#early morning exercise
fitnessmantram · 11 months
morning back pain exercise5 Minutes Morning Exercise for all Day Energy #morningexercise #fitness ...
5 Minutes Morning Exercise for all Day Energy
Starting your day with a short workout can help you feel more energized and alert throughout the day. Even a 5-minute routine can make a big difference in your mood, focus, and overall well-being.
Here are some simple exercises that you can do in just 5 minutes to boost your energy levels:
Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and your blood flowing. Do 30 jumping jacks in a row, or break them up into sets of 10.
Body-weight squats: Squats are a compound exercise that works your legs, core, and glutes. Do 20 body-weight squats in a row, or break them up into sets of 10.
Plank: The plank is a great way to strengthen your core and improve your balance. Hold a plank for as long as you can, or aim for 30 seconds.
Push-ups: Push-ups are a great way to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Do as many push-ups as you can, or modify by doing them on your knees.
Stretching: Stretching helps to improve your flexibility and range of motion. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
You can do these exercises in any order, and you can modify them to fit your fitness level. If you're just starting out, you may want to start with fewer repetitions or a shorter duration.
Once you've gotten the hang of these exercises, you can gradually increase the intensity or duration of your workout. You can also add other exercises, such as lunges, crunches, or burpees.
The important thing is to find a routine that you enjoy and that you can stick with. Even a 5-minute workout is better than no workout at all!
Here are some additional benefits of doing a short morning workout:
Improved mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
Increased energy levels: Exercise helps to wake you up and give you more energy throughout the day.
Better sleep: Exercise can help you sleep better at night.
Reduced stress levels: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and tension.
Weight loss: Exercise can help you burn calories and lose weight.
If you're looking for a way to improve your energy levels and overall health, a short morning workout is a great place to start. Just 5 minutes a day can make a big difference! 
Read more:  The Power of a 28-Day Workout Challenge
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randombrowngirl · 4 months
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Up and at em
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biophilianutrition · 27 days
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Morning Routine
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jimkirkachu · 1 year
Wtf, even just browsing job sites / listings / descriptions is enough to make me nauseous with anxiety and depression. When, why, and how did I ever become such a useless and pathetic mess?
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peachypede · 5 months
Thinking Roseli thoughts again, mostly about her being an actual NPC in the game
You know how when you get hurt too much in the game and then you just spawn back at camp with a little “seems like you were rescued” text? That would be Roseli instead. She’s rode out or swam out on Oscar and dragged your butt back home.
She’ll be at camp on the right, close enough to Laventon that they’ll be chatting. (No weird staring off into the distance for Lav anymore.) Her tauros, Oscar, is pawing or eating at the ground.
She probably introduces herself the first time after you wake up from getting hurt…
“Are you alright? I’m glad I got to you in time. My name’s Roseli. I do search and rescue with the Security Corps. If you ever need help back to camp, I’ll be there.”
Then every time after that it’s usually a short:
“That was a close one. Be more careful!”
But then if you die more than 5 times she gets PISSED
“Are you trying to get yourself killed out there??? I’ve been running after you this whole expedition! You get yourself hurt one more time, and I’m telling Professor Laventon this trip is over! Understand? Estúpido/Estúpida…”
Then, instead of having idled chat with Laventon, she’s leaning against Oscar and taking a smoke break. Congratulations, you stressed her out.
Back in Jubilife, you’ll find her in her home relaxing with her Ampharos. Oscar and the milktanks are outside.
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akkivee · 5 months
I am so sorry about spamming you with all these asks that aren't exactly asks 😭 that bit about saburo and kuko bonding via him info dumping on kuko is so cute! 😭 love the idea of kuko fitting right in w/ the yamada bros as if he belonged there?? like them playing games together, kuko making delicious food for them + packing jiro his bento in the morning when ichiro has some urgent request to attend to?? ft. ichiro being very much endeared but also confused w/ how domestic this all feels lmao
kuukou randomly dropping by to hang out with the yamadas????? assisting with their odd jobs???? and then dragging them all out for a break after more laborious jobs???? he habitually rises really early, like at around 3 in the morning, so when kuukou sleeps over, he always gets up to cook the yamadas breakfast??????
ichiro probably hc he has a cute boyfriend puttering around his home lol
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tardis--dreams · 9 months
Gonna go running tomorrow!!!! Gotta hype myself up because i know once my alarm goes off at 6am i will not be as excited anymore ((((: BUT I'LL GO RUNNING!!!!
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A Spot of Cream: a short story
The man stared into his coffee mug, swirling the cloudy liquid absent-mindedly and observing how the thin layer of cream gathered in the center, a melancholy yet fond look on his paling face. The sun was beginning to peak through the kitchen window, as evident by the way the morning light was just shy of touching his hand where it laid idly on the kitchen table
Just under half an hour ago, he had returned home from the store, having left to get the very cream that was currently occupying his attention upon discovering that what little he had left had spoiled overnight.
He listened to the gentle pitter-patter outside, and breathed a content sigh, taking another sip of his morning coffee. He could feel the subtle warmth of the rising sun creeping up on his hand, having never left it's place on the table beside his favourite mug.
The man smiled to himself, - it was a resigned, barely-there quirk of the lips, just in the corners of his mouth, - as he took another sip of his now luke-warm coffee and ignored the steadily growing feeling of numbness stemming from his hand, now completely illuminated by the morning rays.
Pulling his eyes away from the coffee mug, he watched with fascination as the light gleamed like gold flakes in the scarlet that covered his, now limp, pale fingers.
His gaze shifted further up, settling just above his wrist, where the bite had begun to turn the surrounding skin a sickly greyish shade of what had been a lively peach just an hour ago.
The man sighed once more, and took yet another sip of his, now cold, morning coffee.
Soon, he would join the pitter-patter outside, all for a spot of cream in his coffee.
My prompts for this story were:
Virus, Sound, Mug, Result :]
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eljd2r2 · 5 months
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euesworld · 1 year
"Good morning, you get a lot of exercise, huh? Cause you are always running through my mind.."
And running through my dreams.. all that love running through my veins is just insane - eUë
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plzu · 3 months
god i miss consistently working out. i felt so much better when i was doing it. but now i'm too overwhelmed with work and my brain is So Bad that i cant force myself to fit it back into my life lol :')
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funbearer · 1 year
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biophilianutrition · 13 days
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Sporty Girls
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Aayla Secura for @plussizefandomevent day 7: Strength
I used pictures of female weightlifters for this one!!!
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prometheuswounds · 5 months
i release what no longer serves cunt or whatever
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hello dearly beloved mutuals don't work out at 5:40 in the morning on an empty stomach and then immediately drink water afterwords because you will crave death
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