suit. The kid was young. Meta. Non-hostile. "You trying to stop us?"
Danny shook his head. "Nah. Came from the Ghost Zone so 's really non'a my business. I was just being nosy."
Snart gave a curt nod and nudged Mirror Master back into cracking the security measures.
Mirror Master scoffed. "What the hell is a ghost zone?"
"I mean, it's pretty self explanatory, right? It's a zone where ghosts live. Hence, you know, Ghost Zone." Danny did a little jazz hands (oh, yeah, he was definitely gonna get Jazz to make that joke sooner or later) for emphasis.
Snart paused for the slightest bit before continuing with his task. Did ghosts exist?
"...Did the Flash send you here, kid?"
"I'm not a kid," Danny scowled, walking right up to them. He got enough of that from his own Rogues, thank you. "And what's a Flash?"
"The Flash, kid." Mirror Master corrected, shoving monitors and PC's and expensive looking office chairs into... a mirror dimension? Danny shrugged and rolled with it.
"Who's that? Your boss?"
"Local superhero, not our boss. You're not from here," Snart quickly deduced as a small smile wormed onto his face from successfully cracking the security without setting off an alarm. They'd have ten minutes before the system cycles the access codes again and flags the fraudulent ones. That should be enough time.
"Superhero? Are they fast? Actually, where is here?" Danny glanced around at the now bare security office like the Flash would show up.
The guy in green and yellow took everything not nailed down to the ground. Danny respected that, even if he kind of wanted to stop the robbery. But he's not really supposed to interfere. That would be uber rude, since it looked like the guy in the fur jacket seemed like he had planned everything precisely.
"You're in Central City, kid. Did you take a wrong turn trying to get to Keystone or something?" Green-yellow guy snorted.
"Gonna be real honest with you, I've got no idea where that is. What state are we in?" Danny followed as the pair rushed to the safe doors. He could offer to phase them through but no matter how flexible Danny's morals have become over the years, he was going to draw a line at actively helping a person commit crime.
"Kansas. Do you teleport? Are you a teleporting meta?" Snart asked, eyes intense as he both glared at Danny and pressed an ear to the safe door.
"Nah, I wish I could teleport. Getting to school would be so much faster. Kansas? Huh, I've never been."
"How lost are you, kid?" Mirror Master incredulously paused from robbing the packages that were delivered to the bank.
Danny shrugged. "Oh, I'm Danny. Who are you guys?"
"Captain Cold. That's Mirror Master."
Danny shifted as the safe clicks open. "So, uh, are you guys the villains here?"
Captain Cold shot him a weird look. "We're actively robbing a bank, kid. That should be obvious."
"Also, you're acting real calm for a kid speaking to two of Fawcett's best super-villains." Mirror Master chimed in, laser-ing off locks on deposit boxes and shoving cash and stuff into his mirror dimension.
Danny padded in after them. "Eh, you haven't shot at me- not even on sight- yet, which is more than I can say for law enforcement, so you're pretty chill in my book."
Captain Cold snorted, pointedly taking his freeze gun and breaking off a large manual lock. "I believe it's my job to be the chill one. Plus, we don't kill. The Flash would be up our... business if we did. It's not worth the trouble."
"You can say ass. I've heard worse."
"Not from me, kid."
Danny hadn't had that kind of consideration from anyone in a long time. Even if it's a bit... mother-hennish, the halfa couldn't find it in him to be annoyed. "Ah, okay. Well, you also haven't kidnapped me or tried to stop me from following you, so..."
Mirror Master shoved a giant painting into his dimension. "You haven't tried to stop us; it'd be weird trying to stop you."
"Makes sense."
"Heh. You're alright, kid. Though... who's kidnapping you?"
"My fruit loop of a godfather. It's a thing," Danny avoided the searching gaze like a pro.
"Hold this." Captain Cold said suddenly, giving Danny a massive dufflebag.
"Wait, what?"
Captain Cold began stuffing the bag with cash and once the money in the vicinity (not that much) went in, he said "Go look around. Having another person in here is a risk so you might as well make up for it."
Danny's calling it. Captain Cold was full of shit. The guy's a big softie. Danny smiled sheepishly and agreed. Danny circled the place, pointing out expensive looking stuff- "for fun" and not because they were nice to him- when he felt the tell-tale zaps of an anomaly in Clockwork's domain.
"Move!" He shouted at the two villains, both of whom dove out of the way. Instinctively, Danny threw out his gloved hands and iced the floors, instincts bristling at the incoming danger. His jaw dropped as a blur encountered the ice and went ass over tea kettle onto the floor, unable to stop its own momentum.
"Oh shit!" Danny uttered, eyes wide as the blur slammed into the opposite- reinforced- wall with a pained shout. The stopped person was wearing red, with a lighting bolt motif all over their uniforms. That implied speed. Speed implied "The Flash." Danny knew a hero when he saw one and he just iced him. Shit.
"What-" The Flash groaned. Mirror Master and Captain Cold gaped.
"OhmyancientsI'msosorrygottagobye!" Danny shouted.
"Hey, wait, kid-!" Captain Cold shouted. Danny ignored him, going invisible in a panic and sank into the ground, mortified. After thirty seconds of self-hatred, he zoomed out and away. Danny held his head in his hands as he flew back to where Amity was...
Only to stare down at the empty plots of land where his city was supposed to be. Danny shoved a hand into his chest and pulled out his phone.
[No results for Amity Park. Did you mean "Amity Arkham"?]
Any research he did after that only turned up a Jasmine Fellona, a budding neurobiologist in her field, and other people that were adjacent to the people Danny knew. But nothing, nothing from Amity Park.
"Oh, yeah, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."
As the Flash stood around to keep an eye on the hand-cuffed villains, he couldn't help but ask.
"So, uh, Snart. Did you... get a kid?"
"What." Snart asked, incredibly done with this shit.
"You know. Snart junior? With the ice and everything?" Flash gestured at the un-melting ice that covered the floor leading into the safe. "I mean, I'm not thrilled you're pulling your kid into a life of crime..."
"Wait, you had a kid and didn't tell me?" Mirror Master asked, mildly offended. "That was your kid? No wonder no one shot at him!"
"He's not my kid." Snart gave Flash the stink-eye. "And don't you have a couple of baby sidekicks running around?"
"C'mon dude, you're so obviously fond of him. It's okay, you don't have to hide it." Flash avoided the topic... in a flash.
"Can someone arrest me right now so these idiots can be removed from my vicinity?" Snart snarked to the approaching officer, jerking his head to point at the beaming Flash.
"You and me both, buddy," Officer West sighed.
One trip to the zone and a stressful conversation with Clockwork later, Danny was found in his keep, smacking his ghost head into the ghost wall of his ghost keep. Danny would unleash a Wail if it didn't have the nasty habit of bringing everything around him.
Apparently, he got "Amity'd," a process which meant Amity spat him out like an over chewed dog bone and refused to take him back.
"That doesn't even make sense! I left there a bunch of times! And came back!"
"The city has decided that it was your time to leave, Danny." Clockwork spared a wane smile for the curled up boy-king.
"I have people to protect there! My entire life! My haunt!" Danny yelled, breaths that he didn't technically need coming shorter and shorter. The neon green of the Zone whirled in and out of his vision in a dizzying shudder of anxiety and incoming panic.
"It wasn't your haunt, I'm afraid. The city nurtured you as a young spirit- thus shared her haunt- and has decided that it was time for you to... leave the nest, so to speak."
That stopped Danny's panic in its tracks. "Are you telling me she NightVale-d me? Some kind of involuntary coming-of-age bs?"
If he weren't on the edge of hysterical laughter, Danny would take a moment and proudly say to Mr. Lancer that he had paid attention in class.
"Fuck." Danny dropped his head down in despair. His head made a loud thunk. The bag of cash he'd accidently made away with sat innocently at his feet. Further proof that it wasn't some nightmare he'd wake up from anytime soon.
Danny slumped over the desk, exhausted. Technus had lent him a ghostly hand and hacked into government data bases to re-establish his social security number and all the other dumb bits and bobs that he needed to establish his identity because Amity was an actual ghost town. Ghost to reality, ghost to real life. Ancients, Amity even had their own data network, which he couldn't access outside of Amity itself. This meant that Danny couldn't even call anyone. Ugh.
"I gotta find a place to live," he mumbled to himself. Danny, despite knowing that he needed to do things, did not move for another ten minutes.
Then, as his phone alarm went off, buzzing on the table. Like... Clockwork... Danny sat up straight and wiped all traces of wallowing self pity off his face. The people in the library- students- gave him solemn nods of solidarity. Danny nodded back and left the library.
He wandered around Fawcett City, somewhere Clockwork had recommended he stayed. With Clockwork, recommendations tended to be life-important (plot-important?) orders. Danny liked the place, really. It gave off the weird and settled "what-the-fuck,-Box-Ghost-did-you-have-to-destroy-the-mall?" vibes Amity constantly gave off after the ghosts started coming through. He thought he even saw a talking tiger! Awesome.
"Hey, are you new here?"
Danny looked down. His reflection stared back at him.
Did he have another kid? Did someone clone him again? Ancients curse you, Vlad!
"Uh- yeah."
"Oh. Do you need help getting around? I was born and raised here all my life, so I can totally do that!"
Oh thank the Ancients, this wasn't another Dani. Just a weirdly similar looking kid.
"You know I'm a stranger, right?"
"I don't think anyone helping Nanny Mae pick up her oranges would hurt kids," the kid said archly, but with a grin so like Dani, it made Danny miss his younger sister.
"Okay, you got me there. But still."
The kid sighed. "I know how to be safe, thanks. I'm Billy!"
"Danny. Nice to meet you."
"Okay, Danny, where you off to?"
"I'm actually trying to find a place that'll be cheap to rent." He's sixteen, but Danny could totally pass as eighteen. "I'm thinking about moving to Fawcett. It's nice here, with all the ambient magic and stuff."
This got him a wide-eyed look. "Do you use magic?"
"Something like that."
Danny took in the considering glint in Billy's eyes and decided that it was future!Danny's problem. Present!Danny was currently occupied with trying to stay off the streets. That giant bag of cash he'd accidently absconded with would be helpful and Danny felt kind of bad... but his growling stomach had chased that away quickly.
"This way!"
Danny shrugged his wavering morality off and followed the kid, shouldering his new and stolen duffle bag. If anything happened, he could just go ghost. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened in this city, Danny made sure to check.
"Have you been by the zoo?" Billy began to rattle off his favorite details about the Fawcett city zoo as he wove around the city.
Danny didn't think he'd actually have to go ghost.
"Not yet, actually. Is it true that there's a talking tiger there?"
"Yeah! Tawky Tawny! He's my friend!"
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paigebueckersmommy · 5 months
so high school
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“you know how to ball, i know arisitotle”
my master list
paige bueckers x reader
requested by anon
warnings: smut, fingering (paige receiving)
a/n: yall don’t realize how hard i tried to make this fluffy, ALL I COULD THINK OF WAS SMUT.
you were sitting at your dorm room desk studying for your finals with your girlfriend sitting on your bed. paige loved to come over when you were doing anything, just sitting there and admiring you. you enjoyed her presence, the thought of knowing she was there.
you heard paige get up off your bed, she was wearing a white nike sports bra and sweat shorts. she picked up a crumpled piece of paper on your desk, and shooting it into the small basketball hoop on your door you had gotten for her. she thought it was so thoughtful and loved it. “paige.” you say looking at her with a serious look and a smirk curling up in the forming of your mouth. “yesssss, beautiful?.” paige says with a shit eating grin on her face. “P i’m trying to study,” you say looking back at your desk and your laptop at the notes you were trying to take from a crappy youtube video. “i know but baby im boredddd, can you take a break please??” paige says flashing you puppy dog eyes knowing you could never say no to her. but this time, you had to.
“paige you know i wish i could but i have an exam in the morning.” you say truly wishing you could just hangout with your girlfriend. “okay, how about i quiz you?” paige says grinning and slightly leaning foraward. “sure baby.”
paige situates herself on your bed behind your desk, with your flash cards in her hand. you turned around your desk chair, now just noticing how good she really looked right now. her abs looked amazing, her blonde hair falling against her shoulders. “okay ma, first question.” paige goes on to ask you the first wuiestion when you pull the flash cards out of her hand. “y’know what? maybe i can take a break.” you say playing the flash cards you batted out of her hand onto the desk behind you and taking a step to paige.
you crawl onto her as her hand finds your back. she lays down as you straddle her, kissing her with your hands cupping her face. your hands make their way down to undo the bow of the drawstring of her shorts, she slightly moans into your mouth as you slid the shorts down her toned legs. you place your thumb over her clothes cunt, she’s soaked. “baby i haven’t even touched you yet?” you say looking at her with seductive eyes.
“i- your just so- pretty” she says stuttering. “oh i am?” you say before slipping two fingers into your own mouth coating them with your saliva. paige whimpered softly at the sight of this. you reach your free hand down to move her panties to the side, then pushing your fingers inside her. “o-oh shit,” paige says when you start moving your fingers in and out of her sopping wet cunt. her eyes are closed, “fuck baby-“ paige says when she opens her eyes realizing the intense way your looking at her. she smiles at the sight, then her mouth opens in a silent scream, “fuckfuckfuckfuck i’m close ma” moans pornographically.
you watch her as she releases under you, her mouth wind open as you pump in her a couple of times letting her ride out her high. you pull out bringing your fingers to your mouth swirling your tongue getting all of paige off. you hold intense eye contact with her as you do this, as she stares at you breathlessly.
you reach your face down to hers, placing a kiss on her lips, then plopping back down at your desk continuing to study.
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
master list⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀🍰
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loa content
my manifestation opinions
perfect princess affirmations
what do i manifest next
how to build confidence in urself as a creator
take the pressure OFF
you find the law for a reason
subtle saturation
breaking the cycle
how to ignore the 3D and be unbothered
how 2 stop a manifestation spiral
saturation challenge
girl get UP
lets talk manifestation
are u still obsessed with the 3D??
impossible is impossible
robotic affirming
imagination life is ur creation
reprogramming ur mind with affirmations
dolly saturation sessions : 1 2 3 4 5 6
trying to make a script
beauty and fashion content
products i love
effortlessly pretty
refresh, reboot shower routine
summertime beauty routines
lets talk skincare
extra self care routine
it girls guide to fragrance
soft skin 101
being creative with fashion
DIY beauty
all about fragrance
pink academic content
get ready to get back to school
my back to school list
exam prep
how to be a whole new student this school year (MASTERPOST)
financial literacy
wellbeing content
things that make me feel clean and fresh
lessons in protecting ur peace
to be a little healthier
how to protect urself and stop breaking ur own heart
what i learned during my reflection period
reset, refresh, move on
maintaining the mind
girl exorcism
slow morning routine
ways to look after ur mental well being
dealing with ur period
how to embrace being alone
starting ur healing journey
romanticizing ur night routine
self improvement content
how i manage multiple interests
how to keep a dolly mind
incorporating chic-ness and elegance into ur lifestyle
how to be ur own muse
planning basics
hottie's habits
about self respect
take care of YOU first
your greatest accomplishment is urself
how to be more feminine
the victim mentality
how to cultivate growth
simplified tunnel vision
celebrity energy
your guide to effortless glamour
ditch the desperation
the monthly necessities
maintaining/creating a social life
growing ur femininity
building ur dream life
goal ideas
for funsies
how to be a dessert
summer activities without screens
hot girl summer reminders
hot girl summer
honey's diary season ep 1
honey's diary session ep 2
honey's diary session ep 3
all about role models
girly morning and evening rituals
hyper femininity
your guide to casual glam
hyper girliness
some of my favorite shows and films
things to add onto ur morning routine
follow along morning routine
my girly arts and crafts era
honey's guide to fall
the it girls magazine
august catalogue
july catalogue
june catalogue
may catalogue
april catalogue
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mangotalkies · 1 year
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28.05: planning a three month long break; using a mug that's been lying on my shelf unused since forever; making some progress on my reading; creating my portfolio
i have about three months before my masters begins, and i want to use it extensively to learn subjects that i don't get to study academically or professionally. i'm also planning to learn sanskrit. i don't have a lot of confidence for it, but i'm gonna try anyway.
self study requires so much discipline. being a designer, my graduation in the design field didn't require me to "study" as much. in fact, i've not had a written exam in like 6 years. i did have a lot of presentations, case studies and juries though, which seems worse to me. but i think that's a classic case of the grass being greener on the other side.
my neurodivergent brain created a massive list of hobbies to pursue, subjects to learn and books to read. i'm really excited for the next three months though, it's all about how i plan and prioritise the things i want to do. (i won't, it's gonna be a chaotic hot mess but let's humour my enthusiasm).
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ferrstappen · 1 year
max, the wag (for the third time) l Max Verstappen x reader
a/n: i was in the middle of writing this when news of Danny coming back to the grid!!! omg I'm so happy of seeing RIC and listening to his radios and everything, it wasn't the same without him <3
also, about requests. Please keep sending them, I've LOVED all the reqs I've gotten but right now im getting ready for my bar exam in a couple of weeks so my time is super super limited, but I promise I'll get to most of them (bc imsorry there are some reqs that I really can't connect with) after the exam, it's one of the things I'm looking forward to <3 but for now this kind of mediocre story telling will have to do...
ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS INSTALLMENT! you can find part 1 and 2 on the master list <3
summary: the continuation of your favorite paddock couple.
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Max arrived to the track by himself.
If he was being honest, it wasn’t on his plans to walk alone with the photographers, Red Bull marketing team snatching him for stuff right after he swapped his credential. Even from far away he was able to hear chants of fans and more media than usual. 
But you weren’t right there next to him. 
He knew it wasn’t your fault, Silverstone not being a track where he was usually welcomed with opened arms and he was aware of you not wanting to be too in the eye of photographers who didn’t make questions to you, but there still were different WAGs and outfits or whatever accounts tracking your every step, especially with the new wave of partners and sudden break ups and polemics. 
Still, the selfish part of him wanted you to enter the track with him, even if it was a few steps ahead or behind him, holding your hand and smiling as you complained about the amount of credentials you had to carry: the usual green VIP Paddock, Red Bull something. You’d think after all these years they’d know me, you’d say and he’d laugh.
On the other hand, you finished getting ready and called the front desk to get a taxi to get there, feeling a bit guilty of letting Max go on his own, especially when there were more eyes on the track with Brad Pitt being there and a lot of important people who’d want to talk with him all day. 
Texting Max to let him know you were already by the guests entrance waiting when you noticed some intense flashes getting near. You’d been around a time or two to know this wasn’t usual, maybe in Miami but not when you were on the abandoned back entrance, not very glamorous and low key. 
But you saw her…
Shakira, are you visiting Lewis?
Who are you cheering today?
Shakira, third Grand Prix of the year! 
Did you talk to Lewis before? Is he nervous?
Your eyes followed her, mouth opening when you followed her small frame, exuding class and sympathy, even Alexandra who was also making her entrance stopped to get a closer look of the Colombian bombshell. 
Of course, they didn’t ask her to show and get accredited, she just walked by with a radiant smile leaving paparazzi behind as she kept talking with the friend she came with. 
But wasn’t that a Haas credential?
It didn’t matter, it wasn’t important, because right then your brain made the connections and started dialing Max while nervously biting your polished nails. 
“Baby, everything okay? Are you already inside?” Max answered, but his words were quiet and rushed. 
“Yes, but you’re never going to believe…”
“I’m sorry we have a meeting, please don’t go to the paddock, go straight to the driver’s lounge, okay? Love you” 
He hung up and you wanted to pull your hair out, knowing he is the one and only person you wanted to share this information with, and you were also certain he was the only person who would truly appreciate the gossip and speculation about his fellow driver’s love life. 
Max was able to leave the meeting almost forty minutes later, getting outside for some air until he remembered your call and that you probably were bored to death on the lounge. He was turning around to go there when…
When he saw the one and only Shakira in all of her glory. 
He wasn’t starstruck or anything, being immune to celebrities and the imaginary pedestal where most people placed them, but this wasn’t about that, it was about the way she was supposedly hiding under a cap walking towards the Mercedes garage.
He covered his mouth and hastily made his way to you. 
You didn’t greet each other with the usual peck on the lips and short hug; his slightly widened blue eyes told you exactly what you needed to know as he opened the door to his small room. 
“Please tell me that you saw her!” You said as soon as he closed the door. 
“Yes, just now she was walking to Mercedes,” Max was whisper shouting as if someone would hear him and it was the highest of secrets. 
“Did you see Lewis?” You asked Max but he said no. “What if you try to ask Brad Pitt if he saw her and like if they’re friends… with Shakira?” This time both you and your boyfriend laughed at the idea.
"I did see Sainz trying to go unnoticed with a tall brunette,do you think she is the new girlfriend?" Max asked and you nodded.
"I'm pretty sure he cheated on Isa with her, and I am almost certain she was in the Paddock Club in Monaco during qualifying," Max whistled at the new information.
Now he kissed you, lips fitting perfectly against each other, but your eyes suddenly opened and separated from him. What? Why? What happened? Max was disconcerted. 
“Please don’t laugh at me because this is a serious idea…” You told Max who had your entire attention. “What if we write to Deuxmoi?”
“Deux what?”
“They have all the inside scoops  and sightings, even your name’s popped up once or twice,” Max’s eyebrows rose at the information. “We should write that Shakira was seen on the British Grand Prix and I am one hundred percent sure someone will have more information!” You proposed and Max chuckled.
“Schatz, I can just ask Lewis why she’s here,” Max told you before embracing you, his arms circled around your waist.
You rolled your eyes before resting your head on his chest, but suddenly it hit you, swiftly lifting your head and facing Max. 
“Then why haven’t you asked him yet?!”
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calicoheartz · 4 months
Write one where Paige & reader get into a heated argument lots of angst happy ending
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From Ashes to Affection ; Paige Bueckers ﹒⟢
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꣑୧ — summary | you and paige were known for your self-deprecating jokes towards one another, but after tension builds and threatens to boil over, will your relationship spoil or will you manage to save it?
wc ; 662
— warnings | swearing , arguments , lots of angst but w a happy ending (yay) massive tw : self deprecating joke about anxiety
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : ooof I feel like I haven’t been writing as much angst lately so it was very fun to write ! enjoy ◡̈
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After a long week of final exams and nights filled with books sprawled across your desk, you took the opportunity to spend the eve of the incoming weekend with your girlfriend Paige.
Your differing schedules and commitments had left tension to build for weeks, simmering beneath the surface until it finally boiled over. It started with a harmless comment, a joke that was meant to be lighthearted, but it was taken the wrong way, triggering a chain reaction of hurtful words and unspoken frustrations. 
Paige knew how much you struggled with your anxiety, it was something that had plagued you for a majority of your life. You two had always made self-deprecating jokes at one another, the atmosphere was light and loving, giving you hope that maybe you were moving past the rough patch of your relationship. All until…
“Well thank god having bad anxiety isn't an olympic sport because you'd definitely have a gold medal.”
You felt your heart sink, you felt tears threatening to spill out of your eyes, due to the shock at the words the blonde had just said.
"I can't believe you would say that, Paige," you said, your voice filled with hurt. "I thought you knew me better than that."
Paige's expression hardened, her own hurt turning into anger. "Maybe I don't know you as well as I thought," she retorted, her words cutting like a knife.
The argument escalated quickly, both of you saying things you didn't mean, words fueled by hurt and anger. Before you knew it, Paige was storming out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the shattered remains of your relationship.
You packed a bag, leaving your promise ring on the bedside of the blondes bedside table, and headed towards your best friends house in order to calm down. 
Days turned into weeks, and despite your best efforts, the rift between you and Paige only seemed to grow wider. You missed her more than words could say, missed the way she would smile at you, the way she would hold you close when you needed comfort. But you couldn't bring yourself to reach out to her, to try and mend what was broken.
And then, one day, you received a letter from Paige. In it, she poured her heart out, apologizing for her part in the argument, for the hurtful things she had said. She admitted that she missed you, missed the way things used to be between you.
Torn between anger and longing, you found yourself faced with a choice. Could you find it in your heart to forgive Paige, to try and rebuild the trust that had been shattered? Or was it too late for the two of you, the damage done irreparable?
With a heavy heart, you penned a response to Paige, laying bare your own feelings and fears. You admitted that you missed her too, missed the way things used to be. But you also expressed your doubts, your fear that history would only repeat itself if you were to reconcile.
Weeks passed, and as the days turned into months, you found yourself thinking more and more about Paige, about the possibility of a future together. And then, one day, you received another letter from Paige, this time with a different tone, a tone of hope and determination.
"I understand if you can't forgive me, can't trust me again," Paige wrote. "But I want you to know that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn back your trust, to prove to you that I've changed. Please, Y/N, give me a chance to make things right between us."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you read Paige's words, words filled with sincerity and love. And in that moment, you knew that despite everything, you still loved her too. Taking a deep breath, you picked up your pen and began to write, ready to take the first step towards healing and forgiveness.
sorry for the short post my loves !! ive been super burnt out from writing and have been suffering from writers block so I hope y'all enjoyed this one <3 as always, thank u sm for reading !
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liveontelevision · 5 months
If I don't get more to that babysitter story soon I might just go into full withdrawals.
Well shit here you go bbg
Exams are mostly over which means I can suffer more! :)
This is definitely gonna be a multi-part series at this point, and I am working on part 3 already so - ya
Disclaimer: This is my personal interpretation of the characters from Hazbin Hotel. I respect the canon storyline and characters, but this fic will stray from it a decent amount.
Enjoy this very angsty mildly smutty
(This series is complete! All parts are listed on my master list and are linked below!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Suffer Pt. 2 | Lucifer x Reader
Things didn't exactly get easier for you after your stupid dalliance with Lucifer. Obviously, you lost your job. But you were a nanny, you lived in the manor. And now you have to find new housing somewhere else in Hell. You haven't been out on the streets in years, and protection was essentially guaranteed as a royal staff member, so it was definitely.. a change of pace. Getting some tips from your previous coworkers who lived outside the manor, you did your best to weave through the murderous streets to find some sort of safety.
“Hello? Anyone home?” The apartment you entered was located in a ratty-looking motel that sat in the middle of a more secluded area in Pentagram City. No matter how dirty, it did seem a little safer considering the distance between other sinners. Scanning the apartment, considering no one answered to your previous call, you hesitantly stepped through the door. An imp you used to work with at the hotel advised you to take some sort of protection out there. He handed you an incredibly sleek pistol. It was tiny, even compared to the size of your smaller hands. It was easy to slip in and out of the little holster on your outer thigh. Scoffing at the idea of needing to shoot anyone, you accepted it humbly. Just to be safe.
Looking out a busted window, surrounded by broken glass, you saw the demon who must've lived here. A twisted corpse, covered in splatters of blood and dirt. A long angelic spear, still standing, sits firmly in the center of their chest, a collection of other stab wounds littered across the rest of the body. Fuck. You knew about exterminations, everyone did. It was always a solemn day back at the manor, but you’ve never witnessed its actual afflictions. You stumbled backward, tripping over some random debris and falling to the floor, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. The fear you felt, the sharp pain in your palms where the glass shards had pierced you, it was all too much. Struggling to your knees, you crawl to the wall, leaning back against it with a thud. A sudden paranoia that someone may hear any noise you made, kept your breathing shallow. You pulled your knees to your chest, sitting in the dark room entirely alone. You wished you weren't alone. You wished he was here.
The last extermination day was about three months ago, so you knew the place hadn't been touched in at least that long. And as gruesome as it may sound, you now had a place to stay in the meantime. But, what are you supposed to do now? You were sure there weren't any families in Hell looking for a babysitter.. You could do little things, like mending clothes, cooking, and cleaning, but.. None of those skills were strong enough to get you into anything remotely as comfortable as being a royal nanny. Cell Phones were a thing at this time, but you never had a reason to have one before, so that’d be something you have to work for. You were essentially starting from scratch, as if you had just arrived in Hell.
You had to take to the streets. Walking nervously, with one hand on your little emergency weapon, you peeked into stores to see who might be hiring. Surprisingly, a quaint little bakery was just around the corner. Stepping inside, the little bell notifies the black-eyed woman standing at the counter. After a quick conversation, and browsing some of the baked goods, it finally clicked that you had walked straight into cannibal town without realizing. But.. It was surprisingly nice. The woman said she did need help in the kitchen, and while the image of cleaning blood and bones off baking pans made you shiver, it could've been worse.
With some hard work and absolute dumb luck, you managed to become a customer favorite. There were some close calls, gentlemen would always get a whiff of your scent before kissing your hand as a greeting, and sometimes you would even feel their teeth graze across your knuckles. The owner was such a lovely woman, despite also being a cannibal, she would swat at any unwanted advances and scold anyone who dared to taste her “best worker”. After a couple months, you were able to pretty up your inherited apartment, and it finally felt like somewhere you could call home.
And a few months after that, you would actually consider yourself in a good place. Bringing some homey decor into your new place, you had the urge to bring a few friends by. The only issue was, you didn't have friends. You were close to the owner, but she was.. Old fashioned. And customers were just that; customers. You were getting antsy though. You rummaged through the small duffle you took with you from the Morningstar residence and found a mildly appealing outfit. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you let out a dissatisfied hum. With one fell swoop, you took the bottom of your skirt and tore it fully around your legs. The dress that normally flowed sweetly to your calves, now flounced to your thighs. With one more spin, where you saw a little too much under your skirt, you decided that this would definitely get you some friends.
Oh, and how right you were. You made many “friends”. You played every card in the book, using dozens of excuses to bring home any demon who showed interest. You were careful about it, you could handle yourself, after all. You were finally getting the attention you deserved. But.. it wasn't from him. Each time you’d walk to work you’d see a flier or a billboard with the king of Hell’s grinning face on it. It churned your stomach each time. 
At this point, after some soul-searching, you decided on one thing. This was all Lucifer’s fault. How dare he smile at you the way he did. How could he constantly keep you company, making you wonder why you were even hired as a nanny? How could he so easily touch you without getting as nervous as you did? How could he kiss you the way he did, then call it a mistake? He did nothing to defend you. But these demons in your bed each night? They would do anything for just a taste of you and had no problem admitting that.
After finally appeasing your physical needs, you stopped pursuing demons. It’s been a few years since you've settled in, and now you look back at some of your hookups with a cringe. That was progress, right? Admitting it was just a phase? 
Your traveling hands told you otherwise. At night, especially after a long shift where your mind was too tired to think straight, your hands would trail down the center of your stomach. You could never explain what got you in this state, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you had to know. Taking no time, with your exhaustion quick to take over, you rubbed small circles across your still-clothed cunt. You held your blanket to your mouth to muffle any noises. You picked up the speed.
“Nng.. L-Lucifer..”  You moaned out softly, your blanket slipping out of your clenched fist. A swell of pleasure caused you to arch your back into your hand, still playing with your overstimulated cunt. After letting yourself calm down, you simply sit with tired eyes, looking at the ceiling with a visible glare. Well, shit.
“U-Uh.. Lillith, my love, don’t you think we should -” A quick glare back at the nervous king caused him to shut his mouth.
“Get yourself cleaned up, darling. Then, we’ll figure everything out.” She sounded far too calm for his liking, but once he turned to a mirror in a nearby vanity, he choked on any response he might have. He was covered in your lipstick. Fuck, he loved being covered in your lipstick. Quickly shaking the thought out of his head, he went off to clean up his face. Splashing water onto his face and neck, he let out a heavy sigh, refusing to look into his reflection. Even he’s ashamed to look into his eyes after what he’s done.
After folding his coat and draping it over a nearby chair, he carefully approached Lillith, who had sat down gracefully at the edge of their shared bed. She was holding up some papers with a purple haze, and with a flick of her wrist, she dropped certain ones into a nearby portal. Lucifer gathered the courage to sit next to his wife. He still kept a good distance, twisting his ring around his finger as a nervous fidget.
“What do you think of this one, dear?” Leaning in close to him, Lillith presents a piece of paper that she had just been looking at. A sudden chill ran down his spine, scanning the sheet. A picture of a homely demon, looking absolutely ancient, was clipped to piles of papers with references, experiences, and skills. Overall, if this were a normal situation, she would be a perfect fit to take care of Charlie. But so soon? He didn't want to bring that up. Hey! Can’t you keep the demon, who you just caught me sucking on, for a little while longer? That’s ridiculous.
“W-Well, sure, I’m sure Charlie would love her.. Great choice.. Love.” He was always quick to tell her or give her whatever would make her happy. He owed her that after all. After dragging her to the pits of Hell that he created.
“Hm! Well, that’s settled. I suggest you head to the other room for the night, you must understand how I’m feeling after what I saw.” She sounds absolutely heartless. Not in a way that comes off as cruel, just in the way she barely seems affected by something that weighs on his mind so heavily. Either way, he nodded and left their bedroom. 
No servants came to help him get ready for bed, as they usually do. Which isn't an issue, he wasn't completely incompetent. But it did leave him alone for the first time in centuries. Really, when was the last time he had been alone in a room for longer than a few minutes? He tried to not get caught up in the thought, shifting under the covers of the bed. It felt new. It felt unused.
Maybe it was the discomfort of sleeping in a bed that hadn't been touched for who knows how long, but Lucifer spent most of the night tossing and turning. How could he sleep with his mind so full of regret? But then, what was he regretting exactly? Was it the cheating on the one woman who's been by him through everything? Or was he regretting not saying something to you sooner? Not shutting the door when he had the chance? Regretting letting you go without a fight?
At some point in the night, he shot up, a sweating mess. He was still exhausted, even with the notion that he had just woken up from some night terror. Finally catching his breath, he slumps back down, shifting into some other sleeping position. With that one motion, he felt the stiffening problem in his shorts. Fuck. It wasn't there the whole night, but he knew exactly why it was here now. He laid on his back, spreading his knees a bit to gain better access to his aching groin. With the same goal of getting it over with, so he could go back to sleep, he palmed at his shorts before releasing his throbbing cock. Even if he convinced himself that this was just to help him get back to sleep, he couldn't prevent picturing you as he started to toy with himself
If you could see him in this state, you'd go mad. The image of him letting out soft whimpers to no one and pumping his own shaft, wishing his hand was your own.
With a speedy resolve, Lucifer pulls away his hand. Already disgusted with himself for essentially sending you to the streets to fend for yourself, he cleaned himself up before continuing to lay in the unfamiliar bed. The rest of the night was spent staring at the ceiling. It was all so.. Empty. He was so used to hearing the soft breathing of someone sleeping beside him, the comfort of being able to just turn his head and know he wasn't alone. He didn’t exactly miss the smell, but he could recognize the difference. The fragrance of whatever Lillith would use on her hair or skin, right before she would sleep, was gone. There was still a lingering scent, though. He couldn't quite place his finger on it. A sudden flash of your flushed appearance, ringing with an anticipation he hadn't seen in years, formed in his mind. He could have covered you in love bites and bruises right that instant - Oh. That must be it; He was smelling you. His senses were overwhelmed. By you.
“Sire! Breakfast!” A hasty knock at the bedroom door sent him sitting up quickly. He was still groggy since it didn't feel like he fell asleep at all. A random servant let themselves in, a tray of assorted breakfast pickings sitting heavily in their hands as they glided quickly to place it over his lap. He didn't normally have breakfast in bed. A surprise usually viewed as a treat, felt morbid to him. He usually had breakfast with..
With a heavy sigh, he dismisses the imp and pushes the tray off his lap. Who could have an appetite after everything that went on the night before?
As the days started to pass, Lillith eventually started acting like nothing had changed. Your replacement was quick to start working. Lucifer got along with her fine and Charlie seemed to like her plenty. Could this really be swept under the rug? Was a little kiss not worth a serious discussion after all these years? Apparently so. Neither of the royals brought it up to each other after that. They were actually fighting less than before - that is - Lucifer didn't feel it fair to try and rebuttal any of her arguments. And.. that’s the end of it. Just a fling that occurred on a restless night. Just a sinner making another sinful mistake, and the king of Hell creating more problems. There wasn't any more to it.
Extermination Day was fast approaching. This wasn't your first, but it was definitely jarring compared to how you handled it at the Morningstar Manor. You boarded up your windows, tore apart curtains, and generally made your hand-me-down apartment seem abandoned. No point in looking for sinners in an empty building, right? You were surprisingly calm, considering the circumstances, you brought a damned book to read while hiding in the safest area of your home. You didn't think much of it, Not until the screams began.
The battle cries became increasingly louder. The exorcists were quick to get to work, spreading their attacks through the most heavily populated areas first. The shouting and sobbing of other demons suddenly registered in your mind. You're terrified. It's easy for sinners to take their position for granted during their first year. You died on Earth, but here you are in Hell. You die in Hell, you regenerate, so you can continue your eternal punishment. But this extermination? It finally clicked in your mind that this could be it. This could be your end and you have no idea what would happen to you afterwards. Was there anything beyond Hell? Your spiraling thoughts were brought to a halt when some of the expertly nailed boards on your windows went flying across the room. You were safely tucked away in a closet, it wasn't closed, just ajar. You hoped that little detail would keep it clear that no demon would be stupid enough to hide in an open closet. You heard rustling, some things breaking, then breathing. She was so close to the closet, that you could hear her breathing. As she reached for the doorknob and you prepared for the worst, you could hear a command coming from outside. The exorcist left through your window in one fell swoop. You had no idea if that was the end of the extermination or if you had only managed to avoid one angel.
Gripping your knees to your chest, only prolonging your struggling breathing, you hoped for one thing. Your mind went spinning, as it does on occasion; After rough days or when certain guests weren't treating you very well, you would wish for help. In your fantasies, a knight in shining armor would come in, kick down the door, and save the day. He would whisk you off your feet and you'd have your happy ending. But today, extermination day, you wanted nothing more than for Lucifer to hold you. Not to save you, defend you from dangers, or play the hero, but to embrace you. Keep you close to his chest and tell you everything was going to be okay, and that you'll look back on this later and laugh. That you'll always be safe as long as you're with him.
Why did you have to ruin it? Things were so good before. You were safe, technically wealthy, and had a friend. A real friend who would help pick up your work if you ever felt the slightest overwhelmed, someone who would support and praise you, someone who would make you laugh. And you were too horned up to consider you could lose all of it.
A sharp pain running down your back forces you awake. Taking the time to recognize your surroundings, you recall crying yourself to sleep in the cramped safe haven you made for yourself. At least it worked. You're still here. Despite everything, you're still here. Taking your time, you stretched your stiff body and examined the damage to your home. It was in absolute shambles. The sight of the busted window made your blood run cold, just imagining an exorcist exploring your personal space. You took a mental note of everything you still had and carefully sat at the edge of your bed, your sheets littered with shards of window glass. This has to stop. You need some kind of respite again, you can't survive like this anymore.
You were embarrassed. It felt so strange going somewhere and admitting you need help, that was always a struggle for you. But to crawl to the establishment ran by Charlie? The toddler you raised? It would be near impossible to admit defeat to her. But you were shunned by the rest of the royal family, and quickly discovered you can't make it just living alone as a demon. There's only one other option. Heaven. You supposed it was time to give Redemption a shot. What else do you have to lose?
You hesitate to knock on the door once you're greeted with the signs hanging all over the front of the building. Homemade flyers and banners decorate the walls, saying things like Sinners Welcome!, Escape Redemption!, Ascend to the Heavens!, but the most important one was Free Housing! You knock so lightly on the door, that you have to do it again. It swung open -
You aren't exactly shocked by her appearance, she's been displayed on the news and you've seen her commercials a few times, but you still felt a stabbing pain in your chest. It was from a combination of nerves and.. was that pride? To see this little girl, you helped raise for a moment, as a grown woman who was pursuing her dreams?
She immediately bombarded you with questions and greetings. She still had that energy, didn't she?
"This is the lobby! And over here is the bar, if you drink, and here is -” You started to tune out her voice, still smiling and nodding when she looked at you. Taking in your surroundings, you would at least smile at the other demons you'd make eye contact with. You recognized Angel Dust, obviously a celebrity in Hell, but the rest were strangers to you. Emphasis on strange.
Finally appearing from the shadows, you did actually recognize the so-called radio demon. He would frequently come into your bakery with the overlord of Cannibal Town, Rosie. You'd serve them, which was not normally a service you'd provide, but your boss insisted. He seemed nice enough from those interactions, you saw no reason to fear him. Yet. He was kind enough to stop you and Charlie to chat.
"Ah, a familiar face!" He greeted you by taking up your hand and placing a light kiss on your knuckles, immediately sending shivers down your spine. "Pleasure to see you, again, dear." He spoke into your hand. "Quit the pleasure~" Your hand still held to his lips, he looked up to meet your eyes. With a nervous chuckle and a nod, you pull your hand away, almost pushing Charlie to move on. You didn't want him to see your flustered face.
"So.. How's your dad been?" You idiot. Why would you ask that? You didn't want to know the answer.
"Oh! Um.. That's a weird question - We don't talk much, he's doing important things you know, considering he's the king and all, but uh..good! Pretty sure he's.. good..." Her nervous reactions were just like her father's, but you didn't have time to dwell on that. You knew Lillith had disappeared, everyone did. You wondered what happened. You wondered what it would be like if you were still in the manor with them. If Lucifer would treat you differently with Lillith gone.. Stop. 
“Well, I used to work at the manor, actually.. erm.. Do you recognize me..? By any chance?" Charlie's face gleamed with excitement as she took your hands into hers. You were hopeful for a second.
"That is so cool! I haven't been home in ages.. so I'm not sure I remember you but - wow, we have so much to talk about!" She let out an excited squeal that left you smiling nervously. She didn't recognize you. That was fair, you only knew her when she was young, but you thought.. maybe...
Aging in Hell worked differently. While Charlie had truly grown, you've looked the same for multiple decades. You almost hoped that would trigger something in her mind.. thinking about it, you'd love to reconnect with her. But you can't. You can't look at her without seeing him. Maybe her not recognizing you is the best for now.
You settled into the hotel pretty quickly, and considering your housekeeping skills, the rest of the staff and residents seemed to warm up to you, asking for help with little things like mending or baking. You also helped Charlie with anything you could. She had a lot of questions about what her childhood home was like before she came along, and you had to do your best to dance around the important details.
As you were fixing up a skirt for Angel, one that was torn straight in half, your head was suddenly with radio static. A shadowy figure appeared in front of you. With Alastor looking down at you, he was much more intimidating. Doesn't stop the fact that he made you blush like crazy.
"Alastor. What's up?" You turned your head back down to continue your sewing, trying to keep a cool facade, then felt the seat next to you dip slightly.
"A little birdy told me you have an.. interesting past. Sounds like you have quite the history with the royal family, correct?" You hesitantly nod.
"I'd love to hear some stories if you have anything.. juicy." He definitely learned that word from Rosie. You chuckled at the sound of such a modern word warped with static. You gave him the same details you would tell Charlie, vague and definitely not juicy.
As you spoke and sewed at the same time, you ended up jabbing your finger with the needle. With a disappointed groan, you squeezed your finger, letting the blood drop grow. A quick reaction, Alastor lightly took a grasp of your wrist and brought your finger to his lips. With just a single swipe of his tongue, he wiped the blood clean. You tried your best to act disgusted, he was a cannibal after all, but your face was still heating up.
“O-Ookay.. thank you, I suppose..? Anyway..” You took a moment to shake any inappropriate thoughts from your head before returning to your stories. Alastor simply sat and nodded, occasionally letting out a little chortle at something you tried to joke about. "It was definitely a cushy job, I mean, you get free housing as a nanny, protection, food and - "
"A nanny, hmm?" Fuck. You quickly dropped what you were doing to face him. "Alastor, please don't say anything to Charlie. She doesn't even remember me since I had to leave when she was young, and I.. I want to keep it that way, okay? Keep this between us? Please?" You were begging. You had a great relationship with Charlie right now, there was no point bringing up the past. Or the mistakes you've made. You didn't see his smile grow, but it definitely did.
"Not a problem, my dear! I'm not one to blab.. since you asked so nicely." He looked at his clawed fingers as if they were neatly painted nails. You let out a sigh of relief, shakily reaching for your little sewing project in your lap to proceed where you left off.
"Thanks. I owe you one." You had no idea what you did, but apparently, that was enough for him. Enough to signal a deal. You officially owed Alastor a favor, and you had no idea what that could entail.
“Okay, everyone! My dad agreed to come and see what I'm - what we - are doing here! This could really help the hotel, so we are going to pretty it up and make it as welcoming as we can!” Charlie stood on the previously used trust-fall stage as she spoke.
“We’ve got one hour, people! Let’s get going!” The command from Vaggie, only made you sweat more. You stood in the small crowd of recently made friends, suddenly shrinking where you stood. You had no idea what Lucifer had been up to these past years. He definitely wasn't making any public appearances and Charlie rarely talked about him, so you just assumed he wasn't interested in her little project. It was shocking to you at first, that the gentle father you used to know had barely even spoken to her in almost a decade.
But that's beside the point. He was coming to the hotel. Stepping off the stage as the crowd dispersed, Charlie came directly to you. She held onto both your hands, before shining a giddy smile your way.
“Isn’t it exciting? Maybe he’ll recognize you! It’ll be like a little reunion!”  You simply smiled and nodded, before quickly stepping away. Charlie started directing people, nicely, to start cleaning things up and creating banners and other decorations. A familiar static ran through your core as you hit the top of the stairs, ready to hide wherever you could.
You groaned, “Alastor, I just need to get out of here, please don’t bug me right now.” He was quick to block your path, placing a hand on his chest as if he were wounded.
“How cruel of you, I simply want to chat! I’m just wondering how you’re doing, dear.” His voice was sweet, but it still put you on edge. You waved him off and kept walking.
“Don’t give me that shit, I know you don't really care.” You rolled your eyes as he continued to walk with you, occasionally brushing his side against yours with his strides. Alastor was becoming close to you over these past few months, even getting a little touchy at times. You definitely didn't mind it. You considered making some kind of move, but the idea of that failing made you cringe.
“Goodness, how rude you are today! Aren’t you excited to see your old employer? Or.. are you nervous?” He knew what he was doing. You did your best to hide your anxious reaction, but he saw right through it.
“M-Maybe a little nervous. There, are you happy now? I don’t want to see him, I’m not ready - “ You muffled a frustrated groan into your hands, stopping in place
“Not a problem, my dear! Why don’t you stick with me today? I would hate to see you in such a state of despair - ” Liar. “ - just think about it.” You nod your head, but you were pretty sure you wouldn't be leaving your room for the rest of the day.
“Good girl.” With a quick pat on your head and a flicker of the lights, Alastor disappeared from sight. Your whole body shivered as you stepped into your room. 
You recognized his voice immediately, even from your room. it didn't help that he was practically shouting. You were sitting in your bed, your back against the headboard and your knees pulled tightly to your chest. You would grab a book, or maybe the phone you finally managed to buy, but you didn't. You sat with tears flowing down your cheeks. You weren’t sad, exactly, but your body had no idea how to process your emotions right now.
Luckily, a loud crash snapped you out of your frozen state, forcing you to carefully leave your room. You couldn't hear his voice anymore, just a loud ruckus, people screaming and gunshots. You assumed someone had broken down the wall, again, probably looking for another fight. That probably means he left, right? Taking your time, you carefully peek your head around the stairwell, letting out a shaky sigh of relief.
No sign of Lucifer. Starting to descend the stairs, a giant portal opens mere feet away from you. Charlie and Lucifer return, his gigantic wings fluttering close as they embrace. You only realized the severity of the situation after appreciating his wings that you’ve never really seen this close before. They were beautiful - Focus.
As they discussed finally setting up Charlie’s meeting, she finally caught a glance of you just beginning to climb the stairs.
“Oh, Dad! I almost forgot! There was so much going on, I didn't get to show you our other guest!” She speedily approached you as she spoke, grabbing your hand and pulling you back down the stairs.
“She said she used to work at home! Isn't that cool?” Placing both her hands on your shoulders, you were essentially held captive.
“Oh! OH! Ahh.. hm! That is - That is definitely.. Interesting! Fun little fact there, isn't it?” His laughter became increasingly nervous and his cheeks became redder, as he tugged at the collar of his shirt to let the cool air of the room hit his suddenly heated skin.
“B-Been awhile, huh?? Long time no see! What are you up to? Today? These.. days..?” Charlie’s excitement only grew, shaking you a bit by your shoulders.
“You remember each other? That’s awesome! Maybe you two can catch up sometime! Were you close? She talks about how much she loved working there all the time!” Charlie’s words did little to fill the gaps. He had no idea why you were here, what you had told her - his eyes met yours finally, begging for the answer. What did you tell her?
Charlie’s one-sided conversation became a ringing in your ears, as she finally released you. You were only brought back by a hand placed delicately on the small of your back. In the back of your mind, you hoped it was Lucifer’s. That made you wince. Finally looking at its source you met Alastor’s eyes. He did say he would keep you company if you decided to come to the lobby. A sudden question popped into your head. Did Lucifer ever apologize? With Alastor's support, a surge of confidence gave you the strength to respond.
“We weren't that close, Charlie. I mean, we could catch up. If he wants to that is.” You leaned into Alastor's touch as you spoke, another decision you'll question later. In that moment, you wanted to treat him like shit. You wanted him to feel the way you did when you were sent away without a fight.
He seemed to shrink in place, his eye twitching when he let his gaze roam from your body up to Alastor’s, which was connected so sweetly by a gentle hold.
“Yeeaah! MAybe - “ His voice cracked, “ Welp! If you’re here - I know where to find you, I’ll uh.. Keep in touch..?” He did his best to send charlie a nervous smile, who was giving an enthusiastic thumbs up to him from behind you.
“Weren't you just leaving, Your Highness?” Alastor’s voice went crackly as he spoke, his hand snaking completely around your waist. He gave a nervous goodbye, before vanishing in a red smoke. Something strange happened just then. Before he left - he looked scared. But you still felt good doing what you did.
You blinked your eyes as if you had just been broken out of a trance. Looking around the silent room, you met Alastor’s eyes again, before quickly pulling yourself away from his grasp.
“I-I guess you did what you promised.. so.. Thank you?” letting out an awkward chuckle, you made your way back up the stairs. What came over you? Did you really want him to suffer? You had a chance to try and repair things, to ask why he did what he did. There's no way he'd try to reach out now. Right?
Hope y'all are liking the direction this is going, i know its getting a lil intense
I'm getting your requests btw! I'm loving the prompts I'm seeing, so I'll work on them as soon as I can! :)
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 11 months
The Danger Zone (Part 6) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.5k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Secret Relationship; Angst; Undefined Relationships; Overprotective Family; Background Relationships; Visit to an Obstetrician; Medical Inaccuracies Just in Case; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake go to your appointment together. And then you sit down to tell Maverick the news.
Series Master List
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Jake had never quite felt so far out of his depth than when he was sitting alone in a gynecological office. 
You had gone back with the medical assistant, who told him that he was supposed to wait in the waiting room until someone came and got him. And so, Jake was just sitting there, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. He had awkwardly made eye contact with a girl who was in college, who stared at him like he was an invader, and Jake hadn't dared to pick his head up since.
A little squeal tore his eyes from his phone and over to where the only other man in the room was sitting. The man was probably around Jake's age, mid-thirties, but unlike Jake, he looked completely at ease in his seat.
Maybe that had something to do with the little girl in his arms.  
“Where’s Mommy?” the girl asked her dad. 
“She’s talking with the doctor about your little brother. You’ll see her in a little bit.”
“Okay,” the girl returned, pressing her hand against her dad’s face, causing him to chuckle and grab her hand, pressing a kiss to it before dropping it again. “Can we get blueberries?”
“You want blueberries?”
“I don’t have any on me, sweetie, but you can have some when we get home, okay?”
“Okay,” she agreed, sending her dad a cheek-scrunching smile. 
“Jake?” a voice called, making Jake realize that he had been staring. 
Turning to see the medical assistant from earlier standing at the door, he quickly stood up. Jake followed her back through the halls to the room where you were seated on an exam table. You smiled at Jake as he walked over to your side. 
“Hey,” you greeted him as he sat down. "You alright?"
"Yeah," Jake assured you, nodding slowly. "My first time at a gynecologist. Just a little nervous, that's all."
"I promise to not poke and prod you," your doctor joke, turning to Jake. "I'm Dr. Jennings. It's nice to meet you."
"You as well," Jake returned politely.
"Alright, now let's get to what you two came here for," Dr. Jennings replied, standing up with a kind smile.
You shifted the patient gown and Dr. Jennings covered your small bump in a clear gel. You shifted a bit and glanced over at Jake, who seemed to still look like a fish out of water. Which, for a large man who usually radiated confidence, was a rare sight to see.
"Let's take a look now," Dr. Jennings stated, causing you and Jake to turn to the monitor.
There were a lot of random shapes and movement on the screen and Jake half-wondered if he was in some kind of delusion that he was going to wake up from. But then the image on the screen shifted and Jake didn't need your hand suddenly reaching out for him to tell him what he was seeing on the screen. Jake took your hand in his own, subconsciously holding his breath for a moment.
“And here’s your baby.”
Jake wasn’t quite sure what he was expecting to see when he walked in there. He wasn’t exactly a scholar on pregnancy. It was supposed to just look like a little ball, right? He thought so. But that image in front of him, there was a clearly defined head. The rest of it wasn’t too clear, but that was definitely a baby. A baby human. Your baby human. His baby human. Your shared baby human.
"Everything looks normal," Dr. Jennings reported, moving the wand around a bit.
You turned to Jake with a relieved smile, and he shot you one back, trying to not let his nerves show. You turned back to the monitor as Dr. Jennings pressed a few buttons.
“And here’s the heartbeat.” 
She flipped a switch and suddenly the distinct sound of a heartbeat, though one that was much faster than Jake was expecting, echoed around the room. Jake looked up, a shocked expression on his face because it was one thing to just see the baby, but to hear them just made it all the more real.
"Is it supposed to be that fast?" Jake asked, turning to Dr. Jennings, who smiled in return.
"Yes, your baby's heartbeat is perfectly normal. And very strong. You might have a little fighter on your hands."
"Wouldn't surprise me," you mused, staring at the screen while you listened to your child's heartbeat.
Jake turned away from Dr. Jennings and took a moment to stare at you as you took in the moment. You had been nervous when he met you in the parking lot with your Notes app pulled up to your list of questions for your doctor. But whatever happened before Jake showed up must have settled you and now, with your baby moving right in front of you and their heartbeat echoing in their ears.
And you, well, you looked like you were glowing.
And even though he heard that the term “glowing” wasn’t accurate to describe a pregnant woman, he couldn’t come up with a better one. You were absolutely, positively glowing.
“So, I would put you at about fourteen weeks,” the obstetrician explained to you, causing you to turn away from the monitor. “I’m just going to take some measurements, but please feel free to ask any questions that you have.” 
“So, everything looks healthy and happy?” you immediately asked, sitting up a bit. 
“We’re still waiting on your blood results, but everything else appears to be normal. The heart rate is good. Very strong. They seem to be measuring well. I don’t have a clear look at any signs of gender yet—they seem to not want to cooperate—but how did you want me to mark the file? Did you want to wait, or did you want to know as soon as possible?” 
Jake turned to you immediately as you slowly moved your head to meet his gaze. The two of you had a silent staring contest. You didn't even think that it was going to be an option to find out the gender at this appointment. You had mentioned it in passing, but Jake never commented on it.
“It’s your call,” Jake stated, nodding slowly. “I’m fine either way.” 
You nodded slowly before turning back to the obstetrician, who was typing away at your chart. After a moment of thought and another glance over at Jake, you made your decision.
“We’ll wait, please. Maybe for the birth or maybe at a later date,” you replied softly.
“Well, feel free to tell me at every appointment either way. Or you can call the office too, if you change your mind,” the obstetrician assured you with a supportive smile. “And did you want any photos of the ultrasound from today?”
“Please,” you answered immediately.
“How many copies?”
“Two, please,” you replied, glancing over at Jake. 
Dr. Jennings talked with you about your diet and exercise and your future appointments before she excused herself. Sitting up, you grabbed some paper towels from the patient cart and cleaned yourself up while Jake sat there a bit awkwardly. You got redressed, with Jake averting his eyes respectfully, before the two of you headed out of the examination room together.
“How are you feeling?” Jake asked softly, causing you to look at him.
“Well, it’s nice to know a little bit now,” you returned as Jake held the door open for you. “Not just a guessing game about if everything looks okay or not.” 
You made your way over to the patient window to make your next appointment and sign a few things. Jake lingered by the door, waiting patiently for you, when the father and daughter that he saw earlier in the waiting room walked past with a very pregnant woman. The three of them were all beaming with happiness that Jake couldn’t help but stare after them, wondering if you and him and your little baby would look like that one day--happy.
“Jake,” you called, causing him to snap his head around again. 
You smiled softly and held out a small square photo, which he took very carefully into his own grip. Holding the small photo in his hand, Jake just stood there and stared up at the little, tiny human that was half him and half you that was so impossibly small that he was afraid of even looking at the image for too long for fear of risking the baby's safety. 
“You okay?” you asked, finally bringing Jake out of his thoughts. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he assured you, picking his head up. “And you?”
“Better than I was a week ago,” you returned, giving him that smile that he could only describe as ‘glowing’ once again. “Are you sure that you’re good? You’ve been really spacey lately.” 
“Oh, yeah,” Jake promised you as the two of you walked out of the office. "I'm fine."
The two of you stepped out into the warm San Diego air as Jake carefully held the ultrasound photo in his hand. But staring down at the photo one more time, Jake turned to you with a more serious expression. 
“Are you still planning on telling Maverick soon?”
“I told him to come over to my place on Friday,” you explained, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I’m already into my second trimester. It’ll only get harder to hide and I would rather be able to tell everyone on my terms. Our terms.” 
“It’s your call,” Jake repeated, glancing around the parking lot as you came to a stop beside your car. “Your family, your rules.” 
“Thank you,” you returned, fiddling with your fingers. “Why don’t you come over around five? I told Maverick six, so that should give us some time to prepare and plan and take some breaths. He usually shows up late, anyways.” 
“I’ll see you Friday, then,” Jake replied, causing you to nod slowly. “Thank you for inviting me.” 
“Thank you for coming with me,” you returned, offering him another glowing smile. “Bye, Jake.” 
Jake watched you climb into your car before turning for his truck. As he climbed into the driver’s seat, you pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to your apartment. He watched you go before looking down at the ultrasound photo once again.
 Letting out a breath, he pressed his head back against the headrest before carefully placing the photo on the passenger’s seat. Starting his truck, Jake pulled out into the afternoon sun, trying to not get lost in his thoughts. For the thousandth time since he found out that he was going to be a father. 
You rushed around your apartment, cleaning and finishing up with the cooking. Jake came over to help you set up about an hour ago, but after you rearranged everything that he already did, Jake just decided to stay out of your way. You were very clearly on the edge of a mental breakdown, and he didn’t want to risk pushing you over the edge before Maverick even got there. 
“Are you sure that you don’t want to sit down for a bit?” Jake asked as you checked on the food cooking in the oven. “You’re going to put yourself out.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, pulling the tray out of the oven. “Just a little nervous, that's all.”
Wiping your hands on a towel, you looked up when there was a knock at the door. Turning to Jake, you motioned for him to go and hide in your bedroom for a little bit. Adjusting your dress, which you bought purely because the pattern hid your figure very weel, you walked over to your front door. You took a final deep breath to calm yourself down before pulling the door open, revealing Maverick and Penny.
“Hey, Mav, Penny. Thanks for coming.”
“I’m not going to say ‘no’ to a home cooked meal,” Maverick replied, pulling you in for a hug in greeting. You hugged him back tighter than usual, which caused Maverick to pause. Returning the squeeze, he asked, “You alright, honey?”
 “Yeah, of course,” you returned softly, peeling yourself away from him. “Come on in. Dinner’s all done.”
Maverick shared a look with Penny, who shrugged in response, before walking into your apartment. He moved towards the dining area and paused when he spotted four plates set out on the table. Penny moved to take her seat, but Maverick stayed standing, staring down the extra plate suspiciously. 
“Are Rooster or Emma joining us?”
“Uh, no,” you replied, carrying over some food to the table. “I actually have some news, Mav.”
“A boyfriend?” Maverick assumed, causing you to pause before nodding slowly. 
You and Jake hadn’t really put a label on your relationship. Not even after you found out about the baby. But even though you weren’t together romantically right now, he was definitely something. And honestly, he was already more committed than any of your previous boyfriends or flings.
“Well, where is he then?”
A set of slow footsteps caused Maverick to turn his head in time to see Jake walking towards him. Jake lacked his usual confidence, but he wasn’t exactly cowering to Maverick's gaze, even if he was sweating through his shirt a bit. A splash of surprise flashed across Maverick's expression before he steeled it once again.
“Sir,” Jake decided on, causing Maverick to raise an eyebrow. 
“Hangman,” Maverick returned evenly. He glanced between the two of you before finally turning to you. “So, how long has this been going on for?”
“A few months.”
“Alright,” Maverick responded calmly, moving to take his seat. He sat down beside Penny, shared a look with her, before turning to you again. “You still have beer here?”
Penny lightly smacked the back of her hand against Maverick’s chest, but Jake moved to collect a beer for Maverick. If only to have an excuse to leave the awkwardness for a moment. The four of you slowly sat down for dinner and Jake chose to forgo an alcoholic drink for himself to make your decision to not drink less obvious. Dinner was passed around as an awkward silence settled in the room.
“So, Hangman,” Maverick started off with, “what are your intentions with my goddaughter?”
“Mav. This isn't 1986."
"It's a fair question," Maverick defended himself.
“Well, I do see a future with her if that’s what you’re asking,” Jake ventured, being very careful with his words. 
“You’re serious about this relationship?”
“Very much so.”
You glanced nervously between Jake and Maverick as Maverick seemed to stare Jake down for a moment. Mav reached for his beer, took a sip, and then turned back to his plate, as if it was a casual conversation. 
“Well, I will not sugarcoat my opinion that I think dating one of your brother’s teammates is not a good idea,” Maverick told you, causing you to wince. “It can get complicated quickly and even more messy.”
“We know, Mav,” you replied quietly. 
“And quite honestly Hangman, you were not my first choice.”
“I figured,” Hangman stated, nodding slowly. 
“You weren’t even on the list.”
“Mav,” you interjected to Jake’s defense. "You don't have to be rude to him about it."
“That being said,” Maverick replied, getting the conversation back on track, “if you’re happy, that’s all that I care about.”
“Yeah, of course I am,” you responded defensively.
Maverick looked up from his plate, staring you down with a concerned expression. Looking away from him, you smoothed your hands down your thighs, trying to not let your nerves show. Apparently, your words weren't convincing enough for Maverick.  
“Are you?” he repeated softly. 
“I have something else to tell you, Mav,” you admitted after a moment, voice barely above a whisper. 
Maverick glanced suspiciously and with an underlying threatening glare over at Jake before turning back to you for your explanation. You summoned your courage and pushed down your anxiety before finally letting out your secret. 
 “I’m pregnant.”
Maverick immediately dropped his fork onto his plate, causing a loud clattering noise to echo around your apartment. You winced at the noise and sunk a bit farther in your seat. Jake reached over and grabbed your hand under the table, offering you a reassuring squeeze, but you were frozen, staring at Maverick as you waited for the bomb to drop right on top of your dinner table. 
Penny turned to Maverick, resting her hand on his arm to try and ground him. He himself looked like he was having a momentary stroke at the news that you were pregnant. With Hangman's baby because you just had to give him a heart attack while he was already having a stroke.
Maverick’s first emotion was fear. 
Fear that it wasn’t what you wanted or that it would somehow lead to a situation that you would regret later on. One that he could have helped prevent in the first place, if he had been paying attention. Fear that something could go wrong or would go wrong and there wouldn’t be anything that he could do to help you. Carole had relatively easy pregnancies, but that didn't mean you would. Fear that you weren’t prepared for this because this baby was clearly unexpected and fear that you wouldn't be prepared when it finally came time for the baby to be born.
 And Maverick’s second emotion was anger. 
How could you be so reckless? He had Penny and Sarah give you the talk. He took you to the doctor to get you on birth control when you were seventeen at your request. Did you just forget to take the pill? Did condoms suddenly go off the shelves? It wasn’t like you were a dumb teenager anymore. And of all the guys to knock you up, it had to be Hangman? Really? Hangman?
Maverick was also ready to launch over the table at the dumb, reckless pilot who just potentially ruined your life and certainly changed it forever. Because Hangman wasn’t a dumb teenager either. He knew what a condom was, and he should have used one. He should have carried his weight with that. And if Hangman even thought about running out on you and the baby, Maverick would set him straight. Personally. 
But when Maverick finally locked eyes with you again, his anger broke in an instant. 
He saw your fear. He saw your concern. There was nothing that he could say in that moment that you hadn’t already anticipated and stressed yourself out about. And him yelling at you and threatening Jake wasn’t going to solve the problem. It wasn’t going to solve anything. It was just going to make it worse.
Letting out a breath to release what was left of his anger, Maverick turned back to you with a calmer expression. Penny gave his arm a squeeze, feeling him calm down with time. 
“You’re healthy? Both you and the baby?” he stared off with.
“Yeah, we’re healthy,” you assured Mav, nodding slowly to confirm. 
“And you made this decision on your own? No one forced you to make this decision, right?” Maverick asked you seriously.
“Well, we didn’t plan this,” you replied, sharing a look with Jake, “but yes, I made this decision and Jake’s supportive of my decision, so we’re in this together now.”
“And you’re happy?” Maverick questioned you. 
“Once it’s all out in the open, I will be,” you replied honestly. "It's just a lot of anticipatory stress right now."
“Bradley doesn’t know?”
“No,” you stated softly. 
“Are you planning on telling him soon?”
“I was thinking hopefully this weekend or next weekend. I’m already farther along than I was expecting. I won’t be able to hide this news for too much longer.”
“How far along are you?”
“Fourteen weeks.”
“So, you’ve been to the doctor?”
“Do you have an ultrasound photo?”
Nodding slowly, you stood up from the table and tried to not let out a sob in relief. You moved to grab the ultrasound photo that you hid in your room, leaving Hangman alone with Maverick and Penny for the first time since you broke the news. Jake opened his mouth to speak, but Maverick raised a hand to stop him. 
“We will have a separate conversation later, Lieutenant," Maverick stated, quiet enough that you didn't hear him.
“Pete,” Penny sighed, turning to him. “He’s here and involved. It’s not like he’s a deadbeat.”
“Later,” Maverick repeated as you returned from your bedroom. 
You walked around the table and handed the ultrasound photo to Maverick, who took it carefully. You stood beside him, nervously fiddling with your fingers. There was still a chance that Maverick would show how upset he was, so you were still a little on edge. Maverick stared down at the photo, the reality of the situation hitting him all over again, before turning back to you. 
“Is it a boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet. We wanted to wait.”
“Well, either way they’re beautiful.”
“Yeah, they are,” you replied, your shoulders shaking as tears slowly slipped out of your eyes. 
“Hey,” Maverick called softly, handing the photo to Penny before standing up and pulling you into a supportive hug. Tucking your head under his chin like he did when you were a little girl, Maverick assured you, “Hey, everything will be okay.”
“I was just so worried you’d be so pissed and disappointed in me,” you choked out, burying your face into Maverick’s shoulder. “That you’d tell me I was making the worst mistake of my life.”
“You know that there's nothing that would stop me from being there for you, right? You know that, right?”
“I know, Mav. I was just scared.”
“You shouldn’t stress yourself out over me. I’m always going to be here to support you.”
“Thanks, Mav.”
After you and Penny shared a tight hug as well, you made your way back to Jake’s side of the table and sat down. You wiped the lingering tears from your cheeks and shot Jake a small smile before turning back to Maverick and Penny.  
“So, have you discussed anything yet about the future? With each other?” Maverick asked, folding his hands in front of him.
“Like what?”
“Like what is your living situation going to look like?” Maverick started off with. “Are you both moving into Jake’s apartment? Are you getting a new place together?”
“Why didn’t you mention my apartment?” you asked, confused.
“Well, it’s not exactly a nice building for kids. And you don’t have a tub for the baby. And you know how I feel about your landlord."
“And your sink still leaks,” Jake added, causing you to shoot him a look. "And the elevator's broken half the time."
“And did the landlord ever fix that faulty wiring?” Maverick asked, causing you to narrow your eyes.
"So, you'll agree with him when it's convenient for you?" you questioned Maverick.
“My house is always open,” Maverick suggested, avoiding the question. You sighed and stared at him with an exasperated expression. “Bradley and Emma are moving out in two weeks and the spare bedroom can be all yours. And there’s room for Jake on the pullout couch in the living room.”
“I think what Pete is trying to say,” Penny cut in, shooting Maverick a look, “is that babies take up a lot of space and you don’t want to be worrying about home improvement projects while you have a newborn at home.”
“What about finances? Are you creating a joint account? Are you splitting it up piece by piece?" Maverick suggested, moving on down his list. "Are you getting married?”
“Mav,” you hissed, feeling some heat crawl up your neck at his question. "No, we're not getting married."
Maverick paused, tapping his fingers on the top of the table for a moment. He had an unreadable expression on his face, and it only made you concerned. Looking between the two of you, he turned first to Hangman. 
“What is she allergic to?” Maverick asked him. 
“Uh . . .” Jake stumbled a bit, “. . . shellfish?”
“Pollen,” Maverick corrected Jake before turning to you. “When’s his birthday?”
“October 27th?”
“21st,” Jake mumbled under his breath, causing you to wince. 
“What’s her blood type?” Jake didn’t answer immediately and looked a bit like a fish out of water, so Maverick turned straight back to you, “What’s his hometown?”
“Austin, Texas," you answered confidently.
“I was born in Austin but technically I grew up outside of it,” Jake replied, causing you to sigh. 
“Are you two even dating?” Maverick asked, looking between the two of you. "Do you even like each other?"
“Yes,” you both replied, causing Maverick to sigh and hold his head in his hands for a moment. 
“You two need to take some time and get to actually know one another. Forget about everyone else in this equation. If the two of you aren't strong, the whole thing falls apart.”
Picking his head up again, Maverick turned to Jake first.
“You need to know her medical information like the back of your hand. If something happens and she can’t advocate for herself, you need to be ready to give that information.”
Maverick turned to you next while Jake squirmed beside you.
“And you need to have full trust in him if you’re going to raise a kid together. If he's going to be in the delivery room with you. And how are you supposed to trust him if you don’t even know him?” Maverick leaned back in his seat and looked between the two of you, who both appeared like scolded children, before letting out a breath. Thinking over his words carefully, Maverick leaned forward a bit. 
“All that said, I will help you out however I can. But you two need to put in the work yourselves. This isn’t about you anymore. This is about your child. And the two of you need to start working together and having difficult conversations."
You and Jake slowly picked up your heads and shared a look before turning back to Maverick and nodding slowly. 
"And you need to tell your brother," Maverick told you, "becauase it's going to be worse if he finds out from anyone else."
"I know, Mav. I know."
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the---hermit · 5 months
study to do list april - may 2024
I am back into my studying routine and so I am writing a master to do list for my uni work for the next couple of months. This is going to be edited so much in the next few weeks, but having a bit public to do list is a good way to stay motivated and track my progress during long periods. The end goal of the next couple of months is to take two exams in the summer session, I will pick the precise dates as I work on everything but they will either be in June or at the beginning of July. Both require me writing a paper before the oral exam, which is not something I have to do often so it's going to be extra work for me.
English lit
reread the merchant of venice while annotating all the useful passages for the paper
reread and adjust previously made annotations on MOV text
read and annotate the sources I had previously found
look for more sources for the paper
read and annotate said sources
plan paper structure
first draft
edit first draft
additional edits (?)
reread richard II (and rewrite annotations in pen)
reread important passages in paradise lost and rewrite annotations in pen
additional reread of the merchant of venice to prepar for the oral exam (so not focusing only on the paper topics)
write key words for each scene in the plays
reread assigned articles (RII, MOV, PL) write/check notes about them (RII, MOV, PL)
reread notes taken in class
read addtional notes friend sent me
out loud reviews
Modern history lab
fix notes after every lecture in order to stay on top of things
start writing down potential presentation/paper ideas
look for sources
read and annotate sources
outline of the paper
write first draft
edit draft
send to professor
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mari-lair · 11 months
AU where Gon was raised in Greed Island instead of with Mito, so he grew up with the game. He spends one month more with Ging than he would in canon but is still left in the care of the other game masters as a baby, everyone is understandably angry with Ging about it, but they can't abandon Gon so they throw the baby between each other as a collective babysitting. They tend to avoid actually doing their assigned duty a lot, putting the baby under the care of a Panda Maid#99 card while they focus on their own thing. When every panda maid card hit its transformation limits they panicked, forced to babysit the kid themselves or give him to NPCs, which were worked on to have a bit more dept.
Gon learns Nen extremely young, and grows to be deeply attached to Greed Island, his home. He visits Razor, Elena, Eta, Dwun, and List, all the time and grows attached to NPCs. He guides new players too, not having a 'book' but knowing all the rules. (He used to have a book to experience the cards, but he almost won the game, which he can't do as an 'honorary game master', and had his ring confiscated)
Gon knows how important it is to explore the game yourself so he never gives away everything, and he treats NPC as 'people', to the point Gon can feel like he is an NPC of the game for those unaware GI takes place in a real island.
The Game Master Crew don't have an agreement on how old Gon must be to attend the hunter exam and search for his dad, cause they are confident Gon can breeze through the exam, but they know how insane Ging is personally, and while Gon is very competent and smart they worry for him. He takes it so personally when the NPCs he loves are hurt or disrespected and try to see the best in people. So how will they know he is in good hands out there? After much discussion, and the realization Ging will not come to visit, they decide Gon can go hunt for Ging when he is 14.
Killua learns Nen at 13 for a job, which is to kill a player in Greed Island cause the client is scared said player will finish the game before the player they want to win.
Greed Island is a game for hunters, so Gon never sees other kids who aren't NPCs made to keep him company. When Killua shows up he is delighted, he shows off every place in the game and gives more info than he probably should cause he is excited and Killua is so cool! He wants to show off! Killua lets Gon hang out at first cause he is a 'useful npc' and deep down he just really wants to interact with a kid his age, but it doesn't take too long to like him. He starts to treat Gon way better and takes him more seriously when he realizes he is a person, intrigued by his deal.
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writing-in-the-impala · 5 months
Secret Smokes (Part 15)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 2311
A/N: wow it's been a while I have no excuses I just have a soul-draining full-time job and no free time. Enjoy! I missed you all <3
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 15, Next Chapter
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You spent the whole Sunday sulking as you walked around Hogsmeade trying to lift your own spirits. You couldn't take it anymore. On one hand you thought about how maybe you just need to go one a date with someone else to break this fixation you had on Remus on the other hand you felt like you may have a lot more than just a crush on him and that no one will be able to replace him. You simultaneously wanted to bump into him and to not see him for a few days. But something pushed you to try and force him into bumping into you. So you pulled out the marauders map and saw he was in his classroom. You went to the corridor adjacent and sat with a book waiting for him to walk out, yet the next time you checked the map he was in the library so you headed straight there. Once you arrived to the library he was nowhere to be found, you checked the map and saw he was walking towards the courtyard you followed him but couldn't catch up with him until you saw him disappear from the map. You knew he left Hogwarts, and you knew he was avoiding you as he probably saw where you were using his own map. It was hopeless. He was impossible.
Your next interaction with him was Monday morning in class, one of the only places he couldn't avoid you, especially that you knew he couldn't skip classes as he had to do so at the end of each month anyway. When you walked in Remus's eyes flicked to yours and then straight to the floor to avoid yours. He kept his composure well during class but spent the whole hour tapping his finger on his wand and falling over his words. He barely answered questions and took deep breaths. After the lesson finished he let out a sign simply saying "that's all, thank you very much. Remember keep studying I know you'll all do great." In this moment he gave you a short glance breathing in, closing his eyes slowly and turning to walk up to his office. As everyone funnelled out you followed him. "Professor, I have a question about one of the exams." You said nearly running up to catch him as he was already half way up the stairs.
"Miss L/N, I can't go into too much details about exams you know this. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't be of much use to you."
"But professor I just want to understand more." You pushed hugging your books for comfort and looking around as some students were still in the class, he shifted his body weights to his other leg.
"I'll be honest I've never ran a class through exams, you know I'm new to all this. It would be better for you to speak to a different professor on this subject." He pained and you knew you were both speaking in double meanings at this point.
"But you're the one I want to speak to as you are the one who teaches defence against the dark arts."
"Was I not clear that I'm not the right match for you on this topic when we last spoke about exams, I suggest Professor McGonagall could help." He said looking past you at the last few girls in the room both you aching for them to leave you you could speak normally as he knew you wouldn't leave and there wasn't much you could say like this.
"Yes I do understand that Professor however what she explained wasn't that clear either, it left me with a lot of questions specific to defence against the dark arts." At this moment the last two girls left saying "bye Professor Lupin." He said goodbye to them before turning back to you and saying "Follow me, let me see if I can help." You followed behind him, he held the door open for you and let you in his office first before shutting the door behind you, you didn't make yourself comfortable in the room but rather stood by the door. "You shouldn't speak to me like that while there's other students around." He said in a low tone.
"I needed to get your attention somehow."
"You know you've always got my attention." He words were almost a low growl.
"But you avoided me all Sunday."
"It's what's best for you." He took a step closer closing the space between you forcing you to look up if you want to look into his eyes.
"How do you know what's best for me?"
"Trust me I do." He leaned down his lips were an inch away from yours.
"Really?" You asked and his lips met yours as he moaned a "mhm" in confirmation. He pulled away to say "you know you really shouldn't act like that in my classroom while there's other students still leaving, begging me to talk to you, to give you attention." His words were making hot flashes go through your body as you said nothing just looked up at him. "Do you understand?" He asked and you nodded.
"Good girl." He said the words catching you off guard. He walked away from you to go and lean against his desk as you stood in the same place confused.
"I thought you were avoiding me?" You asked not understanding his sudden change in behaviour.
"I am." He said signalling for you to come closer with his hand and you followed his command. He stood up straight in front of the desk as you looked up at him he picked you up and put you down on the desk so you were now sitting on it.
"How is this avoiding me professor?" You ask him as he looked down at you, he got on his knees in front of you, his head at desk level as his hands moved up and down your thigh.
"Well right now we don't have to discuss all the stuff I'm avoiding." He said moving his head between your thighs and teasing you through your clothing.
"How are you so sure?" You asked as you resisted all the feelings he was sending through you.
"Because dear you can't even think straight and I haven't bent you over my desk yet." He said standing back up leaving you aching for him.
"Please don't stop." You said looking into his eyes that seemed a lot darker in this moment. He began to kiss you as he undressed you and you unbuttoned his shirt. He grabbed you by your hair to turn you around and bent you over his desk. You felt his body against you before he leaned down to whisper in your ear he took a deep breath and then he let you go and walked away sitting on the sofa opposite the desk while saying "I can't do this."
You turned around in confusion to see him buttoning back up his shirt, you quickly fixed yourself before questioning him. "What do you mean you can't do this? You started it!" You attempt to protest.
"and I'm ending it."
"So what happened to wanting to bend me over your desk?"
"I can't, I care about you too much. I don't want to throw you around this room like an object of desire. Don't get me wrong I do desire you, and you do something to me when you out me on the spot in public like that but I can't treat you like this."
"What if I want you to treat me like that?" You asked afraid of moving anywhere closer to him in the room.
"Then you don't understand your own worth." He simply stated.
"So now you won't speak to me or even sleep with me anymore?"
"You know I think it was William Blake who said sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires."
"Well if you studied Blake like I did you would know Blake is telling you to act on your unacted desires, unless you're telling me you would rather kill a infant in its cradle than kiss me again."
"You've got it wrong dear. I may have been homeschooled by my parents but don't underestimate how many hours I spent reading. The enacted desires are the things you should murder. If you nurse them, they must be in a cradle. They are the baby in a cradle so strangle your unacted desire, don't act on them."
You felt almost embarrassed at you pointing out school, you didn't know he was homeschooled but it made sense with his condition and the fact they moved constantly, it added up and now not only were you angry at Remus for his recent actions but you felt guilty for your own words. You didn't reply, the silence was thick before Remus breathed heavily and continued to speak.
"Therefore it's time for me to strangle mine, if you remember the day we went to the British Museum I asked you to promise that if you developed any strong feelings for me to tell me so we could cut it off before either of us gets hurt." He said and you nodded slowly to show you're following along. "Well I may have not been too truthful and I feel neither have you, and it has resulted in us both becoming victims of our own misfortune."
"Are you saying you have strong feelings for me Remus Lupin?" You asked feeling both nervous and excited.
"Not exactly, what I'm saying is there was a line that I tried to set and I believe somewhere that line became blurry. So after you left on my birthday I decided to establish that hard line again. I decided we will stop sleeping in my bed, we will stop all the cuddling nonsense and all the softness. However I simply can't do that Y/N, I can't be as stern and strict as I want to be with you."
"That's okay, I want to cuddle with you."
"I'm aware however I told you that day, I would like to take you on dates, I would like to walk around and hold your hand, I would like to bring you to see my friends especially during my birthday but we can't do that, I told you it will hurt to not be able to live in public, I didn't want to risk the pain for you. You deserve so much more than this." He looked weak.
"Can you not tell you're what I want no matter how many times you deny me?" You were almost in tears.
"I simply don't believe you understand what you're signing up for with me, and it's emphasised by you asking me to take you on dates, to go see Sirius, to go to my cottage. I always told you those weren't options with me especially while you study here but you didn't listen." He was angry but also frustrated like he was mainly fighting with himself.
"What if I didn't study here?"
"What? Y/N don't try and ruin your education?"
"No, as in when I finish. What happens then?"
"Then we're free, but then you have the burden of being associated with me.  I fear that the stigma attached to me will affect you before you even have a chance to become the amazing witch you can be."
"I don't care." You simply shrugged. "But would you take me on dates?" You asked and he thought for a second.
"Of course if you're not my student there no reason not to." He replied thoughtfully.
"Would I be able to visit Sirius with you?"
"It would be encouraged." He replied instantly.
"Okay, then we'll continue this whole conversation when I finish."
"So what happens now?"
"You tell me, you're the one who knows what's best for me." You said and he laughed for the first time since you entered this room. "Touché."
"I think we hold off for a little bit, you're right you know, I'm not being truthful about how attached I am to you. And I haven't been really seeing my friends this year because all I can think about is you." He gave you a sad but understanding nod. "So I think I should come here less, but I don't want to stop coming. Maybe we become a bit more casual, see each other every so often, I'd still like to be able to come for tea, listen to music and sometimes kiss you if that's okay."
"It's always okay." He said with a soft pained smile.
"Okay, so we do that, and when I finish school you can ask me out and show me what dating Remus Lupin is like, deal?"you put your hand out for him to shake.
"Deal." He said reaching out to shake your hand. "Would you like to stay exclusive still?"
"You don't?" You were caught off guard.
"No I do, but I'm not in my last year of school, I'm asking you?"
"I don't think I would be comfortable finding out you're kissing someone else, so could we please stay exclusive even if we don't see each other as often?" You asked nervously.
"Of course dear, now what would you like to do stay here with me today or go back to your friends I won't be offended if you leave right now."
"I'd like to stay." You said and he reached out his hand to pull you to sit beside him.
"I'm very proud of you for putting your foot down like this, don't get me wrong it hurts to know I'll see you less but I think you've acted more mature than me in all this."
"If we had it your way we would still be smoking and flirting on the bridge." You pointed out as Remus put and arm alright you and got comfortable making him laugh. You felt safe, and like you made the right decision. You hoped.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: sorry for the angst I had to do it.
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Title: cruel summer | chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Pairing: Joel Miller/Female!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI)
Chapters: 6/6
Read on AO3 | Join the tag list
Joel takes a contracting job renovating a master bedroom and bathroom while the homeowners are away for the summer on a cruise.
He wasn’t expecting their twenty-three year old daughter and the thoughts he’d have about her.
Author’s note: I’m playing fast and loose with ages and timelines here. Joel is 38, reader is 23, and Sarah is 5. No mushroom apocalypse here, y’all.
Additional tags/warnings: explicit sexual content, age gap (15 years), reader is 23 and Joel is 38, he’s a lil guilty about it anyways, pet names, dirty talk, lack of aftercare, oral (f receiving), fingering, begging, angst, drying humping. Let me know if I’m missing anything!
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You hear the heavy footsteps of your dad and the contractor coming up the steps to the front door. You turn from the stove, spatula in hand just as your dad comes into view with a man you’ve never seen before.
He’s tall and broad, shoulders stretching the worn flannel he’s wearing to what must be near its breaking point. He’s got a strong nose and sharp jaw highlighted by his tan skin. His hair is brown that’s streaked with gray, messy curls sticking up in all directions.
Woah, you think. Your eyes meet warm brown ones that make your knees feel a little unsteady.
Your dad gives the man your name followed by, “My daughter. She’s home for the summer while she studies for the MCAT. I hope that’s not a problem that she’ll be here?”
“Not a problem for me. Noise might bother you, though, if you’re tryin’ to study,” the man says, deep voice making your mouth go a little dry. He holds a hand out to you. “I’m Joel, by the way. I’m doin’ the remodel on your parent’s room.”
That’s right. Your dad had mentioned that your mom had finally broken him down and made him get a contractor out to update their master bath. They scheduled it while they’re away on a six week cruise, leaving you to house sit while you studied for your exam.
“It won’t bother me,” you reply, shaking his hand. They’re calloused and warm and just the brief contact is enough to have you wondering what they would feel like trailing over other parts of your body. “I’ve got noise canceling headphones.”
He smiles, but it’s short lived. He sniffs the air, brows pinching together. “Is something burning?”
“Shit! My eggs!” You turn back to the stove and shut the burner off, moving the pan off the heat and trying to scrape your now burnt scrambled eggs from the surface.
“Come on, Joel, let me show you upstairs.”
Joel returns to the house a few times that week to take measurements and talk materials with your mom. Each time you’re there in the kitchen, books spread around you at the dining table and your head bobbing to music he can’t hear.
He can’t help the way his eyes linger when he comes inside, stomping his work boots against the mat inside the doorway as a courtesy and, if he’s honest with himself, to get your attention. And every time you glance up and smile at him, bright and beautiful.
As soon as he’s back upstairs and remembers he has a job to do, he berates himself for the thoughts he has. He has no goddamn right to be looking at a client’s daughter, much less one as young as you.
His presence in the house is sparing over the first couple weeks of the job, mostly just dropping by for measurements and to get an idea of a plan for demo day. He’s got orders in on tile placed, fixtures picked out, paint purchased. Everything’s in place to get started next week.
Satisfied, he heads downstairs to leave. He both hopes you’re in the kitchen and prays you’re not, if only to ease his guilty conscience.
But there you are, bent over in front of the fridge in shorts that hug your ass a bit too well. You straighten up with a can of beer in your hand, popping the tab and taking a sip.
“You even old enough to drink that?” Joel can’t help but ask, lingering in the doorway.
“I bought it. Why, you wanna see my ID? You moonlight as a cop or somethin’?” You roll your eyes.
Brat, Joel thinks, rolling his lips together. He turns to leave, he’s made enough of a fool of himself for one day.
“I’m twenty-three, in case you were wondering!” You call out as the door shuts behind him.
Joel’s been upstairs since early this morning, smashing things with a sledge hammer, prying things with a crowbar, and all sorts of other destruction that filters through your headphones.
It’s almost noon when you decide to give up and give into the temptation to go see what the man is doing. You head upstairs, stepping carefully into your parents room. There’s plastic tarp leading from the door of the bedroom to the door of the bathroom that crinkles beneath your feet as you move further inside.
You peek beyond the doorway of the bathroom and clutch the frame almost painfully when you catch a glimpse of a rather sweaty Joel, white t-shirt sticking to his chest and back as he wiggles a crowbar between the wall and vanity, leveraging his body weight against it to get the fixture to detach from the wall.
He repeats the process a few more times until the vanity is completely removed. He tosses the crowbar to the side and wipes the back of his hand across his dusty forehead. You clear your throat, his eyes shooting to the mirror to meet yours.
“Hey, uh. Hi. I’m about to make something for lunch…did you want anything?” You ask. His chest moves rapidly with his labored breathing.
“Sure,” he finally says.
He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be sitting at the kitchen table, watching you move around the kitchen like a picture of domesticity as you make two ham and turkey sandwiches for lunch.
You set the plate in front of him, along with a cold can of Coke, before sitting across from him with your own matching meal. He takes a bite, humming in satisfaction.
“Thank you,” he says when he’s swallowed. You nod, picking up your own sandwich and digging in.
The two of you eat in silence for a few minutes. Joel lets his eyes wander over you while you’re focused on your food. You’ve got a University of Texas tank top on, white with an orange Longhorn stretched across your chest, and another pair of shorts, giving him an eyeful of your long, smooth legs.
Tearing his eyes from you, his gaze lands on the stack of books on the table. “So, the MCAT. Must mean you’re pretty smart.”
“Not to brag, but I did finish organic chemistry without crying,” you reply, lips tilted in a smug grin. “I’m taking it at the end of August, before senior year starts. Dad said I didn’t have to get a summer job if I moved home and saved him some rent money.”
“What kind of doctor are you lookin’ to become?”
“Pediatrician. I love kids.”
Joel’s heart rate kicks up as he thinks about you chasing a toddler around a manicured lawn surrounded by a white picket fence. Or in the kitchen with a baby on your hip.
Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with him?
“Joel?” You ask, breaking through his mental flagellation.
“I asked if you have any kids,” you repeat.
He can feel his face go soft. “Yeah, Sarah. She just turned five. She starts kindergarten at the end of the summer.”
“How sweet,” you say. “I bet you and your wife are excited about that.”
“There’s, uh…there’s no wife,” Joel replies, clearing his throat uncomfortably. He stands, taking this empty plate to the dishwasher. “I better get back to work.”
Joel feels the weight of your stare on his back as he heads upstairs.
It goes on like that for two weeks. Joel gets to the house early and you study at the kitchen table until lunch time, when you ask him if he wants anything to eat. He should say no. It’s not your job to feed him, he’s got a stash of granola bars that’ll do just fine.
But each time he sees your hopeful doe eyed expression, his resolve crumbles to dust.
So he sits at the table each day, eating the sandwich you made him and drinking the Coke you gave him, learning tidbits of information about you.
Like how you weren’t sure about pursuing medicine at first, so you’re a bit behind schedule in taking your studies and will be graduating late. You changed your degree path when you volunteered in the pediatric oncology service at the medical school, sitting with young kids undergoing chemotherapy and making their days brighter. Your last roommate had a cat that always hid your keys, but you still liked him anyways. How your favorite color is yellow.
He tells you about Sarah. About how her mom left not long after she was born and how he’s gone at this parenting thing alone, save for the support of his brother, Tommy. He tells you about how only finished a semester in community college before dropping out to pursue construction. His favorite drink is whiskey, neat, and his favorite color is red.
One day, you’re not at the table when he lets himself into the house with the key your dad made for him. He finds he’s disappointed, not starting his day with your smile.
Upstairs, he’s working on laying the mud for the shower pan when he hears a splash from outside. He peeks out the window of the bedroom that overlooks the backyard.
His mouth goes dry and his pants get uncomfortably tight as he watches you lift yourself from the pool. You’ve got on the skimpiest red bikini he’s ever seen, the top barely containing your tits and doing nothing to hide the hard peaks of your nipples. You wring your hair out over your shoulder before moving to lay down on a nearby lounger. Your body glistens with drops of water that Joel wants to chase with his tongue.
You turn over on your stomach and Joel bites back a groan, greedily committing the view of your ass to memory. Jesus Christ, he’s never felt like a dirty old man more than in this moment.
He returns to his task and tries to chase his lustful thoughts away with manual labor.
You can see him watching you from the window. Your sunglasses keep your own gaze hidden as you revel in the undivided attention of the man you’d been drooling over the last few weeks. You’d put on your tiniest bikini for the occasion, laying yourself out on the lounge like a meal you’d like him to dig into.
He stood there for a few minutes and you could practically hear his teeth cracking from how tense his jaw was. You could tell Joel really struggled with his attraction to you. He’s staring down the barrel of a fifteen year age gap, after all.
You didn’t see an issue with it. You’re an adult, he’s not abusing any sort of position of power, hell, all the man has done is check you out. He hasn’t even touched you. You don’t want him to feel guilty about being attracted to you because god knows you don’t feel guilty for wanting to climb him like a tree.
You don’t bother with a towel or changing when you go upstairs to tell Joel lunch is ready. When he sees you in the doorway he freezes, and you bite back at a laugh at the look of surprise on his face.
“Lunch is ready,” you tell him.
He clears his throat. “I uh…I think I’ll just eat a protein bar. Thank you, though.”
Your bottom lip pops out in a pout. “But I made pasta salad.”
“I got a lot to do,” he tries again. His jaw keeps clenching, his hand wrapping tightly around the tool he’s holding like he’s hoping it’ll anchor him in place.
“Please, Joel?”
That gets him. He sighs, standing with a groan.
This was a bad idea. He should have held strong and insisted he’d eat by himself today.
You’re still in that goddamn bikini and he is fighting for his life sitting at the table as he watches you plate up pasta salad. Usually you would drink a Coke with lunch but today he’s surprised to see you pouring a glass of wine.
“It’s my day off from studying,” you say as you take your seat across from him, sipping from the glass. “I think I deserve a little treat. Don’t you?”
He has to be imagining the double meaning of your words. He gives you a tight nod in response before focusing all his energy in eating his pasta and avoiding your gaze.
“You okay, Joel?” you ask. Your sweet face is pinched in concern and goddamnit, Joel can’t take this.
“Fine,” he grunts. You give him another pout, the same one that broke his resolve upstairs.
You finish before him, sticking your bowl in the sink before picking up your wine glass from the table and refilling it. Instead of taking a seat, you lean your barely clothed hip against the table in front of him.
“You seem tense,” you comment. Joel swallows roughly, throat dry. You set your glass down and take a step closer.
“What are you doin’?” He asks, voice rough and low. He can barely breathe. This can’t possibly be happening.
You plant your hands on his shoulders for balance as you slide onto his lap, legs on either side of his waist and pussy dragging across his hard cock. He hisses, hands grabbing onto your waist before he can stop himself.
“You can’t be doin’ this,” he says, voice strained. “We can’t be doin’ this.”
“Why not? I see the way you look at me. I’ve been lookin’ the same way.”
“You’re young, baby. Too young for an old man like me.”
You loop your arms around his neck, pressing your chest to his and fuck, he can feel your tight little nipples as your tits press against him. “‘M not too young,” you murmur, dipping your head to mouth at his neck. His fingers flex against your ribs. “You’re not doin’ anything wrong, Joel.”
His head drops back as you keep pressing sweet little kisses to the stubbled skin. His hips flex beneath you and you gasp, arms tightening around him.
Joel is so fucked. So, so fucked. Has been from the moment he stepped into this goddamn house and saw you sitting at this very table.
Maybe…maybe just one time. One time should be enough, get it out of your systems, cut through the tension and move on.
You’re whimpering against his neck, squirming over his lap as his hands drag up your waist until his fingers find the edge of one of the pathetic triangles covering your breasts. He can feel your breath hitch as he pulls it to the side, exposing your tight little nipple to the cold air.
“God, baby,” he groans, dipping his head forward to wrap his lips around the little bud. You moan so loud and wanton as he licks you that he knows he’s fucking done for.
He digs his fingers into your still damp hair, tugging your head back so that he can finally drag your mouth to his. You taste like wine and sunshine and he’s never been much of a wine guy, but from your tongue he’ll taste anything.
You open up to him so sweetly, your hands clutching his shoulders and your hips moving against his painfully hard cock as he devours you, dragging his own hands over all that exposed skin like it’ll disappear if he doesn’t touch you everywhere at least once.
It’s still not nearly enough.
He stands and you squeak in surprise as he sits you on the edge of the table. “Holy shit,” you mutter. He glances at your face to make sure you’re okay.
Your hair is messy from his hands and lips swollen from his kisses, eyes wide and dark as you stare back at him. Your top is half off, and Joel can’t help but reach out and tug the other cup down to expose your other breast.
“Pretty as a goddamn picture, darlin’,” he murmurs. He presses a hand to your chest, urging you to lie back.
“You think I’m pretty?” You ask. He huffs a laugh.
“Don’t be a brat, fishin’ for compliments,” he admonishes. He plucks at the strings holding those little bottoms in place, the bows falling loose so that he can push the material aside. “Look at this pretty fuckin’ pussy. You’re drenched, baby.”
“Been like this every day,” you reply, voice all breathy as you squirm beneath his rapt attention.
“That right?” He asks, dragging his thumb through your wet folds. You moan, hips jumping from the table. He kneels, placing one arm around over your hips as he presses your legs apart with his free hand, spreading you for him.
You’re breathing so fast he’s almost worried you might pass out. “Shhh, pretty thing, let me take care of you.”
He licks a broad stripe over your core, his tongue swirling around your aching clit before dipping back down to your entrance. You fight against his hold, hips trying in vain to chase his mouth.
“Oh, god,” you cry out. Your hands find their way to his head, fingers scratching against his scalp as he feasts on your cunt. “Joel, more, please!”
He keeps his arm tight against you and uses his other hand to slip one finger into your wet heat, groaning at how tight you are. His tongue focuses on your clit while he slowly strokes his finger in and out, adding a second then a third when you start babbling about more more more.
“Fuck me, Joel, please,” you beg. He shakes his head against your cunt, the scrape of his beard against your sensitive flesh making you scream. “Please!”
He stands, continuing to stroke his fingers inside you as he uses his thumb on your clit to replace his tongue. “I don’t have a condom with me.”
“I’m clean, I’m on the pill, please, Joel, I need your cock so bad,” you plead. Joel groans. He’s already crossed a line but he can’t go there. He knows damn well that if he feels you clenching around him with nothing between your bodies, screaming his name as he pounds inside of you, he won’t ever leave.
“No, sweetheart, you’re going to come on my hand and my mouth or you’re not going to come at all,” he snaps, hand moving faster, curling against your front wall.
Tears slip from the corners of your eyes as Joel continues to drive you higher and higher toward release, your muscles tightening painfully as his fingers curl inside you and his thumb circles your clit.
You don’t know what you expected from all this, but Joel Miller dirty talking and finger fucking you on your kitchen table was not on your deduction bingo card. He’s better than anything your brain has conjured up thus far and you just know this one time isn’t going to be enough to sate you, especially since he keeps calling you “good girl” and “darlin’” and “sweetheart” in his rough southern accent.
You want him to fuck you so bad, you’re desperate for it. But he’s staunchly refusing to cross that line despite the hundreds that have been crossed already.
You try to hold back your orgasm, not wanting this to end, but it crashes over you anyways, leaving you breathless and sobbing his name as his hand slows its pace.
Joel’s fingers slip from your body and he leans forward, pressing them to your lips. You open your mouth, licking and sucking at his offering.
“Goddamnit,” he groans. “That was gorgeous.”
You sit up, supporting yourself on shaky arms. He steps back, but you hook a leg around his waist to stop him.
“Wait, let me—“
“No, baby, I’m good,” he says, cutting you off and dodging your hands. “I gotta get back to work.”
You can feel your high leave you in an instant. “Oh…okay.”
“Thank you for…lunch,” he says awkwardly. “I’ll be upstairs. If you need me.”
You don’t say anything as he turns to leave.
Upstairs in the bathroom, the one not being remodeled that he presumes is yours due to the messy countertop and fluffy yellow towels, Joel takes his cock from his pants and fists his length, grip almost painful as payment for his transgressions.
He cums with the thought of your eyes screwed shut in ecstasy, shouting his name as you clenched around his fingers. Your name is on his lips in the softest whisper he can manage as he cums, hard and hot, into a tissue.
He slumps against the wall, breathless. And while he may have come faster than a teenager, he doesn’t feel an ounce of relief.
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tokidokitokyo · 4 months
Cool Kanji Party Tricks
Or “How I Use Kanji to Impress My Friends”
Learning kanji can be daunting, especially for those just starting out in their Japanese studies. There are two thousand standard kanji needed to read a newspaper, but Japanese people know and use many thousands more. There are several methods available to self study kanji (just do a quick Google search to find the most popular), but any serious study of kanji takes time. Lots of time. It can feel like studying kanji over and over is a waste of time, especially since you have the internet at your fingertips to look things up at any time. However, I really believe that having a good foundation in kanji is essential to mastering Japanese, and I wanted to share what I call "cool party tricks" to encourage you in your kanji studies.
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What are "cool kanji party tricks"? This is just a list of things I have noticed that having a solid understanding of kanji will allow you to do. I have been studying Japanese for more than 10 years, and most of these things I just noticed one day in an a-ha moment, and even though someone had told me for years that learning and practicing kanji is important, it took several realizations for me to truly grasp what that meant. I would say that many of these require an intermediate grasp of the language to be able to use consistently, but I think that you can start doing any of these after achieving a basic foundation in the Japanese language.
So when your hand is cramped from writing the same kanji for hours, when on'yomi and kun'yomi have become swear words, and when you lost that one little point on the exam because the kanji you were supposed to use was only off by one stroke from the kanji you actually used... I hope you will remember this post and feel a little bit encouraged.
Find the appropriate kanji to use when typing in the romaji/hiragana on a computer/phone
Since I started my Japanese studies during high school, the formal classes I was taking had me writing out kanji for homework in order to remember it and to be able to pass the quizzes and exams. So I spent many hours writing out kanji only to end up with hand cramps and ugly looking written characters. It took ages and the stream of kanji that I had to learn seemed endless. However, one benefit I quickly saw was that I was able to quickly adapt to typing in Japanese on a computer/phone because I was able to correctly identify the kanji that I had practiced, and knew which one to select when several choices came up.
In Japanese, many words have the same sounds but different kanji and meanings (these are called homophones). So when you type in the hiragana or romaji for a word into the keyboard, it will prompt you with a list of kanji to choose from. Being able to correctly select the right one is something I suddenly realized I could do one day, even if I hadn't used the word often. I knew and could recall a larger number of kanji than I thought, and I could eliminate any incorrect kanji for the word I was trying to use. Having a good solid foundation in kanji characters means that you don't have to go look up every word in the dictionary to check that you have the right kanji, and you also don't have to leave the word in kana because you can't guess the right kanji, but rather you are confident enough to pick the correct kanji for the word on your own. This makes typing more efficient and saves time!
Understand the meaning of a word just by looking at the kanji
When you know a significant amount of kanji and what they mean, sometimes when you encounter new compound words you can guess at what they mean. Or if you are like me and sometimes forget how to read words you are already supposed to know, you can magically relearn them by looking at the kanji and interpreting the meaning. So sometimes when I am reading text in Japanese and I see a compound I don't know, I can interpret the meaning from context and from my understanding of the individual kanji, and continue through the text without stopping to look up the word. This helps you to get the gist of a text without having to look up all the words, and is how you can start reading more advanced books or manga.
Guess at the pronunciation of a word from the kanji
On the flip side of the previous cool party trick is being able to guess how to pronounce a word by knowing the on'yomi and kun'yomi of the kanji, and therefore being able to guess at the pronunciation of a word. Unless the word has 人 or 生 in it. This helps most when reading out loud in class or to another person. It will also help you to feel smug about yourself while reading a book that is of a more advanced level and being able to determine the reading of several compound words in a row.
Understanding a new word using kanji clues
As an extension of the previous cool party tricks, I eventually reached the point where I could hear a word in conversation that I had never heard before, and figure out the meaning using kanji clues.
For example, not all Japanese people know English (shocking, right?), and busting out your phone to look up every single word you don't know can become burdensome in continuing the flow of a conversation. So, if I hear a word that I don't know during a conversation (and the continuation or flow of the conversation hinges on my understanding of the word), I will stop the person and either ask what kanji the word is written with, or if I have a guess I will ask "is this using the kanji for X?" This way I can gain clues to the key word without stopping the flow of conversation too much. (It's also a fun way to show off to Japanese speakers.)
For example, if you hear the word jishin (じしん) in conversation, and you aren't sure which meaning the speaker intended:
自信 self-confidence
自身 one's self
You can ask:
"Did you mean 自信 (jishin) with the "shin" from 信用 (shin'you) or did you mean 自身 (jishin) with the "mi" (another pronunciation of 身) as in one's body?"
Then the person can respond:
"Oh, I mean 身 (mi)! As in, 自分自身 (jibun jishin), or one's self."
Then, you can continue the conversation, having an understanding of what the speaker is saying and not having to take out your phone to translate as often. This also can give the person you are speaking to a better sense of your level and help them to tailor the conversation to you.
[I hope this conveys what I am trying to illustrate ^.^]
TL;DR: Kanji is Fun
Honestly, when kanji clicks and you can read words or understand their meanings, it's like deciphering a secret code, and this is one of the things I find so cool about Japanese, and why I have studied it for so long. So if you are just starting out and are daunted by kanji - don't worry. I am still daunted by kanji, but I also find it a useful tool to improve my knowledge of Japanese and to communicate in a way many people cannot. I hope this information was useful and inspires you to suffer through learn more kanji.
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