#family tension
small-z24 · 15 days
One-Shot: Shadows of Confession
What happens when Azriel tells Cassian that Cassian’s little sister Y/N is his mate?
Word Count: 1798
Warnings: None aside from an over protective Cassian 
The training grounds of the Night Court were eerily quiet, save for the distant hum of the city below. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the field where Cassian and Azriel stood, sweat gleaming on their brows from an intense sparring session.
Cassian was the first to break the silence, his voice gruff yet concerned. “You’ve been distracted lately, Az. What’s going on?”
Azriel hesitated, his heart pounding. This was the moment he’d been dreading, but he couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. He sheathed his sword and turned to face his brother. “Cassian, we need to talk.”
Cassian’s brow furrowed, sensing the seriousness in Azriel’s tone. “What is it?”
Azriel took a deep breath, his shadows swirling around him nervously. “It’s about your sister. About Y/N.”
Cassian’s eyes darkened, suspicion creeping into his expression. “What about Y/N?”
Azriel met Cassian’s gaze, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “She’s my mate.”
For a moment, there was silence. Then, like a storm breaking, Cassian’s face contorted with anger. “What did you just say?”
“Y/N is my mate,” Azriel repeated, trying to remain calm. “I’ve known for a while now, but I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure.”
Cassian’s fists clenched, his wings flaring out behind him. “My sister? You think you can just... claim her?”
“It’s not about claiming,” Azriel said, his own shadows agitated by Cassian’s reaction. “It’s a bond, something neither of us can control.”
Cassian took a step forward, his voice low and dangerous. “You think I’m going to let you, with your shadows and your darkness, anywhere near her? She’s too innocent, too pure for someone like you.”
Azriel’s heart ached at the words, but he held his ground. “I know you want to protect her, Cassian. I do too. I would never hurt her.”
Cassian’s eyes flashed with fury. “You already have! By being who you are, by being in her life, you’re putting her in danger.”
“I love her,” Azriel said quietly, the confession hanging in the air between them. “I love her more than anything. I would die to keep her safe.”
Cassian’s anger seemed to waver, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. “Do you think that makes it any easier for me to accept? She’s my little sister, Az. I’ve watched over her all her life. I can’t just... let go.”
Azriel stepped closer, his voice earnest. “I’m not asking you to let go, Cassian. I’m asking you to trust me. To trust that I will do everything in my power to protect her, to make her happy.”
Cassian’s shoulders sagged, the weight of his emotions pulling him down. “She deserves better than this, better than a life filled with shadows.”
Azriel nodded, understanding the depth of Cassian’s concern. “She does. But she’s my light in the darkness, Cassian. She’s the reason I can face my shadows.”
Cassian looked away, struggling with his conflicting emotions. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh. “Does she know?”
Azriel shook his head. “Not yet. I wanted to tell you first. I owe you that much.”
Cassian was silent for a long moment, the tension between them palpable. Then he looked back at Azriel, his expression softening just a fraction. “If you hurt her, Az... if you let her down in any way, I will never forgive you.”
“I won’t,” Azriel vowed, his voice unwavering. “I swear to you, Cassian. I will cherish her, protect her, and love her with everything I have.”
Cassian nodded slowly, the anger in his eyes replaced by a weary acceptance. “You better. For both your sakes.”
Azriel reached out, placing a hand on Cassian’s shoulder. “Thank you. It means more than you know.”
Cassian gripped Azriel’s shoulder in return, his expression still tense but less hostile. “Just... be good to her, Az. She deserves the best.”
“I will,” Azriel promised, feeling a surge of relief and hope. “I promise.”
As they stood there, the last light of day fading into night, Azriel knew that the hardest part was yet to come—telling Y/N the truth. But with Cassian’s reluctant blessing, he felt ready to face whatever came next, determined to build a future with the woman who had brought light into his shadows.
That evening, Azriel found himself standing outside Rhysand’s study, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He needed advice on how to approach Y/N, and there was no one better to turn to than Rhysand.
He knocked softly, and a moment later, Rhysand’s voice called out, “Come in.”
Azriel entered the room, closing the door behind him. Rhysand looked up from his desk, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. “Azriel. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Azriel took a seat, his shadows restless around him. “I need your advice, Rhys.”
Rhysand leaned back in his chair, his expression serious. “What’s on your mind?”
Azriel took a deep breath. “It’s about Y/N. She’s my mate.”
Rhysand’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Y/N? Cassian’s sister?”
Azriel nodded. “Yes. And I told Cassian today. He... didn’t take it well.”
Rhysand chuckled softly. “I can imagine. Cassian can be a bit overprotective when it comes to his sister.”
Azriel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “That’s an understatement. But he gave me his reluctant blessing. Now, I need to figure out how to tell Y/N.”
Rhysand’s gaze softened. “You’re worried about how she’ll react?”
Azriel nodded. “Yes. She’s always been a bit wary of me, of my shadows. I’m afraid that the bond won’t snap into place for her, that she’ll always be a little afraid of me.”
Rhysand leaned forward, his eyes filled with empathy. “Azriel, you’ve always been good at reading people. Trust that. You know Y/N better than you think. Just be honest with her. Tell her how you feel, and let her see the real you.”
Azriel’s shadows seemed to calm at Rhysand’s words. “You’re right. I need to trust in the bond, and in her.”
Rhysand smiled. “Exactly. And remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re all here to support you, and Y/N too.”
Azriel stood, feeling a renewed sense of determination. “Thank you, Rhys. I appreciate it.”
Rhysand nodded, his smile widening. “Anytime, Az. Now go, and tell her how you feel.”
The House of Wind was alive with laughter and conversation as the Night Court gathered for dinner. The long table was filled with the Court's closest members, including Rhysand, Feyre, Mor, Amren, Cassian, Azriel, and Y/N. The warmth of camaraderie and the delicious scent of food filled the air, creating a comforting atmosphere.
Azriel, seated next to Y/N, could barely focus on the meal. His mind was preoccupied with the conversation he had with Cassian earlier that day and the advice he received from Rhysand. He glanced at Y/N, who seemed to be enjoying herself, chatting animatedly with Mor.
Cassian, seated across the table, kept a watchful eye on Azriel. His earlier anger simmered beneath the surface, and he struggled to keep his emotions in check. The knowledge that his sister and Azriel were mates weighed heavily on him.
As the meal progressed, Azriel leaned closer to Y/N, his voice low. "Y/N, can we talk after dinner? There’s something important I need to discuss with you."
Y/N turned to him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and something else—something Azriel couldn't quite place. "Of course, Azriel. I’d like that."
Cassian’s sharp eyes caught the intimate exchange, and he felt his control slipping. His protective instincts over Y/N surged, and before he could stop himself, he slammed his fist on the table, causing everyone to jump.
“Enough!” Cassian roared, his voice echoing through the dining hall. “You think you can just whisper sweet nothings to my sister under my nose, Azriel?”
Everyone turned to look at Cassian in shock, their expressions ranging from surprise to confusion.
“What are you talking about, Cassian?” Rhysand asked, his tone calm but curious.
Cassian pointed a shaking finger at Azriel, his eyes blazing with fury. “He’s been keeping a secret from all of us. From Y/N. He’s her mate!”
Gasps filled the room, and all eyes turned to Azriel and Y/N. Azriel stood, his expression a mixture of anger and determination. “Cassian, this isn’t the way—”
Y/N rose to her feet, her face a mask of shock and dismay. “Cassian, stop! This isn’t your decision to make.”
Cassian turned to her, his voice filled with anguish. “You’re my little sister, Y/N. You don’t understand what you’re getting into. Azriel’s shadows—”
Y/N stepped closer to Cassian, her eyes flashing with determination. “I’ve known, Cassian. I’ve known for a while.”
Silence fell over the room as everyone processed Y/N’s words. Azriel looked at her in surprise. “You knew?”
She nodded, her gaze softening as she met his eyes. “Yes, Azriel. I knew. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to scare you off. I know how much your shadows mean to you, and I wanted to give you time.”
Cassian looked between Azriel and Y/N, his anger dissipating into confusion. “You knew?”
Y/N reached out to take Cassian’s hand, her voice gentle. “Yes, and I appreciate your concern. But this is my decision. Azriel is my mate, and I trust him.”
Rhysand cleared his throat, breaking the tension. “Well, this certainly explains a lot. But Cassian, you need to trust your sister. She’s capable of making her own choices.”
Feyre nodded in agreement, her eyes warm with understanding. “And Azriel is one of the most honorable men I know. He would never hurt Y/N.”
Cassian’s shoulders sagged, the weight of his emotions finally catching up to him. “I just want her to be safe.”
Azriel stepped forward, his voice steady and sincere. “I swear to you, Cassian, I will protect her with my life. She is everything to me.”
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for both her brother and Azriel. “And I love him, Cassian. Please, trust us.”
Cassian sighed, finally relenting. “Alright. But if you ever hurt her, Azriel—”
“I won’t,” Azriel promised, his eyes locking with Y/N’s. “I swear.”
As the tension eased, Rhysand raised his glass, a smile playing on his lips. “To new beginnings, and to the bonds that make us stronger.”
Everyone raised their glasses, the mood lightening once more. Y/N took her seat next to Azriel, their hands entwined under the table. They shared a private smile, knowing that despite the challenges ahead, they would face them together.
Cassian watched them, his protective instincts still strong but tempered by the knowledge that his sister was happy. And in the end, that was all that mattered.
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shadowofwar-goober · 2 years
The Gondorians of Mordor- Report
What was worse? Telling the General that they had failed, or telling her father that she had failed?
   Captain Baranor wasn’t trapped in the middle and lower city like Idril and the other sergeants. Even if he was trapped with him, she would have taken up the responsibility of reporting both their devastating loss to the General and the so-called Ranger of the Black Gate that found himself in their besieged city. 
   Every step filled her with dizzying dread. She already knows what the General would say. It gave her no solace and Idril knew she needed and would say what needed to be said, regardless of how sour a taste it left in her mouth to do so. 
   The General was overlooking the burning ruins of Minas Ithil. With his back to her, he simply stated-
   Idril swallowed thickly. 
   “The orcs took the middle city. We made them pay for every inch of ground but…” She can’t look the General in the eye. “They took it.”
   Idril was sick. That night- the blood, the darkness, the fear- her head was feverish from shame. She set her jaw as she waited for the General to tear his eyes from the battle still raging below. Not all of their men returned. They won’t be returning at all, alive or dead. 
   He tore his eyes from the ruins of the middle city. He met hers and his face betrayed nothing that he could be thinking or feeling. 
   Disappointed? Shame? …disgust-?
   “Then our fate shall be decided. Here.” 
   Her father wasn’t impermeable. He wasn’t made of stone and he was neither calloused or cruel. He was, though, a leader, and as a leader should, he stood tall. Impervious to the waves of death and hopelessness and despair, he was their only light in a sea of ever encroaching darkness. 
   “These walls are stronger. Taller. Our archers outnumber theirs twofold-“ 
   Idril wishes she could match her father’s stoic exterior. She cannot, no matter how hard she wishes it to be so. Her heart is filled with anguish and despair. So filled that it has already begun to overflow and out her mouth. 
   “We cannot-“ She swallows the hysterics that threaten to overtake her. 
   “We cannot match the enemy’s numbers or their ferocity, General. We cannot-“ The words died in her throat as the General turned to face her head on. 
   “Our people have held back the darkness before-“ 
   Idril couldn’t stand how clinical her father’s speeches were. Something bubbled to the surface that she has long since tried to bury and forget. 
   “…some things were lost forever, father…” She could scarcely believe she spoke such a thing aloud, here and now, of all times and places. To her surprise, though, it was not the General that heard those words. 
   Her father fell silent. The rigidity of his posture failed him and he turned to face the smoldering ruins of their city. Idril followed his gaze. 
   The market, the streets she once played in, their banners that once flew tall and proud, clean and crips, untarnished, now stained black and red with blood and soot. It was enough to shake her to her core, and perhaps it shook her father as well. 
   Too much was lost. Too much was lost long before this siege even took place. Idril knew she had no claim to her father. He was the General, first and foremost and rightly so. She cannot allow herself to feel anger or sadness or loneliness when it’s the civilians that she swore to protect that were suffering the most. 
   Even now, a decade later, she still feels not unlike the little girl she once was. One that had recently lost her mother and who already had lost her father long ago. Nothing but a petulant child that has one other than herself to rely on. Idril feels shame in allowing such a weakness to be displayed at all, let alone to the General she swore her life to. 
   The silence dragged on, until her ears began to ring and her heart slammed against her breastplate. Her father closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Blood and soot. Blood and soot… 
   “Yes… dear heart… They were…” 
   Idril hated how he looked at her with softened eyes and a crestfallen expression. How could she say something so selfish…? Every joint in her body cried for relief. Her feet raw from running and her arms heavy from fighting. They all were inflicted with loss and were at the frayed ends of their shortening ropes. She was experiencing no greater strain than any other free person in this city. 
   Whoever that still remains after that last assault. 
   “Go to the Infirmary. We have set up a place of rest for the men that need it.” Idril wasn’t sure if she was speaking to her father still, or if the General had reappeared. She shook her head regardless.
   “No.” It was what she feared the most. She, as a soldier and as a Captain of Minas Ithil, couldn’t idly sit by while the orcs sacked the city and executed prisoners of war. The General sighed. 
   “Idril-” Her father started to peek through. Scolding her like a child. Idril set her jaw.
   “No. I will not-” The General silences her with a raised hand. 
   “Dying from exhaustion will save no one.” Idril bites the retort on the tip of her tongue. He was giving her the look, the look that said ‘no matter what you say or do, I will overrule any decision that you make’. The corners of Idril’s mouth twitched as she swallowed the mouthful of bitter ripostes that nearly made an unfortunate appearance. 
   “Is that an order?” The General challenged her for a moment. They stared at one another, neither blinking, postures tense as though they both would strike at the other any moment. A breath later-
   Idril’s father sighs, shoulders losing their tension as he takes a step forward. Idril doesn’t lose the tension in her body as her father’s did.
   “Please, Idril… You know that we must protect what is precious-”
   “-at all costs.” Idril finished alongside her father. Yes, it was something of a mantra of his. It became hers as well. He closed his eyes for a moment then gently placed his hands on her shoulders.
   Even through her armour, there was tenderness in her father’s touch. She knew, as much as they conflicted, that he loved her as much as she loved him. Perhaps more… Her mother always said they were so similar…
   “...it was an order, Idril. Rest, please… for me?” Idril was too physically and emotionally exhausted to put up any more of a fight with her father.
   “It will be done, then.” She broke free of her father’s grasp, leaving behind the General as she made her way down the ramparts. Her feet hurt so damn bad… The rest of the men must be as exhausted as she is. Perhaps more. She stops in her descent down the stairs.
   “Father, there was a-”
   “I won’t ask you again, Idril!” The General barked over his shoulder. Her cheeks warmed with shame and anger, but cooled slightly as a familiar stranger was making his way up to the General from the left hand side of the wall.
   How did he-? 
   She didn’t immediately take her leave. Idril lingered for only a moment, assuring that her father was in no danger from this stranger. This ranger announced his presence before he was five paces from the General, who was already staring in his direction. Idril knew her father was immediately on guard and she nearly took a step towards him when-
   “You are the General, I take it?” 
   “Yes…” The General's eyes drag away from the ranger and back to Idril, who was still one foot onto the staircase.
   Her body moved on its own accord. Like a child caught up past her bedtime, Idril quickly ducks out of sight and sluggishly trudges away, not towards the Infirmary. No, even though she is tired and she can barely stand on her own feet, she knows that she won’t be able to rest at all. She needs to do… Something. 
    She’s done it perhaps a hundred or more times since the beginning of the siege, but Idril can’t resist but to catalog and re-catalog the remaining relics of Minas Ithil. Idril wants to know- wants to feel like she truly is doing everything she can for her city. Even if she is merely doing something so mundane as making sure every piece of remaining history is accounted for.
   If something is missing… then that means someone, or something, has infiltrated into their last remaining safe haven.
@space-arsonist, @sinick, @dirtymeanuruk, @elvenmoans, @boozy-dwarf
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pbnmj · 1 year
also by the way i am always obsessed with how spider-people just click and can work together without anything being said in spiderverse . mcu spiderman being like "omg ive never worked in a team” “how are we going to work together” “well im on a team so i’ll lead us" like that was the most boring way to do it . spiderverse instead saying "we just know how to work together because our histories and lives are so linked, its like knowing someone your whole life. seeing the self in the other. our lives rhyme.” LIKE I LOVE YOU GUYS
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haoyando · 2 years
I Met Such A Girl
I Met Such A Girl
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay I met such a girl and I want to write about her. She and her brother were born in a very conservative immigrant family, which means almost nothing is allowed unless it is explicitly granted, or unless it is done to improve the family’s image or social status. This poses a serious problem since a child’s natural flow of emotion and expression is completely…
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Turtle Takedown Teamwork.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#tulu xuanwu#Something about changing the action sequence to something gentle is hilarious to me.#The lesson here is “Be nice to turtles. They are gentle creatures. And many are very endangered.”#don't get me wrong here; I love this scene a lot. LWJ's string technique is one of my favoyrite things.#We do get a fair amount of LWJ fighting but I always loved how the theme of strings comes into play.#There is actually a lot to unpack with LWJ being associate with 'strings'.#The musicianship: Of dedication and rigor in one's practice.#The tension between following along a path or composing your own way forwards (playing what has been written vs composing)#A string is a tightly coiled/taunt entity; The same tension that makes it sing so beautifully can be it's downfall if pushed too hard.#And as a non-musical string - something that binds. Be it to his sect and family or how he binds his fate to WWX -#LWJ cannot exist without his binds. It is not something which ties him down though. It keeps him together.#And he himself *is* a bind. He 'ties wwx down' in ways that are initially negatively viewed ('come to gusu' - feels like: come be trapped)#But later it is shown how (despite being introduced as a free spirit) WWX truly wants to be bound to something and someone.#Marriage is a bind he wants. He wants to be tied and grounded by LWJ.#It's starting to sound like innuendo. Let's call his fondness for being literally tied up smart thematic writing.#Finally. Sex scenes that are important to the plot and characters
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
this is how it started
This is how it continues: Keith holds his hand all the way to breakfast.
In itself not incriminating. Lance holds Hunk’s hand all the time. He’s always got an arm around Pidge’s shoulder. Shiro is amused by Lance’s incessant attempts to have them skip about with their arms linked. Sometimes he offers his arm to Allura with the poshest expression he can muster, just to make her laugh. Not all of his attempts are entertained by his friends, of course, but there’s nothing novel about Lance attaching himself to people as they move about.
Keith reaching out, as they walk out of the bedroom they just shared, and linking their hands together easy as pie is, however, novel.
Everything is so bizarre. It’s worsened, really, after a night of decent sleep (in a real genuine mattress!), because it’s just not what Keith and Lance…do. They race each other to doorways, yanking on hoods or sticking out legs to trip and get ahead. They escalate from light shoving to full on wrestling in the middle of conversations. Keith is not exempt from Lance’s constant need to touch, sure, but it’s never — like this. Light, easy, comfortable, familiar.
(It was, briefly, at the end. When on their way to meetings and briefings and missions even Keith’s hand would rest on the small of Lance’s back. Absentmindedly. Unnoticeable. But a he left a week after it started, and as far as he’s concerned anything started in that era has long since been left behind them.)
They’re late — the rest of the team has already gathered. Pidge and Allura are half asleep on either of Shiro’s shoulders, and Coran and Hunk are arguing intensely but playfully about a pile of unrecognisable goo that Lance has learned to recognise as the space version of oatmeal. Hunk pokes it in disgust. Coran feigns outrage.
All five faces turn to them as they approach, and Lance can’t place a single one of their expressions. He is made suddenly aware that he has loosened his grip on Keith’s hand when he feels him squeeze three times, quickly in succession.
“…Huh,” Shiro says after a moment, eyes trained on their clasped fingers. His face is carefully blank. No one else offers any commentary.
“How’d y’all sleep,” Keith asks, pulling out a chair. Lance realizes after a beat that it’s meant for him, and he flushes up to his ears. He tugs his hood over his head and nearly upends the table in his haste to melt into the offered chair. Keith, in contrast, sits down next to him and rests an arm over the back of Lance’s chair so smoothly it has to be practiced.
Pidge makes a choking noise, cheeks puffed up like she barely managed to keep her mouth shut. Hunk has both hands clapped over his mouth.
“Shut the fuck up,” Lance hisses, face redder than his lion.
Keith’s fingers brush his shoulder. He sinks further into his chair and tugs his hood down lower.
“I slept exceptionally,” Allura says loudly. The look she cuts Lance’s way is straight-up evil, and Lance knows what’s coming, and for several agonizing seconds he considers grabbing the spoon from the goo bowl and stabbing it straight through his eye. “The beds were very comfortable, didn’t you find, Keith?”
You are so dead to me, Lance thinks at her. He even thinks i’m in Altean so the fury can reach her properly.
“Yeah.” Keith leans over to press a kiss to his cheek. Lance’s face gets exponentially redder, and the peanut gallery starts screeching quietly, but despite himself he — leans. Into it. And Keith notices, because his mouth curves into a smile, and he presses another kiss to the curve of Lance’s jaw before pulling away. “Slept right for the first time in two years.”
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” Shiro says, reminding Lance once again that he is, in fact, Lance’s hero, actually, last few months notwithstanding. He shoots Lance a fond, teasing smile, then turns back to Keith. “My question is: what the fuck?”
“Seconded,” Pidge agrees through a mouthful of goo.
Hunk grimaces at her. She shoves three more bites of goo into her mouth then opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue at the yellow paladin, just to be disgusting. With a scandalized “gross, Pidge!” Hunk shoves chair away and marches to the other side of the table, leaving Pidge sniggering.
Keith watches the whole thing with a smile on his face soaked in so much sadness Lance’s chest physically aches with it. He darts out a hand and wraps it around Keith’s, squeezing it in a mirror of the way he did before. Keith smiles gratefully at him, pulling up his hand and kissing the back of it. Somewhere, Lance hears someone mutter: “Christ alive.”
“There was a — shipwreck, of sorts,” Keith explains eventually. His voice is soft. “Krolia and I flew too close to something. Our intel was outdated. When we finally made it out of the wreckage we were stranded on the back of a space whale, and time was…stretchy.”
“That explains so very little,” Shiro says, shaking his head. He stabs his spoon in some goo. “Space has done little but piss me off in the last couple years, if I’m being honest. Keith, I swear to God I’m going to ground you.”
Keith grins. “Fat chance, old man. I outrank you now.”
“That’s what you think.”
Lance watches them both critically as they argue. Well, ‘argue’. They’re both grinning too hard for any real animosity. And exhaustion still lines Shiro’s features, and he still leans onto Allura for support, but there’s a brightness in his eyes that’s been missing for months. And Keith is —
Keith is here, leaping to his feet, spoon of goo bared dramatically, and he is tired too but he is warm and soft, somehow, and the weight that Lance has always watched on his shoulders seems to have lifted. There is an easiness to him now that there wasn’t before. And Lance notices and cannot stop noticing, because he is beautiful, and because for some reason he has decided to plant himself next to Lance, closer than before, and bleed his warmth. And Lance is supposed to be the lighthearted one and the joking one and the easy one. That is his role. That is what he knows how to play.
But he’s been struggling. And the role has not come easy. And last night he had cried until he slept in Keith’s arms and Keith had held him and checked the room and kissed his hair and has yet to let go of him.
Lance looks at Keith and thinks to himself: maybe just this one thing.
Keith reaches half over the table and musses his brother’s hair, pushing him back into Allura’s careful hold and sitting heavily back in his own seat. He frowns, staring at the space that has grown between his chair and Lance’s during his roughhousing. Slowly, he reaches over and grabs the bottom rung of Lance’s chair, dragging him over until the space between them has disappeared, then he nods once to himself, satisfied, and throws an arm around Lance’s shoulders, pulling him even closer.
And Lance thinks to himself: oh, God.
For a moment Lance is tense. He feels the stares of the rest of the team, teasing and interrogating all at once. He can already anticipate their questions, probably on par with his own.
Keith rests his cheek on top of Lance’s head.
“You good?”
Suddenly, none of that seems to matter. He thinks to himself: I need to sit him down and ask what the hell is going on.
Keith’s thumb starts to gently brush back and forth on the cusp of his shoulder.
He says: “I am now.”
This is how he lets it continue.
this is how it ends
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scintillyyy · 2 months
things that dick knows about tim's family from what tim has told him:
jack drake sucks
jack drake fails to notice his son's giant black eye because he's too busy with his hot new girlfriend
jack drake is a dick who chooses to send his son away to boarding school rather than actually parent or listen to his son
things that dick knows tim has experienced with their found family:
tim's almost fatal illness with last minute miracle cure, alfred nursing him & their family fighting hard for a cure for him
fun family vacations together to sudan & mt. kanchenjunga
hanging out together at dad's work after school :)
christmas together! (the year that jack decided to go to chicago with his girlfriend two days before the holiday :))
the fact that tim spends like 90% of his free time with them
spent like 6 months in no man's land together
tim came to find them first upon returning back in the middle of cataclysm
dick got to do his parent-teacher conference for his after school club (yj)
stealing dad's boat to go joyriding!
the time grandpa also caught the almost fatal illness and they had to band together in support
dick: "conceptually i am aware that tim has a family who is apparently not us, however functionally..."
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gideonisms · 5 months
eowyn should have been a lesbian. Eowyn/faramir is like, fine, but it misses the point of eowyn for all baby dyke eowyn stans which is not that she longs for glory in battle and doesn't realize war is ugly and brutal, but that she's caught between two awful options and she doesn't want to be given one based on her gender. She's not in love with aragorn, she envies him because she finds the tasks he has in life more preferable and she hero worships him. Is this the point Tolkien was trying to make? Well, no,
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
How do the girls get along
Pretty great actually!
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Jenny and Kim are very good/close friends, since they met relatively early compared to others (they actually met each other first out of everyone, then others at one point and another) and had a shared adventure sometime after the ends of their respective shows (wink wonk).
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But, their first meeting was not actually very um, positive. There was some conflict, but after it was resolved both of them gained a very solid friend for life!
Jenny, was glad to meet someone else (beside Brad) who treated her like a person/normal teenager (instead of an 8th wonder of the world or a freaky robot) and not to mention she got a fellow superheroine girl friend! After Misty, she kind of missed having someone like that to kick butt with (considering that like, 70% of her friends are dudes) or just hang out.
Kim was fascinated by Jenny, not because she is a robot (tho she does think its pretty cool) but because it kind of gave her a contrast to her own life in a weird way? Like, Kim was a normal teenager who got into superheroing on accident and just went with it, while Jenny was created with a goal of being Earth's defender but rebeled to have some sort of normal life. And now they both live those weird semi-normal lives, that led them to meeting each other.
Jun is around 5-6 years their junior and while they met each other much later on, when Jun was a little older (like not 11-12 age of the show), she still kind of looked up to them and both Jenny and Kim felt an instant kinship with the girl.
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Before she met Jenny and Kim, Jun only knew a couple other guys as fellow heroes/magical protectors (guess who ;D lol), and while she had plenty of female role models (Ama/Jasmine being the most prominent) and friends, she kind of enjoyed meeting some cool older superheroines to bond with! It also helped that despite the age difference, both Jenny and Kim never looked down at her when it came to superheroing/fighting, but respected her abilities and expertise (considering that Jun was practically an apprentice to her Ama since at least 8-9ish of age, when her powers first awakened, she has a lot of experience).
They both are kind of like cool older cousins to her, who travel a lot for their work and come visit to hang out often and tell/share stories about their adventures. Their and her lines of work while similar, also run in completely different circles (human/interplanetary vs magical/supernatural), so its always a treat to hear about the things they do.
(And yes sometimes she feels jealous about the fact that both of them get to travel all over the world, and despite the developments, more often than not she has to stay town locked and limit her excursions to magical realms.)
Silly thing, but Jun absolutely adores Jenny, for one simple fact that she can travel to space just like that (she and Danny, fellow astronaut/space fans, share that, despite the fact that Danny kinda can travel to space just like that too.)
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sarascamander · 2 months
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the fact that there was only one star left and only Five and Allison left.
The samurai are attacking and we see both Five and Allison hesitating and considering whether or not to step on the star because deep down they both know that something about it is seriously wrong.
But in the last moment Five freaking BLINKED there. Because his family is in danger and he didn't think twice before doing the only thing that could save them. Because he care more about his family than his doubt about Reggie and the stars and crap.
And Five being in the centre and connecting all the other stars is really poetic.
And the fact that even in the last moment where she knew they're all in danger, Allison still didn't give in and step on it even though she's standing closer to the star than Five.
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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fluffypotatey · 1 month
fascinating to me how Rooster and Hangman use emotions and their relationships as a weapon
yeah, yeah defense mechanism and all that but like—
Hangman is emotionally intelligent and highly perceptive of people which he uses to his advantage and weaponizes it
Rooster is emotionally compromised (and constipated) but is also perceptive enough to weaponize what he observes
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jack-the-fool · 9 months
Gotta say one of my Mentopolis finale highlights is honestly the fact that Fanny gets a happy ending too because I was genuinely a little worried about her
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manawari · 1 year
Yor: Loid, I'm. . . An assassin.
Loid, remembering the amount of times his wife had taken him down without a sweat and the willpower she wields: oh. That makes sense.
Yor: no, you don't understand. I KILL people.
Loid: same.
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thecryptidart1st · 10 months
i just started following u
can you talk about your version of henry please he's my blorbo
Here's some fun facts about Henry in the Soldered Wires AU (in order of least to most unhinged):
1) Henry and William often spent their free nights at the local disco club. The duo worked listening to the entire discography of ABBA
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2) Henry has had a curiousity with how technology works. As a result, if new technology enters the Emily household, there would be a high chance Henry would've disassembled it in an hour (Likely a sign of neurodivergency in his side of the family)
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3) As a result, Henry is a savant in repuposing tech to fit his needs (for better or for worse)
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4) There is a good reason why Bon's Burgers never made it past the Rocky Mountains.
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5) There was one argument that has not been resolved between Henry and William:
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disastrousduckss · 2 months
Sooooo uuuuuhhhh, anybody want some angst that may be in the spinoff of WAIS?
Hype: Viva, how old were you when you had to lead the Putt Putt trolls?
Viva:....I was 15..going onto 16….why?
Hype: And did you make mistakes?
Viva: Well yeah of.course I did! But I wouldn't know back then, so Clay would point them out to me.
Hype: and how old was Clay?
Viva: 17.
Hype: And did he make mistakes? 
Viva: Oh god no, he didn't allow mistakes in his life.
Hype: Then he doesn't understand….
Viva: Understand what?
Viva: Hype-
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