#exercise to do in the morning
fitnessmantram · 1 year
morning back pain exercise5 Minutes Morning Exercise for all Day Energy #morningexercise #fitness ...
5 Minutes Morning Exercise for all Day Energy
Starting your day with a short workout can help you feel more energized and alert throughout the day. Even a 5-minute routine can make a big difference in your mood, focus, and overall well-being.
Here are some simple exercises that you can do in just 5 minutes to boost your energy levels:
Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and your blood flowing. Do 30 jumping jacks in a row, or break them up into sets of 10.
Body-weight squats: Squats are a compound exercise that works your legs, core, and glutes. Do 20 body-weight squats in a row, or break them up into sets of 10.
Plank: The plank is a great way to strengthen your core and improve your balance. Hold a plank for as long as you can, or aim for 30 seconds.
Push-ups: Push-ups are a great way to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Do as many push-ups as you can, or modify by doing them on your knees.
Stretching: Stretching helps to improve your flexibility and range of motion. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
You can do these exercises in any order, and you can modify them to fit your fitness level. If you're just starting out, you may want to start with fewer repetitions or a shorter duration.
Once you've gotten the hang of these exercises, you can gradually increase the intensity or duration of your workout. You can also add other exercises, such as lunges, crunches, or burpees.
The important thing is to find a routine that you enjoy and that you can stick with. Even a 5-minute workout is better than no workout at all!
Here are some additional benefits of doing a short morning workout:
Improved mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
Increased energy levels: Exercise helps to wake you up and give you more energy throughout the day.
Better sleep: Exercise can help you sleep better at night.
Reduced stress levels: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and tension.
Weight loss: Exercise can help you burn calories and lose weight.
If you're looking for a way to improve your energy levels and overall health, a short morning workout is a great place to start. Just 5 minutes a day can make a big difference! 
Read more:  The Power of a 28-Day Workout Challenge
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no-gorms · 2 months
Steve/Tony, Hanahaki, UST, open ending
It is an unfortunate fact of Tony’s history that he’s familiar with the longing disease. Lung gardening. Hanahaki, or whatever other euphemisms they’ve come up with lately to describe it.
Naming conventions aside, Tony’s knows well enough what the affliction feels like – the warning sting at the back of the throat that’s followed by the pressure of something more personal, more vicious than mere phlegm. The body’s breathing apparatus has decided to betray its owner, and Tony’s had it enough times that he could be embarrassed, if he were the sort of person to be embarrassed by that kind of thing.
A cough, a heave, and then petals are cascading in a disgusting shower onto the tabletop. At least the tabletop is glass, which is easy to clean, and Tony’s reflexes were fast enough that he’d pushed Hill’s paper folder of printouts clear away.
Most people would be grateful to have their symptoms manifest in privacy. Those who do not, get used to the shocked silence that follows.
“Oh no,” comes Bruce’s voice from Tony’s left. Quiet, worried.
“Maybe—” Natasha clears her throat, businesslike, “—we can take five?”
“Ah, shit.” Tony straightens up and dabs at his mouth with a handkerchief. He eyes the pile of petals with a scowl, noting that they’re bright-colored blooms, as if he’s twenty years old all over again and doesn’t know any better. “Fantastic. Just what we needed today.”
“Yeah, we can take five—” Clint starts.
“As if we don’t have enough to do.” Tony sighs. “Goddammit, Steve.”
“What?” Steve says.
Being an old hat at surviving Hanahaki also means that Tony knows the faces he’ll see when he looks around the table. There’ll be surprise, concern, empathy, and discomfort in various combinations, and Tony gets all of that and then some, because the Avengers have so far rolled with a number of far greater inconveniences with grace.
“Look.” Tony takes one last cleaning swipe of his face with the handkerchief and drops it on the pile. “It’s not your fault, I’m not blaming you, but you gotta step up on this if we’re gonna make the flight out in time to follow Thor’s lead.”
“I, what—” Steve blinks twice, quick and robotic, before those same eyes widen.
Ah, so this is a surprise to Steve, which might be even more irritating than the Hanahaki itself. Tony could try to be half-full-cup about it and take it from the angle that this means that he hadn’t been too ridiculous openly about his burgeoning crush on the good Captain. But that would take more effort than he’s willing to expend.
It was supposed to be just admiration. Idle feelings to be nurtured like a baby bird of a side hobby. Good fucking going, Stark. What had Steve even been doing to make it tip over? Squinting at Natasha’s slide with that stoic yet judgmental purse of the mouth that usually has Tony internally clapping his hands with glee?
That could do it.
“Yeah, I know, it’s stupid,” Tony says, waving it off. “You don’t even like me as a human being, but I’m a masochist that way sometimes. Good news is, I’m also fickle, so it probably won’t be that hard to make me hate you. By this afternoon, hopefully? Or whenever you’re ready, I’m sure you’ll figure something out, but anyway this is still…” He eyes the pile of petals. “This is way early stages, we’ll have weeks, but the sooner the better.”
“What do you mean I don’t like you as a human being?” Steve says, as though that’s the most important part of what Tony just said.
“You need to be mean to me, okay?” Tony says.
Bafflement animates Steve’s normally poster-handsome face. Bafflement, and then offense, as though Tony just asked him to kick puppies, which Tony would never do, and anyway Tony isn’t a puppy. Steve can be mean, sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose, and those glimpses of candid moments are so rare – for Tony, at least, since the others know Steve far better than Tony ever could – that Tony has and does treasure every single one.
Unfortunately, this thought sends a wave of affection rolling through Tony’s brain, which is followed by a wave of petals rolling out of Tony’s mouth. And this time they do destroy Hill’s folder of printouts.
He recovers faster this time, which may or may not be helped by Bruce patting his back gently.
“Sorry, correction.” Tony wheezes through an inhale. “You need to be mean to me, and not in a sexy way.”
“What—?” Steve starts.
“Stark means that you need to be cruel to him to stunt his feelings for you,” Thor says, nodding solemnly. “But to not use language that he’d find appealing. ‘Tis a fine line, indeed, I understand the challenge there.”
“Thor,” Bruce says.
“What?” Thor says.
“Right,” Clint says, “I think we should not be here for this.”
“We were finishing up anyway.” Tony stands up and shoves all the petals into the folder that will be going into the trash pronto. “I need to do a health scan but you guys can keep going with that entry route, and let me know what you’ve decided before suit up, yeah?“
“Tony,” Steve says. “You’re—that’s dangerous—”
“Yes, yes, I am aware,” Tony says irritably. “Romanoff, have my back?”
“We do face death on the regular,” Natasha says. “This is manageable.”
“See.” Tony points at Steve. “I’ll work on my part, but you have to do yours. Mean. You can do it, I believe in you. Just maybe… don’t use Howard?” He sighs. “No, you should probably use Howard. Anyway, I’ll be in lab, give me a buzz if there’s anything.”
Tony goes with a careless wave over his shoulder, and waits until he’s out of the room and the door is closed before he lets himself wince.
Could’ve gone worse, actually.
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myokk · 4 months
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fast sketch for today💓💓
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sailermoon · 2 months
working out is funny cause u do a workout and it’s like I don’t even feel it! and then 8 hours later
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flamejob · 8 months
it's so hard to find basic exercise info without it being polluted by fatphobia and diet and weight loss shit it's so triggering
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yeonban · 2 months
Erm I've been meaning to do stuff on here today but my kitchen is actively flooding right now so we'll have to postpone my prev intent til whenever I manage to fix this issue holy shit 💀
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abirddogmoment · 2 days
I've been planning my week around getting Aurora out for bird dog practice with my frozen quail in preparation for our last field trial of the year (and possibly last one ever bc idk if I want to continue after she ages out of puppy stakes) on Saturday and she had the ABSOLUTE AUDACITY of going into heat this morning so we won't even be allowed to run.
girl what.
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starfallproject · 4 months
Tekken character vignette pt. 1
Characters: Kazumi, Kazuya.
Word count: 165.
Kazuya is asleep when Kazumi slips into his room in the middle of the night. Her child looks peaceful in sleep.
Kazumi kisses his forehead. She looks fondly at her son, tracing her fingertips on his face, her own bearing a brittle smile. Her fever spikes prevented her from seeing her little angel for the past few days.
As she goes to the door to make her leave, a quiet rustle stops her.
“Mom?” the question comes out uncertain, she looks back to see Kazuya sitting up, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“Go back to sleep, dear. You need it for the morning training,” she hears herself say. Kazuya looks confused but nods drowsily, and lays back in his futon.
Her hands shake as she closes the shoji door, knowing that if she gives in to her desire to go back and gather him in her arms, she would waver.
Her fists tighten, she has a mission to complete. It was a long time coming.
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hairtusk · 2 months
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13.5 days of posts queued up so i can have a relatively offline fortnite
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misty-wisp · 1 year
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[tsumi to batsu au]
with action comes consequence; with sin comes punishment
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#i've been so good not complaining about this... so im gonna do it now :3#early this week during my walk... a point in my shoulder / collarbone / neck started hurting so bad#it was at that level where your saliva production increases and you start feelings slightly nauseous#idk if it was bc it was so painful OR if the pain is at a point that puts pressure on certain nerves#and during the week i've felt it on and off but at a much lowe intensity#but this morning i woke up at 6am and couldnt fall asleep bc it hurt too much 🥴#i've googled sm but i just cant figure out at all what it could be... this doesnt fit any description#it isnt focused in my shoulder joint bc i can move my arm in all directions and degrees and it doesnt make it worse#anyway i read and read but i cant figure out at all what it is and that annoys me bc now idk what to do T-T#it could maybeeeee be that im so fkn tense and always have muscle tension in my neck throat and shoulders#it is possible that it now hit a specific pressure point and now i have a pinched nerve type of situation where my muscles are tensed up#or it is bc i could have done certain exercises wrong at the gym#im always so anxious and cautious abt exercising wrong but i still cant ever be sure if i do it correctly :(((#i might have used one of the machines for shoulders/biceps/back incorrectly#like maybe the seat has been too high or low :/// and now i've strained smth???#it made me so sad tho bc when i was at the gym this week i skipped all upperbody exercises bc im too scared 😔#i want it to pass bc like it actually hurts in such a weird and uncomfortable way like it makes me wanna puke and it comes in waves#but nothing makes it better like not heat not painkillers not stretches ... so im just not doing too much#and hope it will go away :'))) but also now im scared of exercising bc what if im doing it wrong and damage my body?!? 😭#i hate my body bc i have so many random unexplainable pains and it is so annoying >.<#ok now i've complained so i feel better ^-^
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tsscat · 1 year
This is so fucking funny the episode opens with oh my god lottie is becoming a priestess in the wild!!! and its literally just lottie making the yellowjackets do the exercise my counselor recommended
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suggestions for exercises that i can do without needing equipment?
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
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I really wish i was a fly on the wall witness to the creation of enstars training
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vriendenboekjes · 4 months
doing my #workout #alwaysonthatgrind and on my third set of squats. when i tell you my legs gave up after 2 reps
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jimkirkachu · 1 year
Wtf, even just browsing job sites / listings / descriptions is enough to make me nauseous with anxiety and depression. When, why, and how did I ever become such a useless and pathetic mess?
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