#famous bards
yourplayersaidwhat · 7 months
DM: Bard, Warlock and Rogue make wisdom saves against the siren's mass charm.
Warlock: I'm an elf so advantage for me!
Rogue: DM, can I also have advantage since I'm asexual?
DM: ...
Bard: Can she have advantage if I take disadvantage because this walking red flag is absolutely my type?
Rogue got advantage. Bard had to be revivified.
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antaripirate · 9 months
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made this a couple months ago and forgot to post it🫢 (it’s so dumb)
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teatitty · 7 months
Does it ever make you laugh that Ciri grew up reading Dandelion's poems and books and stories. She could name the titles of those poem collections. Do you think when she first met him she was trying to act super cool and chill but inside she was freaking out because holy shit that's the writer who changed her entire brain chemistry when she was 6 years old
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meteors-lotr · 6 months
Barduil fam movieset AU
Retired broadway star!Bard X Disgraced former primadonna!Thranduil, with their children Legolas the makeup artist, Sigrid the score composer, Bain the stunt man and Tilda the pyrotechnician
Additionally Gimli working in the prop department, Aragorn in costumes, Boromir as a fight choreographer, and the hobbits as interns
Éowyn and Éomer as animal handlers, Faramir as on set medic, Gandalf as a senior actor, and I can just keep going
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vampirehayfever · 4 months
fabian and fig giving eachother bardics <3 they're so siblings
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doriansbutt · 1 month
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Maybe you found the spot on the map
But lost the kid on the way to the mark
Tell me now were you digging for gold
Or digging yourself in a hole?
Now tell me “now, where’s the head in the clouds?”
Now tell me “now, where’s the bright eyed lad?”
Now tell me “now, where’s the kid tellin’ tall tales?”
Siren, Colm R. McGuinness
I can’t explain the emotion this song gives me about my dragon age ttrpg character Saeed but it’s making me cry
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simonsaysletsgo · 2 months
Thinking about how Erenville was probably unplanned and how Cahciua was a single mother who couldn't stay in her village as she was an adventurer at heart. How she loved her son, but also couldn't give him stability or everything he needed emotionally. How he wasn't allowed to come with her and then he was pushed away and how he's so obviously still mad about it but he loves her too. How Erenville's home and life and what little stability he had was ripped away and all he has left is a memory of his mother telling him she is proud of him. It's not enough, but it's all he has so he promising to travel for her (but then again, he always was, the last thing she wished of him when he saw her was for him to travel and adventure like she did and like she loved)
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vv-ispy · 4 months
Also I think a lot about how Venti became a god in a nation whose land was made uninhabitable due to one god and imprisoned by another, and the instant the god who imprisoned them was toppled. He fought to topple the god and now he's a god? He's spent his whole life as a wisp barely as powerful as a human with a boy who only knew life imposed under god's power and now he's a god? What terrible circumstances to obtain godhood
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purplebass · 5 months
I realized something when I reread A Life Erased. That Kell's mother as we've "seen" her in the short story, somehow is hinted at in bits and pieces in Lila. It's like Lila was giving hints about Kell's mother all along and his past before he was given up.
His mom gave him a knife with his real initials on it. Lila is fond of knives, and even though Lila is not her birth name, the name she tells Kell to call her after they introduce each other starts with L, just like his real surname. Those two initials on the knife make me think about the initials lovers carve on tree trunks. I've already said multiple times that knives are symbolic of their relationship, and this object is also symbolic of Kell's identity intertwining with Lila's and viceversa.
His mom was a fire magician. The first magic Lila tries to call on is fire. His mom and dad likely did illegal things like thieving and traveled on ships, because the text specifies her arms are tanned. Kell's mom has fair skin and red hair just like him, so I assume she must've been a lot under the sun to be described as tanned. Lila used to be a thief, and now she's the captain of a ship. Moreover, one of the ships Lila raids in AGOS is called the Copper Thief. Who has copper hair? Kell, but also his mom.
Perhaps we will see Kell's parents again in future tftop books.
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sierradee · 5 months
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Dob only dreams when he’s alone.
Dob loves women who are powerful and selfish. He loves only the most unattainable, most reviled, and the moment they seem less than impossible, he critiques them senselessly. In fact the one time some got close to loving him, he destroyed it in a way that attacked not only her feelings, but her dignity.
Not by choice, Dob’s a man who never hurts by choice.
But he’s felt the lick of it inside him, not that long ago. The goblet that grants everything gave him a taste of greed, and the greed was good.
Here’s my proposal that Dob is a violently escapist lover because I’m constantly and forever on the villainess’s side.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 6 months
*party being attacked by giant cuttlefish*
Bard: I’d like to play my lite to lighten the mood
DM: roll performance
Bard: *rolls a two*
DM: everyone takes two damage
Rogue: *collapses dead*
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mayasaura · 11 months
Harrow the Ninth has already used "...something after death, the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns," and "To die, to sleep—to sleep, perchance to dream!" But I think Hamlet has more ambiance to give
So just off the cuff, a few lines from Hamlet that go hard enough to be used in The Locked Tomb:
It is a consummation devoutly to be wished (Act 3, Scene 1, 71-72)
I will wear him In my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart, As I do thee (Act 3, Scene 2, 77-79)
Sweets to the sweet, farewell! (Act 5, Scene 1, 254)
Goodnight, sweet prince. (Act 5, Scene 2, 396)
"It is a consummation devoutly to be wished,"
Part of Hamlet's most famous soliloquy, the consummation he means here is death. I've already referenced this line more than once in meta about Paul, because depending on the context, consummation can mean "termination, a final ending," or "the state of being completed/perfected," or "sexual intercourse in the context of finalising a marriage." It seems like a reference tailor-made for the Eightfold Word, and the fine line it walks between consummation and consumption.
"I will wear him In my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart, As I do thee"
This line is said by Hamlet to Horatio, but really the context doesn't matter on this one. I just think "heart's core" and "in my heart of heart" (or your/her heart of heart) have potential.
"Sweets to the sweet, farewell!"
Gertrude says this while scattering flowers over Ophelia's grave, but honestly? I'm seeing this being lifted as a cheeky line for Ianthe to say to Harrow, perhaps throwing a gift to her while making a strategic retreat. It sounds like Ianthe's style of flirting. But I could also see Dulcinea or Augustine saying it, in other contexts.
"Goodnight, sweet prince."
Kiriona. Duh. As Horatio's final goodbye to Hamlet, this would have to be used in either a very serious or very tongue in cheek context.
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lanternlightss · 4 months
the more i write nameless bard the more i’m just. this is just my oc. i don’t think canon nameless bard hated restrictive clothing or thought of everything in debts and paybacks. i don’t think he was majorly touch averse too 😭
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genericwizard · 1 year
Kaeven is so good bc they're such a "yes and" couple. They are both going along with the other's bits and trying to up the ante. They'll say or do anything if it'll be funny. Did you guys even see windblume 2021
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erzfreu · 2 years
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an inventory to survive icewind dale with ❄️
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Making wiiimdfy!Jace aberrant mind started as a ploy to give him wizard spells as a treat but it gave him more trauma too and that’s a win for me. Suffer for those spells king ily 💖💖💖
Nah but in all seriousness I love him so much. He’s so- like he is the Jace I’ve projected the most on and stuffed the most trauma into but overall for all the hardships he still has a fairly decent support system and I like writing his dynamic with the people he cares about outside of Porter. Idk if I’ll ever get to it in the fic, but Jace had such a good relationship with his dad. He was always supportive and so protective and caring. He was the first person to tell him that if he wasn’t happy at Hudol, he didn’t need to stay. If he wanted to transfer to Aguefort or Mumple they could make the switch. If Jace wanted a tutor for wizardry or someone to pick up his sorcery training after his mom left he’d make that happen. If he liked boys he’d love him all the same. He loved Jace unconditionally until the day he died. Jace is forever grateful to have had that.
His dad was a paladin like Porter was and I think sometimes Jace wonders what it would’ve been like if he could’ve introduced Porter to him when he’s really in his feelings about things. He’d never wanna introduce Porter to his mom and stepdad, but he would introduce him to his sister (as long as she promises not to embarrass him. She does anyway tho)
His sister is like Zara in the way that she would kill Porter without hesitation- she would kill anyone without hesitation for her big brother. The big brother that didn’t owe her anything but offered her so much kindness. Jace was well into adulthood when his mom told him he had a new sibling and he wanted to be upset. He wanted to yell and scream at her for up and abandoning their family to start another. Leaving him in the middle of his training when he was so scared and confused about his magic and his curse. Leaving his dad so sad and lonely.. For as much as their mom despised his brother, his brother got the leaving trait from her.
It takes Jace stepping up to make sure their sister at least knew her eldest brother. It would be easy to leave or to ignore Tala’s questions about their brother but Jace doesn’t do the easy thing; the uncaring thing. His brother left home at 18 and never came back. Jace isn’t the worried 16 year old he was when he left, he’s a lot more tired and a lot more weary when his brother calls. He loves him but he watched his big brother grow up through a screen. Watched his grey hairs start to show and his laugh lines get deeper.
They talk but it’s so disjointed in a way that it isn’t with his sister. They live an ocean apart but she bugs and teases him as if they were right next to each other.
He hates that working for Porter occupied so much of his time that their daily phone calls turned to weekly, then monthly, until he’d maybe answer a text every couple of months. He was scared but his sister was fearless. Deadly smart too. She could’ve sniffed out what was wrong, she would’ve.
She wasn’t sure about the gradual radio silence but she worried for him. When she hears about what happened at Aguefort she’s terrified until she can confirm Jace is okay. She doesn’t care about morality or curses, she cares that her brother is alive. She almost drops everything and rushes to leave Fallinel to be by his side when she hears the flatness in his voice the first time they talk after his resurrection. He took care of her, took her in. She’d do the same for him. Always.
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