#fam records
abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Happy Birthday!
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To me :^)
Well, technically tomorrow 2 June, but I somehow finished this today.
I thought I'd have finished the Krang infection comic by now so I could have a happy birthday ending, but we're not there yet.
I uh never draw backgrounds or like to colour, but I love fully coloured pieces and well here we are. Trying my best to create something out of my comfort zone.
As a bday gift to myself I'm going to watch the new spiderverse tomorrow evening!
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sleepanonymous · 11 months
Legend has it if you listen to this soundcheck on repeat it will clear your skin, water your crops, and cure your depression. I hope this heals all of you like it has healed me.
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calethescammer · 10 months
What if Cale had a habit of wandering to high balconies or roof tops and just sitting there whenever he was stressed/sad?
See it this way: Kim Rok Soo had the habit of roaming around destroyed buildings and finding a high spot and just sitting there? Perhaps he liked seeing the horizon. Or maybe he wanted to see how far the destroyed area stretched to. Or maybe he thought of it as his responsibility to look out for anyone injured, who may still be looking for help. Either way, it brought him peace, some sort of serenity and quietness.
So anyways, as Cale, after the conflicts with White Star started, his habit involuntarily reappeared. He would frequently go on roof tops, sometimes a tall tree or just sit upon the balustrade of his balcony. His feet hanging, his heart quiet and his gaze fixated on nothingness.
And now imagine someone, maybe Raon or Ron, catching him sitting on the edge of the balcony with a blank face. Then the panic, the chaos, and maybe Cale lost his footing because of the startling shout, and he fell down before balancing himself mid-air thanks to the wind ap.
Now imagine him trying to explain that it was just on a whim, that he has no intentions of hurting himself, but the children keep on sobbing and his family hang their heads down with despairing eyes, and now Cale feels helpless.
And maybe he feels a pang of guilt, because sometimes, just sometimes, he had a fleeting thought, a nonsensical urge to jump off, not to hurt himself, like he hated pain more than anything, and of course, living was the best, but there was the curiosity to see how it would feel, first the amazement, then the numbness, and finally the quietness of his Records.
It's only a thought, he convinced himself. But that didn't stop his habit, the worrying gazes of his family and their watchful eyes on Cale, and the relentless explanations that would follow, with Cale always failing to convince them that he is fine.
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
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ca-dmv-bot · 5 months
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msfcatlover · 25 days
Oh look. Reverse!Robins.
Bruce: “No murder.”
Damian: “No murder.”
Cass: “No murder.”
Tim: “No murder.”
Jason: “No murder for babies.”
Duke: “No murder until you can write me a researched & cited essay on why it is necessary for the greater good. Five page minimum.”
Dick: “I’m gonna murder.”
Red Hood!Steph: “I LIKE THIS ONE!”
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justlikebart-allen · 3 months
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this panel (from one minute war) has captivated me utterly. bart is naruto running. does naruto or some equivalent exist in the dcu? has bart seen naruto? is he doing the naruto run as a bit or does he genuinely find that a comfortable way to run? if naruto doesn't exist in the dcu, there is then the staggering implication that bart just runs like that naturally, which is actually the most hilarious option. who introduced bart to anime.
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evilroachindustrial · 2 months
Saw an infographic of a bunch of different variants of Taylor Swift vinyl albums and man, she's not the only one doing it, but it really just put a fine point on what's wrong with the music industry and standom these days.
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asky22 · 10 months
The way the Giggle episode healed my inner child's grief when it came to 10.
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scarefox · 2 years
This episode they really showed how Uea wants sex to distract himself to make the bad feelings go away for a while and King is the only safe option (not the best way of coping maybe atm but it gets better). Hope they will make him talk about it because I feel many in the audience still don’t understand the link between sex and comfort and coping especially for an abuse victim who always turns to it after triggering events (still think this part is more about the mom, cause whenever the stepdad is part of the trigger he can’t have sex or cuddles ... at least can’t enjoy it as we have seen in this episode). Shortly said, an orgasm gives you dopamine, and it’s all your mind and body focuses on in that moment. Reasons why this could end up in an addiction under the wrong circumstances. Under the right ones it can be therapeutic and have an antidepressant effect.
Uea is a bit torn with King. The caring side of King is an unexpected surprise for him every time. He doesn't really expect kindness from people. But he's glad whenever he receives it from people he trusts. Which King became a part of way too fast for Uea to admit (he’s a player after all). That’s why he rarely shows King his smiles when he’s fond of him. I think the cake scene was one of the rare moments he truly showed him this kind of vulnerability to him (him being truly happy, it’s a delicate feeling easily snatched away under his circumstances). He also took a long time to even understand that King really means it, that this birthday cake is really for him because King really wants to make him happy and he’s allowed to take it. I wonder if the little cake fight and unceremonial bite into the cake is an emotional defense from Uea to not get too deep into vulnerable emotions and turn it into fun / silly & sexy moment instead while still keeping the good vibe.
He’s not ready for an emotional bond with him yet when they clearly stated from the beginning this will just be about sex and they don’t even like each other (we all know that’s a lie). I suspect Uea has trust issues as well since his stepdad always acts nice, caring and misunderstood... so Uea needs a while to learn if people really mean it or if they just want something from him.
I bet that will become a big issue at some point, when they both think the other has no feelings while they secretly do have feelings. I fear Uea will push King away for a while when their feelings get clearer.
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None of the Batfam members would ever agree to a wedding where they invite the whole family.
It's eloping or nothing for them.
There's no way they're dealing with the shitshow that comes from having the world's bossiest, most annoying people trying to run point over one another chipping in.
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funlazoid · 6 months
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I might use this for a new intro now that I’ve gotten a lil bit of a following
and yes u should call me funky
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zingaplanet · 2 years
Fedal being dads + kids = recipe for disaster or a vortex of cuteness 🥺
Continuation of the Match in Africa documentary clips
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tsubasagirl · 8 months
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Thank you DeNa. (part 2)
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ca-dmv-bot · 6 months
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Thinkin’ about the TMA/Batfam AU again. Thinkin’ about Jason’s identity reveal. Thinkin’ about how everyone must’ve felt. I mean…
It’s Jason.
Their Jason.
Sweet, happy, righteous, human Jason. The boy who kept Bruce’s morals grounded when the Web sang so prettily about how easy it would be to lightly tug the threads & make everything better whether people wanted it to or not. The voice that talked Dick down from multiple feral episodes, reminding Dick of his own values & humanity, when the Hunt dug in its teeth and nothing else seemed to matter in the world. Jason, who pretended not to be scared even when they were at their most monstrous. Jason, whose fear was tempered by love, leaving such a bitter aftertaste that it often brought them back from the edge. Jason, whose humanity they worked so, so hard to preserve that they’re pretty sure it’s what got him killed. And now…
And now.
That’s Jason. With eyes like hot coals and grave dirt under his nails, stinking of smoke & rubble-dust. Marked by the End and embraced by the Desolation while none of them were looking out for him. That’s Jason, cheeks hollow with hunger (because the Desolation craves everything but moderation, and for all the chaos the Red Hood has wrought, he still has lines he refuses to cross) even though they promised him he’d never starve again. That’s Jason, with blood & brain matter dripping from his fingers because no one was there to stop him.
They have to stop him.
They have to stop him. But none of them want to.
There’s the human level, of course. That’s their hero, their son, their grandson, their little brother. But there’s another side of it, just like all of them. The Eye still leaves Tim waking up feeling sick at the memory of those two trembling fingers resting on his cheek bones (leaving fractures in their wake,) while Jason said something about making sure Tim actually needed those stupid glasses Tim wore in his civilian life. The Hunt turns Dick’s fear & rage against Dick, until Dick doubts his own self-control to not lose himself and rip out the Red Hood’s throat to protect Dick’s family, knowing full well that Dick could never bear to return to his right mind with his brother’s blood lingering on his tongue. The Web pulls Bruce so taught he practically hums, unable to reassure himself when Jason so easily shrugs off Bruce’s threads, failing to reconcile the boy Bruce once risked everything to protect with the monster ripping its way through Bruce’s city, destruction beyond control, aftershocks rippling out far beyond the initial actions.
They’re all monsters, and Jason brings it out of them more than they ever thought possible.
They loved him, once. But he’s not the same.
(Would it be a worse failure to not stop the Red Hood from desecrating Jason’s memory, or to hurt someone they’ve all missed so much simply because they couldn’t look past his inhumanity?)
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