#fanfiction jojo
brightgoat · 8 months
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STANDVERSE AU: Killer Queen's Cat Cafe // The Crimson Court
As an ode to her beloved user, Queen created a comfortable and quiet lounge. It's made to fit a large crowd, but she only ever invites her few new allies.
Meanwhile, in the name of his User(s), King Crimson is rebuilding their kingdom, bringing their tyranny onto the Flipside (with Epitaph of course).
(close-ups under cut)
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The Ultimate YANDERE TYPES List | Extensive Graph and List
So I was doing research for my writing and I found a really good Yandere Types chart!
Full sources and links to further reading will be below in the notes!
And before getting into it, remember to read the trigger warnings and content warnings. This is Yandere fiction we’re talking about, so it’s going to get messed up.
Themes + Trigger Warnings + Content Warnings:
Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Unhealthy relationships, Religious themes, themes of sociopathy, themes of mental illness, hallucinations, delusions, hallucinations and delusions due to drugs, mentions of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, brainwashing, murder, suicide, murder-suicide, self-harm, stalking, panic attacks, cannibalism, necrophilia.   
{click to open and zoom in to see the details! I'm so sorry, mobile app users :(}
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Broad types. Click them to see more information!
Possessive Type
Shackling Type
"Denpa" Delusional Type
Love and Hate Type
Intoxicated Type
Stalker Type
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This does not belong to me. I only gave a summary of what I read. ORIGINAL SOURCE LINKED HERE.
It's an English translation of material from an upcoming game called Yandere Town. UNTRANSLATED, ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOURCE LINKED HERE. I do not know when this game is coming out, but darn the details that went into this is crazy! It might help you out if you're writing anything yandere!
(Original translators, I have no problem with taking this down if you don't want me reposting your translation to my blog! ^_^)
♡If you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist and if you want to learn about this blog check out all things sketchprincess02!♡
♡Please consider REBLOGGING and COMMENTING if this helps you!♡
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bexalert · 1 year
Stardust crusaders having a crush on you
(Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Avdol)
Stardust Crusader stuff because I just finished part V and I miss them 😔
Also, I started this a WHILE ago, and it’s just been sitting in my drafts, so here you go.
I’ll also probably be making something for part V soon because I love them all. My accounts about to just become Jojo I’m so sorry 😭
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Jotaro Kujo:
• He’s such a sweetie (he will literally ignore you)
• He doesn’t know how to just care about people??? So he won’t say anything
• But he will be very protective of you
• Atleast he’s not insulting you 😭
• He’ll just be watching you at all times, making sure you’re ok.
• He gets flustered, and then gets more flustered since he’s flustered
• Not that most people would notice
• He just starts sweating a bit and looks away.
• but you know who’s NOT shy???
• Star Platinum will not hesitate to play with your hair, stand by you, stare at you
• Obviously Jotaro will try to control him, but sometimes it just subconsciously happens
• He gets frustrated because people (POLNAREFF COUGH COUGH) will tease him
• But he bluffs well enough so you can’t tell
• When he does ask you on a date (if he does)
• It’s short, and almost a demand 😭
• “Go out with me.”
• He moves his hat so that you can’t see his face
• But he’s lowkey shaking
• Bro could defeat dio, multiple other stand users, and stop time without breaking a sweat, but when it comes to you?
• He’s just very out of his element, give my boy a chance
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s just naturally so charming
• Especially if you’re around Jotaro and you’re a woman 😭
• He’ll comfort you if Jotaro makes any rude remarks
• “Pay him no mind.”
• He acts like you don’t affect him as much as you do
• But not to the point of being rude to you.
• He tries to impress you, but might not even realize he’s doing it
• Like he’ll do something cool and then immediately look to you to see if you saw him
• Might act just a smidge more charming
• Oh you need to walk through this door? He’ll open it for you. You’re having a seat? Here, let him pull your chair out for you. There’s a puddle? Oh, don’t get your shoes wet! He can carry you across- for your safety of course!
• He’s very polite, and respects you so much
• Always want to hear your input
• What do YOU think is the best route? Which hotel do YOU like?
• “What do you think, Y/N?”
• Just cares about you very much.
• He’ll be confident but humble when he asks you out
• “Y/N, I like you. Would you go on a date with me?”
• He’s shaking in his boots
• He just always has this content smile when he’s with you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff:
• Oh brother we got ourselves a yapper 😭
• Everyone knows he likes you
• It is absolutely not a secret
• You just assume he’s joking, or think he doesn’t really mean it
• But he is DEAD serious
• Shameless simp- he doesn’t care who makes fun of him
• “Ah, Y/N, do you need help with that? I’ll help!”
• You didn’t need help, he just can’t stand to see you working
• “Mon amour, someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to do work like this. Hohoho! leave it to me!”
• He’s incredibly corny and will say the cringiest things at any time.
• “Ah! You’re eyes are as beautiful and shiny are Silver Chariots armor!”
• and you’re just like thanks???? I guess???
• He will ask you out constantly. Just got done fighting? He’ll ask you out to cuddle in his sleeping mat (and also proclaim his undying love) you’re hungry? Please! Let him take you out to eat (and proclaim his undying love) you said you’re tired? He’ll ask you if he can carry you (and of course proclaim his undying love)
• When you finally take it seriously enough to give him a chance, he is over the moon
• He’s telling everyone
• “they said yes! We’re dating!”
• He’s so head over heels and just adores you
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Mohammad Avdol:
• Dude he is SWEATING
• Like you won’t notice because he’s very calm and collected, but he’s freaking out
• It also doesn’t help that Magicians Red always comes out when you’re around, and he just keeps getting hotter.
• Like if you’re having a long conversation with Avdol, it will just progressively get more hot
• He tries desperately to keep Magicians Red under wraps, and for the most part he does
• But he gets so embarrassed when he cant
• He’s super respectful, like feels bad for even liking you
• He thinks he’s being gross for thinking of you like that especially if he doesn’t think you like him 😭
• He feels embarrassed outright asking to just have a conversation with you, so he always tries to cover it up with something else
• “Y/N, do you mind helping me read this?”
• HE COULD READ IT!!! He just wanted an excuse to talk to you ☹️
• Since he’s also the groups stand teacher, he’ll use his knowledge to his advantage
• Like you’ll made some off comment about “hmm wonder why that happened.” And he’s going into nerd mode
• 🤓☝️ “Actually when a stand user…”
• Like it was not necessary for him to go off like that, but the way you listen so intently makes his heart flutter.
• if you take his advice into account or say something reminded you of him, he is DEAD
• You actually thought about him, even just for one second, and that is wild to him
• He is also a simp, but no one would notice. Pouring your tea for you, helping set up your mat, bandaging your wounds, etc.
• You just think he’s being a good friend
• When he finally asks you out, he’s so flustered, but tries to keep calm.
• “Y/N, when this is all over I would like to take you on a date. Is that ok?”
• He’s just the sweetest nicest big ol’ teddy bear.
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hua-liansimp · 2 years
the torture when you like a ship and you want to read fanfiction about that ship but you like the ship in a specific way and that way isn't the popular one:')
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inkpot909 · 4 months
Falling for an Oblivious Reader Headcanons
↳ Characters included are Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli. Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns.
A/n: Exploring these guys’ inability to spit it the hell out was extremely fun. What a couple of disaster men.
Warning(s): None.
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Johnny Joestar
At first, he’ll wonder if he’s just out of practice.
Johnny’s never been interested in someone so oblivious they miss every little hint or flirtatious remark he throws their way. Having been a famous jockey, people used to flock to him; he hardly needed to even try.
But by the time of the Steel Ball Run, he hasn’t been with anyone romantically in a good while. He could count how many years since, but he would rather not keep track.
And you’re not exactly making things easy for him.
Going about your day looking the way you do… and then having the audacity to not pick up a single signal from him (Or anyone else for that matter). Honestly, it should be illegal.
Johnny’s natural instinct, unfortunately, is to immediately assume he’s not what’s clicking. Lord, am I… not being obvious enough? he often wonders.
It’d be one thing if you wanted to outright reject him; he can handle rejection (No, really, he can). It’s just the way the horse gallops sometimes.
But you don’t even seem to notice at all and that’s what’s so frustrating to him.
Just thinking of it can make annoyance fester inside his mind. Gyro throws him a knowing look whenever it’s visibly getting to him; to you it just seems like his mood spikes at random.
His annoyance isn’t directed at you, of course, but at himself (As much as he outwardly blames you, it’s really just a front).
Has he really lost his ‘skills?’ Did the passing years make him completely forget how to flirt with someone? Gyro seems really keen on telling him that’s the case.
And Johnny is nothing if not contrarian to everything Gyro says.
The guy is bending over backwards, doing anything he can do to try to impress you. All while Gryo is not-so-subtly ragging on him over it in the background.
“Quit it! For the love of God-“
“Awe, c’mon Johnny, it’s not like they’re noticing anyways!”
Johnny hates how right Gyro can be.
He’s metaphorically tripping over himself left and right, feeling like he’s at the same level of a clueless middle schooler desperately trying to seem ‘cool’ in front of a crush. Gyro’s damn near crying of laughter at his struggle to make you get it…
But all you do is just stand to the side. Smiling kindly, and blinking without an ounce of procession of his actual intent behind your pretty eyes.
Agony… Johnny Joestar is in pure agony… you’re lucky he finds you cute.
You’re so frustratingly oblivious he can’t even tell if you might like him back, and at this point he’s honestly just trying to get a read on your feelings before he spells it out for you bluntly.
Such an approach is needed with you, apparently.
It’s around this time too that he realizes… Holy shit, they’re really just that oblivious.
Someone else approached you at a bar during one of your numerous stops during the race. Both Johnny and Gyro knew exactly what they were getting at the moment they walked over, a sly smile presented on their face.
All while you sipped from your drink, your expression and tone of voice so casual one might assume your simply discussing the weather.
Johnny isn’t ashamed to admit he felt a sense of pride as the person ultimately walked off, giving up.
Luckily for you, Johnny is not.
You’ve stolen his heart so completely without even trying… he can admit to himself it’s a beautiful thing- if he detaches himself from his own frustration.
He’s going to keep trying to get you notice; try to get a read on however you feel about him. Even if it takes him the entire Steel Ball Run to do so!
And, yes, it does take that long.
Gyro Zeppeli
So what, you didn’t notice the first time he winked at you? It was real sunny out that day- the light probably shined in your eye and made you miss it.
Whatever, if his first flirtation or two ultimately fell on deaf ears. Statistically speaking, not every line is going to land the way he wants.
Who cares if his apparent interest in you is obvious to literally every one other than you? It’s your loss, to be honest.
Not that he really cares.
And you know what? He doesn’t care so much he’ll snap at Johnny for bringing it up. He’s not bothered by it… so why does the guy feel the need to mention his failed attempts at showing interest? Really, it’s just a little annoying the jockey thinks it matters to him at all.
… it should go without saying that he does not handle the frustration well at all in the beginning.
He won’t necessarily blame himself.
He is aware of his own ability to flirt, and his past has granted him a sense of confidence in it. Gyro’s certainly the forward type, and knows that.
Yet, everything he says or does seems to go right over your pretty head. It’s a not a notion meant to flatter you either- one he keeps to himself with pouted lips and arms crossed.
It’s a rather childish anger directed towards you, but it doesn’t last too long.
Eventually, he also comes to the (Begrudging) conclusion that he really cannot blame you. Gyro realizes this around the same time he figures his liking of you goes far deeper than a casual fling.
And if anything, he’s going to start directing his frustration towards the people in your past.
Clearly, no one’s really hit on you before… or worse, something happened to you that made you think no one ever would- so thick-headed in that belief that you don’t even perceive it.
It’s in Gyro’s nature to let his mind ponder the ‘why’ behind your obliviousness- especially when he thought he was being so obvious about it.
Either possibility makes him want to find whoever contributed to your inability to pick up a signal, grab them by the shoulders, and shake them violently.
But with time, he’s going to find it endearing (Not that he’s ever admit it out loud).
Look at you… riding your prized horse as if you’re not the most beautiful person in the Steel Ball Run. And the smirk doesn’t at all falter even when the three of you stop at a dingy town for the night.
“I’ve had three strangers walk up to me since we entered the saloon… the people in this town are so friendly!”
“Y/n, dear, they’re all trying to hit on you.”
“What? No way! They just wanted to talk about the race over a drink or two. One of them said they had gin from France up in his hotel room. Can you believe that? Sounds delicious, right?”
“… good lord, Y/n.”
It’d be funnier if he wasn’t another trying and failing to flirt his way into making you open your damn eyes.
At some point, Gyro just has to spit it out.
It comes during the climax of one of the race’s many stopping points. It’d been looming over his mind for weeks, and if someone were to ask him (Okay, if Johnny asks him) he would bitterly grumble that it’s been affecting his scores.
His logic behind doing this at specifically that point in time… flawless.
How are you going to blissfully remain in the dark if he’s shouting his confession at you from the finish line in front of a large group of confused onlookers?
They just wanted to see the race… not one of the top contestants with a heavy Italian accent declaring his love for you while damn-near standing on top of his horse.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Collect calls. jailbird pt. 2 of 3
3600, cellmate's nephew!Joel x inmate f!reader
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brilliant edit by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog. custom tats!
SUMMARY: You kinda try to be careful over the phone, but you want each other too bad. So it's hard. Rock hard. Joel sends you a short letter and comes to visit again. Follows Jailbird, but this is 69% dirty talk (I did the math). You can prob read alone. PT 3 of 3 is Parole. WARNINGS: I8+ SO HORNY, hella dirty talk from both, phone sex, mild degradation/teasing, tension, masturbation, Joel is a slut and mentions getting blown, creative mail. Barely edited horny chaos but I wanna feed ya and this ain't fine dining. A/N: Part 2 of 3. Thank you for the love on Jailbird! And THANK YOU @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog for the amazing edit omg. Make sure you see the Jojo gif 🥵 His specific tattoos and all 😍 joel master list, @toxicfics for notifs. PART 3 HERE.
When you got back from visitation, your cellmate Mabel's face lit up.  She was excited to hear about it, but when she looked you over, she said, “Oh boy, it’s worse than I thought. . . I’m gonna go play spades, honey. You do what ya need to do.” 
You shook your head, “Mabel. . .”
“Take your time,” she said with a wink. "Not that you'll need it." Then she stood up and stretched before leaving the cell.  
You got in your bed, on your side, under the blanket. You clenched your thighs together looking at the picture of a slightly younger him with not nearly as much silver in his beard. You put your pillow between your legs, rolled over so you were mostly stomach-down, and your hips moved as you put your head in the crook of your arm and recalled the way he looked at you, his strong hands, his tattoos. His voice. You wondered what it sounded like when it wasn’t through a telephone, but god damn, it did something to you. “ain’t nothin’ harder than mine, baby.” Fuck. 
You were already getting close, wouldn’t even need to use your hand at this rate. You thought about the way his arm flexed as his hand moved in his lap. Oh God, the bulge and outline in his jeans when he stood up. The way he adjusted himself.  He might be too big for you to take all of him, but god damn, you'd give it your best shot. You rubbed yourself against your pillow to the rhythm of his hand rubbing his lap in your mind, clenched your thighs again and you came, whining "Jojo" into your elbow. You heard it too many times a day to get it out of your head – He told you to call him Joel, but Mabel made it somewhat difficult. 
He was hot as fuck, but it was also cute how close he and Mabel were. It made him seem like a good guy, even though neither of them were particularly upstanding members of society.  You supposed neither were you by most standards, but it’s not like any of you had ever intentionally hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. That you knew of.  The fact that Jojo served time was hot and also put you at ease. It had to have been a while based on the spiderweb, unless he was just trying to look hard, but he didn’t seem the type to bullshit anything. How did you even know what type he was though? You hardly knew  him? You dreaded Mabel’s teasing but you could withstand it in order to find out more.
You got off once more while you were at it, taking advantage of the privacy.  Then you sat up, rested against the wall, and just looked at the picture. Unfolded, you looked at both of them. It was so sweet. He looked happy. His hand on her shoulder had the spade tattoo.  Your eyes fell on your own poke-and-stick clover from Mabel and your stomach fluttered when you saw the flared stem and circular leaves. It might as well have been a Club.  “Mabel,” you muttered and shook your head.  
While she was still playing Spades, you went over to her bed to look at the other photos up close. In another picture, they were at a barbecue in a parking lot. Joel was on the left and Mabel was on the right. Joel was wearing a wifebeater and Mabel was wearing a black t-shirt with a carousel pony on the right pocket.  
You hadn’t noticed before, but there were a few women in swimsuits and aprons in the background. One of them was looking at Jojo. Who wouldn’t? Mabel’s words echoed in your mind — of course he’d like you. You’ve got a cunt and  you’re not bad lookin'. you rolled your eyes. Shit. You resolved to put yourself in pro mode and try to detach. 
Over the next week, you spoke with him several times on the phone. You tried to be careful. You wren’t sure if all calls were reviewed or it was just by sample. You figured it would be suspicious to ask. You hoped whoever listened didn’t mind some harmless horny talk.  The only stuff they should really care about should be scheming. Like making moves and putting out hits from the inside. Or smuggling from the outside. 
He answered the phone, “There she is.”  A vaguely endearing greeting since you and Mabel called from the same collect number. 
“Hey handsome,” you responded. 
“I was just thinkin’ about ya, jailbird.”
“Oh yeah,” he said deeply then sighed. “Ya just missed it.” Good God, his voice.
“C’mon, baby. Use that pretty head. How bout I’ll wait for ya tomorrow?” 
Your heart skipped a beat.  “Yeah.”
“Just call at the same time.” 
“Okay,” you agreed with a smile in your voice. “It was nice to see you the other day. . .” 
“Oh, baby you got no idea,” he groaned. “I’m comin’ back next week.” 
“Are they gonna let you back?” you giggled.
“They’ve gotta! I didn’t do nothin’.”
“You didn’t. . .you’re right. . .” 
“Hey don’t give’em any ideas.”
"Right," you laughed. 
"What are ya gonna do when ya get out?"
“In general? Try to find honest work, I guess.” 
“Nothin’ dishonest ‘bout what you were doin’. But I hear ya, parole’s a bitch.” 
“You on parole?”
“Nah, long time ago though.” 
“Kept my nose clean the whole damn time.  Ended up back in the can anyway.” 
"For what"
"Framed for fuckin' murder."
"Relax, I was exonerated." 
"No shit."
"Yeah." He cleared his throat and changed the subject. "You ever danced?"
"Course I fuckin' danced"
"Where at?"
"In memphis."
"Oh, I dunno jack shit about that scene."
"Wasn't great."
"Guess that's where you uh, got your start though."
"Well do what ya want but lemme know if ya need a gig."
He sighed. "I know it sucks not gettin' any in there. "
"Are ya? Gettin' any? Girls, guards?"
"No," you answered, looking over your shoulder. "Think I could tell ya if I was, though?"
"Shit, sorry." 
"You gettin' any?" 
"Oh I'm a straight up ho." 
"Yeah?" You asked, intrigued.  "Surprised I hadn't seen ya at the clinic," you teased. 
"Cause I'm way the fuck 'cross town. Got our own clinic." 
"Good for you." A pleasant surprise that he stayed clean. 
"Yeah, on a first name basis. Make my girls go, too. Still wrap it most the time though." 
"Your girls."
"Right." Mabel had mentioned he worked at a club. "Well, at least one of us is gettin' some."
"Shit, I was gettin' some sugar the other night," he said. "Pretty little head between my legs 'n I was lookin' at your picture."
Your heart fluttered. "No shit," you laughed. "My picture, huh?"
"Ohh, you don't even know. I want it bad, sugar, and I ain’t even tasted it." 
"Shit I prolly think about it as much as you do . . .and I've got a life." 
"Who says I think about it?" You asked flirtatiously.
"I got ESP. Makes me tingle when ya do."
"Oh does it?"
"Ya think about me in the shower, in bed. . ." 
You laughed. "And where do you think about me?"
"Fuckin' everywhere. I've gotta have ya, baby. So bad it hurts." 
Whenever you came back to your cell after talking to Jojo, Mabel would leave to make a phone call or go to the common area to watch whatever outdated movie was playing in the common area. Often with a wink. She knew he got you all wound up. 
You called him at the same time the next day. 
"How's your week been," you asked. 
"Hard," he said, then his voice became hornier.  "So fuckin' hard. . . n' that's all you." You could hear his belt and zipper. 
"Wish I could help."
“i'm sure ya can once you're out. If you wanna hang out sometime.” You heard a bottle click open then squirt. 
You teasingly hummed as though thinking it over. "Mmmm. . . .I dunno, what would you wanna do?”
“I can pick ya up right from the slammer, ‘less ya got someone else.”
“I don’t.”
“Great, then we can just. . . i dunno, get to know each other,” he mused, then added at a lower pitch, “In the back seat of my whip. Stop off somewhere close.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Fuck yeah,” he said. “You don’t understand, baby. I’ve gotta see what’s under that garb.” His hand was sliding up and down his lubed up cock. “I’ve gotta feel it.” 
Butterflies swarmed in your chest and you sighed.
“What were ya wearin’ when ya got picked up?”
“Well. . . you already know what I’m in for. . .”
"Damn right I do, and you're gonna find out."
You laughed – at visitation, he said you were in for it. . 
"C’mon, jailbird. What were ya wearin.”
“A black microskirt"
"Black mesh crop top"
"Over a pink bra.”
“Ohhh, fuck,” he sighed. “Shoes?”
“Shit, I’m not–hmm." You tried not to overthink it. "Definitely platforms. Silver and clear, I think."
He gave a low whistle. "Sounds hot as shit." 
“And fishnets. Shit, that's all I had,” you laughed. "Maybe you can bring me something else." 
“God damn, that’s what I get to pick ya up in?”
“I mean, I wasn’t planning on the fishnets.”
“Commando in that skirt? Shit, that’s even better.” His breath grew heavier. "Fuck it, just sit on me while I drive," he murmured. "Yeah, fuckin' sit on *this* the whole drive–ugghh." As if avoiding the word cock would make this conversation passable.
You sighed and tried to hide your arousal from the Corrections Officer (CO) standing 8 ft away. 
"Can't get it in ya soon enough, baby." 
"Mmm," you said quietly. "Can't wait."
"Jailbird, you're fuckin killin' me." He moaned. "Hot as hell. . . fuck."
"You sure I can take it?"
"Fuck, I dunno, baby," he panted. "It's a lot."
"I could tell"
"Uugggghhh," He groaned and you heard his hand sliding faster on his dick. "And what'd ya think about that ?"
"Oh, I’m up for the challenge,” you cooed saucily. "Just get me nice 'n ready."
"You ready right now?"
"The second I heard your voice."
"Fuck, I gotta know what ya taste like"
"Yeah," he panted.,"And when you're nice and ready, then what?"
You lowered your voice to a near whisper. "Oh, just fuckin' wreck me. Split me open, baby." All you could do was clench your thighs together.
"Ohhh god"
"Don't hold back"
"Ohh fuck–couldnt if I tried." He sighed.
You had lost all restraint and just prayed whoever reviewed this call would be cool.  
"Just stuff me full of it," you whispered. 
"Fuck, yeah."
"Stretch me out." 
"Ohh yeah." 
"Pound me so hard i can’t see straight."
"Shit." He moaned and his hand moved faster. 
"And then? Fill me the fuck up. I wanna feel it." 
"Fuck yeah," he panted "i'll be seepin' outta ya for days."
"Then you better fill me up again." 
"Jesus, fuck–ohhh." 
"Don't tell me you'd spill it this fast."
"Oh fuck you," he laughed in good humor. "I'm not spillin' shit." You could still hear his hand. 
"Not even if I'm sittin' on ya while ya drive?"
"Not even." 
"Not with one hand on the wheel and one on my tit?"
"Ohh fuck," he breathes.  "No, no. . ."
"And I'm moanin' your name with every bump in the road?"
"Mmmm, fuck, baby."
"Oh ya like that?" 
"Fuckin'--fuck–fuckin' love it."
"Wouldya mind slidin' that hand down between my legs?" 
"Wherever ya want it, baby."
"Ugh, those big hands," you whispered. "I just know you can use'em."
"Fuckin' right I can," he panted.  
"Hope ya don't finish while you're drivin' with me in your lap."
"All ya gotta do is sit still."
"Imagine the mess if you came." 
"Fuck, baby," he sighed.
"Every time we hit a bump, more would spill out in  your lap.”
“Ohh, fuck."  Then a long, drawn out moan like he was coming. You were throbbing wildly. 
"Knew ya were close," you laughed. Then you heard a heavy smack on his end of the line. Then there was nothing but breathing for a minute, then it sounded like he was writing. 
"What are you doing now?"
"Addressing an envelope."
"You're not mailing me your–"
"No I'm not mailin' you my" he laughed,  "Load."
"Just a letter?
"Yeah. . . Just a letter." 
"Mmkay. . . How 'bout a picture?"
His tone was warm and flattered. "Oh I can throw in a pic. But it's not gonna be the kind ya *really* want."
"Booo," you pouted.
'Think you'll like it anyway."
"Yeah, I can fill in the rest." 
Your time was up. 
You went back to your cell and sighed as you sat down on your bed. Mabel started to leave but you said, "no, you're good." You'd rub one out later. You wanted to ask Mabel if he really liked you, but you wouldn't let yourself be vulnerable like that. You were still trying to detach.  
"You're right, he's cool," you said. 
 "You like him, don't ya? He likes you, too.”  
She reached under her mattress into the fitted sheet and got out her poke and stick supplies. “C’mere, let's just get it over with,” she said. 
“What, uh, what do you wanna give me?”
"J. . . O. . ." 
Your whole upper body heated up and you laughed under your breath, "Mabel." She was mostly kidding. 
Visitation day came and you weren't nervous, just excited. He was wearing a too-small, black softwash t-shirt, black jeans, and a chain.
“Be good,” the guard warned Joel as you picked up the phone on your side. 
"Yes, officer,” Joel replied with a respectful nod, then sat down. You noticed his rings as he picked up his phone. “We gotta be good,” he said with a wink.  
“So be good,” you told him vacantly as your eyes roamed his tattoos. 
He stared at you for a few seconds, hungrily taking in the mundane sight of you in your garb. He shook his head like he couldn’t believe it. 
“How’d ya get hotter? Chicks don’t get hotter in lock-up, much less in a week.” 
“What, and men do? It’s in your head.”
“Well yeah, we work out like mad.” 
“Guess you’ve got me there.” 
“Not talkin’ 'bout your body. It’s bangin’, but, I mean–no makeup and you’re pretty as hell.” 
You smiled and shrugged, "thanks," then whispered, "but I think you're just horny," with a wink.  He returned the shrug. 
A few seconds of silence passed as he checked you out. You salivated over his arms stretching his shirt. He leaned forward and put his elbows on the table. “Whatcha thinkin about?”
“I’m thinkin’ ya look like a slutty bouncer. . .You get this shit at Spirit Halloween?”
Joel chuckled. “Well . . . you know what *I’m* thinkin’ about.” His eyes glued to your chest. 
Yeah, yeah, he’s gotta see what’s under that garb. “Yeah, you’ll see it, honey," you said. 
It was a struggle knowing what to say–you wanted to “be good” and not get cut short, but you also wanted to indulge in your fantasies. 
Joel asked, “Where ya wanna go when ya get out?”
“Anywhere. Got some place in mind?”
“Could take ya to my place. Mabel taught me a mean pot roast recipe.” 
You smiled. “You’re makin' me hungry.”
“Oh I’m starvin’, baby.”
"Long drive?"
He exhaled with a puff of his cheeks. "It’ll feel long that day."
“I’m sure it will,” you purred, looking down as if you could see through the booth right to his cock. You wet your lips. “So what’s between here and home?”
He took a deep breath, thought for a second, and told you what highway it was. 
“Oh, okay,” you nodded. “There’s a seven eleven right outside the gate here. 
“There sure is," Joel nodded. "Clean bathrooms too. I checked on my way.”
“You did not.” 
“I’m tellin’ ya," he nodded. "Stopped for gas. First thing I thought about. Swear I think about it as much as you do.” 
“So what’s in the bathroom?”
“Steel handicap railing about hip height”
You raised your eyebrows, intrigued.
“Pretty sturdy to hold onto, or even sit on.” He looked over his shoulder “Like if someone needed a rest or whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Right," you said softly as you nodded. 
"Diaper changin' thingy, too."
You scrunched your face up. 
"Like if ya needed to bend over it and stretch your back.” 
"Ah," you nodded. "Nah."
“Parking lot?”
“That close to here, it’s gotta be crawling with pigs.” 
“Right,” he said in a trance, looking at your mouth. 
“Alright, where else is there," you asked. 
"Rest stop. They got picnic tables near the woods if ya need to, uh," he looked down, "Sit down," he said quieter, "n' take a rest." 
"Oh, I won't want a rest." You slowly shook your head and your eyes lingered on his chain. 
He groaned softly and rested his chin in his hand. He whispered, "You're killin' me here." He scratched his beard and you tingled at the sight of the silver patches, his pinky ring, his hand tattoos–the faded barbed wire.  You sighed. 
"You bein' good?" He asked. 
"Yeah." You resigned yourself to harmless small talk for a few minutes, but it was obvious what you both were thinking about.  There were long silences where you just stared at each other.  
“Just a few more weeks and I’m yours,” you teased. 
His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows. “You serious?”
Oh, shit - you didn’t wanna scare him off.  Really didn’t even mean it like that, but, you also didn’t mind the thought of him as a boyfriend. 
You nodded and teased, “yours to do what you please.”
He blew out a puff of air. "God damn, baby. I don't think you know what’s comin’ your way.”
“Can’t wait to find out, though.”
“Oh, you’re gonna find out.”  He dug his hand into his lap but didn’t move it. “Shit.”
“Never be sorry.”
The guard barked,”Hands where I can see’em,” and Joel obediently raised his hand and put both elbows on the table again. 
"You ain't gonna want no one else again." 
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness which actually turned you on. 
"Don't say I didn't warn ya," he cautioned. 
"Okay," you shrugged with a contemplative frown. 
"Shit, I might be in the same boat." He swallowed and looked like he meant it. Like maybe you were doing something to him that hadn't been done.
"Get my letter yet?" Joel asked. 
He smirked, then it faded as he checked you out for the hundredth time. He shook his head, sat back, and took a deep breath.  "This is fuckin' torture." 
"Then it's a good thing I waited til now to ask about ya." 
"the best torture," he clarified, his forehead beginning to glisten. "I'm gonna fuckin explode when I'm back in my ride."  He looked at the unopened box of tissues on his side of the booth, intended for crying visitors. "Thank God I didn't ride the hog." Fuck, he had a motorcycle, too? He held the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder while he opened the plastic on the box and tried to get the tissues started. Then he took three tissues out.  Your breath hitched at the thought of his cum. Was it silky? Stringy? Watery? Sticky? What'd it taste like? Ugh. 
"HANDS," the guard said when he saw Joel finish pocketing the tissues. The guard stepped forward. "Say goodbye, let's go."
"Fuck." Joel sighed and closed his eyes. "Sorry, jailbird." 
When he stood up, you could see the outline of his hard dick on his thigh. You took a deep breath and pried your eyes off his crotch to briefly meet his eyes. He winked and you managed a small smile before eyes fell right back to his jeans as he adjusted himself. Fuck. 
Joel’s letter came a couple days later. A photo fell out of it. Black and white. He was sitting in a chair and smoking with one hand holding the cigarette up and his other hand resting between his legs.  Arms blazing in a white t-shirt. Squinting at the camera. He looked hot as hell despite having all his clothes on. He looked like a model. 
The letter was on plain white printer paper, and the letter was short: 
Be good, jailbird. I'll take ya anywhere. 
Sweet, and also sexy. God, you wanted him to take you. 
You flattened out the letter and admired his poor but legible handwriting. Not as bad as some you'd seen. His handwriting was hot.  It was cute that he didn't use any special stationary.  He was a simple man. And God, what a man. You ran your fingers over the words,  and they caught on a different texture.  Something on the paper.  You smelled it and it wasn't cum. It was, like, lotion or Vaseline. 
Wait. You held it up, and your breath hitched. 
You looked behind you to make sure no one was watching, then you stood up, got closer to the light, and held it at an angle. Holy shit. It was his dick print, diagonal across the paper.  A bolt of desire shot through your body.  It was transparent but the different texture was visible. You could see the head, then most of the shaft. It was detailed, there was texture. Even a couple of veins. 
You sat on your bed, leaning against the wall with your knees up.  You rested the paper against your knees at an angle with the tip pointed between your legs.  You just wanted to get a sense of the size–and boy did you–but the sight of it, God. Just the silhouette of it lined up right there made you feral. You needed it so bad.  Needed him.  Who the hell mails a dick print? Fuckin’ Jojo, he was gonna be the death of you.
Thank you so much for reading and engaging! Your engagement really keeps me going, I love y'all.
This AU is due to @beskarandblasters and @wannab-urs and their hilarious list of new joel tropes. But I played myself because he's actually hot and I want him?
The slapping sound after he came was him letting his cock slap onto the paper.
There are a lot of correctional facilities where they wouldn't get away with all this so you gotta suspend disbelief.
The strip club will be an alternate timeline of this Joel set in the past.
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All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret
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moonlightpetalz6 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 4 (Stygiophilia)
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Character: Dio Brando x Virgin reader
Reader: Fem Reader
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Unprotected sex, Stygiophilia, harsh language, corruption kink, rough sex, blood, talk of religion, mentions of going to hell, degradation, dacryphilia, loss of virginity, manipulation
Stygiophilia: Arousal to the thought of hellfire and damnation.
Wc: 5,042
A/n: Yeaaaaaah I may or may not have fallen behind with my Kinktober works as this is definitely being posted on Day 5. So sorry about that! Thankfully I made sure to get both Day 4&5 written up! (I just have to edit day 5 before posting) Anyway, I tried to get all the warnings labeled and apologize if I missed anything!
"Young miss, please slow down! A lady must not run!" You heard one of your lady-in-waiting yells after you as you happily ran through the familiar corridors of your home. You were the younger sister of Jonathan Joestar and had been sent away to an all-girls boarding school for the last three years, so you were beyond excited to see your father and older brother. As you reach the front doors to the manor, your eyes light up at the familiar sight of your older brother, a giant smile on his face as he holds his arms out to you, ready to accept your tight embrace. "Brother! I missed you!" You cried while leaping into his arms, causing the older boy to laugh as he held you securely while spinning you around. Your lady-in-waiting finally catches up, placing her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath while trying to scold you.
"My dear sister, are you still causing trouble for people? What's the point of sending you to such a high-class school if you refuse to listen!" Jonathan laughs while playfully ruffling your hair. You pout, pushing his hand away as you stick your tongue out playfully, earning another bright smile from the brother you admired with all your heart. "I have so much I wish to talk about! Where is father?!" You cheered, looking around, wishing to tell him your stories. Jonathan frowns as he leads you into the manor by wrapping an arm around your shoulders comfortingly. "Y/n father's condition appears to be getting worse…he is now bedridden." Your eyes go wide in horror as you quickly take off towards your father's room, ignoring your brother's calls for you to wait.
You run up the stairs, shoes slipping off due to your rush, causing you to stumble a bit, but you pay them no mind as you go and push the doors to the room open, not bothering to knock. "Father!" You called tears in your eyes as you looked at the weak figure of your father sitting peacefully in his bed. "Ah, Y/n, my dear, you've come home!" Your father greets you with a small smile before coughing. You rush to his bedside and carefully place your hands on his. "Oh, Father, why didn't you tell me your condition worsened? I would have rushed to your side to help you recover!" Your father only smiles at your words as he gently runs his hand over your hair, comforting your anxious heart.
"That is exactly why I didn't write about it to you. Your studies in becoming a proper lady are far more important than this small illness." He declares, watching as your brows knit together in annoyance. Before you can give any protest to his words, he cuts you off, his gaze averting to one of the corners of the room. "Besides, I had your brothers here to help me. Isn't that right, Dio and Jonathan?" He asks with a soft smile. Your body stiffens at the name of the boy your father had taken into your home. You hated how your father addressed Dio as your brother, for you had never seen or accepted him as anything else but a cruel, uncaring man who took advantage of your father's kind nature. Slowly, you become aware of your father's presence and the other two who stood in the room with you. "That's right, Father. I have ensured to care for him, so you don't need to fret Y/n." Your body shivered, and blood ran cold at the familiar, sickening voice of Dio.
You slowly turn towards where the voice came from, your eyes locked with those dark, cold brown eyes that still torment you years later. “I see…thank you…” You whisper, trailing off as you never knew how to properly converse with the man whose eyes always stared deep into your soul. Dio gives you a smirk as he takes a few steps towards your form. You feel your heart racing with each step, your nerves screaming for you to move or run, but you can't. Thankfully, Jonathan, who had been silently standing by the door this whole time, moves to stand protectively by your side. Dio frowns at this while pretending to look hurt at the two of you. "What is it, Jonathan? I wish to give our dear Y/n a welcoming hug like you and Father." He defends a fake smile on his face as he outstretched his arms to you, expecting your sweet embrace.
You hesitate, eyes trailing to your brother, who looks down at you; worry fills his eyes. You devise an excuse to avoid hugging the man but stop when you feel your father gently squeeze your hands, earning your full attention. "Go on, Y/n! It's rude not to greet everyone, is it not?" You cringe at your father's words, knowing it would only cause problems for his health if you continued to avoid the man, he tried calling son. With a stiff nod, you slowly stand from the side of the bed, hands placed in front of you as you nervously fidget with your fingers and slowly take a few steps toward the much bigger man who looks at you with mischievous eyes. You bite your lip as you shakily bring your arms up for a hug. Dio quickly pulls you close to his chest in an extraordinarily tight and possessive hug.
"Welcome home, Y/n. We've all missed you dearly." You cringe at the fake joy in his voice, knowing it was all an act to get on your father's good side. Dio smirks as he leans his mouth close to your ear, whispering in a tone that no one else could hear. "I don't care how long it takes…you will submit to me." He growls darkly, causing your eyes to widen as you try to pull away from him but fail due to his tight grip. Dio smirks, finding your resistance adorable before his eyes lock with Jonathan, who glared at the two of you, not trusting Dio's intentions after having stumbled upon Dio and you years ago in the manor library. You hadn't done anything as Dio was the one who had you pinned to the bookshelf, his lips pressed angrily to yours. It was a sight Jonathan would never forget as he kept his pure and innocent sister far away from the man.
"I think that's enough, don't you, Dio?" Your brother asked while pulling you away from the blonde's grasp, causing Dio's lip to twitch in annoyance. "Of course, I'm just so excited to see the Joestar's sweet angel return to the manor after so long." He apologized, though you both knew it wasn't sincere. Jonathan frowned before leading you towards the door, stating that he would take you to your room as he assumed you were tired after such a long ride back. You bid goodbye to your father, ignoring Dio, who looked at you with dark and impure eyes. When you leave the room, Dio grits his fists at his side before licking his lip with amusement.
'Still clinging to that brother of yours like he'll be there forever. I'll have my chance my dear just you wait.'
It had been a few weeks since you came back home. Thankfully, you didn't run into Dio much besides when you visited your father, or Jonathan was around to act as your shield. However, to your dismay, your older brother went off to try and find a cure due to your father's worsening condition, leaving you alone and defenseless. "Y/n, my dear, it's getting late. You should go and get some sleep; I'll be fine!" Your father laughed, trying to rid the frown that blemished your features. "But father, how can I sleep?! Your condition is worsening, and your brother has been gone for days without a word! I worry for both of you!" You cry, gripping his hands. Your father smiles before heavily coughing, causing your heart to ache.
"You've always been such a kind and caring girl, Y/n. I know your mother would be so proud to see the pure and elegant girl you've become." His confession shocks you at the mention of your deceased mother. You and Jonathan were half-siblings, neither having met your mothers due to the accident and your mother's illness. You always remembered the staff whispering badly about her because they were so in love with Jonathan's late mother. This left you feeling alone and secluded from everyone until your brother happily reached a handout for you. Since childhood, you made it a point to be a good and obedient daughter and sister to your family, not wanting to cause any problems. Of course, you would lie if you said being a good girl was easy.
"Now, give me your perfect smile before I get some rest!" Your father cheered, snapping you from your thoughts. You let out a small sigh before putting on that bright smile everyone seemed to love so much. With an approving nod, your father bids you goodnight as you silently walk back to your corridors. 'But I don't want to smile right now, father…I want to scream and cry…I want to feel sadness and anger. I want to scream at the heavens for cursing our family with such traffic fates.' You are shocked by the last thought as you quickly shake your head and slap your cheeks as you enter your room. "Don't think like that, Y/n! It's not good to think such things." You scold yourself as you lock the door before changing into one of your nightgowns.
"Oh? Do tell what things our angel might be thinking?" Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach at the sudden voice lurking in the corner of your room. You slowly turn to see Dio perched against your wall, his eyes shining from the moon's light. "D-Dio?! What are you doing in my room?!" You yelled, taking a step back as you glanced towards your door. Dio followed your eyes just as fast, a dark smirk coming to his lips as he let out an amused chuckle, carefully pushing himself away from the wall. "Father has been voicing concerns about you since Jonathan left. So, I thought I would do him a favor and keep you company." He excused himself as he made his way between you and the door. Your eyes narrow with his word choice as you clench your fists at your sides.
"Don't address him like that when we both know you don't see the Joestar home as a family." You declared feeling yourself growing angry at the situation. Dio looks at you with an emotion flashing past his eyes, one you don't recognize due to the room's darkness. He lets out an amused chuckle while running a hand through his hair, his face falling to one of annoyance, eyes darker than usual as he looks down at you, clicking his tongue. "I see that annoying eye of yours is still as sharp as ever, brat." He spat, finally showing his true colors like when he first arrived in your lives. "Though you must admit I've become a great actor." He joked. Before you could react, Dio's form was looming over yours. His eyes narrowed as he roughly took your wrist, holding it up towards his chest as he glared at you.
"Since we're on the topic…why don't you drop that pure angel act of yours?" Dio watched as your usually bright hues darkened all light, leaving them as you looked at him with a frown. "I do not like what you are insinuating Dio. Now, I must ask you to leave my room." You demanded your words cold as ice, holding no warmth for the man before you. Dio felt his chest puff with pride and joy as he got to see this expression for a second time. He remembers first seeing the dark look in your eyes when he stumbled upon you in the library years ago. The way you stared coldly at the books before you, not a single sight of joy to be seen. It excited him knowing that there was a darker side to the Joestars family within the girl whom everyone always spoke so purely of. He wanted to see more of it, more of the girl whose life has been dedicated to portraying a false sense of joy.
"There it is…" Dio whispered, his grip on your wrist tightening as he went and threw you onto the bed, causing a small gasp to leave your lips as you fell onto the soft surface. As you tried to get up, Dio sat on top of you, his legs trapping your smaller form as he gripped your wrists above your head, his face inches from yours as he looked at you with a sadistic grin on his face. The lack of distance allowed you to examine Dio's features closely. You couldn't deny that he was an attractive man and that you had once found yourself crushing on him, but due to his sick personality, you tried pushing the thought deep into the back of your mind.
"Tell me, does being so good to those who hate you get tiresome?" He asked, watching as your eyes widened in surprise. "What? Did you think I wouldn't notice how the staff treated you over the years? How they look at you with detest." Dio mocked his free hand, going to grab your chin, making it so you could not ignore him. You grit your teeth, anger filling your body as he mocked your hard work to be the perfect girl for your family, all the nights you spent wishing to be accepted by everyone. He would welcome you. To him, you were something to treasure and keep close to; he wanted all of it for himself.
"Dio, let me go this instant! I won't let you make a fool of me!" You yelled while trying to escape his grasp. Dio hummed, amused, as he leaned closer to your face, his lips inches away. "You're so cute; begging like anything could get you out of this." he mused before placing his lips roughly against your own. Your eyes went wide, remembering the last time this happened. How aggressive he was with you, the look in his eyes like a predator wanting to claim what's his. You whine into the kiss, your body reacting in a strange way as you feel a wave of heat rush to your skin. Dio hums, pulling away from the kiss as he watches the saliva still connecting you start to thin. "It must be so exhausting…being an angel." He confesses while carefully sliding his thumb across your bruising lips. He watches your face show surprise at his words, internally grinning as he finds your weak spot.
"Tell me…what was it you were thinking earlier, angel? Was it something impure?" He hoped his words were right as he watched your eyes shift away. You said nothing as you tried processing everything at once. Your silence annoyed Dio as he went and slid his tongue down your neck, his ears taking in your surprised gasp as you tried to squirm away, your legs pressing together. "Does the Joestars' pure and innocent child actually have a filthy mind?" He teased as he went and bit down on your soft spot, feeling himself grow excited when a moan slipped past your lips. "N-no! It's not like that! I don't think that way!" You pleaded, the feeling of his lips sucking on your skin, causing your cheeks to heat up as a strange tingling begins in your lower half. "Oh? Then tell me, if not that, then what? What could be plaguing that innocent mind of yours?" He coos his grip on your wrist tightening as his head moves towards your chest.
Your eyes widened as your heart started speeding up when you realized what he was planning. "It was only for a moment! I cursed the heavens, but I was wrong!" You confessed, hoping it would allow you to catch Dio off guard. However, your words caused something to snap inside Dio's mind as he looked down at you surprised, his heart rate rising as he felt his pants start to feel tighter as he took in your words. "Cursing the heavens? Isn't that a grave sin with you people who worship that God of yours?" He asks, unable to stop the growing smirk, his eyes glossing over with lust as he takes in how pure you looked trapped under him in that white nightgown that fit you perfectly. Your cheeks are deep red due to the unknown feelings starting up within.
"Tell me, angel…has a man ever touched you?" His question causes you to fume with embarrassment as you look away from him, not wanting to answer such a vulgar question. "H-How could you say such filthy things?!" You cried your mind spinning from the situation. Dio's eyes narrowed as he licked his lips, his hand releasing your wrists, catching you by surprise as you looked up at him with confusion. "So, this body is still pure?" He asks with a voice filled with amusement as he trails his hands from your shoulders down to your breasts, roughly massaging them over your precious nightgown. Your eyes widen as you quickly slap a hand over your mouth, muffling the moans that escape from the unknown feeling.
"Is it good when I touch you here? Or maybe here?" he muses, going and grinding against you, the bulge in his pants becoming evident as he finds himself tainting the pure body of Jonathan's most precious treasure. You bite your lip, trying to hold back the sinful sounds that tug at your throat. "N-no, stop it…AH!" Your back arches when Dio suddenly pulls the nightgown down, exposing your breasts to the cool air sending a chill throughout your body. Dio chuckles as he taunts you, clicking his tongue as he shakes his head. "This isn't good…for such a pure body; it sure is acting filthy to my touch." He sighed as he took the perked buds between his thumbs and index fingers, making sure to pinch and pull at them, watching as your body reacted innocently to his actions. "I-I's not my fault!" You tried to defend yourself, though you couldn't help but rub your legs together at his words. 'What's happening? Why am I getting so worked up?' You thought, not understanding your body at all.
"This body is untrained…safe from the fires of Satan." Dio starts before repositioning himself so that he can slide his hand under your nightgown, his fingers ghosting over the dampening fabric as he latches onto one of the perked buds, making sure to sink his teeth into the soft flesh, listening as you let out a loud cry your hands going to grip at his blonde strands. "S-stop! This is wrong!" You pleaded, though your mind couldn't help but betray you as multiple lewd thoughts started plaguing your mind, causing the spot between your thighs to spread against the thin fabric. Dio ignored you as his fingers went and started poking at your panties, chuckling when your thighs squeezed his hand.
"Careful, Y/n," Dio started as he pulled away from the mound of flesh with a pop, his tongue lapping at the hard bud with a dark smirk on his face as he looked up to see your lustful expression. He feels his bulge twitch as he presses his fingers past your panties, sliding them up and down your wet folds. "If you're too loud, everyone will know the sinful act you're committing. Do you want your father to know his angel is falling?" Dio laughed, finding his actions to be a rush as one finger pressed down on your clit, causing your eyes to roll back as you covered your lips with both hands, body shaking. Dio watches his sadistic grin, reaching his eyes that are wide with amusement as he lets out another booming laugh.
"Did you just cum Y/n? What a fucking slut." He growled as he twirled a finger around your freshly dripping hole, refusing to take his eyes away from yours as he watched you come down from your high. "I want you to listen to this, Y/n. Listen to how sinful your pussy is for me right now." He mumbled before slipping a digit inside. You whine in discomfort at the sudden intrusion, tears pricking your eyes from the feeling of Dio's thick finger roughly thrusting in and out of you. "Heh, does it hurt angel? Does having my finger inside this once untouched pussy feel strange?" His words are cruel as he watches your body, once pure and untouched, slowly form into an obedient toy just for him. "D-Dio…" Your words cut off as he slaps a hand over your face, eyes narrowed as he growls against your ear, his finger moving faster as you moan into his palm. "Shut up and listen, angel." He growls before adding another finger to stretch your tight walls further. "Do you hear that Y/n?" He questions while biting your earlobe, giving it a slight pull. You listen, your juices echoing off the walls of the dark room, filling your ears as Dio continues to invade you with his fingers.
"Listen to your sin, darling~" He sings, going to curl the tips of his fingers, causing a deep rumble in your throat as you look up at him, eyes no longer holding any innocent emotions as you allow your mind to be consumed by lust. You can't think straight as you go and stick your tongue out against his palm, the wet muscle licking against his rough skin, causing Dio to lick his lips as a low growl escapes his throat. "Filthy fucking girl. You're nothing but a sinful whore." He spat, looking down at you with disgust, but really, it drove him crazy. He was ruining you, the girl who always held such a beautiful smile, eyes shining so bright with love and joy now dimmed and corrupted, all thanks to him. No one else could ruin you like he was going to. He feels your walls spasm against his fingers, indicating you have orgasmed for the second time.
Dio pulls his fingers out, putting them inches from your face as he wiggles them around, allowing you to see how your juices coated them. "Look at them, Y/n. Your slutty juices are everywhere." He laughs before pulling down your panties as he goes and removes his clothing. You don't say anything as you lay there eyes half-lidded as you try to recover from all the pleasure flooding your mind. Dio notices your dazed-out expression, causing him to frown as he goes and smacks your cheek, causing your gaze to fall on him. "Don't you dare clock out on me now, you brat." He growls, going and spreading your legs wide enough for him to take in just how wet your pussy was. "Fuck so filthy, Y/n." He growls while giving his cock a few pumps, precum leaking from the slit.
You stare at him, trying to process what his next move is going to be. Dio smirked as he went and slid the tip between your folds, his cock becoming drenched from your messy pussy. It soon clicks what he plans on doing, and you look at him, panic written across your face. "N-No! You can't!" You cry, trying to move away from his giant figure. Dio scoffs as he roughly grabs you by the hips, pulling you back into place as his tip pokes at your entrance. He cups your cheek, eyes filled with a dark desire as he takes in your fearful expression, the tears in your eyes making him want to fuck you until they can't produce anymore. "Look at me, Y/n." He demands, watching as you obediently do as told, making him relish in his control over your once pure mind, now filled with corrupt thoughts of him. All him.
"I want to see you fall to hell with me, angel." His words were severe, eyes not leaving yours. You felt your chest tighten as his words caused your pussy to twitch. "Fall…to hell?" You whispered as if in a trance. Dio smirks, leaning his body over yours as he kisses the tears from your face. "Yes, my dear~ The two of us will be bound together for all eternity, our bodies burning from the flames of our sins~" He growled, pressing his lips to yours in a possessive and needy kiss. You whimper slowly opening your mouth to allow his tongue entry as he hungrily searched every corner of your mouth. "So, fall with me, angel…fall from the heavenly pedestal your family has placed you on and be damned to hell with just me by your side." He moaned into the kiss before pressing his cock into your virgin pussy.
Your eyes bulge from the intense pain as you grip Dio's biceps, your nails digging into his skin, drawing small amounts of blood, tears running down your cheeks as you cry into the kiss. Dio growls, eyes squeezing shut from how tight you were, his dick throbbing at the fact he was taking your virginity from you. Your pure body now destroyed by his corrupt one. He relishes that you will never be able to join your loved ones in heaven. You were all his forever. "I-it hurts!" You cry when he pulls away from the kiss. Your lips were bruised and swollen, eyes puffy and filled with tears as your cheeks flushed red and your body trembled. You were ruined, absolutely destroyed, and he loved it. "That's right, angel…feel all that pain, isn't it freeing?" Dio purred before moving his hips. You whine from the pain, wanting it to go away as you reach a handout towards him.
Dio snatched your hand, bringing it to his face as he inhaled your scent before locking eyes with you as he sunk his teeth into your flesh, watching you flinch as his thrusts became more aggressive. "Mmh~ Dio, your cock hurts! Please take it out!" You whine, though it falters when the pain turns into pleasure. "It's dirty! So dirty!" You cry, your legs wrapping around his waist and pushing him closer to you, causing his cock to go even deeper inside your impure pussy. You moan tossing your head back, mouth hanging open as drool falls from your chin. Dio watches you with an evil grin as he roughly grabs your hips, sure to leave bruises later. "That's right, angel fall with me! Join me in a world full of sin where just the two of us can rule!" He moans out, loving that he was destroying you. The girl he's had eyes on for seven years was not being roughly fucked underneath him.
You moan too fucked out to care who heard you anymore as you think of what awaits you once you are to leave this world. "I'm going to burn in hell, Dio~ my pussy is being fucked by a man I'm not married to!" You moaned out, unable to hold back your thoughts as a smile formed on your face from the idea of burning in the hot flames. Dio curses as his gaze travels down to where his cock disappeared inside you, his eyes narrowing when he sees the blood mixed with your juices leaking from his shaft down onto your once clean sheets. "He leans forwards, capturing one of your hands in his as he pounds into your abused pussy deep pants, leaving his lips as he takes you all in with his eyes. "Fall with me, angel…do you like that? The thought of being burned by hell's flames? Your pussy is sucking my dick so good, darling~" Dio coos as he kisses your neck, leaving marks wherever he can.
Your body shutters at the thought eyes in the back of your head, a giant smile on your face as you imagine your body being burned for the pleasure you were receiving in this life. Dio looks down at you, his heart racing about how you reacted to his words and actions. He loved that you were finally showing your true self to the you who worked so hard to be so suitable for everyone. Now you were good for just him. "Think about it, Y/n. You no longer have to please those worthless staff who treated you like the devil…because now you're my beautiful fallen angel…my sinful darling~" Dio growled, his cock twitching as he felt himself reaching his limit. You say nothing as you cry and moan, your stomach tightening for the third time.
'That's right… I'm no longer their angel…I can finally be free from this suffocating cage.' You thought tears formed in your eyes as they slid down the damn skin onto your messy sheets. "You'll be so beautiful screaming in agony~" Dio confesses the thought causing him to curse as his cock swelled inside you, his throat tightening as a vein popped out. "Fuck… I'm going to cum inside your filthy pussy Y/n!" He laughed, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You whined as he went and tossed your legs over his shoulders, the new position causing him to press against your womb. Your eyes went wide as you felt something inside you snap your juices spraying all over Dio's cock as a puddle stained the sheets. Your vision went white, no sound leaving your lips as your body violently shook.
Dio laughs like crazy after witnessing you squirt all over him, his voice echoing throughout the room. "Hahaha! Sorry JoJo! Looks like I've turned your precious little sister into such a sinful devil fit just for my cock~" He laughs manically before gripping your face with one hand as he looks at you with that sadistic look back on his face. He feels himself reach his limit as he cums deep inside your pussy, his cum filling you up.
"Look at me Y/n. I want to see you fall to hell with me darling~"
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theboarsbride · 3 months
The Ballad of Sir John and the Dragon - A Dark Fantasy Terror AU🐉🏰⚔🩸
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Knights Sir John, Sir James, and Sir Francis are tasked to explore - and bring the holy light of their god - to the dark, mysterious Northwest Wood, a realm of crooked trees, unending snow, and beasts with blood-stained teeth.
My silly, self indulgent medieval dark fantasy AU for The Terror where the captains are knights heehee!
Can be read on ao3, and is inspired by both my love for 80s fantasy movies and Misanthrop by Blod Besvimelse (and uhhhhhh Ciarán Hinds simping but what else is new tbh?).
Also doodle concepts for this AU!👇
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Chapter 1: Joanne's Sweet Endeavor / A Sweeter Encounter
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Pages: 5 Words: 1978 Summary: Joanne, a determined twelve-year-old, runs the Sweet Tooth Candy Shop while her parents are away. She expertly assists customers, helping a grandmother pick out the perfect gift for her granddaughter, and manages a group of mischievous kids attempting to steal candy. Joanne sternly confronts them, offering a small treat and a lesson in honesty. As the day winds down, a suspicious group of men loiter outside the shop. Joanne senses danger and prepares to defend the store using the magical abilities of her candy bear, vowing to protect her parents' business no matter what.
The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was a beacon of color and joy in the heart of town, its windows lined with every kind of candy imaginable. From sugary rock candy to chewy licorice, the shop was a paradise for anyone with a sweet tooth. Today, however, the shop had a special charm—it was run by Joanne, a twelve-year-old with a knack for business.
As the bell above the door jingled, Joanne looked up from behind the counter, her brown curls bouncing with her movement. She adjusted her apron and greeted the new customer with a bright smile. “Welcome to Sweet Tooth! How can I help you today?”
The customer, a middle-aged woman with a fondness for bright scarves, smiled back. “Hello, dear. I’m looking for something special. It’s my granddaughter’s birthday, and I want to get her something sweet.”
Joanne’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. “We’ve got just the thing! Follow me.” She led the woman to a display of colorful candy jars. “We’ve got some beautiful candy gift boxes that can be personalized. You can choose a selection of candies to fill them.”
The woman’s face lit up. “Oh, this looks perfect. I think she’ll love these gummy bears and the chocolate truffles. How much for a box like this?”
Joanne calculated the total quickly. “That’ll be twenty-five dollars for the box and the candies.”
The woman nodded and handed over the money. “Thank you, Joanne. You’re doing a great job here.”
“Thank you!” Joanne said, ringing up the sale and packing the box with care. “Have a sweet day!”
As the woman left, another customer entered—the local neighborhood kids. Joanne recognized them instantly; they were often found eyeing the candy jars with more interest than was strictly allowed.
“Hey, Joanne!” greeted Danny, a tall boy with an impish grin. “We’re just browsing.”
Joanne’s gaze was sharp, and she was ready. “Uh-huh. Browsing, right. Make sure you don’t touch anything without asking, okay?”
The kids exchanged glances, and Danny’s grin faltered a bit. “Sure, Joanne. We were just... um, looking for something.”
Joanne kept a close watch as the kids wandered the aisles. Her instinct proved correct when she saw them covertly trying to slip candy into their pockets. With a decisive motion, she grabbed the broom that was always at hand behind the counter and walked over to them.
“Alright, enough of that!” Joanne’s voice was commanding as she brandished the broom. The kids froze, wide-eyed. “You’ve been warned. Either pay for what you want or get out.”
One of the girls, a smaller kid with pigtails, looked particularly nervous. “We’re really sorry, Joanne. We didn’t mean to steal.”
Joanne’s expression softened slightly, though she kept her stance firm. “Well, if you’re sorry, I expect you to apologize properly. And if you’re still hungry for candy, here’s something on the house.” 
She reached into a jar of sour taffy and handed them each a piece. “Now, scram. And don’t come back without paying.”
The kids mumbled their thanks and hurried out, the sour taffy already making their faces pucker in surprise. Joanne shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips. She could be tough when she needed to be, but she had a soft spot for kids who made honest mistakes.
Later that afternoon, the shop was buzzing with the usual assortment of customers. Joanne’s attention was split between ringing up purchases and keeping an eye on the stock. She had just finished wrapping a box of chocolate-covered almonds when a group of older customers entered.
“Good afternoon!” Joanne called out brightly. “Can I help you find anything special today?”
A tall man with graying hair and glasses smiled warmly. “Yes, actually. We’re looking for some old-fashioned sweets. My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary, and we thought some classic candies would be perfect.”
Joanne’s eyes lit up. “You’ve come to the right place! We’ve got a great selection of vintage candies. Follow me.”
She led them to a display of nostalgic treats—root beer barrels, jawbreakers, and nougat bars. As the customers browsed, one of them, a woman with a gentle demeanor, asked, “Joanne, your parents must be proud of how well you’re running the shop.”
Joanne’s heart skipped a beat. She offered her rehearsed response with a casual air. “Oh, they’re on vacation. I’m holding down the fort while they’re away.”
The man raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. “Well, you’re doing a marvelous job. We’ll take some of these root beer barrels and a few of the nougat bars. How much do we owe you?”
Joanne quickly rang up their purchases and bagged the candies. “That’ll be thirty dollars.”
The man handed over the money, and Joanne gave him a receipt with a cheerful “Thank you for shopping at Sweet Tooth! Have a great day!”
As the last customer left and the shop quieted down, Joanne began her closing routine. She swept the floor, restocked the shelves, and prepared to lock up. The sky outside was turning dusky, the streetlights casting long shadows.
But as Joanne turned the “Closed” sign on the door, she noticed a group of men loitering nearby. Their presence was unsettling—there was something off about the way they hovered around the shop. Joanne’s instincts went on high alert.
She grabbed her trusty stuffed bear from her bookbag, her fingers brushing against its soft, comforting surface. With a quiet murmur, she activated its special magic, and the bear’s plush exterior shifted into a glossy candy material.
Joanne felt a surge of determination. She would protect the shop, no matter what. The men approached, their intentions clear. Joanne gripped her candy bear tightly, ready to defend her parents’ store with all the courage she could muster.
And so, as the evening shadows lengthened and the Sweet Tooth Candy Shop closed its doors for the night, Joanne prepared to face whatever challenge lay ahead with the same fearless resolve she brought to running her beloved shop.
The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was buzzing with energy as Joanne prepared for a new day. She had been working tirelessly to set up a new display of lollipops, each one intricately shaped into stars, moons, hearts, and other delightful forms. These were not your average flat lollipops; they were grand creations, each one a piece of edible art propped up on sturdy sticks. Joanne meticulously arranged them on the counter, her excitement evident in the way she adjusted each display.
The morning sun was just beginning to shine through the shop's windows when the bell above the door chimed. Joanne turned to see a young boy about her age stepping in. He had tan skin, dark spiky hair, and was wearing goggles perched low on his forehead. His clothes were worn and somewhat shabby, giving him a rough-around-the-edges appearance.
Joanne offered her usual friendly greeting. “Good morning! Welcome to Sweet Tooth. Can I help you find something special today?”
The boy glanced around the shop with a dismissive air. “I don’t want to buy anything from you,” he said, his tone a mix of defiance and disdain. He looked Joanne up and down, his eyes lingering for a moment longer than necessary. Though he tried to hide it, a faint blush colored his cheeks as he found himself captivated by her determination and spunk.
“I came here to take some candy,” he continued, folding his arms defiantly. “Those kids who came in yesterday? They were working for me. I’m here to take what I want.”
Joanne’s smile faded, replaced by a look of stern resolve. “If you’re here to steal, I won’t go easy on you. I’ve got a job to do, and I won’t let anyone mess it up.”
The boy’s eyes narrowed, and he shrugged with a hardened expression. “I don’t care. I’m a thief, not a saint.”
Joanne’s frown deepened. She wasn’t about to let him walk away with her candy, not after everything she’d done to keep the shop running smoothly. “Fine, if that’s how you want to play it.”
Without warning, she grabbed a handful of the newly displayed lollipops and hurled them at him. The colorful confections flew through the air, but the boy was quick on his feet. With a flick of his wrist, he transformed his left hand into a large, bladed sword, blocking the incoming lollipops with ease.
“Is that the best you’ve got?” the boy taunted, his sword-hand slicing through the air as he deflected the candy missiles.
Joanne wasn’t deterred. She grabbed more lollipops and continued her barrage. “I’m not giving up so easily!”
The boy, who had been ready to steal the candy, now found himself engaged in a fierce battle of attrition. His ability to morph his body into mechanical constructs gave him a solid defense, while Joanne’s candy-throwing skills kept him on his toes. The shop was a flurry of colors and motion as the two clashed, the floor littered with shattered lollipop pieces.
Joanne’s eyes darted around the shop, searching for more lollipops to use as ammunition. Her focus was momentarily distracted when she noticed a giant candy sculpture on a precarious stand. It wobbled dangerously, tilting towards her.
Her heart skipped a beat. “Look out!” she shouted, but the boy’s attention was already drawn to the falling sculpture. Without hesitation, he dashed toward Joanne, tackling her out of harm’s way.
With a swift motion, he shifted his back into a deformed shield, his body morphing to absorb the impact of the falling sculpture. The candy crashed down onto the shield, and for a moment, everything went quiet. When the dust settled, the boy and Joanne were lying on the floor, safe and sound, though surrounded by candy debris.
Joanne looked up at him, astonished. “Why did you save me?”
The boy’s face was flushed, and he looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment. “I didn’t want to kill you. I’m a thief, not a murderer.”
Joanne’s expression softened, and she could see the sincerity in his eyes. “You really mean that?”
The boy nodded, avoiding her gaze. “Yeah. I’m sorry for everything. My name’s Luke. I didn’t want to cause any more trouble. I’d like to make it up to you. If you’ll let me, I could work here at the shop and pay off any damages.”
Joanne’s initial hesitation melted away as she considered his offer. She could see the potential for redemption in his eyes. With a bright smile, she extended her hand. “Alright, Luke. Let’s start fresh. We’ll clean up this mess together, and you can work here to make things right.”
Luke took her hand, his expression a mix of relief and gratitude. “Thanks, Joanne. I promise I’ll work hard.”
Together, they began to clean up the shop, sweeping up the candy shards and resetting the displays. As they worked, Joanne could sense that Luke was genuinely remorseful and willing to make amends. The two of them worked side by side, their earlier conflict forgotten as they bonded over the shared task.
By the time the shop was cleaned up and ready to reopen, Joanne and Luke had formed an unexpected alliance. The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was back to its cheerful self, and Joanne felt a new sense of camaraderie with her unlikely helper.
As they prepared to open the shop again, Joanne looked at Luke with a hopeful smile. “Let’s make today a great day, shall we?”
Luke nodded, a smile of his own tugging at the corners of his lips. “Absolutely. And thanks for giving me a second chance.”
With a fresh start and a new friend by her side, Joanne was ready for whatever the day might bring. The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was once again a place of joy and sweetness, and Joanne couldn’t have been happier.
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etherealzx · 2 years
Can I request jotaro with a s/o who wears revealing clothes
you got it anon ;)
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Jotaro with an S/O that wears Revealing Clothing!
He's a little confused by his partner's choice of clothing tbh. The small garments aren't exactly practical, and they look incredibly uncomfortable to him
He'll chastise you about how you really need to wear a jacket because it's cold out.
If you ask him if he likes your outfit, he'll say some smart-ass shit like "Where's the rest of it?"
Secretly, he loves your outfits. He would never admit this to you though, which is why he pretends to not like it
You can always see his face turn pink when you wear a skintight mini-skirt or a really short pair of shorts. He tries to tilt his hat down to hide it but it doesn't work very well lol
You also catch him looking at your ass when he thinks you're not looking
He buys you things that he thinks you would like. Like if he sees a really cute mini skirt or crop top at the mall, he'll bring it home and leave it in your room for you. (He also picks out things that he wants to see you in.)
If anyone makes comments about your outfits or is checking you out, Jotaro scares them off pretty damn quick with that glare of his. The fact that he's 6'5 and super muscular also helps him to scare off anyone who looks at you the wrong way
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I hope it's alright if I send this too!
Can I request this prompt?
F!reader is falling asleep in Abba's lap. Abba holds her close and doesn't move from his spot from hours. When Mista and Narancia see this they tease Abba like "He's in love; A lovesick fool; Wow, was that a smile? I thought you don't smile! 🤔😏" etc. And Abba, like a tsundere he is tries to deny these statements and begins to blush. Bruno's just looking at him with that know-it-all look on his face.
Sorry if this was a stupid idea you can ignore it! I'm happy that I could participate in this event!
Stay hydrated!
Cuddlebug - Abbacchio
notes - HELLO?! DUDE THIS IS NOT A STUPID IDEA AT ALL THIS IS SO CUTE WTF?!??! I loved writing this and was super delighted to see this in my requests to do! Thanks so much and good job Abbacchio for getting into all star battle lol word count - 335
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"I'm tired." you told Abbacchio when you got home, throwing down your bag.
"Then go to bed." he joked.
He wasn't expecting you to take him seriously and curl up on his lap while he sat on the couch. But he didn't mind one bit. He pet the top of your head, even laying little kisses there. Luckily, no one was home, so he could be soft with you all he wanted.
Spoke too damn soon.
The door flew open and the rest of the gang walked in, loudly joking and laughing. Abbacchio wanted to quiet them down, but he knew it wouldn't work.
He panicked. He was worried that the others would make fun of him. You two never told the gang that you were together and he really didn't want to admit that now, as you were fast asleep.
And damn, you were really out because not once did you bat an eye when everyone walked in.
Abbacchio didn't want to wake you by moving so he froze.
And that's when the two idiots - Narancia and Mista - noticed him.
Narancia snorted under his breath and Mista laughed out loud. Abbacchio, still frozen, didn't know what to do.
"Awwwwww!!!" Mista said dramatically.
"Is Abbacchio cuddling y/n?" Narancia said in a baby voice, batting his eyelashes.
"Shut up." Abbacchio muttered, still not trying to wake you.
"You two are in looooovvvvveeeeee!!" Mista played.
"Seriously, shut up." Abbacchio mumbled.
"Look, Mista, he's blushing!" Narancia went on.
Abbacchio was getting annoyed and didn't even realize that subconsciously, he was rubbing your back, which brought a satisficed hum from you.
Mista and Narancia kept getting on him about, making fun of the two of you and Bruno smiled in the back, watching Abbacchio with sweet eyes.
When Abbacchio noticed Bruno's look, he blushed down and then looked down at you with a smile, not even caring that the two idiots were getting onto him. Because after all, you were very comfortable and Abbacchio liked seeing you smile.
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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floufli · 5 months
me just looking for diavolo x reader fics but there're just a bunch of obeymes in the way to my mafia boss love
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and no, blocking the tags doesn't help when there're only those omfics for 2months straight ;-;
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bexalert · 1 year
Jojo characters reactions to you being hurt
(Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Dio)
(mentions of violence)
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Jonathan Joestar:
• Since he can heal, he’s not too worried
• But he’s still freaking out a bit inside.
• He’s SUCH a gentleman
• “Are you alright? Here, let me carry you.”
• Even if you’re fine, this man is watching you like a hawk.
• He just doesn’t want to lose anyone else :(
• If it’s a more severe injury, broken limb, stab wound, etc. He’s more jittery
• Like if you’re visibly in pain he’s gonna feel awful.
• “Please don’t cry- it ok. I’m here.”
• If he can’t be there, he’s gonna have Speedwagon or Baron watching you.
• He’ll fight for your honor 😤
• He’ll just do to your attacker what they did for you
• And a little bit more 🤭🤏
• But he’s still honorable! So he won’t go too far
• He knows you’re capable he’s just really worried and paranoid.
• He just cares so much :(
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Joseph Joestar:
• He’ s gonna be making jokes
• Not because he doesn’t care, he just wants to make you feel better
• He’s so confident it’s almost annoying
• “Don’t worry, Joseph Joestar is here!”
• *wink*
• But if someone did this to you, you best believe Joseph is messing them up.
• “You made a big mistake hurting Y/N!”
• It’s gonna be night and day
• He’s so gentle and nice with you
• And then he’s beating someone half to death
• If it’s a more severe injury, he’s PISSED
• Tells Caesar or Lisa Lisa to watch you while he murders someone
• Skipping the witty quip
• Just going straight into destroying them
• He’s gonna be a lot nicer if you’re genuinely hurt
• Doesn’t want to make jokes if it’s more serious
• “Everything’s gonna be alright, Y/N.”
• He’s not leaving your side
• If medicine isn’t making you feel better, he will.
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Jotaro Kujo:
• If silent but deadly was a person
• He’s not even gonna have to fight whoever hurt you
• He’s just gonna walk up to them and they’re already on their knees apologizing
• “Don’t apologize to me.”
• Now they’re desperately apologizing to you, and you’re confused cuz it’s just a scrapped knee.
• You’ll have to tell Jotaro that you’re ok and it’s not a big deal.
• Cuz at this point you feel bad for this random guy
• But if it’s a severe injury
• This person is fucked
• He’ll make sure you’re ok, and leave you with one of the other Stardust Crusaders
• And then Star Platinum is killing someone
• And Jotaro is just glaring
• You are not leaving his line of sight
• “Are you ok?”
• You won’t notice, but he’s gonna be hyper aware of what you’re doing
• Helicopter parenting
• He’s gonna make sure you’re happy and safe.
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s very worried
• If it’s something small, he’s probably not gonna go after whoever did it
• He’s just gonna make sure you’re ok.
• “Are you hurt? Let me see, I’ll help.”
• He’ll patch you up, and you’ll go on about your day
• But if it’s a worse injury
• He’s FREAKING out
• His eyes are going all wide and he’s gonna go straight to you.
• If it’s an easier enemy, he’ll stay with you and have Hierophant Green get them, or vice versa
• But if it’s another stand user, he’ll leave you with the Stardust Crusaders and destroy them 🥰
• He’s making it quick, cuz he just wants to make sure you’re ok
• He feels guilty that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt
• He doesn’t want to seem clingy, but he’s gonna stay right by you’re side
• “I’m sorry you got hurt. I won’t let it happen again.”
• And he means that
• He’s going to keep you safe
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Dio Brando:
• oh boy
• You gotta try and calm him down
• Like you’re frantically trying to convince him not to kill this poor dude
• “How dare they touch you?!”
• If you’re able to convince him to leave the guy alone, his mood will be soured, and you won’t hear the end of it.
• But eventually he’ll let it go
• If you’re seriously injured, however, he’s not letting it go.
• He’s going to take his time and make them suffer.
• He’ll have one of his lackeys take him away, and make sure you’re fine.
• If you’re not, he’ll get you the best care
• And he WILL make this person suffer
• “They will not get away with doing this to you, believe me.”
• He’ll do to them what they did to you, but tenfold.
• And he’s gonna be clingy, but will deny it
• He’s gonna act like he’s on top of you 24/7 for your sake
• But he was actually just really worried
• He knows that he has many enemies, and doesn’t want you involved
• He’s not gonna forget about it for a while.
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thepunkmuppet · 5 months
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inkpot909 · 4 months
First Love Headcanons: Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
↳ Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Implied the reader is shorter than Bucciarati? Canon-divergent. The reader is not made out to be very morally upright and is hinted at having a rough past.
A/n: Doing another one of these has been on my mind for a while now. Thank you to the lovely person below for the request! I hope y’all enjoy. <3
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Warning(s): None.
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There’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
Growing up in the mob kept him focused on the ‘family’ that took him in. It was his purpose, and the only reason he was able to support his father as well as himself. Before he learned the truth of the organization’s operations, he felt a pride in even the… messier aspects of his work.
Eventually finding a disconnect between it and his own morals leaves an empty spot in his heart. A shame so deeply buried within him that even the members slowly joining his team know little of it how deeply it affects him.
He now goes on with his work as normal, all while feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. His heart feeling so betrayed it needs little to push him towards full betrayal on his part.
Surely, a relationship would only muddy the waters.
All the cute girls that wave to him as he passes by on the street… who of them would be able to take such baggage? How could he expect anyone to? He wouldn’t have it in him to willingly bring anyone into this lifestyle, if his reluctance to let Narancia join is anything to go by.
Barely an adult and already he’s responsible for a small handful of people. Though, that thought never crosses his mind, as he’s unfortunately felt like an adult for an unfair amount of time.
And despite his own inner turmoil over his position in Passione, he’s formed meaningful relationships through the members of his team.
He’s the connection that binds them together, the head of their group, and by proxy the head of their little family. The purpose that the organization originally gave him now lands on the shoulders of his motley crew.
It’s them that keeps him going in spite of it all.
He finds his heart still beating, still moved each time he brings someone underneath his wing. That alone is good enough for a man like him.
No… there’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
And so, with that thought constantly repeated in his mind, he didn’t at all bat an eye when your own need eventually brought you to Passione’s metaphorical doorstep.
In your mind, it must’ve felt like fate.
Reaching for assistance at lowest point, you were subtly pointed toward one Bruno Bucciarati.
You don’t know what you expecting from the mafioso. A degree of harshness or coldness, perhaps. Only to be greeted with a hearty meal and an understanding personality so moving you fell into the trap of the mob right then and there.
How could you hope not to? When all you saw in that moment was a pair of gentle blue eyes looking at you with unspoken empathy, allowing you to speak freely despite his status as a gang leader.
So when he gave you an offer, you could only accept with newfound vigor.
The next couple of days felt like a blur, a change to your very view of your own psyche is made when it is suddenly able to manifest something you soon knew to call a stand. It is life altering to you, yet mundane to Bucciarati.
That kept you grounded.
Exiting a prison, golden broach in your hand, there’s no pit in your stomach that usually occurs when you lie straight to someone’s face. You had looked up at Polpo- an impossibly intimidating capo -and told him a lie. Said you’d kept the lighter on for 24 hours, and he… took your word for it, creepily enough.
You’re observant, able to discern that you were never meant to actually keep the lighter on the whole time, that the goal all along was to acquire a stand.
Distantly, you remember telling yourself as you left the prison that you ought to grow accustomed to lying anyways.
You didn't chose the mafia to be a player in your future, but life hardly goes the way people want.
And lying to a man like Polpo really didn’t feel like it counted anyways.
Still, Bruno’s reaction to your own twisted priorities was a darkly comforting one. It made you feel better about the coming days ahead:
Bruno Bucciarati finds himself checking his watch a third time, standing just a few yards away from a prison’s main entrance. Not many people like to pass by the looming building, leaving him alone and not likely to be recognized by anyone- Passione member or not.
He sighs, This should not be taking this long.
There’s only so much he can check the area around him before he starts looking suspect. Not that there’s much hustle and bustle in the surrounding area to distract himself with. A familiar impatience bubbles within his stomach, one that only occurs when he’s about to introduce his team to a new member.
Well… hopefully.
Before he starts growing gray hairs, he hears the prison gate creak open. Turning his head, he finally notices your figure exiting the large entrance with prison guards escorting you.
A smile finds its way onto his face, a gesture you return as you approach him. Once the gate is closed, and the two of you are left without any watchful eyes, you subtly gesture with your arm. The action causes his attention to move towards your hand that shows off a little golden broach in your hand.
He gives a nod, and you don’t waste time before shoving the little piece of gold into your pocket. Just as you do, you halt your footsteps- now standing close enough to hold a casually quiet conversation.
Every one of your movements are noticed and dissected within his mind, something you clearly understand just by looking at your poised body language. That, or you’re still on alert from talking to Polpo.
“I was beginning to think I’d have to go in there myself,” he jests lightly, though there’s not much actual humor in his voice. “Afraid I’d find you there attempting to choke the capo out.”
“The thought didn’t cross my mind,” you reply, a trying smile playing on your lips. You appear much more collected than the day you first met him, a detail he’s glad to see. “That would be an awful first impression of my own loyalty, wouldn’t it?”
Ah, so either Y/n is simply that nervous, or Polpo’s words actually got to them. Bruno shakes the thought off, as the distinction is not worth dwelling over right at this moment.
“One of your new teammates was damn near close to trying to pull a stunt like that in the past-“ he doesn’t miss how your eyes brighten up at his roundabout way of welcoming you to his team. You joining it went without saying, but the subtle omission being enough to make you look so inspired is something he can already tell he’ll find endearing about your personality. “-But no matter… walk with me, please.”
You do as you’re asked, something Bruno does not care take note of.
It's the one part of your behavior he doesn't quietly run through his brain. It’s your first day after all, he’ll see in a weak how well you actually listen to him. His experience with the others has taught him as much.
“I do have to admit…” you speak up when he doesn’t, “Lying to him didn’t make me feel bad at all.”
He turns to you, something flickering in his gaze before he lets out a soft chuckle. His smile now seems a little less formal, and the amusement on his face looks more natural. “If that’s an omission of guilt, then you’ll be an interesting change of pace.”
“It is,” you admit, figuring there’s no need to put up a front for a man this observant, “Lying to someone is almost worse than killing them.”
“How do you figure?” Bruno raises an eyebrow, not batting an eyelid at your statement. Honestly, the first time the two of you met, your words were much more morbid.
“Well… lying leaves room for feelings to stir within me or the person of interest. It lets emotions fester inside of people. Killing stops all regrets or feelings of betrayal- stopping everything, you understand? That, I can live with. A bad mark on my heart I find more difficult to walk away from."
It’s no surprise he’s silent after that, but his hesitation does take you off guard.
Oh, god, was that too loose-lipped? It’s easy to feel comfortable around Bucciarati. Far too easy. He’s the type of man that makes people inclined to open up. You always talked casually before about macabre things. Isn’t that normal for a mafioso? What if-
“No need to be nervous, L/n; I’m already impressed by you. You’ll do well with us.”
Something about his words, spoken so calmly without even looking over at you, have a calming effect to them. Just a week into knowing him, and already you’re slowly growing accustomed to his genuine yet subdued warmth.
As Bruno drones on about Passione and its systems- more specifically his duties that directly trickle down into being your duties -you can’t help but let your mind wander a little to a distinction you made when you first met him.
Bruno Bucciarati’s fundamentally different.
There’s a kindness to him you never would’ve expected from someone in a gang. It kept you nodding along as you spoke, and distantly you felt as though your entire future is in the palm of his hand.
And scarily enough, you were fine with that.
Him being a sort of exception was a thought you assumed yourself to be mad for making, at least, until you found out the others on the team noticed the exact same thing.
All while Bruno himself only looks at you and sees your potential to grow.
A place in his team… something that he’s always well-spotted. An intuition he’s not once been wrong with before, so there’s a degree of confidence there as well that rubs off on you.
You got his attention in a familiar way, and after you join the team, you’re his responsibility and his purpose- just as the others are.
He’s just your leader. Nothing more, nothing less.
That said, he grows to appreciate the genuine gratefulness you offer him in a… special way.
The others are thankful for him too, and he knows that fact, but it’s nice to here the sentiment so openly and often in nature. And in the tones of your voice, it’s especially calming.
He’s really just making excuses for himself, but it was early on enough where it was okay.
That’s what’ll first make Bruno truly see you as not only a member of his team, but a member of his little found-family. The not-so-subtle ways you show that you want to be with them and a part of what they do… how could he hope to not find that charming?
Your softer side, however you chose to express it, is never missed by a man like Bruno. He easily recognizes it, and almost immediately respects you for it.
Hell, after a while, he relies on you for it.
There’s little in his life that’s more grounding than a gentle expression, thick with anticipation, displayed on your face after each mission you’re not a part of.
You always check up on the returning members as soon as possible, making sure everyone is up and moving. “I won’t be able to relax unless I see for myself that you’re all okay,” he recalls you saying on the matter. The fact that it’s how you treat everyone on the team only makes the relaxing feeling sink in deeper.
It’s not long before he sees you as a genuine soul, and he’d consider himself to be a fool if he didn’t recognize that.
Since the very beginning, Bruno’s personality has touched you emotionally. And although he always saw a sort of spark in you, getting to really know you- becoming your friend in tantum with acting as your superior -allows him to see that little spark for what it actually is.
Genuine care for the people you’re close to. An eye for good natured people, and a responding gentleness. Couple that with a darker, more proactive role during missions or anything work-related, and Bruno finds himself falling back on you more than he’d care to admit.
The others, though? They have no hang-ups over mentioning it. It gets to a point where- specifically Fugo, Mista, and Narancia -start to complain about Bruno showing you a degree of ‘special treatment.’
Mista and Narancia’s complaining jabs are easily shot down with only a look, but Fugo proved to be a lot more serious about it.
To the extent to where an argument or two emerges between them. Fugo insistant in his observations, trying to get Bruno to at least admit he treats you differently than the rest. But Bruno remained headstrong, stubborn in his belief that he would always treat his subordinates equally.
He’s just your boss. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the months that pass, when you’ve since naturally found your place on the team, at what point did that start to be the common refrain playing in his mind?
At what point does he go from insisting he has no time for a relationship at all, to continuously having to remind himself he’s your boss?
And that question alone tugs at his heartstrings in a manner he’s not quite used to. It’s a delightful feeling, but it is foreign.
For a man like Bruno Bucciarati, it’s not so much a refusal to believe he could be developing feelings, but a worry if he should even do anything about the attraction.
That said, it does take him some time to realize his own feelings due to his position as a boss to you and out of sheer unfamiliarity with the subject.
He’s not too obvious as to receive knowing looks from the others whenever he’s around you (Which is often). Hell, Mista even admitted to him much later that Narancia didn’t even notice until Fugo told him to start paying attention.
And after a certain point, Bruno has to admit it to himself and does so with surprising ease. It may have taken some time, he may have been stubborn speaking with Fugo, but he won’t continue to lie to himself. He’s old enough to know when he needs to swallow his pride and admit Fugo was onto something, if only a little.
And after that point of realization, his own love language starts to naturally shine through a bit more.
Bruno generally prefers acts of service and quality time when showing his affection. Cheeky and openly flirtatious, you may have assumed he’s been in relationships before given his confidence.
He’s always had a special care for you when it comes to missions... but now he finds himself offering to help you with grocery shopping. Or paying for a maid to clean up your home when you’ve had a particularly busy week, and offhandedly mentioned needing to clean once.
What? You thought he would forget? That only makes him chuckle smugly, prompting him to lean to eye-level and ask you, “What kind of man do you think I am?”
It seems like he remembers everything that pours from your lips. Always listening to you intently, and never brushing you off.
And during down time, Bruno naturally finds himself preferring to spending it in your company. A lot. Preferably alone, thank you very much.
The two of you even began to start watching TV shows with one another. And neither of you would dare to watch ahead without the other. It’s usually true crime shows, comedies, or shitty soap operas.
All this time with you after realizing his feelings... and they only grow- to his personal panic. The more he stays at your side the more he would hate to ever leave it.
So this is what it's like... he remembers thinking while lounging around, and watching a movie with you one evening. This is.... what I’ve been missing my whole life.
As beautiful as the feeling you bring him is, should he... really do anything about it?
He can see that look in your eyes when it’s just the two of you, a gleam that speaks of an internal joy you’re not sharing with him just as he refuses to share with you.
He gets a sneaking suspicion that you like him the exact same way he’s grown to adore you. And Christ almighty- what’s he supposed to do with that?
Yet, even though you’re a part of Passione, meaning he needs not to stress over bringing you into something so dangerous unwillingly... he is still hesitant.
His care for you so often is expressed through worry, something he usually handles with authority and maybe even harsh words if he deems it necessary.
But this is far more personal, and he can only mull it over by himself. He’s not the type to bring it up to others, not even Abbacchio.
If he reached for you... and the two of you began something real; something official... it would be a no-brainer for enemies to target either of you in order to send some sort of message.
He can’t stand the thought of your broken heart, and absolutely refuses to think of something like that happening to you.
Then again, if a bit morbid, he eventually realizes the result would still be the same with the way things are now. Only, it’d be coupled with Bruno's deep regret over not having said anything to you.
He can only wonder if you’d feel the same, and at the end of the day, he really does think that would be the case.
And it’s around the time he’s fully digesting this, that you end up genuinely taking him aback. Acting before he can begin convincing himself to make the first move:
Giorno, Fugo, and Mista walk behind Bucciarati, looking up at him in silent awe.
If you were to look into each of their eyes, you could likely peace together what they’re thinking while looking upon the freshly appointed capo. Opportunity twinkles within their gazes, all coming from a sincere place of respect for their leader.
You, however, are not looking at them.
As Bruno approaches the rest of his team, anticipation turns into cheers and hollers of excitement from the others standing next to you. Abbacchio has the widest smile on his face you’ve seen since Giorno entered the picture, yet your gaze stays glued onto Bruno throughout the nearly youthful display of glee.
He’s noticeably silent and calm. It’s like there’s no off switch to him- likely already going through the duties now landing on his lap due to his promotion within his mind. He’s not going to want to take the night off, no doubt wanting to get down to business.
Your heart swells despite the slight strain on it. It’s so like him to be that way in a time like this, but… I can’t help but wish he’d celebrate… if only a little, you find yourself thinking.
“Mista… guys, please,” Bruno tries to calm the two (In all honesty, Giorno’s ‘celebrating’ amounted to simply smiling) excited boys walking beside him, waving his hand.
Mista goes on about how everyone must celebrate somehow, still lecturing as they finally approach and reunite with the rest of the group. His words go over Bruno’s head, however, a fond smile making its way onto his face when he turns to meet your gaze.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from him finally achieving the well-deserved position. Feeling so proud of him that your body jerks forward without thinking. Maybe it’s the excitement of everyone else rubbing off on you, and simply causes you to act without thinking.
All you do care to think as your feet move you right up to Bruno is, To hell with it. If he won’t start celebrating on his own; I’m making him celebrate.
Bruno opens his mouth to speak as you move well within his personal space, but is cut off by the swift movement of your hand tightly grabbing the collar of his jacket. One good tug of your arm and your pulling him toward you, lips meeting with his eyes widely open in surprise.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!”
Fugo’s exclamation, along with startled gasps from everyone else melt away the moment you feel Bruno melt into the kiss and reciprocate.
He follows your lead, gently sighing against your lips when you neglect to take your hand off his collar. His arms, which you’ve always found to be so comforting, snake around your waist. He keeps you securely in his hold, and your other hand flies to cup his jaw.
After a moment or two, the kiss breaks. Bruno looks at you as you pull away, eyes still wide and mouth gently agape. It’s enough to make you chuckle, seeing him so cutely taken aback by both your and his own spontaneous actions.
“Congratulations, capo,” you smoothly whisper, finally removing yourself from his hold. “You earned it.”
“I-… thank you, Y/n,” he responds softly, a smile growing on his face.
As much as you’d like to hold onto the gentle intimacy of the moment you just shared with him, movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. Shifting your gaze, you catch a glimpse of Fugo silently sliding some cash over to a smug-looking Abbacchio.
No… they didn’t…
“Did you-“ you breath, embarrassment beginning to boil inside your stomach and fuel the rising volume of your voice, “-Did you assholes bet on us!?”
“It’s Fugo’s fault for assuming Bucciarati would make the first move,” Abbacchio replies dryly, scoffing as if it’s beneath him.
“Excuse me!?” you and Fugo shout in tandem.
The team erupts in accusations and yelling, the celebration over nearly three minutes after it began. Bruno can only smile at his team, not expecting anything less.
And just like you moments ago, he cannot take his eyes off you.
It’s moments like those that serve as a reminder as to why it’s Bucciarati that leads the team.
Still… the smile playing on his lips that day did not falter once after your sudden display of affection. It was a beautiful, unexpected thing… much akin to how you entered his life.
The two of you were much closer after that event. Other members of Passione outside the team noticing another that’s always at the young capo’s side. Whispers and rumors flood Naples of your relationship… but he never pays them any attention.
He knows what the two of have, and he’s confident in saying that it’s love.
After all, all that matters to him is you staying at his side… even behind closed doors. He’s never experienced something like this before in his life, but now that he has you held in his arms, he never wishes to let you go.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
3k words, joel miller x f!reader
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Jojo playlist, joel master list, @toxicfics for notifs
SUMMARY: PWP. Phone sex and just-got-out-of-jail sex.  
WARNINGS: I8+, dirty talk, jacking off, groping while driving, oral F receiving, Unsafe P in V intercourse, semi-public (bathroom). Reader can sit on a sink.
A/N: cellmate's nephew!Joel, part 3 of 3 (just 8k total) , follows Jailbird and Collect Calls but you just need to know his aunt Mabel is your cellmate. This is the last of Jailbird for the foreseeable future. It’s been a fun diversion.  This is not the last of Jojo.
All goes well at your parole hearing. After you get your 72 Hour release notice, you call Joel. 
He answers the phone, "You're gettin' out," and you can hear his smile. 
"How did you–did Mabel tell you?"
"Had a feeling.  So what, 3 days now?" He opens and squirts the lube. 
"9pm Monday."
"You just made my dick so hard, baby."
"Jojo. . ."
"God, sorry - Joel"
"Call me whatever ya want, jailbird. Mm. Call me joel, call me jojo--mm, call me call me any time baby”
“Can’t wait to be on the other side of that glass.” 
"And I'm gonna pop that post-penny cherry" (post-penitentiary) 
"What they're gonna un-parole ya 'cause there’s a hard dick waitin’ for ya?"
“Well, I like the sound of that,”  you purr. 
“Oh we’re gonna get nasty, baby,” he breathes. 
“You wear thongs, g-strings, whatcha wear?” His fist slurps up and down his cock. 
“Thongs,” you tell him. “Boy shorts if I wanna be comfy.” 
“Damn. . . that ass in boy shorts?  Whew.” 
“How ‘bout you?”
“Boxer briefs.” 
“Mm, shoulda known. Those tight-ass pants”
“Yeah, ya like’em?”
“Like how ya wear’em”
“How’s that”
“Packing somethin’ fat and juicy for me.”
He moans. “Fuck yeah i am, just for you baby”
“Just for me?”
“‘S’all for you, baby. How ya want it first?”
“Honey, I just want it.”
“Can i come inside ya?”
“Mmmm, yeah. . .” 
“Fuck, i’m gonna pump you full,” his voice tells you he’s already close. 
“You better.” 
“Fuck yeah, baby.” His hand is moving faster. “Ohhh, fuck” He shudders and groans long and drawn out as he comes.
“Started without me didn’t ya” 
“Wouldn’t do that,” he says in a transparently false tone. 
“Hope ya can last longer than that,” you tease.
“Fuck you,” he laughs. “Shit, maybe I can’t. ‘S’what ya do to me, baby.” 
“Then we’ll just have to do it again.”
“Oh I’m grocery shoppin’ like it’s the apocalypse. Won’t have to leave the house for a week.”
Mabel gives you one last poke-and-stick tattoo, a heart on your other hand, mirroring the location of your "clover." The last thing she tells you is, “He’s snipped, ya know. I took care of him after he did it. ” 
“Yeah, he knows he's not dad material," she explains, then lightens the mood with, "he's daddy, not dad," and a wink. 
You're gonna miss her. But if things go well with Joel, you’ll see her again in a few months. 
Walking down the ramp from the tower toward the jail lobby, you can taste the freedom and almost forget what you’re wearing – booty skirt, platform heels, mesh crop top, fishnets. 
His posture is what catches your eye first. Feet spread, arms crossed. Your eyes fall to his bulge then pan up to a white t-shirt struggling to contain the tattooed arms crossed in front of him. Gold chain, Adam's Apple. As his face comes into focus, he tilts his head back and squints, pursing his lips in a pained expression as he looks at you. His expression is enough to remind you what you’re wearing. By the time you reach him, he’s biting his lip, shaking his head at you with his eyes smiling. 
He opens his arms and wraps around you for a full-body hug. He smells like fresh cologne, and he feels safe and comfortable.  He feels like – ohhh, yeah, he’s already getting hard. You’re holding a plastic bag of your belongings—phone and keys—against his back. 
“God damn,” he whispers into your hair and his pelvis subtly presses his growing arousal into you. He murmurs, “Mmm, let’s get the fuck outta here.” 
He grabs your hand and your shoes click as you walk through the sliding doors to the parking lot. As soon as the doors slide closed behind you, he drops your hand and grabs your ass.  His hand spans much more of your asscheek than you're used to. The beauty of the sky at dusk overwhelms you, even with the lights from the jail. 
“Let’s make it to the car,” you laugh. 
He puffs out his cheeks with an exhale and gets his keys out of his pocket with his free hand.  Then he points to a big truck and unlocks it. 
He opens the truck door for you and his hand on your ass helps you up into the seat. Oh the simple joy of getting in a vehicle. You start to grab the seatbelt, and he tells you, “nah, hold on a sec.” When he gets in the driver’s seat he slams up the center console, slides over and you turn to face him as he reaches you.  
He grabs the back of your head and pulls your face into his. His tongue parts your lips and his mouth is minty.  He sucks hard and gently chews your lips as he grabs your far thigh and puts it over his lap.  Then he grabs you by both hips and pulls you all the way into his lap with your help so you’re straddling him. When your crotch meets the warm steel rod in his pants, you whimper and he sighs vocally. Then your mouths connect again. You’ve been dying of thirst and he’s a tall glass of water; you just can’t get enough. 
His hands run down your fishnet thighs as you grind on him and make out. He playfully plucks one of the diamonds and murmurs in such a deep voice, “Thought ya weren’t wearin’ these, hmm?” Then he attacks your neck with his mouth, and you sigh.  Out of the corner of your eye, you see a Corrections Officer headed your way. 
“Shit,” you say, “We should go.” 
He groans. 
“They're comin’, we gotta go,” you repeat and pry yourself off of him. 
He takes a deep breath and his hips lift out of the seat as he adjusts himself, then scoots back over to the driver’s seat and buckles his seatbelt. You start to go back to the passenger seat and buckle yours, but he says, “get back over here.”  He hands you the middle seatbelt. 
You tease, “we 'bout to peel outta here?”
"Buckle up, baby.” 
He puts his hand behind you to back up. A whiff of his sweat under the cologne makes you want him even worse. 
You awkwardly try to keep your hands to yourself. He’s the one driving, so you’ll let him initiate any distraction. "Where we headed?"
"How ‘bout we get ya some real food, ya hungry?”
“Yeah, I could eat.” 
He gives a low whistle and says, “so could I, baby. can’t wait to taste ya." He looks at your legs. “Fuck.”  He puts his hand on your thigh, a ring pressing into your skin. “Mmm.” His voice is so deep. “Been savin’ this just for me, huh?'' His wrist pushes your skirt out of the way as his hand slides toward your crotch.  He finds your clit with ease, even while driving. He clearly knows what he’s doing and he could get you off like this in a minute or two, but he needs his hand back to make some turns. 
You put your hand on his meaty thigh and ask “can I. . .”
“*can* you? Fuck yeah you can” He lifts his elbow, welcoming your hand to his lap. 
You grab the bulge in his jeans and get a zap of need in your core. You slowly press your hand into his warm, hard package and feel the outline of his thick cock.  You’re aching for him. You’re about to ask him to pull over when he puts on the blinker and see you’ve arrived at Waffle House. 
“Here good?” He says as he pulls into a parking space.  
“Hell yeah,” you answer. 
He breathes a sigh of relief. “Cause if ya don’t like WaHo, we ain’t gonna work anyway.” You both unbuckle your seatbelts.
"Oh, here," you take your hand back as he reaches back behind the passenger seat, and your eyes glue to his huge bulge. He hands you a leather jacket, and says, “Just if ya want it.”  It’s a little warm for it, but it’s a nice thought if you wanted to cover up. At WaHo, you don’t really care. That’s the magic of it. He reaches back behind the seat again and you glance at his earring. He returns with a target bag.
You peek into the bag. There’s a casual tank dress, flip flops, and . ..boy shorts. Your heart flutters that his dirty question led to such a wholesome gesture. 
“You bought me clothes?”
“Yeah, coulda brought some’a Mabel’s but–”
“That could get weird”
You walk in front of Jojo into the breezeway, then into the restaurant. No one bats an eye at how you’re dressed.  You hold up the bag of clothes and ask, “Mind if I change ‘fore we eat?” A waitress behind the counter leans to the side to look around you, checks Jojo out and says, “get it, girl.” 
“That’s what i’m talkin’ bout,” Jojo murmurs to you and gives her a wink. 
Both the individual bathrooms are occupied. Joel stands with his back against the wall facing the bathrooms, so y’all are waiting out of view of the grill. You’re facing him.  He grabs your ass with both hands, pulling you into him, massive erection straining his pants, yearning to get to you. His cock digs into your front.  You kiss him and he kneads your butt cheeks as your mouths consume each other. He moans quietly into your mouth.  His hard cock twitches against you. 
He breaks the kiss and breathes heavily against your ear, then whispers “feel like i’m gonna die.” 
A toilet flushes. The bathroom smells faintly of cleaning supplies, and it doesn’t look dirty. The illusion of cleanliness is enough to not think about it. 
You wanna be right on top of him, but as he locks the door, you find yourself slowly taking a step backwards, watching him in anticipation, almost like you’re daring him to come after you and show you what he’s got.  He looks at you darkly and prowls toward you, unbuckling his belt, lips parted, eyes dark like a stalking animal.  You freeze. He unbuttons his jeans and walks until his hardness bumps into your thigh. 
Then, at a faster pace, he walks you almost all the way to the sink, then grabs your butt to stop you.  He hikes up your skirt so it's all the way over your ass. He grabs your ass with one hand and pulls you into him again. The strength of his erection through his exposed boxer briefs gives you another shock of arousal on top of your already desperate need. He pulls back his hips enough for his free hand to engulf your crotch.  His thick middle finger presses down on the (very) damp spot in your leggings. 
"Soaked for me, aren't ya?" The hand on your ass slides down and curls between your legs. His warm finger slips into one of the fishnet holes. 
He uses both hands, one from the front and one from the back, to rip open the fishnets. “Fuck yeah,” he growls. The hand from the back returns to your asscheek, while the other hand remains between your legs.  The side of his index finger meets your dripping seam. “Mmmmmm,” he slides his hand up and down for just a couple of seconds, then looks at the sink. “Think ya can sit up here?”
“mm. yeah, if you–”
He helps you onto the edge of the sink. You hold onto the sides and he immediately squats down with his head between your legs. 
“Just fuck me,” you say, dying to have him inside you. Your walls are twitching as though your cunt is making a gimme gimme motion like a fist.
“i gotta taste ya," he mumbles as he spreads your thighs.  “Sorry, just a sec.” He further rips the fishnets, exposing you to the cool air then sighs, “fuck,” as he reaches behind you to hold your ass. He whispers “just real quick,” his hot breath on your mound, before he plants his mouth on your cunt. 
He licks at your entrance.  “Mmmm,” he tongues and sucks your clit, then takes one hand off your ass to palm his boxer briefs. 
You fist his hair, sighing, “Ohh God, I need that cock, baby. We got time for this later.” You’re physically aching to be filled. 
He kisses your clit goodbye, then whispers, "god damn."  He puts both hands on your thighs as he stands up.  When he’s standing, he yanks his boxer briefs down and his naked cock bobs heavily, making you nearly drool. He’s shaved. It’s thick. Length-wise you might be able to take it. The girth will be a stretch. 
He curls his fingers under your mesh crop top and you raise your arms as he discards it. “Fuck it, you’re changin’, right?” He tugs at your bra, and you take it off. 
“Oh, fuck me,” he takes in the sight of your tits and can’t resist sucking a nipple into his mouth while palming the other. 
You grab his cock. “Are you gonna put this in me tonight or nah?”
“God damn, you need it don’t ya?” He wraps an arm around you  and you put your arms around his neck. He nudges you by the ass toward the edge.
“fuck just give it to me.” 
He runs his swollen, mauve tip through your slick, then notches it at your entrance and plunges into you with a groan. You gasp as his girth spreads you apart. You can’t remember the last time you felt a stretch like this. But he pushes it right in. You’re so turned on, it works. You watch his cock disappear into you. You glance up at him to see his mouth hanging open with a sigh of relief as his tip nudges your cervix and makes you whole. He sucks in a deep breath as he retreats, then says “FUCK, that’s a nice cunt.” 
His fingers dig into the plush flesh of your ass and he begins to fuck you. You pull up his shirt and it’s so tight that it stays where you leave it. He has a slutty little hip tattoo that says yeah. His lips latch onto yours as he buries his length in you again and again.  It’s all sucking and biting and hot, humid breath as you moan against each other’s cheeks before your tongues are in each other’s mouths again. The bottom half of your face gets slobbery.  He fucks you like he means it, grunting and moaning, “oh yeah.” Your bodies are dewy where your skin meets. 
You wrap your legs around him. Your pelvis grinds against his and your orgasm is building. You tell him,  “Don’t hold back”
“You want me to last?” He asks as he pumps in and out of you. 
“In here?--ohhhh–time for that later” 
“Oh, you already close, ain’t ya?” he speeds up and his chain bounces with the power of his motions. “Fuck yeah, baby, c’mere, c’,mon” His cock pistons into you. It’s even better than you imagined so many times in your pathetic excuse for a bed. Oh shit, will you really sleep together? The thought of it melts you. The thought of a real bed alone melts you, but with him, with this cock inches away, god this cock, it feels so, it’s so—A primal grunt comes from his chest. His heavy breathing and grinding against your clit have you on the edge ready to tip. 
You whimper, “baby,” pinching your eyes shut. 
He grips your ass harder and grinds his shaved pubic bone into you as he fucks you smooth and fast. He fucks like a porn star. “C’mon, jailbird.” 
He buries his length in you even faster, then pleasure seizes your whole body and you come on his fat cock. 
“Ohhhhh yeah, fuck yeah,” he breathes. 
He thrusts into you a few more times, “fuck, baby,” then bottoms out and erupts. He sighs a long sigh as his warm release coats your insides. 
“Mmmm,” you savor the pulse of his cock and you twitch with aftershocks. “Oh, god.” He hugs you and you rest your head on his chest while you both catch your breath. His chain feels massive on on your cheek.
Someone finally knocks on the door.  He pulls out and helps you down off the sink. 
“Someone in here,” he tells them. He pulls up his pants, then leans against the tile of the bathroom wall as he zips them up and fastens his belt while you change. 
You thank him again for the clothes as you look in the mirror and turn around. 
“Look good on ya. Guess I did alright.” 
His face is flushed pink and his hair is a little messed up.  He seems to notice you looking at his face and he pushes himself off the wall to look in the mirror. He rakes his hand through his hair, then scratches one side of his beard, turning away from the mirror. 
You sit down for a late dinner. Neither of you look at the menu. Jojo orders cherry coke and a texas cheesesteak with double hashbrowns covered, smothered, and chunked. You order your favorite meal and he compliments it. Your eyes are on his forearms and tattoos. As he brings the sandwich to his mouth. God damn, how’d this fine ass man practically fall in  your lap? You feel like  you owe Mabel big time. 
You ask, “You really go grocery shoppin’?”
He raises his eyebrows and smiles with his mouth full, nodding.  “Mmm-hmm.” After he finishes chewing he washes it down with a sip of cherry coke, then adds, “but you know what i really want.” He looks at you darkly. “So tell me it’s all you can eat, baby.” 
“Just for you, Jojo. . .”
yeah he wants to be covered and smothered in that.
Thank you so much for reading and engaging. I love your passion and your comments and reblogs really motivate me. <333
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