#10 min morning exercise
fitnessmantram · 1 year
morning back pain exercise5 Minutes Morning Exercise for all Day Energy #morningexercise #fitness ...
5 Minutes Morning Exercise for all Day Energy
Starting your day with a short workout can help you feel more energized and alert throughout the day. Even a 5-minute routine can make a big difference in your mood, focus, and overall well-being.
Here are some simple exercises that you can do in just 5 minutes to boost your energy levels:
Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and your blood flowing. Do 30 jumping jacks in a row, or break them up into sets of 10.
Body-weight squats: Squats are a compound exercise that works your legs, core, and glutes. Do 20 body-weight squats in a row, or break them up into sets of 10.
Plank: The plank is a great way to strengthen your core and improve your balance. Hold a plank for as long as you can, or aim for 30 seconds.
Push-ups: Push-ups are a great way to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Do as many push-ups as you can, or modify by doing them on your knees.
Stretching: Stretching helps to improve your flexibility and range of motion. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
You can do these exercises in any order, and you can modify them to fit your fitness level. If you're just starting out, you may want to start with fewer repetitions or a shorter duration.
Once you've gotten the hang of these exercises, you can gradually increase the intensity or duration of your workout. You can also add other exercises, such as lunges, crunches, or burpees.
The important thing is to find a routine that you enjoy and that you can stick with. Even a 5-minute workout is better than no workout at all!
Here are some additional benefits of doing a short morning workout:
Improved mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
Increased energy levels: Exercise helps to wake you up and give you more energy throughout the day.
Better sleep: Exercise can help you sleep better at night.
Reduced stress levels: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and tension.
Weight loss: Exercise can help you burn calories and lose weight.
If you're looking for a way to improve your energy levels and overall health, a short morning workout is a great place to start. Just 5 minutes a day can make a big difference! 
Read more:  The Power of a 28-Day Workout Challenge
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
🎀 The It Girl Lifestyle Guide 🎀
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hi girlies! this guide is a part of the big series: The Ultimate It-Girlism Guide. in this mini guide i'll be including all things health, morning/nighttime routines, and more!
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How to create your ideal morning / night / any other routine:
Here’s a mini step by step guide to curating a routine that works specifically for YOU, tailored to your own needs and wants. This can be for any routine u wanna create: morning, night, after school, after work, before school/ work, etc etc.
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Apps / things needed:
ChatGPT (or an AI like that- it’s not completely necessary but it’s useful)
Notes app / docs app. (Or a pen and paper- this will be to write down the routine!)
Calendar app (optional tbh)
Ok so first off: decide what you want in your routine. Make a list in no particular order of what you need/ want in the routine.
Some examples:
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Once you’ve created this list, you’re pretty much half way done. In this next part you can use chat GPT to make it easier, or use your own mind.
The next thing to do is: ask chatGPT to make a routine with the steps u wanted.
Make sure to mention what time your routine starts and ends. And if there’s anything you want to change, you can just ask the AI or make those changes yourself!
The last step is to write it down!
You can either write it down on the notes app, docs, on a journal/ piece of paper, anything that’s easily accessible to you. I heavily recommend writing it down somewhere, but if you dont want to you can…
Put it into your calander. This can help you be a bit more organised, but it’s not completely needed. As long as it’s written down somewhere- so you dont need to always remember it- you’re good.
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Health and wellness
In this section, i will be talking about fitness, mental health and physical health. I will mention some useful tips to finally start, how to overcome procrastination, and how to take care of that area of your body.
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Numero uno: fitness! I’m not going to go yapping on about how fitness is so important- im assuming you all know that by now. But let me just remind you that staying fit is not only exercising or going to the gym everyday. It can be: running, going for a walk, playing a sport, yoga, pilates, dancing, cycling, and THE LIST GOES ON. DO anything that moves your body and gets you fit!
Here are some tips to help you get started:
Start small. Set small goals first. Set SMART goals
Choose the activities you enjoy. Like i mentioned earlier, there’s tons of ways to stay fit- cycling, running, swimming, yoga, dance, sports, etc. etc. (if you like, joining a class or working out with friends can help you stay motivated!)
Stay consistent. I know i know, this is said everywhere. But there is no progress without consistency. Even if you can’t do a whole workout one day, try and do 10 jumping jacks, or 5 pushups. Do whatever you can. Remember: 1% is better than 0.
Create a vision board. You can create one yourself, or find tons of them off Pinterest. Vision boards will make the process so much more fun and will certainly motivate you.
Set a reward system. Tell yourself: if you do this high intensity workout now, you can go to the spa later or watch tv.
Find a why. This goes for like everything tbh. If your why is big enough, you are capable of doing anything (even finding that lost book that you owe the library!) basically, are you doing this to get ripped? With tons of abs, or to get strong and impress people? Or are you doing this to boost your self esteem and improve your health?
Balanced diet: eat the rainbow! Meaning- eat meals with a variety of different colours. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. it’s completely alright to eat a chocolate, but remember: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.
Hydration: aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. Trust me, drinking the magical potion that is water will help you SO much! It can help you clear your skin, have pink uncrusty lips, keep you fit and soooo much more.
Mindful eating: in the book IKIGAI it is said that you should only eat until you’re 80% full. Not 100%. Why? Because the time it takes for you to digest the food will have already made you extremely full. You may even have a stomachache. Studies also show that cutting back on calories can lead to better heart health, longevity, and weight loss.
Here are some tips to manage cravings:
Find healthier alternatives. If you are craving something sweet like chocolate, have something like a sweet fruit. If you crave something salty, try nuts. If you can’t think of any, search up some healthier alternatives to it!
Create more friction for junk, and less friction for healthy. This concept was said in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. What does it mean? Make sure that it takes a lot of energy to get the unhealthy junk food. Maybe keep them high up in a cupboard so whenever you want it you have to go get a ladder, climb up, and then get it. And keep the healthy food in easy reach. Like some fruits open on a table, etc. (also remember to keep some actually yummy healthy food like Greek yogurt or protein bars.)
Distract yourself. Go do a workout or engage your mind in a hobby that you enjoy. Basically take your mind off food.
Yummy water. Make some lemonade for yourself. Or perhaps add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or strawberries to it for some flavours. I’d do some research on this cus i know that some combos can rly help for things like clearing your skin, boosting energy, etc.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. It affects how we think, feel and act and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, relationships, etc.
Of course there will be ups and downs for our mental health. It’s not something that you can just fix once and it’ll be good forever. No, it’s a rollercoaster. But having a “good” mental health is really important for a successful lifestyle.
Here are some tips to help you improve your mental health:
Meditation / deep breathing. I can’t emphasise how important this is. Even 1-2 minutes a day is good. Start small. You dont even need to be sitting crossed legged for this. Whether you’re in class, on a vehicle or in a stressful situation; just breathe. Take a deep breath, and out. Do it right now.
Journalling. Write. It. Out. Writing your problems and worries out is SOO therapeutic, especially when you want to calm down. There are SO MANY benefits to journalling. But remember that once you’ve ranted on the paper, tear it, rip it, and watch it burn. (Don’t keep a journal for this unless you KNOW 150% that no ones ever gonna read it. Trust me, it’s terrifying knowing that someone’s read that.) other things you can do is create a gratitude journal, so whenever you’re feeling low you can just go to it or write in it.
Self careee!! Create time for self care in your week. Because if you do that, it’s gonna be that one thing which you’ll be looking forward to each week, which will make life SO much more fun and bearable. For me, my forms of self care are watching thewizardliz or tam Kaur, reading, watching a movie at night, etc.
POSITIVE. SELF. TALK. Need i say more? What you say to yourself, is what you believe. And what you believe reflects in your external life.
Sing your heart out to Olivia Rodrigo. I swear this is actually so calming and therapeutic. Basically: express your feelings. If you’re angry at someone, feeling grief or really hurt by someone, screaming to Olivia Rodrigo songs in my bedroom is my go-to (i just make sure not to do it when others can here hehe). You can punch your pillow, scream, cry, etc.
Remember honey: this too will pass. Repeat that over in your head. This will pass. This will pass. This will pass. I know you may be going through the toughest time ever, but this too will pass. Nothing is forever. You’ve gotten through so much worse. You’ve got this.
!! Girls, please remember that these are just some tips. I am NOT a professional. If you really feel horrible every single day, go to therapy or counselling. Also contact mental health hotlines or emergency numbers if needed.
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Mkay thats it! I hope this was of some value to you, and stay tuned for the next guide in the it girl series!
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hillbillyoracle · 8 months
So you can't get out of bed...
This is a resource list for all those who are having trouble getting out of bed. Whether that's because of injury, disability, or mental health, this collection of resources should help address some of the common pain points I've experienced over the years. Some will require modification if truly bedbound but my hope is this sparks ideas and gives you a place to start.
A warning: this is a *long* post. I went for thoroughness over brevity so people had options where possible.
This video from Sarah McGlory of Adaptive Cleaning details her system.
It is excellent. I have a similar bin to her first in my room for high pain and low mood days. Prioritize high fiber and high protein shelf stable foods. Make sure electrolytes and water are within easy reach.
If grocery trips are too much, it's worth looking into pick up or delivery. In my experience, the delivery services through stores are better than Instacart and the like. The retailer who must not be named also has a great snack selections that hold up pretty well in transit.
Fruit + veggie pouches, baked chips, and RXBars are some of my favorites to keep on hand.
Clean Space
This video from KC Davis of Struggle Care details her "Five Things Tidying Method".
If you can't tidy your whole space, focus on the walkways. Make sure you have a walkway to your bedroom door, to your front door (or other way to leave your house), to the bathroom, and to the kitchen or where you store food.
Another tip from KC Davis - if you're struggling to get your plates back to the kitchen before they stick or attract bugs, get gallon sized plastic bags and seal the plates inside of them. You can always wash and reuse them once you've delivered it safely to your sink or dishwasher. When you're just surviving, it's just as okay to toss them after.
Bonus: This no-mess method of decluttering from Dana K. White is low energy friendly. You can stop whenever and your space is still better.
This post details my care kit that I use.
If you're unable to shower regularly, I'd add in some baby wipes. Yours probably won't look exactly like mine but I hope it can be a jumping off point. If I could only pick two items, it'd be the disposable toothbrushes and a good facial lotion (since it can also be used on the body). If you can't bare to change your clothes, just change your underwear. This helps prevent health issues down the road.
Arm Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 min]
Core Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 Min]
Leg Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 Min]
Yoga in Bed: [Morning] [Anytime] [Evening]
Stretching: [5 Min] [10 Min]
If you're able to stand + move but not up for leaving your room, then Rick Bhullar's walking workouts are great in a small space.
For a long time, I thought that you could only get exercise by getting dressed in specific clothes and going outside or to a gym. Now I know that there are lots of options for getting a little movement in bed. Even a short 3 min workout a day can help decrease muscle atrophy. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.
Bonus: I also just walk laps around my room/apartment. You don't have to go outside. It can get a little boring sure. But quick 5-10 min walking breaks through out the day add up.
This is ultimately going to be specific to you and your tradition. Even if you are not religious at all taking a moment to think about your bigger picture values is important. Since my core spiritual path is Buddhism, here are some recommendations in that vein. I could not find good links for all of these. I don't necessarily do all of these everyday but I try to do a few.
Three Refuges by Plum Village
The Five Precepts by Access to Insight
The Five Remembrances on Wikipedia
Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum
Chanting Namo'valokiteshvara
Reciting the Heart Sutra
Bonus: A pagan practice I enjoy is reciting the hymns to the planet of the day. Offering water and incense is great but optional. Praying to and thanking ancestors and land spirits is also a great practice.
Alternatives to Social Media
It's easy to get stuck in the black hole of scrolling. It's good to have something enjoyable to pivot to.
Cozy Games
My favorites are Stardew Valley, Wingspan, and Animal Crossing. The first two aren't terribly expensive. A lower cost alternative to Animal Crossing would be Cozy Grove which regularly goes on sale. Sims can be cozy as well - minus any pool shenanigans.
This is an app that allows you to send messages but delivers them on a delay based on how far away you are from someone. It makes it fairly easy to find penpals though, as with anything, it can be hit or miss. I've even convinced a few of my irl friends to try it and write them little letters on there. The delay makes receiving them more special. It's a great way to play letter writing rpgs with friends. I'm currently using it to play Grandpa's Farm with my partner.
750 Words
Ever wished you could do morning pages digitally? That's what 750 words started out as being but you can ultimately use it however you want. Some people use it to hit word counts on their writing projects. I'm a fan of using it to brain dump and then micro journal. It does cost a small fee after 30 days but it's by far been worth it to me.
Getting outside - even if it's just for 5 minutes - once a day is a great goal. But if you can't, take a break and watch one of these feeder streams for a while. Even just seeing images of the outdoors, is calming. I sometime throw this up on one screen while I'm playing a cozy game or doing some non-screen activities.
Screen Breaks
We all know it's important to take screen breaks - but it's extra important to do it when you're in bed and you're screens are a big part of how you spend your day. Below are some of my favorite ways to take a break. 10 minutes every two hours or 20 minutes every three hours can make a big difference.
Postcrossing or writing letters to friends
Solo RPGs - here are some of mine, here's a D&D example
Free adult coloring pages
Read a Book - reading challenge, get personalized recommendations
Play a solitaire card game - there are so damn many now
Walk around for 5-10 minutes, bonus if it's outside.
One of the big feelings that come up for me when I'm mostly in bed is that I feel like a burden to others. Rather than trying to "be productive" I've found it's much better to try to positively contribute to others even if it's in small ways - sending a text to someone remembering/thanking them for something kind they did for me, ordering a little present for someone I know who's had a rough time, sending a card to someone who has a birthday coming up. The little stuff really helps people.
If you don't have many people in your life like that to help or you'd like to help some strangers too here are some other options.
Sigma Phi Eta
This is a 100% online and free greek service org I'm trying to get off the ground. 3 hours of service to become a pledge which count towards the 10 needed to become a member. 10 hours each year to stay active. We maintain an updated list of online/distanced volunteer opportunities as we find them. We have service awards for those who want to go above and beyond. Plus once you're a member you can wear our letters.
We're small right now but if you want a group of people to talk service and grow with - come join us!
Letters Against Isolation
LAI is probably my favorite charity I volunteer for. Volunteers write cards and letters to people in nursing homes, assisted living, and those connected to senior centers through Meals on Wheels and other programs. They're always adding new facilities so the need is always growing. They have facilities in multiple countries they write to and could use people who speak another language especially.
Warm Up America
Mostly for crocheters and knitters - this org accepts donations of all kinds of patterns and distributes them to smaller projects and charities who otherwise wouldn't be able to access these kind of goods at scale. I've made a few things for them - simple hats - and greatly enjoyed the process. Great use for your cheaper acrylic yarns.
7 Cups
I've had a mixed experience with 7 Cups. I really have enjoyed my experiences chatting with people on there but it can be really hit or miss as to whether I feel like I've helped people. There's also the usual people who try to use any chat service for sex. That aside, I still think their training is pretty good and it can feel meaningful when you're able to connect with someone who's not doing so hot.
Have you cleaned yourself + changed clothes? [ ]
Have you tended to your spirituality? [ ]
Have you fed yourself? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you tended to your space? [ ]
Have you gotten some movement in? [ ]
Have you taken a social media break? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you taken a screen break? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you volunteered or done something nice for another person? [ ]
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f1daydreamers · 2 months
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐬 [𝐓𝐀𝟔𝟔] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
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gif credits: @trenty
Pairing: Trent Alexander-Arnold x Fem!Reader
Summary: Arne, in hopes to focus on his team’s mental health as much as their physical, recruits a younger but just as educated psychologist to work one-to-one with the more reserved players. Trent is one of them.
A/N: This is me writing in hopes to distract myself from that abysmal final! Just to preface that Lee Richardson is the performance psychology consultant at LFC :) Also, I feel like Trent’s quite shy so I don’t think he’d be as rude as he is in this fanfic but for this to be a kinda enemies to lovers, I upped his rude boi energy by like 100% lol
There's no age gap btw! In the UK, it's doable to become a licensed sports psychologist in 6-10 years. If it took Reader 7/8, that would place her around 25 or 26 years of age. So, both Trent and Reader are of similar ages!
Warnings: psychology but nothing too in-depth, Trent’s rude in this :D, angst, very tense energy
Word Count: 1.9k words (6 mins reading time avg)
You checked your watch once, twice, then three times within a mere five minutes.
The sterile office, with its minimalist decor and muted lighting, seemed to magnify your impatience. Your eyes wandered to the vacant chair opposite you, and you sighed deeply.
Trent Alexander-Arnold was now fifteen minutes late for his first appointment.
“Not the best start,” you muttered under your breath.
Jotting a quick note on a pink Post-it to purchase a digital clock for your desk, you flipped the pen and clicked it shut, placing it down with a resigned finality. The email that landed in your inbox felt almost comically timed. It was from Lee, wishing you luck on your first official day.
You’d been in and out of the training center for the past week, organising your office, which had previously served as a spare room, often only used for the odd meetings.
Boxy and unfamiliar, it was a space you intended to transform into something warmer and more inviting with time. But any attempt to distract yourself proved futile; even the mental image of your office becoming a cozy haven couldn’t quell the unrest you felt inside.
Trent’s absence was more than a minor inconvenience; it felt like a deliberate message. After what Lee had disclosed about his rather aloof attitude, you couldn’t say you were entirely surprised.
Locking your office behind you, you ventured into the heart of the training facility. As you passed by groups of players and staff, your shoulders tensed imperceptibly. You adjusted your pace, trying to find a balance between caution and confidence.
Every corner turned, every nod exchanged with passing colleagues, felt like a small test of acceptance. Your mind raced with thoughts of proving yourself here. While a flicker of self-doubt danced across your features, you masked it beneath a veneer of professional composure.
You eventually found Trent tucked away in the far corner of a sparsely populated gym. A few exchanged ‘good mornings’ and ‘hellos’ momentarily eased your stress, but your tension returned as your gaze settled again on the man who had been purposefully late.
With a deep breath, you started heading towards him, weaving your way through the labyrinth of gym equipment.
You skirted around the treadmills, their rhythmic thudding echoing your own anxious heartbeat. Passing by the clanking weights, you dodged a few stray dumbbells left on the floor. The aroma of rubber mats and iron filled the air.
Finally, you rounded the weightlifting machines and found Trent on a mat, engrossed in his exercises. His headphones were still firmly in place, and his expression remained inscrutably focused, as though he was blocking out the world around him.
When you finally reached him, you hesitated, wanting to wait until he finished his set so as not to disturb his workout.
However, Trent spotted your reflection in the mirror in front of him as he came up. He stopped mid-crunch, the beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. He looked down, knowing exactly what this would be in regard of. He’d seen you around the training grounds enough to be familiar.
His elbows rested on his knees as his arms folded inward. He exhaled deeply, trying to regulate his breathing.
He wiped the tip of his nose with the pad of his thumb, then pulled his headphones off and let them rest around his neck.
“What?” He looked at you with mild irritation, craning his neck to see you standing just a few steps behind him.
Your lips pressed together in a courteous and tight-lipped smile.
“Hi, Trent. I’m Y/N, the new psychologist. We had an appointment scheduled for twenty minutes ago.”
Turning back to face the mirror, he stretched his arms out in front of him before reaching for a hand towel to wipe the sweat from his brow and neck.
Then he shrugged, his indifference palpable.
“Yeah, I know.” Your eyebrows furrowed at his response as you studied his expression in the mirror. His face shifted subtly, but the changes were too fleeting to decipher.
“Then why didn’t you show up?” you asked, your tone calm but firm.
"I don't see the point," he responded flatly.
In one fluid motion, he planted one palm firmly on the ground before twisting his torso and hoisting himself up with a push, turning to face you as he rose gracefully to his feet.
Your eyes locked inevitably, the proximity of his body left you no choice but to gaze up at his face, your chin tilting ever so slightly upward.
Beads of sweat glistened from his forehead, and his mouth was slightly parted as he scrutinised you from head to toe. A scoff escaped him before he turned away, sliding off some weight plates and placing them methodically beside his mat.
"I don’t need some shrink telling me how to play football," he asserted dismissively, the hints of his accent colouring his defiant tone.
You took a moment to consider your response, your gaze tracing the broad shape of his shoulders. Despite the urge to react defensively, you couldn’t shake the awareness that someone might be listening in from behind you.
You cautiously approached him, aware of the tension hanging in the air, his eyes flicking to your reflection in the mirror.
"I'm not here to tell you how to play football," you began calmly, letting the weight of your words settle between you. "I'm here to help you navigate everything off the pitch that might impact your performance on it."
"Well, thanks, but no thanks," Trent said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've managed fine so far."
“Have you?” you questioned, quickly scanning the room for any prying ears, relieved to find everyone engrossed in their own routines.
Trent rose up, clutching a 15-pound weight plate between his hands.
"Because from where I stand, the club thinks you could use some support. And honestly, there's no shame in that." That was a saying your professors had instilled in you from day one.
Trent's jaw tightened, and for a moment, you thought he might ignore you. Instead, he pivoted to face you once more, his presence suddenly palpable.
"Look, I get that you're just doing your job, yeah? But don't expect me to pour my heart out to some stranger. Especially on someone else's schedule." He emphasised.
You blinked, but maintained eye contact, refusing to back down. "Fair enough. But I'm not going anywhere, Trent. Whether you like it or not, I'll keep trying to reach you."
He studied you for a moment, then shook his head slightly, leaning in just a bit closer.
"Good luck with that, psychologist."
"I think that's our time wrapped up, thank you so much, Conor." You hoisted yourself up with the armrests of your chair and gave a warm smile to the man opposite you.
"Yeah, no worries. I'll see you around." Conor said as he turned, rounding the chair he was just sitting on, giving you a final nod and smile before leaving and closing the door behind him.
You waited until it clicked shut before you sinked into your chair again. Your work was deeply important to you, one of few things in life you were immensely passionate about, but man, it took its toll on longer days.
You rubbed your temples in a poor attempt to alleviate the dull ache that had formed from hours of conversation. As you tried to gather your thoughts, the interruption in the form of a new email snapped you back to reality.
It was from Lee, asking you to come and see him when you were free.
Your head rolled back for a brief moment of respite. Trent had been on your mind ever since your confrontation earlier, lingering in the back of your thoughts throughout the day, despite the overall improvement as the hours ticked by.
Resigning yourself to more work, you pushed yourself up with a temporary surge of motivation. Straightening your blouse and combing your hair with your fingers, you headed towards Lee's office across the hall.
The door stood ajar, a silver name plaque bearing his name neatly affixed. Lee's office exuded an air of scholarly authority, with shelves lined with books, framed certificates adorning the walls, and strategically placed pieces of Liverpool memorabilia.
He glanced up from his desk as you knocked on the doorframe.
"You asked to see me?" you inquired, your head tilting slightly as he closed the folder he was reading, sliding it into the filing cabinet behind him.
"Yes, come in," Lee replied, gesturing toward the chair positioned across from him.
You smoothed down your skirt as you settled into the chair, intertwining your hands on your lap.
His demeanor exuded encouragement, warmth evident in the gentle lines of his smile. As he gathered his thoughts, your eyes fell upon a framed picture on his desk. Lee stood on the far left, flanked by several players including Trent and Curtis, their bright smiles frozen in time.
Your own smile deepened at the sight, noting how much younger they all appeared in the photograph. But as today's events replayed in your mind, your gaze momentarily lowered before returning to meet Lee's.
"A few years ago, that one," he pointed briskly at the photo, though he didn't give you time to respond before changing the topic - a relief, in your opinion.
"So," Lee clasped his hands together, "first official day? How'd it go?"
Pushing back thoughts of Trent deliberately, today had gone rather well.
"Good, honestly. Wataru and Conor were a little shy at first, but I think I was able to break through by the end of our sessions. Curtis was quite bubbly and a joy to talk to. We had some positive discussions too." You truthfully answered, giving a polite smile to round off your answer.
He nodded, impressed. Without a word, he turned to squint at his computer screen, his glasses perched atop his head. "And Trent?"
You cleared your throat, your tongue swiping over your bottom lip nervously. After a moment's hesitation, you shook your head once before answering.
"Trent didn't show up." You admitted with a wry smile. "I found him in the gym and brought it up but I wouldn't say that was a positive discussion."
Lee chuckled softly, his voice carrying a gentleness that belied his words. "Trent’s a tough nut. He’s got a lot on his shoulders and doesn't easily trust new people. But that's why you're here."
You nodded resolutely. "Absolutely. I don't intend on letting up."
"If you want me to step in-" He began but you shook your head again, halting him in the middle of his sentence.
"I respectfully don't think that's going to help. He's not exactly trusting of me right now, and I'm worried about the impression you stepping in might leave. I'm fortunate he's at least talking to me and sharing his feelings." You said with a measured tone, your words careful and tinged with a hint of apprehension.
"Well, you're the pro," you smiled at his joke, exhaling a sigh.
"I'm relying on your guidance, Lee. I can only hope he'll start working with me."
Lee nodded thoughtfully. "Trent respects effort and authenticity. He's introverted, sure, but once he's comfortable, he's a lovely lad."
"I'm sure," you blinked, fiddling nervously with your fingers.
Once he's comfortable.
That shouldn't take too long, you lied to yourself.
Part 2
Comment below if you want to be part of the taglist! Once you are part of it, you'll be reminded for every part of the series until its completion!
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
So here's what I did to get into the void
I gave myself some time...I took a week off from my school , I took a break from Tumblr !!
I made a routine for myself and Here it is :
I Don't gave a fuck to my failed attempts and told myself failure don't exist in my reality! I worked on myself for a week and half
I decided to affirm robotically and sometym with knowing for 10-20 mins every hour and I vaunted every night before going to sleep for 30 mins , I listened to @lotusmi ( her mirage sub since it contains DMT Frequency ) and beauty crystallized's void subliminal on loop overnight and slept while Affirming in head and in the daytime also when I was free ..I started to do mediation by Mary Kate daily in the morning and at night before going to sleep and did some stretching excercise for 10-15 mins to make myself feel good ( excercising improves ur brain health and makes u feel good all dag long by releasing feeling good hormones ) .... whenever any doubt comes in my head I just say "Fuckkk off! It's done , I'm so freaking happy ( Distraction technique by @remcycl333 ) and sometimes I would open my notes app and script about my void concept
I affirmed and listened to subs as much as I could...and few weeks ago I did the 10k challenge bef starting my routine and I think that also really helped me maybe!
I did this for a week and half ig , for the first three days I affirmed fory sc and then for the rest of the days I affirmed for vc
Ig I Explained too much 💀
Staring from the morning
1. Do Mary Kate's manifesting mediation THIS ONE after that do some stretching exercises if u want ( not necessary tho )
2. Choose one Affirmation of ur liking and Affirm that every hour for 20 mins
3. During the day listen to a void subliminal as much as u can and script in ur notes app if u want
3. Now bef going to sleep vaunt about the void for atleast 30 mins ( I'll recommend to search for a void vaunt and take a ss of that and read that with feeling )
4. Do THIS mediation bef going to bed
5. Put on a void sub and and sleep while Affirming in ur head
Don't acknowledge ur negative thoughts coz they don't hold any power!! And lastly DELETE TUMBLR take a ss of this and save those videos after that just delete it
Don't waste ur time on Tumblr for God sake , watch ur fav movies , listen to ur fav music , go out for a walk , eat ur fav food , do whatever makes u feel happy genuinely for this whole week .
U can consider it as a VOID CHALLENGE
GOOD LUCK LOVIEESSS <33 Do keep me updated about how it goes 💗
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lanita69 · 5 months
y’all i rly need to start working outtttt ugh
i have a severe form of anemia (abt to start iron infusions tho let’s fucking go) and exercise makes me super out of breath but that’s not an excuse!!! for now i’m gonna stick to 10 min stretching, 10 min yoga and 10 min pilates every morning mixed with more walking throughout my day!! i don’t wanna repeat the same exercises bc ur body clings to it so i might stick to a variation until i have the stamina to do more. also fatcalc says i’ll drop 10-13lbs before graduation YAYAYAYAYAY so that’s keeping me motivated. good luck stay motivated!!!
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girlietips · 3 months
Last Week of Healthy Girl June 🧘🏼‍♀️🎧🥗🥰
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Congrats on making it to the last week of healthy girl June! Hopefully by now you have found exercises and food that bring you joy and that you can add to your daily routine. Remember you can always go back to the rules if you find yourself needing motivation. But also make sure you finish strong this week!💪🏻💪🏻
Day 22
Do 30 mins of stretching and mobility work right when you wake up.
Meal prep breakfasts
Day 23
Do an old stretching or mobility exercises and see how far you have come.
Make a green smoothie
Day 24
Do 10 mins of stretching in the morning and before bed.
Look back at the Pinterest recipes and make a new one.
Day 25
Active rest day! Go on a nice long walk.
Bring a smoothie on your walk to sip.
Day 26
Do a mobility routine before your workout.
Create a delicious healthy meal.
Day 27
Try to PR on another workout to see how far you have come.
Eat a meal with more than 4 different kinds of vegetables.
Day 28
Do a stretching and meditation routine before bed.
Make your favorite new recipe you tried this month.
Day 29
Active rest day! Do a light yoga routine in the morning.
Meal prep lunches for the next week
Day 30
Last day! Look back on everything you did this month and write down what you liked what you didn’t like and why. This will allow you to see what exercises make you feel your best.
Do the same with all the recipes and save them somewhere you can find them again.
Once again congrats this was such a fun challenge to do with you guys and I hope you enjoyed it! I posted the poll for the July challenge yesterday so we should get the results today so watch for that post. I hope this last week serves you well! Bye cuties🌸🤍🎧🕊️
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WIBTA if I called animal services on my parent's neighbours?
I want to begin this with saying neither me nor my parents get on with my parent's neighbours. My parents live in a rural area with about 6 acres of land. The field next door used to be just a large field however 6 years ago got brought by a middle age couple (50 and 65) and they built a house on it with the majority of the field still being used for their horses.
We never got on but for the most part just ignored each other until covid. During covid my parents started walking in the woods behind our house to get out of the house on a daily bases whereas before they would have gone travelling and walking other places. The new neighbours didn't like this. Both properties open directly onto foresty land however the easiest way to get to the main forest path is to walk along the fence that borders neighbours field. To cut a long story short there was a lot of shouting, signs and sticks blocking our way, harassment, and cameras to try and intimidate my parents not to walk behind their property. We got the police involved in the end and have a restraining order against the neighbours so they're not allowed to approach or talk to us within reason (obviously they can be in the field to tend to the horses etc)
I wanted to tell this to get the point that yeah parents and neighbours do not get on at all. Since the restraining order things have been peaceful however I did install a camera at the front of my parents property as we did have some damage that might have been neighbours but could have been anything else really. This was recommended by the police. My parents aren't good with tech so I take care of their phones/netflix and now having the camera connected to my phone so I get the alerts if someone walks by.
The neighbours recently got two puppies though they are now over a year old. They are GSP x Labs so working dogs that in my opinion would need a lot of exercise and enrichment. As I get the notifications for the camera I know what time the neighbour walks past with the dogs and it's every day down the same country road for 10 to 20 mins in the morning. To me it doesn't seem to be enough. I've also noticed since the dogs are growing up and getting stronger/not trained the neighbour seems to be struggling with them. My neighbour is 65 but not the fittest and this past week he's been taking one dog at a time for a 5 minute walk each.
Now all I have is the knowledge of the camera. They could be getting enrichment at home, let loose in the field with the horses to run but to me it just doesn't seem fair on the dogs. But since it's been peaceful for my parents I don't want to rock the boat and maybe cause the neighbours to retaliate. Even anon they probably would know who it is who called the animal services on them. But I also hate to see dogs not living their best life. I have no doubt they aren't getting mistreated and are well fed. I just don't think they are the right dogs for an middle age couple that do not leave the house except to get shopping and can barely give them a 10 minute walk. I don't even really agree with how they keep their horses either but again they're not mistreating them just keeping young horses in a field all day and not doing any training or anything at all with them. Just seems unfair.
Sorry for the long post, just been weighing on my mind.
What are these acronyms?
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studentbyday · 6 months
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We gotta finish the stuffsssss...!!! 💢 💢 💢 Fighting!!!
🪨 Habits:
morning routine ✅
physio exercises (eek i forgot, i'll do it tmr 😣)
yoga ✅
abs ✅
skincare ✅
night routine ✅
wind down for 30 mins before sleeping with the light on (e.g. spacing out/meditate/journal/yoga/dealing with the things that distracted me while studying) ✅
water meter: 💧💧💧
🍅 (The rest of) my day in pomodoros (50-60/10):
things moved faster than i thought they would today, but i wonder how i only regularly spend 3h of my day studying when before my daily average hours was 4 (or 5-6 on good days)...i need to spend more time studying bc i have things to catch up on 😭
pomodoro 1:
chk + send phil quiz ✅
finish psyc ch 1/4 for this week ✅
start psyc ch 2/4 for this week ✅
pomodoro 2:
finish psyc ch 2/4 for this week ✅
start psyc ch 3/4 for this week ✅
pomodoro 3:
half of psyc ch 3/4 for this week (i tried to but for the last little bit, i just skimmed and outlined the rest of the chapter)
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exiting my lazy & perpetually tired era~
(that has frankly gone on for far too long and trust that my grades have severely suffered for it but now i'm aiming for improvement and becoming a topper once more)
didn't go to school today
what did i accomplish today?
got 10 hours of sleep unintentionally which is good because i've had way too many late nights and all-nighters in the past few weeks
made pasta (comfort food<3)
did my morning skincare in the afternoon
folded more laundry
played 2 games of chess with my mom and lost both of them
cleaned out my email + photo gallery
practiced playing keyboard (30 mins)
read my english textbook fully (core course - hornbill)
read the newspaper headlines
cleaned my room
watered my plant
exercised (20 mins)
washed my hair
completed my biology homework
did my night skincare
what could've gone better?
ended up doom scrolling for 1-2 hours when i could've been productive, instead i ended up with an awful tiredness and guilt
didn't study much at all today even though i wanted to complete a few chapters of biology and psychology
overall i seem to waste a lot of time when it's unstructured, but making strict timetables counting for each moment of the day also doesn't work for me, i need to find a routine with enough flexibility that actually works for me, these many late nights are not good for my health
joining a studyblr is genuinely motivating me to be productive more than anything has ever !!!
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
Ok can you describe their morning routine and perhaps their nighttime routine as well. 😃❣️
It definitely evolves over time and depends on what their schedule is/when their next shift is but this is how I picture it. Morning Routine:
Their first alarm goes off and they wake up and spoon for 20 mins. Sometimes this turns into morning sex but mostly it's just cuddling.
Their second alarm goes off and Buck always makes the same disappointed noise and is like just five more minutes 🥺🥺🥺
They cuddle for 5 more minutes and then they're like ok we really need to get up now if we don't want to be late.
Eddie gets Chris out of bed and they do morning exercises together while Buck makes them all breakfast.
They get dressed/get Chris all packed up and ready to go and either Buck drives him to school while Eddie stays home to shower/clean up/do more chores. Or if they have a shift, Buck and Eddie drop Chris at school together and drive to the firehouse. Sometimes Eddie will also tag along so he and Buck can stop at the gym on the way back and work out together.
They come home (or might stop to do more errands) and then sometimes have sex before they shower (also sometimes shower bjs) and get on with the rest of their day.
Evening Routine:
Chris does homework in his room or at the dining table if Buck or Eddie is helping him with it (this becomes a much less common occurrence the older he gets lmao because at some point it goes wayyyy over their heads)
Buck or sometimes Eddie AND Buck cook dinner. Eddie is SUPPOSED to have his own night to cook but Buck just hangs around the kitchen with him anyway so he might as well help
They clean up/do dishes and Chris goes to his room to finish his homework while Buck and Eddie relax on the couch together. They might have a beer, watch a show or a game, or they might just talk/gossip about stuff they don't want to talk about in front of Chris. Or they just make out.
If Chris finishes his homework early they might instead watch a show all together together, or Chris plays video-games (sometimes Buck joins) while Eddie makes him lunch for the next day. Once or twice a week they'll play a board game. I feel like Chris gets really into board games and joins a board game club at school so he's always got a cool new one to try.
Chris gets ready for bed and he's allowed to stay up and read in bed but there's no screen-time after 9pm.
Buck and Eddie stay up a little longer either finishing dishes/making Chris's lunch and going over their schedule and any important reminders for the next day (when Buck moved in he also bought them a big whiteboard that hangs in the kitchen that has a calendar, grocery list, meal plan, and weekly to-do list).
They check on Chris/make sure he's turned his light out by 10:30 and then get ready for bed (they always brush their teeth together and have gross toothpaste kisses) and either have sex or Buck reads in bed while Eddie cuddles him and dozes off. Sometimes Buck will read aloud to him.
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gratefulgirlies · 2 months
august 1st- growth diaries
tracking my productivity ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆
morning run
1hr academics in the morning
3hrs academics in the afternoon
walked my dog twice
tried driving
30 mins academics before bed
- daily exercise goal met
- still behind schedule with my schoolwork but making progress
- overall productivity: 7.5/10
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youremyheaven · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/youremyheaven/757046870112681984/httpswwwtumblrcomyouremyheaven75703907683788?source=share 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ohh my god really my college boys are so immature 😫😫 that's why they treat my freinds like this btw your 24 are you pursuing you master's or job really i am studying in college and intrested in vedic ans stuff but bruhh i hate my college boys they are just 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 we all need a responsible man just like him hope i find one can you tell what your experience in first relationship and firt time in ✨️it ( if you not comfortable don't tell just need some advice) AND FOR YOU I AM MANIFESTING THAT GUY AS YOUR HUSBAND
Cheek dapat dam dam chuu swaha ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️ heaven giel get this guy as husband with more greatness 👏
😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺you're SOOOO SWEET, pura ka pura cutie pie <333
i graduated already and im just working at the moment. i dont really feel like studying further tbh lmao and im entering an industry where work exp matters more than degrees so✌🏻
and yes college boys will always be shitty, dont lose hope, after college you'll meet better guys!!! <3 and the thing is dudes under 25 are just little boys,, veryyyy few of them are mature and this guy is the rare exception
my first time was when i was 16-17 and the guy was 18 and a major asshole and he forced me to "date" him and then he r*ped me 🤡🤡🤡so i technically lost my virginity to r*pe but i dont want to think about that or consider that as my first time
i had my first "real" boyfriend in 12th grade and on Farewell day (its like the Indian version of Prom for all of you non-desis) he took me to his house and no one was home so we banged hehe<3333 he had a huge dick and it hurt and im pretty sure the whole thing did not fit lmao
i feel like a lot of virgins dont understand this but (and this also depends on the guy's penis size) penises dont often go all the way in when you're having sex for the first time!! and it takes a while for your punani to stretch comfortably and "take" d*ck. ALWAYS USE LUBE, the more lubricated you are down there, the easier it will be to take him in. your partner should be understanding and considerate of the fact that penetration is a physically painful experience initially and they should do whatever they can to make it less so.
that said, penetration SHOULD NOT HURT after the first few times, it SHOULD feel good. you dont have to be waxed bare down there or anything, obviously its nice to be groomed but its okay to have a little hair (or a full bush, thats up to you but i feel like first impressions matter so i like to keep it trimmed hehe, ik a lot of feminists are going to be like 😠😠no i wont shave for a man😠😠 but honestly he's shaving his balls for me and id feel a bit awkward if he was veryyy hairy down there so i get it and dont mind grooming in return<33)
sex should be enjoyable for both parties??? and remember real life is not porn!! he's not going to last for 6 hours and neither do you want him to because being pounded into for more than like 10 mins is annoying tbh and you'd just wish he'd come asap ,,, remember that sex is like physical exercise so u get tired after a while,, the whole "fuck all night" stuff is rare and mostly happens in movies lmao,, as long as you have time with them, you can go multiple rounds but feeling tired is real asf
ALWAYS USE PROTECTION, they might try to pull the "my dick is too big for these local condoms/it doesnt feel good with condoms" etc excuses BUT TRUST ME THOSE ARE LIES,, just USE PROTECTION
in india, we have something called an "i-pill" (morning after pill for non desis) and its less than 100 bucks at the medical store. no one will ask you anything for getting it, they usually dont care so dont hesitate!!! its better if the guy can get it for you and if your guy wont even buy you an i-pill then should you even be having sex with him????
there are side effects to taking the i-pill, your period may be late/have heavy flow/irregular bleeding, or you can experience nausea/dizziness etc after taking it. thankfully i have no symptoms and it feels normal ish but exercise CAUTION!!!
put a pillow under your back when you have sex, it helps make it hurt less!! bc your back is supported.
always clean up after you have sex!! go take a shower, gargle your mouth, make sure you dont have any of his cum near your kitty because semen will find its way inside you in mysterious ways 💀💀
AYYYYY 😭😭😭idk about husband stuff yet but I do hope my future husband is just as attentive, caring, considerate, loving, warm and kind as him
but u are soooo sweet MWAH MWAH
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Summer productivity challenge , day 12
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Household chores
Cook lunch from scratch for family
Wash dishes
Do the laundry
Feed and cuddle my pets
Cook dinner for my grandma
Wake up at 6:00
10 minutes morning guided meditation
Go on a early morning hike with my dog
Healthy immune system supplement
Folic acid supplement
Vitamin B12
Vervain herbal tea
Legs workout (my legs were SHAKING afterwards)
Flexibility stretching
+14000 steps
Read Brigid Delaney's book on stoicism
Cold shower
Night walk with my mom
20 min night meditation
Two lectures about Bach's Flower method
Exercise on ombrothermal diagrams
Repeat out loud Halophilic and Psammophilic Systems for my Geobotany exam
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Nightbunny's journal
Today was an incredibly productive day. My alarm went off before dawn, and without wasting any time, my dog and I set off for a walk in the gentle mountains above my home. The fresh morning air and the silence of nature around us created an enchanting atmosphere. Watching the sun slowly rise behind the mountains was simply breathtaking, and I felt a deep sense of peace within me.
I must remember to recount the magical encounter I had yesterday. During our walk, I came across a doe. At first, she was a bit intimidated and hid behind a blackberry bush just a few meters away. It was such a special moment, as if nature itself wanted to share a little secret with me.
But back to today, the big news is that I am officially a phytotherapy practitioner! My thesis was corrected and received the highest marks, and my intermediate exams went exceptionally well too. I graduated with a score of 100/100. I am overjoyed because all the hard work I've put in has finally paid off. I spent a month researching on PubMed, going through scientific literature and popular sources, and a whole year to complete the course along with all the partial exams. The satisfaction is immense.
This success gave me incredible motivation, and today I worked hard to complete everything on my to-do list. I'm really pleased with my progress.
However, now I'm starting to feel quite tired. Tonight, I'll help my grandmother with dinner, and when my parents return, I think I'll go to bed early. If I have a bit of energy left, I'll treat myself to an episode of my favorite kdrama.
Sorry for writing soo much but I really wanted to share my day with you!
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chu-diaries · 3 months
100 days of mental healthcare: day 48/100
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Today I woke up feeling unwell so I allowed myself to stay in bed for a while doing some comfort reading when I woke up. The air humidity is very low (it hasn't rained here for 3 months) and I coughed all night. I slept very badly and I think I may have sinusitis rn. I'm also sneezing a lot.
My morning was quite confusing because today the painter I hired came to wash my external wall. It was difficult to work with so much noise, but I was able to focus while listening to white noise (great for ADHD btw). I also finished my book about the digestive system, watched 10 classes of my scented candle making course and studied yoruba culture in bed while listening to rain sounds on Spotify.
I tried doing lighter exercises today and had good results with tai chi chuan in relieving my anxiety. I'm eager to take advanced classes and I blame myself for not knowing all the movements yet, but I need to remember that I'm a beginner. When I started practicing yoga three years ago I was also in a rush to be self-sufficient in the practice - but to do that you need to practice regularly first lol.
🥀: day 22/28
💧: 1,5 L
🏃🏻‍♀️: 🚫
🥋: 22 min of tai chi chuan
📝: candle studies (2h30) + yoruba studies (1h)
📚: hp and the half blood prince + breaking the vicious circle by denise de carvalho
🎧: white noise + rain sounds
🎮: 🚫
📺: one piece ep. 322-324
🛑: 1 day and 10h pick-free
💊: took all my vitamins
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an1tak · 3 months
new schedule! extremely detailed + visual schedules
as I said, an explanation of my new schedules and visual schedules my way, a little bit of my life! hope you like it or give you some ideas to do, god bless you and have a nice day!
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fixed daily schedules
Sleep: 10:00pm to 5:45am ( 7.5 hrs of sleep, 5 sleep cycles.
Exercise: 60 minutes of exercise per day ( either high or low impact.
study: 3 to 4 hours ( depending on the number of subjects.
Hobbies: 3 hours ( life is beautiful doing things you love.
other daily activities: 3 hours.
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Set daily routines:
morning routine
Wake up.
Drink a glass of water.
Put my playlist.
Brush my teeth.
Make the bed.
Wash my face.
Yoga / pilates.
Have breakfast + drink coffee + read something (article, book, etc).
Take a bath.
Get dressed.
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night routine
Review my obligations for the next day.
Drink water.
Brush my teeth.
Put on pajamas.
Read / watch something + yoga / pilates.
Draw / journal.
Play my nightly playlist.
Pray + read the bible.
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study routine
Play my study playlist.
Drink water or coffee.
Make a list of what I am going to study.
Put on the pomodoro.
Take breaks when I need them.
Concentrate on finishing the topics not so much on time.
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Workout soft routine (Yoga + Pilates)
10MIN full body cardio pilates workout // low-impact full body fat burn & tone | LIDIAVMERA
20MIN full body hourglass pilates // tone & slim | LIDIAVMERA
10MIN full body hourglass pilates | 7 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE - day 6 | LIDIAVMERA
20MIN abs & booty hourglass pilates | 7 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE - day 5 | LIDIAVMERA
15MIN full body HIT pilates for weight loss | 7 DAY SUMEMR CHALLENGE - day 4 | LIDIAVMERA
15MIN everyday hourglass pilates workout // intermediate level | LIDIAVMERA
10MIN full body gentle pilates workout // strengthen & lengthen // period pilates flow | LIDIAVMERA
20MIN full body pilates workout / DAY 4/7-DAY PILATES CHALLENGE / no equipment | LIDIAVMERA
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20 Min Power Yoga Flow | Full Body Vinyasa Yoga for All Levels
20-Minute Intermediate Power Yoga
20 Min Daily Yoga Flow | Every Day Full Body Yoga For All Levels
20 Min Morning Yoga Flow | Every Day Full Body Yoga For All Levels
30 Min Energising Morning Yoga Flow | Full Body for Yoga All Levels
Yoga To Reduce Stress | 30 Min Slow Flow - Relaxing Stretches + Savasana
20 Minute Evening Yoga + Savasana | Deep Stretch & Relax
20 MIN POWER YOGA FLOW To Feel Energised | Full Body Yoga Workout For Strength + Length
30 Minute Sweaty Power Flow
and a beautiful playlist:
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xoxo ana
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