#fascism on the rise
dagwolf · 1 year
"According to the Moms for Liberty website, the group now has over 265 chapters in 43 states with a total membership of over 110,000. As the maps from the group’s website shows, the movement is strongest in its home state of Florida, but it is clear that Moms for Liberty is now very much a national organization, with dozens of chapters in blue states like New York and California.
In Pennsylvania, the leader of a local Moms for Liberty chapter allegedly hijacked a dead woman’s Facebook page to harass her enemies, including using the N-word and saying they should hang from a noose. In Arkansas, the head of communications of the Lonoke County chapter said that librarians should be 'plowed down with a freaking gun.' In Chattanooga, Tennessee, a member of a local Moms for Liberty chapter harassed an opposing group, threatened to report them for child abuse, and called them 'pedophile sympathizers.' In Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, police had to be called to a school board meeting after members of Moms for Liberty accused attendees of being 'groomers' and wanting to show explicit pictures to children. In Charleston, South Carolina, a Moms for Liberty-affiliated member of the local school board publicly stated he would show up at his son’s teacher’s doorstep with a gun if the teacher came out as transgender."
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tenobelisk · 1 year
please take a moment to appreciate one of my favourite socialists in a position to influence matters of government, Mhairi Black MP.
she is burnt out from the bulshit at westminster and will not be running for office again, but this speech from last year gives you an idea of the benefit of having one of us on the benches.
please resume cat photos, thank you for your time.
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n0thingiscool · 6 months
It's becoming apparent the US elections are heating up. I don't watch the news but I can tell because the number of hateful trolls online has drastically increased. And of course social media management teams do nothing about it...
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slidehead · 1 year
hello online feminist do you hate men as an extension of the hierarchical class they create, uphold and coercively enforce in society or do you hate men because you genuinely believe they are evil through an inherent biological heritage that cannot be mended
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sparkleofstardust · 4 months
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europeans how are we all feeling tonight
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lil-tumbles · 2 months
I don't care what you think about just stop oil, the fact that peaceful protesters are going to jail for five years for *planning* to protest, not even doing the damn - once again, *peaceful* - protest should be enough to fill you with rage.
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freedom-in-truth · 10 months
News: US police attack peaceful Jewish and allied vigil for Gaza
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US police throw Jews down stairs, interrupting their peaceful candlelight vigil
Have you called your reps yet?
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If you're in 2023 still thinking that labels like pansexual (and other mspec labels), asexual, aromantic, any aspec label, any xenogender, any neogender, anything MOGAI, mspec lesbians/gays, transmasc lesbians, transfem gays, and any other micro label is somehow encroaching on your identity and community
Then I'm sorry but you seriously just need to get over yourself
People are just trying to exist and live like you and I. If that offends you, then the only problem here is you
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sher-ee · 3 months
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We are up next America!
Vote Blue 💙
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tempestimes · 1 year
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ciricegh0st · 11 days
shows be like
heterosexual character storyline: full of romance and victorian style miscommunication with stares full of longing
queer character storyline: blood and gore violence lover probably dies in a saw-like trap they'll forever be lonely sadness sadness they cannot confess their love to bff sadness blood ultimately kills themselves
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feel like im going to jitter out of my skin so it’s time to sit down, set a timer for an hour, and play a rapid fire round of “will these vintage scifi books capture my interest or will they be extremely unpleasant”
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guavagyal · 2 months
it's annoying to talk to Americans about politics bc they reference pop culture/mainstream media too much in replacement for actual political theory. like they always reference Handmaid's Tale, 1984, Idiocracy, Muggles from Harry Potter, superhero movies when some authoritarian shit goes down.
I think it's a cope from learning about how genocidal American history & American foreign policy is. or it could be that leftist theory was hard to obtain in the US bc of capitalist propaganda & it's crazy expensive at times.
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cryptidjeepers · 2 months
So we're all just experiencing the concequences of western governments letting white supremacist far right sentiments simmer with no attempts to stop it for decades. Thats how you get white british rioters buring down mosques and doing the nazi salute in the streets. The fact that there are still areas of the US that are dangerous to step foot in as a non white person. Dont even get me started on the deep rooted anti indigenous attitudes of white Canadians. Years of white supremacy in governments only for them to think the oppressed black and brown people (immigrants or not) are somehow being treated better than white people. Give me a fucking break
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manicpixiedreamguy · 4 months
Good morning my fellow Europeans how are we feeling
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I also don't mind the aesthetics of the early new millennium coming back (it's literally only been three years since I was finally able to get my hair to part down the center in a straight line and not the zigzag I had since I was ten, and that was only because I buzzed my hair off) but like goddamn the most important thing young people need to know about those years after:
post-Nine Eleven hysteria and the rampant Islamophobia that bled into general xenophobia for anyone not a white immigrant from non-France western Europe
on that note, "freedom fries"
the begining of a twenty year war and bush enacting the "Invade The Hague" Act to cover his ass weeks before the unlawful invasion of Iraq
the designated "free speech zones" that to my knowledge the adults at the time didn't protest against and just let happen
The avoidable deaths by neglect during Katrina and the flat out eugenics at Memorial Hospital that went unpunished (this was mentioned by @penis-keeper before me, but it needs to be repeated and the knowledge spread around)
Queerphobia so normalized that PSA's had to go out to stop people from saying "that's gay" at every inconvenience or bad things that happened to them
is that bush's vice president dick cheney (sp? I've completely forgotten how to spell his last name) while in office once shot a guy in the face and then the guy he shot in the face apologized to dick for it and dick went unpenalized
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