#fecking shoes my guy
strqyr · 1 year
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can you guess what my least favorite part to draw is
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ohthatstragic · 2 years
You Right - p.m
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a/n: guys i've been obsessed with this fecking song ever since it came out, i have no idea, but oH MY GODDD.... also i'm not really sure i like the ending but i had no idea how to wrap it up. if i think of a better way, i'll change it. < 3
also pls don’t repost or translate any of my work.. i don’t give you permission to do that.
pairings: maverick x reader
warnings: age gap if you want, angst?, thoughts of cheating, pining, swearing, alcohol
wc: 3,155
summary: you're seeing someone, but you can't help but want a certain fighter pilot - that being the one and only Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
song: you right by doja cat ft. the weeknd
It was just another Friday night at The Hard Deck - drinks were flowing and conversations were bubbling. You'd been childhood friends with Phoenix, and through her you met the infamous Dagger Squad. Instantly, you became close friends with all of them, and maybe even more with a certain fighter pilot. However, you were seeing someone, so naturally you decided to try and rid yourself of the feelings you'd developed for Maverick - despite it being damn near impossible to do so.
Currently you stood next to Phoenix with a cold drink in your hand, eyes staring dead ahead at a captain you'd grown to adore. He was sat alone, phone in one hand, and his other hand gently clutched around a beer bottle. Maverick had a gentle smile on his face as he scrolled on the small piece of technology, and it made your heart flutter. Noticing the building feeling in your chest, you ripped your eyes away and focused on something else - that being your feet in front of you. They shuffled uncomfortably and you looked back up sheepishly to an empty table, a feeling of guilt slowly beginning to eat at you.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed and you flinched at the vibration in your back pocket, your hand quickly flying to grab it. It was a text from Jamie. 'Everything ok?'  read the message, making you feel sick. You groaned quietly and shoved it back into your pocket, gently clamping your teeth down on your bottom lip to nibble on it nervously.
"Everything okay?" Natasha frowned from beside you; a small, curious smile creeping onto her lips. Your mouth instantly fell open at her words, and her frown intensified.
"Did you read my text?" You asked, returning her frown. Natasha only chuckled incredulously, quite obviously confused at your accusation.
"What text? You just seem on edge." She squinted eagerly at you, starting to stare into what felt like your soul.
"I'm fine, it's just..." You sighed quietly, eyes glancing to Maverick who was now currently chatting with Hangman and Rooster. Natasha quickly followed your gaze and she attempted to hold back a smug smile, though her face betrayed her. "Don't." You groaned, looking back at your best friend.
"Aren't you seeing James or whatever his name is?" Natasha chuckled again, dryly, evidently showing her distaste in the guy you were currently dating. You cringed at her words and looked down at your shoes, swallowing harshly like you'd just taken a sip of poison.
"Err, yeah, but it's Jamie, Tasha." You cleared your throat. She only glanced at you with a cocked brow, and you took that as a 'whatever.' "He's not that bad, Phee, not compared to the other guys I've dated..." You said, trying to win her over. Though it was not a fair fight - Natasha had obviously made her mind up about this whole kerfuffle.
"Y/N/N, you choose to date the most fucked up men I've ever laid eyes on," She laughed as her hand flew to her stomach to clutch it. "You can do so much better, it's like you don't know your worth. We all agree on this, by the way." Natasha gave you a single nod, casting her eyes around the bar as if to point at the squad.
"Um, even Mav?" You asked shyly and squinted your eyes as you awkwardly scratched the back of your neck, trying to act non-chalant. She glanced at your squished face and held back a giggle, not wanting to embarrass you. The pilot knew how you felt about her instructor, despite not having told anyone anything.
"Yes, even Mav." Natasha hummed, taking a sip of the beer in her hand. Before you could answer her, a familiar, yet unwanted voice appeared from behind you.
"Y/N?" A male voice called, and you turned around to face them, your heart dropping. You pushed a fake smile onto your face as you heard Natasha try and conceal a snort with a poorly-timed cough. Oh, god.
"Jamie?" You frowned, suddenly questioning why he was here. "What are you doing here?" You asked, staring at him, clearly confused at his presence.
"You didn't reply to my text, and I was worried you were in trouble, so I came to find you." Jamie replied with a frown making your stomach churn. He probably had your best interests at heart, so you tried not to read into his actions too much. "Looks like you're alright." He added with a nod at Phoenix, who cautiously returned it, eyeing him slowly.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for coming to see if I was okay." You awkwardly smiled, running a nervous hand through your hair. You watched as Jamie pressed forwards and slid an arm around your waist, making Natasha's eyes almost fall out of her head. She stepped back, glaring as his wide body shoved her out the way. He uncomfortably pulled you tight against him, making you squeak.
"It's what good boyfriends do." He smiled, and you blinked at him, shocked at his words.
"Oh, y-you're my boyfriend?" You breathed out in surprise, eyes widened. Jamie nodded at you, his eyes gleaming with something you weren't sure of. "That's nice." You chuckled quietly, eyes darting to Maverick who was currently watching you and Jamie like a hawk. You gasped and quickly looked back at your 'boyfriend', trying to hide the blush that was currently painting your cheeks pink.
"Well we've been seeing each other for a couple months now.." Jamie frowned gently, confusion evident in his voice. Phoenix's head whipped around at the speed of light at his words, and you stared at her like a doe caught in headlights.
"What?!" She mouthed at you, and you threw her an awkward grin, looking back at the man who had you in his grasp.
"Yeah, I guess we have..." You trailed off and nodded as you slid your hand down to his vice-like grip to try and remove it from your waist. "Jamie, you're hurting me." You whispered to him, and he quickly let go of you, offering you an apologetic look. Natasha still had her eyes on you two, observing your 'boyfriend' like he was a laboratory experiment. Little did you know, so did Maverick.
"Guess that means I should stay and make sure you don't do anything stupid then, huh?" Jamie joked, earning a disgusted look from Natasha behind him. You were speechless, and utterly lost at how to reply, so you just played along.
"Err, yeah, I guess," You swallowed.
"So, how long have you been seeing that guy?" A familiar and warm voice suddenly appeared beside you, making your heart race. You turned around, finding the man you'd been desiring all night. A pink blush powdered your cheeks and you let out a gentle laugh at his question.
"Um, a couple months." You brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear mindlessly. Pete smiled at you, his eyes trained on yours. You could feel your stomach doing somersaults inside and you cursed yourself for such a thing. "He's, err, nice," You laughed again, pursing your lips.
"He seems it," Pete nodded in agreement and knocked his knuckles on the wooden bar top quietly. You bit down on your bottom lip and chewed it momentarily, not knowing how to navigate such a topic. "I, uh, never caught his name?" Pete's brows knitted together as he kept his eyes on you.
"Jamie." You stared at Pete, and he stared back at you. The two of you knew there was an undeniable connection between you - it felt like two magnets being held so close together but never being allowed to connect. It was like torture. Your eyes swiftly glanced down at his lips, and you so desperately just wanted to kiss him, but you knew better than that. So you tore your gaze away from him, despite the painful feeling that set within you. "You seeing anyone new?" You asked quickly, wanting to fill the silence that had settled between you two.
"Nah, I'm not exactly looking for anything right now," Pete said, making your heart drop - even though it shouldn't. "I'm happy by myself." He added with a smile that almost made your knees collapse. 'There it is,' you thought. Even if the two of you wanted each other, Pete had made it clear that nothing could ever happen between you two.
"I'm glad you're happy, Pete," You smiled at him, despite the sorrowful feeling beginning to gather in your chest. "It's about time, and it makes me happy that you're happy." You said with a gentle nod, catching sight of Jamie heading over to where you and the captain were currently stood. You held back a groan and clenched your jaw, sliding your eyes back to Pete who frowned at you, obviously noticing your change in behaviour. He threw a quick glance behind him, and turned back around with an amused smile painted on his lips.
"Ah," Is all he said as he leant up from the bar, inhaling slowly. Your head was angled down at the ground but your eyes were stuck on Pete like a magnet. God, why couldn't he just-
"Ready to go, honey-bear?" Jamie smiled at you, purposefully ignoring Pete beside you. You bit back a grimace and smiled at him back, nodding. Your 'boyfriend' slipped in front of the captain, though you could still see part of his face as he leant back onto the bar casually. Pete threw you a cringed look and you subtly rolled your eyes, tearing them away from him.
"Mhm," You hummed. "I'm just gonna pop to the toilet first." You said, throwing a glance at Pete. The captain stared down at the bar-top with a straight face, but you knew he was listening to your conversation. If you were honest, in your mind, you were imagining him following you to the toilets and living out your wildest fantasies.
"Okay, I'll meet you outside." Jamie stepped forwards to press a surprise kiss to your lips - in which you had no time to react to - so you accepted your fate and kissed him back, although it didn't feel right to you. As Jamie pulled away, you smiled awkwardly up at him and brushed a hand through your hair. He stepped back and began to walk away, but not before throwing a harsh look at Pete.
"I guess I'll see you soon then, Pete?" You cleared your throat, a hand flying up to wipe the wetness that Jamie had left upon your lips. Pete couldn't help but chuckle at your action, earning a groan from you.
"Yeah," He smiled at you with a short nod, leaving you unsatisfied. You wished you could just throw yourself at him, but life wasn't good to you like that. "See you soon, Y/N." Pete said as you began to wander to the toilets, and you waved at him.
"Ugh," You groaned to yourself once you were out of ear-shot, heading towards the bar toilets. The sound of your hand slapping against the swing-door echoed out in the empty toilets as you walked in; a warm orange light engulfed the room. The tiled wall was a sage green, and the floor complimented it with white tiles. Your tired reflection stared back at you in the circle shaped, black-rimmed mirror. Your hands fell onto the white countertops as you gazed down at the white basin, a distorted version of your reflection appearing in the silver faucet. As you stared at your reflection, another reflection appeared behind you, but it appeared more masculine than feminine.
With a soft gasp you whipped your body around to face the mysterious figure, but you were met with the someone you'd been hoping for. "Pete?" You breathed out, a little surprised at him being in the ladies room. "You know this is the ladies room, right?" You giggled nervously, glancing between him and the door. Your tense body relaxed slightly as he stepped closer to you, your hands still resting against the countertop.
"Yeah," Pete chuckled at your words, making your stomach do loops. You bit down on your bottom lip in a feeble attempt to distract your wandering mind. "I just wanted to see you again." He said, eyes never leaving yours. The way he stared at you made you feel like the only girl in the world, and to your dismay - it also made you breathless.
"Oh?" Was all you could muster up as he continued to step closer to you, until your chests were mere centimetres from one another. You swallowed thickly as his hot breath caressed your cheek, feeling your heart begin to go into overdrive. You were not an unfaithful person, you weren't brought up that way, but the way Pete was making you feel right now was really making you consider things...
"If you want me to go, just say so." Pete said quietly to you, his baby blue eyes glued to yours. You couldn't look away from him, he was so fucking captivating - like some optical illusion. Instantly you shook your head, and even though you looked desperate, you didn't care.
"No." You said simply as your hands flew to his chest; fingers knotting themselves in the collar of his leather jacket. "I want you," You whined softly, feeling small tears beginning to prick your eyes. "But..." You trailed off, letting your eyes fall to where your fingers were currently gripping onto his jacket. Pete nodded slowly, understanding where this was heading.
"I know, sweetheart." He mumbled, his eyes dotting over your beautiful face. You looked back up at him, gaze falling to his perfect pink lips for a slight second. During that miniscule amount of time, you debated everything. Was it worth ruining something with Jamie? Was it worth potentially ruining your friendship with Pete for something that is possibly just lust?
You looked back up into his eyes, and you knew that was it.
Within seconds Pete pressed his warm lips to yours passionately, his hands flying up to bury themselves in your hair. You whimpered at his touch and your hands slipped up to caress his neck as he pulled you flush against him; your thighs squeezed against the countertop as he pushed against you. Pete slid his hands down from your hair to your thighs and lifted you up so you were sat on the countertop, and instinctively you spread your legs so he could stand between them.
"Oh, Pete-" You moaned softly into his lips, feeling him smile against yours. "You're so much better than him," You said breathlessly in between his desperate kisses. Pete's hands squeezed your thighs, his fingers gently kneading the soft flesh that surrounded him. Suddenly, it dawned on you that you were in a public bathroom -  let alone the fact that your 'boyfriend' was waiting outside for you. You reluctantly pulled away from Pete, though you kept your hands wrapped around his neck, the pads of your thumbs softly stroking the nape of his neck.
"Shit, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Pete stuttered and shook his head vigorously. God, what the hell was he thinking? You had a boyfriend. He stepped back from you and removed his hands, placing them at his sides, before wildly running one through his hair. A look of hurt painted your face as you watched him walk away, your heart dropping in your chest.
"Pete, no, it's fine," You sighed, slipping off of the countertop to reach him. You placed a soft hand on his cheek and it seemed to ground him, his eyes flying to meet yours. "It's not your fault, I shouldn't have said those things." You whispered as the two of you shared a warm gaze.
"No, don't say that." His voice was quiet as his eyes fell from yours to the floor, and you couldn't help but feel awful. You watched as his jaw clenched; the muscle flexing underneath the orange glow of the bathroom lights. "You're with someone, and I shouldn't have done that." Pete sighed, clearly disappointed in himself. Jesus, how could he be so reckless?
"You're right, I'm seeing Jamie... but I want you." You said lowly, thumb brushing against his cheek. Your let your head fall forwards, and Pete started to feel the guilt begin to eat at him as his eyes studied your face. "I can't help it. There's something between us that I can't deny, I don't feel anything when I'm with Jamie, but when I'm with you - it's... different. I-I don't know what it is, but I want it." You rambled, stumbling over your words like a new-born foal. You looked up to find Pete's eyes burning into yours, waiting desperately for you to say the one thing on his mind.
"I want you too." He admitted quietly, almost sheepishly - he knew how wrong this was... you had a man. The energy between you two was just too intense to handle, and it wasn't something the both of you were willing to ignore. "Are you sure about him, sweetheart?" Pete asked, his smooth voice piercing the veil of silence that had suddenly plagued the room. You blinked slowly as you gazed down at the floor before averting it to Pete's warm one.
"No." You answered curtly, staring straight at the captain. He was right in a way, you never felt happy around Jamie - in all honesty, he was a distraction. Not to mention a way to stop your parents from hounding you about when you were going to 'give them grandchildren.' Every time the man said anything you cringed, grimaced or even gagged. What the hell were you thinking? The solution to this problem was standing right in front of you.
Almost too quickly, you fished your phone out of your pocket and dialled Jamie's number. Pete's eyes were watching you swiftly, quite obviously confused at what the hell you were doing. You had to swallow a gag as Jamie's voicemail echoed through your phone. "Hi, Jamie, err, I think we should see other people. It's nothing personal, so please, don't take it that way. I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship just yet." You said into the phone, eyes closing momentarily to think of some bullshit to spew so you could end whatever you had with him without heavy repercussions. At that moment in time, you thanked your lucky stars that you didn't meet him through mutual friends, but during a night-out in a different state.
As you pushed your phone back into your jean pocket with a single finger, you looked back up at Pete who couldn't hide smile that was growing on his face. After listening to you, he was certain what was about to happen. 
"So?" He cocked a brow, awaiting your answer. A toothy grin broke out on your face.
"I'm yours." A soft chuckle left your lips as Pete walked forwards to embrace you in his arms, the musk of his leather filling your nostrils with a homey and warm feeling. This was not how you expected the night to turn out... at all - but you weren't complaining.
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 10~
(just realised that the old man is called '晏无师' like 'yan….without master'??? is this??? his actual NAME or?? bc i feel as tho this wouldn't be terribly auspicious?? and parents wouldn't be happy if the name were suggested to them, would they?? so could it be a second name? an alias?? another title??? i wonder if shen qiao has got a courtesy name?? maybe he just doesn't like it lol. NAMES ARE. VERY CONFUSING. i like them a lot bUT THEY CONFUSE ME ;A;) ANYWAY ahhh chang'an looks like a very nice place!! pretty treessss omg ;A; OH FUCK THE OLD MAN'S SPOUTING POETRY 😳 HELP I'M HAVING AN EMOTION 😵 yws: heyyyy u should hang out with meee, want this flower?? shen qiao: no :/ new friend unlocked!! yuwen qing!! and his concubine yuzi!! wonder why he brought her along?? she cute tho ;A; BAI RONG TAKE A FUCKING HINT CHALLENGE. NOBODY LIKES U. GO HOME >:V lol the old man is beating this lass and somehow i'm on HIS side lol, what has my life come to?? 😩 it's THE CHAIN GANG. THEY'RE A GANG. OF CHAINS 🔗🔗🔗 bai rong: UR A BIG MEANIE. i told on u and shizun sent big tough guys >:( yws: *yawn* i'm too old for this shit. it's past my bedtime. xiao se??? and who might U be?? that's a nice fan. made of knives 👀 i'm so glad they're taking the time to quibble about sect matters like this while shen qiao sits in his cart and yuwen qing tries desperately to carry his gf away from danger THE SUBTITLES HAVE 'QI' ROMANISED AS 'CHI' AND I DON'T LIKE IT, IT'S CONFUSING ;A; shen qiao's got the shillelagh, everyone back UP!!! WHACK EM, SHEN QIAO!! GIVE HIM A GOOD WHACK!! >:V i love these martial arts sequences so much ;A; OH NO IT'S THE WHITE LADY!!! nobody likes U either, missy, so sod off unless u intend to kill bai rong 😤 xiao se: SHIMEI HELP MEEEE ;A; bai rong: *running away in the bg* OH SNAP. SNARED HIM LIKE A FISH ON A SPEAR 🐟 lol yan wushi tormenting his victims before killing them is very funny, for some reason. he's like the 'chasing u down the corridor' meme lol OH NO WAS HE STRUCK??? damn i can't believe she got a hit on him ;A; she didn't even face him in honourable combat, what a coward 😒 yws: *happy smile* OH A-QIAO!! COME HAVE TEA WITH MEEEE :D shen qiao: ….there was an assassination attempt yws: soooo is that a yes? :D '我们家阿峤' SIR U ARE IN PUBLIC!! UR JUST!!! SAYING THIS IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!! WTF yws: where are u going?? :((( is it something i said?? :((( shen qiao is the best, he cares about the fate of missing handmaidens even tho nobody else does ;A; ALSO he's fucking BLIND, and still it's HIM who goes looking for her?? nobody else can be bothered?? these fecking ppl lol white ladyyyy, the old man was just returning ur needle!!! why are u mad??? 'if u want somebody to love, u can love me :D' exCUSE ME shen qiao: if SHE'S not good enough for me, what makes u think U are?? >:( lmao roastedddd got emmmm!! 🤣🤣🤣 OOH A TOWN!!! look at the cute shops!! look at the cute lanterns!! look at the cute re-used character models!! :DDD ....aaaand the old man's disappeared again! i like to think he jumped onto the passing cart and rode away with it 🤣 shen qiao does a tiny smile bc he's CHARMED by these antics now lol BAI RONG??? UR BACK??? i love this donghua but the pacing is WACK in places tbh 😅 ohhh that shen qiao, always trying to believe the best in everyone.....….even the tart who keeps trying to kill him 😌 bai rong: tee hee ur so cute when u smile~~ shen qiao: do not touch me :) her outfit is fire tho!! cute shoes!!!!! idk what they're talking about rn. sometimes the subtitles are very cryptic. im just gonna nod and smile 😊 is she is she trying to WARN him?? was that a WARNING from bai rong?????? that's so weird o_O wait who is OH OH IT'S RUYUAN KEHUI OH DAMN HE IS WOW HE'S UH gOODNESS HE'S CERTAINLY ahem. he's. inch resting. what a voice 😳😳😳 OH HERE'S THE OLD MAN. TO CHASE AWAY SHEN QIAO'S SUITORS!! wait they're going to fight why are they going to what ok shen qiao is used to ppl constantly fighting over him i guess it's probably not very shocking anymore smh poor shen qiao 😔
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 2 parts 1&2]
“It’s the same as hitting on someone, keep pushing and pushing” You, stop talking right now
Ah yes the shooting arrows scene, amazing
Talay last time you two spoke he told you he hates you, what makes you think antagonising him on his archery skills is gonna make that any better
“Move, I need space.” Tun: “oh I’ll move. Very very far away”
Looove that Ohm goes back to being Sea as soon as Tun’s left
And when he talks to Tun he’s Ohm again
Given that the whole “Tess dated a girl Tun liked” thing isn’t even true where the hell did people get that idea, especially since marriage is equal in this universe and so I assume/hope people are more accepting
“I’m a screenwriter, I have to believe in anything” Not sure how that works
Crying at how Talay’s wearing a different outfit everytime he talks to Tun in this episode, as if it’s the fault of the clothing
W h a t is the music playing as Talay puts an arm around Tun’s shoulders
The half-hearted hand tap ;;
“Take that stupidity to your grave” I’ve always loved that line, it’s so fucking good
“Can you make the light pinker?” THIS GUY GETS IT
Talay @ the pink light: >:( 
“The reason I broke up with you. The truth is…” I’m a lesbian
Also I get it now, people believe the “stealing Tun’s crush” story because Tess is a piece of shit
Ah yes the first instance of drunk!Talay blurting out universe-swapping stuff
Can’t believe I was such a dumb-dumb the first time watching and didn’t realise Tun was now Puen basically until Jimmy appeared on-screen
Gorgeous transition though
“He loved that cat more than his life apparently” Tbh same and that’s not even a joke, I have three cats and I love cats to death and I’d sooner end up in the hospital than run one over
Puen: “what are you talking about?” *tries to act cool by drowning his anxiety in a drink*
Puen died in a car accident, almost hit a cat, and later in the show gets caught drunk driving, this guy should not be allowed behind the wheel
Puen I get that you won’t tell him your name now but you’ll tell him eventually right? …. RIGHT??
Talay acting so all-knowing about the situation all of a sudden, these dorks are both trying too hard to look cool
“Whom should I go to?” “Me” Puen: *d-doki*
Those cups couldn’t be any emptier if they tried
Okay but what if he HAD been naked under there Talay
Kdfjksdl the drunk kissing scene is so fecking cute, one of my fave scenes tbh
I’m glad Talay didn’t use tongue because his breath must stink like hell
“Me hurting you sounds more like it” At least ASK if he’s into that, god
Those bread cone thingies look delicious ngl
So I loved this from the get-go but I still love that Talay guesses “Rose” and neither of them comments how that’s “weird” because it’s a girl’s name
“Don’t you know the quote from that movie?” Puen: hang on I gotta be as extra about my answer as possible
Is… is the cone in his mouth a metaphor for…….
“Tess didn’t go easy on the car” It looked fine to me when you tried to give Tun a lift
Oh my goddddd I love this girl, I don’t know if she’s a cameo but I’m in love with her energy
Also she’s you when Puen starts kissing Talay asljdfkldd
talay showing up in front of tun with a new outfit every time: that will throw him off his rhythm STREET SMARTS!!!!!!!
yeah the reason why everyone believed that tess dated a girl tun liked is because the asshole actually went around BRAGGING about stealing her from tun to all his friends. that alone already tells me everything i need to know about tess but somehow he's gonna get even worse, if you can believe it. also i know love is blind and all that but tun.... my dude....... you can do SO MUCH BETTER
im gonna take a moment to lose my mind over the lyrics of the song puen decides to sing because "DID IT ACTUALLY HAPPEN OR AM I DREAMING/US MEETING EACH OTHER IN THIS WORLD/DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT/BUT WITH ALL MY HEART I BELIEVE THIS IS/A MIRACLE THAT WE MET/IT'S A MIRACLE THAT I LOVE YOU/IT'S THE GREATEST MIRACLE I'VE EVER WITNESSED/OH YOU ARE THE MIRACLE" [FROTHING AT THE MOUTH CLAWING AT THE WALLS GOING RABID] literally the most puentalay song to ever exist they're gonna play it at their wedding and slow dance to it and puen still hums it to talay from time to time when he can't believe he actually gets to spend the rest of his life with talay
DRUNK KISS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!! GOD I TRULY ADORE THAT SCENE SO MUCH. i still can't believe talay really tried true love's kiss as a way to bring them back to their universe sfjksgdj he is such an endearing and dramatic drunk!!!! i really wish we could have had at least one more scene with talay being drunk around puen because talay is usually very self-conscious and tends to keep everything to himself, but when he's drunk he's just so openly affectionate and honest!!!!!! i know he would cling to puen the entire time and tell puen all kinds of things he'd be to embarrassed to say while sober and puen would be SO FOND!!!!!! anyway, back to the kiss, i know we all laugh at puen's expressions during that scene, but i love how realistic his reaction is!!!! also episode 2 and 3 are so important to me because you can literally pinpoint every single moment that makes puen fall in love with talay and this is such an important one for both of them!!!!!
“Me hurting you sounds more like it” At least ASK if he’s into that, god <<<<< IM NOT SPEAKING I REFUSE TO SPEAK
Is… is the cone in his mouth a metaphor for……. <<<<< 😏😏😏👀👀👀🤭🤭🤭 (apparently im 12 sfjksgdksg)
Also she’s you when Puen starts kissing Talay asljdfkldd
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WE'RE BOTH SQUEALING WITH DELIGHT KICKING OUR FEET COVERING OUR FACE BLUSHING SHE'S JUST LIKE ME FR (also yeah, she's sadly just a cameo but i really like her as an actress i'd love to see her in a GL)
ending this by saying that im forever mourning THIS archery scene from the mock trailer that didn't make it into the actual show:
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crsinclair · 7 years
Gonna report one of my managers to HR tomorrow because I came to him with a legitimate injury concern and he literally laughed it off, told me to keep working, and walked away! Sooo now I'm at home with my foot up, ice on, and painkillers in my belly putting plans together to get to a doctor come sunrise. :D
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hankwritten · 3 years
Hofstadter’s Law
Demoman/Soldier, 2k
Request for MinnesotaMedic821, Drunk
“You sure this best way in, Jane?” Demo muttered quietly as he gazed up at the looming concrete spires of BLU base.
“I am very sure!” Soldier said, not quietly at all. Practically yelling actually. Right in Demo’s ear too, what with his arm slung around the RED’s shoulders as the only thing keeping him upright.
“Shhh!” Demo hushed him. “You want me to go half-deaf as well as half-blind? ‘Sides, the last thing we need right now is the other BLUs hearing us.”
Soldier’s head, lolling like a pad of butter sliding around a hot pan, took a long and winding trip from one side to the other. “…Why?”
“…Because I’m a RED in the middle of a nest o’ BLU corn snakes?” Demo raised a brow. “Ach, you really did have a number done, didn’t you? Remind me not to let you near the Everclear again.”
“Okay! I will definitely remind you!”
Demo eyed him dubiously. “Remind me what, Jane?”
The grey shell of the helmet stared at him for several seconds. “…What?”
“Let’s just get you in, aye? We can do all sorts of filling in each other’s memories when your toesies are tucked safe under your covers.”
But in order get the Soldier safely in bed, they’d need to first traverse the minefield of potential termination that was the center of BLU operations. No problem at all really. It was late—even if some of the mercs had hit the town like Demo and Soldier had, they’d certainly be back by now, fast asleep, no chance at all of waking up and discovering a very difficult to explain situation in the form of an enemy merc carrying around their Soldier. As long as they were quiet, they’d be perfectly safe.
Demo guided Soldier towards the back doors, at which point they promptly ran into the enemy Demoman.
The BLU, spread out on a fabric lawn chair surrounded by dust, desert, and least a half-dozen bottles, blinked wide-eyed at the pair who’d just come around with the low-speed but high-inertia gait of a drunk couple. He shook his head slightly, as though to dispel the ‘ole three am fog and ascertain that yes, that truly was his teammate being helped along by the RED demolition’s man. Demo, for his part, froze like he’d been staked to the ground.
Soldier, as heavy things are want to do, kept going at his expected velocity. It nearly took them both over—Demo had to abandon the arm under his shoulders, lunging to haul Soldier up the waist and folding him in half like a Panini.
“Well,” the BLU in the lawn chair said, “you two look like you had fun.”
His face was a mish-mash of raised brow and, perplexingly enough, a smirk at the corner of his mouth as he bore witness to the two truants. Most shockingly of all, there wasn’t a trace of surprise on his face now, just those shades of smug amusement you put on when watching a particularly entertaining drunkard. The fact that Demo was used to having that expression leveled at him was neither here nor there.
“Er…” he said eloquently.
The flash of dread that’d shot through him when he’d caught sight of the BLU was the worse case scenario of course: reported on, fired, dead in a gravel pit somewhere, all rendered in gory detail by his mind’s eye. (His overactive imagination a bloody menace sometimes.) But as the BLU continued to sit there, not sounding the alarm, not even looking particularly worried, Demo’s fear for his own neck slowly morphed into confusion.
“I was just er-”
“Oh, hello Demoman!” Soldier chimed in. “We have been out. Drinking alcohol!”
“I’ve heard that’s a fun pastime,” his teammate commented mildly.
“Don’t tell him that,” Demo complained, hauling Soldier to an upright position. “Jesus, this er, isn’t what it looks like, honestly.”
“Sure it isn’t,” the BLU said, wearing what could now be identified unmistakably as a smirk. He gestured with his bottle. “Back entrance ‘s that-a-way.”
A little ball of defensiveness, not matter how unjustified, rolled around in Demo’s gut to the point he wanted to stop and give the other Demoman a piece of his mind. Which would probably involve lying. And then consequences to lying since Soldier had already given away this wasn’t a one time thing. He shut his gob and took the out.
Until the hum of the BLU’s resumed tune was far behind them, until the curving architecture of the base would keep them from being overheard, he didn’t dare start asking questions. Only when he was sure that the corner they’d rounded was at a significant distance away did he accusatorily hiss, “what was that about?”
“Hm?” Soldier asked pleasantly. He fixed a dopey smile on his friend, a second ago which had been the responsibility of a beetle crawling a tuft of bullheadidly tenacious grass.
“Your Demo, why’d you tell him where we were? And why didn’t he flip out?”
“You’re my Demo,” Soldier hummed unhelpfully.
“Ach,” Demo said, realizing he’d get nowhere with the security lights and a whole herd of horseflies bearing down on them. “Fine, lets get you inside first. But I’ve still got some bloody questions.”
They’d arrived at the unassuming little door cut into the base’s thick concrete, welded metal gushing haphazardly from its size as though its very addition had been an afterthought. Demo motioned at Soldier.
“Pass me your keycard, lad.”
“Keycard.” Demo’s heart sank. “You keep it in your wallet or something, right?”
Soldier stared at the card reader. He stared at long and hard, so long and hard that Demo was starting to wonder if the question had made it through his ear canals at all when he concluded, “I forgot it.”
“You for- Oh for the love of Pete.” Demo took the hand that wasn’t supporting his mate and rubbed it long suffering across his face. “Well that’s great. Bloody great, risk my arse hauling a drunken fart back to his base cause he can’t hold his bloody liquor, and we can’t even get in to the fecking-”
The door hissed, layers of dust shaking loose like with a sci-fi swish as the vacuum seal was opened to the desert night. Demo gawked, watching it shake away grit like it was built into the surface of Mars instead of a dead-end town in the middle of New Mexico, and letting out a wash of air-conditioned oxygen.
When it was partially ajar, it unveiled the BLU Sniper, arms folded and leaning on the inner wall.
“How…what?” Demo asked. Soldier was too busy looking at the beetle again to be perplexed.
“Heard you guys arguing from the roof.” Sniper jerked his thumb upwards. “If you were sneaking ‘round, might want to think about keeping your voice down in the future. Probably could’ve heard you all the way at RED.”
“I wasn’t- We weren’t-”
Sniper waited. When no adequate explanation was forthcoming he said, “you comin’? Cold air’s getting out.”
Demo grimaced, and began the arduous processes of lugging the Soldier inside.
Chill ran up where his t-shirt had sweated to his neck, Soldier fairing no better since they’d spent the past half hour (every moment since Demo had realized Soldier would be going nowhere on his own) with their sides pressed together. He hadn’t realized how exhausted he was until the cold ai) brought the slightest suggestion of relief to his (admittedly also not terribly sober) body.
“If this is going to be a running thing for you two, maybe don’t get so munted next time, yeah?” Sniper offered. It was neither reprimanding nor conversational, like this was a totally normal exchange happening here with a RED in a BLU hallway.
“Who said anything about a ‘running thing’?” Demo demanded. “You didn’t overhear that!”
Sniper raised a brow. “Soldier said you were his new best mate. I assumed that meant you’d both be out and about more than once.”
Demo grit his teeth, the pieces clicking into place. “Did he now.” He leveled his best attempt at a glare from his blindspot at the disoriented Soldier who, unsurprisingly, was more interested in resting his head on Demo’s shoulder than being reprimanded. “Well that’s good to know. Any chance you can point me to his room?”
Sniper took one gloved hand and shoved a thumb over his shoulder.
“Thanks. Cheers.”
“Goodbye Sniper,” Soldier said belatedly, a good three minutes after he’d disappeared around a corner. “Oh hey! My room!”
“Jane, is there anyone you didn’t tell about us?” Demo demanded.
Soldier thought for a moment. “…I didn’t tell any REDs.”
“Jane,” Demo groaned. “This is supposed to be a secret. What if one of them tells the Administrator? You want that? Going to be hard ever meeting up again if we’re both six feet under.”
For the first time, a bit of shame managed to reach the Soldier through the woolen mesh of his inebriated state, and he looked at his shoes. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I just got really excited. Wanted everyone to know I was hanging out with you.”
Demo sighed heavily, not up bullying his friend when he was in such a pathetic sate already. “I know you were. Ach, it’s fine. We’ll talk ‘bout it later.”
Later being sometime after he’d managed to deposit Soldier onto a four-poster, though with the way the night was going it seemed like that moment would never arrive. His outlook wasn’t improved when he opened the door of Soldier’s room and found that not only was it Soldier’s room, but the occupancy of the entire Offense division.
“Whzzat?” Scout said, rolling to his elbow just in time to be bombarded by the hall light. “Ahg, dammit Sol. What the hell man?”
Demo didn’t bother freezing this time, successfully desensitized to literally every BLU on the planet stumbling across his ill-advised trip through the enemy base. Instead, he walked over, dropped Soldier on the bed, and began helping him unlace his boots.
“What the-?” Scout said when he finally lowered his arm. “Oh right. You. Jesus, how ‘bout a little consideration for the sleeping guy?”
“Mmrrhaunna,” came from the bundle in the corner.
“Yeah, what they said.”
“You don’t got the right to be begging consideration from anyone, jackrabbit,” Demo said hotly as he frees the military-grade combat boots from Soldier’s feet. He threw a blanket over the man’s form, who sighed appreciatively and said something about how this would earn Demo a medal. “‘Sides, don’t need to worry about me no more. I just came to drop of your sergeant and get out of here.”
To prove it, he backed out of the room with hands raised. Mission complete. Time to get out of here and bring this mortifying night to an end.
He might have gotten away with it too, if Pyro hadn’t shot straight up and pointed an accusing finger at him. “Mrrhaha! Hudda hah ha hoo.”
Demo reared back slightly from the Pyro who was still very much in their rubber suit, now with added nightcap. Whatever the hell they were saying, they were very impassioned about it. He looked to the Scout for help.
“They want you to tuck them in too,” he said, and the light flooding in from the single open door was good enough to see that he was smirking as he did so.
“Wha- I’m not bloody tucking anyone in,” Demo said hotly.
“Hudda ha. Mrra haa hur ha.”
“You tucked Soldier in,” Scout translated. “Only fair.”
“…Otherwise they’ll tattle.”
“I cannae bloody believe this,” Demo groaned, rubbing his face.
Grudgingly, he made his way over the giggling pyrotechnician, absolutely giddy to have gotten their way. Thankfully boots weren’t part of the pajama equation, and Demo had only to tuck in the blanket’s edges ‘round a pair of socked feet and a squirming, suit-clad body. When he tried to leave it at that, a keening noise stopped him, and he was forced to repeat the process for Mayor Balloonicorn. All the while, he could feel the Scout staring smugly at the back of his head.
“D’awww, ain’t that adorable. Going to be hard to be scared of you now, though. Y’know, after you swung by to give us goodnight kisses and all that crap.”
“Just for that, I’m going to have a sticky trap with your name on it, boyo,” Demo pointed an accusing finger in Scout’s direction. He just shrugged.
“But uh,” Scout added, just as Demo was finally about to make his escape. “Glad you turned out to be cool though. He was really gung ho about tonight. Its nice he has good friends besides us.”
Demo cast his gaze to Soldier, who’d fallen fitfully in the short while it’d taken to get Pyro off his back.
“…That’s good. It was a fun time.”
“Oh yeah?” Scout wiggled his eyebrows. “How fun?”
Demo took one of the pillows he’d used to burry Pyro in and flung it at Scout’s face.
“Sticky trap. Your name.”
He could still hear Scout snickering all the way out into the hall.
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aweecrush · 3 years
Monday, October 15th 2007
“For the love of - ”
Cursing herself, her stupid furniture and the whole God damn free world, Erin awkwardly hopped to the door on one foot, a tear pricking at the corner of her eye as the doorbell rang again.
Feck if stubbed toes weren’t the most painful shit.
Too absorbed in her misery, she didn’t even take the time to check who it was before opening the door, and as she did, she could hear a voice very similar to Ma’s reprimanding her for acting so carelessly at eleven in the evening while alone in her New-York apartment.
Not that she was currently in any kind of danger, really.
“Hi,” she managed, still wincing in pain despite her best efforts. He smiled.
“I told you a hundred times, Erin - you have to move that bookshelf. You’ll end up losing your toe, at this rate,” and she grunted.
“Yeah, I’m starting to think you’re not wrong on that one.” He gave her a nod at that, faking modesty, and it was then that she realized that she actually was in danger of something there. Something terrifying, actually: awkwardness.
Finding yourself face to face with your boyfriend of seven months that you’d just dumped four days ago wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of social interactions, after all.
Matt was cool, though, and kind, and gentle, and, as always, he saved her from her own self, and cut to the chase before things got too weird.
“I’m sorry for bothering you, I was just quickly dropping by to uh - get the stuff you mentioned?”
“Oh - right.”
The infamous post-break up little bag of things that were left behind, of course. “I’m sorry, it completely slipped my mind,” she babbled as she went to get it, trusting him to follow her inside. She heard his chuckle as he made his way to the small living room, not completely closing the door behind him.
“Still not packed then, I take it?” She snorted, the mess of clothes and shoes and bags scattered everywhere making a mockery of herself.
“Not even a little. It’s okay though, it’s not like I have a plane in seven hours or anything.”
Grabbing his stuff from where she’d put it on the kitchen counter, she hurried back, a cautious smile on her face as she handed it to him.
And there it was again: awkwardness.
The smile he gave her back wasn’t enough to cover the hurt that crossed his face as he took it. “I’m so sorry, Matt,” she whispered, not able to help herself as guilt settled in her gut again. He only shook his head.
“It’s okay, Erin. Really,” he added, looking her right in the eyes, making her feel even worse. “Shit happens. It wasn’t meant to be, I get that.” He hesitated only a second before he added, “I kind of saw it coming, actually, to be honest. Should have, for sure.”
Erin swallowed, her eyes dropping to his shoes. It made sense, really - she’d known for a while that this couldn’t go anywhere. From the beginning, if she was being honest herself. How could it?
She only wished she hadn’t hurt him in the process - he didn’t deserve it.
“Still - I really am sorry.” She dared to look back at him, if only because she owed him at least that much. “I didn’t mean - ”
“I know.” He smiled again, and Erin tried to do the same. There was not much else to say, anyway.
And so, Matt just headed back to her door, and she followed, leaning a bit against it as he turned back to face her, probably for the last time. If she didn’t already know that breaking things up was the right thing to do, the fact that that thought didn’t really trigger anything would have done the trick.
“I hope it all goes well back home,” he offered, sincere. At that, though, a very different yet similar type of guilt settled in her stomach, tightening it into a knot.
A familiar one, a deeper one. Painful, really. Not for the first time since she’d booked her tickets, panic rose in her chest, and Erin tried her best to smother it, and forced herself to breathe.
“It’s going to be okay,” he assured, bringing her back to reality. She met his eyes again, softer than they should be for someone whose heart she’d just broken.
Then again, that’s just what she did, wasn’t it. Be lucky enough to find the softest, kindest guys in the world, and then break their hearts into a million pieces.
At the thought of...at this thought, the ache in her chest returned. Just as familiar, just as deep. Just as painful. Again, Erin tried to swallow it down.
Reaching out, Matt put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. Your family will be over the moon to see you, and so will your friends - all of them,” he said knowingly. If she could talk, she’d probably tell him how wrong he was.
How much she’d like for it to be true, but how painfully aware she was that it wasn’t. Won’t ever be, not ever again.
“You’re not a bad person, Erin. Stop doing that to yourself, it’s going to be fine.” Wrong, again. On both counts.
With a last smile that she didn’t deserve, Matt left a small kiss on her forehead, and turned to leave.
Read more here
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asteroidimagines · 4 years
first date jitters
[ 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 ] pg
[ 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔 ] they/them
[ 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒗𝒆𝒊𝒘 ] third person
[ 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 ] none
[ 𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒂 ] but it's their first date! 
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kevin had finally gotten up the nerve to ask y/n for a date, he was excited and nervous all at the same time, he felt this was the only chance he had to show them he was serious about wanting an actual relationship. not that y/n actually demanded he prove that at all, it was just something he felt he had to prove so y/n knew he wasn't just another guy that was going to pick them up and drop them as soon as they got what they wanted. he messed with his hair as he fixed his hair again and again, he sighed eventually opting to leave it alone so he didn't drive himself insane with trying to get the messy locks to cooperate with him. 
        y/n sent 8:39 p.m.                  might be a tad late :/ they kept me at work longer then i thought
        kevin sent 8:45 p.m.                 that's okay! hopefully then the food will be ready before you get                 here :)
        y/n sent 8:50 p.m.                  i promise its not always like this <3 my boss just decided to be a                  a bigger dick then usual today.
        kevin sent 8:52 p.m.                   we can post pone so you can just rest tonight.
        y/n sent 8:54 p.m.                  never! i need you're company after a day like today, i'll be there                  probably around 9:30 :)
kevin smiled down at his phone and sent a quick thumbs up emoji before looking at the pot of boiling water on his stove. he wasn't the most amazing cook in the world, but he had a few 'go-to recipes' for when he had guest over and had to feed them - tonight had was make something simple enough, spaghetti and meatballs, he hoped that y/n liked it. he dropped the hot top of the pot into the sink cursing at himself for forgetting how hot the top usually got. "feck sake..." he mumbled under his breath, looking at the quickly fading red mark on his hand. kevin shook his head to himself before checking on the noddles. he went about his work in the kitchen hearing a small knock on the door, as the sauce was just finishing.
"doors unlocked" he shouted.
he heard the door open and close no one spoke though, kevin turned at the sound of footsteps, y/n stood there with a cocked eyebrow as they leaned against one of the walls in the kitchen with their arms crossed.
"i could of been a killer you know" they said a playful smirk forming on their lips.
"its the risk i take" kevin chuckled "you're just in time"
kevin turned around to look at the food turning down the stove and taking the apron off of him before walking closer to y/n to properly greet them, wrapping his arms around them. when he pulled away he allowed himself to actually look at how they were dressed, despite the stressful day they said they had, y/n seemed to clean up rather quickly, though still a hint of tiredness behind their eyes.
"you look amazing, as always" kevin smiled moving back to stove to plate there stuff.
"not so bad you're self o'reilly" y/n walked closer to them "need help?"
"no, you can just relax"
"what is this 'relaxing' you speak of?" they pulled a confused look a small laugh escaping them as they did so.
"a thing us mortals do, it do you don't burn out - dumbass" despite the difference in settings for them, both seem to naturally slip into being comfortable, first and foremost they were friends after all.
"i'm pretty sure you shouldn't be talking, you never take breaks" 
"we aren't talking about me right now" kevin said sending a playful glare y/n's way
y/n rolled their eyes and took the plate from kevin silently to take it to the dinning room table, luckily kevin had a chance before to make that look nice. he basically sped cleaned his whole house, leaving no room left untouched just in case they happened to go into it. there was yankee candle he managed to find lit on the table, one that smelled like a river, if you were to believe what the label said - he had two glasses of wine on the table as well with the bottle sitting near the candle. kevin followed y/n into the dinning room.
"i'm not that special kevin... you didn't have to break out the expensive candles mr.youtube" behind the teasing comment somewhere was an undertone of gratefulness.
"you are special though" was all kevin could say in response, he didn't like when y/n talked down to themselves, even as a joke he couldn't stand it, because there was always that look afterward that flashed over their face that showed they really believed the stuff they said, and kevin loved them to much to let them get away with it to often. 
y/n opened their mouth, to argue or thank kevin would never be known cause they simply closed their mouth again. they sat across from one another, eating silently for a few minutes, comfort and awkwardness mixing together in the air as they sat. kevin took a deep breath, transitions from friendship to even possible relationship were always hard, but it would be worth it, he liked y/n for so long and the fact that they even gave him a chance was enough.
"you seem tired maybe i should of force you to reschedule this" kevin said.
"i'm always tired, whats rescheduling gonna do to help that?" y/n said "i wanted to come, i've been looking forward to seeing you all week"
kevin perked up at that - y/n was looking forward to this date? did he get so lucky for that to be true? - "really?" he couldn't help but make them confirm what they just told him.
"mmhmm" y/n hummed around their fork nodding a bit.
he couldn't help but smile, before taking a sip of the wine he got. he wasn't a heavy wine drinker, but it seemed fitting for tonight. y/n looked over at kevin laughing softly at the dorky smile plastered on the irish idiots face and shook their head slowly before looking down at the plate. kevin knew he probably looked like a giddy school boy, but he didn't care at this point, he felt like one. after they ate y/n fought with him a bit before he allowed them to help him clean up before they put on a movie - y/n washed up the dishes and passed them to kevin to rinse off and dry. 
"this isn't what people normally do on dates" kevin pointed out as he placed the dish on the drying rack.
"who wants a normal date anyway?" y/n smirked glancing at kevin out of the corner of their eye.
"would of taken you hiking if i knew you thought that"
"how would that not be normal?"
"well, you'd have to carry me back to car on the way back" he laughed placing the last pot into the drying rack and putting his sleeves back down as y/n let out the water.
y/n laughed and looked at him "good thing you don't weigh to much, or we'd just be stuck wherever we hiked to for awhile"
kevin dried his hand and lead y/n to the living room where he let y/n put a movie on, this was a bit easier, just watching a movie... at least that what he had hoped - now he didn't know where to put his hands, or how close to sit, was it fine that their shoulders pressed together? that they could feel each others small movements? kevin didn't feel like moving away, it would seem weird now. he rested his hands on his thighs unable to really concentrated on the movie y/n had put on - he was pretty sure he had seen it before anyway. kevin was pretty sure he would be stuck in a loop of anxious thoughts, that was until y/n gently nudged their hand under his, seamlessly intertwining their hands together. 
kevin looked down at their hands, simply tangled together perfectly, the anxious thoughts in his mind dying down as they held hands. he smiled and quickly looked back at the tv before y/n could notice him looking starry-eyed at their hands. the rest of the night seemed to melt easily, y/n had at some point leaned their body into kevin a little more, making the taller maneuver his arm around them, it all made him dizzy with excitement. all to soon though the movie ended, y/n stayed in kevin's arms as netflix showed them what to play next. y/n let out a small sigh.
"i have work tomorrow, i should probably go before it gets to late" they said looking at their phone for the time.
        11:32 p.m.
had it really been that long? it felt like mere minutes had passed, time always seemed not to exist around y/n, a cheesy yet accurate statement. he always found himself being able to ignore the ticking clock when around this person. 
"but i'm comfortable" okay that was a small fib, his arm was starting to tingle finally, but he would allow it to fully go numb if it meant y/n stayed in his arms for just a few more moments.
y/n rolled their eyes and got themselves off the couch, scratching their body. kevin reluctantly followed their lead, before walking them to the door. they stood their for a moment as y/n got their shoes and coat on.
"is it bold of me to assume we can do this again?" kevin asked.
"very..." y/n chuckled "but not a wrong assumption" they smiled.
kevin smiled, y/n leaned up pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, making a smile grow a bit wider.
"text me when you get home safe" he said.
"will do" they nodded.
kevin closed the door once y/n was in their car and pulling out of the drive way, the back of his head thudding against the door, at least he didn't have any cleaning up to do. he waited up in bed until y/n messaged him that they were home and safe.
        y/n 12:10 a.m.                 goodnight kevin <3
        kevin 12:13 a.m.                 goodnight y/n <3
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Birthday Fic, part 3: Ryan and Cara
[Part 1, Part 2]
[Annie @department-shoe-stud , Tu @wangxianforever000 , Aishwarya @hogwarts9 , Tessa & Gracie @danceworshipper , and Luna @lunasilvermorny]
Ryan couldn’t believe his eyes. It was incredible. He couldn’t remember the last time one of their birthdays had been an event. Uncle Doyle certainly never commemorated the day. The man barely acknowledged them unless he was angry or had some comment about “your filthy mudblood father.” It was amazing that their friends had actually done this. Aside from an elaborate streamer display overhead, there were four separate corners, each decorated in their house colors. There was a brilliantly drawn lion on fabric that was draped over a chair in what was obviously his corner. After all, Ryan was the Gryffindor O’Donnell. 
“Happy birthday, dude!” Ryan blinked and whirled around to see Anna Louise O’Reilly. 
“Hey, Annie. Thanks,” he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. 
“By the way, I am seeing Bats logos, right?” 
“Yeah. I think there’s a Kestrels logo or two hidden around here.” 
“You like the Bats too, then?” 
“Yeah. They’re probably our number 1 team, followed closely by the Kenmare Kestrels.” 
“The Holyhead Harpies are my other team. Do all four of you like the Bats and Kestrels?” 
Ryan laughed a little. “Well, Sara doesn’t get quidditch. So really it’s just Cara, Conor and me. The three of us do quite enjoy quidditch.” 
The two Gryffindors spent a little more time discussing quidditch and the Ballycastle Bats. Ryan invited Annie to join him, Cara, Conor, and Malcolm for a game when they got back to Hogwarts and the quidditch league started up again. 
“Happy birthday, Ryan!” Aishwarya Mehra exclaimed, tapping him on the shoulder. 
“Thanks, Aishwarya,” he said, smiling. 
“You’re welcome! This party is pretty cool.” 
“Thanks, but I can’t take credit for it. I didn’t even know that this was happening.” 
“Oh. Well, it is your birthday.” 
“Yeah. Thanks for coming. I mean, England is a good distance from India.” 
“It’s not too bad. Plus, I like you and your siblings. Honestly, though, the distance isn’t that bad. It’s more so the culture shock.” 
“I guess British and Irish culture is rather similar. If only because the fecking Brits invaded.” 
“Maybe. It’s probably just the Western vs non-Western culture. Not just the fault of the British.” 
“Maybe you’re right.” 
Ryan shrugged and the two moved onto a different, less volatile topic. They discussed fighting techniques for a while, with Aishwarya dominating the conversation. She even showed him a few simple moves. 
“Happy birthday!” Ryan nearly jumped, whirling around to see Tu grinning widely at him. 
“Thanks Tu,” he said. 
“No problem! So, have you heard anything about the new Defense Against the Darks Arts professor?” 
“Nah. I’ve seen the book list though. It won’t be Rakepick, though. That’s a good thing.” 
“Yeah. I never liked her either.” 
“She just always rubbed me wrong.” 
“She played favorites too much.” 
“Anyways, here.” 
Ryan took the long, brightly wrapped package from her. He quickly unwrapped it and almost dropped it. It was a sword. He raised his eyebrow. 
“For you guys to defend yourself,” Tu said. 
“Thanks… I think.”
Cara grinned at the party in front of her. It was in full swing and she was immensely thankful for all of their friends that had decided to do this for them. 
“Hey, happy birthday!” Annie exclaimed and Cara grinned. 
“Thanks, Annie,” she said. 
“You’re welcome! So, Ryan said you like the Bats and the Kestrels.” 
“Yeah. Him and Conor definitely lean more towards the Bats, while I’m more likely to root for the Kestrels if they’re playing the Bats.” 
“I feel kinda similar in regards to the Bats and the Harpies. I love that the Harpies are all women.” 
“Me too. I think it’s badass that they’ve committed to that.” 
The two girls continued to talk about quidditch for a while. They even exchanged a few different chaser strategies. 
“Happy birthday, Cara!” two voices exclaimed. 
Cara smiles at the Chiva twins. “Thanks Tessa, Gracie.” 
“This is pretty cool,” Tessa said, and Gracie nodded holding a plate of food. 
“Thanks, but the credit isn’t mine.” 
“We know, we just thought I’d mention it.” 
“So, I was wondering if you could tell us anything about Irish lore.” Gracie nodded. 
“Have you heard of the myth of the selkie?” 
“Yeah. Aren’t they merpeople?” Tessa asked. 
“Kinda. In our world, yeah. The Irish ones are called merrows. In Irish myth and legend, though, the selkie is a seal woman. On land they shed their skin, and normal people are apt to fall in love with them. Sometimes, they’ll even take the selkie’s coat, so they can’t go back into the water. There’s an island called Roaninish in Donegal that’s the focus of the myth a few times.” 
“That’s fascinating,” Gracie whispered and Tessa nodded. 
The three girls shared different myths and legends for a while. Tessa and Gracie were completely enthralled by all the different Irish lore. The twins offered a few of their own stories. 
“Wow. The music set is pretty good.” Cara turned to see Luna.
“This is Conor’s choice, without a doubt,” she informed Luna. 
“Who is it?” Luna asked. 
“R.E.M., but I’m actually surprised that The Who haven’t come up yet. That’s his favorite.” 
“Not a bad choice. What do you like?” 
“The Weird Sisters are my favorite, but The Stones are a close second. I’m very similar to Ryan in that regard. He prefers the Beatles though.” 
“Nice choices. I like Pink Floyd and a lot of other rock.” 
“Yeah. Rock is my favorite genre.” 
“Oh, happy birthday by the way.” 
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⁂ Of Video Games & Relationships (Jaemin Na)
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Genre: Fluff, Romance, Crossover ☁
Word Count: 1,196 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Na Jaemin ☁
World: NCT ☁
Prompt: “You make me so mad right now, you know that?”
Author’s Note: This was written as a collab piece with my friend, @prettywordsyouleft​~ We were both given the same prompt by a mutual friend and we each wrote our own piece using that prompt without telling each other about the plot or characters we were using. It wasn’t a competition, it was to showcase that two people can take the same prompt and make two completely different, but still amazing, pieces of writing.
“Help! I’m surrounded by mobs!”
“So are we,” you scowled, eyes focused on the computer screen. You were playing World of Warcraft, doing a Mythic dungeon to earn some extra gold, but since you’re a solo player, you were forced to rely on strangers to do the dungeon with. Nine times out of ten, they either sucked or were just dicks looking to troll the group.
“Ah, I died! Healer, please rez me!”
The healer in question sighed. “You’re too far from the group. Please respawn.”
“What kind of healer are you? You let me die and then you won’t even rez me?!”
Cutting down the last enemy around you, you huffed out in annoyance. “Says the idiot who ignored the tanks warning and rushed off on his own! Don’t blame the healer because you can’t play well with others.”
“You guys are lame.” And then he just left the dungeon.
The group was nearly at the final boss, but now you were forced to wait for another player to join before you could continue.
“For feck’s sake,” you ruffled your hair in frustration. “I really hate people sometimes.”
The tank, a young boy by the sound of his voice, spoke up. “I’m sorry, but I have to get going. You guys can add me and we can try again tomorrow!”
The three of you exchanged battle tags before exiting the queue.
You glanced at the clock. You were thankful that the tank had to leave because if you had waited and done the dungeon again, you’d be late and your boyfriend would be pissed.
Throwing on whatever clean clothes you can find, you headed out. Jaemin was performing NCT Dream’s new song, Go – it was his first performance since being back in action and he really wanted you to be there.
When you walked into the waiting room, he smiled brightly, pecking your cheek. “You’re not late for a change.”
You chuckled, ruffling his hair. “Told you I’d be here.”
“Aish,” he swatted your hand away, fixing his hair in the mirror. “My cordi noona will be pissed if I mess up her work.”
You pouted, wrapping your arms around his waist. “But it looks better messy~”
He bit back his smile. “I want to introduce you to someone.”
Curious, you followed behind your boyfriend to where the rest of the group were sitting. There was an older man sitting with them.
“Hyung, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Y/N. Baby, this is Baekhyun.”
You nodded politely. “Nice to meet you.”
He did the same, but his eyes strayed to the bracelet on your wrist, proudly displaying the insignia of the Alliance. “Ah! You play World of Warcraft!”
You suddenly brightened, nodding quickly. “Of course! For the Alliance~”
“Most definitely! We should play together sometime.”
“Sounds great! What is your main?”
“Male Night Elf Death Knight TANK. Yours?”
“Female Human Assassination Rogue.”
As the two of you continued to chat animatedly about the game, Jaemin watched on with a sense of dread settling in his gut. He had the feeling that he was going to regret the decision to introduce the two of you.
“Hey, Baek, there’s a Horde in Goldshire.”
“Let’s teach him not to mess with the Alliance!”
Jaemin stood in the doorway of your bedroom, watching you play and chat with Baekhyun over the headset. He frowned.
It was rare for him to get a day off, but as soon as you had woken up, you raced to the game to play with Baekhyun. He felt like he was being replaced, not only by the game but by his hyung as well. Was he your boyfriend now?
Jaemin approached you, tapping your shoulder.
Your eyes didn’t stray from the screen as you quickly moved one side of the headset off your ear so you could hear him.
“I’d like to spend some time with my girlfriend. I don’t get many days off, you know.”
“We have all day, don’t worry. Just let me – ah! The bastard got me, Baek! He’s heading for the fort!”
Feeling more annoyed, Jaemin turned around and left the room, slamming the door behind him. You didn’t even notice.
With the pressure you, Baek and several others were placing on him, the Horde finally gave up and left the city. You were feeling confident.
“I’m gonna log. Wanna spend some time with Nana~”
“Have fun, but not too much fun~”
You laughed, telling him you’d see him later. Exiting the game, you stood up from the desk and left the room, calling out Jaemin’s name. You checked every room in your small apartment, but he was nowhere to be found. His wallet was missing from the table, his shoes no longer sitting by the door.
Suddenly having a sinking feeling, you threw your shoes on and rushed out into the hot summer.
The next hour was spent running around like a headless chicken searching every place your boyfriend could have gone. You even called Jeno and asked if he had returned to the dorm, which he hadn’t.
‘Damn it, Jae, where are you?’
An hour and a half later and you trudged home in defeat, feeling overheated and guilty. Your clothes were damp with sweat and your legs sore.
Before you could insert your key into the lock, the apartment door swung open, revealing a panicked Jaemin.
“Where have you been?! I was worried about you!” He pulled you into a tight embrace, not caring about the sweat. He was just happy to have you in his arms, safe and sound. “You left your phone here, idiot.”
You snuggled into his embrace, clutching the back of his polo shirt. “I was looking for you… I’m sorry, Jaemin! I know I have a problem, I just love the game so much but I love you more and I couldn’t stand it if I lost you and -”
You were silenced by his lips, his hand rubbing your back in a calming manner. “Breathe, love.” He chuckled, resting his forehead against your own. “Yes, I was frustrated, but I would never leave you. I love you so much, Y/N. You just make me so mad sometimes, you know? I’m happy you have something that makes you happy and keeps you occupied while I’m away, but please pay attention to me when I’m here, okay?”
You nodded. “I promise, I won’t touch the game when you’re home from now on. I’m sorry, nana~”
He pecked your lips again. “Wanna help me make lunch? I chose your favorite.”
“Is that where you went?”
“Yes. I figured I could lure you out of your cave with food.” He chuckled, earning a light punch on the shoulder.
“You’re the best boyfriend in the world.”
“I know~”
True to your word, whenever Jaemin was home, you ignored the game and the texts from your friends telling you to join them. You realized how lucky you were to have Jaemin in your life, and you wanted to make sure he knew that he was the most important thing in your heart, not the game.
Though the game was a close second~
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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He sees your self-harm scars | Jungkook
Requested: kind of,,, @tangledsparkles gave me the idea, so thanks love, ILY ❤️
a/n: just as I promised, on to the sweet maknae; if you say you aren't soft for Kookie you're a freaking liar...I love him ;-; enjoy bbies^^ -chip
pairing: Jungkook x reader
Word count: 1k
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: nothing too bad honestly; self harm scars but no details on how or why.
Trigger Warning- if you're easily triggered by this topic, pls don't read
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Idk why the gif on this one isn't working either, I'm soooorry ;-;
You sigh and set the book you’re reading down on the bed next to you. It’s hot outside but it isn’t too bad in your apartment while you’re lying in bed and not moving. You didn’t work today, and your boyfriend is supposed to be coming over after practice; except it’s only four o’clock and he’s coming closer to five. You stretch and sigh in boredom and exhaustion. You’ve been looking forward to seeing Jungkook all day and trying to keep yourself busy while you wait; first you took a shower and cleaned your room, when you were finished you decided to play Mario Kart; but it wasn’t as fun without Jungkook playing with you, as annoying as he can get when he stops at nothing to win, so then you binge watched a drama that you’ve been behind on. After all that you grabbed your favorite book and have been reading in bed the rest of the day, only getting up to eat lunch and use the restroom.
You pick your book back up and read for a while until your eyes start to become heavy with fatigue and you have to keep shaking your head and opening your eyes to focus on the words again. A few minutes of this and your eyes are so heavy you can’t possibly keep them open; so you let them close while telling yourself you’re just ‘resting your eyes’. In the next thirty seconds you’re out like a light- the book you were reading is open and laying on your chest, rising and going down with the beat of your slow breathing.
There’s a knocking at your door but you are in such a deep sleep that you don’t even stir; you didn’t sleep well last night, and your body is trying to make up for it now apparently. You keep sleeping, unaware of your boyfriend at the door waiting for you to let him in. Meanwhile, Jungkook pulls out his phone to text you, maybe she isn’t home? He thinks, but then shakes his head, he knows you knew he was coming; you wouldn’t have gone out. When you don’t answer Jungkook texts you and furrows his brows in worry. After another minute of you not answering him or the door, Jungkook glances around then crouches to lift your mat up and grab the spare key to your apartment right where you put it in case he ever needs it. Jungkook puts the key in the door and opens it slowly, sticking his head in and looking around the empty apartment. He comes in all the way and drops his bag by the front door, slipping off his shoes as he listens carefully to see if maybe you are in the shower. When he hears nothing, he walks to your room calling out to you softly, “y/n? Baby are you here?” He sees your door partly open and pushes it to step into your room; a big bunny smile forming on his face when he sees you sprawled out on the bed sleeping soundly with a book lying open on your chest.
Jungkook bites his lip to keep from giggling at your cute form and comes over to the bed, he gets on it carefully and scoots close to you. Jungkook gently takes the book off your chest and marks the page before setting it on your nightstand. He smiles down at you and gently runs his fingers along your arms, tracing all the freckles and stroking your forearm that is exposed since your floppy sleeves have ridden up while you slept. "I love you baby, and I missed you," he whispers then he notices something and leans closer to see what’s on your forearm. The smile drops from his face when he sees the red streaks and scars crisscrossing your delicate skin. When you feel the bed dip as Jungkook leans over you, it’s enough to wake you up from your unexpected nap.
“Jungkook?” You open your eyes and look at your boyfriend sleepily. He leans down to peck your cheek, “hello there, sleepyhead. Have a nice nap?” You snort and Jungkook’s heart melts at the sound, he pulls you to lay on your side so that you’re facing him and you mumble in your defense, “I didn’t mean to take a nap. I just kinda passed out.” He caresses your cheek softly and stares into your eyes, “I wasn’t judging.” He whispers before pressing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. You melt into the kiss and sigh happily until you feel something wet hit your cheek and you open your eyes in confusion; only to see tear streaks down your boyfriend’s face. You pull back in shock and brush his tears away, “J-Jungkookie, what on earth is the matter? Are you hurt?” You frantically sit up and he follows you. Jungkook takes your hands while you’re trying to search him to see if he’s injured anywhere and figure out why he’s upset.
“Y-Y/n, I’m not hurt, it’s okay.” You feel your own eyes burn and wipe at them to keep the tears back, you hate seeing him cry. “T-then why are you crying if you’re not hurt?” He swallows thickly and pulls you into his chest, “because you are. You’re hurt, aren’t you?” You shake your head and pull back to look at him, “no, no Kookie I’m not. I’m okay Kookie I promise.” He glances at your arm and then back to your eyes, his own shining with doubt. You realize what’s going on and look down then say quietly, “oh, you saw them?” He nods and wipes his eyes from the fresh tears that threaten to fall; because he just doesn’t understand- he doesn’t understand why you would hurt your beautiful body, and what sadness must have been in you to do something like that. He jumps when you suddenly tackle him to the bed in a tight vice grip, wrapping your arms around his small waist in a hug.
“I’m so sorry Kookie, I’ll explain everything.”
“You don’t have to if you’re not ready yet, I’m just worried about you.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.” He hugs you back and wraps his legs around yours while you lie on top of him. “I love you, thank you y/n, for trusting me. I will do my best to show you all my love, and I’ll never let you go.”
“I do trust you Jungkook, and I love you too. Thank you for sticking with me no matter what.”
a/n 2.0: it's 12:34 o' clock in the AM...how satisfying....oh feck, wait, actually it's 12:24....that's annoying now. I'm eating Oreos like a dumb*ck but oh well, hope you guys like this! I love this one <3 ily! -chip
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sweetmintmemes · 5 years
Sims Bustin’ Out but I should have never bust out pt 1 / ?? Contains : Adult language Can replace pronouns!
“I think there’s someone stuck in a window back there.“
“Oh my god, what the feck is this?“
“Jesus christ, he’s so scary.”
”I have a feeling one of them is definitely adopted. I don’t feel like they came from the same bloodline.”
“Yeah, we’re done. He is absolutely perfect.”
“What the hell is going on?”
“Clearly, the cat outfit is working.”
“Jesus christ, it is definitly working!”
”Mom, what are you doing here?! You’re embarassing me at the club!”
“It was too realistic.”
“But I’m a professional furry!”
“Drop that paper now!”
“My mom is telling me my bladder is about to burst.”
“Take that job!”
“Hope you don’t need any basic needs for survival. I sold everything.”
“I’m not even wearing shoes.”
“Will she stop whistling?”
“Jesus, look at that figure! He’s like the ultimate Instagram model. Bending himself in unrealistic positions.”
“You want me to move my scooter? Because it’s not going to happen.”
“I missed my first day of work. That is not feckin’ good.”
“Now we can buy some folding chairs.”
“We’re all losers.”
“Now, go tickle her in the bathroom.”
“I’m glad  ____  isn’t bothered by the fact my half-naked mom is hanging around with us since I moved in.”
“Who am I to judge? Look at me.”
“I’m just tickling this random woman I just met.”
“Look at him just standing there, idle, waiting for someone to brighten up his life.”
“Whatever you do ... don’t tickle her.”
“I have no reason to fear hyenas; they fear me. I already killed one before, without any weapons. To be fair, it was accidentally in a rental car. He kind of just ran out in front of me; it was traumatizing.”
“You’re weirder than me and that’s saying something.”
“Can you just calm down? It’s 3:40 am.”
“Is there no parking for staff?”
“Oh great, he’s peeing in the cat suit.”
“If this guy can get a girlfriend, anybody can.”
“That’s not just an ordinary puddle.”
“I don’t know what you honestly were expecting.”
“Let’s get rid of that pesky fire alarm.”
“Why is she watching me bathe?”
“This is my fourth day of work and only second day of showing up.”
“I’m not paying the bills!”
“I’m going to keep cooking til I burn the house down.”
“It’s hard to hear the music over the bloody fire.”
“Meanwhile, I’m just laughing at the tv.”
“I gotta go to work soon so you keep an eye on the fire.”
“Your house is kinda shit now.”
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helloiliketits · 6 years
There is only one Spiderman (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: Reader is just a normal kid. Like you and me. Friends with the one and only Pooter Porker Peter Parker and just really feisty and find it difficult to bolt away from danger. Which almost gives our little lovestruck Spider a heart attack more often than not.
(This has been in my drafts since last year so its outdated, also english is not my native language)
Reader: Of any color
Warnings: Just me kissing ass because I love you, some fluff, some angst but not too much because I dont play like that, also there are some vine references, and the words “b*tch”
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(I listened to Tchaikovsky while writing this and honestly each piece syncs so well with this gif, bless the creator)
Sure, he may be a web slinging superhero on the side, but Peter Parker was still a little nerd and had crushes on cute people like everybody else.
Specially someone as cute as you. No one could resist you. Not even our cliche school bitch bully, Flash Thompson. You were a bit of an introvert and would rather spend your time reading fanfics on Tumblr and having some fun times with a few friends but you did have some sudden bursts of confidence here and there. 
It all started when you were new to the Midtown High School. Being a new student already gets you ton of attention. Pair that with your incredible personality and you might have just swallowed a magnet because of how much people are attracted to you. Whether you like it or not. You were practically the Ruby Rose of Midtown High. Everyone liked you instantly. Boys, girls, plants, even a god damn piece of paper would NOT politely detach itself from your shoe during Science class and you’re pretty sure you heard a girl in the room say “Me asf” while you tried to yank it off as the class just basked in your pure presence. You had people feeling ~some type of way~ okay?
So it comes as no surprise that Flash Thompson was equally attracted to you and wanted to date you even if it’s just for the rights to brag because *rolls eye* Flash. You on the other hand, had heard enough about his shenanigans through some of your friends and thought it was best to avoid him.
But isn’t fate a comical thing? You’re on your way to your next class and there he is, shoving our precious cinnamon roll, Peter into a locker while Ned watches anxiously. Sad to see his friend stuffed into a locker while also not wanting to go through the same thing. Peter just sighs and does nothing while Flash and his minions are tucking his legs into the tiny space of the locker which probably doesn’t even belong to Peter, judging from another kid standing next to the group of jocks, obviously not there to witness a "cool" fight but also not friends with Peter enough to care about his state right now. "Guys can't you stuff him in somebody else's locker?" the guy huffs, but generally does nothing to stop them. You guess it's because he doesn't want to get hip checked into the small space with Peter as if they're playing "seven minutes in heaven" (but it lasts as long as it takes for someone to finally rescue their asses). So, you decide to step in. "Flash!" you holler. That definitely gets his attention and he turns around quickly, running his palms through his hair to "style" it and leans against the now closed locker door, grinning. As if there isn’t a very antsy Peter Parker just inside, praying to whoever was listening, that he make it to AP Physics in time.
“Y/N!” he grins, opening his arms for a hug. “Cut the shit, Thompson of a bitch. Let that kid out,” you test. There’s a mix of “ooh”s and “aah”s from the students in the hallway as Flash’s smile falters for a brief second, obviously not used to being talked to like that, but he just crosses his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow.
“Why don’t you run back to snow white, dwarf-o,” one of his friend teases but before you can get the “I am the perfect height to punch you in the nuts, and I will,” Flash collects his ‘bros’ with a “woah-woah, guys” and bangs on the locker twice and leaves with his group. But not before giving you a wink (which you scoff at).
The hustle and bustle of the hallway continues as the onlookers suddenly get hit with the reminder that they need to be in class. You do too. So, you rush to the locker and throw it open, to let a very confused Peter Parker out. You see that the inside of the locker is... well, hygienically challenged but that’s a teenage boy’s with god knows how many dirty socks and raunchy magazines buried inside so you avert your focus to his scrunched eyebrows and his mouth hanging open instead.
Don’t get him wrong, he’s very grateful but also slightly mad at you for being cute and nice! How dare you be so attractive!? God damn it, Y/N! Now his attraction has increased tenfold! He mutters a faint “Thanks”, flustered beyond his wits and you give him a kind smile that has his heart beating all the way up to his head. He’s damn near frozen.
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.And now that’s the origin story of you two. Of course, Peter couldn’t keep his eyes and distance away from you and would “observe” you whenever you were in the room. 
Which was almost always. 
Because he followed you there. 
Which Ned states as “stalking” but Peter describes it as “checking her out up on her”.  [Yeah, ok, Pete!1!1!] 
Much to Peter’s delight, you guys practically lived in the same building so Peter had twelve hundred (and more) excuses to walk you home. Ofcourse, Spider duties remained but that was more of an after-school activity. And it’s not like the neighborhood was jam packed with crime 24x7. Sometimes his “job” required simply patrolling and the most action he saw was a woman dump a milkshake on her (no longer) boyfriend’s head.
One slightly unfortunate day, as you and Peter were trudging up the streets, complaining about school, a VERY clear, sharp scream of a woman echoed nearby! Now THAT’S a job for Spiderman! But, like, you were RIGHT there! So it’s not like he could rain drop, drop top, roll and whip out his spider suit in the middle of the street, kiss you on the cheek and zoom zoom away,
You both exchanged a brief, wide eyed gaze of absolute shock as you both ran in separate direction, wasting no time. By the time Spiderman had arrived to the scene, there was no woman but there was a homeless guy holding a knife towards none other than our lovely protagonist! (das you, bruh) 
“Go for it, shit! I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me!” You shout, as Spiderman skrrt skrrts his web and webs the bad guy to the wall before he can touch your spaghett, landing on his feet infront of you with HALF a mind to grab you by the shoulders and shake you like a drink being made by a barista, the other half of him wanted to reach out and absolutely fecken high five you! “Er, good job. Go home, it isn’t safe here” is all he can choke out in his fake “I came from the mid-west, howdy, I’m the man!” accent before catapulting himself off the alleyway [its always alleyways, God, they’re the hub for all bad shit! So predictable too! Take your mugging somewhere unexpected, man! Throw the heroes off guard! Do you even business, bro?]
Back in your apartment building, as you turn the corner practically skipping, a pair of surprisingly strong hands suddenly grab you and pull you so hard, that all your hair holds a Met Gala at the front of your face, curtaining your view from the one and only Peter Dorker, “Are you crazy! Why’d you do that!?” he yells at you
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Completely not giving a feck about not giving out spoilers (*cough* tom *cough*) Why’d you do WHAT!? He wasn’t even there! What’s he talking about!
But right now all you’re focused on is the fact that this random ass bish is grabbing your shoulders like some fecken tentacle and- “You ran away! Someone had to do something!”
He barks, “WOMAN I WAS TRYIN  That’s Spiderman’s job! When you hear trouble, you turn and you run the other way! There’s people who will handle this kind of-”
But before he can get another lecture in, “I helped a lady today! There’s only ONE spiderman, Peter! And he can’t be there for us all the time! It’s NOT his duty- He is NOT obligated to cleanse the streets of Queens! Our work is NOT to turn the other way and hope somebody else does the dirty work! He’s here to HELP and we need to PARTICIPATE! We need to do OUR part WHEN we CAN!” you shout, face all red and sweaty, huffing out, trying not to crack into a smile, proud at yourSELF because damn, that speech was GOOD. You huff, contemplating if you should let him EAT it or just go to your room and head bang over the fact that you got noticed by Spiderman! 
Taking one last look at a very open mouthed Peter, you walk around him and into your apartment as he just stands there, frozen like a chicken pizza at Walgreens. 
He lets out a long, loud breath! How could you be so STUBBORN! This was for YOUR safety! Unless you’re on top of Nick Fury’s “to recruit into Avengers” list, you don’t just go bursting into alleyways in the name of saving people! That’s DANGEROUS! He can’t lose you to some heroic-shit-gone-wrong!
But Peter also felt RELIEVED! For the first time in YEARS, he felt content! You were right! There is only one Spiderman! And no he can’t be there to fight crime every second of the day! And while that ate Peter alive every waking moment of his life, he was also glad that there were good natured people like you in this world! Ones who stood up for somebody and didn’t wait for somebody else! He felt a lot better, realizing that he didn’t have to do this alone! He didn’t have to do it all! He wasn’t expected to do it all!
Peter walked to his apartment, head lowered, hiding his grin. God, he loved you!
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enemies to lovers!sungwoon 
genre: fluff word count: 2.0k summary: would you listen to your heart, or your mind in the face of love? author’s note: first scenario up, sorry if its too cringey (´・ω・`)  /edits are mine!/
• well *claps three times sassily*
• iTs hA sAeng uN tiMe
• sungwoon was,,, really just like any other classmate (who sits behind you)
• aside from his obnoxiously stupid loud voice (which you’ll grow to love shh)
• and his stupid round glasses that dEfiNiteLy dIdN’T sUiT hIm aT aLL???!! (inserts overly used spongebob meme)
• and his stupid lips that look like clouds (and probably tastes like them too) 
• and his stupidly sparkly eyes and his stupidly cute height and jUst uGh
• come to think of it he was never really a normal person and you were just a wee bit attracted to him JUST A WEE BIT A WEE BIT 
• but ever since this argument you had in front of the entire class,, the wee feelings you thought you had for him disappeared (did it really??) because boi he is annoying  눈_눈 
• it was literature class and your teacher!jisung was asking a question about whether you should follow your heart or your mind when making a choice 
• jisung: “so…y/n, what do you think?”
• you: “actually, i personally think that thinking with your mind is a better option because it will lead you to making a more rational choice, since your heart may make risky decisions based on your emotions. following your heart will not work well in situations that are pressurising.”
• jisung: “brilliant, any other opinions, class?”
• sungwoon: “well, actually, i personally think that your argument is flawed because your mind is logical and logic follows the conventional way of thinking. you’ll never get to go out of your comfort zone! you’ll never take any risk! that’s why you have to think with your heart. think, think!”
• oH HO aH HA *rubs hands in glee* D RA M A
• you: “but taking risks will get you into trouble!”
• sungwoon: “well that’s because you’re a goody-two-shoes!”
• you: “says the one who hasn’t skipped school before.”
• him: “says the one who never fails to hand up your homework on time.”
• you both: “sAYS THE ONE-“
• ok but he’s secretly shipping you guys together because oo you both noticed each other’s habits in school mHmMmMmMmm!m
• anyway
• that was the beginning of the hatred between the two of you,, you were like bij what the feck 
• queueing for food in the cafeteria? sungwoon secretly slips in front of you when you're distracted,, talking to your friends
• you confront him about it - but he acts like he doesn't know anything even though the small smirk on his face tells you otherwise,, and that infuriated you to no end
• having lessons? you turn behind and ‘accidentally’ knock over his pencil case to pass him papers teachers give out 
• you feel bad whenever he has to pick everything back up but your pride ain't gonna let you stoop that low to help the enemy so you just kind of just signal to your lab partner baejin to help him and he's always ʘ‿ʘ because he knows something’s up but only for a moment as he remembers you have the video of him headbanging on top of a table once because he didn't hear you entering his dorm room,,,bUT THATS A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME
• however,, one day when you were going home after long gruelling hours in prison (jk school), you decided to take a detour to a convenience store since you are a thirstin’ and hungry hoe 
• after spending eons deciding on which snack to buy (you ended up buying one of each of the five types you painstakingly shortlisted), you finally decided to go and pay
• bUT GUESS WHO YOU SAW ????? (cues the ‘no shit, sherlock’s)
• yes it is,,, HA SUNGWOON1!1!1!!1!1!1!!
• but he wasn't alone
• was he with a girlfriend????? boyfriend????
• NO!!
• he was with an old lady
• and well, being the nosy person you are, you crept closer forward to figure out what they're saying in front of a pissed off cashier while pretending to look at the drinks
• old lady: “i’m sorry, i do not have enough money to pay for everything. are you sure there's no discount for the elderly? i have the card with me-”
• cashier, rudely cuts in: “this is the second time you're asking me that, and the answer is. still. no. fix your hearing, will you?”
• sungwoon: “fix you manners, will you? i’ll pay for her as well so shut the hell up and start being polite, will you?”
• the mildly stunned cashier decided to shut the hell up and started being polite; scanning their items and even bowed to them after they left.
• however, all you noticed was the blinding smile sungwoon gave to the lady.
• it made you feel things
• good things
• something sort of like…butterflies in your stomach
• …but your heart speaks otherwise
• you decided to leave the store after purchasing your goods (not without giving the cashier a stink eye) not long after ,, and surprise, surprise!
• you knocked your forehead against the chin of someone (that someone has an unbelievably sharp chin and it probably left a dent in your skull) coming into the store
• and it was,,, sungwoon?? again??
• him: “wait, you…were in there the whole time?”
• you: *blinks* *nods dazedly*
• him: “oh…um, i, um forgot to buy my milk and you’re, um, blocking the entrance?”
• you: “oh.” *doesn’t budge*
• you, 10 seconds later: “youdidwellbacktheregoodjobokbye” *runs away*
• you realised that that was actually your first conversation with him that didn't include any fighting…and you screwed it up 
• but why do you even care about that?? like, who cares if you talk to him??
• “you do.” your smol beating heart whispers.
• and that was the day you started falling for him.
• you started noticing how he always seemed to pick up your pen whenever you try some cool tricks which often resulted in it flying backwards (and hitting him once but you swear it was an accident)
• how he never fails to try his best and give you constructive feedback whenever the teacher told you guys to switch papers to mark (even though he’ll always add in some snarky remarks like “hah betcha didn't listen in class”)
• how he defends his friends when they get laughed at for not knowing how to answer questions at times 
• how his lips look so full and cloud-like 
• but what about him, then? does he feel the same?
• honestly,, the day you ran away after complimenting was the incident that really got him thinking that hey i’m really am whipped
• yes that's rIGHT
• he liked you even before that incident because you looked cute bickering with him (he thought you resembled a smol angry bird)
• and that day just,, confirmed his suspicions that he really likes you
• but he was scared,,
• that you’ll reject him because in his opinion,, you looked like you hated him a lot
• he had no idea how to rectify that because honestly bothering you was the only way he could keep talking to you 
• bUt hAh jokes on both of you guys because you like each other 
• none of you are budging to make the first move even though you guys keep staring at each other across the cafeteria 
• small accidental (🤔🤔) brushes of hands when passing down assignments make you feel fuzzy inside 
• shy smiles are now exchanged instead of mock glares anD eveRyoNe around y’all is just like “feck this tension between you guys, i’ll die before y’all even kiss”
• and you're just “…hAhh no he doesn't like me…NOT THAT I LIKE HIM EITHER” (baejin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
• to make sure that everyone lives to see you guys become an item,, sungwoon’s and your friends decided to hatch a plan to get you guys together (they deadass created a group chat for it called ‘we are gonna make this happen’ what jokes)
• …that's why you find yourself pacing up and down the garden in your school (it's monstrous and no lie you were kinda afraid of it but nvm) because your bestie told you to meet her there after eating lunch and you're just like ?? i thought you had a meeting 
• her: stfu nobody asked for your opinion jUst gO aLonG wiTh tHe fLoW jk i love you
• when you finally heard the crunching of leaves and twigs, you launched into your rant like bRUH I’VE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR TWENTY MINUTES WHY ARE-
• unknown: “…sorry?”
• you, a stuttering and blushing mess: “oh-h sor-ry i thought you were my b-best friend because i was supposed to b-be meeting her here.”
• sungwoon, a tad shyly: “wait, what? my friends told me to meet them here too!”
• you: “…oh. guess we have to wait together…then.”
• after five minutes of agonising awkwardness (istg the both of you were dying to speak but it was like there was this invisible barrier), you couldn't take it anymore 
• you: “um, so-”
• sungwoon, at the same time, loudly: “UM, SO-“
• you: “ok you go first”
• him: “no you go first”
• you: “no YOU go first”
• him: “fine”
• you: “fine”
• you: “why aren't you speaking????”
• you, looking over worriedly at the flustered boy: “did you become mute??? are you sick?? your ears are turning red!!!!!”
• him, after a one minute mental pep talk: “okay so you're one of the dumbest persons i've ever met but you're also one of the prettiest too and i've been waiting to say this for the past few months but i really like you a lot but i know that you hate me and want me to be banished to the other side of the world and i'll back off if you don't like me which is a highly possible answer but i like you a lot and fuck why am i rambling”
• you: “wait shut up and let me process what you just said”
• you: *processes for a long time because yOU CANT BELIEVE YOUR CRUSH LIKED YOU BACK*
• him: “…oooookay i’m about to be rejected i should skedaddle away right now”
• and honestly you felt like you could burst but no you can't burst because then you'll never be his girlfriend so you try to keep your guts from exploding 
• but sungwoon was already leaving ,,, you have to takE A C TION 
• so you ran up to him and told him that you actually reciprocate his feelings ,, and you gave him the best hug you could ever give (one that u reserved for only your soft toys and well technically sungwoon is as soft as a soft toy so it makes sense)
• HE WAS SHOCKED, SURPRISED, STUNNED, SHOOK, SURPRISED, SHOCKED (…what else i am not a living thesaurus ffs) 
• his heart was doing that little jump thingy whenever he was around you like “!1!1!!1!????!1!!!!” and he was so happy he wanted to turn around and kiss you but 
• you heard the rustling of leaves and a group of people climbed out of their hiding spots in bushes, behind plants, trees, a random beach chair
• baejin: yEA WE HAVE A BABY HERE *points to daehwi*
• jihoon: and we won't want to scar our eyes lololol no offence to you y/n this is directed to our hyung
• your bestie: i KNEW THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA
• ,,,and that was the end of your fiasco in the garden (not without those bright smiles from your boyfriend that could actually save the world and a few pecks sneaked in) 
• and you realised that hey you thought with your heart when you confessed to him lmao
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angelofberlin2000 · 7 years
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Keanu Reeves, Crispin Glover, Roxana Zal, Josh Richman, Daniel Roebuck and Ione Skye. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)
An Oral History of 'River's Edge,' 1987's Most Polarizing Teen Film
Matt Gilligan
May 9 2017, 6:00pm
From Keanu's first big role to Crispin Glover's weirdest wigs, a look back at the making of the indie thriller.
The 1987 film River's Edge was a film that shocked audiences and critics alike with its depiction of aimless teenagers in a dead-end town. Roger Ebert called the film "an exercise in despair" and "the best analytical film about a crime since The Onion Field and In Cold Blood." "Bleak" is the word that sums up Tim Hunter's groundbreaking film.
River's Edge is a fictionalized account of a 1981 murder case in Milpitas, California, in which 16-year-old Anthony Jacques Broussard strangled 14-year-old Marcy Conrad and dumped her body near the foothills outside of town. For two days, Conrad's murder went unreported, as Broussard brought classmates from Milpitas High School to view Conrad's dead body. The story received widespread media attention as parents grappled with tough questions: Were America's children completely amoral? What did they believe in? Did they believe in anything?
Working from a script by Neal Jimenez, Hunter's film offered a dark, intense portrait of troubled teenagers. The kids in River's Edge stood in direct contrast to the shiny, plastic teenagers that movie audiences were accustomed to seeing in the mid-to-late 1980s. These young people were the anti-Brat Pack: They drank, smoked weed, popped pills, and seemingly had no moral compass and no role models.
The film's characters also looked different than the polished mallrats of other 80s films; they perfected the "grunge" look years before the American mainstream had even heard of the term. The film's soundtrack also strayed from most contemporary films, featuring metal and punk bands such as Slayer, Hallow's Eve, Agent Orange, and the Wipers—the perfect soundtrack for a story about alienated young people with no hope and no direction. The cast featured a combination of young, dynamic actors, and one legendary Hollywood hellraiser in the midst of a monumental comeback after a public downfall with booze and drugs.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of River's Edge, I spoke with six people involved in making the film to get their thoughts, stories, and opinions about its backstory and legacy.
BEFORE River's Edge
Daniel Roebuck (Actor): My career before River's Edge was the black void of space—not unlike what was here before the Big Bang. I got the lead role in a movie called Cavegirl, and that [was it].
Tim Hunter (Director): My father was a screen and TV writer, so I was a movie brat. I always knew I wanted to [make movies] from an early age. I made a bunch of woeful student films, and I was included in the first class at the American Film Institute in 1970.
Ione Skye (Actor): I grew up in LA and my brother [Donovan Leitch] was auditioning for things, but I didn't want to be an actor. I had modeled for friends, and that was the extent of my involvement in the industry because I was in high school.
Midge Sanford (Producer): My partner Sarah Pillsbury won an Academy Award for a short film she produced but she couldn't get a job in the business. She decided to start a production company. We met, and she told me about her company. I felt ready to jump into it. Sarah was able to raise $450,000 to get us started, so we had money to option scripts and books. if we didn't have that development fund, it would've been difficult for anybody to pay attention to us. Having a little bit of money helped us option material that we really liked.
Neal Jimenez (Screenwriter): There was a news story about a kid who dumped a body and took his friends to see it. I was in a screenplay class at UCLA, and I wrote it for the class. Most of the characters were based on people I had gone to high school with. I thought it spoke to a mood that young people were feeling at the time—feeling detached from things and wanting to zone out. I entered a screenplay contest that was judged by fellow students. One of them was doing an internship with a production company that [producer] Amy Pascal was involved with. He gave it to her and she gave it to the person who became my agent, who gave it to Midge and Sarah.
Sanford: We thought the script was really good. If somebody had pitched us this idea in our office or at a lunch, I don't think either one of us would have responded so positively to it because it was so dark. But it was already written, so we could see it on the page and imagine it as a movie. We were fans of Tim's, so we sent him the script.
Hunter: I was dubious. I didn't want to do another teen picture. But the script was so incredibly good. I called them back instantly and told them I had to do it.
Sanford: Tim said, "My agent's gonna kill me, but I want to do it."
Hunter: There was another director in the running, and I really lobbied hard for it. Midge and Sarah had been showing the script to studios in the $5 million range—nobody would touch it because it was so dark.
Sanford: I remember somebody saying, "I read the script and I think it's really good, but it's very disturbing and I couldn't get it out of my mind." My thought was, that's why you make a movie.
Hunter: As part of my lobbying campaign, I said I'd make it for a million dollars. All of the sudden, it was possible to submit it to a number of young indie companies that were popping up at the time.
Sanford: Hemdale were a small company that made some very good movies, like Salvador and Hoosiers. They really responded to the script and said they would finance it with Tim as the director.
Hunter: It was in pre-production four months later. We were trying to make it as inexpensively as possible. The final budget, I think, was $1.7 million.
Carrie Frazier (Casting Director): They had to hire someone like me who needed the job but wasn't looking for a big paycheck. The first time I read the script, I loved it. I thought it was powerful and weirdly funny, and it had a darkness that was rooted in reality in a way that I hadn't seen before.
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Director Tim Hunter with cast and crew on the banks of the American River in Sacramento (credit Daniel Roebuck)
Hunter: We set up shop in an old film production building on Victory Boulevard in the Valley. We didn't have money to offer it to any of John Hughes' Brat Pack crowd, so we auditioned dozens of young actors.
Skye: Every teenager in town who was acting was excited about [auditioning]. My mom's friend took a picture of me for LA Weekly, and the casting director saw it. My brother came home from school and said, "You want to audition for this movie? The casting director asked about you." I read the scenes they had us audition for, and I was like, "Wow, this is good." I thought it was dark—I admired it. I never did well in school—I was in Hollywood High, I was ditching classes. I didn't want to go [audition] because I was terrified, but I pushed myself to audition and I got it.
Roebuck: I put on a costume, and KY jelly in my hair to make it look greasy. On the way to the audition, I stopped by a 7-11 by my house in Hollywood, bought two beers, and put them in my coat pocket. When I walked into the room, I sat in the corner and popped open the beer, and Tim grabbed his camera and started shooting. I think he was seeing something in that moment that was unique, different, and real.
Frazier: When [Keanu Reeves] came in, he hadn't done anything and wasn't being represented by anybody. He was what's called a hip-pocket client, meaning they didn't know if they wanted to sign him—they were just testing him out. He walked in the door, and I went, "Oh my god, this is my guy!" It was just because of the way he held his body—his shoes were untied, and what he was wearing looked like a young person growing into being a man. I was over the moon about him.
Sanford: For Dennis Hopper's role ['Feck'], we sent the script to Harry Dean Stanton, who passed. Apparently, Harry Dean Stanton passed on a lot of scripts and gave them to Dennis.
Hunter: I initially hoped that John Lithgow would play it, but it was too dark for John—he wanted no part of it. We had some reluctance that it might be typecasting for Dennis, but ultimately we wanted him very badly and we needed Hemdale to come up with a little extra money for him. I threatened to cast Timothy Carey, who was in Stanley Kubrick's The Killing and John Cassavetes's The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. He was brilliant, but also a well-known wild man who never stuck to a script—he'd ad lib and be quite disruptive. The thought of having Timothy Carey in the picture finally convinced Hemdale to come up with that small amount of money to pay Dennis to do it.
Roebuck: When they said it was Dennis Hopper, I almost shit myself.
Sanford: I think Crispin Glover came in [to audition] with a wig and an outrageous take on the part. He was so out there that Sarah and I were a little nervous about what he was doing. But we trusted him and felt like it would work out in the end.
Frazier: There was one part that was surprisingly tricky to cast: the dead body, Jamie. [We were like,] "Oh shit, who's gonna play that part?" I started to meet people who were young and could be comfortable naked. We had this wonderful young actress come in, Danyi Deats. She had to lie there cold and naked for days and really look dead, with all this makeup all over her. She's an unsung hero.
Corey Haim on set as "Tim" before he was replaced by Joshua Miller because of an illness (Credit: Jane O'Neal)
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Corey Haim on set as "Tim" before he was replaced by Joshua Miller because of an illness (Credit: Jane O'Neal)
Hunter: We originally cast Corey Haim, but he got sick after the first day of production—pneumonia or something—and we had to let him go.
Hunter: The big challenge was nature. Neal Jimenez grew up in Sacramento, so we went there to shoot on the American River. There was a huge storm and flood when we started shooting, so the company that was bonding the picture didn't want us anywhere near Sacramento.
Sanford: We tried to find a river in LA. The LA River was pretty dry. There were creeks in Malibu—nothing that looked like a river.
Hunter: At the very last minute, before we were scheduled to go up to Sacramento, the waters ebbed and everybody made it up there. Coming off the heels of the storm and flood, the water had that wild, raging, marvelous quality that it didn't have before.
Hunter: I settled on Tujunga for the major locations—a community up in the foothills above Burbank that was originally settled in the first part of the century. It was an area where people with tuberculosis could come to sanatoriums for the clean air. By the time we shot River's Edge, it had become a smog pocket—but it was full of river rock houses that gave it a "land that time forgot" feeling.
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Josh Richman, director Tim Hunter, Daniel Roebuck, and Crispin Glover on set (Credit: Jane O'Neal)
Sanford: We were doing a table read and Dennis Hopper walks in wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. It was such a funny image, because you think of Dennis Hopper as this kind of outlaw. When we were making the movie, the only thing that he hadn't quit was smoking, and he was trying to stop.
Hunter: Hopper was wonderful. He'd just cleaned up his act and was very proud of it. He made himself available to all of those kids—who idolized him—and he rehearsed with them extensively. It was a really good experience.
Roebuck: We'd be sitting in a school gymnasium where we were having dinner late, and [the Apocalypse Now documentary] Hearts of Darkness hadn't come out yet, so he'd enlighten me with great stories about that. He'd take his shots at me, too. I'd miss a mark and he'd say, "A better actor could hit his mark," and he'd miss his mark and I'd say, "A younger actor could hit his mark." We laughed a lot. Anything Dennis Hopper said was about 10,000 times more interesting than anything I could have ever conceived of. He'd lived such an extraordinary life.
Skye: We were all fascinated with Crispin Glover. I was so impressed with his boldness, because I was very interested in not being a fool. Over the years, I've loosened up, and I was very influenced by Crispin. He's just one of those great actors who seemed very real but also could be just completely out there. I'll be honest with you, I love Crispin Glover. I think he is one of the most unique and interesting people I've ever met in my life.
Roebuck: I had this private screening at a screening room on Sunset Boulevard one night. I invited my closest friends to see it. I met this guy Duane Whitaker when we were extras on General Hospital—he went on to be in Pulp Fiction—and he was the only one who said, "This is a great movie, and they're gonna be talking about it in 30 years." And he was 100% right.
Skye: The first time I saw it was a small screening, and it was very surreal—like I was on acid or something. I saw it later with a bigger screening with the whole cast. We saw a lot of dark humor in it, and had a good time. The audience didn't know how to take it—they were just shocked by the whole thing.
Jimenez: I remember being surprised by Crispin Glover's performance, which took me a while to warm up to. But as years went by, I really grew to like it.
Sanford: Some executives from a small distribution company wouldn't look at us [after a festival screening]. People either embraced it or were very put off by it. It didn't get picked up right away.
Hunter: I went to every goddamn festival screening I could. The reactions were good, but it didn't really take off until Sundance.
Sanford: The head of marketing at Island Pictures, Russell Schwartz, loved the movie and said, "I don't know how I'm gonna sell this movie, but I'm gonna figure it out." He was relentless.
Hunter: The screening I remember most before the film opened was in San Jose, near Milpitas, where the actual murder had taken place. A lot of the audience was up in arms, saying, "Why are you raking us over the coals again? Why are you bringing this all back? We've had enough notoriety with this murder case." But the principal of the local high school and people from the police department came up to us afterward and said that we'd really gotten it right—that's what those kids were like.
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Dennis Hopper with director Tim Hunter (Credit: Jane O'Neal)
Sanford: It's held up. Teenagers take themselves very seriously, and this movie was a morality play. What would you do? And it's not just about kids. What if you found out your husband had killed somebody? What's your moral stance? People are still murdered, and people still don't tell. Kids can still feel alienated from society, too. If having a legacy means will it continue to have meaning to people years later, then it feels to me like it will.
Roebuck: It was so evocative of that moment in time. There were other movies about teenage angst, but because [River's Edge] was based on something real, it immediately shocked people.
Skye: It had a certain quality to it that was above and beyond certain indies. It was the beginning of my career, too. I thought it would be a one-off thing—"I was once in a movie"— but when I was approached by agents at a screening, I thought, "I can do this."
Frazier: I saw the movie recently and I was impressed by how well it held up. It's a cautionary tale. I don't think it's far away from where a lot of kids function these days.
Hunter: The fact that the film is still shown and that people still come up to me and say that it meant something to them means a lot to me. My legacy is that I made one film that made a difference to some people. It's not necessarily an auteur's career, but I'm not so unhappy about it, either. After River's Edge, I turned a lot of stuff down that I probably shouldn't have turned down. The features that I made weren't successful, and I went largely into television, as many directors do. The main thing for me is that I just love directing, so I've enjoyed [working in television] more than I would've if I'd had to wait four years between features. For me, the legacy of River's Edge is that I got to make it. I had such admiration for Neal's script that I remember thinking, "Please God, just one more in my career as good as this one." It hasn't happened yet, but gee, it was a good script.
Thanks to Ayako Ueda for finding and sharing !
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ashdownbloodline · 6 years
We Need You For Something...
Part 3: Training And Broken Things
This is my first fanfic, I hope you all like it. I need to thank @dammn-dean for all her help! She has really helped me through all this. If you haven’t, go check her out. Let me know what you guys think of it.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Original Character (Yauna), other OC’s and Avengers pairings later.  
Words: About 3k
Warnings: Adult Themes, Language, Eventual Smut, PTSD, motions of Torture, Fluff, Death
Summary: Yauna just wants to be normal and Tony recruits her as his head engineer. Her past catches up and shit goes crazy.
(gif isn’t mine again)
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The next morning, Bucky woke up first, looking down at her face. Her eyes were still slightly puffy, but she looked at peace. There was a soft knock at the door, he untangled himself from Yauna and got up to answer the door. Looking at the time, it was 7:47 am. Shit, I missed our run. 
He hurried to the door and flung it open to see a surprised Steve. “Hey Y-Wait, Bucky. What the?” Bucky froze for a second, then Sam popped his head out from behind Steve. “Bucky, What are you doing in Yauna’s room?” Sam put on a smug grin, insinuating that he had charmed his way into Yauna already.
Steve looked at Sam and immediately thought the same thing. “What did you do?” The anger in his voice scared the shit out of both the boys. “If you did something, I swear I will put you through hell.” Steve’s voiced raised, “Hey, hey, calm down. Don’t wake her up please. Steve, I didn’t do anything. Damn, I thought you were my best friend.” Bucky laughed nervously, hoping to defuse Steve’s anger. 
 “Yes, but she has become like a little sister and I want to make sure she’s safe.” Bucky gave Steve an offended look, Sam doing the same. “Wow, thanks for the support.” Bucky laughed again, then he heard the bedroom door open. All three of the boy’s faces snapped to Yauna, who rubbed her eyes then jolted with surprise at them. “Hi?” She started toward them, “What are you guys doing here?” She gestured to Sam and Steve.
“I wanted to see if you wanted to come train today, so I could evaluate what you know. Sam is here because I couldn’t find Bucky, since he missed our run this morning. I was going to have you and Sam spar. What are you doing here Bucky?” Yauna nodded and Bucky looked at Steve and froze again. 
Yauna smiled and piped up, “That’s my fault, I’m sorry. I had a nightmare last night and Bucky helped me with it and I asked him to stay.” Steve felt a relief wash over him and Bucky relaxed. Yauna laughed, “I would love to go train. Just give me 15 minutes to get ready.” Steve nodded and Yauna pushed all three of them out the door.
As the three walked down the hall, Bucky hung his head low. He knew Steve was about to lecture him. “I know you’re going to chew me out. Just do it already.”
Steve sighed, “I’m not going to yell at you. I’m actually happy you helped.” There was a long pause, Bucky could hear the ‘but’ coming from a mile away.
“I don’t want anyone hurt, I feel protective over her I guess. Like a big brother. We talked the whole way from Brighton here. I think that’s what makes me feel protective, all the stuff she told me.” Steve smiled to himself before continuing, “She is very honest with everyone, confident and brutally honest.”
Bucky laughed and Sam just rolled his eyes, all of them agreeing they liked her.
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Yauna pulled on her black tights, sports bra, and her favorite long sleeve. She tied up her hair in a messy bun, then went to check the results in the mirror. She forgot how revealing this top was, it showed the start of so many scars and it seemed to highlight the one that braceletted her neck. 
I could put a masking ward on them, the Team doesn’t need to know, she thought. She wanted to be as honest as possible right now, and the war inside herself started raging. Deciding against it and shaking the thoughts out of her head, Yauna began her journey to the gym.
Bucky and Steve were standing in the sparring area of the gym, “I’m not going to fight her, Steve. I might hurt her.” Bucky was reluctant to fight anyone, but he was definitely not going to fight a girl who didn’t know the first thing about fighting. 
“Please? I need to evaluate how much she know. You’re our best fighter and you’re the only one available right now.” Steve was practically begging him, he couldn’t say no to his best friend. “Fine. But, I’m going to go easy on her. We don’t need her hurt.” Just as he said that, Steve’s face went red and his eyes widened at something behind Bucky.
“Don’t need who hurt?” Her voice was soft like lavender and cheerful like thistle. Bucky wiped around, “U-Um...well...we were...um-” He was tripping over his own words and Steve could see he was nervous, he couldn’t let his friend drown like this. 
“We were talking about some S.H.I.E.L.D techs that Fury wanted us to train. I asked Buck here to help.” Yauna nodded suspiciously and laughed, kicking off her canvas shoes by the benches and headed toward the mats. She stood in the center with her hands on her hips, “Come one t’en. And you don’t have to worry about hurting me. Worry about me hurting you.” 
She wasn’t upset that they thought she was going to get hurt, she thought it was cute actually. Steve elbowed Bucky in the side with a small laugh, “You heard her, get in there.” Bucky rolled his eyes and joined her on the mats. “Don’t go easy either, I can handle myself. I’m sure as hell not goin’ easy on you.” She smiled, Bucky was surprised by her words. She was so confident for someone who looked so gentle and soft.
She didn’t bother with a stance, all she needed was her senses. Bucky got into stance and they circled the each other on the mat. He was surprised when she just began to walk, she was completely exposed and Steve thought the same thing. He took the first swing, throwing a fist toward her body. 
Quickly she evaded, countering with an elbow to his bicep that throw his muscle into a cramp. He cupped his arm, massaging the muscle and shaking out the pain. The next swing he throw was more calculated, he pushed his fist out in hopes of distracting her. When it seemed to, he swung his leg out to trip her but she was about fifteen steps ahead. 
She stepped around him, so when he came back to a standing position she was right behind him. Another calculated move from Bucky, he grabbed her wrist with his metal hand and tried to pull her forward so he could trip her onto her back. Instead, she used her right hand to keep leverage on his left. She pulled it between his shoulder blades and pushed him faced down onto the floor.
Successfully pinned, she stood up off of him to let the sparring continue. Punch after punch from Bucky and evade after counter from Yauna began to frustrate Bucky, not a lot just enough to make him try harder. That’s what she wanted, a true challenge. 
The swings and moves became faster and harder, neither of them were scared of the other. Steve looked on in awe, she might actually bet him, he thought. In one swift take down, Bucky was on the floor again under Yauna and with no place to go. His arms pinned above his head, he didn’t dare use his arm to his advantage. 
That wouldn’t be fair, he thought and she didn’t use Artemis either. Her muscles were tight in every place; her shins pressed against his knees so they didn’t move, her knees planted on either side of him keeping him in place, and her elbows locked pushing his wrists against the floor.
He couldn’t escape, but truly he didn’t want to. He was so close to her, he could see the fire behind her eyes that made them glow a soft amber gold. The short strands of hair that stuck to her neck and forehead with sweat. How she breathed in through her mouth and out her nose, which he found oddly cute. 
How her chest heaved, but slowed the longer they sat there. She was truly beautiful, in every way. Her smile fell on him moments later, warming him to the very bone and made a smile bubble to his lips. Her face softened when she smiled, making all her worry lines disappear.
She moved off of him and he immediately missed her closeness, she held out her hand to help him up. He took it and she heaved him to his feet, Steve still looked stunned with his mouth a gap. “Damn good job, Doll. You’re really good at fighting.” Bucky said, trying to pull Steve from is haze. 
He snapped out of it, “Yeah, wow. That was amazing!” Steve said enthusiastically, then questions started to swirl in his brain. “Why didn’t you start in a stance? You were completely vulnerable.” He continued, Yauna softly laughed and smiled while looking at the ground. “Where I come from, we are taught from a young age how to fight and not lose. We learn to rely on our senses, we are taught to fight for our lives every single time. Not bein’ in’a stance helps me sense the entire field.”
“Who the hell teaches kids to fight for their lives?” Steve asks in disbelief. Thank God he said it, I didn’t want to ask that question, Bucky thought to himself. Yauna laughed heartier this time, “They are fecked up people really, they don’t like to interact with society if they can avoid it.” Steve and Bucky could feel the tension building, so they left that subject alone for now. 
“Okay, well good job. That’s all for today. I’ll figure out a training schedule for you, but only if you want more training, not that you need it.” He laughed and Yauna nodded, confirming she wanted the schedule. “You guys go clean up, I have some stuff to do today. See ya!” Steve strolled off out of the gym. 
Yauna and Bucky said their goodbyes and parted, Yauna heading for a shower and Bucky heading to do the same. Shit, I might have feelings for her. No, she’s my coworker, no. But, I really like her. He argued with himself as he walked to his room.  
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After her shower, Yauna elected to go work on some projects and weapons in her lab. That was still weird to her, the thought that she had her own ‘lab’ around other people was foreign to her. She had always worked alone, even in college she worked without a partner and away from everyone else. It was her choice, she usually didn’t mind it but sometimes it was lonely. Being around everyone was new and weird, but a good weird, she could get used to.
She started most of the machines up and spread out her tools, she started printing replacement parts for weapons people requested she fix. While those printed, she started sketches and dimensioned drawings for new weapons and gear. She pushed a metal table into the sort of middle of the room. Setting her supplies on it, she climbed on and started working. She hated sitting in chairs, they restricted movement and didn’t allow for experimental sitting positions much.
There was a small, light knock on her door making her look up from her sketchpad and scattered parts. Bucky’s eyes landed on her as he walked in, she sat on a table a pencil in her mouth and her hair tied back with strands floating out. She clearly had ran her hands through it enough to pull a lot of the hair out, it made her even cuter.
Her hands were full of parts for something he didn’t understand and there were water bottles and coffee cups with tea bags strewn around the entire room. She looks so adorable, he thought and a smile spread across his lips before he could stop it. “Hey, are you busy?” He asked hesitantly, shifting his eyes to the ground and didn’t venture in further.
“No, whatcha needn’?” She motioned for him to come in and stuck her foot out to caught the arm of a rolling chair, pulling it toward her. She patted her foot on the seat telling him to sit down, he obliged looking up at her face where she sat, still on the table, only for a moment. 
“Um, I don’t know what happened. My arm stopped working. Can you fix it?” He asked shyly, he was just walking and it completely locked up. Maybe it was the Fate’s saying he needed to go see her again. “Sure dear, lemme see it.” She scooted closer to him and patted her leg, for him to set his arm on her. She didn’t seem scared, that completely baffled him. Everyone was scared of his arm, everyone but her.
He was too busy getting his ass kicked earlier to realize what she was wearing. Though now it was different, it was similar to her work out clothes. The scars peeking out of the neck of her sweater pulled his eyes. He only stared for a moment, but just long enough to Yauna to notice. His face didn’t read like the others’, he was curious and not sad or terrified. She smiled at the thought that he wasn’t disgusted by the white and pink marks.   
He laid his arm on her thigh, she was wearing leggings and a sweater which drove him crazy. She was a thicker girl, curvy in every way that made him think of the wrong things. Her thighs were big and muscular, his arm lay on top of her right on causing it to dip slightly. She pulled a cloth with small tools over to her, popping a screwdriver into her mouth. It looked like it was out of habit, so natural to her and yet she was so unaware of it. With one smooth motion she opened the metal panels to his arm all the way up to his elbow.
Yauna could feel his gaze on her, she didn’t mind it though. Every now and then she would steal a glance at him. She was handsome; his eyes were so icy blue, like they could cut a stone in half but they were also soft and gentle. She watched his face as he tried to understand what she was doing, he was so cute how focused he was. Shit, don’t think that way. That’s bad. She thought to herself, scolding every thought that followed about him. His expression didn’t change, she felt sympathetic. 
Someone was working on his limb and he didn’t even know what they were doing. She wanted to change that, “These are the circuit components.” She pointed to the small hubs next to the circuit boards. “They help with your senses, feeding the info that the circuit boards pick up back to your nerves. They connect, here, to your sensory mesh on the plates, here.”
She pointed out each part to him, explaining what each does in simple terms. No one else ever did that for him, everyone tried but they would get too frustrated with his lack of understanding and just give up. She didn’t get frustrated, she didn’t expect anything from him. 
“Ah, here be the little bugger!” She said excitedly, a smile across her face as she pulled out the broken part. “Just a fried connector, luckily. These fuckers can ruin your day and they are so important. They allow two opposing parts to come together in a common ground.” She moved the bad part to the side and motioned for him to move his arm. After he did, she jumped down and went searching for the part she needed. He watched her roamed around the room, looking in drawers, tubes and baskets.
She ended on the floor, looking on the bottom shelf of a case full of tubes. Bucky just smiled and let out an amused laugh, watching her bend and struggle for the basket she needed. God, her ass looks great!  The little voice inside his head said, which he scolded quickly before he heard her speak. 
“What are you laughing at?” She yelled from the other side of the room, a small chuckle following her words laced with fake irritation. “Nothing, promise.” Bucky said, holding his hand up in defense as she walked back over with a hand full of components. She laughed and hopped back up onto the table, Bucky returned his arm to her leg and she continued working. “So James, tell me aboutcha self.”
Steve introduced him as James not the usual Bucky, he flinched at the name. She pulled her hands away from him, “I’m sorry, are you okay? Did I do somethin’?” Her eyes were filled with hope and concern, there was never fear around him. “No, just not used to my actual name. You can call me Bucky, if you want.” She shot him a smile and resumed repairing, “Okay, Bucky, what are you like?”
They sat there talking and repairing, well mostly talking for a while. Learning more about each other and telling corny jokes, which were Yauna’s favorite. And lucky for her, Bucky knew way too many. Her laugh was beautiful, he could sit there and listen to it forever. When she leaned her head back to laugh, his eyes traveled down her neck and caught the scars leading into her sweater. Who would hurt someone so sweet? He felt anger bubble in his gut, he wanted to hurt whoever did that just as bad, okay maybe worse.
After she got his arm working, it was time for dinner. Neither had realized they had spent all that time together, but neither regretted a single moment. Maybe this will be nice, I like it here. She thought as her and Bucky walked to the common room, following the smell of food that made their stomachs rumble.
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Hiya! I think I’m going to shoot for every Monday being the upload say. I hope you all liked this part, if you do let me know. I enjoy writing this so much. Remember, I’m always accepting messages or asks. Well, See Ya Next Time!
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