#excuse me doing my rounds I do when I post a new fic and have to update tumblr in a billion different ways
redrocketpanda · 1 year
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KazuRei - Interlude: The Senses of You - One Shot
Cigarettes. Vanilla. Lingering sweat. Fabric softener. Remnants of Miri.
Kazuki has lived with Rei long enough to know what he smells like. It’s one of the most distinguishable things about him for Kazuki; his smell so familiar that Kazuki would know it anywhere. Because Rei smells like home.
What he finds himself wondering is what Rei tastes like.
A little exploratory interlude that takes place around the beginning of episode 11 as Kazuki and Rei attempt to grapple with their feelings for each other in the wake of Miri's absence in their typical chaotic, inept ways.
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yooglefics · 2 months
hii! its been a few days since i found u and i love ur writing and stories!! could i request a fic where yoongi and (possibly) female reader have a fight over jealousy (its either her or him or both even idk) and its a little angsty idk but then they make up and its all fluffy 🤓🤓 thank u in advance luv
Hellooo. Thank you so much for your kind words and for requesting this! I really enjoyed writing this pair and some angst, I did a hint of both being jealousy, but is mostly him haha. Sorry it took me a while to finally post it, but I wanted it to be good, and I hope you like it!
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Jealous, jealousy
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader  Wordcount: 2,467 words Genre: AU. Established relationship. Angst and comfort / fluff.  Summary: Jealousy has never been a problem in your relationship, not until a comment can't leave Yoongi's mind and interactions at your office’s party just make it worse. Content warnings under read more.
Includes: Jealous Yoongi. People thinking there's something between Jin and Reader… even Yoongi. Miscommunication. They argue. And then they're cute.
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It all starts with the perilla leave question between Yoongi's friends one night out and a few rounds of soju in. As a self-identified non-jealous person, his answer was that it didn't mean anything, and even told the story about how it happened a few days ago when your coworker joined you two for lunch.
Jungkook, the non-identified most jealous person of the group, had obviously called him stupid. Questioned him about that guy and told him to be careful. “If I were you, Yoongi, I'd keep my eye on him.”
Little rascal; didn't even bother to use honorifics with him anymore.
But the worst thing is that the idea is now on his head and not even Yoongi knows how bad it is about to get as he steps into your office party a few weeks later. Now having the opportunity to see his girlfriend and her favorite coworker interact more in a familiar environment.
Even the ones who don't know Yoongi a lot, know he can be pretty reserved around new people, that's why you continue to make your polite round of interactions after saying hi and leaving him at a table with a whiskey and snacks. Promising to come back as soon as possible.
He looks at you across the room, all professional and sweet, the queen of small talk and polite smiles, and one forms on his own lips without realizing. Only doing so when it's erased as someone greets him, sitting down beside him and he tries to follow your steps at looking, at least, a bit cordial. 
“I don't think I've seen you before. Are you here with ( y / n ) or Seokjin?”
“Yes, with ( y / n ).”
“Really?” She sounds genuinely surprised, “I didn't know she was inviting someone.” 
“Well, I like supporting her, don't really need the invitation” he chuckles a bit awkwardly, “I'm her boyfriend.”
“Oh, so she is dating someone?” Again, the surprise in her tone makes Yoongi believe is a true emotion, and that confuses him.
“For a few years now, yes.”
“And here I was thinking that those two were going to be the next office romance,” she says sounding disappointed before realizing, “oh my— not that it's bad they don't, just… they are both attractive and you know…”
«Is that supposed to make it better?», he wants to ask, but instead he laughs, trying to dismiss everything as her hand lays on his forearm that is resting on the table, trying to reassure him as she goes on about him being handsome too and whatnot.
He stopped listening now. Because after that interaction, one hour seems long enough when half of that you have spent besides that guy, and Jungkook's words keep growing in his head as if he were watering them with the sweet alcohol. The one he has to switch hands to sip from now, because your coworker keeps the other prisoner of her hand. 
Not even the excuse ( that is actually not really an excuse because he needs it ) to get a refill works and she only stops rambling his ear off when someone arrives at the place and she finally leaves the table to greet them.
“I saw you made a friend,” your sweet smile is almost enough to make him forget his thoughts when he is joined by you at the bar while ordering another whiskey.
“Well, figure I should while you had fun with yours.” he shrugs in an effort to dismiss negative feelings.
“Wait, did you actually make friends with her?” is your turn to sound surprised, corners of your mouth falling a little.
“Is a problem if I did?”
“I… I mean, I was joking but I don't like her very much. You can make friends with other people, though.”
“Ah, thanks for the clear up.” He walks back to the table to sit down, and even he can acknowledge it was a weird response, so, your next question doesn’t shock him.
“Are you okay?”
“What if I made friends with your best friend, what's his name?” he asks instead. Comments from others blurring his psyche, making him act without much thinking.
“Is that his name? She called him Seokjin”
“Well, Seokjin, Jin for short. What's the big deal?”
“Nothing. Just… that's what she said when she asked who I was here with,” he explains before taking a sip.
“Of course she asked you that,” and eye roll accompanies your words. 
“Yeah, because apparently you didn't say you invited your boyfriend.” but he thinks there is more important matters than you not liking your coworker. “As a matter of fact she didn't know you had a boyfriend.”
“Because is none of her business. She doesn't need to know about my relationship.”
“She does when she is talking about you and Seokjin having a romance.”
“Sorry. You and Jin.”
“Shut up, you know that's not what I meant. Can't believe she said that.” You steal a sip from his whiskey before continuing, “No actually, I can.”
He buffs. “You can?”
“Yeah, I told you, she is… not likable.”
“Just that? Not because it would be believable for you two to be together?” He asks, his annoyance clearer as seconds go by.
“Jin and I? Please, that's ridiculous.”
“Why? Are you jealous?” You inquire, playfully. As if it would be impossible to be true.
“Wait. Really?! But you have never been jealous.”
“Maybe I am now.” 
“Because of Jin?” you’re confused at how serious he is being, but before you can question more about it, you’re interrupted by said guy.
“Oh, I was summoned. Hi.” he greets your partner, so casually since he doesn’t realize Yoongi is mad with him too. “Can you come back? I don't want to interact with those people alone.”
You look at your co-worker and friend for a few seconds, and then to your boyfriend, trying to understand what is happening and if he is actually jealous. Him, Min Yoongi, the less jealous person you’ve ever met.
“Go, have fun.” Your boyfriend encourages you, managing a smile that only confuses you more because is clear to you that it’s not genuine.
What the hell is happening?
You’re surrounded with interactions the rest of the night, from your co-workers to their partners, people seem interested in Jin and you, after all, it’s the first big party since the both of you joined the company. Even when you go back to sit with Yoongi people get close to make conversation, one person actually asks about wedding planing and tells you she can get you in contact with someone. You know she means well so, with your best smile, you thank her and change the subject.
You hate those conversations. 
Having spent your childhood between your parents’ fights because «staying together for their kids» was a priority, when in reality it only made it worse for everyone involved, you grew up hating the idea of getting married. You understand it is for love, but you don't need a paper or a big party to announce that you love Yoongi. You don't need a ring on your finger to promise you'll do it forever. You don't need him to propose, let alone ask your parents permission to do so. 
Is your life, your decisions. The only opinion that matters other than yours is Yoongi's and he has always understood, never pressured you. He is the love of your life, after all.
In the car on the way home, the silence is filled with music from the stereo and you try to take Yoongi’s hand on the gear lever as always, but only a couple of seconds pass before he pulls away, both hands on the wheel now. 
Trying to figure out if it was on purpose, you ask, “What are you thinking about?” 
“You spend a lot of time with him,” he says without a beat.
“You told me to go.”
“I mean in general.”
“We work together, can't really do much about that.”
“You weren't working tonight and still it was like you were joined at the hip.” he hasn’t looked at you and you can’t decide if it hurts or bothers you more.
“Again, you told me to go at the end,” you argue. “ If you wanted me to stay with you, you could have said so.”
“Now I have to ask you to spend time with me?”
“Well, I can’t read your mind, honey.” you poke his cheek, softly. An attempt to lighten the mood a little.
“That’s not the point.” His tone is just as serious. And then you know that, whatever this is, it’s deeper than you thought.
“What is it then?” you genuinely ask, annoyance starting to build up inside you, but trying to stay calm. Surely he can tell, you think. “You’re clearly upset, but why?”
“Shouldn't I be? When my girlfriend keeps hanging out with this good-looking dude and everyone thinks they could be a thing?” 
“Really?” How can he even entertain those thoughts? You with another man? Doesn’t he hear how ridiculous it sounds? “Shouldn't I be upset because you let her touch your arm for like five minutes straight?”
“She was trying to console me.”
“Yeah, that actually makes it worse, Yoongi.” 
“That's your name.” He finally looks your way, but you’re looking at the road ahead of you and he can’t tell it is just in order to calm down.
“Wait. Why are you turning things on me?”
“Because you're being irrational and I'm not having this conversation.”
Once again the music is the only sound filling the air, and you opt for folding your arms in front of your chest to stop you from reaching for his hand again.
Now both of you are mad. Great. 
Arriving home, he still gets out of the car first to open the door for you, and it helps soften the heartache a little. But still, the night repeats in your head, trying to understand what happened. 
Why suddenly spending time with Jin is a problem? Why is Yoongi so jealous about it? And why—
“You let her touch you after she said Jin and I had a thing?” you ask as both of you are finally in the bedroom, getting ready to end the night. 
“Thought we weren't having this conversation.”
“No. This one is different. This one is about you potentially doing things because you were upset with me.”
“That would be stupid.” He stops his movements, shirt unbuttoned just halfway through. “Why would I do that?”
“I don't know, you aren't exactly acting like yourself tonight.”
“Because I'm jealous?”
“Because we are fighting about you being jealous.” And trying to calm down once again, you continue taking your dress off, struggling with the zipper but too proud to ask him for help right now.
“Okay, let's not fight, then.” He sits down on his side of the bed. “Just answer this question: do you like him?” 
“Just answer. Please.” when you finally turn to him, the look on his face is different from what you expected. He doesn't seem angry, but hurt. Like your answer could break him.
“Of course not. Not like that.” You emphasize. Giving up on your clothes and kneeling in front of him, taking a breath before continuing. “You know we started at the same time and he is always nice and fun, I think he is my only friend at work because everyone else keeps asking me when I'm going to get married and leave. Like your friend.”
“The lady you were talking to. Is always asking personal questions and I don't like it. Not because I don't like talking about you, I love you and I talk with Jin about you all the time, but is just…”
“Not her business. And you don't have to explain yourself to others.” he completes. Yoongi is the first to always remind you that after all.
“Sorry.” he is quick to say, feeling like an asshole now, a hand running through his hair, messing it up, “I really don’t know what is up with me tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Were you actually jealous of Jin?” the disbelief in your voice is funny now, and he nods with a chuckle. “That’s surprising coming from you.”
“I know. Is dumb.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” you move closer to him, hands on his shoulders to make him look at you, “your feelings are not dumb, Yoongi.”
“Can you stop calling me by my name tonight?”
“Sorry,” both of you laugh softly, “but I mean it. Even if it’s irrational to be jealous of anyone because I love you so very much and wouldn’t even dream to be with someone else; your feelings are important, honey. Just… you know, we have to work on a better way of expressing them.”
He chuckles again, still feeling bad about it all but appreciating the reassurance. “I will, promise. I just never felt like this before, is… weird.”
Yoongi has always thought jealousy is stupid. He understands feeling insecure and all that, but acting like he did tonight has always been something he didn’t understand. Something he judged. He thought it was about bad communication, distrusting your partner, and things like that. And, if you don’t trust the person you love, does it make sense to be together? But maybe is not as simple as that.
He didn't care if you had your own friends and went out with them, like some of the people he knows do. He has his own opinion on marriage and engagement rings. But maybe he cares in other ways. Maybe he cares about people thinking you're with someone else because that's probably his biggest fear.
“I don’t like jealousy.” he speaks again, bringing his arms around your waist, hugging you close and resting his head against your torso.
“Good, that means you are not toxic.” A pause while your hand combs through his hair, putting black strains back in place, “and now you know how I feel when people hit on you.”
“People don’t do that.” 
“They do,” he looks up at you, but before he can argue anything, you cup his face and bend a little to peck his lips, softly. “I’m sorry for leaving you alone with her and without a warning.”
“I tried to get away but she wouldn't let go of my arm and I didn't want to be rude.” 
His bottom lip sticks out in a small pout and you kiss it away, “Yoonie, sometimes you’re too nice for your own good.”
“Maybe I should be just nice to you.”
“You're too nice for that,” he rolls his eyes, making you laugh even more, “that's why I love you.”
“I love you more, baby.”
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Protect them 🥺  Let me know what you think. comment, reblog, send an ask, follow or whatnot. Thank you for reading <3 ♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @sexytholland , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @itsmina29 , @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d , @nariee02 , @ktownshizzle , @kimtaehussy . 
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➪ Masterlist | ➪ Pinned | ➪ Ko-fi | ➪ tell me what you think! ♡ Tag list. | ➪ General updates | ➪ Requests are open
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Five More Games
Batter Up Chapter 3
Pairing: Baseball player Joel Miller x Female Reader Rating: Explicit. 18+ (Minors DNI) Summary: You haven't seen your boyfriend in over two weeks, your longing for Joel interrupts a FaceTime session. Warnings: smut, baseball talk, FaceTime mutual masturbation, pining, softness, Joel cum's all over his stomach Words: 3,000 A/N: These two have previously appeared together in 18 Seasons and Golden Corral. I wanted to write something super self indulgent to celebrate the month anniversary of posting my first fic Golden Walkway on here. I also want to shout out two people who helped me in this whole writing process. @ohheypedrito for being my steadfast fellow obsessor and idea bouncer offer and @justagalwhowrites for her very sweet response when I asked for words of advice that ultimately made me take the big step to hitting post.
Masterlist Playlist
Joel has internally struggled this season:  unhappy with his new team, unhappy with his new city, unhappy with the game he loved. Unfamiliar fans, unfamiliar apartment, unfamiliar restaurants, unfamiliar grocery store. The only familiar thing for Joel is you, taking the train down to the city whenever you can, staying in his aforementioned unfamiliar apartment making it seem more like home. You of course knew you couldn’t go to any of his games and openly root for him, but you were happy to watch the game on his couch in his new home, welcoming him back with a hug, smelling the sweat of the game still on him… Joel always far too impatient to shower at the stadium, too excited to get back to you. 
The two of you stuck together living a secret nobody knew about, the two of you never admitting the love you had for each other was growing into something loud enough that soon everybody would hear. What would your dad think? What would Joel’s old teammates think? What would his agent think? What would your coworkers think? What would Sarah think? 
For eight months you and Joel have done this alone, the only people privy to your relationship is whomever might look over at him placing his hand on your thigh at a restaurant, a couple of close friends of yours, and maybe the doorman of Joel’s apartment building delivering packages addressed to you. No, you didn’t want to live in this lie, but to stay with Joel and know him like you do, all of the struggles were worth it.
When he got off the call letting him know that the Philadelphia Liberties signed him to a one year deal, Joel didn’t call his daughter, he didn’t call his brother… he called you. Playing in Philly meant he would only be an hour and a half train ride away. How many more times could you make empty excuses as to why you needed to fly back home to Texas? He knew the toll it was taking on you personally and professionally, he couldn’t give you up, but he also couldn’t live with himself always seeing how tired you were as you stepped out of the airport and into his car. 
The worst part of all of this… Joel was having one of the best seasons of his career. Articles and reporters all repeating over and over how at his age he was having a banner year. Joel loved a challenge and he loved to take his frustrations to the field, playing harder and more focused than ever. 
He wanted to share his accomplishments with you, publicly. He wanted to see you as a part of the wives and girlfriends group, knowing how much you’d stick out against all of the preened and fancy clothed wives, never understanding why they dressed up the way they did to watch a ball game in the Summer heat. He wanted to see you cheering louder than anyone else as he rounded the bases after hitting a home run. He wanted his teammates to tease him for having a picture of you taped up in his locker. He wanted to see you waiting for him in the tunnel after the game wearing his jersey. He wanted to be able to call you his to anyone who’d listen. 
He hadn’t had a serious girlfriend in almost twenty years. Once Sarah’s mom left, he gave up dating and significant others to focus on the game and being a dad. Maybe there was just never anybody worth it, but you? You were worth it, and he hated that he couldn’t show everyone how much he loved you. 
“Next week’s the All Star Game, you still able to head home?” Joel asks as he watches you change into one of his old Capitals shirts you took as a sleep shirt. 
He loves FaceTime. For years he rolled his eyes at the idea of having to look at who’s he’s talking to… until he learned he can watch you go through your nightly routine in your bedroom. Now he gets to watch you apply your face lotion, feeling a bit like a voyeur looking in on your world from your MacBook screen. He especially likes FaceTime when you angle the laptop on the bed to show him your body as you make yourself cum while chanting his name and how much you miss him. 
“Yeah, so far so good. Can’t believe we’re doing this, especially seeing as you’re in the actual game and we’re letting everybody know the night before. What happens if it’s not good and it affects your g—” 
“I’ll be fine no matter what. It has to be done, I don’t know how many times I can tell Sarah my agent is texting. I think she knows something’s up, she’s too smart, she knows I don’t have friends,” he sighs. “How do you think your parents are gonna take it?”
“I think my mom will be cool with it, she always liked you, especially because of Sarah. My dad? I don’t know, I think he’ll be fine but I also think he’ll have a lot of reservations about us and how it’ll look once everyone finds out. He’s going to drop some business words and worry how it might end up as tabloid fodder amongst baseball people, and I fully understand his issues.” You get into your bed, moving the computer to lay next to you, Joel’s face and broad shoulders taking up most of the screen, it’s such a pitiful replacement to having his warm body next to you. “I don’t know, I wish we could just not do this but be able to do everything like normal people.” 
“There’s nothing normal about this, I’m in a hotel room in Seattle and I just got done eating $45 grilled chicken and brown rice from room service. You just closed your blinds with a remote in your apartment with a view of Central Park. We’re not a normal couple sweetheart,” Joel gives you his reassuring smile, his dimple pressing into his skin, you wish you could touch it. God, you miss him.
“I know, I just wish things could be more simple.” 
“I know baby, me too,” his smile faltering as he hears the longing in your voice. 
“I think I just really miss you… it’s been almost two weeks.”
“It has, we’ll be together soon. Just have to wait six more days.”
“Five more games,” you whisper. 
The two of you always finding it easier to break it down in games. Only 45 innings.  Only five trips for Joel to step on the team bus and head to the ballpark. Only five games worth of you checking your phone for updates.
“Five more games,” Joel’s voice dropping. “You able to watch tomorrow?”
“Don’t think so,” you try not to let the disappointment in your voice show as much as it does. “I have that dinner with the group in from Toronto. I’m hoping I’ll be home around 9, and the game starts at 4 there… I guess I might be able to see maybe the last couple of innings.”
“Mm, pretty sure I’m just DHing tomorrow, so should be in for the whole game.”
“Save your home run for the last inning please.” 
“‘Course,” he smirks. “I’ll swing for the fences.” 
“Joel—“ you whisper out.
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“I wish you were here right now.”
“Me too, your bed’s always so comfortable. Sick of these hotel beds.”
You bring the neck of Joel’s shirt up to your nose and inhale. “Your shirt no longer smells like you, I need a new one.” 
“I’ll have one for you next time baby. I won’t take this one off.” 
“You can take it off now.”
“Yeah? Why do you want me to take it off?” Joel’s eyes get darker. 
“I want to look at you while I touch myself, so take it off.”
“Love how bossy you get.”
“Preaching to the choir.”
“Very funny,” he leans forward, pushing his laptop farther down the desk to give you a better view and removes his shirt. 
The two of you are well versed in the proper set up to have this type of experience over FaceTime. No bright lamp behind you because your body will be blown out by the light. Make sure you angle the screen the right way at the right distance so you can still see each other’s faces and bodies. Joel usually chooses to stay on the couch or in an office chair when he’s in a hotel room, allowing him to sit up and jerk himself off while he can still watch you. You always place your laptop on his side of your bed, laying diagonally across it so he can watch you touch your pussy while staring at the screen. 
You love seeing him shirtless, the way his body fills out in all of the most broad and right places. His shoulders are so wide and muscular, connecting to his toned and strong arms, his muscles never being overbearing and huge, just the perfect size and super capable of hitting a ball over 250 feet. The smattering of hair across his chest trailing down his stomach to the waistband of his shorts. His stomach, you’re obsessed with his stomach, it’s so soft, your favorite feeling on earth is laying your head against it. The perfect amount of softness filling out his athletic midsection. Joel’s body perfectly encompasses him, soft and rugged, broad and safe. 
“You’re staring again sweetheart,” Joel’s voice blinks you out of your daze as you ogle the square of him on your screen. 
“Sorry, I just really like looking at you.”
“I know, and I like looking at you.” Joel leans back, placing one of his arms behind the couch, his other hand resting against his thigh. “Now, let me really see you. Take m’shirt off.” 
You nod and move your laptop to its customary location so Joel can see all of you. You take his shirt off leaving you bare for his eyes to roam across your body from over two thousand miles away.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, wish I could rub my hands all over your soft skin. Wish I could smell your hair, wish I could taste your skin. Miss you so fucking much.”
“What would you do to me if you were here?” Your voice barely above a whisper, your body aching for his touch.
“I’d rub my tongue up and down your neck,” you move your fingers to your neck and begin to trail them across it copying Joel’s words. You close your eyes and pretend instead of hearing Joel’s voice coming from a tinny set of computer speakers you’re hearing him from across the bed before he touches you. 
“I’d move my mouth down to take one of your nipples into my mouth.” Your hand grazes down your body to one of your breasts, grabbing your nipple and pulling at it. 
“Fuck baby, yes, grab your other tit, play with ‘em,” you open your eyes at the gruffness of Joel’s voice. His hand is still behind the couch, the other has moved from his thigh to cup his half hard cock through his shorts. 
You begin to push and pull your tits apart and together, rubbing your nipples as you stare back at Joel holding eye contact through the computer.
“Looks like your pussy is drooling all over your sheets, lemme see how wet you are.”  
Your hand goes down in between your legs, you pet yourself making sure to bite your lip, something you know Joel likes as you touch yourself. A groan spills out of Joel’s mouth as he watches you bring your soaked hand up, spreading your fingers to show him how your wetness stretches across your digits. He angles himself up to pull his shorts down, his cock standing hard and solid, you can’t take your eyes off of it as his hand wraps around his length. He begins to stroke himself, as you put your hand back to play with yourself. 
“Wish you could smear yourself all over me and watch me jerk off, wish you would spit in my hand—,” Joel spits in his hand, “so I could fuck my hand until I cum all over your pretty face.” 
Your back arches as you watch Joel lick a bit of spit up from his bottom lip, his eyebrows wrinkled in concentration as he smears the spit all over his shaft and begins pumping. 
“You’re so pretty, god I miss you. I miss feeling your body pressed against me, I miss sucking your tits, I miss fucking you.” You can’t stop staring at the screen, your fingers paused and resting on your clit. He’s beautiful, the way his muscles in his arms tense as he strokes himself, the way he snarls as he twists his fist around the head, the way he can’t stop staring at you through his laptop screen. “You miss me babygirl?”
He knows what his words do to you, he knows that if he can’t touch you he can at least talk you through it. He’s so thoughtful, not stopping at anything to make you happy, to think about you, to care for you. You hate that you aren’t even close enough to be in the same time zone.
“Yes,” you whisper, if you were any louder you might just start to cry. “So much.”
“I know, I know, fuck,” Joel stops jerking himself off, “I know,” blinking the lust out of his eyes, his big brown concerned eyes planted on his screen. “You okay?”
You didn’t want to do this, you wanted to get off with your boyfriend, shut your laptop lid, and go to sleep. Now? Now you miss him so much you’re naked with your hand still in between your legs and sniffling away tears alone in your bed.
“I am, yeah, I will be. I’m sorry, it just really hit me how long it’s been and I guess I’m just nervous about everything we have to do. I don’t want to lose you…” and at those words and the fear that gets planted inside your heart, you pull your fingers away from your cunt.
“We’re going to figure it out sweetheart. M’not losing you.” Joel follows you and unwraps his hand from around himself. “It has been long, but we’ll have almost a week together next week.”
“Five games?”
“Five games.” The softness of his voice and the reassuring smile he gives makes your stomach twist.
“I’m sorry.” An apology, you’re almost embarrassed by your juvenility, missing your boyfriend so much you almost started to cry.
“Baby, you don’t have to apologize, believe me, I understand.”
“Did you still want to…”
“I’m only happy doing what you want to, sweetheart.”
“I want to show you how much I miss you.” Your hand snakes up your body to start petting the area between your breasts, the place where Joel always like to nuzzle his face in and smell your skin.
“Fuck, okay sweetheart.”
“Five more games until I can feel you inside me.”
“Jesus, getting right back to the point, aren’t we?” He smirks, his eyes follow as you snake your hand down to back in between your legs.
“I’m efficient,” you bend your knee to give Joel a better look as you begin to rub circles along your clit.
“Fuck sweetheart, you look so fucking good,” he groans, wrapping his hand back around his cock. “Fuck yourself with your fingers baby, pretend it’s me.” 
You moan as you stick two fingers in, slowly pushing them in and out, ignoring how poor of a substitute they are for Joel’s cock. 
“Good girl, look at you. My pretty baby, I love you so much.”
His eyes soften as he watches you get lost in fucking yourself. You love how you can tell just how much he loves you by his big, brown eyes, even on your small laptop screen they shine bright. 
“I love you,” you whimper as you reach your other hand down to begin rubbing your clit. Your fingers working overtime inside you and on your clit causing your orgasm to build. 
“Love you baby, so much. Love watching you do this for me,” he grunts as he fucks his fist faster.
“Baaaby,” you breathe out, your heart beginning to rapidly beat, the swirls around your clit quickening. You’re a quivering mess on your bed, staring into your computer screen as you feel your orgasm show. 
“Oh, you’re close, can see it pretty girl, you gonna cum for me? M’gonna cum for you,” he grits out as you watch the hand against his thigh tighten its grip against his skin. He’s close, his jaw going slack, his tongue resting in between his lips, his brows furrowing deeper. It’s a sight you’ve seen so many times now, most of your FaceTime sessions ending like this.
“Cum for me,” you whisper as you orgasm, your pussy squeezes your fingers, your clit pulses against your finger, you fight the urge to shut your eyes because you need to watch Joel as he begins to spurt thick ropes of cum all over his stomach. You love how he looks, biting out swears totally blissed out, his cum pooling against the plush skin of his stomach. 
He swears as he grabs his shirt and cleans himself up, you smile as you watch him, feeling like you’re spying on your own boyfriend. You love FaceTime.
“You’re smilin’ quite big,” he chuckles as he tosses his shirt next to him, and pulls his shorts back up. 
“I like to watch you, that’s all, you’re so handsome.”
“Handsome, hm?”
“Yep, always thought it, and now I get to look at you whenever I want to.”
“Lucky you, huh?”
“Lucky me. Only five more games until I see my handsome boyfriend.”
“Five more games.”
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coolshadowtwins · 6 months
SVSSS System Reveal Fic round up!
If you know one that hasn’t been recc’ed, then please put it in the comments/tags! I’ll add it to the post!
A Transmigrator and a Time Traveler Walk into the Bamboo House by VeryCharismaticDragon
Over a year after Shen Qingqiu's death, Luo Binghe consults his servant's servant, concurrently his disgraced martial uncle, for a way to bring the love of his life back. Shang Qinghua sends him in the direction of a certain time-traveling artifact, which supposedly brings one to the day they first met their soulmate.
Odd, though, that the artifact ends up missing the destination by just a few years…
A story in which post-Abyss Luo Binghe relives his disciple days, while juggling his secrets, traumas, and some unexpected revelations about the man he loves on top of that.
What is Seen by CaveteDracones
…is not [always] the real truth.
Truth-compelling artifacts in the hands of an enemy to one side, SYSTEM-mandated silence on the other, and Shen Qingqiu caught between the two. Is it too late to go back to the Water Prison? (NOTE: This one was recommended three times, and I have personally reread it multiple times. It’s one of my favorites and I really do want to read more fics in a similar vein lol)
open my lungs to let you in by ghostybreads
Shen Qingqiu had a secret. So, naturally, it was only a matter of time before he was hit by a truth serum wife plot.
“How are you?”
“Horny. Kind of want Binghe to rail me, I guess. But it’s manageable.”
Liu Qingge’s hand on his forehead froze, and he was close enough that Shen Qingqiu could hear his breathing stop. He stared back expressionlessly, the mortification distantly crawling up the back of his neck. Honest One-Horned–
The frustrated scream that he usually vented in his head, came out straight from mouth.
Futility in Practice by TGP
When Luo Binghe is fourteen years old, his shizun suffers a terrible qi deviation and fever that completely changes who he is.
and judgment is just like a cup that we share by Kieron_ODuibhir
The blob finished rotating into place in a way that wasn’t quite compatible with geometry as Shen Qingqiu understood it, and cleared a throat it didn’t seem to have.
“Greetings,” it said, somehow clearly addressing him in particular more than the room as a whole despite its total lack of features other than blueness and translucency. “I’m here on behalf of the Hyper-Celestial Peace and Order Enforcement Bureau. Crime scene secure, proceeding to interviews. Beginning with Subject One: You are Shen Qingqiu, formerly Shen Yuan, also known as Peerless Cucumber?”
First, do no harm by Terias
Shen Qingqiu has been acting especially erratic since awakening from his three day coma after a severe qi deviation.
Mu Qingfang investigates and discovers a great many things about his new shixiong. (NOTE: This one has Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu as the same soul, technically, but it still works I think!)
Show The Screenshots by A_Non_ymousWriter
When a rogue foreign System sends out a subtle virus, some outsiders are shown chat messages between a certain two transmigrators and their Systems.
AirplaneBro: nah dude shen jiu would never lay a hand on his female disciples like that, hes gay
Liu Qingge tripped on thin air while Mu Qingfang choked on his tea as Shang Qinghua (their god? creator??) casually shattered their view of their original Shen Qingiu. The fake Shen Qingqiu at least, was sharing their shock.
CucumberBro: EXCUSE ME WHAT??
AirplaneBro: aight bro buckle the fuck up cuz imma take u on a joyride all about shen jiu >:)
Binghes#1Fan: I don't want to send Binghe into the Abyss...
System 2: User must comply, if User cannot do the task User will be punished and the account will be terminated.
Mobeis #1Fan: sorry bro unless ur okay w being ded af u gotta push binghe into the abyss
Ning Yingying's fists clenched. Okay, so trying to get Yuan-ge and A-Luo together would be harder than she thought.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Yandere Morales family how each got to be how they are when reader was a cute wittle baby? Cause Reading all those fics it got me curious. Like each family member having a moment with her. Idk if it was already asked or you did something similar maybe im forgetting, ok im overdoing it- ok i will stop luv your fics!
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Aaron was drowning, drowning in stress, in nappies and the new terrifying resonsisnlty of a human baby and all by himself. You were just sitting there, alone on the couch in your pink onesie wriggling around while Aaron cleaned the house, finally getting round to it after the first 2 months of your life the house had fallen into dissaray so much so even Jeff said it when he came to check up on him.
Jeff: "Jesus christ man, what the hell happened?" He said while observing the pig stie of a house he was living in, standing in the doorway.
Aaron: "I had a baby that's what" He responded collpased on the couch with you sitting acorss from them both in your high chair, playing with your dolls.
Jeff: "The dishes! There is a mountain of dishes! Who is even eating here?!"
Aaron: "UUuugggghhhhhh" He groaned into the couch cushion.
Jeff: "Where's Diana?" He asked about your Mom, he knew at this point she may had just left, again, maybe she'd come back maybe she wouldn't it made no diffrence to your care, to the house, to Aaron.
Now Aaron had never really wanted kids, he liked the idea of being an Uncle when Miles was born, but was okay with it stopping there, when he found out Diana, was pregnant he panicked, so much so he did approach her about abortion, she refused and he understood that, but what he didn't understand was, if she refused to have an abortion, why was she doing all the things you should never do while pregnant, she was smoking more then before, drinking eating an unusual amout of sushi, so much so Rio felt the need to remind her, she really can't be doing these things.
Rio: "Diana! You can't smoke youre Pregnant!" She whacked the cigeratte out her hand, and curshed it under her foot.
Diana: "Excuse me?"
Rio: "You could really hurt the baby! And your drinking, eating pork and what not, your hurting it!"
Diana: "How Dare you try and order me around, who the fuck do you think you are?"
Rio: "I am that baby's auntie, and right now it seems I care more about it, then you!"
And it as after that converatsion that Aaron was forbidden from seeing her, or Jeff for the final few months, and during that time Aaron was having to pour out wines down the drain and throwing away cigs behind her back, and when she caught him she would loose her mind.
Diana: "You are trying TO CONTROL ME"
Aaron:" Diana, You know You can't be drinking while pregnant you could fuck up the baby"
Diana: "I don't give a fuck, I'm not letting this thing control me, or YOU"
Aaron: "Diana, I'm not letting you drink in this damm house"
And after you were born, she refused to hold you, look at you and ceratinly not feed you with her breasts, the hospital said it was post partom depression, and it was. And it was harsh and crule on her, she of course needed rest afterwards, So Aaron inslisted the help of Rio with you, while Aaron took care of the house, but it was once Diana was up and about 'taking care of you' while Aaron was at work Rio came over to visit, clean the air with Rio and see how you were doing, which is when she entered the house she found you, unattended in a sink bath, while you Mom off in her room, asleep, maybe having been drinking.
When she picked you up, and dried you off she saw you had gotten smaller than the last time 'oh god it's gotten worse'
So she set you off on the side and made you a bottle and began to feed you, she heard shuffling round the main room, when Diana came round the corner to see Rio feeding her baby.
Diana: "What are you doing in my house?"
Rio: "Diana, I found her in the sink, alone"
Diana: "Yeah she was getting herself clean"
Rio: "She's 8 weeks old?"
Diana: "How did you get in here?"
Rio: "My key?"
Diana: "You have a key?"
Rio: "Yeah, Aaron gave me one"
Diana: "Oh...Well can you get away from my baby please"
Rio: "She's smaller than she should be"
Diana: "What are you insuinutaing?"
Rio: "Diana, I think youre sick"
Diana: "How dare you"
Rio: "Please, I can help you, you need to be a mother and right now you can't, beacuse you are sick!"
Diana: "Oh fuck you, I'm going to sleep"
And so she did, she slept most days, or was out the house leaving you alone in the house for many hours, only for Aaron to come home to find you alone, screaming in your crib. Rio stared coming over more and more so just to keep you fed and changed, and it was exausting, so much so that eventually she just took you, with Aarons knowledge of course to save herself the trip, and this point Miles was walking, or more waddeling around while you were just rolling everywhere, Miles had his first word, which was 'floor' and you were just babbling.
Aaron didn't know how to thank her enough when he picked you up all he could do was thank her, try and hand her money she would always refuse while Jeff would talk custody with Aaron.
Jeff: "Listen man, she needs help, and she's not getting it"
Aaron: "yeah I know but, I can't just take her baby from her"
Jeff: "Youre not taking her, she can have visits! But right now she's putting her at risk"
Aaron: " It's been only a few weeks, she might get better"
Rio: "Aaron, She's not feeding her" She added, holding you.
Jeff: "we should really stop calling her 'the baby' she needs a name"
Rio: "Dose she not have a name?! Aaron!? Its been almost a month you need a name!"
Aaron: "I know I know! God What the hell am I doing!?" he groaned into his hands.
Aaron: " How about...oh god I don't know!"
Jeff: "You had 9 months to choose a name, and now your choosing?!"
Aaron: " I KNOW!"
Rio, while looking down into your big brown eyes, Aarons eyes, she carried you over and handed your to your father, placing you into his lap, using your tiny hands to grab onto Rio's sleeve with a pink bow in your hair. Rio placed a hand onto Aarons shoulder.
Rio: "Come on Aaron, something pretty"
While Aaron looked down at you, grabbing at his shirt wriggling back and fourth while Miles stumbled across the living room.
Aaron: "...Is...Melissa okay?"
Rio: "eh...It's not great"
Jeff: "She dosen't give me Melissa vibes"
Rio: "How's...Y/n?"
Jeff:" Y/n Davis"
Aaron: "Yeah, Y/n Davis...Y/n Davis" He nodded to himself.
Jeff: "This is the kinda moment you take a picture of, stay right there!" He said as he rushed over to grab the camrea, While Rio grabbed Miles and sat him next to Aaron, Jeff got the camrea and set it onto the table with a 5 second timer.
Rio: "Everyone Smile!" And so you did, and that pictures lives on in the family photo book, that is Rio's favourtie memory or you as a baby.
Now Jeff's favourtie memory was when he thought he had lost you, he had taken you and Miles to the park, you were in a stroller while Miles waddled beside his Dad when he stopped off at the park, Miles was always beside you when you went off to play, he would sit with you as you battled it out with your Bratz dolls, Miles also liked to play Bratz Battle, and you two would mainly stick to each other, you didn;t have a massive intrest in talking to other kids, just the Bratz pack and Miles, that's all you needed at the park, While you and Miles sat together in the small grassy area Miles had drawn the attention of some other kids, who pulled him away to play with them, you were so englufled with your game that you didn't initally didn't notice, Miles waved off to you as he was pulled away to play on the swings, and while he did, he looked over to check on you every few moments, really Jeff had been doing that, but instead he was chatting with another Dad, called Kallum.
Jeff: "So which one's yours?"
Kallum pointed over to a little girl with pig tails.
Kallum: "There, by the climbing frame"
Jeff: "Cute, I'm here with my Son and my Nice"
Kallum: "Nice, Mines called Melissa, you?"
Jeff: "Miles, and funny you should say that, My Nice was almost called Melisa" He looked back round where he thought you were hanging round with your dolls, only not to see you or Miles.
Oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck
He scanned the area for Miles, to thankfully see him on the monkey bars, but with out you.
Jeff: "MILES" He yelled out for him, miles got off the monkey bars and ran towards his Dad.
Jeff:" Miles, where is Y/n?"
Miles pointed over, to where he thought you were, but there was nothing, only one of your many dolls.
Miles: "...oh"
Jeff: "Miles, did you see where Y/n went?"
Miles: "No.."
Jeff: "Oh god, oh god, oh god" He rubbed his face with his hands, rushing over to where Miles thought you were, with your doll's just left there in the dirt, you would never just leave them, you would scream if your Dad Aaron tried to take them from you for dinner time, so why had you left them?
Did someone...take you?
Jeff began to hyper ventilate.
Jeff: "Y/N! Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME! Y/N!"
Jeff called out again and again, and go no response, he took out his phone to call in the cavalry, a friend at he police precent, called Mike.
Calling Mike
Mike: "Hello?"
Jeff: "Mike! Mike listen to me, I need a search team, sniffer dogs, I need everyone, everyone!"
Mike: "Calm down man, what happened?"
Jeff: "I took my nice out to the park and she's gone"
Mike: "How long as she been gone?"
Jeff: "like 5 minutes"
Mike: "Jeff, I can't send a whole team if she's only been gone 5 minutes"
Jeff: "Please Mike, she left her doll's and she would never just leave them and you owe me!!"
Mike: "...okay, fine"
And so, about a half hour later a search team had arrived with some sniffer dogs, they took a sniff of your dolls and began to walk off. Miles timidly turned to his Dad, looking up at him.
Miles: "Is Y/n going to be okay?"
Jeff: "I don't know Miles"
And then he remembred, he had to tell Aaron he had lost you, he knew he would kill him, so instead he called Rio, to break the news.
Calling Rio
Rio: "Hey baby"
Jeff: "Hey, i'm sorry but..I need to tell you something"
Rio: "...Okay?"
Rio: "YOU WHAT?! Hombre estúpido! What are you going tell Aaron?!"
Jeff:" Actually, I was hoping you would"
Rio: "Excuse me?"
Jeff: "he might kill me"
Rio: "oh my GOD, FINE!"
And so, about two hours later, Aaron and Rio had pulled up to the park, Aaron immedatley rushed out the car over to Jeff.
Aaron: "You lost my fucking kid!"
Jeff:" I know! But ive got everyone on it!"
Aaron: "YOU LOST MY FUCKING KID!" he screamed at him, pulling him closer by his shirt, only being seperated by Rio.
Aaron rubbed his hands over his face again and again, looking round the park aimlessly.
Aaron: "Oh my god, Oh my god"
Jeff: "The good news is, she left one her dolls an-"
Aaron: "She left it? Oh my god! She's been taken!"
Jeff: "No no, she might have just gone walk about"
Aaron: "Are you serious?"
Jeff: "Yeah I-"
Aaron: "She could have been taken by traffikers, or a pedophile or or-"
Jeff: "Listen, we can join the search team now"
And so they did, all wondering about with flash lights. trecking around the wooden area of the park calling out for you.
Aaron: "Y/N! Y/N! Its me, Its papa!"
Rio: "Y/n!! come out baby"
Jeff: "Y/n! Come on Y/n come out!"
Miles just followed his Mom, not really understanding what was happening, he started pulling on her jean leg.
Rio: "Not now baby, were busy"
Miles: "Mami, she's there" He said, pointing you. She looked over to se you, standing holding your Bratz doll.
Aaron: "Y/N! Oh my God thank God you are safe!" he said hugging you tightly.
Jeff: "Y/n, what were you thinking!?"
Rio: "Yeah, you could have gotten Uncle Jeff in serious trouble" She said, side eyeing her husband.
Y/n: "Chole wanted to see the berry bushes, So I took her" You said, holding out your doll.
Aaron: "Jesus christ"
Aaron didn't like that memory alot, He didn't like getting the call from Rio telling him you had gone missing, though yes everyrthing was fine in the end the fear of you being gone was mortifying.
But Aarons favourtite memory was simple, having had not been present during the birth was actually driven to the hospital by Jeff, with Rio and Miles in the back, he ran out the car, up the strairs and down the hall, barging in the delievry room he saw Diana, asleep next to you in a see through cot, wrapped up in pink blanket.
While Rio and Jeff rushed in aswell, they all flocked around you. Aaron turned to Rio.
Aaron: "Is it okay for me to touch her?"
Rio: "Yes of course"
Aaron tried despraltey to bring the courage to pick you up, he was visibly shaking as his hands rose to hold you, he then rested his hand on the edge of the cot.
Aaron: "I can't...I can't do it"
Jeff: "come on man, she's your daughter"
Aaron: "I-I" Aaron forced himself to slowly lift you from the cot, and bring you into his chest, holding you there for a few seconds as he began hyper ventilate, Jeff placed a hand on Aarons shoulder.
Jeff: "Its okay"
You opened your large eyes, to look at up him, and let out a small whine.
Aaron: "Oh my god" he sniffled as he began to cry softly, holding so tightly, but keeping note not to crush you.
Rio: "She's got your eyes"
Aaron: "Oh she's so beautiful"
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nat-20s · 8 months
mini-fic time!!!
(all of these r also posted on ao3 lol)
Donna and The Doctor share a discussion about Christmas
It’s during one of their many little late night chats that the subject comes up. It even happens organically, Donna noting the soft glow of the fairy lights pinned about that were, technically speaking, Christmas lights, and how the entire family had apparently conceded to this being a year round fixture. Of course, instead of focusing on the noble-temple-mott-doctor clan’s terrible consistency with interior decorating, the Doctor throws on a downright cheeky grin and asks, “So. You still hate Christmas?”
She knows the answer he’s expecting. After all, this year’s event was, perhaps, ‘lovely” and ‘joyful’ and ‘bringing tears to her eyes a few times, don’t mention it’. But. Still. Eh?She grimaces and sucks in a breath through her teeth, which is enough for The Doctor to throw the non-mug holding arm in the air and ask slightly too loud, “Seriously?”
Donna shrugs and hides her face behind her mug. “I mean…”
The Doctor blinks at her a few times, and as she has no desire to provide further details, he replies, “Huh. Really? Ialways sort of assumed that, well. You didn’t like Christmas because you had mostly bad ones?”
“What, no.I had loadsof happy Christmases. Hell, there was a good ten years where it was the only day me and mum were actually nice to each other. I just don’t really care for it. I mean, sure, there’s...parts I like, I guess. I like the lights, some of the songs are okayish, and don’t get me wrong, I have loads of fun getting to spoil Rose rotten each year but. I dunno, it’s all a bit, ugh,you know?”
When she gets a downright agog expression in exchange for her statement, she can’t help but snort. “Why the hell do you even care? I can’t imagine that Time Lords are all that arsed about Christianity, and, by the way, if you tell me that you were Christ, I’m gonna tell you fuck off, no you weren’t.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Was one of the disciples though.”
“Fuck off, no you weren’t.”
The Doctor stares at her very, very intensely, giving away nothing. For all of about 3 seconds, when his nose wrinkles up in amusement and he waves a hand. “No, I wasn’t. I’m not sure I even know all their names. Think I have some reindeer mixed up with them. On Dasher, on Dancer, on Donny, on Simon, or something like that.”
Donna manages to just roll her eyes rather than enjoy the goof, because he is derailing the conversation, again. “So my point stands. What’s your big thing about Christmas?”
After a hum and a shrug, The Doctor replies, “Oh, it’s not just Christmas. Purim, Holi, Lunar New Year, hell, I adore a good Arbor Day.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. It’s..”
The Doctor looks to the side for a second, in that non-targeted way that Donna knows means he’s trying to remember something. She takes a sip from her cocoa and practices some of her hard won patience.
With a soft hum, The Doctor finally comes back to the present and tells her, “It’s not that Gallifrey never had holidays, of sorts. But they were all very traditional and very serious and very dour. It was all ceremony and diligence and respect, not,” he nods towards the Christmas tree, “fairy lights and colored powders and silly costumes.”
Grinning now, he continues, “You know, in all the lifetimes I’ve lived and all the species I’ve met, humans are utterly unparalleled in their ability to have fun. For all your lots’ faults, of which there are many-”
“-yes, thank you-”
“-nobody celebrates like a human. Any excuse, even the basic, or, ah, often not so basic, act of survival, and you’ll start singing and eating and dancing. You have such a capacity for joy it will leak from you. Happy crying, who the hell does that?”
“Hold on, I’ve seen you do that. Three times in as many days when you first got here.”
Tilting his head in acknowledgment, he counters, “Ah, but that’s only because of the company I keep. Your laughter is infectious, literally, in the year 16,000 it gets classified as a dangerous contagion.I mean, honestly, you lot could make a Dalek snicker. It’s...it’s incredible. There’s genuinely like nothing else in the universe, and, well, I can’t help but be charmed by Christmas as a small sliver of all that relentless joy.”
After a half second pause, he adds, “Plus, yes, the lights are quite pretty.”
Donna can’t quite contain a smile, replying, “I suppose I could see the appeal of it. Through that lens.”
The Doctor grins back at her, and they let themselves sit in a companionable silence. After a minute of simply letting themselves be, and polishing off the last dregs of their cocoa, Donna tells him, “Still can’t fucking stand ‘Wonderful Christmastime’ though.”
Hearing the burst of laughter that comes from The Doctor, Donna can’t help but silently agree with him. She thinks it’s not so bad being infectious, when that infection is joy.
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Hi!! Congratulations on passing 1,000 followers! I thought, maybe something cool to write about would be...
Ed and Jim talking about their feelings on gender expression/presentation, and Ed realizing they are more similar than he first thought? Maybe post season 2?
This one took a sec to ferment in my brain but when it did. ooooh when it did. Trans people talking about gender is the fuckin BEST.
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 1k word fic!
Ed wasn’t even sure why he’d bought the little bottle of nail polish.
The crew had come round to visit for a few days - earlier than they’d expected when they got the letter from Lucius around the start of the spring, so they had to cram them into the two guest rooms they’d been able to finish. Still, Ed had enjoyed showing them around, showing off how the master bedroom was coming along, and the kitchen (Roach promised to help furnish their growing spice rack), and Stede’s garden out front.
They’d treated everyone for lunch at their favorite fish spot down near the docks, then wandered around the market stalls, everyone offering their opinions on potential new pieces of decor for the inn.
And Ed had found the nail polish at a little stall selling cosmetics and medicines and all sorts of little trinkets. It was purple, and sparkly, with little bits of shiny glitter worked into it, and he held the bottle up, admiring how the color turned rich in the sunlight.
“That’s a nice one,” the nice old shopkeeper said. “I’m sure your girlfriend would like it, too.”
He’d winked, and Ed’s stomach had turned, and he’d almost put the bottle back. He knew the shopkeeper was just trying to make a sale, but it just reminded him - it was something Ed shouldn’t want.
He bought the nail polish, tucking it quickly into his pocket before anyone could notice.
Now, here he was, standing in the bedroom and chewing on his bottom lip, unsure what to do with it. He could hide it away, like a shameful little secret, but it would eat away at him. He could put it in the bathroom, but Stede would ask where he’d gotten it, maybe even ask if he wanted to wear it.
Wearing it seemed like a whole other can of worms.
Ed remembered the first, and last, time he’d worn nail polish. He’d painted his nails somewhere between all the poetry, after he came back to the ship alone, before the bad times. And then…yeah. All that had happened, and he was reminded that wasn’t something he got to do. He’d tried to scrape it off with a knife, back then, but he’d given up after he’d nicked his fingers too many times - hadn’t been able to keep his hands steady, for some fucking reason. He’d worn those full-fingered gloves to hide it until it had peeled off.
That was just the way it was, for people like Ed-
“Hey, man.” Jim’s voice in the doorway made Ed jump - they were as quiet as a fucking cat. 
Ed let out an extremely dignified squeak of terror, moving to reflexively hide the bottle and accidentally just tossing it away from him. It landed on the bed, thankfully, instead of shattering on the floor.
“Stede was wondering where you were - dinner’s ready.” Jim, in their infinite mercy, chose not to make fun of him, but their eyes flicked to the bed. “Why are you being so weird about nail polish?”
“Not being weird,” Ed deflected, trying to think of any good excuses for why he was being weird. “I just. Uh. Trying to decide if I want to wear it.”
Jim shrugged, bending to pick it up. They nodded at the color. “It’s nice.”
“Yeah,” Ed mumbled, looking at the floor. 
It was the caginess, maybe, that did it, but Ed could practically feel the second Jim got it.
“Oh,” they said, and then, “look, you don’t have to tell me, it’s no one’s fucking business, but - if you’re like me, then, fuck, I get it.”
“Not exactly like you.” Ed hadn’t realized how nice it would feel, to talk with someone who got it, and the little relieved smile felt good in his mouth. “I’m a man, people just thought I was a girl when I was born.”
“You know, I paint my nails, sometimes,” Jim told him. They sat on the bed, still holding the nail polish, and Ed followed them down, relaxing into the pillows.
“Are you…” Ed took a deep breath. “I’m scared, sometimes, that things like that will make people think I’m not enough of a man.”
“That’s the fuckin’ bitch, isn’t it?” Jim shook their head. “Lucius paints his nails all the time, and he’s fine. But people like us, we have to be so much more careful.”
“Yeah,” Ed nodded. “It’s like some people are just waiting for any chance to tell us we’re not actually who we say we are.”
“Fuckin’ exactly!” Jim thumped his shoulder in agreement. “It’s like, hello, I think I know myself better than you do, and I can paint my nails if I fuckin’ want!”
Ed’s laugh felt light. 
“Hey,” Jim said, passing the nail polish to Ed. “You wanna give it a try?”
Ed let his breath out, slowly. “I don’t know.”
“If you want, I’ll do it with you,” Jim offered. “And if you don’t like it, y’know, alcohol can get it off pretty easy, and we can take it off while it’s still wet. You’re a man, you’ll just be a man wearing nail polish. If other people can do it, why can’t we?”
They sat on the bedroom floor so they wouldn’t get anything on the nice sheets, and they painted each other’s nails. Ed tried to be careful to get Jim’s just right, and they didn’t complain when his hands were still a little shaky.
They were a bit late to dinner, and Ed felt a little awkward as Jim showed off their nail polish to their partners. Archie thought it was a fuckin’ dope color, apparently, but Ed hung back until Jim said “and look at Ed’s! Doesn’t he look fuckin’ cool!”
The round of agreement from the crew as they made him pose so they could all get a good look was more than Ed had expected.
Jim caught his eye over the dinner table. They winked, and Ed winked back.
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🐓🤠Hangster Fic Recs🤠 🐓
🐓🤠Hangster Goodies to Read! 🐓🤠
[Recs List 5]
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
List of Hangster Ao3 Authors in Recs List 5:
AnadoraBlack | AncientAviators ~~~ Bottledyarn ~~~ Conny_the_destroyer | Cryinginthebronco ~~~ Fearfrost1211 | FlowersOnMyMind | Fuddlewuddle ~~~ Greenstuff ~~~ Hangmanbradshaw ~~~ Imafriendlydalek ~~~ KatofKanals ~~~ Lesbiseresin ~~~ MadeItUp | Magdarko ~~~ Ok_thanks ~~~ Teacupivy | Tearsricochets | ToukoJalorda003 | Twowritehands ~~~ Winterbitch ~~~ Youlookgood
[Recs List 1] - [Recs List 2] - [Recs List 3] - [Recs List 4] - [Recs List 5]
Off The Market by fearfrost1211 {T}
Even in his peripheral, Jake could see the woman pout. Wait, he frowned, nearly turning and asking right then, what did Roo mean off the market? He was seeing someone?
takin' my heart out (of its zone of comfort) by tearsricochets {T}
Javy, who is still holding on to Bradley like they’re best friends, shakes his head. “Sorry, boss man, I walked all over set. This Tanner dude just isn’t here.” Who the fuck is Tanner? He tries to convey this question to Javy with his eyes, but the actor is not paying a lick of attention to him. He’s looking at the man in front of them, who is instead looking at Bradley like the brunette is the sole cause of every problem in his life right now. “Then who the hell is this guy?” As of finally noticing their boss was no longer pacing in front of them, or that he was suddenly getting louder in tone, Natasha and her friend look up at the new additions of their group. Bradley pretends not to notice the blonde taking an appreciative look at him, but he’s a simple man and absolutely preening under the attention. “This is Bradley,” he gives a meek way to the man burning holes in his head. “And he’s going to fill in as my other half today.” “Excuse me?” He’s going to what? OR: the one in which Bradley is not an actor, but he is going to film a music video for the hot singer
Darkest Little Paradise by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Bradley never thought he'd be dealing with another round of hospital visits, especially not for the only family he had left. When he stumbles upon a book at his rare books store, he finds himself at a crossroads there may be no turning back from, but hey...don't blame him, love made him crazy. Or, Bradley *take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man* Bradshaw needs to save Mav so he decides to make a deal. Enter Jake. Everything changes in ways he never could have imagined.
here is that rainbow by magdarko {M}
Five times Jake did something Bradley didn't expect and one time Bradley returned the favor.
Storm's Coming by imafriendlydalek {M}
There's a hurricane headed toward San Diego and Rooster gets sent to a nearby aircraft carrier to help move planes back on land before it sails out to sea. Too bad the storm has other plans.
Love Makes My World Go Round by KatofKanals {E}
Jake Seresin had essentially been having babies for the better part of a decade—enough of them to necessitate a car with three rows of seating. At almost 40, he was definitely done with that phase of his life. His husband, Bradley Bradshaw, however, might just disagree.
top gun missing scenes by teacupivy {E}
the whole time, under the lights
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is unraveling the mystery that is Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, one thread at a time, if it kills him. They've been fighting and fucking for years, and everything comes to a head when they're recalled to Top Gun for a special training detachment and find themselves competing to be team leader.
as he falls from his perch
Bradley Bradshaw has a knack for losing people, either watching them go or running them off. Jake Seresin seems to just keep coming back.
spend my time trying not to feel it by lesbiseresin {M}
 “There was a flier for what their upcoming events are. You know Halloween is on Thursday.” Fanboy waits for him to nod to go on. “They’re doing something every night this week. Different themes on different nights.” Bradley raises his eyebrows. “Let me get this straight. You’re trying to drag me to a costume party?” (alternatively: halloween, a gay bar, jake, and bradley. what could possibly be complicated about that?)
When Danger Comes Home (Don’t Ever let it Roost) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Bradley adored his job, and it had been his dream to go into law enforcement as a kid. He had everything he’d ever wanted - except for a romantic partner, but he’d never even consider dragging them into his dangerous personal life. …Until he took a smuggling case involving Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, a known member of the city’s organized crime syndicate. Maybe he’d bitten off more than he could chew, this time.
 Favorite Poison by AncientAviators
Reprieve (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) {M}
“Exactly. If you wanna—” Maverick waves his hand, shaking his head— “I dunno, go start up a ranch somewhere, then do it. If you wanna go back to school, then go back to school, start a family, don’t start a family, get married or never settle down. Follow your dreams. Figure out if you even have any other dreams. Don’t…” He pauses, voice quieting, going soft and sincere, and Bradley’s chest aches a bit. “I don’t want you to ever limit yourself just because you feel like you owe it to your dad, Bradley.” A brief moment of silence. He knows he probably shouldn't ask, he might not be able to handle the answer. “Is that why you stuck around?” “Because of my dad, or because I felt like I owed it to yours?” Maverick asks, eyes coming back up, a small, sad smile on his lips. He holds Bradley’s gaze, the fire flickering on his face, the shadows dancing and disappearing before coming back in rapid succession. Or: Post-Mission healing, Jake and Bradley have history, and Bradley's trying to figure out his life.
The Hand That Feeds {M}
He kind-of wants to be, honestly. He really wants to be. He thinks he could spend the rest of his life with Bradley, doing just this. Coming home to each other, having dinner together, falling asleep in the same bed. Maybe it’s the few sips of wine he had or he’s just losing his mind, but he can almost imagine himself giving up flying for Bradley, if it meant more time with him. They got lucky, being kept as a squadron. Jake needs to thank Iceman, Maverick, and Cyclone. He’ll have to send gift baskets.
Deferment (I Have Plans) {T}
They both glance at the front door when it opens, Iceman and Maverick’s voices carrying from the entryway. Jake sits up, balancing on his elbows. When the silver-haired man sees them on the couch, he turns away from Maverick. “Get up and get dressed, Cyclone needs us for a meeting.” He briskly heads for the bedroom, ignoring his husband, who tries to continue whatever conversation they were having before they came inside. “Tom—” Bradley turns his phone off and blinks, stretching his legs and back and biting back a groan. “It’s Sunday, though?” “That’s what I told him,” Ice calls out dryly from the hallway.
Paperback Thrills by twowritehands {T}
On a dagger team road trip from California to Texas, Jake stumbles on an embarrassing secret hidden in Phoenix's bag, and it just won't leave his head. Not until he tries it for himself, and life is never the same again.
Right now I wish you were here with me by FlowersOnMyMind {T}
He doesn't miss his husband's thick, Texan drawl or his stupid smirk. He definitely doesn't miss the Alpha's scent of campfire, leather, and the grass after it rains. He doesn't miss tripping over Jake’s cowboy boots in the entryway of their home. He doesn't miss seeing Jake's Stetson hanging on the hook by the front door. Or the way he teases Bradley, trying to get a rise out of him. He doesn't- He misses Jake so much it hurts. Or Jake is sent across the world for a mission that takes much longer than they thought. He and Bradley don't handle it well.
I can be your fantasy (football punishment) by ok_thanks {_}
“This year, the second annual season of the Dagger Squad Fantasy Football League, the loser, one Bradley Bradshaw, must face a fate worse than death.” Nat pauses for dramatic effect. “He must – drumroll, please, boys... — Successfully and wholly complete the Scholastic Aptitude Test, also known to some as the SAT.” As if that wasn't bad enough, the proctor being Javy's stupidly handsome best friend — who he keeps running into — adds to his misery. AKA: the one where Bradley's fantasy football punishment leads to an embarrassing crush of high school teacher Jake.
Let's fall in love for the night (and forget in the morning) by Conny_the_destroyer {E}
There are so many possibilities of how Jake imagined he would spend this fine summer night. What he hasn't considered is driving his car to a dive bar on the outskirts of town half an hour after midnight. Bradley gets hurt and it's Jake who finds him.
a force to be reckoned with by winterbitch {T}
They're running from monsters they don't understand, desperate for safety in the water that Maverick promised them. Only the monsters are desperate, jut as much as they are, and they step in the water too. It's not safe. Until it is, as Hangman's easy smirk and sharp blade cut through the sky. Rooster doesn't understand, but he knows he's in love. or bamf son of the poseidon hangman au with smitten rooster and maverick who knows more than he should (and some sneaky hangman and iceman dynamics)
cause I can’t help it if you look like an angel (can’t help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so) by cryinginthebronco {M}
“What’s wrong?” Jake gives his best friend a worried look, already getting up from his seat. Out of habit, he grabs his clipboard, ready to follow Javy wherever he needs him. “Do you have a moment to talk?” Javy asks, easing the clipboard out of Jake’s hands. Not understanding what’s going on, Jake only nods and lets him take it. “Okay, one second.” Javy gives him a tight smile and walks away, followed by Jake’s disoriented look. -or it was supposed to be a "someone is a little loopy after anesthesia" fic, but it spiraled into something a little bit longer - or nurse jake au
Always by greenstuff {E}
Jake meets Bradley for the first time when they're eighteen. This is the story about how they fall in love, break up, and then spend years finding their way back to each other. A modern Persuasion, if you squint a bit.
Rulebreaker by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Jake doesn't sleep with Alphas as a rule. Bradley Bradshaw made him want to break that rule. An unscheduled, but well-timed heat, might help the Omega get that through the Alpha's thick skull of his
any man of mine by bottledyarn {T}
Bradley sighed. “It’d just be nice if he was nice once in a while, that’s all I’m saying.” “Gotta say, this is a hundred times worse than your horny era,” Nat said, and Bradley stabbed a pointer finger at her. “There was no horny era,” he said. “And—and I’m not hung up on him. He’s just—” “‘Aggravating,’” Nat said, yanking the word out of his mouth. “I’ve heard it before. And you definitely are hung up on him. Are, have been, probably always will be. Maybe that’s the real reason his name’s Hang-man. Stringing you along without even realizing he’s doing it.”
Love (Suite Love) by hangmanbradshaw {T}
Jake never thought he'd leave a pop concert with a public crush. Bradley was on vocal rest. Really, he was.
Fire in the Blood and Smoke in the Air by MadeItUp {M}
Dirty and Sweet (Get it on)
As things wind down after the mission, Rooster struggles with a need for something a little dangerous. That something absolutely should not – cannot – be Jake Seresin. But a little friendly competition and a lot of alcohol can go a long way to changing a man's mind. Hangman eyes Rooster’s empty beer, then his own. “How about that second shot?” “You tryna put me off my game?” “I don’t need you drunk to beat you, Rooster.” “What do you need me drunk for?”
feels good to know one thing
Jake doesn’t have the best relationship with his family, so when he’s summoned home for a special occasion, he calls up the one person he can trust to stick with him – after all, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has never ever lost a wingman. But he’s about to find out that getting shot down in enemy territory to save Mav was a whole lot easier than surviving a long weekend chez Seresin. “So it’s a big family thing?” Jake says carefully. “Everyone bringing their partners?” “Well of course, Charlie’s promised to bring the kids and I’ve not even met Matty’s new girlfriend—” “So that means I can bring someone?” Silence on the line. His mom is no fool. She knows when she’s been played. “Of course, Jakey,” she says. “You’re welcome to bring anyone you like.”
Will Get Fooled Again
Personal history isn’t enough to get in the way of professional opportunity, and when Lieutenant Commanders Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw are selected to develop a pioneering Strategy Development Program at TopGun, working with the best young aviators the fleet has to offer, each figures they’re up to the challenge both in the air and on the ground. After all, a little rivalry can heighten the senses and bring out the best results… Or it can bring out something else altogether. “I’m not hard to impress,” Jake says, laying the cue down on the table. “I just don’t like people kissing my ass.” “Really?” Rooster says, and there’s a marginally lower register to his voice, a flicker of something crossing his expression that has excitement sparking in Jake’s gut. Walking round to take his drink from where he’s left it, Jake faces the others, resting the ass in question on the table and taking a sip of his drink, before answering. “Hero worship’s for people who don’t know their own worth.” He flashes a winning smile at his friends. “Some of us don’t need it.”
Up in the skies by AnadoraBlack {M}
Bradley hasn't been on Tarakona in more than ten years. It's time he goes home. Besides, at 30 years old, there's next to no chance a dragon egg would hatch for him, right?
pumpkins and whiskers by youlookgood {T}
Needing a fresh start, Bradley moves from his old childhood home in San Diego to a far away small town. It's nice enough, he supposes. The residents certainly have that small-town autumn charm going for them. His new next-door neighbor's pretty nice too. What's less than nice is said neighbor's roommate, and his equally annoying orange cat.
Evil Be Gone by MadeItUp {E}
Training on the F/A-18 is everything he’s ever wanted, but Bradley’s dream becomes a nightmare when a new recruit joins the Golden Eagles. Blond hair, green eyes and a smirk so wicked he could rival the devil, Jake Seresin is everything Bradley hates – arrogant, brilliant and an unrelenting asshole. It’s almost as if he’s been sent there as Bradley’s own personal demon… All Bradley’s seen of the man so far is the back of his head – dirty blond hair cut short and sharp to the nape of his neck. At Nija’s invitation, Seresin turns to smile at the room, hand coming up in a lazy salute, his grin as sharp, as calculated, as the cut of his hair. His eyes are green, his dimples deep, and he’s far too pretty to be trusted.
you’re not fooling me (I can see) by magdarko
When MI Private Investigations gets a new case from a mysterious client, Bradley must confront old fears and new uncertainties. Throw in a creepy old house on a moonlit night, and you’ve got all the makings of a mystery.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Hello, Fabulous Fans of the Fandom!!! It has definitely been a hot second.
Didn't post anything about their posts, and Pap walks, for the reason that I'm pretty sure they're getting ideas from rant posts like mine... Didn't want them getting more ideas, so no rant post.
But today, I'm making an exception. 😉
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Before we begin though, 👸 wants to give y'all a small warning ⚠️
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To start, let's look at this photo...
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Is that who we think it is?
Is it?
Is it?
Nah, I'm just kidding. Don't worry if you thought it was Albitch, trust me, you weren't the only one 😆
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Thank you, 👸 for handing me these screenshots 😁
"Funny how, Kim Kardashian's nudes made her famous. But when AB did it, to try and get attention, we constantly mock her for it."-👸
Girl! You've got a point 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Now that I have your attention, let's get to my main topic...
WTF has been happening lately?!?!
Well, for one thing, I know we're all tense one way or another about Valentine's Day. Since aside from being the most romantic day of the year, it's also the anniversary of the dreaded VDay photo dump.
And then there's the uterus-obssesed trolls from her side, expecting a baby announcement... Fuck y'all, by the way 🖕 which made me more tense about February 14.
But what happens a few hours before February 14 American time? Chris posts an adorable video about Dodger instead.
Still, that didn't help alleviate the tension. Because Dodger might help a little, but he's been used before, and it most definitely wasn't fun.
But then, it turns out Albitch isn't even in the same country. She flew to France with a bunch of friends. Friends who were seen to be posting to their boyfriends, saying how they missed them.
But why is Albitch's trip so important? Well, let me tell you. She WASN'T in the same country, when Chris just proved he's in Mass, and her friends' posts showed her WITHOUT her ring, in France.
Oddly enough, it was around this time, that photos of ringless-Chris-lookalike surfaced. The photos that were shown and sent to people/blogs that were guaranteed to get it circling the internet before the end of the day.
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Seriously, are they slipping? Or was it deliberate?
Anyway, when Valentine's finally came, we were in the clear. Chris' Instagram remained silent, except for that one significant Dodger post.
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Things stayed relatively quiet for a while, aside from the France trips making their rounds here and there. But it all came to a head earlier, when Chris posted on his story...
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Further confirming how far apart he, and his dear "wife" really are. Who's been seen, eating out in France, still missing her ring...
I mean, really? Do y'all not eat out with finger jewelry? Is that another lame excuse y'all have for her?🙄
And three days ago, this article gets released... And the legitimacy is still up for debate, but the fact that it's here, feels like the perfect storm to me.
Not saying that it's the beginning of the end. But it's something!
Now, honestly, it's a mess in the Fandom. This whole thing is causing a shit storm, like always, and it's not pretty.
But whether or not this means something, we have to keep a level head. This could go either way. Which is why I, personally am taking the win.
Wins are few and far between right now, so, I'm taking it. And I'm also finishing two fics, and enjoying my book. Which is a pretty big deal, considering, I haven't been able to finish a book for most of last year 🥺
Thank you to my fabulous friends for sourcing me, and guiding me to the screenshots that allowed me to make my posts. Y'all truly are the best eyes and ears, a girl can ask for. 🫶
And please let me know, or feel free to add, if I forgot anything, guys😊
Until the next one!
❤️ Booky
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ghaniblue · 1 year
Wireless 2023 recs: week 1
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My desire to read Drarry fic is returning so I'm making my way through this year's @hd-wireless offerings week by week. Here is a list of things I enjoyed from the week 1 round up. My favourites are marked with a ❤️. If you find yourself wondering why my list is 3/4 of the week 1 round up, yes I know, this bloody fandom honestly, so much good stuff.
[29.08. creators added after reveals]
❤️ Why don’t you like me? by @caroll-in (T, digital comic)
Failing to ask Harry out, Draco deals with his feelings in a very dramatic fashion.
Alive by @itsphantasmagoria (E, Digital comic)
Harry is lost after the final battle, but he finds comfort from an unexpected source
❤️ Before the Cold Sets In by @vukovich & @crazybutgood (T, 9k, fic + origami art)
But if I measure the sugar To satisfy your expectant tongue Then that is love Sitting untouched and growing cold - Cold Tea Blues, by Cowboy Junkies Sometimes, the person you should be planning your life with is already in it. Or, how Harry realised that true love is at the bottom of a tea cup.
Everybody Hates a Tourist by @wolfpants (E, 51k)
On a stag do in sunny Brighton with the Gryffindor lads, the last person Harry expects to run into is Draco Malfoy. After a glimpse of Malfoy’s Muggle life in Britain’s gay capital, Harry’s curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself returning to the seaside again and again, drawn to the city, drawn to this new version of Malfoy that Harry barely recognises from school. Meanwhile, Draco’s just trying to live his big and best queer life: working for the weekend, chasing hot men, getting lost in Brighton’s nightlife, and making friends with the neighbourhood cats. Why does his former school rival and crush have to show up and spoil everything?
Don’t hate him when he gets up to leave by @deliciousblizzardshark (M, 2k)
The linens are white and empty, sunlight slanting through the window illuminating a bed that has been deserted. Draco knew Potter would leave; he’s always gone by morning. Draco doesn’t even remember what he looks like in daylight.
Take You Home by @lqtraintracks (E, 26k)
Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love.
If You Took the Time to Try by enoby_w (T, 18k)
Last summer, Draco’s impulsive decision to sleep with Harry Potter resulted in a bruised ego and a broken heart. Now he’s looking for a fresh start- something that was absolutely not just an excuse for him to run away from his problems. Only it totally was, and while leaving London might have been easy, leaving Potter in the past was not.
Title & Possession by @kbrick (E, 49,063)
Harry Potter’s life is going well in the aftermath of the war. Sure, his house is dark and run-down and might hate him (while his house elf definitely hates him). But other than that, things are good. Except, yeah, okay, Hermione and Ron are no longer on speaking terms. Worse, they keep trying to get Harry to pick sides. But otherwise, Harry couldn’t be happier. Well. Except for the fact that Ginny is being super weird about their relationship and never wants to have sex or talk about the future. But other than that, Harry is perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch. At least, he is until Draco Malfoy threatens to sue him for ownership of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, and winds up moving in until the issue is settled. Then Harry really isn’t fine at all.
❤️ Moldova’s Magical Tea by aibidil - a Podfic by cailynwrites (E, 2h 46min)
Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and—to everyone’s surprise—Draco Malfoy are opening a magical tea shop to revive wizarding tea culture and, hopefully, to bring the community together after the war. Harry, who is unemployed and trying to find his way in post-war society, wants to help his friends with their new business—but that means spending a lot of time around Malfoy. Featuring Muggle music from summer 2001, trips to the Muggle cinema, herbology and magical herbal infusions, and Draco trying to convince Harry that, while he’s still a snarky git, he’s no longer a bigot.
>> week 2 recs <<
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snek-panini · 2 years
So a while back I took up bookbinding so I could have print copies of my favorite fics. I don't usually post about that on here, but one of the authors whose fic I bound reached out to me asking to see photos of the finished work, so here they are. I'm not a photographer, these were taken on my phone, and I'm still fairly new to bookbinding so please excuse some of the messiness. The fic is The God Below by @kreauxlighe and it's in the Good Omens fandom. Give it a read if that's your thing, it's awesome!
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The front cover. I don't know how to do fancy titles yet so I wrote it in by hand with embossing powder. It's inset into the cover--title is on paper, main cover is book cloth. This was my first time using book cloth and all the tutorials were correct, it's so much easier than the scrapbook paper things I was using before that. Edges of the cutout are more rounded than I wanted, but for a first time it's not bad, I think. Before this I just left the covers blank.
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Edge view. Embossing powder doesn't work that well on book cloth (it sticks but the metallic shine doesn't show up) so the spine is blank. I might try to get fancy on it in future if I figure out how, but I might leave it. It's a first try and I like to see the progress. It is very square and I am SO proud of that because previous books I'd made came out wonky. It was the longest thing I'd bound at the time, with the thickest spine.
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Top view. Again, very square, very proud. It has a ribbon bookmark and glued-in end bands. I thought ribbon bookmarks were Fancy Luxury Features that would be very hard to do, but it turns out they're easy, you just glue a piece of ribbon to the outer part of the book block before you put the end bands and cover on. Everything I make is going to have them now.
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Page edges. Less proud here, they are very ragged. I was trying to trim the edges to make them even and the internet said I could do it with a craft knife. The internet was lying. It was hard to get them looking even this good. After this I sprang for a small book plow, which is what professionals use to get those nice flat even edges, and it was expensive but so very worth it.
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Interior view, with bonus second shot of the bookmark! I typeset everything in MS Word, which I'm told is not very good for this but has the advantage of I don't have to pay for it because I already own it. Fancy capital letters are courtesy of the author, I pulled them from Ao3 when I copy/pasted the fic. Typesetting is hard, guys. Most resources online about how to make books don't bother to cover it, and searching for how to typeset a book usually results in lots of pages saying "don't do that, pay a professional to do it." Which is what you should do for self-publishing, absolutely, but I wanted to make one copy, for me, of a transformative work that I didn't write, so it was not useful advice in this case. This is something else I'm still learning, cobbling together the info by trial and error, but I'm still proud of what I accomplished with this one.
So that's it! I hope you like it, Jace! (I saw that on your blog, I hope it's ok to call you that? If not let me know and I'll edit it out.) I'll get started on your author copy once I finish the project I have ongoing, which is another fan binding but it's almost done.
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ladytauria · 11 months
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
so in recent years i've mostly stopped posting wips bc, despite the best of intentions i have a hard time finishing them lol
buuut. looking through my drafts...
there are a couple i don't see myself working on again any time soon lmao.
two in particular stand out. one is a selkie!jason wip & the other is one that was, according to my notes, inspired by a fancomic. past me did not think to leave a link to this comic, bc she's helpful like that <3
the latter wip takes place at a winter gala. tim is by himself, keeping an eye on the others & making his rounds through the gala, checking off a mental list of people to talk to. he's kinda starting to flag, though; keeping up his timothy drake-wayne personality through so many conversations is kinda taking a toll on him.
and as he's mid conversation with one of the people on his list--
“Excuse me.” Tim catches a whiff of expensive cologne, chased by gunpowder, smoke, and leather. A warm hand finds the small of his back, and—almost without his own permission—he finds himself relaxing into it. “I hate to interrupt, but—” Jason steps into view, dressed to the nines in a perfectly fitted tux and deep red waistcoat. His hair is artfully messy; a roguish smile on his face. “Could I have this dance?” He cocks his brow. Tim knows him well enough to see the nerves—the sheepishness in his eyes, the way he braces himself for rejection. He doesn’t have anything to worry about. Tim is helplessly, hopelessly endeared. He barely manages to tamp down on his grin, keeping his answering smile something more polite.
their relationship at this point is still new and tentative--it started when one of their cases crossed, and each realized the other was working a lot of hard, dangerous cases with little to no back up. which was fine when they were doing it, but not so fine that the other is. u know. the usual :P
so they start working together. mostly. but then jason gets injured doing something dumb, without calling for tim like he should have. and tim reminds him that they'r partners. the whole point of them teaming up was that neither of them is supposed to be fighting alone anymore.
which---when tim asks why jason is at the gala, when he hates them & also has no reason to be there since he's not been legally resurrected... jason tells him more or less the same thing.
"we're partners, right? no more fighting alone."
and then tim kisses him in front of everyone, not caring even a little bit that it will probably be all over the society pages the next morning <3
but! i have two issues with this fic. issue a) writing the gala. and then issue b) it almost feels like it should be a scene in a longer work, so i can work that backstory in? but i don't... really have a plot. i could probably make it work anyway, but! i dunno. right now too many other wips have my attention so even if i don't abandon this one entirely, it will be a long time before i pick it back up.
and then the selkie!jason wip is p easy to explain. i had an idea for a single, solitary, poignant scene and utterly NO ideas for the plot that would lead UP TO that lovely scene.
here's the scene, which would, theoretically, be the closing lines:
Jason runs his thumb over his coat, the leather of its disguise buttery soft, and watches Tim. He’s utterly at ease on Jason’s couch, scrolling through his phone, one arm dangling off the armrest. Jason swallows, stomach twisting with nerves. He takes a breath—in through the nose, out through the mouth. Then, he strides forward, clenching his coat a bit tighter. He kneels in front of Tim, capturing his attention. His phone falls to the side as Tim’s brows furrow. Before he can ask what Jason is doing, Jason unfurls his coat, wrapping it around Tim’s shoulders. His eyes grow wide. “Ja— wh—“ Jason can feel the heat on his face. Knows he has to be pink, at the very least. But he doesn’t stop, tugging Tim forward and into the briefest, chastest kiss before resting their foreheads together. “Caught you,” he murmurs. The smile he receives is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
context? ur guess is as good as mine <3
[ fanfic writer ask game ]
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jumbledbee · 1 month
WIP list
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Thank u, @tigereyes45 for tagging me :D
I always love doing ask memes… when I remember to actually do them. I’m very forgetful, which is why I have so many WIPs I’ll probably never finish lmao.
Most of these are very rough. Barely an Inkling, even.
I mostly do comics and stuff, but I’ve been dipping my toes into writing. I have a couple projects for each
(these are all fnv related bc I love getting an excuse to draw myself in Situations EXCEPT for one. Hope you guys like playing the most obvious round of Russian Roulette)
Cowboy Coffee
I don’t think I can post this to TikTok
(these are mostly star trek related bc those little guys drive me up the wall)
McKirk academy au
The one where I have to think really hard bc I want to impress ppl
So that makes 9 tags in total! I’d be really interested in seeing what you’re cooking up, if you want to participate :D
@evitabledestiny @w0rmx0l0tl @tetsaurus @artistic-trashpanda @t0ast-ghost @ninjack-aus @radish-snail @enonymous-p @official-banetteeye
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 9 months
1, 22, and 30!
1: What's something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I'm going to steal your answer here and say that this was my first go at some pure, self-indulgent fluff. My other (non-stolen) answer is that it was my first successful go at plotting a fic as I went, since The Hedgehog's Dilemma kept unexpectedly expanding and evolving as I wrote. I'm honestly really proud of how the fic turned out and there's not much I would change if I could go back and do it over, but while it's nice to know that I can plot and write at the same time, it's not something I'm likely to do again (at least not on purpose).
22: Share an excerpt from your favourite scene
Posted excerpt from chapter 3 of The Hedgehog's Dilemma:
Somehow, he found himself on the floor of the toilets for the second time in less than a day, wedged against the cool metal of the stall, tears tracing itchy tracks down his cheeks. His throat felt thick and clogged; the tile dug at him hard through the thin material of his shorts. His head ached and so did his stomach, and now his nose was running and when he wiped at his face with his sleeves those were wet, too, and itchy, clinging to his skin, and why the fuck did everyone have to be so loud he could hear them all the way through the walls, footsteps and voices all layered over each other, stabbing into his ears.
Unposted excerpt from chapter 2 of Flightless Birds:
They walked around the block, Roy with one crutch for stability as he inched forward, red-faced and growling under his breath at the glacial pace while Jamie jogged backwards ahead of him, ‘cause he weren’t much good at walking slow. “That’s proper hideous,” Keeley said, squinting at a house across the way. “Beige siding? Eugh.” She shuddered theatrically. “I dunno, it’s got character,” Jamie said, to be contrary. It really was proper hideous, all fake-Greek columns and black shutters and trimmed round hedges. “Draws the eye, like.” He wasn’t quite sure what that meant, honestly, but Keeley said it all the time while she was setting up photoshoots. “Babe, I love you, but you’re ruining my reputation, here! How’s anyone supposed to trust my taste when my favourite acolyte’s going around complimenting that horror?” She danced around Roy to shove him lightly in the shoulder. “Excuse me, I’ve got great taste!” “Yeah, for a fucking toddler,” Roy said. “I’m with Keeley on this one. That’s a fucking monstrosity.” “Ha!” Keeley shouted, arms held up in victory. “Alright, Royo, you choose the next one.”
30: What's something you want to write in 2024?
I have a list of like six or seven projects in my ideas folder, but the ones I'm most looking forward to are Wrong Answers Only (the Ted timeloop fic, because I love timeloops) and Jamie's Autism Crisis, which has expanded in concept to also be my post-season 3 Jamie reconnecting with his dad is a terrible idea, actually fic.
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golden-fairylights · 3 months
galex queer bar au please :)
Hi there 🩷I think you just chose the one fic that has been lying on my laptop finished for months now but I just didn't come around to reading over it and actually posting it. I love the queer bar universe with my whole heart and I have some other stories I want to add to the ones I already posted but (as you might have seen) I have lots and lots of ideas and I can't really take on any more fics right now.
Sorry, I'll stop rambling about the series now and actually get to the Galex fic, so here is a snippet from it. I hope you enjoy. (This is not beta read or proof read or anything so please excuse any mistakes)
Just as George was turning to leave, he heard the door opening behind him. A man came walking in heading straight to the room Charles and Pierre were arguing in now. It seemed like he hadn’t even noticed George. “I don’t think you should go in there right now,” said George carefully. “Ah!” The man shrieked and turned around quickly. “My god, you scared me!” “Sorry, um…,” said George. He hadn’t meant to scare this man, but he didn’t want him to walk into an uncomfortable situation either. “Uhhh… Charles and Pierre are in there right now.” “Oh… OH!” said the man, his eyes went big and round, but he tried to hide his growing smile. “I wondered when the first time would be. Thank you for saving me from the view.” “Oh, um, not like that. I think they're arguing,” said George carefully. “Because of me.” “What? Why would they argue because of yo… Oh. You were here on New Years right? You left with Pierre, didn’t you?” “What? Uh… Maybe.” He didn’t want to start on the wrong footing with him.  “What brings you here again?” asked the man now. Apparently, New Years wasn’t that much of a sore topic for him as it was for Charles. George thought there was something else lying in his voice. He couldn’t name it though.  “Pierre said I might be able to work here. As a waiter?” said George hesitantly.  “Oh…cool. What’s your name?” asked the man now.  “Um, George.” “Okay Um-George. Hi, I’m Alex. I work at the bar together with Charles,” said Alex jokingly. “Hi Alex,” said George quietly.  Alex seemed nice, funny, open. Just what George needed in a friend right now. Honestly, Alex seemed perfect. Maybe even too perfect, but before they could start talking again Charles and Pierre came back out of the room.  Pierre’s hair was much messier than it had been before, and Charles lips were shining in a wild red.  They had made out. Or more, George didn’t even want to know.  Now, Pierre was smiling at George though. While Charles’ glare from before had softened, he still didn’t seem so happy that George was here.  “You got the job,” said Pierre happily while he tucked Charles closer.  “Really? Thank you, Charles,” said George. He didn’t walk over to him to shake hands, he stayed put. He didn’t think Charles would be happy about any physical contact. Well, not from George at least. From the bar, George thought he heard Alex say a whispered shit. But he decided that it had only been his imagination and that Alex had earlier been too nice to say something like that at the prospect of George working alongside him.
I actually can't say when this fic might be posted, I'm really sorry, but i do hope I will get it out there at one point 🩷
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 7: Excitement]
The next week dragged on, Shadow and Rouge keeping in touch while they went about their days doing their own thing. The hedgehog searched for a new job and the jewel hunter continued her work as an agent, asking her aloof friend to join her at a night club after she successfully completed a mission.
"I'm not normally one for clubs..." he said over the phone, an upward inflection in his voice.
"Trust me, it'll be fun." Rouge twirled a lock of hair around her index finger. "I'll help you come out of your shell a little; if you want, I can invite a couple of friends to make it a group thing."
Shadow thought for a moment, then replied, "Alright. If you're going regardless, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to get out of the house."
"That's the spirit," the bat said encouragingly. "There's a lively place down the street from me. I'll text you the address and we can meet there tomorrow at 10pm – that's when they start playing the best music."
"As long as you promise not to abandon me halfway through the night," responded Shadow in a subtly playful tone.
"Of course. I'll keep my wits about me, and if you want to leave early, you have every right."
The hedgehog appreciated her offering a way out if the night went sour, concluding their conversation and continuing on with the rest of his day.
When it came time to leave his apartment, Shadow took one last look around to make sure his home was tidy; on the rare chance that he decided to drink, he didn't want to have to clean the next day while his head might still be swimming.
The hedgehog decided to take his motorcycle, the deep rumble of the vehicle thumping through the streets on his way to the club. When he arrived, he parked in the lot behind the musical building, looking around for Rouge's car. Not seeing it anywhere, he sat idly on his motorcycle for a few minutes before deciding to go inside.
Even if she wasn't there yet, he could at least sit at the bar for a bit. As soon as he opened the door, Shadow saw the bat standing near the entrance and looking at her phone. She lifted her head and her teal eyes left the screen to meet with his. A smile spread across her pink lips, the hedgehog returning it and approaching the solitary woman.
"Where are your friends?" he asked.
"On their way. We can grab a drink until they get here!"
"Sure." Shadow turned in the direction of the bar, his eyes remaining on Rouge as he bent his arm at the elbow and stuck it out towards her.
Pleasantly surprised at the gesture, Rouge blushed lightly and wrapped her gloved fingers around his bicep, the two of them approaching the bar together. They each ordered their own drinks and sat chatting until the bat heard her name being called. She turned to see Silver and Blaze walking in, the lavender cat waving.
"Hey, guys!" she greeted, standing from the bar stool.
Shadow turned just enough to speak with them, not jumping up to meet the couple as Rouge was. She introduced him as her friend, the hedgehog unaware that the treasure hunter's friends had already been informed of his presence in her life. He politely nodded towards them instead of shaking hands, mostly remaining quiet as he wasn't ready to converse just yet.
As the four of them grouped together at the bar, Shadow primarily listened to their conversations, giving his thoughts only when asked and not offering up new topics. He designated himself as the one to order more drinks when they'd finished a round, the loner grateful for a few moments of respite from the near-constant chatter of the three friends.
At times, Rouge wondered what the hedgehog was thinking, finding it a bit unnerving that he was so quiet throughout the hour that they spent just talking. She figured he wouldn't be staying long, preparing herself for the moment when he would stand and excuse himself for the night.
But when her favorite song started playing through the speakers of the bustling blue-lit room, the bat saw an opportunity to get closer to Shadow and hopefully entice him into staying a bit longer. She couldn't tell if he was having fun up to that point, but hoped to get another smile from him out on the dance floor.
She turned to him and held out her hand with an eager grin. "Shadow, would you dance with me?"
She saw the hesitation in his eyes – colored a deep purple from the effects of the blue light – but felt giddy when the stoic hedgehog's gloved hand fell into hers. He rose from the seat, Blaze and Silver covertly sharing a knowing look and following them to the dance floor.
Rouge picked a spot that didn't have as many people around, letting the electronic music influence her movements as she and Shadow faced each other. The hedgehog didn't match her energy, mostly tapping his foot and swaying rather than actually dancing.
The bat's friends focused on each other as they grooved nearby, silently bonding over shared dance moves while they avoided bumping into other patrons. Rouge made sporadic eye contact with Shadow in between scattered hip sways and occasional twirls, the man becoming more mesmerized by her as the song went on.
After a while, he got into the rhythm a little more, and a smile slowly spread while his moves started to complement hers a bit better. The woman was ecstatic seeing him jive with the upbeat tempo, biting her lip in excitement and moving in tandem with the hedgehog.
When the song was over, Shadow's movements slowed again and Rouge guessed that he was disinterested in continuing the dance, despite the fun he seemed to finally be having. They left the floor together while Silver and Blaze kept each other company on the vibrant flickering tiles.
The hedgehog declined having another drink as she ordered one, him leaning his back against the bar while she sat on the stool. He lounged with his elbows resting on the bar top, looking at Rouge and contemplating a question as the bartender prepared her drink. When she noticed his lingering gaze, the bat lowered one eyebrow and smirked.
"What?" she asked playfully.
He shook his head a bit, smiling more naturally. "I was just sort of wondering: I didn't see your car in the parking lot – how do you plan on getting home?"
When her drink was set in front of her, she used the small straw to stir the liquid, answering before taking a sip. "I flew here. Didn't really think it was necessary to drive when I live down the road."
"Ah," the hedgehog responded, his head cocking upward in an understanding gesture. He was starting to feel more confident from the couple of drinks he'd had. "Well, if you need a ride back, I don't mind dropping you off."
Rouge grinned again at his offer, catching on that it meant he was willing to stay as long as she did. But it was his next statement that made her eyelids raise as her interest in him skyrocketed.
"I have my motorcycle, so it would be a quick trip." The words tumbled smoothly from his mouth, Shadow not immediately privy to the joy sparking in his company's heart.
"You have a motorcycle?" she asked, stirring her drink again. "I would love to see it."
His eyebrows crept upward as he read her expression. "Really? I can take you for a ride, if you like. I mean, not to leave your friends behind, but I wouldn't mind making a quick spin around the block."
Without another word, Rouge spun around in her seat and looked toward Blaze and Silver, waving her hand to get their attention. She gestured them over and sipped her drink down to half while the couple made their way to the bar. Shadow was feeling more comfortable, the warmth in his chest growing as he and Silver shared a brief, respectful smile.
The bat started, "Hey, we're gonna leave for just a minute – Shadow has a motorcycle and he offered to give me a ride, but we'll be back."
Before she could head to the exit, Blaze spoke up, "You know the drill, Rouge."
"Oh, right." Looking at Shadow, she added, "Just a second, I'll meet you at the door."
The hedgehog nodded, pushing himself from the bar and walking away from the group. Silver casually crossed his arms as Rouge faced them, the fire princess using one finger to outline invisible patterns in the air. The bat copied one after the other, earning a smile from Blaze.
"Alright, you're sober enough," she stated. "Still, be safe."
The jewel hunter nodded, then handed the cat her drink. "I will. Here, you can have the rest."
"Score!" Blaze uttered, briefly stirring the alcohol before removing the tiny straw.
Rouge met Shadow at the door and followed him outside. They walked around the building to reach his motorcycle, colored jet black with bright red hubcaps. The bat clasped her hands behind her back, heels clicking on the ground and her hips swaying flirtily as she took steps around the vehicle.
"Wow, customized and everything," she said, spotting the spiky ruby-colored symbol stamped on the bike's body.
"Yeah, I probably prefer my chopper over the car," the hedgehog admitted, looking down at the vehicle and crossing his arms. "Faster, easier to handle..."
He trailed off as he walked around the other side of the motorcycle, raising one leg and swinging it around to sit on the seat. Rouge joined him, placing her hands on his shoulders as he started the engine.
Shadow's voice rose to be heard over the ignition. "Wrap your arms around me – it's the safest way to hold on."
The bat blushed, her palms leaving his shoulders and slinking under his arms. Her fingers hugged his torso, instinctively pulling herself closer to his back. Once his passenger was secure, the confident hedgehog drove his heel against the kickstand and took them out of the parking lot, turning to drive towards the first traffic light.
Rouge tilted her head up a bit to feel the wind rushing by, Shadow's thick quills fluttering next to her face. She gripped his chest a bit tighter, making the man's heart beat faster as a wider smile tugged at his lips. He made a right turn as the green light turned yellow, the bike's deep growl rattling underneath them when Shadow sped up.
They flew down the long street, the young woman glancing at familiar surroundings while her hair whipped around her cheeks. It was a freeing feeling, riding behind her new friend on a vehicle she'd never experienced before; something that may have never happened had she stayed with Knuckles.
Meanwhile, Shadow couldn't explain why he'd never allowed himself to get out like this before. Having Rouge's arms wrapped around him as they raced down the smooth road felt daring and fun, his smile sticking for the entire ride.
Three more right turns brought them back to the busy night club, the hedgehog finding a new spot as his previous space had been taken. When he stopped the engine, Rouge pulled back and he turned to look over his shoulder – her eyes were sparkling, full of life and elation while she complimented the short ride.
"That was incredible!" Her hands clasped together as they sat for a bit longer. "I haven't had so much fun in a while!"
Shadow couldn't help but glance at the bat's lips as she spoke, the forbidden urge to kiss her rising once more. He had to leave his seat to avoid screwing up his own suggestion of taking things slow. Rouge followed, the pair walking together to re-enter the club.
After meeting up with Blaze and Silver, they each got another drink and stayed a while longer; this time, Shadow felt more comfortable joining the conversation and was able to get on well with the couple until they decided it was time to head home.
They said their goodbyes and the dark hedgehog politely insisted on bringing Rouge home; when they arrived at her place, he idled in front of her yard as she left the motorcycle and turned to face him.
"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," she said, stars in her eyes. "It wouldn't have been the same without you."
A faint blush crawled across his cheeks, Shadow looking up at her with a peaceful expression. "Thank you for convincing me to come along. I had a good time."
The treasure hunter gave him an earnest look before placing one hand on his shoulder, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He didn't pull away, enjoying the gentle affection and feeling a flush of warmth spread across his muzzle.
Rouge looked radiant to him as her posture straightened, backing up onto the stone path that led to her front door. He raised one hand to match her wave, watching her stroll down the walkway and breathing a bit heavier through the thumping in his chest.
The enamored woman allowed a piece of him to linger in her heart as she heard the bike's engine start up again, peering through her front curtains to catch a glimpse of Shadow driving away.
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