#fascists eat shit
gaelsjustwannahavefun · 10 months
Tbh I'm absolutely shocked to my core about these riots. Im ashamed to be irish atm. However, this is the reality of Dublin right now. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, violence; all have been on the rise.
This is Ireland. We cannot and will not ignore the racism that reared its head today. We have a responsibility to protect all of our nation, including minorities. Ireland is for all.
These facists can eat shit. They are not welcome in my Ireland.
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maeamian · 2 months
Part of the reason that Republicans are so desperately acting like they will never lose again is because they are deeply terrified that this is their last real chance to win. The big orange dipshit came in and gutted the party of everyone who wasn't a loyalist, which left it full of nasty little gremlins who have gaping voids where charisma and human decency is supposed to go.
They still hold a lot of power, but if we stop them this year the next presidential election may not be the Most Important One Of Your Life™, that's not a guarantee or anything, but if they don't win here and now their future looks grim, this dipshit is the only guy they have left and he's extremely diminished and has his brains leaking out of his ears at this point. We can beat him into the ground.
So that's what we're gonna fucking do. We're gonna break these fucking fash. They will crash upon us and we're gonna break their fucking necks. When they come for us they will lose because they're fucking losers and we have each other's backs which is something they fundamentally are incapable of comprehending.
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breelandwalker · 6 days
Me: -checking my inbox after being sick all week-
Me, already blocking and reporting: Welp. Found the fascist trollbot. Or a straight up eejit. Either way. Byeeee.
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actualadvocacybruh · 5 months
“Rad fems” defending Matt Walsh the “it’s not rape if they enjoyed it” guy cause he did a transphobic and misogynistic documentary that they never watched is just more proof they are reactionary and fascist
This scum will break bread with evil if that evil justifies their hatred towards LGBTQ people
But they claim to be feminists and do the slacktivist performative outrage if you say a wrong word or have the wrong thinks so it’s fine to do a little fascism in their minds as to why are the “good guys”
Just as the Nazis and Soviets considered themselves the “good guys” for fighting the plots of “international Jewry” and “decadent west” with gulags and concentration camps
This is why anti fascists fight their evil ideology with every ounce of our being whenever the scum pop their heads out of their holes
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ahhscheisse · 2 years
Some of you need to realize that yeah, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but that doesn’t mean be completely thoughtless, y’know? I don’t use places like Walmart unless I absolutely have to. As in: no other options. I use Amazon too much but as the years go by, I’ve realized it is getting harder and harder to avoid them entirely. I don’t like meat but even if I fucking loved the homophobic chicken, I have other options in my area to choose from, so I will. It means doing the least amount of damage you can with the knowledge and morals, I guess, that you have. Don’t buy the anti semitic game. Don’t hand Jeff Bezos money when you see him on the street. Don’t kick puppies. Be thoughtful. Try. No one can be perfect but I know you can try.
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nando161mando · 7 months
Racists & fascists eat shit today and everyday!
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wolvesofinnistrad · 2 years
There is almost no point in that show where I was not absolutely rooting for Marcus, most of the Blood witches, or basically anyone that was anti Fairborn.
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Andor and The Mandalorian are so sexy. They were like ‘hey remember in the original trilogy how the whole point was hating on and murdering fascists? We do’
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alicedrawslesmis · 2 years
btw, unrelated
tomorrow it's election day in brazil (president) and Red is the color of the party everyone is hoping will win (me included) and I did not program that to coincide with the theme of the first day of les mis month
so anyway. Red has been the theme of my life today
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littlemouserat · 2 years
A Word From A Queer Actor
A year ago a fellow actor friend of mine asked me how I felt about ‘straight actors playing gay roles’ (In a I want to be a good ally/ friend way). 
My response was ,and still is ,“Meh. As long as they are respectful why not? We’re actors. We play who we aren't all the time”. But since it was a short visit I never got a chance to elaborate that and  I also hated the idea of someone having to come out just to get a role. 
I’m a gay trans man and I’ve played many cis-het roles, even thought I’m just starting my career. If I had to constantly come out or be questioned about my identity/ sexuality ,just to play a role, it would be exhausting, awkward as hell (stay out of my personal life yo) and possibly dangerous .This world is still so cruel to queer people no matter how many rainbow flag decals you see in the bank window. 
Forcing actors like Lee Pace and now this 18 YEAR OLD to come out (or get outed like in Lee’s case)  just because they played a queer role and you thought it was your right to know cause you thought they were ‘queer bating’ you is disgusting!! Shame on you!!
You have no right to know someone’s personal life!! Also you can’t get ‘queer bated’ by real people. They aren't’ some fictional character with a ‘will they won’t they’ relationship with an angel or some bullshit, they are a human being!!
Yes, I would love for more queer actors to play queer ,and non queer, roles. Especially for trans actors. I’d love if trans actors got the chance to play ourselves or to be given the chances that so many cis actors have. 
But honestly, I’d rather have the straightest- cis-ist person play a queer character if it would stop queer performers from being outed or being forced to come out. 
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st4rving4rt1st · 1 year
Every day I wake up fat and queer
Every day I see a world trying to kill my community, my friends, my family.
I saw this coming. I yelled and screamed but no one listened to the 16 year old lesbian who was "paranoid" about fascism.
Now I'm scared to hold my partner's hand in public. I'm always hyper aware when we're on dates, ready to fight at any given moment. I'm knocking on senator's doors BEGGING them to not take away the rights of our community. Begging them to see us as PEOPLE. "Come with me to a drag story time, let me show you!" "Ask questions, don't assume. I want to help you understand!" But they don't want to understand. They want me dead. They want anyone not like them dead.
I cannot change the fact that I am queer.
I cannot change who I am. I love women presenting people. I am a lesbian.
The only thing I can control about me is my behavior and weight.
And people wonder why I have anorexia.
People wonder why I starve.
Look around. It's because I have nothing else I can possibly control.
Maybe if I'm small enough, fit enough, strong enough...I can hide. They'll look over me...and I'll survive.
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kopibihun · 2 years
Emotionally devastated by a funky wooden puppet
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furtiveseal · 3 months
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gender-euphowrya · 3 months
jesus christ thank fuck holy shit *suplexes a wall*
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jeepers-scoob · 1 year
As pride month nears I've been seeing so many LGB people be openly transphobic and just really fucking gross and simply: stop that shit! I should not be seeing memes of like LGB being dragged under by TQ that's not how this works! The community is built on the backs of trans women and trying to blame trans people and for whatever reason queer people (they both confused me but this one really confused me) for bigots wanting them dead is so fucked! After they are done with them they will be coming after you no matter what shitty traitorous image you shared all you are showing is that you have no sense of community, no fucking compassion for the people living in fear, and are willing to sell out your fellow oppressed people! Get a fucking backbone and stop acting like the violence and anti LGBTQ+ laws being passed are anyone's fault besides the shitty bigots who want us ALL dead!
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spooky-kakashi · 1 year
britta perry would have loved guillermo del toro’s pinnochio eventhough she wouldn’t understand all the themes
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