#favorite from march 2023
lispectadora · 2 years
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Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964) dir. Bryan Forbes
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hauntedpotat · 3 months
I'm going to a DCI show tomorrow for marching band bc we do an annual field trip for it, and there was this shirt i wanted from last year's performance that I never managed to get ahold of and now that it's been a year since the tour it's been marked down to $10 :3
I am very happy
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smoothies-are-cool · 3 months
scott street
boyfriend! chris sturniolo x reader
summary: subscribers are convinced chris and his girlfriend broke up so they start making sad edits.
warnings: swearing, kissing, pet names (baby, ma, mama), mentions of y/n.
a/n: randomly got this idea, enjoy and please please read the author’s note at the end !! <3
november 1, 2020
halloween vlog with mom and y/n
“okay so, we have another special guest for todays video. chris’ girlfriend y/n!” nick exclaims as chris’ hand wraps around y/n from behind and rests on her stomach. y/n just smiles and waves at the camera.
february 12, 2021
guess the triplet by zoomed in pictures !!!
“chris wants to see if y/n can get some right so she’s gonna just go for fun.” matt explains as y/n moves to sit in front of the camera. chris stands behind her.
“alright.” nick says, turning his phone around to show a picture of someone’s hair. y/n squints her eyes to try and see the picture.
after a few seconds she giggles. “matt.”
“correct. next one.” nick smiles, swiping to the next picture.
the next picture showed an arm but in the corner of the picture you could see a little bit of a red t-shirt.
she immediately gasps. “chris! that’s chris.”
“how did you get that!” chris asks, his mouth open slightly.
“the red shirt. that was our first date and our first picture.” she tells him, looking up at him from her chair.
“well it’s safe to say y/n can tell us apart.” nick says, grabbing the camera.
june 25, 2021
baking pizza blindfolded with chris
“chris!” y/n giggles as chris starts playing with the flour on the counter.
“what baby?” he asks, laughing as well.
“stop playing with the flour.” she tells him as matt stands on the other side of chris.
march 4, 2024
liked by 43,929
sturniololvr - i miss them.
user - the last video she was in was the everyone relax video 😔
march 6, 2024
y/n ❤️:
*attachment one video*
this one has a little kick to it
chris baby 🫶:
y/n/n please stop sending me break up edits of us we’re literally still together.
y/n ❤️:
may 17, 2023
“chris can we talk?” y/n asks. chris’ mind immediately starts running millions of miles a minute. he thought she was breaking up with him.
“no!” he quickly exclaims. y/n gasps, realizing what was going through his mind.
“no baby i’m not breaking up with you.” she tells him.
“oh okay then yes we can talk.” he nods, walking closer to her, their chests almost touching.
“is it okay if i’m not really in the videos anymore? i really love being in them with you guys but the fans have gotten to be too much. i’ve tried to ignore them.” she tells him softly. chris’ face softens.
“of course, yeah. i’ll tell nick and matt in the morning.” chris nods softly.
“i’m sor-“ she begins to apologize.
“don’t even think about apologizing. i understand and i know that nick and matt will understand too. c’mere.” he says, pulling her into him.
march 13, 2024
chris makes matt and nick his favorite meal
“chris do you think i could be in today’s video? even for just like a second. i don’t like people thinking that we broke up.” y/n asks softly, just before the triplets were about to film a wednesday video.
“yeah mama, you’re always allowed in a video.” chris nods, a smile on his face.
“y/n come get your plate!” chris smiles at his girlfriend who was sitting in the living room. a happy smile spreads on her face as she walks into the view of the camera to grab the plate out of chris’ hand.
“thank you.” she smiles, quickly pecking his lips before walking back to the living room. she would usually eat at the table but the boys were currently using the table.
a smile stayed on y/n’s face as she scrolled through all the comments the newest video.
user - Y/N BABY
user - i can die happily knowing they’re still together
user - y’all are crazy
user - i missed her 😕😕
a/n: hey guys !! sorry for being so inactive, this year has been so so crazy. for starters, i lost my great grandmother january first, and then i lost my great grandfather on february twenty third. a few months later, my older brother attempted and was put into a hospital, and now my grandfather has cancer that spread to his lungs and brain. on top of everything, i’ve been preparing for my aunt’s wedding (i’m a bridesmaid) and everything has been super stressful. i wanted to post something and let you guys know that i’ll be taking a break to take time for myself and to spend time with my family. i’ll still be lurking around on the app, commenting, reblogging, etc, i just won’t be posting any fics for a little while.
i hope you can all understand and i love you all <3 <3 <3
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enigma2meagain · 2 years
🚨🚨 URGENT! Congress trying to pass anti-LGBT bill under the guise of “child safety”!
UPDATE 09/05/2023:
Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of her bigotry
So Marsha Blackburn, in her infinite wisdom, decided to admit in an interview with the bigoted Family Policy Alliance that the Kids Online Safety Act is a GIANT anti-transgender bill (or at the least, it’s so poorly written that it makes targeting transgender people easier). Naturally, after this blunder, she and Blumenthal are trying to do damage control. But WE have the videos, and people’s responses to this open confession in the links below:
Alejandro Caraballo’s Tweet with the Video.
Erin Reed’s followup article
Attempts at damage control commented on by Ari Drennen
PinkNews’ article about it.
Beacon Broadside Article
Mashable Article
So with all that in mind, please make way to the Bad Internet Bills website to tell your Senators that you STRONGLY advise them to drop their support/refuse to support this awful bill in light of this, or that their re-election chances will drop considerably.
UPDATE 02/14/2023: Richard Blumenthal is a lying snake who’s trying to get both KOSA and EARN IT Act back into law.
He persistently continues to ignore all of the backlash against these bills, the criticisms and highlighting the serious flaws of the bill by numerous human rights and LGBTQ organizations, and it’s telling that there seems to be no one who opposed the bill at the hearings today.
Fortunately, there are those are speaking up against it, such as Evan Greer from Fight For The Future.
Keep your eyes and ears open. We will be hearing more about these bills as time goes on.
UPDATE 01/30/2023: Well, Chuck Schumer has chosen to backstab human rights and pro- LGBTQ communities, as well as the internet by trying to fast-track KOSA. The time table is as follows:
And holding a floor vote in JUNE
KEEP IN MIND, this was the man who blocked legitimately good anti-Big Tech bills like AICOA on the pretense they would be “too much”, but was perfectly fine with the travesty of KOSA.
This man is in Big Tech’s pockets, because only they can afford to pay the fines that such a restrictive pro-censorship bill would enforce. The only people this bill helps are the exact people it claims to stop, while LGBTQ people have to pay the price for the greed of the corrupt congressmen and women.
All of the relevant links are still below, but I will be updated this as we go.
UPDATE 01/17/2023: Nothing has happened yet, but there have been rumblings of our “favorite” Senator Blumenthal talking about trying to push KOSA in again. I’ll mostly be keeping an eye on things for now, and you guys should too on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media and news outlets.
That being said, this is very much a reprieve, since Blumenthal and Blackburn, and their cohorts have made it clear they intend to get this bill back into Congress next year. But WE DID IT. We managed to get this bill stopped from being added in the omnibus bill.
I want to thank all of you who helped to reblog this post, signed the various petitions and the open letter, and especially if you went and called your Senators. Without your effort, this might have turned out VERY differently!
Thank you all, and I hope the rest of this year is a pleasant one!
So, this is a particularly long post, but it’s an absolutely IMPORTANT ONE. PLEASE REBLOG! LIKING IS USELESS!
UPDATE 12/14/2022: Two weeks ago, 90+ human rights, LGBT, and tech orgs signed onto an open letter telling Senators NOT to pass this bill. in response, over 230 orgs led by the American Psychological Association signed a letter urging senators to push this bill forward.
An updated version of the bill has been pushed forward by Senators Blumenthal and Blackburn, who claim to have changed the bill in response to feedback, but insight by the likes of Evan Greer and Ari Cohn have made it clear that the changes are superficial at best, and arguably fail to properly address the problems of the original bill.
We got blindsided by this, and we REALLY need your help!
Further explanation HERE: https://www.tumblr.com/fullhalalalchemist/703545300138262528/urgent
POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. about your opposition to this! The more voices speaking out the better, and we can’t do this alone!
The Hashtags are:
“Kids Online Safety Act” (no hashtag and quotes, just the regular words)
And PLEASE call your Senators at (202-224-3121).
Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441
Chuck Schumer (202) 224-6542
Nancy Pelosi (202) 225-4965
LINKTREE WITH ALL INFO HERE: https://linktr.ee/stopkosa
In a particularly scummy move, the Kids Online Safety Act is going to be put into the must pass end of year spending bill: www.axios.com/…
The two laws best positioned to get rolled into big year-end legislative packages, according to advocates and lawmakers, are:
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would require platforms to guard kids from harmful content using new features and safeguards and to make privacy settings "on" by default for children. The law also mandates privacy audits and  more transparency about privacy policies.
At first glance, the bill doesn’t sound bad, since it’s about helping “protect children” online. But like every “protect the children” type law, this would censor the internet of anything “harmful” to children aka any LGBT, NSFW, or whatever the Right doesn’t like, force everyone to upload their govt ID’s to even access anything online, and surveil everyone else. Gutting everyone’s privacy in an era where we see massive state violence and encroaching fascism globally. This is not only pushed by the same people (Senator Richard Blumenthal and Marsha Blackburn) who created the awful EARN IT Act, but also has many of the same flaws, such as pro-censorship, anti LGBT resources and content, and pro-mass surveillance.
But the biggest problem, as Mike Stabile has pointed out, is HOW the mechanism to which this works: The State Attorney General.
This addition would allow states like Texas and Florida to sue companies for having LGBTQ+ content, along with sex education resources, incentivizing these platforms to ban that content. To be more specific, the bill allows the state attorney general to sue if they believe that platforms do not protect minors from a list of harms that includes politicized terms like "grooming" which, as we've seen can include any sort of LGBTQ information, entertainment or literature.
RuPaul on TikTok?
A clip on transgender youth on Facebook?
A gay character in a Disney movie?
Suicide hotlines for gay youth?
Cue a suit from Texas or Florida targeting the entire web.
And the problem is that given the current political climate and the cruel behavior of a number of GOP aligned political groups in positions of power, this only ends up making things RIPE for abuse and mass censorship (since companies will probably end up choosing to acquiesce to their demands rather than risk being subject to liability) not to mention the damage this would cause to children who might need resources regarding LGBT or sex education.
Furthermore, the definition of “sexually exploitative material”, “grooming”, and “child porn” has been used in the past year to target transgender people, drag queens, and the wider LGBTQ+ community by likening their very existence as sexually violent. Yet another way this bill’s language will be used to target a community that is already facing violence. Every night, Fox News blasts a story on “sexualization of children '' to fear-monger around the LGBT community. One needs to not look any further than the right-wing ecosystem to see how KOSA would easily be weaponized.
This article by Mike Masnick on Techdirt also goes further into KOSA and its adjacent bills.
To make matters even worse, on top of the usual suspects of NCOSE ( They used to be called Morality in Media, and are a far right group disguised as an anti sex trafficking org infamous for being religious assholes who HATE anything to do with sex or LGBT) supporting this travesty of a bill, it’s been revealed that the Senate leader is claiming there’s no opposition.
This is literally giving the fascists a dangerous tool to abuse, all for the sake of political brownie points against ‘Big Tech’. A tool that far right groups like the Heritage Foundation have OPENLY stated will abuse to silence LGBTQ+ or sex-ed content for youth everywhere if it passes.
The ONLY way this works is by making sure who is and isn’t a minor is to have some form of age-verification scheme. And the only way to do that is through a third party like ID.me which has recently come under scrutiny for, you guessed it, data leaks. So everyone who accesses anything online will be forced to upload their govt IDs. How is this protecting anyone’s privacy?
With all that said, what can we do?
Well, the same thing we did for the EARN IT Act; we make a LOT of noise, and get the word out.
If you have read all of the above and want to fight this, sign this open letter against KOSA.
And PLEASE call your Senators at (202-224-3121).
Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441
Chuck Schumer (202) 224-6542
Nancy Pelosi (202) 225-4965
There is a call script with phone numbers here.
Fax them, email them. Tell them they MUST oppose this bill. CONTACT any major human rights, LGBT, and cybersecurity related organizations aligned and let them know about this bill, and the harm it can cause to LGBT rights and children! If you need more information on KOSA, we have a LINKTREE HERE.
There’s also a Petition by the Electronic Frontier Foundation  and from Fight For the Future.
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izzy02soph · 1 year
Mr and Mrs
Instagram edit
Pairings:Charles Leclerc x Fem!reader
Face Claim: Sofia Richie
Summary: Charles and Y/n preparing and getting hitched
Warnings: lovely dovey Charles and Y/n 🧍‍♀️
yourusername and charles_leclerc
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Liked by charles_leclerc, f1, and 1,980,542 others
yourusername Best birthday gift ever 🤍
View all 12,398 comments
carlossainz55 Felicidades! 🎉
arthur_leclerc congratulations future sister in law 🎊🥳
charles_leclerc I can’t wait to marry you 🤍
yourusername good because your stuck with me after you say yes 😉
August 1, 2022
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Liked by yourusername, joris_trouche, and 972,393 others
charles_leclerc Thank you to my fiancé, family, friends and the Tifosi for all the love and support this year, 2022 was a amazing year, but here’s to 2023 ❤️🥂
comments disabled
January 31, 2022
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Liked by charles_leclerc, isahernáez and 367,388 others
yourusername ring in one hand and a drink in the other 🍸💍
View all 28,108 comments
isahernáez can’t wait to see you at the alter 😍
yourusername the best maid of honor I could ever ask for 🤍
charles_leclerc ma future femme 🤩
yourusername mon amour
user2 I bet her bachelorette party was so much fun
user3 I can’t wait to see the wedding 🥹
March 22, 2023
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Liked by user4, y/nismother, and 1,979 others
shaaarl A few photos sent in from charles celebrating his bachelor party last night
View all 637 comments
user4 mans looks messed up in the second photo
user5 I just know their wedding is going to be one for the books
March 23, 2023
charles_leclerc and y/n_leclerc
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Liked by f1, leclerc_pascale, lorenzotl, and 3,583,429 others
charles_leclerc I liked so I put a ring on it 💍🤍
View all 37,872 comments
y/n_leclerc now honeymoon time! ✈️
pierregasly good, hurry up I want some nieces and nephews
charles_leclerc shut up tripod
leclerc_pascale félicitations mes amours ❤️
y/n_leclerc Je t'aime maman 🤍
arthur_leclerc congratulations my favorite sibling 🎉@y/n_leclerc
lorenzotl 🧍‍♂️
charles_leclerc 🧍‍♂️
April 22, 2023
2K notes · View notes
verlovestaylor13 · 2 years
Dear Reader...
Hi @taylorswift and @taylornation. The twins are back to give you The Story of Us ... updated 2023 edition❤️✨
What a journey these 16 years have been with you. You don’t know me, but hi my name’s Veronica! I’m 28 (turning 29 on 8/11!) and my IDENTICAL twin Victoria (@viclovestaylor13) and I have loved you for years. Your music has quite literally been the soundtrack of our lives.
Vic and I haven’t had the easiest past, to sum it up. We wouldn’t be the people we are today If it wasn’t for your love, strength, music and radiating happiness. Although you don’t know it, we’ve grown up together and experienced impressive milestones with you being a constant along the way. I’m not good at this whole tumblr thing, let alone getting you to see my post amidst the millions I’m sure you’re exposed to. But hey, we can’t ever give up hope! So that’s what I’m doing, here’s to never giving up. And here’s to always hoping that my twin sister and I will one day have the chance to tell you EVERYTHING and most importantly, thank you for everything that you’ve truly done for us. Fun fact is that we’re from Rhode Island so all of our experiences at your tours have been at our favorite place….GILLETTE STADIUM!!!
✨✨Okay lets start from the first tour we were able to attend! As you scroll down you’ll see us through the years until we reach 2023 at the bottom ❤️
🌈🌈🌈☂️Speak Now Tour  6/26/11  ✨
This was the first time we saw you!! Trust me when I say we wanted to see you MANY times before this but we were young and had no $$$. This show was a combination birthday and Christmas present.
Seeing you live for the first time changed us, to say it was magical is a complete understatement.
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🌹Red Tour 7/26/13 & 7/27/13  ✨
These shows were OF COURSE at Gillette Stadium! Vic and I saved up our money so that we could be at BOTH nights!! After the speak now tour we knew we never wanted to miss a single night. We picked up extra shifts at work and didn’t splurge on anything so that we could be there, buy merch and have the time of our lives. It was incredible and yes it did rain. We happily danced in ponchos.
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🎀1989 World Tour 7/24/15 & 7/25/15✨
Of course my sister Vic and I once again picked up extra shifts at work, ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and saved our money to be at both nights! I can still picture those nights as if it was yesterday…it’s crazy how much fun we had. This was during a tough year and having your shows to look forward to really helped us more than you could ever know.
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🐍REPUTATION TOUR 7/26/18, 7/27/18 & 7/28/18✨
As it has been with all your prior tours, my sister Vic and I saved up our money and gave up on certain things to afford to be there for ALL THREE (3) NIGHTS!! This time we were able to save enough money to afford our outfits! We dressed up and made friends with Gillette staff because of it!!! See the pics below 😇 The rep tour forever lives in our hearts and we’re constantly watching videos and crying lol.
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Lover Fest 🌈🌻💐🌸
Vic and I spent over TWELVE (12!!) hours to get tickets for lover fest east! Luckily between using our phones at work and carrying portable chargers, we secured dates to BOTH of the shows at gillette!
...March 2020
We know what this month and honestly the whole year brought into the world. Vic and I started as REGISTERED NURSES on March 2, 2020...and the federal shutdown in the United States quickly followed suit. Here we were, 2 brand new nurses working amidst a pandemic with no vaccine at the time and people passing away at an astronomical rate. Significant sacrifices were made this year and with that we know that Lover Fest was canceled. Being FRONTLINE WORKERS, Vic and I thought it was the best decision to cancel lover fest given the critical nature of the world. We were of course extremely sad, but it was the best for everyones safety. You continued to be our guidance while the nature of hospital systems turned into crisis scenarios. There were countless nights of physical as well as emotional breakdowns as we tried to navigate this unfamiliar world of nursing during a global pandemic. It was a long few months that turned into years - and now writing this in 2023 the pandemic is not over, but there is a newfound hope. We even wore the “I’m Feeling 2022″ headband to work our NYE night shift in 2021! That was until it had to be removed to go into covid isolation rooms, but it was still present! I attached the picture below.
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Fast forward to us now... and somehow it’s 2023?!
We have come out stronger than ever and now we are ready for The Eras Tour in our home aka Gillette Stadium!!! Like the tours in the past, we knew we had to be at ALL THREE (3) NIGHTS! We saved up and through all the rough shifts in the hospital, we knew a tour would be in the horizon as a reward. We couldn’t be more excited to be happy, free, confused and NOT lonely with the best people...Taylor Swift fans. 
 ❤️ The Eras Tour 5/19/23, 5/20/23, 5/21/23 ✨
Let’s do this!!!!!
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Here’s where you can find us having the best days💃🏻
🪩FRIDAY MAY 19: Section A5, row 1, seats 11&12
🌟 SATURDAY MAY 20: Section A9, row 3, seats 3&4
💎SUNDAY MAY 21: Section A12, row 19, seats 7&8
And then later in 2023...
Vic is getting MARRIED👰❤️ this October!!! I’m hosting her Bridal Shower on July 9th 2023 (I think we all know the significance of that date!) I’m also throwing her a LOVER THEMED BACHELORETTE in August! There will be references to the other eras as well just for fun! Then of course we have lyrics from your songs referenced EVERYWHERE for Vic’s wedding. Beautiful and meaningful lyrics selected to help tell Vic’s love story with Brandon. See the pictures I attached below! 
Also, let us know if you guys  @taylornation​ @taylorswift​ want to come because “...at every table, I’ll save you a seat” 🦋
There’s a standing invite to any and all festivities, always❤️
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It has always been and will always be you, @taylorswift. Thank you for every. single. thing. We owe a lot of our success to you and one day we hope to tell you all about it✨❤️
 Until then, thank you for being you and being a constant all these years. Your Rhode Island twin nurses love you more than can ever be explained. Eternally grateful.
Long live🦋❤️🐱
- Veronica (Twitter: @va13x) & Victoria (Twitter: @viclynn24)
@taylorswift @taylornation
3K notes · View notes
bueckerrss · 1 month
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summary𞠬: read to find out
warnings: angst, no happy ending.
tags: @patscorner @wintersstan @pbueckerslover @h34rtsformilli @cosmopretty
i love you too much
tuesday may 17 2022 at 2:00 am
i love you see you tomorrow 🫶
i love you more 💗
wednesday may 18 2022 at 3:00 pm
i’m outside
my wife 💕 hearted a message
ok i’m omw
sunday march 5 2023 3:00 pm
i just arrived to uncasville babe
i’ll text you when i have time
sent at 3:00 pm
babe? we’re about to go warm up are
you good? i haven’t heard from you
sent 7:00 pm
please respond i haven’t heard from
you in a few hours
sent 9:00 pm
hey babe we won the game
are you alright? are you
ignoring me? if you are
please tell me what i did wrong.
sent at 11:30 pm
i shut off my phone with a sigh as i sat down in my seat “girlfriend problems?” asked ashlynn as she sat down next to me “in between yes and no like she hasn’t been responding to my messages and i’m getting worried” i responded as i tapped on my phone to see if she had responded.
“maybe she was busy don’t worry about it” before i could respond my phone rang without looking at the contact i picked up “babe?” i responded with a smile, that smile slowly falling as tears welled up in my eyes “are you sure?” tears fell as she spoke.
march 15 2023 at 3:00 am
i’m sorry
⏼ not delivered
i miss you
⏼ not delivered
march 20 2023 at 6:00 pm
i got a tattoo today
of your favorite flower
just like we talked about
⏼ not delivered
march 27 2023 at 10:30 pm
we had a game today,
really miss seeing
you in the crowd.
⏼ not delivered
- one month later -
i arrived flowers in my hand i smiled as i saw how beautiful she looked, the sun making her glow more than usual, “i’ve missed you so much you know? the day you left hurt me so much, i haven’t forgiven myself for not being there enough. i brought you flowers knowing how much you love them,” i said placing them down on her grave.
heaven’s my witness and this is a fact
you live in my soul, your heart is my goal
i’m backkkk 🫶 but um if this sucks i’m sorry it was so rushedddddd 😰😰 love yall 🫶🫶
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greynatomy · 10 months
lucy bronze social media au
face claim - taylor hill
finally finished this
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liked by user1, user2 and 5,748 others
enews Longtime couple, Y/N Y/LN and Timothée Chalamet have reportedly split, sources say. The couple have been on the rocks for a while after a video of Timothée has been seen circulating the internet getting cozy with a mystery girl.
Read more with the link in our bio!
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user1 love doesn’t exist anymore
user2 bout time she left him
↳ user9 she was always way out of his league
user3 damn! timmy tim broke up with a whole supermodel for some rando
user4 bet he gon try running back to her in a week
march 17, 2020
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liked by user1, user2 and 224,738 others
yourinstagram my favorite sidekick 💙
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user1 she said ‘forget about timmy here’s me and my dog’
user2 so beautiful!
user3 go out with me now that tims not in the picture
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liked by user1, lucybronze and 746,804 others
yourinstagram beach bum 🌞
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user1 great view, but i prefer to look into your eyes
user2 u got a little sand on you
user3 where is this bikini from?!
june 25, 2020
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liked by user1, user2 and 12,474 others
tmz Y/N Y/LN seen holding hands with a new partner just months after her breakup with longtime boyfriend- now ex - timothée chalamet, in manchester, united kingdom.
click the link in our bio to read more!
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user1 she’s back!
user2 she’s already with someone else? girl is going around
↳ user3 tim moved on while in a relationship bffr
↳ user4 it’s been six months that’s a long time
september 5, 2020
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liked by user1, user2 and 5,637 others
enews Y/N Y/LN just deactivated her instagram account just before the new year starts!
click the link in our bio to read more!
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use3 what? no!
user4 good! she wasn’t good enough for timothee anyway!
↳ user5 girl bffr he cheated on her. good for her for leaving!
user6 hope she comes back soon!
december 31, 2020
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liked by gigihadid, taylorswift and 10,748 others
view all comments
user2 miss girl comes back from the dead and just drops a pic
enews Y/N Y/LN engaged? click our bio to find out more!
↳ user3 she’s not back more than 5 seconds and you already have an article up
↳ user4 fr give her a break
march 10, 2023
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liked by alexiaputellas, leahwilliamsonn and 11,748 others
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user1 wait… are these wedding photos??
user2 did she get married?
user3 what’s with the no caption post again??
tmz click the link in our bio to find out more out more on this marriage
↳ user4 you and enews need to fuck off!
user5 what’s the barca and england team doing in the likes??
april 22, 2023
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liked by lucybronze, gigihadid and 5,839,648 others
yourinstagram @/victoriasecret world tour is out now!
loved to be in wings again 👼
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lucybronze ❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourinstagram ❤️❤️❤️
gigihadid so glad to share the vs runway with you again!
↳ yourinstagram love ya gi!
user1 are we just gonna ignore her last two posts??
user2 acting like she didn’t break the internet
user3 what is lucy bronze doing here?
↳ user4 and most of the barca and england team liking??
may 15, 2023
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liked by user1, user2 and 5,738 others
ynupdates yn seen at the barcelona women’s game with a friend!
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user3 has she been in barcelona this whole time??
↳ user4 is that why paps haven’t been able to find her?
user5 since when was she into sports?
user6 guys i’m at the same place as her right now and she’s in the friends and family section!!
↳ user8 IS SHE A WAG? FOR WHOOOOO?????
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liked by user1, user2 and 7,748 others
enews Y/N Y/LN spotted in public after 2 years since deactivating instagram. Since activating her account again, it has been scrubbed of all posts except some new ones which look to be about her wedding. Y/N Y/LN is a very taken woman ladies and gents.
Click the link in our bio to read more!
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user3 enews is already back on y/n’s tail
user4 she’s in barca’s friends and family section
↳ user5 how do you know
↳ user4 i’ve been to a couple games and that’s where it is
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liked by user1, user2 and 5,445 others
ynupdates y/n posted and deleted this video from her insta stories. did she marry a woman? did she have a baby?
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user3 wouldn’t be surprising if she did. she’s been very open about being bi
↳ user4 didn’t she used to date hailee steinfeld
↳ user5 yeah but she said they were better as friends
user6 no longer supporting y/n
↳ user7 good riddance to you!
user8 if she did have a baby, she really is mother now
tmz can we use this photo?
↳ ynupdates no the fuck you can’t! leave mother alone!
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liked by lucybronze, onabatlle and 10,638,637 others
yourinstagram made a little oopsie yesterday so… surprise 🤷🏻‍♀️ @/lucybronze
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lucybronze love my little family ❤️
↳ yourinstagram i love you 💕
keirawalsh just want to put it out there that i am the favorite aunt
↳ leahwilliamsonn you’re the godmother you don’t get to be the favorite aunt too
alexiaputellas amo a mi pequeña bebé
↳ yourinstagram te amo tia alexia - baby bronze ❤️
↳ user4 omg baby bronze ugh 😩
user2 she’s off the market
user3 mother is a MOTHER
1maryearps my favorite milf
439 notes · View notes
miracleonice87 · 1 year
behind the scenes at 30 rock
part of the kissing kelce universe
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a/n: the newest installment is here! takes place during Travis's SNL appearance. includes guest appearances from jason, mama and papa kelce, and kelsea ballerini. enjoy!
warnings: mention of pregnancy / related sickness / babies, alcohol, swearing, i think that's it
word count: ~4,000
March 5, 2023 
Travis was mere hours from hosting Saturday Night Live, the biggest honor of his entire life and career outside of football. 
And you? You were sitting alone in his green room – an appropriate name, considering how you were constantly green in the gills these days – being sick in a trash can. 
Travis was rehearsing on stage, along with Jason and the cast, while Donna, Ed, and Trav’s management team were being toured around the studio. You had hung back after muttering a lame excuse about needing to call home and walk your parents through how to record the show tonight. Donna had eyed you suspiciously but let it go… and the group left you alone just in time for you to cough up your guts moments after the door closed. 
The wave of sickness lasted for a good three or four minutes, and as you sat up weakly, pressing the inside of your wrist to your sweaty forehead before reaching into your purse for your breath spray, you wondered how the fuck you were going to clean this up without anyone noticing. With a groan, you reached for some paper towels, crumpling them up and shoving them into the bag of the offending trash can, then tied the cheap plastic bag tightly closed and put it in another empty trash bag which, thankfully, you found inside the can. Somehow, you kept the gagging to a minimum as you picked up the bundle of bags and walked toward the door, taking a deep breath in when you reached it.
This is so fucking embarrassing. 
You cracked the door open just far enough to call out to a young PA walking down the hallway. As he drew closer, you called sheepishly, “Excuse me?”
He whipped his head up and stood straight, not having noticed the partially open door until you spoke.
“Oh, Mrs. Kelce!” he said with a polite smile. “Yes, can I help you?”
You winced visibly. “Actually, yes,” you admitted softly. “Please know that I absolutely hate to do this, but… I was just, uh, sick, in here and… I was wondering if it was possible to get rid of this for me?” You held the bag up a few inches and smiled at him apologetically. “I swear I’m not drunk, I’m just, uh… I’m not feeling well.”
He nodded and gave you an understanding smile. 
“Not a problem, Mrs. Kelce,” he said, carefully reaching for the bag. “Trust me, I’ve dealt with much worse than this,” he said playfully, and you were grateful for his assistance and his attempt to make you feel better. “You let us know if you need anything else, alright?” 
“Thank you so much,” you said quietly. You read his nametag before continuing. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this, Jeremy. And, um, one more thing…”
He nodded again. “Anything.”
“Keep this between us?” you said softly, lifting an index finger to your lips.
Slowly, a knowing smirk stretched across his lips. “Of course,” he assured. “My lips are sealed.”
You nodded, mouthing a final “thank you.” You closed the door and rested your head against the cool frame, closing your eyes and exhaling slowly, relieved that that hadn’t been as painful as you’d feared, and making a mental note to send Jeremy some piece of memorabilia signed by Travis as a token of your gratitude. 
You jumped when, just a few moments later, a soft knock came on the other side of the door.
“One second!” you called, ducking into the view of the lighted mirror to check your appearance, reaching for a tissue to wipe at the corners of your mouth. 
“Hey, it’s Kelsea,” a voice said quietly. “Can I come in?”
You smiled. Not only was it Travis’s first time on SNL, but it was also the first appearance for the musical guest, Kelsea Ballerini, who just so happened to be one of your favorite artists and one of the most-played on your Spotify account. You had briefly met her earlier and were able to tell her what a big fan of hers you were, and you were thrilled that she was back again, presumably to chat or maybe to take a quick photo before the show.
“Yes, come in!” you called cheerfully as you cleared your throat and tossed the tissue into the trash from three-point range, plastering a mega-watt smile on your features as if nothing at all had happened in the last ten minutes. 
She opened the door wearing a sweats set and carrying one of the SNL bags given to each special guest, and you noticed her freshly finished hair and makeup – the final step before the show would be to change into her outfit, which was sure to be stunning.
As you were about to open your mouth to tell her how beautiful she looked already, she shut the door and said abruptly, “Are you okay?”
Your stomach fluttered, this time due to nerves and not the baby in your belly. 
How did she know?
You swallowed hard and tried your best to play it off. 
“Yeah, I’m fine!” you lied through your teeth with a wave of your hand. “Why do you ask?”
She smiled and shyly ducked her head before meeting your eyes again.
“Well, my boyfriend Chase was just walking past and overheard you talking to the PA about being sick…” You pursed your lips, trying as hard as you could to keep a grin from your face. Kelsea forged ahead. “Now, listen, you do not have to tell me if you don’t want to, of course, but… I doubt you’d be here at all if you had the stomach flu, and you don’t seem like you’ve had too much to drink, so…”
You chuckled quietly, then nodded. After a long pause, you copped. 
“We literally just found out a week ago…”
Kelsea covered her mouth as she screamed silently and began hopping from one foot to the other. 
“Oh, my god, oh, my god! Congratulations!” she whisper-yelled as she wrapped you in a warm hug. In your wildest dreams, you could have never guessed that Kelsea Ballerini would be the second person – well, technically the third, if Jeremy had in fact caught your drift – in the world whom you told that you were expecting. Kelsea pulled away and held you at arm’s length. “Okay, well, I’m glad I asked – I had a feeling so I brought ginger ale and Jolly Ranchers. That’s what helped one of my girlfriends through her whole first trimester.” 
She reached into the bag hanging from her forearm and produced said items, and you pressed a hand to your lips as tears pricked your eyes. 
“Sorry, ignore me!” you exclaimed, laughing as you accepted the items. “It’s the freaking hormones. But that is so sweet of you. Thank you. You did not have to do that – you have a show to prepare for!” 
She waved her hand nonchalantly. “I know, I know, but this is just girl code,” she said decidedly. “I’ll run back out there in a sec but I wanted to make sure you were okay. Here, sit, sit,” she insisted as she motioned toward the velvet couch. 
You did as you were instructed and happily screwed the cap off of the soda, taking a few small sips. The coolness and carbonation of the drink were a welcome sensation on your tongue. 
“So nobody else knows?” Kelsea whispered excitedly, scrunching her nose with glee. 
As you swallowed, you smiled. “No,” you whispered back, and Kelsea squealed. “I’m only six weeks. We’re gonna tell my brother- and sister-in-law and his parents tomorrow when we go to Philly to meet the new baby, but right now it’s just us who know. And you!” 
She clapped her fingertips together enthusiastically. “This is the coolest thing ever!” she exclaimed, tipping her head back. 
“Don’t tell Trav that you know!” you warned as you unrolled a watermelon Jolly Rancher and popped it into your mouth. “He won’t be upset, but then he’ll wonder how you found out, and he’s been so worried about how sick I’ve been. I mean, he tried to cancel this,” you explained, motioning generally around the room. 
Kelsea held up a hand. “I swear on my life – again, girl code,” she promised. “But what I am gonna do? Is tell my boyfriend to keep an eye on you during the show and get you an out if needed. I don’t need to tell him why – he’ll listen.” 
You reached to rest your hand on her knee, squeezing it affectionately. “Thank you, Kelsea,” you said sincerely. “I really appreciate it. I’d say we’d name our baby after you, but that might be a little weird.”
Kelsea burst into a fit of laughter. “Yeah, Kelsea Kelce might be a bit much,” she admitted. “We can workshop it though.”
You giggled, then took another sip of ginger ale.
“Think you’ll be okay to sit through this whole thing?” she asked as you reached for the bag of salt and vinegar chips you’d stashed in Travis’s bag as you were leaving the hotel earlier. 
You nodded. “Usually I’m okay for a few hours once I’ve eaten something. Today’s just been so crazy that I hadn’t even realized I hadn’t eaten enough. I can tell you that won’t happen again,” you told her as you popped a chip into your mouth.
Kelsea tutted. “Girl, I get it. I get hangry so easily, and I’m not even pregnant,” she confessed as you beamed. “Well, I’m gonna get out there, but I’m glad you’re hanging in there. And I’m so happy for you and Travis, truly – I know we just met but it’s not hard to see how much y’all love each other and love your family, and you’re gonna be amazing parents.” 
Tears welled in your eyes once more as you wrapped your free arm around Kelsea’s neck, and she hugged your waist. 
“Thank you,” you managed, voice watery. You sat back and cleared your throat. “Now, break a leg! No pressure, but you’re technically baby’s first concert.”
Kelsea gaped. “I didn’t even think of that!” she said giddily. “Oh, my god, I’m gonna turn it all the way on then.” 
Backstage, a few hours later, Kelsea and Travis locked eyes in the moments immediately following the end of the live taping and the chaos that ensued. Over her head, she pointed both index fingers at him, doing her best to make a beeline to him through the sea of cast, crew, family, and friends. Travis danced toward her as though he had just caught a touchdown in the corner of the end zone at Arrowhead. 
“You did it!” he exclaimed, booming voice echoing throughout the short distance between them.
As she finally reached him, she extended both hands to high-five him, then the two embraced giddily. 
“We did it!” she shouted back, clapping him on the back. “You absolutely killed it out there!” 
Travis pulled back to point at Kelsea. “You were amazing,” he praised. “You sounded incredible!”
“Thank you, thank you,” she said, bowing playfully. “God, what a night!”
Travis rubbed his palms together. “What a fucking night indeed,” he concurred. “Now it’s time to celebrate – I’m gonna go find my family and get this freakin’ makeup off,” he laughed, then looked at her pointedly. “See you and Chase at the afterparty?”
Kelsea looked at him as though he were crazy. “Are you kidding? We’ll be there with bells on. I’ll meet you for shots in twenty,” she assured, then her expression grew more serious, and she leaned up to speak into Travis’s ear quietly enough so that no one could hear. “Just make sure you check on wifey first – and make sure she eats something before we go out.”
As Kelsea took a step back, Travis eyed her in disbelief. 
“Wait, how did you-”
Kelsea pressed an index finger to her lips. 
“I’m sworn to secrecy – girl code,” she whispered. Then, as she backed away, she mouthed, “congratulations.” 
He shook his head, a bashful smile on his face, and mouthed back, “thank you.”
Another hour into the night, after Travis had made sure you had your fill of the Chinese takeout he’d made certain to have a PA deliver to you right after the show, you were watching him hold court in the middle of Mermaid Oyster Bar in Times Square, simultaneously amused by and in awe of the way he was being doted upon as king of the city, even if just for the night. The poignance and ferocity of your first hug upon finding him after the show rivaled the embraces shared between the two of you after both Super Bowl victories, after your wedding vows, and, most recently, upon finding out you were expecting. 
But never in any of those sacred moments had you been so fucking tired as you were right now. Fighting against the exhaustion that threatened to overpower you at any moment as you watched Travis in a daze, you hid a yawn behind your palm and blinked furiously. In the corner of your private booth reserved for family, Donna sat sipping her cocktail, eyes never leaving you. When Ed got up from the table to meet someone at Jason’s behest, Donna scooted closer to you, leaning in so that she could be heard above the thumping music. 
“We should do a tequila shot together – I know it’s your favorite, and it’s a special occasion!” she suggested, nudging your shoulder with hers. 
You threw her a smile which you hoped wasn’t riddled with the anxiety you felt at the proposition. 
“You’re crazy!” you accused in jest. “It’s been such a long day, I’ll fall asleep if I take a shot.”
Donna nodded decisively, took a generous sip of her drink, and placed her hand atop yours on the table, studying you. 
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”
“Mom!” you suddenly heard from behind you, the single syllable tinged with a familiar northeast Ohio accent, and you and Donna both turned your heads to find her youngest son gaping at you, blue eyes wide with bewilderment and lips parted. “What the fuck?!” he spat as he hurried around to the front of the booth.
Donna guffawed. “Well, now I definitely have my answer!” she said, smacking the table gleefully before throwing her arms around you. “Congratulations, honey!” she exclaimed, kissing your cheek. “Oh, I’m so happy for you!” She reached for Travis’s hand as he tucked into the seat next to you, and you leaned against the table to allow mother and son as much space as possible to embrace behind you in the cramped booth.
“What’s happening?” Jason questioned as he approached alongside Ed, his signature brows furrowed as he looked at you accusingly. Travis and Donna parted and turned their attention to the other two Kelces. You pursed your lips before bursting into nervous laughter. 
“Well… our mother just accused this one of being pregnant,” Travis announced, wrapping an arm tightly around your shoulders as you offered a playful wave, watching Jason’s eyebrows shoot straight up, his color draining from his face at the perceived uncomfortable moment. “And as only Mom could be, she was 100% correct in that assumption.”
“Ayyyy-yyy-yyy!” Jason erupted, throwing his arms into the air before slinging them around both you and Travis at the same time, as Ed clapped in the background. “That’s fucking amazing! Oh my god!” 
As Jason made space for Ed to congratulate the two of you, Donna put a finger in the air. 
“I want to make it clear that I did not ask based on her weight or appearance or anything of the sort,” she insisted, one hand flush to her chest as if reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. “I only asked because she turned down a tequila shot for the first time in the many years that I have known her.”
Jason and Ed cackled, and Travis drew you even closer into his side. 
“Alright nah! That’s my girl,” he joked, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Only eight more months until your next one, sweetness.”
“That is very unlike her, I’ll give you that,” Ed concurred. “So, when are you due, sweetheart?”
You looked up at Travis and shared an elated grin. “Uh, November 6!” you announced. “It’s early – we only just found out last week.”
As Donna clapped furiously and Ed nodded, beaming, Jason held up both hands.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on… isn’t that the first day of Travis’s bye?” he asked incredulously. 
You nodded happily as Travis bobbled his head from side to side, pride and euphoria radiating from him, especially in his alcohol-flooded state. Jason stood still as a statue, gaping. “This is insane! You’re probably gonna get to be with her and the baby for, like, multiple days and not have to work or go anywhere,” he pointed out.
Travis nodded knowingly. “You’re goddang right, brotha – everything’s coming up Kelce! Ha haaa!”
Jason chuckled. “You’re unbelievable,” he said, shaking his head. “But shit, am I happy for you guys! Oh, my god, Ky’s gonna flip!”
Travis squeezed your bicep and implored, “Jason, please do not go back to your hotel and drunkenly call her, okay? We’ve been planning to wait and tell her in person tomorrow when we get to your house to meet Benny, which is when we were gonna tell all of you, but apparently Mom had other plans!” 
Jason crossed his heart. “Um, you might have to take my phone away from me to make sure that doesn’t happen, but I promise I won’t do it on purpose.”
You somehow managed to stay awake until four in the morning, largely thanks to the advice Jason had received from Rich Eisen to sleep in for as long as possible that morning in order to prep for the wild night after the show, but you realized you had finally hit your wall when the crew was ready to head to another location and you were not. Travis pulled you into his chest while the group discussed the route to the next party, his big hands resting on your lower back to keep you close. He ducked his head to speak into your ear, as private a conversation as could be managed in the midst of a gaggle of people.
“I don’t think I’m gonna go,” he said simply. 
You shot him a “yeah fucking right” look and immediately shook your head. “No, baby, you’re going – that’s not even a question,” you argued, smoothing a hand across his broad chest. “I’m gonna head back and get some sleep, you’re gonna stay out as late as you can keep your eyes open, and that’s final,” you said, poking him in the sternum. 
His fingers ghosted up and down your spine as you spoke, and he smirked in amusement, knowing better than to continue to fight you on this. 
“Are you absolutely certain?” he asked. “Because you just say the word and I swear to god, we turn around and walk out that door and go back together right now.” 
You shook your head again, toying with his silver chain. “Absolutely not, Trav,” you reiterated. “I’m certain. This is a once-in-a-lifetime deal, and you’re gonna enjoy every second of it. And to be frank, I’m gonna pass out the moment my head hits the pillow, so it’s not gonna make a difference to me whether you’re there or not. Until morning, and you can go back to holding my hair back for me.” 
Travis giggled, and his long arms wrapped you in an all-consuming hug as he buried a kiss in your hair. “Gladly,” he stated, and you knew he meant it. He dropped another kiss to your forehead and added, “I love you so bad.”
You hummed appreciatively and tipped your head up to peck his lips. “I love you so bad,” you echoed. “This has been incredible, watching you shine. You were amazing, babe. I’m so proud of you.” 
The humility and delight in his eyes was overwhelming, and he cradled the back of your head to thank you with a passionate kiss, the kind usually reserved for private spaces. But this was a special occasion, not to mention how much alcohol your husband had consumed by this point, so you simply smiled against his lips until he pulled away for air. 
“Couldn’t have done it without you, my girl,” he said warmly. “Be safe. Text me when you’re in. I’ll see you soon.”
You nodded, squeezing his waist. 
“I will,” you promised. “Have a ball, 87.” 
But truth be told, Travis did not have a ball once you had left him. Admittedly, he had watched your location on his phone incessantly while you traveled the short distance from the Mermaid back to your hotel, grateful that his mom had accompanied you, having had enough of the party for the night herself. Once he had watched the blue dot representing you reach the front of the hotel, then become stagnant once you had apparently reached your room and minutes later texted him “made it back, getting ready for bed - love you ❤️”, he tried his damnedest to focus on being present and enjoying himself, reminding him that this night was special, just as you’d said. 
But with every drink that was poured down his throat, with every celebrity he tried his best to entertain, with every introduction by somebody he was supposed to recognize to somebody else he was supposed to recognize, his thoughts were always, only, with you – whether you were asleep yet, how you were sleeping if so, if you had had enough to eat, how you were feeling. He’d spent so much time away from you this week because of the rigorous schedule of meetings and rehearsals that he just missed you with every fiber of his being – he swore it had to be biological, because anyone who knew Travis Kelce knew that he loved a party, especially one celebrating him. Though he’d never quite felt this way before, his heart simply wasn’t in it. 
Around 5 in the morning, he locked eyes with Jason and gave him the high sign, hand gesturing at his neck to indicate that he’d had his fill of the SNL pandemonium. Jason gave a knowing smile and nod, well aware of what was coming next – an Irish exit by his younger brother. Travis knew he would be there for another hour if he attempted to say goodbye to each and every person at the party, even just the ones he knew personally, and with his one-track mind focused solely on his exhausted pregnant wife back in his suite, he made the executive decision to dip out through a side door near the bathrooms. He quickly made his way to the car waiting for him, shared a nod with the driver, and climbed into the backseat. 
“How you doin’, man? Back to the hotel, please,” he requested. 
“Of course, Mr. Kelce,” the driver replied. “Do you need to make any stops first?”
Travis smiled softly and shook his head. “Not a one – thank you.” 
Finally, after what had to be the longest day of his life, he snuck back into the hotel unnoticed thanks to the accommodating staff, slipped in the door to the penthouse suite, quickly shed his outfit leaving on only his boxers, and snuggled into bed behind you, pressing his chest against your back. At his familiar touch and scent, you inhaled deeply and moaned softly, glancing over your shoulder and throwing him a sleepy smile.
“Hey, superstar, you made it back,” you greeted him, voice raspy and thick with sleep as your head dropped back to the pillow.
“Mmhmm, and I have been dreaming of this all day long,” he whispered, kissing a line from your shoulderblade, up your neck, along your jaw and ending at your temple. “Go back to sleep, sweet thing. I gotchu.” 
“Mmm, ‘kay. Love you, Trav,” you all but slurred, instantly slipping back into your slumber. 
He smiled so big it hurt his face, completely, wholly, overwhelmingly, blissfully content as his hand settled on your lower stomach where a baby bump was still weeks from appearing, your warm fingers lazily covering his. 
“I love you, mama.”
901 notes · View notes
shawnxstyles · 1 year
DATE: MARCH 27, 2023
summary: as a challenge, you try to get yourself out of handcuffs. eventually, you find yourself unsuccessful, leaving you confined to your bed. when your roommate harry sees your predicament, he can’t help but be a little turned on, especially when he notices that you are too.
song: invisible string- taylor swift
words: 5.8k
warnings: SMUT (f-receiving [fingering, bondage {handcuffs}], m-receiving [masturbation], praise kink, unprotected sex [coming inside], dirty talk), some pining, and language
note: a cheesy ass storyline but it still has me in a chokehold. also, i’m posting this at 3 am :D (sorry if the gif is all weird)
fratrry x college!reader (my favorite pairing 🤭)
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“Oh, fuck me.”
It was stupid—you were so stupid.
Your heart falls in a panic as you thrash around on your bed, trying to break the cuffs surrounding your wrists.
You got caught up in a video. Some stupid video you scrolled to on the internet that explained how to escape handcuffs in an emergency. With a Bobby pin. You watched the full thing out of curiosity and boredom, but then decided to try it.
Because why the hell not, right?
Who the hell has a Bobby pin in an emergency? You didn’t think about this part until after you were stuck.
You rummaged through your messy closet, searching for the cuffs. Luckily, you were a bit of a hoarder and kept mainly everything you bought. One year for Halloween you were a cop (basic, but cute), so of course you had handcuffs when you bought the outfit.
Huh, they’re way nicer than you remember.
Snatching the handcuffs, you sat back on your bed and rewatched the video again. The demonstrator was handcuffed to the leg of a table while the instructor showed the camera and directed the viewers. Once you felt confident enough, you were going to attempt it.
At this moment, you didn’t think twice about how stupid it might be.
You looked around your room for somewhere to practice. You didn’t want to use the table in the small dining room because it was crowded with stuff on it. Plus, you didn’t want your roommate, Harry, to walk through the door and see you doing another stupid thing you found on the internet.
The amount of times he’s caught you doing something strange is ridiculous. To anyone else, it would be embarrassing. But Harry is your best friend, who is able to keep up with your madness, and who you might maybe have a crush on. Okay fine, it was a big, fat, stupid crush.
90% of the time your internet attempts were some type of trick that ends in something breaking.
But this—this has got to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever attempted.
Your eyes circled around the entire room before you landed on your bedpost.
Stable. Unmoving. Bingo.
Reaching up and turning your head, you locked one of the cuffs to your wrist. Then you grab the small pin in the other hand. You loop the chain around the pole and cuff that hand. Facing the locked cuffs, you cramp your hand in a certain way that allows you to ram the pin into the lock hole. You twist it easily and free yourself from the cuffs.
You smirk to yourself at how easy it was. You decide to do it another time. And then another. You got confident with the movements, so you switched the pin to your non-dominant hand. It was slightly trickier, but you were still able to release yourself.
Knowing yourself, you wouldn’t stop until the challenge became a real challenge. So you decided to make it a little harder.
You made sure your body was facing forward, away from the post, before looping the chain around the wooden pole. You clicked the cuff on your left wrist, locking you to the post.
Now, you would try to unlock the cuffs blindly.
With the pin in your dominant hand, you try to maneuver it so it can reach the lock opening. You feel around with your fingers as much as they allow, trying to picture where the hole is. Thinking you felt it, you confidently jam the pin into it before twisting it.
However, your confidence failed you because you were too cocky. The pin slides through one of the chain links that you mistook for the lock hole and slips from your fingers. You let out a small gasp as it does, realizing what position you’ve gotten yourself into this time.
“Oh, fuck me.”
It was stupid—you were so stupid.
Your heart falls in a panic as you thrash around on your bed, trying to break the cuffs surrounding your wrists. Your eyes dodge around the room, trying to think of a solution. You notice the key to the cuffs lying tantalizingly on the bed. It was way too close for you to reach it with your foot, and you obviously couldn’t bend your head down to grab it.
There was only one thing you would do; wait for Harry to come home.
Harry presses a button on the treadmill, slowing down the conveyor belt beneath him. He huffs and puffs, trying to catch his breath. Even though he feels like he’s killing himself at the gym sometimes, he can’t help but love the feeling afterwards. That post-workout sensation that motivates him to get up and walk in the gym the next day. It was addicting to say the least.
As he steps off the treadmill, his phone begins to buzz. He looks down at the contact, feeling his heart buzz similarly at the name. He slips his finger across the glass, answering your FaceTime call.
“What’s up?” Harry answers the phone, holding it up so you could see his sweaty face while he stares at your ceiling. He packs up his bag and heads towards the locker rooms.
“I need help,” You shout, loudly enough so Harry could hear you from the phone, which was at the end of the bed. You had finally used some cells in your brain to use Siri to FaceTime him. Harry scrunches his eyebrows and stands stucksill in the middle of the locker room. Without hesitation, he starts to head for the exit of the building, thinking you’re in some type of life-threatening emergency.
“What? Are you okay?” Harry speaks anxiously as he reaches his car and turns the engine on.
“I’m fine! I’m fine! I just need you to…help me out,” You reassure hastingly with a grunt, continuing to thrash around as if that’s going to work.
It hasn’t for the past half hour.
Harry’s heart calms down a few beats, since your life clearly isn’t threatened. He hears the clanging of the metal to the wood.
“What’s that noise?” He questions, scrunching his nose.
“It’s, um, me,” You squeak vaguely. It was so embarrassing that the words couldn’t even leave your mouth without a cringe rolling through your body.
In a flashing moment, the pieces finally clicked in Harry’s head.
“You did another challenge again, didn’t you?” You stayed silent, too stubborn to admit that he was right and that you were stupid. He knew you well enough to know that your silence meant he was right, so he scoffed and groaned before hanging up the phone.
After parking in his usual spot, he grabs his gym bag and heads for your shared apartment. He trudges up the stairs, his legs brutally sore after today. Harry fumbles with the keys until he unlocks the door. When he walks in, he instantly hears you shouting his name in relief.
“Harry! Oh my god!” Harry knew it was wrong to be thinking the way he was thinking, but he couldn’t help it.
He imagined those words as moans spewing from your mouth as you lie underneath him. He envisioned fucking you deep and slow so you’d feel every inch of him. If he lingered on the idea long enough, he could imagine the depth of your cunt as he sinks into it, all wet and snug around his cock. Your hands would pull on his hair as he said the most sinful things to you. Some nights he had to conjure this type of fantasy to relieve himself, and he felt selfish every time.
He couldn’t believe that he was turned on simply from your voice.
God, he wanted you so bad.
Throwing his gym bag on the messy table, he heads for your room and discards his thoughts. The door is wide open, and before he even gets inside, he’s facing your predicament.
Your arms are raised above your head while your wrists remain trapped in metal confinements. Your body was slumped, probably tired from trying to escape. Your chest rises up and down in frustration. He could sense the irritation radiating off of you. It was laughable. Very, very laughable.
But his mind wandered back to his thoughts from a few minutes ago when he imagined pounding into you. Now, in his new fantasy, you were cuffed to your bed. Just like you are now, you wouldn’t be able to have your hands in his hair, but he’d lower his head in between your legs this time. The thought—the sight— of you in those cuffs was about to send him in a spiral.
He was half hard.
“Fuck me,” He muttered, closing his eyes and inhaling sharply.
“Are you going to help me or just stand there and watch my misery?”
“I don’t know, I kind of like it,” Harry teased, being honest, but not in the way you probably thought.
You weren’t the type for one-night stands. But when he saw you bring home the person you were dating (at the time), some deep, unwanted feeling burned in his stomach. Harry eventually labeled the feeling as hatred; he hated everyone you brought home, no matter how nice they were in the morning aftermath. You and Harry got too close, too friendly for anything like that to be allowed.
So, he would invite girls over because he realized he couldn’t have you. And eventually that created a cycle he couldn’t break because, again, he couldn’t have you. He couldn’t break it without you. No amount of girls or any other girls made him feel the way you made him feel.
He thought whatever he was feeling for you made him weak, but it really made him stronger, better.
Now, he stood a few feet from your bed, arms crossed in amusement. He hopes that if he joked enough you wouldn’t notice the bulge growing in his gym shorts.
You felt a rush of heat creep up your neck at his words. Although he can be sweet and soft, Harry was as much of a frat boy as the rest of them. He talked women up and brought them back to his room with his panty-melting smirk. You couldn’t help but envy them every time you heard the noises they made, knowing that Harry was the one causing them. Your stupid crush and hormonal body made his words sound like some sexual innuendo, but you knew Harry wouldn’t truly have any intentions behind it.
So what if he makes flirty, teasing comments that make your stomach drop and your heart race a million miles an hour? They weren’t intentional and he does it with everyone.
“Like it? Kinky shit,” You mumbled to yourself as your neck burns up, but of course Harry wasn’t going to let that slide. He was going to have a little fun with it.
“What did you say?” Harry leaned towards you with his ear, now wandering closer to your bed. You glared at him in irritation.
“Nothing. Just open the cuffs!” You said, ignoring him without making eye contact.
“No, I don’t think I will. This is quite fun actually,” He crosses his arms and smugly smiles, teetering on his feet. He should have left by now to take care of his erection that’s pulsing in his shorts, but he’s having too much fun. This is truly one of the stupidest things you’ve done. You roll your eyes as you wriggle your wrists pathetically, attempting a lost cause. Harry laughs, clearly enjoying your misery.
“Do you get off on this or something?”
“Maybe,” Harry shrugs. You don’t know why, but your heart skipped a beat and your neck continued to be aflame. The slight thought that Harry might be attracted to you, even if it was you at your mercy, caught you off guard. Slightly. “You have to admit it’s a little arousing.”
Your heart rate increases as he steps closer to you, eyes doe-y and wide as you take in the view. Every comeback or quick wit washes away from you.
“Is it?” He asks.
“Is it what?” You try to focus on the conversation, but it’s hard when his post-workout body is standing only inches away from you. In any other scenario, you would have pushed him away or brushed off his comment. But you can’t run away this time. Instead of looking at him, you stare at some spot on the floor.
“Is it arousing for you? To be all helpless and needy?” His voice is taunting. His words caused your cunt to instinctively clench, making your thighs do the same. His eyesight peered at your legs for a moment, hopefully not noticing the action.
“No,” You lied straight through your teeth. Your hands turned into fists as you dug your nails into your palms, trying to keep it together.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes,” No.
“I don’t like liars, Y/N,” Harry raises his eyebrows in a hurtful way and then slowly starts backing away. You shake your head in confusion as he heads for the door. “Now, I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be back.”
“Harry Edward Styles, do not leave me here!” You shout as you squirm for the millionth time. But he leaves and walks out of the room. He purposefully leaves the door open and heads down the hall into your shared bathroom.
Harry had a plan. If you weren’t willingly going to tell him you were aroused, which it was very obvious that you are, he would tease you. It was his greatest strength.
After turning on the shower and stripping from his clothes, he purposefully leaves his door open too, so you can hear everything. Once he gets in, he doesn’t hesitate to take his aching erection in his palm. He strokes his length as his body gets lathered in water.
Pictures of you with the cuffs appear in his head; helpless, needy, and vulnerable, just like he said. Based on your reactions, he could tell you were turned on by something and Harry was sure to crack you. He’s been waiting for this moment for a long time. Now, all he has to do is not fuck up.
He imagines you squirming underneath him as he rubs your clit, desperate for relief and freedom from the confinements.
“Harry!” You called out, but it was hopeless. You could hear him in the shower, taunting you. Your mind went straight to the image of his naked body and pictured it above you. You’ve never even seen him fully naked, but just the thought of it aroused you even more.
His strokes became faster as you shouted, rubbing his thumb over his leaking slit. In his mind, he translated them as moans of his name, which motivated him to pump brisker.
“Fuck, Y/N,” He groaned loud, for once hoping you heard him.
His balls tighten as another fantasy explores his mind: you on your knees, cuffs behind your back, as you suck his cock. Your eyes peering up at him innocently with tears brimming your ducts would send him into a lustful frenzy. He moaned noisily, his sounds bouncing off the tiled walls and down the hall.
You could hear everything. Including the way his name groggily fell from his lips in that sultry voice you only heard in dreams. Your panties dampened with each loud groan, forcing you to bend your knees toward your chest and rub them together to stop the nearly painful ache.
It was so unfair.
“I’m gonna come, angel,” He nearly whined as his palm slammed on the shower wall, fist pumping fiercely to reach his orgasm. The name slipped from his mouth, but it fit you perfectly.
A small whimper elicited from your lips at his noises, your legs crossing together in agony. You controlled yourself to not roll your hips in the air, because that was rock-bottom level pathetic, no matter how badly you needed him. This was torture.
His knees nearly buckled when his orgasm hit him hard, his balls squeezing and shaft twitching. Spurts of his release paint the walls that are soon washed away by the water as he calms himself down. With breathy sounds and dazed movements, he completes the rest of his shower before turning the water off and wrapping a towel around his waist.
He barely wastes time drying off before waltzing back into your room. Staring at your helpless figure caused a familiar ache in his cock, even though he just had an orgasm. He was insatiable when it came to you apparently.
Your eyes shot daggers at Harry, freshly showered and smelling like some woodsy soap that only reminded you of him. A white towel hung low around his waist and water droplets stuck to his body like he was straight out of a rom-com film. The burning in your lower belly and the pulsing between your legs never ceased. Your chest was rising quicker than it should have for being chained to the bed.
“Something you want to say?” Harry taunted with that smug smirk plastered on his face, slowly padding towards your bed.
His eyes pierced into yours, trying to force you into admitting. He sat on the edge of your bed beside your bare legs with the towel daring to slip off. Your head told you to not fall for his longing gaze while your body begged you to submit.
Your logic could only take you so far with the overpowerment of your body.
“No,” You replied with clenched teeth.
He brought his hand to smooth over your shins, firing bolts of electricity straight to your clit. You involuntarily squeezed your thighs again to dull the ache, and you hated yourself for how obvious your arousal was. Harry slightly tilted his head condescendingly innocent, waiting for your response. But you tightly bit your bottom lip, refusing to say another word. You didn’t trust your next breath because if he kept touching you, you’d moan from just his hands on your knees.
“Hypothetically,” You didn’t like where this was going. It was scary, out-of-the-friend-zone territory. “If I were to check, you’re saying you wouldn’t be wet at all?”
You bit on your tongue. Hard. Harry shouldn’t be allowed to say the word “wet” in his deep, post-orgasm voice. When he touches you, you shouldn’t cave so easily.
Why did you have to like him? Your best friend and your roommate? That’s setting yourself up for failure.
Being the stubborn person that you are, you still continued to play snarky, even if you were soaking so much in your panties that you might be leaking through your shorts. “Not a single drop.”
“So you wouldn’t mind if I jus’ took a look, right? I know you jus’ love being right,” His hands rub along your legs until they’re on your knees and lower thighs.
He’s not wrong, and you hate that. Why does he have to make everything so difficult? He could simply just unlock the cuffs and go back into his room like nothing happened. So why is he making such a big deal about it? Unless he…no way.
“Go right ahead,” You tried to sound confident, but you squeaked, heart beating rapidly. Did he want this as much as you?
A sly smirk creeps onto his lips as his palms snake higher up your legs until they’re at the hem of your shorts. Your breath hitches in your throat, too afraid to make any noise because it might betray you. How does one act unaffected when they are very much affected?
“Gonna take these off now,” He narrates, and then slowly slides off your shorts. You didn’t breathe, just watched it happen. Your heart was running a marathon in your chest, and you thought you might go into cardiac arrest. With your shorts now on the floor, your legs remain closed. You know that the second you open them you will be proven wrong.
Harry’s fingers sneak in between your thighs and practically pry them open, your right leg hanging off the bed. You gasp at the sudden vulnerability and sharply turn your head in embarrassment. You can feel his smirk and piercing eyes burn into your skin screaming “told you so” while he tsks, but he doesn’t openly say it. He caresses your upper thighs, so close to your panty line.
“Aw,” He says patronizingly when his hands pinch the sensitive skin of your thighs, causing you to subtly roll your hips toward him with a small yelp. “Helpless and needy.”
“Harry,” You tried to sound threatening, but it was breathy and quiet. “We…can’t.”
“Why not?” His reply was instant, almost too fast for you to register. His hand gripped your thigh, making you whimper shyly. You didn’t have a valid reason why you couldn’t.
The worst thing that would happen is that you would fall in love with him and he would leave you in the dust, just like every other one of his hook-ups. You didn’t want to be that to Harry. If you two did this, would everything you guys have built as friends just go to waste? Would you have to move out and find a new place?
“I don’t just want to be another one of your hook-ups. When I have sex, it means something to me,” Why did you always have to make it so difficult? God, you’ve wanted him for the longest time and you’re saying this? He’s just going to run away. He doesn’t want to deal with this shit.
“Y/N, I promise you’re not jus’ another one of those girls. If you knew what I was thinkin’...”
“What are you thinking?” You whispered. His fingers trail up to your panties and tickle the area of your mound. You gasp, as the pad of his thumb presses to your clit. It pulses and throbs beneath him, begging to be touched without the barrier of the thin fabric.
“Want to feel you wrapped ‘round me while I’m deep inside of you,” He informed gravely, eyes concentrated on his own fingers. You whimper again, pushing your hips into his touch. “Want to hear your sweet noises.”
“Oh,” You bite your lip harshly.
“Want to kiss you. Everywhere. Want to wake up and see you next to me. Want to come home to you in my bed, in my clothes.”
“Harry,” This time, his name fell from your lips as a delicate moan, endeared by his words. Your mind becomes hazy from everything; his touch, his voice, his words. You only need one thing now. “Please.”
That’s all he needed. He gradually slips off your panties until they’re joining your shorts on the floor. The air breezes over your drenched cunt, contrasting the burning of your skin. His thumb rubs over your bundle of nerves again, but this time you mewl at the bare contact.
“You’re soaked, angel,” Voice rough and deep, he grunts as his middle finger teases your wet folds. You buck into his hand, desperate for more. Harry’s lips curl into that familiar smirk before he slips his finger inside.
You moan noisily, not trying to remain quiet anymore. You didn’t care. His digit runs deep, nudging your G-spot. The deeper he went, the more your folds could feel his icy cold ring. You panted and wheezed embarrassingly when he slipped his ring finger inside. He pumps torturing slowly, making it possible for you to feel every detail of his skin sliding in and out of you. Your eyes roll back while your hips squirm under him. He glides his opposite hand beneath your T-shirt, thumbs caressing the underside of your breast.
“Harry, fuck,” Your stomach burned. Actually, everything burned. Your wrists struggled against the metal. Your muscles coiled tightly, alerting you that you were getting close. You weren’t surprised that he had you on the brink of an orgasm in a matter of a few minutes.
“Am I making you feel good, angel?” Lustful and sensual, Harry began to pump faster, realizing you were close. Your back arched toward him, seeking to be closer. You wanted to be melting into his skin because you were so attached to him.
“So good, H. I’m close,” You mewled as his thumb brushed over your pebbled nipple. He multi-tasked; his index finger and thumb twisted your aching nipple while his other hand curled deliciously inside of you. Your walls squeezed his digits and your legs began to spasm at the overwhelming sensations.
Not a second later, you felt a wave of relief flush over your body. Your heart thumped rapidly against your ribs and your face scrunched in undeniable pleasure. Harry’s movements slowed as he helped you ride out your unforgettable orgasm.
“You’re so pretty when you come, baby,” Harry compliments, still caressing your breast. You wearily smile, heat burning your skin from his words. He raises his fingers up to his own mouth and licks away your release. For some reason, you opened your mouth thinking he was going to put them in yours.
His eyebrows raise and that cocky smirk comes back before he’s laying his damp digits on your tongue. You suck, swirling your tongue erotically as he barely moves them. Your glossy eyes remain locked on his, never looking away.
“Fuck,” He mumbles before yanking them out of your mouth. His cock twitches impatiently under the towel, neglected. “Dirty girl, huh?” It was your turn to smirk now.
“Need to be inside of you,” He removes the towel and you nearly faint right there. Long and thick, his cock was pink and pulsing at the tip. Precum oozed from his slit and you had the urge to put him in your mouth just like his fingers had been. Harry’s eyes looked at you like he was hungry, and if he didn’t have you he would starve.
“H, what the hell,” You wheezed as he spread your legs wider apart and stroked his painful erection with his palm.
“What?” He questions, hissing as he looks at your soaking pussy again. He never wants to forget the sight of you fucking drenched for him. He’s wanted this too long and too much for this to be a simple one-time thing.
He knows that the second he enters you, you are his. No one else’s. He’s going to ruin you for every other man.
“You’re… huge. Where have you been hiding that thing?” Panting, you start to get nervous. Everything becomes so real. This wasn’t a part of your imagination or some fantasy you conjured up. Harry was really in front of you, and he just gave you a mind-blowing orgasm.
You force yourself to get out of your head and live in the moment for once.
Harry chuckles hoarsely, and leads his tip towards your entrance. His body hovers over yours, face cradling in your neck. “Fuck, my condoms are in my room–”
“I’m on birth control.”
“I–are y’sure? About this, I mean.”
“I’ve never been more ready,” You smile at him endearingly. If your hands were free, you would have stroked his cheek.
“And I’ve also never been so impatient–” Cutting you off, Harry finally slides into you a couple of inches. You both share a string of groans and moans at the completely bare contact. You were more snug around Harry than he’d imagined—he thought he was going to come on the spot. He’s barely halfway in and you already feel a stretch.
More arousal leaks from you while your walls throb around him. His lips press into the skin of your neck and you inhale that woodsy scent again like flavored oxygen. Like you need it to live. His damp hair tickles your neck while your chest moves rapidly with the beat of your heart. You wish you could lace your hands through it.
“I need you to move, H,” You whisper, so quietly that if he wasn’t so close to you he probably wouldn’t have heard.
Obeying your request, he pulls out almost all the way before sinking back into you. Most of his length is in you as he pumps leisurely. Harry grits his teeth as your walls flutter around him, clutching him like a goddamn vice. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He doesn’t want to ruin this by going too hard. He wants to savor this moment forever. He repeats the action a few times before you get frustratingly impatient.
“Harry, I need more. Please,” Your words of plead cause him to screw his eyes shut.
“I don’t want to hurt you, angel.”
“Big ego you got there,” You roll your eyes as you rock your hips towards his. “Fuck me like you hate me. Please.”
A wavering sigh falls from his lips before he yanks himself completely out of you. You thought for a moment that you scared him off, but then, his cock slams back into you. An echoing moan bounces off the walls of the room while he pounds roughly.
His pace is brutal and concentrated, the head of his dick repeatedly hitting that sensitive spot inside of you. Your pussy clenches him, never wanting to let him go. Harry bucks his hips, ramming into your cunt at a new angle. Out of instinct, you go to move your hands to touch him, but are painfully reminded that you can’t.
“I want to touch you,” You plead, thrashing your wrists within the metal cuffs.
“No,” Grunting, he thrusted impossibly deeper–he practically melted into you.
You groan while he lifts up your left leg to shift it. He moves strategically and briskly, his thrusts never falting. Your eyes spin to the back of your head while the world around you seems to fade away. The only things that existed were you and Harry. But even in this moment, you two felt like you were one. When his lips began littering soft, pinched kisses on your neck, you thought you were going to lose it.
“Oh my God, Harry,” You sighed, hazy in bliss. Every ridge and vein of his cock could be felt through each hearty thrust. His noises varied from deep growls and soft moans, and you swear with just his sounds you teetered closer to your second orgasm.
“So fuckin’ tight, angel,” His breath fanned over your neck that was being covered in his love bites. The noises that fell from your lips were uncontrollable; you didn’t care if your neighbors could hear and you didn’t care if they would send a complaint the next day.
“Kiss me, H,” He didn’t hesitate to listen. After months of waiting, his lips finally collided with yours.
Interlocking, your lips molded together like the perfect experiment. Your chemistry bubbled up and created a flame the color of ecstasy. A firework of emotions burst all around you. He never halts his movements, pumping barbarically in and out while his tongue explores your mouth. To kill you even more, his free hand slips down in between you both and rubs your throbbing clit with a brutal pace.
How does he know how, when, and where to hit?
You become overwhelmed with feeling; everything was so pleasant and blissful, even if the scene was unbelievably dirty, it just aroused you more. Even if it was too much, you somehow couldn’t get enough.
He mumbles profanities as you squeeze his shaft firmly because that familiar wave was so close. Just a few more thrusts…
“Killin’ me every time you do that, baby.”
“I’m gonna come. Fuck, fuck, fuck!” As you spoke, your muscles tightened and your legs wrapped around his torso, forcing him lower inside. He groans as you clenched around him again, orgasm finally releasing from you. Broken moans echo throughout the room as your high causes you to feel floaty. Your heart thumps in euphoria and overwhelming affection. Surrounded in a cloud of rapture, the only thing on your mind was to have him come inside of you.
Luckily, he wasn’t far behind. As he attempts to pull out, about to come, you whine and beg him to stay.
“Want me to come in you, hm? Who knew you were so dirty,” He taunts and you hum in response, simply just feeling him as you ride out your high. “Gonna be the death of me, angel.”
You jerked your hips forward, sensitive and squirmy, as his cock twitches. Before you know it, Harry is coating your walls with his release. Your eyes roll back for the hundredth time tonight, savoring the sensation of his ropes of cum. His heart pounds quickly like a galloping horse, still in denial of everything that just occurred.
Everything felt so surreal, you were positive that Harry had sent you into an oblivion. His strokes become sloppy as he tucks every last drop into your cunt, just like you wanted.
“H…” You don’t even know what to say. You were speechless. Harry literally fucked the words out of you.
“Are you okay?” Was his first question, his first words to you in the aftermath. Your heart swells for some odd reason, even though that is the bare minimum.
“Yes,” Was the only thing you could say in response. In a moment, you came to the realization that the bottom half of your body was naked. Your muscles jittered as you close your legs, covered in wetness.
“Y/N, I…” He wanted to tell you everything. Right now. There was no better moment than right now to tell you everything. Right?
But how does he say it?
You knew Harry was about to say something sentimental or serious. You knew when he was about to say something meaningful that it took him time to find the right words. That was one of the things you found most endearing and adorable about him. His next words were either going to break your heart or make you want to have sex again. Either way, you might cry.
“I feel fuckin’ stupid,” Okay, those were not the meaningful words you expected to come out of his mouth. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “I feel fuckin’ stupid for you. Do y’know how hard it is to live with someone you feel so strongly about? It’s bloody crazy. You drive me insane, Y/N. I’ve waited so long for this thinking that if I had you once it would be enough. But I like you too much for this to be a one-time thing. I need more than this. I need you.”
Your mouth was wide open, shoulders slouching with your arms hanging. You were positive your arms had fallen asleep with the amount of time they’ve been hanging, but your heart was too full to care. That organ in your chest inflated with the admission he spoke. Those words might not have been as heartwarming or movie-like to other people, but to you, there was a strong, heartfelt passion that was real and true. You were surprised he cracked first. You surely thought it would be you.
“Harry, I–”
“If you don’t feel the same, I understand–”
“Goddamnit, Harry! Take these cuffs off of me so I can kiss you, you doof!”
i thought this was only going to be 2k, so you’re welcome <3
tags: @crybabyddl @tiaamberxx @alwaysclassyeagle @bisexual-desi @raajali3
crossed out= not able to tag
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captainreecejames · 6 months
Still Me Here - LN 4 smau
author's note : This has been sitting in the drafts for a while (lol) but I'm really happy with this one so I hope you all enjoy it!
summary : the world reacts to a hit album by yn ln, and also theorizes that it's about a certain mclaren driver
pairing : lando norris x EX!fem!reader
faceclaim : maisie peters
June 2023
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liked by lilymhe and charlottesiine others
ynusername the good witch is finally out!! I put so much love and pain into this album that I now can share with you. I hope that if you relate to this then you'll find some peace as well because we all deserve that. let me know what your favorites are and what to put on the set list 😉💙
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ynwitches I've been waiting for this one turn it up
faneditsyn pleaseeeeee history of man has to be on the tour ↳ ynusername oh that one's definitely gonna be on the list ↳ Faneditsyn she responded 😳
lilymhe so far run is my favorite ↳ alexalbon what's that supposed to me ↳ lilymhe sleep with one eye open tonight ↳ ynusername stoopppp 💙💙
landonowins not lily commenting 🫣 ↳ yntruthers now we know who got who in the break up 😭
thegoodwitchyn another no skip album I fear
ynhearts hearing the screaming of her name at the end of the good witch, literal chills
landoyn4ever ynlando stans are gonna be in the trenchs again (it's me)
ynwitches I also don't move on (in my loafers (with a smoothie))
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October 2023
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liked by ynpartysongs and francescacgomes others
ynusername SURPRISE! The good witch (deluxe) is out now. I had more to give from the moment she dropped in June and I'm happy to share those songs with you now!
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ynforever babe wake up new yn songs just dropped!!
ynwithasmoothie now why'd you drop this after our show ↳ ynusername I promise I'll come back with these!
ynfans3 brb gonna go scream holy revival
ynfans4 lando can't catch a break damn! (do it again)
oliviarodrigo girl you're making me cry over here ↳ ynusername shut up you make me cry too 😭😭
charlottesiine not the guy on a horse ↳ ynusername 🫣🫣😏 ↳ ynfans3 ex's teaming up I see, lando and Charles are going through it
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March 2024
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liked by ynpartysongs logansargent and others
ynusername MELBOURNE you were amazing. this was an amazing show and I'm so happy that you got to be here. to share this album and these songs with everyone has been a dream come true and it's extra special because so many close friends came out.
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francisca.cgomes girl!!!! It was so wonderful!! ❤️ ↳ ynusername BABE THANK YOU
ynausyfans you have to come back soon!
pierregasly thank you for inviting us! ↳ charles_leclerc we had a lot of fun! ↳ ynusername couldn't forget about my favorite Frenchies (and monagasque)
lilymhe ahhhhhg!!! Hearing you sing history of man live is just life changing ↳ ynusername stoopppp you're so sweet 🫶🏼 ↳ alexalbon thank you for the cake too!
ynhistoryofwitches her bringing out half the grid to sing happy birthday to Alex is just so 🤧🤧 ↳ ynusername had to show love to my good friends
georgerussell63 an amazing show! Love you YN! ↳ carmenmmundt gonna drive him crazy with how much I stream the good witch again ↳ ynusername 🫶🏼🫶🏼 babe I love you
carlossainz55 ❤️❤️ beautiful show YN
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡😏 ↳ landoyn4ever what do you mean?? What do you meannnn???? ↳ ln4eva WAS LANDO THERE ↳ landitonorris OSCAR TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW
l4nquadrants DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT LANDO LIKED. IT WENT AWAY BUT I SWEAR I SAW HIS USERNAME ↳ yncomingofage time to go to sleep grandma you're making up stories ↳ alltoomuchlando no I saw it too
maxfewtrell an amazing concert yn! ↳ ynwithasmoothie WHY ARE ALL OF HIS FRIENDS HERE??
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 4 months
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all nct 127 imagines can be found here personal favorites are marked with ☆
last updated August 28 , 2024
lovesick fool {college!au} posted November 21, 2020
Johnny is your work husband and feels fine with being just that until something someone makes him realize he wants more
☆ [5:58 pm] posted September 12, 2021
FaceTime with Johnny and a your mom joke, but really- you’re at his mom’s
[2:57 pm] posted February 26, 2022
Going out shopping with Johnny when someone calls his last name which also happens to be yours
[2:21 pm]  posted June 12, 2022
Johnny wants to get your attention after an argument by making you ask for help, but you find your own solution
[4:50 pm] posted November 13, 2022
CEO!Johnny has a few minutes to send something important but he doesn’t want to move so he uses you as a desk
☆ [12:07] posted May 6, 2023
Dad!Johnny and you take your daughter to the beach for the first time +BONUS fake instagram post
☆ [4:51 pm] posted October 22, 2023
CEO!Johnny’s employees have a bet going on for when the two of you will get together, but you already are??
[8:12 pm] posted December 22, 2023
You’re spending your first Christmas in Chicago with the Suh’s and Johnny’s mom is making sure to document it all 
[10:14 pm] posted May 4, 2024
you’re really hoping Best friend!Johnny comes over to tell you his date was horrible…
[1:16 pm] posted January 7, 2021
Taeyong does your nails
[7:05 pm] posted January 3, 2022
Taeyong still gets shy when you tell him you love him
[10:38 am] posted September 18, 2022
Parent!Taeyong just can’t say no even when you already have said no
[10:57 pm] posted August 5, 2023
idol!reader breaks up with Taeyong after the hate becomes too much when your relationship is revealed
[7:34 pm] posted January 11, 2021
After a date with a little wine, Yuta doesn’t want to hold your hand
☆ [12:06 am] posted September 19, 2021
Yuta comes home drunk with something interesting to show
[3:19 pm] posted March 19, 2022
Yuta ruins his wedding band… again
☆[3:19 pm] posted March 19, 2022
Frat!Yuta can’t wait to get out of this stupid gala especially when you’re dressed this well
☆[1:12 am] posted January 8, 2023
Yuta’s coming home from tour! But do you know that?
[1:24 am] posted June 24, 2023
Frat!Yuta and you always find someway to sneak off and makeout when you drink, how has it become a problem for your friends?
[1:29 pm] posted February 3, 2024
Dad!Yuta and you have a leash kid
[8:32 pm] posted April 25, 2021
Doyoung brings home something surprising and quite frankly, unbelievable
☆[4:41 pm] posted November 14, 2021
You may be mad but you still love Doyoung
[2:19 pm] posted Auguest 14, 2021
Doyoung is an extremely nervous boyfriend- wait, boyfriend?
☆[4:41 pm] posted November 14, 2021
Sneaking around the office with SecretBF!Doyoung would be a lot easier if you didn’t wear lispstick and your secretaries weren’t so observant
[5:44 pm] posted June 3, 2023
Seeing your horrible ex boyfriend at the grocery store has you picking a random stranger, Doyoung, to be your fake boyfriend
[7:27 pm] posted December 21, 2023
CEO!Doyoung finally confesses his feelings for you at the company holiday party
[1:08 pm] posted April 6, 2024
surprisingly, the messiness of fatherhood isn’t something that bothers Doyoung
The Return of Superman- Doyoung posted August 9, 2024
Doyoung and his two kids go on The Return of Superman
⋆⭒˚。⋆fratboy!Jaehyun masterlist⋆⭒˚。⋆
Pick me posted October 12, 2020
After getting engaged, Johnny and Taeyong keep fighting over who gets to be the best man
[5:42 pm] posted July 25, 2021
Jaehyun is uncharacteristically clingy  
☆ [9:33 am] posted December 18, 2021
(suggestive) Jaehyun can’t control himself this early in the morning after a simple kiss
[6:31 pm]
BestFriend!Jaehyun finally gives you your first bouquet of flowers ever
☆ [6:19 pm] posted December 17, 2022
Dad!Jaehyun talks to pregnant!reader’s belly 
☆ [7:41 am] posted January 29, 2023
Saturdays are supposed to be sleeping in but Dad!Jaehyun has other plans
☆[8:34pm] posted July 2, 2023
Brother’s Best Friend!Jaehyun comes to pick you up after a bad date and can’t help flirting and flustering you
[9:13 pm] posted September 2, 2023
Jaehyun can get a little jealous when a bartender is talking to you for too long
[10:13 pm] posted October 28, 2023
supposed situationship!Jaehyun hates that you’re watching tiktok edits of Pookie
[8:57 pm] posted November 5, 2023
You told Jaehyun you were going out for Halloween, but you didn’t tell him how sexy your costume was
[9:12 am] posted January 6, 2024 
Jaehyun makes the mistake of hanging out with a girl he knew from school, the only mistake being he didn’t tell you who… and he never came home
[8:59 pm] posted January 20, 2024
Jaehyun is just a little shocked to see what his contact name is in your phone
[11:04 pm] posted February 17, 2024
idol!reader and idol!Jaehyun get their relationship exposed at a Bruno Mars concert
[8:46 pm] posted February 24, 2024
you’ve never really dated anyone before so it really only makes sense that since he gets you flowers, you get him some in return right?
your biggest fan posted February 25, 2024
{western popstar!reader x idol!reader} in which the world discovers your relationship with Jaehyun and surprisingly… they love it
[3:21 pm] posted March 3, 2024
in relationships you have to make sacrifices, and for Jaehyun that means eating food he doesn’t really like since you love it
☆[12:11 pm] posted April 21, 2024
dad!Jaehyun isn’t going to say he’s jealous of his daughter and Uncle Johnny- but you can say it
[9:22 pm] posted May 25, 2024
AcademicRival!Jaehyun is the last person you’d expect to help you out after you get in a fight {enemies2lovers, college!au}
[10:14 am] posted May 26, 2024
if you weren’t 2 weeks overdue, Jaehyun being doting would be really sweet- but you are 2 weeks overdue and it’s not sweet
[12:07 pm] posted June 8, 2024
dad!Jaehyun doesn't have your talent of getting his baby girl to eat, or your common sense of keeping the food out of her grasp
[4:59 pm] posted June 22, 2024
Jaehyun watched the Bridgerton carriage scene with you and gets hooked on the show
☆[3:22 pm] posted July 6, 2024
Jaehyun is completely enamored by your pregnancy glow
[4:51 pm] posted July 13, 2024
you and dad!Jaehyun take your kids to the water park and the lazy river works some magic
showering Jaehyun's dimples with love posted August 15, 2024
[12:41 pm] posted August 16, 2024
pregnancy is hard enough as is, but now you're on bed rest? Thank God for Jaehyun (cw: pregnancy complications)
[3:11 pm] posted August 17, 2024
you and Jaehyun were supposed to be baby shopping but Smiskis and Sonny Angels caught your eye instead
just makes sense posted August 22, 2024
your and Jaehyun’s fans just really can’t believe that they two of you are just best friends
☆ [8:04 pm] posted August 21, 2021
Jungwoo compares bellies with pregnant!reader
[3:54 am] posted January 29, 2022
You’re trying to fall asleep and feel weird… yeah because Jungwoo is staring at you
[3:48 pm] posted October 16, 2022
If there was any person to get mad over having food made for them it would be Jungwoo
☆ [6:33 am] posted September 9, 2023
Dad!Jungwoo loves his daughter don’t get him wrong, but he questions it the slightest bit when he gets woken up for food
[5:57 pm] posted April 20, 2024
Jungwoo is taking his childhood celebrity crush on a date only to find out you’re really sweet and down to earth
[1:18 pm] posted July 21, 2024
dad!Jungwoo gets sick but luckily he has you and your daughter to nurse him back to health
[8:25 pm] posted August 10, 2024
dad!Jungwoo is getting over being sick and wants your attention, too bad your daughter has gotten used to having it all to herself
☆ [10:58 am] posted April 11, 2021
Waking up the morning after and Mark is just a suggestive dork
[1:16 pm] posted June 11, 2021
Skater!Mark wants to teach you to skate but first he has to loosen your shoelaces
[9:29 pm] October 9, 2021
BasketballPlayer!Mark doesn’t know when to stop practicing
[11:54 am] posted June 25, 2022
Everything that could go wrong on your first date with Mark goes wrong
[2:25 am] posted December 10, 2022
Mark thinks you’re losing on purpose, but you’re just really not that good at Smash
☆ [2:13 pm] posted March 19, 2023
PART 1- Breakup!au, Mark is stressed with the pressure of college, lucky for him (and unluckily for you) he has some new frat brothers to tell him what to do
[5:48 pm] posted April 9, 2023
PART 2- Mark comes to apologize and tells you he wants you back but he’s made some changes which gives you hope
[12:23 pm] posted April 30, 2023
Mark hates when you kiss him with lipgloss, funny that he wants more after you stop
☆ [4:26 pm] posted July 28, 2023
Most couples use pet names for each other, some people would expect you and Mark to do the same, especially since you’re getting married
[6:14 pm] posted December 24, 2023
BestFriend!Mark comes to the holiday party only to get stuck with you outside and under mistletoe 
[2:17 pm] posted March 16, 2024
a quick trip to Ikea becomes an opportunity to play house
[2:57 pm] posted May 11, 2024
BestFriend!Mark accidentally comes across a picture of you in some sexy lingerie
[5:21 pm] posted June 2, 2024
your son starts calling you what Mark calls you and it would be cute if Mark had real term of endearment for you
The Return of Superman- Mark posted August 25, 2024
Mark and his son go on The Return of Superman
my mom loves you posted December 23, 2020
Haechan’s family loves you almost (maybe more) than he does and he loves it (maybe first I love yous too? can be read as that I guess)
a family with the hyungs posted February 4, 2021
dating Hyuck apparently also kinda means dating Mark
[5:58 am] posted August 28, 2021
a soft, cozy morning with Haechan
[11:48 am] posted April 2, 2022
The group finds out College!Haechan tags you in some weird stuff on instagram
☆ [10:39 pm] posted October 29, 2022
Bestfriend!Frat!Haechan thinks you look so hot, when did that happen?
[6:07 pm] posted November 22, 2022
Haechan always says that his grandma is the best cook, so she must have been the one to cook this meal right? No, you did.
[6:17 pm] posted April 22, 2023
Meeting Haechan’s family for the first time should be stressful, so why aren’t you stressful? (kind of prequel to my mom loves you)
☆ [7:33 pm] posted July 15, 2023
being pregnant can be bad, it can get worse when Haechan makes it the slightest bit more uncomfortable for you
☆ [7:21 am] posted December 3, 2023
Haechan and your son are very alike, too alike especially when it comes to their love for you +BONUS fake instagram post
[4:28 pm] posted December 23, 2023
Haechan has to keep up the usual Christmas traditions despite being away from his family, too bad he can’t bake
[9:02 pm] posted March 10, 2024
Romeo!Haechan falls in love with Juliet!Reader at first sight {Romeo and Juliet au}
[2:14 pm] posted June 15, 2024
Haechan is so distracted by his videogames that he'll just agree to anything, and he does
172 notes · View notes
genevawrenn · 7 months
Interested in QSMP but unsure where to start? Then this post is for you!
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Hello all!
I've seen a few posts here and there about being interested in the server but feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information there is, so I want to do my best to help as someone whose been here since Day 1.
Let's start out with what is QSMP?
QSMP is a multilingual Minecraft survival world [English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Korean predominantly so far] opened on March 22, 2023 that uses real time translations to break language barriers and educate a large audience on different cultures through Minecraft content. It came to life under the careful hands of Quackity and his team, building a fantastic world with plenty of stories to uncover. There is both server-based lore and individual creators stories, whoever you choose have all added their personal touches to this expansive place.
At the beginning of 2024 a soft reset happened where their spawn was shifted 200k blocks away from the original, allowing for a fresh start for both the audience and creators which makes it the perfect time for new members of the community!
More info below;
Brief lore recap so far;
QSMP originally started with Spanish and English creators who all got placed on a single world with a large wall down the middle [Quesadilla Island]. Arriving by train a few commented on their past where most seemed to be going for a fresh start from the worlds they left behind. Placing a giant red button on the wall with the words 'don't push it', the streamers ignored that immediately and pressed it. Destroying the wall that kept the two communities apart, early QSMP was very much building and bonding.
Then, the egg tasks came.
So a bit of fourth-wall breaking on the eggs, the eggs are admins who play children that were assigned to one Spanish and one English parent. During the beginning of the event they were paired up and given tasks to complete so their eggs didn't die [ex. reading a story, clearing a dungeon, mining], as they were also in survival the parents had to worry about keeping them alive from the mobs and other players [as QSMP includes a large list of mods there are several enemies who made their lives living hell].
Unfortunately some of the original eggs have since died leading to all the parents to get extremely protective over their own charges and everyone else's. Whether that be the fault of fellow players or the over-seeing organisation called The Federation, the islanders were bonded by tragedy and tribulations.
The Federation is the organisation that oversees caring for the island and its members, the main face is that white bear you've probably seen art of named Cucurucho. Its unclear where their morals lay, a lot of clues hint they are using the members who arrived via train and later other methods of transports as experiments. There have been plotlines investigating into this mysterious organisation, leading to some characters being harmed.
The QSMP is heavily focused on uniting cultures holding multiple holiday events for the different countries involved and raising awareness about traditions. They have also held server-wide events such as Purgatory 1 & 2 where they were all assigned teams and told to fight one another. Other events include being thrown in Prison together, leading to hilarious escape antics and much chaos.
What languages have been added?
The addition list went the Spanish & English, then Portuguese, then French and most recently one Korean creator [so far?].
Who and where can I watch VODs?
There are a total of 37 members [there was 38, but one has since been removed]. I will list them in order of additions as well as a brief statement about their creator, character and lore, you can view them anytime they are live through the link below.
A website crafted by Quackity and his team that allow you to turn on subtitles in your preferred language!
***These statements may contain spoilers of lore and storylines, I did my best to do a broad overview of the points I believe are important to them***
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Quackity [English & Spanish speaking] (He / him)
The main man himself, Quackity is up first. Quackity has been making content for over a decade moving from server to server such as SMP Earth, DSMP and Karmaland. He started this project with the intent to break language barriers and by god he decimated them. Prone to clickbait and dramatic titles, he's got a kind heart full of passion you can see in everything he creates.
He plays two characters on QSMP currently, a cubito sharing his name then another named ElQuackity. Quackity is an erratic but caring individual who has a rather lonely lore but an intriguing one. Assigned an egg with no co-parent, Tilin and their father's relationship was distant at best. At the time of his child's death they were on okay terms but the guilt stuck with him until current day. Kidnapped by the Federation, he returned a broken man with little to no memories and had to be protected by others.
ElQuackity is his brother who behaves in a more cold and sinister fashion compared to Quackity's kind-hearted intentions. He disappears and reappears at various points throughout the lore, most recently in Purgatory when he infiltrated a team before being revealed as a traitor. Choosing to remain with the Watcher, who is the overseer of Purgatory, its unsure as to his next moves or his inner motivations.
Wilbur Soot [English speaking] (He / him)
Wilbur Soot is a content creator and musician, he has been absent as of late from the server on a hiatus. You may have heard his name attached to such servers as DSMP, SMP Earth, and SMP Live.
[I do not support him as a content creator, I'm adding this edit post everything coming out. Believe victims!]
He is the father of Tallulah, a sweet girl who loves music and flowers. Often serenading her with his guitar and singing. Entrusting her care to Philza, he hasn't been seen in quite some time. His absence has weighed on his daughter, but she has found her true family now.
FitMC [English speaking / learning Spanish and Portuguese] (He / him)
FitMC is a content creator from the wastelands of 2B2T, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. You may recognise him for his iconic voice, he streams Monday through Friday on QSMP. He was also on SMP Earth and SMP Live.
He plays a grizzled anarchist who puts up a front of an asshole but that hides his kind heart. He arrived on Quesadilla Island for a mission he's only recently discussed more in his individual lore and found a family along the way. Father of Ramon, his character recently started dating another by the name of Pac, who we will get into later. He was initially paired up with Spreen, who has since stopped playing on QSMP, as such Fit refers to him as his ex-partner. Close with Tubbo and Pac, their clique came to be known as Morning Crew as they often login at the same time. He worked as a Janitor for The Federation and was a part of the Rebellion against the Federation up until the soft reset, his current employment status is unknown since. In canon, he has a prosthetic left arm in which he stores the data he needs to save.
His chat is known as the Huevitos.
Philza / Ph1lzA [English speaking / learning Spanish] (He / him)
Philza is a content creator who is known for dying in his 5 year Hardcore world to a baby zombie, a spider and a skeleton. The clip went viral landing him on the news, boosting him into regular viewership by Minecraft enthusiasts. His history also includes DSMP, SMP Live and SMP Earth. You may know him as part of Sleepy Bois Inc, as well as a warrior in keeping Technoblade's memory alive. He streams Monday, Wednesday and Friday, usually a few hours in his current Hardcore World before he spends time in QSMP.
Father of Chayanne and Tallulah [Wilbur asked him to care for her in his absence leading to him adopting her as his daughter], he is an corvid hybrid fallen from grace. Notable features include the damaged crow wings you may see in fanarts, he is paranoid and observant. Platonically married to Missa Sinfonia, he is close friends with several islanders despite being a hermit. Fierce and will return damages tenfold if provoked, he has a rocky history with the Federation and other methods of authority, joining Ordo Theoritas, earning Cellbit's trust and admiration with his photography and hoarding of important items. With references to his Hardcore Lore & Deities aplenty, he is my favourite POV and the one I started with.
His chat are portrayed as crows.
Jaiden Animations [English speaking] (She / her)
Jaiden is an animator and creator most well known for her animated gameplay videos and funny anecdotes. I admit I don't know much about her past relating to roleplay servers, she has amazing content regardless.
Jaiden's character is a bit different to the others with an unknown past, lore has revealed that she might be more tied to the Federation than she originally thought. Also an avian hybrid, she formed a close bond with Cucurucho which lead to some distrust between herself and the other islanders. Mother of Bobby, who is deceased, she was partnered with Roier as a parental unit and mourns her lost child to this day.
Her chat is a flock of hummingbirds who follow her around.
BadBoyHalo [English speaking] (He / him)
Badboyhalo has an extensive history with Minecraft gameplay, a prominent member within these communities and was one of the first members of DSMP and now QSMP.
BBH plays a demon hybrid who is friendly and kind, he is willing to help out any member new and old. Logging long hours he probably has some of the highest playtime on that server, whether that be caring for the egg children, hanging out with friends or bothering Foolish Gamers. All the eggs look up to him as a parental figure, there are plenty of jokes he is the server's babysitter but I don't think he minds. All islanders have spoken about how much they trust him with their charges, his priority has always been the kids. Father of Dapper and Pomme, he co-parents them with Baghera Jones.
His community is known as Ghosties.
Foolish Gamers / Foolish [English speaking / learning Spanish] (He / him)
Foolish is well known for his incredible building skills, when he was added to DSMP it brought his name into relevancy where he flourished, expanding his gameplay into other games like Valorant which has a loyal following. He often engages in months long projects such as building the Titan from AOT and streams long hours regularly on the QSMP.
His character is portrayed as a Totem of Undying mixed with shark genes, leading to emerald eyes and parts of shark mixed into his physiology. Silly and chaotic, he is a well loved POV of the server for his jokes and ability to stumble across lore. Viewed as a more laid-back parent, he helps them learn through experience while making sure they don't get seriously hurt. He was hired by the Federation as an agent and an enforcement officer, leading to his fellow islanders keeping information away from him in fear. Father of Leonarda with Vegetta, his partner has been absent for many months leading to him raising and caring for Leo alone.
His chat are called Doozers, a reference to the TV show Fraggle Rock.
DanTDM [English speaking] (He / him)
I am going to keep this one short and sweet, Dan was one of the original members but ended up dropping out of the project due to personal reasons, no bad blood. Father of Trump with AgenteMaxo, Trump died quite early into the server due to neither of their parents logging in.
Charlie Slimecicle [English speaking] (He / him)
Charlie Slimecicle is a hilarious creator who has a gift for breathing life and depth into any character he creates. Sharing a similar history as others on this list, he participated in DSMP, SMP Live and SMP Earth.
His character is tragic, in short. He was charged with caring for an egg he named Juana Flippa with his wife ElMariana, their daughter then died from a sweeping edge glitch that was discovered months after her death. Going on the rampage of a lifetime, he was stopped by the other members when his intent was to kill the other children potentially forcing whoever was in control to revive them all including his daughter again. Failing, he has struggled to find a place and purpose for months until his 'daughter' came back and he became infected with a type of code virus causing his physical appearance to become warped. During the QSMP Prison arc he was informed he was a father of one of the newest eggs, SunnySideUp, his co-parents are Tubbo, Pol and Lenay.
Luzu [English & Spanish speaking] (He / him)
I am going to be honest, I am a newer fan of Luzu so I will do my best to describe him but please take this with a grain of salt.
Luzu is a creator who played on the same server as Quackity called Karmaland which a good majority of the Spanish speakers have in common. Sarcastic, chaotic and slightly unhinged, he's always willing to go with the bit.
Luzu's lore is interwoven with the main storyline, though his cubito has been IA from the server he would often log in to leave cryptic messages in binary and computers followed him everywhere he settled. Father of Tilin with Quackity, Tilin unfortunately also passed early into the server leaving them in mourning. Something the parental unit holds to this day, threatening harm against the party who was the cause of their child's death.
Luzu's character is unique as he also has a counterpart named Arin, an AI bot who takes over when Luzu goes to sleep. Unable to speak aloud, they communicate through typing in the game chat and is extremely naïve.
Rubius [Norwegian, Spanish & English speaking] (He / him)
Rubius I admittedly don't know the most about as he was active early in the server's lifetime but less so lately. Also a member of Karmaland.
In those beginning days he played an Angel / Devil entity who seemed particularly protective of the eggs the islanders were assigned between making requests of the server members in exchange for rewards. Prior to the Purgatory Event he revealed he had been stripped of his power and thrown back to the mortal realm to participate in the Purgatory Event, it's unsure past that point as he has not logged back in.
ElMariana [Spanish speaking / learning Portuguese and English] (He / him)
Mariana is a creator who hails from the lands of Tiktok, he's dramatic and friendly, often a little bit flirty.
Mariana is Slimecicle's goverment assigned wife and they often playfully argue with one another between divorces. The other half of Juana's parents, he has a rough past of being the reason Flippa lost one of her lives. It's referenced to this day despite the fact Mariana cares quite a bit for the remaining children, gentle and sweet with everyone's kids. He's one of the less active members, recently given a new child named Pepito who he co-parents with Roier, Carre, Quackity and Rivers.
SpreenDMC [Spanish speaking] (He /him)
Another one I will keep short as he no longer plays on the server. Father of Ramon, his influence only shows in the family he abandoned occasionally making snarky comments against his character. Rumours go he is Missa's brother but I am not entirely sure how canon that is to the server's lore.
Missa Sinfonia [Spanish & English speaking / can understand some Portuguese] (He / him)
Missa is a musician and a Youtube-based creator primarily, he knew Roier, Spreen and Quackity prior to his invitation to the QSMP. The epitome of wet cat energy, you can't help but enjoy his silly energy as he will always bring a smile to your face with his antics.
Very similar to his character in fact, paired up with Philza during the initial egg event they were quick to label themselves platonically married as they cared for their son Chayanne. Missa is a rare appearance on the island but always a delightful one when he does. He believes he isn't worth Phil's affections due to his absences, something Phil is quick to squash as he always makes sure there is space in their lives for him. A rare eclipse when they are together, the fandom likes to compare them to the sun and the moon. Tallulah considers him her third father, post being asked during the Prison event when there was a rare reunion of 4 of 5 members of the Death Family [Philza, Missa, Chayanne, Tallulah and Wilbur Soot].
Roier [Spanish & English speaking / can understand some Portuguese] (He / him)
Roier hails from the land of Youtube gameplays where he posts regularly. Friends with Missa, Quackity, Spreen and Rubius among others, he was one of the original draft for Quesadilla Island.
In character Roier is funny, energetic and known for playing multiple personas with a talent for voice acting. Easy to get along with and goated at fighting, he is only a call away when something serious happens. Paired with Jaiden to become Bobby's parents up until Bobby's death, he remains close with Jaiden and protects her. Adopted as a son by Foolish and Vegetta, he has a playful relationship with his sister Leo and will look after her if needed. Meeting and falling in love with fellow islander Cellbit, after they got married he considers Richarlyson and Pepito as his own. One of his persona's is Melissa, his cousin who runs a therapist office in the original borders of the land. His streams on the server are random, but a good time!
I am not the most caught up on his lore but from what I have seen in passing he went into mourning when Cellbit chose to stay on Purgatory in an effort to save his son and his personality became more withdrawn. Roier has a twin brother Doied who implemented his twin's consciousness into a rat and took over Roier's body. This lore is still ongoing, some islanders have become suspicious of Doied.
Vegetta777 [Spanish speaking / some fluency in English and French] (He / him)
Another arrival who has Karmaland in his past, Vegetta is known for his impressive builds and a love of symmetry. He has a distinct voice and is famous within the Spanish community for his gameplay.
He was decently active at the start, creating a large property he then surrounded with security procedures after a certain red-hood wearing demon broke in to trade with his villagers. Paired up with Foolish as parents of Leo, both doted on their child with great amounts of love until Vegetta stopped logging on.
I don't know the story as to why he hasn't come back in a while, but it led to a storyline of Foolish & Leo becoming much more dependant on each other and his character still has importance each time either of them see something that reminds them of him.
Maximus [Spanish & English speaking] (He / him)
Another person I am not sure about his history [I can't find too much online so I'll talk mainly about his lore].
Maximus is the other half of Trump's parents who took his son's death hard. Launching him into investigating the real truths behind Quesadilla Island and later establishing the The Theory Bros in an effort to uncover anything to help, Max was a figurehead in early lore for pushing back against the Federation and trying to find out their secrets. His creation of the Theory Bros lead to Ordo Theoritas, which will become important in later character discussions. Max has since passed in the lore via giant nuke on Egg Island, where Purgatory was held, but I've heard some rumours he may return in the future. Do not take that as a certainty, I only know from a few clips I have seen with him speaking about it.
~That's it for the original members, let's move on to who was added afterwards~
The Cargo Ship arrival April 30, 2023
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Cellbit [Portuguese, English & Spanish speaking] (He / him)
Cellbit is a famous creator from Brazil through many forms of creative media, his most prominent being a tabletop RPG called "Ordem Paranormal" he created and hosts regular campaigns through. Compassionate and clever, he is known for his love of puzzles and roleplay. Most notably of his past is his escape from prison pertaining to his character alongside Pac and Mike within Minecraft: FUGA IMPOSSÍVEL - O FILME.
The character he plays has an incredible amount of depth, deeply entwined with the Federation and other fellow members of the island. Curious as a cat he began to investigate the mysterious organisation known as the Federation. Going to dangerous depths to find hidden secrets, becoming employed by them in an attempt to grow closer. This eventually lead to his capture and subsequent torture by Cucurcuho.
Once he was released he went on to take a more passive role, forming Ordo Theoritas. Spreading the word he would take any information, other islanders stepping up to help. Leading to him growing closer with his fellow people as his life turns more joyful, he marries Roier in the first wedding on Quesadilla Island. He is the father of Richarlyson, Bobby and Pepito and twin brother of Bagi. Though his past is bloody and left scars on friends of old such as Pac & Mike, many members trust him implicitly and he always takes special care to save flowers for all the egg children, forging close bonds with them all as one of their tios. Cellbit took a break from QSMP post-Purgatory events but has since returned, he likes doing multiple things a stream as such the QSMP is often a segment between various games and chatting.
Felps [Portuguese & English speaking / learning Russian] (He / him)
Felps has a running joke going with the QSMP that he never actually joined, which is only reinforced by his more rare logins to the server. He streams often on Twitch leading to most of his content surrounding that channel and is a longtime friend of Cellbit, Pac and Mike.
I am going to be so real, I don't know the most about Felps and the character he plays other than he dug a giant hole near original spawn and the islanders now worship him as Saint Felps. An adoptive father of Richarlyson he is spoken about fondly by other islanders, indicating he has a caring heart and is an attentive father when he logs in.
Pac [Portuguese & English speaking] (He / him)
One half of Tazercraft, Pac is an excitable and enthusiastic creator who you can't help but become enamoured with. Bright and a fantastic actor, his history is connected with both Cellbit and Mike prior to QSMP in Minecraft: FUGA IMPOSSÍVEL - O FILME.
As a character Pac is friendly and approachable, often even flirty with those he is comfortable with. He is positive to everyone but himself, lacking any love towards the accomplishments of his past. He loves with his whole heart, quick to comfort anyone who needs it or to be a listening ear. His right leg was lost during his escape from prison with Mike, resulting in a prosthetic. He co-owns Chume Labs with his best friend, enjoying causing general shenanigans with those he is close with whether that be breaking rules or going places they shouldn't be. A recent development is he is now dating FitMC after the anarchist told him the truth about the anarchist's past, a couple formed on the basis of a strong friendship they are not afraid to flaunt their happiness. Quick to accept Ramon as his son alongside Richarlyson, he will give it all to protect those he now see as his family. A member of the Rebellion against the Federation, he lends his aid when needed as one of the newest recruits. Close to Fit and Tubbo, a grouping that came to be known as Morning Crew as their schedules matched leading to many occasions of spending time together.
Mike [Portuguses & English speaking] (Any pronouns)
Outspoken, silly and a fun time to watch, you know you will be entertained after tuning into one of Mike's streams. Best friend of Pac and married to a beautiful soul, he has an enjoyable energy to him. The other half of Tazercraft, he participated within Minecraft: FUGA IMPOSSÍVEL - O FILME.
A lot of this carries over to his character, an erratic scientist at Chume Labs with a love for general rule-breaking and experimenting. He *ahem* took a bunch o' Kelp cocaine and passed out for a good long while but he has since returned. Between himself and Pac they have built several minigames on QSMP such as Hide n' Seek and Murder Mystery. A more strict parent of Richas compared to his best friend, he is willing to go to any length to save those he loves including spilling blood. A regular appearance on QSMP, he enjoys spending time with his friends and his son.
Forever [Portuguese & English speaking] (He / him)
I wasn't even sure I wanted to include this but I wish to record the actions of only his character. He was expelled from the QSMP for past actions that I do not condone under any circumstances. I will not go into detail here, I will leave that up to you if you wish to search.
In my statement below I am only speaking of the character he played and the lore he influenced.
Forever arrived with the rest of the Brazilian members and soon thereafter the Elections arc kicked off. He was voted in as President and was the liaison between the Federation and the rest of the islanders. A doting parent, he built NINHO, a protective hotel that could instantly teleport entities by simply interacting with a camera tablet all islanders held to protect everyone's children. When their children went missing it led to him being medicated by Cucurucho to become happier. Pac followed his footsteps with the intent to also become less sad but was convinced by Cellbit to document his symptoms in an attempt to find a cure. Due to that foresight, both of them were cured by Philza, BBH and Cellbit after finding the instructions and ingredients at Chume Labs. Later becoming infected by black matter which seemed to possess him, he was then stopped by Cucurucho during a rampage who then executed him after teleporting him far away.
The Plane arrival May 16, 2023
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Baghera Jones [French & English speaking / learning Spanish] (She / her)
Baghera Jones is a badass. That's the long and short of it. As a creator she has raced cars and is just about the coolest person I have ever seen. She has an active YouTube channel and enjoys streaming regularly.
She also plays an amazing character on the server. Strong, smart, sensitive and strong, she is respected by many members of the island. Mother of Pomme and Dapper, she took to motherhood quickly and dotes on her children with her whole heart. She did run for President but then gave up her chance as a rebellious act against the Federation. Striving to get better in fighting skills to protect her loved ones, she will go to the bloody end for those she loves. She took a break from the server at the same time Cellbit did but has since returned.
Her chat is potrayed as fireflies.
Etoiles [French & English speaking] (He / him)
Etoiles is a man of culture and is honourable, an enthusiast for learning new things besides his gaming content he also hosts museum walkthroughs educating thousands about ancient histories. Known for his prowess in both Super Smash Bros and Minecraft PVP, he often grinds long hours on the QSMP in pursuit of knowledge about the world they were spawned into.
His character is an anthroplantae cucumber, no I am not kidding, who is infected by code after completing his sword earned through combat. One of the main antagonists near the start of the lore were these creatures the islanders nicknamed Code Monsters who would appear with overpowered weapons. Choosing to prove his worth in battle, Etoiles spent many hours battling these beasts and learning their methods, earning himself a special shield and sword and the title of the best at PVP on QSMP. He enjoys bantering with fellow islanders and is generous with items, liking to gift items to people to make their lives easier. Father of Pomme, he will do anything for those he protects and enjoys being tio of all of the eggs. A member of the Rebellion, he strives to create harmony on the server and to protect those compromised or weaker than him.
AntoineDaniel [French & English speaking] (He / him)
Antoine is multifaceted as an actor, streamer and Youtuber [he even has a Wikipedia page, I just found out]. He seems clever and very comedically gifted, easily making others laugh.
There isn't much known about the character he portrays which seems to be ideal thing for him. A mystical identity with multiple faces, alluding to not being human and higher that average health, he will always surprise you. He appears when he wants to and leaves impressions on everyone he comes across.
Kameto [French speaking] (He / him)
There isn't much online with who Kameto is beyond he has competed in League of Legends tournaments in the past and Etoiles is a close friend of his.
It was revealed several months ago that Kameto is an undercover spy for the Federation but he hasn't logged on in a good while so nothing has come to fruition surrounding that.
AyPierre [French & English] (He / him)
He knows a ton about the mods within the QSMP, showing up and building large factories to store massive amounts of resources, plus a good amount of knowledge surrounding redstone. He likes running things from the shadows and being a supplier of goods and services. Enjoys streaming on the server regularly and has a playful rivalry with Tubbo surrounding create and what they can build. Once upon a time he was dating Max but things ended badly, he seems to regret Max dying before things were at least amicable between them. I am not sure the distinction between the cc and the character, I will leave that up to you if you are curious about his content.
The Ice Prison arrival August 28, 2023
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Niki Nihachu [German, Spanish & English speaking] (She / her)
Niki Nihachu is a gifted actor and roleplayer who is close friends with several of the other members of QSMP, a former DSMP member as well and an old friend of several other members. Kind, soft spoken and gentle, she is very open about mental health struggles and provides a safe environment for her community.
In character she is part cat and part human, with white ears poking from her pink hair. Not much has been revealed about her character other than she is fiercely careful surrounding the eggs and is ready to defy figures of authority given any reason. Mother of Empanada, she is close to her fellow mothers as well as other islanders like Tubbo and Philza. At the original spawn her daughter and herself made plans with the Death Family to start a bakery but it is unclear whether those plans still stand where they are living now.
Tubbo_ [English speaker / learning British Sign Language] (He / him)
Energetic to an unhinged amount, he acts like he has consumed about fourteen coffees in thirty seconds but its just so endearing you can't help but tune in. A former member of DSMP and SMP Earth, close friends with Philza, Niki, Quackity, Foolish and Wilbur Soot.
From his day one of the QSMP he has some of the highest playtime between streaming on both his main and alt channel whether it be hanging out with friends or building his thousandth machine. Likes testing the rules and the extent of the servers capabilities, tempting Cucurucho's ire within hours of being on the server leading to him strongly distrusting anyone in power. Assigned a bright and confident egg named SunnySideUp he was alone as a parent in raising her for the first several months, relying on friends nearby such as his fellow Morning Crew to care for her. In character it was recently revealed he is not alive, at least not in the human sense after being forcefully shut down by Richas in a play brawl. Tubbo going offline led to the appearance of Creation, someone who is programmed to protect all the eggs in order of importance starting with Tubbo's daughter Sunny.
IronMouse [English, Spanish, Korean & Japanese speaking] (She / her)
A well known creator for many things including an easily recognisable persona, a beautiful singing voice from many years of perfecting it and an impressive amount of charity work, she is an icon. A gremlin at heart, she was a welcome and surprising addition to the QSMP who I now can't imagine the server without.
Another demon in the lore, she offers advice to her fellow species while being a proud member of her race. With a scream that could shatter eardrums she is willing to claw her way through any obstacle. Wild and free, she is dramatic and fiery with her admiration. Mother of Empanada, she is close to Foolish and was one of the only people he invited to live near him.
Tina Kitten [English / some Korean speaking] (She / her)
Tina Kitten rose to prominence during the era of Among Us playing games with several large creators and becoming a regular content creator. Close to Foolish, she was apart of DSMP up until its conclusion along with Foolish, Badboyhalo and several others.
In character she is a demon who is very secretive about her true race, playing it off like she is human as she seems ashamed of her identity. Interested romantically in another character named Bagi, she makes friends easy but has trouble opening up to others. Mother of Empanada, when she is angry her aggression bursts forth which she attempts to keep at bay as to not scare the others.
Lenay [English & Spanish speaking] (She / her)
Lenay's career is impressive to say the least, a lot of this I am just learning now. Discovered as an actor and hosting a regular show on MTV, she's gone on to have credits in both acting and singing while also being a Youtuber and a Twitch Streamer.
On QSMP she is a rare login but always a delight when that happens, she is the mother of Sunnyside up alongside Pol, Slime and Tubbo. Tubbo crafted this whole lore about her being a mermaid when Sunny discovered one of her mother's bodies floating in a river near original spawn, they have met since but Lenay hasn't logged on past the first day of the soft reset. Married to German irl, they are intent to protect one another during gameplay and often stick close together.
Riversgg [English, Spanish & French speaking] (She / her)
Rivers is a Mexican streamer and Youtuber who has a large list of accomplishments. She is quite sporty including both through soccer and winning a large boxing match plus she owns a restaurant? Basically, the coolest person to ever exist.
Shown to be gifted in player vs player combat, holding her own in Purgatory along with being able to strike up a conversation with anyone around she is a valuable asset to any team. Close allies with Roier and her fellow Spanish speaking creators, she is also the mother of Pepito.
Willyrex [Spanish & English speaking] (He / him)
Willyrex is a famous Spanish Youtube personality and has written a series of books with Vegetta777. His Youtube channel is within the top 100 most subscribed in the world, doing a variety of content. A member of Karmaland alongside other creators such as Vegetta, Quackity, Luzu and Rubius.
Willyrex has a love for explosions, setting mines all over the previous spawn as he moved from place to place. Choosing not to build a house worried it would be destroyed, he has grown close with a few of the egg children during his apperences on the server such as Dapper, Ramon and Tallulah. Wishing to have an egg of his own, he commented on their weakness but grew attached to many of them quickly.
Polispol [Spanish, English & Catalan speaking] (He / him)
A cinematographer and director, he is someone Quackity looks up too. Having a love of film, he has several credits under his name. I admit I don't know the most about him otherwise and there isn't too much online, he seems to have a genuine and kind heart.
Traits that carry over to his character, he is very friendly and enjoys light hearted pranks upon fellow server members. Father of Sunny, they have yet to meet as he has been on break and last I heard the admins were cooking something with his lore but nothings come of that yet.
German [Spanish & English speaking] (He / him)
German has the second most subscribed channel on Youtube in the Spanish language. He is a Youtuber, singer & songwriter, comedian and writer. Married to Lenay, he has many achievements to his name and is well known across the internet including appearing in many Youtube Rewinds.
As a character...there is basically nothing. Tied with DanTDM for how often he has signed onto the server, the only thing to be said is he is protective of his partner Lenay and enjoys exploring the environment around him. He has no egg assigned to him, similar to Willyrex, the only two on the island without children.
The Wheel arrival September 16 & 18th, 2023
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Bagi [Portuguese & English speaking] (She / her)
From the lovely lands of Brazil, she is close friends with several other members such as Cellbit, Pac, Mike and Felps. Youtuber and streamer, she is determined and strong.
Descriptors I could also use for the character she plays, willing to wield a weapon against anyone who harms her or those she cares about. Smart and analytical, she has been independently researching into the Federation and her past. Discovering the fact Cellbit is her twin brother, they share many secrets between them after having a heart to heart in their old home on the island. She knows how far her brother is willing to go in his emotional states and supports him regardless even if she doesn't agree with his methods. One of the first person she trusted with the location of her secret base besides her best friend Pac, she is cautious and clever in creating sanctuaries for her family and loved ones. A regular streamer who is considered to be a part of Morning Crew & Friends, many people on the island trust in her and her abilities. Mother of Empanada and Richarylson, she wanted to be a parent from the moment she joined during the time the eggs were missing. When they returned, she gained two children and loves them dearly.
Carre [Spanish / some English & Portuguese fluency] (He / him)
Carre is a Twitch streamer and Youtuber who does a variety of content winning fans over with his charisma and comedy. Coming from a well known series called Tortillaland, he also enjoys dancing and has won and award for it. Prior to joining QSMP it's noted he is friends with Roier, Quackity and ElMariana which reflects in his gameplay on the QSMP.
He is a carefree and social individual, easily getting along even with people he doesn't regularly interact with. He isn't upfront with his caring nature, taking things to heart like when Roier killed him in Purgatory. He was worried about meeting his son Pepito but once he did they grew close quickly, skateboarding all across the server together.
The Third Train February 11, 2024
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악어 / Acau [Korean speaking / learning English] (He / him)
The newest member of the server, the first Korean speaking creator he joined recently after the soft reset. Relying entirely on the translator unlike the previous additions, he got along well with people immediately.
Teasing others and taking to parenthood right off the bat of the newest egg 춘식 (pronounced Choo-n-shi-k), many other islanders have offered their help as they complete quests and raid dungeons together. Proficient in PVP, he is quick on his feet and stubborn.
I hope this blog helps you if you are interested, this server is one of the most welcoming and receptive of feedback I have ever seen. Everyone who is white-listed grew close as friends if it wasn't the cause of their reunion, drawing a large community to surround them.
I promise even though the lore can seem overwhelming there are plenty of people who are willing to answer any question you may have. I have loved my time here, I started my journey into MCYT content through DSMP and found a lovely home here while still fondly appreciating my past.
If people want I will come back to edit this to include a portion for the eggs, or maybe I will do a separate post?
Let me know in the tags or replies if you stumble across this post after the poll has been completed.
Anyways, this is Wren signing off, this post took me 3 days to write and please feel free to reply letting me know of any mistakes within the information!
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
Etta's Guide to Writeblr (March 2023)
So you fled here from Twitter/TikTok... Where to start?
Welcome to Writeblr! Pull up a chair, open those documents, and pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea, coffee, or cocoa. The first thing you'll want to do is start following other writers. Check out this post for recommendations! Search through the notes to find hundreds more. Since I made that post, a bunch of people mentioned they're lurking and still trying to figure out tumblr, so I thought I'd make this post to help people get settled.
How to set up your blog
Make your blog name something not resembling a pornbot - it can be whatever you want, anything fun goes, just not [name###]. If you include "writer" or "author" somewhere in the url it makes it easier to spot writeblrs at a glance but it's not a requirement
Change your profile to something that's not the default, Make sure you have a blog title, and add a little description in your blog header if you feel like it!
Make a pinned post introducing yourself (pls don't use your real name or any IDing information for privacy's sake, this isn't facebook), a short summary of your WIPs, and links if you have an author's website/newsletter/ao3/etc. You can check my pinned post for an example
Make intro posts for each WIP! You can spruce these up with graphics (canva and unsplash are both great free resources to make edits/moodboards), excerpts, lists of tropes, character intros, etc. Link to the WIP intro in your pinned post so it's easy to find! You can update these as often as needed
If you want to make character intros, go wild. If you can't draw, piccrew is a great option. Just start talking about your WIP!
Come up with a tagging system to keep your blog organized. I recommend individual wip tags or at least one for your original writing in general so it's easy to search for your work on your blog
Keep track of Taglists for your WIPs. Whenever you post a new thing about your story, tag the people who asked to be notified to make sure they see it! Only tag people who ask to join the taglist, but it's a good way to keep track of interest. It's normal to have multiple taglists for each story+ one general writing taglist.
How to make writer friends
Reblog their work and add nice comments, either in the tags, comments, or the reblog itself People notice regulars in their notes and appreciate the attention. I promise it's not weird to compliment a total stranger
If that's too intimidating, community events are your friend!
Weekly Ask Games: These are weekly events that are loosely themed where writers send each other asks about their WIPs! The most common are Storyteller Saturday (about the writing process), Blorbsday (aka Blorbo Thursday about characters), and Worldbuilding Wednesday (about the setting of your story). If you answer these late, nobody really cares, but it's a fun way to receive prompts and learn more about other people's stories.
Ask Games/Memes: These are posts with lists of questions you can reblog from other people, sometimes themed or listed with emojis. It's common courtesy to send an ask from the list to the person you reblog it from, then people can send you questions as well, so you can talk about your stories! You can search for dozens of them
Tag games: There's a ton of different types of tag games, but basically someone @s you with a challenge/question, you reblog with your answer, and then @ a bunch of other people to continue the chain. Some common ones are Heads Up 7s Up (share the last 7 lines of your WIP), Last Line Tag (share the last line you wrote), and Find the Words (ctrl+f the given words in your doc and share the results, then give new words).
Formal events: These are community wide participation challenges organized by certain blogs! @writeblrsummerfest is every July?? August? I think? It's run by @abalonetea a few years strong, and there are daily prompts and ask games! @inklings-challenge is a month-long short story entry for Christian writeblrs. I think there was a valentines event in February. @moon-and-seraph is hosting a pitch week soon! Since these are more organized, it's very easy to find similar blogs and support!
Misc. Notes on using Tumblr
Follow the tags #writeblr and #writeblr community to find other writers, as well as other tags that interest you like #fantasy for example
If you want to bookmark a post to read later, you can like it and/or save it to your drafts
The queue/schedule function is very useful if you want to space out posts or have a backlog to keep your blog running when you get busy. This is good for the community because it gives older posts a chance to be rediscovered! You can change the posting frequency in the settings.
REBLOG YOUR OWN STUFF. People aren't always on at the same times and so it's the best way to account for people with different schedules and timezones. If you're worried about being annoying, you can tag those #self reblog or something similar and other people can filter the tag, but otherwise it's a welcomed and accepted practice.
If your excerpt is pretty long, put it under a cut. On desktop you can do this by selecting the squiggly button on the far right when you make a new paragraph, on mobile type :readmore: then hit enter.
It's polite to add descriptions to images and videos for visually or auditory impaired people. If you don't know how to write descriptions, here's a good resource
In your dashboard settings, it's best to shut off the options "Best Stuff First" and "Based on your Likes". These function as the website algorithm and suppresses the blogs you actually follow, which defeats the purpose of the site, letting the dash be in reverse chronological order. Also turn off Tumblr Live because it's malware as far as anyone's concerned.
Curate your experience, block the trolls, and be nice
Update for March 2024
How to shut off AI Scraping on your blog
Go to settings and find the Visibility tab
Scroll down to the tag that says "Prevent Third-Party Sharing"
Turn that knob over so that Automattic can't steal your work for their language training model databases >_<
The other settings will just hide your blog from search engines so they're useful for hiding from nosy parents or other Tumblr users but if you're trying to build an author platform you can leave them off.
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Again, welcome to the community! I hope you have a ton of fun!
1K notes · View notes
alitheakorogane · 5 months
Just a Normal Genshin Impact Game Time... Is it?
This SAGAU fanfic was actually created like a year ago (March 15, 2023), but decided to redo this again. This was created during the time I was still Venti-less, so this one was like a story of me trying to cope at that time.
And yes, my latest fanart coincidentally fits this story too! I just stumbled on this back when I tried to scroll on my drafts while waiting for the fanart to be posted.
CW: blood, violence, and murder. Be warned.
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You were just playing Genshin Impact on your computer like any other day, just doing the usual stuff you always do every time you login like doing the daily commissions and farming domains to build your characters.
One day, after doing your usual Genshin dallies for the day, you decided to take some scenic pictures with your current team on board and explore Teyvat to look for random chests and hidden quests you may miss. You know, to pass the time and possibly scrounge for primogems to farm for your favorite character.
But as you try to explore the place while trying to find a good spot to take pictures, you couldn't shake the feeling that something is wrong, that something or someone was watching you.
You were confused at first, on why you are feeling like that. But you just shrugged, as you may think you just had too much coffee. After all, you love coffee to the bone.
As you took Kokomi to a scenic place somewhere in Mondstadt, you had noticed something strange that was hidden by a canopy of trees, few meters behind the current character. You squinted a little bit, your eyes still trying to figure out the culprit of your distraction.
There was a figure hidden behind the trees.
At first, you mistook it as a rock or something inanimate but you then noticed that it was actually a person when it moved. It was not an NPC or random animal, but an actual playable character. After all, you could recognize that outfit even from afar, as Genshin Impact characters had some unique styles that were fit for their personalities and status.
It was Venti, hiding in a tree from far away, with eyes glaring at you.
Your heart nearly burst out of your chest when you saw him as you quickly exit the camera mode, trying to find some explanation of why he was there, to begin with. Maybe there's an event that he had been with?
You checked the quest menu to check for any Mondstadt-related events that you probably never finished, but to your horror, there was nothing. You looked at some guides online, some clues onto why he was there, that there may be an event from other nations that had him as a guest, but to no avail. You remembered that you already did his story quest and the quests that he was actually involved in-game. Maybe it's a glitch?
With a shaky grip, you closed the quest menu and stared at the same spot again. Venti was still there behind the tree, watching you with soulless eyes.
You were shaking in fear as you were also staring at him.
As you were still frozen on your seat, trying to make sense of everything, the figure dressed as Venti suddenly pointing something at your Kokomi, his soulless eyes still looking at your terrified ones, like he was a rabid dog vying for attention.
You suddenly recognized what he was trying to do. He was pointing out his former signature weapon, the iconic Skyward Harp, at you.
"Wait, isn't the Elegy of the End his new signature weapon?" You muttered out as your mind had tried to remember about Venti. You were a fan of him, so it would be in your forte to remember every single detail about him.
You remember that even his weapon was already changed to Elegy of the End during his consecutive reruns due to the new bow fits his kit than Skyward Harp, the latter was still his signature weapon in lore.
In the corner of your eye, you noticed something weird once again, this time on the map.
Apparently, the map shows you that there is a second player on the map, and that player was near your vicinity. You widened your eyes as you remembered that you didn't do any co-op with a Venti main recently and you don't even have a Venti. And to your horror, even your co-op mode wasn't even turned on!
You had remembered that you always wanted Venti, but due to your impatient nature, you had decided to build pity and accidentally won Kokomi twice on the last day of her banner. You got C1 Kokomi instead.
Unfortunately, Venti's banner was next and you regretted that he never came home. You had lost your 50/50 to your very first Qiqi at 75 pulls... At the end of his rerun banner.
...this is weird and unsettling, so you decided to quit the game, but to your horror, you can't even access the damned menu, soft locking you out.
As you saw Venti's creepy smile while he was sadistically hitting your main team with his anemo-infused arrows, you were horrified at what happened next.
You watched your entire team being stabbed by his arrows, blood splattering on the screen like a grotesque painting, and your current team crying for mercy and help as they were hit by the arrows the Anemo Archon in disguise had been aiming at them and they were frozen in spot because of some twisted form of code that the game had, instead of them doing their usual lines while being on low HP or fallen down. And you couldn't even make them run by pressing the buttons to move the character you currently have because you're frozen in fear as you saw the character pleading for you to make them run away from the crazed fellow using your keyboard and mouse but you didn't. You didn't even help them survive.
You remembered that characters that had fallen down were supposed to turn into glowing white dust instead of this... bloody mess you were witnessing.
This isn't right!
It was like you were playing a horror game rather than a simple open-world RPG game.
Then while the carnage was happening, there is an in-game text that was showing up while this is happening, of Venti still happily singing his ballads while doing the unthinkable. As if he was gleefully watching you squirm.
You couldn't help but close the game in a blink of an eye after you witnessed the scene by trying to turn off the computer and decided to never touch the game again. Thankfully, your computer turned off, but it had left you traumatized.
You decided to uninstall the game after rebooting the computer. The usual uninstall window had appeared with a picture of a chibified Amber crying showed up and a message about asking if you were really uninstalling the app, as if beckoning you not to delete the game, but you insisted and still pressed the uninstall button.
You decided to leave your room while leaving the computer to do its duty to uninstall the cursed stuff, but after you went outside for some fresh air, the uninstall window that was supposed to show a chibified Klee signifying the game had been uninstalled, glitched for a second.
Venti's creepy smile was seen in a split second on the entirety of the computer screen instead of the window with Klee, with some words written in glitchy Teyvatian language then in glitchy English that was flickering in the screen before it turns normal once again.
Y̸̩͂̆̇̌̾͑͂̄́͠o̴̢̧̫̖̫̥̗̞̖͘ͅṳ̸̢̨̽͆͑̀̔̍̃́̐̄̚ͅ ̸̡̥͙̞̎͗̔͋̔̄ẘ̷̽̃̒͑͑́̔̏͜i̶̳̺͔̼̺̘̙̙̭͑̒͑̉̕l̵̨̛̗̟̟͔̆̅̓͛̅̔l̸̢̹̠͋̊̔́͠ͅ ̷̛͎̮̯̬͇͔͉̗̪́̌͌̄͒̃͘ͅn̸̫̺̼͎̺͓͈͊̿́̔̀̔̈́̈̋̄e̵̬͎̳͊́͂̓̍͂̈́̏͜͝v̸͇̥̩̲̫̪̐̀̌͛̾͛ͅe̴̤̲̺̜̱̫̭̪̝̠͗̓̍̍͜r̶̻͉̳̩̈̑ ̴̨̛̬͉̜̮̰̬͖͕̩̬̑̈́́ẽ̶̡͎̱̰̩̖̫͚̈͋̆̄s̵̺̹͎͍͖̠̥̮̾̊͊̅́͜c̴̛̟͂̾̉̑̑̕ḁ̴̡̛̗̍̏̓̂̍̌̋ṕ̵̬̗̜͓͍̬̍̂͘ȩ̵̧̖̞͕̭̘̭̥̈́̕ͅ ̷̺̣͙̇̀̓͝T̴͇̥̠̦̹̼͇̼͓̘̍̿̎͛̎̽̍͛e̷͕͕̼̟͖̾y̸͖̠̰͖͚̺͆͒̋͐̓v̷̢̛̘͈̹͍̱͚a̴͌͒̉͘͝͠��͍̦̠̮̱͂͘ͅt̷̢̡̹̍͗͗ ̷̧̛̠̫̘̮͔͍̰̻̙͎̃͋͌̀͛n̸̹̪̦̪̼͔̝̦̠͚̿́̌̋̀͋̒o̶̧̡͉͕̹̠͈̰̰̦̓̌̎̈́̌̈̏͗̕̚͝t̵̖̝̫̩̖̼̯̟͑͠ ̴̟̙̑̀̔͒͝ͅm̸̛̤͇͙̰̬̼̳̩̥͌̒͑̒̉̈́͐̑̉͘͜ͅė̸̢̺̟̜̓̂̑̊,̸̗̠̯̀͋̋̂̚͜ ̸͓̬̗͙̘͓̫̖͖̇̎͌̍̉̓̇͊̕̚͘m̸̤̦͖̟̪̓y̴̨̪̦̘̖̘͔̻͈̮̋̃̈́͐ͅ ̴̠̠͓̜͇̮̰̈̅͊̉̾̂̀̊͝d̸̛̝̋̌͌̑͛͂̉͋̌͝e̵̘̖͇̥͙̊̀̈͛̎͋̈͗́͊͘ͅa̷̭̹̘̖̗̫̱̮͛̐͝ͅŗ̶̬̻͕̓ę̴̻̱̥̄̈̈́̏s̸̮̉̓͂̐̈̀̅̈́̕t̸̢̢̰͙̪̥͔̘͉͙̋̈̃̀̈́̅ ̸͇̹̘̺̫͓̲͔̣͑̉W̶̝͙̱͇͉̥̬͇̽̔̉ì̷̢̨͈͓̟̮͖̞̪̠̹̅̈́̂̒̀̕n̶̢̨̬͚͕̟̻͙͙̾̂̊̍̇̉̎͛̿̕d̸̼̮̮̮̳̜̾͛́̽̇b̴̮̎̽̆̄͛́̽l̴̛͓̓͌̉́͝͝ŭ̴̓̓͗̒́̈́̈̂͜m̶̛̛̛͔̯͔͎̣͕̩̙̊̉̈̊̕͜͝e̶̼̰͙͚̗̪̙̮̓̑̀͒̎̂̑̿̚ͅ,̵̊̏̀̇͒́̎��̲̭̘̬̟̻͇ ̵̛̟͍̮͉̮͒̅̃͗̓̕̚͝͝n̷͍̲͉͉̤͔̥̮̞̼͐͐͜͝ò̵̝̂̐̎̐̚ ̵̧̢̮̹̣͈̦͉̻͘m̵̡̧͚̟̗̯̗̩̥̫̦̈́̍̃a̷͎̪͎̬͕͔̜̮̠̒͌̆͐̏̌̈́̄͜͝͝t̵̡͚̬̰͓͍͈̱͋̅́͌̊̌́͝ť̵̨͈̹͈̦͕̬̽̈̿̋̃̍̊̉̃ê̴̢̛̟̺̰̈́͂̈̽̍͐̓̆͘r̴̢̲̝̀̈̀͝ ̵̢̥̗̹͍͔̘̙͔̀w̴̤̻̣̅̐̈̀͊͋́͐͘͝ͅh̶̘̥̟̖͎̦͖̬͛̎̐̎͛a̵̛̲͎̬̼̫̳͑̆̆͝t̶̨̛̘̗̪͔̭̥̀̐.̶̼̗̓̎̽̇̑̆͛͠
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notmysophie · 1 month
Hozier reading list
Literary references in Hozier music
Alighieri, Dante; Inferno
The story of Francesca da Rimini as told in canto V inspired the song Francesca.
The album Unreal Unearth is arranged as a journey through nine circles of hell as they are described in the Inferno part of the Divine Comedy.
The title of the song Through Me (the flood) is a reference to the first lines of canto III.
Hozier read the translation by Robert Pinsky (https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/22285692/) 
Beckett, Samuel; Endgame
The song Wasteland, Baby! Takes inspiration from this play. (5 september 2023) (https://www.pastemagazine.com/music/hozier/cover-story-hozier-unreal-unearth) 
O'Brien, Flann; the Third Policeman
The character of de Selby in the Third Policeman inspired the songs de Selby part 1 and 2.
Heaney, Seamus; At the Wellhead
The song To Noise Making (Sing) contains a8n audio fragment of Heaney reading this poem.
Heaney, Seamus; The Cure at Troy
The line "Or honey hope even on this side of the grave again?" In the song "To Noise Making (Sing) " is inspired by the line "History says, Don't hope / On this side of the grave."  in this poem.
Joyce, James; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The line "Shaking the wings of their terrible youths" in the song Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene is derived from a line in this book. As mentioned in the interview with Zane Lowe for Apple Music (august 28, 2023) (https://youtu.be/y5JpgNIkOz4?si=Yg1GVewfZlHkdVm1)  
Also mentioned as general inspiration in an interview with the Daily Meal (october 28, 2014) (https://www.thedailymeal.com/irish-born-musician-hozier-slithered-here-eden-bring-us-his-gospel)
Mack, dr. Katie
Astrophysicist dr. Katie Mack is mentioned by name in the song No Plan. A quote from the song is used in her book The End of Everything (Astrophysically speaking)
Neruda, Pablo, Sonnet XVII
The songs de Selby part 1 and part 2 take some inspiration from this poem. (Mentioned when introducing the song during a concert)
Ovid, Metamorphoses
The story of Icarus is mentioned in the song Sunlight and inspired the song I, Carrion (Icarian).
The story of Orpheus and Eurydice is mentioned in the song Talk.
Plato; The Allegory of the Cave
The phrase "Adding shadows to the walls of the cave" in the song Sedated refers to this story.
Swift, Jonathan; A Modest Proposal
Inspiration for the song Eat Your Young.
Wilde, Oscar; Chanson
The line "a rope in hand for your other man to hang from a tree" in the song From Eden" is inspired by the line "And a hempen rope for your own love / To hang upon a tree." in this poem.
Yeats, W. B.; The Second Coming
The line "To Bethlehem it slouched" in the song NFWMB is almost directly copied from this poem.
Yeats, W. B.; Leda and the Swan
Inspiration for the song Swan Upon Leda
Other books recommended/mentioned by Hozier
Amis, Martin; The Zone of Interest
Recommended by Hozier in an 'Ask Me Anything' before the release of the album Wasteland, baby! on reddit in 2019
Beckett, Samuel; Not I
Hozier joked the album Unreal Unearth would contain four tracks, two of them being recordings of him reading this play with his mouth full of marshmallows.
The cover art of Unreal Unearth is said to reference this play.
Bukowski, Charles
Mentioned as a teenage favorite (https://youtu.be/e5pFwDvcIGA)
Ó Cadhain, Máirtín; Graveyard Clay (Cré Na Cille)
Mentioned as his current read in an instagram Q&A on December 1, 2021
Eliot, T. S.
Heaney, Marie; Over Nine Waves, a Book of Irish Legends
(Source? Mentioned on social media?)
Heaney, Seamus
Herbert, Frank; Dune
Mentioned as a current read/audiobook on How Long Gone podcast episode 614. March 6, 2024
Joyce, James; Ulysses
Kierkegaard, Søren; The Sickness unto Death
Orwell, George; 1984
Rubin, Rick; The Creative Act
Mentioned as his current read in an interview for WNYC Radio, 17 March 2023
Salinger, J. D.; Catcher in the Rye 
Wilde, Oscar
Williams, Niall; This Is Happiness
Mentioned as his current read at a fan meet & greet (Bristol, 6 August 2023)
Yeats, W. B.
Poetry/stories read by Hozier in livestreams/videos (and the books he read them from)
3 July 2020 Instagram live
Seamus Heaney; Postscript (the Spirit Level)
Seamus Heaney; A Kite for Michael and Christopher (Station Island)
W. B. Yeats; No Second Troy (W. B. Yeats Poems selected by Seamus Heaney)
W. B. Yeats; To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing (W. B. Yeats Poems selected by Seamus Heaney)
Ovid, Daedalus and Icarus (Metamorphoses, translated by David Raeburn, penguin classics)
Sinéad Morrissey; & Forgive Us Our Trespasses (Being Human edited by Neil Astley)
Also mentioned; Staying Alive edited by Neil Astley
Seen on the table; Fear Not by Stephen James Smith
10 July 2020 Instagram live
Seamus Heaney; HÖFN (District & Circle)
Seamus Heaney; District & Circle (District & Circle)
Stephen Dunn; Sadness
Stephen Dunn; Sweetness
Ovid; Orpheus and Eurydice (Metamorphoses, translated by David Raeburn, penguin classics)
T. S. Eliot; The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Collected Poems 1909-1962)
Brendan Kennelly; Begin 
17 July 2020 Instagram live
Ezra Pound; And the Days Are Not Full Enough
Wilfred Owen; Futility
James Joyce; A Flower Given to My Daughter
Pablo Neruda; Keeping Quiet
Langston Hughes; I, Too
Imtiaz Dharker; They'll Say She Must Be From Another Country
W. B. Yeats; When You Are Old
Stephen James Smith; On the Bus (Fear Not)
Seamus Heaney; Saint Kevin and the Blackbird
Seamus Heaney; Sweeney Praises the Trees (Sweeney Astray)
Maya Angelou; Touched by an Angel
Garrison Keillor; Supper
Pablo Neruda; Sonnet XCIV (If I Die) (100 Love Sonnets, translated by Stephen Tapscott)
T. S. Eliot; Ash Wednesday (Collected Poems 1909-1962)
Ovid, the Four Ages (Metamorphoses, translated by David Raeburn, penguin classics)
Also mentioned; Ireland, My Ireland by Stephen James Smith
25 July 2020 Instagram live
Anne Stevenson; The Spirit is Too Blunt an Instrument
Katie Mack; The Slow Fade to Black (the End of Everything, Astrophysically Speaking)
Pablo Neruda; Sonnet XVII (One Hundred Love Sonnets, translated by Mark Eisner)
Kahlil Gibran; On Love (the Prophet)
Sharon Olds; True Love
Rita Ann Higgins; The Did-You-Come-Yets of the Western World
7 August 2020 Instagram live
James Joyce; Araby (Dubliners)
Also mentioned A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
17 march 2021 Tiktok live
Brendan Kennelly; Begin
Derek Mahon; Everything is Going to Be Alright
Sinéad Morrissey; & Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Faisal Mohyuddin; Prayer (The Displaced Children of Displaced Children)
Pádraig Ó Tuama; How to Be Alone
Stephen James Smith; Dublin, You Are
Paula Meehan; Seed
Various reads
Seamus Heaney; At the Wellhead
Patrick Kavanagh; Peace
W. B. Yeats; He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
W. B. Yeats; A Coat
Seamus Heaney; Miracle
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