#except for itchy sorry dude
aquared · 8 months
i have too many followers you all might have to die
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misanthrapologist · 3 months
idk how to start thus rant but i was listening to cure right both versions one after the other and noticing all the differences is SICK the difference between till in the one in the video and the album ver and how in the one in the video okay. I'm gonna start off with the beginning of the song first he sounds even weaker you can truly feel how he's like given up after finding out mizi is missing and could possibly be dead yes there's a lot of emotion in his voice but he sounds utterly destroyed. fucking weak even while in the album ver the song how it was supposed to go yk the yk what I'm on about. he still sounds devastated of course but his voice sounds a lot more powerful and like the usual him in a way with the harmonies in the back and stuff like as if he was going all out like it was meant to go cause yk that ver is how the song qas supposed to go but jesus christ till you poor guy give this man a break literally don't know how he's gonna make it through round 7 he's so screwed
moving onto ivan not much to say about him except like. he sounds the same. meaning he really did go all out and play fair yk he intended to do his best and so he did he did his best and went all out I mean you can hear it he makes me sick I hate him sorry I HATE HIM sorry demons
okay now onto the main difference the end the fucking end how it was supposed to go before till gave up and ivan did. all that.till starts off sounding basically the weakest we've ever heard him but then goes back to sounding powerful yet destroyed but this time ivans harmonizing with himMY EYES SO ITCHY HELHELPHELP okay sorry then you can once again hear in contrast with ivan kn tbe back tills voice is powerful in an absolutely devastating way while again ivan sounds the same and then he ends the song alone which like you'd assume it's supposed to be both but nuh uh!!!! the amount and like intensity of emotions in the song is crazy alien stage makes me sick especially ivan I hate him I HATE ALIEJ STAGE demons I cannot be serious about stuff I like for too long man and this shits 100% been talked about better and more in depth before but I was just bored and staring out the window and I started paying attention to the details in the song a lot more OHMYGOD THE FUCKING INSTRUMENTAL AAAAGRHGEHRRRGHRHRR it's so good dude THE END THE END OF THE ALBUM VER DUDE THE LIKE ALL THE WAY AT THE END it sounds so crunchy but like the good crunchy it is so good
insane probably incomprehensible ranting is OVER
this is from the 30th it wasn't gonna ever see the light of day but man fuck it I'm gonna say this in the perspective of someone who doesn't care about the ship I just lose my mind over all of them without being biased towards anyone at all trust!!!! man I need to stop saying I hate ivan so much someone might actually believe me I am /j I swear
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its-tortle · 1 year
Hi Luisa! Hope you’re doing well!! ❤️ From the prompt list, how about 23? 🥰
hi galks!! thank you for this <3 sorry it took so long
23. "Just pretend to be my date"
In retrospect, Bucky has no idea why he thought it would even be a good idea to come to this thing. He doesn’t know the groom that well, he doesn't know the bride at all, and his positive response to the RSVP was really mostly just because he had a pathetic lack of plans and was a glass or three of wine in. Also, he had foolishly hoped that the guy he had gone on two semi-pleasant dates with would turn into a boyfriend by the time he had to attend yet another one of these stupid weddings. But Darrian or Dorian or Darryl had turned out to be a tool, mostly, and they hadn’t even made it to their fourth date, so now Bucky is an itchy suit again, nursing his fourth glass of champagne and watching the happy couple -- couples, really -- spin around the dancefloor in their own little world of blissful oblivion. Bitches. 
He suppresses a sneer -- because he should be happy for them, really he should! -- and knocks back the rest of his glass. 
He hates himself a little bit, maybe, because he’s being the grumpy asshole in the corner he vowed to never be, but he’s just really sick of tinder matches that result in having to answer to how many siblings he has and what his favorite movie is only to end up at every wedding alone.
It’s not his fault his ex was an asshole and he’s gotten kind of bad at letting people in. 
And he’s fine most of the time, he really is, except suddenly it’s getting hard to convince himself of that because Brock is here, somehow, and he looks way too put together in his crisp suit and he’s laughing at something with a blonde hanging off of his arm and Bucky’s skin is crawling. He wants to run. He wants to grab another flute of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray just to throw it in Brock’s face. He wants to scream.
Mostly, he finds he just wants to show Brock that he’s better off without him, even if he still has to remind himself of it sometimes. He wants to seem cool, and handsome, and put together and over it in a way he can’t bring himself to totally be. He hears what sounds like an echo of a pop princess in his head sing “nobody actually happy and healthy has ever felt so desperate to prove it” at that thought, and maybe Maisie is right, but dammit, he just wants Brock to see that it’s his loss. 
Bucky is a catch. Brock is just some dude.
Except Bucky is the one sitting sourly in the corner while Brock is charming the pants off of the audience he’s amassed.
Bucky refuses to stand for it.
“If looks could kill,” a voice muses suddenly from beside him, and Bucky almost jumps with the surprise of it. 
His gaze follows the voice to a figure sitting at the table to his left -- and what a figure it is. The man is around Bucky’s age, with golden hair and blue, blue eyes, and shoulder’s the size of a fridge. Somehow, miraculously, he almost looks graceful despite it. With the bump in his nose and little waist Bucky can see under his tapered suit, he looks like a Greco-Roman statue. 
Bucky stares.
The man raises an eyebrow.
“Sorry,” Bucky blurts. “I’m not- I don’t usually stare like that. I’m not a serial killer.”
The blond chuckles, but it doesn’t feel mean. “You sure?”
“I mean-” Bucky feels himself sink deeper into his awkwardness, even as he tries to backpedal. “I’d kill him maybe, but he’s an outlier.”
The stranger laughs again, and Bucky feels a little too proud of himself for it.
He steps away from the column he’s leaning on to take a seat beside the stranger at the table and hopes he isn’t being presumptuous. A pretty smile lets him know he doesn't mind.
“So what’s his crime?” the stranger prompts then. “Is he a high school bully? A shitty coworker? An ex?
“The latter,” Bucky admits. “And obviously it looks like he’s here only to rub into my face that he’s thriving.”
“I don’t know,” the stranger muses. “It kind of looks like he’s balding a little bit.”
Bucky lets out a startled laugh and decides he likes him right there and then. “Fucker deserves it.”
“Didn’t end well?” the stranger guesses.
“Absolutely not,” Bucky scoffs wryly, finally feeling somewhat like he’s regained his footing. “He kind of- oh shit, he’s coming over.”
And like that, his footing is gone. Sure enough, Brock seems to have spotted them across the dance floor and is cutting his way through the crowds with that pretty blonde still hanging off of his arm.
Bucky turns to the stranger in a panic. “Fuck. Can you- Can I ask a favor?”
The stranger frowns. “Sure.”
“Just pretend to be my date,” Bucky blurts. “For like, a minute until he goes away.”
Bucky expects the stranger to protest, to scoff and call him ridiculous to even suggest it, but instead he just gives Bucky a subtle nod and adjusts his seating so his (glorious) thigh and (beautiful devastating) shoulder is bumping into Bucky’s. Bucky presses back in thanks.
“James, darling,” Brock jeers when he approaches them. “How nice to see you made it.”
Brock might have been ruinously impossible to read, but even Bucky can tell he doesn't mean that. If he does, it’s just to rub his composed-ness into Bucky’s face. That’s not a word. Whatever.
“You too,” Bucky manages to grit back. “You look good.”
“You too,” Brock replies, but the moment of hesitation before it speaks volumes. Bucky wants to scratch his eyes out. 
“Still working at the shop, then?” Brock asks. Bucky just about jumps out of his chair.
“Yeah,” Bucky manages. His smile is so fake it's hurting his face.
“But he’s actually just started a new project!” the stranger cuts in all of a sudden. “Haven’t you, babe?”
He’s perfect, beautiful, a knight in shining armor. Bucky could kiss him.
Instead, he just smiles and looks back to Brock. “Oh, yes!” he confirms, like he only just remembered because fun new projects happen to him all the time. “I’m restoring this gorgeous 60s Corvette. It’s Tony Starks, actually.”
Brock looks almost impressed, and Bucky wants to leap with joy. He isn’t even lying.
“That’s so cool!” the blonde on Brock’s arm says.
“Congrats,” Brock comments, though it falls a little flat. “Who’s this?” he asks after a moment, gesturing to the Adonis of a stranger.
“Oh, right,” Bucky asks, like this isn’t an orchestrated part of the interaction. “This is my boyfriend. Darling, this is Brock. He’s an old friend.”
Brock’s face twitches like Bucky hoped it would. The ‘old friend’ bit always works like a charm -- Bucky’s been on the other end of it.
“Steve,” his fake boyfriend, Steve, introduces himself. “Pleasure.” He holds out his hand to shake because apparently Bucky looped a gentleman into his con.
A gentleman with a lame white boy name that Bucky somehow finds endearing when it melds itself to pretty blue eyes and a crooked nose.
Brock shakes the hand with a poorly disguised grimace.
“Right well,” he says after another short moment of awkward silence. “This is Emily.”
Emily gives them a dorky little wave that’s almost cute. Bucky notes that she wasn’t allowed to introduce herself and reminds himself not to hate her. She’s just Brock’s next victim anyhow. 
She doesn’t even get the girlfriend label. Classic.
“Nice to meet you,” Bucky says as earnestly as he can.
Another silence stretches between them. The band has just started playing a Smiths song at a wedding, for some reason.
“Right, well,” Bucky’s knight in shining armor says before it can stretch too wide. “It was so nice to meet you both and I hate to interrupt, but I’d love to ask my best guy for a dance?”
He looks over at Bucky with a questioning glance, and Bucky takes the bait gladly. “Yes! Of course. Please excuse us, this is our song.”
If either Brock or Emily are perturbed by their song being Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by the Smiths, they don’t show it. Bucky internally pumps his fist.
Steve loops his arm through Bucky’s as he leads them to the dance floor, and Bucky curses himself for noticing how solid and warm his arm is. He smells like a warm July evening.
When they reach the floor, Steve loops the same arm around Bucky’s waist and loosely holds his hand in the other. Bucky glances at Brock and Emily over his shoulder and makes a short moment of eye contact with Brock until Steve spins him around and Brock is well out of sight.
“Sorry,” Steve says suddenly, quietly. “I just thought we might want out of that situation.”
Bucky waves him off. “No, thank you. For that and for- the whole thing.”
“Sure,” he responds easily. “He seems like an asshole.”
Bucky’s eyes crinkle at the corners. “He is.”
His beautiful knight-in-shining-armor Adonis stranger is even more beautiful under the twinkling lights of the dance floor, if that’s even possible. His hair falls into his face like a golden curtain. His eyes look like the stars.
“But really,” Bucky says. “You were amazing. I owe you one.”
Steve’s starry eyes crinkle at the corners. “No need. It was fun, honestly.”
Bucky tries to find a way to say that he wants to owe Steve one, wants the excuse to see Steve again, when he beats him to it.
“But, um,” he utters, looking suddenly a bit nervous. Bucky admires that he’s still smiling, that he looks unapologetic about his nervousness. He’s brave, Bucky realizes, and it makes him a little warm. 
“If you wanted to owe me one,” Steve ventures, “you could.”
Bucky can’t help the incredulous little laugh that escapes him. Steve isn’t real. He can’t be.
“Dinner?” he asks.
Steve nods.
When Bucky enters his number in Steve’s phone a moment later, he enters his name as Bucky :) before he can think better of it.
Steve frowns when he takes it back. “I thought your name was James,” he questions.
“It is,” Bucky says quickly. “Technically. But Bucky’s a childhood nickname and I just- I like it better.”
Brock always laughed at it, said it was juvenile and Bucky couldn’t expect anyone to take him seriously with it. But Steve just smiles. 
“Me too,” he says.
Bucky doesn’t mind the next wedding he attends so much. It’s hard to when Steve is holding his hand and clumsily spinning him around a dance floor and making him choke on his drink with laughter. 
And when Brock shows up dateless, Bucky’s too happy to even feel vindictive about it. Mostly.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 11 months
What if Medic taught the team sex ed because he found out that someone has an STI and the mercs later either follow his advice or completely ignore it + Medic educating reader on safe sex on practice
The reason I came up with this is that I'm really stupid so I got thrush. I'm so fucking embarrassed, I'm a grown ass woman but I somehow did my hygiene incorrectly and I'm itchy down there and it burns to pee. I'm making an appointment with a gynecologist as I write this so I should be fine
Love your writing, acceptance of horny and your chill. Best wishes to you and sorry for shitty English
Dw frend your english is ✨✨✨✨
Also get well soon <3 it happens to the best of us
Tw: Sex mention/STD mention
In this case: Spy (fuckboy) got trush and Medic had a mild stroke when finding out only 3/9 Mercs understand the concept of STDs
Medic: lecturer in the conference room used in ED. Has a small presentation of whats STIs are and how to avoid them.
“Zo az you zhee, thiz are the common STDs you may encounter during ehm…”
“During third base!” Pips Scout.
Visible confusion by all non english speaking members except Spy
“The boy means sex… speak like an adult sout.” Half muffled by a ciggarete.
“Doubt you can get a hard on, frenchman, just 10 secs ago sawbone said you loose your errectIon once you hit 60” scout goes for a low blow
“Your mother never complains, does she.” Spy snakes back for a lower blow.
“SAY IT AGAIN FUCKFACE AND YOULL HAVE A MUFFCABBAGE FOR A HEAD” scout tries to grab his pistol, forgets that he had to surrender it at the lockers for safety.
“SHUT UP BABYMEN! DOCTOR SAYS ITS IMPORTANT “ a russian roar cuts them both raw and leaves them hanging.
A shill sound cuts them all, now Medic using Archimedes claws to get them all to pay attention
“Danke mein Freund “. “Now I know thiz will be embarrassing but you are all very welcome to use the jar in the medbay, well you wish to… touczh third base” A true genious never lets new opportunities for a learning moment to fall.
“So the condom jar?” “Didnt yall ever used that till Spy got Thursh??!” Scout looks dumbfounded
“You dont really use protection when ya are a gentleman, mongrel!” Sniper visibly annoyed and flustered because in his non medical experience a quickie in a van isnt really prime time for proper sex ed usage.
“Snipes Sheep dont count!” Scout goes for the low hanging fruit.
Sniper roses up and looks anywhere for a weapon but decides his chair is prime
Untill he is stopped by heavy and is basically hogtied by a even taller and burlier man
“Next will be in Locker” simple threat but working.
“Dankeshone Fruende… but yes I expect you all to use them. We cant have a czeafire because you all have different sztrains of StDS reaking havoc.”…
“ Never seen you using one tho Sawbones” Again scout being a dumbass.
Soldier now fed up , stands up and salutes
“What if ye just want yer dick sucked by a bird? Do ye also need a condom?” Demo awoken has to ask the most revelant question in the last hour and a half.
“YOU DO VAT TO BIRDS?” Medic officially snapped.
“Ya know, chicks” scout yells amidst being stangled
“HE MEANS WOMEN YOU IDIOT” hogtied sniper yells
Earie silence from Medic finnaly snapping.
“Do we also have to use it with dudes? Like is it any different?”scout is about to pass out.
Medic defeated
Spy horrified his son is bi ( boomer fainting)
“I mean same same but different so prolly yeah” answers him an amused Engie.
“Mhmmm mmh” Pyro says and leaves the building.
True mercenary chaos ensues with Spy accusing Scout from hiding shit from him while all the others have fights about who did what and why they didnt use a wrapper.
Case in point
They are all idiots.
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angst3njoyer · 10 months
Radiator Spring Townie Headcanons! Because I love them so freakin much 💖 (Also, yes I am the person who did.. I forgot what the fboink my older account was, but I had some of the headcanons that I have on here!)
- I wanna start off by saying, he’s one of my favorite townies other than Sally, Lightning, Fillmore, Sarge, etc, Okay, first thing. Don’t let him near any form of fire or a kitchen UNLESS he’s with someone, because he WILL burn the fuckin town down, poor dude can’t cook for shit, and as honest the town wants to be, they can’t bring themselves to tell him they don’t like his cooking. He managed to burn fucking WATER. WATER.
- Mater goes by any pronouns and he will date almost anybody, regardless of sexuality, gender, he doesn’t care. (except a certain antagonist in cars 3.)
- If he were an animal he’d be a dog. No questions asked, he’d be a dog.
- Y’know I don’t know if it’s just me who thinks this but I feel like rust would be the equivalent to vitiligo in the cars universe, that’s why I headcanon Mater to have vitiligo!
- This is a self-projection hc, whenever something is being explained to him he’ll space out if it’s not something he has interest in, not intentional, that’s why he forgets the steps of how to do something from time to time, or he’ll go silent or stumble yk what I mean?
- He has fluffy poofy hair, think of it like pinkie-pie hair! He ties it back in a ponytail and eventually in a Cars 2 rewrite (more of a hc tbf) he gets a haircut, not sure if the haircut headcanon is gonna stay though.
- He’s an animal magnet, he has a spotted owl that visits him at night from time to time when he walks around the town, nicknamed Dottie, or something? I forgot :,)
- He has a burning hatred for spicy foods, he thinks he can handle it but ends up throwing himself in the lake from the spice, everyone tells him to stop, but he says "Nahhh, it wasn’t too bad!" When 5 freaking minutes ago he was literally sobbing like "STAAFGYUFWJYGVGYFGYAYGJ IT BURNNSS :(("
- Another self-projection hc, he hates soda. Too fizzy, and the aftertaste fucking sucks.
- Sorry for all the self-projection headcanons but he hates clothing tags, they’re so, so itchy. He rips them off the moment he buys any new clothes.
That’s all for now, sorry for the smal amount :,)
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crimeronan · 9 months
(re: modesty: I see I see. part of the impetus behind my thinking about it was wondering how Amity -- who I would imagine is significantly more uptight -- would or wouldn't change the vibe once she starts hanging around the empress's chambers all the time… like does Luz feel the need to Perform/appear more proper when she's around? does it frustrate her & Hunter a little? does Amity sense as much and feel awkward about it?)
thinking about this made me laugh because i think the three of them are being stupid. in their usual ways. which delights me
okay so there's a Tiny bit established wrt this with luz and amity already -- luz tries really hard not to look at amity much when amity is sleeping/in pjs/reading/comfy/etc. mostly because AU luz is neurotic about desire.
(it's not even internalized homophobia. diversity win! the bisexual empress would have exactly the same i'm-abusing-a-power-dynamic-by-noticing-theyre-hot panic spiral with an attractive dude witch too!)
the flip side, which i have technically not written into the ao3 AU yet (though there are outtakes with it): amity also clearly tries not to look at luz when luz is in pjs or more casual clothing. and luz is like oh she must be uncomfortable around me....
except luz has Also. woken up. to find amity sitting straight up and just Watching Her Sleep. with the fascination of a cat
(amity is like i cant look at her when she's awake she'll be able to tell i think she's pretty. then as soon as luz falls asleep amity is immediarely possessed by the spirit of a lesbian who has never seen another girl before)
i think amity is DEFINITELY more uptight about bare skin and casual touching and whatnot. amity also has a feeling in the beginning of "oh, i'm third-wheeling them because hunter is doing me a favor" and i think she'd definitely have an aneurysm if she saw luz and hunter sleeping together in any state of undress. very OH GOD SORRY I DIDNT SEE ANYTHING I SWEAR I UM I'LL GO. DO YOU GUYS WANT ME TO GOUGE OUT MY EYES OR-
but then the third and most hilarious leg of this is. hunter. bc he clocks that amity and luz are both acting really fucking weird around each other but i dont think he identifies "oh, theyre into each other." so he's like hey. could you two be fucking normal please
hunter who's been sleeping in a proper set of pajamas whenever amity comes over because she keeps being fucking weird about him being in bed with luz, one day just walking into luz's room and like. looking amity dead in the eye. pulling off his shirt. loudly announcing FABRIC IS ITCHY AND I AM NOT HAVING IT. YOU CAN SKEWER ME IF YOU MUST. I'D RATHER DIEEE
i don't remember where i was going with this. you migjt have wanted something poignant about relationship development in which case i apologize profusely. whenever i see an opportunity for "lumiter where hunter is there in a qpr capacity and doesnt understand dyke drama At All" i immediately lose the capacity to think about anything else.
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mcclintcock · 5 months
snippet of an old man yaoi, figured id post the snippet bc i'll never post the whole thing probably, kent got smacked in the face by a biker gang dude and ben is not happy about this, also kent is autism,,, i fucking hate writing cisgender old men idk what they say or do or anything
Ben knocked on Kent’s door. Kent was typing furiously on his computer, but stopped and tilted his head towards the ground when he registered Ben’s presence. “Kent? Selina really wants some predictions for California.”
“I am aware,” Kent replied.
“Kent, that was the neurotypical way to ask ‘When will you be done with the predictions?’”
“Oh, uh… tomorrow morning?”
“Then what have you been doing in your office all day?” Ben asked, his smile becoming more stiff.
“On what?”
“The predictions for the West Coast.”
"Well, prioritize California. And make eye contact with me, Kent.” Kent had a bad habit of making excuses to look at anything except the person he was talking to, which often made him look shifty and uninterested. 
“I thought I only had to do that in front of people.”
“I am people.” Ben waited for Kent’s acknowledgement, which didn't come. “Look at me!” 
Kent raised his head to make eye contact. As he did, he awkwardly scratched his forehead with his right hand. His palm perfectly covered his right eye.
“Why are you doing that? Just put your hand down, I can only see half your face.”
"My face is exceptionally regular today, I am sure you can imagine the rest yourself."
“Move your hand.”
“Why won't you?”
“My forehead is very itchy.”
Ben grabbed Kent’s wrist and tried to pull it away, but ended up pushing the heel of Kent’s hand into his eye. Kent yelped and instinctually kicked Ben in the shin, pushing Ben away and now clutching both hands to his eye.
“Sorry, man. But I think you'll live.” Ben paused, staring at Kent while he recovered from the gouge. “You're a big boy, it can't hurt that bad.”
“It is actually quite painful,” Kent replied quietly.
“I’m sorry,” Ben muttered in an uncharacteristic show of empathy. “Can I at least look at it…?” he added after a few moments.
Kent slowly and begrudgingly brought his hand back down to his desk, revealing a wicked black eye. “I’m an unofficial mediator of sorts in my club. Hernandez was messing with Rocco, and, uh, I had to step in,” Kent explained, doing his best to look Ben in the eye.
Ben dragged his palms down his face. “Kent… you need to get a new hobby. I don't like you hanging around those guys. Can you even see through that shiner?” he asked, bending down and squinting at Kent’s eye.
"I can see perfectly fine. Things like this happen very occasionally, it's no worse than the liver damage you accumulate from your drinking.”
“Drinking isn't a hobby, Kent. My hobbies are masturbating and watching TV, I’m just drunk while I do them. Being in a gang isn’t meant to be a hobby. The only reason to be in a gang is if you need to be for money or something, and you make good money here. ”
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loominggaia · 2 years
Sorry for asking another question so soon, and double sorry if you've answered this before, but would Skel care about what happened to Rye?
You've mentioned before that he'd be ashamed of her, but how would he feel knowing that A. She was killed in a horrible way after being crippled? And B. That one of his friends was the one that caused it?
Also does Evan even know Skels full name? And even if he does, does he not remember Ryes full name?
Please take this meme as payment.
Ginger reading the letter that Itchy forged:
Tumblr media
Dude never apologize for asking questions, that's what this blog is here for! Every question helps me develop this world even further. I appreciate each and every one. <3 Flood this inbox with as many questions, comments, and memes as you like. They literally give Looming Gaia life!
Speaking of memes, this one gets a gold star. ★ It's SO easy to picture Ginger just squinting at that letter like "bitch wat the fuk..." lmao
And that is a hell of a good question too...I had to think about the answer for quite some time. Here's my logic:
We know Skel is ashamed of being a slave, and by extension, a goblin. He's ashamed of every aspect of his ancestry. I imagine he would be ashamed of his parents because of this, and by that I mean he wouldn't want to be seen with them. He doesn't want to meet them. He doesn't want anyone to know them or where he came from.
Skel remembers very little of his mother. He remembers her name, but he doesn't know that Evan's family used to own her as a slave. Evan doesn't have a close enough relationship with Skel to tell him something like that, nor does Skel know Evan well enough to tell him his full name, so Evan does not realize Rye was related to Skel.
In short, neither Skel nor Evan realize that Rye ties them together.
If Skel realized that Evan was responsible for her death, I imagine he'd have very mixed emotions. He'd probably feign indifference at first, acting like the whole thing didn't bother him. He'd say, "Well, that's what she gets for giving up her name! I'd rather bite off my tongue than let it speak my name to a lasher! So another worthless, lowly hob lies dead in the ground, who cares? Not me! I rose above that life! It's no skin off my nose!"
And I think he'd truly believe that at first. But deep down this knowledge wounds him, and over time this wound begins to fester. He'd carry this pain around for a while, stuffing it down over and over every time it tried to rear its head, telling himself that his mother got what she deserved and her life never mattered anyway, so why should he cry for her?
But there would come a day, probably months later, when he tries to reassure himself...and he can't, because no fae can lie, even to themselves. He would finally have to admit to himself that he's hurt. And with that admission, I think he'd fall apart emotionally. All that pain he was holding back would spill out at once, and his friends would see him suddenly "snap" for no apparent reason.
He'd go apeshit on Evan out of nowhere. Maybe the crew is having dinner in the dining hall, Evan makes a little comment that rubs Skel the wrong way, and it turns out to be the straw the breaks the camel's back. Skel stands up and attacks Evan with a telekinetic pulse, sending him flying across the room. He'd start screaming with tears in his eyes, calling Evan a heartless lasher and so on, and the crew would be utterly confused as to why...
Except Evan. Evan knows why, and he feels terrible about it. Skel storms off and Lukas is furious at him, advising Evan to suspend him for this--or better yet, fire him!
Evan refuses to punish Skel. He simply tells Lukas that everyone has bad days, and later on he talks to Skel in private. The two have a real discussion about their feelings over this matter, holding nothing back this time, and they're able to finally reconcile with eachother about it.
That's just one possible outcome for this scenario though. I think there could be lots of different answers!
Lore Masterpost
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bigsnzstanacct · 3 months
Some Ch/eck Pl/ease that nobody asked for but I’m sorry I’m obsessed. (There is also some Ch/eck Pl/ease in my inbox that somebody DID ask for and I am very excited to dig into that as soon as I can…)
To be clear about characters nicknames: Derek “Nursey” Nurse and William “Dex” Poindexter both have the kink and have gone on a sneeze-fueled enemies to lovers speedrun. Lazy and un-proofread, but lots of sneeze talk (and one stifled sneeze). Maybe will do part two with The Big Sneezes eventually, after I do more actual asks lol:
“So, like…” he said, before collapsing unceremoniously across his boyfriend’s lap, beaming up at him like he wanted something.
“No, no, Nurse, before you go any further, there’s a program that still won’t compile on that laptop over there and I’m just taking a break—“
“Uggghhhhh… all compiling and no fun makes Dexy a dull boy and I’m bored.”
The way Nursey said bored, as though fun was a thing Dex had some obligation to dispense like Pez, as though he was Derek Nurse’s favorite toy… was exactly the sort of thing that would have gotten him red-faced furious and started a yelling match back in the day, before they got together, before they found out about their shared interest (or obsession or adoration or endless mutual infatuation). But now… well, it got his face red and the tips of his ears pink and his whole body involved for totally different reasons.
“You’re bored?” Dex said, feigning neutrality, badly.
Nurse nodded, still beaming, eyelids lowering imperceptibly. (Except to Dex, nothing Derek did was imperceptible to Dex.) “I’m bored.”
“Well when you put it like that…”
“So what I was going to ask you before I got so rudely interrupted by Homework Dex was like, um…” Derek bit his lip. Derek getting nervous? Oh shit, that means this had to be about…
“How big do they get?” Nurse asked, the way the words rushed out betraying his nerves.
“You mean, my…”
Nurse nodded.
“I mean… really big.” The way Nursey’s pupils dilated, the way his chest rose and fell, made it quite obvious to Dex that he should in fact keep going. “Like… well you know I always had the allergies, right? And when you’re sneezing every fifteen seconds it’s like… you just wanna do it hard enough to stop. And so like, you know, I started sneezing a little harder so I could get the urge to stop. And then a little harder. And then harder so like… yeah I guess that’s where I got like… the force behind it? Like it was an arms race with my allergies…”
“And the allergies won mmff…” Nursey stifled a moan, already so ridiculously blissed out.
“And the allergies won. Although at least now, I mean… if I go full out I can get the itch to go for like… a while. That was the issue dude, it was just like… my nose got so fucking itchy and I tried blowing it and I tried like… rubbing it and shit but nothing actually got the itch to go away except, you know…”
“Sneezing. Really fucking hard.”
“And loud, don’t forget loud.”
“Mmmm… don’t worry I neeeeever forget how loud, I’m always thinking about how loud…”
“So yeah, I just like… had to start sneezing really hard just so I didn’t spend my whole day sneezing. Of course, that backfired after…”
“After they got so loud they rattle rafters everywhere you go?”
“Yeah, after they got really embarrassing. But I didn’t even tell you the worst part.”
“Yeah it was… when I started diving? You know, it’s kind of a Maine thing?”
“Everything with you is a Maine thing, even the sneezes!”
“Damn straight.” Dex chuckled. He almost wondered how he had gotten so damn comfortable discussing his biggest embarrassment and shame in life, the thing he never, ever wanted to discuss with anybody. But of course he knew the answers: first, that Derek Nurse was somehow the easiest person to talk to Dex had ever encountered in all his years on planet earth, and second, any time Dex talked about his nose, or his allergies, or his sneezes… Nurse started looking like that. Eyes half-lidded, like the cat who got the cream and was gonna get some more, satisfied and hungry, delighted and a little bit dangerous. For that look… Dex would walk through fire. Even his anxiety was no match for that look.
“Okay so you know, like diving for lobster is kind of a thing people do for fun, right? But like… it’s a thing in my family—“
“Boooooo!” Nurse said, as he did every time Dex’s family came up.
“Shush, Nurse, you’re gonna be thanking them for this one.”
“Still booo, sorry babe.”
“Well, booo in general but for you—“ and you alone, in all the world he didn’t say, “for you this is a winner. Obviously if you actually work a lobster boat you’re not generally diving as a primary way of catching fish, but for some reason it’s family tradition you have to dive for your first lobster. It’s dumb—I mean sorry, it’s silly—“
“For once, I wouldn’t have stopped you babe.”
“I know, I did it myself.”
“God that’s almost as hot as your sneezes. But not quite. Back to the sneezes now Dex.”
“Yes sir.” A heated look passed between them at that but Dex forged ahead: “so yeah, like, I started diving and I got, like, really good at it. I loved going diving. I’d just do it for fun, and then you know, they wanted me to help check the traps if somebody needed to check them real quick and it was fun for me, but what I didn’t realize was…”
“Lung capacity?”
“Bingo. My lungs are actually, like, crazy strong. It’s a weird trait but yeah it’s true, I did a diving competition and I’ve been, like, measured.”
“Measured??” Nurse cut in incredulously, “Dexy-poo I’ve heard it, I don’t need no stinkin’ measurements.”
“So uh, yeah, between the allergies and the diving like… I dunno I can take in a crazy—fuck—ridiculous—amount of air, and with all the allergy stuff it’s like… either I take in as much as I can and, you know, blow out as much as I can or I sti… stifle… speaking of which…”
“It’s so hot that talking about sneezes makes you sneeze, I just want you to know that.” Nursey murmured, tracing idle circles with his finger around Dex’s chest, which was currently inflating to its considerable capacity, before….
‘HHHHUUUUUUHHHHHH-*snnnnxxxx*-chewwwwww, oh… man that still hurts.”
“I bet. Can’t believe you do it all the time. You know nobody’s gonna, like, kill you for sneezing a little loud—or, like a lot loud, I guess I can’t lie. Aaaaaaaaanyway, if there’s still a tickle in your nose, you know we could ummmm… do what I was really curious about…”
“You let me tell that whole embarrassing ass story and that wasn’t even what you w-wanted??” It was mock anger, though the lingering itch in Dex’s nose was very real.
“Oh it was hot as fuck and you know it. But no, what I really wanted was, um… to see it. Like… full out. Cause you know you said that like, it’s way bigger in person and when you really have to sneeze and like, I know the pollen count isn’t as high as it was but it’s still kinda up there—“
“D-don’t rehhh… remind me…”
“And like that air purifier is running like crazy in here, so I bet if you went outside…”
“I’d blow your eardrums out?”
“God, I hope so.”
“Well, you’re in luck cause it’s still i-itchy and really don’t want to have to stihhhh… stifle again and…”
Nursey was up in a flash. “Okay cool, give me two seconds to put real clothes on and to like not be so embarrassingly erect”
And Dex looked down and, well, he wouldn’t call that embarrassing. Impressive more came to mind, perhaps mouth-watering if he was totally honest.
“Just huhhh-huuhhh… hurry. It really t-tickles…”
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TBC But It Happens During OOTS AU
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god this is such a good idea
and i really hope that you manage to get inspiration for it in the future cause there are so many ideas you could do with this
mine would only be one of many and I really hope to see a story with this plot in the future because this is such a powerful idea ❤❤❤
I don't even know who you are, my dude, but if you can come up with even a concept like this, I truly believe you could come up with one amazing ass story!!
okay so, quick note;
around the beginning of OotS just so I can do some plotted out buildup
cause i want to give this story the justice it deserves!
I'm also either going to brush over the side plots or cover it very little [Dovewing's romance, Leopardstar's death, etc]
This starts at Fading Echos Meaning everything before happens about the same, including Breezepelt's fight with Jayfeather except maybe the implication that Breezepelt started holding Jayfeather down for someone but this was interrupted by Honeyfern coming to the rescue
Lionblaze confesses about his training in the Dark Forest to Jayfeather something about remembering the Dark Forest makes Lionblaze feel a bit itchy and uncomfortable. He brushes this off
One night after a gathering, Ivypaw is approached by a tom who introduces himself as Hawkfrost. He is friendly and charming. They don't have long to talk, but he asks Ivypaw if she could please let him know about how Firestar and Brambleclaw are doing next time he sees her
Ivypaw agrees. Even though he never states he was, she assumes he's from StarClan and it makes her feel a little bit special to have a big responsibility from a cat from the afterlife
Ivypaw keeps to her promise and is watching after the two. She isn't sure what she's supposed to be watching for, but she keeps her eye out nonetheless
During the storm, a tree falls down, killing Longtail and injuring Briarpaw
The next time she sees Hawkfrost, she tells him what happened and he seems agitated for a moment before calming down. He asks, very carefully, if she can bring Firestar to the WindClan border He informs her its very important when asked about it
Ivypaw listens and she manages to convince Brambleclaw that he needs to see something at the border. Ivypaw tries to follow after him, to see what it might be, but she's stopped by Cinderheart, who takes her out training
When Brambleclaw returns, he seems a little dazed, but he assures he's fine, that he just had a bit of trouble at the border
Ivypaw feels guilty, but he assures her he's fine Ivypaw believes him
When checked, Brambleclaw is fine and Jayfeather tells him not to be so overdramatic.
That night she's approached by Hawkfrost and he praises her, but can't stay long he promises that Brambleclaw has some big plans for her and part of her can't wait he even calls her important
Brambleclaw is now a new type of dismissive to Squirrelflight, acting like he barely knows her, though everyone assumes this is his new way of being angry with her.
Even Lionblaze seems a bit tense at this and part of him feels sorry for his adoptive mother
While on a patrol, he meets up with Heathertail, who confesses that something has been off about Onestar and she's not sure what The two aren't on good terms, but she feels as if she can't speak freely to her Clanmates, so she turned to him
Lionblaze can't relate, but he does think about Brambleclaw for a moment, but he wouldn't name that as too different than how he had been treating Squirrelflight.
Heathertail is less dismissive She mentions how Onestar is pushing apprentices a lot harder than usual and that his temper is worse than usual
Lionblaze jokes that he's finally gone senile and Heathertail doesn't think that's funny
Brambleclaw has more or less taken over training Ivypaw. He states, to Ivypaw, that Cinderheart isn't training Ivy to be her best but he can make her the best warrior around
Ivypaw likes the idea
He starts training her in tougher battle moves
It's not long until the battle with ShadowClan where Russetfur dies.
Firestar is dying and Brambleclaw personally picks the leader up and carries him away. Lionblaze is glad Brambleclaw is taking Firestar to go get help However Lionblaze himself is currently dealing with being accused of murder, which isn't so great
Firestar seems a little off, but this is brushed off as being a rather rough death, as Brambleclaw states the death was painfully slow as he couldn't save Firestar on time Firestar doesn't blame Brambleclaw, but that's not the only thing strange
The ginger tom is walking in longer strides and for the first day of being back, it seems like he was trying to make his voice deeper, but he brushes this off as it being a neck wound and he had been trying to talk to Brambleclaw when he died
Everyone goes with it, but Dovepaw can't shake this feeling that something else, deep down is wrong and she brings this up with Jayfeather and Lionblaze
Lionblaze hasn't taken the time to notice, but Jayfeather decides he could check it out
Dovepaw is also confused on why Brambleclaw has taken over mentoring Ivypaw and that's something Lionblaze is actually angry about, as he knows it's upset Cinderheart to lose her apprentice
Dovepaw wants to talk to Ivypaw about it, but her sister keeps brushing her off or Brambleclaw just so happens to step in and stop the two from talking
That night Jayfeather tries to walk into Firestar's dreams
When he does, he finds himself in the Dark Forest where he and Spottedleaf had seen the death of Snowtuft Firestar's spirit is being held by thick, thorny branches along with Onestar, Brambleclaw, Reedwhisker, and Littlecloud.
He is shocked by this He tries to approach Firestar, but the leader tells him to run
It's too late to run, however, as Jayfeather is tackled down by Breezepelt, who hisses for the blind tom that he should've never have tried to come here
He's about to try to kill Jayfeather when he's stopped by Antpelt, who informs his Clanmate that it'd be up to the Dark Forest cats to decide what to do with the medicine cat
Jayfeather is held down by Antpelt and Breezepelt runs off to go get someone
We cut from this POV back to Lionblaze, who is sitting with Cinderheart. He expresses his concerns over what's going on and she tries to assure him that everything is fine
The two go off for the night
Dovepaw wakes up the next morning and she notices Jayfeather is heading out with Brambleclaw and Firestar. She's very curious about what they're doing, but Ivypaw interrupts her
Training with Brambleclaw seems to be rough, as Ivypaw has a new injury that Dovepaw hadn't noticed before
She asks about it, but Ivypaw brushes it off
This isn't assuring for Dovepaw and she asks if she needs Cinderheart as a mentor and Ivypaw snaps at her She states that Brambleclaw is making her stronger
Dovepaw only grows more worried
She manages to sneak away as Ivypaw is distracted by Birchfall wanting to talk to her about something
She arrives late into the conversation and all she hears is Jayfeather hissing
"I didn't know it'd be this hard!" - Jayfeather "You were the one who agreed to this. Now stop whining like a kit and we'll get this figured out." - Brambleclaw
She listens more, but doesn't manage to learn what's going on.
She gets back into camp and Ivypaw is training She uses this as a chance to go to Lionblaze and ask if he knows why Jayfeather and Firestar are with Brambleclaw
He's not aware, but he assumes they're doing something important, since they're the most important cats within ThunderClan, rank-wise
She tells him what she heard, but to him that just confirms his theory
When the three toms return, it seems like Brambleclaw and Firestar are trying to shield Jayfeather from view and finally Lionblaze admits it is suspicious Jayfeather is struggling getting through camp and Brambleclaw is leaning against the blind tom and talking to him quietly.
Lionblaze makes direct eye contact with Firestar and he shivers When Dovepaw asks what's wrong, he doesn't respond
Instead, he pushes Dovepaw away and takes her out of camp
She's trying to ask what's wrong, but he won't answer He drags her all the way across the border with WindClan
The two end up hiding in one of the tunnel passages in WindClan and while they're waiting, Dovepaw tries to question her mentor again He tells her that Firestar isn't Firestar
She asks for him to elaborate and he explains how he once trained in a place called the Dark Forest, a place where no stars would shine He tells her how he was mentored by Tigerstar and Hawkfrost while he was there and recalls how Tigerstar would look at him a certain way - like he saw him as a powerful pawn in his plans and not a cat
He then goes on to bring up Heathertail - though not his relationship with her - and how she had something was wrong with Onestar and how he didn't believe her Well, now he believes her
It's late by the time they see Heathertail and Lionblaze carefully catches her attention and brings her to the tunnels
When she gets there she smacks him and calls him an idiot for coming out here Lionblaze apologizes not just for trespassing, but for not believing her
Heathertail is surprised that he's apologizing at all
He asks for more information and Heathertail explains more on what's going on
Just that day, Ashfoot had been exiled for challenging Onestar's strange behavior and the moment she had left camp, he had sent some warriors to chase her down and kill her [specifically Breezepelt, Boulderpaw, Harespring, and Antpelt] Breezepelt is the new deputy
The few WindClan apprentices they have were forced to overtrain Furzepaw was pressured into killing Whiskerpaw and she was made a warrior for it - she's now Furzestrike Boulderpaw will likely be becoming a warrior soon, too, she also mentions, especially if Breezepelt vouches that the apprentice killed Ashfoot
Elders Webfoot and Tornear were chased off a few days ago, but no one knows where the two are or if they had been hunted down, too
Crowfeather is now being kept as a prisoner in their own camp and is being starved and mistreated She's worried that her former mentor will be killed soon
Lionblaze, despite the disdain he feels, realizes how messed up Heathertail is over this He offers to help her save Crowfeather
Dovepaw also offers to help, quietly mentioning how she could watch for danger
The three agree to do this and work out a plan to save the tom Dovepaw is in charge of watching for danger Heathertail is going to be put on guard Lionblaze will break in
With that they wait for later that night
After Dovepaw confirms she hears Heathertail taking over watching Crowfeather from Harespring, she and Lionblaze move in closer to the camp
They manage to get Crowfeather out of camp, but before the four of them can escape, they are confronted by a patrol. It's Onestar, Breezepelt, Harespring, Furzestrike, and Swallowtail.
Onestar warns them that they have one chance to explain themselves
They refuse
"Fine" Onestar says before he orders, in a rather flat tone, "kill them."
Breezepelt is quick to move and he runs right towards Lionblaze. Lionblaze tells them the three to run.
Heathertail doesn't listen, but Dovepaw manages to get a very unfit to fight Crowfeather to move.
Lionblaze, while fighting Breezepelt, gives Heathertail one more chance to run. She doesn't take it.
It cuts to Ivypaw, wincing as she's waiting on Jayfeather to grab herbs for an open wound on her shoulder. She had just returned from training with Brambleclaw and things got rough.
Jayfeather brings a poultice on it and Ivypaw hisses as it stings in pain. Jayfeather almost apologizes before muttering for her to stop whining. Ivypaw isn't sure what's wrong with him today.
When she walks out, she notes how Dovepaw hasn't been seen since yesterday. She finds this annoying because she assumes she's out being 'important' or whatever. Still, she can't shake this worried feeling.
Nearby Molepaw, recently apprenticed to Thornclaw, is complaining to his sister, Cherrypaw, who had been apprenticed to Blossomfall, about his aching paws
Her attention turns to the camp entrance as Lionblaze returns, being lead by Onestar.
Firestar comes out of his den, asking what's going on
Onestar states the tom was caught trespassing and he decided to give ThunderClan a warning. He also mentions how he's 'sure it will no longer be a problem'
Lionblaze nods and very reluctantly apologizes, shooting a dark look at Onestar for a moment before turning back to Firestar He assures it'll never happen again
Firestar accepts this and apologizes for Lionblaze trespassing
He then calls Lionblaze to his den
Ivypaw is confused as she's not sure where that means Dovepaw is and that bitterness melts slightly
She wants to try to find her sister so she heads out
Bumblestripe stops her and asks where she going Ivypaw lies and says she wants to get some fresh air He offers to go with her, bringing up how he's worried about Dovepaw and wants to find her
Ivypaw hides that she's also a little worried.
They search, but find nothing
No scent trails, nothing However, Ivypaw notes how it seems like someone was trying to cover something up at the border with WindClan
She returns back to camp, disappointed to not have found anything Bumblestripe also isn't happy
When she returns to camp, she parts ways with Bumblestripe and heads to the apprentices den When she sees Dovepaw isn't there, she begins to worry more
It's been half a moon and Dovepaw wakes with a start, having just had a nightmare of being chased down by WindClan She's not in Clan territory and Crowfeather, who has been recovering well, is still asleep
Getting up, Dovepaw is worried She wants to return to camp, but she knows imposters lurk within the Clans She recalls telling Crowfeather everything and the tom stating had he not witnessed the change himself, he wouldn't have believed it
The two struggle to get along and she can't stand the warrior
She'll be happy when she's back home
Speaking of home, she starts listening again, trying to see if she can reach the Clans.
There's nothing she hears other than the faint sounds of patrols
Crowfeather wakes up and startles Dovepaw by asking what she's doing
Dovepaw answers truthfully, since she has no reason to hide her powers from Crowfeather He's already been aware of her powers by this point
Crowfeather stares out to the lake and out loud he wonders how Nightcloud's doing and if she's even worried about him
Dovepaw asks about it and Crowfeather admits they didn't become mates out of love, that they both needed to prove themselves loyal to Onestar and that ended up becoming a horrible relationship where the two of them tried to care for each other but they couldn't
Dovepaw feels sorry for him
Crowfeather tells her not to. He knows he's partially to blame for all of this
She isn't sure that's true, but he won't let her argue about this
There's a moment of silence before she asks if they should hunt
Crowfeather says no, as he wants to return to the Clans to make sure everyone is safe
Dovepaw isn't sure
He starts walking without her and she hurries after him
The two get close to the Clans and he orders her to listen to what she can
Dovepaw does her best to focus; ThunderClan is busy. It seems that cats are training harder and harder. However, she hears a patrol heading out, whispering about Firestar and Brambleclaw and how they need to be stopped. She knows two of the voices belong to her grandparents; Brightheart and Cloudtail . In ShadowClan, the training is getting rough. Littlecloud is telling Blackstar of vision and how ShadowClan must become stronger in order to face this. Blackstar believes his medicine cat and he silences Rowanclaw when questions are asked It should be noted that at this point, Flametail has gone missing . RiverClan is recovering. Mistystar is ill and dying. The scent of something strange and unnatural reaches Dovepaw and she realizes the leader's slowly being poisoned out of all nine of her lives. Reedwhisker is looking after her, but there's little hope. . In WindClan she hears Nightcloud getting ready for a patrol. Gorsetail softly expresses missing her daughter, Thistleheart, who seemingly died recently. She's told to quiet down by Nightcloud, who reminds the molly that they're not allowed to talk about the dead or missing anymore.
Crowfeather doesn't seem happy but he doesn't say anything
When asked if he's okay, he only tells Dovepaw that they should find that ThunderClan patrol
She hesitantly nods and leads him to where the patrol is
They head off and learn the patrol is no longer in Clan territory
When they get their they find a fair number of ThunderClan cats; Cloudtail, Brightheart, Graystripe, Sandstorm, Millie, Brackenfur, Sorreltail, Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Whitewing, Hazeltail, and Daisy
However, as they wait, they find cats from other Clans joining; From WindClan, Nightcloud's patrol arrives - Nightcloud, Gorsetail, Sedgewhisker, Emberfoot, Sunstrike, and Furzestrike From ShadowClan - Tawnypelt, Dawnpelt, Tigerheart, Rowanclaw, Snowbird, Kinkfur, Ivytail, and all of ShadowClan's apprentices + elders From Riverclan - Mothwing, Willowshine, Mallownose, Robinwing, Mosspelt, Mossypaw, Rushpaw, Graymist, Troutpaw, and Grasspelt
They're talking about the changes in their Clan and sharing news; WindClan shares first. Nightcloud mentions the deaths of Sedgewhisker and Whitetail. She also brings up how Onestar believes WindClan needs stronger kits and is pressuring his more loyal warriors to get ready for patrols. She urges queens to protect the nurseries. . In ShadowClan, Tawnypelt shares that they're still looking for Flametail, but she's sure he's alive. She brings up how Littlecloud 'saw an omen' that he believes means that Mistystar of RiverClan needs to die. She doesn't believe this and neither does any of the ShadowClan cats here. . RiverClan, disturbed by Tawnypelt's news, shares their own. Mothwing states that Reedwhisker doesn't leave his mother's side and how he's been training Hollowpaw so roughly that the tom has been in the medicine cat den many times - and sent the other apprentices there a lot as well. . Sandstorm brings up that Briarlight has sadly passed away thanks to the sudden change in Jayfeather. She also mentions how Dovepaw is still missing. She's also been trying to talk sense into Ivypaw and is worried that Brambleclaw's going to accidentally kill her one of these days.
Dovepaw can't hold herself back and before Crowfeather can stop her, she runs forward He attempts to stop her, but they're both brought into the open
Whitewing hurries and holds Dovepaw close to herself while a few warriors hop their paws and surround Crowfeather
From their perspective what he did looks shady as hell
They're interrogating him but Dovepaw stops them, telling the cats that Crowfeather's alive because she saved him and if he was possessed he had plenty of time to hurt her
The cats are confused possessed???
Dovepaw realizes they don't know and explains the conclusion she, Lionblaze, and Heathertail came to moons ago
The cats look at each other cautiously
She asks what's wrong
horrified, she learns Lionblaze and Heathertail are among the cats behaving strangely
Dovepaw wants to go back to camp to protect her family, but she's stopped It's dangerous and not a good idea, especially since Lionblaze had begun talking about how she was a traitor who ran off and was running her name through the mud
This is stunning to hear
She asks what they want her to do and they find a place for her and Crowfeather to live.
After that, cats begin to part ways. Crowfeather goes to talk to Nightcloud for a moment.
After saying goodbye to her family, Dovepaw is pulled to the side by Tigerheart. He's happy to see her. She finds herself happy to see him.
He admits he's supposed to be spying for Littlecloud and Blackstar and Dovepaw is shocked to hear this She threatens to tell and he stops her
He doesn't want any more cats getting hurt
She doesn't believe him at the moment
Tigerheart states that if he didn't want to change, why would he tell her this?
She falls silent and gets what he means
Tigerheart tells her that she's right these cats everyone's worried about are possessed he even knows by who
She asks why he hasn't told yet
He tells her, bluntly, that if the Dark Forest found out, they'd kill him without thinking
She asks if there's a chance to save the possessed cats
He isn't completely sure, but he wants to believe there is.. Especially since they're trying to find Flametail to possess him.
Cautiously, Dovepaw asks if he believes his brother is alive
Tigerheart doesn't answer the question, stating he's happy to see she's okay and that he needs to go home.
That's enough of an answer for Dovepaw to know there's doubt
In ThunderClan, Ivypaw has been struggling She's great in training and she knows she'll be made a warrior soon, but she knows somethings wrong with these cats and she misses her sister a lot
She's trying to eat when Brambleclaw approaches her
He says he has something important for her tonight
Ivypaw, confused, asks what it is
He informs her that he'll tell her, but he wants her to know that she is a valued member of ThunderClan and he's very proud of her
The praise doesn't spark as much joy anymore
That night she's told to go to sleep and is given a nest outside of the camp to rest.
When she wakes up she's in the Dark Forest and Hawkfrost is waiting for her
He revelas to her that he's possessing Brambleclaw and he thanks her for her help
Ivypaw is confused
Hawkfrost assures her that she doesn't need to overthink it, dodging her question
He does explain that he's not the only one, that she has allies in all four Clans and they know that she's on their side
Ivypaw wants those words to mean something, but as he leads her further into the forest, a deep pit of worry settles in
He brings her to The Brambles, where the spirits of the living are being held. She sees many of cats here - Firestar, Brambleclaw, Lionblaze, Heathertail, Littlecloud, Reedwhisker, and Beetlewhisker
Hawkfrost informs her that tonight she's in charge of watching these cats. Of course, she won't be alone. Minnowtail of RiverClan and Harespring of WindClan are also here
They will be her guarding mentors for the night
He explains that they're in charge of making sure no one comes to free these cats and to stop anyone who tries
They also keep an eye out for cats being dragged in to be possessed
As soon as he leaves, Ivypaw looks at the cats. She stares at them for a long time and they have a soulless stare in their eyes
She asks what's wrong with them
They're not sure, but they've always been like this Harespring mentions that they're not allowed to talked to the captive cats.
She asks about the cats possessing Minnowtail that Beetlewhisker is possessed by a tom named Silverhawk and Reedwhisker is possessed by Houndleap.
Harespring doesn't know who's possessing Onestar, but he does know that Mapleshade is possessing Heathertail.
Ivypaw doesn't know these names.
Harespring isn't surprised He beings to mention how Hawkfrost referred to Ivypaw as a personal project but is shushed by Minnowtail
Ivypaw demands to hear more
Minnowtail stares at Harespring and he looks away, choosing to ignore her
He tells her how Hawkfrost wants to train Ivypaw to take over as much as she can and wants to use her as a living puppet to do what he couldn't
She brings up how he's in Brambleclaw's body, therefore alive in a way
Harespring shrugs "in a way, yes, but.."
He explains that he's not sure how long they can possess and he isn't sure how long this will last, expressing small doubts that Minnowtail hushes him for
He knows they need living cats to carry on what they want - that no cat, even if dead, lives forever
Ivypaw asks why they'd be okay with being with these cats
Harespring wants to make WindClan proud Minnowtail wanted to use her time here to see Mousewhisker, but she sees him a lot less
They're both unsure about the takeover but accepted that it's too late to change
Ivypaw doesn't believe it's too late
Minnowtail warns her not to say anything else about this
There are ears everywhere
Ivypaw listens, but her gut twists
It's almost morning when a group of cats approach the three guards. They have a spirit with them.
It's Nightcloud of WindClan
One of the spirits, Sparrowfeather, says how she's in charge of taking over the molly's body and she's here to drop off the spirit.
Ivypaw is surprised.
Harespring asks why Nightcloud was chosen. A tom states how, after a patrol, she was acting suspicious. She refused to answer his questions and so she was chosen to be taken. This tom is Brokenstar
Harespring asks if Breezepelt knows but is ignored
Nightcloud is brought to where the spirits are being held.
Ivypaw watches as they leave. She feels terrible
After some more waiting, Minnowtail brings up how she needs to wake up soon. She has important duties in the morning.
She trusts Harespring to keep and eye on Ivypaw.
She leaves and Harespring immediately turns to Nightcloud He asks what happened
Nightcloud hisses at him but she does answer She was caught sneaking out because she was going to go see someone
He begs for more answers
She doesn't want to tell him
Harespring swears on his own life that he won't tell anyone
Nightcloud glares at him for a long time, before slowly, quietly explaining that Crowfeather is alive.
Harespring is surprised to hear this
Continuing, she adds that Crowfeather has plans to take down Onestar and they were going to try to come up with a way to stop Breezepelt without killing him
She goes on to include the fact that there are cats who know about the possessions, that want to free their loved ones, and that soon they'll stop this all She then scolds Harespring, him being complacent in this
Harespring clearly feels guilty
Nightcloud then turns to Ivypaw
She mentions that Dovepaw is still alive, too
Lionblaze's head snaps up. The empty look was an act and the other cats slowly move, trying to get him to pretend He doesn't listen
He asks about Dovepaw
Nightcloud states she doesn't know much, just that Dovepaw and Crowfeather are in hiding, but are both alive and well
He then turns to Ivypaw and asks about Cinderheart He asks if Thistleclaw hurt her
Ivypaw isn't sure, but Cinderheart did break up with him thanks to the way he had been acting thanks to Thistleclaw
Lionblaze grows restless He needs to be free
He tries to break out of The Brambles, but he doesn't do any damage.
Harespring tries to calm him down, but to no avail. The other spirits are restless, too.
Brambleclaw finally gets Lionblaze to chill out, reminding his adopted son that the Dark Forest cats will do anything to get information from them, even as spirits They need to be calm
Ivypaw asks for more information
They can't give any tonight, but promise they will in the future
She hopes they keep the promise Before Nightcloud joins the act, she whispers to Ivypaw. She tells Ivypaw, to find allies, simply tell a cat "I hear the prey is running well by the lake."
After a little bit more waiting, Hawkfrost arrives and relieves them of their duty. Dark Forest cats follow him and take Harespring and Ivypaw's place
Ivypaw wakes up with a plan - find Dovepaw
That morning she wakes up, determined, even though she isn't sure where to start looking
She's placed on a hunting patrol with Mousewhisker, Thornclaw, Blossomfall, Foxleap, and Squirrelflight. Brambleclaw is not joining them.
The group heads out and they start making plans where to hunt
Ivypaw blurts out; "I hear the prey is running well by the lake." She wants to find the others fast
The warriors stare at her for a moment before agreeing to split up
Feeling dejected, Ivypaw goes on her own
She's about to start hunting when she's attacked from behind She goes to yowl but is silenced
It's Squirrelflight
The dark ginger she-cat asks how she knows about the prey
Ivypaw isn't sure how to answer that, since she wasn't told about any extra code words, so she answers that Nightcloud told her
Squirrelflight relaxes slightly but still seems worried
Ivypaw promises that she's a friend She just wants to see Dovepaw for herself
Squirrelflight is surprised that Ivypaw knows about Dovepaw
Ivypaw pleads again
With some hesitation, she's taken out of Clan territory. They are brought to a thick, dense forest.
They reach a small clearing and Squirrelflight loudly comments how she smells rain on the air
Ivypaw is confused It's a nice, clear day
After a moment of silence, Squirrelflight lashes her tail and makes the same, loud comment about rain
A voice comments that, no matter how many times she says it, it still sounds stupid
It's Crowfeather
Ivypaw is excited She asks if Dovepaw is here
Crowfeather says Dovepaw is out hunting
Moments later, Dovepaw barrels out from the forest, tackling Ivypaw to the ground
Crowfeather is not amused "or, at least, she's supposed to be."
Dovepaw is so happy to see Ivypaw
Ivypaw is happy to see Dovepaw
The two catch up and update each other on what's going on
Ivypaw offers herself as a spy but Dovepaw becomes worried for her sister's well-being Ivypaw just wants things to be okay again and she's willing to put herself in danger to do so
That's not comforting
To prove herself, Ivypaw tells them about last night Squirrelflight is shocked to hear this
Ivypaw mentions that those inside can't break the brambles holding them, but she's sure a Dark Forest cat can
Squirrelflight asks how she plans on getting that done
Ivypaw has a plan
She's going to try to get the others manipulated by the Dark Forest to rebel
Dovepaw asks if that's possible Ivypaw believes Harespring may be willing because of what happened with Nightcloud, which she also explains
As Squirrelflight talks to Crowfeather about calling a meeting here with the others, and being sympathetic about what happened to Nightcloud, Dovepaw uses her powers
She states Breezepelt knows and he's angry
Ivypaw is reminded why she envies Dovepaw, but she bites back the bitter feelings
This is more important than sister drama
The four have a plan. They're not sure how it'll work, but Ivypaw's going to talk to as many as the others she sees Squirrelflight is going to gather a meeting Dovepaw is in charge of spying on the living, helping them gather intel Crowfeather doesn't have much of a role other than keeping Dovepaw safe
After a moon, it's Ivypaw's warrior ceremony Things are tense, but there haven't been any more deaths in the Clans.. Yet. Mistystar's still actively dying. There also hasn't been any more possessions, thankfully. She knows Harespring is on her side, as is Minnowtail and Mousewhisker. This is helping her influence in the other Clans, too.
She also knows who's possessing who Brokenstar is possessing Onestar Littlecloud is being possessed by a tom named Darkstripe Jayfeather is being possesed by Snowtuft Lionblaze is possessed by a tom named Thistleclaw and Firestar is being possessed by Tigerstar
What's important is that none of the possessed cats know that she's not truly on their side
She earns the warrior name Ivyshade.
She's then put on a patrol with Brambleclaw, Lionblaze, and Blossomfall to the WindClan border.
When they get there, Onestar is waiting with Antpelt. Ivyshade is confused.
Onestar mentions that Antpelt has been having disloyal thoughts. Antpelt assures he hasn't.
Brambleclaw pushes Ivyshade forward He says he brings a truly loyal cat, assuring that if Antpelt wants to prove himself, he just needs to kill Ivyshade.
Ivyshade's eyes widen She wasn't told about this
She turns to Brambleclaw, who assures that he doesn't doubt her loyalty, but he needs to know she'll punish those who are weak of heart
It's noted by Ivyshade that Blossomfall is not bothered by this and she realizes now that Blossomfall knows what's going on
She and Antpelt are forced to fight Antpelt is determined to prove himself and is actively trying to kill the newly named ThunderClan warrior
Antpelt is killed at her paws
Onestar praises Ivyshade He makes note that she'd have some strong kits
That makes her uncomfortable but everyone else ignores that comment from Onestar
Instead, Brambleclaw says it's time to return home, reminding Onestar to clean up the mess to avoid any trouble
Lionblaze makes a comment, after they've left, that he was sure Ivyshade didn't have the guts to do what needed to be done
Brambleclaw assures he had no doubts he looks at Ivyshade and her paws itch as she remembers what Harespring had told her that first night
We get Jayfeather's point of view for the first time in a while
He's still stuck in The Brambles he knows a change of watchers is coming soon
He can feel Lionblaze's pelt twitching in irritation next to him, even as the golden tom stares ahead
His brother wants to go home and he can't blame him
Personally, Jayfeather hopes Snowtuft hasn't messed up his body
Antpelt comes and relieves the two Dark Forest mollies from watching them. He's soon joined by Tigerheart and Ivypaw - now Ivyshade, based on her correcting Tigerheart.
Tigerheart asks if it's time
Jayfeather feels irritation. Whatever they're talking about, it's not something he's aware of.
Suddenly, Jayfeather feels himself freed from the thorny branches and he stumbles out, shocked at the feeling of a painless pelt.
Antpelt is excited It worked!
He begins freeing Lionblaze when a Dark Forest cat calls out in alarm. Quickly, Lionblaze is freed and attacks the Dark Forest cat.
The noise of the fight is drawing attention, so Jayfeather hurries Antpelt. Most of the spirits, except Littlecloud and Reedwhisker, are freed before they need to run.
Jayfeather hears the sound of Antpelt, Ivyshade, and Tigerheart pretending to try to stop Lionblaze as he runs. Or, he assumes they're pretending
He finds him quietly hoping that his brother will be okay and refers to the tom as a big idiot.
Leading the way, Jayfeather remembers the way to StarClan He brings his fellow cats there and they cross the border from the Dark Forest, startling some of the cats there - Namely Cinderpelt and Yellowfang, who had been nearby
They're relieved to see the cats here
Yellowfang mentions that they had known something was going on, but despite their best attempts, the Dark Forest patrols wouldn't let StarClan go too deep into the Dark Forest
They had even tried to send warnings, but the cats were either possessed or the warning was warped by one of the possessed cats, causing the cat they warned to not take the warnings seriously The only exceptions were Willowshine - who convinced parts of RiverClan, Nightcloud with WindClan [and is now a spirit], Tawnypelt with ShadowClan, and Leafpool with ThunderClan
Jayfeather doesn't want to hear this He wants to know how to get his body back
They actually have an answer, which is surprising to the irritated blind tom
They have two ideas - for leaders who aren't on their last lives, they can kill the cats and that will eject the dark forest spirit from inside of them and, as long as the spirits are quick, they can return This is only for leaders, though, and speed is key here
The next option is to catch the cats when they return to the Dark Forest. However, this is hard, considering the patrols that tend to lurk there.
Firestar is on his last life and this has cats worried Firestar is willing to lose his last life to take away Tigerstar's power
Cinderpelt asks if he's sure and Firestar's confident He knows Tigerstar has a lot of influence over these cats and taking him away would be important
Onestar has a few lives left and he's hesitant, but if killing him once will be rid of Brokenstar, he'll take it
Then comes the other issue How to get the non-leaders out of the bodies
Then Jayfeather has an idea
He brings up Ivyshade
She has influence there
Nightcloud is skeptical, pointing out how she just helped them escape
Jayfeather pushes back, saying if she retains any common sense, then she'll be able to warp what happened so long as Lionblaze got rid of that Dark Forest cat
Lionblaze stumbles over the border, injured but still standing
He assures that the one who saw them is dead
Apparently Tigerheart and Ivyshade roughed him up quite a bit in order to take away any suspicion. He can't say much about what will happen to Antpelt, however.
They have a plan Get Ivyshade to trick the Dark Forest
Ivyshade is standing before Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Brokenstar, and Mapleshade. Tigerheart is with her. There are many cats gathered here - trainees and spirits alike.
Antpelt is being held down by Tigerstar, who is glaring at the two
He demands to know how this happened
Tigerheart has a lie ready He says how they arrived on duty to find Antpelt opening The Brambles and freeing cats
Ivyshade is shocked how easily he could lie
Hawkfrost asks Ivyshade for confirmation She confirms
Antpelt looks worried
Brokenstar hisses at Antpelt "This is what you wanted, wasn't it, you dirty little rat?"
Antpelt promises it isn't what they think However, he doesn't have a lie ready
Brokenstar orders his death and Antpelt is killed
Breezepelt is glaring at Antpelt's dead body He struggles to believe his friend was a traitor He thinks Ivyshade and Tigerheart framed him
Hawkfrost assures Breezepelt that the two will be put under close watch, especially now
Mapleshade isn't worried. She doesn't believe they can chase the cats out of their bodies.
Tigerstar is still skeptical.
Thistleclaw is on Mapleshade's side about this He believes these cats are too soft and stupid to try to fight for their lives back Besides, in Lionblaze's body, he has Lionblaze's power
Ivyshade doesn't like the ambitious, violent tom being near impossible to defeat, but keeps her mouth shut on the topic.
Thistleclaw also makes it clear that he won't make the same mistakes he did when he was alive That he will not allow any weakness in his life, nor will he have a soft mate and worthless kits
Mapleshade has the same feelings here She will take the life she 'deserved' by force
Ivyshade really can't shake the feeling the two plan to work together to have their 'perfect and powerful' family..
None of the Dark Forest cats want to give up their chance at 'life' again
They're all agreeing to fight
Ivyshade worries about if she'll be able to save the possessed cats or if these cats will end up dying..
Dovepaw wakes up in StarClan and is approached by the spirits that had their bodies stolen - save for Littlecloud and Reedwhisker, who are still in the Dark Forest
She's told the plan and told to tell Ivyshade
Dovepaw questions how to tell Ivyshade to get the attention of the cats
There's a pause
Nightcloud offers the idea to have Ivyshade warn them about the rebellion
Cats are shocked by this
Nightcloud defends the idea that they outnumber the cats in power, they're just intimidating because these are loved ones, leaders, and cats in positions of power.
She's certain that if it came to it, they could easily overpower the possessed cats.
There's some doubts, but the idea is good
Dovepaw will use it unless told otherwise
The deal is made and she wakes up just in time to hear someone come into the hidden camp. Smelling the air, it's Tigerheart. He's alone.
She hurries out and greets him happily.
Tigerheart has come to check on her He seems worried, however
When asked about it, he dodges the question until he finally gets him to confess His loyalty as a spy is being tested
She asks why he's here then
He says he wants to see her one more time.. in case this is the last time he can.
Dovepaw feels sympathetic to him and worried for his well-being
He doesn't want the worry He wants to spend the day with her - or at least as much of the day as he can
They hang out, hunting, talking, and allowing things to be calm
Even then, there's an air of sadness and worry
She then asks Tigerheart if there's a chance if he'll see Ivypaw He corrects her It's Ivyshade
Dovepaw feels a little heartbroken she hadn't been able to be there to see Ivyshade's warrior ceremony
He asks why she asked
She wants him to pass a message
She tells him and he's shocked, but agrees However, he tells her that he'll warn Tawnypelt and the others in the resistance first, as it's important for them to know
She agrees and understands
He parts at sunhigh and Dovepaw is left alone.
She closes her eyes and listens out to the Clans
However, focus is hard and she ends up opening her eyes because she started crying
She misses her family, her friends, her Clan.. She misses normalcy She didn't ask for these powers or this destiny She didn't ask for any of these
As she's crying, Crowfeather returns. He had been gone all day and she only just notices
He notices she's crying
Awkwardly, he asks what's wrong, clearly not good with emotional stuff
She says she wants things to be okay again
Crowfeather hesitates
He cautiously tells her it won't be okay again
This doesn't help
He quickly adds, it won't be okay, but she can't just give up. There's no way for this to be okay and what she's feeling is normal. He continues by saying that one needs to move forward, to turn a dark situation into something that's okay, even if it's not perfect
Dovepaw is slightly comforted, but not by much
After a moment of awkward silence, he quietly brings up how things weren't okay for him for a while He lost someone that mattered a lot to him and he thought things would never be the same
And they weren't
But he found new ways to learn to live, to be able to continue when all felt lost
The idea is a little more comforting
Crowfeather makes an offhanded comment how he had never been good with this sort of stuff. Deadfoot and Ashfoot had been good parents, but they were also busy all the time. Deadfoot was deputy and Ashfoot was a highly respected warrior who many cats turned to when they needed someone
Dovepaw asks if that's why he struggles with Breezepelt
Crowfeather falls silent for a moment before muttering out a 'probably'
She comes to understand the tom a bit more .
Prep work is being done on all angles. StarClan is preparing to charge the Dark Forest The rebellion is preparing to push back against the living Dovepaw has already told Ivyshade the plan and now she just needs to work out her timing
She needs this to work
This needs to be perfect
She had been working hard ever since she talked to Dovepaw to earn trust back in order for this to work She's been talking to those she can and most cats she talked to are ready to fight back
There's only some she hadn't talked to Breezepelt is unapproachable Tigerheart warned her not to talk to Redwillow and Blossomfall won't listen. She believes Tigerstar is making ThunderClan strong.
Things are tense everywhere and she finally approaches Brambleclaw
She tells him that she learned something important and that she needs everyone. This is dire news
He nods and assures he will make sure everyone is ready to talk tonight
She is sent on a patrol and while out she notices someone moving on Clan territory
She confronts the cat It's Crowfeather
Quietly, she asks what he's doing here
Crowfeather is hesitant to answer
She threatens to tell on him and he admits he's visiting someone
He's warned not to be vague
He hesitates before saying he's visiting Hollyleaf
Ivyshade is confused That's the dead ThunderClan warrior
Crowfeather shakes his head and leads her to the tunnels
There he takes her deep into the caves
That's when she's introduced to the missing molly, Hollyleaf
Hollyleaf is cautious at first and asks what's going on
Crowfeather apologizes before introducing Ivyshade he's mentioned her before
The two explain that he hand stumbled across her by accident while trying to sneak into WindClan
Hollyleaf is his daughter and he's been checking in on her
She states he doesn't need to, that she'd rather not see him
With everything going on above, Ivyshade notices this is the most worried Crowfeather had looked about anyone
And even if Hollyleaf is being hostile, she seems thankful for the company
Hollyleaf states the only reason she lets him here is because he's been keeping her up to date on everything going on
She expresses her desire to help, but Crowfeather is quick to say no
He's ignored
Crowfeather states that he already has two kits possessed, he won't have enough
Hollyleaf snaps, pointing out how he himself said he only had one kit - Breezepelt
Crowfeather falls silent
This is awkward for Ivyshade
Hollyleaf insists, firmly, that whatever happens, she will be standing with her Clan and she'll do anything she needs to save them
She looks at Crowfeather as she repeats the word 'anything'. She looks back to Ivyshade as she mentions that her brothers, Lionblaze and Jayfeather, mean more to her than anything and she wants to help save them.
Ivyshade accepts Hollyleaf's help
Crowfeather didn't like that
Ivyshade tells Hollyleaf everything she needs to know before leaving to avoid trouble
As she leaves, she hears Crowfeather and Hollyleaf start to argue
She can tell how, temper-wise, the two are related
That night the Dark Forest meeting is called.
Ivyshade is the center of attention
She warns the cats of a rebellion that is forming She says she found cats of all Clans there, getting ready to take down everyone who isn't with them
When asked about how she knows this, she admits she went on a long walk and stumbled across a large gathering of cats.
She says she spied on them all night, learning that she needed to
Tigerheart steps forward, saying that he has noticed certain ShadowClan cats acting strange and he had reported them to Darkstripe
Darkstripe confirms that Tigerheart is his spy in ShadowClan
Tigerstar demands names and the two give the names of the rebels
As they talk about what's going on, they are suddenly alerted by a yowl
A Dark Forest cat says StarClan cats have crossed the border and are on their way here
Ivyshade pretends to be shocked
They go to meet up with the StarClan cats and fight them.
The large fight breaks out in the afterlife.
StarClan and Dark Forest cats are being struck down to their forever death
The battle is cut short when Hawkfrost lets out a frustrated yowl. He can't return to Brambleclaw's body and he had attempted to go to escape the fight.
Sparrowfeather finds she can't return either
Tigerstar, Brokenstar, and Thistleclaw manage to go back, but no one else can. This means Lionblaze, Firestar, and Onestar didn't make it to their bodies in time. Darkstripe and Houndleap also escape, since Littlecloud and Reedwhisker are still possessed
Hawkfrost hisses at the StarClan cats, calling them sneaky cowards.
He turns tail and is running back to The Brambles
Ivyshade realizes that he's going to get rid of their two spirit hostages
She runs after him
She tackles him before he reaches Littlecloud and Reedwhisker and he realizes now that she's a traitor.
The two fight and she ends up getting badly wounded, but she still manages to kill him
She attempts to return to her body to find she's currently stuck Someone's possessing her .
Dovepaw is with the rebels There are not many loyalists to the Dark Forest now, thanks to Ivyshade's influence.
She's in ThunderClan, pushing Blossomfall to the side as she makes a path to Firestar
Firestar is possessed by Tigerstar again and he's not going down alone and is fighting with Lionblaze / Thistleclaw
Dovepaw's eyes widen with joy when she sees Ivyshade
Joy turns to fear when Ivyshade attacks
"Ivyshade! What are you doing?!"
Turns out that this is Mapleshade and she loudly proclaims she's going to destroy this prophecy at its roots, starting with the weakest link
Hurt and fearful, she manages to kick Ivyshade off before jumping away
She wants to save her sister
Ivyshade is about to attack again when she's stopped by a black cat It's Hollyleaf
Hollyleaf tells Dovepaw to get moving She doesn't give anyone the chance to be surprised at her reappearance as she keeps Ivyshade/Mapleshade pinned down
Dovepaw hurries and manages to help Jayfeather before he can be possessed again
She's about to go when Lionblaze attacks her, shoving her to the ground. He growls that he's not going to be stopped by some pathetic furball.
Dovepaw's already wounded confidence takes another blow.
She struggles against Lionblaze, but he's much stronger than she is
Leafpool screams out, telling the spirit of Thistleclaw to leave her son alone as she somehow manages to knock him off of Dovepaw. With help from Sandstorm and Sorreltail, the three mollies keep him distracted.
Dovepaw is overwhelmed but she still needs to get Firestar's spirit close to his body.
She feels weak and pathetic as her legs shake, weak from pain. But Firestar assures her to keep going
Dovepaw pushes on and manages to get to Firestar/Tigerstar and the tom laughs. He asks what she expects to do.
She's going to save her Clan.
He laughs at that, saying she's only going to make her Clan weak He's here to make ThunderClan strong
Dovepaw's tired, but she keeps pushing She recalls what Crowfeather told her and she wants to make a world that's going to be okay Not perfect but better
She starts fighting and she's not sure what to do, but she's hoping this can happen without killing Firestar's body.
However, she finds herself knocked down and pinned Tigerstar tells Dovepaw her 'dream' is just as weak as she is and how she doesn't have the drive to take what she wants
This is why she's going to die here
Firestar tells her it's okay and in a flash she lashes out as Tigerstar's about to tear her to shreds
Firestar's body dies on last time
As Tigerstar's spirit is expelled from the corpse, Firestar's ghost leaps out, grabbing the massive tabby by the throat.
He kills Tigerstar's ghost
Jayfeather, at this point, has put Lionblaze and Ivyshade to sleep with poppy seeds He's worn and tired but the fight is dying down and the worst of it is now over
Tensions are still high, but the possessed cats are being helped.
There are many deaths all around
In ThunderClan; Possessed Lionblaze killed Foxleap, Birchfall, and Sorreltail Possessed Firestar killed Graystripe, Dustpelt, Mousefur, and Thornclaw . In ShadowClan; Littlecloud's body was killed when Darkstripe tried to kill Tawnypelt Blackstar died fighting to defend Littlecloud Toadfoot died defending Littlecloud . In WindClan; Possessed Onestar killed Gorsetail and badly wounded Kestrelflight Breezepelt attacked Crowfeather and was chased off by Nightcloud, who is saddened to do so . In RiverClan; Mistystar is murdered by Reedwhisker Reedwhisker's body is killed Hollowpaw also dies during this fight RiverClan is in shambles with no leader or deputy and Mothwing and Willowshine are temporarily in charge .
The Clans are weakened, but there are no more possessed.
Jayfeather isn't sure what's going to happen now Brambleclaw steps up as leader and will become Bramblestar He wants to make Squirrelflight his deputy but she softly turns down the offer. A lot has happened and she's got plenty to do as a regular warrior
Instead he gives the offer to Brightheart and she accepts Brightheart is also given Molepaw as her apprentice
Lionblaze and Cinderheart try to talk, but Cinderheart isn't sure she's okay with being in a relationship with her - even if it wasn't him, Thistleclaw had been harsh and cruel to her while in Lionblaze's body and she needs time
He understands
Dovepaw is also made a warrior She's given the name Doveshine for being a light in the darkness for ThunderClan
Doveshine, despite being being back, has never felt less at home and her chest is hollow
some after notes;
Doveshine still gets with Tigerheart in the end, much to Bumblestripe's disdain
Cinderheart and Lionblaze never get back together However, she does become mates with Hollyleaf and Hazeltail in a poly relationship The three never have kits
No plans for Ivyshade's love life She's recovering
There'd probably be a followup RiverClan super edition on their internal struggles and finding a new leader and deputy It would end with Mosspelt becoming Moss-star and Minnowtail becoming her deputy
Harespring still becomes deputy after everything
Leafpool moves to ShadowClan until Flametail returns
Flametail novella called Flametail's Fire It tells the story how Littlecloud tried to kill him - Flametail having realized that something was wrong with his mentor and tried to call him out, he managed to survive and was rescued by twolegs He goes through a massive depressive episode where he struggles with what happened and the fact his mentor tried to kill him. However, worried for his mother and siblings, he returns to ShadowClan He learns what happened and has to readjust to life His fire returns and he takes back over as ShadowClan's medicine cat
I had so much fun with this AU
the idea was really cool and I hope everyone likes my take on an idea ;;
78 notes · View notes
fbfh · 3 years
light up the dark [VI] - leo x reader
genre: mid adventure domestic fluff overture, romance, smutty lemony bit towards the end
word count: 3k
pairing: Leo x gothy!child of eros!fem reader
requested: very much so, yes
warnings: magic manipulation powers, feelings are hard and weird and scary, some innuendos, the phrase hot gusher out of context, the word dirty talk, trying to "proposition [someone] in front of two for one cookie crisp", brief credit card theft, jason thinks ketchup is spicy and gets clowned on for it, one use of the word lube in reference to mechanical lubricant, shirtless leo remember that one piece of shirtless leo viria art?????? remember the caption?????, your facade is beginning to crack, deadpan joke about being dead in space, making out, whole lotta sexual tension, brief mention of a boner, teeny tiny bit of grinding, getting interrupted, c*lypso
summary: after an extensive shopping trip, you, Leo, and Jason settle into your airbnb and wait for the others to arrive. Jason takes a nap, and Leo helps you dye your hair. You return the favor by helping him make dinner which leads to two things; a well timed boner, and a poorly timed visitor.
listen to: power and control - marina, 100 bad days - ajr, all I ask - adele
a/n: let's play spot the zack and cody reference within the first paragraph
also surprise the series isn't dead!! a shock to all but mostly me!!
as with all smexy smutty nsfw content, all characters are aged up to 18+
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Standing in front of a wall of hair dye taller than you are should have been exciting. It would have been, except for the fact that all the colors were various shades of honey mist auburn. You really don’t want to have to make a separate trip to a beauty store for hair dye. Your eyes land on a firetruck red box, and gratefully, you realize you won’t have to.
“Perfect,” you muse, throwing it into your cart, along with the other stuff on the list you’d divided between you. You grab a few other things from the beauty section while you’re there; some makeup, eyeliner, a glass nail file, and a tiny pair of oil slick cuticle scissors.
Nearby is a guy a little older than you in a varsity hoodie and sweatpants squinting at a two in one shampoo label.
Perfect, you think, beginning to approach. You work your magic - literally - and within a few minutes you have his credit card. It takes way less time than it used to. You also didn’t have to smile and flirt nearly as much as you used to. You’re relieved that you don’t have to fake enthusiasm around rich douchebags the way you used to, and a new inky drop of fear begins to stain the corners of your mind. You can’t even bear to admit it to yourself, but you’re kind of scared. Before you can begin to question if you know what love is and if you’re capable of experiencing it without the influence of your divine heritage, you shove it all away. Not the place, not the time. You speed up a little, passing an endcap of candy, and knock a box into your cart.
On the other side of the store, Jason checks off items from their half of the list as Leo tosses items in the cart, talking along the way. Of course, you came up in conversation rather quickly.
“She’s… a real piece of work.” Jason says, treading lightly.
“You said it, man,” Leo agrees, sliding a pack of coke onto the bottom of the cart. Jason thinks for a moment before continuing.
“She seems to,” he tries to figure out how to phrase their dynamic, “not hate you as much as everyone else.” Leo laughs at the accuracy of the statement. He can tell Jason has something else to say, so he’s quiet while putting paper plates and napkins into the cart.
“Hey, Leo?”
“Just… don’t let her hurt you, okay?”
He stops for a second. He’s so lucky to have a friend like Jason, one that will genuinely look out for him, but sometimes people caring for him still catches him off guard. Really off guard. With no idea how to begin to verbalize that complicated mess, he takes a split second to collect himself.
“Thanks, man.”
His smile is sincere.
Don’t let her hurt you. Can he just do that? Not let someone hurt him? Especially someone like you. He’s only had a few long term crushes before, all just out of reach and only getting further away. Only one had amounted to something - not that he could call what he had with Calypso ‘something’. She certainly wouldn’t. He looks around, trying to shake off the sting. He starts to get that unsettled, itchy feeling when he focuses on stuff like that for too long.
‘At least I got some good stories out of it,’ he thinks, messing with the back of his hair and fixing his hoodie strings.
He turns around, coming face to face with you, holding out a box very close to him.
“Hot gusher.” You say softly. What? His cheeks heat up, pulse speeding up suddenly. He glances at Jason, who’s at the other end of the aisle asking an employee something. Are you implying something? Are you trying to proposition him in front of two for one cookie crisp? He’s unable to look away from your gaze, intense and striking. You couldn’t possibly mean what he thinks you mean. Your fingers brush and he’s struggling to find an elegant way to say ‘hey, maybe the grocery store isn’t an ideal place for dirty talk’.
“W- uh, sorry, what?” he says, laughing in an equally hushed tone, needing to make sure you meant what he thought you did. You glance down, then back up.
“They’re spicy gushers. I thought you’d like them.” the feeling is gone in a split second, the same time it took to arrive, and is replaced with relief. He looks down at the box, realizing he’d taken it from you at some point. He laughs at the ridiculousness of his previous panic.
“Thanks,” he says, a reflective smile on his face.
You realize how comforted you are to see him smile, really smile, when you catch yourself having to keep a neutral face. One of the first times your resting bitch face has been intentional. Before you can say you’re welcome, Jason comes back over. You hand him the card.
“Pin number’s 0401.”
They both stare at you, skimming the label of a granola bar, completely unperturbed.
“Credit card theft.”
The logical part of Leo’s brain starts to speak up, telling him to raise his guard, that his stomach should be twisting. If you can just take someone’s credit card without a hint of remorse, who knows what the hell kind of damage you could do to him if he got closer to you? And he really wants to get closer to you.
“Oh,” you pull a small pop top tube out of your cart and hand it to Leo, “this is for you too. You know, since you don’t like coffee,” you trail off as he reads the label. Caffeine and electrolyte drink tablets, red berry rampage flavor. He looks up at you, feeling warm and… something else, something ineffable, at the gesture.
You stare at each other, eyes locked, surprised at the strangely intimate feeling stirring in both of you.
“What are those?” Jason asks, snapping you out of whatever that was.
“Spicy gushers,” Leo says, smiling again, “I didn’t even know they made those.”
“Hot mango,” Jason reads from the side of the box, “that actually sounds pretty good.”
“No way dude, you can’t handle spicy food.” He starts to protest, and Leo continues, “You think ketchup is spicy!” He looks shocked.
“Okay, that was one time! It was a weird brand and there was way too much pepper in it!”
You bite back a giggle at their bickering, taking note of how much better Leo seems to be doing and finding surprising comfort in their banter.
It doesn’t take long to get to the airbnb and get set up. You all dump your bags in your rooms, bring in the groceries, and shove everything into the cabinets in a reasonably organized manner.
Jason heads upstairs to unpack and call Piper, announcing a few minutes later that they should be here in less than two hours.
“Perfect,” you pull out your hair dye from the last bag. It’s not exactly the manic panic wildfire red you’d initially wanted, but it’s definitely better than nothing. You stare at the box for a second, then up at Leo who’s trying to get one more bag of chips to fit in with the others.
“Hey,” you say, just loud enough to get his attention, “do you… can you get the back of my head?” He looks at you, questioning, and you hold up the box dye. He smiles, once again noting your softened edges around him.
“Yeah,” he agrees, and minutes later you’re in the bathroom, adorned in a big tee shirt covered in all your previous hair colors. He’s staring at your shirt, eyes dancing over the swirls and splatters of color. It reminds him of a painting he’d seen once, unable to remember the name.
You shake the bottle, skimming the instructions again, then start speaking to him, eyes still on the box.
“Take a section of hair, about this much,” you demonstrate, holding out a section of hair, “rub in the dye like this…”
You hand him the second bottle of red dye, and he starts on the back. His fingertips start separating out a section of your hair, and you still, a shiver running up your spine. He hesitates for a moment, then continues, and you hope he hadn’t noticed. His breath fans your ear, and you can feel the heat radiating off his chest. Your lungs are shallow suddenly, squeezed tight like a bouquet clutched in a shaking hand. You find it almost impossible to focus on dying the front half of your hair.
You don’t want it to stop, you realize. His fingertips dancing along your hair, the glimpses of his incredibly focused face in the bathroom mirror, the way he’ll gently turn your head to make sure he didn’t miss a spot.
“Shit,” he leans back, hunching forward. You look behind you, eyes landing immediately on the spot of red dye on his shirt.
“Shit,” you echo. He looks back at you, waiting to see how he’ll react.
“Oh, it’s all good - no worries. I already have a ton of motor oil and lube - lubricant… machine grade, petroleum based engine lubricant-” he laughs, “stains on this shirt anyway. Don’t sweat it.”
You almost laugh. A giggle bubbles up from your chest and stomach, but catches in your throat. Before it can come out, he slips off his dye stained gloves, and tugs off his dye stained shirt from the back. It seems to happen in slow motion. In a mere moment, your eyes engraving every detail, every line and curve and freckle to memory.
There’s really no delicate way to put it; he’s fucking jacked. Deceptively so. You’re frozen in place, cheeks flushed. You suddenly wonder what it would be like to be wrapped up in his arms, held so close to him.
You snap yourself out of the thought, all of that occurring in just a few seconds. He leans past you, setting the dye stained shirt carefully on the counter, glancing at you intensely.
“Are you checking me out?”
You make yourself roll your eyes and turn away, replying, “I’m sure you’d love that.”
Angled away from him, you momentarily reprimand yourself, squeezing your eyes shut and mouthing oh my god. You turn back to him, not recalling the last time you had to deliberately keep up your aloof front around someone like this.
“So, are we finishing my hair or just gonna leave it like this?” you ask rhetorically, motioning to your half done hair.
He watches you do this, confirming his suspicion that you’re really not as cold as you let on. A smile blooms on his face, and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything as… cute as that.
“Yeah,” he replies, slipping his gloves back on. The things you do around him seem to mean more now. He notices the way your eyes flutter closed for a moment when he plays with your hair, working in the dye, or the way you still for a split second when he gets a little too close to the side of your face, checking that he didn’t miss a spot.
He doesn’t want this to end either. But eventually, your hair is fully saturated with dye, the timer on your phone counting down slowly. There’s still some dye left. He sits on the closed toilet.
“Your turn. Do me.”
“What?” you laugh.
“Yeah, a little streak - up here.” He leans forward, sectioning off a part of his hair.
“Seriously?” you ask.
“Yeah. Unless you don’t want to match…” he muses. Your eyes get this dreamy look for the briefest second, then you’re turning back to shake the bottle some more.
“I guess… I mean there’s too much dye to throw out, we might as well do something with it.”
It’s his turn, now, to feel the warmth from your body, your hands running through his hair. His eyes want to close, and bask in the feeling, but he refuses to miss out on the view of you so soft, so close to him. It doesn’t last nearly long enough for either of you, and much too soon you’re pulling away and throwing away the gloves and empty bottles.
By the time you finish cleaning up and throw out the garbage, it’s time to rinse your hair. Hanging your head over the tub, you let the water flow over your head until Leo tells you it’s running clear. He does the same, and you point out too late that he only had to rinse the dyed part, not his whole head.
You both laugh as you wrap a towel around your hair, teaching him how to do the same.
“Sweet, I’ve always wondered how to do the spa snail towel thing.”
“The spa snail towel thing?” You try in vain to fight another laugh.
“Yeah, you know… cause it looks like a snail, and they do it at spas…”
“Oh… my gods…” you laugh, exiting the bathroom and heading down the hall, “I”m going to get changed.” you call.
“Am I wrong?” he asks after you, and you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. He heads to his room to do the same.
A few minutes later, you’re carefully pulling on your top, when he calls through your door.
“Hey, I’m gonna be in the kitchen, come down when you’re ready.”
“...Okay,” you agree.
You check your outfit in the mirror. You can still feel his fingers brushing your neck. Your head tilts at the memory. Snapshots of him pulling off his shirt in slow motion flash in your memory.
You realize how much of an affect the last hour has had on you. Your stomach drops.
You can’t possibly be falling in love. No way. Not a snowball’s chance in hell.
You’re not the falling in love type. At most, you’d hook up with someone a couple times on the rare occasion you thought they were hot, too.
Oh, you decide, that must be what’s happening. I just think he’s hot. I mean, duh. Of course he’s hot. Did you see him in there?
That’s all you have to do; hook up with him once, maybe twice, then you’ll get over it. It’ll make his ex jealous, and they’ll get back together. It will go just like it always has. Then you can move on to whatever the next crisis is.
You take a breath, resolving to follow the plan, exit your room. You throw yours and Leo’s old clothes and towels in the hamper, and head down stairs. He greets you, and pulls you into the kitchen.
“I have something to ask you.” Your brow furrows.
He takes your hand in his, the other behind his back.
“Will you…” he looks at you, gaze piercing, “...be my sous-chef.” he finishes, holding out an apron, matching his.
You study him, a hopeful, surprisingly confident look on his face. His hair is still damp. You’re sure yours is, too. You wait a beat, before replying slowly.
“Yes. But I’m not wearing that.”
“That’s fair,” he says, setting the apron on the counter, “I will have to dock your pay for being out of uniform, though.” You let out a puff of air from your nose, biting back a laugh. He pulls out a skillet, bowl, and oil, and begins preheating the pan. You watch him pull out more ingredients, and begin to set things up.
“Right now we’re waiting on that,” he says nodding at the stove. You nod, inspecting a bottle of seasoning he’d pulled out, and settle into a comfortable silence.
He thinks back to the last time you had time like this - playing twenty questions at your apartment. A pit forms in his stomach as he remembers the conversation veering to Calypso, as it always seemed to. He shoves it away. Not this time. He steadies his nerves. “So, you want to play twenty questions?”
You agree, coming closer to him.
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?”
Your eyes flick over to the clock. You have a solid hour, hour and a half before the others are supposed to get here. You stare at him, brushing hair out of his face.
“I’d be dead in the endless void of deep space.”
He cracks a smile at how on brand that response was. Your fingertips trail down to his neck, rethen shoulder. The smile doesn’t leave his face, not completely. Your heart beats loudly in anticipation.
“My turn. Do you want to make out?”
His head snaps up, eyes locked with yours, trying to tell if you’re serious or if this is another example of your distinct sense of humor. But he can tell it’s not - there’s something a little too close to the surface in your eyes.
“Yeah. Yes, totally-”
You grab his collar, pulling him in for a kiss, and leaning back against the empty counter.
His lips are soft and warm, moving gracefully with yours. You barely register that the first kiss ends before you dive back in. You angle your head, deepening the kiss. He plants one hand on the counter, the other making its way to the small of your back. You flick your tongue past his lips, and his grip on your waist tightens. You clutch his collar tighter, other hand moving through his hair, still damp at the ends.
You can tell he’s enjoying what you do by the way his mouth quirks up ever so slightly at the corners, and by the way he starts to harden beneath you. You roll your hips into his, and he falters, sighing, breath fanning your lips. Not quite a moan, but you’re getting there.
The front door opens before you can.
Leo pulls away reluctantly, very reluctantly, and turns off the stove.
“That was fast,” he says, panting slightly and still very flushed. They’re not supposed to be here for a while, still.
A tall girl enters the kitchen, dark strawberry blonde hair pulled over her shoulder. She looks between you and Leo with a sour expression on her face.
“Calypso,” Leo says.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Since you’re taking prompts, would you write something where Casey has an allergy fit in front of the crew?
Sorry I haven’t gotten around to this prompt, I know it’s been sent a few times. ❤️ Haven’t had as much muse for Case lately since he’s not on the show anymore. But here you are friend!!
October in Chicago is beautiful- pumpkins, bright red, yellow and orange leaves, houses and stoops decorated for Halloween. Matt has always loved how beautiful October and November are in the city, can remember always getting so excited for this time of year as a child. As he’s grown, adult allergies have set in, and the leaves he used to jump in in his old front yard now cause him to be miserable when the mold count is high, or it’s been unusually dry and the leaves are dustier than normal.
Today is no exception. It’a rained overnight, and with the apparatus floor open and leaves blowing in, Matt can feel an allergy attack brewing. His head’s starting to feel stuffy, his nose is vaguely itchy, and his eyes already feel more watery and gritty. Sniffling, he works on checking over all the compartments after a call, half paying attention to squad at their table and his own team rolling hose with engine.
As he checks off ‘air supply’ on his clipboard, his nose twitches, making him rub at it with the crook of his pointer finger. When it doesn’t help, he tries rubbing it harder against the cuff of his bomber jacket. When that doesn’t help, the blonde huffs and slowly breathes in, knowing it’s a losing battle.
“ngXT! hkKt’uh!” He presses his face tight against his arm, trying to be as silent as possible. “n’dgkt! hh’gHKTt!”
“Woah, dude, bless you,” Kelly calls from his seat at the squad table, always one to embarrass his best friend. Matt shoots him a look, but he’s sure it doesn’t come off as harsh as he means it, because his eyes are already fluttering shit again.
“ih’GKtTsch’uh! ihkTSCH!”
The sniffle he gives after is soupy, thankful and utterly embarrassed at the same time as a few others bless him and Violet passes him a few tissues from the ambo.
“Thahhhnks,” he blows his nose, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand after, keeping the tissue crumpled in his hand. It’s going to be a long day.
4 notes · View notes
Love and Medicine ~ 10
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,110ish
Summary: Kinda all over the place... hope it makes sense.
I do not own Marvel or Grey’s Anatomy.
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You were sleepily cuddled up to Steve in the comfort of your bed when you heard Val’s voice outside your door.
“Clint!” She exclaimed. “You locked the door. I need to take a shower.”
“Uh, uh, I’ll be out in a minute!” Clint responded.
“What are you doing in there?”
You groaned, curling into Steve further. His hold tightened around you as the bickering continued out in the hallway.
“It’s private!” Clint answered.
“Oh. Oh my. I’m sorry!” Val said. “I get it! I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“They’re so loud,” Steve grumbled. “Don’t they know that we’re right here, trying to sleep?”
“Just ignore them,” you mumbled in reply. “They’ll eventually stop.”
“I am not doing what you think I’m doing!” Clint continued.
“You know what, there's really no need to explain,” Val responded. “I'll wait. You just… finish.”
“No, I’m... I'm coming. I'm coming out.” 
You heard the bathroom door open, causing you to bury your face into Steve’s neck. Then Val and Clint continued talking, annoying you greatly. With a grunt you separated from Steve and got out of bed.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked, reaching out for you.
“I’ll be right back,” you replied, kissing his lips lightly before be-lining for the door. You tore it open, causing Val, who had been leaning on it, to struggle with her balance. “What is going on out here?”
“Nothing,” Clint quickly answered.
“He's freaked out cause I caught him playing with little Jimmy and the twins,” Val responded.
“Val! I have a girlfriend.”
“Okay,” Val laughed with a nod.
Clint huffed, storming away to his room and slamming the door.
“This sounds like fun out here,” Steve said, walking up behind you. His phone began ringing. Giving it a quick glance, Steve stuffed it away in his pockets.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” You asked. “It might be the hospital.”
“It’s not.” He gave you a kiss. “Breakfast?”
Steve walked down the hall, leaving you standing there a bit suspicious. And still annoyed that your roommates had woken you and Steve up.
Natasha was at the medical center. She was hiding in the stairwell, on the phone.
“No, look, I told you people I’m not coming for a counseling session,” she told whoever was on the other end of the call. “I know all my options… Yeah, uh, well I made my decision, and I made my appointment. I'll be there on the 16th.”
She hung up as Bruce walked up the stairs.
“I paged you last night,” he said, slightly nervous.
“Oh, I wasn’t on call,” Natasha replied.
“That's not why I paged you. You could give me your home number.”
“Um, Banner… I… uh, I gotta go.”
And she quickly went through the stairwell door, leaving Bruce standing there confused.
Clint and Laura, his new nurse girlfriend, were chatting at one of the nurses station.
“I had a really good time the other night,” Laura flirted.
“Yeah, me too,” Clint responded. “Are you, uh, feeling okay and everything?”
“I’m good. Great, now that I got to see you. Why?”
“Oh, no reason. I’m good too, you know? Really good. You know. But, um, a little itchy.”
“Hey, Clint,” Val greeted, walking up. “Hey, Laura.”
“Hey,” they both replied.
“I’ll see you later, Clint,” Laura said, wiggling her fingers as she walked away.
“Okay, bye,” Clint replied, turning to Val. “Yeah. She’s into me.”
“Way to go, Clint,” Val congratulated with a playful punch to the arm. “She’s cute. So this morning you really weren’t—“
“Anytime you want to apologize…”
“Then what ere you doing in the bathroom for so long?”
“I have to go.”
Clint swiftly left. He went straight to the locker room where he found Scott and Peter alone in there.
“Um… I need to ask you both something,” Clint said, nervously.
“Sure,” Scott answered.
“Depends what it is,” Peter replied.
“I seem to be having this skin thing going on, like a rash, really,” Clint said. “And I think I know what it is, but I can't get close enough to tell for sure.”
“Let’s see it,” Scott said.
“It’s kinda located in an, um, you know, private—“
“You’re a doctor, Clint,” Peter interrupted. “It's called a penis. You have a rash on your penis?”
“I think I can describe it. Um, it's k… red.”
“Look, just come on. Just show us your junk so we can get this over with.”
Clint looked around before slowly untying his scrubs and pulling his pants down. Both Scott and Peter looked, grimacing.
“Ew,” Scott muttered.
“So?” Clint wondered.
“Dude,” Peter laughed, “you’ve got syphilis.”
While you were were in surgery with Chief Fury (and being watched by Steve in the gallery), Clint had a blood test taken. He was picking it up from the lab at the same time Val was dropping off a patients labs.
“I need this back ASAP,” she told the lab tech.
“What a shocker,” the teach rolled his eyes.
“Hey, what did you get?” Val asked Clint. “Something good?” She quickly snatched the results from his hand. “Syphilis? That’s not surgical. Who has syphilis?” Clint quickly pulled Val into a supply closet, while she looked at the results closer. “You have syphilis?!”
“Shh!” Clint shut the door and turned on the light. “I don’t know how this happened.”
“Of course you do. Gosh, Laura must really be getting around.”
“Laura’s not like that.”
“People are like that, Clint. Apparently all except you.”
“You don’t know. Maybe I’ve been sleeping around. Maybe I got ladies.”
“All while pinning over Y/N?”
“Shut up. Just… what am I gonna do?”
“It's no biggie, couple doses of Penicillin will knock it out.”
“What am I gonna do about Laura?”
“Well, for starters, stop sleeping with her, unless you want that thing to fall off.”
“Okay, that is twice that you have trash-talked the girl that I could one day potentially… well, maybe love.”
“If she gave it to you, you have to tell her.”
“Fine.” Val held up her hands. “She didn't give it to you. She was a virgin when you met. You still have to tell her so she can get tested.”
“Oh, yeah? How am I gonna tell her? ‘Uh, hey, Laura. How you doing? By the way, I got the syph. How about you?’”
“Maybe not quite like that.”
“No, it's good advice, really good advice. Thank you very much.”
Clint ran into Laura in the stairwell. Laura quickly began making out with Clint.
“About time I got you alone today,” she mumbled against his lips before kissing him again.
“Laura..” Clint gasped, trying to push her away.
“What time is your shift done?”
“Because mine's over at 8, and I thought maybe you could come over.”
“Laura!” She finally separated slightly. “I need to tell you something.”
“What's wrong? Are you breaking up with me?”
“What? No! Oh, no. Really, no. It's just… Okay, you're the only person that I've been with in a long time. I mean, not unusually long or anything, you know? Just a normal amount of long time. But it wouldn't matter to me if you've been with someone else. Maybe you have? I'm not accusing you of anything or, you know, judging you or handing out scarlet letters or anything, you know? It’s... you're a woman, you know? A very attractive woman. Of course you've been with other men. Not that you've been with a lot of men, it's not like you're a prostitute…”
“A prostitute?”
“No! Not a… not a prostitute. What…? No, the opposite of a prostitute, a lady. You're very ladylike. I mean, you're very bendy, but…”
“Clint, breathe.”
“Okay. It's just… okay, here's the thing. I really like you, Laura. I like you a lot.”
“Well, I like you too.” 
She started to make out with him again. Clint got lost in it for a moment before pushing Laura away again.
“I have syphilis,” Clint stated. Laura looked at him, a tad horrified, before running off without saying anything. “Well, that could have gone better.” He softly hit his head against the wall, leaving it there. “Idiot.”
After your surgery with the Chief, everyone, that was available, was called into a large room. Fury was standing in the front, arms crossed, not looking pleased. Maria Hill was standing near him.
“Three interns, four residents and six nurses on this surgical floor have been diagnosed with syphilis,” Fury stated.
The room made oohing noises. Clint and Laura glanced at each other from across the room.
“Clint and Laura are two of those cases,” Val said quietly from beside you, trying to stifle a laugh.
“What?!” Both you and Natasha whisper shouted.
“Who gave it to who?” You asked.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Natasha said. “Clint doesn’t get around."
“There are over 70,000 new cases every year,” Maria explained to everyone. “Undiagnosed, syphilis can lead to blindness, insanity and death.”
“If you are having unprotected sex with another member of the staff, get tested,” Fury ordered. Bruce and Natasha made eye contact. “This is not a request.” Everyone laughed. “Maria will now give you a safe-sex demonstration.” Laughing continued as Maria pulled out a banana and a condom.
"When the time is right, and, gentlemen, you'll all know when that time is, carefully open the condom packet and roll it onto the banana,” Maria said. 
As you listened, you watched Steve come in and whisper something the Chief. You were concerned as Steve had been a little distant today.
“Open communication is essential to a healthy relationship,” Maria continued. “In a responsible relationship…”
“Poor Clint,” you whispered to Natasha.
“Yeah,” Natasha agreed. “You know, I think he really likes Typhoid Mary.”
"Well, not many budding relationships survive a good dose of VD.”
“When the banana is finished,” you turned back in to Dr. Hill, “gently peel off the condom and dispose of it properly. With every fresh banana, always use a fresh condom.”
“Do you and Steve…?” Natasha wondered.
“Condoms, all the way,” you responded. “You have anyone you—“
“No,” Natasha shook her head quickly. “Not at all.”
Steve paged you not long after the meeting. You hated to admit it, but you were excited that he needed you. You found him in a small room reading scans.
“You paged?” You questioned, trying to hold back an excited smile.
"Yeah, I need you to help me out on something for the Chief,” he replied. “Can you keep a secret?”
“Better than you think.”
He moved slightly and pointed to the brain scans. “Fury has a small tumor pressing against his optic nerve. We need to operate, but he wants it on the down low.”
“When are you operating?”
“Tonight, when less people are in the hospital.”
“And here I thought we were going to be able to have a date night.”
“We can. Just later.” He gave you a small smile. “Can you take to Dr. Gamora? Get her on board?”
“I can try.”
“And get a few others as well. Close to the Chief.”
After checking on your patients, you found those close to the Chief, asking if they could assist. They all readily agreed. You then went searching for Gamora. You found her heading down a hallway.
“Gamora,” you called. “Can I talk to you?”
“Make it quick, L/N,” she responded.
“Dr. Rogers and the Chief need your help. But they’ve asked that you not tell anyone.”
“What is it?”
“Fury has a small tumor on his optic nerve, Rogers needs to operate. They were wondering if you could assist?”
“Count on it.”
Steve then came jogging up. “How goes our special super secret silent sunset surgery?” He wondered, a bit cheerfully. “I've been practicing that.”
“You have too much time on your hands,” Gamora stated, rolling her rolls slightly. “Uh, tell the chief I'll be there. Just let me know when and where. I'm in.”
“Okay,” you nodded and then Gamora left. You turned to face Steve. “Are you nervous?”
“It's a complicated surgery,” Steve answered. “I make one mistake, I end a fellow surgeon's career, my mentor's career. Oh, no, I'm not nervous.”
“So just for the record…”
“You’d tell me if I needed to get tested, right?”
“You think I have syphilis?”
“No, I don't. It's just… we never made any rules or anything. I mean, we never said, "We have rules," and I wouldn't hold it against you.”
“When would I have time to go out and get syphilis? You're a handful enough as it is, and besides, we're like, practically a condom ad.”
“But no more glow-in-the-dark ones.” You smirked.
“You see? There's nothing to worry about. Maybe we should, you know make some rules, I mean.”
“We should.”
“Just for the record…”
“I like the glow-in-the-dark ones.”
“I bet you do.”
Val and Natasha paged you to the abandoned hallway you all frequented, wanting to talk to you about something.
“You guys want to perform an unauthorized autopsy?” You repeated.
“I know you, Natasha,” Val said. “You do not want to be known as the new 007. An autopsy clears your name.”
“Nat, no.”
“What about Franklin's wife? You saw the way she was looking at me. She wants the autopsy. She just didn't want to fight with her daughter. She looked so sad. Ok, Natasha Romanoff, license to kill.”
“Okay, I’m in,” Natasha agreed.
“I am so not involved in this,” you said.
“Y/N, this is fight club. Nobody talks about it.”
“We have to do it when Gamora’s not around.”
“Gamora’s always around,” Val complained. “She's everywhere and knows everything.”
“Well, we have to take our chances.”
"Gamora's got something tonight from 7 to 11,” you told them. “You two will be the last thing she's worried about.”
“How do you know that?” / “What kind of something?”
“Oh, I can’t tell you that. It’s fight club, too."
You taped the do not enter signs on all the OR doors. Steve had made sure that the OR chosen didn’t have a gallery in it. Steve let you stand on his one side, able to see everything. It was amazing to watch had occasionally help. 
“Okay, I've sutured the drain in place,” Steve stated, finishing up the surgery. “The staples look fine. Alright, we're done here. Dr. Gamora, you want to wrap him?”
“I got it,” Gamora replied.
“Nice work, everybody. Nicely done.” Steve walked into the scrub room.
“Do you think the optic nerve is damaged?” You asked Gamora.
“If it is when he wakes up, he’ll—“
“He’ll be blind? For how long?”
“Forever. Page Valkyrie and Romanoff. Tell them I want them covering your patients. I need you to stay and monitor the Chief.”
“Val and Nat are, um… I think they’re already swamped.”
“With what?”
“Labs. They had to check on some labs.”
“Oh, you are lying. I know you’re lying. You know how I know? Cause you’re a bad liar! I hate a bad liar.” Gamora turned to the person next to her. “Take over for me. I know exactly where they are.”
You were outside of Fury’s room, filling out his chart, when Steve walked up.
“How is he?” Steve asked.
“He’s still asleep, but nothing seems to be wrong just yet,” you replied. “How are you?”
“Good,” he sighed, glancing into Fury’s room before looking down at you. “How are you?”
“Tired. Ready to go home and cuddle.”
“Me too.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead, brushing his fingers down your cheek. “Me too.”
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Fury woke up just in time to see that term of endearment. After another soft kiss to your forehead, Steve left and you went in to check on Fury.
“Y/N,” Fury said in a reprimanding tone. “He’s an attending. You’re an intern.”
“You saw us?” You questioned. “You can see.”
“I'm gonna tell you what your parents would say if they were here. You're making a mistake, a big one.”
“You know my parents? You know who I am?”
“Always have. I was close friends with them. I understood the name change. But this,” he motioned his hand around, “I do not understand. And it needs to stop. For more reasons than you know.”
All you interns were in locker room, getting ready to go home, when Laura entered. Clint immediately noticed as she came up to him.
“Hey,” he greeted. “Um, about before—“
“Clint, I want you to understand, when we started dating, I was already kind of seeing someone,” Laura said. “I didn't know how much I'd like you, and when I realized, I broke it off with the other guy—“
“Other guy? Who’s the other guy?” Laura looked over at Peter. “You and Peter? You and Peter?!” Clint turned and began attacking Peter. “You gave me syphilis?!”
“Clint!” You, Val, Natasha, and Laura exclaimed, pulling him off Peter.
“I don’t even feel back,” Peter said. “Cause the sex was—“ Clint attacked him again, causing the four of you to separate the two once again.
“Clint, you’re all ready,” Val stated. “Let’s go home.” She dragged him out of the locker room.
Finally, you got to the lobby. Steve was already there, sitting, waiting for you.
“Long day?” He wondered, studying you.
“Yeah,” you agreed.
“Somewhere out there is a steak with your name on it,” he said, standing up, “and maybe a bottle of wine.”
“This is why I keep you around.”
“So we need to talk.”
“Wine first, talk later.”
“You trying to, uh, get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?”
“I think I like this rules thing.”
“Me too.”
Steve grabbed your hand, staring at you as you both started for the door. When he turned to look at the door, he froze, stopping you two in place. His eyes went wide, which worried you. You looked to see what he was looking at. Walking towards you was this beautiful brown haired woman, with fiery red lipstick.
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” Steve whispered. The woman walked all the way over to them. “Peggy. What are you doing here?”
“Well, you'd know if you'd bothered to return any one of my phone calls,” the woman responded, surprising you with a British accent. She turned to you, overing you her hand. “Hi. I’m Margaret Rogers.” You shook her hand.
“Rogers?” You repeated, confused.
“And you must be the woman who’s been screwing my husband.” 
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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grantyort · 4 years
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Clearing the Air
[The trio cruises along the empty city streets. Chris is fast asleep in the backseat while Daniel fidgets anxiously in the front.]
SEAN: Need to pee or something? 
DANIEL: Nah, I’m just nervous.
SEAN: [chuckles] About what?
DANIEL: Uh… Nothing. Never mind.
SEAN: [sighs] Whatever you say dude.
DANIEL: [turning to Chris] Is he... okay?
DANIEL: Yeah. He just hasn’t slept well since… you know.
SEAN: Well before he wakes up, we need to have a serious talk about all this.
[Sean pulls the car over to the side of the road. He gets out and sits on the hood, motioning Daniel to join him. Daniel reluctantly agrees]
DANIEL: Sean Iisten-
SEAN: No, you listen! I went through hell just so we could stay in this country, so you could live a normal life! Now you’re just gonna throw it all away on some wild goose chase?! Don’t you even care? I swear this is like Nevada all over again!
[Daniel looks ashamed and on the verge of tears]
DANIEL: I’m s-sorry Sean. It’s just that… we haven’t seen each other in months, and you don’t answer my texts and I thought if I-
SEAN: No… you’re right. That wasn’t fair. I’m guess I’m still… trying to figure this whole thing out.
DANIEL: I know.
SEAN: Why didn’t you just tell me, instead of pulling a stupid stunt like this?
DANIEL: I… didn’t want to drag you into this.
SEAN: Well guess what Daniel? I’m in it now whether you like it or not. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of a package deal.
DANIEL: I’m sorry.
SEAN: There you go again. Always apologizing after the fact. For once, I want you to think things through before you go running off on your next crusade!
DANIEL: I’ll try.
SEAN: You damn well better. Remember the deal we made with the Feds, no big splashes! If they catch even a whiff of what you’re doing… ¡se acabó! They’ll throw my ass back in jail and lock you in some government black site. We’ll never see each other again. Is that what you want?!
DANIEL: No of course not! It’s just… Chris has lost everything. I just want to help him get answers and justice. It’s the least we can after all he’s done for us. We owe him that much!
SEAN: [scoffs] You’ve really grown up, haven’t you?
[Sean leans over and hugs Daniel who is taken off-guard but sinks into Sean’s arms, savoring the familiar comfort]
DANIEL: What was that for?
SEAN: Oh nothing. Just getting you back for earlier.
[Daniel smiles and rests his head on his brother’s shoulder]
SEAN: Enano, listen… I’m sorry I’ve been so… distant. College’s just been hectic as fuck. I’ve got a side-gig going on, and I know haven’t always been… there for you, like I should be.
DANIEL: You don’t have to apologize, Sean. You’ve already done so much. You should go live your own life for a change. Besides, I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself now.
SEAN: [laughs] I’ve heard that one before.
DANIEL: I’m serious! You don’t have to worry about me. Go to parties, hook up, cram for exams or whatever. I don’t wanna be a burden anymore.
SEAN: You’re not a burden, Daniel and worrying about you is kind of in the job description. I mean the hours are long and you don’t get paid, but at the end of the day it’s all worth it, you know?
DANIEL: Yeah I know… thanks, Sean.
If Daniel threatened Sean back at the bus depot:
DANIEL: S-sorry for what happened back at the bus station. I don’t know what got into me.
SEAN: You should be. We don’t see each other for weeks and the first thing you do is try to pick a fight.
DANIEL: I just… got caught up in the moment.
SEAN: Hope you haven’t been doubling up on your pills again.
DANIEL: Of course not! I’m not stupid Sean!
SEAN: Never said you were.
DANIEL: Sorry. I don’t wanna fight.
SEAN: Me neither. But just for the record, I would have kicked your ass.
DANIEL: (rolling his eyes) Sure Sean.
SEAN: I did last time.
DANIEL: That didn’t count! You caught me off-guard!
SEAN: That’s kind of the point, genius. You think the bad guys are gonna warn you before attacking?
DANIEL: What bad guys? Besides, even if one of them got the jump on me, I’d still stop them all. Easy-peasy!
SEAN: This isn’t a superhero movie, it’s real life. You gotta pay attention to your surroundings at all times!
DANIEL: (mockingly) Whatever you say… sensei.
DANIEL: Are you… doing okay?
SEAN: What do you mean?
DANIEL: You know… with college, and track and everything. I don’t really know much except what I hear from Lyla-
SEAN: Oh you mean your little spy? I still haven’t forgotten about the library incident you know.
DANIEL: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
SEAN: Yeah, yeah! play dumb! You’re lucky that marker was washable otherwise your ass would be grass right now!
DANIEL: I thought you were supposed to be able to see that sorta stuff coming.
SEAN: I was asleep! Besides that’s not how it works!
DANIEL: Pfft excuses!
SEAN: Don’t push it. I’m still mad at you, you know.
DANIEL: (making a funny face) Yeah? How about now?
SEAN: [laughs] Okay. I’m letting you off the hook this time.
[Daniel pulls a chock-o-crisp out his pocket and begins to eat]
SEAN: Still eating those?
DANIEL: (mouth full) What? I’m hungry!
SEAN: I read an article that chock-o-crisps can stunt your growth. You better cut back or you might be stuck an enano forever.
DANIEL: That’s bullshit! I grew 3 inches since Christmas. I’ll probably be taller than you soon!
SEAN: Ha You wish! [he ruffles Daniel’s hair]
DANIEL: Stop it! You know how long it took me to get it just right?
SEAN: Since when do you care so much about your hair?
DANIEL: Chris says that it looks cool like this.
SEAN: I thought you “always looked good”.
DANIEL: Yeah, but I just like it better this way.
SEAN: Okay, okay. Hands off the hair. Got it.
DANIEL: So Sean, you...
Seeing anyone? 
Talk to Mom lately?
Seeing anyone?
SEAN: Taking an interest in my love life? Who would've thought?
DANIEL: It’s not like I really care. I just… don’t want you to get lonely.
SEAN: Don’t worry about that, enano, I got plenty of term papers and angry TAs to keep me company.
DANIEL: I’m being serious Sean.
SEAN: Well if you must know, I did meet someone recently. We were actually supposed to have dinner tonight but… you know.
DANIEL: Oh… sorry.
SEAN: (jokingly) You should be. We don’t even live in the same state anymore and somehow you still manage to cock-block me!
DANIEL: (cheekily) That’s my real superpower!
SEAN: (rolling eyes) Yeah, yeah keep laughing. Who knows? Maybe someday, I’ll return the favor.
(They both laugh)
SEAN: How about you? How’s school? Anyone giving you shit?  
DANIEL: Nah. Everyone likes me, well except Wilkes and Brad. But they’re assholes. Anyway, there is this dance coming up next week and I still don’t have a date. I was thinking of asking this one girl, Millie. We text and stuff and I guess she’s pretty!
SEAN: Whoa dude, slow down! Focus on keeping your grades up. You’ve got plenty of time for that stuff later. Me on the other hand. I think I’m just about ready to die alone.
LYLA <-> FINN/CASSIDY (Determinant)
DANIEL: What about Lyla? She’s single! 
SEAN: Dude no! It’d be way too weird. We’ve known each other since forever. It would never work. And besides, I’d never take her from you.
DANIEL: S-shut up. That was just a stupid crush! I’m totally over her! 
SEAN: (deadpanning) Oh no. I’m sure she’ll be devastated.
DANIEL: What about… what’s her name? The smelly hippie with the purple wig.
SEAN: Cassidy? She’s all the way up in Canada, dude! Plus, I need to get clearance every time I leave the country. It would never work.
DANIEL: That’s okay. You can totally do better!
SEAN: Oh ouch. Still holding a grudge, eh?
DANIEL: I just think… you’re too good for her.
SEAN: I’ll take that as a compliment. I guess.
DANIEL: What about Finn? Weren’t you totally into him?
SEAN: Finn’s still in jail dude. What are we supposed to do? Make out through the glass?
DANIEL: Haha true.
(If Sean forgave Finn in Episode 4)
DANIEL: Do you ever wish things turned out differently with him?
SEAN: Sure… sometimes, but life’s too short for regrets.
DANIEL: You’re starting to sound like Mom.
SEAN: I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that.
(If the player did not forgive Finn in Episode 4)
SEAN: He’s applying for early parole and wants to me be at his hearing. Can you believe that?
DANIEL: You’re not going, are you? He totally used us. He deserves to be locked up!
SEAN: Whoa where’s this coming from? Didn’t you use to be his biggest fan?
DANIEL: What are you talking about?
SEAN: (mockingly) Oooo Finn’s so cool! Finn lets me do whatever I want. I wish Finn was my brother!
DANIEL: What?! I never said that! Besides, I was just a stupid kid back then!
SEAN: Yeah and no one’s denying that.
DANIEL: Whatever. If you want to go, go.
SEAN: Nah… I’m done with Finn. There’s plenty of better guys out there.
Talk to Mom lately?
SEAN: Yeah got a call from her two weeks ago. Business has been booming ever since… they legalized it in Arizona. So, expect an extra big birthday present this year.
DANIEL: Bet you want to move there so you can (he makes a toking motion)
SEAN: Haha, maybe after I graduate!
DANIEL: (sigh) I miss Away.
SEAN: I do too. There was something special about that place. Everyone there was so chill. Not like here.
Ask about Away
DANIEL: And Joanne? Is she still-
SEAN: [sigh] The latest round of chemo didn’t work. So they’re preparing for the worst…
DANIEL: I want to see her Sean, before…
SEAN: I know enano. But Arizona’s too far and way too close to the border. The Feds would never go for it.
DANIEL: I don’t care!  I need to say goodbye to her, in-person.
SEAN: [sigh] Okay. I’ll talk to Flores, see if we can work something out.
DANIEL: Thanks Sean.
SEAN: Arthur and Stanley got a new puppy! His name is Rufus. He’s a bit of a handful but super cute.
DANIEL: No way!
SEAN: I’ve got pictures.
DANIEL: Dude! Send them now!
Ask About Sean’s Eye:
DANIEL: How’s your eye?
SEAN: Can’t complain. Still gets itchy from time to time but that’s what the eye lube’s for. 
DANIEL: Ew, can you not call it that?
Ask about Sean’s Appearance
DANIEL: Dude what’s with the beard? It looks all itchy and gross!
SEAN: You’re just jealous cuz you can’t grow one!
DANIEL: Could too! I just don’t want to.
SEAN: Yeah sure… Have your heuvos even dropped yet? 
DANIEL: Ewwww, shut up!
SEAN: I’ll take that as a no. And since you love my beard so much. Here, feel it! [He rubs his cheek against Daniel’s.]
DANIEL: (laughing) Stop Sean! That tickles! Quit it!
[Sean drapes his arm over Daniel who leans on his shoulder. They look at the night sky together]
DANIEL: Whoa... check out that moon!
SEAN: How about a team howl? For old times’ sake?
DANIEL: Yeah! Diaz Lobos! 
[They howl together as “Into the Woods” plays]
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s-creations · 3 years
In Sickness, In Health Chapter 5 - Broken Arm
Fandom: DuckTales 2017 / The Three Caballeros             Rating: General Audience             Relationships/Pairings:  José Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles     Additional Tags: getting sick, being cared for, mental health, injury, sore throat, common cold, chicken pox, broken bones, whooping cough, taking care of others.
Part of a Series Called: We’re the Three- Sorry, Six Caballeros!
Author’s Note: This chapter is self titled with what's about to happen. But please keep in mind this contains talk of broken bones. If I need to put further tags/warnings on this story, please let me know!
“Dewey, I’m serious, get down!” Huey frantically called.
 “Sorry, can’t hear you. Too high up and doing amazing!” Dewey called back as he reached for the next level of branches. 
 “Let it go dude,” Louie commented as he scrolled through his phone. Leaning up against the same tree that Dewey was currently climbing. “You’re not getting him down from there. Just let nature take its course.”
 While Huey glared at Louie, Dewey was continuing his trek up the tall tree. Humming his theme song (version 236) while he reached for another branch. His plan for the day was to reach the top of the tallest tree in the backyard so he could see across the bay. To hopefully see across it, maybe even see the entire world and what it had to offer. Maybe he could even find some place interesting enough to visit! Some place close!
 Ah, he was so eager! He couldn’t wait to find out what the rest of the world looked like. Entire body shaking with eagerness, Dewey moved a bit too quickly...
 He lost his footing first. Webbed foot slipped and Dewey quickly reached out to try and grab something for support. Only for his hand to grab at air. The branch just a bit too far out of reach. 
 It was as if time stood still for a moment. Dewey got a brief thought of ‘Huh...maybe this wasn’t the best idea.’ before he began to properly fall. It was strangely exhilarating to hear the wind rushing around him. Sort of like flying. Except the opposite. Because he was, in fact, falling. So this was worse.
 Dewey hit the ground hard, Huey shrieking while Louie let out a cry of ‘Holy Cow!’ as they rushed over. The triplet dressed in blue sat up slowly. Looking around, dazed, but otherwise felt fine. 
 “What were you thinking! You could have been killed!” Huey huffed. Fear being replaced by anger as he glared down at his brother.
 “I was thinking how cool it would be to see the view from the top of that tree. But I guess it wasn’t meant to be for the moment. Oh well, I’ll try again tomorrow-”
 Dewey let out a yelp of pain when he tried to put weight on his arm. Pain shooting through it, the duckling swearing he was about to pass out from it. Taking a deep breath to keep himself awake, Dewey looked down at said arm. Which was clearly broken. Sticking out at a weird angle, but nothing else seemed ‘wrong’.
 “I broke my arm.”
 “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s broken. Check it.” Dewey casually commented holding up the mentioned limb. Louie looked close to vomiting while Huey turned very pale. 
 “Oh… Okay. Um, Louie, can you get Uncle Donald?” The youngest triplet nodded and dashed back towards the house, happy to not see the arm. Huey, on his part, bent down to examine the damage as best he could. “Ah...so… I don’t think I’m supposed to touch it. But it looks so bad!”
 “Dude, it doesn’t hurt. Just breathe and leave it alone.” Truth be told, Dewey wasn’t really sure why he wasn’t panicking. Maybe it was because everyone else was already freaking out. But, it was probably the fact that, since it didn’t hurt, Dewey wasn’t too worried.
 Ah, someone else to worry about him.
 “Hi Uncle Donald!” Dewey beamed while being faced with a panicked duck. 
 Donald looked prepared to start pulling out his feathers in panic. “Okay, okay, Dewey, how are you feeling?”
 “Pretty good, all things considered.”
 “Okay, can you walk? We need to get you to the car.” 
 “Sure...I’ll just need help getting up.”
 Dewey was more than patient as the rest of the family rushed around him. Helping him into the car, getting the seatbelt on, making sure he was okay before they set off. A quick trip to the emergency room later and Dewey now had a sweet cast and a story to share with his other two uncles. 
 “This is so cool! Benny had one of his arms in a cast too and he got people to sign it. Do you think I could do that too?” Dewey looked up at Donald, freehand knocking on the hardened plaster. 
 “Of course. You can start carrying some sharpies when you’re at school. Just as long as you don't make everything messy and you don’t distract the class.” Donald commented, finally relaxed now that everything was taken care of.
 At first, Dewey was honestly thrilled to have his cast. It was like getting a fancy new piece of armor in a video game. Wanting to constantly show it off. Happily retelling his adventure with so much gusto to whomever would hear him. It was great. 
 Until it wasn’t.
 The first issue was how uncomfortable the cast was becoming. It was heavy and clunky. He couldn’t sleep because the cast was just dead weight. His arm started becoming both itchy and sweaty. Hot and bothersome with no solution as to how it was supposed to be fixed. 
 The second issue was that there was no one else to tell the story to. All his classmates knew. All his neighbors knew. And, even if his uncles would listen to him, Dewey knew they were becoming bored by the story. The once great armor was now dragging him down. 
 The last issue was that he couldn’t do anything. Uncle Donald made it clear that Dewey wasn’t going to do anything with the cast on. Not that the duckling paid that warning too much attention. Until he realized that the cast was preventing Dewey from, quite literally, doing anything. He couldn’t grab anything. Couldn’t put pressure on it in any way. Hold anything. It was basically a useless arm. 
 “At least you have some time to work on your homework.” Huey offered weakly. Which was only met with an unamused glare. 
 Dewey was becoming so bored. 
 He was currently situated on the sofa during one afternoon. Eyes barely open, barely focused, as he ‘watched’ the television. Dewey wasn’t fully taken in what he was looking at. He was also pretty sure there was a string of drool sliding out from the side of his mouth.
 “Well, don’t you look charming.”
 Dewey merely rolled his head to the side to look over towards Donald. “Hello…”
 “Hello to you too.” The older duck walked over, claiming an empty seat next to the blue dressed triplet. “I see you’ve moved your pity party from the bedroom to the living room.”
 “Not pity.” Dewey weakly argued back.
 “No? Then what are you doing?”
 “Ah, I see. Nothing like being sad for yourself.”
 “There’s nothing I can to with my stupid arm is it’s stupid cast.” Dewey huffed weakly. 
 “You’ve done nothing but watch t.v. since you’ve gotten that cast. Why don’t you try doing something new?”
 “Broken arm, can’t do anything.”
 Donald rolled his eyes. “You’re not in a full body cast, you can still move. And your dominant hand is still ‘free’. I don’t mean trying to climb something new. Why not find a new hobby? Read a book, go take a walk, something.”
 “All sounds boring.”
 Letting out a slow breath, Donald took a new approach. “Well, I have something you might be interested in.”
 “Doubt it.” Even with a heavy sigh of boredom, Dewey still followed his uncle.
 They entered a small side room at the back of the house. One filled with mainly boxes and other unneeded odds and ends. They passed the stacked boxes, going towards the sole window. Where an artist easel had been set up. Paints and other tools cluttering a small rolling cart that had been pushed against the wall. 
 “What is this?” Dewey asked as he looked over the pile of paint tubes. 
 “My get away, if you will. When I want a break from everything, I come here and just paint. Just...put on some music and paint.”
 “I’ve never seen you paint before…”
 “Well, I did just start,” Donald commented, taking a seat in front of the easel. “I was told it would help me relax.”
 “So, are you telling me to start painting?” Dewey asked. 
 “Sort of.” Reaching into a large bag that was propped up against the wall as well, Donald pulled out two items. A small sketchbook and a mechanical pencil. “You have an active imagination. Why don’t you try giving your words some pictures?”
 Dewey was skeptical at first. When starting, it was frustrating. Nothing was looking right and it was maddening to try and figure out what something was supposed to look like. Seeing it in his head to transfer it onto paper was difficult. 
 Tio José swooped in to save the day. When Dewey crumpled up another failure. The parrot was more than happy to give his expertise on how to start off a drawing. Getting the basic shapes, proportions, how to look at the whole and the parts of an object, how drawing from real life can help draw from the imagination. After that, there was no stopping him.
 Even with the cast on, it didn’t stop him. If anything Dewey started using it as a weight to keep the loose paper still. The rest of the recovery melted away. The blue cladded duckling happily returned to school with a fully healed arm and a number of handcrafted books to share. 
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easyrevenge · 3 years
shinkami drabble
word count : 1.6k
ship: shinsou hitoshi / kaminari denki 
rated: t
summary: denki has a crush on shinsou who works across the street at the second-hand music shop.
(ive never written shinkami before & i’ve been having writers block so i wrote this based on true events for warm-up.)
Kaminari is pretty sure he might die. 
“You’re being so dramatic,” Mina tells him. And yeah, he is, but that hardly changes the fact that he’s starving. Not to death but it’s significant. He forgot to eat breakfast and wasn’t even on the schedule to work today. He’s just a good employee, and friend, or whatever. Denki thinks Mina could at least be a little more--”But, someone did leave their Café Luna bag behind about an hour ago. See what’s in it.”
Denki loves her. “Café Luna? That place is expensive!” And delicious, so he’s heard. The restaurant opened a few weeks ago down the block and since then the line has been wrapped around the corner. 
He hurries to the back of their shop and rummages through the mini-refrigerator that definitely should have been cleaned out at least three weeks ago. Past some questionable yogurt cups, he finds what he’s looking for.
Denki only spends a solid five seconds debating the morality of the situation--is it rude to eat someone’s untouched food? What if they come back for it? But it’s a short-lived consideration, especially once he sees what’s inside; a small clear container with what a fancy as fuck sandwich—“It’s been an hour, surely they would have come back by now…” he reasons. Most importantly, as well as the deciding factor, “Oh hell yes!” A huge, insanely thick double chocolate chip cookie. “Sorry not sorry, loser.” Who the hell could leave any of this behind?
The sandwich is obliterated within minutes. Then Denki, because he is a good friend and model employee, brings the cookie back out to the front and offers some to Mina. 
“You’re sweet, Denks,” she says, patting his shoulder. Then she laughs, “But it looks like you might cry if I say yes and you're forced to actually share.”
Denki really, really loves her. 
He’s half-way through the cookie, propped up on the counter and munching away while Mina does all the clean up tasks that he’s excused from today for coming in. This is their usual slow hour anyway, not a customer in sight. Easy money. 
“So, I forgot to tell you that your walking wet-dream came by earlier.” 
Denki almost chokes on his cookie. “What! When? What was he wearing?” 
Mina smiles as she wipes the counters down. “I was swamped so I didn’t get a good look. He was in and out pretty quick.”
Denki leans back against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment to revel in a quick day dream. One where he’s smooth and clever, manages to get his number, then maybe a date, a blow job, a boyfriend, a decent, regularly scheduled lay. He’d take that in any order, really. 
Denki’s never actually talked to the guy but he does know his name is Shinsou thanks to a very tactful phone call by Mina. He works at the secondhand music store across the street and one morning while opening shop they made eye contact across the asphalt. Denki had been sweeping while the other was writing a music lesson schedule on a chalkboard menu. It was anticlimactic, lasting no more than three seconds, but Denki never stops thinking about it. 
Shinsou is intimidating in the way that most pretty people are. He looks mean, disinterested. It pulls Denki in unquestionably, especially because he always smiles (full teeth) whenever he spots Shinsou through the window and rarely gets anything back except the highly coveted lifted eyebrow. Denki’s favorite thing about him is his eyes, dark and liquidy.
Denki also cares a lot about fashion and Shinsou’s clothes are the brand of cool that is obviously effortless, all black. His messy purple hair is usually pushed back with one of those cheap, zigzag plastic hair combs that were popular in the 90s.
Shinsou is aggressively hot, it’s almost offensive. Denki isn’t sure if he has a league but Shinsou is out of everyone’s.
“I can’t believe he actually came in. What did he order?”
Mina shrugs, “He just bought bottled water but he did spend a minute staring at your freaky art.”
“Oh my god,” Denki flushes pink with excitement and disbelief. He doesn’t exactly call himself an artist but he does fuck around a lot in his small studio and paint weird, neon colored, warped looking Pokémon-monster hybrids. Mina let’s him display them around her fruit shop because she’s a good friend. 
A customer comes in and Denki continues to lounge on the counter, still daydreaming of purple hues and picking at the cookie while Mina makes a smoothie that has far too many vegetables. 
“Hey Denks,” Mina says after the customer has left with their inevitable bowel movement in a cup. She sounds weird. He looks over and she’s smiling like the Cheshire Cat. He knows he’s fucked. “We’re best friends and I’m your boss, so you’re obligated to forgive me.”
Denki’s heart is squeezing tight and he stares wide eyed. “What did you do?”
Mina turns to look out through the front windows where Shinsou is currently looking left, then right, before doing a half-jog across the street. She hurriedly looks back at Denki, “I forgot to tell you the Café Luna bag was Shinsou’s and now it looks like he’s coming back for it and I’m going to go on my break now, bye.” She says the last part in one breath while the door opens and the little bell on top rings. 
Shinsou walks in and all the air is pulled from Denki’s lungs.
Denki doesn’t have time to think, just react. He practically throws himself off the counter and—again, not thinking because who has time for that when someone that good-looking is walking your way—does the only thing he can think of to dispose of the evidence. 
He shoves the rest of the cookie into his mouth. It’s a big fucking cookie, even with only half of it left. 
He never should have come into work today. 
The chime of the door tinkers again when it closes and Denki knows he has about 3.5 seconds before Shinsou reaches the front counter. He chews vigorously, practically suffocating on cookie crumbs and chocolate chips, but it’s all just turned to paste in his mouth and there’s no hope. 
Then, he starts to choke. 
“Should I call emergency services or just let you die.” It hardly sounds like a question and if it is, Shinsou is asking himself.
Denki sputters, standing up from his half-crouch in an attempt to hold on to an ounce of his dignity. But it’s all lost when they make eye contact and Denki knows there’s nothing he can do, so he just holds up a finger to say hold on before spinning around and grabbing the small trash bin under the sink. 
He spits the cookie mush into the bin, eyes watering while he coughs the dust out of his lungs, and prays that death comes swiftly in the next few seconds. 
Denki hates Mina. So, so much. 
Catching his breath, Denki leans forward over the sink and runs the water. He wonders if he should fill it up and drown himself but opts for rinsing his face instead. The eyes boring holes into his back are unrelenting and vicious. He turns around and regrets being born. 
Shinsou is way too goddamn pretty. His eyes drink Denki in, full of judgement and unabashed intensity before blinking back into nonchalance. “He lives.”
Denki can’t help it, he laughs. It’s loud and a bit wet because he hasn’t wiped off his face. What a mess. “Unfortunately.”
Shinsou doesn’t allow for any awkward silences though, just moves the conversation forward with ease. Denki barely has time to feel embarrassed but he knows he’s blushing deeper with every millisecond that ticks by. 
“I left my lunch here earlier, I think. A bag from Café Luna.” 
Denki considers lying because surely that would be the easiest route. He attempts to wipe his face off with the inner elbow of his sweater, nervous. “Oh—uh, I don’t…”
Shinsou holds up a long, slender finger.  Denki wonders what instruments he plays. Maybe he should sign up for one of his lessons, give himself a second-chance to make a good impression. Erase this one from existence. 
He shakes his head, explaining, “You have chocolate smeared on your chin.” An obvious accusation. Denki is so fucked. 
He sighs. “The cookie looked way too good, dude.” It feels good to confess, at least. “I’m sorry,” Denki apologizes, eyes downcast as he pulls at the hem of his sweater. 
“Are you,” Shinsou replies and Denki wants to run out the door but then something happens. Shinsou laughs. It’s a quiet sound, breathy and warm and deep. Denki looks up and smiles brightly because wow, that sounds like music. “I don’t think you are.”
Denki catches something like a smile on the corner of Shinsou’s mouth and it gives him some of his confidence back. Just enough. “Yeaaaah,” he breathes, grinning sheepishly. “It was really tasty so maybe not that sorry.”
“Sorry you got caught.”
“A true criminal.” Shinsou nods, something like approval. Then he pulls out his phone to check the time. Denki is already disappointed this interaction is ever going to end, despite his embarrassment. 
“I’ll have the sandwich back at least, I only have ten minutes left of my lunch break. I’m starving.”
No, yeah, Denki is going to fucking murder Mina. He’ll be an actual criminal. 
Denki knows his silence is telling but there’s no cool way to talk himself out of this. Instead he puts on his best pouty smile and apologetic eyes. Shinsou looks so unimpressed until he doesn’t, just annoyed.
He clicks his tongue, sucking air through his teeth like a disappointed parent. “I’m off in three hours.”
Denki pulls a face.  “Oh-kay.” 
Shinsou looks like he wants to roll his eyes. Denki feels hot all over, degraded even though he hasn’t been called any names or chastised. 
The silence makes Denki itchy so he breaks it with a fountain of apologies and offers to pay him back. “Do you have Venmo? Just charge me the cost! My username is 69Pika—”
“Please, stop.”
Shinsou knocks his knuckles on the counter, looking him over once more before taking a few steps back. Another customer comes in and the bell tinkers twice, open, then close. 
They watch each other for a moment.
“If you’re off in time, you’re buying dinner after my shift. I’ll meet you outside the shop.” Then Shinsou turns and leaves and Denki just smiles because what the fuck else was he supposed to do. 
God, he loves Mina. 
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