#favourite whump moments
sadcatjae · 1 year
One of my favourite emotional whump moments is when whumpee is falsely accused of something, and at first they laugh because who's gonna believe this right? But then they look around at their friends and family, those they trust the most, and see only disgust and anger and suspicion on their faces. Their heart starts to sink when they realise that they have no-one, had no-one, and they crumble in silent devastation. Silent, because they can't show weakness, at least not in front of the enemy.
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
Facing a bit of a dilemma
I very much want to share some of my fanfiction with my parents once it's written (in particular I've pitched Guilt By Association to my mum and she loved the idea), but I'm not sure how to go about that while keeping my online and offline worlds separate.
I'd rather not have my parents following my Tumblr, as innocent as it is, and I'm not too sure about them reading those fics that give vent to the darker side of my imagination either.
I could always just share a Google Doc or something without giving them my AO3, but my mum does browse fanfic spaces sometimes and there might be a chance of her coming across it. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.
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the adventures of tintin 2011 film: almost completely bloodless despite absolute chaos and carnage
my 2011 tintin fics: I am going to bleed and break this boy's bones even if it kills me
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fall-over-sick · 1 month
How come theres no Rust fandom ESPECIALLY in the whump community?? This is so sad its given me the biggest whumperflies 🦋 in ages and no one to share the love with :((
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caribbean1989 · 4 months
Stage Fright - a Baby Lasagna fanfiction
Who: Marko Purisic / Baby Lasagna Request: maybe smt where you work for esc and marko has a panic attack before going on the stage and your there for him calming him down and stuff. just angsty with lots of comfort. Requested by: anonymous. Word count: 2010 Warnings: contains descriptions of panic attack / anxiety / stage fright. Lots of angst, but also some comfort 😇
A/N: I usually write footballer imagines and fandom whump, so writing something like this is quite new to me. Hope you'll like it, let me know what you think of it 😇 If you want me to write more like this, you can always make a request through my Asks 😉
This story can also be found on my AO3 account, here. For more information on my Baby Lasagna fanfics, see this masterpost.
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At your job working backstage at concerts and events, you were one of the people making sure everything went smoothly backstage, and that the performers had all they needed. This month you would be working at the Eurovision Song Contest. 
Today was the biggest day of all: the final.  You felt confident. Everything had been rehearsed endlessly, the semi-finals had already gone well, and you had built up a good relationship with most of the performers and their entourages. 
It was a nice group of artists this year, but one still was your personal favourite: Baby Lasagna. At first you were drawn to the Croatian candidate because of the rather unusual name, but you quickly learned he went by Marko off-stage, and was somewhat different from the other participants. He was a flamboyant personality on-stage, which proved to be the complete opposite of how his personality was off-stage. 
You didn’t need long to see Marko was actually rather shy, could be very insecure, and was humble and polite. There was a cheeky side to him as well once you got to know him better. You liked that about him, and, without actively trying to, you already formed a rather close friendship with him in only this short time of working together. 
That was why you immediately knew something was wrong when you found Marko sitting alone on the day of the final, huddled away from everything and everyone.  He sat amongst crates of sound equipment, on the floor, in a dark corner of the backstage maze, hugging his knees. His hands were clamped so tightly around his legs that his fingers had turned white, and he trembled like a leaf in the wind.  Marko had chosen a spot far from the foot traffic from and to the stage, hidden even from his own entourage, and it was a small miracle that you stumbled upon him like you had. 
"Marko?" You lowered yourself onto your haunches in front of him, but mindful to keep enough distance between yourselves so not to frighten him or make him feel more uncomfortable.
He looked disheveled, only vaguely aware of his surroundings, and surely not in control of his emotions.  In this moment he was not the extroverted Baby Lasagna, he was introverted Marko. The eccentric costume he wore on stage was replaced by regular jeans and a black hoodie. The make-up wasn’t applied yet, which might be a good thing, because you saw the tears on his face. The haunted look in his eyes scared you, worrying you even more about his well-being. 
Suddenly your mind went to a line from the song he was performing with here this week. 
My anxiety attacks.
Whilst Rim Tim Tagi Dim had people dancing all over the world, you couldn’t help but notice its darker meaning, too. And it clicked into place for you now. That line about anxiety wasn’t just a line. It actually held truth for Marko, and the proof of that was right in front of your eyes with him having a serious panic attack. 
"Marko?" You repeated softly.  His gaze flickered to you, but he didn’t acknowledge your presence in any other way.  "I need you to talk to me," you nudged carefully.  Marko swallowed hard. He made every effort to get himself to speak, but couldn’t. The words he meant to say got involuntarily silenced on their way to his mouth, and, finally, he just sadly shook his head. Fresh tears fell as he rested his forehead on his knees, shrinking even more into himself. 
Your heart broke for him. It was hard to believe you only met him a week and a half ago, with how much you already cared for him. 
Marko shivered in his hoodie. His breaths became even more rapid and shallow, accompanied by the occasional wheeze or whimper. He was losing more and more control over himself with every heartbeat of his racing pulse. Where first maybe only his hands had shook, there now wasn’t a muscle in his body that wasn’t shaking. He raised his head and looked up at you again, this time really seeing you. 
Marko’s lower lip trembled, and it took effort, but finally he got some words out. "Help me…" "I’m trying," you answered helplessly. You wanted nothing more than to help him, take him out of this panic attack, but you really had no idea where to begin. "Do you need me to bring someone from your team over?" "No!" Marko nearly jumped a foot into the air at the mere idea of that. "They don’t need to see me like this. I’m a mess, I…" "Calm down, calm down," you tried to ease. "We can do this. You and I, we can get you through this."
Having suffered from panic attacks yourself, you suddenly remembered what your sister used to do for you to get you to calm down. "Marko." You got his attention. "I want to try something to help you calm down. Are you okay with me touching you?" He still was in the height of his panic attack, with fear wild in his eyes, but he still nodded his head. He wasn’t sure what you had in mind, but he trusted you.
You scooted closer to him, fully sitting down on the floor by his side. Marko trembled heavier than ever and he was truly hyperventilating now. Tears sparkled in his eyes, but he gave in to you. He wanted for you to offer comfort and take him out of this anxiety. 
"Close your eyes," you said softly.  Marko hesitated for just a second, but slowly closed his eyes. He didn’t know you for that long, yet you felt secure and safe to him. "Whenever you’re no longer comfortable with anything I’m doing, you need to tell me," you insisted, "and I’ll stop immediately." Marko gave you a strained nod, but he surrendered to you. 
You moved slowly, making sure not to make any unexpected movements which would cause Marko any more fright.  You placed one of your hands flat on his chest. Only now you realised how heavy this panic attack actually was for him. His chest heaved and trembled under your hand, and now that you were closer to him, you heard the whimpers that were hidden in the wheezes of his breathing.  With your other hand you picked up his wrist, gently pressing two fingers against the pulse point. As you had expected, his heart was racing. 
"I need you to focus on my hand on your chest." You kept your voice as calm and serene as possible. Marko dipped his head once, eyes still firmly pressed shut.  "Whenever I press into your chest, I need you to breathe in through your nose, and try and press my hand away with your chest," you instructed, "when I release the pressure, you exhale slowly through your mouth." Marko wanted to speak, show you he had understood, but he found his words once again stolen from him by the panic attack. Instead, he dipped his head once again, but it was all the confirmation you needed. 
You slowly and gently pressed the palm of your hand a little firmer into his chest.  Marko took a shaky breath. He did his best to get his lungs to fill properly and get his chest to give counter-pressure against your hand, but couldn’t quite manage.  "It’s alright," you eased him, "take your time. Just focus on the rhythm of the pressure of my hand and try to breathe with that." You felt how Marko was really trying to, but also how he wasn’t succeeding yet. His inhales were broken by shudders, and his exhales disrupted by sudden and involuntary gulps.  "That’s it," you encouraged anyway, "easy does it."
Your hand never left his chest as you gently applied pressure and released it, with Marko doing his utmost best to get his breathing to fall in sync with it. You spoke soft encouragements, yet the silent moments in between were filled with Marko’s quiet whimpers.  It didn’t matter to you how long it would take, you would help Marko through this. 
Eventually, you sat with Marko like that for well over 30 minutes. There was no reason to rush anything. Soundchecks for the grand finale of tonight wouldn’t be starting for another few hours, so you gave him all the time he needed to pull himself out of this panic attack.
Marko’s pulse had returned to a regular, calm rhythm, as had his breathing. His trembling had subsided, but he sat beside you looking worn out from everything he had just gone through. 
You gently let your hand fall away from Marko’s chest for the first time again. You kept a close eye on him, but he was able to keep his breaths calm by himself now. "Open your eyes," you said softly. Marko slowly did so. Even though the area where you sat was dimly lit, he still squinted at the light. He ran slightly trembling fingers through his silvery hair, before he finally looked up at you sitting next to him. 
"I’m sorry about that." Marko sounded tired. "No need to apologise." You shook your head. "May I ask what happened?" "This happened." Marko chuckled wryly, motioning his hands to the area around you. "I’ve never performed at an event of this magnitude before. And… well, my stage fright took the better of me, I guess. It does that sometimes."
The airiness with which he spoke of his stage fright was pitiful, almost like it was the most common thing in the world for him. "But it doesn’t often get this bad, I reckon," you said sympathetically.  "No." Marko sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair once more. "It doesn’t usually lead to a full-blown panic attack, and certainly not like this one, but, apparently, big stages lead to big anxiety." A dark chuckle followed. "That’s not even remotely funny," you scoffed. Marko gave a one-shouldered shrug. "I’m used to it by now."
He shifted his body, grunting softly as he stretched his cramped legs out in front of him. He leaned his head back against one of the crates behind him and glanced up at the ceiling for a moment. 
"But what you did really helped me." He spoke after a few seconds of silence. "I’m not quite sure I would have gotten through this one on my own, so I’m really grateful." You shrugged. "I’ve got a bit of experience with panic attacks as well, I’m afraid. So I know how bad they can get."
Marko’s gaze slowly shifted back to you. "Yourself or helping someone deal with it?" "Myself, unfortunately." You sat back into a more comfortable position, too. "Some events in life leave more scars than you can imagine," you added darkly.  "I’m sorry." Marko shortly rested a hand on your arm in support.  "What I just did with you, my sister used to do that for me whenever my anxiety flared up," you explained, "it always helped me through it, so…" You let your voice trail off.  "Well, tell her it’s a good technique." Marko winked lazily. "And I’m glad you’re the one who found me just now. Thank you." The sincere thankfulness was in his voice and in every fibre of his being. 
The two of you talked for a while longer, before Marko slowly hoisted himself back onto his feet. He looked steady again, ready to go, and a glimpse of the extroverted Baby Lasagna shone through the cracks again. 
"Will you be alright?" You stood back up, too.  "Yes." Marko nodded confidently. "I know it sounds strange, especially after what you’ve seen just now, but it feels like I needed to get this out of my system in order to be ready for tonight." You chuckled, glad to see the sparkle of joy back in his eyes, instead of the sparkle of tears and panic. "Come see me if anything threatens to overwhelm you again." Marko nodded gratefully. "I sure will."
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a-living-canvas · 1 month
Little Italy
"Dad, please…"
Whumpee yelped in pain as Whumper's hand gripped tightly around his throat. The cold glare coming from the older man made Whumpee started whimpering uncontrollably.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, dad!"
"That's better." Whumper huffed out a sigh, releasing his hold before picking up the newspaper again. Whumpee was kneeling in front of him on the floor, wrists tied together with his ankles on the back.
He bit his bottom lip, trying to stifle any sounds to give Whumper a peaceful Sunday afternoon. He flinched slightly as Whumper's hand gently ran through his hair. Believe it or not, it melted his heart a little.
He never had a good father before. His father used to beat him up all day and night, stealing his money and emotionally abusing him.
But with Whumper…
Sure, Whumper did the same thing to him, even worse than his father but the comfort that came after that? Oh, it felt so good. Whumper would embrace him in a hug aftermath of the torture, praises him, gives him a nice bath and says he's a good boy for being so obedient.
At some point, he thought he might loves—
"Dad, I really need to pee right now…"
Whumper hummed, twirling Whumpee's soft lock around his fingers. Silence enveloped them for a moment before Whumpee tried again. "Dad—"
"I heard you the first time, kiddo."
Whumpee put the newspaper down on the table before motioning Whumpee to turn around. The boy obeyed, getting into position before Whumper working on the rope around his wrists and ankles. 
"Make a cup of tea on your way back, hm?"
Whumpee nodded. "Okay…"
"Okay what?"
"Okay Dad."
"Good boy."
Whumpee rubbed his wrist, wriggling it a little before standing up on his feet. He nearly stumbled forward as he steadied himself. Whumpee's face flushed in embarrassment as he heard a soft chuckle coming from Whumper.
After finishing using the toilet, Whumpee made his way to the kitchen counter when he saw the backdoor slightly…open. It's a slide door that will lock automatically once closed. The only way to unlock it was with a key, and Whumpee until now had no courage to steal it from Whumper.
Did he forget to close it back?
Whumpee glanced at Whumper in the living room, seeing the man resting his chin on his knuckles while reading the newspaper. Is this a trick?
Maybe, it could be.
Whumpee walked closer to the door, occasionally looking out for Whumper. He didn't want to be caught in action. He stared at the door, peeking through the small gap that separated him from the outside world.
He should escape, right? Away from Whumper and back to…to his abusive father?
Without a second thought, Whumpee slid the door closed. He watched as the lock got into place and made a small sound.
There. He just ruined his chance to escape from the house. Whumpee sighed, more in relief than regret because it felt as if he did the right thing. Whumper would be proud of him if he knew. 
Whumpee made his way to the kitchen counter again, preparing one cup of tea for Whumper. As he finished, he poured the brown liquid into Whumper's favourite teacup and brought it to the living room, placing it on the coffee table.
Whumper ruffled his hair before sipping on the tea. He kneeled down again on the floor, resting his chin on Whumper's lap as he looked up at him. "This tastes good." Whumper squeezed Whumpee's cheek gently. "Thank you, son."
Whumpee smiled, "You're welcome, Dad."
Part II
Prompt idea by @whump-bunny
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @failgiao891 @jennyyy007 @possumhoe @theforeverdyingperson @valravnthefrenchie
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chaotic-orphan · 5 months
Hello! I’m sorry I have been absent, but the next two weeks are my exam times and I most likely won’t be active, but good news is that my exams finish on the 17th! Which means a whole summer of more writing!! Thank you for being patient and here’s a lil whump drabble to scratch that itch
Caretaker was dragged through the camp struggling like a worm on a hook. Two of Whumper’s men stood on either side of them, marching Caretaker by their arms to Whumper. Caretaker’s hands were zip-tied awkwardly behind their back, and no matter which way they moved their wrists the plastic cut into them sharply.
Caretaker saw Whumper before they reached their tent. Slightly larger than most, big enough to hold a cot and a space for tactics. Whumper’s war room. Whumper’s hair shone like a star in the darkest night’s sky, the moonlight reflecting off of the silvery strands. It always looked a little off, a little too unreal. A little too beautiful.
Whumper smiled when they saw Caretaker being dragged towards them, dismissing the people they were talking with to greet Caretaker with open arms. Literally.
“Caretaker,” they said, voice happy and light. “I know it’s only been a few hours, but I must say I missed you.”
“Yeah, well,” Caretaker replied, their voice coming out weaker than they would’ve liked. “You’re like a rash I can’t get rid of.”
Whumper’s eyes widened slightly as they glanced over Caretaker’s head to see if there would be another in zip-ties like Caretaker. Looking for Whumpee. Then they fell to one of the guards holding Caretaker. Without a command, the two guards threw Caretaker to the ground. Their hands shot out to catch themselves but caught on the zip-ties, and the best Caretaker could do to not eat a face full of dirt was to let their shoulder take the brunt of the impact.
“Caretaker, Caretaker, Caretaker,” Whumper said with a long sigh. Caretaker watched Whumper’s shiny boots draw closer to them. Then swing back out of sight swiftly. Caretaker barely had enough time to catch their breath before it was forced out of them, let alone try and turn away as a gleaming boot came down in a flash. It hit their ribs and Caretaker gasped, curling into a ball but it didn’t stop the next kick, or the next, or the next.
Whumper’s boots stopped in front of Caretaker’s eyes. Whumper sighed above them, and crouched down. Leather creaked as Whumper ran their fingers through Caretaker’s hair and made a fist before yanking. Caretaker cried out as Whumper craned Caretaker’s head back until they were looking into Whumper’s cold, impassive face.
Whumper tilted their head to the side. “Where’s my favourite pet, hmm? Where did you leave them?”
“I don’t know where they are,” Caretaker spat. “I just know they’re far away from you.”
Whumper’s smile could freeze hell, and seeing it sent shivers down Caretaker’s spine. Whumper released Caretaker’s hair and pushed them onto their back, leaning a knee down on Caretaker’s chest.
“That’s not the answer I want to hear, Caretaker.”
“Fuck you!” Caretaker ground out, then let out a sharp cry after Whumper punched them in the face. Their head smacked back off the dirt ground of the camp and Caretaker felt a headache creep into their skull.
For a long moment, Whumper just stared down at Caretaker, the same cold smile on his lips. Then Whumper got to his feet and waved his hand at Caretaker. Caretaker didn’t have to wait long to know what that gesture meant before the guards were taking his arms again and yanking him up.
Caretaker kicked out at them, catching one of them on their hip and turning to twist out of the other’s grip. The other yanked Caretaker towards them, throwing them off balance. Before they managed to correct it the guard they kicked had their hands on Caretaker’s elbow again and between them they managed to subdue a feral, cursing Caretaker.
Caretaker stopped struggling when their eyes were enthralled by Whumper’s, as if they were caught in a snare. It made their blood run cold. Not Whumper’s eyes or cold smile, but his current bare index finger and thumb that was removing their remaining glove from their hand.
“Caretaker…” Whumper said with a sigh. “I really hate to do this, especially to you. You’re my— you were my closest friend. You and I were like family.”
Caretaker fought to urge to try and back up in the guards hold. Everything in their body screamed at them to flee. To run, but they forced themselves to remain in place.
“We were friends before you needed goons to do your dirty work for you.”
Whumper’s eyes flashed with amusement as they advanced on Caretaker, reaching forward and ignoring Caretaker’s flinch, stroked the back of their knuckle along Caretaker’s jaw. Something so familiar about it broke Caretaker’s heart, but only now did they see the manic possession Whumper mistook for love in their eyes.
“That’s right, we were. Back when you were the one to do my dirty work for me, right?”
Caretaker swallowed the lump in their throat, or tried to, because it was still lodged there.
“Then you had to go and get noble, Caretaker. All for a pathetic nobody who wouldn’t return the favour.”
“I’d do it again.” It was a confession.
Whumper had the gall to look a little sad as they said softly: “I know. And you know what I must do now.”
Caretaker tried not to cry. They wanted to greet their maker with dignity. “I do.”
Whumper steeled their expression, jaw clenching, moulding their face as far to impassive as they could.
“For what it’s worth,” Caretaker said softly, their voice scratchy as if they had just swallowed sand. “You were my fiercest friend too. I don’t regret what I did, but I’m sorry I had to betray you.”
Whumper’s stoic expression cracked a little. In their left eye, Caretaker saw the telltale twitch and they smiled. They knew if they were alone Whumper would have expressed their doubts too, but Caretaker knew it had to end this way when they broke Whumpee free. Whumper knew it when they found Whumpee’s cage empty.
Caretaker nodded. Then closed their eyes and waited for the final blow.
It didn’t come.
Instead, Caretaker heard the most devastating sound they would ever hear.
Caretaker’s eyes shot open meeting Whumper’s smirking face. Caretaker lurched forward, renewing every struggling effort to get free of the guards’ hold but Caretaker didn’t get very far.
“Whumper, wait! Whumper! Don’t,” Caretaker cried, trying to squirm out of the guards’ hold but every time they got a bit of leeway the guards would change their position and keep Caretaker firmly between them. “Whumpee! RUN!”
“Oh, it’s too late for that, Caretaker,” Whumper said with a smile. “My men already have them. They’re bringing Whumpee up now.”
Whumper turned their attention back to Caretaker, a cruel glint in their eye that scared Caretaker. “Looks like you betrayed me for nothing,” Whumper told them and Caretaker’s seemed to disintegrate in their chest.
It wasn’t gentle, more like a shrapnel bomb going off inside them, pieces of sharp metal lodging in everything. It was difficult to breathe as if Whumper had his goons submerge Caretaker in a barrel of water and was waiting for them to drown.
When Whumpee’s eyes caught Caretaker’s they wanted to scream.
Why didn’t you run?
I told you to run!
This wasn’t apart of the plan!
I risked everything for you.
Whumpee’s expression was entirely apologetic, and it broke something else inside Caretaker. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t let you die.”
Whumper let out a little laugh at that. Caretaker stared at Whumpee, certain every emotion was crossing their face. Until Whumper stepped between them and Caretaker’s gaze strayed to his face instead.
Whumper reached a hand out and settled it under Caretaker’s chin, tilting their head up to face Whumper. They wanted to cry, to scream, to spit. All they did was stare.
“See what heroics gets you?” Whumper said gently. Caretaker couldn’t speak, emotion clogging their throat and not letting air or words through.
Without breaking eye contact with Caretaker, Whumper said: “bring Whumpee back to their cage, and make sure you double the guards around their tent.”
All adrenaline left Caretaker’s body in a quick flush leaving them drained and defeated. “You’re coming with me to my tent, Caretaker,” Whumper promised, something dangerously soft colouring their voice. “We have much to discuss.”
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virgo-dream · 4 months
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virgo-dream’s dreamling masterpost
In honour of @mr-sadman’s Dreaming Week 2024, I have compiled this masterpost of all my fics and fanart!
I highly recommend checking the Dreamling Week tag to see some of the amazing fanworks created by this fandom.
Happy Dreamling Week! ☁️✨
☁️ fanfiction ☁️
✨ one shots ✨
golden hour
rated G / 695 words / fluff
Hob had two favourite times during the day: dawn and dusk. Opposite in their purpose but equal in their beauty, dawn brought new life to restful spirits every morning, while dusk tucked them in gently every night. Hob loved the soft, lilac tones that shifted into golden, that faded into oranges, purples and deep blues, over and over again, marking the passage of never ending time.
Another thing he liked, dearly, was seeing Morpheus under the light of the golden hour.
rated G / 2.5k words / idiots to lovers
the one where Dream is fucking dense and Hob is desperately in love.
the night of the storm
rated G / 2.6k+ words / hurt/comfort
across from the shadow figure sitting on his armchair, and offered the best smile he could muster. “…rough day? I feel like you’re not doing very well. Don’t ask me why.”
Are you not afraid, Hob Gadling?
or: Hob Gadling comes home to find the shadows need a shoulder to cry on.
freely given
rated G / 4k+ words / whump, hurt + comfort
Dream had no idea how he intended to help Hob. It was the right thing to do. He had stumbled into enough of Hob Gadling's nightmares to know for a fact that disease wasn't something he took lightly.
daisy chains
rated G / 589 words / tooth-rotting fluff, idiots in love
Hob tells him to use the door but doesn't mind when his friend just shows up uninvited because to Hob, Dream will always be welcome. Dream, on the other end, wants to know more about Hob, be a part of his life, even if it means spending more time in the Waking World. And then, like every good thing, the physicality starts small: a pat on the back, a hand on the shoulder.
or: they don't know it, but they're falling in love.
spring roll for your thoughts
rated G / 2.3k+ words / domestic fluff
Dream and Hob both need a moment to rest after a long day at work. They both find comfort eating reheated leftovers and daydreaming about the future.
the miracle of song
rated G / 1k+ words / christmas fic
Dream of The Endless has a long standing history with avoiding music since the loss of his only son, Orpheus. His relationship with Hob Gadling might make him change his mind.
A story about love, loss, bad karaoke and Christmas miracles.
one of their own
rated G / 3.6k+ words / queer themes, first kiss
Hob Gadling invites Dream to a meeting of the uni's queer clubs at the New Inn. Dream learns more about his own gender identity, and that he's very much in love with his best friend.
glitter glue and butterfly stickers
rated G / 1k+ words / dreamling parents, tooth-rotting fluff
Hob and Dream have been married for over 10 years and are raising a daughter together. After a long day working on his thesis, Hob receives a letter from his 7 year old daughter Lucy, detailing her thoughts on an article he’d written.
safety net: a bolt in the blue story
rated T / 3.1k words / fic of a fic, mutual pining (set in the universe of @valeriianz’s bolt in the blue)
Endless is in the middle of its first headline tour, and Dream has been doing his best to hold his own in the ever changing routine of touring. After one particularly intense concert, Dream finds himself extremely overwhelmed, and relies on the help of his trusted bass tech, Hob Gadling, to ground himself again. In the process, he finds that a few feelings have become impossible to ignore.
some mornings: a man of good fortune story
rated G / 1.1k+ words / domestic fluff, omegaverse (set in the universe of @softest-punk’s a man of good fortune)
Some mornings are easier than others, when one finds themselves in the state Dream is currently in. He remembers how mornings were when he was pregnant with Orpheus. As winter slowly approached their home by the sea, some mornings became harder than most for Hob.
A story of finding new purpose, switching roles and falling in love again and again. The moon is also there.
✨ multi-chapter ✨
when I wake up, there are only your eyes to greet mine (complete)
rated M / 14.2k+ words / victorian soldiers au
Five times Sergeant Robert Gadling woke up to Captain Morpheus Apeiron. One time Morpheus woke up to Hob.
A very unlucky battalion finds itself in the command of one Captain Morpheus Apeiron. He doesn't seem particularly worried with their survival, but mostly with ending the war as soon as possible. Sergeant Robert Gadling seems to be the only thing keeping all these young and inexperienced soldiers alive. After one particularly heated fight between them, Hob ends up discovering there is much more to his Captain than meets the eye, but is he seeing Morpheus as he truly is, or through the prism of his own desire?
may dream (incomplete)
rated M / 7.5k+ words posted / hurt/comfort
It's been 10 days since Dream of The Endless was rescued from Fawney Rig by one Hob Gadling, who takes it upon himself to see to Dream's recovery. While with Hob, Dream is provided with something he'd been missing even before his imprisonment: to be cared for.
☁️ fan art ☁️
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he’s wearing the north face jacket
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change or die magical girl
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happy birthday dream sketch
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thursday night at the drag bar
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Halley’s Comet mini comic
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come here often?
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softest-punk’s witcher au fanart
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avelera’s giving sanctuary fic cover
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muchmossymess · 3 months
A Revali Fanfic Recommendation
I urge you all to put your life on hold for a moment and go read this brilliant fanfiction:
A hundred years after the fall of Hyrule to Calamity Ganon, and the hero Link has finally sealed the darkness and freed the Divine Beasts of their curse - and with it, their pilots are finally free. But not just as spirits. Awake once again, the four Champions of old have a second chance at life and must re-adjust to this future world with their decendants. Well - all except for one Champion, who doesn't have a decentant. Or even anyone left alive that knew him. Teba is happy to take in his revived ancient idol as one of his own, but sharing a living space with a hundred year old Champion with an ego the size of his divine beast and who might have some issues he's not willing to share can be a lot sometimes and they don't always see eye to eye. Revali thinks he should return to leading the new generation of Rito warriors. Teba thinks this actual child should never have been leading warriors or fighting a war in the first place. Tulin is just excited to have the infamous Rito Champion in his house.
Beautifully written and lovingly crafted, this baby can fit so much trauma and whump into the most gut-wrenching and heat-breakingly found family story you may ever read. 130,000 words, 36 chapters (and still regularly updating!), and a CRIMINALLY low number of kudos. If that doesn't sway you, here is some gushing under the cut <3
You think you've read a champions revival fic before? This will have you saying "how the FUCK have I not seen this before" and completely change the way you view everything (mild exaggeration. m i l d). We have all of your favourite revali tropes: being a dick and getting owned, being a dick and being right, getting own and never showing those feelings to the light of day, getting killed, getting unkilled and loved, showing emotions but being super weird and revali about it, bonding with tulin!!, bonding with teba and the rest of rito village, bonding with the champions, having panic attacks and trauma, vah medoh being the best ever, being a terrifying force of nature, being an idiot kid, and so much more!
Do you like grumpy dad teba? Do you like revali swallowing his pride? Do you like revali immediately spitting his pride back up and being a bitchy bird? Do you like mipha and revali as gossip buddies? Do you like the complete and utter fool revali makes of himself everytime he so much as hears the name link? Do you like people seeing right through his facade and calling him out on it?
AND NOT TO MENTION THE WORLD BUILDING??? this fic is so in depth of the political climates, racism, lore, changes in culture during times of war, colonisation, biology of the races and just fucking everything?? It adds so much life to the world of hyrule I am genuinely shocked at how much this person clearly loves these games (botw/totk/aoc) and they are able to incorporate all of this amazing information in a way that flows so naturally and just hhrnngngg I am fucking insane about it. THE SCIENCE, oh my god how did I forget all the wonderous thoughts surrounding the divine beasts and the sheikah tech, oh god and how they write the magic system? Guys I swear it's so good.
Characterisation is on point, everyone feels so full of life and that they are reacting exactly how you would expect them too, and they just seem so real, like they are right beside you as you're reading. The author does an IMMACULATE job of drawing you in and making you feel a part of the story, all the while being just beautifully written?
Don't get me started on the attention to rito culture. I have never seen someone pour so much love into something before, genuinely on of the greatest things I've seen. I've always had a fascination over how the races of hyrule view each other, similarities and differences, how their cultures and histories intertwine, and conflicts that may arise. But oh. my. god. My jaw was on the floor every time, it's so rich and beautiful but not without the horrors (and oh god, they are Horrors tm) and again it's just so real!!!
Be warned, however, that there is gore and viscera and terror and hurt and war crimes and death (duh), but for each terrible thing to happen it is repaid tenfold in love and kindness somewhere down the line. (Unless you are into hurt no comfort, then sorry buddy!) It is a beautiful narrative and the exploration of trauma and self is mind boggling and just go read it!!! 😭 😭 😭 I just love this fic so much, it has instantly sky-rocketed to one of my top 3 favourite fics I've ever read, and I'm so grateful to have found it and now be along for the ride that if I could bring that to one more person then by god I will fucking do it
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obsessedobsesser · 1 month
It's been a while since I put together Part 1 of my GO fanfic recs. Having read a ton more since then, I figured it was time for another list.
In no particular order:
1. 'On Espionage and Prophecy (or How to Accidentally, but Wholly, Fall in Love With a Soho Bookseller)' by RockSaltAndRoll (Explicit)
This fic takes place in 1941 with MI5Agent!Crowley and bookseller!Aziraphale. Aziraphale is first recruited by, who he thinks, is an MI5 but turns out not to be. Crowley, an actual MI5 Agent then recruits him to "double cross the double-crosser". Lots of pining and badassery (from both sides) ensue in this one!
2. 'Ricochet' by NaroMoreau (Explicit)
I'm a sucker for anything written by Naro but 'Ricochet' has become one of my favourite fics of theirs. Crowley is missing his angel after S2 and ends up summoning another version of Aziraphale. So, we get 1 Crowley, 2 Aziraphale's. The best mix. The writing in this is *chef kiss*. How Naro writes Crowley's pain and the characterizations of the 2 separate Aziraphale's -- just gorgeous.
3. ‘Terminus’ by BraveLight (Teen & Up Audiences)
I had no idea how much I needed an Astronaut!Aziraphale and MissionController!Crowley AU in my life until I read this fic. They have to team up to get Aziraphale home, but there’s way more to the mission than meets the eye. The twists and turns had me clicking 'next chapter' instantly. And the way Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship is written is so gentle and romantic—it’s perfect.
4. "Villainous" by IneffablePenguin (Explicit)
This is THE fairy tale AU you need to read! Crowley (Crow) is a sorcerer, and Aziraphale (Azra) is a prince—this fic honestly feels like it belongs on a best-seller list. IneffablePenguin has a real gift for painting vivid scenes that are so easy to picture. And those final chapters? They totally got me. I couldn't put this fic down.
5. "Cilice It To Say" by izzyspussy (Explicit)
Ho boy. This will be a fic I'll think about often. It's up there with the one I mention next. It's not as explicit as some of the other I've read but jesus christ. As it says on the tin: Crowley has a kink - The kink is Aziraphale. This is big on divinity kink, if that's not your jam, you may not like this one.
6. "Tether" by Ginger_Cat (Explicit)
It's coming up on a year of reading this fic and I think about Chapter 6 constantly. I don't want to spoil it but let me tell you, it's worth it. Aziraphale, now Supreme Archangel, keeps getting summoned back to Earth by Crowley but they don't know why.
7. "Intermezzo" by FeralTuxedo (Explicit)
Aziraphale is a music critic who, back in the day, tanked Crowley’s classical music career with a harsh review of his debut opera. If my fic recs haven’t given it away yet, I’m all about that bickerflirting, and this fic provides. It's also by FeralTuxedo. Anything written by them is 10/10.
8. “Reclaimed” by gallifreyshawkeye (Mature):
Are you in the mood for some Crowley Whump? If so, this fic DELIVERS. Gallifreyshawkeye knows how to paint a very vivid image of injury, so do mind the tags. This takes place 4 years after S2 and Crowley gets dragged down to hell by Satan in front of Aziraphale. It's honestly one of my favourite WIP's at the moment. I am on the edge of my seat whenever a new chapter comes out.
9. "Wavelengths & Frequencies" by imposterssyndrome, shades_of_eccles_cakes (Explicit)
Who doesn't love an enemies to friends to lovers story? While this fic only has 3 chapters so far, I am hooked. But hey, you give me a fic with Crowley and Aziraphale as radio hosts, I am there! I'm so excited to see how this develops and to see more of our 2 idiots going at each other.
10. "Stroke Play" by moonyinpisces (Explicit)
Moony knows how to write pining and I am here for it. In this AU, Crowley competes in beach volleyball, while Aziraphale takes on the golf course at the 2024 Olympics. They're both so down bad for each other but no one communicates. I love it!
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Got any good fic recs? Send them my way :) Sharing is caring.
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talk-danmei-to-me · 13 days
♡ Welcome to the #Danmei Fanfic Nightclub! ♡
A place where rather than going to the club, we bring the club to us and write fanfic. Every Friday.
At the Danmei Fanfic Nightclub, writers are treated like DJs, you can go into their ask box, request a fic based upon their menu and get a drabble in return. In the spirit of a Friday free for all, you can drop an ask at any time.
Please be aware some writers may take longer to respond than others and that timezones may affect how quickly your prompt is filled. Some of us love a walk of shame fanfic 😉
Writer's menus below the cut. Happy reading!
Ships: Tgcf, Ranwan, Wangxian, Ximang
Fic Requests: Smut, AUs, Angst
Will not write: I'll write pretty much anything apart from female versions of characters and any kind of being domestic with babies within omegaverse. Omegaverse itself is fine though. I like the world building.
Ask me about: Kingmaker, Body in the Abyss, Heart in Paradise, The Space Between
Ships: wangxian, nieyao, nielan, 3zun, zhuiling
fic requests: anything really!
will not write: character bashing (?) classical mpreg. i don’t really have hard limits at this point that might change later.
Ships: Scum Villain Self Saving System
Fic Requests: AUs, hurt/comfort, fluff, humor, canon divergence, inquire for more!
Will not write: - smut (may change in the future, but not right now), kinks, non con, or dehumanization
Ships: I'll have a go at any 2ha, Yuwu, SVSSS or TGCF but my favourite characters for having their own new stories are Mei Hanxue, Liu Qingge and Feng Xin and I have no problem in solving romantic lost causes with threesomes.
Fic Requests: anything within reason. I like fix its best.
Will not write: - Anything tasteless. Not intentionally anyway.
Fic Requests: Humour, banter, AUs, Angst, Major Character Death/last moments/mourning, fluff, parent-child relationship (not necessarily parent...like wwx and juniors type), idiots in love, canon compliant (no cql sorry, only novel/donghua canon)
Ships: I'll happily write: Wangxian, Mingxian, Xixian, Hanxian (wrh/wwx), Sangxian, Songxiao, Xisang (lxc/nhs)
Can write: platonic dynamics like junior trio/quartet, Wen siblings + Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangyao and Wei Wuxian, etc, feel free to ask and maybe I CAN write them. Other than that, any bottomxian m/m ships are those I am more inclined to write compared to others (romantic) including Chengxian
Won't write: f/m ships like romantic Wen Qing/Wei Wuxian, Mianmian/Wei Wuxian, etc, polyamorous couples, Wei Wuxian/cql original character
Will not write: smut (unless i feel confident enough and in that case, switchxian or topxian), infidelity, animal death, miscarriage/child death, polyamory, F/M...i think thats it. Oh and anything with cql elements or jiang clan/jiang cheng positive (unless its chengxian)
Ships: Ranwan, Bingqiu, Bingjiu, Jiuyuan, Tianjiu, Moshang, Wangxian, xiyao, 3zun, xuexiao, xueyao, sangcheng, cezhou, TYK, wenzhou
Fic Requests: Canonverse, AUs, smut, angst, hurt/comfort, comedy, horror
Will not write: - anything like bathroom kinks (watersports, scat play, etc.) or mpreg
Ask me about: trembling before the machinery of other skeletons
Pairings: Scum Villain Self Saving System
Fic Requests: comedy, angst, smut
Will not write: fluff unless it's kidfic
Ships: Wangxian
Tropes: Fluff, Angst, Crack
Will not write: Smut, High School AUs
Ships: HuaXuan, HeHuaLian, PeiFengQing, and any variation of the aforementioned ships involving either all of them or just two of them. No seriously.
Fic Requests: Smut, overall silliness, crack, fluff, fix-it, idiots in love, uncanny ghost kings, ABO. kinks (bondage, praise, worship, waxplay)
Will not write: Horror, whump, hurt without comfort, character death.
Ask me about: Feel free to ask me about the pool noodle ships, if you're brave enough.
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beekeeperspicnic · 2 years
The Case of the Rose Tattoo
If you fancy a oozing-with-love-for-the-stories Sherlock Holmes point and click adventure and you don't want to wait a year or more for me to complete the Beekeeper's Picnic, might I suggest 30 year old obscure classic The Rose Tattoo?
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I spent this evening playing around in this game and I'm in love, I think it's instantly become my favourite Sherlock Holmes game.
I've always thought that if I was writing a proper Sherlock Holmes mystery game, I would find some way for Holmes to be indisposed so that the player could play Watson acting in his stead, at least for part of the game. I feel like playing as Watson is so much more satisfying - he's able to be fallible, and we can join him in wanting to impress Holmes.
This game comes up with the BEST reason for Holmes to be out of action because it also sets the stakes very high - the Diogenes Club has gone up in flames and Mycroft is on death's door. Holmes immediately locks himself up in his bedroom in terrible grief, and it's up to Watson (and the player!) to pull him out of it by beginning to piece together what has actually happened.
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The game uses actual actors in front of green screens for all the characters, which looks a little odd sometimes but it does mean they are expressive and grounded.
The voice acting generally seems good, although sometimes I think the quality of the dialogue surpases it. There is lovely a moment where Holmes laments that freak accidents seem awfully unreal until one happens to someone you know. His distress is palpable in his words, but not quite carried through to his voice.
The dialogue and expository text is aboslutely steller, though, so having voice acting to match is a tall order. It often has a very very dry sense of humour, and nails the 1890s parlance.
Also honestly I think I just love the Mycroft whump and Holmes being all 3 Garridebs about it. It's so personal!
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The caveat is that this is a game from the era when you were expected to sit down with a notebook, with no objectives or tutorials or prompts. It also seems to rely on you spotting very tiny details and doing a bit of pixel-hunting. I have a feeling that completing it would take a long time, and a lot of brain-power!
You can download it from Archive.org, and I recommend playing it with the ScummVM emulator.
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aceofwhump · 4 months
Can I ask what your favourite whump prompts are. I wanna write something (broadchurhc alec hardy) and I'm at a loss for what to write
Okay first of all if you write any Alec Hardy whump please please please let me know cause I am ALWAYS in need of more Hardy whump fics in my life. There is not enough of it. That sad sack of a man is so whumpy.
Okay here's some prompts I love just in general:
Emotional: panic attacks, nightmares, insecurities, fear, grief, flashbacks, flinching, emotional breakdowns full of sobbing, scar reveals, anxiety, self hatred
Environmental: accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes or storms, hit by a car, collapsed building, falling through ice, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, falls, burns, infected wounds from lack of medical equipment, sickness, being unable to breathe, drowning
Small moments: limping, feeling weak and seeking support breathing through the pain, moving wrong in a way that aggravates the pain, and the sudden seizing of his body, shaking hands, pressing the heel of his hand against his temple because of a headache, taking a moment to close his eyes because he’s light headed/exhausted/has such a bad headache
Sci-fi: space illness, oxygen deprivation, isolation, being locked in the brig, hull of the ship getting damaged, alien attacks
Injuries: broken bones, gunshot wounds, hidden injuries, bruises, beaten, concussions, collapsed lung, slings, casts, crutches, knocked unconscious, blood loss
Torture/Captivity: Being hung by their wrists from the ceiling, drugged, chains, caged, tied to a chain, handcuffed to a pole, interrogated,
Comfort/Caretaking: hugging, “Are you okay?”, “You’re safe now”, “I’ve got you”, hand holding, helping to walk, ice packs, covering someone with a blanket, a cool cloth on their forehead to help with a fever, a fever check,
Magic: magical healing that causes pain, draining of powers, powers that are painful to use, curses
And some that I love that just so happen might be things I'd love to see applied to Alec Hardy:
Anything related to his heart issues. Feeling sick, collapsing at work, having a heart attack in front of people, needing to go to the hospital. What about focusing on his recovery after his pacemaker surgery? I'd love to see the towns reaction to it. See Ellie take care of him.
A previous case comes back to bite him and he gets kidnapped by someone wanting revenge. Could be Sandbrook related and have Lee be the one to kidnap and torture him or some other case he worked on before he came to Broadchurch
Sick fics. Literally never get enough of sick fics. And Alec Hardy is begging to be stricken with an illness and get taken care of.
Accidental injuries are fun. Falling down the stairs, twisting an ankle, concussions, breaking a bone.
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9 People you want to know better
Huge thank you to uhhh *checks drafts* @words-after-midnight - their post here, @bluberimufim - her post here, @touloserlautrec - his/their post here
Currently reading: City of Bones by Cassie Clare. I never read it during it's peak when I was literally the right age demographic and I feel like I missed out. It's not the strongest writing in the world but I am enjoying it so far. It's been interesting to go back and reread a bunch of "older" YA - like pre-2016-ish. There is so much more filler, banter, character moments than in the post-2016 stuff, especially post-2019. Like it was right around that time that publishing shifted to the "everything has to advance the plot and be super fast paced" mentality. And tbh... I like the old stuff better. It spawned larger fandoms with more staying power - I mean, how many post-2019 booktok popular books have more than 100 fanfics on AO3? I think I'm not the only one who misses the slower, more character focused YA.
Last song I listened to: Avril Lavine's Keep Holding On was on the radio while I was driving home from work. 10 year-old me knew all the words. 20-something me still does.
Currently watching: I haven't watched any TV or movies is so long oh my gosh. But! I did go see murder mystery play with my friend last Friday night!
Current fic I'm reading: [do I confess to having a secret whump blog here? My anxiety is pretty bad rn. Which means I have been devouring and regurgitating whump like no tomorrow. I have read and written so much holy]
Current hyperfixation (changed from obsession because I don't use that language. I do, however, have ADHD): yeah... uhhh... whump.
Favourite colour: Green, specifically the shade of the underside of a maple leaf caught in the sun. But I am also very partial to any rich blue or pink.
Spicy, sweet, savory, or salty? A little bit of everything. I like it when dishes are made with really high-quality ingredients that speak for themselves and don't need to be disguised with sugar, spices, or salt.
Relationship status: *cries in single* where meet men in my city????
Last thing I Googled: hypothermia whump... yeah... (also apparently I googled the word lapel to make sure it meant exactly what I thought it meant)
Song stuck in my head: OH I am the QUEEN of getting shit stuck in my head! I once had "In Flanders Fields" the POEM - not even a song - stuck in my head in both English AND FRENCH. It wasn't even November... Currently, it's the "I had a little turtle, his name was tiny tim" song... it's been days help
Favourite food: Kiisseli (a Finnish stewed berry dessert.) I am also partial to a very juicy steak.
Dream trip: I wanna go to Ireland so bad. But I need to know some Irish person willing to teach me harp techniques first.
Gently tagging (you don't have to answer all of these. I just chose to combine three tags in one): @nacricissa *ahem*, @malapertmarquess, @ditzydisko, @dyrewrites, @toribookworm22, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @blackrosesandwhump, @beloveddawn-blog, @unhingednovelist
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I'm Not Really Here.(Pt.2)
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Relationship: Anthony Lockwood x Fem!Reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, reader whump and pain and general chaos
Requested: icl it wasnt 100% in the works but so many of you came forward asking for pt2, thank you, so here we are🙏🙏
Word Count: guys.. idk. probably similar to the last one lol
Part: 2/2
Summary: A mission goes terribly wrong. You and Anthony are left to face the consequences. !! PART 2 OF 2 !!
It had been hours.
Your throat was scratched raw with the echoes of screams. Cheeks stained with the remnants of tears that had tracked down your face. No sense of what was real, and what was in your mind.
The blade dragged against your jawline once more, never enough pressure to make a cut, yet just enough to leave your skin burning with the scrape of the uneven edge.
A new tear slipped out the corner of your eye, a silent plea for this agony to end.
The man saw it.
The blade pressed harder.
"Didn't I tell you, you weren't to let a ano'her one of them tears to fall? Oh, princess.." he snarled. "Time to start with our favourite toy again, no?"
Your eyes squeezed shut. When the man had showed it to you and Lockwood all those hours ago, you had almost scoffed at its appearance. Small, rusted, and seemingly barely functional enough to make a dent.
A drill.
You would have thought otherwise. Yet this, this thing; it had deceived you.
The man yanked the chain and fired up the ancient tool as it grated and grinded, specks of rust flying in all directions.
I'm not really here. I'm not, I can't be, I'm not here, I'm not-
"Ohh, princess?" the man taunted. "What-" , he brought the drill closer, "did I say about sleeping on the job?"
A horrifying smile glimmered on his face.
"You sleep- you pay," he whispered, breath hot on your neck.
Another tear slid down your grimied face as he held the drill even closer to you- this time grabbing your left leg.
"I think it's a'out time we do th' other one, yeah? Since your right one seems to be all dolled up now', aight?"
The blood had dried somewhat a long time ago on your right leg. In certain places, fresh drips seeped out of the cuts. The tidy handwriting.
'Lockwood's bitch', it read. All neatly cut out and on display for all to see.
Well. At the moment, 'all'... was Lockwood.
He sat opposite you, eyes wide. Hands still bound behind him, his futile attempts at escape falling flat as he struggled to undo the knot of the fabric. Mouth stuffed with a rag - courtesy of the man, who had wiped the blood off your right leg with it, before promptly shoving it in his mouth to silence his shouts and protests.
He was helpless. And Anthony Lockwood couldn't bear it.
The man began to softly drag the drill up your leg, prolonging the process of digging in to the skin. Your eyes followed the moment of the drill, a deep panic settling in the pit of your stomach.
"Ah, 'ere we are. This seems like a perfect spot, dontcha' think."
The fear crept through your body; it trembled in anticipation. I’m not really here, I’m not, I’m not here, I-
The man dug the drill into your calf. You bit down harder on your lip, as you tried not to scream. You couldn't give in this time.. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe your body had gotten used to the pain, maybe it was going to be fin-
It wasn't.
The drill bit into your skin and your mouth flew open as a shrill scream ripped out of your throat.
"Y/N!" Lockwood bit down on the rag, struggling to speak through the material.
You tried to look at him - he always knew how to ground you. If you could just catch a glance, maybe it would hel-
Nothing but blinding pain tore through you. Your vision went white, your ears deaf to the screams... your screams. Oh god, it- it ripped across your body, leaving streaks of raw pain in its path.
It was the type of pain that you couldn't get used to. Sometimes, one can bite down and bear raw pain-- but this, this was unreal. This seemed to only grow, trawling through your veins, clawing its way out as it scrabbled up your throat- filling the room with ugly, horrid screams.
And all you could do, was... struggle to breathe. Struggle to live.
You wished you would die; you couldn't.
But if you truly wanted to die, wouldn't the world grant you that?
"Boss, come here. Look at this."
With a sneer, the man eventually pulled the machine away, the drill bit dripping blood onto the dirty cement and stomped towards Cliff. Your vision was screwed beyond belief, but your eyes could still carve out shapes, colours; his face.
Your ears were- ringing-
Your head dropped back, your neck protesting at the steep, uncomfortable angle that it was now dangling at. Yet it dulled in comparison to the fire burning in your leg as air seeped into the fresh wounds.
"Oh god... I..," your voice strained, fading as it became harder and harder to form words. "Please..."
Lockwood could only watch as the horror unfolded before him. Limp. Pale. Almost dead.
He wanted to reach out, assure you that he had a plan, that he knew what to do- but he couldn’t. He was frozen, heart beat-beating beat beat beat beating.. louder, and louder, and loUDER-
I’m not really here.
The man's head twisted over his shoulder, ignoring Cliff as the plea fell from your cracked lips. Striding back towards you, his heavy footfalls causing you to wince and furrow your eyebrows as the sound went straight to your pounding head.
He pouted. "Please, what?" he taunted. "Please, again? Tha' can be done-"
You pushed yourself to interject, "-No; please, no.."
The man cocked his head, eyebrow raised as he continued to mock you. "But hun, dont'cha want to add to the beautiful handiwork? My, there's s' much already etched on you, we could turn ya into a art piece, fit for one of them fancy galleries uptown. Like the one you an' your little friend here tried to catch us at." His eyes darkened as he recalled the previous events of that night. The trap you and Lockwood had attempted to set for them to walk into.
How ironic- you had fallen into theirs instead. No longer the hunters, but the hunted.
You could only hope George had realised what had happened and was doing... something. Anything. At this point, you could barely think straight.
The man had continued to drawl on, and you forced yourself to try and focus on his words- anything to keep you lucid.
"See, princes-" he had been saying before he noticed your head lolling as you struggled to maintain consciousness. "Oi-"
A sharp pain burned against your cheek.
Your head had dropped to the side from the contact, and you managed to make brief eye contact with Lockwood.
One look in his dark eyes told you that things did not look good. At all. He was terrified. You were terrified.
I’m not really here.
Strangely, in this moment, your fear seemed to have melted away. Your pain dissolved into numbness. Your heart no longer felt like it was being crushed, without breath. You felt… nothing.
You couldn't let this sicko win.
The man seemed to have lost his focus on you and instead began to walk back to Cliff. Until you muttered a few choice words that spun him right back around.
"Excuse me." He stated, voice lurking dangerously low.
You raised your head from where it had been lolling, before turning your gaze to him.
"I said-"
"I heard what you said, you stupid bitch."
A slight smirk ghosted over your face. You could taste blood. You could taste freedom.
He dusted his hand on his grimy trousers and proceeded to straighten up, as he raised his hand to prepare to strike again.
Your head hit the back of the chair with a crack.
cr a c k.
He searched for the spark in your eyes as you blinked them back open. When you turned and spat at his feet, contempt coursing through you, he drew his fist back and let the full weight of it slam into your jaw.
Your head twisted under the force and whacked against the chair frame again. This time, stars danced across your vision and your ears protested, ringing loudly.
The room-
The room spun. You couldn't...
"Oi, lady-"
"She's losing conscious-"
"Look what you did to her face man, what the f-"
"Boss, maybe we should lay off..."
You couldn't..
It hur-
Don’t help-
-want to be free
Life should give you death,
Through your bleary eyes, you caught Lockwood's gaze. You wanted to tell him it was alright. You wanted to reach out your hand and intertwine it with his. There were so many words that were desperate to be said, but your mouth wouldn't open. Your voice lay dormant in your throat. There was nothing.
The room spun. The world stopped. Your heartbeat slowed. His eyes clouded with distress. Your body stilled.
It's dark.
It's dark here.
Cold, here.
The world
bre at h i n g.
And you were-
no lon g e r
-- fictional-addiction (and all my grammar errors. we ❤️ chaotic writing)
ahh hey everybody!!
I'm back besties with more on the way (I'm being fr this time 🤍) can't wait!
do y’all want a pt3? idk if it needs one or not. if yes lmk what you wanna read in pt3! help me choose my ending cause I feel like it can go many, many different ways lol
so basically yeah hope you liked, hope it was worth a lil wait andddd check you next time :) keep sending in requests I'm starting off there!
byeee loves have a great day/night xx
taglist: @wordsarelife @cassiopeiia24 @superpositvecloudshipper @shampoocovers99 @fox-bee926 @ettadear @a-candle-maker @navznak28
(just ask if you'd like to be added to the taglist! sorry for those that aren't working I apologise :( )
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elodiah · 5 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Thanks @kcscribbler!
This was interesting, because I had to go with my gut feeling in the moment, but I reckon the contents of this list could easily change at any given time depending on my mood.
1) Revival
Summary: Loki and Mobius take what amounts to a vacation, whilst Loki recovers from his harrowing experience of babysitting the multiverse.
This began as a single-chapter ficlet to fill an ask game prompt. Later, I decided to revisit this version of Loki and Mobius to fill a bingo prompt in ch 2, then a random computer-generated prompt I had in my ideas doc for a 3rd and final chapter. Apart from a little Loki-whump in ch 2, it’s generally a sweet, soft and cozy pre-romance, and very cathartic to write.
2) Within
Summary: Loki and Mobius are marooned on a volcanic nightmare of a world, their survival depending solely on Loki's tenacity.
Part of my ‘Patience-verse’ series, this fic contains some of my favourite tropes, such as ‘trapped together in danger’, ‘magical drain/depletion’ and ‘the power of love’. Also a little twist of UST/URT — gummy bear feeding, my beloved! 😆
3) Sleepless
Summary: Mobius and Loki get stuck in a broken elevator for hours, and as a result Mobius discovers what's been bothering the object of his (as yet unspoken) affection.
Also a part of ‘Patience-verse’, and it’s such a trope-y scenario, you’ve gotta love it. I mean, that was the whole point of the original fic that spawned this series, after all. Basically, my reason for choosing this is not just because I’m absolutely feral for exhausted!Loki and sleepy cuddles, but also because I can’t believe I was able to write 3k+ words about Lokius in a lift. 🤷‍♀️
4) Apokruptein
Summary: A curiosity on an unknown world hurtles Loki and Mobius into peril.
A double bingo prompt-fill for ‘Forest’ and ‘Cursed object/artefact’. This 4-chapter fic is not really my best writing, but it’s the only time so far I’ve gone all-out with a full on adventure style fic, with a little worldbuilding/backstory, a lot of whump, and the lovely trope ‘temporary amnesia’ to boot. I worked really hard on the conception of this one, and I’m pretty proud of it.
5) I’ve lumped together two ficlets for my #5 spot, because they’re both similar in that they are absolutely NOT anything near what I would usually write.
a) Sit Tempus
Summary: Furnishing their new apartment, the last thing on Loki and Mobius’ list is a decent couch.
An idea that popped into my head during a boring drive home… and I wrote, edited and posted the whole thing in one night. 😏 My only ‘established relationship’ fic to date (watch this space.. 👀), although nothing remotely spicy, I should add. Just pure cute fluff, and a very vague S2 fix-it.
b) Unexpectedly You
Summary: A kindness from Loki for a mutual friend causes Mobius to have a ‘Moment’.
Terrible summary, but it’s another little ask game prompt fill, so nothing much happens in it at all. A lot of people seemed to like this one, which kinda made me like it more too. 🤣 It’s simply Loki being a sweetheart, and Mobius being proud of him. 🥹
I also wanted to add two honourable mentions for Reach (Loki/Star Wars crossover) and Reset (Loki/Red Dwarf crossover). I never in a million years thought I’d be capable of writing ONE passable crossover fic, let alone two… so the fact I managed it makes me super proud, even if they’re ludicrously niche.
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