#eye-out tales
Unpopular Friendship (final) (short story)
First: https://www.tumblr.com/residents-of-the-darkforest/737215289814630400/unpopular-friendship-part-1-short-story?source=share
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/residents-of-the-darkforest/738115228165980160/unpopular-friendship-part-3-short-story?source=share
Poppykit’s heart pounded, thrumming through her veins down to her paws, making them beat rhythmically as she hurried silently across the brittle ground. It was not the cold, gut-squeezing heart-pound that would have her wondering if she would get caught. No, it was the thrilled, little bursts of energy as she thought how she’s doing it! She’s sneaking out, and not getting caught!
She had stalked away, then walked, and now was picking up her pace to a run. She knew it was only smart to have their meeting spot so far away from either of their parents and any watchful eyes that could tattle, but before long her legs ached and she had to resist the urge to curl down and rest. When she finally came to the small clearing sheltered by a ring of blackened holly bushes, she collapsed onto her belly with a dramatic sigh.
“Hemlockkiiiiit! Please tell me you’re here…”
“I am!” Hemlockkit announced from the shadows. Poppykit had no time to look around before she was pounced on and rolled onto her back. Hemlockkit smiled down at her, her unusually long fangs glinting in the dim light of the mushrooms that clung to the nearby trees, the only light that was offered. “Hi.”
Poppykit giggled and pushed her off. “Did anyone see you leave?”
Hemlockkit puffed out her chest proudly. “Not one! Well, Spottedtooth, but he promised not to tell a soul if I made it back before my parents wake up!” 
Poppykit nodded. “Shiverkit promised not to tell no matter how long I’m gone! But I’ll probably have to cover for him someday. Anyway, no one saw me! My moms didn’t even twitch!”
Hemlockkit batted playfully at Poppykit’s tail while Poppykit settled onto her side, allowing her legs their much-needed rest. “I wish I had done that,” she replied. “I wonder how long I have…It already took so long getting here.”
Poppykit let out a breath. “You’re telling me!”
“Aw!” Hemlockkit nudged her. “Don’t tell me you’re too tired to play!”
“Am not! Just sore’s all.”
“Aww, did the long walk hurt your little toes?” Hemlockkit teased. If it were from anyone else, Poppykit’s hair would have stood in anger, but from her best friend, she smiled a challenging grin, moving into the position of a crouch, ready to jump. 
“I’ll show you hurt toes!”
“I have an idea.” Hemlockkit proposed before Poppykit could leap at her.
Hemlockkit gestured toward the massive karri tree five tail-lengths behind the bushes. Poppykit’s jaw dropped as she saw the massive tree for the first time. She hadn’t even noticed it in the black shadows! “Bet I can climb higher than you,” she challenged.
“But it’s huge!” Poppykit’s eyes were wide, still on the huge tree.
“Are you backing down?”
Poppykit glared at her. “Never!”
“Then come on!” Hemlockkit bounced excitedly on her paws. “We’re bound to learn this when we start our training, right? Wouldn’t it be cool to have a head start and surprise our mentors?’
“Yeah!” Poppykit agreed. The bursts of energy were returning to her. 
“Then it’s on!”
Poppykit was, if nothing else, a very confident kit. She pushed herself up the bark, digging her claws in deep as inch by inch, she scooted up the slim trunk. Her eyes were fixed on the branch high above her. She just needed to reach that, and then she could take a break…but it was so high!
Beside her, Hemlockkit took in long breaths, struggling too as she moved upward.
Poppykit was a very confident kit, a great strength and a great flaw. When she turned her head and looked back to the ground, seeing how high from the safety of the grass she came, she let out a squeak and pressed as close to the bark as she could. Her confidence was slipping like her claws might start to–!
“Hurry up, slow-poke!” 
Poppykit looked back up, and saw that Hemlockkit had gained distance. While Poppykit debated following or just going back, Hemlockkit was nearing the branch. Don’t be such a kit, she told herself. Hemlockkit was right, they were bound to do this training anyway, right? So it can’t be that bad…and when Hawkjay saw how skilled she was, she surely wouldn’t worry so much anymore! 
Gritting her teeth, Poppykit pushed on. Closer…closer…she was almost there! 
Hemlockkit had already made it to the branch and now sat on it, claws unsheathed for grip, watching and waiting for Poppykit to join her. 
Poppykit’s breath left her in a long sigh of relief as she finally, finally clambered onto the branch. It took everything in her not to just let her muscles melt away and sink into the wood. She still had to hold on.
“Who do you think your mentor will be?” Hemlockkit asked.
“Are we talking up here?”
“If you want a distraction.”
“Good. Yeah. Uhm…maybe Scorchbeetle?” They were cousins, and Poppykit highly doubted that either of her mothers would be comfortable with non-kin watching over their kits. “Oh! Maybe Crowsage! She’s so cool, she lets me get away with everything!” 
“Yeah, Hawkjay will love that.”
“Uh, right…Well, who do you think your mentor will be?”
“Hemlockkit? Helloo?”
Poppykit blinked at her friend, and saw that she was busy staring down at the ground. “Hemlockkit? Hey, you’re not scared, are you?” Poppykit tried to make her voice sound teasing, but anxiety was swirling uncomfortably in her chest. If Hemlockkit was scared, too, then….
“Do you think it’s too high? If the branch breaks, or we slip–”
“Don’t say that!”
“What will happen to us when we land?”
“I don’t know.” Poppykit shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, and not like her heart was pounding painfully. 
“Me neither. I think I need to see.”
“See? See how?” Before Poppykit could realize what was happening, she felt a pressure on her side, and the solid branch beneath her was suddenly gone. The wind was cold as ice, pulling violently at her fur while reaching deep into her bones. She yowled in terror, her legs swinging blindly through the air as she plummeted lower and lower. “Mommy!” 
No one knew of Hemlockkit’s deed. 
She would climb down to safety and return to the warm belly of her mother, and start the next day as she would any other.
Hawkjay and Lilacheart were never quite the same after that. They never found out where their daughter went or why she had left. With each passing day, the idea that she was dead became an obvious reality, but the questions would always haunt them. What had happened to her? Did she suffer? Did someone hurt her, and if so, who? Any cat they met could have been their daughter’s killer.
Shiverkit hated himself for not telling them sooner, for letting his sister leave the safety of their den and walk into the darkness alone. He never told them that he knew. He swore on his life that he wouldn’t, and the deep fear that he, too, would disappear into nothingness kept him silent. As he grew into a warrior, that fear shrank, but still he kept his silence. Telling them now would only cause them to hate him. Maybe he deserved it. Maybe he was selfish. They needed closure, but would they turn their backs on him?
He had asked Hemlockkit, but she seemed just as concerned and confused, claiming that Poppykit had never made it to their spot. He followed her to where they were supposed to meet, but there was no sign that either kit had ever been there.
You may be wondering: but why?
Why would Hemlockkit murder her best friend? Was she planning it all along? Was it an accident?
Maybe, and no.
Many cats kill those they hate, or those they don’t know at all. To kill a friend, someone one actually likes and cares for for no other reason than ‘why not?’, is ludicrous!
For Hemlockpine it isn’t. Hemlockpine kills equally, friends and foes, simply because she feels like it. Hemlockkit truly did like Poppykit. She saw the ginger-and-black kit as her best friend, and loved the time they had together. Maybe the thought to push her was a spur-of-the-moment thing, maybe she was planning it the moment she challenged Poppykit to climb, or before. 
In either case, her reasoning is the same: because she could. 
--No one ever finds out about what Hemlock did.
--Hemlockpine kills anyone--but not kin. Kin is off limits, that's the family rule.
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hypewinter · 9 months
Right so what if Danny became a psychologist instead of Jazz?
His friends and family died protecting him. So when he runs away and starts a new life, he adopts traits from all of them (both as a way of grieving and a way to honor them). For Tucker and Sam, Danny splits his free time between being a white hat hacker and a vocal environmental activist. For his parents, he adopts more of their eccentric personality. When he's not in a professional setting, he is loud and in your face about the latest thing he's been working on (he's also just about the most loyal person you can meet).
And for Jazz, his precious big sister, Danny decides to excel in the career path she never got the chance to enter. He resolves to fulfill her goal of helping out those society has deemed irredeemable. The ones nobody else can or wants to help. The first one he starts with, is the Joker.
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pixlokita · 7 months
?? What’s a ggy or a dr rabbit?
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A very very tired lil guy that’s what he is
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rachelbigpeep · 3 months
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🎵 Gum Gum, Gum Gum, morning has come, Gum Gum
All your friends are up and waiting
Gum Gum, it's time to wake 🎵
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spyderschaos · 11 months
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Dumbasses got themselves arrested lmfao L
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bluebelledmoon · 4 months
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adrien and marinette! (with a lil chat :D)
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 12
If there was one thing no one would ever guess about FF it is that he unapologetically LOVES Black Friday.
You may be thinking. Ugh Black Friday. Everyone is so rude and tired. The deals aren’t even that good. It can turn into a blood sport at the drop of a hat over a toaster that is 15% off.
You are correct.
That is why FF loves it.
It is the one shopping day of the year where every single one of his instincts are correct, valid, and useful. He has pulled his gran out of the way of elbow drops, he has avoided the gaze of a woman in PINK sweat pants who was looking for someone to steal a blender from, and he knows without a doubt that the cashier hates him already so there’s no need to worry about whether or not they hate him.
It’s like a breath of fresh air!
Everyone is just as antagonistic and awful as he thinks they are!
Shopping is actually the blood sport he always feels like it is!
So there he is standing in a line at the nearest store (Target) waiting to be let in with the masses who all look ready to stab one another for better positioning for a TV. The jokes on them though because his only goal is the grocery section and he deals with the threat of repeated stabbings for BREAKFAST.
He spots an IHOP in the distance and hopes his gran doesn’t feel too lonely. They’ve gotten buttermilk stacks together at the IHOP by the mall for years after the two of them finished Christmas Shopping.
Someone elbows him in the side to get his spot in line but FF does not really care. Again, he doubts any of these people are going to be racing him to the all purpose flour.
It’s 4 AM and the barricades come down.
There’s a rush of people pushing and shoving but FF just steps to the side and watches as they all rush in. He’d mostly stayed in the line because the throng of people made it easier to stay warm. He had left his jacket back at the house because the five hour energy might be making his skin feel super sensitive but he is pretty sure that if he wore his nylon jacket he would die.
The five hour energy also may be upping his anxiety just a little bit.
He walks into the store at a leisurely pace and while the crowd fights over the carts he grabs one of the baskets. He can feel the eyes of other shoppers all wondering if he has some insider knowledge on a good deal that would only require the basket or if it’s a matter of who gets to the back to receive the ‘redeem’ coupon.
He sees a few shoppers get lured in by his siren call and much like a siren following anything that FF is about to do will undoubtedly lead to their downfall.
But FF doesn’t care about that.
He cares about HIS downfall.
So he makes his way to the grocery section and ignores the six different shopping assistants who try and guide him to where he ‘should’ be shopping and each of them only give him increasingly confused looks when he states his intention to go to the grocery section every single time.
Is it easier to ignore their stares when the five hour energy have set his baseline heart rate to something that might be too fast to register as a heartbeat? Maybe.
It is easier to ignore the confusion on their faces when he can see both the past (he asked for TWO favors from Andrew in one day how is he still alive???) and the future (still malleable at the moment apparently. There’s even a future where Andrew actually just is trying to make overtures of friendship but he dismisses that one as INCREDIBLY unlikely and looks at the far more viable one where Andrew at least makes his death quick while he enjoys his great gran’s brownies.)
It’s good to set reasonable goals for yourself.
So he arrives at the grocery section which is deserted aside from one employee who may or may not be asleep against a shelf. FF looks and….not a shelf he needs so he is not about to wake that poor man up.
So he gets everything he needs for his great gran’s brownies (he’s trying to buy his life here so he is not about to assume he can use ANYTHING in the house), the ingredients for a good breakfast (because he really needs to eat something that is not a five hour energy or sugar for the sake of his poor stomach and he may as well get enough for everyone), and (since Captain Neil mentioned it & he is trying to buy his life here) the ingredients to bake another pie.
While he grabs cinnamon he checks to see if they have grandma’s love in stock but, alas, it continues to be unavailable commercially.
He stares at the whipped cream for so long that the employee asleep in the other aisle woke up and asked if he needed help and, startled, he dropped it in his basket. “No I’m good.” He says before power walking out of the grocery department and deciding to brave the Home Goods section to buy some incense so that he can hopefully channel the spirit of his great gran to assist him in this, the darkest of his baking hours.
He arrives at the check out stations and finds the shortest line .
He can feel eyes on him, inspecting his purchases, judging them, judging him, who the fuck goes grocery shopping during the Black Friday rush?
FF goes grocery shopping during the Black Friday rush.
The cashier looks for hidden cameras but FF has no such thing accompanying him today or ever (as far as he knows.)
After a moment the cashier must look at the ever growing line and decide that whatever scheme they think FF is up to isn’t worth trying to figure out. They offer a membership card, FF valiantly declines to get one despite the two attempts.
He is out the door with four bags of groceries that all have a target on them that feels a little too correct. It’s 6 AM now (he really did lose a lot of time at the whipped cream section) and he’s walking back to the house in Columbia.
He actually feels a little bit better since he at least got to experience his actual favorite blood sport (sorry Exy) and he even got another 2 five hour energies while he was in the check out line so he could replace some of the ones that he had gone through.
He would like to thank the combined weight of the groceries for keeping his feet on the ground when he heard Captain Neil’s voice.
He turns and Captain Neil is looking at him wide-eyed in his running gear that Smith has seen him in. “You were shopping??” He asks.
FF nods and lifts up the four bags as evidence. “Why didn’t you pick up your phone?” He asks.
FF almost scoffs but he doesn’t, “You can’t be distracted when you’re in a Target on Black Friday. That’s how you take an elbow to the eye.” He responds because it’s like Captain Neil has never experienced the WWE-like environment of Black Friday shopping.
Captain Neil blinks at him.
“Text Andrew or me next time you’re going to go off into the night or just let us know beforehand. Andrew would have driven you.” Captain Neil says and grabs two of the bags out of FF’s hand. “C’mon let’s get back and maybe you can get some sleep.” Captain Neil sighs.
“I’m fine.” FF adjusts the bags so he has one in each hand.
Captain Neil does not say anything so FF assumes that he has accepted that.
FF had not been asleep on the couch when Neil had walked through the living room. Neil, in a move that had Andrew fully waking up, went back to the room to check his phone to see if FF had texted him an update on going out. All that greets Neil is the impersonal series of texts that mostly confirmed when practice times had been changed, when the bus was leaving, and spelling on various Spanish words.
FF isn’t a big text person.
He’s more of an in-person kind of friend.
Neil likes that about him most of the time.
“What.” Andrew asks face still half buried in Neil’s pillow.
“Smith isn’t on the couch.”
That has Andrew getting up despite the early hour and their activities the night before. Neil watches as Andrew grabs his own phone to scroll through but seems to come up with the same lack of communication that Neil does.
Andrew does do the extra step and hit the call button.
But all he gets is the confirmation that the VM has not been configured that has greeted them every time FF misses their calls. (Voicemails make FF anxious so when he got his new phone he just…never configured it.)
Neil knew that FF was not pleased with them and somehow the calm request to either stop fooling around or let him out had hit him and Andrew harder than any of the screaming demands that the two of them were usually met with from Nicky, Kevin, Aaron, or any of the other Foxes.
“You said he wasn’t mad.” Neil says.
“He nodded.” Andrew confirms.
“Maybe he went on a walk?” Neil tries as they come out to the living room. They look at the front door and find that it’s locked but it looks like Aaron’s keys are gone. “He probably is going to come back if he took Aaron’s keys since Aaron wouldn’t be the one he’d be irritated with.” Neil rationalizes.
“He didn’t bring his jacket.” Andrew says looking at the black jacket still on the hook by the door.
“We can go and see if we spot him.” Neil offers.
Andrew nods and Neil heads out first since Andrew is still in his sleeping clothes and will need some time.
Neil had not expected to find FF walking back to the house with groceries for breakfast and the pie that Neil had mentioned hoping they could bake at the house.
“Is this for the pie?” He asks looking down at what was in the bags he was carrying as the walked back to the house. Neil managed to shoot off a quick text letting Andrew know that it was fine, FF just went grocery shopping.
FF just nods, “Got everything but Grandma’s love.” He says.
FF is a nice guy to brave the stores on a morning like this but FF also looks like he hasn’t slept a wink.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Neil asks.
“I’m fine.” FF repeats.
Neil really is starting to understand his friends’ hatred for the phrase.
They get back to the house and Andrew is sat out in the living room. FF stops and blinks at the sight of him sitting there.
It is a well-known fact that Andrew does not willingly wake up early most days unless he has to. Neil is glad that Andrew has a friend that he’s coming to care about the way Andrew cares about FF.
Andrew gets up and yanks the bags out of FF’s hands. “Go to sleep. Today will be irritating if you’re half-asleep.” He says with a scowl and walks to the kitchen to put away the groceries FF had bought.
FF just looks at where Andrew had gone uncomprehendingly for a few moments and Neil figures he’s just tired. Neil feels guilty that him and Andrew messing around in the car like that had rendered FF unable to sleep and the two of them had agreed last night that from now on when FF is in the car they can talk all they want but hands stay on the wheel and eyes stay on the road.
FF is plopped down on the couch when Andrew and Neil come out of the kitchen after putting away the groceries (“These are the ingredients for brownies.” Andrew had noted as he put away melting chocolate.) and he’s looking through his flashcards again and not sleeping. He hears Andrew make a disgusted noise next to him and the next thing he knows Andrew is smacking the cards out of FF’s hands.
“Go. To. Sleep.” Andrew enunciates.
FF stares at him, then down at the flashcards. “I don’t think I can.” He says which is better than him lying and saying he wasn’t tired even if the truth had Andrew’s mouth stretch into a thin line that meant he was beating himself up for something.
“Try.” Andrew orders. “Just lay down and close your eyes. Nothing will happen to you while you’re sleeping.” He says.
FF blinks but nods turning on the couch and laying down. The blanket is still over on the lazy boy that Neil had set it on the night before and Andrew rolls his eyes before grabbing it and tossing it over FF.
“Thanks.” FF says before closing his eyes.
Neil looks to Andrew who nods and Neil accepts that there’s nothing else to be done for now and heads out on his run.
FF can admit that he’s a bit adrift in what Andrew and Captain Neil are doing right now.
He really should go grab another five hour energy because falling asleep IN FRONT of an irritated Andrew Minyard feels like a death sentence but “Nothing will happen to you while you’re sleeping.” And having a blanket thrown over him did not feel like a threat even if he can feel Andrew’s eyes watching him.
FF is tired and when he’s tired he tends to make stupid decisions. So FF lets himself drift off to sleep while the man who was likely going to move him to a secondary location sat and watched.
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His dreams are not peaceful.
He’s running, can’t escape, an echo of words he should have considered before letting himself drift off and he knows he’s going to DIE.
He wakes up with a start to the smell of bacon, eggs, and hashed browns with Nicky standing over him. “Hey there sleeping beauty! I made you a plate!” He says and hands FF a plate of breakfast that smiles up at him with a bacon mouth, egg eyes, and hashed brown hair.
FF takes the plate and digs in immediately. He needs his strength.
“Today will be irritating if you’re half-asleep.”
Andrew Minyard was going to hunt him for SPORT.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 7 months
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This image is just so Adrien
To simultaneously want to cataclysm himself and is also entirely traumatized by the prospect
Are we sure that this part isn't just taking place inside of Adrien's mind?
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batwynn · 1 year
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A Snow Queen Sterek art commission for @nerdherderette !
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unleashes the horrors upon you (the horrors are my gay little ocs)
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tears-of-xion · 1 year
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Ended up doing a bit of a Lady Wifi redesign for funsies. c:
Please do not use or re-post my artwork without my permission. Thank you!   (reblogs, however, are welcome and appreciated)
I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, nor it’s characters. All rights to their owners.
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hypewinter · 3 months
Guys!! Okay so I love deaged plots a lot. Like A LOT a lot (I know shocker right?). Well anyway I was rotating in my brain who I could deage next when it hit me: Clockwork.
Now I know what you're thinking. "Winter, he's the ancient of time. How on earth would he get stuck as a baby?" But to that I would rebut that it is actually quite simple my friend. You see, he gets corrupted. Or more specifically, time gets corrupted. Between Superboy Prime punching a hole in reality and the speedsters constantly playing God, time quickly starts (for lack of a better term) dying off. It's like having a ball of yarn that people keep cutting or setting fire to or throwing in the mud. There's only so long it can last for.
So yeah, time and reality as we know it is barreling towards oblivion. Especially because the only one who can fix it, also happens to be so connected to it he got affected too. The only thing that saved Clockwork from the corruption that was crawling it's way up his body was temporarily severing his connection to time. This unfortunately had the effect of resetting his body to back before he was connected to time (ie when he was a newly formed being. Just barely with consciousness. Not yet with a name nor purpose).
Luckily before he did so, he left Danny with a very detailed list on how to fix everything. Starting with a family of light footed idiots who need to learn to leave well enough alone.
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starlit-mansion · 17 days
Ideal post-otj story father-son dynamic between kellan and oko for me is
they do run into each other occasionally, never on purpose
kellan is completely inoculated against oko's bullshit and IMMEDIATELY hears kill bill sirens in his head upon seeing him and does his damnedest to fuck up whatever scheme oko is on
objectively, if it was happening to someone else, oko would think it is both ironic and hilarious for someone to have accidentally created their perfect polar-opposite enemy through their own hubris
subjectively, that would require him admitting that he's ever done anything wrong ever, so he will not do this. even in his heart of hearts
oko will however make snide little comments about their family connection (e.g. 'you must get this from your mothers side') during their various conflicts, which only makes the enmity in kellan's soul burn brighter
unclear if he realizes that and is doing it on purpose, or they are just fated to completely misunderstand each other (while being very convinced they understand each other) for all of eternity
however occasionally oko will be reading the newspaper and have to see an article about some dumb hero shit his failson did. and he will roll his eyes. then read the whole article
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rowanisawriter · 25 days
wip whenever
tagged by ten thousand people over the course of the past few weeks where i haven’t had anything to share so now i’m going to subject you all to wyll/shadowheart from a prompt fill i’ve been picking at instead of writing my exchange fic like i’m supposed to…
Once upon a time, a princess. Perhaps. She is as quiet as one, as secretive. Hidden away in some internal world, or maybe trapped. Wyll can’t tell exactly how much of her quiet mystery is due to her devotion to her goddess or something else. Whenever he tries to ask, he gets a simple little smile and no explanations. No reasoning as to why she’s whispering to herself, sitting on her heels at camp, far enough from the light of the campfire that the edges of its orange glow barely touch her. No hint on the strange and all consuming injury on her hand that distracts her. No closer to understanding the thoughts that go through her head, strange and beyond his imagination, but he wants to try.
He begins with small gestures, the ones he’s read about in books, the ones they used to read to him back in the city when he was still a duke’s son. He hands her a cup of vinegary wine they found in some ruin or another, a flower plucked from the roadside, a shiny flat rock perfect for skipping across a still lake. She always accepts gingerly, as if expecting a trick along with the treat.
“I just like seeing a little smile on your face,” he tells her earnestly.
She starts to believe him, he can tell by how her smile begins to widen, but then she clutches her injured hand close to her chest and turns away. A princess in peril, locked away in the tower of her mind, and the dragon that traps her within. He feels something in his chest expand at the sight of her pain. Lucky for them, he’s a hero. Saving maidens in distress is what he does best.
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garf-lover96 · 2 months
julian's birthday is really close already...... so i'll start playing through his route again even though i haven't even touched any of the others. i'm too attached to him and i won't handle him being a background character in someone else's route gang
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(also it took me half a year to actually finish both of the endings because i always take huge ass breaks in between the chapters to recover. i actually might be insane insane about this. he fr haunts me)
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prylc · 8 months
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Killer loves cats so naturally, Idol killer probably would to right? So why not make one that idol killer would have?
And if you wanna see the design I made for og Killer... Its over here 👀
Idol AU/Idol Killer belongs to @zucchiyeni
Fun Facts and Bonus Doodles below
Imagine Idol Killer just snuggling up with Streak after a long performance 👀💖
Decided to make the design more sharp compared to patches since idol killer is in a rock band and all
She's still really fluffy though ^^
Don't worry about the spikes on her legs, they're flimsy so it won't hurt em
The name Streak is actually a synonym of patches, Killer's cat's name from another post
I can also imagine Streak being more tolerable to being picked up, just so she won't make idol killer look bad
If given the chance, she'll 100% try to steal anything soft you have though. Eg, stuffed toys, towels, etc.
I feel like idol killer would be the type to be very gentle when interacting with her, in contrast to how he is on stage
Imagine Streak just appearing on stage thooo like, performing with killer. Doing tricks and stuff that a regular cat wouldn't do sjshskhsjs
Streak is also really fast and agile, similiar to patches
If Streak is ever tired of walking, and is not being carried, she might latch onto Killer's leg and resort to being dragged around or hang like a koala. (I'd imagine Idol killer would sometimes just carry her if that happens tho XD)
More headcanons coming soon 👀
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