#feel better soon anon!
triptychofvoids · 7 months
throat hurts a bunch and nose is runny :( do you have any advice on how to heal,,
my best advice is going to probably be fairly obvious, but drink lots of water and get lots of rest!! it can also be helpful to gargle salt water (dont swallow it), it may temporarily help a sore throat. definitely try drinking camomile tea with honey and/or hot soup if you havent yet!! i find those to be both not only helpful but also delicious! of course humidity and steam will likely help with congestion as well, and dont be afraid to reach for cough drops, cough medicine, anything like that you might have on hand. just be careful which medicines you decide to take in case they conflict with prescription medications you may or may not be taking.
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altocat · 1 year
I have anxiety for some reason....... .......... and feel close little panic attack and angry to my pills because they should work... and I have work today but I can't sleep and I don't have enough time........ so.... Could Angeal comfort me? :( Thank you for the answer!
I will be not anon this time, because I want to regret my action later.....................
I changed my mind, I anon...
Hang in there! Hope you're doing okay. Get some good rest when you can and know that everything is going to work out ❤️
Angeal cradles you, gives you a gentle pep-talk about how sometimes the honorable road to follow is the hardest. Sometimes, to meet your dreams, you must endure negative experiences. But that's okay, because life is for living and if you can hold on to what you cherish, you'll always find your way. He gives you a nice heated blanket and some couch time. You look like you could use it!
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goldkirk · 13 days
okay, wow, I’m not publishing that ask, anon.
I need you to understand that online activism only reaches people who are also online.
And it only reaches people who, in our current algorithm-based internet, are actually shown that content.
When you do online activism that’s not something concrete like a petition, you’re spreading information and awareness. That’s super important.
But it’s also like, step one of twelve, and unfortunately it’s where most of us just stop. We share information and news and share guilt tripping posts and we say things should be different and we tell other people that things are terrible and we carry on and most of it makes no real-world difference at all.
I don’t know how to tell you that you have got to do local, real life activism if you want to make any change.
You have got to pay attention to your school boards and judges.
You have got to campaign for local candidates.
You have to encourage locals to run for office, or run for office yourself.
You have to volunteer your time and energy for real local causes and groups.
You have to get acquainted with your local news sources so you know who to reach out to when word needs to be spread about something important.
You have to call and contact and petition your local officials, you need to put up flyers where your actual community will see, you need to get aquatinted with local resources so you know where to direct people who need them.
You have to actually do activism irl. That is how you make change happen.
Any time you spend arguing with online users about activism and not doing enough could be spent actually making a difference in your literal real life community, or helping the people who do.
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ky-landfill · 1 year
Hello there!! If you are possibly taking art requests, could you please maybe do Bruce being a great dad and comforting his kiddos? I’m a little sad and I could use some comfort right now myself. ❤️
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
I was wondering if you could write Shadow Milk Cookie taking care of a sick y/n? I'm fighting off a cold myself :') and I love your writing!!! /pos
Requested Prompt #9 - 💓
" i told you not to push yourself." You could hear Shadow Milk huff, feeling the vibrations of his steps before he actually stopped behind your fallen form. " But noooo you just had to get another adventure in and now look where that's gotten you." You groaned weakly from your place on the forest floor, not even protesting when you were picked up by the much taller cookie. " Shadow Milk..." You groaned out weakly, staring up into displeased heterochromatic blue eyes. " Sigh, Whatever am I going to do with you?" He mused, poking at your cheek much to your displeasure. He snapped his fingers... not that he actually had fingers though, and opened up a small rift back home. The minute you were placed down you were being intensely analyzed by the gigantic jester. " ... You're sick." He eventually states, picking you up again as you squirm in protest. " Nooo... 'm not sick, just tired." You protest with a mutter, quickly silenced by the cloth wrapping around you. " And here I thought that I was supposed to be the lying one out of the two of us." He chuckled, almost bemused at your feeble attempt to deceive him. " Come on, go get some rest Little Star~" He purred as he picked up your bundled form, carrying you off to his room so he could keep a good eye on you.
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goosita · 10 months
I got my wisdom teeth out today and was wondering if you had any headcanons about what billy would be like caring for someone after surgery? I know they didn’t have medical technology back then like they do now but…. I was just curious if you had any thoughts about soft caring billy. thank you for your writing on here, it’s so comforting and good! 💕
hi angel baby, i hope you’re feeling okay and everything went smoothly !!!
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and absolutely yes, billy would be so sweet and patient with you. he would literally give up his whole day, week, month; however long it takes to get you back on your feet.
“anything you need, darlin’, you just let me know. i ain’t lettin’ you lift a finger,” he’d tell you, plopping himself down right beside your bed. he doesn’t want you exerting any more energy than absolutely necessary. you need ice for the swelling? he’s on it. you need painkillers? “tip your head back, sweet thing. just like that,” he murmurs while he’s slipping a spoonful of the sticky syrup in your mouth. he coos softly, brushing your hair out of your face because he knows it tastes awful.
billy would be right there for you, helping you with anything and everything you need. he just wants his baby to get better :( he hates seeing you in pain or not feeling your best. he’d be so gentle too; he’s so careful about crawling into bed with you when you whine that he’s not close enough. he’s gingerly wrapping his arms around you and maneuvering you so that you can cuddle up to his chest, peppering your face with the softest kisses.
“there you go, nice and cozy. gonna take such good care’a you,” he tells you, tucking your blankets around you.
yeah billy loves to dote on you 🥹
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nottsangel · 2 months
I'm so sad rn, I need bsf! Theo to be in-between my legs, working his magic til I feel better bc what are best friends for?
yup! according to bsf!theo, that IS what best friends are for ! like duh obviously he’s gonna eat you out for hours when you’re having a bad day... i mean how else is he gonna cheer you up… it just makes sense
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l3viat8an · 6 months
Hi ro
I'm very very sick
I don't even have the energy to type enthusiastically
I need levi comfort
Oh no :( I hope you feel better soon 🕸!!!
Honestly Levi’s not the best at taking care of somebody who’s sick- but he tries his best!!!-
As soon as he knows you’re sick he’s not leaving you alone, he makes sure you stay in bed as much as possible and rest!!
Humans are fragile and they get sick so easily-
So Levi will stay right beside your bed in case you need anything, that way he’s right there to get it for you!!-
he’ll bring you water, pain meds and something to eat (anything you want as long as it’ll help you feel better and you can keep it down-), plus whatever you need, really and periodically he puts the back of his hand against your forehead while you’re sleeping to make sure you aren’t burning up- which is a little pointless, Levi’s always colder then you so it’s harder for him to tell-
So he’ll text Solomon to ask what’s normal / how fast you should be getting better.
If you feel up to it he’ll bring some two player games over to your room and let you win!!- that’ll help make you feel better in his mind lolol
But if you don’t feel like playing games he’ll just talk to you- about pretty much anything he can think of or he’ll let you set the topic and just ramble on ‘n on while you rest.
He’s just trying his best to keep you company really <3 he’s not too sure what else to do-
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alkaisen · 13 days
I'm running a very high fever right now and I feel horrible... I wish William could take care of me :(
Like, feed me mushroom soup. Or carry me to the bathroom.
high fevers suck :( stay hydrated and make sure to get as much rest as possible. i really hope you get better, anon
william is an attentive partner by default, but his usual attentiveness seems to grow tenfold when you're feeling unwell. he becomes the sweetest, most caring version of himself when you've come down with anything — whether it be something as menial as a runny nose or high fever.
imagine waking up from a nap, bleary-eyed and head a pounding mess. the effects of the medicine hasn't left you yet so the sleepiness it brought is still clinging to you. you're confused by your surroundings with you still being half asleep but hear the soft creak of your door opening.
"ah, my apologies. did i wake you?" he says softly, a gentle smile on his face. in his hands he holds a tray that has a bowl of your favourite soup on top of it. he sets the bowl down on your bedside table and takes a seat on the edge of your bed. "i thought you could use some comfort food."
you shake your head. you're feeling nauseous, and you're sure you're going to end up vomiting. but you're hungry. your body feels weak, yet you try to sit up. immediately he leans forwards, "here, allow me to help you." and props you up with a few pillows behind your back.
if you're too tired, and even if you're not, he insists on spoonfeeding and will spoon-feed you. after you've eaten, he'll make sure you take your medicine. the effects of the medicine pull you back to slumber but right before you succumb to it, you can feel the gentleness of his palm against your forehead — it's a calming coolness against your skin. it's soothing. then he leans down to press a soft kiss on your temple and whispers: "sleep well. i'll be right here if you need anything."
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princessbrunette · 11 days
Hiii princess!
Currently sick n I can only imagine how nice it would feel to have pope taking care of me T-T
- sugar
the reason pope is the best to look after you when you’re sick is because he’s the only one with an inside voice who knows when to stfu
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scwambledeggs · 9 months
Suffering the curse (tummy ill)
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*holding candle lit vigil*
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i’m kinda sick rn so just some brainrot of FL when reader falls sick. The poor baby doesn’t know what to do, Childe himself rarely ever gets sick so he doesn’t know what to do to take care of reader. I’m just imagining him sitting beside reader’s bed whining softly as he watches them sleep. He sees how they seem really uncomfy but he can’t do anything to help his beloved because he’s so clueless on what to do.
i think later FL would just let Childe take control of their body so that he can take care of you
-sleepy anon
in honor of both of us not being at 100%, here is some cozy moth comfort!!
you shift when you hear soft, sad whimpers beside you, turning over and opening your eyes just a crack to see Foul Legacy staring at you, claws worrying the bedsheets. he lets out a concerned whine, leaning forward and nuzzling your cheek with his as you grasp one of his talons with your hand, giving him a weak but reassuring smile. Legacy trills sadly, closing his pretty blue eye and allowing the Abyssal magic to fall and melt back into Childe, who exhales deeply and laces your fingers with his. he fusses over you for the rest of the day, tucking your blankets in around your chin and bringing you hot soup- his mother's recipe! he swears that he didn't put any weird fish in it like he usually does, only sitting down on the bed and watching to make sure you eat every last bit. Childe insists that he doesn't GET sick, tucking your head into the crook of his neck and tenderly petting your hair. you idly begin poking his freckles and the Eleventh Harbinger just chuckles, a wonderful rumbling sound from his chest, and brushes the tip of his nose against yours
it's midnight the next time you wake up, the outside world hushed and silent apart from the chirping of cicadas- but your room isn't quiet, the opposite, actually, with how deeply Foul Legacy is purring. his arms are wrapped firmly around your waist, the consistent purrs soothing your aching head, and you attempt to snuggle closer despite how your eyes burn and your breath comes out weak and shaky. Legacy grumbles in his sleep and pulls you closer, his armor cool against your warm skin and claws gently grasping your shirt. for a moment it feels as if all the pain fades away, your head against Foul Legacy's chest as you lean up and peck his cheek before closing your eyes again, the soft, constant purring and perfect temperature lulling you to sleep once more <3
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takami-takami · 8 months
LIKE AFTER HIS FIGHT WITH DABI AND HE LOSES HIS WINGS. He’s required to go therapy to regain the strength in his back and body due to the trauma that his body has experienced.
So at first he’s kinda unwillingly thrown into physical therapy. He’s miserable. People poking and prodding at his back constantly. People demanding that he moves in ways that make him want to curl on the ground and never get back up.
Eventually, due to his stubbornness they invite a private specialist.
You take the first month or so to get to know him, his usual schedule, what hurts and what doesn’t.
Then you move onto soft touches, just gentle hands trying to guide movements that might stretch but won’t hurt too bad.
And he starts to trust you. Starts letting down his guard a little bit here and there, more willing to express when he’s in pain, and he starts getting stronger.
But then you notice that there are spots of his back that aren’t healing as well.
Spots that maybe he can’t quite reach yet to put on antibacterial cream or burn cream.
So you offer, innocently. Unaware of the way his face warms at the thought of your hands wandering across his back so openly. The way his eyes dilate just the slightest bit as he mulls over it for just a second too long.
He doesn’t flirt this time, embarrassed by the sudden thought.
But he lets you, because god he’s just in so much pain and it’s all so itchy and the thought of the cool cream is urging him to agree.
And you two continue this little routine you’ve created for a while. Talking, stretching, rubbing the cream onto his back. But eventually it starts to become more intimate than intended, you find your self softly massaging the parts of his back where the muscles are the most tense, and he freezes, so unbelievably embarrassed and turned on.
Yet you keep going, and he’s become a puddle in your hands, trying so hard to hold back the moans that threaten to spill from his lips, his eyes are blown wide and you can feel where the wings used to be, the muscles and bones tensing and shifting underneath the skin, quickly as though they were shivering.
My back is sore and I have been thinking about this ever since, sorry it’s so long though!!
-🐝 anon
I hope you are having a good day!!
Ohhhh it's so soft and intimate. The way he gradually opens up... He should! :(
One of my literal weak points in fics is when Keigo gets accidentally turned on, ESPECIALLY by wing stuff like the way he gets so confused and he tries to swallow the moans so all that comes out is a little clipped "mm" that's cut short by tightly shut lips cuz he's EMBARASSED and AGH. <3<3<3
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amorettopedri · 11 months
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they're so ✨️ I'd marry you with paper ring 💍✨️ coded
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stormyoceans · 3 months
i woke up in a depressed mood bc no one needed the trainee and i want to say where are you people? you are accused of a lack of taste.😔
the fandom HAS been fairly quiet about the trainee, hasn’t it????
i actually had the same thought yesterday when i had to hunt down a single gifset of the show in the tag, but i wasn’t sure if i simply wasn’t following the right people ;;;;;; it just feels weird to see my dash being so quiet about it, especially considering it’s an offgun show and it features a lot of artists people love (view and poon at the very least are current fan favorites)
i personally enjoyed these first two eps A LOT tbh, i think they did a great job setting up all the different characters and the dynamics between them, and not only it’s very interesting to see how a production company works, but the more administrative part of it (if we can call it like that) feels very realistic to me in a way that a lot of other office BLs don’t. like i’ve been ryan and i’ve been jane and i think both sides are very relatable because the director actually took the time to depict the different struggles in their current positions. also as someone who LOVES slow burn im really liking the pacing rn, it feels like they aren’t rushing into jane and ryan’s relationship but are letting their progress flow with the story, which i honestly appreciate a lot. last but not least the comedy is well incorporated into the show without being too much and the colors are POPPING
but you know, i think the first 2/3 episodes of a show are often like..the assessment stage, where people don’t engage as much with it because they’re trying to figure out if they actually like what they’re seeing, so hopefully now that the story has been put into gears the fandom will start being more active too!!!!
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gavidaily · 2 years
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Gavi + Dembélé
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